#i will vote DIE MAD
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bitchy-peachy · 6 months ago
The more these morons say I support genocide by exercising my fucking right to vote, the less of a fuck I give about anything they've got to say. This whole tag is spammed by people shaming us for not sacrificing our fucking asses for their "morals". (They look more like a Trump psy ops than anything cos I've never seen people shit on their own movement so obnoxiously hard as this.)
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pieravane · 6 months ago
fun fact, i actually hated shin when i first started yttd, not his character/writing i just thought he was a little shit
anyway i fell in love with him literally overnight as soon as the scene where sara can high five him occured. that literally altered my brain chemistry because in my head i just immediately went.... shin is Literally saras olrer brother wow...... and i became obsessed with him since. and then literally in the next trial i had to kill him
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cassowariess · 4 days ago
Gutting the NWS weeks before tornado season officially starts. I'm sure nothing will go wrong.
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kukai · 4 months ago
i cannot stand twitter omfg you cannot call yourself a radical and get mad at people voting green/writing in 😭 do whatever ig but if you're upset with people not voting for copala you're insane
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randomdegu · 2 years ago
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desidarling123 · 9 months ago
so joe biden has just laid out the terms for a ceasefire in gaza. it is not perfect by any stretch of imagination, but it will put an end to the daily casualties and bring in much-needed humanitarian aid, as well as closure to the families of hostages who will receive their loved ones' remains.
can you guess which part of the political spectrum is, for some insane reason, vocally opposed to it rn?
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bitchy-peachy · 1 month ago
Omg my doctor is still driving his cybertruck and the doctor's parking spaces are near the disabled areas.
Hope it doesn't blow up and hurt vulberable people that probably can't get away even if they wanted to.
I also can't believe my doctor. He's great and very empathetic, 5 star reviews with a waiting list even and yet he worships an invention buying chump fuck like Elon Musk.
Like considering how he's beloved as a life saving doctor this man is a genius that always looks out for his patients. He's always attentive to my issues regarding my health and continuously tests me and tells me pros and cons to respect any decisions I make which is makes him the best doctor I've had in the past decades. All the markings of a thorough and educated man.
That just shows us that not everything it's what it seems. He knows who I voted for and support and doesn't judge me and he did kinda make fun of Trump himself on occasions so he might just be a Musty fanboy that dismisses Trump as part of the package 🤷‍♀️ cos I've got a cousin like that.
Admires Musk's ill-gotten wealth while seeing Trump as a dumbass.
I think Musk is as much as a piece of shit as Trump. The fucker is a hypocrite, neposhit that never had a singular creative idea for himself and was born rich and buying out ideas for way too cheap.
He's also an illegal immigrant over stepping on our government but maga liked him enough cos he's rich and white. If he isn't loved by all maga... what are maga doing other than complaining? Cos I know not all of you want that bitch in there either. Regardless of all my hatred I do know some of you can realize by now this is some real bullshit and won't tolerate it as much as any logical person wouldn't. You voted for one guy, not some country destroying government meddling nepoasshole that obviously hates the working class and things hopelessness is a "myth".
Really research into his background. The only thing he's good at is scamming other people's inventions/companies he buys out and pretending he's a freaking "genius".
This is as bad as the hair stylist my son and I frequented admitting to supporting Trump and actually believing Harris was as bad as Maduro. These people know even less about communism than tankie leftists shits and maga.
Every thing they don't like is "CoMMuNisM". Oh please shut up. I can't believe morons like these are even allowed to vote.
Rant underneath. This was added on to this cos the Musty segment was actually an old draft.
Stuff under cut is both personal and very recent and political. I'm just venting at the sheer fucking audacity of abusers.
Well in a personal drama story, my mother (I don't even like remembering she gave birth to me cos she's evil towards everyone from children to elderly. She only cares about white acceptance and dick. She literally brought a rapist into the house and blamed his far too young victims for what he did. She's that fucking evil.) She's a big time maga fangirl. She even threatened to take away my then underaged son cos she thought I was giving my son "too many freedoms" to be himself cos she's such a psycho that thinks kids are property and not people.
I wasn't gonna let a pedophile apologist abusive bitch that starved me and called me a whore as a prepubescent child be near my kid or any kids. The few times she dated decent males that never gave me the creeps, they were men with children she didn't like so I warned them away cos I wanted to save those kids from her bullshit. Her kissing up had it's limits.
This lead to her hating me even more as if I give a shit but I'm just showing you how at least one maga is. A shitty maga that raised me. If that crappy movement attracts people like her imagine all the vile monsters hidden in plain sight.
Now on these elections it seems like she finally realized she really fucked up. She's a veteran. A lot of people in my family are. We originally started out as farmers (sugarcane, yame, tomatoes, pumkima, yuka, avocado... well we grew and still grow a lot of stuff for sale as well as donations if we all had good seasons in our private farms but- talking too much about my family's origins lol) but we also have a lot of people in the navy, air force (two uncles currently there and my recently graduated cousin going in), army and even the police force.
There's a lot of retirees and veterans in my family. People with debilitating injuries from these jobs that need government care cos their checks are not enough to help them medically.
They all voted Harris due to the hateful comments Trump said towards people with disabilities (that really want to live and still have so much life left regardless of what evil shits think) and that they had done their actual research and knew that Trump was going to defund all of the organizations helping them without a single pity in the world.
They knew ACA is "Obamacare", they know what tariffs are, are well traveled and have seen what an actual "communist" country is like. They didn't vote for him, even though they're conservative themselves but they don't see him as conservative at all. They see him as a "cosplay conservative" that is scamming people. They literally pinched their noses to vote democrat cos they knew Trump was gonna fuck everything up and he wasn't a viable voting option for conservative republicans in the first place. In fact they're shocked he even has voters cos he goes against all their beliefs.
This is why my mother is now crying a bitch fit. NO ONE in the family wants her. Her conservative mostly republican family. She got radicalized by her white boyfriends into what she is now cos my family, although flawed af, are nothing like her unless we count my abusive narcissistic grandmother) She bragged constantly about voting for Trump, not realizing she was fucking up a majority of our family including herself in these elections.
There was way more riding on these elections than in the past and her moronic ass thought it'd just be another fucking rerun of his first presidency. Uneducated voters are the fucking worst.
My son is literally getting bombarded with WhatsApp messages of her crying about how much she loves me (IS SHE SHITTING ME????) and that she really wants me to talk to her as if she hadn't been a fucking ghoul for years to my side of the family. According to her I'm a terrible mother and a pedophile cos I'm not straight. To her anyone that isn't a hetero is a child molester but if the child molester is a man that goes after little girls it's the little girls fault.
God I hate her so much I wish her fucking dead.
She moved to Florida sometime last year. Ain't she happy there with all that red? Or she realized she still ain't white enough for them to want her) Why tf she trying to kiss my ass here when she hates my blue city and how many lesbos are in it. My area ain't perfect but at least it ain't Florida.
Btw If it were up to me I'd grab every non-conservative non-republican Floridian to save them from stupid bullshit and I'll still leave her ass behind.
She voted for this shit. No sympathy. Wish she'd finish entirely fucking off. She's only all up in here cos she's finally all alone.
She can make her rape jokes, call herself a cracker dick loving monkey as she jokingly called herself cos she's got no self respect all she wants.
She's dead to us. She doesn't even have a job anymore and will get her benefits cut cos of her stupid ass votes.
Nobody wants to help her. She won so hard she's a loser.
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taliswho · 3 months ago
( seems like vi is gonna win the poll lol )
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dizzyluc · 8 months ago
TW: Politics, Death, Suicide I really hate discussing politics, but after today I do feel like I need to at least say some things on it. So, one of the BIG reasons I'm against saying the whole "should have been killed" thing is because personally, saying that kind of thing will give the idea to those on the "independent" side, that's on neither party side, that one side wants their opposition killed in the literal sense. (While the other side has not blatantly said it... as of recent.) "As of recent?" Yeah, although not technically their opposing side, the cult literally wanted Mike Pence's head during J6, but it's like everyone forgets that... and do you know why? Recency bias. Whatever is in people's heads at the current time is what they are going to think the most on, which will sway their voting (J6 happened over 3 years ago, versus something that literally happened today... so people aren't going to remember as well that MP was on the idiots' list of "taking down" as well as about 10 people dying to J6, (hard to find info on all deaths) they only are going to think about the "current" news and paint "the guy that lived, that the opposing side wishes death on" a hero) Hell, I saw people trying to spin "no one died during J6, while 2 people died today." YES, PEOPLE DID DIE. (Most are... rather weird deaths, but one of the people participating was fatally shot by capital police, another from being trampled... but also overdose??? And two died from "natural causes" during the event? (a heart attack and a stroke) Then of capitol police, one died the following day from being attacked by the mob (mentioned natural causes, but the mob played a major role), and 2 officers... went out by their own means, one after the attack and one 4 days after) I swear, seeing people act like it wasn't a big deal and act like no one died when that was all on that idiot that just sat there for hours as it went down. (I still remember being home and watching it go down on TV, calling my mom as she did not know it was happening) I do have to say it though, you aren't going to get the opposing side to change their vote obviously (as they are too far up their own ass about their "savior"), but saying you want your opposition dead is not going to win anyone over on the fence about voting. The best thing you can do, is try not to give this anymore attention as of the following day, and continue to let people know all the things the GOP plan to do if they take office, and asking them "is that what you want in a president?" As much as I hate both candidates, I'd rather vote in the best possible person to make him NOT be president, than just throw my vote at a 3rd party at this point. (I'm usually one that would not care about voting, but at this point it's starting to get a bit "scary" with how bad the previous president's cult has been) Especially with how Project 2025 is sounding... Note: Also me trying not to use certain words in the above post cause I'm used to trying not to bring in certain words in the algorithm on Twitter, so I don't get a bunch of MAGA assholes or anyone of the like talking shit to me lol...
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a-lil-strawberry · 7 months ago
Someone starts to argue with me on here over politics and I start to get angry and hurt, like with chest pain and stuff, and then I have to remember that this is Tumblr and it is not worth having physiological reactions to what some stranger thinks of my political stances. Some stranger on TUMBLR
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deancoded-deangirl · 2 years ago
the one poll about which brother is the main character irritates me. you have samgirls being like “Dean is winning because you guys think Jensen is hot” and “the lack of critical thinking on the site is insane” and then you have them, in the same reply, going, “i voted for Sam because it was supposed to be Sam but the writers spent more time on Dean and his plot.” okayyyyy so… if it was SUPPOSED to be Sam… but isn’t… then Sam is not the main character… idk why the samgirls go after everyone as if it’s just attractiveness that makes Dean the main character like, dude, that’s just a perk. And what’s even worse is the replies will also be like, “the writers focused on Dean heavily from s2 on” as if that isn’t SO EARLY. That means they spend FOURTEEN seasons with heavy Dean material, but he’s winning the poll purely because he’s hot? And everyone else should “die mad” that Sam is “supposed to be” the lead?
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arkserk · 1 year ago
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melonisopod · 2 years ago
I probably WOULD love Shirou Emiya if the people screaming at me to love Shirou Emiya weren't Like That.
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damondays · 2 years ago
I was going to reblog the post w the screenshot but I'm just going to scream into a new post instead
They played both Sing and Country Sad tonight, so... does that mean that All your life is on the list of songs they're planning? 😭 I hope they do on the next one in that case bcs omg
Just like... more Self titled would make me happy... and also Magic whip cmon guys why not??
And... I hope they play Trimm Trabb cus idk I think the screaming would do me good....
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irradiatedradio · 7 months ago
if you’re like freshly 18 and transgender and living with your parents they’re like “hey. we think you should talk to this doctor who we are family friends with and who is a conservative about why you should wait until your 30s to transition. also when you’re on your period you’re really upset all the time and inconsolable and crying constantly and honestly we think that makes you too weak and over emotional for college so you shouldn’t do that. also you thinking testosterone will make you happy is a sign that you’re weak and that you rely on the idea too much and you’re too young. btw” and you have to sit there and respectfully explain basic shit to them without going “are you fucking stupid” because doing so would be mean and unhelpful
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tragic-ships-tournament · 2 months ago
Below is Propaganda I wasn't bothered to screenshot
Tragic Ships Tournament Round 1
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Propaganda under the cut!
"after coming back to life the first time, jayce gave viktor a blanket and viktor wears it THE WHOLE REST OF THE TIME even when he goes full herald of the arcane mode who is supposed to be detaching himself of his humanity, and its also basically the ONLY thing hes wear except for like some belts and straps sometimes. also the fact that when viktor looks through jayces memories at one point he sees jayce has a memory of viktor smiling at him (right before jayce kinda shot him with his hammer) BUT THATS NOT HOW THE ORIGINAL CLIP WENT these two make me ill in the best way possible they have such a pure form of love its insane love so strong the become cosmically intertwined with eachother accomplished doing something somehow gayer than the literal lesbian sex scene
ALSO their league of legends counterparts seems to be like a bad/worse ending version of them bc this is the interaction from viktor when he first sees jayce in a game "Neither friendship nor love will stop what is necessary, Jayce" "
Achilles and Patroclus:
"It's. It's Achilles and Patroclus. This is THE tragic gay ship of the western canon."
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