#Oikawa was one of my first hq crushes so this is special to me <3
kazemi-archive · 2 years
Sorry you're having a rough day!!! My knee-jerk thought (based on what posts of yours I have seen) was that I think you'd be close with oikawa, not sure what the precise nature of your relationship would be, but I think he would love you!
Ahhh it’s okay (it’s been a bit of a rough week) thank you though <33 I’m doing better today
BUT PLEASE ME AND OIKAWA <333 I’m an Oikawa kinnie but I’m sure we’d keep each other in line lmao—he pushes himself too far? I yell, I do it? He yells. Whether we be besties or in love—we’re def tryna take care of each other and remind each other of our worth <3
Ship me
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scandeniall · 4 years
actually, i’m dating iwa
iwazumi x reader, but mostly (?) platonic!Oikawa x reader
i just really love college au’s and tried to combine with youtuber!au. Also this is my first time writing for a character other than Kuroo and my 3rd time ever writing hq so yeah this probably fucking sucks
“Filming a video with the bestie. Send us questions,” you put up a peace sign not even looking up from your phone as oikawa flashed his camera at you for his Instagram story. You’d done a similar post hours ago for your own followers supposed to have filmed hours ago. A head plopping itself caused you to quickly finish your text before tossing your phone on the table in front of you. “Ugh where’s Iwa with the pizza. I’m starving,” the brunette groaned from beside you after you tried pushing his head off of you to which he just continued to put more of his weight on you. “Move your big ass head Oikawa,” you cried out still trying to push the man child off of you. “No because you never spend time with me anymore now that you’re-“ he dramatically huffed “Dude I’m literally with you everyday” It was true. The two of you had been practically inseparable for the past few years. Meeting at summer orientation right before both your first year of college, he noticed you doing the same thing he was. Vlogging, and thus the start of a beautiful friendship. Now in your last year you two have practically grown your social media together, collaborating with him more than you had anyone else (same for him). Hell, you two even lived together for a year before you decided you couldn’t take anymore of the asshole both never cooking and using up all the hot water with his long ass showers. “First of all it’s more like every other day. Second of all where is your stupid boyfriend? The sun is gonna go down before he gets back here. You know i hate filming with ring lights” 
You couldn’t help but laugh at him referring to his best friend as “your stupid boyfriend,” knowing if Iwa heard that Oikawa would be the first one to start running to avoid a hit. The two of you had met through Oikawa. It was midway through freshman year, Oikawa had invited you to his dorm for a study session for the gen ed class you two shared. He failed to mention that his roommate was there taking a nap, and that your loud ass drum beat knocking woke him up. You were absolutely mortified and continued to apologize, literally wanting to kill Oikawa. That was one thing you two had in common and that night not only did he have a grouchy sleep deprived roommate, but an annoyed you to deal with as well. You heard a slight struggle at the door before raining your neck to see that Iwaizumi had managed to make it in, holding pizza and other bags. “Go help Iwa put the stuff down,” you scolded your friend as he watched with amusement as the man struggled balancing the pizza boxes with one hand and the plastic store bags with the other. Once seeing Oikawa just shrug and rest back against the couch saying something about ‘being too hungry to move, before picking up his phone and typing away’ You huffed and got up yourself. Your boyfriend shot you a grateful smile as you took the pizza from him so that he was able to place the bags down safely. “Hey Haji- what's all this. Thought you were going to get pizza,” you said softly leaning against the counter as he began to empty bags. “Just a few snacks for you guys. Thought you two could make the video a mukbang. Although I’m not sure why I did, considering Shittykawa is here to eat some.” Your heart swelled as you both ignored your whiny friend across the room. You just wanted to hug your boyfriend and so you did. Before you could place your lips against his, said whiny friend had gotten his ass off the couch. “Can you two not fuck on my kitchen counter,” as he maneuvered around the tiny kitchen to start getting his food together. “Pretty sure I live here too,” your boyfriend scowled pressing a quick kiss to your temple before letting go of your waist and going to set up the camera for yours and Oikawa’s video. “Also, who’s to say we haven’t already,” you decided to tease, pushing past Oikawa lightly bumping into him. “Remind me to bleach every surface in here later on. Nasty bitches,” “Love you too Tōru” “How is it not living together anymore?” you read out. Already smiling at a chance to drag oikawa. “Fucking amazing! I get to come home to my food not eaten and I actually can get hot water when I’m trying to shower. I-“ “Oh you actually shower? Could’ve fooled me,” “Says the man who always used my expensive body wash,” you retort back looking off camera to pout at Iwaizumi laughing at the two of you. To the camera it would just look like you were refusing to look at Oikawa, not making puppy-dog eyes at your boyfriend. “Yeah because you don’t. Stinky” --- “What’s your favorite thing to do together? “Nothing because I hate this bitch-“ you deadpanned. The room going quiet before you, Oikawa and off camera Iwaizumi started laughing. “I’m kidding I promise. But I’m gonna let Oikawa answer this because he definitely knows what I’d say.” “It’s because we’re the same person. Twin-telepathy. But I’d have to say our monthly road trips with Kuroo and Bokuto. It’s the best time to unwind with my best friends and it’s always fun finding new places and we love taking you guys along with us. Special shoutout to the man, Iwa who gets all of the b-roll and actually records the chaos. Iwa! Speaking of him- he’s actually home for once and is watching us film. Aren’t we pretty,” you watched your best friend recount laughing when Iwaizumi says loud enough for the camera to hear that he isn’t. “Come say hi to the video,” Oikawa begged, deciding to record Iwaizumi on his phone to insert in later. “Oi! Get that camera off of me Shittykawa”
“Alright guys. We’re gonna do one last question. Tōru, take it away,” you smirked already knowing the question he was gonna pick. “Are you and (Y/N) dating?,” Oikawa read out, picking up his bottle of beer to take a swig while looking at you with a teasing smile on his lips. “Whew that’s an interesting question.   You wanna take that one (Y/N)?” For years the two of you never answered that question. At one point it was genuinely because you two had a crush on one another and while you never became more than just friends, there had been a thing there. After that passed you two just always played off one another for videos, knowing people loved it. Once you and Iwaizumi started dating the more flirty actions had stopped, but that still never stopped people from assuming. You two were almost always with one another, after all. You had been sharing relationship memes on twitter and even let it slip once that you had a boyfriend on Snapchat(although the audio was a little hard to hear as you’d said something like “i can’t find my boyfriend,” in a loud bar. And, to top it off you had recently posted a video of you getting ready for a date night. To anyone that kept up with you all the signs pointed to oikawa However, no one ever paid attention to how in the background of Kuroo’s vlogs how you and Iwaizumi always walked a little slower behind everyone else. No one thought anything during the last vlog with Bokuto when he captured you and Iwaizumi in the middle of the freezer aisle joking about which ice cream was best for root beer floats. Or how you and Iwaizumi would always be standing closer than you should in Oikawa's bar night videos. Of course Iwa’s hand resting on your lower back, occasionally slipping lower had never been caught on grainy phone cameras. “Well,” you took a deep breath. The three of you knew you were going to announce your relationship today but for some reason you were still nervous. Your relationship was one of the only things about your life you didn’t plaster on the internet. Iwa was definitely not one to be all on the internet, despite all of his friends being on there in the open. Not only that, but you were concerned about comments saying you’d been using Oikawa for views or leading him on or any of the crazy shit people come up with. You were pulled out of your thoughts when Oikawa lightly punched your arm offering you a comforting smile. “First of all, no. We aren’t dating-“ you started off. “Don’t forget to add it that you had a crush on me a few years ago” “It was mutual you dumbass,” you huffed. Loosening up. Knowing this half of the video was going on your channel you spoke up again. “As I said. Me and this dumbass are not dating. We’re-“ you pretending to gag, “genuinely best friends.  The love I have for Tōru is absolutely not romantic. However I am in a relationship and you can say that I met him through the idiot next to me.” “Babe you wanna come over here and officially be introduced as my boyfriend to the internet,” you called out. Oikawa mocking you “Yeah babe. Come in for a second.” Before you could even retort you notice your boyfriend signal to you and ducked as you saw a couch pillow fly towards the side of Oikawa’s head. “OW! Iwa that hurt. And stop laughing at my pain (Y/N),” Oikawa cried out. Ignoring your friend you looked up to Iwaizumi leaning over the edge of the couch in the camera's frame, lips hovering next to your ear. “You did it. Now people can stop shipping you with him.” Iwaizumi places two kisses on you for the camera. One on your cheek, the other on the side of your neck before looking up. “Hey,” and with that he was up and out of frame. “You guys see how he didn’t even acknowledge me. Just (Y/N). So rude” “Shut up Oikawa,” you and Iwaizumi said at the same time. Right before the camera cut off i stopped here bc idk what i was even doing because this turned out nothing like my initial idea. idk request if you want and i might give it a try. Also adding pt 3 to college!kuroo soon. 
will be cross-posted on ao3
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daandori · 8 years
92 Truths Tag Game:
rules: once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. at the end, choose 25 people to tag!
i was tagged by @paradoxicalpsychic thank you!! ♡
LAST… [1] drink: french vanilla from tims  [2] phone call: i had a video call with my mom a little while ago! [3] text message: my best friend [4] song you listened to: i think it was up&down? [5] time you cried: like actually cried, when i got my finance midterm mark back lmao
HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: nope  [7] been cheated on: nope [8] kissed someone and regretted it: yeah [9] lost someone special: yeah [10] been depressed: yup [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] blue [13] pink [14] any pastel colour tbh
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: yeah!! not as many as i would want, but gotta start somewhehre :’) [16] fallen out of love: nope [17] laughed until you cried: i think so  [18] found out someone was talking about you: i dont rly remember tbh [19] met someone who changed you: im not sure! [20] found out who your true friends are: i guess? [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: nope
GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: umm, i think all of them except a couple? [23] do you have any pets: no :’((((( [24] do you want to change your name: seems like a hassle so probs not! [25] what did you do for your last birthday: had dinner with my best friend and then bought a slice of cake from the supermarket aha  [26] what time did you wake up: 10am i think? [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: i was about to brush my teeth [28] name something you cannot wait for: idek man  [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: during winter break! [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: wish i had more friends! [31] what are you listening to right now: ‘everything wrong with inside out’ aha  [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah, my first best friend’s dad’s name was tom [33] something that is getting on your nerves: my annoying af roommate and people who talk too loud in the library  [34] most visited website: either tumblr or ao3! [35] elementary: st. monica’s [36] high school: st. mary’s [37] college: u of c! [38] hair colour: brown [39] long or short hair: medium  [40] do you have a crush on someone: nope [41] what do you like about yourself? i like that ive traveled a lot!
[42] piercings: ears
[43]blood type: no idea lmao  [44] nickname: naw ppl dont rly give me nicknames  [45] relationship status: single. [46] zodiac sign: virgo [47] pronouns: she/her [48] fav tv show: friends! [49] tattoos: naw [50] right or left handed: right!
FIRST… [51] surgery: i got something removed but i forget what it is [52] piercing: ears [53] best friend: gabby [54] sport: i honestly have no clue omg i did ballet for a while if that counts a bit?? [55] vacation: probably somewhere in eastern europe (bulgaria i think?) [56] pair of trainers: idk???????
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating:  just finished a chocolate glazed donut god bless [58] drinking: still have my french vanilla [59] i’m about to: try and fail to work on my essay [60] listening to: the same video from before and library ambience  [61] waiting for: 7pm so i can go grab dinner and then for my cousin to come pick me up! [62] want: no more hw pls :’( [63] get married: sure [64] career: i wanna teach english in korea!
[65] hugs or kisses: hugs [66] lips or eyes: eyes [67] shorter or taller: taller [68] older or younger: older [70] nice arms or nice stomach: i guess arms? [71] sensitive or loud: probably sensitive but both is fine  [72] hook up or relationship: relationships [73] troublemaker or hesitant: more troublemaker than hesitant 
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? lmao no [75] drank hard liquor? i dont drink [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? i lost my glasses a lot as a kid [77] turned someone down: i think so [78] sex on first date? nty [79] broken someone’s heart? maybe?? [80] had your own heart broken? a little but i was like 12 so it doesnt count lmao [81] been arrested? no [82] cried when someone died? yeah [83] fallen for a friend: yeah
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? sure [85] miracles? yeah [86] love at first sight? i guess [87] santa claus? i would like to :’) [88] kiss on the first date? idk i wouldnt  [89] angels? i think people can be angels for other people 
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: anita [91] eye colour: hazel-brown [92] favourite movie: scott pilgrim & the emperor’s new groove
tagging: @viktvr @brokuro @yachii @peachy-tooru @toorvus @koushii @hajime-oikawa @humbuns @iwaizooms @shunki @hanamemeki @yaha-ba @izuqu @h2jo @oikz @galaxy-tooru @shigeyyo @phichipotle @aoba-seijoh @malkii @railu @tandembicycles @ukitakejuushiro @heckks @hq-bokuto no pressure!!!
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