#i woke up cause someone in the parking lot of my apartment did something to a guy
im-getting-help · 2 months
i woke up to the screamed moans of a man
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ichijager13 · 1 year
Teach me how to be loved
Chapter X
Cause there's a man that's in my past… there's a man that's still right here… he's real enough to touch in my darkest nights
Pairing : Eren Jäger x reader
Characters: Eren Jäger, Annie Leonhart, Pieck Finger.
Tags: Unhealthy coping mechanism, unhealthy relationships, childhood trauma, physical and verbal abuse, self-esteem and trust issues, domestic violence, implied/ referenced cheating, and a touch of sweet, lovable, and non fuckboy Eren Jäger
This fic is brought to you by Lana Del Rey’s songs
Masterlist, AO3,  Playlists: Reader’s POV, Eren’s POV
A/N: Hiiiiii lovelies, thank you for reading my story and for the reactions. this chapter is an angst with a sprinkle of sweet sweet Eren looking after reader.
Please make sure you read the content warning before you read this story and if you suffer from domestic violence or any form of abuse please seek help and know that I’m rooting for you.
Also, the fic is going to have its official playlist, I’m still working on it. It might be ready by the time I update the next chapters. Enjoy reading!!
Likes and reblogs are more than appreciated. Have a nice day/evening
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At first, you contemplated not answering the door. Images from last night flashed in front of you. the bars tour, someone flirting with you, grinding against each other on the dancefloor, him screwing you in the parking lot in the backseat of his car, and the walk back home under the rain. You rolled to your side and pulled the cover over your head.
In addition to being sore, you woke up this morning with a nasty flu you caught from last night’s walk. Not having any plans for the day, you spent most of it in bed.
You were about to doze off when the ring bell went on again. Unable to ignore it further, you gathered your remaining force, wrapped your shuddering body in your blanket, and left your bedroom. The effort made the room spin around you. “Whoever is there better have a valid reason to disturb me”. you groaned dragging your feet across your apartment.
Your jaw dropped when you saw who was at your door. “Eren?” You mumbled; voice hoarse.
Dressed in a dark blue three-piece suit, with his hair neatly pushed back, revealing his emerald green eyes, he looked like he was going to a formal dinner. You took your time admiring him.
If you were surprised to see him at your door, Eren on the other hand was frowning. “Are you alright?” He inquired visibly worried.
If you didn’t have a fever and your head wasn’t throbbing, you would’ve felt ashamed of the way you look. Your hair was going in different directions, your face was pale, bloodshot eyes with bags under them, and dry lips and to complete the look you were wrapped in a blanket twice your size. “Just a little sick”. You responded, wondering why he was standing in front of your door dressed like he was going to the Oscars. But mostly, you were wondering how did he get your address.
“Here, I brought you these”. He handed you a beautiful bouquet of pink tulips watching the weak smile that spread across your lips.
“Oh, hm, Thank you”. Still smiling, you reached to take the flowers from him. “Wanna come in?” you hazarded stepping out of the way to let him in. “Want something to drink?” You followed leading him to the living room.
“No, please, don’t bother yourself, I’m alright”. He urged. “I should’ve called before coming over. I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were feeling unwell”. He apologized. You waved his excuse walking into the kitchen when you started coughing.
Worried he followed you and made you lay on your couch. “Damn, your skin is burning”. He gasped when he touched your forehead.
“Don’t worry, it’s alright”. You attempted to get back on your feet.
“Please, relax. Let me handle it”. he smiled at you and made you sit back. Confused, you squinted your eyes trying to read his expression before he left the room. “Where do you keep your medics?” he asked minutes after coming back with a bowl filled with cold water and ice.
“There, second drawer”. You pointed at the corner cabinet. He nodded running the wet cloth across your face before leaving it on your forehead.
“Did you eat today?” He asked going through the content of the drawer.
“A piece of cake and some salad”. You responded.
“That won’t do”. he mused unlocking his phone and typing something. “You need to eat something warm”. Eyes still fixed on his phone, he handed you a glass of water and Ibuprofen. “Here, drink this”.
“There’s a soup left in the fridge. I’ll heat it and eat it when I start feeling the effect of the meds”. You downed the glass of water. “Please, you will be late for your appointment”.
“I’m already there”. He put back the cold fabric on top of your face.
It took you a while to understand what he meant. “Oh, fuck, I’m sorry, I completely forgot it’s today”. panicked, you sat straight looking at him. three days ago, Eren sent you a message asking you to accompany him to a concert at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center and you accepted. “I’m really sorry, Eren. I didn’t mean to”.
“Don’t worry, it’s alright”. He spoke gently cupping your face. “Now, lay down and leave this on. We need to get your fever down”. His thumb caressed your reddish cheeks. “I’ll go heat the said soup and make you some tea so that you can take coughing meds”. He followed, helping you settle.
You laid there, listening to him moving around your kitchen questioning if this was real or if your fever made you imagine things.
You woke up to the feeling of being tucked in bed. you don’t recall when you drifted off, your last memory was of Eren disappearing into the kitchen. Though you were not quite sure if he was even here, you called out his name.
“I’m right here”. he spoke in a hushed tone. “You need to get some rest. Don’t worry I’ll remain by your side”. A feeble smile broke through your face. This must be a pleasant dream, I better not wake up, you told yourself. You felt his hand against your burning skin. “The medicines should start working any minute now”. He added caressing your hair.
“Why?” you mumbled but he didn’t hear you. “Jean never did this to me”. your words caught him by surprise.
You covered your face with your forearm trying to hide from the ghosts from your past.
you took off your glasses and massaged your temple. After two weeks of hard labor, you finally finished your project. You checked one last time if you correctly saved the files on both your drive and laptop before closing it. in order to avoid upsetting your boyfriend, you always work on projects and assignments alone, which makes it even harder to finish in time. “Finally,” you whispered laying on your bed.
an hour later, you stepped into your bedroom, face flushed and wrapped in a fluffy towel. You grabbed a pair of fresh panties and fished for a t-shirt and cotton shorts from a second drawer. It was 9 am, Jean should be home any minute now, you finished getting dressed.
You were drying your hair when you heard the door. “I’m home”. You heard his footsteps approaching.
“I’m in the bedroom, honey”. You called. “Welcome home”. You greeted your boyfriend with a warm smile and arms wide open when you caught a glimpse of him. “Guess who has just finished her project”. You sing sang looping your arms around him.
“My sweet girl”. He responded smiling before pressing a couple of chaste kisses on your lips. “Good job”. He whispered against your lips.
“I can’t believe I’m finally done”. You hummed, sinking into your lover’s embrace. “I’m exhausted”.
“Me neither”. His hand sneaked under your shirt molding your skin and buried his face in the crook of your neck. “I missed you”. he breathed against your skin. Your heart fluttered at the feeling of his teeth grazing your pulse point, biting softly. “It’s been a long week, baby”. He rambled sucking on your skin. “I need you”. he growled rotating his hips against your body.
You needed him too you were drained. Between school, your homework, and the shores, you didn’t have time to rest. Plus, you didn’t get enough sleep last night. Jean’s hands were slowly caressing your asscheeks when you gently pressed your palms against his chest. “Jean, dear, I’m a little tired tonight”. You mumbled. “Can…”. You released a sultry moan when he pressed two fingers to your clothed core. “Jean… Ah, Jean, please, baby, I need to…”. Knowing he was not listening; you stepped back getting away from his grasp.
“What’s wrong, baby?” He inquired frowning.
“Can we… Can we please leave this till tomorrow, I’m knocked out, honey”. You stared back at him with pleading and half-lidded eyes.
“But it’s been a week”. He remarked caging you in place. He tilted his face to kiss you again.
“I know, baby, and I’m sorry, but I only slept three hours last night”. You explained looking down. “I can barely stand on my feet”. You muttered still staring at your feet. “I promise, tomorrow,” you brought your eyes back to his face. “I’ll make it up for you”. you pleaded, noticing his facial expression.
“Get your filthy hands off me”. he slapped you when you reached to cup his face.
This is bad, you told yourself. “I’m sorry, honey, I’m truly sorry”. You breathed. “Tomorrow is Saturday, we can do whatever you want”. You let out trying to hold him back.
“I said get your fucking hands off me, whore”. He nudged you.
Your eyes widened in horror. “But Jean…” you hugged him from behind trying to calm him down. “Let’s get to bed, dear”. you spoke trying to sound as calm and soothing as possible. “I promise tomorrow we’ll…” you yelped when he reached for your hair and pulled you away from him ruffly.
“Are you deaf?” He screamed. “I fucking told you not to touch me”. he threw you against the wall. “A selfish bitch such as yourself has no right to touch me”. he gritted stepping closer. “You think that anyone would want someone as pathetic as you if I ever dump you?” he yanked you from your hair once again and made you get on your feet. “Where would you go if broke up with you? Back to your father’s house? You would stray if I leave you”. he hissed. It hurts, both the impact against the wall seconds earlier and him pulling your hair. But you know better than to make any noise. Just like with your father, it only gets him angrier and more violent if he hears you cry or utter the slightest sound. “No one wants you; you get it?” he waited for a response. “Do you understand?” He shouted, and you nodded frantically. “Didn’t you say you're tired?” He grabbed your jaw forcefully, staring down at you with hard eyes. “Or was it just a lie?” you desperately shook your head. “Then, fucking go to sleep”. He pressed his fingers further against your skin. “I’m going out”. he brought your face closer to his. “And don’t you dare ruin my night with your texts and calls”. He menaced. “I’ll do the world a favor and kill you if you do”. and he pushed you once again before slamming the door behind him.
“Jean would’ve snapped at me”. You whispered burying your face in your pillow. “He would’ve even hit me for forgetting about tonight”. Your voice was muffled by your pillow, so Eren didn’t hear the last part.
You winced at the contact of the ice bag with the bump on your forehead. You were facing the bathroom mirror inspecting your face and body. Jean didn’t come back home last night. He recently picked up the habit of spending the night out whenever you fought. The next morning, he comes home smelling like someone else or marked with either lipstick or hickeys, sometimes both. You left the bathroom wondering what is it going to be this time.
A tired sigh left your chest at the thought of seeing the man you love carrying the marks of another woman. At least, I don’t have any bruises on my face, you congratulated yourself, pressing the bag of frozen chickpeas against your forehead.
Minutes later, you were making coffee when you heard him entering the house. You tried to busy your mind with making breakfast, you did your best to ignore the way your body tensed when you heard his footsteps approaching and to pretend like you didn’t shiver when he cleared his throat.
“I’m sorry for last night, darling”. He patted your shoulder apologizing. “I admit it, I kind of lost it”. he pecked your temple. Unable to look up at him and note the hints of the night he spent in the arms of another one, you continued setting the table. “I brought you some fresh pretzels from your favorite bakery”. He added in a joyful tone. He wrapped his arms around your waist and brought you against him. “I also bought you chocolate and the book you wanted”. He kissed your hair.
“Thank you”. you replied in a hushed tone.
“You know that I love you, right”. at this rate, his voice was desperate.
“I know”. You voiced trying to swallow the lump in your throat. “I love you too”. You took the paper bags from him and set them on the kitchen table.
Helpless, he followed you like a lost puppy. “I spent the night at Connie’s, I swear”. You only hummed in response putting the pretzels in the bread basket. “You don’t believe me, do you?”
“I do”. you faked a smile looking at him. your eyes inspected the bite marks behind his right ear and above his collarbone. You swallowed hard trying to block your tears. “Of course, I believe you”. you put all your efforts into trying to sound natural. “Do you want some coffee?” you inquired still smiling.
“Stay with me, please, don’t leave me”. You tucked at his shirt.
“I won’t”. Eren promised, caressing your hair. Your fever was persisting.
“You’re so nice”. You purred nuzzling his hand. “Why are you being nice to me?” you wrapped your arms around his body. “I wish he was as nice as you”. You closed your eyes letting Eren’s comforting warmth envelop you.
Eren dipped the clothe in the cold water and whipped your face and neck. “It’s alright, go to sleep now. I’m here”. he voiced, still overthinking your words. Who was this Jean, he wondered. And mostly, what did he do to you? but what was worrying him the most was your fever. He grabbed his phone and sent another message. A reply came seconds later.
Eren spent most of the night trying to take you down your fever. He didn’t get to sleep until dawn. Feeling his presence next to you, you scooted closer nuzzling his neck. “I’m sorry”. You mumbled half asleep. He pressed his lips to your temple.
Before falling into a deep slumber, he made the decision to not ask you about the guy you mentioned earlier and to not question you about your past. He decided to let you choose whether you want him to know or not.
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blueberriesjust · 2 years
Bad Decisions
Pt 1
Trigger Warning
Mentions of cheating and birth complications
This is a fanfic about a love hate relationship with Peter Criss that never seems to go right.
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You were never one to stay in the same spot for more than a year but when you met Peter all of that changed. He seemed perfect. Oftentimes you and Peter messed around without protection. After two years of hopping you wouldn't get pregnant, it happened. You woke up every morning sick and you started craving random things. You decided to tell Peter about it.
The day seemed off and the weather was dreary as you pulled into the parking lot of his apartment building. You had an odd feeling in your chest as you walked up the stairs and unlocked the door. It only got worse when you walked into his room and everything seemed to stop. Peter was cheating on you with another girl and your heart broke. You stayed calm and just turned around and walked out slamming the door behind you. He ran after you pulling his pants back on yelling but you didn't hear a word. You tried to stay in New York but since you didn't have that anchor you drifted away. You hopped from town to town just trying to find someone or something to keep you afloat. You were close to your due date and you had wandered back to New York. You had told your parents a while ago and they were happy to let you stay.
"You know (y/n), I was just like you when I was younger." You mom said with a fond look on her face. "I hated staying in one place for too long. I had found your father but he cheated on me causing me to go off traveling again." 
"You've told me this a million times"
"I know, I know, I just want to make sure you don't feel like you're alone" she teared up "I felt like I was alone but in reality I could have always gone back to my parents. Yet I didn't and I regret it they both passed before I could see them again."
"I will always come back."
A month passed before you went into labor and it definitely was chaotic. Your mom was freaking out, your dad passed out. You were in so much pain. Everything was going smoothly though. You delivered a beautiful healthy little boy. Then everything changed. You were giving birth to a second child. He wasn't healthy at all. You screamed you couldn't lose him. The doctor and nurses rushed to save the baby. They tried everything and eventually it worked. The baby had to stay in the hospital until it was healthy but other than that he was alive. You named baby number 1 Charles and baby 2 Christopher. 
As soon as Charlie and Chris were old enough to travel you set off again. From town to town and place to place. You had met Stacy, Gwen, and Tarra along the way. You all decided to form a band called Hysteria. Eventually the boys got to the age where they had to attend school so you went back to New York and set up shop. It was 1973 the boys were 5. Years passed and your band was gaining traction by 1975 you had millions of fans.
"I have a wonderful idea but I'll need your opinion on it" this caught everyone's attention the manager usually did things and apologized later.
"Well, what is it?" The lead singer Stacy asked.
"I think we should ask your fans if there is a band they would like you to collaborate with on an album."
"I'm surprised you asked" you stated getting a glare from the manager
"I just wanted to warn you that you have an interview at 5 am" he said quickly before ducking out of the room.
"5 AM!" the Lead Guitarist shouted
"Calm it Tarra you knew there was going to ba a some sort of surprise" Gewn the Bassist said 
"It's already 3am two hours of sleep isn't enough" you stated blandly already done with the whole situation. 
After you all had gotten ready, which took Tarra the whole two hours, you arrived at the news station late as usual. Hair and makeup moved fast and before you knew it you were infront of the camera. 
"So Stacy your the lead singer how does it feel to be up front and center in front of millions of people?" 
"It's stressful but also fun wouldn't trade it for the world" 
"Gwen your bass is great and so are the backing vocals" the reporter fan girled "and Tarra absolutely amazing rifts I don't know how you do it" she was so excited when she got to you "The drum solos and song lyrics are better than anything else I've heard" 
"That's very kind of you" you said you were always the nicest in the band at least to fans. 
"So I heard from a little birdy that you are planning a collaboration album" the reporter said slyly. Your bandmates looked around at one another. They decided to let you take the reins on this one. 
"Yeah that is true, we just thought it'd be fun for the fans to see two of their favorite bands collaborate." you continued after a pause "unfortunately we don't know what our fan bases other favorite band is so we decided that we will ask them" you looked over at your manager who was holding up a magazine. You took the magazine from him and displayed it to the camera. "You can tell us who your favorite band is by getting one of these magazines and sending in the information card with your favorite band on it and why the band should be picked." In reality the manager didn't care why the band should be picked he just cared which band had the most cards. 
Eventually the interview ended and you all headed back to the studio. By the time you had gotten back to the studio there were already millions of information cards sent in the bands ranging from Queen to ABBA and even some bands that were entirely different from your band's sound. It took days to count the cards you and your band mates helped but you had to get other people's help too your parents even helped. After days and days of counting and more and more cards being sent in the manager chose to cut off the cards and count only what they already had. 
"The top three bands were" he looked over at you "drumroll please" you sighed but did it anyway. 
"At number 3 with 50,000 votes we have..... Queen" Stacy sighed she thought the would have won.
"At number 2 with 60,000 votes we have..... ACDC" Gwen and Tarra were heartbroken; they wanted them to win.
"And at number 1 with 60,001 votes we have…. KISS." The room went quiet, they all knew your opinion on the drummer. Everyone waited for your response. 
"Well it's what the fans want, we have to give it to them" 
"Are you sure we don't have to we can just say ACDC won" Stacy said 
"No no, it's fine I'll just keep my distance and everything will be ok" you were heartbroken by this news you had been trying everything to stay away from Peter. The boys were fine with not knowing their dad; there was no reason for him to be in your life.
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bechloeislegit · 2 years
Pitch Perfect SpookFest 2022 - Day 8
Life After Death
Warning: Due to the nature of the prompt, there will be a major character's death (nothing graphic; only mentioned) in this Chapter. Don't hate me.
{Please note this is a reworking of a prompt from PP Rare Pair Week 2018. I had trouble coming up with something for SpookFest, so I went back to another of my stories that I really enjoyed; I hope you enjoy it as well.}
Chloe kissed her fingertips and placed them on the lips of Beca's photo. She wiped a tear from her eye and left her apartment. She drove to the diner where she was meeting the rest of the Bellas and parked her car. She sat for a minute, collecting her thoughts before she let out a heavy sigh and got out of the car.
"Chloe," Aubrey said when she saw Chloe enter the diner. She rushed over and grabbed her into a hug. "How are you holding up, sweetie?"
"I'm doing okay," Chloe said. "Still kind of hurts, but each day it gets better."
"Come on, let's sit," Aubrey said.
"Hey, Chlo," Stacie said, giving her a soft smile.
"Hey, Stacie," Chloe said, somewhat surprised at seeing the brunette. "I thought you weren't going to make it."
"Are you kidding?" Stacie said. "This is for Beca. And you. Nothing was going to keep me away."
Chloe smiled and then heard more squeals and turned to see Jessica, Ashley, and Flo entering the diner. They all greeted each other and sat down.
"Where's Amy?" Chloe asked. "I figured she'd be here before everyone else."
"She volunteered to pick up CR and Lily from the airport," Stacie said.
"Oh, I'm sure she's going to be fashionably late and make a grand entrance," Aubrey said, causing the others to laugh and agree.
Just then, "What's up, pitches?" is heard across the diner.
"See what I mean," Aubrey said, causing another laugh.
Fat Amy struts over to the table with CR and Lily following behind her. They all give Chloe a quick hug and sit down.
"I can't believe it's been a year already," Amy said. "I sure miss that little shit."
"We all do, Amy," Aubrey said.
Chloe gives her a teary smile and just nods her head. She misses Beca so much. If only she hadn't had to play the hero, she might still be here with her. Chloe wipes at a tear that falls down her cheek.
"Well, if she were here, she'd probably be rolling her eyes and smirking at how emotional we all are," Chloe said. "So, let's be happy and rejoice in the time we got to spend with her."
"Yeah," Jessica said. "I'm getting the chocolate chip pancakes because they always seemed to make Beca happy when she ate them."
This set off a conversation about their lost friend, with lots of laughter and stories being bounced around. Chloe was laughing and glanced over at a corner of the diner. She did a double take because she would have sworn she saw Beca standing there. She shook her head and rejoined the conversation thinking how it had to be her imagination.
After brunch at the diner, the girls all visit the cemetery to lay a flower at Beca's grave. Chloe lets the tears flow and places her flower on the grave. She looks up to wipe her eyes and again swears she sees Beca standing a little ways away, looking at the group with tears in her eyes.
"Do you see that?" Chloe asks Stacie, who's standing next to her.
Stacie looks to where Chloe is pointing and asks, "See what?"
Chloe looks again and shakes her head. "Never mind."
"Are you okay, Chlo," Stacie asks.
"Yeah," Chloe says. "Just emotional, I guess."
"It's to be expected," Stacie says. "I admire what you and Beca had. I just hope one day to have that."
"You will, Stacie," Chloe says and hugs the girl. "And it will be awesome."
That night, Stacie and Aubrey offer to stay with Chloe. They sit with her and help to comfort her. After they all went to bed, Chloe was left to her own thoughts. She was drifting off to sleep when she heard someone call her name. She sat up and looked around, "Brey?"
Chloe turned on the bedside lamp and looked around, and let out a small scream. She put her hands over her mouth and listened to see if she woke up Aubrey or Stacie. When she was met with silence, she looked at the figure sitting on her bed, looking at her with a smile on her face.
"Hey, Chlo," the image that looked like Beca said.
"You're not real," Chloe said. "You're just a fig-figment of my imagination."
"Actually, I'm a ghost," Beca said. "For real. A ghost."
"But how?" Chloe asks, sitting up and leaning back on her hands. "Why? Why are you here?"
"I need to set you free, Chlo," Beca said. "You need to know that it's okay to be with someone else."
"I don't want anyone else," Chloe said. "There isn't anyone else for me."
"Yes, there is," Beca said. "It's someone you already know. Someone who has loved you for a while."
"Why don't I know about them?" Chloe asks, bending her legs and hugging her knees. "Why haven't they said anything?"
"Because you were with me," Beca said. "They are a friend to both of us and don't want to say anything for fear of breaking some sort of friendship bond we had."
Chloe just looks at Beca with tears in her eyes. "I don't know if I can love anyone else."
"Just because you fall for someone else," Beca said with a sad smile. "Doesn't mean you fall out of love with me. The person knows how you feel about me, how we always felt about each other. I think you should give them a chance. She'll make you happy, and you deserve to be happy."
"Who is it?" Chloe asked, her interest piqued now. "Wait. What the hell am I doing? Am I really talking to a ghost about this? I must be dreaming."
Chloe falls back on the bed and throws an arm over her eyes. She actually pinches herself and lets out a soft "ow". She immediately sits back up, and Beca is still sitting there with a smirk on her face.
"Are you done?" Beca asked, biting her lip not to laugh at the redhead.
"Yeah," Chloe said sheepishly. "I still don't understand how I can see you and talk to you."
"It's kind of complicated to explain," Beca said. "Let's just say it has something to do with Cupid and moving on."
"Moving on?" Chloe said. "They expect me to move on and forget about you."
"Not forget about me," Beca said. "Move on and find love again."
"I, I don't honestly think I can," Chloe said, eyes filling with tears. "You're the love of my life, Becs. No one will be able to come close."
Beca gave her a small smile. "You have to stop thinking like that," Beca said. "I mean, I know I'm awesome and all that." She gave Chloe a big grin, causing the redhead to smile back at her. "I will always be in your heart and in your memories. But there is plenty of room in both for someone new."
"Then why won't you tell me who it is?" Chloe asked.
"I can't," Beca said. "But trust me, you'll find out soon enough."
"So what happens if I fall in love with this person?" Chloe asked. "Will I be able to see you and talk to you like this again?"
"I, um, honestly don't know," Beca said. "But, if you really, really need me, I'll be here. You can talk to me, and even if I can't respond, I'll hear you. I always hear you."
"I love you so much, Beca," Chloe said.
"I love you, too," Beca said. "I have to go now. Just remember what I said. You can and will love again. Don't ignore it."
Beca disappears, and Chloe falls down on her bed and lets the tears fall. She doesn't believe she'll ever be able to love again.
The next morning, Stacie and Aubrey are sitting in Chloe's kitchen talking.
"I bet if you asked Chloe, she'd let you stay here until you found a place," Aubrey said.
"I don't know if that's a good idea," Stacie said. "You know how I've felt about Chloe for a while now. I don't want to make it weird between us."
"You should just tell her," Aubrey said. "Give her some time to get used to the idea. I think she's ready to move on and find love again."
"I'll never be able to be what Beca was to her," Stacie said.
"Then don't try to be," Aubrey said. "Just be yourself. You're pretty awesome on your own merits." Aubrey hears Chloe's door open. "Just think about it."
"Hey," Chloe said as she walked into the kitchen. "Sorry, I slept so late. I had the weirdest. . .I'm not sure what to call it. I didn't sleep well."
"It's okay," Aubrey said. "I was thinking we could go to brunch. I have to fly home today, but it would be nice to have brunch, just the three of us."
"Sounds good," Chloe said. "How about you, Stacie? You up for it?"
"Um, yeah," Stacie said. "Sounds good. I'll just go get changed."
Stacie gets up and goes back to the guest room to shower and change. Just as she's about to walk into the bathroom, Beca is standing in front of her.
"Holy shit!" Stacie squeals. Her mouth drops open in shock. "Beca?"
"Hey, Stacie," Beca said. Stacie reaches out to touch her, and just like in the movies, her hand goes right through her. "Don't do that. It feels weird."
"Yo-you're really a gha-ghost?" Stacie stuttered.
"Yep, I'm really a ghost," Beca said. "And I don't have much time. So, here goes. Ask Chloe out. Tell her how you feel about her. Take good care of her, and she'll take good care of you."
"What?" Stacie asked, her mind in a jumble. "You know how I feel about Chloe?"
"Yeah," Beca said. "Ghost, remember? I can listen in on conversations, and I just heard you talking to Aubrey. Ask Chloe about staying here while you look for a place. Spend some time with her. She'll realize how special you are, and you two will be very happy together."
"This is too weird," Stacie says, sitting on the edge of the bed. "You were my best friend, Beca. It just doesn't feel right that you're telling me to love your girl."
"Stacie," Beca said. "Chloe was and always will be the love of my life. I was also hers. But she's still alive and has plenty of love to give to someone else. And I would love for it to be with someone I know who will love her like she deserves to be loved."
"So, you're giving me your blessing?" Stacie asked. "To be with Chloe if Chloe wants to be with me."
"Yes," Beca said.
"Just like that?" Stacie asked.
"Just like that," Beca said. "Stop overthinking things and just do what your heart tells you to do. Go for it, Stace. You'll be so glad you did. I know what it feels like to be loved by Chloe Beale, and let me tell you, there is no greater feeling than that."
"Thank you, Beca," Stacie said as tears fell down her face. "I'll, um, go for it."
"Good," Beca said. "I have to go. But I'll be checking in sometimes, and you'd better be treating her right."
"I will," Stacie said and smiled. "I'd hate to have my ass kicked by a ghost."
Beca smiled and was suddenly gone. Stacie sat there for a minute before she got up and went to take her shower. While in the shower, she thought about what just happened. She took it as a sign and decided that she really was going to go for it.
After she was dressed and met Aubrey and Chloe in the living room, Stacie looked at Chloe.
"What?" Chloe asked, starting to squirm a little.
"I'm sorry," Stacie said. "I was just thinking about how to ask you if I can use your guest room for a couple of months. I'm being transferred here and will need a place to stay until I find my own place."
"Of course," Chloe said, jumping up from her seat and hugging Stacie. "You can stay as long as you need to. It will be nice to have another body around."
"Great," Stacie said with a smile. "I'll be transferring in two weeks, so I'll plan to start staying here then."
Aubrey looked at Stacie and smiled. She just knew this was going to work out for Stacie and Chloe.
"Shall we go eat?" Aubrey asked as she stood up.
"Let's go," Chloe said with a genuine smile.
Stacie moved in, and six months later, she was still "looking" for an apartment. Chloe wasn't in any hurry for Stacie to move out, and neither was Stacie. They had become closer, and Stacie found herself falling more in love with Chloe than before. Chloe started having feelings for Stacie but still held back. She still loved Beca and found it hard to think of herself with anyone else.
"Why is apartment hunting so hard?" Stacie whined.
"I've told you before," Chloe said. "Just stay here. It's nice having a roommate. I kind of like having you around." Chloe blushed a little when she said this.
"Really?" Stacie asked with a smile. "I do kind of like being around." Stacie bit her bottom lip debating on whether to ask what she really wanted to ask Chloe. "Hey, Chlo?"
"Yeah," Chloe said and looked at Stacie. She caught Stacie's eye and couldn't help but stare. Stacie was really beautiful. Chloe looked at her and was surprised because she didn't have the same guilty feeling she got when she thought about being with someone else. Like she was cheating on Beca. This time, it felt right.
"Do you, um," Stacie started and stopped. "Do you ever think about finding someone else to be with? I mean, I know you will always love Beca, but do you think there is someone else out there for you?"
"Honestly," Chloe said and tuck a stray hair behind her ear. "I do."
"Good," Stacie said. "I, um, think that's good."
Stacie looked at Chloe and then just turned and walked to her room. She face-planted on her bed and groaned.
"What the hell was that?" Beca asked, causing Stacie to jump up.
"Dammit, Beca," Stacie said. "You scared the hell out of me."
"That was the perfect opportunity to ask Chloe out," Beca said. "And you just walked away. Unbelievable."
"I panicked," Stacie said. "She's just so, so-"
"So, Chloe?" Beca prompted.
"Yeah," Stacie said. "She's perfect and gorgeous, and oh, my God, those eyes. Argh!"
Beca just stood there and smiled. "Sack up, dude, before someone else comes along and snatches her right out from under you."
"It's not that easy," Stacie said.
"Look who you're talking to," Beca said. "How long did I whine to you about how I felt for Chloe before I finally asked her out?"
"Yeah, it was pretty pathetic," Stacie said with a snort.
"Rude!" Beca said. "Anyway, I'm going to tell you what you told me. If you don't do it, someone else will, and then you'll spend the rest of your life pining away for the one that got away."
"You're right," Stacie said and got up. She marched to the door and swung it open, and went to the living room.
"Chloe," Stacie said, causing Chloe to look at her. "I like you. A lot. And I want to know if you'd like to go on a date with me. We don't have to do anything fancy, just maybe a nice dinner and see a movie. Or we can just see a movie. Or just go to-"
Stacie was cut off from saying more by Chloe's kiss. Stacie's eyes widened when she realized what was happening. Chloe pulled back and said, "I'd love to go out with you."
"Really?" Stacie asked, her voice cracking. She clear her throat and tried again. "Really?"
"Yes, really," Chloe said. "I've been trying to figure out how to ask you out."
"Wow, so Beca was right," Stacie mumbled.
"Beca?" Chloe said, confused. "What do you mean, Beca was right?"
"Um, I, uh," Stacie stammered.
"Did you see Beca, too?" Chloe asked, smiling.
"Too?" Stacie said. "You saw and talked to Beca?"
"Um, yeah?" Chloe said, not wanting to sound crazy. "She told me that there was someone out there for me. Someone I already knew, and she approved of them if I decided to be with them."
"She told me to go for it with you," Stacie said. "I've kind of had feelings for you for a while. I was just afraid that you'd compare me to Beca, and I knew I couldn't compete with the love of your life."
"Stacie," Chloe said and took Stacie by the hand and sat on the sofa with her. "I won't lie to you. Beca will always be in my heart. No one can replace her. But there's room in my heart for you, too. I feel like I'm falling in love with you."
"I feel the same way about you," Stacie said. "So, we're going to give this a go?"
"Yes, we're going to give this a go," Chloe said. "I have a feeling Beca is doing a fist pump right about now."
Beca was listening and was also doing a fist pump. She smiled at how well Chloe still knew her. Her smile grew wider when she saw Stacie and Chloe coming together in another kiss.
"I love you both," Beca said out loud, causing the two girls to pull apart.
"Did you hear that?" Chloe asked.
"I did," Stacie said.
"So, are you busy tonight?" Chloe asked. "I know this great little Italian place. Beca and I loved going there." Chloe frowned. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."
"It's okay, Chlo," Stacie said. "I know there will be a lot of things that remind you of Beca. I would be offended if you didn't talk about her freely."
"I have a feeling Beca knew what she was doing bringing the two of us together," Chloe said and smiled.
"I agree," Stacie said.
A little over four years later, Chloe was standing in front of Beca's grave on the fifth anniversary of her death, all their Bella friends standing around her. She knelt down to place a flower and whispered, "I still love you." She stood up and walked over to Stacie, taking their daughter so she could lay her flower on the grave. The two-year-old started squirming. "Settle down, Beca. We'll be leaving in just a few minutes."
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
Crawling Back To You.
Bucky Barnes x Reader 
Run-through: Bucky Barnes had a lot on his plate at the moment. Regrets, fears, nightmares and desperately trying to do the right things to make up for his past as the Winter Soldier. Amongst those things, barely anything made him truly happy, or safe or loved. None did actually - except for you. He met you at a bar once and since then, you’ve been his sanctuary. You both knew he wasn’t quite ready to be in a relationship, yet you were always there with open arms whenever he needed a friend, a shoulder to lean on, or someone to help him take his mind off things. Be it a nightmare, or memories from the past coming to haunt him, or any major or minor inconvenience, the super soldier would find himself turning to you for help. 
Themes: angst, fluff, smut
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He woke up on the floor, covered in cold sweat. 
The flashbacks of the nightmares kept resurfacing until it finally faded again. Faded, not truly gone because he knew they’d be back tomorrow again - his past coming to haunt him. He sighed and squinted at the screen in front of him. 
The T.V was on, playing reruns of a show he did not care about. He simply needed the noise to help him fall asleep. The quiet and silence was his own personal hell, so he always needed some sort of background noise to help him out. 
Bucky tried getting some sleep again; tossing and turning on the wooden flooring but he couldn’t fall back asleep. His mind was racing, too many thoughts at once. He checked the time, the clock read 1 a.m. He could go on a run, but he didn’t really feel like it. He could go to the gym, but he didn’t feel like working out either. 
He needed something. An escape, a friend. You, he needed you. 
Bucky reached for his phone, and a few taps later he was calling you. He knew it was late but you somehow always picked up his calls no matter what the time was. The rings later, he heard your voice speak up from the other end. 
“Buck?” You sounded sleepy, but not like he had woken you up, you sounded like you were about to fall asleep. 
He closed his eyes and sighed at the sound of your voice. He could picture you, all tucked in your comfy bed, surrounded by pillows and your soft blankets. Perhaps you had lost track of time because of a good book, or perhaps you were up late responding to emails for work. 
“Hey doll. Did I wake you up?” he asked, leaning back against the wall of his living room, his legs sprawled out on the floor in front of him. Only sometimes did he feel like he was taking advantage of your kindness, but then again he could be selfish when it came to you. You were his, and that’s that. 
You let out a little laugh. “Of course not, Bucky. I was just finishing up some work.” He could hear your sheets shuffling, “Are you okay? Did you have another nightmare?” you asked, softly. 
Bucky told you he did. Then he went on to tell you exactly what he had dreamt of. Sometimes he felt like he was opening up more to you than his shrink. But truth is, you made him feel like he was more than just a broken soldier, or a problem who needed to be remedied or fixed. You made him feel like he was human after all. 
“I… I’m trying to fall back asleep but…” his voice trailed off. He didn’t have to say it, you understood perfectly. He knew you did. 
Then he heard his favorite words coming from you, “Come over Buck, I’m waiting.” 
He wasted no time in getting up from the floor and getting dressed. Dark jeans, shirt, jacket and not to forget his gloves. Sometimes he wondered why he felt so giddy when you asked him to come over, which was almost every night. He wondered what it would be like to come home to you every night instead, had it been a perfect world. He always felt like he was clinging to you too much, for everything. But then you always told him that you didn’t mind. You told him you loved his company. 
He grabbed his helmet before stepping out of his apartment. There was a light drizzle outside but he didn’t care, he just needed to be with you. He got down the stairs and then rushed to start his mean bike and then rushed to your apartment building. You lived in a much nicer part of the city than he did, and he often wondered why you were putting up with someone like him when you could have a man who would give you a life you’ve always dreamt of. He often asked you that, but you always just smiled at him, you never answered. 
On his way up to your floor, he couldn’t help but feel all warm in the elevator. He counted down the seconds till he could see you. He often slept over at your place, he loved it. Cuddling, making love, followed by lazy mornings, him trying to get you to not go to work and spend the day with him instead. He loved how you made him feel. 
He knocked on your door, already taking off his gloves because he needed to feel your skin against his. Your body heat made him feel so much better. He heard you unlocking the door from the other side and not even a second later, he saw your pretty face smiling at him. Dressed in silk PJ shorts and a t-shirt, you looked breathtakingly beautiful even at one thirty in the morning. 
“Hello there,” you greeted him, smirking. “That was fast.” You teased, opening the door wider to let him in. 
He smiled and stepped inside, closing the door behind him and pulling you in for a hug immediately. You felt his slightly damp and cold jacket press against you but you hugged him back tightly anyways. 
“I needed to see you.” He mumbled, pressing his face into your neck. 
“I know.” 
You and Bucky ended up in your bed, cuddling under the blankets. He loved the dimmed night light you always had on, knowing that he hated being in complete darkness. He loved how cozy your room was, how spacious and airy but also warm and comfortable. 
The large window by your bed showed a lovely view of the city lights, which were right now blurred by the foggy glass, thanks to the light drizzle earlier. He could tell that the air was cold outside, but in here with you everything was just right. 
He had stripped down to just his boxers and he laid his head on your chest, his face facing away from yours, while you played with his hair and occasionally ran your hand down his back, scratching his skin lightly. His cold metal arm lazily ran up and down your thighs and he noticed the goosebumps on your skin that he was causing. 
He could hear your steady heartbeats and that was his favorite sound in the entire world. It calmed him down. 
You looked down, smiling softly at the sight of the muscular soldier using you as a human pillow. You could hear him let out quiet moans as you gently scratched his scalp. You still remembered the first time you two met, at a bar. 
It was late on a winter night, and the nearby bar was rather empty; just a few people here and there. And a certain muscular man in a dark leather jacket caught your eye. He was sitting at the counter, and you were in one of the booths. Eventually, you got up and decided to go talk to him. 
You recognized him immediately. Ex-Winter Soldier, Captain America’s best friend, James Buchanan Barnes.
Small talks turned into a couple more rounds of beers. He was a little off and awkward at first but he loosened up eventually. He even walked you back to your car, not wanting you to be alone in the dark, foggy and empty parking lot. 
That was the first time he kissed you, right before he opened the door of your car for you. 
“Will I see you again?” He asked, high off the adrenaline which coursed through his veins ever since you kissed him back. 
“Of course you will. Good night, James.” You kissed his cheek before getting into your car and driving off. 
A smile formed on your face as you thought of that night. “Do you remember the first time we met?” You asked softly. 
Bucky turned his face to you, placing his head back on your chest. He was so close that all you needed to do was to lean in a little to kiss his soft, pink lips. 
He smiled. “Yeah, why?” 
“No reason, I just wanted you to remember it.” 
Bucky chuckled and pressed a gentle kiss on your skin, right above your breasts. “You’ve been awfully quiet. What is it?” 
You just smiled at him, “Nothing. You’ve been awfully quiet too.” And judging by the look in his eyes, you could already tell there was something else to his silence. “What is it?” 
He was quiet. 
Sighing, you flipped the two of you around; straddling his waist while he laid comfortably against your multiple pillows. 
“Buck, tell me.” You pressed your palms against his chest to hold yourself up. 
“Sam needs my help with something. Another bad guy, another mission, another fight. Same old.” He sounded indifferent. 
You couldn’t blame him. He had been fighting for decades, non-stop. He had lost so much while doing so, but he also didn’t know how to deal with the calm, and silence and the quiet. There was so much he needed to figure out about himself still. 
“Do you not wanna go?” 
He smiled faintly as he lazily rubbed up and down your exposed thighs. “It’s my job, I have to. Innocent people will be hurt if I don’t. I want to help them.” 
“Then what’s the issue?” 
“I’ll have to leave you behind for a little while.” He didn’t want to. He didn’t know how to be away from you anymore because he hadn’t been for months now. The thought of not being able to hold you close at night and having your heartbeats lull him to sleep was scary.
You smiled down at him. “I’ll be here when you come back, Bucky.” 
He reached out and cupped your face with his metal hand. “And what if you find someone better while I’m gone?” 
You frowned down at him. “Where does that come from?” 
He gently stroked your cheek. “I’m just saying. You deserve someone a little more… normal.” 
You rolled your eyes at him. “Normal is boring, you seem perfectly fine to me.” 
He chuckled. “Why do you put up with me, doll?” It was a rhetorical question, he didn’t expect an answer because he had asked you this countless number of times but you never gave him a reply before. 
However, you did this time. “Because I’m in love with you, James Buchanan Barnes.” You had been meaning to tell him this for a while now. “You don’t have to say it back, I just needed you to know that no one’s ever gonna replace you. I love you.” 
He was a little surprised, his heart raced as he processed everything. How could someone as gentle, kind and beautiful like you fall for someone as broken as him? “Doll… I…” 
You leaned down to kiss his forehead. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” You giggled, then pulled away to look at him. “You deserve all the good things in this world, Buck. You deserve to be loved, and cared for. And if you’d let me, I’d love to show you that.” 
You carefully pressed your lips to his, kissing him with all the love you had. His metal hand held you at the back of your neck and the other wrapped around your waist. He tilted his head and deepened the kiss; turning your mind into a foggy mess for a little while before he pulled away and stared deep into your eyes. 
You reached out and gently caressed his face, Bucky leaned into your touch. “I’m gonna miss you.” He mumbled. 
“When do you leave?” You asked. 
“Tomorrow, perhaps.” 
You leaned in for a kiss again, accidentally brushing your crotch against his erection; making him smirk through the kiss as he pulled you even closer. You purposely moved against him while you kissed him again deeply. 
Bucky soon flipped the two of you back around and settled in between your legs, kissing down your neck. “I’m gonna miss making love to you almost every night.” He whispered against your skin. His voice alone sent chills down your back, and made you feel all sorts of warm and tingly feelings inside. 
Bucky movements were gentle and slow as he took your clothes off, making sure you were both under the warm covers still; kissing you occasionally as he undressed you, and caressed your body as you squirmed under him. 
He kissed his way down your body, until his face was right in between your legs. You moaned as he parted your legs and placed a kiss on your inner thigh, pulling your underwear down your legs and kissing his way back to your wet folds. You threw your head back, and bit your lip; whining when you felt his tongue teasing you gently. The warmth of his mouth was driving you insane. 
His tongue gently teased your clit while his fingers slipped inside of you; stroking you gently while you arched your back off the surface of your bed as the pleasure became slightly overwhelming. You whimpered and squirmed under him as his tongue moved perfectly against you.
He had you coming undone all over his tongue and his fingers in no time, and he licked you clean when he was done. Kissing his way up your body again. “I’m gonna miss your taste.” He was shameless enough to whisper it in your ear; making you blush. 
His hands roamed around your body, touching you wherever he could, until he finally cupped your core and rubbed the sensitive skin around your swollen clit – making you shudder under him. You whined as he slipped his metal fingers past your entrance yet again. His head dipped into your neck and he licked and bit around your skin until he found your sweet spot. “And I’m gonna miss your warmth.” 
“Buck…” You moaned quietly as he replaced his fingers with his cock. 
He placed his mouth on top of yours again, to swallow your whimpers and moans as he pushed his cock into you. His breathing got shallow again as he pushed himself fully into you. He lifted his head and watched you grimace in pleasure and pain as his cock stretched you to your maximum. He watched you in awe as your lips parted and you moaned his name once he filled you up nicely. 
You whined as he slowly slipped out of you completely, before slamming back into you with a slightly bigger force. 
He groaned at the feel of your walls wrapped around him, squeezing and clenching around him. You heard him swear and felt him bite down on your lip as he sped up into you. He tugged on your lips and he started moving his hips; rocking into you slowly, then gradually increasing his speed. Your back arched off the surface of the bed again and your chest pressed to his.  
“I’m gonna miss watching you squirm under me…” he whispered, “as I pleasure you like no one ever will.” He moaned into your ear. “You’re mine.” 
You were a moaning mess under him in no time. There was something about the way he kissed you, deeply and passionately; as though he was scared you might just get away from him.
He worshipped your body. He mumbled how good you felt in your ear, groaning as you bucked your hips to meet each one of his thrusts as well. He kissed you roughly as he pounded into you; his metal fingers wrapped around your throat. He fucked you raw and relentlessly, watching how your face morphed into frowns of pleasure. 
He pressed his forehead on yours; looking down to where your bodies connected so intimately. Then he pulled away to look into your eyes with that animalistic, primal and fiery look in his eyes. His lips parted as he panted while he fucked you like he owned you.
“You’re gonna miss me too aren’t you, doll?” 
You nodded, whining in pleasure. He smirked. His hand left your neck and slid in between your connected bodies and furiously rubbed your clit, earning a loud moan out of you. “Say it, baby. Tell me how much you’re gonna miss my cock buried deep inside you…” 
You couldn’t talk as the pressure in between your legs became too much to handle, and you craved for release. He noticed and slipped his tongue back into your mouth one last time and took your bottom lip between his teeth again.
“Come on, cum for me… doll,” he swore as he felt you clench around him perfectly. You came hard around him, moaning and whimpering under him as he finished right after you; kissing your swollen lips deeply as he came.
He pushed his face into the crook of your neck as he caught his breath. And you cradled his head; panting as well. Your fingers gently massaged his scalp as he calmed his racing heart. A few moments later, he shifted all his weight right on top of you making you laugh as you tried to scoot out from under him. 
He groaned and pulled you closer. “Come here.” He pressed you against his body and wrapped his arms around. “I love you too, doll. So much.” 
You buried your face into his chest, inhaling his scent. “I’m gonna miss you. All of you.” You lifted your head up to look at him smiling down at you. “Come back fast.” 
He chuckled. “You know I will. No matter where I go, I’ll always come crawling back to you.”
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Stalker (Ending A) (L.MH)
Warnings : swearing, mentions of one night stands, partying, alcohol
Word Count : 6210
Synopsis : he saw her everywhere he was, so the only logical conclusion is that she’s stalking him. he finally had enough and confronted her, but she had no idea who hyunjin was. he refused to listen to her until lee minho came to her rescue, effectively shutting hyunjin up. it was a small lie that made him face feelings he didn’t expect, and began a love triangle no one thought possible. but little did they know, she only had eyes for her best friend.
Author’s Note : i’m back! and while i was gone, i wrote a lot of new imagines. figured i’d start posting again, starting with this hyunjin/minho imagine. hyunjin’s ending will be up tomorrow!
He had never seen her before, but suddenly she was everywhere. Every party, every café, absolutely everywhere, and Hyunjin couldn’t help but think she was stalking him. What other explanation could there be to her being at every place she was at?
At first, he thought it was adorable. He saw her as an adoring fan just working up the courage to talk to him. But when he spotted her across the room with her phone up, seemingly taking pictures of her, he had enough. He stormed over to her, slamming his half full cup on a nearby table before grabbing her phone from her hands, causing her to look up at him with a look of annoyance. “Give it back.”
“Stop taking pictures of me! Stop stalking me! I’m tired of seeing your face everywhere.” He yelled, holding her phone up in the air so she couldn’t reach it. She crossed her arms across her chest as her brows furrowed together, confused as to why this stranger would think she was following him.
“There’s got to be a misunderstanding.” She tried to explain, but he interrupted her, telling her not to make excuses, saying he had caught her red-handed taking pictures of him. “Look at my phone, dude.” He brought it closer to her face, seeing that the camera was not open, but a text conversation was, the last text sent asking where this person was.
Before either one of them could say anything else, someone draped their arm across her shoulders, causing both of them to meet the eyes of Lee Minho, leader of the dance team. “Is there an issue?” Minho asked, pulling the girl closer to his body. She was too much in shock at the situation to push herself away from him.
“Yes. This girl is stalking me!” Hyunjin exclaimed, earning an eye roll from the girl tucked into Minho’s side.
“You mean my girlfriend?” The crowd that was beginning to gather gasped at the new information, whispers quickly erupting from the crowd. “I can assure you she isn’t stalking you, Hyunjin. Babe, are you stalking Hyunjin?” His attention moved from Hyunjin to the girl he claimed was his girlfriend.
“I don’t even know who he is if I’m honest.” She shrugged, looking from Minho to Hyunjin, who now seemed embarrassed by the amount of people surrounding them. “Can I have my phone back now?” Hyunjin slowly slid the phone into her open hand, quietly apologizing to the mystery girl, the girl apparently dating Minho, a man he looks up to. “You didn’t have to do that.” She told Minho after Hyunjin walked away and the crowd dispersed, enjoying the party.
“Hyunjin’s a dick, he deserved to be put in his place. He thinks he’s all that and that girls fall at his feet; this was a well-deserved reality check.” Minho smiled. “I’m guessing you were looking for a friend?” She nodded, looking to see if Jisung had responded to her text to no avail.
“Looks like he’s probably wrapped up with something else.” She mumbled hoping Minho wouldn’t hear, but he did.
“Looks like I’m your company for the night.” He smiled as he pulled her towards the kitchen where the drinks were laid out on the counter. “Pick your poison.” He joked. His smile was intoxicating to her, almost addictive and she didn’t want to look away. She had heard of the infamous dance team leader, Lee Minho, but their paths never crossed before tonight. And she could see why he was so popular.
He was handsome in a way she’d never seen before. He looked like the kind of guy that was cold and aloof, but when he smiled at her, her heart felt safe. Like she could share her deepest secrets with him, and he would take them to the grave, not uttering a word of them to anyone.
She was addicted to the scent wafting off of him into her nose, a very natural and clean scent, different than other guys with their overwhelming cologne. As the two talked the whole night, she found herself not wanting to leave, now understanding how all the girls easily fall for his charms.
He was notorious around the university for being charming without even trying; girls flocking towards him, but he either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care. But he was standing in front of her, all of his attention on her, his eyes not leaving her, not even when people around them were calling his name. He was intrigued by this girl he had never seen before and wanted to learn more.
Minho wanted to learn everything about this mystery girl, but he didn’t know why. He wanted to learn her likes and dislikes. Her pet peeves and things she does when she feels stressed. Does she have any pets? What are her parents like? What’s her major? There were so many things to learn, but a party didn’t seem like the right place to ask hard hitting questions. He wanted to spend as long as he could in her presence, learning about her, but even eternity didn’t seem like long enough.
He wasn’t sure what came over him; no other girl ever made him feel like this. None of his ex-girlfriends made him this curious. Was it the way she didn’t fall at Hyunjin’s feet like every other girl at this school? Maybe it was the way she laughed at all his jokes, even the bad ones. The way her lips upturned as her smiled widened before her mouth opened, letting out a laugh that Minho could listen to for years and not get tired of.
She was confident in the way she carried herself, but not in a cocky way. She held eye contact as they spoke, not shying away when he complimented her. It was like she knew she was beautiful and didn’t need anyone to tell her. His heart was pounding in his chest, but he pretended it wasn’t and tried to hold conversation as normal. Is this what the people call love at first sight?
Before either of them knew it, the music was turned off. The house that was once filled with people, was near empty as a few drunk stragglers stayed behind, waiting for someone to help them home. “Oh wow, is it 4 in the morning already?” Minho asked, looking down at his phone that was apparently blowing up the entire time he was with Y/N, and he had no idea. He was so entranced by her beauty he didn’t feel the vibrations coming from his pocket. “Let me take you home.” She quickly agreed, loving the idea of spending more time with him. He placed his hand on her lower back as he led her out of the house and to his car parked down the street.
The two made conversation the entire drive, they didn’t even realize there was no music playing. Not even a second of silence was shared between them as their connection seemed to grow stronger. “Thank you.” She told him as they pulled up to her apartment building.
“Can I get your number? I’d really like to see you again.” She smiled, holding out her hand for his phone that he happily handed over.
“I suppose it’s the least I could do seeing as we’re apparently dating.” For what seemed like the millionth time that night, a blush crept up onto his cheeks as he took his phone back. “I hope to see you soon, Minho.” With that, she left his car and headed up to her apartment.
Had her heart not already belonged to her best friend, Han Jisung, she would have kissed him. She was hardly ever one to sit idly by and allow her feelings to go unsaid, except when it came to Han Jisung, school playboy.
Just as Minho was notorious, Jisung was as well. Jisung was a womanizer, and he loved it. Y/N was there whenever he needed help getting away from a one-night stand who wanted more. In fact, that’s why she was everywhere Hyunjin seemed to be. Jisung would invite her to parties he was invited to so she was close in case he needed her. He would call her to cafes he invited the women to if they weren’t gone when he woke up, seemingly as a nice gesture. But Y/N would be there to act like the jealous, angry girlfriend, either scaring off the girl or dragging Jisung out and effectively getting him away.
If Hyunjin paid more attention, he would see that she never noticed him. Her eyes were trained on the door, looking for the one man that gave her butterflies. He would notice the tears in her eyes as she once again acted like a girlfriend catching her boyfriend cheating. He would see how her face lit up when Jisung’s attention was trained on her instead of someone else. How her cheeks would turn a pretty pink colour when he would wrap his arms around her. If Hyunjin just paid a little more attention, he would see that she only ever had eyes for Han Jisung.
She woke up the next morning when her phone rang with Jisung’s familiar ringtone. “Regular café.” Was all he said before he hung up. She begrudgingly got herself out of bed, throwing on a simple outfit and making herself look presentable. If only her heart didn’t belong to Han Jisung, maybe she could tell him no.
She sat at her regular table, looking at her phone and glancing at the door every time the bell above it chimed. Tears pricked her eyes when Jisung walked in, his arm draped across the beautiful girls shoulders, his famous smile dancing across his lips. She watched from her spot as they got into the growing lineup, talking about something. She was so focused on the two of them, she didn’t notice her phone going off in her hands until it was too late and the call went to voicemail.
She waited until Jisung and the girl sat at a table before making her move. She stormed over to their table, her iced coffee in hand. Jisung’s eyes widened when he saw her, playing the part of a boyfriend just caught cheating. “Who are you?” She asked, allowing her voice to crack just enough to make her seem heartbroken. The girl looked between her and Jisung, confused as to what was going on. “I’m asking who you are! What are you doing with my boyfriend?” She tried to keep her voice low and even, not wanting to disturb other peoples day with her fake drama.
“Oh my god, I had no idea!” The girls eyes widened as she stood from the table, her hands up in surrender. “I swear I thought he was single. Jisung, you need to treat your girlfriend better!” She turned her attention to the man at the table. “I’m so sorry. You deserve better.” With that, the girl took her leave, allowing Y/N to sit at the table and Jisung to relax.
“You’re seriously the best friend ever.” She was silent as she nodded, staring at the text on her phone from Minho. “So I heard you’re dating Minho? Think he’d be okay that you act like my girlfriend sometimes?” Jisung chuckled, trying to lighten the sour mood.
“I’m not a huge fan.” Jisung spun around in his chair, his eyes meeting Minho’s. She smiled when she saw him, ushering him to join them.
“It’s nothing major, dude. She just says she’s my girlfriend to shake off one-night stands that want more. You know how it is.” Jisung shrugged, taking a sip of his coffee.
“No, I don’t know how it is.” Minho’s eyes narrowed as he looked at Jisung, not liking this guy one bit. He hated this guy more than he disliked Hyunjin. Minho had never met a more appalling human being. He could see the heartbreak written all over her face, knowing her feelings for Jisung were more than platonic. Jisung had this beautiful, kind-hearted girl right in front of him, ready to give him the world, and he treated her like trash. Yet she stayed by his side, bending to his every whim. “Hope you don’t mind if I steal her for the rest of the day though. We have plans.” She happily stood from the table and followed Minho outside, not even waiting for Jisung’s answer.
He wanted to get her out of there, away from the man who seemed to break her heart more and more everyday. “Looks like you’re my knight in shining armour once again.” She smiled as the two fell into a similar rhythm as they walked beside each other. He didn’t want to be her knight in shining armour, he wanted to be her prince. He wanted to be the one that made her excited for the day ahead. “How can I repay you?” Silence fell over them when she asked that question. Minho stopped dead in his tracks and grabbed her hand, pulling her close to him.
“Date me.” He said. “Pretend to be my girlfriend for three months to make it believable. I’ll help you get over Han Jisung.” She didn’t even question how he knew, knowing they had a connection that was undeniable ever since they met last night.
“What would you get out of it?” She giggled, wondering why a man who was still practically a stranger would want to help her with a task that seemed impossible.
“I’d get to bring you to the dance studio to annoy Hyunjin.” He made up a lie on the spot, knowing that just getting to call her his girlfriend would be enough for him. The satisfaction of helping her heal her heart would absolutely be enough for him.
She didn’t even have to think about it and agreed almost immediately. Maybe Minho is exactly what she needs to move passed these unrequited feelings she’s had since high school.
They just stood there, staring into each other’s eyes, absolutely entranced by the other’s beauty, and without realizing it, they both were leaning in. Their lips met in the middle in a feverish kiss filled with passion and lust. He put everything he could in the kiss, hoping to silently show her his true feelings. She melted into the kiss, knowing now for certain that Lee Minho is exactly what she needed.
As promised, Minho invited her to the dance studio a few days later. She decided to pick up food on the way, knowing everyone would be hungry after practice. She made her way through the maze of dance studios in the performing arts building, bags of food in her hands and an excited smile on her face. Quietly, she opened the door, Minho immediately noticing her and stopping whatever he was doing. The other dancers turned to see what caught their leaders attention. Hyunjin rolled his eyes when he saw her, annoyed that she was officially showing up absolutely everywhere he went, the dance studio no longer an escape.
Minho walked towards her, taking the bags from her hands, and pressing a quick kiss to her lips and ushering her to the front of the room where he was standing previously. “Let’s take a quick break to eat the food my girlfriend brought for us.”  
They all sat in a circle, joking, and eating. Minho could barely keep his eyes off of her. She would meet his eyes every so often, only looking away to give attention to whoever was talking.
But if they paid closer attention, they would notice another set of eyes that couldn’t seem to look away from her. Hyunjin wondered what seemed different about her today that seemed to draw him in so much. Maybe it was the obvious kindness she possessed, buying the entire team food without ever meeting them before. Maybe it was the way she seemed to glow unlike the dull lifelessness she showed the other times he noticed her. Her smile was wide and her eyes seemed to sparkle, as if someone put stars in her eyes. She possessed a beauty he hadn’t noticed before, and he could feel the jealousy build in his chest every time she looked at Minho the way he wanted her to look at him.
Hyunjin found himself wanting to get closer to her, but he did his best to hide it. He laughed at the stories she told them, their eyes meeting for a brief second each time. And when the food was eaten and it was time to go over the routine one more time, he found himself putting his all into impressing her. Minho was the leader, but Hyunjin wanted to be the center of attention, the center of her attention.
She was amazed at the beautiful choreography that Minho put together, but her eyes seemed to drift towards Hyunjin. He seemed completely entranced in the music and his body moved as if it was a liquid. It was impossible to look away from Hyunjin when he danced; he looked so ethereal and she could finally see why so many girls begged for his attention. She would too had her heart not belonged to Jisung.
“Amazing.” She exclaimed with a wide smile, and Minho wrapped his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her forehead. Hyunjin wished that was him. He watched from afar as she went on and on about the choreography, saying that Minho did such a great job. “Everyone did incredible!” She clapped her hands together, everyone’s attention now on her as they thanked her for not only her kind words, but the food she brought earlier.
“I hope she comes around more! I like her company, hyung.” Another one of the members, Felix, exclaimed with a smile that seemed to mirror hers.
“If no one minds, I’m sure she’ll come to more practices.” Minho beamed; his arm now draped across her shoulders. Flashbacks of the party came to Hyunjin’s mind, and he felt embarrassed all over again.
She snuck away from Minho while he was caught up in a conversation with a couple of the guys from the team. “You were really amazing, Hyunjin.” He was slightly startled when he heard her voice. “You looked absolutely ethereal and so in your element, it was hard to look away.” She admitted, her eyes not leaving his. He saw the confidence she carried herself with that made Minho fall for her so easily.
“Thank you.” His gratitude was sincere, and she could tell by the way his cheeks burned red. “I’m really sorry about what I said at the party.” She shook her head.
“The past is the past, don’t worry about it.” He could see why she was the girl Minho let his guard down too. She was the kind of girl you don’t encounter twice in a lifetime. She was the kind of girl you hold on to and hope she doesn’t let go. Hyunjin could tell families must adore her and wish for her as a daughter-in-law. And he wondered once again how he had never seen her before. She was the kind of girl that stood out in a crowd, not because she was the most beautiful, but because she had a glow to her that seemed to have a magnetic pull.
“I’ll see you around.” He didn’t want to walk away, but he would do something he would regret if he didn’t. Hyunjin wasn’t a homewrecker, even if it meant losing the perfect girl.
“Ready to go?” Minho asked as Hyunjin walked away. She smiled up at him, nodding. If he could, Minho would buy the world and gift it to her, that’s how much he had fallen for her in such a short amount of time.
Once again she found herself sitting at her regular table at the regular café, her eyes trained on the door, waiting for Jisung to walk through with whatever girl he was with this time. She didn’t feel as heartbroken as she did before, this last month with Minho helping more than she thought possible. Honestly, she felt more annoyed than anything. It was like Jisung didn’t call to hang out anymore, only to request her assistance. She wondered where the sweet and loveable Jisung from high school disappeared to, and who this fuckboy was that replaced him.
As she waited, she didn’t notice Hyunjin watching her from afar, wondering who she was waiting for with such an angry look on her face. He could see her biting her lip as her leg bounced, and he knew it wasn’t Minho. She was never anxious like this around Minho. He seemed to bring out the best in her. He noticed her glow was once again dull, and his curiosity was growing as each second passed.
When the bell chimed and her leg stopped bouncing, he looked towards the door to see the infamous Han Jisung. Was she waiting for him? What was her business with the fuckboy of campus? He watched as she watched Jisung sit down across from another girl, and she stood to make her way to him. Hyunjin stood as well, grabbing her by the wrist before she could approach the table Jisung sat at. “What are you doing?” He asked, concern in his eyes.
“Something I always do.” She replied, snatching her wrist back and approaching Jisung. Hyunjin watched from afar, ready to jump in if anything were to go wrong.
Since the campus knew of her and Minho’s relationship, she had to take a new approach: the annoying best friend. “Who’s this?” The girl asked as Y/N took a seat beside Jisung, Jisung immediately wrapping his arms around her.
“My best friend. You don’t mind if she joins us, right?” Of course the girl agreed, not wanting Jisung to have a bad impression of her, in hopes she could be the girl that changes him.
It only took 10 minutes of the two of them completely ignoring her, talking, and laughing with each other as if she wasn’t even there, for her to leave. “You’re the best.” Jisung said as he usually did. “I’ve missed you.” Her heart no longer fluttered at his words.
“I tried calling, you never picked up.” Jisung’s heart broke at the obvious distance she was putting between them. He knew it was his fault. He was pushing her away, hoping his growing feelings would disappear, but they only seemed to grow stronger. None of these girls seemed to compare to the girl he had right in front of him all this time, and he hates that it took him so long to realize that. He hates that another man noticed it before he did and she slipped through his fingers before he even realized she was leaving.
“I’ll be better, I promise. You’re my best friend, I can’t lose you.” She nodded. From his spot, Hyunjin could tell she wanted to disappear and he decided to give her an out.
“Hey Y/N, you coming to practice today?” She met Hyunjin’s eyes, and the sparkle he was used to seeing seemed to reappear in an instant, causing butterflies to erupt in his stomach.
“Of course!” She exclaimed with her heart-stopping smile, and Hyunjin could see the anger and jealousy bubbling up in Jisung.
“Want to grab something to eat from the diner from last time before practice?” She slung her purse over her shoulder and stood from the table, agreeing with the notion of food.
“You don’t need anything else from me, right Sungie?” The nickname she gave to him in high school rolled off her tongue before she could stop it. Little did she know the effect that simple name had on Jisung.
“Nope, go have fun. I’ll call you later.” Jealously bubbled inside Jisung as he watched her walk away with Hyunjin, his arm draped across her shoulders. He put distance between the two of them, and she seemed to replace him. They used to spend all day together and never get bored; their stomachs aching from all the laughter. Everything seemed to change overnight, and she was really slipping through his fingers.
“Usually Minho is the one to save me.” She joked as her and Hyunjin walked towards the diner the two of them went to the previous week. Ever since that first practice she attended, the two of them grew closer and she seemed to spend more time with him than Minho.
“How do you even know Han Jisung?” Hyunjin asked, the curiosity eating at him. She smiled at the memories of her and Jisung in high school. Back when she thought there was a possibility of her feelings being reciprocated, but when they got to university, Jisung seemed to do a compete 180 and became a different person.
“We met in high school and immediately became best friends. He wasn’t always like this.” Without prompting, she delved into the memories with Jisung. How he used to be really introverted and nervous around girls. How he was the kind of guy to show up at her house in the middle of night because she was sad. How he was the kind of guy to remember all the small details and surprise her with gifts that were absolutely perfect. He knew her better than she knew herself, and that’s why she fell for him. That’s why she bent over backwards for him.
Until Minho came along and showed her she deserved more. She deserved the kind of guy Jisung used to be, the kind of guy Minho is. She deserved someone who looks at her like she put the stars in the sky and was the reason the sun rose in the morning. She deserved someone who could see her radiance, someone who saw passed her outward beauty and saw the beauty she held within. Someone like Minho. Someone like Hyunjin.
Without realizing it, both Minho and Hyunjin fell for her. Without realizing it, she got over her feelings for Jisung, and began to fall for the two handsome men by her side. A love triangle no one expected.
As the 3-month mark inched closer, Minho felt nervous. He fell harder for her than he originally thought possible and didn’t want to let her go. He could already feel her slipping through his fingers as she spent nearly everyday with Hyunjin. The two of them got close seemingly overnight, and Minho could feel himself on the verge of exploding in anger and jealousy every time he saw them together.
She seemed to smile more and laugh louder with Hyunjin than she ever did with him. The man who claimed he didn’t like skin ship, the man who barely hugged his friends, was the same man who seemed to always be touching her in some way. His arm draped across her shoulders, his arms wrapped around her waist, his arm resting on her leg when they sat beside each other. And she didn’t seem to mind. She seemed to revel in the fact that Hyunjin’s attention was solely on her, barely noticing that she’s the only girl Minho has looked at since the party.
The 3-month mark inched closer with each passing second, and she found herself hoping it would never end. Where would her and Minho stand after this? Would he stay by her side or abandon her saying he did what he told her he would?
A part of her wanted to tell Minho she wanted to continue being with him, that she didn’t want to lose everything they built over these last couple months. But another part of her was also falling for Hyunjin. He was nothing like the man that confronted her at the party. He wasn’t the man in the rumours she was always hearing. Hwang Hyunjin was so much more.
She thought getting over Jisung would make her life easier. She could stick by his side and pretend like she never wished for anything more than friendship. She could watch him be a fuckboy and maybe one day fall in love without feeling the hurt in her chest. Little did she know the price of moving on was the confusion of falling for 2 men at the exact same time. But she fell for them for different reasons.
Lee Minho was very driven; completely focused on accomplishing his dreams. She thought he was the most handsome as he came up with new choreography. He was so focused on making it flow together and easy for the other follow along that he would barely notice her make her way into the studio, watching from afar as he moved to the music, completely immersed.
But when he would finally notice her, he would smile at her, his cold exterior completely shattering as he pulls her in for a hug, kissing the top of her head. He would ask for her opinion on his new dance, truly interested in what she thought despite her not being a dancer. Her opinion meant more to him than any others.
She loved watching him lead the dance team, helping them when he noticed them struggling, and beaming when they would nail the new choreography as if he was a proud father. She loved that he wasn’t afraid to show them how much he loved her, regardless of their relationship being fake. He would hold her and kiss her in front of the members and it gave her butterflies every single time.
But when it’s just the two of them and he’s open and vulnerable, that’s what she loves the most. His head in her lap as she plays with his hair while he talks about his dreams and his fears. She listens carefully, hanging onto his every word and reassuring him best she can. Little does she know; her words help him more than he would ever admit.
She fell for him with every kiss, every touch, every late night spent talking. He was only meant to help her get over her feelings for Jisung, and he did more than that without even realizing it.
And then there was Hwang Hyunjin; a man she never thought she would fall for. She didn’t want to be just another girl falling at his feet. She didn’t want to be just another fan standing in the crowd hoping he would look her way even once. But along the way, she couldn’t help but fall for him.
Just like Minho, Hyunjin was quite driven and focused on accomplishing his dreams. Dance was his passion and she could tell he was completely in his element while on the dance floor. He could take any choreography that Minho gave him and nail it almost immediately, looking absolutely ethereal while doing it.
But he was the most handsome behind the camera. Photography was a hobby she found out he had when she brought him along for a photography walk. He was beaming when she met up with him, his own camera around his neck, ready to snap pictures. The way his face would change from smiley to completely focused made her heart flutter in ways Minho couldn’t.
She felt comfortable with Hyunjin, able to open up to him about things she couldn’t even tell Jisung. Hyunjin was at her door anytime if she called. He was there to take her for late night drives when she just needed to think with no distractions. He would play her favourite songs and only speak when she pulled herself out of her thoughts.
Hyunjin was her personal hype man, getting excited even over little victories. When she aced her photography exam, he took her out to celebrate. When her assignment was chosen to compete for the school in the photography competition, his cheers were the loudest. When that same assignment won first place, shocking her into silence, he was the one pushing her towards the stage to accept her award, cheering and clapping even though everyone else was silent.
She fell for him during the silent drives when her head felt like it was about to explode, during the photography walks where she would catch him taking pictures of her instead of the scenery.
Minho gave her butterflies and made her realize she deserved so much more than Jisung was giving her. And Hyunjin made her feel calm and was by her side hyping her up for absolutely everything. They made her feel different things, and that’s why it felt near impossible to choose, but she knew she had to. But there was one thing she didn’t think of; did they even return her feelings?
“What do you do when you fall for 2 people at the same time?” She wondered out loud, Jisung sprawled out on her couch. He stared at her, studying the exhaustion on her face, this question obviously keeping her from sleeping properly.
He kept his promise of doing better, of being a better friend to her. He was tired of the distance between them, and even if she would never return his growing feelings, he wanted his best friend back. “You choose the one that makes you the happiest.” He answered simply before tossing another piece of popcorn in his mouth. “Choose the one you want to call when you get good news, and when you get bad news.” He continued, and the gears in her head were working double time. “Choose the one you feel most comfortable with, the one who makes you excited for the days ahead. Choose the one that all the love songs in the world seem to be about. The one you can see yourself dancing in the rain with. The one you can scream at during a petty argument, but in the same breath say you love them.” Jisung continued to name things and he did he realized he had always been in love with her.
She was the one he wanted to wake up to in the morning, kissing her before getting ready for the day. She was the one he always called when something happened, good or bad, and she was always there. The meaningless, cheesy love songs seemed to all be about her. He was immediately drawn to her in high school because she was his soulmate. But as he watched her ponder his words, he realized that he wasn’t hers. There was another man out there better than he ever could be. Another man that would make her happier than he ever could. And though he could feel his heart break, he would support her love if it brought back her earth-shatteringly beautiful smile.
One name came to mind for her when she thought over all of Jisung’s words. The man that came to mind when a love song played. The man that she wanted to share everything with; all the good news and the bad news. There was only one man she didn’t want to watch fall in love with someone else. And before she could chicken out, she ran out of her apartment, leaving Jisung on her couch, watching her run towards the love of her life.
       She knew exactly where to find him even at this late hour. She ran through the confusing maze of dance studios, determined to hold onto Lee Minho for as long as he will let her. She barged into the familiar dance studio; the same one she’s been going to almost every day to watch her fake boyfriend lead the dance team to success. But was the relationship ever fake?
Minho stopped mid routine when he heard the door slam open, confused as to who would bother him at such a late hour, especially with finals just around the corner. But when he saw her face, he didn’t care. He didn’t care that he couldn’t nail this one move that would complete his routine.
“I don’t want to break up.” She spat out from the other side of the room, her voice echoing around them. “I don’t want this to end. I don’t want to wake up tomorrow and not be able to kiss you. I don’t want to watch you fall in love with someone who isn’t me.” She kept rambling, wanting all of her thoughts out in the open. She didn’t even notice him walking towards her with the same amount of determination on his face.
He didn’t let her finish her ramblings before pressing his lips to hers like had done many times before, but this time neither one of them held back. This kiss was filled with so much more passion and love than all the others in the past. This was the kind of kiss that took your breath away and had you begging for more. “Silly girl.” He smiled as he pulled away, pressing his forehead against hers. “There is no other girl for me. It was always going to be you.” She pressed her lips to his once more, the words I love you on the tip of her tongue, but they didn’t need to be said out loud for him to hear them. He heard them loud and clear.
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agustdakasuga · 3 years
Between The Bloodshed | Chapter 24
Genre: Mafia!AU, Angst, Romance, Fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Doctor!Reader, Gangster!Namjoon, Gangster!Seokjin, Gangster!Yoongi, Gangster!Hoseok, Gangster!Jimin, Gangster!Taehyung, Gangster!Jungkook
Summary: Being a freelance doctor, this was just supposed to be any other job, helping a private client and taking care of him through his recovery. But you were not expecting to get caught in something so much darker that would change your life entirely.
The boys have decided to grant you your space, but they can only wait so long.
Warning: This story is fictional and has nothing to do with real life events or the actual members of BTS. It may contain depictions of violence, blood shed/ gore and mentions of abuse. Please read at your own discretion.
Chapter warning(s): Mentions of drug dealing, angry Jungkook curses (and calls someone a wh*re)
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Jin walked around his casino, inspecting the area. Some players cast him glances, seeing the handsome suited male walked around with two guards and the casino manager in tow. Jin was extremely meticulous when it came to his places of business. 
“Clear this row. The machines look horrible. Order new ones.” Jin ordered. The manager nodded, opening his file to take note. 
“How’s the bar business?” Jin asked. 
“It is going very well, sir. Along with the new menu for the restaurant that you put in. We have patrons ordering finger foods.” The manager reported. Jin nodded his head in approval. 
“Sir, there have been some new business prepositions for you. From different suppliers.” 
“Prepare them in my private booth at the restaurant. I’ll go through them as a eat. Ask the bar to fix my drink too.” Jin gave a backwards wave as he headed to his office first. He stopped the guards just before the first coded door. After he punched the code in, he pushed open the glass door and headed in. There was another coded door to get through before he opened the double doors that led to his office. 
“Hmm?” He pressed the speaker button. 
“Hyung! S-She... (y/n)... She...”
“Jungkook, calm down and tell me what’s going on. This is about (y/n)? What’s wrong? I thought Taehyung was visiting her today.” Jin frowned, wondering what the maknae was freaking out about. 
“Gone? As in, kidnapped again?” Jin went closer to his phone. 
“No. Taehyung hyung came back from the hospital, he was a mess. Then he said something about the room being empty, her leaving her bracelet behind. He checked with the nurses, who said she woke up this morning and checked out right away.” 
“I see...” Jin didn’t really know what to say. 
“She left us!” 
“Jungkook, calm down. Get a grip. I’m coming home now.” Jin said and hung up, He sighed, gathering his things and heading out. 
“I’m going home. Put a hold on everything first.” Jin told the manager, not explaining much as he called for his driver. The car pulled up and Jin got in. he texted the other older ones on the way home. 
“Yoongi, Hoseok.” Jin exited his car just as the two came out. Yoongi chewed on his nail, he had been rather distressed since Hoseok dropped him off at his coastal hotel the other day. But he wouldn’t tell the others what had happened. 
“Namjoon’s inside with the younger ones.” Hoseok informed. They entered the side wing this time. The other 4 members were seated there. 
“Why did she leave...?” Jimin sighed. 
“She won’t return to work so quickly, considering she just woke up from her coma. Plus, she still has things to collect here. She wouldn’t abandon Kookie too.” Namjoon said. 
“Should we find her?” Taehyung jumped up. 
“No. She obviously wants to be alone now. It’s traumatic, even for someone like her. What we are used to, not everyone is. Us going to her house now isn’t going to change anything. She needs space and we have to grant her that.” Yoongi spoke. Everyone knew what the older said was right. They knew where your apartment was, yet they knew they shouldn’t go. 
“Then we just wait for her to come back and speak to us? What if she never wants to see us again?” Jungkook panicked. 
“Even if she does, she still has a contract to honour with our family. She’ll have to come see Namjoon, at least, to nullify it. I know for a fact, that she’ll stick to that.” Jin said. 
“I thought I could finally hold her.” 
“That’s all we wanted as well. But sometimes, things just don’t go our way.” Namjoon tried his best to comfort the maknaes. 
“I have some important business to attend to. I’ll be back tonight.” Hoseok said and left immediately. Yoongi stood up as well, heading to his office here, slamming the door shut. He needed to see you, there were so many things he needed to ask you. 
“Please, take a seat.” Yoongi gulped as he closed the office doors behind him. The visitor nodded, taking a seat on one of the couches. Yoongi wiped his sweaty palms on the thighs before sitting opposite him. 
“What can I do for you... hyung?” He asked. 
“I know everything, Yoongi.”
“W-What do you mean?” Yoongi’s eyes widened. 
“Your friend, the lady doctor, she came to see me the other day. She offered to be my doctor and surgeon.” Geumjae explained. Yoongi was speechless, not really knowing how to react. 
“Of course, I said no. And she respected that, surprisingly. Everyone else was pushing me to get the surgery since it gives me another ‘chance at life’ but I didn’t want to go through all of that. Then, she told me something.”
“What did she say...?” Yoongi asked cautiously. 
“She told me just how much of our father’s burden you’re carrying, even after his death. How much you’re living with the guilt of everything that he caused and how you have taken all the blame on yourself. She made me realise how even though the past hurts, living my life, hating someone who’s not even at fault, isn’t worth it.” He sighed. 
“Oh...” Was all Yoongi could say. 
“Yoongi, as much as I hated our father, I knew it was wrong of me to blame you. You’re not him. I just... what he did to my mum, I needed someone to blame. Even after his death.” Geumjae sighed. 
“It’s okay. I knew whatever dad did... I can never undo it.” Yoongi looked away. 
“But that’s the thing, my omma and I shouldn’t have expected you to undo it. You never needed to and yet, we made you feel like it was your duty to.” Geumjae said. 
“Before her death, she stopped blaming you and your mum, knowing that it was never any of your faults to begin with. There was no point blaming a child and mother who was kept in the dark just as much as we were.” He continued. Yoongi nodded his head.
“We were all just disposable in dad’s eyes. He never cared about us at all.” Yoongi spoke, it was the truth. 
“You’re all I have left, Yoongi.” Geumjae looked at Yoongi.
“You too, hyung. All I ever wanted was just to have you as an older brother, I hated it when dad spoke about you like you were nothing, when he blamed you when he caught us playing together.” Yoongi’s voice grew soft. 
“When I knew you were ill, I tried to get (y/n) to do the surgery. I didn’t care if you hated me. I just wanted you alive.” Yoongi revealed. 
“That’s why I went to see you. That’s why I told you, if you want me to never find you again, you have to go for the surgery. Because I knew that would be the only way to make you do it.” He wiped a tear. 
“There’s a lot of missed time to make up for. I’ll do the surgery.” Geumjae reached over to hold Yoongi’s hand. 
“Y-You will?” Yoongi’s eyes widened. 
“Only if Dr (y/n) does it.” Geumjae stated. Yoongi nodded his head. The two brothers stood up, hugging each other. 
“Will you ever forgive me, Yoongi?” Geumjae asked.
“I have never once blamed you to begin with, hyung.” Yoongi replied, his words muffled by his brother’s shoulder slightly. That’s why Yoongi needed to find you first and didn’t even mention any of this to the other boys. He wanted you to be the first person to know how he made up with his brother and how it was all thanks to you. 
Yoongi bit his thumbnail as he looked out the window. He swirled the ice cube around the whiskey glass before taking a sip. His shoulder ached, he knew he was over working it too quickly. 
“Hyung?” He turned around to see Jimin there. 
“Jin hyung said to give this to you.” He handed the older a small ziploc bag with some pills inside. It was probably painkillers for his shoulder. Even now, Jin was still the only one that had the key access to your medicine cabinet. 
“Thanks.” He popped the pills into his mouth, gulping it down with his whiskey. If you were there, you would have scolded him. 
“How’s Tae?” Yoongi asked after a short silence. 
“He’s doing better. It was just the initial shock... You know like what happened with his noona. But he calmed down, Namjoon hyung took him to DNA to do some housekeeping.” Jimin informed. Yoongi nodded. 
“Good.” The older sighed. Jimin left the office, going back to his dojo to train, just to get his own anxieties out of his system. Namjoon drove this time, casting glances to Taehyung every now and then. Taehyung just stared out the window, a distant look in his eyes. 
“You know, the last time I bought flowers for someone... I found my dad beating my noona to death.” Taehyung suddenly spoke. 
“Today, I bought flowers for the girl I love, only to find that she doesn’t even want to see me anymore. Just took off and left.” Taehyung sighed. Namjoon didn’t reply, just letting Taehyung be. 
“Are you sure you can work, Taehyung?” Namjoon asked. 
“Of course. Sorry.” Taehyung cleared his throat. Namjoon didn’t mean that rudely, he just wanted to snap Taehyung out of it. 
“We’re here.” Namjoon stopped the car and parked. The doors were opened for them by the guards of DNA. They bowed as the two entered. Namjoon and Taehyung went upstairs to where the 7′s shared office was. They sat inside, going through all the paperwork they have missed. With Taehyung around, Namjoon didn’t have to do it all alone. 
“I thought we were housekeeping. I brought my favourite bat for nothing.” Taehyung rolled his eyes. Namjoon chuckled at the disappointment evident in the younger’s voice. 
“Don’t worry, you’ll get your action. Our men told me that there has been quite a drug problem here.” Namjoon informed. 
“Not by our dealers?” Taehyung grew surprised. Unauthorised dealing of drugs in Bangtan territory wasn’t common since Bangtan has its own dealers. The boys were always controlling what drug gets dealt with and how much of it. 
“Do they know the culprit?” Taehyung asked. 
“We’ll catch him ourselves. Tonight.” Namjoon smirked. Taehyung grew excited, it had been a while since they’ve caught someone themselves. 
When night fell, Namjoon and Taehyung left their office. Taehyung slung his bat over his shoulder, the splintered wood a contrast from his stark, dark green suit. The two stood on the VIP balcony, sipping their drinks quietly as they observed the club being filled. 
“I think we’ve found our dealer.” Namjoon said, swirling his drink in his crystal glass. Taehyung followed his leader’s line of sight, a smile slowly growing on his face as they emptied their glasses and walked out of the booth. 
Jungkook had left after the older ones spoke of the plan to not seek you out, he returned to his fighting ring since there was a high staked, big fight tonight. 
“Mr Jeon.” The workers bowed. Jungkook ignored them, straightening his jacket.
“Get me a drink.” He said as he walked up to his regular, protected booth. Entering, he removed his jacket and sat on the plush couch. He leaned back comfortably, crossing his legs. 
“Sir.” His attendant bowed deeply, placing Jungkook’s usual drink order over a napkin on his side table. Jungkook shooed him away and he scurried away. 
“Hmm...” Jungkook looked at the iPad, scanning through the fighters that would be sparring today. He clicked on a specific fighter’s profile and immediately bet 10 million won. All he had to do now was sit back, relax and watch his pet win. Jungkook wasn’t an impulsive gambler but he was a confident one, ‘don’t put all your eggs into one basket’ didn’t apply to him. 
“Jungkookie.” A female’s voice entered the VIP area where he was sitting. Jungkook ignored her, eyes trained on the people coming in and placing their bets for the fight. 
“I haven’t seen you in a while.” She had the audacity to sit down beside him. Jungkook took a sip of his drink. 
“Who let you in?” He asked, not even looking at her. 
“I told them I’m with you and they let me in.” She giggled. Wordlessly, Jungkook stood up and headed to the door. Grabbing the guard by the back of his collar, Jungkook dragged him in, throwing him to the ground. 
“So you just let anyone in now?” Jungkook hovered over him. 
“N-No, sir! I’m sorry! She told me she was with you and I know that a girl is usually with you-”
“Don’t you dare compare her to that wh*re over there.” Jungkook cut him off with a menacing hiss. The guard shut his mouth, pursing his lips. 
“You’re fired. Get out of my sight and take the wh*re with you, since you like to listen to her so much.” Jungkook growled. His patience was already running thin from the events earlier today and he wasn’t about to let someone else test it again at his own place of business. 
“Jungkook, don’t you think-” Jungkook, gaze still trained on the guard in front of him, took his gun out and pointed it at her. She screamed and ducked behind the couch. 
“Get out!” Jungkook roared and the two ran out as quickly as they could. 
“Unless you see a member of Bangtan, no one is to be let into MY booth. You understand me?!” Jungkook shouted at the other guard, who jumped in fear, saluting and nodding his head. Jungkook slammed the door. 
“F*ckers trying to test me.” Jungkook ran his fingers through his hair and dropped back down onto the couch. 
Jungkook looked through the glass to see his fighter standing there with his manager and the ringmaster. Giving a nod of approval, he waved for them to enter. The fighter and his manager walked behind the ringmaster. Seeing him bow to Jungkook, the two bowed respectfully. Jungkook stood up, going to the fighter. He scanned his figure. 
“Mr Jeon.” The fighter bowed. Jungkook smiled. 
“You have a lot of potential. I’ve got my money on you tonight.” Jungkook faked kindness. The manager’s eyes widened. 
“Thank you so much for your kindness, Mr Jeon! We- I mean, he won’t let you down!” They bowed again. Jungkook hummed with a nod, patting the fighter’s shoulder encouragingly. 
“That’s good to hear. I’ve seen you train so I know you won’t let me down.” Jungkook chuckled, sitting back down.
“Have a great fight. I’ll be watching.” Jungkook waved. The fighter looked out the viewing glass that faced the ring. He visibly gulped and nodded his head. 
“Thank you again, Mr Jeon.” The manager bowed and guided his fighter out. The ringmaster stayed behind. 
“After the fight, we’ll keep the kid. However, not a big fan of the manager...” Jungkook smirked. That’s all Jungkook needed to say for the ringmaster to understand what he meant. The ringmaster nodded and bowed deeply before exiting the room. 
You sighed, stretching your fingers. 
“Great work, everyone.” You nodded to everyone in the surgical suite. The nurses and other attending doctors bowed to you. You walked out the double doors, pulling your soiled scrubs off and tossing them into the bin. 
“Good job. As always.” Your mother was there, waiting for you at the exit. 
“Thanks.” You mumbled. You can only imagine how happy your mother was when you told her that you would be working here temporarily. There were some skills that you needed brushing up on and honestly, you wanted to avoid 7 people for a while. 
“I’m gonna take a break.” You walked away from your mother, heading to the stairwell. You entered the rooftop of the hospital. 
“You’re such a coward. You know that?” You shook your head at yourself. Sitting on the only bench there, you tucked your hands into the pocket of your coat.
A few days ago, you had sent a message to Namjoon, asking for time off and that you will contact him shortly regarding you contract with the family. You didn’t even wait for his reply before blocking him. 
“You look like you need a hot chocolate.” A new voice appeared. You stiffened slightly, turning around. 
“Found ya.” He smirked. 
“I wasn’t exactly hiding. Besides, I knew one of you were bound to come and seek me out. Although, I can’t say I expected you to be the first one.” You chuckled. He held out a cup of hot chocolate and you received it. You opened the lid, watching the steam escape for a few seconds before taking a sip. The sweet beverage comforted you. 
“You’ve cut your hair.” He pointed out. You nodded, reaching up to touch your now slightly short hair that ended just above your shoulders. You wanted a change and this was the best you could do. 
“How are you doing?” He asked, sitting on the bench beside you. 
“Surviving.” You shrugged. 
“Really?” He wasn’t convinced by your vague answer. 
“I shot someone, I killed him. I’ll forever live with the guilt of his blood on my hands but do I regret it? No. It needed to happen.” You sighed. 
“We know there was a boy that helped you escape. We found his body in the room and gave him a burial, it’s only right.” He took a slip of paper out of his wallet, handing it to you. 
“He’s there.” He informed. You looked at the address and number on the paper, nodding with a hum before putting it in your pocket. 
“Are you done with work for the day?” He asked. 
“Yes, but that doesn’t mean I’m leaving with you. I asked for an indefinite time of leave. That means I want to be away from all of you.” You snorted. 
“We don’t have to leave. We can stay right here. But now that I think about it, I’m sure I’m the only one in the family that hasn’t told you how I joined Bangtan.” He looked at the city skyline before him, a small smile on his face. You blinked, turning your head to look at his side profile. 
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aro-is-gay-af · 3 years
The Midnight of Despair | Volturi Kings x fem!reader
As you all can see, I got carried away just a little with this one. It was supposed to be a one-shot, but I'm planning at least part two, since this part got soooo long.
I hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing. Sorry for any grammatical errors, as well as any confusion with syntax. English isn't my native but I always try my best! Constructive criticism is always welcomed.
Please, pay attention to the warnings. If you are uncomfortable with any of the topics, simply do not read.
I pictured here Aro from the films (as Michael Sheen is perfect for this part), Caius from the films (maybe a little bit older) and Marcus from the films but his younger self (maybe 20?). Also, I wrote at one point that [Y/N] has blonde hair and blue eyes but it just helped me with the descriptions. Obviously, you can picture characters according to your wishes.
Warnings: Rape (graphic description!), Depression, PTSD, Swear words, Forced Pregnancy
Word count: 7816 (!)
Summary: [Y/N] and Bella are childhood friends. They were always there for each other. [Y/N] had tough times and struggles with everyday life. Bella faces depression after Edward had left her. [Y/N] tries to get her going and alive. One day [Y/N] is raped and gets pregnant with the rapist. Not long after that it turns out that Edward got himself into the mess with Volturi. [Y/N], even traumatized and in pieces, will not let Bella go without her supervision to Italy. What is going to happen when [Y/N] will stay at Volterra? Is she really predestined to be Kings' mate? Is she going to have her baby or abort the pregnancy? Will the trauma go away or is she going to struggle for a long time?
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You thought that the death of your parents was enough to break you. As they say, if you’re not willing to bend, you’ll break. And you did. After all.
Ever since you’ve been born, everything went downhill. You were a weak child and within your first five years of life, you’ve gone through countless surgeries. Something was terribly wrong with your spine and the doctors were worried that you wouldn't be able to move normally.
You got your ‘happily ever after’. After fourteen surgeries and taking more than a dozen medications, you could be considered healthy. It made you remember the better part of your childhood. At this point, you couldn’t even recall constant visits at hospital or ingesting enormous amount of drugs.
What you could recall, was the agony that your mom went through while dying of pancreatic cancer. You tried to help her but there was literally no help available. Sure, chemo did help, but only a little tiniest bit. When someone got this type of cancer, there was only one way to die. It was neither pretty, nor pleasant.
So your mother died when you were sixteen. Your father followed shortly after her. He suffered from severe depression after your mother’s passing, but it was the car accident that got him killed. You were just before your graduation.
You’ve finished school and tried to go on. It wasn’t exactly an easy path to follow. You had the feeling that fate had made you its whore and the devil knows his jokes. Somehow, you got through college. You used the money from your dad's insurance policy entirely for your education. It was the only thing you could do to secure your future.
At 22, you got a job at the same hospital where doctor Cullen worked. You were a nurse on the paediatrics ward, but the hospital in Forks was so small that you often found yourself working with doctor Cullen. He was always kind to you and exuded a fatherly warmth. However, like everyone from Cullen family, he was slightly withdrawn from all conversations and social activities.
You noticed a slight change in his behaviour when your best friend, Bella, started dating with the doctor's youngest son, Edward. Carlisle has been talking to you more and more. The conversations weren't long – more like short exchanges of words, whether about his family’s well-being or any leisure activities both of you devoted yourselves after work. Nevertheless, you started calling each other by the others’ given name.
You met with Bella on average once a week. Sure, you were four years older than her, but the age difference never was a problem. You always got along well, and age had nothing to do with it. With time, you've watched Bella thrive during her relationship with Edward and you've enjoyed her happiness. Your relationship had loosened a little, but you didn't hold it against her. With Forks being so small, you could easily meet Bella on the street or in a shop and talk to her about silly things or this boyfriend of hers. It made her blush furiously every time you brought up the topic, especially if Edward waited nearby.
And then, just like that, something snapped. Of course, you heard about their huge quarrel about god knows what, and that Bella wanted to make herself scarce immediately. Charlie called you that night if , by any chance, you could talk some sense into her. Bella not once picked up her phone and then she got her stupid ass into the hospital. And magically reconciled with Edward. That’s when you started to be suspicious. Something wasn’t right about this situation, at all, but you let it be.
Time passed and even though you liked Carlisle as a colleague, you became gradually suspicious about him and his family. Things that you noticed were little, almost insignificant, but something told you that there’s more than meets the eye. Bella herself began to limit contact with you, mainly due to her lack of time for Edward. But when you did get a chance to meet and talk, the subject of Edward still came to the surface.
You tried to understand your friend, while not understanding her at all. You also were in love once but your mother's illness and then your father's death took too much of a toll on you, to experience your first love in such an intense way. It was incomprehensible to you, how Bella could lose her head so much for this boy. And yet you tried, tried to be there when Bella needed you the most. Simply because you were a good friend and also because you needed a friend.
You were left alone, out in this world, with no one to care about and no one to love. Only Bella, as present and, most importantly, alive person, connected you with your childhood and good memories from that time. She was the only one left. You considered her your family and you didn’t want to lose her too. Not after all you’ve been through.
At the day of her birthday, you saw her quickly after her school. You gave her a small gift and you both agreed to meet a day later because Edward's family had invited her to stay at their place. After that birthday, everything changed. The next day Bella went missing. You went to her house exactly as agreed and Charlie said she had been gone for a few hours.
When Bella was found later that evening by Sam, Charlie's colleague, everything became frighteningly clear. The Cullens had moved out of town. Apparently, Carlisle had gotten a lucrative job somewhere else. That didn't surprise you, he was a really great doctor. But how could he not mention a word of it to you? Not that you were so close to him but you considered him a good comrade of yours and moving out of town like this, without a word… It seemed extremely strange to you.
The months that followed were very similar. Bella fell into a deep depression and apathy. You came to visit her, but during these visits it was mainly you who talked. You talked about work, about your next qualification course and about the anniversary of your mum's death. Bella mostly remained silent. Charlie confirmed that, yes, she did go to school, but apart from that, she sat in her room all day and stared at the window.
You knew from Charlie that she was slowly trying to reconnect with her friends. And that she was spending a lot of time with that boy from the reservation. You were happy because it meant that your friend was slowly coming back to life. Maybe not back to normal, not yet, but at least she was trying. And you were trying too. To be a good friend, a good sister to her.
You started talking more during your visits at her house. Unlike before, the subject of Edward didn't exist. It was as if he had never existed. So you did not mention him at all. Bella was healing, slowly, just as you were, when both of your parents died. She was there for you, even if you could only talk to her on the phone because, at that time, she permanently lived with Renee.
For the first time in several months, you hoped that things would somehow work out. In your life, the moments when you were truly happy never lasted long. It was the same this time. One day, you went to Port Angeles to buy new clothes for work. Yours were still from your university days, worn out, but not so long ago you were short of money and preferred to spend it on other things rather than buying new clothes.
By the time you got back to your car it was pretty late. The car park was deserted. On your way to the car, a man accosted you and, before you knew it, he had hit you on the head with something heavy. When you woke up, you were in a squalid alley. The man was pressing you against a wall with all his strength. You only realised what he was going to do, when you felt a cool breeze brush against your bare legs. Your trousers and underwear were almost at your ankles. You started to squirm, trying to free yourself from his iron grip. You heard his quiet giggle next to your ear.
"Don't resist angel, I’ll be quick," he whispered in your ear, pawing at your breasts with his left hand. You felt sick to your stomach. He had hideous breath, as if he had been drinking for three days, then puked and drank again. You started to jerk harder, to pull away, but it only caused you pain. He held tight, pushing against you with his whole body and whispering disgusting things under his breath. When he finally entered you, he tugged hard on your hair. He made no effort to cover your mouth because you didn't even try to scream. You were out of breath, unable to say a word. You were afraid that he would kill you. You wanted him to go away so that the pain would end and you could finally go home.
When he finished, he let you go and just walked away. You stood there, half naked, frozen and shaken, for god knows how long. You were unable to move. When you felt his semen running down your leg, you finally managed to vomit. Your cheek was bruised and scratched from how hard he pressed you against the rough wall. You wanted to go home, but you didn't have the strength to get up from the street.
You weren't sure how much time had passed, but you finally got up. You got dressed and walked to your car. Everything hurt. You didn't want to, but you knew, you had to go to the hospital. You could not leave it like that. He had already hurt you, but what about the others? You couldn't let that happen. All the way to the hospital in Port Angeles your hands were trembling. Returning to that memory, you didn't even remember how you got to the ER.
At the hospital, they took care of you properly. They called the police. Two female doctors were there for a medical examination. The nurses were very nice. You tried to put on a good face. You've thought about how your sexual experiences has been so far. Your first sex, like most people's, was terrible. Your boyfriend was two years older, you were 17 and it all went wrong. You were in pain. He didn't seem too happy either. Up until you graduated from high school, you tried to make it work somehow, but there were never any fireworks. It wasn't until college that you discovered the good side of sex.
However, you never had sex with someone you loved more than life. You haven't met anyone like that. And you were sure that sex with that person would be unique and exceptional. Until now, of course. Lying on a hospital bed, you felt exploited. Abused. Filthy. Humiliated. How can one do something like that to another person? The nurse asked if someone could come and pick you up, and you didn't have much of a choice. You called Bella. While she was on her way to the hospital, you let the police officers question you. You mechanically slurred the words as if it wasn't about you at all. As if it wasn’t you that had been raped.
As soon as you saw Bella, you were no longer able to pretend that nothing had happened. You were sobbing and she hugged you tight, telling you that he would pay for it. You weren't so sure about that. You wanted to be home as soon as possible, so you went back to Forks. Bella said nothing while driving because there was nothing that could be said. In the shower, you scrubbed yourself so hard with the pumice that you thought you had taken off all your skin. To your absolute disgust, you could still feel his touch on you. You could hear him whisper against your ear and you could smell his hideous breath.
A week has passed. Bella texted you every day, and you were able to hang out almost every other day. She was a good sister, a great friend. She didn't want to leave you alone in this. Despite being offered leave, you went to work. You didn't want to keep thinking about what happened. Each time, after taking a bath, you were unable to look in the mirror. On the first day, right after scrubbing, you decided to take a look. You had bruises on your stomach, thighs, buttocks and breasts. Your forearms were scraped, your cheek was scratched and bruised. The worst of it was that you had been bleeding for days. The gynaecologist said, it was due to too much force, and the fact that you actively resisted for a while.
You were trying to get back to normal. You went to work, you were seeing Bella and taking your course. But no one could touch you. You didn't even shake hands to say hello. You didn't care at all, you couldn’t endure a touch anymore. Not in any way. You didn't get your period, but the doctor said it could happen. It was a shock to the body and a lot of pain to bear. Also, you bled for almost a week after the rape.
You started to be afraid to go out alone. When in a shop or at work, if anyone approached you from behind, you started panicking and hyperventilating. You couldn’t walk ordinarily on the street. You looked behind every two or three minutes to assure yourself that nobody was following you. Your hands trembled while driving the car or making the tea. Your eyes were starting to water as soon as someone even tried to touch you. You had nightmares and you started losing your mind because of this.
When your period did not come in the following month, you began to worry. Surely you couldn't get pregnant with this... monster. Not you. Of course you have checked. You would not be able to live in such ignorance. It turned out that yes, you indeed were pregnant. When the doctor confirmed it, you fainted. Not you, not like that. You didn't even think you'd ever be a mum. Let alone like this. You hated your body even more and the fact that it had betrayed you in such a villainous way.
You knew this path led to madness. You were in an even worse mental condition, than after losing your mum; than after dad died in the accident. You have shed countless tears. You didn't want to abort this pregnancy, and at the same time you wanted it with all your heart. If only you were able to defend yourself. Break away from him and run as far away as possible. It would never have happened. But you were weak and didn't even have the energy to scream. Would it have made any difference though?
You were constantly beating yourself up with thoughts about whether you should keep the baby, when something completely bizarre happened. Jacob called you that he had to rescue Bella after jumping off a cliff. Annoyed, you got in your car and drove up to the Swans' house. Bella's car wasn't there, so you waited patiently in yours. When they arrived, you were boiling with rage.
“Have you lost your fucking mind?!” you shouted, as you got out of the car.
Bella rolled her eyes. She looked miserable. Her eyes were bloodshot and she was soaked through. She smiled weakly towards you.
“It was just for fun, you know” she muttered, as you hugged her tightly. It was your first closer contact since…
“It was just for sport,” she tried again.
You snorted in annoyance.
“Yeah, sure, get inside before you get sick.”
As you both stepped onto the porch, Jacob unexpectedly grabbed Bella's wrist. They shared a look.
“Are you sure about this?”
“Yes. You can go now, Jake,” she muttered, trying to disentangle herself from his grasp.
You smiled weakly at him, while Bella was looking for her keys.
“Cool, I'll take care of her until Charlie gets back. Thanks for saving her stupid ass,” you said. Jacob smiled amused, but still seemed slightly tense.
“No problem. Always at your service,” he joked. “Well... See ya around,” he said goodbye and walked away to his car.
You walked into the house with Bella.
“What were you thinking? You could have died” you muttered under your breath, stripping off your jacket.
“Well...actually I wasn't thinking, like, at all” Bella admitted, smiling apologetically at you.
“Next time think about Charlie,” you said, hugging her once more. Your body screamed that you shouldn't do that, but you were glad that Bella was okay.
While Bella changed into dry clothes, you made hot tea for both of you. Someone knocked on the door. The knocking was not from the front, but from the courtyard. You walked slowly to the door and opened it. Edward's sister, Alice, stood in front of you. You wouldn't have known what she looked like, if Bella hadn't shown you pictures of her. But other than that, you knew quite a bit about her, because when Bella was still with Edward, she couldn’t kept her mouth shut about Alice.
“Hi. Can I come in?” she asked politely. She tried to look normal, but there was something in her behaviour that made you nervous. You were about to reply, when Bella appeared in the kitchen.
“Alice!” she squealed, throwing herself around the brunette's neck. After a moment, she pulled away and looked at Alice in disbelief. "Are you really here? Or am I just dreaming this?" asked Bella.
It was your turn to roll the eyes.
“Of course she’s here” you said, now slightly annoyed. “Don’t be bothered by me, please, proceed to whatever you wanted to say.”
Your sarcastic tone was not intended, but justified. You were slowly beginning to get fed up with this family's games. First they move out and turn Bella's life upside down, and now the big comeback? Something's not right here. Besides, at that moment, you weren't the right person to play with. You had enough problems of your own and your life was messed up enough. What you didn't know at that moment, was that everything was about to change fundamentally very soon.
Alice took no notice of you.
"Bella, listen. Edward thinks you committed suicide. He told me that he doesn't want to live either, so he is on his way to the Volturi to ask them for an execution."
You had no idea what she was talking about. Bella was terrified, and you didn't know what was going on here.
"What, who the fuck are Volturi? Did Edward get involved with some cult? Also, how did he know Bella killed herself?" you asked, not understanding anything of what Alice was talking about earlier.
"We have to go to Italy, Bella,” she ignored you once more. “If they refuse him, I'm not sure what he'll do" as Alice spoke, Bella began to gather herself quickly to leave.
You grabbed her hand.
"And where do you think you are going?" you asked in disbelief. Bella looked at you apologetically.
"Y/N, I have to go. They're going to murder him. Just the fact that I'm alive will convince him."
You snorted in disbelief.
"You're dead serious? And can't you call him and tell him it's a misunderstanding? Besides, Bella, this guy ghosted you. He left you here, alone, with not one explanation and you want to fly to the other side of the world to save this dumb ass?" you asked, trying to take your mind off this ludicrous circumstance.
“Oh my god, we’ll take her with us if she’s not going to back down” said Alice in exasperation.
“And to your kind information, I won't back down. Your douchebag brother and the rest of your family turned her adrift. I was the one who pulled her out of her depression, and I will not let the exact same thing happen again because of any of you,”you hissed out in anger. You saw something in Alice's eyes that you considered to be admiration.
You looked at Bella expectantly.
“Y/N, I still love him. I cannot let this go” Bella whispered and you felt as your chest tightened. “Please…”
You heaved a heavy sigh.
“Okey, but I’m coming with you,” you decided and noticed that Alice's eyes were momentarily clouded with mist. You had no idea what was going on here, but you were sure that this whole affair with the Volturi, whoever the hell they were, didn't sound good.
After a few seconds, Alice looked at Bella, then at you and back at Bella.
“Get your coats, we have to go now,” she said.
“But Alice...” protested Bella.
“There's no time for that. We'll explain everything to her on the way. If we start now, we won't get out of here until noon” she muttered exasperatedly, walking out of the house. You looked at Bella.
“Bells, what's this all about?” you asked, and she just sighed quietly. You both quickly got your shoes on.
“We'll tell you on the plane but I'm afraid the Volturi won't like that a lot,” she said with worried expression on her face.
When you were at the airport waiting for a plane, you had countless questions in your head. Why the fuck Edward was pulling such nonsense? Why to be so dramatic about thing that didn’t even happen? Did this idiot really get involved in some sort of cult? And why was his sister so concerned about it that she decided to tell you ‘everything’, whatever needed to be said? However, the question that kept you wondering was who were the mysterious Volturi and what could they possibly resent about you?
One thing you were sure of. There hadn't been a moment since the sexual assault when you hadn't thought about it. And now your thoughts were occupied by the mysterious Volturi and you immensely wanted to find out what it was really all about.
On a plane ride, you found out that vampires are no fairy tales and your best friend was in love with one. It was a wild thought but, as soon as Alice started taking, you knew it wasn’t a joke. You were given so much information at once that you were unable to respond to anything as Alice finished her long monologue. You had a drink of water, although at that moment you very much regretted not being able to drink whisky.
“Okey, lets say I get most of this…” you said with a low voice, trying to be careful with what you’re saying. “But can you tell me who are Volturi and why would they want to decapitate Edward?” you asked, looking sideways, afraid that someone might hear.
Alice let out a sigh.
“The Volturi are the equivalent of the justice system in our world. They are the ones who created the laws that help us hide from the world, and they are the ones who enforce them. They consider themselves… sort of royalty, as their leaders – Aro, Caius and Marcus – are over three thousand years old.”
If you were to be honest, you were not very good at processing this information. Three thousand years? The first thought that popped into your mind was that they must be immensely lonely. You were sure you wouldn't want to live so many years without having anyone worthy by your side. Later, Alice quickly summarised all the laws that every vampire must obey. They weren't complicated, but when you thought about it a little longer, some of them weren't so easy to follow.
“I don't want to whine, or come off as ungrateful or anything like that, but... didn't you just break the law? By telling me about you?” you asked cautiously, not knowing if what you were saying was right.
Alice sighed again, this time heavier than before.
“It’s complicated” she said succinctly, which interested Bella, who was eating some kind of sandwich.
“This vision of yours was about [Y/N]?” she asked Alice curiously. Alice merely nodded. When Alice told you about her gift, and this was at the very beginning of the story, you found it hard to believe. It wasn’t so unbelievable now.
"Eat something," Alice said to you. "It's good for the baby" she added after a moment, seeing you hesitate. You swallowed heavily, as you suddenly felt sick. The memories of that evening came back.
Alice smiled softly, as if knowing exactly what you were thinking about. And this was supposed to be Edward's gift.
"Do you want to know the sex of the baby?" she asked, and your eyes almost fell out.
"Can you predict that?" you asked in disbelief. She and Bella both smiled. Alice nodded vigorously.
"Yeah, sure. I can't predict if the baby... you know, if it will be born, however, the sex I can tell you.”
You pondered on it, while eating your sandwich. The nausea eased, when you could think of something different than that unlucky evening. Before you knew it, you fell asleep and Alice woke you up when you landed in Italy. As Alice drove the stolen car, you tried to admire the beautiful views of Tuscany outside your window. When you had almost reached Volterra, you thought how wonderful it would be to live here.
This stupid boyfriend of hers. That was all his fault. Of course, Bella made it at the last minute. You, together with Alice, went to abandon the stolen car somewhere. Although, you had a feeling that you would be returning the exact same way. You tried to reassure yourself. Of course you’ll be returning. Or maybe not? If you were honest, you gave no fucks about it. You had no one who’d wait for you at home, your parents died, you were brutally raped not so long ago, and you didn’t even know if you wanted to keep the baby. Maybe dying today isn’t such a bad idea?
You have reached the square and entered the palace at a very convenient time. The guy who looked like a wardrobe and the other one, much shorter than him and blonde, looked like they were about to murder Edward in this instant. And actually, you felt like you could’ve murdered Edward too. Barely Alice closed the door, you didn't even glance at the two of them, but immediately began to scold Edward for what he had done. To hell with his gift!
“You stupid, immature, irresponsible, reckless and selfish bastard!” you started descriptively, and even Bella was taken aback by your behaviour. Alice raised her eyebrows and two other vampires looked at themselves and then straight at you. Edward had no time for any reply. “If you ever, I repeat, if you ever again do something as childish and irresponsible as expose my best friend to a nervous breakdown and months of depression, I promise you, here and now, that I will decapitate you myself. You're old, and yet a five-year-old child is smarter than you. You utter imbecile,” you hissed with hatred.
Of course, your malice towards him was temporary, but it's been a long time since anyone has angered you like that. The shorter man laughed under his breath, and the other one, who looked like a wardrobe, said:
“Can we keep her? I like the way she’s ruling the roost.”
He fell silent, as a short, pretty blonde woman entered the room. Her face was like a child's, but her eyes... bright red, staring at no one else but you.
“Jane” greeted her Edward. She didn’t even look at him.
“Aro sent me to see what was taking so long” she said. The atmosphere immediately became tense. Edward and Alice seemed to stiffen at the sound of Aro's name. You were curious but not frightened. Not yet.
Jane turned and immediately started walking towards the long corridor. Bella just looked at Edward, and you glanced at Alice.
“Do what she says,” she muttered to you and you both kept pace with the couple in the front.
Needless to say, it was the most stressful and also the most terrifying lift ride you've ever experienced. Not to add the creepy music background. You guessed it was supposed to make you feel better, but instead it made your whole stomach go up to your throat. You were standing right in the middle, next to Bella, holding Alice's hand. The vampire, who looked like a wardrobe, kept looking at you. You took a deep breath to calm your nerves. Puking on someone's shoes isn't going to make this situation any better. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Edward smile. Yeah, the situation you’ve found yourself in was extremely funny indeed.
When you reached the main chamber, you didn't know what to look at first. At the vampires standing against every wall? Not very wise of you. At the marble floor? Nothing to be afraid of for now, so no. You probably should have looked at the three thrones in front of you and the vampires that sat on them, but instead, you were interested in the Latin phrase engraved between the columns above you.
You glanced at your company. Edward looked as if he was about to die. Maybe that's what's going to happen? Alice looked very out of sorts, and Bella, well, she was hanging onto Edward's arm and also looked like she was about to leave this world for good. She was unnaturally pale and you though she was going to faint any second. But it never happened. The rest of the room felt extremely comfortable. For a moment, you turned your head towards the boy who called out to Jane. You did not let go of Alice's hand but you did not feel any anxiety. Curiosity prevailed, mainly because you had come to terms with the fact of your imminent death.
“Sister! Sent you out to get one and you bring back two. And two halves,” the boy who’s just called Jane his sister probably was talking about me and Bella. “Such a clever girl,” he praised her like he wasn’t his sister but someone else entirely. You sighed heavily. Maybe they’re also into incest-kind-of-relationships? Who knows. You looked above your head again. There was a short inscription “vita brevis, ars longa” but you knew the rest of it. Latin was obligatory in every medical school.
When the man from the middle throne stood up, it was to him that you directed all your attention. You felt that something about him was... you had no idea how to describe it, but you felt a strange pull towards him. As if some invisible force had power over you.
“What a happy surprise!” he said pointedly, wide smile on his face. “Bella is alive after all. Isn’t that wonderful?” he said cheerfully, while walking towards Edward. At that exact moment, you realised that you had managed to get yourself into a huge mess. The lair of the vampires. And you were only a weak human. Recently raped. With a baby under your heart.
As soon as the man stepped down from the platform, you were unable to take your eyes off him. His posture, the way he spoke, his demeanour, it all made you feel incredible respect for him. You’ve never felt this secure and calm in your entire life.
“I love a happy ending,” the man said, while he took Edwards’ hand into his. “They’re so rare.”
You were wondering why this man took Edward’s hand in the first place. You did not have to wait long for an explanation.
“Aro can read every thought that I’ve ever had. With one touch” Edward explained to Bella but you were listening too. Very carefully listening. You’ve finally managed to know the name of the vampire. Aro. It suited him well. Although his eyes were a little scary, you were delighted with his charisma and approach to guests. You realised that indeed, they are called the royal family for a reason.
Aro smiled to Edward.
“Her blood appears to you so much,” he whispered, and you had a hard time hearing his words well. Aro’s gaze rested on Bella. “It makes me thirsty. How can you stand to be so close to her?” he asked Edward, who was feeling more and more uncomfortable. You could tell by the fact that he was practically standing like a statue.
“It is not without difficulty,” muttered Edward from behind his clenched teeth.
You swallowed hard, as Aro turned his gaze to Bella again but he smiled.
“Ah, I can see that” he said pleased, moving away from Edward and focusing all his attention on Bella.
“Although you’re a quite soul-reader yourself, Edward, you cannot read Bella’s thoughts” he made a rather dramatic pause, still staring stubbornly at your best friend. “Fascinating” he said, not hiding his curiosity.
You managed to look elsewhere, than at Aro. The man on the throne to your left seemed unusually agitated. He fixed his gaze on you, as if his life depended on it, yet you did not feel uncomfortable. You were surprised to discover that an invisible force was also drawing you towards him. You almost took a step forward. You tried to remember the man from a few minutes ago. He looked as if he had died in that chair a few centuries ago. And now he seemed genuinely moved.
“Brother” the man spoke to Aro, as he got up from his throne. Indeed, there seemed to be an urgency to the matter, for Aro turned around in surprise. You had the impression that the man from the throne had not risen from it for a long time.
“You knew about this, and you brought her anyway?” you heard Edward's quiet whisper, directed at Alice.
Alice looked at her brother, then at you and finally at a curious Aro.
"It would have happened anyway. Better sooner than later" Alice murmured mysteriously. You still didn't know what it was even about. The third man, the one on your right, did not share his brothers' patience.
"Aro, let's hurry this up, Heidi will be here soon, and we don't want to frighten our guests" he said ominously, grinning like a madman. You were far from solving this riddle, but as soon as you looked at him, you felt the same attraction and enigmatic pulling as towards the other two.
Aro took his brother's hand in his own and you could see that his eyes would have lit up with happiness if they could.
“Ah, my dear Marcus! What an exceptional news!” intoned Aro cheerfully, heading towards you. He was slow in his movements, exactly so that you would not be frightened by him. All his movements were framed by an incredible grace.
“My dear, if I may, what is your name?” he asked, coming closer to you. You were unable to take your eyes off him. It was exactly, as if he had hypnotised you, only the feeling was more addictive. You didn't have to have a gift or to be a vampire to know that. For a split second, you ran out of breath and just stared into his red irises.
“My name is [Y/N]” you said, with your voice trembling, as your throat tightened hard under the intense emotions. You couldn't believe it was really happening. Maybe it was just a dream? Maybe these three beautiful men are just a figment of your imagination? You didn't even want to think about the fact that it might not be true.
Aro smiled encouragingly, while looking at you with all the attention that he’d possibly give you. You felt like nothing more was more important than you to him at that exact moment.
"It is an incredible pleasure to meet you, [Y/N]. I am Aro, but you already know that.”
The smile never left his face and during this brief exchange of words, neither of you took your eyes off the other. You felt that the atmosphere in the room had changed. Aro extended his alabaster hand in an inviting gesture.
“May I, my dear?” he asked you politely.
You gulped. Of course, you wanted to show him that you didn't want to give away their secret. You wanted to show him the strange bond you felt towards him and his brothers. However, there were things you didn't want him to see. You felt deep down inside that this attraction had an explanation and you didn't want him to see... Not that. You’d felt exposed and extremely embarrassed. There was also another issue. His hand. You'd hugged Bella twice since it happened and just now you were holding Alice's hand. You didn't know if, when you touched him, you'd start screaming or crying because you were so afraid of someone else's touch.
Yet, his hand looked so inviting, almost familiar, as if you'd already had the chance to touch it before. Aro himself showed no impatience. He waited, still gazing into your blue irises with his crimson eyes. You extended your hand towards him, at first cautiously, and then with a little more confidence. You took a deep breath, before your fingers made contact. When it happened, you felt as if you had come home after many years of wandering. He closed your hand in his, just as he had done with Edward's. His skin was cold, but he handled you extremely gently. You stared into his eyes as he looked at your thoughts and memories of your whole life. You knew instantly when he was done because he smiled sadly at you. He squeezed your hand gently in his.
"Never again, my love. Never again," he assured passionately, and then he leaned down to place a kiss on your hand. It was so light and as gentle as a breeze on a summer day. You couldn't help but smile.
Aro clapped his hands. He was clearly pleased with what had just happened between you.
"Aro, will you explain to me what's going on? I'm sick of waiting," said the nervous brother, who was the only one with blond hair. Aro smiled widely and turned towards him.
"Ah, Caius, you'll never guess. Finally, after so many years, our mate has honoured us with her presence" he said overjoyed and Caius frowned in awe. You were already able to tell that this did not happen often. Marcus, on the other hand, was sitting on his throne, smiling, still looking in your direction. You didn't miss the glances of the other vampires either. Was it some sort of celebration when Marcus was smiling?
“What does that mean?” it was Bella who snapped that question. Aro immediately appeared by her side. He gently stroked her hair, pulling an unruly strand behind her ear. You felt the sting of jealousy, when he touched her face. You should be the one asking that question and not her.
“Ah, and dear Isabella. What to do with you,” he wondered aloud, as if asking others for advice. “As I have far more important matters to deal with....” he began, looking directly at you. “I’d love to see if you’re an exception to my gift as well,” he whispered to Bella, extending his hand towards her. She didn't have much choice, did she? She took his hand, a little hesitantly, but after a short while Aro moved away.
“Interesting” he muttered. “I see nothing.”
“You already know what you’ll do with her, Aro” said Marcus, his eyes never leaving your person. “Just do it, as we want to know our little angel a bit more.”
You looked at Bella for a moment. She was terrified, not only with her own case, but also with yours. You have already guessed that you are not going anywhere. They would never let you out of their hands. Aro knew perfectly well that you didn't even have anything to go back to. Of course, you had plenty of questions, but you were sure it wasn't about your case now. Just about Bella's situation and what the Cullens had done, or rather what they hadn't done. However, you guessed it, Bella was afraid you wouldn't get out of here alive, and at the same time, you were worried about the exact same thing but about her.
Aro was smiling continuously.
“I have an idea” he said, after a long while. He approached Alice this time. “Would you be so kind, dear, and show me if you saw Bella's transformation in your vision?”
You were smart enough to know that it wasn’t a request. Alice undid her glove and boldly gave Aro her hand. He was absent for a moment and then smiled again. You were impressed by the aura he spread around himself. When he smiled, you felt like smiling too. You still had the impression that it was only a dream, and simultaneously you were sure that it was really happening. Aro's touch was definitely real, you couldn’t forget his cool hands embracing your own.
“Ah, lovely. I know everything now,” he declared. You and Bella probably looked similarly confused, but you weren't the least bit concerned and she was as pale as a sheet.
Aro turned directly to Edward.
“As I have seen Isabella's transformation in Alice's vision, I can let you go with peace of mind, my dear young friends. I trust that a date will be set sooner, rather than later and that I will be able to see for myself, what your mate will be capable of, Edward. As for you, Isabella, you are promising immortal material and I hope your potential will not go to waste," he said, this time speaking directly to Bella.
She was still brave enough to look him in the eye.
“And what with [Y/N]? You never mentioned what will happen to her” she noticed, looking in your direction. You smiled gently to her.
“I’m staying here, Bella” you said calmly, trying to reassure her with your tone of voice that all shall be all right.
You saw pure admiration and joyousness on Aro’s face as you said that.
“Isn’t she remarkable, brothers?” he asked Marcus and Caius, who looked as if they had just received the most beautiful Christmas present.
Bella seemed to be thoroughly outrageous.
“You can’t be serious [Y/N]! You cannot stay here, please, come back with us. You cannot be here while you’re pregnant” she cried, holding your hand and looking at you with disbelief.
What she said made you very uncomfortable and extremely upset.
"Bella, I have nothing to go back to. My parents are dead. You knew that if Alice told me everything, it would have to be resolved somehow," you stated matter-of-factly, squeezing her hand in yours. "I can't go back there, Bells." Your throat tightened with despair as memories of recent events flooded inside your mind. You tried to hold back tears.
"I am a shadow of my former self. I'm afraid to leave the house alone to go shopping or to work. This paranoia is overwhelming me, Bella. I keep turning behind me to see if anyone is following me on the street. I cry at night, knowing that it doesn't change anything. And then there's this unfortunate baby," you sighed helplessly, trying not to burst with tears. "Even if I keep it, I don't want it to have a mother who's afraid to leave the house. I can't live like this, we both know that" you whispered, squeezing her hands in yours again.
“But you cannot possibly be mated with all three of them” Bella whispered with despair in her eyes. You only smiled, sensing that this sentence got on Kings’ nerves, especially Caius’s.
“I think it’s predestined, Bella. Just as you are destined to be with Edward, I do belong here, with my mates” you said cautiously, glancing at Aro and looking for approval in his eyes. He was only looking at you with delight, as he said nothing.
You saw that Bella had hard time processing such information, whilst Edward and Alice said nothing at all. You knew that Alice knew prior about this, and Edward could see the vision in her thoughts. You pulled Bella into a comfortable hug.
“Hey, sister, we don’t see each other the very last time. We’ll meet again. Probably in a different…condition but still.”
Bella looked devastated.
“You promise me that?” she asked warily, her tone full of hope. You smiled at her.
“Of course I do.” You kissed her cheek and caressed her long, brown hair. “We can call each other, you know. It’s not like I’m moving to the Moon,” you joked, to release the tension a bit. To your astonishment, everybody in the room laughed at that. It made you blush, just a little tiny bit.
After another farewell, in which this time you also included Alice and Edward (barely, because you were still mad at him) and an official farewell from Aro, who told them to give his friend kind regards from him, the guests left the chamber.
They left, and Aro was immediately by your side. He gently stroked your long blonde hair, but didn't touch a single piece of a skin. After the display of your memories, he probably knew very well that you did not wish any touch for the time being.
You still couldn't free yourself from under his spell and if you were to be honest, you didn't want to at all. Aro offered you his arm.
"I believe, we have much to discuss, my love."
You took his arm gratefully.
"I have a ton of questions," you admitted as you walked out of the chamber with Marcus and Caius slowly following you. You didn't need to look back, the strange bonds that drew you together informed you of their presence in a yet unknown way.
Aro, as usual, smiled magnificently.
"My dear, one thing at a time," he said in a gentle tone, as he patted your forearm with tenderness. When you entered the study with the round table, Aro immediately pushed back a chair for you.
"No one is to disturb us" you heard Caius' sharp tone as he closed the door behind you. You tried to feel comfortable and at ease. After all, this was your home from now on.
Part 2 | Part 3
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yourwildsimp · 3 years
sweet confessions
includes: aizawa, y/n
warnings: mentions of nightmares
length: 1,986 words
summary: with neither of you able to sleep, trapped words are finally allowed to slip like melted butter.
Four in the morning was not the time to be up, especially on a work night. Well, a workday at this point. You should be in bed, surrounded by the fluffiest, warmest blankets on the softest mattress you could afford.
And yet? Here you were in the bathroom, washing your face with warm water, for what was the third time in a row. It was as if you were trying to slowly drown yourself. A yawn left your lips, strong enough to rock your body with violent yet satisfying shudders. You cursed your insomnia. You knew you were tired, so why couldn’t you fall asleep?
Something clattered in the kitchen, a hushed swear which broke the stillness of the shared apartment soon followed.
Was he up, too?
Your face heated up at the thought of your roommate. There had always been a spark between the two of you, but both of you dodged any confrontation. It was like fate danced you both around each other, curious to see who would take charge. Who would finally end this little game of cat and mouse? You didn’t think you had enough confidence to be the one to put a stop to the games you were playing and admit how hard you’ve fallen for him.
However, as life tugs you both along, curious things unfold.
You cracked open the bathroom door to peep out, holding your breath in case he was just outside. This was new to you, as Aizawa was typically asleep for as long as he could be. His record is 19 hours straight after a hard mission. Your record was nine hours, and you were damn proud of yourself for it, too.
You carefully stepped out after turning off the light, trying to creep back to your bedroom without getting caught. It’s not like you wanted to avoid Aizawa, you just didn’t want him to catch you up this late again. Though as soon as you took your first step out into the hallway, he spoke, the words making you freeze like a deer in headlights.
“What are you doing awake at this hour?” You swallowed around the lump in your throat as you stood straight.
“I thought you didn’t know I was up,” you said with a grin, but Aizawa could see how tired you were.
“I’m a pro-hero,” he hummed, a coffee mug warming his hands. “It’s almost insulting that you thought I didn’t notice you. Now, why are you up?”
“I could ask you the same thing, Mr. Pro-hero,” you retorted, earning a worn chuckle. The distant look in his eyes told you everything you needed to know to understand why he was awake as well.
You knew all too well that Aizawa’s night terrors were a force to be reckoned with. On some nights he even woke up screaming or falling out of bed. Aizawa’s dreams were the only thing that could get such a strong reaction from him.
“Drinking coffee this late can’t be good for you,” you said, changing the subject rather quickly while you headed into the kitchen with your roommate. “Doesn’t a hero with your status need to stay healthy?”
“It’ll keep me up,” he murmured with a strange sort of solemnness infecting his tone.
You couldn’t stop the empathetic look from tainting your face even if you wanted to. You hated nothing more than watching as the hero business ate away at your best friend.
“Hey.” His voice took you from your thoughts. “We’re already up this late, and I doubt either of us will sleep soon, so. . .” Aizawa trailed off as you looked up at him. “So, come sit on the roof with me. Only for a bit.”
Your jaw nearly dropped to the floor before you caught yourself and nodded. You hoped that you didn’t look too head over heels for him, but little to your knowledge, Aizawa found your reaction cute.
“Sure, alright,” you said with a small smile, trying to sound nonchalant. You didn’t, but Aizawa didn’t comment on it, sparing your pride. “Ah, wait, let me grab a hoodie-”
“Don’t bother,” he said, just loud enough for you to hear him.
A smirk tainted your lips as you crossed your arms over your chest and accusingly leaned towards him.
“Oh, so you want me to freeze? That isn’t very heroic, mister.” The way you raised your eyebrows got him to spill a chuckle.
“I do not. You can just wear mine."
Leaving the conversation at that, he turned away before you ever saw the pink hue that dusted his face. It took you a second to let his words process before you were following after him like a lost puppy.
It's not a big deal. He's just being friendly and giving, as always. That's the lie you've always told yourself.
“How do we get up on the roof?" You asked as he led you on the small back porch.
Your small smile dropped entirely as he jumped and grabbed the edge of the roof, pulling himself up with practiced ease.
"All right, asshole, not everyone is a pro-hero, so-" You cut yourself off as soft cloth suddenly wrapped around you, acting as a safety harness.
He lifted you to the roof without breaking a sweat. And to be honest, that boosted your confidence by a few points.
"Such foul language doesn't belong in a pretty mouth like yours," Aizawa murmured, his calloused hands carefully pulling his scarf off of your shoulders. He left the cloth on your waist for you to take care of, as he didn't want to overstep any boundaries.
The scarf was the furthest thing from your mind as you hoped the dark sky hid your heavy blush.
He said I was… Pretty. Aizawa… called me pretty.
"You, um…" You tried to start a conversation to distract Aizawa from the fact you weren't removing his scarf. "You got up here stupidly fast. Do you do this often?"
He didn't comment on the matter of his scarf, silently using it to justify why he was sitting this close to you.
"I'm a stealth hero. I'm always jumping rooftop to rooftop," he reasoned, heavy eyes taking in the ever so familiar landscape.
"That's not what I asked," you prodded gently. "Do you come up here often, this late at night?"
You wanted him to trust you, to tell you what was obviously plaguing his thoughts or what had scared him sleepless this time. You were well aware trust wasn't given easily, especially for someone like him. Someone who's been hurt time and time again.
His jaw shifted, and you were too concerned about his mental health to think of how handsome he was with his sharp features.
"Sometimes. When the dreams aren't incredibly terrible," he muttered after a thick swallow.
You hummed to let him know that you understood, your body shifting a minuscule closer to his warmth. He noticed, and without a word pulled his hoodie over his head. You two were sitting so close that you needed to lean to the side to avoid getting elbowed.
"Hey, what are you-"
He smiled gently as he set the article in your lap, and the sight alone shut you up. He was gorgeous, basking in the never-sleeping city lights.
"Didn’t I tell you? You can wear my jacket if you're cold."
Be still your beating heart, because if it didn’t soon, you were sure he'd think someone was knocking at the door with how loud it was pounding against your ribs.
With a painfully flustered chuckle to fill the silence, you put it on. And, God, you'd be content dying surrounded by his scent of heavy rain and the forest. A small thank you filtered off your tongue. Using the visual excuse of adjusting how it pooled at your hips, you shifted ever closer.
"You know-"
You had both gone to speak at the same time, earning a soft giggle from you and a deep chuckle from him.
"You go first," you offered with a gentle smile.
"Only if you go after, no matter what," he playfully demanded.
As you agreed, you watched his eyes lingered on you, something indescribable dancing behind the walls of charcoal. With a deep breath, he faced the horizon.
"Sometimes when I drive, I'll turn on the radio. Just to have some background noise. I don't pay attention to it, though, because most of the music is shit," Aizawa started, something in his chest swelling as you chuckled at him. "But then, when I was sitting in the UA teacher's parking lot, something hit me as I listened to a sappy song."
"What? That you're getting old?" You teased, trying to break some of the tension in his shoulders.
"I realized that all of a sudden, every love song was about you."
Your soft gasp sounded like a nuclear bomb to him and he screwed his eyes shut. He knew he should've stayed in bed.
"I..." Aizawa moved to stand. "I should go back to sleep," he finished rather quickly.
Your nibble fingers gripped his pants leg and he froze entirely, like a child who’d been caught eating candy past midnight.
"Hey… What happened to our little deal?" Your caring tone caused him to hesitate. "Please, Shouta, won't you hear what I have to say?"
Shouta. How pretty it sounded rolling off your tongue.
He swayed in the morning breeze, the very beginning of a sunrise highlighting his dark features. And then he sat, avoiding looking at you at all costs.
"As I was going to say before I was thankfully interrupted," you began, adjusting the sleeves of your (his) jacket. You took a deep breath, hyping yourself up to finally fess up as he did. "You know when you look at a kitten, you think of Shinsou? Or when you see candy apples, you think of Eri?" You asked, earning a stiff nod.
"Everything has started reminding me of you. From sleep bags to your favorite dark chocolates, and baggy clothes like the ones you rarely allow me to borrow, or a coffee mug you'd like. You're always running through my mind," you took a breath, needing to get some air after your fast-paced rant.
You both sat in heavy silence, the dew in the grass glinting from the rays of marigold that poured over the horizon.
"Can I do something stupid?" He asked quietly, shifting in his spot.
" 'Course. It's about time we swapped roles," you humored.
Smokey-colored eyes bored into yours as he faced you, Adam's apple bobbing as he gulped. You'd never seen him so… beautifully revealing.
Suddenly you were surrounded by warmth, Aizawa no longer looking at you. He hugged you so desperately, it was as if he thought you'd leave him. He scruff tickled your neck as he nuzzled into you, but you couldn't care less.
The way you didn't need to think twice about returning the hug made him smile against your skin. You both sat there on the roof, basking in rays of fresh morning sunlight, never letting go of each other.
"It was about losing you," Aizawa breathed, breaking the blissful silence. "My nightmare… In it, I had lost you forever."
You closed your eyes, one hand tenderly massaging his scalp with the other held him closer to you. "I'm right here, Shouta. I'm not going anywhere," you reassured, feeling his breathing pattern calm. "You know that, don't you?"
"Yeah…" He whispered, voice heavy with sleep and concern.
"Let's get back to bed, okay?" You murmured, feeling the weight of your feelings change from suffocating to soaring.
"Not yet. Please… I just wanna stay with you." Aizawa pulled you impossibly closer and you smiled.
"Whatever you wish, but don't blame me when you're sore tomorrow." You felt him chuckle as his eyes drooped shut.
" 'm always sore anyways."
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run to you | Harry Styles
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Summary: harry can’t help but feel a little jealous when it seems like his best friend is interested in someone else
GENRE: angst, fluff at the end
WARNING: jealous harry, roommates, being dumped, drunk reader briefly, crying
Pairing: harry styles x reader
Word count: 2.5k
Author note: I write a ton of friends to Lovers fic
Blog appropriate for all ages
Please don't post any of my content anywhere else without my permission.
Harry's fingers drummed on the table he was sitting at. His eyes knitted as he watched your figure across the room like you were some type of prey.
You were grinding up against a guy as the alcohol you consumed ran through your veins. You were carefree, living you life and enjoying yourself like lots of people were doing in the club that night except harry.
God he hated how that guy was touching your waist, and how you smiled as you looked at him, and how your lips were almost touching his. He hated it, harry really fucking hated it.
He wanted nothing more than tear that guy away from you, but he couldn't.
Harry adjusted himself in his seat, tearing his eyes away from you and the mystery man. His hands went down to his lap and he cleared his throat. He used every inch in his body to not look back over at you.
5 minutes later the song died down and you came back giggling. "Hi harry." Harry looked up at you, pressing his lips into a thin line.
You of course didn't notice and kept talking. "It's fun night. I just met this cute guy and he blew me away. He's going to take me on a date later this week because he likes me. It's going to be so fun." You squealed.
Harry growled under his breath before getting up. "Let's go." He took your hand. You looked up at him confused as to what the problem was. "Harry, what is it?"
Harry pulled you out of the club and to the car he drove you in. "It's late and you're really drunk. It's time to go."
You got in the car, harry did as well, and he drove you away to your apartment.
The whole ride harry grip on the steering wheel was tight. His mind was clouded with thoughts he just couldn't shake.
You on the other hand was confused. You peered over at Harry every now and then seeing his jaw tighten and his knuckles white from his grip. You didn't know what was wrong with him but you didn't bother trying to figure out either.
About 10 minutes later harry pulled into the driveway. He parked the car and got out. He helped you out of the car Because of your drunk state before letting you into the house.
Harry walked right passed you to his room with out a word. You felt yourself tear up at the action. You don't know if it was because you were drunk or you were genuinely upset, but you hated it.
That night you went to sleep crying and confused. Harry heard your cries loud and clear seeing that he was in the room next to you. He felt guilty for treating you like that but he was pissed.
The next morning harry woke up at the crack of dawn. He ripped the blanket off and dragged himself out of bed.
He went straight to the kitchen to get you some water Because he knew you were going to have a killer headache when you awoke. He still cared about you of course.
He walked back up the creaking stairs, grabbed an aspirin from the bathroom before walking to your room.
You were sprawled out on the bed, mouth open as you snored. Harry chuckled to himself at the image. He sat the water and pill down on your nightstand before shaking you awake.
"y/n, time to wake up."
You opened your eyes, groaning as your head started to throb. You easily regretted getting wasted last night.
You looked up at harry; he had a faint smile on his face that didn't quite meet the eyes. Images of last night flooded in your brain of harry being unknowingly mad at you. It made your heart drop in your chest.
You sat up and reached out for the water and aspirin. With harry's help you gulped it down before you looked up at him.
"uhh what was your problem yesterday?"
Harry sighed, "nothin' I was just ready to go." Harry lied. You knew it was a lie but didn't pry.
Your phone on the bedside table ring causing you to reach over for it. You opened your messages and began to read.
Harry watched as a smile creeped up on your face. "What is it?"
"the guy from yesterday message me. He wants to take me on a date tonight." You giddy said.
Harry swallowed, jaw tightening. "Well.. that sounds fun."
Before you could get a word out, harry walked out of the room. You sat there dumbfounded. You didn't understand what his problem was and right now you seriously had a problem with him. He was being an huge ass.
Your makeup was done, you were dressed in a silk dress and a few expensive pieces of jewelry for your date. You exhaled as you stood in front of the mirror in the foyer. You were waiting for your date to come.
Harry walked down the stairs and saw you in that beautiful dress. God you were beautiful but it wasn't for him.
He walked straight to the kitchen without saying a word to you even though you looked right at him.
You walked into the kitchen ignoring his pissed state. "so, I'm probably going to be out till 11 so I'll see you later." You said to him.
He turned away from you grabbing a mug from the cabinet. "Have fun I guess."
You grew angry at him, "what is your problem? You've been acting like a huge jackass!"
Harry scuffed, "I'm a jackass. At least I'm not the one who's going out with a fuck boy." He placed the kettle on and placed the mug on the counter. His eyes didn't met yours at all. You decided it was time to give him a taste of his own medicine and ignore him like he's been ignoring you.
You walked out of the kitchen as you heard a knock on the door. You grabbed your bag and coat before walking to the door. Before you left you yelled out to harry.
"have a good Rest of your fucking day Harry." You walked out of the house, slamming the door slightly.
"you too y/n." Harry spat out to himself.
Days and days went on since you and harry talked on the night on your date.
Everytime you both were in the same room you ignored each other. It was like you were both strangers in your own home.
It wasn't like you both wanted to do this but harry was being a prick and you wanted absolutely nothing to do with him.
It was the day of another date with the guy you met at the bar. You were really excited. You sat in the restaurant waiting for him to come.
5 minutes turned to 10 minutes, 10 turned to 20, and 20 turned to 30 and he hasn't shown up. You started to worry, aggressively texting him but there was no response.
You were getting embarrassed at all the waiting you were doing right now. After a while you just decided to leave. After telling the waiters you were leaving, you walked out of the restaurant. As soon as you reached your car your phone went off.
You opened it seeing a message.
Bar guy | I'm not coming, I found another girl. Sry
You felt your heart drop as you got in your car. You held in your tears as you drove to your apartment. The only thing you wanted more than anything was to be with Harry. Even though you hated his guts, he was always the one there when you had a breakup.
You pulled into the driveway, parking the car. Harry who was inside wasn't expecting you back so early. He frowned as he sat his guitar down.
The door open revealing you. You were crying and went straight to harry.
"hey, love what happened?" Harry asked as placed a kiss on your forehead, wrapping his arms around you.
"he dumped me." You cried out. Harry awed as he once again kissed your head. "It's okay, he didn't deserve you."
You pulled away sniffling. "I'm sorry. I called you a jackass and you were right. He was a fuck boy and I didn't see it and I'm so so-"
"hey, no no it's okay, it's okay." Harry stopped you. "You didn't do anything wrong. He's the one I'm mad at not you ok."
"yeah... Ok." You whipped your eyes and sat down on the couch. Harry did the same. He picked up his guitar. "So I know I'm a shit friend sometimes but what do you think about us having a little bit of fun. Just me and you. I'll sing you a song."
You chuckled, "okay."
Harry smiled, "alright, let's do this."
You and Harry spent the whole night enjoying each other's company. After a few days of not talking it was worth it.
Later that night you and harry are laying on the floor after you both had a long dance party– yes you both were cheesy like that.
Your chest was rising and falling as you looked up at the ceiling. "that was fun."
Harry looked up at you, "of course it was, you're with me bitch, it's obviously going to be fun." Harry said
You laughed. You turned to harry and smiled. "Thanks for today." Harry smiled at you, "you're welcome."
He leaned over and placed a kiss on your nose, something that was normal and he has been doing for years. But this felt different to you.
His lips lingered making your skin tingle. When Harry pulled away he was inches away from your face. You couldn't help but close the gap between the both of you.
Your lips moved with his slowly with meaning. You moaned softly into his lips as harry pushed your back on the ground and hovered over you.
Eventually he pulled away and looked down at you. "Wow." Was all you could get out as he stared down at you. Harry chuckled, "yeah, wow." He placed another soft kiss on your lips before getting up leaving you shocked on the ground.
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ssson-of-sparda · 3 years
Fathers Do Cry (DMC Vergil one shot)
Summary: Vergil remembers his last Father's Day with Sparda and doesn't really realise how similar to him he has become.
Tags: Father's Day special / DADGIL! / Vergil acting like a dad to Nero
Author’s note: I woke up this morning suddenly inspired. Doesn't happen very often so enjoy ;) ps: I just love Dadgil!
His big blue eyes staring without blinking, the child was observing his father sitting by the fireplace in the parlour. Full of admiration, he was detailing all the features of his serious face, all the details of his confident posture and all the different luxurious fabrics that made his purple finery and as he did, he repeated to himself, wished, prayed, that someday, one day, he would grow up to be just like him.          “Aren’t you going to speak, Vergil?” The father’s powerful voice asked as he finally acknowledged the boy’s presence with a small amused smile, wondering what brilliant thoughts were occupying his eldest son’s sharp mind this time.            “I made this for you, father.” With a solemnity that didn’t suit a five-years-old but that somehow fitted Vergil’s young yet wise spirit and his will to be perfect son in the eyes of Sparda, the boy handed a paper sheet to his father.         “ And what would that be?” The man said as he took his son’s gift. “It’s father’s day so … I made you a poem… or tried to.” The adorable embarrassment tensing the child’s traits in funny grimaces made the father's smile wider but Vergil, suddenly too preoccupied with the blue paint stuck under his fingernails, didn’t notice it as he didn’t notice the paternal pride and the love shining in his eyes.               “I thought your mother wanted you and your brother to make a gift together this year.” “ You know Dante” Vergil sighed. “He has no artistic talent whatsoever. He wanted to make you a wooden sword to play with us.”    “ That’s actually a very good idea.”  Vergil frowned; suddenly worried that Sparda would not like his gift and preferred Dante’s – if he had made one of course. “Except when the sword looks like two twigs glued together. You should have seen this, father. It looked ri.di.cu.lous.” Sparda laughed at his son’s attitude, finding amusement in this sibling rivalry. “Why don’t you read me your poem then?”              “ I learnt it by heart actually. The paper is for you to remember this day by … and also because I wanted to illustrate it. Look.” Vergil approached his father, seized the poem from his big hands and climbed on his lap to show him the delicate aquarelle he had painted around the lines. “Impressive. Did your mother help you with this?” Vergil shook his head. “No, I did it on my own. I used a book I saw in that old man’s house I often go to as a reference.”       “ The old academic that lives down the hill? I thought you found him boring.” Vergil shook his head again, furiously this time and with a serious frown. “That’s Dante. Me, I really like him. He teaches me a lot of things. And he has lots of books. It’s incredible.”
Sparda ruffled his son’s silver hair whose hairdo was always made in order to somehow mimic his, thinking what a promising young boy Vergil was. Maybe more promising than Dante to be honest – though he knew he shouldn’t think that.   But there was something that Vergil had that Dante lacked. Perhaps rationality beyond his age … or some kind of maturity … wisdom maybe? He couldn’t really pinpoint what it was exactly. All he knew is that it was something unique and special, just like his son, something that made Sparda certain that one day his eldest would grow up to be a great man, a man greater than him, a man worthy of the Yamato and capable of handling its burdening power.
“Can I recite my poem now?” Sparda smiled at the sparkle in Vergil’s eyes. “Sure.” The boy quickly took back his previous position in front his father, cleared his throat, put his hands behind his back and stuck out his chest.
Sparda listened to every word, fascinated and amazed by his little one’s talent and profoundly moved by all the love, all the meticulousness and the time he put in each line and in each word. “Oh Vergil. The world is not yet ready for someone like you.” The father said as he let a tear roll down his cheek. “Why are you crying, father?” Vergil worried. “Because fathers cry, my son.”
That day was the last time Vergil truly celebrated Father’s day for a few weeks later he had no father, no one to make poems to, no one to admire by the fireplace. Just a memory that he feared would sooner or later fade but that he would cling to dearly for as long as he could.
“Why don’t we bring flowers to Daddy’s statue in the park today?” Eva asked when Vergil was six, when Vergil was seven, when Vergil was eight only to be welcome by a heavy silence that was no longer hiding brilliant thoughts but a painful sadness. But each time he did as Eva suggested, maybe more for her than for him, maybe because he still loved and admired Sparda even if he had left him, maybe because he thought that his father might see him and smile from wherever he was now, the same way he had smiled when he had read him his poem on his last father’s day.
And that’s certainly why, more than three decades later, he was back in this park, on this very special day with a bouquet of purple peonies he had bought on his way here and a memory that never faded. A memory he could still recite.
"Whether the sun shines or the sky cries,                 Whether the day breaks or the night wakes,       My father always as a rampart stands Protecting my house with his bare hands.
He is strong, he is brave                 And the day he always saves.     A knight in cockroach armor     To scare my terror away."
Vergil scoffed at the lines, at the way they rolled off his tongue, finding them funny and childish and not worthy of a Blake or a Fielding at all unlike what he thought when he wrote them as a child. The over-confidence of youth probably.
“Did you just come up with that?” Vergil turned around to see Nero walking towards him with a smirk. A surprise but not a bad one. “Cause the rhyming sucks a little. I expected more of you.”                “ And I suppose you’re an expert in poetry now?”         “ I may read have read one of your books.” He said as he tapped the pocket of his marine blue coat hiding Vergil's most sacred book with pride. “You still have it I see.”     “Hey! It’s a real page turner! Can’t get my nose out of it.” Vergil had a crooked smile, understanding perfectly what his son meant.
Son? Even a year after this reveal he still couldn’t believe this boy before him, the one he had lived such a terrifying yet incredible adventure with, was his own flesh and blood.
A sigh almost escaped Vergil’s lips. How did he make such a fine young man? Someone so selfless, so generous, so loving when he was nothing like that.              “ What are you doing here, Nero?” He asked, trying not to think more about this.      “ Well it’s father’s day, no? So … I made you something… or tried to.” The embarrassed grimace Nero suddenly made made Vergil’s smile grew larger but Nero, too worried to keep the gift covered with the pieces of newspapers he had taped together, didn’t see it as he didn’t see the paternal pride and the love shining in his father’s blue eyes. The same paternal pride Sparda had displayed when Vergil was a little child with a small paper in his hands.  “Thank you Nero.” The man said as he gently took the present from his son's hands, wondering what it was even though the long shape didn’t leave much place for imagination.
He cautiously unwrapped the thing, already feeling a happiness he hadn’t felt in years warming his heart. And when he saw a katana-like wooden sword that purposely looked like Yamato he couldn’t help but smile and let a tiny drop of water blur his blue eyes. “It was Dante’s idea. Though he might have suggested gluing two sticks together.” Nero said as he scratched his head. “It looks amazing.” Vergil’s honesty was like a knife in Nero’s chest but in a good way. It was as if all the stress and all the stupid fear he had felt while making this toy sword had been stabbed away. He felt relieved, joyful even that his always so stern father was genuinely grateful and seemed to appreciate his gift. “That way, you won’t have to tear my arm apart again cause look, you have two now.” Nero tried to joke but his words just erased the smile on Vergil’s face.
“There is not a single day I don't regret what I did to you.” This was Vergil’s way to say he was sorry. Nero was certain of it. He didn’t need to know his father that well to know it. After all, he was somewhat the same. “Hey, it’s in the past. Plus it grew back, so no harm done.” He winked, trying to ease the atmosphere with a bad pun worthy of Dante even though there was a time he would have ripped Vergil’s chest open for what he had done. And a part of him knew he would never forget and maybe never fully forgive what happened.               But right now he was just happy to have a family, to have a father and to finally be able to celebrate a day he has so long hated.  “ This world doesn’t deserve you, son.” Vergil solemnly declared. He had never called Nero that way and that name felt strange yet beautiful to both of them. It made the son and the father smile in ways they never thought they would smile at each other. “ Damn, are you crying old man? I thought devils never cry.” Nero suddenly harrumphed when he finally noticed the water growing in his father's eyes.                   “ Well, fathers do cry." Vergil declared as he allowed a tear of joy and pride to fall along his pale cheek. The first in a very very long time but one he will never regret or brush away. "Father do cry.” He repeated with a glance at the statue of his father behind him.
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galaxysupreme17 · 3 years
Hold On
Olivia Benson X Daughter Reader!
TRIGER WARNNING! Cutting/Bullying/attempted suicide. So this isn’t my first time writing but it is my first time posting on here. I write a lot of stories manly about my favorite tv shows/characters. Anyway this is a short story about being Olivia Benson’s Daughter and having depression and someone keeps leaving notes telling you to kill yourself. Olivia is currently a detective around season 14. If you guys have any request send them in and I will write them! 
As you walk through the walls of your high school trying to keep your head down, not wanting to be seen, you walk up to your locker and open it. A bunch of notes come flowing out of it. You squat down, pick them up, and read through them. 
“No wonder your mom is ever around. It’s probably because you are a horrible no good person” and another “my god just go kill yourself” and another “the world would be a better place if you weren’t here.” 
After reading all of them you quickly shoved them into your bag and shut your locker. You walk home and as fast as possible open your apartment door. You run to your bedroom and burst into tears.
 You have been getting these notes for months and slowly you have been believing them. You have your own personal bullies. Their names are Holly and Jamie. They make your life a living hell as often as they can.
 Holly is the captain of the cheerleaders and Jamie is captain of the football team. You open your bag, after drying your tears, and pull out the notes putting them with the others, which are in a box on your desk right next to the picture of you and your mom. 
You smile at the picture through your tear eyes and pull out a pen and paper. You quickly write down a suicide note and leave it on the counter in the kitchen for Olivia to find.
 You then walk to the bathroom and pull out a bottle of pills and your razor. Before doing anything you think about your life.
Olivia was the best mother in the world. Always coming to every performance of every musical and always being there when you needed her. She would be there when you woke up and when you went to bed. 
You remember going to the park when it was snowing and the rest of the squad went and you and Fin ganged up on Cragen throwing snowballs at him. Then the bullying started and your depression and anxiety got worse. You dropped theatre and show choir because you didn’t feel the joy of singing anymore.
 After a little bit of thinking you continued with your plan. You took the razor and slid it across your arms and legs watching as the blood came running down. You grab the bottle of pills and start taking them; at first one by one but then continued until even after you started to feel dizzy. Within in minutes you passed out on the floor. 
~With Olivia~
Olivia finally got off work just ready to be home. She was happy because she was finally going to have an evening with you. She had planned to let you pick dinner then you both would curl up on the couch and finish watching Gilmore Girls. You started that show together loving it because it reminded you both of your relationship with each other.
 You were Rory and Olivia was Lorelai. The memory makes Olivia smile as she drives home. As soon as she parks her car and heads the flight of stairs, she gets a sickening feeling in her gut telling her something is wrong. Olivia rushes to the door and fumbles with her keys to get the door open. Finally, after struggling, she gets the door open and walks inside.
 “Y/n! Y/n Where are you?” Olivia sets her stuff down and sees the note, it reads. 
“Dear Mom, I am so sorry for this. I just can’t take it anymore. The real reason I quit theatre and show choir was because I have been bullied. For awhile now actually. I just cannot stand to live another day. They keep telling me it is for the best that I die and I believe that is true. Just now that I did fight. I fought for so long. I truly just cannot continue fighting. Know that I love you and none of this is your fault, I know you are going to blame yourself for not seeing it sooner but I am serious, none of this is your fault. I just can’t continue on. I don’t think I can continue on, I feel numb and like no one wants me. I love you momma never forget that.” By the end Olivia had tears streaming down her face as she ran to the bathroom banging on the door, 
“Y/n! Please stay with me baby please! Open the door Y/n!” Olivia yelled.
 Pulling out her phone she called 911 and busted down the door. As soon as she saw your body laying on the floor she broke. Immediately, Oliva checked for a pulse which was weak but there. 
“Please don’t leave me baby! Hold on baby-girl please! I love you so much sweetheart!” Oliva cried as she began doing CPR. 
The ambulance soon showed up and the took you and Olivia to the hospital. Olivia called Fin and asked to go check your bedroom for anything and bring it to the hospital. Of course Fin immediately jumped and ran when he heard what happened. Fin was still at the precinct when Liv called and Cragen happened to also be there. 
Fin told Cragen everything and the two took off to go to Liv’s apartment then the hospital. Once the found the notes from your classmates and the suicide note they drove to the hospital. Olivia was waiting in the waiting room and when she saw Fin and Cragen she stood up again, on the verge of tears.
“Liv what happened?” Cragen asks looking her. Oliva cleared her through trying not to cry.
 “I uhh had this feeling something was wrong and when I finally got into the apartment I saw umm the note. I ran to the bathroom and the door was locked so I called 911 and broke down the door. She was just laying there *her voice cracks* y/n looked to helpless it broke me.” Olivia explains and starts crying again. 
Fin pulls her in for a hug and they all three just stand there. Olivia walked away to call Rachel your best friend. Rachel Cabot is Alex Cabot’s daughter and your best friend. The two of you have been through thick and thin together. Olivia knew she needed to call Alex and Rachel so they could be here. 
After calling Alex, who said they would be down there soon, Olivia returned to the waiting room where your doctor came walking out. “Olivia Benson?” She asked softly. 
“That’s me” Olivia said standing and walking forward. “Hi! I’m Arizona Robbins. So me and my team were able to pump Y/n stomach and stich up their wounds. They are still asleep and it might be awhile before they wake up but I can take you back to see them if you want” 
“Yes please” Olivia says letting out a breath that she didn’t know she was holding. As soon as they reached your room, Olivia covered her mouth trying not to cry. She sat next to your bed and held your hand, not wanting to let go. 
Hours later you woke up not knowing where you were. Olivia felt you moving and immediately jumped looking at you with a soft smile. 
“Mommy?” You say barley above a whisper. “Yes baby I’m right here” Olivia says wiping the tears away.
~Days Later~ 
You were sitting on the couch reading your favorite book Little Women. “Y/n can I talk to you about something serious?” Olivia asks walking over and sitting on the coffee table in front of you. “What is it?” You ask setting your book down and turning and looking at her. 
“If you don’t want to talk about it I completely understand but, why didn’t you tell me about the notes from the kids at school?” Olivia asks looking at you watching your facial expressions. 
“I don’t know. I just felt like if you saw them you would agree or would tell me I’m just being dramatic and over reacting.” You say trying not to cry.
“Listen to me Y/n; I will always be here for you to talk or just to cry. I don’t ever want you to feel like you can’t come to me. You are my daughter and I never ever want you to feel like I would judge or yell at you. I love you so much baby” Olivia says opening her arms causing you to jump into her arms hugging her. 
“Thank you. I love you too mom” You smile as she tightens her grip around you.
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rosaliestark01 · 3 years
Dusk Till Dawn - Part 7
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: Peter and your friends realize that you’re in trouble, meanwhile Tony seeks advice from the other Avengers
Warnings: angst, injured characters, angry!Y/N
A/N: @annies-marvel-imagines will no longer be posting more parts, but she will still receive credit.
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Tony paces around his lab, clearly thinking hard. Lately, that was where he spent most of his time. Currently, He was working on an upgrade for your suit. Usually, he'd have finished the upgrade weeks ago, but for some reason, it is never good enough, and he inevitably ends up scrapping it and starting over.
"Tony, you've been working for hours," Pepper says as she steps into the room. "Vision ordered pizza."
"I'm not hungry," he mumbles without looking up. This time, he was sure that he'd be able to finish the upgrade. Then, he'd be able to move on to upgrading Peter's suit, then his own.
"You've been saying that a lot lately." Pepper sighs as she walks up to him and places a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Does this have anything to do with Y/N?"
"You mean my daughter who hates me?" He mutters under his breath, but she heard it nonetheless.
"She doesn't hate you. She's just going through a tough time." Pepper was a teenager once, and she'd had times where her relationship with her parents wasn't perfect, despite them wanting the best for her. All she needed was time, and maybe you do too.
"Pep, she can barely look at me." In all his years of raising you, Tony had never thought that your relationship with him would ever become what it is now. "Did I do something wrong?"
Pepper didn't exactly know what to say to that. She didn't think that Tony did anything wrong, yet how could she make him see that?
"Come and eat. Maybe we can all talk about it downstairs," Pepper finally said as she leads Tony to where everyone else was waiting.
Harley was currently poking Happy with a selfie stick he had found under someone's car in an attempt to wake him up. Unfortunately, it wasn't working, and Peter was starting to lose it.
"Dude, he's out cold," Harry groaned in annoyance that Harley actually thought that poking him could possibly wake him up. Harley rolled his eyes as he stood up, leaving the selfie stick next to Happy's motionless body.
Meanwhile, MJ was becoming fed up with Peter's constant pacing. She, and the rest of their friends, could clearly see that he was starting to lose his mind with worry, which was the least helpful thing at the moment.
"Sit down," MJ said to him in hopes that he'd calm down enough to think clearly. None of them could really be in the right state of mind while their superhuman friend was in panic mode.
"I can't-" He argued, and both Harry and Ned had to sit him down on a nearby bench. He seemed calmer, but not by much.
"Peter, just think for a second. Something isn't right," Ned exclaimed. It was pretty evident that something bigger was going on than just you going missing and Happy being knocked out.
"Yeah." Harley agrees, nodding his head while deep in thought, "Y/N goes missing, and Happy is out for the count."
"So someone took her?" Betty asks. Everyone was thinking it, but she was the first to say it aloud. It was scaring them how real this was starting to feel.
"Eloise," Peter huffed angrily. He should have known that she'd ruin everything, yet he allowed himself to let his guard down.
"Pete, Ellie didn't take Y/N," MJ sighed.
"Then who else could have?" He yelled. He was sick and tired of everyone seeing Eloise as an innocent misguided girl when in reality, she was the devil in disguise."I have told you guys since she moved here that she is bad news, but nobody listened! Now Y/N is gone, Happy is hurt, and I'm never going to see the love of my life again and-"
"Why would Eloise take Y/N?" Harley asked, not disagreeing with Peter though not wholly convinced. "What use would she have with her?"
"That's what I'm going to find out?"Peter stated as he stood up, his friends following close.
"You can't do that by yourself," MJ stated.
"I'll call Mr.Stark." ------------------------- "I dunno. It seems pretty clear that Y/N can't stand to be in the same room as him," Bucky stated bluntly, causing Steve to give him a light slap on the head.
"Buck," Steve scolded, but Bucky wasn't the only one who thought so.
"He has a point," Sam chimed in, although not wanting to be hit on the head like Bucky.
"Hey." Nat chastised. She's seen first-hand how much Tony cares about you. "It's pretty clear that Tony cares about Y/N. She is his daughter, after all."
"Does Y/N have a diary?" Rhodey asked, causing Pepper to glare at him.
"You're not going to read Y/N's diary," She states firmly. You deserve better than that. "That is a breach of privacy."
"So she has one?" Rhodey asks but quickly quiets down as soon as he sees the glare Pepper sends his way.
"Hey, it might give a reason for why she's so distant," Bucky mutters to the group, which provides mixed reactions. Few nod their heads in agreement, while few shake their head. Either way, they all have one thing in common, which is your best interests at heart.
"It might also give her a reason to distance herself even more. We want to gain her trust, not break it," Pepper argues sternly. She looks at Tony for backup, but one look at him tells that he is desperate for things to go back to the way they were.
"I'm gonna look," He finally says while getting up. Pepper gives him an incredulous look, so he continues, "Guys, this has gone too far. Whatever is wrong with Y/n has put her in danger. If Peter hadn't sensed that something was wrong, Y/N could be dead right now. I'm going to look."
For the past two weeks, he couldn't stop thinking about what could've happened at the bank. You could have died if Peter hadn't shown up. He was worried beyond belief that you'd not only die but die hating him.
"We all care about Y/N," Steve said, bringing some relief to Tony that at least someone was on his side. "She's a good kid, and as much as I disagree with invading her privacy, I do care about her safety. I think that any information could help. We need to get to the bottom of this."
Sighing, Pepper realized that maybe Tony and Steve were right. Something was going on with you, and she worried that it might get worse if something wasn't done soon.
"Well, I think it has something to do with that friend Y/N has been hanging out with," Bruce notes, causing everyone else to mumble words of agreement. Y/N hadn't started acting out until that troublemaker showed up.
"Agreed," Wanda said. "Nothing but trouble."
Everybody hesitantly makes their way into your room, and Nat's eyes immediately land on two flash drives, a red and a blue one,  next to your computer.
"Maybe these could be something?" She says, plugging the red flash drive into your computer. Suddenly, everything made sense. The flash drive was full of files about you that belonged to Hydra. It had almost everything to know about you, but the most concerning one shocked everyone.
"She knows I'm not her real dad," Tony sighs. Everybody, except for Pepper, seemed to be speechless. None of them woke up in the morning knowing that they'd find out that you weren't really Tony's daughter, much less discover that you had HYDRA files on your computer.
"What do you mean you're not her real dad?" Bucky asks, just as confused as everyone else.
"And you never thought to tell Y/N yourself?" Steve interjects sternly. This was something you had a right to know. Obviously, you'd get upset from finding out from someone else."Do you know who her real parents are?"
"That's not important," Tony snaps, causing Steve's blood pressure to rise. It seemed important enough to you for you to start shutting everyone out.  It's no wonder you couldn't trust anyone.
"It sounds like it is," He says coldly.
Before Tony could argue further, his phone started ringing. Judging from the ringtone, he could tell it was Peter, so he answered it quickly.
"What-?" Tony's exasperated voice was cut off by Peter's panicked rambling.
"Mr.Stark, Y/N's gone, and Happy is unconscious in the parking lot."
Everybody froze as soon as they realized what Peter was saying. Something had happened to you, and that was more important than finding out that Tony wasn't your biological dad.
"What?! What happened?"
"I don't know! She said she was going to the bathroom, and she never came back, and now Happy is lying unconscious in the middle of the parking lot, and I don't know what to do!"'
By now, everyone was panicking. This was definitely a million times worse than the bank incident because nobody knows where you are, who you're with, or what you're doing.
"Okay, just stay there. Someone will come to get you."
"Are you going to tell me what the emergency is?" You ask Ellie as she drives you towards the city. You didn't need super senses like Peter to know that this was beyond suspicious. It wasn't sitting well with you at all.
"Your dad is hurt," she muttered, but you heard her nonetheless.
"My dad?" Worry began to flow through you until you remembered that Ellie had no way to know something like that.  "How? He was at the compound-"
"Your real dad," she agitatedly reminded you as she rolled her eyes. It made your blood boil how rude she was being. This wasn't like her at all, and you couldn't help but want to get as far away as possible.
The rest of the car ride was silent until you arrived at Ezekiel's apartment. It didn't look any better than when you were last there. In fact, it looked more run-down than it was before.
The moment Ellie pulled out a key to unlock the apartment, your suspicion grew tenfold. Why would she have access to his apartment?
"What happened?" You sighed as you both entered the apartment to find Ezekiel sitting on the recliner with a bloodied rag pressed to his side. It looked like he had the injury, but the pain didn't seem as apparent as it should. Your "dad" wasn't any better than she was, but that didn't mean that you let him get hurt. Still, he gave you the same weird vibes that Ellie did.
"Tony Stark happened," he barked. He suddenly stood up and began going through his drawers and sloppily throwing. "We need to get somewhere safe."
"Not until one of you tells me what the hell is going on," You say. Things were going so well until Ellie showed up. Now you have a headache and a possibly massive problem in the form of two suspicious individuals.
"Stark found out that you've been meeting with me," he explained, but you weren't buying it. The only people who knew were You, him, and Ellie. You even made sure that you weren't being followed.
"How?" You ask, crossing your arms, waiting for a good enough response.
"I don't know, but he showed up at my apartment and beat the living hell out of me," He retorted, his face scrunching up in anger.
You look at Ellie, who is standing by the door. To anyone else, it seems like she's just standing there, but you've had enough training from Nat and Bucky to know when someone is blocking an exit.
"I don't believe this." You mutter to yourself.
"You think I just happened to end up like this?" Ezekiel yells. You couldn't believe that you were stupid enough to fall for this. Their constant push for you to turn your back on your family was a huge red flag that you ignored. Not to mention you haven't forgotten that time that Ezekiel forgot your mom's name.
"What do you need my help with?" You ask, realizing that the only way out of this is to play along.
"I need you to help me destroy the Avengers."
Those who want to be added or taken off can message me or @annies-marvel-imagines. Crossed-out tags mean that Tumblr won't let me tag you.
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1plus1kiyoomi · 4 years
Chapter 13: Thinking of You
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Putting your phone down on the wooden table, you groan in frustration. The piling paperwork and dating life are two different things but are both giving you too much stress. A lot of friends and colleagues had adviced you to stay single and focus on work, but Yaku is right.
You’re meeting all these people just to forget that you met him.
Kita was far from your ideal type. He wasn’t tall. He wasn’t rich. He didn’t give you expesive gifts every day. But he still managed to make you think that he’s the perfect man.
No matter how hard you try not you, you still compare every guy you’ve dated to Kita. He set the bars so high, that even you can’t see the top of it.
You are so desperate to forget Kita that you started dating all these boys and thought that maybe one of them can make you forget him. Relationships only lasted for a day or the most is a week. You’re getting a bad name in industry, but you don’t care.
“Hi, I’m (L/N) (F/N). Nice to meet you.” You introduce yourself to the pilot as you sit on the dinner table he reserved. You take in his appearance and he’s a 10/10. He has blonde hair and golden eyes, and very long lashes. He has wide shoulders and even under his suit, you can tell that he’s well-built.
“Kise,” he answers, flashing a smile your way. 
‘One of those charmers...’ You think as you check him out once again. You’re looking through the menu when the man in front of you clears his throat uncomfortably, catching your attention. “If you don’t want to continue this day, just say so.”
“It’s not that. I just don’t feel comfortable acting fancy and all that,” Kise remarks, loosening the tie around his collar.
“Then let’s go somewhere else,” you tell him reassuringly. The waitress waiting for your orders stand their awkwardly, witnessing how the restaurant will lose a customer just like that. “Miss, order anything you want in this menu. I’ll pay for it.”
“Ah, it’s okay,” the waitress stutters, taking the menu from you and Kise.
“I insist,” you tell her before standing up from your seat. After paying for the waitress’s meal, you and Kise head to his car. He attempts to help you put it on but you do it before he can. “So where do you wanna go?”
Kise looks out of his window shyly before giving you an answer. “I wanted to cook for you...”
“Okay, then bring me to your house?” You chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. The tense that was all over your date’s finally disappears as he brightly smiles at you.
“You’re kinder than from I’ve heard,” he confesses and starts the engine of his car. “I have this recipe I learned from a great friend...”
Kise rambles on about the most random things until you two reach the parking lot of his apartment. Just like he said, he cooked for you. You sit at the dining table as you wait for him to finish cooking. Staring at him from the angle, you remember Kita teaching you how to cook rice.
“How many cups of rice do I need?” You asked him, staring at the sack of rice once again. Kita scooped two cups of rice then put it at the pot.
“After that, you clean the rice by soaking it in water at least twice,” Kita instructed, putting two fingers up. You nodded, following through. “Then you strain the dirty water out. After that use your finger to measure the water. It has to reach the second line on your finger.”
Kita took your hand and dipped your finger in the water. You blushed furiously, containing your squeals from the sudden contact with your crush. After going through the whole process, he made you repeat his steps in making rice.
“And that’s how you cook rice.”
“Hey, (Y/N), it’s time to eat.” Kise shakes his hand in front of your face so you go back to your senses. You nod at him with an sorry smile then start eating. “Does it taste good?”
“It’s spicy,” you tell Kise softly. He stops eating and grabs milk from his refrigerator.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know. But do you like the taste?” Kise asks you, and you just nod. 
“Tell me if you want to adjust any taste or something,” Kita said after you took a bite of the meal. It was your first breakfast together and the first time he cooked for you since Osamu prepared food the night before.
“It tastes good but I don’t really like spicy food,” you answered, taking a sip of water from your glass due to the spiciness of the dish. Kita noticed the discomfort in your face so he stood up and went back to the kitchen to make a new dish for you. “It’s okay. I can take the spice.”
“No. I want you to eat to your heart’s content,” Kita stated, causing you to smile. “If you’re craving for anything, tell me okay?”
“So how’s work?” Kise changes the topic.
You sigh from the spiciness, but continue to eat anyways, not wanting to waste the blonde’s efforts. “It’s tiring, but it’s bearable.”
“Work is hard nowadays,” Kise complains back. “I wish to take a break sometimes, but then I can’t.”
“Why not?” You continue to ask, seeking for an answer that will determine if you like him or not.
“Because I need money to take you out in our future dates,” he answers mischievously, causing you to raise an eyebrow at him. “Though I’m not really enjoying my job-”
You cut him off midsentence. “Then why did you become a pilot?”
“Because it earns a lot of money is looked up to by anymore.”
“Babe...” You called the grey haired man as you laid on the back of his truck. You went with him and Rice to the farm since you didn’t have anything to do. “Atsumu told me you the top university offered you scholarship to college, why didn’t you take it?”
“Because I want to be a farmer,” Kita simply answered. He took the towel hanging around Rice’s neck and wiped the back of his neck using it. Sitting up from your position, you continued to ask him questions.
“No particular reason. I just enjoy it and it helps other people,” Kita replied to you. You put on the spare boots that lying on the corner of the trunk and went over to him. “Do you want to help?”
“Yes, since I want to learn about the things that make you happy,” you told him confidently and he just let out a soft chuckle.
“Then maybe I should learn how to vlog, too.”
Your date with Kise goes on. The two of you finished dinner so he takes out a bottle of white wine.  After several of glasses, Kise scoots close to you.
“(Y/N), I know it’s just our first date, but I really like you,” Kise confesses, scooting close to you. Scoffing, you face him. “I’m serious.”
Kise leans in you and allow him to close the gap between the two of you, his lips colliding with yours.
It was your first breakfast as a couple and being the romantic person that you are, you woke up before him to make him lunch. Rice lied down the kitchen floor, confused on why it’s you cooking and not his father. You gave him his food before going back to making your boyfriend’s lunch.
“You’re just grilling a sausage, don’t fail this,” you muttered to yourself as you roll the said sausage on the pan with so much concentration. You felt arms wrap around you so you flinched in shock, almost dropping the ladle you were holding.
“Good morning,” Kita chuckled, placing his chin on your shoulder. “I should have asked you out the moment you got here if I knew that I would not make breakfast every morning.”
“Good morning, baby,” you giggled, turning off the stove to face him. “How was your sleep?”
“It was not that great since I didn’t see you when I woke up,” Kita answered, causing you to snort. “What?”
“You’ve become cheesy,” you stuck your tongue out, teasingly. Kita quickly moved his body forward, taking your tongue in his mouth. You pushed him away, gasping then laughing. “Babe, what!”
Kita let out a laugh, pulling your body closer again. He leaned his forehead on yours, his grip on your hips tightening. He’s staring at your eyes intensely but lovingly. “If you keep staring at me like that I might think you’re in love with me,” you joke.
Kita just smiled at you then pulled you in for a kiss. You placed your arms on shoulders, letting him kiss you deeper. His lips were soft but moved roughly. His hold was secure but dangerous. He was gentle with you but he was had a strong aura. He made you smile with his pure intentions, and made you moan with his sensual touches. He made you squeal like it was your first time to be in love, but he could also make you cry as if it’s your last time to experience love.
Kita was the best of both worlds. He was the calming moon, and the blazing sun. He was the cold night, and the warming morning. He was the sunrise that said hello, and the sunset that told you good bye.
You were in an axis. You have witnessed all the different planets and met all these people, to try to run away from him. But wherever you travel, you still see him. Maybe because he was not only both worlds, but rather the whole universe.
You are stuck in his axis. You’re sure of it, because even if someone else is holding you, your body craves for his touch. Though someone else is kissing you, your lips want to feel Kita’s. Someone else is making you smile, but only because you remember your happy moments with Kita. No matter who you’re with, you’re only thinking of him.
You push Kise away, thoughts about Kita flooding in your mind. “I’m sorry. I can’t do this.”
“Was I moving too fast?” Kise awkwardly asks, moving away from you.
“It’s not that,” you tell him, thinking of a reason to get out of the situation. Kise then giggles, scratching the back of his neck, so your attention goes to him.
“Is it someone then?” Kise questions, tilting his head to the side. You lower head, nodding shyly and gripping on the hem of your skirt. “That’s hard. Care to share? It looks like a serious case of not being able to move on.”
You chuckle at his statement. “I guess it is since we didn’t have proper closure.”
“Now, that’s complicated,” Kise hums as if he had not kissed you just minutes ago. “But it seems like you don’t seek closure.”
“Do I look like someone who’ll not be able to move on for years?” You sigh and Kise shakes his head.
“You look like you want to get back with him.”
An hour or two of just talking about your exes, you finally say goodbye to Kise. You feel in ease after talking to someone about your situation. Admitting that you are still into Kita is painful but you needed to let it out.
You head to Alisa’s house, where you dropped Rice off. You talk about your date for a while before you head back home. Your driver picks you up just outside Alisa’s apartment. Rice settles on your lap, comfortably sleeping. And then your heart sinks thinking about your dog.
Rice has changed his job from running in the fields to carry Kita’s towel to walking around the office to get paperwork for you. He’s a hardworking dog whose happiness comes from your smile.
Rice works hard. He has a schedule he follows like its a ritual. He’s caring. He’s smaller from other dogs but his dominance shows. He’s loyal to you. He loves you more than anyone in this word.
Rice is your little Kita.
Aside from you and Kita, Rice had a hard time coping up with your separation. The first month, Rice wasn’t able to eat properly since he missed Kita. You thought that a year would make him forget about Kita, but no.
Rice grabs a random towel every morning then head to the front door, a habit he picked up from going with Kita to the farm almost every day. He waits for Kita at the door every night. Every time you go for a drive and pass by a field, he barks and wags his tail excitedly.
It was painful to watch Rice long for Kita. Because unlike you who can speak and let your emotions out, Rice can’t. All he can do is do the same thing over and over again every day and night, until Kita finally shows up at the door. You both are.
“Do you miss your dad?” You ask Rice and he sits up excitedly. He stands on his back legs and his front paws are on your chest, giving you kisses all over your face. “I miss him, too.” As Rice whimpers from the word dad, an idea comes into your mind.
You know you’ll regret the idea, maybe you’ll even hate yourself for it, but you’ve already risked enough for Kita. So just go all the way. Take that fall. How much damage can be done?
“Head to the airport,” you say to your driver. He looks at you questionably but follows your order anyways. You call your secretary and tell her to book a flight going to Kobe and send a copy of Rice’s papers to travel.
As you arrive at the airport, the staff of the airline company you booked in assisted you and Rice to the plane. You turn your phone off, not wanting to receive any messages or calls from anyone. Checking the time, you realize it’s already 10PM, so you’ll be arriving at Kita’s house around 1AM.
You don’t care. You’ll wake him up. Kita needs to hear what you’ve been wanting to tell him for a year.
The flight to Kobe is fast, considering that you fell asleep in the plane due to the alcohol you drank prior to this sudden flight. Rice is dead asleep in his carrier. You take a cab going to Kita’s far. Your heart is pounding way too hard that you can feel your brain vibrating. You want to back out but you’re already too late. The driver has dropped you off the familiar house.
Rice barks at the door, thrilled to be home. You stand there for 10 minutes with still no response. Finally, you hear footsteps coming to the front door. The door finally slides open, revealing the man you’ve been longing for the most.
“(Y/N)?” Kita asks in confusion. Rice jumps to him, and Kita picks him up excitedly but unsurely. “I thought I was hearing things. Why are you here? At 1AM?”
“I was thinking of you.”
“(Y/N) I-”
“No. Let me finish. I’m not sure if you still like me or not, or if you’re dating someone. But I want you to know that I have forgiven you from the whole Ayako incident. I don’t care anymore about what happened to two of you that day. I also don’t mind if you didn’t have feelings for me that time. But I just want to say that I loved you from the moment I saw you in that video. Maybe I still love you until now. And I’ve been thinking of you every day, every moment ever since I met you. I love you so bad that if you ask me to marry you right now, I would. But I know you wouldn’t so it’s okay. I’m willing to give you my whole life. But I’m not asking you to like me back again or-” you ramble, your mind not even thinking of the words that’s coming out of your mouth.
“(Y/N).” Kita stops you, his voice sounding serious.
“Yes?” You’re preparing yourself to be rejected. You have been expecting it since you decided to book a flight going to him. But at least you’ve told him everything you wanted. You can live in peace, knowing that you have nothing left to regret.
“Can we sleep first?” Kita deadpans and your heart flutters, instead of hurting. He’s still the same person you fell in love with, the same man who broke your heart and changed your whole life.
“Yeah. Sorry,” you apologize, unsure of what to do next. “I’ll call a cab. Sorry for disturbing you. I won’t bother you ever again. I’ll take my leave.”
“No. No. You sleep here.” His words came out as an order, not a suggestion, so you just agree.
“Really? I feel guilty for showing up at 1AM. I really don’t mind leaving,” you try to argue, but Kita takes your hand and brings you inside. You then notice that Rice is already inside of the house, his eyes begging you to go sleep.
“Yeah, you should stay here. We have a wedding to plan tomorrow after all.”
note: was in a good mood so :>
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auburnaudry · 3 years
Fractured Family - Matthew Tkachuk
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Chapter 1:
A/N: So this is the first time I have ever written literally anything. If you have any suggestions or feedback just let me know! I kinda want to make this a series, so if you are interested or have any suggestion on where to take this story I’m all ears!
Next Chapter —>
Summary: You and Matthew had a long history, dating for two years, until you guys “mutually” decided to split. It was civil and seemed liked the best option at the time. But shortly after splitting, you found out you were pregnant with Reign and everything in your life, including your relationship with Matt, became more complicated. (Flashbacks are in italics.)
Word count: 3293 words
It was really late at night and you just wanted to get your son to sleep. Him being only 3 months old, it was hard to get a consistent sleep schedule going, especially when you were sharing custody with someone who lives a completely different lifestyle than you.
After spending two nights with his father, your sons usual 10 minute bedtime routine turned into a long, drawn out, difficult ordeal, that you would be trying to correct for the next week. And once he was finally adjusted back to your routine, he was off to stay with his father again to continue the never ending cycle.
You rocked Reign in his chair for almost 40 minutes and finally settled him down enough to lay him back in his crib. You reached over to the changing table and turned the sound machine on, hoping that it would put him to sleep for even just a little while. You needed a break from the loud crying.
Walking over to the dresser sitting by the door, you grab the baby monitor and walked out towards the kitchen.
You mindlessly stared at your phone as you made your way down the hall. Distracted by your new notifications, you hadn’t noticed the handsome young man still sitting at your island waiting for you to return.
“Oh my god, Matthew you scared me” you shouted, dropping your phone as your body jumped slightly from the shock of seeing someone unexpected in your apartment.
“I thought you left already, what are you still doing here” you continued as you picked your phone up off the ground, checking to make sure the screen wasn’t cracked.
You were caught off guard and slightly confused because Matt always left right after dropping your son off. You two had an arrangement that worked, minimal interaction that only revolved around your son. So when Matt was still lingering around your apartment almost and hour after dropping your son off, you couldn’t help but let your mind travel to the worst case scenario.
“Did something happen today with Reign?” You asked before he had a chance to respond to your first question.
You and Matt had a long history, dating for two years, until you guys “mutually” decided to split. It was civil-ish and seemed liked the best option at the time. But shortly after splitting, you found out you were pregnant with Reign and everything in your life, including your relationship with Matt, became more complicated.
“You should have been honest with me from the start then” you screamed at your boyfriend. You had been arguing for what felt like forever with no end in sight.
“I didn’t know what I wanted at the time y/n” he calmly responded “Fuck, I still don’t even know what I want, but I know its not fair to you, to keep going the way we are”. You two had been talking about where you see your relationship going in the future and this was the first time Matthew was really opening up to you.
As much as you begged Matt to express his emotions more over the course of your relationship, this time you wished he had kept them to himself.
“Y/n, you want to take the next step in this relationship and I’m not ready. I don’t know why I’m not ready but you are and I can’t hold you back.” Matthew sounded so sincere that you almost believed this was what you wanted too. “You need someone who is gonna take that step with you” key word was almost.
The past couple of weeks you had been hinting that you wanted to move in with Matt. You loved him and were sure you wanted to start the next chapter of your life with him. You never thought in a million years this would be his reaction but maybe you pushed him too much? Or maybe this was inevitable and he wasn’t looking at you as a long term investment. Whatever the reason, you now regretted even bringing it up.
“Okay, so two years down the drain I guess” you said as you rolled your tear filled eyes. His face fell at your words, he truly did love you and just wanted you to be happy. You were looking for forever and he admitted to not being ready for that kind of commitment. Instead of continuing a relationship that seemed to be at a stand still, the only option at this point was to end it. You weren’t going to sit there and beg him, you had too much pride to do that.
“I’ll just pack my shit and go” you walked past him to his bedroom to collect all the things that no longer belonged in his space. You almost expected him to follow after you, to fight for your relationship, but he didn’t, which hurt your heart even more. So you continued to pack up the things that had migrated from your apartment to his over the two years of being together. Your thoughts were now consumed with figuring out how you were going to move on and find someone to spend the rest of your life with, while he continued to live the bachelor lifestyle he was all so famous for.
Even though you rarely voiced it in your two years of being together, you were madly in love with him and broken hearted that he wasn’t willing to put in the effort to make your relationship work. You left his bedroom and made your way down the hallway, past the living room where Matthew was still sat, and out the front door with your bags in tow. You didn’t bother glancing back at him, out of fear you might do or say something you would regret.
2 weeks later…
You woke up and still hadn’t gotten your period. Your period had never been even a day late since you got it back in the 7th grade, so waking up for a 4th day in a row with no period, was worrisome. You didn’t think there was even a chance you were pregnant since you were on birth control, so you made an appointment with your gyno to ensure everything was okay. You were convinced it was just the stress of your recent breakup that was causing this irregularity in your cycle, but you couldn’t be sure without getting checked out first.
You pulled up to your doctors office for your appointment feeling extremely anxious. You just wanted to get it over with so you could stop stressing and go back to feeling sorry for yourself for getting broken up with.
You sat in the waiting room for what felt like an eternity. You scrolled through Instagram and somehow found yourself on Matthew’s page. It was definitely an unhealthy habit you had picked up since splitting. You couldn’t help it though, he was following new ig models everyday and in a sick way, you liked to compare yourself to them. It was a reminder that you weren’t what Matt wanted and Matt couldn’t be what you wanted anymore.
“y/n y/l/n” you looked up from your phone as your name was called “We’re ready for you”
You followed the nurse back to a bathroom located right next door to the exam room you usually got checked out in. The nurse handed you a cup to pee in, as you usually did at these types of appointments, and instructed you to change into a gown in exam room #2 once you finished up in the bathroom.
After you changed into the gown, the nurse came back to collect your sample and left you sitting on the exam table as you scrolled on your phone again, waiting for Dr. Cooper to come in.
“Y/n, congratulation you’re pregnant” Dr. Cooper walked in holding your charts. You had been going to Dr. Cooper since you were 16 and you had built a nice relationship through the years, talking about your personal lives and future plans during appointments. He was aware of your long term relationship with Matthew and by his enthusiastic tone and happy energy, it was clear that he was unaware of your recent breakup. You obviously didn’t expect him to know, the breakup was new and you only see him a couple times out of the year.
You couldn’t even process the news or anything else Dr. C had to say after that. Everything went fuzzy and it felt like you were in some crazy nightmare that you couldn’t wake up from. The only thing you did hear him say was that he expected you to be 8 weeks along from the information you told him and the ultrasound he performed.
You were a traditional person and always imagined you would be married or at least in a committed relationship before getting pregnant, so this entire situation had you in shock.
You were so numb from the news that you continued on throughout your day as normal, unsure of what else to do. But as you pulled into the parking lot of your apartment building, you rushed to get inside so you could finally breakdown and feel everything you had pushed aside for the past few hours.
You were silently praying your roommate wasn’t home when you walked through the door of your shared apartment so you didn’t have to face anyone. To your dismay, she was sitting in the living room calling for you when you walked through the door.
You hadn’t told her that you and Matthew broke up because you were so ashamed that the man you thought you’d spend the rest of you life with , didn’t feel the same way for you. The past 3 weeks you had been pretending Matt was away on a road trip or too busy with hockey to hang out whenever she asked about him. At this point you needed to get this off you chest so you walked right into the living room, sat down next to her, and unloaded the entire story before she even had the chance to say hello. As you spoke, her face turned from confusion to concern.
“Kay idk what to do, I don’t even want to tell him because I don’t need his help, but i feel icky when I think about having his baby and keeping it a secret.” You guys were talking through what you were gonna do about the situation.
Kaylee was the perfect person to ask because she also knew Matthew really well! Kaylee was the one who introduced you to Matt in the first place almost 3 years ago. They continually ran into each other while out at bars and talked so often they eventually became good friends. Being Kaylees best friend, you were later introduced to Matthew at a bar and you guys hit it off right away. You became really close friends and later started dating after a typical drunk love confession.
“And you’re definitely sure it’s Matt’s? Like there’s no chance it’s someone else’s right?”
“Yes of course I haven’t talk to anyone since the breakup, let alone slept with anyone!”
“I just want to make sure cause you didn’t even tell me you guys broke up, I wasn’t sure if I was missing any other important parts of the story” she paused for a second giving you a sympathetic look. The father was indisputable since you had only been with one man in the last two years.
“he’s a good guy y/n/n, I think he will be really understanding and a good father, it’s important you tell him, him and his family would want to know” She was right, she always is.
Before your talk with Kaylee, you fully prepared yourself to raise the baby on your own and expected nothing from Matthew. But when you thought about his family, a family that you had become a part of in the two years you were together, you couldn’t help but think of how disappointed they would be if they ever found out that you kept a part of them a secret. You had become extremely close with Brady and Taryn and their parents treated you like one of their own. They loved you and would unconditionally love your child, it wasn’t fair to them and more importantly, it wasn’t fair to your baby to keep them apart.
After a week of thoroughly thinking through all your options, you finally took Kaylees advice and reached out to Matt. You almost hoped he wouldn’t see your message or he would see it and just ignore it since you two hadn’t communicated since the breakup.
Hey Matty, it’s y/n, I’m not sure if you have free time in the near future but I kinda need to talk to you!
To your surprised he responded within minutes of your text.
I’m happy you reached out, lets meet up! Can you do lunch tomorrow? Our usual lunch spot?
This all seemed too familiar, why was he texting you like you had never broken up and why did he respond at all? He could have easily said he was busy or trying to move on and didn’t want to talk, but he didn’t.
I was actually thinking we could do takeout or something and eat at my apartment?
You figure a private setting would be better for the news you were about to spring on him since you weren’t sure of the reaction you were going to get.
Anything works babe
He had practice the next morning and a free afternoon so it was the perfect opportunity to tell him, giving him time to process since he had nothing going on for the rest of the day.
Matthew walked up to your apartment door the next day giving it his signature knock. You slowly walked to the door, opening it to find him standing there, carrying the to-go bags, filled with your favorite meal and wearing his perfect smile that almost made you forget why you called him over in the first place.
As you went to greet him, you caught a slight whiff of the food and the nausea that washed over you was so sudden and instantaneous, you almost didn’t make it to the bathroom.
On your run to the bathroom, you heard Matt’s footsteps following closely behind, but luckily you had enough time to lock the bathroom door before emptying the contents of you stomach in the toilet.
Matthew sat outside the bathroom knocking lightly “y/n are you okay” he waited patiently for your response.
When you felt the wave of nausea had completely passed, you stood up, flushing the toilet and making your way to the sink to rid your mouth of the taste that plagued it.
As you opened the door to the bathroom you were met with Matt’s concern filled face. If throughout your lunch date you wanted to change your mind about telling him, that option was completely off the table now. You had no choice but to explain what was going on and you just wanted to get it over with.
Matthew stood there staring, waiting for a response. “I’m pregnant” was all you could come up with.
He stared at you in complete disbelief but then realization washed over his face. “Who’s the father” was all he could manage, as if you would invite him over to tell him you were pregnant with someone else’s kid.
You wanted to roll your eye but they were so full of tears, you were scared that if you moved them, the tears would start running and you would fall apart in front of him.
“Yours” you whispered with a cold tone trying your best to keep your emotions at bay.
Matthew had alway wanted to be a dad and was great with his teammates kids, so you weren’t entirely surprised when he told you he wanted to be a part of your kids life.
You two spent countless hours and had countless lunch dates over the course of your pregnancy, talking about how you were going to co-parent and make everything work. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t secretly wish that you and Matt would end up back together, raising the family you always dream of having, but it seemed that ship had sailed for Matthew. His only concern was making sure his kid lived a happy and healthy life.
You were now waiting for a response from your ex on why he was still sitting in your kitchen so late at night.
“No no, Reign is fine everything is fine, I just need to talk to you about something” he said, not making eye contact with you. You were even more nervous now because you had no guess as to what he could possibly want to talk about.
“I’m talking to this girl” your entire world stopped spinning and your ears started to ring a little. You still weren’t use to Matthew talking to other women, you probably wouldn’t be for a long time, and now he wanted to talk to you about one of his hoes?
“Ummm okay” you said, unsure how you were even suppose to respond. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Things between us are getting a little more serious” you could literally feel you heart aching in your chest, but you continued to act unfazed by Matt’s admission. “I was just wondering what the appropriate time would be to introduce her to Reign”
You were almost stunned that he was even asking you such a stupid question. If it were up to you, Reign was never going to meet some trashy whore his father would bang every once in a while. Your son was only 3 months old, so to think that introducing him to a random, clout chaser was even an option for Matthew, made you extremely angry. Or maybe you were just jealous he had been seeing someone and it had gotten so serious that he was willing to introduce her to his newborn son.
You can’t even describe the feeling of the love of your life breaking up with you because ‘he wasn’t ready for commitment’, and then not even a year later he is in a serious relationship again but with someone else. You couldn’t help but think everything Matthew had told you was a lie, that he wasn’t afraid of committing, he was just afraid of committing to you.
“Y/n/n, did you hear my question?”
“Obviously” you spat “I just have to think, I wasn’t exactly prepared for this kind of question tonight or honestly at any point in the near future so I need time to think about it” you were bitter but you tried your hardest to not make it seem that way as you spoke.
“Take all the time you need, no rush, we’re obviously new to this whole parenting and co-parenting thing so we don’t have all the answers yet, but I don’t want to do anything you aren’t comfortable with.” He finally made eye contact with you for the first time all night. You forgot how pretty his eyes were.
“Thanks for checking in with me, ill let you know when I figure it out” and with that he got up and made his way out of your apartment.
“Goodnight y/n” he said as he opened the front door and pulled his car keys out of his pocket.
“Night” you responded as you close the door behind him. Just as the door closed, Reign’s screams came over the baby monitor, distracting you before you had too much time to think about how alone you actually were.
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thran-duils · 3 years
Lost in Zero Gravity (P.7)
Title: Lost In Zero Gravity (Part Seven) Summary:  Fem!Reader x Mob Boss!Tony Stark x Mob Boss!Steve Rogers.  Reader is a call girl who runs high end parties. She catches the attention of Tony Stark who invites her back to his room with his friend. She might have performed too well because she becomes their new favorite play toy and they don’t like to share. Words: 2,118 Warnings (for the fic in entirety): Smut, prostitution, infidelity, angst, domestic violence, stalking, possessive behavior Author’s Note: This is more fluffy smut. I needed some buffer before the next drama drops!
Part Six || Part Eight || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
Steve was gone when you woke up. Probably for the best because you were still a little on edge about the name issue. Stretching, you looked at the clock. He left very early apparently because it was almost 6:00am now. You kicked the covers back and got out of bed.
Picking up your phone, you saw a text from Elisha. She wanted to see you and visit your place.
Texting Steve, you asked, Can I have someone over?
He did not respond for a few moments as you sat there waiting for the three dots to show up to show he was typing. Exhaling disappointed, you decided to go take a shower and tried to enjoy the warm water. When you got out and got dressed, he had still not responded.
A friend. Elisha. Not a john.You sent, hoping to clarify if there was any doubt about your intentions of having someone over.
That seemed to do the trick because he responded almost immediately as you walked towards the kitchen to make breakfast.
Soon. Get settled in first.
Sighing, you tossed your phone back onto the counter and went back to grabbing eggs out of the fridge.
They had not visited for a couple days and you had enjoyed the solitude to be honest. No schedule, no one else taking up your space. You were standing in your kitchen in a lounge bra and your underwear, eating a bagel you had just toasted.
It was later than normal than you would wake up. The blame could lie at the feet of the fact you had stayed awake to the wee hours of the morning binge watching videos on your phone.
You noticed your phone light up as you took another bite. Chewing, you leaned forward, seeing it was Tony.
Get ready quick. We’re going to go get your cat.
You only sat there for a second before your face broke out into a smile and then you shoved your bagel in your mouth, finishing in a rush. It was short notice, but you were excited about the cat for one but also to get out of the apartment. You had been in here for a damn week.
Rushing to your room, you threw on some casual clothes. You stopped for a moment in front of your mirror and sucked in your bottom lip. Should you have something a little sexier on? You debated for a few seconds before you waved it off; this was to get a cat, not give a lap dance.
Tony arrived not more than thirty minutes later, and you were pacing, ready for him in the living room when he let himself in.
He stopped, narrowing his eyes at you. You asked, “What?”
“Don’t think I’ve ever seen you in jeans before, that’s all.” He dragged his eyes down and snapped them back up to meet yours. “The fit is nice.”
“Glad to know my outfit is approved. You’re also wearing jeans. Are we going?”
Tony chortled, “Impatient. After you.” He followed you out of the apartment, locking the door behind him.
Terrence was waiting in the hall and he asked, “Who is driving you today, boss?”
Tony told him, “I’m driving.”
Stalling your stride, you looked at him shocked. “You’re driving?”
“Yes, why do you look shocked? I can drive,” Tony told you, his arm slipping around your waist as he led you to the elevator. “I’m an adult, I have my license. I assure you.”
“I don’t think I’ve seen you drive yet.”
“Seems like today is having a lot of firsts already.”
His car was waiting out front, one of his people keeping a watch out on it. They moved away as soon as they spotted him coming out. Tony came over to the car, opening the passenger door for you.
“A two-seater convertible?” you asked. “Really? You think the cat is gonna like that? Or me for that matter? Having to hold the carrier in my lap?”
Tony gestured you in, “Get in, baby. I’ve got someone following us.” He threw his hand up behind the car to the black SUV parked behind. The person who had been standing by the car was sitting in the driver’s seat. “They’ll bring the cat back with them. Enclosed space. I’m not a sadist. I just wanted to have a fun drive with you.”
You refrained from commenting about wasted gas as you did as he asked, him closing the door behind you and coming around the front of the car to get into the driver’s seat, adjusting his jacket.
“It is a nice car,” you admitted, buckling in. “What is it?”
“An Audi,” Tony said pressing the start.
“I saw that. I’m not an idiot, Tony. What model?”
Tony smiled at your scorn. “I know you’re not. A Spyder.”
You frowned, “I’m not sure I’m fond of that name—”
You yelped as he pulled away from the curb, shooting off into the road. Tony laughed amused at your reaction at the sudden movement.
“Oh, love, just wait until we get out onto the highway,” Tony smirked. “I’ll show off this engine for you.”
“It’s pretty, but the hair,” you commented as Tony pointed out a Persian cat at the shelter.
Tony eyed the cat closely as you moved on.
“Oh my fucking god!” you said excitedly, coming up to the next cage to a cat already pressing its head against the gate for pets.
Tony came up next to you and said, “So what was that complaint about hair…?”
“Yeah, but this is a Maine Coon! A mix, but still.” You saw he looked confused, and you said firmly. “I want this one.” Tony rose his brows now, giving you a challenging look and you pressed, “They’ve got great personalities! I had one as a kid. They act like dogs but they’re just big ass fluffy cats! And look, it’s a Tuxedo!”
“The hair,” Tony repeated. “My suits. You know, I’m really rethinking this now…”
“You cannot tell me you brought me in here just to not take one home. That would just be cruel.”
Tony smacked his lips and said, “You’re right. Carry on. No white hair though.”
“She doesn’t have white hair. It’s browns and greys,” you pointed out as you continued petting the Maine Coon. “Look at the little marking on her forehead! And she likes me! You can’t leave her here now!”
He stared at you for a few seconds before closing his eyes and exhaling. You held back from bouncing on your heels, knowing you had broke him. You turned back fully to the cage and stuck your fingers back through, her brushing her head against your head in earnest.
“You’re coming home with me,” you told her excitedly.
On the way back home, your arm reached across, your fingers tip toeing up Tony’s thigh. The wind was whipping around the two of you as he sped down the highway. You saw that the SUV had lost the two of you a while ago since Tony had kept passing people, weaving into the left lane to jerk back into the right lane around curves. The danger was hot and you wanted more.
Your fingers brushed his crotch and he shot you a quick look, shaking his head. You pouted and he said loudly over the wind, “No.”
“Have you ever had road head?”
“Are you really asking me that?”
You shrugged, “Just thought you would like it!”
“Yeah and if it’s on a drone or helicopter cam somehow – cause if you haven’t noticed, there’s no roof on this car – that I had some woman going down on me on the highway? How am I gonna explain that?”
“Don’t tell me you’re actually starting to grow a conscience, Tony.”
That drew a grin out of him, shooting you a mischievous look. He cleared his throat and pressed a button, giving a bit more space between his lap and the steering wheel. Second time breaking his resolve today. It did not seem to take much when it came to you.
Unbuckling yourself, you leaned over the middle console working on his zipper. You pulled his cock out of his jeans, running your hand up and down it sensually. He tasted like salt and sweat as you took him into your mouth, trying to help it along quicker. Tony groaned, and you felt him tense. You imagined his hands tightening on the wheel, trying to keep himself focused on the road.
“I gotta pull off,” he grunted.
This did not stop you from working your mouth up and down his dick. The car veered a little, into a highway pull off you concluded.
He pressed a button the steering wheel. He pulled you away from his dick, and blocked access. Or tried to. You moved down, running your tongue across his balls, flicking.
It was too much apparently.
“Give me 15 seconds,” he breathed at you, blocking you again from swallowing him. You kissed his hand, running your tongue up his fingers. His lips twitched despite himself and he cleared his throat roughly. He jerked his hand back, giving you a light, discouraging slap. You moved back then, and he leveled you with a look. Pouting, you laid your chin on his thigh. His hand came to run over your head before straightening up when a voice came over his speaker.
“Boss? Are you alright?”
“No, go on if you pass me. I’m pulled off. I’m fine. Just take the cat back.”
“It’s crying a lot because of the weaving highway.”
“I know it is, I can hear it.” That was not a lie; it’s whines were coming over the phone call. “I’ve got something to finish here though, so just go on. Like I said! I gotta go.”
As soon as he pressed the button on the steering wheel, he tapped your head. “Alright, resume, love.”
When you got home, Tony encouraged you ahead; he needed to talk to Daryl really quick. When you got into the apartment, the cat was nowhere to be found. You took off, throwing your bag onto the counter, searching closets. You found her cowering under the bed up against the wall. You tried to coax her out with soft noises and holding your hand out but she just put her ears back, snuggling closer to the wall.
Tony’s footfalls came down the hall and you heard him come into the bedroom.
Pushing yourself up from underneath the bed, you came up onto your knees.
“She’s hiding,” you told him, standing up.
“Maybe try with the treats you bought later,” Tony suggested, his hands in his pockets.
You shrugged, “Maybe. She’ll come out for food when she’s ready. Probably when I’m asleep.”
You walked over to your closet and closed the door to shut off another place for her to go and hide. You wanted to be able to check up on her and limiting the spaces to search would help.
“Well, I have to go do some work today at some point, so, that’s now,” Tony commented and you turned back to him, finding him close. “You can get the letter box and everything set up?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“Good,” he said to you, giving you a peck on the cheek before turning away.
Suddenly, it came to you again, the last night with Steve. Maybe Tony knew, although a part of you was screaming at you to let it lie. But, despite your better judgment, you reached out, stopping his movement. “Can I ask you something?”
“Who’s Cecile?”
Tony looked at you with all shades of suspicious, his mood completely altered by the question. There was a dangerous underlying tone to his question, “Why do you ask?”
You shrugged, letting your hand fall from his arm, suddenly not interested based off his reaction to the question. “Never mind.”
“Why do you ask?” he repeated more forcibly.
Trying to be nonchalant, you said, “Steve called me it when we had sex last. It was just weird. He’s never done it before. It threw me off. That’s all.” Tony ground his teeth, watching you intently, not saying anything. You forced a small smile. “Really, it’s not a big deal. He did not seem to even realize he had done it. I was just curious.”
He obviously did not feel the same. Tightly he said, “I’ll leave you to help the little runt settle in.” He left you then in the bedroom without a second glance.
Something told you that you should not have asked about it and that was not where that conversation was going to end.
Forever tags: @coconutqueen21 @undecidedsworld
Fic tags: @icant-hangout-imdrumming @oceaniamaddness @multifandom-superlover @imsonick @holl2712 @here4thefanfics
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