#i would have included footloose but apparently i don’t own footloose
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the heart killers media references starter kit (episode 1)
#i would have included footloose but apparently i don’t own footloose#sorry kevin bacon#the heart killers#thk#screaming edens
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Title: General Beelzebub
Promp: Dirty Angel
Beelzebub recommended mud run as a way of team building for the angels. The demons went to watch and basically adopted Aziraphale as their new agent in training.
Meeting with the opposition is always a dreadful task but they must always endure. Dagon has everything set up and cleared so it shouldn't have been a long meeting, however with how messy and disorganized Heaven is despite their advanced technologies, the meeting had extended to dinner time when they started at lunch.
"So what exactly is it you do with your resources?" Beelzebub asked after finishing off another round of cake while Uriel tries to find the matching table for cross data analysis. "Crowley gave us three computers ten years ago which he updates every six months and we are still keeping better files than you?" Then they take a slug of their martini.
"I meant all disrespect, that says a lot given that we print it on greasy papers." Dagon added.
"Would you fucking shut up!" Uriel snaps but an immediate regret appearing on her face.
"My Lord, this is a waste of time." Dagon turns to Beelzebub who just ordered their third glass of chocolate milkshake.
"Fine. All of you may go back down. Leave all the papers here." Beelzebub sighs. The angels look like they're spread all over the place, but with the failed apocalypse, hell is too, they just happen to be more efficient.
As soon as everyone is back to hell Beelzebub snaps the paperwork on her own office desk, including the heavenly ones. "Get up, we're going somewhere." They ordered the four bureaucrats who thankfully did without bitching out. "All of you are familiar with running, right?" They ask making a lollipop appear on their hands. The angels nodded, confusion now painted on their faces. "Good. Change into your running clothes then." The archangels did in a snap and their choice making Beelzebub snort. "Should've gone with darker ones."
As soon as everyone is on their sports clothing, Beelzebub snaps them to California where they had their recent team building. A rather successful one. "Listen up, pea brains!" The Lord of Hell begins and everyone automatically lined up in position. "The objective of the game is simple. There are five stations and each station you have to complete an obstacle. The first one to finish the race wins!"
"Question," Michael raised her hand which is met by an impatient look from Beelzebub.
"I didn't you could ask any question, but go ahead. Let's hear it." The Prince of Hell answers.
"Is there any track that is less muddy?"
"No. Anymore senseless questions?"
"What's the prize?" Gabriel asked, pouting like an overgrown child.
Beelzebub leaned dangerously close to him before pulling his torso down from the neck to have him face to face with them before whispering, "Well, Gabe. You just gotta win to find out, don't you?" To which the archangel dumbly nods.
"Well I hope the prize depends on the winner." Sandalphon whispers to the other two archangels.
Meanwhile in Hell…
“Crowley, what exactly are we doing here?” Aziraphale asks as he follows the redhead through one of the corridors of hell.
“Lord Beelzebub posted this,” Crowley hands his phone to the angel. “Apparently, your previous boss and the gang pissed them off, so they’re making the wank wings run in the mud.”
“Well that’s exciting.” Aziraphale says, trying to contain his glee but failing miserably. “We should have a betting pool.” The angel suggested.
Crowley hums in response and immediately asked the demons in the watching room who would like to participate. Everyone wanted to and Aziraphale is even surprised when he saw the other princes of hell and even Satan himself in the room. The high ranking demons regarded him with a mere nod save for Lord Asmodeus who actually sat on his lap, handing him a glass of wine.
Everyone is watching Beelzebub give them instructions on how to play the game when Hastur called out to Aziraphale from the other side of the room.
“Aziraphale! Can you give us more to work with here?” Hastur says pointing at the flashing number at one of the screens corresponding to an archangel.
“Well, that would jeopardize my bet, wouldn’t it?” Aziraphale answered which earned a rather amused laughed from Satan.
“Someone give that guy a promotion!” Satan gleefully pointed at Aziraphale.
“My Lord, he doesn’t even go here.” Leviathan answers.
“Then make him a member then.” Satan answers, still smiling amusedly.
“I didn’t know hell has a membership.” Aziraphale turned to Crowley, amused at the apparent displeasure of the other princes of hell. Save for Asmodeus who winked at him after Satan’s remark on his position.
Crowley chuckles and wraps his arm around Aziraphale while keeping a challenging eye on Asmodeus. Ever since the rise of selfie through Crowley’s doing─one of the things he actually did, Lord Asmodeus had been on him to the point of almost crying a war on Beelzebub which was hilarious and rather disturbing having received a commendation just because he pissed off another prince.
Mud Run Track, California…
“No miracles, no heavenly interventions. I want a human energy based race.” The Lord of Hell reminded, flashing the red of their eyes to get the message across, and suddenly they all know why they’re a well respected leader in Hell. “Angels on three!” Beelzebub yelled using the megaphone they acquired after the third senseless question, just to yell on the archangels’ faces.
“Three!” They miracle themselves to a viewing deck for one above the starting line.
“Two!” One of their thrones and a few screen showing the track appeared on the podium with them.
“One!” And the angels started to run.
Station 1: Footloose
The angels are facing the one thing that they can’t do even with miracles.
“Dance, angels, dance!” They heard Beelzebub and Gabriel took the first stem into the laid tire on the mud and immediately regretted as he started sinking. The archangel moved as fast as he can to get to the other side and he was immediately followed by Michael, then Uriel. Sandalphon refuses to go through the tires which Beelzebub did not tolerate and they made it known by starting a hellfire that proved to be a good motivation for the said archangel to go through the obstacle.
The next thing on the obstacle is the four horizontal beams which they assume they have to walk through. Fearing another motivation from Beelzebub, the four archangels started mounting the beam.
Michael is the first one to successfully mount but slipped on her third step making her land on the puddle of mud face first. Still, with the fear of the wrathful demon, she got up to try again.
The next to successfully mount is Uriel who learned that it is better to walk slow and steady rather than hurry. After all, they can’t miracle themselves clean if they get messy. Much like Michael now. Gabriel, unbelievable even to Beelzebub got through the beam without slipping.
Station 2: Swing, drop, and roll
“Oh come on!!” Gabriel grumbles upon seeing the course and faced Beelzebub with an are-you-kidding-me look.
“Swing archangel fucking Gabriel.” Beelzebub says with an amused tone through the megaphone, their viewing deck moved closer to the next obstacle.
Meanwhile in Hell…
On one of the TV screens a demon appeared looking like a sports anchor correspondent with Gabriel’s picture with his famous fake smile. “In the latest update, Archangel Gabriel currently on the lead, but maybe not soon with Archangel Uriel currently leading on the second obstacle.”
“Hey, Angel! Soneillon, nice to meet you” A demon flops himself down next to Aziraphale on the couch.
“Hello,” The only angel in hell greets. “Aziraphale, nice to meet you too.” Aziraphale offers his hand for a handshake but the demon took it and moved the hand to kiss the back of it.
“Who did you bet on?” Soneillon asked, handing Aziraphale a plate of good looking crepes. “I hope you’d like these, I had a legion buy these from Paris.”
“Fuck off, Soneillon.” Crowley warns, taking his sunglasses to look directly at the other demon.
“Possessive little shit.” Soneillon remarks with an amused smile, then leaves with Aziraphale still holding the plate of crepes.
As soon as the demon left, Aziraphale looked at Crowley, smiling softly as he always does when he knows that Crowley is going out of his way for him. “Thank you, my dear.” Aziraphale offers him one of the crepes which Crowley softly declines and just kisses the angel on his temple, eyeing any other demons around them.
Satan’s melodic laugh fills in the room as the camera pans out to Gabriel taking his shirt off entirely, obvious anger at Michael for throwing mud at him evident on his face.
“That is a lot of vain for an angel.” Mammon commented, probably smelling that off Gabriel from thousands of miles after they saw the archangel smirk when he saw the hunger on Beelzebub’s eyes upon seeing his naked, sweat and dirt covered torso.
“Well, Gabriel had always been proud of his corporation.” Aziraphale comments and grimace as Gabriel drops on the muddy and probably rocky ground to get under the bard wires to catch up with Michael. “He calls it a temple.”
“Well, no wonder Ba’al fancies him.” Satan comments which surprises the other demons arounds. “Don’t they, Crowley?”
“Listen, My King. No offense but I am more afraid of Lord Beelzebub, I’d rather not say anything,” Crowley looks at Satan smiling mischievously, “especially with a bastard of an archangel on their lap.”
“Fuck this, Sandalphon. I’m gonna lose my money!” Belphegor groaned when the camera showed the said archangel getting caught on a barbwire while the other three are now rolling down a wooden ramp to a puddle on Beelzebub’s command. “You stole it from the American government. Shut up!” Leviathan answered.
“Alright, pea brains! Ten minutes break then we continue.” Beelzebub announced through the megaphone. As soon as they’re gone and back in hell, all the archangels dropped dead on the wooden platform on the side of the track, still muddy and sweaty.
Beelzebub appeared by the snack table and a legion immediately started putting sweets on a plate for them. As soon as the plate is filled, the prince takes a sit on their throne just on Satan’s right side with the legion on his knees, holding the plate towards Beelzebub.
“Have you ordered my baby brother on his knees like that, Ba’al?” Satan leaned down near them as they are leaning back, small body on a big throne.
“I don’t have to order him,” The prince answers and they feel the other princes’ attention on them now. “He already knows his place when he’s with me.” Beelzebub smiles wickedly, flashing their teeth, fangs peeking out. Satan felt the satisfaction coursing through the prince upon seeing his reaction and he sat back on his own throne.
“Well, ten minutes is up.” Beelzebub announced and snap themselves back to the mud run track.
Mud Run Track, California…
Station 3: The Great Wall
“Alright, little birdies listen up!” And so the archangels lined up like soldiers again. “Uriel is on the lead, followed by Gabriel,” The prince eyed him. “Then Michael and lastly, Sandalphon.” Beelzebub looks at the last angel before saying, “Belphegor sends his regards.” Four words that made the angel swallow hard. “Three walls, climb using the stones on the first one then jump down, I’ll allow a quick miracle on that one. Just one. Next, the wall with the ropes, and lastly leap wall.”
With a blow of their whistle, Beelzebub watches the angels leap and drop with Gabriel on the lead and surprisingly, Sandalphon on his tail. Uriel slipped after jumping down from the first wall that got the other three angels laughing. Pissed off and irritated, Uriel threw a mud ball at Michael, Gabriel, and lastly Sandlphon.
“That was uncalled for!” Michael protested.
“Your face is uncalled for!” Uriel managed to answer as she dodged another hit from Sandalphon.
Meanwhile, Beelzebub is watching Gabriel sneakily continue on with the course, using his one miracle ticket to cloak his actions so the other three won’t notice him. This earned a rather amused and genuine joy from the prince of hell, righteous and holy messenger of God, Archangel fucking Gabriel being competitive enough to sneak around his buddies.
Meanwhile in Hell…
Aziraphale is watching the current situation with a satisfied smile as Gabriel currently takes the lead after having a boost from the situation at the third course. “Come on, Gabriel.” He whispers but it was loud enough for Crowley to hear it.
“So you bet on him.” The demon asked, genuinely surprise though he also did.
“Of course I did,” Aziraphale stated as a matter of factly. “Except for The Almighty, there are only three things Gabriel loves the most; fashion, himself, and Lord Beelzebub.” He says, taking a sip of the wine Satan had handed him, well had someone deliver it to him. “Two of the things on the list is there.” He continues after, pointing on the screen showing Gabriel’s victory.
All the demons watching groaned save for Satan himself who actually cheered along the lines of “YES! I TAUGHT THAT FUCKER WELL!”
Crowley groans himself after losing and looks at the smug face of Aziraphale. “Bastard.” He says with a soft smile on his face. “YOU AND ME, ANGEL!” Crowley hears Satan immediately pulls Aziraphale closer which made the devil chuckle and takes Aziraphale from Crowley to engage the angel in a carefree waltz which actually made Aziraphale laugh melodiously. “There you go, your grace.” Satan hands the angel's share and kisses the back of his hand with a bow before leaving the room.
“I would have thought he’d bet for Michael.” Crowley remarks and kisses Aziraphale square on the lips. “Let’s go home, angel.”
“Well, well, well,” Beelzebub says, entering the shower cubicle with Gabriel currently lathered up. “Never would have thought you’d win.” The prince says running their hands on the angel’s torso.
“All for you, Ba’al.” Gabriel answers.
“You made Satan and the Principality Aziraphale very rich today.” Beelzebub says, still massaging him and chuckled after seeing a confused expression from the archangel. “Clean up well and I’ll give you your prize.” With that, the prince of hell left, going back to their fancy hotel to wait for the archangel.
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Friendly Neighborhood Peter-Man (marvelbingo2019)
Prompt: Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
Summary: “Oh, do that one next,” Gamora said, pointing to the thumbnail of another generically named After Dentist Wisdom Teeth Removal - lolololol video that looked promising.
From what she understood, the human boy sitting beside her was extremely technologically adept by Terran standards, and the planet as a whole had made large technological advancements since the 1980s, including the touch pad screen that they were watching videos on now.
The Avenger’s Peter looked remarkably similar to her own Peter, and she half wondered if her Peter looked the same when he was 17. He was the youngest Avenger she had met, and by far the most enthusiastic about her and the other Guardians being aliens.
All of his teammates were released from the medical facility by now, but still he chose to just hang out with Gamora, asking her lots of questions between the funny videos.
(The story of how Peter Parker bonds with Gamora by showing her youtube videos of people high after dental operations, and their resulting friendship. Also, Peter Quill is accidentally exposed to what’s basically space catnip in the background, but that’s neither here nor there.)
AO3 Link
Friendly Neighborhood Peter-Man ________
Gamora wasn’t sure how long it would take for the effects to wear off. It’s not like Quill ingested the alien fauna. He was just rolling around in it… for goodness knows how long. He seemed to be having a good time, though.
Just rolling around on the bed and swatting at the air, having the time of his life doing absolutely nothing- as far as accidental exposure to mind altering substances, this didn’t seem too bad.
After 30 minutes of watching him be an adorable dork and flipping out in a funny way, pretty much all her concern for him had worn off. He even sounded all loopy as he swatted at the air, giggling and telling Gamora to come over (which she had stopped doing after the second time, telling him she could see fine from where she was sitting, because Peter was high out of his mind so entertained by literally nothing). It was only a few more minutes before he forgot and tried to call her over again, holding in his snickers, she just shook her head and went back to reading her book in the chair. Just in case he needed adult supervision. He was pretty occupied for the time being, though. It was almost adorable, how good of a mood he was in- albeit a loopy, giggly mood.
It was like- what was that Terran substance? Laughing gas.
One of the Avengers health care facilities had treated the Guardians after the battle on earth- Gamora didn’t know why she kept chuckling from the sweet smelling air- like bubblegum, that Terran candy that tasted and smelled so good (that you apparently weren’t supposed to swallow, that Gamora kept swallowing anyway, no matter how many times Peter told her you were supposed to chew it and spit it out).
It affected Peter more heavily, the doctors saying it was the safest option for the procedures on their various injuries, since it was less potent than the normal human anesthetics. Just to be safe, for the biological difference.
Apparently, being an anesthesiologist was a profession on earth, and none of the specialists felt comfortable guessing how much of the heavy duty Terran drugs to give aliens to numb them or knock them out but not kill them.
Peter was happy and had a very good time on that laughing gas. It wore off on her first, but it was still funny watching him talk nonsense and laugh and just being all silly.
Plus the little Peter man, man spider showed her many funny videos of humans online after being put on such substances for tooth operations, and they were hilarious. ______
“Oh, do that one next,” Gamora said, pointing to the thumbnail of another generically named After Dentist Wisdom Teeth Removal - lolololol video that looked promising. Thanks to her mods and the human doctors treatments, she had recovered quite quickly, but of course the Guardian’s half human leader was taking much longer to heal.
From what she understood, the human boy sitting beside her was extremely technologically adept by Terran standards, and that the planet as a whole had made large technological advancements since the 1980s, including the touch pad screen that they were watching videos on now.
The Avenger’s Peter looked remarkably similar to her own Peter, and she half wondered if her Peter looked the same when he was 17. He was the youngest Avenger she had met, and by far the most enthusiastic about her and the other Guardians being aliens. All of his teammates were released from the medical facility by now, but still he chose to just hang out with Gamora, asking her lots of questions between the funny videos.
“Is it like- bad, if I ask you what species you are?” He even chattered like Quill too, rambling and adorably wide eyed, so excited by the prospect of getting to know an actual real life alien. “I don’t know if that’s like offensive or not- sorry if it is, I’m kinda new to stuff around here- like intergalactic visitors, so my bad if-”
“It is fine,” Gamora assured him, smiling at the sigh of relief he let out that he had not inadvertently offended her. “I am Zehoberei. Our species is similar, from what I understand. Need an oxygen rich atmosphere to breathe- though my home planet did have a higher oxygen content than earth seems to. The difference is negligible, but noticeable. I can survive much longer floating in dead space without a suit than any human would be able to. Some of that is biology, some of that is from my mods.” She paused, looking around to see if anyone was close enough to overhear. Satisfied that they were reasonably alone, she whispered conspiratorially, “Is this Missouri?”
Peter’s eyes widened, and for a second Gamora was worried it really was a stupid question (why she hadn’t bothered to ask any of the other Terrans she had met so far).
“Oh! No, no, no, this is New York,” he explained quickly. “But we’re in the same country. New York and Missouri are both in the US- so like, we’re in the same territory? It would take hours to fly to Missouri from here though- on a normal, boring plane. A spaceship would probably get there faster. Is Missouri like famous in space?”
Gamora shook her head. “It is where our Peter is from. He was born here and lived in Missouri before he was abducted by Ravagers as a child. Er, space pirates.” She pointed to Peter’s medical room, right across from the comfy seats they had out here in the hall.
“Ohhh, Footloose guy,” Peter Parker nodded sagely. Then his head shot up, as if just processing something. “Wait, alien abductions are actually real?”
Gamora tilted her head, considering his question. She didn’t want to mislead the boy, but she was uncertain that her answer was to the question the boy was actually asking. She’s pretty sure she’s heard her Peter say the words ‘alien abduction’ as, like, a phrase. She thinks maybe it is a thing- on Terra, that it refers to a specific phenomenon or event that is some human zeitgeist, rather than what the two words literally mean.
“Not quite, I don’t think. Peter might be a special case. Terra is not something of interest to most of the galaxy, and interplanetary travel regulations keep your planet fairly isolated. But Peter is only half human- his mother is from earth, but his father was an alien. It is a long story, but his father hired the Rav- space pirates to come to earth and pick Peter up when he was a child. I can only speak to the veracity of half humans being abducted by aliens from Missouri on behalf of their alien father. That didn’t really go according to plan anyway.” ______
Gamora was surprised and pleased when the smaller Peter asked about her culture. She didn’t have much to tell him, little bits and pieces she remembered from her childhood, but it was nice to share them. She’s only shared stories about her people with the other Guardians before- no one else had ever asked. Not on Terra, Xandar, Vanaheim, Ria, or any other planet for that matter.
In the many weeks since she has been on earth, Peter Parker is the first human to ask her about Zen-Whoberi. Not just what species she is, or what planet she is from (she has fielded some of those questions from the Avengers), but asking her what it is like, what language she speaks, if Gamora is a common name (“Like Peter,” he jokes, nodding off to the half human who shared his name), what it was like growing up, if she had any brothers or sisters, what school was like-
She deflects some of his questions, asking him what his school is like, rather than admitting that Zen-Whoberi is destroyed, that she was too young to remember if they even had something like schools, much less what she would have learned in one.
He goes on to tell her about his physics class, someone named Ned (A best friend, not another superhero), a girl named Michelle (“who’s like, so totally cool” Peter explains), and she listens with interest about the life of a sometimes superhero sometimes highschool student who saves the world and sometimes just the neighborhood.
It is nice. He has so much energy when he talks, almost tripping over his own words sometimes, but he’s so bright eyed and overwhelmingly earnest, and that is a good thing, Gamora thinks. ______
It had been almost a year since the Guardians had last been to earth.
Peter was still in a similar mood to the happy laughing gas mood she remembered from that trip, though his chuckles seem to have died down. He seemed to be a bit more lucid now than he did on the gas too. So silly but lucid.
Maybe it had started to wear off- she still didn’t trust him to be alone right now, but she had her book, and he wasn’t causing any problems.
Gamora made a mental note to maybe pick something up from the next placed they stopped- something small and interesting that she could give to her little friend Peter man as a souvenir from an alien planet. A rock or stone, perhaps, with color shifting properties that didn’t exist on earth. Maybe the next time the Guardians made port for a supply run, she could find something at one of the intergalactic markets. Maybe a couple of things, something for his friend- Ned, too. And that girl Michelle he seemed to like. Gamora could get him a really cool knife to give to her as a gift- a cool knife from an alien planet.
Every girl deserved a cool knife.
Yup, Gamora was definitely making a pit stop and picking up some gifts for the little Peter man and all his spider friends.
#marvelbingo2019#gamora#peter parker#peter quill#spiderman#guardians of the galaxy#mcu fanfiction#starmora#gotg fic#marvel#some spideychelle#fanfic#my gotg fics#my fic
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I really liked how you wrote the a/b/o dynamic in your last fic. It wasn't some thing that overruled and defined everything about the characters, which is so awesome because I doubt many people - Stiles especially - would deal well with that. Anyway, i thought I'd washed my hands with a/b/o fics but it's sucked me back down again. Do you have any fic recs?
thank you so much! that fic was super fun to write, and I loved cramming in all my favorite tropes :) I’m a big fan of a/b/o, idek why, but I love it. I’m sure all the ones I’d rec are well known, but here’s a list of some of my favs in no particular order.
we can take our time by KouriArashi
Tact and social mores are completely relegated to the back of Derek’s brain, and without thinking, he blurts out, “Did you spend your heat alone?”
Stiles’ head jerks around in surprise, and then he flushes pink and looks away. His voice comes out brusque and unfriendly. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I spend every heat alone.”
Knot if You Don’t Knock by jsea, marguerite_26
Stiles never expects to present as an omega – that’s something that happens to people like Greenberg, not him. He is so wrong.
His life only gets stranger when Derek Hale mistakenly bursts through the door of his exam room during a doctor’s appointment. What happens next is a complicated series of events, including freshly baked cookies, book-carrying and surprise heats.
Build an Ivory Tower by teot
Stiles didn’t know how Derek sleeping on his floor developed into sleeping in his bed, or how cuddling ended up turning into Derek humping his ass. He didn’t agree to being knotted in the school locker room, either. But what can you do when Derek Hale wants something? He’s the Alpha, after all.
You Smell Like Mine by bleep0bleep, marguerite_26
People talk about the alpha instinct, an alpha’s head being swayed by a nice-smelling omega, or the desire to drop everything and show off. Derek’s never felt any of that. He’s just not that kind of alpha.
Then he meets Stiles.
Say It With Me (Don’t Assume) by orphan_account (I’m pretty sure this is by KuriKuri, does anyone know if this was abandoned on purpose or not, since they’re’ still on AO3 with other fic?)
Derek knows way too much about how omega heat suppressants work now, after having been partnered with Stiles for as long as he has. They’re probably his favorite thing to bitch about whenever they’re stuck on a stakeout. Of course, omegas on the force aren’t required to take them. Derek’s never really understood why Stiles does, if he hates them so much, especially –
– especially because he’s bonded.
#omegaproblems by subnivean
Stiles didn’t need an alpha. He might want one, though.
The Sanctuary by chase_acow
Stiles runs away during his first heat, right into the waiting and ambiguously scary arms of the Alpha’s nephew, Derek Hale. He doesn’t have any choice except to submit, but along the way, he digs up a mystery that threatens his family and even the town’s safety.
Old Traditions, Werewolf Edition by Footloose
Stiles does not work his Omega ass off to attract frat boy Alphas. Absolutely not. He’s at college to get his degree. If he’s crushing on an Alpha who never crosses the lines of propriety, well, no one needs to know, right?
Mix and Match by Jerakeen
Stiles walks into the Beacon Hills alpha-omega mixer with a smile on his face and three condoms in his wallet.
monday i can fall apart but by friday i’m in love by tryslora
It’s just past five in the morning and Stiles is barely awake, wearing only sleep pants that hang low below his pregnant belly, and he can’t get the damned brand new jar of decaf coffee open. But he has a neighbor, and he’s too tired to think that waking someone else up at this hour might not be the best (or politest) of ideas.
Someday Came Today by Fatebegins
“March 2, 1810…Today, I met the man I’m going to marry.”
At the age of eight, Genim “Stiles” Stilinski showed no signs of Great Beauty. And even at eight, Stiles learned to accept the expectations society held for him–until the evening when Derek Hale, the handsome and dashing Alpha of the Hale pack, solemnly kissed his hand and promised him that one day he would grow into himself, that one day he would be as beautiful as he already was smart. And even at eight, Stiles knew he would love him forever.
But the years that followed were as cruel to Derek as they were kind to Stiles. Stiles is as intriguing as the Duke boldly predicted on that memorable day–while Derek is a lonely, bitter man, crushed by a devastating loss. But Stiles has never forgotten the truth he set down on paper all those years earlier–and he will not allow the love that is his destiny to slip through his fingers . .
Rare Books and Special Collections by KuriKuri
Derek Hale hates libraries.
Unfortunately, not all books can be ordered on Amazon.
(Or: in which Derek is a grumpy omega writer, and Stiles is an annoyingly attractive alpha special collections librarian.)
The One With The Mail-Order Brides and A/B/O Dynamics by Stoney
Wolves aren’t meant to be alone. Laura tells Derek this repeatedly. Which… is why Derek knows he’s losing his mind, as Laura has been dead for more than six years. Wolves aren’t meant to be alone.
And so he sends away for a companion. JUST for a companion, not for a mate. The universe, however, has a different plan in store for him.
here comes trouble by grimm
All Derek wants is one day where he can sleep without worry of being woken by gunfire, without the threat of death hanging over his head. He wants a full stomach and no pain clinging to his bones, no ache in his feet from months of running. He wants a shower, a safe place to put his head. He wants his family, the healing comfort of pack. He’ll never have any of that again.
You’re a Mess, But You’re a Catch to Me by jsea
The laws are clear: omegas are required to have an alpha guardian. So when the sheriff gets shot, Derek is roped in to stepping up as Stiles’ temporary alpha while he recovers.
Derek knew it was going to be a bad idea, but he never could have predicted all of the ways that Stiles would end up turning his life upside down.
Worth the Wait by Dexterous_Sinistrous
Stiles always had a thing for Derek, but then again, so did everyone else. Stiles just wanted to be seen as different, which was why he waited.
But maybe he waited a little too long.
Can’t Be Saved (Not So Frail) by weathervaanes
“Kira doesn’t care a wick if you can afford her dresses and bonnets, I’m well aware. It doesn’t change the fact that I have to look after her best interests. I’d like her to be with an Alpha that puts her above all else even if he cannot afford her every luxury.”
Scott looks surprised. “I know you do not know me, sir, but I can promise you that that is my only wish. I—I love Kira quite dearly, and all I want is to provide for her, make her happy.”
“So you will marry off your brother,” Derek says, taking a sip from his drink.
In which Kira is Derek’s ward, Stiles is Scott’s brother, and omega heat cycles are good for everyone.
Fight Fires In Your Best Clothes by standinginanicedress
The key isn’t actually being confident, he repeats in his head in Lydia’s breathy voice. It’s faking the hell out of it and looking as sexy as possible while you do it. For omegas, it’s easy. There’s a natural charm to all of us that only takes seconds to engage, and barely takes practice.
Walk into the room, he chants in his head. Own it, and look people in the eyes. Find the best looking alpha, have them buy you a drink, and the rest is easy.
Fallen for You by Mynuet
Stiles is not swooning when his hot next door neighbor comes to his rescue. He’s not! Maybe a little.
Survival of the Species by Lissadiane
“I think I’m dying.” Nothing makes sense – and now Derek has left him.
“No, Mr. Stilinski,” Deaton says grimly, rooting around in his special cupboard of herbs and remedies. “I’m afraid not. You’re merely suffering from a biological imperative to bear your alpha’s children and strengthen the pack.”
Stiles considers that for a moment, as best he can with his mind a hazy mess, and then he says quietly, “I think that might be worse.”
“So, so much worse,” Scott agrees.
*In which Derek’s pack is apparently stable enough to begin planning for the future, and somehow, the universe has decided Stiles is the perfect candidate to bear his alpha’s children.
i need your sway by thatworldinverted
Stiles always figured it would be Scott who saw him through his first heat. They pinky-swore on it, in fact, when they were eleven and newly-presented. There haven’t exactly been an abundance of offers between then and now.
What there is now, though, is the pack, and pack takes care of each other.
How to Woo Your Local Omega by alocalband
Stiles knows a pity gift when he sees one. Mostly because that’s all he’s ever gotten from anyone since the moment he hit puberty.
I don’t know why, but I guess it has something to do with you by LunaCanisLupus_22
“You smell like me,” the guy says, scowling as he crowds in and Stiles staggers back between the coats and finally hits the wall. “Why do you smell like me?”
He barely lets out a garbled sound as the blood rushes to his cheeks. “No reason,” Stiles yelps, struggling to get his footing and grasping at a whirlwind of puffy fur.
Or the one where Stiles goes thrift shopping and steals an alpha’s shirt. And gets a lot more than he bargains for.
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The Sorting Hat || WDPA Challenge 001
Personal Questions
What is your real, birth name? When and where were you born? Aurora Katherine Rose. I was born in Los Angeles on May 18th, 1998.
What is your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? (If you don’t know go here, this question is optional.) INFP
Do you have a nickname? What is it, and where did you get it? Most commonly I’m called Rory or Rora. My mom calls me Beastie, and Caleb has started calling me Princess. My aunts call me Briar or Briar Rose. I like Rory or Rory-Kate the best.
What do you look like? (Include height, weight, hair, eyes, skin, apparent age, and distinguishing features) I’m 5′6″ an about 118 pounds. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I look about 20, but I turn 19 in a couple weeks.
How do you dress most of the time? Do you wear any jewelry? I usually like soft tee shirts and skinny jeans. I have a few really nice dresses for going out, but a lot of my clothes are comfortable enough for me to rehearse in. I wear thin silver bracelet that my aunts gave me the day I started at WDPA.
What don’t you like about yourself? What kind of things embarrass you? Why? I’m actually pretty self conscious about my appearance. I could tell you a lot of things about myself I wish I could change. Sometimes my aunts can be a little embarrassing when they come to visit.
In your opinion, what is your best feature? I think my legs are pretty cool. They’re very toned, thanks to dance and cheer.
Where do you live? Describe it: Is it messy, neat, avant-garde, sparse, etc.? I live with my mom in Santa Monica. Our house is beautiful, with indoor gardens and open spaces. My room is my favorite part of the house. It’s large compared to my old dorm, and I don’t share it with anyone, except my cat. I keep it extremely clean. Messy rooms freak me out. It’s mostly pastel blue and stark white, with the occasional gold and rose pink accents.
What is your most prized mundane possession? Why do you value it so much? My pointe shoes, because they represent the hard work I’ve put into my passion.
What one word best describes you? Graceful.
Familial Questions
What is/was your family structure like? (i.e. are you adopted, how many siblings, pets, etc.) I was born to Stefan and Leah Rose. From age 6-12 I bounced back and fourth between living with my father and with my “aunts”, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather. They were actually my neighbors and family friends, we’re not technically related. I moved in with my aunts permanently when my dad died at age 13. They sent me to WDPA when I was 14, in the middle of my freshman year, which is when I met my adoptive mother, Mal. I live with her now.
Who was your father, and what was he like? Who was your mother, and what was she like? What was your parents marriage like? Were they married? Did they remain married? Stefan was... indecisive. He was a surgeon in LA until we relocated to Denver after my mother died. He could be warm and he could be cold. He often forgot me in stores and at school, and he used to throw things at me, like books and hair dyers. I think Leah’s death started to get to him as I got older. He became more dependent on narcotics and less concerned with me. They loved each other, but I know he could be untrue, and I’m sure he cheated on her more than once. The government found out he had been doing unnecessary surgeries to get rich, so he went to prison for a bit when I was six and again when I was 11 for over prescribing pain meds. After he was let out on good behavior, he OD’ed on oxycodone. My mother was a model. She was killed in a car accident.
What are/were your siblings names? What are/were they like? (If you have siblings) I don’t have any siblings.
What’s the worst thing one of your siblings ever did to you? What’s the worst thing you’ve done to one of your siblings? (If you have siblings)
When’s the last time you saw any member of your family? Where are they now? I saw my aunts over the summer, I stayed with them in Denver for a few weeks while Mal went to a conference out of the country.
Who is your closest friend(s)? Describe them and how you relate to them. Merida is my best friend. We met when we were roomates our freshmen year and have been inseperable ever since. I love how even though our interests and hobbies are different, we still get along like two peas in a pod. She keeps me grounded, and I help her see the bright side in tough situations.
Childhood Questions
What is your first memory? My dad taking me to a baseball game when I was super small. I have a picture of me and him together that I keep in my room.
What was your favorite toy? A little doll that I named Rosie.
What was your favorite game? My dad and I had quite a few tea parties. He was pretty good at playing along until he got a call from work.
Who was your best friend when you were growing up? I had a friend named Ellie in Denver who was in ballet with me, but when I moved way we lost touch. I think she lives in Kansas now.
What is your fondest childhood memory? The day I moved in with my aunts. It was my 6th birthday. Although they aren’t really homemakers, they attempted to sew me a dress and make me a cake. It was really sweet of them.
What is your worst childhood memory? I was with my dad when he died. He told me not to call 911. It was painful to watch without being able to do anything about it.
Adolescent Questions
It is common for one’s view of authority to develop in their adolescent years. What is your view of authority, and what event most affected it? I’ve never had a problem with authority. Ballet teaches you to have a lot of respect for your teachers, so I guess I kind of got used to doing that. Having a dragon lady for a mom can sometimes scare you into behaving, too.
What “clique” did/do you best fit in with? (Royals, Dark Royals, Wallflowers, Bookworms, Punks, Hipsters, Rejects, etc.) I would consider myself a Royal.
What were/are your high school goals? What were/are your uni goals? In high school my goal was to star in Swan Lake, which I did as a senior. Now that I’ve graduated, my main goal is to find a main goal. I’m not really sure what I want to do for the rest of my life.
What is/was your favorite memory from adolescence? What is/was your worst memory from adolescence? The day I met Mal was a good one. She tried not to like me at first, but I won her over. She invited me to her house for dinner that night, and well, the rest is history. I’d say my worst memory would be snapping my ankle junior year as I came out of a stunt in cheer. I was in a cast for months.
Do you own a car? Describe it. If not, describe your dream car. I drive a blue 2014 Honda Civic.
Occupational Questions
Do you have a job? What is it? Do you like it? If no job, where does your money come from? I teach ballet and lyrical classes at a studio in LA. My dad also left all of his money to me in his will, so I get a check from that every month.
What is your boss or employer like? (Or publisher, or agent, or whatever.) My boss is a stubborn old Russian lady with a quick temper. She scares me.
What are your co-workers like? Do you get along with them? Any in particular? Which ones don’t you get along with? I dance with a lot of my coworkers in the city ballet. They’re performers, so they can be temperamental, but I love them anyways.
What is something you had to learn that you hated? The day I saw what pointe shoes do to your toes I thought about quitting ballet.
Do you tend to save or spend your money? Why? I save it for the most part. My mom pays for my food and stuff, so I don’t worry about money too often.
Likes & Dislikes Questions
What hobbies do you have? I am an excellent ballerina and I cheer for WDPA. Other than that, I’m in student government and on the welcome committee. Dance takes up a lot of my life. When I’m not rehearsing, I’m watching performances or helping out with makeup and hair backstage.
What bands/artists do you like? What song is “your song?” Why? I like a lot of easy listening stuff, like Ben Howard, John Mayer... just soft guitar music. That, and classical compositions.
When it comes to politics, do you care? If so, which way do you tend to vote? If not, why don’t you care? I'm a registered democrat. I also have a passion for animal rights.
What time of day is your favorite? What kind of weather is your favorite? I like mid afternoon, because that’s when I have dance. My favorite weather is sunny and warm, but not hot.
What is your favorite food? What is your least favorite food? I love fruit salad. I’m a vegan, so I don’t like meat, or anything made from animals.
What is your favorite drink? (Coffee, Coke, Juice, Beer, Wine, etc.) Hmm... probably smoothies.
What’s your favorite animal? Why? My favorite animals are birds. They’re so pretty and sing beautifully. I like owls the best.
Do you have any pets? Do you want any pets? What kind? I have a pet cat named Dreamsicle, but we call her Dreamy for short.
What do you find most relaxing? (Not as in stress relief, but as something that actually calms you down.) You know in Footloose when Ren is really mad and he goes to that warehouse and angrily dances? That.
What’s a pet peeve of yours? People who aren’t willing to try new things.
Sex & Intimacy Questions
Would you consider yourself straight, gay, bi, pan, or something else? Why? I guess straight. I’ve never had romantic feelings for women.
Who was the first person you had sex with? When did it happen? What was it like? How well did it go? (If your character is sexually active, if not, skip this question) I’ve never had sex.
Do you currently have a lover/crush? What is their name, and what is your relationship like? What are they like? Why are you attracted to them? I think I have a crush on Caleb Stirling, but my mom would kill me if she found out. He’s actually really sweet and smart. He’s not as much of a bad boy as I expected him to be. At least, I don’t think he is. I’m attracted to him physically, obviously. Have you seen that boy’s hair? Besides that, though, Caleb is really interesting. We have a little bit in common, too. I feel like I want to know everything about him.
Describe the perfect romantic partner for you and describe your perfect date with them. I just want someone to love me. I hope they’d be open to dancing with me. I’d want to go out to a fancy dinner, like at a jazz club or somewhere else where we could dance. Then after we could go look at the stars and have ice cream.
Do you ever want to get married and have children? When do you see this happening? I would love to! I don’t see it happening in the next few years, as I’m still pretty young. Maybe when I’m in my late twenties.
What is more important – sex or intimacy? Why? I really wouldn’t know. I assume it’s intimacy.
What was your most recent relationship like? Who was it with? (Does not need to be sexual, merely romantic.) I dated my dad’s friend’s son Phillip for a little bit sophomore and junior year. He drank too much. We realized we were just too different and broke up the night after junior prom.
What’s the worst thing you’ve done to someone you loved? I let my father die.
Drug & Alcohol Questions (if your character’s a drinker/does drugs, if not, skip to numbers 5 & 6)
How old were you when you first got drunk? What was the experience like? On my 16th birthday I got a little crazy, that was he first time. It was fine until Mal found out the next day.
Did anything good come out of it? Did anything bad come out of it? I found out what drinking is like and what my limits are, but I was grounded for two weeks because I puked in the living room.
Do you drink on any kind of regular basis? No, not really. I will when I go out, but not much.
What kind of alcohol do you prefer? Margaritas.
Have you ever tried any other kind of “mood altering” substance? Which one(s)? What did you think of each?
What do you think of drugs and alcohol? Are there any people should not do? Why or why not? I’m alright with recreational use as long as it doesn’t get in the way of someone’s goals in life. I’m not into the hard stuff, and I don’t think anyone else should be, either. It’s bad for your body. I should know.
Post-Powers Awareness Questions (For those who have powers)
When did you go through when you gained your powers? What was it like (in your opinion)?
What do you think now of being magical? Is it cool, or have you been screwed?
Do you have a mentor? Who are they? How did you become their student?
Do you have any magical items? Where did you get them?
Think of a major event that happened during your training/initiation. What was it?
What is something you had to learn during your training that you hated? Why did you hate it?
Thoughtful Questions
What about you is heroic? My drive to work for what I love makes me heroic.
What about you is social? What do you like about people? I’m generally social, but I have problems with talking to strangers. I love that everyone has something to offer, their own story. It’s like every person is a mystery just waiting to be solved.
If a magical being, describe the color of what magic you use, is it of a light color, bold and bright, pastel and sparkly, etc.
Are you a better leader or follower? Why do you think that? If you think the whole leader-follower archetype is a crock of shit, say so, and explain why? I’m somewhere inbetween. I think I’m a soft example? Does that even make sense?
#lots of triggers in this one guys#tw abuse#tw neglect#tw death#tw overdose#hc#wdpa challenge#wdpa challenge 1
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When one thinks of iconic actor Robert De Niro one instantly thinks of a dramatic leading man in films like Taxi Driver or Raging Bull. One doesn't immediately gravitate towards raunchy comedies in the vain of Neighbors or Animal House. However, that is exactly what we get when this versatile actor shows us another side of himself as Dick Kelly in the Lionsgate comedy Dirty Grandpa. Coming to 4K, Blu-ray, and Digital this month, this is De Niro as we have never seen him before!
Preppy boy Jason Kelly (Zac Efron; Baywatch) is about to get married to an uptight and controlling witch named Meredith (Julianne Hough; Footloose) that his grandfather, Dick, doesn't like. When Jason's grandmother passes away, he agrees to drive his grandfather to Florida just like Dick used to do every year. Dick convinces Jason that it is what "his grandmother would have wanted". However, Dick actually has a different idea in mind. Since he is single for the first time in fifty plus years Dick, an Army Veteran plans to party it up.
On the way down to Florida, they meet Shadia (Zoey Deutch; Why Him?), Lenore (Aubrey Plaza; Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates) and Bradley (Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman; The Break Up Artist) who invite them to Daytona Beach. Dick convinces Jason to meet them and that is where Jason's adventure begins. Jason gets drunk, smokes crack cocaine, ends up naked except for a hornet fanny pack (showing off Efron's chiseled physique) and ends up getting arrested. During all this Jason falls for Shadia who finds out he is engaged. Meanwhile, Dick reveals to Jason the real reason he tricked him into going on this trip was to try and convince Jason not to marry Meredith but Jason gets angry and leaves his grandfather in Florida to drive home in time for his wedding. Of course, all's well that ends well when Jason and Meredith break off the engagement and Jason goes searching for Shadia. And of course in true Robert DeNiro fashion, Dick and Lenore have sex and end up with a baby.
Efron is fine in this role as the straight guy. His "spicier" moments in the film are funny but still come off as if he is the butt of the joke. Plaza goes toe to toe with the legendary DeNiro and holds her own beautifully. The rest of the supporting cast is fine with special mention of Jason Mantzoukas (The Dictator) as the Floridian drug deal "Tan Pam". Of course the best, rightfully so is De Niro. As mentioned previously he is known for dramatic roles so seeing him as a foul-mouthed, partying, wildman is quite a change. It's weird and a breath of fresh air all at the same time. He is the consummate actor and even in this unconventional (for him) role he shines.
The 2160p high definition video is excellent and showcases the few Floridian looking backdrops we see. The picture quality is clean with very little noise or artifacting. The Dolby Atmos Audio is very apparent in the party scenes where the beats are pulsing. The mix is good in these cases and the dialogue doesn't get lost under the soundtrack. The combo pack comes with the 4K Blu-ray, regular Blu-ray and the digital code and there are a few extras that equal about 25 minutes, besides the audio commentary). These include a Gag Reel, The Filthy Truth: The Making of Dirty Grandpa, Lessons in Seduction, Daytona Heat, and I Got Nothin' To Hide: A Look at Daytona's Most Vibrant Drug Dealer. The extras really don't add much to the package and half the time the other actors and crew are simply on film gushing about De Niro.
As Raunchy comedies go, Dirty Grandpa isn't the best out there but it also isn't the worst. To be honest I think some of what makes this film so great is seeing De Niro in a role we would never have imagined him in. The movie has some funny moments and takes a twist on the traditional "road trip" film so it has that going for it but let's face it – De Niro…enough said.
Grade: B-
About Allison Hazlett-Rose Allison Hazlett-Rose has always had a passion for the arts and uses her organization skills to help keep FlickDirect prosperous. Mrs. Hazlett-Rose oversees and supervises the correspondents and critics that are part of the FlickDirect team. Mrs. Hazlett-Rose attended Hofstra University where she earned her bachelors degree in communications and is a member of the Florida Film Critics Circle.
Read more reviews and content by Allison Hazlett-Rose.
via FlickDirect Entertainment News, Exlclusive Interviews, and Film Reviews
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Eight historical romances featuring roguish dukes willing to risk it all to get the lady their heart desires.
Out Dec 12th– The Desires of a Duke: Historical Romance Collection
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The Desires of a Duke
What a delightful collection of historical romances!
THE FORBIDDEN DUKE by Darcy Burke Titus St. James is an upright man who keeps to himself. Once a year he dances with a woman at his mother’s ball and that woman is soon the toast of the town. When Eleanor finds herself without means or a roof over her head she applies to be a companion and lucks into a job that sees her with a second chance for a season in society and perhaps the opportunity to marry and have a family. Little does she know that the man she will end up with is the stepson of the woman she is working for. I really liked Eleanor and Titus and enjoyed their story immensely! THE DUKE WHO KNEW TOO MUCH by Grace Callaway Alaric McLeod leaves home when nine years of age. He acts tough but doesn’t feel he is. The home he ends up in is one no child should end up in and the couple he lives with horrible…in fact…the woman reminds me of newspaper articles dealing with Munchausen by Proxy. He is a widow, hedonist and at one point suspected of murder. Emma sees Alaric in a situation that she misinterprets and then, to make amends, wants to help him clear his name. She has dreams of being an investigator like her brother and Alaric’s stepbrother and gets herself into some rather questionable situations while…investigating. This was a fun if somewhat unbelievable story. THE DUKE’S MATCH GIRL by Lila DiPasqua Not really based on the sad story we have all heard as children this book tells of Leo, Duke of Mont-Marly and Suzanne Matchet. Leo was a bit of a cad and a liar when he made sure he had a night with Suzanne before marrying another woman. When he finds himself widowed he heads to the town Suzanne lives in to woo her. This story was so-so in my opinion and a bit silly…definitely not believable. WAITING FOR A DUKE LIKE YOU by Shana Galen Princess Vivienne of Glynaven, sole royal survivor of an uprising, manages to escape from assassins and make to England. When the Duke of Wyndover sees her she is filthy, sleeping and he believes she is a vagrant. When he realizes who she is he promises to keep her safe. Why? Because he fell for her long ago when in her country even though she never indicated he existed. Vivienne is a strong character and able to protect herself. Nathan is a delight and great book boyfriend. I liked this book a great deal and would gladly read more books by this author. WHEN I MET MY DUCHESS by Caroline Linden What fun this book was! Gareth has chosen the perfect woman to be his duchess EXCEPT when Helen Grey arrives he is drawn to her sister Cleo instead. Over time he realizes that he is making a mistake and hopes to find a solution that will see him with the right sister and Helen happy, too. All works out well in the end but it is an interesting fun story to read and left me happy at the end and wanting to find another book by this author! That said…I detested the parents of Helen and Cleo and wanted to thump them more often than not! I SPY A DUKE by Erica Monroe I read this book in the past and loved it rating it five stars at the time. Quoted from my review: What a GREAT introduction to the new “Covert Heiresses” series!... Both Vivian and James have lost siblings and begin to bond after discussing their losses one evening. There is an ease and companionship between them but also chemistry waiting to be explored. Vivian needs protection and James has offered his to her. Little does she know that there is more under his expensive clothes and pleasant demeanor than a the wealthy Duke he appears to be. I loved Vivian’s strength of will, clarity of mind and determination. I loved James for his ability to realize his strengths and weaknesses as well as sensitive and tender side. Both characters were well written and the growth of their relationship was a joy to read about as it unfolded. THE MISFORTUNE OF LADY LUCIANNA by Christina McKnight Lady Lucianna and her friends are doing their best to bring the murderer of their friend Tildy to justice. In the meantime Luciana, Ophelia and Edith write a column for the London Gazette that exposes rakes, rogues and roués. The women believe they are in the right and always right but…as we find out in this story…that may not always be true. When The Duke of Montrose finds out who has destroyed his chances to marry a wealthy woman he sets out to get revenge – on Lucianna. This is was a fun book. It was nice to catch up with Edith. I wanted to smack Lucianna’s father a time or two and was thrilled he was thwarted by Lucianna and Roderick. I am curious to find out who Ophelia will end up with, whether or not Roderick will find out who stole the money from his father and whether or not Abercorn will be found guilty and Tildy will eventually get justice. THE DUKE’S ACCIDENTAL WIFE by Erica Ridley
Preconceptions can be misconceptions – and that is just what Katherine Ross “Kate” and Lawrence Pembroke, the Duke of Ravenwood found to be true before the end of the book. Kate was footloose and fancy free living with her great Aunt Havens when at one of her social events she and Ravenwood were caught in an apparently compromising situation. They both had ideas of what their future would be and that future did not include what they were suddenly faced with. As the two of them get to know one another better they find that what they believed true of one another is not quite accurate and worth reconsidering. I loved the way Kate began to see beyond the exterior Ravenwood presented to the world. I enjoyed Ravenwood’s slow opening up and sharing as time went on. This is a story of family, caring, sharing and giving and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Title: The Desires of a Duke
Authors: Darcy Burke, Grace Callaway, Lila DiPasqua, Shana Galen, Caroline Linden, Erica Monroe, Christina McKnight, Erica Ridley
Genre: Historical Romance
Release Date: December 12, 2017
Available for a LIMITED TIME ONLY!
Enjoy eight historical romances from bestselling authors, featuring dashing, roguish dukes who are willing to risk it all to get the lady their heart desires. When these powerful, bold men take a chance on love, nothing can stop them. THE FORBIDDEN DUKE by Darcy Burke The Forbidden Duke helps ruined Eleanor find a second chance for happiness. What will she say when she learns of the role he played in her downfall? THE DUKE WHO KNEW TOO MUCH by Grace Callaway A spinster and rake join forces to catch a murderer. Wills clash and passion flares; will they risk all for love—before it’s too late? THE DUKE’S MATCH GIRL by Lila DiPasqua The only woman Leo, Duke of Mont-Marly, has ever yearned for is the adorably unconventional beauty who got away. Suzanne creates and selling matchsticks, elixirs for the ill…and is still so damned alluring. Leo is determined to give her a Christmas beyond her wildest imagination... WAITING FOR A DUKE LIKE YOU by Shana Galen Pursued by assassins, Princess Vivienne of Glynaven escapes to England. The Duke of Wyndover aids her, but is he the man she’s been waiting for? WHEN I MET MY DUCHESS by Caroline Linden The Duke of Wessex realizes he’s about to marry the wrong woman when he meets his bride’s sister…and the wedding may become a scandal. I SPY A DUKE by Erica Monroe A governess entering into a marriage of convenience with a duke gets more than she bargained for, as he's also a spy for the crown. THE MISFORTUNE OF LADY LUCIANNA by Christina McKnight The Duke of Montrose has only one choice: find a wealthy heiress to wed. When his quest brings him to Lady Lucianna, he can’t deny that he wants her for more than just her dowry. THE DUKE’S ACCIDENTAL WIFE by Erica Ridley The unflappable Duke of Ravenwood meets his match in this rollicking New York Times best-seller!
Available at: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks

Author Bio:
Christina McKnight is a book lover turned writer. From a young age, her mother encouraged her to tell her own stories. She’s been writing ever since.
Christina enjoys a quiet life in Northern California with her family, her wine, and lots of coffee. Oh, and her books…don’t forget her books! Most days she can be found writing, reading, or traveling the great state of California.
You can visit her online at the following places: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon
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