"Do more, with less" #New world
39 posts
"Be the change that you want to see happen in the world" Gandhi Be at the limit, Create the change, Then make it.
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mqzakpook · 10 years ago
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mqzakpook · 10 years ago
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This is the end !!
The New world havenow no secret for me. I know where i'm coming from and i know what are the main problems to solve in the future.
I learned a lot of new things and i try to dug every subject not only for my team but also for my personal information because i was interested by every subjects and every conferances.
Now it is time to go to sleep first, and then to go for the science LAB !
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mqzakpook · 10 years ago
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mqzakpook · 10 years ago
The Blue
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mqzakpook · 10 years ago
Conférence Günter PAULI, 25 septembre 2014
Günter Pauli, entrepreneur belge et ancien président d’Ecover, a été l’initiateur de la première usine écologique d’Europe. Pionnier de l’industrie "bio", il croit contribuer à la protection de l’environnement, jusqu’au jour où il découvre que la production de ses produits détergents "bio" contribue à la déforestation de la planète et à la perte d’un nombre incalculable de déchets ! La prise de conscience est décisive : il se lance, avec l’aide de chercheurs du monde entier, dans la recherche de solutions alternatives, non polluantes, rentables, et créatrices d’emploi. Il est l’initiateur d’une théorie novatrice s’appuyant sur le concept de "Pollution Zéro" développé par son institut de recherche, ZERI (Zero Emission Research Initiative) créé en 1994, qui invite à entrer dans une réfl exion systémique et à reconsidérer notre relation au déchet. Pourquoi, le déchet d’un processus ne pourrait-il pas devenir matière première d’un autre, comme en Colombie, où les déchets issus de la production de café servent à la culture des champignons ?
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mqzakpook · 10 years ago
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. " Winston Churchill
My father is a scentist really intelligent but also really psycho-rigid. He always sees obstacles in every situations while i see fun. With the distance ; I'm really thanksfull that he has been so rigid since i were so young, it make me understand how the society works...
I'm naturally feared to be as my father. I'm naturaly feared to be in the box.
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mqzakpook · 10 years ago
"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere."
Albert Einstein
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mqzakpook · 10 years ago
"A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it isn’t open. " Frank Zappa
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mqzakpook · 10 years ago
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mqzakpook · 10 years ago
RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms
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mqzakpook · 10 years ago
Conférence François TADDEI, 22 septembre 2014
Diplômé de Polytechnique et des Eaux et Forêts, François Taddei est devenu biologiste puis directeur d’une unité de recherche à l’INSERM. Spécialiste reconnu de l’évolution, il milite pour des approches interdisciplinaires notamment autour des questions du vieillissement et de la longévité. Auteur de nombreuses publications dans des revues scientifi ques internationales ("Nature", "Sciences"…), il participe activement à plusieurs groupes de travail et a notamment contribué à "France 2025"
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mqzakpook · 10 years ago
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mqzakpook · 10 years ago
Conférence Vikram PATEL, 18 septembre 2014
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mqzakpook · 10 years ago
Eating healthy, being healthy...
We decided to combine our two differant subject : Alimentation and health.
From my expriance in New-Zealand ; I always ate healthy and i never been sick. I even never caught a simple cold ...
Here again. My mother works in a pharmacy and so ... Every time it is debate time between Agriculture and health.
For me, the link is very clear : Lot of people todays are wondering how we gonna do to finance social healthcare ...
I would rather say : Start to stop eat shit.
95% of the healthcare in France is used for treat tought disease. As cancer.
Some studies have suggested that pesticides could increase the risk of  leukaemia, lymphoma, brain tumours, breast cancer and prostate cancer. But for now, the evidence is not strong enough to show a definite link.
It is not been prove ... But it is prove that people who eat from their garden have stonger immunity against disease. It's time to improve and make the agriculture change to Agroecology.
Link with the nature :
Think about alternative Healing. if peoples knew a little bit more about nature. There would know that every disease is treatable directly from nature and plants.
I met a lot of people in NZ who heal themselves not by going to the doctor but going for a walk... Here an encyclopedia of plants properties :
Morover. If you combine this with a diet from the garden. I can't assure you that you will live longer ... Nevertheless, you will live better !!
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mqzakpook · 10 years ago
Conférence Luc GUYAU - 17 septembre 2014
Agriculteur, Luc Guyau a puisé sa force et ses convictions dans son enracinement vendéen et dans le grand mouvement d’éducation populaire porté par la JAC (Jeunesse Agricole Chrétienne) de 1965 à 1975. Depuis 1978, il a occupé les plus hautes fonctions au sein des organisations professionnelles agricoles françaises et européennes, sans jamais déroger à son principe d’implication locale.
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mqzakpook · 10 years ago
What are we gonna eat tomorrow ?
I have a lot of things to say ... But Halward had already finnished the entire subject ... What a mess ...
This topic is actually the main reason of why i chose to use Nature as  guideline in all my blog
Because it is thru agriculture that everybody will understand how nature works. It is thru agriculture that tomorrow, someone who always been living in a city will have to get his hand dirty like hundred years ago to get food.
Agriculture is life. And today only 6% are managing food. but how many know how to grow something ?
I start to understand why nature is been threaten like that but this will change soon and i will not have to worrie about it. I know how to grow...
Here is a documentary to show how people will need to learn about agriculture : (Les moissons du futur )
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mqzakpook · 10 years ago
Conférence Kah WALLA - 16 septembre 2014
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