#i won't die from the salt that you pour in my wounds
More Than This // Chad Meeks Martin x Reader x Ethan Landry*
request: none!
prompts: none!
summary: ethan landry is completely and totally hopelessly in love with you. the only problem? you're in a happy relationship with his roommate and best friend, chad.
warnings: language, a shit ton of angst, crying, smut, a wee bit of voyerism, masturbating (m), cumming in pants, yelling, ethan having impure thoughts about reader
word count: 3.1k
a/n: reader is referred to as girlfriend, but there's nothing specifically mentioned about gender other than that. no description of reader, other than being mentioned as shorter than chad. chad and reader are dating. there isn't any relationship going on between reader and ethan. no ghostface au. also this is my first time writing smut in a while so i hope it's alright!
part 2 part 3
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I'm broken, do you hear me?
I'm blinded, 'cause you are everything I see
I'm dancing alone, I'm praying
That your heart will just turn around
Ethan frowned as he looked over at you and Chad. The two of you were dancing together with your matching cowboy and cow onesie costumes, and you couldn’t have looked happier. Your arms were wrapped around Chad’s neck and his hands were placed on your waist. Ethan watched as Chad whispered something to you that made you giggle, and he felt his heart ache. He wanted to be the one you danced with, the one to hold you close, the one who would make you laugh.
But you were dating his roommate. And Chad was Ethan’s best friend, he’d never want to hurt him, but all Ethan could think about was you. He could never escape you. Even if he wasn’t thinking about you, you were still there. You and Chad went almost everywhere together, and you were always over at their dorm. Just constantly seeing you and Chad being happy together made Ethan’s pain that much worse.
And as I walk up to your door
My head turns to face the floor
'Cause I can't look you in the eyes and say
Ethan stared at the text he had written to you, his finger hovering over the send button. He kept writing the same message over and over, pouring out his feelings to you, but he could never bring himself to send them. He was too scared. He knew there was no way that you could possibly return his feelings, and telling you how he felt would only set him up for more heartbreak. You were with Chad, and you were happy. Who was Ethan to get in the way of that?
And besides, he couldn’t do that to Chad. Sometimes Ethan felt that Chad was the only friend he had, he didn’t want to risk losing him over his stupid infatuation with you. Ethan sighed, deleting the text and shutting his phone. He huffed, leaning back against the pillows on his bed, deciding to wallow in self pity instead of fucking everything up by confessing. 
When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight
It just won't feel right
'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah
Ethan heard the door to his dorm open and shut, giggling and whispers following the noise. Great. You and Chad were back from your date. It was nights like these that Ethan couldn’t be more grateful that his dorm had separate bedrooms. At least he wasn’t forced to see you and Chad being all lovey dovey, that would just feel like the two of them rubbing salt in his never healing wound. 
The door to Chad’s bedroom was flung open, and Ethan heard you laugh again. He smiled slightly to himself, the beautiful noise cheering him up a bit. But that newfound happiness was short lived, because he knew what came next. Walking over to his desk, Ethan searched for his noise canceling headphones, but they were nowhere to be found. He cursed to himself when he remembered he had lent them to Anika so she could focus better while trying to study. Just great. Now he had nothing to block out the sounds of you and Chad. This was going to be a long night.
When he lays you down, I might just die inside
It just don't feel right
'Cause I can love you more than this
Can love you more than this
Ethan laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling, willing himself to fall asleep. Unfortunately, he was still wide awake. He didn’t even know how long it’s been, but you and Chad were still going at it like rabbits. Chad’s headboard continually slammed against the wall, the banging ruining any chance Ethan had of sleeping. But that wasn’t the worst part. The worst part about Ethan’s current situation was you.
The walls in their dorm were incredibly thin, allowing for sounds to be heard from the other side easily. Ethan could hear you moaning out Chad’s name over and over again, along with your other whines and whimpers. It was all Ethan could focus on. You sounded so… hot. Usually he had his noise canceling headphones on, blocking out all the sounds you and Chad make. But now that he could hear you, he regretted ever using those stupid headphones in the first place. 
Before he could even realize what was happening, Ethan was hard. He whimpered softly as he felt his throbbing erection continue to grow each time you moaned. He felt guilty about feeling like this, especially since you were currently fucking his best friend, but his overwhelming need made his guilt almost disappear. 
He pulled the blankets off of him, and brought his hand down to his hard on, grinding his palm against it. He whimpered in relief at the feeling, speeding up his movements, practically humping his hand. Was he really doing this? Getting off to his best friend’s girlfriend’s moans? He felt dirty. Perverted. But somehow, that made this all the more exciting.
Ethan continued, grinding his palm down against his clothed cock, while his hips bucked up in tandem. He closed his eyes, imagining that you were the one touching him, and that he was the one getting you to make those incredible noises. Ethan bit his lip, struggling to hold in his moans. He was getting closer and closer. Then, he heard you through the wall.
“Oh, fuck! Fuck, m’ cumming! Fuck…” you trailed off into a high pitched whine.
Ethan opened his eyes when he felt a growing wet spot on his hand. He looked down and saw that he just came in his pants from hearing you finish. Great. Just great. He was supposed to be getting over you. And this was definitely not helping. 
If I'm louder, would you see me?
Would you lay down in my arms and rescue me?
'Cause we are the same, you save me
But when you leave, it's gone again
“Hey Ethan!” you said cheerily, sitting down next to him in the cafeteria.
“Hey…” he mumbled, his face flushing red as he looked away from you, the memories of what he had done last night still present in his mind.
You scrunched your face up in confusion when you saw how red Ethan looked. You immediately placed the back of your hand on his forehead, concern present on your face.
“Are you feeling alright? You look really red,” you asked, gently touching his forehead and cheeks to see if he had a fever.
Ethan felt himself blush even harder, the feeling of your hand on his face making his skin tingle and his head spin. He quickly shook his head and pulled away slightly, not wanting to develop another situation because of you. 
“No, I’m- I’m fine. Maybe just a little sunburnt is all.”
You pouted. “You really should wear sunscreen, Ethan. It’s not healthy if you don’t.”
Ethan nodded. “Uh, yeah. I’ll keep that in mind.”
Ethan was about to say something else, when Chad approached and sat down next to you, instantly taking your attention away from him. You smiled widely at Chad, pulling him into a hug and kissing his cheek.
“Hi baby! I missed you,” you said, a lovestruck look in your eyes.
Chad smiled back, looking equally infatuated with you. “I missed you too babe.”
Ethan grumbled to himself, the display of affection the two of you shared only making him long for you even more.
And then I see you on the street
In his arms, I get weak
My body fails, I'm on my knees, praying
It was movie night and Sam and Tara’s place, a weekly tradition that Mindy forcefully makes everyone participate in. Ethan sat by himself in a chair next to the couch, while you and Chad were curled up together in the loveseat across from him. Everyone else had piled onto the couch, or the floor in front of it. Mindy grabbed the remote and excitedly started some horror movie that she’s been adamant about making everyone watch. But Ethan could barely bring himself to pay attention.
He kept his gaze on you and Chad, squished close together as Chad buried his face in your neck. You wrapped your arms around him, holding him close and trying to comfort him from the scary images on the screen. Despite how scared your boyfriend was, you couldn’t help but smile at how adorable he looked, your six foot tall boyfriend clinging to his much smaller girlfriend for protection.
Ethan tried to watch the movie, he really did, but all he could think about was how badly he wished it was him that you were holding instead of Chad. No matter what he did, Ethan couldn’t get over you. He had almost given up on trying at this point. He was hopelessly in love with you. And he would just have to deal with that. 
When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight
It just won't feel right
'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah
The movie finally ended, and Ethan managed to force himself to pay attention to the second half of the movie. He was definitely confused about the plot, and had absolutely no idea what happened, but at least he stopped staring at you and Chad like some creep.
“Aw, guys look!” Anika said, pointing to the loveseat you and Chad were on.
The two of you had fallen asleep, Chad curled up in your arms. The sight of you and Chad sleeping together so peacefully, so happily, it just made the heartache and longing he felt for you that much worse. Because he knew he would never get to be with you like that. He would never get to be the one to fall asleep in your arms, the one you protected from scary movies, the one you held close. No matter how badly he wished and prayed to be yours, he knew that it would never happen.
Sam stood up from the couch and grabbed a blanket, placing it over you and Chad. She smiled down at the two of you warmly, the sight just so incredibly adorable.
“They’re so cute together,” she said, smiling to herself as she walked back to the couch.
“I know!” Tara added, swooning over how perfect you and Chad looked together. “It’s like they were meant to be.”
When he lays you down, I might just die inside
It just don't feel right
'Cause I can love you more than this
Ethan couldn’t take it anymore, seeing you and Chad sleeping in each others’ arms, hearing all his friends fawn over how cute you and Chad were. It was all too much. He felt his heart shatter and his eyes welled up with tears. He blinked forcefully, trying to stop them from falling.
Ethan stood up, starting to head towards the door. “I think I’m gonna head back to my dorm for the night. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
Anika frowned. “You’re not staying? I thought we were all sleeping over here tonight?”
“Yeah, you always stay. What’s going on?” Mindy added. 
“Nothing. I just don’t feel like it tonight.”
Quinn furrowed her brows in confusion. “It doesn’t seem like nothing. Is something bothering you?”
Ethan huffed in frustration. “Nothing’s bothering me. Just drop it.”
Before anyone could respond, he was already out the door.
I've never had the words to say
But now I'm asking you to stay
For a little while inside my arms 
“Hey, man. Where were you last night? Mindy said you left early and that you seemed all upset about something,” Chad said, sitting down in the desk next to Ethan.
Ethan shook his head. “She’s overreacting. Nothing’s bothering me. I… I just had this paper to work on last night that I forgot about. That’s it,” Ethan replied, hoping his excuse didn’t sound as shitty as he thought it did.
Chad looked skeptical but brushed it off. “Alright. Well, hope you got it done in time then.”
“Thanks,” Ethan said, a forced smile on his face.
Chad looked like he wanted to say something else, but their professor walked in and began talking, gaining Ethan’s attention. Chad wanted to press for more, he felt like there was something Ethan wasn’t telling him. But now probably wouldn’t be the best time, especially since he seemed so tense about whatever it was. Maybe he could get you to ask Ethan about it later. Ethan always seemed so much calmer when you were around. 
And as you close your eyes tonight 
I pray that you will see the light
That's shining from the stars above
And I say
“Ethan! Hey, wait up!” you shouted, running to catch up to Ethan who was on the other side of the quad.
Ethan’s head perked up when he heard your voice, and he stopped walking, waiting for you to reach him. A few moments later, you stood by Ethan’s side, your hands on your knees and you panted from your jog over. You held up a finger to Ethan, asking him to give you a minute as you caught your breath. 
“You alright?” Ethan asked, a smile growing on his face.
You nodded, slowly beginning to breathe normally. “Yep. Just wasn’t prepared to run that much. I’m- I’m fine.” You finally managed to calm your breathing, and smiled at Ethan to prove you were really okay.
“So, why’d you just sprint across the quad? Did you miss me that much, or did you need something?” Ethan asked, laughing to himself slightly.
“Uhm, yeah actually. I needed to talk to you. It’s about last night.”
Ethan’s smile faltered. “What about it?”
“Chad wanted me to ask you about what happened. He told me that you said you forgot about a paper, but I know that’s not true. You’re too insanely organized to forget an assignment. So, what happened? Why’d you bail?”
Ethan shook his head, turning to walk away. “I’m not talking about this right now.”
You huffed and grabbed his shoulder, forcing him to turn around. “Ethan, I’m worried about you. We all are. Just talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong.”
“I can’t!” Ethan said, his voice slightly louder.
When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight
It just won't feel right
'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah
‘Cause I can love you more than this, yeah
“Why not? I’m here for you Ethan, we all are. Just let me in. I want to help you.”
Ethan turned his head and looked at the ground, not wanting to look into your eyes. If he looked into your eyes right now, he knew his resolve would crumble, and all of the feelings that he’d been holding back would all come spilling out.
“I can’t tell you. You wouldn’t get it. You can’t help me,” Ethan said, his voice growing quieter as he felt your gaze stay trained on him.
You placed your hands on his shoulders, trying to make him look at you again. What was once just a minor concern about whatever happened at the sleepover now grew into a full blown panic. You had never seen Ethan like this. So small, so fragile. He had seemed so put together, having everything under control. But seeing him like this, you couldn’t help but feel your heart break. He looked so sad. So scared. And you hated it. 
“Try me. Please. Let me in. Whatever you’re dealing with, you can’t do it on your own. Don’t push me away. I know we aren’t the closest, but I do consider you a friend. And I care about you. So please, just tell me what’s wrong. Don’t let yourself suffer by trying to deal with it all on your own.”
When he lays you down, I might just die inside
It just don't feel right
'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah
“Fine, you want me to tell you?” Ethan said, finally looking into your eyes.
You nodded. “I really want you to.”
Ethan huffed, rubbing his eyes with his fists in frustration. “I- I want to tell you. I really do. But if I say this, I can’t take it back. I don’t want to ruin everything. I don’t want to lose you.”
You frowned, stepping closer to him. “You won’t ruin anything. Just please, tell me. Let me in, Ethan.”
“I’m in love with you, okay?!” Ethan shouted, squeezing his eyes shut, terrified of how you would react.
“What…?” you asked, your eyes wide in shock. 
“I’ve loved you since the day I first met you. Which sucks, because you’re with Chad, and I know you don’t feel the same. But I’ve been suffering every single time I see you with him. I wish that was me. I want to be the one that you love. I want to be the one you’re with. And I know it’s wrong, I know I can never have you like that. But- I- I just-,” Ethan trails off, his rambling cut off by his own panic. 
And then Ethan does the unthinkable. He kisses you.
When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight
It just won't feel right
'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah
Once he realized what he had done, he pulled away. He was too panicked to realize that you had kissed back. You looked up at Ethan, your eyes wide in shock and confusion. You had no idea what you were feeling, emotions swirling and exploding inside of you. But Ethan interpreted your expression as disgust and hate. He looked at you guiltily, slowly backing away.
“I’m sorry. I- I shouldn’t have done that. I don’t know why I- I’m so sorry,” Ethan said, his eyes wide as he took another step backwards.
“Ethan…” you said, your expression softening when you saw how terrified he looked.
“No- I- I shouldn’t have…” Ethan said, turning around and running off, not wanting to have to face you another second. 
“Ethan, wait! Ethan…” you called after him, but he didn’t turn around. 
“Wait…” you said softly, trailing off when he finally faded from view. 
When he lays you down, I might just die inside
It just don't feel right
'Cause I can love you more than this
Can love you more than this
tags: @wenvierismycomfort
if your name is crossed off, it means i can't tag you!
387 notes · View notes
i won't die from the salt that you pour in my wounds
author: aspen blackwood
series: bleak are the heavens, darker the gods
Part 2
Jack was there when the bylaws on the subject were written. It could only mean one thing… there was another witch in Whitechapel. - Dr. Jack Benjamin always thought himself to be a good surgeon. When he loses another patient on his operating table, it sends him down a path befitting his ancestors.
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0 notes
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dvrkdcves · 1 month
i won't die from the salt that you pour in my wounds
Jack was there when the bylaws on the subject were written. It could only mean one thing… there was another witch in Whitechapel. - Dr. Jack Benjamin always thought himself to be a good surgeon. When he loses another patient on his operating table, it sends him down a path befitting his ancestors.
Series: bleak are the heavens, darker the gods
0 notes
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✦ Welcome to the Haus of the Blackened Wood ✦
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blade of nightshade, be my strength not my ruin
✧☾.☽✧ all the fire that ever burned you has turned you into gold
✧☾.☽✧ tell me a lie to keep me in line, you swear it’s a sign but it’s the tortured who rise
✧☾.☽✧ rebirth
✧☾.☽✧ the living dead
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bleak are the heavens, darker the gods
✧☾.☽✧ in his house beneath the sea, he waits dreaming of you
✧☾.☽✧ i won't die from the salt that you pour in my wounds
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wonder if it's room in heaven for savages
✧☾.☽✧ do you trust me with your scars enough to show me your heart
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✧ across oblivion's edge
✧☾.·:·.☽✧ call of the moon
✧☾.·:·.☽✧ song of the seas
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✧ fighting this fire with fire
✧☾.·:·.☽✧ got a taste of the bitter in me, now i keep it just to feel complete
✧☾.·:·.☽✧ and the weight upon my shoulders won't fade
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✧ of spies and sunshine
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✧ the call of darkness
✧✧✧ something in the way
✧✧✧ something wicked this way comes
✧✧✧ something flickering in the night
✧✧✧ the husband and the steed
✧✧✧ freefall
✧✧✧ secrets and lies
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༄ an ode for stucky
༄ i scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
༄ the house on eighth street
༄ to become a monster
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↳ hoping these roses dull the pain, cover the scars and turn the page
↳ maybe we're just born with stardust in our blood
0 notes
bamby0304 · 2 years
The Hart III: Secrets
Ch.26: Salt in the Wound
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Series Masterlist
Summary: Three months… Dean was gone for three months and now he’s back. He’s back and he truly has no idea how much things have changed. Life moved on while Dean was in Hell, and now things are complicated. With new faces and troubles right around the corner, will the trio find a way to come back together? Or has all hope been lost?
Warning: Violence. Death. Angst.
Standing at the cart again, I lifted Ruby's knife from the assortment of tools and weapons.
Alastair's eyes were on it in an instant. He let out a light chuckle. "There's that little pig-poker. I wondered where it went." I dipped a ladle into the bowl of holy water, which I then poured over the blade as Alastair watched. "Do you really think this is gonna fix you? Give you closure? That is sad. That's really sad. Sad, sad."
Not responding, I turned without looking him in the eye, focusing on the job at hand, blocking out all emotions as I turned to autopilot, re-enacting everything I'd done in Hell for years. Using everything he'd taught me, on him.
Stopping in front of him, I waited a moment before driving the knife into his gut, agonizingly slow. I listened as his flesh sizzled and he grunted out noises of pain.
"I carved you into a new animal, Dean." He struggled. "There is no going back."
Leaning in closer, I grinned. "Maybe you're right. But now it's my turn to carve," with that, I drew the knife in deeper.
Leaving the blade in there a moment longer, I then slid it out of him just as slowly as I'd pushed it in. His head fell forward. Grabbing his face, I forced his head back up, which had him laughing once more.
"Now it's your professionalism that I respect."
Disgusted, I turned away, moving to the cart to grab the bowl of holy water. Walking back to Alastair, I threw the water in his face. On contact, his skin began to sizzle as the water screamed, Alastair gargling in pain.
"Who's murdering the angels?" I asked, ignoring his chokes.
When he didn't respond, I moved back to the cart, filled the bowl up again, walked over to Alastair once more, and threw the water on his face. He screamed as his skin sizzled and I watched, face void of any emotion.
Leaning over as much as he could while chained, Alastair spat out a mixture of blood and holy water. "You're just not getting deep enough. Well, you lack the resources. Reality is just, I don't know, too concrete up here." He shook his head as I moved to the cart again. "Honestly, Dean… you have no idea how bad it really was, and what you really did for us."
I glanced at him for a moment as I poured some salt into an old piping bag. "Shut up."
Ignoring me, he went on. "The whole bloody thing, Dean. The reason Lilith wanted you there in the first place."
"Well, then I'll just make you shut up." Walking over to him, I grabbed his chin once more.
"Lilith really-"
Before he could go on, I forced his mouth open, lifted the bag to his lips, and let the salt fill his mouth and pour down his throat as he tried to scream.
“Don't really blame you guys. Not like I'm good for anything… maybe leaving me here is for the best. Maybe if I die of starvation, I won't come back,” I wondered. To make things worse, I actually sounded hopeful…
"Hello Elizabeth."
I gasped, looking over to my right, seeing Anna stand in the middle of the living room, a gentle and kind smile on her face.
Anna's eyes scanned me, her smile falling as she really took in the sight before her. "Why are you covered in blood?"
"My now very ex-boyfriend thought it would be fun to stab me so he could get away after I found out he's a demon… which is before he forced me to drink his blood. But that was after he'd already been drugging me with pills made from his blood."
She looked down at the ground, guilt in her eyes. "I didn't know…"
"But you do now?" I groaned, moving to sit up.
"I heard-"
"Let me guess. Through angel radio?" I laughed harshly. “When? How many of you guys know?”
“Not everyone has heard the news yet. I only heard it moments before I arrived here.”
“Great,” I sighed, hating this situation more and more with each passing second.
Moving around the coffee table, Anna scanned my body as if trying to see where she could help me. But it was obvious what the problem was. She couldn't heal the withdrawal symptoms of the demon blood, and there was nothing left to heal when it came to my stab wound. I was just going to have to ride the rest of it out.
"So, that means all you guys know." I sighed. "Please tell me you're not here to just say good bye and leave me to die."
"You prayed. I answered."
I looked to her with hope in my eyes. "So, you're going to help me?"
"Yes." Once again, she answered as if it were that simple.
But it wasn't. At least to me it wasn't. "Why?"
Frowning, clearly not understanding my question, she asked, "What do you mean?"
"Why do you want to help me? I'm not Dean. I'm not a Winchester. I'm just background noise. What do you get out of helping me?"
"Maybe I just want to pay you back after you were there for me," she responded, the kind smile back on her face. "Now, are you going to let me help you, or not?" she asked, reaching out to offer me her hand.
I didn't have to think about what I was going to do next. The moment she offered to help, I knew there was no way I was turning her down. Without further hesitation, I lifted my hand and placed it in hers, already thanking her in my mind.
Trying to breath, scream, and struggle, Alastair leaned forward as he spat out a mixture of salt and blood… though mainly blood. "Something caught in my throat," he croaked, looking down at what he'd spat out. "I think it's my throat."
"Well, strap in, 'cause I'm just starting to have fun," I assured him, turning for the cart again.
"You know, it was supposed to be your father," he started as I poured some more holy water. "He was supposed to bring it on. But, in the end, it was you."
"Bring what on?" I asked, not missing a word he'd said.
But he didn't answer of course. "Oh, every night, the same offer, remember? Same as your father," he explained while I shook some salt onto the blade of Ruby's knife. "And finally, you said, 'Sign me up'. Oh, the first time you picked up my razor, the first time you sliced into that weeping bitch…" I turned to him, seeing him smirk. "That was the first seal."
Walking closer, I refused to let him see how his words had affected me, because it I'm being honest, he'd struck a nerve.
"You're lying."
"And it is written that the first seal shall be broken when a righteous man sheds blood in hell. As he breaks, so shall it break," he recited. "We had to break the first seal before any others. Only way to get the dominoes to fall, right? Topple the one at the front of the line."
I had to turn away before he could see me react. Before he could see the broken look on my face as I realised that this was all my fault. Everything. The apocalypse, the angels, Lilith, Lucifer. Everything that was happening and was coming, it was all my fault…
"When we win, when we bring on the apocalypse and burn this earth down, we'll owe it all to you, Dean Winchester."
I closed my eyes, trying to get control again.
"Believe me, son, I wouldn't lie about this. It's kind of a religious sort of thing with me."
Taking a deep breath, I looked down at Ruby's knife which I still held, getting a hold of myself again. "No. I don't think you are lying. But even if the demons do win… you won't be there to see it."
Ready to finish him off, I went to turn, but as I did, I froze. I wasn't sure how, but Alastair was no longer chained. No longer trapped. No, now he stood in front of me, barely a step between us, nothing left to keep me protected from his wrath.
"You should talk to your plumber about the pipes." He grinned before lifting his fist to my face in a hard punch that had me fall to the ground in an instant.
Reaching down, he grabbed my shirt and lifted me off the ground to punch me over and over again until I could no longer feel the hits. The pain throbbed in my face constantly, and I knew it was only a matter of time before I was out like a light.
Letting me drop, he then grabbed my throat and lifted me off the ground before pressing me against the hexacle he'd been chained to moment ago. "You got a lot to learn, boy. So I'll see you back in class bright and early Monday morning."
Suddenly, he let me go as he turned to see Castiel running toward him, Ruby's knife in hand. The knife plunged into Alastair, but did nothing to stop him as both the angel and demon began to fight. Though I didn't see much of it before everything went black as I passed out.
As I hurried into the back room of the abandoned building, I found Alastair chanting, his hand wrapped around Castiel's throat as he held the angel against a pillar and off the ground. Castiel was clearly losing, his eyes and mouth glowing bright blue…
I raised one hand to Alastair and squeezed, causing him to stop. Castiel slumped to the ground as I threw Alastair against the wall.
"Stupid pet tricks." Alastair glared at me.
"Who's murdering the angels? How are they doing it?" I asked, moving to stand in front of him, though a few steps away.
"You think I'm gonna tell you?"
"Yeah, I do." I twisted my hand, causing his eyes to roll back as he choked, clearly in pain. "How are the demons killing angels?"
"I don't know," he struggled.
I scoffed, twisting my hand a little more. "Right."
Shaking and struggling, Alastair tried to fight my hold. "It's not us," he choked out. "We're not doing it."
"I don't believe you."
"Lilith is not behind this." Fighting against me, he grinned, shaking his head. "She wouldn't kill seven angels. Oh, she'd kill a hundred… a thousand," he answered, so I let my hand drop, no longer hurting him put still holding him. He shook his head at me. "Oh, go ahead. Send me back, if you can."
It was my turn to grin. "I'm stronger than that now. Now I can kill."
Lifting my hand again, I concentrated. Soon enough, gold light began to flare as Alastair let out a pained and blood curdling scream. Just as suddenly, he fell silent and still. Letting him go, I watched as his body slid down the wall and to the ground, now dead.
I sat next to Dean as he lay in a hospital bed, breathing few a tube, an Iv drip in his arm, bandages all over. It was pretty bad. I mean, almost-lost-his-life bad. Even now, he was on close watch, just in case, which didn't sit right with me. There had to be something that could be done…
As if on cue, Castiel appeared in the door way and paused for a single moment as I turned to him, before he continued down the hall, knowing I would be close behind.
Once I was out of Dean's room and only a few steps from Castiel, he opened his mouth to speak- probably to scold me for what I'd done. "Sam-"
But before he could say anything else, I cut him off, gesturing to Dean's room, "Get in there and heal him. Miracle. Now."
"I can't."
"You and Uriel put him in there-"
"No," he tried to argue, but I just went on as if he didn't speak.
"-because you can't keep a simple devil's trap together."
"I don't know what happened," he insisted, almost snapping back at me. "That trap," he sighed, looking away for a moment before turning back to me, "it shouldn't have broken. I am sorry."
But I didn't care about his empty apologies. They weren't going to help Dean. "This whole thing was pointless. You understand that? The demons aren't doing the hits. Something else is killing your soldiers."
"Perhaps Alastair was lying," he suggested, clearly in denial.
"No, he wasn't," I told him with complete confidence, because I knew, without a doubt, that Alastair hadn't lied.
Having nothing more to say, I turned for Dean's room and walked off, leaving Castiel there, needing to be by my brother's side.
Anna had taken us to Bobby's. I wasn't sure how she knew he wasn't there, but I was thankful that he wasn't. I didn't want to have to explain who Anna was, why I was in the state I was in, and where Tristan was. If I didn't have to tell anyone that for a while, I'd be pretty happy.
Throughout the day, Anna had taken care of me. It was oddly nice, like having my own little angel sitting on my shoulder, guarding and guiding me. I never had to ask for anything, she always seemed to know what I needed or wanted. Even if that was some alone time. She would just get up and go for a moment or two before coming back once I was wanted or needed her again.
When the sun had set, and it was getting pretty close to midnight, she disappeared. I mean, literally. One moment she was in the kitchen making dinner, and then she was just gone.
It took a few minutes before she was back. By then, I'd gotten up and continued on with the cooking, eaten some food and started the dishes.
"Elizabeth, you really shouldn’t." She came to take over once more.
But I shook my head at her, refusing to give in. "I'm fine, Anna, really," I insisted, despite how awful I felt.
It wasn't even the withdrawals that were making me feel this way like they had for the last couple of weeks. No, they were gone because I'd let Tristan poison me again. The reason I felt so crappy was because I'd let him do it to me. Knowingly. I let him feed me his blood, and that fact was wrapping me up in unimaginable guilt.
"No. You're not," she sighed, gently taking the plate I'd been washing.
Taking a step back, I let her finish the dishes as I leaned against the bench, folding my arms over my chest to hug myself. "I'm not sick, you know. I've had some recently…" I shrugged lightly, looking to the ground. "I feel fine."
Without looking at me, she nodded. "I know you don't feel sick, not like you have lately, but there are other ways you can feel ill. You can be sick with guilt, for instance." Glancing at me then, she gave a pointed look before going back to work. "And you might have had… that stuff, but it won't be enough to keep you going. Not forever. You will start to feel the way you have for the last few weeks, and the longer you go without the worse it will get."
She was right. I knew she was. What I'd experienced, that had only been the beginning. I knew this time around, things were going to be harder. Things were going to hurt more. But it's a price I'm willing to pay.
After finishing with the dishes, Anna and I had moved to sit in the Bobby's office. We'd spent some time talking, and I found that despite her being an angel, she was actually pretty cool. But despite that, there was something still bugging me.
"Why are you here, Anna?"
She looked taken aback. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, what is an angel on the run doing here, cooking and cleaning for a human poisoned by demon blood. It’s not like I’ve done much for you, if we're being honest."
"You don't think you've done anything for me?" She frowned, both surprised and confused. "I was a stranger, and you welcomed me into your home. You didn't judge me. You brought me in and took care of me when I needed help. And when I remembered who I was and went looking for my grace, you came with me despite the fact that there was obvious tension in your life." She offered me a kind smile. "So, doing some dishes and cooking some food is the least I can do."
Slowly, I returned her smile, feeling a little better. Knowing that she wasn't doing this out of pity eased some of the guilt resting on my shoulders, which allowed me to breathe a little easier.
I was just about to reach for my cup of tea, when Anna suddenly stood. I looked up at her with worried eyes. "What's wrong?"
"It's Castiel, he needs my help," she answered before she got a look in her eyes that told me she was about to disappear.
But before she could, I reached out to stop her. "Take me with you."
She looked down at my hand which was wrapped around her wrist. "Elizabeth…"
It was obvious that she didn't want to take me. But if Castiel needed her help then something must be really bad, and the last thing I wanted was for Anna to be put in danger without backup of her own. I may just be a human, but I was currently a human jacked up on demon blood, so I wasn't as useless as I looked.
"Okay. Just hold on," she told me before we were gone.
I didn't have time to take in my surroundings. The moment we appeared in our new setting my eyes landed on Castiel. He was kneeling, with blood coming from his nose and mouth as he looked up at Uriel.
"You can't win, Uriel. I still serve God."
Uriel's usually impeccable suit was now covered in dust, and had a number of tears in it. He reached forward, wrapping his hand around Castiel's throat. "You haven't even met the man. There is no will." He punched Castiel. "No wrath." He punched him again. "No God."
Before Uriel could make another move, I looked to a short, silver sword looking thing that lay on the ground. Raising my hand as I stepped forward, I used my mind to will the weapon to my grasp before I stabbed him in his back right though his chest.
Anna- who had stepped forward at the same time and now stood behind his other shoulder- spoke, "Maybe. Or maybe not. But there's still us."
I pulled the blade out and took a step back, watching as Uriel collapsed to the ground where the remains of what appeared to be a fresh devil's trap lay.
"Look away!" Anna yelled just as Uriel began to scream.
I turned as quickly as I could, covering my face and closing my eyes and a bright light exploded out of Uriel. Once the light was gone, I uncovered my face carefully, and turned to see seared wings on floor across the devil's trap.
"Elizabeth?" I turned to see Castiel now standing, looking from me to Anna, clearly confused.
Without saying a word, the two angels appeared to have a conversation- one I wasn't privy too. A moment or so later, Anna turned to me, a small and sad smile on her face… and then she was gone.
My heart leapt in my chest, out of fear… I might have just saved him, but that doesn't mean Castiel suddenly liked me. I knew what I was and what the angels thought of me. I had no doubt in my mind that I was about to be punished for my sins.
But I was surprised when he rested a gentle hand on my shoulder. Looking into his eyes I could see both gratitude and pity. Then, before I could stop him, he reached forward and pressed two fingers to my forehead, knocking me unconscious in an instant.
"Are you all right?"
I looked to my left as best as I could, opening my eyes to see Castiel sitting in the seat next to my bed. My hospital bed.
"No thanks to you," I croaked, trying to speak as best as I could.
There was a pause before he spoke again. "You need to be more careful."
"You need to learn how to manage a damn devil's trap," I countered.
"That's not what I mean." He took a moment before adding, "Uriel is dead."
I didn't feel bad for the guy, I mean Uriel was a dick. But it wasn't exactly good news. "Was it the demons?"
"It was disobedience," Castiel answered simply. "He was working against us."
I knew there were hundreds of questions I could have asked him then. I probably should have asked him to explain what that meant. But I didn't want, or need, to know. There were more pressing things I needed him to tell me. Like if Alastair had been telling the truth or not.
"Is it true?" I asked. "Did I break the first seal? Did I start all this?"
"Yes," he answered without hesitation. "When we discovered Lilith's plan for you, we laid siege to hell and we fought our way to get to you before you-"
"Jump-started the apocalypse," I finished for him, my tone a harsher than normal.
"We were too late."
"Why didn't you just leave me there, then?"
"It's not blame that falls on you, Dean, it's fate. The righteous man who begins it is the only one who can finish it," he told me as if it were written somewhere. "You have to stop it."
"Lucifer? The apocalypse? What does that mean?" I asked, needing to know exactly what I'm supposed to do. But when he didn't answer, and he silence grew, I just knew he was about to bail. "Hey! Don't you go disappearing on me, you son of a bitch. What does that mean!"
I knew he hadn't gone. I could still feel his presence. Yet he didn't answer right away. It took him another moment or so before he spoke again. But all I got was, "I don't know."
"I don't," he insisted. "Dean, they don't tell me much. I know our fate rests with you."
"Well, then you guys are screwed. I can't do it, Cas. It's too big. Alastair was right. I'm not all here. I'm not- I'm not strong enough. Well, I guess I'm not the man either of our dads wanted me to be. Find someone else," I told him as I began to cry, unable to stop myself. "It's not me."
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oatchi · 2 years
!! !! (TWO OF THEM!)
TWO of them?!?!?!? YIPPEE!! ill do tfocs just for you my friend. under cut because. whoops soooo many words
Tourniquet (he/him) is a medibot motorcycle who I've put in a few continuities, but he got his start in TFA! He's the answer to a question I had once, "Why doesn't the Steelhaven have a medic on board..? The Magnus is traveling on that thing." He's an overly kind person, and a rule follower to the best he can. He's always a little nervous, seeing as he is basically a fresh graduate who just happened to score very impressively, and landed this position as his first real job. It was supposed to be just one trip, right? But, y'know, the plot of TFA happened, and he ended up getting continuously dragged back to Earth and having a meltdown over what would happen if anyone got hurt on his watch... This and the combined fact that he's only about a head taller than Bumblebee, you may think there's no fight in the little guy. And for the most part, you may be right. However, he is very defensive about rule following, including status quo, so if you have the gall to talk back to any of the Elite Guard, or, god forgive, a Prime, you will be in for a storm of words hitting top speeds and unintelligibility to rival even Blurr. Stored within his fingers, he contains special tubing he uses for Energon control, transfusion, and draining when working on bots. It's where he got his name from! The tubing goes straight through him and connects to big glass vials kept on his back. As for relationships, he's one of the few people (along with Jetfire and Jetstorm) to actually show any real respect to Sentinel, and while Sentinel enjoys that aspect, he also finds him a bit annoying at times. Jazz is one of his only actual friends, often helping him calm down and loosen up. Tourniquet's learned to love the sound of Earth's music just as much as Jazz has. He's also... Probably Ratchet's biggest fanboy. In the case of TFA, maybe even his only fanboy. Ratchet tries to act like he doesn't, but he likes the kid, he just thinks that he should maybe find something better to do with his time than reading old war datatrax about... Well... Himself. Don't ask how or why, but Decepticons flock to him. Whether it be them having a weird friendship because Tourniquet couldn't be mean despite everything, or they see him as a perfect ploy for some plan, he keeps getting tangled up in Decepticons and it makes him want to cry a bit. He's just trying to do his job come on man.
Quipster (he/him) is an amphibious plane Decepticon who... I mean, he's just the most annoying thing of a man you've ever met. He's a for hire hit man, but his "hits" are... Not exactly limited to just killing a guy. He will cover jobs including information gathering, actually hunting your chosen target down, and... Insulting them and making jokes at their expense as he acts out whatever you requested. Yes, he takes great stride in his stand up comedian type behavior, and will make your chosen target's last moments a living hell before they die. Free footage comes with every purchase! He has speakers built into his shoulders, of which he loves to play audience cheers, laugh tracks, boos, and cartoonish sound effects while he works his job. He's also no stranger to recording something someone said and playing it back, if it'll pour salt in some wounds. Generally, he is... The worst kind of person to be around, if you end up on his business side. However, if he has no reason to do anything to you, he won't. He will still insult you and play a laugh track after, but it grows on you, if you wish to consider him a friend. That, or he'll remain annoying to you forever. He's delighted by both outcomes. More material to work with! In case you're wondering, yes, there is a reason I introduce these two to you. For you see, Quipster saw the most pathetic, small Autobot ever, and thought to himself, "This is the most material I've had in stellar cycles!" The more he would unravel about Tourniquet though, more material kept coming to him fresh on a silver platter, but he also began to feel like he actually liked the little guy. So, he treats him, at worst, like Tourniquet's the younger brother protagonist in a movie where Quipster himself was the older brother that bothered the hell out of him and maybe put him in a locker once, and perhaps elicited an awakening in a few kids. As for other relationships, him and Swindle have a very healthy fellow dealer bond. Not enough to ever warrant a discount, mind you! Their wits manage to have them dance around in terms for 15 minutes, always teetering over what seems like it could be threats or flirting, but sounding comically "salesman"-y while doing it. "Your stuff is always the best, Swindle! Always helpful when I need to show someone a blast." "Ahaha, and your information and work is too, Quipster!" "Aww, you're too kind. Really. You better not be trying to get any more footage out of me for free." "Why, I wouldn't dream of it! You wouldn't happen to be trying to get any extra arms out of me, would you?" "No, nooooo, of course not, Swindy! Why would I? I know your prices and always pay in full, you know this!" "That's very true! You're one of my finest customers and traders!" Imagine this, but for hours at a time, playing mental salesman chess with each other.
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Heart Awakened, Live Alive.
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: pirate!au; war; almost death
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 1674
                                           𝔞 𝔩𝔬𝔫𝔤 𝔧𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔫𝔢𝔶.
                                         𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘥.
                                                  Chapter 02
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“We have to take you to a small island on the northwest,” said one of the boys.
“Can I know who this remarkable person, who doesn’t want my death, is?” I asked, rearranging my hair which continued to collide against my face, irritating me.
“He said you’ll find out as soon as you arrive, so there is unquestionably nothing we can tell you- said the boy who was with me in the cabin before- It’s time to change your bandages,”
As soon as I sat on the wooden chair, I took off half of my shirt and let it cover my breast.
“You also know when I change your clothes, I asked myself something,” he said, taking off the bandage still soiled with blood.
“You can ask me any questions you want..since we’ll be together for a long time it’s better to know each other, right?” I asked looking at him as he poured some kind of liquid, which gave off a smell of salt and whiskey, on a cotton cloth.
“I saw that you have numerous scars behind your back, what did they do to you?” for a moment he looked me in the eyes but he immediately lowered his gaze, placing the cloth on my arm sterilising the wound.
“I’m sorry but I don’t want to talk about it,” I said softly trying not to remember that evening.
“Okay, so are you an only child?” he asked taking a gauze.
“No I have an older brother but he ran away when he was seventeen,” I returned, gritting my teeth when he started to tighten the gauze around the wound.
“Yunho,” he said out of nowhere.
“What?” I asked, turning to look at him.
“My name is Yunho,” he said, fixing the mask which had somewhat lowered detecting his nose.
“It’s a nice name,” I said, smiling at him.
We kept chatting for a few minutes until a knock on the door caught our attention.
“Yuh, we got to the island he told us, start preparing yourselves,” said a boy.
As soon as I put my feet on the sand the boys started to walk and told me to follow them.
“Where are we going?” I aksed closing one of the buttons on my shirt.
“To the person who paid us to save you,” said the one who resembled the Captain.
“Okay,” I said accelerating the pace by standing next to him.
We walked for what seemed like an hour.
We arrived in front of a cave, which had some candles outside that brightened the entrance.
“Does this person live here?” I asked, dumbfounded.
“Here, from what he told us, is where he works,” replied Yunho.
The Captain took one of the torches and started to enter. 
He turned to me and reached out a hand.
“I don’t want you to fall, princess,” I took his hand and gave me a hand to walk, with the boys behind us.
We arrived in what was a circular quarry, inside it, there was a table covered with a red silk tablecloth, two chairs facing each other and an unimaginable quantity of candles that perfectly illuminated the room where we were.
The sailors and I looked around for a while till a curtain on the side of the cave opened, putting all us on alert.
What looked like a woman came in, but her face was covered so I couldn’t understand if it was a man or a woman.
“Please sit down,” her voice was too masculine.
Yunho put a hand on my shoulder urging me to sit down.
As soon as I sat down the woman took off the veil that covered her face and a cry of amazement came from my lips. The person in front of me was my brother. The brother who loved me with all himself but who at the first opportunity abandoned me.
“Jungkook,” with a trembling hand I stroked the hair that came behind him in flowing curls.
“Hello little sis,”- he shook my hand smiling with shining eyes- “It’s nice to know that you’re alive,”
“What do you mean by that?” said a voice behind me.
“In al this time that you have been together, haven’t you said anything to them?” my brother asked, looking me in the eyes.
“No,” I replied.
“My little girl has become a beautiful pearl. Everyone will try to have it because only she will bring them to the treasure, but the only way is her death,” said Jungkook tightened my hair, making my head go forward.
“Jungkook if you don’t stop, you’ll regret it,” I said clutching his shirt.
“They must know since you’ll stay with them,” he said angrily.
“What?” asked the Captain.
“I’d rather be with the Pirate King than with a sorcerer who is about to die,” said Jungkook stroking my hair, while some tears wet his cheeks.
“What do you mean?” asked the Captain.
“Our stepmother is on the way, so you better start going,” said Jungkook pushing me against the back of the chair.
“What? Are you going to be killed?- I asked with shining eyes- I just found you!”
“I’m sorry little one, but don’t worry- he put his hands around his neck and took off the necklace he had, and the put it on mine- We will meet again very soon,”
I tried to bring out a few more words but two hands dragged me back and I understood that it was the Captain who had dragged me. I tried with all my might to detach his hands from my shoulders to run into Jungkook's arms, but he didn't give up, he didn't want to let me go.
"Please, please, not now," I whispered in tears.
“I can't let you go, haven't you heard your brother? Your stepmother is coming here to kill you! " said the Captain, turning to him, looking at me with eyes full of pain and compassion.
I turned for a moment to look at Jungkook, who smiled at me.
"Don't worry, I won't die," he said and a blanket of fog began to appear beside him.
"We have to get out of here!" said Yunho.
"Don't worry, I'll give you a hand," Jungkook said smiling, snapping two fingers.
"Y/N, he also said, that you will meet again, do you really think, that at the first opportunity he leave you alone?" he whispered in my ear.
When I blinked I found myself on the ship, still in the Captain's arms.
I tried one last time to detach myself from him, but the Captain did not let go, holding me tight against his chest.
"He already did it once and it was hell," I whispered, stopping fighting.
After a few minutes the captain left me.
"We haven't met yet, I'm Hongjoong, the Captain," he said smiling.
"I am Wooyoung and I am the buccaneer," said a purple-haired one approaching us.
"I'm Seonghwa, I'm the same age as our captain and I'm the first officer," said a black-haired boy.
"You already know me, however since everyone is doing it, I am Yunho and I am the crew member," said Yunho smiling.
"I'm Jongho, I'm the youngest on the ship, and I'm the second officer," said a brown-haired boy.
"I am their boatswain and my name is Yeosang," said a boy with light, cheek-haired hair; they almost gave it a royal appearance.
"I'm San and I'm the quartermaster," said a boy with almost feline eyes.
"And finally there is me, my name is Mingi and I'm a privateer!" said the last boy, with fiery red hair.
"Nice to meet you and sorry for all the mess," I said trying to smile.
"What does the first officer do?" I asked Seonghwa when he placed a bowl with soup in front of me.
"Basically, I take care of the accounting and exchange of goods," he replied sitting down in front of me.
"It's complicated?" I asked after taking a bite.
"At first it was, but after taking our hand it's a very simple thing," he said straightening his hair.
"It must be fun to sail the seas without following rules," I said wiping the bottom of the bowl with a spoon.
"It is fantastic, but from what I think, royalty life is simpler than that of ordinary mortals," replied Seonghwa resting both elbows on the wooden table, looking at me.
“Actually you are wrong. Royalty life is a constant lying and looking over your shoulder. You can't even trust your closest friend, ”I replied leaving the spoon in the bowl and then looking him in the eyes.
"Why do you say this?" he asked, raising an eyebrow slightly.
“Because my stepmother was my mother's best friend. She put this curse on me, because she knew I was worth a lot more than she and wanted to have the power that my father would give me, since Jungkook was gone," I replied.
"Power? What kind of power? " the older asked curiously.
"The kingdom and the power of the seas," I replied, looking through the porthole that we had next to us.
The sea was clear and serene, but I knew that everything would change in a few minutes.
"Where the heck is that whore of your sister?"
A punch broke his lower lip and blood began to stain the rock floor.
"I already told you I don't know," Jungkook choked back.
"Instead you're lying to me!"
Jungkook felt his hair being pulled back and now the only thing he saw was the ceiling of stalactites, which made the cave even more disturbing.
"I told you I'm not lying, she never came here!" Jungkook replied again, trying to make the Pirate King Ship gain ground.
“That's not true, my guards have seen you! I know where she is with so you're useless now! " having said that, the stepmother pierced Jungkook with a sword, who widened his fawn eyes.
"You also know that it is difficult to get rid of me," Jungkook whispered in her ear laughing slightly.
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tag list:
@zaffiro99​ @atiny-piratequeen​ @atiny-wooyoung​ @teeztheflag
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blackwood4stucky · 9 months
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bleak are the heavens, darker the gods | aspen blackwood
Descend into the doppelgänger-verse where tales of the heavens are bleak and the gods are even darker. From the master weaver comes the story of a lineage steeped in blood and chaos.
──────.·:·.☽✧ ☆゚ ✦  ☆゚ ✧☾.·:·. ──────
✧☾.·:·..·:·.☽✧ in his house beneath the sea, he waits dreaming of you
A chance meeting with Lloyd sends Steve down a road darker than even the path of night.
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──────.·:·.☽✧ ☆゚ ✦  ☆゚ ✧☾.·:·. ──────
✧☾.·:·..·:·.☽✧ i won't die from the salt that you pour in my wounds
Dr. Jack Benjamin always thought himself to be a good surgeon. When he loses another patient on his operating table, it sends him down a path befitting his ancestors.
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──────.·:·.☽✧ ☆゚ ✦  ☆゚ ✧☾.·:·. ──────
next up: casting a spell on your heartstrings, you're caught in my snare
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blackwood4stucky · 3 months
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author: aspen blackwood | aspen's spicy darkfics
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hoping these roses dull the pain, cover the scars and turn the page | stucky
➳➳ ➳➳ body horror | body modification, cannibalism, experimentation, forced pregnancy, gore, monsterfucking/teratophilia, tearing
➳➳ ➳➳ consent issues | drugged, forced orgasm, impaired, rape, sex pollen
➳➳ ➳➳ graphic violence | blood, crying, pushed to their limit, whump
➳➳ ➳➳ interpersonal dynamics | breeder, broodmare
➳➳ ➳➳ otherworld | omegaverse
➳➳ ➳➳ power & control | captivity, kidnapping, public claiming
➳➳ ➳➳ psychological | altered mind state, mindbreak
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in his house beneath the sea, he waits dreaming of you | hansenkemp
➳➳➳➳ body horror | blood drinking, body modification, branding, monsterfucking, tentacles
➳➳ ➳➳ consent issues | deal with the devil, dubious consent
➳➳ ➳➳ graphic violence | blood
➳➳ ➳➳ otherworld | eldritch monsters, cosmic horror
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i won't die from the salt that you pour in my wounds | evermin
➳➳ ➳➳ body horror | [genetic] body modification, cannibalism, monsterfucking, tearing, tentacles
➳➳ ➳➳ consent issues | cnc, corrective rape, painful sex
➳➳ ➳➳ graphic violence | blood
➳➳ ➳➳ otherworld | eldritch monsters, witches
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aspen's vault: fics masterlist | aspen's world: bingo & events participation masterlist
credits: prompts from dcdarkweek
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blackwood4stucky · 2 months
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author: aspen blackwood | #ficwip
event: ficwip5k
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i won't die from the salt that you pour in my wounds | 🅴
evermin [curtis everett x jack benjamin] series: bleak are the heavens, darker the gods synopsis: Dr. Jack Benjamin always thought himself to be a good surgeon. When he loses another patient on his operating table, it sends him down a path befitting his ancestors.
song of the seas | 🆃
pre-stucky [james "bucky" barnes x steve rogers] series: across oblivion's edge snippet: Buchanan is traveling across the high Kamar-Taj seas to reach Aetherlyn City on the Avenger with Captain Rogers and his band of merrimen, when a peculiar aria captures his attention.
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aspen's vault: fics masterlist | aspen's world: bingo & events participation masterlist
other 2024 #ficwip events: dark & cozy | level up
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blackwood4stucky · 8 months
Aspen's Fics
referencing the wip game for this post but there's been some minor changes. this will help me keep track of my fics. 🫨 cuz there's a helluva lot of em and the list keeps growing. 😩😅
fics with * have working titles fics in italics are loosely plotted out but are not currently in production fics in bold are currently in production fics with 😈 are coming out soon fics with 😮‍💨 will be planned and written some time in the future completed fics
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blade of nightshade, be my strength not my ruin
🩶 all the fire that ever burned you has turned you into gold 🩶 tell me a lie to keep me in line, you swear it's a sign but it's the tortured who rise 🩶 rebirth 🩶 the living dead 🩶 those that live between sunset and moonrise 🩶 a dance of shadows and light
bleak are the heavens, darker the gods
🩶 in his house beneath the sea, he waits dreaming of you 🩶 casting a spell on your heartstrings, you’re caught in my snare 🩶 bound by blood, thy lovers kiss spells death 🩶 i won’t die from the salt that you pour in my wounds 🩶 you became the devil, yet i crave certain dark things 🩶 oh how i adore the ways in which you bleed for me 🩶 the song has ended, but the melody lingers on
burning embers of a dying world
🩶 burning embers of a dying world 🩶 crimson courtship: a death race for love 🩶 fall of the house of the black sun
from what i've tasted of desire, i hold with those who favor fire 😮‍💨
🩶 the sun also delights in moonlit nights 🩶 the twilit shadows await the dusk 🩶 the starlight preys on the midnight void
shades of grey
🩶 join the rage at night, relieve my heart of the malice 🩶 i'm letting go, before this hope becomes a noose
there's a decadence in visions of black and red 😮‍💨
🩶 crawling on my knees, watch me while i bleed 🩶 rise of the eternal blood 🩶 embracing winter's moon
wonder if it's room in heaven for savages
🩶 do you trust me with your scars enough to show me your heart 🩶 hold me in the after hours
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mini series
across oblivion's edge
🩶 call of the moon 🩶 song of the seas
fighting this fire with fire
🩶 got a taste of the bitter in me, now i keep it just to feel complete 🩶 and the weight upon my shoulders won't fade
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an ode for stucky
beyond the enchanted forest 😮‍💨
captain hydra, stucky, and thorki 😮‍💨
hoping these roses dull the pain, cover the scars and turn the page
i scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
maybe we’re just born with stardust in our blood
of spies and sunshine
only through fire and blood does winter come 😮‍💨
secrets and lies
something flickering in the night
something in the way
something wicked this way comes
the day the water fell 😮‍💨
the devil and the huntsman 😮‍💨
the house on eighth street
the husband and the steed
there's a traitor in your midst* 😮‍💨
to become a monster
when fire meets fate, the tempest doth fade 😮‍💨
winds of the wandering mage* 😮‍💨
updated 09/20/24
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