#i wont apologize for being excited for next week
calamitouscynic · 2 years
have i spent the last two hours qt work talking about pokemon instead of actually working?? yes
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My friend that's buying totk for me as a super early bday present so we can play it together isn't getting it til after this week cuz theyre a teacher and its the last week of school and she knew she wouldn't get nothing done if they got the game when it came out (which yea mood)
So im currently trying to beat botw in a week
Not the whole game. Just my current playthrough (tho I probably COULD beat the entire game in a week if I just did the divine beasts, got the master sword and fought Ganon....but that sounds stressful so im good lol)
I technically could just go fight Ganon now but I wanna get all the shrines, finish the champions ballad dlc, maybe at least part of the trial of the sword dlc, get enough korok seeds to max out my weapon inventory, and then fight Ganon. Which I haven't done since my first playthrough back before I even had a switch and was partially living on my friends couch so I could play on his switch. But I feel like I need to give it a proper send off before my brain becomes completely absorbed by totk. Considering I have almost 900 hours in game (more if I count my first playthrough but idk how many hours that was) and ive literally only fought and beat Ganon once lol
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snowyquokka · 7 months
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chapter 1
cw: swearing, fem reader, academic rivals, angst if you squint, both like each other but wont admit it
wc: 1.2k
a.n - welcome to my first full fic !! im super excited to share this and im actually really proud of it. happy reading <3
You’re sitting at your usual spot in the library on your college campus when a book is slammed down on your table, ripping a yelp from your chest as you practically jump out of your skin. You look up to see a smug grin splayed on full, pale pink lips.
Brown eyes sparkle back at you mischievously and before he even opens his mouth, you just know he’s going to say something to purposely aggravate you.
“I don’t want to know, nor do I care.” you grumble before turning back to your book.
“Where the Crawdads Sing.” Seungmin hums, “Didn’t know you had taste,” You ignore him and turn the page.
He huffs and plops down in the seat next to you, his knee brushing against yours as he does.
You snap your head up and admit defeat, placing a bookmark where you left off.
“Since you so rudely interrupted me,”
He rolls his eyes in response to your complaint, “Here we go again,”
“Don’t give me that.” you snap, “You came over here unannounced while I was clearly doing something. So tell me, what is it that you want to brag about now? Hm? Perfect score on the English essay? No wait- I know, you’ve finally succeeded in ass kissing every professor in the building.”
The entire time you were ranting, Seungmin sat with his chin in his palm, face angled towards you. His grin never faltered, which in turn only pissed you off more.
You snap your book shut and move to stand before you feel a hand tug on your sleeve, forcing you to sit.
“I didn’t come over here to brag,” Seungmin readjusts in his chair so his knees are poking the side of your bare thigh, the sudden contact sending warmth throughout you.
“I was hoping we could- I don’t know. Maybe we could be at least civil with each other?.”
Your eyebrows shoot up and your eyes widen.
“C-Civil?” you sputter while searching his face for any trace of ulterior motives.
He nods and fidgets a little. That’s when you realize that he’s nervous.
Seungmin is anything but nervous when it comes to talking to you. He’s always confident while spewing whatever insults he can think of on the spot.
“I uhm- I think I owe you an apology.”
“Excuse me?” That’s not what you meant to say.
Though, you’re fairly certain that whatever you were going to say would’ve come out ten times worse.
“Yeah.” he winces, “Fuck- you know I’m bad at this kind of stuff,” Seungmin huffs and runs a hand through his blonde hair.
“I’m sorry for being a dick,” his broad shoulders deflate and he looks like a weight was literally lifted off of him.
“You’re sorry?”
“Will you stop repeating me?” he scowls.
You can’t help but giggle a little, he couldn’t last two minutes into an apology without looking or sounding annoyed.
“‘M sorry. I just,” you bite your lip to stifle another laugh, “I didn’t think I’d live to see the day that Kim Seungmin apologized for- well, anything.”
He grumbles something incoherently and pushes his knee farther into your thigh. You swallow hard and look behind him at the now very interesting bookshelf.
Seungmin sighs and gets up without another word and leaves. You watch as he rounds the corner and slips through the door.
“What the hell just happened,” you blink and whisper to yourself.
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After his sudden apology, Seungmin has avoided you for an entire week now. He won’t even spare you a glance. You’re complaining about it to your best friend, Hyunjin, who also happens to be close with Seungmin.
Small world.
“Look, I don’t know exactly what happened but, like, could you maybe talk to him about it? He’s been killing the mood lately.” Hyunjin brings his iced americano to his lips while you form a bewildered expression.
“Me? You want me to talk to him?” you scoff and lean back in your chair, “Why should I have to? He apologized, I listened. End. Of. Story.”
“Why are you always so stubborn,” Hyunjin rolls his eyes, placing his coffee on the table.
“Ridiculous. Absolutely fucking ridiculous.” you huff and pinch the bridge of your nose. Hyunjin gives you an ‘are you serious’ look.
“If I let you put his number in my phone, will you shut up about it?” He grins and holds out his hand for you to give your phone to him. “And you’re buying me another coffee.”
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[You] - cheer up
[Intellectual Demon] - who is this?
[You] - jinnie said that you’ve been a real downer since apologizing to me
[Intellectual Demon] - it’s not even that bad
[You] - i can feel the frown radiating off of you rn
[You] - it’s your aura.
Seungmin smiles to himself proudly. After all, it was his idea to get Hyunjin to give you his number.
Now all he has to do is convince you to meet with him. He’s got it all mapped out; you’ll meet with him at his place, he’ll confess, you’ll reciprocate his feelings and you live happily ever after.
The guy gets the girl, like he always does. It’s a simple, foolproof plan.
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“Yeah, no thanks. I’m good.”
Seungmin was so wrong. Immediately after you pick up the phone he’s already hit with a groan and a ‘what do you want now?’ Nonetheless, he pushed through and asked you to go to his place. You declined, which shouldn’t have surprised him, but it does. Seungmin thought that if he apologized all would be forgiven and you would be more willing to speak to him.
Though, he can only blame himself. He fell-and crashed- first, hard. Instead of admitting his feelings to you, and himself, he tried his hardest to distance himself from you, making you find him unbearable to be around. It worked, of course.
Seungmin wishes it didn’t. He wishes he would’ve just grown a pair and told you. He wishes he didn’t feel so unlovable.
You, on the other hand, have attempted to make your attraction obvious. Someone can only take so much rejection, however. You stopped flirting, stopped even looking in his direction at one point. Seungmin made it crystal clear that he wanted nothing to do with you, and now that he’s apologized you can’t help but catch those feelings all over again.
“Please, just- what do I need to do for you to come here?” Seungmin’s voice echoes through your head, bouncing off the sides as you feel yourself slowly start to give in.
You seriously should stop being a pushover.
“Send me your address, I’ll be there soon.” There’s a pause at the end of the line when Seungmin mutes himself and screams into his pillow.
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tags: @godslino @skzstarnet @anakin-sweetheart
dividers: @chaeneuu
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Being Bloodhounds Younger Sibling
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Reader: General Netural | "you"/Y/n | Platonic
Notes: I really liked this
Warnings: one accidental walk in scene nothing explicit
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Bloodhound has always been very protective of you
Bloodhound taught you everything you needed to know
From multiple languages, Both the lauange of your people and of the diffrent worlds and too hunt using the old ways
Often they would try and keep you back, but you couldnt help but be excited to follow
You didnt know your parents like Bloodhound did, and they did there best to teach you as they would have.
You've picked up wood carving, especially on long hunts where you feel you do nothing but sit.
You often carve into the trees as well
When you were around the age where bloodhound lost there parents, they realized you were going amongst your own struggles.
No. Not Death, or Romance, Or Identity crisis
But rather your hearing
They realized you started loosing your hearing: it weak at first, not hearing things here and there, to not hearing things: like sticks crack infront of you
Your loosing your hearing and though you dont go deaf completely before they leave
Yet over time its clear you'll get there.
From then on, Bloodhound tries and make up a sign lauange for the two of you: its not exactly understandable to others, and some people are trying to learn it as well as you run around showing the kids your age
But with what limmited literal knowledge bloodhound manages to come out uptop, as they always do in your eyes.
Bloodhound's big day, coming of age hunt, was...worse than you anticipated it
You still young didnt really realize what your older sibling had done wrong
But it made bloodhound mad, and they even snapped
With immediate regret they apologized but still didnt let you have the burden of what was happening.
So when bloodhound went to...redeem themselves you werent expecting an attack on the village by the monster thats been plauging the village.
With your uncle now dead, Bloodhound was now leaving...
You were confused on exactly what your older sibling, your only family was leaving for.
"I'll see you when you come back?"
"When I come back." Bloodhound spoke louder than normal, accompanied with a nodded
Bloodhound watched the child nod, it. Saddening. Yet....relieving.
Nothing bad could happen to you with themself gone.
Days turned into Weeks, weeks into months, months into years, years into a decade...
Since Bloodhounds leaving you hadn't really fit in anywhere, adults labeled you back luck, a bad omen, kids were told to stay away from you, people talked about you infront of you and behind your back.
So....you left.
You get lost that is. Going anywhere but nowhere
In the deep snow you come across tracks, bears, small, one set, a cub.
Following them you find the little guy stuck.
New animal friend acquired.
After all he follows you on your heels for the next three miles
Hes small but he wont be small for long
He fits in your pack for now, and sticks his head out as you make your way.
Days and days of walking, camping and more walking
you finally see smoke, bad smoke, and push your way forward, maybe you could find people that way.
Turns out, your days of walking is brought by more walking
And you accidentally throw yourself into the apex games, (Duos to be exact)
Turns out the apex games were goin on in your very own backyard.
Luckily you and your new friend you yet to name have battle expirence under your noses.
You dont really seen anybody till you turn a corner at the bridge and run straight into metal.
Pathfinder luckily.
"You must be my teammate." He spoke happily, "I was wondering when you'd show!"
"Team...mate?" Y/n asked uncertain if they heard the bot infront of them.
"Highfive! Teammate!" He spoke happily, lifting his hand up.
Y/n looked at him confused but placed there hand on his, his screen lighting up in a smile causing them to flinch.
You were intrested, and because Pathfinder amd you met, you introduce him to your friend.
The bear in your backpack
"That is a bear!" He cheered, "what is name?"
Y/n hadnt come up with one, "oh. Uh. Bear?"
"Highfive Bear!"
Pathfinder sadly did not receive a highfive from Bear
But rather a growl in happiness and was the set down.
So you three contuined, and Pathfinder called out any weapons he seen for you
"You may like a Sentinel if you are new to this! Keeps yourself in the background!" Pathfinder commented holding the snipper in hand.
He stopped, watching Y/n look out in the distance, they looked. Solemn. Alone even despite the two new friends at there sides.
Pathfinder tapped Y/n's shoulder, Y/n turning around.
"You have a hard time hearing!" Pathfinder spoke loudly.
"Sorry." Y/n apologized.
"Will captions help you?" Pathfinder spoke.
Words showed up on Pathfinder's screen.
Perhaps words would be easier, y/n looked at the screen.
"I...dont know what that is." Y/n responded, unknowing how to read.
"Perhaps I shall just speak louder then! It is no problem!" Pathfinder chimed, "Please take this weapon!"
Y/n shook there head, "That is forbidden."
Pathfinder was confused, how did you even make it in the games?
But as you were discussing: a bullet past by the two of you.
Turning heads you both looked at a larger Islander Male and a Red head Jamaican girl.
"Poor bastards." She laughed her accent thick as Pathfinder Grabbed Y/n, both rushing for cover.
Bear rushing after the two, Y/n grabbing Bear before he slid across the metal floor.
You both were pinned, and you looked over the crate.
"Stay." Y/n ordered Bear, pulling an axe from there bag
You rushed the two, Pathfinder covering you as you were quick to climb the zipline with the axe in your mouth
Making it up quick you went for Lifeline, a strong kick into the underside of the jaw and then the but of the axe to the side of the head while Pathfinder handled the big guy.
You actually ended rocking Gibraltar's war club and your own Axe.
"May the Allfather guide there souls." Y/n spoke.
Wait. Allfather?
Pathfinder's heard that somewhere.
But he cant find where in his processors wheres he's heard that
With Bear giving out a growl in worry he'd be left down below, Y/n slid down and let Bear come back into there pack before climbing back up
"This is the ring!" Pathfinder explained pointing at his screen, "We are outside of it! We'll need to venture inside! And while so we may run into teams! Fun killing!"
When had killing become fun?
Y/n was silent though, as the two contuined on.
No guns were used by Y/n, just axe and warclub
And when they found Revenant and Mad Maggie, that Sycthe was added to the collection.
They didnt really run into to many people after that.
The two were walking across a bridge, exposed and out in the open
"Ay got two enemies out there. With two squadies left." Fuse spoke up, Krabber in hand aimed and ready to fire, "Got Pathfinder and some new kid. Take a look babe."
Bloodhound kneeled down next to Fuse, and Fuse detacted the scope and handed it over.
"I see the MRVN looting," Bloodhound explained, shifting the sights over before zooming in, the face unclear as there head was looking inside the crate, Pathfinder looked to be explaining things inside.
"No..." Bloodhound spoke, "That person. They are from my Village."
"Eh? Someone I gotta worry about for your hand in Marraige?" Fuse joked.
Bloodhound was in no mood, "They have a bear in there backpack. That isnt a competitor-"
"Such a shame." Loba spoke up, Pistol pressed to the back of Fuse's head, "I knew you were getting old but not that old."
"Hi bloodhound! Fuse!" Vantage waved to the two happily trigger ready to pull the trigger.
"Please. I ask for a truce-"
Loba laughed, "oh?"
"That person with Pathfinder. Is from my Village- they're not suppose to be here-"
"I could careless-"
"Show some compassion would ya?!" Fuse argued.
"They're family?" Vantage asked.
"They're trying to trick you!" Loba argued, "Whoever that is. Will kill us! They've already killed!"
Vantage looked at the two, "alright."
"I'll do it myself!"
Two headshots later there was only two squads left.
"Looks like you were busy-"
"Shit! Ambush!-" Loba shouted, Pathfinder ziplining straight into her, sending her over the cliff to fall to her death.
Meanwhile Y/n jumped off some crates Vantage too impressed to move, it ending her time as she followed Loba off the cliff.
"We have our champions!"
"We won!" Pathfinder cheered, "We're the best!"
Y/n watched as a flying ball came into view, it had a camera as they looked at it confused, face covered in blood and confused as they looked at the thing.
"Damn kid!" Revenant shouted he on the drop ship, they all watching the two new championship.
"It is a shame we hadn't met in battle. An intresting challenge they would have been." Ash declared.
"You gonna be alright there?" Fuse asked, ice pack in hand, a nasty headcahe from the headshot.
Bloodhound nodded, back to everyone, secluded with there face uncovered and helmet off.
"I." They sighed, "Will be alright."
Fuse smiled at them, it small and fulled of concern.
"Really..thank you my Walter." Bloodhound spoke holding Walter's hand in reassurance.
"Oh my flyers!" Vantage shouted rushing over, "I'm sorry! I really am! I would of liked to help really!"
"Woah! Woah! Pup!" Fuse stopped Vantage from comin to close, "Houndy's not really comfortable infront of others without. Ya know."
"Right! Sorry!"
Bloodhound carefully put themselves back together before turning to the younger legend.
"I understand, as well as the predictiment. I congratulate you on your sucesful Slatra and Victory. The all father blesses you today."
"Me? No! No!" Vantage smiled, "That person from your village! They won! With Pathfinder. See!"
Bloodhound turned toward the screen.
A stagename given to them already 'The Nameless'
But nameless they weren't.
"Y/n..." Bloodhound responded longing, sadness, in the modulated voice, "Oh...my Y/n... what have you done..."
Fuse is lost. "YOUR" Y/n?
Confused Australian noises
When the ship picks the champions up, all are confused.
Where the fuck did you come from?
No one really considers your win a win.
And the Bear that comes crawling out your pack scares the fuck out of Mirage.
They ears didnt pick up the soft call of there name, but there eyes caught the figure.
"Bad blood between the two?" Mirage whispered causing Rampart to elbow him, earing an Ow.
They were floored, watching the figure so familiar walk over. Diffrent in armour yes, but the allfather told Y/n who was truly infront of them.
Bloodhound stopped just a few steps away from Y/n. Y/n quickly fell to there knees, lifting the weapons of there bidding up in there hands above there head.
Bloodhound's gloved hand reached forward grabbing Y/n's hand, signalling them to rise to there feet.
"Weapons of my battle." Y/n responded, blinking erratically to dismiss the tears, "Slátra for the All father! Gifts for my leader."
Bloodhound held out there hands as Y/n handed them over, all of the damage with such simple weapons.
They slipped from Bloodhound's hands to the floor. Reaching over they quickly hugged Y/n.
Y/n unable to hold in any more tears as they cried and hard.
"I missed you! So much!" Y/n cried.
Bloodhound pulled away only to pull down there mask and place a hard kiss on Y/n's cheek, hugging them again.
"Are you crying?" Bangalore asked.
"What? No." Valkyire argued, a lie, "Okay. Its making me miss my dad-"
Bangalore was surpised but sighed as Valkyire hugged her.
It some how became contagious, hugs went around.
"I love you man!" Octane cried.
"Haha! Alright Alright!" New Castle laughed.
"Come on girlfriend!" Pathfinder cheered.
"No- No!-" Ash argued Pathfinder hugging her anyways.
"One dont hurt." Rampart smiled at Mirage.
"Neither does two." Horzion cheered bringing them both into hugs.
Vantage watched, it something she desperately wanted, affection, but none of that werid kissy stuff.
"Need a hug kid?" Fuse asked, "I could do with one."
"Im not hugging you Demonio."
"Didnt expect one."
Bloodhound was all over you, wipping away the blood from your face mostly, gentle seeing a cut.
You missed this...this contact... there hands bare against your face.
They were always motherly to you, but fatherly in some ways.
Careful with you, but not so Careful like you'd break
You were...confused by them at the same time. This new bloodhound was...new. (duh)
And you didnt like the man staring at them from across the room
"There..." Bloodhound responded, "another to add to the collection.
Y/n left over the small butterfly bandages.
"I see you have no choose the way of the Raven." Bloodhound responded turning there head to watch Arthur tease the bear cub with it's tail feathers.
"...I...Im sorry." Y/n responded, "I...cannot hear you completely..."
"I know someone who can help," Bloodhound spoke louder, "They're always up for a new modification-"
"Someone said Modification!?" Rampart spoke up.
"But...we are-"
"I know." Bloodhound spoke grabbing Y/n's hand, "but we cannot keep denying the future to live in our past."
"Is...that why you left the tribe. Why you left....me..."
"No. Never." Bloodhound told holding there cheek, "I am a coward and should be shamed for what I did...to the tribe. To you. I am ashamed what I did to you. I am sorry. I beg for your forgiveness."
Y/n just hugged Bloodhound again. Bloodhound holding them tight
Fuse is a ball of fire sitting across the room.
"Hey egg. Stop throwin a hissy fit and ask." Maggie argued.
It was an understatement saying you were attached to Bloodhound.
Now people were your fans, you had to go into the Apex Games as an actual contestant.
Luckily you were allowed in, and given a room across from Bloodhound's
So with your new room and few things you own, aka you barely full pack, the chlothes on your back a bear, and the weapons from battle
Right you wanted to give those back.
You take your time, cleaning each one, sharpening them,
Gibraltar's wowed by your skill when you deliever it to him all prestige and pretty
"Wow! You're good!"
"It is your weapon. It should be with you."
Like said Gibraltar's thankful
Then you get to Revenant's room knocking on the door
He hates you due to humiliation.
But has to admit...you know how to sharpen your shit
You thank him, even if he just took it, after all you did use it, then just leave
And spend more time catching up with your older sibling
Fuse is kinda ticked off for the rest of the week.
He had no idea who you were, a sibling especially
You were young, good looking, strong, not afraid to show emotion.
Plus you had a fucking bear.
And shared culture with Houndy
Oh he thinks he's so fucked.
"Aye. Houndy. Can. I." Fuse started walking into the room, "Talk to ya."
Bloodhound looked over, "is everything alright My Walter?"
Walter closed the door behind himself, walking over to take a seat, Bloodhound bare faced,feeding Arthur.
"This...new kid."
"What about Y/n?" Bloodhound asked.
"Did...ya know 'em. Ya know before the games."
Bloodhound chuckled, "I hope I did. Y/n before I left my village was...more than the all father to me. My everything..."
Bloodhound was silent, stroking Arthur's neck.
"I...left Y/n there...my greatest, and most devistating decisions." Bloodhound responded, "One should not abandon family...and I did...I thought perhaps leaving them there...they'd be better off, I was just scared of facing what Y/n had thought of me after the attack."
Fuse was even more mad at himself, of course they were siblings
Ah but jealously is a bitch
It was when Athur flew threw the open window you were confused.
Was it not feeding time?
He took to your arm as he use to so often.
And you walked over to Houndey's room.
"I believe Arthur came to pout to me about the lack of food-"
Y/n was frozen, in place, watching there sibling stripped of there top, sitting ontop another legend in a very much less clothed stature than there sibling.
"By The Allfather!"
Y/n quickly slammed the door, face red in blush as they backed up slowly in shock.
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Pt 2?
Tags: @chase-ing
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liliesinwhite · 1 year
~Welcome to the July Garden~
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As you can see from above, all of the spring crops have been harvested and replaced with sowings for a fall crop. The mums and marigolds are blooming up a storm and getting me very excited for fall and the fall harvest.
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Speaking of fall harvests, my Mini Hokkaido pumpkin is slowly but surely ripening. Can anyone say “Home Grown Pumpkin Pie”?
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The big four summer plants are starting to produce. The tomatoes are still green and will definitely get bigger before they turn red and the peppers are also growing strongly. The cucumbers have just gotten started and the beans (even after being pummeled by hail last week) are still producing and just about ready for the first harvest.
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The cabbages are also growing albeit much much slower than last year. The harvest probably wont come until much later in the season, but I still expect to harvest them before the first frost.
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My seed sown lavender is blooming again this year. It is on its third year and for the first time in its short life, it will need a hair cut at the end of the season. I loved growing lavender so much over the last 3 years that I’ve sown some more and next year I should have 2 window boxes full!
Well that’s all for this month. I apologize for missing last month. There was just so much work to be done and so much was being changed around in the garden that I didn’t get a chance to take any pictures.
Until next time,
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barzfrommarz · 3 months
Why do I still love c!wilbur so much?
small essay type post to just gush about c!wilbur
One thing that always surprises me is why I stayed with c!wilbur
Before cc!wilbur even confirmed the allegations, I dropped him and lovejoy because it was becoming way too stressful and way more obvious it was him even though he had became a special interest and a huge part of my life
So why didnt I do the same with c!wilbur?
Better question, why couldn’t I?
Maybe it’s because back in March of 2022, my online friends had just stopped being friends with me a week prior. Specifically on March 17th 2022 (correct me if i’m wrong) the first stream that kick started the apology streams happened. I think that’s was what reignited my interest fully, since I had changed myself so much for my ex friends since they hated dsmp so much and it was basically my entire personality
It was also an outlet to interact with people, since these specific friends were my only friends at the time.
It was so nice to have a community of people who love the same thing I love. Making art, fanfiction, theories even songs. It was great and it was definitely one of the best times of my life (in the recent years)
The days leading up to the final were the greatest but also the most nerve wracking, esp since I wanted c!wilbur to have a good ending and basically not die
Waiting for the stream to start on Sept 3rd 2022 was so exciting, I remember sitting in offline chat just waiting for a fucking minecraft stream to start. Something I had never done
Now im not gna critique the ending in this post. I have my gripes with the apology tour in general but thats not what this post is about.
It was surprising to watch. Not what I had expected but it had its charm and I grew on it eventually. Going on twitter afterwards kinda sucked but it stopped eventually
The community was still going strong. Even if our favorite character is completely retired. The love and passion was still there, especially for me. It seemed like my love for c!wilbur just got more intense
After the dsmp ended and 2023 rolled around, thats when I noticed things kinda slowing down a bit. I know why of course. Loveshit was kicking off for William so its obvious why more people gradually moved on from the dsmp and fan content slowed down. Including me!
I wont go more into it but it was disappointing for me as someone who just couldn't move on from c!wilbur and the dsmp to see everyone on all the main platforms I used move on. Yeah tumblr was still active but I didn't use it as much back then
Then of course, the allegations came out
Im not proud of how I acted during the first night. You could say I was very very delusional and willing to make up excuses and drown out a victim all for some white guy I didn't know.
Thankfully, the next morning I came to my senses a bit and left, soon after joining everyone in just waiting for him to respond. Luckily I had some great mutuals on twitter and we were all there for eachother, even though I was the least affected since I was more mad at the fact I wasted years of my life on him than upset.
You all know how the story ends, he responded and everyone hated on him blah blah blah
but throughout all of that, I still stayed with c!wilbur. Not any other bursona. I cant engage with any of the other bursonas because they remind me too much of william, so why is c!wilbur different?
Well one obvious factor is my autism. C!Wilbur and the Dsmp is one of my biggest and longest lasting special interest so I dont think its going away for atleast 2-4 more years atp. Who knows maybe ill be 24 years old still yapping about a minecraft server that I liked when I was 11
I also think its because of the dsmp community on tumblr. Yeah the c!wilbur part has gotten understandably smarter but the people who have stayed are awesome and cool and so creative but most importantly strong
We have all been through it. From the allegations to the shit we get from outsiders for showing slight interest in c!wilbur and the dsmp in general.
I also see it as one massive fuck you to William. Taking his creation for ourselves then actively hating on him in the process. Shipping the ship he has gone on record to say its not canon is also pretty cool
So I guess I just want to say thank you. I could not have kept my interest alive if it wasn't for you guys continuing to create despite the creator being a degenerate. This stupid little character has single handedly kept my passion for creation and art going so strong. If you look through any of my recent sketchbooks most of the pages have him on it. I got into wrighting and reading fanfiction because of c!wilbur (and c!tntduo but we dont talk about the fanfictions ive read). My point is this character means alot to me so to all the remaining c!wilbur fans...
Thank you, truly
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voyeuristicvixen · 2 years
Captains Log 32_ Why Secondlife?
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I just finished listening to the incredible Wall Street Journal podcast on Secondlife and How to build a metaverse and I must say, it was the best podcast I have ever listened to. Even bae listened to me and we both had the same feeling we get when we binge watch our favorite show. We we’re thoroughly intrigued and entertained by each episode. I think I can speak  for us both when I say it inspired us and motivated us to  continue in the pursuit of our SL lives and creative interests in the metaverse! We have been exploring sooo much lately and a lot of it has just been organic and intuitive which has made it all the more synchronistic!
There’s an episode that highlights the idea that SL is for a certain kind of person. I had literally been saying that to Wav earlier. I’ve noticed many residents have some philosophical worldviews that differ from their peers in their locale... are creative and intelligent people who are curious and have open imaginations! I have felt more excited and prepared to share SL with my RL circle more these days too and someone has reached out and I’ll be showing them around next week! I am excited and also I feel almost like SL is my baby now too... I am so sensitive to it. I felt myself crying and sad during the parts of the podcast that were hard to hear about how efforts did not get well received but also very hopeful. I just see a vision where SL could have a rebirth in a sense, where it never died but it can regain those 20k users. I see it! Itll be a thing. 
Where the new metaworlds are failing SL has and always will thrive and become even better at.
Listen to the podcast! : https://community.secondlife.com/blogs/entry/11847-the-wall-street-journal-podcast-how-to-build-a-metaverse/?utm_source=blog&utm_medium=socials&utm_campaign=news
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So I had a random issue last week where my inventory wasnt fully loading so I went to this random sim that I saw on the Firestorm page that is said to be a place where everything reloads if it wont because theres like zero lag there. So I go there and go through the troubleshooting in a sandbox. boom. Its done.
My curios exploring self, I am always just looking at the map and clicking and teleporting places. . . now I know some people dont like this. . . some people feel that is bad ettiquette to randomly TP in somewhere and I am aware. But my intentions are always pure and I feel its better to apologize or just get kicked. I HAVE to know. XD now, if I see its a sex sim or homestead something of that sort I do not just openly go and invade people’s privacy. Thats not cool. I am very intuitive and psychic about the whole thing lol. So anyway I tp over from the sandbox and this place is what I find..
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It was like an ancient abandoned ruins. It felt haunted almost... ngl. This was a place that was an office to the Lindens. Or at least it felt like a “was”. Maybe still is but everything inside was made of prims and just felt like it was left behind. (I feel badly if this is an active office because im just flaming tf out of it rn im sorry lol) It was all dark inside too... it really just felt ghostly. But either way it was super cool I got a free bear! I am now obsessed with finding these linden bears knowing that they are a “thing”. I randomly found my first one on a boating trip (see blog post here) little did I know it was the beginning to a collectors story arc.
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So I snooped all the offices because I was looking to see if anymore free bears were being gifted lols. I guess thats greedy af of me but I love them! XD What I did find were beautiful memories of the beginnings of Secondlife. This was also about a week before the podcast came out too! So everything just unfolding like a beautiful movie to me.
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This was in one of the offices, it is dated OCT-NOV 2002 It is the first map of SL. Its pretty amazing how they started with this, and now there's this seemingly limitless world that's bloomed from it. I just got goosebumps when I walked through the offices because I could just feel like... the energy behind it.
Some things it reminded me of:
- In the movie w tyra banks where she plays a doll, theres a part where she goes back to the studio where they shot all her promo videos which she as a doll remembers as her home. Its dimly lit and the sets are colorful and fantastic. Thats what walking in this office felt like....
-  In anastasia when she is revisiting her childhood palace and is seeing ghosts dancing around the room and remembering her past I felt like i could see how they were getting their offices together, working out the lay of the land anticipating newcomers...making bears
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Theres me and bear and I guess meetings were/are held here still? Idk!
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This is Leo Lindens Office, I looked to find more information about him and who he was and how exactly he contributed but I couldn’t find much. He worked at linden labs in 2007. I got a copy of his commemorative plaque which is now sitting in my garage.
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^ THIS IS DOPE ITS EVERY DETAIL TO THE NINES. Found it while exploring Cinna: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/One/87/65/22
In the marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Ultimate-DMC-12/12395447
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Making out in a dank ass library at a place we found through someones profile (those are always the best) my profile pics are not destination heavy as much as they are edgy little things that I just HAD to say. Basically im one of those people who turned their profile into another blog.
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I love classic dank libraries. I LIVE for them in RL and SL. It is a wonder I have not built my own library yet, but there is plenty of time for that!! *Adds to list of thousand and 5 things to do*
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Big tings coming! Ras and Gigi are the dopest i’ll say it everytime I see em.  It was super nice to meet with the Meroe team to chop things up and get on board with the next wave for the movement. Im living for this experience and it is just helping me in my RL to gain more perspective and confidence with my personal goals and purpose in life. But the best part is how schedules and things align perfectly to just flow together. Thats divine alignment and you just cant beat it! Alhamdoulilah! \o/
Ascella is such a sweetheart shes what I know to be as the first Meroe volunteer, shes always so gracious with me and I love that. Lol why is my face always lookin like that?? IDK but I can assure you nothing is wrong I am so delighted ! XD
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We have been little by little checking out some of the Oct SL events, especially moreso since we’ve been listening to the podast. Its like, hearing them speak on how much work and excitement and heart goes into the events and things they put out for us in SL made us want to participate more. So glad we are too because everything has been super fun and enjoyable. Its hilarious how we actually get spooked by some things too. We accidentally spend a whole night on the sidewalks of Bellissario or whatever its called. And I also was thinking, if it was instantly so popular, why not make more little suburbs like it? Even though it was “sold out” there were a lot of empty homes still.
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We frequent our favorite dispensary “Eaze” nowadays and the Bud Hud is pretty amazing. We have jars of joints all over the house and we love to smoke in SL and RL at the same time its one of those random satisfying things....I feel like i’ve written about this place before but here I am writing about it again. Soul’s dispensary is just super nice it feels like the ones here where I live and I love how the products and everything look inside. Its just small quaint and vibey.
Your Uber: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Muskeg/170/114/51
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Found this random platform of linden bears and a DJ Bear... Its like these bears are calling to me I swear... ever since the first one.. But pay attention to these two in this pic, this is going to lead me into a series of potentially problematic things I see in SL. I thought these bears were going to be black or brown when they were grey and loading because all I could see was a Fez and some Timbs... So im like ohhh shit these bears are brothas! but then they finally load and they aint. Its a shiner and Idk what the other bear got going on. lmao. That was hilarious to me. XD
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Us <3 I sat here with them ALL day while we did stuff in RL, it was lovely. Sometimes I feel like our avies are alive lol.
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I got Yemi a new onesie it reminds me of my first halloween I was a pumpkin. :)
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We went to this great hunt experience by Baroqued Japonica called Kohaku No Shizuku. It was a wonderful story that was put into a full game that had a hud system attached. It was wordy but we still got a good understanding of the story and completed the full experience together. It was really well made and impressive to say the least. I think it should be less wordy next time but I love to read and I love a good story and I also love how they made the book look with the illustrative photos. It was very well made and so I read it. The creator made the story too I have to say BIG UPS for real its incredibly creative! At the end we got all these amazing wonderful gifts that I am still unpacking! Your Uber: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/BAROQUED/129/19/243E
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Bae wanted me to get a pic of him jumping off this tower. We got really into jumping and the controls after visited the infamous Beanstalk, one of the first tallest things ever made in SL. We started to climb up the beanstalk and got maybe 1/4 of the way up before falling. In the end we traveled by bubble. But we got the hops now!
Well damn this is long, iff anyone makes it down here... why I am still on secondlife? It is probably the same answer you will here from most of us who “get it” its a place I can be with my man who is long distance right now and a place where I get to continue practicing this new evolution of self coming out of saturn return where I am a boss, assertive and manifesting big dreams. I wanna do it twice over and then a third time in the astral! & I am always learning and theres so much history and things to learn in SL. So much to learn about people too.. Okay now I’ve said enough! lol
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ririspace · 3 years
Hey! Can I request Gi-hun comforting the reader and sort of being like a father figure to them during the game?? Yeah as you can tell, I have issues with my actual father 💀
is everything alright at home??😭but yes of course!once again i am sorry for any grammatical errors,english is not my first language
father figure gi-hun is so precious man..<\3
contains angst at the end,other than that its just fluff
tags: @jeonselca
also i feel like this song suits the hcs
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he too sees you as his daughter(or child),so the relationship is mutual
hes the one that dragged you into the group since you helped him once during his fight with deok su and sae byeok
would definitely offer you food if the food given to you wasnt enough,he dont mind sharing
gives you warm smiles and gaze every time you shared eye contact
if you asks him to sleep besides him,he’d join you without hesitation.he doesnt want you to feel anxious or scared abt the next game,although it might take one of you guys’ life—he’d pat your back,put an arm over you so you’d feel safer :,)
dont be afraid to ask him a hug or to hold hands with you!he knows how stressful the situation is and physically affection with ppl makes him calm too :))
he wont let you stay awake or participate in the night parol watch,as he worries it might tires you for the next game.but if you really wanted to,he’d watch your back all the time.
if you share your stories with him,he will always be there to lend an ear,no matter what the topic is.its calming to have a little intimacy/bonding moment in stressful time.you’d exchange stories and vents to one another without any judgements
cracks you dad jokes,all the time 😭
afraid to go to the toilet alone?fear not!he will be waiting for you outside the stall to keep you company,its nothing weird dw
if youre hurt,he would definitely make a scene to call the guards,he doesnt care if he embarrass himself,all he want is for you to stay alive as long as you can,as you mean a lot to him.
during the riot,he would make sure youre always close with him,not letting a single bruise or scar on your body,he’d feel so horrible if you got hurt under his care
will always be by your side or close to you no matter what,he feel responsible to care for you.he loves you as much as he do to his daughter
he would always pat your head as his gesture for “good job kiddo”—or just casually head patting you
he doesnt mind if you call him as “dad” or “mr.gi-hun”
would sing songs and karaoke with you to release stress,hes a fun man to hang out with—his singing might not be the bestes but he tried,ok?😭
although theres some times where he’d snapped,he would immediately apologize,so its no worries
bestest father figure you could find and have under a week
what ifs interactions with you in(SPOILER ALERT/ANGSTY)
episode 6
you both would be excited because youre confident that you’d make a good team with him,it goes well until the announcement.would any of you willing to kill each other?
both of your hearts dropped.neither both of you played the game until the last 8 mins.you spend the rest minutes of the game period crying and grieving over each other, this is it?killing off each other??he feel like hes killing his own child.he cant do that.
but would you kill him?obviously no.he has a daughter to look after to,a mother to take card of.you’d rather sacrifice yourself than killing your own father figure.
it was devastating.your last goodbye with him hurts both of you to the core.you guys hugged for ages.he wont let you go,how could he?but he had to.and you know he should.you let go of his arms gently,giving him a signal that it is time,this is the end of your relationship and adventures you experience these past days.
“thank you for giving and showing me what my father could’ve give me.thank u,mr.gi-hun.”you cried,as the guard points a gun to your head.
episode 9(skipped some of the early part of it-so in this context it is basically your death scene):
devastated,he holds you in his arms,grieving.his own ‘child’ died on his hand.his dirty hands.hes a sinner.
you reassure him at your last breath that it is definitely not his fault,its just how the game works.you asked him to fulfill any wish you have in mind.obeyed,he promised to fulfill your wish(es).
he’d be so depressed after the game.he feel numb,he’s a sinner.he killed his ‘child’ for his own good.he’s guilty.he blame himself everyday and wished you both couldve met in a better way.imagine the relationship you both couldve have.oh well.
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jisungjunkie · 2 years
when you’re mad at them (blackpink)
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kim jisoo
you were mad at jisoo because the two of you were supposed to meet and go strawberry picking but she never showed up
you were disappointed because you were really looking forward to spending time with her after a long and busy week
what bothered you the most was that she didn’t tell you why she didn’t show up UNTIL she came back home. no text or anything
you gave her the silent treatment until she realized how much it affected you
she apologized for hours straight and did everything in her will to make you forgive her
“baby i’m really sorry, i know i should’ve told you beforehand. it wont happen again i promise.”
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jennie kim
you were mad at her because she used all of your lipstick and put it back
you were so excited to wear it with your dress you were planning on wearing to go out with your friends but got disappointed when you saw the empty stick
but what you were mad at the most was the fact that she put it back and left you to find out yourself
when you confronted her about it she told you she would buy you more but that wasn't enough for you
"babe next time can you please tell me that you used it all and throw it away without putting it back? i really wanted to use that color too."
after saying that she realized that you were actually mad.
"i'm sorry y/n. i wont do it again"
you pulled her in for a hug
- "i'm not as mad as you think baby"
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roseanne park
you were mad at rosé because she woke you up in the middle of the night just to ask you if you were thirsty
usually you wouldn't be mad about it but it was the night before a very important interview you had been preparing for for days
in the morning you woke up in a bad mood, leaving rosé clueless
something in her told her that it was her fault you were so mad but she didn't know how to ask you
you grabbed purse and left the house without saying goodbye to rosé
rosé spent the whole day trying to figure out what you were angry about then she finally realized
when you came home she showered you in kisses and apologized right away
"it's okay rosé but please don't do it again! and i'm sorry for not saying goodbye. that was immature."
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lalisa manobal
you were mad at lisa because she was being a little too friendly with one of her fans.
of course you knew she wouldn't cheat on you or leave you for anyone else but the heat of the moment just made you forget about everything
you gripped your hand in anger and watched as lisa grabbed the fans hand and smiled in her face, their faces not too far apart
when the fan meeting was over you grew quiet, confusing lisa.
when she asked you what's wrong you shook it off, looking out the window
it was until you both made it home when you finally told her what was wrong
she laughed and told you that you shouldn't be mad about that and you agreed with her
"i know lisa i'm sorry for being so jealous."
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idnek83 · 3 years
share some virgin tanaka hcs or scenarios?
(NSFW)(Trans Soda)
I’m still playing with the idea of making this a fic but like…
Just, Gundham going from his loud confident self to being kind of self conscious and unsure of himself once their clothes start coming off, Soda teasing him about it a bit but also like praising him and complimenting him every step of the way.
Gundham keeps stopping Soda while he’s touching him and grinding and stuff, asking if they can just like kiss for a bit, and Soda of course stops right away anytime Gundham asks and checks with him before getting back to it. Soda assumes it’s cus he’s moving too fast and Gundham is still unsure about sex, but really Gundham is just trying not to nut immediately lmao (boy rarely lets anyone even touch him platonically, he’s definitely going to be sensitive)
Eventually Soda asks if Gundham would rather just stop and watch a movie or something instead, making it clear that he’s not mad or anything and that he’s just worried he’s pushing Gundham into something he’s not ready for. Gundham is fucking bright red and starts using some barely comprehensible Overlord™ talk while Soda just stares blankly until he finally says something along the lines of ‘ending the encounter early’ and Soda finally catches on.
Enter full on teasing mode lmao
Soda’s just got the biggest shit eating grin and starts teasing Gundham relentlessly, both physically and verbally, while also pointing out that he doesn’t mind if Gundham cums early, cus he finds it endearing how turned on Gundham is from basically just grinding and making out. Gundham says he doesn’t want to cum yet cus he’s excited to be inside of Soda and Soda kind of laughs and is like ‘oh I can definitely see how excited you are’ lmao
Anyways, Soda’s happy to give Gundham what he wants so he backs off a bit to let Gundham calm down and just kind of starts fingering himself and getting ready to ride Gundham (surprise, this does not help Gundham calm down lmao).
Once he’s prepped himself, Soda wraps a hand around Gundham’s dick and lines himself up and asks if Gundham’s ready, and Gundham is just red and embarrassed but he nods rapidly so Soda smiles and lets himself sink down all the way to the base of Gundham’s cock and-
Gundham cums.
Just like that, the second Soda’s settled in his lap he’s cumming. Soda is shocked and just sitting still and watching Gundham covering his face and trying to muffle his moans and like...
He honestly finds it really hot? Like? Sure, maybe he can’t ride Gundham’s dick into next week now, but? The guy literally felt so good just from getting to be inside of Soda that he nutted immediately?? And Soda just can’t help but take that as a compliment and it kind of super turns him on.
Once Gundham’s done he immediately gets very embarrassed and like starts apologizing but Soda just starts needily kissing him. He like slowly pulls off of Gundham’s cock and the second he’s off he starts fingering himself again and telling Gundham how hot he thought the whole thing was. It takes Gundham a moment to register that 1. Soda isn’t upset with him, and 2. Soda is still horny as hell, but the second he does he decides he needs to redeem himself and stops Soda from getting himself off, insisting he’ll do it for him.
And then they both learn that while Gundham might be a quick shot, he’s also incredibly talented with his tongue ;) Like it’s not perfect, but he learns really quickly and listens to what Soda tells him and Soda is pretty sure he’s never felt so good from oral in his life and definitely ends up nearly crushing Gundham’s skull with his thighs while he cums on his face lol
And you know afterwards they talk it out and Gundham tries to apologize again but Soda wont hear it and makes sure Gundham knows he had a good time, and that Gundham was legitimately amazing at giving head, and that he’s more than happy to help Gundham work on his stamina in the future ;)
and then maybe next time they try out a cock ring and there’s a lot of begging happening on Gundham’s side but who knows 👀
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pinterestinfluencer · 3 years
wtf what happened
oversharing on the internet….. and i still dont know how to do read mores so can everyone please scroll down very quickly. 😞 our lease is up at the end of february and i didnt want to re-sign the lease. they were re-signing sun and i said i didnt want to re-sign the night before, on sat. it was shitty of me to back out last minute. i texted the landlady and asked if we could hold off for the next two weeks so the two other girls could decide if they still wanted to stay because we split rent between us. she said we could wait until mid-feb to sign. so i told them that. they said they were signing tomorrow regardless, with or without me. and that they were pissed at me for going behind their back and changing the signing date to the landlady but i thought would literally be good for them. and they KNEW i was thinking about not signing this is not like a new thing like i want to go back to school and i already have an hour commute to work and i really have been excited at the prospect of living alone so i asked if we could push back the date. this all happened over like a 15-text convo. i got back to the house sunday afternoon after they had signed and they were basically like pack your shit i want you out in two weeks at the same time as the other roommate that is moving out (amicably). like she said in a text if i didnt show up to re-sign the decision would be made for me and id leave at the same time w the other roommate but honestly i thought she was like in the moment (aries rising) and i knew thats a sort of pettiness that doesnt really align w who she is. or who i thought she is. and i was like. no. the lease is up on feb. 28. you are not my lordlord. like what. i paid rent for february. the other was like ill pay you back. and then they were like we dont want you here we dont trust you and i was like im not leaving. i applied for apartments for march 1 and they were like apply for them earlier. i genuinely just didnt understand. and they asked if i wanted to keep living like this with them here and us just resenting each other and i didnt. i didnt think theyd think me leaving would mean that i rejected them but they think i intentionally screwed them over. and what i know now is that it wasnt just that. like that was just the thing that sent them over the edge but up until that moment i didnt even realize that like they were tired of me being all over the place and fickle and like sensitive and also not communicative because i was and i said i was going to sign and then i was like mmm maybe we should wait like i was so ANNOYING because i didnt want them to hate me for changing my mind or leaving them so i stayed on and then the night before i panicked but then they said theyd sign without me which made me feel even more confident like i wouldnt be leaving them with the burden of having to pay and i was like okay. thats fine. we wont wait. and they were like i hate her and want her gone.
And long story short it resulted in a knock down drag out screaming match the likes of which youve never seen before. mostly by me i was the one screaming because they made their decision. You know just saying things i already regret and they got some good zingers in to be honest and i told them they were dead to me and actually knocked over a dead potted plant on my way out. like reached into the soil uprooted it and everything. literally grabbed three outfits grabbed the cat carrier shoved tum tum in it and i drove to my parents house 1.5 hrs away (currently with a longer commute to work LOL) and i have tum tum. and yesterday my friends (that i have left) helped me get EVERYTHING of mine out of that house like it was all gone today which sucks because now at this point i literally forgive them and understand that i sort of was the problem. and i saw photos of us on the wall and keep ugly crying and like im just miserable and i want to be their friends again and i want to apologize to them and i want them to apologize to me and i don’t understand it but like i get it so well. like i still love them. this sucks so bad
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Meeting and Dating Ace Merrill
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(Not my gif)(Requested by a few anonymous askers)
- You’d been out with a few of your friends, visiting a drive in movie theater when you just so happened to catch Ace’s eye. He had to do a double take when he saw you for the first time, since when did Castle Rock have stray models wandering around?
- Well, what’s a guy supposed to do? Not come talk to you? Uh, uh, not an option. 
- So, while you were standing at the concession stand, the greaser sidled up to you, leaning against the counter and introducing himself with a charming smile. He made conversation as you waited for your food, sprinkling in little flirty comments and twirling a strand of your hair between his fingers. 
- Not too long after, the cashier returned with your order; interrupting the two of you. You gathered your purchase, a bit disappointed that you had to say goodbye so soon. 
- Just as you were trying to think of something to say, he asked if he could take you out sometime. The two of you made plans to see each other before your friends urgently called you over. You hurriedly said goodbye to the blonde, giving him a quick apology before heading over to your seat. 
“See you around, y/n/n.” 
- Once you joined back with your group, they began to warn you about how much trouble your “new friend” was. To be honest, it sort of turned you off of him and rightfully so. A womanizing criminal was not exactly the kind of guy you were looking for. 
- With your friends words in mind, you made sure to avoid the blonde, not meeting him for your date and not answering his calls. Unfortunately for you, you’d relinquished just enough information about yourself for him to be able to track you down and by that I mean, he visited your work. 
- Finally, you were forced to confront him and admit that, yes, you’d been avoiding him. He seemed more than a little pissed but he tried to be on his best behavior, especially when asking if that mean’t you “couldn’t be friends”. 
- You felt bad for jerking him around so you hesitantly agreed to, at least, be on good terms with him. Lets just say you didn’t stay just friends for very long. 
- After only a week of hanging out with him, you find yourself fooling around in the backseat of his car. Don’t be too hard on yourself, Ace is a professional. 
- You tugged your sweater back on, running your fingers through your mussed up hair as the boy lit a cigarette. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders as you settled back against the seat, blowing out a cloud of smoke before he spoke. 
“You’re mine now, alright?”
“Yeah,” you said quietly, a small smile finding it’s way onto your lips. “yeah, alright.” 
- And so, the two of you began your “secret” relationship. 
- Ace really isn’t too bad, just rough around the edges. You learn to live with his faults and just try to stop him from doing anything too against the law or dangerous. 
- He has a cold and tough exterior but his insides are... well mostly the same but with beer, some gooey parts and lots of love for you. 
- Can I just say that something tells me Ace is a momma’s boy. Like his family is pretty dysfunctional but his ma means a whole lot to him and she’s the sweetest little woman you’ll ever meet. He’s very excited to introduce you. 
- He usually calls you doll, darlin’, angel and babe. You cant decide which ones your favorite, he makes them all sound so good. 
- He’s always messing with something, whether that be a car part, knife or something of yours. 
- Constant pda. He has his hands on you whenever you let him and will try to sneak some contact whenever you wont. The only reason you wouldn’t let him was if you’re around someone you don’t want knowing you’re together.
- The looks that he gives you in public, oh dear. 
- He makes it damn clear to everyone that you belong to him so yes, you could say that he’s pretty jealous. 
- If anyone even tries to flirt with you they need to watch their backs while walking home. He’s not afraid to pull a knife on a guy in a bar, what do you think he’d do to someone when they’re all alone?
- You probably get an ‘Ace’ tattooed on you at some point. He’d usually just do something like that himself but he wants it to look nice so he’ll take you to an actual shop; unless of course, you want him to do it.
- He most likely tattooed your name on himself, making you do the first letter yourself. He thinks it’s cute when you keep apologizing for “hurting him”.
- Raunchy compliments. If you’re lucky he’ll just say you “look good” or that he “likes it” when you’ve done something new to yourself. 
- Husky morning/late night whispers. 
- Sometimes he’ll arrive home late at night, stumble around for a while and then just collapse onto you, falling asleep as you watch tv. He’s usually a little tipsy so you just run your fingers through your hair and let him nap. 
- Most of the time he’ll wake up all groggy a few minutes later, throw you over his shoulder and carry you off to your actual bed which is just a cozy tad bit too small.
- He drags Eyeball to the store with him whenever he needs to get you a gift.
“How bout roses? Girls like that kinda shit right?”
- Eyeball probably has a crush on you, he can’t help it; there aren’t a lot of girls in town who are as nice as you, not to mention as pretty. 
- All the cobras think you’re adorable and the best girlfriend any one of them could ever manage to get. They grew especially fond of you after you brought them beer when they ran out.
- Trying to stop him from messing with kids. He tones it down, mostly whenever you’re around, but never really quits. 
- Fake wrestling. It’s fun to roll around on the floor with you a little, especially when he wins which is often. 
- So much sarcasm, if you don’t know how to hold your own then you better learn quick. 
- Helping him or keeping him company while he cleans his car. He sprays you a few times with the hose because he’s an asshole. 
- He’s made you sit on the hood of his car for a picture at least once. 
 “I’ll give you two bucks if you let me take one of you topless.”
- He likes standing behind you while you cook and resting his head on your shoulder.
- Cutting his hair for him. There’s something oddly satisfying about sitting in a tiny bathroom with him, balancing on the sink ledge and trying your best to not mess up. 
- He doesn’t give a fuck, he’ll buy you pads. Who's going to give him shit for it? His friends? He’ll beat their asses into next week. 
- Going to drag races. 
- Watching him play pool. 
- Rough kisses. 
- Hickeys, bruises, and bite marks. 
- Sitting on his lap. 
- Getting pinned to things because he likes seeing you all flustered. 
- Let’s be honest, there’s a lot of sex. The mans horny like 80% of the time. Anything you do turns him on. Thankfully, being good at sex is one of his redeeming qualities. 
- He’s the kind of guy to slap and grab your ass in public with no shame.
- Whenever you walk in front of him he tends to pull you back against him so that you’re pressed against his chest. It’s both because he can't keep his hands off of you and because it shows that you’re his to everyone around you.
- Whenever you’re in the car together, he drives with one hand on the wheel and the other on your thigh. 
- Him doing really dangerous shit and making you worry. He thinks it’s kinda cute when you do, not many people genuinely care about his well being. 
- He thinks it’s fun to annoy you so expect him to act like a little shit every now and again, putting things you need on the top shelf and stealing your clothes or towel from the bathroom while you’re showering. 
- He’ll usually annoy you until you talk to him whenever you try to give him the silent treatment. 
- Your parents found out about the two of you when they caught you making out in his car, a few months into your relationship. It certainly made convincing them that he’s actually an alright guy  pretty hard. 
- Depending on their personalities, they either made you stop seeing him for a little while as a punishment then tried their best to accept it or they just kicked you out of the house. This was the 60’s after all, most parents were pretty strict and judgmental. 
- If they decide to kick you out then you’re moving in with him, plain and simple. You're his girl, he’ll take care of you.
- Fights are rough, like really rough. There’s yelling, insults, things being thrown. It’s just overall not a fun time. Either you or him storm out at some point; if it’s him then you usually aren’t there when he gets back. You go to stay with your friend for a while. 
- He calls you constantly and tries to find you whenever you’re out in public. He’s still pissed off but he misses you and feels kind of horrible when he comes home and doesn’t find you there. He’ll usually spot you when you’re walking home and will drive up beside you to try and win you back. 
“Get in the car y/n.”
“Get lost Ace!” You shout, spouting off some rant about how you’re through and aren’t coming back. 
“That’s bullshit and you know it! We’ll be doing this till the end of time darlin’.”
“This is the last damn time Ace.”
“Come on babe, gimme another chance. Why’d you get that tattoo if you couldn’t handle me.” He joked. 
“... If I get in that damn car you promise this won’t happen again?”
“Hell, I can’t promise anything but I’ll sure as hell try.”
- When you guys are in bed he’ll apologize for real, wrapping his arms around you while you lay your head on his chest.
“You do know I’m sorry, right?”
- He’s kind of just your average dirtbag who sometimes takes you for granted, then makes it up to you in some way that makes it really hard for you to leave. You know you should probably ditch him but you just can’t, you love him for better or for worse. 
- You probably have a civil ceremony or a really small wedding. He’s not one for stuff that’s big and fancy so something private is ideal for him. 
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Homecoming - 2
This is the continuation of this prompt.
Lin/Tenzin, pre-canon AU, 2 of 2, T, completed.
“Hello?” Lin’s yelling was paused when the phone rang.
Tenzin’s continued words of apologies and evasion of flying folders and papers were cut short when Lin had to answer (irritably) the ringing phone. He bent over to pick up the scattered things, while listening to the one-sided conversation he could hear.
“Nothing’s wrong here. Of course not – yes, he is here.” Lin rolled her eyes. “There is no domestic disturbance at my address, I don’t know where that report even came from… Well, if they want to arrest someone, why don’t they arrest him?” She threw him an irritated look. “He is trespassing, isn’t he?”
At this, Tenzin frowned at her and dangled the house keys.
Who could she be talking to at this time of the night? Which police officer is responding to the call?
How can he be trespassing when he actually had keys? And as far as he knew, he lived here, didn’t he?
She snapped her fingers, asking him to hand over the keys.
Oh, damn he is screwed.
Lin leaned back at the headboard. “Okay, fine.” She placed a hand on her stomach. “I’m sure my blood pressure is fine… Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow… Love you too, Mom.”
Tenzin felt his stomach turn to lead.
If Lin reacted this way to him, Toph Beifong could do much worse.
And all because – at least from what he gathered from Lin’s invectives earlier– Lin’s letter informing him of her pregnancy did not reach him.
When the earthbender had suitably calmed down, Tenzin cautiously approached the bed with her paperwork. She was eying him with distrust.
At least she had stopped shouting or throwing things – so I count that as a win.
To his surprise, Lin offered the phone to him.
“Tenzin!” Toph’s gruff voice greeted him. “I don’t care what your excuse is but for tonight, make sure she relaxes. She’s on bed rest –.”
“Bed rest!”
Toph continued speaking as though he did not just interrupt her. “So, make sure she takes it easy and does not overexert herself.” She sighed. “You know what I mean, Airhead. No bedroom activities for the two of you.”
After a relatively painful call with Toph (where he was alternately scolded, reminded, threatened and advised), the airbender finally addressed the earthbender who was sitting in bed, protectively cradling her pregnant stomach.
“So,” Tenzin rubbed the back of his neck. “We’re having a child.” He sat the edge of the bed cautiously.
“Are we?” Lin asked back in challenge. “As far I know, you seemed to have washed your hands off of us the moment you left to fulfill your airbending duties.”
“No – I would never –,” He reached out to hold her hand, tightening when her grasp went limp. “You – the both of you – are my priority. Please don’t doubt that.” He looked straight into her eyes, trying to convey the truth behind his words.
Only their breathing can be heard for the next few moments.
“You never replied – I thought – we thought – you were gone. Then the acolytes responded and said you were there… I thought… you didn’t want it. You didn’t want…” Lin cleared her throat. “You were so pleased about being able to finally go around the temples. Having a child – well – I wouldn’t put it past you to stay behind because of responsibility, even if you didn’t want…”
At that point, her tears fell. This was the side of Lin Beifong that only few managed to see – one that was more human than her public persona allowed her to be. He was one of the few who she allowed to know about her insecurities and her fears.
Both of them had been raised in the public eye and they learned early on that their actions will be dissected by the press. They learned to be guarded – but not with each other.
Her mother had tried to protect her as much as she could but Lin learned the truth anyway. That her father had abandoned only remained with her mother as long as he could only due to a sense of duty to the unborn child. That when the opportunity came for him to jump ship, he did so without a backward glance.
Tenzin knew this was what was going through her mind with their current predicament.
He knew that words at this point would not mean anything to her as he pulled her into an embrace, letting her tears drop on his robes.
Tenzin knew he would do his best to reassure her.
The next few days were spent getting up to speed with Lin’s pregnancy. He wanted to know it all – how were her check-ups, what is the gestational age, are there any food or drink that she is not allowed to eat, etc. After that first night, Lin became apprehensive about what Tenzin thinks of fatherhood; she did have several weeks to get used to it but Tenzin, apparently was learning about it just now.
It seemed like she need not have worried, however, as the man reveled in it.
Katara had laughed at that, fondly saying that Aang is the same for each of their children.
To be fair, Toph had snorted, he was like that for all of the children born within their circle of friends, remembering that Aang was over the moon when Toph started showing with Lin.
Tenzin did not think the rest of the pregnancy would be spent in peaceful waiting if the succeeding days were a precedent as to what to expect.
It had been embarrassing enough to have his mother extract a promise from him to refrain from intercourse (“Stop cringing, Tenzin. If you’re old enough to be a father, you’re old enough to use the clinical term.”) in the next few months due to Lin’s delicate condition.
It became worse when Lin’s mother dropped by to bring in paperwork from headquarters. The older metalbender could not resist but comment about flighty airbenders doing the cut-and-run. That definitely did not do well to assuage Lin’s doubts.
His own father would likewise come by almost daily, bringing all sorts of food for Lin. Lin would graciously thank him and accept the gifts but would often ask him that he did not need to bring anything over. The Avatar would wave her concern away and say he was bringing over materials that Tenzin would need to work on anyway. Lin subtly implied that he need not stay in Republic City and he could go back to Air Temple Island to do whatever he needs to do for the Air Nation. This made Tenzin all the more adamant to work remotely from the house.
It also seemed like both of the Avatar’s sons took on the same anticipation and excitement in welcoming a child as Tenzin discovered that Bumi had taken to sending a knitted piece to Republic City every few weeks or so. Never mind that there were only so many bibs or bonnets a baby could use.
Their family, however well-meaning, tended to barge into their life – always checking in, always dropping by, always present.
Lin, being the well-mannered lady that she was, took it all in stride. While she would have previously scowled at her mother’s narratives or kept a polite face at his mother’s coddling, Tenzin saw her have a genuine smile at her face at their visits.
It was only one afternoon that Tenzin realized why.
He thought that they were simply falling into a routine when he came back. However, it became apparent to him that he was the one who has not yet assimilated into the established routine. With a pang, he realized their family had done what he should have been doing in the first place in supporting Lin in her pregnancy.
It was not quite the same home he had left.
Being away for months made it challenging for the airbender to reintegrate himself but he did manage bit by bit.
Lin really disliked being on bedrest. She had never been one for idleness, but she saw the necessity in taking it easy. She was determined to bring the child up to term and Lin Beifong is not anything but determined.
Nonetheless, this did not keep her from occasionally complaining; she did not like being dependent on others after all.
“I’m sorry Lin – but healer’s orders.” Tenzin handed her a book she requested; she was put out when he did not let her get out of bed and she had to wait for him to get it for her.
She thanked him though still with a frown on her face.  
Tenzin settled himself beside her in bed as they were wont to do before bedtime, taking out his own book to read. “Mother said you’ll likely be removed from bed rest in a few weeks’ time. Your mother did not have to go on extended bed rest and managed to work at the station back then. So mother is hopeful for you.”
Lin sighed and leaned back, lightly flipping through the pages of her book. “Well, that’s my mother. Unfortunately for me, I inherited the body type of my grandmother.”
They knew how difficult it was for Poppy Beifong to carry a child to term. As much as Lao and she wanted another child as a sibling to Toph, it had not been successful.
She saw Tenzin pause, recognizing the moment he understood what was not being said.
In true (and expected) airbender fashion, he did not address it head on and simply turned to focus on fluffing her pillows.
“Well, if you’re going to stay in bed much longer, we’ll have to make sure it’s a comfortable stay, right?”
She merely tilted her head in agreement, thankful that he did not push the issue.
Lin did not know what to expect from Tenzin when he said they will make the extended bed rest comfortable.
He arrived home one day with a lot of paper bags.
She had thought Bumi was ridiculous in sending a lot of baby clothes, but this did not even compare. Lin found Tenzin guilty of a shopping spree – his were of a complement to Bumi’s bibs and bonnets in the form of onesies, mittens and booties.
No matter, she thought, as she lightly fingered the texture of one of the green onesies, it pleased her to see Tenzin excited about the child.
As the weeks passed, Lin was able to finally convince Tenzin that she would be fine at home during the day with the staff and that he need not curtail his own activities.
During the day, after all, the household staff that Toph hired for them to clean and cook was around and could easily assist Lin with her needs.
The airbender still spent most of his time at home, working and keeping her company. But at least, his company was no longer limited to her and their family. Hopefully, Lin thought, it would keep him from being bored and restless.
She was pleasantly surprised when he arrived home on that first day.
He had been listening to her when they talked about food she missed and likely craved for. She was thankful for the food that Aang brings over and the food the chef cooks, however, there is only so much she could take of healthy and bordering on bland food.
Tenzin had gone out of his way to the other side of the city to bring home her favorite steamed buns. Steamed meat buns, that is. None of the vegetarian mush he enjoyed himself.
It became their ritual – whenever Tenzin goes out, they were sure to have a dinner that consists of Lin’s favorite foods.
“You keep eating more of that and we’re calling our baby Bao.”
“Don’t you dare.”
“Doesn’t Bao Beifong sound nice?”
A pillow hit Tenzin in the face.
“Thanks, kid. Excellent paperwork as per usual, loved your penmanship.”
Lin rolled her eyes at her mother’s odd humor. She took the folder her mother brought in exchange for the reports she had completed. Before her mother leaves, Lin usually makes sure she had scanned through quickly the paperwork so she could ask questions if she has clarifications.
“There was a meeting earlier at City Hall.” Toph often shared with her about her workday. “I suppose you were the catalyst for this.”
“What? I don’t even get to leave the house, never mind the bedroom,” Lin felt defensive, thinking that Toph was about to blame her for something. “How can I have caused it?” She continued to go through the paperwork.
Toph clicked her tongue. “They’ve selected an air acolyte as the representative to the Air Temples.”
That got her full attention. “But Tenzin’s the current representative.” She put down the folder on her lap and turned to her mother. “He did not mention he was quitting.”
“He was not quitting per se, he would be still part of the Air Nation’s council staff – just not the one who would need to frequently travel around the temples.”
She was floored.
She never asked that of him.
The airbender had been talking about air temples and all things air nomad from they were kids.
Giving up this particular role – this is huge.
And if it was because of her – them – she corrected, rubbing her stomach, it was significant.
He did not bring it up that night.
She thought he would have done so the first thing he got home.
But he did not.
She brought it up two nights later, unable to keep the curiosity out of her voice.
The why hung between them.
He simply smiled back at her, his hand joining hers as their baby kicked.
“I know my priorities.”
The next day, she hands him back his keys.
Then maybe, he feels hopeful as he tightens his fist around it, maybe this is what it really feels like the beginning of a true homecoming.
Note: And that’s that. Thoughts around it? Thanks for reading :)
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crispycrimebrulee · 4 years
Could I please have Hisoka do something that makes s/o really tired of him and when he tries to tease s/o, he sees that he might've actually done something wrong (?)
I..........assume this is HC’s bc nothing else was specifiedddddddddd
Warning: Hisoka being a little shit as usual
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- we all know this man is insufferable when it comes to bothering you
- every. damn. day.
- nothing but (playful) snide remarks, suggestive comments, touching you via poking, jabbing, running his fingers along you, playing with your hair, at the worst times, or all the time
- he also tends to bother you while working, like a needy, annoying cat who lives off attention (which, he is, all he’s missing are some cat ears and a tail)
- so when he manages to absent mindedly throw cards at your laptop, hitting the screen and some how deleting your soon-to-be-due research paper (soon-to-be as in........the next day) you might’ve actually burst a blood vessel
- weeks spent working on the paper, and he deletes the most recent, important information
- its safe to say that you being livid was an understatement
- Hisoka is quite happy with himself in having you stop your incessant working and pay attention to him for a minute (he’s hopeful!)
- He also notices your now furious aura, and is a little excited
- maybe you wont just pay attention to him, you’ll give him a little fight? ohhohoho? ,’:)
- ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh but you know him, that menace of a clown and you dont indulge him
- you simply get up, and lock yourself in your bedroom
- Hisoka was perplexed. Dumbfounded, even. Not only did y/n ignore him, but they got up and walked away. Well now what? The attention he was expecting to be showered with was now cut short, and essentially before it had even started. Walking over to the bedroom door, he tried the handle. Locked. Tapping the door, he waited for a response. Silence. All he could hear was slow, heavy breathing. Tapping again, he waited for a response from y/n. Again, silence. He rolled his eyes and knocked this time. Silence, silence, silence. “Y/nnnnnnnnn what’re doing in thereeeeeeeeee? Are you doing something for me?~” he purred, hoping y/n was actually doing something. He leaned against the door and listened, trying to guess what his s/o was doing. He heard shuffling on the other side of the door and he perked up, assuming the door would be opened and a lovely surprise, or some sort of attention from y/n. “Hisoka....” you started, “I’m fucking sick of your shit, piss off.” you hissed, barely able to keep your composure, even from behind the door. Hisoka stood up straight and blinked. He could tell y/n meant it. He could hear them keeping their bloodlust at bay within each word. Genuinely, now was probably not the best time to provoke them, because as much as he loved to, he’d rather them not go throughout the rest of the day on a particularly sour note. Now he was picking his brain, trying to figure out what had set them off in such a way. Slowly turning he saw the laptop and sighed. On the occasion that he was a little dense and too much of an asshole for his own good, he did let things, even provoke things, to get out of hand. As much as the events that unfolded from such provocation was usually to his enjoyment or benefit, he was aware that his timing for doing such things was off, on the rare occasion, as well as with the wrong people. As much as an angry y/n was something interesting to see, and led to many interesting things, he’d rather have them be content with him, lest they see reason to leave him, seeing as he was quite fond of them. He shuffled over to the living room table, where the laptop was resting. He plucked the car from the screen, looking the laptop over. It still worked; it was more or less superficial damage rather than internal. Superficial can be fixed, so that was on his side. He grabbed a marker off the table and pulled out a pack of cards. Scribbling furiously on the cards, he walked back over to the bedroom door.
- Hisoka is now.......slipping cards under the door?
- You have the right mind to open the door and throw them in his face
- but the cards have a very, very, very long (and kinda cute) apology on them
- he offers to have it fixed at his expense 
- offers to leave you be for the rest of the day
- he’s drawing hearts on the cards
- writes about loving you on at least 10 cards
- you draw on the other side of the cards and talk through the door
- you open the door and he smothers you in kisses
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kkaebsongtypo · 3 years
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01 | m.l | next
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why wont you love me // hrj [02]
pairing: renjun x reader
genre: friends to lovers, slow burn, fluff, slight angst
wanings/notes: alcohol consumption (all parties are of legal age, drink responsibly!), mentions/symptoms of anxiety, mentions/signs of abandonment issues, jealousy, inspired by the song Why Won't You Love Me by 5sos
(warnings/notes are subject to change and updates if needed.)
word count: 2.1k
Renjun and y/n are an inseparable pair; they know each other like the back of their own hands. For the most part. Renjun keeps his true feelings hidden; y/n refuses to acknowledge their own. Both hold the fear of losing each other. But will one night out and a little too much to drink change everything?
a/n: hello part two is f i n a l l y here- sorry for the super long wait ;-; lmk if you want to be in a taglist ^-^
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A week without Renjun and the boys proved to be a lot more difficult than you expected. On any other day, a normal day, you would have Renjun or Jisung on video call to keep you company whilst doing your work, cleaning the house, or just any other task. On any other day, you’d have a few of the boys lounging around your apartment, studying, doing project work, playing video games, spending their time in the comfort of your tidy home if they needed to get away from their own. Most of the time, it didn’t even feel like you lived alone.
Needless to say, with your main group of friends away on their trip, you were bored. With the boys doing their own trip activities, it was hard to get a normal, lengthy video call in. Procrastination was one of your biggest enemies in the deafening silence of your empty apartment. Without the company of your friends occupying your phone, and your current lack of self control, you were sprawled out on your bed scrolling through Instagram, your essay long forgotten.
You sat up abruptly when you opened Renjun’s story and were greeted with a photo of him and a shorter girl wrapped in his arms. Your chest tightened and at their bright smiles. You chewed on your bottom lip as you stared at the photo, the strange sensation in your chest growing. After a few seconds, you decided to close the app, the feeling (which, you concluded to be anxiety) building inside of you became overwhelming very quickly. You placed your phone face down on your bed and slowly laid back against the covers. You stared blankly at your ceiling and drummed your fingers on your bedsheets and chest.
A ding sounded from your phone and your hand flew to grab it. You hesitated to look at the screen though, unsure if you were hoping it was from Renjun or not. Ten seconds passed, and after a deep breath, you look at the message. A sigh fell from your lips when you read the contact name. It was from Jisung. You couldn’t tell if you were relieved or disappointed that it wasn’t Renjun as the anxiety in your chest continued to swirl.
bby chick <3: Are you busy rn bby chick <3: Can u vc bby chick <3: I miss you :(
You felt a pang of guilt for feeling slightly disappointed as you read the younger boys messages. You truly did miss him as well. The situation prior to his messages simply threw you off and into a frenzy of other feelings. Your fingers typed a response quickly.
: I miss you too :( : and no I am not busy, call me <3
It took no longer than 5 seconds for a video call from Jisung to pop up. After a deep breath to push down the previous discomfort within you, you put on a small smile and answered the call. The sight of Jisung’s face lighting up instantly when you appeared on his screen made your smile become more real, the photo of Renjun and that girl being pushed aside for the time being.
“Hii y/n!!” Jisungs voice was lively and excited. The setting sun shone a warm glow on him and the hotel wall. He waved to you, and you waved back.
“Hey Sunggie, how are you doing?” You asked. He didn’t hesitate to respond.
“I’m good, the guys and I miss you tons though! How are you?” Your chest tightened when he returned the question. It always broke your facade at times like this.
“I’m- I’m uh… yeah, I’m good.” Your feeble attempt at seeming okay was unconvincing as hot tears rolled down your cheeks with each blink. The uncomfortable feeling in your chest returned and your breathing quickened. Though your vision was blurred, you noticed Jisung’s expression fall into one of shock and panic.
“Wha- what’s wrong? Are you okay? Why are you crying?” He stuttered, reaching towards the camera as if trying to reach directly to you. You wiped your cheeks frantically with your sleeves and sniffled, a pathetic laugh falling from your lips.
“Yeah, I’m fine! Nothing is wrong, Ji, don’t worry-” Jisung cut you off gently. Tears continued to fall from your eyes involuntarily.
“Y/n… please don’t lie to me… you’re clearly not fine…” Your chest tightened more at the sadness in his voice. He didn’t like seeing you upset, it made him sad seeing his friend in distress. You tried to dry your tears again, but it was no use. With a quiet sigh of frustration, you ran your hand through your hair. There was no use in trying to lie again, your feelings were impossible to hide at this point.
“I- ugh. Yeah, you’re right. I’m not really okay- I’m sorry.” You looked down at your lap, fiddling with your fingers. Jisung furrowed his eyebrows at your apology.
“No!! Don’t be sorry!” He exclaimed. You glanced up at him and slouched further into yourself. Silence filled both of your rooms. You didn’t know what to say. You were embarrassed; your fear of being abandoned was consuming every bit of you with each passing second the longer you stayed in your head. Abandonment issues weren’t something you’ve ever talked about with any of your friends, there was never a reason to. Not until you saw that photo of Renjun.
The silence stayed for what felt like an eternity of being stuck in your own thoughts on a loop. No matter how many times you tried to tell yourself that Renjun would never just drop you out of the blue, the anxiety just pushed back. Part of you says “he wouldn’t.” but the other part of you fights back with “but he could.” It was a never ending loop; spiraling into yourself with no end in sight. Jisung snapped you out of your thoughts with a question that caused your cheeks to burn with anxiety.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You chewed on your bottom lip and tried to sort your thoughts before speaking. Tears began forming in the corners of your eyes again and they fell down your still damp cheeks when you blinked.
“It’s- ahh. It’s just- that photo of Renjun and that girl. It’s like, stupid but I think it was just anxiety saying like ‘oh Renjun found someone new he doesn’t love me anymore’ kind of-” The string of words fell from you lips quickly and in a mess, your insecurities growing and getting the best of you. Your voice cracked and you sniffled before taking a shaky breath and rubbing your eyes, giving Jisung the opportunity to speak. He was hesitant at first, his voice wavering slightly; he wasn’t exactly sure what to do.
“Hey- um- breathe for a second. Can you, uhm, can you show me the photo?” You nodded and picked up your phone to open Instagram. A feeling of dread grew in your chest and stomach as your finger hovered over Renjun’s story. With a deep sigh, you opened the story, the photo popping up on your screen. You stared at Renjun’s smile for a second before tapping on the small paper airplane icon and sending it to Jisung. You waited quietly as Jisung opened Instagram to see the image. You laid on your back and positioned your phone next to you so the boy could still see you when he returned to the call.
While you were swimming in your own variety of conclusions, Jisung stared at the photo you had just sent, unsure of his next words. He ran his hands over his face and through his hair, knowing that he could potentially make you feel even worse in one way or another.
“Y/n- oh my goodness. Okay- that’s not- that’s like Renjun’s second cousin. We just met her today!” You stared at your ceiling as Jisung returned to the video call.
“I… are you serious? Oh my gosh.” You groaned, tears beginning to fall faster again. Jisung frowned and furrowed his eyebrows, still hating to see you so upset.
“Yeah! Please don’t cry.” Jisung tried to comfort you as best as he could through a tiny screen. You sniffled and whipped the tears from your face, only for more to fall. He sighed softly, feeling slightly helpless.
“Look, even if that wasn’t his relative, I can assure you that all of us love you and we would never just up and leave you for anyone else. Renjun especially. y/n he…” He paused for a second, trying to pick his words cautiously to avoid exposing any secrets that weren’t his.
“You’re his best friend. He, of all people, would never, ever do that to you.” Your tears began to slow as you listened to Jisung, taking in everything he said. The external rationalization was reassuring, but the ache from the idea of losing Renjun continued to loom deep in your chest.
“I know that your anxiety clouds your judgement sometimes but if I can do anything to help at any time, please let me know.” He paused for a second, quickly realizing that you were keeping quiet.
“But if you can’t talk to me for whatever reason, try to remember what I just said.” You sighed softly. Jisung was really trying, and even though your thoughts continued to run wild, you were grateful for his efforts.
“Thank you, Ji. I really appreciate it. I’m sorry for all that; it was just a huge scare about my best friend leaving me over what turned out to be nothing.” You rolled your eyes at yourself. You jumped to conclusions and got upset over a misunderstanding; you felt foolish. Jisung perked up and was quick to validate your feelings.
“Oh! No, please don’t feel like you need to say sorry for feeling.” He frowned at you and played with his fingers. You pursed your lips and looked down at your lap. Silence lingered for a couple seconds before Jisung spoke up again.
“Um, okay. I’m sorry of this is a dumb question, but like- are you sure that was the only reason for your reaction..?” The question made you tilt your head and bring your eyebrows together in slight confusion.
“Uh? Yes? What do you mean?” Jisung turned away and scratched the back of his neck.
“Ah like, I dunno. The use of best friend- I mean like, are you sure you aren’t like, jealous?” Jisung turned his head down slightly, looking up at you with a careful gaze, nibbling the inside of his lip. Your eyes widened and you blinked a few times. Your lips parted to speak and you raised your eyebrows, but the words got caught in your throat. Why is this so hard to answer? You furrowed your brows for a second, regaining your composure enough to form some sort of coherent sentence.
“Oh- well I mean I guess maybe?? But no. What?? He’s my best friend and he’ll always be my best friend.” You tripped over your words as they came out in a mess. Your heart sped up and your cheeks warmed slightly. What is happening?? Jisung furrowed his eyebrows and tugged at his fingers as words began falling from his lips.
“Right- I’m sorry-” He started to panic, but you cut him off softly before he could ramble an apology.
“It’s fine Jisung, don’t worry about it.” You sent him a small, half smile. He chewed on his bottom lip and averted his gaze. Without letting the guilt-filled silence linger, you sighed and clapped your hands together.
“Enough about this stuff. Tell me more about the trip, what have you been up to?” You smiled softly. Jisung looked at you hesitantly and you nodded; an attempt at reassuring him. He took a second and raised his eyebrows before breaking into a smile.
“Well, the day after we arrived we just sort of slept in, but in the afternoon we went into the city...” You smiled as enthusiasm filled his eyes again, but his voice became mere background noise as you got lost in your thoughts once more. Jisung’s previous question coming back and lingering in your mind; “are you sure that was the only reason for your reaction?”
Renjun is my best friend. I don’t want anything more.
You did your best to shake it from consuming you, wanting to focus on Jisung instead. But the tiniest voice in the back of your mind repeated in a loop, Renjun is my best friend. I don’t want anything more. Right?
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Taglist: @lolibaaae @currentlyraisinghell
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disclaimer: updates will be stagnant. thank you for understanding :)
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attolianarchives · 3 years
so the ep is old as fuck sorry but i was just listening to your episode on qoa ep 7 and i wanted to put in my two cents on why the minister of war abstained from the otherwise unanimous vote for eddis to go to war w attolia. yall said it was bc he had too much personal stake in it and i agree thats part of it but the way i always saw it, i dont think he thought war was a good idea. i think he would have voted against if he thought it would change anything. but since it wouldnt, his personal ties to gen and the grief he feels for whats happened to his son compel him to not vote against the war.
you also talk about, when gen finds out about the war he says 'thats impossible' i believe he genuinely does not believe himself beloved or important enough to be the catalyst for a conflict like this. gen loves having power but his life as a thief necessitates secrecy and this was drilled into him thoroughly in his training w his grandfather. if everyone knows how big an impact you can have on a situation they wont underestimate you, which gen holds close to his heart as his greatest advantage. so gen wants to be famous but he wants to be powerful quietly. and on top of that he always had such a contentious relationship with his family and the court, and doesnt quite grasp the extent to which that has changed. first he is surprised but next he is resentful, he views their favor after the gift as them being fair weather friends who will revert back to their former scorn when the novelty of the gift wears off (this is proven true in rott but that wasnt out when this ep came out obvi lol) and so having such disdain for his new popularity he underestimates it. he genuinely never ever thought that anyone would care enough to kick off a serious political conflict over something that happened to him
anyway that was longer than i meant it to be but thats my reading on that chapter
No I'm SO pumped you're chiming in about older episodes, your messages genuinely are making my entire month!! Keep 'em coming my friend. Also sorry if you submitted these a long time ago to find no response till now, I've been unable to check the blog for six weeks. Similarly, apologies in advance if we don't answer for a while ugh lol.
You are so right re: MoW, that makes so much sense actually? So focused on the MoW as a dad that I guess I didn't truly realize that of course the war guy was also doing his war job, his one job lol.
And I agree right on the money again for Gen, absolutely. Love all this. I'm so excited you messaged us. - C
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