#i will post ch. 6 (7?) when i get home tomorrow
lowkeyerror · 6 months
The Family Business Ch.6
WandaNat x Raeder
Word Count: 2.4k
Ch. Notes: Rising tensions
Summary: The after math of the fallout between Wanda and her family leads to an all too important business meeting the next day.
An: haha I didn't almost forget to post today... And don't hate me for the next chapter please
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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“What um… what number are you guys staying in? Do you know?”  You ask, finally breaking the silence as you arrived at the building.
“220,” Natasha answers for them.
You nod, “I’m in 216, we’ll be right across from each other.”
The ride in the elevator was as silent as the car ride. The anger that was permeating off of Wanda had slightly reduced, but not by much. When the elevator opens, you escort the women to their apartment.
You point across the hall then say, “Well this is you and that is me if you need anything you can always knock."
You attempt to walk away, but a soft grip around your wrist stops you.  Your gaze slowly rises to meet Wanda’s. She pulls you into her and the warmth of her embrace let’s you know that she’ll be alright.
“Goodnight little krolik,” she kisses the top of your head before making her way into her new home.
“She’s going to be ok right?” You ask Natasha and she smiles softly at you.
“I’ll make sure of it lisichka. Go rest, you've had an eventful day. “
Its like her words trigger a yawn from your lips. Exhaustion is finally catching up to you properly.
“Goodnight, Nat.”
Once you go into your condo you sigh. The quiet finally getting the best of you. Though you were exhausted your mind was racing. Car chase, Wanda, Natasha, dinner, it all hit you at once.  Despite your thoughts you attempt to get ready for bed.
Your phone buzzes on the nightstand as soon as your head hits the pillow. It’s a text from Dragos calling for a meeting tomorrow at 9am. You put the phone back down and shut your eyes. This would all feel easier to deal with in the morning.
When your alarm rings at 7 am, you are quick to shut it off. Your sleep had been restless, and you feel the previous nights events weighing heavily on your shoulders. Nonetheless you stumble out of your bed.
After you brush your teeth, you throw on a pair of sweats to get your morning run in before the meeting. Usually, you’d do a run followed by a more rigorous workout, but you were short on time.
Your mind is clear as you begin to run away from the condo. Your only thoughts are focusing on your breathing.
Gloom hadn’t yet left the city. Though it wasn’t raining yet you wouldn’t be surprised if it started up later. Traffic seemed light, not a lot of cars were passing you on the road. The cool air was welcomed against your face as your body temperature slowly rose with each stride.
For a small moment in time, you were at peace. Part of you wished to skip the meeting and just take a lazy day. However, that wasn’t an option because you didn’t work in a regular job field. The non-negotiables of your profession were few but harsh. While you knew the Maximoff’s were lenient with you, you never craved to take advantage of that.
When you arrive back to your building, you quickly shower and dress. You had just finished doing your hair when your doorbell rang. Opening the door, you are met by a familiar red head, who seems to be in a better mood than last night.
“Morning little krolik, I come with coffee and a bagel.”
You smile, “The occasion?”
“I was hoping we’d carpool to work.”
You nod a few times, “Of course, just let me grab my coat and we can head out.”
Quickly you grab your belongings and follow Wanda to her car. You quietly munch on the bagel during the car ride.
“No Natasha today?”
She shakes her head, “Papa is still unsure of her role in the company, so he doesn't want her at the meeting.”
“Speaking of Dragos, are you feeling any better from… yesterday?”
Wanda takes a deep breath. You see her hands clench around the wheel and her demeanor shifts slightly.
“I assume the meeting will further address what happened last night,” she speaks flatly.
“Wanda, you have to keep calm.”
You see her jaw clench, “I will reflect whatever mood is brought unto me.”
You shake your head, “You and I both know that nothing gets solved with that kind of behavior.”
“So, what, you want me to bow down and apologize?” The irritation in her voice doesn’t phase you.
“That’s not what I said. I’m saying you can’t get into a yelling match, and you can’t put your hands on anyone.”
“If they were honest with me from the beginning I wouldn’t have-"
You cut her off, “I didn’t ask for an explanation Wanda. I’m telling you something that I know you are already aware of. If you want to head this organization, you have to keep your emotions in check.”
She mumbles underneath her breath. You raise an eyebrow at her childish antics, “What was that?”
“I said, it’s easier to keep my emotions in check when the lies aren’t about you.”
You fumble with your words briefly before speaking, “Well I told you truth, didn’t I?”
“Yes, but- “
“Well, there you have it. If you want to know something about me, it’s best to ask me. However, if I tell you, and you don’t like what you hear you have to deal with that on your own time,” you glance at her.
She chuckles softly to herself, “I don’t think I’m ever going to get used to how much you’ve grown.”
You smile, but then it falters as you recall the argument from last night. Wanda had made Pietro and Dragos retreat instantly when mentioning something that revolved around you. You want to know what it is.
“Wanda, what are they hiding from me?”
You can visibly see the woman pale, “Do you trust me Y/n?”
You nod slowly.
She sighs, “When it’s the right time, I’ll tell you.”
You want to argue more, but you don’t. You trust Wanda, you know she has your best interests in mind. So, you fight the urge to be upset for the rest of the car ride.
When you get to the office, the two of you ride straight to the top floor. Dragos, Pietro, and Flora were already there. The room is tense as you both sit across from them. Usually you’d sit by Pietro’s side, but you weren’t going to let Wanda feel alone in this.
“You can disagree with me if you want, but your actions yesterday proved why keeping you in the dark about the situation with Y/n was the right thing to do. You’re hot-headed now, but back then you were even worse,” Dragos looks his daughter in the eye when he speaks.
You can feel the anger radiating off of Wanda’s body and for a moment you think she is going to have an outburst. Instead, she puts her elbows on the table and leans forward, never breaking eye contact with her father.
“We are a family and I thought that we agreed on having no secrets from each other. In this business a secret is the most dangerous weapon that could be used against us. My potential reaction aside, keeping this secret from me is breaking the rules you set in place. Or do the rules only apply to me?”
Wanda’s response was damn good in your opinion. Although she was angry you saw her hands clasping each other for dear life as a sign of restraint.
“Can we just move on from this? It was 5 years ago, and Y/n is fine now,” Pietro tries to defuse the tension.
Wanda shakes her head, “As much as this is about Y/n, it’s also about not respecting me enough to keep me properly informed about our family and our business. It’s unfair for you all to sit here and claim that I’m solely in the wrong. We can’t move on until all parties take responsibility for their part in this,” Wanda holds firm.
It's weird being in a meeting about yourself, but almost having nothing to do with anything being discussed.
“Have you ever considered the possibility that Y/n didn’t want us to tell you?” Dragos states and your body tenses.
“No,” Wanda says nonchalantly, as if his question was unimportant.
“What if she…”
Wanda’s glare hits her father like an ice pick to the back, “This isn’t a hypothetical, papa. If in some universe out their Y/n wanted you to keep it a secret from me, then that would be fine. However, this isn’t that universe, now is it Y/n?”
She doesn’t look at you, but you answer her question firmly, “No, it isn’t.”
“The best way to move forward from this is an apology from both sides. Wanda has just returned and we’ve dwelled on this matter for too long,” Flora stops the argument in it’s track.
You thought it was a civil solution. It would be for the best, but just by taking a quick glance at Wanda you can tell that she doesn’t want to apologize. It was her rigid posture and her hardened eyes. She felt like she did nothing wrong, but you were hoping she would stand down for the greater good.
“Wanda, I’m sorry we intentionally kept this from you. It is not the way we do things around here. Forgive me, docha,” Dragos speaks sincerely as he looks at Wanda.
She doesn’t seem to be budging. You make the judgment call by discreetly placing your hand on her thigh. This causes her to look in your direction and you speak to her with your eyes. Your features are telling her to apologize. You see her posture relaxes and her eyes soften a bit.
“I’m sorry for the way that I acted last night. It was uncalled for, regardless of my feelings,” she speaks with an equal amount of sincerity.
“Good, now that we’ve settled that I’m going to cut to the chase. Natasha, what assets does she bring to the table?” Dragos moves on to business fairly quickly.
Wanda follows his suit, speaking highly of her wife, “Natasha is a hands on kind of employee. She thrives being where the action is and that doesn’t just mean in a fight. She’s a highly trained assassin, her accolades are insurmountable, and there’s quite literally nothing that she can’t do.”
“She can start as head of security, and we can see what she can do from there,” Dragos offers, but even you think the role is undercutting Natasha’s abilities.
Wanda seems frustrated, but she is going to agree to these terms.
You speak up, “I think she should be in charge of field operations.”
“You and Pietro handle the field operations just fine, why add a third?” Dragos questions with curiosity not animosity.
“To avoid things like what happened yesterday with Mr. H. Right now, the way we operate is that Piet comes and gets me when needed and we just go from there. It’s not strategic at all, I’m usually in the car before I know what exactly it is that we’re doing,” you argue your position.
“It always works out,” Pietro fires back.
Your eyes lock on his, “But it could work better. With me running numbers for the company and for our business, I don’t always have the time to sit and plan out these operations. We all know that Piet doesn’t believe in planning. It’s field operations, it shouldn’t always just be Piet and me. We should have men out there with us incase things go south, but there’s never a plan for that.”
“And you think the addition of Ms. Romanoff will add…” Dragos leads off his sentence.
“She’s going to add structure and power by organizing this department into an actual department rather than just Piet and I doing deliveries in car. She’s experienced and we should be using that to our advantage, especially with us potentially being undercut at the moment.”
Dragos ponders, which is a good thing. It means he believes there is something to everything you’re saying.
“Give her a week on field operations and if you don’t see any type of benefit, she can be head of security,” Wanda offers a compromise.
“Only a week?” His disbelief is hidden in his voice, but you know it’s there.
“It’s all she needs,” Wanda says with confidence.
“Alright, that’s everything for today- “
“We’re not going to address the Kingpin situation?” You stay planted firmly in your chair.
Dragos sighs, “I will deal with Kingpin personally.  I had Kate set up a meeting at neutral territory.”
You shook your head knowing what Dragos was insinuating, “You’re trying to have a one-on-one meeting with this bastard? Everyone in this room knows that idea sounds like shit.”
“It’s not an idea, it’s happening in a few hours,” Dragos counters.
“Papa you’re going to have someone tailing you right? You don’t trust him to keep true to his word,” Pietro looks at his father in disbelief.
Dragos’s hand trails through his thick gray hair, “I’ve dealt with Kingpin before. I’ve known him for a long time, and I will be prepared for whatever he has coming.”
“Papa you can’t be serious?” Wanda has features akin to Pietro.
The arguing is about to continue, but then Flora speaks up, “Your father knows what he’s doing kids. Have some faith in him, he’s got a lot of experience for all of you. If he thinks this is the right call, then it has to be. Now, you’re dismissed.”
Suddenly there was no room for arguing with her. You try to keep calm but your feelings on the matter aren’t well hidden as you storm out of the room. Wanda and Pietro leave after you, both with the goal of trying to comfort you. However, their moods weren’t much better than yours.
When it was just the husband and wife in the office Flora let her nerves show. She was unsure about this plan. The lack of support from the group only heightened her anxiety for her husband’s well-being.
“You better prove them wrong Dragos. If anything were to happen to you I-"
The older man is gentle as he reaches for his wife’s hand, in the way he is always gentle with her. He places a kiss to the back of her palm, “Nothing is going to happen to me, moya lybov. I’m going to take car of this business and this family like I always have.”
Dragos wasn’t going to show his nerves. He never did, but to think they didn’t exist would’ve been ignorant. There wasn’t a reality that Dragos saw where the meeting went sideways. It had to go well, or a war would tear across the city. That thought protected him like a bullet proof vest. He was going to protect the industry he worked to build because that was the only option.
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Taglist: @natashaswife4125 @autorasexy @alexawynters @blkmxrvel @toouncreativeforausername @likemick @sgm616 @bstvst @dorabledewdroop @sapphic-simp4015 @natty-taffy
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ghostofthemost141 · 9 months
Chapter 7
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Gif credit to @simonghostrileys
Ch.1. Ch.2. Ch.3. Ch.4. Ch.5. Ch.6.
Pairing: Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish xF!Reader
Word Count: 2,981
About: You were on vacation to the beach and you think you're about to die when you're caught in a riptide until an unlikely hero, your now boyfriend, comes to your rescue. Precisely a Scottish man that bores a tail. And now, the secret is out. Kind of.
!Warnings!: Some Spicy Stuff for y'all to feast on but nothing explicit
Italics means Third Person POV
Notes: First post into the new year! I hope everyone had a good transition into the new year. Enjoy!
Taglist: @darling006
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Johnny immediately pulled away from you and held you close to him as you both saw who approached y’all. 
“I see how it is.” Your professor muttered, staring at both Johnny and you. 
Johnny held you close as he could feel your heart race increase and your anxiety peek up. He knew immediately that this was your professor. The professor who has been giving you problems and harassing you. 
“Go away, wanker.” Johnny growled, holding you close to him. 
Graves just laughed, amused by what was going on. 
“You skip my class to go and see your little boy toy, Dove?” 
“Stop, go away.” I said, trying to make him leave. 
I knew he wasn’t intimidated by me, but I hope he got the message at least. 
“You heard her. Get the fuck away.” Johnny growled, using his muscles as a shield for me. 
“I was just wondering as to why one of my students was out today.” Graves tried to innocently say, but I knew his inner intention. 
You just wanted your professor to go away and leave you and Johnny alone. Meanwhile, Johnny was ready to plummet him into next year and to make sure to do some permanent damage. He was ready to protect you and be your savior when you wanted him to. And even though you didn’t verbally say it, he knew you were wanting to be protected at this very moment. 
“Well, I hope to see you in class tomorrow then, Dov-” 
“Leave. Now.” 
Your professor finally took the hint, smirked at both of y’all and walked away. Johnny kept his eyes on him until he was totally out of sight. 
“Lass, are you alrigh’?” Johnny asked me. 
“Y-Yeah. I just..” I paused, not really understanding what just happened. 
“I will not let him hurt ya, I promise.” Johnny reassured me, rubbing my arm in reassurance. 
“I know. I just wish he would leave me alone.” I say. 
“Your uncle and I got ‘ou. I promise.” Johnny swore, making me look up at him. 
You looked up into Johnny’s bright blue eyes. You knew he meant it just by looking into his eyes. They were full of promise and reassurance. You knew you could count on Johnny. 
“Let’s get the hell out of here. See if your uncle needs some help.” Johnny suggested. 
“Yeah, I agree.” I said. 
Johnny helped you to your feet and suddenly grabbed you, lifted you up, and carried you to your car. 
“Johnny!” I yelled out jokingly, as he held me upright and then switched to were he was holding me bridal style. 
I wrapped my hands around his neck to keep myself upright. 
“Don’t want me princess gettin’ dirt in her shoes.” Johnny said, beaming a smile at me. 
You felt your heart start racing, just feeling all of Johnny’s love for you in this one little action. Eventually both you and Johnny made it back to your car and he still insisted on driving for you. During the drive back to your home, Johnny jammed out to whatever music was on your preferred station. You were kind of surprised he liked this type of music, or he was just doing it to humor you, but both of you jammed out to the music on the station up until Johnny parked in your driveway. 
“Oh my aunt is home.” I say, seeing her car in the driveway as well. 
“Is she nice?” Johnny asked. 
“Yes, very much so. She isn’t as protective as Ale, but she is getting there.” I half joke. 
“Good to know.” Johnny said as he got out of the car. 
You waited for Johnny to walk around and open the door for you. You were about to step down when Johnny, quick as a flash, picked you up and held you bridal style once again. 
“It’s my house, Johnny.” 
“Don’t care. I want your aunt and uncle to see how much I love ya.” Johnny said, smooching your cheek. 
Johnny shut the car door with his broad shoulder and carried you inside. 
“We’re home!” I announce as Johnny walks in, while still holding me. 
From the kitchen, both Ale and Remi whipped around to see who it was, both of them immediately painting a smile on their faces. 
“Welcome back, kiddos.” Ale said as Johnny finally let me down on my feet, but ever so gently. 
“Hey Dove!” Remi greeted me, her eyes immediately going wide upon seeing Johnny. 
“Is this the guy?” She whispered, Ale’s eyes going comically wide upon hearing that. 
“¿Qué diablos quiere decir con eso?[What the hell does she mean by that?]” Ale asked, half joking. 
“Leave her alone, Ale. She just told me she was meeting up with a guy she met. That’s all.” Remi wacked Ale with a hand towel as she said that. 
It made both of us laugh, with me secretly hoping that would be Johnny and I one day. 
“It’s nice to meet you, ma’am. I’m Johnny.” Johnny approached Remi, sticking his hand out in greeting. 
“I’m Remi, Ale’s girlfriend. Nice to meet ya.” Remi shook Johnny’s hand. 
“Feelin’s mutual, ma’am.” Johnny said. 
“Your man’s got some manners, Dove.” Remi commented. 
“Only the best.” I joke as Johnny wrapped his arm around me. 
“Do y’all need some help?” Johnny offered both Ale and Remi. 
“We are good, hermano, but thank you.” Ale thanked him, “show him around Dove. Make yourself at home, Johnny.” 
“Thank you, sir.” Johnny thanked him. 
“Well,” I said, realizing I never formally showed him around,, “let me show you around.” 
“And you know this room.” I said as we both entered my room, with Johnny quietly shutting the door behind him. 
“Nice, nice.” Johnny joked as if he was seeing my room for the first time. 
I sat down on my bed as Johnny intensely stared at all of the knick knacks that were in my room as well as all of the posters I had of my favorite bands. 
“This one of your favorite bands?” Johnny asked, seeing the third poster of the same band. 
“Oh yeah, they are. Have you ever heard of them?” I ask. 
“No, I haven’t but I will give them a listen for you.” 
Johnny smiled big at you as he said that. You couldn’t help but smile back. 
“I have some records there if you wanna pick something out to play.” I suggest. 
“Your parents won’t mind?” 
I shook my head in response. Johnny then bent down to go through my record collection that was in my bookshelf. He eventually picked one that just so happened to be my favorite album from my favorite band. 
“Good pick.” I say as he slid the record into the turntable, carefully picking up the pick and letting it fall onto the record, the oh so nostalgic static starting to play. 
Once the music started, Johnny started tapping his foot to the beat, eventually starting to break down dance. The dancing was awful but it put a big smile on your face, as well as giggling. 
“You look silly.” I joke. 
“Oh do I now?” 
Johnny then started even more terrible breakdown dancing, jumping up and down, doing the wobble, a terrible version of the worm, and much much more which made you laugh so hard that your stomach hurt. You had no idea as to why Johnny was being so silly to the point of making you die of laughter, but you were enjoying it. Johnny loved to see you smile, and even more so see you laugh, even if he was making a fool out of himself. Out of nowhere, Johnny locked eye contact with you and jumped on top of you, pinning you to the bed with him on top. 
“Johnny! Ah!” I cry out, feeling his entire body weight on top of me. 
“Oi, am I too heavy for ya?” Johnny remarked. 
“No, I just didn’t expect you to do that.” I said, perfectly content in the position we were in right now. 
Johnny looked down at you, his same old, but beautiful blue eyes looking down at you into yours. You felt your heart start racing, realizing the very intimate position you both were in. The same warm feeling you kept getting from Johnny returned and it rapidly spread throughout your body, making you flustered. Johnny leaned in and placed his lips onto yours, deepening the kiss quickly. His tongue grazed over your lips, sending chills down your spine. You wanted it to go even further but there was one problem with that. 
“Johnny, my uncle and aunt.” I said, pulling away from the kiss. 
Johnny smirked at you as he turned to gaze at the record that was still playing on the turntable. 
“They won’t ‘ear a dang thing, Dove.” Johnny remarked, “but if you wanna wait then I will wait.” 
“No.” I say, making Johnny look at me with some shock. 
“No as in?” 
“I want to go further with you, Johnny. I wish my uncle and aunt weren’t here for that very reason.” I confessed. 
You could tell Johnny liked that response by the smile-smirk he had plastered on your face. Johnny didn’t say anything as he leaned down once again, planting a deep kiss onto your lips. You felt Johnny push his tongue through your lips, wanting access to your mouth. 
“Johnny.” You moan as Johnny manages to push his tongue through your lips. 
Johnny ran his tongue throughout your mouth, causing you to run your fingers into his mohawk. Your fingerprints began to memorize how his hairline was, where his hawk was at and how long it was, how his buzz cut on the sides felt, you memorized it all as you both continued to makeout for the first time ever. You felt Johnny attempt to suck on your tongue, making you gasp out of surprisement. It was definitely a weird feeling but it felt so good. You felt Johnny start to run his hands all over your body. Down your hips, over your stomach, your thighs, chest, everywhere as if he was doing the same thing you were doing with his mohawk. The tension got hotter and heavier. You felt Johnny run his hands back over your chest, pulling his lips away from you but still leaning in close to you. 
“Is this okay, lass?” Johnny asked me. 
You knew what he was asking, and you honestly felt so honored that he was. Flashbacks were trying to cloud your mind of Craig and what he had done to you, but you pushed them away for this was Johnny here with you, not Craig. 
You granted your consent to him. Johnny leaned back down to kiss you again as he started passionately massaging your chest. It sends vibrant, warm chills down your spine, feeling his big, but soft hands massaging your plumps of flesh. Despite being in the sea for most of his life, you could tell he has gentle hands. It was then that you felt his hands run under your shirt, feeling his skin on your bare stomach. It made you have a knee jerk reaction. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Johnny immediately apologized to me. 
“No, no it’s not you, Johnny. I promise.” I reassured him. 
“Are you sure?” 
“Yes. Just not..used to this.” I told him. 
“I’m sorry, Dove. I don’t eva want you to feel those bad things ever again with meh.” Johnny reassured me, caressing my face softly. 
“I know.” 
“We go at your pace, lass. I’ll wait forever if you want me to.” Johnny half joked which made you smile. 
You knew he was only joking to lighten your mood up but you knew he sincerely meant it despite being in a joking matter. Despite how you were feeling, you did not want him to stop. 
“Am I pretty to you, Johnny?” 
“The prettiest gal in the whole universe.” 
“Are you sure?” I question. 
Johnny then leaned down and peppered your face with kisses as well all over your exposed skin, your arms, hands, fingers, legs, and stomach. It was all done chastely, with no hidden meaning other than he just wants to show his love for you. 
“Maybe we can get a hotel later?” I suggested. 
Johnny gave me a toothy smile as I said that. 
Johnny’s voice dropped an octave as he said that, making chills go down your spine. You were completely smitten with him and wanted so much more with him that-
Quick as a flash, Johnny jumped off of you and made himself position near your records as if he was going through them still. 
“Yes?” I call out. 
“You two, dinner is ready.” Uncle Ale’s voice came from the other side. 
“Okay coming!” I call out. 
Without even opening the door, your uncle turned and walked away from the door, heading back to the kitchen. 
“I’m surprised he didn’t open the door.” Johnny comments. 
“I am too. Maybe he trusts me now.” 
“He better.” Johnny retorted as he got back up, pecking your lips. 
“Let’s head down there.” 
“Okay.” Johnny gleamed a smile at me as he said that. 
Johnny sat too close to you, trying to avoid even spilling the tiniest of water onto himself. You figured your uncle and aunt would have some pop or even wine to offer but tonight, on the drink menu, was plain water which wasn’t good. You tried to reassure him by rubbing his thigh from under the table, but you could feel his entire nervous system skyrocketing. But he sure as hell wasn’t showing it. 
“So are you from Scotland, Johnny?” Ale asked Johnny. 
“Yes, sir. Born and raised there.” Johnny answered, snacking on the plate of dinner they made. 
Johnny could barely eat, seeing as his nerves were skyrocketing due to the possible water contamination. Just one drop, one tiny meansly drop, would ruin everything. 
“When do you move to America?” Remi asked him. 
“Years ago. When I was a wee little lad, but me parents had such thick accents that it stuck with me.” Johnny lied. 
I could tell Johnny wished that was real, and it showed in his softened gaze but Ale and Remi didn’t notice. 
“What was-” 
Remi was interrupted by her hand bumping her glass of water. The glass shot forward, and hit the table harshly, causing the glass to shatter. It all happened so quickly that Johnny didn’t have any time to move away from the water. Two droplets splashed onto him, one on his hand and one on his forehead. As fast as the water splashed onto him, was as fast as Johnny collapsed onto the ground, immediately hiding himself underneath the table. 
“Hermano are you-” 
“Ale wait!!” 
You tried to stop your uncle from looking but it was too late. Your uncle laid eyes on an unconscious Johnny, who bored a big tail where his legs used to be. Ale mumbled in shock, which then caused your aunt to look and she too mumbled in shock. 
“Estrella.” Ale started, making my heart race. 
I looked up at my uncle, afraid of what he was going to say or do. Instead, his eyes were full of concern. Same with Remi. They both were concerned, but not in the way that I thought it would be. 
“Should we..put him in the bathtub?” Remi asked. 
“I..don’t know. I never..” I mumbled, feeling myself get anxious from worry. 
I could tell Johnny knocked himself out when his head hit the chair as he was going down so God knows how long it would be till he woke up. I bent down to see if there was any bleeding and luckily there wasn’t. 
“I’ll go start the water.” Remi announced as she scurried to the bathroom. 
I could feel tears of guilt and shame start to build up in my eyes. 
“I’m sorry Ale I didn’t..” I broke down into sobs, feeling guilty for not only keeping this from them, but also hurting Johnny in the process. 
“Hey, hey easy, Dove.” Ale reassured me as he came and hugged me tightly. 
I hugged him back, crying into his chest. 
“Frankly, I don’t know how this is humanly possible but we will get through it okay? I am sure he is okay. You can trust your tío and tía. Okay? We won’t tell anyone.” Ale promised me. 
You knew your uncle meant that promise. You were just scared on what was going to happen next. 
“Tub is full.” Remi announced as she came back into appearance. 
“Bueno.” Ale mumbled as I let go, ready to help them with Johnny. 
Ale grabbed his upper area, while you and Remi grabbed his lower area as well as his big tail. The three of you carefully carried Johnny to the bathroom and gently sat him into the tub, the water slightly splashing from his body hitting the water. Johnny looked peacefully sleeping in the water, his tail resting on the ring rim of the tub. You bent down and rubbed his forehead as if to let him know I was still right here. 
“He’ll be okay, estrella.” Ale reassured me. 
“I hope.” I said. 
Ale was going to say something when the doorbell rang, indicating someone was there. 
“I’ll get that.” Ale announced, leaving the bathroom. 
Remi then bent down onto her knees and sat next to me, examining Johnny. 
“He has a beautiful tail, Dove.” 
I chuckled. 
“Yes he does. It was the first thing I noticed about him.” I say, not taking my eyes off of him. 
“How did y’all meet?” She asked. 
“He saved me from drowning when Gem, Pixie and I were on vacation.” I answer. 
“That’s awesome, Dove.” 
“What the fuck are you doing here, cabrón?” Ale’s voice bellowed from the living room. 
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beck-a-leck · 6 months
Writing Patterns/First 10 Lines Tag Game
tagged by @thychesters Thank you!!
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern!
(I might break the rules a little bit, because a lot of my most recent fics are multi-chaps, and long running ones at that, or they're prompt collections. So I'll be taking the most recent opening lines, as opposed to the very first lines and I'm going to take from pieces posted within the last year. I'm also gonna repeat one fic, since I started posting it last year and it's been my most active WIP since then.)
1. Little Runeys - Ch 16 (The RF4/SW AU): “Dank farrik!” Frey swore sharply as she narrowly avoided taking a hit right up her thruster. “These Imps just can’t cut a girl a break.” She turned her head to look over her shoulder. “How are those guns coming, Lest?” 2. How Far Ahead The Road Has Gone - Ch 14 (The Hobbit): When Bilbo woke, she was burning up. Someone had draped an extra blanket over her while she had been sleeping, but considering the chill in the air, she shouldn’t have sweat beading on her forehead. It was dark, must have been the middle of the night, Bilbo couldn’t see anything around her except the shadows of whoever was on watch against the low glow of the fire, but from the snoring she suspected nearly everyone else was asleep. 3. Home For The Holidays (Grand Bazaar): Despite the bone deep exhaustion, the heavy pack on his back, the feet that ached with every footfall, and the remnants of a cold lingering in the back of his throat and sinuses, Lloyd still got a spring in his step when the familiar landmarks of Zephyr Town came into view. With renewed vigor, he hitched his pack up a little higher on his shoulders and hurried down the road. His heart seemed to lighten with every step forward, and a small smile began to curl across his tired face. 4. Earth and Rebirth - Ch 20 (Trio of Towns): Summer was in full swing, painting the mountain in shades of green as the plants spread out their broad leaves to soak up every bit of the hot sun as possible. Life was getting busy on the farms and in all three towns, as the first of the summer crops were ready for harvest, and tourists were flocking to the picturesque mountain for vacation. Holly was kept plenty busy herself. 5. How Far Ahead The Road Has Gone - Ch 1 (The Hobbit): When Bilbo Baggins left the Shire in the company of Thorin Oakenshield, she had not known she was pregnant. The thought of it being a possibility hadn’t even crossed her mind. 6. Adored (Rune Factory 4): Frey pushed blindly into her room. It was late, her heart was heavy, her soul weary. Tonight was her last night in Selphia, and as exhausted as she was of dealing with people, Frey so desperately did not want to be alone. Perhaps it was why she lingered so long with the others until she had to listen to Volkanon's good sense and turn in. Otherwise, she would be utterly exhausted tomorrow, and she would need to be sharp, embarking on this next journey alone. 7. At The End Of All Things (Spiritfarer): Buck didn’t see his death coming. 8. Our Dear Empress - Ch 9 (Rune Factory 4): Frey woke up early. Early enough that the sun had not yet risen, and she couldn’t even hear the quiet stirrings of life in the camp. She was accustomed to waking at the break of dawn, but even this was too early for her. She lay there in the dark, listening to Forte breathe steadily from her bedroll on the ground beside her. It would be wise to sleep some more, but even as the thought crossed her mind, Frey knew she was not going to slip back into slumber again. 9. Seedlings and Sprouts - Ch 29 (Animal Parade): Perry wasn’t expecting to be awake at this hour, but for reasons unknown to him, when he had laid down to sleep that night his mind refused to quiet, and he could not relax. So with restless body and mind, he got out of bed. If sleep was not coming to him, there was plenty of work he could do. Perhaps sorting through old church records would bore him to sleep. 10. And Omega Remains - Ch 2 (The Bad Batch): “You might know me better than you think.” The woman crouched down and removed her glasses. Brown eyes met identical brown eyes. "We’re sisters, Omega."
It looks like most often my opening lines are spent doing some scene setting and getting into the POV character's shoes. Occasionally I'll drop right into the action or pick up where a canon scene left off. But for the most part I get pretty quick to answering Who? Where? and Why? Not surprising for the prompt collections, where I'm usually getting right to the point of the prompt. And in the multi-chaps it's a good way to show that some time has passed between where the last one ended and the new one picked up and catch readers up. A lot of character action happening in the first sentence or two. And a lot of characters waking up 😂
I think the biggest exception to this trend is the opening lines of "Road" which is a succinct 'this is exactly what the story is going to be about' opening line.
Oh man I guess I should tag some folks. How about @jessi-08, @durotoswrites, @emeraldhazeart, @lookforanewangle, @jake-marshall
And if you want to play along and I didn't tag you, feel free to say I tagged you. My brain goes instantly blank any time I need to tag people in games like this and suddenly I don't know anyone who writes 😂
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malachiexists13 · 1 year
Ch.7 is out of the planning stages and now in the scripted/written stages!! I just have to make the chats and screenshots now. But I am going to do that later, preferably after I've slept. Maybe tomorrow during Lunch and I'll post it when I get home? I rushed ch.6's screenshots and there's quite a few spelling and grammar errors... Outside of the intentional ones that is. I dont want to do that again so i'll try to take my time and get ch.7 out by 4pm tomorrow <3
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crqstalite · 3 years
had a thought about post-leviathan shenko, did not write it down last night. made me sad though, made me question whether that was going a bit too far with the whole downward spiral plot point.
might post it if i still remember the major dialogue points.
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meltwonu · 3 years
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|     𝖓𝖊𝖔𝖓 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒     |     CHAPTER 9
pairing; camboy!seokmin x female!reader
this chapter’s notes; camboy!au, university!au, camshows, camboy!seokmin, softdom!seokmin, sexual photos/videos, masturbation, praise!kink, daddy!kink, mentions of sex toys, soonyoung thinking he’s a matchmaker lol AND WE ARE BACK! 😭💕 Sooo sorry for the delay, it’s been like, a literal almost two whole months since ch 8 and for that I am very very sorry kdjkdjh ☠️ I thought it’d be best to ease back into it with this chapter since it’s been a while though 😵‍💫😵‍💫 Literally just,,, November did not go how i thought it would at all but the important thing is that we’re back! ✨ Hilariously, all of my posts next week will be queued bc I will be seeing bts soooo ☠️ y’know kjdhkj the grind never stops apparently 😮‍💨😮‍💨 I hope to get some real rest after then tho 😩✨ But anyway! enjoy ch9 and I will see you tomorrow to catch up on inbox messages! I love you, and have a good day! 🥴💕 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - ?
*queued post. (cuz even workin on Saturdays 😩 lol)
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“Hey, did you hear about that weird anonymous board that’s popped up about our uni?”
Your ears perk up at the conversation coming from the cafe table behind you - a threaded needle in one hand and one of Seokmin’s costume shirts in the other.
You’d chosen to finish some last minute alterations at a cafe; knowing that if you tried to work at home, you’d get distracted and not finish on time.
“No? What’s it about?”
“I mean, I haven’t gone to check myself but apparently it’s some anonymous board called ‘/svt_u_gonewild’ where people have been posting nudes ‘n stuff… It’s only for our uni, though. So it’s just people that attend here, supposedly.”
You make a mental note to check on it later; curiosity making your mind wander about who would be posting on there and if you’d be able to recognize anyone.
Should I post on there? You ask yourself in the heat of the moment - cheeks warm as you bite your lip.
You’d been spending a lot more time with Seokmin lately and, admittedly, you’d found yourself falling more and more for him with each meeting the two of you had.
You watched from the sidelines during his rehearsals and when the two of you would have costume fittings, he would always make an effort to keep you laughing and engaged in a conversation.
Not to mention he was extremely gifted at what he did once he was serious about his work.
And he even kept his offer of always bringing you anything you needed, whether it’d been coffee or even late night food when the two of you knew you’d be having costume fittings the next morning.
‘It’s the least I can do,’ he’d always say with a sheepish smile, ‘You’re working so hard for me and I really appreciate that.’
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“Soonyoung-hyung… You know everyone can tell it’s you posting… Right?”
The male smirks as he pockets his phone and takes a sip of his red plastic cup. 
“So? What if I said I don’t care, huh? I mean, look at me. What would I wanna hide about this?”
He does a spin as Seokmin rolls his eyes and takes a sip of his own drink.
They’d ended up at another frat party, this one quieter than most of the others he’d been to.
But while Soonyoung had been having the time of his life, Seokmin couldn’t help but think about the 9AM costume fitting he had at the campus the next morning - choosing to only have a few drinks before he’d go home and maybe stream for just a little bit before bed.
“Hey, I saw this post earlier, I think you might like it, Seokmin!”
Soonyoung fishes for the phone he’d just pocketed a few seconds prior; scrolling as quickly as possible before he finds the picture he was looking for.
“A-ha! Here you go, I think you’d like it. I dunno, it kinda reminded me of you for some reason?”
The younger male leans in to see the photo, eyes as wide as saucers when he sees it fully.
It was a photo of a lingerie-clad body; baby pink and mostly only lace covering up barely anything with a large pink dildo between the spread legs to cover up the fact that the figure didn’t have any panties on.
‘I thought this might’ve been daddy’s favorite…? I’m not sure though… Tell me what you like?’ was the caption and it made Seokmin’s mouth water at the scenarios that ran through his head in a split second.
“Ay, are you okay? I don’t think you’ve blinked yet.”
“H-huh? Oh, uh, I just… zoned out, is all. Um, maybe you should put that away, we’re in public, dude.”
Seokmin, against his will, tears his eyes off of the image that he so desperately wants to take one more look at - telling himself he’ll look for it later when he’s alone so he can inspect it further.
“You’re the one that was just staring but okay, sure. Y’know, you need to loosen up, Seokmin. Maybe you should post on there!”
Soonyoung laughs before downing the rest of his drink, “Yeah, it’s not like anyone would know it’s you anyway!”
“Uh, right…”
“Or, hmm, do you want me to figure out who’s in the pic? I can try to hook you up or something’ if you want? You seemed reeeaaallly interested~ And I think I might have the skills~ Unless you’re scared she’s more experienced than you~”
“Please, can we finish up taking their free booze so we can go home?”
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You’re about to let sleep take you when a notification pops up on your phone - the light making you groan as you pick it up to see what it was.
‘Bedtime thoughts....? [Praise Kink] [Audio Stream]’
You thank the powers above that Dokyeom’s streams were always audio streams and that you didn’t have to pay attention to any videos as you opened the stream and set your phone back down onto the bed sheets.
“Mm, sorry,” He starts - voice groggy and sleepy as he sighs, “I was about to go to sleep but I just wanted to pop in really quick… I--I couldn’t stop myself from wanting to get off… I’ve been like this for an hour now…”
User98475945: ooo why’s that?
Anonymous093847: were you sleeping?
b@d_dream: I was about to go to bed too… What was on your mind?
Dokyeom chuckles on the other end and between his soft groans and muffled sighs, you can hear the slicked noises of his hand working up and down his cock as you lick your lips.
“I saw a picture earlier that I really liked… Got me thinkin’ about how much I’d wanna praise my babygirl, y’know? Especially after you’ve worked so hard riding my cock…”
You squirm underneath the covers and you snake a hand between your thighs as you slowly work yourself up over his filthy words.
“There was a pink dildo in the picture and I couldn’t stop thinking about how I’d love to thrust that toy right into your pretty ‘lil cunt, baby…” Dokyeom moans right into the mic as you press your fingers right into your clothed mound. “I wanna see you bent over while I thrust that toy into you… And I know you’d be a good girl and take what daddy gives to you, right? You’re such a good girl for me, after all.”
The comments on Dokyeom’s stream go crazy as they fly across the screen; virtually impossible to read any of them as he continues.
“You’d be so good for me and take that toy… Right before I fuck your pretty cunt open, spread your legs nice ‘n wide for me while you keep all that pretty lingerie on your body too~ You’ll let daddy cum on your pretty pink lingerie and get it all dirty, right?”
You can hear Dokyeom’s hand speeding up as he works himself up to an orgasm and there’s a slurry of comments begging to know what the picture actually looked like for him to be this turned on.
He ignores it for a moment, instead chasing his high as his hips thrust up into his enclosed fist and soft, muttered curse words fall from his lips right into the mic.
The stream has only been going on for a few minutes but in that time, Dokyeom manages to make $2000 - something he was extremely proud of.
“Ah, f-fuck… I wanna cum so bad already… I’ve been touching myself far longer than I had the stream open… do you want daddy to cum inside of your pretty pussy or on you, princess?”
He lets out a airy chuckle before he feels himself cumming; succumbing to the pleasure as his eyes clamp shut and his hips erratically thrust up into his fist.
Donations and comments make the stream lag slightly as his viewers drink in the way his voice gets airy in the midst of his high and you feel the wetness soak into your panties as you groan and realize it’s going to take more than this to get you off before you can fully rest and go to bed.
‘I’ll just replay some of his old videos, get off and go to bed…’ You reason with yourself; promising to get to sleep as soon as you were satisfied.
You had a 9AM fitting with Seokmin and it was already severely late into the night.
But it takes a few long minutes of Dokyeom moaning and sighing into the mic before he’s coming down and slumping against his computer chair - chuckling softly as he gets back to the question at hand.
“Mm, it was a pretty photo, by the way… Cut off right before the face but the figure was covered up in baby pink lingerie… it didn’t leave much to the imagination and the pink dildo made me wonder if she could take all of it… Then it got me thinking about fucking my pretty ‘lil princess all night… I was out with a friend and I felt bad - I bailed a little early because my cock was so hard just thinking about it.”
He laughs again, this time sounding a little more tired. “There were a lot of comments underneath praising her and leaving all sorts of filthy comments - I think she even responded to some saying how wet they made her so... Y’know. I won’t say I’m jealous buuuut... Couldn’t help but think about it too.”
Your brows furrow as you process his words.
He couldn’t have been talking about the photo you’d posted earlier.
b@d_dream: where was it posted? I kinda wanna see…
User284937: me too!
Anonymous748594: same!
“Ah, I wish I could but I can’t. Privacy reasons, y’know? They might be local to me.” Dokyeom stretches and yawns into the mic, “But there was a cute ‘lil butterfly charm right in the middle of the bra - it was purple and blue so if you see it, you know you’re looking at the right one~”
Your breath stops for a moment ad your body goes rigid.
He was talking about you.
You freeze under the covers with your hand between your legs, suddenly more interested in the fact Dokyeom was in the same anonymous board as you were which meant he attended the same university that you did.
But you didn’t know a Dokyeom?
But the campus is big, you tell yourself; slowly feeling a cold sweat start to wash over your body, he could be anywhere there.
And in your sleepy haze, you can’t remember if you’d even told Dokyeom which university you attended - only remembering that the two of you had spoken about attending one in general.
You’re too deep into your thoughts to realize Dokyeom was already signing off for the night; now too awake to even go to bed and too curious to even get off.
A sigh escapes your lips as you slide your hand from between your thighs - it would be a long night.
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sapphire374 · 3 years
Soy Sol: Chapter 11 (The Cut that Burrows Deep)
Wattpad Link
Ch.1 / Ch.2 / Ch.3 / Ch.4 / Ch.5 / Ch.6 / Ch.7 / Ch.8 / Ch.9 / Ch. 10 / Ch.12 / Ch.13 / Ch.14 / Ch.15 / Ch.16 / Ch.17
Ámbar feels like every step she takes, the more she can feel her heartbeat. It’s like she’s carrying it in her arms with nothing to guard it, out in the open alone. She opens the cold rusted handle of the entrance to the restaurant. There she is, her biological mom trembling while drinking a glass of water. Ámbar sums up all the courage inside her and takes the chance to approach her. When she grabs the seat in front of her, Sylvania can’t help but stare in shock. “Wow Ámbar, you truly have grown.” Ámbar may have brought all her walls down for the people she loves, but she puts them back up with this stranger.
“You can’t say that since you were never there for me. That’s no fair,” Ámbar chided. Sylvania chokes up and avoids eye contact. “Look Ámbar, I now know after everything that has happened the big mistake I made, but at the time it felt like the best option for you. I was young and didn’t have the means nor felt ready to take care of a child. I thought Sharon would’ve been a better parental figure instead of a young girl like myself. I later on regretted it and that’s something I shall have to carry with me for the rest of my life.”
Ámbar grips onto her purse trying very hard to hold back all her tears. She wonders why did this lady chose Sharon specifically and why did Sharon try to keep it a secret for so long? “I understand you were young, but I know that’s not the whole story because I have memories being in a different house that was NOT Benson Mansion. You saw me, you knew me, and didn’t like me enough to keep me,” Ámbar rebuked. Sylvania is showing tears now, she’s choking up with every word as her hand trembles just to take a sip of water. “It wasn’t like that at all Ámbar. I tried, I really did try to see if I was capable of taking care of a child. I noticed my arms weren’t so comforting for you. Sometimes when you love someone, so much, you have to let them go because you care,” Sylvania responded. Ámbar doesn’t know whether to believe what she’s saying or not. She wishes she can get out of these tornadoes of lies that always come chasing her. She’s sick of it all. She wants the truth. Is that too much to ask for?
Silence crowds the room, they’re breathing the same air but can’t even look at each other. Sylvania speaks up again. “I know this feels hard to believe but why do you think I came back? It was for that reason, I thought Sharon would be a better parent than me and would take great care of you. I realized I was sadly wrong.”
“Sharon? Of all people? What made you think that a woman who put a place on fire because she was jealous of her own sister would be a perfect parent for a child? Do you know she never showed me affection or love? I had to learn it all on my own. She only showed any signs of care when she needed me part of her plan that only benefitted her. You left me to a person who only cares about themselves,” Ámbar fumed.
“It wasn’t like that at all. I had no idea about her being the cause of the Benson fire and she had already adopted you before that even happened. When I met her, she was a kind woman, I was friends with Lili from work, so I had already knew the family. I assumed that Sharon had a good heart just like Lili, even though she was seemingly different. The whole time I would interact with her, she was always nice and seemed to really want a child because she always felt alone. It all just felt fitting.” Ámbar is trying to put together all the puzzle pieces in her head with Sylvania’s story. Part of her doesn’t believe it but…. It does kind of make sense. For her it justifies nothing even though she has hope.
Before she gets up from her seat, she leaves a wad of cash. “Ámbar where are you going? We haven’t even ordered yet?” Sylvania asks. “I’m not feeling hungry anymore, here’s some money for dinner.” Ámbar heads out the door with no remnants behind other than the tears that fall to the floor.
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Jam and Roller
“Eyyy amigo I’m so happy for the release of your new music video!” Gastón exclaims to Matteo. They’re both drinking smoothies while watching the Youtube countdown from Matteo’s phone. These are the special moments Matteo loves to share with Gastón since he’s always been his pal for the longest. He also loves sharing it with Luna too, but they sadly haven’t hit it off as well for a while. Matteo is hoping Gastón’s plan will work for the upcoming days.
Simón heads to their tables with a fresh batch of popcorn. “Wow, how exciting! It’s even more special since you get to enjoy it here at the Jam and Roller with us!” Simón states. Matteo grins but it slowly fades when he sees Luna walk into the cafeteria and completely ignoring him. “What happened?” Simón asks when he sees Matteo’s vivid expression abruptly change. “No nothing, I just wish I got to share this moment with another person too.” When Simón turns his head and sees who Matteo is staring at, he realizes what Matteo meant.
Nina pulls out her purse and hands her phone to Luna. “I know you’re trying to pretend you don’t care but you do. Watch the video, it’ll get rid of all your curiosities.” Luna shakes her head in disapproval. “Nina, the least I want to do is watch a music video of the one I love flirting with a girl who has a huge crush on him as well. They’re practically soulmates, meant for each other,” Luna exaggerates. “Oh c’mon, I know it’s complicated, but you know that’s not true. If you’re not going to do it for him, then do it for yourself. You deserve to see why he arrived late to your date.” Luna glares at Nina and decides to take the phone.
Once the music video is out, everyone begins to cheer for Matteo. Luna sits even more depressed seeing at the ‘amazing’ chemistry Matteo and Viviana had in the music video. She can’t help but doubt herself even more when all the comments from his fans say they ship him with Viviana. “Nina, I’m not feeling so good. I think I’ll just head home.” Nina nods and Luna begins to get up from her chair and head out. Matteo notices and follows her out.
“Luna! Luna, wait up! I need to tell you something,” Matteo yells out. “Matteo not now, I’m not in the mood. Congratulations of your video, it was very nice. I just don’t feel so good okay.” Matteo catches up to her and stands in front. “Look Luna, I don’t know if you’ll listen to me now but please go to tomorrow’s concert I’m having. My manager is having me make a concert to promote the single, but it wouldn’t be the same without you. Please Luna. You never miss any of my concerts,” Matteo begs. Luna gradually smiles. “Really? You still want me there?”
“Of course, I do Luna.” Luna now can’t help but blush. “Matteo, of course I’ll go. Even though I’m still a little upset at you calling me jealous, standing me up on our date, and not believing or listening to me, I still care. Since you want me there, I’ll be there.” Matteo is surprised by Luna’s comment and begins to graciously smile too. It was a moment for them, they hadn’t had one like this in a long time. It felt needed.
Nico is in the rink sitting on one of the chairs, he seems to be working on something since he has his notebook open with his pen. Jim enters and sees him alone. “Hey there, what are you working on?” Jim asks. “Oh just a few verses, I’m trying to get ahead on the Roller Band song for the competition, but nothing seems to come into mind,” Nico says. Jim heads to the seat beside him. She sits down and carefully glances over his blank page. “Oh yeah you do seem to be having some trouble,” Jim chuckles. “If you’d like I can help, I’m use to writing songs with Yam.” Nico turns and faces Jim, “Yes of course. I need all the help I can get; it’s been a while for me since I got to write a song with the Roller Band.” They both laugh together and get working on the song.
Jazmín dashes to Delfi holding a small slip of paper. “You won’t believe what just happened?” Delfi carefully places her books into her locker after seeing Jazmín rush to her. “Is it something new for the Fundom or for your blog, Ja Jazmin?” Delfi predicts. “Nope, you’re very far off. Look at this,” Jazmín hands Delfi the note. The more she reads it, the more her eyes grow like a flower blooming in the season, keeps opening. She’s in plain shock as Jazmín nods from her amusement. “Right! I have a secret admirer!! I have to post about this on my blog!” Jazmín frantically grabs her phone from her pocket but right when she’s about to film, Delfi stops her. “No Jazmín, this is something special. Honestly, I think this is something you should keep for yourself, every celebrity likes to keep their personal life separate from their work life,” Delfi advises. Jazmín thinks for a second and says, “Nahhh I’ll still post it, plus this can even help us discover who the anonymous writer is!”
The Restaurant
Yam is wearing her golden shimmery dress that Jim helped her pick out. She’s very anxious about her date with Ramiro, she wants it to go out perfect since this was something she had been dreaming of for a while. He puts down the menu and slips his hand under hers to her surprise. He gives her a shy smile. “I had been dreaming of this for a while. Before, I would always try to move on, but I just couldn’t. My mind just couldn’t forget about you,” Ramiro admits. Yam begins to tear up. “I felt the same way for so long but never said anything worried you didn’t feel the same way. I’m so happy about this moment. I don’t care how long I had to wait, it was totally worth it.”
Throughout the whole night, Yam and Ramiro shared college stories and even old memories of each other. How Yam never stopped writing songs about him and how Ramiro would skate imagining about her. Everything went smooth till dessert came. A random man with a suit and tie approached their table and faces Yam. “You look familiar, are you Yamila Sanchez from that Ja Jazmin blog?” Yam stays startled and stutters, “uhhh yes why?” The man quickly pulls a card out of his pocket. “Hillside Records, I’m the owner. I would like to set up a meeting with you for a chance at a record deal.” Yam immediately glares at Ramiro for a response. He shows his approval and gestures for Yam to respond. “Yes I would love to!” Yam exclaims. “Great! I’m available tomorrow at 5 pm. There is one important detail I have to tell you,” the man says. “Yes, what is it,” Yam asks. “The record company is not in Buenos Aires. It’s in California.” He proceeds to hand her the card. “Think about it, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He leaves and Yam shows her disappointment to Ramiro, she couldn’t believe how such an exciting offer can turn to something so depressing. If she took this offer, that means she would have to leave her family, her friends, and her chance at being with Ramiro.
“Look I know this is hard to think about but just follow your heart. If this is something you truly want go for it, I can wait longer,” Ramiro grabs her hand and holds it. “I don’t know what to say. I never knew me pursuing a music career would mean I have to leave everything and everyone I love,” Yam gradually lets her tears fall onto her glittery dress.
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purrincess-chat · 4 years
Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s Spite Playlist: Remix CH6
Here we are! Chapter 6 from last week. I will share 7 either tonight or tomorrow to space them out a little bit, but 7 will be coming soon to make up for not posting last week. Only a couple more chapters until the fun begins ;)
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Chapter 6: Call It Off
Adrien and Marinette stared at her with equally bewildered expressions. Chloe glared daggers at Marinette, frosty blue eyes piercing through her.
“What are you doing here? In my house? Who let you in?” Marinette bristled.
Chloe rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. “I came to your pathetic hovel to…ask for your help,” she said the last word with a hint of disgust.
“You want my help?” Marinette scoffed.
“Oh, don’t get all sappy on me, Dupain-Cheng. I still hate you, but I hate you less right now, so I’m calling a temporary truce,” she explained.
“And just why should I help you?” Marinette leaned back in her chair with a skeptical glare.
“Because I think it will be mutually beneficial to both of us,” Chloe replied. She glanced around the room with a wrinkled nose. “Ugh, how do you live like this? It’s so tiny.”
“What exactly do you want, Chloe?” Adrien asked.
“What are you doing here?” she asked as if noticing him for the first time. “It’s bad enough that I’m desperate enough to come to Dupain-Cheng for help. I don’t need you two canoodling to make my day worse.”
“Adrien and I are friends, Chloe. He can hang out with me if he wants.” Chloe held up a hand to silence her mid-sentence, but Marinette ignored her.
“No, I know you two are friends—it’s a fact that’s made me question Adrien’s sanity for a while now—but I thought you ditched everyone at Francoise-Dupont,” Chloe said. She shook her head. “We can discuss it later, right now I have bigger things to deal with. I know you hate Lila, and now I hate Lila because she’s getting in my way. You were the only real annoyance I had at school, so if anyone can help me destroy her it’s you, so I’ve been thinking-”
“Chloe, do you really think taking Lila down is the best way to go?” Adrien chided.
Chloe blinked at him before throwing her head back with a laugh. “Adrikins, how long have you known me?” She placed a hand on her hip. “Taking people down is what I do.”
“So then why do you need my help exactly?” Marinette asked.
“Because unlike the other losers at the school, Lila is crazy connected, and as much as I hate to admit it, you aren’t so bad-off either.” Chloe cringed. “After seeing your performance with Jagged Stone, I thought I might have an in.”
“Chloe, don’t you think it’s time you stopped trampling over people?” Adrien asked. He stood up and placed his hands on her shoulders with a pleading look. “Be nice for once. I know you know how.”
“Why? So I can be a pushover just like you? No thanks.” Chloe slapped his hands away.
“I’m not a pushover.” Adrien huffed.
“Please, Adrikins, I’ve been walking all over you for years. You’re as spineless as a snail. Marinette used to be which is why I loved picking on her, but even she finally grew a backbone. So annoying.” Chloe sighed, turning to Marinette. “So, are you going to help me take down Little Miss Exotic or not?”
“Adrien’s right, Chloe. Lila will just lie her way out of anything we throw at her. Besides, I’m over that whole mess. I don’t want to put up with her,” Marinette said.
Chloe held up a perfectly manicured hand, eyes narrowing. “You’ve always been on some trip about her being a liar, tell me more,” she said.
Marinette exchanged looks with Adrien.
“Chloe, I really don’t-”
“Wait.” Chloe cut her off, eyes widening. “She is a liar, isn’t she? And you two are the only ones who know, which is why you’re still in cahoots. I should have known. No one that famous would have such horrible split ends.” A grin stretched across her lips. “This is excellent news! So, what is our plan to destroy her?”
“There isn’t one,” Adrien said.
Chloe made herself comfortable in his chair, waving him away. “Adrien, be a dear and fetch me some tea. Marinette and I have big things to discuss, and we don’t need your moral compass getting in the way.”
“I don’t even live he-”
“Tea.” Chloe gave him a stern look. He chewed his cheek before storming downstairs to the kitchen, and Chloe turned back to Marinette. “Now then, we need a plan.”
“No, Chloe. I told you. I’m not getting into this,” Marinette said firmly. “I’m done.”
“Oh, are you?” Chloe arched a smug brow. “Lila has been tarnishing your good-girl reputation.”
“I don’t care.”
“She’s got everyone at school wrapped around her little finger, especially that brat with the blog you used to hang out with.”
“Not my problem anymore.”
“Today she made Rose pick out all of the tomatoes from her salad because she’s ‘allergic,’” Chloe said.
Marinette swiveled away, crossing her arms over her chest to hide how her fists shook, so Chloe continued. “In gym class, she convinced the teacher to let Kim carry her because she has asthma. She has Max doing her homework because she doesn’t want to fail after missing school to help so many poor people.” Chloe rolled closer, leaning into her ear. “She’s using all of the people you care about. Doesn’t that make your blood boil?”
Marinette fought back angry tears, her fingernails digging into her palms until they broke the skin. She took a deep breath, swallowing the lump in her throat before replying. “I’m not helping you. You know she’s a liar, so you figure something out,” she said with a finality that left no room for arguing. “You’re usually pretty good at getting what you want.”
“Not as good as I thought, obviously,” Chloe grumbled before stalking to the trap door. She paused, turning to look at Marinette over her shoulder. “Ya know, I came here to ask for your help because I thought that if anyone could set things right, it’d be you.”
“Why?” Marinette’s eyes narrowed.
“Because you love helping people and you always get things done.” Chloe averted her gaze stubbornly. “As much as I hate to admit it—and if you ever tell anyone that I said this, I will deny it and sue you for slander—but you’re a good leader, and I thought that maybe you’d care about your friends.”
Marinette pressed her lips into a firm line, fixing her gaze on the wall in front of her. “They’re not my friends.”
The floorboards creaked as Chloe shifted her weight. She stood there likely contemplating a way to get Marinette change her mind, but Marinette wasn’t going to budge. Chloe must have realized this because she crawled back through the trapdoor without another word. Her footsteps pounded down the stairs with the same ferocity they had coming up.
Marinette waited until the front door slammed before her stubborn countenance fell. She hunched forward to catch her face, hot tears streaming down her cheeks. Tikki flitted up to nuzzle her face, but when footsteps sounded up the stairs again, she darted for Marinette’s sewing drawer.
“You okay?” Adrien asked, setting a fresh teacup on the desk and wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
“No.” She shifted to bury her face in his chest. He smelled like expensive cologne. Marinette could have breathed him in all day, but now wasn’t the time for that.
“Chloe is a steam roller. She doesn’t stop until she gets her way,” Adrien said. He rubbed her back, leaning his cheek against her hair with a sigh. “You and I know that better than anyone.”
“It’s not that.” Marinette shook her head. “It’s just that she’s right. Lila using my friends makes me angry. I hate seeing them being manipulated. I want to help, but I don’t want to fight this anymore. I just-” Her voice cracked, and she nuzzled into his shoulder, squeezing her eyes shut.
Adrien held her tightly, but she was in too much pain to enjoy it. All that time she’d spent daydreaming about being enveloped in his strong arms but never once did she imagine it would feel like this. Empty, helpless, lonely. Adrien was the last buoy above water in the storm, and Marinette was clinging for dear life.
“You’re really brave for standing up to Chloe. I admire that about you,” he said when her sobs quieted. “Can I ask you something?”
Her heart skipped a beat. It wouldn’t be the question she wanted, and even if it was, she didn’t necessarily want Adrien to ask her to be his girlfriend while her snot was still drying on his shirt. Oh god, she got snot on his shirt.
“About what Chloe said… Do you think I’m spineless?”
It definitely wasn’t the question she hoped, but it left her dumbstruck, nonetheless. “I- no! You’re really nice. You just don’t like conflict that’s all,” Marinette said.
“Spineless.” He leaned back in his chair and nodded. “My mom taught me that pitching a fit causes more problems than it solves, and that I should never make a fuss. I guess I just have a hard time abandoning that mindset now that she’s gone.”
“People like Chloe walk over those they think are weak. You just need a little more confidence.” Marinette assured him.
“I don’t have the luxury of causing trouble with my father breathing down my neck. As if he needs another reason to keep me at home. If I step out of line, he could take everything away from me.” He shook his head. “Sometimes I wish I knew how to stand up for myself, like you do. I’m just so afraid of disappointing people and losing everything.”
“Sometimes it’s good to stand up for yourself, especially if something is making you unhappy or hurting someone you love. I had to learn that the hard way.” She took a thoughtful sip of tea. “I’ve been thinking about it a lot…if people have a problem with you doing what’s best for yourself, then are they really people you want in your life?”
“That’s why you broke things off with Alya.”
Marinette nodded, and Adrien tapped his fingers on his thigh as if choosing his next words carefully. “Will you teach me how to be more assertive?” he asked. “I would ask Chloe or Kagami, but I feel like they’re a bit…extreme. You’re always assertive in a good way.”
“I- uh, I could try.” She nodded, cheeks burning. “I’ll always help you.”
“I know I can always count on you. You’re awesome, Marinette.” He pulled her in for another hug before abruptly pushing away. “I- hopefully, I’m not asking too much. If I ever stress you out or if you don’t want to, I can leave you alone…”
Marinette giggled at that, bringing a flush to Adrien’s cheeks. “Assertive lesson number one: stop assuming that asking for someone’s help is a nuisance. You’re my friend, and I want to help you,” she advised. “I think it’s good that you’re aware of how other’s might be feeling, but you don’t have to apologize for everything.”
“Sorry!” His cheeks darkened as he caught himself. “I- sorry, what I meant was sorry for doing that, and I- see what you mean.”
“Have more confidence in yourself, and don’t be afraid to say no. I still struggle with that sometimes,” she said. “Just don’t let it go to your head. There’s a big difference between being assertive and being a jerk. N-Not that I think you’re a jerk, just there are times to be assertive and times to let it go, so just…balance.”
“How do I know when I should stand up for myself or not?” he asked.
Marinette weighed her answer and shrugged. “Well, with me it’s just…I get a feeling in my gut that it’s the right thing to do. I don’t know how to explain it.”
“You really are a natural leader, Marinette—a true Ladybug,” Adrien said.
Her stomach jumped up to her throat, heart pounding. “What? I’m not Ladybug! I mean- she and I are nothing alike. Totally different. We don’t even have the same hair- I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said with a nervous titter.
“I think you’d make a great Ladybug. Just as good as the real one.” He chuckled. “Don’t sell yourself short.”
“I- you really think so?”
“Of course.” Adrien nodded. “Anyone who doesn’t think so is blind. Jagged was right. You really are miraculous, Marinette.”
Her heart hammered, bringing a rush of warmth to her cheeks. So much praise made her dizzy, especially knowing he meant every word. She’d be up late for many nights replaying this exact moment—the moment where all of Adrien’s attention was on her.
Feeling brave, she met his gaze and bit her lip. “Adrien? I-”
“Marinette! You’ve got a letter from your nonna!” her dad called up the stairs, cutting her off.
“Okay!” Her heart sank to the floor, moxie fading.
“I should probably get going. I have to practice piano tonight.” Adrien stood up and stretched. “Thanks for having me over. I’ll come by again soon, okay?”
“Yeah, totally.” Marinette nodded, following him down the stairs.
He paused at the door, fingers tapping the handle before he turned back to her. “If you ever need anyone to talk to about everything… call me. I’ve got your back.” He flashed her a warm smile. “See you later.”
“Bye, Adrien.” She waved as he disappeared down the stairs, letting out a deep breath once he was gone.
She paced over to the table where a thick envelope rested and tore it open. Inside was a long, multi-page letter wrapped in a small bracelet. She smiled, trailing her fingers over the beads before flopping onto the couch to read about her grandma’s latest adventures. As her eyes scanned the page, her heartbeat accelerated before a shrill scream escaped her lips.
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cakejots · 3 years
this is us trying, Chapter 8 - The Unravel
In this AU, they don’t know each other outside of the suit. And in this AU, Ladybug and Chat Noir love each other. But in this AU, Chat doesn’t want their identities revealed.
Written for @ladynoirjuly 2021
notes: this is a coherent story based on all the prompts; each chapter contains at least 3 prompts. TW for mention of death threats.
Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 | Ch 6 | Ch 7 | Ch 8 | Ch 9 | Ch 10
Read on AO3
24. Rewrite the stars
With how he reacted to those online comments about Marinette a few days prior, Adrien legitimately thought he was going to throw another fit again. But as always, Marinette’s closeness managed to distract him from the negative and made the ‘task’ bearable.
“Go to hell? I’m sorry but who are you to tell me what to do?” She dismissed the comment. “You think I’m just gonna listen to you? People who send these kinds of messages clearly need help.”
He snorted. “Don’t let it get to you, Buguinette.”
“Ah no no,” she shook her head. “It’s just… I can’t understand why they have the need to send this kind of stuff to other people.”
Marinette moved on to other comments within the hashtag page and saw quite a handful of positive comments. She would even go as far as to say that people are generally supportive of their relationship.
There was just a very loud and obnoxious minority that stood out everywhere. It was no wonder Adrien got that infuriated, she wasn’t feeling the best either when she read what people had written about him.
“Chaton?” She stopped scrolling, taking a break before her anger got the better of her. “You’ve gotten quiet. Something on your mind?”
“Uhh, yeah.”
“Wanna talk about it?” She put down her phone and moved to sit beside him, combing her fingers through his hair. “You’ll feel better if you do.”
Adrien leaned against her palm and closed his eyes. “I feel better already.”
She chuckled when he started purring. “Do you wanna stop for a while? Your hair’s so smooth and I honestly think I can do this for the rest of the day.”
“Ahh, that is so very tempting, my lady,” he opened his eyes and pouted. “But at last, this can’t be put off any longer.”
She continued massaging his scalp. “Hmm?”
“The management wants me to make a public apology and… and break up with you to save the company’s image.”
Marinette went rigid with her ministrations.
He quickly wrapped his arms around her and kissed her temple. “Obviously I’m not going to do that. You wound me if you think I’ll do that, Marinette,” he joked.
“Ahh no.” She hugged and leaned against him. “It’s not you. I— I’m just appalled that they’d demand you to take such a drastic move.”
He shrugged. “The company’s image suffered a huge blow when the Agreste Scandal happened. It has only been around six months since then, and now they have to deal with another.”
She nodded and tightened her grip on him. “So what will you do, Adrien?”
He smoothed her arm and nosed her hair. “To hell with them.”
“I finally found you, I’m not going to let you go,” he grinned.
A rosy pink hue settled itself on Marinette’s cheeks. Even when she’s already his, Adrien never stops to let her know how special she is to him. She pulled back to hold his gaze while her thumb brushed against his cheek.
“What if they dismiss you?”
Fire lit in his eyes. “I’m going to do what makes me happy, what makes us happy. I’m not going to apologise for my love for you.”
Warm and fuzzy feelings filled her chest as he settled on what he planned to do. Adrien has come so far, and Marinette was more than happy to allow him the agency he desperately needed.
“You’ll rewrite the stars, huh?”
“I’ll rewrite the stars.”
Marinette pulled him close—
“Then I’ll be here supporting you every step of the way.”
—and gave him a long and earnest kiss on the lips.
25. De-transformation
Adrien was hiding half his body behind the door that leads to Marinette’s room. She had her full attention on the task on hand that she didn’t realise he was at the entrance watching her from afar, much like how a kitten observes their human. Adrien really admired how focused Marinette can be sometimes. But right now, he wished that she wasn’t that fixated on whatever she’s doing.
Despite his resoluteness on what to do with the scandal earlier on, Adrien was feeling stressed about it now. They had agreed that he would release a statement to address the scandal tomorrow, and it’d just be a couple of sentences from him, along with a photo of them in his mansion, to really sell to the public that they aren’t fooling around and that she has been staying with him for a while now.
The kiss they had shared earlier did tons to calm his nerves. He could never get enough of the thrill whenever they kissed, it was just that addictive to him. Her alluring lips, curious and exploring hands, the tiny sounds she made, and how she felt within his arms were the only things that mattered.
But that was a few hours ago, right after he came to a decision on what to do. They parted ways afterwards for Adrien to draft his statement, and it looked really good at first. But the more he read and thought about it, the more he felt like they’d face more backlash if he were to put that statement out. His anxiety was returning and he needed to take a breather.
Which was why he was standing at Marinette’s door right now. He really wanted another kissing session with Marinette, but he doesn’t want to push his boundaries either. He figured a rooftop run would help him to loosen up and take his mind off of the drafted statement for now. But he didn’t want to do it alone either.
Adrien stared at Marinette’s back. He felt really bad for disturbing her. He really did. But…
“Marinette?” He called out softly.
She lifted her head to look back at her door, only to see Adrien concealing half his body behind her door. She frowned and briskly walked towards him. “Adrien! What’s wrong?”
He came out of his hiding and averted his gaze “C-Can we go for a rooftop run for a while?” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m starting to feel a little overwhelmed.”
She petted and stroked his hair. “Of course! Let’s go!”
Adrien gave her a radiant smile.
The rooftop run, sadly, wasn’t as helpful as he had fancied. All he had to do was run… on rooftops which he had been running on for the last 6 years. He could even do it with his eyes closed. His mind was not preoccupied with anything else and his thoughts kept going back to the scandal.
Chat dash towards the top of the Eiffel Tower.
He walked towards the edge of the platform and stared at the city underneath his feet. At least he was still able to admire the view. He sat down, hugged his knees and closed his eyes to enjoy the breeze…
Only to be pulled back by a pair of arms around his waist.
“Adrien! What were you thinking?” Ladybug shook his shoulders when he faced her.
“No, no! I wasn’t doing anything!” He waved his hands. “I was just trying to distract myself.”
Ladybug frowned. “Then why de-transfrom? You can enjoy the view as Chat Noir, can’t you?”
He avoided her eyes. “I-I wanted to feel the breeze.”
She pursed her lips. “You said you wanted a distraction? Something to occupy your mind?”
Adrien nodded.
Ladybug stood and brought him to his feet, smiling. “How about a game or two of Mecha Strike with the gamer pro herself?”
He raised an eyebrow.
“I assure you that you’ll be needing that mind of yours to defeat me,” she declared triumphantly.
“You won tournaments?”
“Duh. Now come on! Transform and let’s go!”
“Buguinette,” he called out as he transformed. “I’ll have you know I didn’t only spend my time at home studying.”
Ladybug threw her yo-yo and a smirk at him. “Then may the best player reign once and for all!” And she jumped off the edge.
Chat followed suit, anticipating the game battles they have for the night.
26. Reveal
They had no idea how it happened. No, they were lying if they said that. They knew how it happened. They just didn’t expect it to unfold the way it did.
The mecha strike matches they had after they arrived back at Marinette’s home did tons to ease Adrien’s nerves. His mind was full of battle strategies to take her down, but she always managed to outsmart him. She wasn’t Ladybug for nothing. She truly is the Reigning Queen of Mecha Strike.
After they had established their respective status in the world of Mecha Strike, Marinette hoped to put Adrien’s mind at peace entirely. He has his way with words and has written beautiful love poems for her. There’s no way the statement he wrote was horrible.
And so she asked to see it; and he gave it to her, because Adrien fully believes in her word for this. He knows that Marinette would never lie about how she felt about the things he pens down.
She gave her smile of approval, and even commented on how sweet it was. She was confident that it’d sway the hearts of haters in the right direction.
And those were very comforting words. Not only has he accomplished proclaiming his love for her to the world, but he also might possibly increase the appeal of their relationship.
Later, they went to bed, peacefully.
When the time came to finally reveal their relationship to the world, they discreetly made their way back to the Agreste mansion, transformed of course.
Marinette suggested taking their picture in his kitchen to really sell the domestic lifestyle to the public, and Adrien agreed. But as they were deciding on the perfect picture to post along with the statement, Adrien started panicking again.
And so did Marinette. (She didn’t have a lot to work with in his mansion.)
Then, she suddenly recalled that being surrounded by soft things could help, that was how she calmed down when she was younger after all. She felt better just by enveloping herself in her blanket and soft toys.
So she pulled him into his room and pushed him onto his bed, remembering how soft it was, and slowly ran her hand through his mane to coax him into lying down. But all Adrien did was close his eyes.
Her other hand landed on his shoulder to push, but didn’t manage to make him budge at all as she was pulled into his lap, coming face to face with him.
Marinette was startled by his actions and stopped her ministrations. But he began rubbing his head against her palm, and she continued. She also started caressing under his chin with her fingers.
He opened his eyes lazily to gaze at her; so did she.
And Adrien gently held her face to bring their lips together, after he saw in her eyes what was most likely in his as well.
Marinette didn’t hesitate this time, fluttering her eyes close and wrapping her arms around his neck to bring him closer, to bring herself closer to him. She released a tiny whimper when Adrien’s hand suddenly landed on the small of her back, drawing her in to close the non-existent gap between them.
There was just something different about this kiss. Adrien’s heartbeat wasn't thundering as hard as he thought it would be, and a wave of calmness washed over him as they continued moving their lips against the other. His thumb stroked her cheek, to invite her to continue for as long as she liked.
Marinette’s hand shifted towards his hair and grabbed, pushing herself further into his face, and Adrien groaned before grinning against her lips. Marinette soon followed suit before she pulled back, but couldn’t go far as she was literally caged within his embrace.
“What’s so funny?” She opened her eyes and beamed.
Adrien moved in to kiss her nose. “Nothing. Just, thank you,” and he smooched her forehead.
“Trust me, this helped me as much as it helped you,” and she pressed her lips to his cheek.
Marinette caressed his other cheek. “Ready to post that statement and shut the haters up once and for all?”
A glint shone in Adrien’s eyes. “Oh, definitely.”
They moved to sit comfortably on his bed and Adrien copied his statement from his notes, the photo already chosen and sitting on the post, waiting to be sent out.
“You know, this feels very much like a blog post. I’ve never written this much on this account before.”
Adrien jumped and looked at her full-blown eyes. “What? What’s wrong?”
She swiftly placed her hand on his. “Chaton, before you post that, I need to let you know that it was my best friend who informed me about what happened to you last week.” She scratched her head. “That’s how I was able to get to you, even though it took quite a while.”
Adrien was visibly confused. “O...kay?”
“And she actually asked for an update on the situation.”
He finally caught on. “Oh! Tell her then! Give her the update she deserves.” He chuckled. “Thank you so much, Marinette’s best friend!”
Her kitty’s so cute when he’s elated. “She… um, s-she wants to know about how we met and stuff.” Marinette glimpsed at him. “How do you want to deal with that?”
“Well, that’d be hard, wouldn't it?”
“Well, we can't use anything related to fashion right?” She said, matter-of-factly. “Since she knows that I wanted to intern at Gabriel and the chance went poof with the final battle…”
“Why not tell her the truth?”
He shrugged. “I mean, the threat is gone. I don't see why not?”
She smiled. “Adrien, honey, my best friend is Alya.”
“Uhh, she... has a nice name?” He tilted his head.
“She’s Alya Cesaire!” She shook his shoulders. “She’s the lady blogger! She’ll flip if she learns that I'm Ladybug!”
“So there’s no way.”
“What an interesting turn of events,” he simpered. “How about telling her that I don't want people prying into my life?”
“That’s not fair to her,” she pouted.
“Then how about the bakery?” He threw in another excuse.
“You work in the bakery sometimes, right?” He clarified.
She furrowed her brows. “But I've never seen you at the bakery.”
“Neither did she,” he pointed out, “so maybe we can use that?”
Her face lit with comprehension. “Oh my gosh, Adrien! You’re a genius!”
“We can go with the typical ‘well, we met one day at the bakery, and the rest was history’ kinda sharing.” Adrien gesticulated a rainbow curve with his hands.
Marinette giggled. “I’ll call her now.”
“You two are so sickeningly sweet, you know that?” Alya’s voice echoed through Marinette’s phone.
“Thank you!” Adrien replied, the post still sitting on the edit page.
“So how are you guys gonna deal with the scandal?”
“Adrien will be releasing a statement to address it,” Marinette replied this time.
“Ooo, a reveal huh? When are guys doing it?”
“Now, ehe,” and Marinette gave the okay signal for Adrien to release the statement.
“Marinette!” Alya screamed. “What the hell!”
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bohemiansweede · 4 years
New Year's
Pairing Ben Hardy Reader
Warnings Smut 🔞
A/N Please like and reblog or if you want to leave a comment
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The bell turned 11
Shit... Damnit
You had worked late at the hospital and you almost missed your friends New Year party
The taxi drove slowly in the London traffic
Everyone were going somewhere
- Ma'am.. I have to stop here, we are stuck
- Ohh. It's ok, I can walk the last bit, you payed him with a generous tip, Happy New Year
You almost ran the last bit
How on earth could you miss this party
She had contacts thru work, you knew who were there
You went inside and stomped the snow from your feets
- You made it Y/N, Tanya shirped and gived you a tight hug and held out a glass
- Thanx.. Phew.. Almost
- I was worried you couldn't come, but I guess THAT Mr has something to do with it huh
You blushed
You could not deny it
- Actually Y/N.. I have a plan.. Or.. Maybe it is a bet.. She giggled, clearly tipsy
- What?.. No.. No.. I'm not making a fool of myself.. Not again
- Hunnie.. Forget what happen two years ago now, its soon new beginnings.. Right.. He is alone here tonight, no date... Sooooo.. Why not give him a new year kiss..
- What?.. Hell no..
Deep inside, you wanted nothing more than kiss him.. His juicy plump lips..
But here? In front of everyone?
- Ok... I do it
- Great sweetheart.. You have 20 minutes
- Shit.. Where did the time go..
She didn't have a clue
You took your glass and mingled around a little
It was crowded
But in between all perople, you finally saw him
He looked straight at you, raised his glass and gaved you a wink
Your thighs almost clenched together
He looked after you when you sneaked behind all people, you saw him looking after you
10 minutes left
You couldn't do this, but damn he was handsome tonight
The sound of your own heart pounded in your head and your mouth felt dry, it felt like you were in a bubble
You were almost right behind him.
He looked like he was looking for someone.. Could it be you
He clinged his glass with a few of them around him
Everyone cheered and hugged.. Kissed..
You placed your hand on his shoulder
He turned around immediately
You wrapped your arms around him and gaved him a kiss on his lips
He opened his mouth to deepen it more but got abrupted by a drunk man almost falling over you
You smiled a little shyly and clinged his glass
- Happy New year Ben
- Happy New year hunnie
He leaned forward to give you one more kiss
But yet again you got abrupted, his friend wanted to toast with him
You turned around to leave
You zig zagged through the crowd and ended up in a narrow hallway
- Hey... Where are you going?
You turned around
- Ben.. Hi...
- Did you try to escape me?
- No..., you pulled him closer by his tie
Your lips crashed together again
He pinned you up on the wall with his strong arms
You whimpered when you felt his lips on your neck
He lifted you up a bit more so you straddled his neck, he burried his face between your thighs and almost growled when he found out that you didn't have any underwear
He ate you out like there was no tomorrow, His fingers dug into your pussy and started to fuck you fast
- Shit... Ben... Omg....
He moaned and breathed heavily
- FUCK... I'm coming... AHHHHHH
Nobody heard you screaming, the party was in full action
He put your feets down again and smiled at you
- Turn around baby
Your legs were wobbly but you gaved him a smile and did as you were told
You leaned to the wall, pouting your ass up to him
He grabbed your hips and let his cock follow your slit up and down
You just loved his girthy cock stretching you out and he fucked you hard and fast
He dug in his fingers in your flesh and kissed your neck
You knew he was close, his cock started to twich and you pushed him away with your ass
Kneeling in front of him and opened up your mouth
He stroked his cock a few times
Then you felt his warm salty fluid down your throat
You licked around it and dragged your tounge up and down his shaft, opened your mouth again to show him that you were his good girl and swallowed it all
You stood up with a smile
- Could not have your cum running down my thighs you know
He slapped your ass and gaved it a squeeze, kissing you sloppy
- You are so fuckin amazing baby.. But.. I'm far from done with you, I give you more when we get home
The year had just begun
Enjoy more reading in my masterlist
Last year's stories
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moral-turpitudes · 4 years
Deal with the Devil: Ch. 1
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Trigger Warnings: Swearing, Mentions/Heavy Descriptions of Death, Murder, Gore, Blood, Guns, Knives, Fires, PTSD, Angst. All Explicit/18+ Content is indicated by (**).
Characters: Thomas Shelby x Isla Maxwell (OC)
Word Count: 2,142
Plot Summary: With nowhere to turn after the failed assassination of Oswald Mosely, Thomas Shelby accepts the help of a covert assassin with a knack for nabbing fascists.
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | *7* | 8 | 9 | 10
“Authorities Puzzled as Third Man Goes Missing” read the headline of the local newspaper.
“In the span of one month, three men have gone missing from Birmingham and surrounding areas. They were last seen entering the a meeting for the fascist party. No suspects have been brought in, nor have any witnesses reported seeing suspicious activity around the building. Please use caution when going out, and report anything of concern.” The column read. The paper was wrinkled at the ends, the ink fading in spots where rain had fallen too hard. The pictures of the three missing men posted under it with stoic expressions on their faces.
Not many people cared as to why they were missing it seemed. The police’s lack of involvement and general chatter around town made clear of that. But the one thing everyone wanted to know was who caused their disappearance? considering they had the guts to take three men in broad daylight from a highly publicized event.
The news made Isla chuckle as she flipped through the paper, her eyes gazing lazily at the scene before her. Not many people knew her name, but the ones she caught were sometimes lucky enough to hear it before taking their final breath.
The three men from the photos sat before her tied to chairs, stripped from head to toe of all clothing. Weary looks graced their faces as their jaws slacked from the exhaustion of holding their ties in their mouths.
Isla’s heels clicked on the ground as she reluctantly got up from her desk. Looking at each of the men as their tired gazes followed her.
“So....You lot thought you could take me down aye?” She asked, lighting a cigarette as she leant against her desk. They hesitated before shaking their heads, fear evident in their eyes as she stalked closer.
“A little birdie told me you all were going to. All for your beloved Fascist party right?” She remarked, stomping her cigarette out on the groin of one of the men. His groans erupting from clenched teeth as she reached under her dress, the men watching nervously with their hands tied. She felt the cool handle of her knife hidden against her thigh as she lifted her foot off him.
“You should know better than to follow someone blindly, gentlemen. The sheep are often led to the slaughter.” She said, retrieving it and slitting the men’s throats with an easy flick of her wrist. A small smirk playing at her lips as their blood sprayed about. Their eyes fixed in a permanent state of shock as they fell limp before her.
Un-phased, she quickly wiped her hands of the blood and silently walked back to her desk to finish the letter she’d been writing only mere hours ago. The three faces on the newspaper staring at her as she swiftly moved her pen to sign one initial: “I.”
She kept most of her business to herself and her closest informants, only using the initial as her signature, along with the bloody thumbprints of her victims. Thinking it would give them a more “personal” touch.
As she pressed the third mans bloody thumb onto the bottom of the letter, she sighed, knowing she’d have to clean up her mess after sending it out.
The dimly lit room made her silhouette dance along the walls of her office. The flames from the candles flickering brightly as she counted down the minutes on the clock, waiting for her informant to arrive at midnight. It was always evident that she had a method to her madness, that was for sure. The people she employed knew that their fate was not only in her hands but in her wallet. They knew that if they failed, she failed. And if she failed...they might as well offer her their necks.
As the clock struck midnight, she heard the distinct knock on the door. The numerical tapping signaled that it was her informant, Jay, with cash from her latest job in tow. He quickly handed her the cash and she gave him a small smile before handing him the letter wrapped in a black envelope.
“Thank you. You know where to send this. Have it out by tomorrow morning.” She said, closing and locking the door behind her.
Jay swiftly headed down the dark hallway and out the door, the rain finally letting up as he made his way to his car. The destination was written on the envelope with gold ink, shining brightly as the street lights illuminated her thin handwriting.
As he headed to his destination, she began cleaning up the mess. The clothing the men wore hours ago reduced to ash in the fireplace.
With a loud huff, she stuffed their bodies into large flour sacks she’d taken from a certain “bakery” around town, known for its bread, pastries, and illegal business ventures.
Along with her interesting choice of connections, Isla always did her dirty work at night. Making it easier for her to evade capture. But one of the grimmest parts were disposing of the bodies, so she called in her other two informants to help with the task. Therefore, many nights were spent in her car under the guidance of the moon. Not many women drove around at night - let alone with men’s bodies in the backs of their cars - but she figured someone had to do it. And given the life she chose, it had to be done one way or another. After all, it was her best chance at keeping people off her trail.
As the tires skimmed along the damp roads, she saw the cemetery in the distance. Knowing this was the last stop for the month-long job.
Despite her small circle of connections, she had one outside person she could trust: the mortician. Along with his weekly salary, she paid him hush-money from her hits to incinerate the bodies of the men who crossed her. It was the easiest way for her to get rid of the evidence in her case, knowing authorities would have to spend days upon days trying to find any clues, especially in the ashes.
“Thank you again. I’ll let you know when I’ll be back.” She said, watching him throw the bodies into the flames with ease.
“And thank you for the money miss. It’s really helped me out.” The mortician said, fidgeting with his glasses.
“I’m glad. Keep up the good work.” She said, tipping her hat and walking quickly to her car.
When she arrived back home, the two other informants were finishing up scrubbing the floor. Making her finally realize that she too had blood on her. It was trapped in her hair, and splattered on her face in a morbid constellation. It was often on big hits like tonight, that she’d forget she was covered, becoming accustomed to the metallic smell and sticky feeling of it on her skin.
“We’ve finished boss. What’s the pay?” One of them asked, wiping their hands on a bloody towel before throwing it into the fireplace.
“No one gets paid until this job is completely done. Tomorrow morning Jay will be back, but until then you’ll have to wait.” She said sternly. They too only went by short, fake nicknames. Her head informant and messenger was Jay, while the other two went by Nick and John. This was done so that if they were captured and interrogated, none of them would know each others real names, making the trail leading to Isla herself all the more complicated.
As the months passed since she’d begun her work, families grew fond of her skills, and that was especially so for the wealthier ones in the community. They resorted to hiring her for protection from the men like the ones she killed, and she used that money to pay herself and her informants as they took on new jobs.
These men she targeted weren’t just any average trouble makers though. They had close ties to the emerging fascist party. A party that turned against some people and turned towards others. A party who brainwashed their followers with money and empty promises. And for her, it was a party that killed her family.
As she excused Nick and John, she locked the door behind her once again, heading off to her bedroom that was adjacent to her office. She was never one for extremely lavish houses. Preferring less stuff around just in case she had to leave town abruptly. Despite this, amongst her tough outer shell, she was still wounded on the inside as the memories of her family plagued her mind.
An old picture hung on the corner of her bedroom mirror. It was a family picture of her mother, father, little brother, and her all sitting by the big oak tree a few miles out. It was the one thing she was able to save before the flames spread around her. The old rafters of her house coming down as she lay there in fear. Her mother’s screams echoing in her ears as she tried to protect her son from the flames. Her father somehow running through the fire and picking her up, ushering her out the door before collapsing from the smoke. The flames engulfing the small wooden house in minutes.
She remembered hearing her neighbors rushing out from nearby to help as she grabbed her arm without registering the pain. She had been in shock for most of the ordeal, knowing that even the physical pain she was in couldn’t top the pain she felt seeing her family perish before her eyes. She was only 20 at the time, and she had no family to go back to.
Fortunately, she worked her way up after her recovery. Living in abandoned houses and singing in the streets for money. She even ran into a friend of her fathers by mere luck, who took her in and told her the truth. He’d said that her father had gotten in the way of a deal between some of the early fascist party members, trying to stop them from antagonizing some of the families in the area, which they didn’t appreciate. In turn, they punished him by punishing his whole family, not knowing they’d left her behind.
As Isla stared at her now 30 year old reflection in the mirror, she let a tear slip as she brushed her hand over the scar on her arm. Hearing her mother’s voice telling her, “You have to take what you want in life my love, because the only thing we’re guaranteed to get in this life is death.”
She shivered at the memory every day, but heeded her mother’s advice nonetheless. She gathered information and took lives, but it wasn’t easy.
Over the years since the fire, she learned to fight from her dads friend, and learned to shoot as well. Eventually earning some good money from hunting for families near them. When she got tired of shooting birds though, she upgraded to humans, often joining hit men on their travels to gain experience and information. Seduction was also a facet of her plan, but she eventually made enough to end that part. Earning enough to buy the quaint apartment that she stood in now, alone with tear filled eyes as the water in the sink ran red from the blood being washed away.
Though through all the pain and training, she managed to gather a plethora of information over time. Leading her to finding the whereabouts of some of the fascist party members. For the last two years she’d been scoping out their meetings, taking note of the problematic ones and bribing vulnerable party followers with hush-money for more information. Slowly taking their power away from them one by one as she built up her empire.
But when news of the recent rallies came to light, she knew she had to lay low and act fast. Knowing other powerful people had an eye on her throne while the party gained traction at an alarming rate. It was during this time that Jay snuck into one of the rallies, overhearing the three men they’d captured, talking about the big meeting to come with a certain Oswald Mosley. And since his life depended on it, he reported it to her. Knowing he’d be paid a decent amount for the information.
Mosley’s life was the one thing that she genuinely wanted to take, given what happened to her family. And by taking out the leader, she hoped to take down the whole system before they hurt more people. She promised herself that she’d stop at nothing to take down the man who started the fire. But she’d have to make a deal with the devil himself in order to do so, and that devil was a man named Thomas Shelby.
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spooks-and-tea · 4 years
Entangled (Spencer Reid x femReader) [Ch.5]
Summary: You don’t know how it happened. One moment you were watching Criminal Minds, and the next moment you were literally in the show. Can Spencer be the key to helping you find your way back home?
Warnings: minor character death, mentions of su*cide, bad explanations of quantum mechanics, sexual situations(some non-con), the usual criminal minds-type content
A/N: MGG gave us so much material to work with yesterday *ahem* great, respectful visuals. I feel the need to post two chapters in 1 day to keep these good times-a-going.
Word Count: 3,538
Chapter 1.  Chapter 2.  Chapter 3.  Chapter 4. Chapter 5.  Chapter 6.  Chapter 7. Chapter 8.  Chapter 9.  Chapter 10.  Chapter 11.
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You weren't excited to go home. You had spent the last few days with Spencer, and you wanted to give the man a breather.
"Are you sure you don't want to stay over at my place? There's this new documentary out about mantis shrimps that I've heard good reviews on. I was thinking of watching it tonight." Spencer asked, following you to your car.
"No I should go home and deal with-um." You squinted your eyes to think.
"Chris," Spencer smirked.
"Yeah, Chris. I also want to try out that piano."
"You should, you're good at it."
"I haven't played since I was in my high school's band." You stood next to the door, clicking the button to unlock it.
"I guess I'll have to ask Morgan then." Spencer squinted in the sun, watching Derek leave the building.
"Something tells me he doesn't find mantis shrimps as fascinating as you and I." You commented.
"I'll see you tomorrow then?" Spencer asked.
"Bright and early."
"And you remember the addresses I gave you?"
You held up your phone. "Wrote them down."
"Good. Drive safe."
You reached out and pulled him into a quick hug.
"I will. Bye Spence."
************************************************************************ You stood at your entryway, hanging up your coat while you took everything in again. You still couldn't believe you owned all of this and had a rewritten history to go along with it.
There was still an entire second floor that you hadn't seen.
You trailed up the banister to the second floor. The first door you now knew was the bedroom, that left 3 more doors. You tried the next door over and opened it to reveal a bathroom. Of course, the bathroom was luxurious with a bathtub that reminded you of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The next door over was a guest room, although it looked like it didn't have much use and was being used as an art and yoga studio. The next room was your favorite. Rows and columns of shelves full of books lined the walls your heart beat raced as you walked, running your fingertips along the spines of the books. A desk and computer sat at the end of the room, which you assumed was used when you worked from home.
There was a cozy nook with a sofa and chairs against another wall and all you wanted to do was curl up and read a book. This was definitely your favorite room of the house.
You chose a random book and sat down to read, getting cosy with a throw blanket and pillow. You must have lost track of time because, when you turned around to look out the window, the sun had gone down.
You left the room, wanting to explore more, but you walked into something.
"Y/N. You're, home. How was work?"
"Chris, hey. Work was good." You replied, inching around him.
"You didn't tell me you were leaving on a case."
"I didn't. I'm sorry." You faked sincerity, trying your best to avoid the stranger.
"You haven't seemed like yourself lately is everything alright?"
"Yeah, great. Everything is great."
"Were you actually on a case, or were you at Spencer's again?" He frowned.
"I was on a case Chris. I just forgot to tell you."
"You've been forgetting a lot lately."
Well there is a good reason for that. "I know, I'm sorry."
"Prove it." His eyes darkened. "Prove you're sorry."
"Um how?" You wrung your hands together.
"You haven't been around in a while, maybe you can spend the night in bed with me?" Um no, not going to happen. Stranger danger. Abort. Was this relationship entirely sexual?
Suddenly learning about mantis shrimps with Spencer was sounding a lot more enticing.
"I-I'm a little hungry. I think I'll go-" He held your arm, stopping you. Holding your hand up to kiss it. You cringed remembering how Spencer looked doing that to the unsub.
He started to kiss up your arm.
"Chris, I'm tired." You could smell a hint of alcohol on his breath. Your mind worked to think of ways to calm him down without angering him.
He sighed.
"Then let me take care of you."
Again, you cringed, in fact, you wanted to vomit. Spencer had said the same thing to you the night you got here. After he saved you from drowning. Except his words carried a different meaning and were more welcomed.
You snatched your hand out of his grasp.
"I can take care of myself thank you very much."
"Y/N, why are you being such a brat?"
What is this guy's problem?
"I'm tired from work and I haven't had anything to eat. I don't want to sleep with you, Chris." You tried to keep your voice civil.
"Are you hiding something from me?" He asked, eyes narrowing.
"You are. Is it him? Did he mark you up after you two fucked at his house?"
"How dare you?!" You yelled, absolutely appalled.
"Maybe if I left marks he could see what doesn't belong to him." Chris trailed his eyes down your neck.
"Who the hell do you think you are? I don't belong to anyone, especially you!"
"I'm your boyfriend! Don't blame me for being jealous after the way you've been acting lately."
"Look, calm down and we can talk about this." You didn't know this man, you didn't know how angry he could get.
"How could you go for someone like him? Is it the intelligence you're into? He's fucking weird. He looks like a skinny drowned rat."
"Don't talk about him like that." He could say what he wanted about you, but you wouldn't let him talk shit about Spencer, he didn't deserve that.
"You're defending him now! So there is something going on between you two. I knew it! I always knew it!"
"There is nothing." You said too calmly.
He suddenly reached out and grabbed the back of your neck, roughly pulling you towards him into a kiss. You pushed against his chest, backing away.
"You're hiding something and I want to know what, so strip."
He grabbed the back of your neck again.
"Then I'll do it for you, yeah?" He roughly grabbed your shirt, snapping the buttons off and pulling it off of you. You covered yourself with your arms.
"You are out of your mind!" You cried. How could you ever treat this guy as a boyfriend? He was  everything you hated.
"Well he didn't mark you here, did he mark your pretty thighs hmm? Did he spank you? Are you into that with him? I bet it's a professor and student thing." Chris barked out.
How he had gone from 0 to 100 so quickly, you didn't know.
"Get the fuck out of my house." You seethed.
"I live here!"
"Not anymore!"
With that, he stormed out, his drunken fatigue sparing you a longer fight. You lost the last of your resilience and fell, shaking, to your knees. You never wanted to see that horrible man again; he was a jealous prick. To think you gave him the benefit of a doubt when you first met; he didn't deserve anything from you.
You couldn't bring yourself to stand. You knew you weren't having a panic attack, but your anxiety was bad enough to have you shaking and crying on the floor. You reached out and grabbed your phone. Knowing it was the only thing you could do, you called Spencer. He picked up on the 4th ring. You could hardly hear them, he was somewhere loud.
"Hello?" He answered.
"Hey it's me." Although it was hard to hear him, his voice was already enough to begin calming your shaking hands.
"Hey Y/N what's up?"
"Heeeeeeeyyyy beautiful, you should have joined us tonight!" You heard Morgan's booming voice as he yelled into the phone.
"Oh, are you two out together?"
"Yeah Morgan offered to take me home, but then we stopped at this bar. There's live music!" Spencer sounded excited.
"You guys sound drunk already." You laughed, growing distracted from your current predicament despite your laying on the floor.
"Yeah, is there something you needed?" Spencer asked.
I need you.
You suppose he was enjoying himself tonight, you didn't want to take him away from that.
"I guess I just need to hear your voice." I need you here.
"You hear my voice all the time! Maybe too much! I'm always talking!" You heard Morgan loudly agreeing and women giggling and saying Spencer's name; trying to get his attention.
"Oh are you with JJ and Penelope?" Spencer took a moment to reply, saying something that you couldn't make out to the other people.
"No, why?" Because I need you here.
"It sounds like you're hanging out with a lot of people."
"We are! Morgan gave me this suuuuper strong drink and I started talking about the fall of the Roman Empire, it came up in a case once, and anyways, these two ladies came up to us and they love us! They want to hear all about Rome!"
"Spencer come dance with me please?" A female asked in the background.
"I-I don't dance," he replied to her.
"Then take me home." She whined, knocking into the phone with a thud.
"Um okay."
He returned to talking to you.
"Y/N I should go. Do you want to talk again later when everything isn't so loud?" Please don't leave.
"No I'm fine, go have fun Spence." He wasn't yours. Despite how close you two had already become, despite whatever fake history you shared, despite falling for the character on your tv screen.
"Okay." He hung up.
You dropped your phone on the floor you were currently sprawled out on. Feeling jealous, of course, for someone you had no right to be jealous for. To lash out at Spencer for having fun would make you no better than Chris.
When had you become so dependent on Spencer? It hadn't even been a week since your arrival here.
And yet you knew that he was the only person that made you feel like you weren't alone in this world, the only one who knew your secret. Is this what living in this new reality was going to be like? Lonely?
It's not like you had anyone in your previous life to turn to, what made this one so different, so heart-wrenching? Well, this universe had Spencer. Real Spencer. When Spencer wasn't around you, the absence felt abiding.
You eventually managed to pick yourself up, leaving your ripped shirt on the floor. You pulled yourself into the bathroom, avoiding looking at your reflection in the mirror. You drew yourself a hot bath and put a vanilla scented oil  you happened to keep by the soaps, inside. You breathed in the scent as you soaked in the tub. It wasn't the same. It was too sweet. It wasn't Spencer. Everything always circled back to Spencer.
You weren't typically the kind of woman to measure your self worth by your relationship to a man. You and Spencer were friends, and although it seemed at times that it could be more, maybe it just wasn't meant to be. You weren't from this world, you were forced into it. You had a hell of a lot of baggage; you couldn't help but feel like a piece of shit today though. Chris was the reason you felt violated, but you weren't going to sit here and cry over him all night. You were going to throw his clothes out into the hallway and hope that was all he had here. No, the tears that fell down your cheeks now were for yourself. After the last few confusing days you've had, you deserved to have a cry alone in a bathtub that didn't smell enough like your one comfort in this world.
If you were a stronger, more forward woman, you would go to Spencer's house and wait for him. Maybe he slept with the girl from the phone call, maybe he didn't. Either way you would confess to him everything that made him your favorite character before and everything that made him your favorite person now. Like the last unsub, you realized you had quickly fallen for Spencer Reid, but you weren't brave enough, or in any condition, to act on those feelings. You sat there and felt sorry for yourself until the water ran cold. Draining it, you made your way to your bedroom, but you hated the way it smelled like Chris. You lit some scented candles that were lying around and took all the sheets off, throwing them in the wash that took you a while to find. You grabbed the throw blanket from the library couch and decided that was all you need tonight. You brushed your teeth and got prepared for bed as your phone rang.
Sighing and already thinking of excuse to tell Hotch why you were not up for a case tonight, you picked it up.
"I know who you are."
"What? Who is this?"
"I know who you are."
"Is this a joke?"
"I know who you are."
"I know who you are." The voice grew louder.
"I know who you are." Louder.
"I know who you are!" Louder.
The voice hung up, feeling your skin crawl. Suddenly you felt terribly alone in this big apartment, alone and scared.
You locked your bedroom door and blew out all you candles. Still, not feeling safe enough, you retreated to your closet, grabbing the throw blanket and a pillow along the way. You locked the closet doors and threw the items on your couch, still clutching your phone.
You sat on the couch in almost complete darkness, only the moonlight from a small window lit the room. You watched the rain outside fall, feeling tears slide down your cheeks. You could call Spencer; you should call him, but would he even pick up? You decided against it and scrolled through your contacts settling on another number. Someone you hopefully wouldn't be disturbing so late at night because you knew he was a night owl.
"Rossi?" You whimpered through tears.
"Y/N? What's wrong?"
"I-I'm scared. I got a strange phone call and-and I'm hiding in my closet. I don't know what else to do." Well you certainly didn't sound like a believable crime fighter now.
"Okay, stay calm. Do you have your firearm on you?"
"N-no I left it downstairs."
"Do you have any reason to believe that someone could get into your house tonight?"
"It's unlikely, but I'd feel safer with someone here."
"Listen, I can come check on you, but I live 60 minutes away. Have you tried calling Reid? He lives closest to you."
"He was drinking with Morgan earlier, I-I doubt he could manage to catch a bus here."
"Okay. Try him first, then call me back if he can't make it. I'll come over if he isn't available, but don't panic, okay? We're trained to not panic in high stress situations like this for a reason." I'm not trained for anything, but making coffee and acting!
"Okay thank you. I'll check with him."
Your hands shook as you called Spencer's contact. It nearly reached his voicemail.
"Hello?" Spencer sounded groggy like he had just woken up.
"Spencer are you in any shape to make it over to my place?" Your voice softened, as it seemed to do whenever you spoke to him.
"Um. One second." You heard him groan and sheets rustling, he was probably pulling himself up in bed.
"Yeah, I can come over." Spencer yawned.
"You might want to bring your gun."
"Why? Is something wrong?" He suddenly became more alert.
"I'm probably overreacting. Someone called me and repeated this creepy message a-and it was unsettling and I don't feel safe here so I locked myself in my bedroom closet," you tried to coherently explain.
You heard him struggling to put on clothes.
"Okay uh- stay on the phone with me, okay?" It sounded like he was tripping over items.
"Okay." You whispered.
"Is Chris with you at least?"
You swallowed before answering.
"And you left your gun downstairs as per usual?"
"Yes." This was a normal mistake you made?
"Dammit. Okay I-I'm coming I'll be there in 15 minutes."
"Okay. Thank you Spencer."
"No need to thank me alright?" He sounded out of breath.
"Just stay in your closet and stay quiet. If you hear anything, let me know."
Your phone beeped a few times and you lifted it to look at the screen. Of course, the battery was dead.
"Fuck," you whispered. Dropping the cell in favor of clutching the pillow to your chest.
As you sat there you counted down the minutes until Spencer said he'd be there in your head. You knew he would be there at the exact time he said.
Every once in a while you heard a creaking, but the place was so big it could have just been normal house noises.
You counted down and when you hit 0, exactly when you hit 0, you heard nothing.
Spencer should be here. He's always precise.
You waited and waited for what felt like ages until a knock at your bedroom door made you yelp.
"Y/N? Are you in there? Are you okay?!" Spencer yelled through he door.
You ran to open it.
"Spencer." Spencer lowered his gun, pocketing it, clutching your discarded, ripped shirt in his other hand.
You threw your arms around him and buried your face in the crook of his neck. He tightly hugged you closer to him. You hugged him until you stopped crying.
"Are you okay?" He asked, softly.
"Emotionally? No. Physically? Yes." You pulled back.
"I didn't find anyone. But I found this and your phone cut off and I-I thought something bad had happened to you."
"I'm okay."
"How did this happen to your shirt?"
Spencer's eyes widened.
"Oh. Um I didn't know. Sorry."
You nearly facepalmed.
"No. It wasn't like that. I didn't want to do it." You explained, numbly. Spencer blinked at you, expression unreadable, holding your face gently.
"Tell me everything."
You nodded pulling him inside your room and, still feeling nervous, you locked the door.
You sat on your bed and gestured for him to do the same.
"What happened to your sheets?"
"I didn't like how they smelled like him, they're being washed."
You were silent.
"Tell me what happened since you left the BAU. You called me earlier and you sounded fine, what happened?" He asked in the steady tone of his interviewing voice. You explained coming home and being stopped later in the day by Chris.
"I tried to tell him that I was tired and hungry. It felt like a stranger was touching me and I hated it." You sniffled. Spencer reached out and gave your hand a comforting squeeze, for a germaphobe he sure turned to physical touch as a means of comfort a lot.
"He didn't listen and he accused me of sleeping with you because we spend time together outside of work." You looked at your joined hands. "He told me to strip to show him marks."
"The kind you get from being rough when intimate Spence." You tried to explain without making the air awkward.
"I didn't follow his demands, so he grabbed my neck and he ripped my shirt off. He said some vile things about you and I kicked him out. That's how that shirt got there." You finished that explanation.
There was a silent beat, Spencer's face going through the motions until he settled on anger and guilt.
"Y/N I-I am so sorry."
"Don't be. That guy being a dick wasn't your fault."
"You called me afterwards. You said you needed to hear my voice. I was too drunk to notice you weren't okay. If you had told me, I would've come straight over a-and brought Morgan with me. He could probably beat Chris up. Prove the dominant masculine power structure he craves is toxic."
"He's gone now, so I wouldn't worry about him any more." You shrugged.
"After the burst of anger he displayed, I'd advise you to be cautious. He has a key to get inside, what's to stop him from attacking you again?"
"I don't know." You felt too exhausted to think about the Chris problem.
"Is he who you were hiding from? The phone caller?"
"No I was just about to go to bed when I got a phone call."
"What did they say?"
"'I know who you are.'" You took a shaky breath. "I tried to ask the caller questions, but he just repeated that, grew angrier and angrier, and hung up."
"What did he sound like? Was his voice familiar to you?"
"I didn't recognize the voice, but it was pitched down and nasally. Sort of like the killer in Scream?"
"Give me your phone."
"It needs to charge, it's dead."
"Alright, I'll give the number to Garcia to track, tomorrow. I'm sure she's not awake at this hour." Spencer rubbed at his tired eyes.
"Okay, thank you." You got up to charge your phone in the nearby wall plug. "Oh and Spence?" "Yeah?" He turned around. "Thank you for coming by so late. I hope I didn't take you away from uh you know- some- potential action tonight." You smiled, awkwardly laughing. You didn't like it, but you wanted him to not feel guilty for having fun for one night.
"Don't ever hesitate to call me, especially when you're in a situation like this." Spencer narrowed his eyes. "Action?" He frowned.
"I don't know. I heard some girls with you and Morgan, they seemed into you. I thought that's where you were tonight. That's why I hesitated to call again." You shrugged. Spencer scrunched his nose. "I-I didn't."
You raised your eyebrow, looking Spencer in the eyes, then rolled your eyes, biting your lip to hold back a smile. Your jealousy turned into admiration.
"Do you want to watch that documentary about mantis shrimps? I can't sleep after all of this."
Spencer's face lit up as he nodded and followed you downstairs.
Next Chapter
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buckybeardreams · 3 years
Chapters: 4/11
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Brock Rumlow, James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Harley Keener
Additional Tags: Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Alpha Steve Rogers, Omega Tony Stark, Service Top, Dominant Bottom, Post-Serum Steve Rogers, Virgin Steve Rogers, Brock Rumlow is a Good Bro, Sam Wilson Is a Good Bro, Romantic Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, First Meetings, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sappy, Romantic Fluff, Awkwardness, Drinking to Cope, Self-Worth Issues, Insecure Tony Stark, Insecure Steve Rogers, Age Difference, Harley Keener is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Bonding, Claiming Bites, Claiming, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mpreg, Non-Explicit Sex, Light Dom/sub, Mutual Masturbation, Coming Untouched, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Wordcount: 10.000-30.000
Series: Part 1 of Second Chances
Steve is a soft Alpha and Tony is an in charge kind of Omega with no desire to find a mate. He doesn't want to find his soulmate and when he does meet Steve he's determined to stay away from him.
That is until he realizes just how right they are for each other.
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 8 Ch 9 Ch 10 Ch 11
Can also be read here
Words: 1,542
The first night when Steve didn't get a call from his soulmate he convinced himself that he was too tired when he got off his shift to call him, that maybe he didn't want to call him so late. Totally reasonable. Steve barely slept that night, staring at his phone for hours and willing it to ring before dragging his butt out of bed at the crack of dawn and heading over to Sam's.
Sam answered in his underwear, told Steve to keep his voice down when he started to excitedly tell him about his night, and headed to the kitchen to make coffee. Despite Sam's best attempts to keep Steve quiet they still woke his mate, who apparently was not a morning person. Though to be fair, Steve had woken him up at six o'clock and not many people were excited about being awake that early, especially if they didn't have to be.
Sam's Omega snapped at them to shut up when he entered the kitchen, ranted about how Steve was way too sunshiny for someone who was awake before the sun, and then stole Sam's coffee. Sam just smiled fondly at him and wrapped his arms around his waist, letting Brock lean up against him.
"So you must be Brock?" Steve asked, grinning. "I just found my mate too."
Sam smiled at Steve.
"I really am so glad for you, man. Next time call before you show up though."
Steve blushed and scratched the back of his neck.
"Sorry, Sam. I was just so excited and I had to tell you."
"It's all good."
Brock grumbled about damn early morning people and refilled the coffee cup before joining in on the conversation.
"So, what is he like?" Brock asked, feeling much more alive with coffee in him.
"He's perfect. Gorgeous dark eyes, dark curls, so tiny he's practically pocket size,” Steve said, clearly lost on the Omega he'd barely even spoken to. “He's the prettiest Omega I've ever seen."
Brock raised a brow at him.
"Saying that in the presence of another Omega is dangerous."
Steve blushed and stuttered out an apology that Brock waved off.
"Relax, I'm only teasing you. I'm not jealous of your mate," Brock said, rolling his eyes and pressing closer to Sam, turning to press his nose into his neck.
"I'm glad things are working out for you, man," Sam said, his thumb rubbing circles into Brock's hip. "When do we get to meet him?"
Steve shrugged.
"I don't know. I need him to call me first and then I'm thinking I'll take him out on a date and after..." Steve blushed, but grinned like a lovesick fool. "Well, maybe he'll let me mate him."
"I can't believe you haven't mated him yet," Brock said in disbelief. "You really just left without taking him home with you? What if he thinks you're not interested?"
"I gave him my number!" Steve defended. "Besides, he was working."
Brock rolled his eyes and Sam stepped in to steer the conversation towards less rocky waters. Steve continued to rave about his Omega and Sam nodded along indulgently.
"Yeah? He got a name? This pretty Omega of yours?" Brock mumbled into Sam's neck.
"Yeah, Anthony, " Steve said dreamily, his eyes sparkling.
Brock turned to look at Steve considering that.
"Yeah? Where'd you say you met him again?"
"A bar. He was the server there."
Brock nodded, fitting the pieces together. He hoped he was wrong, because he had a feeling that if he was right that Steve might not ever get that call he was hoping to get. Brock didn't say anything about it, because he didn't want to worry Steve, but it seemed like too much of a coincidence.
Which is why Brock called up Tony the moment Steve left. Tony was still ignoring him though and Brock groaned.
That fucking brat.
He couldn't ignore him forever.
It turns out he could ignore him for a month though, because Tony was just too stubborn for his own good.
"Why don't you just call him?" Brock asked.
Tony had finally given in and invited Brock over.
"I can't. I threw away his number," Tony groaned.
"Stupid, stupid Omega," Brock teased. "Why would you do that? You can't hate Alphas so much that you'd throw away what is potentially your only chance at happiness?"
Tony pouted. He hated being teased.
"You're not helping," Tony whined, throwing a pillow at him.
Brock just laughed and caught the pillow.
"You'll find him somehow," Brock assured him. "When you do, just make sure you at least get his name."
Tony shook his head.
"Nope, if I ever see him again, I'm running in the opposite direction. Anyone who can make me feel this miserable is bad news."
Brock hummed, propping g the pillow up behind him and grabbing his beer to take a sip.
"You only feel miserable because he's gone."
"Yeah, well, I'd rather not give him a chance to get close to me only so he can decide I'm not worth his trouble and leave me. Never knowing how good it could be is better than knowing and losing it."
"Oh, you poor thing," Brock cooed at the smaller Omega. "You're just terrified of getting hurt, but if you never take a chance then you'll never have a chance at happiness."
"Shut up," Tony grumbled. "I hate it when you say smart shit like that. It makes me feel stupid."
"Tony you are the farthest thing from stupid," Brock told him, but then he smirked. "Though you do stupid shit constantly, so maybe you are pretty stupid."
Tony rolled his eyes at his best friend's teasing.
"I will shove you off the couch if you don't stop making fun of me," Tony threatened.
Brock laughed.
"Okay, okay. I'll stop, but you have to promise me that you'll come over for dinner tomorrow night. Sam's best friend is coming too,” Brock said casually, like he wasn’t secretly hoping that Steve was Tony’s soulmate. “It'll be my first time hosting a dinner like a real adult. You have to be there."
Tony sighed dramatically, but nodded.
"You know I wouldn't miss it for the world."
When Steve didn't get a call by the end of that first day he was starting to have his doubts, but he tried to remain positive. Maybe his soulmate was just busy or maybe he was shy and trying to work up the courage to call. By the end of the week Steve had all but given up hope on ever getting the call he was waiting for.
He knew that he could go back to his work, but that just seemed wrong. If the Omega didn't want to see him Steve wasn't going to force him to. He definitely wasn't going to pressure his little mate. He wasn't an asshole.
Steve was definitely heartbroken though. The feeling of rejection was steadily creeping up on him and threatening to consume him. He held it together pretty well that second week, but by the time the third week hit with no word from Tony, Steve was depressed and had completely given up on getting to have that happily ever after he wanted. He had also given up on showering, spent all day in bed but never seemed to sleep, and the only reason he hadn't starved was because Sam kept bringing him food.
Steve felt bad that Sam was spending his evenings consoling his best friend, instead of with his own mate. It really wasn't fair, but Steve was still grateful for it. He was miserable, but it was easier when Sam was there. It was easier when they were watching movies and laughing. Sam was good at distracting him when possible and being a shoulder to cry on when Steve couldn't hold it together and broke down into sobs.
Steve was miserable, but he still clung to the last shred of hope that maybe someday his soulmate would want him, would call him on the phone.
"Do you think he knew? Think he could just tell somehow?" Steve asked at one point.
"Tell what?" Sam asked.
"That I wasn't a real Alpha."
"Hey, don't think like that. You are a real Alpha. I don't care what others say. Alphas don't have to be domineering and controlling."
"Maybe not, but that doesn't mean everyone likes that. Maybe he could sense it and just knew that I could never be what he really wanted from an Alpha."
"Steve, stop, you can't think like that. You'll tear yourself apart if you keep thinking those kinds of thoughts. There's nothing wrong with the way you are and someday you'll meet someone who doesn't care about that."
"I don't want anyone but my soulmate." Steve pouted.
Sam sighed.
"I know you feel that way now, but someday you might feel differently. Maybe you'll meet a different Omega, or even an Alpha."
Steve cringed at that.
"I can't date an Alpha, Sam. That's just wrong. You know that Alphas can't be together. It's just not allowed."
"I'm not saying you have to, but you know I'd never judge you even if you did fall in love with an Alpha, or if you wanted to fool around with one or even just date around. Whatever you want, whatever makes you happy, that's what I want for you."
Steve whimpered, wiping tears off his cheeks.
"I just want my Omega."
For as miserable as Steve felt he still managed to pull himself together enough to get all cleaned up for the dinner that Sam and his Omega had invited him to. Brock had threatened to shove Steve into the shower himself if he showed up smelling like he hadn't showered in a week. Steve sure was glad that he'd showered and put on clean clothes when his soulmate showed up.
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smashing-teacups · 5 years
Atonement, Chapter 23
A/N: And we’ve arrived at one of the most critical chapters in this fic! No moodboard will accompany this particular post, as it’s full of spoilers; I’ll post it on my twitter in a few days, if you’re interested!
Previously: Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 10, Ch 11, Ch 12, Ch 13, Ch 14, Ch 15, Ch 16, Ch 17, Ch 18 , Ch 19, Ch 20, Ch 21, Ch 22
Her time was up.
There was no more later, no more tomorrow.  
No more delaying the inevitable.
Claire had done her duty by James Fraser. He’d bear the scars of her mistake for the rest of his life, but he’d recovered as well as could possibly be expected. After two weeks of IV antibiotics, the tunneling infection in his back had finally cleared up, and that last troublesome gash was closing nicely; another week or two and it would be completely healed over. As long as he kept up his protein intake, stayed hydrated, slept enough, and took all of his medications exactly as prescribed, Jamie would be fine.
So that was the last thing. The very last thing Claire had to do for him.
She stayed up all night making him a folder of hand-written instructions and schedules, highlighting the most important things in bright yellow and underlining them twice for good measure. She wrote until her hand cramped, trying to think of everything worth mentioning, every last scrap of information that could possibly help him or his physicians back home. When she’d exhausted her encyclopedic memory bank of his chart (and everything that wasn’t in his chart but should have been), she sat back and reread her notes with the tip of a pen pinched between her teeth, nibbling bite marks into the black plastic.
What am I forgetting? What else, damn it? What else?
There wouldn’t be another chance after this. It wasn’t as if she could just text him with an “oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you…”
The stomach-gnawing panic that she would forget something vital — something that could make a difference — compelled her to her feet, pacing the length of her living room restlessly until the next stray thought occurred to her and she dashed back over to the folder to jot it down.
The previous thirteen days had dragged by at an agonizing crawl; every hour spent in silence at Jamie’s bedside had felt like weeks. But somehow, cruelly, that last night before she had to say goodbye to him seemed to speed by in a dizzying whirl, as if time had suddenly realized its error and lurched forward to correct itself.
With less than half an hour before the start of her shift, Claire finally, reluctantly, set her pen down on the stack of papers with a shaking hand.
That was it. That was everything. Everything she could remember.
All she could do now was pray that something written in those pages would help Jamie when she no longer could.
Claire felt strangely numb as she walked into the bathroom — hollow, cold; a living echo of her nightmare. She cranked up the hot water until it scalded her skin and scrubbed herself raw.
It didn’t make any difference.
Staring vacantly at a fixed point ahead of her, she went through the motions of getting ready for work on autopilot.
She didn’t bother with mascara this time.
Gathering up the folder from the coffee table and holding it to her heart, Claire stood for a long moment in the middle of her living room, eyes squeezed shut, just wishing...
But then it was 06:55. And the time for wishing was gone.
She drew in a deep breath and held it for as long as she could.
One last cut, and Jamie would be free of her. He could have his life back.
One last cut, Beauchamp.
She opened her eyes as she exhaled in a burning gust, and strode resolutely out of her flat toward Massachusetts General for the last time. Keep reading...
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bexterbex · 5 years
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 10
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Warning, if it hasn’t been obvious in the movies there is Nazi symbolism within the First Order. I will expand on this much more throughout the story. If this is something that bothers you, please just exit the story. The author does not condone any Nazi ideals, this is just for fictional uses only.
A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with some canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Originally posted on my Ao3 Crystallclover (If you can’t find it here)
Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7a | 7b | 8 | 9a | 9b | 
Let me know what you think in the comments.
Chapter 10: Of Pageantry and Health
Summary: “It is an honor to meet you, ma’am,” said General Pryde who bowed slightly. This made you feel weird, being treated as something you are not, or at least not yet. 
Now strapped in the general received a message on his data pad. “The Supreme Leader would like it if I talked you through how this evening will go, both at the public address and when we return to the Steadfast tonight. Once the first step of First Order occupation of Earth is complete, the Supreme Leader will leave a general in charge and you will be taken to the Supremacy,” said Allegiant General Armitage Hux. 
“May I take some notes,” you ask. The general nodded and you proceeded to take out a small notebook from your work tote. 
“Tonight you will not be on main display at the public address but you will be present. At precisely 7 PM EST the Supreme Leader will give his public address on the dais outside the White House to all media. It will be brief but effective, then I will give my own public address immediately afterward once that it is finished it will be the first time your planet will hear the First Order anthem, which will conclude the address. You will most likely be standing off to the side with the other High Command officers. Once the address has been concluded you will be taken to an Upsilon-class command shuttle, Supreme Leader Ren’s private shuttle, and you will be escorted by TIE fighters to the Steadfast,” the general said pausing as you were struggling to keep up with the information. When he had seen that you had caught up he continued.
“When you embark on the Steadfast there will be a full salute from on-duty officers and a battalion of stormtroopers in the hanger bay. You and he will probably pause, you behind him, and they will salute and you will go on your way to his quarters. He will probably give you a tour of the Steadfast tomorrow morning or that evening if there is time. Moving about the ship you will use your FOI to gain access to different places,” noted the general. 
“You will also notice that day and night on the ship are simulated when the night is simulated the lights and hallways of the ship are darker. The worker shifts are split up into 6-hour increments, Alpha from 04:00-10:00 hours, Beta from 10:00-16:00 hours, Gamma 16:00-20:00 hours, and Delta from 20:00-04:00. Currently, we are matching Earth’s cycle and matching to EST, as that is most convenient for the Supreme Leader and High Command Officers. This should be something worth noting as we have yet to have a base planet so you may be spending lots of time onboard ships,” said the general.
You caught up to the general again now realizing something, “I wasn’t given a First Order Identification number. I didn’t really finish my registration, they escorted me in the middle of it I believe.”
“Yes, I’ll pull up your file,” he said while pulling out a data pad. “That is easy for your identification
The number is AA-0002. The Supreme Leader’s is AA-0001. That should be easy for you to remember but I will have dog tags commissioned for you so you will not have to enter it every time you want to change basic access rooms.” With that, you saw him type in some messages into the data pad and he returned back to you. “Do you have any other questions so far? We are almost there.”
“I will just be standing off to the side during the public address and will not need to do anything else, correct,” you ask.
“Correct, unless the Supreme Leader asks you to, but I doubt he will make you do anything more today.” Then the pilot informed the general of your arrival back at the White House and you departed the ship. This time you were graced by the presence of the Supreme Leader himself. 
“Do you have everything you need,” asked Kylo, his voice still distorted under the mask. 
“I believe so. How much time until your address,” you ask. 
“An hour, we can return to the sitting room if you would like,” you nodded in response. Kylo had ordered a junior officer to take your bags to his ship. You took your phone and notebook out of your work tote before handing it over. You followed Kylo to the same red sitting room you were in before. He ordered a junior officer to bring you some refreshments. Once the officer left he took off the helmet. “I hope that your flights today weren’t too exhausting.”
“They were fine, more like long car rides than flights. Did your meeting last the entire time while I was gone,” you asked.
“No, I have had two more since then. Trying to bring your home planet up to speed. Today we discussing health regulations. Unfortunately, many people on your planet are behind on simple things such as vaccinations and health check-ups, some places lake basic hygiene. Along with education, this is a priority within the First Order. Unfortunately, this will make the first step much longer. I have had to call upon the Finalizer to be based here so we can speed up the process but even with light speed they will take 3 days two get here,” commented Kylo. 
There was a knock on the door which prompted him to put on his helmet. He told the junior officer to come in and leave the tray of coffee and light snack food. Once the officer had left he removed his helmet and joined you. “I hope you don’t mind we will be eating dinner on board the Steadfast tonight after the address.”
You shook your head no in response, enjoying your coffee. “The general informed me of how tonight was going to go, I assumed because we were getting back so close to the address and that we would be leaving right after that this was a possibility.”
You saw him give a ghost of a smile at this. You had so many questions you wanted to ask but now didn’t seem to be the time, nor the place. Finishing your coffee and a light snack you placed your cup back on the tray. 
There was a knock on the door, Kylo once again put on his helmet and told whoever was at the door to come in. 
General Hux walked in, “Supreme Leader, the preparations for the address are about to begin. It has been requested that we go to the dais.”
“Very well,” responded Kylo who moved to stand. You followed his lead and followed both of them down the hall and out to the front lawn. 
There you could really see what you only saw on the tv the past few days. The large red banners, the battalion of stormtroopers. The line of officers off the side of the stage. The huge number of media personnel, waiting for your arrival. While Kylo took to the stage the general took the time to bring you to the other officers and instructed you that General Pryde would help you during the address. 
“It is an honor to meet you, ma’am,” said General Pryde who bowed slightly. 
This made you feel weird, being treated as something you are not, or at least not yet. 
“If you will stand next to me, we shall be standing during the whole address. During the anthem stand at attention and place your left hand over your heart, I believe you do something similar for the U.S. anthem anyways,” said the general with an eerie air about him. 
You moved to stand next to him. He on the outside of the aisle in the front row and you the next person in line. About 20 other officers were in your row and about for rows deep were the ones present. You glanced up at the stage knowing it would be soon that the address would begin, you saw Kylo glance in your direction to you it seemed as if he was looking directly at you, but with the mask, you couldn’t be sure. But you swore he was looking at you, a small shock went through your spine and made you break your unknown eye contact. 7 PM struck. 
Kylo or Supreme Leader Ren began to speak, “The First Order takes pride in the health of its citizens. Currently, the health of your planet is substandard to the high standards that the First Order keeps. 
When intergalactic trade becomes available to Earth you will be exposed to a number of possible new diseases. The First Order takes many precautions to the health of its citizens so a new mandatory health regime will begin once you have been registered. 
Vaccines against intergalactic diseases will be administered. This is so we can preserve life and prevent any death that we can. 
First Order citizens are the healthiest and happiest in the galaxy. We are pleased that Earth will now be brought up to speed medically. That is all.” With that, he stepped back from the podium and Allegiant General Hux stepped forward. 
“Starting tomorrow alongside registration stations you will find medical facilities to be able to receive these new vaccines and health check-ups. Only once you are registered may you receive these vaccines. Once you have received this health check-up you will receive a health schedule and regime along with standard-issue medications from the top of the lIne First Order medical staff. 
It is paramount that all First Order citizens take their health seriously. A strong individual makes for a strong empire. A strong and healthy citizen is a good citizen within the First Order. Any citizen who has an issue with this health regime should direct their comments and concerns to any Stormtrooper or First Order officer at their local health station. Personal health is part of the foundation of organizational purity.” With that, the general stepped back and Kylo stepped forward. 
The anthem started, TIE fighters flew overhead in a blue angels sort of style. There were no words being spoken. The anthem had a march-like quality to it, and a dark one too. At the end
You saw all of the officers and stormtroopers raise their left hand into the air as a sort of salute. Kylo had his left hand over his heart in a fist with his index and thumb showing. You kept your position as it was what General Pryde had instructed you to do. 
Once Kylo dropped his hand the officers did too and then the stormtroopers. He moved to leave the stage as did General Hux. 
“Follow me,” said General Pryde. And you did, he brought you over to where a large closed book looking ship was, and where Kylo and General Hux where along with the silver armored stormtrooper you know to be Captain Phasma. 
Kylo gestured for you to enter the ship first, which was somewhat of a shock to the generals, but you obliged. You entered and paused not knowing where you were to sit. Kylo was right behind you. He sat in the middle right, you sat to the left of him and started to buckle. Once you were buckled in he reached over to check the straps, to make sure they were secured. This made you blush and sneak a peek at him. He glanced up at you, although still wearing his mask you felt as if you locked eyes for a second before he sat back in his seat and buckled himself. The pilot informed you of departure and you were off to the Steadfast.
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meltwonu · 3 years
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✦ 👻  𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖍 SEASON 2 👻 ✦
this chapter pairing; incubus!woozi x succubus!reader x switch!seokmin
genre&warnings; incubus!au, incubus![dom]woozi, succubus[switch]!reader, switch!seokmin, threesome, rough fucking, blowjob, name-calling, shibari, dirty talk, degradation, hair pulling, face fucking, slight mentions of dacryphilia[crying kink].
notes; 😮‍💨💕 HAPPY HUMP DAY! 😈 heheh... heh...hehe... It do be humpin’ 😗✌️ LOL kfjhkdh anyways 😭 Thank you sooo much for all your support so far with each chapter 🥺💕 It really means so much to me! I really can’t believe it’s almost over too? Like how is there only 4 more chapters out... I’m kinda scared ☠️ kjdhkajdh Everything is moving so fast 😭😭 It’s kinda wild... This time last year I wasn’t home to post the last like, 3 or 4 chapters so I’m very excited to be home and have the opportunity to not feel rushed about it lol Also I got my attacca albums in! And so stupidly ordered one of the carat versions bc I did not get a single jihoon pc and I am suffering 🥳🥰✨Hehe enjoy ch 9! I will see you tomorrow and enjoy the rest of your day! 💕👻👽 
word count; ~3500
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - x - x - x - x
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most men know if they misbehave,
they're gonna pay while I collect.
and that's why they all come to me,
so I can teach them some respect.
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“Heads or tails?”
“Mm.. Heads ‘cause that’s what I’m tryna get tonight.” Jihoon grins.
The two of you stand in the lobby of the lavish hotel - eyes on the bar that’s attached to the premises.
You roll your eyes as you flip the coin - the outcome determining which one of you would be catching your ‘toy’ for the rest of the night.
And while most incubus and succubus preferred to go about their business alone, you and Jihoon had found it much more satisfying when you worked together - even if he annoyed you every now and then.
“Winner decides what they want to do?”
Jihoon watches with an amused grin as the coin hits the ground; only nodding when he sees that it’s landed on heads.
“Uh-huh, and I say it’s your turn to pick our toy for tonight. I got that Jeonghan guy last time so it’s your turn now.” He pats you on the shoulder and kisses your cheek for good luck.
“Don’t take too long. I’m already getting bored here.”
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You enter the bar alone - the quiet piano music adding to the luxurious ambience as you walk around and try to find a likely candidate to play with.
But it’s not as busy as you were hoping for and most of the people were in groups or couples as you huffed and made your way to the bar to grab a drink instead.
“Hi, can I just get a Necromancer please?” You smile sweetly at the bartender who raises a brow and leaves to make your cocktail as you scan the room once more.
There two only two tables of single people - one who seemed like they’d been drinking for a while now and another one who’d been reading a book alone in the corner with his drink seemingly untouched.
“Hmm… maybe…”
A grin etches itself onto your features at the prospect that the latter would be pliable and you wait for your drink to come before you’re swiping it off of the counter and making a beeline for the book-reading male.
“Hi… So, so sorry to bother you but… Can I sit here? All the other tables are taken and I don’t want to stand by the bar...”
He takes a second to look up at you - wide eyes blinking rapidly as his mouth hangs agape.
“S-sure, I--I don’t mind! I--my name is--is Seokmin, by the way!” He smiles shyly as you take a seat across from him and introduce yourself as well.
“What’s a handsome guy like you reading a book in a bar like this, hmm? Seems like such a waste when you could be, y’know, doing something else~” You tease him and see how he reacts - smirking when you see the crimson blush creeping up his neck as he sets a bookmark in his book and reaches for his drink for the first time that night.
Ah, bingo~ You mentally sing-song; already feeling his aura shift as he slowly starts to feel your overpowering one washing over himself.
“I, uh, I’m actually not from around here…” He mutters, “I’m staying at this hotel for the next couple of days and I just wanted to kinda have a, um, calm night in, I guess?”
Seokmin takes a large swig of his drink before he sets it down, “I don’t know anyone in this city so it’s just me.”
“Do you want to get to know me?” You whisper sensually - eyes flashing a quick crimson before he can even catch it. “Ah, but there’s a bit of a catch, you see…”
Seokmin is intrigued and admittedly, he can’t stop the thrum of arousal that sends goosebumps rising on his skin the longer you stare at him.
“A-a catch?”
“Mm…” You take a sip of your drink as Seokmin watches with his mouth parted in awe.
“Let’s just say… I’m kind of a two for one deal.”
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Jihoon lays in bed - bored out of his mind as he stares at the ceiling.
You’ve been gone for the better part of two hours and he’s convinced by now that you’ve abandoned him at the hotel for once.
“What’s fuckin’ taking her so damn long…” He mutters to himself; sitting up as he runs a hand through his blonde hair.
Two long black horns protrude from his mess of hair and he makes no effort to hide them since he was alone up in the hotel room the two of you had booked for the night.
And he’s about to make a comment to himself about going downstairs to check in on you when he hears the keycard scanning and the door opening - a sigh of relief on his lips when he hears your voice and that of an unfamiliar male.
“Don’t worry, Seokmin~ We’ll take very good care of you~” You coo.
“I--okay…” He smiles shyly as his eyes flit to Jihoon - a sudden gasp on his lips when he sees the horns and gleaming red eyes.
“W-wait, I--hold on--”
“Fuck, did you forget to tell him?” Jihoon groans and drags a hand down his face as you giggle and push him towards the bed instead.
“Oopsies~ I just told him we’d be playing with him tonight, Jihoonie~ But how about we give him a little taste of what he’s in for, hmm? He’s so… cute. I couldn’t stop squirming at the table while I talked to him~” You moan, “I wanted to finger myself right then and there - He tasted so good~”
T--tasted?! Seokmin mentally screams, unsure of what to make of the situation.
He’d thought your red eyes were contacts, or even a trick of the light - and while he knew that there'd be three of you tonight, he didn’t realize it would be with literal demons. 
And the horns that protrude from your own head not a second later have his mouth drier than a desert as his body feels stuck to the ground.
“Jihoooon… C’mon, play with me~” Whining, you scramble on top of Jihoon on the bed as Seokmin watches with wide eyes - his cock twitching in his pants as his eyes flit from you to Jihoon as you straddle his lap.
“If there’s anything you need to know about her, Seokmin, it’s that she’s an insatiable one.” Jihoon smirks. “People think I’m bad, but her? She’ll run you dry.”
You turn your head to look at Seokmin who simply stands by the bed, your crimson eyes making the blush on his cheeks intensify as you lick your lips.
“Sorry~ I like to play with my meals a little too much but I like how good you make me feel~” You turn your head back to Jihoon just as you start grinding down on his lap. “You’ve heard of incubus and succubus, right, Seokmin?”
“I--m-maybe once or t-twice but--but I never… Thought they were real…”
Jihoon thrusts up and makes you bounce on his lap as you mewl and only grind down harder.
“They’re real and she’s probably one of the worst.”
“What? It’s true. She’ll have every one of her holes filled with cock and still beg for more. Most of us can't even keep up with her.”
Seokmin blushes harder as you and Jihoon giggle between yourselves - body itching to join you two on the bed the longer he simmers in his thoughts.
It’s just this once, he tells himself, I’m in a new city and nobody knows me here. I should… Do something crazy once in a while, right?
He gulps and slowly starts inching onto the bed as you let out a drawn out moan; feeling Jihoon’s hardening cock straining against his leather pants with each passing second.
“I… Is it okay to j-join you now? I’m… ready.”
And when two pairs of crimson eyes are on him - he realizes he can’t turn back.
Not that he wants to, anyway.
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“O-oh… Ah, w-wait…”
Seokmin bites his bottom lip as you tug a little harder on the ropes - his arms bound behind himself in an intricate pattern as you admire your work.
“Aww, does it hurt, baby boy? Or do you want it tighter?”
Jihoon sits by the foot of the bed with Seokmin in the middle of you and him; a firm hand wrapped around his cock as he watches you adjust the ropes to your liking.
“It f-feels fine, I just--it’s d-different…”
Seokmin’s entire body is covered in a pale pink blush as you reach a hand around and slowly start to tease the head of his leaking cock with your warm palm.
“Oh---oh, god…” Whining, his hips automatically thrust up into your loosely closed fist despite his first hesitation.
“You seem to be enjoying it though, hmm? Look at the way your cock is already leaking so much pre-cum, baby boy~ Have you ever seen yourself like this? Your body already so sensitive even though we’ve only just started.”
You giggle as Seokmin cries out; his hips bucking up as he tugs against his restraints.
“I--I don’t think I’ve ever, ah, been in a situation l-like this… But, I--I like it…” He whispers - mostly to himself.
“You know we feed off of your sexual aura, right?” Jihoon smirks, “And she was right, yours tastes particularly sweeter. I can see why she chose you.”
You squeeze Seokmin’s cock as he lets out a shaky moan - tears beading up in his eyes from the pleasure that starts to build from the overwhelming aura that you and Jihoon both exude.
“Jihoon, why don’t you take a seat by the headboard… I wanna play with Seokmin just a little before we get to the main course~”
You tease the slit of Seokmin’s cock as the tears finally spill over; a sultry moan on your lips when you finally kneel in front of him.
“You’re so cute when you’re crying~ Has anyone ever told you that, baby boy? It makes me want to ruin you even more~ And it makes my pussy so fuckin’ wet...” You reach between your legs as you play with yourself - fingers dipping into your hole as you lick your lips and let Seokmin watch with tearful eyes.
“Puh--please… D-do something, I…”
His cock twitches as he watches you pull your fingers from between your legs - the digits covered in strings of your wetness as you bring it up to his lips.
“Clean my fingers off, baby boy. And then I’ll let you have my mouth~”
Seokmin does what he’s told as he wraps his lips around your fingers - moaning loudly at how sweet you tasted.
And once they’re clean, you pop them out of his mouth as he sighs softly; eyes hazy as he watches you sink down until your lips are only centimetres from the head of his cock.
“Actually, Jihoon’s going to fuck my tight ‘lil cunt while I let you have my mouth, okay~? I want you both now, I’m so impatient~ I can’t stop thinking about having my pussy filled up with cock~”
Jihoon scoffs and rolls his eyes as he pushes away from the headboard and makes his way towards you.
“What did I tell you, Seokmin? Always wanting to get her dumb holes filled all the fuckin’ time. She’s not satisfied unless she has two cocks in her every single time we find a new toy.”
“I, ngh, I--I don’t mind…” Seokmin bites back the urge to thrust his hips when you wrap your lips around the head of his cock - softly sucking on the tip as he lets out a choked cry.
“We’ll switch positions after a while… I want you to feel how good her cunt feels around your cock too.”
Jihoon positions his cock at your entrance before he harshly sinks his whole length into you - simultaneously forcing you to take Seokmin’s entire length into your mouth as you moan around him.
“H-holy fuck…!” Seokmin feels his breath hitch as you sink your mouth down all the way to the base of his cock; your throat warm and tight around him as you adjust to his size.
“Oho, I bet if you had your arms free, it’d be a different story, wouldn’t it?” Jihoon teases, “I bet you’d grip her by the hair… Fuck her dumb throat into the shape of your cock if you had your way, huh? You only play nice and shy because you’re still getting used to it but I can see the way you wanna give in to what you really want.”
Seokmin grits his teeth when you start to work your mouth up and down his cock and with Jihoon’s harsh thrusts that have you propelling forward each time - Seokmin starts to agree with Jihoon’s words.
Images of you completely wrecked and covered in loads of his cum flying through Seokmin’s fuzzy mind.
“Mm? Are you thinking about it, Seokmin? Your sexual desire just spiked by a lot~”
Jihoon laughs cruelly as he grips your ass harder - skin slapping as he uses your cunt to get off.
“It’s okay… She likes being used like a fucktoy too. I mean, just look at her.”
You swallow around Seokmin before you’re pulling off of him to catch your breath - smirking up at him with precum covered lips as his brows furrow.
“Aww, baby boy, don’t tell me you’re falling for Jihoon’s words~ Don’t you want me to pamper you? Hmm? I can be so good to you too, baby~ All you have to do is be obedient to me and I can give you everything you want~”
Seokmin falters momentarily with your honey-like voice tempting him - both you and Jihoon acting like the angel and devil on his shoulders trying to tug him in either direction.
“Why don’t you undo the shibari, huh, sweetheart? Give him an option to pick what he wants to do.”
Jihoon thrusts into you even harder as the head of his cock grazes your cervix.
“F-fine…” Muttering, you quickly snap your fingers as the ropes disappear into thin air - only leaving behind the markings from where they’d dug into his skin when he’d tugged and fought against them.
And Seokmin only takes a second to make his decision.
Growling as he tangles both his hands into your hair and guides your head until the tip of his cock is already pressing against your lips.
“Open your fuckin’ mouth so I can fuck your throat.”
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The quick shift in Seokmin’s demeanor has you feeling like you’re floating - both males fucking you at a challenging speed as your body jerks between both of them.
“Glad to see you joined the dark side, Seokmin~” Jihoon comments teasingly.
“I just--fuck, I want to feel her cunt around my cock if her throat is this good…” He replies back; hips snapping towards your face fast as he uses your throat and mouth to his liking.
You swallow around him as he groans and holds you down onto his cock, momentarily restricting your airways as you gag around his length.
“You said she likes being fucked like a fuck toy? Then I’m going to, too. Ah, fuck, can we switch soon? I want to cum so fuckin’ bad and I want it in her pussy.”
Seokmin pulls you by the hair, tugging you off of his cock as you let out a mewl of satisfaction.
“Mmnh, you feel so fucking good fucking my mouth so roughly like that, Seokminnie~ I want you to do that to my pussy too, okay? Fuck me like I’m your bad little slut that needs to be punished~”
Your shift in demeanor has Seokmin’s cock twitching and he can’t help but tighten his grip in your hair as you moan.
“We’re switching. Now.”
Jihoon can only laugh as he nods and pulls out of you - your walls immediately clenching around emptiness as Seokmin roughly lets go of your hair so that they can switch places on the bed.
“Hu~rry… my pussy is so empty… It needs a cock inside of it so badly~”
You wiggle your hips just as Seokmin knees behind you and he doesn’t waste a second as he positions himself and thrusts into your pussy in one fluid motion.
“Oh~ Seokmin!”
“Jihoon’s been fucking your filthy ‘lil hole but it’s still so tight… Fuck, you’re so hot and wet around my cock, just like your throat was.”
Jihoon slides his fingers through your hair; taking a second to massage the base of your horns as you mewl and lean into his touch.
“I’m gonna let Seokmin cum inside that pussy of yours, okay? And then I’ll cum inside your mouth so that you’re leaking with cum from both ends.”
“Ngh, please… I need it so bad, Jihoon~ And his cock is so fuckin’ b-big… It’s stretching my pussy so good…”
You lick your lips before you lean in and suck on the head of Jihoon’s cock - the teasing only lasting what feels like a millisecond before Jihoon is doing the same thing that Seokmin was by fucking your face to his liking as well.
“Y’know, one time, she took two cocks in her needy ‘lil cunt at once. Fuckin’ squirted all over the bed as soon as we were both inside of her.”
“Y-yeah? Fuck, she’s so filthy. And yet her pussy is still so fuckin’ tight despite how many cocks have been inside of her...”
Seokmin’s cock curves into you and makes your mind melt and toes curl; both of them thrusting into you at the same time and making you feel extremely full as you moan around Jihoon’s cock and clamp down onto Seokmin’s.
“Mmhmm… You said you’d be in town for a few days longer? Maybe we can arrange something.” Jihoon smirks - the innuendo not going over Seokmin’s head as he chuckles and licks his lips.
“I think I’d like that. Wouldn’t you, baby girl?”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head and the two males share a look with each other to silently let each other know they were close to their orgasms as they both start to double their paces.
“We can tie her up all prettily… Tease her all night before we’re both sliding into her warm cunt. Filling her up and cumming inside her greedy ‘lil hole at the same time.” Jihoon growls as he hears the way you gag and choke around his cock, “I’ll have to teach you more next time.”
Seokmin lets out a deep groan as he feels his cock start to throb inside your pussy - hips snapping into you at a frantic pace.
“Can I c-cum? Fuck, I--I need to cum so bad…”
“Aww, still asking for permission, huh? Go ahead~ Let’s cum inside her at the same time.”
Jihoon and Seokmin work in tandem; this time alternating their thrusts as you let out a muffled moan around Jihoon as your walls only get tighter around Seokmin’s.
And it’s only a few more mind-melting thrusts from both ends until all three of you are cumming at the same time - their loud groans mixing in with your muffled ones as Seokmin cums inside your pussy and Jihoon cums down your throat.
You choke and sputter trying to swallow the abnormally large amount of cum that Jihoon unloads into your throat and mouth; some of it already spilling out from between your lips as he continues to fuck your throat.
“Swallow as much as you can, sweetheart~ I know you can take it all~”
Jihoon grins as his eyes flit to Seokmin whose face contorts in unadulterated bliss when he cums inside your fluttering walls - globs of the sticky substance dripping from around his cock as his hips stutter.
“How’s it feel, Seokmin? Cumming inside of her hot cunt. Bet you’ve never felt anything like her’s, huh?”
“F-fuck… I--It’s like she’s--she’s sucking my cock in deeper… Like she’s, ngh, milking my cock of all it’s c-cum…”
Jihoon’s thrusting into your mouth one more time before he draws his hips back and pulls out completely and you hack and sputter as you try to catch your breath.
“Fuck… Jihoon…” Your voice is hoarse as rivulets of cum and drool spill out of your used mouth but the soreness only makes you want even more as you peer up at Jihoon when he forces your head up.
“Hear that, sweetheart? Seokmin sure does love the way your cunt feels around his cock~ Shouldn’t you thank him? He was kind enough to give you his load of cum in your greedy ‘lil hole, wasn’t he? Your ‘lil hole is all filled up to the brim now, just how you like it.”
You lick your chapped lips - hips moving as you try to fuck yourself even more on Seokmin’s, now, sensitive cock.
“T-thank you for c-cumming inside of me, Seokmin… It feels so gooood and hot... ”
He groans in return; rough hands trying to hold you still as he, too, tries to catch his breath.
“S-stop fucking m-moving your hips, slut… Fuck, you really are insatiable. Trying to fuck yourself on my cock even after you’ve already had your fill...”
Jihoon lets go of your hair and moves away slightly as your upper body hits the bed sheets in a dull thud - your face planting into them as you start to drool into the sheets.
The amount of energy you and Jihoon had taken from Seokmin should have been enough to kill several but somehow, Seokmin seemed to be unphased as he slowly rocks into you - his hips moving at a leisurely pace as you move your own hips back in time with him.
“You’re a curious one, Seokmin.” Jihoon comments.
“W-why’s that?” He mutters - eyes on the way his cock forces out more and more cum out of your spent pussy with each thrust.
You turn your head to the side as your crimson eyes gleam in the light; body alight with limitless energy much like Jihoon himself.
“Humans would usually be ready to keel over by now with how much we’d have taken from them but you? You have so much more to give~ And we're both ready to take.” You slur out.
Jihoon smirks at the scene in front of himself - cock curving up to his abdomen as he wraps a nimble hand around himself again.
“It’s going to be a long night.” He decides.
And Seokmin knows why that is - deep, unearthed desires only bubbling up to the surface now that he had a reason to express any of them with the two of you, who’d seen a lot more than himself in your time.
Mental images of ropes, whips and blindfolds making him want to drool as his blunt fingernails dig into the skin of your waist.
“We have all night, right? Let me show you what else I’m capable of, baby girl.”
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