#i wish i was made out of porcelain or glass or plastic or fabric...
doebt · 5 years
also ugh idk whats overcome me lately but im like kind of freaking out like i feel soooo disgusting and gross and like............ive always been insecure but this is like a whole new level...like i dont want to inhabit a body... soooo badly
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theganymedes · 3 years
LIBRA MOONBEAM [ k. sae-byeok ]
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content warnings — intoxication, swear words, i think.
synopsis — the moon is in libra, and you're drunk off it's influence, (and alcohol!) — spellbinded by saebyeok's beauty, you can no longer keep quiet about your feelings.
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If you could, you’d bottle the scent of Saebyeok’s skin. It stupefies you, truly. How can her porcelain pores just ooze of such fragrance? Like her insides are billowing in Bulgarian rose petals and she sweats magnolia musk.
    In reality, she wears a unisex cologne, and you're just really fucking drunk.
    You nuzzle your nose closer into her chest, sniffing softly, and exhaling in content as Saebyeok carries you bridal-style through the parking lot, escorting you to your condo building.
    "Stop that." Sternly, she scolds you. "We're almost there."
    She can't help but to groan out each syllable. Right now, Saebyeok hates your intoxicated guts.
    You're her best friend — the best one she could've never imagined existed. Special was an understatement. You're almost unreal in a way — she sometimes wonders if you're even from this planet, as the little twinkle in your irises often reminded her of the moon's beam.
    For you, she cared alot more than you ever realized.
    But drunk you? Oh, drunk you is just a complete asshole. A ruthless flirt, always toying with her emotions.
    You glance up at her, lashes fluttering like violin strings serenading her with the heart aching hum of her soul.
   "You're so beautiful, Sae."
    It's infuriating to Saebyeok — how casually your melodic vocals sing sugary praises to her — As if you hadn't just made her heart play hopscotch in her chest, like she wasn't losing her breath as your supple fingertips brush against her exposed skin,
    Like this all wouldn't be a fever dream in the morning when sober you returns.
  It was difficult enough being so close to you all the time, yet still not close enough... knowing she'd probably never get that close without the risk of losing you looming.
    She doesn't need you dangling it in her face.
   So, she ignores you, jaw clenching and avoiding your eye contact.
    "Shut up already." Saebyeok grumbles with a scoff, rushing to fiddle with the house key stuffed in her pockets.
    You let out a tiny giggle when she whips her head to the side as the compliment slurs off your lips.
    It was cute — her attempt to hide the blooming blush rising to her cheeks in the shadows of her raven dark tresses before you could tease.
    Too late. And her hair was a tad too short.
   "You're so cute when you're flustered," You coo, tucking her shallow shield behind her ear to witness the apexing florid shade highlight the constellation of freckles occupying space on her face.
    Her face, just alike outer space  — one glimpse at her, and you were stargazing, floating in a celestial bliss. Within every little star, each little freckle, there lied a mythology that fabricated the godsend that was her.
   You wanted to know about them all. Every little thing about her. You wish you were from her galaxy.
    "You're so heavy when you're drunk." She mocks in a gruff mumble, thrusting open the door. 
    Ever so gently, Saebyeok deploys your body onto the loveseat sofa of your living room before wandering off to your kitchen.
    Sleep wears on you, but your eyes remain awake, lulling on her figure as she manages to concoct some hangover helper from various ingredients in the cupboards.
    There's a truth tap-dancing on your tongue and something about tonight — Something about how the moonlight croons a sparkling sonata, hopelessly paving through the kitchen curtains, as if it's only orbiting wish is to get the chance to compliment and kiss her — It makes you wanna compliment and kiss her too. It makes it all too taut to swallow any longer.
    Saebyeok paces back over to you, a glass half full in hand that she places on the coffee table before you, along side a small plastic bag she sets on the floor, just in case.
    Desperately, she defies your soul snatching stare and idiot grin while prompting a decorative pillow neath your dazed head, faces hardly an inch apart.
    Without much thought, you snuggle your face into the crook of her neck, to which she immediately shrugs her shoulder to shove you off.
    You pout at her, incoherently muttering, "What was that for?"
    She discourages the warmth the runs up her nape, racking her brain for a smart retort.
  "No offense, but you smell. Like very bad." Saebyeok says. It isn't that much of a lie, considering you reek of eau de tequila.
   "And you smell good." Chewing on your bottom lip, you boop her nose playfully. "Like very good."
  She masks her giggle of flattery with a breathy scoff, still eluding your eyes with the task of unraveling a throw blanket.
   "Tell me something I don't know."
   And then, you surprisingly shut up, maybe even sobering for a second.
    Nervously, Sae finally looks at you and noting the nauseous expression on your face, she quickly reaches for the vomit bag.
    But you don't vomit. Instead, you gulp thickly before sighing in guilt.
    "Well... Last week, me and Cheol did a pantry heist and had a sleep over behind your back." Your head is in your lap, twiddling with your thumbs.
   This time, she isn't strong enough to withhold the howling laughter that erupts for her stomach — The adorableness is too powerful.
    Your little accomplice wasn't as hard to shake down as you thought.
    Regardless, it seems to be worth hearing the sound of her untamed hysterics charming your ears — It shocks you and your head shoots up to catch sight of the wild grin painting her features pink, causing butterflies to grace your ribcage, a smile of your own cracking the corners of your lips.
  "I knew that." She snorts, her laughter still dying slowly.
  "We finished the last two episodes of Stranger Things without you."
  Rolling her eyes, she wraps the blanket around you and sends you a hard glare, a little less amused. "That too."
  The audacity of you two was beyond her — You and Cheol both begged her not to watch it, swearing to her the Netflix series would be absolute garbage, and then, having the nerve to binge it without her.
  You guys were made for each other, Saebyeok's sure.
  "I'm in love with you and I really wanna kiss you right now." You confess all too quickly.
  Her laughter is finally dead. You kill it so smoothly, she could've never guessed it was coming — She gawks at you with doe eyes, utterly stunned, a cough escaping her lips as her windpipe gets tight.
  Her reaction only makes your smile widen.
  "You're drunk." Saebyeok has to convince her head before her heart hears you. She scrambles, grabbing for the hangover juice off the coaster. "Here. Drink this now."
    You spring up promptly, decreasing the proximity between your bodies.
   "Drunk words are sober thoughts." You quickly rebuttal back, not missing a beat to deny her false claim. "I mean it, Sae."
     And you did. You loved Saebyeok so, and you'd scream about it until your vocal chords were mottled and the world caves in.
  "Drunk words are unreliable." She counters, gesturing to you the glass once more.  "Take the cup, (name)."
You accept the cup, but not her avoidant reply. "Well, you're not drunk... Do you wanna kiss me back?" Voice that of a whisper, you ask her.
  You watch anxiously as she glides the pad of her thumb across the scar on her neck — her tell that she was highly strung.
   But eventually she aligns her sights with yours, her gaze slightly timid.
  "Not like this." She murmurs softly.
    And the twinkle — that little twinkle she adored so much, that she swears was just as bright as the moon's beam that night— It glitters in your irises like igniting sparks, a blaze of ardor kindling within you.
    "Then stay, please." You implore her eagerly, sitting up on your knees. "And you can kiss me in the morning."
  Saebyeok chuckles, like you were silly.
   "I wasn't going to leave anyway."
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wonderland wayfinding. squid game m.list.
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all-about-seggs · 4 years
Taming of the Lion-
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Pairing: Timeskip! (Model) Lev Haiba x femme! Reader
Warnings- CBT, dom Reader, a bit of power play, handjob.
A/n- This is my delayed contribution to the Hard at work Collab that I was really looking forward to until college say no😞. I'm sorry for the disappointing work.
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"Miss y/n is ready to see you now", the sharp looking secretary politely gestured towards the classy mahogany door that opened to show the office of the current CEO of a high end fashion brand that was ruling all the gigantic billboards of Russia these days.
Today was the first interview, the first meeting infact that you allowed to get an over-all idea how this investment would go should you decide to work with him. The post as its brand ambassador was not yet given to Lev but his puffed chest and confident smirk would suggest otherwise.
He entered with the same unreasonable confidence that he carried since highschool, bright green eyes that seemed to sparkle when catching light and a haughty smirk.
Lev didn't missed a beat when he saw your table stacked with the magazines he was doing the front cover for.
" Amazing aren't they?!", His bubbly excitement surface in a second and it took a few moments for you to register his child like response.
Even though you didn't judged him based on how he looked on the photos you still didn't expected him to be a himbo with no sense of self restraint. But he appeared to be oblivious to your shock and went on.
" This one was just a gig my sister got me when I was just starting out but I bet you can't tell me apart from a professional huh, oh and this one is-," he giddly pointed to one picture after another telling you all of their history and after a few minutes your patience ran out.
Shoving those magazines aside you got to the point.
" How far are you willing to go for this job?", A little suggestive based on the interpretation but you tested him anyway, eyebrows raising as if to urge him to respond.
" I'm not sure I understand.....", Seeing him genuinely perplexed you put your elbows on the huge glass table and rested you chin in your palms before speaking.
" One thing is clear to me and it's that you, Mr. Lev, are still an ameture who lacks experience. So how much are you willing to give to this job?"
" Well it should go without saying that I'm always ready to learn new things and tricks! And just because I'm young doesn't mean I'll do a sloppy job", his pout and way of speaking was crude but it had a certain charm. The kind of pureness that doesn't come by all that often and a sudden need to whip him into a shape you saw fit was already making its way into your head.
" Then let's start you lessons right away, shall we?", Leaning back on your chair you pointed at his clothes before speaking.
"Strip.", You thought he'd atleast argue a little first but at soon as you lifted your eyes he was already halfway naked. Your lips quirked in a natural smile, watching his sculpted body in the bright top floor of the office buliding. Not a shy boy atleast, you thought.
Living in the glamorous world of fashion you encounter more than a few people wanting to please you to get in your good side but this was one of the few instances where you felt like indulging in for yourself. And you had the power to get what you wanted and the person in front of you was just waiting for you to devour him at any given moment.
"You have pretty knees, all unblemished and unrealistically perfect. I'll try not to ruin them too much", with that you casually stood up from your leather chair and walked towards the last shelf of your office's mini library.
Without looking back you continued, " You see, Lev, if you want to really understand the inspiration behind my brand then you have to experience first hand submission. Afterall, it's made for women of the highest class and positions. The kind of women", Turning around you see him awkwardly covering his thick member,
" that doesn't bend for anyone". Lev atleast got the gist of your innuendo by now, but his habit of diving headfirst into an unknown situation was proving to be rather scary as soon as he saw you pull out a few metal and plastic items that appeared to be sex toys from the middle of the shelf lined with magazines and books.
"Hmmmmm, not bad", words of appraisal fell from your lips as Lev's toned body was displayed out in front of you to admire from an even more closer space, shamelessly so. From his pretty pink nipples to his equally pretty cock you drank in all his details before whipping out your gear.
"Well now, it's bigger than I thought..... This Ball stretcher might not fit afterall," eyeing his cock you quickly look over to the toy in your hand before deciding to givi it a try after all. As Lev saw you approach him with a frighteningly slow pace he backed up a little.
"Do- Do I really have to do this? I doesn't look like it'll fit!", His hesitant voice now contrasted with the self assured tone that he carried before and the helpless look in his emerald green eyes only made you want to play with him further, afterall, it wasn't everyday a mere model piqued your interest like he did and you didn't mind having a pet for entertainment purposes.
"Ofcourse. If you can't even handle this much then how do you intend to please the millions of women out there who like and endorse my brand?", Finally cornering him in a place you nonchalantly grab his balls to fit the toy in hand and soon his soft balls were under the metallic ring that stretched them nicely. He kept jolting at the slightest brush of your hands against his bare skin and you lightly slap his hardened shaft.
His moans were like little squeeks and it was starting to arouse you, the submissive nature of which encouraged your sadistic streak. Caressing his balls a little more you lead him towards the low coffee table.
"On your knees", on the plush carpet underneath, you asked Lev to show his cute ass.
Down on the floor, Lev bend forward until his face and chest touched the ground. His ass up in the air, like a piece of art his every muscle glistened in the morning light, illuminating his porcelain skin. You kneel down behind him to give his ass cheek a firm slap, making him jolt a little from the stinging pleasure, the metal rings wrapped around his balls adding to the impact.
It was adorable, how someone of his gigantic size and stature was now below you mewling like a kitten. You gently touch the sensitive tip of his cock, already hard and ready to be used as you wished. Grazing a thumb over his leaking precum you lubed your fingers enough to strok him without causing friction burns.
"How would you like it if I took a photo of you right now. Face down and ass up like a slut who just wants to cum?" Your authorative voice bommed in his ears and he was blushing all the way to his neck by now.
You disregarded the few incoherent sounds he made and grabbed his shaft and started stroking him roughly. In circular motion, your hands that barely wrapped around his thick cock moved up and down in a vigorous speed. You could feel him tremble beneath your hands, his member throbbing in your hand and the constant pleas to let him cum was a brilliant sight to behold.
His balls felt heavy due to the toy and Lev's orgasm equally intense left his entire body shaking violently. If the office walls weren't as expensively thick as they were his high pitched screams would've probably knocked out a few unsuspecting workers off of their seats.
The place below his softening cock was wet with his cum, the thick white fluid soaking through the fabric of the carpet and you could already imagine ordering him to lick it clean while you watched. The things you wanted to do to him. The things you wanted him to do to you but the train of you fantasies was soon cut short when you suddenly hear a knock on your door.
Your assistant called to remind you of your next appointment and a frown quickly made its way onto your face and you begrudgingly lift head, only to see his eyes still dazed from your previous session. He seemed like he was still alert enough to process the situation so you tried to push his limits a bit more.
Tugging him by his hair, you tilt his head back to look at his spent face, "Now let's get you dolled up for round two shall we?", His beautiful swollen lips formed a soft smile before speaking
" So I got the job right?".
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brideofcthulhu10 · 4 years
Ok I’m at work and I cannot stop thinking about a soulmate au with Dwayne (because he’s my fave) where a psychic or someone tells him that he’ll meet someone with like a specific tattoo or birthmark
Sure thing! Currently the child birth post is taking a lot longer than I expected, I’ve only just finished the David segment, I still have Paul, Marko and Dwayne to go but hopefully they’ll be done before Wednesday.
Dwayne’s Fate
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Halloween rolled in and yet the plethora of tourists never seemed to cease. All over the boardwalk they flocked to every newly decorated attraction, sporting cheesy plastic masks, sharing caramel apples, hugging each other as they went into the haunted house... Dwayne couldn’t help but feel the sharp pang of envy overtaking him. The young native pushed his mess of windblown black hair from his face, utterly tuned out while Marko and Paul were scoping out the beach honeys clad in bikinis and shorts. Instead he leaned on the handlebars of his bike, watching the couples pass by. Eighty-One Years. 
He had been a vampire for eighty-one years. In all that time he’d never considered anything outside of his own pack, his coven of brothers who had become vampires alongside him. It was decades of wild nights! He thought he could never want anything else. But when Michael waltzed in and swept up Star and Laddie... he felt almost dark, in a sense. 
Something changed in him the night he came back. He wasn’t sure how. What mattered was that he, and his brothers were alive once again. Well, not alive, but still. Now he was back to terrorizing the night time streets of Santa Carla like he always had. Only, it wasn’t like always.  A part of him wished there was something more to all this. He had hoped one day to settle down when he was still alive but opportunity seemed to be almost gone by this point. Drumming his fingers on the handlebars of his bike, Dwayne grew increasingly impatient remaining in place. Swinging his leg over his bike he sighed with Marko turning to watch the road hog waltz away.
“Hey, Dwayne, where you headed, man,” he called, looking up. 
“For a walk. I can’t sit here all night like you suckers,” Dwayne retorted, stuffing his hands in his jacket pockets. Silently he wove through bustling crowds, barely lifting his eyes. Anyone who was in his warpath quickly learned to dodge him. Thoughts plagued his head, more than he had before to the point they were cluttering against each other. 
“You there,” a voice called over the unruly sounds of Santa Carla. Dwayne hadn’t thought much of it until an elderly woman quickly wove through. “You! You! Yes, wendigo-boy!”
The term gave him pause, looking back at the silver haired crone waddling his way still pointing her dried up finger until it was inches from his nose. “Yes, I could sense the aura of you and your friends across the way. Your dark presence is unmistakable.”
Dwayne swatted her hand away with a grimace, taking a step back. “Bug off you old bat, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he hissed, turning from her.
“Your past may not define your future! It is not too late to find one who can bring light to your darkness,” she insisted, running in front of him. 
Again Dwayne groaned, This broad was persistent. Even when he tried to walk away a third time she managed to swoop around him. 
She was easily in her late 80′s with wiry silver hair barely contained in a low hanging bun. Feathers stuck out of her hair, clanking armfuls of metal bangles rang whenever she moved her hands. Each boney finger cracked, dawning a ring on each that barely hung of aged flesh. Beady brown eyes practically stared into his center which made it impossible to to look at her face. Whenever she spoke he could see her crooked snaggle tooth accompanying her worn voice, raspy as if she had swallowed sandpaper. Wrapped around her burnt orange dress was a worn leather belt chipping away sporting a purple satin bag tied around it. Whatever it was she wanted to discuss was not going to wait. When his internal debate grew to be too much, she finally snatched him firmly by his wrist and began to pull him where she was determined to be. There was no point in questioning any of this, all she did was answer in stupid riddles.
"All will be answered! But you come with now, otherwise you will miss it! Then who knows when it'll happen again."
"It". Whatever this "it" was carried some weight as she used the term frequently. Although reasonably irritated, something in Dwayne felt the need to follow. He resisted the urge to rip her arm out of it’s socket, and instead rapidly shuffled his feet so he didn’t step over the hobbling broad who couldn’t be more than five feet tall- even when she wasn’t hunched over. The way she wove through tourists was eerily timed. Almost perfect. Nothing caught her off guard. Bobbing and weaving. Worst of all no one was moving, everyone around them seemed utterly oblivious to her presence! Pulling him forward she shuffled her way to a small caravan. The dusty old piece was barely illuminated by a single light hanging over the door, wedged between the old donut place and the Santa Carla Gift Shoppe.
 Still clutching his arm, they continued up creaking wooden steps that practically sang as he carried himself atop them. He can as convinced any moment this whole thing was going to collapse. The red door swung open slowly on it's own. Must've been rigged or something to do that. Meanwhile Dwayne had to duck just to avoid hitting the doorway, not that it mattered to the scatterbrained lunatic he decided to follow. Only when they were indoor did she finally release his hand and immediately shut her door behind him. It was decently bigger than what was let on initially. Tucked away behind a thick red curtain was a bed built around an arching stained glass window. It must've been somewhat decent before, athough this woman was such a hoarder you wouldn’t be able to tell at first. What books didn't fill her towering cases were strewn about the the floor in piles. Pages were stained with ink, notes written in old languages stuck to the walls between massive oil paintings depicting glorious battles, mystic creatures, ancient ones he had never seen. Plants were either hanging from the ceiling or over grown in corners. Dwayne made the mistake of sniffing at the strange red mushrooms poking out a dense pot of wriggling soil. He immediately recoiled watching worms surface just to burrow beneath the cakey mud. There were chattering cages hidden behind the bedroom curtain, ones he couldn't see into. Lined up along the wall was an oak desk draped in a velvet purple fabric coated in metallic gold zodiac symbols, completely covered end to end in bizarre herbs, animal parts, even live critters kept in an array of apothecary jars. Shelves held more, beakers of unrecognizable fluids bubbling over rickety bunsen burners. Thick crystals caked in dust jutted out beside a faded wooden box with bizarre pieces of jewelry spilling over, cobwebs gathering in untouched nooks. Rather than lamps or lanterns she had candles everywhere. Dribbling onto the floor, pouring over wrought iron candelabras, wiggling wisps of light spilling around the corners. By the kitchen space were cabinets sporting different colors of even more candles, many carved into with unfamiliar writings. When Dwayne picked up a dirty bottle covered in cobwebs off the crowded oak desk, there was a loud THWACK that made his ears wring.
“Ow! Hey-!”
Before he turned around she had a broom to his face and smacked him again. “No touching,” she demanded, yanking the bottle from him. 
“If I wanted to, I could kill you, you old hag,” he snarled, rapidly stepping towards her with fangs bared. Again, broom.
“Hush! You are not as your bothers are. You desire the knowledge, yes?! You shall not get a word if Alma is dead. No use then!”
Dwayne grumbled a sour huff, rubbing the top of his head. Again he questioned his personal sanity for humoring this hag wielding a mighty broom.
All the while the self proclaimed Alma shuffled around him, snatching up handfuls of bottles and plopping then atop another overcrowded table. Repeatedly she used the words "fool" and "knows nothing" clearly referring to him. Mostly because every time she said those words she'd look over her shoulder at him.
Black as night, her worn iron stove roared when she stoked the fire withing it's oven. Just atop the surface was a heavy black kettle nestled above a scalding red coil. It rattled and hissed, moaning when plumes of steam billowed out into the air. She mumbled and “harumph”ed her way through the caravan. Clanking down a tea set on a worn old silver tray she rapidly shuffled back to her stove to retrieve the screaming kettle still singing it's tune. Without missing a beat she dropped something inside it. It took two trembling hands she poured the water over the strange herbs she had previously retrieved into two cups. The dainty porcelain pieces were etched in golden, ancient writings atop another circular table covered by a deep blue table cloth. With that, she plunked herself atop a creaking old chair, staring at Dwayne with those beady eyes . 
‘Why the fuck am I still here with this old bat?’
Dwayne barely managed to fit in the rickety old seat that squeaked beneath his weight, staring down at the petit cup. The muddied liquid still bubbled, steam spiraling to carry an unbelievably sickening scent. Not necessarily horrible, but utterly confusing. The more he looked at it the more it seemed alive. “I am not touching that.”
“Hush! Nonsense! You shall drink as Alma does, and you will see.”
Dwayne hesitated, watching her sip at the herbal concoction. This was clearly the dumbest decison of his afterlife, but he had already died twice. What was there to be afraid of?
 “On the boardwalk.. you called me ‘wendigo’. What makes you say that?”
“I can see your true form,” she calmly explained, setting down the cup. The leaves barely floated at the base. If he turned his head he swore he could see it forming into the shape of a fanged jaw wide open. “Blood and flesh pave your future, but even those who dwell in darkness deserve a lantern to ease the suffering.”
So, she knew what they were. What he was. “Then why help me if you know I’m a vampire,” he questioned, expecting the tea to be brewed with holy water. 
“It is not my place to judge your path. I have come across many of your kind in my years of living. They all do what they must. So, drink.”
Dwayne hesitated once more, only to lift the beverage to his lips. It was bitter. The taste was reminiscent of biting into tree bark, all he could do is scrunch his nose. 
Then, Alma’s figure began to vibrate. He could see pieces of her breaking off, the room surrounding him peeling away, like old paint off a dirty wall. Strips crumbled to his feet. He attempted to move only to find himself firmly planted to his seat. There was nothing. No sound, no sight, only black. 
With a sharp inhale he opened his eyes to streams of orange. A... sunset?
Dwayne was amazed he could even remember what a sun set looked like. However, there was nothing that could take away the memory of the fire that filled the edges of the sky. Drips of night seeped in, miles of tall wheat grasses swaying in the breeze enveloping him. Still wedged in place he could only sit there, savoring a sight he would never see again.
But when he heard it, and he froze. A laugh. A twinkling bell chiming from far away. Flashes of E/C orbs flickered holding the sun within. A pearly smile whispering his name so softly it sent chills running down his spine. S/C as smooth as satin running a hand on his arm. The face cut in and out, but what he continued to see over and over was a symbol. An inky raven with wings draped over a woven dream catcher. Thick cords wove between each other into intricate details, each hole giving him pieces of who she was. Yes, she. He could hear her voice vibrate through the air. Not what it was saying, but only the sounds it made. “Alright alright, enough,” a raspy voice commanded. 
Dwayne finally jumped up and out of his chair, crashing back down to earth and only the dusty floor of Alma’s caravan practically wheezing for air. He felt like he had just been running for hours!
“Come, come let’s not be dramatic,” Alma snorted, shuffling over to take his tea over to her rusty old wash pan piled with dishes. 
It took a moment to get ahold of his bearings, swearing if he had a heartbeat right now it’d be jumping through his ribs. “What... the fuck... did you give me?!”
“No time for that, child. The bird is waiting for you just beyond the docks,” she began to babble again. Bird? Again that raven flashed before his eyes while Alma pried him off the floor. 
“Wait- but I don’t- will you quit shoving me?!”
Alma continued to yank him until he was out the door barely catching himself as they ran down the steps. “Oooh any minute, any minute. No time for dawdling!”
Quickly she took him by his arm and swung him back out into the crowd, stumbling into a young woman who nearly yelped.
“Oh shit are you okay,” she asked. A few girls giggled at him until she made a face, waving them off. “Sorry I didn’t see you there. Are you alright uh-?”
Just across her collarbone sat a raven tattoo nestled across her chest with winds spread over a dream catcher trailing into her shirt, the trickles of beads left hidden in her blouse. When he looked into those perfect E/C orbs holding the sunset beneath them he could only smile, setting her heart immediately ablaze. With a massive blush tinting her cheeks an adorable crimson hue she pulled him to his feet, unaware once he was standing that she still had not let go of his arm. Looking behind him Dwayne still expected to see the batty old woman sitting outside her caravan. Instead... there was no one in sight. No caravan either. Just an empty alleyway only sporting a few dented old trash bins overflowing with garbage. Slowly he turned back to the girl, positioning himself closer as his crisp smile beamed over cinnamon flesh.
“Well what’s your name first?”
“Y/N,” she spoke with a tender tone, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear.
“Y/N. I’m Dwayne. Nice to meet you, princess.”
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i : the beginning of the end ( high low )
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high low ; miya atsumu x fem! reader
i. ii. iii. iv. v. [masterlist.]
───── ❝ high low ❞ ─────
[name] [surname] was off limits--
except miya atsumu finds himself
flirting with danger and becoming
rapidly addicted to the sparks between
what osamu doesn’t know won’t
kill him. will it?
───── ❝ high low ❞ ─────
 tags; mafia au, sexual content,
violence, strong  language, blood,
this chapter: mentions of domestic
abuse, violence, drowning, attempted
murder, etc.
───── ❝ high low ❞ ─────
one ; the beginning of the end
    “Holy shit, you look like hell.”
    [Name] [Surname] stood on her best friend’s porch with the aura of no less than a woman scorned, her faux mink coat doused in rain water and dripping all over the wooden floor beneath her feet, which were suspiciously bare. In her hand, dangling from her fingers by the heels, were four inch Jimmy Choos, the diamonds shining unusually under the porch light.
    By all accounts, the normally put together model was usually a sight to behold--except tonight, she looked like she had been held underwater for too long and left to dry out on a beach. Judging by the tight ring of bruises around her neck, smatters of blue and purple and red in the shape of fingers, that was exactly what had happened to her.
    “Can I come in?” she croaked, her voice a shattered whisper.
    Itō, Sayaka’s heart broke all over for her best friend.
    “Of course!” Sayaka opened the door wider for her to walk in. If she wasn’t so terrified of the girl bolting at the slightest agitation, she would have pulled her in for a hug. “Oh, honey, what did he do to you?”
    “You should see him,” [Name] laughed, though her vocal chords were destroyed and it was a false mimicry of one. “Shit. Can I get some water?”
    “Yeah, just throw everything in the dryer. You can have some of my clothes. There should be some clean laundry on top of the dresser; I’ll get Kuroo to drop by the store and pick up some clean underwear for you.”
    Once, [Name] would have argued that she didn’t want Kuroo to pick her up underwear--she could do it herself just fine. Instead, she hummed in that tired voice, peeled off her coat and exposed even more bruises and even bite marks all over her arms. Her dress was torn at the neck and gaped open to show older, more yellow bruises. Sayaka had to bite her lip to hide her gasp of shock.
    “Tell him I’ll pay him back for it,” the [color] haired girl replied.  She was slow in unzipping her dress, wincing at the soreness in her arms. “Can you unzip me?”
    “Of course.” When Sayaka reached forward, she half expected the flinch she got. She unzipped the dress and moved away quickly. “I’ll go get you some water and ibuprofen.”
    A few glasses of water and two ibuprofen later, [Name] sprawled out on the couch in a ratty t-shirt and men’s sweatpants that Kuroo had stolen from Lev during their highschool tournament. The TV played quietly, displaying some raunchy rom-com that Sayaka couldn’t be bothered to pay attention to; [Name] was completely absorbed in it, not even noticing as her friend braided her hair into two pigtails away from her face.
    “Have you told Osamu?” she prodded gently, smoothing away baby hairs from her forehead. “I’m sure he’d want to know.”
    Sayaka had never actually met Osamu, but knew him by word of mouth through Kuroo and [Name]. While Kuroo only ever had despairing comments about the male’s twin, [Name] was best friends with him and regularly spoke about him like he was the sun. It made her wonder why [Name] had never dated him, instead, if he was so wonderful in her eyes.
    “No,” the [color] haired girl mumbled. She buried her face in the t-shirt she wore, taking in the scent of detergent and clean fabric. It had been so long that she had worn something not smothered with perfume or cologne that she took a moment to savor it. “I left my phone back there. I didn’t even think. I just ran.”
    “Oh, honey…” Sayaka puttered her lips and forced the tears back. “It’s okay. Kuroo told me you have some money in your own account; is it enough to start you over?”
    “Yeah. I think so.” [Name] scooted closer and rested her head in Sayaka’s lap, pulling her knees up to her chest. “Around fifty million, the last I checked.”
    “That’s not even a drop in the bucket with how much you earned,” Sayaka whispered. Surprise rocked through her body. “Where did it all go?”
    “I put it all on offshore accounts.” Drowsy, [Name] was much more open with her finances--or perhaps she felt she had no reason to hide it from her any longer. “Shady stuff. He couldn’t know about it. I have around three hundred million on a bunch of different accounts all over the world. I hid the list of passwords in your room. Sorry.”
    “No. No, it’s fine.”
    She just wished that she had been able to help her more.
    “Knock, knock, ladies. Can I come in?”
    [Name] stiffened--but then relaxed completely when she recognized the smooth timbre of Kuroo’s voice, lazy and concerned. There was a rustling of plastic bags behind her and the sound of a door shutting.
    “Welcome home, honey,” Sayaka greeted him with a soft smile over [Name]’s head. His eyes zeroed in on the woman laying in her lap, scanning over the bruises on her throat and vanishing into her shirt. “Did you get some underwear for her?”
    “Yup.” He held up a plastic bag and shook it in her face. “I guessed at the size. And I brought pizza.”
    “I love pizza,” [Name] sighed, rubbing her tummy. “He never let me have pizza.”
    “Well, you can have all the pizza you want at the Kuroo household,” Kuroo said, plopping the box down on the table in the kitchen and handing Sayaka the bag of underwear. “I called Akaashi and he said he’d come and check you out; but he’s bringing Kou.”
    Both surveyed her face for any adverse reaction to Akaashi bringing a cop into the mix. All she did was sigh, take the underwear from Sayaka, and vanish down the hall into the bathroom. 
    “Damn. He did a real number on her, didn’t he?” Kuroo remarked slowly, noting that the bathroom door didn’t shut completely--likely on purpose. The lock made a funny noise when it was shut completely. “She never wanted Kou to come when shit like this happened.”
    “I think he finally broke her down,” Sayaka sighed and turned off the TV. “I think he tried to drown her in the bathtub, Tetsurou. There wasn’t enough rain outside to justify that amount of water.”
    The dark haired male’s eyes narrowed. “I’ll make a call to Daishou.”
    “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Her eyes flew to the bathroom door in concern. [Name] had yet to come out. “Involving the Yakuza like that?”
    Kuroo shrugged. “Daishou has always been fond of [Name], creepy as he is. Says his cousin works with her and adores her. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind keeping an eye out for her when he can.”
    “That’s not what I’m talking about and you know it,” she said, her glower pointed.
    “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he replied in the same breath, and Sayaka looked away. “It’s already been done.”
    [Name]’s ex’s fate had already been signed and sealed the moment she had showed up on her porch.
    Sayaka got up and knocked on the bathroom door gently. Kuroo meandered to the kitchen and pulled open a cabinet and the clinking of glasses was audible. “[Name]?”
    When she got no reply, she pushed the door open and sighed in relief.
    [Name] had fallen asleep, one leg in her sweatpants, cheek resting on the hard porcelain of the sink. Her soft snores were so peaceful that Sayaka didn’t want to wake her, but she needed food in her stomach and Akaashi was already on his way to examine her, and Kou--no doubt in his police cruiser--would be right behind him.
    “[Name], wake up,” she hummed gently, shaking her awake with a hand on her shoulder. Hazy [color] eyes opened and regarded her with confusion. “Come on. Let’s get you some pizza and let Akaashi take a look at you, alright?”
    “Okay,” the model replied tiredly, and Sayaka’s heart broke all over again at the childish agreement in her tone. “Can I call ‘Samu, though? I think he should know.”
    “Of course you can. Do you want water or tea?”
    “Just water.”
    Sayaka helped [Name] out of the bathroom, setting her down carefully on the couch. She handed her her phone, putting in the password and typing in Osamu’s phone number from memory. In an effort to give her privacy, she moved to the kitchen, where Kuroo folded her into his arms and the both of them silently listened to the no doubt heart wrenching conversation that was about to happen just feet away.
    When the phone picked up--an audible pause in the ringing tone--[Name] was silent.
    “I’m on my way.” Osamu’s tone booked no argument--it was firm, unlike him, and livid. “Sayaka’s?”
    “Yeah,” she replied, so soft it was a whisper. “It’s over.”
    “Good. Good.” [Name] heard a car door open and slam. A key being turned in the ignition. “I’ll be there in thirty minutes.”
    And for the first time in a very, very long time, [Name] [Surname] felt like she was loved.
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heavenage08 · 4 years
Delhi Federal Government Bans Over-The-Counter Sale Of Nsaids Without Prescription.
Having Lenses Replaced Into Existing Frames
#toc background: #f9f9f9;border: 1px solid #aaa;display: table;margin-bottom: 1em;padding: 1em;width: 350px; .toctitle font-weight: 700;text-align: center;
What Causes Ocular Pain?
Looking For A Reduced Vision Help To Eliminate Vision Loss? Take The Irisvision Test.
Common Eye Disorders.
What Is Glue For Glasses Frames.
Nose Pads Maintain Glasses Comfortable.
I Have A Disability Can Lenscrafters Accommodate Me?
It's inevitable that somewhere along the way they will obtain scrapes or break down. Axelrad M, Tosh M. Stacking up the leading 50 optical retailers. Walmart is today the third leading provider of optical products in the United States. Your optical method can inform you how much your NHS optical coupon is worth. Glues used for repairing the frames of glasses are not the like the ones utilized by youngsters for their arts as well as crafts tasks.
If you shed your specific fabric you can also make use of an additional microfiber towel. If you're using Felix Gray glasses or other glasses with anti-glare finishing the top priority is to prevent your glasses from ever before obtaining scratched. If you have any kind of more queries you can figure out just how to call us below. If your purchase was online you can find our full returns policy is outlined in the Legal Policy area.
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The greatest grievance I have regarding this item is the UV light, which, I assume, is not solid enough. You can adjust the nose pads to ensure that they keep the glasses frame in the best place.
What Triggers Eye Discomfort?
In fact, you can locate a lot of the products that you need in your house. Eyeglassescan break or bend when you bring them without a case, lay them on the table or accidentally drop them.
Looking For A Reduced Vision Help To Combat Vision Loss? Take The Irisvision Trial.
Yet be very cautious, due to the fact that even a tiny change of the nose pads will certainly change the fit dramatically. If you have actually acquired glasses online, before you begin your glasses fit modification, make sure you recognize exactly what it is you intend to accomplish. Both most common goals are to tighten frames while keeping the optical facility of the lens directly before your students, as well as to make using the glasses feel a lot more comfortable on your face. There are https://top-specs.co.uk/frame-and-lens-range/ of frame products, memory plastic frames as well as cable frames. It calls for treatment as well as persistence, and we warn that you must be very mindful.
Obtain a superglue that, other than being excellent at bonding plastics, can additionally stick together porcelains, wood, paper items, and also also steel. The glues also deal with non-porous materials like plastics, metal, and others.
Now, you require to readjust your eyeglasses frame so that it will always be properly positioned. If you need to wear glasses to compensate for your poor vision after that you recognize exactly how tough it is when your frames obtain accidentally damaged.
Unlike regular college glue, superglues dry and collection completely in secs. You seriously require to locate the most effective glue for glasses frames so you can do the repairs yourself. Even simply getting your spectacles frames skillfully repaired will set you back fairly a great deal of money.
Nonetheless, as soon as used and also cured, this stuff will certainly not be damaged and will certainly not give. It is due to the fact that because situation, you just require to wash the surface area with some soap as well as water and you are fine. It is not such as a superglue, which bonds to the skin and takes permanently to eliminate.
Widening the nose pads goes down the glasses lower down on your nose. Bringing the nose pads more detailed with each other elevates the glasses up on your nose.
Do not go back and also forth with your old glasses, also if your old set is extra comfortable. The switching will only make it harder for you to adapt to your new specs, and that will make the procedure take longer.
In a blind (or low-visibility) test, they operate nearly the same as brand-new. The hinge offers really little play and also they fold up perfectly for storage. The new joint is a tiny, attractive brass joint sold for usage on precious jewelry boxes or various other little wooden crafts. The bundle included two joints and also small brad nails, which will be conserved for later tasks. The brand is National with a component # V1810, Size 5/8" x 2-3/4".
Second, I utilized a basic BIC design lighter to heat the tip of the pliers' jaws. Nose pads are held together by tiny screws, usually like the ones from thetemple hinges. Think it or otherwise, toothpaste is effective in removing scrapes. You can fixsmall scratcheswithout needing to go to the facility.
Common Eye Disorders.
Silicone nose pads are more durable and also comfortable, and also protect against the glasses from slipping out of area. The majority of people that wear them don't typically require to recognize the components of glasses by name. But if you're ordering a new set or have issues with your existing glasses, recognizing the temples from the nose pads will certainly be valuable. As well as it's not a poor idea to know the feature of each different component of your glasses in instance they break and you require replacement parts. Glasses and also Sunglass Nosepads commonly deteriorate with time and also require to be replaced with a fresh set in order to maintain the comfort and also appropriate adjustment of an eyeglass frame.
If your acquisition was made in shop just return it to the store you bought from who will have the ability to assistance. If you experience lightheadedness or nausea or vomiting when wearing your brand-new glasses, it's likely that you're likewise dealing with deepness assumption concerns.
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Review the section above to find out exactly how to tighten plastic frames or metal frames. You can additionally make a very mild change of the pad arm, the tiny metal little bits that hold the nose pad.
You will certainly have a difficult time sticking things with bigger surface areas with each other using superglue due to the fact that there is very little air between part to promote the treating procedure. Your glasses will certainly not be the only thing in your house that will certainly need fixings, specifically if there are young kids around.
I located that as soon as dried, this adhesive comes to be completely waterproof and also heat-resistant. This brings about so many various applications not simply repairing broken glasses frames.
Most of the times you will not need to fit spectacles, but if you do, you can take them to a local optical store for a suitable. Look into these quick suggestions to readjust your spectacles frames. If you have wire frames, your glasses will have nose pads. These can be readjusted with an easy pinch or tug of the fingertips.
Can the optic nerve heal itself?
Damage to the optic nerve is irreversible because the cable of nerve fibers doesn't have the capacity to regenerate, or heal itself, when damage occurs. This is why glaucoma is an incurable disease at this point, and why early detection is so important.
This has actually lowered the amount of in-office customization which suggests that less as well as fewer opticians are performing these tasks.
As laid out in various other blog posts on this site, a giving optician might be called for to finish official education as well as training depending upon the state in which they function.
This is generally done to enhance office efficiency and also rise economic efficiency.
Those who appreciate dealing with individuals are motivated to find out more about the laws in their state and also start trying to find prospective job chances.
States that have no opticianry demands normally permit employers to train their opticians nonetheless they choose.
Several optical stores are now outsourcing lens modification orders to specialized labs.
Press pads internal if your glasses slide and also exterior if your glasses rest uncomfortably high or explore your nose. If you have plastic frames, you can bend the temple arms in or bent on aid change the means your glasses sit on your nose.
In most cases, the more you use your glasses, the quicker you'll get used to them. I wish I would certainly understood about this a year ago when my toddler tore my glasses apart. I liked your home heating the pliers suggestions as well as not heating up the plastic directly. All I considered while reviewing this is how much it should have drawn to do without glasses on. As a fellow four-eye I've bodged a number of fixes in time.
Who can diagnose eye problems?
Health professionals who are qualified to diagnose and treat eye diseases are optometrists and ophthalmologist. Ophthalmologists complete 4 years of medical school and perform 4 years of residency training.
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What Is Glue For Glasses Frames.
Additionally, when it concerns the strength of their bonds, superglues are organizations in advance of regular ones. The very best glues for eyeglass repair show off the fact that they can hold numerous extra pounds of dead weight. Although using this item to fix damaged eyeglass frames can be a bit tricky since you require to mix it extensively before you can use it.
Most of polyvinyl chloride PVC nose pads are made of a soft firm plastic material that gives comfortable assistance of spectacles frames over the facial nasal area. As with all nose pads fabricated from any kind of material, nose pads need to be appropriately changed to make sure that the nosepads fit flush against the skin, otherwise the weight of the glasses frame might leave pressure impressions on the skin.
To do that, first stand in front of a mirror as well as look straight ahead, neither up neither down. Put on your glasses and also place the center of the lenses directly before your eyes. This reveals you the put on your nose that you want the glasses frames on your face.
Nose Pads Keep Glasses Comfortable.
Eyeglass frames have temple arms, holy place corners, nose-bridge as well as nose-pads and also they are all designed for modification. Glasses are created to be gotten used to fit if required, to fit most any kind of face framework. When you ask a neighborhood optical specialist to adjust glasses for you, it is called a fitting.
Can an optometrist diagnose glaucoma?
All optometrists, no matter their level of licensure, are expected to diagnose the condition or at least to recognize that a problem exists and refer the patient to another practitioner. It is in the area of the diagnosis that most referrals by optometrists to ophthalmologists related to glaucoma occur.
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try it out was split at one end to allow for the insertion of a lens, as well as the split was closed by a piece of copper cable. The frames were very light, yet the stress in the rivet would certainly have loosened in time making them not able to remain on the nose. Paintings illustrating such frames day from as very early as 1392 CE. Superglues are usually utilized to affix tiny pieces, like damaged eyeglass frames, scale design parts, and take care of broken ceramics, damaged dentures, and so on.
You simply require to be more cautious with your glasses later. If your glasses frame does not have nose pads, you only need to change the holy place tips in order to accomplish your goal. The nose item on plastic frames is made to fit many nose bridges. find a job might be the tiniest noticeable components of eyeglasses, yet they guarantee a comfortable fit while holding the glasses in place.
Replacement nose pads used in fundamental spectacles repair are available at moderate cost as well as maintain your glasses sanitary and comfortable no matter. The earliest kind of eyewear for which any type of historical record exists originates from the middle of the 15th century.
By obtaining a good superglue to make use of on your broken frames, you are conserving a lot of cash, which you can utilize on more vital points. This item provided by the brand is the best glue to deal with glasses. It has a gel-like uniformity so when you position a grain on one part of the eyeglass frame, it will not run. Either way, it is essential to make certain that the optical center of the glasses lenses remains straight before your eyes.
If you make huge changes, or frequent changes, the arms will damage or the weld to the glasses frame will damage. Glasses frequently glide down the nose bridge for different factors. The very best method to stop glasses from gliding down your nose is to flex the rear of the holy places tighter around your ears.
Visual Skill Examination.
You require to repair your eyeglass frames as soon as you can and also the very best means to do so is by utilizing extremely adhesive. These are the scenarios that necessitate using superglue. It is since these products can make fast and also simple work of damaged eyeglass frames. You just require to use the superglue on the components that need to be reattached and after that press them back with each other.
Frequently, a nose pad or nose pads likewise get removed from an eyewear frame and also need changing. Nonetheless, with the help of the purchasing guide and recommendations stated over, your opportunities of obtaining the best very adhesive for plastic spectacles frames will considerably boost.
The issue I have with UV cured glue to fix glasses frames similar to this one is that you need to make sure that it is totally revealed to the light. Although the bond toughness of this adhesive for steel glasses frames is not that solid, it is enough for most glass fixing requirements.
What does OD mean after a doctors name?
An optometrist receives a doctor of optometry (OD) degree after completing four years of optometry school, preceded by three years or more years of college.
I Have A Handicap Can Lenscrafters Accommodate Me?
Nose pads are connected to nose pad arms, which are welded to the spectacles frame. You need to make just tiny fit adjustments to the nose pad arms.
Can You Place Lenses In The Frames I Bought At An Additional Shop?
It is a primitive pince-nez whose frames were made from items of either metacarpal bone from the forelimb of a bull or from big pieces of antler. The two items were each paddle-shaped and also were joined by an iron rivet which offered the stress over the nose and also permitted the lenses to be folded up together. The objective of the 3 openings at the location where the deal with connects to the joint doubts, though they may have been made use of for pinhole vision, a principle which was recognized from old times.
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tunafishprincess · 6 years
The Roads We Take
Chapter 1: Twenty-Five
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(Art by @brothebro, writing by @tunafishprincess ) Sequel to Fallen Too Far. This is rated M for Mature. Proceed with caution. 
She is twenty-five, nearly twenty-six, but she feels sixteen.
Years have passed but high school still feels like yesterday to Claire. How could it not? Ten years: it terrifies her how in such a short period of time the world she knows has disappeared.
All she has left are the remaining people who remember her for who she was, however even that has been distorted by time. They treat her like glass, as though she were some expensive piece of art that could do no wrong. Her hermano, little NotEnrique, looks at her with uncertain eyes; his entire perception of her is created by her family and friends. As if she was some paragon of goodness, a princess trapped by an evil witch; that’s how their parents explained it to him.
But wrong is the very essence of her now. Her parents try to pretend everything is okay, but the emotions that radiates off the medical staff and guards tells her another story.
They are afraid.
And so is she.
The woman in the bathroom mirror is not her, not really. Her hips are too wide, her breasts too full, her face too mature—and that isn’t even the worst of it. The rich dark brown her Papí used to brush for her has vanished, replaced with a white so bright her eyes hurt to look at it for too long.
Ugly dark veins run up her arms and out of her eyes, branding her, as if to forever remind her of the horrors she caused.
She hates it. This is not her body, her hair, her face. Morgana twisted the girl she knew into the woman she did not and she is terrified. So utterly terrified.
After a while, she turns away, too sick with disgust to remain. The white gown they placed her in clings to her body, making her so desperately wish for her old clothes, even if they could no longer fit her. She has changed too much now to go back, and dios mío, she wishes she could go back.
Yet even still, time ticks on.
Claire wants to say she’s better (wants to be better), but she never will be, not after what Morgana has done to her.
Guilt eats at her innards, her soul, her entire being. The deaths she caused weigh heavily. Breathing takes effort, so much so that at times she wonders if she’ll suffocate under its load.
So many ‘if onlys’ pass through her mind, thousands upon thousands each day. Before, she cried, day after day, but now, all that is left is a hollow shell.
And isn’t that what she is now? Morgana destroyed her inside and out, emptied the part of her that made Claire herself in order to make way for the sorceress.
A small part of her wishes for death. She deserves it, especially after what she did to everyone, to her family and friends, to Jim—God, Jim.
If she is the drowning swimmer than he is the life raft she desperately clings onto. How could he look at her so lovingly? She didn’t deserve him, not after what she did. Yet still, he stays at her side, her protector, forever and always.
How pathetic. What a selfish being she has become.
Look at her. Her old self would be repulsed by such desperation.
Claire knows it is wrong to dependent on him so much, but now the feeling is innate. She wonders if that is why Morgana never gave up on Jim, if Claire’s feelings influenced the witch to hold onto that last bit of sanity within the darkness.
Who knows. In the end, Morgana is gone and Claire, well…Claire is here.
She isn’t sure if that’s a good thing or not.
The door opens, carefully, as if not to startle her. Claire’s hand clenches the railing she uses to walk between the bathroom and her bed, she tries to smile, even though it feels as plastic as the sheets she sleeps on.
“Toby,” she begins, clearing her throat. “You’re early.”
He approaches her cheerfully, a pip in his step that softens the fake smile on her lips. It reminds her of old times. Even though he has lost weight and aged, she can still see the excited gleam in his eye he got when he had good news. “I couldn’t wait for Jim to get here. The verdict just came back!”
Her brows furrowed.
“Verdict?” She asks.
Immediately, Toby pales. His hands freeze in the air.
The stench of secrecy is thick. Claire can feel the annoyance inside her rising, just below the surface of skin.
“Oh…Oh crap. I forgot,” he admits in a soft voice.
Claire tries to edge forward. “Forgot what?”
Unfortunately, her foot slips on the linoleum, breaking her trek towards the other. Her breath hitches as strong hands catch her. She blinks widely as her boyfriend came into view.
Her eyes flicker over to the open door.
She hadn’t even heard him come in. Another of Jim’s abilities perhaps? It is a surprising discover, especially considering his size.
“What’s going on?” Jim asks, worry in his sharp features. He examines her body like a hawk, lingering at her chest for a moment before returning to her eyes. Blood rushes to her cheeks.
“Claire, are you alright?”
“I-I’m fine,” she stammers out. As if reading her mind, Jim guides her to the bed, his hand encompassing most of her back. It is a comforting warmth. She is saddened when he removes it.
Toby’s mouth twitches. There is so much uncertainty in his stance. It reminds her of her previous question.
Fixing her gaze on her old friend once more, she reiterates, “What’s this about a verdict?”
She watches Jim this time, his expression closed off but the hairs on his neck and forearms rising almost instantaneously. Claire reaches out, settling her palm to his cheek. Softness spreads across his features. He cups her hand with his own, engulfing it in a steady, pulsing heat.
“Well, the good news is we can finally get you love-birds out of this place! I’m thinking beach, or, oh, oh! Maybe the countryside? I don’t know about you guys but I am totes ready for a vaca. Can I hear an amen?” Toby asks.
Claire frowns. “You’re avoiding the question.”
“Nothing gets past you huh?” Toby sighs.
“It doesn’t matter,” Jim asserts. “We’re safe. Everything’s going to be alright.”
“Jim.” She leans forward, so close she can see the detailed texture of his skin. It is a strange mixture of pore and rock, the uncanny but beautiful valley between the two species. “Tell me.”
Jim’s face darkens. His golden pupils dilate, his gaze clouding over with a stormy grimace. Inwardly, she knows it is her fault he is like this now. Claire wonders what it is he is looking at: her or some past memory. Perhaps both.
“You know what happened,” he states.
She nods. Her other hand fists the fabric of her blanket.
“What I did as Morgana’s champion will never be erased. To most of humanity, I’m a monster.”
“But you’re not.” She shakes her head. “Morgana controlled you, manipulated you.”
“Claire, you don’t understand. I had a choice,” Jim stresses, his other hand resting at her knee. Selfishly, she moves closer to the warmth. Out of everything and everyone in the room, Jim is the only one who is warmest.
“What was the verdict about?” She asks again.
It is Toby who speaks up first, “Whether he would continue to carry out the duty of Trollhunter or…” There is a pause, one that feels like an eternity for Claire until he answers, “whether it would get passed to someone else.
Her boyfriend pulls out of her reach, as though on autopilot. Claire wants him to stay, wants to use his warmth once more, but the second he leaves her range it is freezing again.
They were going to kill Jim? The annoyance within transfigures into a freezing tundra of fear.
No. Never. Jim is hers, just as Claire is his. Why would they try and separate them? Didn’t they see how much Claire needs him to live?
“No, no, no, no—” She chanted, her fingers burrowed into her hair. “Why didn’t you two tell me?”
“Relax, okay? Everything’s going to be fine. The verdict went fine. Jim’s still here,” Toby tries to comfort her.
But it’s not. Nothing is fine. Toby isn’t fine, Jim isn’t fine—No one is. The cracks along her hands and arms ache. It is as though a million ants were inching up her body, underneath her skin.
She resists the urge to violently scratch them like she did the first few days. It is why the Doctors make her keep her nails short now.
When she finally regains control of her emotions, Claire brushes him off. “It’s not fine. None of this is fine. You didn’t even tell me. Why didn’t you tell me?”
Her heart breaks as Jim presses himself into the corner, as if trying to make himself smaller. Is he terrified of her?
“We were afraid of how you would react,” Toby says, hands up and facing her.
“So what, you’ll just treat me like some porcelain doll the rest of my life, is that it?” Claire snaps. She can’t help it. The emotions within are boiling over.
Toby presses forward. “No, Claire, it’s just, after everything that’s happened—”
“Stop it!”
Her water glass shatters. She doesn’t see how it happens, but she knows in her heart who did it.
Morgana left more than scars on Claire after all.
In the corner of her eye, she notices a long crack has developed in the window that was not there before. Another testament to her emotional state.
To no surprise, Jim has disappeared from the room. Because of her.
“I’m sorry,” she cries, and truly she means it. Everything is her doing.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Toby says, resting a hand on her shoulder. It is warm, but not like Jim’s. It barely heats her at all. “We know you didn’t mean it.”
“I want to be alone,” she whispers.
“You sure, Claire-Bear?” He says, leaning over.
A multitude of emotions pass over her friend’s face. This Toby is more calculative and calm, holding a maturity Claire wishes she could possess. Even when facing her darkest moments, he stands tall. She envies that confidence.
“Go. Talk to Jim. He looks like he needs it more than I do right now,” she suggests.
Toby’s lips smooth into a thin line, but he nods. As he turns towards the door, he looks back.
“I’m just a call away. Anytime, anywhere. Darci too.”
Halfway outside, Claire calls out. “Wait. Toby, be honest with me, what does the verdict really mean?”
And like that, the old vestiges of Toby are gone. The man before her leans on the frame, an age-old look crossing his features.
“The world has changed a lot since you last saw it, Claire. The new world government wants order.”
“They’re going to use him, just like I—Morgana did.”
Toby nodded.
“This is my fault.” How could it not be? She wishes they would just admit it.
“No it’s not,” Toby stresses, halfway back inside. “You’re not—”
“Go,” she commands. No more. Claire can’t stand the way he looks at her.
The crack along the window spreads out like a spiderweb. A freezing wind envelops the area, blowing her hair around and pushing the door close with a sharp echoing slam.
The lights flicker, off and on, until she regains control once more.
As the magic disperses, her body loosens, tears running freely. Her arms burn from the use of magic. Everything hurts, but none approach the pain in her chest.
Morgana’s magic flows through her now. And for someone as broken as she, it is no wonder her friends are afraid both for and of her.
She wishes she could go back. She wishes she had fought harder. But wishing doesn’t turn back time. Believe her, she’s tried. Claire glances upwards, back in the bathroom mirror. She is a monster. And that’s all she ever will be.
Chapter 2: Coming soon
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writeforself · 6 years
Ralph x Reader
Warning : Angst, Swearing
A/N : So I decided to try to write with lyrics from a song this time. Hope it is doing ok. And I’m writing Angst again. I will try to write fluff when I am capable of it ;p Again thank you for reading, feel free to ask anything. And thanks for the following SONG : Noah Gundersen - Empty From The Start
Stars falling from the sky Buildings burning all the time Tall rivers running wild Stretching out for miles and miles
Another restless night in Detroit. Although the government had came to agreement to recognize androids as a new form of intellectual species, the discriminations and violences towards androids still happen all around the country. It takes a long time for people to change the way they think. The androids didn’t expect human to change over night, they didn’t expect the violence will just disappear. Yet it still hurts when they heard news of androids being attacked, or even being killed.
Ralph was walking on the street of Detroit that afternoon. He was returning home from his favorite garden shop. The shop owner is always nice to him, and he can always greet his fellow WR600 working at that shop. Holding his new toys, he couldn’t wait to go home to share with you his newest project, miniature bonsai. He had been researching on bonsai ever since you told him about you love toward these tiny things. He imagined the expression you might have, the smile, the gasp, the hug, and the non-stop “thank you”. He couldn’t help but giggled.
On his way back, he found out he had wandered into the neighborhood where you first found him. The elevated railway, the 24 hrs store across the street, the stores with “no androids” sign still hanging at the gates, and the old abandoned house where he met Kara, Alice, and you. He went around the fence to check out the house. Nothing much had changed, the windows were still boarded. The ragged fabric hanging beside the window could still be seen flying loosely inside. New life had grown between the wooden walkway outside the house. And there are garbages and syringes scattered in the corner of the yard. He walked around to another side of the house, discovered the door to the courtyard behind the house was opened. Ralph was scared, but curious.
I think I heard a good man say God is love and love has made us But have you seen the news today I have and I think God has gone away If he was even there anyway
Then he went into the courtyard, carefully treading the ground, not to make a sound. No one was around at this time, so no one saw him. The scrap car lay silently in the courtyard, the door on one side hanging in the air with a broken window. He hesitantly walked toward the fence behind the broken house, where Kara said she scratched herself months ago. The gap of the fence seemed bigger than the last time he saw it, though he wasn’t sure about it because he left with you during a dark night to avoid being seen. He carefully put the bag of goods across the fence, and crawled through slowly. What is he doing here? He asked himself. Maybe it was out of nostalgia. He remembered the excitement when he found that animal for Alice, the guilt he realized he was scaring Kara and Alice, the relief and worry when the police actually left him to chase Kara. He remembered that night, when he felt so guilty, he just stood in the empty kitchen of the house, muttered to himself. And heard you went in the house, tired, sitting on the floor with head buried between your knees. You were crying.
Ralph went on further. When he realized he was standing at the door. Something suddenly struck his mind. He remembered, he left something here. The small plant that he grew from scraps and nurtured when he was here all alone. He left it there because he was in a hurry, he abandoned it.  At that moment, he quickly opened the door and ran in to the kitchen. Nothing was there, only disappointment, and the a counter full of garbages.
“Anyone there?”
Footsteps coming down from upstair, a husky sound of male yelling toward downstair. Ralph froze. “Stupid Ralph, stupid.” He scolded himself, eyes filled with tears. He wanted to run straight toward the door, and back to you as fast as he can. But he just froze. Standing in the kitchen, he could hear the footsteps getting closer, and closer. There were more than one people.
“Ralph has to go, he must go home.”
“Look what we have here.”
Two men, standing in front of the kitchen door. Ralph was shaking, he remembered the night he was tortured, he recalled the awfulness of human.
Cause anyone that tells you they were born good is lying We're just born and we are dying And I know it's been said But mothers be good to your daughters And when they're older sons be good to your fathers This is all we have, this is all we are Blood and bones, no holy ghost Empty from the start
“Can’t even have a good time with these fucking androids fucking around.”
One of the man cursed, they surrounded Ralph by the fireplace. Ralph trembled helplessly, and squeezed the plastic bag on his hands. “Ralph has to go home.” He muttered to himself.
“Looks like this android have something for us.” One of the man stepped forward, trying to take away the bag in Ralph’s hands.
“No, that’s Ralph’s!” He cried.
“You better let go you little shit.” Another man yelled, with a knife in his hand.
“No!” Ralph cried.
He eventually let go of the  bag, and looked away. The two men laughed, one still holding the knife toward Ralph, another one checking the content inside the bags. With the rustling sound of the plastic bag, the man scoffed. “Nothing in this, just same shitty small pot.”
Then he threw the bag on the ground, the sound of porcelain pots breaking echoed around the abandoned house. The LED light on Ralph’s temple had been flickering restlessly since he heard the sound of these two men. It’s a dangerous red. But he couldn’t fight back. No. He had no weapons, and he was terrified. How he wished he was the one holding the knife.
“Well, least we can get something from this android.”
The man with the knife said. Another replied. “How much do you think we can get by selling the scraps of this thing.”
“No, no, no, no, no.” Ralph was trembling. “Ralph has to go home, [Y/N] is waiting for Ralph. Ralph has surprise for her.”
There's nothing you can do, honey There's nothing you could do that would save me There's nothing you can do, honey Nothing you can do, but lately I don't mind, cause I been finding The only thing worth loving more than me is loving you “Hey back off!”
Someone was here, shouting from the door. The voice was shaking.
The two men turned their back to Ralph, then they just laughed. Ralph raised his head, and he saw you, standing there, with a spraying can on your hand. The LED light turned yellow.
“Bitch what you want?”
“Yeh, you think that little can scares us?”
The man wielded the knife in his hand, another man picked up a old wood board laid near him. Their tone full of contempt. “Ok, what about this?”
Then you pulled out a gun. None of them saw this coming, even for Ralph, he was in shock. For a while the LED light turned red again.
“Fuck this bitch crazy!”
You slowly walked toward the three, and could see the two men was slowly backing away from another side. When you finally reached Ralph, with the gun still pointing at the two men, they had arrived at the front door. Once they arrived they ran outside as fast as they could. You could hear them trying to climb out from the fence and falling on the hard sidewalk on the other side.
Then you put down the gun, sighed with relief. You noticed the small pieces of the broken porcelain on the ground before you turned and checked on Ralph.
The LED was still red.
“Hey, hey, Ralph, don’t worry… “
You tried to comfort him. When your hand lay on his shoulder, you could feel the tense but also saw the LED turned yellow. “This is fake, you see.” Showing him the mark of the toy gun you whispered to him.
The LED turned blue. He hugged you and cried. “Ralph is sorry. Ralph made a mistake, he shouldn’t come here. Ralph should just go straight back to [Y/N]”
You felt the warm tears on your neck. You gently pet on his back, trying to calm him down. It was a miracle you found him. You were at home, wondering the whereabouts of Ralph.Then you saw the plants you hide in the corner of the room. You came back to this abandoned house one night to take it, wanted it to be as a surprise to Ralph. And you tried to think of the route from your home to the garden shop. How could you not remember the abandoned house was on the way between the two places? You then grab a bag, packed with some self-defence tools, and ran as fast as you could. Thank god you came here on time.
“No, Ralph has done nothing wrong. Don’t worry.” You put the fake gun in your bag and hugged him. “I’m sorry Ralph, I should’ve went with you.”
How could you let him walk alone on the street. Even if he’s so bright and brave, bad things could still happen, especially during these days.
I get stuck staring at the past I get stuck looking at the future through the looking glass Time is gone when time was slow This time is all you have and now it's gone but now you know And I hope you see A picture of me in your pocket when I'm gone away And I will do the same for you To truly love someone is the closest I have come to truth
“No, no, Ralph wanted to surprise [Y/N] with gift.”
He gently let go of your embrace and picked up the broken porcelain you saw earlier on the ground. His hands shaking, trying to put every bits of the fragments back into the plastic bag. You kneeled down to pick the fragments with him, silently observing his face. The fear in his eyes, the tear marks. After finishing picking up the fragments, he put the bag on the table near you, and took out a small pocket book from his backpack.
“Ralph wants to make [Y/N] these small bonsai, as a surprise.”
He handed the book to you, it’s a guidebook for miniature bonsai you showed him months ago. You heart melted. And he continued. “[Y/N] seems so tired recently, Ralph wants to make these and cheer her up.”
You watched his face covered his guilt. You hate when your emotion is shown and affects the other. “It’s not your fault.” You wanted to say it to Ralph, but the words just stuck in your throat, and tears filling up your eyes. Then you hugged him again, with the warmest and the most sincere way you could think of. “I love you Ralph…” You whispered under your breathes. Then you let go, and quickly wiped away your tears. You smiled and said.
“Let’s go back to the garden shop before it closes!”
A wide smile spread across Ralph’s face. He grabbed your hand and started running.
“Come on! Ralph will lead the way!”
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agilenano · 4 years
Agilenano - News: Expert Advice: 23 Genius, Reversible, Budget-Friendly Hacks to Transform a Rental Apartment
Here in New York, finding the perfect apartment is an almost futile quest. Unless you’re one of the lucky few—we all know that one person who somehow happened upon a gem, with hardwood floors, an updated kitchen, tasteful light fixtures, and a working fireplace to boot—chances are you’ll end up wanting to change at least one thing about your apartment. (I love the big windows and tall ceilings of my Manhattan rental, but I curse the brown laminate kitchen cabinets every time I walk by.) But we’ve learned that you don’t have to just live with the cards you’re dealt, even if your landlord won’t allow large-scale changes: There are plenty of small, easy, reversible swaps that make a bigger difference than you’d think. Half of the Remodelista team rents, and we know from experience: Alexa created a kit of better light fixtures, outlet covers, and hardware that she carts with her from apartment to apartment. Kristina took the unsightly doors off of her closet in her Harlem apartment late one night (both to remove an eyesore and for easier access). In her San Francisco flat, Meredith removed and stowed away the standard-issue window blinds and swapped out the rusted metal forced-air grates with plain wood ones from Home Depot. Take it from us: small swaps make a difference. Here are 23 small, on-a-budget changes, most of which take less than an hour, all of which can be reversed with ease when it’s time to move out (and get your security deposit back). Fix Up the Kitchen In a rental, the kitchen is often the area where the most can go wrong design-wise, and chances are you can’t rip it out and start fresh. A few, no-impact swaps to get you through. 1. Lay new countertops right on top of the old. Above: If you hate the countertops that came with your place, take an idea from designer C. S. Valentin and lay a new countertop material right on top. Valentin opted for a length of cork repurposed from an Ikea Sinnerlig table but a length of marble or butcherblock would also work well. See At Home with C. S. Valentin: French Eclecticism in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn for more. (And note also: the cloth covering the under-counter storage.) Above: Another countertop cover-up: Sarah Lonsdale had plywood covers cut to fit over the existing countertops in her West Coast rental. When she moves out, they can be easily lifted off and packed away. See Sarah’s Refined Rental in St. Helena, CA for more. 2. Swap knobs for ultra-DIY leather pulls. Above: A Remodelista favorite, and one that is proof that the smallest changes can make the biggest difference: swapping less-than-desirable cabinet pulls. We like DIY leather pulls, like these simple knotted versions in Sarah’s Refined Rental; for a more polished version, see DIY Video: How to Make a $20 Cabinet Pull for $2. 3. Wrap pulls in tape. Above: Or, wrap cabinet pulls in tape (these, in Rental Rehab: The DIY New York Apartment, are wrapped in textured blue duct tape cut with an X-Acto knife); rope or cloth could also work. 4. Take off the cabinet doors. Above: If it’s the cabinet fronts themselves you don’t like, take off the doors and stash them away so you can find (and replace) them easily when it’s time to move out. This works well for upper cabinets, where you’re more likely to have artful ceramics and glassware on display; cabinets that stash food and packaging are best kept under wraps (see below for a way of concealing these). Photograph from Small-Space Solutions: 17 Affordable Tips from an NYC Creative Couple. 5. Hang fabric (or even pretty tea towels) in place of cabinet fronts. Above: If you’re not ready to go for the completely open look, tack pretty lengths of cloth in place of cabinet doors. In Done/Undone with Clarisse Demory in Paris, Demory removed her Ikea cabinet fronts and hung blue tea towels instead. “It’s less cold, less artificial this way,” she says. 6. Build a temporary backsplash. Above: If you don’t have upper cabinets and want to add some storage (and drama), consider building a removable plywood backsplash that can be carted with you to the next place. Read on in Kitchen Upgrade: The Low-Cost DIY Black Backsplash, and see Remodeling 101: 6 Budget Backsplash Hacks for more ways of creating a backsplash on a budget (or covering an unsightly one). 7. Invest in custom fronts. Above: If you know your cabinets are Ikea, and if you’re planning on being in your apartment for the long haul, consider investing in custom cabinet fronts that fit onto Ikea boxes. See Ikea Kitchen Upgrade: 8 Custom Cabinet Companies for the Ultimate Kitchen Hack for a few of our favorites. Photograph from Ikea Upgrade: The SemiHandmade Kitchen Remodel. Transform Outdated Light Fixtures A rental with acceptable light fixtures is a rarity. (Here at Remodelista, we’re always wishing that landlords would just outfit apartments with The Hardware Store Porcelain Light Socket—it’s inexpensive, versatile, and timeless.) Enlist these hacks until they catch on. 1.  Swap out a front-and-center fixture with something more appealing. Above: A simple switch with a big impact: If you can, swap out an existing light fixture (or cover a bare bulb) with a fixture you can bring with you from rental to rental. (Just keep the original fixture somewhere so you can replace it before you go.) Here, designer Paige Geffen swapped an existing fixture for the Terra Surface from Cedar & Moss in her kitchen. See The LA Rental, Upgraded: Designer Paige Geffen’s 500-Square-Foot Challenge for more. 2. Or, add a statement shade right over the old fixture. Above: Hide an unappealing light fixture with a more attractive shade that will cover the whole thing. Here, designer C. S. Valentin used Ikea’s [product id="996030"]Sinnerlig Bamboo Shade[/product] to cover up an unsightly fixture; see At Home with C. S. Valentin: French Eclecticism in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn for more. 3. Replace exposed bulbs with artful versions. Above: For a fixture with exposed bulbs, swap just the bulbs out, like Sarah did in her LA rental: “I removed the milky glass shades on the light above the mirror and replaced them with silver-tipped light bulbs, which not only look better but also provide nicer light,” she says. See Expert Advice: 10 Tips for Transforming a Rental Bath for more of her ideas. Upgrade the Bathroom If you’re like most of us and inherit a rental bathroom in serious need of an upgrade, try these ideas. 1. Swap out standard-issue shower curtain rings. Above: Another place where leather ties come in handy: as shower curtain holders, instead of standard-issue plastic rings. Sarah made the swap in her own bathroom; see Expert Advice: 10 Tips for Transforming a Rental Bath. 2. Switch the mirror. Above: Alexa reports that she took down the ugly mirror in her Brooklyn rental bath and replaced it with a more attractive version—it took some elbow grease, she says, but was worth it. (The original mirror is currently under her bed.) If the mirror is removable, replacing it with something of your own choice makes a big difference. Here an antique mirror doesn’t even need to be hung; see House Call: 50 Shades of Weathered White in Hudson, NY, from Zio & Sons. 3. Wrap exposed fixtures in rope. Above: Don’t like the look of ugly, rusted pipes under the sink? Wrap them in rope, as seen at Urban Cowboy: A Williamsburg Clubhouse for Nomads. 4. Snap on removable tiles. Above: For tired walls or ugly tile, invest in removable tiles that can be stuck or snapped on (and travel with you when you go). We like these Tiles for Commitment Phobes, shown here in a bathroom in a polyurethane finish (for use in moist areas). Cover Bad Flooring Here are some ways to cover up less-than-desirable floors. 1. Layer boards or painted plywood, cut to fit, on top. Above: If you can’t tear out the flooring and start fresh, create a new layer on top. In Sarah’s Refined Rental in St. Helena, CA , she had a tongue-and-groove oak floor cut to fit and “floated” it over the linoleum that came with the kitchen. “It transformed the space, and we were able to pull it off while keeping the original kitchen intact,” she says. When you move, it can be removed with no permanent damage to the floor underneath. Above: Another version of the same idea: plywood, cut to fit, shown here in Christine’s bathroom. (She painted it for added polish.) See Remodeling 101: Painted Plywood—The Best Budget Wood Floor for the full story. 2. Source, or create, an artful floor covering. Above: The oldest (and most budget-friendly) trick in the book: covering ugly flooring with rugs. When Justine enlisted Jersey Ice Cream Co. to upgrade her kitchen, redoing the floors was not in the budget. Her solution? Covering them, wall-to-wall, with washable Swedish floorcloths. See how in DIY: The Swedish-Striped Canvas Floorcloth. Disguise Exposed Utilities Here are some tricks to disguise unsightly fixtures. 1. Paint utility fixtures. Above: Exposed pipes and heaters? Consider painting them for an almost sculptural effect. Shown here: a pink-hued heating tower in Kristina Line’s Brooklyn apartment becomes a curious focal point, rather than an eyesore. (Before, “it was a boring brownish color,” she says.) You might want to check with your landlord before painting since, unlike walls, it might not be possible to get an appliance or fixture back to its original color. Photograph from A Two-Week, $1,000, 500-Square-Foot Rental Overhaul by a Design Student in Bushwick, Brooklyn. 2. Wrap steam pipes in rope. Above: For a more reversible, more textured cover-up, wrap exposed pipes in sturdy rope, as seen in Le Mary Celeste: Coastal Cool in the Middle of the Marais. It’s an effective solution for the steam pipes that run through most New York City apartments—and prevents burns if you accidentally touch the hot pipe, too. Divide Your Space If you live in a smaller space than you’d like, one of these simple changes can help divide it. 1. Paint a “room.” Above: To create the illusion of a “room” in an open space, paint a section or an alcove, making sure to stop abruptly where you want the “room” to end. Shown here: the kitchen in Kristina Line’s Brooklyn one-bedroom (and note how she built out a small plywood partition to complete the alcove.) See more in A Two-Week, $1,000, 500-Square-Foot Rental Overhaul by a Design Student in Bushwick, Brooklyn (and, again, you might want to check with your landlord before painting). 2. Use a bookshelf as a divider. Above: To create the feel of a separate, private bedroom in a one-room apartment, enlist a tall, study bookshelf, as designer Karin Montgomery Spath did in this New Zealand studio. It feels almost like a complete wall but can be packed in the moving van (and repurposed elsewhere if you move to a bigger place). See A Glamorous Studio Apartment in Auckland that Feels Like a One-Bedroom, Hack Edition; photograph by Matthew Williams. 3. Add a rolling rack and a curtain. Above: For a softer divider, we like the idea of curtains, but hanging one from the ceiling requires hardware and drilling holes. For less impact, try this hack from shopowner Makié Yahagi’s Manhattan apartment: a rolling rack (hers is from Ted-Steel Industries) hung with [product id="1001534"]Roller Shower Curtain Rings[/product]and [product id="933845"]Riktig Hooks[/product] from Ikea and a pretty curtain (she used a [product id="1001536"]Selena Washed Linen Flat Sheet[/product] from Caravane). See Shop Owner Makié Yahagi’s Charm-Filled Loft in SoHo, New York; photograph by Matthew Williams. Cover Bare Walls A solution for bare apartment walls, and renters (or commitment phobes) who don’t want to hammer nails in: 1. Hang photos (and storage) from the molding. Above: If you’re lucky enough to have molding in your apartment, use it to hang artwork (or extra storage), as Sarah did here with an S-hook and a length of string. Photograph from Sarah’s Refined Rental in St. Helena, CA. 2. Or, lean art and mirrors on the floor. Above: No need to hang art if you’re not ready (or if you have a cement or brick wall that makes it hard to hang things). It looks just as intentional when leaned thoughtfully against the wall or on a ledge. Photograph from House Call: 50 Shades of Weathered White in Hudson, NY, from Zio & Sons. Above: Mirrors, too. Photograph from Living Large in 675 Square Feet, Brooklyn Edition. More ideas for the rental apartment: Expert Advice: The Ultimate Rental Checklist, Landlord Edition A Two-Week, $1,000, 500-Square-Foot Rental Overhaul by a Design Student in Bushwick, Brooklyn At Home with C. S. Valentin: French Eclecticism in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn Inside a Netflix Star’s LA Bungalow, Budget Rental Secrets Included ‘Own’ It Like You Own It: 8 Ways to Personalize Your Rental, Designer Edition N.B.: This post is an update; the original story ran on March 23. 2018. #IKEAHack #Kitchens #Lighting #Bathrooms #Flooring
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15 Tips About Decorative Concrete Forms From Industry Experts
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Butterfield has also formulated its very own variety liners specifically for methods that make it possible for a contractor To place a texture or decorative function around the entrance or riser. The identical kind liner functions on the outside of a patio or other vertical surface.
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We crammed the plastic sprayer with a mixture of 50 % neutra-clean and h2o. Then we sprayed the floor with it, after which you can sprayed it with drinking water. We utilised a press broom and scrubbed the ground clear.
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Cement tiles are undoubtedly Probably the most elegant and wanted household supplies of the design planet today. They incorporate artisan-high quality colour and sample in a space that just can’t be recreated with another material. Not even ceramic or porcelain tiles match up.
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stimtoybox · 7 years
What can I stim with if I hate, hate, hate the feeling of plastics/slime?
This is a challenging question not because there isn’t options (there is) but because it’s hard to know what is meant by “plastics”. By “slime” I take it to mean “no liquid/watery/oozy/sticky things” but there’s actually a lot of different textures that can be described as “plastic”, many of them feeling in no way similar - for example, Tangles, puffer creatures and silicone chewables are all plastic! Do you have the same reaction to ABS and 3D-printed objects? Is it the smoothness or the hardness? Do you dislike vinyls but don’t mind silicone? Is putty okay? What about nylon, say in the strands of a brush? I could go on, but I hope this gives you the idea that “plastic” is a broad category with many different types and textures. Because so many stim toys are made from different types of plastic, and some of these things might still be okay, it’s easier if folks can be specific about the textures in addition to the materials they wish to avoid.
(I’ll also note that this is me being pretty autistic right now, in terms of the high chance of overthinking it: I tend to go ‘but there’s so many plastics!’ because I can’t get past the idea that there might be a plastic that isn’t a problem. Autism and being particular about everything helps me be helpful, but sometimes it also makes me a little annoying.)
For safety’s sake, I’ll list things that don’t involve plastic at all - just wood, metal, fabric, sand, flour, paper. Links go to that item’s tag, collecting all the posts we have so far on that item.
Moulding: kinetic sand, playdough. If scents are an issue, you might like to look at DIY or edible variations. Please note that you can store these in a glass jar (like a mason or jam jar) so you don’t need to handle a plastic container.
Puzzles: wooden puzzles, twist and lock blocks, wooden or metal nuts and bolts, hexaflexagons, Jacob’s Ladder. I’m also thinking things like these traditional wooden puzzle toys (K-Mart, $8 AUD for three).
Balls: crocheted stress ball, fabric stress ball, wool stress ball, wool dryer ball, baoding balls, possibly Koosh or bandy balls (made from natural latex).
Fidgets: marble mazes, marble loops, bean bags, chain fidget, metal slinky, all-metal spinner (like the iSpin), mobius ball, maille, bead ring with metal or porcelain beads, pompom keychain, worry stones, corks, plush toys and dusters, weighted toys, crocheted toys, Moosh shapes, higher end makeup brushes (I think the cheaper ones are nylon) marbles, glass counters, shells, braided cord, magnetic stones.
Chewables: DIY T-shirt chewables.
Jewellery and Accessories: fidget necklaces like this planet spinner necklace (Stimtastic, $7.50 USD), metal snap clips, plush coin purses, fabric telephone cord bracelets, metal spinner rings, snake twist necklaces, Stimtastic’s bike chain bracelets.
Visual: glitter jars. (Also, you could tip bubble liquid into a glass jar and make a blower the way we always did when I was a kid - by bending and shaping a chenille pipecleaner. That way you can blow bubbles without touching any plastic at all.)
You also might like to check out our DIYs (master posts one and two, tutorial tag, DIY tag) because an awful lot of these do not involve plastic in any way. Many do involve slime, but I think there’s enough alternatives there for it to be worth your time, if you have any tendency to DIYs and crafting.
I’ve been meaning to write a post on it, but I recently made myself a braided T-shirt chewable necklace, but because I tied it in a loop, I’ve been playing with it in my hands more like a Tangle. Anything that can form a loop (braided cord, braided wool or embroidery floss, rubber bands, fabric hair ties, pipecleaners) can be used pretty similarly; it’s just about making it into a size that works for you.
I hope this gives you somewhere to begin. There are a lot of things that don’t include plastic at all, especially fidget jewellery, plush toys, marble mazes, bean bags, wooden puzzles, some spinners. You’ll have fewer dollar shop options, sadly, and it might take a little hunting or purchasing online to get some of these, so be prepared for that. Metal spinners cost more than plastic ones, for example, so you might have to pay more to put a kit together. That’s not right or fair, but in a world where NT folk are just starting to grasp stimming, it’s the current situation (and I hope one that changes).
Stimtastic, I think, is a good starting point for more inexpensive online options, especially for US folks.
Good luck!
- Mod K.A.
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deandreroot920-blog · 7 years
The 4 Inch Marble Polishing Package From 7 Pads Through STADEA.
A sleek marble flooring is actually excellent if you are seeming for the most refined and also classy flooring cash may purchase. A gorgeous installation could be ruined when the iron buried deep in the marble discolors coming from moisture and moisture. These ceramic tiles are actually most well-liked in the kitchen, but many individuals additionally utilize them in their bathroom at the same time. You should understand that you need to just utilize cozy water on marble floorings, as the moderate acid in vinegar can be extremely harmful to your area. You may surf on net; there are various internet sites offering marble ceramic tiles floor. Slat ceramic tiles are actually special, attractive, and functional in looks and also may be made use of in inside as well as outdoors from your home. Sand and dust brought off outside through footwears could conveniently scratch and grind the marble flooring ceramic tiles' surface area like sandpaper. Decay blemishes could lead when you possess metallic items which oxidize as a result of the wet, leaving a rust discolor on your floor.
Yet the million buck concern that you should be actually inquiring your own self is, 'is actually marble floor covering right for your house?' I don't whatsoever intend to dampen your alacrity for the stone, but this carries out make a lot of feeling to know the benefits and drawbacks from marble flooring just before installation. Cork floor covering is hip today, but it's not a terrific option for home kitchen floorings in many cases. Any type of stone floor covering demands a solid bottom As soon as set up; enhance if important, that are going to steer clear of floor tiles and also cement fracturing! You are actually demanded to do a market search for best industrial floor manufacturer as well as an office floor service provider. Your marble floor receives filthy coming from the children participating in, the pet dog playing around, food as well as beverages obtain spilt, pebbles and gunk acquires implanted in the grimy marble flooring and eventually the beautiful polished marble floor you had set up at home appears tired and ignored. Besides the granite floor tiles, slate flooring is actually likewise gaining swift popularity in the market. One could select tile floor and VCT flooring yet these don't function well under damp conditions, given that being actually absorptive they absorb dampness, offer bird scent and become breeding ground for micro-organisms. We can cleanse as well as recover any type of marble surface area by grinding the marble, removing stains and blemishes, bringing this back up to a polished coating, using our Bristol marble flooring restoration process. This is why marble floor tiles are utilized in an assortment of ways in the décor and also functions from your house. A sparklingly tidy floor brings in website visitors and customers like no other; as a result, this is actually as necessary as cleaning to make the surface area glossy and eye-catching. Interlacing carpet ceramic tiles are actually precisely like rug floor tiles, except that they have a great feature that make all of them therefore easy to use; the potential to intertwine. Marble that is actually toppled has a totally different exterior off the polished version. There is actually no hesitation they appeared impressive when they were actually first laid if you possess marble floorings in your residence or business. Fitting plastic planks floor could additionally be actually a great guard from flooring that is actually under the vinyl fabric on its own. After that, transform the coating Blending Setting of Level Panel off Normal to Increase and also press tricks Ctrl + left behind select the appearance coating to have an image choice. However, property owners should see to it that they to begin with assess the space before getting these tiles. The moment you have cleaned up and also sanded the floor and also given that opportunity to dry, set down painters tape and ground cloth over the regions that you do not really want discolored, or intend to discolor later on with a different color. As soon as you've cleaned out the space have your rubber floor covering tiles as well as made all of them in the room. Marble stands up as a component with built-in associations of virtuosity, durability and also craftsmanship, making that an ideal product for make use of in homes. These floor ceramic tiles are very popular for fire place surrounds, bar-tops, as well as vanities. When it involves opportunity to perform home makeover for either your delight or even for resell, a fantastic consideration would be actually to consult with the professionals from your neighborhood ideal floor provider to aid you upgrade your floors along with items, installation, as well as care tips that will definitely extend the beauty of your assets for several years to come. If you beloved this short article as well as you wish to receive more details about yellow pages uk england residential (redirected here) kindly check out our own website. This is very important to get the mix right, so please go through the adhesive tag for combining instructions, trowel recommendations, and flooring porosity conditions, as it goes without saying the effort you would not intend to get this inappropriate at this phase. Edward Alarm creates on porcelain floor tile To learn more concerning interceramic floor tile visit to Get brings large variety from ceramic floor and also porcelain tiles at discount rates. It is actually an usual component located in glass as well as window cleaning services, flooring wax as well as other cleansers. Where a carpeting should be actually destroyed totally and a hardwood floor cannot be switched out without an expert, a floor tile can be broken up, eliminated and also switched out with a little effort. Having said that, that performs not matter whether marble is for floors, walls, countertops or even monolith. Using a marble floor ceramic tile in the home takes a number of the distinct visual luxury and also efficient make use of to household and also industrial ventures, along with delivering an improved worth to properties when the time comes to sell their houses. Neutral Rock Cleaner is packaged in one gallon compartments or even four gallons per holder if ordered by situation. And also along with modern nano-technology, the raw material on the top layer from the floor tiles is actually composed from exceptionally small fragments which are immune to dust. If you are planning on making use of marble floor tile which is quite porous, organize the upkeep included. This would certainly ensure cost-effective consumption from filler component as well as will definitely likewise going the floor tiles firmly sufficient to offer a durable outcome. So as to clean the Terrazzo flooring, you have to recognize what exactly this is made up of. The marble part from its own surface is actually practically non-absorbent; nonetheless, the concrete binder is actually exceptionally absorptive and also takes in stains incredibly easily. In various other portion of the property cork floor is actually well-known and also that is actually really effortless to install. However, Dr Holden in the UK claimed she was 'not persuaded' Chloe suffered a head personal injury after executing her personal postmortem examination, however she acknowledged her test was actually hindered as a result of the post mortem observation presently executed in Portugal. On the reduced end, you can count on to spend $0.78 every tile, but some floor tiles can be as much as $2.25. You can easily select this form of flooring considering that this final an extended lifetime. Other vein styles as well as shades are actually accessible for marble floors to ensure that you ensure to discover a flooring product ideal for your home or office. The tarnish immune top quality also aids to minimize any sort of chances that liquids like grape juice or even red or white wine do not leave a long-lasting result on the marble floor covering; however due to the fact that marble is not stain evidence any type of such spills ought to be removed asap. Applying a mild home detergent and also swiftly scouring and also drying the places will get your flooring clean.
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ambersaberwolf-blog · 7 years
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Amazing Varieties Of Adhesive Tapes
reklamówki z własnym nadrukiem firmowym kliknij
Nearly everyone uses Post-it Records but no one feels about where they emerged from or how they were produced. Picture that you have got an advertising budget of $1,000. You have two products to sell. Item A comes with $500 value of co-op at 50 percent. Therefore if you spend all of your $1,000 spending budget on Product A, you'll get reimbursed $500 in co-op. You would as a result torby foliowe z nadrukiem - zobacz ofertę save cash on advertising. But in this case, you would not really possess performed any advertising for Item W, which may possess a higher perimeter and a much better transformation price. You may have got produced more cash overall if you had forgone some of the co-op and promoted your best item. It functions magic when it comes to connecting, end up being it in steel, glass, plastic material, cardboard boxes, you name it. The truth remains that the pressure sensitive adhesive present on both sides will by no means allow you down. Some areas where it's really groundbreaking include color coding, protecting, masking, binding, case sealing elizabeth.capital t.c. The producers must have got got the wish of the people on sealing. Fundamentally it's discovered in two types i actually.at the set up and new cladding. The 3M structural adhesive are utilized to relationship components that have high benefits, such as metals, ceramic, silicone, wood, composites. 3M Non-structural adhesives is utilized to connect substrates, and is used for purposes such as gasketing, padding application, woodworking , closing, and paneling. It can be used on components like fabric, plastic material, leather, cup and wood. The binding strength of 3M Adhesive Products is normally such that is usually can become compared to welding. Obtaining a severe income means having a significant business. Considering this as your resource of income will provide you an enough of income if you understand how to make your banner advertising function for your business. Imagination can be essential. If you need to try on-line marketing, you must understand how to place very good banner advertisements online to ensure that it can get many clicks. Your business can be getting carried by different sizes of banners. These banners are promoted in many ways. Consequently, you must know how to create a good one with the catchy images. Los Angeles business cards printing proceeds to become an excellent firm concentrated on give high quality quality of printing solutions. No matter what the size of printing is usually, your task will be completed in a well-timed way with no damage produced on level of quality as well as precision. They will print out all of your corporate identity package deal with fast turnarounds mainly because well as amazing present in price. They've got wealthy experience within this area and will be sure to deliver the extremely greatest printing program.http://www.emgraf.pl/
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Adding shredded EVA foam and additional product packaging components to potting or gardening earth can offer a even more affordable method to embellish your home, business or other residence. Using such components as a mass filler for soil will reduce costs and make sure that plant life are capable to take nutrients and moisture from their garden soil in a more effective manner. Reusing product packaging materials and foams in your farming efforts offers a helpful and ecologically sound alternate that will reduce waste materials and permit you to appreciate a even more sustainable way of living. Hummel', the name is certainly one of the most well-known in porcelain figurine collectors items. Began by Goebel even more than 70 years, the Hummel figurines are the creation of talented sculptors converting the drawings of Sis Meters.I. Hummel, a skilled artist from Bavaria.Maybe no additional figurine has had the same longevity. They became popular in U . s shortly after World War II when soldiers returning home from Germany brought back these figurines of Bavarian children in their charming everyday activities. They have got become very popular in America as well as throughout the world as collectible pieces of art. Transparent balloons are known as as hand mirror balloons that make the go up tree even more noticeable to those who go to the party. Solid designs with different shapes make the balloons even more attractive broadly. Birthday celebration is a real feel of heaven for the kid. The beautiful party should be embedded with best conveniences as feasible. Radiant birthday party special event makes wonders during the parties which makes each and everyone even more particular. Cakes are the important birthday assert. Cakes with delicious models and different designs make the taste even more special. RTN sells advertising space on the back of grocery and money shop register receipt record to regional businesses. This function is 100% outside product sales in a fast-paced, brief sales routine/One Contact Close environment. It requires both mobile phone and in-person product sales abilities (telephone to established appointments, in-person to close). Our successful sales staff recognize that their settlement is straight proportional to the amount of hard function they place in day-to-day. Vector pictures are made up of paths, which are defined by a begin and end points, along with various other points, curves, and sides. A path may take the kind of a collection, a rectangle, a triangle, or a curled form. These pathways may end up being mixed to produce simple sketches or complicated diagrams. Due to vector pictures not really being made up of a particular number of dots, but formulation addressing the curves and paths, they can end up being scaled to a bigger size and not really eliminate any image quality. Vector pictures are stored in a great deal smaller sized documents than raster pictures. Vector images are generally unacceptable for photo-realistic, incredibly complex images, but are most effective appropriate for graphs, blueprints, logos or images made up of basic shapes, such as cartoon-style character types. Common types of vector graphics editors include Adobe Illustrator, and Macromedia Freehand. Their file designators are ai and eps.
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agilenano · 4 years
Agilenano - News: Expert Advice: 23 Genius, Reversible, Budget-Friendly Hacks to Transform a Rental Apartment
Here in New York, finding the perfect apartment is an almost futile quest. Unless you’re one of the lucky few—we all know that one person who somehow happened upon a gem, with hardwood floors, an updated kitchen, tasteful light fixtures, and a working fireplace to boot—chances are you’ll end up wanting to change at least one thing about your apartment. (I love the big windows and tall ceilings of my Manhattan rental, but I curse the brown laminate kitchen cabinets every time I walk by.) But we’ve learned that you don’t have to just live with the cards you’re dealt, even if your landlord won’t allow large-scale changes: There are plenty of small, easy, reversible swaps that make a bigger difference than you’d think. Half of the Remodelista team rents, and we know from experience: Alexa created a kit of better light fixtures, outlet covers, and hardware that she carts with her from apartment to apartment. Kristina took the unsightly doors off of her closet in her Harlem apartment late one night (both to remove an eyesore and for easier access). In her San Francisco flat, Meredith removed and stowed away the standard-issue window blinds and swapped out the rusted metal forced-air grates with plain wood ones from Home Depot. Take it from us: small swaps make a difference. Here are 23 small, on-a-budget changes, most of which take less than an hour, all of which can be reversed with ease when it’s time to move out (and get your security deposit back). Fix Up the Kitchen In a rental, the kitchen is often the area where the most can go wrong design-wise, and chances are you can’t rip it out and start fresh. A few, no-impact swaps to get you through. 1. Lay new countertops right on top of the old. Above: If you hate the countertops that came with your place, take an idea from designer C. S. Valentin and lay a new countertop material right on top. Valentin opted for a length of cork repurposed from an Ikea Sinnerlig table but a length of marble or butcherblock would also work well. See At Home with C. S. Valentin: French Eclecticism in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn for more. (And note also: the cloth covering the under-counter storage.) Above: Another countertop cover-up: Sarah Lonsdale had plywood covers cut to fit over the existing countertops in her West Coast rental. When she moves out, they can be easily lifted off and packed away. See Sarah’s Refined Rental in St. Helena, CA for more. 2. Swap knobs for ultra-DIY leather pulls. Above: A Remodelista favorite, and one that is proof that the smallest changes can make the biggest difference: swapping less-than-desirable cabinet pulls. We like DIY leather pulls, like these simple knotted versions in Sarah’s Refined Rental; for a more polished version, see DIY Video: How to Make a $20 Cabinet Pull for $2. 3. Wrap pulls in tape. Above: Or, wrap cabinet pulls in tape (these, in Rental Rehab: The DIY New York Apartment, are wrapped in textured blue duct tape cut with an X-Acto knife); rope or cloth could also work. 4. Take off the cabinet doors. Above: If it’s the cabinet fronts themselves you don’t like, take off the doors and stash them away so you can find (and replace) them easily when it’s time to move out. This works well for upper cabinets, where you’re more likely to have artful ceramics and glassware on display; cabinets that stash food and packaging are best kept under wraps (see below for a way of concealing these). Photograph from Small-Space Solutions: 17 Affordable Tips from an NYC Creative Couple. 5. Hang fabric (or even pretty tea towels) in place of cabinet fronts. Above: If you’re not ready to go for the completely open look, tack pretty lengths of cloth in place of cabinet doors. In Done/Undone with Clarisse Demory in Paris, Demory removed her Ikea cabinet fronts and hung blue tea towels instead. “It’s less cold, less artificial this way,” she says. 6. Build a temporary backsplash. Above: If you don’t have upper cabinets and want to add some storage (and drama), consider building a removable plywood backsplash that can be carted with you to the next place. Read on in Kitchen Upgrade: The Low-Cost DIY Black Backsplash, and see Remodeling 101: 6 Budget Backsplash Hacks for more ways of creating a backsplash on a budget (or covering an unsightly one). 7. Invest in custom fronts. Above: If you know your cabinets are Ikea, and if you’re planning on being in your apartment for the long haul, consider investing in custom cabinet fronts that fit onto Ikea boxes. See Ikea Kitchen Upgrade: 8 Custom Cabinet Companies for the Ultimate Kitchen Hack for a few of our favorites. Photograph from Ikea Upgrade: The SemiHandmade Kitchen Remodel. Transform Outdated Light Fixtures A rental with acceptable light fixtures is a rarity. (Here at Remodelista, we’re always wishing that landlords would just outfit apartments with The Hardware Store Porcelain Light Socket—it’s inexpensive, versatile, and timeless.) Enlist these hacks until they catch on. 1.  Swap out a front-and-center fixture with something more appealing. Above: A simple switch with a big impact: If you can, swap out an existing light fixture (or cover a bare bulb) with a fixture you can bring with you from rental to rental. (Just keep the original fixture somewhere so you can replace it before you go.) Here, designer Paige Geffen swapped an existing fixture for the Terra Surface from Cedar & Moss in her kitchen. See The LA Rental, Upgraded: Designer Paige Geffen’s 500-Square-Foot Challenge for more. 2. Or, add a statement shade right over the old fixture. Above: Hide an unappealing light fixture with a more attractive shade that will cover the whole thing. Here, designer C. S. Valentin used Ikea’s [product id="996030"]Sinnerlig Bamboo Shade[/product] to cover up an unsightly fixture; see At Home with C. S. Valentin: French Eclecticism in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn for more. 3. Replace exposed bulbs with artful versions. Above: For a fixture with exposed bulbs, swap just the bulbs out, like Sarah did in her LA rental: “I removed the milky glass shades on the light above the mirror and replaced them with silver-tipped light bulbs, which not only look better but also provide nicer light,” she says. See Expert Advice: 10 Tips for Transforming a Rental Bath for more of her ideas. Upgrade the Bathroom If you’re like most of us and inherit a rental bathroom in serious need of an upgrade, try these ideas. 1. Swap out standard-issue shower curtain rings. Above: Another place where leather ties come in handy: as shower curtain holders, instead of standard-issue plastic rings. Sarah made the swap in her own bathroom; see Expert Advice: 10 Tips for Transforming a Rental Bath. 2. Switch the mirror. Above: Alexa reports that she took down the ugly mirror in her Brooklyn rental bath and replaced it with a more attractive version—it took some elbow grease, she says, but was worth it. (The original mirror is currently under her bed.) If the mirror is removable, replacing it with something of your own choice makes a big difference. Here an antique mirror doesn’t even need to be hung; see House Call: 50 Shades of Weathered White in Hudson, NY, from Zio & Sons. 3. Wrap exposed fixtures in rope. Above: Don’t like the look of ugly, rusted pipes under the sink? Wrap them in rope, as seen at Urban Cowboy: A Williamsburg Clubhouse for Nomads. 4. Snap on removable tiles. Above: For tired walls or ugly tile, invest in removable tiles that can be stuck or snapped on (and travel with you when you go). We like these Tiles for Commitment Phobes, shown here in a bathroom in a polyurethane finish (for use in moist areas). Cover Bad Flooring Here are some ways to cover up less-than-desirable floors. 1. Layer boards or painted plywood, cut to fit, on top. Above: If you can’t tear out the flooring and start fresh, create a new layer on top. In Sarah’s Refined Rental in St. Helena, CA , she had a tongue-and-groove oak floor cut to fit and “floated” it over the linoleum that came with the kitchen. “It transformed the space, and we were able to pull it off while keeping the original kitchen intact,” she says. When you move, it can be removed with no permanent damage to the floor underneath. Above: Another version of the same idea: plywood, cut to fit, shown here in Christine’s bathroom. (She painted it for added polish.) See Remodeling 101: Painted Plywood—The Best Budget Wood Floor for the full story. 2. Source, or create, an artful floor covering. Above: The oldest (and most budget-friendly) trick in the book: covering ugly flooring with rugs. When Justine enlisted Jersey Ice Cream Co. to upgrade her kitchen, redoing the floors was not in the budget. Her solution? Covering them, wall-to-wall, with washable Swedish floorcloths. See how in DIY: The Swedish-Striped Canvas Floorcloth. Disguise Exposed Utilities Here are some tricks to disguise unsightly fixtures. 1. Paint utility fixtures. Above: Exposed pipes and heaters? Consider painting them for an almost sculptural effect. Shown here: a pink-hued heating tower in Kristina Line’s Brooklyn apartment becomes a curious focal point, rather than an eyesore. (Before, “it was a boring brownish color,” she says.) You might want to check with your landlord before painting since, unlike walls, it might not be possible to get an appliance or fixture back to its original color. Photograph from A Two-Week, $1,000, 500-Square-Foot Rental Overhaul by a Design Student in Bushwick, Brooklyn. 2. Wrap steam pipes in rope. Above: For a more reversible, more textured cover-up, wrap exposed pipes in sturdy rope, as seen in Le Mary Celeste: Coastal Cool in the Middle of the Marais. It’s an effective solution for the steam pipes that run through most New York City apartments—and prevents burns if you accidentally touch the hot pipe, too. Divide Your Space If you live in a smaller space than you’d like, one of these simple changes can help divide it. 1. Paint a “room.” Above: To create the illusion of a “room” in an open space, paint a section or an alcove, making sure to stop abruptly where you want the “room” to end. Shown here: the kitchen in Kristina Line’s Brooklyn one-bedroom (and note how she built out a small plywood partition to complete the alcove.) See more in A Two-Week, $1,000, 500-Square-Foot Rental Overhaul by a Design Student in Bushwick, Brooklyn (and, again, you might want to check with your landlord before painting). 2. Use a bookshelf as a divider. Above: To create the feel of a separate, private bedroom in a one-room apartment, enlist a tall, study bookshelf, as designer Karin Montgomery Spath did in this New Zealand studio. It feels almost like a complete wall but can be packed in the moving van (and repurposed elsewhere if you move to a bigger place). See A Glamorous Studio Apartment in Auckland that Feels Like a One-Bedroom, Hack Edition; photograph by Matthew Williams. 3. Add a rolling rack and a curtain. Above: For a softer divider, we like the idea of curtains, but hanging one from the ceiling requires hardware and drilling holes. For less impact, try this hack from shopowner Makié Yahagi’s Manhattan apartment: a rolling rack (hers is from Ted-Steel Industries) hung with [product id="1001534"]Roller Shower Curtain Rings[/product]and [product id="933845"]Riktig Hooks[/product] from Ikea and a pretty curtain (she used a [product id="1001536"]Selena Washed Linen Flat Sheet[/product] from Caravane). See Shop Owner Makié Yahagi’s Charm-Filled Loft in SoHo, New York; photograph by Matthew Williams. Cover Bare Walls A solution for bare apartment walls, and renters (or commitment phobes) who don’t want to hammer nails in: 1. Hang photos (and storage) from the molding. Above: If you’re lucky enough to have molding in your apartment, use it to hang artwork (or extra storage), as Sarah did here with an S-hook and a length of string. Photograph from Sarah’s Refined Rental in St. Helena, CA. 2. Or, lean art and mirrors on the floor. Above: No need to hang art if you’re not ready (or if you have a cement or brick wall that makes it hard to hang things). It looks just as intentional when leaned thoughtfully against the wall or on a ledge. Photograph from House Call: 50 Shades of Weathered White in Hudson, NY, from Zio & Sons. Above: Mirrors, too. Photograph from Living Large in 675 Square Feet, Brooklyn Edition. More ideas for the rental apartment: Expert Advice: The Ultimate Rental Checklist, Landlord Edition A Two-Week, $1,000, 500-Square-Foot Rental Overhaul by a Design Student in Bushwick, Brooklyn At Home with C. S. Valentin: French Eclecticism in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn Inside a Netflix Star’s LA Bungalow, Budget Rental Secrets Included ‘Own’ It Like You Own It: 8 Ways to Personalize Your Rental, Designer Edition N.B.: This post is an update; the original story ran on March 23. 2018. #IKEAHack #Kitchens #Lighting #Bathrooms #Flooring
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Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/expert-advice-23-genius-reversible-budget-friendly-hacks-to-transform-a-rental-apartment-1
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agilenano · 4 years
Agilenano - News: Expert Advice: 23 Genius, Reversible, Budget-Friendly Hacks to Transform a Rental Apartment
Here in New York, finding the perfect apartment is an almost futile quest. Unless you’re one of the lucky few—we all know that one person who somehow happened upon a gem, with hardwood floors, an updated kitchen, tasteful light fixtures, and a working fireplace to boot—chances are you’ll end up wanting to change at least one thing about your apartment. (I love the big windows and tall ceilings of my Manhattan rental, but I curse the brown laminate kitchen cabinets every time I walk by.)
But we’ve learned that you don’t have to just live with the cards you’re dealt, even if your landlord won’t allow large-scale changes: There are plenty of small, easy, reversible swaps that make a bigger difference than you’d think. Half of the Remodelista team rents, and we know from experience: Alexa created a kit of better light fixtures, outlet covers, and hardware that she carts with her from apartment to apartment. Kristina took the unsightly doors off of her closet in her Harlem apartment late one night (both to remove an eyesore and for easier access). In her San Francisco flat, Meredith removed and stowed away the standard-issue window blinds and swapped out the rusted metal forced-air grates with plain wood ones from Home Depot.
Take it from us: small swaps make a difference. Here are 23 small, on-a-budget changes, most of which take less than an hour, all of which can be reversed with ease when it’s time to move out (and get your security deposit back).
Fix Up the Kitchen
In a rental, the kitchen is often the area where the most can go wrong design-wise, and chances are you can’t rip it out and start fresh. A few, no-impact swaps to get you through.
1. Lay new countertops right on top of the old.
Above: If you hate the countertops that came with your place, take an idea from designer C. S. Valentin and lay a new countertop material right on top. Valentin opted for a length of cork repurposed from an Ikea Sinnerlig table but a length of marble or butcherblock would also work well. See At Home with C. S. Valentin: French Eclecticism in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn for more. (And note also: the cloth covering the under-counter storage.) Above: Another countertop cover-up: Sarah Lonsdale had plywood covers cut to fit over the existing countertops in her West Coast rental. When she moves out, they can be easily lifted off and packed away. See Sarah’s Refined Rental in St. Helena, CA for more.
2. Swap knobs for ultra-DIY leather pulls.
Above: A Remodelista favorite, and one that is proof that the smallest changes can make the biggest difference: swapping less-than-desirable cabinet pulls. We like DIY leather pulls, like these simple knotted versions in Sarah’s Refined Rental; for a more polished version, see DIY Video: How to Make a $20 Cabinet Pull for $2.
3. Wrap pulls in tape.
Above: Or, wrap cabinet pulls in tape (these, in Rental Rehab: The DIY New York Apartment, are wrapped in textured blue duct tape cut with an X-Acto knife); rope or cloth could also work.
4. Take off the cabinet doors.
Above: If it’s the cabinet fronts themselves you don’t like, take off the doors and stash them away so you can find (and replace) them easily when it’s time to move out. This works well for upper cabinets, where you’re more likely to have artful ceramics and glassware on display; cabinets that stash food and packaging are best kept under wraps (see below for a way of concealing these). Photograph from Small-Space Solutions: 17 Affordable Tips from an NYC Creative Couple.
5. Hang fabric (or even pretty tea towels) in place of cabinet fronts.
Above: If you’re not ready to go for the completely open look, tack pretty lengths of cloth in place of cabinet doors. In Done/Undone with Clarisse Demory in Paris, Demory removed her Ikea cabinet fronts and hung blue tea towels instead. “It’s less cold, less artificial this way,” she says.
6. Build a temporary backsplash.
Above: If you don’t have upper cabinets and want to add some storage (and drama), consider building a removable plywood backsplash that can be carted with you to the next place. Read on in Kitchen Upgrade: The Low-Cost DIY Black Backsplash, and see Remodeling 101: 6 Budget Backsplash Hacks for more ways of creating a backsplash on a budget (or covering an unsightly one).
7. Invest in custom fronts.
Above: If you know your cabinets are Ikea, and if you’re planning on being in your apartment for the long haul, consider investing in custom cabinet fronts that fit onto Ikea boxes. See Ikea Kitchen Upgrade: 8 Custom Cabinet Companies for the Ultimate Kitchen Hack for a few of our favorites. Photograph from Ikea Upgrade: The SemiHandmade Kitchen Remodel.
Transform Outdated Light Fixtures
A rental with acceptable light fixtures is a rarity. (Here at Remodelista, we’re always wishing that landlords would just outfit apartments with The Hardware Store Porcelain Light Socket—it’s inexpensive, versatile, and timeless.) Enlist these hacks until they catch on.
1.  Swap out a front-and-center fixture with something more appealing.
Above: A simple switch with a big impact: If you can, swap out an existing light fixture (or cover a bare bulb) with a fixture you can bring with you from rental to rental. (Just keep the original fixture somewhere so you can replace it before you go.) Here, designer Paige Geffen swapped an existing fixture for the Terra Surface from Cedar & Moss in her kitchen. See The LA Rental, Upgraded: Designer Paige Geffen’s 500-Square-Foot Challenge for more.
2. Or, add a statement shade right over the old fixture.
Above: Hide an unappealing light fixture with a more attractive shade that will cover the whole thing. Here, designer C. S. Valentin used Ikea’s [product id="996030"]Sinnerlig Bamboo Shade[/product] to cover up an unsightly fixture; see At Home with C. S. Valentin: French Eclecticism in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn for more.
3. Replace exposed bulbs with artful versions.
Above: For a fixture with exposed bulbs, swap just the bulbs out, like Sarah did in her LA rental: “I removed the milky glass shades on the light above the mirror and replaced them with silver-tipped light bulbs, which not only look better but also provide nicer light,” she says. See Expert Advice: 10 Tips for Transforming a Rental Bath for more of her ideas.
Upgrade the Bathroom
If you’re like most of us and inherit a rental bathroom in serious need of an upgrade, try these ideas.
1. Swap out standard-issue shower curtain rings.
Above: Another place where leather ties come in handy: as shower curtain holders, instead of standard-issue plastic rings. Sarah made the swap in her own bathroom; see Expert Advice: 10 Tips for Transforming a Rental Bath.
2. Switch the mirror.
Above: Alexa reports that she took down the ugly mirror in her Brooklyn rental bath and replaced it with a more attractive version—it took some elbow grease, she says, but was worth it. (The original mirror is currently under her bed.) If the mirror is removable, replacing it with something of your own choice makes a big difference. Here an antique mirror doesn’t even need to be hung; see House Call: 50 Shades of Weathered White in Hudson, NY, from Zio & Sons.
3. Wrap exposed fixtures in rope.
Above: Don’t like the look of ugly, rusted pipes under the sink? Wrap them in rope, as seen at Urban Cowboy: A Williamsburg Clubhouse for Nomads.
4. Snap on removable tiles.
Above: For tired walls or ugly tile, invest in removable tiles that can be stuck or snapped on (and travel with you when you go). We like these Tiles for Commitment Phobes, shown here in a bathroom in a polyurethane finish (for use in moist areas).
Cover Bad Flooring
Here are some ways to cover up less-than-desirable floors.
1. Layer boards or painted plywood, cut to fit, on top.
Above: If you can’t tear out the flooring and start fresh, create a new layer on top. In Sarah’s Refined Rental in St. Helena, CA , she had a tongue-and-groove oak floor cut to fit and “floated” it over the linoleum that came with the kitchen. “It transformed the space, and we were able to pull it off while keeping the original kitchen intact,” she says. When you move, it can be removed with no permanent damage to the floor underneath. Above: Another version of the same idea: plywood, cut to fit, shown here in Christine’s bathroom. (She painted it for added polish.) See Remodeling 101: Painted Plywood—The Best Budget Wood Floor for the full story.
2. Source, or create, an artful floor covering.
Above: The oldest (and most budget-friendly) trick in the book: covering ugly flooring with rugs. When Justine enlisted Jersey Ice Cream Co. to upgrade her kitchen, redoing the floors was not in the budget. Her solution? Covering them, wall-to-wall, with washable Swedish floorcloths. See how in DIY: The Swedish-Striped Canvas Floorcloth.
Disguise Exposed Utilities
Here are some tricks to disguise unsightly fixtures.
1. Paint utility fixtures.
Above: Exposed pipes and heaters? Consider painting them for an almost sculptural effect. Shown here: a pink-hued heating tower in Kristina Line’s Brooklyn apartment becomes a curious focal point, rather than an eyesore. (Before, “it was a boring brownish color,” she says.) You might want to check with your landlord before painting since, unlike walls, it might not be possible to get an appliance or fixture back to its original color. Photograph from A Two-Week, $1,000, 500-Square-Foot Rental Overhaul by a Design Student in Bushwick, Brooklyn.
2. Wrap steam pipes in rope.
Above: For a more reversible, more textured cover-up, wrap exposed pipes in sturdy rope, as seen in Le Mary Celeste: Coastal Cool in the Middle of the Marais. It’s an effective solution for the steam pipes that run through most New York City apartments—and prevents burns if you accidentally touch the hot pipe, too.
Divide Your Space
If you live in a smaller space than you’d like, one of these simple changes can help divide it.
1. Paint a “room.”
Above: To create the illusion of a “room” in an open space, paint a section or an alcove, making sure to stop abruptly where you want the “room” to end. Shown here: the kitchen in Kristina Line’s Brooklyn one-bedroom (and note how she built out a small plywood partition to complete the alcove.) See more in A Two-Week, $1,000, 500-Square-Foot Rental Overhaul by a Design Student in Bushwick, Brooklyn (and, again, you might want to check with your landlord before painting).
2. Use a bookshelf as a divider.
Above: To create the feel of a separate, private bedroom in a one-room apartment, enlist a tall, study bookshelf, as designer Karin Montgomery Spath did in this New Zealand studio. It feels almost like a complete wall but can be packed in the moving van (and repurposed elsewhere if you move to a bigger place). See A Glamorous Studio Apartment in Auckland that Feels Like a One-Bedroom, Hack Edition; photograph by Matthew Williams.
3. Add a rolling rack and a curtain.
Above: For a softer divider, we like the idea of curtains, but hanging one from the ceiling requires hardware and drilling holes. For less impact, try this hack from shopowner Makié Yahagi’s Manhattan apartment: a rolling rack (hers is from Ted-Steel Industries) hung with [product id="1001534"]Roller Shower Curtain Rings[/product]and [product id="933845"]Riktig Hooks[/product] from Ikea and a pretty curtain (she used a [product id="1001536"]Selena Washed Linen Flat Sheet[/product] from Caravane). See Shop Owner Makié Yahagi’s Charm-Filled Loft in SoHo, New York; photograph by Matthew Williams.
Cover Bare Walls
A solution for bare apartment walls, and renters (or commitment phobes) who don’t want to hammer nails in:
1. Hang photos (and storage) from the molding.
Above: If you’re lucky enough to have molding in your apartment, use it to hang artwork (or extra storage), as Sarah did here with an S-hook and a length of string. Photograph from Sarah’s Refined Rental in St. Helena, CA.
2. Or, lean art and mirrors on the floor.
Above: No need to hang art if you’re not ready (or if you have a cement or brick wall that makes it hard to hang things). It looks just as intentional when leaned thoughtfully against the wall or on a ledge. Photograph from House Call: 50 Shades of Weathered White in Hudson, NY, from Zio & Sons. Above: Mirrors, too. Photograph from Living Large in 675 Square Feet, Brooklyn Edition.
More ideas for the rental apartment:
Expert Advice: The Ultimate Rental Checklist, Landlord Edition
A Two-Week, $1,000, 500-Square-Foot Rental Overhaul by a Design Student in Bushwick, Brooklyn
At Home with C. S. Valentin: French Eclecticism in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn
Inside a Netflix Star’s LA Bungalow, Budget Rental Secrets Included
‘Own’ It Like You Own It: 8 Ways to Personalize Your Rental, Designer Edition
N.B.: This post is an update; the original story ran on March 23. 2018.
Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/expert-advice-23-genius-reversible-budget-friendly-hacks-to-transform-a-rental-apartment
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agilenano · 4 years
Agilenano - News: Expert Advice: 23 Genius, Reversible, Budget-Friendly Hacks to Transform a Rental Apartment
Here in New York, finding the perfect apartment is an almost futile quest. Unless you’re one of the lucky few—we all know that one person who somehow happened upon a gem, with hardwood floors, an updated kitchen, tasteful light fixtures, and a working fireplace to boot—chances are you’ll end up wanting to change at least one thing about your apartment. (I love the big windows and tall ceilings of my Manhattan rental, but I curse the brown laminate kitchen cabinets every time I walk by.)
But we’ve learned that you don’t have to just live with the cards you’re dealt, even if your landlord won’t allow large-scale changes: There are plenty of small, easy, reversible swaps that make a bigger difference than you’d think. Half of the Remodelista team rents, and we know from experience: Alexa created a kit of better light fixtures, outlet covers, and hardware that she carts with her from apartment to apartment. Kristina took the unsightly doors off of her closet in her Harlem apartment late one night (both to remove an eyesore and for easier access). In her San Francisco flat, Meredith removed and stowed away the standard-issue window blinds and swapped out the rusted metal forced-air grates with plain wood ones from Home Depot.
Take it from us: small swaps make a difference. Here are 23 small, on-a-budget changes, most of which take less than an hour, all of which can be reversed with ease when it’s time to move out (and get your security deposit back).
Fix Up the Kitchen
In a rental, the kitchen is often the area where the most can go wrong design-wise, and chances are you can’t rip it out and start fresh. A few, no-impact swaps to get you through.
1. Lay new countertops right on top of the old.
Above: If you hate the countertops that came with your place, take an idea from designer C. S. Valentin and lay a new countertop material right on top. Valentin opted for a length of cork repurposed from an Ikea Sinnerlig table but a length of marble or butcherblock would also work well. See At Home with C. S. Valentin: French Eclecticism in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn for more. (And note also: the cloth covering the under-counter storage.) Above: Another countertop cover-up: Sarah Lonsdale had plywood covers cut to fit over the existing countertops in her West Coast rental. When she moves out, they can be easily lifted off and packed away. See Sarah’s Refined Rental in St. Helena, CA for more.
2. Swap knobs for ultra-DIY leather pulls.
Above: A Remodelista favorite, and one that is proof that the smallest changes can make the biggest difference: swapping less-than-desirable cabinet pulls. We like DIY leather pulls, like these simple knotted versions in Sarah’s Refined Rental; for a more polished version, see DIY Video: How to Make a $20 Cabinet Pull for $2.
3. Wrap pulls in tape.
Above: Or, wrap cabinet pulls in tape (these, in Rental Rehab: The DIY New York Apartment, are wrapped in textured blue duct tape cut with an X-Acto knife); rope or cloth could also work.
4. Take off the cabinet doors.
Above: If it’s the cabinet fronts themselves you don’t like, take off the doors and stash them away so you can find (and replace) them easily when it’s time to move out. This works well for upper cabinets, where you’re more likely to have artful ceramics and glassware on display; cabinets that stash food and packaging are best kept under wraps (see below for a way of concealing these). Photograph from Small-Space Solutions: 17 Affordable Tips from an NYC Creative Couple.
5. Hang fabric (or even pretty tea towels) in place of cabinet fronts.
Above: If you’re not ready to go for the completely open look, tack pretty lengths of cloth in place of cabinet doors. In Done/Undone with Clarisse Demory in Paris, Demory removed her Ikea cabinet fronts and hung blue tea towels instead. “It’s less cold, less artificial this way,” she says.
6. Build a temporary backsplash.
Above: If you don’t have upper cabinets and want to add some storage (and drama), consider building a removable plywood backsplash that can be carted with you to the next place. Read on in Kitchen Upgrade: The Low-Cost DIY Black Backsplash, and see Remodeling 101: 6 Budget Backsplash Hacks for more ways of creating a backsplash on a budget (or covering an unsightly one).
7. Invest in custom fronts.
Above: If you know your cabinets are Ikea, and if you’re planning on being in your apartment for the long haul, consider investing in custom cabinet fronts that fit onto Ikea boxes. See Ikea Kitchen Upgrade: 8 Custom Cabinet Companies for the Ultimate Kitchen Hack for a few of our favorites. Photograph from Ikea Upgrade: The SemiHandmade Kitchen Remodel.
Transform Outdated Light Fixtures
A rental with acceptable light fixtures is a rarity. (Here at Remodelista, we’re always wishing that landlords would just outfit apartments with The Hardware Store Porcelain Light Socket—it’s inexpensive, versatile, and timeless.) Enlist these hacks until they catch on.
1.  Swap out a front-and-center fixture with something more appealing.
Above: A simple switch with a big impact: If you can, swap out an existing light fixture (or cover a bare bulb) with a fixture you can bring with you from rental to rental. (Just keep the original fixture somewhere so you can replace it before you go.) Here, designer Paige Geffen swapped an existing fixture for the Terra Surface from Cedar & Moss in her kitchen. See The LA Rental, Upgraded: Designer Paige Geffen’s 500-Square-Foot Challenge for more.
2. Or, add a statement shade right over the old fixture.
Above: Hide an unappealing light fixture with a more attractive shade that will cover the whole thing. Here, designer C. S. Valentin used Ikea’s [product id="996030"]Sinnerlig Bamboo Shade[/product] to cover up an unsightly fixture; see At Home with C. S. Valentin: French Eclecticism in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn for more.
3. Replace exposed bulbs with artful versions.
Above: For a fixture with exposed bulbs, swap just the bulbs out, like Sarah did in her LA rental: “I removed the milky glass shades on the light above the mirror and replaced them with silver-tipped light bulbs, which not only look better but also provide nicer light,” she says. See Expert Advice: 10 Tips for Transforming a Rental Bath for more of her ideas.
Upgrade the Bathroom
If you’re like most of us and inherit a rental bathroom in serious need of an upgrade, try these ideas.
1. Swap out standard-issue shower curtain rings.
Above: Another place where leather ties come in handy: as shower curtain holders, instead of standard-issue plastic rings. Sarah made the swap in her own bathroom; see Expert Advice: 10 Tips for Transforming a Rental Bath.
2. Switch the mirror.
Above: Alexa reports that she took down the ugly mirror in her Brooklyn rental bath and replaced it with a more attractive version—it took some elbow grease, she says, but was worth it. (The original mirror is currently under her bed.) If the mirror is removable, replacing it with something of your own choice makes a big difference. Here an antique mirror doesn’t even need to be hung; see House Call: 50 Shades of Weathered White in Hudson, NY, from Zio & Sons.
3. Wrap exposed fixtures in rope.
Above: Don’t like the look of ugly, rusted pipes under the sink? Wrap them in rope, as seen at Urban Cowboy: A Williamsburg Clubhouse for Nomads.
4. Snap on removable tiles.
Above: For tired walls or ugly tile, invest in removable tiles that can be stuck or snapped on (and travel with you when you go). We like these Tiles for Commitment Phobes, shown here in a bathroom in a polyurethane finish (for use in moist areas).
Cover Bad Flooring
Here are some ways to cover up less-than-desirable floors.
1. Layer boards or painted plywood, cut to fit, on top.
Above: If you can’t tear out the flooring and start fresh, create a new layer on top. In Sarah’s Refined Rental in St. Helena, CA , she had a tongue-and-groove oak floor cut to fit and “floated” it over the linoleum that came with the kitchen. “It transformed the space, and we were able to pull it off while keeping the original kitchen intact,” she says. When you move, it can be removed with no permanent damage to the floor underneath. Above: Another version of the same idea: plywood, cut to fit, shown here in Christine’s bathroom. (She painted it for added polish.) See Remodeling 101: Painted Plywood—The Best Budget Wood Floor for the full story.
2. Source, or create, an artful floor covering.
Above: The oldest (and most budget-friendly) trick in the book: covering ugly flooring with rugs. When Justine enlisted Jersey Ice Cream Co. to upgrade her kitchen, redoing the floors was not in the budget. Her solution? Covering them, wall-to-wall, with washable Swedish floorcloths. See how in DIY: The Swedish-Striped Canvas Floorcloth.
Disguise Exposed Utilities
Here are some tricks to disguise unsightly fixtures.
1. Paint utility fixtures.
Above: Exposed pipes and heaters? Consider painting them for an almost sculptural effect. Shown here: a pink-hued heating tower in Kristina Line’s Brooklyn apartment becomes a curious focal point, rather than an eyesore. (Before, “it was a boring brownish color,” she says.) You might want to check with your landlord before painting since, unlike walls, it might not be possible to get an appliance or fixture back to its original color. Photograph from A Two-Week, $1,000, 500-Square-Foot Rental Overhaul by a Design Student in Bushwick, Brooklyn.
2. Wrap steam pipes in rope.
Above: For a more reversible, more textured cover-up, wrap exposed pipes in sturdy rope, as seen in Le Mary Celeste: Coastal Cool in the Middle of the Marais. It’s an effective solution for the steam pipes that run through most New York City apartments—and prevents burns if you accidentally touch the hot pipe, too.
Divide Your Space
If you live in a smaller space than you’d like, one of these simple changes can help divide it.
1. Paint a “room.”
Above: To create the illusion of a “room” in an open space, paint a section or an alcove, making sure to stop abruptly where you want the “room” to end. Shown here: the kitchen in Kristina Line’s Brooklyn one-bedroom (and note how she built out a small plywood partition to complete the alcove.) See more in A Two-Week, $1,000, 500-Square-Foot Rental Overhaul by a Design Student in Bushwick, Brooklyn (and, again, you might want to check with your landlord before painting).
2. Use a bookshelf as a divider.
Above: To create the feel of a separate, private bedroom in a one-room apartment, enlist a tall, study bookshelf, as designer Karin Montgomery Spath did in this New Zealand studio. It feels almost like a complete wall but can be packed in the moving van (and repurposed elsewhere if you move to a bigger place). See A Glamorous Studio Apartment in Auckland that Feels Like a One-Bedroom, Hack Edition; photograph by Matthew Williams.
3. Add a rolling rack and a curtain.
Above: For a softer divider, we like the idea of curtains, but hanging one from the ceiling requires hardware and drilling holes. For less impact, try this hack from shopowner Makié Yahagi’s Manhattan apartment: a rolling rack (hers is from Ted-Steel Industries) hung with [product id="1001534"]Roller Shower Curtain Rings[/product]and [product id="933845"]Riktig Hooks[/product] from Ikea and a pretty curtain (she used a [product id="1001536"]Selena Washed Linen Flat Sheet[/product] from Caravane). See Shop Owner Makié Yahagi’s Charm-Filled Loft in SoHo, New York; photograph by Matthew Williams.
Cover Bare Walls
A solution for bare apartment walls, and renters (or commitment phobes) who don’t want to hammer nails in:
1. Hang photos (and storage) from the molding.
Above: If you’re lucky enough to have molding in your apartment, use it to hang artwork (or extra storage), as Sarah did here with an S-hook and a length of string. Photograph from Sarah’s Refined Rental in St. Helena, CA.
2. Or, lean art and mirrors on the floor.
Above: No need to hang art if you’re not ready (or if you have a cement or brick wall that makes it hard to hang things). It looks just as intentional when leaned thoughtfully against the wall or on a ledge. Photograph from House Call: 50 Shades of Weathered White in Hudson, NY, from Zio & Sons. Above: Mirrors, too. Photograph from Living Large in 675 Square Feet, Brooklyn Edition.
More ideas for the rental apartment:
Expert Advice: The Ultimate Rental Checklist, Landlord Edition
A Two-Week, $1,000, 500-Square-Foot Rental Overhaul by a Design Student in Bushwick, Brooklyn
At Home with C. S. Valentin: French Eclecticism in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn
Inside a Netflix Star’s LA Bungalow, Budget Rental Secrets Included
‘Own’ It Like You Own It: 8 Ways to Personalize Your Rental, Designer Edition
N.B.: This post is an update; the original story ran on March 23. 2018.
Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Agilenano-News/~3/qNyXZahMxn8/expert-advice-23-genius-reversible-budget-friendly-hacks-to-transform-a-rental-apartment
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