#i would have skipped a meal
xofre · 1 year
Why the fuck is it easier to take care of others but not of myself.
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noisyghost · 6 months
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rambling out loud about the one year timeline of how getting bit by a werewolf affected ark/his body <3
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Prayer request: please pray for my grandpa. He's having open-heart surgery tomorrow, and he has two other hospital-worthy health issues that they're going to have to figure out how to treat after that. He had a bad fall back in May, and while he was originally doing miraculously well, he stopped taking care of himself as well as he should have in July (right about when he should have been able to start doing more . . .), and that's led to a whole slew of issues.
Specific requests:
That the heart surgery goes well.
That the doctors will have wisdom to figure out how to treat the other issues.
That my grandpa will be receptive to whatever changes he needs to make to ensure these problems don't come back and new problems don't arise, and that he'd find the motivation to not stay in his current mindset (which seems to be that he's avoiding anything that requires effort).
This is a little selfish, but pray that my uncle (who's currently with my grandpa) would be able to stay with him for his recovery instead of making my mom come up again (after she already spent literally all summer taking care of my grandpa after his initial fall).
Thanks in advance.
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doctor-disc0 · 9 days
Me googling "low blood sugar" only to find out that it is NOT common or normal for non-diabetic people to experience. I experience it somewhat frequently.
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lenievi · 10 months
"Sorry. It's blood sugar. I missed a meal."  Kirk wagged a finger at Bones as he got up. "Shame, shame. Physician, feed thyself. Better still, come on down to the rec room with me. I missed dinner too."  McCoy said, "How are you supposed to stay healthy if you keep skipping meals?" Kirk told McCoy that he was a pain, and in nonclinical detail began describing where it was as they went out together.
(Diane Duane - Doctor’s Orders)
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parrysystem · 3 months
i want my dad to be okay. i dont want to lose him
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thegeminisage · 9 months
the fundamental difference between my mom and me - one of them anyway - is that she thinks of children like pets and i think of pets like children. she's like awww i want a grandchild so bad why will neither of my kids give me grandchildren and i'm like ma'am you don't want a grandchild. you want to have unrestricted access to a baby. what about when it grows up and it's not little and cute anymore? are you still gonna take care of it when it chews power cords and pees on the furniture? answer: no, because who takes care of her dog? me. i'm like if you want to take care of and cuddle something we have one dog and two cats in this house that rely on us and we have a responsibility to put them ahead of ourselves for as long as they live and she's like yeah but animals smell bad. as if babies don't.
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caspersscareschool · 11 months
#i have to say this somewhere or im gonna go crazy#so at a preschool. you HAVE to have one adult sitting at every table when kids are eating. and you also need a person in the hall#for kids getting their lunchboxes and going to the bathroom and shit ok. are you with me here. this makes sense#so today. my 2 coworkers had already taken the chairs bc i got caught up in the hall but i was so fucking hungry that i just ate standing u#which was fine. like i could just put my lunch down if someone needed my help and i Did that ok it was fine. no one was left alone#but later at SNACKTIME. it took me forever to get these 2 kids in the room and seated ready to eat & by the time i got in some kids were#already finished and ready to go to the playroom. so i was like ok i guess I'm not eating for the latter half of the day because they cant#be left alone. and my 2 coworkers at this point were sitting with the snackers and they looked fine so i looked after the Players#intermittently glancing to the snack tables to make sure everyone was fine mind you#So what happened here was.#There was a 20 second interval between the time i glanced up to see 2 adults at the snack table. And the time i glanced up to see#a completely unsupervised snack table. one kid STANDING UP ON THE TABLE blowing raspberries and pointing at the other kids#could not have been more than 20 or 30 seconds that i wasn't looking and NO ONE TOLD ME they were leaving the room#if i had been WARNED that they were leaving i would have prioritized the snackers and sat with them so no one choked and no one fucking#stood on the table#but they both just left for whatever reason without saying anything#and when i brought it up after school they were just like. well marty you were eating too much during lunch#next time you should eat before coming in to work so you can give the kids your full attention#??????? i already skipped a meal today for that exact reason?? how is it my fault that i don't want to starve?#am i actually in the wrong here because it's driving me FUCKING nuts. that was NOT a safe situation and it obviously can NOT happen again#but the issue was a lapse in communication not me wanting to eat food so i don't actually die#and those were two different times of day so they're not even relevant#obviously there are bigger issues in the world than this but i feel like throwing up over it. this was not my fault#I'm sorry that you guys can survive off of like 1 spoonful of granola and a single acai berry for the entire day but im not built like that
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Manager of the house came in today. He was shouting out what my weight and BMI were so everyone in the house could hear. I asked him not to do that and he said he was sorry and he didn’t realise it would make me uncomfortable.
Afterwards he was in the dining room when me and other residents were on the sofa at the other end of the room. He loudly complained about me being upset by him shouting out about my weight and then continued to shout out my weight and BMI was and also made a lot of really squirm-inducing remarks about my prescribed meal plan in front of everyone.
The staff here had a training session about how to approach eating disorders two weeks after I moved in because when I moved in they literally knew nothing. I really don’t know what they got from it.
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magnus-and-the-dragon · 5 months
I’m 5 lbs away from being under 200 lbs for the first time in my adult life, and I’m not sure how I feel about it.
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kittlyns · 5 months
Yet another day of getting home from work @ 9pm (we usually close at 6... haha) with the fun little bonus of getting a text from my insurance adjuster telling me that while they do not consider me at fault for the accident, the other two insurance companies do, so I have to contact them with my "evidence" to plead my case. Also no one knows where the fucking police report is.
Yippee!! 👍
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Eddie has never considered that meals are an extremely important ritual to some people. He’s always been the kind of guy who’s fine with cold leftovers and cereal without milk. As long as his hunger is sated, he’s good to go.
He isn’t sure what Steve means when he first brings it up about a week after he moves in, when he mentions offhandedly that food is really important to Billy.
Whatever that means.
It becomes more apparent when Eddie starts to notice a trend.
Billy is probably at his happiest when he’s eating, especially if he’s eating one of his go-to comfort foods; namely lasagna, hotdogs, and cheesecake.
He slips into his happy place when he’s enjoying his meal, calm and content, and afterwards he’s usually a little clingy. Likes to be cuddled and take naps in his partners’ arms. Likes being coddled.
It seems cute at the start. Eddie enjoys getting to come home each night and have all two hundred and fifty pounds of Billy in his lap, burying his face in the crook of Eddie’s neck like a lovesick cat while he gets petted. There’s something grounding, he guesses, in being comfortably full after a nice hot meal, that makes Billy so pliant and easygoing.
The exact opposite is true if the ritual is broken.
“Sweetness, it’s alright,” Steve soothes. “C’mere, you’re okay.”
He gently guides a flustered Billy away from the stove, carefully stepping around the shattered plate of spaghetti on the floor. It happened so fast that Eddie didn’t even register it until Steve was bounding into the kitchen from the other room, cradling Billy’s already tear-streaked face in his hands.
The blond is a mess. Hiccuping between little shaky breaths and sobs like he’s physically in pain.
Handling these sorts of things is not Eddie’s strong suit, usually. He’s not like Steve, careful and deliberate with his words, guiding Billy’s breathing with his own calm inhales and exhales. Still, the sight of Steve kissing Billy’s tears away as he cries makes Eddie’s chest clench with sorrow.
He dips down to clean up the mess. Scrapes the noodles into the trash and carefully discards the plate before wiping the sauce from the tile. Then he grabs a fresh plate from the cupboard and loads it with a new pile of spaghetti, topped with an abundance of parmesan.
It’s a small gesture, he thinks, but as he delivers it to his boyfriend, Billy’s eyes light up. Then promptly fill with tears again as he looks up at Eddie through his lashes.
“I’ll have something else, Bills. You should have your spaghetti,” he coos.
“Are you sure?”
“I wrote it down.”
Billy snorts at that. Reluctantly takes the plate from Eddie’s hands and twirls his fork in the noodles, breathing a comfortable sigh when he takes the first bite. His shoulders droop after a moment. Steve smiles and tucks a stray curl behind his ear before pressing a kiss to his cheek.
When Eddie returns to the kitchen, he catches Steve mouthing a thank you, which only makes him that much more eager to eat hot pockets for dinner.
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daisywords · 7 months
procrastinated eating dinner and now my roommate has a mysterious guy over, so I'll just starve I guess
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tfw u show up to the dr appointment and you haven't eaten in like 48 full hours and they ask you about your eating habits and you say you fast pretty often in accident because your stimulant messes up your hunger response
and they just look you up and down clearly not believing you before starting The Weight Loss Conversation™ and get told that fasting will guarantee you weight loss
#God I wish#I've only ever been able to lose weight on extremely low calories#I can lose a bit of weight per week on a sub 800 calorie diet#I can lose weight at the rate expected of most people if I cut it even more#Like if I literally don't eat every other day on sub 800#Neither of those are sustainable#And they usually end up with me binging like the fat person people think I am#I'm currently maintaining my weight#I only drink 0 calorie and 0 sugar#I eat one meal a day at around the 1000 calorie mark#And I eat a snack around 100-200 calories around 3pm because otherwise I get nauseous#But I'm fat still so no one believes me#Man I've been fat my whole life#Parents put me on diets and shit from the time I entered kindergarten#When I was in third grade and only gaining weight they decided this wasn't working#And started making me just skip meals#Until I was 12 or 13 they fed me the same size portions I fed the 5 year olds when I worked at a daycare#I remember learning what kind of foods the kids at school hated at the lunch line#So I would have something to eat at lunch#Or I remember scrounging around for quarters so I could actually buy some food#I remember church having pizza parties and catering events#And overeating to the point of vomiting#Only to clean up and eat more because I didn't know how long it would be#Even as a teenager#Parents would order out getting nice steak meals#And not get me anything when there's nothing even at home to eat#Sometimes they'd eat out and they'd come back with like half a chicken breast and a pile of veggies for me#Most of my childhood I barely thought of the weight aspect#I just knew I was hungry and needed to figure out how to get food#As a teen I started eating like they said because I was ashamed and it still didn't make me lose weight
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rj-anderson · 2 years
I am credibly informed that some otherwise healthy people don’t enjoy eating food and some of them actually forget to eat food for hours or entire days but I just??? can’t??? imagine???
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disordered-gurl · 2 years
I keep binging or overeating in general I feel like I can’t stop. This is exactly what led me to gain 25/30 lbs a few years ago I seriously have to stop, I DO NOT wanna live in that body again EVER
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