#i wouldn't trade the one we actually got for the world but i love these a lot. from the one bond movie i've seen it feels very bondy
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bronze-bell · 3 days ago
Victor lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding after Aesop finishes his spiel. Compared to the alternative of Aesop rejecting him without a second thought, locked in his ideals, this is... Surprisingly okay. Good, even. He's considering.
Victor decides to trade in his anguish for about as sweet of a tone as he can muster up right now. Thankfully, his stress makes the shift less unnatural.
"I- I really apologise, Aesop... I didn't mean to blow up in front of you... I-it's just... We're both so stressed, you understand, right? I'm not angry. I could never be angry at you." He lets out a shaky exhale, holding Aesop tighter. "I s-suppose I should do... what you've d-done for me. I'll try and see through... your eyes.".
He twitches internally at the notion. Is he really sweet talking his way out of this?
Yes, he is.
"t-trading one pain for another..." He muses under his breath, thinking. He doesn't speak this next part to Aesop, rather around him, but he quietly hopes he hears regardless. "But it would... be a much d-duller pain, right..? Why is that..." He does not actually question it. He is simply hoping Aesop does.
He needs to play into Aesop's reasoning more. Be empathetic.
"She was n-never cowardly." Victor repeats Aesop's words back to him. "Why would... she d-describe herself as such? Was she... afraid of dying? Or of facing reality? But she- she had a wo-wonderful son to take care of... and protect... so that can't be the one..." He pauses, wondering how to word his next statement without making it sound like an insult. "I- I question your father's convincing, if... if she was scared, up until the end."
Victor hums.
"N-nobody liked you, not... not even yourself, it seems... Of course y-you'd get attached to your father, I understand that, I do..." Victor runs a hand along Aesop's shoulder. A comfort. Both out of genuine care, and the fact that Aesop, from what he knows, responds to it quite well. "It is strange, that... he never at least tried t-to spread your ideas...? Two or three can't have been that - that much of an issue, surely? Oh, but... I suppose he'd have to implant th-the seeds at a young age... if they were t-to grow properly, wouldn't he? And you - you were so alone back then... (...it's not like you had other friends to teach...)"
Victor pauses in his motions, suddenly. Like he'd just realised something.
"....Eliza. You... said there was blood? That can't... be right...? That - that shouldn't be right?? I mean, I be- I believe you, very much! But unless.. Father had gotten violent...? It's strange. Did- did your father always use bromine t-to kill, or was... that only in certain places?" He continues his comforting motions again. If he can pretend hard enough that he isn't incredibly angry with "Father", Aesop will be more accepting of his... Questioning.
"You are a drop in the ocean, Aesop. As much as it pains me to say it, I feel I'm the only one who would miss you... Does it matter, really, how many you've saved? It can't have been hundreds, you're merely one man. And though we have all the time in the world, you'll never be able to save another... Is it worth stressing yourself over?"
"desecrated... I apologise, again, I really lost my head there... I'm sure you gave them a lovely burial... God, what was I thinking... I'm glad the families were lied to, though, some things are better off going unheard..."
"I just... don't see why... why you were kept insside a box for your whole life, Aesop... We learn how to - to talk to others when we're young, and you're... yyounger than me, and yet - yet you never got to learn, until you were tr-trapped in a manor with people that scared you?" He almost absent-mindedly pets Aesop's hair. Almost. "You never... got to learn how to make friends, or learn what b-bad people are like, or what it was like to be loved... I feel sorry for - for you, really, I do... I just don't undersstand why your father would deprive you... of that."
"I'm h-happy here, ar-aren't I? I escaped them, at least for now. A-and a l-lot of the - the others are similar.... After rain... there is sun. Just - just because it hhurts a lot doessn't mean it will last forever.. I don't... think I could stand the - the thought of never g-getting to be w-warm and comfortable again... Could you?" Victor smiles as kindly as he can. Internally, however, he's praying that Aesop will start to see the truth in Victor's words. That the honey will trap him, that the softness will put his brain to sleep. Mr Carl could manipulate a child, but Victor can certainly manipulate an adult.
"Why would I lie to you, Aesop...? Y-you know how I am about the truth of things....! Really, I-i'm sorry for getting in such a fuss! I didn't mean it, I swear... You- you could be mine, if that... would make you feel more ssecure...? I'm Theirs m-more than myself, aren't I? And at... the same time, I'm yours to command... Th-there's no reason y-you have to be just his."
( @yellow-rose-embalmer )
If Aesop had not, perhaps, deposited that letter to nobody in the postbox so that Victor would have something to do, if Aesop had not written far too much while realizing too late he forgot to place his own name on the back after hastily crossing out Victor's own, maybe he would be a little more well-kept. But all of that has happened, all of the past is inescapable, and he cannot hide from it. Only wait for everything to crash down.
And how terrifying it is to wait.
He needed to write everything down anyway, and he would not be surprised if he burned his words once they returned to him. They just needed to be out, and what better way to move them apart from him than to write them and seal them away? He knows the dangers, yes. And if he made a grave mistake, if every bit of goodwill he has scraped together crumbles away, he can only say that it was inevitable. Anyone who found out would do the same. If convincing does not work... but that isn't enough this time, right? Not when death means nothing.
He hasn't bothered to put up his ponytail or get his mask on this morning, not after the sleepless night before. The letter has not been returned. He doesn't know what could be happening, and the terror, the possibility that he's destroyed it all, looms close behind him.
(The letter—or would it be better called a ramble, a confession?— is wrapped in a plain, sturdy envelope, such that he hopes it isn't anything that would stand out. Unfortunately, his handwriting is clearly recognizable as his own, rendering the whole point moot anyway. The envelope bears the first few letters of Victor's name, written several times and crossed out on all of them, but the lack of another addressee is notable. The text's shape and unsteady pace betrays the emotional tension in the writer.)
I'm sorry.
I don't even know what I'm sorry for. For going against that faith you had in me? For taking matters into my own hands and hoping you would never find out? For trying to relieve you of burdens but only trying and failing to soothe my own? You were already asleep, there was no need—
I came here to continue my duty. To free more people. But you were never truly free, you kept returning and I could only grow more ashamed, more unable to face you. If you did not have to wake up, if you were safe and never had to be afraid again... but it doesn't work like that. Not anymore. (I still would not leave you.)
Is it selfish that a part of me... doesn't want to succeed? That I want to have your warmth, your voice, all the things I can't preserve the way I can so much else? If you are comfortable, and happy, does it matter if it happens because you are finally at rest?
I know I have always been here to help. I know it is my duty to reach those meant to die, those who are in too much pain to keep going. (Even now, I wonder if I have reached those who need me the most.) But... I know that you wouldn't see it that way. Nobody does. Mr. Carl, too, knows that this mission is a solitary one. Being able to convince someone to let me guide them is ideal, yes, but... it has, in practice, been impossible. You would not be different, I'm sure. Even if I wish you were, if you ever found out that it was me bringing you to dreamless sleep all those times, I... I would understand if you wanted nothing to do with me anymore. Even as I wish to have your company, I have destroyed your trust, I am sure, and tried to bring you to the other side long before you were ready.
If you would allow me to ask this... please do not tell anyone. I do not know what would happen, and I am already... no, it's not worth thinking about. You will do what you decide is right, and who am I to decide what that is? I have hurt you, have I not? All I wanted to do was make things better for you, and yet...
Once again, I apologize. For everything.
Victor Grantz has been dying, recently. Not in matches, like normal, no. Outside of them, daring to close his tired eyes for a moment before waking up in his room, consumed by a blind panic of where am I what happened oh god— Are They back?? Nobody stole anything, right? Why did they let him revive in his room??
Safe to say, he was on extremely high alert after the first time it happened. But even if he wasn't, he's sure he'd have noticed the look on Aesop's face. The way Aesop wouldn't meet Victor's eyes at all. The way Aesop fiddled with his hands. The way Aesop was, very obviously, guilty.
Something clicks into place, then. So now the question becomes why. And, paranoid as he is, he can't trust it's actually Aesop.
Although, god, if anyone is killing him he hopes it's Aesop. As weird as that sounds. You see, there's no real reason for Victor to be dying. It'd be one thing if his bag was searched, another if his room was, but neither are true. He's made sure of it. (The keys are still in his pocket when he revives, and ordering the letters in a way only he knows leads to the order being perfect afterwards.) It's not torture either, he's certain it's not meant to be.
The only other reason for someone to kill him is... Concern. Worry about him neglecting himself, choosing to reset his body and take him straight to bed rather than argue with him about whether he's okay.
And that is why he hopes it's Aesop. Because that is absolutely something he might do, and it would make him much more at ease.
But he can't just ask Aesop if he's killing him. That likely wouldn't go down well, especially if Aesop isn't the murderer. So he experiments instead.
- - -
He'd pretended to be unconscious on the dining room table. Late enough he knew nobody would walk in on them, and close enough to both of their rooms that it'd give Aesop confidence to solve the mystery for him.
And, well... If the gloved hands and the click of the case didn't give it away, Aesop speaking, quiet and shaky through his mask, definitely did. Victor wills his pounding heart to stop beating so loud. Aesop will catch on to his ruse, surely...
Aesop does, in fact, catch on... Partially. Thank god, he didn't seem to realise what it meant. He asks about a nightmare, though seemingly remembering victor can't answer him. Victor is given reassurance that it'll be over soon, anyway.
He's given a lot of reassurance, actually.
A little scolding, though more concerned than anything else ["You really must take care of yourself better..."],
a few admissions of attachment ["if only you knew how much I care for you..."],
and many, many apologies.
Victor's heart starts to relax from it all, and he wonders if he might actually fall asleep here... before there's a sharp prick in his arm.
Cold floods through him, and it's too heavy to struggle. He falls unconscious within minutes.
He wakes up back in his bed. Nothing is out of order. Well, at least that's calmed most of his nerves...
[this goes on for weeks. Somehow, he finds himself more relaxed each time.]
= = =
The next unusual thing happens with the letter.
Victor would recognise the handwriting anywhere by now, especially when it's addressed to him. Sort of.
Even if he wasn't mildly addicted to reading and pretending people's letters were for him, he'd still itch to open that seal. There's absolutely no address, besides his own, half formed and shaky.
He can't be blamed if he doesn't know where to go, right? He's just being diligent, right? [He burns with curiosity, taking the letter into his room as subtly as he can, so he can pore over every detail.]
There is no name here, either. But what he does get is so much more... Fascinating, in a sense. It's a terrible thing, he knows, but he can't stop himself from being entranced at the pure emotion dripping off of Aesop's every word.
It's a secret. Just for him.
+ + +
If not for the subject matter he'd be feeling both sick and rather giddy at the chance. (At the moment he just feels the instinctual crawling nausea of something to hide from Them. He swats it away.)
It's funny, how mere weeks ago he thought Aesop was like Them, but it's even clearer now that he's not, and never will be. Victor doesn't see what Aesop does, but Aesop happens to have painted a very easy picture for Victor to see.
It's love, above all else. It's guilt, it's apology, it's longing, it's protection, it's caring. Victor understands Aesop better than anyone else, and this only proves it. He can connect with that emotion, hold it in his hands and press his face against it to feel the warmth.
Nobody else will understand. It's his secret to keep. But unfortunately for Victor's desire to stare at it for hours, this is still technically supposed to be delivered.
He puts the secret back in its envelope, not bothering to re-melt the wax like usual, locks up his room, and walks to Aesop's door. (If it had been back then, he would have been punished for not being punctual. But, they tended to give exceptions to unclear delivery instructions...)
× × ×
"Mr Carl?" He speaks quietly into the wood of the door. "Is this letter yours?"
It's selfish of him, but he can't wait for the reply.
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the-valiant-valkyrie · 1 year ago
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wanted a compilation of some of my favorite unused scenes for the spy and the liar intro bc i think about these things all the time
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s1rawb3rry · 5 days ago
Cupid’s arrow has struck… the wrong target!
Oh cupid… do you love me, or do you love me not?
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synopsis: As a cupid, Y/N's job has always been to make people fall in love– that has been her task for centuries. However, everything goes horribly wrong when Jake accidentally locks eyes with her instead of his intended match. Now, she's stuck with a hopelessly in-love Jake, following her around like a lovesick puppy. The worst part? Cupids aren’t allowed to fall in love…
word count: 10.3k
warnings: fluff fluff fluff, no smut, maybe a little suggestive, absolutely smitten and hopelessly in love jake, he fell first and fell harder, acts of service jake, jake is somewhat yn's boss, magic (???)
genres: office au, cupid au, rom-com, slow burn
pairing: enhypen Jake x reader
featuring: Chungha
a/n: oh my god this took FOREVER but im so glad its done im so happy with it hehe
Taglist: @heestoleurgirl @stariekis @jaehoodies @morganaawriterr @luvashli@kireistrawberryjayla @annovaz @bambieheeseunglee @firstclassjaylee @flowerwinds @veilstqr(comment if you want me to add / remove you from the list <3)
Cupids don’t wear halos and wings, or float around on fluffy clouds. At least, not anymore. We live among humans, blending in seamlessly, living for the purpose of matchmaking. Year round, we work behind the scenes of every soulmate pairing. This has been my classified, top secret occupation in the world for centuries, that I wouldn't trade for anything. When I'm off the clock, I work at a dull office job– that I love!– but it's boring enough to allow me to keep up with my much more important tasks. 
Seeing my Boss slowly making his way near my desk, I planted my hands on my keyboard and started to type away, pretending to be fully immersed in the spreadsheets that are on my computers. In actuality, my mind was completely preoccupied, I kept eyeing the thin paper folder with the name “J.S.” on it. I was assigned my last assignment before my much-needed “cupid break”. The thought of rest made me giddy enough to move my hips in my office chair and hum an off tune harmony. 
“What's the matter with you?” Chungha asked once she noticed my movement, her desk in front of mine. I smiled like a kid on christmas, well really rest did feel like christmas to me, “i got my final assignment before my break. I just have to find this Jake Sim.” I whispered to her. She smiled, sharing my excitement. Chungha has been one of my, if not the, closest friends for years. She is the person who knows everything about me, she knows me like the back of her hand. She is the one and only person that I could ever trust with this secret job. 
“I swear I heard that name not too long ago… “ she said, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration, trying to remember. I jump in my seat, lean forward to reach her desk and hold her hand in mine, “I beg you, tell me who he is so I can go into this break early.” I whisper-yelled, misery clear in my voice.
As she was laughing at my desperation, the clear glass office door swung open with an exaggerated creak. Our Boss strides in like a man who will make the biggest announcement of the decade, again. He always makes this grade entry, makes you feel like he will say something important, only for you to find out it's absolutely nothing. His dramatic flair is only rivaled by his complete lack of self-awareness. I suppress an eye roll and stare back at my spreadsheets, these seem way more interesting in fact. 
“Team!” he calls out, his voice booming as he stands at the front of the office room, making a couple chairs turn around and make multiple people stop talking and clicking their keyboards. “I’d like you all to meet your new supervisor for the upcoming project I already told you about–” he told us about a new project? – “This is Jake Sim, our new project manager. So he will only be here for a couple of months until the deal with the other company is sealed.”
My eyes widened and my ears perked up when I heard that name. I glanced at Chugha who was already looking at me with that same bulging eyes. There he is– Jake, my new assignment. He stood tall in the sharp lines of his suit, his dark hair neatly swept back, and his dark eyes carrying a quiet intensity. As the Boss continued talking, jake gave the group a friendly but reserved smile. As his eyes were scanning the room, as if he's trying to memorise our faces. I tried to follow his gaze to get his perspective on my colleagues. Maybe I can find his pair in the office?
As my eyes look back at him, our eyes lock. He held it for a second before he gave me another polite smile. I returned the smile fast enough before he continued his scan of the room. I perch up on my seat when I notice Jake staring for longer than usual at the other side. My eyes land on a coworker, Mira. Both of them also exchange a polite smile. 
As the boss continued to babble about the new project, that familiar feeling comes to me: when an idea of a couple clicks in my mind. Jake and Mira, they seem perfect together, well on paper they do. I open my Jake’s paper file and quickly read the notes written on him, trying to confirm to myself that he is a perfect match for Mira. Warm personality. Charismatic. Loyal. Energetic… Oh, it’s spot on.
“Alright team, that's all for today. You can get back to your work.” he wrapped up his speech, which dragged on longer than needed, motioned to Jake to follow him. Jake smiled and nodded his head at us one last time before turning his back on us. I clicked my pen and started scribbling some notes about Mira in Jake’s file. I can not waste time on a case like this. I can get in and out quickly out of it, sending them on their merry way. I beamed with excitement, unwrapping a chocolate covered almond from my drawer and popping it in my mouth.
“I remember now where I heard his name,” Chungha whispered to me. I looked up from my notes, paying my attention back to her. “He has been going to the café I always go to after work. I heard the barista always calling his name, that's why it's familiar.” 
“Wait, that's perfect,” I said as the idea sparked in my mind, “if we can get Mira to come with us to the café, I can absolutely do the job there.” I continued with Chungha nodding at me. “Leave it to me, I will ask her.” she said, getting up from her office chair. I watched as she walked over to Mira, starting up a conversation with her. A moment later, her head turns to me, smiling, I smile back and do a little wave to her. 
I pull my eyes from her, when I notice the light of the office in front of us turn on. That office is almost always empty, so my surprise grew when I saw Jake again, standing at the doorstep with a small moving box. He walked over to the desk and placed the box on it. Oh that's his office now. Well, him being right across from us just made my job a whole lot easier. I can monitor the progress of my work firsthand, almost front-row seat to a movie I directed.  
As the workday wrapped up, the three of us settled on a table in the café, the scent of bitter roasted coffee beans filled the air, making me wrinkle my nose each time the barista made a new espresso. Mira and Chungha were chattering up a storm, drinking their coffee orders while I stirred my strawberry milkshake’s straw absentmindedly, barely registering anything that is being said. My focus was set on the door, waiting for him, in any minute, to come in. Every second that passes is a second closer to my break. I take a sip of my drink, trying to suppress my excitement.
Yet, nature called at the worst moment, “I'll be right back, I need to use the restroom,” I said, sliding out of my seat and leaving my milkshake barely touched. They nod at me before returning to their conversation. 
As I step out a few minutes later, wiping my hands on a paper towel, I pause just outside the restroom door. As if it’s a twist from fate, I find myself standing in a perfect spot to have the perfect shot. Jake was standing, waiting for his coffee, not noticing me. His position is exactly where I need him, flawlessly aligned with Mira. Excitement ran through me, It’s almost too perfect. 
Almost there… One clean shot– quick and easy.
Letting my muscle memory instinctively reach for a cupid arrow, I take a steady breath and discreetly wind up my arrow. My heart bubbles in my chest in anticipation. Just as I’m about to let the arrow fly…
“Hey, did you notice that–” Chungha said, coming from behind me, disturbing the silence.
I gasped, her sudden loud voice making me jump forward and making my heart leap to my throat. My hand jerks, my aim going completely rogue, accidentally hitting Jake. I gasped again, “oh my god, no!” panic sets in my bones as I walk forward to try to recover the arrow.  Before I can even process the rest, my foot catches on a stray chair leg making my world tilt. 
I closed my eyes, bracing my fall before I felt two tight arms around me, steadying me effortlessly. When air got back to my lungs, I opened my eyes to find Jake's face inches away from mine. Oh dear god, please no… “I’m so sorry,” I said, the words left out of my mouth with my mind running much faster. Am I sorry that I fell or that I accidentally struck him? This was not supposed to happen. He was supposed to see Mira, not me. 
His usual polite warmth in his expression softens into something more tender, something deeper. His brows furrow just a little, as if he's suddenly aware of a feeling—a feeling that stirs something in him undeniable. The more I look at his eyes, the more my plan crumbles.
“Are you okay?” Jake asks, his voice low and surprisingly gentle, his gaze lingering a little too long. His grip on me is still tight, my heart and stomach felt twisted in knots, as if they were bound together. This doesn’t feel like love—it feels more like alarms blaring in my mind.
Chungha, my traitor of a best friend, noticed the mistake she just made. Her eyes darted between us, her face painted with realization. I could see her from the side of my eyes trying to come up with a last-minute fallback plan.
“No way!” she exclaimed almost cartoonishly with an exaggerated gasp, practically lunged forward tugging me out of his grip with force, “I—uh—I forgot something at the office! Come on, let’s go!” she lied, turning her heel to the opposite side of the cafe, with my heels right behind her.
With my heart still pounding, I slapped a 20 dollar bill on our table, grabbed my coat and pushed both Mira and Chungha out of the café. I could feel his piercing gaze on me as we were shuffling out of the café. He was still looking at me as I was walking away—like I was the center of his universe. 
Later that night, I stood in my dimly lit kitchen, surrounded by flour, sugar and butter. My stand mixer whirring loudly with the warm smell of cookies coming from my oven. My hands trembled as I measured out the flour, my mind still reeling from everything that had just happened. I turned off the mixer, slowly adding the flour.
Chungha leaned against the kitchen counter, looking in the oven to see the cookies. Then her eyes landed on the already freshly baked cookies on the counter, still warm. She watched my unsteady movement with a confused expression, her eyes held concern. “This is the batch number…?” she asks, leaving the question for me to finish.  
I exhaled a shaky breath, trying to steady myself and my hands. “Baking calms me down,” I muttered, my voice tense, matching how my muscles felt, “besides, it’s the only thing that doesn’t make my head feel like it’s about to explode.”
“I’m sorry…” she said quietly after a moment passed, her voice full of guilt, referring back to what happened in the café. I sighed in defeat, putting down the mixing bowl. I gave her a weak but genuine smile, “it's not your fault. I'm the one who was impatient,” I said before going back to my bowl, “I never rushed the process of pairing a couple, look where that got me…"I trailed off, scraping the side of the bowl a little too roughly. 
She stayed silent, looking at me, waiting for me to actually explode. My frustration bubbled up again when I dropped my spoon on the floor, even dropping spoons is putting me on edge. I pinched the bridge of my nose and took a deep breath to ground myself, “this whole situation is too risky,” I started once Chungha picked up my spoon and started washing it. 
“Men liked me before, but none were under the influence of a Cupid’s arrow. It's just too strong. If this goes wrong, if I fall in love, I will systematically lose my job. I love my job, you know that.” I rambled, pouring out what's in my heart.
Chungha was silent, listening to me, “So… what now?” she asked, uncertainty laced her voice.
I exhaled a shaky breath, turning back to my mixing bowl, “I have one week. A week before the arrow’s effect turns into true feelings.” I said, grabbing a new, clean mixing spoon, not sure if I was trying to focus on the dough or just distract myself from my spiraling thoughts. My hands moved automatically, though my mind raced, “I have a week before this turns into a full-on disaster. If I don’t reverse the arrow in time.”
“That’s not a lot of time.” Chungha commented, taking a cookie. “You're not helping, Chungie,” I grumbled. She laughed, biting into a cookie, “don’t worry, we’re in this mess together.” she said, her hands found my tense shoulders, reassuring me. I just nodded, leaning into her. 
I began to bake again, the nervous energy inside me didn’t dissipate. There was no time to waste. I couldn’t let him genuinely fall in love with me. Not when everything I’d worked for hung in the balance. My hands shook slightly as I carefully scooped the cookie dough onto the tray. I close my eyes for a second. 
Focus. One week. I can reverse the arrow’s effect. I have to reverse it. 
♥︎ DAY 1 ♥︎
I strolled into the office with my heels clicking behind me. I readjusted my purse on my shoulder when I noticed a pink drink sitting beside my keyboard. Condensation beads down the plastic cup, the whipped cream still holding its shape—fresh. 
“You got me a milkshake?” I gasped in awe, turning to Chungha. She appeared from behind her screen, brows knitted together, “I got you a milkshake?” she echoed my question, leaning to the side to see what I’m talking about. 
I blink at her as if she just sprouted another head. "Yes, this!" I said, looking back at the milkshake, squinting at a small sticky note attached to the side of it. I carefully unstick it from the drink, holding it like it’s evidence in a crime scene. 
forgive me for making you leave early yesterday… - Jake
I closed my eyes hoping, wishing, the earth would open up and swallow me. Of course it was him. Chunghun leaned forward to catch the note, squinting. A smile grew on her face, “okay, you gotta admit that this is cute.” I shoot her a glare, “I need to thank him.” I said, placing my purse on my desk and grabbing the milkshake. Chungha’s grin widened at my announcement, “you caused this.” I reminded her playfully before leaving.
Each step I took toward his glass-walled office feels oddly heavy. It’s just a thank-you. Nothing more, not a big deal. Knocking the door twice made Jake turn around. His eyes brightened when he saw me, just like a puppy who was told they will go on a walk.
“Hello, sir,” I greeted, the milkshake suddenly felt a little too heavy in my hands. 
"Good morning," he says, a smile full of warmth and admiration spread across his face. Oh, he got it bad…
I held up the milkshake, "Thanks for this. You really didn’t have to." I said, returning the smile sheepishly. 
His eyes glowed with adoration, "Consider it an apology. Hope I got the right flavor?" he said, motioning to the milkshake. I should be the one apologising.
Then it dawned on me, he did remember the flavor… "Yeah," I say, my voice softer than I mean it to be. "You did."
He opened his mouth to say something, but a sudden interruption from outside the office stopped him, “Team!” our Boss shouted before his voice became muffled to me. Slightly jolting, I gave Jake an apologetic look, “I must go. Thank you again for the milkshake, sir.” I said, watching him walking towards me. 
“Jake,” he said, as if he’s correcting me. His gaze flickering between my eyes.
I stared blankly at him, “I’m sorry?” 
“Please, call me Jake.” 
Avoiding him was proven to be impossible. It started off small: he held the elevator door open for me even when I was still ten steps away, he would offer to buy me anything and everything the cafeteria offered, even suggesting ordering something. But now it was the worst situation. We had a meeting before we could leave for the day, something about that project the Boss keeps fussing about. Focusing, however, was beyond me.
Between Jake sitting besides me and the lack of sleep last night, my brain was running on fumes. The anxiety of this whole situation tangled itself around me, and that damn milkshake moment kept playing in my head like a broken record. I blinked hard, trying to fight off the weight of exhaustion dragging my eyelids down. My notes in front of me blurred together. The voices in the room became distant, background noise to the quiet battle I was losing against sleep. 
A small piece of folded paper appeared on the table in front of  me. From the corner of my eye, I saw Jake's hand retreating back to his side. I tried to decipher his face from the position i was in, but his expression was unreadable. Carefully, without trying to pull attention towards us, I unfolded the note. 
Are you feeling okay?
I stared at his handwriting in black ink, oddly neat, like he had taken his time. I reached for my own red pen, scribbling down how I just didn't sleep well last night. I refolded the paper, sliding it back to him. A few seconds later, his response appeared in front of me.
Close your eyes. I can cover for you.
I almost snorted, exhaustion making everything funny now. What is he even talking about? Hesitating only for a moment, I grabbed my pen and scribbled back something. I straighten my back, trying to wake myself up. Again, his response popped up in front of me. 
Trust me on this one. No one will notice.
I frowned in confusion, but before I could decide on how to respond, he subtly tilted his body, his broad shoulders blocking me from view. All I could see was his back and how everyone else was listening to the meeting.
Slowly, undeniable fatigue took over me, making me shut my eyes. 
“Hey… Wake up.” 
A hand shook my shoulder gently,  pulling me from the depths of my nap. I stirred, my mind still heavy with exhaustion, before I finally blinked my way back into consciousness. Once my vision focused, I found Chungha standing beside me, casually packing my notepad and pens into my purse. 
“Meeting’s over,” she announced, tilting her head. “I was this close to tucking you in and leaving you here." she laughed, putting my purse on my lap. I groaned, stretching out my arms as I forced myself upright. My body still felt sluggish, my brain foggy from sleep. The conference room was empty now—everyone was gone.
 “Now, come on, let’s go eat something. I’m starving…” she grumbled, heading towards the door. As I stood up and slung my purse over my shoulder, I slipped my hands into my coat pockets out of habit. The sleepiness fog vanished the moment I felt a piece of paper already in my pocket. I pulled it out only to find very similar handwriting in black ink.
Didn’t have the heart to wake you up.
It wasn’t signed, but it didn’t need to be. 
♥︎ DAY 3 ♥︎
I had spent the last two days trying every trick, every strategy, everything and anything in my power to undo this ridiculous mistake. Yet, every desperate attempt led me to a dead end. It was completely hopeless. 
I tried acting uninterested, distant, cold, downright dismissive towards him. Jake would greet me every morning, warm smiles and bright eyes. It took every ounce of willpower not to match his puppy-like energy, to keep my response flat and indifferent. "Morning," I’d say, voice devoid of emotion. But no matter how lifeless I sounded, his grin never wavered. 
I also attempted to make him lose hope by acting like I have a ‘secret office admirer’, Chungha’s idea. We thought, maybe, this would make him give up on me.
“Are you sure this will work?” I whispered, watching her place a vase of flowers– that she picked– onto my desk. She shrugged at me as we eye the soft yellow and white rose bouquet with a small note. It looks legitimate, at least in my eyes. I sighed as I popped a chocolate covered almond in my mouth.
When I felt Jake’s presence coming closer, I started acting as if I just noticed the bouquet, putting on a full play in front of Chungha. His steps slowed as he passed my desk a few steps away, watching me pull out the note that was with the roses. I made sure to read out the note in a loud voice, I cleared my voice, "To the most beautiful woman in the office. I hope these flowers bring you as much joy as your smile brings me, your secret admirer." I read, acting surprised while turning to Chungha, “that is adorable.” she played along, smiling.
His chuckling made me turn my head towards him, “didn’t know there were secret admirers in this office…” he muttered, hands in his pants pockets, his tone dripping with amusement. I glanced at Chungha who’s now completely turned away from us, speaking to another colleague. 
He bent down his head a little to read the note in my hand, his cologne was woody and intoxicating. I could see his slicked back, soft, black strands. His closeness made a fluttering warmth spread through my chest. “What’s funny is that they call themselves an admirer…” he started, his voice snapping me back to reality, “... yet they got your favorite color wrong.” he said, eyeing my outfit, my accessories, my desk decorations– all pink. He looked at me one last time in the eyes before turning his heels, leaving my heart into a wild, nervous rhythm and warmth rising to my face. 
That was not the intended effect, and not on the right person.
Desperate times called for unflattering, repulsive measures. I was standing next to the vending machine after buying myself a Coke. Jake and a couple other colleagues were standing on the other side, chatting away. Perfect position. 
I took a long, fast and exaggerated sip of Coke, stood for a moment when I felt the carbonation bubble up in my chest. I eyed Chungha who was on her phone, slowly sipping her coffee. 
Then, it erupted like a thunderstorm. A loud, unexpected burp that could’ve registered on the Richter scale. Chungha choked on her coffee, the room fell silent, eyes were on me. I stood there, waiting. Surely, this would do it. No one finds that attractive.
Jake burst into laughter, his eyes glistening with adoration, “Impressive," he said, smiling and nodding before turning back to his conversation.
I turned back to Chungha, my jaw to the floor, “oh he didn’t find that disgusting. Quite the opposite.” she whispered to me, smiling in amusement, “I want to throw my Coke at him.”
I told myself that the next time he compliments me, i would be ready to shut it down. I was standing next to the printer, waiting for it to finish printing a paper that the Boss asked me to finalise. Jake passed by me, his eyes shimmered with light when he noticed me. "You look nice today." he said, stopping right dead in his tracks. 
Bingo. I smiled sweetly, itching to put on another play. "Oh, thanks! I haven’t washed my hair in three days." I beamed, brushing my hair with my hands. A normal person would recoil. A sane person would be appalled. But him?
"Still looks stunning," he said easily, tilting his head. "What’s your secret?"
I wanted to scream. Who gave him permission to be this… tantalizing? 
If I couldn’t drive him away with disgust, maybe I could with annoyance, if I just bother him enough to make him lose interest. I thought about barging into his office every hour or so, each time asking for something different but completely useless. I thought that if I just got under his skin, he would get tired of seeing me. I already went in, asking for a stapler, even though both him and I know I have one on my desk. Yet he gave me his without hesitation.
Half an hour later, I stood in front of his office door again, knocking as hard as I could, making sure that even my knocking was irritable to listen to. I opened the door after I heard a faint ‘come in’ from the other side.
I walked into his office as if I owned it. "What are you working on?" I asked him, as if he's not my higher up and could fire me. He looked up from his laptop, amused. "Something very important," he replied, still smiling.
Each time I left, I felt a little more defeated.
Twenty minutes later, I was back at his office. "Still working on something important?" I asked. Oh my god please, any reaction.
This time, he just laughed and shook his head. "You tell me. You seem very interested." he grinned, his arm propped up with his head resting in his hand. I stared at him, searching for a flicker of frustration, anything to indicate he was growing tired of this. But no, he looked at me like I was the one who painted the sky.
Then, I decided to really test how far I could push him. “Hey… uhh…” I squinted at him, tapping my forehead as if I’m really trying to remember something, “What was your name again?” I asked, trying to act casual, pulling out some chocolate covered almonds from my pockets and popping them in my mouth. This reverse the arrow mission will actually get me fired.
He raised an eyebrow, but there was no sign of irritation, only humor. Jake let out a soft laugh, shaking his head in return. Slowly, he pointed to his nameplate that’s on his desk. “Jake Sim,” he said, dragging out his name with a knowing smile.
I stared at him for a second. Was he really going to play along with this? Did he seriously not mind being the target of my ridiculous antics?
♥︎ DAY 5 ♥︎
I was in front of my computer’s screen, the room was filled with the sounds of keyboards clicking and telephones ringing. Focusing on any type of work was impossible, all I could think about was him. I thought to myself that I should still try to set him up with someone else, Just get him interested in someone. I leaned back into my chair, my gaze following Jake who was at the water cooler. He was standing casually, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up just enough to show off his forearms. The way he moved—effortless, composed, yet somehow magnetic—was enough to make my thoughts spin out of control.
Before I could talk myself out of it, I flew up from my chair and headed towards his direction. “Hello, sir,” I said, politely. Oh suddenly I remembered what manners are…
He turned around his signature warm smile appearing the moment our eyes met. “Hey,” he replied, voice as smooth as ever. “Need a refill too?”
“Yeah, just a little,” I replied, but before I could move, he already took another cup. After he filled the other cup, he handed it to me. “Thank you, sir.” 
He huffed a laugh, “you know, the ‘sir’ ages me by a lot.”
“Right, I’m sorry. I forgot.” I said with a soft laugh.
We both stood there, side by side, the silence almost comfortable but the tension between us thickening. Then I broke the silence, “You know, don’t you think Mira is cute?” I asked, trying to sound natural as I fiddled with my paper cup filled with water. “I mean, she’s very elegant. Charming. Professional as well, don’t you think?”
Jake nodded, listening intently, but I noticed him drifting his gaze lower. I froze, my breath catching as I saw his fingers carefully adjust the small cupid bow-and-arrow pendant on my necklace that had somehow gotten tangled. His touch was so gentle, almost like he was afraid to hurt it—or maybe afraid to hurt me. My heart skipped a beat as he carefully set it back in place, and for a moment, everything seemed to slow.
His focus was still on me, his eyes lingered on mine for a heartbeat longer than I expected. And when he spoke, his voice was so sincere, it made my chest tighten. “She’s okay,” he shrugged, “but she’s not what I’m looking for.” His gaze never wavered, locking with mine as if trying to make sure I understood every word, every feeling behind them.
Later that day, I went to the restroom before heading home for the day. As I was walking towards my desk, I noticed a couple familiar candy wrappers on my desk with a sticky note next to them. They were my chocolate covered almonds, the same brand even. I pulled the sticky note and stared at the neat handwriting, the words so simple, but they made my heart flutter more than it should have. 
It simply read, enjoy. Again, not signed. 
My fingers lingered over the edges of the paper, tracing the strokes of his pen. I stuffed the sticky note into the drawer of my desk, trying to ignore the strange feeling in my chest. But even with it hidden away, the flutter in my chest didn’t go away. If anything, it only grew stronger. I wasn’t supposed to feel this way. I couldn’t let myself feel this way.
♥︎ DAY 7 ♥︎
It was almost the end of Monday, and I felt completely defeated. None of the tricks had worked. Not the cold, distant act, not the jealousy plan, not even trying to be completely gross—nothing. Every strategy I tried to reverse the effects of that damn arrow had failed. It was like Jake just couldn’t be swayed. I was beyond tired, drained in every way. I hadn’t even seen Jake all day, and that should’ve been a relief. but honestly, it instead felt like something was missing. Every time I passed his office, there was a strange ache in my chest.
By the time the clock finally struck five, I gathered my things, shoved them into my bag, and walked out of my office. Today was the last day to reverse the effect, I’m seriously fucked. 
As soon as I stepped outside, the sky opened up, and rain poured down in sheets. The cold wind cut through my jacket, and my already exhausted mind screamed at me to just hurry up and get home. Groaning, I fumbled with my purse, mentally preparing myself for the walk home. 
“don’t tell me you're walking home in this.” a voice called out from behind me, cutting through the sound of the rain.
I turned around, I saw Jake with his bag in one hand and an umbrella in another. His hair was slightly messy, but still looking incredibly soft. His blazer was draped over his arm, leaving him in his button down white shirt. I forced a laughed, “"It’s fine. I don’t live that far," I said, trying to downplay how miserable I felt. "Really, it’ll just take a minute."
His eyes told me didn’t seem convinced, though. “Let me give you a ride home,” he offered in a heartbeat, but I quickly shook my head. “I’m fine, sir. Really, I—”
Before I could finish my sentence, he interrupted, pulling off his jacket and holding it out to me. "Take my jacket at least," he insisted. As I hesitated to say no, he held up his blazer in front of me, the insides of the blazer facing me. I sighed in defeat– more like too exhausted to argue– and slid my arms into it while he held it for me. As I was fixing the collar, he gently pulled my hair out from underneath the blazer. His fingers traced my neck, leaving hot trails behind. I turned around to see strands of hair falling on his forehead. 
"Here, take this too. You will catch a cold." he muttered, handing me his black umbrella. “Thank you, really…” I said, flustered by the gesture. He flashed a warm smile, “anytime.”
without another word, he turned and ran toward his car, the rain pelting his back. As he reached his car, he paused and turned to wave at me. I watched him, feeling an unexpected warmth spread through me. He looked like a soaked puppy—wet, tousled, and far too endearing for his own good. It made my heart give a little thump.
"See you tomorrow!" he shouted, his voice muffled by the rain.
I waved back, an involuntary smile tugging at my lips. As I watched him get into his car and drive off, I had accepted the fact that he was in love with me. But that does not mean I will fall for him. Ever. 
Pulling the jacket tighter around me, the weight of his gesture still warms me. As I was walking in the opposite direction towards my apartment, I instinctively reached out for my phone and put my hands in his blazer’s pockets thinking it was mine. I frowned as I felt small wrapped spheres in the pocket. Pulling it out, I found a familiar sight: my chocolate almonds.
I let out a quiet laugh, shaking my head, despite the growing flutter in my chest. That idiot really was hopeless.
A few weeks have passed after the arrow’s effect has indefinitely settled in. My cupid duties have been on pause for a while, but not the office job. Our Boss kept on giving me– and it seemed like it was only me– many different tasks to finish for this upcoming project that forced me to stay late, after my usual office hours. 
The office was nearly empty. The usual hum of ringing phones and clicking keyboards had long since faded, leaving only the soft buzz of overhead lights. I leaned in my office chair with a sigh, rubbing my burning eyes from my screen. My documents were scattered around, words blurring together and losing their meaning. 
Despite all my attempts, my mind circles back to Jake. Guilt was eating me alive as I felt like I ruined his life, his love life. He was meant to fall in love with someone who can be with him, someone whose world aligned with his own. The guilt was so unbearable that I started avoiding him. I would turn to the opposite way whenever I sense he's nearby, I would be late for meetings on purpose so I could sit away from him, I would take the stairs so I don’t cross pathways with him in the elevator, I would make it seem like i get an important phone call each time I see him coming my way. I could see that it hurts him, but my remorse was overwhelming. Slowly but surely, his own attempts to speak to me reduced.
Even though his office wasn’t in my line of vision, I could sense his gaze on me from time to time. He was also still in his office, only his desk lamp was on, with him clicking away, very concentrated on his own computer. Whenever I stayed late at the office, Jake seemed to always be there too, leaving only us on our floor. He would never say anything to me, he wouldn't even step inside the shared workspace. He would stay in his office, but I could feel his presence from across the office. 
My eyes scanned over to the clock, 1:12 am. I took a deep breath and returned back to my screen. The sound of a foot creaking open made me stop reading a sentence midway. I didn’t need to look up to know who it was. His footsteps were slow, but purposeful as he made his way to my desk.
“You’re working way too hard.” Jake’s voice was softer than I expected, like he was choosing his words carefully, with his hands in his pockets. I couldn’t help but let out a breathy laugh. Before I could shut him down, he continued, “Do Cupids get paid overtime as well?”
My grip on my mouse tightened, my heart stilled. For a split second, I thought I misheard him. Surely the lack of sleep made me a little delirious. My eyes looked up at him before I could stop them, Jake had this knowing expression.
My stomach twisted in knots, my head is spinning, “I think you should head home, sir.” I dismissed, my eyes locking back to my screen with a thumping heart. God please tell me I’m imagining this…
He glanced down at the scattered notes on my desk before his gaze flickered back to me, “It’s funny, isn’t it?” Jake said, his smile not reaching his eyes, “You can make people fall in love… but you don’t know what to do when it happens to you.”
I swallowed hard, trying to stay still, unreadable even though every nerve in my body was on high alert. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Jake raised a brow. “Really? You have no clue what I’m talking about?”
“No clue.”
He let out a quiet exhale, his expression unreadable. A moment has passed of complete silence, I was praying that the earth’s crust would crack open and swallow me. 
“At first, I just had a feeling that something was up...” His voice wasn’t accusing or even angry, just observant. “Miss. Chungha slipped up and said something about how you ‘messed up’ the matchmaking…” the more he spoke, the more my chest tightened itself on my pounding heart. 
“And then,” he continued, watching me carefully, “I saw your open files on your desk a couple of times, with the names of couples you helped.” I winced, I should’ve been more careful.  
The fragile rawness of my soul felt like it was on open display. It felt like he had carefully taken apart every building block of my defense that i had built and was looking at what was is actually underneath.
The feeling of guilt emerges once again when I look at his sincere eyes. I felt like a deceiver and a liar, he had to know at this point, there was nothing left to hide. I sat up straighter than I already was, forcing my voice to stay even and failing miserably, “the love you feel for me isn’t real. I was supposed to matchmake you with someone—”
“I know.” he said it softly, with certainty.
I blinked, “what?”
Jake tilted his head slightly, watching my reaction as if he were giving me a moment to process it, a soft smile on his lips. “I know about the arrow, Y/N.” He said my name so gently it made my chest ache, my heartbeat pounded in my ears. “I’ve known for a while.” 
“However…” he said, leaning on a desk that was near mine, “i think the effect wore off faster than it should have. I think two days later I was feeling normal again.”
I closed my eyes to ease my beating heart, exhaustion and this deranged conversation was a dangerous mix at this hour,  “that’s impossible.” 
“If I had a choice,” he said, making me open my eyes and look up at him again, “I’d still want you.” He held my gaze before looking at my lips and then back into my eyes. 
I could no longer compute rational thoughts, or any thoughts at that. The world was spinning and steady all at once. Jake straightened himself and turned his heels towards the exit, “Don’t stay too late, okay?” his voice called out before he left, without facing him. 
He left me with my heart racing, feeling completely ruined. The weight of it all pressed down on me as tears fell down. I couldn’t pinpoint what exactly was making me cry– Jake finding out my sworn secret? Jake knowing I messed up on said secret job? or the fact that I have been feeling my powers slipping away? The thought of losing everything I had fought for because of my growing feelings was unbearable. My tears unraveled faster than my realisation that I actually fell for him.
As if my life couldn’t be any harder, our Boss announced an emergency work trip across the country for a couple of client meetings, big ones at that. The kind that could define the next few months of the company’s future. Our trip was a haze for me, I stayed near either Chungha or Mira the entire time. My jake avoidance persisted despite the tension in the air, if i just act like none of this exists, it won’t affect me. 
Before I knew it, we were off the plane and checked into our individual hotel rooms. The hotel lobby had this muted hum of chatter and telephones ringing filling the space. As to not waste time, we were all immediately called down for the first client meeting. As I sat down, my B oss handed me a notepad with a pen, “please, take notes during the meeting.” I just nodded, no energy left in me to argue.
As usual, Jake was running the presentation. Though, this serious and composed attitude was a side of him that I hadn’t seen before. It caught me off guard, the way he stood at the front of the room, the projector illuminating his face as he explained the new project to the clients. His voice was steady, authoritative, and it was clear he was in his element. 
My notepad and pen sat in front of me, waiting to be used. But as the meeting progressed, I found my focus drifting from the content of the presentation to Jake. my eyes kept following his movements, how his hands gesture as he explained the key points, how his fingers occasionally adjusted his tie or brushed his hair back in that absent-minded way. The way his dark hair slightly tousled as he leaned forward, the little crease between his brows that appeared when he was deep in thought. In this room, in front of clients, he was assertive, and maybe even a little intimidating.
This was a stark contrast to the Jake who has been putting almond chocolates on my desk, or the one who always complimented my perfume choice of the day, or the one who leaves endless sticky notes at my desk. He was different, and it was… captivating.
I tried another attempt to focus on the presentation by scribbling down the client’s questions, what Jake was saying. The meeting continued, and Jake seemed to glide through it effortlessly. Every once in a while my mind would wander back to him, how easy it seemed for him to command the room with just his presence, how natural he was at all of this.
Soon enough, the meeting wrapped up. The clients were satisfied, Jake finished his presentation with a final handshake and brief thank-you to the clients. Our team packed up soon after, I raced to leave the suffocatingly hot room. The moment that our Boss gave us the green light that we can leave for the day, I beelined to the elevator, itching to just take off these stifling layers of clothes. 
Once I reached my hotel room, I started a cold shower immediately, letting the icy stream douse over my skin to cool the heat that had been building ever since the meeting. I needed to clear her head, to push away the fluttering thoughts that refused to leave my mind. As I stood under the water, I kept remembering how Jake moved, the sharpness in his gaze and how my body responded to his subtle but undeniable presence. How can someone look like a cute puppy one second then the hottest man alive the next?
After washing my hair and body, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in the hotel’s bathrobe. My skin was still tingling from the cold water, my face still flushed from my racing thoughts. I left the bathroom and tried to find my phone in the pile of mess I left before rushing in the shower. 
Soft knocking was heard from my door, making me stop my search. It must be one of the girls. Another series of knocks made me pick up my pace and rush over to the door. When I opened it, it was, in fact, neither of the girls. I locked eyes with Jake instead. He was only in a light blue button down shirt, the sleeves were rolled up. His hair was a little messy compared to how it looked in the meeting.
It took a moment for the both of us to register the situation, the ‘I’m only in a robe’ situation. Jake stood there, looking just as flustered as I felt, making me tug the robe tighter around my figure. His gaze quickly flicked downward to the floor, clearing his throat, “god, I’m sorry. I will come back lat-” 
“It’s alright, really.”
“I just need your notes of the meeting earlier,” he said, his eyes now looking at me. “Oh shit, I completely forgot,” I pinched the bridge of my nose. 
I went back into my room, trying to find my notepad and my phone now, “I swear I can’t find anything. The plane landing, then the meeting… it was all too fast.” I said as I rummaged from my stuff. Jake held the door open, watching me frankly running around the room. “I’m sorry, this is really unprofessional of me…” I uttered. As if professionalism has been common in my behavior these past months…
Jake stepped in my room, letting out a short laugh because of my state, “take it easy, I’m not in a rush.” he said, letting the door click shut behind him. After moving my sweater to the side, I found the notepad tucked under it. I got up on my feet and handed it to him, “here they are, I'm so sorry again…” 
“No need to apologise, hun,” he chuckled, taking the notes from hands. The nickname made my heart flip. Considering my current state, this was a really bad time for flirting.
Instead of just walking away or leaving the room, Jake comfortably opened them right there, standing at the door. He quickly scanned through them, his brow furrowing as he reread a few lines. He looked the same way he did in the meeting—so serious, so focused. His lips barely moved as he reread the notes, his entire body leaned forward in concentration. Every little thing he did—how his fingers brushed against the paper, the way he chewed the inside of his cheek when he concentrated—it all made my mind scream at me to stop looking, to stop thinking about him this way, but my body betrayed me.
“Your face is burning up,” he asked, his voice soft but laced with genuine worry. “Did you catch something from the plane ride?” 
Before I could react, Jake gently placed his hand on my forehead, then my cheeks, my jaw, his touch surprisingly tender. His hand lingered for a moment, trying to assess if my red face is because of a fever. The warmth of his skin was clashing with my ice cold shower earlier. He came a little closer as his hand cupped my face, still trying to see if I’m sick. 
I looked up at him, I probably looked dazed, “sir…” I finally said something, my voice was barely a whisper. My eyes involuntarily flickered to his pink lips.
“When will you get it that it's ‘Jake’ to you?” he said, his thumb moving from the side of my face to my lips, his touch sent shivers down my spine, his own eyes looking at my lips. The air between us thickened as he leaned in, letting our lips touch. 
His hands found my waist, pulling me closer to him. Each kiss was more urgent than the last. My fingers tangled in his now extremely messy hair, pulling him deeper. His cologne was stronger than ever. If I could memorise this feeling, if I could memorise how he tasted and felt, before it slipped away I would. There was no thought—only the desperation to feel more, as if this is our one and only chance to hold each other. 
I pulled back slightly, catching my breath. His forehead rested against mine, "for a Cupid," he murmured with a chuckle, "you're quite confusing." I couldn’t help but let out a breathy laugh, my fingers found the nape of his neck. 
Just as the distance between us closed again, a loud knocking echoed from the hotel door. “Y/N! Why aren’t you picking up your phone?” Chungha’s voice rang through the door, filled with concern and a touch of annoyance.
I froze, panic seizing me in an instant. "Oh no," my eyes wide with realization. "Jake—" I barely whispered, my mind racing as I quickly backed away from him. Jake immediately took a step back, his hand held mine, his face turning to confusion as he caught the urgency in my eyes. “I can’t be seen like this with my Boss,” I whispered to him urgently. 
We scanned the room, finding a hiding spot for him. I ended up grabbing his wrist, leading him to the closet near the door in a hurry. Without protest, I pushed him into the small space as he ducked into the closest with a chuckle, leaving me to try to regain control of the situation.
I rushed to the door and opened it just enough to reveal Chungha’s expectant face. "Hey, what’s going on?" she asked, her eyes darting over me as she stepped inside. I waved my hand frantically, trying to act casual. “Just came out of the shower,” I said, motioning to my robe that I was still wearing, that I was wearing while kissing our Boss.
 “Why didn’t you call me?” I asked, trying to distract her. Chungha raised an eyebrow, “I tried, but you weren’t answering. I wanted to order something, I wanted to see if you wanted anything.” She glanced around, stepping further into the room. Her attention was diverted, I could feel my heart pounding, the sound of Jake shifting in the closet just beyond the thin closet door.
I took a deep breath once Chungha was out of my line of vision, and then hurriedly, without thinking too much about it, shooed Jake out the closet. “Go, go, go!” I whispered urgently.
He smirked, “you’re cute when you panic." he commented, as if this was the right moment to do so. “Oh my god, i will kill you with my bare hands, go!” I whispered, pushing him out the door.  
“I'm hesitating between pizza and sushi. What do you say?” I heard Chungha’s voice call out as I clicked the door shut. I swear my hotel’s door looks like a revolving door.
“I'm fine with both!” I responded, trying to catch my breath. I leaned against the door for a second, pressing my palms to my flushed face, trying to ground myself. My heart was still racing, my skin still burning from his touch, and worst of all—my lips still tingled from the kiss.
What the hell was I doing?
After many meetings and conferences that we were all forced to sit through, the familiar hum of the office was back—the ringing phones, the clatter of keyboards, the distant murmur of coworkers chatting by the coffee machine. Everything was the same. Except me.
I sat at my desk, blankly staring at my screen. I blinked, trying to focus on the words that are blurring together, but it was no use. I felt like a zombie, just so drained– not just physically, but in a way I couldn’t even describe.
The little magic I once felt at my fingertips was gone. I used to hear it, the universe’s quiet whisper, the way love threaded itself through the world like a melody only I could recognize. But now? Silence.
Jake noticed my changed humor. Of course, he did. He noticed the pile of untouched almonds on my desk that he left on desk, how I poked at my lunch instead of eating it, and how I barely even reacted when Chungha cracked a joke during their break. 
Chungha noticed, but she knew I wanted space, so she didn’t push. Everytime i would space out in my thoughts, she would put her hand in mine, kiss my hand ever so lightly before leaving me to it.
I would catch him staring– his brows drawn together in concern. I would frown back at him, feeling my chest bubbling with unreason frustration. I hate this. I hate the way he looks at me like I am slipping through his fingers, like he wanted to reach out but didn’t know how. And most of all, I hated how much I felt, how much all of this hurts. 
This wasn’t supposed to happen. I wasn’t supposed to care this much. I wasn’t supposed to lose this part of myself. And yet, here I am. A complete mess without it.
I decided to go home early, my Boss just waved me off while on the phone, muttering a ‘whatever’ under his breath. If I had strength in me, I would have reacted to his rudeness, but I just quietly walked to my desk. Chungha watched me pack my purse, “heading out?” she asks, her eyes sympathetic. 
I weakly smiled back at her, “i will see you on monday, i promise,” 
“Lemme walk you home, you look pale,” she said, standing up from her seat and ready to put on her jacket. “No, stay. I will be fine. Plus, I don't know what’s up the Boss’ ass right now, but he won't appreciate both of us leaving,” 
Her shoulders slumped down, “alright, as you wish.” she said in defeat, pulling me in a tight hug before letting me leave. 
The knocking at my door stirred me out of my nap. I groaned as I lifted myself off my couch, still in my office clothes. I was so tired that I just collapsed on the couch the moment I walked in. I pulled the thin blanket I used tighter around my shoulders as I made my way to my apartment’s door. 
The knock came again—gentle but insistent. I glanced at the clock on my wall, 11:45pm. No way it's Chungha… she would've come by earlier than this hour. My eyes and heart still feel heavy, the nap was not enough. I caught a glimpse of myself in my small hallway mirror, hair poking from every direction, puffy eyes, red face. With a sigh, I unlocked the door and used all the force I had left to open it.  
The moment it opened, I froze and my throat dried up.
Jake stood there, holding a basket in one hand and some leftover containers in the other. He was no longer in his office suit, instead he was wearing jeans, a simple shirt and a basketball hat, however his heavy signature Rolex is still on his wrist. His brows knitted together in concern the second he saw my face. 
“Hey,” he said, clearing his throat, “I thought you were under the weather, so I made you some beef stew and cookies,” he continued, lifting the leftover containers slightly. I stare at him, and then at the food. 
Then, it just hit me all at once as tears filled my eyes. The fact that he’s here trying to fix something he never caused, or the fact he cared so much he cooked me food and dessert, or the fact that I have been unreasonably angry at him, all just made those tears spill over. 
“I… I can’t—” my voice broke, “I don’t know how to fix this. Any of this.”
Jake’s face shifted from confusion to alarm the moment he saw my tears. “Y/N,” he murmured, his voice softer but laced with concern. “What’s wrong?” he asked, set the food down as I let out a choked sob. The amount of crying I have been doing has been leaving my head pounding against my skull. 
“Everything. I just…” I trailed off, fresh tears spilling down my cheeks. I felt pathetic, to be quite honest. He opened up his arms without hesitation, through my tears, I got closer to him and wrapped my arms around him, steading myself.  
“Oh, love…” he sighed after hearing another sob from me, his voice filled with nothing but warmth. Without a word, he guided me inside, shutting the door behind us. After setting the basket on the kitchen’s counter, his eyes landed on me again. I probably looked like hell, from the work clothes to the unkempt hair to the probably smudged makeup.
“Y/N…” his voice comforting but hesitant. “Talk to me.”
My throat tightened, not allowing me to speak. When he saw new tears threatening to come out, Jake inhaled, with a quiet murmur of, “come here,” he led me toward the couch. I didn’t argue. Didn’t think. All of those actions took too much energy. I just simply followed, letting myself collapse next to him on the couch.
The grief of losing a part of my identity, the exhaustion, the feeling of failure, the weight of everything—it all felt heavier than ever. I shifted slightly, curling up and resting my head on his lap. He didn’t flinch or hesitate, his fingers found my back, running slow, soothing circles on it. 
After a while, the apartment became calmer, the soft hum of the city could be heard outside my apartment window. Jake’s been quiet ever since, every so often you would only hear my sniffling. I let out a breath I have not realized I was holding.
“I’m no longer a Cupid,” I murmured, eyes staring blankly at the side of the small living room, face pressed up against Jake's chest. “And I don’t know what that means for me.”
Jake hummed thoughtfully, his fingers never stopping their soft movements. “Well,” he said, amusement lacing his voice, “you could always be my retired Cupid.”
I huffed out something close to a laugh. “That sounds exhausting.”
“Nah,” he grinned. “Just means you get to sit back and let me do all the chasing. Nothing new.”
I giggled against his chest, hearing his heartbeat again once my laughter faded. “Can I be honest with you?” I asked hesitantly, looking up at him from my position.
I swallowed hard before I spoke up again, “I was… mad at you for a moment,” I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. “For making me fall for you.”
He blinked, surprised, before suddenly laughing. “Wait—that’s why you were avoiding me? Shit, I thought you regretted the kiss.”
“That’s not the case.” I blurted out before I could stop myself. Jake stared down at me, one brow raised and a smile slowly forming on his lips. I opened my mouth to backtrack, to save myself, but all that came out was a flustered, “I—I mean, it was—you were—”
he let out a full, warm laugh. “Oh my god,” I groaned, immediately burying my face back into his chest “I hate you.”
“You enjoyed it,” he repeated, smug now.
“Stop talking.” I whined, my voice muffled against his own laughter. 
I walked into the office the next morning, my shoulders feeling much lighter. A warm smile spreads across my face as I greet my coworkers, noticing a slight rosiness in my cheeks. The bounce in my steps slowed down when I noticed a large bouquet on my office desk. 
“Always a special delivery for the Miss…” Chungha said, the bouquet completely blocked me from seeing her. I snorted a laugh at her comment before I stepped closer to the bouquet. I ran my fingers ever so slight over the soft petals of the pink roses, my heart doing an embarrassing little flip as I spotted a note tucked between them. Carefully, I unfolded the small card.
For my retired Cupid.
Unsigned. I huffed sharply with a smile, a mix of amusement and something warmer blooming in my chest. Instinctively, my gaze flickered upward—to the glass walls of his office. And, of course, he was already looking at me, probably saw my whole reaction. 
Jake didn’t even pretend to be subtle. His chin rested on his hand, smiling and eyes glistening with that same familiar puppy love. I rolled my eyes, a smile still on my lips, I pulled out my phone.
“For someone no longer under Cupid’s influence, you’re really not acting like it.” - “Me”, Delivered 30 sec ago
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callsign-dexter · 3 months ago
Critical Moments
Requests: Episode where Lucy gets stuck with needle but it's reader instead
Pairings: Tim Bradford x Wife!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, hospitals, needle sticks, pregnancy talk
A/N: Thank you to @justabigassnerd for sending this is in. Sorry it got out sooo late!
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You never know what the day will bring until it happens. You never liked surprises but being married to a police officer, being one, and having a 6-year-old daughter surprises happen all the time. However, even though you hate surprises you love your police officer husband, Tim Bradford, you love your job, and you love your daughter, Molly Bradford. You wouldn't trade anything for it. 
You and Tim have been married for 12 years. Those 12 years have been wonderful. During your 6-year anniversary was when Molly was created, while you were celebrating in London, and 9 months later she was born. She is the spitting image of her father and acts like him. She officially got the nickname Mini Tim just because she was the literal female version of him and you wouldn't have it any other way. 
The story of you and Tim meeting was pretty funny. You and Tim hated each other and actually butted heads. You both went against each other on every call and decision, you still do on some things. To be honest it was sexual tension and everyone could tell you were pining for each other, they all had bets on when the two of you would get together. The tension finally broke when the both of you were on call and he pulled you in the alleyway to tell you off and you weren't backing down after a few minutes of arguing and getting closer and closer he grabbed your face and you grabbed his wrists as he smashed his lips upon yours and the rest was history. 
Right now, you were cuddled up with her husband sleeping soundly with your daughter two doors down on the other side of the hall. None of you had to be up for the next hour. Tim had your back pressed up against his chest as you faced the bathroom and front door. As the hour came closer to an end you began to stir and so did your husband. You turned to face him. “Good morning.” He said in a voice still full asleep.
“Good morning.” You said opening your eyes to find smirking blue ones looking back at you.
“You're so beautiful.” Tim said and you blushed and hid your face into his chest no matter how long you've been together he was still able make you blush and sweep you off your feet. 
“Oh, stop it, Timothy.” You said and he chuckled as he kissed your head. You enjoyed being in each other's arms in peace and quiet. “Don't forget we have Molly's soccer game after work.” You said after a beat of silence.
“I remember. I wouldn't miss it for the world.” He said and that was true if either of you were on patrol you both would show in your shops. It was the same if one of you were on patrol and the other wasn't. 
“I wouldn't either.” You said as you laid in his arms, eyes closed as he rubbed his hand up and down your back not knowing what today would bring, another hour passed and it was close to time to get up. The two of you didn't get to relax too much longer until you heard the pitter patter of a set of footsteps walking closer to your room and the door opening. You both looked over and smiled as her face appeared through the door.
“Hi, Baby Girl.” Tim said and a bright smile broke out onto her face.
“Hi Momma, hi Daddy!” She said and walked in crawling between the two of you.
“Hi, Baby.” You said and kissed her forehead as Tim snuggled her. It was scary at how strikingly similar they looked. “Are you ready for your game today?” You asked and she nodded.
“Practicing every day. I’m ready for it.” She said and you smiled.
“Daddy has been helping you, hasn’t he?” You asked looking up at Tim as Molly nodded. You would have been out there helping too but you had been feeling down and sickly for the past few weeks especially the mornings but it hadn’t hit you this morning… yet.  
“He’s really good at it.” She said and you smiled.
“He really is.” You said looking up at him smiling.
“Go get ready for the day and I’ll make you breakfast.” Tim said and she nodded and headed off. 
“You’re such a good dad.” You said and he rolled his eyes but smiled.
“You’re such a good mom.” He replied and you frowned.
“I haven’t been lately.” You said frowning and did too.
“It’s not your fault that you’ve been under the weather.” He said and you knew he was right but you still felt guilty. “Start getting ready and I’ll meet you in the kitchen.” He said and you nodded as he kissed your head and got up heading out of the room and into the kitchen. You sighed and got up getting ready for the day.
After getting ready and throwing up in the shower you made it into the kitchen where your husband and your daughter were finishing up cooking breakfast. Having heard you, your daughter turned around and smiled at you. “Hi Momma.” She said rushing over to you and hugging you.
“Hi, Baby. What are you and Daddy cooking?” You asked
“Your favorite.” She said and you smiled as she rushed back over to Tim finishing helping him. Once the food was done, he plated up a plate for her and sent her to the table as you walked over to him. 
“You doing, ok?” He asked as he was plating up another plate.
“Yea, I threw up in the shower but I’m ok now.” You said and he frowned.
“I think you need to get checked out. I’m worried about you.” He said and your heart swelled. He was so caring.
“I will at lunch.” You said and he nodded and kissed you as he handed you your plate. You kissed him back.
“Good I don’t like it when my girls are sick.” He said as he pulled back from your lips. You smiled and walked over to sit next to Molly and he was soon to join. Breakfast was eaten in love and laughter after everyone was done and you and Molly cleaned up Tim went and got ready for the day. When he was out the kitchen had been cleaned and everything Molly needed was together. Then all three of you were walking out the door heading to drop Molly off at school. 
Once Molly was dropped off at school Tim drove the both of you to work. “What if I’m pregnant?” You asked as he was nearing the station.
“Then that’ll be great. We’ve talked about having another kid.” He said as he pulled into a spot and you stayed quiet. He parked and turned to you “Look at me.” He said and you did so “Whatever happens if you're pregnant or not I will be there with you every step of the way. If you are then that is great because I really want a second kid and we’re ready for it. We both have a steady income and we are in a good place right now. If you’re not then that is ok too, we’ll keep trying if you want to.” He said as tears steadily streamed down your face.
“I love you. I really want a second kid too.” You said and he smiled bringing his hands up to cup your face gently. 
“I love you too.” He said and wiped the tears away with his thumbs and then kissed you. He pulled away and looked at you with so much love in his eyes that it made your heart melt. After a few minutes the both of you got out and headed into the precinct his arm slung over your shoulder and you snuggled into him. As you both were walking you ran into Angela.
“Good morning, Bradfords.” She said, smirking.
“Good morning, Angela.” You said 
“You’ve been crying… are you ok? What did you do Tim?” Angela said and his mouth fell open.
“I did nothing!” He exclaimed and you chuckled.
“It’s true he didn’t do anything. I’ve just been emotional and he said the sweetest thing to me.” You said and she nodded but glared at him.
“If I find out that is not true. I know where you sleep.” She said and he rolled his eyes. “Hurry up and change, we need to get started.” She said and you smiled and nodded and that is what the two of you did. When the both of you had changed and met outside of the locker rooms the two of you headed to the briefing room and sat down together. Where Tim was a TO you were not, you had the option to be one but decided against it. The briefing went quickly and before you knew it you were out on the road starting your shift.
The start of your shift was easy and quiet and you usually liked that but now it had your mind wandering to your conversation with Tim. You both were ready and your house was big enough plus you had two extra rooms. As he said the two of you had a steady income and you both were ready for another child. As you started thinking a call came through saying that backup was needed to clear out a homeless spot, your husband responded and so did you so you drove over there. When you got there you parked next to Tim’s and Lucy Chen’s, Tim’s rookie, shop and got out as he began to speak. “All right, listen up! Till tomorrow at 3 PM the stretch of line between Melrose and Franklin will be off limits! Sanitation services will be arriving in 20 minutes, you’ll have until then to pack up!” He said as you looked back at him after checking some people out. “Rope off block.” He said to a fellow officer. He then turned to look at you “Make sure everyone moves.” He said to you and you nodded as he headed off and you and Lucy began to make people leave. You walked over to a homeless sleeping man.
“Sir,” You said as another homeless man woke him up “Sorry to wake you but I’m going to you to start packing up, alright?” You asked as he set up and looked at you. 
“Bitch!” A woman yelled which caused you and Lucy to look up “Those are my sneakers! Get-” She yelled and a fight began.
“Hey hey stop it!” She yelled as the both of you took off to stop the fight. You got in between them and they started attacking each other around you and sent the three of you into a pile of trash. You felt something prick you but paid no attention to it. Tim was quick to rush over and grabbed the other woman.
“That’s enough. That’s enough.” He said as he pulled the one lady up and held her back cuffed as you got on top of the woman who started it and cuffing her.
“Hands behind your back.” You said pulling out your cuffs. “Stand up.” You said standing her up.
“Bradford.” Tim said keeping it professional you looked at him as he looked down “Stop. Don’t move.” He said and you looked down confused and then you saw the dirty needle sticking out of your side and you froze mind racing. You looked up at him with panic written on your face. Lucy took the woman you were holding and another officer took the one Tim was holding. He pulled out gloves and knelt down. “Y/N.” He said looking up at you and you looked down at him he didn’t like seeing you like this. He started to ask you questions about protocol and you answered them with ease but you weren’t really there. 
“I’m going to miss Molly’s game. I’m gonna put her in danger.” You said as he worked to remove the needle.
“No no you’re not. We’re going to get this out. Then go to the hospital and get you tested. You’re going to be ok and you’ll be able to see Molly play tonight. You’re going to be ok.” He said as he pulled the needle out and dropped it in a bag. He stood and put a hand on your lower back and started to walk you to your shop. “Lucy, take the shop. Meet us at the hospital.” He said and she nodded. He put you in the passenger side of yours and then got in the driver’s side and started off towards the hospital.
“Tim, this is bad. I’m going to put everyone in danger.” You said not really making sense as sped to the hospital with lights on and it was quickly approaching.
“Baby, you’re not. You’re going to be ok.” He said as he pulled into the hospital entrance. “You’ll be ok.” He said as he parked and then got out and came over to your side and opened the door and you got out and walked into the entrance and to the receptionist and he looked up at you.
“Hi, I need to get my blood tested. I got stuck with a used hypodermic needle.” You said 
“Oh. Yea. One sec.” He said as he started to look around for something and then pulled out a clipboard. “If you could fill this out and have a seat in the waiting room, we’ll be right with you.” He said and you took it looking at it so out of it not even noticing his mistake and Tim did not like what he said to you because he became furious as he walked up to the counter and you looked up at him.
“You must be new. There’s no experienced nurse that would let an armed cop sit with civilians. What do you think happens if someone attempts to grab her weapon?” He asked furiously.
“I-” He started but Tim cut him off.
“The hospital protocol dictates that an armed officer be seen immediately. So set her up in a room right now and find a doctor.” He said fuming.
“Yes sir. Right this way.” He said getting up and you looked up at him and started to follow him with Tim right behind you. They set you up in a room and you were still zoned out. Normally he would need to go back to work but there was no way in hell he was leaving you, his wife and mother of his child, alone. A doctor came and took your blood and then left. You got on your phone and started looking things up. Tim saw this and took it away from you. “Stop, please. Falling down the WebMD rabbit hole isn’t going to change the results.” He said and you nodded.
“What if I get Hep C from this needle, and one day I get shot and you’re trying to stop the bleeding and you forget that, you know you have a– you have a cut on your hand? Or I get cut and Molly gets in on her and she has a cut?”
“Then you’ll be a cop with Hep C and a cut. Baby, you signed up to put your life on the line. That also means your health, too. Focusing on fear isn’t gonna change the outcome. Do you want to hang out in the worst-case-scenario panic room, or do you want to get back to work and make it to Molly’s game?” He asked, you knew he was giving you tough love and he knew that was the only way you would listen. “Go splash some water on your face. Let's get back out there and finish the shift so we can go watch our little girl play.” He said and gave your phone back and you took it. “I love you.” He said as he brought you into a hug and kissed your head.
“I love you too.” You said hugging him back. You both walked out of the room to be met with Lucy and Wade Grey. 
“How are you holding up?” He asked you.
“Shaken but ok.” You said “I’m going to stick around here until the results.” You said and he nodded and looked at Tim.
“I’m guessing you’re staying too?” He asked and nodded.
“I’m not leaving my wife in a time of need.” He said and Wade nodded. 
“I understand.” He nodded “Lucy you’ll be with me until everything is figured out.” He said and she nodded and then they were leaving. You looked over at Tim who was still looking at you. Now it was time to kill time. It didn’t take long for the results to come back; you and Tim were going back into the room. The doctor did her introductions to Tim and then she was telling you the results.
“Well, the results came back and you don’t have Hep C but it also showed something interesting.” She said looking at the results and your heart started pounding. “Your hCG level was greater than 5 which usually shows when a woman is pregnant.” She said.
“Are you saying... That I’m pregnant?” You asked and she smiled.
“I am. Congratulations mom and dad.” She said and you looked at Tim and he wore an expression of many emotions but the most noticeable was happiness. “I am going to put you on antibiotics just in case of infection.” She said writing a script out and handing it to you. “Again congratulations.” She said again smiling and then walking out of the room. 
“Pregnant. How are you feeling Daddy?” You asked, smiling up at him. 
“Wonderful. Excited. How about you, Mommy?” He asked and you smiled.
“Pretty much the same.” You said and he smiled and kissed you “Let’s finish out the shift and get to Molly’s game.” You said and he smiled and nodded and started walking out of the room as you stopped.
“What?” He asked quickly.
“We’re gonna have to tell her she’s going to be a big sister.” You said and he smiled.
“Yea we are.” He said as he brought you under his arm and the two of you started to walk out. The rest of the shift went by with a breeze especially with you feeling like you were on cloud 9 after hearing the results you just found out. As you were back at the precinct getting ready to end the shift when Angela stopped you. 
“Alright what is up with you?” She asked and you raised an eyebrow at her.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You said
“Bullshit. Spill.” She said and you smiled a cheeky smile.
“I don’t have Hep C but I do have another thing going on with me.” You said and she started smiling.
“Are you pregnant?” She asked and you nodded.
“I am.” You said confirming it.
“I’m so happy for you. I’m guessing Tim was there when you found out?” She asked and you nodded.
“He seemed way happier.” She said and you chuckled then the both of you were going to change. You both gossiped and talked as you changed and then you were walking out meeting Tim. 
“Il take it you told her.” He said and you nodded.
“You know I was going to anyway.” You said and he nodded. You three walked out the parking lot and then said bye to her and then you and Tim were getting into his truck heading to the soccer field at the elementary school. Tim parked and the two of you got out of the truck heading to the field as a voice no voices called your name. You turned around and everyone was hurrying to meet you. “Hey guys!” You said.
“Hey.” Everyone said
“What are you guys doing here?” Tim asked 
“We wanted to see Molly play.” John Nolan said and you smiled.
“Well, she’ll be happy to see that you guys are here.” You said 
“We wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Jackson West said and you smiled again.
“Well, we better go secure some seats.” Tim said and that is what you did. The game started shortly after finding seats. Everyone cheered on Molly and after 90 minutes the game was over with Molly’s team winning. After the other team and their team congratulating each other, she was running over to you and Tim. Tim picked her up and spun her around and she giggled and that brought a smile on your face and the others, they were so happy to see him happy. 
“I guess with everyone here. We can share the news.” You said and Angela was smiling from ear to ear along with Tim. “Molly.” You said and she looked at you from Tim’s arms.
“How do you feel about being a big sister?” You asked and a smile broke out onto her face.
“Really?” She asked and you smiled and nodded.
“Yes, Baby.” She squealed and you chuckled. She had been asking for a sibling for a while and now you made one of her dreams come true.
“Congratulations you two!” Lucy said and you thanked her.
“Another Bradford running around. I don’t think the world is ready for that but we sure are.” Jackson said and everyone chuckled.
“That is amazing. So happy for the two of you.” Nolan said and the both of you thanked him as you did the others.
“I already knew.” Angela said and everyone chuckled. As you were surrounded by the ones you loved, the events of today were pushed to the back of your mind. Sure, it was a critical moment but you were with your husband through it all and that made it easier. You didn’t have Hep C but now you two were having a second kid and you couldn't wait. 
*9 months later*
You laid in the hospital after having been in birth for 12 hours. You were exhausted but you delivered a healthy baby boy, Samuel ‘Sam’ Bradford. A shirtless Tim currently held his sleeping son as Molly was on the couch sleeping. Tim was staring down at his son with a smile and adoration on his face. You took a picture and sent it to the group message and almost immediately everyone replied. “I can feel you staring.” He said looking up and you smiled at him.
“I can’t help it.” You whispered and he smiled.
“You did great, Baby.” He said getting up and coming to sit/lay on the bed next to you, you looked down at him. You ran a finger over your son’s cheek and he stretched and then snuggled closer into Tim while leaning into your touch. He kissed your head.
“He looks like you.” You said “Which I’m not mad about.” You added and he chuckled and shook his head.
“No, he looks like you.” He said
“Whoever he looks like he is going to be a heartbreaker and a heart throb.” You said and chuckled.
“You got that right.” He said and you yawned.
“Get some sleep, we’ll be right here.” He said quietly and nodded as you leaned into him and got comfortable. As you closed your eyes as Tim’s lips met your hairline once again you smiled, you were surrounded by your family and you wouldn’t have it any other way. “I love you three.” He said quietly and with that you fell into a peaceful sleep.
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ao3lestappeninchident · 11 months ago
Crazy Cat Lady
Max Verstappen x Fem!Reader
Summary: You got home to find out that your boyfriend has got a new friend.
wc: 551
It was late afternoon when you finally walked into the building. It was one of those days where you had way too much planned, and all you wanted to do now was take a warm bath and go to sleep. 
You open up the door of your shared apartment and put down your bags. You walk into the living room and see Max laying on the couch. To your surprise, you see that your boyfriend is holding a small kitten that you haven't seen before.
"Love, who is that?" you walk up to him and place a kiss on his head.
Max looks up at the sound of your voice, and a smile forms on his face. "She doesn't have a name yet. I wanted to wait until you got here." He carefully stands up and extends his arm to hand the cat to you.
 You accept the cat and give her a pat on the head. "She is cute." It is a Bengal cat, just like the other two cats that were walking around in your apartment most of the time. Max loves this type of cat, and you can't blame him. The fur of the kitten resembles a pattern of a jaguar. Her eyes are kind of large in a beautiful green and gold color. She is a piece of art. 
“Just like you,” Max says. You blush at the compliment and give the kitten back to your boyfriend. "Why did you buy her? Aren't two cats enough?" You mention Jimmy and Sassy, who were both sleeping in the corner of the room.
Max looks around the room. "You can never have enough cats. I love to have hundreds of them, but you also have to take care of them all, so that isn't the best option. I remember you saying you would like one more." "That was ages ago. I didn't think you would actually buy one."
Max pats his hand on the couch, signaling you to sit next to him. "I would buy anything you want. A third cat is a great addition to our little family. I should have gotten one sooner." 
"You are going to turn into a crazy cat lady if you buy any more." You chuckle.
 "Well, I hope that is your type because when I retire, there are going to be more of these little angels." Max gives the kitten a pat over his head. You laugh at his comment. In your head, you pictured Max laying on the floor surrounded by ten cats. He is wearing a crazy sweater, just like those ladies. You wouldn't really mind it. You couldn't help but smile at your boyfriend. He looks so happy with his cats, and you were definitely going to get him one more over a couple of weeks, maybe as a present for winning a race.
"We still have to decide on a name for this sweetheart," you said as you lay your head on Max's shoulder. "I was thinking about naming her Nala, you know, after the Lion King. She is a badass, and I am sure this little angel will be too."
 "That is a great name, love."
 And so you spend your evening laying on the couch with your boyfriend and three children. You would trade this over everything else in this world.
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illubean · 11 months ago
Can I get a hisokas sister x killua? Like hisokas sister is affectionate but not in a creepy way she just want to show killua how much she likes him😔(mainly in gifts and unexpected hugs, cheek kisses) you can do what you want with this request.🫶🏼have a good day! I love your blogs btw!! :))) it’s nice to see some hxh blogs😭
Killua with HisokasSister!reader
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Characters: Killua Zoldyck Type: Fluff, Headcanons, Fem!reader
ok I know my rules say I won't write romantically for Killua or Gon but this one is kinda in a grey area and the request was cute soooo up to interpretation even though it's intended to be mostly platonic >.< also im going to try and be nice as a certified Hisoka hater LMAO
Warnings: Hisoka.
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being Hisoka's little sister was...interesting
he's literally insane a lil cray but he's all you got and you wouldn't trade him for the world
you met Killua at the hunter exam and became part of the little friend group he had going because you were one of the only other kids there
and over your time there you ended up getting attached to him
you followed him around all the time and latched yourself to his side whenever you could
and poor boy was conflicted
it was kind of annoying but also? nice at the same time???
so yeah despite him looking so annoyed at you all the time he doesn't actually try stopping you from showing him affection
he has no clue what to do with all the random stuff you give him especially since they're pretty useless sometimes...
and he's very confused on where you find this stuff and why you even thought of giving it to him
like where tf did you find a bird skull? and how did you manage to find so many pieces of sea glass??????
you're like a crow with attachment issues or something
it's not until after the exam and you follow him and Gon to heaven's arena that he finds out you're related to Hisoka
and hes like HAH!?!?
when you all made it to the 200th floor the boys were literally shaking in their boots when they got closer to Hisoka
and when you ran up to him and hugged him like it was nothing? ARE YOU CRAZY!?
after his talking and whatever and Wing coming to get you guys Hisoka's like sooo are you coming with me or what
and you're like nah I wanna stay with Killua
and hes like "Oh my, seem's like someone's infatuated with the Zoldyck boy. Don't worry, he's not the one I'm interested in"
and Killua is like WTFFFF
he's more weary around you now and a lot more hesitant to ever push you away
he already liked and admired you as a person but now there is an added fear factor
we all know Illumi doesn't like Killua having friends
but if it's you? ...well there's not much you can really do
he doesn't mind all that much because your brother is a valuable ally and you've probably got potential too
but yeah overall Killua just accepts your affection without any questions partially because he is afraid
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athenaswrath · 1 year ago
Until I Found You - Chapter 1
Quinn Hughes x reader
This chapter is more of a background story/introduction of the reader (no Quinn yet)
Word count: 829
>Chapter 1< Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
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You were looking for a job when you had the amazing idea to go for one on a hockey team, the only sport I actually enjoy. When I got a call saying I got the job on marketing and social media for the Devils I was head over heels
The day they introduced me to the players I was terribly nervous, I'm not a social person at all, and being surrounded by a group of loud, confident and cocky men was not the best for my anxiety.
After a couple of days with them they noticed how uncomfortable I was being the spotlight so Nico made it his job to make me feel at ease, and to my surprise all of his closest group welcomed me in, even Jack, which sometimes had trouble keeping his flirtatious personality down with me being the only young woman on the road.
Luke on the other way was way too cute and immediately told me he consideres me a sister, saying that he'd traded me for Jack any time.
After a couple of weeks Jack spent some alone time with me, saying that I gave him the peace he'd never had before. He also started saying I was like a twin sister, obviously it had everything to do with our age and nothing with our looks.
I was in my office editing some videos for the last days of the season when Jack came through the door "Hey shortie"
"Jack, for the last time I'm 5'9" I said not even looking up from my work. He didn't have time to reply before Luke also entered the room "Hey shortie" he said in his cheery way.
"Hey pookie" I replied seconds before Jack whined "why does he get to call you that and not me?" I just laughed before looking up and seeing their nervous features. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing" "Dammit" they answered at the same time, I raised an eyebrow and Luke continued "We just... We know that you are going to spend your free time alone and that's fine, there's nothing wrong with that, and I'm sure you'd enjoy it..."
"Luke" Jack said stopping Luke's rambling. "Right... So we wanted to know if you'd like to join us on our lake house these couple of months. It's just us, Zegras, Drysdale, Holtzy and Quinn... I mean sure mom and dad are going to visit a couple of days but..."
"No, no you guys have done so much for me already I can't just take a free vacation at your house. I appreciate it really but I just can't"
Ever since you joined the Devils, they wouldn't allow you pay for anything, everyone treated you like a princess "you're Belle for sure, a beauty and a bookworm" said Holtz one day you mentioned the special treatment
One could say that everyone could kill for that, specially coming from hockey boys, but you couldn't help to ask yourself "am I being a burden? Do they pity me? Do they think I'm a golddigger? A Puck Bunny?"
But I know they love me... Well, sometimes I do. It's hard for me to accept that, when your whole life you've been told by your own family you're annoying and there's not really something to care or love about you.
When your family told you they didn't want to have you home giving them a hard time and cut communication with you, you were heartbroken and desperate for money working multiple jobs until 2 years later you finally found this place you felt peace at.
The problem is no one but Nico knows that it's only you against the world. The rest of the team is oblivious to how sometimes you skip meals in order to save money to have a decent department, or how no one ever visits you, not even in family events.
"Are you listening to me? Are you okay?" Jack's voice took me out of my thoughts and he was close to my face looking at me with a serious expression, which was unusual on him
When I didn't say anything, he said "Darling we want you there you're part of our freak family want it or not. And God knows we need you there, there has to be at least one responsable person... Also it's about a damn time that you meet Quinn"
You've met Jim and Ellen before, but you've never met the oldest Hughes brother, the first time Vancouver played against New Jersey I had the flu and I could get close to anyone to not put them at risk. The second time Quinn was out due to an injury
"Please shortie, you'll break my heart if you refuse to go" said Luke giving his biggest puppy eyes
"Are you sure everyone's okay with me joining, I don't wanna be a bu..."
"Stop it, we all want you there"
Hoping they wouldn't regret their choice and you let yourself be happy for a while you finally agreed to join them.
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harrysmimi · 2 years ago
After Show
Coffee And Pancakes series P14
Synopsis: Harry and YN finds some alone time after one of his shows to catch up
CW: Smut
Series Masterlist | More of my work
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One thing YN was so grateful for were the opportunities she gets to travel now more freely.
It gave her a weird ich, even to think about going to a different country alone. Especially when her family doesn't really seem to care about her existence. She feared for her safety because apparently we still live in a world where no one, especially women can't walk alone.
So, when Harry offers to accompany her, she'd now learnt to taked up the offer. Of course only if she can afford the trip, as she doesn't like to rely on him for anything. She's also gotten more confident traveling alone. She'd learnt to get out of her comfort zone and actually talk to people other than just asking for their coffee orders and serve them.
That also gave her a sense of acceptance about herself as she found people who went through, or are going through similar life situations as hers. Yeah, she loves her friends, Alec and Brielle, she would never trade them for anyone else. But it's nice to make mew acquaintances.
Today, she was going to see Harry after a long time. She had unfortunately missed his birthday this year as her family was nice enough to drag her along with them to their relatives' wedding. It was two week affair. And she hadn't seen him since the after new year's.
She saw him at his concert venue directly, with her luggage bag in hand. He had just gotten off doing the soundcheck. He was surprised because he was supposed to meet her back at his (their!) hotel room, her flight was supposed to be delayed which didn't happened and she got to see him early. Least to say he attacked with a bear hug, as she ran towards him and with her limbs wrapped around him.
"I missed you so much!" She mumbled, her face resting in the gap between his neck and her arm.
"I missed you so much too baby!" He scoffed happily, holding onto her tightly so she doesn't fall straight on her butt. She wouldn't let go. Honestly, he doesn't want her to either. "You good?"
"Mhmm." She nodded, and jumped back on her own two feet. Her arms slipped to wrap around his torso as she looked up at him. "Better now. With you."
"Oh my god, you need to stop flirting with me. I'm engaged for god's sake!" He rolled his eyes jokingly.
"I miss you too much when you're gone!" She snuggle her face into fabric of his hoodie. Harry sighed, slipping his fingers through her hair he massaged her scalp gently.
"I miss you too baby." He whispered, "just a month and we'll be getting and off to our honeymoon, then I'm all yours! For now let's go to my green room." He dragged her and her luggage along with him back stage to his green room. "want a cuppa baby?"
"Sure!" She nodded and looked around his room. The sofa was different but the pillows were same, his humidifier, clothes box, his own suit case with regular clothes. It was felt like him and it felt like home to her. "It's cold here, isn't it?"
"Yeah, a little. The AC's on." He said, "don't feel it while I'm performing though."
"Thank you!" She took the cup of tea he gave her and sat next to her.
"How was your flight?" He asked, his hand rested on her thigh as he scooted closer to her.
"It was fine." YN nodded. "I have to tell you something though!" She placed the hot cup of tea to the side.
"What is it, baby?"
"You remember we talked about trying for a baby, right?" She started off, "well, ummm... I talked to my gynaecologist and my physician, I can get off birth control and we can see from there. They have to change up few of my medications like the painkillers I take for my arthritis and start with prenatal vitamins."
"You sure that's fine with you, baby?" He asked, "changing up the medications and all? I know they'll have to cut off a few things which help you, I don't want you in pain all throughout that time. Being pregnant is hard as it is."
"I don't know." She shrugged, "I have never been pregnant before. But we can see."
"Only if you're so sure about it." He sighed not knowing what to say further, "or we have other options we can opt for always."
"Don't be upset, love!" He sighed, "I said we have other options only if it doesn't work put of us, okay? I just want to make sure you're fine."
"I am." She assured him.
"Okay." He smiled and placed a tender kiss on her cheek, holding her close to him, "would you like to practice baby making after the show then?"
"I would love to!" She chuckled, giving him a kiss on his mouth. Harry pulled her in before she could try to retrieve, buttoning his mouth back on hers. His hand wandered down to her hips back up inside her shirt rather quickly. "Harry, not here please." She managed to speak up, "anyone can walk in on us."
"Yeah, I'm sorry." He sighed, "just missed you so much!"
"I missed you too." She cooed.
They both cuddled for next two hours till he had to get ready for the show, having a nice baby talk. YN fell asleep there.
"Hey baby, do you wanna wake up?" He gave her arm a soft squeeze.
"Hmm?" YN wome up confused.
"Do you want to wake up? I'm about to go on stage in a bit." He shared.
"How long did I sleep for?" She sighed feeling groggy from being woken up from deep sleep.
"A couple of hours."
"Oh, I'm sorry." She sat up, "and yes I'm up now. Want to see you perform."
"Yeah?" He smiled, "well, I have twenty minutes if you want to change to freshen up or something?"
"Yeah, I need to pee. Where is the toilet?"
"The left door." Be pointed behind him. "Wait!" He pulled her back to steal a quick kiss. "Chop-chop baby love." He smack her bum but recieved one right after. "Ouch!"
"Yeah, ouch!" She yawned walking to the bathroom.
"Last kiss and I'll be out!" Harry promised as he stole another kiss from his missus.
"Harry, stop hogging your missus you need to be on the stage, now!" Tom yelled at him.
"Yes!" Harry yelled back. "Stay safe, okay?"
"I will." She nodded, "go break a bone!"
He felt another smack on his butt. "You're gonna pay for it." He challenged her before he was ready to run out.
"Sure." She rolled her eyes and made her way to the little VIP area by the stage where a few of Harry's industry friends were going to be.
YN's not had a good time with Harry's industry friends except the rest of 1D boys and his immediate work friends like, Jeffery and his wife, Tom, Tyler and the Love Band, well in short his immediate circle of friends. She still had a good amount of amazing people to hang out with whilst her soon-to-be husband worked.
Harry came up on the stage, YN was stood at the side back stage where she can watch him perform. He's like a toddler running around the stage, stumbling and even falling sometimes. Throughout he kept looking at her and smiling.
He's indeed very happy today, especially now his soon-to-be wife is by his side.
He was so happy that he still had the adrenaline pumping through his body when they got back to their room hotel.
"Ow!" YN gasped when he pinned her to the wall, one shoe off as she was stopped by him. He smeared his lips over hers, gathering her hands behind her back. She knew exactly where this was going to go and she didn't mind at all.
It reminded her of their first time. Similar situation, he had just gotten home from a heavy workout session all sweaty. Leading her to his bedroom upstairs, leaving her on the bed for a moment before he went and washed his hands. He debunked that thing for her which she always watched in the movies. And he gave her a head. That's all they did that night. And oh boy did she enjoyed every milliseconds of it, and still remember. YN shocked herself with how comfortable she is with him now versus she was the first time around.
He took off his jacket and threw it on the floor as he picked her up with his hands on her bum. He made his way to the bed, placed her carefully on the mattress as he managed to fit between her thighs. He broke the kiss to give her a breather.
"I missed you so much!" He mumbled leaving a chaste of sloppy wet kissed down her jawline to her neck. A moan slipped through her mouth when she felt his hand on her breast. He lifted his head up to press another kiss on her mouth. "Is it alright if go down on you?"
"Wait..." She stopped him, "haven't shaved down there."
He looked at her in disbelief, "does it look like I care, baby!" It wasn't a question though, "still okay?"
"Mhmm." She nodded, feeling a shiver run down her spine. She missed him as well, in every way. But this not their usual thing after being away for months. They usually get a take out, watch TV or just catch up because Harry always tired and jet lagged. Even though he's a horny animal, she's suggest against his needs and make him rest first.
Her man doesn't like to rest.
With one last kiss on her mouth he got to unbuttoning her jeans and taking them off with her knickers. She layed there vulnerable, visibility wet and dripping. Before she could get another moment to get awkward his mouth was on her clit. As much as he loves to make her come with just his mouth, she loves that too.
Feeling his warm tongue move against her already sensitive and swollen bud of nerves, how his fingers occasionally slip inside of her wet hole. Making her squirm under him. Just to replace his digits with his tongue. He's a skill full man.
"Oh, I'm so close!" She muttered with her voice now becoming more breathy and heavy. It's been what feel like an eternity but mostly because they've been away for so long from one another. The feel of his warmth tongue and his digits now pumping inside of her was pushing her just closer to the edge of her orgasm.
"You gonna come for me, baby?" He asked before he gave her clit another hard suck all the while pumping his fingers in ger pussy, "come for me, yeah?" It wasn't long until she was reaching her orgasm. "Was that good?"
"Amazing!" She chuckled, his weight on top of her as he kissed her cheek moving to her neck. "It tickles."
"I love you."
"And I love you more."
"Not a chance!" He scoffed jokingly, "I love you more. And I am sweaty."
"I don't care, I've missed you!" With her arms around his neck it was enough of a que for him to kiss her again.
"Wanna hop in the shower with me then, baby?" He suggested, finally giving her a moment to breathe.
"Mhmm." She nodded. He briefly crouched to take her off her shoe which he barely gave her a moment to take off herself. Slipped off his shoes as he guided her to the bathroom.
"Is that my hoodie?" He realised-- rather late-- she was wearing his black hoodie with 'DAMN.' written on it as he washed up his hands.
"Our hoodie you mean? Yes." She admitted.
"Cheeky!" Harry chuckled, "c'mere." He placed his hands on her hips he propped her up on the wash besin counter. "Want this off?"
"Yes please." She nodded. Despite him being careful, the fabric got caught in her necklace. "Whoops!"
"It's alright." He fixed it quickly as she sat there giggling. It was like the very first time, how her shirt caught up on her earring and she apologised for laughing at that silly thing. "Remember how flustered you were the first time?" He pressed a kiss on her cheek and chin with his arms wrapped around her naked torso.
"Still embarrassed about tha--" her body shuddered feeling his fingertips run feathery strokes on her spine, wetness in between her legs growing once again.
"Still find it to be the most adorable thing." He moved down to her to her neck, leaving a trail of feathery kisses on her warm skin, finally he looked up to place firm kiss on her mouth, "it makes everything feel so much more better. Remember how I got a cramp in my leg the other day?"
"Yeah, you were screaming in a high pitched voice." She giggled.
"Well, I'm not embarrassed about that because it was my fault I didn't drink enough water that day." He explained, "we can have a little laugh you know." With that be picked her up and walked in the shower to place her back on her feet carefully. He took a moment to shed his pants and boxers, the evident kind of hard on of his was now on a full show.
"Harry it's too cold!" She gasped feeling the water fall over her body.
"If I up the temperature, we're going to be boiled by the end." He pointed out.
"It's not that hot!" She argued, and turned rhe heat up just a tiny bit. "Please?"
"It's summer!" He groaned in defeat. She still kept on her cheeky puppy face to convince him as be buttoned her mouth on his standing on her tippy toes. "You're lucky I love you."
"The luckiest one." Her hand slowly crept downwards over his chest and pecks.
"Cheeky!" He kissed her her again. He still enough of her, he hopes it stays that way. Just as he was about to say something, he felt her warm hand wrapped his hardene penis. "Fuck, fuck!"
"Can we go now?" He asked, "just missed you so much!"
"Yes!" She nodded, as she did his hand was behind her knee lifting her leg up at the same time pushing her against the shower wall. Slowly slipping in through her folds. Just heavy breathing to be heard, especially from Harry. Low grunk and cussing in his voice which only grew deeper.
Air in her lungs gor sucked out when he started moving. His hard and deep thrusts making a new rhythm, making her wrap her arms around him for support.
"God I missed you so much!" His forehead rested on her, "so warm for me." It wasn't enough, he slip out, turned her around to slip right back in her. He picked up his pace, making her orgasm right again.
Least to say, they spent about half an hour there.
"Can we order Pizza?" YN asked, as she tied her bathrobe tie around her waist. Harry had already placed her back on the counter.
"Of course baby, which one do you want?" He was already walking out to grab the hotel phone.
"A small cheese one, thank you." He ordered for the pizza and went back to her, "wanna help you with that." He stopped her as she was about do the last few steps of her skin care. Well, it was just four steps, step was done in the shower. Last two were serum and moisturising.
Harry loves to pamper her.
"Here lemme do that too!" She pulled her Fiancé back towards her caging him in between her legs.
YN placed a few dots on the moisturiser on his cheeks, his forehead, his chin and lastly on his nose for comedic purposes. She proceeded to work the product in his skin, his prominent stubble was poked the skin of her palms. He looked like a little kitten being petted, as she ran her thumbs on the apples of his cheeks.
"Done!" She announced.
"Do you want to be little spoon?" He asked as he picked her up again with one on her back and other behind her knees.
"You know I'm never going to say no to that." She booped his nose, "and you got to let me walk, bestie."
"Just fucked the shit out of you and you're calling me bestie?" He cocked his eye brow up carefully placing her back on her feet just for her to cling back onto him. She tried her best to stand on her wobbly legs, but she was scooped right off her feet and carried to their shared bed.
"I loved it though."
"Yeah!" She nodded. But they were interrupted by the room service.
"The pizza is here, your majesty!" He presented her the pizza in a grant way along with a bottle of water, though he took a sip of it first. "Asked them put extra cheese on it for you my love."
"Thank you!" She grinned.
Harry lied next to her on his spot over his tummy, dressed in his purple bathrobe. "So, about the baby?"
"Are we good now, or do we have to wait till to start trying?"
"Still need to get off birth control." She shared.
"Wait, doesn't that help you with your period?" He realised.
"Kind of, but I think I can go without those now, it's complicated. So these other medications for my arthritis made my period have rave parties every month, it should be good as I'd have to stop taking those meds and switch to something else." She explained, offering him a bite of her pizza which he accepted. "Do you want to go with me to the next appointment? It's after the tour is finished."
"Of course I'd love to go with you darling." He agreed, "and about the wedding. Did you find a dress yet?"
"No..." She pouted, "my grandma doesn't want me to get a white dress."
"Why so, isn't that the traditional colour?"
"Not in India." She smiled sheepishly, "well, everyone does whatever they want now-a-days but my grandma's a little old fashioned. And white is worn at funerals generally."
"Oh, it's so different everywhere then!" He never thought about it until now, "what colour do you want to get then?"
"I want a white, but ahe wants me to get a red one. She said 'You're not having your funeral, you're getting married', it pissed me off. Not like she's paying a single penny. Just not going to take her or my mum to the next appointment at this boutique Brielle found." She shared mocking her grandma's way of talking, giving him yet another bite of her pizza and he was eating it. "Like she's ever going to be invited to either of those."
"Hey, don't say that!" He gasped.
"Right, she won't live that long anyway."
"Oh god, you're a meanie." He gasped again, "big, big, big meanie!"
"Yeah? And that old wrinkly lady isn't?" She chuckled, "she was trying to find me a guy at my sister's. I was fourteen years old!"
"Yeah, and she did. A thirty-two year old man." She added. "Luckily my parents got minds of their own and stood up for me."
"What the fuck!"
"Yeah." She nodded. "He was rich actually, he owned a big finance and insurance company in Saudi."
"So he is rich, rich?" He was stunned.
"Yup, a turn of about eighty-five mil to one billion." She shared, "he died though, Cardiac arrest, five years ago."
"A big loss." He scrunched up his nose.
"Meh, I don't care." She rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, and now you've a Fiancé who's a decent, indie singer." He nodded, "worth it."
"You are anything but Indie, darling." She laughed. "My wait was worth though, now I can be a trophy wife I want to." She leaned back over the fluffy pillow.
"Oh definitely wouldn't mind that." He agreed and scooted closer to sit next to her taking a yet another bite of the slice in her hand, maintaining a eye contact.
"What in the Italian Christian Grey!" She almost choked on the dough in the mouth.
"What's gotten into you today?" Harry laughed, he fetched water just in case. "Being so funny, did you get accidentally drunk?"
"That was sexy not gonna lie." She shared ignoring his remarks.
"Well," he blushed.
"Awh, look at you blushing, my shy baby!" She cooed leaning forward to kiss his cheek. Just just make him giggle again as he chewed on the fold.
Alas he pulled himself together and draped his arm around her shoulder to bring her closer to him. She was just too busy dipping the crust in the complimentary cheese dip.
"Where do you fancy going to for our honeymoon?" He asked. To be honest they planned anything of their honeymoon. Harry wants it to be special and somewhere she haven't been to before, which is a lot of places. He's just lucky he gets paid to travel and perform in diffe parts of the world.
"I don't quite know yet," she spoke with her mouth full of food, "is there anywhere you want to go?"
"I want to know where you want to go, baby." He pushed the baby hairs off her face, "just want to listen to you with this."
"Finally!" She gasped dramatically. Harry has taken almost everything about the wedding planning on himself. "Finally you admitted it!"
"No, you've taken over everything. I don't know how you switched the plan of The Savoy hotel to your house in Italy!" She sighed dramatically. "The Gucci room isn't available on our wedding, is it?"
"It is, but figured it would be more private if we got married on our own property, baby." He explained, "everything we have, we share now."
"Okay." She nodded, "I don't know how long I'd be able to take on the break for. I guess we can go somewhere near England?"
"Doesn't matter baby, just tell me two of your dream vacation countries or cities and I'll take you there." He said, "and the owner of your cafe is my school friend, I can talk to him for you."
"What?" She almost chocked on cheese and dough, "he's your friend and you never told me that?"
"Well, I never got the chance to.' he shrugged sheepishly, "but I can still talk to him."
"I don't know, I love my job." She pouted. "I don't want him to fire me."
"He won't baby." Harry assured her, "now come on give me two names."
"We can either go to Puerto Rico or Greece?"
"Those are amazing options!" He never thought of those places, "and I've never been to countries. How about we go to both? We can spend a month in Puerto Rico and a month in Greece."
"That's a lot."
"No it's not." He countered, "I've been touring for two and half years, I deserve a long, long honeymoon and vacation with my wife by my side."
"What about our new house? We haven't even started looking for one." She reminded him.
Look, YN can either afford to pay at least some amount for the house or spend it all on their honeymoon plans. No way in heavens Harry's gonna make the trip cheap. He'll find his way to make it extravagant. She'd feel too bad if he's the only one paying for everything.
"We'll start looking for one as soon as we get back." He assured her, "and we have a lot more work to do, we have a baby to make!"
"Yes we do." She blushed. "But seriously, Harry, I don't think I can afford a trip that long."
"Baby!" He cooed, "it's a wedding present from me to you. And you're refusing for me to get you an actual present. So this is perfect."
"I'd feel too bad." She pouted, "you won't let me get you anything either."
"I'm sure you're not going to sit still until you get me anything, baby, so I'd say it's fair enough." He pointed out, "come on, please? Let me take you somewhere you've always wanted to go!"
"Okay, let's go to Greece but just for two weeks."
"Four?" He negotiated.
"Okay!" She sighed in defeat, there is no point in negotiating with his there. He's going to just tease her further. They sealed their deal with a kiss. "Oh god, why is this so stressful? We have to register for our marriage certificate."
"We'll have my lawyer do that for us, baby, don't worry about it." He assured her.
"Can I tell you something?"
"I, uhhhh, want to take your last name." She shared hesitantly.
"You want to?" He looked rather shocked.
"Mhmm." She nodded, "you don't mind that right, you seem shocked?"
"Of course I don't baby. I just did not expect that, yes. But I'm happy either way." He shrugged. "You really want to do that?"
"Mhmm." She nodded snuggling closer to him.
They talked more about their wedding planning, and preparations until one of them was fast asleep. Well, it was YN fell asleep first.
Tag list:
@vrittivsanghavi @buckymydarlingangel @sweetwritingfanficfriend @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @sleutherclaw @melllinaa @michellekstyles @sunshinemoonsposts @marialikescherries @japanchrry @onlyangelrain @supersanelyromantic @haarrrys @originalsoulcollector @harrysgirl-1d @lomlhstyles @im-an-overthinker @moonys-star @blackbookwhore @tenaciousperfectionunknown @stilesissaved @allthelovehes @novalunosising @sunshinemoonsposts @harryssky1 @dear-mylove @sofia-faustina @stylesfever @reputationolivia
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spinningwebsandtales · 1 year ago
Imagine Arthur Playing With Your Son In The Bath
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Arthur Curry X FemReader
Rating: T
Warnings: Suggestive themes, stress, and an obscene amount of fluff
Word Count: 984
(A/N:) I found this gif and it inspired me so fast! XD I was actually looking for something else for a different imagine when I came across it. I couldn't leave without writing something for it and this is the end result! I wrote for Orm and since Arthur is a freaking aquababe I have to write for him too! Hopefully my fellow fangirls enjoy it as much as I did writing it! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
Being married to the King of Atlantis had it's perks, but it also had it's rough patches. Being so called Queen of a world you never even got to visit had it's pressures. Arthur never told you the horrible things the council would say about you, but you had a good idea of the prejudices they held. Tom was a good confidant and helped you talk about things that bothered you. Arthur had enough on his plate and now with you both producing a heir to the throne, the pressure only increased. Tom was out running errands for you while you stayed at home with Arthur Curry Jr who refused to do anything but eat and cry. It didn't matter how many times you tried, he refused to go to sleep. He was due for a much needed nap and so did you, but the baby universe decided that just wasn't in the cards today. Now as night drew nearer and you being soaked in spit up, drool, and various other baby fluids Arthur finally made it home.
"Sorry I saw dad in town and we stopped for a quick beer," Arthur apologized before brushing strands of your hair to kiss your cheek.
He looked around the little home you both shared with his father. Toys littering the floor and dirty dishes piled up in the sink. His eyebrow raised before leaning his trident against the wall. He knelt down to get eye level with you as you rocked back and forth on the couch trying to keep Jr from crying.
"Rough day," he asked gently.
The strong facade that you worked hard to keep up all day crumbled a little, as your bottom lip began to wobble. Arthur cursed taking you into a hug and trying his best not to squish his son against his giant chest. You let yourself have a few moments of just letting your emotions out before you pulled away. Wiping at your eyes and taking a deep breath.
"That's my girl," Arthur grinned. He took Jr from your arms. "Go take a shower a long one. My son and I are going to have some bonding time with a bubble bath and some rubber duckies. I'll call Pops too, have him bring pizza home for us. Then we'll watch that movie you love and makes me gag. Deal?"
You laughed, this time kissing his cheek, "Sounds wonderful!"
Arthur helped you up from the couch, kissing you deeply and giving you a pat on your rear as you walked to the bathroom. Arthur watched you go before turning to the baby in his arms.
"We'll borrow Grandpop's bathroom so your mom has some much needed quiet time."
Jr gurgled in reply. Arthur nodded in agreement, "Totally. Your mom is a hero. And hot."
Jr just stared and Arthur shrugged.
The hot water was washing away all the day's filth and the stress from your body. Though it was rough at times, raising the future king of Atlantis and being human, you wouldn't trade one moment. Your son was precious. Arthur was a wonderful partner in everything. A doting husband and a loving father. Even your father-in-law amazed you as he was such a help. You couldn't fault him for needing a quiet moment in town. He hadn't given one complaint since you and Arthur still lived with him and birthed the next generation of Curry.
Finished with your nice hot shower, you dressed in one of Arthur's oversized shirts and your favorite pair of leggings. Your slippers silenced your steps and it was easy to hear Jr's squealing giggles and Arthur's laughter follow behind. It brought a smile to your face despite the exhaustion. Opening the door you spied Jr in a little floatie designed for his baths and Arthur bare chested covered in an obnoxious amount of suds.
"Are my boys having fun," you asked.
"Bubbles," Arthur roared animatedly causing Jr to squeal. Water sloshed and bubbles flew everywhere and you couldn't bring yourself to worry about the mess.
Carefully sitting yourself close to the tub and avoiding the numerous puddles on the floor, you stroked Arthur's bare chest, tracing the tattoo patterns. He dutifully scrubbed his son's dirty face before leaning back against the cool tub wall.
"Careful where you touch, or we'll grant Pop's wish early," Arthur warned.
"One's enough for right now," you replied still tracing absentmindedly.
"More than enough. You look like you went to war with an army of babies."
"And here I thought baby spit up was the new Gucci," you sighed.
Arthur tugged you a little closer, tickling your ear with his warm breath, "You did look pretty hot."
"Now who's trying to seduce who," you teased.
You helped Arthur finish up cleaning Jr and get him changed into warm pajamas when Tom finally made it back. Hauling in grocery bags and boxes of pizza, all of you were finally able to sit down together as a family. Arthur wouldn't let you get anything for yourself, so you sat on the couch holding Jr while Arthur made your plates. True to his word he started the movie you loved and he abhorred. Halfway through Jr had finally fallen to sleep and despite wanting to stay up and finish it, you found yourself nodding off too. Without a word Arthur put your son to bed before he scooped you up in his arms.
"Night Pops," he whispered and Tom nodded before turning off the movie and switching to the weather.
"Artie," you mumbled into his chest as he carried you to your shared room.
"Thank you," you yawned.
Arthur kissed your temple before depositing you onto the messy bed, "You're welcome."
He tucked you in before getting in himself and with the warm blankets and Arthur's body pressed against yours. You fell into peaceful slumber and all your worries melted away.
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amourningcrow · 4 months ago
Late game spoilers, particulary about Varric! I wasn't able to put this into words before, but now that I've had some time, I think I can actually talk about it. It's a little long though.
I tried to start a new playthrough three times now, but I can't even make it to the ritual side without breaking down. It is, frankly, embarrassing.
But Varric means so, so much to me. I knew deep down that he wouldn't make it out of this alive - that he even survived past DA2 was a surprise to me. The man's got tragic death written all over him! But I still wish we had gotten some more out of him. Some more interactions with the companions, more banter, more relationship dynamics. We never even found out what he would have called the others! (Aside from Neve, who was 'Slick', apparently.)
This isn't even a criticism of the writing! I think it makes sense and fits his character, sadly. (Though it's also the first time they actually managed to make me hate Solas, which is quite a feat.) It's just me being heartbroken about one of - or maybe even my ultimate - comfort character. I played DA2 (and the others, too, but DA2 holds a special place in my heart in this regard) during a time in my life where I was very much just... lost, I guess. God. I think I actually felt physical fucking grief when I went through the Fade prison scene? I was shaking and sobbing the whole time and I don't know if I have it in me again.
I'm a bookseller by trade and Varric loving stories always resonated with me. He's often reduced to being the sarcastic sidekick, but I love all his aspects and complexities so very dearly.
The son who didn't ever quite fit in with the society he grew up in, who couldn't hold up to his parents expectations and so instead refused to be tied down by them, but still had a deep love for his family.
The man who was so tragically in love with a woman he couldn't have that he made her his little secret, keeping Bianca's identity even from his best friends. Who probably still didn't let go of his yearning all those years later, maybe because it was easier than opening up and getting hurt again.
The one who was always bickering with Cassandra, this steely woman he was always at odds with, but still wrote her a continuation for his romance series he didn't even think was good because beneath all of his veneer, he still cared.
Who was presented with this half-spirit half-boy and saw just a squirrely kid who needed some help to find his place in the world. (And yeah, this is special to me. Because god damn it, I never had someone like that growing up, and I would have given all my limbs and a kidney for it.)
Who was so, so full of compassion himself, despite all the shit the world had already thrown at him.
I don't know. Maybe I just have a thing for people who try to lock their hurt away so not even they, themselves, have to confront it. (Maybe because I'm a little like that myself and maybe that's why I like Lucanis so much, as well. Damn you, Mary Kirby.)
But anyway. Sorry for the vent. I just needed someplace to share this, I guess. I don't know what to do with this hole in my chest, but props to Bioware (and damn you again, Mary Kirby) for putting it there, because it's definitely not normal for me to care this much. I wasn't even this sad when I had to leave my Hawke in the Fade. Maybe they'll finally find each other again, wherever they are now 💔
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centrally-unplanned · 10 months ago
Adam Tooze giving some pitch-perfect pornography targeted at me specifically with Israel's "Gaza 2035: A three-step master plan to build what they call the Gaza-Arish-Sderot Free Trade Zone", capped with an AI generated Gaza-Dubai:
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I'm in love, this is so glorious. "The world if Israel could play around with Gaza like a little set of Legos" tell me this is not identical energy:
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Except its not a shitpost its an actual report from the Office of the Prime Minister. And folks we have got it all! The most convoluted administration system you could possibly imagine for no reason:
The new free trade zone would be administered by Israel, Egypt, and what the Israeli Prime Minister calls the Gaza Rehabilitation Authority (GRA)—a proposed Palestinian-run agency that would oversee reconstruction in Gaza and “manage the Strip’s finances.”
A cutesy little minimalist graphic of all the brand new industries that will magically become globally competitive in export markets because Israel says so:
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The beach resorts are in my beloved!! But what are the little factories you ask? Oh nothing, just electric car production facilities!
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Remember, before building your first factory, you need 18 Burj Khalifas. We economists call this "infrastructure development", take notes.
It will have high-speed rail through its center, oil projects on the coast, and of course, I'm saving the best for last - a rail project to NEOM:
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 🥳The 🥳Line 🥳Mentioned 🥳
The legend on the map literally just says "a mega project" like, oh yeah, one of those! See em all the time.
Now, you might be asking - Ash, if this is your goal wouldn't you have not destroyed every square inch of habitable urban infrastructure in Gaza and shredded their economy into scraps of paper soaked in blood if your plan was to Singapore-on-the-Sea the place? You sweet summer child, those apartments? They are apartments of the past, darling, you don't need organically developed urban ecologies built over time to compliment human habitation. That is for fucking libs. All of this "war" thing was just set-up to create a blank slate for the construction of The Line 2: Its Definitely Real This Time!
I am going to murder James C Scott myself just so I can hover this plan over his corpse and watch the sheer hubris of this monument to the state's desire for legibility and technocratic solutionism resurrect him from the goddamn grave.
"Well....at least after all this they would have to recognize Palestine as a stat-" Woah woah woah woah, hold on:
The final stage would be when Palestine signs the Abraham Accords signaling “Palestinian self-rule,” albeit without statehood
Lets not...lets not get overambitious here. Baby steps, you know? We have to be careful.
Anyway this is the most ludicrously ill-considered and ill-presented reconstruction plan I have ever seen in my life and I shudder to think that, instead of it being an off-hand drip of propaganda intended solely to brush off nosey reporters and diplomats, it might actually be serious. Bibi hasn't let me down yet on the "thinking things through" front!
But tbc if this was fiction - instead of a ruthlessly grim reality - the Regional Deputy Minister of Trade charged with implementing this technocratic abortion would be my precious little blorbo and I would stan her to hell and back.
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rebo-chan · 1 year ago
Sorry y'all this one's gonna be a long one lol fun analysis/theorizing/headcanoning whatever the fuck this is under the cut :)
So, lately I've been really thinking about Lambo and Tsuna's relationship, Lambo's connection to Vongola, and Lambo's spot as the Lightning Guardian. I know as a fandom, we tend to disregard Lambo because he has like.. two fights in the whole series or wish that someone else was made the Lightning Guardian because that boy is Literally Five. And I won't act like it wouldn't have been cool to see another character as Lightning Guardian (My Haru Guardian fans rise up where are you) but I think what Amanos done here is really fun too from an analysis perspective.
To start with, Tsuna's family is not really a..traditional Mafia family or even a traditional Vongola family either. Let's look at this here, he's got his Two Best Friends(TM), his crush's big brother, the leader of the Disciplinary Committee at his school, a criminal, a half dead girl, and the aforementioned five year old as his guardians. This is FAR from what's likely expected out of the Vongola family, even when you date it back to Primo AT LEAST PRIMO HAD PRINCES, PRIESTS, SAMURAIS as his guardians. (Though he gets away with having One Best Friend (TM) as his guardian.) Yet somehow, their family makes it work!! They survive the Mafia world, multiple times throughout the series and when it's not working they get stronger as a unit and they fight for each other and make it out together. And I think that's the beauty of their specific family.
So then you have Lambo, who Tsuna would do anything for just to avoid Lambo having to experience a fraction of the shit they go through. And Tsuna actually SUCCEEDS at this, he doesn't normally succeed when it comes to being avoidant of Mafia stuff but this was something throughout the series that he was so genuinely adamant against. He only let Lambo fight when he truly had to and even then he very minimally let the Mafia world wrap its greedy paws around Lambo. Kokuyo arc, Tsuna didn't even sort of kind of a little bit consider taking Lambo with them (which would later help keep Kyoko and Haru safe), Varia arc, knowing that this would disqualify him, Tsuna decided he could not allow Lambo to keep fighting.
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Future Arc, Tsuna kept Lambo out of the fight as much as he could, allowing the non-fighters to take care of him and I-pin. Shimon Arc, Tsuna felt real regret at the prospect that he allowed Lambo to come.
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(And Arco arc where Lambo was hardly present at either, which I'd like to imagine that if Lambo was involved in Arco arc then Tsuna may have just absolutely fucking died)
Tsuna to Lambo is not his guardian (Frankly, he doesn't view any of his guardians as such, they are his friends, his pride, his comrades, and those he has traded blows with and knows they can be trusted.) Lambo to Tsuna is his little brother. This five year old was sent on an assassination attempt that was absolutely in no circumstance meant to actually succeed and the Bovinos know that. To send Lambo to assassinate the strongest hitman was a death mission. So, Tsuna took this child in (or rather this child stuck around bc his Mom makes banger meals) and immediately Tsuna assumes the role of his brother. Lambo and Tsuna are the closest out of all the kids. (Ofc Tsuna loves I-pin and fuuta too, but I think it's safe to say Lambo is his dumb little brother)
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Now, I don't think that Tsuna is ever going to see Lambo as anything but his little brother. I actually theorize that the way TYL Lambo is the way he is because Tsuna never really got out of the habit of babying him. He's calmed down since he was a kid and developed a more nonchalant personality with the occasional tantrum because you can't tell me Tsuna DOESNT STILL view TYL Lambo as a non-combatant. When Tsunas 15, he looks at 5 year old Lambo and goes no thanks that boy is never touching a weapon in his life. When Tsunas is 25, he sees 15 year Lambo and goes that is STILL a child he is never touching a weapon in his life. And yes he's completely unaware of the hypocrisy in my head.
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This is a spoiled little brother no one can tell me otherwise.
So we know Tsuna just sees him as his kid brother and not a real guardian. But then you have Lambo's feelings about the whole matter. We know that Lambo doesn't really consider Tsuna a boss but as his big brother, but I don't think that changes a lot for Lambo. While fighting is scary for Lambo, he still desires to follow alongside Tsuna and his friends. He doesn't want to be left behind and makes Tsuna promise him he'll take him wherever he goes. He sees Tsuna freaking out about him being a child in a battlefield and he goes, "No you don't understand, I want to be there."
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And that? That right there is what fucks me up after everything. Lambo as a concept for a Lightning Guardian feels really unique because of this. He's the youngest one. He's always going to chase after the others, trying to keep up with them, to walk alongside them. One day, he wants to catch up and be considered a rightful Guardian like the others. And that is so... Tsuna and him would be batting heads over this because I cannot see Tsuna relenting on Lambo staying out of the battle. I cannot see Tsuna ever feeling like Lambo's ready. Not because he thinks Lambo is weak, but because Lambo's his baby brother and Tsuna needs him more away from the battle or else he can't focus.
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While Tsuna doesn't react outwardly in this frame, I do think it's not a coincidence that he could focus on fighting the battle and not be "impatient" as Reborn put it, the moment he saw Gokudera and Hibari on the battlefield. He could focus easier knowing his friends were running around saving Lambo and co.
Okay, so you have the Big brother who wants to protect his little brother from seeing the same stuff he does, from fighting the same battles he does, and wants him to grow up as a regular kid (a right which he had been robbed off the moment a certain hitman showed up at his door). Then you have the little brother who wants wholeheartedly to be there, desires to catch up to his big brother and know the world that his big brother knows.
How does this difference in value get addressed? well it doesn't because Lambo is still 5 and Shounen jump are cowards for ending Amanos series when they did <3 B U T we have this.
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We all know this scene for when we rewatched Reborn for the first and went "..wait.." because that was some actually sweet foreshadowing from Amano. Okay, so. We have a Lambo who finally did it. Finally is someone worthy of being called the Vongola Lightning Guardian. And Tsuna and co are implied to have just been... Gone. All of Tsuna's efforts to raise this kid in a regular life are ripped away because something happens to HIM, not Lambo. And from Lambo's perspective, he's caught up finally but the person he was following isn't around anymore. He didn't think he'd see him again. I think it's safe to assume that this scene either implies that something happens to Tsuna in his 30s (since we know he wasn't actually dead TYL) OR 20yl Lambo is from a parallel world where Byakuran had actually won and actually took Tsunas life.
And I think that's some real meat to bite into for these characters. A little brother who will lose his big brother if he doesn't do something, get stronger in time. A big brother who won't let him join the battle because he's afraid of losing HIS little brother. A Vongola Lightning Guardian who wants to be a shield for his Boss, and a Boss won't let him be a shield.
And that? That's a good concept for a Vongola Lightning Guardian.
Thank you for reading this far if you did :] this is a bit of a ramble but I was thinking about it and I felt it nice to share. I hope maybe I shared some of my brain worms with you <3
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mellysbasement · 4 months ago
⚠️✨breaking news: local puppy slut found a cure for their pent up frustrations✨⚠️
over the last couple of days, we have been following the developing story of our local puppy slut as they got increasingly pent up and frustrated. Melly, the little puppy in question, has been keeping us updated on their situation.
"this entire thing started within the last few weeks", they told us here at chaotic puppies inc. according to them, this all started with their little sister🫀 and their older brother🧡. the three of them have a beautiful relationship that's organic and free flowing and they don't have any real labels on it currently. their older brother has been encouraging his two younger siblings to be more gay together, setting them up with little puppy playdates and teaching them how to treat each other. this is a whole new world for Melly, and they are still learning how to navigate it.
being dommed by their older brother while also, as the middle sibling, being kind of a dom for their little sister as well, has been a confusing learning experience for poor Melly. they were struggling at first but are finally starting to find their place and settle into the dynamic.
"it's been a struggle to learn how to navigate and balance it." Melly admitted to us today. according to them, they've been nervous and not truly sure if they belonged in the dynamic or not. "today fully solidified for me that i am loved and my siblings do want me and i do belong here." Melly told us today. at first they felt like they were just intruding on the dynamic their two siblings already had, but they feel more loved and secure after today.
of course, navigating new things brings about new feelings, and Melly was struggling to process some of those new feelings this week. part of those feelings being sexual frustration. Mellys older brother has been extra busy recently and their little sister has been extra clingy and lovey and needy. Melly has been stepping up to try and help take care of their little sister, letting her be her fullest subby, needy, clingy self and actually overly encouraging it. Melly started to get a bit jealous watching their little sister get the kind of love and attention they want over the last couple days.
domming their little sister has been emotionally fulfilling and very rewarding, Melly explained to us. but it's been leaving them sexually frustrated and slowly pent up because being a dom doesn't do anything for them sexually, according to Melly. and with their older brother so busy, both them and their little sister have been sexually pent up and frustrated.
today was nearly a breaking point for poor little Melly, they got so pent up earlier they genuinely started crying about it. they started to spiral and have a moment, they were so frustrated.
luckily, their older brother was able to help them release their pent up frustrations today instead. appearently a one on one session with their older brother and their vibrator was just what Melly needed. Melly came 3 times against their vibrator tonight, imagining their older brother using them for whatever icky desires he has in mind.
"i feel so much better now. i'm so relieved and happy." Melly told us after their older brother had gone to bed. "i love my little sister so much and i wouldn't trade our dynamic for the world." Melly reminded us. "but as a sub leaning switch, i need the space to be submissive." they said, telling us how understanding and nice their siblings are about it.
Melly is a very happy and thriving puppy yet again after that session that they do desperately needed. we asked them for their final thoughts on the matter and they told us "i couldn't ask for better siblings. i have the most cute and precious little sister and i love the dynamic me and her have. me and her have the bestest older brother we could ever ask for and i love him so much as well."
as much as we wish we could have a longer interview with the puppy, Melly is all tuckered out (and rightfully so) after their older brother guided them through letting out this weeks worth of frustrations and giving them 3 messy, much needed orgasms. Melly is off to take a nice little puppy nap so they can wake up and tell their sister all about it tomorrow.
follow us here at chaotic puppies Inc for more stories about our local puppy sub, Melly, as well as other puppy related content.
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that-tmr-girl · 8 months ago
Perfect Girlfriend's {Sonya x Harriet x Reader Smut}
For your anniversary, you get a very unconventional but definitely fun present.
Threesome, oral (given and received), scissoring, fingering, 69ing, face riding, thigh riding, bounds, gag, blindhold, praise, teasing, overstimulation, submissive reader
Six years. Six wonderful years that I wouldn't trade for anything with my perfect girlfriend’s.
It was a cute story. Harriet was the leader, Sonya was second-in-command, and I was the third one. When there was all that chaos going on in the Spring, we were up late, trying to work everything out. We were all sleep deprived and about to collapse. Eventually, we could barely keep our eyes open.
We said screw it and tried to sleep in Harriet’s hut. However, we found out the despite the exhaustion, stress made it impossible.
That's when Sonya suggested something under the pretense of just releasing stress. She suggested we have a threesome. Seeing as we all liked each other but just didn't know it, we eagerly agreed.
It was perfect. We started out slow our first time, but we were all sore and happy at the end. We were more than satisfied. Our bodies had been pressed with kisses everywhere and our liquids all coated each others skin.
Since we were all a different kind of tired I blurted out that I was in love with them. When I realize what I said I was about to apologize only for them to both kiss me. That's when the world made perfect sense. We all love each other, and we belong together. We remember each other more than anybody else. We were always by each other's side. We were all we needed.
We got together and never looked back. We never strayed from each other. We were all loyal. We all stayed equally helpful. We all worked out problems out without screaming and never actually fought. Even though it's not a relationship people are used to seeing, it was perfect. It had its ups and downs, but that only brought us closer at the end of the day.
It was during a small argument that we found out something else. Sonya and Harriet were bickering, and I was calming them down. When it didn't seem to be working I kissed them. They essentially took their frustrations out on me during rough sex. I was completely submissive, and it was the most pleasurable thing we had ever felt.
I’m the submissive one. I get told what to do. I get all the attention. I get to be the bottom, and it just works like that. It's how we want it to be. I guess they're one position ahead of me for a reason. They were just meant to dominate.
And me? I was meant to follow their lead. I was made to take it.
And I will never, ever object to it.
It was six years together. Six perfect years that we decided to celebrate with perfect sex.
They had been torturing me all day. They whispered dirty things in my ear. They got me off under the table and left as I was about to cum. They would pull me around a corner and give me hickeys only to leave. They set me on their laps and made me ride their thighs only to pull me off. They had been leaving me close to tears.
They knew what they were doing. They knew the more they worked me up the rougher I would want it.
And they had more than worked me up.
“Knees, now,”Harriet ordered. Doing as she said, I dropped to my knees for her. Looking up, I waited for my next command.
“Put your wrists behind your back,”Sonya whispered in my ear. Doing so, I felt her tie my hands together. Before I could fall Harriet grabbed my hair and pressed my face into her. She bobbed my head as I stuck my tongue out, licking and sucking her. Groaning, she looked down at me before pulling my hair tighter and pressing my face into her. Plunging my tongue inside her, I swirled it in circles as I moaned at the feeling of her pulling my hair. Kissing and sucking on her clit, I kept pleasuring her. Growing wetter and wetter, her grip on my hair loosened. Opening my mouth completely, I kept licking her. Groaning, she released into my mouth. Getting all of it, I lapped up her white liquids before swallowing.
“My turn,”Sonya said simply. Pulling me up by my bounds, she turned me around and picked me up by my ass. Kissing me, she carried me to the bed. Setting me down, she undid the tie before pushing me on my back. Pulling me up, she set my head on the pillow.
Knowing what she wanted, I kept my mouth open. Positioning her thighs around my head, she started bouncing on my face. Grabbing her hips, I kept her close as I plunged my tongue in and out of her. Moaning, she grinded against me. Swirling it around, I started humming and sucking all over her. Growing louder, she kept thrusting into my face. Flicking my tongue against her clit, I grabbed her thighs to keep them around me. Dripping on my lips, she let out heavy breaths. Reaching up her body, I held her breasts as she kept going. Palming them, I rubbed her nipples while sucking on her cunt. With one last, harsh bounce she came in my mouth. Licking inside of her, I got as much as I could before she got off of me.
“On the bed, arms above your head, legs spread,”Harriet ordered the second she did. Doing what she said, I stared at the ceiling as they bound me by my hands. When they were done, one of them blindfolded me while the other shoved a makeshift gag in my mouth.
Someone positioned themselves by my pussy. As I let out a whimper they pushed themselves against me. Moaning into the gag at the friction, I threw my head back. As she stared groaning I recognized the sound as Harriet. Pushing myself against her, I arched my back. With the sound of skin on skin turning me on even more, I moaned again. Hearing me, she got off only to immediately plunge a finger inside of me. Screaming into the fabric, I felt shivers wrack my body as she started pumping. As I was squirming she added another. Unconsciously shutting my eyes despite the way I couldn't see, I kept arching my back.
While Harriet was still fingering me Sonya started sucking and nibbling on my neck. Throwing my head to the side, I gave her full access. Taking advantage, she bit down while rubbing her thumb over my nipples. At the same time, Harriet started rubbing circles above my entrance, making me cum.
Pulling her hand out, she sucked on her fingers before standing up. I heard Sonya walk over and sit where she was. Before I could even form a thought she buried her head inside of me. Flicking her tongue against my clit, she held me down by my waist as she ate me out. With more muffled moans filling their air, the knot in my core tightened again. Already knowing my body enough to realize, she hooked my leg over her shoulder while swirling her tongue around inside of me. Screaming through the gag, I pushed my hips deeper into her mouth. Licking between my folds, she started humming inside of me. Throwing my head back, I moaned as I released.
Keeping her face against me, she grabbed my ankles and spread my legs. Then, she licked between my slit, making my legs shake. When she was satisfied with that part she trailed her tongue down my thighs. Staying still, I kept my eyes shut until she was done.
As I was numb from my last orgasm someone tied my legs to the bed, keeping me spread. Squirming, I tried to close them.
“No. We like looking at you,”Harriet whispered in my ear. Feeling my face flush, I just nodded my head.
Pulling the blindhold off and gag off, she got this glint in her eye.
“No cumming yet,”She ordered.
“I said no cumming,”She repeated. Nodding my head, I held back a sigh at the way they were making me wait.
Harriet positioned herself by my face. When I told her she could do whatever she was going to she wrapped her thighs around my head and pressed her body against mine. Burying her head in my pussy, she started sucking on my as I trails my tongue alone her slit. Getting wetter in my mouth, she started dripping. Feeling the pressure in my lower stomach, I realized I was already close. Closing my eyes, I tried to focus on not cumming while still eating her out. Plunging my tongue inside of her, I desperately swirled it around in hopes to make her cum faster. As she moaned inside of me, I realized the pressure was getting worse. Clenching myself, I whimpered as I kept plunging my tongue inside of her. Humming and kissing my clit, she brought me closer. At the same time though, her legs shook, letting me know she was right there.
Going faster, I kept pushing my face up to her. Moaning into me one last time, right as I thought I would break she climaxed in my mouth. Sucking on her, I lapped up her white liquids as she pulled her face away from me.
“Can I cum now?”I begged.
“You’ve been such a good girl. Such a pretty one too,”Sonya pressed, caressing my face. I leaned into her hand. “But no. You can't,”She denied. Throwing my head back, I groaned.
“Keep being our sweet angel, and you can cum as much as you want. Okay?”Harriet smiled. Nodding my head, I showed that I understood.
Undoing my bounds, they left me free to move again. Slowly sitting up, I was pushed against the headboard. Without hesitation Sonya plunged a finger into me, making me yell out in pleasure. Kissing on my chest, she sucked on my nipple as she started pumping me. Throwing my head back, I moaned as she added another. Wrapping my hands around her shoulders, I kept her close as she rubbed circles on my clit. Switching to my other nipple, she started sucking on that one. Using her free hand, she held my waist as I squirmed under her. Clenching myself, I whimpered as she kept going. Close to tears at the teasing, I buried my head in her neck. Kissing up my jaw, she left more marks on my skin. Whimpering louder and pushing my hips up, right as I wasn't able to take it she pulled out, making me both whine in disatisfaction and sigh in relief.
“You’ve been such a a good girl. Following all the rules,”She praised, kissing my temple.
“Taking us so well. Always listening,”Harriet added.
“And always being our sweet girl. Holding back just for us,”She smiled, kissing the tip of my nose. Getting off, she let Harriet sit on my lap. Doing so, she pressed her lips all over my face before placing a hand under my chin. Brushing her lips against mine, she slowly trailed her tongue along my bottom lip. When I let her in she grazed her tongue over mine. Sitting up, she made sure to still be straddling me as I tasted her. Smiling against my mouth, after another moment she pulled away.
As she moved Sonya grabbed me and pulled me into her lap. Wrapping her hands around my shoulders, she pressed her lips against mine. Kissing back, I put my hand behind her head as she rested her tongue in my mouth. Lightly tangling my hands in her hair, I kept my body pressed against hers.
Without pulling apart she flipped me under her. Removing her mouth from mine, she started kissing down my chest and stomach. Goosebumps traveled down my arms at her touch.
Looking up at me as she was right by my cunt, she wore a lustful, almost hungry, expression.
Slowly leaning down, she kissed my thighs. Spreading them with her palms, she bit down, making me cry out in pain and pleasure. Doing it again, she started sucking where she had bit me before coming right above me entrance.
Kissing my clit, she was teasingly soft. I could practically feel her breath more than her actual lips.
Still, I kept still. She was always a tease, but she also always gave me exactly what I need.
Sure enough, she started flicking her tongue against my clit. Grabbing her hair, I arched my back for her. Licking stripes between my folds, she swirled her tongue inside of me. She held my thighs as she circled my walls. Letting out almost pornographic moans, I pushed her face deeper into me. Moaning into me, she brought me closer and closer. Getting louder and louder, I started screaming her name. Looking at the ceiling, I groaned as I kept holding back. I was their good girl. I had to be their good girl. I had to always take it the way they said. It was what I did, and it was what we all absolutely lived for.
“You can cum now, sweet girl,”Harriet promised. Not needing another word, I let myself have a much needed release.
Swirling her tongue around, Sonya lapped up all my liquids before looking at Harriet. They both nodded before turning to face me.
“Come on, angel,”Harriet sighed, grabbing me as she kept her seat on the edge of the bed. Setting me on her thigh, she held my hips as I grinded on her skin. Grabbing my waist, she made sure I stayed in while letting me go at my own pace. Resting my head on her shoulder, I whimpered as I felt the pressure in my stomach. Tracing her fingers down my spine, she bounced her leg as I went faster, desperate for another release. Kissing my neck, she kept her hold on me. Pushing myself against her bare skin one more time, I held my hands behind her back and buried my face in her neck as I came.
Helping me off, she laid me on the bed. Crawling on top of me, she started sucking on my nipple while trailing her hand down my stomach. Circling my clit, she pushed herself up to my lips. Moaning inside of her mouth, I grabbed her shoulders as the knot in my aching core returned. Sticking two fingers inside of me, she started curling and pumping them. With my entire body shaking, my legs locked up as my orgasm made me gasp. Pulling away, she watched my face screw up with pleasure.
“Someone else wants to make you feel good again,”She drew out before getting off of me.
Sonya crawled on top of me. Pulling me up, she sat me on her leg. Grabbing my ass, she nibbled on my neck as she kept me upright. Despite the way I could barely breathe and my vision was almost black, I found myself getting off on her thigh. Whining and whimpering, I rested my head on her chest as I shut my eyes. Kissing my forehead, she grabbed my hips as I couldn't even hold myself up. Seeing this, she started moving my body for me. Guiding me to a faster pace, she whispered more praised in my ear. Letting out a barely audible moan, I finished.
Keeping still, I held on to her as I came down from my high. Running her fingers down my neck, she carefully laid me down.
With Harriet already dressed, she pulled my underwear up my sore legs. Staring at the ceiling, I tried to get my vision back as she put me in a pair of her night shorts.
Now dressed as well, Sonya pulled one of her shirts over my head. When they brushed out their clothes, making sure they were loose but comfortable on my body, they took their spots beside me.
They always want me in their clothes. It makes them happy to know that I’m theirs. It makes me happy too. Knowing that after all this time, I still have them.
“You did so good,”Harriet whispered in my ear after turning off the lamp beside her. Smiling, I turned my back to her. Hugging me from behind, she kissed my neck as she held my close.
“You took us so well. You always do,”Sonya whispered, pressing her palm to my cheek as she kissed me temple. As she wrapped her arms around me I cuddled into her neck while still staying close enough for Harriet to hold me.
With both their hands over my waist, they intertwined their fingers while rubbing circles on my skin.
“I love you both,”I mumbled, letting out a yawn as I shut my eyes.
“We love you too,”They whispered back.
“Happy anniversary guys,”Sonya added.
“Yeah. It really, really was,”Harriet agreed.
Yes. It was the best one yet.
Then again, we say that every year. How could we not though? I mean this is the best present anyone could get, something money could never buy.
Love and incredible sex.
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highladyluck · 1 year ago
The Finn stole my baby AU
ok FINE you can all have the Eelfinn Stole My Baby in outline form
I've never pinned down the details on this, because I think it would be most interesting as an installment in a larger series and a lot of the details would be determined by the needs of the overall storyline, but this is the vague outline:
1) Fortuona has just found out from Min that her kid's going to be a marath'damane. Because a) SOME IDIOT (maybe Mat, maybe Berelain if they're on speaking terms, there's some other options depending on the scenario) made the mistake of telling her about Sindhol in some way that makes her actually believe in it, b) she's a slut for prophecy and always has been, and c) she wants to explore all her options, she wants to go to Sindhol to get some answers from the Aelfinn. The questions she intends to ask vary by setting but it's something along the lines of how to survive the current situation/protect her marath'damane child/solve the sul'dam problem/ensure stability of the Empire in the westlands/how best to reconquer mainland Seanchan. You know! #FortuonaProblems. Mat eventually agrees to escort her; both to get in, since the only way in right now is the Tower of Ghenji, and to get out.
2) But because they're going in outside of treaty rules and Mat's there, the Eelfinn are the ones waiting for them and they won't let Fortuona go see the Aelfinn (maybe they say that they won't see Mat, but they will see her, if she agrees to be escorted alone. Mat's almost like "oh, over my dead body" but catches himself just in time.) Whatever deal Fortuona makes with the Eelfinn involves something she can use to solve her existing political problems (not sure what this is but it could be something horrible, like a better male a'dam), and something for Mat (maybe a magic replacement eye?). The third item is either something else for her, something else for Mat, or a very thoroughly rules-lawyered escape clause, depending on how confident Mat was/she is about being able to escape with the ashandarai. In exchange, they take her about-to-be-born-child, which she either explicitly names as the price, or is counting on them taking as the price.
3) At least they're not gonna eat the kid; the Eelfinn want a human child who can channel to build them new treaty doors someday, and if the human child is raised by them and therefore on their side, so much the better. They're also thrilled to get another piece of Mat. I figure the Eelfinn would want the savor of Mat and Tuon fighting about this, so while there's a possibility that the world's least hygenic c-section happens before Mat cottons on to what Tuon just bargained away, I think it would be more likely that they don't strike until the price is explicit or Mat has figured it out.
Tuon's like "I understand that you're upset but it's better this way. I came to solve a problem. It's not solved the way I intended, but it's solved and I got you an incredible boon in the bargain. We can always have more children."
Mat's like "Yeah, well, you aren't having them with me! You're a monster for unilaterally trading our child to my eldritch enemies."
She's like "If I'm a monster, so are you. As soon as you found out she would be marath'damane you began setting plans in motion to take her from her destiny. From the empire. From me. Don't think I haven't noticed. At least in this situation, I'm getting something out of it that benefits both of us."
4) I honestly don't entirely know what happens next, but it's bad. Unstoppable force (Mat's desire to rescue women & his love of Tuon) meets immovable object (said woman/Tuon just betrayed him and his innocent child to his worst enemies). Would he just leave Tuon there? (maybe?) Would he try to trade Tuon's life for the baby's? (I like this because I like pain and I think he might be deranged enough in the moment to do it) Would he try to trade his life for the baby's? (maybe, but they wouldn't accept it.) Would he try to kill all the Eelfinn? (yes, and they'd still take the baby.) Like how the fuck do you recover from any of that? And the worst part is you can like… sort of see where Tuon is coming from, if you enjoy women's wrongs? And she really just wanted to meet the Aelfinn and it's Mat's fault that it isn't going as planned?
5) If there's a sequel, it would be the fully grown child showing up in their world with a terrifying knowledge of esoteric ter'angreal construction and thoroughly socialized as a *Finn some improbably short amount of time later. Maybe when Elayne and Mat mount a rescue mission in a few months. Time runs differently in Sindhol if the *Finn need it to.
Bonus: I'm still debating adding a variant of this to the epilogue of The Fox That Makes The Ravens Fly- for one thing, I haven't decided yet if Tuon is pregnant, and if she is, by whom. If I do it'll be Rand who tells her about the Aelfinn & Thom who tells her about the Eelfinn, she'll go in with Thom and someone else (Elayne, I think, in exchange for access to the dice-ring ter'angreal that replicates Mat's luck, also Elayne would love to go on that field trip, although I could see Min being interested for the metaphysics of it all), and the ostensible point is to rescue Moiraine. I think instead of that, she negotiates getting Mat back, at the cost of leaving her baby with them, and resetting the timeline so Mat never died and the canon events where Moiraine gets rescued happen, but she remembers the old timeline. I have no idea if the *Finn actually get to keep her baby, who may or may not be a sparker in this scenario, or for that matter if they get to keep Moiraine, but I bet they'd take the bargain regardless because they invested a lot in Mat & also now Tuon has some weird fucking emotions about the entire life she didn't lead. Also they're the fae, the only thing they like more than bargain eyeballs is bargain babies.
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novasintheroom · 2 months ago
👋😄 A little birb told me you also have a birb!
What birb you got? 👀🦜 (Sorry, know it's a pretty random ask! 😆 Absolutely 0 pressure to share 😄)
I would love to talk about my birbs!!!
I have 3 birds: Reno, Pearl, and Pickles. I'd show photos, but Tumblr isn't liking them for some reason 🤷‍♀️
Reno is my oldest bird - at least 17 years old this year! He's a cockatiel, and very, very grumpy and sleepy. He loves carrots, cheddar popcorn, and taking naps! He was rehomed a few times before he came to me, and he's in his forever home now <3
Miss Pearl is a cockatiel as well. She's at least 5 years old this year. My mom and I found her while we were taking a walk through our neighborhood during 2020, and I managed to catch her and take her in. No one legitimate ever came forward to claim her, so she's been stuck with us ever since :) She also loves cheddar popcorn, and looovveess to chew things up. She's shy around hands, so I don't really interact with her physically.
Lastly, we have the demon herself: Pickles. Pickles is a green-cheek conure, and is actually my sister's bird! She'll be 10 at the end of February. She is a little terror, going into cupboards and knocking things out of them just for the fun of it. She's very bossy too; she'll demand every bite of your meal, especially if it's "white stuff" (i.e. milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, etc.). But, we love her, and her crazy personality. Wouldn't trade her for the world :)
Thank you for letting me ramble about my birds! I love them dearly, and love to talk about their funny personalities. <3
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