Heart Awakened, Live Alive.
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: pirate!au; war; almost death
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 1674
                                           𝔞 𝔩𝔬𝔫𝔤 𝔧𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔫𝔢𝔶.
                                         𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘥.
                                                  Chapter 02
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“We have to take you to a small island on the northwest,” said one of the boys.
“Can I know who this remarkable person, who doesn’t want my death, is?” I asked, rearranging my hair which continued to collide against my face, irritating me.
“He said you’ll find out as soon as you arrive, so there is unquestionably nothing we can tell you- said the boy who was with me in the cabin before- It’s time to change your bandages,”
As soon as I sat on the wooden chair, I took off half of my shirt and let it cover my breast.
“You also know when I change your clothes, I asked myself something,” he said, taking off the bandage still soiled with blood.
“You can ask me any questions you want..since we’ll be together for a long time it’s better to know each other, right?” I asked looking at him as he poured some kind of liquid, which gave off a smell of salt and whiskey, on a cotton cloth.
“I saw that you have numerous scars behind your back, what did they do to you?” for a moment he looked me in the eyes but he immediately lowered his gaze, placing the cloth on my arm sterilising the wound.
“I’m sorry but I don’t want to talk about it,” I said softly trying not to remember that evening.
“Okay, so are you an only child?” he asked taking a gauze.
“No I have an older brother but he ran away when he was seventeen,” I returned, gritting my teeth when he started to tighten the gauze around the wound.
“Yunho,” he said out of nowhere.
“What?” I asked, turning to look at him.
“My name is Yunho,” he said, fixing the mask which had somewhat lowered detecting his nose.
“It’s a nice name,” I said, smiling at him.
We kept chatting for a few minutes until a knock on the door caught our attention.
“Yuh, we got to the island he told us, start preparing yourselves,” said a boy.
As soon as I put my feet on the sand the boys started to walk and told me to follow them.
“Where are we going?” I aksed closing one of the buttons on my shirt.
“To the person who paid us to save you,” said the one who resembled the Captain.
“Okay,” I said accelerating the pace by standing next to him.
We walked for what seemed like an hour.
We arrived in front of a cave, which had some candles outside that brightened the entrance.
“Does this person live here?” I asked, dumbfounded.
“Here, from what he told us, is where he works,” replied Yunho.
The Captain took one of the torches and started to enter. 
He turned to me and reached out a hand.
“I don’t want you to fall, princess,” I took his hand and gave me a hand to walk, with the boys behind us.
We arrived in what was a circular quarry, inside it, there was a table covered with a red silk tablecloth, two chairs facing each other and an unimaginable quantity of candles that perfectly illuminated the room where we were.
The sailors and I looked around for a while till a curtain on the side of the cave opened, putting all us on alert.
What looked like a woman came in, but her face was covered so I couldn’t understand if it was a man or a woman.
“Please sit down,” her voice was too masculine.
Yunho put a hand on my shoulder urging me to sit down.
As soon as I sat down the woman took off the veil that covered her face and a cry of amazement came from my lips. The person in front of me was my brother. The brother who loved me with all himself but who at the first opportunity abandoned me.
“Jungkook,” with a trembling hand I stroked the hair that came behind him in flowing curls.
“Hello little sis,”- he shook my hand smiling with shining eyes- “It’s nice to know that you’re alive,”
“What do you mean by that?” said a voice behind me.
“In al this time that you have been together, haven’t you said anything to them?” my brother asked, looking me in the eyes.
“No,” I replied.
“My little girl has become a beautiful pearl. Everyone will try to have it because only she will bring them to the treasure, but the only way is her death,” said Jungkook tightened my hair, making my head go forward.
“Jungkook if you don’t stop, you’ll regret it,” I said clutching his shirt.
“They must know since you’ll stay with them,” he said angrily.
“What?” asked the Captain.
“I’d rather be with the Pirate King than with a sorcerer who is about to die,” said Jungkook stroking my hair, while some tears wet his cheeks.
“What do you mean?” asked the Captain.
“Our stepmother is on the way, so you better start going,” said Jungkook pushing me against the back of the chair.
“What? Are you going to be killed?- I asked with shining eyes- I just found you!”
“I’m sorry little one, but don’t worry- he put his hands around his neck and took off the necklace he had, and the put it on mine- We will meet again very soon,”
I tried to bring out a few more words but two hands dragged me back and I understood that it was the Captain who had dragged me. I tried with all my might to detach his hands from my shoulders to run into Jungkook's arms, but he didn't give up, he didn't want to let me go.
"Please, please, not now," I whispered in tears.
“I can't let you go, haven't you heard your brother? Your stepmother is coming here to kill you! " said the Captain, turning to him, looking at me with eyes full of pain and compassion.
I turned for a moment to look at Jungkook, who smiled at me.
"Don't worry, I won't die," he said and a blanket of fog began to appear beside him.
"We have to get out of here!" said Yunho.
"Don't worry, I'll give you a hand," Jungkook said smiling, snapping two fingers.
"Y/N, he also said, that you will meet again, do you really think, that at the first opportunity he leave you alone?" he whispered in my ear.
When I blinked I found myself on the ship, still in the Captain's arms.
I tried one last time to detach myself from him, but the Captain did not let go, holding me tight against his chest.
"He already did it once and it was hell," I whispered, stopping fighting.
After a few minutes the captain left me.
"We haven't met yet, I'm Hongjoong, the Captain," he said smiling.
"I am Wooyoung and I am the buccaneer," said a purple-haired one approaching us.
"I'm Seonghwa, I'm the same age as our captain and I'm the first officer," said a black-haired boy.
"You already know me, however since everyone is doing it, I am Yunho and I am the crew member," said Yunho smiling.
"I'm Jongho, I'm the youngest on the ship, and I'm the second officer," said a brown-haired boy.
"I am their boatswain and my name is Yeosang," said a boy with light, cheek-haired hair; they almost gave it a royal appearance.
"I'm San and I'm the quartermaster," said a boy with almost feline eyes.
"And finally there is me, my name is Mingi and I'm a privateer!" said the last boy, with fiery red hair.
"Nice to meet you and sorry for all the mess," I said trying to smile.
"What does the first officer do?" I asked Seonghwa when he placed a bowl with soup in front of me.
"Basically, I take care of the accounting and exchange of goods," he replied sitting down in front of me.
"It's complicated?" I asked after taking a bite.
"At first it was, but after taking our hand it's a very simple thing," he said straightening his hair.
"It must be fun to sail the seas without following rules," I said wiping the bottom of the bowl with a spoon.
"It is fantastic, but from what I think, royalty life is simpler than that of ordinary mortals," replied Seonghwa resting both elbows on the wooden table, looking at me.
“Actually you are wrong. Royalty life is a constant lying and looking over your shoulder. You can't even trust your closest friend, ”I replied leaving the spoon in the bowl and then looking him in the eyes.
"Why do you say this?" he asked, raising an eyebrow slightly.
“Because my stepmother was my mother's best friend. She put this curse on me, because she knew I was worth a lot more than she and wanted to have the power that my father would give me, since Jungkook was gone," I replied.
"Power? What kind of power? " the older asked curiously.
"The kingdom and the power of the seas," I replied, looking through the porthole that we had next to us.
The sea was clear and serene, but I knew that everything would change in a few minutes.
"Where the heck is that whore of your sister?"
A punch broke his lower lip and blood began to stain the rock floor.
"I already told you I don't know," Jungkook choked back.
"Instead you're lying to me!"
Jungkook felt his hair being pulled back and now the only thing he saw was the ceiling of stalactites, which made the cave even more disturbing.
"I told you I'm not lying, she never came here!" Jungkook replied again, trying to make the Pirate King Ship gain ground.
“That's not true, my guards have seen you! I know where she is with so you're useless now! " having said that, the stepmother pierced Jungkook with a sword, who widened his fawn eyes.
"You also know that it is difficult to get rid of me," Jungkook whispered in her ear laughing slightly.
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tag list:
@zaffiro99​ @atiny-piratequeen​ @atiny-wooyoung​ @teeztheflag
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Heart Awakened, Live Alive.
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genre: pirate!au; war; almost death
words: 1,508
Where it all started.
When she opened her eyes she was no more lingering in the water but she was in a dark place, which scented like decay. She pulled herself up with the help of her hands and tried to get her eyes used to try to understand where the hell she was. The noise of boots and the sound of wood creaking dragged her attention. She saw three shadowy lights, of oil lanterns, which started from the top and reached her floor, she realized that there were the stairs there. The lights arrived in front of her cell which was opened.
“Look who woke up,” someone said.
The lantern oil was appended to a spike, letting it to brighten the cell and the people who had just come down.
“What am I doing here?” said the girl.
The chap in front of her chuckled, flaunting off his damaged teeth.
“The King desires your head”
The girl bounced to her feet. She just couldn’t comprehend why her father, the King, wanted her head.
“How the hell did I end up here?” the girl screeched taking a step towards the man, who must have been forty years old.
“Your stepmother delivered you here, but you know the rest of it so don’t act dull.” said the Royal Guard.
The girl heard a boisterous sound of boots and an extra lantern emerged from the top of the ship.
“Sir, we’ve reached the gallowa!”
The other pair guards carried the girl from the joints and pulled her by force out of the ship’s cellar. The discrepancy between darkness and light made her shut her eyes, seeking to get used to the transition.
“Restrain her, we’ll get down shortly!” said the man who was down with her.
Several meters from them stood Kaos, an island where various criminals and people arrived who, like her, meant to be hung. If solely she knew the cause for her execution she would pray God to help her, or if her older brother were there, she would ask for help but he had disappeared at the age of seventeen, abandoning her alone in a repugnant Kingdom.
“Anchor the ship and you bitch get off!” the Royal Guard took her by the arm and started pulling at her until they approached the entrance of the town that populated that island.
All its inhabitants were on the street observing and judging the girl, but she never lowered her head, she dind’t want to seem frightened because she wasn’t. It didn’t even matter to her when people began tossing food toward her, but all this ended when they reached at the square, where the gallows were. On a raised structure she could see her father and stepmother, who was grinning maliciously. She had finally succeeded to get discarded of both the Prince and the Princess and create a reign of terror. 
The Guard escorted her to the noose. He forced her to climb on the tiny footstool that was placed on the trap door and put the noose around her throat. The Royal Guard stood beside her with a sheet of paper in his hands.
“Y/N  Y/LN, let it be acknowledged that you have been judged and sentenced for committing felonies against the Crown. Related crimes, being multiple in quantity and mishievous in nature. The most remarkable of which we find stated here: supported pirates, fire and killing your own brother know as Prince of Lomilar. And for these crimes, you have been condemned to be hung by the neck until death comes! May the Lord have mercy on you!”
The death of her brother? Let it be tough to condemn her for a death that never happened, her brother had run away because the castle life wasn’t for him, but he had misremembered a more valuable person, his sister.
“Your last words?” questioned the Guard placing his hand on the lever that would activate the trap door.
“I hope you all go to Hell!” roared the girl.
“There are no problems for me,” he returned ridiculing the girl, activating the lever.
She didn’t even notice the sensation of emptiness below her feet, but the single thing she perceived was the noose that squeezed tightly around her throat, making it impossible to breathe, she was ready to die if it weren’t for the fact that she felt someone’s forearms clench her legs and hoist her slightly allowing her to breathe.
The girl peered down and noticed that underneath her was a boy clothed in black, with a hat and a mask to cover his mouth, also black.
“Doll, an influential person doesn’t want you to die, so be good,” said the guy lifting her even further.
“It’s ATEEZ! Come on, attack and shield your King!” screamed the Royal Guard who was above the structure.
Meanwhile, the stepmother had got up from her throne and had seen with outraged that the Princess was still breathing. She looked attentively and saw that someone was keeping her by the legs.
“The Princess! Someone is holding her!” her yell, if we really want to call it that, drew the attention of the guards who were above the structure, who quickly cut the noose and pulled up the Princess, who cried out of wonderment.
“Come on, be a shield!”- said the Royal Guard pushing the girl-”We have to get back on the ship!”
When they arrived on the ship they attempted to withdraw themselves from the shore as much as they could.
The Princess tried in every way to free herself from the strings that were cutting her skin around her wrists but she was unable to do so and ran to the prow in search of a place to hide.
“Y/N!” a male voice yelled captivating her concentration.
Those guys clothed in black were all on the bridge attempting to run as fast as possible to reach the Royal Ship. One of the Royal Guards noticed in and immediately rushed towards the girl with a sword in his hands. When the sword was about to hit her in the ehad, she moved, making him hit her arm, when she felt the blade piercing in the flesh, she tried to not scream, but she was relieved to feel her wrists free, so she kicked the lower parts of the Guard and ran towards the wooden balustarde that separeted the ship from the sea.
She looked up and saw one of the boys arrive right at the edge of the dock.
“Now or never,” thought the girl.
She put her hands on the wood and fisrt she passed one leg and then the other.
“Stop her!” one of the guards shouted. 
They were running towards her but the girl threw herself in the sea.
When she reopened her eyes she was on a bed, she studied the room and saw a wooden table in the center of the room on which there were numerous maps of islands. How the hell did she find herself there? The only thing she reminisced was that she launched herself into the sea and then total darkness.
She hopped out of the bed when the wooden door banged open against the adjacent wall. A boy with half of his face covered in a black mask entered the room.
“I see you’ve woken up,” he spoke softly, possibly he was grinning behind the mask, but she wasn’t sure about it.
“Who are you and What am I doing here?” the girl questioned hoarsely.
“We saved you- said the boy arranging some creams on a tiny counter near the bed- I have to take care of your arm.”
The Princess looked down imperceptibly and saw that the attire she was wearing weren’t the ones she wore earlier.
“W-Who changed me?” her cheeks turned burning red.
“Me, but quiet, I did as quickly as possible and without staring at your private parts,” said the boy.
“Who are you?” asked the girl.
“We are ATEEZ, I think you have already heard of us,” said the boy.
The girl’s eyes increased. She couldn’t believe she was in front of a pirate, but they weren’t like the others. From what the King said they were ferocious, their crimes varied from bootlegging to illegal weapons, but nobody knew what face they had considering that they constantly covered with a cap and a black mask to cover their nose and mouth. 
“Now that you comprehend who we are, Can I heal your arm or do you want to spurt to death?” he said displeased.
“Oh sorry” the Princess uplifted half of her shirt masking her breast with her hand.
“It will sting a little,” said the boy putting some lotion on the cut.
tag list:
@zaffiro99​ @atiny-piratequeen​ 
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Hearts Awakened, Live Alive. -ATEEZ.
Y/N = Lomilar’s Princess;
Kim Hongjoong = Aurora’s Captain and 1st helmsman;
Park Seonghwa = chef;
Jeong Yunho = medic;
Kang Yeosang = was a Prince, but escaped because he didn’t like the castle’s life;
Choi San = killer, wanted because he killed a very famous man;
Song Mingi = 2nd helmsman;
Jung Wooyoung = thief;
Choi Jongho = killer and 3rd helmsman.
“People want it People dream about it It can be different to every individual It can complete us Or it can destroy us And It can change the world People call it ‘Treasure’ The sound of wind blowing from the horizon, The warmth of the sun hitting the ocean waves, The vibration of sand beating like the hearts of youth, We’re at the starting point of this long journey, The freezing winds may make us shiver, The heat of the sun may make us thirsty, The vibrations of sand may swallow us... But we’ll never stop. Gold, Eternal life, honor, love, fame It doesn’t matter what you dream for So let me ask you What is your treasure?
Will you join us?”
genre: pirate!au; alter-egos; death; war; smut.
Y/Nx? / Y/NxpolyATEEZ 
C O O M I N G    S O O N....
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