#i wonder how close i am to the character limit
dragonrider9905 · 5 months
Before TBB Ends...Regardless of HOW it Ends...I've Got to Say Something...
In 2021, TBB was released, and over the last few years, it's grown to mean a lot to me. Not just the stories, the storytelling, the characters whom we've fallen in love with and hope to see more of someday, whose stories we've learned important lessons from, but how it profoundly affected my life.
And it is something I am incredibly grateful for.
Regardless of how the show ends, if it's something I'm going to love or be totally heartbroken over and hate, I'm so glad it happened and went on this journey.
For one, it gave me the plug to start writing. Writing was always a dream of mine but it wasn't until I discovered fanfiction, because of TBB, that I actually realized it. I had this idea of writing and thought I'd never really be able to accomplish that. The show enabled me to move past that and I've been able to be enflamed by my love for writing. It brings me so much happiness. No other show pushed me to write like this one.
Secondly, my writing has allowed me to touch and interact with people. I can't tell you how much it means to me and how thrilled I am to hear and learn my work has touched you in some way. I'm humbled by your words and taking the time to actually read and appreciate what I've written.
Thirdly, I've gone on so many adventures, crazy amazing adventures because of what other brilliant minds I met through the show have written. There are SO many great stories that just hit me so.....I was touched by your stories that you wouldn't have written if you hadn't watched the show!
Lastly, but CERTAINLY not the least, I have made SO many friends and writing buddies because of this show. It has connected me to so many cool people that I otherwise may never have found. I've grown really close with some of you, while others, though we may not be friends per say, I hope we can someday. In the meantime, I will admire your work from here. You guys mean so much to me and I can't even begin to express how wonderful it's been getting to know you over the past few years. The fun experiences we've shared, the theories, the stories, all of it. I am not putting this as well as it was in my head so please forgive that.
This includes but isn't limited to: @eclec-tech @photogirl894 @apocalyp-tech-a @lizartgurl @jedipoodoo @arctrooper69 @carolinetano7567 @trapezequeen @ghostofskywalker @masterjedilenaaa @ladysongmaster @moonstrider9904 @klmwrites @techs-stitches @ovaa-bi-bia @frostycatblr-fandom-files @imabeautifulbutterfly @sverdgeir @oceansssblue @marvel-starwarsfangirl @jedi-hawkins
How about you? What are you guys grateful for? Reblog and share what TBB meant to you!
Copy and paste the red as your header and let's see how many people we can get so share their stories!
I will end with no other quote than this!
"With love comes loss; it's part of the deal. Sometimes it hurts, but in the end, it's all worth it. There's no greater gift than love."
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whateversawesome · 4 months
Spy x Family Chapter 98: An Explosion
Let's start with the most important thing and we'll go from there. Ready? This panel:
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Blink and you'll miss that insignificant comment from someone we don't even know their name. Nevertheless, given the implications of Project Apple, this panel is huge! Because, even if back then it was just a rumor, there's a chance it could also be true. Project Apple could have started during the first conflict. This leads me to the following theory:
Anya's biological parents were prisoners of war.
The story about Twilight as a soldier, Martha and Henry, as well as Millie, Franky, and even the Lady Patriots Society tell us about the dehumanization of the enemy. So yeah, it's very possible that it was acceptable for either side to do anything they wanted with captured enemies, that includes experimentation.
And by prisoners of war, I'm not only referring to soldiers and medical personnel, but also spies. Wouldn't it be funny if Anya's birth parents were also spies? It's too soon to tell, but it's so much fun to speculate 😆
At the beginning, it's stated that Anya was created by accident:
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Maybe she was "an accident" between two prisoners of war or between a prisoner of war being experimented on and a scientist 🤔
So here's another crazy idea: Everyone thinks that Anya learned Classical Language because it was used in the lab by scientists, but what if it was her biological parents the ones who taught her that language in order to be able to communicate with each other?
At some point, I thought that even if we learned about Anya's past there was a possibility we would never know about her parents, now I think we will.
About the Chapter
Clearly, SXF is an anti-war story that wants to show us how terrible war is for EVERYONE. That's why big and small characters, side or main, have been affected greatly by war.
I'm sure plenty of people will talk about Martha and Henry's love story. After this chapter, I think it's clear that they probably were separated by war and that Henry had to marry to save himself, leaving Martha up in the air. (I know I am a fool, but I keep hoping she's the one he married, but I don't think so 😭)
Anyways, leaving the cautionary semi-tragic love story aside (Ahem, watch out Twilight and Yor)...I see what the author is trying to do: The story shows us very clearly what happens to every person when pushed to their limits, when they and their families are in danger. It's a story about loss, loss, and more loss.
The story is trying to make the readers root for peace and be very adamant against war. This is a masterclass on "Show, don't tell." So even if a lot of these stories seem insignificant because it's about side characters, they are meant to influence the readers' point of view about war, so when it reaches the main characters, we all know what could happen to them. These stories are meant to raise the stakes for the main characters.
Now, I've said it before: It's very possible that close to the climax of the story, Ostania and Westalis will be at the verge of a third conflict. By then, we'll know much more about the main characters' background as well as many other stories of side characters affected by war (don't be surprised if The Garden was created as a consequence of it). So when we're close to the end, when war is about to happen, we'll know exactly what could happen to the Forgers, because it has already happened to so many people: loss.
Something to Keep in Mind
The more the story moves forward, the more curious I am about the Desmonds. Since all of the characters were affected by war, I'm wondering how were the Desmond affected? Melinda certainly has issues (did this happen during and because of the war?) and Donovan Desmond is still a BIG question mark. It easy to relate to what normal characters feel. If any of us were going through something similar, we would be terrified too. However, how is it for someone in charge? How did Desmond see and suffer war? I really want to know.
One Last Thing
If in two chapters focusing on two side characters Endo has managed to create such a beautiful love story, can you image what he plans to do with Twiyor, which is the main couple of the story??
I know I say this a lot, but after seeing this my expectations are high and I am convinced it'll be worth the wait.
Food for thought.
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hunieday · 5 months
Green Bubble - Shuffle unit Event Story Translation
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Rokuya Nagi: HIII, everyone! Have you tried "GREEN BUBBLE" yet?
Yotsuba Tamaki: It's us! We are "GREEN BUBBLE"!
Isumi Haruka: It is! right!
Kujo Tenn: That’s right.
Kujo Tenn: "GREEN BUBBLE" is the new product from "Jyuurokugumi" as well as our unit name.
Rokuya Nagi: Yes! "GREEN BUBBLE"!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Pop! Pop! Pop!
Kujo Tenn: What are you doing.
Yotsuba Tamaki: It's the bubble popping dance!
Rokuya Nagi: OH! Pop! Pop!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Ready, everyone~!
Isumi Haruka: Huh!? Pop...
Kujo Tenn: Excuse me. Can we proceed properly?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Oh, yes...
Kujo Tenn: It's a wonderful new product as well as an introduction to our unit, so I'd like to do it properly.
Isumi Haruka: See, we got scolded! I was gonna do it properly too!
Rokuya Nagi: OH! We're not fooling around! It's a wonderful performance! Let's do it together!
Rokuya Nagi: 3, 2, 1...
GREEN BUBBLE: Pop! Pop! Pop!
Isumi Haruka: Wow... Kujo Tenn joined in too...
Yotsuba Tamaki: Don’t you know? Tenn-Tenn’s the kind of character who'd join in stuff like this more than you think he would.
Kujo Tenn: Wait, Yotsuba-san, don't lean your arm on my shoulder.
Yotsuba Tamaki: What about my chin?
Kujo Tenn: Your face is close, too close.
Isumi Haruka: Huh!? Aren't you guys too close!? Is this how it is between you two!?
Yotsuba Tamaki: That's right.
Isumi Haruka: Awesome...
Kujo Tenn: What do you mean awesome?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Isumin, won’t it be cool if you and Nagicchi got close too?
Isumi Haruka: ...! T-that's true, but I heard he might look friendly, but actually be quite closed off.
Rokuya Nagi: OH... Who on earth told you that? That’s a huge misunderstanding.
Isumi Haruka: Um... an acquaintance of mine...
Rokuya Nagi: Well that acquaintance of yours met me in the worst possible way and doesn’t wanna listen to what I want to say.
Rokuya Nagi: The door to my heart in front of you, Isumi-shi, is wide open. Please, come on in.
Isumi Haruka: Alright, well... I'm intruding.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Isumin is inside Nagi's heart right now.
Isumi Haruka: Maybe, yeah...?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Ha. What's it like?
Isumi Haruka: What's it like!? What’s it like uh, um...!? How am I even supposed to answer that!?
Isumi Haruka: It's……uh….. it... it smells nice...?
Yotsuba Tamaki: ...huh...
Rokuya Nagi: ...OH...
Isumi Haruka:.... Stop acting like I bombed a joke!!
Kujo Tenn: Moving on, it's the "8th anniversary! Four Thanks Project!”
Isumi Haruka: Wait, hold on...!
Kujo Tenn: As part of the limited-time unit formation celebration, the "Ask This and That!?" edition.
Kujo Tenn: Let’s get the "GREEN BUBBLE" version started.
Kujo Tenn: Everyone, please support us! Don't let the other units sway you.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Because we're the best, right!?
Rokuya Nagi: Yes! It's really, totally lonely to be separated from the other IDOLiSH7 members, but...
Yotsuba Tamaki: I'm here!
Rokuya Nagi: Tamaki! I love you!
Kujo Tenn: Don't get too cozy. I'm a member now too.
Yotsuba Tamaki: I love you!
Rokuya Nagi: I LOVE YOU!
Kujo Tenn: What about you, Isumi-san?
Isumi Haruka: ...I don't really understand that but!
Isumi Haruka: I hope you love me! Love us! Love this unit, and love "GREEN BUBBLE"!
Kujo Tenn & Yotsuba Tamaki & Rokuya Nagi: Yay!!
Isumi Haruka: W-was that okay? Is it alright?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Don’t worry, it was alright! So cool!
Rokuya Nagi: It was cool!
Kujo Tenn: Well then, let’s read what the staff have to say...
Isumi Haruka: He-... wait! You bastard didn’t tell me your impression yet.
Kujo Tenn: Bastard?
Isumi Haruka: Ah. sorry... your impression, Kujo-san...
Kujo Tenn: It was cool. Your straightforward message opened the door to my heart too.
Rokuya Nagi: OH...! You used the door to your heart! Excellent utilization!
Isumi Haruka: Kujo Tenn said I was cool...
Kujo Tenn: Are you embarrassed?
Isumi Haruka: No. It feels great...
Kujo Tenn: Ah, I see.
Isumi Haruka: I made Kujo Tenn say I was cool...
Kujo Tenn: You’d be cute if you blushed because of me too.
Yotsuba Tamaki: It’s true. Nagicchi you smell nice.
Rokuya Nagi: Tamaki smells nice too! Hm... Is this vanilla?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Bingo! I licked some vanilla extract.
Isumi Haruka: Why!?
Kujo Tenn: You're not supposed to lick it, you know!?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Mikki was trying to make something, and it was on the table.
Yotsuba Tamaki: He drops some on the palm of his hand like this, but it's not that sweet. I fall for it every time.
Isumi Haruka: That's true! His hands smell like vanilla!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Sou-chan finds out every time I do this.
Kujo Tenn: Do you get scolded?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Used to.
Rokuya Nagi: And now?
Yotsuba Tamaki: He says it’s kinda soothing.
Kujo Tenn: You've grown stronger, Osaka-san...
Isumi Haruka: But this might be good when you're hungry.
Yotsuba Tamaki: You turn it into a trend amongst ZOOL.
Isumi Haruka: Got it. I’ll make it a trend within the group first, then make it go viral.
Yotsuba Tamaki: You better credit me when it goes viral.
Kujo Tenn: Smart move.
Rokuya Nagi: Please make my fragrance a trend after that.
Isumi Haruka: Impossible, it sounds too expensive!
Rokuya Nagi: No, no. It's reasonably priced.
Kujo Tenn: I don't think it's all that out of reach. It's a collaboration perfume with Kokona-chan.
Yotsuba Tamaki: How do you know that, Tenntenn!?
Kujo Tenn: Just a little bit of knowledge.
Rokuya Nagi: Welcome to my world.
Isumi Haruka: Somehow we seem to be getting along mysteriously well?! aren't we!
Kujo Tenn: That's a fitting response. Actually, we received a question from the staff.
Kujo Tenn: "Do you guys get along well?"
Isumi Haruka: Perfect timing!
Yotsuba Tamaki: We do!
Rokuya Nagi: We're friends!
Kujo Tenn: We're get along well. Let's continue with the "Ask This and That!?" shuffle talk.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Yes! Then, let's ask other questions!
Kujo Tenn: Yes.
Rokuya Nagi: Yay!
Isumi Haruka: Yeah.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Oh! I’m your MC, Yotsuba Tamaki!
Isumi Haruka: What are you laughing at. Can you even do it properly?
Yotsuba Tamaki: I can! Everyone! Cheer me on!
Rokuya Nagi: Tamaki, fight!
Kujo Tenn: Do your best!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Alright! So who's up first? Isumin?
Isumi Haruka: Huh!? You’re the one who chooses!?
Yotsuba Tamaki: I'm the MC so I'm the king, right!?
Isumi Haruka: That’s not how it works!?
Kujo Tenn: A dangerous person is taking the initiative.
Yotsuba Tamaki: You don’t get it! Maybe that person’s nervous! What should I do, Nagi!?
Rokuya Nagi: Relax, it's okay. Just face that camera and give us some fan service.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Huh!? Fan service!?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Yay!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Wink!
Rokuya Nagi: Wow! So cool!
Yotsuba Tamaki: I calmed down for some reason...
Isumi Haruka: Doing fan service calms you down.
Kujo Tenn: As expected of an idol. That was splendid.
Rokuya Nagi: Isumi-shi, did a question come to your mind right now?
Isumi Haruka: Um, n... not yet!?
Rokuya Nagi: Well then, may I ask a question?
Kujo Tenn: Oh, clever.
Isumi Haruka: You’re so kind!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Nagicchi, you're so mature!!
Rokuya Nagi: Fufufu. Yes. Mitsuki gave me a secret mission yesterday.
Yotsuba Tamaki: What's that!? Did Mikki say something to you?
Rokuya Nagi: Yes.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Try saying it Mikki-style!
Rokuya Nagi: OK.
Rokuya Nagi: Listen, Nagi.
Kujo Tenn: Are unreasonable requests the norm in Ainana?
Isumi Haruka: Scary...
Rokuya Nagi: You guys are the only shuffle units that consists of only teenagers.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Oh, he’s right!
Isumi Haruka: Seriously! Kujo-san, did you notice?!
Kujo Tenn: I sure did.
Rokuya Nagi: You’re the oldest in that group of teenagers, so you gotta be the best brother.
Rokuya Nagi: You gotta protect everyone and be a good leader!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Leader! Nagicchi, you're the leader!? So that's why you supported me!
Rokuya Nagi: Yes! As long as everyone is okay with it, I'll be the leader of this unit!
Yotsuba Tamaki: That's totally fine right?!
Isumi Haruka: Yeah! Izumi's brother is so kind too!
Kujo Tenn: Yes, that's right. We’ll be in your care, Rokuya-san.
Rokuya Nagi: Thanks!
Rokuya Nagi: So if I'm the leader, then I'm practically a king...
Isumi Haruka: Hm!? I heard that line somewhere before!?
Kujo Tenn: You're also a dangerous person.
Yotsuba Tamaki: I know this one! You usurped me!!
Rokuya Nagi: Alright! Let's do it! Please answer this upcoming question!
Rokuya Nagi: Which idol, other than the members of your own group, would respond to your rabbit chat right away?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Other than our own group... You mean other than the members of this unit, right? Not IDOLiSH7?
Isumi Haruka: So, other than… the members of ŹOOḼ!?
Kujo Tenn: You mean someone from another idol group than TRIGGER?
Rokuya Nagi: Yes.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Sounds interesting! I wonder who would respond immediately!?
Isumi Haruka: Huh? You mean we’re gonna text someone right here and now!?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Yes yes! Other than members of our own groups!
Isumi Haruka: Huhhh...?
Kujo Tenn: ...
Yotsuba Tamaki: What’s up with you two, why so serious? I’m sure there's at least one guy who’d respond, right?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Especially Tenntenn, he's a guaranteed winner, right!? Anyone would be happy to get a rabbichat from you!
Kujo Tenn: Too risky. It's dangerous precisely because they'd be happy. ...But well, understood.
Isumi Haruka: Understood means you figured it out? Huh!? Who?
Kujo Tenn: It's a secret. Have you decided?
Isumi Haruka: Have I...
Isumi Haruka: There's only one person, do you think they’d respond..?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Huh? Why are you asking me? Oh...! Ah…
Isumi Haruka: Yotsuba, did you want to text them?
Yotsuba Tamaki: No, they're from my group. It's fine, I'll give it to Isumin.
Isumi Haruka: Okay, then I'll take this one.
Yotsuba Tamaki: "Take this one", that’s hilarious. They’re probably gonna reply now.
Isumi Haruka: Awesome!
Rokuya Nagi: Oh... It's a private conversation...
Kujo Tenn: I think I know who Isumi-san is referring to.
Yotsuba Tamaki: What should I do... Oh, Tenntenn.
Kujo Tenn: What?
Yotsuba Tamaki: ...Is the big guy working right now?
Kujo Tenn: .........The big guy is working right now.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Oh, too bad!
Isumi Haruka: I get why you’re talking like that but... who could it be...?
Rokuya Nagi: The big guy might be available. He mentioned that the shoot was interrupted due to rain earlier.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Huh? How do you know?
Rokuya Nagi: He just sent me a photo a moment ago. It's a late-blooming cherry blossom.
Isumi Haruka: Cherry blossoms...
Kujo Tenn: Ah... Thank you very much for your help that day.
Rokuya Nagi: Likewise. I was able to witness your wonderful stage.
Rokuya Nagi: It’s a memory I will cherish forever. Thank you very much.
Kujo Tenn: It's an honor. I'm genuinely happy from the bottom of my heart.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Isumin, you probably don't know. Nagi helped a lot with the "Zero" musical.
Rokuya Nagi: I didn't do anything. We just talked about memories.
Rokuya Nagi: The big guy turned those memories into a magnificent performance and created an unprecedented piece of art.
Kujo Tenn: I’m glad to hear that... I’m sure Ryuu will be delighted to hear that too.
Yotsuba Tamaki: You just said his name.
Kujo Tenn: Ah, sorry.
Yotsuba Tamaki: It was so obvious. Well then, should I try sending a rabbichat to the big guy since we might get an answer?
Isumi Haruka: Doesn't that ruin the surprise? You should go for someone else.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Nah, the person Isumin’s targeting ain’t really a surprise anymore, right?
Kujo Tenn: I don’t think you’d be able to guess who I’m choosing.
Yotsuba Tamaki: It’s definitely the first person.
Isumi Haruka: Who did you choose? Isn't it that person?
Rokuya Nagi: If it's that person, I think they'll respond right away.
Kujo Tenn: I think they’re quite different from who you all are imagining.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Huh!? Who!?
Rokuya Nagi: OH! The person I’m imagining is definitely waiting for a chat from Kujo-shi!
Kujo Tenn: Sorry, but there are plenty of people waiting for a rabbichat from me.
Yotsuba Tamaki: There it is! The little devil!
Kujo Tenn: Can I send it now?
Rokuya Nagi: Please go ahead.
Isumi Haruka: Who is it!?
Kujo Tenn: I wonder if they’ll respond... Oh, they've already seen it.
Kujo Tenn: They responded quickly! Oh, they also sent a photo.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Who? Who is it?
Kujo Tenn: Momo-san.
Rokuya Nagi & Isumi Haruka: Oh!
Kujo Tenn: "Good luck with the recording!" he said. He sent a selfie with Yuki-san.
Rokuya Nagi: OH! It's a tulip field!
Isumi Haruka: What are they doing? They're holding a big picnic basket and a shovel.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Are they on location or something?
Kujo Tenn: He says it’s their day off today.
Isumi Haruka: What the hell are Re:vale doing...
Yotsuba Tamaki: He sent more messages! Read them all.
Kujo Tenn: Do we really need to?
Yotsuba Tamaki: You better read them! Momorin sent them to you!
Kujo Tenn: …
Kujo Tenn: "Tenn-chan really wuvs me lots mwah mwah, I’m with darling right now but I will give you my wuv too!"
Rokuya Nagi: In other words, the direct translation is "You seem to like me, but since I'm with my most beloved right now, I'll share some of my love with you."
Kujo Tenn: Am I being rejected?
Yotsuba Tamaki: That's hilarious!
Kujo Tenn: But thank you for your reply, Re:vale-san.
Yotsuba Tamaki: It's a shame Re:vale’s not in this unit. I’m happy we could mingle!
Isumi Haruka: Aren’t you being too casual with your seniors!?
Yotsuba Tamaki: It’s fine!
Kujo Tenn: Who's going next?
Isumi Haruka: Oh! I'll go.
Isumi Haruka: Please… Please respond...
Isumi Haruka: …
Kujo Tenn & Yotsuba Tamaki & Rokuya Nagi: ..........
Isumi Haruka: Huh, there’s still no read receipt...
Yotsuba Tamaki: Damn it! Nagicchi, isn't our number one person free right now?
Rokuya Nagi: Our number one person is at school today.
Yotsuba Tamaki: But isn't it lunchtime?
Isumi Haruka: Maybe they're busy…?
Kujo Tenn: What should we do? Wait for a response?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Hmm... Is there no one else, Isumin?
Isumi Haruka: Huh!? They're not here! Can I not text ŹOOḼ!?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Nope.
Isumi Haruka: I don't have any other friends Besides ŹOOḼ...
Kujo Tenn: If I were in a different unit I would have responded right away.
Isumi Haruka: Huh!? That's... Stop teasing me, you little devil! Don't say things that'll get my hopes up!!
Kujo Tenn: But it's true?
Isumi Haruka: Huuhh!? You're embarrassing me…! Wait, don't take a picture.
Kujo Tenn: Hehe...
Yotsuba Tamaki: Good for you, Isumin.
Rokuya Nagi: That’s a page of youth.
Isumi Haruka: What should I do, though...do we wait for Izumi’s reply? Ah. I said his name.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Then you can use my partner!
Isumi Haruka: Th-the one that starts with "O"!?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Yup. The three of us talked in a group chat before. They'll respond right away now.
Isumi Haruka: Wait, hold on. I'm nervous... What should I say...
Rokuya Nagi: Why don’t you send a sticker?
Isumi Haruka: A sticker!?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Remember the dinosaur one? The one where the dinosaur breaks the door. That one's good.
Isumi Haruka: Why!? That’s so rude outta nowhere!?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Maybe they'll feel a connection.
Rokuya Nagi: The gaogao dinosaur is so cute! I like T-kun too.
Isumi Haruka: Oh... Thanks. I kinda... like T-kun too.
Rokuya Nagi: Yay! He’s one of us.
Isumi Haruka: This person looks flashy, but they're nice... Alright, I'll send this sticker.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Go for it!
Kujo Tenn: Will it show as read?
Isumi Haruka: It did!
Yotsuba Tamaki: What did they say? what did Sou-chan say?
Isumi Haruka: Um…
Isumi Haruka:  "Thank you for your help. What a cheerful dinosaur. If this was sent by mistake, no need to reply."
Kujo Tenn: He’s so serious.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Ahahaha! Sou-chan, that's hilarious.
Isumi Haruka: It sure is...
Yotsuba Tamaki: So?
Isumi Haruka: S-So what?
Yotsuba Tamaki: What did you think?
Isumi Haruka: He kinda…He  used a lot of polite language and seemed very kind...
Yotsuba Tamaki: Ah, yeah, that's true. I'll tell him that you called him kind.
Kujo Tenn: No, this is being recorded.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Oh, right. Everything’s being filmed! Man, now I'm kinda embarrassed!
Rokuya Nagi: There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Just give that camera some fan service.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Yay! No need to reply!
Kujo Tenn: Should you really be saying that line with that smug look on your face?
Isumi Haruka: Haa... Anyways, I’m clear for now. Hm? This isn’t a mission, is it?
Rokuya Nagi: Yes! It’s nothing more than simple question.
Kujo Tenn: Last but not least, Yotsuba. Who are you sending the rabbichat to?
Yotsuba Tamaki: The big guy from TRIGGER. Everyone, gather around a bit.
Rokuya Nagi: Are you sending a photo?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Yup. Look at the screen.
Kujo Tenn: A rare group photo.
Isumi Haruka: Oh... I kinda want this photo too...
Yotsuba Tamaki: I’ll send it to you. Alrighty, let's do this on the count of three...
Rokuya Nagi: Yay! Click.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Nice! One more time. Click.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Thanks. I'll send it now!
Isumi Haruka: Let me see. How is it?
Kujo Tenn: It's a nice photo, isn't it?
Isumi Haruka: Amazing! Great photo! It really feels like we're friends!
Rokuya Nagi: I'm happy! Another precious photo to add to the collection!
Kujo Tenn: I wonder if Ryuu saw it?
Yotsuba Tamaki: He saw it and... Oh, he already replied!
Yotsuba Tamaki: "Thanks for the photo. Your shoot seems to be going well. I'm having lunch right now."
Yotsuba Tamaki: ...And he sent a photo of his lunch!
Rokuya Nagi: OH... Why didn't he just send a selfie?
Isumi Haruka: Looks delicious! I like this pink furikake-like sweet thing! (1)
Kujo Tenn: It's sakuradafu, isn't it? (2)
Isumi Haruka: Cherry blossoms?
Kujo Tenn: No, it's supposed to be fish paste.
Isumi Haruka: Fish!?
Yotsuba Tamaki: I’m glad we got a reply! I'll thank Ryuu-aniki for the photo!
Kujo Tenn: Okay.
Isumi Haruka: Are we finally done with the first question?
Rokuya Nagi: Sorry. I made it a difficult question.
Isumi Haruka: It's okay, it was fun! So, can I ask the next question? I think it'll be quick!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Sure.
Kujo Tenn: Go ahead.
Isumi Haruka: Um, so, how do you guys feel about your managers?
Kujo Tenn: Our manager? I've known them for a long time, they're someone I can trust.
Isumi Haruka: Like a family member?
Kujo Tenn: It’s a bit different than that. I consider them one of the most important members of TRIGGER who’s not visible to the public.
Kujo Tenn: It’s most likely the same for Gaku and Ryuu?
Isumi Haruka: Ha...that’s great.
Isumi Haruka: What about you guys, Yotsuba?
Yotsuba Tamaki: We get along really well. They're super nice, super funny, and super cool. 
Isumi Haruka: I get it, MEZZO”’s manager is so cool.
Rokuya Nagi: IDOLiSH7’s manager is also very kind and very sincere. They always listen to me.
Isumi Haruka: They always listen to you huh, do you talk to them about stuff other than work?
Rokuya Nagi: Sometimes we ask them for advice, but we also chat like friends.
Isumi Haruka: I see...
Yotsuba Tamaki: Why this question?
Isumi Haruka: It's just... You know, ŹOOḼ has a manager.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Duh.
Isumi Haruka: And, in this project, the four members of ŹOOḼ were shuffled into four different units, right?
Isumi Haruka: And each of us went to record songs and shoot music videos for those units.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Yepyep.
Isumi Haruka: So... I wish I didn’t, but I ended up asking which song they liked the most?
Rokuya Nagi: What was the response?
Isumi Haruka: "Good Good Games."
Kujo Tenn&Yotsuba Tamaki&Rokuya Nagi: Oh...
Isumi Haruka: “Oh” right!? It's like, you know! The manager’s face changed to worry as soon as he replied...!
Yotsuba Tamaki: That's not cool...
Isumi Haruka: Right!? It feels like they're not mine anymore, you know!?
Rokuya Nagi: I sense some jealousy here.
Isumi Haruka: Touma was happy then suddenly felt a bit uneasy. Minami, Torao and I just acted like nothing happened.
Isumi Haruka: Well, it's my fault for asking!
Kujo Tenn: Personal preferences are personal preferences, so it's okay. It's different from who they value the most.
Kujo Tenn: I understand why you'd feel complicated.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Does it happen with TRIGGER?
Kujo Tenn: We've been together for a long time, so we understand our manager's preferences.
Kujo Tenn: But we still feel a drive to compete with each other, as if we want to be chosen by them.
Isumi Haruka: Why are you not shaken up? I get upset and depressed easily…
Yotsuba Tamaki: No, I get why you feel that way. I’d be depressed if my manager told me Sou-chan was better.
Rokuya Nagi: I also want my manager to praise me first...
Kujo Tenn: Isn't that fine? That just means you have a good relationship.
Isumi Haruka: Are you sure!? Aren't you internally sighing at how childish we are!?
Kujo Tenn: It's fine, right? We're all kids.
Yotsuba Tamaki: What's up, Tenntenn!? Aren't you being a bit lenient!? Is it because the camera's still rolling!
Isumi Haruka: Ah, the camera...
Kujo Tenn: Come on.
Isumi Haruka: ...Um. Kujo…san…Remember when, uh... you said, uh...
Kujo Tenn: Yes?
Isumi Haruka: You said you don't do idol work to be praised, you do it for yourself.
Kujo Tenn: That's right.
Yotsuba Tamaki: What's with that!? That's so cool...
Isumi Haruka: Since then, I've started to, um... worry about... whether I'm doing it to be praised.
Kujo Tenn: That's admirable.
Isumi Haruka: Again... You're really...
Kujo Tenn: I mean it honestly. I think you're admirable.
Isumi Haruka: ...Because, you know, if you're doing it to be praised, then when something happens, you end up blaming the other person.
Isumi Haruka: You end up saying "I told you to do it", or “I didn’t wanna do it”, or “It’s all your fault”.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Ah, I get it.
Rokuya Nagi: That's very important.
Isumi Haruka: Right. That's why it doesn’t matter to me. I'll sing my songs for myself with everyone here.
Isumi Haruka: It doesn't matter if I'm not chosen by my manager or the world as the best.
Kujo Tenn: Let's aim for the top.
Isumi Haruka: Huhhh!?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Hell yeah! I wanna be the most popular in the unit!
Rokuya Nagi: I want to be popular too! "Never Green" is a wonderful song!
Isumi Haruka: Ah... When you say it like that, I want to be popular too.
Isumi Haruka: Yeah, I want to be the most popular after all! But Kujo-san is so far ahead...
Kujo Tenn: What are you talking about? Aiming for the top is the best feeling. 
Kujo Tenn: As long as you don’t hurt yourself or the others if you don’t reach it.
Isumi Haruka: Yeah…
Kujo Tenn: I wanna be popular too.
Isumi Haruka: Ahaha! That line doesn’t suit you.
Kujo Tenn: Why not? I want to be properly popular. Let's make the best performance with this song. One that makes all the other members jealous.
Rokuya Nagi: That's wonderful! Let's make them jealous! The idea makes my heart dance!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Exciting! Let's win over the adults as the children’s group!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Oh... We got so excited as if we reached the climax but we still have some questions left.
Rokuya Nagi: We got into quite a deep topic. Let's keep it light. Who’s next?
Kujo Tenn: Okay.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Yeah. Can I go next?
Kujo Tenn: Go ahead.
Yotsuba Tamaki: In relation to our song "Never Green," what's your favorite vegetable?
Kujo Tenn: Vegetable!?
Yotsuba Tamaki: I'm not really into veggies. But Sou-chan and Mikki said I should eat them.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Give me some recommendations! If you can't eat vegetables, plants are okay too!
Rokuya Nagi: Corn! It's sweet, has a nice texture, fresh, and it's really tasty.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Corn is so good! It's my favorite vegetable too!
Kujo Tenn: I’ve been into beets lately.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Beets?
Kujo Tenn: It's a pink vegetable. It's delicious even when made into jam.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Isn’t it a fruit if you can make jam out of it?
Kujo Tenn: I think it's a vegetable. It looks like turnip.
Yotsuba Tamaki: I see. How about you, Isumin?
Isumi Haruka: I like all vegetables, but I’ve noticed that I quite enjoy mint lately.
Yotsuba Tamaki: You've been eating mint ice cream for a while now.
Isumi Haruka: All ice cream tastes good, you know! Sometimes I put fresh leaves in and make tea out of it.
Rokuya Nagi: OH! Fresh herb tea is delicious!
Yotsuba Tamaki: How classy!
Isumi Haruka: Yeah! It looks beautiful. Minami made it for me.
Isumi Haruka: He's been growing them at home lately. He’s growing herbs in small planters…
Yotsuba Tamaki: Hm? Don’t we have a ton of these at home too?
Kujo Tenn: We have a lot of them as well. Parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme...
Rokuya Nagi: It’s a Dokidoki Cultivation kit from some "Magical★Kokona" blind goods. I bought them in bulk and distributed them.
Kujo Tenn: Really!?
Rokuya Nagi: It seems that Natsume-shi's cultivation kit landed on mint. I'm glad Isumi-shi liked it.
Isumi Haruka: Ah... Y-Yeah... Thank you...
Isumi Haruka: It's really taking over the pot.
Kujo Tenn: Mint is fertile and reproduces quickly. Oh, wait a minute...
Kujo Tenn: I think Re:vale went to plant their herbs then?
Rokuya Nagi: OH!
Kujo Tenn: I was negotiating with Yuki-san to offer him the rosemary Gaku harvested the other day.
Kujo Tenn: But even Yuki-san’s family home ended up troubled with a large harvest of herbs.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Did they rent a field or something?
Rokuya Nagi: I think they’ll land in trouble if they plant these on the ground…
Isumi Haruka: We should let them know...
Rokuya Nagi: Let's contact them later. Well then, last one! Kujo-shi!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Huh!? Isn't it my turn to MC!?
Isumi Haruka: It's fine, anyone can do it.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Are you sure!? Okay then.
Kujo Tenn: Yes. Well then, I'd like to ask a question.
Kujo Tenn: It's also related to this song.
Kujo Tenn: “Never Green” is about someone who has had bitter experiences in their past, looking back and affirming who they are now.
Kujo Tenn: I think it’s that kind of song.
Rokuya Nagi: Yes, it is. It evokes the feeling of euphoria after going through and overcoming something.
Kujo Tenn: That's right. I think everyone here has overcome or endured something.
Kujo Tenn: If you were to meet your past self, what would you tell them?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Ah...
Yotsuba Tamaki: It will be alright. You’re gonna go through tough times, but they all lead to being okay.
Rokuya Nagi: It's okay. I have a similar sentiment. What's different from Tamaki is...
Rokuya Nagi: You don’t have to hate, and you don’t have to be wary. It’s okay.
Rokuya Nagi: Everyone you meet will become someone you love.
Isumi Haruka: Wow... Somehow... Yeah, I get it...
Kujo Tenn: And what about you, Isumi-san?
Isumi Haruka: I still can't... I can't seem to find kind words to tell myself. I feel like I'd say something like "You idiot" or "It's your fault"...
Yotsuba Tamaki: Ah...
Kujo Tenn: And aside from those accusatory words?
Isumi Haruka: ...Aside from them...
Kujo Tenn: Yeah. I think it's good to say something nice to yourself.
Isumi Haruka: Mm...
Isumi Haruka: ...Hang in there, I guess. Just a little more, so hang in there.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Yeah. I want you to overcome this. I want to go pick you up myself.
Yotsuba Tamaki: We're all here for you.
Isumi Haruka: Stop it! You're trying to make me cry...!
Yotsuba Tamaki: I'm not! Are you gonna cry?
Isumi Haruka: I'm not gonna cry!
Kujo Tenn: Thank you for your answers, everyone. Each answer really touched my heart.
Isumi Haruka: Thank you.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Thanks a bunch.
Rokuya Nagi: I had a great time! Tamaki, will you wrap this up?
Yotsuba Tamaki: I’ll leave it to you.
Kujo Tenn: He’ll leave it to you.
Isumi Haruka: He's so carefree...
Rokuya Nagi: "8th Anniversary! Four Thanks Project"!
Rokuya Nagi: Celebrating the formation of our limited-time unit! This concludes the "Ask this and that!?" segment, "GREEN BUBBLE" version!
Audience: Kyaaaaaaah…!
Kujo Tenn: Good evening! Welcome to"GREEN BUBBLE"’s live! I'm "GREEN BUBBLE"’s Kujo Tenn!
Audience: Kyaaaaaaah…!
Yotsuba Tamaki: I'm "GREEN BUBBLE"’s Yotsuba Tamaki! Everyone! Let's get insanely pumped up during our live!
Audience: Kyaaaaaaah…!
Rokuya Nagi: I'm "GREEN BUBBLE"’s Rokuya Nagi! We may be the youngest, but we'll make your hearts race the most...!
Audience: Kyaaaaaaah..!
Isumi Haruka: We need more voices!
Audience: Kyaaaaaaah…!
Isumi Haruka: Crave us more! Drink us up...!
Audience: Kyaaaaaaah…!!
Isumi Haruka: I'm "GREEN BUBBLE"’s Isumi Haruka!
Audience: Kyaaaaaaah…!!
Kujo Tenn: Here we go! "8th Anniversary! Four Thanks Project"!
Yotsuba Tamaki: To the 1,000 lucky winners!
Rokuya Nagi: The "Miracle Limited-Time 4 Unit Thanks Live"!
Isumi Haruka: Let's do this...!
Audience: Kyaaaaaaah…!
Kujo Tenn: Listen to us. This is our unit song, which is also the commercial song for "GREEN BUBBLE"!
Kujo Tenn: Ready...!
GREEN BUBBLE: "Never Green"!
The end.
Furikake: Rice seasoning.
Sakuradafu: Fish that has been finely shredded, seasoned and colored pink. Haruka thinks it’s cherry blossoms because of its name containing “Sakura (cherry blossoms)”
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thattimdrakeguy · 5 months
I'm reading the Batman Zdarsky run in reverse. That way if I see any bull I can back out at anytime: and to be honest--besides a few things. I really enjoy it
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LIKE YO, THAT IS JUST STRAIGHT UP TIM DRAKE RIGHT THERE. It knows who he is as a character. his motives, it's great.
Screw the people complaining "oh why is tim still robin :((", THIS IS WHY HE IS STILL ROBIN. Because this is when he's at his BEST. When he gets to hit his character purpose, WHEN HE GETS TO BE HIM AT HIS MOST HIM. It's FANTASTIC.
Reading in reverse because I know I hated the first story, it was so contrived and ridiculous.
But this--this is some good shit.
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Tim being an underdog fighter, having to use his wits to win the fight? MY DAWG, MY DUDE, MY GUYS, MY GALS, MY THEMS, MY THEYS, THIS IS SO TIMMY DRAKE. This is so damn Tim Drake, guys. Oh, my gosh, I am loving this so far.
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Dick has his temper back? And trust me, he isn't normally like this. But he's hitting a limit AND IT'S SOMETHING NEW, NOT JUST A REFERENCE. HE'S ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING HE'D DO, 'CAUSE HE'S AT HIS LIMIT. That's wonderful, man. That is so wonderful.
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Plus Tim is the heart of the Bat-Family again? This feels like someone actually went back to read these characters before writing it. I'm not saying everything is perfect of course, but these high marks are exceeding all my expectations. And I STOPPED reading comics because of how the beginning of this run destroyed any hope I had.
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You guys have no idea how much I'm enjoying the few issues I've read. Besides the cussing (I remember after a bit they decided Tim was someone who used funny words instead of proper cusses), this feels like the Tim I know and love during the era I especially loved him.
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Tim comparing himself to his predecessors? Tim not being a natural? A WRITER REMEMBERING THAT?? It's been so long since I've seen that! Most writers treat him like he was another prodigy when he wasn't. AND THIS GUY REMEMBERED THAT!
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I shouldn't be so happy at just seeing Tim do Tim things, and serving his character purpose. BUT YOU GUYS HAVE NO IDEA HOW LONG IT'S BEEN SINCE A WRITER KNEW WHAT TIM WAS SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE.
Only complaints I have is that Jason feels like a typical Bat-Family member, and not the sketchy outsider that he is. Making him so close makes his character more bland in my opinion. And Steph is--also generic af unless she's wacky quirky...which is a characterization I hate for her, because she started off so damn interesting, but they made her a freaking trope instead, which is such a disservice to her, but she barely does anything so far, so whatever I guess. Doesn't mean much.
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This is the first honest thing I've seen that I hated.
Not this
This isn't the Bat-Family
This is a sitcom world the fandom wants to be the Bat-Family and some comply with
They're not a sitcom. The conflicts, and uniqueness of the characters is what makes things feel alive and well.
This stuff is cheap fanservice for the fanon demographic that doesn't buy comics to begin with.
Fanon doesn't belong in canon.
I mean sure Tim could be drawn smaller, the gag of him looking 12 when he's nearly 18 doesn't work when he's bigger than Damian who is 15 (and contrary to some bullshit comics isn't meant to be small. that was a random thing added for writers who aren't clever to write better humor. it actually contradicts things that were already established).
Don't see the big deal though for most of this.
Can't wait to find it, though. Oh boy.
This whole obsession with Zur Batman, is way over done though. So--I wouldn't be shocked if that was the problem, because my golly does that plot point not seem to be stopping--and it was there from the start and part of the reason why I didn't read it 'til now.
Good Tim tho, at least. So heehee, yey for that--I think--I guess.
Oh, well.
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It let me peak at a pseudo-version of an AU I made up years ago. So that's pretty freaking cool.
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Always a plus.
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And redoing Red Robin story beats but better? Normally I'd hate references to Red Robin, 'cause that changed the perception of so many characters for the worst, but ayy, a bit of redemption isn't bad.
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Man, just seeing simple stuff like Tim and Bruce being good ol' classic Batman and Robin warms my heart. It's been so long since Batman and Robin has acted like a proper classic Batman and Robin. It's dynamic that's been sorely missed by many.
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Like, DUDE, this is such a Tim thing for him to do!!
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And he's showing emotion?? He's crying like how he does?? Because he's not a typical Bat-Family member who just angsts his way through?? THEY'RE MAKING HIM STAND-OUT AGAIN BY MAKING HIM, HIM??
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Like this part is why I originally stopped reading, not because Bruce should think Tim is his soldier, and not his son, THE FREAKING OPPOSITE.
But because the original story has Bruce acting weird when unneeded, just to say this was so unneeded, and adding in all these stupid corny Bat-Family moments was so groan worthy.
This run started off with a story that was a total turn off for me.
To end up being a run that could've kept me enjoying DC, rather than running away from it from as far as I have.
Chip Zdarsky started off awful, but really, he ended up great.
And I've seen people complain about his run, and TRUST ME, there's stuff to complain about. But I have only ever seen the stuff worth complaining about, or stuff I WOULD complain about.
At least when Tim is around.
Go figure.
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Maybe I should've paid sole attention to how he wrote Tim and nothing else at the very least for that first story.
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'Cause even in the first story, Tim was well-written--it's how cheap the rest of the story telling was in that first story that turned me off--and the weird knew about the movie plans that I am still fully judging harshly. (Love the new Superman film suit, though)
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
looking for your favorites 3 (sagau)
synopsis !! they can't possibly be your favorite character. . . right?
characters !! wanderer, scaramouche, chongyun, abyss prince aether, razor
note !! EVERYTHING WAS WRITTEN IN MY FREETIME bit by bit, hence why it sometimes sounds a little off i guess? i tried to fix it as much as i could ++ I'm honestly not sure if I can continue writing for the og sagau concept, I keep twisting it into something else eeh- heheheh
contains !! gn reader, mild religious themes, honestly the sagau concept is a little everywhere in this one, i couldnt seem to settle on one type, spoilers on sumeru's archon quest, scaramouche/wanderer spoilers
• • •
A Genshin Player typically has a variety of characters to choose from. Such options can range from free-to-play characters to limited five stars. Regardless of how much one invested in the game, they're bound to have at least a handful of options.
This is what all characters are aware of— that they are options among hundreds to thousands of vision holders across Teyvat, with every character being special and enticing in their own way.
There's no way they could be the favorite.
He doesn't quite know who he is.
He doesn't understand what his purpose is either.
He just wanders, lost, nation to nation in hopes of maybe discovering a sense of fulfillment.
And with all the wandering he's done, he -of course- has heard about you. A special entity to this world. A small part of him wonders if you'd know the answers to his questions (or perhaps, you could make use of him? If he could be useful to someone like you, then surely he would feel fulfilled?).
Despite his quiet hopes, he wasn't in any rush to find you. Nor did he hope for you to actually make use of him. He just continued wandering, from the mountains of Liyue to the forests of Sumeru— all the way to where he is now. The barren desert, with nothing but sand for miles and miles to see (and perhaps that rather intimidating, flipped pyramid at a distance).
Needless to say, he wasn't expecting you of all people to follow his tracks out into the desert.
At first you were just a spech amongst the sands, then you became clearer with your approach, showing more and more the familiar features he once saw in passing amongst statues or paintings.
When you were finally within hearing distance, you raised a hand as if to call out his name, hesitating for a moment before deciding what to say—
He tilts his head, pausing to face you as you walk closer. The sand around you stills, as if no longer fighting against every footstep you take, and instead assisting you to come closer.
"You are. . . the one this world was created for, right?" He asks unsure as soon as you were close enough
"I suppose I am?" You reply with a laugh, and he finds that he quite likes your laugh. "I tried looking for you, I'm glad I caught up before you got too deep into the desert."
"You tried looking for me. . ? Why?"
"Because how could I visit Teyvat without meeting you?" You smile softly. He looks away, it doesn't make sense.
"Meeting me, huh. . . then may I ask for a favor?"
"Anything you want."
His eyes catches yours -sunlight hitting them just right- and without missing a beat, "Can I be of use to you? Can you give me purpose?"
You freeze, hands to your side as you stare back at him. In truth, you were expecting something like this, but now? So soon on your first meeting? He looks back seriously.
"Sca– Wanderer," You begin, "You're doing this. . . to find out who you are, right?"
He nods. You sigh.
"Well. . . I know a friend back in the city who can help you. They're a traveler as well. In fact, you can say they're a friend of yours!"
"A friend of mine. . ?"
"Trust me. You'll love them. And shall we go back?"
Go back? He wonders. There's miles and miles of sand around you.
"It would be nightfall soon. I don't think we'd be able to make it back today. I'm sorry."
You turn to him, lips in a wide smile. There's something wrapped between your fingers as you hold it out for him to catch. He opens his palm, it settles down slowly— it's. . . an anemo vision. Glowing brightly.
"Why walk when we can fly?" You grin.
bonus :
"Don't you feel hot at all?" You whine, shielding your eyes from the glare of sunlight.
"I have a hat."
"I see. . . "
* It's conflicting, really. Scaramouche despises gods— their invisible influence taunting him like he was a defective product, like he should be ashamed to ever think he could stand on their level.
* You were... an oddity in his feelings towards such powerful beings. The world was made for you, catered to you, and people naturally adored you (just like how they adored the traveler you've shown your favor to).
* So when you, the being which his very world was created for your entertainment, landed in Teyvat, as human as any human could be— he didn't know what to expect.
* He didn't care. There are hundreds for you to meet, and he's not about to wait in line, dilly-dallying for your attention like a common peasant.
* But in the open halls of the Tsaritsa's palace, you approach with the quick pattering of your heels.
* The crowd of Fatui workers naturally part as soon as they noticed your approach. It's odd enough to hear that the player begged to go to Snezhnaya -land of nothing but barren snow- but to rush to Scaramouche's main headquarters? Unheard of!
* Yet there you were, face to face with a single option out of hundreds (the single option you chose).
"What in Teyvat are you. . ." He trails off, his face scrunched between irritation and shock. He doesn't know what to say, really. Would insulting you incur some sort of divine fury?
"I came looking for you!" You reply.
He thinks you're an idiot. He shouldn't call you that, right? Would it damn him to the abyss or something?
"Why. . ." He tries to form the words, "Why in Teyvat would you–" He pauses, looking around at the small crowd.
With a glare, the Fatui agents scatter away from the hall. It doesn't take much to scare them away like little rats. As he turns back to you, you look back unafraid, if not a little excited.
"Why are you here? Do you pity me, is that it?" He asks with a bite to his voice.
"I– what? So you admit it?" He scoffs, is there a limit to your shamelessness? Is this a trait natural to the gods? "Unbelievable."
"I pity you, everything you went through, but that's not the reason why I'm here! Isn't it obvious?" You say, a wide grin beginning to form, "You're my absolute favorite!"
He freezes. What? Absolutely. . . favorite?
As if understanding his speechlessness, you continue on, "I've been wanting to meet you since the very first event– ahem, first time I saw you!"
"You truly are an odd one." He mumbles under his breath because why him? Why the one who was abandoned and used numerous times? He's merely a puppet without a heart.
An empty vessel.
"And why should I believe you?" He says unconvincingly, arms folded. He notices the little chatter behind the walls, those darn recruits are listening in.
"Why would I be here if you're not my favorite?" You quip back.
He scoffs, "I don't know, but there's certainly something wrong with you in the head. You're not exactly what I expected."
"If you were expecting a certain level of power, then I could still do that. I can give you gifts."
". . . gifts?" He tilts his head.
"Artifacts, weapons, talents— they're all for you since the very beginning anyway!"
Artifacts, weapons. . . power? He thinks. Truly, if you were such an ultimate being, you could provide him anything? As if pondering over it, he suddenly pauses.
Yes, indeed you could give him these things.
But why him?
Because of favorites?
How could he be favored when he was once thrown away.
". . . Can you give me a gnosis?" He says, voice uncharacteristically soft.
"Um. . . we'll work on that. Maybe on the later arcs."
* Despite modern Liyue's sovereignty from gods, it's still a nation that values traditions and piety. It's natural that with your arrival, you only deserve the best!
* That included invites from some of the highest ranking nobles and guilds. It's no surprise that Xingqiu, the second son of the largest Commerce Guild, makes an appearance to greet you in the Jade Palace, his brother and parents already done with their turns.
* Xingqiu expected a lot from you, maybe discussions of the arts (or perhaps you're even interested in novels?). What he didn't expect was for you to ask such a random question.
"Oh Xingqiu! You're here! Ah– but where's Chongyun?"
He only pauses for a second. Chongyun may be the son of a longstanding exorcist clan, but they're not much to boast about in terms of influence or wealth. Chongyun is... well, Chongyun. His dear best friend.
"I apologize, I wasn't aware that you'd like to meet him as well. Chongyun should be. . . hmm around the harbor by now, perhaps." He stands straight from his bow, "We were planning on meeting after this, your Holiness, to look for haunted h— I mean, to stroll Wuwang Hill."
You already know what they're up to as you clasp your hands together.
"Excellent! I'll go with you!"
"Wait- what?"
* Oh poor Chongyun, he would be a frantic mess in disbelief. It was hard enough to believe that you suddenly went to Liyue, but to approach him of all people? Did you mistake him for someone else? Are you going to ask for directions? Did he do something wrong?
* The thoughts swirling around his head is enough to destabilize his yang energy as you helplessly reassure him that you're there because you want to meet him as soon as you could.
"Chongyun!" You rush up to him, arms wide in an embrace— the cryo allogene freezes in place, stares with his cat-like eyes in wonder because wait, wait, wait– is the one and only controller of this world approaching him for a hug?
"I- Wait, me?" He stutters, tumbling over his words as you smile. His arms are awkwardly raised, unsure if he should hug you back.
"Yes! I met Xingqiu a while back and was wondering why you weren't with him."
"You- you were looking for me?"
"Of course I have! I've always wanted to meet you in person like this!"
As you squeeze him in your arms, you feel him go limp as his face turns red in heat.
"Oh no! His yang energy!"
Aether knew he was damned. The minute he resolved to see through everything till the end, despite everyone thinking otherwise, he knew no one would understand why he decided to do this.
Alone, is how he decided to do this. So he sits lonely on a throne in the nave of what seems to be a dark cathedral. The walls depicting menacing murals of an era where everything went wrong. The abyss mages that normally float in worship are no where to be seen, just the way he wanted it.
Until you appeared, the little soft patter of footsteps echoing down his aisle, the heavy doors moving back to reveal your underwhelming entrance. He sees you and he wonders if he expected you to come, to blame him or get angry because how could he stray so far from his oh-so-favored sister, Lumine.
Yet, you walk up to him with a look of what seems to be sorrow.
"Are you here to blame me?" He asks and his voice echoes against cavernous walls.
"Blame you? No. . ." You reply.
"Then do you pity me?"
"Aether, I just want to understand." You confidently say, finally by the foot of his throne. He doesn't feel comfortable looking down on you like this, not you, so he stands to approach your eye level.
"Shouldn't you already understand?" He questions, curious.
"I— don't. . . I don't know everything there is to this world."
Aether frowns. Maybe because he was hoping that you of all people -mortal or god- would understand why he's doing this.
"That isn't my problem. There are bigger things for me to think about." He turns away and just before he could take the first step;
"I don't know everything about this world but if it's you– then I want to understand. I'm sure you have your reasons. I trust you more than anything."
He pauses, face in wonder, because how could you trust someone so blindly?
With an exhale and a decision made, he turns to you, "Then follow me. If you want to understand why, then stay with me."
It was a classic welcome— arriving in Mondstadt, touring around the city, greeting the characters you've always wanted to meet. Despite their initial formalities and decorum, you've managed to tone down the professionalism and started to treat each other as friends.
That didn't mean they weren't very open to the idea of you meeting the less. . . civil of the bunch.
"I'd like to visit Wolvendom." You tell the small group. It's another day in the city, enjoying drinks by the taverns under the sun. Lucky for you, the Cavalry Captain and the Outrider have their time off to enjoy with you.
"Oh? Is there a reason why?" Kaeya leans back, head tilted.
"To be honest. . . I wanted to visit Razor. I'm sure you know him!"
Truth be told, you just wanted to meet a certain good wolf cub hidden in the woods. While everyone has went out of their way to meet you, Razor kept to himself in Wolvendom. Perhaps he was too intimidated by the crowds pouring into Mondstadt, or maybe he just wasn't familiar about you, but Razor was nowhere to be seen since your arrival.
". . . Razor?" Kaeya says hesitantly, "Hmm while I have no problem with you going to Wolvendom to meet him, there is another issue. . ."
"What issue?"
"The knights decided not to let you meet Razor," Amber quips in, "I mean– It's not that there's anything bad about him, it's just that he hasn't learned his manners yet. We thought it might be disrespectful if he met you so soon."
"Disrespectful?" You voice out in shock.
"Of course we know that you're not strict about that now! But I guess we never clarified the situation with Razor. . "
You huff, standing up tall with new resolve, "That's it! We're going out to find Razor and give him the biggest hug ever!"
"We are?" They echo back in unison.
"Yes we are!" You hook both your arms around theirs, dragging them out the gates of Mondstadt.
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A Place in the Sun 1
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Nick Fowler
Summary: Trouble in the big city follows you back to your sleepy village home.
Part of the Backwoods AU
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You’ve been to the city once in your life. Your parents were never really well off. Your dad works at the lumberyard, still, and your mom sells some crochet gloves and hats here and there, or tailor a few pieces for the neighbours for a buck or two. It isn’t much but they work hard and you can’t want for much. Life is simple but not unhappy. 
Your second trip to the city isn’t much different than your first. You were a kid then and only came with your dad so he could get new work boots. You don’t remember much except for the very tall people and the honking cars. Now, it’s just as chaotic and you feel just as small, but you’re all by yourself. 
There’s a gathering at the mall. You’ve never been to a mall. They don’t have any of those in Hammer Ford. As you steer the beaten-up Bronco into the lot, you shift the stick and check your mirrors. The cars here are all tiny compared to the mammoth truck you borrowed from your dad. He only let you take it after you filled the tank, and with a little coaxing from your mom. 
You don’t see why it’s a big deal. You’re an adult. You make your own money. Enough to help out. You do what you can with your seasonal pay but they don’t need a custodian at the school when there’s no classes. 
Still, you scrounged enough for the collector’s edition. You pre-ordered and everything. It’s so limited they only let people pick it up in-store. 
You park and shut off the engine. You watch a group of teenage girls giggling as they enter the mall. You should’ve brought some friends but you don’t have many of those. Everyone you knew in high school is married or busy growing up. There is that girl you see now and again, she lives with her grandma, but she’s always got her head down. She’ll see you waving one day. 
You open the door and hop down. As you do, the keys jangle out of your grasp and hit the pavement. You huff dramatically and swing the door shut. You go to grab the keyring but it’s swiped up by someone else. You stand and face the man as he holds them out. 
He’s taller than you and older. You think. He has the boldest blue eyes you’ve ever seen and a shadow of stubble across his square jaw. His hair is neatly trimmed and he wears a dark blue suit with a white button-up. He outshines your brown khaki skirt and gingham blouse. 
“Oh, hi, thank you, sir,” you chime, “clumsy me!” 
He nods and narrows his eyes, “keep those close. Someone else might just run off with the truck.” 
“Ha, this beat up old elephant,” you take the keys and slap the side of the Bronco, “I doubt it, but thank you, sir. I appreciate it.” 
You smile brightly but he hardly seems impressed. More confounded. His mouth slants and his eyes roll to the side. 
“Another piece of advice,” he intones as he leans towards you, “don’t smile at strangers.” 
“Oh, uh,” your mouth straightens, “right. Sorry, sir.” 
His brows rise and fall but he doesn’t reply. He brushes by you and you turn to watch him go. Your ma warned you that city folk weren’t very friendly. You spin back and lock the truck up, taking his warning to heart. You never know and your dad would never forgive you if someone did decide to highjack the rusting beast. 
You head towards the mall and follow a rabble of children with their moms into the air-conditioned space. It’s nice compared to the thick humidity outside. You think back to that man and wonder how he could be wearing a jacket in all this. He must be on the way to somewhere important. 
You look around, your heart pumping as the bright marquees and shining shop windows refract through your lenses. Oof, you didn’t expect it to be so big! You search around, walking along with your knitted purse clutched tight. Oh, a map! 
You go over to the touch screen directory and search for the bookstore. Right, a left and then straight, and another left. You recite the directions to yourself over and over as you continue on. You barely dodge out of the way of your fellow mall patrons as the criss cross the wide hallways and mill outside the booths and windows. 
Finally, you spot the familiar logo of the bookstore. You only really see it on a screen but you know it well. You stroll in through the broad open archway at the front and once more, you’re struck by the flurry of activity and expanse of the space. You trail after a pair of girls toward the service desk, delineated by the floating sign above. 
You bounce on your feet as you join the queue. You overhear the girls talking about the same book you’re there for. You curiously lean forward to eavesdrop and the redhead cranes to glare at you. You retract and give an apologetic look. You weren’t snooping, you’re just excited. 
When it’s your turn at the counter, you give your name and wait. A figure approaches the next till and sighs. You glance up at the sign; Returns/Exchanges. It’s the man in the blue suit. He taps a plastic card on the wooden countertop. 
As the associate searches for your order, you stare over at his agitated expression. He doesn’t seem very happy. His blue eyes drift and he meets your gaze. His cheek dimples in recognition. 
You give a small wave and smile and he shakes his head. He turns back to the till as a woman nears the other side. 
“Back,” he flicks the card up between his fingers, “should be the one I paid with.” 
You return your attention to the order counter. You shouldn’t be so nosy. You’re there to get your book and go. Oh, and maybe a soft pretzel at that place you saw on the way in. It’s a good day and you’re going to enjoy it. You peek over once more as the man snarls at the credit card machine. You hope his gets better too. 
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j0kers-light · 1 year
Joker, but with a virgin reader who barely understands sex stuff cuz they grew up overly sheltered and innocent, so he essentially has to teach them through it and introduce some kinky stuff to them
His Lighthouse: Sweet Girl (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
Sweet Girl - Oneshot
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Author’s note:  
Hey hi anon!! I am so sorry it took me an entire week to fill this request! I got carried away and went down a perfectionist spiral trying to envision Joker in this situation. It was difficult to keep him in character but still caring enough for Y/n who is virtually clueless! I hope you enjoy the story!
You can find part two here!!
@blackreaderatrisk @twinkledinkle @clemdango04 @l3ejm @tears-of-amber @what-an-angel @darthjokerisyourfather @thatsnoteii @dollster @cheetahspy @kaidennnnn @urdariingdoll @motivation-idontknowher
Let me know if you want to be added to the His Lighthouse taglist!    
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You are truly his sweet girl in every definition of the word. 
Joker's sweet little doll he so desperately wants to defile. He greatly admires your innocence and the way you view the world. Joker wants nothing more than to continue sheltering you, but he's at his wit's end holding back his passion.
Everyday his patience wanes and it's only a matter of time before he pounces on his prey. You.
He wants to sink his teeth into your skin and hear you cry out in pleasure with every snap of his hips. He wants to see your brain turn off from an overload of pleasure. It's not a want anymore but a need. He needs to break you.
He can't wait anymore and judging by your coy smiles and teasing touches, he knows you want this too.
Although Joker should've known something was wrong since things between you and him never advanced any further than kissing. You would shy away the minute he grabbed your hips or tried to remove any article of clothing from you.
He should have noticed the telltale signs.
Months of hiding at your place in your pink little bubble, far far away from mean old Gotham City, and all that Joker had to show for as process with you was cuddling or making out.
Nothing more, nothing less. It was frustrating for sure.
Joker knew you were attracted to him; he saw it in the way your eyes widened and lingered on him.
You would bite your lip whenever he purposefully let his shirt ride up or whenever he picked you up to show off his strength. He even came out of the shower dripping wet without a towel once— you tucked tail and ran to your room.
Joker was using every trick in the book to get a reaction from you, however; you stayed demure and kept your hands to yourself. It was maddening!
Even at night when the two of you were preparing for bed, (separately, much to his irritation) he'd pull you close and rock his hips into yours.
"Wanna sleep with meee tonight, baby doll?" You would flush red and wiggle out of his arms before stampering out a million no's and vanish from sight.
Joker hated hearing your door slam close but what could he do? He was running out of options.
There were so many clues in front of him regarding this dilemma but the truth finally came to light one day he had you trapped underneath him on the bed.
No more running. No more excuses. He was claiming you tonight.
He was attacking your neck with kisses and actively grinding his hard on into your pretty shorts. The skimpy things you wore around the house tested his limited sanity! Were you trying to seduce him? Bravo, because you succeeded. And he was supposed to be impervious to your charms and be a gentleman. Screw that.
Your body was a prize to be had and Joker waited long enough to have it.
He had the helm of your shirt balled up to your abdomen when you froze. "W-Wait um Joker. I-I.."
"Shhhh little bunny.. I just wanna see ya."
You didn't like that and tried pushing Joker up and off. How did he get you on the bed in the first place you wondered?
Joker noticed your aversion to his touch and growled in annoyance. Every freaking time he tried to get closer with you; you pushed him away. He had enough. He no longer had any patience to deal with this anymore.
"What's the deal, hmm? You don't li-ke me anymore?"
Your eyes immediately locked with his. "N-No! I like you.. it's just..." You wavered.
"Just whaT? Hmm? Tell me bunny! Open that pretty... little mouth of yours and tell me."
You did the exact opposite. You bit your lip and looked away from Joker. Your selective shyness was rather annoying at this point and Joker let his frustrations be known.
"You're such a cocktease ya know that? Runnin' around in these shorts and things making those little... noises when ya think I don't notice. Yeah, I hear em doll. You're killing me but the second I touch ya, this happens!" Joker gestured at you cowering away from him.
"What are ya, some virgin or something?" He sighed to himself. But then he looked down at you in shock when he heard your soft yes.
Oh. He was a f___king idiot.
You were holding back tears and the second Joker realized his mistake and touched your arm, they burst to the surface.
"Ohhh.. Bunny noo. Look at me." You did and shined your e/c at him. "There she is.. my sweet girl. Why didn't you tell me?"
He lied back on the bed and dragged you with him to recline on his chest. You were perfectly fine cuddling with J. Anything else after that was scary.
He couldn't see your face since it was buried in his shirt so you answered him truthfully.
"I.. I thought you knew.." You mumbled. Joker smacked his lips and started stroking your hair. You left it down today and he loved its wild, untamed state.
He really didn't know and he felt stupid for not realizing it sooner and for making you feel uncomfortable around him. He worked so hard in the beginning to make you not fear him. He didn't exaggerate his words as much, he cut down on his fear tactics around you, virtually everything about himself was altered to gain your trust.
You were a timid little thing, eager to help him hide from the GCPD in exchange for nothing. You cooked, cleaned, kept him company (just not sexually) all with a smile on your face. You were so naïve yet brave, of course Joker fell for you!
You laughed at his silly jokes and that smile of yours was worth losing pieces of himself to appease you. He'd do anything to make you happy.
But Joker wanted more. He wanted to be selfish.
He wanted to corrupt your sweet and innocent demeanor and mold it to his will. He wanted those big doe eyes of yours to cloud over with lust and your full plump lips to stretch around his cock as he choked you with it.
He knew you'd be perfect underneath him; you were already such a sweet thing. A true people pleaser; doing any and everything to make his stay at your place more enjoyable.
What he would really enjoy is your pussy milking his cock for what it's worth.
It's all he thought about these days but you couldn't handle him removing your shirt, how in the world would he train you to be his cum-drunk bunny?
But Joker loved a challenge and you... you were worth the hassle.
"I never wanna scare my bunny away. She's so perfect, and oh so sweet. Too sweet.." He kissed you so softly, it made your head spin.
Joker pulled back before things started to get heavy, "But I realllly wanna taste ya more, Y/n. You trust me?"
You looked down and away until Joker chased after you. "No no nooo. None of that. Don't look away. I can teach you if you want."
"Teach me? But what if... What if I'm not good enough?" You whimpered.
That's what you were worried about? He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. This was all in your head.
"Won't know until you try." He sang back. You seemed to understand that much and shifted your weight to straddle Joker more properly. He exhaled through his nose when you unknowingly rocked your hips into his dick.
"Okay. I think I wanna try now. Is that okay? C-Can we try right now, J?"
How could he say no to such a sweet request? You were so embarrassed yet enthusiastic about this, it made him go crazy. He kept his hands behind his head and sighed.
"Depends... How far ya wanna go?" He asked.
"What do you mean? How far with what?"
It took everything in Joker not to groan in frustration. Did your parents not teach you anything about sex? What kind of upbringing did you have to not know anything?
Joker wasn't sure if he could handle teaching you from scratch but everyone had to start somewhere.
"What do ya know about sex, Y/n?"
He watched you squirm and bite your lip. You had to know something to be interested and he would wait to see what he was working with before going further.
"Um.. the doctor at the clinic said it shouldn't h-hurt if my partner um.. p-preps me enough with foreplay. I think that means kissing and cuddling but once she brought out two dolls and started talking about positions I.. she lost me."
Joker was lost too. "Doctor?"
You nodded and wiggled your hips against him. You seriously had to stop doing that..
"I went to get checked after I saw you come out of the shower that day. I got really wet and uncomfortable um, d-down there, and nothing I did made the feeling go away. S-So I panicked and went to the clinic! It was super embarrassing but I think I understand the logistics of it all a little better. Joker? Are you okay?"
You poked his cheek since he looked spaced out and he had every right to be.
Horny. You were horny and didn't know why. Nothing you did made the feeling go away and he remembered back to that night when you trapped yourself in your room.
Just what all did you try? Did you get yourself off? How did you do it?
And then everything clicked. Your lingering eyes, the tiny shorts and flimsy tops. Those f__king thigh high socks... You started wearing them more and more frequently after his little shower stunt. Your body wanted him even if your brain didn't comprehend.
He was gonna have so much fun corrupting you.
In the blink of an eye, Joker had you flat on your back with your arms above your head. You were in shock, it happened so fast.
Joker let out a shaky exhale and looked you over.
"Next time you feel wet, come to me. I'll help.. relieve that pain, mkay? Do you feel wet now?" He asked as he grinded his knee into your sex. You jerked in his hold and winced.
"Um, a little.. that feels funny."
"Describe it to me." Joker purred into your ear. He trailed kisses down your neck to distract you from noticing he was lifting your top up.
Stupid thing wasn't covering anything, it was so thin.
"Ah! I-I feel warm and.. it aches.. but I don't know why. It's almost like there's an itch I need to scratch but I tried that!"
Joker had the brief image of your tiny hands poking and prodding your opening, trying desperately to soothe something only his cock could reach.
"Poor little bunny. Wanna know why it aches mmh?"
He heard you sigh out a yes. By then Joker was kissing your heaving chest and had an idea. Why remove your top the boring way? Nothing about tonight would be normal.
You gasped as Joker tore your top right off your body. Your breasts bounced from the action and Joker groaned seeing them already erect sans a bra. Just the perfect size for him to squeeze and worship. He was drooling already.
He locked eyes with you with a wolfish smile. "Cuz your greedy little pussy wants my cock.
"Y-Your cock?"
Joker groaned and leaned down to suck a nipple into his mouth while his hand got well acquainted with the other. It was so soft and tasted even better, but hearing your surprised moans was the topping on the cake.
You didn't know your breasts could feel so good but Joker's tongue swirling around the bud before his teeth bit it gently, was electrifying. It made the unknown feeling return tenfold.
"J-Joker! It's back! I feel weird again.."
Joker let your nipple go with a loud pop and gave the same attention to its twin but not without subtly rocking his hips into yours. Your wail was torturous.
"No! T-That's not it!" You sobbed even though your hips bucked up to meet Joker's. Something about the motion felt right, but it was missing a key element. Then you remembered Joker's comment.
"Can your umm.. cock fix it?"Joker groaned in pain. You would be the death of him. As if hearing you speak about it, his dick throbbed in his pants.
He looked up at your adorable pout and smiled. "Already using such ahh, vulgar language, baby doll. Goood girl. I knew your mouth was dirty."
He kissed down your stomach until he reached the band of your shorts. You braced your weight on your elbows to watch him. How was your mouth dirty? Did you say something bad?
Never mind that, Joker was finally addressing the problem dead on. "Are you gonna fix it, J?"
He looked up at you, a bit out of breath.
"I will bunny, just not yeT. The doc said I gotta prep you, remember? Don't wanna hurt my sweet girl now do I? Gotta hmm.. tr-eat her right.. Can I take these off?"
He asked so nicely, you couldn't say no. Anything to make this weird feeling go away, you'd do it.
You lifted your hips enough for Joker to slide your shorts and panties off in one fell swoop. Of course you didn't see him pocket said panties for safe keeping, but you quickly grew uncomfortable with the way he stared at your private parts.
Did it look weird? What if he didn't like it? You most certainly didn't. Any personal care was done as quickly as possible to avoid any unnecessary glimpses and you never looked at yourself the way Joker was right now.
He had yet to say anything but his unwavering gaze was starting to scare you. Did he have to stare for so long?
You whimpered and tried to cover your sex but Joker merely slapped your hand away. 
"Stop looking at me..." You whined. That finally got Joker to meet your eye. 
"Why not Y/n? Every part of you is sooo pretty. I wanna taste it..."
Before you could question the legitimacy behind his words, Joker licked your pussy with a guttural groan. The vibrations it left felt so good, you didn't realize you grabbed a hold of his hair. Joker didn't mind and quickly forgot about you being a virgin as he ate you out like a man on a mission.
"Soooooo sweet.. an' juicy.." He said in between licks.
Joker tuned out your startled babbles and pleas to savor the unique taste of your pussy. Your juices fell on his tongue like ambrosia and he lapped up every last drop that you steadily produced with gusto.
It was an honor to be the first to taste you and Joker pulled out everything in his bag of tricks to take you to the summit. Your first orgasm. F__k he wanted it all for himself.
He flicked his tongue over your clit and ever so gently slid his middle finger inside your cunt.
"Joker!" You screamed.
He chuckled as he eased it in up to his knuckle but met resistance. "Hush now baby doll. I gotta get ya loosened up to take something muchhh bigger than this..."
Something bigger? Your mind couldn't even fathom the thought. You writhed on his finger in a newfound agony until another sharp pain made you gasp.
Joker shushed you and kissed your clit as another finger slid its way into your tight hole. You were doing so well all things considered. Joker let endless praises fall from his lips in between kissing and sucking on your pussy. You seemed to unknowingly enjoy praise, if the fresh flow of juices from your slit were any indication. Joker twisted his wrist so his two fingers slid in deeper to scissor your hole wider. You were welcoming the foreign invasion but he could feel the restraint still lying dormant within you.
With every pump of his fingers, he made sure to stretch them just a bit deeper and a lot wider to further his goal. After a while, you relaxed around his two fingers and seemed to enjoy the new sensation he introduced to you.
He added a third finger even as you whimpered in protest.
"Shhh, you need thissss." Joker angled his fingers in a come hither motion to stroke your g spot directly. You jerked in shock and clamped down on his fingers.
"R-Right there, J..ahh yessss.."
Joker grinned when you practically melted to his touch. That 'itch' you kept going on about was finally being attended to. This is what you craved all along.
But something was happening. A pressure you never felt before was building and you knew it wasn't good.
"J-J..ok— ahh! I feel.. weird. I think I'm mmhph!! I don't wanna.." You cried out.
Joker saw your thighs twitching and grinned. He wondered when you'd get close. "Let it go Bunny. It's okay."
Joker's deep voice urged you on, where exactly— you were unsure of, but he was more knowledgeable than you here. Even though your brain protested the feeling, since the rising pressure resembled that of using the bathroom, you let your body's natural instinct take control.
"Listen to your body, Princess. She knows what's best."
You nodded at Joker's vague words and let the feeling build more and more. You felt hot all over and dizzy yet Joker would not stop until you crumbled completely under pressure.
He kept your thighs spread open and grinned like a certified madman as he sped up his fingers, pumping into your hole until it audibly gushed out. Almost there..
Something was happening within your body that you couldn't comprehend. Your ears were ringing and tears streamed down your face as a white hot coil snapped just underneath your navel.
You felt like passing out, it was so intense yet you moaned as waves of pleasure washed over you.
And Joker drank everything you gave. He watched you die and come back anew right before his eyes and it was such a sight to behold.
You came back shivering and weak but had enough strength to pose the question. "W-what just h-happened?"
Joker left a lasting kiss on your clit before he crawled up your body. It was flush with a sheen of sweat and desire and he showered every inch of it with affection on his travels.
"Did ya enjoy your first orgasm?" He mumbled on your shoulder. "I sure did."
"O-Orgasm? So... I didn't pee?"
Gosh you were so cute, he wanted to ruin you so bad.  "Mmhm. NoT quite. You came so hard for meeee. And ya taste so good too, see?"
Joker kissed you, letting you taste yourself on his tongue, although he laughed when you jerked back in disgust.
"That's not sweet! More like tangy and salty! Eww.. and you like that?" You said while wiping your mouth clean. You were still convinced you relieved yourself, however the texture was more creamier than liquid that told you otherwise.
"I do. Very. Very. Much." To prove his point, he licked his fingers clean of you while you watched in intrigue. It got you thinking..
"Umm, w-what do you taste like J?"
Joker died then and there. You asked him so casually, was he corrupting you too fast? Of course not. You blinked owlishly at Joker waiting for a response. All he could do was chuckle under his breath.
"I'll let ya have a uhh, taste another day Bunny. Right now, f__k, I gotta.. I need to be inside this pussy. Are ya still itchy?"
You blinked twice before nodding your head.
Whatever Joker did just then was amazing but it wasn't enough to quell the unknown feeling between your legs. You still couldn't form the right words to explain the sensation though. Maybe you could ask Joker about it later. Right now, your fears were bubbling up to the surface as he towered over you.
"You'll be gentle right? It won't hurt?"
Joker sighed before kissing you soundly. He then reached a hand down to check your entrance. You were still wet and you moaned into Joker's mouth at the soothing circles he left on your sensitive bud. "Mmm it shouldn't, Bunny."
Joker stopped rubbing your clit so he could remove his shirt and pants. You watched in awe as his body was revealed to you. Sure you saw glimpses of it here and there but fully bare before you now, Joker was stunning.
How did you get so lucky?
"There's no need to be shy, Y/n." Joker cooed at you.
He noticed you were still hesitant and moved your hands to his chest for you. Seeing your hands on him.. it was a step in the right direction. He couldn't wait to see them wrapped around his cock.
Baby steps though. Today was your first time but if he played his cards right.... Why not go big rather than go home?
With Joker's permission, you caressed the hard planes of his chest and abs, wondering what the large indentation in his briefs was. The second your hand brushed against it, Joker hissed and grabbed your wrist.
Your eyes flickered up to his deep jade in awe.
"Easy there, bunny." He shivered. You tilted your head to the side in wonder until Joker let his cock spring out from his underwear. Your face was priceless.
"I take it, it's ya first time seeing one?"
You subconsciously clenched around nothing and nodded listlessly. Joker snorted and decided to let you explore uncharted territory. You know, get a little bit of hands-on training.
"Go on. Touch iT." Joker whispered in your ear as he guided your hands around his dick. He stifled his groans as your timid touch groped his shaft. J was soft yet hard at the same time and you paled at the thought of it in you.
If his fingers almost made you faint, what would this do? It felt powerful and ominous in your hands and oddly hot to the touch. Veins ran up the length of it and when you looked closer, a clear bead of liquid was oozing out the top. For some unknown reason you wanted to lick it up but second guessed yourself at the last minute.
"Is this.. going inside m-me? J, I don't think..."
"Yes it will." You wondered how Joker knew your exact thought, "I'll make it fit and you'll take every.. last.. inch. Under-stand?"
You jerked your head in a nod and it seemed to satisfy Joker since he nodded back. With that out of the way, Joker let you acquaint yourself with his dick until he grew impatient and batted your hands away. Any more stimuli and he would've cum prematurely.
He couldn't finish before the deflowering party got started. But he didn't calculate the way you were driving him nuts.
"Look at me Y/n. That, uhh, ache you have right here." Joker rubbed your womb affectionately before tipping your chin up with his fingers.
You were on your knees before him, patiently waiting for anything he would give.
"Your mind is still unsure but your body... mmmm, your body knows what it wants. Keep listening to your body, mkay? It's gonna be reallllly scary, and I. Won't. Stop. either, but you have to trust me bunny. Trust that I'm doing this to.. make you feel good. I'm going to ruin your pussy and there's nothing you can do about iT."
Your bottom lip trembled in fear but you nodded at Joker. He wouldn't deliberately hurt you.. right?
"O-Okay.. I trust you." Joker's smile was absolutely feral hearing you surrender to him so easily. You'd regret that later.
"That'sss my sweet girl. So! You're all wet and horny and need to be filled? So achy and needy? I'll help ya.."
Out of the blue Joker pushed you down on the bed and you yelped at the sudden shift in the air. "J? What're.."
"ShuT. Up. You deserve someone who will treat ya right. Mmm, should've picked someone else then. Lemme break you Princess, open up for me."
You didn't like where this was going but Joker did say to trust him. It was going to be scary but you had to trust him. Didn't mean you had to like it. You didn't want him breaking anything of yours!
Before you could turn your head away, Joker already grabbed a hold of it.
"Look at me! I said... spread your legs slut."
If Joker didn't see your pussy glistening with cum, he would have dialed things back but surprise surprise, his little virgin liked being dominated. You liked his meaner side even if your brain couldn't wrap itself around the idea. Joker was over the moon discovering your kinks way before you did.
He watched in glee as you parted your thighs for him. Your pretty folds were glistening like the delicate flower it was. Joker repeatedly slapped his dick on your puffy lips and you jumped in shock with each unexpected smack.
Even if you could squirm away, Joker would just drag you back. With one hand keeping your face towards him, he used the other to prod his cock in your slick juices.
You were so wet, he almost slipped inside with no resistance. He let you coat his dick completely and hissed at the warmth beckoning him in.
"Don't... look... away. Here we go. Ahh s__t, oh shhh shh Y/n, I know. I-I know it hurts and that.. Heh, that's just the tip.."
You were a panting mess. It felt like you were being split apart and he barely had the tip inside? This wasn't what you signed up for! "Joker, wait!!"
He muffled your cries with a kiss and bullied his way deeper inside of your tight walls, one agonizing inch at a time. You clawed at his forearm that was holding your face and wept at the sting his cock left behind.
It wasn't supposed to hurt yet it felt good at the same time. You couldn't decide which sensation overpowered the other, but right when you thought you couldn't take anymore, Joker bottomed out inside of you— groaning at your walls gripping him tight as you sobbed uncontrollably around him.
"Ahhh! Please, Joker no more!" You begged. Joker settled in within you, laughing.
"Whaddya mean, Bunny? That's it! Good job for taking me soooo well. You ahh, took it a-all on the first try. Breathe doll. Ya gotta breathe."
Joker groaned as you turned a little blue in the face. His cock was already making you go stupid and he had yet to start thrusting.
He wanted to tease you about it but he wasn't any better as your gummy walls choked the life out of his dick. You felt absolutely sinful wrapped around him. He felt lightheaded from the intense heat your body enveloped him in. 
"How does it f-feel to not be a.. mmm.. virgin anymore?"
"F-Full..." You wheezed out.
"Yeah? What if I ahh, take it away?" Joker pulled out, till nothing but the aching tip remained and you cried out, begging him to come back. "I knew it, such a greedy little slut... but today I'll be generous. Here you go."
He thrust into you sharply, making you arch your back and disrupt the grip he had on your face. "Ohh you like it rough, doll?"
Joker grabbed your hips instead and set his knees into the bed. Each word was drilled into your pussy with a powerful, breathtaking thrust. "Good. To. Know."
You couldn't think straight let alone form words from the assault. All that could escape your lips was Joker's shortened name and pornagraphic moans.
You were tossing your head side to side and drooling up a storm. Joker thought it was the prettiest thing in the world. You were a natural.
"And you thoughT you wouldn't be good enough, HA! You're perfect for meeee.. I should've taken you months ago, f__k." Joker didn't care if he was talking too much, you were proving to be too much for him to handle.
Between your tight pussy suffocating his cock, to your breast bouncing in his face, Joker didn't know where to focus his attention.
That is, until you made the decision for him.
You never followed his instructions. He didn't care how hard it was to focus, he wanted to see the moment your brain shut down and floated away. How could he do that if you closed your eyes?
Joker growled and picked up the pace but not before squeezing your throat. "What.. did I tell you? Don't. Look. Away."
He wasn't expecting you to let out an airy giggle in response. You would be his undoing. Smiling as he choked you? It was like you were made for him.
Joker groaned and lost himself, giving it his all to make you feel good. This was your first time after all. He would stop at nothing to make it perfect.
You weren't complaining as you struggled to breathe in between the brutal pace Joker set and with his hand wrapped tightly around your throat.
A while ago, the initial pain of his cock entering your hole morphed into mind numbing pleasure. Now you understood the hype behind sex. Why did your parents and other adults growing up censor this from you?
It was indescribable the way Joker made you feel. You were in fact seeing stars with each cant of his hips. Had you known sex could feel this good sooner, you couldn't even wrap your head around the possibilities your teenage self could have created.
"nny? Bunny? Come back to meeeee. There ya are! Heh, thought I squeezed too tight."
You blinked back the fog to notice Joker had come to a stop inside of you and was doting on you with a slight look of concern in his eyes. It was gone by the time you cleared your throat.
He let go of it during your brief stint in headspace when he saw your eyes roll back.
There was a fine line between breath play and choking. Joker wasn't about to go too far, especially since this was your first time.
He wanted this to be memorable, not kill you. So against his wishes, he stopped to check on you when you became unresponsive.
You were breathing normally again (albeit your eyes were still glazed over) but he proposed a new idea anyway. "Wanna try a different position?"
You stretched your arms out for Joker to grab onto with a meek nod. He chuckled at your innocence on full display.
His sweet girl was a pillow Princess through and through.
Too bad he wanted to corrupt that and everything else about you. You would be a ravenous minx by the end of his teachings, that much he was certain of.
Joker sighed as he left your warmth and drummed up a good position in his head. There were so many he wanted to try with you but one in particular made him grin deviously.
You caught sight of it and gulped down your fear. "J... please be.."
"Nothing about me is gentle doll. Remember thaT. Now, what's a sweet little thing like you owning a big mirror like this hmmm?"
Joker scooped you up from the bed and slammed you face first into the floor length mirror that you had set up in the room.
He loved seeing your shock reflect through the mirror.
"Do ya use it to touch yourself? Can't blame ya if you do. I'd watch this body too.." He fondled your hips and squeezed your breasts as you shook your head in denial.
You watched yourself in the mirror being manhandled at a loss for words.
"N-No! It's not l-like that!" You cried out when Joker yanked your hair back in his strong grip. All you could do was grip the mirror's frame, less you lose your balance.
Joker had you standing on your tippy toes with your head tilted all the way back in order to stare up into his eyes.
"Open your mouth." He ordered.
You did without hesitation but froze when Joker spat right onto your tongue.
"Ahht ahht, swallow. Now." He growled. He didn't care if it was yucky to you, it asserted his dominance over you and he grinned when you teared up but swallowed on command.
He noticed your legs rubbing against each other and knew subconsciously you loved it. That innocent mind of yours was holding you back however.
"It's always the shy ones." Joker chuckled under his breath. In an instant he used your hair to guide you back onto his dick. Your breath was stolen right from you by the unexpected invasion.
"Oh bunnyyyy, you got tighter." He groaned.
He rammed his cock into you at a bruising pace and yanked your hair whenever you tried to look away. Your only option was to lean forward onto the cool mirror and watch as J pounded into you from behind on its surface.
The sight of your nude body being taken in such a way was embarrassing— all flushed and slack jawed, but Joker was right there behind you, whispering how beautiful you were and how lucky he was to take your v card. 
Whatever that meant.
What you did know was that Joker was thrusting into you harder than ever and that wondrous feeling from before was fast approaching again. You were unsure how Joker managed to fit his length inside of you yet there was a noticeable bulge in your stomach that you couldn't keep your eyes off of.
Joker followed your gaze through the mirror and relocated one of his hands to rub against it during each snap of his hips. And when he pressed down on it? You sang praises to his name.
"You.. really are stuffed.. fuuc—full of me huh, baby doll? G-Gooood, that's good." He smiled into your skin and picked up the pace, like he wasn't already rattling the mirror and artwork against the wall with every rough thrust.
You were swaying on your feet from the pleasure and it grew the moment Joker rubbed erratic circles on your clit.
You couldn't handle the added stimuli and tried moving his hand away because this time it really felt like you were..
Your undoing completely blindsided you; it was so intense. Your legs shook like a newborn's and you almost fell if not for Joker catching you at the last minute. He was in high spirits, cooing in your ear.
"D__n, Y/n! Goood girl, C'mon.. breathe for me Bunny.. yeah. That was.. heh somethin' else wasn't it? Shhh shhhh easy now.." He ignored the wet mirror dripping with your cum to help you down onto the plush rug at your feet.
You were twitching and pushing Joker away but he fought back and flipped you onto your stomach.
Your legs were still dripping wet from squirting, so your pussy accepted Joker back inside no issue.
That didn't mean your brain was so welcoming. "J.. too much, I-I can't!"
He just positioned your hips into a painful looking arch and drilled your pussy like no tomorrow.
"I. Don't. Care. Bunny. Ahh, you... ohh, youuuu got to cum twice now, selfish little whore. N-Now it's my turn and I'm gonna.. use ya.. like the dirty slut we both know ya are!"
He threw his head back as he slammed your hips back to take his dick over and over. The way your skin rippled with each thrust, the echo of wet skin on skin, your pathetic cries floating in the air; Joker loved every detail.
A quick glance to his right gave him the perfect view of your back arching in the mirror and your tear stained face smushed into the rug.
You were taking his cock with a blissed out smile on your face. Joker truly was a lucky man. Your first time and you were already showing signs of being a perfect cock-slut.
What more could he ask for in a partner?
He'd love exposing you to his most kinkiest desires and treating his touch starved Princess to all of the pleasures known to mankind. By the way your weeping pussy was still throwing it back on him and squeezing his dick so tight, physically you were still in the game.
A shame your mind couldn't keep up.
He laughed at the broken pleas spilling from your lips. Your mind was still a virgin but your body never truly was. This body of yours was begging for his cum.
And he would deliver.
Joker choked on a moan as his release creeped up on him. His hips lost their rhythm and became more primal in the desperate need to cum. Joker reached down and grabbed ahold of your hair to twist your face towards him.
"Now this... ohh shi— tt-this is the ahh, most important part Bunny. Good.. gooood girls get rewarded. T-They get cum deeeeep in their greedy little wombs. You.. you want thaT? You want my cum?" He asked.
You didn't understand a single word but nodded aways. "Yes J, please!"
Joker was too close to mock your eagerness. He was spouting nonsense himself; his head was so mushy.
"I'm gunna give it to ya. You've been such a good little bunny. This'll make ya feel sooo much better, so full n' complete. All m-mine.. you'll take it yeah? Won't you, Y/n?"
Joker had more to say but two thrusts later, he erupted in your pussy, painting it white with no end in sight.
Joker's release triggered one last orgasm from you as his hot cum bathed your walls and sent you down a spiral.
You collapsed and Joker's weight kept you pressed to the floor as he continued to rock his hips into you, unable to stop himself. Both of you struggled to catch a breath but Joker regained his senses first and rolled over onto his side, dragging you with him.
Naturally he was the big spoon and showered you with much needed affection.
You were shivering with aftershocks with a faraway expression on your face. He hummed as he softened inside you and waited until he was coherent enough to check on you.
"Y/n?" He brushed a lock of hair off your shoulder. "You uhhh alright?" Joker turned you around and you clung to him instantly.
He rubbed your back and petted your hair, a complete 180 of the dominant man rearranging your guts just moments prior.
"I wasn't too rough, no? If ya didn't li-ke it or.. uhh, we can try again? More gentler—-"
You cut him off with a kiss.
Joker looked down at you in shock. Your beautiful face was wet with tears but your eyes... those sweet e/c shined so brightly at him in adoration. 
"It was p-perfect, J. T-Thank you." You kissed him again and collapsed into his arms when your strength suddenly failed you.
You landed on his chest and left kisses where you could reach. They were weak brushes of your lips, but Joker didn't mind. At least you were okay.
"Mmm, err don't thanK me just yet doll. C'mere." He tipped your head back so the two of you could lock eyes.
"This... was tame compared to what I'll do to ya next time."
Your eyes widened. "N-Next time?"
Joker snickered at your innocent wonder and nodded. Somethings just wouldn't change he guessed.
"Mmhm. There's so much more to learn Y/n.." He tucked a curl of hair behind your ear. You were so pretty in your afterglow, he couldn't even focus on what he was saying.
Joker didn't know how long he was gonna lay low with the authorities but he knew he was staying here with you for a very, very long time.
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caplanbuckybarnes · 6 months
Caplan's Disney Celebration
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You don’t have to follow me, but its definitely encouraged!
PLEASE use a summary!!
If the fic is more the 300 words, use a keep reading feature!!!
Tag the challenge as #
There’s no limit how many prompts you can chose!
Tag my url & the challenge name in the a/n’s note before the fic along with the hashtag please!
No due dates 
Any character you’d like to write for!
once a fic has been given to me, they will be placed in a masterlist
If i do not respond to your fic within 24 hours of posting, PLEASE message me a link!!
Dialogue Prompts
"Take it with you so you'll always have a way to look back ... and remember me."
 "Have you ever seen something so wonderful in your entire life?"
“How did you survive being locked up in a castle for all this time?”
“What do you mean, you’re the lost princess?”
"Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten"
“It’s called a cruel irony, like my dependence on you.”
“I warn you child. If I lose my temper, you lose your head. Understand?!”
“Perhaps you shouldn’t turn your back on me.” 
 “A true loves kiss. If only there was someone out there who loved you.” 
"Today is a good day to try"
"Love is putting someone else’s needs before yours"
"If you ain’t scared, you ain’t alive"
"Any day spent with you is my favorite day. So, today is my new favorite day"
"He fell into despair, and lost all hope. For who could ever learn to love a beast?"
“You really shouldn’t come back here, you know. It’s not safe.”
“I told you to stay away from this wing!”
“He was this close—just staring at me.”
“Do you trust me?”
“(And) You will always be in my heart.”
“I especially love his smile.”
“New and a bit alarming.”
“Now kiss her.”
“How can I prove myself if no one will give me a chance?”
“People around here think I’m crazy, but I don’t care.”
“I’m a damsel. I’m in distress. I can handle this. Have a nice day.”
“Guys….I want a castle.”
“If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothin’ at all.”
“When I look at you, I can feel it. I look at you, and I’m home.”
“Put that thing back where it came from or so help me.”
“There’s no one I’d rather be than me.”
“It was worth it…if you learned something from it.”
“You deliberately disobeyed me.”
“I’m surrounded by idiots.”
“How could you do that to me?”
Song Lyric prompts
“And I’ve got friends on the other side.” - Dr. Facilier, “Friends on the Other Side”, 
“But you’ll be rewarded when at last I am given my dues. And injustice deliciously squared! Be prepared.”
“I admit that in the past I’ve been a nasty. They weren’t kidding when they called me, well, a witch.”
“If she doesn’t scare you, no evil thing will.”
“I’ve reached the top and had to stop and that’s what botherin’ me.”
“Ain't got time for messing around”
“People down here think I'm crazy”
“I put a spell on you, and now you’re mine.
“Don’t forget it, you’ll regret it.”
“Every hour we spent together Lives within my heart”
“Never thought she'd look my way And she smiled at me and held me”
“I was the master of my fate.”
“I learned the truth too late.”
“I let her steal into my melancholy heart.”
“I'm where I'm meant to be”
“He has never been one of us.”
“Now I know she’ll never leave me.” 
“I should thank you...but it’d be more fun to kill you.”
“This crown gives me a feeling of power!”
“It’s not my fault, I’m not to blame”
“He asked for trouble the moment he came”
118 notes · View notes
Your Pleasure is Mine (V for Vendetta)
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Pairing: V for Vendetta x AFAB! Reader (no use of gendered pronouns/pet names, no use of Y/N)
 Words: 5.2k
Warning(s): SMUT! Masturbation (Reader), Oral (reader receiving), thigh riding, fingering, vibrator, dildo/strap-on, squirting, overstimulation, V gets a pinch crazy (very very minimal), use of safeword (nothing bad, Reader just knows their limits uwu), blindfold, light choking, V keeps the mask ON (for the most part) fluffy aftercare.
A/N: I am so nervous to post this bc I havent written a reader insert in some time, havent written smut in FOREVER, and I havent watched V for Vendetta for awhile either BUT I REALLY WANTED TO GET THIS DONE. SO HERE. Also, I headcanon V to have almost his whole body burned so, the strap-on warning is not for peggin’, sorry for those who thought that haha. enjoy
Also this post is goin up on my birthday so its like a reward haha
It was a quiet evening in the Shadow Gallery. You did some cleaning for your partner V, and now you were doing some light reading of a book he recommended a couple days ago. It was a short, but very sensual erotic story that was on the banned list of books by the Chancellor. The words and analogies were simply written yet read as beautiful. You could see why V would recommend it. The story was eerily similar to yours and his dynamic; a masked vigilante character and his lover. The vigilante comes to his lover later in the evening and from the worry, they make love.
You almost wondered if he had you reading this on purpose, but you both never made that step your relationship. You understood from all that he has told you, his body was badly burned and he never took off his clothes or disguises. You've only seen his hands and you've felt his lips against yours and your face, but he had you close your eyes for that. You respected that aspect of V, you loved him for him and not for any appearance reason (although you wouldn't deny his typical get up was a major turn on.) Did you have your urges? Sure, but you took care them yourself with tools V stole for you whenever he was out.
Time was lost on you as you kept getting absorb in the short story. You finished the novella with a satisfied huff at its ending and set it aside. You stand up from your's and his bed, stretching your limbs. You glance at the clock and furrowed your brows.
"When did it become almost 11:30pm?" You mumbled and make your way to the kitchen to get some water. It was an hour or so later than when V said he'd be home, an inkling of worry bloomed in your chest. Whenever he went out to stop fingermen or steal supplies he always returned home to you on time, sometimes earlier. What had kept him so late?
You took a sip of water, welcoming the coolness it brought to your slightly dry throat and mouth. You clicked off the light in the kitchen and walked back to the main area of the Shadow Gallery. You yelped and jumped at V suddenly appearing, still in his cape and hat. The water in the glass you held ended up all on the front of you.
"Shit V, you startled me. Usually you announce when you're back." You chuckled, using the back of your hand to wipe water off your chin.
"My apologies, my dear. There were more fingermen than expected." He quickly approached you. His gloved hand takes the glass from your hands, setting it on a nearby table. One of his hands rest at the base of your neck while the one found itself softly cupping your jaw. His thumb swiped away water droplets still on your chin before slowly dragging along your bottom lip. "How was your day, hmm?"
"Wasn't so bad. I cleaned and then read that one book you recommended." You leaned into his touch, taking in a deep breath. You felt a shiver down your spine when you felt his fingers by your neck tap against your skin. With the story fresh on your mind it seemed like your senses were heightened.
"Ah, The Night Unveiled." V tilted his head, his tone indicating he was smirking. "Did you enjoy it?"
"Mhm, but I couldn't help but wonder if you suggested it on purpose, V. A smut story of a masked vigilante and his lover?"
He chuckled. "An idea formed in my head some when I saw the book in my collection. I thought you would enjoy a truly good read and... and would like to try something with me."
"You simply could have asked, V, though I did enjoy the read. The author wrote well."
"It got you in the mood though, did it not?" He tilted his head again, moving his hands to the hem your shirt. He maneuvered them underneath your top to grip your hips. He pulled you flush against him, your hands immediately resting on his chest. "I felt how you reacted to my fingers near your neck."
"What made you want to take this step?"
"I have always wanted you in an intimate matter, but as you know, my body is..." His usually confident tone faltered, his words trailing off. "But, I thought about it and came up with a solution. Come with me, dear." He gently took hold of your hand and lead you down the familiar hallway to your bedroom. You also felt a rush of heat up the back of your neck and to your face at the thought of sex with your beloved partner, something you often fantasize about.
V opened the door and the two of you walk in. He turns to you, his hands cupping your cheeks as he leaned forward, resting the mask's forehead against yours. You heard him take a deep breath and you couldn't help but mimic him.
"If you ever feel uncomfortable, my dear, let me know. We shall learn as we go so please use the light system."
"Got it." You smiled and place a small peck to the lips of his mask. He chuckled pulling away from you.
"I'll be right back,  stay here." You nod,  watching as he ventured into the large closet for a few moments. He came back out holding two boxes, one you recognized. It held the few sex toys you had. You bit your bottom lip at the sight. You were definitely curious to what he has planned. You would be lying if you didn't feel the heat pooling between your legs. Subconsciously you crossed your legs while still standing, watching your partner set the boxes down at the foot of the bed before sitting down on the edge closer to the middle.
"Can you take off your shirt and shorts for me, my love?" His deep voice cut through your brief stupor. You nodded and gripped the hem of your shirt, pulling the fabric up and over your head. You let your top fall to the ground and your shorts quickly followed. All you were left in were your white panties. You felt embarrassment wash over you for just a moment as you stood before him. You had been nude in front of him before. V liked to have days were he'd dedicate his time into pampering you, which meant he often helped bathe you. Yet, for some reason, in this moment you felt like shying away.
You heard V take in a sharp breath of air.
"You look divine my dear, as if Aphrodite crafted you herself. Please, come here."
"If anyone else heard you bring up a Greek God like so Creedy would have your head." You chuckle and heard him laugh as well. Slowly, you walked forward until you were between his legs. His hands, still gloved, were back on your hips.
He slowly dragged them downwards, gliding down your thighs. You felt your body shiver at the contact and he next moved them upwards. You felt his hands get closer to your chest, your breath caught in your throat in anticipation. You bit on your bottom lip as his hands cupped your breasts, squeezing them gently. You let out a content sigh before a small moan escaped; the pad of his thumbs grazed over your perked nipples. V tilted his head at your soft noises and decided to fully cup your tits, kneading and squeezing them.
"Sit." He spoke a simple command. He maneuvered his knee and thigh between your legs. You complied, taking in a sharp breath as your covered heat now against his thick thigh. "Go on, my dear, get yourself off on me."
You nod in response, not trusting your voice. You lazily started rocking your hips, riding his thigh. Your lips parted at the feeling and your hands gripping his shoulders; his own were back on your hips. Soft mewls left your mouth as you grind down, keeping a steady slow pace.
"That's it, darling." You didn't know his voice could get lower and huskier. You felt his fingers press into your skin, gripping your hips tighter but he made no effort to control your movements. "Does that feel good, hmm?"
"Yes-ah..." Your breath came out in pants. You leaned yourself into him to get more pressure and movement focused on your clit. Your roll your hips down and your body twitches. You've found just the right angle. You move faster and and faster, the pleasure making you slowly lose yourself. Your noises leaving your lips were getting louder. You sucked in your bottom lip to try and suppress them, but you felt V's hands grip your hips harder. Your rhythm came to a stop as you moved to look at his mask. There was a very brief moment of dull pain in his grip before he let up.
"Keep going. Do not silence yourself." His words were firm but you could tell by his tone he was adoring you. "I want to hear everything. I want to see everything."
"Don't apologize either." He chuckled and tapped your right ass cheek, signaling for you to continue. You nod, leaning forward again as you grind your hips down on his strong thigh, hoping to find that sweet angle. You slid your arms around his neck, your bare chest pressed against him as you tried to find that sweet spot again. You feel him wrap his arms loosely around your hips while you moved.
You shifted your left him and moaned loudly right by his ear.
"Yes, my love." You felt his chest rumble against yours. "That is it. Are you close?"
"Yes, V. Oh my god, yes." Your fingers gripped the clothes on his back as you rolled your hips, your movements getting sloppy as you chased your orgasm. You could feel it creeping up on you, getting closer and closer. V's hands soon found themselves resting on each asscheek yet he still made no effort to control any of your movements. You felt the heat rush up your legs and your body twitches and stills, before you sag against V.
"Did that feel good?" You feel one of his hands rest on the back of your neck while the other softly stroked up and down your lower spine.
"Mmhmm..." You pant, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck.
"What color are you at right now? I still have many more ideas-"
"Green, Love. I am doing just fine." You chuckle and sit up right, cupping the cheeks of his mask. "Although I have a feeling you will be focusing mostly on me tonight."
"And if I am?" There was playfulness in his tone, the hand at the nape of your neck gently applied pressure.
"I would feel a bit bad."
"Your pleasure is mine, my love. As I mentioned to you previously my body is not in the best state, but I find it enjoyable watching you get lost in pleasure. So please, do not feel bad. I will be enjoying everything." He turned his head to nuzzle his mask into the palm of your hand.
"What else you got in store for me?"
"I am glad you asked." There was a slight growl to his voice. He helped you off his thigh and had you stay at the bed. You watched with curiosity as he went to the corner of the room. Your masked lover dragged over the armchair back to the bed with ease before sitting down. "I would like to see what you do to yourself when I am away."
"Ah, that's why you grabbed my box." You smirked and he nodded. You reached over to your box, still eyeing the other one. You slowly flipped the lid opened and eyed your options. You glanced to V who was still watching you and glanced back at your toys. Biting your bottom lip, you pick up the small bullet vibrator.
You move to the headboard of your bed, back propped up by the plush pillows. You kept your eyes on V as you lifted your hips up to slide off your soaked panties. You spread your legs, your wet cunt on full display for him. You saw him straighten his posture at your actions which had you close to smirking.
You started slowly massaging one of your breasts as your lowered the off vibrator to your pussy. You sucked in a sharp breath as you slowly dragged it up and down, your legs twitching at it grazing over your sensitive clit. Your felt around on the toy with your finger before finally pressing the on botton, the vibrator coming life.
You moaned loudly at the vibration again your clit. Back arching, you stopped playing with your breast and immediately pushed to fingers into your wet hole. You desperately needed to feel filled up. The sounds of the vibrator, your fingers thrusting, and your moans filled the room.
"Ah-Fuck! V..." You almost whined saying his name. You repeatedly chanted his name as your fingered yourself. Your eyes never left his rigged form as he watched you intently. Your toes curled and you could feel another orgasm approaching. "I love you, V-"
Suddenly, V stood up from the chair and walked over to the foot of the bed. He quickly opened his box and grabbed a piece of dark fabric.
"Are you comfortable with being blindfolded?"
"Y-yes." You breathed, removing your fingers but keeping the vibrator against your clit. You lost the sensation of near relief, but knew you loving partner would bring it back. V immediately crawled onto the bed and kneeled between your legs. He carefully leaned in and placed a black, thick silky fabric over your eyes, tying it behind your head. You felt your nerves start to rise and you quickly turned off the vibrator to give yourself a moment to adjust.
"Make sure to tell me when your uncomfortable." His rich voice almost startled you now that you can't see him. "I figure this is your first time being blindfolded, would you like me to walk through what I am going to do?"
"That would be great." You smile, taking in a deep breath. You heard some ruffling comig in front of you and then felt the bed shift.
"I am going to touch your thigh." You noticed two things. One, his voice didn't sound muffled and two, you could feel his hot breath on your skin. You nearly jumped when you felt his scarred fingers gently stroke your inner thigh. "I am going to kiss you. I plan to leave marks there." There was a second pause until you felt his mouth gently kiss your thigh. Next thing you felt were his teeth nipping your skin. V started trailing kisses from what you felt. His mouth started near your knee and was getting closer to your heat.
"Mmm..." You practically feel his breath against your cunt.
"What color?"
"God, green." You couldn't contain your anticipation. He chuckled and slid an arm around to rest on your lower stomach. Your back arched when you felt his warm tongue swipe up your slit before he latched on to your clit.
"F-fuck, V!" You cried out. You wanted to reach down and press his face closer to your cunt but you kept your hands gripping the pillows. You knew he had both his mask and wig off, so you settled for jutting your hips. He chuckled and held you down with his arm.
"There, there." He mumbled, his tongue doing wonders your sensitive pussy. You felt him insert two fingers, they curled and hit the right spot, causing a pleased whimper escapes your lips at the feeling. He continued lapping your juices and gently suckling on your clit in all the right ways.
You're not sure how or why, but V was amazing at eating you out.
"H-how are you so good-Hng!" You whined, tossing your head back. That familiar warmth spread through your body, heat pulling in your stomach. He detatched himself from your pussy and while you couldn't see him, you knew he was smirking.
"I think it is both muscle memory from before Larkhill and from the many movies and books from the banned list I obtained." He hummed, the vibration of his voice felt so good. The blindfold had"Come on my tongue, darling."
"V..." You whimpered when he removed his fingers but then moaned as his tongue delve into your hole. His free fingers circled and played with your clit. "Fuck-fuck!" It felt like fireworks as your second orgasm hit. You threw your head back as you sputtered out a mixture of curse words and his name.
"Divine, darling. Absolutely divine." He moved away you to let you recover from your orgasm. "I am going to kiss you now." He didn't give you time to answer. His lips met yours in a bruising kiss, you could taste yourself. Unlike your gentler, more sensual kisses with V, this one was full of passion and lust. One of his hands rested on your neck and he applied a little pressure to the sides. Your thoughts were scrambled from your post-orgasm high, the hot kiss, and now his hand on your throat.
"Just a moment, dear." He pulled his face and hand away. You hear noises again and you assume he is putting his mask and wig on. A minute passes when he speaks again. "I am taking off the blindfold." You feel his hands trail up your neck and behind your head, untying the silky fabric.
"Ah, shit." You weakly laugh and wince at the light. Your eyes adjusted in time though and now you could see your lover staring down at you.
"You look stunning like this. Dazed from an orgasm on my tongue." He cupped your cheek with his hand and you immediately nuzzled into it. "One more thing, my dear. Are you up for it?"
"I think I have one more in me." You smiley blissfully.
"Good." He leaned forward and had his mask kiss your hairline before getting up. He opened his box again and you watched with half lidded eyes as he seemingly strapped something around his waist. He grabbed something else, what you swore was a dildo but then it was obscured by his body. "This looks quite silly." V laughed.
"Let me see." You giggled. Your lover turned around with his hands on hips and you had to cover your mouth to hide the grin. He was still fully clothed in front of you in his black get up but on his crotch was a realistic looking strap-on but it also was in a clear lavender color. You removed your hand and revealed your grin. "Yeah. It looks a little silly but I am very excited for what's in store."
"Good." V gave a curt nod and walked around the bed, sitting in the other side. "Do you have the energy to ride me?"
"Oh I would love to." You smirked and sat up, feeling energized enough. You threw your leg over his lap, effectively straddling him.
"My, you are stunning, sitting here on my lap like so. Oh how I love you."
"I love you too, V."
"Every time you speak my name I am put further under your spell."
"I'll be saying it plenty more here soon." You pecked the masks lips and reached back for the dildo, grabbing it and lining it to your entrance. You figured you were plenty ready to take it. Slowly you sunk down on the thermoplastic cock and you placed your hands on his chest. V took in a sharp breath as he watched your face show the pleasure you were feeling. His hands gripped your hip.
You set a slow pace to start. You softly moaned as you moved up and down. The strap-on filled you up deliciously. You knew it wasn't the real thing but the moment still felt special. The intense love you already felt for V only deepened now.
You felt V's hands help guide your hips and you could tell he wanted you to go faster. You smile at his masked face and quickened your pace.
"Fuck-This feels... feels good." You rasped. You couldn't tell exactly were he was looking, but you figured he was watching your tits bounce. V removed one of his hands from your hip and reached over to where your vibrator laid. You didn't let him even ask, "Green, V."
"Good. Come undone for me again. I want to see your while your whole face is shown to me this time." He powered on the toy, its buzzing filled the room. You slowed down enough for him to press the vibrator to your clit. You nearly scream in pleasure, your body stilling and twitching.
"Oh fuck!" You hissed at the sudden wave of pleasure. "Move V- Ah-!"
"Of course." There was a smirk to his tone. He started bucking his hips upwards, everything felt so intense yet so good. You felt what seemed like fire pooling in your lower abdomen. Your were getting lost in this immense pleasure and you could tell your third orgasm was going to hit hard. The vibrator against your clit and your lover fucking you had you nearly lost in ecstasy.
Your head started leaning back as your third orgasm was nearly there when suddenly you felt the hand that was gripping your hip fly up to back of your head. V's hand cupped the base of your skull and forced you to keep your face looking directly at the mask.
"Keep your focus on me." V practically growled.
That intensity in his voice, the very steady and strong thrust, and the vibrator had you crying out his name. Your third orgasm hit like a firey explosion. Your walls clenched around the strap-on as your body stilled, jaw hung loose and eyes almost rolling back.
"Yes, that is it." V husked. Your body trembled, feeling overstimulated. Your partner still kept going, seemingly lost in your reaction. You cried out as he kept going, as he moved the vibrators in circles around your sensitive and engorged clit.
"V-!" You whimpered out his name. A part of you wanted to stop, the stimulation practically overwhelming, but your mind and heart kept screaming for him to keep going, to see how much longer you could hold out like this. You wanted to feel completely undone by the man you adored so dearly. Suddenly his thrust came to a full stop. He quickly pulled out of you and switched the position, everything seemed like a blur in your drunken-like state.
You now laid on your back, V having a firm grip on your legs as he maneuvered them for easy access; the vibrator, still in his grasp, buzzed against your leg. He entered you once more, giving you only a moment before his thrusts continued.
"V, fuck!" You choked out. His grip on one of legs left and you nearly saw white; the bullet vibrator was back on your clit. Tears leaked out of your eyes as you stared up at the mask watching you so intently.
"Good, my love. You are taking this so well. So-fucking-well." He grunts. You feel your heart flutter at the use of a curse word, something he hardly ever utters. There was something in the tone telling you he was fulling letting loose now. And you loved it. "Cum one more time for me, alright?"
You simply nodded, unable to coherently speak.
"I asked you a question. I need to hear your voice."
"Y-yes!" You writhe and shuttered. Then your vision nearly faded to black as your fourth orgasm hit, you couldn't make a sound other than his name. You felt sudden wetness around your pussy and V's clothes as his hips languidly rolled against you.
"My, my dear. It seems you made a mess." V chuckled, slowly pulling out but still kept some of the dildo inside of you. You barely manage to lift your head and saw liquid dripping from his pants.
I've never done that before... You hazily thought.
Your tired eyes widened when you felt him push back in and your sweat drenched body twitched with the vibrator on your clit.
"V- red. Red sweetheart." You panted. Immediately, he halted his movement and turned off the vibrator. Carefully he removed both toys from your body and placed a hand on your cheek.
"I am sorry. I lost myself there. Are you hurt? What do you need?" His voice was soft and tender.
"I'm not hurt. I just knew I couldn't handle anymore." You said, nearly breathless as you came down from everything.
"Just relax. I'll start a bath for you while I change into clean clothes. Does that sound fine?"
"Of course." You lazily smile at him as he got off the bed. You close your eyes and hum a soft song while V went into the closet the change. It only took him a few minutes but you nearly lulled yourself to sleep.
"Are you ready?" He asked. You hummed a response and sat up, you swing your legs off the edge but as soon as you attempted to stand your legs gave out. If it V hadn’t had been so close without you realizing you would have met the ground.
"Wow, you really fucked me until I couldn't walk." You couldn't help but laugh. He looped an arm under your knees and used the other to support your back as he lifted you easily into his arms.
"Once again, I sincerely apologize to you. I know this night was supposed to be for us to test-"
"Don't. Everything felt good. Great even. I knew I wanted to keep going as you did for that last one." You stretched your neck to peck the masks cheek. "I don't mind rough either next time, V."
"Well I am glad." His seemingly bashful tone of voice told you enough. You giggle with a simple smile and wrap your arms around his neck as he walked you both in the bathroom. V sat you down on the closed toilet and wrapped one of the fluffy towels around your shoulder. You watched with half lidded eyes aa he got the bath going. The water started filling the porcelain tub and you watched as your partner added soothing oils to the water.
When the water reached the right amount V turned the handle to off. He removed the towel and lifted you up and hovered you over the water. It was routine now after his days of pampering you for him to do this so you could test the temperature with your foot. He lowered you just enough to do so and you hummed in delight.
"Just right, V." You smiled and he gave a single nod, assisting you to stand in the tub before helping you lay back. You sigh contently at the warm water around you before glancing at V. Your eyes widened a bit when you daw him roll up his sleeves. His arms, much like his hands, were severely scarred. Usually he let the water soak his shirts when helping you bathe. Deciding not to comment on it, you simply smile to acknowledge this step in trust.
You didn’t care about what his appearance may have been under his clothes, what you cared about is who he is. He was an essentric person, but kind. He was understanding and driven. And he was someone you loved dearly.
V pulled out the small stool he kept in the bathroom. He lathered up a loofah with the soap you liked and gently took hold of your arm. For the next few minutes he gently washed you, speaking softly to you. When he was done with that he started massaging your limbs, earning him content noises from you. You could fall asleep at any moment now. A whine escaped your lips when his hands left you.
"Sorry, my dear, I have to clean up everything. It shouldn't take me long. Try not to fall asleep."
"No promises." You sleepily smile, watching him as he left the bathroom. You stretch your arms and legs with a small hum. You felt hazy and content in the warm bath after being pleasured and cared for. Your eyes slowly closed with a small smile and you couldn't help but doze off.
You're not sure how much time passed since you closed your eyes. V's deep chuckle stirred you awake. You blinked up at him as he set down a fluffy towel, before he reached into the water to unclog the drain.
"I told you not to fall asleep." He teased and helped you up. With his hands placed on your waist, he easily lifted you out the tub. He grabbed the towel and started drying you off. You smiled contently at how warm it was. He must of thrown it in the dryer for you. Wrapping you in the towel, he lifted you in his arms and back into the bedroom.
You noted the different bedding and felt warmth flush to your cheeks.
"Sorry you had to clean all that by yourself."
"No, I am actually quite proud of myself and you for that." His boastful tone had you feeling more flushed. He sat you down on the bed next to a small stack of clean clothes. "I hope to get you to that point again, dear."
"That was the first time I ever squirted." You smiled. V knelt down while you carefully stood up, removing the fluffy towel. You shivered at the difference in temperature. Your lover unfolded a pair of black panties for you. You placed a hand on his shoulder and step in each hole. V slowly pulled the underwear up and quickly offered you some sleeping shorts, which you repeated the process. He had you sit back down so he could put on a very large shirt over your head. You smiled at how warmed the clothes were on your body.
"Thank you for taking care of me, V." You sigh.
"It is the least I could do for you." His hand cupped your jaw and his thumb stroked your cheek.
"Still, I appreciate it and you. Can you give me a kiss?" You grin getting up to stand.
"Anything for you." You close your eyes as he lifted his mask. His lips pressed against yours softly, the kiss full of love and adoration. He pulled away and you waited until he spoke again to open your eyes, his mask back on. "I love you, forever and always."
"I love you too, V." You smiled, the attempted to stifle a yawn.
"You need rest, my dear."
"Lay and tell me a story until I sleep?"
"Of course." V lead you to your side of the bed and pulled back the covers. He helped you get into bed and tucked you in. He quickly moved around the bed and got on top of the bed. You wasted no time scooting up to him, wrapping your arm around his torso and resting your head on his strong chest.
You sigh, feeling content and happy.  V started speaking, reciting a short story he has memorized and told you before. His rich voice was soft and comforting, and after a few minutes you were lulled into a deep sleep, feeling secured and protected.
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snzunii · 1 year
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+ tags. angst, hurtful words (from ran huhu), breaking up, established relationships + characters. sanzu haruchiyo, ran haitani x f!reader (separately) + word count. 0.7k + note. hello. ><
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sanzu haruchiyo.
“i’m tired.” 
sanzu looked at you with furrowed brows; the phone that previously got his attention was now discarded on the coffee table in front of him, his brows raised when you chuckled bitterly—you were wondering what would make him look at you—and now, you got your answer. 
“then go get some rest.”
“no, tired of us. tired of you.” you said nonchalantly, as if the words that you were saying weren't hurting him—as if it weren't hurting you. “let’s break up.”
sanzu wasn't surprised at all.
he also don't expect you to say anything anymore; that was enough for him. because that was it; you really became tired of him. 
your face and actions were enough to tell him that you weren't gonna do this anymore. that you were not gonna wait for him to tell you what’s wrong instead of setting you aside.
you weren't gonna wait for him to open himself up to you. he didn't need any explanation, you were simply tired of him. and for the first time you do not expect him to say anything, to finally say his feelings out loud.
you do not expect him to beg for you not to leave because you know that’s not him, he’s not going to do that. you know he would choose to stay quiet and the next, act as if nothing happened and everything was okay. 
you were tired of fighting for the two of you, for the mismatched efforts on your relationship. you were done defending him to yourself that maybe you can still do it—that even though he’s not showing it he wanted you to stay. 
it was the same one word but the impact on the both of you were different. you felt free as he was uttering that word, you felt like the big thing that was weighing you down was slowly getting light but for him, saying that one word was the hardest that he’s ever done.
he didn’t want to. he wanted to say that he would try, but he doesn’t know how to. he just wished that you’d stay a little longer until he figures it out—but he knows that you’ve reached your limit.
that you would crumble and lose yourself the longer you stay with him. 
ran haitani.
“could you give me some fucking space? it’s getting annoying.��� ran said that made you stop, your hand that was clinging on his arm was discarded.
it’s been almost a month since you last saw him. this is the only time that you get to see and talk to each other because of your tight schedules and you wanted to cherish it—make the most out of it, but he was acting a bit different today.
“am i doing something wrong?” you asked, a bit teary eyed that made him roll his eyes. his actions feels like your heart was getting ripped into pieces. “i-i just wanted to be close to you. we barely saw each other this month.”
“i know but do you have to be literally on me-” he stopped and sighed, “see. this is why i don’t want to say anything. could you please not cry here. i feel like i can’t do or say shit cause it’ll make you cry like a fucking baby” 
you weren’t really crying but you couldn’t stop a tear from falling. you were getting embarrassed and hurt. though, the pain was much more prominent; your chest was tightening every second you were looking at his face.
he’s different because he’s tired. he’s unhappy. he has been for the past few weeks—how could you not see it? he doesn’t want any more of this. 
you almost begged him to go on this date too.
“then you’ll overreact on the slightest-”
“i wanna break up.” you said and he chuckled.
it took all of your strength to say that to him. to really mean it. this is how much you love him, that you’d want to set him free from you.
“see.” he rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulders, “fine. let’s break up.”
ran thought that this was just one of your pretentiousness, that you were getting dramatic over the things that he said. you do this often before—break up with him but the next day you’ll text him and say that you couldn’t do it without him.
he was assured that you'll be back and take back what you said but why did it hurt the next morning when there weren’t a text from you? 
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pacific-rimbaud · 6 months
i was reading your thoughts on how fans felt about l&oha and while i concur it is a perfect piece of work in my head and have reread it 5x, i wonder if you think fans tend to be harsher/more critical of hermione and let draco slide? i see it a lot in fics where he's more of an alphahole type
Oh, man. Okay. The can is open, the worms are loose. Rant under the cut.
I'm actually going to set men aside entirely. Just. To the side with you. I desperately need more realistically complicated men, too, but that's a whole separate discussion. Right now: women.
There must be whole dissertations out there on the phenomenon of readers hating female characters with negative traits. I'm a fandom old, so I didn't grow up identifying with Hermione, and wouldn't have even if I'd been young enough to. I did that "which character are you" test just now and my top three matches were Janis Ian from Mean Girls, Jughead from Riverdale and April from Parks and Rec, which, massive grain of salt, etc. BUT gives you an idea. I am not a Hermione and never was, so she's never been a comfort character or self-insert for me. Some of my favorite fictional women are Sophie Hatter (mean, irrational, petty, old and mostly loving it), Harrowhark Nonagesimus (evil stick), Phryne Fisher (zero fucks to give). What I like about Hermione is how imperfect she is. I'm a "cleverest witch of your age I've ever met" truther (book!Lupin is absolutely saying "you're the canniest 14 year-old child I have personally met, saying this as a guy who doesn't get out much," not "you are a once-in-a-century genius"), and from my perspective, she's often wrong and often a dick, and not in a fun and fiesty burn-down-the-world BAMF way. Which. Good for her! Be human.
And that's the thing. I personally don't want Hermione to be perfect, I want her to be what I think she is, textually, which is intelligent, hardworking, loyal, competitive, compassionate, controlling, belittling, rude, petty, insecure, vindictive, volatile. She has the right to be that way, because she's human. The desire for perfected women (or unapologetically and unstoppably awful ones, another brand of female power fantasy) is not limited to Dramione fandom. I think it's amplified in DHr by many readers who DO identify as former gifted children, books-as-coping-mechanism kids and Strong Female Personalities who felt marginalized in childhood and want to see Hermione have it all: she's slim, she's tiny, she's fragile as a bird, she'll break your neck, she'll step on your throat, she'll tear down the system, she'll heal all wounds, she does not need help, she holds all the knowledge, she holds all the cards, she is forever wronged, she can do no wrong, her vagina is tight, her nipples are hard, her hair is on point, her waist is tiny, her tits are bouncing, her ass is in the style of Now. And like. This isn't at all unique to DHr and Hermione. It's pervasive in fiction written by and for women. Female power fantasies are obviously feeding a massive hunger. It's just not what I personally want. Personally, I find it alienating and uncomfortable, which I know equates to, "That is wrong and shouldn't exist" to a lot of people, but that's its own tale as old as time.
There's a disconnect that happens too often where a reader wants one (1) thing from their fiction, and receives something else, even when the contents are clearly labeled on the tin. In this case, wanting a female power fantasy and encountering a woman who's written with flaws makes people upset. And maybe if we could be more honest with ourselves about what we're looking for when we read, work to accept that not everyone wants the same experience, and learn to close a book when it's not working for us and say, "No shade, this isn't for me," it would be less upsetting when we encounter a character who isn't written to meet our personal expectations. I will open a book, realize the FMC is a female power fantasy archetype and close it, because that's not what I show up for. I like my women gritty and weird and foolish and vulnerable and liable to hurt people and feel terrible about it. Give me all the exhausting chatterers and evil sticks and jocks with swords and their hearts on their sleeves (their hearts ripped out), give me shy Anne Elliot and her suitcase full of regrets and the ugly fuckup who never has a glow up, give me dirtbag stoners and Fleabag and Alicent Hightower apologetics and every role Natasha Lyon has ever played. It's not a moral high ground, it's about a preference for seeing actual, demeritus flaws on the page and on the screen. Blame that woman. It's her fault. She has so many faults. Then show me how to forgive her so I can figure out how to forgive myself.
The thing is, I love women. I love women so fucking much. I want to be around them, to get to know them, to read about them, to watch them on TV and see them in films. And personally, I like them ugly. Physically. Spiritually. Morally. Give a woman a Bad Personality and watch her succeed in the most self-injurious way possible, fuck you. Give her a gaping chest wound and line it with teeth. Stick a piece of grit in that girl's tightly sealed shell so that a pearl is her only option. Make her love other women, make her fuck it up, make her have to earn them back.
Thankfully I do feel like we're getting more ugly women in fiction, especially BIPOC, queer and marginalized women who deserve gross, weird, nasty representation and not just didactic moralism, patronization and misguided sainthood. Some readers won't want that, and that's fine. Again, personally (it's all so personal, please, please remember that when you hit that comment button), I'm here for it. If you write about women like this, know that you have a thirsty reader here. I'm swallowing them up. I'm smacking my lips. I'm smashing my mug on the cafeteria floor and calling for another.
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starks-hero · 2 years
Pairing: Crowley x human!Reader
Summary: “When everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am.” Or, Crowley finally decides to tell you, his human lover, that he is a demon. He's justifiably terrified.
Word Count: 2.0k
Warnings: hurt/comfort
a/n: shout out to the wonderful anon that chucked me headfirst back into my good omens' obsession. anyway, I'm not saying you should listen to Iris whilst reading this but–
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Crowley loved your eyes.
Well, he loved the entirety of you. But there was just something about their alluring shade, the way they watched him so intently and with softness he couldn't recall last being regarded with. Their divinity reflected that of the cosmos themselves. Crowley should know, he built them.
He never really understood the whole ‘eyes are the window to the soul’ line before you. From Crowley's, albeit limited understanding, souls didn't have windows, and even if they did, it wouldn't be a very good indicator of one's character. Even the bleakest of days look more promising from behind the safety of a window.
You were the one to change that perception, to take it in gentle hands and mould it into something softer, more sentimental. You proved to him that maybe there was some truth to the verses he'd heard poets recite again and again over the millennia. When with you, Crowley could feel the unconditional kindness beaming from you like rays from the sun, a readiness and willingness to be good that made him fall for humanity all over again.
And yet despite everything your eyes inspired in him, you were yet to see his own. And for good reason. Crowley still didn't understand what miracle, (or lack thereof) had transpired for you to be with him, but he did know that he wasn't about to put it at risk. You were his anti-thesis; made up of all things good and loveable. The thought of how quickly you'd leave the moment you saw his eyes and all they stood for was one that plagued him daily. But on the other side of the coin, Crowley couldn't disregard the fact that you deserved to know. You deserved the truth. You deserved so much more...
It was time for the bell to toll.
And so, Crowley followed his usual routine of picking you up after your shift, only this time the music was cranked up double what it usually would be (already deafening) in an attempt to drown out his frantic overthinking. The windows shuddered with each guitar solo and Crowley was sunk so far down in his seat his foot was pressed uncomfortably against the gas pedal. If it weren't for the fact that the Bentley was somewhat sentient, he probably would have swerved off the road a mile or two back.
The moment he set foot in your home an uncomfortable burning sensation shot up his spine. He cursed whoever had blessed your house before realising that said uncomfortable feeling was in fact a combination of both his nerves as well as the conscious he forgot he had.
The drive back to the flat was tortuous, for Crowley at least. Your hand was on his thigh as he drove, drawing circles into the fabric. The ever-alluring sound of Freddie Mercury's voice droned on in the background as Crowley rehearsed what he wanted to say, swapping out words and rephrasing sentences before restarting altogether. The closer he got to home the more hopeless he began to feel and by the time he was holding the flat door open for you Crowley fought the urge to find the nearest cave, catacomb or other undisturbed dwelling to take a century-long nap in. He just wanted to wait this whole thing out.
The reminder that you wouldn't be here in a century served as an adequate kick in the arse as he closed the door behind him. 
His shoulders were slumped and his steps slow as he moved through the apartment's halls in all their bleakness. The only room in the entirety of the flat that had any real colour was his conservatory, filled to the brim with succulents and tropical plants. The moment he entered said room he was met with the sight of green leaves and an earthy scent heavy in the air. It was an impressive sight, really; plants that stretched feet off the ground, leaves proudly pointed skyward, (although given Crowley’s presence it is far more likely this display was out of fear.) Ivy vines had begun to climb up the walls, something Crowley had intended to deal with before deciding he was rather fond of how they contrasted the greyness of the polished stone they clung too. 
Among it all, in the very centre of the botanical display, the plant you'd gifted him proudly sat. A purple Iris, its petals bright and its leaves healthy and succulent. Its scent was sweeter than that of the other plants and the flower, despite its size, did not seem intimidated by the impressive foliage that surrounded it. 
Crowley’s fingers delicately ghosted over the leaves. the sentimental side of him liked to believe that the flower’s flourishing beauty was because it had been gifted to him by you. Something about everything growing better with love. The more reasonable part of him acknowledged that it was due to the fact the plant had been placed nearest to the window as well as being the first watered each morning and night. The battle between his sentiment and rationality was nullified by the fact that you were also the reason the plant received such treatment, favouritism having quickly steered his hand.
You just had that habit about you; inspiring beauty whether you meant to or not. 
As Crowley studied the flower that in so many ways reminded him of you, he imagined the leaves becoming dry and shrivelled, of the royal purple petals withering beneath his touch. He pulled his hand away.
He found you reclined along the couch, one arm covering your face whilst the other hung weightlessly off the side of the furniture. Your dramatic pose was reminiscent of some tragic renaissance painting and the sight was one that inspired such fondness Crowley didn't even mention how you had your feet up on the fine velvet.
“Tired, love?” He asked instead.
“You have no idea. Today was an utter nightmare.”
Even whilst talking about the most mundane of things your voice was siren-like, resonant with divinity. Crowley could listen to you for hours, for the rest of his life. Until his immortal heart stopped and the earth beneath him turned to ash.
“I feel better now that I'm here with you.”
The words sent a dagger into his side, the following guilt twisting it in place. He moved to join you on the sofa and with a gentle tap to your ankle, he watched you move your feet before taking a seat beside you.
Your eyes were on him, he could feel it. The tension in his body and the seriousness of his expression was not something you were used to. He spoke before you could voice your concern.
“There's something I want–” He swallowed. “Something I need to tell you.”
“Okay.” Your breathy laugh that encompassed the word was an admirable attempt to hide your nerves but Crowley knew you better. “What is it?”
Silence followed.
Crowley opened and closed his mouth a few times, no words passing from his lips despite how hard he tried to voice them. There was a building pressure in his temples and he felt like his forked tongue was tied in a knot.
“Crowley.” Your hand travelled across the plane of his thigh and grabbed his own. It was a comforting touch yet he fought the urge to pull away. “What is it? You're scaring me.”
Another twist of the dagger.
“I– I just, it's that...” Crowley made a noise that fell somewhere between a groan and a whine. “I... I'm–” foreswearing words altogether, he reached for his glasses. With shaking hands, he pulled them away. “I'm not... good.”
He couldn't bring himself to look at you, to see the horror and fear in your eyes. “I'm quite the opposite actually.”
He felt your hand leave his own, the skin you'd once touched feeling bare. His chest hurt, his eyes stung and when he finally turned to you your fear and disbelief sent another sharpened blade through his chest.
“What–” The word fell quietly, the beginning of a sentence you'd never finish. Crowley took the liberty of answering regardless.
“Demon, unholy horror, the reason children are afraid of the dark.”
When you said nothing, he continued.
“I wanted to tell you. I should have told you. I never meant for this to go so far. I tried to stop it so many times but then you'd say or do something and I– just never wanted it to end. And I know that's selfish but–” Crowley motioned to his eyes. “That's what I am. Selfish, unforgivable– a bad omen.”
As his words set in you remained unmoving. Your eyes hadn't left his, not since he'd pulled off his glasses and laid everything bare.
“Love...” There was another stretch of silence and Crowley felt like he was drowning; like he was back at Mesopotamia with wind and rain at his back and a wave so large it blended with the sky fast approaching on the horizon. “Please, say something.”
You said nothing.
Rather, you raised your hand against his cheek, thumb timidly tracing beneath his eye, as if to ensure it was real.
Crowley flinched.
“This is what you've been hiding from me? All this time.” You asked. “And here I thought you just really didn't like the sun.”
Crowley blinked a few times, lips falling in a frown. He backed away from your touch.
“You've just found out that I'm evil incarnate and you're making jokes.”
“What would you prefer I do?”
“I'm a demon.” Crowley ensured to emphasise the word. “I'd prefer you did what anyone else would do.”
‘Leave.’ This part was silent. ‘For your own sake.’
You didn't waver. Your hand fell back against his shoulder, testing the waters and when he didn't pull away you continued.
“From my understanding, demons are supposed to be cruel, unlovable. So if you're a demon,” your hand ventured to his neck, Crowley's eyes falling shut despite himself as you traced his jaw. “Then no offence love but you're not a very good one.”
Crowley couldn't quite place the feeling that took hold of him at your words, but it left him feeling both hollowed and relieved. His eyes stung again, but this time he was smiling.
“You're being far too conversational about this.” His fingers encircled your wrist, he could feel the steady beat of your pulse beneath his thumb. “This really doesn't bother you..?”
You shook your head. “And even if it did, I'm in too deep now to get hung up on something like that.”
Crowley tried to think rationally but instead, he thought of the beauty of the cosmos, of dark purple petals and perfumed air. Of your eyes and their warmth and this time the idea of a withering flower didn't even cross his mind.
“You're sure about this, falling in love with a demon. Dangerous business, that.”
“I'll take my chances,” you mused. “Besides, being without you is the only real hell I can imagine.”
Crowley chortled, boyish and pure, a noise that certainly should not have come from a demon. "Aziraphale been loaning you his books, has he?"
“No, but I am trying to cheer you up." You gently nudged his side. “Is it working?”
Crowley's reaction told you it was. His eyes in all their vibrant brilliance shone so bright you felt you were staring at the sun. When he reached for his glasses, your hand worked on its own accord to stop him.
“Leave them off, please? I want to see you." Your words were cleansing and for the first time in an eternity, he felt worthy. Worthy of adoration, of love, of you.
Crowley kissed you, and you did not wilt.
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tag list: @bakerstreethound @miraclesoflove @doozywoozy @mywellspringoflife
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riacte · 7 months
So like, are we gonna talk about how there is a problem in this fandom about some creators, mostly female ccs, being critized by fans whenever they "overshadow" the more famous hermits? No shade to any of the hermits, they are wonderful and i am sure this is the last thing they wanted to happen, but i am starting to notice a pattern. And it s always with the same excuses! "They did not play by the rules" "Someone else did the work for them" "It was boring and anticlimatic". And although I can think of some cases of this happening to male ccs (well, one case, and it was to a non-hermit), women have to deal with a looot of shit every time they score a victory, and it s terrible that this is just a routine at this point. And like where do the critics come from? Are these ccs supposed to lose in purpose and act as secondary characters to those who have more views or subs? I just don t understand
Oh yeah there's definitely a misogyny / popularity problem. It's always been around, got a bit better, and now post-Covid, it's getting worse.
Women can do everything and anything and they'll be criticised by some assholes. If False was proactive and killed every reaper who came near her? She would be "mean" and "a bully". If False kept her distance? She would be "barely online" and "not deserve a win". If False was on all the time, "the trappers wouldn't have time to lay traps". If False wasn't on because of work purposes (the meeting) or to EAT (because women are human beings who LIVE), "she wouldn't have a chance to die". I found it sad to see False explain herself and justify her jokes and actions. AND that is wholly dismissive of any irl things that may or may not have been going on.
Also... the popularity gap is getting worse. Some hermits have stagnating or even negative growth in terms of viewership and subs. It's unfortunate because everyone is free to watch who they want, work with who they want, everyone has limited time and attention span, so there's no real solution. Which is why I'm all for spreading propaganda. And I feel like my mains False and Ren are in the middle in terms of this— not the most popular, not the least either, so they kind of get left out when it comes to "underrated hermits" discussions. Idk. I know this has been a problem since the birth of Hermitblr and I know from the pov of a fan I do have it much, much better than some other fans who main other people. My main duo interact alllllllll the damn time. And I know I am guilty of sticking very closely to my main povs.
We have to drown out the trolls. Be vocal about what we love. I love seeing all the nice comments on vids. <3
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nomazee · 11 months
hihi!! i love ur writing sm and was wondering if u could do a chuuya x also mafia executive reader (similar to the dazai friends to lovers u did a bit ago) with the unestablished relationship but so obviously in love trope
thank u sm!!
i went so overboard omfg FORGIVE ME... i hope this is cohesive i kept working at it at like deep into the night so it's a little hazy omg but i loved this so much im such a sucker for this trope and chuuya and dazai are like the best characters for this kind of genre i feel
pairing: chuuya x gn reader word count: 2.8k content: fluff, hurt/comfort (an abundance of it), friends-to-lovers, mentions of sickness (vomiting, fever, etc), domestic fluff, sweet stuff, also hand-wavey teenage timeline because i didn't read all of stormbringer forgive me...
“They said they might promote me, did you hear?” 
Chuuya glances to the side at the sudden sound of your voice. You’re leaning over his shoulder from behind him, face mere inches from his as you grin widely. He has to fight the twitches of his own lips to stop himself from smiling back. “And who’s they, exactly?” 
“Oh, you know. The grapevine. Just some whispers in the organization. And Kouyou.” You lean back, the radiating warmth of your body suddenly escaping Chuuya. He walks behind you as you make your way down the hallway, a little jump in your step as you recount the news to him. 
“It’s what you get for working so hard. Guess it paid off.” 
“You think I’m hardworking! You’re a flatterer, Chuuya Nakahara.” 
“Sure am,” he quips back with amusement. Banter with you is different than with Dazai. With you, it’s lighthearted, and silly, and makes him feel like he’s fourteen and messing around with the Sheep again. With Dazai, it’s… charged, and fast-paced, and builds up a kind of aggravated energy within him that works well in fights but not in a room of Kouyou’s antiques. 
“But guess what,” you start again, looking over your shoulder where Chuuya follows close behind. Your pace slows down to let him catch up to you and walk side-by-side, now. “I think you’ve got a good chance, too. You’ve got some executive qualities, you know?” 
It makes Chuuya pause for a moment, because he hasn’t really thought about it before. After the mess that was the Sheep, he hadn’t considered taking up any kind of leadership or executive position in the Port Mafia. It wasn’t really his thing—too much work, too much responsibility. And as much as he loathed to admit it, it would probably mean even less time to spend with you and Dazai. Being mentored by different people already limited your time with each other. 
He tries not to think too hard about the implications of it—of you and Dazai working under Mori’s hands while Chuuya gets Kouyou’s firm, but gentler palms. A vague kind of sickness washes over him that he tries to shake off. 
“I don’t know about that. I think I do better in a quieter position, don't you think?” 
“Nothing is quiet about you. Especially not with that partner of yours,” you joke back. “I could put in a good word for you! Once I get promoted, I’ll have, like, a bunch of power and influence, and I’ll be all high and mighty, and you and me and Dazai can all take care of the Port Mafia and be all cool, and everything.” 
It’s a pipe dream. Both of you know that. Chuuya knows best about your hidden resentment of this organization and all that it stands for, all that it does. He’s heard whispers about your plans to take over—plans that would never come to fruition. Plans that were more like dreams and wishes and hopes. Something to get you through the day. The budding smile on his face falters when he turns and sees that distant look in your eyes. A sigh bubbles in his chest, but he holds it down. 
“Hey, slow down. You don’t even know if you’re getting the position or not.” His comment is met with a roll of your eyes and a chest-deep groan. You launch into a big speech about how qualified you are for the job, and all the different things you’d institute as a mafia executive (nap time, stress room with cats, petting zoo, iced tea dispensers), and Chuuya nods along and laughs for as long as he can.
You do, in fact, get promoted to an executive, but at the cost of a lot of things. Dazai leaves the mafia with no warning to you or Chuuya. You don't see him at all for two weeks leading up to his defection, and it all happens in a blur that leaves your head swimming with vertigo and your body much too frail to handle everything. 
Chuuya finds you sobbing in your en suite bathroom, kneeling on the floor and crying so hard that you’re dry heaving. He hasn’t seen you like this before. Even in your rare moments of vulnerability, it was never something so visceral and uncensored. He stands in the doorway, looking down at you, and freezes. His palms itch with the desire to do something, something that he hasn’t learned.
“You… Hey, hey,” Chuuya drops to the floor once he snaps out of his daze, crouching next to your curled up form as you shake with the force of your tears. He tentatively reaches out a hand, easing onto your shoulder. When you don’t give any sort of negative reaction, he wraps his arms around your shoulders and pulls you in for an embrace. 
It’s odd. This isn’t something that the three of you did. For all that you and him and Dazai kicked and pushed and shoved each other jokingly, this kind of touch is unfamiliar. It’s scalding in the way that sitting in front of a space heater in the dead of winter burns you.
He shushes you like a child because he’s not sure what else to say. He’s just as shaken by Dazai’s defection, but he knew that you and Dazai had become so close over the last few years. Being trained under Mori together does that. His chest squeezes at the sight of you like this, broken down and shivering and sick at the loss of your friend. 
“I’m sorry,” he says. “I’m so sorry. Shhh, it’s— it’s okay.”
Chuuya smooths a hand over the top of your head, sliding down to rest between your shoulderblades. His mouth presses against your temple in a gentle kiss, feeling how cold and clammy your skin has gotten. He doesn’t know how to heal you. His hands are made to weigh people down and hurt and subdue, and he’s not sure if he can handle the gentler things like holding you and swathing you in blankets and cooking you soup. 
But, he thinks with a renewed determination. There’s no harm in trying. 
Three months later, you take Dazai’s executive position at the age of nineteen. Chuuya follows suit after another year and a half and becomes executive at twenty. You only think of Dazai when your head swims in gin and when you can’t feel the heat of Chuuya’s hands near you.
The both of you find yourselves in Chuuya’s apartment drinking the night away. At this point, you’re both twenty-one, and being in the mafia has offered you countless resources for alcohol and the like. A warm haze has blanketed you as you take another sip of whatever sweet fruity drink Chuuya has concocted for you. He drinks a glass of wine, because he’s weird and bougie, which you tell him straightforwardly. 
“Wine’s just an acquired taste,” he tells you.
“It’s glorified grape juice. It tastes like yeast.” 
“That’s… kind of what it is.” 
You laugh so hard that tears bead in your eyes and you hit him on the shoulder hard enough to bruise. It’s not even that funny, really, and he wasn’t even trying to make you laugh, but it’s so late into the night that you don’t even know what time it is and everything is funny when you’re this drunk.
“I’m hungry, Chuuya. I miss your soup,” you say, a whine in your voice as you throw your head back against the armrest of the couch. You’re stretched out on his velvet upholstered couch with your feet in his lap, and he’s been tracing circles against your bare shins while some documentary plays in the background on the TV. “You haven’t cooked for me in forever. I thought it was your duty as a househusband to cook every night, or something.” 
“Hey! I’m not anyone’s househusband,” he shouts in protest. When you push your head up from the armrest to glance at him, his tanned face is flushed a warm red and his brow is furrowed in playful indignation and you’re struck with the urge to bite him like a chew toy. Instead, you let out a soft kind of laugh and roll your eyes. 
“Yeah, you are. You’re my husband. Have been since the day I met you.” In a burst of newfound energy, you propel yourself up and off the couch, swinging your legs off his lap and standing up. “Let’s go make some soup. Your pantry’s probably stocked, right? Since you’re on top of all your housekeeping.” 
“Geez. You’re never letting that go, are you?” 
“Of course not! Come on. You have to teach me how to cook now.” 
Chuuya has reserved bone broth in his freezer, because of course he does. You submerge a container of it in hot water and wait for it to defrost while he helps you dice and saute vegetables in a pressure cooker. 
(“Don't pressure cookers, like, explode, or something?” 
“...who taught you that.”)
It’s a miracle you can even use a knife safely, because your head is still swimming a little bit and the line of empty bottles on the coffee table taunts you and your bad decisions. You also blame it for the way you stick close to Chuuya, bumping your hips together and leaning your head on his shoulder for a few fleeting moments until the pressure cooker starts hissing. 
He serves you a heaping bowl and when you tell him you’ll puke if you eat the whole thing, he pushes the bowl at you from across the counter and says, “I’ll guess I’ll just clean your puke for you too, then.” 
“Gross. You’re really a househusband if you’re brave enough to do that.” 
“Househusband this, househusband that. All I do is cook.” 
“And clean up the vomit of your lovely lovely spouse.” 
“Sure,” he says, and he turns back to you and puts his own bowl next to yours. Then, in a swift, undeterred motion, he reaches across the kitchen island, over both steaming bowls of soup and kisses you straight on the mouth. It shocks you right into lucidity, eyes blown wide and lips nearly parting at the sudden contact. Before you can really think about it, Chuuya pulls back, circling around the kitchen island to sit next to you with two spoons so you can both eat. “As long as that lovely lovely spouse is you.” 
You feel—light. Airy, sick, nauseous, more at peace than you have been in the last three years. A stupid smile starts forming on your face and you hide your giddy laughs into your soup. 
Chuuya would never act like this sober, you think, still cherishing the little moment you have. Thankfully, you’re proven wrong when he keeps doing it—walking you back to your apartment the next day, going out to a mafia-affiliated diner the next week, in an empty meeting room after everyone has left.
Another year passes. You find yourself in the throes of the cannibalism incident—not as a bystander, but as a victim. Because that’s just your luck, really. 
You don’t know how you were caught in the crossfire between Fyodor and Mori, but somehow you were infected with the cannibalism virus and bedridden for nearly three days, in-and-out of consciousness while you hoped and prayed that somebody would save you. For the entirety of the conflict, you were left alone in the PM infirmary, sweating off your perpetual fever and coughing up stomach bile into a metal garbage can. 
It was awful. There’s no blame to put on anyone, though. Everyone who was able to stand was on the front lines, so to speak, and from what you understood you weren’t as big of a target as Mori. Three days alone in a sterile bed was worth it for the survival of the organization.
At the end of it all, in the calm after the storm, sitting in your dorm, Chuuya visits you. 
You don’t look too great, still recovering physically and emotionally, but you can’t find it in you to care. The second you hear the familiar cadence of his knock and the shuffling of his stupid heeled boots, you rip the door open and are met with his wide-eyed expression. 
“Hey,” he says, and you burst into tears because god. It hasn’t hit you until now, seeing him in front of you, his warmth radiating from his hands as they reach out to hold you, but you could’ve died or he could’ve died and then what would’ve happened? Years and years of knowing each other, seeing each other at your worst, taking care of each other. Cooking in your kitchen and sleeping on his couch and kissing him like it meant nothing. It could’ve all been gone. 
The mafia isn’t a safe occupation to begin with, but this entire thing has made you realize how fleeting everything is. So you sob, and you let him hold you and bring you to the couch, and you let yourself be weak.
“Hey,” he says again, tone now placating, gloved hands resting on the back of your head and between your shoulder blades as he sits next to you on the couch. You have no regard for where your body is right now, legs sprawled out somewhere beneath you and arms reaching up to grab at Chuuya’s clothes in any way you can. “It’s okay, baby. It’s okay.” 
You cough wetly into his shoulder, a whine forming from between your violent sobs. Your body shakes with the remnants of your sickness and the exhaustion of the week and a small voice in the back of your head tells you that it’s embarrassing, that it’s unbecoming of a mafia executive to be so affected. 
Death threats and poisonings and shootings—you deal with it every week. You choke out another whine of distress as you press the heels of your palms against your closed eyelids in an attempt to quell the tears. It doesn’t work. You’re still weak, no matter how hard you hurt. 
“Shit, Chuuya,” you cough out a weak sob, shivers wracking your body as the weight of everything crashes onto you. “I was so sick. I was alone. I thought I would die. God.” You pull back from his hold to rub at your eyes with your raw palms.
“Stop that,” Chuuya says, with a gentleness you swear you haven’t heard in so long but in truth it’s been with you for the last two years. “You’re gonna hurt yourself.” Cold fingers wrap around your wrists and pull them away from your face. 
The white-hot heat of embarrassment scalds the back of your neck. You feel like a scolded child with the pitying look he gives you, and with your hands locked between his there’s no way to hide. 
“Stop,” you tell him, “quit it, Chuuya,” and you don’t know what you’re begging for, but it’s the lowest you’ve ever felt—a feared member of the mafia on their knees crying and asking for some kind of mercy. 
“I wouldn’t let that happen,” he mumbles, and he pulls you just a bit closer with the grip he has on your hands. His chin rests on top of your head and you shove your face into the crook of his neck.
For once, he doesn’t smell like his gross luxury perfume. He smells like your laundry detergent and grass and the city and even more tears spill over your cheeks. Your fingers curl into his and you clench his knuckles until you feel them creak through the gloves. 
“I wouldn't let you die,” Chuuya’s voice is no more than a whisper, but it’s the most determined you’ve heard him sound. “I wouldn’t let it happen.” 
“I don’t need your protection,” and it’s a weak protest, and you’re grasping at straws to argue with him and push him away and make him stop before you make yourself sick with how hard you’re sobbing. You feel one hand slip from yours and slide up between your shoulderblades and start trailing along the nape of your neck, tracing circles in a lulling gesture. 
“I know you don't,” he says, “but I would really like it if you let me. Just once in a while. Let me cook you soup alone and wash your face and clean your hair. All that stupid stuff.”
You cough out a weak laugh. Your househusband shtick from a year ago comes back to you, and so do all the warm evenings spent together in the kitchen and the kisses left on his cheek and the ones left on yours. You feel the warm press of his mouth against your temple and let out your last weak sob before you hold him tight again, squeeze him hard against you to make sure he’s still there. And that’s where he’ll stay.
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intrinsicepiphany · 7 months
Okay so I recently watched Hazbin Hotel. And I really like Chaggie so looking at some of the comments about the relationship online I noticed that a lot of people's negative opinions about the couple kind of revolve around Vaggie's seemingly one-sided utter Devotion to Charlie and her being so differential to Charlie but I actually think this may be a storytelling device.
(lets not talk about people saying they dont have chemistry - they 100% act just like an old married lesbian couple)
hear me out because if I am right I may have cracked the code to redemption.
from what I can tell of the Sinners they actually over exemplify or are consumed almost by their sins .
Alastor is probably Pride or Wrath, Angel Dust is Lust and Envy (he shows some self hate/self distructive behaviors as well), Husk is greed, Niffty is violence/wrath.
So what is Vaggies sin?
we know that she was originally not a sinner so she didn't have a human sin to be incorporated into her character which is why she looks the most human.
Her fall from Heaven, (if you want to call it that because, let's be honest none of the other angels knew or casted her out) was either caused by
1) her Devotion to her own morals and eventually disagreeing to what the angels were doing,
2) devotion to the exterminators leading to a loss of self, which she realized only when she defied Lute.
Or 3) the self hatred she developed after realizing how horrible Adam and the exterminators are.
so now that she's Fallen she's kind of taken on being a sinner and since her sin was devotion/self hatred she has transferred her devotion onto the one person she sees as being worth it, the most morally correct person she knows, the person who saved her life Charlie.
This may actually not be a bad thing. I think Charlie's devotion back and general good nature allows for this to avoid toxicity. She encourages Vaggie to be her own person, to forgive herself and to love herself. They are actually quite balanced in my opinion. I also think Vaggie getting her wings back shows that she is close to or maybe already redeemed.
( and lets all agree for all that Charlie is Hellborn she is the most selfless and good person we've met on the show - makes me wonder if a hellborn dies with a good soul would they have always gone to heaven? Was this perhaps one of the reasons the hellborn were exempt from the extermination? Look I have theories about Charlie actually being more Angel than Demon. )
Now Onto my redemption theory!
What if the way to redemption isn't so much being Pure but breaking out of the behaviors that are toxic?
I think Sir Pentious was redeemed because he stopped being selfish. He stopped being a coward and envious. His last act was one of selfless sacrifice in the end he overcame his own fears and limits for someone else. The reasons it's never been done before is because Hell by it's very nature puts them in a place where this is basically impossible. To survive you have to be selfish or cowardly or more violent than everyone else.
This also mean there is a the possibility that if an angel is bad like Adam and dies they could reincarnate in hell as a sinner.
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Unmanageable 2
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Pete Brenner
Summary: your manager sets his eye on your (plus!reader)
Part of the Backwoods AU
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You’re often the first one in office and unfortunately, the last one gone. That day is no different as you let yourself in through the back door of the bank and lock it behind you. You arrive at least an hour before opening to run diagnostics. Marska or her equivalent, Taylor, often cut it close to the starting time. You don’t mind so much as long as they’re not late.
The silence is soothing where to many it may be eerie. You leave your office door open as a scan runs on your screen. You blow over the open slot of your thermos and groan. You were up a bit too late playing Eldenring. The Godskin Duo gave you quite the headache.
The connection, despite being wired in, seems slower than usual. The last week or so, cell service has also been limited. In Hammer Ford, it isn’t entirely surprising. Sometimes it feels like the world forgets the backwoods village.
You yawn and take a cautious sip of hot coffee. You nearly choke as your eyes are drawn above the monitor by a blurred shape. You pull your mouth off the lid of the cup as Pete leans against the doorway, slightly bedraggled as his floppy hair droops down one side of his forehead and his eyes are ringed with sleep.
“Hey,” his voice is gritty and low, “you’re here early.”
“Same time every day.”
You note that he’s wearing the same jacket as the day before. You can’t see the rest of him past your computer but his tie is gone and his shirt is wrinkled and unbuttoned. You should be concerned but you’re just not. Whatever problems he has, you can’t imagine they’re not self-made.
“I smelled coffee,” he grumbles and scratches the side of his nose.
You put your thermos down softly, hiding it out of his view. You’re not sharing.
“Guess…” He leans back and looks into the bank, “I could make a pot… Marska usually puts one on… her coffee tastes better than mine.” He checks his watch, “how long till she gets in?”
You blink at him. Shouldn’t he know? He’s the manager. Your job is the computers, not scheduling. You look at him and shrug.
“Mm,” he turns back to you, “guess I’ll give it a try.”
His reluctance is clear as he sluggishly pushes away from the frame and drags his feet away from your office door. You have the urge to get up and shut your door but even you know that’s a bit much. His soles scuff as he barely lifts his feet and you listen to him grumble and sigh.
He clanks around loudly with the old machine. You’re always sure to bring your own. They only ever have the cheap brand in the office and when you brought your own, others drained the pot before you got any. This place is miserable. You wonder if they need a technician down at the library.
The shatter of glass breaks the morning lull completely. So much for a slow start. You hear Pete groaning from the next room. You don’t have to go out there, you don’t have to…
Damn it.
You get up and find him standing over the broken urn, only the plastic handle still intact. He hangs his head and grips his hips, pouting over the disaster. You cross your arms as you approach.
“I’m a mess,” he pushes his hair back as he shifts to look at you. “Sleeping in my office, wearing yesterday’s clothes,” he drops his hand emphatically and puffs out through his lips, “now this.”
“Did you cut yourself?” You ask, scanning his hands for blood.
He shakes his head, “no, I didn’t, just… I’m not doing well.”
“Right,” you stare at him flatly, “well, just broken glass. Nothing that can be cleaned up.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” he says, “thank you.”
Then he walks away. Walks. Away. Leaving you in front of the scatter of glass shards. You watch him go incredulously. Does he really expect you to clean up his mess? As he enters his office, you’re assured that he very much does.
You close your eyes and take a breath. Technically, he is your boss. Well, truly, he is a man child.
You go to get the broom and pan and sweep up the glass. Not for him, for practicality. No one else should have to cut themselves for his clumsiness. You dump the glass in a box and put that in the bin. You’ll leave it to him to add the replacement to the supplies sheet.
Marska arrives as you put away the broom. Before she even slips her purse off her arm, she struts to the machine, not acknowledging you until she finds the burner empty. She tuts and faces you, blocking your path back to your office. Your safe haven.
“What happened?”
“Pot broke,” you answer bluntly.
“You broke it?”
“No,” you say.
She scoffs, “no? Well, what happened?”
You point to Pete’s office and shrug, shouldering past her without further argument. She sighs and clicks her heels towards the front desk. Her agitated mutters drone on as you enter your office and rub your forehead.
“Hey Mar,” Pete greets the teller buoyantly, “that’s a nice skirt.”
Absolutely no shame.
“Pete,” she purrs back, “what happened to the coffee maker, baby?”
They’re not as subtle or quiet as they think.
“Mm, yeah, accident,” he says, “you know what time that bakery opens? They do good coffee. You could run over, it’s never busy at open.”
“Pete, it’s always busy at open. That’s when all the old ones do their banking,” she rebuffs.
“Oh…” he sniffs, “I’m sorry, baby. Late night, I…” he pauses, “she knows.”
“What?” Marska’s voice cracks.
“I don’t know how she found out…” his voice trails off, “we should talk in my office.”
“Whatever, the other won’t care. I don’t even know if she understands me half the time,” Marska sneers, “you sure she knows what she’s doing? These fucking computers are slow as hell.”
“Mar,” Pete warns, “let’s go…”
“Well, I don’t have much time or any coffee, so make it quick,” she snaps and her heels tap across the floor.
You roll your eyes and close your own door. You don’t envy the mess they’ve made of their lives and you assume it won’t be long before Marska’s husband knows about it. What do you care? You don’t waste your time on all that. You’d rather get to the Erdtree.
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