#i work in professional liability insurance
thatmartiangirl · 10 months
Working in the insurance industry and getting a better idea of how it works and it's becoming clearer and clearer how bonkers it is that the healthcare system in this country is insurance based
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Luigi’s been acting weird lately-- and Bowser’s concerned. When Luigi vanishes one day without any warning, Bowser begrudgingly turns to Mario for help, meeting him at a (humorously petite) cafe in Mushroom Kingdom to discuss what’s been going on. Old rivalries die hard.
The cafe has really good liability insurance, don’t worry.
(A/N under the cut)
bear with me as i try to find my footing with this LOL, i am by no means a professional comic artist. i’m writing (or attempting to, at least) a comic based on my Evil Luigi AU-- read the original post/see the original art my looking thru the #my art tag on my blog! this is a bowuigi AU, so the relationship’s pre-established and Luigi, up until he ran away, had been ruling Koopa Kingdom alongside Bowser and navigating that fun new king life.
i have no idea what to tell yall to expect other than the fact that this will be very inconsistent in literally all senses of the word :’) but hey, im tryin my best-- i havent done any sort of comic in a long time and im having a lot of fun with this so far. if anything it’s good practice. right now i have at least a few pages planned out, but im not sure how quickly ill be able to draw them out, especially since i’ll be working full-time again soon. so see this as a bit of a teaser for things to come/an experiment to measure interest in the idea. :D
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nananarc · 3 months
Gonna disclose my income as a freelance artist because I feel like it might give some perspective. And mostly bc I'm feeling a bit burnout and I want pity points ok? Lol.
Context 1: For sake of simplicity, all figures are net income (minused all fees, charges, insurance, benefits, etc)
Context 2: I live in a big city in Việt Nam and the cost of living is relatively low. A salary of 1000$/month is considered really good for someone living alone with one pet, no family or children, no debt or other liabilities. Entry level jobs usually start at around 200-300$/month.
Let's start in 2021 because that's when it can be considered when I started doing art professionally.
In 2021 and 2022, I was juggling between art school, a part-time online side gig, building social media for my art, and of course try to get commissions. But coms were few and far between, mainly because I didn't have an online present before and I only hang in relatively small fandoms. So all I earn through side gig and art were only some change, in total avarage to about 40$/ month. Some months made up for no income months.
In 2023, things starts to be a bit better as I get more confident in my skill, but coms are still few and far between and months with no income is still common. Side gig was few and far between too and pay less. Overall I'd say it goes up to about 80$/month.
This year 2024, art school is done, I can finally do art full time. But I was severely burnout because all the accumulated stress since waaaaay before catch up with me and i couldn't cope anymore. I have to spend a lot of time resting instead. Fortunately, I received a decent amount of coms each month, and the new patreon surprisingly got a few supporters (I fully realistically expected it to sit at 0 for at least a year). Overall, I have an 8 hours 4 days work week: 4 hours a day on com and managing social media and other stuff that actually makes money; 4 hours a day on my own projects and personal indulgence that doesn't directly make money. As of now, my income is about 180$/month.
You are probably wondering how the fuck do one live like this in this economy.
It's because my family is middle class and can afford a freeloader like me in their house, receive their pocket money and tuition fee. I'm privileged.
But of course my family isn't rich and if just one catastrophic event happens to us, we'd be in bad shit. I'm constantly in anxiety of money, work, and the future. It doesn't help that I'm late 20s and many people around keep reminding of how I'm not making money yet still leeching off parents. It doesn't help that, for years all i hear about art is it will just lead to failure and no money.
But still, I am thankful of my family for letting me stay here. And all my friends and supporters for giving me money oc lol, but more importantly, believing in me more than I ever do in myself. I read all of your little tags, your keysmash and compliments, and I keep them all dear to my heart, and I went back to them everytime I need motivation. I can't see where my future as an artist will be, but I cling to your support and love as the will to keep going. Thank you all so, so fucking much. I'd have been literally dead in a ditch somewhere without you guys.
Anyway, idk, I've always been adamant about wage transparency (especially in a corporate setting) but I rarely see this in freelance artists. except to flex, to promote the hustle culture, or to sell some courses they made. Most of us don't want/can't subscribe to the grind and have nothing to flex either. All we have is this shit economy. I'd wish we could have been more open about this and many of us wouldn't have to feel so lonely and despair all the time.
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brehaaorgana · 19 days
I am really glad that I know just enough about how estate handling works to be dangerous.
While we did our best with cleaning the apartment, and I left my contact info as next-of-kin when I returned the apartment keys, the rental management company reached out to my Aunt in order to let her know they'd identified bio-material (ew) and will need to hire professional cleaners.
This is part of the email they sent:
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At this time, bio-material has been identified in the unit. As this is the case, we will need to have the unit treated by a specialty team to complete. Once the service is complete, we can send you the final statement. As this service is costly, we are requesting quotes from multiple company to provide you the best end price. I wanted to make sure you all are aware where we are currently with his account. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns I can help with.
Now, my dear followers, have you spotted the bullshit that even a specialty team couldn't treat?
I'll lay it out!
Once the company was advised that I am legally next of kin, they have no business emailing anyone else but me! I signed return keys paperwork in person, in their office, by writing "on behalf of the estate of (my dad's name)" then my name and then following it with "(Next of Kin, Acting Executor)." I probably didn't need to do any of that but I won't be caught signing anything that even remotely looks like I am taking personal legal liability lmfao. I provided my address and contact info as the next of kin. They demanded seeing MY legal id in order to let me into the apartment. Failure to update best contact info is a bad look.
"this service is costly," neat! You can start by applying his security deposit and making a claim with renters insurance if he notified you of any. You should file that claim before his rental insurance finds out he's dead. You cannot tell me your fucking expensive apartment didn't have a hefty security deposit.
"in order to give you the best end price" oh, really? Gee THAAAANKSS that's SOoOoOoOoo THOUGHTFUL!!! 🙄 This is a bullshit thing to say. You don't need to give me options lol. You should be choosing the most affordable option because —
Sweethearts, your final statement isn't being paid by ME. It's being paid by my father's estate. You are making the gamble there's any money in it. I'm not legally liable to pay any of my father's debts, including your final apartment bill. The liability is with the estate. You can choose the most expensive option and if the estate has no money, then you're the one left with the bill.
Basically what a stupid email to send. You should choose whatever price you're willing to lose entirely in case the estate is insolvent. Get in line with all his credit cards, this dude didn't own property, or his car, and declared bankruptcy at least once lmfao.
probate court will take months, my father was probably broke, and unluckily for you I EAGERLY look forwards to my dad's broke ass screwing over a greedy California landlord. ✌🏻
And I know I don't have to pay a single red cent from life insurance payout if I get anything.
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By: Eliza Mondegreen
Published: Sept 12, 2023
First comes the pushback, then the pullback. 
Yesterday, the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital announced that doctors there will no longer prescribe puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones to children and adolescents. This decision follows months of controversy and comes in the wake of a new law that just went into effect in Missouri, which limits hormonal and surgical interventions for gender transition to patients over the age of 18.
Under a “grandfather clause” in the new law, the Transgender Center could have continued to prescribe puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to current patients. However, it decided to back away from these interventions altogether:
We are disheartened to have to take this step. However, Missouri’s newly enacted law regarding transgender care has created a new legal claim for patients who received these medications as minors. This legal claim creates unsustainable liability for health-care professionals and makes it untenable for us to continue to provide comprehensive transgender care for minor patients without subjecting the university and our providers to an unacceptable level of liability.  - WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY TRANSGENDER CENTER
The Center first came under intense scrutiny earlier this year, when former case manager Jamie Reed blew the whistle on what she had come to see as dangerous practices within the clinic. In an article for The Free Press, Reed reported that: 
“During the four years I worked at the clinic as a case manager—I was responsible for patient intake and oversight—around a thousand distressed young people came through our doors. The majority of them received hormone prescriptions that can have life-altering consequences—including sterility. I left the clinic in November of last year because I could no longer participate in what was happening there. By the time I departed, I was certain that the way the American medical system is treating these patients is the opposite of the promise we make to ‘do no harm.’ Instead, we are permanently harming the vulnerable patients in our care.” - JAMIE REED
Reed catalogued “red flag” cases to keep track of “the kind of patients that kept my colleague and me up at night” and documented cases of youth with serious mental health struggles rushed onto life-altering drugs and even undergoing surgeries they soon regretted. The Transgender Center rejected Reed’s assessment and conducted their own internal investigation — an investigation in which they never bothered to speak to Reed — before declaring her allegations “unsubstantiated”. 
But the case for youth gender transition has been unravelling this year, under pressure from state officials and legislators and increased scrutiny from the media. At the end of August, St. Louis Circuit Court Judge Steven Ohmer allowed Missouri’s ban on hormonal and surgical interventions for youth to go into effect, writing that the evidence for youth transition “raises more questions than answers”. 
Hence the “unsustainable liability” Washington University cited in its decision to pull back from this area of healthcare. That’s because Missouri’s new law also extended the period of time former patients have to sue for damages to 15 years. Perhaps, when the Washington University investigated themselves, they found more merit to Reed’s allegations than they were willing to acknowledge publicly. They fear being made to pay for it. 
Medical scandals tend to end quietly: the “chemical lobotomy” phased out the lobotomy-lobotomy. The Satanic Panic choked not on its own absurdities but in courtrooms and insurance offices. Public reckonings are few and far between. “Unsustainable liability” may be the beginning of the end for youth gender transition. 
How could there be an "unacceptable level of liability" when all of this "gender affirming care" is based on evidence, of which there is definitely plenty, and "the science," which is definitely reliable and high quality? Isn't it "life-saving"? We were told it was "life-saving," right? Wasn't it "life-saving"? How can anything be an "unacceptable liability" when people aRe LiTeRaLLy dYiNg!!1!
If all of these drugs and cosmetic surgeries and amputations and other sex trait modifications were so well evidenced, so ethical and so necessary, it should be an absolute doddle in the insurance office and the courtroom. It all just needs to be explained clearly and people will agree. Right? Because detransition is rare, regret is rare, complications are rare, "kids know who they are," all the medical experts agree, and there's no legitimate concern, just "far-right" bigots conducting their "genocide." Right?
I said some time ago that only the lawsuits would stop it in the US and Canada. It looks like that's begun. Hospitals aren't willing to put their bottom line ahead of, or their necks on the chopping block for, adherence to this religion.
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I am very excited to announce that, after over a year of planning and preparation, I am officially available for hire as an independent nature tour guide! Take me along on your hike and I'll help you identify the animals, plants, and fungi that we see along the way. Curious about the geological forces that shaped the land, or how the climate affects what living beings we see? We can explore those topics and more as we go. No formal scientific background needed--anyone can learn about the nature around them!
While I am based in the Columbia-Pacific region that spans southwest Washington and northwest Oregon, I am available to work elsewhere in either state, to include on any private land with landowner's permission, and public land with a commercial use permit. And I can lead tours year-round as long as weather permits; the mild climate on the coast means there are plenty of opportunities even when the rest of the region may be dealing with snow and ice, or dangerously high temperatures.
I became certified as an Oregon Master Naturalist in 2017 and was first certified as a Wilderness First Responder in 2013; I have maintained both certifications since then. I am a registered Oregon Outfitter Guide; this registration is necessary to perform any commercial guiding in the state of Oregon. I maintain both general and professional liability insurance. You can find out more about me here. I hold myself to a high standard of ecological awareness and responsibility toward my tour sites and their wild inhabitants. Tour proceeds are shared with non-profit organizations that restore and protect wild land, and I regularly volunteer in habitat restoration and other land stewardship activities.
To find out more details, head over to http://www.hireanaturalist.com - for inquiries regarding booking, contact me at rebeccathenaturalist(at)gmail(dot)com
(Reblogs welcome and appreciated!)
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37q · 3 days
had a followup w a client yday and we had talked abt getting him into therapy but stuff that works with trauma at our last appt and he said this time i wish you could be my therapist because we talked awhile abt all his shit and all i could say was haha hopefully somebody with some kind of professional liability insurance honey
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dreamingofbabylon · 1 year
Listen, if you work in the US please just listen for a second.
I think it goes without saying the job market is in utter shambles. If you're working or job hunting please please please take some time to familiarize yourself with the workers rights laws in your state. We will never make headway in advancing our rights if we don't understand and advocate for the ones we have.
there are a lot of things to watch out for, but this is one many people don't seem to know about. I definitely didn't until uh. recently. (I'm not an expert, and this is not professional legal advice, I'm just sharing my experience within my own state and situation. Check your state's Department of Labor website for resources/info)
Please be aware that some jobs may try to hire you as an independent contractor. If you aren't seeking contracted work, this is a RED FLAG.
In very basic terms, and employee is your typical job. You get a W-2 at tax season, and taxes are taken out of your paycheck automatically. Your boss sets your schedule and duties, and provides the training and tools to do your job. You have no ownership of the business, and they set the rules.
If you are an independent contractor, you are essentially a business owner. You can be hired to provide a service, which is done on YOUR terms. You provide your own equipment, hire your own team, prepare your own taxes (probably a 1099), and the person paying you can't train you or tell you how to do your job.
If those criteria are not being met, but you've been hired as a contractor instead of an employee, you may have been illegally misclassified.
Why do employers do this? Basically, employees are promised certain legal rights and protections, which do not necessarily apply to independent contractors. So sometimes businesses will try to (illegally) get the best of both worlds by hiring you under their terms (setting your schedule, duties, etc) without the liability, expenses, or insurance and tax burdens of hiring an employee. Then at tax season, YOU owe the IRS a shit ton of money, and you have no writeoffs because of course you don't. you don't have business expenses for someone else's business
if you think you've been misclassified, or have experienced ANY mistreatment at work, please speak with a professional.
Talking to a lawyer may seem intimidating and expensive. But many employment lawyers offer free consults. They will hear you out for free, and tell you if you have a case.
In my personal experience, my lawyer met with me and reviewed all the evidence and info I had. They contacted my previous "employer" and their legal counsel on my behalf for free. They negotiated a settlement for me, and all I owed them was a percentage of that settlement. If they couldn't get me anything, I wouldn't have owed them anything.
These are just things I wish I had known earlier, so I'm sharing in case it can help even one person not get fucked over. Advocate for yourself. Unionize your workplace. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS.
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mddeck · 11 months
Deck Builders in Poolesville MD | MD Deck
Are you looking for top-notch deck builders in Poolesville, MD? Look no further!
Finding a skilled deck builder in your area is now easier than ever. With their expertise and experience, they can create the perfect outdoor space for you to relax and entertain.
Whether you want a simple deck repair or a brand new deck installation, these professionals are here to help.
Get ready to enhance your outdoor living with the best deck builders in Poolesville, MD.
Best Deck Builders in Poolesville MD
If you're looking for the best deck builders in Poolesville MD, you'll find a wide selection of highly skilled and reputable professionals to choose from. When it comes to building decks, you want to ensure that you hire only the best in the business. With the best deck builders in Poolesville MD, you can trust that your project will be completed to the highest standards.
These deck builders in Poolesville MD have years of experience and expertise in designing and constructing beautiful and functional decks. They've a deep understanding of the local climate and building codes, ensuring that your deck will be built to withstand the elements and comply with all necessary regulations.
The best deck builders in Poolesville MD take pride in their workmanship and attention to detail. They'll work closely with you to understand your vision and create a deck that perfectly complements your home and lifestyle. Whether you're looking for a simple backyard deck or an elaborate multi-level deck, these professionals have the skills and knowledge to bring your dream deck to life.
Don't settle for anything less than the best when it comes to building your deck. Choose from the top deck builders in Poolesville MD and enjoy a beautiful and durable deck that will enhance your outdoor living space for years to come.
How Do I Find a Good Deck Builder in Poolesville
To find a good deck builder in Poolesville, start by asking for recommendations from friends, neighbors, or local home improvement stores. Word of mouth is often a reliable way to find trustworthy professionals.
Once you have a list of potential deck builders, consider the following factors to help you make an informed decision:
Experience and Expertise:
Look for deck builders who've extensive experience in the industry and specialize in deck construction.
Check if they've the necessary licenses and certifications to ensure their expertise in deck building.
Portfolio and References:
Ask for a portfolio of their previous projects to assess the quality of their workmanship.
Request references from past clients to get feedback on their professionalism, reliability, and customer satisfaction.
Insurance and Warranty:
Ensure that the deck builder has adequate insurance coverage to protect you from any liability in case of accidents or damages during the construction process.
Inquire about their warranty policy for the materials used and the work performed on your deck.
How Much Does it Cost to Build a Deck in Poolesville, MD
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Wondering about the cost of building a deck in Poolesville, MD? When it comes to deck construction, there are several factors that can affect the cost. The size of the deck, the materials used, and the complexity of the design all play a role in determining the overall cost. Hiring a reputable deck contractor is essential in ensuring that the project is done properly and within your budget.
Deck builders in Poolesville, MD typically charge an average of $30 to $60 per square foot for deck installation. This cost includes both materials and labor. Keep in mind that the cost can vary depending on the specific details of your project. If you choose to use high-end materials or add special features such as built-in seating or lighting, the cost may increase.
To get an accurate estimate for your deck construction project, it's best to consult with a few deck builders in Poolesville, MD. They can assess your space, discuss your design preferences, and provide you with a detailed quote. It's important to compare quotes from different contractors to ensure you're getting a fair price.
Deck Contractors in Poolesville MD
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When hiring deck builders in Poolesville, MD, it's important to find experienced professionals who can ensure the successful completion of your deck construction project. Deck contractors in Poolesville, MD are skilled individuals who specialize in building and renovating decks for residential and commercial properties.
Here are a few reasons why hiring deck contractors is beneficial:
Expertise: Deck contractors in Poolesville, MD have the knowledge and expertise to design and construct decks that meet your specific needs and preferences. They're familiar with local building codes and regulations, ensuring that your deck is built safely and legally.
Quality workmanship: Deck contractors take pride in their work and strive to deliver high-quality results. They have the skills and tools necessary to build durable and long-lasting decks that can withstand various weather conditions.
Time and cost efficiency: Hiring deck contractors can save you time and money in the long run. They have access to quality materials at competitive prices and can efficiently complete the project within the agreed-upon timeframe.
Peace of mind: By hiring deck contractors in Poolesville, MD, you can have peace of mind knowing that your deck construction project is in capable hands. They'll handle all aspects of the project, from obtaining permits to ensuring proper installation.
Deck Repair Poolesville MD
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If you're in need of deck repair in Poolesville, MD, look no further than our experienced team of professionals. We understand that your deck is an important part of your home and we're dedicated to providing top-notch repair services to ensure its longevity and safety.
Our team of deck builders in Poolesville, MD, have the expertise and skills to handle any deck repair project. Whether you have a small crack or a major structural issue, we've the knowledge and tools to fix it. We'll assess the damage, provide you with a detailed plan of action, and execute the repairs efficiently and effectively.
Deck repair isn't something to be taken lightly. It requires a thorough understanding of the materials, construction techniques, and safety regulations. Our team has years of experience in the industry and stays up to date with the latest industry standards. You can trust us to handle your deck repair needs with professionalism and precision.
Don't let a damaged deck ruin your outdoor enjoyment. Contact our deck repair experts in Poolesville, MD, today and let's restore your deck to its former glory. We take pride in our work and are committed to providing exceptional service to our customers.
Porch Contractors in Poolesville MD
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Looking for reliable porch contractors in Poolesville, MD who can provide top-notch services and ensure the longevity and safety of your porch? Look no further! Poolesville is home to a number of experienced porch contractors who are ready to transform your porch into a beautiful and functional space.
When hiring porch contractors in Poolesville, MD, here are a few things to consider:
Experience: Look for contractors who've a proven track record of successfully completing porch projects. This will give you peace of mind knowing that your project is in capable hands.
Expertise: Different porch contractors may specialize in different types of porches. Whether you're looking for a screened porch, a wrap-around porch, or a covered porch, make sure to find a contractor who's the expertise to meet your specific needs.
Reputation: Check online reviews and ask for references to gauge the reputation of the porch contractors you're considering. A good reputation is a strong indicator of quality work and customer satisfaction.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are There Any Specific Building Permits or Regulations That I Need to Be Aware of When Building a Deck in Poolesville, Md?
When building a deck in Poolesville, MD, you need to be aware of specific building permits and regulations. Make sure to check with the local authorities to ensure you comply with all necessary requirements.
Can I Choose Any Type of Material for My Deck, or Are There Restrictions on What Can Be Used in Poolesville?
You can choose from a variety of materials for your deck in Poolesville, MD. However, it's important to check with local regulations and building codes to ensure there are no restrictions on what can be used.
How Long Does the Deck Building Process Typically Take in Poolesville, Md?
Typically, the deck building process in Poolesville, MD takes around 2-4 weeks. Factors such as the size of the deck and any special features can affect the timeline.
Do I Need to Hire Additional Professionals, Such as Electricians or Plumbers, When Building a Deck in Poolesville?
You typically don't need to hire additional professionals like electricians or plumbers when building a deck in Poolesville. However, it's always a good idea to consult with a professional to ensure everything is up to code.
Are There Any Maintenance Requirements or Recommendations for Decks in Poolesville, Md?
You should be aware of the maintenance requirements for decks in Poolesville, MD. Regular cleaning and sealing will help protect your deck from weather damage and keep it looking great.
So, if you're in need of a deck builder in Poolesville, MD, or deck builders in Maryland there are plenty of options to choose from. From finding the best deck builders to understanding the costs involved, you can easily find the right contractor for your project.
Additionally, if you need deck repair or porch contractors, there are professionals available to help with those services as well.
Don't hesitate to reach out and start building your dream deck today!
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Hm, if you feel inspired, maybe a cold-ridden Bucky and a partner with the kink? Or even just a partner thinking how absolutely adorable he is when he’s sneezing and his nose is all red and sniffly
yes, of COURSE!!! sorry for the delay — was swamped at work and logged off for a few days. i feel like i'm always apologizing for that... i really need to be more consistent, but thank you so much for your patience.
here's some miserable bucky + (sorta) kink!steve. this'll take place maybe in the late ’30s/early ’40s.
distant | weed | fuss | struggle | couple | professional | remember | nap | abundant | objective | wrong | discreet | gift | stay | collapse | cabin | practical | defend | haunt | indoor | rhythm | ankle | incentive | healthy | steam | anger | bond | text | correction | visible | guess | cinema | maze | contrary | observer | nuance | neglect | lip | reflection | sniff | authority | illusion | echo | medicine | lace | insurance | knit | dealer | grudge | affair | sofa | expertise | passion | spill | laundry | exposure | shelter | privilege | manner | relax | compromise | sacred | doubt | philosophy | thaw | ticket | bike | bench | vain | bed | improvement | pier | gravity | immune | vigorous | productive | reception | veil | bee | train | harsh | loyalty | fresh | late | mind | highway | sound | frozen | annual | soup | instinct | groan | lonely | spite | bill | crude | dare | magazine | mess | ignore | sketch | flush | liability | camp | brag | sour | compensation
prompt(s): sketch
“Do you really have to do that now?” Bucky asked, sniffling. He straightened up, attempting to look a little less pathetic.
Steve was sitting across from Bucky’s bed, diligently studying and sketching his figure. “Well, I have to keep practicing if I ever want to be good.”
“H-hang on,” Bucky wheezed, nostrils flaring. “G-gonna— hh’TSHHHHOO!”
Steve continued to study him, watching the entire spectacle. Bucky was gearing up for another sneeze, and Steve was shamelessly watching.
He scrutinized his every move. Bucky’s eyelashes fluttered as he gasped, hitching his way to the next sneeze. The way his mouth stretched into an almost-yawn. And finally...
Bucky shook his head and blearily opened his eyes to find Steve staring.
He groaned, sniffling thickly. “Were you watchig be?”
Steve blushed, suddenly pretending to erase a section of the sketch. “I’m sorry, I just... I mean, I’m supposed to be drawing you and—”
“Id’s jusd embarassig. I bean, you cad barely understand be.”
For whatever reason, Steve’s stomach flip-flopped at the sound of Bucky’s voice.
“Aw, don't be embarrassed. I think you—” He stopped, unsure of what he was going to say. Unsure of why he had this funny feeling every time Bucky scrubbed at his nose.
“Anyway, I appreciate you letting me bother you for a bit.”
“Id’s doe bother. I’b trabbed here in by roomb adyway.” His upper lip curled and his chest caught as the impending sneeze blossomed. “F-for fucg’s s-sake.”
He ducked into his cupped hands with a wet-sounding pair of sneezes. “H-huh’HURESSSSHHHOO! HahH! Hah’TSHHHHUH!”
Bucky groaned, in between desperate sniffles and the merciless scrubbing at his nose with his palm.
Steve was transfixed. Why did he think Bucky’s sneezes were... enjoyable?
He shivered and turned back to his sketch, ignoring the thrill he was feeling. Focus on the sketch. Focus on the sketch.
request some stuff/give me feedback!!
read more stucky stuff!!
ask me about my commissions!!
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mightyflamethrower · 9 months
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Rising malpractice premiums are blocking the creation of new transgender “clinics” for teenagers.
“I didn’t anticipate that it was going to be a big deal,” Andy Rowe, the healthcare operations director for The Project of the Quad Cities, told Time magazine.
Rowe had called the clinic’s insurance broker to inquire about getting a new provider added to the organization’s malpractice policy.
The Project of the Quad Cities is an LGBTQ+ clinic located in Moline, Illinois, which has been trying to provide transgender-related medical procedures for minors living across state lines, where such practices are banned.
The organization embarked on this endeavor in June, and by early November, Rowe found that more than a dozen malpractice insurers had declined to offer the clinic a policy.
After five months of searching for malpractice insurance, Rowe finally received a quote for a policy that would allow The Project of the Quad Cities to offer transgender procedures for children, but “that’s when he realized finding a policy was only the first hurdle,” Time reported.
It turned out that coverage that Rowe had anticipated would cost $8,000 to $10,000 a year was instead quoted at $50,000.
Meanwhile, in New Mexico, family medicine physician Anjali Taneja said the clinic she works at was quoted “double what we paid a few years ago” to cover transgender procedures for adults.
While independent clinics and medical practices have been relocating across state lines to offer such medical procedures to minors, they are quickly finding out that obtaining malpractice insurance on the commercial marketplace has become a barrier, even in states that allow such practices.
Insurance industry advocates say these higher premiums are justified due to increasing legislation regarding transgender medical procedures for minors, meaning that clinics are at an increased risk of being sued.
“If state laws increase the risk of civil liability for health professionals, premiums will be adjusted accordingly and appropriately to reflect the level of financial risk incurred by the insured,” Mike Stinson, vice president of public policy and legal affairs at the Medical Professional Liability Association, said.
Stinson added that if state laws make an activity illegal, insurance simply will not cover it.
Those who are opposed to minors receiving transgender-related procedures have recently been pointing to “detransitioners,” who have filed lawsuits against the doctors who allowed them to undergo such medical procedures.
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In the meantime, malpractice premiums are currently serving to put a damper on clinics that want to offer or have been offering surgeries and hormone “therapies” that mutilate children’s bodies.
So many "alleged" medical experts and politicians will one day pay for this. What were they thinking??
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Be Financially-Safe During Unforeseen Events with Music Dealer Insurance
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear people saying - individuals who possess musical equipment should buy a suitable insurance plan? Probably, you think about professional musicians. Right? However, there is more under that tag. Yes. Read on!
People with musical instruments can be anyone - a music teacher, someone taking music classes, a paid performing artist, a musical instrument appraiser or repairer, and even a musical equipment dealer.
Most importantly, they should all take care of their musical paraphernalia and buy a dedicated insurance plan to ensure maximum protection. This blog will take you through the basics of Music Dealer Insurance and why music store owners should prioritize it.
Some simple yet tricky questions to answer!
Are you an owner of a music dealership with various kinds of musical instruments on display and otherwise? Does your collection range from beginners to high-end heritage musical gear? Do you have your music instrument shop in the basement of your home? Do you think your home insurance plan is enough to cover your store?
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If your answer is YES to the above questions, brace yourself to answer some more:
Situation I: What if your client suffers injury inside your shop after a guitar falls over them? What if they file a lawsuit against you asking for compensation? Will your home insurance policy come in handy? Will it protect you against such third-party liabilities?
Situation II: What if a fire breaks in your shop or someone intentionally torches it? Will your home insurance plan offer complete compensation and pay off the entire value of your possessions?
Situation III: What if the new consignment of musical instruments you just received turns out to be damaged? Will it come under your homeowner's insurance plan?
Situation IV: What if your musical instrument shop suffers a catastrophe damaging much of the equipment? Do you think your home or renter insurance plan compensates?
Always remember! No matter what and how much money you may have invested in buying a home insurance plan, it is least likely to cover the above scenarios. However, with a comprehensive Music Dealer Insurance plan in place, you can rest assured. It will extend protection against all such situations.
What other scenarios will your music dealer insurance policy cover you against?
Here is a list of some more situations an all-encompassing musical instrument insurance policy will cover:
• If unscrupulous people vandalize or loot your shop, a dedicated insurance plan will compensate you for the same.
• If you somehow get implicated in a third-party liability case involving your musical instruments or shop, your home insurance policy will not compensate you for the loss. Right from paying off the client to expensive lawsuits, you will have to bear it on your own. A gentle reminder - legal expenses can burn holes in your pocket. However, if you purchase an independent insurance policy for dealers, you and your finances are in safe hands.
• If a consignment gets damaged or lost during transportation, your renter's or home insurance will not come to your rescue. However, a standalone plan made for music dealers will save your day.
• Unlike a dedicated insurance product of musical instrument dealers, your home insurance plan is least likely to compensate for accidental damages.
• One of the best things about specialized insurance plans is - it offers worldwide coverage. So, no matter where you go, insurance protection will follow you above and beyond.
With the assurance of all-risk coverage and ultimate peace of mind, don’t you think buying a dealer-specific insurance plan is worth it? Although it won’t be able to predict or prevent an unforeseen event, it will definitely come to your rescue and guard you against massive financial loss. So, find a reliable insurance service provider that works with musical instruments and dealers and turn the peace mode on.
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swanlaw123 · 1 day
The Role of an Accident Lawyer in Your Savannah Injury Case
Accidents can be life-altering events that leave victims facing numerous challenges. If you've been injured in an accident, navigating the legal landscape can be daunting. An accident lawyer plays a crucial role in helping you understand your rights, pursue compensation, and achieve a fair resolution. In this article, we will explore the various responsibilities of an accident lawyer, how they can assist you throughout your case, and provide answers to frequently asked questions.
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Understanding the Role of an Accident Lawyer
An accident lawyer specializes in personal injury law, representing individuals who have suffered injuries due to the negligence of others. Their primary goal is to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve for medical expenses, lost wages, and emotional distress.
1. Legal Expertise
One of the most significant advantages of hiring an accident lawyer is their expertise in personal injury law. They understand the complexities of the legal system, including the various laws that pertain to your case. This expertise allows them to navigate through the intricacies of your claim effectively.
2. Investigation and Evidence Gathering
An accident lawyer will conduct a thorough investigation of the circumstances surrounding your injury. This includes:
Collecting Evidence: Gathering police reports, medical records, photographs, and witness statements to build a solid case.
Consulting Experts: Engaging with accident reconstruction experts or medical professionals to substantiate your claims.
This comprehensive approach helps establish the liability of the responsible party and strengthens your case.
3. Determining Liability
Identifying who is at fault is crucial in personal injury cases. An accident lawyer will analyze the evidence to determine liability. They will assess:
Negligence: Whether the other party failed to exercise reasonable care.
Comparative Fault: In cases where multiple parties may share blame, your lawyer will evaluate how this affects your claim.
4. Negotiating with Insurance Companies
Dealing with insurance companies can be one of the most challenging aspects of an injury case. Accident lawyers are skilled negotiators who understand the tactics insurers use to minimize payouts. They will:
Handle Communication: Your lawyer will manage all correspondence with the insurance company to prevent misunderstandings and protect your rights.
Negotiate Settlements: They will advocate for a fair settlement based on the evidence collected and the extent of your injuries.
5. Preparing for Trial
If a fair settlement cannot be reached, your lawyer will prepare to take your case to trial. This involves:
Drafting Legal Documents: Preparing all necessary legal paperwork and filings.
Developing a Strategy: Formulating a trial strategy that presents your case compellingly.
Representing You in Court: Your lawyer will represent you throughout the trial, presenting evidence and making arguments to support your claim.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. How do I know if I need an accident lawyer?
If you've suffered injuries due to someone else's negligence, it's advisable to consult an accident lawyer. They can evaluate your case and help you understand your legal options.
2. How much does it cost to hire an accident lawyer?
Most accident lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if you win your case. This arrangement makes legal representation accessible to those who might otherwise struggle to afford it.
3. What should I bring to my initial consultation?
During your initial consultation, it's helpful to bring:
Medical records related to your injury
Accident reports or police reports
Any correspondence with insurance companies
A list of questions you may have
4. How long do I have to file a claim?
The timeframe to file a personal injury claim varies by state, but it is typically between one to three years from the date of the accident. Consulting with an accident lawyer as soon as possible can help ensure you meet all deadlines.
5. What if I'm partially at fault for the accident?
Many jurisdictions follow a comparative fault rule, meaning that even if you are partially at fault, you may still recover damages. Your lawyer can help you understand how this applies to your situation.
The Importance of Client-Lawyer Communication
Effective communication between you and your accident lawyer is vital for a successful outcome. Here are some tips for maintaining good communication:
1. Be Honest
Provide your lawyer with all relevant information about your case, including details about the accident, your injuries, and any prior medical history. Honesty helps build trust and ensures your lawyer can represent you effectively.
2. Stay Informed
Ask your lawyer for updates on your case and be proactive in understanding the process. This knowledge can help you feel more in control during a stressful time.
3. Follow Your Lawyer’s Advice
Your lawyer's guidance is based on their expertise and experience. Following their advice, especially regarding medical treatment and documentation, can significantly impact your case.
Hiring an accident lawyer in savannah can be a critical step in securing the compensation you deserve after an injury. Their legal expertise, negotiation skills, and dedication to your case can alleviate the burden of navigating the complexities of personal injury law. By understanding their role and maintaining effective communication, you can enhance your chances of a successful outcome.
Whether you're facing medical bills, lost wages, or emotional distress, an accident lawyer can provide the support you need to move forward. If you've been injured in an accident, consider reaching out to a qualified accident lawyer to discuss your case and explore your options. Remember, you don’t have to navigate this challenging journey alone; professional help is available to guide you every step of the way.
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onyxgaragedoors · 4 days
Finding Trusted Garage Door Repair Services Close to Home
When it comes to the functionality and security of your home, having a reliable garage door is essential. Over time, wear and tear can lead to the need for repairs. Finding a trustworthy garage door repairman near you can seem daunting, but with the right information, you can make a well-informed decision. This guide will cover everything you need to know about selecting a garage door repairman, understanding common issues, and ensuring your garage door remains in top condition.
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Understanding the Importance of Garage Door Maintenance
A garage door is not just an entryway; it's a significant component of your home's security and curb appeal. Regular maintenance can help prevent issues before they arise and ensure that your garage door operates smoothly. Knowing when to call a garage door repairman can save you time, money, and frustration.
Common Garage Door Issues
Door Won’t Open or Close
This is one of the most common problems. It may be caused by a malfunctioning remote, dead batteries, or issues with the garage door opener itself.
Unusual Noises
If you hear grinding, squeaking, or banging sounds when operating your garage door, it may indicate that components like springs or rollers need lubrication or replacement.
Slow Response Time
If your garage door takes longer than usual to respond to the remote or wall switch, this could signify an issue with the opener or wiring.
Off-Track Doors
If your garage door becomes misaligned and jumps off its tracks, it can pose a safety hazard. This often requires professional adjustment.
Damaged Panels
Weather, accidents, or general wear can lead to damaged panels. Repairing or replacing them can improve your door's appearance and functionality.
Choosing the Right Garage Door Repairman Near Me
When searching for a garage door repairman, consider the following factors to ensure you find the right professional:
Experience and Expertise
Look for a repairman with extensive experience in the field. Check their qualifications and ensure they are well-versed in various types of garage doors and openers.
Customer Reviews and References
Read online reviews and testimonials from previous customers. Ask for references and follow up to gauge their satisfaction with the repair services.
Licensing and Insurance
Ensure the repairman is licensed and insured. This protects you from liability in case of accidents during the repair process.
Estimates and Pricing
Request estimates from multiple repairmen. A reputable professional should provide a clear breakdown of costs and not have hidden fees.
Availability and Response Time
Choose a repairman who can respond quickly to your needs, especially for emergency repairs. A quick response time can be crucial when your garage door is not functioning properly.
Questions to Ask a Garage Door Repairman
When you contact potential repairmen, be prepared to ask the following questions:
What is your experience with garage door repairs?
Do you have references or customer reviews I can check?
Are you licensed and insured?
What is your estimated timeline for completing the repair?
Can you provide a written estimate?
Do you offer any warranties on your work?
What are your payment options?
DIY vs. Professional Repair
While some minor issues can be addressed with DIY solutions, many garage door problems are best left to professionals. Here’s when to call in the experts:
Safety Concerns: If you notice frayed cables or broken springs, it's best to contact a repairman, as these components can be dangerous to handle.
Complex Repairs: Problems related to the garage door opener or electrical components typically require specialized knowledge.
Time Constraints: If you're short on time or lack the tools for a repair, hiring a professional can save you the hassle.
Maintaining Your Garage Door System
Regular maintenance can help prevent the need for repairs and extend the lifespan of your garage door. Here are some tips to keep your system in good condition:
Regular Inspections
Check your garage door and its components every few months. Look for signs of wear and ensure everything is functioning properly.
Apply lubricant to moving parts, such as hinges, rollers, and the garage door opener, at least twice a year to reduce friction and wear.
Test Safety Features
Regularly test the safety reverse feature to ensure the door stops and reverses when it encounters an obstruction.
Clear the Tracks
Keep the tracks free of debris and ensure nothing obstructs the door's path.
Check Springs and Cables
Inspect springs and cables for signs of wear. If you notice any damage, call a repairman immediately.
Finding the right garage door repairman near me is crucial for maintaining the functionality and security of your home. By understanding common garage door issues, evaluating potential repairmen, and knowing when to call for professional help, you can ensure your garage door remains in excellent condition. Regular maintenance is key to preventing costly repairs in the future. For expert advice and high-quality service, trust Onyx Garage Doors, where our dedicated team is committed to providing you with the best garage door solutions tailored to your needs.
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lovethesagefan · 4 days
The term "snake bit" is a term I like to use when I get tricked (sounds better than suckered) into doing something I ordinarily wouldn't do. For example, at Flynt, I got talked into being the United Way Fund Raiser Lead for FMS. Well for two years, we were the highest contributing school in the district. Nobody talked about how I had to hound people, after giving a speech for the ages at a faculty meeting, to become number 1. Or one day at North Clayton High School, I arrive and as I was signing in, I was met by my department chair who casually asked, "Don't you want to coach the Mock Trial team?" I didn't know what a Mock Trial team was, but I had visions of the coach on the sideline urging his team to victory. In both cases, being snake bit wasn't fatal. In fact, in the latter, it wasn't bad cause the many wonderful students I had the opportunity to work with as well as meeting coaches from other schools as well as lawyers. Sue me! I got lawyers on my speed dial. I never thought I would have to worry about being snake bit ever again...until now!
My current gig as Long Term Sub gives me most of the rights of a teacher without the benefits, like pay. I don't worry so much about lesson plans, but I still have to go to meetings. I am not able to join either of the two professional organization and take advantage of liability insurance. As a teacher, that is a necessity.
On Friday, I was asked to think of some ideas for a student council. I said "yes." Snake bit!! I worked over the weekend, something I haven't done in 5 years looking for info on how to sponsor a student council. When I submitted the proposal, I purposely not volunteered to carry out the proposal. Today, I was presented with reasons why I need to carry out this plan. Remember I am not a true teacher. So to work around that, there will be two "faces of the group" while I am actually the driver of the vehicle. Later during the day, I just inquire about Social Studies Fair dates. Same logical reasons why I need to be in charge. Snake bit again!!
I previously mentioned that I come to believe there is a reason why I am there. I didn't think it was for this. Social Studies is my passion. Working with young people is my passion. I am working with a clientele which I am not familiar with other than the high homeless populace. I have observed several issues which leads to several deficits in the school. I am not a educational guru. I am not expert. I just have thoughts.
So snake bitten twice in one day, with my two associates (my unofficial mentees), I am to create a student council and engage in teachers and get them to buy into a Social Studies Fair not knowing if I would qualify for any stipends if offered. Did I mention I am a LT Sub. I sit an wonder why I put off this aura of intelligence. I just work harder to hide my shortcomings. This is what happens when you can't say no without feeling like you are hurting students. I believe students need this. if no one else will do it, I guess all I can do is pray that God gives me the strength and guidance and find whatever people put on snake bites, other than pee...or is that scorpion stings? Oh well. This will be interesting. Stay tune.
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How to Choose the Perfect Residential Cleaning Service in Halethorpe for Your Home
A clean home is essential for a healthy and comfortable lifestyle but finding the right residential cleaning service can be overwhelming. With so many options available in Halethorpe, how do you know which one will meet your needs? Whether you’re looking for a regular cleaning routine or a one-time deep clean, choosing the perfect cleaning service is key to getting the results you want. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you make the right choice.
1. Determine Your Cleaning Needs
Before starting your search, it's important to know exactly what you're looking for in a cleaning service. Ask yourself:
Do you need weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly cleaning?
Are you looking for a basic cleaning or something more thorough like a deep clean or move-out service?
Do you have any specific areas of your home that require special attention?
Being clear about your cleaning needs will help you filter out companies that don’t offer the specific services you require.
2. Research Local Companies
Once you have a good idea of your cleaning needs, it’s time to look for residential cleaning companies in Halethorpe. Start by:
Searching online for reviews and ratings on Google, Yelp, and Facebook.
Asking friends, family, or neighbors for recommendations.
Checking the company’s website for detailed information about their services, pricing, and policies.
Look for companies with a solid reputation and positive reviews from satisfied customers.
3. Check for Proper Licensing and Insurance
One of the most important factors in choosing a cleaning service in Halethorpe is ensuring the company is licensed and insured. A licensed cleaning service demonstrates professionalism and adherence to local regulations, while insurance protects you from liability in case of accidents or damage. Never hire a company that isn’t fully insured—it’s not worth the risk.
4. Ask About Their Cleaning Products and Methods
Different cleaning services use different products and methods. If you have allergies, pets, or children, it’s important to find a company that uses safe, non-toxic, and eco-friendly cleaning supplies. Don’t hesitate to ask:
Do you use green cleaning products?
Are your cleaning methods safe for pets and children?
Can I request specific products or bring my own?
A good company will be happy to accommodate your needs.
5. Look for Flexible Scheduling
The best cleaning service is one that works around your schedule. Whether you need an early morning cleaning before work or a weekend service, the company should be flexible enough to accommodate your preferred time. Many companies offer online booking systems, making it easier to schedule services at your convenience.
6. Request a Quote
Once you’ve narrowed down your options, request quotes from at least three different cleaning companies in Halethorpe. Be clear about the size of your home, the type of cleaning you need, and any special requests. This will help the companies provide accurate pricing. When comparing quotes, keep in mind:
Are there any hidden fees?
Is the pricing flat-rate or hourly?
Does the service include taxes and supplies?
Don't just choose the cheapest option. Instead, focus on value—quality service at a fair price.
7. Ask for a Trial Run
Before committing to a long-term contract, consider booking a one-time cleaning to see how well the service performs. A trial run will allow you to evaluate the company's punctuality, professionalism, and quality of work. After the cleaning, ask yourself:
Did they meet or exceed your expectations?
Were they respectful of your home and belongings?
Did they complete the job efficiently?
If you’re satisfied with the trial cleaning, you can feel confident about hiring them for regular service.
8. Review Their Customer Service
A great cleaning service doesn’t only focus on cleaning; they also provide excellent customer service. Pay attention to how responsive the company is to your inquiries, whether they are polite, and how they handle any concerns or issues that arise. A company that values its customers will work hard to ensure you’re happy with their service.
9. Consider Long-Term Contracts and Discounts
If you’re happy with the service and plan to use them regularly, ask about long-term contracts and discounts. Many cleaning companies offer discounted rates for repeat customers or those who sign up for ongoing cleaning packages. Just make sure you’re comfortable with their service before committing to a long-term agreement.
10. Evaluate Their COVID-19 Protocols
Given the importance of hygiene and safety, it’s crucial to ask about the cleaning company’s COVID-19 protocols. Inquire about:
The use of PPE (personal protective equipment) by the cleaning staff.
Disinfection practices for high-touch surfaces.
Procedures for staff members who are feeling unwell.
A responsible company will prioritize your safety and take appropriate measures to protect both their employees and customers.
Finding the perfect residential cleaning service in Halethorpe requires a bit of research and careful consideration, but the reward is a spotless, well-maintained home without the hassle. By following these steps, you can confidently choose a cleaning service that meets your needs, fits your schedule, and provides quality results. Whether you’re looking for a one-time clean or a long-term partnership, investing in the right cleaning service will help you keep your home clean and fresh year-round.
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