#i will very likely make this into a sticker design later on
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daeyumi · 4 months ago
can you do Midna my beloved please 🥺
you have such pretty art and are definitely one of my idols :)
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u know what. yes i can 🩵
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pa-pa-plasma · 17 days ago
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okay i do think this one is funny actually. i call it "ace mongus"
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whatifitis · 3 months ago
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♡ Long May You Roar - LN 4 ♡
Summary: this is based off this request! P makes sure to see Lando before the final race and wants to give him a lucky sticker. You think about a life with Lando and what a family with him would be like.
Author's Note: I didn't think it would end up so short but i really tried my best 😭
WC: 882
CW: fluff, Lando and P being besties
“Lando! Lando!” you heard coming from a few feet away. You turned to see P running up to Lando with a sheet of stickers in hand. 
You were hanging out with Lando’s mom in the Mclaren hospitality and were standing outside and chatting with Lando before he had to get to the car. 
“P! What ya doin?” Lando greets her. 
The girl is smiley as she starts to converse with Lan. You watch as the two interact, the girl's mom standing behind a pillar nearby and resting a hand on her belly. 
You watch as P asks Lando to bend down to her level so she could whisper something, “Do you want a sticker? They’re lucky.” the girl beams. 
“Lucky stickers?! Are they real? I thought they were super rare. How’d you get a hold of them?” 
“Magic.” she giggled. 
“Oh, well then I must have one then, yeah? So that I can beat Maxie today?”
“Well, not that much luck.”
“Ah, well then.” Lando couldn’t help but laugh a bit. No matter how much she loved Lando, P was very loyal to Max. 
“Which sticker would you like?” P asked Lando, displaying the sticker sheet in front of him so he could get a decent view of them. 
Lan takes a moment to really think about it and scan the remaining sticker on the sheet before making the final decision, “I would like this one, please.” he said, pointing to the design of a redbull can. 
“No, you can’t have that one. You can have this one.” P says as she peels a long sticker off the sheet. It was a design of one of the red bull cars, maybe Lando could use it as motivation to beat them and win the constructors. God knew they needed a bit of magic, from a red bull sticker. 
“Yeah, sure. I like that one too, I guess.” Lando dramatically sighs. 
“Dramatic. Where do you want the sticker?” P asks, looking up at Lando. 
“Hmm, why don’t we put it right here over my wrist. That way it’s easy for me to see.” 
P puts all her focus in putting the sticker on Lando’s wrist carefully and precisely. 
When she was pleased with the placement of the sticker, she took a step back and smiled at her work. Lando looked at the sticker and gave P a high-five, “Way to go tiger. Long may you roar.”
But, of course, he couldn’t leave before P could get her hug from him. She immediately ran into him and wrapped her arms around his waist. Lando was one of Penelope’s favorite people and it showed. She was always excited to see him and hangout with him. She even cheered him on during races from time to time. 
While P and Lando hugged, Lando’s mom went in to hug him as well but it seemed as if the little girl wanted to be the last one to get a Lando hug before he set off. She subtly tried pushing his mom away with her foot which was quite cute and funny. P really did enjoy having Lando around. The two had sort of watched each other grow and Lando was always a constant figure in her life. 
Watching him with P and other kids sort of settled a debate that you’d had with yourself in your head. When you and Lando had started dating, you talked about potentially having kids in the future. You both wanted to have that conversation early on so that it wouldn’t become a problem later down the line. 
You were both pleased when you learned that neither of you had a set decision on whether you wanted kids in the future or not. It was sort of in the middle, you wouldn’t mind having kids, but it wasn’t something you’d always imagined or dreamed of. If it came down to it, you wouldn’t mind having kids or not having them. 
It was also a matter of who it was with. You both wanted to have kids with the right person. And now, after all this time, you think if you were to have kids with anyone, it would be Lan. You wouldn’t want to have a family with anyone else. 
You knew you wanted all of it with him. Watching dragonflies fly above your heads, having favorite spots on swing sets. There was never any room for regrets in your dreams and now you know that Lando is a part of all your dreams, and that you would never regret anything with him. 
The time will arrive for settling down and having a family with him, but for now, the both of you will learn to grow and be curious about life. 
Before Lando started his trek to the garage, he went to you to give you a quick hug and kiss. He smiled at you, eyes twinkling in the shining sun. Nowadays, it’s not often you see him this happy. 
“You look happy.” you tell him. 
“I got a sticker from P. That’s like the biggest approval you can get from a kid, ya know.” he joked, “Alright, I really have to go now. I’ll see you after.”
He kisses you one more time before running off, wilder and lighter than before.
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bamsara · 7 months ago
Hello! I was wondering what company you use for your sticker sheets? I bough one from your Ko-Fi shop and really like the quality, and the pricing you were able to sell at is waaaaaay more reasonable compared to any of the companies I've seen and used myself. Is it a POD company, or a mass purchase of them to sell on your own?
Thank you for your time if you're able to respond!
I'm really glad you like the quality, because I actually make them by hand at home! (Please forgive the lighting, my bedroom is my office lmao.)
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I don't use a company (and Idk what a POD company is sorry!) but making them at home gives a lot more freedom of stock, just be wary it can be very time consuming depending on how many you need to make.
I've had other people ask before, so here's a rundown of how I make my stickers at home: At most you'll need:
Sticker paper (this is the type that I use)
Laminator and lamination paper (the lamination paper that I use.) You can also use adhesive non-heat lamination paper if you don't have a laminator, gives you the same result, just be careful of bubbles. You will get double your worth out of a pack because we are splitting the pouches to cover two sticker sheets.
Your choice of a sticker cutting machine or just using scissors.
First, I use Cricut's software to print out the sticker sheet with the guidelines around the corners so the machine can read it. If you do NOT have a Cricut machine, open up your art program, make a canvas of 2550x3300 and fill it up with your sticker design with some cutting space between them. This the 8.5x11 size for the sticker page.
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I usually have bleed selected so the cut comes out cleaner. Tip for non-Cricut users below: Increase the border around your sticker design to fake the 'bleed' effect for a cleaner cut.
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These are the print settings I use for my printer. I use the 'use system dialogue' to make sure I can adjust the settings otherwise it prints out low quality by default. Make sure if you're using the above paper that you have 'matte' selected, and 'best quality' selected, these aren't usually selected by default.
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So you have your sticker sheet printed! Next is the lamination part. I use a hot laminator that was gifted to me, but there is no-heat types of lamination you can peel and stick on yourself if that's not an option.
(This is for protection and makes the colors pop, but if you prefer your stickers matte, you can skip to the cutting process.)
Important for Cricut users or those planning to get a Cricut: You're going to cut the lamination page to cover the stickers while also not covering the guidelines in the corners. First, take your lamination page and lay it over the sheet, take marker/pen and mark were the edges of your stickers are, and cut off the excess:
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(I save the scrap to use for smaller stickers or bonuses later on)
After you've cut out your lamination rectangle, separate the two layers and lay one down on your sticker sheet over your stickers with matte side down, shiny side up. (Save the other sheet for another sticker page)
The gloss of the lamination will prevent the machine from reading the guidelines, so be careful not to lay it over them. It also helps to cut the corners afterwards to prevent accidentally interfering with the guidelines.
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Now put that bad boy in the laminator! (Or self seal if you are using non-heat adhesive lamination)
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Congrats! You now have a laminated page full of stickers.
For non-cricut/folks cutting them out by hand: this is the part where you start going ham on the page with scisscors. Have fun~
Cutting machine: I put the page on a cutting mat and keep it aligned in the corner, and feed it into the machine. For laminated pages I go between 'cardstock' and 'poster board' so that it cuts all the way through without any issues, but for non-laminated pages or thinner pages, I stick for 'vinyl' and 'light card stock'. Kinda test around.
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Now I smash that go button:
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You have a sticker now!
The pros of making stickers at home is that you save some cost, and you have more control of your stock and how soon you can make new designs. (I can't really afford to factory produce my stickers anyway)
However, this can be a very time consuming, tedious process especially if you have to make a lot of them. There is also a LOT chance for some errors (misprints, miscuts, lamination bubbles, ect) that will leave you with B-grade or otherwise not-so-perfect or damaged stickers. (Little note, if you have page mess up in printing and can't be fed into the cricut machine, you can still laminate it and cut it out by hand too.)
I have to do a lot of sticker cutting by hand, so if you don't have a cricut don't stress too much about it. I have an entire drawer filled to the top of miscuts/misprints. I keep them because I don't want to be wasteful, so maybe one day they'll find another home. Sucks for my hand though.
But yeah! This is how I make my stickers at home! Hope this is helpful to anyone curious
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tempo-takoyaki · 4 months ago
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Hey! I'll be at Y/Con this week-end for my very first convention as a booth artist! For the occasion I'll have a limited amount of merch, including prints, stickers and the awaited physical copy of "Almost TGCF" also known as "I haven't read TGCF"! Not only that but I'll also be part of a Danmei Rally with @rakiah @gunpys @alyna-cherry @pillow-boi and @/auroramaeno.auma (on instagram)! Don't hesitate to pass by! (^^)/
Here are some additional infos about my time at the con, but if you have more questions, don't hesitate to directly go to my askbox: it's always open!
About the merch:
A5 prints will be 7 euros, square prints will be 5 euros. Stickers are 3 euros.
Due to personal circumstances I can't give an actual price to the fanzine yet (know that it should at least be between 12 and 15 euros).
All fanzines as explained will come with two free prints and a free sticker. You can also ask me to sign it with the character of your choice in the style of "Almost TGCF" (can be from another mxtx book!).
I won't be handing out the prizes of the rally. Please go to the designated spot to receive your prize if you've completed the stamp rally!
No, I won't do discounts.
If you're an artist and want to exchange merch with me, please do so before the actual con starts. I won't accept exchanges during the duration of the con.
I'll have a card reader but please bring some cash too just in case.
About my availability:
I'm sharing the booth with Pazemma. And a friend of us will also be here for when one of us two has to leave. I'll share a photo of myself insta stories before the con starts so you can recognize me.
I'll share on insta when I'll be leaving the booth and when I'll be back. Again, if you want something specific from me like talking or have your fanzine signed, don't hesitate to come back to my booth later on during the day!
I'm okay with small talk as long as the booth isn't busy! If there's 3 or more people lining up already I'll have to cut the conversation short. Thank you for your understanding!
About the merch for after the con:
I'll try to open an online shop around the beginning of 2025, and hopefully make it so I can ship the merch wordwide.
Pre-order worldwide for the fanzine after Y/Con should starts in January. Know that it'll be a one time thing, and after that, I won't produce any more physical copies of this fanzine.
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loudclan-clangen · 5 months ago
Fish in a birdcage for Rosehip amd Dodwood tho
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Bee is not one of the rogues himself, but two of his sons are! Also one of Butterfly's sons, and two of Coal's sons that he had after Fiercestripe left. They aren't really important to the story so they don't get names or anything, but I think that it makes everything a little bit more tragic that Fierce is fighting her nephews who she would have loved to watch grow up and might recognize her from when they were young.
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2. Kingfur and Sockeyepelt would both be pretty devastated if Chumtail dies, she's similar to Dashpaw in that she's kinda the mediator between her two more polarized siblings. Really everyone who's up on the chopping block is the most stable of their family, meaning everyone is going to be very NORMAL after this, I'm sure. Also thank you!
3. Yes! There will be stickers of the mediator kids (especially now that you've asked). I'm drawing sketches based on what people have requested, and I'll make a post letting everyone know when they go up. Currently I have Weed, Siltsplash, the Mediator Kids, and some couple stickers in the works.
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There were many factors in Fiercestripe's decision. 1. Thorn was 4 moons old by the time Fiercestripe left, so she was well past carrying size (especially with Fiercestripe being a small cat). Even if Wildfirecry could carry her, or she walked on her own, it would slow their pace significantly and require them to take more breaks, leading to the farm cats likely catching them. 2. If Fiercestripe had taken Thorn then the farm cats would have more justification to track them down and forcefully bring them back. It's one thing for a she-cat to leave, it's another for a she-cat to take her mate's kit with her. (part of why the farm cats have made it to loudclan now is because they're chasing a pregnant she-cat). 3. Wildfirecry hadn't agreed for Fiercestripe to come with him. He was a stranger who had stayed a couple nights with the farm cats and was just as likely to turn her away or harm her as he was to allow her to come with him. He would have been a lot less likely to agree to travel with her if she came with the responsibility of a kitten. 4. Wildfirecry and Fiercestripe did not have an easy journey. They didn't have a destination or a set path, they just wandered from place to place for years until they were convinced to join Loudclan. It's pretty likely that had Thorn been brought with them she would have frozen, starved, drowned or been eaten by a predator given that Wildfirecry was the only one with any hunting or fighting skill, and kittens aren't as tough as grown cats. All in all, bringing Thorn along wasn't really an option. Fiercestripe's only choices were leave Thorn or stay with the farm cats and hope that another outsider came along later when Thorn was grown. (Thorn's story is a bit different, Frost and Spider were outsiders who joined the farm cats later in life, so Frost knew how to hunt and fight, thus allowing them to wait for their kits to grow before they left.)
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I designed them on my own! I find pretend genetics very fun and it gives me a chance to think more in depth about the rough backstories I have for these characters and how their childhood would have affected the way that we see them act in the story.
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regressionschool · 6 months ago
Maturity Test Part 2
Chapter 1
Anna had been away for three years, throwing herself into work and life, the memories of her last visit to the regression school nursery and her friends there fading into the background. But now, it was time for her reclassification, and she found herself once again driving the familiar road back to the place where her friends had been left behind. She wondered how much had changed. How much had Rebecca and Olaf changed? How much had she changed?
Arriving at Olaf's place first, Anna hesitated before knocking on the door. She had kept in touch with Olaf and his girlfriend, Lilly, over the years, but hearing stories and actually seeing the changes were two very different things. Taking a deep breath, she knocked, the sound echoing loudly in her ears.
A moment later, the door opened, and there stood Lilly, a bright smile on her face. "Anna! It's so good to see you!" she greeted warmly, pulling Anna into a quick hug before stepping aside to let her in. "Olaf’s been looking forward to your visit."
Anna stepped inside, her eyes immediately drawn to the subtle yet significant changes in the apartment. The living room had transformed into what could only be described as a preschooler’s haven. Bright colors adorned the walls, and scattered toys filled the floor. A large playmat with a road map pattern lay in the center of the room, and in one corner stood a small table with coloring books and crayons.
But what really caught Anna's attention was the large potty chart on the wall, covered in stickers—mostly clouds with only a few suns scattered here and there. It was clear that Olaf’s potty training had regressed significantly. The sparse suns stood out like sad little beacons amidst a sea of rain clouds.
Lilly noticed where Anna’s gaze had fallen and chuckled softly. “He’s had a bit of a rough time with his potty training lately,” she explained, her tone both affectionate and slightly teasing. “But he’s doing his best, aren’t you, sweetheart?”
Anna turned to see Olaf emerging from the hallway. The sight of him was both shocking and heartbreaking. He was wearing a pair of blue pull-ups, the childish design visible beneath his t-shirt. His once-confident demeanor was now replaced with a more subdued, almost shy, expression as he shuffled over to greet Anna.
“Hi, Anna,” Olaf said softly, a pacifier hanging from a clip on his shirt. He didn’t seem to notice it as he absentmindedly popped it into his mouth after saying hello, sucking on it softly as he stood there, fidgeting slightly.
“Hi, Olaf,” Anna replied, trying to keep her voice light and not show how surprised she was at how much he had changed. She could see the subtle influence Lilly had over him—his behavior, his clothes, even his posture all screamed little boy. “It’s good to see you again.”
Olaf nodded, his cheeks flushing a little as he tugged on his t-shirt, which didn’t cover his pull-ups. “Yeah, it’s good to see you too. We’ve been having lots of fun, haven’t we, Mommy?” he added, looking up at Lilly with a small smile.
Lilly beamed, reaching down to ruffle his hair affectionately. “We sure have, sweetie” “I’ll go get us something to drink,” Lilly announced suddenly, giving Olaf a quick peck on the cheek before disappearing into the kitchen.
The moment she was out of earshot, Olaf’s demeanor changed. His shoulders slumped, and he let out a heavy sigh, pulling the pacifier from his mouth and dropping it onto the table with a soft clatter. He looked up at Anna with a mixture of shame and desperation in his eyes.
“Anna,” he began quietly, glancing over his shoulder to make sure Lilly wasn’t coming back yet. “I need to talk to you. I—Lilly—she signed me up for Unpotty Training III,” he whispered, his voice barely above a murmur.
Anna blinked in surprise. “Unpotty Training III? What’s that?” she asked, leaning in closer.
Olaf sighed, rubbing his face with his hands. “It’s not like the first two levels. Unpotty Training I and II were about getting you to have accidents, you know, just losing control sometimes. But this… this is different. It’s not about accidents anymore. It’s about not using the potty at all. They teach you how to… just let go whenever, wherever. No more control.”
Anna’s eyes widened as she processed his words. “And you’re the only one in the class who’s not… fully regressed?”
Olaf nodded, looking down at his pull-ups. “Yeah. It’s so embarrassing, Anna. All the other guys are in diapers, and here I am, still in pull-ups but being told I need to stop using the potty entirely. Lilly says it’s for my own good, that it’s part of accepting who I’m supposed to be, but… I don’t know. I want to grow back up, at least a little.”
“And that’s not all,” Olaf interrupted, his voice tense with frustration. “She signed me up for pacifier dependence too. I can’t go anywhere without it now. If I don’t have it... I just get so anxious, Anna. I don’t know what to do.”
Anna reached out, placing a comforting hand on his arm. “Olaf, why didn’t you tell her? Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I tried,” he muttered, his eyes darting toward the kitchen again. “But she doesn’t listen. She thinks this is what’s best for me, but... I don’t want this. I want to grow back up, Anna. I don’t want to be stuck like this forever.”
Before he could finish, Lilly’s cheerful voice cut through the air as she returned, carrying a tray with two steaming cups of coffee and a sippy cup filled with juice. Olaf quickly popped the pacifier back into his mouth, his frustration hidden behind the plastic shield.
“Here we go!” Lilly said brightly, setting the tray down on the coffee table. “Two coffees for the grown-ups and a nice sippy cup of juice for my little man.”
Olaf forced a smile, taking the sippy cup in his hands. “Thanks, Mommy,” he mumbled, his previous frustration buried under a veneer of obedience.
Lilly beamed, clearly pleased with his response. “Oh, and Olaf, I don’t think we need to worry about you drinking from a cup anymore. Those days are long gone, aren’t they?”
Anna watched as Olaf’s grip tightened on the sippy cup, his knuckles turning white. He didn’t respond, just brought the cup to his lips and began to drink, his eyes focused intently on the table.
As they sipped their drinks, a faint hissing sound reached Anna’s ears. At first, she thought it might be coming from outside, but then she realized it was much closer—too close.
Olaf was wetting himself.
She glanced at his pull-ups, noticing the way the material was gradually swelling, the childish design fading as it absorbed the wetness. Olaf’s face remained calm, his eyes focused on the sippy cup in his hands as he continued to drink, completely unaware of what was happening. He looked so small, so helpless—more like a toddler than a preschooler.
Lilly, who was casually sipping her coffee, noticed Anna’s concerned expression and followed her gaze to Olaf’s pull-ups. A knowing smile spread across her face.
Lilly glanced at the clock on the wall, her eyes widening slightly as she realized the time. "Oh, look at the time," she said, her voice tinged with both excitement and a hint of urgency. "We need to get ready for the reclassification, Olaf."
Olaf looked up from his coloring, his brow furrowing in mild confusion. "Already?" he asked, sounding a bit unsure. The thought of the reclassification had clearly been on his mind, but he hadn’t expected it to come so soon.
Lilly nodded, giving him a reassuring smile. "Yes, sweetie. We don't want to be late. Why don't you get up and stretch your legs before we head out?"
Obediently, Olaf pushed himself up from the floor, his movements a bit clumsy as he shifted his weight. Then, with a soft sigh, she stepped closer to him, her hand reaching out to gently pat the front of his pull-up.
"Uh-oh, Olaf," Lilly said, her voice laced with gentle teasing as she placed her other hand on his padded bottom. "Looks like someone’s a bit soggy. Did you forget to tell Mommy you had an accident?"
Olaf's cheeks flushed a deep red as he looked down at himself, his eyes widening in embarrassment. "N-No..." he mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper. He shifted uncomfortably, feeling the dampness of his pull-up now that it had been pointed out.
Anna couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for him as she watched the scene unfold. She could see how much it bothered him to be caught off guard like this. Lilly gently guided Olaf over to the corner of the room where his potty chart hung on the wall. “Come on, sweetie,” Lilly said softly, her tone warm but firm. “Let’s put another cloud on your chart, okay?”
Olaf’s face turned an even deeper shade of red as he nodded, clearly embarrassed by the ritual. He hesitated for a moment, but under Lilly’s gentle guidance, he picked up the blue marker and drew another cloud in the appropriate square. The marker squeaked slightly against the chart, a sound that seemed to echo in the room, making Olaf cringe a little.
“There we go,” Lilly said with a soft chuckle, ruffling Olaf’s hair affectionately. “Such a good boy.”
As Olaf stood there, looking up at the chart with a mixture of embarrassment and resignation, Lilly couldn’t resist adding a bit of teasing to the situation. “You know, Olaf,” she began, her voice playful, “if you keep this up, maybe this will be your last pull-up. If you get reclassified as a toddler today, we will switch to diapers full-time. Wouldn’t that be something?”
Olaf’s eyes widened in surprise and mild horror at the idea, but before he could protest, Anna, who had been quietly watching the interaction, decided to join in.
“Or,” Anna chimed in, trying to help Olaf smile, “maybe this will be your last pull-up because you’ll be allowed to grow up, Olaf. Maybe they’ll finally let you wear big boy underwear again.”
Olaf face showed a mix of confusion and hope, the idea of being allowed to grow up again clearly appealing to some part of him that still clung to his former sense of independence.
But before he could latch onto that hope, Lilly gently shot it down with a playful smirk. “Oh, Anna, you know Olaf’s too incontinent to ever go back to normal underwear. Even if they let him grow up, it’ll probably still be in pull-ups,” she said with a lighthearted laugh. “I mean, we wouldn’t want him having too many big boy accidents, would we?” Olaf shifted again, this time more awkwardly, caught between the two women’s contrasting views of his future.
Anna couldn’t help but smile at Lilly’s fierce defense of Olaf’s regression, though she knew better than to push the subject further. It was clear that Lilly had a vision for Olaf’s life that involved a lot more clouds on that chart, and perhaps even the inevitable transition to diapers full-time.
"Well," Anna said with a light shrug, "we’ll just have to see what the reclassification decides, won’t we?" She winked at Olaf, who gave her a small, uncertain smile in return.
Lilly gave Olaf’s hand a gentle squeeze. “Alright, let’s get you into a fresh pull-up before we head out, okay?” she said, her voice softening again. “We can’t have you going to your reclassification all soggy.”
Olaf nodded quietly, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly as Lilly guided him over to the changing area. She moved with practiced ease, quickly removing the damp pull-up and replacing it with a fresh one, giving Olaf a suppository for his nerves. The crinkling sound filled the room as she snugly fastened the sides, her hands gentle but efficient.
“There we go,” Lilly murmured, smoothing out the front of his pull-up before giving him another reassuring smile. “All set. Now, you’ll be nice and comfy for the big day.”
Once Olaf was dressed, the three of them made their way to the door.
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zeropro · 4 months ago
What are your thoughts on transformers prime and transformers one?
TL:DR I liked both! TFP was my first Transformers show that I watched all the way through and TF1 was a lot of fun! Opinions on Starscream under the break pfpfpfpfpfpf
Prime was literally my first Transformers experience (Okay that's not true, I did see the first Bay movie when it came out but lets not talk about that). It's really good! My favorite character was Ratchet, I loved that he's just a tired, grumpy, racist old man and he's a doctor. Knock Out was the best thing to come out of TFP and he really should be in more stuff. Really would have loved a fourth season but it wouldn't have been the same without the children around. I liked what we got!
Prime has an excellent Starscream, Steve Blume does an amazing performance with both his deep conniving gravel and his high pitched terrified sputtering. So much character in his animation too, especially in later seasons, and an incredibly compelling character arc. Prime Starscream is not a good person, but I would burn the world for him, and I like the small moments in the show that hint at something in his character that could be turned to good, but circumstance always works against him in that regard. He's just so pathetic, but also competent and dangerous, all the best qualities of a Starscream and a very unique design!
Transformers One was quite good, I was worried because of the trailers but I was surprised by how well executed it all was. None of the characters were annoying, and making Optimus Prime originally one of the oppressed class alongside Megatron was a good move. The scene where Orion gives Dee the sticker is so cute, I simply cannot. The ending felt a bit rushed but what can you do, it wasnt so bad that it's a problem for me.
I would have loved just a little more Starscream in the movie! Like, I knew he wasn't really gonna be in the movie much so i was prepared for it to be little more than a glorified cameo, but I loved a lot of what we did get and I feel like it was missing just a little bit more! Like, the whole High Guard turned rogue backstory he has is great, implies some honor to his character since he didnt keep serving Sentinal when the guy turned Cybertron over to the Quintissance. I think it's hilarious that Starscream is so much older than Megatron. Like, they gave us a lot of food to make headcanons out of, but then the rushed ending kind of left me with no real reason given for him and the rest of the High Guard to go with Megatron without a fight. Like, I think the reason given was that, because Megatron beat him up that one time, and then killed Sentinal, and since the High Guard became a might makes right society and hates Sentinal, I guess thats why they are loyal to him now. And I guess the one line where Starscream is like "all hail megatron" is supposed to indicate he's 100% behind Megatron now and not just a spur of the moment thing. And I guess them following his command to destroy the city is why theyre being banished. But like...idk, every other plot point was well established and properly played out, and the whole decepticons thing just didnt really feel like enough, and i kind of feel like it should have been more clearly communicated considering its an entire one side of a two sided war? I feel like we werent shown the high guard doing anything egregiously bad besides attacking people because megatron told them to.
Like, there's nothing in the movie to suggest that Starscream and the High Guard arent still loyal to the Primes. So when Orion comes back as a prime, like a proper prime, with the matrix and everything, which everyone knows will make the energon flow again, I'm surprised Starscream didnt at least try to make excuses or worm his way into avoiding banishment? My headcanon is he wanted to kill Sentinal as bad as Megatron and so when Megatron finally does what he failed to do for 50 cycles, he's like aite im ride or die for this guy. Maybe 50 cycles of living in the wilderness doing nothing but scout and pit fight all day changes a guy and they dont wanna live in a society anymore. Why dont they accept Optimus as the new prime? They helped him and Elita save their friends, and unlike Sentinal Optimus has the actual Matrix this time. Idk mang. Woulda liked a bit more.
Transformers One, not my favorite design for Starscream. The head vents going wide at the bottom look weird to me, and his legs are so long and flat.
Thems my opinions!
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ladyknightellen · 6 months ago
It's a Mobility Aid...Not a Fucking Prop!!!
I guess it's just my brand at this point to go mia for a few weeks, then come back with a rant about some new, mildly infuriating realization I've had.
This particular realization is one that's kind of been buzzing in the back of my head as something that was kind of off, but I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was until now. The 'aha' moment came when I was looking for pictures of Kaz Brekker to add to my collection of stickers on my binder for school. As I scrolled through, I began to notice a frustrating trend in the fan art...
Kaz Brekker, a canonically disabled character, who uses a cane to walk is consistently being drawn holding his cane as if it's just a prop, or a weapon, rather than what it actually is A GODDAMN MOBILITY AID!!!!
And before you start with 'but he hits people with it' I'm going to stop you right there. Yes, he does use it as a weapon sometimes, and it's even described in canon as being designed with the intention of using it as a club if needed, but it's still a cane. It is still a mobility aid that he needs TO WALK, and when you treat it like nothing more than a prop or a weapon, you erase a very important aspect of who Kaz is as a character, and honestly, as a cane user with chronic pain myself, it feels almost violent to see how often it happens.
Whenever I see art of Kaz standing with his cane in his hands like a billy club, or holding it across one or both shoulders, all I can think about is how much pain he would be in to hold a position like that without using the cane for support. At numerous points in the books during Kaz's pov chapters, we get several very detail descriptions of what it feels like for him on a daily basis as a result of his chronic pain. We also get several instances of how it feels when he has his cane taken from him, when he uses it to fight, or when he's disguised and doesn't want to give himself away. We see the toll it takes on his body to do this, and he always pays for it later.
Kaz does not swagger around Ketterdam with his cane over his shoulder, occasionally taking a swing at rival gang members. If this is the image you have in your head of him, please, I beg you to get rid of that image. Kaz is DISABLED. He has severe chronic pain and walks with a heavy limp and that cane is making contact with the ground on every step. Based on the kind of injury he had, I would imagine that his injured leg might even be a bit shorter than the other, which would possibly be evident in a visible lack of symmetry in the height of his shoulders. And that's just one possible way it could affect his body beyond just his leg that would be outwardly visible.
There are many more, but the point is that injuries like the one Kaz experienced can affect the entire body even with the best care and therapy, and Kaz didn't have any of that. I'm not asking you to be a medical expert just to draw fanart, but I am begging you think about things like this and at the very least, PLEASE draw the mobility aid being used as a mobility aid, not a prop. Stop erasing and sanitizing what little representation we have. If you think it makes him 'look more badass' or whatever to have his cane over his shoulder, I kind of don't really care.
P.S. And don't use the tv show as a reference because Freddy Carter is yet another example of a non disabled actor playing a disabled character.
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sunflowers4life · 9 months ago
Marauders - Moving In - Part 3
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heres part 3! i hope you enjoy. warning, female reader. i will try and get the next part out soon!
pairing: marauders x reader, moments with all three in this one
part 1 part 2
 It had been roughly a month since you had moved into the apartment, and you had 0 regrets. Currently, it is Friday. AKA, ‘Designated movie night.’ Every Friday, the 4 of you would each bring some sort of snack, and you would watch a movie, as a roommate bonding activity. There was a roster, which James had decorated like a toddler would, filled with sparkles, glitter and stickers that hung on the wall. So this week, movie night was your choice. That Friday, the 3 boys were out of the house, Remus and James being at university, whilst Sirius had a rehearsal with his band. So then, what did you spend the day doing?
Creating the ultimate movie night experience. Alone, you created your own list, with three things to do. 1, create a pillow fort of kings. 2, hang up fairy lights. 3, the most important, create the most elaborate drinks anyone had ever seen. And what movie had you chosen for such a night? The ultimate movie, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. After setting up the fort, which filled the entire living room, the floor was covered in assorted blankets and pillows, including 4 stuffed animals. A deer, a black dog, a wolf, and finally, a giraffe. 
The deer was a gift from James. A little while ago, you both had the night free, and James had suggested travelling to a nearby fair! It was filled with a pirate ship, a roller coaster, assorted food trucks and carnival games, and in the middle - a large, glowing ferris wheel. With potato twisters in hand, and a few tickets under your sleeves, James dramatically stopped in front of a toss the ball game. Noticing he had stopped, you turned around, and you quickly noticed James' eyes were not on the game itself, but the large deer plushie hanging. It could only be won if all 4 balls successfully landed in the bucket without falling out. He quickly turned, and you swear to god, the man in front of you had turned into a puppy, the way his lip was just pushed out in a pout, the sparkle of his eyes, you could essentially see his tail wagging. 
30 minutes later, missing about 50 tickets, James finally got his hand on the deer. With a cheer, you were quickly swept up in a hug, before he turned to you, and placed the deer in your hand. Quickly, you shoved your head into the deer, trying to hide the red that was slowly incasing your face.
The black dog was from Sirius. After one of his concerts at the local pub, you had been the only one to make it that night, as James and Remus had assorted plans. Sirius did his usual address of appreciation, before stepping off stage, and pulling you along, grabbing your hand. He pulled you out of the pub quickly, eager to make his way before the crowd excited the pub. Truly, his reputation was growing, and the pub was becoming more and more packed as the weeks went on. Sirius had yet to let go of your hand, and you had realised the three were just very physically affectionate people. Sirius pulled you over to the park nearby, and the two of you sat on the swings in the park for nearly 2 hours. Sweet conversation ensued, with talks of dreams, life plans, and random questions made the night perfect. That was, until Sirius suddenly took his backpack off, pulling out a fluffy stuffed animal. He offered it to you, pushing it into your hands. “I found it at one of my shows. It was just left behind. I made sure to wait a week, in case someone had accidentally left it, but no one had come back for it. So, I thought you’d appreciate it.” As the stars twinkled through the night, the three of you made your way home. Snuggling into the covers, with a deer on one side and a wolf on another, you felt like the luckiest girl alive.
Finally, the wolf  was from Remus. It came after the book club Remus had got you to attend with him. Every Tuesday, at 5, you would meet at a bookshop, and right next door with a toy shop. You decided whilst Remus was purchasing a book, to enter the cute store. You saw it every time, and finally, you got to investigate it. Quickly, your eyes were attracted to the brown wolf, who was sitting alone on the shelf. The place was a second hand toy store, and you noticed the little wolf had small scratches across it, that had been hand stitched with love. You felt a presence behind you, and Remus, in his cosy sweater, and his sweet caramel eyes turned from you to the little wolf on the shelf. You went to leave the store, before Remus quickly told you to wait. Grabbing the wolf off the shelf, and approaching the register, he purchased the animal, before carrying it home, and setting it right in the middle of your bed, in between the deer and the dog. Remus had given you a light kiss to the head before exiting your room, and you couldn’t help but feel flattered.
But, where did the giraffe come from? The giraffe was a joint gift from the 3 of them, when it came to your ‘one month roommate anniversary!’ James had decorated the apartment in your favourite colour, with a cake decorated, a table set with 8 seats. 4 seats from you, James, Remus and Sirius, one for Prongs, the deer, one for Padfoot, the dog, and one for Moony, the wolf. In the last seat was a giraffe. Pastel yellow with brown spots, you immediately fell in love, before naming it Twinkle, a name the 3 had taken to calling you. The night was spent in a tea party, something you had expressed dreams of doing since your childhood, when you would set up a table with your stuffed animals and have fake tea parties.
Back to the present, the afternoon was then spent preparing snacks. You grabbed 4 Cadbury bars, resealing them in Wonka themed wrappers. Brownies, cookies, pretzels, chips, and finally, pizza’s ready to be placed in the oven, you were sure if it existed, you would win the trophy for the best movie night yet. The three entered at the same time, where you sat in the middle of the fort, with the snacks set up ready to be enjoyed. It was a great night, and at the end Remus was pressing his fingers to his lips, trying to shush James and Sirius antics, as you lightly snored in his arms. In your arms were the 4 stuffed animals, and your head rested just in the middle of his chest. Carrying you to bed, tucking you and your friends to sleep, the three shared a look, before retiring to their own.
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hellsquills · 2 months ago
Just saw this video and imagined Mabel finding out what Magma is and wanting to draw with friends in real time. However, she doesn't find people to do it, so she just draws by herself.
One day she's ranting about this to her grunkles in a videocall and mentions the live drawing thing, and Ford tells her Stan used to draw. Stan, who's also in the room, just turns to him like why would you say that???
Mabel begs Stan to draw with her and, admittedly, it doesn't take a lot of convincing. Mabel tries to do this improv thing she saw on a TikTok, and they end up drawing some beautiful sunset over some trees, with small creatures and fairies all over them. The girl is ecstatic and Stan just resigns to do this as many times as she wants. Anything to see that happiness.
Also I love the idea that Stan's style is very cartoonish, while Mabel's is either sketchy or graphic-design oriented (she's good at using simple lines, shapes, and colors to convey the whole drawing).
I think at some point, Mabel would make some Twitch channel so she can livestream her drawing process, as well as take suggestions from chat. She uploads clips to TikTok and one of them goes semi-viral, which prompts her to make an online shop where she sells prints, stickers, tattoo designs, T-shirts... She then uses some of that money to help Dipper go to college :)
Bonus: she designs most of Stan's tattoos. The first time she saw one of his tattoos she got excited and drew all over his arm around it, almost like completing the piece. Stan LOVED it, and a few years later Mabel becomes a tattoo artist and designs and tattoos all of Stan's right arm and part of his back.
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mostrovskaa · 7 months ago
Just out of curiosity, you make the mockups for your faux sticker set by yourself from scratch? or maybe mofidy existing ones?? I Think they look very good and add so much to the comms and you even theme them to suit the characters instead of using the same one over and over, like wow that takes some effort!! Your art is amazin! Do you reccomend some tutorials/tips and tricks/sites for mockups like these?
Hi! Thank you so much, I am so glad you like these! To do these I most often use stock images and public domain images alongside textures and scans of objects (notes, paper, scribbles, book spreads etc.) I made myself and mofidy them into digital collages. I also sometimes use preexisting mock-ups for graphic designers and just edit the hell out of them to make them suit my patchy aesthetic, but I prefer to just use the previous method of putting images together, because it gives me more of a field to work with. It does take a bit of effort, yes, that's why I don't make them for every commission post but I like to create them anyway as much as I can, to visualize a digital product in a semi-realistic way :-)
If I want to create a specific effect, I often just search up some photoshop tutorials or just experiment with filters untill i find something exciting or nice graphically. There are a lot of places that offer free textures to use, for example sites with materials for 3d modelling that offer these things - which I love to use in my work. But they are super easy to create on your own as well traditionally. I often take pictures of scraps, dirt and the like to later put into these types of images. You can also find that many museums and art institutions offer public domain images (of artwork, documents and the like) from their collections!
All in all, the process of making these comes from my need to explore how all the effects, filters etc. from digital programs can be used to achieve interesting visuals. I am by no means any authority on the topic though, I mostly just explore and if I like something - explore it more.
Sorry for the long anwser, but i think this is something other people would also enjoy to know!
Thank you again!
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AITA for telling my cousin that her baby's nursery is boring and lifeless
I (24F) have an older cousin J (27F) who is like an older sister to me. Well she's currently six months pregnant with her first child and just recently finished the nursery so she invited me and my fiancé M (24M) over to see it for the first time.
Well we went and saw it yesterday.
You know those moms on instagram and tiktok that try to make their nurseries "aesthetic" and "minimalist" by making EVERYTHING beige, gray, or white?
Yeah thats what she did.
Everything in that room was either white or pale gray. The walls were white, the ceiling was white, the crib, blankets, curtains, blankets, even all the toys were white or gray.
And the only decoration in that room was a wooden circle, painted gray, with the baby's name right above the crib.
That room felt so cold and straight up sterile, like a hospital room. I cannot tell how unwelcoming and downright unsettling that room felt.
(and she wants to put a BABY in there?)
And J was just smiling a big smile, talking about how clean and calming the room was. (Calming how exactly? Just standing in that pale lifeless room was triggering my anxiety so bad that my chest had started to hurt from how hard my heart was beating)
I look over at M and he has the same uneasy "what the fuck?" expression on his face that I did.
J then asked if I liked it and wanted to do something similar for my own nursery (Im currently twelve weeks pregnant myself)
I outright told her no and when she asked why not I told her that her nursery was incredibly boring and bland. (I didnt tell her that being in this nursery made me feel like I was put in solitary confinement) she got angry and started yelling, saying that she worked really hard on this nursery to make it look as good as it does.
M tried to tell her to at the very least add some colorful flowers or something because babies need color and visual stimulation when they're young(which is true) but she said it would ruin the aesthetic. J then told us both to leave since we hated her hard work so much. (Also babies are very MESSY and stay very messy even when they become children. Like I distinctly remember running around covered in stickers, mud, finger paint, leftover food, and juice for a good portion of my childhood. So why would you want the room where your baby spends the most time to white? Aka one of the most difficult colors to keep clean? Thats just asking for problems)
Well a couple of hours later J's friends starting dming us, calling us awful people, saying that the nursery wasnt for the baby it was for the mom so J could decorate the nursery however she pleased (??? Its literally the BABY'S room) that we were just jealous of her good design and we were being assholes to a pregnant woman.
I dont really think we were rude and she's the one that asked for our opinion. But idk so Im letting tumblr decide
Were we the assholes?
What are these acronyms?
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faithst · 2 years ago
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pairing zb1 x gn!reader
genre fluff
warnings mentions of food in gunwook and gyuvin’s
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— zhang hao
after a long and rough day at work, all you wanted to do was be in hao’s arms and rant about all the things that didn’t go as planned. zhanghao perked up from the comfy sofa at the sound of the door opening, putting his attention back on the tv after greeting you. “hao…” you frowned, dropping all your bags and trudged towards him.
zhanghao didn’t let your exhaustion go unnoticed and instantly opened his arms for you embrace. “tell me all about it.” after talking away your worries to zhanghao, he would offer to make you some tea.
“are you feeling a bit better now?”
— sung hanbin
hanbin had work to finish up as it was due the day after. he had been working on the report the whole day and at first, it didn’t bother you as you wanted to be an understanding partner for hanbin but that didn’t last very long.
“are you done yet?” you ask for the nth time, earning a chuckle from your boyfriend who was immersed in his writing “just a little bit more, dear.” sighing at the sentence you heard over a million times. seeing you wait for him made him feel sorry so he held your hand and occasionally squeezed it until he finished his report.
“i’ll be done soon, hold my hand in the meantime.”
— seok matthew
you had been stuck in your studies lately and matthew is concerned as you’ve been frequently stressed about homework and exams. so, to help put some weight off from your shoulders, he helped with chores and even cooked homemade meals for you.
“here, i made you some food. make sure you you don’t overwork yourself and i’ll be here if you need anything.” fondness was felt from his tone, making you glance up at him “thank you.. you didn’t have to. i’ll help with the dishes after i figure out how to do this question.”
“no worries, i can do them for you while you study.”
— shen ricky
ricky’s primary love language is giving gifts. he usually showers you with branded items and expensive food which you love, but whenever you want to give him something, it becomes overwhelming. ricky noticed this and told you that you didn’t have to give him anything but that added more to the burden.
today was your anniversary and while you were expecting a whole closet of designer clothes, you were handed a love letter instead. avoiding eye contact and ears flushed a bright red as if he was confessing to his crush, he waited for your reaction. you smiled at how cute the letter was, stickers and coloured pens covering the whole paper. “this is so cute! thank you!”
relieved, he continued “oh, i have more.”
— park gunwook
gunwook always helped you with everything. running errands? he helped you finish them. you were hungry? he bought you meals. you were feeling a bit lonely? he came to accompany you. your call was instantly picked up “hello? why are you calling me in the morning?” gunwook asked, sounding a bit worried as you never called him in the morning unless it was important “i’m sorry i cant come over later, i have a cold.” you replied, beeps indicating the call ended followed right after.
a few minutes later, gunwook arrived at your door with medicine and porridge. “here, eat this and then take the medicine.” he spoke, placing the items on your table. hands rushing to your forehead to feel your temperature. “gunwook, it’s just a cold.” he sighed, hands now placed on your shoulders.
“please take care of yourself just like how i take care of you.”
— kim taerae
taerae loved his guitar, maybe a bit more than he loved you but you loved his voice everytime he sang and the rhythms he played so you didn’t mind. some days, he would be playing his guitar all day and on others, he would be writing lyrics for a new song.
he shared to you all his songs for opinions and you loved listening to them, so he asked you for help again this time. he started by picking the strings, melodies forming and humming. his pleasant voice stuck in your head as he confessed his love to you through the song. “taerae, i think this might be your best one yet!”
“good, cause this one was for you.”
— kim gyuvin
gyuvin brings eumppappa for a walk everyday and you willingly tag along every time but for some reason you always feel like a third-wheel. all the sweet talks were for eumppappa and you just stood there, listening to gyuvin baby-talk his beloved dog.
while walking along the sidewalks, you saw an ice cream stand “gyuvin, look! let’s go get ice cream!” jumping excitedly at the thought of the sweet delicacy “eumppappa can’t eat ice cream, silly!” shaking his head as if he was thinking ‘i can’t believe you didn’t know that’. “not for eumppappa, for me!” you retort, hands now on your hips. gyuvin’s mouth formed into an ‘o’ shape, slowly realising what you meant.
“okay, fine but i get to pick the flavour.”
— kim jiwoong
jiwoong had always been a perfect boyfriend, always tending to your needs and wants. while he was practicing his script for an upcoming drama he was in, you were on his bed with a book in your hands. to you, just having his presence was enough.
jiwoong wondered why it had gotten so quiet. no random gasps or squeals from you had been heard for quite a while now. he turned around to see you fast asleep, head laying down on the hard cover of the book. he stored the book away, pulling up the blanket to cover your body and placed a soft kiss on your forehead.
“sweet dreams, my love.”
— han yujin
playing games with yujin was a regular thing between you two, he would always invite you to play minecraft with him (psst, your beds were right next to eachother!)
you logged onto your shared server, seeing that yujin was already online. you walked over to his character and crouched up and down. ‘go into vc!’ you typed out in chat and almost instantly, you heard ringing and picked up the call. “hi!” yujin chirped, excited to talk to you. “what are you doing?” you ask, looking at his character chop some wood. “i’m getting materials for the house!” he replied, finished chopping. you decided to help him and soon enough, it became night time and hostile mobs started to spawn.
“watch out! there’s a creeper!” yujin rushes, swiftly one-hitting the mob before it exploded “you’re welcome.” he said as his character turned around to enter the house before you said “yujin.” his avatar slowly facing yours. “yes?” he asked, waiting for you to say something “you make my heart go boom boom.”
“i wish that the creeper had exploded instead.”
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© keiwook
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leisi-lilacdreams · 1 year ago
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in the spirit of transparency i want people to be aware that the mikey pins are incorrect (pin on the left, sticker on the right)
he's missing the shadow in his mouth and the tail highlight screenprint shape is wrong
this is completely my fault not the manufacturer
i missed these mistakes during the proofing stage and told them everything looked good and to send them to production
it wasn't until later when i was looking at progress photos they sent that i went back to look at the proof and saw the mistake
because of the time difference, when i emailed my rep about it, it was too late as everything was already finished
since it was my mistake and not theirs i would have had to pay for another batch of the mikeys with the correct design then i would have had 2x the amount of mikeys not to mention i needed to pay for other merch i wanted made so i decided not to remake them however, if the pins sell out and there's enough people wanting more, i can make another order and those mikeys will be correct
it's very important to me to be honest about things like this
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oro-kapi · 2 months ago
i hope one day we can get the full cover arts of after god
Orokapi crying makes me want to explode tbh
Volume 8's cover- he looks so goooooood I love the snake scale tie I think we need more character design like that.
A promo of volume 8 was posted without the small title card, revealing that Orokapi is actually crying. Somehow I do feel like the covering of the teary eye detracts a bit, but it is really cool symbolism and a mindblowing one to come by it on your own. If the actual covers had it like a peelaway sticker that would be pretty neat 🤯
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[Vol 8 Cover] [Vol 8 Promo]
Spoiler warning up to latest english chap (67 as of current) below
In another tweet, Eno notes all the volume covers share a similar motif where the title card obscures something the character wants to hide.
アフターゴッド8巻の内容+描き下ろし内容です。 &タイトルロゴなしverのカバーをチラ見せです。 タイトルロゴの位置は毎巻、「本人が隠したいもの」の位置に置いています。[Tweet Link]
Google Translate: Contents of After God Volume 8 + newly drawn contents. & A glimpse of the cover of the version without the title logo. In each volume, the title logo is placed in the position of ``something the person wants to hide.''
各巻のロゴの下に隠したもの一覧です。 1巻→目、2巻→舌、3巻→(代里子への)指輪、4巻→目、5巻→口・タヌボーグミ、6巻→ない左目、7巻→(池に投げた母の)指輪、8巻→涙 [Tweet Link]
Google Translate: This is a list of things hidden under the logo of each volume. Volume 1 → Eye, Volume 2 → Tongue, Volume 3 → Ring (for Yoriko), Volume 4 → Eye, Volume 5 → Mouth/Tanubogumi, Volume 6 → Missing left eye, Volume 7 → (Mother's thrown into the pond) Ring, Volume 8 → Tears
Waka wanting to hide her eyes checks out especially in volume 1. Chapter 3 she exclaims she didn't want this either.
I'm not really sure why Tokinaga wants to hide his tongue; with only the context from the first two volumes one could assume it's because of the in-world thing about hiding one's face. But the specification it's the tongue with future insight, it could be an overarching thing where he technically hasn't been very truthful to others and has been lying, hiding the truth.
Minami and Yoriko canonically don't hide their engagement status, so could Minami's decision to hide his engagement ring be related to their work relationship possibly hindering their own personal lives? Snake imagery is pretty present here too. And we know later on in volume 3 what happens to him, and it literally separates the two.
Obikawa hiding his god pupils specifically is pretty self explanatory. But I'd also like to think of in chapter 32, he tells Tokinaga he doesn't want to use his god eyes on him.
Apparently there's a Tanuboo Gummy there in Waka's mouth?
Tokinaga's left eye holding a lot of secrets... the thing in his eye and his birthmark. COUGHS and chapter 66 was a massive exposition dump to be honest
The wedding ring of Yako/Furuya's mother, in which was what Furuya used to incite the death of over 80 people. I still love the drop at the end of chapter 58 where Yuma puts two and two together while his sisters ask what Furuya meant. The juxaposition of us, the audience knowing too with the child's innocence really hits the horror tenfold.
Orokapi's tearful eye, in which we see in the chapter he misses Vollof.. We also see potential parallels of Vollof in Tokinaga momentarily too from his perspective.
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There is a photo of what Waka looks like under the cover of Chapter 1
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[Image Source]
Someone replied asking if there will be plans to show the rest of the characters similarly. Eno says there's no plans right now, but maybe in the future. [Source]
I hope so! The covers are gorgeous and I'd love to see them all one day. I already adore staring at Eno Sumi's work
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