#i work at an airport location of a local chain
teabookgremlin · 2 months
i’ve started thinking of my shifts as did i win or did [company name redacted] win and today. today [company name redacted] won
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akookminsupporter · 2 months
Hi Rosie,
Your calm and logical explanation about Sapporo/Tokyo was excellent. ✨
I’m a Japanese expat and I was just in Tokyo for a visit. Trust me, I didn’t go stalking these locations, but as a former local, I recognize these places. lol
The restaurant photo of JM was taken at a curry restaurant chain Coco Ichibanya location in Shinjuku. Mind you, all Coco Ichibanyas have identical interior and they all use the same serving wares and signage/menu/decor but I saw some J-army did some sleuthing to identify the specific store (complete with cosplaying recreating the photo at the same table😳).
The Dior/Celine storefront photo was taken in front of Ginza Six, which is about 7 or 8 subway rides away on Marunouchi Line.
Assuming that Kookmin flew into Haneda Airport from Gimpo, above places are all easily explorable. Area is around 30 min car ride from the airport (if no traffic).
Not sure if Are You Sure is going to include their time in Tokyo (so far only Sapporo has been mentioned), but if I’m a betting person I’d put my money on Kookmin being together doing these activities in Tokyo—JK being behind the camera of the IG photo JM posted. Geographically, it makes sense. Mind you, I don’t know if either of them had any work schedules in Tokyo.
Also, Tokyo rarely gets covered in snow nowadays—especially in November. The 3 sec GoPro footage has to be from Sapporo.
Just wanted to share my proverbial two cents…
Oh, hello Anon! Thank you!
If I remember correctly, some fans went to the restaurant where Jimin took the photo, and one of the people there confirmed that Jimin was with someone. The description they gave of the person with him matched Jungkook.
The time they spent in Tokyo seems to have been mainly due to Jungkook's work commitments in the city. He was promoting his album, doing some interviews, recording a performance, and recording a visualizer for his song 'Hate You'. To date, we don't know if Jimin also had work commitments in the city during those days, so for now, it appears he was just accompanying Jungkook until they could travel to Hokkaido. Basically, same thing he did in the USA.
We will see if they include something from Tokyo.
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blorbologist · 1 year
maggie! my sister and I are planning a road trip to canada this summer so as a canadian, anything you recommend doing, any absolute must sees?
!!! Oooh, have fun!
I can only really give concrete recommendations for Quebec and southern Ontario, and the later with less than a year of experience - so if you're headed to the prairies or BC I'm not much help.
For Québec:
If you stick to Montreal and the touristy areas, you lively won't need all that much French! Usually people clock that you're a tourist and will switch to English if they can. Less likely the farther you get from Montreal and the Townships.
Goes without saying, try a good poutine (There’s an invisible S in there, we pronounce it more like.. poutsine lmao)! Don't get it from a big chain except maybe Belle Province or Poutineville, the very best I've had have usually been from lil cantines. If they’re not using fresh cheese curds don't trust em.
Also Beaver Tails (a fried pastry brand). Usually have lil kiosks near events and sinfully good. My brother and I go bonkers for them.
In Montreal proper, I'd recommend a walk on Mt.Royal! I forget if the inside skating rink at Atwater is still available this time of year, but might be worth looking into. Vieux Montréal is a nice place to romp around, especially around the canals and the Atwater market. Avoid driving in and around MTL it's a living hell, move around by bus or metro(subway) if you can, you can get day passes easy enough. St.Catherine and Mt.Royal streets usually have fun stores and restaurants to poke around in, and the gay village is great! I'm pretty sure most amusement parks in the USA are bigger than La Ronde, so don't waste your time with it.
Zoo de Granby is one I went to a lot as a child and they do great conservation work and have beautiful exhibits + a fun water park! Bromont is great for winter fun, but wrong time of year, and their water park can be hit or miss.
Both Bromont and Sutton are great for hiking (I have good memories of getting up to a lake on Mt.Sutton just as the mist revealed it, so cool). Apparently so is Owl's Head, but I've only skii'd there. Bromont is expensive and the cops are real sticklers, Sutton is a lot smaller and personally I think more cute and chill.
Lac Brome/Lake Brome is just about the most anglophone place in the province outside of Montreal! You can do a lot of kayaking, boating and even just driving around the lake is nice. It is a tourist town with its businesses catered towards Montrealers weekending there, so everything is closed Mon/Tues but open over weekends. Just a very cute and anglophone town.
Memphremagog / Magog is both an okay town and a really great lake, bigger than Lac Brome if you'd rather get on the water there. Also fun local myths of a lake monster >:3c
If you like murder mysteries, Louise Penny based many locations in her series off of areas in the Townships - such as Brome Lake Books('s old location) and Abbey St.Benoit (which has great cheese). There are maps to help her fans run around and see the locations irl!
Due to the dairy industry there's a lot of great cheese and icecream in general. Coaticook has great icecream and a cool gorge (my ex lived there), but it’s very French so you might have trouble.
A personal highlight: drive up the St.Lawrence. it's gorgeous, sometimes there are whales, and just. Amazingly beautiful. Fuckoff cold water tho.
There are a ton if beautiful national parks in Quebec; Bic is a highlight personally.
For southern Ontario:
Niagara Falls is a mixed bag: the falls themselves are incredible, absolutely awe inspiring (I remember getting to my hotel room after and writing in a frenzy - the MIST from them hits you SEVERAL HUNDRED METERS AWAY). BUT the area around them are a tourist trap, overpriced and iffy.
I haven't run around Toronto much beyond getting lost going to n from the airport, but I've heard decent enough things?
Iirc there might be more Freedom Convoy bullshit going on in Ottawa, so keep an eye on the news if it's on your bucket list.
Also have heard p good things about the national parks, almost went camping with the other grads before schedule conflicts popped up.
Haven't done much due to gradschool unfortunately :c
I also know that Alberta has an incredible dinosaur museum with some amazing specimens, and Dinosaur Provincial Park is teaming with big fossils (almost went on a dig there but Covid happened).
Hope some of this helped!
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college-girl199328 · 2 years
Red Deer businesses struggle with ongoing shortage of workers
It's been a whirlwind of a year for Red Deer-based Tornado Global Hydrovacs, a company that manufactures and sells hydrovac trucks for excavation service providers in the construction, infrastructure and oil and gas industries.
The company's outlook is positive. It expects to continue to grow in 2023 as it recovers from the debilitating impact of the pandemic. In the past year, the company has grown from 80 employees to 160. Demand for its trucks is increasing, and the company says it wants to take advantage of increased production capacity at its newly built 60,000-square-foot manufacturing facility.
But it faces a major and familiar hurdle common to many businesses: finding enough employees. "We're trying to fill vacancies every day," said Rockford Rollins, the company's vice president of operations.
"We struggle to find people … the turnaround is quite high, the attrition is quite high. We've had to raise our minimum wage," he said. A number of Red Deer businesses are highlighting ongoing labour shortages as a serious problem that's impacting business and economic growth, according to the local chamber of commerce.
"We've got quite a few businesses that are struggling to find people, especially in the service industry, the construction industry, those types of industries," said Scott Robinson, CEO of the Red Deer Chamber of Commerce.
A recent survey of its members found 60 per cent of businesses who responded said they were experiencing "a moderate to significant" labour shortage. Eighty-two per cent of businesses said they were experiencing "a labour shortage at some level."
Rollins says it seems like they're hiring and firing people on a regular basis. Some people don't work out, while some others get hired but don't show up. "We just had two people that we had to terminate today. We get people and they show up for a few days and leave," he said.
Robinson says the number of job vacancies allows people to be more selective when choosing a job. "I think there's just so much choice out there that people looking for work are more picky and more selective, and this is good for them," he said.
According to Statistics Canada, the most recent numbers show more than 103,000 job vacancies in Alberta. The Red Deer survey also found high operating costs due to inflation, labour shortages and supply chain issues were affecting business.
He says the Red Deer region needs to do more to market and promote itself as a destination for people to work and live. "It's such a great community, from a family point of view, from a recreation point of view. It's so beautifully located between Edmonton and Calgary, so it's easy to access airports — all those types of things," he said.
"Labour is a competitive commodity. And if you don't make it attractive for people to come, then you know, they're not willing to do that," he said. Robinson says immigration, temporary foreign workers, encouraging older workers to stay longer or return to the workforce, and extending job grants to international students could help fill some job vacancies.
"Those are the kinds of things that we want to try and get changed so that we can increase the pool of labour for our region," he said. Rollins says the limited local labour pool is a major hurdle.
"We're just limited by local talent, how many people we can access. We could easily hire 10 more people right now," he said. Rollins says they hope to hire as many as 40 employees to support expanded three- and four-day 10-hour shifts. But those plans will have to wait for now.
Robinson says the chamber will take part in a labour summit in March along with the Central Alberta Economic Partnership and Community Futures. The idea is to share ideas, success stories and best practices for finding those elusive workers.
Kelly Vopni, one of the owners of Goodmen Roofing, says the construction industry is desperate to find qualified apprentices and other workers. They have approximately 80 employees but are looking for more.
"They're worth their weight in gold these days," he said. Vopni says wages have moved up and they're offering $500 incentives if an employee recommends a friend for a job. Employees are also given incentives if they stay with the company for six months.
But it's still a challenge. "Projects take longer, staff work more hours, if they're willing. It's a struggle," he said. He said more students are enrolled in trades programs at Red Deer Polytechnic and the local construction association has raised $130,000 for scholarships.
It's one long-term fix to a problem that local business leaders say needs an immediate solution.
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angstsfordays · 3 years
Beautiful Pain (4)
Chapter Four- Now or Never
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced! Reader
Summary: Post-Blip, you started to feel lost when most of the Avengers team are gone. Coping with your loss, you still find hope in the connection with your remaining friends. However, it is not easy as everyone is trying to figure their lives after the Blip.
Having a long history with Bucky ever since you both saved each other from Hydra, you were still glad you had Bucky after all this time. However, as you try to give Bucky space to find himself after being pardoned for his past, you start to wonder if you should ever cross the line of friendship before it’s too late.
That thought might have to be put on hold though, when you, Sam and Bucky find yourselves having to deal with threats that continue to rise in a post-Blip world.
Chapter synopsis: Your supposed ally leads you to an unlawful nation where danger lurks at every corner. Bucky starts to see you in a different light.
Warnings: Sexual objectification. Very bad undercover work. Calling Sam daddy. Sexual innuendos.
Word count: 4.8k
Notes: I am very humbled that people have been enjoying the story and liking it so far! This means to me a lot as a novice writer! ☺️
I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, felt like I got more to expand for the Madripoor episode. I love to know what y’all think of it so far! 😘
The tag list is still open! Let me know if you want to join with a message or comment in the chapters!
Previous: Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three
Next: Chapter Five
As Zemo made arrangements on his end, you did not know what to expect. You, Sam and Bucky were brought to the tarmac of a small private airport, your attention was brought to the private plane that Zemo was leading you towards.
Sam made a comment on Zemo’s wealth and the latter explained that he was practically royalty before the Avengers destroyed his country. Touché.
You took the seat right across from Zemo and you couldn’t help but put your guard up around the man. He could sense the tension all over your face and offered champagne to which you declined. You wanted to make sure you were fully sober around this guy.
As you looked on at the exchange he had with his steward, he almost looked decent for a moment. You wouldn’t have thought of this guy to be a manipulative and scheming man that caused that chain of events many years ago.
“You don’t know what it’s like to be locked in a cell.” Zemo started off after having a sip of his champagne. He then paused in his actions as he looked over all of you and corrected him.
“Oh that’s right, you all do. My apologies.” Rolling your eyes, you crossed your arms as you leaned into the comfort of the plush aeroplane seat.
Sam tried to get Zemo to start talking but the baron brushed it off for a moment as he looked at a book in fascination. As Zemo brought up a familiar notebook, he asked who Nakajima was.
Your eyes perked up at the familiar name and you immediately turned to look at Bucky who instantly pounced on Zemo and grabbed him into a chokehold. Bucky warned him not to touch his notebook or he would actually kill Zemo, probably with his bare hands.
As Bucky settled down in his seat once more, you gave him a knowing look but he averted his eyes to avoid eye contact. The conversation then took a more light-hearted turn as Sam tried to describe how Steve noted down his suggestion of the Trouble Man soundtrack in the notebook that now was passed onto Bucky.
Sam asked if Bucky liked it too and the super-soldier replied that he liked 40’s music to which Sam look almost offended that Bucky didn’t share his taste in music. Bucky looked like he didn’t even want to bother but he clarified that he indeed liked it just to get Sam to back off.
Zemo decided to join in the conversation and put his two cents. Sam was surprised at how Zemo managed to eloquently describe the music style. Afterwhich, Sam went on to say how everyone loved Marvin Gaye while Bucky agreed that he did too.
Sam added that Steve adored the singer too. Hearing this, Zemo commented that Bucky must have looked up to Steve very much.
Yes, we all did. You wanted to add that in too.
Zemo, however, then took the liberty of giving his view on Steve. He talked about how dangerous it could be to idolize super soldiers like Steve and start to disregard their flaws, thus allowing him to not be held accountable for the repercussions that stem from his actions. Even if that meant the formation of movements, the fighting of wars, the loss of innocent lives.
Sam gave him a warning to better stop talking but Zemo continued on. When Zemo noticed how you started shaking your head in dissatisfaction, he gave a light chuckle before speaking directly to you.
“Miss Y/N. Contrary to my own personal views on enhanced individuals, I do find you fascinating, The files I read on you only make me more curious. Can I ask some questions?” You could feel the attention being put on you in the room and you grew slightly uncomfortable.
“What do you want?” Hoping to act nonchalant to mask your nervousness, you crossed your legs and leaned back into your seat.
“You have no family history. You grew up in an orphanage, am I right?” Nodding at the facts he laid out, Zemo carried on.
“You couldn’t have possibly been experimented on. You have gotten into any accidents?” You shook your head in response.
“Chemical exposure, radioactive bites, cosmic ray exposures….those are the possibilities that an ordinary person could obtain superhuman abilities according to the theories online.” Unimpressed, you continued to shake your head at him.
“Tell me. I’m curious.” You couldn’t entertain the likes of him but seeing how he was leaning in to wait for your answer, you gave an indifferent expression before speaking.
“It appeared out of nowhere. Someone committed arson in the local convenience shop where I was at the time. I was trapped with the elderly shopkeeper and I thought we were both going to die. A burning beam was falling onto us and I thought that was the end. I suddenly emitted a burst of energy that managed to put own the fire and incinerate the beam into ashes.” As you retold your story, memories of your fear from that time came back.
“The shopkeeper lost consciousness but I saw everything. I wasn’t sure if it was me but I ran away. I couldn’t’ return to the orphanage because I was afraid the police would find me. I lived on the streets for a week before my powers manifested again.” Your eyes fall to your fidgety hands, cracking your knuckles as it gave you some sort of relief.
“A kid was crossing the street without his mum knowing and a car was speeding on the road. I tried to reach out and pull him back in but the car was just inches away from us both. I caused a scene that couldn’t be ignored. S.H.I.E.L.D managed to find me and took me in.” Zemo’s eyes were tracking your every movement and expression in a way that Bucky didn’t like. As if you were something up for display and Bucky put his foot down.
He was getting protective of you and did not want Zemo to harbour any hidden intentions. Who knew what Zemo was thinking of?
Zemo spoke up before Bucky had the chance.
“Fascinating just fascinating. It’s like your powers had been dormant inside you all along. Are you even human?”
“Last time I checked, my blood is still red.” Your sarcastic response earned a laugh from Zemo and he stroked his chin as he continued to observe you quietly. Sensing he had more thoughts in his mind, you returned the questions back to him.
“You hate enhanced individuals so much, would you get rid of me if you had the chance?” Growing a smirk, Zemo wasn’t expecting you to ask him that and he was more than eager to give his reply.
“I am undecided, but you’re different. I can see you are more discreet than the others, just like Bucky over here.” Zemo made his final remark before he moved on to talking about the location that you were headed.
His words sunk in and you kept on thinking about how he hit the nail on the head.
Yes, you had to be more discreet. You could never proudly show off what you had, instead, you had to keep yourself hidden in order to protect yourself.
Recalling your S.H.I.E.L.D days, you remembered how you were told to keep your powers on a low profile by Director Fury himself.
Your lab results came back and it was discovered that you had a special gene in your DNA that could be identified. There weren’t any references or connections to existing research and findings so you were viewed almost as an abnormality.
It was then later discovered that your powers were connected to your life force and if you ever over-exerted yourself, you could possibly die. That almost happened back during the civil war between the Avengers. It was the first time you ever used your powers on a larger scale and you had even passed out at the end of the battle.
You remembered waking up in a hospital bed on the raft.
When you found refuge in Wakanda, you got to learn more about your powers with Shuri’s help. She believed as long as you trained your stamina and built up your strength, you could control your powers without ever worrying about being drained. That’s how you found yourself the privilege to receive special training with the Dora Milajae under King T’Challa’s request.
You definitely owed the Wakandans big time.
Seeing how you were uncharacteristically down, Bucky wanted to check in with you out of concern. However, he chose to restrain himself, thinking that you probably one to be left alone. He wished he could do more for you like you do for him.
Before you knew it, you landed in Madripoor. An island nation that was lawless and dangerous, yet home to the darkest of black markets and underground businesses. Zemo said that all of you could not go in as yourselves and had to basically go in undercover.
You couldn’t hold back your laughter when Sam changed and came out in a fancy printed suit. He was to act as a real life promiscuous and rich man who really could have been his doppelgänger when you saw a picture of the man.
However, you weren’t one to laugh when Zemo asked you to act as one of Conrad Mack aka Smiling Tiger’s fling for the night. When you first received your outfit, you threw it back in Zemo’s face.
You were not the most comfortable with sexy and revealing clothing personally so you couldn’t imagine yourself wearing it at all. Zemo tried to convince you that Smiling Tiger’s women were all of a certain type so you had to go through with it in order to fit in.
Letting out a groan, you snatched the little champagne dress with an open keyhole back. The front was designed to give a loose look that shyly reveals your cleavage. The dress held onto your shoulders with thin straps and it overall gave the impression of a silk slip dress.
When you put it on, you wiped your clammy hands on the silk material and grimaced at how it barely covered your ass. You were grateful that the shoes you received had thick block heels as you had forgotten how to even walk in high heels anymore.
Swiping on the red lipstick for the final touch, you took a deep breath to calm your nerves as you looked in the mirror. You got this.
Stepping out of the changing room, you were met with the full attention of all three men and you put a finger up to warn them of making any unneeded comments.
“Damn Y/N. I mean this in the nicest way possible but this is an entirely different look for you. In a good way, of course.” Sam tried to compliment you seeing that you weren’t fully into your outfit.
“Thanks, Sam.” You knew his intentions were always pure and good, so you didn’t mind it much. As he and Zemo went off to discuss something, you saw that Bucky was still looking at you intently. He must think you look weird, you thought.
In all the years that Bucky have known you, it was the first time he has seen you looking like this. You always had gone for casual and comfortable looks in your daily life. The only time he has seen something different was when you put on your tailored suits for formal events.
He had to do a double-take when he saw how the little dress number hugged your figure in the right places.
Bucky knew he shouldn’t continue looking but his eyes fleeting quick glances when you were looking elsewhere. He always felt that you were one of the most beautiful people he knew on the inside, the fact that you could look past what he did and accept him for he was. He never felt that he had to pretend to be fine when you’re around because you were there to accept him for better or worst.
Seeing you now stirred up a different feeling inside of him. Why did you suddenly seem so attractive this time? He did not want to be that guy who viewed women differently because of the way they dressed. In fact, he was never the kind to like someone because of the way they look but more of how they make him feel.
However, observing how bashful and shy you look in front of him, Bucky suddenly felt rather nervous himself. He saw you taking a step towards and he swore his breath hitched as his mind was registering this scene in slow-motion.
Your hands came up to put his dog tags inside his black shirt before going for the zipper of his jacket. Your eyes fleetingly met his for a moment before you started saying something.
Bucky wasn’t able to process it as he was entirely focused on how you were casually helping him as you normally did, but his mind can’t help but think of it as an intimate gesture.
You continued to buckle up the belts of Bucky’s harness and couldn’t help but to relish in the act of caring for him. This was probably the only time you could fulfil your feelings of wanting to be close to him without crossing the line.
“All done.” Once you have adjusted the straps on his shoulder to make sure they were comfortable, you glanced to see Bucky looking down at you in a daze.
“Hey Buck, you there?” Calling for his attention, Bucky snapped back to reality as he saw you staring at him with a curious doe-eyed look. Clearing his thought, Bucky scrambled to recall what you had said and just continued looking at you in question.
You went on to ask if the straps were comfortable to which he nodded curtly. You grinned in satisfaction for a short moment before it fell into a tight-lipped smile.
“Bucky, are you really ok to go into character? I know how hard you worked to get away from all of that.” Implying how he had to act like the Winter Soldier for this undercover mission, Bucky took a deep breath before answering you.
“I’ll be fine. It’s just for this mission.” You just silently nodded at his words before signalling that you two should get a move on.
All of you were heading to Low Town as Zemo named to find his informant, Selby. Zemo reminded everyone to stay in character regardless of the situation, if not the mission would be compromised and your lives could be at risk.
Zemo gave you a personal warning to avoid using your powers if possible. If your powers were revealed publicly, there was a high chance you were at a bigger risk than the rest because people would want to take you for their own.
It was not every day an enhanced individual with superpowers walks into Madripoor and you would definitely become a prize to be coveted.
You were first greeted by the hustle and bustle of the nightlife crowd. The neon signs lit up the incredibly dark streets followed by the loud booming music that could be heard from some of the places that you passed. Your eyes were focused on Zemo’s back as he led all of you to the location, refusing to make eye contact with anyone else.
Entering the crowded bar, you could hear Zemo speaking Russian to Bucky. You weren’t familiar with the language but you could make out one world, Soldat.
Sneaking your arms around Sam who was caught off, you gave me a pointed look that told him that the undercover work starts now. He gave you a brief nod before rolling out his shoulders and you pressed yourself closer to him, putting your acting face on.
All of you stood by the bar where the bartender greeted all of you.
“Hello, gentlemen. Wasn’t expecting you, Smiling Tiger.” The bartender nodded to Sam. His eyes moved over to meet yours before greeting you, Miss. You gave your best smile in return.
“His plans changed. We have business to do with Selby.” Zemo told the bartender. You could see the shift in his eyes and saw someone from out of the corner of your eye moving away. Shifting your stance, the bartender didn’t acknowledge Zemo’s words and glanced back to you again.
“New face?” His comment was directed towards Sam but seeing how Sam was hesitating, you realised that he hadn’t had much experience with undercover work at all. He was a military man not a spy or agent after all.
“Hopefully, the last.” You giggled shyly and looked up to Sam with an affectionate gaze before giving the bartender a wink.
The bartender nodded curtly before asking Sam (Smiling Tiger) if he wanted his usual. Sam nodded silently in an efforts to prevent himself from doing anything out of character.
You caught Bucky looking at you as he leaned sideways on the counter. Your silent exchange was a way for you two to check in with each other and a brief smile mirrored on both of your faces before you turn to see the bartender taking out a snake from a big jar.
Trying to control your expression at the disgust coming up your throat, you subtly swallowed heavily at the sight of how the bartender slit the snake open. Sam who had his back turned for a brief moment was shocked to see what was presented on the counter in front of him.
Zemo tried to continue to put on the act and acted like it was nothing out of the ordinary. Your global knowledge and several visits to Asia made you realised why this was the Smiling Tiger’s favourite. Snakes infused into wine was touted to be an aphrodisiac to help a man increase, ahem, stamina.
Bucky felt almost bad for Sam and looked away briefly. You could see Sam gulping down nervously when the bartender added the finishing touch to the drink and you gently rubbed his arm for emotional support.
“I love these.” Sam managed to say through gritted his teeth and clinked his glass with Zemo. Your own bile almost resurfaced and you quickly turned your head to hide your nervous gulp.
Putting up a thumbs up awkwardly, you wanted to facepalm when the bartender looked back at Sam with a dubious expression.
You knew you needed to do something so everyone’s covers won’t be blown. Putting on a sly smirk, you let a hand move up Sam’s chest slowly and sensually before resting it where his heart was.
“Looks like you and I will be in for a long night.” Adding a slight giggle, you pretended to act shy after you spoke your words. Sam was trying his hardest to not look bewildered at your act while Bucky was trying to suppress a sudden wave of annoyance that washed over him.
He knew that this was an act but he still didn’t like it for some reason. He had to admit that he was not expecting you to get into character so well, seeing that this image you were presenting was the furthest cry from who you actually were.
The bartender looked slightly less suspicious of all of you before he went away. You could feel Sam heaving a sigh of relief beside you and you did the same alongside him.
Another man came up to Zemo, telling him of how he was unwelcomed in the area. Zemo putting up a cool façade, explained he had no business with someone named the power broker. Zemo restated his business here once more before the guy left.
Zemo explained that the power broker runs Madripoor and it was best you all stayed under his radar. Moments passed before another guy came up behind Zemo and Zemo turned to Bucky talking in Russian once more.
The instant the man placed his hands on Zemo, Bucky went into winter soldier mode. Everyone’s attention was directed to the scene happening. The whirling sound of Bucky’s vibranium was heard clearly as he was nearly crushing the man’s hands and went ahead to knock him over.
More and more people started to gather fool’s courage to take on Bucky. You saw how he easily took down everyone with barely any sweat.
“Didn’t take much for him to fall back into form,” Zemo commented to you and Sam, and in all honesty, you wanted to choke him like what Bucky was doing to another guy on the bar’s counter.
Hearing the continuous clicking of guns from everyone in the bar, your senses were now alert at the possibility of having to break character and use your powers.
“Stay in character or the whole bar turns on us.” Zemo whispered into your ear and grabbed onto your hand before you could even think of doing anything.
Zemo got Bucky to back down and the bartender told you all that Selby was ready for your visit. Sam checked in with Bucky to which he responded with a curt nod.
As you made your way along the back end of the bar, you could see the stacks of cash all over a table and the armed guards that filled up every corner of the room.
“You should know, Baron. People don’t come into my bar and make demands.” Selby turned out to look like what you would imagine her to be. She sat comfortably on her couch with a dominant presence and seemed like she was not someone easy to deal with.
Zemo tried to reassure her that he was making offers not demands to quell her mood. Selby asked how Zemo was able to escape from prison and Zemo replied smugly on how people like them always found a way.
As Zemo tried to shift focus onto the order of business, Selby wasn’t still into it. Making a comment about Sam’s taller than usual height, Sam not knowing what to respond just nodded in silence.
She even purred at him teasingly before her eyes landed on you.
“Who’s this pretty little thing you have here? Where are you from?” Selby’s eyes narrowed in as you sense everyone starting to look flustered by the unexpected question. You were just meant to play a background character but didn’t expect the sudden attention.
Biting your lips into a furtive grin, you snaked your hands around Sam’s biceps. “Daddy picked me up from the club that I was working at. He says I am his one and only now.”
The men all tried to stop their jaws from dropping to the floor at your sweetly coy act. Who were you?
“Hmm…” Selby hummed while she looked you up and down. “You can do better, sweetie,” Selby remarked smugly before giving a subtle gesture to herself.
Lips forming into an ‘o’, you feigned a surprised reaction at the flattery. You tried to send a flirtatious look back so that Selby would be in a better mood.
Your act was rewarded when Selby grinned wider and asked Zemo for his offer. In exchange for information on the super-soldier serum, Zemo was willing to trade Bucky in pretence. He added how he would give Selby the codes word to control Bucky, treating him like an object.
A wave of anger started rushing through you as the scene unfolded and you glanced to see how Selby became more intrigued.
“Hmm, I have plenty of strong men already working for me. What else can he offer?” Zemo was taken aback by Selby’s words, thinking that she would already be interested in Bucky.
As the men were grappling to come up with a good response, you went on your first instinct and spoke up.
“Well he is rather handsome, isn’t he?” Everyone’s focus turned onto you and you took a breath to continue as Selby gave you an expecting look.
“Not as handsome as my daddy here but-” Walking around Sam, you headed towards Bucky who was trying to look unbothered but dying of curiosity on what you were about to do.
“He seems like fun to play with.” You purred as you gazed at Bucky’s profile. You gestured for Bucky to face you and could see how he was still staying in character. Running your fingers down his five o'clock shadow, your eyes glinted as you batted your lashes flirtatiously before looking over your shoulder back at Shelby.
“You can’t help but imagine having a good time with him. Super soldier serum should have some perks, no?” Your hidden innuendo was loud and clear to everyone in the room. If this didn’t appeal to Selby, you didn’t know what will.
Sam was trying his hardest to maintain his expression as he couldn’t believe his ears. Never in a million years would he think the sweet and innocent Y/N he knew actually dared to speak like that.
Bucky did his best to tighten his jaw and continue his stoic facade to hide the shock from what you had just said.
Never did he thought you would take the situation to such a turn. Your improv was unexpected and he couldn’t believe the woman in front of him was actually you.
Your sudden bold and cheeky persona was doing something to him. Your innuendo about him started to make him feel hot in his ears. Bucky had to clench his fist tightly to get himself to hold it together as he felt his heart racing out of nowhere.
He didn’t know what was happening to him but he knew you were having some sort of effect on him.
“Of course, that’s my silly opinion.” Turning to face Selby with a mischievous smile to keep up your character, you noted her looking at you thoughtfully as she rubbed her chin.
“Not just pretty but you’re witty, aren’t you?” Selby noted as she grinned like a Cheshire cat. Satisfied with your input, Selby then revealed what she knew about the super-soldier serums.
Apparently, there was a doctor, Dr William Nagel who has been helping the power broker to create the serums here in Madripoor. When Zemo tried to probe further about Nagel’s location, Selby decided that Zemo was overstepping.
In the very next moment, you could hear a vibration of a phone and saw Sam reaching out to his jacket.
Great, all of your covers might be blown. Selby demands that Sam answered it on speaker. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife. To carry on the act, Sam reluctantly proceeded to answer the phone.
A woman’s voice came up and in the next sentences spoken, you realised that she was his sister, Sarah. Oh boy, this wouldn’t end well. You closed your eyes in prayer as you hoped it can go over smoothly.
Taking a sharp intake of breath, you looked to see Bucky glancing down in shared unease. Sam was doing his best to make sure his cover won’t get blown. You thought all was going well but when you heard Sam’s name from Sarah, you knew you were all toast.
Selby immediately called for all of you to be killed and in that moment, all hell broke loose. Selby got shot in a blink of an eye and her guards were up in action. Bucky pushed you behind him protectively as he fought off Selby’s men.
Once all her guards are dealt with, Zemo called for weapons to drop and you took the back exit.
Making a swift escape, all of you tried to play it cool while taking long quick strides. The sound of the first gunshot made you jumped and sprang into a run. You saw Zemo took off in another direction but you didn’t have time for him.
You, Bucky and Sam decided to sprint ahead. “I can’t run in these heels.” Sam cried out and you retorted in annoyance.
“How do you think I feel? Mine’s twice as taller than yours!”
Bucky reached over to grab your hand and interlocked your fingers together. His super-speed was practically lifting you off the ground, dragging you like a rag dog.
"Hey! What the hell man? What about me?" Bucky ignored Sam's whining and focused on not letting your hand go.
Not knowing where you are headed, a sense of dread started pouring on you and you grew anxious by the second. People on motorbikes were starting to drive up behind you three.
You were wondering if it’s time to not give care and actually use your powers for real this time. All of a sudden, the two people on the bikes behind you have been shot by someone from above and you stopped in your tracks to locate that individual, fearing you were next.
Zemo reappeared from the shadows and claimed that you all might have a guardian angel.
“Drop it, Zemo.” The familiar voice brought relief as you matched it to the face that emerged into your sight.
Your smile at the thought of a friendly face faltered when she continued pointing a gun towards all of you. Sharon didn’t seem as pleased as you were. Turns out she had to fall off the grid and found herself in Madripoor after the turn of events many years ago.
"Y/N, is that you?" She took a double-take on you, probably not used to seeing you dress up like this.
"Hey." You awkwardly replied. The moment didn't last as Sharon trained her eyes on the men and continued to be hostile.
Your heart dropped as you hear her telling of how she was unable to be in contact with her family anymore. She had become a fugitive and still is. An immense amount of guilt washed all over you when she retorted about how she wasn’t backed by the Avengers.
You weren’t batch mates with Sharon back in S.H.I.E.L.D academy but you became friends when you crossed paths during work. You could not believe you haven’t reached out to her all this time.
Bucky pleaded with Sharon for her help and Sharon gave a thoughtful look at all of you. When she saw you with your uncomfortable expression, she gave a sighed and stated that she wasn’t done discussing the topic.
Offering refuge in her place at High Town, all of you accept it.
You sat beside her in the front and the two of you exchanged silent looks before she started the engine. What were the odds of seeing her again in Madripoor?
You hoped to be able to get a chance to talk to her later.
Tag list: @tanyaherondale @spookycereal-s @cataves @conflicted-noxsirius
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fatehbaz · 4 years
also, Marc Auge’s writing, when he popularized the term non-places (the eerie “placelessness” of standardized environments, increasingly ubiqituous since early- and mid-20th-century and what he refers to as post-war “supermodernity”; the way that transit centers, airports, supermarkets, hotels, highways, rest stops seem oddly placeless and creepy and disturbing, with no real connection to local landscape or unique regional culture; how uncanny corporate landscapes are sterile, appearing similar in locations on every continent). his writing kinda evokes de Certeau’s stuff too (which alludes to how the advent of urbanization and the geography of urban areas, following Victorian mass industrialization, created cold/sterile landscapes easily controlled by mediating forces of bureaucracy and disconnected from regional ecology/myths/stories/character.). well, you can kinda extrapolate from their writing on non-places beyond just an idle observation, like “oh neat, these spaces are really weird, like a void, a sort of regional Gothic strangely replicated across the world, the way that signs and ATMs and the cashier-customer relationship are all impersonal mediated formal transactions, corporate places are interesting, hmm.” so that it’s not just an observation about “spookiness.” because they were also, i think, picking up on consequences of modern(ist) Euro-American power. and something that i agree with, if i could re-phrase it: that the uncanny, impersonal, cold, mediated-by-transaction aspects of non-places were deliberately created and enforced by modernity/supermodernity, on purpose, and more specifically created by Euro-American imperialism/hegemony. done partially as a way to eliminate difference and variation (consolidate cultural hegemony; a fast-food place looks the same and serves the same food at locations in both the subtropical savanna of Miami and the temperate rainforest of the Seattle area, on opposite corners of a continent; a department store chain or hotel lobby architecture might look identical in Sao Paulo, Bangkok, and Fukuoka). those non-place environments work to displace you from the local landscape, to sever your connection to a regional identity, and importantly, the bureaucratic mediation instead incorporates people into a wider Financial/Carceral World. and these standardized transit and “customer” environments were also designed partially as a way to control people by enforcing relatively new-ish concepts like citizenship and hard national borders (which historically weren’t strictly observed/enforced, at least for wealthy or Euro-American people who might travel relatively freely from Late Victorian London to Prague, Istanbul, Cairo, and back with a railroad pass. or even for less well-off people, who might travel between districts in India by road, or book a room in a Central American hostel with a cash payment and signature in a ledger). other controlling aspects: credit scores, licensing, ID cards, new credentials and documents which were “required” in a way that prevents you from moving without participating in the system (must have driver’s license and pay the toll to use highway; must have passport to use the airport; must have a credit card to use the supermarket or book a hotel room; you can’t cross borders or can’t access some services/facilities if you have a criminal record, a record that can now be electronically monitored and easily verified by authorities, etc. all being enforced with the advent of computers and cameras which can follow you, track you throughout life). this is the power of destroying and/or controlling peoples’ relationship with landscape, the power to determine the conditions under which people will be allowed to form a relationship with land and others. and so then geographic space, all geographic space on the planet, will become inaccessible to you if you break the law, are designated as Other, are too poor, are too “deviant.”
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route22ny · 3 years
    Politicians and pundits often like to compare the COVID-19 pandemic to a war. Nothing in most of our lifetimes has had the society-changing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic — and this kind of feels like the way that our parents say their parents described the Great Depression or World War II.
    But World War II ended in a singular moment. Treaties were signed and people rushed into the streets in jubilation. The COVID-19 pandemic, which has plagued our lives for the last 14 months, won't end in a singular moment. There'll be no major "pandemic peace treaty," no all-out party. Perhaps, at best, there'll be a bunch of little ones. And that forces us to ask: How will this end?
The virus isn't going to disappear.       
   Our vaccines are incredibly safe and effective. For those who are vaccinated, they are a ticket back to "normal" life. Indeed, though rushed and poorly messaged, the CDC's guidance allowing vaccinated people to go unmasked both indoors and outdoors is based in strong science. Evidence has demonstrated that the risk of serious infection in the real world is astoundingly low, and that the viral load in the nasopharynx of vaccinated people is lower — likely explaining the reduced risk of transmission.
    Yet, some people aren't getting vaccinated. And worse, the distribution of vaccinations isn't even. If, for example, unvaccinated people were evenly distributed in the population, the probability that they would be exposed to the virus if 70% of eligible people were vaccinated would be quite low. After all, 70% of the people around them would be vaccinated and therefore far less likely to pass the virus on. That's how herd — or community — immunity works. The problem though is that just like the virus itself, the behavioral scourge of vaccine rejection spreads from person to person in localized communities. So those who are unvaccinated are more likely to live among others who are unvaccinated, increasing their collective probability of infecting each other.
    The likely scenario is that while communities with high vaccine uptake will get to a point where outbreaks are small, self-delimited, and rare — other communities that remain poorly vaccinated will continue to experience larger, more common, and more deadly outbreaks. And the virus will remain a looming concern in the U.S.
    The other issue is viral evolution. New seasonal variants will likely spread among us every fall and winter akin to seasonal flu, which kills tens of thousands of Americans every year. Some COVID seasons will be milder, some far deadlier. And just like the flu, we'll likely need annual boosters against it.
    Some things change.                                      
    But the virus isn't the pandemic's only ingredient — just the foundational one. For people who never got sick, COVID-19 still changed their lives. There is, of course, no singular pandemic experience. For millions of low-income "essential" workers, the pandemic meant fearing every day that you might be infected at work, or worse, bring the virus home with you to infect someone you love. For millions of healthcare workers, the pandemic meant watching your patients die without their loved ones as you struggled to manage the overflow. For others privileged enough to work from home, the pandemic meant endless days of Zoom calls while your kids tried to learn across from you at the dinner table.
    As I wrote previously, work from home is going to be a much more common feature of American life. Small businesses, major corporations, and even some government agencies have found that their workers are surprisingly productive from home — and have reconsidered plans to come "back" to work in the office. And workers themselves have found they like using their own bathroom and eating out of their own fridge at lunch.
    Indeed, as many workplaces begin to plan to come back to the offices, workers are pushing back. After Apple CEO Tim Cook sent a note to Apple employees requiring them to be back in the office on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays beginning in September, Apple employees circulated a letter in response:  
    "We ask for your support in enabling those who want to work remotely / in location-flexible ways to continue to do so, letting everyone figure out which work setup works best for them, their team, and their role — be it in one of our offices, from home, or a hybrid solution. We are living proof that there is no one-size-fits-all policy for people. For Inclusion and Diversity to work, we have to recognize how different we all are, and with those differences, come different needs and different ways to thrive. We feel that Apple has both the responsibility to recognize these differences, as well as the capability to fully embrace them. Officially enabling individual management chains and individual teams to make decisions that work best for their teams roles, individuals, and needs — and having that be the official stated policy rather than the rare individual exceptions — would alleviate the concerns and reservations many of us currently have."
    Other companies, like Dropbox, have preempted this demand simply by offering work from home options permanently.
    Beyond employee preference, companies attempting to go back to a brick-and-mortar office space will face the question of risk tolerance. As we well know, some eschewed any sort of pandemic protection — be it a mask or a vaccine — from the jump. Others, despite being fully vaccinated, remain hesitant to share enclosed space. How to navigate lower risk tolerances remains a serious challenge. Part of making workplaces safe may mean mandating vaccines, which has prompted serious pushback in the courts of law and public opinion by anti-vaxxer activists who want to use the pandemic as another line of attack. Navigating these challenges is, in part, what is pushing more and more employers to offer alternative working arrangements. Needless to say, some alterations to working conditions because of the pandemic are likely here to stay.
    Other things stay the same (again).                                      
    Some pandemic experiences were universal. For children, the pandemic has been a catastrophe. Not only has learning lagged, but children have been robbed of valuable socialization and milestones. Indeed, the consequences have been far worse for poorer students, disproportionately children of color, for whom access to quality WiFi and reliable computers are limited. All indications suggest that kids will be back to school in the fall as vaccinations among teachers and students press on.
    Access to other people and the venues in which we enjoyed their company was limited if available at all. Restaurants, concert venues, theme parks, theaters — even stores and shopping malls — had limited access.
    But that's changing. Prompted by the CDC's new guidelines for vaccinated people, many of these venues have rushed to reopen, and Americans are slowly but surely taking advantage. Flight traffic is increasing. Last week, LAX, one of the country's busiest airports, logged a 2021 record. And businesses can't hire people fast enough to accommodate their needs.
    Though worries about COVID-19 exposure — particularly for children who cannot yet be vaccinated — persist. Yet as cases continue to fall, and vaccines are approved for younger and younger children, these, too, will subside.
    The doomsday scenario.                                      
    But there remains a possibility that experiences of the pandemic we haven't had since last fall come crashing back. Cases climb, hospitals fill up, and thousands more Americans die. And that's a resistant strain.
    We've now identified several variants of the virus that are more transmissible, and some more deadly, than the original garden-variety ("wild type") virus we experienced through most of 2020. Thankfully none of them have fully evaded our vaccine-mediated immunity. Yet.
    Every single unvaccinated person presents an evolutionary opportunity for the virus. And even as the U.S. and other high-income countries approach a virus-stifling level of vaccination, the rest of the world continues to lag. Some countries have yet to get their first vaccines. New variants with frightening capabilities continue to emerge in these countries. Indeed, last week a new variant with aspects of the Alpha variant and the Delta variant emerged in Vietnam. So even as vaccine manufacturers roll out boosters to protect against the growing plethora of new variants, a doomsday scenario, where a more transmissible, lethal variant evolves, becomes more likely.
    And so, we can't take for granted that this is a truly global pandemic. And until the rest of the world receives what they need to "end" this pandemic, we won't see our end either.
    Dr. Abdul El-Sayed is a physician, epidemiologist, public health expert, and progressive activist who served as Detroit's health director and ran for governor in 2018. He is the author of Healing Politics: A Doctor's Journey Into the Heart of Our Political Epidemic and Medicare for All: A Citizen's Guide, as well as the newsletter The Incision. Get more at incision.substack.com.
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chasingshhadows · 5 years
Advice for writing about small towns
So I come from a small (midwestern) town. And I mean - an actual small town (less than 1,500 population). I’ve lived in towns of under 500 population, and in towns of about 2,500 population, and in towns of 15k population, and in cities of 100k, and currently in a 700k city. 
So here’s some things about small towns you might not know if you’ve never lived in one:
If it’s got a population higher than 30 thousand, it’s not a small town. It’s just a town. Hell, I’d probably argue that if it has a population higher than 10 thousand it’s not small town, but I’m being generous. However the people in towns 30k--50k probably think they’re in a small town (they’re not).
The experience is vastly different depending on how far you are from a small-large city. And by that I mean - the people are vastly different. 
Are you less than 60min drive to a city of 80k+ population? the people are probably less likely to be farmers, more likely to work in said small-large city and commute (which doesn’t mean that everyone commutes or that no one is a farmer). The people probably lean slightly to the right of the closest city, but aren’t necessarily staunch conservatives. The town sizes probably bottom out around 2k min. 
Are you more than 2hrs drive from a city of 80k+ population? The town is more self-sufficient. Most work within their small town or a nearby small town. Depending on the terrain, more people are farmers. They’re probably mostly conservative, both socially and fiscally. The town sizes could be as small as 300 people.
The farther from the city, the more likely to be conservative, more likely to be farmers (depending on the terrain).
Population 15k+:
This town probably has a (singular) hospital, several doctor’s offices, probably a dozen department stores - and if it’s rural enough, probably a couple kinds of hardware/diy type stores (lowe’s, menard’s, home depot etc.)
There are several options for vets and at least one emergency vet 
1-2 dozen hotels
If it’s got anything touristy, double the hotels (2-3 dozen) - touristy being water, especially large lakes, hiking trails, fesitvals, nearby ski resort - any thing that would draw people there on vacation, even if it’s only people from that region 
Also add a “down town” area - boutiques, nice restaurants, probably a theatre
It has at least 4 options of elementary schools, and 3 options each for middle and high schools. It might have a community college (but probably not). There are private or charter options, specifically for religious students
There are multiple denominations of churches (catholic, lutheran, baptist, episcopal etc). Depending on ethnic make-up, it may or may not have a synagogue. It probably won’t have a mosque.
If it’s in a rural-ish area (the closest towns are all smaller) it probably has some kind of shopping mall. If it’s the smaller town, it may not.
It’ll have several bars, probably clustered in a central location, with a few others a little farther out from that area. 
This town has a few coffee shops (3-10), but may or may not have an actual starbucks. At least one is a local place, at least one is a chain (starbucks, dunkin, biggby). 
People drive everywhere. There is a bus system, but only the “down town” area would have issues finding parking. Most businesses/hotels have their own parking lot.
Most people live in houses but there are a few (3-7) apartment complexes, most of which are several buildings
There will be lots of restaurants, mostly chains or small mom & pop places, with at least a couple niceish options
This town might even have its own airport, but likely only serves regional flights to “nearby” larger towns/cities. Regional means like, less than 2hr flights, so that’s probably a bigger distance than you’d think.
There are dozens of gas stations and at least a dozen fast food places
Is it on a freeway? increase the gas stations, fast food places, department stores etc. 
This town probably has a rec-type center with a community pool and courts and what not. There are several options of gyms.
Population 10k ish:
May or may not have a hospital - if it does, it’s small. A few doctor’s offices, a couple of department stores, at least one hardware/diy type
A few vets, may or may not have an emergency vet
a dozen or so hotels. again - double that if it’s got smth that would attract people, especially water.
may or may not have a “down town” area
2-4 options at least of elementary, 2-3 options of middle and high school. No community college.
Still at least a few options of churches. Still might have a synagogue, still probably doesn’t have a mosque.
Probably doesn’t have a shopping mall, but might have a “business district - basically a few intersections with most of the stores, hotels, and restaurants.
Probably has at least two, maybe three coffee shops. At least one is a chain.
Probably doesn’t have its own bus system unless it’s near enough to a town of 15k+ or more - people drive everywhere. There’s plenty of parking.
Most people live in houses, but there are a couple of apartment complexes. Mostish of the houses have yards, but some might not.
A few options of restaurants, but maybe only 1-2 niceish places. A couple chain, a couple mom & pop. 
It would be strange for this town to have an airport. May have a landing strip at most, but unlikely.
There are probably half a dozen to a dozen gas stations. Several fast food places.
Is it on a freeway? increase the gas stations, fast food
This town might have a community rec center w/pool. Still a couple options of gyms.
Population 5k ish:
This town doesn’t have a hospital. It probably has 1-3 doctor’s offices. At least one department store
2-3 vets, likely no emergency vet
3-8 ish hotels or inns 
Might have a quaint but very small “down town” area
Likely only 2 options of schools, maybe only one high school. Possible to go to school with same people your whole life
2-3 options for churches. Probably doesn’t have a synagogue unless there’s a large Jewish population 
There’s no shopping mall of any kind, but probably has an area where most of the businesses are - at most 2-3 intersections worth
Probably has a coffee shop or two, but might not. Could be a chain or a local - but probably a local.
There’s no bus system unless it’s near enough to a town of 15k+. People drive everywhere.
Most everyone lives in houses. Most if not all have yards. There might be 1-2 apartment complexes but maybe not.
There are a few restaurants - mix of chain and mom & pop places. Might have a nice restaurant, but only one.
There’s no airport.
There are probably 2-6 gas stations, maybe 1-2 fast food. 
Is it on a free way? increase the gas stations and fast food.
Likely does not have its own rec center/pool, but probably has 1-2 options of gyms.
Population under 2k ish:
No hospital. Probably has one doctor’s office, but might not if it’s close enough to a larger “small” town. No department stores, but probably at least one, maybe 2 decent grocery stores. Could be a local chain or a mom & pop.
Probably has a vet’s office, but just one. 
1-2 inns/motels. If it’s an older town, it has like, a street that’s mostly made of older style buildings and is the “down town” - just a couple of blocks
Just one school system - elementary through high school. Everyone goes through the same school - you probably graduate with the same people you went to kindergarten with
1-2 churches. Probably no synagogue
There is probably a generalish area where the store/post office/school/etc is, but those are probably just as surrounded by homes and yards as everything else.
This town probably doesn’t have a coffee shop, and if it does, it’s local, not a chain.
There’s no bus system unless it’s close enough to a town of 15k+. People drive.
There might be an apartment complex. Everything else is houses. The houses pretty much all have some kind of yard.
There are probably two restaurants, probably both local. Nothing fancy. 
No airport.
Probably 2ish gas stations.
Is it on a free way? add a gas station and a fast food restaurant.
There’s no rec center (unless maybe an outdoor like, field type rec center), but still likely has at least one gym.
I could keep going down but I think you get the idea. If you’re writing about an actual town, do research on its population. If you’re making up a town, think about what size you need it to be to have the things you want (or don’t want). 
If your “small town” has more than one hospital, it’s not a small town. If it’s got a population above 10k, there is definitely more than one (and likely, many) hotels. 
Is it near decent-sized water (largeish lake, ocean)? People probably have vacation homes there. That increases property value and tourism. Even if it’s not a like, nationally-known vacation spot, people within 100-200 miles could likely make weekend trips there.
Is it the largest town within 75-100 miles, even if it’s under 20k? it’s probably got more department stores and other such industry bc it’s serving a population greater than its own. if there are other towns nearby of equal-to-larger size, it might need less of those things.
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morethanaprincess-a · 3 years
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@despairfiles​ said:  🏚️ Shirou and Sonia? Or maybe Sonia and Gray, for a change
It's a decrepit airport located in a rougher part of the city. It was built in the 1970's.  It's reported that those who visit it eventually go irreparably insane. The area is believed by locals to have a powerful curse laid on it.
He hadn't wanted her to go.
It led to the first large row they'd ever had. Of course, Sonia and Gundham did not unanimously agree on everything. She'd rather expected it when they'd agreed to become a couple, if her families' marriages were any indication. But it had still been smoother sailing, until she'd divulged she would be out exploring with Shirou Emiya again. It was long enough after that dilapidated house that Rin had eventually torn down and was working on a new structure in its place, but Gundham's shock when she'd turned up the next morning with a pile of dirty military fatigues now rivaled his expression from the day before: shock and pain and disappointment. That she'd willingly go back to visit something that could hurt her, with a boy he hadn't even met. A boy none of Class 77-B had ever met. Some of them, despite seeing photographs of the red-haired cook on social media, even doubted he was real.
But it hadn't deterred her from lacing up her boots and ducking beyond the chain-link fence. A sign in hiragana insisted that trespassers keep away, but that hadn't bothered either of them as they wrenched open a now-defunct sliding door and stepped inside a vintage airport terminal, now overgrown with mold and vines and if they looked closely, flowers with small, pale petals. Nature had reclaimed the building for its own, despite all signs of planes and travelers supposedly disappearing years ago.
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"I wonder if the reason for the insanity was simply due to having to bid farewell to those you love," Sonia suggested, gloved hands working to pull away foliage that covered one of the check-in desks. The sign beside it still featured stewardesses in coordinating skirted uniforms, with bright, made-up smiles and the offer to smoke freely on the airline's many flights. "Surely that would drive anyone to insanity, to despair. I dislike being skeptical about this sort of thing, but after our last excursion it's challenging not to be."
The challenge, at least for the Ultimate Princess, was not ruminating over the final words she'd shared with Gundham that morning before departing for the Emiya house. Something she didn't want to concern Shirou with: not during his short time left in Japan.
"But you'll be in an airport far cleaner and nicer than this in two weeks' time," She continued. The conversation could be creepy or joyous, but not sad. She refused to make it sad. "Has it been busy for you and Rin to prepare? What are you looking forward to most in London? I can't imagine Fujimura-sama is taking the news well, or Matou-san."
It would be their last adventure, it seemed, before Shirou started his new life and Sonia continued on with hers at Hope's Peak. Though what she'd expected to be a thrilling, exciting life as a normal student was now fraught with worry. With longing. With a distinct reluctance to say goodbye to Shirou Emiya. Sonia didn't want to part from him, not like this. Even after what was primed to be a joyful day exploring an abandoned airport rumored to have a powerful curse. She'd reached a point in her inner turmoil that even the prospect of a curse wasn't enough to fully brighten her mood.
"I wonder if it's a cursed artifact somewhere in the building that has plagued visitors for decades," She wondered aloud, "Or if it's simply stepping over the threshold into the airport that rouses it."
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therealcalicali · 5 years
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Pairing: Dark Ivar x Reader (Modern)
Warning: Smut, DubCon and Strong Language 
Rating: 18 +
Synopsis: With the pressures of a judgmental family and nosey friends, you’ve been at your breaking point. But all that, coupled with a mean boyfriend finally sends you over the edge. In an effort to find peace, you finally take your dream trip to Iceland. However, you may be going from the frying pan to the fire.
It was raining cat and dogs when you finally stumbled out of the small local airport. Despite arriving in your dream city of Tromso, Iceland, you were moody.
This was truly not your day. 
First of all, you had nearly missed your flight because your alarm didn’t go off. Then, your connection flight got delayed causing you to sit around bored for nearly four hours.
“I’m so sick of this shit.” You said aloud causing the man beside you to give you an odd look.
Glancing around, you tried to see if the ride service driver had arrived. However, you didn’t see anyone that  looked like they were waiting for someone. In fact, every car there was busily loading passengers or driving off.
“Great. By the time this douche gets here, I’ll be drenched.” .
You took your phone out and searched for the app you had downloaded prior to your departure.
 “Use the Stavanger app, it’s a great local company.” You said, mimicking your friend Amber’s voice. 
The arrival time stated that the vehicle was ten minutes away but stuck in traffic. Annoyed, you threw the phone back into your purse and dragged your suitcase to the vending machine.
As you eyed the items, a kindly old janitor walked by.
“Excuse, me sir? I can’t really read Icelandic.” You began. “Does this machine take American credit cards?”
“Talar þú íslensku.” (Do you speak Icelandic) The man replied with a confused expression.
Frustrated, you pulled out your phone and quickly typed into the translator. You then looked at the janitor again and butchered the words given to you.
“Ég vil kaupa mat með þessu?”You asked, knowing you sounded stupid.
He laughed, but understood you question despite the awful inflections. Taking the card, he inserted it the machine and pointed to a logo that you had missed.
“Oh, duh. The Visa sign is right there.” You said, mocking yourself. Then turning to the old man, you smiled. “Þakka þér fyrir.” (Thank you)
The janitor gave you a smile in kind before continuing his task of cleaning up. You couldn’t believe the amount of coffee cups and other items rude tourists had left behind.
After the danish fell out of the machine, you grabbed it and took a seat underneath a covered bench. Thankful to be out of the rain, you set your purse beside you and began to nibble on the pastry. 
Bored, you decided to watch some YouTube videos while you waited. 
Thankfully, it wasn’t long before a black BMW SUV pulled up. Out stepped one of the handsomest guys you had ever seen in your life. He had long, dark-brown hair and was wearing a hoodie underneath a brightly colored jacket.
He walked closer and took a cigarette from his pocket. After placing it between his lips, he eyed you.
“Hey. Are you my driver?” You asked hopefully.
You then remembered that he might not speak English. After all, you had flown into a small airport in order to stay in the countryside. He stared as you hastily got your phone out and typed away..
“Ertu ökumaðurinn minn?” (Are you my driver?) You asked. “Stavanger?”
He smiled, and your heart melted. But suddenly he began laughing.
“Firstly, I am your driver.” He said between chuckles. “Secondly, your Icelandic needs allot of work. Like a whole lot.”
“Wait, you speak English?” You asked, embarrassed at how hard he was laughing at your expense. “Then why didn’t you answer when I spoke the first time?”
“Because I like to make people sweat. You tourists are the worst when it comes to languages.”
You rolled your eyes. After the day you had, you were in no mood for jokes. Not only were you jet-lagged but your clothes were wet and you needed a bath. Getting up, you put your purse over your shoulder. 
But when you went to grab your suitcase, the young man beat you to it.
“I’m Ivar by the way. What is your name?”
“It’s Y/N.” You replied before walking towards his car. “Or ignorant tourist, if you prefer.”
He smiled, at your words. 
Thinking you were quite the interesting person. Thoughtfully, Ivar pressed the button on his key-chain to allow you to enter the BMW. It was now raining even harder so you were relieved to finally feel some heat.
After placing your suitcase in the trunk, he got into the driver’s seat.
“You know you don’t have to ride up here. You can sit in the back and stretch out if you want. I have no other riders.”
"Are you sure?”
Ivar nodded as he adjusted the temperature settings. Not wanting to get out of the car in order to get into the back seat, you asked permission to crawl over.
“Sure. Make yourself at home.”
As you made your way from the front seat to the back, he watched you from the rear view mirror. When you finally settled in and stretched out, you felt like a million bucks.
“There is a neck pillow back there.” Ivar mentioned as he started the car.
“Thank you.” 
As you grabbed it and placed it under your head, he pulled out of the Airport and began down the road.
“By the way, can I tell you something?” Ivar asked.
“Don’t get offended but you have a really nice ass.”
Your ears and neck went hot with embarrassment. But though it was somewhat mortifying, you actually liked his bold flirtatiousness. 
“You know where the Vor Gestahús is located, right?” You asked, ignoring his remark.
“Y/N, I’m a local. Between that and my GPS, how can we get lost?”
You cringed, knowing it was indeed a stupid question. But it wasn’t your fault. He just made you nervous for some reason. Perhaps it was all due to his striking appearance and magnetic personality. Whatever it was, he had you acting dumb.
Thinking it was best that you shut your mouth before you said more stupid things, you closed your eyes.
“Y/N, wake up.” 
You felt someone shaking you by the foot. Eventually, your eyes fluttered open but you were quite disoriented. The doors of the car were open and Ivar was looking at you with some excitement.
As you sat up, you realized that it was still raining, but not as heavily. 
“Come, I want to show you something.” He said, the wind blowing his hair all around.
“Are we there already?” You asked, still half asleep.
As you got out of the back seat, your vision finally adjusted. It was then you noticed that you were in the middle of nowhere. It was scenic, however, you were very much in a secluded forest near a rushing river.
“Where are we?” You asked, rubbing your eyes.
Without looking in your direction, Ivar told you to grab your phone. 
He then made his way to the waters edge, staring over the distance. You were groggy but you did as he had asked. Making your way to his side, you glanced around the forest before asking why he had brought you there.
“This place is beautiful. Isn’t it?” Ivar asked. “I come here often.”
“It is very lovely but why are we here?” You asked before looking at the time.
Still looking out over the waters, Ivar instructed you to remove the battery from your phone. Naturally, you were confused.
“Y/N, don’t make me repeat myself. Remove the battery and throw it into the water.”
Your heart began to race as he finally looked at you. His blue eyes practically boring into your soul. Just then, your phone vibrated. And there it was, a confirmation of your fears. 
A third message of cancellation from the driver service. When you pressed the screen to read the full details, it stated that you had been a no-show so the driver had left the location. 
You looked up at Ivar, your heart pounding in your ears. Despite what he had told you, he was definitely not from Stavanger.
“I’m uh...........I appreciate you bringing me here. But, I.........need to get to my----”
“Y/N, turn off your phone and take the battery out.” Ivar said calmly. Moving closer, he reached out and stroked your cheek with his thumb. “Please just do as I say, alright? I don’t want to hurt you.”
With trembling hands, you turned the phone off and removed the battery. Satisfied, Ivar then had you toss the battery into the rushing river, followed by the phone itself.
You could only stare as your only means of communication disappeared into the dark blue waters. Swept down stream to God knows where.
As you turned around to look at Ivar, a flash went off.
“Is he serious?” You thought.
Yes, Ivar was indeed taking photos of you with a very expensive digital camera. After the fifth one, he seemed satisfied. 
“Come on, it’s getting cold.” He said, opening the passenger side door for you. “I don’t want you to get sick.”
The rest of the ride to wherever he was taking you was a tense one. Though you tried, you lost your composure. You burst into tears causing Ivar to turn on the radio to drown you out.
After many more miles, he eventually pulled off to the side of the desolate road and looked at you.
“Please don’t hurt me. I’ll stop.” You begged, thinking he had seen enough of your tears.
“Calm down, Y/N. I already told you. I won’t hurt you unless you give me a reason.” 
Reaching over, he opened the glove compartment and pulled out a black scarf. He then explained that he was going to cover your eyes. Adding that he expected you to not remove it or try anything funny.
“Don’t worry, you won’t have to wear it long. We’re almost home.” Ivar said reassuringly as he tied the blindfold over your eyes.
Satisfied with his work, he adjusted your seat so that you were reclined. You then heard him start the car again and enter the road again.
It took another hour or so, but you finally felt the car come to a stop.
Gingerly, Ivar got out of the BMW and made his way to the passenger side, opening the door with a smile on his face.
“We’re here.” He announced before untying the blindfold.
He then took you by the hand and helped you out of the passenger seat. You just stood there, watching him remove your suitcase from the trunk. If you had to describe how you felt, you wouldn’t have been able to put them into words. 
You were simply terrified.
“Come on, let’s go into the house.”
With that, Ivar led you out of the garage into what was to be your prison for the foreseeable future.
“Y/N, what’s wrong? Why aren’t you eating?” 
You didn’t know what to say. 
Sure, Ivar had allowed you take a bath and change clothes. He even unpacked your things and arranged them in his closet. Going so far as to place your undies and things in a drawer he had emptied for you. 
But you were still as terrified as you had been at the river. 
This man was crazy. He had kidnapped you and God only knew how many other times he had done so. Perhaps, he was even a serial killer.
“I..........just don’t feel well.” You replied, using the fork to push the steak around.
He scooted his chair closer, bridging the distance between you. The massive dining table was a bit formal for two people, but he had insisted on eating there.
“Do you want something else?” He asked. “Pizza or something like that?”
Though you didn't want anything from him, you were really hungry. You had not eaten anything since leaving your hometown airport. You didn't even get a chance to finish the danish you bought.
“I’ll have some pizza.........if that is alright with you.”
Ivar nodded and got to his feet. He then told you to grab your plate and follow him to the kitchen.
Iva’r home was extremely nice. And that was putting it mildly.
The three-story, country cabin was far too lavish for anyone doing honest work to afford. Perhaps he had won the lottery, inherited a huge sum of money or something else along those lines. 
Whatever gave him the ability to live in such luxury, it wasn’t a basic job. That much you knew.
As you stood by the doorway, Ivar popped a frozen pizza into the chef’s oven. You may have been poor but even you knew what that was. After setting the timer, he walked over and pressed his forehead to yours.
“What are you thinking about?”
“Oh, just my.......” You began, but abruptly stopped yourself.
Ivar gave you a confused look before stating that he knew what you were going to say.
“Your family and friends. Right?”
You looked away, hoping it did not trigger some type of anger. He was your captive and you didn’t know what the boundaries were as of yet. Suddenly, you felt his arms slide about your waist and his lips press against your cheek.
“Don’t worry. Once I think I can trust you, I will let you call them”
He then kissed your cheek three times, before running the tip of his nose alongside your face.
“You smell so good. What is it?”
The answer you wanted to give was something along the lines of “fuck off”. However, you were too smart and had no death wish. So instead of tempting fate, you told him that it was just some body spray a friend had gifted you.
“Warm Vanilla Sugar, I think it’s called.”
“From where?”
“Bath and Body works. I don’t know if you have heard of it.” You said, trying your best to seem nice.
If he was really going to allow you call your family based on your behavior, you would do whatever it took to get the chance. If that meant acting your ass off and making him think you were chill, you would do just that.
That way, you could eventually be rescued.
“Come on, let’s watch something while the food is cooking.” Ivar suggested as he let go of you.
He then held out his hand. You stared at it for moment before sliding your finger between his.
“As soon as he falls asleep, I’ll knock him out with a lamp or something. Then.............I’ll steal his car and drive to the nearest town. ”
And that was the escape plan in your head. Hopefully, it would work out for you.
The two of you were nearly done with an episode of the Twilight Zone, when the timer sounded. Ivar told you to remain seated and went to the kitchen. He returned to the sitting room a short time later with a large tray.
He had brought you a platter of pizza slices and four different beverages.
“I didn’t know what else you wanted besides water. So I figured I would just give you a selection.” He said as he placed the tray on the coffee table.
After he sat down, he began choosing the next episode while you served yourself. As you placed a slice of pizza on a paper plate, you could feel Ivar watching you. 
And this wasn’t the first time.
You hadn’t realized it then, but at the airport, he had been staring at you in the same way. Too bad you were so fixated on getting to your destination, you didn’t take notice. 
When you sat back down, Ivar pulled you closer.
“I don’t bite, Y/N.” He said, putting his arm over your shoulders. 
Though your nerves were frazzled and your emotions were all over the place, you ate your food and watched the shows with him. Cool as a cucumber, you figured that bedtime would present the chance you needed. 
Your chance to make a break for it.
After you finished eating, you took the tray to the kitchen while Ivar was on his third episode of Black Mirror. As you washed the platter ,you looked out the small kitchen window.
“This place is so beautiful but so isolated. Why would someone live here alone? Unless it’s not his house at all and the owners are buried in the backyard.”
As your thoughts ran wild with all the crimes he might have committed, you felt Ivar’s arms around your waist. You just didn’t get this creep. Was he playing house or was this some kind of elaborate game of ‘cat and mouse’?
Maybe he was the type of killer that enjoyed teasing his victims. Making you think all was fine before brutally killing you for sport.
“Do you want to watch something else or do you want to go to bed?”
Feeling extremely jet-lagged you managed to tell him that though you were enjoying his favorite episodes, you did want to get some rest. 
Ivar led you to a bedroom on the second floor before returning downstairs to set the house alarm. While he was gone, you managed to locate your pajamas in the dresser.
“Asshole. Going through me shit like he knows me!” You fumed to yourself before throwing the items on the bed. 
You removed your shorts and t-shirt. Just when you were in the process of slipping on the pajama bottoms, Ivar entered.
“Wha............what are you doing?” You nearly screamed.
Using the pajama bottoms to hide your breasts, you backed away.
“What do you mean?” He asked before sitting on the bed. “This is my room. Where else did you think I was going to sleep?”
“But there are so many rooms in this house. Why did you bring me here if it’s your bedroom?”
Ivar chuckled. He then confessed that he had brought you there so you could share his bed. 
Boy were you pissed!
Did he really expect you to get in bed with him? A total stranger? From the look on his face, the answer was a strong ‘yes’. For whatever reason, Ivar just didn’t see a problem with anything he was doing.
“I’m going to change in the bathroom.”
“Why? There is nothing to be ashamed of. Watch, I’ll prove it.”
He promptly stood up and began removing his clothes. 
When Ivar got down to his jeans, you protested. But he just kept going. You turned your head once you realized he was going to strip down completely.
“Y/N, you can look at me.” 
“No, thank you.”
“Why not?” He asked with a very amused tone. “Fine, if you won’t  turn around, I’ll just come to you.”
And that’s exactly what he did. Ivar walked over and stood in front of you. Grabbing hold of your wrists, he forced your hands away from your eyes.
“Y/N, stop being so weird. It’s just the human body.” He said with a laugh. “Or are you some kind of prude? Religious perhaps?”
You wanted to roll your eyes but you didn’t want to mock him to his face. He may have been hot as hell but so was Ted Bundy. Instead, you slowly backed away and ducked into the master bathroom. 
“Fucking psycho.”
Ironically, you were quite correct in your assessment. 
After you had finished putting your pj's on, an idea came to mind. You opened the medicine cabinet hoping to find pills to drug Ivar with. However, you were met with the sight of a shitload of prescription meds. 
Grabbing two of them, you read the labels.
“Clozapine? And what’s this one here? Olan.......Olanzapine?” You muttered, trying your best to pronounce the words. 
You put the bottles back and looked at a few more of the prescriptions. Despite being a total novice when it came to medication, you were able to decipher one fact. All of them had been prescribed by Physiologists and Psychiatrists. 
This meant Ivar definitely had some type of serious mental disorder.
“Damn. He must be really messed up to be on so many drugs.”
Just as you were closing the medicine cabinet, he opened the door and walked in. Strange, you were sure you had locked it.
“How did you get in here?”
“With my phone.” Ivar replied smugly. “Every lock in the house is attached to a security app.”
He then looked you over and asked why you felt the need to have clothes on. You had to force yourself not to look at him. He was just standing there, butt naked talking to you.
Ivar may have been crazy but God, was he a looker. His body was more  amazing than you had even imagined. Toned, muscular and tanned, just how you liked it.
“Jesus Christ what was I doing? Don’t stare. Just walk past him and-----”
Your thoughts were cut off by his hands grabbing you by the hips. Gently, he turned you around, gazing down at you with a strange expression.
“I want you to get in bed.”
“Um, I’m not tired just yet. I want to read or watch a movie.” You protested nervously.
“Really? I thought you said you had jet-lag?”
“I......I did. It’s just that suddenly, I feel like I have more energy.”
“No problem. I can still do what I want while you do those things.”
Instantly your brow furrowed in confusion.
“What he wants?”
You sat on the bed, nervous as shit. Thankfully as promised, Ivar handed you the remote. After looking around, you realized that you didn’t see a television anywhere. Feeling sort of stupid, you finally had to ask where it was.
“Press this.” He said, pointing to a white button.
When you did as he had instructed, the wall in front of the bed slid aside and a large flat-screen was revealed. Despite your dire situation, you were quite impressed. You had only seen such things on reality shows.
As you flipped through the channels, Ivar suddenly knelt in front of you. Doing your best to ignore him, you kept your eyes on the television. Unfortunately, he refused to be ignored.
“Y/N, I want you to lay on your back.”
You tried to pretend as you you didn’t hear him but it only made him repeat himself.
“Just trust me.”  
“But, you said I could watch a movie.”
“Y/N, I won’t ask again.”
Your entire body was trembling with fear as you began to recline. Eventually, you ended up on your back. Staring at the ceiling, you prayed that he wasn’t about to pull out a knife or something and start hacking away.
Without warning, you felt your pajama bottoms being pulled down. You sat up  and asked Ivar, what he was doing.
He said nothing else after that. When he had finished removing the bottoms, he tossed them aside. Focusing on the ceiling again, you tried to think pleasant thoughts. 
That was when you felt his head between your legs causing you to feel quite uneasy. This was too much! You may have been his captive, but you were now prepared to fight.
“What are you doing?”
“Y/N, I told you to lay down.” 
Instinctively, you tried to close your legs, but he grasped your thighs firmly, keeping them spread apart on his shoulders. Then without a word, he pressed his face to your mound, licking the outside of your panties.
Your back arched and your entire body coursed with adrenaline. But Ivar remained calm. He smirked at the sight of your bewildered eyes gazing at him.
“If you want to watch me, that’s fine too.”
After saying that, Ivar pulled your panties to the side, exposing your pussy ever so slightly. You should have slapped his face or shoved him away. But you didn’t.
You just sat there, looking as he stuck two of his fingers in his mouth, wetting them with saliva. He then began running them against your entrance. And God, did it feel so good. 
Despite all the alarms going off in your head, your body was liking how his fingers felt. When Ivar noticed your eyes close, he pushed you down. Now on your back again, you felt the stubble of his sideburns against your inner thighs. 
Withing seconds Ivar’s warm tongue met your flesh, grazing your sensitive clit with one slow lick. Your hands instantly grasped the bed-sheets as your hips bucked upward instinctively.
Ignoring your halfhearted plea, Ivar again dragged his tongue down your opening. Almost like one would do with ice cream. His strokes were excruciatingly slow and methodical. 
Almost as if he didn’t want to miss a spot.
“You have to stop.” You begged between a gasp.
After licking your clit, Ivar pressed his lips to your pussy,  kissing it tenderly. 
You just couldn’t take anymore. Your legs were shaking as you sat up again.
“I...........I don’t want to do this.” 
Annoyed, Ivar glared at you before pulling your panties back in place. 
“Y/N, why are you being so difficult? I asked you to do something and I expect you to listen.” He said. “Don’t interrupt me again!”
You couldn’t say anything.
Ivar stared at you for a long while before his expression eventually softened. Pulling your panties to the side again, he pressed his mouth to your pussy. Inserting is tongue ever so slightly in your opening first. He then returned to the licking strokes he had been doing earlier.
And did it ever feel so good. So good that you couldn’t resist anymore. 
Your hips began moving in rhythm with his tongue. With the television on mute, the only sound in the bedroom were that of Ivar’s tongue lapping your wetness.
And he wasn’t in a rush either. It was almost as if he was trying to prolong the experience.  
“Fuck.” You groaned, feeling him bury his face deeper between your legs.
Ivar must have liked what he heard because he suddenly raised his head.
“Babe, get in the middle of the bed and spread your legs for me.”
When you heard the command, you hesitated. You were torn. It was insane but you wanted more. However, you knew that by obeying him, you were placing yourself in a precarious situation. 
Before you could rationalize what to do next, Ivar was beside you. In an instant, he forcefully placed you in the center of the bed. He then hovered over you and pointed a finger to your face.
“What did I say, huh? Do you want me to slap you?”
When you remained silent and shook your head, he smiled. 
Ivar was relieved that you now understood that he was serious. Leaning closer, he brushed his lips against yours before giving you a quick peck. Suddenly, he got out of bed.
“I’ll be right back. Don’t move.”
With that, he left the room and went downstairs.
When he returned, Ivar was carrying honey and whipped cream. Your heart raced as he set them beside you and then walked to the closet. Blocking him out, you went back to staring at the ceiling. Hoping to distract yourself from your own thoughts.
“Y/N, sit up a minute.”
When you did so, you saw that he was setting up his expensive camera on a tripod. At first, you wanted to ask what it was for, but it didn’t take a genius to figure it out.
“He’s going to record me?”
Ivar kept adjusting the camera settings and checking the monitor. Eventually, he seemed happy with the results.
“Perfect. I have everything in frame. You look amazing, by the way.” 
As you laid down again, he got back in the bed. 
Without allowing you to rest, Ivar asked that you to spread your legs. You swallowed but followed his command. But despite your best efforts, you were still worried about the camera.
“Are.........are you recording me?”
“Not yet. But don’t worry, I’ll let you know when I start.” 
With that, Ivar slid your panties to the side, loving how damp the fabric had become.
“You’re getting wet.” He said with a wicked smirk. “But not wet enough.”
Running his hand over his hair to push it away from his face, he flicked the tip of his tongue against your clit. All at once, your mind went blank. 
All your fears disappeared leaving nothing but lust behind. He curled his tongue along the outside of your pussy, before nibbling at the folds..
“Y/N. I want you to do something. Sit up and hold your panties for me.”
Your heart was beating hard as you took hold of the fabric. Like a tease, Ivar licked your fingers, dragging his tongue from them to your pussy and back again.
You had never experienced anything like this before. 
Typically, you didn’t even keep the lights on when you had sex. But you didn’t feel the need to shy away. You stared, watching his tongue work it’s magic. When you accidentally let go of the panties, Ivar smirked.
Without waiting for him to tell you what to do, you slid them aside for him.
“Good girl.” He whispered.
As you watched, Ivar allowed a large amount of saliva to fall onto your pussy. Between that and your own wetness, you mound was glistening.
“You taste so fucking good.” He said as his eyes met yours briefly. 
He then placed his mouth over your opening and began whirling his tongue in circular motions.
“Oh my fucking God.” You gasped, your grasp on the panties becoming weaker. “Shit!” 
Coming to a stop, Ivar looked at your pussy again. 
He then dragged his tongue over it one last time to ensure he got every bit of wetness. 
“Babe, pick between the honey and whipped cream.“
Ignoring all the voices of reason in your head, you grabbed the squeeze bottle of honey. 
“Pour it on your pussy for me.” 
Removing the top, you watched as the golden syrup trickled down and began coating your outer lips and mound. As for Ivar, he watched with great fascination, using his thumb to spread it around. 
When you thought you had poured enough, you stopped. 
Ivar wasted no time in burying his face between your legs. Within seconds, the grazing and sweeping motions of his tongue caused you to grab his head.
“Oh my god...............yes!” You moaned. “Yes!”
You threw caution to the wind, grinding your hips in unison with his efforts. Before long, your legs began to tremble as you felt the telltale throbbing sensation.
And just like that, your orgasm hit. 
But Ivar was relentless, he kept going, licking and nibbling so eagerly, he caused a second one to follow. As your rode his tongue for several minutes, you shut your eyes, losing yourself in the moment..
Despite what you had expected, Ivar didn’t force you to do anything else. At least for now. 
After cleaning you up with a damp washcloth, he laid beside you. You were grateful for that. Quite exhausted from the euphoria of your two orgasms, you were nearly asleep when you felt him pull you closer. 
“What the hell am I doing?” You thought. “I have to get out of here!”
You had an entire life back home. 
Family and friends who would worry once the days passed without hearing from you. Not only that, but you had a boyfriend. A very nice one who would not understand you sexing a crazed stranger.
Your mind was made up. You would wait until Ivar fell into a deep slumber before making your move. Perhaps you could even use his car to leave. After all, you had seen where he kept the keys to the BMW.
You managed to put on your jeans and Ivar’s sweatshirt despite the dimly lit room. Not that you had wanted to steal from him. You only took his sweatshirt because you didn’t want to risk opening the closet and waking him.
Cautiously, you made your way out of the bedroom and straight downstairs. 
The house was a rather enormous so it took a while to find the sitting room. Unfortunately when you opened the wooden box that you thought the car keys were in, it was empty.
“Fuck! He must have moved them.”
There was no point in searching since they could have been anywhere and you had not time to waste. You threw your purse over you shoulder and rushed to the front door.
Holding your breath, you unlocked it, praying that there was no audible alarm. Thankfully, there wasn’t. 
Without hesitation you stepped out into the cool evening air. Despite the trail of streetlights, it was rather dark and there was nothing as far as the eye could see. 
Nothing, but meadows and trees.
“It doesn’t matter. I will run into someone sooner or later.”
Your last thoughts were rather prophetic. 
You had been right about potentially running into someone. Too bad that someone was none other than Ivar.
After walking for roughly twenty minutes, you finally saw headlights approaching from behind. At first, you thought it was a traveler you could wave down for help. 
But then, you recognized the BMW.
You panicked, unsure of what to do next. Should you run into the woods or continue walking along the roadside where it was safest? It didn’t matter. Ivar parked the car and turned on the hazard lights. 
Despite your best effort to run, he easily caught up with you. You kicked, you screamed and even tried to bite his arm. But you were no match for Ivar.
“No!” You screamed.
With no effort, he threw you over his shoulder. You tried hard to wriggle free but it was no use. Withing seconds, he tossed you into the car and slammed the door. 
When you tried to open it, you realized that the child-lock was on.
Ivar got into the the driver’s seat and punched the steering wheel. When he glared at you through the rear view mirror, you finally decided to shut up. His gaze was chilling and you didn’t want to push him over the edge.
Needless to say, you remained quiet the entire ride back to his house.
“Why did you do that, Y/N?” Ivar asked as he paced the bedroom floor. “I gave you free reign in my home and look how you repay me! By taking off the moment I fall asleep.”
You felt so stupid. 
During your escape you didn’t know that Ivar had been watching the entire thing on his phone. But that was your own fault. You should have known a house like his would have security cameras everywhere.
As for the house alarm, it was a silent one. 
The company even called to make sure things were fine. Ever the calm one, Ivar informed them that it had been a false trigger.
Now that you knew everything, you realized just how dumb your plan was. But you were too exhausted to mope around. Without asking, you laid on your side and curled up in the fetal position.
Ivar eventually got in bed. After hesitating a while, he scooted closer and spooned you. 
“Don’t do that again. Okay?”
Half asleep already, you nodded. You felt his lips brushing against your cheek as you drifted off.
The following day, you woke up feeling so much better. As you rolled over, you realized that the bed was empty. 
“He must have woke up early.”
You sat up, rubbing your eyes before stretching. 
It was late afternoon for sure because the sun was shining brightly through the large bedroom windows. Feeling well rested, you decided you best freshen up. 
You were busily taking a warm shower when you heard the door to the bathroom open. Knowing it was Ivar, you sighed.
“I know I’m taking forever but I’m almost done.”
But he didn’t say anything.
Instead, he just watched you through the glass partition for a while. Embarrassed, you held the washcloth over your breasts in a feeble attempt at modesty. This of course was stupid, considering the previous night.
"Hurry up and come to the room.”
With one last gaze at your body, Ivar left.
Though he allowed you to do your hair and even put on makeup, Ivar refused to let you get dressed. Insisting that you keep the towel on. So there you were, sat on the bed wondering what was about to happen.
Suddenly, he began fidgeting with the camera on the tripod.
“What are you doing?”
“Y/N, you have no right to ask me anything.” He replied bluntly. “You broke my trust. So until you earn it back, no more questions.”
You were startled but knew it was probably a good idea to keep your mouth shut. Gone was his jovial expression from before. In its place was a look of pure anger.
“Okay, it’s recording.” He announced. “First, let’s start with your full name.”
You didn’t know what Ivar was up to, but you didn’t feel like playing his game. But what choice did you have?
“My name is Y/N Y/L/N.”
He smirked as he observed you on the monitor. Continuing with the line of questioning, he covered various topics. Mostly, your preferences and childhood experiences.
All in all, the entire experience wasn’t too bad, despite him filming you by force.
“One last thing. Do you like dogs?”
You nodded, adding that you were fond of animals in general. Satisfied with how things went, Ivar made his way over and sat beside you.
“We’re done with the first part.”
“First part?” You repeated.
With a devious look in his eyes, he guided you onto his lap and pointed at the camera.
“We’re going to make our own sex tape.”
Your jaw tensed when you realized he was quite serious. 
Flabbergasted, you were about to protest when you felt his teeth on your neck. He playfully bit down before using his tongue to make you squirm. Though it felt incredible, you tried to fight the sensation.
You simply couldn’t allow a stranger to film you performing sex acts.
When you tried to push him away, Ivar grabbed you by the throat. He didn’t do it violently, but firmly enough to keep you still. After giving you a love bite, he asked you to stand up for a moment.
Doing as he had asked, you watched as he undressed himself. One thing was certain, this guy really enjoyed being naked.
“Lay on your side facing the camera.”
You hesitated but followed his instructions. The entire situation was insane. But if it was so bad, why were you not throwing a lamp at his head?
Exhaling, you cleared your thoughts - tired of the opposing inner dialogue.
That was when Ivar slid behind you and unraveled the towel. Right away, you cupped your breasts causing him to chuckle.
“Babe, relax.” He said, tossing it to the ground. “There’s no need to be so shy. You have amazing tits.”
Your cheeks were burning from embarrassment. Ivar was quite the enigma. Never in your life had you ever met someone so uninhibited and blunt. As you were busily wondering how he got that way, you felt him guide your hand to his shaft.
Ivar was fully erect but he stated that he wanted you to use his member to get yourself wet. 
“I..........I don’t understand.”
Despite giving you a weird look, he didn’t get mad. 
Instead, Ivar slid his cock between your legs, tapping it against your pussy a few times. You bit your lip as you stared at him. He was so focused as he began rubbing his erection against your folds.
“That’s it, Y/N” He hissed before looking at you. “You’re getting so wet for me.”
Pressing his nose to your cheek, he bit it playfully. 
“Alright, I think you know what to do now.” Ivar added.
After placing your hand on his shaft again, he continued nibbling on the length of your neck. 
Like an uncoordinated novice, you dragged his curved erection against your pussy. The sensation of his warm flesh against yours felt so good, you moaned.
“Don’t hold back. I fucking love the sounds you make.” He whispered.
You kept going. 
Gently rubbing his member against your entrance until eventually, you could feel your wetness. You were so turned on that your fingers and his erection were slick from it.
“Okay babe, that’s enough.” .
Though Ivar loved how your hand was feeling, it wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted to have sex with you. With his lips pressed to your cheek, he asked you to guide him in.
“But........you aren’t wearing a condom.”
Angered by your statement, he pushed your hand off. He then took hold of his erection himself and prodded against your entrance.
“Wait! We nee to-----” 
Your words caught in your throat. Without warning, Ivar slid the length of his cock into you with one thrust. He grunted, grabbing you by the throat. As he pushed his lips against your ear, your eyes shut tightly. 
“Fuck!” He groaned. “Its so hot.”
You were trembling from the sensation of him being inside you. It was unlike anything you had ever felt before. Not even with your boyfriend back home made you feel so.....turned on.
“Shhhhh. It’s okay, Y/N.”
With his lips still pressed to your ear, he pushed his cock in as deeply as it could go. Your breathing hitched and you let out a whimper. Excited by the sound, Ivar moved his hand from your throat. After caressing your face, he kissed the corner of your mouth softly.
“Did I hurt you?”
You should have said ‘yes’ and asked him to stop. But instead of doing the smart thing, you shook your head. Taking it as a good sign, Ivar held you closer, your ass now pushed firmly against his pelvis.
“Move for me.” He whispered. “I want to watch.”
With your eyes still shut, you apprehensively began rotating your hips, riding the length of his cock. As you were doing so, he watched the motion of your body, his blue eyes hooded with lust.
“Keep going, babe.” He whispered, enjoying how unsure of your own movements you were.
After a minute or so, Ivar tapped your hip and asked you to stop. 
To your surprise, he pulled his erection out. At first, you thought you had turned him off, but that was the furthest thing from the truth. Without a word, he sat up and rolled you onto your back. 
He then reached into one of the night stands and produced a large knife. Your heart dropped. Why would he feel the need to bring out a weapon? You watched in fear as he hovered over you, dragging the the blade lightly across your breasts.
“Last night, you let me down.” Ivar said as he pressed tip of the blade to one of your nipples. “But I’m going to give you a chance to redeem yourself. A second test. Hopefully, you won’t disappoint me.”
His words terrified you. 
From what you had seen in his medicine cabinet, he was mentally unstable. If he wanted, he could kill you and get away with it. But as you were practically having a nervous breakdown, Ivar did something strange. 
He placed the knife in your hand. 
Sliding between your legs, he hovered over you, propping himself up on his forearms. His long hair grazed your shoulders as he pressed his forehead to yours.
“No matter what  you decide, I won’t stop you.”
After saying this, Ivar reached between you and probed your entrance. Slowly, he pushed the length of his cock in, his forehead still rested on your own. You gasped at the feeling of him sliding inside you again.
But here it was! Your chance at freedom. 
Even if you didn’t want to kill him, you had many options. You could use the knife to back him away or stab him to give yourself time to escape. But you simply froze.
Without anymore hesitation, Ivar began thrusting. He was pounding away so hard, your hold of the knife weakened. As he increased the pace even more, he raised his head and looked down at you affectionately.
“What are you waiting for?” He grunted.
Taking hold of your wrist, he brought the knife to his neck. You didn’t know what to do. Did he want you to kill him? 
Keeping his eyes on yours, Ivar continued thrusting. You stared at him, keeping the blade against his flesh. Eventually, a trickle of blood appeared from the pressure.
Without breaking his gaze, he took you by the hips, using them to shove his cock in deeper. Before long, the knife fell from your grasp, landing beside you. 
Taking notice of this, Ivar tossed it to the floor before blanketing you with his body. After sliding his hands under your ass, he buried his face in the crook of your neck. 
You hated yourself but all your resistance was gone. 
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you met each of his thrusts - the sound of his cock pounding your pussy filling the room.
“Oh,..................my God!” You squealed.
“Fuck.” He grunted. “Is it my pussy, babe?”
He asked you two more times before you managed to mutter a ‘yes’ in response.  
What a lover! 
Ivar plunged his cock into you like a man possessed making you to writhe underneath him. Within minutes, he was sweating so much, his hair became damp. Beads of perspiration trickled onto you causing your breasts and stomach to glisten.
“Cum for me, Y/N.”
Ivar knew you were close. He could tell by the way your hips had slowed down. Relentlessly, he thrusted slow and deep. All the while whispering about how badly he wanted you to cum on his cock.
Suddenly, your pelvic area began pulsating and contracting with the longest orgasm of your life.
“Yes, Ivar! Yes!”
His lips crashed to yours, kissing you like a long lost lover. 
When he finally pulled away, he dragged his tongue against yours before biting your bottom lip. As you continued moaning, he pressed his lips to your neck.
“Fuck!” Ivar grunted as if gasping for air.
You felt him cumming inside you. The heat spreading as he muttered something in his native tongue. Ivar continued pounding into you with so much force, it caused you to scream out, your voice practically echoing in the bedroom. 
His had triggered an orgasm so intense, your legs began to shake like crazy and your eyes welled with tears.
“It’s okay, Y/N.  
Slowing his movements, Ivar allowed you to ride out the orgasm at your own pace, all the while biting on your neck. 
The following afternoon, Ivar was in a great mood. 
He spent a few hours in his home office before asking you to accompany him on a nature hike. After packing some lunch, the two of you drove out to a beautiful field that was only a few miles from the house. 
There, Ivar spent time taking photos of the scenic surroundings. 
While he was busy with his photography, you picked some flowers, hoping to fashion them into a crown. Sadly, you were quite terrible at it. As you sat on the blanket, frustrated at your progress, Ivar took a seat across from you.
“What are you doing?” Ivar asked, looking at the jumbled mess.
“Um.....I don’t really want to say.”
When you stated that you didn’t want him to laugh at you, he promised that he wouldn’t. 
With a sigh, you told Ivar you were trying to make a flower crown like the ones you had seen in Scandinavian films.
Though he was trying his best, you could tell he wanted to laugh. Rolling your eyes, you decided to give up. Why bother? You were never the best at arts and crafts anyway.
Putting his camera down, Ivar beckoned you to sit between his legs. 
After you had done so, he began teaching you the proper way to make a crown. Taking his time to show you the technique.
“My mother made these all the time.” He said with his lips close to your earlobe. “She really had a thing for flowers and nature in general.” 
You were surprised that he had finally made mention of something personal. After all the questions he had asked of you, you had some for him as well.
“Your mother, does she live in Iceland?”
Ivar fell silent for a while before telling you that both his parents were dead. You felt so bad for bringing up the subject that you tried to apologize. However, he told you it wasn’t necessary.
“It’s not as if you would have known.” Ivar said. “Anyway, they died when I was like five years old. So you don’t worry about depressing me.”
He went on to mention that they had died when their private plane crashed. Afterward, he spent time living with relatives. All of them unwilling to care for him long enough for him to get adjusted.
“I guess I can’t really blame any of them. I was probably too much to handle. My problems and all.”
“What problems?” You cautiously asked.
You had seen the medications. However, you wanted to hear about his condition from his own lips.
“I’m Schizophrenic. But I was recently diagnosed with Obsessive-compulsive disorder as well.” Ivar said as he continued weaving the flowers. “I guess you’re definitely going to run away now.”
You didn’t know what to think.
On one hand, he was keeping you against your will. But on other hand, you kinda felt sorry for him. He was probably just lonely or going through an episode.
“Have you done this.....I mean.....”
“I have never kidnapped anyone in my life.” He interrupted. “To be quite honest with you, I was there to shoot up the airport. You know, go out in a hail of bullets. I had rifles in the trunk and everything. But just when I was about to smoke in order to ease my nerves, I saw you.”
You were utterly dumbfounded. So he had intended to do a ‘suicide by cop’? 
Before you could think of another question, Ivar added that when you spoke to him, it caused him to waver.
“I don’t know why but you made me rethink things. You looked so innocent and lost. Plus, your Icelandic was so bad, it actually brought a smile to my face.”
For some reason, the comment made you laugh. 
Still, it was strange to think that you mistaking him for your ride probably prevented a tragedy. With the flower crown now finished, Ivar placed it on your head. He then grabbed his camera and got to his feet.
“I’m not an evil person, Y/N. Despite how I feel, I know you have a life of your own.” He confessed. “But can you please do one thing for me?”
“What’s that?”
“There’s a family event in three weeks. If you accompany me and treat me nicely in front of everyone, I......................I won’t stop you from leaving afterward.”
His eyes were wet with tears, but you didn’t make mention of it. 
Instead, you nodded, promising to be his ‘date’ at the event. Pleased in a bittersweet way, Ivar took photos of you wearing his flower crown.
The next few days were actually quite nice. 
Not only did Ivar take you to the nearby township to show you around, he bought you a prepaid phone. After making you promise not to say anything about your whereabouts, he allowed you to call home.
Though he did sit beside you whenever you chatted with anyone, it didn’t feel like he was being imposing.
As expected, your family members were relieved to finally hear from you. 
After being unable to reach you and getting no calls to confirm your arrival, they had been in a panic. But you eased their minds, stating that you had lost your phone at the airport. And since you had no money to buy a new one, you told them to reach you on the prepaid until you returned.
You could have told them that you were being held against your will, but you chose not to. Despite what Ivar had done, you didn’t want the police to get involved. 
Yes, it sounded stupid, but you just didn’t want him to get in trouble. 
Regardless of how things started, you felt a connection with Ivar. In fact, the two of you spent the time leading up to the event behaving like a real couple. And it wasn’t just allot of hot sex either. 
He told you all about his life and even confessed that he was basically a trust-fund kid. That explained the lavish house and his lack of a schedule. 
So with everything seemingly going well, you focused on enjoying the last bit of time the two of you had left.
The big day had finally arrived!
Wracked with nerves, you spent the whole day wondering how his family members were going to treat you. Taking notice of your odd behavior, Ivar kept telling you to relax, but you couldn’t help feeling tense. 
You didn’t know why you felt anxious anyway. He had taken care of everything. In fact, Ivar spared no expense in helping you prepare for the party. He ordered six designer outfits for you with the help of an online shopper. And that wasn’t all. Knowing how particular women were, he had a stylist come to the house to do your hair and makeup. 
All-in-all, you felt like a Princess. 
Yes, you knew that you were living a lie but so what? Ivar treated way better than your boyfriend back home. 
And it wasn’t about the money. Jamie was just a mean-spirited guy at times. Not only did he mock your career goals, but he expected you to drop everything whenever he wanted to hang out. Those things wouldn’t have been so bad if he didn’t feel the need to tell you how to dress as well. 
If you had any guts at all, he would have been an Ex a long time ago. 
But what could you do? You just needed to get the night over with so you could return to your normal life. 
As you stood beside Ivar in your strapless black Balmain gown, you shifted nervously. For whatever reason, you suddenly felt like throwing up. You hated large events in general but you hated family events even more. 
Everyone was always so judgmental at those things. And with how wealthy Ivar was, you assumed his relatives were probably going to be total dicks.
“Babe, why are you fidgeting so much?” He asked. “You look amazing.”
Ivar’s smile was so genuine, you almost regretted that it was your last night together. But what choice did you have?
“I’m not good at these types of gatherings.” You confessed.
“Stop worrying so much. They’re going to adore you as much as I do.”
Right on cue, the massive door swung open. 
There, wearing more makeup than should be on one person’s face, was a woman in her sixties. She looked good. But good in the “my plastic surgeon knows me well” kind of way.
“Ivar.” She exclaimed as if expecting someone else. “We didn’t think you would show.”
“Well, here I am.” 
She gave him a smile but you thought it looked very fake. Suddenly, she took notice of you and her face lit up.
“And who is this lovely woman? A friend of Christoff?”
Ivar’s smile faltered a second before he placed an arm around your waist.
“No Aunt Rose, this is my girlfriend. Y/N.”
The woman gave you a big smile and complemented your appearance. As she led you into the house, she added that she loved your purse.
“Chanel is my favorite at the moment too.” Aunt Rose said. “I had a thing for Vuitton but I had to drop it like a bad habit. It seems like every poverty-stricken nobody wears a knockoff these days. It cheapens the brand.”
You were slightly offended but Ivar did warn you about his family members during the car ride.
“Well, thank you for the compliment but I didn’t buy it. Ivar gifted it to me. I can’t afford such things.” 
Aunt Rose blew off your remark, stating that you looked good enough to be a trophy wife. She then added that beauty was far more valuable than money.
“I can’t wait for you to meet my sons. Especially Christoff.” She said as you all arrived in the backyard. She then looked at Ivar. “Don’t forget to introduce the two of them.”
“I won’t”
“Well, I need to mingle with the other guests...” She said looking straight at you. “but we will definitely chat again, my dear.”
With that, she walked into the crowd of attendees. You looked up at Ivar but before you could even say anything, he leaned over and kissed you.
“What was that for?”
“Do I need a reason?” He asked before embracing you.
As he was busily whispering dirty things in your ear, three women approached. They had champagne flutes in hand but looked like they had been pounding shots before the party started.
“Ivar! What a pleasant surprise!” The woman in blue exclaimed. “We did not think you would come after what happened last time.”
By the way his body tensed, you could tell that he didn’t like these people.
“Well, regardless, it’s good to see you.” The redhead said with a giggle. “So whose date are you molesting?”
Ivar’s jaw tensed, but thankfully, you were good at defusing awkward situations. 
Extending your hand, you introduced yourself as his girlfriend. They probably weren’t accustomed to him bringing anyone around because their jaws dropped.
All three women looked stunned as they shook your hand.
“Well it’s very nice to meet you Y/N. I’m Katrina, this is my sister Evelyn and that drunk bitch Sonya. We’re cousins but he hardly comes around us anymore.”
“Maybe you can help change that.” Sonya said thoughtfully. “Besides, you seem like someone we could have fun hanging out with.”
The three of them chatted with you for nearly fifteen minutes. Despite your initial perceptions, they were actually quite nice. They told you lots of things about their homeland and suggested places you should visit. 
The main one being the Blue Lagoon.
“Has Ivar taken you there yet?” Sonya asked.
“Uh, not yet.”
“I’m going to take her.” He said, following up your remark.
“Oh yeah? And when will that be?” Katrina asked with a scoff. “Everyone knows you hardly like leaving the countryside.”
“Whenever Y/N is ready for me to take her. I’ll make the time.”
“You can’t take her.” Evelyn protested. “She would have much more fun with us. Ivar, I know you don’t understand these things but she’s a girl. And everyone knows spas are more fun as a Girl’s Trip.”
Rolling his eyes, he whispered that he was going to go and speak to someone. However, he promised that it wouldn’t take long. After giving you kiss on the lips, Ivar walked off.
“Wow. I have never seen him like this before.” Katrina confessed as she watched him leave. “Do you know you’re the first  girl he’s ever brought to anything? Like ever?”
“She’s probably the first girl to be with him at all.” Sonya added with a giggle. She then grabbed a cocktail off a passing waiters tray.
You couldn’t believe your ears. They may have been treating you nicer than you had expected, but they were being very vicious behind Ivar’s back. 
“What kind of crap family is this?” You wondered.
“Excuse me, but do any of you know where the nearest restroom is?” You suddenly asked.
You didn’t really have to pee but you wanted to get away from them. 
Without being asked, Evelyn happily volunteered to show you the way. Taking you by the arm, she led you into the house. As the two of you walked the massive corridor, she introduced you to several people, leaving out the fact that you were Ivar’s girlfriend. 
Instead, she kept telling people that you were a good friend of hers. When you finally reached the restrooms, Evelyn asked if you wanted her to wait. 
“Oh, no. You can return to the festivities. I’ll find you.”
“Okay. We’ll save you some champagne.”
When she left, you exhaled out loud. Boy were these people strange. They may have had all the money in the world but they sure didn’t know how to be a family.
After freshening your makeup, you chose to look at the various pieces of Art that lined the walls of the hallway. It wasn’t exciting, but it was much better than talking to any of the people you had met so far. 
As you were examining a still life painting, you heard a voice from behind you.
“That’s one of my favorites too.” 
When you turned to see who it was, there stood a gorgeous man in a tailored black suit. He had long dirty-blonde hair but it had been pulled into a man-bun for the occasion. 
With a twinkle in his blue eyes, he introduced himself as Christoff.
“Um...nice to meet you. I’m Y/N.”
“Oh.” He said. “My mother just told me all about you. You’re the one that arrived with my cousin, Ivar.”
That’s when his name clicked. 
Ivar’s Aunt Rose had mentioned that he was her son. She even made him promise to introduce the two of you. Well, there he was and boy, was he hot. Probably just as hot as Ivar. 
But something was off about him. However, you just couldn’t put your finger on it.
“So, I see you have an appreciation for the Arts. That’s not something I see these days. It’s quite refreshing.”
“Yeah. I like Art allot. I guess it’s because I’m not very good at it.” You said with a laugh. 
“You should take classes. We have amazing Art Schools for adults in Iceland. Most of them are free.”
As the two of you became engrossed in conversation, Ivar approached. Seeing you with Christoff soured his mood instantly. Not that he was upset with you. It all had to do with his cousin.
You see, Christoff was a bit of a bully. 
And whenever he was around, he had a way of making Ivar feel worthless. Not that he was the only one. Most of Ivar’s family members were very hard on him due to his “issues”.
“Y/N. I was looking for you. I thought you would like to try some of this French wine.”
After handing you the glass, Ivar looked at his cousin. If you didn’t know any better, you could have sworn they were having stare-down.
"So, where have you been hiding this amazing woman?” Christoff asked. “She’s a breath of fresh air.”
“We’re both busy.”
“Come off it, Ivar. Look, just because you’re antisocial, it doesn’t mean you have to keep the poor girl hidden away.”
“Agreed.” Sonya said, cosigning his remark.
You don’t know how the hell they found you, but all three of the girls approached with two men trialing them.
“Y/N, this is Marc and Dimitiri, our cousin’s from Sweden.”
As the two men shook your hand, you could see Ivar from the corner of your eye. He was not happy at all. In fact, you could tell that he was getting very stressed.
“Babe, this is really good.” You commented after taking a sip of the wine.
Ivar smiled at you, liking the way you had slid your hand into his. He intertwined your fingers before giving it a gentle squeeze.
"If you like this wine Y/N.....” Dimitiri began. “You have to visit our Great Uncle’s estate. His collection makes Aunt Rose’s selection look like cheap boxed punch.”
“Who gives a shit? Cheap or expensive, it doesn’t matter. As long as I can get shit-faced, I’m good.” Katrina announced before raising her glass of rum and coke.
Everyone laughed with the exception of Ivar. 
He just hated being around his family. They never acted like they wanted him around and now, they were trying to take you over. As the conversation went on, you eventually realized what they were doing.
They were totally ignoring Ivar. But they did keep making rude hints about his Psychiatric issues. 
Having enough of their shit, you put the wine glass down.
“Babe, I don’t feel too well. Can we go home?”
Ivar looked at you, almost unable to hide his relief. 
Despite everyone telling you that you could rest in any of the bedrooms, you insisted on leaving. As you led Ivar away, he turned around and waved goodbye to his cousins.
Except for Christoff of course. He knew for sure he had been hitting on you. So  Ivar gave him the middle finger.
During the long drive back to the countryside, the two of you listened to old rock songs, singing and laughing the entire time. It just felt so good to get away from the oppressive atmosphere of his family.
When you arrived home, you kicked off your heels and made a beeline for the kitchen. Both of you were famished and had not eating anything since Brunch.
“What do you want to eat?” You asked as you opened the fridge.
“Ivar, I’m serious.”
“So am I.”
When you glared at him, he laughed and shrugged his shoulders. After telling you to decide, Ivar went upstairs to change his clothes. Settling on the leftover lasagna, you began reheating things.
As you were plating the food, he returned, shirtless and wearing grey sweatpants. He had also taken his hair out of the man-bun and put on a pair of glasses.
“You know, you look really handsome. I should take a picture of you.”
He winked at you before thrusting his hips. With a raise of your brow you asked what he thought he was doing.
“I’m trying to tempt you.”
“By humping the air?” You asked with a smirk. “You look like a stripper.”
“I’ll be your stripper if you pay me in sex.”
Getting behind you, he began grinding his pelvis against your ass. You tried your best to ignore him but he kept going. Even when you started cutting the garlic bread.
“Ivar! I have a knife in my hand.”
“So? I’m trying to get you out of this dress.”
He then spun you around and asked how you could say ‘no’ to a man in glasses. 
After staring at him for a second, you burst into laughter. Ivar was just too cute for words. No one had ever made you laugh like he did. But then you remembered, tonight was your last night.
You were leaving for the airport first thing in the morning. Despite missing your return flight home because of your promise, the airline allowed you to re-book for a small fee. 
In less than twenty four hours, you would be back where you belonged.
As you were lost in thought, Ivar lifted you up, his hands underneath your ass. You wrapped your legs around him before pressing your forehead to his. Running your fingers through his hair, you wondered why you felt so torn about leaving.
You kept your end of the bargain and he was keeping his about letting you go. That meant you should have been happy. Right?
Ivar carried you to the living room, and sat on the couch.
Now straddling him, you gazed into his eyes, wishing that you had a few more days. Without waiting for him to make a move, you pressed your lips to his. You wanted to savor all of him - his taste, his scent even the texture of his tongue.
Deepening the kiss, Ivar grabbed you by the back of the neck and pulled you in. His kiss was so hungry and needy, you moaned into his mouth. As you pulled away, he unzipped the back of your gown.
“Take this thing off.”
No longer as shy as you had been before meeting him, you stood up. Slowly, you allowed the gown to shimmy down your body. When it dropped to the floor, Ivar stared at you.
“Don’t take your bra and panties off, yet.” He said with a gleam in his eyes. “I just want you to lay across my lap. Ass up.”
Doing just as he had asked, you crawled on top of him. Once he positioned you the way he wanted, Ivar squeezed each cheek.
“Babe, I’m going to spank you. If it gets uncomfortable, tell me and I’ll stop.”
You nodded, trusting that he wasn’t going to do it hard enough to hurt you.
When the first smack landed, it really stung. Thankfully, Ivar caressed the spot, making it feel better right away. The second and third smacks were much harder though. 
Still, despite never thinking it was a kink you would try, you liked it. 
After spanking you a few more times, Ivar rolled you onto your back. As he gazed into your eyes, he slid his hand into the front of your panties. 
Your legs closed by instinct but you quickly relaxed them.
“Y/N, I want you to look at me.”
He then began moving his fingers against your pussy in circular motions, his blue eyes never leaving your face. Ivar watched you with fascination, loving all your little expressions and winces. 
With your wetness glistening on his fingers, he brought them to his lips. You watched as he licked each one clean before sliding them back into your panties again.
“That’s so good.” You mumbled.
Ivar gave you a little smirk as he continued rubbed your folds in small circles. Feeling aroused, your hips stuttered and you grabbed hold of his wrist with both hands. 
“Is it good, babe?” He asked as he watched your body writhe against his hand.
Your voice caught in your throat as Ivar grazed your clit with two fingers. As he applied pressure to it, he leaned forward and bit the length of your neck.
“Oh my God.” You hissed, holding his wrist tighter.
When he was satisfied with your wetness, Ivar made you straddle him. Pulling down the elastic of his sweatpants, he asked you to take his cock out. As he watched, you reached down into his boxer briefs. Grabbing hold of his erection, you gently freed it from the fabric. 
As you stroked his reddened cock, you felt Ivar’s hips buck upward.
“Y/N, I want you to ride me. Can you do that?”
Though your cheeks and neck burned from his blunt request, you nodded. 
“Should I remove my bra and panties first?”
Ivar then added that he liked how pretty you looked in your jewelry and lingerie. Letting go of your ass, he pulled down the cups of your bra, exposing your breasts. 
The manner in which he did it caused the underwire to cup your tits, making them sit very high. Leaning forward, Ivar ran his tongue flatly over the right one first and then, the left.
As he pulled your nipple into his mouth, you caressed the side of his face. When Ivar began suckling, the pressure of his warm mouth caused a gasp to escape your lips.
Realizing that you were very sensitive, he kept sucking and nibbling, even grazing his teeth over your hardened nipple. When you tried to pull away, he wrapped his arms around your waist.
“Y/N, stop trying to run.”
“I’m not. It’s just that...well.....”
“It feels good so you’re scared.”
You gave him a weak smile, knowing he was right. 
Despite not being a virgin, you still had allot of hangups. You hated to admit it but it was probably because none of your boyfriends had ever worshiped your body or cared about your needs. 
But Ivar was so different. 
He was not only attentive and affectionate but he always made sure that you had at least one orgasm. 
“Can I ask you something?” You said as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Sure, babe. Ask me anything.”
“Did you really record me?”
Ivar chuckled before shaking his head. He confessed that despite what he had told you, he didn’t make the sex-tape. 
“I turned it off after you answered all my questions.”
“But, why did you tell me that the camera was on?”
“I shouldn’t have done that.” He confessed with a sad expression. “I just thought that if you believed there was a video of you having sex, you would be too scared to leave.”
“So there’s nothing?”
Ivar pulled you close and swore on his parents grave that he did not film the two of you. Believing him completely, you pressed your lips to his.
You kissed him tenderly, cupping his face as your tongue explored his mouth. As you ran your fingertips against the stubble of his sideburns, you tried to memorize the moment.
Excited by your show of affection, Ivar slid a hand between your legs. Pulling your panties aside, he told you to put his cock inside. After sitting up slightly, you positioned yourself over his curved erection.
As you felt the tip prodding at your opening, you dug your fingernails into his back. You took your time, but eventually, you managed to slide the tip inside you. 
“It’s so warm.” Ivar hissed.
Though he was eager to fuck you, he didn’t force you down or make any movements. 
Instead, Ivar kept his arms around your waist, allowing you to do as you pleased. Pushing yourself further down his shaft, you shut your eyes. The pain and pleasure overtaking your senses as Ivar’s cock stretched your tightness.
You let out a whimper before rubbing your cheek against his forehead. 
Seeing that you needed help, Ivar’s hands went to your ass. He cupped your cheeks, spreading them slightly in order to have better control of your body. Lifting you up slowly, he shut his eyes, enjoying the sensation of your pussy sliding on his cock.
Tensing his jaw, Ivar slid you down his shaft again.
“Yes.” You moaned, sinking your nails even deeper into his flesh.
After setting you down on his entire length, Ivar’s hips began thrusting upward. You felt him squeezing your ass tighter each time his balls met your opening. With your eyes still closed, you began rotating your hips in unison with his.
Before long Ivar changed pace, pounding your pussy while holding you perfectly still. Your thighs began to tremble uncomfortably as your walls contracted around his cock.
The start of your orgasm was so overwhelming, you had to rest your forehead on his.
“Fuck me Ivar! Fuck me!”
“Don’t move.” He grunted, still pounding into you. “I’m going to cum.”
Just as you felt his warm release spreading inside you, your orgasm arrived. You clung to Ivar for dear life, screaming his name as you climaxed together.
“Tell me it’s mine.” He grunted as he milked his cock into your pussy. “Come on, babe. Tell me.”
“It’s yours. 
“What’s mine?”
Cum began dripping down his cock as he continued thrusting - the sound of his wet cock hitting your pussy filling the room. After a few more minutes, both of you came off your high, sweaty and exhausted.
Carefully, Ivar laid you on the couch and lay beside you. As you relaxed, he caressed the small of your back in circular motions. You were so exhausted, you didn’t say anything. Instead you just laid there, listening to his heartbeat.
As for Ivar, he wasn’t as calm as he looked. 
Despite his promise, his heart was broken. And truth be told, he was tempted to make you stay. But he had decided against it. Sure he could tear up your plane ticket or tie you up, but that wasn’t love.
He may have had his issues but Ivar was a reasonable person. If he truly cared about you, he knew he couldn’t keep you as his hostage any longer.
The following morning, you woke to the sound of the prepaid phone’s alarm. 
After taking a warm shower and getting dressed, you busied yourself with last minute details. Making sure you had packed everything, you sat on your suitcase and struggled to close it.
It would have closed easily like before, however, Ivar had insisted that you keep the designer things he had bought. Once you finally managed to zip and padlock the suitcase, you stood and looked around.
“Ivar?” You said, entering the kitchen.
It was strange. 
When you got up to take your shower, he was still asleep on the couch. But now, you couldn't find him anywhere. After making yourself a cup of coffee, you finally spotted him in the backyard.
He was seated on a white bench, still wearing his sweatpants from the night before. The only other piece of clothing he had on was a multicolored brown sweater.
“Isn’t he cold?” You wondered. 
After putting on your hoodie, you grabbed the coffee and exited the backdoor. Making your way to where Ivar was sitting, you called out. However, he didn’t turn around.
When you finally reached his side, he didn’t even bother to look at you. Instead, he lit a cigarette and ran a hand over his head.
“I........I’m done packing.”
“That’s good.”
Ivar said nothing else before taking a drag. 
As he blew the smoke through his nostrils, his gaze remained over the distance. You didn’t know what to do. With the driver only five minutes away, you were getting frustrated.
You wanted to tell Ivar that he was being very rude, but you didn’t want to start a fight.
Besides, you kind of knew why he was being so cold. Perhaps you shouldn’t have told him that you couldn’t stay in touch. You didn’t intend for it to sound so mean but you didn’t want to lie to him.
You didn’t hate Ivar or anything. In fact, you had already forgiven him for kidnapping you. However, you knew that he would complicate your life. He was a gorgeous guy with loads of money. And despite his physiological problems, somehow, you felt that he would eventually find someone special.
But that person couldn’t be you. 
Besides, even if you did stay, people would probably think you were using him.
As you were about to tell him that you were sorry about how things were ending, your phone beeped. When you read the message, it was from the transport service. They car was in the driveway.
“It seems that that my ride is--------”
“Y/N, you better go before you miss your flight.”
Despite knowing this was the last time you would see each other, Ivar still refused to look at you. 
He just kept smoking as you tried to figure out what to say. Since you couldn’t think of anything, you bent down and kissed the top of his head. After running your fingers through his dark locks, you gave him one last kiss on the cheek.
“Goodbye Ivar. Take good care of yourself.”
“Not to bother you, Miss.” The driver said, looking at you through the rear view mirror. “But there’s a box of Kleenex in the compartment to your right.”
You had left Ivar’s house about twenty minutes earlier, and the entire time you had done nothing but bawl your eyes out. Since the two of you parted on bad terms, you couldn’t help wondering what he was doing.
Was he still sitting in the backyard? Or was he throwing away anything that reminded him of you? 
“I need to stop thinking about him.” You thought, chastising yourself.
But no matter what you did, you couldn’t. 
Even trying to distract yourself with Netflix and music didn’t help. After a few minutes had passed, you looked at the driver.
“How long until we reach the airport?” 
“About an hour and fifteen minutes. Of course that all depends on the traffic.”
You sighed and settled into the leather seat. 
Taking some Kleenex from the compartment, you wiped your face. As you stared out the window, you tried to enjoy the scenery. It worked for a while, but it didn’t take long before your mind wandered to Ivar again.
You really regretted not taking his number. 
He tried to give it to you several times, however you kept saying ‘no’. You knew that if you saved it, you would be tempted to call him. Now, you really wish you had not been so stubborn.
Returning your attention back to the scenic countryside, you tried to focus on things back home. Soon you would be back in your own apartment and with your own friends. And hopefully, if things went well, you would even snag a new job. 
You had quit your old one prior to coming to Iceland. 
In fact, the entire trip was a “clear my head” vacation. Not that it had worked. Ironically, you were now more confused than ever. After another five minutes of fighting with your thoughts, you leaned forward again.
“Excuse me? I have a question.”
“Yes, Miss.”
“I know this may sound strange, but could you go back? To the house you picked me up from........I mean.”
Your heart was racing and your palms were sweating, but you managed to tell him that you didn’t want to go to the airport. With a nod, the driver exited the highway and rerouted his GPS.
As you relaxed in the seat again, everything in your head was telling you that you were being impulsive. You family and friends would call you crazy. And what about your so-called boyfriend? What would he say to everyone?
“Who cares!” You thought.
For once, you were making a decision that actually made you happy.  
And it was about time too. You had spent so much of your life being everything for everyone, that you didn’t even know who you were anymore. 
But no more. This time, you would put yourself first.
As soon as the car pulled into the driveway, you jumped out before it even came to a full stop. You gave the poor driver a scare, but he kept quiet as he put the gear in park.
Running up the steps, you rushed to the doorbell and pressed it several times. 
You had butterflies in your stomach. But despite the nerves about how Ivar was going to react, you couldn’t wait to see his face. You rang the doorbell some more but when he didn’t come to the door, you got worried.
Ivar should have answered already. 
After all, he had security cameras so he would have seen the car before you even got out. As you nervously paced, thinking he had gone somewhere, the front door suddenly swung open. 
Standing there, shirtless, was your sweet Ivar. When you noticed that his eyes were red from crying, your own welled with tears. Without waiting for you to say a word, he swept you into his arms. 
As you wrapped your legs around him, Ivar stared into your eyes as if in shock.
“I couldn’t leave.” You confessed as tears streamed down your cheeks. “I......I felt like I was dying.”
He didn’t say anything. Instead, Ivar  gave you soft peck, allowing his lips to linger against yours before looking at you again.
“So, you still want me?” You asked in a whisper.
“Y/N, I’m yours.” He said as a lone tear ran down his face.
“Always? ”
“Always, babe.”
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phrealestate0 · 3 years
Cagayan De Oro City: 10 Recommended Places to stay when travelling
Cagayan De Oro City: 10 Recommended Places to stay when travelling Philippines Real Estate.
Cagayan de Oro, officially the City of Cagayan de Oro (Cebuano: Dakbayan sa Cagayan de Oro; Tagalog: Lungsod ng Cagayan-de Oro), is a 1st class highly urbanized city in Northern Mindanao. It has a population of 728,402 residents and serves as both an important regional center for trade and business opportunities while also providing excellent educational facilities to the surrounding provinces.
Cagayan de Oro is the capital of Misamis Oriental, a province in Northern Mindanao.
Cagayan de Oro is the fastest growing city in Mindanao and one of the most popular destinations for both domestic and international tourists. It boasts a perfect blend of historical and natural attractions, making it an ultimate destination for those seeking to take in some fresh air or just have a relaxing time. Here’s our guide to Cagayan de Oro’s 10 best recommended places to stay while on a visit.
Here are 10 Recommended Place to stay while in Cagayan De Oro City
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The rooms are just right for travelers. Location is very ideal as it is located right at the heart of the city. It is even beside SM and within stone's throw of Centrio and Limketkai. The staff is cordial and friendly. They are also efficient and proficient.
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Michelle Dy
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Conected to the mall. Has a great restaurant in front. Wi fi works great. Best shower i have ever had in the Philippines. the room is a little small but the price is so nice. Was going to just try this hotel for 1 night but stayed for 4 i will stay here again as it is very convenient. just outside the hotel also has airport shuttle services every hour at a reasonable price
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Katrina Ignacio
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Stayed with family · For friends and family I like Ref Planet in general except the very limited parking soace. The rest is very good!
Red Planet Cagayan De Oro
This inexpensive hotel in the heart of Cagayan de Oro is the perfect starting point for exploring the city. Stylish rooms and top-notch quality beds await guests at Red Planet Cagayan de Oro, which is surrounded by shopping malls and entertainment opportunities. Wi-Fi is fast, and there are lots of power outlets, so tech-savvy visitors will always feel connected.
Customer Value
159 Rooms
Air Condition
Hygiene Plus
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Queen Bedroom
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2 Single Beds
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Trish Evans
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The staff was nice. Food was good. Scenery amazing but rooms need remodeling especial aircon position. Bit annoyed to hear power saws from workers too. Pool wad best part!
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Mack Musk
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Stayed with partner · For leisure In the middle of the city Beside the mall Staff are polite and courteous p
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Somchai Kittisak
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It a very lovely place to stay in. The only minor issue is that they didn’t have enough coffee sachets or chocolate sachets. Otherwise, it’s a fantastic hotel and I would highly recommend it to both family and friends.
Limketkai Luxe Hotel 
The Limketkai Luxe Hotel is the tallest, most prominent hotel in Cagayan de Oro. It features 213 guest rooms with state-of-the-art amenities for the comfort and convenience of its guests. Endorsed by many as Gold Hotels’ first LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified building in the Philippines, it has also been recognized as a quality service provider to our clientele this past year since its opening.
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[In the vicinity of Limketkai Center] You’ll be conveniently positioned in Cagayan de Oro when you stay at Limketkai Luxe Hotel, just a 1-minute drive from Limketkai Center and 6 minutes from Centrio Mall. SM City Cagayan de Oro is 3.9 miles (6.3 kilometers) away, and SM CDO Downtown Premier is 0.7 miles (1.2 kilometers).
N Hotel Cagayan De Oro City
The N Hotel is ideally located in the heart of Northern Mindanao’s Cagayan De Oro, making it a great base for exploring the city. The hotel is only 5.0 kilometers from the city center, and the airport is only 45 minutes away. This hotel has a unique charm because of its well-kept surroundings and proximity to S & R, City Hospital, and J.R. Borja General Hospital.
At this Cagayan De Oro N hotel, you may take advantage of a wide range of unmatched services and amenities. This hotel has a variety of amenities to please even the most demanding guests.
 There are 65 rooms in the N Hotel. All are nicely decorated, with many offering amenities such as LCD/plasma televisions, non-smoking rooms, air conditioning, a desk, and a minibar. After a busy day in the city, relax in the hotel’s wonderful facilities, which include a fitness center, outdoor pool, massage, pool (kids), and billiards. The N Hotel is the ideal base for your visit to Cagayan De Oro, thanks to its outstanding facilities and convenient location.
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Olivia Entz
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Stayed with family · For friends and family Everything is fine until they ask too much charge to use the pool even if our family and friends are ordering drinks and cocktails. Pool charges should be consumable at least.
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Emma Nickolson
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i have stayed there twice and am very happy with the staff and location great swimming pool and kids pool very clean staff are great i you go to cageyane deora great place to stay not far from the sm mall and not to far to get to the airport i would give this place a rating of 10
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Mia Sy
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Nice hotel. The WIFI was not very strong.
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Wa Chi Lay
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the proximity to the mall and cusine options, good airport transfers, clean and friendly hotel Seda centrio is a highly recommendable hotel. It is adjacent to the Ayala Mal , which has a good range of stores and cuisine options. the staff are friendly. Airport transfers can be arranged with a very reasonable rate of PHP200 per person. The hotel has a nice pool area. concierge can help you arrange for an adventure of white water rafting. check with the front desk for cocktail options as they sometimes have some nice programs at the bar. Breakfast buffet is sufficient considering that he price is very reasonable. the fish dishe i forget the name, was excellent. Cagayan de oro is a coastal city so ask for seafood
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Arman Manolito
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The best things about this hotel is it location, it stands right in the Ayala Centrio Mall in Cagayan de Oro, a mixed development of Ayala. The rooms are well equipped the the service is excellent. Our stay in Seda Centrio is the best. Seda Centrio in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines has carved its own path in creating the ultimate luxury haven, surpassing even the most demanding of tastes and standards. We have achieved the impressive feat of balancing the best qualities of boutique, chain and business hotels in our accommodations, offering a sanctuary that capably suits your savvy lifestyle.
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Angeline Luna
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Seda Centrio is the best hotel in Cagayan de Oro in terms of location, service, and amenities. It's like a home away from home as it has all the basic and luxurious amenities that you would expect to find back home in the Western world. Staff were friendly and the hotel is situated literally beside the Ayala mall.The food was a bit mediocre for such a place but that wasn't a big deal breaker. The hotel was very safe, as you need to swipe your card to get access to your floor and room. Definitely will stay here again in the future.
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Seda Centrio Cagayan De Oro
Seda Centrio – Cagayan De Oro City is a popular choice for both business and leisure travelers, offering superb lodgings in Cagayan De Oro’s business, retail, and restaurant center. The hotel’s ideal position allows guests to reach several local sites of interest quickly and effortlessly. Travelers will be energized by a stay here, which provides outstanding service and all of the necessary amenities. The Misto Restaurant, a 3-in-1 all-day dining option, a coffee lounge, a swimming pool, and a fitness centers are just a few of the amenities available to guests. The 150 rooms on 11 storeys give a welcoming and comfortable home away from home. In some rooms, you’ll find modern conveniences, including Internet connection, access to the executive lounge, a shower, ironing facilities, and a telephone. The hotel has a variety of unique leisure options, including an outdoor pool and a fitness facility. Whatever brings you to Cagayan De Oro, Seda Centrio is the ideal location for a thrilling and adventurous getaway.
Mallberry Suites Business Hotel
Mallberry Suites Business Hotel, located in the gorgeous region of Cagayan De Oro City Center, commands a dominating location in Cagayan De Oro’s shopping, eateries, and business hub. The city center’s excitement is only 1 kilometers away. The hotel’s ideal locations allows guests to easily access the city’s must-see famous attractions and ease of park malls. Mallberry Suites Business Hotel also has a variety of amenities to make your stay in Cagayan De Oro more enjoyable. Mallberry Suites Business Hotel distinguishes itself from other hotels in the city with amenities such as free Wi-Fi in all types of rooms, 24-hour security, daily housekeeping, taxi, vans service, and wheelchair accessibility. There are 299 rooms in the Mallberry Suites Business Hotel. All are attractively decorated, and many even include amenities such as an LCD/plasma screen television, complimentary instant coffee, towels, a closet, and wireless internet access (complimentary). To make your stay absolutely unforgettable and worthy, the hotel provides amazing recreational amenities such as a hot tub, fitness center, sauna, indoor pool, and massage spa. Mallberry Suites Business Hotel is a perfect spot to stay in Cagayan De Oro for those looking for charm, comfort, and convenience.
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Ivana Macias
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Breakfast was excellent, Located beside the malls is a nice convenience, Price was very resonable for the quality of the hotel. The Mallberry Hotel is excellent all the way around except, no hot water. Since this is a common issue in the Philippines it wasn't a big deal to me but my wife sure was disappointed. Location beside the mall is fabulously convenient and security there is very good. All the employees were friendly and courteous to our needs!! I highly recommend this hotel & will stay there again when visiting City "O"!!
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Chun Lee
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Location, food and staff I have in the past stayed at Seda Hotel when i am in CDO(at about twice the price). This time I was planning on reeling in my expenses and what a windfall I had. The staff were on the whole excellent. The waiter in Rosso (Jey i think) was outstanding - polite, friendly, knowledgeable and efficient. The prices in Rosso were about 250-350 php for a lot of the main meals...about 8-11 $Aus. Outstanding value and great quality. The staff in the Blue Duck bar were of a similar standard. Now for the bad bits - WiFi in my room was pathetic! The best reception was in the bathroom, so i ended sitting on the toilet to get average reception. Even on the 2nd floor in the business lounge, the staff said the WiFi there was poor also - this is why the lobby bar is full during the day..the only place for good reception (and this is a business hotel?). My only other complaint was the choice of breakfast for Westerners - scrambled eggs and pancakes only! (I get that this is a primarily Filipino business hotel). Will I return...definitely YES!!
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Amanda Rosales
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Mallberry hotel is a wonderful oasis in the busy and tired heart of CDO. The hotel has so many dining options that it's difficult to choose my favorite as they're all good. Great spa with wonderful staff and truly soothing massages. Rosso is a great little resto right off the main lobby - try the Gamba Quattro appetizer. Mallberry is your best bet in CDO - you won't be disappointed.
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New Dawn Plus Cagayan De Oro
When in Cagayan De Oro, you’ll feel at ease at New Dawn Plus, which offers superior accommodation and service. The city center’s excitement is about 1 kilometer away. Due to the hotel’s advantageous location, it is easy to reach the city’s must-see attractions. At New Dawn Plus, our superb service and facilities combine to create an unforgettable visit. New Dawn hotel features a variety of on-site amenities that will please even the most discerning guests. Additionally, each guestroom is equipped with a variety of amenities. Numerous rooms also include a mirror, towels, a wardrobe, a smoke detector, and wireless internet connection to satisfy even the most picky guests. After a long day, the hotel’s fitness facility, golf course (within 3 kilometers), and tennis courts are great places to rest and relax. New Dawn Plus is your one-stop shop for Cagayan De Oro hotel rooms of the highest quality.
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Charlotte Pumpers
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I checked in with my husband and after checked in, he went outside for a gig. Upon returning to the hotel, it is already dawn and no one is in the front desk. he cannot contact me too since i ran out of battery and my charger was left in the car with him (yes very unfortunate). As a result, he cannot use the elevator without me bringing the key card so that thw elevator will work. So as a piece of advice, ask for 2 key cards if there's more than one who will stay in this hotel 😁 It will also save time for you don't need to fetch your family everytime they will go down the hotel to buy something or whatever.
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Mia Ling
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It was the hotel's soft opening when we stayed here. Everything is fresh and new. We were able to locate the hotel easily. There were fast foods near the hotel. Malls were walking distance. Considering the price and the location of the hotel, this was one of the good deals when booking your place of stay.
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John Agawin
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Covid restrictions operating, like no Rooftop Restaurant/bar open. Staff friendly and efficient. When I received the online booking confirmation I simultaneously received a welcoming message from New Dawn Plus that finished "If you have questions, please ask!" I asked and reasked 3 questions but no online response. But the stay was pleasant.
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Rosalinda Mendes
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The location is good though have some issues with the air conditioning that takes a while before it cools down and the hot water takes a while to heat-up. Would be good if they have even a small cafeteria for coffee and sandwiches, you will have to go out to buy snacks and drinks.
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Olivia Mencheck
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Affordable rates. Good
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Irina Manchester
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Accessible, Clean, Comfortable Our stay at this hotel was very comfortable. The hotel has easy access to public transport. Just outdside the hotel there are jeepneys passing that can bring you anywhere you want to go in the city. The rooms are big enough and clean. Wifi signal was good. The rates are very affordable.
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Maxandrea Hotel Cagayan De Oro
Maxandrea Hotel is a popular choice for travelers in Cagayan De Oro City Center, Cagayan De Oro. Guests may easily reach all that the vibrant city has to offer from here. A haven of leisure and relaxation, the hotel will provide comprehensive rejuvenation just steps from the city’s myriad attractions, including the Museum of Three Cultures, Cogon Market, and the Benigno Aquino Hall of Justice. At Maxandrea Hotel, we make every effort to ensure our guests’ comfort. To do this, the hotel provides the highest level of service and amenities. The hotel has a car park, room service, restaurant, laundry service, and coffee shop for visitors’ comfort and convenience. Each guestroom reflects the mood of the Maxandrea Hotel. The LCD/plasma screen television, towels, wireless internet access (complimentary), air conditioning, and wake-up service are just a few of the amenities available throughout the hotel. Additionally, the hotel’s abundance of recreational amenities guarantees that you will have something to do during your visit. At the Maxandrea Hotel, you’ll experience unmatched service and a very premium address.
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Mark Pahonangs
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The location is great, though it is away from downtown area, the place is near the mall and there are lots of convenience stores outside, a massage parlor, restaurants etc. The place from where we stayed (9th floor) is also quiet. The room is just enough for a couple, the facilities are nice, there are plates, pans and cooking utensils provided, even a washing machine. Free Wifi is working but the TV has only 2 or 3 channels working. All in all, good value for money, we will recommend this to our friends and won't hesitate to stay here again if we are coming back to CDO again.
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Robin Hammon
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"Primavera Experience ” Pros : Accessible to seven eleven and sm uptown. Cons : no staff services between 10pm-5am. No breakfast inclusion.
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Asik Dilwala
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"Very good” The room was smaller compared to the pictures. Should use actual photos to not deceive anyone next time
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Primavera Residences
Primavera Residences Serviced Apartments, conveniently located in Cagayan De Oro city’s retail district, providing an ideal setting for you to unwind from your hectic days. This 4-star hotel attracts a large number of guests each year due to its proximity to the city center and airport. Due to the hotel’s advantageous location, it is easy to reach the city’s must-see attractions. Every effort is made to ensure visitors’ comfort at Primavera Residences Serviced Apartments. To do this, the hotel provides the highest level of service and amenities. The hotel has a wide range of amenities, including 24-hour security, a convenience store, daily housekeeping, a kitchen, and cab service. Additionally, each guestroom is equipped with a variety of amenities. Numerous rooms include bedding, a mirror, a sewing kit, a sofa, and towels to satisfy even the most demanding guest. Throughout the day, guests can unwind at the mini golf course, fitness center, golf course (within 3 kilometers), spa, and massage. Primavera Residences Serviced Apartments is great in many respects, from its location to its amenities.
Grand City Hotel Cagayan De Oro
The Grand City Hotel is conveniently located in the Cagayan De Oro City Center, making it a great starting place for your Cagayan De Oro excursions. Guests may easily reach all that the vibrant city has to offer from here. Due to the hotel’s advantageous location, it is easy to reach the city’s must-see attractions. The Grand City Hotel’s facilities and services ensure that guests have a nice stay. This hotel (Grand City) features a variety of on-site amenities that will please even the most discerning guests. Each guestroom reflects the mood of the Grand City Hotel. Wireless internet access (complimentary), non-smoking rooms, air conditioning, a wake-up service, and a desk are just a few of the amenities available throughout the facility. Throughout the day, guests can take advantage of the peaceful ambiance provided by the golf course (within 3 kilometers) and massages. The Grand City Hotel is a wonderful spot to stay in Cagayan De Oro for guests seeking charm, comfort, and convenience.
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David Anik
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"Centrally located, adequate rooms, friendly staff” Centrally located, Adequate rooms, friendly staff It is the second time I was in Cagayan de Oro. The first time I stayed at the Grand City hotel, I liked it, so I stayed there again. The hotel is centrally located, the rooms are adequate and the personnel is friendly.
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Sandra Guzman
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"staycation” I was on cagayan de oro city for an important event and I decided to stay on this hotel because of its accessibility to most shops and restaurants in the city. I truly commend this hotel for its cleanliness and affordability.
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John Martinez
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"Great value for money!!” Super love this place!! Location of the hotel is perfect! It is at the city center and a less crowded place than the one in Cogon. It is just a few steps away from Redtail too. A famous shrimp/seafood restaurant in CDO!! Also close to other fast-food chains like Jollibee, Mang Inasal, Burger King and a lot of coffee shops, and other restaurants nearby. There is a convenience store in front of the hotel too. The room is surprisingly nice and really clean. My first impression is that the hotel is already old so it won't be that nice but the room was clean, CR is clean and actually nice too. I love the bed because it looks like the whole mattress is made from memory foam!! So soft but not painful in the body. I love their bed so much. Airconditioning is cold too. So cold there was a time we turned it off for a few minutes then turned it back on again. Staff or the receptionist is not that friendly though. They answer your question but not as friendly as other kagay-anons we’ve met.
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Elizabeth Houston
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"Great location and good value for money” Location wise, it’s between two malls Ayala Centrio and Sm Cagayan. The room is really nice, clean and at par with hotel standards. The bed’s comfortable, the comfort room is clean and with good water pressure. Would love to stay here again whenever we go to Cagayan de Oro.
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Alicia Wakanda
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"Best Business Traveler Hotel” I just love how it is located, just a few meters away to CDO's Major Malls and Shopping centers (SM CDO Downtown, Centrio Ayala Mall, Limketkai Center, Gaisano Mall). Very happy-friendly and ready to assist hotel staff. Spacious room with a very nice and sleek design. Everything you need is just around you, so you don't need to worry if you need something. Very accessible to the City's Port Area and situated along the Highway where terminals to the Airport are near. A great value for your money, with free breakfast. Clean and brand new hotel rooms. I highly recommended 1A Express Hotel for the Value of money, Location, Cleanliness, friendly staff and facilities. Come and stay at 1A Express Hotel.
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Michael Bucks
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"Exceptional” A lovely little hotel in Cagayan de Oro! Very clean and comfortable, great location, and the staff is very friendly and very accommodating! One of our favorite places to stay when we are overnight in CDO!
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Ideally located in Cagayan De Oro City Center, 1A EXPRESS HOTEL is an excellent starting place for your Cagayan De Oro excursions. Guests may easily reach all that the vibrant city has to offer from here. Due to the hotel’s advantageous location, it is easy to get the city’s must-see attractions. 1A EXPRESS HOTEL is committed to making your stay as comfortable as possible by providing exceptional services and a wide variety of amenities. The hotel’s amenities include complimentary Wi-Fi in all rooms, 24-hour security, a convenience store, daily housekeeping, and a gift/souvenir shop. The 1A EXPRESS HOTEL has 25 rooms. Each is attractively decorated, and many have complimentary instant coffee, a mirror, slippers, a sofa, and towels. Additionally, the hotel’s abundance of recreational amenities guarantees that you will have something to do during your visit. At the 1A EXPRESS HOTEL, you’ll experience unmatched service and a really prestigious address.
The city of Cagayan de Oro is the capital of Misamis Oriental, a province in Northern Mindanao. It has had significant economic and population growth since its founding in 1735. With 728,402 residents as of 2010, it serves as an important regional center for trade and business opportunities while also providing excellent educational facilities to the surrounding provinces. If you’re looking to explore this beautiful city or stay here long-term, look no further than our hotel website! We have many affordable accommodations that will suit your needs whether you’re staying on vacation or moving there permanently with family. Book now before all rooms are taken!
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fructuyeux · 3 years
CANADA-20 (xxx) COVID-19
3/13/2020 - 3/22/2020
By: Rayce R. Rayos
This undertaking was planned as a daringly creative escape from mounting internally & externally placed workloads, & was slated to take place during the UNLV 2020 Spring Break.  In concurrence with the vacation was the ever-increasing, ever-diversifying socioeconomic fallout, mandates, & obstacles associated with the first global pandemic that I have experienced in my lifetime.  I’d be remiss to not admit that the cheapened airline, lodging, & transportation prices were viewed as a silver lining in an otherwise hysteric & strange time in human history. The following account of the trip is intended to recount the experiences & knowledge gained (from what is remembered), and aid in the recollection of the associated photo-documentation conducted during.
DAY 1 - 3/14 - 7.5 miles
The outgoing flight 1224 from McCarran International Airport to the eventual destination of Niagara Falls, New York was delayed, unbeknownst to me, & so the trip began with a frantic drive to the airport with a hastened goodbye to my roommate & lovely daughter (who wanted dearly to join her father in Canada).  The flight was delayed by an hour, & I made it on the plane.
A quick stop in Denver, CO was followed by a landing in Fort Lauderdale, FL.  Upon landing, the Spirit Airlines attendant notified me that my flight to Niagara Falls had already left (to the complete fault of their flight coordination), & that I’d have to spend the night & following day in Broward County, 15 miles North of Miami.  I was frazzled & upset to have started my trip with such a complication, but after the airline was able to change my ticket free of charge, I decided to extend my trip an extra day. So, I asked them to book my returning flight for a day later (3/20 → 3/21), to which they agreed to do for free, utilizing a COVID-19 flight disruption program.  I booked a room at the Vacation Inn in the middle of the night, & recalibrated my trip schedule.
The following morning was a beautiful sunny day in South Florida, & after resting my luggage at the motel for the day (for a fee), I skateboarded to SE 17th Street, hung a right, & breezed through a few miles of million-dollar homes & yachts, over the Causeway Bridge, to what would eventually become Fort Lauderdale Beach Park.  Full of families & largely free of fear, the beach was warm, sunlit, & vivacious.  The locals were out in near-full effect, & I spent the entire day with the rays on my back, the water at my waist, & a respite of relaxation before ensuing madness. I even struck up a conversation with some fellow beachgoers as a result of my Kobe Bryant tattoo, & learned a good deal about quotidian life down there.  I got a workout in on the beach equipment, & some peaceful serenity as I stared down the horizon beyond the Atlantic.  I returned to my motel to acquire my bags & make my way to the airport en route to New York… Little did I know that a bar, Bimini Bay to be exact, neighbored my motel.  I found myself entrenched in an environment eerily similar to that of the Huntridge Tavern, although this spot was half the size with raunchy anal porn playing on multiple screens throughout all of the 5 walls.  Throwing brews back & chain-smoking with the locals to country music was a familiar feeling, & instilled in me further the universal nature of letting loose.  That being said, I lost track of time & had to hightail it out of there via a gentleman’s Uber to the airport.  Another flight ran after & barely boarded in the nick of time… My time in South Florida was as serendipitous as flight disruptions can be.  The most lingering aspect of my time spent there was, indubitably, the sunburn that would come to stick with/on me for the remainder of the vacation. Perhaps the worst case of the sun’s kiss I’ve come to bare.  Before fully coming to this realization, I’m on a plane to New York.
DAY 2 - 3/15 - 10.47 miles
Upon being alive on arrival in New York state at 2 AM in the morning, I resolved to sleep in the IAG airport for the night, especially considering my phone charger at the time had been severely out of whack.  There I lay, curled on an airport bench in Niagara Falls for the night with blistering skin & a scent of fresh tobacco smoke (& ass).  I distinctly recall wrestling with the time I should render myself awake, eventually settling upon 9:30 AM. It was at this time that I found myself the only visible individual in the airport terminal; no staff, no bags, no patrons, nothing.  The unexpected isolation harkened memories of the film 28 Days Later.  Once the drool was free from my chin, I hailed a Lyft to the American-Canadian border, specifically the entrance to the Rainbow Bridge; it was along this ride that my driver informed me that the American dollar was fairly strong against the Canadian dollar to the tune of 1 USD = 1.33 CAD (roughly). This would come to be an extremely welcomed caveat to the remainder of the trip, as most every purchase converted to about 75% of all prices quoted in Canada.
When the border was reached, there I stood as a man with his spirit & belongings intact, & began my trek over the bridge to a foreign land.  With frequent pause, the majesty of the falling water on a brisk Spring day will play in my mind for years to come.  Pictures were taken, deep thought was attempted, & it was a stark moment of gratefulness for the life I have been given.  Next was passing through Canadian Customs at the north end of the bridge, & after being grilled for a moment as to my intentions for entering, the officer pointed me in the direction of the bus stop from which my Greyhound was leaving in less than an hour.  From the Rainbow Bridge to the Whistleblower bridge 2.5 miles north, I was blessed with a walk of forced clarity as I hugged Niagara’s riverway with 75+ pounds of much needed possessions.  I found myself doubting my ability to invite others with me on trips in the future out of a fear for unintentionally inflicting similar tasks upon them.  Nevertheless, I made it to my Greyhound in time and rested on the ride to Toronto.
The recuperation was much needed.  When I awoke I found myself in Canada’s largest city (& the 9th-largest in North America), Toronto, Ontario.  Excitement coursed through my capillaries & once departing from the bus on foot, it was straight to my ‘Chinatown Guest House’ to set down my things & get on the go… this was not the case.  A whole fiasco followed where I was unable to contact the host, thereby unable to access the place I had paid to stay for the night (& the night before, despite Spirit having different plans on DAY 1). The first two Torontonian hours were spent in a Chinatown chicken spot (Gdou’s) where I struggled to gain the cellular abilities necessary to overcome this debacle; I bought a new charger & charger port at the market center across Spadina.  I grappled with frustration in a very real sense, but was utterly appeased to find that I had been sent an email containing the entry instructions from Booking.com.  Relief rushed over me. I grabbed my bags, & hunkered down in a room with a wooden balcony & stunning view of Downtown Toronto to boot.  I showered, shat, & escaped into the city heading South on Spadina.  A brief stop at the famed ‘Graffiti Alley’ along with a trip to the marijuana grocer located me in the heart of the Fashion District, a sector largely reminiscent of Williamsburg, BK (as hip, although much smaller).  After a lovely skate to the harbourfront I was able to catch the sun set behind a vast array of monolithic condos & headquarters. The sun was able to get quite low, however, after having nestled between two skyscrapers, & that shared scene on the pier between myself & just a handful of individuals was quite a sight.  Heading south afterwards, I rolled by the Toronto Music Gardens, through Coronation Park, & through a series of railway tracks amidst arenas (BMO Arena), Centennial Park, Lakeshore Boulevard, & an array educational campuses.  Once Dufferin Street was reached, I headed toward Little Portugal.  On the way there I stopped short (per the advice of a local) & turned north up King Street. Halfway home I stopped at the restaurant Thai Place Too & enjoyed some steaming seafood Tom Yum fit with stimulating conversation from the waitress.  I paid my bill, thanked those there, & pushed onward on King Street traversing a barrage of tunnels, city folk, & shopping centers.  At this juncture I recall being bummed by the lack of nighttime activities, & decided to stop at a bar near my place for the night called Wide Open.
What was to begin & end as a night of the all-evasive ‘one brew’ quickly accelerated into a merry time of mutual drunkenness & fun.  A couple dental hygienists befriended me at the bar, & not far to follow were a West Indian techy working for Google & an Irishwoman on her way out of town.  My memories of what exactly transpired are quite shaky, but an unflinching enjoyment of that particular night at the bar lasts.  I got home at an ungodly hour & crash-land in my bed.
DAY 3 - 3/16 - 7.53 miles
Similar to popping out of bed due to a frightening nightmare, “Where’s my fucking board?!” was the thought & simultaneous phrase that opened my eyes that morning.  I was still drunk, so a hangover wasn’t an issue, but discovered a damn large lump on my right posterior parietal bone & a pool of blood in the sheets where I slumbered. I racked what was left of my brain as to where/how/why this injury came to be sustained, but to no avail.  In hindsight, it’s consistent with braceless backwards fall, & vaguely recall attempting to ride my skateboard back home equipped with a BAC of full-blown ‘no bueno’.  Nevertheless, the pain wasn’t of serious concern (although I had plenty of time to reflect on the very real possibility of me now having to operate in a concussed state). What was of concern was my skateboard, my iPod, & my eighth of weed that I had yet to dip into.  I began retracing my steps and was welcomed with open arms by my beautiful black, four-wheeled bride waiting for me at the front doorstep- Check 1.  I scooped up my board, got dressed & readied for the (likely music-less) day ahead, had a solid conversation with my father, & cleared my stuff from the house just in time to be 4 hours late for checkout.
In one of the more daring tactics employed on the trip, I stashed my big purple duffle bag (containing clothes & other non-essentials) & my backpack (containing my laptop, passport & other very-essentials) in the empty garbage bin to the side of the front door.  This was a huge gamble, & one that would weigh somewhat on my conscience for the coming hours, despite heavy medication- re-upped on weed, Check 2.  During my second trip to Graffiti Alley I encountered a bum in mid-tweak repeatedly pulling his pants up & down amidst a backdrop of beautiful art, & naturally this struck me as microcosmic of the whole of Toronto.  The bar I had chanced upon the night prior didn’t resume service until 4 in the evening, & so I had a few hours to kill which were spent speaking with various loved ones & contemplating last night’s events as I bobbed & weaved a hangover.  4 o’clock rolls around & I walk into the bar greeted by a smiling bartender with an unclaimed red iPod.  THIS WAS A PERSONAL WIN OF GREAT PROPORTIONS, & solidified my successful navigation through mindless debauchery abroad- Check 3.  I felt the proverbial wind was once again behind my back, & opted to knock out the city’s landmarks North of Spadina Avenue, largely via Adelaide & King Streets until Yonge.
Post-modern magnificence a la architecture kept my chin up as I managed to dodge pedestrian after pothole after Porsche.  Sundown was not far off & the gleaming beams reflected softly off the mirrored panels some seventy-five plus stories on all sides.  A real embodiment of the term ‘hustle & bustle’ was laid out in front of me, complete with a citizenry whose diversity mimicked that of my own home a world away.  The gritty attitude that I’ve come to associate with East coast cities (specifically the colder ones) was alive & well here, evidenced in reluctance to help guide tourists or even tell the time of day. I loved it, & judged it as genuine more so than anything else.  It should also be noted that the music playing in my ears throughout my time in the ‘Six’ was exclusive to the stylings of Drake, a rapper native of the city with references to its contents (streets, sides of town where the pretty girls sleep, subpopulations, parks, etc.) found abundantly in his lyrics.
When Yonge was reached, I peered west to a ton of things going on, but elected to go east.  This turned out to be a wise decision. After a few blocks I was greeted by the area of town most closely associated with the Toronto skyline & its historical foundations on the illustrious Front Street. Here is where I stood mouth agape with the enormity & incomprehensible complexity of the city on full view.  I touched the base of the CN tower & spent a good amount of time in awe as it registered (despite the Stratosphere being superior in my eyes), traversed the Railway museum set just outside of Olympic Park, gazed upon the Rogers Center where the Blue Jays come to bat, & ended at the water of Lake Ontario at the sandy Harbour Square Park where some solid skating took place.  After some time, the thought of my possessions having lasted (or not) in the trash receptacle all this time prompted me to retrieve them, & so back to Chinatown I booked it.  The moment of truth arrived when I got off my board at 83 W. Sullivan Street, & lo & behold, my stuff was nestled just as I had left it some 5 hours before.  Feeling giddy from the travel-savvy risks taken, I was on to grab dinner with an old colleague of mine who happened to be doing her post-baccalaureate studies there.  T. & I, a former classmate at Valley High, met at what we would come to find as nothing more than another closed restaurant with a COVID-19 newsletter plastered on the door.  We deliberated playfully on what we should now do, & after having happened upon the  ‘T O R O N T O’ sign & all of its illuminated glory, a 6-pack of Stella Artois from the rather hidden LCBO in the mega-commercial Eaton Center became the night’s main entree.  Polite exchanges with exceedingly conversational locals made for a nice segue as we awaited our second Lyft ride to the Harbourfront.
The Harbourfront Centre was largely uncrowded as temperatures dipped below zero (Celsius, of course), & after a brew-cigarette combo, it was in an instance that snow began falling from the blackened sky & onto everything in sight… including our unsheltered selves.  It was as surprising as it was splendid (at least for a desert cactus like me) to have been outdoors somewhere prior to snowfall & then to behold its beginning.  A few days prior, I had been notified that the ski lift an hour North of Ottawa whose mountain I intended to shred had been closed, & so, I found myself with a decision to make: stay in the Toronto area an extra night or board the bus I had booked & crashing in a twin-sized bus seat for the night & do who knows what in Ottawa…  Motivated by the phrase, “What the hell are you going to do in Ottawa?” I chose the former & began searching for a nearby hotel room.  My homegirl, sitting beside me, of course overheard, & more-than-kindly offered a guest room in her condo as a suitable place to rest my head for the evening. I accepted, & we whisked ourselves out of the snow to a 12th-story condo in the 95+% Chinese suburb of Markham, ON.  An once-schoolmate was changed into a dear friend after having exhibited flawless hospitality in the form of whiskey, toast, toothpaste, a bed & sublime conversation.  We jabbed & joked in Francais (with hers being superior to my own), & this was a much-needed introduction to everyday dialogue in the different tongue of the Quebecois whom I would spend most of the days to follow with.
DAY 4 - 3/17 - 4.38 miles
I awoke early in the morning after not being able to sleep too much due to my skin’s incessant irritation, as well as a pseudo-insomnia I’ve come to expect from myself when on vacation.  To fill the time between my awakening & my host’s, I read as much of The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz as I could retain, ending with the last chapter left unread.  As a result, the mantras prompted by the book that one is to agree with from within his/herself resonated with me.  They are ‘be impeccable with your word,’ ‘don’t take anything personally,’ ‘don’t make any assumptions,’ & ‘always do your best.’ Fondly, I looked to these statements as a source of my second wind around this time, as the physical toll of my endeavors began somewhat to present themselves.
When T awoke, we engaged in parley for another hour or so before trudging to the neighborhood bus/rail station where she purchased my ticket & we ran goofily to make the train before the doors swiftly shut.  During the train ride back to Downtown Toronto I was able to sit quietly in my thoughts, as well as get some business dealings out of the way via phone.  The walls flanking the tracks were riddled in graffiti of both very high- & very low-quality pieces on fleeting displays.  We were headed to Union Station, the hub for all non-automobile commutes in the metropolitan area, & second-largest transportation facility in North America, servicing some seventy-two million humans yearly.  A stunning structure of Greco-Roman design with pristine pillars, it was a treat to walk the halls of such an obviously integral establishment.  Soon we said our brief farewell & parted ways so that she could go to school & I could purchase a rail ticket to Ottawa, ON- set to leave later in the day.
I purchased my rail ticket to Ottawa for 6:30 PM & stashed my luggage at the bagging station inside the terminal, leaving me with 3 ½ hours to get the last of my rocks off in a city unique to itself. I went straight for Yonge-Dundas square after having caught a glimpse of the scene days prior, & once in the center I felt a likening to Times Square, both personally & perceivably.  There was no better wayward idea at the time than to bust off some skate tricks in the center of such commotion, & was able to have a solid 15-20 minutes on the board before security (much like their American counterparts) gave me the good ol’ boot.  Onto St. Lawrence Market I dashed, the bayside market most closely associated with Canadian grub.  Here I tried peameal for the first time, & was left affirmed of Canadian courtesy, although the meal itself wasn’t anything to write home about.  Yet another stop at Tim Horton’s for some pastries seemed in order before heading back to Union Station.  Back at the staging port for my bus it was revealed to passengers that there was a 50-minute delay- just the break I needed to step out & smoke a potent bowl.  When I did finally step outside after a few lefts & maybe a right, there in front of me stood the Scotiabank Arena where the Toronto Raptors (reigning NBA Champions) play their home games.  To be frank, I was at the rear of the practice court, but nevertheless, happy to happen to be there. The train boards, takes off, & a long list of Canadian towns were slept through & bypassed in the dead of night.  I hailed a lift from the Ottawa Train Station to my hostel for the night. The place served as the first jail in city, & had since been neatly converted into a hostel with guests sleeping in tight-fitting ‘jail cells.’  I was on floor 6 in cell number 613, the quarters of a long-gone inmate by the name of Angelo Villamino. I relished this opportunity to mix the excitement of historicism with the usually lull nature of lodging.  The rest itself was subpar as my skin had begun peeling profusely during the day, & remained red hot during the night.
DAY 5 - 3/18 - 16.24 miles
Morning comes quickly & I am tasked to clear my cell of my things in a playful return to freedom.  Breakfast was held in the dining hall of the jailhouse, aptly ascribed the ‘oldest dining hall in Ottawa.’ After replenishing my body, I held my bags at the front desk, & hurled myself into the city; I had a little over one hour to squeeze as much of the country’s capital into my memory banks as possible.  I began by searching for the Parliament building (more like a castle) where the bulk of legislation for the world’s second-largest country (in landmass) largely transpires.  No Prime Minister Trudeau or politicians in sight, as the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic amplified by the day.  I believe this is the day that the Prime Minister of Canada closed the southern border to incoming Americans, followed swiftly by our President’s mutual refusal of incoming foreign travelers at the border.  Admittedly, this was not of concern to me, as I figured (& thankfully was later proven correct) that a U.S. citizen would be permitted to come home.  In hindsight, I perhaps predicted such measures being taken & allowed them to expedite my plans of getting to Canada before being unable to enter as an American.
Anyway… by Parliament I glided taking whatever pauses necessary to piece together how things came to be as they are up there from an academic perspective, but carefully preserving the right to take the utmost tourist-y photos (much like others do at 1600 Pennsylvania).  A breathtaking building it was indeed, & that was just the view from the street!  I continued along my path, circumnavigating the center of the city which took me to Victoria Island & into the province of Quebec for a brief moment (although I was not aware of the provincial border at the time).  Like my time in Niagara, I elected to skate from a southern bridge to a northern one, the latter being Alexandra bridge over the Ottawa River.  What a special moment this turned out to be as my wheels clanked over the wooden boards of the bridge, seemingly to the dismay of the townspeople.  I was not the least bit concerned for this harmless transgression, as I had been otherwise captivated by my backside view of Parliament sitting atop its hill.  It felt as if I had been transported to Transylvania, & the Victorian edifice gave me a sense of passion for human ingenuity.  I made it back to the HI Ottawa Jail Hostel, aligned my belongings, & requested a ride to the Ottawa Greyhound terminal to catch my bus to Montreal. Here is precisely where Francais surpassed English as the primary mode of communication for the foreseeable future.  The beloved Quebecois are very proud of their Francophone heritage, as it is the written language on road signs & nearly all signage everywhere (with a distinctive lower regard for English).
Arrival in Montreal occurred after the couple-hour bus ride.  Immediately I was made aware of the foothold in normalcy that the French language commanded there, mainly because everything was in French (& not always in English).  Outside the bus station, during my coordination with my Airbnb host, multiple homeless individuals approached me in search of loose change or a cigarette. This would be otherwise unworthy of mention had it not been for their guttural requests being in a language outside of English; I remember finding it striking to conceive a natively French-speaking bum whose domain I was now a guest in.  My stuff & I made yet another march to the place I would come to call a temporary home- the apartment of Alix & Marion.  I was mid-toke when my host, Alix, motioned to me to come to the stairs at the foot of the door & take my entry. A simple ‘bonjour,’ we greeted each other with, & I demonstrated to her that I would prefer to speak in her primary language in an effort to sharpen my own ear & mouth, to which she gladly agreed.  The remainder of our exchanges over roughly the next 48 hours took place in Francais, with varying degrees of contextual & vernacular depth.  The common Montrealaise person is a French-speaker with a veritable accent when they switch to English.  As the old addage goes, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.  I met this challenge to navigate a new cityscape & probe its peoples in an embracing way with occasional angst, constant excitement, & most profoundly with a thirst for knowledge.
My goods were locked away in my room, I had just showered, so I grabbed my board & set sail in search of the city’s lifebloods. Beginning in Chinatown (which usually tends to be either exactly or nearby places I stay in cities), I opted to head west in search of Le Plateau & Mile’s End, sections of the town celebrated for the globality & execution of their cuisinieres.  Some poutine boeuf hache from Main Deli on Rue Ste. Laurent seemed the right call, & turned out better than my imagination had guessed.  From Mile’s End southward I was bound, seeking to lay eyes upon L’Universite de Montreal.  Little did I know it was set atop one of the many tiers of Mt. Royal at the city’s center.  Getting there was rather trying, but the views of Quebec’s largest city at night from the campus, coupled with the exhilaration of board-bombing down the occasional hill, left little to be desired & much to be remembered.  Further south of the University lied L’Oratoire de St. Joseph (St. Joseph’s Oratory), a Catholic-driven destination featuring towering stained-glass windows, a gathering hall for services that rivaled the most Mormon of Tabernacles, along with a balcony’s viewpoint all its own.  After struggling to find the exit from the Oratory, I found it in my best interest to begin the journey back to my bed.  A complete encircling of Mt. Royal park was supposed to cap the day’s adventure as night had already befallen hours before.  Perhaps fate had other plans in mind.
My phone had been rendered useless at this point, & I had little more than my intelligence to rely on to get me back home.  Unfortunately, my mental capacity had waned significantly over the course of the day’s doings, & over the next 2 or 3 hours I could be plainly seen wandering somewhat aimlessly from roadside map to roadside map.  The outcome of being well off-track was spectacular, however.  I cannot help but feel I got to experience the city in a different & daring light.  Half of me wanted to return home, & the other half wanted to investigate each eye-catching facet; more often than not, I let the need to investigate prevail & tacked some formidable mileage onto the invisible odometer of my skateboard throughout the night.  After some much-needed guidance from a man walking & a bus driver, I was able to piece together just enough of my surroundings to locate 1223 Rue Ste. Elisabeth. Before heading home, I stopped into an Indian restaurant called SpiceBoys, where I requested tandoori chicken with curry rolled into naan bread.  The only problem was that their card terminal was unable to accept any of my debit or credit cards, & so, with one stroke of effortless Indian-Canadian kindness, I was gifted a hearty dinner for the night free of charge.  With the help of daylight, the next day I uncovered that I had thoroughly explored Downtown Montreal (via Rue Ste. Catherine), the Red-Light District, the Quartier Latin (Latin Quarter), & the Quartier des Spectacles (Entertainment District).  I crept back into the apartment, which creaked with every floorboard, into my room & resigned to fatigue.
DAY 6 - 3/19 - 8.64 miles
I remained asleep in my quarters for the morning’s entirety, having groveled thirteen hours through the mandatory regeneration of my body & mind.  Near this time I had an extended conversation with my hostess in which I requested to place my bags there after check-out the following day & attached reasoning to the request… completely in Francais! She was more than accommodating.  Awakened & thoughts of the night prior still scrambling my brain, I showered (peeling skin off myself for the vast majority of time in the water), clothed myself in some hot shit, & set out to cross the St. Lawrence River.  The cartographic struggles that were now in the past (plus a charged phone) helped me immensely in getting to my desired destinations in the coming days.  I set out southward on Boulevard Rene-Levesque seeking to hit Griffintown & St. Henri before taking the Wellington Street bridge over to the L’isle de Ste. Helene (St. Helen Island).  The riverfront at Sq. St. Patrick was an intoxicating mixture of sights & sounds; inlaid with a frozen stream, industrious (sometimes abandoned) infrastructure, & graffiti/street art that seamlessly colorized a scene already full of vibrance made for a quite memorable portion.  At the point where most individuals had turned back due to the icy paths & an increasingly disinviting ambience, I progressed under Highway 10.  On a route I was positive few or none had taken before, I stood roadside at dusk having to think intensely upon my next move & if it was the correct one.  Wrong ones were made, gloves were dropped, but in time & effort I was able to find Avenue Pierre-Dupuy.
For a handful of kilometers, I skated along the shipyard gazing upon the city that I had been so immersed in & with.  I was trying to practice kicking & pushing in the ‘goofy’ stance, so that I could face the spectacles & not apartment complexes (to mild avail).  Before I knew it, I reached Parc Dieppe (Dieppe Park), a park on the north tip of the Cite du Havre & the starting point of the Pont de la Concorde (Concord Bridge).  I would begin crossing without giving myself the time to let fear fester.  Cars sped by at a half-meter’s length as my wheels rolled over tidbits of gravel, & more present in my mind, over a large body of water.  I recall taking a few moments of pause at the bridge’s midpoint to survey my surroundings, & beautifully dominating they were.  Humbled I felt, truly.  As if my existence equated to a ripple in the river below, & with my individual ripple I can become a hurricane, or mud.  The end of the bridge was a comforting sight.
To reach L’isle de Ste. Helene was the goal for the day & having gotten off the east end of the Pont de la Concorde, I was finally there.  A long walk up the eastern coast of the island awaited me & was met with a heart teeming with adventure.  Here I had time alone.  With no other humans nearby, I let my mind run wild with thoughts of the trip to this point & how, in the grand scheme of things, I felt I was at where I should be; perhaps not geographically as one’s physical station is usually inconsequential. But in my mental state I was home, & home alone at that.  Onward & northward I strode through the Parc Jean-Drapeau, laying eyes upon the ‘Biosphere’- a spherical structure on the island meant to champion ecology.  Trees & ice accompanied me on the brisk walk to the north end of the island.  There, Pont Jacques-Cartier (Jacques Cartier Bridge) awaited me in all of its steel beam splendor.  Thankfully, the lanes of traffic & the pedestrian walkway had a divider between them, as well as a protective gate on the side where one might otherwise go overboard.  This was all I needed to hop back on my board & skate my weathered boots over the St. Lawrence for the last time.  On the bridge there were workers toiling away & the dazzling light sequence of the bridge itself made for a surreal experience.  In the distance I could see the bridge, lit in rainbow colors, that I had crossed merely an hour or two before this new bridge that served as my current vantage point.  Thoughts on the ephemerality of my existence at large (exemplified by having been way over yonder ‘then’ & here ‘now’) & the absolute need for self-belief against a vacuum of chance pervaded my tiny brain.  The Pont Jacques-Cartier provided a special moment in my life that I can attest to having been rarely duplicated before.  For reasons beyond me, I shed a tear & smoked a bowl before getting off.
Once off, I felt my way through Gay Village & back down into the Quartier Latin where I stopped for dinner at a quaint, but busy, Napoli Pizzeria.  The owner was Italian.  The waiter too.  Both spoke Italian, English, & French, but after a while a Mexican family of 6 on vacation from Monterrey was seated, & the working duo displayed their aptitude in the Spanish language as well, going so far as to tell jokes anecdotally.  I grinned & shared in the aura of the exchange, although I likely resembled a dirty drifter in the corner.  Coming from such worldly humans, naturally the smoked salmon pizza topped with capers & onions was not lacking in the least bit.  So, I ordered a large box for take-out after munching away the smaller portion & took my leave.  On the way home, I stopped at a Second Cup Coffee Co. location & had a brief verbal volley with the barista in request of a cheesecake. He complimented my accent when speaking French, & even likened it to that of a French person (maybe meaning not Quebecois), despite glaring difficulties in my comprehension & rebuttals.  Riding an emotional (& literal) high during the descent of a simply remarkable day of jam-packed novelty & sensation in all forms (sights, sounds, smells, tastes, touches, introspection), I returned to the apartment for  my last full night in the region.
DAY 7 - 3/20 - 2.42 miles
My time in Montreal was now nearing an end, & I began to hold thoughts of coming home in high regard.  When the sluggishness of sleep washed away in the shower (insert skin peeling of the largest proportions here), I readied my luggage & cleaned my temporary room as best as I could to eliminate all signs of a horrific sunburn & accompanying cranial gash.  With the green light from my hostesses to store my luggage in the apartment until the night’s 10:50 bus ride to Plattsburgh, NY, I was intent upon checking off the last few Montreal-bound goals that remained.  This came chiefly in the form of a desire to reach the Mt. Royal lookout in order to take in the city-sphere from its namesake mountain.  Originally, I had intended to skateboard there from the apartment, but after a few blocks of dousing rain, I called an Uber to scoop me up (after finding out that Lyft doesn’t yet operate in Quebec) & take me.  The friendly Uber driver, Vincent, let me out at the drivable point closest to the Chateau Mont Royal, & didn’t hesitate to call me crazy for being there in such ferocious conditions.  He pointed me in the proper direction which was aided by a fellow human headed toward the same spot as myself.  Precipitation worsened as the half-mile March was underway, but it was worth every goosebump & raindrop once I reached the outlook.
A dreary backdrop of low-hanging, gray clouds & the smell of rain caressed the skyline’s perimeter in a way that rang true & imprinted upon me a stunningly naked Montreal.  An intimate version of the city it was, gripped by the unknown like the rest of the world, yet resilient enough for entrepreneurialism to survive in pockets.  Having already been to many of the places now set in my sight made the moment all the more fulfilling & full circle.  A naive feeling of having ‘conquered’ the city laid bare before me was soon supplanted by the revelation of the realer self-conquest. Half-frozen water panging my face & wind gusts pulling & pushing without cease proved no match for the firmness I had found, in feet & fortitude.  This was the quintessential culmination of the week I endured, & one one-hundred percent befitting of such a voyage.
I made my escape of Mount Royal with haste before my inadequate (but stylish) clothing proved a fatal error.  Originally, I had the notion to return to Main Deli because my last meal there was so damn good, but in the moment I opted for Schwartz’s Deli across the street in the name of variety.  A heaping steak sandwich slatted between two tiny slices of wheat with mustard proved to be the house specialty, & was served less than a minute after being ordered… It was alright.  Homeward bound with a full stomach, I decided to walk into a store that I had held in the back of my mind after passing by my first day there, Cul-de-Sac.  This place was happening!  The owner of the store was gracious in her conversation as I browsed.  I eventually confessed my inspiration(s) gained from her shop (& plans to recreate in a respectful, homage-paying manner).  We spoke at length about various topics, from our being of parents, to our being of owners of similar retail operations, to her allegiance to Quebec & not the whole of Canada.  In fact, she was the foremost messenger of the separatist mentality that the people of the Quebec province displayed, on their countenance & in their conduct.  I purchased a few of the items in her shop, she threw me some good stuff for free, & we wished well upon each other at my exit.  That was the last recreational stop in Montreal, & soon thereafter I retreated to the Quartier des Spectacles to acquire my things.  I was graced with the time to charge my phone & rest my bones for about 45 minutes.  It was during this time that a cherished exchange between myself, Alix, & Marion (a hostess with whom I’d only spoken with via Airbnb messaging up to this point) occurred.  It had become expected that I was asked what I did with my day, & that is how the chat began.  I explained the day’s travels, thanked the duo for being a source of comfort & ease at the beginnings & ends of trying days.  I also thanked them for putting up with my butchering of their language (as each inhabitant of the apartment was from France) for the sake of practice, which they met befuddled & were quick to praise my ability to communicate/intonate in their complicated speech.  They even went so far as to say that my speaking has a native’s accent & were super appreciative of my having taught myself over the last couple years.  A mutual encounter I cannot help but feel it was, & I remain grateful for their pleasant & inviting demeanors.  I climbed down the long stairwell of 1223 Rue Ste. Elisabeth once & for all & signaled for Uber to take me to the Longueil Metro.
I had arrived at the bus station with plenty of time to spare, having somewhat learned the errors of my ways.  I was serious about not wanting to cut anything close with such little time left for my returning flight home. I waited patiently at my gate for my bus to arrive & whisk me away back to the states for my 2:59 AM flight out of Plattsburgh, New York (Upstate).  Sadly, the bus’s arrival time came & went, & at the mention of the ticketing booth agent, I waited another 45 minutes for it.  Having received no notification of cancellation from the bussing company, no accurate updates on the whereabouts of the bus, & minute after minute shaving away from takeoff time, I was forced to call an Uber to pick me up from the metro station & take me to the border- this cost one-hundred Canadian dollars.  We stopped at an ATM, grabbed some snacks, & finally Ridaha & I were on our way.  A fruitful & insightful chat aided us along the drive, & I was able to disentangle much French from this nice Tunisian man.  An hour passed & we arrived at the U.S. border.
As the car pulled up to the border, U.S. Customs agents ordered repeatedly for my driver’s documentation.  A brief argument between an unsuspecting Ridaha & an extremely serious officer took place.  The very odd circumstances were eventually explained, Ridaha was directed to make a U-turn & head home while I exited the vehicle, grabbed my bags, & headed to the border patrol substation.  It was there that I was informed that I would need to call a cab (as Uber wasn’t functioning in this particular location), but to complicate matters drastically, the taxi services weren’t doing the ‘border run’ that night.  My heart fell into my stomach, & I had entered a phase of worry that I had yet to reach at any point along the trip.  Thankfully, one Officer Burdette walked me to the West Service Road behind the U.S. Border Patrol & Customs Champlain Station & pointed in the direction of the nearest place still open- a Peterbilt truck stop about a half mile down a pitch-black road.  He also made it a point to mention that if I attempted to hitchhike on main Highway 87, I would be arrested.  This oh so tangible road brought with it intangible emotion after emotion as I grappled with triumph & failure, each still hanging in the balance.  It had become very important outside of my own ambitions for me to make the plane & get home, & I was purely keen to not have loved ones worry about my wellbeing any longer.  A frantic mixture of skating & speed-walking got me to the Peterbilt stop, & by the grace of God, the taxi company agreed to send out a driver for me & get me to the airport from this largely equidistant pick-up point. While I waited in freezing temperatures in an Eddie Bauer peacoat on the side of the road at the smallest hour, another group of U.S. Customs agents spotted me & sought to question my being there.  They asked for identification & reasoning to which I was forthcoming.  They wished me well & left.
Thirty minutes later, a portly man of sound intelligence & world view taxied me to the Plattsburgh International Airport (after having stopped at an ATM for cash to pay him). I entered the empty airport at 2:30 AM for my 2:59 AM flight with the driver’s assurance that I’ll be able to get right through TSA & onto the plane.  More than sadly, he was mistaken.  The Spirit Airlines attendant had vacated his post thirty minutes before takeoff to aid the onboarding crew, as per policy, of course.  I rushed up to the barren TSA line & inquired about my chances of getting on the plane.  They responded that the flight door had already been closed, & that it was now an impossibility for me to board.  Needless to say, it was now impossible for me to get home on time, too. I felt I had fallen just short of a buzzer-beating victory that I had already affirmed to those who had expressed concern. I had begun to list the many variables that could have gone differently to get me on to that flight: 1) why didn’t my bus in Longueil show up or even notify me of cancellation? 2) why didn’t I deem the bus ride a lost cause sooner & get an Uber sooner? 3) why did we have to stop at an ATM so off-route when leaving Montreal? 4) Couldn’t they have held me & my driver up a bit less at the border? 5) Why couldn’t the taxi agency send someone a half-mile further than where they would eventually come to pick me up? 6) Why did this portly man with a good view of the world have to drive the speed limit? Would he have driven faster if I didn’t entertain his subjects? 7) Why the fuck does the agent at the airline counter leave the counter thirty minutes before a flight is scheduled to take off?
When the airline attendant did return, he was sympathetic to my cause & willing to help find a solution.  Employing a similar program to the one used at the beginning of the trip, he was able to book the exact flight for the following day free of charge.  This eased me greatly.  Questions & doubt lingered, but I soon picked my chin up & hopped in another cab headed for the America’s Best Value Inn. This would be my impromptu safe haven on this frigid Friday night, & I checked in at 3:30 AM.
DAY 8 - 3/21 - 0 miles
Today is my sister’s & my aunt’s shared birthday.  I wished dearly to be home by now next to my daughter, & to begin decompressing the week’s peaks & valleys. Yet, here I sit in the lobby of the cheap motel I spent last night in.  I’ve been in the same chair since 1:15 PM, & it is now 12:49 AM (with the exception of a few bathroom/water breaks & a brief standing up to accept ordered wings & garlic bread).  This unexpected & obligation-less window in time was spent formulating this transcript of a vacation I can confidently say will come to prove formative as life presses on.  One not soon to be forgotten, nor the lessons gained therein forsaken. My flight to Las Vegas via Fort Lauderdale, Florida & Dallas, Texas is due to leave in a couple hours.  With my lack of punctuality deeply ingrained, I resolve to close this memoir in saying that the constant struggle with mortality across Earth & in minds amidst these troubling waters was on full display in every city & each individual’s expression.  Death and Disease on the tongues of the media & man the world over, but life itself (outside of the biological & inside of the metaphorical sense) is to be explored & discovered lovingly… never to be shied away from or merely sustained.  With our collectively restricted circumstances reaching a fever pitch in what people can & cannot, should & should not, will & will not do, I resolve to digress & remain profoundly thankful for love, safety, health & home. 
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Across Seven Seas
Chapter 3
Description: This fanfiction series is set in the year 2022, after the horrid COVID-19 has finally come to an end. In this fanfiction, Chris Evans holidays with his family in India and meets Meera Shankar. The story explores their rollercoaster journey and raises a question, whether two people, from two contrasting backgrounds and cultures, can build their future together?
This series is Chris Evans x OFC with Chris Evans' family and friends having recurring appearances. Please find below a lot of Original Characters-
Meera Shankar - The female lead
Meera's Mother
Poppy - Meera's maternal grandmother
Rohan - Meera's elder brother who is 6 years older than her.
Ankur - Concierge of the Hotel Maple-Fawn in Mussoorie
Chapter 1 • Chapter 2
Chapter 4
P.S- India follows only one timezone.
P.P.S- All the photographs used in the chapters are of the real locations mentioned. I clicked these photographs on my vacation.
This is a work of fiction. The names of the hotels and companies have been changed to avoid copyright issues. Meera Shankar and her family is based on the author and her kin. No offense is intended.
I don’t consent to have any of my work published or featured on any third party app, website or translated. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but tumblr, it has been reposted without my permission. In that case, please do share the link and let me know.
Chapter 3
6th September, 7:30am - Dehradun Hotel, India
Meera barely noticed the morning chatter at the breakfast table, the voices becoming dull thuds in her mind. As she dozed off for the tenth time, her mother snapped. "You just woke up Meera! How can you still be sleepy? People in the mornings are usually active, bright-eyed and alert! Yet here you are going back to sleep." "Who said I slept last night?" spoke Meera, unsuccessfully trying to stifle her yawn, "With you and Poppy snoring into my ears, I could hardly sleep." "We don't snore that bad," said her mother, defensively. "Have you ever hear... (yawn) Have you ever even heard yourself snore?" replied a sleepy Meera. "I slept peacefully in my room. Just like a baby," Rohan chimed in with a smug smile. Her sleep deprived brain could not think of a clever repertoire. At least she would fall asleep on the ride to Mussoorie, hopefully avoiding the nasty motion sickness.
6th September, 9:15am - Delhi, India
🎶tring, tring, tring, tring🎶
Chris heard the faint chime of the landline in his room. Struggling to find it in the darkness, Chris finally answered the call. The receptionist on the other end of the line was kind. She patiently reminded him about the wake-up call that had been scheduled by him and informed him about the buffet breakfast. The Evans family had reached the fancy hotel in the wee hours of the morning. It had been a relief to exit the Delhi airport sans the company of the media. Jet-lagged and exhausted, they had all collapsed into their beds. Even Chris had fallen asleep as soon as his head had touched the pillow. He now stretched on the bed, missing the warmth of his adorable canine. He knew the best way to deal with jet-lag was to condition your body to the local timezone. After freshening up, he headed towards the buffet, seeking to eat his breakfast in peace.
As there were no direct flights from Boston to Dehradun, they had decided to stay for a day in Delhi, just to rest their bones. Tomorrow, they would catch the flight to Dehradun. As Chris understood, their hotel in Mussoorie was around 6 hours away from Dehradun airport. He did not look forward to the excessive travel. He knew they would all be tired out for a week before they started feeling normal again.
He was soon joined by his family for breakfast. A large family of 7 Americans was not an unusual sight for the patrons of this hotel. Being one of the most luxurious and expensive hotels in the city, tourists from across the world flocked to the 5-star property. The best part? Nobody recognized them, especially Chris. While Chris did have a huge fan following in India, he was not immediately recognisable with his large beard and overgrown hair.
"Do we have anything planned for today?" Chris confirmed with Carly as she demolished her pancakes, "Not really. The hotel did offer a tour of the local tourist hotspots, but I didn't think anyone would be up for a day out." "Especially in this heat," chimed in Shanna. "From what I Google searched, Delhi has beautiful forts and structures. There are even expansive gardens in the city! Maybe we can visit just one site before leaving tomorrow?" suggested their mother Lisa. "I will check with the concierge and see what they recommend," offered Scott.
Chris settled back in his room after the breakfast, checking-in with Tara about Dodger. He dozed off while waiting for a reply.
Same day, 11:40pm - Dehradun-Mussoorie road
Meera woke up with a jerk as the car pulled around a corner, her heart beating fast. They were on the last portion of the winding roads, almost at the top of the hill. Dazed, she looked around the SUV, her mother and brother were wide awake and Poppy had nodded off. From the window, Meera saw the mountains and trees in all their glory, but the motion of the car lulled her exhausted mind back to sleep.
Almost 20 minutes later, she woke up again as her mother gently taped her on the shoulder. "We have reached," she quietly said, "Are you feeling okay?" Blinking her eyes, Meera managed to say yes. Chilly breeze greeted her as she opened the door of the car. Audibly shuddering, she shut the door, reluctant to leave the warm vehicle. Her brother pulled it open again, "Wake up sleepy head! Look how beautiful it is!" "It is COLD," replied Meera hoarsely, still struggling to find her bearings. "Okay look, it is just 10 steps from the car to the hotel's entrance. Just 10 steps! Then you will be in nice toasty-warm lobby. Let's go! The hills are calling us! Let's go let's go!!" Meera smiled at her brother's exuberance. Mountains had the same effect on him that beaches had on her. Bracing herself for the cold, Meera dashed from the car and into the hotel.
Maple-Fawn was one of the few 5-star hotels in Mussoorie. The international company had a chain of hotels in the country, but their property at this hill-station had been voted as one of the bests. The lobby section was intimidating to say the least. White marble flooring, polished wood-panelled walls, and elegant paintings and statues gave a sophisticated, warm vibe. As the family was checking-in, the male concierge asked for Meera, "Welcome to Maple-Fawn everyone. Do we have a Mrs Meera Shankar amongst us?" "It is Ms Meera Shankar, and that would be me," she replied. "Hello ma'am. I am Ankur, the resident concierge of this property. As I am led to believe, you are the one with the food allergies, correct?" "Yes absolutely." "We received your email ma'am, the one with the list of foods you are allergic to, and a couple of recipes which would suit you. Can we discuss it once you are settled-in?" "Oh right yes. How about we meet again after one hour?" "Sure ma'am. I will meet you with the chef in your room," confirmed Ankur.
The receptionist handed them the key cards to their rooms. "As I can see in the system, you have booked two rooms, with the 3 women living in one room and Mr Rohan living in another. Would you like to have a single bed mattress in your room ma'am? It would be more comfortable," suggested the receptionist. As her mother refused after hearing the cost for the extra mattress, Meera had to chuckle. Even the receptionist must have wondered how will 3 fat women fit on a queen-sized bed, she thought.
"Why should we spend so much money on a mattress when we call all sleep together on the same bed?" argued Meera's mother as they reached their rooms, "We have already spent so much on this expensive hotel, I am certainly not paying for anything extra." Meera's face fell as she heard those words. It had been difficult to find a hotel which would cater to her food allergies. While various brands offered food for people who were strictly vegetarian or vegan, the hotel staff, usually the chefs, could never wrap their minds around how could a person be allergic to so many things. Luckily, Maple-Fawn had been accommodating, but being on the upper-end luxurious side of things, the stay at the hotel itself had costed them around 4 months of Rohan's salary. "I will get to snuggle-up to my daughter on the same bed and sleep. I can't wait!" continued Meera's mother. "Creep," muttered Meera.
But despite herself, Meera had to admit, the view from their room was to die for...
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Same day, 3pm - Delhi
Chris awoke to someone ringing the doorbell of his room. Stumbling across the room in the darkness, he opened the door to see Carly. "Hey Chris, we are going to Rori gardens, do you want to tag along?" "What? Which gardens?" "Rori, or something like that. I don't understand most of the names here," sheepishly admitted Carly. "Should I show you the brochure?" Nodding his reply, Chris stepped aside to let Carly in. "Oh God, it is dark in here, let there be light!" "No wait sto..." But before Chris could finish his sentence, Carly had opened the curtains, flooding the room with bright sunlight. "Aargh" Chris groaned at the sudden light, hidding under the covers on his bed. Laughing, Carly tried to pull the covers off of him, but Chris held on tight. "C'mon you big baby! You are worse than your niece and nephews! Even they are playing in the swimming pool and here you are, hiding underneath the covers!" "It's too bright! Turn down the sun!" Chris whined. "No way! Get up now! See this garden looks like fun. Don't stay held up in your room." Chris muttered something. "Christopher Evans, come out now or else I WILL tickle you!" Carly threatened. Uncovering his head, Chris opened one eye, "What do you want, you Kraken monster?!" Carly smiled, it had been too long since Chris had called her by the nickname. A change of location was maybe just what he needed afterall.
Chris met Carly, Scott and Lisa in the lobby, Shanna choosing to stay behind with the kids. Their hotel, Maple-Fawn, had provided them with a guide and comfortable cars. If Chris wasn't mistaken, they were going to stay at the brand's property in Mussoorie as well. "What is the name of the garden again?" Chris asked their Guide. "They are called Lodhi Gardens," came the prompt reply. "It is spread over 90 acres and contains some of the best landscaping seen here in Delhi. The garden is also home to tombs of various kings who had once ruled Delhi." "Oh so it's a graveyard," inquired Scott excitedly. Chris chucked at his brother's excitement. "Not at all sir," replied their Guide, "The garden is used as a park, where people jog, do yoga, exercise and kids play around. You will get an idea once we reach."
While the road to Lodhi Gardens had been full of traffic and commotion, the place itself was peaceful and serene. Tall trees surrounded the walkways, manicured green lawns with flower beds covered the uneven terrain, while the graves of the bygone kings were nothing like the Evans family had seen before. These were ancient structures, with delicate ornate carvings on the walls. "Woah," whispered Scott, "If these are their graves, then I can't even imagine how royal their palaces must have been!"
Chris caught himself smiling. As much as he willed himself not to feel happiness, he couldn't help but feel a little bit relaxed. Lodhi Gardens were beautiful.
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justforbooks · 5 years
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We’re not going back to normal
To stop coronavirus we will need to radically change almost everything we do: how we work, exercise, socialize, shop, manage our health, educate our kids, take care of family members.
We all want things to go back to normal quickly. But what most of us have probably not yet realized—yet will soon—is that things won’t go back to normal after a few weeks, or even a few months. Some things never will.
It’s now widely agreed (even by Britain, finally) that every country needs to “flatten the curve”: impose social distancing to slow the spread of the virus so that the number of people sick at once doesn’t cause the health-care system to collapse, as it is threatening to do in Italy right now. That means the pandemic needs to last, at a low level, until either enough people have had Covid-19 to leave most immune (assuming immunity lasts for years, which we don’t know) or there’s a vaccine.
How long would that take, and how draconian do social restrictions need to be? Yesterday President Donald Trump, announcing new guidelines such as a 10-person limit on gatherings, said that “with several weeks of focused action, we can turn the corner and turn it quickly.” In China, six weeks of lockdown are beginning to ease now that new cases have fallen to a trickle.
But it won’t end there. As long as someone in the world has the virus, breakouts can and will keep recurring without stringent controls to contain them. In a report yesterday (pdf), researchers at Imperial College London proposed a way of doing this: impose more extreme social distancing measures every time admissions to intensive care units (ICUs) start to spike, and relax them each time admissions fall.
Each time ICU admissions rise above a threshold—say, 100 per week—the country would close all schools and most universities and adopt social distancing. When they drop below 50, those measures would be lifted, but people with symptoms or whose family members have symptoms would still be confined at home.
What counts as “social distancing”? The researchers define it as “All households reduce contact outside household, school or workplace by 75%.” That doesn’t mean you get to go out with your friends once a week instead of four times. It means everyone does everything they can to minimize social contact, and overall, the number of contacts falls by 75%.
Under this model, the researchers conclude, social distancing and school closures would need to be in force some two-thirds of the time—roughly two months on and one month off—until a vaccine is available, which will take at least 18 months (if it works at all). They note that the results are “qualitatively similar for the US.”
Eighteen months!? Surely there must be other solutions. Why not just build more ICUs and treat more people at once, for example?
Well, in the researchers’ model, that didn’t solve the problem. Without social distancing of the whole population, they found, even the best mitigation strategy—which means isolation or quarantine of the sick, the old, and those who have been exposed, plus school closures—would still lead to a surge of critically ill people eight times bigger than the US or UK system can cope with. Even if you set factories to churn out beds and ventilators and all the other facilities and supplies, you’d still need far more nurses and doctors to take care of everyone.
How about imposing restrictions for just one batch of five months or so? No good—once measures are lifted, the pandemic breaks out all over again, only this time it’s in winter, the worst time for overstretched health-care systems.
And what if we decided to be brutal: set the threshold number of ICU admissions for triggering social distancing much higher, accepting that many more patients would die? Turns out it makes little difference. Even in the least restrictive of the Imperial College scenarios, we’re shut in more than half the time.
This isn’t a temporary disruption. It’s the start of a completely different way of life. Living in a state of pandemic.
In the short term, this will be hugely damaging to businesses that rely on people coming together in large numbers: restaurants, cafes, bars, nightclubs, gyms, hotels, theaters, cinemas, art galleries, shopping malls, craft fairs, museums, musicians and other performers, sporting venues (and sports teams), conference venues (and conference producers), cruise lines, airlines, public transportation, private schools, day-care centers. That’s to say nothing of the stresses on parents thrust into homeschooling their kids, people trying to care for elderly relatives without exposing them to the virus, people trapped in abusive relationships, and anyone without a financial cushion to deal with swings in income.
There’ll be some adaptation, of course: gyms could start selling home equipment and online training sessions, for example. We’ll see an explosion of new services in what’s already been dubbed the “shut-in economy.” One can also wax hopeful about the way some habits might change—less carbon-burning travel, more local supply chains, more walking and biking.
But the disruption to many, many businesses and livelihoods will be impossible to manage. And the shut-in lifestyle just isn’t sustainable for such long periods.
So how can we live in this new world? Part of the answer—hopefully—will be better health-care systems, with pandemic response units that can move quickly to identify and contain outbreaks before they start to spread, and the ability to quickly ramp up production of medical equipment, testing kits, and drugs. Those will be too late to stop Covid-19, but they’ll help with future pandemics.
In the near term, we’ll probably find awkward compromises that allow us to retain some semblance of a social life. Maybe movie theaters will take out half their seats, meetings will be held in larger rooms with spaced-out chairs, and gyms will require you to book workouts ahead of time so they don’t get crowded.
Ultimately, however, I predict that we’ll restore the ability to socialize safely by developing more sophisticated ways to identify who is a disease risk and who isn’t, and discriminating—legally—against those who are.
We can see harbingers of this in the measures some countries are taking today. Israel is going to use the cell-phone location data with which its intelligence services track terrorists to trace people who’ve been in touch with known carriers of the virus. Singapore does exhaustive contact tracing and publishes detailed data on each known case, all but identifying people by name.
We don’t know exactly what this new future looks like, of course. But one can imagine a world in which, to get on a flight, perhaps you’ll have to be signed up to a service that tracks your movements via your phone. The airline wouldn’t be able to see where you’d gone, but it would get an alert if you’d been close to known infected people or disease hot spots. There’d be similar requirements at the entrance to large venues, government buildings, or public transport hubs. There would be temperature scanners everywhere, and your workplace might demand you wear a monitor that tracks your temperature or other vital signs. Where nightclubs ask for proof of age, in future they might ask for proof of immunity—an identity card or some kind of digital verification via your phone, showing you’ve already recovered from or been vaccinated against the latest virus strains.
We’ll adapt to and accept such measures, much as we’ve adapted to increasingly stringent airport security screenings in the wake of terrorist attacks. The intrusive surveillance will be considered a small price to pay for the basic freedom to be with other people.
As usual, however, the true cost will be borne by the poorest and weakest. People with less access to health care, or who live in more disease-prone areas, will now also be more frequently shut out of places and opportunities open to everyone else. Gig workers—from drivers to plumbers to freelance yoga instructors—will see their jobs become even more precarious. Immigrants, refugees, the undocumented, and ex-convicts will face yet another obstacle to gaining a foothold in society.
Moreover, unless there are strict rules on how someone’s risk for disease is assessed, governments or companies could choose any criteria—you’re high-risk if you earn less than $50,000 a year, are in a family of more than six people, and live in certain parts of the country, for example. That creates scope for algorithmic bias and hidden discrimination, as happened last year with an algorithm used by US health insurers that turned out to inadvertently favor white people.
The world has changed many times, and it is changing again. All of us will have to adapt to a new way of living, working, and forging relationships. But as with all change, there will be some who lose more than most, and they will be the ones who have lost far too much already. The best we can hope for is that the depth of this crisis will finally force countries—the US, in particular—to fix the yawning social inequities that make large swaths of their populations so intensely vulnerable.
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mischiefandspirits · 5 years
Who is Iron Man?
Part 2 (Here is Part 1)
After a three month imprisonment by terrorists, child genius Tony Stark was rescued by an unknown entity. Who is this Iron Man? The world wants to know.
From One Court to Another
By Callum Killough - April 28, 2012
After six months, the adoption case for child genius and millionaire Tony Stark has finally finalized with United States Air Force Colonel James Rhodes and newly appointed Stark Industries Chief Executive Officer Virginia Potts gaining joint custody. When questioned at the press conference following the hearing, all three were pleased, though Stark once more bemoaned his failed emancipation.
For those unaware, five months ago Stark put in a request to become an emancipated minor despite being only ten. He used both his incredible intelligence and his work with Stark Industries as evidence that he was capable of functioning as an adult and should be excluded from the usual minimum age requirements. However, after long deliberation, the courts had decided not to grant him the exclusion, and therefore his emancipation.
In answer to a question about housing, Rhodes stated that Stark is currently staying with Potts until construction of Stark Tower completes in July, at which point all three will be moving into the penthouse there so that Potts and Stark can be on hand to set up the new headquarters and Rhodes can be near his latest assignment.
When one reporter questioned what “compensation” the courts had granted Potts and Rhodes “for their troubles,” Stark cut over Potts to remind everyone that she and Rhodes had turned down any subsidy or similar months earlier as their combined incomes were more than enough to care for the three’s needs and any of his more expensive endeavors (both personal and Stark Industries related) were financed by his monitored trust fund and private accounts. He then proceeded to refer to the reporter as something that can not be repeated to the admonishments of both Potts and Rhodes.
The conference ended shortly after and Potts was spotted lecturing Stark as they were escorted to their car, which Stark merely shrugged off with, “If they’re going to keep calling you and Rhodey gold-diggers, then they deserve it.”
Potts responded with, “Not on camera they don’t. Does Jocasta need to help you review the approved word list again?”
While Stark’s answer was unheard, he reportedly had a look of terror on his face as the door to the car was closed.
Though not confirmed, the Jocasta mentioned is believed to be one of the interns on the newly instated Stark Industries social media team who is credited with many of the photographs and videos on their Twitter and Instagram, including a video of the press conference which can be found here.
It seems that Stark is going from one court to another though as an inside source has let it be known that Potts and Stark arrived at the airport afterward to board their flight to New York to attend tomorrow’s opening ceremonies for the Stark Exo, only for Stark to be served with a subpoena stating he is to appear at a hearing for the Senate Armed Services Committee regarding Iron Man in D.C. the morning after the ceremonies.
It hasn’t been confirmed as of yet, but it can be assumed that Iron Man will likely be receiving one as well via his military liaison United States Air Force Major Monica Rambeau.
While the full purpose of the hearing hasn’t been revealed, it is speculated that the committee intends to force Iron Man to turn his suit over to the government. An anonymous source on the committee had this to say:
“While I can’t say for certain that is what the hearing is about, I will say that such an idea would be a hard sell indeed. While most on the committee think the suit should be in the hands of the military instead of a civilian, [Pennsylvania State Senator Gary] Stern in particular, they’d face a lot of backlash for pushing the topic. And I don’t just mean from Iron Man’s civilian fans.
“Many active servicemen and women — as well as their families and some veterans — have gotten behind the inventor thanks to some of the joint missions he has been a part of.  Especially those in the know about rescue missions that never would have gotten off the ground without Iron Man’s assistance due to the danger involved for the rescue team. While I’m sure none of them would say no to a suit of their own, Rhodes, Rambeau, and [United States Air Force Brigadier General Glenn] Talbot won’t be the only ones up in arms if Iron Man retracts his help for fear that someone’s going to take his private property.
“Of course, that’s assuming the committee is even brave enough to go up against the cutthroat team Potts and Stark have proven themselves to be these past months in the first place.”
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An Excerpt From the Transcription of the Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing on Iron Man (April 30, 2012)
Senator Stern: Do you or do you not possess a specialized weapon?
Iron Man: I do not.
Stern: You do not?
Tony Stark: He doesn’t. Well, it depends on how you define the word weapon.
Stern: The Iron Man weapon.
IM: My device does not fit that description.
Stern: Well… How would you describe it?
IM: I would describe it by defining it as what it is, Senator.
Stern: As?
Stark: It’s a high-tech prosthesis. That is… That is… That’s actually the most apt description I can make of it.
Stern: It’s a weapon. It’s a weapon, Mr. Stark. I hate to inform you, it’s a weapon.
Stark: Please, if your priority was actually the well-being of the American citizen…
Stern: My priority is to get the Iron Man weapon turned over to the people of the United States of America.
Stark: Well, you can forget it.
IM: Sir, with all due respect, I am Iron Man. The suit and I are one. To turn over the Iron Man suit would be to turn over myself.
Stark: Which is tantamount to indentured servitude or prostitution, depending or what state you’re in. You can’t have it.
Stern: Look, I’m no expert…
Stark: In prostitution? Of course not. You’re a senator. Come on.
Virginia Potts: Tony, enough.
Stern: I’m no expert in weapons. We have somebody here who is an expert on weapons. I’d now like to call Justin Hammer, our current primary weapons contractor.
Stark: Let the record reflect that I observed Mr. Hammer entering the chamber, and I am wondering if and when any actual expert will also be in attendance.
Potts: Tony.
Justin Hammer: Absolutely. I’m no expert. I defer to you, Anthony. You’re the wonder boy. Senator, if I may. I may well not be an expert, but you know who was the expert? Your grandpa. Howard Stark. Really a father to us all, and to the military-industrial age. Let’s just be clear, he was no flower child. He was a lion. We all know why we’re here. In the last six months, this… Iron Man -- this unknown person -- has created a sword with untold possibilities. And yet, he insists it’s a shield. He asks us to trust him as we cower behind it, without even letting us know his face or name. With only the reassurances of a few handpicked people, including a ten-year-old child.
Stark: I’m the smartest person in this room and we all know it.
Hammer: I wish I were comforted, Anthony, I really do. I’d love to leave my door unlocked when I leave the house, but this ain’t Canada. You know, we live in a world of grave threats, threats that Iron Man will not always be able to foresee. Thank you. God bless Iron Man. God bless America.
Stern: That is well said, Mr. Hammer. The committee would now like to invite Major Monica Rambeau to the chamber.
Stark: Spectrum? What?
[Major Rambeau enters the court]
Potts: Tony, stay here.
Stark: Hey, Ramsey. I didn’t expect to see you here.
Rambeau: Sit down, kid.
IM: Major.
Rambeau: Deckard.
Stern: I have before me a complete report on the Iron Man weapon, compiled by Major Rambeau, Colonel Rhodes, and Brigadier General Talbot. And, Major, for the record, can you please read page 57, paragraph four?
Rambeau: You’re asking me to read a portion of a highly detailed report, Senator?
Stern: Yes, ma’am.
Rambeau: I was told I’d be giving a full testimony.
Stern: I understand. A lot of things have changed today. So if you could just read…
Rambeau: Just to be clear, you do realize that one portion of a report -- out of context and without the full summary of the findings -- does n-
Stern: Just read it, Major. I do. Thank you.
Rambeau: Alright. “As he does not operate within any definable branch of government, Iron Man presents a potential threat to the security of both the nation and to her interests.” Colonel Rhodes did, however, go on to say that the benefits of Iron Man far outweigh the liabilities and that it would be in our interest to fold him into the existing chain of command, Senator.
Stern: That’s enough. That’s enough, Major. That’s enough.
IM: I appreciate the offer, but I am not sure I meet the requirements of armed service without the suit.
Stark: I’m sure he’d consider Secretary of Defence if you ask nicely.
IM: I would not.
Stark: We can amend the hours a little bit, buddy.
Stern: I’d like to go on and show, if I may, the imagery that’s connected to your report.
Rambeau: I think it may be too soon to allow these images to reach the general public, sir.
Stern: With all due respect, Major, I understand. And if you could just narrate those for us, we’d be very grateful.
Rambeau: Bring up the images.
[Images located within file srcw35475]
Rambeau: Intelligence suggests that the devices seen in these photos are, in fact, attempts at making manned copies of Iron Man’s suit. This has been corroborated by our allies and local intelligence on the ground indicating that these suits are quite possibly, at this moment, operational.
Stark: Hold on a second, Ramsey. Let me see something here.
[Uncataloged videos appeared onscreen.]
Stark: Oh boy, I’m good. I commandeered your screens. I need them. Time for a little transparency. Now, let’s see what’s really going on.
Stern: What is he doing?
Tony: If you will direct your attention to said screens, I believe that’s North Korea.
[Uncataloged video 1: A large mechanical suit takes two steps then falls over, firing upon a crowd of onlookers as they scream and flee.]
Stern: Can you turn that off? Take it off.
Stark: Iran.
[Uncataloged video 2: A large flying suit spirals out of control.]
Stark: No grave immediate threat here. Is that Justin Hammer? How did Hammer get in the game? Justin, you’re on TV. Focus up.
[Uncataloged video 3: Justin Hammer is seen communicating with someone in a human-sized suit just before the suit twists nearly one hundred and eighty degrees at the waist. Its pilot immediately screams then falls silent.]
Stark: Wow. Yeah, I’d say most countries, five, ten years away. Hammer Industries, twenty.
Hammer: I’d like to point out that that test pilot survived.
Stern: I think we’re done is the point that he’s making. I don’t think there’s any reason…
Stark: The point is, you’re welcome, I guess. No need to thank IM, really.
Stern: For what?
Stark: Because he’s your nuclear deterrent. It’s working. We’re safe. America is secure. You want his property? You can’t have it. But he did you a big favor. He’s successfully privatized world peace. What more do you want? For now! I tried to play ball with these [redacted]!
Potts: Tony, enough!
Operation Robin: Second Report
Acting Agent: [redacted]
Date: [redacted]
Contact with the target has been made, but a problem has arisen as it would appear he has already found a new personal assistant.
I arrived at the target’s off-site lab on an errand to fill out paperwork and was greeted by a man (Japanese, late twenties, unseen) over an intercom. He checked my identity then allowed me in. When I walked in, the target was playing a game on a holographic screen while speaking to a woman (Irish, early thirties, unseen) over speakerphone as a pair of robots (little more than arms on wheels) cleaned. When I informed him of what I was there for he closed his game and spun the desk chair around to face me with a curious expression. When I attempted to hand him the paperwork, he frowned and moved away from the files.
That was when one of the robots rushed over in a flurry of beeps. It took the paperwork from my hand and dropped it into the target’s lap before rolling off back to the counter it had been wiping down.
“[Redacted] does not like to be handed things,” the man’s voice from the door responded.
I reminded the target that the information we needed to discuss was confidential and as such no one should listen in, but he waved it off saying there was no one listening that couldn’t hear. When I reminded him he was still on a call and that the man who had allowed me in was obviously listening, he said the woman -- he called her [redacted] -- was his new personal assistant and minder and the man -- he called him [redacted] -- was in charge of security for the lab and was required by [redacted] to keep an eye on the target whenever he was there for safety reasons, as such both were cleared for any information that he was privy to.
Due to the target’s dislike of paperwork, we finished quickly after that. In a successful attempt to stay longer to observe the target, I goaded his infamous ego by complimenting the robots and asking how they worked. Although he didn’t go into any details about how they actually functioned, he explained that they were designed to assist him. He had clear pride for his work in his eyes as he spoke of them, though he often spoke of how they messed up, especially one in particular which he repeatedly referred to as an idiot with humor in his eyes like he was telling me an inside joke. When I asked why he did not just reprogram them as “surely someone with your intelligence could make them better,” he immediately closed up and dismissed me soon after. As I left, I heard him tell them that they were “perfect just as you are, don’t listen to the mean lady.”
Initial assessment of target: Despite his intellect, he is far too immature at this point, with the propensity to boredom and anger that that pertains. He is a narcissist, takes to any criticism with denial and treats his creations as extensions of himself to be coddled and praised.
I have attempted to find more information on [redacted] and [redacted], but their employee files are encrypted. I confirmed that the bug [redacted] placed on the target’s servers was lost during his move so I could not access the files using that backdoor. As those are the only names the target proved and I can not be sure if they are even real names given the target’s fondness for pseudonyms, I am unable to investigate further at this time. I believe it is likely that the [redacted] the subject is connected to on Twitter is likely this woman, though I cannot confirm.
I will continue to investigate as much as possible without blowing my cover and await further orders.
Disaster at the Grand Prix
By Gisèle Favager - Translated by Valentin Paquet - 24 May 2012
The start of the Grand Prix De Monaco was delayed today when an unknown Russian man attacked American engineering prodigy Tony Stark.
Stark had come to Monte Carlo for the race with his adoptive mother Virginia Potts, but snuck away from her and their bodyguard after making a quick appearance at the VIP clubhouse to talk shop with the Stark Industries pit team.
He was reportedly in a playful debate with the team’s leader when the assailant, disguised as a Grand Prix mechanic, attacked the boy. He grabbed him and threw him into the road before using a weapon described as a pair of electrified whips connected to a chest harness power source.
Stark scrambled away from his assailant, barely managing to dodge the whips as he gave a sharp whistle. According to witnesses, the whistle caused the backpack he had brought down to the pit to unfold into a mechanical hound, which quickly scanned the area before running at the assailant. It leaped onto his back and bit into his shoulder. The man tried to remove it for only a moment before he collapsed to the ground in a jerking fit.
“Stun gun fangs,” Potts explained during a short public statement after the man had been taken away by the authorities. She continued on to say that the Digitally Operated Guarding and Guiding Individualized Entity -- or D.O.G.G.I.E. as Stark insisted -- is a prototype assistance drone modeled after service dogs that Stark Industries is currently working on.
“It is not currently available for production due to the current operating system being too specifically designed, though Stark Industries is collaborating with doctors specializing in neurology, cardiology, and psychology to ensure [the Digitally Operated Guarding and Guiding Individualized Entity] will be able to calibrate properly to its user. Further information will be disclosed once a release date has been set.”
Shortly after the incident, an American senator by the name of Stern appeared on television to make a public statement. However, what was assumed to be sympathies and concern over the wellbeing of his young countryman turned out to be an excuse to besmirch Iron Man. Stern attempted to discredit the inventor’s main defense that had been given at the hearing last month stating no one else had technology like the Iron Man armor and wouldn’t for at least five to ten years, as stated by Stark himself, by using the assailant’s weapon as proof that the technology did exist elsewhere.
Stark quickly took to Twitter with a retort.
“Hey intern that runs the @SenSternOfficial twitter, did your boss really just compare a suit of armor that can shrug off shots from a tank to a pair of whips that got their butt kicked by my dog?”
Who this man is and why he attacked Stark is as of yet unknown.
Amalia Riviera - (818) 375-8465 ext 8736 - [email protected]
May 30th, 2012
Natalie Rushman Notary Stark Industries Los Angeles Headquarters
Dear Ms. Rushman,
I regret to inform you that your employment at Stark Industries has been terminated, effective immediately.
This has come to pass for the following reasons:
Breach of contract
Corporate espionage
Misrepresentation of self in application
This decision is not reversible.
In accordance with your contract, all employee benefits have been revoked as of the sending of this letter. Your final paycheck will be withheld until the full investigation is completed and it is determined no further actions are necessary. Should it be determined that the matter must be taken to court, your final paycheck may be held indefinitely pending the court’s decision.
You have one hour from the time you receive this letter to vacate the premises. Should you remain, security will escort you out and trespassing charges will be issued. Any personal items remaining on the premises at the time of your departure will be gathered and delivered to your residence on file within seven to ten business days at the company’s expense.
It is requested that you turn over any company property you possess to human resources before you leave. This includes your company-issued laptop, cellphone, and badge. You will be fined for any company property not returned within forty-eight hours of receiving this message.
Please keep in mind the non-disclosure and non-solicitation agreements you have signed. Should you have any questions regarding the agreements, your termination, or the investigation, please contact the Former Employees sector of Human Resources at (818) 375-8465 ext. 5731.
Amalia Riviera Human Resources Stark Industries Los Angeles Headquarters
Agent Romanoff,
Please inform your director that if he wishes to communicate with me, he need only utilize the number provided to him. This is your final warning. Any other incursions into the young sir’s privacy will be met with the harshest legal actions available.
Thank you for your time,
Iron Man
Iron Man 2.0
By CamicsComics - May 29, 2012
Hey there CamComs! I was woken up far too early this morning by my friend texting me and I’m not even mad.
Because she texted me a link to a tweet Tony Stark made at three A.M. this morning.
“@1r0n_M4n is doing some spring cleaning and giving away some old clothes. Think this will fit @ColRhodey?”
The tweet came alongside a pic of a silver Iron Man gauntlet engraved with Mark II.
Col Rhodes replied with “You’ve got no one to blame but yourself if Talbot sees this before his announcement and he bans you from any more meetings.” While Potts only said, “You’re grounded.”
Does this mean what I think it does? Could we soon have another Iron Man flying around?
So many have tweeted at IM asking for more info that #MarkII is trending, but he’s been silent all day except for a picture of Stark getting chewed out by Potts with the caption, “Happy Birthday, @TStark!!! 🎂”
I can’t wait to see what happens. And hopefully BGen Talbot doesn’t hear about this so Stark can keep giving us this quality content.
Happy B-Day you crazy eleven-year-old!!!!
Subscribe, like, and share, CamComs! Until next time, be the hero you want to see in the world!
Subject: Re: Proposal for new element name - Anthony Stark
Dear Mr. Stark,
On behalf of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, I would like to congratulate you on your accomplishment. However, I regret to inform you that your proposal to name your new element “Badassium” has been denied.
This decision was based on the vulgar nature of the proposed name.
We would be pleased to review a second, more appropriate, choice of name at your earliest convenience.
Best wishes,
Teresa Cordon International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Representative
Stark Under Surveillance
By Sabrina Blake - June 10, 2012
It’s well known that superhero Iron Man and kid genius Tony Stark have been connected since the very beginning, but so far there’s only been talk about the good things that come from it. Not anymore though as yesterday just might have given us a peek at the dark underbelly of this beast.
At around five in the afternoon, Stark broke the two-week-long media silence he’s been under since the attack on the Stark Expo to tweet, “TFW you finally duck out of the lecture on trying to slip inappropriate language into new element names, only for the director of New Age HYDRA to burst in complaining about how his spy got fired from your company for being a spy #FirstWorldProblems”. The tweet had been taken down in under ten minutes, but plenty had seen it by then. Screenshots and questions have flooded the internet, to no answer from Stark, Iron Man, or their people.
Someone’s giving us information, though, as an unknown person sent various news organizations a digital folder of information labeled The Aegis Files. The folder included a picture of a dark-skinned man with an eyepatch being escorted out of a building by Stark Industries security and a furious Col Rhodes alongside a slightly redacted report on the incident. All the personal information had been removed, though it did show that whoever the man was, he was taken in by the police before being turned over to a redacted organization. It’s assumed this man is likely the HYDRA director Stark mentioned giving the timing. Also included in the folder was a Stark Industries employee file. It was similarly redacted, though the woman’s photo was still there, revealing her to be a caucasian woman with auburn hair. She’s believed to be the spy as the file states she was fired due to corporate espionage.
Who are these people? These Aegis Agents, so to speak? What do they want with Stark? Where else have they infiltrated? How accurate is the comparison to the old Nazi intelligence organization? How is Iron Man connected?
Hopefully, we’ll hear more soon.
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Is The Love Island Villa Haunted?: The Ghosts and Myths Surrounding Majorca’s Most Famous Bae-cation
It’s been eight weeks of flirting, fighting, and fanny flutters.
That’s right, Love Island 2019 is officially over.
The winners have been crowned, the 50k already transferred to the suitable bank accounts, and we can finally stop pinning our own commitment issues on forced and fake relationships.
But it turns out something nearly as terrifying as the loud make-out sessions maintains a permanent residence at the villa.
Joanna Chimonides – a controversial contestant from this year’s show – claims the Love Island Villa is haunted.
Giving a gaggle of exclusives to the appropriate tabloids, she claims the figure of a woman with blonde hair would stand over the beds of her and her fellow islanders.
Rocking back and forth over the sleeping contestants, the apparition clearly got these TV personalities talking, and was nearly as dramatic as Joanna walking out on her ex-bae, Michael.
And it got me thinking: could the Love Island villa be, like, totally, actually, haunted?
It turns out that Majorca – the location of Love Island’s iconic villa - is actually drowning in death.
From Napoleonic prisoners, to long-forgotten fishermen, the list of the long-deceased leaves us with a lot of ghosts to chart.
Given this, there is a strong chance that the Villa has a lot more going on than Joanna was aware of.
And so, in today’s post we are going to be discussing Majorca’s many myths and hauntings, and how they might prove that our dear Islanders might have been shacking up with something supernatural.
First things first (well, ok, aside from me being the realest), let’s talk about Majorca:
Majorca is like, seriously old.
And clearly this is the first step to becoming a spook-tastic location, but seriously.
Think back before Thomas Cook packages, and before holiday resorts where every restaurant within a six-mile radius has a menu in English.
The beautiful Island of Majorca – split between mountains and the coastline – has been a regular tourist haunt since the 19th century. Even today 8 million visitors will touch down in Palma de Mallorca airport every year to enjoy the wonders on offer.
And these 8 million will encounter a lot more history (and a lot more horror) than the dodgy cold meats in the breakfast buffet they signed up for.
During the Napoleonic Wars no less than 9000 prisoners of wars were shipped there, and its these prisoners who make regular cameos upon the island.
The Myths behind Palma de Mallorca
The capital of Majorca might be bustling with tourists, workers, and plentiful cosmopolitan vibes, but the visitors are far from alone here.
In fact, many legends – aside from ghosts - still make claims to the city.
First up is the dragon of Na Coca:
This over-sized reptile used to make residence in the sewers back in the 17th century, and according to local legend would drag unsuspecting Majorcans to their deaths.
In response to the fatalities, the governor of Alcudia challenged the dragon to a death match, and conquered the mighty beast.
Another myth that might interest you is the hunchback of Na Joana.
A hunchback (surprise surprise) was sent out by his mother to collect firewood. On his way there, he heard the soft chanting of a group of witches in a cave.
They invited the hunchback to join them, and upon enjoying his chanting talents, and offered him a favour by removing his hump.
Following this miracle, a local woman sent her hunchback son to find these witches and be unburdened of his affliction.
During the chants he became angry, and changed the lyrics.
Yep, this motherfucker decided to have a rap battle with a bunch of witches.
Na Joana – the main witch (#HeadBitchInCharge) – gave him a hump on his chest in punishment.
Our final legend is rumoured to still haunt the island today.
The ‘Bad Count’ as he is now known, haunts a nature reserve, and is probably still searching for those who punished him for his injustice.
Ramon Safartesa – ‘the bad count’ – was cruel to those that worked his land, and he made the lives of his peasants unbearable.
Following many failed assassination attempts, the peasants came together and burnt his castle to the ground.
In 1922 it was rebuilt, but the locals were offended by the celebration of Safartesa, and it was once again reduced to the rubble that still lies there today.
The Ghosts of Bellver Castle
Love Island is host to a playlist of sounds.
Kissing, canoodling, and the ruffling of sheets all figure within this sexy soundtrack of the summer.
And by ‘sexy’ I mean deeply uncomfortable for anyone watching.
Anyway – it turns out our favourite villa isn’t the only iconic Majorcan building with moaning oozing out of its walls. 
Bellver Castle is known for the moaning and the clanking of chains, claiming the title of ‘the most haunted building in Majorca’.
Built 700 years ago to commemorate Christianity’s claims to dominance over its rival religion, Islam, it was be used for royal residence, refuge from the plague, and most importantly as a Prison.
Visitors can still see the graffiti written on the walls from those who were once held against their will, and 2 deadly sites are potential hubs for paranormal activity.
Torre de L’Homeage was a place where they were actually imprisoned, and Olla?
Olla was an area – not unlike a small outside garden – that lay underneath a trapdoor.
Prisoners were to be dropped through this trapdoor, and left to freeze in the winter temperatures, or swelter in the summer heat.
Next up is the ghost of Johannes Bocher
It is said that in the dead of the night, a man walks the lanes of Cabrera Island. Those that walk by him are often asked if he can be buried in his homeland instead of where his body today lies.
This is the ghost of – you guessed it– Johannes Bocher.
Having crashed in 1944 after being shot by an RAF fighter, his corpse was kept in La Cruz de Los Franceses.
This memorial also contains the tomb of another lost soul: En Lluent.
This fisherman and Prisoner of war lost his life during the Napoleonic Wars as so many other hauntings have stemmed from.
En Lluent reportedly appears at the cemetery and cries, asking to be returned to his grave.
And so there we have it
Majorca might be dripping in young-20-something-influencers looking to boost their insta followers, but it’s also drenched in the less than living residents that have stayed more than 8 weeks.
So, whether you’re looking for your summer getaway, or considering submitting your application so you too can end up on Celebs Go Dating and sell teeth whitening kits, Majorca might just have more in store than a random scottish bloke narrating your holiday flings.
Like dead people.
Have you ever seen a ghost on your vacay? And do you think Joanna is just using the story to boost her Love Island Legacy?
Let me know down in the comments!
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