#i wrote this way too broadly on purpose
endiness · 1 month
Debunking misinformation about Netflix's The Witcher (Part 4)
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
"The Witcher producer blames dumb American audiences for simplifications to the story."
Any headline and article remotely resembling that is just clickbait — and clickbait with the fairly obvious purpose of inciting the fanbase against the show and the people involved in making it. In the original article as translated by Redanian Intelligence, Tomek Baginski explains some of the reasons for the simplifications to the story such as having to adjust things due to normal tv production problems:
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Along with creating shows for a broader audience in general:
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Given that he brings up a project he pitched that never even made it past that stage due to American network executives and producers not understanding the moral complexities of it, I think it is fairly obvious that he is not blaming American audiences, or audiences in general, for any simplifications to the story but rather speaking broadly about how creating shows — and, yes, shows largely for an American audience because the studios producing these shows and funding them are usually American — works.
Btw, these are also Baginski's comments about Tiktok — which he made a year before the above comments — as they're usually brought up in conjunction with the clickbait headline to further incite the fandom as they're framed in a way that makes it seem like he made both sets of comments at the same time even though he didn't:
BAGINSKI: I see the fastening of the processes Jacek Dukaj wrote about in his book – “Po piśmie” (“After the script”). We resign from cause-and-effect chains, from the linear narration. This book-like narration. When it comes to shows, the younger the public is, the logic of the plot is less significant. INTERVIEWER: What is significant, then? BAGINSKI: Just pure emotions. A bare emotional mix. Those people grow up on TikTok, Youtube, they jump from a video to video… INTERVIEWER: You’re talking to such person. BAGINSKI: So, it’s time to be serious: Dear children, what you do to yourself makes you less resilient for longer content, for long and complicated chains of cause an effect. INTERVIEWER: You’re talking about something else that’s hidden between your words. What you mean is that you don’t know how to make a show kids’d like to watch. BAGINSKI: Generally, I try to know what people react to and like to watch. Long and complex narratives will remain, it’ll be like a classic shelf in a bookstore. People will still read that, it will be popular at some point. But the edge of the mass audience is moving a bit into the a less linear narration, less cohesive one. I think it’s inevitable. As reading is not natural for the human brain. INTERVIEWER: Yep, you gotta learn it, it’s hard. BAGINSKI: Oh, in this sense, yes. You need a lot of effort to learn to recognise all these symbols. You probably don’t remember that. If you’re a genius, you read when you’re 3. It’s some big effort for your brain, moreover, it’s not natural. The things we receive with our heads… There’s nothing literary there. We have to learn literature. Learn to receive it and write it. It’s like mathematics, a lot of abstract symbols you have to learn to recognise. People who understand it will remain, the people who work on narration, they have to work on texts. But, more and more people won’t need it. Why write if I can record or say it? Why write if I can receive emotions in a different way. It’s a controversial thesis. When Dukaj published it, there was a lot of arguments like: “But I still read! My friends, too!” However, we talk about trends in a scale. INTERVIEWER: Yeah, it’s not about you or your friend. BAGINSKI: We talk about global trends. The success of TikTok wouldn’t be possible without that. It’s happening. It’s just easier to watch and click, watch another one, than read a book and follow all those twists and plots. We’ll see how it goes. I think The Witcher is safe for now, there are still a few more years… Maybe it’s because of the generation.
Which is also clearly just a commentary on younger audiences in general and a general shift in the overall trend of how media is consumed and the type of media being consumed. (Also, like, he even says "I think The Witcher is safe for now." ie this argument doesn't even apply to it currently.)
Also just to add, but here's Lauren talking about the reasons behind some of the simplifications and changes, too:
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Which mainly has to do with the inherent problems that come from adapting one media form to another along with having a limit amounted of time and resources in which to tell the story.
"‘The Witcher’ Casting Director Says Yennefer Casting Was To ‘Challenge Beauty Standards.’"
In order to get into it, here is what Sophie Holland, the casting director, had to say in the original article from Variety:
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Every subsequent article reporting on the original is, once again, just another example of misleading clickbait designed to incite the fanbase against the show and its cast and crew — and clickbait pushing very blatant racist agenda at that. Because either the articles deliberately misconstrued what Sophie said to somehow mean that she thought Anya was ugly even though Sophie obviously did not think that and she was commenting on how whiteness is seen as the default and standard in beauty and she wanted to challenge that ideal and/or the articles were just outright critical of her for wanting diversity.
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literaticat · 8 months
As an agent, how do you recommend authors handle review spaces? Most writers are also readers, but I understand it's probably looked down upon to go around giving 2-3 star reviews to who are essentially your colleagues. I enjoy having the data to look back on of my reads, but as I plan to be published in the future, I'm wondering if I need to make this private and find a private system.
A bit more broadly than your ask: In my personal opinion, writers may be readers, but reviewing spaces such as GoodReads, etc, are not for them. I would strongly suggest that for mental health purposes, authors not only NOT EVER go on GoodReads, but also block it from their computer like it is a naughty website. NSFW BABE. Don't look up your own reviews, don't look up your friend's reviews, for the LOVE OF GOD don't RESPOND to any reviews of your books or your friend's books you happen to see, and unless you have something glowing to say about a book that will uplift the author, for Pete's sake keep it to yourself. If you have potentially snarky things to say about a book or author, journal about it. Text it to the group chat. But don't post it.
As for your more specific ask: I totally understand wanting to keep book-reading data -- I do! I use the Reading List app, which is private. StoryGraph I just got but it feels like a nice interface, I'll be playing around with it, and I'd happily add books I'm reading, my TBR, etc -- but I would either keep my account private to whatever extent is possible, or I just wouldn't rate the books on that. Other people use cool personal spreadsheets, or cool notebooks. This is MY data -- I'm not keeping it to impress or inform anyone else, so why would it need to be public?
When I find books that I particularly adore, I'm delighted to post about them on socials, but I don't need or want to talk smack about books publicly, that would be totally inappropriate coming from me, and since I know and work with SO MANY editors, other agents, authors, etc -- There's pretty much NO WAY I could get away with that without inadvertently insulting somebody. And while you may be "aspiring" now -- the longer you stay in publishing spaces, the more people YOU will know and meet, too.
TRUE STORY from just this week: I was at a Little Free Library and found an old Sweet Valley High book - BEWARE THE WOLFMAN, #106. It has a hilarious jacket and cover copy, I had no idea that the Wakefield twins went through a paranormal "American Werewolf In London" era, I was obviously obsessed and posted about it on Facebook, with a pic of the front and back of the jacket. Now, this is a book that is WELL out of print, it was published when I was in high school thirty years ago, it was a friends only post and I'm not friends with the author, like, literally who would I be insulting if I made fun of this book? Oh -- well potentially my friend Dan, who chimed in immediately to say that he in fact wrote the funny jacket copy. My friend Elise, who is an agent now, but was Dan's boss in 1994 and in charge of these books. OH ALSO, I am friends with the publisher. Ahahahah OK! Yay! Luckily it truly is a bonkers book and they know that so it was all in good fun and haha teehee, but like -- it could have been WAY worse!
ANYwhoo, you asked what I think, that's what I think. This is just how I approach it. "As an agent" I would never tell my authors what they can or can't do with their lives - but this is MY philosophy: we're all here to SELL books, not bash them, so if you don't have anything nice to say, keep it to yourself, because believe me when I say, it's extremely upsetting for all parties when you give a book a shitty review and then are seated next to the author at a publisher dinner later. TRUST ME, I KNOW.
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lilflowerpot · 1 year
i just saw your reply saying you wrote keith with your experience with autism in mind without realizing it! i just want to say that i love how personal this fic is for you, whether you intended it or not! like, looking back and realizing you connect even more with your character (bc you’ve developed keith so well he’s practically yours) is so cool!! and the autistic-coded-ness fits with the character so well, it fits with his foundations from the show and also the world you’ve built
anyways yeah just came to say i love that for you, as a huge fan of your work!
anonymous(2): Hello!! I recently read your little blade fanfic and I'm about to re read it as well, I love it sm! I saw that another person had said they related to Keith in relation to their autism and I'm so happy they did because I do as well!! I love seeing representation like that even if it's unintentional lol, and I was wondering if you had any autistic headcanons for Keith and or Lotor and if being galra effects that? If not that's totally chill! I hope you have an awesome day or night!
Thank you both! I'm honestly so happy to see so much love for autistic-coded Keith, he deserves it ♡
I don't explicitly have any autistic headcanons for either Keith or Lotor, because (as anon 1 said) it wasn't entirely intentional on my part. When writing Keith, I knew from the start that I wanted to explore his galra side and how that element of himself impacts his experiences, and obviously because he looks human this was always going to manifest in his instincts/behaviour; what with the galra being aliens, I wanted them to feel more nuanced than simply "tall purple humans" which lead to me playing around with the differences in how they might express themselves and the ways in which this might have caused Keith difficulties in the past.
Autism itself manifests in different ways to different degrees in different people, but broadly speaking it's a variation in how the brain works as opposed to the majority. According to the NHS, the key traits include:
difficulty communicating with / understanding the thoughts and feelings of others, unintentionally coming across as blunt / rude / uninterested, and misreading tone / intent in others
struggling with anxiety in unfamiliar situations / social settings, often preferring a set routine with clearly defined "rules", and difficulty making friends (and/or preferring solitude)
heightened pattern recognition, attention to detail, and senses
over-stimulation from things neurotypicals might consider mundane, such as bright lights / loud noises / strong smells / eye contact / physical proximity and/or touch
self-stimulating behaviours (stimming) often repetitive movements / sounds that can serve a variety of purposes
a keen or intense interest in a particular subject area / activity
These, obviously, are only the very broadest of strokes (and I comped together many of the bullet points for brevity's sake) but as you can see a lot of them are applicable to Keith—not only in LB, but in VLD too! As such, I don't think it's especially surprising that in dissecting his character so as to better understand and therefore write for him, I ended up creating a lot of overlap between autism and the galra, with the latter becoming a metaphor for how the former sees people (like Keith!) being "othered". With regard to Lotor, it's actually quite interesting because his galra/autistic traits are considered "normal" in Imperial society, whereas it's everything altean about him that has been met with reproach.
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saezurumurmurs · 1 year
Hey!!...how are you??. I just wanted to ask you about what do you think about Alice Osman words about bl/yaoi. From my point of view, she sounds quite pretencious, because I dont feel "heartstoppers" is that great , and she just from be british she has the opprtunity a big plattaform as netflix oppen their doors, so she cant imagine what is been an asian author and how actually his work is BL.
Taking Advantage of A Fandom
I watched the show, and haven’t read the comic. However @absolutebl posted a terrific commentary on this issue a while back:
From my perspective, BL and by extension, yaoi, is a uniquely Asian sub genre of erotic romance.
Alice Osman is a British creator who wrote a young adult LGBT+ romance comic. So the comparisons made seem ‘convenient’ for ‘marketing purposes’.
I personally resent the accusations lobbed against fujoshi of fetishisation, because it’s rooted in anti-woman rhetoric and I won’t have my tastes dictated to me. Everybody has opinions, but not all of them are valid.
BL is full of problematic tropes, just like regular M/F romance… and I’ve been reading romance and erotica for forty odd years. But these tropes are part of romance as a genre, and these tropes reflect our lived context. To single out BL/Yaoi as unique is nonsense. The tropes exist because the reality exists. Storytelling exists to allow us to find empathy for one another.
There are some good academic pieces out there, that debate this far better than I can. What I can tell you is that the internalised and externalised misogyny regarding BL content, is quite painful to me. Somebody always gotta rush on to tell women what they can and cannot enjoy. Dictate their sexuality and shame them for their pleasures.
We literally can’t have a damn thing nice, without some bozo trying to make us feel bad because we like it. Chile, I’m too old for that shit. We are allowed to like what we like, and enjoy problematic media just like anyone else. We are people too!
And lest you think otherwise: homophobia and transphobia’s roots are in anti-woman thinking and policies. That women do it to other women… well, it’s nice to be somebody’s favourite pet isn’t it. You get a padded cage, and the best kibble.
Osman benefits from the BL label, even though her story isn’t in my opinion BL. But criticising and alienating potential readers within the BL fandom seems to be a bit of a sport across ‘BL’ as it’s being broadly defined here. Because throwing shade on fans happens too much… by too many creators both Asian and Western.
Which is interesting, because the global market consuming this content is HUGE. You don’t understand the numbers of people reading Painter of The Night. I believe last year, it was more than all the people who bought romance novels in the West COMBINED. So if you think the Western authors don’t know the market for their stories are pale compared to what BL is doing on a global level, I should encourage you all to get interested in the business of BL. There is a lot of money and soft power in it.
But because it’s a FEMALE audience interested in SMUTTY stories, well… it’s a PROBLEM. Even in the countries of origin.
I get that we should analyze the problematic tropes in BL/Yaoi, but that’s what storytelling is for. I’m not for false equivalencies, because I personally disdain most Western content… and where do you see these types of stories in profusion from Western creators? No place. That’s where.
Maybe Osman has feelings because her story is no Painter of The Night. Maybe somebody asked her one too many times about our smutty stories… and what we got was shade and salt.
I did watch Heartbreaker on Netflix, and it was cute but I don’t feel compelled to rewatch it, the way I do say KinnPorsche or Love In The Air. I haven’t been moved to hunt down the comic to find out what happens next, the way I did when I watched that last scene of Twittering Birds Never Fly: The Clouds Gather.
Chile… Osman could NEVA.
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Chapter 3 of unnamed OOT child timeline arranged marriage Zelink story. spoilers: I don’t think this chapter really has anything to do with letters. It does have the first scene I wrote for this story.
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They arrived at the castle in the night, to a calamitous homecoming. Her horse had returned in the morning and the search had started not long after. Her father gripped her tightly in a hug, and Zelda returned it. When he was done, he clasped a hand on Link’s shoulder.
“Thank you for getting my daughter home safely,” he said, “Oh– you’re injured?”
Link’s hand unconsciously went to the white bandage over his eye. “You should be thanking her for getting me here in mostly one piece.”
The king looked to his daughter, forgetting as always what exactly she was capable of. Zelda didn’t mind too much. Even after she had accused Ganondorf of conspiring to take over the kingdom, leading to his arrest and execution, her father never viewed her as anything but his delicate daughter. Impa had taught her to be underestimated in terms of strength and battle were never bad things so it wasn’t an assumption that bothered her too greatly.
“I had another dream, father, I’m sure Impa told you,” she said. 
Her father furrowed his brow, as if just recalling that Impa had told him such a thing. “Right. She did say that, oh, we’ll have to send someone to inform her you’re alright.” He smiled broadly, thought worry still colored his mannerisms. “I am just happy to have both of you safe and sound here. Link, would you like to go to the healers? Or perhaps do you need food?”
“I’m just tired, Your Grace, please allow me to retire.”
“Oh of course, of course, I’ll send the healer to your quarters,” the king said, then added to the servant who would carry out the task, “and have a bath and fresh clothes sent as well.”
Link nearly protested, but thought better. Her father was a master of hospitality and would rest at nothing to make sure his guests were treated well. 
Link left, and the king turned to Zelda, “if I could trouble you, my daughter, I’m sure you’re also tired, but I would like to know what has happened to you two, as well as…” he paused, probably trying to think of a way to phrase it. “...to speak with you about something weighing on my mind.”
“Please father,” she said. 
He started walking back to his office, and she followed. 
Once in the room, he closed the door. Zelda took this as prompting to explain all that had happened. Her rash decisions, the rogue Gerudo who had attacked Link. She left out her suspicions about the Gerudo, and whether the two that had escaped were in any capacity to attack again. Or their possible motives beyond revenge. 
Her father listened attentively, not asking any questions. Until she faltered describing Link’s injuries. His blood was still under her fingernails.
“How is Link, really?” he asked, gentle.
She sighed. “He lost his eye in battle. We went to the Kokiri for healing, but even with all that we’ve done, I think it still pains him in some way.”
“Can he still fight?”
“I believe so. His limbs are still well, though…”
“He’s tired,” she said, “I worry about him. I worry that one day he’ll just leave and never return.”
Her father stroked his beard. “You know, I sent him to destroy the Gohma nest because I sensed something similar. He’s a boy, or rather,” her father corrected, “a man who needs purpose.”
“Yes, I’ve felt that way as well.”
“I was planning on giving him a reward after he returned. I know he claims he doesn’t want much, but… he needs a home.”
“What were you planning to give him?”
Her father’s eyes held a mischievous glitter as he answered, “Hyrule’s most precious treasure.”
Zelda tilted her head. What could her father be referring to? There were many precious treasures in Hyrule castle, she had never thought of one being more precious than another.
“If he would accept, of course,” her father continued, “Though, I suspect he will.”
Something that Link would want? He already had a splendid sword and shield, and many other tools. A nostalgic memory of him playing a sad song on his ocarina and Zelda knew what her father meant. The ocarina of time… of course. Zelda nodded. It was a powerful instrument, but one that he would use for good. 
“That seems like a good idea,” she agreed.
Her father smiled. “I’m glad you agree.”
The next evening, after a stern talking to from Impa and much rest and recuperation, Zelda was about to enter her father’s study to speak to him when she heard another voice on the other side of the door. 
“Thank you for letting me rest before summoning me. I can give you a report of the monster, though it would take some time to write it–”
Her father had summoned Link to give a report? That was unlike him. He usually liked the tale to be told over dinner, with a small audience of Zelda and Impa. Zelda was more of the hero’s royal sponsor than her father was when it came to practicalities of it. So while her father could’ve assumed his daughter would join him for after dinner tea, Zelda had received no official summon. 
For this reason, she loitered outside the door, listening in rather than entering.
Her father interrupted Link, “Oh yes, the monster. Sorry Link, I have something else on my mind.”
“Your Grace?”
“I’ve been thinking about this for a while and with how capable she is…” her father continued on, pausing for a sigh before saying, “I think it's time.”
“As you know, my daughter has grown up into a capable young woman, and I’ve given her much freedom, as much as a princess can have. I think it's about time for her to take on more responsibility for the future of the kingdom. Or rather,” he corrected, “a queen should have a king by her side.”
There was silence and then her father’s voice again. “You seem surprised. It’s often the case that kings choose their children’s spouses, and Zelda has never expressed any interest in anyone.”
“She… hasn’t?”
“Not to me. Though I am her father. I’m probably the last person she’d want to tell.” He laughed, deep and resonant. “Either way, it’s time for such things and it weighs hard on my heart to give her away.”
Her father was a sentimental man, as it wasn’t as if she would leave her father’s home as some daughters might. No, she would stay and prepare for her eventual inheritance. She supposed her time would be diverted towards other tasks though, ones that didn’t involve her father…
Link’s voice broke her out of her ponderance, as he asked a prudent question, “Do you have someone in mind already?”
“I actually do. He’s a good man, I think she will be pleased.”
“She does deserve the best.”
“I agree,” her father said, “she is Hyrule’s most precious treasure after all. Only a man worthy of Hyrule could be worthy of her.”
Zelda stopped. 
She was Hyrule’s most precious treasure? She moved away from the door, needing to think. If she was Hyrule’s treasure, and her father wanted to reward Link with such a gift… that would mean…
She was going to be given to Link in marriage? Or at least offered? 
Would he say yes?
She stopped. That’s what she was worried about? If he would say yes?
Of course she’d always known she would need to get married someday, and it was something she had accepted. The only thing she hadn’t accepted was that it might not be who she wanted. Because he might not want her. 
Zelda needed to be far away from both of them, and she turned to walk back the way she came. Her steps were so hurried, her legs tangled in her skirts as they hadn’t since she was young, and she stumbled. She caught herself and lifted them to avoid another embarrassment. 
Why now? Why did her father think now was the time? It wasn’t as if she hadn’t been an adult for too long, or too short of a time. It certainly was a time she could be married. Was it caused by Link’s injury? 
Though he had lost an eye, it didn’t seem like it would hinder him too greatly. He was a superb warrior, and she was sure he would be able to overcome this challenge as he had all of the others. 
Or had it simply been the time. Her father had grown to like Link, and perhaps he’d been waiting on an excuse to make him his son in law. Perhaps her father had always thought Link would make a good king, or perhaps…
Zelda’s cheeks burned. Perhaps he knew about her feelings. 
But what about Link’s feelings?
His response had been respectful, almost reverent, but… had it been affectionate? He thought she deserved the best, but that didn’t bely any particular attachment. 
Oh, what would she do?
The days passed quickly and Link spent much of it resting and Zelda spent much of it worrying. Her father had arranged an awards ceremony and Zelda knew, just knew that the proposal would happen there. And she couldn’t wait.
And she dreaded it. 
She ought to tell him. 
She ought to…
What if she was wrong?
How embarrassing would that be?
And what if she asked and got an unfavorable answer?
What then?
So Zelda in her selfishness waited. 
He hadn’t seemed strongly impacted by the news. No, he accepted it with a bow and thanks, as how else could such a favor be accepted? The favor of the king’s daughter. Of her hand in marriage.
No, it wasn’t something that one could refuse without good reason, and Link seemed to have none. 
She should have warned him. She had guessed this was coming and said nothing… because… and it was shameful to admit, but she had wanted this outcome. Despite the fact it would force his hand.
He met her eyes, and she knew her ears must have flushed at the attention. 
“And with that matter out of the way, let the feast commence!” her father said with joy.
With the feast started, the newly engaged couple was awarded some time to talk to each other. Though Link always said little. He’d been like that since he was a boy. Only speaking of how she should deal with Ganondorf, and looking at her sadly when she asked for his name.
He still had that sad look in his eye sometimes. Now as an adult she recognized it as a mature sort of melancholy, a precocious look for how young he had been. He was still young to have it. 
Zelda knew why, even if he wouldn’t tell her directly. She would dream things, terrible things that felt like nightmares, and yet, she knew that on some level they were real. He had lived through it, how much, she couldn’t be sure. 
Zelda studied her new fiance as he ate. There was no real tell on how he truly felt. His face was neutral, if not a little serious, the eyepatch he had now only adding to the severity. His appetite was healthy. 
She couldn’t exactly ask his honest thoughts on his reward for saving their kingdom yet again, not with so many people listening. Many people’s understanding was of a romantic relationship, and who was Zelda to disappoint? 
The red hair of a serving girl reminded Zelda of a disappointment Link might have. She swallowed such bitterness and tried to think of something normal to ask. What would a newly arranged fiance say to her new fiance if she wasn’t secretly in love with him? 
She started with a smile and asked something incredibly inane. “Do you like the duck?” 
He glanced up mid chew, and she cursed her bad timing. He swallowed and nodded. 
“I suppose I’m going to be spoiled from now on.” he replied after a moment. 
She laughed, even though it wasn’t funny. “Yes, though don’t worry. I will find tasks enough for you that it will feel earned.”
“I don’t think there’s a thing someone could do to earn you,” he answered.
Stunned in silence, Zelda puzzled if that was a compliment or not. She felt as though it was. The reverence was… something that Link sometimes had towards her. It went beyond how a hero’s fealty to his princess. She didn’t know what it meant. 
When she had been younger she was sure it was love, but now that she was older she wondered if it was something like Madonna syndrome. If he’d put her on some pedestal he could never reach. Or perhaps even that was too assumptive, and instead he simply saw the difference in their stations and felt it was unprofessional to push boundaries. 
She had thought they were friends at least. 
It wasn’t quite fair to push a friend into such an… intimate position if he only wanted to serve the royal family. But at the same time, she reasoned, he had said yes. And what woman would be satisfied with a husband who was supposed to lay down his life for another woman? Zelda certainly wouldn’t like that! 
The dinner continued on, and Zelda talked more with others than her new fiance. 
Later in the night, the two were able to secure a walk around the garden and a much needed opportunity to talk away from prying ears. 
“Did you know?” he asked, surprising her with his promptness. Here it came, his accusation that she trapped him, she abused her power over him, that she– “Or did your father spring this on you as well?”
She internally let out a sigh. “I think he had hinted as much and took my response as an affirmative, though he did not ask me straight out.”
“I believe he did something similar for me.” he laughed once. She thought it was a lovely sound. “He told me he was intending to find a husband for you, but I never thought he meant me.”
“He asked me if I thought you deserved the most precious treasure in Hyrule.” Heat flared in her cheeks as she realized the implication. “Though I didn’t know it was me, I couldn’t assume–”
He laughed again. “And what did you think it was?”
“I thought he meant the Ocarina of Time.”
The moment the words left her lips, his countenance changed. His easygoing smile became forced, and a tension came into his shoulders.
“Why would I need something like that?” he asked, levity as intense as a drawn sword.
She furrowed her brow. “Well, I didn’t think you needed it, but you do like to play the ocarina. I am able to use the goddess harp to do magic, I thought… it might be useful.”
“No, If it were a choice between that and you, obviously I’d pick–” he stopped himself. “That is to say, I’m not unhappy with this turn of events.”
Thank the goddesses…
Not unhappy and happy were two different things though. Zelda’s brow creased again.
“I had hoped you weren’t. It is hard to refuse a king’s gift… I’ve seen men accept mighty burdens in the guise of gifts without thinking just because it was my father who gave them.”
“Are you implying you’re a burden?” he teased, “because it was only when we were children that I had to carry you home after twisting an ankle. You’ve been unburdensome since then.”
He nodded, some of his ease returning. “I can only hope I will not become a burden to you, on account of my… education.”
“You’ll pick it all up quickly,” she assured. “Besides, Hyrule has had its fair share of warrior kings, my great grandfather in fact was…” His distance stumbled her family history lesson. He stared over the moat, over Castle town, and into Hyrule field. “Are you… really okay with this?” she asked.
Her soft question pushed him from his reflective trance, and he nodded. “We’re adults now, right? Isn’t this the sort of thing adults do?”
She couldn’t find fault with his logic, and offered a timid smile. When he returned it, she thought her future was not doomed.
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transteez · 1 year
this bruise is yellow - An interview with the author
For our first ever author interview, we were lucky enough to ask the extremely talented @lightupfic​ a few questions about their fic, this bruise is yellow. 
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“I think a basic rule of thumb is that it only counts as a ‘one-off’ if it happens once. This is, what, the third time we’ve hooked up in as many months?”
“The third and last,” San says with an overly cheery smile.
Once is an accident, twice is a mistake, and three times is a pattern. San refuses to let it become a habit.
Read the full interview below.
Q: Lightup! Thank you so much for letting us ask you some questions about your work “This Bruise Is Yellow” for trans San week! Was there a main inspiration for this work?
A: Not really, it was a short drabble that spiralled out of control, but the catalyst for that happening was my desire to explore the complicated dynamics of gender and sexuality through the lens of gender-confused San and “straight” Wooyoung.
Q: Ah yes, this is a common struggle in the community from what I’ve heard and experienced. Are you happy with the outcome? Do you think it served its purpose and you were able to explore as much as you wanted to?
A: I’m really happy with the outcome, I put so much effort into writing this fic and writing it the way I wanted to. For me, it did more than just serve its original purpose, which was me writing something I wanted to read.
I explored way more than I set out to, both in relation to Sanʼs gender and medical transition, and his relationship with Wooyoung. In particular, how they went from two people who disliked each other and were quick to lash out, to each otherʼs most trusted person.
Q: Is it still something you want to read?
A: Hopefully one day but not yet, I could probably recite it word for word with how many times I read it during redrafts and editing.
Q: Oh yeah, thatʼs valid! About Wooyoungʼs and Sanʼs relationship: is this dynamic something you like to read/write often or was it curiosity that drove you to write it?
A: I had the idea for this fic first and quickly knew I wanted the trans character to be San, but I didnʼt decide on the pairing until later. I went with San/Wooyoung because I like reading and writing them and they fit the concept really well.
Q: Did you at one point rethink the pairing?
A: I donʼt think so. There are a few bullet points of outline with them as the pairing that I wrote a few months before I started writing the fic.
Q: I see! To jump to my next question: did any of your personal experiences colour your work?
A: Yes, there are conversations that are reminiscent of ones I’ve had, thoughts and feelings that I share, and my relationship with my best friend tends to sneak into my writing without me realising.
Q: What do you want people to take away from your story? Or is there a common ground within the feedback youʼve gotten so far?
A: Broadly, an insight into a trans experience, but nothing makes me happier than a reader choosing to share with me that they found comfort in this fic or saw some of themselves in San (or Wooyoung).
Q: Do you see yourself or parts of yourself in one of your characters?
A: Sanʼs relationship with gender is very much inspired by my own.
Q: Then I hope youʼll be able to take some comfort in it as well soon! And thank you for your time!
A: Thank you for your time too! 
You can read this bruise is yellow here. 
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kingofattolia · 2 years
first of all the amount of hugs in this episode alone? possibly unsurpassed in any star wars medium ever. second of all? exquisite
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howtofightwrite · 2 years
Why don't you just stop responding to the sexists who think women can't fight men???
Three reasons.
One is a little self serving, so let's start with that: Those posts do really well.
I'm not kidding; slapping around MRAs consistently land among our more popular posts. This has certainly been true of our recent posts, but it's a long term factor as well. In fact, Women are not Weaker than Men is the blog's most popular post by a huge margin, (it has somewhere around 24k-25k notes.) (Ironically, our most popular at this moment is the Kim Possible post from a couple weeks ago.)
Second, and this might be surprising, but sometimes they meet our criteria. So, I've talked about this before, but when I'm looking in the inbox, I generally evaluate a question based on it's general applicability, educational value, and its potential for entertainment.
With general applicability, I'm asking myself if the answer will be useful to other people. If the answer to this is no, it's very rare that I'll answer that question. The most common questions that run afoul of this are hyper-specific scenarios, questions about very specific fantasy or alien physiology (if you sent us an ask about your six limbed, arboreal, aliens, I'm sorry, that question is probably not happening.) Even in cases like this, I'll sometimes try to find ways to see if I can offer an answer that will be more broadly useful. Sometimes, you'll see questions where I veer off onto a tangent, or try to drag a larger context out of something, and this would usually be why.
With educational value, I'm asking if I can explain something that most people don't know. This will sometimes override applicability. I'll admit that sometimes I'm a bit too harsh on point, especially if it's something we've covered in the past. I don't want to get into a situation where I'm answering the same topics repeatedly, because I don't want to waste your time, though, thinking about it critically, there's probably a few of these where the answer is old enough that most of our audience didn't catch them the first time. The recent hair whip and knives questions are examples where I reasoned that the previous posts were old enough that fresh answers would be useful again.
The entertainment factor is basically self-explanatory. I don't usually set out with the goal of writing jokes, but if I see the opportunity...
Now, with a lot of these MRA posts, there's some real potential for entertainment right off the top. These tend to be poorly considered arguments, and as a result, tend to be really easy to shoot down. That, in turn, means I've got a lot of room to be particularly snarky, or to ramp the interest in some of the background information.
Third, you need to hear this.
Okay, in this case, it might not be you, per se. However, you need to hear this. It is depressingly common to see authors, even women, buy into the MRA's bullshit. Far too many accept the, “women can't fight,” lie as their truth.
This yields shitty writing.
Far too many authors, when writing their female characters, say, “but mine is different, she can fight.” These authors produce weaker characters, because they take painful, artificial, steps to keep their character from offending these misogynists.
When you step back and say, “my character is a girl, and she can fight because she has superpowers,” you are doing a disservice to your readers. You're perpetuating that myth and reinforcing it. For a new generation of girls, you're telling them that they can't fight, because of a lie you took as fact.
There is a purpose to standing up and saying, “this is wrong,” and detailing the multitude of ways that it simply doesn't mesh with objective reality, but here's one reason you should take with you: Participation.
Make no mistake, the goal of those misogynists is to diminish you, to push you to the side, and squelch your voice. Remember when that anon wrote, “One punch could end your life.” That's not an argument about the ability for men or women to function in combat, that is intended to be threatening. Joke's on them, I'm a guy. But, never forget, the people forwarding these arguments want you to sit down, shut up, and wait meekly, while they decide your life for you. And they intend to enforce this with violence, or threats of same.
Do you know what determines an individual's capacity for violence?
As a society, we lie to girls. We tell them they cannot fight. We tell them they shouldn't fight, and if that was applied agnostic of sex, that would be one thing. However, while we are telling girls to submit, we are teaching boys to be more aggressive. To engage in violence. We teach them to fight, and accept it as a legitimate arbiter of disputes (on the playground.)
So, when you see one of these misogynists, what you're really seeing is one of those scared little boys on the preschool playground, who has no way to exert control over their environment except through violence. Their body got larger, but they never grew up.
As an adult, they understand that violence has consequences, so they start with threats, and then transition into force.
So, do you know what determines an individual's capacity for violence?
Because socialization isn't permanent. It shapes how you look at the world, but your socialization is something you can control. This is a power you have over yourself. If you live in a world where you are exclusively told that you cannot fight, that you cannot defend yourself, that you must meekly wait for someone else to take your autonomy from you, you will believe that. So long as the only voices you hear speak that lie, you cannot change.
The difference between being able to fight, or not, is training. It's your willingness to use that training on another human being, versus your opponent's ability to do the same. It doesn't matter if you are a man, or a woman. What matters is, do you know how to reduce your opponent into 200lbs of rapidly decaying meat, and are you willing to do it to protect yourself?
Here's another lie you don't hear countered very often: “strength matters.” Humans, as a general rule, use a fraction of our physical strength. This is true for both men and women. Your muscles are literally strong enough to tear your own body apart. Your brain (not your mind, but your brain) limits how hard you push yourself, specifically to protect you from your own body. One side effect of adrenaline is that it becomes very easy to accidentally hurt yourself because you will override your body's own limiters. In case it's unclear, what I'm saying here is that, when threatened, it is quite possible to temporarily give yourself superhuman strength. Now, it will hurt in the morning, and I may be biased, but I think abused muscles, and even broken bones, are far more appealing than being autopsied.
So, why do I continue to speak out against these misogynists? Because they're full of shit. They can't tell me what to do. They can't tell you what to do. The only power they have over you is what you surrender to them.
I'm telling you: You can fight. It's not easy. It's a skill like any other, and it requires training. Just like any other skill you can have excellent teachers or poor ones. But, you can fight.
Humans are a scary species, and when provoked we are a lot harder to kill, and a lot more dangerous, than we appear. If you think that our sexual dimorphism is significant enough to change that, it's not. It's not even close.
You can fight.
And those misogynists can go fuck themselves.
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bangct · 2 years
A bit jealous?
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Pairing: Ot7 x FEM reader
Genre: fluff, slight angst, slight nsfw
Warning: y/s is a crybaby, she's jealous and it shows, Yoongi is sorry but won't have it, aside from that, this is fluffy comfort and words of love. Choking, just a little bit, suggestive thoughts and that's it i think.
Summ: Being in a secret relationship with "the" band of the moment was by far an odyssey, it was not a secret how jealous you could get sometimes, and they would do things on purpose to make you mad, even when you tried not to show it, however not feeling quite good that specific day had an effect on you, and seeing you boyfriends have a little too much fun with 'that' girl made you lose it.
Word count : 13k(msorry)
Date: April, 19 2022
a/n: Right, I'm posting this as a first story, i had this in my drafts for so long I just needed to throw it out. I don't remember the time i wrote so it might not be that good, but i don't wanna loose it so il leave it here. i usually post nsfw but i wanted to start soft and I'll eventually show the dark side of this lol. I appreciate a good feedback, so do not hesitate, also be constructive not destructive.
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The headache I had was becoming unbearable, I had been assigned to cover for a stylist who had called in sick, and of course, the staff was not going to risk the  members by keeping a sick hairstylist. It was these moments that reminded me why I only worked in the music area and not as a stylist or makeup artist, of course I was capable to do it, but my patience was not so much under pressure, so once we had finished, I didn't hesitate to throw myself on the couch in the dressing room, my head was throbbing and my mood was going downhill. Several minutes had already passed and on the monitoring screen I could see how the guys were having fun and laughing in that interview. I got distracted for a moment and when I turned to see the screen again, I saw the girl who had been causing so much controversy but so much joy for the BTS fans, Halsey.
So, great, Halsey was there, as a surprise I guess, I couldn't hold back the smile that adorned my lips, I liked seeing them like that, genuinely happy, and Halsey was a good person, at least as far as I had known her, I was never a big fan of her music, but she seemed to get along with them, so it was all good. 
The minutes passed and I was starting to get irritated with the way they were looking at her, although I wasn't going to deny my jealousy, I've always tried to stay out of it and not get carried away with my thoughts, however, the headache and my mood seemed to say otherwise and my annoyance only increased. My eyes wouldn't leave Jimin, who seemed quite comfortable being almost on top of her. 
Can't they give her her own microphone? 
Ugh, I wanted to stop watching them, it was starting to annoy me too much, I tried to calm down but couldn't, their bracelets, their matching outfits, ah, and what was that? Perfect mentioned Yoongi, of course, perfect. 
I felt my blood boiling, so i decided to get up and go to the car, I knew it was the last interview of the day, so I went to manager Sejin and asked him if I could go to the car, he clearly noticed my state and as always in his concern, he asked if everything was ok. 
"I am, there is nothing to worry about, you know how much these interviews stress me out, I just need to rest." Sejin narrowed his eyes without believing much in my words but he let me go, I mentally thanked him for not asking more questions, while I was gathering my things I could hear the commotion that the guys were making as they came back, I tried to do it as fast as possible so I could escape, but it was impossible.
I watched as they entered one by one, I frowned when I noticed that Namjoon was not there, but seconds later I saw him enter the dressing room together with Halsey, wonderful, just what I needed...
She saw me and smiled broadly, something that only made me feel terrible.
"y/n!!! What a surprise, I haven't seen you in a while, I'm so glad you're here." Without thinking about it, Halsey came closer and wrapped me in a tight hug, kissed my cheek and smiled even wider than before. "I was just asking Joon about you, it's good that you are accompanying him in these things, it can get tedious and it's great to have someone to take you out of the routine even for a moment, isn't it Joonie?" 
The audacity of this woman, I restrained the urge to roll my eyes, and it seemed that Namjoon noticed it, since I got a glimpse of the way his frown was furrowing, I tried to put on my best smile and cleared my throat to be able to answer, at this point, the rest of the guys seemed to be very interested in what I had to say.
" Yes, it's so good seeing you too, I'm glad to hear that your collaboration is going in the best direction. I listened to it and well, you have a beautiful voice that suits it amazingly." While my words were genuine, the following was clearly a very direct dig at the seven who seemed pleased with my response. 
"I mean, the guys have already told you how perfect and wonderful you are, I guess I have nothing more to say after such praise, I don't blame them, they are absolutely right." The smile on her face told me that she definitely had no idea about the reality of things, while looking at the guys, I could tell the hint of surprise and confusion at what I had said. 
"Now, I really hate to say goodbye, but there's a car waiting for me, it was nice to see you, i hope to see you in the future, and congrats on the song. I'm sure it will go great." Without further ado, I gave her a short hug, grabbed my stuff and headed to the door. Of course the guys were even more confused, and I was more irritated than ever.
 As soon as I was home I didn't hesitate to rush to the shower, wanting to scrub the stress out of me with soap. Once ready, I changed into my most comfortable pajamas and jumped into bed. 
My head still felt like it was about to explode, and it definitely got worse when I heard the sound of the door opening. I think it was the first time in 7 years of our relationship that I hated hearing the sound of the door opening. 
I tried to pretend to fall asleep while the noise increased, a few seconds passed, and I noticed how suddenly silence was the only thing that filled the place. Just when I was about to get up, the door to my room opened, and a black-haired man peeked his head out looking for a sign to enter.
"Noona? Can I come in?" Jungkook, it was more than obvious that they would send Jungkook to check that everything was okay. 
"Yes, you can come in" my voice sounded muffled and somewhat irritated, which made jungkook frown.
I watched as he closed the door to my room and approached the bed. I looked at him from where I stood and couldn't help but sigh as I noticed the youngest of the seven, he was still in the same clothes from the interview but no makeup or shoes. He smiled at me and didn't hesitate to climb onto the bed, his hands traveled to my waist and in a second he pulled me to him, squeezing me and clinging me to his chest. I couldn't help the sigh that left my lips the moment I felt him close, my arms moved on their own and wrapped around him tightly, hugging him as if I was afraid he was going to disappear. 
"What's wrong, Noona? You left without even saying goodbye, do you feel sick? Do you need me to call the doctor?" I quickly denied all his words, instead I hugged him tightly, feeling my eyes start to sting, which only indicated one thing, crying. 
Jungkook pulled me away from him and cradled my face in his hands, concern filling his face.
"Baby, please tell me what's wrong, I hate  seeing you like this, please." His words made my heart flutter, I knew that they all worried about me, and Jungkook had always made it clear, it was endearing.
"I'm just stressed and tired, I'm exaggerating, don't mind me."  I grunted and lifted my face showing that all traces of crying were gone. He smiled, caressed my cheeks and moved closer to meet his lips with mine, I sighed and didn't hesitate to reciprocate, I loved the taste of his lips against mine, his hands traveled to my waist once again and he squeezed me gently, making me gasp slightly at the sensation.
 He pulled away as he let out a light chuckle, which made me blush in a second.
 "Cute" he murmured before leaving a small peck on my lips. "I'm sorry the hyungs made you feel bad, you know we all love you the same way and there's nothing or no one that will make us change our minds."
His words took me by surprise, making me lower my gaze for a moment in sorrow. I bit my lower lip and did not hesitate to hug him once again. I was so lost in his arms that I didn't notice the door opening once more, until I felt the bed slightly undulating next to me, clearly on the side where Jungkook was not. I pulled away from him slightly and turned my face to see Namjoon sitting there looking at me with a pout, yoongi and Jimin were also there, while hoseok, taehyung and jin were standing at the foot of the bed.
"We are truly sorry, you know we love you more than anyone else, and there is no one who can replace you." This time Jimin spoke softly, a slight pout on his lips and seemed to want to get closer, but he looked hesitant. The rest of the boys looked almost desperate, looking for an answer from me, anything to tell them that everything was okay.
I bit my lips and didn't know what to say, as I was quite embarrassed, Halsey had a boyfriend and her relationship with the boys was evidently professional and work related, of course, they were friends, but only that. I turned to Jungkook and hugged him tightly, hiding my face in his chest, which made him giggle. He didn't hesitate to put his arms around me and leave a kiss in my hair. 
"She is clearly annoyed with you, I was clearly interested in snacks, losers." Jungkook laughed and as soon as he stopped I felt a pair of hands grabbing me from behind.
A gasp escaped my lips, and when I realized, Namjoon was pulling me to him, leaving me on his lap, which only made my face turn into all shades of red. 
"Baby...Please don't be upset, I'm really sorry, you know it's all business, I never meant to make you feel bad." His words came out almost in a whisper, and of course, he was right, I was overreacting because of my annoyance and irritation.
"She called you Joonie" an unconscious pout appeared on my lips making the dimpled man laugh, and I swear I could hear the others let out slight giggles. 
"You know I'm yours, baby, only yours, no need to feel jealous." His hands traveled to my face to caress it gently. Having the rest of the guys there, made it all quite familiar, being all together in my room, me on Joon's lap, yes, it was definitely all quite familiar, although the context was quite different, if you know what I mean....
Anyway, my thoughts were starting to consume me wandering way too far from what was happening, memories of other occasions filled me and I couldn't contain myself from biting my lips. Of course Namjoon noticed. He always does, as a low chuckle came out of his mouth making me feel almost like floating, one of his hands caressed my face while the other one went down to my waist. 
"What are you thinking of, love? That mind of yours flies so fast, care to share?"
He murmured In a low tone that always made my knees weak and my head fuzzy.
"Hyung, you are making her blush too much, let us at least say something too" it was Taehyung who came closer to pull me into his arms, without waiting he started to fill my face with kisses as well as apologies for making me feel bad. 
"Jagi, you know we love you, I love you the most but that's a different conversation, please forgive us." 
Well, it was definitely a  hard image to resist, just when I was about to say something I heard several grumbles from the others, who were complaining at taehyung's words.
"Yah, you don't love her more than us, brat" said Jin, coming closer to stand near me, as well as Yoongi and Hoseok who looked amused at the situation. 
"I'm sorry I reacted like that, I was irritated and tired, but you know I didn't mean it, I love you guys it won't happen again." At this I felt how more arms tried to wrap around me without really succeeding, I noticed how Yoongi stayed behind, looking at everything with a smile. It seemed like Jungkook noticed it, so he threw a pillow at the older one while laughing.
"Yah, Hyung, aren't you going to hug her? I think she was most upset with you when she saw us in the dressing room." Said Jungkook while still laughing lightly, making Yoongi blush, something that didn't go unnoticed by anyone in the room.  The aforementioned scratched the back of his neck, not really knowing what to do, Hoseok left a space next to him and pulled his hand to bring him closer to the bunch of bodies on my bed. 
"Don't be shy hyungnim, it's been almost 8 years, get over it already." With that comment, Hoseok got a kick from Yoongi and laughter from the other five in the room. Yoongi reached over and grabbed my face to close the distance and kiss my lips, which I didn't expect. Yoongi was usually reserved when it came to affection, so it was a bit of a surprise when he kissed me. His hands roamed over my waist and torso. It was looking all innocent, until his hand wrapped around my neck with some strength, my eyes went big and of course, my face turned red. He looked at me with some intensity and something else I couldn't describe, as he came closer to my face, I could hear how my other boyfriends were whispering God knows what. 
"I don't want to hear again that you are jealous, I don't want to take other actions, although I'm sure you wouldn't mind those." He smiled and oh god, it was that smile that made me turn into a quivering mess. I wanted to say something but I was way too focused on him to even do something. "I need you to understand that you are ours, and if you're ours there is no human force that will manage to make us stop loving you, so quit it, or we'll show you how it is."
A quite high moan escaped from my lips,it was now a different atmosphere, before I knew it, hands were once again trailing all over my body, they were soft but it was a matter of time for them to turn into something else.
"Please show me.."
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esther-dot · 2 years
I wish that all parts of the fandom, including, I hate to admit it, Sansa fans, would not act as though abuse is something their faves alone have experienced and deserve compassion for. Every part of the fandom is guilty of this. That's not to say no one can dislike a character if they're an abuse victim, but it's entirely possible to dislike a character and still show compassion for the abuse they've suffered, still take into account their trauma when judging their actions. And yet I never see that anymore. Everyone, in all parts of the fandom, seem now to be saying, "Compassion for abuse victims, but only for the ones *we* like." More than anything, this has been what's made me want to disengage from the fandom, even my once beloved Sansa fandom. All talk about compassion for abuse victims becomes hollow and meaningless if we only apply it to our faves. Every character who is an abuse victim (and there are so many, many abuse victims in ASOIAF) deserves some degree of compassion, even the ones we don't like.
Thank you for sharing your feelings about this, anon. I agree with you that we are certainly meant to have sympathy and compassion for characters when they suffer abuse, and we should be careful with how we talk about characters who are abuse survivors. I saw someone mention this before because of how Dark Dany fans talk about her, and I’ve tried to have that in mind ever since.
I never know what my anons have seen and if they’re reacting to what I write or some other blogger, but in general, I think the Sansa fandom tries to be sensitive to this and has been the main segment to focus on the abuse and say it is abuse where others want to romanticize it. It isn’t something we take lightly. However, because of how we (broadly speaking, we don’t agree on everything) perceive his story, we think Martin’s doing certain things with that, so it isn’t the case that we mean to say Sansa alone deserves our compassion, but that Martin isn’t using abuse in the same way in her story as he uses it elsewhere. I’m not a fan of it, but he does use abuse within the family and societal alienation as the context for his villains. His purpose shifts our focus from the suffering of the character to how he’s using it to develop them which changes the tone in which we talk about it. Is that what you’re picking up on?
If this is in relation to other characters, not Dany, I responded to an angry Hound fan once trying to explain why I wrote about him the way I do:
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I once had an ask about Tyrion which I can’t find at the moment, and I tried to explain that I mostly write about things from Sansa’s perspective. As in, I don’t discount the abuse Tyrion suffered, I do find it tragic, but in each post I can’t say all the things I think, I usually am focusing on one thing. It doesn’t mean I don’t also acknowledge what Tyrion suffered and how that impacted him, it’s context that I simply didn’t take the time to remind people of because they fandom at large is sympathetic to him, but so sympathetic, they then neglect to acknowledge Sansa’s suffering! I wrote about that once too:
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Again, I agree with you that we should be disturbed by their suffering and understand how wrong it is, (I answered an ask the other day and mentioned how personally, I wouldn’t have these victims of abuse become villains because it’s so distasteful to me), but we all post in a certain context. That context is:
from whose perspective we’re viewing the situation
the author’s purpose
what we have written before on the subject before
our understanding of the framework for this part of the fandom. Perhaps it’s been longer than normal since we brought those issues up, but I think most of the popular Sansa bloggers have addressed the issue of abuse in ASOIAF at one point or another.
So, I’m not saying there isn’t room for improvement, and I understand why you find the fandom’s attitude as a rule off-putting, but I think the nature of the work/the author’s goals, the habit of the fandom to discount Sansa and anything she has suffered, and the assumption that others share our views because of what we have previously said on the subject…that context is why we don’t elaborate on other characters’ suffering as much. I know I sometimes write flippantly about Dany dying, but it isn’t because I’m insensible to the fact that she has had a horrible life, abused by her brother, being a child bride, raped repeatedly by Drogo….it’s harrowing and awful. But that isn’t all she is, and she has committed wrongs and will commit more by the end, so I’m horrified by her suffering, but equally horrified by the suffering she has and will cause for others unless stopped. For Tyrion, I think I lost interest in talking about his victimization when he started talking about raping and murdering his sister. For the Hound…I think his suffering is interesting shading on his character, but he slaughtered a little boy and didn’t care at all and threatened Sansa’s life very early on, so I never had much sympathy for him, I’m afraid. This might be what you mean by our talk of compassion feeling meaningless? Because I do think it’s awful what the characters endured, but it doesn’t change the fact that I view them badly for how they treat others.
I’m not trying to dismiss you at all, just explain my perspective on this and see if that’s what you think is problematic or if you’re talking about something else. Your comment about us “taking into account their trauma when judging their actions” makes me think our views on this aren’t in total alignment, but I am certainly happy to hear your further thoughts on that. I’ve had other disgruntled Sansa fans message me over the years, and it always feels like what they’re mostly upset about is this idea that they can’t state their opinion. I always say: do it. No one can stop you from stating your opinion on this and saying it will prevent you from becoming resentful that your thoughts aren’t being discussed. There is likely a group of fans who agree with you! You may not just be a voice for yourself but others who haven’t felt like they were brave enough to speak out. And, even if it is an unpopular take, just throwing it out there helps alleviate your own frustration with the fandom. I disagree with other Sansa fans and Jonsas, and that doesn’t stop me from stating my opinion in my own posts on my own blog. That has never been a problem. They may be unpopular takes, I may lose followers, I’ve lost mutuals, but it’s worth it to me because I can’t not say what I think (it’s a problem 😂), but there’s a larger good here in that it also prevents our small corner from falling into total group think or having our own mini-BNFs we’re afraid to contradict. I reblog stuff I disagree with, some people do the same to me. Your opinion is worth considering even if it is different from mine. Also, if you pay attention, any of us might throw out an idea randomly, or a quote, and then it kinda…infiltrates and takes hold—you don’t have to be a popular blogger to change our whole corner of the fandom’s thoughts on an issue. So, I’d encourage you to not let this end here, with this exchange, just a criticism of the fandom, but to go ahead and make a post about a specific scene and your feelings about it taking into account the trauma of the perp, just as you said you think we should. I recently wrote a post that was far more sympathetic to Ned than Sansa fans typically are. Nothing bad happened! If you don’t feel comfortable doing this yourself, feel free to send those thoughts to my inbox. I may not agree on a specific interpretation, but I’d rather help you be heard than have you leave the fandom thinking we don’t care. I assure you, the abuse issue is something we do care about. We care very deeply. For some, that’s what drew them to Sansa and this part of the fandom in the first place.
I understand if it will take time for you to think of a specific scene or thoughts regarding a character you want to express, but in the meantime, please try filtering certain words, character names, or even blogger names. We have a lot of control over what we see here, especially with the filter content option (right under tags to filter) which will help you better control your fandom experience. I love that tool because there are bloggers who I don’t want to see because their views offend me and now even if people I follow reblog their stuff—I don’t have to! I’ve put in certain words so untagged stuff doesn’t slip by either. I also started following non ASOIAF/GoT blogs, unfollowed bloggers that were too negative, etc to help change my tumblr experience. It makes a world of difference! If it’s my content specifically that bothers you, I tag all my asks “ask dot” so that you can filter that tag and avoid it.
I hope you don’t feel like I’m dismissing you, and I truly hope you either talk some about this on your blog (you can @ me or send me a link so I can share it) or come back and chat with me some more about this before depriving yourself of something you once enjoyed. The fandom may not be what it should be, but we can make it better. 💗
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sillyguyhotline · 3 years
yttd and themes of parental failure; how the adults in our life disappoint us
alternate title: how everyone in your turn to die has mommy issues, daddy issues, or both
I’m not the first person to talk about this, nor will I be the last, but there are a lot of themes sprinkled throughout YTTD’s story and one of the themes that isn’t talked about much is the theme of how parents (or more broadly, adults) tend to fail us. Throughout the game, we see children and adults being placed in the same deadly situation, and are disappointed time and time again as the adults prioritize their lives over those of their children... often perpetuating the cycles of abuse that they themselves have suffered. I don’t think this theme encompasses the whole story by any means, but I do think that, in some parts, YTTD attempts to tell a story of irresponsible adult figures, failing as parents, and the ways cycles of abuse are perpetuated.
I think it’s best to start with Sara, the main character and the most visible victim of the adults’ failings in the death game. Despite being a teenager, she’s elevated to a position of leadership partially by circumstance and partially by the machinations of others. I think it’s pretty clear that her being a leader is more crucial to the story than it initially seems to be, but for now it’s evident that she, as a child, has been deemed stronger than the many adults beside her in the game and has thus been made a leader. It’s acknowledged that she is the person who makes the majority of the crucial decisions, she is the person the others look to in times of turmoil, and she’s tasked with shouldering many of the heavy burdens of the group’s failures. This certainly doesn’t come without consequences; much of Sara’s grief comes not just from Joe’s death, but from regret over the countless people she’s failed to protect and the obligation she feels to prioritize their lives over her own. While many of the adult characters (Q-taro, Keiji, Shin, Alice) have the opportunity to sit back and make more selfish decisions for their own survival, Sara never has that liberty because she’s been thrust into a role where the group’s wellbeing is worth more than hers and every group failure is felt by her more than anyone else. This is most evident in the aftermath of the Kanna/Shin decision, specifically in the Kanna Dies route; Sara is the one who is tortured and meant to feel the most pain for Kanna’s death because she, as the leader, felt obligated to take the decision into her own hands... and nobody stopped her. From Russian Roulette (where Kai, the least underhanded out of all of Sara’s adult protectors, tried to stop her from becoming a leader) to Chapter 2′s Main Game, the effects of Sara’s leadership are heavy. She’s still a child who’s been given power, and the other adults in the game choose to either profit from or resent this power instead of challenging the fact that a child has been entrusted with it.
This is where Kanna comes in, another child who’s been failed by the adults in the game. When she entered, she’d lost her most important mentor figure (her sister) and as a result was left incredibly vulnerable. At first, a few of the characters tried to help her (Nao and Reko), but ultimately she was left vulnerable for too long and Shin used that vulnerability to coerce her into going along with his plans, putting her life in jeopardy by claiming she had the Sage. It’s likely that Shin reminded her of Kugie, which motivated her to stick by his side, but there’s no doubt that his manipulation influenced her to continue supporting him throughout chapter 2. Kanna is another character who felt obligated to provide protection and support for adults who didn’t provide all that much of it, which is made evident as she continues to insist he’s a good person throughout ch2 and, of course, demands that everyone vote for her to die in the main game because she thinks Shin is not only good but much more useful than she is. She, like Sara, continues to prioritize the well-being of the group over her own as a result of the position she was forced into and of the failure of the adults around her to do anything about it.
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This aspect of Kanna’s character ties into another point I want to make, about cycles of abuse and protection. I believe that Shin is one of the biggest in-game examples of how abuse victims can be pushed to perpetuate those cycles upon the people they’re supposed to love and care for. Shin definitely cared for Kanna; he wrote the message in the phone to boost her spirits and fought for her to survive even knowing that if she got the Sacrifice she wouldn’t pick him to escape with. However, a lot of his dynamic with her comes as a result of the abuse he suffered under Sou Hiyori, and this abuse is part of why Kanna perceives herself to be worthless. He takes out his own anger at himself and his weakness by constantly belittling Kanna, calling her weak and useless to the group (eventually doing this because he thinks it will help her escape), and the constant reinforcement of this mindset is what leads to her self loathing and, in some cases, eventual self sacrifice. Not only does Shin fail to protect Kanna from death as a parental figure, he fails to prevent his own patterns of abuse from affecting her. This is a classic example of how abuse can become generational.
I want to cycle back to the topic of Sara, now, and bring Keiji into the mix, because I believe that Keiji is one of the biggest and also most fascinating examples of the failures of adults- primarily because he is simultaneously the child being failed and the adult who is failing. Keiji started out as an idealistic child with high hopes for his own future and strong beliefs in the police force, but he ended up killing his mentor and destroying his own faith in the goodness of the police. I also find it intriguing that the person he kills is one of the most solid parental figures in the game; Mr. Policeman cares for his child a lot and shows great care for children who aren’t even biologically related to him (such as Keiji). He likely left the police force for the sake of his child as well as to escape corruption. When Keiji kills him, he is not only killing the idealistic dream that his child self once harbored, but he is killing the biggest human embodiment of that dream in his life. Fittingly, then, Keiji goes on to turn into the opposite of what his younger self would have wanted to be. He wanted to be a protector, but in the Death Game we see him flirting with the child he’s protecting, consistently lying to and deceiving her for his own gain, pushing her into being a leader because it benefits him, and going behind her back to help himself survive (such as performing the card trade with Q-taro when it’s clear that Sara had the Sacrifice and likely would have died because of it). At the surface, Keiji is a betrayal of the mentor Sara needed in her life, but when you look beyond that, he’s a betrayal of the adult figure who guided him and the adult figure his child self wanted to be. 
There’s also Q-taro, one of the more blatant examples of an adult who valued his own survival over those of the children in the game. His selfishness, however, wasn’t concealed with concern for the children, like Shin’s and Keiji’s were. He indirectly participated in thrusting Sara into a leadership position, and time and time again attempted to get the children (specifically Gin) killed because he thought it would benefit either him or the group. His selfishness is not as much of a betrayal as it is a sad reinforcement of the idea that adults in this game can’t be trusted to protect the children. Even as he campaigns for Gin and Kanna’s deaths, even as he waits until the last minute to press the button, he still looks to Sara for guidance and trusts her as a leader. To make things even worse, the child whom he’s targeting has already been disillusioned to how pathetic adults can be; Gin’s father abuses alcohol, and as Gin establishes from the beginning, he’s already lost his trust in the reliability of adults. And, in a sad way, Gin ends up being proven right; his first father figure in the game dies immediately, and his second either dies or is quickly revealed to have been tasked with killing him. Unreliable adults in awful circumstances. 
Then you have Gashu, one of the only actual parents in this game, whose failures are felt in not one, but two children. As I stated before, while talking about Sara, Kai was one of the only people who made a move to stop Sara from being established as the group’s leader in Russian Roulette. While I believe that this is mostly because he knew of the Hades Incident and wanted to stop it from being replicated, I also have to wonder if it was because he knew what it was like, as a child, to be forced into a terrible position (as Gashu had high expectations of him as an assassin) and didn’t want the child he’d grown affectionate towards to be forced to undergo the same thing. Whatever his motives were, Kai was an example of the pain neglectful parents can bring, and he provides a stark contrast to Ranger, who wasn’t yet aware of Gashu’s cruelty when we met him. We watched in real time as Ranger realized that he wasn’t actually all that loved or valued; he was just created to serve a purpose, and when he stepped out of line he quickly lost his value. Just like how Kai served the purpose of being an assassin, and, potentially, how Sara serves the purpose of being the leader. Gashu isn’t just a neglectful parent, he’s outright malicious. 
I’d like to speculate, then, about how the story is going to take the path of neglectful adults as it goes forward. I already think that we can see where it’s going to go with Sara, as 3-1a has clearly showcased the effects of her guilt and, depending on which route you take, has either established that she’s grown comfortable with her position as leader or is crumbling under the pressure of her grief. However, going back to the theme of parents... it must be noted that almost none of the characters have been confirmed to have 2 biological parents. They either come from an orphanage or are missing a parent... and the parent they’re missing is typically the father. I have to wonder if this consistent theme of failed parenting is going to tie into Gashu’s reminder to “question your upbringing,” and if the shitty adults are going to make a more literal appearance. 
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comicaurora · 3 years
How much have your characters evolved since their original versions? What were their original versions like? Are there any characteristics or arcs that you had to toss for narrative purposes but still miss?
Oh my god. Dare I plumb the embarrassing depths of everyone's earliest drafts?
Reminder that I started playing with this concept when I was eleven. Everyone started off very generic, because at the time I was just having fun playing out the tropes I liked. I had a lot of edgier concepts, too, more vent stuff - and a lot of unexamined tropes from the broader space of fantasy I later decided were boring, gross or broadly unnecessary. I think exploring that would boil down to "character was edgy and flat, now they are not" which doesn't sound very interesting.
However, it is interesting to me how the characters have changed since I started releasing the comic. I expected things to change during the drafting and development process - I was more blindsided by the organic development as I wrote the actual thing.
Kendal's character has remained fairly consistent, though he's gotten more serious in the eleven days he's been alive - a reasonable reaction to all the everything, I think. The part I wasn't originally planning was the exploration of his complete lack of self-awareness in the most literal sense. "Self-sacrificing hero type" is one thing, but he really doesn't think of himself as having value beyond what he can do for other people. I don't wanna spoil, but I'm positively giddy at how that arc is shaping up in the stuff I'm currently boarding. After that, we're in uncharted waters.
Alinua started off totally chill, took a major dive into Dark And Sad territory when I first came up with the concept of the chimeric plague, and is now in a strangely liminal space where her general personality is relentlessly positive but she's floating on this bottomless abyss of eldritch horror. I had plans for how I was going to explore that, but what surprised me was her caution about it. It makes sense - she's had a life of her own for a week and a half, she's not going to want to jeopardize it by diving headfirst into the full implications of her power and existence. She feels like this situation is far too fragile, which means while a lot of the reveals are happening faster than I expected (my original plan had the "Life's Vessel" reveal way down the line) she's playing it pretty close to the chest.
Erin hasn't actually changed that much, but his narrative pacing has shifted somewhat. The void dragon is a textbook Superpowered Evil Side, but since I can't risk overusing it, it's more of a back-pocket thing that only rears its head rarely. His arc is less about it than I originally expected. As we build up to it I think I'll be able to play with it more, but pacing it out has been tricky.
Falst has changed simultaneously a lot and very little. His basic concept has remained consistent from the first draft onward. He's cranky, confrontational, angsty, fiercely loyal but too emotionally constipated to express it, all my favorites. Writing him is like putting together an ice cream sundae. No matter what I add, I'm gonna get something I like out of it. If anything, the only surprise is I haven't leveraged the angst much yet. After his intro mini-arc we've been pretty solidly in the fluff zone as far as I'm concerned. Sometimes I worry I'm being too nice to these guys…
Tess hasn't changed, but her role in the story has. I'm still mulling over some directions for that. I originally hadn't worked out 100% of how this arc was going to wrap up, and looping Tess into it (with the storm connection) was a comparatively late addition.
The Dragon is a really basic character, so he hasn't really changed, but The Collector has shifted from one villain archetype to another. In my original version, she was a very stock coldly-calculating-type evil sorcerer. She was also a guy, although that's much less relevant. Broadly, the big change was giving her an actual personality. Unfortunately, since she's waaaaaay outside of our heroes' current challenge rating, it might be a while before I can loop her back in, but when I do, I think she'll have some interesting dynamics I didn't anticipate.
Dainix is still changing for me. I've had his core character for ages, but his personality has been slipping around like whoa. Earliest draft had him much angrier overall, middle draft made him a generic-enough paragon even I was finding him boring, and before I'd boarded his intro I'd slipped into a weird little middle ground where he was lacking any overarching themes. Eventually what I hit on was weirdly simple, but has been working so far: Dainix is emotional in a way the other characters aren't. He doesn't suppress or sanitize his feelings, he's the character who visibly and audibly reacts whenever he's feeling a certain way. And I definitely didn't realize that "completely honest" was such a rare character trait in my cast! I need to get him and Falst in a room together asap, the conflict is going to be incredible.
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anthemxix · 3 years
So... how far did Cia go exactly? I haven’t played hw but I’ve read several fics, and she’s always very... extreme.
hi anon! thank you for your ask!
by “extreme,” i’m thinking you mean stories where she’s a psycho who tortures link or forces unwanted sexual advances on him. which makes for fantastic angst! but that characterization of cia has never felt quite authentic to me.
in the game, she has a roomful of his portraits, like a shrine. that’s extreme. she technically starts a war because of him, which is very extreme, but i don’t think that’s about lusting after him, as people often joke. she says some off-putting stuff, and you could infer that she behaves in an inappropriately “seductive” way, but. she doesn’t really. do anything, like fics might imply. she’s creepy and lewd. i’m sure she makes him uncomfortable as hell. but as for what she does, the extremeness in fics is mostly fan extrapolation.
that’s my short answer! but i kinda got carried away while responding to this, and. um. wrote a lengthy character analysis of cia? XD i thought about not including it, but i spent so much time thinking about/writing this that i’ll go ahead and share.
in my opinion, hw does not present a clear picture of cia, and it skews fan interpretation of her.
(putting this under a cut because it got long 😅)
the story the game gives at the start is straightforward. there's a "guardian of time" (whatever that means) who watches over everything but never interferes. she admires the purity of the hero's spirit. she comes to love the heroes, then to want them. she's lonely. she doesn't want to just watch anymore. she wants to experience love.
gradually her desires become something darker. she doesn't only want the companionship, she wants to possess.
ganon sees this darkness in her heart and causes a split. the darkness separates from her, becomes its own person (a la dark link). the "good" part is lana, the "bad" part is cia.
for ganon, this is all part of a larger plan. in hw, his spirit is divided into four fragments that have been sealed away in different eras. he manipulates cia and gets her to open time gates so he can gather all the fragments together. a key fact: one of the fragments has been sealed away by the master sword, so ganon needs a hero to draw the sword.
cia willingly allows herself to be ganon's pawn because in so doing, in starting a war to force the hero to emerge, she thinks she'll get what she wants. throughout the story, she gives more and more of herself to ganon, fracturing her own spirit further and further, because she is so desperate to claim the hero for herself, to own him. lana repeatedly warns her to stop before she does irreparable damage to herself, but she doesn't listen, and ultimately she...well, dies, i guess. fades from existence. (that's how the original hw ending goes. they added stuff on later that changed this.)
ok, so. we have some interesting stuff going on here. arguably, cia is a tragic figure. a victim even. her underlying motivation is loneliness. viewing it through this lens, the story becomes an exploration of what isolation does to a person. how desperate it can make us. how we become willing to sacrifice anything for love--and i mean "love" broadly, not in a romantic sense. how it makes us vulnerable to manipulation and abuse.
let's also not forget the whole reason she focuses on the hero's spirit to begin with. after witnessing all the atrocities of history, she admires the purity and goodness and self-sacrifice of the hero. it has nothing to do with link being attractive. in her temple (the temple of souls), she has statues of different heroes from different eras, including wolf link and oot/mm link. she is certainly not lusting after an animal or a child, i assure you.
so why does she have frickin portraits of hw link, specifically, (not any other hero's spirit incarnations) plastered all over her walls, if not for lusty purposes? why does she dress so damn seductively? i'm not claiming lust isn't part of it, but i think there's more. she wants to feel surrounded by him, you know? she wants to feel like he's looking at her the same way that she looks at him--with desire. it's delusion.
and holy hell, she's nothing if not deluded. some examples of her actual in-game dialogue: "no matter what betrayals I may suffer, at least I know the hero will always love and protect me." and [to herself, as she's losing a fight] "the hero is still by my side... the hero is still by my side..."
and it's sad. she pretends that he loves her, that he will protect her, because she doesn't have any real love in her life. she doesn't have anyone.
and what's even sadder is that she's condemned to all these feelings and delusions because that's who she is. she is corruption and darkness personified! she's doomed to this lonely hell, to being ganon's servant, to self-destruction.
that's how tragedy, and tragic figures, are defined: hubris. characters that have an innate flaw that inevitably leads to their downfall. that's what a traditional tragedy is.
don't get me wrong here. i'm not saying she had no choice, or that she had to start a war. she can be tragic and we can sympathize with her while also accepting the fact that she's corrupted beyond redemption. morality isn't black-and-white. our understanding of characters, or of real people, isn't black-and-white.
...but. BUT. there is a major "but" here. the game sabotages its own character and its own story. the game opts for the path of least resistance. screw grey areas of morality, screw the tragedy of loneliness, screw exploring vulnerability and abuse and hubris... they sensationalize. cia is a joke.
have you seen her frickin outfit? her character design? she's an uber-sexualized caricature. all those portraits of link in her temple can easily be viewed as a joke, too. "lol, look at this crazy, horny bitch." hell, they even have her say innuendos about the master sword, like, “come show me what your sword can do” or something to that effect. 🙄
it's all very surface level. they don't go deep at all with cia. they give us no substance, only these little bread crumbs of information that i've laid out for you. and not only that, they set this up so that it feeds into old stereotypes. the salient details easily allow us to interpret cia, consciously or not, as an embodiment of feminine hysteria, a woman guided by irrational emotion and obsession, fixated on winning the ultimate prize of a man's love.
so koei tecmo's own confused presentation of this character muddles up fan interpretation and has us falling back on the familiar stereotypes we know and understand. that’s the basis for these depictions of cia as extreme. that’s what fans are extrapolating from when they try to imagine how she might act or what she might say. so in the end, she isn’t really depicted with accuracy. she’s like a caricature of a caricature at that point.
…or at least, that’s my opinion. 🥴
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imomomi · 4 years
Meeting the MSBY Black Jackals
AN: This is a repost of an old story I wrote as requested by @ericaelind​. Also, this story actually inspired FIO, so it’s super sweet someone remembered it. 🥺🥺🥺
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         Y/N leaned against the wall outside the locker rooms, pulling her phone out to flick through Instagram. She wasn’t one to post much on her public account, but her private one was filled with photos dating back to high-school. Huffing lightly in amusement at a video of a baby babbling gibberish to his father, she jumped at the sudden onset of noise coming out of the locker room. A blonde popped up beside her, resting one arm on the wall as he leaned over her. Miya Atsumu. The bane of Kiyoomi’s existence, but secretly his favorite teammate.
          “Who are ya?” he asked.
          “L/N Y/N,” she answered. When he didn’t say anything, she looked back down at her phone, sending a quick message to her mother. Atsumu lingered, looking at her curiously. Shooting him a look—what did he want—she sighed loudly.
          “Look, fangirls aren’t really allowed around the locker-room. Just head down the hall. If security sees ya, you’ll be in trouble.”
          “There’s a bit of a misunderstanding, Miya-san.”
          “Seriously sweetheart, beat it,” he said, smiling broadly. Y/N could feel her annoyance grow. Kiyoomi was lingering on purpose—was he really going to let her deal with this on her own. Normally, he’d take a few minutes to change, but he had already been gone 15 minuets.
          “I’m not here for you.”
          “That’s nice but you still don’t have the right to hang ‘round our locker room. Think about how uncomfortable the other boys will be.”  His mocking grin had her flushing at the implication.
          “Yoomi told me to wait here. He said he would only be a minuet,” shuffling slightly to get away from his towering form, she bowed lowly, “I apologize if I cause any discomfort.”
          “Yoomi? Who the hell is that?”
          “Sakusa Kiyoomi?”
          “Omi-omi told ya to wait here? What drugs are you on?”
          “I wish I knew,” she muttered to herself. Another person appeared over his shoulder and Y/N shifted farther away. Perhaps, this was a bad idea, she thought. Staring up at Bokuto Koutarou’s grinning face, she decided it was probably for the best that she didn’t know any of Kiyoomi’s teammates. There were only two of them so far and the air around her already felt chaotic.
          “Who’s this?” Bokuto asked, eagerly.
          “Some fangirl. Said Omi-omi told her to wait here.”
          “A fan!” Bokuto shouted, shoving Atsumu out of the way, “Do you wanna a picture? Though, you know you’re not supposed to sneak around here.”
          “Umm, I really think that there’s a mis-“
          “Who is that?” Hinata asked. Y/N ‘s face was an impossible shade of red at this point as she was jostled by Bokuto into a photo she didn’t even want. Hinata bounded up to her excitedly, ignoring Atsumu’s warnings that they should call security and pulled out a marker asking if she wanted an autograph. She didn’t even know what he would sign. She was dressed in all black, nothing but her phone and car keys in her pocket.
          Hinata reached for her hand, pen hovering over her skin before he shrugged and signed his name.
          “This is my first game you know,” Hinata said bouncing on his heels, “I didn’t think we’d be meeting fans already.”
          “I’m not a fan,” she muttered. The stark kanji of his name smeared across her skin. She rubbed at it, shuddering as it remained without a smudge on her hand. A hand grabbed hers, turning it over to inspect the new mark. Kiyoomi.
          “You really are all idiots,” he hissed, turning to glower at his teammates. “Can’t keep your hands to yourself at all, can you?”
          “It’ll wash out,” she said, softly. He eyed the kanji with a heavy glare as if it personally offended him. Knowing Kiyoomi, some aspect of it probably did. That or he wished it had been him to sign his name instead.
          “With bleach, maybe,” he mused. She tugged her hand from his grip, reaching over to a frozen Hinata and snatching the marker from his hand. She scribbled over the mark, crossing out Hinata’s name with a grimace.
          “Don’t you have alcohol wipes or something?”
          “In my locker,” he answered.
          “Go get them.”
          “I was serious about the bleach. You’re already contaminated. I can’t have you coming home like this.”
          “I swear to god, Kiyoomi, I’ll sneeze on you,” she jeered.
          “What the hell is going on?” Atsumu asked, looking between them in near horror. Y/N scowled, crossing her arms over her chest. Maybe she wasn’t making the best first impression, but she had already been accused of being a fangirl, harassed into a picture, and forcibly given an autograph she didn’t even want. No wonder Kiyoomi had been hesitant to introduce her to his new teammates. In college, they’d known each for years before they actually got together and she’d known the players on his team when they had been just friends.
          “Nothing, I’m going to the bathroom to wash this off. Good luck with the game.”
          “She’s my fiancée,” Kiyoomi said, blocking her path of escape. “She wanted to meet you all, but she was overseas for business and then Hinata came, so the timing was never right.”
          There’s a collective choking from his teammates that are gathered in the hallway. She could feel the amusement radiating from Kiyoomi. Most likely he had kept it hidden just to enjoy this moment. His sense of humor often involved sharp wit and upending people’s expectations. This mess served him perfectly, a carefully guarded fact about his life, his unwitting fiancée making it worse, and the general stupidity of his teammates. There was a desperate need to laugh bubbling up in his chest.
          “Bullshit,” Atsumu called out.
          “Woah, Omi-san, she’s really pretty,” Hinata gushed over Atsumu’s disbelief. Y/N flushed under the sudden attention thrown her way, waving awkwardly at Hinata and Bokuto.
          “Nice to meet you, Bokuto-san, Hinata-san,” she muttered, bowing shallowly.
          “Bullshit, ya must’ve hired her or something,” Atsumu cut in, pointing an accusing finger in her direction. There wasn’t any real heat behind the words.
          “Gross,” she and Kiyoomi said in unison, cringing at the idea. Y/N raised her left hand, holding it out so Atsumu could inspect the diamond ring. Atsumu jerked her hand forward, inspecting it with a level of detail she didn’t think he was capable of. He shot Kiyoomi and impressed look. Y/N didn’t have the heart to tell him that the ring was her grandmother’s. The first time Kiyoomi had proposed she said no—not because she didn’t want to marry him, but the question was asked so suddenly, she though that he was joking. His proposal had been delivered with a straight face in the midst of them watching some American crime drama.
          “Couldn’t wait until after the game to spring this on us?”
          “Don’t think too hard, Miya,” Kiyoomi said.
          “You’ve been hiding a secret girlfriend for the last two months,” Atsumu said.
          “In his defense, it’s not really a secret. Everyone in college knew we were together,” Y/N interjected. If they looked through Kiyoomi’s social media pages, she was somewhere there in the background of his photos caught doing something stupid or just generally ugly. According to Kiyoomi those were the best kinds of photos.
          “I didn’t even go to college,” Atsumu protested.
          “I can tell,” Y/N said. Kiyoomi snorted behind her, turning the sound into a cough as soon as everyone turned to look at him.
          “Wait, Omi-kun is getting married. We’re going to the wedding, right?” Bokuto shouted, bouncing on his heels.
         “I wanna be Best Man,” Hinata said, matching the excitement. Hinata was the newest addition to the Black Jackals. Fresh off the plane from a two-year stint as a beach volleyball player in Brasil, he’d impressed everyone at tryouts. From what Kiyoomi had said, he was a beast on the court.
         “No. I don’t even know you,” Kiyoomi shot down immediately. “I met you a month ago.”
         “I’m the obvious choice,” Atsumu muttered, eyes still narrowed in her direction, “He’s known me longest.”
         “I don’t think beating you at nationals in high school counts,” Y/N said, laughing lightly.
         “I guess, I should say sorry to ya,” he muttered, “Didn’t know that Omi-omi had a girl at home. I’ve been messing with him since he joined the team.”
         “I’ve been messing with him since I met him, so I’m sure he likes you better than me at this point.”
         “I hate both of you,” Kiyoomi muttered, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.  His chin rested on top of her head. The weight of him was a familiar and pleasant sensation. Today was the first game of the season. Kiyoomi had spent the last two days watching videos of his opponents, trying to figure out their playing styles and ticks. He was nervous, she could feel it in the slight tremor to his body, but the hug told her something else too. Normally, Kiyoomi shied away from public affection. Crowds made him anxious, interviews were something he avoided, and he was laughingly awkward when it came to interacting with fans. The fact that he felt comfortable enough around his teammates to show the softer side of himself, that craved touch as any person did, filled her with warmth.
         Seeing his teammates teasing him loosened the knot of worry she normally carried with her. They’d take care of him when she couldn’t.
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mangacapsaicin · 3 years
are you okay with girls liking yaoi?
i really don't think the framing of questions like this (or like "is it okay for men to like yuri" which is another question i've gotten on this blog which caused...a bit of controversy) are helpful. it doesn't encourage critical thinking about why people engage with certain genres or behaviors wrt the media they consume, and it's too broad to be useful.
fetishizing and commodifying mlm/mlm relationships is undeniably harmful, and there's absolutely no denying that women can be intensely homophobic in their treatment of gay men, and this is absolutely reflected in and influenced by their relationship to the media they consume. but—as i said about men liking yuri—the mere act of enjoying gay romance isn't wrong or unethical no matter who you are. it's more a matter of how you view your relationship to that media, e.g., the homophobic notion that consuming romance between two men is weirder or more shameful than consuming heterosexual romance, or trying to conceptualize the lived experiences of real gay men through the fantasy lens of BL. so whether or not you "like" something often isn't enough to go on when assigning a moral value to it. it's more useful to talk about how you perceive yourself (and others) in relation to it, whether you can engage critically with it and are open to understanding the cultural context and social dynamics in which it exists.
i will also say that BL attracts women for different reasons than yuri attracts men; the gender dynamics are different, so they aren't just two sides of the same coin. for example, i got an ask on my main a while back where i wrote a little about how BL often serves a particular purpose for wlw (mostly bi women ime, but i know some lesbians as well who are into BL) to explore homosexuality at a "safe distance" from their own lived experiences. this logic also applies more broadly to why women, including straight women, are attracted to BL in general though—the fantasy of a romance unburdened by patriarchy (of course, in real life, gay men often have a much more complicated relationship to patriarchy, of which heterosexuality and gender conformity are still essential components). all of this has been written about by a lot of people way smarter and more knowledgeable on the subject than i am, though, so i don't wanna speak too much on it.
speaking of, i do wanna give a shoutout to @fujoshimenacecw which is a new project working to examine the cultural underpinnings and sociopolitical context of BL. if you're interested in critical consumption of BL media this is definitely something to keep an eye on.
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dreadfutures · 3 years
aight let‘s talk ao3 tags again
the very nice tag wrangler I’ll be quoting from has given me permission to share their kind and thorough responses (all bolding/emphasis is mine) without identifying information. and we very nicely go through some of my own tags from my long fic Dead Pasts, Dread Futures. Many, many thanks to this wrangler for explaining so much to me.
Anyway. I present these discussions as a peacable offer of: these are many writers’ concerns, and they are valuable, and worth considering. don’t dismiss concerns about the tag limit off hand, and don’t insist that edge cases don’t matter.
tldr; at the moment, after all this discussion and back and forths and bullying, I still believe that having 75 tags, period, as the limit across ALLCharacters/Relationships/Fandoms/Additional Tags penalizes longfics. Period. If it were even a limit of 100 tags, or broken down by Tag Type, it would be a little more forgiving. For advertising and for content filtering purposes, it only helps writers and fic visibilty to be specific and thorough in tags. A limit like this just so clearly has the potential to negatively affect large fandom/large ensemble/long fics.
It feels like this decision is being very broadly based on a "for the majority" mindset, which has never been what AO3 is about, without actually physically looking at the kinds of fics it will affect. The tag system on AO3 has been able to give fic filtering and reader-judgement a nuance that no other platform has accomplished, and longfics and large ensemble fics still, I think, depend on that as both a courtesy and necessity. I saw the rough math someone did and know that almost all fics currently on AO3 are <25k or something like that, and sure, for the average oneshot, or for even a fic <100k, a tag limit that's very strict across all tag categories probably won't be felt at all. But it's clearly something that people who write certain types of fics, and take them very seriously, will feel. Like I genuinely don't want to have a million tags. I want to tag relevant content that allows potential readers to filter & include & exclude my fic as they so choose, but also, if it does show up in their search, I want to give them the information they want to be able to decide if they want to read my fic or not. I don't want to have to put all my content warnings into a giant summary, or into a giant author's note that grows and grows. The tags have been a very helpful way of accomplishing those. Being able to cut down on parallel/synned tags is great, but it still seems like longfics that deal with multiple fandom entries, large casts, and require content warnings will butt up against that limit very quickly.
tag limit discussions:
- long fic writers adding tags as they go
- writers of franchises with many installments and ensemble casts
- writers with extensive content warnings
- use of tags to clarify a filtered tag
- use of tags to demonstrate how content is handled
off the bat - stop being jerks
look, I know objectively fics don’t need to be tagged at all. I lived in the wild west, too, when “lemon” meant anything from the merest mention of arousal to an explicit vanilla sex scene to all out dead dove craziness. a large part of me still is of the opinion that readers should just read shit, and if they decide they don’t like it, just dip. but that’s not what we’re about here. tagging is a kindness that we voluntarily undertake, and it’s also a form of advertising.
tags are useful for their specificity, for filtering and exclusion purposes
(that’s one of the cruxes of the arguments both pro-shippers and antis make: you can filter things! But you can only filter things if they’re tagged.)
I also understand that a few asshole writers have ruined this for all of us by purposefully adding so many tags it slows down the site and makes pages fail to load and hides other fics because the tags take up 10 pages. i also am frustrated with kinkmemers who just have prompt fill fic dumping grounds that span multiple unrelated fandoms and are impossible to navigate.
...the answer is not to suggest to writers that we put all our content warnings and pairings and etc. in our summaries, or our A/Ns, or to insert a first chapter that is a placeholder summary/tags page/world state. tags are useful for their specificity, for filtering and exclusion purposes.
I also have been dealing with people being murderously angry, and super self-righteous and targeting and mean about my own tags, and tags in general. people who are anti-tag are being giant fucking dicks about it. like get over yourselves and let’s just talk about a website function lol. tags are useful for their specificity, for filtering and exclusion purposes.
Alright, so now that we’ve gotten that flippin’ straw argument aside.
The next thing anyone has been doing is going to my page and critiquing my tags. Let’s address redundant tags.
(the wrangler has done this nicely! no ridicule necessary!)
using my fic as an example:
If you tag your fic Female Lavellan/Solas (only), it will show up in the following searches: Inqusitor/Solas, Female Inquisitor/Solas, Lavellan/Solas, Female Lavellan/Solas.  If you tag your fic Inquisitor/Solas (only), it will show up only in the Inquisitor/Solas search and in none of the others.  If you tag with the most specific version, it will show up in the more general versions, but not the other way around. So there's no real reason to tag with the more general tags.
Though I will point out that if you don't use the canonical tag      and tag your character or relationship with a custom name it will      be synned to the nongendered version, because at some point the DA      wranglers decided that they didn't want to make gender      assumptions.  So "Annabelle Lavellan" will be synned to "Lavellan      (Dragon Age)" rather than "Female Lavellan (Dragon Age)", and      someone searching for works with specifically "Female Lavellan"      won't see it.
Response: In the fanfic writers server I'm in, we've talked about how tags work and are supposed to work extensively in the past.  There's just always been a lot of confusion, which I think has been added to when people go and try to double-check for themselves and find instances where this treeing/synning is broken. Someone put out this guide (also here) for AO3 meta text this year, which has been referred to by multiple people in the server, and it says:
What if you wrote a fic for something where there's a movie based on a book, but the movie's really different, and you've used both things that are only in the movie and things that are only in the book? In that case you either tag your fic as both the movie and the book, or see if the fandom has an “all media types” tag and use that instead of the separate tags. If the fandom doesn't have an “all media types” tag yet, you can make one! Just type it in.
“All media types” fandom tags are also useful for cases where there are lots of inter-related series, like Star Wars; there are several tellings of the story in different media but they're interchangeable or overlap significantly, like The Witcher; or the fandom has about a zillion different versions so it's very hard, even impossible, to say which ones your fic does and doesn't fit, like Batman. Use your best judgement as to whether you need to include a more specific fandom tag such as “Batman (Movies 1989-1997)” alongside the “all media types” fandom tag, but try to avoid including very many. The point of the “all media types” tag is to let you leave off the specific tags for every version.
Which I believe is in direct contradiction to guidance to use the most specific tags, so that's definitely one source of confusion. The most recent ao3 meta text guide (https://archiveofourown.org/wrangling_guidelines/2 I think this one) doesn't present itself in a way that makes this clear for writers tagging their own works. The way authors usually go about tagging things (and what's in the FAQ) is to start typing into one of the boxes and look for what populates the drop down, which doesn't lend itself to knowing that there are trees, or knowing what tags are interrelated (it seems like a whole grab bag of tags get suggested, some in-fandom and some outside of fandom, some canon/parent/meta and some children/random freeform, in just about any field you start typing in).
I'm not sure what can really be done about this. Many of us have turned to ao3-comment-of-the-day and their posts about using Tags, and various sources on google, and have clearly come up with a whole load of conflicting advice.
Fundamentally, finding parent/meta tags for a tag as you’re tagging a fic is NOT clear to writers. The fact that a nested and a meta tag can both be suggested one after the other when filling in tags largely contributes to redundant tags.
Writing for Multiple Fandom Entries
Here’s what a tag wrangler had to say about my fandoms:
As with the relationship tree, you can look at the fandom tree  here:      https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Dragon%20Age%20-%20All%20Media%20Types  and see how the fandom tags are related. Going back to your story Rogasha'ghi'lan as an example, it's tagged with Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age (Video Games), Dragon Age - All Media Types, Dragon Age: The Last Court.  But as I said, you only need to tag with the lowest relevant level(s) on the tree in order for your fic to show up under the higher levels.  So if you tag with      Dragon Age: Inquisition and Dragon Age: The Last Court, it will show up not just under those categories, but also under Dragon Age (Video Games) and Dragon Age - All Media Types.  And of course because you've tagged with the specific, if someone searches under, say, Dragon Age (Video Games), but doesn't want Inquisition or Last Court fic, they can use the exclude filter to show only the earlier games.
(So that's two more tags you can remove with no effect on searchability!)
In my (but not only my) own case, I am indeed writing for Origins, DA2, Inquisition, and Last Court extensively within the same fic, so I should be tagging for all of those, specifically, still. In order to make sure my fic is seen by the correct fans, I need multiple specific tags.
Longfic Tag Bloat (adding tags as you write a fic)
And like many other longfic writers, even if I narrow down my character tags only to those with dedicated character arcs longer than 5 chapters, I still have Loads & Loads of Characters (including Dalish from the Chargers!).
A lot of longfic writers I know add characters, relationships, and content warnings as they go along.
At 170 chapters/580k words, Dead Pasts had a ton of important relationships (for example, like Vivienne & Lavellan), and as a story it's nowhere near done. I found myself planning an arc from 171 onward that would introduce a very important relationship (Felassan & Lavellan). This is how longfics end up with so many, many, many character tags and relationship tags, which is another major criticism people seem to have about "people who abuse tags."
A solution that people propose online is "split your fic." Which is actually what I ended up doing...but the old relationships and fandoms from DPDF still apply to Rogasha'ghi'lan, so Rogasha'ghi'lan will have the same number and more tags than DPDF.
If I hadn't split the fic, I would have just kept adding tags to Dead Pasts...and still had the same problem of continually adding tags. They're not superfluous tags: someone who wants to see a plot that is deeply influenced by Vivienne & Lavellan will find that in my fic; someone who is looking to see a major Felassan & Lavellan friendship grow and drive plot will also find that in my fic.
My fic is long; there are other fics that are longer, or are going to be longer, with casts that are just as large or larger, with many relationships, and that's not even talking about content warnings.
Polycule / Relationship Tags
"Tagging a polycule like Iron Bull/Dorian/Lavellan requires four      tags: Bull/Dorian/Lavellan, Bull/Dorian, Bull/Lavellan,      Lavellan/Dorian"
This assumes that people who like Lavellan/Dorian will want to read Iron Bull/Dorian/Lavellan, which is often not the case.  If your story Is Iron Bull/Dorian/Lavellan, tag it that way!  It doesn't make any sense to me to tag with the pairs as well unless the story would be of interest to people who read for that pair, or unless that pair relationship is a big step in the story (like, if you have established Lavellan/Dorian, and then they bring in Bull, you might tag for both that pair and the trio). I mean, you can tag how you like, there's no requirement that tags correspond to content. But for me, personally, if I search on Dagna/Lace Harding (I am weak for dwarf women!) I do not want to get a Dagna/Lace Harding/Sera fic.
My personal tastes don't include poly fics, but several writers I know who write poly fics are adamant that: tons of readers will not know of the possibility of the poly fic until it shows up in a search result, and the individual relationships often are significant to the fics, especially in fics that are not oneshots. For example, a great number of "fav fics" are stumbled-across! We aren't interested in the Sera/Dagna/Lace polycule ourselves, but someone might not have considered it, found it, and said, "Hey! That's my new favorite." But if polycules are segregated and only searchable by the polycule itself, alas, what's the option for visibility at all if not tagging it as Lace/Dagna in addition?
Additional Tags
Knowing when something is a "character" and when something is "additional"
Knowing that "Warrior Lavellan" (or the [Name] Mahariel) would be more useful in an Additional Tag vs. a Character Tag is also something I'm not sure how we're supposed to know? Like, I'm glad to know it now, but it's definitely not at all obvious without you telling me why it would be more useful in Additional vs in Character. Especially when to me: Warrior Lavellan is a character, and the fact that it populated the Character tag for me says that it's a Character. Because like I said, the guidance has been: start typing, and if it appears in the drop down, use it. Or, for example, my friend has the Well of Sorrows personified as a Character. Like an actual character. Does that have to go under Additional Tags, or as a Character? How do I know?
Additional tags as tone/content indicators
A lot of writers / readers have approached the Additional Tags as a surface-level overview of understanding how an author is approaching many topics concerned in the fic. Like, Vivienne is a character in my fic, but specifically I am Vivienne-positive, which I feel is important to denote because she's important to my fic, and she's a divisive character. Mood/tone/theme indicators like "Pro-Vivienne" or "we are Vivienne-positive in this house" (or like Male-Female Friendship, or "Expansive Lore" vs "Lore - Freeform" which denote different things to me) in tags (which in the comments section on the ao3 blog post get derided as "chatty tags") are still important to me, though they're useless or far less likely to be used for filtering. (I had the thesis of the conflict of my fic: “empathy is the enemy of free will” “but hope is a choice” as “chatty tags,” among some that were more mundane but important: “sera shows up late in fic”)
More seriously, there are fics that have content warning tags for filtering purposes but also clarify those content warnings to give context to readers and allow them to make a decision whether or not the content actually fits their preferences, ie, one that specifies domestic abuse as a tag (which would be in the Additional Tags) for filtering purposes but also specifies "domestic abuse not present in x relationship" (which would also be in the Additional Tags, but is useless for filtering purposes, but is immensely helpful and demonstrably used by readers to decide if they're going to even bother reading the author's note of that fic).
People are also nervous that not being able to thoroughly tag content warnings is going to end up with unhappy readers amid all the purity culture flaming that's going on lately.
Like, personally I err on the side of "suck it up, reader, and just read and find out," for a lot of things (not talking about content warnings, but talking about mood/tone additional tags), but also, given that there is already a venue here to let readers know what they're in for...taking that away sucks.
I hate a giant fic summary as much as people hate 10 pages of tags, but at least one can hide tags in their preferences, and likewise the thought of starting a fic up front with a giant author's note that gets continually updated with content warnings also isn't super appealing. Leading with a giant author's note that lays out: this is my world state and this is my character's spec and this is my character's background so you know how I'm going to approach this and these are all of the content warnings for the fic as a whole, just feels like getting into "My Immortal" territory. There's definitely a balance to be had between the art of writing a summary, what to include in an author's note, and what to include in tags, but this still seems like it's going to be fairly limiting for writers in these large franchises, especially for longfics that span a lot of topics.
It feels like this decision is being very broadly based on a "for the majority" mindset, which has never been what AO3 is about, without actually physically looking at the kinds of fics it will affect. The tag system on AO3 has been able to give fic filtering and reader-judgement a nuance that no other platform has accomplished, and longfics and large ensemble fics still, I think, depend on that as both a courtesy and necessity. I saw the rough math someone did and know that almost all fics currently on AO3 are <25k or something like that, and sure, for the average oneshot, or for even a fic <100k, a tag limit that's very strict across all tag categories probably won't be felt at all. But it's clearly something that people who write certain types of fics, and take them very seriously, will feel.
Like I genuinely don't want to have a million tags. I want to tag relevant content that allows potential readers to filter & include & exclude my fic as they so choose, but also, if it does show up in their search, I want to give them the information they want to be able to decide if they want to read my fic or not. I don't want to have to put all my content warnings into a giant summary, or into a giant author's note that grows and grows. The tags have been a very helpful way of accomplishing those. Being able to cut down on parallel/synned tags is great, but it still seems like longfics that deal with multiple fandom entries, large casts, and require content warnings will butt up against that limit very quickly.
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