#i would almost rather you did leave a comment so i could feel justified in feeling this hurt!
bodhimcbodeface · 1 year
couples who communicate like they're in therapy is borderline pornographic, I never understood the appeal of couples who hurt each other and don't fix it, but if you hate my fic that's fine I guess, at least you're not leaving a comment about it
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toddtakefive · 1 year
do you have anderperry and/or dps headcanons you feel very strongly about?
- Neil’s favorite thing to do is come up behind Todd and hug him and just… stay there for any period of time. From anywhere between a minute and the rest of the time they’re in a given place. Todd never comments on it, Neil never explains, it’s just a thing.
- Todd always stands on Neil’s right and vice versa Neil always stands on Todd’s left. If it’s the other way around, no matter what they’re doing, they’ll switch places because it feels wrong.
- Neil gets too caught up in retelling Todd his dreams in the morning so it can take him upwards of ten minutes to do his tie, which sometimes makes him late to leaving, so to combat it Todd started doing Neil’s tie in the morning while he talked.
- Neil and Ginny (and by extension Chet) are cousins by marriage. Does that make sense at all? No. But I do not care.
- Charlie was the tallest of the group up until tenth grade when everyone else got growth spurts and left him in the dust.
- Cameron lives with his grandparents.
- The Anderson family is HUGE (I’m talking 4 pairs of grandparents, 6 aunts, 5 uncles, 8 cousins kind of huge) and Jeff and Todd are the only boys in their generation.
- Jumping off from the last one: Todd’s cousins used to use him as a guinea pig because he was the youngest.
- Mrs. Perry’s first name is Nancy.
- Mr. And Mrs. Anderson are named Patrick and Rebecca respectively.
- Out of the entire group, Pitts is the only one that’s ever actually had a girlfriend by the start of the movie. (For like 3 weeks in 7th grade, but still)
- Ginny and Chris have complete opposite tastes in music and are always exchanging records for the other to see if they like.
- Todd loves snakes.
- Knox jumps a solid half a foot in the air when scared.
- Meeks hates spiders. Charlie loves them. You can imagine how that tends to go down.
- Neil had always wanted a dog but could never get one because his mom has a fur allergy.
- Cameron does origami in his spare time.
- Meeks can’t do a cartwheel and EVERYONE makes fun of him for it.
- Neil had a one-sided beef with Jeff pre-junior year that he could never justify or rationalize until he met Todd.
- Chris does Ginny’s lipgloss for her every morning before school.
- Todd Anderson autism + Neil Perry AuDHD is real TO ME.
- Neil and Todd can’t be alone together for longer than five minutes without breaking out into hysterical laughter over essentially nothing.
- Neil and Charlie once tried to convince a store clerk they were orphan brothers for free ice cream. It did not work.
- Todd can’t cook for shit and is on ‘handing-people-things-they-need’ duty. Neil can cook just barely. Cameron, somehow, is a master chef. Knox consistently nicks his fingers with knives and is no longer allowed in the kitchen.
- In a modern setting, Knox would absolutely have two moms.
- Neil and Todd’s wardrobes have essentially morphed into one singular wardrobe and they can’t differentiate what belongs to who anymore. They’ve stopped caring and just wear each others clothes if they want to.
- Neil is a master at drunk karaoke. Charlie is a master at drunkenly pressuring Neil into doing drunk karaoke.
- The ribbon Chris wears in her hair is a gift from Ginny.
- Pitts is almost scarily good at checkers.
- Charlie can hold his breath for almost three minutes.
- Neil is a biter.
- ‘Spazs’ name is Eugene, Stick’s name is Roy, Hopkins’ first name is Albert.
- Keating’s implied british wife(?) is named Jessica.
- Charlie is the only one of the guys that can SOMEWHAT dance.
- More often than not, Todd is actually the one to reach out and hold Neil’s hand rather than the other way around.
- Todd’s middle name is Augustus.
And that’s all the ones I can remember right now!!! Questions, comments, concerns?????
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decoysouled · 11 months
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halloween starters // accepting. @maquiscursed // ⋆ carving pumpkins together (xiao & aether, any of our genshin verses (i'm sure pumpkin carving in a thing in fontaine, right) or modern verse!)
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THERE IS SOMETHING PEACEFUL IN THE AIR OF LIYUE — often, Aether has found himself drawn back to this land & the people within, following the distant singing of his heart to the land that felt as if it could be a new home. As if it could both devour him whole until his splintered soul finally found peace among the cosmos & as if it could offer him the type of warmth he so often craves within the winter, when the frost turns his fingers a slight red. When it almost hurts to touch anything at all.
( the chilling cold had never been enjoyable for them, nor had the coldness of the lonely ever-winter within a heart that once had been overflowing with the sparks of passion for their travels, weathered by an eternity of witnessing misfortune. )
He had thought that feeling of belonging to be lost twice before: once when he was forced to leave his home world to pursue a destiny he did not want, & once when he awoke from the torment of his nightmares in the everlasting sleep he was forced into by a god he could not name, when he awoke to his sister nowhere in sight & the knowledge he would not see her for a long time to come.
( they had awoken alone beneath the world within a nation that they could not understand the language of. once, they had believed it to be misfortune. these days, they believed it a blessing. )
Perhaps that feeling of home was not from the nation, rather the person he often found himself seeking out the company of whenever he found himself within the vicinity of Wangshu Inn — that feeling had vanished the moment Xiao had seen him off before his trip to Fontaine, a promise on the tip of Aether's tongue that he would visit as soon as possible. It had been months before he had finally returned & he was surprised, admittedly, that Xiao had not seemed too perturbed by the length of his absence.
( they have never held the desire to worry him, that person who was slowly becoming quite dear to them. they wonder if he would worry anyway, even if they told him not to. they shelve that thought away for later. )
It was his desire to return to that feeling of home that had lead him back to Liyue, back to Xiao, & with it, he had brought new knowledge & the idea of an activity to try during the autumn season — if Aether were to be asked his true motive for insisting that Xiao carve pumpkins with him, he would not make it known that it was a way of gaining the company of his friend for several hours.
He is sure Xiao already knows that it is a thinly veiled excuse for spending time together, so there is no reason to make the unspoken rules of friendship something far more tangible than he would like them to be.
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❝You're better at this than I thought you'd be.❞ Aether comments, looking up from his own pumpkin to watch Xiao, lips curled into a serene smile that lasts only a few seconds before it vanishes, replaced by the usual smaller one that rests on his lips to put people at ease — it is rarely reflective of his feelings, yet today, it seems he cannot find any reason not to smile.
❝That's the first step done, by thr way. You take out the seeds and insides so you can put a candle in.❞ He explains, averting his gaze to his own, rather poorly, gutted pumpkin that rests on the table. ❝Another reason you scrape out all the wet parts so that it doesn't mould as quickly. The inside will dry out after a bit, although the candles do make it rot quicker... I'm actually not sure of the point of hollowing it out?❞
It is not the first time he has enountered this sort of tradition, nor will it be the last, but within each world he has visited, those similar traditions often came with different reasons. Thus, sometimes the details & their reasonings could get a little lost in translation.
( it is interesting to see the ways mortals will justify the practices they believe to be theirs & theirs alone. there is a beauty in it, yet also sadness: the creativity of mortal beings knows no bounds, yet the universe is filled with patterns & all will eventually return to the jaws of the starry abyss in the skies. )
❝The next step is to carve a scary face into the pumpkin.❞ His instruction is spoken softly, gently, as if Aether worries his words may seem far too commanding for the balance of the peaceful atmosphere that has hung between them thus far, although he does not want it to seem optional either. This is the most important step of pumpkin carving, as he had been taught during his time in Fontaine, & so it could not be missed out for any reason.
For a moment, he does wonder if it may seem childish of him to adhere so strictly to the rules of something so trivial. He casts that thought from his mind as soon as it appears. For a few minutes, Aether falls quiet, pausing his explanation to keep a vigilant eye on his fingers as he begins to carve away at the pumpkin's sides with a knife. It is only once he has gotten into the rhythm of it & Aether is sure he won't suffer the loss of a finger that he speaks once again.
( it was best to avoid injury that may be seen by close friends, after all, even if it isn't anything they wouldn't heal from. )
❝In Fontaine, they believe that it scares away spirits that aren't able to move on from the mortal plane.❞ He explains after a moment of thought, as if attempting to figure out how best to phrase it. ❝They believe that on the day marking the end of the summer, the souls of the dead will go to the otherworld, but some spirits will return to visit their homes. For those that are evil, they carve pumpkins, dress up in costume & light bonfires to scare them away. That's why they put the candles in there, too. Pretty cool, right?❞
Or, so he hopes — if this is nonsense to Xiao, at least Aether can be comforted by the fact his words would not have fallen on deaf ears, regardless of the attitude of his companion.
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magicdreemurr17 · 2 years
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Short Story: Mysterious Christmas
'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the household, the children listened to the stories Toriel told… stories of a man draped in his coat of white and red, who planted gifts under the tree and flew over people's sleeping heads. His beard was said to be as white as snow, and his name almost anyone would know. He brought to the world incredible joy, as he presented many children with their most wanted toys. The stories would always end the same, with old Saint Nicholas flying back the direction he came. As the goat woman's stories came to an end, Frisk would exchange excited glances with all their friends.
"Do you think Santa will come tonight if we wait for him?" they asked with glee.
Toriel sighed with a smile, "You know if you're not asleep by midnight, he won't come down the chimney."
Despite the Christmas spirit in the air, one soul refused to let their merriness be shared. The scrooge who was guilty of their attitude so sour… was Frisk's own sister, Magic, who looked rather dour. She cared not for the Christmas cheer, even though it was a blissful time of the year. Her mind was thoughtless of the concept of gifting, and of the spirit of others to be lifting. It concerned the other monsters in the household, but only one could speak up to her so bold.
"Hey, sourpuss! People say I have an attitude, you won't even join in the celebration!" exclaimed Flowey the flower.
"... Christmas is just another day to me. It's nothing to be celebratory of." Magic replied, as in the dark corner she cowered.
Asgore, being the kind and patient man they knew, decided to speak up to help the older human not feel so blue.
"Perhaps you can help me organize the presents under the tree," he said calmly, "maybe being occupied for a good cause will make you happy."
"Thanks, but I am afraid I'll have to pass." said the grouchy human as she turned away from the living room, "Once Christmas is over, this cheer will barely last."
She made her way to the stairs and up to her room, slamming the door shut as her friends exchanged faces filled with gloom. She stood against her door, sorrow choking at her breaths of life. She couldn't be happy when Christmas reminded her of her old misery and strife. The years she spent out on a holiday, cold and alone. No friends or family around, not even a place to call home… but things were meant to be different now, why couldn't she be happy? Was it truly her lot in life to feel nothing but misery..?
Just then at her door, she heard a quiet knock. She didn't know why someone would, not when the door was unlocked.
"Who's there..?" she replied with a frown.
"boo…" the other person kept his voice down.
"Boo who?" she realized the joke that was made, but didn't put up a fight.
"no need for you to feel sad, kiddo…" said the iconic voice of Sans, "especially not tonight."
"Sans, that joke was your worst one yet. Do you ever run out of bad puns to tell..?" she responded as she turned to open the door, completely dismissing it was she who, into his trap, fell.
"well, it got a grin out of you, didn't it, bud?" he returned the grin as she covered her mouth in embarrassment. The joke did get her, the smile was not a faker nor a dud.
"So what if you got me to smile?" she responded defensively, hoping he would just walk away from the situation.
"did you really think i'd leave ya up here all alone on christmas eve for a while?" he replied, not wanting to leave a friend in isolation.
The older human's smile careened and fell upside down. He was justified in coming to check on her, as she was probably the only miserable soul in town.
"for someone named Magic, i'd thought you'd be into this sort of thing." he commented as he scratched his skull.
The older human sighed in defeat, "I never had a proper Christmas in my childhood. I can't pretend to be happy in front of Frisk when the magic died long before I knew about it. Now everything is just boring and dull."
Sans thought to himself as he looked in her eyes. There was more to the sadness behind them, something hiding beneath those past ties. If they could find some way to ignite her Christmas cheer, perhaps then things could be better for her this year.
"you just hang tight, kiddo. things'll get better… until then, you gotta chill out." he winked with a broad smile.
She let out an undignified snort, covering her mouth as Papyrus shouted from downstairs, "NO MORE BAD PUNS OUT OF YOU FOR A WHILE!"
As Sans left her to her own thoughts, who should be next to approach from the stairs but her younger sibling with some hot chocolate they brought. As to their older sister they walked up, they held out to her one of those cups.
"I thought you'd like some hot chocolate to make your day brighter." they said with a small smile.
Magic returned it and took the cup graciously. Frisk always had a good influence on her, but most importantly they could keep her happy for a while. The two siblings sat together on the edge of her bed, the thought of what tomorrow's holiday would bring dancing in their heads. Everyone was happy and on the surface, living free. What more could they possibly need?
"Hey, do you wanna go for a walk?" The older sibling suggests, with little Frisk nodding at their sister's behest. Some fresh air might do them good. It might even put her in a better mood.
They grabbed their scarves and gloves before heading out, neglecting to give their friends a holler or a shout. The two trailed across their cozy little town, as everyone's lights dimmed and the families settled down. The night of Christmas Eve was upon them now, and they were preparing for Santa's arrival to town.
Magic didn't seem to understand, "What good is believing if you've never met them before..?"
Frisk looked up at her and signed, "Everyone's gotta have something to believe in, or what use is there in hope anymore?"
"Hmm…" she hummed in acknowledgement as they walked up the mountain trail, the very same path which started their life's tale.
They walked up to the entrance of which they left the Underground, to admire the view of the winter landscape all around. It was such a calming sight to see, even Magic's heart was put at ease.
"This really was a good idea," she said with a sigh and a smile, "I know I've been acting like a bit of a scrooge for a while."
"There's nothing wrong with how you feel," little Frisk told her, "your Christmas just never felt this real."
The more she pondered it, she realized her sibling's words rang true. She was not alone anymore, she had them and a real family too. Toriel, Papyrus, Asgore… even Sans, Undyne, Alphys and more! Just as she felt her hope lifting so high, a small jingle turned their faces towards the sky. A coat of red and white caught their eyes, as a single figure flew through the skies. The sleigh they towed was pulled by a Gyftrot, and on the back of it, many presents they had brought. The siblings' eyes gently glistened, as they gasped at the figure in recognition. Despite being unable to see their face, they knew that it was Santa flying over their place. As a magic glow filled the town of Ebott, the humans observed their work so quiet.
As the presents vanished from the sled and into their homes, Magic felt comforted knowing she wasn't witnessing this miracle alone… and as the sleigh disappeared into the depths of the night, they heard a quiet voice tell them, "Merry Christmas to all, and to all, I hope no overwrite."
"That's it? That's how your stupid story ends?" asked Genocide in complete disappointment.
"It isn't my story! Gaster gave me the book to read to you and Red!" Pacifist exclaimed.
"But if you didn't write it, then who? And what the hell was that goodbye they wrote at the end? 'Merry Christmas to all, and to all, I hope no overwrite'? What kind of nonsense is that!?"
"Quit being rude. I thought it was a nice story," Red growled in Pacifist's defense, "and I like when Pacifist reads stories. She knows how to make it feel real!"
Pacifist stayed quiet, pondering over the book's contents silently.
"Pacifist..?" Red looked up at her anomaly friend expectantly, waiting for a response.
"It's just odd… This story… It would never actually happen…" she commented, "I mean… for one thing, Magic doesn't hate Christmas at all. She loves the winter season in general, so whoever wrote this clearly doesn't know her personally… Or they wrote it like that on purpose."
"Why would someone write a lame Christmas story that didn't make sense? Who did Gaster get that book from?" Genocide asked.
Pacifist read over the last few words again, the word overwrite creeping in her thoughts obsessively, like she knew what it meant on the edge of her mind, but couldn't figure it out, "I don't know… All he said was that he got it from someone who's quite familiar with the Underground but nobody is familiar with them…"
Author's Note: Merry Xmas, everyone! I wanted to write a short story as a Christmas present to all my dedicated L.I.T.E readers who have been patiently waiting for the next chapter to come out. Thank you for your support on the story. Also, FYI to the readers who wanna make theories on the hidden messages to this story, while most of it is not canon, the last part is a bit misleading. You might think you know who gave Gaster that "book", but it's not him.
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maybege · 2 years
Ok for the smutty fic prompts! 118 + 153, with Ex con! Paz? cause you made me yearn for this man🥺
Heat Waves - Part 2
Summary: The heat wave continues and so does yours and Paz’s situation-ship.
Pairing: neighbour!ex con!Paz Vizsla x fem!Reader
Wordcount: 3.2k | Rating: E (18+ only!)
Warnings: explicit sexual content, dom!Paz, sub!Reader, fingering (f receiving), size kink, oral fixation, slight choking, dirty talk, degradation, comeplay, unprotected sex, just lots of filth,
Prompts: #118 “If you can't sleep … how about we have sex?” + #153 “You have no idea how much I want you.”
It’s been weeks since I touched anything fanfiction related but this was a fun distraction for tonight. I hope you are all doing well and enjoy this piece! Please please please let me know what you thought in a comment or a reblog ❤️ all the love, may (also tagging what I think is your new account? @lillefersken)
masterlist | crossposted on AO3
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The heat just would not stop.
At this point you were sure no one could expect anyone to function properly when the city and the entire coast had been bathed in tropical temperatures for almost two weeks now- You hated it. It did not feel like you could rest properly, like you could sleep, like you could breathe. And even the occasional cold shower only made you feel worse.
A quick look on your phone told you it was three am. And the party in one of the apartments a few floors down made no sign of stopping. You groaned in frustration, debating whether it would be best to close the windows and get some much-needed quiet or leave them open and not get boiled alive.
The worst thing was that you weren’t even sure if the open windows were helping. Air circulation, you had read somewhere, was your best friend when it came to heat waves like these. But for that to work the air needed to move and by now you were convinced that that hadn’t happened in the last 72 hours.
“Chug! Chug! Chug!”
Were you too old to start crying from sleep deprivation and frustration?
No, your brain decided and you clenched your jaw, willing yourself to just keep it together.
Tomorrow is a brand new day, just take a deep breath. Tomorrow is a brand new –
“C’mon Dreks, give the girl a kiss!”
Stars fucking damnit would they never shut up?
You could hear a window creak. “For fuck’s sake people are trying to sleep!” someone shouted and you smiled when you immediately recognized the voice, “It’s three in the fucking morning, tone it fucking down!”
You breathed a sigh of relief, leaning back into your pillow and making the mental note to thank Paz tomorrow. That would offer you the perfect opportunity to maybe drop by and bring him a coffee or maybe a self-made sandwich? You smiled into the pillow at the thought of spending time with him again.
After the rather spontaneous … night that had resulted from him offering (and actually) fixing your sink, you had barely seen him through no fault of your own – or his for that matter. With Paz getting the night shift at the construction site and you busy working at the bistro and chasing after all the tips you could get to finally sign up for that writing course, your schedules simply … hadn’t aligned.
But now that he had managed to silence that torturous music? Now that certainly justified a visit.
A bout of laughter rang through the streets and then the music continued. Your pillow drowned the frustrated scream that you let out.
Your phone lit up on your nightstand and you gave up the pretence that you would find some sleep tonight.
Paz: Remind me again why I should adhere to my parole?
You smiled, your fingers already flying over the screen.
You: Because I don’t want you to leave me alone with these idiots when they arrest you?
Paz: I wouldn’t let their bodies be found.
You laughed, convinced that you had never felt as happy as when you saw the three little dots still moving on the screen.
Paz: If you can't sleep … how about we have sex?
You stopped laughing, your breath catching in your throat at how forward he was. But not in a bad way. Not in the way Dreks had been forward with you – too forward – but in a way that you wished he had been the last time he had been in your bed.
Another ping, another message.
Paz: I promise I will take you out for dinner tomorrow. As a date.
Now that sealed the deal.
You: Save the date for when I can bear going outside and come over.
Someone stumbled on the other side of the wall and you could hear him curse. You snorted, blindly reaching for the little light on your nightstand and switching it on. You could hear his door creak before it fell closed again and only a second later, a knock sounded on your door.
You jumped up, not caring to put anything on. It would only be taken off anyway. Besides, it was way too hot.
So, when you opened the door at 2 am in the morning, you knew it would be Paz Vizsla on the other side of it and you would greet him in the nude. Which was something he clearly had not expected.
He looked out of breath, as if he had just finished a marathon, and his chest was glistening with tattoos. Even with him wearing only his boxers, he looked absolutely massive in your doorframe, the black ink that snuck its way up his arm and across his shoulder tempting you to trace the lines with your mouth.
It was only then that you realized the silence between you had stretched on quite a bit and you were still standing in the doorway, grinning at each other like little school kids. You cleared your throat, shifting the weight on your feet.
“Hi,” he breathed.
“Hello,” you smiled back.
And then he was on you, his hands cupping your face and pulling you in for a kiss. He was so close and so warm and you were surprised how easy it was to bear the heat of his touch when it was him that was kissing you, him that was crowding you through the darkness towards your bed.
“You have no idea how much I want you,” he murmured against your lips, “You were all I thought about this week.”
“Promise me you’ll fuck me tonight,” you gasped, “Please, I – after last time, I just –“
“You just what?” he grinned, peppering kisses down your neck. His large hands wandered to your middle, brushing over the skin of your hip down to your ass before cupping the soft flesh in his palms. “You just want to be properly fucked?”
You nodded, leaning up to kiss him again. He hadn’t shaved in a few days and you could feel the stubble against your cheeks but it did not bother you, if anything, you just wanted more of him. You wanted to feel him on you, inside you, curled around you. You just wanted Paz.
The back of your knees hit the mattress and you squeaked, tightening your arms around his neck in order not to fall. Kisses turned into laughter turned into breathless gasps turned into hands running down your side.
“Lay down for me, love,” he whispered against you and you did, his hands making sure you didn’t fall, his body following yours like waves lapping at the shore. The pet name sent shivers down your spine and he was so close now, his nose brushing against yours and you swore you had never seen eyes as intense as his.
“This way,” he ordered gently, his hands guiding you to turn around until you were flat on your belly. Your breath rushed out of your lungs as you felt him spread your legs apart. His hands alone felt massive and you remembered just how giant he had felt in your hand. Stars, you could not wait to feel him.
The sheets felt cool against your skin for a heavenly second before you were distracted by Paz’s hands between your legs. One finger pushed inside you and you arched your back, trying to get him to understand how ready you were.
“Shit you’re so hot,” he murmured, thick fingers rubbing over your folds again and you gasped, “And so wet. Tell me, little one, is that all for me? Is that pussy all wet for me?”
“Yes,” you nodded, your cheek sticking to the pillowcase, “Paz, please, I –“
“You what?”
“I want more,” you whined, shuffling your legs wider apart, “Paz, I’m so ready, please …”
He hushed you by adding another thick finger and pressing a kiss against your shoulder blade. You could feel him hard against your butt, leaking precome onto your skin and it drove you crazy, knowing how close he was, knowing you still needed time but you just … you did not want to wait. 
Paz carefully crooked his fingers inside you, his thumb circling your clit in the process. “We both know how big I am,” he reminded you teasingly and, as if to prove his point, pressed his cock against your hips, “We need to prep you, love.”
“Don’t wanna wait though,” you pouted, a moan leaving you when he scissored his fingers, your walls clenching around him, “Waited for so long.”
The big man chuckled against you, the depth of his voice only churning the fire inside you. “I know, sweetheart, I know how badly you need to be fucked. But I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t,” you assured him, lifting your hips and pushing them back against his fingers, your thighs clenching when they massaged that spot in you that made you feel like you were floating.
“You want to know what I thought about?” he asked you innocently, his breath washing against your ear and you shivered. His fingers left you and you were so close to protesting when you felt them come back, now three fingers slowly stretching your entrance.
“I imagined what it would be like to fuck my come into you,” he revealed lowly, kissing your cheek, “Only used the hand that had been inside you to jerk off, too, tried to remember how fucking tight you were for me.”
Oh by all that was holy how could one man be so hot?
Paz grunted and the mattress shifted as he straddled you from behind. His chest was against your back, the heat of him almost unbearable when paired with the unrelenting temperatures of the night.
This was it.
“Go slow, please,” you asked, suddenly feeling a little shy, “You’re so big.”
Paz hummed, his big hands immediately slowing down, smoothing over your sides before you felt him against your entrance. “I will go slow, I promise,” he whispered, kissing your shoulder blade softly, “You tell me, when it’s too much, yeah?” he asked, already sounding a little breathless and you nodded, turning your face to rest on your folded hands.
You only had the memory of him in your hand, the size of him, the girth of him. Paz Vizsla was packing and you had no idea how you would be able to take him. Out of the corner of your eyes, you could see him move, see his chest heave with his breaths and see his arms move as he ran his hands over your back.
You breathed out, focusing on the feeling of him running his tip through your folds, circling your clit before ever so slightly pushing into you. It drove you crazy and you tried to spread your legs even more, trying to show him that it was okay, that you could take him, that you –
“Someone seems to get impatient.”
He pulled out again, chuckling when you lifted your hips to follow him. You could feel your wetness drip onto the sheets but his strong thighs had caged in yours and all it did was make him push you down again with a chuckle. It should not have turned you on how easy that had been for him.
You gasped when he pushed inside you again, this time a little deeper, though as soon as his tip was inside you, he pulled out again.
“Fuck,” you cursed, wrapping your arms around your pillow, and muffling your moan.
His hand came down next to your face, holding him up and seeing the tattoos on his knuckles made you want to bite into yours.
“Never had a big cock like mine, did you?”
“N-no, you’re so big,” you mumbled, wiggling your hips to get him inside you again.
The growl he let out was otherworldly and your breath hitched when his other hand came down on the back of your neck, pushing you into the sheets. “Is this okay?” he checked in, his cock pushing inside you, stretching you more than anyone ever had.
“Yes,” you breathed, relaxing into the bed.
“Good girl.”
Feeling you relax seemed to have been the magic unspoken words he had been waiting for because as soon as his hips started moving, they did not stop. It was rough and fast and so precise you wondered just how he was able to read your body like it had been his all along. His hand on your neck slightly pushed you into the pillow, his thumb stroking over the nape of your neck lovingly while his cock stretched your walls.
You tightened around him, your cheeks burning when you heard the squelching sounds from behind you. You had never been this wet without help and yet here you were, being fucked within an inch of your life by the giant man next door who had occupied your dreams for as long as he had lived here. Your pussy clenched around him, trying to keep him inside you and you could hear him curse under his breath.
Paz changed the rhythm, then, going for slow and deep strokes that made your eyes roll back. He shifted his weight and his hand left your neck and instead found both of yours, holding them down next to your head. His mouth was by your ear and you whined, feeling completely overpowered by him in the best way. He could do whatever he wanted with you, you just wanted to feel him inside you for as long as possible.
“You look so good like this,” he rumbled, “You – actually you look a little cockdumb for me,” he added before kissing you softly. “Is it okay if I call you that?” he asked, his hips slapping against your ass, “Is it okay if I call you just a little cockdumb for me?”
You could not form any words, too far gone on his cock to care. “Uh-huh,” you agreed, your eyes zeroing in on his hand right next to your face and before you knew it, you had leant forward, slipping your lips around his thumb and sucking on the thick digit. Paz groaned loudly, his hips stuttering before he caught himself, stilling inside you.
“Stars woman,” he ground into you, “You just want me to come in this pussy, don’t you?”
He pushed his cock into you slowly, grounding into you which in turn caused some of the folds of your bunched-up bedding to catch on your clit and –
You moaned around his finger, drool escaping onto the pillow but you did not care. You felt messy and wet and hot but all you wanted was for him to continue just like this. With his fat cock in your pussy and the unfamiliar but certainly not unwelcome stimulation on your folds, you felt like you were right on the edge.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he praised you, “prettiest fucking pussy I’m ever gonna fill up, sweetheart, you hear that? I’m gonna fill you up so good you don’t want anybody else ever again.”
The idea of him coming inside you, filling you up with the load that had filled the entirety of your palm the last time … it made your walls flutter.
“Gonna come inside you,” he repeated against the back of your neck, his body slick against yours and you did your best to nod, your mouth open from silent gasps and moans at the places he hit so deep inside you, you were convinced you never could to be with anyone else.
His body was a furnace behind and over you, his hips slamming against the flesh of your ass again and again and the salt on his skin making you feel intoxicated.
“Say it,” he rumbled, his teeth grazing the shell of your ear and pushing his cock deeper, “Beg me to come inside this sweet pussy. I know how bad you need it.”
“Please come inside me,” you gasped out, “F-fuck, please, Paz, p-please come inside me. I’m so close, I just want to feel your come inside me, p-please.”
The thumb you just had in your mouth, hooked into the corner of your mouth, forcing your mouth open. “I want to hear you when you come on my cock,” he growled, “C’mon, sweetheart, be loud for me.”
And you were. Your legs were trembling, your muscles tensing and it felt like your soul had left your body as you moaned into the thick summer air, coming around his cock while he was still fucking you. His body was heavy on yours, keeping you grounded and leaving no chance of escape as he fucked you through your orgasm like he had just waited to show you how could he could make you feel even when your brain seemed unable to process anything that was going on.
“Good girl,” he praised you, “Go on, clench around me, love, make me come.”
Not shortly after, Paz came inside you. And he came a lot. So much, in fact, that you could feel the pressure that came with lying on your belly and as soon as he pulled out (both of you wincing at the loss of contact), his come already trickled out of your pussy.
“Shit it’s dripping out of you,” he cursed, still sitting behind you and you gasped when his fingers pushed it right back inside you, “We don’t want that, do we?”
You giggled, shaking your head as you slowly rolled onto your back. “No, we really don’t want that.”
In the warm light of the streetlamps that flooded up from the streets, you could see a wide smile on his glistening face, his eyes roaming over your face and body to make sure you were okay. He looked shy almost. As if he hadn’t just given you the best orgasm of your life.
Paz leant down from where he had perched his head on his elbow. His lips pressed against your temple, his nose running along your hairline. “You’re so fucking beautiful, sweetheart,” he whispered, “Are you feeling okay?”
“I’m feeling perfect,” you corrected him with a tired smile, “I feel like I am a cloud.”
He laughed at that, deep and genuine and so fucking perfect it made your heart clench. “Would you like something to drink then?” he asked, his hand running over your thigh.
“Yes please,” you mumbled, still trying to catch your breath, “There’s some water in the fridge. I, uh, I think I’m gonna freshen up a bit.”
Paz sat up, swinging his legs over the end of the bed. The street lights illuminated his face as he looked at you and you could see the soft lines on his face. “Are you suggesting a midnight shower, sweetheart?” he teased you, shrugging on his boxers, “I could join you.”
You opened your mouth, ready to invite him for another round under the deliciously cool water when another voice pulled you out of your bubble.
“Are you two finished already?”
Paz chuckled, pressing a kiss against your temple before turning his face towards the open window.
“Fuck off!” he shouted, his voice turning into a mumble as he continued to drop kisses down the side of your face until he reached your neck, “I’m busy.”
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movedtodykedvonte · 3 years
If you’re not busy how bout a headcanon for how the four lords would react to their s/o, a doctor/field medic, somehow healing them of their cadou parasites and returning them to their normal selves
If you can't afford medical treatment just get your doctor S/O to do a quick surgery. It's legal and fun!!
Here's a cut cause this bad boy is long
Alcina Dimitrescu
You two had discussed it and agreed that it needed to be done. The girls would be in constant danger from BSAA/Blue Umbrella if Alcina was still such a strong bio-weapon.
She had worries; would she be weaker? Would she need to worry about her blood disease again? How would she protect her daughters? You assured her that you two would figure it out, that you would never do this if you thought it would do more harm than good.
The girls protested, saying they could handle whatever was thrown at them but Alcina hushed them, explaining that it was for her sake as well. It was only so long until BSAA stopped letting her get away with literal murder, no matter how necessary.
You had explained the most likely and best outcome, that she'd be cured and all the effects reversed, that she'd need regular infusions of blood and may feel weaker. You tried to treat her like a regular patient, the coldness of being a medic, but the worry loomed over you.
It was a quick procedure, the cadou just as it had smoothly integrated with Alcina, had been slipped out, the changes almost just as quick.
Her skin became humanly pale, no longer a porcelain white, wrinkles showing the age she was when infected, her height dwindling. You didn't account for her to wake up as quick as she did and had to dive to catch her as she wobbled of the operating table, not yet used to her smaller size.
"A mirror" "Are you sure, Alcina? Maybe you should-" "I want a mirror now" She was demanding, but you understood how justified that was. You only had a small one for operating on you but it would have to do.
She pulled at her face, a look of disdain as she inspecting the face of a mortal woman instead of an immortal lord. Seeing this you came up behind her, wrapping your arms around her waist like you were never able to fully do before, and planted a kiss on her cheek, now noticing how warm it was compared to her previous form
"I look horrid" "You look beautiful" The comment drew a smile from her, but you could still sense the doubt in her.
She stayed in her room for a while, you being the only one allowed entrance to tend her: Infusions, getting her used to human food rather than humans for food. Alcina insisted she fully recovers before her girls saw her as to not incite panic.
It was tough on her to be distant with her girls, but tougher on them to not see her after such a harrowing surgery.
When the girls first saw her it was as if they were interacting with a valuable and fragile vase, none of them wanted to get close in fear of hurting her, but they desperately wanted to inspect their mother.
"I'm not made of paper, an embrace won't kill me." It was lovely seeing them perk up at their mother's usual sass and even more relieving when they practically dove into her arms, bombarding her with questions on how she felt.
There were many things to still discuss, but for now, everyone was happy.
Donna Beneviento
Donna surprisingly brought it up to you first. You were having tea having a calm conversation with Angie for once. The mood felt off for that alone but for the whole day it felt off, now you knew why.
She wanted a normal life with you, one free of the mold and her dependence on her dolls. It was all a crutch and she wanted to start to walk without it.
You asked if she was sure, the dolls, especially Angie, meant so much to her, you didn't want to do it unless she was positively certain
"We've made our mind up, Y/N. We want this." Angie's serious response and Donna's nod were a startling confirmation. You set a date and prepared the tools for the procedure
Before all of that, you set up a party for Donna and Angie, placing all the dolls for one last goodbye. "Surprise!" You pop out with all the dolls, you suspect she knew as the dolls came to life to yell as well but she was crying tears of joy either way.
She said goodbye to all the dolls individually, thanking them for being there for her as she shut down her cadou in each of them. Donna told you that Angie didn't want to go until she had to. You understood completely.
On the day of the procedure, you knelt down to Angie and hugged her. She was always a little bit of a pain to you and she found you a bit dull but in the end, you cared and you were going to miss her rambunctiousness. You spared yourself the tears of a verbal goodbye as you placed her on the operating table next to Donna, she feigned unconscious to mimic her sedated friend.
It was slow and grueling to remove the cadou carefully from her face and skull, you wanted to leave as little scarring as possible. Donna had just stopped wearing the veil and you had no desire to be the reason it came back on
The procedure was no less easy as every amount removed, you noticed Angie appearing even more lifeless.
When it was done, she woke up, her working eye blinking under the bright lights of your operating chambers. She did not address you but immediately turned to Angie. You had not an idea of how she knew she was lying next to her
"Angie?" There was no response and you could see the tears forming as she slowly reached for her best friend, caressing the inanimate face. You took her other hand and squeezed it, before lifting it to your lips and planting a kiss.
Recovering was less physical than mental. Occasionally she'd ask her dolls a question, you'd catch her staring sorrowfully at them as they stared back unblinking. It was even worse when you heard her call for Angie, knowing it was impossible for her to respond.
Sometimes you'd find her staring out the window, holding Angie as she took in the horizon.
"It's difficult... She was always there for me." She stared at Angie, brushing the veil from her face as the setting sun leaked in. You sat next to her, leaning in close so you could support Angie's slumped head... Donna smiled at the action. "But, I suppose there's a lot else for me too." Donna rested her head on your shoulder, now looking at the broad horizon before you both.
Salvatore Moreau
It hurt you like nothing else to see Salvatore live in constant pain and suffering. You had done wonders for the hurt of loneliness but physically he was still in agony.
He has insisted not to burden yourself with him and that he was used to it, but the more he assured you the less you actually felt comforted. It came to a head one day that all he was doing was vomiting. You were sure you saw red at some point
"Stop saying you're fine!" "I'm used to it, Y/N" "Well I'm not!" You were a medic, it had become an instinct to stop people from being in pain, and Moreau made it flare up.
He refused to be operated on, making up excuses or insisting it was not a big deal to him after all these years. Clearly, you could tell it was something else, something he wasn't telling you but he refused to let it slip. It became a strain on your relationship. It felt bad but you had to threaten to leave if he was not going to be honest. He owed you that.
You felt even worse when you found out. "I'm scared it would get worse!" You realized that the last time Moreau was likely on an operating table, it turned him into what he was now. It was beyond inconsiderate to try and force him through it again.
For a while, you dropped it, letting the waters calm... until another vomiting fit happened and you thought you might lose him.
Luckily you didn't and unluckily for Moreau he had to see you're tear-ridden face the whole time, unable to assure you he would be fine due to the wretching. A day later he agreed to let you try.
You were relieved but now it went on to how you were exactly going to do this. You were unsure if removing the cadou would be enough to rid him of the tumors or if you would be on that too, you had no intention to make things worse like he feared.
A while passed as you collected the tools and set up an area in the reservoir to operate, everytime you made progress Moreau strayed farther from the area.
You finally finished and Moreau was off lurking in the waters, much like a child hiding from getting a shot. "Are you ready?" "Yes." "Are you lying?" "Yes." You were happy he found humor in the situation but you needed confidence.
You practically held his hand the whole way to the table, both to keep him from escaping to the water and a half for comforting, his grip did not slip until you had fully sedated him.
The procedure was more difficult than ever expected, the tumors were gelatinous and blocked the way to his cadou. You had to be careful not to burst one as well as not to accidentally paralyze him due to the proximity to his spine. It was slow and meticulous but eventually, you got it all.
Nothing happened. He laid unconscious on the table, cadou thoroughly gone, you made sure... but nothing happened. Did you fail? Was there another one? You pondered the possibilities but quickly stood up as the tumors began to swell, becoming enflamed before one burst, an acidic substance barely missing you and melting part of the floor. As more popped you took cover as not to get burned.
The grotesque sounds of bursting meat slowly faded, becoming less frequent until they stopped, but you waited, ensuring you did not accidentally get splashed by a straggler.
"Y/N?" The sound of your name from a familiar deep but the somehow less nauseous voice made you peer from around your cover, a man all too foreign and all too familiar sat dazed-looking on the table.
"Salvatore?" {Insert your own description of Moreau, I don't want to intrude on anyone's interpretation.} "Y/N!" He immediately tried to get off the table to come to you before you quickly stopped him, remnants of acid a very real danger. You covered a path and made your way to him, stopping at the edge of the table. "Did it work?"
Something about the question seemed laughable as you assumed the feeling would be completely different, but you still pulled a mirror close and let him marvel at a face he had long forgotten.
"Did I make it worse?" It was a snarky remark at his previous fears, probably a little insensitive but at the moment he smiled, suddenly pulling you into your first full kiss in your relationship. "Not at all."
Karl Heisenberg
You were helping him in the factory one day, decommissioning the more specialized soldats at the request of BSAA. You being less tech-oriented focused on the less mechanical soldiers while Karl took on the scrap heavy ones.
Having used some Cadou in them, you had to carefully remove that too, to ensure they would not resurrect after the metal was removed. It took no time for Karl to piece together who else that skill could be used on.
"Make space for me on your schedules, Y/N" He lit a cigar after the sentence, not explaining further. "Excuse me?" "You heard me, sweetheart." He ripped a core from another soldat before putting it on the belt to bring it towards you. You stared in disbelief.
"You want me to remove your cadou?" "Yep." "But I thought BSAA was." "I don't want those dick heads snooping in my body like I'm some labrat. You do it." The conversation was quick and honestly, it should have been expected.
Karl had joked with you before that you could take away his cadou. Just snip and a rip and it'd be done. You explained it wasn't that simple and he would chuckle out an agreement, but you could tell that the jokes had an air of seriousness around them. It had been his goal for a while to reverse what had been done to him
Picking a date was the biggest issue. Karl wanted to do it as soon as possible, get it out and be rid of it. You had to explain you needed time to prepare as the place was delicate and a risk. You knew it was out of excitement and anticipation.
When you finally made time, Karl was on the table before you had even put on gloves or disinfected it. "An eager beaver I see?" You tried to bring the humor Karl often did to scenarios like this, but you could see a sense of series on his face, even the glint of his glasses seemed steeled. "I want every trace of that bitch gone."
You nodded, pulling out the syringe to sedate him as you laid him down on the table. Removing his glasses you looked directly in his eyes, there was a trust in his that made you that much more determined. "You ready?" You asked as a medic protocol. "Just stick me doc." You rolled your eyes as he smirked before relishing in the slight scared look he gave the needle when you lifted it before him
The silence of it all unnerved you. Karl was always making wisecracks or jokes to alleviate the dreary mood of the factory. Having him laying silently before you, face still somehow serious while completely relaxed, made it all the more discomforting.
You worked diligently, careful to find all traces of the cadou and to remove them into a jar you had set aside. It was long but you did it with dutiful ease, Karl had waited so long for this and you must do it right
When it was all finished you took the jar, disgusted at the somehow living organism inside. How could she put this in someone she considered her child. Bitch, was too kind a word Karl used for her. You took the jar to a furnace, throwing it in and watching the thing wriggle frantically before burning to a crisp.
Coming back to the table you found Karl stirring awake, groggily holding himself up on his forearms. "So, how'd it go?" "You tell me?"
Karl looked around the room, his hammer resting in the corner. Focusing on it he waited for the item to float toward him, yet it remained still. After a minute of nothing he stopped, a slow chuckle emerging from him, melding into a proud laugh.
"Well, I'll be damned, Y/N. You've outdone yourself." He began patting himself in search of a cigar. You pulled one from the side table and offered it, snatching it away before he could get a grasp on it. "No smoking until you're fully healed."
He shook his head, chuckling a little more before sitting up and pulling you close. Tilting your head up he locked your lips together. Pulling apart he smiled, "Whatever you say, doc."
I completely forgot that Moreau was a doctor and honestly I should've added something about medical knowledge but its super late and I have a job interview to get up for.
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the-bau-quinjet · 3 years
Summary: You overhear Steve talking to Bucky about going back to be with Peggy. Rather than confronting the situation, you write him a letter.
Warnings: I cried just thinking about writing this, so much angst, some swearing
Word Count: 3305
a/n: here it is folks: the sad fic I mentioned a few posts ago. Inspired by a multitude of songs from the album Ashlyn by Ashe. I high key recommend listening to that album while you read or just in general. I'm pretending like nobody died in Endgame because that shit is sad and I know this is sad aside from that, but I still have a heart ya know?
Per usual, any song lyrics (or song lyrics that I changed a bit) are in bold! I think used lyrics from Me Without You, Save Myself, I'm Fine, Love is Not Enough, and Always.
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"You'd really want to go back?" You overheard Bucky right before you walked into Steve's room.
"I don't know." He let out a deep sigh. "I mean, I do know, but what do you think?" Steve's answer left you wondering what they were discussing.
"All for Peggy?" Your heart stopped waiting for Steve to reply.
Another sigh escaped his lips. You could easily picture him running his hands down his face, a signal he was deep in thought. "I mean, I never got a chance to see what would happen with her. Don't you think she deserves this much?"
You felt frozen. You couldn't hear the rest of Steve's answer or Bucky's reply over the sound of blood rushing through your ears.
It was all too much to handle. Rather than confront the grab bag of emotions swimming inside of you, you turned around and went back to your room in a zombie like haze.
"Friday, don't let anyone in my room."
You know the AI replied, but you were still too caught up in thought to understand it. Your mind was full of questions you knew you couldn't figure out the answers to alone.
Why would Steve want to go back for Peggy when he had you? Why would he even consider it if he loved you like he said he does? Is he still in love with Peggy? Has he been in love with her the whole time? Why would he choose her when he's spent so much more time with you?
"Y/N?" The sound of Steve's voice outside your door startled you. "Y/N, honey, are you in there?"
You could hear the doorknob rattling in his attempt to open it, but Friday was doing as you asked.
"I thought you were going to meet me downstairs?"
His words only broke your heart more, a small sniffle escaping despite your efforts to remain quiet.
"Are you not feeling well? What's wrong?"
His questions were left unanswered, much like the questions swimming around your head.
Steve kept talking to you through the door for a while, but you never replied. You weren't ready to face him, not until you knew you wouldn't say something you'd later regret.
The next few days carried on much the same. You refused to leave your room, relying on various snacks and protein bars you had for food. Every few hours, you would try to write down what you were feeling, but it didn't help calm you down the same way it typically did.
Everyone tried talking to you, but nothing worked. Steve spent hours outside your door every day in an effort to get you to talk to him, but you just couldn't figure out your emotions. It was all still too much to handle.
Late one night, Steve said something that forced you into action.
"Y/N, I don't know what happened, but if I did something I'm truly sorry. I'm returning the stones tomorrow. We've never not said goodbye before a mission... I just hope this one is the same."
You listened as he quietly walked back down the hallway, steps slowly receding until you were left in the same absolute silence you've spent the last few days.
You knew you had to talk to him, but hearing him say to your face that he's staying with Peggy would kill you.
You couldn't survive a permanent goodbye, not in your current state of mind.
After a few minutes of silent contemplation, you decided to write Steve a letter. Maybe you'd give it to him or maybe it would just help you organize your thoughts. Either way, it would be helpful to write to someone for a change.
Hi Steve,
I, well, I guess I'll start with this. You deserve an apology. I'm truly sorry for ignoring you for the past few days. I just... I heard what you said to Bucky and I didn't know how to deal with it.
You know I've never been the best at controlling my emotions, so I just holed myself up in here. I avoided you so I could figure out my own feelings first.
I know I should talk to you. You deserve that too, but I don't think I could survive the heartbreak. I guess I'll try to explain everything I've been thinking and feeling since that night.
Honestly, I'm not sure where to start. It feels kind of stupid to say, but I obviously experienced a range of emotions when I first heard you and Bucky talking about going back.
You know I've always found solace in writing, so that's what I'm doing. I needed a way to clear my thoughts, and it turned into this concoction of thoughts and some poems - you know how I feel about poems. (Look at that! A sarcastic comment! I didn't think I was capable of humor anymore.)
This might not surprise you, but the first emotion I clung to was anger. I'm not angry anymore, well at least not as angry. Anyway, I wrote this next part when I was absolutely pissed at you.
What the fuck?
You want to go back in time and stay there?
You want to leave me behind?
Steve, what the fuck is wrong with you?
I could keep you here. If I really wanted to, I could figure out a way to do it. I could cut the brakes just to keep you from leaving. I'll do it too. My hands on the wheel would drive us into a wall.
You must think I'm being petty. Hiding in my room like a child to avoid you. All the while, here I am writing all the things I could do to keep you. Well, news flash: I don't need you. You made me think the only world I could exist in, was one you lived in, almost had me fooled.
Here's something you probably never considered, because I sure as shit never thought I'd even need to. I can be me without you. I don't have to rely on you for my own happiness. I thought you loved me, but if you want to go back and be with Peggy, do it. Go find yourself, let me down.
It's easy to sit here now and look back on how everything we had would always be second string to your relationship with her. God damn hindsight's 2020.
I want you to know, you did this to me. You broke my heart. When I heard you say you wanted a chance to be with Peggy, it's like my whole world crumbled down around me.
Everything I thought I knew was ripped out from under me. You poured rain all over my sunny. Yeah, someday, this could all be funny, but right now it's absolute shit.
And maybe everything will work out the way it's meant to be, but honestly I couldn't give less of a shit about that right now.
If I had the chance, I would take it back. Everything. Meeting you. Becoming friends. Dating you. Falling in love. I'd be jumping off your sinking ship, instead of going down with it.
It'd be so much easier that way. If I never fucking knew you.
One day I'll be good. I'll be over all of this bullshit. Right now I'm just mad. And you know what, it's justifiable. I think I'm allowed to be mad at you.
I'm over being so mature. If only I was never yours. Maybe I'll go back in time and undo it all. Then at least I could save myself from you.
Like I said, I wrote that in the heat of the moment. Once my brain caught up to my ears, all I saw was red. Anger didn't last as long as you might think though.
All that was how I felt in the moment, but I want you to know it's not true. I don't really believe any of it. I was hurt and angry and avoiding the pain I knew was just around the corner.
I've always told you anger would be my downfall because I just can't control what I say.
Let me be completely clear, I would never want to undo meeting you. You've been the best part of my life for years. I need you to know that I don't regret any of it and I never will.
Anyway, the anger shifted to tears pretty quickly. It wasn't hard to feel the pain that comes with someone you love leaving you. I can't honestly picture a world where I don't love you.
This is the first poem I wrote. With tear blurring my vision, I put pen to paper and this is what came out.
Complicated. Understated. On the way to, Devastated. I'm just holding on for dear life.
Short and sweet, right? Well, not so much sweet, but you get the point. I feel broken. Here's another bit of poetry for ya.
Right now I'm sorry, Burns through me darling, But I can't help hope In thirty years it won't.
Maybe I just need time. That's what everyone always says. "Time can heal all wounds."
It's hard to even think about moving on though when everything reminds me of you. I've got emotional souvenirs from fleeting moments we spent together. If this is the end, I'll always know you were my golden years. I know in the future I could close my eyes and go back there.
Maybe that's the hardest part. Knowing I'll always have these memories.
All I've been thinking about for the past three days is if this will ever feel better. And maybe it will, when time has passed.
Maybe when I'm older, I'll run out of stories about you. Maybe when I'm older, I'll know what it's like not to love you, Anymore.
Despite my best efforts, it's still only a maybe. Maybe when I'm older I'll be able to stop thinking about you every second of the day. Maybe when I'm older I won't feel like crying everytime I see your face.
But maybe not. Maybe I'll always feel this way.
Maybe when I'm six feet, underneath the concrete, I'll know what it's like not to want you, anymore.
I'm not saying all this to make you feel guilty. You don't need to tell me you're sorry. I know you are. I know you would never hurt me like this without a reason.
I should just talk to you, but I don't think I can. Not yet. We don't need to talk til we're ready. Both of us.
I guess I do have one question. Do you really love me?
I don't think I want to know the answer right now. Because even if you do... it takes a lot more than a rose, more than a kiss, more than a heart to truly love someone and spend forever with them.
It takes a lot more than a ring, more than a vow, more than a promise to build and maintain a relationship.
Love is not enough. I know that now. Even if you love me to the best of your abilities, you could still love Peggy more. Love may not be enough for us, but at least we got that much.
If you leave, I'll live the rest of my life grateful that at least I got your touch for as long as I did.
I used to think we could take our sweet time, that everything would be just fine. But now I know maybe not.
I cried for days. Like I said, I'm not writing this to make you feel guilty though. I just want to be completely honest. I cried a lot, probably more than I ever have before.
I kept replaying memories of time I spent with you. Not even dates, just the small moments that made me know I love you.
Like that day I woke up too early, almost put salt in my coffee. Oh I thank God that you stopped me before that.
I've never been a morning person, but ever since I met you you've always been there to keep my head on straight.
I think the thing I love most about you is how you can read me better than anyone I've ever known. I can hide from everyone else and they won't bat an eye. They never can tell when I'm falling apart on the inside.
No matter how hard I try to hide it though, you don't believe me when I say I'm alright. You can always, always tell.
It's like you've got a sixth sense that tells you I need you when I try to say I'm fine.
Before I met you, I would get so lonely everyday. Now I'm only lonely until you ask if I'm okay and then I remember that I have people who are there for me. I have you.
All this to say, I love you, Steve. I love you more than I've ever loved another human being.
Forever yours,
It took you nearly all night to write a coherent letter and come up with a plan to talk to Steve. A quick glance at the clock let you know Steve would be up any minute, so you had to act fast.
You opened your door for the first time in days, running in a full sprint to the stairs and down the hall to Steve's door.
With one final burst of courage, you shoved the letter under the door and ran away before anyone could find you out of your room.
"Y/N?" A familiar knock on your door woke you from a restless sleep. "I read your letter, Y/N please let me explain."
It felt like time slowed down as you stared at the door.
"Y/N, I have to bring the stones back, but I really want to talk to you first."
"Come in." You steadied yourself with a deep breath, but one look at Steve ruined your flimsy resolve.
"Y/N... I tried to wait for you to come to me, but..."
He stopped talking when you shook your head, a painful sob forming in your chest.
"I've been thinking a lot." You started slowly, voice scratchy from days of not being used except to cry. "What if staying with me isn't the best thing to keep you happy?"
"Y/N, I-"
"Please let me finish." You waited for him to acknowledge your words before you spoke again.
"If letting you go is the best way to show that I love you, I will." Tears poured down your cheeks, breaths coming to you shakily.
"Captain Rogers, your presence is requested in the backyard." Friday's voice echoed through the room.
Steve looked more torn than you've ever seen him.
"Let's go." You nodded toward the door. "I've got more to say, but you've got somewhere to be."
Slowly, the two of you walked down the hall and entered the elevator.
"I don't know if you'll ever come back-"
"Y/N, really just let me-"
"Steve, please." You begged him to let you get it all out. "I won't ask 'cause that's selfish."
"It's not." He cut in again.
"It is. You deserve to be as happy as possible." With a slow, shaky breath you continued your speech. "I've come to terms I might never feel whole again."
The elevator doors slid open. You followed Steve to the yard where they set up the time machine.
"I'll be broken when you're gone, but I won't hold you back if it's wrong."
"Steve, there you are! Let's go-"
"In a minute, Sam." Steve's eyes never left you, remaining soft and caring. "We can go back inside if you want." He ran his thumbs over your cheeks, ridding them of tears only to be instantly replaced. You've always hated crying in front of people.
"I don't care what people say." You shook your head, ignoring the potential pitying looks you could receive for crying in front of others. Another deep breath, and you continued. "You know I won't force you to stay."
It was your turn to wipe tears from Steve's face.
"If you leave, I'll be okay. Just promise that you won't forget me babe."
"I could never-" He cut in again only to stop when you gave him a pleading look.
"I understand if leaving is what you have to do. I don't want you to go, but I'll be okay, eventually." You let out a watery chuckle, wiping your eyes again.
"Y/N, I never meant for-"
"Steve, you ready?" Sam interrupted again.
"It's fine. You can go." You did your best to hold back any lingering tears. You had to physically turn Steve around yourself and push him towards the machine.
"Y/N, please, I can't-"
"Steve, they're waiting for you. It's okay, I promise." He finally started to walk away only to pause when you called out one more thing. "Oh, Steve?"
"Yeah?" He wore a solemn smile.
"I'll love you always."
You watched as he listened to Banner's instructions and bid farewell to Sam and Bucky. The bitter part of you wondered if Sam knew.
A strangled sob left your mouth as soon as Steve disappeared. All three men standing around the machine looked your way, Sam and Bucky running toward you to help.
"He should be back any second. It's fine!" Sam desperately tried to console you, but you knew it wouldn't work.
"Y/N. Y/N! Listen to me. Did Steve talk to you?" Bucky asked, ignoring Sam's bewildered expression.
You nodded pitifully.
"Did he explain-" You cut him off.
"He- he didn't ha-have time.: You stuttered as you tried desperately to gulp in air through the tears. "I did most of the talking. I needed him to know it was okay."
"To know what was okay?" Sam asked, still clearly confused.
The thought of explaining it only broke you down more. You would have fallen to the ground if not for Bucky catching you. Your body leaned into his.
"Doll..." Bucky shook his head. "You should have let him explain."
You choked on another sob just thinking about it.
"Shh, it's okay. You'll be okay." Bucky whispered in your ear, ignoring Sam's confused glares.
"Y/N..." The sound of Steve's voice echoed in your ears causing another painful sob to jolt through your body.
"Baby, please look at me."
You genuinely thought you were hallucinating when you opened your eyes to see Steve towering over you.
"Steve?" Your voice was barely a whisper.
"It's me, I'm here." He gently took you from Bucky's arms, cradling you close to him but leaning his head far enough away for you to look into your eyes.
"You came back..." Your tears slowed, gently falling down your cheeks as you stared at him wide-eyed.
"I was never planning to leave." He spoke while gently stroking your hair.
"B-but, you were talking to Bucky about going back?" Your tears gave way to confusion as you glanced between him and Bucky.
"Just to say goodbye." He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, breathing in your scent. "I just thought she deserved a real goodbye."
New tears pooled in your eyes as you took in his words. "So, you never wanted to leave me?"
"I could never, and would never, leave you. I love you so much. I just wish I knew why you were holed up in your room sooner." He smiled at you, the same adoring smile he gave you the first time you met.
"I love you too. Always." You leaned into his embrace, relishing in the touch you thought you'd lost forever. He whispered his reply, clinging to you just as much as you were to him.
a/n: today I discovered I am truly incapable of writing a sad ending. I just like the idea of escaping to a reality where Steve would never abandon me.
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angelguk · 3 years
oc is back on her bullshit!!! miss out and about im gonna forget about you!! im so sorry for this part actually. descriptions of oc sleeping with someone who is not jaykay (warning!! infidelity but not really). suppressed feelings on jks side. chayoung is still Suspicious. everyone is now mildly shitty actually. roughly 2k. listen to not gonna cry by emma steikbakken and stranger by tove lo.
titled — fuel to the fire
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It's been three days since you last spoke to Jeongguk (and four weeks since your break-up). Not about your relationship or the horrendous state your sudden break-up left you in, or about the fact that Jeongguk had moved on before your heart had even registered the cracks he'd left in his wake. No, not that – none of the actual life changing important stuff, only him briefly mentioning that you needed to hand in your event proposal for the student committee before the deadline approached. It was unbelievably strange to watch the person you'd basically surgically attached to your being behave like a complete stranger. It didn't help that he didn't seemed unfazed approaching you, while you on the other hand actively avoided him and all the usual corners of campus where he liked to lurk (which sucked because those corners were some of your favourites places too). But there he was, ambling to you with an ease that made your gut violently twist, acrid bile slithering up your throat.
He'd spoken so freely, the sound of your name on his tongue a brand on your skin. You'd frozen, heart a wild animal locked in your chest, before you could summon the mettle to look him in the face.
The first thing you noted was that his hair was no longer long. Dark locks cropped short around his ears now and casually gelled back, idle strands playfully framing his face. His features are what you settled on next, eager eyes remapping the sharp slope of his nose, easily identifying the sneaky dimple on his cheek begging to burst free and then shifting down to the dark mark right below his soft pink lips.
Your first instinct was to pull him into your arms but they were frozen, glued to the table beneath you before that blinding rage rose it's head, sparking through your veins the longer you looked at him.
He didn't even seem to realise it, rattling off the list of things you needed to email him for the spring scavenger hunt or else the event could be cancelled (which sucked because that was an idea you had created with Jeongguk and now you were stuck carrying the bulk of the event alone).
Your replies had been curt, blunt as they left your lips before you'd pointedly turned away. Maybe if you had looked a little longer you would detected the lingering gaze he granted your features, how he shuffled on his feet, unsure and hesitant, words on his tongue longing to be released. Eventually he had swallowed him down, mumbled a quick goodbye and wandered off, the hands shoved in the pockets of his baggy jeans aching to hold yours again.
You, however, didn't miss the muffled giggles of girls he passed on his way out, a sick icky feeling clogging your throat. You didn't mind the fan girls when you were dating because you knew Jeongguk was yours and yours alone. But now? When he'd moved on not even a weak after your break-up you didn't know how to feel. Jealous, maybe. Furious, absolutely. For a second, you considered throwing your mini stapler at their huddled heads, weighing the odds of possibly going to jail for assault. But there was no reason to truly justify that reaction, not when Jeongguk was single and apparently available for everyone. But did that feeling still brew inside of you? Turning into something black and vile and vengeful? Perhaps.
And maybe that's why you're here now, the body of some boy pressing against yours, your bare back prickling as the night wind grazes against it. The dress you'd plucked from your closet was criminal, clinging to the dips and rounds of your body perfectly, a silky emerald backless piece that shimmered beneath the soft lights of the porch you'd abruptly accoupled. His name might be Lucas – you may have been able to accurately remember that three drinks ago but you're beyond that now. And it didn’t really matter when all you wanted was for him to fuck you. He's also big and huge, massive shoulders caving you in, and his hands is snaking it's way up your thighs, ginger kisses peppered along the span of your neck.
Which is not what you wanted. Not in a one-night stand at least. You don't want soft and gentle, you want something wild – feral even. Something harsh enough to wipe the memory of Jeongguk's hands on your skin, something bright and fierce and new. Something to make you feel alive again.
Lucas gets the hint soon enough, spurred on by the bold movement of your hand guiding his closer, right between your thighs were you wanted him. Deft harsh fingers on your clit followed, pressing against the damp fabric with no remorse. You couldn't help the whimper that floats from your lips, the tension stringing through your limbs finally alleviated.
"Cute," he murmurs, seemly pleased judging from the broad smile that tugs at his lips. You make a noise of agreement in return, drawing in him for a kiss as the pad of this thumb toys with you. There's the sillage of whiskey on his tongue, something that nearly makes you freeze because you're used to tasting that on Jeongguk. But you beat down that apprehension, a muffled moan breaking past your lips when Luca's tongue mets yours.
"My place?" He suggests, lips glimmering from your lip gloss. You smile, a familiar giddiness bubbling in your chest when he shifts a little, hard bulge bumping into the base of your stomach. You give in a little bit more easily than you normally would have, clinging onto his hand as he guides you out of the party towards the neighboring building. Chayoung and Sieun are going to kill you later for this but you simply can't force yourself to care. 
"You're in that frat?" You finally murmur out when he keys himself into the building. Lucas hums, glowing under the moonlight when he smiles at you.
"Mhm, Sigma Chi for life, babe."
Babe. A complete one-eighty from the bunny you'd grown accustomed to.
It hits a little harder when he gets you into his room, the mess unlike anything you'd ever seen at Jeongguk's (he's very anal but his room and how clean it should be, specific down even to the various scents he kept around to ensure the air he breathed was perfect). Lucas was the average frat boy, messy but neat enough that you find yourself naked on his bed a couple moments later, his tongue deep inside of you. Your brain couldn't help but recall the last time a head had settled between your thighs, Jeongguk eager to lick out the pool of cum he'd left there. But this wasn't him and as of five seconds ago you decided you’re no longer allowed to think about him.
Lucas makes it easy, tongue skilled and swift around your clit, a fervour in his movements that leaves you dripping down his chin. Jeongguk evaporates from your mind entirely when Lucas descends on you, his mouth glistening and his tongue tasting of you. His kisses are hungry now, forceful, just what you need. Your palms stray down his wide back, a strange tingle erupting in your gut when your nails dig and he groans right down your throat.
"You're so big," the comment is a mumbled slur, lost in Lucas's mouth. For a second, you think he misunderstands, his hard cock twitching against your thigh. You're actually talking about his shoulders; they're broad, muscles rippling every time he shifts to press you harder into the mattress. You like the weight of him on you, it makes forgetting easier.
But Lucas knows what you're saying, discerning your wandering fingers and clouded eyes well.
"I know," he returns with lopsided smile. "Perks of swimming."
Oh, of course he was an athlete. Maybe you had a type after all.
Before Jeongguk has a moment to resurface Lucas has you in his arms, easily twisting you around so that your face is buried in his sheets. It short-circuits you, brain sparking with how large and huge and strong he feels. The following sudden press of his lips against your ass doesn’t help, your heart thumping loud in your head as your shuffle onto your elbows.
"Good?" Lucas asks, rising to fetch a condom from his drawer.
"Mhm," you return, thighs trembling when he returns. He easily lines himself up with you, the head of his cock pressed into you coaxing a low groan from your throat. The first thrust hurts, probably because you're body isn't as on board with this as you thought. But that changes quick when Lucas's hand slides underneath you, swiftly settling on your clit until you're leaking around his length, skin tight with tension and sweat beading along the length of your back. The stretch feels strange – he's larger than Jeongguk, wider. At first it's too uncomfortable to feel good. Your senses narrow on the sound of your meeting instead, loud and lewd, your pussy squelching with every drag of his cock inside of you. The ripple of your ass helps you relax too, a pleasant almost dizzy feel spreading through your body when Lucas draws you closer, shoving himself deep inside, the whine floating from his lips painting your skin warm. He fucks you hard enough to leave marks, large fingers digger into your hips with every resounding collide of your bodies. You shiver when he finishes, a grimness appearing on your skin. It's vanished by Lucas tugging you close, his mouth light on your lip as he kisses you, cock slowly slipping out.
It feels better the second round. He's perceptive, quickly learning how you like your clit touched, or that you like when his teeth sink into your skin rather hard. You actually cum this time, spread open over his massive strong thighs, his length splitting you open, the stretched welcomed.
You forgot about Jeongguk and your sore heart for a total of two wonderous hours, before your phone starts blaring from your discarded mini-bag on the floor. Lucas is the one that gets it for you.
"Y/N! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" Chayoung's tone is aggrieved, wavering through the sound of some song blasting in the background.
"Oh. I left." You hope she gets it, doesn't press any further. But what was Chayoung if not a button pusher?
"No, I'm not home. And awhile ago." Lucas is pointedly not listening, pattering through the adjacent bathroom of his room. The pressure ebbs when he turns the tap on loud.
"I said I'm not home! And please stop yelling!"
There's a loaded pause. You can feel Chayoung thinking through the line. "Okay... Who are you with?"
"Fine, yes I'll meet you there," you say instead, completely ignoring her question. Lucas is out of the bathroom now, massive and still naked as his knee sinks into the mattress. He crawls to you as you scramble to get out, phone wedged between your shoulder and ear. "Yeah, yeah I know I'm sorry. I'll come get you."
"What the hell are you talking about Y/N? Who are you with?" Chayoung's words are bitter now, stinging as they hit your ear.
"Gimme five seconds, I'll be right there," you return, swiftly cutting the call. Chayoung is going to kill you the second you see her but you'd rather attempt to live through that than Lucas overhearing you gossip about him on the phone with your friend. The man in question is watching you with a chary gaze as you hurriedly tug your dress over your head. "Sorry," you supply, pulling the hem down hard over your butt. "My friend needs me."
He nods slow, strawberry blond locks swaying. He's actually very hot, an observation that has you stilling for a second.
"Cool. See you around, yeah?" His eyes are round and big, bright even – almost like Jeongguk's. That breaks the spell.
"Yeah, see you around." And then you take the chance to flee, bag swung over your shoulder. Except Lucas halts you with a low cough, raising his hand, something bunched up in it.
"You forget this, though." It's your underwear, red and lacy. Your cheeks match the colour of fabric, flushed hot as you pluck it out of his wide palm. Lucas watches you slip them on with a smug smile, one that you should hate but there's a humour in it that blooms through you. He lets you part with a fond squeeze of ass when he gets up to open the door, still grinning.
"See you, Y/N," he says, leaning against the doorframe. He's very tall too, how did you miss that?
"Yeah," you squeak back, eyes shifting from his face with speed. "See you."
He's not Jeongguk, and that's good. He also makes it easy for you to forget about Jeongguk, another plus. And you can't help but wonder as you scurry back to the party, that it might be nice to see him again.
That sentiment gets jumbled when Chayoung avidly spills to you later that she'd stumbled into Jeongguk with his hands tangled with another girls, leading her right out of the party as Lucas had lead you. It stings, of course it does, but not as much as the first one. Not when Lucas is in your DMs, his messages sweet albeit corny, and you can still recall the taste of you on his tongue. 
But despite everything, even with Jeongguk a new stranger and Lucas's body warming yours, you haven’t truly let go. You can feel it in how you cling to the clothes Jeongguk had left in your closet. He hadn't requested to come pick them up yet, a fact that keeps a wedge in the door you're not sure you can close alone. Your heart still spikes when you see him on campus, and there's a home game coming around the corner that you're longing to go to. Because you still want to see him. Still want to be by his side Sometimes it felt nice to want to forget but you couldn't – not yet at least, not until you know whether he wants to forget about you too.
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animeomegas · 4 years
Omega!Light - How do his plans change? If he had a mate?
Anon:  How about light yagami as an omega? It would be interesting considering how he plans on being 'justice and creating a new world. How would he feel of having an alpha mate?
Anon: Could I request for an omega light. I feel like it would really be interesting and it would make sense with the story line a bit. Considering he wants justice and all in an alpha-dominated world. "Omega rules over the world type of stuff "
(Hmm, this was an interesting one to write! It was a bit of a deep dive into Light’s psyche~ I’m sick at the moment and not taking my classes so I’m bulk writing some older requests right now! Sorry it took me so long to get to this. Enjoy!)
Warnings: Mpreg, Discrimination,  Light’s general blasé attitude towards murder.
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The World
Firstly, let’s look at the omegaverse world in Death Note (pre- Kira) and how it was for Light growing up as a male omega.
Light’s experiences with discrimination very much shaped his desire for justice. He felt like he was never given justice for the way he was treated and he was going to change that.
Omegaverse Japan was very prejudiced against omegas and Light felt these effects at a very young age. 
The first time was with an elderly neighbour of his. When his mother was proudly showing off his recent perfect test scores, the neighbour dismissed them with a comment about how he shouldn’t be focusing on education but on training to be a good mate and mother, and that alphas didn’t like omegas who focused outside of the family and the household. 
This was extreme, but it did reflect the biases of the older generations. 
At only six, Light was crushed, even if he kept those feelings to himself. Eventually, he vowed to show everyone who thought he couldn’t do ‘alpha things’ that he could, and not only that but he was better than any alphas at those things. 
Other examples of discrimination he faced are as follows:
Being told by his teacher that he should pick a new future career because “being a police officer is a demanding job. You’ll need to be at home for your future pups, Light kun!”
Alphas at his school never taking no for an answer when he rejects their advances (and the teacher ignoring this behaviour).
Gaining the attention of sleazy adult alphas starting from when he was only 14. 
In public, Light tried to play both a respectful genius and good omega boy. 
He would never dull his intelligence too much, but he remained soft-spoken and manipulated his way out of situations without causing a fuss. Eg. Claiming he was waiting until he finished school to court, rather than just rejecting his alphas classmates outright.
Light just found that this strategy made people leave him alone more often and therefore was his favourite. 
And then he finds the Death Note.
As an omega, Kira’s actions change ever so slightly. 
He is very harsh on hate crimes against omegas.
He goes so far as to seek them out, rather than mostly getting names from watching the news. 
This has the unfortunate side effect of L figuring out almost immediately that Kira is an omega though. Which ultimately increases suspicion on Light.
When Light finds out that L is also an omega, he can’t decide if he feels more or less angry. 
On one hand, he was imagining an arrogant asshole alpha that he would have been delighted to kill, so this is a more tolerable alternative.
On the other hand, shouldn’t L be supporting him making the world safer for omegas like them? It feels like L is betraying his kind which makes Light angrier.
In the earlier days, Kira’s focus on helping omegas and closing the discrimination gap makes him pretty popular, especially on anonymous internet forums. 
With an Alpha mate
Light met you at university. You were a tolerable classmate who expressed an interest in courting him. 
Light, although he had no interest in you, accepted the courtship to get L off his back. L had theorised that Kira was either an unmated omega, or mated and very angry/regretful about it. Considering Kira’s age, he decided it was likely the former. For this reason, he figured being in an active courtship would throw L off.
Light picked you because you were one of the more tolerable alphas, but he found himself surprised at how much he enjoyed your company. 
You actually listened to him, valued his opinions, supported his dreams. He found himself thinking that it wouldn’t be that bad to be mated to you. 
He pushed those thoughts back, following the courting motions with as little emotion as possible. 
But when he was in heat (a minimised one because he takes suppressants) he just really wanted you there with him. He was so confused and angry that he was feeling this way, but he caved in and called you over to spend time with him. 
As he laid in your embrace, he started trying to justify what he was doing. 
He liked to think he was a god, but ultimately he had the lifespan of a human. Who better to continue his legacy than his own child? For a child, he would need a mate. And you were the most tolerable alpha he had ever met. That’s the reason he was doing this.
So, he puts out feelers to see your opinion on Kira and eventually he tells you who he is. He is gleeful when he receives your support.
From this point, he throws himself into the relationship a lot more, moving on from courting to intended mates. 
He loves having someone he can be himself with. He never has to put up a mask with his alpha. 
His plan is to get pregnant after he’s established the new world order, then raise his child to take over when he’s too old. He doesn’t care what their primary or secondary gender is because he plans to make sure they are raised to be a suitable leader.
Light gritted his teeth as he persevered through his university coursework. His heat was driving him mad. He skin was itchy and he couldn’t focus properly. 
It would probably be better if you were here with him. 
No. He gripped his pen tightly. He didn’t need anyone else, certainly not an alpha. He was fine. He just needed to lay down for a bit, then he’d feel better. 
Closing his textbook, he stretched and made his way over to his bed, supressing a whine at the lack of a nest. No, he didn’t need a nest he was fine.
Okay, maybe he wasn't as fine as originally thought. It had been a few hours and he was only feeling worse. Maybe he should send you a message. Just so he could get back to work of course.
You knocked hesitantly on Light’s front door, clutching your bag tightly. Light had sent you a cryptic message and you were a little worried about him.
His mother opened the door and ushered you up to Light’s room with a smile. You thanked her politely before walking quickly to Light’s bedroom. You knocked twice before tentatively swinging open the door. You saw Light sitting up in bed, looking a little ruffled, like he’d been asleep. You took a deep breath. He was in heat... The omega you were courting had just invited you into his room while he was in heat! Your alpha puffed up in pride.
But... where was his nest? 
“Hey Light.” You spoke quietly. “How are you feeling?” You moved to sit on the edge of his bed, watching carefully for any signs of rejection. 
“Like crap.” He let out a strained laugh. “I need to get my work done, but I can’t do anything like this.”
You hesitated. “Where is your nest? You’d probably feel a lot better in there.”
“I don’t have one.” Light said shortly. 
“Oh!” You said, flustered. “That’s fine. I just thought- but that was rude, I’m sorry.”
Light rolled his eyes. “It’s fine, just drop it.”
You let out a sigh of relief, scooting closer to him and wrapping an arm around his waist. Light automatically leaned onto your shoulder before realising what he was doing and starting to pull away. Before he could, you tightened your grip, releasing a calming scent as you enjoyed the physical affection. Light hesitated, but the feeling of burning itchiness was finally starting to subside and he couldn’t help but lean into the person providing the soothing sensation. 
He was only doing this so he would be feeling well enough this evening to write in the Death Note. That’s it. Nothing else. 
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dollslayer · 3 years
Please continue the Scandal-based Steve fic, you write the best angst ever!!!!
A/N: As you wish! Thank you so much for reading, hope this is up to par 💖 (ps- if you commented on the first one I'm tagging you for this follow up, no permanent tags tho don't worry!)
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader, Steve Rogers x Peggy Carter
Warnings: pseudo-cheating, angst, alcohol consumption, swearing, love triangle, secret relationship
Part One HERE I Main Masterlist
It’s been an entire week since you walked out on Steve. He never did find the words to tell you that he wasn’t going to leave Peggy, but you never found the words to explicitly leave him, either. You were both in a game of chicken that you’d unknowingly started and neither of you had found the courage to finish it.
It was so easy when you were swept up in the moment, a storm of anger and hurt that finally came to a breaking point. But now you were past it and found yourself lost. The only thing making you feel better was seeing that Steve was having just as hard a time as you were. He wasn’t as outgoing, he was making dumb mistakes, he was off his game. You didn’t necessarily want Steve to suffer but it was reassuring in some way, to know that he felt anything for you. You just wanted this entire mess to be over.
But when the mess was over, what would you want to come of it? Do you even want to be with Steve any more? Or do you just not want him to be with Peggy? Thinking it through, what you felt for Steve was real, real enough to pull on your heartstrings and real enough to hurt. After all of the grief that Steve has caused you you’re not sure that you could properly forgive him. Maybe over time but you couldn’t see yourself trying to rebuild your relationship when the two of you had so much else to focus on.
So now you were caught in some sort of relationship purgatory because you were too afraid to end it. And he was too much of a coward to admit he’s been in the wrong this whole time. Honestly you can’t justify Steve’s actions on any level when it came down to it. His men are in the midst of war and fighting Hydra and he really thinks that a relationship is going to be their saving grace and reassurance? Bull.
On some level, no matter how deep it is, Steve saw something for her that he didn’t see in you and he felt some affection for her. Maybe saying that the relationship was just a front was his way of covering his real feelings for her. But he’d be damned if he thought he could have his cake and eat it too. You’d spent many a night cycling through this thought process and ending up right where you started.
Getting nowhere in your deliberating you decided to bury yourself in your work. You’d always felt that it was fulfilling work, you helped civilians and military alike with your work and you were damn good at it. So you plunged head-first into your codebreaking and strategy-forming and put your in-limbo relationship on the back burner.
Throwing yourself head first into work turned out to be in your best interest for the time being. The last two missions had been a success but per usual, you had gone unrecognized. That’s fine, you didn’t need to be patted on the back every time you excelled but every once in a while it would be nice. And thanks to your codebreaking, once again, you find yourself stuck in the corner of the dingy pub you had lost your mind in just a week ago. Unappreciated. Or so you thought.
You sat back thinking Steve wasn’t under Peggy’s thumb this time but he was trying his best to make the most of the moment over a pint with the rest of the commandos. And you were back in what was becoming your usual corner of the pub, sipping on a dry red wine. It was bitter on your tongue but after the week you’ve had you needed a drink, even if it meant seeing them.
“You did good back there, thank you” Bucky’s voice shook you from your thoughts. “Okay if I sit?”
You were so caught off guard by anyone really speaking to you, let alone praising you that you couldn’t find anything to say. You just stared at Bucky with wide eyes before nodding slowly. He settled into the chair next to you and took a swig from his bottle.
“You know, on the outside you don’t seem like you’re gonna be much but when you put yourself to work… it’s somethin’ else. You’re a natural.” Bucky told you.
“Um, thanks, I guess?” You brushed off the compliment to give him one of your own, “We wouldn’t be sitting here right now if it weren’t for you all. I’m just some codebreaker, you’re the one doing the leg work”
“Give yourself some credit, you deserve it.” Bucky patted you on the shoulder and for the first time in weeks you felt a spark of genuine happiness. You shyly smiled up at Bucky and took a sip of your wine.
“So, you wanna tell me what’s got Steve snappin’ his cap at everyone? You two break up?”
Your eyes rounded in surprise. You were so sure that no one had known. You were so sure Steve didn’t want anyone to so it didn’t occur to you that Bucky might’ve known.
“Did… Steve tell you? About us?”
“Didn’t have to. I ran after him to talk a few weeks ago and found you two smoochin’”
Your face heated in slight embarrassment but you nodded in understanding.
“I just… it’s not fair that he should show her off like she’s his sweetheart while I’m treated like some dirty secret. I gave him a piece of my mind and he wasn’t able to cope. But I don’t know where this leaves us. He didn’t split but there’s just no way we could go on like this.”
Bucky looked a little miffed but grunted in affirmation. He shook his head and clenched his jaw.
“I knew he and Peggy weren’t for real but what he’s been doin’ to ya ain’t right. Sorry Steve’s been such a knucklehead. My two cents, you go back to him and confront him. And if he’s too much of a punk to see what he’s got you walk.”
You shakily exhale and take another gulp before setting your palms flat against the table.
“Easier said than done, but you’re right”
“I love him, he’s my brother but forget him if he’s too much of a jerk to know what he’s got. But for now let’s just get pleasantly drunk, whaddya say?”
Rather than giving him an answer you downed the rest of your glass and put it down on the table. Bucky was looking at you with a toothy grin.
“Atta girl”
The evening had been as promised, you were pleasantly drunk and for the first time in weeks you were letting yourself enjoy the moment. Bucky was funny and kind to you when no one else had even batted an eye and you found yourself grateful for his company that night.
You were humming to yourself as you walked back to your room but just when you reached for the door a hand reached out for your wrist. You didn’t need to look up to know that the hand belonged to Steve. You denied yourself the comfort you found in physical contact and reminded yourself of the situation. You sighed and looked up to him expectantly.
“You and Buck? Just what the hell’s going on?” Steve demanded.
“Oh so now you want to talk to me? You only care now that you’re not my main focus?” You shot right back at him. You swayed slightly, tipsy still from the wine.
Steve’s jaw tensed and he schooled his features though you could tell he was simmering on the inside.
“No”, he said calmly, “I just wanted to know. If you’re trying to make me jealous it’s not going to work.”
“Well I wasn’t trying but apparently it is working.”
Steve’s hands balled into fists and you could see veins beginning to spout in his hands. He didn’t say anything so you continued.
“I give you an ultimatum and tell you how much you’ve hurt me and you only come back once I turn my attention to your best friend? He’s the only one that’s said a nice word to me this whole time. The rest have been caught up in the lie you’ve been spinning with Peggy!”
Your anger was getting the better of you but you were letting it. Anger got you through it the first time, it’ll get you out no matter how it ends.
“That’s not fair-”
“You’re not fair, Steve. The way you’ve been treating me, it isn’t right! I gave you a choice and you’ve been dragging your feet. I’m going to ask you one more time, Steve. Me? Or Her?”
Steve was silent again, you could tell he wasn’t thinking about what he wanted, but he was forming an answer. Deep down you knew it would come to this. He’s never going to hold your hand in public, there’s never going to be an apartment in Brooklyn, there’s never going to be an us between you. Maybe there never was.
Steve started to call your name but you shook your head and scrunched your eyes closed in a mixture of frustration and pain. Tears were welling in your eyes but you’d be damned if Steve Rogers would see a single one fall. He doesn’t deserve it. He doesn’t deserve you, he never did.
“I’m sorry…” Steve offered lamely.
“No, you’re not.” Maybe that wasn’t fair of you to say, Steve did look to be in genuine emotional pain over this but right now you didn’t care. If he had felt any true remorse he wouldn’t have let himself get anywhere with Peggy in the first place.
“I really did want all of that with you, I still do. We could still have it, we just need to get through this, please.”
You shook your head and started ushering him towards the door.
“No, Steve. That’s all gone now. You had your chance but I’m worth more than how you treat me.”
You opened the door and waited for him to leave.
“I think you should go. I don’t have anything left to say to you.”
With that Steve sighed heavily but left with his head hung between his shoulders. You could’ve sworn he was crying but you didn’t care if he was. He made this happen and he didn’t treat you right. So this is what happened.
Tears finally make their way down your face but you don’t feel sad. It’s cathartic almost, like a weight lifted. You’d probably put in for a transfer with the SSR just to save the team the grief but for now you’d keep your head down, keep working. Damn Steve Rogers for not seeing in you what you saw in yourself and damn anyone else that didn’t either.
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awritingtree · 3 years
The Glistening Sun and The Glowing Moon
Remus Lupin x Hufflepuff!reader
Summary: Remus Lupin has finally gotten a chance to spend time with his long-term crush but he messes up. Will she forgive him? Will he ever build up the courage to tell her how he feels?
@slytherinquill’s writing challenge: Prompt 16. ***A: *In a conversation with B* So… What do we do now?C: “In the other room* What did they say?!A: Stop eavesdropping if you’re not even going to be good at it!*** The prompts have been bolded :)
Someone please tell me if they know the new url because I never know when people change it
Words: ~3.3k
Warnings: scars, self-deprecation/hate, body issues, slight bullying about appearance, pining, fluff, tiny bit of angst, 
A/N: so I tried my best with how having scars and everything feels. I’m posting after ages because I'm really busy studying for my med school exam and tbh I was lazy. But I finally posted!! I hope you enjoy this xx
Remus Lupin often found himself pondering what he had done to receive a cruel fate. What had he been thinking when he fell for Y/N Y/L/N, the girl that brightly lit up every room she entered. The girl who was not only smart but kind and modest too, the girl who excelled in her lessons with hard work and perseverance. The girl that was so beautiful, she was a walking masterpiece.
They could not be more different. While Y/N spoke to almost everyone, had friends in every house, Remus could only call seven Gryffindors his friends.
Remus cowered in fear; made himself look much smaller than he is to hide away from the rest of the world. But Y/N Y/L/N; Y/N would walk around with her head held up high, wearing the scar that stretched from the beginning of her right eyebrow, down across her nose and cheek and to her left jaw proudly. Remus had always noticed her around, she was good friends with Lily but she had never interacted with any of the Marauders. Well not unless you count the times she'd tell them to be quiet when they were causing a ruckus during class.
Remus had spoken to Y/N once, on a complete accidental note. He’d heard her complaining to her friends about how she was nervous about the upcoming Potions assignment as they waited for Professor McGonagall to allow them into her classroom. He had blurted it out thoughtlessly like a complete and utter fool.
“I could tutor you!”
His eyes had widened, his face flushing as she turned around with a confused look on her face, wondering who’d spoken. When her Y/E/C eyes fell on his blushing face she’d smiled softly.
“Really?��� she had asked with a hopeful glint in her eyes.
Remus’ hair had flopped everywhere as he had nodded vigorously, stuttering out a quiet yes. Her friends had giggled at his flustered behaviour causing his scarlet face to redden further. But Y/N, Y/N had taken no note of his embarrassing behaviour and thanked him for his offer saying she would talk to him soon. The hope in his chest had blossomed like a sunflower under the spring sun.
But that had been a week ago and Remus had not yet held one conversation with her. He’d often witnessed her walking around the corridors with her friends who seemed to always start giggling when he passed by them, probably laughing about their previous encounter, one he believed he had completely humiliated himself in. The only interaction Remus had with Y/N in the past week was the smiles they shared whenever they saw each other and so, his hope dwindled.
“Why don’t you just ask her out, Moony?”
Remus snapped out of his daydream at the sound of James’s voice. He blushed as Y/N sent him a smile, realizing he’d been caught staring. Sending a shy smile back he looked away.
He slammed his head against the wooden table groaning, “Kill me. Just kill me, Prongs.”
“I thought Padfoot was supposed to be the dramatic one,” Peter commented.
Remus lifted his head to send his friend a glare as Sirius exclaimed in protest.
“Why don’t you just ask her out?” Lily asked kindly.
Remus leaned against his arm, the heel of his palm tucked under his chin as his hazel eyes drifted back to the girl sitting on the Hufflepuff table.
“She’s just so beautiful, intelligent, kind and I’m just… me.”
He sighed, placing his hands on his laps and playing with them, his blond hair falling onto his forehead brushing against his eyelashes whenever he blinked. All his friends frowned at his insecure thoughts, they hated the way he saw himself. They desperately wished that their friend could see the way they saw him, the way everyone saw him, but himself.
“That’s not true-”
“Hello, Remus.”
Remus' head snapped up at the sound of the sweet voice, the voice that sounded like tiny bells chiming in the wind to his ears.
“Hi- hi. Hello Y/N.”
Y/N giggled slightly at his stuttering but in a manner that didn’t make him feel like she was laughing at him.
“I was wondering if it would be alright if we met up at the library today?”
Remus let out a sound, flabbergasted. Y/N’s eyes widened, quickly proceeding to justify her request.
“I mean you said you’d help me with the upcoming Potions assignment! I thought I would take you up on the offer,” she said in a hurry.
Remus stared at her in disbelief. Only when a sharp pain shot through his shin did he open his mouth.
“Oh um. Yes. Alright. Of course. Today. Library. Potions. No problem. Okay. Yes.”
Y/N relaxed, smiling at him gratefully.
“Thank you!” she said, bouncing slightly in place, “Is after classes alright?”
Remus mutely nodded, dumbfounded, his mind still processing what was happening.
“Great. See you then!” Y/N said before heading back to her group of friends who were watching the entire scene play out at the Hufflepuff table, walking with a newfound skip in her steps.
“You are pathetic,” said Sirius as he watched his friend slam his head back onto the table.
It would surely leave a mark based on how loud the smack sound was.
He had once again humiliated himself in front of Y/N and this time he believed there was no way to redeem himself. There was no chance in hell that she didn’t believe he was a complete moron.
Remus had been hyping himself up the entire day, barely concentrating on any word that left his professors’ mouths. He spent the full day preparing himself to not make a fool out of himself again.
He took a deep breath and shook out the nerves from his body before walking into the library at the end of the day towards the table where Y/N was already sitting.
Her Y/H/C was pulled back into a low ponytail, a few stray strands framing her gorgeous face. Her eyebrows were furrowed as she scanned the book open in front of her. The scar on her face was light, standing out prominently under the bright sunlight streaming in through the window she was sitting next to. In her hands was a quill which she was twirling around absentmindedly as she looked for information in the pages before her.
Remus stood afar for a while, admiring her simplistic beauty, one that never once managed not to take his breath away.
He slowly strode up to the table once he realized he had been staring at her for an amount of time that was borderline creepy. He quietly placed his bag near the foot of his chair as he sat down on it, slouching.
Y/N jumped in her seat at the quiet greeting he whispered. Her startled Y/E/C eyes relaxed as they landed on his figure. She pushed a strand of hair out of her face.
“Sorry,” she muttered, “I was a bit startled.”
Remus smiled endearingly at the sight of her crimson cheeks, “It’s all right. I should’ve used a better method to make you aware of my presence rather than scaring you.”
Y/N quickly pulled out her Potions textbook from her bag, removing another spare piece of parchment along with it.
“So where shall we begin?” she asked with a small grin.
The two got to work; Remus explaining the assignment and what was required while Y/N sat and listened. The sky outside began to change colours, the blue fading into an ocean of orange, pink, purple and red. The sunlight switched from a bright to a deep shade of orange.
Y/N admired Remus’ face as the setting sun cast shadows on his features. His light brown hair resembled a golden halo at the top of his head in the sunshine. His green-coloured eyes mesmerized her; she had always loved the colour of his eyes. They reminded her of the vast forest standing out at the edge of Hogwarts, the luscious grass, the mint that gave her the morning mint tea. Remus held the colours of budding spring in his eyes; ever-young, bold and beautiful. Y/N’s eyes trailed the shape of Remus’ eyebrows, the sharpness of his rosy cheeks, the prominence of his jaw. She outlined the curves of his mouth, his tongue poking out every few minutes to wet his pink chapped lips.
“Hello? Y/N?” Y/N blinked, almost comically, as Remus’ deep voice brought her out of her daydream.
Her cheeks unwillingly burned under his stare, ashamed that she had been caught daydreaming about him, not that he knew that in particular.
“Yes, yes. Sorry,” she said.
Remus peered at her through his eyelashes, “It’s okay. I know it can get a bit boring.”
Y/N paid no mind to his words, frowning as she noticed his slouching body, trying to make himself appear shorter than he was. His head was hunched over, his neck never fully straight, concealing his face from the world.
Y/N ignored the worried look on Remus’ face and reached forward to brush the hair covering his dreamy eyes out of his forehead. His hair was soft just like she’d had dreamt it would be.
Remus stared at her, his lips slightly parted in shock. The feeling of her smooth hand running through his hair putting him in a daze. Her hand trailed the side of his face, stopping under his chin lifting his head to stand straight up. Remus’ eyes dropped to the chipped wood on the tabletop as she whispered a question.
“Why do you hide yourself?”
Before Remus could respond, a band of Slytherins passed by their table snickering.
One of the members spoke, “Look what we have here. The scarfaces are friends.”
The group burst out laughing. Y/N went to stand up, enraged and ready to give them a piece of his mind but a hand pulling her back down stopped her. She turned to look at Remus confused as to why he was stopping her.
“Leave it,” he whispered, “Reacting will only make it worse.”
The pit of snakes walked out of the library yelling out other taunts and not quietening down even as Madame Pince shushed them.
Y/N gazed at Remus who could not seem to meet her eyes. Upon hearing the rustling of papers, Remus looked up to see Y/N packing her bag, upset.
“Y/N, wait!”
“I’m sorry Remus. Thank you for your help but I need to go,” she said before hastily making her way out of the library without giving him a chance to reply. Remus watched Y/N’s retreating figure defeatedly until she disappeared. Remus sighed, burying his face into his hands.
‘Why can’t you do anything right?’ he scolded himself.
Another week passed by. During this week, Remus did all he could to apologize to Y/N but she would not give him the time of the day. She avoided him like the plague; leaving the Great Hall when he entered, sitting as far away as possible in the lessons they shared, took different longer routes to her lessons through which she knew there would be no chance of bumping into him. She even went as far as spending all of her free time in the Hufflepuff common room, never once stepping foot into the library.
Others didn’t know why she was so upset. No one knew what it was like to live with such imperfections displayed on their face for all to see.
Y/N understood that Remus didn’t like others to see his scars but that did not mean she didn’t. She had worked so hard to build her confidence up to what it was. She had put a lot of effort into priding herself on how she looked, not to be ashamed. She had taught herself not to cower away from her reflection or due to the weight of others’ whispers and stares. So when Remus, the one person she had expected to understand, had stopped her from standing up for herself, for them, she felt hurt.
It may be an overreaction and Y/N should’ve forgiven Remus by now but when he had told her to sit back and quietly listen to the horrendous opinions others had about them, she felt annoyed, offended, hurt. But most importantly she felt disfigured.
Remus knew he had messed up. He had messed up big time. He had never been satisfied with how he looked, the scars marking his face making him feel ugly. But that was until he had seen Y/N in their second year. The Hufflepuff girl with a scar similar to his, who wore the scar like a brave warrior.
Remus had believed he was helping her when he’d stopped her from fighting with the Slytherins but it seemed he had made things much worse because by not speaking up against their vile words. He had in a way confirmed their words, confirmed that the scars were ugly, a thing to be ashamed of and disgusted by. He had unintentionally said that he believed their words to be true, that he thought he was hideous, that Y/N’s face was repulsive.
“Talk to her.”
“What the bloody hell do you think I’ve been trying to do this past week?” Remus asked, annoyed as he shoved another piece of chocolate into his mouth.
It was his third chocolate bar of the day and it was only noon.
“I mean corner her. Give her no means to escape then she’ll have to listen,” Sirius shrugged, moving about their shared room to fall face-first onto his bed.
“Bad move. She’ll hate you even more,” James said, his voice muffled by his pillow.
“What other option does he have left?” Peter spoke up as he ate yet another piece of cauldron cake.
“I should just leave her alone,” said Remus quietly, playing with a loose thread on his sweater, “It’s clear she wants nothing to do with me.”
He gazed at the thread for a bit, his mouth turned down.
“I think I’m going to go for a walk. Clear my head,” he said, getting up and leaving.
Sirius lifted his head from his head to look at his two best friends, “I think we know what to do boys.”
After a long walk through the grounds of Hogwarts, Remus was making his way back to the Gryffindor common room, his head in a much better mindset than before. The corridor was surprisingly empty but he guessed everyone must be in their rooms, catching up on some much-needed sleep or doing the humongous pile of work they’d been assigned.
Remus paused and looked around the corridor thinking he had heard some footsteps. He shrugged and continued on his way when his eyes saw nothing but armours and portraits. Suddenly a push forced him into a classroom, the door locking behind him.
Remus stumbled before starting to bang on the door in a panic. “Hey! This is not funny! Open up!”
“Don’t bother,” a silky voice cut his shouting short, “I’ve been trying that for the past few minutes and no one is opening the door.”
Realization dawned on Remus. He turned around to face Y/N, a guilty look on his face, “I think I might know who is responsible.”
“Your friends. I know, it became obvious when you were shoved into the door.”
Remus smiled apologetically, “I’m sorry. I don't know what they were thinking. They shouldn’t have-”
“Remus,” she stopped his ramble, “It’s okay. I know you weren’t involved in whatever they planned.
“You never seem to be,” she shrugged.
Remus looked at her curiously, “What do you mean?”
Y/N looked down at the feet, trying to hide the blush on her cheeks as she realized what she seemed to have admitted.
“Your pranks. I’ve noticed you usually don’t participate in many of them.”
Remus raised his eyebrows at her confession, “Yo- you’ve noticed me?”
Y/N looked up and gazed into his eyes, “I’ve always noticed you.”
Remus gulped, lost on what to do next, “Why?”
Y/N smiled at Remus walking up to him.
To Remus, Y/N may glisten like the sun but to Y/N, Remus glowed. He glowed like the moon hanging in the night sky taking attention away from the billions of twinkling stars. He glowed to bring light on the darkest of nights.
Remus’s eyes closed in pleasure, suppressing a shiver as she traced his scars endearingly.
“Why?” she whispered.
Remus let out a shaky breath at her proximity, her breath fanning his lips.
“Because I find you to be exquisite, Remus Lupin.”
Remus gasped as Y/N’s lips touched his. His eyes fluttered shut as their lips moved against each other slowly and clumsily, testing the new waters they found themselves in.
Y/N pulled away and began to press soft kisses against his scars. In between each sentence she spoke, “You are intelligent. You are kind. You are caring. You are beautiful.”
She cupped his face in her hands looking directly into his teary eyes, trying to make him believe that she meant every single word that fell from her lips from the bottom of her heart, “You are perfect Remus.”
Remus pressed his lips firmly against Y/N’s, encircling an arm around her waist bringing her closer as his other hand cupped her face and tilted it allowing him to deepen the kiss. Y/N’s hands left Remus’ face and buried themselves in his hair, tugging at it. Their lips moved passionately against each other, their senses overwhelmed with the amount of serotonin coursing through their veins.
They pulled away from each other with giddy smiles on their faces. Remus tucked her hair behind her ear before trailing down to admire the crescent moon necklace that hung around her neck, the metal cold against his warm fingertips.
“So... what do we do now?” Remus asked insecurely.
Y/N was stopped from answering at the sounds of rustling and whispering, “What did they say!?”
Remus sighed in exasperation before shouting, “Stop eavesdropping if you’re not even going to be good at it!”
A thump of a body falling against the floor and a few curses later, the sound of receding footsteps echoed through the otherwise empty corridor and classroom.
Remus smiled lovingly at the sight of Y/N trying to hush her giggles by covering her mouth.
“I’m sorry about them,” said Remus after her giggling died out.
“They are not much different from my friends,” Y/N reassured him, “They were chaperoning our study date last week. I’m surprised you didn’t notice them.”
“Study date, huh?” Remus questioned with a smirk.
“Well yeah,” Y/N shrugged, looking at her hands nervously fidgeting with the hem of Remus’ sweater, “At least I hoped it was.”
Remus chuckled, glad to not be the one who was flustered for once. He placed two fingers below Y/N’s chin to lift her gaze to his.
“Actually, I was hoping I could take you out on a proper first date tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow? But it’s a-”
“Sunday, yes. But my plans don’t involve Hogsmeade.”
“That’s only if you have the time. If you want to,” Remus quickly added, hoping it didn’t look like he was forcing her into anything.
Y/N smiled lovingly, “I would love to.”
In Y/N’s opinion, the consequent radiant smile that overtook Remus’ face outshone the sun, moon and stars combined.
If you enjoyed reading this fic, please like/comment/reblog! Your opinion/feedback is welcome, appreciated, and motivating :)
General taglist: @heloisedaphnebrightmore @pregnant-piggy @approved-by-dentists @remmyswritings @angelxnaa @outer-banks-bitches @coffee--writes @kinkyduuh @ickle-ronniekins @the-mighty-bookworm @chaoticgirl04 @malfoyspogue @dracofeltonmalfoy @dracosmainhoe @tinylumpiaa @natasha-romancff @theweasleysredhair @pandaxnienke @george-fabian-weasley @sarcasticallywitty15 @amourtentiaa @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts
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People's Paradise - Part 2
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Summary: Steve’s feelings for you are growing but so are Bucky’s feelings for you. You are unaware of your appeal that just makes everything more complicated.
Pairing: Bucky x reader; Bucky x angel!reader
Warning: non, just fluff and feelings
Author’s note: I hope you'll enjoy this story. Please be aware that English is not my first language. And thank you to everyone who reads my stories and especially to those who write nice comments. I’m so overwhelmed by that that I can't reply (because I’m just blushing and giggling). :D 
Part 1 - His angel 
You and Bucky woke up and parted before anyone else could see you. Around lunchtime Bucky came into the common room, pissed off because his psychiatrist is the most annoying person he has ever met and because he wasn’t allowed to go on missions like the others. Then according to the doctor he was still unstable. To his surprise he found you lying headfirst on the couch. The pink headphones on your head and the slight movements of your feet implied that you were listening to music while reading a big book. Bucky leaned against the kitchen counter pouring some gin into his glas and watching you. Suddenly you looked up like you felt his presence in the room. „Oh. You’re back. How was it?“, you asked taking your headphones off. Bucky didn’t answer and just shrugged. You nodded in understanding. „Why are you here? Why aren’t you on their mission?“, Bucky asked. „I’m not allowed to go on missions. This would be interfering the human order and I would cause problems with that. Angels are watching me 24/7 to make sure I stay put.“ You looked outside the window realizing how warm and sunny it is. 
„Do you wann go out with me?“. Bucky almost choked on his drink. „Like a date?“
„Oh. I meant do you wanna go outside with me- there’s a lake nearby and it’s really peaceful there.“, you smiled at him with your big (y/e/c) eyes and Bucky hadn’t it in him to say no to you even thought he just wanted to stay home. „But I don’t swim.“ You beamed at him. „You don’t have to.“
Half an hour later you both arrived at the lake and Bucky instantly regretted it. The lake was beautiful indeed but dozen of people were there as well- running, swimming, laughing and shouting at each other. „I thought you said it’d be calm.“, Bucky muttered annoyed. „Did I?“, you said happily already looking for a nice spot. As you and Bucky lay down you couldn’t help but chuckle. He looked so out of place with his jeans and shirt and shoes still on. In contrast you lay on your stomach with a red bikini that Bucky cursed himself. Why did he decide to come to the lake with you. You were pure temptation and it took Bucky everything to resist you; to not touch you. „Why are we here again?“
You turned to your left to look at him. Bucky lay on his back but his upper body was up like a small crunch while his elbows supported his weight. His sunglasses covered his eyes but you were pretty sure screwed his eyes. „I like it here. It’s people’s paradise. Everyone here is happy and carefree.“, You hummed and started to read the next chapter. Reading it out loud so quietly that only Bucky could hear you words. The voices and laughs of the children faded away and he almost dozed off if a volleyball wouldn’t have been flying in your direction and Bucky caught the ball effortlessly with his right hand. 
Seconds later two college students were running towards you both. „I’m so sorry.“, said a high-pitched voice. The girl seemed nervous, playing with her hair and fluttering her eyelashes. „Nice catch.“, said a boy’s voice, clearly impressed. „Would you like to join? We play beach volleyball over there.“, He nodded to the girls and boys to his left. 
Before Bucky could decline you closed your book and looked up. „Beach volleyball sounds fun.“ The boy was obviously stunned by your appearance that he had a hard time trying to catch his breath. „You can play too.“, His voice was dry and nervous. „Awesome. Give us a minute.“ You clapped happily in your hands. 
„I don’t want to play volleyball with these kids.“, Bucky snarled angrily at you. „C’mon. Just one game. If you don’t like it, we will leave after that. I promise. But I’m pretty sure it will be great“
„Have you ever played it before?“, asked Bucky annoyed. „No, I haven’t but I watched the olympics last year.“, you winked at him.
You and Bucky were in opposite teams and you both dominated the game clearly. So after 3 rounds they decided to make it even more interesting. 2 versus 2. Bucky and a girl called Amanda, who was extremely good at this sport and you and a boy named Leon. Before the game started you grinned at Bucky. He looked so normal at this moment. Carefree. He laughed and you could see the little wrinkles around his eyes. He got rid of his shirt some games ago and just like the other girls you enjoyed the view of his trained body. His abs were glistening due to the sweat. This game felt like a game just between you both. Two soldiers who were tired of fighting but in that moment you both were free and normal and enjoying life.
„Be honest. You just won because of your angel power.“, Bucky chuckled as you walked to the car. You threw your head back laughing. It was already dark outside. You both spent more time at the lake than you thought. „I can’t help it. I’m an angel. I can’t turn it off.“ You looked at Bucky taking in his smile and his happiness. „I’m happy that you enjoyed today.“, you said sincerely.
„I felt like the boy I was before going to war. I thought I’d never feel that way again.“ He was thankful. Thankful that you were by his side. 
Back in the compound you guys were greeted by a rather angry Steve. „Where have you been?“ He looked furious and you couldn’t understand it. „What? Did something happen on the mission?“, you asked terrified walking up to him. Your hands were caressing his trained triceps in a comforting way. Steve shrugged off your hands. „I’ll tell you what happened. We came back from our mission and you both weren’t there. You weren’t there.“ Steve looked at you directly, accusing you to the seemingly bad thing you did. You looked around to the other avengers who looked away awkwardly. You looked back to Steve, crossing your arms. Bucky observed you intensively. You seemed unsure and puzzled. „And that was wrong?“ First, Bucky thought you were provoking Steve with your question but then it dawned on him. You didn’t know how Steve felt. You were an angel still trying to figure out how to be human. Steve pinched the bridge of his nose, clearly annoyed. „Where were you both?“ He asked.
„At the lake. We played beach volleyball.“, you smiled looking at Bucky. „You two were at our lake?“ Steve looked at you in utterly disbelief and almost heartbroken. You widened your eyes, knowing you must have said something wrong. „What? No, I mean… I don’t own this lake. Other people were there as well.“, you tried to justify your actions, thinking that Steve meant a posted property by using the possessive pronoun. He just stared at you, shaking his head and stormed out. „Steve, wait!“, you shouted but he ignored you. You slouched your shoulders and walked into your room. 
You couldn’t sleep that night so you decided to go on the balcony. You breathed in the cold, rainy air and studied the stars above your head. „I hope you don’t mind“, Suddenly Bucky stood next to you, imitate your actions by starring at the stars as well. He lighted a cigarette and exhaled. „I’m sorry about the argument with Steve.“, he said softly. „Don’t be. He was just upset because the mission was a mislead. I’ll talk with him tomorrow.“ 
„He was worried about you.“, stated Bucky. „That’s the reason why he was angry with you.“
„Really? But I’m way stronger than everyone else. That doesn’t make any sense.“, you mumbled. Bucky smiled. „Yeah. That thing never makes any sense.“, Bucky looked away from the stars and studied your face. „I enjoyed the day at the lake. I enjoyed your company.“ He whispered. „Sometimes I get the feeling that I’ve known you before. That I’ve know you my whole life.“
„Impossible.“ You whispered looking into his blue eyes and then on his lips. Bucky smelled of cigarette and coffee and rain. It was an intoxicating smell that you couldn't really focus. He was just centimeters from you and in seconds you would feel his hard lips on your soft ones. Suddenly a lout thud was heard as if someone in the kitchen dropped something. You couldn’t see the person because of the darkness. You gulped, stepping away from Bucky, making space. „I think I should go to bed now.“, you mumbled sloping your shoulders. Bucky gazed after you, regretting not kissing you. Regretting letting you go.
Adoration - Part 3
@jessyballet​ @geek-and-proud​ @xlostinobsessionsx​ @cataves​ @intothesoul​
209 notes · View notes
Request:  “Can you do 1 and 8 on the smut list for Fred or George?”
(”Bite me”/”You’re so sexy when you’re mad”)
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader 
Word count: 1.6k 
A/N: I didn't want to make it too smutty just because I didn’t think it fit too well with everything going on so its a little trash :/ I still love my boi Freddie 
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Upon proposition, both you and Harry had agreed to teach what he was calling ‘Dumbledore’s Army’ a series of spells and techniques that were deprived of them since Umbridge had arrived. You were a little hesitant at first, and not because of Umbridge, god how you hated that woman. Your worries lay with the responsibility that you and Harry had if entering this agreement, you didn’t want to put anyone in danger.
Of course, you and Harry had become almost experts in the field of Defence Against the Dark Arts, you especially due to your close relationship with Lupin. Remus had taught you pretty much all you needed to know in the comfort of your own home, whereas Harry kind of had to pick it up considering the various dangerous circumstances he seemed to land himself in year after year.
You couldn’t disappoint Harry, not when he needed you, he was like family after all.
“Today me and Y/N are going to be demonstrating a typical duel” Harry announced to the rather sheepish looking crowd “and more importantly, how to win one” you chimed in successfully gaining a laugh from the room.
After bowing your heads, you and Harry began to take your places from one end of the room to another with each other.
“Ready?” Harry asked for confirmation; however, you couldn’t help but get distracted last minute. In the corner of your eye you noticed one of your best friends, Fred, flirting with Angelina Johnson.
You, Fred and George had been friends ever since you joined the Quidditch team in your first year, but recently you had felt differently towards Fred. Getting older gave you feelings you didn’t necessarily understand and on the most part Fred just seemed to annoy you these days – especially when he flaunted around girls.
“Actually Harry, change of plans” you began, causing him to lower his wand in a state of bewilderment “I think it’s best if we use a student with less knowledge for the demonstration, you know, for uh, a better example of the power they’ll be up against” you tried to justify your decision.
“Right, right, yeah of course!” Harry agreed, just as you knew he would, that boy was too nice for his own good sometimes “who did you have in mind?”
“Fred” you said without hesitation or a second thought, getting his attention instantly.
Fred looked up and gave you an overly confident smile which just boiled your blood further “love to” was his only reply.
You smiled back sarcastically, gritting your teeth in the process.
Beginning to take your place once more, Harry was replaced by a much taller, attractive Fred. He proceeded to roll his sleeves, giving you a glimpse at the veins running throughout his arms.
Pay attention
“Ready Fred?” Harry initiated “Ready to win? Sure am mate” Fred replied, gaining a giggle from a lot of the girls, you just rolled your eyes.
“Bite me, Weasley” you replied, a little more frustrated than you were five minutes ago, causing Fred to smirk.
Harry nodded and you and Fred proceeded to walk towards each other for the initial bow. As you both reached the middle, Fred bent down slightly more so you could hear him.
“You’re so sexy when you’re mad” he said, causing you to instantly blush. You knew he was a flirty guy, but you didn’t think he had ever said anything as flirty as that to you before.
Turning around to walk to the end of the room gave you what felt like forever to think about what had just happened, getting slightly distracted from the matter.
“Wands to the ready” Harry announced, arm still mid-air.
You were now directly facing Fred and looking him in the eye seemed a little awkward considering your flustered state. In attempts to compose yourself you looked to the crowd gathered either side of you and caught glimpse of Angelina smiling at Fred.
Instantly you were reminded of your frustration which only engaged you in a deep focus against Fred, locking eyes with him confidently.
Harry swiftly dropped his arm, indicating the beginning of the duel.
“Aguamenti!” you pronounced clearly with a flick of your wand before Fred was even able to utter a single letter.
Suddenly Fred was flung to the back wall through the jet-like force of the water that hit him.
Fred lay on the floor, drenched from head to toe gaining a roaring laugh from those watching – especially George and Ron.
You smirked at Fred, heavily breathing at not just the thrill of winning the duel but the sight of Fred, clothes wet and him distressed.
What was wrong with you.
“Hmm, yeah, not really the spell I had in mind but good job Y/N” Harry commented as Ginny began to help Fred up, still laughing in his face.
“Yeah well, I thought I’d leave the rest up to you” you replied in a sort agitated tone which left a puzzled look on Harry’s face.
“Got to go Harry, you’ll be alright without me today won’t you?” you quietly spoke to him, who just nodded, completely understanding.
As you began walking towards the exit you were stopped in your tracks upon hearing a voice that had started to infuriate you a little too much recently.
“Y/N wait” you heard him get closer “I’ll come with you, gotta get changed out of these bloody wet clothes anyway” he explained, giving a genuine smile.
“great” you mumbled giving another sarcastic smile.
On the way to the common room you seemed to forget all about the incident that had wound you up, it was strange that Fred had the ability to make you do that – forget about your worries. Joking and laughing all the way up made you feel like a kid again, first year meeting the twins.
That was until you reached the common room, and Fred proceeded to take off his jumper of course. You were sitting in Fred’s empty dorm room, on his bed watching him find dry uniform to change into. The moment had never seemed weird until now – until you couldn’t stop staring at his bare chest through the now transparent shirt that clung to him.
You could feel your heart rate increase as you started to heavily breathe once more, transfixed on Fred. An overwhelming sensation began to consume your stomach.
Fred was rambling on about the upcoming Quidditch game, but you couldn’t help yourself any longer. You knew exactly what had been troubling you these past couple of months with Fred and you were about to prove it.
You stood up, growing closer to Fred who had his back turned to you as he still searched for dry clothes crouched over his trunk.
“Fred” you simply said, gaining his attention.
He turned to face you slowly standing, a little worried about what you were about to say from your posture and breathing.
“Shut up” you lifted your heels to reach Fred, locking your fingers between his auburn hair and crashing your lips against his.
Instantly he did as told, feeding both yours and his own hunger by kissing you passionately back. Fred wrapped his long arms around your waist and pulled you closer into him, allowing the water on his shirt to almost turn into steam.
The kiss was hard but soft at the same time, not allowing the opportunity for a breath between you. Fred’s hands suddenly reached further down your waist as he swiftly lifted you, holding you in his arms for a moment before placing you on his cabinet.
Having the freedom of his arms back he returned the favour of entangling his fingers between your hair, slightly tugging on it as his kiss grew more desperate, sending shivers down your spine.
Fred’s lips slowly moved away from your own as he lifted the hair between his fingers, trailing kisses from your jawline down to your neck, causing you to let out soft moans.
As he did you frantically began unbuttoning his shirt, peeling it from his still damp body. Each kiss he placed on you made the butterflies in your stomach flutter a little harder, pulling at his hair signalling for him to continue.
Fred assisted you in taking the rest of his shirt of, as he started to take your tie off all the while still kissing your neck which sent you crazy. You rolled your head back at the tingling sensation of Fred’s sucking of your neck paired with his warm breath growling in your ear.
“I lied earlier” Fred gave a breathily whisper in your ear “You’re so sexy all the time” he continued, giving you an intense feeling.
You fiercely grabbed Fred’s face once more continuing to impulsively engage in your heavy make-out session.
Before you knew it your shirt was being unbuttoned, revealing nothing but your bra and bare skin exposed… but you didn’t mind one bit, in fact it felt so right you couldn’t believe it had took this long for you and Fred to be half naked together.
“Nice to see you two getting along again” you jumped out of your skin, quickly attempting to cover whatever part of you was exposed as you looked up to see a very casual George sending a wink your way.
“Christ George!” you yelled which just caused him to burst out laughing “Well then! Turn around!” you exclaimed as Fred picked up your shirt for you to start putting back on.
“Don’t worry, I’m leaving… detention with Umbridge, have fun you two” George said giving you both another wink.
Your state of shock was eased by Fred who began to giggle, resting his forehead on yours.
“Seriously Y/N… you don’t understand how long I’ve wanted that to happen” Fred confessed, butterflies rising once again in your stomach.
“Me too” you grinned, pulling his head down for another kiss.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎! 𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝐵𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑆𝑜𝑓𝑡 𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝐴𝑛𝑑 𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑
Warning: Just one brief mention of kidnapping and being held hostage. Other than that, it's safe to proceed.
Disclaimer: In no way am I condoning, supporting, justifying or encouraging mafia activities or lifestyle. This is all fictional and not meant to represent real life scenarios.
✿*:・゚𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰 ゚・:*✿
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It felt like an eternity before someone opened the door and walked in.
Hongjoong took one look at you before widening his eyes. He looked back at one of men behind him and sighed.
"You had one job Hangyul and you couldn't even do it right?! This isn't the right person!"
Said Hangyul bowed his head and apologized profusely.
Hongjoong rubbed his temples in annoyance. He looked back at you and examined you closely. Even with your puffy hair, tear strained cheeks and messy hair, he thought you looked beautiful. The longer he looked at you, the more some weird feeling in his chest started to grow.
"What's your name?" He asked you.
You struggled to find your voice, but managed to utter out your name in a soft whisper.
It was almost like music to his ears.
"Well Y/N.....it seems we accidentally mistook you for someone else.....Ooops."
He really didn't know what to say to you. He felt bad that you were now standing before him, scared, trembling and no doubt hurt. Part of him told him to release you from your restraints, and hold you tenderly. Then one of his men reminded him:
"Hongjoong sir? Since we can't release a witness for security reasons, do you want us to get rid of her?"
Your head snapped up at the comment and you began desperately trying to break free.
"No please don't! I'm begging you! Have some mercy on me! Let me go and I swear I won't say anything to anybody!"
Hongjoong hesitated for a brief moment until your crying got louder and you said:
"I have a son! He's only 3 years old! I'm the only one he has! So please......." You begged, all the little strength you had left in your body began to slowly drain as you realized you might never see your son again.
That's all it took for Hongjoong to break.
"Release her."
The men looked shocked. "But sir-"
"I said release her. Now!" He commanded.
Instantly, all the ropes were cut and you were free. You tried to stand up, but you were so shaken up your legs gave out. Luckily, Hongjoong caught you in his arms and carried you away from there.
"I'm really sorry about this."
He ordered for his car and personally saw that you made it home safely. Even days afterwards, he still kept an eye on you and your son, whom he couldn't help but find adorable.
You noticed that someone was watching you when you suddenly started to receive strange packages that sometimes contained groceries, clothes or even toys. You wondered who could be sending these things.
Your question was answered when you took your son to the park. Hongjoong tried his best to stay hidden but you quickly found him. He stood there looking awkwardly at you.
"It was you wasn't it?" You asked him.
"Yeah....." He replied shyly. Seriously, he was one of the top mafia bosses. Why was a single mom like you making him nervous like a schoolboy?
"Mommy!" Your son ran up to you.
You picked him up and your son just stared at Hongjoong. He leaned into your ear and asked you who he was.
You smiled at him. "Oh him? He's just an old friend."
Your son looked back at Hongjoong, somewhat afraid of him. But Hongjoong just gave him the warmest smile he could.
"Hey there little buddy. You don't have to be scared of me."
Hongjoong knew it would take time, but he also knew that in the end, he'd be part of your life and of your son's.
✿*:・゚𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪 ゚・:*✿
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You don't know whether you were grateful or you regretted ever accepting to work at the bar Seonghwa owned. You couldn't complain about the pay, it was more than good and although you knew Seonghwa was sketchy af, you never felt unsafe as he always made sure you were protected and no one harassed you.
However you knew Seonghwa had the hots for you, everyone knew it actually. At first, they thought he just wanted to get in your pants, that's what he usually did with any hot female that worked for him. But time passed and everyone now knew that he was head over heels for you. Boy was like a love sick puppy for you. It was quite entertaining to watch actually.
No one resented you for it or even tried to bother you. You were constantly turning him down and keeping a strictly professional relationship with your boss. If he offered you any gifts, you rejected them. If he offered the schedule everyone fought for, you turned it down and accepted the shittiest shift. Seonghwa never gave up though. He wanted you and he'd get you no matter what.
"You've gone soft." His best friend, Hongjoong told him one day.
"No I haven't." Seonghwa refuted that statement.
Right then, the phone rang. Hongjoong picked it up.
"Hello? Oh hi...... Oh really? Ok. I'll let him know. Don't worry. Hope you feel better. Bye."
Hongjoong hung up and continued his task of polishing his gun.
"Well?" Seonghwa asked rather annoyed.
"Oh it's nothing. Just Y/N calling in sick. She won't be coming." Hongjoong stated as if it was the most normal of in the world.
Seonghwa, however, was panicking.
"Y/N?! Sick?! What do you mean sick?! She's never sick! She never calls in! What if something happened to her?! I need to see her!"
Grabbing his jacket, he ran out the room, leaving Hongjoong dumbfounded.
"Ok. But you're not soft huh?"
Seonghwa sped over to your house, bag full of medicines and other things he deemed necessary in his arms. He frantically knocked on what he hoped really was your door, he had never been to your house.
"What?!" You shouted when you swung the door open.
"I came cause Hongjoong said- Wait! You look fine." Seonghwa noticed you didn't look unwell as he scanned your body.
"If this is another stupid attempt to hit on me, I will slam my door on your hand. I don't care if one of your men end up cutting off one of my fingers." You warned him.
"You said you were sick!" Seonghwa exclaimed.
"No. I called in a sick leave because-"
You were interrupted by a soft 'Mommy' from behind you. You turned to see your 2 year old daughter standing there, blanket wrapped around her tiny and frail body.
"Sweetie. I told you not to get out of bed. Your cold will get worse."
You completely forgot about Seonghwa and proceeded to attend your daughter, who was the reason why you called in sick. Seonghwa was shocked at finding out you had a kid. But it wasn't a bad surprise. In fact, it was quite the opposite. He didn't even realize that he ended up walking into your apartment and watched as you tucked your daughter in the couch, helping her blow her nose.
If people thought he was whipped before, now he was fucking wrapped around your finger. He adored kids, and this revelation just made you even more perfect in his eyes. Now he was more than determined to make you his.
✿*:・゚𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸 ゚・:*✿
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With Yunho, you actually didn't take long to start dating. He was so caring and attentive to you. You remember when you told him on a date that you had a child. You felt it was necessary to let him know before your relationship got more serious.
"A kid?" He repeated.
"Yes..... I have a son..." Your voice trailed off.
Your head already started imagining the worst and most common scenario: he'd be all sweet but say he's not ready for that responsibility and dump you like all the others. It happened every single time. It didn't turn out to be the case though.
"Really? How old is he? Do you have a picture? When can I meet him? Does he know about me?"
Yunho was ecstatic to find this out and he was very interested in anything that had to do with you. Besides........ you weren't the only one keeping secrets. He hadn't exactly told you what his job really was. Just like you, he was afraid of you leaving him when you found out his connections to the criminal world. Which is why he kept it hidden for a long time.
But he did tell you one day. He came clean about it.
"I know I should have told you earlier, especially now that I'm a part of your and your son's life.... but I was scared...... I love you but I understand if you'd rather not see me anymore."
Maybe you were crazy, maybe you were too much in love, but you assured him you wouldn't leave him. You only voiced concern about your son's safety. You didn't want anything to happen to him.
"I swear on my life, nothing will ever happen to him or to you. I promise to keep you both safe."
It was a promise he always kept. He became a constant in your life, and he was always making sure to spend time with your son, spoiling him to no end. You remember when he threw a birthday party for him at his mansion. It was small and not a lot of people could come because he couldn't risk having strangers over, but you all had a great time.
That's where you met his other friends, who were very curious to meet the woman and the kid who made Yunho into a hyperactive puppy.
"I'm serious, I've never in my life seen him be like this." Mingi pointed out as they watched Yunho play with your son.
"Really? Since I met him, he's always been like that." You were surprised to find out from his friends what he used to be like.
"Then you must really be a special lady. Congratulations. You turned a criminal into a total dad."
You blushed at Seonghwa's comment.
"He's not a dad...." You cleared your throat.
Seonghwa turned to you and smirked.
"Not yet.....but trust me. Very soon it might be official."
✿*:・゚𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰 ゚・:*✿
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Yeosang and you didn't have the greatest of start in the relationship. Both of your parents were mafia bosses and so you were both forced into a contractual marriage that neither of you wanted.
"Look. How about we just carry on our lives as if nothing happened?" You suggested.
"Agreed." Yeosang nodded.
Years passed and eventually Yeosang took over the family business, working alongside your brother Wooyoung, who took over for your father. Because Yeosang spent so much time with your brother, you ended up spending so much time togethers.
Soon you both stopped avoiding each other company and actually became close friends. Or you thought you would just be friends, until one day Yeosang couldn't help himself and just kissed you.
"What was that for?" You try not to look too happy about it though.
"What? Is it a crime for me to kiss my wife?" He winked at you.
Gradually, you fell in love and completely forgot that this was a contractual marriage. It became a real marriage for you both. Yeosang doted on you and was such a devoted husband. And he was so ecstatic when he found himself you were pregnant with your first child. He immediately made preparations and began decorating one of the rooms, choosing gender neutral colors like green and yellow.
He was over the moon when you gave birth. He cried so much when he held your precious bundle of joy in his arms for the first time. He was so overwhelmed with emotions. Leaning down, he kisses your forehead tenderly. He was so grateful to have you and your daughter.
You two became his whole world, and his friends teased him to no end about it. After all, how did the cold mafia Prince turned into such a warm family man?
✿*:・゚𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷 ゚・:*✿
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Your relationship with San was very blissful and passionate. It definitely started with a lot of passion. You two met at a club and randomly hooked up. You thought he'd be just a one night stand, not that you cared. You weren't particularly looking for a relationship. But he was hooked on you and so he sought you out, properly asking you out on a date.
You quickly found out that he wasn't just the kinky lover in the sheets. He was a total cutie and a cuddle bug. That ended up sealing the deal for you and you completely fell in love with him.
Things definitely moved fast in the relationship. 4 months in and he asked you to move in with him. You thought it was strange, but were so in love with him that you agreed. You didn't know it was because he wanted to make sure you were safe in case any rivals tried to hurt you. And he made sure not to let you find out what and who he really was.
After a year, you two welcomed a baby boy into your lives. You spent the first months like all new parents: full of happiness and joy over your new baby. San was already making plans for his boy, imagining him taking taekwondo just like he did and excelling at all things that had physical involvement. Everything seemed to be going fine......
Until one day you found out who he really was. Your heart shattered at this new piece of information.
Had he lied to me? Is all of this a lie?
One thing was for sure, you panicked when you thought about your son and his safety. Without thinking, you began packing a suitcase, taking only the necessary things for him and you. You didn't know where you'd go, but your mind told you to leave.
"Baby? What-what are you doing?"
You turned to see San standing at the door, confused as to why you were packing.
"I know. I know everything."
His heart dropped at your words. So you finally found out. It clicked to him what you were up to.
"And so you're leaving me?" He couldn't believe it.
"I have to! How could I stay with you knowing our son could be in danger because of you?!"
San marched up to you and pulled you against him, holding onto you for dear life.
"Baby please listen to me! I lied to you, I know and I'm sorry! But I honestly do love you, I love you and our son so much, you two are my everything! You can't leave me! Please don't walk away from me and don't take him away from me! I'm sorry! But I promise I'll take care of you both."
He sanked down to his knees and held you by your waist, his tears staining your shirt. When it came to you and your son, he was no longer the strong confident mafia boss. You were his ultimate weakness.
"Please don't go..... please say you still love me...."
Your heart clenched. Even though finding this out tore you apart, you still loved him. You'd never stop loving him.
✿*:・゚𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲 ゚・:*✿
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At the beginning, you didn't want to be with him. You knew who he was and what he was capable of. You were practically forced to date him, scared shitless thinking about what he'd do to you if you refused him. He really did try to show you that he wasn't the ruthless and violent mafia boss the media played him out to be.
"Why do you look so uncomfortable? Don't you like the food?" He asked you.
"The food is great, it's just you know, not every girl wants to have a dozen men in suits standing around with guns in their pockets while on a first date." There was a hint of bitterness and sarcasm in your tone.
Mingi pouted. "It's for protection purposes."
If someone had told you the most feared mafia boss in all of Seoul was actually a clumsy, soft baby, you would never have believed them. But indeed, that's the side of Mingi you ended up uncovering. Sure it still terrified you when his rage was released, but never was it directed to you.
Finally after years of asking and asking, you accepted his marriage proposal and he was the happiest man alive. No happiness could compare. That's what he thought until the day you gifted him with a precious angel. She instantly became daddy's girl and nothing could change that. It was quite funny actually.
Like one time when he was having a meeting with his other mafia friends. Things got very heated and Mingi was about to blow up. Until a tiny head peeked in.
"Daddy!" Your daughter ran over to him, while you failed to try and catch her.
Mingi completely forgot what they were talking about and he picked her up.
"Hi princess! How are you? Did you miss your daddy?" He cooed at her.
Snickers were heard from his friends.
"Who would have thought?" "The Song Mingi has been tamed" "And by a child nonetheless"
Mingi threw a glare over at his friends.
"I can still order your heads on a platter you know." He threatened them.
"Mingi." You warned him, gesturing to your daughter.
"Sorry." He mouthed, remembering not to say such things in front of your daughter.
That's when his friends totally lost it.
"I told you San! Y/N is the one who really wears the pants in the relationship."
✿*:・゚𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰゚・:*✿
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Were you furious that your father practically sold you into a marriage with his mafia friend's son? Yes. Was Wooyoung pissed off at having a wife thrown at him? Nope, not at all. He fell in love with you at first sight.
"Hi! I'm Jung Wooyoung, your soon to be husband and I can tell we're going to be really happy together!" He was practically beaming with joy.
"Hi, I'm L/N Y/N, the girl that's going to be caged to you for life......or death. Whichever comes first." You responded.
Wooyoung actually laughed at that, but you were serious. What if one day his mafia ass gets tired of you and he just decides to put a bullet in your head? You secretly hoped he did that before you were bound to him for life.
But 5 years later and you're still married. He's just as much in love with you as the first day he met you. You learned to love him, or as you often said to tease him: you learned to put up with him.
"Deny it all you want, but I know you love me just as much as I love you."
When he found out you were pregnant, he became even more clingy with you. Always making sure you were ok, going to everyone of the doctor's appointments, and constantly talking to your growing baby bump. The baby wasn't due for another 4 months and he was already wrapped around their finger.
"I can eat by myself Wooyoung." You reminded him as you tried to take the bowl from him.
"Let me baby you, ok!? I want my queen to be treated like one and I want to make sure my little princess will be ok." He stated.
You chuckled at how he kept insisting it was a girl.
"What if it turns out to be a boy?" You cocked your head to the side.
"It's a girl! She will be a precious bundle of pink glittery joy that I will love and cherish for as long as I live!" He really wanted a girl.
You rolled your eyes every time and you were desperately hoping that the ultrasound you were scheduled to get would reveal it was a boy. You really wanted to wipe the grin off his face. That and you wanted a mommy's boy yourself.
"So tell us doctor. It's definitely a girl right?" Wooyoung asked as he held your hand tightly.
"Actually......you're carrying a very healthy baby boy. Congratulations."
Wooyoung's hand dropped yours and he stood there stunned. You couldn't help but laugh at his reaction. For goodness sakes, he had already had the nursery painted pink.
"Ok, now that you've been proven wrong, hand me that catalog. I'm deciding how we're decorating my son's nursery." You told him when you got back home.
"Uh.... it's our son! If I remember correctly, it takes 2 to make a baby. And please no sport related decorations! Get something more original! Ooh! I saw some really cute marine animals design that..."
You just smirked at him as he turned the pages of the magazine. He was still whipped.
✿*:・゚𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸 ゚・:*✿
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When you applied for the secretary job, you didn't think anything was sketchy about it. But you were wrong and instantly you were dragged into Jongho's mafia world. And you knew that now there was no way out. You knew too much and the only way you would ever walk out of there would be in a coffin.
That's what you thought, but honestly, Jongho liked you so much that if you wanted to, he'd dismiss you if you wanted it. But he didn't want you to go. He was too hooked on you to let you go. He liked how different you were from other women. You were so mature, and he liked your 'I don't give a fuck' attitude you exuded at times. He also loved to play around with you, even if he was the one doing most of the pulling while you were doing a lot of pushing.
"Sooner or later you will be mine doll." He often told you.
"Go find some other girl to play around with Jongho. I'm a little too old to be anyone's toy." You always responded with things that if it were anyone else, it'd get their head blown off.
You tried to keep your personal life as secret as possible from him. Your deepest fear was of Jongho finding out about your daughter, your only joy in life. You were afraid he'd use her against you........... that's what you tried to tell yourself. But really, you were afraid that if he found out, he'd lose interest in you. You couldn't deny he was attractive. But what kind of man would involve himself with a woman that already had a kid? Especially someone as young and powerful like Jongho?
But one day, you had no choice but to bring her along to work with you, since no babysitter was available. You thought you'd be all right. Jongho wasn't supposed to be there and you only had to pick up some papers. Luck wasn't on your side that day though. While you were rummaging around your desk, the devil himself walked into the office.
"Ah Y/N. Good thing I caught you. I need you to see if I got- who and what is that?"
He immediately pointed at your daughter, who was currently holding onto your leg, her other hand holding her bunny plushie. The color drained from your face, but you took a deep breath and gathered your courage.
"Jongho, this is my daughter, [insert name here]. Sweetheart, this is Jongho. He's the man I work for." You smiled down at her.
You didn't even want to look back at Jongho, afraid to see his expression. You were startled though when he came closer to you and bent down so he was eye level with your daughter.
"Hi there princess. What you got there? Do you like bunnies?"
Your daughter took an instant liking to him as she began explaining in her 2 year old language who her plushie was. And Jongho only played along, completely enchanted by such a cute and innocent baby.
"Ok that's enough sweetheart. I'm sure Jongho has some other things to attend to and we have to go."
Picking her up, you bid goodbye to Jongho, who held the door open for you. He grabbed your free arm though and whispered in your ear before you left:
"If you think this changes anything doll, you're completely wrong. I still want you and I still stand my ground that you'll be mine......."
He pulled back and smiled at you.
"Your daughter is very charming as well. You should bring her over more often."
He winked at you as you made your way out.
Gifs not mine, credit goes to their respective owners.
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saphirered · 3 years
Would an individual ask about Caleb ending up with the reader instead of Essek at the end of campaign be alright? I love the wizard bois together, but I'm crushing baaaad on Caleb hehe. Maybe they teach and live happily ever after together, very domestic living after all the adventures they've had :3
Hoping to satisfy your Caleb crush. How's this for some domestic fluff? Enjoy! 😘
The first rays of sunlight are blocked by thick heavy curtains. Awake or asleep, Caleb’s sense of time never fails him. He wakes up bright and early on the minute precise but makes no move to truly start his day. How could he with the sight he wakes to? There you lay, in his arms, eyes closed in peaceful sleep. Never did he think he’d see you so relaxed, or allow yourself to be so relaxed. Sure your lives are not free of stress or the occasional disaster and rarely are your livelihoods in peril these days but compared to months ago that doesn’t even come close to the dangers you’ve faced together; dangers that the majority of the people will never know about. A moment of peace and quiet was just another luxury you and him couldn’t truly afford no matter how much you may have pretended. But now you finally know peace.
Caleb watches your eyes flutter beneath your eyelids and watches just a moment longer carefully trailing his fingers up from their place on your waist to your cheek, caressing it fondly as you sleep. He reminisces when and where your lives intertwined in that tavern in Trostenwald and the events leading you both here together in your shared apartment in Rexxentrum at the Soltryce Academy as respectable teachers of the arts you both love.
When you first met Caleb feared you. He feared you more than anything for you just like him had ties to the Cerberus Assembly but you did not suffer the same fate he had. Luckily your studies were of no interest of his former master and you were instead claimed by another sent out into the world to learn more and find your own way. He was so scared you might lead the Assembly to his nonexistent doorstep and at one point entertained the thought you were a spy sent to bring him back but you proved the opposite. When he revealed his story and you told him you would help him or die trying beside him he brushed you off. Persistent as you are you gave him the wakeup call of a lifetime saying that you’re not doing this just for him but everyone before him, everyone after him.
To Caleb you will always represent all that is good and pure in this world despite the horrors that may have shaped you, changed you for better or worse. He will always consider himself to be the luckiest man in the world to have you at his side as his confidant, moral compass, study-mate, intellectual equal, bailout, friend, partner, but most of all; his lover for he could not want for anyone else in the world. No one could ever replace you and no one can compare to you. You may tell him you’re not the most intelligent, quick-witted, charming or interesting individual in the world but to him you are and he will argue with you on that until you grow tired of him and are forced to accept. He certainly does not mind the fluster of your cheeks and kiss you offer to shut him up.
And now you lie asleep cuddled up against him, limbs intertwined, the sunset orange covers slipping from your shoulder. Caleb hears the birds begin their song signalling he must leave the warm comforts of your embrace so carefully he begins to untangle his legs from yours, his arm from underneath your head replacing it by quickly pulling the pillow above down. He begins to untangle your grasp on his shirt slowly removing your fingers one by one. A deep intake of breath on your end and adjustment of your legs below the covers has him worried he’s woken you up.
Caleb knows fully well you have your own ways of waking up on time and you would have asked him the night before if he ought to wake you, so since you’re not already awake he’ll give you every extra minute of sleep you can get. You deserve it so he’ll curse himself if he’s the one to ruin it. Once you have adjusted and he’s sure you’re still sleeping he continues and removes himself from the warm comforts you’re huddled up among longing for nothing more than to share them a minute longer and gathers his things. In putting his lesson plans, notes and a few books to pass the time for the day he bends down to allow the orange tabby to jump into his arms and sets the cat onto the table taking a moment to stroke its fur and give some chin scratches leaving the little beastie purring.
Ridding himself of his night clothes Caleb puts on his shirt, and trousers tucking the shirt into the waistband and moves on to his footwear as per his usual routine. He takes the vest set out for him and is about to button it up when he feels eyes on him. His first thoughts go to the cat but that one’s not the guilty audience so instead his eyes fall to you, propped up against the headboard watching him.
“Well don’t stop on my accord. Though, I prefer the clothes back on the chair.” Your voice is still riddled with sleep but you’re awake enough for your comments so Caleb feels justified to give you a disapproving scowl though he cannot prevent the smile from creeping up his lips.
“Good morning to you too.” Caleb smiles as you cover a yawn with the back of your hand. You pull yourself out of the bed and stumble over to Caleb until you’re toe to toe placing a hand on his cheek guiding him into a kiss. Your lips move against his and his arms wrap around you to return and welcome your efforts openly. Though, enough’s enough and Caleb breaks the kiss giving you one final peck in an attempt to kiss away the onset disappointment and pout on your end.
“No matter how much I’d like to continue, Astrid will have both of our heads we show up late.” Caleb runs his fingers through your hair kissing your cheek as you cross your arms. Is there nothing you can do to convince him to stay? He might be right about Astrid…
“Well, I do not have any classes until second period but if you’re so adamant to stay with me I can send the archmage a message to tell her you’re regretful to be missing your first class of the day and to find a substitute.” You’re joking. Not really. A joke hiding the actual offer. Caleb considers it for a brief moment purely to entertain the thought but he knows very well he shouldn’t.
“You know we can’t but how about I make it up to you with dinner and dancing and a night in? Just the two of us.” Caleb cups your cheeks stroking your cheekbones with his thumbs, a gesture he knows very well makes you melt.
“That sounds like an agreeable offer, professor Widogast.” Your acceptance brings another bright smile to his face and he pulls you into another chaste kiss to seal the deal. This time you’re the one to pull away.
“Best get you ready for the day then, lest you be late.” Your nimble fingers stroke down the front of his chest finding the buttons of his vest and one by one buttoning them up. Once you’re done you take a few steps back looking him over.
“Do I pass your inspection, professor?” Caleb laughs half the mind to do a little spin for you but he refrains instead lifting the cat from the table into his arms.
“With flying colours. I think his highness is inclined to agree.” You watch as the cat meows making himself comfortable in your wizard’s arms without any intent to go anywhere but alas, all good things come to an end be it for the cat or you. With some protests Caleb puts the cat back on the ground allowing the creature to skitter off to gods know where.
You pull open the curtains allowing the light of dawn to fill the room. Caleb already regrets the decision of not taking you up on your offer to call in late and miss his first class as you look absolutely radiant but he feels certain both of you will be missing second and possibly even third period if he does, so he must refrain. Tonight will make up for it. He’s already got the perfect place in mind for dinner.
You catch Caleb staring, his gaze following you as you pull at the heavy fabric until the outside world is revealed to you. You put a little sway in your step before you gather your own clothes for the day and change in your usual attire, slowly. Deliberately slow. If he’s already staring you better not waste your opportunity and make a show of it.
“No use in staying in bed all alone. His Highness makes for good company but he’s a dull conversationalist. Perhaps I’ll drop by Beau at the Archives?” You deliberate your events for the morning tapping your chin.
“If you do, tell the Expositor I have some more files for her to study.” Caleb, finally pulled out of his trance steps back over to you, or rather besides you to grab his bag and sling it over his shoulder. You know he’s about to be off so you wrap your arm around his waist as you guide him to the door. Not much you can change about the need for students to be taught the wonders of transmutation magic. While you may find times you’d want to spend more time together, in the end neither of you would ever want to give up teaching. There’s plenty of other times you can spend together happily. Or you can justify combining your classes for one reason or another as you love nothing more than to share your passions.
“I’ll see you in a few hours at the Academy?” Caleb watches as you fall silent for a moment, your focus drawn away.
“Yes, I’ll make sure he knows. We’ll be there. Thank you.” You speak but Caleb knows fully well it’s not directed at him. This has become a habit he’s very much gotten used to so he simply awaits for you to share the message.
“Astrid wants us for lunch. She threatened to limit your access to the library if you’re late.” Of course she does, Caleb thinks to himself. So the archmage may or may not have heard about his almost-arrest of the day before. He’d already gotten an earful from you.
“Of course she does. There go our lunch plans for our free period.”
“You’re the one to get arrested for- and I quote ‘encourage insurgence among young impressionable souls’.” You grin. Okay, you may have been a little proud of Caleb actively trying to do better but you could do without the accusations of treason. You’d rather not have Caleb spend the night in jail because word got out or he pissed off the wrong person. You’d expect this from Beauregard but had hoped Caleb would be more careful about it and so apparently thought Astrid. He’s in for a scolding according to her tone.
“Merely teaching young impressionable souls how to be better. Is that a crime?” You grab Caleb’s coat and help him into it as he offers you a ‘thank you’.
“According to the king, yes it is.” The amusement in your voice is enough to earn you a playful glare. You open the door for Caleb and he steps halfway out offering you one final kiss.
“Love you.” Caleb pecks your lips. You’ve drawn out the length of the kiss long enough and he’s already on the verge of running late now so no matter how much he may want to stay, he has to go.
“Love you too, Caleb. See you soon and for the love of the arcane arts; stay out of trouble.” You know he won’t make that promise as he can’t keep it but you still tell him to every time. You kiss his cheek stepping back and watching the wizard leave as you close the door. Nothing but a usual morning; sneaking out of bed, cats, kisses, a message from your friend the archmage, talks of treason and the love of two fate-entwined mages trying to make the world a better place.
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Babylon (l.h)
End Up Here -Part 5
Pairing: Luke Hemmings x 5sos! Fem! Reader
Summary: A lot has happened and too many things were left unsaid. Even after a month they still find ways to be in each others mind.
Warnings: Angst and smut. Mentions of vioence, physical abuse, mental abuse, sexual abuse, harassment, cheating, fighting, sexism, frustrations, alcohol. Language and some grammatical errors (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)
Word count : 10.1 k
Author’s Note: I cried a lot writing this, so I’m sorry. Final Part coming up March 16th! Remember that Reblogs, Feedback, Comments and Likes are very important! You have no idea how much they help me ❤️ Hope you like it and Happy Reading 🦋🌻✨
My Materialist // wanna be part of my tag list?
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Liked by banksmadden, 5soslover55 and 1,750,316 others
yn5sos how did I end up here?
View all 55,432 comments
ashtonirwin who’s there with you?
hater7 pathetic
5sosfan9 this is so irresponsible. I thought you were better.
↪️ yn5sos me too
“OUT OF CONTROL: Singer Y/N L/N seeing partying once again after the concert. L/N was last seen with a crowd of people, none of which were her bandmates” 
“Sensitive, are we? On their last concert, Y/N L/N from the band 5 Seconds of Summer was caught running away from the stage mid-show, leaving her poor bandmates Calum Hood and Michael Clifford to finish the song for her. L/N came back minutes later to finish the show. Videos show the singer crying along to the love songs” 
“Y/N?!” Ashton kept banging at the door. His patience ran thin as the girl refused to answer “Y/N! C’mon!” 
“She’s still not answering?” A voice called behind him. 
Calum and Michael were already dressed up, ready for another day of interviews in a foreign language. Ashton assumed that the girls were already downstairs waiting for them. 
The older man shook his head, frustration clear on his face as he kept banging on the door like it was his drums. 
“Y/N, I will break down the door if you don’t open it!” 
It wasn’t an empty promise. They could pay the hotel after but he’d be damned if something happens to Y/N. 
She hasn’t been herself since Luke left. When they came back from doing promo that day they were met with the news of him leaving. Y/N didn’t leave her room that whole day. 
They were mad, furious even, with Luke. All the things they warned him about were thrown down the drain. They told them not to believe the media and to talk to Y/N but he did none of those things, he only made it worse for all of them, especially the girl who was now spending half the tour absent-minded over heartbreak. 
She told them several times that she was fine “I asked him to leave” She would say. But they know better than to believe her right away when she says those stuff, not after that night when she told them the truth about Madden. They swore never to make that mistake again, but history was repeating itself! Only this time it was ten times worse. 
Y/N would go out every night after the show, no matter in which part of the world they found themselves in. She was determined to drown herself in alcohol rather than self-pity. They tried to spot her several times but she wouldn’t listen, so they agreed that at least one of them would accompany her whenever she went out just to make sure that she is safe and that she doesn’t go too far. 
Last night, however, it was Michael’s turn but Beth felt sick so he couldn't go. He texted Calum, but he was already asleep so he didn’t see the message. Ashton was out with Dani for a date night and when he came back he found Michael in the lobby asking for some medicine for Beth’s stomach and when Calum answered their call with a sleepy voice they realized that Y/N was alone. 
And now she wouldn’t answer the door. 
“Y/N, I swear to God!”
“Why do you gotta bring the lord into this?” 
The three men turned around and found Y/N standing next to them. Her hair was messy and her makeup was smudged, but his eyes remained empty as she looked at them quizzically. 
“Were you already downstairs this whole time?!” Ashton asked, raising his voice. Y/N cringed as she shushed him.
“Ugh, could you talk any louder? My head is killing me”
Calum looked at his friend up and down, realizing what was happening “You just came back, didn’t you?”
All three of them turned their heads to her, unable to believe what was in front of them. This wasn’t the Y/N they knew. She was never like this, ever. 
Y/N rolled her eyes at the sad, angry, and pitiful looks of her friends. She didn’t need to answer what was obvious. 
“Where were you all this time?” Michael asked “We were worried sick” 
“Wow, thanks dad,” She said with sarcasm, walking towards her door as she tried to find her key somewhere along with her pockets “I was at the bar. Did you know they open 24 hs? There’s no such thing as the last call here! I love this country” 
She let out a little squeal of joy when she finally found her key, pushing Ashton out of the way with the side of her body as she inserted it on the lock. 
“We have an interview in 30 minutes!” He reminded her.
“Yeah, your girl told me that downstairs” She answered before she started to close the door “Have fun with that” 
But before she could close it completely, Ashton’s foot got in the way.
“You can’t keep doing this, Y/N,” He said with a serious tone, ignoring the pain of the door hitting his foot, still trying to close on him. 
Y/N pushed a little harder “I want to sleep, Ashton. Good night” 
“No! Goddammit, Y/N. This has gone too far!” 
She opened the door, making Ashton trip, and almost fell to the floor in front of her. She was beyond pissed as she began to talk.
“No! Everything has already gone too far, I’m just catching up!” She spat loudly, making the boys look at her in surprise “Madden went too far, the media went too far, the industry went too far and Luke went too far. And I let them crash into me like I’m just a bystander, waiting to pick up the pieces they left of me! So excuse me for finally doing whatever they thought I did. Forgive me for catching up to this fucked up world and finally live up to their false expectations! But I’m not allowed to break down, not right now and probably not ever! So I will keep running. Maybe that way, if I catch up, they’ll leave me the fuck alone” Her eyes filled with tears as she spoke, but she will not cry in front of them. Not anymore “So, good fucking night” 
Ashton closed his eyes when he felt the wind of the door slamming inches away from his face. He raised his hand to knock again, but soon he let it fall with a sigh. 
He turned around to face the guys and they all had the same hurt expression, not because she hurt them, but because she was hurting herself. They all thought she was doing it unconsciously, but now it was rather obvious that she knew exactly what she was doing. 
Y/N is destroying herself because there’s almost nothing left of her. So she’s speeding up the process. 
“We can’t leave her like that” Michael said in a whisper, none of them were looking at the door right now, all their eyes were set on the floor as they contemplated their options.
“Well, she doesn’t want to see us. That’s for fucking sure” Calum murmured. 
The three men stood in silence in the hallway. Breathing heavily from time to time as their minds tried to find a way to reach out to Y/N before it was too late. 
“We have to do something” Michael broke the silence again, fidgeting with his fingers as he met the worried eyes of his two best friends “The fans are already saying that she’s going to leave the band and-“
“No,” Ashton interrupted him, clenching his jaw as the headlines of the articles ran through his mind “We are not letting that happen” 
“But what if she wants to?”
“Then that’s not our Y/N/N,” He said “And I refuse to lose her this way or in any way, for that matter”
After a few minutes, it was clear that Y/N was not coming out of her room any time soon. So the boys had to get downstairs to get to the interviews, already thinking about excuses to justify her absence once again. 
They wanted to stay with her, but management was already being too hard on them as it is, and they didn’t want Y/N to pay the consequences if they didn’t show up to at least one promo interview. So they had no choice but to leave her alone in her room. 
Once the elevator doors opened, the three of them were met with the worried eyes of their girlfriends who quickly met up with them halfway. 
“How is she doing? She didn’t speak to us when she came through the doors” Bethany explained as she stood next to Michael, grabbing his hand in comfort.
Ashton just shook his head.
“We talked,” Kat said with a sigh “We decided that we are staying here with her” 
“You’ll be fine in the interviews without us, but she needs someone. Even if we just wait for her in the lobby all day. Someone needs to check up on her” Kat continued. 
“She’s lonely,” Danielle followed, “Even if she doesn’t want to admit it. She’s hurting too much for words to even describe” 
The boys knew they were right. Even if Y/N doesn’t want to, they will still be there for her every step of the way. They were not going to leave her to drown. 
“Thank you,” Ashton said, truthfully “But there’s gotta be something else we could do for her… just standing by and keeping an eye on her while she wastes away is just…” 
He couldn’t finish the sentence, he didn’t need to. They all knew what he was referring to; that damn feeling of helplessness and hopelessness. 
“We’ll figure something out,” Calum said confidently “We are not going to give up on her”
There was nothing much to do back in L.A. as Luke found out when he stepped out of the plane almost a month ago. His life has completely changed since he met her and now… Now she was gone and he was left with nothing.
It was his own fault, that’s what he reminded himself every single day since the morning Y/N asked him to leave. He acted on emotions rather than with reason, angry with the world that allowed him to get close to her just to rip her out of his hands the moment he realized his mistakes. He should’ve listened, should’ve fought, should’ve stayed. He should’ve done a lot of things and now he doesn’t even have the chance to fix it. 
He hasn’t checked anything about Y/N since he came back. No articles, no tweets, no posts… nothing. He feels as if he didn’t have the right anymore. He never had the right to do it from the beginning, not without letting them fill his brains with lies that eventually left him in pieces.
How could he? How could he let all those things get to him? Everyone told him to ignore them, not to believe the lies that were written for the clicks and the gossip. He knew the truth, he lived with it, and yet, he had turned on her the second it had become too much. 
Y/N was a private person and Luke could never understand why. Why if she was so private with her life did every news article write about her? They were all lies. And if he had at least an ounce of decency he would’ve realized that sooner and stand by her side instead of siding with the media. Yet, those thoughts were sticking with him at the back of his head, haunting him even in his sleep. 
How easy it was for him to turn away from her. How easy it was for him to leave her. But how hard it was to ignore the love he feels for her, knowing that she won’t take him back and with good reason. Y/N deserves better, in every way, shape, or form. She was such a bright light in such a dark world, and he just hopes she will be strong enough to see it someday, even if he’s not by her side anymore.
God, he was just a fucking idiot. 
And now, as he walked past the coffee shop where they first met while he fought the urge to cry again, he was willing to beat himself up for it. For losing the only person he cared about just because he wasn’t brave enough to fight for her as he should’ve. There wasn’t anything that didn’t remind him of Y/N, nothing he could do to shake the self-inflicted pain he caused, so he thought better than to let it consume him. 
Luke sat on an empty bench near the campus, his classes didn’t start until a month from today but he longed for some kind of distraction. Once he settled, he took out his notebook and started writing. He doesn’t write about love anymore, rather he wrote about the loss of it while still mourning it fresh on the flesh. Finally understanding what Ashton meant when he said that heartbreak breaks you, and, for a moment, he thought about how she might feel at this moment; if she, at least once, thought of him with something wasn’t hate.
He spent hours sitting outdoors, writing as if his time were to end at any moment. He wrote letters of forgiveness, poems of grief, and free thoughts of the guilt he was feeling. He didn’t mention her, but they were all about and for her. For his Y/N who was now a world away and who he will not call his ever again. 
It must’ve been late when his phone started to ring; the streetlights were starting to lit up the pavement as the sun started to set, leaving soft shades of pink and purple to cover up the sky. He didn’t know the number, so he let it ring thinking it might be just one company trying to sell him something he didn’t need. 
But the unknown caller was relentless; calling and calling until Luke decided to answer after the fourth time. 
“Hello?” He said, annoyed by the interruption. He didn’t want to talk to anyone; not like he had anyone to talk to, after all. 
“You fucker” The voice at the other end said. Luke froze when he recognized it. 
“Were you expecting the fucking queen?” He sounded angry and even through the phone he left Luke completely intimidated as he sunk into his seat. 
“How - Whose number is this?” Luke asked, knowing he had all their numbers saved in his phone. 
“Would you have answered if you saw my name on the screen?” He wouldn’t, they both know it. But at the same time…
“Why are you calling me?” He finally muttered, his head wrapped around the only reason Ashton, out of all people, would be calling him. He knew it was not to catch up “Is Y/N okay?! Did something happen to her?!” 
Something must be terribly wrong if Ashton was calling him. That man was very protective over his best friend and Luke was sure he would’ve killed him if he found him the day where he yelled at her, knowing that Y/N must’ve told him everything. He knew Y/N was not going to forgive him and neither will the boys for that matter. That day he lost more than just his girl. 
Ashton laughed without any kind of humor “No, she’s not. Of course, she’s not! You happened to her, mate. I don’t know what the fuck you did but she hasn’t been the same since you left.” 
Luke’s eyes widened “She didn’t tell you?” 
If he thought about it, it really wasn’t that surprising. Y/N never talked about her problems with him, but the boys always knew everything, them being the only people she knew she could trust with her whole heart. Luke had always been jealous of that, but once he found out the truth of why she kept some things for herself he understood why she could only trust her bandmates with it. He immediately thought that she would tell them everything, every word he said and the hateful words he wrote, but she didn’t and that could not mean anything good. 
“She told us enough. That you believed the lies of her and Madden and didn’t let her explain before you lashed out and she asked you to leave. Not a single detail about it, only that you were gone and were not coming back. I guess she didn’t want us to kick your ass, but Luke, you better be certain that-”
“I know!” Luke said with a sigh “I deserve it” 
“Dude, what the fuck did you do to her?” 
How could he tell him? How could he mutter the courage to tell one of his best friends how he absolutely fucked up? Ashton would hate him, with every reason in the world he should hate him. Luke just hoped that he didn’t. 
He, Calum, and Michael were the only friends he knew since he met Y/N. They took him in, welcomed him into the group with gritted teeth with the only condition to never hurt their friend. And after a year of being friends, he broke not only Y/N’s trust but theirs as well. And the fact that Y/N didn’t tell them what he’d done seemed cruel because now he had to. Breaking more hearts than their own. 
“I fucked up, Ash” Luke muttered, rubbing his eyes with his fingertips as he crouched forward on the bench and placing his elbows on the top of his thighs, getting ready to face the consequences of his actions “I fucked up badly. I was just- You saw those articles, you saw those tweets and those photos. She never talked about him so I thought… What was I supposed to think? She had a reputation, and with the way, she acted the night before it all made sense to me. So I snapped”
“Luke, I swear to GOD if you touched her-”
“NO! God no, I would never!” Luke quickly stated, horrified at the thought of ever hitting her. He was not like that. He would never be like that “But the things I said to her… fuck, Ash. I threw everything in her face, called her a whore and a cheater without giving her a chance to explain herself. I was so fucking angry and she didn’t say a word. She took all of it in silence and I kept going, even when she begged me to stop I kept going... I didn’t know. You must know that I didn’t know what happened to her or her past with Madden. If I knew then I would’ve never-” 
“But you did” 
Ashton's words were simple, but they cut deeper than a knife through Luke’s heart. He never heard him sound so disappointed and angry. It reminded him of her and the last words she said to him.
“Luke, this girl has been through so much and you still went and dragged her through the mud just to hurt her”
“I didn’t want to-”
“Don’t fucking interrupt me” Ashton barked into the phone “You did. She gave you everything she could give and you threw it on her face like it was nothing without a chance to explain herself. And it’s not like she could run off, turn off her comments and go back to a normal life! I have never seen Y/N so broken since-” He stopped “What did she tell you?” 
Luke knew he was referring to Madden. He remembers her face covered in tears, lips trembling and body shaking as she told him what happened in that relationship. He finally saw the hurt and scars that covered her soul. 
“She told me what she could” 
Ashton sighed “Then you must know that she would never go back to him,” He said, Luke could tell by his voice that he was hurting, too “He met her at a concert in our second world tour as a solo act. He is the son of a very famous producer and they hit it off right away. We didn’t know exactly when things turned for the worse, but we knew something was happening. She would cover herself more, never hanging out with us unless he was present, she wouldn’t eat in front of him or talk to any of us directly unless it was something about work and that still pissed him off. We all heard the rumors of him cheating on her, but she always dismissed them saying that he loved her and he would never do that. I still wonder what other things we didn’t know that she’s still processing.
It wasn’t until the night he almost killed her that we understood the severity of it. She came by my house while I and the others were hanging out. She was bleeding all over herself, her face was covered in blood just as her shirt and pants. It was terrifying; I don’t remember ever driving that far to the hospital, paying the nurses to keep quiet because she kept asking to keep it a secret. That bastard broke her nose and one of her ribs. She had bruises on her arms, stomach, eye, inner thighs, and legs and a cut over her eyebrow. She lost a lot of blood on her way to my house so Calum had to donate some of his because she needed a transfusion. She stayed in the hospital overnight; the next morning we filed a restraining order against Madden and she moved in with me that same day, promising herself and to us that she would never let someone do that again to her. We promise we would never let anything happen to her from that moment on” 
Luke was shedding silent tears at Ashton’s story, all the things he imagined happened to her didn’t compare to the reality she suffered. And he only made it worse. 
“She was never the same after that” Ashton continued “Until you came into the picture” 
Ashton could hear Luke crying over the phone, his sniffs had given him away. But he knew he needed to hear this; he needed to know. 
“We didn’t want you to get close to her, afraid you might hurt her the same way Madden did, but she insisted that you were different, that you were a good guy. And against our better judgment, we believed her. We never expected that little by little, we would get our Y/N/N back. She was smiling again, laughing and singing songs about the love we never thought she’d be able to sing again. It was so obvious that she loved you that we couldn't do anything about it but be happy for her, you brought her back to us. 
I guess Madden saw that and didn’t like it, that’s why he came to see her that night. We don’t know much about what happened there or what he said to her, but she was shaking when she came back. All she said was that he cornered her, threatened her and called the paparazzi that worked for his father to take pictures of them, and since we were not in America, there was nothing the restraining order to do to help her”
“He did what?!” Luke shouted at the phone, fuming over the fact that that fucker decided to get close to her when she was vulnerable. He promised that if he ever saw him he’d kill him. 
“Now you care about what happened?” Ashton asked in return, frustration lacing his voice at Luke’s sudden feeling of protection “Luke, she called you over ten times that day as she was breaking down in the green room. She asked us all if we could get ahold of you because the driver came back without you. She was so fucking scared and you weren’t there when she needed you by her side. So don’t you fucking dare get offended right now. It already happened and you weren’t there” 
Ashton was right. Luke had no right to be furious at the moment, given that he was the one who abandoned her deliberately when he saw the pictures of her and her abuser. He had the excuse of ignorance, but that wasn’t enough. It never has, not it ever will be, because his girlfriend needed him at the time and he left her alone. 
He cried into the phone, not caring if Ashton could listen or not. He was so fucking angry at himself, at Madden, at the world… He was supposed to protect her, he said he would and then he gave the final punch. He failed her because of his insecurities. 
“I’m sorry” He cried, but Ashton was having none of that. 
“I’m not the one you should be apologizing for”
“She doesn’t want to-”
“Listen to me you shit” Ashton hissed into the phone “I don’t care what you think she wants. She is destroying herself over the fact that the last person she thought would hurt her left her because he chose to believe the lies of the media over his own girlfriend”
Luke’s heart broke all over again “She’s what?” 
“Oh my god, how dense are you, dude? Now you decide to ignore the gossip?! She’s been going out all night, drinking herself to death and refusing help from any of us. She is slowly killing herself by killing her soul” He sounded worried, scared even, as he muttered the last words “We are losing her” 
“Wh-what can I do?” Luke asked helplessly. Not being able to bear the thought of Y/N being gone. 
“We booked you a flight. Figure it out and don’t make us regret it” 
“Forgetting the lyrics again? Y/N L/N surely knows how to displease an audience”
“What is going on with YN?” 
He arrived late to the hotel, having his flight delayed for a few hours, and the boys were already waiting for him in the lobby. Luke took a deep breath as he spotted them from afar, they were talking among them, concerned looks covering their expressions as they looked through their phone. 
Luke walked up to them, mustering enough courage to say “Hi,” 
The three men turned towards the blonde, Calum quickly walking up to him and punching him in the face, caught Luke by surprise as he backed up holding his nose and looking at Calum with widened, surprised eyes. 
“That’s for hurting my best friend, you asshole!” He said, making the other guests look in their direction. 
Luke hissed as he made sure he wasn’t bleeding “Thank you. I deserved that” He said, blinking twice “But to be honest I was expecting Ashton to deliver the blow” 
“Calum won at rock, paper, scissors” Ashton shrugged “But that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. We still need to have a serious talk and I might punch you there” 
Luke nodded, understanding that he did not only fail Y/N, but he also failed them. He promised them that he would take care of their best friend and they believed him. They even helped them get together and served as trust advisers for Luke about what it means to date a celebrity and yet he ignored every single one of them. 
He might never get their trust back, but now they needed to focus on other things more important than that.
“Where is she?” He asked. 
“Out,” Michael answered “The girls went with her. We don’t want her to be alone when she’s drunk” 
They started walking towards the door, getting into the car that would take them to Y/N and the rest of the girls. “Do you know what you will say to her when you see her?” Calum asked. 
“No,” Luke answered honestly “I guess I’ll know then”
“And you better not fuck it up again, Hemmings, or I swear it’s going to be the last thing you do” 
The dance floor was crowded. People were dancing one against the other as the beats of the songs reverberated all over their bodies and started the flame of having just one night of fun. Among them it was Y/N, dancing in the corner with her friends and ignoring their concerned eyes as she moved freely thanks to the alcohol that was cursing through her veins. She knew she had to wake up soon, but she just wanted to keep living this dream every night instead of facing the nightmares that would come in the morning.
She missed how easy everything was before that night when the nightmare started. When she couldn’t find Luke in the crowd of their concert nor their bedroom late at night. Now she doesn’t even want to go to sleep, knowing that she won’t find him there ever again, all because she asked him to leave. 
But he wanted to leave, even before she asked him he was already getting his stuff to leave her “cheating ass”, writing words that describe their relationship as toxic. Is that what it was? Were they toxic or just scared? She couldn’t tell the difference anymore, not after spending night after night trying to erase those words out of her mind, but they were already scared forever in her skin. She promised herself she would carry them as a battle wound, as proof that no matter what you do, you could never win when the whole world seems against you even when you have done nothing wrong… Unlike now. 
She knew what she was doing, she knew she was disappointing a lot of people. She was disappointed in herself, too, but she couldn’t stop. The world was finally telling truths about her and it felt nice to at least have that. They denied her the truths for so long, feeding everyone lies that they would believe without hesitation or her explanation, just like Luke did, and now she was finally acting like people supposed she had. Now, at least she had control over that. 
She wondered if Luke ever thinks about her. If he’s forgiven her for whatever he thinks she’s done or if he continues to read the articles and rejoice in the fact that he was right, even when he wasn’t, he was right. Maybe he’d be proud? 
“Darling, are you alright?” She heard Bethany shout over the music. All the girls were looking at her. She didn’t realize she stopped dancing. 
However, she just nodded “I’m going to get more drinks!” She said, faking a smile even though the girls could tell that she was crying. But she was so far out she couldn’t even feel the tears that rolled down her cheek.
Y/N gripped the marble countertop of the bar, trying to hold herself steady. She was thinking again, she didn’t want to think anymore. She ordered two shots of tequila and drowned them down before asking for two more. But before she could drown the fourth one, someone snatches the drink out of her hand.
“Heeey” She slurred “Don’t get between me and my- oh, hello!” She smiled happily at the stranger who took her drink from her “You look a lot like my ex-boyfriend” 
Luke’s eyes widened at the word. She has never called him her boyfriend in front of people before. He glanced behind her and saw Michael, Ashton, and Calum already standing next to their girls, nodding encouragingly at him. 
“Ex-boyfriend?” He asked, eyes meeting hers and noticing the glimmer of tears in them. But she kept on smiling and nodding before she started to pout.
“But shhhhh,” She said, laying her head on the counter, almost like she wanted to take a nap “It’s a secret. No one knows we’re together… or were together. They will never leave him alone if they find out”
Y/N looked to the sides, almost as if making sure no one was listening before she leaned into him and whispered “The media,” Then she started to giggle “If they found out I have a boyfriend then they will want to know everything about him! And poor Luke wouldn’t be able to handle that, he shouldn’t go through that” 
Luke’s heart broke at the sight of the drunk girl sighing in the bar, holding her empty shot glass and sniffing every other word to stop the tears from falling.
“He doesn’t deserve that, the hate. He’s a good guy, a little shy and awkward, but he’s nice. But the media is cruel and a liar, and I don’t want him to feel baaaaad. How stupid it is that because I love someone they should get hated on, right? Hahaha, I just wanted to protect hiiiim, cause I love him sooo so much. I even protected him from my friends! You know?! I never told them what he did to me in case they wanted to keep their friendship going, Luke is a very shy guy and he loved them very muchhh, I couldn't take that from him"
“Even if he hurt you?” Luke’s words were careful and filled with pain. When the boys told him that she was getting drunk each night he never imagined her this far gone. He never imagined her this sad. 
Y/N shook his head “I deserved to get, hic, hurt” She said between hiccups “He said I was a cheating whore monster liar, b-b-but I don’t blame himmmm. I’m sad but at least he doesn’t have to deal with me anymore and this BULLSHIT” She yelled, throwing her hands up to the sky. But then she started crying, sobbing as she tumbled backward before Luke caught her.
Luke was trying to contain his own tears as she sobbed into his embrace “I just want to tell him that I’m sorry I couldn’t protect him from myself” She cried “I wanted to be happy with him but we are both sad and toxic for each other. That’s what he said in his poem. I-I-I just w-want him to be ha-happy” 
Luke cried as he held her, burying his face into her hair as both of their bodies trembled. Even when she had every right to hate him, she still wants to protect him. Something he should’ve done. 
“I’m so sorry, my love” He cried, making Y/N look at him with worried, tearful eyes.
“Oh, don’t cry, stranger,” She said as she cupped his face and wiped his tears “I’m sad but you should be happy!” 
“C-cause you’re not me” 
Luke stared into her eyes, she was smiling while the tears kept falling. Even at her lowest, she tried to be strong for everyone around her, even the stranger she thought he was. He pressed his lips on a thin line and nodded, hugging her tighter as if he was trying to hold on to the last piece of her that didn’t show coldness to him before she remembers everything in the morning. At least he would hold her one more time. 
Y/N didn’t understand much of what was happening but she returned the hug with the same energy, letting the stranger cry into her shoulder as she rubbed his back with her fingertips, wondering what Luke was doing right now. She decided that she didn’t want to know. 
“I want to sleep,” She said after a minute of holding the man. 
Luke pulled away from her, wiping his tears as he nodded “Then let’s get you to bed, my love” 
She shook his head, pulling on his hand as he tried to walk them out of the club “But Luke won’t be there when I wake up” 
All the wind was knocked out of his lungs, did she want him there? “I’ll be there,” He said. 
“He’ll be there. I promise”
Luke gave one last look at the group. They were all staring at him with worried and hopeful eyes, actually surprised that this didn’t end badly just yet. Luke nodded at them and pulled Y/N with him, the rest of the guys followed him into the car as they made their way back to the hotel. 
Y/N slept all the way back, her head was placed in Luke’s shoulder as the blond kept staring at her, silent tears still dying on his cheek. The guilt was eating him alive; it was painful to see her this way, but at the same time he knew that she was at peace as she slept, letting the world fade for at least a few minutes before reality came crashing down.
When they reached the hotel, Luke carried her back into her room. He sat her down on the bed and started to take off her shoes as she lazily rubbed the tiredness from her eyes, suddenly waking up for a moment.
“Luke?” She asked. Luke raised his head and was met with her eyes already locked with his, a glaze of new tears adorned her pupils as she whispered “Am I dreaming right now?” 
“No,” He answered, voice as soft as hers as he got up and placed a kiss on the top of her head “No, you’re not, darling”
“Good. I always hate to wake up without you there” She said, looking over her shoulder to the empty side where Luke used to sleep. 
They both stayed quiet for the rest of the night. Luke took off her silk shirt and leather pants and helped her put on one of the big shirts she’s used to sleeping in. He wiped the makeup off her face and followed her nighttime routine without missing a step. When she was done, she curled up to her side and quickly fell into a deep slumber. 
Luke stared at the girl, his heart aching for her as he saw how fragile she looked while she slept. He thought about all the things she said that night, how he never considered her side of the story before. How he just assumed that she was hiding him because she didn’t want people to find out she was taken when in reality she didn’t want people to hurt him the way they hurt her. The way he hurt her.
Tears started to pick up in his eyes again. He hated to cry but there was nothing else he could do at the moment. Everything became too much too fast and he didn’t know if he could fix it. So all he could do was cry for the girl he loves and the girl he lost, not knowing if she would ever come back to him. 
“I’m sorry” He whispered in a quiet sob, getting into bed with her and holding her close “I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m sorry, my love” He kept murmuring into her hair until sleep claimed him as well. 
The next morning Y/N wakes up in her hotel bed but she doesn’t know how she got there. She looks to her side but the bed is empty, yet she finds an aspirin and a bottle of water in her nightstand. She wonders who was the poor soul that had to go with her last night to make sure she doesn't end up drunk in a ditch, at least they succeeded. 
Then she hears water running up in the bathroom and her heart sinks. Did she bring someone here last night? No, she wouldn’t do that. But she was very drunk… Oh my god, what did she do? 
Luke could hear her shuffling in the bed as he brushed his teeth. “It is now or never,” He thought, but he didn’t know what he would find behind the door. She didn’t know him yesterday, but today was another story and Luke’s heart shrank at the thought of Y/N hating him for coming back, even if it was to apologize to her. He was terrified, but he was tired of running away. 
As soon as he opened the door he was met with Y/N’s surprised gaze. The girl was quick to cover herself up, cheeks tinted red at the sight of her ex-boyfriend in her hotel room. She didn’t miss the flash of hurt that ran through his face when she did that. 
“Luke…” She said in one breath, suddenly feeling self-conscious by his presence “What are you- Did we-?” 
“No,” He answered quickly, stepping closer to the bed “No, we didn’t. You were drunk and I- You know I would never do that to you” 
“I thought we didn’t know each other…” 
Her words lingered in the air between them, creating a tension that could be cut with a knife. How fast did they become strangers when they used to know every single cardinal point of their bodies, every breath they took and what they meant, every sigh, every look… Now they were just two people in a room with so much to say but with no words coming out of either of their mouths.
Luke noticed how her eyes changed. While they were no longer filled with tears, they now laid emotionless in front of him, dull and empty as she stared at him. 
“I did this to her,” He thought “I took the light of her eyes. It’s my fault” 
She cleared her throat, breaking the silence as she spoke “Well, thank you for bringing me here last night. You can go now” She said, tearing her eyes away from him as she sat on her edge of the bed. 
Luke stood still “No,” 
“I’m asking you to leave” Y/N clarified, her voice growing stronger but still a bit sore. 
“And I’m telling you I’m not going” He responded, taking tentative steps towards her “Something I should’ve done all those weeks ago” 
He was standing in front of her in a matter of seconds; he crouched to meet her eyes but she quickly turned her face away “Y/N, please” He begged, his hand coming to rest on her cheek as his knuckles caressed her skin while the other one was placed on top of her hands, both intertwined with each other on top of her thighs “You could look at me yesterday, please don’t deny me at least that. Let me see you, my love” 
But Y/N didn’t move, her face stayed turned to the side with her hair covering most of it. She couldn’t look at him, she just couldn’t. It was too hard, too painful. Luke sighed.
“Okay, it’s okay. You don’t have to, but at least listen to me, yeah? I just- I need you to listen, Y/N, please” He pleaded, placing both hands on top of hers “Y/N, I love you” 
The knot in his throat became tighter as he noticed how the veins of her neck tensed and she started to grip her hands tighter. But she needed to hear this, and even though it hurt to see her like that, he continued. 
“I love you. I love you. I love you” He said, voice breaking at the end, impossible to fight that choking feeling in his throat “I loved you since the moment I saw you. You were all dressed up in Calum‘s clothes and you had a pen in your hair, and I thought you were the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen, but you were so nervous about trying to clean the coffee you spilled that you didn’t even notice I fell for you without knowing your name” He let out a tearful chuckle “I started to fall that day and I haven’t stopped, not even for a second. Y/N you are- You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I was an idiot for not seeing that. I don’t know what I have to do for you to forgive me, but I’ll do anything, my love. Anything to make it better. Cause I followed you blindly from the start, and I’m so sorry I let you down. I’m so, so fucking sorry that I let my insecurities come in our way. I love you, even then I never stopped loving you”
He could see how her chin started to tremble, she was trying to hold off the tears as much as him “I - I wish I could go back in time. I would’ve never said the things I said, I would’ve never doubted you or left without listening to what you had to say. I should’ve fought harder for you, but I was a coward. I still am, if I’m being honest, but I will not run away, Y/N. Not anymore. I know I will never deserve you, but I’ll do my best and try. Because you, my love, are the love of my life, the greatest love I have and - and I can’t -“ 
It became too much for him. He couldn’t say anything else without breaking down. But he wanted her to know how much she meant for him, how much he is willing to fight for her if she lets him. She needed to know how sorry he was and how much he still loves her. But the words got stuck in his throat. The poet was left speechless.
“Y/N you are so strong,” He finally said “So strong, my love. And I’m so fucking proud of everything you do, I always have and always will be” He brought her hands to his lips and started pressing kisses all over it while wetting them with his tears “I wish I could take back everything I said. All those words were said out of anger and jealousy, that is not how I see you at all. You are so beautiful, Y/N, inside and out. So kind, so smart, so giving… You are perfect. And I love you, I love you, I love yo-”
Suddenly his words were interrupted by her lips as she started kissing him. Y/N didn’t want to keep listening anymore so she did the only thing he could, the thing she wanted to do the most since she saw him come out of the bathroom. 
Their hands flew to cup each other’s cheeks, keeping their faces as close as they could, feeling how their tears became one as they started to deepen the kiss. They rocked back and forward with the intensity of their energies colliding once again, it was everything they needed and more. Suddenly, Luke got up from the floor and brought Y/N along with her, pressing her against the wall as their lips never left each other.
“I love you” He breathed into her lips before kissing her again and again and again, already getting lost in the feeling of euphoria she brought to him “I love you”
She kept crying as their lips met, savoring every word, every praise that came from his mouth, trying hard to hold on to them as she felt her breath become short “I missed you” She cried into the kiss, pulling away to see his face. 
Luke’s eyes were blown wide as he stared at her, their lips were pink as they tried to catch their breaths. He knocked his forehead against hers before kissing it lightly “Please, forgive me” He begged, holding her tight against his chest. 
“Luke,” She whispered as she tugged on his shirt, making him look back at her “Kiss me” 
He looked at her softly, his baby blue eyes saying more than he ever could as he caressed her cheek one more time before leaning down and trapping her lips with his. He had no rush because there was no other place he’d rather be, no other person he’d rather spend time with. Only her. Only his Y/N. 
Her hands traveled tentatively under his shirt, softly caressing the skin of his back and his stomach as she parted her lips to grant him more access and control. Luke’s hand that was not cupping her cheek rounded around her waist, bringing her body closer to him with the need of feeling her, all of her. 
“Y/N…” He groaned, tilting his head back when he felt her kiss along his jaw and neck.
“Please…” She murmured against his skin, sucking and kissing on the spot that she knew would make him shiver. 
Luke pressed her against the wall with his body completely covering hers. He grabbed the back of her thighs and lifted her feet from the ground as she locked her legs around his waist. “Please,” She begged again, closing her lips around the shell of his ear and slightly biting into it. She could feel him getting hard as her hips moved forward, her core pressing against his hardening cock. She moaned softly into his ear  “Please, Luke. Please” 
The movement of her hips was all Luke needed to lose himself to her, thrusting right back at her and moaning at the friction of her soaked panties against his clothed erection. Her sound became more breathy and he knew she was getting close just by the friction alone, having spent too much time without this feeling. 
“Y/N…” Luke groaned into her after a particularly hard trust “I-”
“I know” She breathed “I need it too,” 
Without a second thought, Luke turned both of them around, still holding Y/N by the back of her thighs as he placed them back into the bed. Now it was his turn to kiss along her face, her lips, her neck… everywhere she would give him access to and would leave her breathing his name. His hands fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, taking it off completely in one swift move and occupying his hands by touching her breasts, massaging them softly as his lips closed against one of her nipples, tongue circling around the hard pebble until they were nice, erect and wet from his kiss only to do it again with the other one. 
Y/N was a whimpering mess under him, her fingers tangling in his hair as he sucked on her sweet spot, kissing down her body until his lips found her wet panties. He kissed over her clothes bundle of nerves, making her moan and begged for more as he swiftly hooked his long fingers at either side of her hips and pulled them down, kissing along her thighs up and down and up again only to finish tongue deep into her hole, lapping at her arousal and moaning against her at the taste of her. He always found her exquisite. 
Stars were playing behind her eyelids as she felt one finger inside her while Luke’s lips closed against her clit, sucking it lightly as he inserted another finger per her request, thrusting then inside and out as she chanted his name like a prayer when her walls clenched against them. 
Luke licked her clean as her fingers played with his hair, relishing this intimate moment as a precious memory for the future. When he pushed himself up he noticed that there were a new set of tears rolling down her cheeks “Are you okay, love?” He asked, “Did I hurt you?” 
She shook his head, looking up at him with teary eyes “I love you” 
His eyes soften at her words, hands caressing the side of her face as he leaned in without thinking, kissing her tears away with such care, never wanting to see them again.
“Luke…” She whispered, kissing his chin “Luke, make love to me” 
Blue eyes met Y/E/C, sharing all the love he had in them before leaning down again to trap her lips with his; tongues dancing together like it was the first time all over again where no other words were needed. 
Y/N helped him out of his shirt and shorts, pumping his cock in her hands as he moaned in her ear how good it felt before lining it up with her entrance, quiet gasps leaving each other’s mouths as they felt the familiar stretch when he bottomed out. 
Soft words and kisses were shared as Luke’s thrusts were slow and steady. It was silent, needy, passionate; it was everything they needed and more. Their hands explored the familiarity of their bodies, leaving faint marks as they enjoyed their shared pleasure.
“Please,” She begged against his lips, moaning as Luke started hitting her spot “Please, please, please, plea-” 
Her orgasm came over her like a wave and Luke was entranced with her face as it contorted in extasis, helping him reach his climax as he cum inside her, painting her walls as his thrusts became sloppy. 
They stayed like that for a while, kissing on top of each other as their bodies stayed connected in the most intimate way. But soon Luke had to get up, getting a wet cloth from the bathroom and cleaning her up, whispering sweet nothings to her as he did so. 
He climbed into the bed next to her, pulling her closer against his chest as his back rested against the headboard, drawing circles in the soft spot of her back and resting his chin on the top of her head. 
They must’ve fallen asleep after a while because when he opened his eyes again he felt Y/N crying into his chest.
“My love?” He asked, worry lacing his voice as he accommodated himself better so he could see her face. Y/N eyes were puffy and filled with tears as she struggled to contain a sob “What’s wrong?” 
Y/N sniffed, voice breaking as she asked “You love me?” 
Luke furrowed his eyebrows in confusion “What a stupid question,” He said as he started playing with your hair “Of course I love you” 
“But what else?” 
Her question confused him, even more, when he saw pure heartbreak spread along her face. 
“What else what?” 
“You love me and what else?” She repeated her question. 
“What else is there?” 
Luke’s answer made her lips tremble as a new set of tears filled her eyes. His heart fell to his stomach with her reaction, not knowing what he did to make her this upset “Baby, what’s wrong? Is love not enough?” 
Y/N shook her head as she took a deep breath, trying to find enough voice and courage to say what she needed. 
“I’m not perfect, Luke” 
“I know,” He said, bringing his fingers to caress your cheek but you shook your head.
“No, you don’t know” She stated, tears rolling down her cheek “You still see me as something out of your reach, as something you don’t deserve because you hold me to such standards that is impossible for me to live up to your expectations. I will let you down, even without wanting to, I will. And- a-and I don’t think I’ll be able to stand that look in your eyes once I do. I can’t go through that again” 
She cried softly for a while, trying to find the right words to say.
“Luke, I need you to listen to me very carefully and really think about what I’m asking for here, okay, love?” She said after collecting herself just enough. He nodded as he gave her his undivided attention “Luke, I love you. More than anyone in the world, I love you. I thought I would never say those words again but I can’t deny my feelings for you nor do I want to. I love you. But I also love my life” 
Luke’s eyes were fixed on her as she spoke, nodding along to what she was saying. She took another deep breath before continuing. 
“A life that is filled with concerts, traveling and recordings and parties and interviews… A life that I chose to follow my dreams and make them come true. A life I am not going to give up because it’s mine and I truly love it. But in this life, there are some bumps in the road. There will always be people trying to bring me down, sending hate to me and the ones I love, spreading rumors all around where sometimes you won’t be able to distinguish fiction from reality. With people trying to get to me, by flirting or abusing their power with threats. But I keep going, I deal with all of that because that’s just the way it is. I will go to an interview that might get twisted, I might go and get flirted on by a random stranger that works for publicity. I might have rumors of me dating people I haven’t even met! All of that without my consent or knowledge. But I agreed to this when I agreed to follow my dreams and I can’t help it when it happens and most of the time I can’t say anything about it even if it hurts. 
And when that happens I need to know that you will trust me. Because I cannot possibly ask you to leave your dreams to follow mine, meaning that we won’t be together all the time like we’re used to. And I need to know that you will trust me when I’m away from you”
Luke stayed quiet, his mind running a thousand miles per hour at her words. Could he trust her? When they were together on tour, and even at home in L.A, the rumors about Y/N were strong, so much so that he didn’t know if they were true or not. And even though he knew her, he still wasn’t sure. He doubted her, more times than not he did which ended up in him losing her until last night. He trusted her now, but…
“I don’t know,” He answered honestly, feeling like the weight of his shoulders was being lifted as he spoke “I don’t trust my mind, not when it’s about you. Not really. I trust you here, right now but I can’t promise that my insecurities won’t get in the way, changing that for the future. But I can try, I’ll do my best-”
“What if your best is not enough, Luke?” She asked, sucking the air out of both of them. 
“What?” He asked in return, voice small and soft. 
She sighed, blinking through the tears “What if- What if it’s not enough? You love me, but you don’t trust me. I love you, but I’m scared you’re going to run away every time you hear something about me that could tint the image of me you have in your mind. I’m scared of that Y/N because I’m not her and I might never be able to compete with her. I wish I could tell you that everything will change for the better, that love will be enough. But if we can’t see a future now…”
“There might not be a future at all” Luke finished for her. 
The truth hurt more than they could ever have imagined, but it was still the truth. Without trust, there is no love that could endure the passings of times, but they could try, couldn’t they? 
“What now?” He asked after a moment of silence. 
“Hold me?” 
Luke opened his arms and Y/N nested into them, setting her head upon his chest and letting his heartbeat be the melody of her heartbreak. “I love you” She whispered into his skin.
“I love you, too” 
“I might never stop loving you” 
“You don’t have to” 
She sighed “I know, that’s what scares me”
Luke nodded, even though she couldn't see him. He let his fingertips trace up and down her arms and back, serving as the only comfort he could give right now.
“Stay with me tonight?” She asked, tilting her head so she could look him in the eyes “Just one night the two of us where we can leave the world behind. Just us and for tonight that’s enough”
He smiled sadly “Morning will come eventually” 
“And what will happen to us in the morning?” 
Luke let out a sad sigh “I don’t know” 
Tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @mystic-232 @talksoprettyjjx @theshyspy @hoodhoran @flaneurcth @notinthesameguey @bubblegum18 @irwin-fletcher-ash @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @1980holland @wiiildflowerrr @myloverboyash @nicebasscalum @calumspupils @secretsicanthideanymore @the-ghost-of-ash​ @alltimesos @kingxnichole @givebuckyhisplumsnow @hufflehemm @wildflower98 @girl-toxxic
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