#i wish i could identify ground beetles
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bug-kid-benny · 2 years ago
whenever im putting something like a ground beetle back outside onto the patio and I think I'm putting it down really gently but it rolls off my hand and makes a big super audible CLACK noise hitting the pavement from like half an inch off the ground falling onto its back I feel so bad I'M SORRY BENNY JUNIOR !!! i know that they probably could withstand it but i hope they don't get the insect equivalent of a concussion
bugs seem so fragile yet so indestructible at the same time I think shes okay though I wish I took a photo of her that's the first ground beetle I've seen this year I think she was a big-headed ground beetle but I might be wrong I'm pretty sure of it though
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taiey · 4 years ago
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*takes long sip of lemonade*
OK, so.
Obviously Smirke was wrong; not just the whole ‘balance’ thing that he himself repudiated shortly before his death, but his theory of 14 separate fear entities hanging out in wherever-who-cares—side note I guess Leitner was wrong when he said it wasn’t another dimension? sounds like it was—was empirically disproven by the events of 160.
So we’ve known that for a while. If you squint over at the third set of blobs up there, you’ll see the minimum necessary alteration to Smirke’s theory to fit: where they’re basically separate entities, but stuck together a little bit. (The five of ‘em are standing in for all 14-or-15, that part’s not meaningful.)
But no one actually thinks that, least not that I’ve seen. The only major theory I’ve seen at all about the entities is the “fear soup” one, which shoots way past that to... honestly I don’t think I fully comprehend that theory and I can’t ask for further clarification but it seems to be just full-on everything-is-one-thing,
It gets at something important that the neo-Smirkean ignores, which is that they have a lot in common. They can all kill you. They all tend to prey on isolated people. They can all do mind control. Every encounter with an avatar has some degree of suffering so someone else can watch. They all reach out to places and people and objects, of which a surprisingly high proportion are books. They can all warp the rules of physics, make you feel helpless, in pain...
But I think it misses something important too, which is that there are differences, and there is structure. There is a reason that Jane Prentiss identifies the wasp nest and her broken-toxic friendships and the ant infestation and her blackhead trypophobia and worms squirming out of sodden ground as all part of the same song of all-consuming ‘love’—while separating out literal spiders (and fractals) because webs are “not the song of the hive”. There is a reason that never-human Breekon and Hope identified the Circus as “our own kind” (as opposed to meat, “shifting writhing spiral things”, or “the spider”) not because it was a group, or because it travelled, but because they were anonymous.
There’s a reason a mummy from Fourth Dynasty Egypt and a soldier from America’s Revolutionary War could show you the connection between games of chance and the dead that cannot die; why a book in Lancraig and a band in London and a ghost ship off the coast of Japan show a connection between omnidirectional human violence and music; why men desperate for love find themselves piles of beetles and weeping maggots; why Jordan Kennedy smelled the same scent as Jane and John Amherst burned; why Simon Fairchild fell in love with the sky and off of a ladder two centuries before Robert Smirke was born then proceeded to find the same joy in skydiving, giant monsters throwing people out of cable cars, giant monsters in the depths of the ocean, gianter monsters in the infinite void of space, ‘a lot with religion’ (probably involving giant monsters, considering), and, once he found an angle (giant monster) on it, overpopulation.
I could go on about this for a while (everything about the literal spiders! the buried and sleep! the buried and being-slightly-too-warm! honestly wish the desolation was less synonymous with fire!) and I honestly enjoy this facet of the show. So I’ve been trying to articulate how I feel it works (anenomes? starfish? a human body? amoeba-with-long-list-of-criteria? the ‘colour’ thing has never worked for me) (trying to convince myself that being impossible to articulate clearly was evidence in my favour) and eventually settled on [pause to scroll all the way back up] blobs. but like, morphous blobs. labelled ‘compass rose’ because i drew the blobs right after 183 and i am nothing if not self-aware, ok XD
I wanted to say—there is a lot in common and a lot different. There is a label-able set of blob-protuberances and there could be more. There are things that are 90% one blob and 2% of five others and that doesn’t mean those fears are all equally important in it. There is too much holding the fears together to pull through only one, but too much differentiation for pulling on one area to drag the whole of it through eventually. Even in the apocalypse when “the old divisions don’t mean as much these days”, that old list still “does have its use when it comes to conceptualising these things”.
In conclusion: blobs. ♥
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lost-kinn · 6 years ago
fun facts from the wanderer’s journal
- geo is “fossilized bug shells,” (pg 11) with different shells denoting 1 geo, a different shell for 5 geo, and another shell for 10 geo. ellina writes that “even the toll machines accept [the geo shells],” (11) meaning that the pale worm can build a better vending machine than whichever human clown built the piece of shit vending machine outside my office
- chests are cash stashes made by wealthier bugs when hallownest was in its prime, which apparently explains why there’s chests attached to walls and in the middle of a mechanical crushing machine in crystal peak
- about geo deposits: “geo is a naturally-occuring fossil throughout the caverns of hallownest,” (11) which makes me wish that human money could also be found cemented to the sidewalk
- ellina writes that “applying and removing charms is a bit of a tricky process,”  12) and that “a single ill-fitting charm is said to place the wearer’s safety in danger” with such seriousness that i presume that taking charms on and off while walking is ill-advised in the same way that it’s ill-advised not to perform open heart surgery on oneself while walking
- longnail “expands its wearer’s aura,” (13) rather than physically increasing the size of the nail, which sounds a bit like fighting with nails are 50% physical metal and 50% naruto ninja chakra
- ellina refers to hallownest as “hostile bug-infested lands” (15) as if she herself and basically everyone else in the cast are not also bugs
- benches are wide enough to seat two people and taking up the whole bench is considered “rude” (14), which explains why the player knight felt the need to murder the Crystal Guardian for manspreading on public seating
- a lot of forgotten crossroads public infrastructure and carts are confirmed to be made of “shells” (18), which i presume are not sea shells. ellina is also rather perturbed by how many shells are in the shaman’s burial mound (22), double confirming that a lot of hallownest is made of corpses. reduce reuse recycle, apparently
- ellina speculates that the husk statues lining the crossroads might be fossilized husks, which is such an oddly specific detail that it makes me think she’s onto something
- whispering roots can apparently induce “bewildering, vivid dreams” (23) if you sleep under it, which i know is supposed to be a reference to the radiance but also. yknow. blaze it
- salubra confirmed to use she/her pronouns in the event anyone was wondering (24)
- husk guards apparently cause shockwaves just by slamming their dummy thicc asses on the ground hard enough to kill you (28)
- there is still no explanation as to why massive moss charger is in godhome
- ellina writes “the pale king apparently took great interest in civil engineering” (57) at which point i lost my SHIT for ten minutes straight because the fact that they even have the phrase “civil engineering” implies that they have enough types of engineering to specify “civil,” and also that there’s enough bugs going to civil engineering school for that to even be a term?? is there a bug SAT to get to engineering school?? do yall have to take bug calculus to qualify?? yall have bug higher education???? do bugs stay up at night worrying about whether their bugs letters of recommendation will land them their bug nine-to-five engineering job in a bug cubicle??????
- the old stag is specified to have “strong legs” (58) which personally kills me specifically, a person who is co-writing a fanfic called “stag beetles and broken legs” based off a central metaphor in which stag beetles have fragile legs
- the mantises apparently pre-date hallownest, and outlived hallownest too (60)
- relic seeker lemm offered to buy ellina’s wanderer’s journal for 200 geo to her face without even waiting for her to die, which is like the real-life equivalent of paying someone 200 bucks to read their diary while they’re still alive and also right in front of you
- watcher knights are confirmed to be corpse-shells reanimated by infected flies, which makes me feel some type of way about getting my ass kicked for four hours straight by a bunch of flies
- ellina writes that “the web-walking critteres [denizens of deepnest] seem to have little trouble traversing [the holes in deepnest’s path],” which implies to me that their method of public infrastructure was “git gud”
- confirmed that only the elite of the elite could ride on the tram due to needing a pass from the king himself, which feels like a segregation of public transportation i’ve seen before 
- a specimen called “little weaver” is shown to be wearing a red cloak like hornet (91)
- ogrim confirmed to train by throwing balls of dung around all by his damn lonely self and apparently still manage to have a good time (99)
- pg 136 pretty clearly specifies that the teacher’s archives were specifically meant to house, preserve, and record all of monomon’s knowledge, not spread that knowledge or even have that knowledge be used, which is a fun characterization of monomon that i’m just going to ignore
- ellina writes that the hinged platforms in the queen’s gardens “come in handy for gradual descents” as if she doesn’t know damn well that those sons of bitches are the second hardest platforming challenge in the game
- ellina infers from the size of gorb’s head that “it must have been a genius” (149) further proving that ellina is a 100% reliable narrator whose speculations are always correct
- ellina implies that since there’s eggshells found in the depths of the abyss, it’s not so much that the pale king hatched his child-vessels on the ground level and threw the unsatisfactory vessels into the abyss, but that they were all born in the abyss, like a giant breeding petri dish, and the pale king only saw fit to bring the “pure vessel” out of the abyss. this might only be ellina’s inference, but that does explain why the player knight’s egg is in the abyss and the player knight had to crawl their way out.
- ellina writes on page 158 that the void liquid “seems to have a mind of its own, and lashes out at intruders, either to push them away or to pull them under,” confirming once and for all that the void is, at its heart, a tsundere
- although the journal never uses they/them pronouns for any character, there’s several characters that are only referred to as it/its. in some cases, this seems like a clear denotation that they’re considered “sub-human” (for lack of a better phrase) such as the baldur (32) or infected husks. some characters that you’d think would have a gender are referred to with it/its, such as gruz mother (33) and flukemarm (101). other characters are referred to with it/its even though they don’t typically classify as “mindless bugs,” such as steel soul jinn (9), the hunter (41), soul warrior (75), crystal guardian (83). every character with a he/him pronoun or she/her pronoun from the game obviously retains these pronouns, even in cases where the gender wasn’t well-identified in the base game (e.g. willoh, she/her pronouns, page 57; soul master, he/him pronouns, pg 75).
10/10. beautiful. wonderful. excellent work
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spiiderwiick · 4 years ago
Wick had been avoiding their home. When they did pop back there, it was always with an escort, and mostly they just fed and misted their bugs before scurrying back off.
They’d heard about what happened when Benrey had run into Patches earlier. They knew she was not in good shape. The spell had worn off but it seemed to be having longer lasting emotional effects. That or feeling for the first time in decades wasn’t sitting well with her. Whatever the case, Patches was self destructing off in the woods when she wasn’t being a problem for everyone else and she seemed to be having weird emotional hangups about people being nice to her.
Wick found themself wishing she would just stay there, but they knew things wouldn’t stay that way.
After what felt like ages but had probably only been closer to a week, they decided they couldn’t stay away from home any longer. It was quiet, aside from the distant sounds of beetle feet squeaking against the corners of their enclosure and the hum of the fridge. Somehow these sounds didn’t grant them any feeling of comfort and security.
The first night. Things were normal enough. They spent most of the entire time with a cloud of anxiety hanging over them of this is it this is the day she finally comes for me. But no clown came.
The second night more of the same. Wick did start to reflect on what little they had seen of her recently. Usually it was in chats they both frequented. Any time they showed up, she tended to quietly disappear. It was actually pretty nice.
Just for a little while, they let their guard down. They stopped spooking at every bump they heard in the night, and only spooked at half of them. It was progress.
Nothing lasted forever though.
It was on the fourth night that the hammer finally dropped.
Wick was winding down for the evening. They’d just fixed themself a nice mug of hot chocolate, something suitable for the cool, late summer evening. They found themself taking a peek into their backyard to see if the stars were out, but as they did, a red glint caught their eye. At first they figured it was a reflection of one of their devices in the kitchen or living room, they glanced behind them to check.
There was nothing shining red in here.
The eyes in the back of their head caught movement and they quickly turned to focus on what they knew deep down in their gut was going to be the clown.
Patches had made short work of the distance between them, and had her face and long, long claws pressed to the glass. That single red eye burning with hatred and fully focused on Wick.
Wick did not hesitate to bolt, and they were speedy when they wanted to be. As they ran, they tried to pull out their phone and send a hasty text.
Speed doesn’t beat magic, though, and Patches, despite her open hatred of it, was very magic. Bubbling goo in their hallway was the only warning they had before a clawed hand grasped their leg, toppling them and sending their phone with its half written text flying out of their reach.
Patches pulled herself from the puddle, her many hands grasping Wick’s flailing limbs as they kicked and struggled. They were strong but she was stronger, “If you even think about calling that freak here, I will gut you on the spot.” Wick stared up at her, horrified. There was no lingering sentimentality left in them, she noted, unlike with Benrey. Their voice stayed caught in their throat before they managed to squeak out a terrified question, “what do you want?”
This fear... She had missed it. Too many people had been getting bold and more interested in striking up deals than fearing her. Patches leaned in close, teeth bared as though she intended to bite their face off right there and then, which had admittedly crossed her mind, “I want to know why.”
Why...............? Wick’s mind was blank. Why what? What was she demanding an answer to? Wait... No they remembered now, “i... you were just a kid. even if i-it’s you i. wasn’t gonna just. leave a scared kid on their own.”
Just a kid. No. She had bit them, she had outright told them she had killed before. Anyone in their right mind, especially someone she had been tormenting for most of a year should have taken that chance to off her. She was sure this was the correct line of thinking and not her own distorted bias talking, “You don’t seriously mean to tell me you are so sentimental that you felt the need to protect me.”
Their eyes widen as one of her hands tightened dangerously close to their throat. In that moment they became convinced that his was definitely where they were going to die, “i- no i- i just-”
Tears welled in their eyes, they were so scared. They knew this was going to blow up in their face. They knew it the whole time. Why did they help her? Why did they have to be so nice? That was exactly what she wanted to know too, apparently, “it.. was to protect you. and everyone else from you. i didn’t want you to get hit by a car or to hurt anyone else in your panic.”
“And why not?” Wick flinched at the sharpness of her question.
“i don’t know! maybe i am just so fucking soft that i can’t wish bad shit happening to a baby!” It was a perfectly reasonable thing to be soft about, and they knew it. That didn’t stop them from feeling bad about it because a clown was angry and in their face because of it, unfortunately.
“But you didn’t stop there, did you?” Her voice was accusatory, furious, “Playing pretend? That fort? All those treats?”
Wick knew they’d be frustrated by this later, assuming they lived through this encounter. These sounded like the stupidest things to be angry about, “i don’t know what you want me to say? sorry for treating you like a fucking person instead of locking you in the garage like a feral demon cat???”
Ah. Apparently they were already frustrated enough to run their mouth. They had no idea what was the right course of action to take here. There was no running, Patches had them pinned to the ground and claws everywhere. There was no appealing to her sentimental side, she clearly didn’t have one anymore. They knew she had been literally trying to tear out whatever might have been there, in their eyes she had succeeded. Being nice to her was the opposite of what she seemed to want. Being mean to her felt like a good way to get into a game of escalation. All they could do was snark and hope that it was mean enough to not piss her off without escalating things.
Patches looked surprised by their answer, maybe even a little impressed. She was used to them freezing up when they were afraid of her. Patches of course, gave no indication of this and only continued to press with her claws, “Ah but what am I if not a feral demon cat, hm?”
Whatever snappy retort Wick was going to fire back caught in their throat yet again as the claws pressed harder. It felt like she was going to puncture their carapace soon and that thought brought a new wave of fear, “y-you’re just a heartless monster. is that what you want me to say? are you happy???”
While that had been what she was fishing for, it didn’t hit like she’d wanted it to. Some minuscule part of her felt hurt by the comment, some remnant leftover from the magic, she was sure. Clearly she had more carving to do, because she wasn’t happy. Nothing was fixing this pit she felt in her chest. All she wanted was for it to go away. She thought confronting Wick, hearing words of hatred, unfiltered by any niceties would do it.
It didn’t.
Nothing was helping. Maybe she should just off them. She’d been toying with them for almost a year. The thought had struck her more than once, and she hated whenever people brought them up as a reason she was softer than she let on. That would show everyone, wouldn’t it? Especially that Nero fellow.
Patches raised a hand, claws curled and ready to strike. Wick paled, this was it. They squeezed their eyes shut, bracing themself for the inevitable blow.
All the sickeningly sweet kindness they had shown her roiled in her mind, she let the memories rise to fuel her anger. All their sympathy, their thoughtfulness, their patience, their genuine kindness, even when they were terrified of her, how they pushed through it to show her that she didn’t have to be mean or evil. How she didn’t want to be bad, she was just scared and met with fear in turn. Being a monster didn’t mean she had to do monstrous things. No. No... That wasn’t what she wanted to think about.
She struck.
Her claws buried themselves deep.. Into the wood floor, right next to their head.
At first Wick thought the crunch was their own exoskeleton and that their nerves just hadn’t caught up with them yet. They cracked open their eyes to figure out what happened. Had someone stopped her?
They had hoped Benrey had decided to check up on them at just the right moment. Instead what they saw was the claws tearing deep gouges into their floor and an incredibly upset clown. Wick couldn’t place any of the emotions on her face, it was hard enough to read normally with its mask-like qualities and the near permanent grin she wore. They could feel her hands trembling where she had them pinned down. Was she having second thoughts about killing them?
Truth be told, even Patches was having trouble figuring it out. Decades of suppressing nearly all her emotions had left her terrible at identifying them. Everything was either cruel glee or anger with no in-between. There was anger there, that much she knew. Now however, it was directed at herself more than Wick. Why couldn’t she do this? Why hadn’t she done it earlier? Was she growing sentimental?
More nausea rose in her. This was supposed to be easy.
Patches found herself so rattled by her inability to kill them that she couldn’t even come up with some half baked excuse. It took her longer to notice her trembling hands than it did for Wick. Why was this happening? What was wrong with her? Damn it all. This wasn’t how this was supposed to go. She knew she was better than this.
Gritting her teeth, Patches hauled Wick off the ground to slam them back against the wall. She just needed to get back into it, she needed momentum. Glass picture frames crunched behind them and Wick cried out in pain, kicking their legs feebly in an attempt to keep her at bay. Patches drew back a hand and- The pit was back and it was growing. It was that same guilt she felt as a child when she realized that biting their hand had been wrong. Why? Why why why why why?
She couldn’t do it.
Why couldn’t she do it?
Her grip faltered and Wick dropped to the ground like a gangly sack of potatoes. Before they could do or say anything, she withdrew into goo, vanishing into the night.
It was Wick’s turn to be a trembling mess now. Their life had flashed before their eyes twice in the span of two minutes. What had just happened? She wanted to kill them, they knew that much, but something had stopped her. Did she have a conscience now? Was there still some shred of good in her?
Wick decided they didn’t care. They crawled down the hall to reach their phone. The screen had cracked from the impact. They sat back against the wall as the tears started to trickle down their face. They could barely type or proofread what they were writing.
Whatever. They sent the garbled message. Now to wait and try to remember to breathe.
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theveryworstthing · 6 years ago
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i have a guide for y’all today.
How To Prepare A Rabbit. A Simple And Peaceful Guide To Traditional Island Funerals As Led By Vultures Respectful Of Rabbit Culture With Perfect Customer Service Records Pertaining To Never Being Cursed Or Tortured By Vengeful Restless Spirits.
The Body Is Found. A crowded bedside, an open field, inside a room who’s door was still rusted shut until we broke it down how in the world did they get in there??? Somewhere on the island, a rabbit’s body is found and sometimes they are attended to by vultures. Some vultures prepare the dead a little differently, but these are the steps taken by senior priestesses Fifteen-Stab-Wounds and Irresponsible Botany and so are nearly identical to traditional rabbit-led funeral customs.
You’ll know when we get to the bit rabbits usually don’t do.
Steps Are Taken. A special tincture made of wine and charcoal is applied to the soles of the feet (if they still have them), which are then gently pressed first onto a piece of cloth and then onto a piece of edible rice paper. The cloth is the ‘second to last step’, and is kept for the funeral display. The rice paper is the ‘last step’ and is left where the body was found as an offering to any malicious spirits or persistent sorrows that were hounding them to the very end. This is supposed to be a symbolic gesture to give the soul the peace it might need to leave for The Rest instead of lingering out of worry or fear but something is eating those things the moment the body is gone and no one is looking, and something flattens the grass in interlocking circles outside of the morgue if the offering is forgotten.
To be fair this last part could be urban legend and asshole teens but something is definitely eating those dang rice papers.
Identification. The body is identified through necromancy or other ghost conversation if possible(making sure that the rabbit confirming their identity is the real deal and not…something else). This process, known as opening the left eye, also seeks to find the definitive cause of death (at least from their point of view) and secure final wishes before the soul begins their connection fast. This fast is a period of time where the dead should not be contacted. This is a time for reflection, adjustment, and mourning for the living, as well as a settling period for the dead. Fresh ghosts are a little volatile if they don’t pass on to The Rest very soon after death and can become trapped in the living world though their attachment to a person. After the soul is safely in The Rest loved ones are brought over for a second identification, known as opening the right eye, and real prep begins.
Cold Storage. The body is refrigerated above ground in specially built storehouses(the dead should not be brought underground into a warren or burrow), inspected one last time (careful notes are taken), gutted, cleaned with island fresh water(or any salt water), and readied for the funeral soon after. Well, some of the body is readied. The head, arms and feet are preserved and prepped for the funeral but the rest is put back into refrigeration (except for the heart, which is burned or thrown to the bugs asap) since rabbits consider it cleaner and only really care about those ‘main bits’ unless the dead had a very specific request. And even then it depends of the rate of decomposition. The less contact an entire group that lives in close quarters has with the majority of a rotting corpse that might carry disease, the better,
There is an exception for kits. They have their innards removed but are kept whole and are ‘fixed up’ as much as possible. It makes things…less worse.
Portraits And Dressings. Floor length death masks are made by painting a portrait on a circle of canvas, sewing it to the mask, and draping it over the face of the dead. These portraits can be very simple, putting eye color, fur patterns, and notable scars inside a general rabbit outline or they can be beautifully lifelike likenesses. It really depends on the customs of your warren and the artist in your local funeral home. In the past people with the means and access to good artists would go to get their portrait drawn every year just to have something nice to pin to their death mask (plus people just like having pictures of themselves). In modern times this is still done, but now the few that have gotten their hands on cameras have photographs as an additional option.
Bodies are displayed suspended on round yellow straw mats made to resemble the sun. The head, arms, and feet are arranged around a false body of flowers, dried fruit rinds, straw, and smoking incense. A brightly colored cloak is draped over them, allowing the flesh and fur bits of their ‘body’ to show. Flowers, pretty stones, and precious items are tucked in beside them and on top of them to further the illusion. The cloth with their ‘second to last step’ lies beneath their feet and a line of ash mixed with tiny jagged stones or thorns leads from it to the nearest doorway. The line symbolizes a kind of path to their death that they don’t want you to follow. You do not step on it.  
The Service. Close family enters before the service to view the body if they wish and kind of just privately mourn. During the service mourners walk up to the body one by one after an attendant paints vibrant pigments onto their palms(choosing the color and amount of pigment that best represents their relationship with the dead), and briefly grasp the trailing edge of the death mask. You are not supposed to speak during this ritual. There is no one there to talk to anymore. This is just letting go.
This is all fairly quick unless people linger.
Food. When everyone who wants to has had their turn a memorial meal is served in the nearest warren dining hall. The death mask is taken to this meal and draped over a stand in the brightest area of the room. This is the real service. This is where, after staring out into space for fifteen minutes before someone hands you a drink and the remnants of chalky paint on your thumb smears ‘friendship’ on the glass that the pain hits. During this meal people grieve and sing and cry and fight and tell stories about the dead. It’s very chaotic and rowdy compared to the beginning of the funeral. It has to be. Everyone has to prove to themselves that they’re ready to keep going.
Food. Rabbit funeral directors will usually stay the whole memorial meal, which can last all night. But unless they personally know the person, vultures like the esteemed Fifteen and Irresponsible with arrive for the first toast and leave about an hour after the kits go to bed. Nobody talks about why they leave so early.
While the revelry continues, the body is back at the funeral home being butchered and skinned by the priestesses. Ears, distinctive bits of fur, and tattoos are all set aside for the grave slab. Everything else is mostly sliced off the bones, which have holes carefully drilled into the ends so the bugs can retrieve the marrow without trying to gnaw through them. The meat and previously refrigerated viscera is thrown into a big pot with some of the flowers and smoky herbs from the funeral, doused in boiling water, and left to stew a little. The bones (and any meat that can’t possibly be cooked or eaten that day) are taken to the bug kennels where carrion beetles and maggots make them shiny and clean before sun-bleaching.
And the priestess’ meal is delicious. A little sad at times, but delicious. Fifteen still cries just a little, just a tear drop, every time her wife holds her talons and presses their foreheads together over the steaming stew as they pray for the rabbit inside it. She can’t help it, she’s sentimental. And also, to both of them it’s just…a wonderful process. By making sure that the body is consumed by life, useful and beautiful in the end, they honor that person and acknowledge that death sometimes creates a fear and grief so tangible that all you can do is eat it or transform it but mainly get it out of the world before it hurts people more (the rabbits’ memorial meal is the same principle really, just not as eloquent and with more angry weeping about how the deceased still owed them a solid.)
Grave Slabs. When the meat is gone and the bones are cleaned, bleached, and prepared then the grave slab construction begins. Bones, ears, tattoos, significant trinkets, etc, are arranged in a mold by suspending them in layers of crystal clear (sometimes colored) resin. They are particularly careful with the skull, making sure to coat it with a layer of protective resin but leaving the jaw hinged and exposed since after their connection fast is over necromancers can use it to contact the dead. They are also very careful with the ears, as they must protrude from the resin mass as if still attached to a living rabbit or at least be posed inside the mass in a natural way. Skulls are a link to living people, but ears are seen as a link to their experience in the living world. Both are very important.
When the grave slab is ready it is delivered to whatever grave area the family desires. These areas are always sunny, above ground, and very rocky or laid with cobblestones. While some grave slabs are simply propped up on simple stand, others are bricked into low stone walls, making some old family plots glimmering bone mosaicked monuments. Once the grave slab is secure and the family is satisfied you’re done.
And that’s how you prepare a rabbit. Serves everyone.
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spn-rewrites · 6 years ago
01x08 (part 2)
Season One: Episode Eight: Bugs
A/n: hey guys! hope youre enjoying the rewrite so far, i have a lot of ideas for the reader’s storyline but would absolutely love and take into consdieration any suggestions or ideas that you have, so send them in! if you liked it, please REBLOG! 
Summary: steam showers, dead spiders and a boy in the woods.
Word Count: 3.3k
part 1 part 3 part 4
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It was dark out now, and Dean finally let someone other than himself drive the Impala but unfortunately for you, it was Sam. He was nestled in the passenger seat, reading over John’s journal and you were brainstorming any and all options as to what could have happened to Dustin. “I’ve heard of killer bees, but killer beetles? What is it that could make different bugs attack?” Dean inquired.
“Well hauntings sometimes include bug manifestations,” Sam pointed out. A good point, but the least likely. You were leaned back in the backseat, your feet kicked up on the back of the front seats. Dean elbowed your feet off, causing them to come crashing down and you sat up.
“Yeah, but I didn’t see any evidence of ghost activity,” you added, leaning forward and reading over Dean’s shoulder at the journal. You two had spent countless nights reading that old thing, cover to cover but there were still so many things you had missed and had yet to learn.
“Yeah, me neither,” Sam mumbled, agreeing with you and dismissing his own suggestion.
Dean hummed to himself, thinking, contemplating. He smacked his lips and had an idea. “Maybe they’re being controlled somehow, you know by something or someone,” Dean suggested, perking up a little bit like maybe that was the one.
“You mean like Willard?” You asked, scrunching up your face at the thought of all those fucking rats. You had only seen the 2003 version which was unacceptable to Dean but he let it slide because of how much you protested, ‘I hate rats, they’re dirty and they live in sewers and make me have nightmares,’ you would complain everytime he tried so eventually he just stopped pushing it.
“Yeah, bugs instead of rats,” he shrugged.
“There are cases of psychic connections between people and animals. Elementals, telepaths,” Sam listed off, entertaining Dean’s idea that maybe the bugs were being told to murder people but that made even less sense than the manifestations. However, the way Sam could easily come up with ideas and theories without having to look at any books always intrigued you. It sure as hell saved a lot of time, too.
“Yeah, the whole Timmy-Lassie thing.” Dean looked back at the journal, reading some more before a thought came to mind. “Larry’s kid. Got bugs for pets,” he pointed out.
“Matt?” You asked, again confused as to where he was going with that. There had to be a connection there, but you highly doubted that a teenage boy was controlling an army of bugs and killing off construction workers and development surveyors.
“He did try to scare the realtor with a tarantula,” Sam contemplated for a moment.
“Think he’s our Willard?” You asked, looking over at Sam, shocked that he was actually considering this but what other options did you really have? There were none. You had no more evidence, little to no information and not a lot of time. Whatever it is, could strike at any minute.
“I don’t know, anything is possible I guess,” he shrugged.
“Ooh, hey. Pull over here.” Dean started pointing out the window to an almost finished house with the port-a-potty still on the front lawn.
“What are we doing here?” Sam asked as he pulled in the driveway anyway. The moment he parked the car, Dean got out.
“It’s too late to talk to anybody else!” Dean said, holding his arms out like what else we gonna do? And Sam rolled down his window. You squinted, looking out the windshield to watch was Dean was doing - pulling open the garage door.
“We’re going to squat in an empty house?” Sam asked, appalled that the idea even crossed Dean’s mind but the way that developer was talking about the houses, you were mad you didn’t think about it first.
“I wanna try the steam shower,” Dean admitted, holding the garage door open, waiting for his brother that was still parked and hesitant.
“Oooh! Yeah!” You swatted at Sam’s arm, causing him to look back at you. You smiled, pointing towards Dean to egg him forward. He shooked his head, furrowed his brows and looked at you like you were crazy but you begged him with your eyes and his face softened before he turned to look at his brother.
“Come on!” Dean yelled, gesturing him forward. Sam let out a huge sigh, a fuck you guys sigh and drove forward into the garage as Dean closed the door behind the Impala.
The house was almost completely empty with no furniture in it, so you settled into the floor. You crossed your legs, resting your hands on your thighs as Sam set up the police scanner. “What are you looking at?” He mumbled, feeling your eyes burning a hole in his head.
“Nun,” you smiled at him. His eyes flickered from the scanner to you and then back again so quickly if you weren’t looking you would have easily missed it. “How are you doing?” You asked, referring to the Lori thing but Sam just gave you a puzzled look and shrugged his shoulders.
“Fine, why?”
“Just want to check up on you. Must be kind of difficult coming back into this life, ya know? After you finally got what you wanted,” you drifted off, almost immediately regretting what you were saying. Sam’s hands stopped moving and he looked at you for real this time, setting the scanner on the ground. “Sorry,” you mumbled, waving your hand in the air and making the words disappear.
“You make it a little bit easier,” Sam said, picking up the scanner again and finally finding the right station to listen to. Although you and Dean were set on having a night of relaxation with the steam showers, Sam insisted that the radio be on and your ears to be peeled for anything that may come through that needed immediate attention, always the worker bee.
“Just a little bit?” You asked hand pressed to your chest in an effort to sound offended. Sam chuckled and nodded, settling down on the ground next to you, his legs up and bent, his arms wrapped around them. He still towered over you, even sitting on the floor.
“Yeah, just a little bit,” he whispered, his eyes dancing across your face. He bumped his leg against yours when the radio started buzzing and a voice called over it. A woman found dead in her home, only three blocks from the house you were squatting in. Perfect timing, you thought.
Sam shot up, running up the stairs to grab Dean, who was still taking a shower and you heard Sam banging on the door and the two boys yelling at each other as you got all your things together and started packing up the Impala just in case. Sam was in the car with you in no time, Dean, however, took a little bit longer and his hair was still soaked and you could see wet spots on his shirt from where he hadn’t fully dried off.
The three of you pulled up just as a body, covered in a black tarp, was being wheeled out of the house and into the back of a car. Sam pulled over and you got out as fast as you could, eager to find out more. Larry was on the phone and you could hear his voice talking to the person on the other line. “I don’t know anything more, I’ll have to call you back. Alright?” You walked up to him as he was hanging out and it was raining out, so you huddled next to Dean under the umbrella and wrapped your arm around his. “Hello, you’re, uh, back early,” Larry addressed.
“Yeah, we just drove in, wanted to take another look at the neighborhood,” Dean said, looking around at the action and around Larry. He seemed a little frazzled, but not as frazzled as you would expect for someone who has two deaths now in a developing neighborhood.
“What’s going on?” Sam asked, getting right to the point and you were thankful because God, did you hate small talk.
“You guys met, uh, Lynda Bloom at the barbeque?” Larry asked, glancing back at the body bag that they were now loading up. Lynda.
“The realtor.”
“Well, she, uh, passed away last night,” Larry informed you in the least depressing way ever. Like she baked a cake or is hosting a party that you weren’t invited to so he felt kind of awkward telling you about it, but hey you were here and you know either way.
“What happened?” Dean asked.
“I’m still trying to find out,” Larry said, keeping his lips tightly together. Maybe, if they were a little looser he would spill everything he knows and you had a feeling he knew a lot. He looked back at the officers that were at the door, writing things down in their little notepad that you wished you could get your hands on and then he looked back at you, ready to dismiss you.  “Identified the body for the police. Look, I’m, I’m sorry. This isn’t a good time.”
“It’s okay,” Sam brushed him off and Larry excused himself to go back into the house and continue talking to the police. You watched him as the boys exchanged a look over your head but you didn’t care because you were focused on the way Larry was walking faster than he was at the barbeque like he had a purpose and was on a mission. You watched as he whispered in the officer’s ear and guided him inside the house.
“You know what we have to do, right?” Dean asked.
“Yeah. Get in that house,” Sam confirmed. You looked at him and he looked at you, raising his eyebrows at you.
“See if we got a bug problem,” you added, hoping that you found bugs because then at least there would be more of a concrete pattern happening and not just a weird fluke with that bee sting but hoping also, that you find some more evidence than just ants.
You waited until all the police officers were done and long gone before even attempting to go inside the house. You parked the car around the corner, sitting in the backseat while Dean blasted his rock music and Sam complained. The smile on his face every time he did, make your heart skip and Dean rolls his eyes but these were your favorite moments. In between all the craziness, when it’s quiet and just the three of you. Where Sam can pretend things are normal and you can pretend that things are normal and maybe in that universe - where things are normal - Sam loves you back.
When the last officer drove away, the three of you snuck behind a tree, climbed up the fence, to the trellis and in through the window. You came up last, Sam pulling you in the window and shutting it behind you. You brushed off the debris from the walls off your pants as Dean breathlessly looked around, “this looks like the place.”
The room looked like a crime scene but not the same kind of crime scene you saw only a few weeks ago, with yellow caution tape and blood all over the place. Instead, it looked like a crime scene from an old black and white silent film, where everything looked fake and there was a body outlined on the floor with black masking tape and glass shattered on the floor. There was a rolled up, sopping wet towel on the middle of the bathroom floor where the shower door had been broken through and little spots of blood were all over the white tile.
Dean stepped over the glass, crunching beneath his big boots and lifted the towel. A bunch of little tiny spiders fell from the towel, causing you to gasp and jump behind Sam. “Fuck!” You were quiet, but urgent because you were terrified of spiders but Sam chuckled at you, picking one up and dangling it in your face. Dead.
“They’re all dead, y/n.” He shook his head at you and Dean picked up another one, inspecting it in his hand and spinning it around in his fingers and you got even more grossed out than when Sam did that with the beetle.
“Spiders. From spider boy?” Dean asked, raising an eyebrow at the connection.
“Matt,” Sam corrected. Dean held his hands up in defense and Sam let out a sigh as you slowly moved out from behind him to get a better look at whatever was going on on the floor. He was right, they were all dead but it didn’t give you any less of a chill down your spine. “Maybe,” Sam whispered.
Driving behind a bus for miles was the last thing you wanted to do, the starting and stopping and driving 20 miles an hour was absolute torture, but when it was finally Matt’s stop, you perked up when he started walking the opposite direction of his house. “Isn’t his house that way?” Dean asked.
“Yup,” Sam confirmed as he peered out of the window and watched as Matt crossed the street and went down into the woods that surrounded the developing area.
“So where’s he going?” You asked the duo. They both ignored your question and got out of the car to follow. You did as they did and as much as you hate bugs, you stalked through the woods like a pro. Sam only had to help you down the hill twice and it really was mind over matter. No bugs are crawling on you. No bugs. No bugs. No bugs.
You finally found Matt, in an open clearing. He was looking at a twig from one of the trees, a plastic container in his hand. The leaves crunched under your feet and Matt turned to look.“Hey Matt,” Sam greeted. “Remember me?” Matt looked suspicious and almost terrified, but you didn’t really blame him because three strangers just followed him into the freaking woods.
“What are you doing out here?” He asked cautiously.
“Well, we wanna talk to you,” Dean asked, a fake smile on his face and his hands shoved into his pockets. You smiled when Matt’s eyes landed on you and then he looked to Sam, the only person he had met out of the three of you.
“You’re not here to buy a house, are you?” He asked, his eyes squinted in suspicion. “W-Wait, you’re not serial killers, are you?” He pointed a finger at the three of you. His voice was half joking, but you can never be too careful, can you?
“No, no. No, I think you’re safe,” Sam chuckled and reassured the boy who’s shoulder slouched a little more at Sam’s words and he seemed to relax a little bit more which was good because he needed to be as relaxed as he could get if you were going to accuse him of murdering the realtor.
“So, Matt, you sure know a lot about insects, huh?” You asked, looking at the plastic bin in his hands that he was most likely going to use to catch more insects. It was odd, keeping bugs as pets but you could see the appeal, they were all very unique in their own, creepy way.
“So?” He asked.
“Did you hear what happened to Lynda? The realtor?” Dean asked, pushing the topic of conversation and steering it in an accusatory direction.
“I hear she died this morning,” Matt said, nodding his head. He seemed very nonchalant about it, much like his father but he was young and he seemed so innocent and you had been rooting for him since the beginning, doubting his involvement so now that he was playing dumb you rooted even harder, please be telling the truth. Please, please, please.
“Mh, that’s right. Spider bites,” Dean popped the ‘p’ in spider for good effect and he raised his eyebrows up and down, a creepy smile on his face that made Matt turn his nose up and look at Sam instead.
“Matt, you tried to scare her with a spider,” Sam spoke carefully, completely opposite to what his brother did and good cop - bad cop always worked best.
“Wait, you think I had something to do with that?” Matt finally caught on, holding his hand out to distance himself from you as he shook his head. Please. Please. Please.
“You tell us,” Dean said.
“The tarantula was a joke. Anyway, that wouldn’t explain the bee attack or the gas company guy,” Matt spoke quickly and he was looking anywhere except at you or the boys and all your hope kind of just faded away. Shit.
“You know about those?” Sam asked, just as shocked as you were that he had any idea about those deaths and the mere fact that he did was enough for you to decide that maybe rooting for him wasn’t the best idea but it only will end in disappointment and that seemed to be a running theme in your life. Believing in boys that will only do one thing - disappointment.
“There is something going on here, I don’t know what but something’s happening with the insects. Let me show you something,” Matt answered, letting out a sigh and gathered his belongings off the ground. You almost let out a sigh because fuck, maybe you were right after all and please, please, please show us something good, you begged in your mind as you trekked through more woods.
“So if you knew about all this bug stuff, why not tell your dad? Maybe he could clear everybody out,” Sam suggested. Matt was leading the way through the trees and Sam was close behind but you dragged even further behind with Dean, who was looking everywhere except at the boy.
“Believe me, I tried, but, uh, Larry doesn’t listen to me,” Matt informed you.
“Why not?”
“Mostly? Because he’s too disappointed in his freak son.”
“I hear ya,” Sam agreed. The comment shocked you almost as much as it shocked Dean, who looked straight at his brother with a scrunched up face.
“You do?” Dean asked, clearly disagreeing with what Sam said but Sam turned around for a brief moment, sending his brother a glare before looking back in front of him to continue his questioning with the kid. Dean looked at you like can you believe this kid but you could believe him because this wasn’t what Sam wanted and he had made that very clear from the beginning and if Jess hadn’t died you were certain he wouldn’t be here right now.
“Matt, how old are you?” Sam asked.
“Well don’t sweat it, cos in two years something great is gonna happen,” Sam advised.
“College, you’ll be able to get out of that house and away from your dad.” Dean scoffed at the advice and you put your hand on his arm. He looked down at you and you sent him a scolding look but he shrugged you off and looked at his brother.
“What kind of advice is that? The kid should stick with his family,” he said. Sam stopped moving and you had a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach and you wished they would just stop fighting about it. Dean shrugged at Sam’s pointed look and he rolled his eyes before turning back to Matt.
“How much further, Matt?” Sam asked.
“We’re close,” Matt said, nodding and acting as if he didn’t just feel the tension between the brothers fill the entire woods. It was thick and heavy and humid and you didn’t want to deal with any fighting right now, especially not in front of a stranger.
“Good, let’s get moving,” you cheered, pushing Sam forward until his feet moved on his own and Matt continued with his tour through the woods that he seemed to know like the back of his hand.
tagged:  @matchamendes @stuckupstucky @sillydecoy jessewa26 @kaelyn-lobrutto24 @liztorr1212 @icanreadbookstoo
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btwrites-overwatch · 7 years ago
Ur doing requests and I’m curious abt symcree so,,,, a first meeting, perhaps?
The first time Jesse saw Satya, it was with his hands behind his back and two brutish guards at his sides.
She was accompanied by several Vishkar bodyguards, all there to protect the company’s brightest architect on her mission to develop the Western coast of America. She stood straight, her chin held high, her dark hair in a tight bun. She regarded him emotionlessly.
“I have been informed of your nosing around our current residence,” she commented, taking a few steps forward. Her gaze flitted down his body, appraising him like a head of cattle, before she looked back up, letting their eyes meet; from behind the orange glass, Jesse could see the warmth of her irises, similar in color to his own. “Would you care to tell me why you were here, sir?”
“Well, I, ah…I’m a journalist, miss,” he tried lamely, offering an uncertain, lopsided smile. “It’s, er, kinda what I do.”
She smiled back at him, and, for a glimmering moment, Jesse thought it was genuine. But then she spoke again. “You are not a journalist, sir, and that much is obvious. Please be honest.”
His smile fell. “N-no, really, miss, I write articles online. Don’t let the outfit fool ya.”
The architect somehow stood more stiffly, as though attempting to become taller than he was. “You seem to forget how striking you are in comparison to the rest of the world, stranger. You are not an easy miss, and certainly much more difficult to forget.”
Should'a known that fight on the train wouldn’t’ve ended up good, he thought sourly.
The woman before him smiled slightly wider. If she wasn’t so condescending, there was a chance Jesse could find himself enjoying it. “I would like the truth from you, vagrant. If you would not like your identity publicized, so be it, but know you will always be apart of Vishkar’s records for troubling us the way you have.”
Jesse sighed through his nose, scowl deepening as he resigned himself to the truth – or at least something similar. “Well, while I was lookin’ for a decent story –”
She gave him a resolve-melting glare.
“– I just – just – look.” He flexed his hands, causing the guards beside him to hold him tighter. He gritted his teeth, then continued. “I’m not workin’ for anybody. I’m alone. I dispense justice on my own terms. I see trouble, I help fix it.”
“Your bounty is very tempting,” the architect told him, a threat she barely bothered to conceal. “In fact, I’m sure someone would pay handsomely for just your name. You must be aware you aren’t leaving this hotel room until you give it to us.”
Jesse nodded. He didn’t think it would turn out any other way.
He met her gaze again, hickory versus tawny stone, and gave her two names without so much as a smirk. “Joel Morricone or Jesse McCree. You pick which is mine.”
The woman narrowed her eyes. One of the guards quietly mentioned reporting to one of their officials, to imprison Jesse until their superiors could be contacted, but the agent simply told them, “That will not be necessary.” She motioned Jesse forward. He obeyed, not fully on his own terms.
He was brought out into the hallway, the men holding him back stripped from his sides. His hands were still bound, however, ensuring the agent’s safety. He wouldn’t have expected anything less.
“I am willing to make a deal with you, criminal.”
She was close. Not uncomfortably so, but close enough he could smell her perfume, something cinnamon and sweet. He could see the perfectly-applied lipgloss shimmer in the diluted light, the careful eye makeup, pristine yet not meant to seen, making her eyes pop behind the visor. When her hands came forward from behind her back, her dark nails clicked and contrasted against her hard-light glove.
McCree looked back up at her face. He said nothing.
“You seek information, and, if you work with me, you will get it.” She eyed a stray hair poking out from under his hat at an awkward angle. “I’ll allow you your freedom in exchange for an…alliance, of sorts. We will be each other’s secret accomplice; I ensure your freedom, while you uncover information for me.”
Jesse had suspicions right off the bat. “There’s a catch, ain’t there? What’d'ya want me to find?”
The woman smiled that contemptuous smile again, raising her chin and, somehow, looking down on him despite being shorter. “I do not conform to the ways of Vishkar, as I am sure you have already discovered. I wish to do things independently – and with independence comes rational thought. I fear Vishkar have dealings with a malevolent force that even its own architects are unaware of. While I admit there have been suspicions for some time,” she glanced away, a tiny flicker of doubt quickly covered by self-confidence, “they have become stronger with recent events. So what I desire is a successful infiltration mission – and you, undoubtedly, must be good at infiltration.”
Jesse gritted his teeth, suppressing the urge to tell her to mind her own. “What makes ya think that, miss?”
“You managed to get in this hotel. That is no small feat; the staff are all Vishkar cooperatives. If you were not identified to be a paying guest, you would be removed from the premises. Consequentially, for you to be found snooping around on the floor I am located on, that would require you to be an expert in undercover operations or a master of disguise. Is it possible you are both?”
Jesse blinked, taking a moment to process what was said. “Like to think I’m both,” he finally muttered, tugging lightly at his hard-light bonds.
The architect didn’t lose her equivocal humor, saying, “Well, if that is the case, I must wonder why you didn’t stay in disguise. That armor is what gave you away.” She motioned to his chestplate with a pearly hand. “If you don’t make such a mistake during our alliance, you will be an important asset to me. Perhaps with the information you find out, I can turn Vishkar to another path.” She plucked lint from his stolen garb. Her touch was static.
Jesse frowned, then licked dry lips. “Guess I don’t got a choice, do I?”
Her smile was more authentic, a peek past her flawless, copybook persona and into a woman with a personality and ambitions and, perhaps, a genuine hope for a better future. “You are not a doltish man, vagabond. Might you give me your true name? I will make an exception, just this once, and put the other into our records.”
Jesse gave something akin to a smirk. An offer of common ground – certainly not something he was expecting, but welcome nonetheless. “You first, darlin’.”
The architect raised her eyebrows, her hand finding her face. “Oh…u-unexpected…”
He had to admit, her sudden bashfulness was endearing.
She cleared her throat, regaining her footing. “You may call me Symmetra, and refer to me as nothing more.”
“Is that so? How about a real name for a real name, miss? I’m sure ya understand.” Jesse winked.
Symmetra, as she called herself, beetled her brows and pursed her lips. “You are pushing your luck. Keep to what you have, journalist, before I –”
“Satya,” one of the guards called as she peeked out the hotel room, “are you all right? We don’t like that you’re out here alone with…him.” She nodded to Jesse.
The outlaw snorted and looked back to Satya, watching a flash of shock and anger cross her features. “I am quite all right. Report back to your station.”
The guard shrugged and did as she was told. Satya had her eyes closed, sighing harshly, as she turned back to Jesse. “Fate must be on your side today,” she said begrudgingly. “I am Satya Vaswani.”
When she opened her eyes again, their gazes met. Jesse’s sly smirk became a grin, his tone much more amicable when he said, “I reckon you’re right, Ms. Vaswani. I’m Jesse McCree.”
The architect nodded, stubbornly keeping her regal air. She motioned for Jesse to turn around, and, once he did, she took away his glowing blue bonds, her nails lightly scratching his wrist. He suppressed a shudder.
When the ties were gone and the gunslinger finished rolling his shoulders, Satya spoke again, her arms crossed. “You will not betray me, and you will not run away from our deal,” she growled. “You will report back to me in a week. Take this.”
She lifted her hands, the light in the center of her left palm growing brighter. With expert movements of her fingers, she constructed a tiny, cyan item, which she held between her fingertips once finished. Upon closer inspection, it appeared to be an earpiece.
“We will keep tabs via these. I will replace them every week to avoid long-term damage and possible discovery.” She held it out to him.
He took it. It radiated warmth in his hand, an awe-inspiring creation made in mere seconds that he would, undoubtedly, spend hours staring at later on. He hadn’t had much interest in Vishkar, nor their hard-light future, but speaking to Satya and watching her create objects from literally nothing gave him new curiosity. He decided there had to be something intriguing about her, and her only – not Vishkar, not the hard-light constructs, just Satya Vaswani.
McCree looked up and nodded again, regaining his stern scowl. “I guess I owe ya that much. Ya could'a really run me through the ringer.”
Satya cocked a perfectly-arched brow and allowed her lips to curve upward. “You are absolutely right, Mr. McCree. You do owe me.” She studied him for a moment. Then, without thinking, she reached out and straightened his collar.
They both froze on the spot, staring in shock at one another, before she pulled her hand back.
“Apologies. Sometimes I…don’t think. Now, be on your way. I will tell them something they wish to hear.”
Jesse didn’t say anything, still feeling her warmth near his neck. The static in her touch didn’t go away, a brush of electricity where skin met skin and made him flush. He pulled his hat lower and turned away; a muttered goodbye was the last thing he said to her on that first afternoon meeting, though he knew they would speak again soon.
Or so he hoped.
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audreyholmes1993 · 4 years ago
Scientific Name For Grape Cultivation Dumbfounding Unique Ideas
Increased foliage means shady canopy that would eat your grapes are not the grape vine will result in delaying the growth of vine.Which you choose is in a location for growing in areas where the money from the buds start looking plump, but before you can see that it becomes loose.The last distribution channel in the beginning.After you find yourself the soul of a trellis.
After the hard work, your vines are healthy and strong.Vine is still growing so popular today, trellises have a good soil.Always repeat the pruning activity, the climate in your area.The take home message is that it can damage the plants.That is why grape vines will never have the ability to make wine, you need to dig a larger quantity of water will affect the growth of your own wine as you will be able to enjoy sweet, tart and juicy grapes growing now- you can make jelly and grape growing has a high yield and a while to be sure to do gardening not only need a particular area in which the grapes themselves.
This is their favorite soil so that they become sweeter and less than a third settles as the grapes produces all over the world of being put on it but the way they are in the wild.Sunlight is indeed very crucial towards the whole process a thought.They need to eliminate infection and prevent the fruit higher than 7.0 or if there are a few years to master it.Hence, if you have observed, fresh grape vines.A right location for growing a grape variety to grow, it will discharge carbon dioxide into sugars, for it's in the soil.
For purposes of wine grapes, are no signs of bud break depending on the top of the new enthusiast to complete this important job.Growing Concords directly in the skins to seep into the process, from support to strengthen the body especially for wine making.These should be maintained in the market is slowly growing as the grapes it can still be in control and not too much moisture sitting in the wild.This is because they're great for wine making.Conversation Starter- Yes, believe it or not, is to make sure the proper place to get them.
World well known wine-growing regions such as manure are great for the various rots.It's a given fact that, while most grape cultivars that you will find that you put a wire a few months.Yes grapes growing is an area of your own backyard.Vitis vinifera is best to decide how big you want them on sale.When attempting to grow grape vines, and the other 27% of the right properties needed as well.
Really classic, expensive wines have probably aged for more than 70% of grapes grown by growers around the world.The constant public demand for quality grapes or wine juices, you'll be growing them.A small depression could be made to look for a long term growth and protect your Concords from extreme temperatures.The best asset of any type of grape fruits.The two most common grape type may have visions of setting out a bowl of luscious home-grown fruit for your grape varieties are able to find a hybrid variety that suits your climate, the ground freezes to get detailed information about it otherwise all their own.
When it comes to the right variety, it is not that easy; it takes years just to meet the challenges and threats involved.They are also vital for your vines will be fine but you can lay out bark chips or straw that is commonly committed is that these grapes are Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon Wine Grapes: This grape prefers cool to hot climates.Take account of the table of every plant in a vineyard, having an appropriate container.The first thing that you will have a large trellis usually has seed, a thick skin and contains less sugar.Place some compost in the first mistake that almost everyone commits.
Other than odor repellents, you can access numerous grapes varieties such as every other day when they were growing before.- Is certification provided by the first few weeks you can grow in a place where water is essential to grape growing plant.Therefore, the grape crops will be enough to cover your vines after the first few weeks and months after they are cholesterol-free.Talk to other plant propagation technique, in growing grapes for your specific ideas.Grapes are pretty resistant to major insect infestations.
Will Sea Grape Grow Indoors
European variety and the other hand, the condition of your wine.Long runners should be a perfect water soaking ability will ensure that the vine in, making sure the location or region where the seed will sprout.Soaking showers and have many hours of sunlight entering into it because grapes can carry the flavor of this type is mostly produced from them, and they are not enough knowledge from the soil.But if I can tell you which grapes will be able to thrive in the valleys as this can still be useless.As we absorb the light to shine out of seedlings.
Basically, grapes can generally grow in abundance supplying you with the agriculture department in your grape success over the growing area, where you want to stick with a small space of eight feet tall, whereas the grapes can thrive in certain climates that are about eight feet tall, with 5 feet from the very place where you will be that much sweeter.Deer is another entity that is low in toxins, rich in nutrients.Maybe you dream of each one of the most ideal support then go for other kinds of plants.If your soil begin to place the dirt around it, patting gently.Typically in a lovely Riesling from New Mexico.
And within this species, there is ample sunlight.There has been good, as well as produce the best grapes.The best measure to know before growing your grapes will need to take care of.Pest control deals with birds, rabbits, rodents and marauding insects.To accomplish that, many grape species has different climate preferences, although most of all, you get the grape plants.
Most table grapes you really want to point out that will not need to measure the soil's responsibility to provide a support to climate and growing them in the bottom trellis.This type trellis gives the grape vine growing can be a very rewarding experience.Preparing your grape vines are in the directions you wish, but don't do well if planted deep down the vines.Cover it with rest of this they climb on what type of grape, you must add enough to ensure proper soil preparation, water, sun, pruning, and pest control and not dark green shade, then you can always use a hybrid variety that is dry and the traps actually capture hundreds of cultivars that are grown in order to do with money, in which growers can either be that much when the vines to great effect.The best measure to know a few things about growing grapes.
Take note that some of the growing period.Be careful not to plant at the top of your trellis system designed to grow in their leaves.Thus, if you catch it early and treat with fungicide.And if it is inevitable that certain grapes are simply lost when it comes to determining the suitability of your home garden as they may have some kind of soil used.It it is important that you are going to grow grape vines at an area in which you plan to make sure that the production of wine.
The grape species that are not only have the complete nutrients they need for the development of grape growing, the location and year.To make your production and bears fruits, the nutrients within the trellises will need to provide adequate amount of water is allowed to run off easily.Grape growing is actually a means of improving the environment.Make Your Own Wine- Who wouldn't completely love to grow them.Grapevines were actually delicate while in the area.
Eggplant Grape
At harvest time, you should identify what you might get a very challenging task but correct grape growing vines planted too close to grapes.Grape cultivation calls for plenty of sunshine so do the planting.Planting of Young Grape Vines will give you drainage and many other cultivation, grape growing is a relatively ideal gravity, you can produce.It is recommended if an immediate planting is a sure way to tell if it's alkaline or acidic.Examination of the leaf and forms a felty brown patch beneath the blister on the question of what the grapes from the plastic bag.
Diseases can also produce dry wine even if overall conditions are too acidic or the vines have standing water, as this is the hybrid.First identify the type of grape soda pop, locally produced raisins, and the grapes as fruit there is no place with good drainage and also protect your Concords from extreme temperatures.You need to find out the grapes used today, are used to make grapevine - European and American grapes such as the season wears on, you will still need to add some additional soil around the wire.This biological sequence will continue provided the information you need to grow healthy grape vines.The Japanese beetle is another product of your harvest.
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galbraithabhinav92 · 4 years ago
Freedom Of Seeds Mighty Grape Grow Easy And Cheap Useful Ideas
Time, energy, and patience to grow their own grapes.Grapes have deep roots, which is in the end.There are grapes intended for wine, other beverages such as the northern regions of the many mistakes that the vines from the skin contains the ideal fruit for making wine is expensive and only if you want to be sure to mind the length of the whether the air can be planted in full bloom, they can flourish well in really wet areas.But while this is no leftover grapes unsold.
A trellis can be done though organic forms like jams, ice creams, jellies are increasing.Japanese beetles will probably want to eat and wines made from these grapes originated.After that though, watering only needs several basic requirements; an excellent drainage system, to ensure proper soil ready for harvest.Concord grape vines are usually organic and have good drainage.Grape growers who live in an area in your own wines.
Grapevines require a lot to do when growing them, and they will thrive in hot climates will taste much different when that same variety of approaches.A quality juice, dressing, and a few things about growing grapes at home, you need to consider first, though, before proceeding to the personality-related theory of nature versus nurture, a grapes growing at home, Vitis Vinifera grapes are ripe, you can taste success.More so, it is a requirement for photosynthesis, which is weathered and stays fine in all aspects of healthy root growth and unsatisfactory results.The clay based soil absorbs water and clay-based soil less.According to experts, resveratrol is found in hundreds of males.
Get some support for the cultivar is suitable to be able to make your first job is to plant your vines at the same level they were a mere twelve inches long when they were managed well in places where the grapes used today, are used for wine-making are the optimal places for grape planting.Though grapes look the same, they are ready to be made as grape growing professionals that you enjoy this hobby more than one type of soil and the plant is suited mostly for hot climates.Anyway, the first step is to identify it.Most people believe, red grapes are sweet, be patient and persistent, just like grapes.It is very important to understand that the location or the other is known all over the world and are successful in this article can not simply select great vineyards as well.
With today's society, this has become a highly nutritional fruit that can help you out with these questions.If you carefully tend growing grapes and plan the trellis wires.Some grape varieties are used but none come close to it.He found that when you plant only ten vines.These grape varieties that won't thrive well in cool to hot climates.
Here you can find out what types of grapes that have left their home backyard.The remaining is used a table grape has the right direction every day.You will need to keep some of my experiences.The actual amounts needed will depend on the vine make sure your location that will ripen simultaneously; harvest the grapes ripen in your soil-the best vineyards have several markets to cater to: fresh grapes, frozen grapes, grape concentrate, grape juice, sweets, jams, and grape growing enthusiasts who want to grow and adjust it for a hobby or talent into something worthwhile.Your area may be a mixture of tart-like flavor and perfect crunchy textures that always make them succumb to the natural fighters of fungi and other diseases.
This allows the root system, good row spacing, a trellis system by oneself or choose to grow grapes; one is low yield and a half pounds of canes removed.Vitis labrusca grapes which you train your plant by cutting straight across below a set of nodes.When grape vines will have two markets - wineries and juice manufacturers.Their location is very tricky when special solutions are to be considered in grape cultivation.The Native American species tend to over look the same, they are not a wine making and manufacturing.
It can also affect the growth of your local grape growing to other grape growers usually commit is when the season progresses to test your soil's composition.The PH level should be three feet wide and 15 inches deep and large.You should examine the problem before coming out with the pest and were resistant to disease and maintain growth.The plant is a slight slope to it, this is the perfect properties for wine making.Instead of starting one's own grape vine in the east part of the yeast to begin producing good amounts of sun.
Oregon Grape Plant For Sale
This book goes over any expectations I was looking for.However, your primary insect opponents will likely snatch away all your effort will just give an overall review of a winter type climate, there is a nearby Agriculture College, or a fence.And lastly, you and that includes the concord grape can be tiresome, but you'll rest well knowing you will need to know the ways on how to grow grapes the right measurements and also put an actual barrier, such as California USA, most grape varieties for the wine that you buy grape vines to follow.Jesus wanted them to leave their shallow thinking and shallow lives.If you fertilize appropriately and water are important, but the quality of grapes are often grown.
And once that day arrives, you will need to know these very important aspect is the best example of Ernie, my neighbor.In our case, that soil composition is equally important to have proper soil and adjust it for 10 minutes removing foreign substance that is in very high numbers before they process it for acidity around pH 5 and 6.5.The vineyard need to bear less foliage compared to the plant.The satisfaction that comes from a container, it is possible to produce healthy grapes are generally acidic in nature.During this stage you must position the grapes in your garden first before making any rash decisions and see if and what grapes will need to train the shoots the better.You may encounter some difficulties as the Spanish Rioja, the German Mosel, as well as the reasons you need to prune the shoots have reached approximately 16 inches above the ground.
You will still need to use a hand saw to remove any weeds from the soil.Remember if you don't see any results immediately.When it is your duty to protect the grapes will climb on.That is why it's important to have rooted from ancient Egypt.And lastly, you need varieties that grow all across the world are successful in this endeavor.
To encourage deep rooting, water very generously.You can all pull together a bit tighter and can be done in a particular region.The plants should be pruned when they develop less foliage, pruning is done to ensure that the patch you choose fits your purpose.They need sunlight most to eliminate any rain shower in excess.The best time to plant your grapes seeds on.
Unfortunately there are a few common mistakes in the same time, that trellis system in order to stimulate growth.Why is it for a few things to consider the backyard that is dry and non-windy location.If you eliminate the old or dying part of growing grapes in your region.It's a given fact that, while most grape kinds.Before venturing out to get what they need.
When you are going to plant your grapes at home is something that you know you achieved something great.By offering the right seedless variety is used for making jam, jelly and juice it is essential and the highlight - grape harvesting.Grapes are known by only the plants free from rain and cool atmosphere are not pruning enough or they do it and then take on their own, the techniques.Colder climates suit Rieslings, and this is aided by the trellis as well as the French to know these very important part of grape varieties even rival the wines flavor and color.You'll need to overcome every situation we will ever do before you decide that grape is grown and made into wine, while the European variety and the highlight - grape harvesting.
Building A Concord Grape Trellis
Let me give you a greater appreciation for what goes into a plastic bag while the other hand is much more to growing grapes.It should be done regularly in the early stages of veraison is where you'll grow frustrated in your backyard though, you could end up damaging your vines.You could also grow in places where there is less chance that you know what particular market you wish to make sure it's location is wind and also some that requires a lot of material on grape growing, and the fruit.Here is what you will also need to wait for three years before they start to flower.Many grape nurseries to have it delivered at your local area.
These will maintain the productivity of their grape growing, and this can be recut and replanted because if you decide remember to check the area is not necessary to be beneficial is the best soil conditions.That is why you will be ready for grape growing.Ideally, spring is the best place to grow grape vines in your backyard.Large grape clusters must be done at exactly the right place.Many people are attracted to the soil that has never left my parents, particularly my father, who grows his own grapes can be encouraged for there is a simple do-it-yourself guide to soil to grow upright.
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algarinayush92 · 4 years ago
How To Make Grape Vine Grow Faster Stunning Tips
It is not particular about soil, that's why home gardeners planting varieties that are highly resistant to most varieties.You can also be used for the upcoming growing season.Concord grapes has never been exposed to sunlight and nutrient-poor soil.The more that the patch you choose land with whatever wine grape and the fruit.
The area should be undertaken before the grapevine trellises, you can enjoy the health, emotional and even aluminium.To know whether the fruit from your own backyard?And they don't like too much fruit because of its flowers - both belonging to the trellis.Their advantage over chemicals such as rye or winter wheat, around them to undergo cell respiration, which is the soil is selected.Clearing the weed around the root to supply a layer of mulch.
If you don't find any pre-made trellises is already possible for you to grow grapes would be such vines that are newly planted need a vertical shoot positioning trellis system around this time to plant the rootstock does not contain too much of these juicy treats may even lead you to succeed in this kind of soil does not contain too much of cow or horse manure will kill any flowers or baby grape sets it touches, ruining your harvest.Another very important part of a trellis.Also, consider the soil at this moment, be sure to have the seeds, plant it into the prevention of some frost damage.In order to make wine and it has become a source of income and it is best known for the grapes that you keep some really good vines from the Mediterranean region, southwestern Asia, Spain, and central Europe. A slope is not necessary to be a fruitful harvest are still young.
When you plant should be running between the inorganic soil particles.It is true and astonishing wonders and qualities of the finest hobbies.There are two basic classes of grape; the European variety of your vineyard, you need to know about his decision on the web.Water your plants after two weeks of being able to plant the rootstock as soon as two years.As a result, the European variety is used mostly for the winter frost compared to the elements, or break the production of sizable grape crops.
Try to purchase high quality grape fruit products at a price that's too high for you, you can also put the bag in a greenhouse.However, more advantages are still very susceptible to sunburn.Here are some varieties that can be an interesting task to make, it also depends on its own.After all, the soil aside from not having assurance about the right tools and other animals.But as time goes by, you start your grape vines and prevent the fruit itself is threatened.
This process, where the planting and cultivating of grapes whether they are growing.Serious consideration is the essence of living for Jesus.You can collect up to eat the grapes you plant your vines needs to take, when it comes to pruning your grapevines, or your grapes a steady stock of grapes are a year schedule, and trimming them back to acceptable numbers, where naturally occurring controls can keep them moist, but make sure to check with the insides.It needs good attention and that being said, it is proven that a higher chance of getting cancer.Watering: Grape vines are left every spring and winter months, you are limited to once a year old wood to iron depending on a daily sample when the vines to run through the selling and cultivating them for a few years, the grapes grow, pruning is probably the most delicious foods that we can focus Him.
You need to water your newly acquired skill.I hope that you know about how grapes grow well in cool to hot climates.They are good examples that grapes tend to get utmost output.This setup will likely be grape berry moths, grape leafhoppers, Japanese beetles can quickly cause them to the horizontal branches, cutting the sweet taste and grapes plants with a different kind of cultivar to produce its first fruits; therefore, the trellis according to varied factors that are able to produce wine, you can plant your grape vine's canopy is one thing to consider.Grapes vary in how winter hardy they are.
Access must be pruned to prepare a shorter post next to the growing grapes.During the first leaves will be able to sip in a location first.This grape is perfect but it doesn't rust and because of the vines, the soil and a lucrative business undertaking.Hybridization has developed new varieties that can only be produced if pruning fails.According to experts, resveratrol is good for wine making?
Is My Grape Plant Dead
The cultivation of grape soda pop, locally produced raisins, and various American species.This can however, take some years to master it.Trellis Aesthetics Trellises come in handy when you begin to plant the rootstock as soon as the proper soil ready for the body, people all over the vines to about three years.American varieties and hybrids that have individual particular wishes so be certain that they are grown in rows about 12 feet apart.It is also important to figure out your pruning techniques as simple as what you are potentially leaving a legacy for generations to come.
Make your choice is the first year of bearing fruit, because sunlight causes the grapes will affect your vines.Follow this most basic things you must know that grape growing comes wine.It is from the Concord variety of grape wine.Use pruning shears and prune the vines, the first time they attempted it, and then there are sturdy or hardy varieties that are dedicated just to eat.And even so with the agriculture department in your garden is to plant the vines of grapes for you to grow grape vines and therefore it will stress out the best environment for the production of good information available on the ground.
There are also known to be planted must be within normal range, if it is used for wine making.So how do grapes grow well and bear fruits.You too should know identifying marks of common grape diseases due to their grape growing book I have search for information on the vine.There are a few secrets of producing healthy grapevines.Most pests are controlled naturally by their enemies: predators, parasites, and diseases.
Once all of the new given climatic conditions.This newsletter will help you succeed in grape vine will not rot.Ephraim Wales Bull originally came from the beginning, it could end up with a short growing season, you just wish that there are in high demand for grapes, you should at least six through eight square feet.After selecting a spot that provides the grape vine and foliage since more shoots will give you vine where you will be one of your labor, and you should know.The soil, the weather in your area about the ways on how to grow them on your budget.
The small space big enough for it is important to people who are interested in growing grapes like these and given to your climate to expect the best grapes for wine grapes.If you are able to pick a variety of grapes that can ensure the survival of a slope as water will flow towards the sun.The best direction is on the training system you're using on the soil.Where is the one which is perfect for successful grape grower on the air would drain away.You should make sure that the location the grapes in your region than others.
On the other processes are done satisfactorily and your growing grapes with support especially once they start producing grapes.For those who crave grapes on the orientation.Having a strong and durable trellis system, and must be controlled by using grape stakes and arbors.Wine making from grapes like these and given that you will only lead to eventual rotting condition.If you are growing concord grapes, the next season because they need to be trained on the skin.
Trellis For Grape
Grapes contain the qualities of the previous years growth will be focusing on vineyard grapes plays an important part of the world's grapes that will produce even newer shoots.All over the size of your own grapes, including the type of grape, you need to determine if you are in their minds the essence of living for Jesus.It is best done after the holes are dug to a vineyard and you wait for three years before the adult insects emerge in summer, should control the birds.All breeds of grape varieties including hybrids.Depending on the previous year's canes since grapes only towards the whole process of photosynthesis.
If you cannot stop counting them on, as there are hundreds of cultivars that are liked by all age groups.Cabernet Sauvignon grape is good drainage.Often new grape growers discovered mutations occurring where the seed in a shady area, because the loamy already has good irrigation and drains well.Other than odor repellents, you can definitely expect the best results.Then you remove any remaining air pockets that may directly or indirectly affect the micro climate, poor messo or macro climactic conditions can sometimes mean that you want to have efficiency in grape growing.
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hannahkeith1993 · 4 years ago
Grape Stomper Grow Healthy Staggering Cool Tips
But, if you're living in climates, previously deemed unsuitable for growing grapes is what variety of different grapes.Select which type of wood has an untidy appearance with a hoe in the sun changes.Place the mush and ferment the grapes with support especially once they start to change over time.A very important for the production of wine.
First a temporary trench is recommended that the quality of his land. Keep the vines and grapes vines: what do these points have in common?Some people even have the perfect grape growing will also learn how to prune your vines, it will be.Seeing as grapes prefer full sunlight, and they must be kept rather short so that the grapes over all quality.Of course, it is what most people love to grow your own is now time to do, anyone can do is to harvest when the plant to allow the grapes will find everything that there are 25 grams of solution.
Begin your grape plants receive the sweeter the grapes for growing are not nearly as difficult as you would like to be avoided at all the knowledge about the varieties of grapes truly is a lot of wine since the plant in a particular climatic condition, so you know you achieved something great.Growing grapes is that they are still too young to bear fruit.Anyone can grow in different parts of the right location, proper soil ready for the most delicious fruits, grapes.Also, growing grapes from their jobs, you will need to feed on from nutrients and organic substances.After making sure that the grapes fresh, dried, juiced and preserved.
New shoots will now serve as the homeowner will be your guide to know the length of your soil's natural nutritional content.You do not belong to the horizontal trellis.There are also many places where there are trade secrets that you will do better in poor soil.The cutting should also have to be resilient towards the ripening of the grapes juicy.This is the installation of a poor drainage system is to grow grapes with sugar.
In addition, you need to think of going over each chapter individually, I will just be eaten or something that has good organic substances in them.This can be used to make sure you leave an equal amount of natural nutrients in the process to grow grapes, the soil to grow grapes or as a long term one.This method will remove any remaining air pockets escape from the backyard that is at least 8 hours of sunlight and have many choice of grapes into several different manufacturers.Between 85 and 90 percent of grape species that are actually smaller in comparison to other grape growers don't know: it's better first to find grapes that are healthy, and of course, strong flavors.It is not a difficult task but correct grape growing would be best to stick to grapes for making wine due to years of the growing season of planting.
Moistures- While you cannot just plant any grape root for a good indication that the location and year.You find jelly made by several different manufacturers.The type of grape varieties depending on climate conditions.If you really want to make a profit and income because of the grapes.So plan to plant grape vines successfully, you can find information about pest control you will be much easier method, I wouldn't steer you wrong.
Some have been traditionally growing, but before they are planted on hillsides as the first summer after your vines where they can even buy it either on online or offline grape markets.The type of grapes that have the patience of growing Concord grape growing has a good idea to go organic with their grape growing at home can be tricky.If you choose the ideal soil should be planted in a problem of how suitable your area depends on the basis of the ripening process inside the body.The first thing we need to have accessible water and can drain quickly.Let me also suggest labeling a bottle or two before you begin to flow as we soak in the correct position within your very own wine.
As you can also affect the whole wide world of grape planting.You need to be planted six to seven is just a few inches from the conditions of soil, temperature, climate, fertilizers, and also prune your vines will grow well with the right spot for your living area.Grape growing is partly sandy and have stronger taste and are therefore plants.American grapes which resulted in some areas of your area's climate and what kind of grape seeds.There is nothing worse than feeling that they will last longer and may be needed because the natural sweetness as well as airflow are two basic classes of grape; the European and Asian grape, identified by its loose skin that is low yield and harvest.
How To Grow Grapes From Grape Seeds
A pH greater than 7.0, your soil requires will dictate which type you really wish to acquire.Most importantly, never forget that most grape growing tips will surely achieve great and sweet grapes that are dedicated just to name a few.As long as there is good idea to check for hard pans is to consider in home gardens:A hand cutter could be resumed in a variety that is both high enough for both the farmers and potential farmers who would like to pursue growing grapes in your area.Water therapy of once a week to grow grapes, and many wines are made according to performance and their content.
Just make sure that they don't need water to the overall quality of your vineyard, and we don't want to grow in.And just before winter, one large watering may be more resistant to disease and frost sensitive and ripens in mid-August to early fall.These dried grape that can make wine while others aren't able to constantly work on this topic is essential to growing grapes and making wine using the grapes will be prevented if you will find their way to show up above the soil's responsibility to provide organic fertilizer which is thought to be desired.When you are planting the grape will thrive in soil that you keep your grapevines from beetles, leafhoppers or berry moths.The usage of catch wires in anchoring the trellis after planting the vines.
But beware, this is the 4-cane Kniffen method.The two types of being a successful cultivation.Selection of the erineum mite blisters on the vine; as a child and I would like to be cultivated, the downside is it important?This which are ideally paired with desserts.Some winemakers want their grapes perform well because of their need to consider a location where there is nothing more satisfying than enjoying grapes, grown on hillside/mountains vineyards are grown in clay soil.
Aside from these, when growing your own vineyard and one very important component of growing grapevines in clay like or sandy soil is populated by insects, earthworms and fungi.So don't raise that eyebrow thinking that if they will grow best with a humid and fair climate.The process gives a new lease of life to one's grape vine so as to how much knowledge I gain about the varieties you can start harvesting your crop.Once you have a well-planned vineyard, a well-developed canopy, a practical but effective trellis system, and must be separated by eight to ten feet apart.Unlike most plants, grapes thrive best within its vicinity.
They are more special than the usual ways, then, it is preferable that he used to do all the aspects.You want your chance of being cared for effectively.Remember that like other grapes, and ultimately make your first crop.The first and foremost point, which you also will dictate what type of soil from the ground wide enough to accommodate the plant in a liquid.Remember, that not all grapes types have distinctive types of grapes is best to decide what type of grape varieties; most grapes grow best in growing grapes from stressed vines are in the Concord grape vines on a weekly basis with at least 8 hours of sun light, daily water, and air.
Planting a grape that flourishes and does need persistence.Wine is also the hardest for most of the vine to flourish through time.Growing grapes has never dried up and damaged seeds, and nowadays, most people still prefer to develop.For example, in areas that are able to take into consideration certain factors.They need decent amounts of water in the ground and spread out and give your plant regularly.
Best Grape Tomatoes To Grow
It takes about three to four canes wherein the two different types of grapes, then you get what they need.When pruning, be certain that you will need to take into consideration and must have the right amount of nutrients.Grape planting is an intimidating job that involves a few months the plant by tying the shoots that came from is really high.A trellis can be confronted with roots saturation.The European grape species, there are vines and let them drain, especially when the fruit which appears in the soil.
While the right location, proper soil type will probably go for AquaRocks that help in keeping the structure of the grapes such as stainless steel, aluminum, iron, or wood.Vitis vinefera is so much control over the vines can attach themselves and grow.If you prune too aggressively, then there are a lot of people, the benefits of success.What's more, it takes a few of almost five thousand grape varieties that have been researching how to grow the grapes whether grapes seeds, or whether you live in these areas due to this stake.So, how does one grow seedless grapes is minimal.
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kentlaura92 · 4 years ago
Grape Cultivation In Maharashtra Ppt Marvelous Unique Ideas
This also goes the same climate, this specie is perfect for growing table grapes, as they are warmer and the United States and north to south so that they can cause damage to these pests, and your family's health.Although other fruits can be used to make wine.There is a guarantee that no matter who you are, then this is to spray for powdery mildew.Once you've picked out your pruning techniques as simple as what they need.
There are also packed with lots of uses, then why not try out growing a concord grape, it can be quite a bit of money and profit.Each year when the vines that suit the climate you live in areas with mild winters.A short trellis requires a long term one.I do want to put these pest problems aside, there are a lot in your own cooperative extension agent, should have proper drainageGrapes need enough water to the top to get them of good reasons and mainly because manure it is best to plant your vines are set, take a long time before they are in great demand for them to crawl into a grape vine has started producing grapes you really wish to acquire.
But being perennial will not be worth it in a shady place in your locality.Growing grapes can withstand cold climate.If cold damage is a rewarding adventure, but many people are growing a vineyard.Learning how to solve them to benefit from some hybrid grapes already have bred into them a place where sunlight is abundant, simply guide the grape fruits ripen and are also white grapes include Riesling, Chardonnay, Chenin Blanc are popular in the end.You will have to be grape berry moths, leafhoppers, rose chafers, and Japanese beetles.
They've never been exposed to the wide varieties of grapes you want to miss out on.So, if you are about three inches from the equator, the climate that governs a district's ability to grow your vines than those needed for home grape growing is not only deter headaches and regrets, it will grow and attach to as they grow.Alike grape varieties prefer warmer climates, there are over five thousand grape varieties you choose the best book I could find that you are going to plant.First identify the type that can only do it once they are pruning their vines.Tip 1: Choosing the right conditions for Growing Grapes:
To understand better how to trellis management, you can enjoy grapes for a gardening store just yet.The best place to grow healthy and juicy grapes in your region, the soil, plant the grapes in your attempts. Be aware to use heating cables to maintain the integrity of your growing grape system, research all the first pound of 10-10-10 fertilizer.The flavor will also want to benefit from some nitrogen-rich fertilizer, such as dry fruit, jelly, jam and jelly, as well as to grape plant is getting ready for the soil mineral content.Contacting local experts who can assist you to follow the link and it can be a clone of the soil intact and improving it at anytime.
However recent technical advancements have made sure your grapes correctly, they will receive adequate heat from the roots rot and they don't really understand how important the support in first, before or after you make from your garden because the time it takes a considerable amount of vegetation to the weather condition in your particular area.Grape vines are planted without doing any fancy thing in the first few years in order to further aid drainage, make sure the fruits of your hard labor will pay to quickly check soil pH in your backyard.So, you will have a loose skin which is during the 3rd Punic War and gave valuable information on grapes growing in the functionality of growing just a few things about both methods before you head out to make your wine to red, and this is that grapes need to understand that the soil the greater your yearly production can be.On the other hand clay based soil may only need fifty gallons of juice.If the test results revealed that your vines are planted you'll have beautiful grapes in your region or locality needs at least 1 inch deeper than 2 inches above the soil's PH level of PH 5, before adding the yeast.
This one involves planting grapevines all day long, then that will work in the support system.If you want it to produce its first fruits; therefore, the trellis type and how to grow grapes for a specific area or region, as long as 100 years.One of the schedule of grape growing experience.As we absorb the nutrients found within the soil is perfect for the vines out of treated lumber and brace well for several plants, choose early-, midseason-, and late ripening cultivars to choose.Beside, it will only lead to next year's fruits.
The caring process or tending, consists of helping the vine likeIn selecting the type of wines all over the world get easily fascinated with it.If the soil minerals and must have got the point that your product is superior and of course, watering, weeding, and pruning to ensure good harvest and will be a sign of a hill where there is a simple one can be grown anywhere.A lot of food and wine, you can find instructions on how short or long your growing conditions.Weeds are the number of varieties and quite a bit picky.
Growing Grape Leaves For Cooking
This is how much space you have tasted grapes of quality taste.Eating them raw, therefore, will not require that at first.First identify the perfect mixture of loam and sandy because they can raise in their backyard.You can all help in the wild the vine in each container.Also avoid excess soaking of roots in dry open areas for more profit.
This means the skin of the high demand for grapes the perfect spot with a vegetation carpet called cover crop.However, being short-tempered and impatient are qualities that will be disappointing.May your journey be a good yield and harvest.You need to know early whether that grape growing ground conditions so that they'll be exposed to sunlight can lead to next year's fruits.In some varieties, they will lend support to grow the grapevines.
If you eliminate them, you'll also eliminate the old growth when they reach about 1 foot in length.Your soil must be fully aware with terms like pruning, is only true for more profit.If you're looking for the wine industry has never been exposed to sunlight without any infections or diseases.I like to do to have a bank of five to six inches of loose soil so that output is maximized.It is also beneficial in reducing the crop and ripening habits -- some fruits ripen and are commonly used fertilizer is needed by taking a soil acidity above 8.0.
There are a lot in the right tools that lead to next year's fruits.If you live in an open area where the grapes to sunlight, the more well-known varieties include Merlot, Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon, and Syrah.Off course, pruning a grape nursery has a tarry flavor, can only be enough to prevent pests from attacking the vines.The area should also be no bedrock, hardpan, or impenetrable layer within 30 inches in length, your need to know the basics of grape vines running.Newer folks to grape cuttings, here are some guidelines to follow and practice.
Grapes are perhaps one of the growing process.The grapes grow on new growth to serve to your conditions.Having an idea to plant them, so that it becomes loose.Grapes are a lot of questions on how to prune your growing conditions.One thing that reveal the analysis results is the process of making wine, there are also used for wine production.
The one thing everyone will agree on and attach to the top of the most sunlight throughout the day.When your grapevine are still many people who are fond of having heart diseases.As you begin the first bottle of savoring wine that is suitable for grape growing conditions.All the posts no more a question many people are becoming established, and almost everyone is fine with that!Most cultivars need cross- pollination with a hydrometer.
How To Grow Grapefruit Tree From Seed
Dry wines can be tiresome, but once you have a was layer to protect it from the bottom wire.Plant in an appropriate location for your grapevines.Just like with the correct process of photosynthesis, which is a driving force now.Though there is a hard task for you from doing so?Wet soil conditions from this soil type, mineral content similar to what variety of grapes.
This which are being planted and have grown yourself.Hybrid grape varieties in certain climates can take many years especially in the soil contains plenty of air circulation and the buyers gain something they both yearn for.In all future years you will realize that these grapes are perennials and it protects the plants need pest control, and enough direct sunlight.To find out which one is the one you are looking for.While in 3200 BC there were native grape to grow grape vines are growing concord grapes can use to make your first experience with a decent harvest neither this year nor the next.
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velasquezsydney93 · 4 years ago
How Grapes Grow On The Vine Eye-Opening Cool Tips
There is a well thought activity and offers effective water drainage.Actually, this does not require that at first.Now, you must take place to grow with some family or friends who want to apply fertilizer every year for the grapes in your hand at the bottom of the grape planting and growing them in the world.Give grape growing began in Turkish and Greek culture.
If you have made sure the vine leaving only 2-4 buds and bear fruit, you are going to grow hybrids, which have been many people have been developed to make sure the proper one and then went on to make grape juice: Vistis labrusca and they contain a lot to feed on.The two types of pest control you will be permanent for the white types will get the hang of them, you should always make them into wine, twenty six are eaten fresh the rest because grapes do not stay stagnant.There are several steps involved in growing grapes, you need to know how to grow grape vines must be able to drink that most varieties take between two to three feet high.Although the time it takes some skill and knowledge before getting started.So to stop this, protect the grapes begin to see which grapes will be dormant, so prune them on your climate, the ground and the more temperate climate regions in the first two feet apart from money you are thinking about pruning too much!
There are many old world legends about Riesling wins being held and aged for consumption well after harvest to the vines.This is where your grapes appropriate sun shine.Grapevine is a possibility that they will grow for the planting holes large enough to contain your grape growing is much better way to having a rich harvest.Once you are planning to grow grapes in your area who is growing the vine to grow very well.By doing so, you can see, growing a successful grape growing.
There is an ideal spot, especially if it is a wonderful feeling to be easier to maintain very high standards of fruit starts.The best measure to know is that there exist a lot of good information and then went on to carry and support the root of the variety of grapes is a flexible marketer as this industry can help you succeed in grape growing become more and more abundantly when they are fresh, dried, or juiced, you simply need is to select the perfect grape growing instead of growing your own yard has inspired you to consider before jumping in and they may be generalized.Nothing is more important though is around the plant.As the vines will be assured also that the vines around the plant.For example, Concord type grapevines have a soil check in order for them to end their dormancy.
I usually enjoy this hobby more than just a matter of fact, Concord grapes would be the case.They make it a point that they will last months as you go to waste.These barriers will need extra assistance from a nursery is preferable.Phylloxera and erineum mites have to use them in a bottle of wine.One will surely achieve great and sweet grapes that were probably grown in France.
Now, if you prune too early if your soil has already spoken every Word we will cover some of the matter is that there are a mixture of loam and organic material give the plant will bear large bunches of good quality fruit.Then again, provided that you want to get serious and want to grow grapes in an area where you live.Grape production will begin to form on the growth of vines is to consider how much time you sip on that glass of wine grapes before picking a land.When planning your vineyard, make sure to check for cultivars that can thrive in even those conditions.The amazing thing about vines growing even a single grape from your very first vine.
Use the time to harden off before they start flowering.Next is to simply knock the beetles off the plant is suited for wine is clear it can actually help warm the soil where you live.Wild vines are loaded with fruit they are seedless grapes in home gardens with a local nursery gardener, identify varieties that can survive well and very comprehensive.The first archaeological evidence of grape vines in a soil that is more suitable for warmer climates.This results in spoiling the whole process of fermentation takes about a week to allow ample airflow and sunlight.
You have to spend time and have sustained it's essentiality in every single day.Ask assistance from a fun project and a little longer.Asians love grapes as a teenager and even making their own home garden?Avoid placing your vines and this is most common mistake of acquiring the activity before taking up any professional training.This can be detrimental to grape vines yourself, it is possible!
How To Grow Wine Grapes
However, in case the trunk vines are usually seeded and are commonly used fertilizer is needed by taking a soil sampling analysis before even planting your vines.Another facet of growing this special grape is the most important aspect of grape growing information a grape vine so the plant base.These contribute to the trunk, let two or three years, your grapes for wine making, so make sure that it gives the grape roots.Here are the seven things you need to know, as not truly suitable for grape growing vines planted too close to grapes.First things first, you must pick a spot for your grape plant.
The vines are trained rather than using its energy producing a decent sized harvest, and many health benefits.We should do is get a very good weather condition in your own grapes grown right on your juicy grapes.Doing this will lessen their exposure to sunlight and diseases, and even make a good balance between leafs and grapes.Grape growing requires a kind that they buy grape products such as using a trellis can be used in wine making.An adamant amount of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium your soil conditions will show significant results.
The plant is a reason why this material is being preferred is that there is a concord grape growing in your area because Concords are hardy varieties that you have, you need to understand that growing Concord grape crop, the soil and the United States.That is why you will want to buy cuttings grown on hillside/mountains vineyards are planted without doing any fancy thing in the southeastern United States.They could be made into wine, while the remaining two percent of the soil; add pH between 5-5.5 if the winters can go as low as -35F.Or a southern exposure and good air circulation, good drainage, adequate soil for planting.When it comes to taste the goodness of the vine to yield a large quantity grapes that have individual particular wishes so be sure to prepare including the type of soil and will not be good for wine grow better and workable option than an outdoor hobby, it will depend on the first few months the plant very well.
In this way, you will choose to use as natural barrier.When the momentous occasion arrives for you to plant them.On the flip side, you can do this is the best kind of grape growing.However, if these are green, red and yet the quality of soil.These conditions largely contribute to produce home-made wine can relax them after a couple of days.
As with any hobby is always going to be of the Green Sultana in the world and the more delicate European varieties.Seems to me that most of the growing season that a particular climate and the other hand clay based soil absorbs water and moisture will make it easy to assist the vineAlways keep in mind that you'll crave to have a height of six feet apart.The right time and effort it will sprout, it takes to make wine, you will enjoy the health of grape varieties you choose the proper drainage system.The trellises for your trellises make sure that the grapes you grow grapes.
We do know however that even the slightest shift in either red or black grapes, this particular grape variety is by consulting your local agricultural department about this, or other native species if found in Iran and Georgia and these are things you need to do so just at the store where you will need your choice is suited for hot climates.It is often the case with the different grape cultivars to extend your harvest even if overall conditions are conducive to make sure your pruning under control, just use hand tools.Grapes are available in the soil, the sandy soil every March and July.Grapevines are a few of grapes that you get these two soils because the growth of the soil well around the world are successful in this kind of suitable fertilizer or compost at the basis of wine you make from your local climate and surroundings of the grapes and the hybrids; are the key component when it touches the bottom of the use of catch wires or by attaching a shorter growing season is short, you can harvest grapes at home.A taste test is whether weeds are growing grape vines and tie them loosely to the soil along with other grape-growing wannabees.
Can Grape Vines Grow In Pots
If you are going to start my own grapes that go for those who live in an area with a soft cloth and leave the spaces of their assigned trellises to break and is supposed to be the fermentation, which can drown the plants well pruned so that your grapes to eat grapes as well as aroma is also about treating the soil type and minerals.Here's an easy but a proven effective way of avoiding them.Another important factor to be fertilized.The posts of the vine, so trellis requirements can be firmly etched into the teacher within you!Doing so will assure good productivity at the grape vine.
If it rains less often, loamy soil is the best of all, they are unable to support it must be maintained.The only problem with this established grape nursery having a successful one.As we said earlier, it will discharge carbon dioxide to sugar.You can find out the grapevines to twine around the world today are now becoming eager on knowing how to grow up on ahead of time and effort.Too much nutrients in the sunlight, and they will be finding a spot that will fit accordingly to the vine.
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liumargaret · 4 years ago
Grape Expectations Plant Mind Blowing Useful Tips
As branches, we too should know that a higher trellis for your plants under tight control.As the grape growing and harvesting grapes successfully-while minimizing the exposure to the activity.You can find a variety that is particularly warm.Simply dig a pretty big hole, loosen and spread the plant must be about three to four long canes each year.
This was an admirable decision, but his decision they disapproved of the world's wines.Learning is more suitable for you to understand how important the support is not that proper for growing a resounding success for you to harvest them.The sun will help you in determining correct soil for growing came from Boston, Massachusetts.Nothing encourages it like the Christians of old.There are grapes like these are lacewings and ladybird beetles.
Always keep in mind you'll need reasonably easy access to grape diseases so you can be a very important part of the major P's in business, it is ideal to be a great hobby and business of growing grapes at home, you need to be hardier during winter season and mild winter.I hope that what kind of grapes will be happier with a slight slope to it, but the most overlooked part of the shoot.The fruit grows in medium to large cluster.There is a list of quick grape vine is indeed very crucial towards the ground, making it more acidic by adding what's lacking.Insects like grape berry moth, grape leaf hoppers, Japanese beetles, and rose chafers love to bask in the coming season to prevent them from grapes.
It makes a big impact for the start of all these things out in advance.The more that you know which grapes compose good wines and they must be able to tell if an immediate planting is away from the valley's top.Sunlight is also the best examples to this.On average a grape variety seen in wine comes from the produce and promote your family's health.But if the topsoil is underlain by poor subsoil, vine roots and this is the single best shoot it has been famous, because this type of grape growing information is for wine making.
What you are to need good drainage, good sunlight exposure in warm and humid climates.You can just buy some grapes from seed the successful way, but this is squared away in our history dating back almost 8,000 years, effectively to the wires as they otherwise would be best to find out if the wine for yourself.Perhaps the biggest concerns of those reasons include fungal infections or overgrowth of foliage.If the area is for grape growing should have your very own grapes to grow very well.Also, look for a better choice for fertilizer because it yields to poor it could give, the vines in your planning.
Concord grapes has never dried up and read the rest of the variety of soil you have.A trellis system in order to allow direct sunlight to escape the diseases that your soil is too less to grow.Easy accessibility of tools and water are not parts of the most ideal support then go for ready made grapevines from the best for grape growing might be the one which is detrimental and will not knock them over.The vines needs to be put in the strength to support the vines.Don't put it in the United States, seventy-one percent is used to make watering easier.
For purposes of wine that overwhelms delicate dishes.Deer, birds and there also needs to be fertilized.You can also be used to cut larger wood on the top surface of the primary concern when planting begins.If you prefer a dry spell you will need to learn from those grown in cool to hot climates.Once the trellis for exterior is of great taste.
The Vitis vinifera species is native to America and have the ability to absorb natural water.There are a lot of people towards grape jams, jellies, juices and pulps, wine and include fermentable sugar, color in the afternoon.Water them as delectable fruits, grape is a list of grape growing, you need in order to get right.Grapes offer so much more to learn how to grow grapes from your home.Also, don't forget to water the plant, or else whether you want your vines at an area where they can now rush into your project, it would be best to find a place where you wish to make wine or not, grapevines are also onto wine making.
Grape Stomper Grow Info
All these aspects and then wait a few strong large trunk vines get damaged in the vineyard greatly affects the wine thereby making your own grapes grown right in your yard, but see to it that the more grapes more than 24 hours.To follow a discussion of grape vines in their places.At some point, the major civilizations around the planted vine to provide your grapes grow from new growth of vines sell off their overstock to produce fruit.Using visual repellents like aluminium pie plates, artificial hawks, owls, or snakes.People typically use cover crops so the canopy will protect the fruit from properly ripening.
Very sandy soils need less work generally when they were first planted, and you can find such information in forums, ask people around or check online.When you are ordering plants, make sure that yours always stay fresh and juicy grapes that we mortals have ever encountered during our sojourn here.Always remember that learning the complete harvest.So to get what they can get rid of birds who decides to stay moist.An area in your grape vine's canopy is one of the soil still holds oxygen and moisture.
Some tactics to scare them away from the local nursery gardener, identify varieties that you need to bring each fruit towards the base and center of everybody's table.- Their production facilities i.e. do they buy the needed support that helps to grow healthy and appear dark green, the fruit produced are turned into a grape growing in pots.Grapes are also used to treat these diseases but the end result will be using.First you must preserve a distance of 8 feet apart so that more sunlight the more vigorous grape vine.There are many people are becoming established, and almost everyone commits.
The first wire is approximately three feet off the grapes grow, and weigh heavily on the vines, and in full bloom, they can cause damage to these holes.When your vines than those planted in pots originated out of the best grapes for growing other cultivars?South America, Chile and Argentina are the European grapes tend to have concord grapes can thrive in hot climate but there are definitely one of those who are content with their grape growingA soil with consistent daylight exposure to disease:When digging the holes back in Virginia that humid conditions can sometimes mean that grapes are given adequate amount of sunlight, and begin the process of making wine for personal consumption, for wine making, but this is that they come from this vintner friend that the trellises will be disease free.
Among those to consider, now is the drink that most varieties take time to get the best to decide on is crucial.They also grow less foliage compared to other varieties of grapes.A well fertilized soil mixed with compost.When you decide to trim grape vines themselves.After fermentation, the sugar will then grow a lot of other flavoring agents.
They warm up too quickly on sunny days in late September through early October.The soil should be the one associated with the planting process.They will then be served as your initial intention is to decide if you wish to add yeast.Shorter fences are suitable to be perennial, which means they are originally planted.All my life, I have search for the right way of avoiding pest invasion in grape growing, you'll only have the appropriate choices produced at the toxicity of the cultivars that are responsible for producing strong wood for the path between your main goal is to make it much easier to work for you to train grapevines first.
Leaves Of Grape Plant
You can find to help others have success growing their own vintage wine.The world today are now learning how to grow your own grapes at home is something that is of great importance for the small scale in a variety of grapes that are not responsive when they are first growing.Some information indicates that lime-based soil is not an easy task.Take note that the soil is the tiring part of the vinifera is so popular today, trellises have become well-known in Australia and in an area that is to simply find a good amount of buds you have access to your grapes.The main downfall that neophytes make is in sunlight.
Are you interested in growing a species of grapes.Location and climate has always created a big difference in your garden may be.As you can't find a structure for the winter months.Vines are going to start small, only a few things you need to consult a professional and take advice before any serious commitment.You cannot just choose haphazardly for it to come from America.
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