#i’ll tag everything with ‘discourse’ so plz blacklist maybe
420pogpills · 2 years
idk, maybe something happened between dnf? george looked so damn exhausted some hours earlier and now dream suddenly tweets this. i hope they are okay, i don't care if they are dating or not. but these two people clearly make each other extremely happy and i want them to have a strong bond forever 🙃
okay i gotta get this off my chest and i worry what i’m about to say might upset or piss people off, but i promise i have no bad intentions so just gonna let it out
and before i go on, i just want to ask that please if i worded myself badly or if i said something that upset you, please please please do let me know so i can explain myself because i PROMISE the last thing i want is anyone feeling badly about this 😅
anon i know you’re coming from a place of love so i’m going to try and word myself as carefully as i can - i love dnf as much as a lot of us do, i really enjoy watching their interactions and i love the fanart, i love the fanfics, etc… but we really need to let go of any sort of narrative that starts with ‘i want’.
naturally we all want them to be happy forever but i think it’s really really important we don’t project what we want upon them. because that’s just not up to us. and more importantly, worrying about something happening, worrying about things that have not happened - that’s a sign that we are too invested, worrying too much about things that we shouldn’t worry about. there’s nothing wrong with wishing them happiness, but we’re starting to venture along the lines of ‘i don’t care what they do as long as they stay together’ it starts to get a bit.. i hope you’re picking up what i’m putting down?
basically my point is that it’s important to remember that they are real people with flaws and they will make their own decisions regardless of what we want. that by any means does not mean something bad happened - i think i just realised this is a very important wake up call, regardless of whether dream’s tweet was serious or not, that a lot of things will not go according to the narrative you wished it did.
i’m guilty too, i have countless times thought about how i wished they would do this or that, how i can’t wait for this or that because i convinced myself certain things will go in a certain way..
and here’s the thing - you can continue having faith in dnf staying friends forever, you can continue believing they are in a romantic relationship, you are allowed to think whatever you want it’s totally fine! just don’t let it get to a point where you get yourself upset about imaginary scenarios and what what ifs because things are not going the way you imagined they would. (and i want to preface that anon i’m not at all saying this applies to you!!! that’s up to you whether you think it does or doesn’t - i’m sorry it’s your ask that ended up getting this essay from me 😂😂)
nothing has changed - we continue to have fun, we continue doing our thing and living our lives and if things change then they change. but what we’re not gonna do is worry about the hypothetical because that would be silly and we don’t engage in silly behaviour around here ❤️
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