#i would if it had glenn dust on it
malewifemanhunter · 1 year
the way glenn talks about the beatles, i wanna grind him into a soft power and sprinkle it over my morning coffee
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itsbrucey · 6 months
You think Darryl ever grabbed one of Glenn's horns to make a point and Glenn moaned a little. And they both decided not to deal with it.
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r6eduss · 5 days
Girllll what if an imagine where S3! Daryl and y/n are a thing and when Daryl left with his brother, rick and the others were the one who told y/n that he just left and she was so devastated that when daryl eventually came back she treated him coldly then eventually breaking down in front of him because they think it's easy for daryl to leave them
Idk maybe angsty in the beginning then fluffy at the end?? This scenario is stuck in my head for D A Y S 😩
Anws thanks!!
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Listen before I go.
•Summary: Daryl leaves with Merle without thinking how it would affect you. (Fem Reader)
•Warnings: 18+, Twd violence, angst, fluff
•Word count: 2.6k
•Setting: The Prison
•A/N: thank you for the request! I’m really sorry if this isn’t what you wanted and you aren’t happy with it 😭 I rewatched a couple episodes to try and make it as accurate as possible to the actual series. also I’m a very strong believer that Daryl would call his partner sweetheart 🤞🏼(I promise I’ve seen all the other requests I’ve gotten!)
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Rick, Daryl, and Oscar had set out to rescue Glenn and Maggie, who were being held prisoner in Woodbury. Michonne had accompanied them, serving as their guide through the hostile territory. The operation, however, hadn't gone as smoothly as planned. They had lost Oscar in the chaos, and the Governor had captured Daryl, forcing him into a brutal situation—pitting him against his own brother, Merle.
As the dust settled and the group reconvened, Glenn and Michonne stayed behind to watch over the car while Rick and Maggie went back for Daryl, determined not to leave him behind. Against their better judgment, they returned with more than just Daryl—Merle had tagged along, at Daryl’s insistence. Now, back at the car, an intense discussion was brewing over whether Merle and Michonne should be brought back to the prison.
“The Governor is probably headin’ to the prison righ’ now. Merle knows how he thinks and we could use the muscle,” Daryl’s eyes locking on Rick, his tone resolute. One way or another, he was bringing his brother back.
Tension radiated from Glenn and Maggie. Glenn, still nursing wounds from Merle’s brutal interrogation, was barely containing his anger. Maggie stood close, her face tight with the memory of her own trauma at the hands of the Governor. “He had a gun to our heads! You really want him sleeping in the same cell block as Carol or Beth?” Glenn's voice shook, both with fury and concern for his family’s safety.
Daryl shot back quickly, defensive. “He ain’t a rapist.” But Glenn was faster. His words were sharp, cutting through Daryl’s protest like a knife. “Well his buddy is.”
Daryl’s face tightened. “They ain’t buddies no more. Not after last night,” he said, growing more frustrated. To him, this was simple—Merle was family. Family was non-negotiable. Why was this even up for debate?
Rick, observing the growing argument, finally stepped in, his voice measured but firm. “There’s no way Merle’s gonna live there without putting everyone at each other’s throats.”
Daryl’s patience was fraying. “So ya gon’ cut Merle loose and bring the last samurai home with us?” His irritation was clear. They were even considering taking Michonne—someone they barely knew—while debating his own brother?
The group paused as Maggie spoke up, her voice softer but filled with conviction while gesturing towards Michonne. “She’s in no state to be on her own,” The trauma they'd all just endured weighed heavily on her, and she couldn't understand why Daryl seemed blind to it.
Rick and Daryl exchanged a look. They had their doubts about Michonne, and Rick had voiced that, telling the group that she’s not going back with them. “That’s righ’, we don’t know who she is. But Merle? Merle’s blood.” Daryl threw the statement out like it should end the conversation, as if everyone would automatically agree.
But Glenn’s response was immediate and cold. “No, Merle is your blood. My family is right here. And they’re waiting for us back at the prison.” His words hung in the air, heavy with finality. Maggie nodded in agreement, she wasn’t about to let Merle, of all people, endanger what little they had left.
Rick stepped closer to Daryl, his voice steady, attempting to bridge the growing divide. “And you're part of that family, Daryl. Not him.”
The statement struck Daryl hard. He looked baffled, wounded even. If they considered him family, why wouldn’t they accept his brother? “Man, y’all don’t know.” He shook his head, anger and confusion swirling inside him.
The silence that followed was tense. Everyone stared at Daryl, unsure of what more they could say. In their eyes, the decision was obvious—but for Daryl, it was far from simple. Finally, Daryl exhaled sharply. “Fine. We’ll fend for ourselves.”
The words hung in the air like a threat, and instantly the group erupted in protests. There was panic now, a desperation to keep Daryl from making a stupid decision out of anger. “No him, no me,” Daryl snapped, his voice thick with frustration. He felt cornered, like there was no room for him to protect both his blood and his new family.
Maggie stepped forward, “Daryl, you don’t have to do this.” He looked at her, and for a moment, his hardened expression faltered. “It was always Merle and me before this,” he said quietly, the pain in his voice clear. He was torn, and it was written all over his face.
Glenn, still reeling from everything, asked a question that Daryl forgot to consider in the heat of the moment. “What do you want us to tell Y/N?” It was a simple question, but one that carried so much weight. They both knew it would devastate you.
Daryl hesitated, his gaze dropping. “She’ll understand.” But there was a crack in his voice, a hint of uncertainty, deep down he knew that you in fact wouldn’t understand. The group fell silent, letting the gravity of the moment sink in.
For a long moment, Daryl stood there, chewing on the inside of his lip, torn between his past and his present. Finally, he began moving, heading toward the car. “Say goodbye to your pop for me.” Directing his comment towards Maggie. Rick quickly followed, refusing to let this situation go. “Hey, hey. There’s got to be another way,” he pleaded, knowing how hard this would hit not just Carol but you too.
Daryl paused, his back still to Rick. “Don’t ask me to leave him,” he said, accent thick as ever. “I already did tha’ once.” Arriving at the trunk he begins stuffing supplies into his bag, while telling Rick and them to take care of themselves. He hoists it over his shoulder, glancing one last time at the group, and walking away with Merle.
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You stood quietly, arranging your belongings. Your cell had become somewhat of a sanctuary for you, a space to shape, however fragile, into a semblance of back home. You carefully sat down on your bed, deciding that you were going to nap, until you heard a knock, and saw Rick standing just outside. His hands rested against the cracked walls, not wanting to intrude too much. “How are you doing?” he asked, his voice very careful.
You offered a smile, though it didn’t reach your eyes. “I’m okay.” It was silent for a moment, you could tell he had more to say. “Is everything okay?” Rick slowly brought his gaze from your face to the ground, wondering how he could bring the news to you. “Listen.. Daryl’s gone. Left with Merle.”
Your heart lurched violently in your chest, but outwardly, you kept still, trying to keep your breath steady while each inhale felt like swallowing glass. “Is he coming back?” He was coming back right? You two had something special did you not?
Rick’s expression was one of apology, his shoulders heavy with the weight of what he had broke to you. “I don’t know. He told me you’d understand.” Understand? Understand that Daryl had chosen to abandon the love you thought you both had? Without even saying goodbye?
“Okay.” You replied softly, your voice refusing to betray the devastation roaring inside you. You couldn’t fall apart, and especially not in front of Rick.
He lingered for a moment longer, “if you need anything..—“
“I’ll be fine, Rick. Thank you.”
He gave you a solemn nod before stepping back into the hallway, the silence in your cell feeling almost suffocating. You sat frozen for a very long moment, staring at ceiling. Then, like a dam breaking, the tears came, hot and unbidden, blurring your vision as the enormity of it all crashed down on you. You sank onto your bed, your body shaking with silent sobs and your heart aching in ways you hadn’t expected. You’ve always known that Daryl was complicated, guarded.. but why did he leave? Were you not important enough to him? Did you really mean that little? A hundred questions burned in your mind, and none of them had answers.
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It felt like an eternity before the next day finally arrived. The night had been restless, your mind circling endlessly around one thing, and that one thing was Daryl. The way he had just stood up and left you behind, it left a pit in your stomach that only deepened with each passing hour. But today, you had bigger problems, problems that made personal heartache seem almost insignificant.
Glenn was gone, in attempts to clear his mind. With Daryl gone and Rick wandering crazy town, he was the next in charge, and right now he had a lot of pent up anger on what the governor did to Maggie. But of course, while he was gone, the Governor had made his move, and it was brutal. His forces stormed the prison with a cold, ruthless efficiency, and everything erupted before you had time to prepare. Axel was the first to fall, a sharp crack of gunfire cutting through the air as he crumpled to the ground, lifeless. Carol, who had been standing just beside him, let out a sharp cry of shock. In a heartbeat she ducked behind Axel’s now motionless body, using him as a shield.
Bullets ripped through the air, the deafening sound of gunfire filling the space as you scrambled for cover. You crouched behind the crumbling remains of the prison walls that were near the gate, heart hammering in your chest, adrenaline surging through your veins. You clutched your rifle tightly, hands shaking slightly as you peeked out from behind the wall, eyes scanning for targets.
There. One of the Governor's men was in your line of sight, crouched low, his rifle trained on the courtyard. Without hesitating, you aimed and pulled the trigger. The recoil jolted your body, but you didn't wait to see if you hit your mark. You ducked back behind the wall, the echo of gunfire ringing in your ears. Around you, The group fought just as hard, each of them locked in their own battles.
As you leaned out again, carefully scanning for your target who you hadn’t known already retreated, your eyes fell on Herschel, who was still exposed in the courtyard. Rick, positioned just outside the fences, was also in a precarious situation. At that moment, the Governor and his men launched an assault, sending a car to smash through the courtyard fence. Herschel, crouched in the field with his rifle, began to feel the weight on him as walkers started to flood in from every direction.
The fear was palpable among you, Rick, and especially Maggie as you all dreaded the possibility of losing Herschel. Just as the Governor began to leave, Glenn had returned, driving into the courtyard while Michonne followed the truck, cutting through the walkers that stood in her way. Their intervention was a lifesaver; they quickly rescued Herschel, escorting him into the truck and out of the courtyard, into the safety of the prison gates.
Outside, Rick was struggling to fend off the relentless walkers closing in on him. Just when things seemed dire, a bolt flew through the air, striking the head of the walker attacking Rick. Daryl and Merle had returned, joining forces with Rick to clear the remaining walkers. Daryl and the rest of your family were okay.. and that’s all you needed to know before bolting back toward your cell, trying your best to avoid the archer in the process.
A couple hours later you found yourself sat on your bed, running your fingers absentmindedly over the pages of an old journal you started keeping. Without looking up, you could heard the familiar sound of boots shuffling just outside your cell. Daryl stood awkwardly in the doorway, his hand brushing against the frame of the cell, his shoulders hunched slightly as though the weight of the world rested on them. He didn’t say anything at first, just stood there, the air between them thick with tension.
"Hey," he muttered finally, his voice gravelly and hesitant.
You looked up at him then, your expression unreadable. Daryl shifted his weight, uncomfortable under your gaze. Without a word, you stood and brushed past him, your shoulder grazing his as you walked out of the cell. Daryl flinched at the contact, his jaw tightening. The cold shoulder hit him harder than any words could have, and as he watched you walk away, he felt the guilt gnawing at his insides.
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The distance between you two only grew more unbearable. As the days flew by, you continued to ignore him, feeling as if he didn’t deserve your attention, while Daryl found himself missing the soft touch of your hand, the warmth you brought into his life that no one else ever could. He couldn’t stay away any longer. He needed to fix this.
He found you sitting on the edge of your bed again, scribbling quietly in your journal like yesterday, not looking up when he entered, just blatantly ignoring him.
"Damn it, why’re ya avoidin’ me?" His frustration finally boiled over, his voice harsher than he meant it to be. You paused, setting the journal down slowly before looking up at him with steely eyes, the walls around you finally beginning to crack. "Why did you leave, Daryl?" Your was voice trembling but controlled, laced with anger. "Was it that easy?"
Daryl froze, his usual tough exterior faltering. He wasn’t used to being confronted like this, especially by you. He fidgeted, biting the inside of his lip. "It ain’t like that… Merle— he’s my blood."
"And what am I, Daryl?" You instantly snapped, voice rising higher as your emotions spilled over. "Why was it so easy for you to leave me? You didn’t even say goodbye. Did you not care?" Daryl’s gaze fell to the ground, avoiding yours at all costs. “I wasn’t thinkin’ straight”
Your eyes instantly widened in disbelief and hurt. “You left me here, alone, when I thought we had something! You weren’t even clear headed enough to think about how it would affect me!” Daryl flinched at edge of your voice. “I didn’t know what to do! I was tryin’ to do what I thought was right.”
You stood up abruptly, your anger radiating off you. “What was right?! You think abandoning me without a word is doing what’s right? Why’d you even come back if clearly all you needed was Merle.”
Your words cut deeper than any wound he’d ever taken. He stood there, staring at you, the silence stretching painfully between you both. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he spoke, his voice barely more than a whisper. "I came back 'cause I realized I love ya."
Your heart fluttered at his words, the anger in your eyes softening, though the hurt was still there. For a very long pause you just stared at him, scanning his eyes for any possible doubt for what he just admitted to you. “..Actually?” You really couldn’t believe it, you never thought he’d be the one to say those words first, but he did. All You wanted to do was stay mad, to push him away for making you feel like you didn’t matter, but the vulnerability in his voice stopped you. He again chewed the inside of his lips and nodded slowly to answer your question. "I’m sorry." he mumbled, looking down. He looked like he was about to cry, and in that very moment you just wanted to nurture him.
So without thinking, you closed the distance and wrapped your arms around him. Daryl tensed at first, his back stiffening at the unexpected embrace, but after a moment, he slowly relaxed, his arms wrapping around you in return and leaning down into your neck, feeling comfortable and safe.
"I love you too.. but don’t ever leave me again."
Daryl leaned back and pressed a gentle kiss onto your forehead, lingering just for a moment. “I won’t, sweetheart.”
And that was a promise he’d never break. Not for anybody.
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smutinlove · 4 months
reader runs away bc she hates enid but her father figure glenn adopts enid 😭
Carl finds her and u can finish the rest
ok bbg
it ends with a bit of fluff but enjoy!!
You couldn't believe it. Your father, well, your father figure, Glenn, had taken Enid under his wing. Enid now lives with you, Maggie, and Glenn. It enraged you.
You loathed Enid. She, in your words, was a "deranged fucking bitch."
And maybe Glenn didn't love you as if you were his own. Maggie was also pregnant, meaning that there wouldn't be enough space for three kids. So maybe it was you who needed to leave.
And that's exactly what you did.
Once the clock struck midnight, you packed your bags and left Alexandria. You'd left your friends, family, and boyfriend (Carl). It wasn't like anyone was going to care if you left.
No one was going to look for you. That was the prophecy. You were destined to be alone, and you became self-aware of that thought every day.
You headed for the woods. It was a bit dark, and you didn't have your flashlight with you either.
You maneuvered the woods blind. But it was fine. You could just listen for the sounds of flesh-hungry walkers.
By the morning, you'd reached an old apartment building. You opened the door and were greeted by a few walkers. You used your knife to kill them. One by one.
You searched the first floor, killing walkers as you went. You decided it was best to stay here, on the first floor, in case anything happened.
You opened the door to a small apartment and settled down. It had a mattress on the ground and a small but empty kitchen.
You dropped your bag on the floor and laid on the mattress. You smiled. It was better than living with Enid. Totally better.
You decided that it would be better if you had some rest. Your limbs felt like they'd fall off. You closed your eyes, thinking happy thoughts, and slowly fell asleep.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
You were having the most exquisite dream about living in a castle on clouds when suddenly everything started collapsing, and then you were met with a blurry figure hovering over you.
"Are you alright?" Your vision started to clear up, and the fog in your brain started to melt away.
You looked up, taking in the face in front of you. You knew him. Him. "Carl? How did you—" Carl cupped your cheek and whispered, "You thought that you could travel away from Alexandria and I wouldn't find you? You could travel to the end of the earth and I would still find you. Can't you see? You belong with me, Y/N. And I belong to you."
You rolled your eyes, but you couldn't help but smile. "You're so cheesy, Carl."
Carl grinned, "Only for you." He leaned in and kissed your cheek. Carl stood up and brushed the dust off of his jeans. "Let's go," he said.
"Yes, we are leaving." He took your hand and pulled you up. You wanted to go with him. But you couldn't. Glenn and Maggie definitely didn't want you. They were probably getting ready to kick you out. Luckily, you have already left, saving them the trouble to kick you to the curb.
"Fine, I'll stay," Carl said.
"No, I'm staying until you come with me." You smiled. "I'll stay with you whether you want me to or not."
"Okay," you replied.
Send more fluff/angst reqs for carl and maybe even jason or dick grayson. ;)))
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egcdeath · 2 months
going the extra mile
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pairing: patrick zweig x reader
summary: patrick takes care of you after a rough day at work. 
word count: 2k
warnings: domesticity, established relationship tooth rotting fluff, so much fluff you might have to visit your dentist, brief mention of alcohol, eating, baths, mentions of sex but no explicit scenes, so sappy, very lightly edited
author’s note: this fic is part of my succession au (previous part here) but you don’t need to read it to read this! all you need to know is that patrick and reader are engaged. 
“Honey, I’m home!” you called out as you stepped through the door of your shared apartment, voice a little flat from an exhausting day. 
What began as a joke after you first moved in with Patrick quickly began a critical part of your evening routine, where whoever got home from work later called the cheesy phrase out to the other person, then was excitedly greeted at the door. It was a cute routine and something for you to look forward to after a long day at work—much like the one you just experienced.
Just as you predicted, Patrick appeared at your door shortly after you announced your arrival, beating your equally excited cat by just a few seconds.
“Hey, baby,” he greeted you warmly before entering your space to give you a quick forehead kiss. “How was your day?”
“Stressful,” you huffed, allowing Patrick to take your work bag and hang it up for you. You squatted down to pet your cat, who was now enthusiastically rubbing her chin on your shin.
“I figured it would be. I know big presentations aren’t your favorite,” he acknowledged, ruffling your hair from where you were petting your cat. “So I picked up a bunch of food from that Italian place you like. Want to change into something comfortable then eat?”
“Oh Patrick,” you sighed in relief, looking up at him with love in your eyes. A huge feast was exactly what you needed after such a rough day. “You might be the best fiancé ever.”
As promised, when you returned to the kitchen after putting on a satin pajama set—one that Patrick randomly gifted you early on in your relationship—a variety of takeout boxes sat on the counter from one of your favorite restaurants. You didn’t even think that they did take out, but Patrick must’ve convinced them somehow. Knowing that he would go out of his way to do something like that for you made you want to grab and kiss him. 
You grabbed what you wanted then sat down on your couch, not even bothering to care about marinara stains that might end up on the very expensive piece of furniture. At that point, your comfort mattered more than any material items—a sentiment that you were sure that Patrick would agree with. 
Your fiancé joined you not too long after you sat down, bringing you an offer of focaccia and a glass of wine. 
“You know me so well,” you practically purred, a soft smile on your lips as you gladly took the glass of wine from him. 
Patrick smiled back at you in response, not outwardly acknowledging your praise, but the light dusting of pink on his cheeks letting you know that he appreciated it anyway. You always loved seeing the effects your compliments had on him, even if he didn’t immediately speak his mind. 
“Do you want to watch a movie? Want a foot massage?” he offered, remote to the television already in one hand. It was sweet how he seemed to be going down a checklist of all of the things he knew you liked after a long, stressful day. 
“I think I just want to enjoy your company for now. Maybe an early debrief? Tell me about your day?” you suggested, setting down your glass of wine to take a bite of the food on your plate. 
“My day was pretty boring, to be honest,” he sighed. “We did some run-throughs of Glenn’s speech, then went back to the office and got some boring work done that you don’t want to hear about.”
“Maybe I do wanna hear about it,” you challenged, sitting up slightly straighter to indicate your interest. “Or maybe I just want to hear you talk a little more?” you added, figuring that it would be better to be honest. 
Information about the campaign Patrick was working on would probably go in one ear and out the other, but his voice was always a comforting, grounding thing for you. After having such a busy, stressful day, you couldn’t think of a single better way to unwind than to hear Patrick talk endlessly to you. 
Being the supportive fiancé that he was, Patrick did exactly that, telling you about all of the ins and outs of his day until you finished eating and drinking and were halfway into a food coma. 
Sensing your sleepiness, Patrick paused in his storytelling. “I was gonna run a bath for you, but I wanted to wait so it didn’t get too cold while we ate. What do you think?”
“I think I want to marry you right now,” you gushed, thrilled at the prospect of a warm bath to help you fully unwind from the day. 
As promised, Patrick set up a bath for you, complete with a candle-lit room and the soothing aroma of a bath bomb. You sat in a fuzzy robe and watched from your bedroom as Patrick set up the bath for you, flattered by his commitment to giving you a relaxing evening. 
After he was satisfied with the bath he put together for you, Patrick retrieved you from your bedroom and led you to the tub, as if you didn’t already know where it was. 
“Just yell for me if you need anything,” Patrick told you, letting go of the hand that he was holding.
“What if I need something now?” you questioned as you shed your robe and stepped into the warm, soothing water of the bath.
“What do you need?” he asked curiously, already preparing to get whatever it was that you wanted. 
“Well, I don’t need it, but it would be nice if you joined me. If you want to,” you added shyly, still worried about accommodating your partner years into your relationship. Patrick wasn’t always in the mood to do super romantic things, but after giving you such a nice night, it seemed far more likely that he would accept your offer. 
Your request was received even better than you expected, with Patrick making quick work of stripping and getting into the tub behind you, before letting you recline against his chest comfortably. 
The two of you sat in the tub for a long time, occasionally talking about whatever came to mind, but mostly unwinding in silence and sharing the intimacy of having skin-on-skin contact. 
Once again, you were sure that you could fall asleep right then and there, relaxed by a tiring trifecta of your dinner, the warm bath, and your fiancé’s comforting presence. 
“I never wanna get out,” you sighed contently, turning your head to dreamily look at your partner. 
“I don’t either, but I’m starting to worry that if I stay any longer, my skin’s gonna start falling off,” he showed you his pruning fingers to prove his point. 
“Ew,” you said simply, that being all you needed to hear to get you out. Besides, the water had gone cold a long time ago, and you were itching to lay in bed. 
“I want to get out, but I don’t think any of my muscles work anymore,” you explained as you watched Patrick wrap a towel around his waist after stepping out of the tub. 
“Is this your way of asking me to carry you to bed?” he asked with a hint of laughter in his voice. 
“Depends. Are you offering?” you fluttered your eyelashes at Patrick as if that would somehow sweeten the deal. 
Patrick gave you a wordless grin, one that told you that you were about to get exactly what you wanted. He helped you out of the tub and carried you to bed as he promised, before setting you down and tossing some pajamas at you.
After he cleaned up the bathroom, Patrick joined you in bed, where you were chewing on your bottom lip as you answered a few work emails. 
“Put that away,” Patrick gently chided you, shutting your laptop for you. “They can have you tomorrow. Let me have you for now?” 
You couldn’t argue with that logic, not protesting when Patrick took your computer and set it on the nightstand on his side of the bed. Though you really would like to get more work done, your partner was accurate in his assessment that nothing would change if you answered that night rather than in the morning, other than your peace of mind. 
Once your laptop was out of the way, Patrick wasted no time pulling you in for a passionate kiss, which felt like the perfect way for you to end your night. As his hands eagerly roamed your body, you thought about how this was something that you both earned, with Patrick treating you to such a lovely evening, and you needing this one final action to complete your night of relaxation. 
Just as Patrick found his way between your thighs, your heated moment was interrupted by the dejected sounding meows of your cat at the door, wanting to be let into the room. Both of you groaned, knowing that if you didn’t address the angry furball waiting for you, you really wouldn’t be able to enjoy your night. 
“We’ll pick this back up in the morning,” he promised you as he got out of bed. 
“I’m gonna hold you to that,” you laughed, sitting up and pulling your discarded nightgown back on while you watched Patrick open the door for your pet. Predictable as ever, she jumped into your bed and sat down where she always liked to sit between you and your fiancé.
“This has to be the most spoiled cat in all of human history,” Patrick commented as he sat back down next to the two of you in bed. 
“Whose fault is that?” you teased as you pet the purring feline. Though he would never admit it, Patrick somehow loved your pet even more than you did. You often found him holding and cooing at the cat, or doing research on new toys and puzzles to enrich her.
“We share responsibility for it,” he dismissed, causing you to giggle. 
“Sure,” you replied, not even bothering to hide the incredulity in your voice.  
As the two of you sat in bed, you settled into your typical evening routine, with Patrick reading a book beside you and you catching up with your friends over text. 
Out of the blue, your partner spoke up, grabbing your attention. “You still haven’t told me about how the presentation went.”
You groaned aloud and turned to look at your fiancé, reading glasses perched on his nose and an open book laid on his chest. His beauty, even in a moment of not being all put-together, felt like it should be a crime. 
“It wasn’t my best work,” you confessed. “It was kinda my fault. I’ve been so preoccupied with all the wedding stuff, that I basically just let Art throw together the presentation. I just felt so unprepared, but it’s fine, I guess.”
“I’m sure you did better than you think you did,” he assured you. “And if you didn’t, that’s also fine. It’s over, and I don’t think anyone’s gonna remember that you were a little unprepared.”
Though you’d reassured yourself with similar words, it was nice to hear it coming from your partner. 
“You’re right. Presentation aside, thank you for making me forget about the real world and all of my problems for a little while,” you leaned over and kissed his cheek, and felt your cheeks warm as Patrick followed up your kiss on the cheek with a real kiss. It amazed you how even after years of being together, he was still able to give you butterflies. 
“That was the goal,” he was obviously happy to see that this evening of sweet actions had the intended outcome, based on the wide smile on his face. 
You bit your tongue to hold back a sappy love confession, knowing that Patrick surely wasn’t in the mood to return you one, but you couldn’t think of anything else more obvious than the mutual love you felt sitting in that bed, thoroughly pampered after a rough day. 
As you laid there next to your grinning fiancé, you couldn’t help but wish that your wedding would come even sooner, so you could look forward to endless nights of domestic bliss. 
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sin-sidejob · 2 years
Nostalgia Max!Brett Hand x afab/fem!reader
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note: NSFW, 18+, Minors DNI, pet names, afab anatomy but no talk of tits in an effort to stick close to gender neutral, dominant brett hand, breeding kink, daddy kink, mommy kink, unprotected sex (wrap that rascal), slight exhibitionism, slight public sex, domestication, housewife kink, cum play, no pronouns but use of gendered pet names like mommy & others like sweet thing, baby, sweetheart, and babydoll.
You got separated from the group once Brett lost control, everything getting immersed in a hazy, green blast. Nothing worked when trying to calm him down, deescalate the situation and keep everyone safe. It blew up in y’all’s faces, literally. Waking up against rubble and debris, not seeing where you landed or where you are, you’re nervous.
There’s no modern tech on you and you’ve got no way to reach Reagan or Andre, get in touch with Gigi or Glenn or Myc. You’re absolutely alone until they find you. Or Brett finds you.
The two of you had been dating for a while, and you’re endlessly in love with him. Tirelessly and hopelessly in love with him. Brett’s a sweetheart and nothing but doting and kind to you, and he’s in therapy. How lucky are you?
Not as much now that he’s not himself and currently lethal, leveling several structures and sending you and your coworkers flying in different directions and under the influence of heavy chemtrails and 80’s nostalgia.
Your footsteps are tentative, wary of the unsteady rubble you walk upon and try to breathe through your shirt, pulled over your nose and squint through the dust in the air. There’s not much light, it’s dark out and nighttime. The cold seeps in more and that fear of being alone and vulnerable at night starts to sink in and soak your bones.
No weapons on your person, rendered useless and defenseless without any of your gear or comrades, it’s safe to say you’re terrified beyond all belief. Walking softly, slowly turning over chunks of masonry and debris to walk better and find a way out of the barely standing structure you find yourself in.
Moments pass and you try to think of other things like what you’ll do when you get home, if that show released it’s second part yet so you can stream it soon, and attempt pathetically to calm yourself. It’s not working.
You hear footsteps and you freeze, your body pressed to a wall and trying your best to hide in the looming shadows encompassing the formerly standing building. Pinpricks crawl up your neck and stand at the nape of your neck and across your arms. Your heartbeat has never seemed louder.
“Oh sweetheart, don’t you want to see me?”
it’s Brett, and you don’t see him but you hear him, can’t decipher where he is in relation to you from his voice, anywhere a possibility you don’t want to explore. Crawling up in a ball and shutting your eyes would be better, shutting the world out and forcing yourself to wake up from such a terrible dream.
But the sight of candy apple green eyes tears that hope from your lungs when you shudder, never expecting yourself to be afraid of him. The fear isn’t even about Brett, it’s about the limitless possibilities and outcomes of what could happen. He’s drenched so heavily in chemtrails it must be like standing too long near Chernobyl.
Feels so wrong.
“Why aren’t you talking to me? Did I hurt you?” He sounds like the Brett you love, and you’re worried he knows that, using that to get to you. He hasn’t spotted you yet, walking around and you press yourself into the brick behind you, wishing you could just disappear, dissolve into nothingness so it would all go away.
You don’t mean to, but your ankle nearly buckles isn’t the awkward position you are standing in. The sound is tinny in the darkness and silence of the rubble and his reaction is instant, eyes on you under a second.
“There you are!” Brett’s words would be endearing in any other circumstance, and he approaches. His hair isn’t as floaty anymore, but it still shifts unnaturally, like seaweed in an ocean current midair around his head in an unearthly halo. Eyes are bright green but less painfully neon and now more of a muted acid hue. You miss his eyes. “Was worried about you, baby, you sure you’re okay?” He dotes, nearly mirroring your brett as he cups your cheek.
When did he get closer?
“You seem fine, just shook up. Poor thing.” Brett coos, smiling down at you childishly in his usual manner but everything seems so unsettling, like his persona got dunked into a murky pool of liquid from a backalley at 3am. Unnatural and unsafe.
“Hey, c’mon sweet thing, talk to me.” He prods, raising your face up with his hand on your cheek and you oblige, looking up at him with fretful eyes that he frowns at. Your hands clench and fidget at your sides, entirely too overwhelmed but still needing to do something.
And it’s him in there. It’s still Brett. Just doused in chemtrails, no big deal.
“Hi Brett.”
He laughs, a giggling little sound that is usually very fitting but now a bit surreal in his current state. It remind you of glow sticks the way he shines out. You don’t like it.
“Hey there yourself,” he chimes, taking his hand in yours and squeezing, before he nearly lets it fall, his expression falling with it, “out with it, what’s wrong? You’re not smiling.”
“I don’t smile all the time.” Comes your immediate response and he clicks his tongue, brows furrowing and you regret not filtering your thoughts from words. “You don’t, but you smile around me. Tell me why.”
He backs you up against the brick, looming a bit overhead and a part of it gets your bones staticky, indecisive in whether or not you wanted to kiss him or kick him.
“Use your words well and tell me why, or I’ll make another use for mouth.”
You gape, body choosing for you on the kiss him option and let him come closer, him murmuring between your lips as he closes in and cages you against his form and the shadowy enclave of the brick. “Good choice.”
Brett is all around you, a hand at the nape of your neck soothing and smoothing down the pinpricks while the other is at your side, kissing at you impatiently until he bites, humming in a pleased note when your mouth opens up and he ventures in, playing with your tongue as his hand ventures beneath your shirt, untucking it.
“Going to continue to be good for me?” He asks in your ear after breaking for a breath, marking up your throat and the underside of your jaw in bites as you squirm, the former unease in your belly turning fuzzy and warm, turning the danger into something attractive than daunting.
You nod and he squeezes tight at your hip, a warning and you answer aloud, “yes sir,” him rewarding you with a softer touch and undoing your pants as he takes them off. “Sir?” Brett laughs, shaking his head and his hair floats still, hovering like your waning rationale.
“You can do better than that. You know what to call me.”
Brett’s hand snakes between your legs and ghosts over your underwear, him practically beaming when he feels the pooling slick soaking through. “Yes Daddy.”
His eyelids flutter a fraction and ministrations falter, coming back and his eyes burn brighter and his grin in sardonic, a bit twisted. That reminder of don’t trust, don’t tell.
“Ohh that’s a new one, we’re keeping that, right baby?” He asks, plunging a digit into your cunt and holding a leg up around his hip, your chest covered and safe from the cold but waist and below is another story, trying to feed off the unnatural warmth he emanates now. “Mhmm.”
“There’s my sweet thing, smiling, all you needed was some lovin’ huh?” He asks, more to himself and aloud than anything as he preps you with his fingers, hearing the squelch and growing tired of having to angle his wrist a certain way. He tears the underwear apart.
“Just needed someone to play with your pussy and turn your brain off, right?” Brett prompts a moan from you as he breaches a second finger in and his thumb rolls over your clit, warmth flooding everywhere and your eyes flutter open to see him staring you down behind lidded eyes, glowing green deeper now that reminds you of that light at the end of Daisy’s dock in that Fitzgerald novel.
It kinda’ is a welcome home light. And you go to it.
Your hand threads through his hair and smashes his lips to yours as he groans darkly into your open mouth, excited and eager hands shift your legs around his then busy themselves with his belt buckle, leaving you empty and clenching around nothing which he more than notices. Whimpering as he tugs at your lip, he peers down at you while he lets his belt open.
“Easy f’me babydoll, daddy’s going to take care of you.”
It sounds so good in this voice, all gravelly this time ‘round and the difference sells the experience, and the way he’s shifted, using the weight he carries and taking up space rather than weaving his way through it.
“Need you daddy.” You whine, feeling his thumb over your clit rolling circles that get you throbbing, squirming between him and the brick wall behind you.
“Patience, baby, I’ve got you.” Brett drawls, nudging your nose with his as he frees his dick from the confines of his briefs and Levi’s, bobbing in the space between your legs and looking so damn good you could’ve eaten it.
Another time.
“This pretty cunt gonna’ take it all you think?” He muses into the column of your throat before angling his head against you so he can see between the two of you, one hand holding your thigh up and parting it wide while the other fists his already drooling dick in his palm, pearlescent droplets of precum pooling at the tip. “Gonna’ be good for me?”
You nod, smiling blearily in a dopey grin and run your hands over the back of his letterman jacket, and into his hair while the other slides down to lift underneath his shirt, wanting to feel him whenever you could.
He breaches your walls in a single movement and you whimper, head landing back against the brick and hear him grunt, deep from his chest as he bottoms out in you. Brett’s head hangs for a moment before he looks back to you, eyes staring from beneath his full lashes and still having that unnatural green.
“Just knew this little pussy would take it.” He mutters and snaps his hips back, hands moving to cup your ass and bring you closer so he can thrust back and forth in a punishing, cervix-bruising pace. God, you’d feel him for days.
You didn’t mean to say it out loud but he hears it nonetheless, grinning against your temple while he fucks you like a ragdoll, “that’s right, gonna shape this cute little cunt until it’s molded around my cock, gonna’ be my little toy, right? Let me play with you?”
Moaning behind kiss swollen and puffy lips, you affirm his statement and thrust your hips back into his, sending a reverberating groan through his throat out that turns into a dark chuckle, his pace slowing a fraction only to move forth harsher, the sound of skin and your debauched moans painfully loud within the silence of the destroyed structure.
“Gonna’ keep us here, you and I,” Brett begins to ramble, punctuating his words with snaps of his hips that get you seeing stars, “gonna’ breed this little cunt and get a family from you, stay here happy for the rest of our lives.”
“You going to let me give you a child, sweet thing?”
“Mhmm.” You whine, clutching at him and grinding down on his dick, a pathetic mess of yourself with slick smeared between your thighs, “Gonna’ make you a daddy.” Brett groans aloud and rewards you with a hand moving from under your thigh to your clit once more, pressing in those rolling ministrations that get you clenching awfully hard.
“Wanna’ cum Brett — I need it.” You’re rambling at this point, incoherent and cockdrunk as he plunges in and out of you, nothing but sex on the brain and none of the ramifications. It would be your problem another day, another moment, but for right now it was everything.
“Need what baby? Gotta’ speak, got that pretty voice of yours — make it useful.”
“Want your cum, wanna’ stay here with you and let you knock me up over ‘n over,” you’re spitting out words as fast as they form because you’ve barely got the headspace for anything else but cumming on his dick, “get pregnant and have your baby, make you a daddy — please lemme’ make you a family.”
He whines in the back of his throat as he bites at your neck, your words hitting deep somewhere in him and loses his even pace in lieu of fucking you frantically, practically jumping your form with how desperate he is to flood your cunt. Brett’s hand still rolls it’s thumb over your pulsing, sensitive clit.
“God yes, make a little mommy out of you, see you get all swollen and round with leaking tits to feed our kids — fuck,” he’s speaking to you in equal to the wind, voicing aloud not just his plans but his dreams, wishes to have a life with you, “cum f’me baby, gush around this cock then I’ll give you what you want.”
you mewl, squirming and bucking while chasing that high that already has begun to sprawl like white-hot lightning in your bones, curling and pooling within your belly, feeling Brett slide in and out while he punches the breath from you while prodding at your cervix.
“Gonna’- I’m going to, fuck fuckk.” Brett snaps his hips in whip-fast motions once, twice, and you’re gone. Everything whites over and fades into blank noise, like getting submerged in bath water as you shake and shudder, taking him in as he fucks you through it, suspended only by his hold.
“Fuck, you look so p-pretty,” he stutters just like his pace, falling frantic in how he chases his orgasm after yours, Brett crumbling as he finally cums and floods your cunt, slick smeared between the both of you all over your thighs and lower abdomens, white ropes and rivulets accompanying your arousal. Brett snarls out your name in a broken groan against your collar, voice deep.
He bucks his hips and mutters nonsense into your ear, milking every last drop into your silken cunt and more, “cant wait to see you all knocked up, gonna’ make you a mommy. Swear.” You’re barely conscious enough to process his words, but you do, whimpering and squirming against him in pleased, soft tones as you still have your eyes shut tight, toes curled and feeling absolutely cloudy and airy — breathless.
Brett eventually finishes emptying himself inside of you, sticking close and keeping you on his cock as you come down from your highs and blink blearily back into reality. Shifting, causing you both to groan, you reach out and smooth his hair back and get him to look at you, green glow now gone and fucked out of him as he stares up at you back to himself.
“Hi Brett.” You murmur once again, this time feeling much better about him and his safety. His arms coil around your waist as he burrows into your neck, doting kisses across your skin and soothing the burn and bite of his marks.
“Hey honey.” Brett murmurs, sleepy and lethargic now and you smooth a hand through his hair, scratching idly and getting him groaning happily against you as your other hand rubs across his back and the rough fabric of his jacket he still had on.
“Ready to get out of here?” He nods against you in response and helps you stand, soft moans and sighs passing as he slips out and you feel cum slip forth from your overfilled cunt onto your thighs. Hurriedly getting redressed, sans your tattered panties, you stand before one another and he tries to apologize but you shake your head, cupping his cheek and saying you enjoyed it.
“Hey Brett?” You ask later on, walking hand in hand back with the group on the way to Cognito Inc after regrouping. “Yeah?”
You grin, beaming at him, squeezing his hand.
“Wanna’ do that again sometime?”
He opens and closes his mouth, giggling for a second before turning back to looking at you, squeezing your hand back while his other thumbs the velvet box in his jacket pocket.
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frost-queen · 11 months
Sibling's sport (Teen!Reader & Glenn Rhee ft. Maggie)
Requested by: anon ,Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex–awesome–22 @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
Summary: You are Maggie's teen sister. One day you ran away from Alexandria to explore. When coming face to face with Glenn you nearly shoot him, thinking he was a walker. When Glenn starts scolding you, you call him an asshole as he can't help it but comment back to it. Bickering and toying around like siblings all the way back to Alexandria where Maggie has the laugh of her life, upon seeing you and Glenn.
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A window slit open in the morning glow. The sudden sound sending a flock of birds flying that had been nestling on the roof for a morning rest. A backpack got send through, falling with a thud on the grass. Then a foot, up to a leg and half a posture. Grabbing onto the top of the window, you kept your balance. Sticking your other leg out to join them together. Setting your hands down you changed position. Slowly lowering yourself to decrease the fall height. Arms stretched out holding on to the railing, you let do, falling down. You landed down on the grass beside your backpack.
Gravity having pushed you down and knocked you off balance down below. Getting half up, you dragged your backpack closer to you over the grass. With one sweep it was over your shoulder. Set and ready, you took a run for it. Alexandria as quiet as ever. Everyone still fast asleep. You went towards the back avoiding being spotted by Daryl, who was sometimes an early bird too. If he saw you, he’d question where you would be going. He’d either tell your sister Maggie or decide to tag along. You liked Daryl but this was something you loved doing on your own.
Running up to the fence, you started to follow it down the line. Searching for that spot to easily get over it. There it was. You smiled in delight running up to it. All was left to do was climb over it. Seeing the garbage can nearby, you dragged it closer to the fence. Crawling on top of it, you got over the fence, landing down, sinking to your knees once over. Dusting your hands off, you started to run for it. Leaving Alexandria for what it was to explore. You kept running till you got to a clearing. Slowing down. You pulled out your knife, keeping it close for when you needed to use it.
Nearing the danger zone. The woods were a dangerous place for walkers to roam. Easily for them to sneak up on you and catch you by surprise. In the distance you spotted a walker walking mindlessly, their head slightly tilted to the side, close to their shoulder. They were far enough to not see you. Without making any sounds, you kept a close eye on them, going a different way. They got out of sight as you neared a creak. Taking a leap. Jumping over flawlessly. The sudden sound of walker’s snarling caught your attention.
Turning your head instantly out of instinct, you exhaled loud. The tension slowly leaving your stiff posture. Not far from you was a walker tangled up between some wires. Their legs dangling in the cold water. You walked over to it holding your knife out. It began to snarl louder and squirm in your presence. Wanting to have a bite as it hungered for it. Kneeling down you grabbed a hold of it’s head. Their jaw violently snapping your way. A few teeth already missing. – “I give you mercy.” – you whispered before jamming your knife deep down it’s skull.
It pierced easily through the skull as the walker went silent. Jaw hanging loose as you retracted your knife from it. The blood on it dark and smelly. Their brain must have been rotten for a while now. Getting back up, you continued your way. Finding peace in solitude. After a while you looked up. Seeing how the sky was pure blue. Not a cloud in sight. You thought back of Alexandria and how everyone must have already woken up.
Shaking your head you didn’t want to think longer about them. The trees cleared way, fewer trees standing tall as you neared a small town. Mushy leaves made way for hard streets. Cars parked carelessly around. You rounded a car leaping back when a walker thudded their head against the glass. Aware of your sudden presence. They kept bumping their head against the thick glass, hands gripping wildly before them, held back by the belt. You backed away. Walking in the middle of the road to avoid the cars.
Who knew what was hiding behind them or in them. You went over to a convenience store. The windows dusted, some broken. Nearing the broken window, you took a peek inside. Not seeing anything at first sight. Kneeling down you removed your backpack. Unzipping it to search it. Taking out a pebble, you moved your backpack over your shoulder again. Throwing the pebble through the broken window you heard it clatter against the ground. Waiting and watching carefully for any walkers. Whispering the counts till you rounded at thirty and still nothing had surprised you.
Finding it secure enough you broke the window more to crawl inside. With a thud you landed on your feet, broken glass underneath your boots. Moving your backpack to the front, you kept it open to stuff useful supplies in it. The first shelves were empty. Plundered. You went down each row looking for something useful. By the middle you found some interesting things. For some reason a wooden spoon. You bagged it, thinking Carol could find use for it. Some canned food that still looked worth consuming. Further down the back you found a dusted bunny.
Already missing an eye and a rip in the side where the filling was coming out a bit. You thought off Judy and how she would loved it. There must be some needles and thread back at Alexandria to patch it up for her. You carefully pushed some filling back into the bunny before putting it in your backpack. There was some more canned food and some dry snacks. You also took every medicine you came across. Who knew when you needed it. Going back outside you looked around the deserted town. Something about this silence making you feel small yet grand as well. You went to sit on the hood of a car, taking out a snack.
The city’s was yours. An overwhelming loneliness. Time seemingly standing still as everything around it began to dust. The glory of the town long gone. Now but a shimmer of it’s former glory. Something in the distance made you narrow your eyes. A walker dragging her feet between some cars. You set your snack aside taking out your gun. Pointing it at firm at her. Deciding whether to shoot her in the head from up here. The shot could alarm others. Sighing loud you knew you had to get up and knife her. She disappeared behind some cars out of vision as you waited for her to reappear again.
Yet she didn’t. You kept waiting finding it odd you hadn’t seen her walk by. She must have. It started to alarm you that you hadn’t seen her walk past. Grabbing your things, you jumped off the hood. Gun in the ready you went over to the car. Wanting to see for yourself what happened. Did she find someone to feed on? Did she get stuck. Trip? Got killed? A thousand alarm sirens were going off in your head. Slightly frightening you. Holding your gun out, you neared the car. Going round you expected to find her. There was no one. Till you spotted her on the ground. Blood staining the street as she’s been stabbed in the head. It meant someone was out here with you.
Having a sudden sense, you spun around ready to shoot. Glenn shot his hands up at the sight of your gun pointing at him. – “Glenn!” – you called out. – “Are you insane I could’ve killed you!” – you lowered your gun. – “What the hell are you doing here by yourself?” – he shouted back lowering his hands. – “It’s dangerous to go out on your own. What were you thinking. You could’ve blown my head off with how jumpy you are!” – He called out. – “Then don’t sneak up on people asshole!” – you replied angered that he was threating you like a little child. – “Wow.” – Glenn breathed out with half a smile.
“I’m the asshole when you’re the one who pointed a gun at me.” – he answered. You rolled with your eyes, putting your gun away. – “Hey! Did you just roll your eyes at me!” – Glenn shouted as you walked away from him. His cheeks bloated with frustration that you’d just walk away carelessly. – “Y/n!” – Glenn said coming after you. – “Maggie was worried sick.” – he called out trying to catch up with you. You blabbed some annoying words out, using your hand to show him he was nagging. Glenn came to your side blabbering mockingly at you. It made you look bothered at him. – “How mature.” – you told him. – “I’m just mimicking you.” – he teased back with a sneer.
“You want an applause for that?” – you replied sarcastically. Glenn laughed annoyingly to let you know he found you ridiculous. You slapped him annoyed against his shoulder. Glenn narrowed his glare slapping you right back. It only angered you more as you slapped him right back against his shoulder. Glenn slapped you back as well. – “I can do this all day!” – he told you. – “So can I!” – you answered giving him a slap against the back of his head.
Nothing too hard, just a playful slap. Glenn and you were making your way back to Alexandria as he moved his leg up to bump it against your bottom. It made you stumble a bit forwards. As a response you gave him a nudge. Glenn nudged you right back. You wanted to nudge him back as Glenn’s expression hardened. He grabbed you by your wrist, pulling you closer to him. You stumbled forwards, lowering your head a bit when he moved his gun over your head. Firing twice to send a walker down. – “I could’ve gotten it.” – you told him. Glenn laughed loud. – “I didn’t know you had eyes on the back of your head.”
“Didn’t you know Glenny I do.” – you had crossed your arms, throwing him a teasing smile. – “Then I suppose you see this coming.” – he spoke tapping the back of your head. – “Hey!” – you called out as he took a run for it. You started to run after him. You wanted to push him as he grabbed your hands keeping you on a distance. – “Not close enough.” – he responded pushing you away. He jogged away as you went after him.
He darted away from your attempts to push him. Like a cat and a mouse playing around. The two of you neared the gates of Alexandria still playing around. Bickering and toying around like siblings would do. Maggie was waiting at the gate’s seeing Glenn give you a little nudge. It made you stumble a bit to the side as you nudged him right back. Maggie smiling at how she saw the two of you get along. Laughing as it reminded her of when they were younger and teasing each other.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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ghostboneswrites2 · 5 months
A Mess - Volume 2
Part 3
Summary: How the Savior war and the loss of Rick affected your relationship with Daryl.
Warnings: profanity, loss, spoilers, character deaths, smut
Chapter List
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Note: man, one of the teasers I pulled from this chapter sparked some interest 😅
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Well, @thesadcatt0, prepare for ANSWERS.
Anyways, I’ll shut up now. Enjoy ❤️
all banners credited on the masterlist!
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        The lineup may have well been the worst day of your life. Two of your friends gone, and your lover taken against his will right in front of you. 
        The days without him we’re almost as bad as the day he was taken. You barely ate, never slept. You constantly found yourself crying in your shared bed, sniffing his pillow in place of him. It seemed so cruel to lose two loves in one lifetime.
        You had agreed to go to Hilltop with Rick and some others. You didn’t really know why you were going or what the plan was. You were just desperate to get out of Alexandria for a while. And, you wanted to see Maggie. You hadn’t seen her since the lineup, and she was pretty sick back then.
        You gave Maggie a big hug when you saw her, but before you could really catch up, the gates opened again and a loud engine echoed within the walls. Through the dust you could just barely make out Daryl and Jesus riding in on a motorcycle. 
        Daryl had barely stood up off the bike before you tackled him to the ground.
        “You’re okay.” You cried into the nape of his neck. He stiffened at the sudden human contact after days in isolation, but he relaxed as his arms snaked around you and held you tight against him. 
        “Yeah. I am.” He whispered into your hair, reminding not only you that he was okay but also himself. It had been a long few days at the Sanctuary, but now he knew things about them, and he had to report to Rick. They had to fight back. “C’mon.” He said softly as he tried to sit himself up off the ground. You rolled off him and stood up with him, gripping his hand tightly as he walked over to Rick to hug him. 
        That reunion was probably the highlight of the war with the Saviors. After that, there was nothing but more violence and death. You had begun to believe you were cursed. It seemed like you managed to end up with some kind of injury every time you had to fight. 
        When the final battle with the Saviors was over, you were left with a broken arm and a concussion. While your arm would take quite a while to heal, your head was fine the next day. The people that really needed healing were Maggie and Daryl. They both wanted Negan dead, and neither of them could let it go. But, Rick was unmoving on his decision to keep Negan alive as an example of what the communities all could have been. He was loyal to Carl’s vision, even at the detriment of those who had a score to settle with Negan.
        The inability to cope with Negan’s life being spared caused a bit of a rift between you and Daryl. You’d followed him to the Sanctuary for the short time he was in charge there. He hated being there, and he didn’t even really want you there in the first place. A lot of the Saviors were just people getting by, but a lot of them were also animals. He hated the way some of the men would check you out and lick their crusty lips when you walked past. It made him sick to his stomach to think what they’d do to you if they had a chance.
        The only time either of you felt any semblance of happiness at the Sanctuary was when you were both in bed.
        The frustrations of the work would often leave Daryl tense, and he’d take those pent up frustrations out on you in bed. The sex got a lot rougher in those days. 
        He’d turn you over so you were facing away from him. He felt too ashamed of himself to look at you, or let you see him. He was ashamed of the way he had failed people over time. He failed to get Beth out of that hospital, he failed Glenn when he threw that lunch that got him killed, he failed Maggie when he couldn’t avenge Glenn, he failed Rick every day he woke up to lead the people he hated, and he failed you every time you reached for his hand and he flinched away. 
        He’d grip the back of your neck with his thick hand. His cock would slam into you with so much force it knocked guttural sounds from within you. Your fingers would dig into the sheets when the bruising force of his thrusts got a little out of hand. 
        His mind would always be elsewhere. You’d rarely reach your climax, either of you. You’d both go to bed unsatisfied and you’d be sore the next day. Still, you were close to each other, intimate in privacy, and that was as good as it was going to get for the time being, so you both tried to enjoy it as much as you could. 
        When Daryl stepped down at the Sanctuary and Carol took over, you left with him to help work on the bridge. With the Saviors not always working well with others, things could get pretty hectic. Fights would break out, and often Daryl would be an aggressor. It was hot and sticky and bugs were everywhere all the time. The tent you shared was cramped and the nights were restless and uncomfortable. You couldn’t even have violent therapy sex without others listening in. There seemed to be no end to the suffering. Still, you remained by his side, no matter what.
        You stayed with him even when Rick blew up the bridge, when Daryl retired to the forest for six years. You’d often visit Hilltop or Alexandria to see old friends, but you stayed out there in that tent with him. Things were okay. He had become a bit softer, even in bed, but still he was withdrawn. You ate most of your meals in silence.
        Days dragged a lot of the time. When you got so bored you couldn’t stand it, you’d just take another trip to visit Maggie or Michonne and spend a few days away. He didn’t seem to mind, nor did he seem to worry about you taking care of yourself without him, so no harm done, you figured.
        One day you came home to see he had a dog. A dog, named Dog, apparently. 
        “Where’d you find him?” You asked as you patted and loved on the furry thing. 
        “Just out here.” He shrugged. He was holding something back, but you didn’t pry. You’d find out what it was soon enough, when you put the few tracking tips he taught you to good use, and tracked him on one of his hunts to find him at an old cabin. Another woman sat on the porch with him, long blonde hair cascaded over her shoulder. 
        She noticed you as soon as you noticed her. She stood quickly, shotgun cocked and ready, barrel pointed right at you. You disregarded her completely, eyes trained on Daryl, who you didn’t think had any business at another woman’s house. 
        Dog stood pointedly at her side, growling and snarling at you. You realized he was her dog.
        Without a word, you just nodded, and stormed back to your camp. 
        By the time Daryl caught up, you were haphazardly throwing anything that belonged to you in your bag and rummaging around the campsite. 
        “Don’t.” You cut him off.
        “It wasn’t—“
        “Wasn’t what?” You snapped, turning to face him, eyes blazing. “Wasn’t what it looked like? Yeah, right. Heard that one before.”
        Your body was trembling with rage. Considering the events that led to your relationship with him in the first place, you were infuriated that he’d be doing the same thing to you as your sleaze bag ex. We’re you eternally cursed to choose unfaithful men? 
        “No. It wasn’t.” He pleaded. You glanced down at Dog who sat idly by his side, tail wagging. 
        “Really? Cause I’ve never known a woman to loan anyone her dog without a good reason.” You glared. 
        “She didn’t. Dog found me. I followed him. That’s how I met her.”
        “Oh, cute. It’ll be a real nice story for your grandkids.” You rolled your eyes as you zipped up your bag and threw it over your shoulder. 
        “(Y/N) will ya just stop?!” 
        “No!” You shouted, throwing your hands up with frustration. “No, I won’t stop! If there’s anything you should know by now, it’s that I’m nobody’s fucking side piece.” 
        “It ain’t like that! If ya’d just stop and listen!”
        He pleaded with you as he stalked behind you, slapping stray limbs out of his face as he dodged through trees to keep up your pace. He found that he, too, was shaking. He felt so much anxiety in that moment — the possibility of losing you, especially over something so stupid — it was tearing him apart. He found himself blinking away tears as you tried to speed away from him. But, as he blinked them back, the pressure in his throat and chest just seemed to push more out. He was terrified. He couldn’t let you walk away. 
        When he caught up, he reached out and gripped your arm, pulling you back. You spun around and looked right through him, eyes wide and full of your own tears.
        “(Y/N), please. Just stop and listen.” He breathed. 
        “You have thirty seconds.” 
        “It wasn’t nothin’ like that, okay? I swear. Her dog follows me around. I bring ‘im home to her sometimes. We talk a little. That’s it.” He explained. 
        “Why don’t you just talk to me?” You asked quietly. You had a point. You two spent the majority of your time in silence, to the point where you’d leave him for days just to go have a real conversation with someone. You always came home, though, because you’d rather suffer in silence then be away for too long.
        “I just—“ He took a breath to collect his thoughts. “She don’t know about none of it, ya know? I just.. I don’t look at her and see somebody else I let down.”
        “Is that what you see when you look at me?”
        “No.” He shook his head. His gums were raw from how hard he’d been chewing at them. “I see somebody I’m afraid o’ lettin’ down.”
        “You never let anyone down, Daryl.” You said harshly. “And you’d know that if you’d fucking come talk to our family once in a while. I’m tired of telling them you’re doing fine, even if you won’t crawl out of your fucking hole and go see anyone.”
          “I just..” His lip quivered a little as he looked down at you. He hated that feeling. His fists bunched up at his sides, legs stiff, boots glued in place. He felt so awkward and vulnerable when he tried to be open with anyone. Especially you. All he wanted was to be someone you relied on, someone you felt safe with. Every time he opened up, he felt like anything but that. “I’m sorry.” 
        His voice cracked as he uttered the apology. You faltered a little at the sight of him, but you stood firm. 
        “Well, sorry ain’t gonna cut it this time. I need you to prove it. With actions.”
        “Like what?” He asked eagerly.
         “Like talking to me, for starters. Have a fucking conversation with me. Talk to me while we eat dinner. Touch me. Act like you want anything to do with me.” You spat. While his voice had softened the moment you gave him a chance to explain himself, your tongue was still sharp and jagged. All these things you had thought and felt and bottled up for six years were finally out on the table. 
        “Okay.” He nodded. “I will.”
        You glared at him. In all your experience with men, it had never been so easy to get the changes you’d asked for.
          “And…” You thought hard. “Sex. Like, good sex. I haven’t busted a nut in like six years.” 
        His lips curled a little. He’d almost forgotten how blunt you could be, given the chance to speak your mind. You crossed your arms.
        “Okay.” He nodded again. “So what first?”
        You cocked an eyebrow at that. It was actually a good question. 
        The bark of the tree scraped at your back as you gripped onto his shoulders. Lewd sounds filled the forest around you has he pumped his length in and out of you. You moaned and gasped, enjoying the familiarity of such intimate sex. It had been a long time since it felt that way. 
        Still, you weren’t reacting the way you used to, and he took notice. He wasn’t building you up the way he should have been by now.
        He slowed his pace down and broke the ongoing kiss to ask you; “What’s wrong?”
        “What? Nothing.” You panted impatiently, not understanding his sudden hesitance.
        “Somethin’s up.” He pressed.
        “I was starting to get close.” You insisted.
        “Nah ya weren’t.” He pointed out. “Hang on.”
         He hooked his hands under your thighs and dripped down to his knees, holding your legs up above his shoulders as his mouth found your mound. 
        You sucked in a breath of air at the sensation of his tongue tracing delicate circles around your clit. “Oh.” You breathed. “Shit.”
        He hummed against you, the gentle vibration making you twitch.
        Your nails dug into the tree behind you as you rocked against his mouth, relaxing your weight into the trunk as he held you up against it. 
        “Fuck.” You whined as your clit became more sensitive to his gentle laps. He sucked at your clit and fucked you with his tongue for a while, before he brought his attention back to your clit again and focused intensely on that sweet spot. 
        Soon your legs started to shake and your body began to buzz. The feeling washed over you quickly. A loud moan pushed past your lips as you came, writhing in his grip against the tree until you were twitching and jerking away from him. 
         With your orgasm finally out of the way, he was back on his feet, slapping into you, until his own high reached a climax and he was pumping you full of his cum. 
        When you recovered enough to pull your clothes back on and think a full, coherent thought, you realized something. 
        “Hey Daryl?” You asked as he buttoned up his jeans and adjusted his poncho.
        “You didn’t pull out.” 
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tags: @kissmeunicornbaobei @thesadcatt0 @clairealeehelsing @duckybird101 @tmntfixationxreader @ryoujoking @blackvelveteen1339 @yondus-girl @ladylincoln @sunshinebug9 @saylum559 @yoowhatthefuck @duffmckagansbandana @celtic-crossbow @virginsexgod69 @dazzling-roaring-20s @l0kilaufeys0n7 @uhnanix
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changingplumbob · 9 days
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Glenn knocked and the door was quickly answered by a pastel wearing spellcaster.
Elise: Hey, Glenn right?
Glenn: What gave it away
Elise: Apart from the fact that the property is shielded to stop trespassers, absolutely nothing. Did you want Marisol? She's down by the river
Glenn: Oh no I was looking for you actually
Elise ushered him in and Glenn took a moment to look around the room. Was that a clay llama in the display cabinet? Well okay then...
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Glenn: Nice collection
Elise: I like to display some of the nicer ones rather than just use them up
Glenn: Harmony said you liked gems
Elise: It's more than simply liking them, they're my area of focus
Glenn: There's enough variety for you to do that?
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Elise: They may not be as obviously varied as plants but yes, there's plenty of difference in them
Glenn: Harmony said you could give me some helpful pointers
Elise: Because you're trying to shape gems?
Glenn: I guess last night I tried
Elise: Not as easy as it seems huh? You've still got jade dust on your sleeve
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Glenn: Oh, I swore I shook it out
Elise: *smiles* Gems can have a mind of their own
Glenn: Are there any I should try and find
Elise: It depends if you want them for decoration or charging
Glenn: Charging?
Elise: Koko and I have been working on stands that will funnel moonlight in to cut gems
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Glenn: That sounds... pretty?
Elise: It's more than pretty, it's useful. They can be used for many benefits
Glenn: Such as?
Elise: Charged jet allows you to contact the Grim Reaper directly, and having it around will mean he has to grant your plea to spare a life
Glenn: Wait- I thought you'd be talking about like, happy moods
Elise: Well charged amber can make you happy and brings the sun around
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Glenn: They can control the sun???
Elise: Everyone always underestimates pretty sparkly things
Glenn: So which ones would be useful? For like everyday
Elise: Hmm... I'd say try find an amethyst. That'll be inspiring and means you don't need to sleep as long to be refreshed
Glenn: That'd be useful
Elise: Oh for sure, it's the next best thing to creating new hours in the day
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Elise: Then, umm... sapphire makes it easier to focus on upskilling. It stops you getting burnt out, but if you're more in to creative stuff I'd say look for an orange topaz
Glenn: There's different colours of topaz? I thought they were all yellow
Elise: Misconception. There are many different shades of colour for that gem but orange ones are the only ones I've tested. If you want to focus on your magic I'd say search for some moonstone
Glenn: What does that do
Elise: Stops your basic spells failing unless you're overcharged
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Glenn: Well thanks, I'll scout about for those
Elise: If you find any you're not sure of come see me, I may have already figured out their properties. Oh hi baby
Glenn looked down to see a very white cat had just let themselves in.
Elise: This is BooBoo. He's my familiar
Glenn: Oh he is very handsome
Elise: He's got a mind of his own don't ya baby
BooBoo: *meows*
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topazy · 4 months
Teen spirit
Pairing: Carl Grimes × reader, Maggie Greene × sister reader
Warnings: Swearing, blood and guts
Chapter: 6.02
Carol finds you sitting in Judith’s nursery with a book in hand—a bible. Your mother and father were religious, and you used to find it confronting when they read to you from the Bible, but now it just makes you sad.
“How’s your foot?”
You place the bible on the floor and say, “It’s still sore, but better. Thanks for asking.”
It had been days since Rick left with some of your people to lure the walkers away, and Glenn still hadn’t returned. His name was even painted on the memorial wall. You tried to scrub it off before Maggie saw it, but you only managed to peel the tiniest amount off after hours of trying.
Judith only stirs slightly when Carol picks her up. The older woman smiles at you and says, “I’m glad to hear it. I’ve left food in the kitchen, and I’ll take Judith for a couple of hours.”
“Where’s Carl? I don’t want him in a panic when he notices his sisters gone.”
“He was going for a shower.” You offer her a small smile. “I’ll let him know.”
You lay sprawled out across Carl’s bed with your head hanging over the edge as you read one of the comic books. He doesn’t even seem surprised when he sees you in his room; he jumps on the bed beside you, nearly knocking you off the bed.
“Yeah, right,” you nudge him playfully.
You finish the last page of the comic, then hand it to him to start reading. He notices the pink on your nails. “When did you find nail polish?”
“I didn’t, Rosita did.”
Heat creeps into your cheeks as you think back to the night before when Rosita was painting your nails, and you not so subtly asked her what it meant if a boy kissed you. She beamed as she explained that the best way to know was to just ask, something you didn’t know how to do.
He lifts his head from the comic and says, “Yeah?”
You sit upright, lean down, and peck him on the lips. You half expect him to say the kiss meant nothing, and this was a bad idea, but Carl drops the comic to the floor and kisses you back. Without meaning it, a giggle slips from your lips.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing, it’s just... This is what normal teens do, isn’t it? Make out?”
He looks at you amused and says, “If we were normal teens, I’d be too frightened to speak to you.”
“The nerdy guys were always too scared to speak to pretty girls in rom-coms,” he laughs.
Although he’s only joking, you feel a slight flutter in your chest.
“I would have probably tried to have planned a clique way of asking you to be my girlfriend, which would have backfired and resulted in public humiliation.”
“Oh, yeah, I’d totally ditch you for the school's star quarterback. But I’d realize he was a total jackass at prom and take pity on whatever injury you got trying to impress me and beg you to give me another chance.” You place your hand on your heart for dramatic effect.
You both erupt into laughter. You pull him in for another kiss. You’ve no idea how much time has passed with the two of you being glued together in lip lock when Carl leans back on the bed and pulls you with him so you're laying on top of him, his hands resting on your hips. Maggie’s words about the ‘birds and the bees’ come to mind, and you slowly pull your lips away from his and sit upright.
Both of you are flushed and slightly sweaty. “Do you want to go for a walk?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Is your dad still teaching Ron how to shoot?”
“Yeah, he is.”
You scoff, “Is Ron still being a total—oh god!”
The side of a wooden building on the outside of the fence collapses and brings the fence down, keeping the walkers out.
A thick layer of dust and dirt goes into the air, making it hard to see. Carl grabs your hand and says, “Come on!”
Walkers start to flood in Alexandria—more than you think you’ve ever seen before. Rick sprints towards you, “Carl! Y/n! Where’s Judith?”
“Carol took her,” you call back. “I don’t know where she went. Oh my god, where’s Maggie?”
A small number of you come together and start running through the streets, trying to find Carol. Jessie comes out of her house and fires at walkers, “Come on, I have Judith!”
You rush into her home and start to move furniture to barricade the door. “Michonne, have you seen my sister?”
“Yeah, she climbed onto the ledge beside the fence. The walkers won’t be able to get her.”
You gulped down, hoping that was true.
“Shh, you’re okay.”
You bounce Judith on your hip, trying your best to keep her calm. So far, the walkers have tried to get inside the house, but that could easily change if a noise or movement caught their attention. Hearing a groan of pain, you place Judith in her crib, then help Deanna sit up in one of the bed’s stacking pillows to support her. She has been bitten by a walker, and it wouldn’t be long until she turns.
“Thank you,” she said weakly.
You hear a commotion coming from downstairs, followed by shattered glass. Rick, Michonne, and Jessie rush down the stairs. Rick orders you to stay upstairs with Judith.
Minutes feel like hours as you wait for something to happen. During the gaps of silence, you start to think of Carol, Rosita, Tara, and the rest of your people, whom you hadn’t seen since the walkers overtook Alexandria. Suddenly Rick and Michonne sprint upstairs. You stick your head out of the room and see them dragging two dead walkers with them.
Rick nods his head at you and says, “Y/n, we are going to need plenty of bedsheets. Enough for all of us.”
“Got it.”
You run into the bedroom you presume is 's, as it smells of different soaps, has floral bedding, and uses a pair of hairdressing scissors laying on her nightstand to cut out the shape of ponchos. You hear Jessie ask, “Bed sheets for what?”
“We all go to the armory.”
You squeeze between her and Ron to get back through to the room. Rick’s gutting the walkers. “The seeming zombie guts mask ours; we will be able to get past them.”
“She’s right,” Rick reassured them. “We’ve done it before. We stay calm and don’t draw attention; we can get by them.”
Father Gabriel turns to the side and vomits, watching the blood and guts pour from the undead body as Rick and Michonne each cut open a body. You hope he toughens up by the time you get outside.
Yoy, look up at Michonne when Sam almost starts crying, watching as the rest of you cover the bedsheets in walker guts. You were more scared to walk outside with a scared child than with a baby. Jessie tries her best to comfort her youngest son, but he still seems terrified.
“I’ll take her,” Carl tucks Judith beneath his makeshift, bloodied outfit.
Slowly, you make your way down the staircase and through the downstairs of ’s house in a single file. The smell of decaying bodies burns your nostrils, making your eyes water. There was a weird tension between Carl and Ron; you’d obviously missed something while watching Judith upstairs, and it was obvious you weren’t the only one of thought, so from the way Michonne kept glancing at the two teenage boys, as if she were waiting for something to happen.
Once outside, you take hold of both Carl and Jessie’s hands and start making your way through the herd of walkers, with Rick leading the way.
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ᴅᴀʏ ꜱɪx: Exhaustion w/ Daryl Dixon
a/n: this one is a bit sad and kind of hints at suicidal thoughts? so, I would steer clear of this fic if that is something that you're sensitive with :] i admit i got a bit carried away with this one, but boyfriend!daryl to the rescue!
masterlist | comfortember masterlist | AO3
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What was the point in any of this? Fighting, winning, a short period of peace, and then fighting again. It was a sick cycle, one that you couldn't escape from. You weren't living, you were simply surviving, and your days felt like they were slowly bleeding together. You were tired, mentally, emotionally, and physically, which made you reckless.
The war that raged between Alexandria, Hilltop, and the Kingdom, and the Saviors was exhausting, truly having you question whether or not staying alive was worth it.
Sitting topless on a hood of a random car, you were cleaning yourself up after taking a pretty gnarly bullet graze to your side that hurt like a bitch. No one had seen you disappear just a few yards away, too busy planning, and helping each other and such. You needed the silence as you sat there, the pain reminding you that you were still human, despite having to push your humanity to the side.
You don't know how many people you've killed, how families you've separated just because they were a threat to you and your people.
You constantly wished that it didn't have to be that way, that maybe... that maybe you should have bit the dust when everything first started. You weren't fit to fight; before all of this, you were some chubby loser that stayed at home and avoided conflict as much as possible. You didn't know how to work a gun or knife or how to jack cars and be stealthy.
Maybe you should have seen this as an upgrade to your person, but it just wasn't you. You weren't a fighter, you were a lover, and you knew that wouldn't get you anywhere.
In the beginning when you lost Glenn & Abraham, Daryl felt like the only one that could pull you out of the darkness, but now you weren't so sure.
"Hey." Daryl greeted as he walked up beside you. Your body jumped, casting a quick glance to him before turning your gaze away. "Hi." You said quietly. You slipped your soiled shirt back over your head. "I was wonderin' where ya disappeared off too." He sat down on the hood next you, his eyes landing on the blood spot on the material of your shirt. "Ya alrigh'?" He asked, picking at a hangnail on his finger. "Mhm." An awkward air settled over you and your boyfriend.
"Why have ya been shuttin' me out?" Your body tensed, your stomach twisting nervously. "I haven't." Even though you were denying it, he was right, you have been. You were so deathly afraid that he was going to just be another person that you lost, and when he was taken captive by Negan, you pretty sure he was. It wasn't like you to not be all over him, to not tell him what was on your mind, and it was scaring him.
"Ya know yer lyin', so jus' tell me."
And just like that, you were crying, cradling your face in your hands as you sobbed.
"I'm so tired, D. The fights will never stop, people will never stop dying! I can't keep losing people!" He tugged you into his body by your waist, holding you close to him so that you can sob into his chest, your hands clutching onto his shirt tightly. "Sometimes I can't help but think about whether or not staying alive is worth it." You felt him stiffen under you before pulling you back so he could cradle your face.
"Don' say stuff like that. I— I get that you're sick of losin' people, believe I am too. I get it, but we gotta fight so we can live, and in order ta do that, we need ya here, I need ya here. 'Cause I love ya, yer my girl. I ain' goin' no where, and if ya do, I guess 'm jus' gonna have to follow ya then." You spared a wet chuckle, sniffling as you nuzzled into his hard worked palm.
"I love you too, Daryl Dixon." You whispered before leaning up to place a kiss on his lips.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback
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xwritingdixonx · 1 year
Till Death Do Us Part | Chapter 1 |
series masterlist
Summary: Daryl struggles to call Alexandria his new home, a bitterness lying in his heart of his late wife.
Warnings: language, slight mentions of a panic attack, mentions of grief / loss
Word Count: approx. 3.3k
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The cherry wood coffee table was littered with a messy stack of UNO cards, the last card being a bright yellow, reading the number 7. Carl paused for a second looking at the cards in his hand that he held before putting down a green 7. "No fair" Tara retorted reaching to grab a card. "I'm winning" Carl teased wearing a shit eating grin, showing off the two cards left in his hand.
Aaron had stopped by a little bit ago dropping off a deck of cards, a puzzle, and a pack of UNO cards that looked like they’d never touched a speck of dust. Carl and Noah were quick to choose UNO. Tara looking just as excited to play the game, convincing Rosita to also join.
It was only the second night in Alexandria but Rick couldn't help but smile for just a second, seeing his son playing games, laughing, making jokes. Had he not still been so on edge and his walls so built up, it could've felt normal, comfortable. The rest of the group sat around the same living room, some comfortably lounging on their sleeping bags and pillows, others on the couch, making jokes about who they were rooting for.
"You know, me and my friends used to do this"
Tara began, "we'd uh-" Tara smiled and paused for a second "have game nights, order a pizza, just talk. Like people." Tara chuckled but there was a hint of sadness to it. "Oh god i miss pizza!" Rosita joined in, attempting to tear Tara away from the sadness.
"I’d come home smelling like it every. day. Makes me sick just thinking about it" Glenn's face lit up with a smile.
Soon almost everyone in the room was sharing things they missed about the old world, things that would most likely never exist again or would be extremely difficult to achieve now.
Daryl however was perched up by the window, the cool night air flowing in once in awhile. Daryl was trying to figure out just how cold the breeze was, the colder it was, the closer Fall was, then after Fall came Winter. Out on the road Winter meant trouble, it was the hardest season to survive in the wild. But that wasn't a worry now. So Daryl didn't know why he was still worrying.
Glenn's voice broke him from his thoughts, snapping his head around to look at him. "Hm?"
"What do you miss?" Glenn looked at him with pure intentions just wanting to know a bit more about the man, as did everyone else. Daryl was so closed off. Some days it felt as if he wasn't even alive before the outbreak, it was like the world ended and poof, Daryl Dixon appeared, ready to take it on. Everyone's eyes seemed to be on him now, anticipating a response. Which, to no surprise, Daryl didn't particularly like. Daryl scoffed and turned his attention back to the window, resting his head on his fist "Nothin'".
Daryl heard Glenn quietly apologize before continuing the conversation with someone else. Once again, Daryl retracted back and away from connection, sheltering himself like a turtle in a shell.
What do you miss? Daryl knew the answer, it was on the tip of his tongue. He just couldn't bare say it, couldn't let himself slip into that hole. You were a memory he had pushed so far back in his mind, it was as if you never existed in the first place. That's how he survived, forgetting you. If not, he would've fallen in that hole of depression and grief a long time ago. So instead of that, he built up walls. Built a wall of brick. Then built a wall of steel in front of that one and he allowed himself to hide behind those walls, angry and alone.
It just took one thought of you to completely blow a hole straight through those walls. Every single thing that the group listed made him think of you. Didn't matter what it was.
Tara bringing up pizza made him think about your favorite pizza spot that had $1 slices. He still remembers the day he watched you down 4 slices after a long Saturday night shift at the bar.
He thought about you when Rosita talked about missing makeup and feeling pretty. You were the prettiest thing Daryl had ever seen especially when you got all dolled up. He remembered your signature lip colors, remembered the brand, the name of them, remembered how pretty they looked on you.
"i don't get it" Daryl heard your distant laughter from the bathroom down the hall. You came walking throw the door, clipping your silver chain bracelet around your wrist. "What don't you get?" Daryl looked at the lip product in his hand, encased in silver packaging "the hell's it called black honey? ain't even black"
You shook your head at Daryl and snatched the product from his hand, taking a seat on his lap. Daryl happily wrapped his arms around your torso, resting his head on your shoulder. "Because it's-" you let out a sigh and took the cap off glancing at the dark plum tinted lip product. "Jesus i don't know D." You put the cap back on with a click, glancing at him through some of your bangs that had fallen in your eyes. " Before i forget" You left Daryl's grasp and made your way to your wooden vanity, "On your way home from the shop," You grabbed 2 small black tubes from the surface and tossed them over to Daryl. "Please please pick up those exact same shades from the store" Daryl recognized what they were immediately, flipping them around to see the name on the bottom. "Rum raisin and black cherry?" You hummed to him in response, "from Revlon?" you hummed an agreeing response again. "Good job handsome"
Daryl remembered everything that made you so uniquely you. Cherry perfume, tattoos, the silver jewelry you wore every single day. Those damn lipsticks, he never forget those ridiculous names. Your hair, god your hair. You had the most gorgeous head of hair, so full and thick. And that smile. When you smiled, your whole face smiled. You got complimented almost every single day on your appearance, not even just from Daryl, from strangers who saw just how gorgeous you were.
His chest tighten and ached, as if his heart was physically hurting. Hands clasping into fists to stop them from shaking. And his mind, spiraling. He could feel the lump in his throat form, the lump of tears, sobs. He cleared his throat and abruptly got up from his perch, racing to the front door. He couldn't stand to be in that room any longer, he felt like he was suffocating.
He sat himself down at the top of the stoop to the house and shakily tried to light a cigarette to forget about his racing mind, taking a long drag. Sitting in fresh air seemed to immediately calm him but the sadness still remained.
Daryl didn't look to see who sat beside him but he heard the creek of the wood panels and felt the presence. "What's going on?" Ricks words were low, as if he was asking him in a whisper. Daryl blew the last bit of smoke from his mouth and and flicked the cigarette away, that's when Daryl broke. The emotions he was trying so hard to push down just over poured at the question. Quiet sobs broke past Daryl's lips, hanging his head low in shame at the vulnerable state he was in.
Rick put a hand on his back to show he was there, giving him comfort through his presence. Rick didn't know what was making Daryl break but he knew he had to be there for his brother, allowing him feel whatever he needed to feel.
"I miss 'er"
Rick wasn't exactly sure what to say, he just nodded. Not once had Daryl ever brought up someone, especially not a woman. "Wanna talk bout' her?"
Daryl thought for a second, he had never been asked to talk about you. He knew he could, could talk about you till the sun rose in the East and set again in the West. But all he could say was "i'on know". He looked at Rick his eyes still glassy with tears.
Rick nodded at him again and gave him a reassuring smile.
Silence settled over the 2 men but it was comfortable, a calmness the night air provided. Daryl had calmed down, feeling slightly embarrassed at the sudden outburst of emotions. Thinking of what the rest of the group members might be thinking of him now.
Rick was lost in thought, it had just been a tiny detail but it opened up so much about Daryl as a person. He had someone, someone he cared for and they obviously weren't here. It explained some of Daryl's intense behavior at times, explained the way his anger led him, and his passion for saving people.
"What was her name?" Rick was testing the waters, seeing if there were anymore details he could get out about this now mystery woman. She could've been his girlfriend, his best friend, hell could've been his goddamn sister. The way the corner of Daryl's mouth almost turned into a smile told Rick that the waters were warm. "Y/n"
The next bit was what set Rick back, definitely not on the list of could've's.
"My uh...my wife."
Memories and nightmares had become a blur to you. At this point, they were practically under the same category. Both equally as haunting. Both equally creating a shallow feeling in your chest. Both keeping you up at night. Just like it had been tonight, the events of the previous day still haunting you. You never thought you were exactly a good person but you could at least try to justify your actions. Racking your brain for hours and nothing. Not one excuse, not one good reason for why you pulled the trigger and why so quickly? You opened your eyes, trying to not allow yourself to fall into that hole any deeper.
You had been in and out of sleep the entire night. Hearing the crickets and lightning bugs turn into  early chirp of birds in the early morning. Most of the night you'd spent laid your side watching the fire from the previous night turn from orange glowing embers to nothing but black ash and coal. The only thing exciting you at the moment was getting back to your kitchen in Alexandria.
To be able to cook whatever you wanted and not having to survive off of canned goods, beef jerky, and protein bars. You had promised everyone when you all made it back home you'd cook up a nice big dinner and you'd all sit around the table like how it used to be. It was the longest the group had been away from Alexandria since arriving.
The sun hadn't quite risen yet but it would soon, the sky becoming a light blue- gray color. That's when you called it quits with attempting to catch anymore sleep, you wouldn't and you knew that. Everyone else would be up soon anyway and you'd be hitting the road again. Alexandria was only few more hours out but after what happened, everyone needed to rest. The group could've easily made it there late at night but decided it was okay to make it there by early afternoon today. You let out a deep sigh and sat yourself up, stretching out your arms and back.
You spotted Tommy who was in the same spot as he was the night before, sat up on the tailgate of one of the trucks from his turn on night watch. You slipped your leather steel toe boots on and made your way to him, deciding to give the both of you some company. "Heard ya comin'" Tommy's southern drawl never failed to amaze you, he didn't look like he'd sound like that but he sure did. When people met Tommy for the first time, the faces they'd pull were comedic. Especially the people of Alexandria.
You let out a scoff as you made your way up onto the road that was a few feet away from where you had set up camp for the night.
“Heard ya all night actually" You hopped up on the truck, taking your place next to Tommy and comfortably resting your elbows on your knees. "Was it bad?" You asked looking at him slightly embarrassed. Tommy knew you struggled with sleeping, he had been there to deal with most of it.
Since being in Alexandria it wasn't as bad as when you were on the road, almost like your body knew it wasn't in your safe comfy bed anymore. Tommy looked at you and gave you a soft smile and shook his head. "You weren't shaking or breathing heavy or doing that teeth grinding shit, just heard ya tossin' and turnin' all night"
You were listening to Tommy but watching the point in the sky where the sun was going to be peeking up at any second now. "Hey" Tommy nudged your arm with the back of his hand, pulling you away from zoning out and thinking too much. You averted your gaze to Tommy, "wasn't your fault". You scoffed a laugh and looked away, your eyes wondered to where everyone else still lay asleep in their sleeping bags. Specifically your eldest brother.
"Tell that to Eddie"
You and Eddie had been going at it over the past few months. You weren't exactly sure why and how it started but at this point, you didn't make it through a day without some sort of dispute or sarcastic remarks.
You heard Tommy sigh and put down the sniper rifle he had been holding.
“We got a lot of good stuff. Especially with winter coming. I mean shit, look at this." Tommy was trying to change the subject, make it seem more positive. You sat up and looked over your shoulder. The trucks bed behind you was piled high with crates and boxes, some bigger stuff just lying around. Like a Kitchen- Aid mixer, which you already called dibs on. The other truck that was parked next to this one was the exact same way.
None of you expected the run to go this well. You had found weapons, food, clothes, kitchen appliances, medicine, books, and so much more. There was so much that you actually had to leave some stuff behind. Hidden. Of course. But you still slipped in a few things for Jace and Luke. "We're gonna have to come back for the rest soon" You commented, receiving a nod of agreement from Tommy. "We got the whole route mapped out right?"
"Yes ma'am"
"Good" You and Tommy made eye contact and smiled at each other. The sound of shuffling made you both break contact, looking back to see the other 3 waking up and beginning to pack up. Nellie caught your eye and gave you a wave and a sleepy smile to say Goodmorning, you returning one. You made eye contact with Eddie who, in return, shot you a stone face glare.
Once everyone had packed up, it was time to hit the road. You drove one truck with Nellie in the passenger seat. Tommy drove the other, with Eddie and Henry squeezed in the front. The sun was at its peek in the sky when the gates of Alexandria came into view. You beeped the car horn twice giving whoever was on watch the signal to open up the gates. The 2 trucks came to a rolling stop safely inside the walls of Alexandria. "Home sweet home" You remarked, taking the keys out of the ignition.
The closing of the trucks doors rang in your ears as everyone stepped foot on the concrete. You saw Deanna making her way down the road to the group with a blissful smile on her face and pep in her step. "Wonder what she did now" Henry sarcastically remarked, quickly going to the bed of the truck to help begin unloading, Eddie right behind him.
"Thank goodness!" She planted her hands on her hips, taking stand in front of you, "you should've been back last night did something happen?"
The sun was glaring directly in your eyes so you tried your best to smile at her while also shielding your face from it. "No, we just got tired so we set up camp a few miles out" You did your best to reassure her, Deanna worried about your family probably more than she worried about her own. Alexandria relied on your group. And she relied on you.
"The run went amazing Deanna" Nellie joined putting a reassuring hand on Deanna's arm. "Well I can tell!" She threw her hands up gesturing to the full trucks behind you, "I mean look at this, this is more than we expected" The smile that beamed on her face showed that she truly was in a joyful mood. But there was something else there, a slight hesitation in her eyes. There was something she wasn't saying.
Before you could begin to question Deanna, Luke's sweet voice rang through out the air. Luke was jogging towards Tommy with a excited look on his face. Tommy's face lit up at the sight of his son, his eyes widening and a smile forming. Jace and Cecilia weren't far behind him also coming to give everyone a welcome and looking equally as ecstatic.
A sense of relief washed over you, all your worries and racing thoughts vanishing in that moment. Cecilia welcomed you and Nellie into a tight embrace, wrapping one arm around either of you. "I'm so glad you're okay" She planted a kiss on both you and Nellie's cheeks, earning a laugh from both of you.
Oh, Cecilia. Sweet sweet Cecilia with her dark brown curly hair, big emerald eyes, and dimples. She had been the one to offer to stay with Jace and Luke while the rest of you were away, she didn't like being on the road and fighting. Not that she couldn't do it because she could, you'd seen her. She just chose not to.
"We got these for you, we went over the walls...with Cecilia. I hope that was alright" Luke timidly handed you a bunch of wildflowers tied together by grass. "Ah haha! These look like the perfect ones" Your voice sweet and smooth giving Luke a wide smile, reassuring him that you weren't upset with them.
Luke was shy and stuttered when he'd talk but he was also the kindest and softest spoken person you knew. His brown curly hair and dimples in his pale cheeks added to his soft composure. Jace, on the other hand, was older, taller, and had lost most of his baby face. He still sported the signature curly brown hair. "Come here, sweet boys" It was your turn to embrace them both in a warm hug.
Neither of them were quite as tall as you yet but Jace seemed to be getting there. Most days it seemed like you were eye level with him.
"Did you get your father some?" Glancing over at Tommy, he held up his bunch of flowers. His were shades of blues, greens, and whites. While the bunch Nellie and you were given we're shades of white, purple, and yellow.
You had forgotten Deanna was there, getting too wrapped up in your conversation.
"Why don't you help unload the trucks? I’ll go grab you guys notepads so you can help" Deanna meant well, she always did but you and Tommy expressed that you didn't want Jace or Luke in any of the dirty work the rest of the group did. They're children, they deserved to be children. They had already been through enough. But they still had responsibilities around Alexandria and training. You looked at Tommy for approval who gave you a nod. "Walk with me Y/n"
So you did. Walking side by side. Some days you felt like you towered over Deanna because of her small height. If someone saw you walking together they would think you were in charge, not her.
"Is there something you wanna tell me?"
"We brought in a group" She didn't miss a beat, as if she was waiting for you to begin questioning her.
"What?" You stopped dead in your tracks at the bottom of the steps to the pantry, she had already made it to the top of the steps with her foot in the door when she turned around and smiled at you. "Yeah a group of 15" She disappeared into the pantry "Of what ?!" You were hot on her tail, stomping your way up the stairs and swinging open the door but you still muttered a polite hello to Olivia as you passed her.
Deanna sighed and turned to face you. "This is their third day here, Aaron tracked them for a week to make sure they could be trusted" She tried to reassure you but it wasn't working. That was a big group. Bigger than your group. "Deanna that's a lot of people, you don't know them."
She ignored you, turning her attention to a stack of memo books. The memo books were used to count and write down everything that was brought into Alexandria from trips. Everything was documented and accounted for so if anything was stolen or taken out, it would be known. She picked up a black one and blue one, along with 2 black pens.
"We need the man power Y/n. I appreciate everything your family has done for Alexandria but its too much and you know that. The entire group was gone for 2 weeks, what if something had happened? No one was here to protect Alexandria. You need the weight off your shoulders and I need it off mine."
You knew deep down she was right. Your group held all the responsibility in Alexandria, they relied on you. Even though most of them hated you, the ones that listened to all the gossip at least. Deanna could see the mixture of doubt and worry on your features, the way your eyebrows crinkled and your lips turned to a frown. "Go home, get cleaned up, i'll be waiting at mine and we can talk more, alright?"
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Dndads Headcanons, season 2 kiddads and teens (appearance based)
the order of the kiddads from tallest to shortest is: terry jr, sparrow (by like half an inch), lark, grant, nick (but none of them are really all that short)
Lark, sparrow, and nick all have their ears pierced but sparrows holes closed up and he didn't wanna relive the traumatic experience of re-piercing them, while larks have gotten infected so many times he just stopped trying.
Terry dresses like a substitute teacher literally every day of this fucking life.
Sparrow is almost always wearing a bathrobe or a comfy cardigan. He dresses like a mixture of a female therapist and a deranged housewife.
Lark dresses like he's in the walking dead
Nick has a frankly absurd amount of Christmas sweaters and it's VERY obvious which ones are from Glenn.
Grant has curly hair.
both lark and sparrow need glasses. sparrow wears his when he needs them, but Lark never wears them because they make him look like henry.
terry jr also wears glasses and started wearing rons after he died.
scary was born with blonde hair, but it's gotten darker as she got older. right now, it's a light brown/sandy blonde. when her mom and terry Jr. got engaged, he tried to bond with scary by pointing out that their hair was almost the same color. she dyed it black the next day.
on the topic of hair dye, taylor tried to dye his hair electric blue when he was in middle school and had to buzz it all off cause he destroyed it with bleach. he cried for 2 weeks.
both scary and taylor regularly paint their nails. normal TRIES to paint his nails but then gets annoyed that now they taste gross and ends up picking off all the nail polish before its even finished drying
btw normals nails are so fucked up. just absolutely destroyed. theyre so bad. he has never cut them hes only ever bitten them off.
on the other hand Lincolns nails are really well kept. he pushes back his cuticles and everything.
the only non-sportswear type clothing that lincoln owns are garfield t-shirts. he has alot of them
Scary is taller than Taylor, but only when she's wearing her combat boots, which add like 2 inches to her height.
Lincoln is only taller than Terry jr by an inch (and 6 feet lmaooo)
Everyone's taller than normal.
Lark and sparrow both have a dimple on one of their cheeks but it's the opposite side of the others.
Normal has dimples on both cheeks!
Taylor only has horns when he's using magic or really angry and they're very small. When he saw them for the first time he got pissed cause they're nothing like his trollsonas.
Taylor totally has an ahegao hoodie.
Taylor has a t-shirt that's just a written apology to women for his ahegao hoodie
Normal has a lot of nasa hoodies that he keeps stealing from hero to piss her off
Scary stole one of Terry jr cardigans, dyed it back, and ripped it up to make it goth cause she THOUGHT it would piss him off. But it backfired, and terry started wearing it around the house to be supportive.
Scary also secretly stole one of Terry Jr's old band t-shirts for herself cause she thought it was cool. Terry knows she has it but will not say a goddamn word cause he thinks it's so sweet.
Grant has a picture of baby Lincolns face on a t-shirt next to the titanic that says "I survived the titanic and all I got was this stupid baby" given to him by nick that he has never worn because it's mean but it's collecting dust in a closet somewhere in the house. Lincoln found it once but didn't understand it cause he never saw the titanic, so he just didn't say anything.
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opalharkness · 29 days
Let's Talk
I remember watching Celtic Phoenix's Fixing RWBY: Volume 1 a few months ago and it's been on my mind ever since. Because while I actually quite like his vision for volume 1 I don't like all of it. I think he misses the point of certain aspects of the story so his rewrite is actually worse in some places and doesn't have the same impact. (I'm not sure how much of this is going to make sense I apologize in advance)
Let's start with his version of the Jaunedice arc. First thing first Jaune doesn't actually learn anything. He has a fight with Pyrrha, gets put on Cardin's leash, then gets an idea and executes it with the help of Blake. At no point is Jaune struggling or wrestling between his fears and what he knows to be right. Which makes this a bad arc.
(Also I don't like the way he calls Jaune a side character as if the show hasn't made it clear that Team JNPR are main characters alongside Team RWBY.)
His version of Jaunedice is also missing Jaune's talk with Ruby, a pivotal moment between these two characters. It shows Ruby's flawed sense of leadership that she passes on to Jaune. A sense of leadership that proceeds to fuck them up for the next 8 volumes. The moment is so important every time Jaune and Ruby have a serious moment together it's the first scene that everyone brings up.
Sun & Yang
The next thing that I didn't like was that in an effect to "fix" the problems he had with Blake and Yang's relationship. He fucked up Blake's arc at the end of volume 1. The Stray and Black & White is a microcosm of Blake's arc in volumes 4 and 5!
In his version, Blake runs away after her fight with Weiss and then Yang finds her, filling in the role that's supposed to go to Sun. Listen I'm a hardcore Bee shipper but come on man! The way that some people think that Blake and Sun's relationship is being given importance in the narrative somehow underminds the bees is crazy.
Because it doesn't! If anything it strengthens their relationship. But my real problem here is how it misunderstands Blake's arc in an effect to fix shit that didn't need fixing. Blake's arc in the volume 1 two-part finale is about learning to lean more on her friends and not run away from them. Having her run away and then later on open up to Yang kind of underminds that.
Sun is someone Blake opens up to here specifically because she doesn't know him! And therefore isn't worried about what he thinks of her! Plus Sun is earnest, willing to listen, and isn't going to push her unless she needs to be pushed. Honestly, sometimes she does.
Blake and Sun's relationship is so important and it's my favorite platonic relationship in the whole show. I will hear no slander and replacing Sun with Yang in this arc is slander.
Neo & Roman
The addition of Neo in volume 1 and the fact that she's sick throughout most of it is really fun and cute. However Celtic Phoenix for some reason had them stealing dust before they got caught up with Cinder. Which is just a really confusing writing choice.
Why are they stealing Dust? The reason for that in canon is that they are planning to blow up the tunnels under Mountain Glenn. They presumably were going to be this during the Fall of Beacon but it got pushed forward by the actions of Team RWBY during Volume 2. So what reason would Neo and Roman have for stealing more dust than they could ever need while dressing their goons as White Fang members? Like that just doesn't make any sense to me.
Also, the reason that Roman and Neo are in on the plot in the first place is because like Mercury said "If you need to know a city, ask the rats." Plus they need someone to steal dust and take the fall if shit goes sideways. Roman is expendable and so is Neo.
I like the fact that he expended Ruby and Weiss's problems with one another so it would flow neatly into Weiss and Blake's issues. That's a nice bit of writing as it makes the volume as a whole feel more structured. Something that Volume 1 lacks in all honesty. By in large the video and the ideas aren't bad. It's just frustrating to see him undermind entire character arcs and villain motivations.
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howlingday · 7 months
RWBY ReWritten:
"Your grace, we will be approaching Atlas soon."
"Y-Your grace? Um, we will be approaching Atlas soo-"
"I heard you the first time."
"Oh, um, yes, your grace."
"Do you think I'm stupid? That I've gone blind and deaf and must be told things twice?"
"N-No, your grace! I would never-"
"Oh, are you questioning my mental faculties? That I'm in some way wrong for explaining this to you? Is that why you are still standing in my presence?"
"I... I..."
The mighty behemoth Grimm bellowed, opening its maw to the freezing air around it. The servant struggled to hold onto the internal walls of the massive Grimm whale but found himself slipping. Thankfully, there was something he could hold onto. Some leverage that would keep him from falling.
That is until the beam struck his arm. He screamed as he hurtled to his death far below. Monstra shut its maw and continued on course. A smile graced her lips. The flight to Atlas was getting so dull.
"Have every available specialist on site."
"Yes, General!"
"Make sure every dust-powered gun is fully stocked."
"Yes, General!"
"Schnee!" The general whirled to his lieutenant, looking her in the eyes. "The Winter Maiden-"
"Is in our custody, General." Winter swiftly responded. "Atlas will not fall."
"For both our sakes, Schnee, I hope you're right." He sighed. "How long before she arrives?"
"An hour at most, General." She followed him as he left his office. "Do you have any further orders, General?"
"Keep the Winter Maiden away from the landing zone. Evacuate all citizens to the bunkers. And as soon as Salem's forces are in our sights-"
"Fire to eliminate. Yes, General-" The was a buzz and chatter on the communications. Winter held her hand up, eyes widening. "General, sir, the east cannon battalion has opened fire, they confirm a direct hit!"
At this time, there would be a sigh of relief washing over the room. People would be cheering and celebrating a victory as the cannons were made of the highest quality dust that the Schnee Dust Company could provide, and each cannon packed enough firepower to destroy two Mountain Glenns. But the room was filled with the best and brightest of Atlas.
"Target still en route, General."
"Dammit all." He growled. "Tell East Cannon to fire again when they're ready. Do whatever it takes to destroy that Grimm!"
"Yes, General." She tapped her earpiece. "East Cannon Battalion, come in." She waited. "East Cannon Battalion, respond!" She waited less. "East Cannon-"
"Schnee." A hand landed on her shoulder. She looked to the screen ahead and shuddered in horror at what she saw.
Hundreds of dots blanketed over where East Cannon was station. The green triangle that indicated their position and communication capabilities was no longer visible. She looked to the general, who shook his head.
"Get to the Winter Maiden."
The landing on the east side of Atlas was anything but smooth. Between the pounding cannon fire and the obstructing hard-light shields, Monstra was almost certain to not make it. Thankfully, Salem had already planned for such obstacles, thanks in part to the genius of her servants. Anyone who failed in their tasking would have... Well, she could always use more practice.
The maw of Monstra opened just enough to allow Salem to exit and for her army to be seen inside the Grimm. It was such a lovely day, and though she was a busy woman, she could take the time to appreciate the lovely red sky overhead. When she saw a bullhead land and a familiar face step out from it, a smile spread over her face and she hurried to meet him.
"Hello, James~!" She called sweetly. He held his hand up, ordering her to stop. She gave a giggle. It was always cute when they thought they were in control.
"By order of the Atlas military," he called through a speaker device, "you are not permitted to come any further into Atlas, Mantle, or any property protected by Atlas Huntsmen Jurisdiction!"
"Oh?" She raised her brow. "You want me to leave? That's the only thing you want? Well, I can certainly do that. I'll even take my army with me!" She held up two fingers. "But I have some demands of my own." There was a long, uncomfortable quiet, the kind that only came from the meek and insubordinate, two things Atlas was infamous for.
"First," she began, "I demand the Winter Maiden. Bring her to me and I shall leave. Then, I demand the Relic of Creation, and in return, I shall take my army with me." No response still. It was starting- No, it was beyond starting and well into annoying her. Balling her fist, she walked closer. Maybe they didn't hear her? "I hate repeating myself, but I'll blame these damnable winds just this once. Give me the Winter Maiden and the-"
Black ash and white embers sprayed into the winds of Atlas. From the distance, a sniper cocked his weapon to the ready position after reloading. There was a quiet cheer held around him as they confirm the hit. The general, however, was livid.
"You foo-"
But before they could hear his reprimands, a thin beam of magic passed through his vision, striking the sniper where between the eyes and killing him instantly. The snipers around him died shortly after in the blast that followed. General Ironwood was frozen in fear.
"Really, James?" He whirled to the woman reforming, her finger still aloft from where the beam had been fired. "How rude. But for the sake of diplomacy, I will only kill half of your men."
She rushed forward, her long black dress doing nothing to slow her down. Atlas armaments roared as she was fired upon by everything from rifles to rockets. This, too, proved fruitless as smaller beams were fired from each of her fingers, killing dozens of men. General Ironwood could take this gross decimation no longer and charged the cackling witch.
"Fighting me yourself, James? Is that really how a general should command his men?" He fired into her twice, destroying both of her hands before getting close enough to strike her with his pistols. Every strike caused black ichor to spill from her body, but even as more pistol rounds were fired into her, she would not fall. If anything, it only made her cackle harder.
"I won't let you destroy Atlas!"
"It was already destroyed the moment you chose to side with them!"
"Enough!" The two looked over to see an old woman approaching with a younger woman behind her. In the old woman's hands was a long, gilded staff topped with a blue crystal. "That's enough, James. Atlas has fallen."
"Finally, someone with some sense." Salem said as her wounds began to fill themselves. "And seeing as Atlas still remains in the air, I assume you are the Winter Maiden keeping it afloat, yes?"
"Dammit, Schnee!" General Ironwood shouted. "I ordered you to-"
"Shut up, will you?" The Winter Maiden snarled. "Your bullheadedness is what killed this kingdom. Atlas has fallen, but there is still time before it collides with Mantle. The people have already fled for Argus. This battle is over."
"Do you hear that, James? You still have people to protect. I will grant the mercy of maintaining your dignity as you flee with your tail between your legs." She returned her attention to the Winter Maiden. "Well, shall we?"
"Wait just a moment." She glared into the red of eyes of evil. "Before we leave, I have one request."
"Oh? You think you're in a position to make demands of me?"
"Not a demand. A request from an old woman. I wish to see my granddaughter."
"Oh, a family reunion? Well, I see no reason to not reunite family. After all, I do so wish to reunite with my dearly departed husband, if only so I could wring his neck myself."
"General, sir?" Winter place a hand on his shoulder as he watched in horror as the two greatest powers of Atlas left for the same Grimm that had invaded not so long before. "It's time to go, sir. We... Atlas has fallen."
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rickmymanrick · 9 months
one rule | chapter five
[rick grimes x original female character slowburn]
series masterlist
summary: glenn and rick try out a new technique in order to survive and reunite with the rest of the group. back at camp, daphne and shane reach an understanding.
notes: god i’m so irritated with my writing in this series. i have the tendency to write too many little details but that changes after this chapter istg. so the style of writing might be a bit strange after this part but if you'd like an idea of what it'll be like, check out my star wars au i'm writing on my main acc. and sorry for the long ass wait. enjoy.
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“I’m going to throw the fuck up,” I breathed, trying to control my gag reflex. Rick groaned in response, pushing harder and I gagged again.
“Stop doing that,” Glenn whined. “You’re going to make me throw up.”
“I’m sorry,” I said with watery eyes, trying not to breathe in the scent of rotten guts filling the air. We were all standing before Rick and his axe— staring as he cut a walker’s body in half.
Rick gave one last chop before handing it over to Morales. I did my best not to look at the mush of guts spread all over the floor.
After a heated discussion with Glenn, I’d agreed that it would be safer if I stayed behind, despite how badly I wanted to join him on Rick’s suicide mission to escape Atlanta. So I stayed silent, helping them spread intestines all over their coats with two layers of gloves on.
I’m sure my face was turning violet from how long I was holding my breath but it was either that or vomit all over the place. The texture of the flesh was lukewarm; this walker probably wasn’t even dead for long.
Glenn was beginning to hyperventilate.
“Think about something else. Puppies and kittens,” offered Rick with a grimace.
“Dead puppies and kittens,” T-Dog added in disgust.
I flinched, bracing myself. Glenn whipped around in horror, hurling over his shoulder instantly.
Andrea rolled her eyes and pulled away from Glenn. She fixed T-Dog with a glare. “That is just evil. What is wrong with you?”
“Next time let the cracker beat his ass,” snapped Jacqui.
“I’m sorry,” T-Dog backed away guiltily.
Rick cut in. “Do we smell like them?”
“Hell yeah,” I answered.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you take a single breath in the last five minutes, Daphne.”
I squinted my eyes at Rick.
“It’s a wonder you’re still standing,” he mused.
“Unless you want me to throw up on you and everyone in the vicinity, I’d rather suffocate in silence,” I said stiffly.
“Glenn," I turned around to find Andrea handing off my gun. "Just in case." I didn't argue, knowing if she had returned the gun to its rightful owner, I would've done the same thing. Still, I gave her a glare.
“If we make it back, be ready,” said Rick firmly.
“What about Merle Dixon?”
Rick fished out the keys from his pocket and tossed them to T-Dog.
“Give me the axe,” sighed Rick. “We need more guts.”
After another agonizing round of gut scooping, the two were ready to head out. Glenn glanced back at me with a terrified look. I tried to give him my most confident smile, but inside I was sort of dying too.
I shared one last look with Rick, imprinting both of their faces in my mind just in case. How is he still so handsome covered in guts?
‘You got this,’ I mouthed at Glenn and then Morales promptly slammed the door in my face. I rounded on him angrily.
“We couldn’t risk the walkers seeing us,” he shrugged apologetically.
I sighed, glancing up the stairwell and suddenly remembering Merle’s crazy ass was still up there. Suppressing a groan, I forced my way past Andrea and the others and decided to wait on the rooftop for a better view.
And somehow between the sudden rain pour that fell over Atlanta and Andrea accusing Rick and Glenn of abandoning us, the plan actually managed to work.
I was practically biting my nails, sprinting back down the stairs I came from, leaving Merle and his yelling in the dust. I couldn’t bring myself to give a single shit, only focused on trying to push myself the fastest I’ve ever gone, just so that by some miracle of God I could intercept Glenn before he took off.
He was leading the horde away, distracting them so that we could all get into the van Rick had managed to steal.
I diverted from the course, ignoring Morales and Jacqui’s frantic questions, urging them to meet Rick at the rendezvous. Over the frantic pounding of my heart, I could hear the siren of Glenn’s stolen car, getting closer and closer as I sprinted down a dark hallway, seeing the daylight pouring through the crack of the emergency exit.
With a shoulder shove, I burst through the door, fully bracing myself for a fight against any walker that was in the vicinity...
But it wasn’t the dead that attacked me.
It was Glenn Rhee, slamming into my side hard enough to send me flying towards the pavement feet away. My ears rung a bit and I had to blink a few times to gather my wits, but then I suddenly heard Glenn’s yell and growls getting closer and I forced my body to jump into action.
I swayed a little on my feet, gaping at Glenn who was hanging halfway out the car, staring at me like I’d grown two heads.
Walkers rounded the corner suddenly.
“Holy shit! You crazy fucker!” I yelled, swinging my body to the passenger’s side. I was more than ready to get the hell out of dodge.
“Holy shit,” Glenn repeated, but I could barely understand over his ridiculous guffawing. There were tears streaming down his face, his cheeks bright pink from how hard he was cracking up.
“You hit me with a car. Har har. Hit the fucking gas pedal, chuckles.”
His laughter was contagious, doubled over the steering wheel and I momentarily forgot that Rick and the others were depending on our corny asses to survive.
“Glenn,” I wheezed through suffocating laughter. God, my fucking side hurts but I can’t stop. “Glenn! We got—gotta GO!”
A loud bang made us both jump. Nothing kills the mood quite like a decaying corpse snapping at your car window.
Finally, Glenn hightailed it, sending the car flying with a deafening squeak. I gripped at the overhead handle. As we turned the corner, I barely caught a glance of Rick’s truck, now speeding away from the building.
I slammed my hand into the dashboard twice. “They’re out. Let’s go!”
Glenn didn’t need to be told twice, pushing the car even faster than I thought possible. Impulsively, I rolled my window down and felt the wind cut through my hair hazardously.
Soon, Atlanta was in the rearview mirror and a feeling of elation rushed to my head.
“We’re alive,” Glenn said suddenly, as if he read my mind.
“Cause of you,” I admitted in a rare moment of complete honesty with this asshole.
A sly smile spread across his cheeks and I whipped my head to face him fully. “I take that shit back. You almost killed me back there. I think you broke my hip, Glenn!”
“You look fine,” he denied.
“What do you know? My hip is in fragile condition! I may never be the same.”
“Should’ve looked both ways before you crossed the road.”
“Dude—” I fixed him with a murderous look.
Glenn glanced at me from his peripheral. I stared at him a few seconds longer. We were speeding down the highway, on lanes that were vet eerily empty. But the other side of the highway was a complete other story. I refused to look that way.
A few more seconds of death glaring Glenn satisfied my pettiness and so I began to rummage through the compartments of the car. A nice silence filled the car, just rushing wind and the company of the person who meant the most to me in this fucked up world.
All I could find were old receipts and registration papers. I sighed, “do you think they had any cds— FUCK YES.”
“What?” Glenn demanded quickly.
I flipped the cd around and practically shoved it in his face. He swerved a little— it’s not like there’s anyone to crash into.
“Put that shit on!” He yelled, beginning to smile uncontrollably.
I shoved the disc in and blasted the volume, drowning out the stupid alarm.
“Everybody look at me, me! I walk in the door you start screaming!” We both chorused loudly, feeling the spirit of Nelly Furtado and countless nights at the club fill our veins.
When we finally arrived, speeding over hills and around curves, we clambered out of the car, exhilarated from the drive and feeling the post-high of our near-death experience.
The giddiness rushed to my brain, making me a bit lightheaded as I gave Glenn a playful shove when I made my way to his side.
This feeling nearly made me forget my very pressing issue here at camp.
He came rushing over with a scowl. “What the hell?!” Shane growled at me.
“Holy shit, turn that damn thing off!” Dale yelled, stomping over with his white bucket hat lodged firmly over his hair.
“I don’t know how!” Glenn said, leaning over to fidget with the dashboard in the car.
“Pop the hood please,” said Shane a little more gently than he’d spoken to me.
I gave him a side eye.
Glenn and Dale kept yelling over each other in a panic. An anxiety began to creep over me when I realized just how loud the alarm was. It bounced off every tree; its echo could probably be heard below the cliff we were camped on.
I leaned closer to Glenn. “Hey, pop the hood—“
“Pop the damn hood!” Shane snapped suddenly.
The hood of the car finally popped open and I jerked back to glare at Shane. He was turning away from me, his head shaking and I could tell he was mumbling something under his breath.
The asshole pulled a wire out and the siren stopped.
“Are you crazy, driving this wailing bastard up here? Are you trying to draw every walker for miles?” Shane leaned against the car with an agitated look.
“I think we’re okay,” said Dale.
“You call being stupid ‘okay?’” Shane asked.
“The alarm was echoing all over these hills,” explained Dale. “Hard to pinpoint the source.”
“Thank you,” I mumbled. It’s nice to see someone still has functioning brain cells in this group.
Shane turned to glare at the three of us, hands on his hips, a scowl planted on his face.
“I’m not arguing. I’m just saying,” Dale told him defensively before spinning on both Glenn and I. “It wouldn’t hurt you to think things through a little more carefully next time, would it?”
“Sorry,” Glenn shrugged. “Got a cool car.”
“Has some good cds too,” I chimed.
“Nice to know you put us at risk for some cheap music,” replied Shane unnecessarily.
I opened my mouth, ready to fire back—
A rumbling could be heard from a distance. Amy rushed forward, shielding her eyes from the sun, a desperate look on her face. “Is that them? Where’s Andrea?” She turned toward me suddenly. “Is she okay?”
“She’s okay, Amy. We just had to take two cars, s’all.” I reassured.
We squinted against the glare. In the distance, a white truck was rapidly approaching.
“That’s not our van,” observed Shane lowly.
Obviously. I didn’t spare him a glance. I only stared ahead, hoping everyone except Merle was in that damned van. I knew it was wishful thinking though, that man was like a fucking cockroach.
In my peripheral, I saw Glenn glancing between Shane and I awkwardly. “Yeah, um, we had to leave it behind. Found a bigger truck though.”
Maybe I should mention the fact that Rick Grimes was driving the truck and that his partner was alive but my stubbornness kept me silent. And it was only at this thought that a memory resurfaced in my brain.
“Did you see Rick?” I asked quietly, observing Lori and Carl from where I sat on the rock. The pain in my thigh had dulled just a bit.
Shane glanced up from my leg, looking through his eyelashes briefly before quickly directing his gaze down again. He continued to wrap gauze around my wound.
“I did,” he said hoarsely. I waited with bated breath, but he said nothing more.
“Did they transfer him to Atlanta General?” I asked, not sure I even wanted to know the answer. The horrific sight of the dead on the highway was seared into my brain. The screams stopped hours ago; now all that could be heard was silence and a faint growling from the deserted highway.
“He’s gone,” Shane stated stiffly.
I stared over at little Carl Grimes who sat next to his mother silently, observing how to light a small log fire. A lump formed in my throat, but I cleared it with a sniffle. There was no going back to the way it was before. I had to toughen up and accept it.
“Okay,” I lamented, forcing the grief back into the depths of my mind.
Shane finally looked up, brown eyes looking intensely into my own. “Okay.”
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Hours later, I sat alone, like I did most nights I couldn't sleep, legs pulled up to my chest and staring at the dark outline of the city. It was brighter than usual this night, a full moon hanging high over our heads.
I traced each building I could see, wondering if Merle was atop one of them, cursing each of us to hell.
This evening was... eventful, to say the least. The Grimes family reunion went as expected, full of tears and embracing. I had to look away after a few seconds, feeling that stupid guilt churn in my gut, especially when Lori kissed Rick on the crown of his head.
And then I saw Shane, acting stranger than usual, a forced smile on his face after the shock of seeing Rick had worn off. He'd glanced at me the second it had processed in his brain who was driving the van, a mixture of shock and something else behind those brown eyes.
I imagined he felt betrayed I hadn't spilled it to him as soon as Glenn parked the car. Maybe it was a bit petty but his behavior towards me was setting me off. We hadn't worked so hard to make a living, just for a misunderstanding to destroy the bond we had.
I scoffed at the thought, glaring at the dirt.
Slow footsteps in the grass crunched behind me and I curled my fingers around my knife.
"'You barely got them out?'" I said monotonously. At the campfire just about two hours ago, Rick had expressed his undying gratitude to Shane. After Shane explicitly pointed out that he'd saved them. He was the reason the Grimes family was whole again.
I heard a sigh and Shane rounded the corner, his eyes meeting mine for the first time since last night. "It was a lot to explain."
"We had time," I pushed a little stone I found in the trunk around. "I'm not asking for credit. I would do what I did without hesitation if I had to again. But you haven't acknowledged me once since last night."
It was silent. I refused to look back up, tired of his mood swings.
"I...I haven't been fair to you," said Shane quietly. "I'm sorry. I just-- I've been working through some things. Feelings. You didn't deserve the way I'd been treating you."
I hated that confrontation made me overly emotional. I tried to swallow down the sudden lump in my throat. That's the thing-- maybe I did deserve it.
I wanted to say something, speak up for myself, maybe yell at him for giving me such a goddamn headache. But the lump in my throat kept me painstakingly silent.
“…Daphne?” Shane asked very quietly. It was barely a murmur, but my trained ears caught it.
I cleared my throat and whispered, “okay.” Outrageously angry at myself for not finding the strength to give him a piece of my mind.
It was silent for a few long moments.
“I’ll..." He cleared his throat and puffed out his chest a bit. "I'll take the night shift. You go get some rest. You’ve had a long day, Lara Croft,” he tried to joke awkwardly. I didn't laugh, so conflicted on my feelings for him.
On one hand, he’s the man who has been with me since before the fall and even through it. We’ve been forced to fight and survive together. Fight for each other. Other than Glenn, he’s the only friend I’ve got.
But god we fucked it up so bad last night. I fucked it up. I could sense his apology was sincere and life was too goddamn short to hold onto grudges.
And my back was starting to kill me after getting smacked around by Glenn's stolen car.
“Thanks,” I whispered, accepting his offer and hopping off the jeep. I looked at his fluffy brown hair and his eyes that were suddenly much lighter than they had been in all day, despite the darkness of the night.
The anger was still there, simmering and bubbling in the pits of my stomach, but with one deep sigh, I spun on my heel and made my way to Glenn and my tent, deciding to just deal with it tomorrow--
A whisper traveled across the path.
"For what it's worth, it's always been you."
I froze, straining my ears to convince myself I hadn't just made it up.
"I don't wanna fight. But it's your call. Daphne, I need you... and-and I'll take you however I can have you, Ayala."
An even larger lump formed in the base of my throat. My lungs burned furiously and I realized I'd been holding my breath all this time. I willed myself to respond.
"I need..."
What did I need?
I frowned in confusion. My heart was telling me one thing, but my brain was convincing me of another. There's no reason to deny myself this attention, this man who has clearly pined after me for so long. And because of my silly crush on Rick Grimes, I'd never given him the time of day.
Now Rick's back and I have to co-exist with his family.
I turned my head to glance at him over my shoulder. He was standing by the jeep still, a hand on his holster and another scratching at his scruff.
Maybe... I should've given Shane Walsh a chance so long before the world went to absolute shit.
Maybe... maybe I can give him a chance now.
My stomach turned with the possibility of just allowing myself to be loved. But my anger very much still brewed silently.
"I need time," I said honestly. I forced a small smile. Not a yes, but certainly not a no.
A puff of air left his lips, I heard it even from this distance away.. It was full of a flattering sort of relief and I found myself shocked that my ears began to tinge with heat.
Spinning away before he could say anything else to fluster or anger me further, I rushed back to my tent, that tight lipped smile slipping into an easier one.
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The next morning, I woke up earlier than I expected, my anxiety at an all time high.
Glenn was still snoring on his side of the tent, flat on his back and his mouth hanging open just a little.
I took the opportunity to change into a fresh set of clothes and brush my teeth quickly before trekking into a part of the woods I'd discovered a week ago. It wasn't too far, a few minutes into the trees, but far enough to be able to take a breath of air without someone lurking about.
The trek had a greater purpose though; within its bushes, a patch of blueberries grew untouched. I'd been going back to check on it every morning and now, I was hoping it was ready enough for picking. The thought of surprisingly Carol and Sophia with some jam put a little pep in my step.
So I began my slow search, carefully inspecting each berry to make sure they were edible.
My peace was interrupted sooner than I expected. There was a major scuffling within the trees and my heart leaped to my throat, freezing in place as I tried to calculate who it was coming from and where.
I was hunched over, ready to leap and attack a walker if need be. The footsteps got louder and I steadied the grip on my weapon.
"Merle was a danger to us all," I heard Shane's voice travel across the trees. My heart jumped to my throat. I'd been avoiding the thought of him since I woke up.
"You don't know what you're talking about," grumbled the voice of Daryl Dixon. Through the low bush, I saw a group of three approaching.
I held my breath, surprised Daryl hadn't throttled Rick already.
"What I did was not on a whim," said Rick. "Merle does not work and play well with others."
“He’s my brother,” Daryl insisted, more angry than I had ever seen him. Maybe, he did throttle him. Shane must've pulled him off because there was red marks from a struggle on his neck.
My cheeks burned, my heart stupidly fluttering just because I'd finally come to terms with allowing myself to feel something for him. I realized a tiny smile started spreading across my cheeks and quickly shut that shit down. I glared at the ground to gather my bearings.
Now was not the time for girly high school shit.
Shane shook his head. “I understand that this is difficult but—“
“No, you don’t understand. Y’all don’t have a brother here!” Daryl threw his hand up and began to storm away.
“I do, Daryl. I do.” Rick said. Daryl turned around with a sneer, and Rick glanced back at Shane fondly.
I became confused when Shane’s face twisted into an uncomfortable expression, more of a grimace than a brotherly smile, a tense nod given to Rick in return.
Daryl scoffed.
“Oh really? Does a brother fuck your wife?”
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OHHHH SHITTTTT. unedited as fuck btw
next chapter >
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