#i will plug these until the day i die
moeblob · 7 months
Hey so I have to inform you all because I am morally and legally obligated to inform people about this movie -
I have told you before that Clue (1985) was available on Amazon Prime and today I have even better news. I don't know when it was added BUT ! it's FREE TO WATCH (with ads) ON YOUTUBE !
Also it's my favorite movie (this doesn't matter I just have to say it).
Also also just because I found this out five minutes ago it was released on Dec 13, 1985. Which was a Friday. A movie about a board game about murder released on Friday the 13th ? Truly a move of all time.
EDIT: Someone wanted to know if you can watch it with adblock on and hey! You can! (I have watched it problem free)
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avocado-writing · 23 days
being the worst wolverine’s wife and one day you get zapped by the TVA for whatever reason, and it looks like you completely disappeared, this is what leads logan to become depressed, start drinking and ultimately ignore the x men when they die etc etc
he goes with wade purely bc he would if you were alive- he couldn’t give less of a shit about wade’s universe but he can feel you over his shoulder like an angel telling him he needs to do this (i imagine it’s like the jean hallucinations he had in the wolverine movie)
what if you’re in the void and he finds you with the rest of the group, like being unable to believe you’re really here?
hehe i love angst and ily avo <3
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I already did a “Logan meets you in the void” fic here so I didn’t wanna make this too long or I’d just end up hitting the same beats!
1.4k. rated m for excessive use of the word “fuck”
The day you disappeared you took his fucking soul with him. 
You had been out shopping. Nothing weird about that, he wasn’t some overbearing husband who demanded to know your location every single hour. But then afternoon had turned into evening had turned into night and nobody had heard from you. The unfamiliar sensation of panic had risen, queasy, from his stomach into his chest. They sent out a search party and looked for days. Not a trace of you to be found. Logan couldn’t smell you. Fuck, he’d never not been able to smell you before.
He would hunt for you every day, hoping to find you alive but trying to level with the idea of you being cold and dead because at least then he’d have closure; he’d stay awake for hours on end until he collapsed from exhaustion… then he’d wake up and repeat the whole horrible affair. Nothing. After weeks of searching, Charles had laid a hand on his arm. Logan can still remember the look of pity on his face, like a bomb to the gut. 
“I’m so sorry, Logan.”
They had to assume you were abducted and killed. Your body never turned up. And Logan just had to… keep going. How was he meant to keep going? You were his entire fucking life and then you were just…
To say he was left empty was the biggest understatement of his fucking life. He was a shell of the man he once was. He never laughed any more, never smiled, always trying to plug the hole your absence left in him with whatever alcohol he could get his hands on. Drink himself to a place where he could forget you.
It never really worked. At least it made him numb to the pain though. 
When he staggers home one evening, eyes bleary and head spinning, and finds the whole mansion torched? Everyone left that he loved fucking dead? Well, it takes the last vestiges of his existence and crushes them into dust. 
Oh, Logan, he hears in the back of his mind. Your voice. It breaks him. He falls to his knees, hands buried in the burning timbers, and wails. 
He survives. He does not live. Thinking about everyone he’s lost, with you haunting the corners of his consciousness, always reaching out to comfort him - but when he goes to nuzzle into the warmth of your palm he is overcome with rage and bitterness to find it’s just his own imagination playing tricks on him. 
Then a fucking idiot in red dragged him away from the shambles which was his life and forced him to be functional again, if only barely. He’s angry, so angry all of the goddamn time, even when in the back of his mind he can hear you speaking sweet, calming words to him. 
And then he hears your voice for real. 
Sees you standing across the base this pathetic resistance has made. You look older, sure, he does too - but there’s no mistaking the fire in those eyes. You’re even wearing the same fucking shirt you went missing in, he remembers it, it has a picture of your favourite band. 
His heart stops dead in his chest as you whisper his name. 
“Oh shit!” says Wade, and Logan has never wanted to kill him more, “Oh shit! Is this your refrigeratored wife, coming back to throw in a third act character arc?”
Logan finishes the bourbon bottle and throws the empty at Wade’s head, where it shatters and knocks him flat. You wince at the violence and he feels like pure shit. 
“I’m fine,” Wade calls from the ground, sticking a thumbs-up into the air. 
“Logan, I…” you clearly want to say something, but you have not been met with the Logan you knew. That Logan would have spent no time running to pick you up and hold you in his arms. This one half-snarls at the man he bloodied on the floor. 
There is an agonising silence, both of you wanting to speak but not being sure how. You take a hesitant step forward. 
“I never thought I’d…”
“How do I know it’s you?”
You recoil like he’s stabbed you with his claws, confusion and hurt flooding your face. Goddamn. He is the worst man alive. He’s not sure if he’s saying it because he just wants to lash out at the nearest person, or…
… or if, because he gets his hopes up, it might just kill him to have them crash down again. 
“All these fuckin’ timelines. How do I know? How can I be sure that you’re you?”
The sadness in your face melts away into anger. When you step forward this time, you’re on the warpath. He sees the others in the room cringe, trapped now in this caustic reunion. 
“How can you be sure it’s me? Fuck, Logan, I knew it was you, didn’t I? What do you want? You want me to show you the shitty tattoo I got after we first started dating and we were both drunk?” You lift your sleeve to reveal a little design on your shoulder. “Want me to tell you how an eighteen-year-old Marie was my bridesmaid and she cried because she didn’t think anyone would ever be that kind to her after living as a mutant again? Want me to fucking remind you that in my vows I said I would be by your side, for fucking ever, no matter what - and how when that TVA agent zapped me when I was out for the day and I ended up here, it was only the thought of fulfilling those vows which kept me going? How about all that, or do I fucking need to humiliate myself more?” At this, you gesture to the others who have lined up at the side of the room, trying to look scarce but utterly failing. 
Your shoulders are heaving with emotions, tears hot and heavy in your eyes but not yet spilling over. Logan grits his jaw. Yeah. It’s you. 
“I…” he starts, but trails off when he realises there’s nothing he can say. You shake your head, numb. 
“Fuck you, Logan Howlett,” you spit, words you’ve never ever thrown his way before, and run out of the room. 
“Wow. Aced that one, peanut,” says Wade, and Logan rips off one of his legs. 
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He finds you several hours later at a campfire outside the rundown building which makes up headquarters. LeBeau has clearly been kind enough to part with some of his liquor, because you’re gulping down whiskey like it’s air. You stare at him, embers dancing in bitter eyes. 
“What do you want?” you snap. He grunts as he sits down opposite you, either from age or exertion. Stares into the flames. 
“I never stopped looking,” he manages. 
You blink. 
“I never…” he shifts uncomfortably. It’s been a long time since he bared this much of his soul. “I never stopped. Even when the others told me to give up, that I would only make it worse for myself, I’d still search. Couldn’t face the idea you weren’t there any more.”
It’s true. If he was twelve bottles deep he’d be looking, if he was hungover as a dog he’d be looking. When the rest of the X-Men were still there and even after they weren’t. If he wasn’t sitting at a bar he was on the streets, ever a bloodhound trying to catch your scent again. 
For the first time you soften. 
“So… when I asked if it was you… ah, fuck. I didn’t mean to come off as an asshole. Just couldn’t live with it if it wasn't true. Wasn’t real.”
When you stand he expects a slap. He deserves it. What he doesn’t count on is you sitting down - not on the log next to him, but in his lap. He hasn’t felt you do that for so long, and it’s so good. Your warmth on his thigh. You grab one of his hands, still larger than yours, and press it to your chest so he can feel your beating heart. 
“I’m real, Logan. I’m right here, baby,” you whisper, eyes dewy. Fuck. His are as well; he can’t help it. He’s overwhelmed by you, your feel, your gaze, your smell. He’d forgotten how much he loved it. 
Logan noses upwards against you, searching for your lips, and you let him find them. When you stroke his hair he can feel the wedding ring on your left hand. The kiss is desperate, longing, and the best one he’s ever had. 
“Right here,” you repeat, forehead against his. He grips you so tightly that it’s possible he’ll never let go again. 
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emmyrosee · 19 days
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a modern!au sukuna x fem!reader in which they're dating and they're babysitting little yuji for the day, going to the park, grocery store, or whatever, and some old lady thinks yuji is their son and sukuna and reader had yuji as teens so she starts judging, making comments and kinda insulting them for having a kid so young. (but yuji is just sukuna's little brother)
I hope what I said made sens 😅 and feel totally free to ignore my request if you don't want to do it or if you're not taking requests at the moment :)
tw// mean old ladies, insinuations of s3x in teenage years, sukuna talking back, lots of swearing, mentions of death, I wouldn’t normally put warnings but juuuuuuuuuust in case
There’s a scoff that rings out in the air as the last of your footstep passes her. It’s enough to make Sukuna stop on impact. You turn to him, and Yuuji in his stroller looks up to see what the stop is, but Sukuna’s eyes are firm in annoyance, the vein in his forehead pulsing.
“I’m sorry,” he begins, spinning on his heel. “Is there a problem, maam?” His voice dribbles sarcasm, and you feel your heart rate pick up from anxiety.
When you turn to face the old woman, her face is twisted in judgement, wrinkles furrowed deeper than natural as she glares past Sukuna and burrows her sights onto you. A chill shrills down your spine as her cold gaze fixes on you.
“Babies having babies,” she snarls cruelly, and you see Sukuna’s knuckles lighten from the force of gripping the handles. “You couldn’t keep it in your pants, and you couldn’t close your legs, hmm? Reproducing when you shouldn’t be. You ought to be embarrassed.”
You cheeks heat up in embarrassment, but when you look up at sukuna again, his grin is curled devilishly. You sigh, “sukuna, come on-“
“No,” he hisses. “I want to hear what the crypt keeper’s gotta say. One foot in the grave, one on a fucking oil spill and you’re wasting your breath spilling bullshit? You oughta be embarrassed.”
She clutches her chest in offense, “I can’t stand you youths these days, wasting your life on each other, disappointing your parents. Why they’d ever approve of you keeping that sin in the carriage is ridiculous.”
You’re quick to grab Sukuna’s collar and keep him from launching at the lady. He’s not happy about being stopped, he’s practically frothing at the mouth in rage, but at your grip, he stands down.
His mouth however, does not.
“I’m offended people like you even get to breathe my air,” he snarls, and you try to ignore the look the old lady gives you- she looks almost prideful to be getting such a reaction. “That child is not sin, that’s my fucking little brother- and even if it was, if you looked at him and the first thing you thought of was my girlfriend and I smashing, you need to tell your fucking hospice nurse, you pervert.”
“It’s not my fault nor concern that your husband died from an asthma attack your dusty old pussy gave him, but if you ask me, he dodged a fucking bullet because holy fuck if I had to spend my days waiting for you to die first, I’d pull the plug myself.”
“You think you get to sit here and judge my girlfriend, my self, my fucking brother without consequence, you are sadly mistaken. And I sincerely hope that, with the bottom of my soul, that when your decrepit heart finally decides to stop and bless the world by taking your life, no one bats an eye. If this is how you treat strangers with a child, I would love to see how you treat your loved ones. Sit on it and fucking twist, you old bitch.” Then, he flashes her a smile, “have the day you fucking deserve, you twat.”
The woman stares at him, eyes wide and jaw agape. You also, stare at him with wide eyes and an agape jaw, and it isn’t until he wraps his arm around your waist and starts to push the carriage again, that you follow.
“Sukuna,” you say, voice shaky. “Why…?”
“Because no one gets to look at my fucking family in any way other than damn respect,” he growls, fingers digging into your hip from anger. “No one.”
“No, I mean…” you swallow thickly. “Why do people feel the need to be so cruel?”
“The world is cruel,” he says flatly. Then, he sighs and shakes his head, “but I have no issue in putting terrible people in their place. Especially for yuuji. Especially for you.”
You smile softly and lay your hand on his, lacing your fingers with his as they rest on your hip, “we’re lucky to have you then, aren’t we?”
He chuckles, “it’s about time you appreciate it.”
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traceybrakes · 1 year
Let's Talk About Un-ironicizing Art!
In light of a lot of the conversations i've seen surrounding Death Grips and recent events concerning them, I want to take the time to point out that this is a good time to start thinking about how we engage with art on the whole!
For a long time, the irony poisoned method of consumption went unchecked in all facets of internet culture. As an internet musician in current day, I have noticed a sharp disconnect between artists and enthusiasts/casual listeners when it comes to attitudes surrounding music specifically, though I've witnessed it permeate all forms of art in some way.
I see people who have grown scared to engage on deeper levels, intentionally severing any resonant connections or knowledge learned from a piece of media before it has the chance to take root. In short, dare to be vulnerable! Dare to enjoy something on the basis that you yourself resonate with it, and not for any other nebulous reasoning. When masses of people relegate art to a spectacle, not only do artists become more likely to be disenchanted with the passions that fuel their work, but the consumer base ultimately suffers as well. All art at that point becomes less an extension of ourselves, less a vehicle to explore our identities, and is rendered a meaningless hulking sludge, or worse, the opponent to an already shrinking and narrow worldview.
Be not afraid to be unabashedly in love with the work that inspires you. Be not afraid to have the things you love misunderstood by by some. When you engage with work new and old, make sure to do it for yourself. Making and consuming art is inherently selfish, but being selfish is not inherently misguided. Allow yourself to learn, grow, discover, and repeat that cycle until the day you die.
To speak more candidly about my own experience, throughout the course of my life, there has been art that I've held near and dear to my identity, and own journey of self discovery that I seldom find others who hold the same sentiments to. I've always found this exciting. Exciting to hold something close to my chest as something so personal, and even more exciting when I can ease up on that grip when I find someone who I can share that with. However, I've also been through the throws of how the internet tends to chew up and spit out art that generally isn't understood by the many. I've fallen victim myself to the hive mind mentality that circles some artists and the cult of non-identity around them. This off-color ouroboros of knowing all about an artist's work and simultaneously upholding this facade of vapid complacency. I've come to the conclusion that if being openly supportive and connected to an artist's work or a particular piece of work automatically renders a person uninteresting and unambiguous at the very least, then I will live happily as an uninteresting open book. At the worst times, we see this line of thinking contribute to Death Grips being mocked and belittled en masse by people who are unwilling to engage with their art before they even get that far. It's heartbreaking, to me at least to see people put so much effort, emotion, and passion into transforming culture for the better to be rewarded with a crowd that's plugging their ears.
I realize I run the risk of sounding pretentious, self indulgent, or even patronizing to an extent; I apologize because that isn't my intention, I'm hoping to see gears shift at least on a micro level surrounding attitudes towards art appreciation. Remember to dare to be in love holistically with the art you engage with! Speak of the things you love in a way that makes that clear to others, and consider your peers to do the same! You and the people around you can only be better off for it.
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kaijutegu · 9 months
So. Now that she's home and safe and gonna be ok, I can talk about this.
I almost lost Kaiju. Christmas Day. I was woken up by a phone call from Allison, who will be referred to a LOT in this story. Allison runs the pet store where I board Kaiju. She called to tell me that Kaiju had lost a LOT of blood. (As it turns out, half her blood volume. Humans die when we lose 40%, just so you know. She lost 50%.)
There were no visible injuries, and she had passed a bloody stool. Or rather, a blood clot with some poop in it. She continued to pass only blood when they put her in the bathtub to clean her up. If I'd taken her anywhere else, that... would have been it, probably.
But Allison is an actual miracle worker and knew an emergency vet who was open- on Christmas Day- and could see reptiles. As soon as she called me, she took her to the e vet, where they gave her fluids and oxygen and got her stable. They did some x rays and found... nothing.
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In fact, the e vet actually complimented me on her bone density and how nice her toe joints look. Whatever this mysterious haemorrhage was, it was in the soft tissue.
The immediate thoughts were:
Cancer invading an artery
Reproductive issues
However, the emergency vet couldn't figure it out, and my vet was out of the country. The e vet consulted with a lot of vets and it was decided she'd go into Chicago Exotics for care the next day- they were willing to see her on immediate notice. Allison drove her over and they did an ultrasound... and couldn't differentiate the mass they found.
So, exploratory surgery it was.
But... she didn't have enough blood for that. She wouldn't have survived... if Allison hadn't found blood for her. Tegu donors were found, the transfusion happened, and was completely successful.
And what the surgery found was completely unexpected. No cancer. No repro issues. No typical impaction.
Instead? Weird white things in her muscles and a partial impaction that seems to be related to a reduction in her ability to properly digest. There are two possible diagnoses at this point. One is visceral gout. This is very strange because in reptiles, articular gout basically always happens first, and her kidneys are fine.
The other option? Weird, potentially cross species parasite she picked up when she was in the Everglades. Something she's likely had all her life, something that was dormant until recently.
I'll know when the pathology report comes back in a week or so.
Anyways! She is doing very well. She is alert and interested in things. She has an incredible appetite, even though she can't have solid food yet. She's on three meds, including one I have to inject. At her three week recheck, we will add a fourth- either the correct anti-parasitic or a medication to improve kidney function, depending on the diagnosis. Currently she's in a hospital cage and she hates it- she can't have any substrate because of the stitches.
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The vet says it should take about three months until she makes her full blood volume. Her pack cell count should be at 35%. It was at 7% on the 26th. But by the 28th, it was at 10%. She's gonna be ok. She's tough. My little girl is a fighter, always has been. You have to be scrappy to survive in the wild.
And throughout this entire experience, everybody has told me how lovely her personality is. Through the injections and cloacal probing and everything, she never bit or even tried to. The vet didn't think she even wanted to bite. Like it wasn't a question of wanting to bite and not being strong enough- it's just not something in her behavioural repertoire. She doesn't bite because she doesn't want to. Because even at her most scared, at her most painful, she's still Kaiju, the best tegu to ever live. Love is stored in the tegu, and it continues to be stored in the tegu. We have a long road ahead of us, but she's out of the woods and is going to be ok. We both are.
Also, consider this a MAJOR plug for Curious Creatures in Chicago. I'm never going to board my animals anywhere else.
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callmerainman · 6 months
THE SMITHS | Adam x fem!angel!Reader
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plot. in which Adam, after bumping into you listening to music in the elevator, gives you unsolicited music recommendations.
tags. first meetings, Adam being Adam, flirting, concerts, music, getting to know each other, rockstar Adam (still takes place in canon).
taglist. @call-me-nyxx
a/n. Adam is my muse at this point, he's directing all my creative energy lmao. This came up to me as an idea last night, kinda different from my usual Adam content! Might do a part 2, we'll see about that, enjoy!
«Take me out tonight, where there's music and there's people who are young and alive»
The elevator doors slide close, the few heavenly beings have exited, leaving you alone inside the cubic space. Absentmindedly, your foot starts tapping on the floor. A faint melody can be heard from outside your earbuds, the volume of the music set on max. You bumped music in your ears every chance you got, including when you were on bureaucratic duty for the Seraphim's.
«Driving in your car, I never ever want to go home».
As the elevator stops at the upper floor, the doors slide open and reveal who called it. Immediately, you adjust your pose, clutching your paperwork against your chest with arms crossed. Adam, the First Man, just entered the elevator.
He's loudly sipping what seems to be a sugary beverage from a large cup, positioning himself next to you. You've seen him many times, from a distance. At meetings, where you worked as an assistant, walking around Heaven, on posters advertising his band, in court. But you never interacted, there was no reason to. He was one of the big heads of Heaven, while you just hoped that nobody would yell at you for not adding enough milk to their coffee. Of course, this is what makes you nervous. But when the doors close again, you take a deep breath and let the music envelope you again.
«And if a double decker bus, crashes into us»
You relax, forgetting that Adam is next to you. You just stare at the elevator doors, unbothered. You just let yourself get lost in the sad, indie rock tunes that paradoxically raised your spirits. That's until, with the corner of your eye, you see Adam turning towards you. He's saying something, but music muffles your hearing.
You remove one of your earbuds, and you turn around with a gentle, sweet smile.
«Mh? Sorry?» you ask, the corner of your lips curling upwards.
«I said I fuckin' hate The Smiths!».
Your smile fades out immediately, your eyes go wide and your eyebrows shoot upwards. Adam goes back to look straight in front of him.
«tO dIe By YoUr SIdE iS SucH a HeaVenLy wAY to DiE! Ugh, fuckin' hate 'em » he mocks.
Dumbfounded, you just stare at the First Man in shock. Your mouth is slightly open, and your earbud is still pressed between your thumb and index as you can still hear There Is a Light That Never Goes Out playing. Then, the elevator doors slide open with a ding! and Adam just exits, slurping loudly his drink as if nothing happened. You follow him with your gaze, still in shock. The doors start closing again.
«Holy shit» that's all you can say, before disappearing behind them.
Next week, you're still in the elevator, a cup of hot coffee in your hand and your earbuds religiously plugged in your ears. Today you're in a good mood. The Heaven Headquarters offices weren't too packed with work and you were rising to the highest floor of the palace to spend time with your co-workers. That's until the elevator stops and the First Man Adam comes in. Again. You stiffen, your wings twitch and, hoping to not be noticed, you roll your eyes. Now that you think about it, it's the same day and hour you two met last week. When he, not-so-kindly, expressed his disappointment in your music taste. Suddenly, you realize something else. That you're...
«You still listenin' to that crap?» Adam says, pointing a finger towards your earbuds.
You sigh, resigned. You're still listening to The Smiths. This time around you heard Adam loud and clear, but you turn the volume down anyways. And, not caring about being all dignified and reverential in front of him, you roll your eyes in front of him.
«Yeah, I'm still listening to The Smiths. Heaven knows I'm Miserable Now».
Adam, scoffing, symbolically brings two fingers towards his mask and pretends to throw up.
«The Smiths are the bane of rock, I swear! Who wants to listen to a man being all whiny about love, vegetarianism and shit. Rock 'n roll is something else, I tell you»
«I disagree on that»
How did you even end up in this situation? Discussing music in an elevator with the First Man on Earth, one of the most important authorities of Heaven. It's just unreal, so much that going on doesn't bother you that much.
«You're into rock music?» Adam asks, shaking his usual drink in his hand, ice making a crisp sound inside the cup.
«Safe to say yes» you say, a collected but confident smile on your face.
«Okay, okay» Adam smirks, mischievous «and who are you rocking out to?»
«Oasis» you reply.
«Arctic Monkeys»
«Joy Division»
«For fucks sake woman, are you gonna give me a real rock band or keep naming your emo fest-»
«Guns 'n Roses»
Adam's breath stops for a second. You stare at him with a challenging look. His LED eyes digitally burned on his mask squint.
«Okayy miss...?»
«(Y/N). Name 3 Guns 'n Roses songs»
You raise a finger in front of him, your eyes wide in a sort of prohibitive look.
«Nuh uh, don't you try to pull that move on me, I'm not gonna name anything».
«Tch, as I thought» Adam says, before sipping on his cup of icy soda.
You emit an annoyed groan, before sipping on your coffee yourself. As you're about to press start again on your phone to replay the music and metaphorically cancel Adam's presence from the elevator, he speaks again.
«Listen, girlie, if you wanna listen to some real rock music you should, first of all, give up on that sentimental bullshit that people call rock nowadays. Second, you can start by coming to one of my concerts. I'm-»
«Adam, The First Man. I know who you are» you interrupt.
You move your weight from one leg to the other, as Adam playfully smirks at you.
«Of course you know who I am, you probably heard of me from my band»
«Actually, I work as an assistant for the Seraphims meetings» you say.
«Oh, nah I never noticed you. You sure you don't know me from my band? We're pretty sick»
It's not like you expected him to know you from meetings. You mostly worked behind closed doors, preparing paperwork and only handling it to Seraphims last minute. And Adam wasn't really a necessary presence at meetings. He was important, an authority holding a great power for sure, but you don't really understand of what kind.
«I heard that you got a band but sorry, Christian rock is not my genre» you reply, nonchalantly.
Adam jumps a little in surprise, an appalled sound escaping his lips.
«Oh no sweetie, you got it all wrong. Didn't you listen to me when I said that we're a real rock band? We sing about all things rock» he says, theatrically.
«For example?»
«Sex, drugs and bitches of course».
You let out an ironic chuckle, not thoroughly convinced.
«I heard your venues are like, really crowded. I don't know if I feel like tip-toeing all night long to see anything»
«You can always tell security that you're with me»
His statement surprises you, so much that you turn around with a frowned forehead. The scrunch in your face says it all about your uncertainty. Adam looks chill, confidently leaning on the elevator's mirror and looking at you. How long have you been riding this thing?
«You think they'll believe me? Not even in a 100 years»
«Listen sweet cheeks, I'll meet you at the queue between sound check and the start of the show and I'll directly tell em that you're with me».
«You want me to play groupie?»
«Aren't you already?» Adam grins with a wiggle of his eyebrows. A very shit-eating grin.
You let out a playful and sarcastic chuckle «No, but I accept your offer, Mr. Real Rockstar»
«More of a real rockstar than Morissey»
The elevator doors open, it feels like you've been there for an eternity but not necessarily in a bad way. It's Adam's floor, the one just beneath yours, and he waves at you goodbye with a hand.
«See you Saturday, you'll be my number one fan».
«You wish»
How was that one of the most annoying, yet weirdly entertaining conversations you ever had?
You've never been to an Adam's concert, because you never had the chance to get into his music even if he was really known all around Heaven. But it was true that his gigs were packed. The line is infinite, and the venue probably won't even be enough for all these people. Suddenly you start to regret your decision. Damn, you even dressed up for this! You nervously start shifting your weight from one side to the other of your body. Security is already telling some people to just go home because it's likely that tickets just ran out. One titanic of a bodyguard goes up to you, arms crossed.
«I'm sorry miss, but we're out of tickets»
«Oh it's fi-»
You can't finish the phrase, distracted by the feeling of a stranger arm wrapping around your shoulders. You straighten yourself, and turn around alarmed. Adam had appeared from behind a portal, which immediately closed behind him. All the people left in the queue turn around, shocked to see the frontman appear right there.
«Don't worry dude, she's with me» he says, confidently.
How can someone be such a loser and so charismatic at the same time? This is what you ask yourself while wrapped around Adam's arm. The security guard nods, and Adam opens the portal back with a snap of fingers. Soon, you find yourself in the front row. Did he just transport you there? Adam has already let go of your shoulders, standing behind the barrier. Fans in the front row start going crazy at the unexpected sight of the frontman. As they scream incoherent, adoring gibberish to him, Adam stays focused on you.
«I'm happy you're here. Trust me, your ears will thank me for blessing them with some real rock» he says, his playful smirk permanently printed on his mask.
You roll your eyes, but you're betrayed by your own smile «We'll see»
«Trust me, you won't be disappointed» Adam replied.
Then, he winks at you before turning around and heading towards the backstage.
When the concert is over, you can confidently say that no, you aren't disappointed. As much as you hate to admit it, Adam can get it. He knows how to play guitar, he's vocally a beast in every good sense possible, and he's a stage animal. He's an idiot for sure, an arrogant one, but he quite literally fucking rocks. It's the way he plays guitar solos, his finger picking technique flawless and effortless. And how he knew how to talk to the crowd, how to move on stage. And you also saw him for the first time without a mask. You didn't know what to expect, but you have no complaints whatsoever. Brown, messy hair, dark but charming circles under his eyes, a fierce grin on his face. You felt your stomach fluttering when he obviously looked at you during Stick It To The Man. As people are leaving the venue, you're about to do the same. Maybe you and Adam will talk about it on your next random encounter on the elevator. But, before you can turn around, you see a security guard gesturing you to come close. He opens the barrier for you, and, confused, you shuffle your way through it.
«Yeah?» you ask.
«Adam wants to see you» the bodyguard says, moving his head to invite you to follow him.
Your heart skips a beat. This is some groupie shit. But you don't mind. You follow the security guard to the backstage, hugging yourself slightly out of nervousness. Adam, who was talking to the drummer, immediately stops the conversation when he sees you approaching behind the security guard. A wide smile extends on his face.
«So, (Y/N)! Did you change your mind about The Smiths?» he asks, opening his arms.
You place your hands on your hips «No, but...you weren't half-bad»
«Not half-bad?» he says, almost offended.
You decide to give up the tough girl act «Okay, I'll admit it, you know how to rock. You were really good».
«HA! Told you! Ladies love my band and you're no exception. And THIS is real rock»
«I'll still bump the shit out of The Smiths next time we meet on the elevator» you protest with a smirk, crossing your arms on your chest.
Adam drags a hand between his messy hair «Instead of meeting in the elevator, me and the rest of the band are going to the after party. It's in a club near the venue. Why don't you come? I still have to recommend you some real music»
Oh this is bad. Adam's teasing smile, the way he got closer to you and is now staring down at you without a shade of awkwardness. And the fact that one of his skilled hands is now placed on your waist, again, without any form of hesitation. Is he hitting on you? You feel your face burning, pressing your lips together. Would accepting make you a groupie? And soon, you realize that you don't care.
«Okay, First Man, I'll come with you. But only if you don't ask me to name 3 songs of a band»
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 months
wrong plug
for @steddiemicrofic prompt ‘plug’
rated m | 437 words | cw: implied sexual content | tags: modern au, established relationship, fluff
this is because the minute @wynnyfryd said she was making this the prompt I said I was gonna do this silly thing and I simply couldn’t let myself down
Three days was not a long time for a vacation, but it was a very long time to go without a cell phone.
“You were supposed to pack the electronic stuff. You know I’m bad at this!” Eddie hit his head against the counter of their cabin in the middle of nowhere. “What are we gonna do when they die?”
“I’ll just go buy a plug in the morning. There’s definitely a store at the bottom of the mountain that’ll have one.” Steve tried to calm him down, but he actually wasn’t sure there would be a store that had what they needed.
“You’re gonna drive 40 minutes one way to hopefully buy a plug for our phones?” Eddie looked up at him, his head rested on his arms. “Sounds like a waste of our vacation.”
It did sound like that, even to Steve. But it’s not like they had any other choice.
“Do we even need our phones?” Eddie sighed.
“I guess not until we leave.”
Eddie stood up and stalked over to Steve, determined look on his face.
“So we can keep each other busy in other ways?” He asked as he wrapped his arms around Steve’s waist.
“Were we not gonna do that anyways?” Steve grinned.
“Oh, so you brought me here to have your wicked way with me? You know we can do that at home.”
“Not with this view, baby.” Steve gestured at the window behind Eddie. “No one around for miles. Pretty sure you should fuck me on the porch at least once.”
“Can’t believe I thought we were getting this romantic getaway and it was all a ploy to get my dick inside you 600 miles from home,” Eddie shook his head fondly. “Could’ve saved us a ton of money by just asking Robin to spend the weekend at Chrissy’s place.”
“But I can be as loud as I want here.” Steve pouted. Pouting was his secret weapon and he had every intention of using it whenever needed.
“When has the risk of others hearing you ever stopped you from screaming my name?” Eddie leaned in, peppered kisses down Steve’s throat playfully.
“You think I’m not doing my best to stay quiet?” Steve tugged Eddie’s hair, pulling him away from his shoulder.
“Usually? I think you don’t realize how loud you are, Stevie.”
“Let’s test that theory, then.”
Eddie lifted Steve up by his thighs, smiling as Steve laughed.
“Gonna fuck you, gonna come inside you, gonna plug you up-“
“So you remember the plug for my ass, but not our phones?” Steve laughed harder.
“I had my priorities, sweetheart.”
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Really Good Neighbors
NSFW under the cut
CW: 18+, f!reader, embarrassment, dead batteries, mentions of falling in the shower, oral and manual stimulation (reader receiving)
It hadn’t even been a bad day. Tiring, sure. A bit tedious. It wasn’t until you dropped your keys as you were trying to unlock your door that you realize you’re on the verge of tears. You stare down at them for a beat that turns into three.
“You good?
The voice startles you. You look up and see Kyle, one of your favorite neighbors, at his own door. He must have arrived home from a deployment, but you didn’t know he was back. He always looks good, but right now he looks good-good, skin glowing and hair freshly cut, so he’s been home at least a day.
Kyle has always been really nice to you. Always helping to carry your groceries when he’s in town. Flirty, in a young and confident and kind of pushy way, but sweet, too. He’s invited you to the roof for “wine dates” so often that you actually bought some string lights to decorate. He’s never done more than buzz a kiss against your cheek, so you know it’s just good fun. You’re glad he’s back. Maybe you’ll invite him up to the roof this weekend.
The curious look on his face gets a bit concerned and you realize that you’ve missed your cue to answer.
“Oh, yeah, sorry,” you say, with a smile that doesn’t feel at all convincing. “Just… you know. A long day. Work is… yeah. You know?”
He gives you an easy grin. “Yeah, I get it. You need anything?”
“An uncomplicated orgasm, a nap, and a burger,” you say before you can stop yourself. It’s the mantra that’s gotten you through the day. As soon as it’s out of your mouth you want to die. “Oh, god, please ignore me. I’m so sorry.”
He cracks up, which you guess is not the worst reaction he could have. You dive for your keys and unlock your door as quickly as you can. You toss him a little wave before retreating into your apartment.
The first order of business is a shower, to wash off the frustration and embarrassment. Of course, you only realize you’re out of the good body wash after you’re already under the water. Which is fine until you realize that you also forgot to grab a towel. You do an awkward waddle to the laundry and grab a towel for your body, and shamefully mop up your drippings using and hand towel and your feet. At least your hair isn’t wet - a single towel will get the job done.
After toweling off and lotioning, you discover that your favorite sex toy isn’t charged, and you forgot to put batteries in the backup. The cord to the plug in is on the fritz and you haven’t had the money to replace it. So you have to dig up the third runner up. The simple bullet vibrator turns on, thank god. It’s not the best, but it'll have to do. So you retrieve another towel to lay out on the bed and get ready for an indulgent evening.
As you scroll through your favorite site to find something just right, you feel like maybe today doesn’t have to suck. In fact, as you cue up one of your favorite videos, you sigh out almost all of the tension in your body.
And then the batteries in the vibrator die.
You feel like screaming and throwing something. Unfortunately, the thing you throw is the toy, which clatters against the wall, falls behind the bed, and starts buzzing away as if to mock you. You grab a pillow and yell into it long and hard before going to fish it out from under the bed.
You try really hard not to think of the fact that you share this wall with Kyle. Hopefully he was heading out and not coming home.
A knock on your door, just as you’ve finally caught the damn thing and turned it off startles you. You spin in place for a moment, caught between the urge to answer the door, the realization that you’re still naked, and needing to wash your hand and the dusty vibrator.
You throw the vibrator in the bathroom sink and rinse your hand before grabbing the still damp towel from the rack and wrapping it around yourself. Another knock makes you put on a burst of speed and wrench the door open. “Yeah, sorry, what?”
Kyle is on the other side of the door, hand raised to knock again. Behind him, a very tall, very muscular blond man blinks down at you. He’s vaguely familiar - a friend of Kyle’s you’ve only seen in passing. You can tell he’s smirking even behind his black surgical mask.
“Just wanted to check and see if you were okay,” Kyle says, giving you an obvious once over. You're very aware that your towel is not bath-sheet sized and you’re flashing a lot of skin. “Kind of sounded like you were having a hard time, thought you might have fallen in the shower.”
“Nope!” you exclaim. When the blond’s eyes scan you from head to toe, you kind of wish you had. “All good! Thanks!”
“What place?” The huge blond man asks. He pulls his phone out of his pocket.
You answer with an ever intelligent, “What?”
“You said you want a burger earlier. What place did you want the burger from?”
You feel your face flush. “Oh, you heard that? No, it’s okay. I don’t-”
Kyle interrupts. “Hey, you’re having a real rough day. Simon and I can treat my favorite neighbor to dinner.”
“The place doesn’t deliver here,” you say, helplessly. “Really, it’s fine.”
“Didn’t ask if they deliver, love,” says the blond giant named Simon. His brown eyes are amused when they meet yours. “Just asked where.”
Your legs are quickly getting cold in the breeze from the hall. That has to be why your knees are suddenly shaky. “Lucky Chip?”
Kyle grins. “Perfect. Love that place. You like the El Chapo, right? Side of garlic aioli?”
“Why do you know that?” you ask helplessly.
Simon finishes whatever he’s doing on his phone and glides away on long legs. His back is so broad, you’re not sure how you managed not to see him if he was around earlier. Over his shoulder, he says, “Back in a tick.”
“Copy,” Kyle answers. He grins at you. “An orgasm, you said? Just the one?”
“What?” You’re saying that a lot today.
Kyle’s smile is gorgeous as he leans his shoulder against the door jam. “Simon’s getting you your burger. I’m offering you that uncomplicated orgasm.”
Maybe you did fall in the shower. Bouncing your head off of the tile is the only way you can explain your brain coming up with this scenario. “You want… to have sex?”
“I want to eat you out and finger your cunt until you’re nice and relaxed,” Kyle purrs. His grin gets wider when you blush and stammer at him. “Then, you’re taking a nap. Simon’ll be back with your burger. After that, you let us know. He definitely wants a taste, though.”
All you can manage is, “What the fuck?”
“If you’re not into it, I can leave you alone,” Kyle assures you. He leans closer and takes the hand that you’re using to brace against the door jam. He brings it up and brushes his lips against your knuckles. "Won’t mention it again. I’ll be a perfect gentleman. But we’ve been playing this flirting game for almost a year now, so I’m pretty sure you want it.”
“Of course I want to! But-! You’re… I’m not-!” You grope for words and finally settle on, “I’m really not at my best.”
“Not real fussed about that right now, babes. I’ll take you on a proper date tomorrow night if you like. For right now,” he leans in, uses your hand to draw you close. “I just want to see if you taste as good as I imagine.”
Kyle kisses like he knows what he wants. One hand cradles your chin as he guides you a few steps backward into your apartment. The hand holding yours draws your arm up over his shoulder, and then his hands are everywhere. You have just a moment to realize what’s going to happen before your towel falls. Kyle groans into your mouth. His hands are gentle but firm where they glide over your curves. And then he takes a handful of your love handles in his palm and moans.
His hand catches your chin as he stares in your eyes. “Couch or bed?”
It takes you a moment to understand. “Bed?”
“Let’s go, then,” he practically growls. He turns you with his grip on your hip and slaps your ass. You jump. And then he’s herding you down the hall. He doesn’t waste any time pushing you up against the wall to kiss, though you half expect him to. He does, however, crowd you down against the bed with kisses until you’re on your back under him, legs spread around his hips.
His body feels even better than you’d ever imagined it would under your hands. Even through his clothes, he’s muscular. You can feel the power in his triceps as he braces himself over you. Which makes sense, but you never thought you’d ever experience his strength firsthand.
He pulls away to pant against your mouth. “Can feel you starting to think. Guess I’d better distract you.”
Before you can ask “what?” for the umpteenth time, his lips are on your neck. The contrast between the gentleness of his hands against your ribcage and the sucking kisses on your neck makes you moan.
It’s been a long time since your body felt this lit up, this quickly. Just minutes ago, you’d been sure the universe was conspiring against you. Now, you’re gasping and moaning and too caught up to be embarrassed. Every time you think you’re getting more control of yourself, he surprises another sound from you.
He doesn’t spend much time on your chest. A quick kiss to each nipple, and then he’s making his way down your stomach with kisses and bites. His hands are firm and keep you from squirming away when he buries his face in your stomach for a moment.
“God, you’re gorgeous,” he says as he slides off the side of the bed and onto his knees. “Swear, the thought of you got me through this last deployment. Can’t-”
Whatever he was going to say is lost because he practically dives into you. His mouth would be too much, too fast any other time. Right now, though? It’s exactly what you need. He’s a bit too preoccupied to comment on how wet you already are, thank goodness. At the same time, his appreciative groans and the obscene sounds his mouth makes against you are so loud that your ears burn.
When he latches onto your clit and works his tongue against it, you almost levitate off the bed. Your hands grab onto both sides of his head. “Kyle!”
He pulls away just long enough to ask, “Fingers?”
All you can do is nod. His lips are back on you before your head can fall back onto the bed. He presses two fingers into you, carefully at first, then all at once when your body opens for him. He thrusts a couple of times, but switches to massaging your g-spot with immediate accuracy. You don’t even have time to think, Holy shit!, before your orgasm is rushing up on you.
You expect him to pull away completely. Instead, he eases you down from your peak with gentle kisses. He’s whispering something you can’t hear over the rushing in your ears. All you can do is pant at the ceiling.
The force of it knocks the breath out of you. You’re pretty sure you wheeze something along the lines of wait, or god, or Kyle! For his part, he keeps groaning as he rides out your writhing. His tongue doesn’t stop, his fingers just keep going until you’re frantically tapping at his hair, his hands, struggling for breath enough to ask him to let up.
He stands to smile down at you, facial hair wet with you. You realize that your eyes are having trouble focusing. “You alright, beautiful?”
A full body shiver has you clenching on the fingers that are still inside of you. Words escape you, so you hum an affirmative. And then yawn so hard your jaw cracks.
Kyle just laughs. “Oh, yeah, you need that nap.”
“Sorry,” you whisper.
“No, babes, nothing to be sorry about,” he says, gently extracting his hand from between your legs. He hushes you as you whine and lifts your legs to get you settled on the bed. Then he climbs in beside you. “There, that’s better. Just need to be taken care of tonight, huh? Had a rough week?”
Sex doesn’t always make you emotional, but now you’re blinking back tears. Your voice is wobbly when you say, “Y-eah.”
“I know babes, I know,” he says, pressing a wet kiss to your temple. “Let’s have a cuddle, and you can take a nap. I’ll wake you for dinner. Won’t have to worry about anything.”
You’re asleep before he can finish talking.
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dvchvnde · 2 months
excerpt; hitchhiker au | Simon Riley x Reader gore. graphic descriptions of decomposition. implied noncon.
“You’re not real,” she whimpers, words a rough scrape out of her raw, torn throat. “You can't be real.”
He doesn't answer tonight. Silent in his appraisal, his hatred; the bloodlust rolls off of him in waves, a suffocating deluge that tangles in her chest. Heart pulsing at the base of her throat, clogging her airways. She can't breathe. Can't move. Can only watch as the man cocks his head slowly to the side in a mutated parody of consideration. Confusion. Taking her in as he stands in her doorway, massive body filling the frame in an outline of black, making him more shadow than man. An apparition that haunts her at devil's hour. Always.
The moon's glow casts a line through the open window. A pale meridian between them. 
Childishly, she thinks of hiding under her blanket. Bad things can't touch you under the covers. Curling into a ball with her eyes squeezed shut, fingers plugging her ears. Wishing for her mother. Howling for her dad. Waiting until morning when the thing haunting her finally leaves.
But he doesn't. Not tonight. 
And she knows if she tries to hide, he'll just crawl into the bed next to her—
“Fix your bumper yet?” He asks, measured in his mockery. The weight of his words makes her stomach churn. Nausea a cold, familiar comfort that tethers itself to her ribcage. “Better get that fixed before someone comes askin’ questions, pet. Clean the blood off it, too. Caused quite the nasty spill.”
His directive makes her want to curl into a ball. “I–I didn't mean to, I didn't—”
“What'd you tell everyone? Hit a deer? Left ‘im in the bushes to die? And now he's got maggots crawlin’ all around ‘is ‘ead. Eatin’ his brains clean outta ‘is skull—”
“Shut up, shut up, shut up—you’re not real! You're not real—”
The man—Simon Riley, her mind supplies bitterly, brokenly; tinged full of regret and sorrow and hatred—lashes out in an instant, moves like water, like shadows on the wall, the too bright flicker of a moving car, until he's in her face, looming over her. A massive, unclimbable wall. And she hates it. Hates when he's this close to her. Close enough to smell the stench of rotten blood that dries on his chest, the side of his head. A brown stain that sinks into the too-large frame of his chest. 
He smells of death. Sickening. Tainted with a noisome sweetness that glues in her nostrils, leaks down her throat. She can taste him there, right on her tongue. Him. Simon Riley. 
Missing, the newspapers say. But only she knows the truth. Stowed away in a facsimile of a grave by the swamps, left to rot. Here, in her bedroom. Waiting for her whenever she tries for a modicum of sleep. A veteran. A drifter. Homeless, they write, and he barked out an ugly laugh as he read over your shoulder, but said nothing else as you scrolled. Tense. Shivering in your seat, waiting for the day the police show up and arrest you. You did a terrible thing. A horrible thing. Pay for what you've done—
His hand reaches out, fingers wrapping around the delicate arch of her throat. The width spans the entirety of it until the bone china, the vulnerable slope, is clenched tight in his slick, slippery palm. Moss, she knows; it grows over his hands and feet now. The earth reclaiming the body she threw into the swamp—
“Not real?” He mocks, wrenching her closer by her throat. Pulse thudding like the wings of a hummingbird against his thumb. “Oh, pet. M’very real—”
He leans in, too, until his horrid face is lit by the sliver of pale blue moonlight. Scraps of tissue slough off of his head, skin purpling beneath the balaclava that peels off in patches. Animals, he'd told her idly, like talking about his body being eaten away by creatures was piecemeal. The jaundiced bone of his cheek pokes out from raspberry skin. It shifts when he speaks, and draws her eye to the devastation of his mouth. Jawbone visible; muscle blackened, clinging by a strip of thin tissue to his lower mandible. His teeth gleam in the light. Yellow and crooked. The rest of his face is covered under the blood soaked fabric of his mask. A small mercy, she thinks.
But the worst is his eyes. 
Once black, midnight grey, is now filmed over. Milky. And the other—
Something moves in the cherryred chasm. A long, thin black line slinks out of the gaping hole. Another. Another. From the rotten socket, a large spider emerges, crawling over the craggy pieces of his broken nose, making his decomposing body her home. 
She whimpers as the bile surges up, swallowing it down when the blue skin of his mouth peel back in a horrifying grin—
Something white falls from the corner of his eye, rolling down the slick, damp skin of his oily face in a mockery of a teardrop, the image glueing to the bone deep remorse that coils like a noose around her neck. Tighter, tighter. 
His tongue lulls out. Cold, slimy, when it flickers over the trembling ridge of her jaw. Fingers digging into her skin, stealing the warmth from her flesh. The air from her lungs. 
He'll have her like this, she knows. Always does when he gets in these moods—the kind that makes him touch her more, sink boney fingers beneath the hem of her pants, and cooing in her ear about how much he wants to eat her alive. Buzzing with some strange, electric energy. She can't run. Can't scream. 
Going to the police isn't an option when she buried a body under loose rocks and sticks. Hit and run. Vehicular manslaughter. Life over in a blink—
No. No—
She just has to wait, she thinks, her eyes slipping shut as his rancid breath curdled over the tears on her cheeks. Wait until his body rots all the way. 
Until he's nothing but bones—
Only then will this ghost finally leave her alone. 
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wanderingsoul6261 · 4 months
Tumblr media
Credit for gif goes to userbeaufort
James Beaufort x Reader
Title: Distracted
Synopsis: James and Reader have an argument after she feels that he is being too overprotective. She gets injured during a volley ball game and he comforts and apologizes.
Warnings: mentions of blood/wounds
Sorry if volley ball is described inaccurately in the brief moment it's discussed. Last fic for about 24 to 48 hours. Decided to take some time off to rest up. Sinus infection had gotten worse. My ears are plugged and hurt. I have about 8 to 9 more requests, so more is definitely coming.
The fight that they had was just full of nonsense. At least, that was in regards to Y/N’s own opinions. James felt as if he was in the right, only wanting what was best for his girlfriend. He just wanted to make sure that she was safe. He thought that he was being overprotective. Y/N thought that it was that with a hint of jealousy. It was known though that neither of them could come to agreement on what it actually was. 
“Can you stop breathing down my neck, just for twenty four hours?” Y/N raised her voice slightly, turning to look at James. He had been following her around, making sure that she was okay and safe. She felt suffocated though, that if he continued to stick around that she would die due to lack of oxygen. 
“I just want to know that you are okay. Is that too much to ask for?” 
“Yea. It is actually, because if you stick around any longer, I might get arrested and charged with murder!” James paused his steps and stared at her. Confusion and slight anger was portrayed on his face. 
“What is your problem?” He asked. Y/N turned around, looking at him as if he just slapped her. And he might as well just have. 
“What is my problem? It’s you, James.” Now it was his turn to act as if he had just been slapped. James took a staggered step back, a look entirely of hurt and confusion the only thing to be seen on his face. 
“What?” Y/N had almost felt guilty, seeing the blow that she had just landed, even if she knew that all that he wanted to know was that she was safe. Instead, she had only stood her ground and raised her chin slightly in defiance. 
“You heard me.The problem is you.” James didn’t know how to react, and if they weren’t currently in the situation that they were in, Y/N might have felt proud to have put James in the state that he was currently in. “You’re suffocating me. I feel like I can’t breathe. I take a few steps in any direction and I’m knocking myself into you. And it’s constant, James. It’s like you’re being some possessive boyfriend. What’s next? You are going to start dictating who I can or can’t be friends with?” James did say anything. Honestly, he didn’t have much to say, so he only remained standing, averting his eyes from her gaze and looking anywhere else. His jaw clenched, but he knew that he couldn’t be mad at anyone but himself, even if he was angry at the current way she was speaking to him. 
“What?” Y/N questioned. “Cat got your tongue?” And just like that, James was gone, turning around on his heel and stomping down the hall. Y/N had felt nasty for the way that she had just treated him, but she also knew that she had to make her voice heard. She felt that there was no other way for her to have accomplished it in any other way than in that moment. 
It had been a few days since the two of them had talked. Y/N had rightfully been angry and James himself had rightfully, even if he had deserved it, been upset and hurt. They had both mutually agreed that it was best to give each other some time to cool down and relax. The last thing that either one of them had wanted to do was come back and say anything that would be highly regretted. Not that Y/N didn’t already regret the way she snapped at James. She had honestly wished that she could just go back and choose a better way to have got about it. 
But the damage had been done, and the only thing that she could do now was wait until he had cooled down enough to talk.
In the meantime, Y/N had a volleyball game to prepare for in a few days, and she would be lying if she said that she was good to play. Even if it happened a few days ago, the argument was still fresh in her mind, and had been affecting her ability to focus well enough on the task of the game. 
No matter what happened, she could never stop thinking about him. 
Y/N had wondered if she should check in with them, considering their lack of conversations over the past few days. Her friends would easily tell her no and to let him stew in the moment. A few of them had even gone as far as to tell her to give him hints that she wanted to break it off, because it would quote, light a fire under his ass, unquote. But Y/N couldn’t do it. She wasn’t that brutal. However, she didn’t want to back out on her defense, knowing that her feelings were justified, and she didn’t want to do anything that might suggest otherwise. 
That didn’t change the amount of times that her finger hovered over the send buttons to numerous different messages. 
Im sorry 
Love you
I hope you are doing okay. Let’s talk soon. 
One of them consisted of just heart emojis. There were even times messages consisted of a mixture of those messages. 
Even as the volley game against a rival college was about to start, Y/N was doing just that. She sat on a bench in the locker room, biting her nail as she tried to make up her mind on whether or not to send the message. Y/N wasn’t even sure if he would show up tonight. 
I don’t know if you plan on coming to the game tonight. But I think we should talk soon. Y F/L/M initials 
She let out a heavy sigh, running her hand through her hair, finally pressing send. And then she waited for several moments, waiting to see if he would open and read it. When ten minutes passed and she was finally being yelled at for not being on the court yet, she figured that he was probably still mad at her. 
Y/N tossed her phone into her gym bag, leaving it at that. Which obviously, with the continued emotions only adding to inability to play the game. She should have told her coach, but yet, here she was, running out of the locker room and onto the court, her mind filled to the brim with thoughts and questions, and ultimately, him. 
The game though had surprisingly started out pretty okay. They were almost done with their first set when Y/N saw James walk into the gymnasium. They locked eyes momentarily, her heart fluttering. He showed her his phone, likely telling her that he had seen her message. But he still didn’t look too enthused. She swallowed thickly, turning back to the game when her name was called. The ball was just over her, and she jumped, spiking the ball over the net, scoring a point for Maxton Hall. 
As the team captain, she knew she had to keep her mind distraction free, but it was definitely easier said than done. They couldn’t do well if she wasn’t there. But even with that thought in mind, she still wasn’t doing well enough. Halfway through the game as a whole, everything in her mind, thinking about the argument, about him, and what might come of them after the game had gotten too much. 
She had the space and time to dive for the ball in front of her, hitting it up and over the net just in time before it hit the ball, none of the other girls close enough to hit it, They couldn’t take the risk. So she dove, and in the end, she almost wished that she didn’t. 
No matter what she did, she couldn’t stop herself from cracking her face against the floor. She laid there for what seemed like several minutes and wasn’t even sure if she hit the ball over the net. Instead, she heard the crowd murmuring silently, her teammates coming over to check on her. 
She lifted her head off the floor. Y/N saw the blood. She brought her hand to the left side of her face, feeling the wetness of the blood and gingerly touching the outline of a gash. Her head snapped up to meet James’ own panicked look. He was standing up from his seat, watching her, his eyes wide. It only took a few more seconds and her coach pressed a towel to the side of her head for him to come running down. Her ears were ringing by the time he made it to them. 
She watched as he spoke to her couch,  but her mind was so fuzzy that she couldn’t exactly find it in herself to make out what was being said. 
And then James was escorting her out of the school and towards Percy, where he was waiting for them. One arm was wrapped around her waist while the other was pressed to the towel currently on the wound. 
“We have to take her to the hospital, Percy. Nasty little cut on her forehead.” James spoke to his chauffeur as the two of them slid into the car. As the car got moving, the two sat in silence for several moments. 
“My phone is in my gym bag. Can you tell my parents where we are going?” she asked. He passed his phone to her, but as she grabbed it, he replaced his phone with his hand. 
“I want to say I’m sorry.” he spoke softly. Y/N looked at him in shock. “I shouldn’t have been acting the way that I was. It wasn’t right of me. I know you can look after yourself.” James turned his head to look at her. His eyes glanced at the place where the towel sat. 
“I should be the one apologizing.” His eyes snapped back to her. “I shouldn’t have spoken to you the way that I did. I know that you only want what is best for me, and snapping at you the way that I did wasn’t the best way to show my appreciation, no matter how mad I was.” Y/N explained. “I just hope that we can fix this and use it moving forward in our relationship as a reminder. That is, if you want.” 
“If I want? Just because we had an argument doesn’t mean you’re getting free of me.” He joked, a smile gracing his lips. “It’s only one of many that we will have in the coming future. Arguments aren’t avoidable.” Y/N gave him a smile, leaning into him. She went to press a kiss to his cheek, but he had turned his head enough to make her lips land on his own. They leaned into it, and Y/N could feel a cheeky smile grace his lips. 
When they pulled away, Y/N held his gaze. 
“Promise?” His cheeky smile turned into a soft one. 
taglist: @honethatty12 @lifeonawhim @ashamedtobewhitemanswhore27 @maryvibess @wheredidmyeyesgo @imasimptoowth @avada-kedavra-bitch-187
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lustfulslxt · 9 months
hi hi! "local" anon here, and i just had a rlly good idea that ik you will deliver perfectly.
matt "accidently" sends reader a d pick and she's all flustered but just doesn't say anything, until like the next day when they all like go out to dinner and everyone's in their own conversation. she just brings it up like, "so what was that pic you sent last night?" and he knows EXACTLY what she's talking about, but is all like "huh? what?"
but then, later that night, she ends up sending a risky pic of her own and then he just texts her saying to like 'come over immediately' or he's coming over to her house and then yk what!!
again, i love your writing and i know you will NOT disappoint with this!! Love you ! 😘
Take The Risk - Matt Sturniolo
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warnings : spicy pics and smuttt
a/n : finally!! am i right?? pls look the other way if this is shit, like actually fr.. lmaoooo
“This is actually impossible. I’m gonna die of old age before I finish this thing.” I groan to myself, letting my head fall forward onto the table.
It’s been weeks of me staring at all of these pieces, all the exact same, aside from the shape. I’m determined to complete it. I lift my head up, an irregular piece slowly falling from my forehead.
“Who came up with this shit? Why are they so against me?” I ask no one in particular, seeing as I’m completely alone.
I’m convinced whoever created this was just trying to spite me. I can never back of out a challenge, they had to have known that. It’s been hours since I first sat down to work on it today, I am bored out of my mind, but I still can’t put the pieces down. Just as I’m about to toss my head back and cry from frustration, I realize I only have five pieces left. I jump forward, laying them all out in front of me, studying their pattern and the way they could all fit together. It takes maybe another ten minutes before I finally get it.
The last asymmetrical piece, snaps into place, completing the array of silver configuration. Twenty two days, six hundred fifty four pieces later. There she sits, in all her glory. Silver (Krypt), the hardest jigsaw puzzle to solve. This puzzle has no pictures, instead, it simply consists of hundreds of silver pieces, with a circular center and surrounding pieces making the finished jigsaw a plain rectangle. I put my blood, sweat, and tears into this thing.
“Never back down, never what?!” I exclaim, jumping up from my seated position, only now realizing how bad my posture is from the ache in my back. I reach my hand around, holding my back as I groan, “Fuck.”
Straightening up, I grab my phone and immediately snap a picture of the completed puzzle. I just have to show Matt, he’s going to be thrilled. I send the photo to him on snapchat, then head to my kitchen. I grab a bottle of water and a bag of chips to snack on, then go upstairs to relax in my bedroom. Once I put my show on the TV, I notice a notification from Matt.
Matty B
Matty B
only took you a month lmao
it was hard asf 👹
Matty B
me too
Matty B
🌚 you can’t just say that then b like ‘mY bAd’
Matty B
i didn’t mean it
Matty B
congrats on finishing the puzzle tho
now i don’t have to listen to you complaining about the creator being against you
Matty B
bro. i was joke
awesome to hear bro
I roll away from my phone, grabbing my chips to eat while I watch TV. An hour goes by, before I make my way to the bathroom. I wash my face and brush my teeth, then strip into my pajamas to finally go to sleep. Walking back into my room, I grab my phone to check one last time. As I plug my charger into it, I notice a snapchat from Matt. Upon opening it, my jaw drops.
There, on my screen, is a picture of a dick. Matt’s dick; fully erect, veins dancing alongside it, the tip pink with dribbles of precum. His hand sits at the base, unintentionally giving me a visual comparison of the size, and boy, it’s something. I can’t help but lick my lips at the sight, before snapping out of it and realizing my best friend just sent me a picture of his cock.
I’m at a loss for words. I can’t even think properly, far from being able to articulate a response. So, I just lock my phone and lay down. Yet, every time I close my eyes, I see his dick staring back at me, begging to be touched. I can feel the arousal building in me, my walls now clenching around nothing. Tossing and turning, attempting to ignore the growing desire, I deeply sigh. It’s going to be a long night.
I look at my phone screen, observing myself in my front camera. I’m currently about to walk into the restaurant where I’m having dinner with Matt, Nick, Chris, Nate, and Madi. I haven’t addressed the picture Matt sent me yesterday, and he hasn’t brought it up either, but it’s still lingering in my mind.
Putting my phone away, I lock my car and strut towards the entrance of the restaurant. Upon entering, a hostess greets me and directs to the table where my friends reside.
“Y/N!” Nate cheers, causing the rest of them to look over at me, smiles appearing on all of their faces.
“Hey guys, sorry I’m a little late.” I apologize, scooting in next to Matt.
“You’re all good, I ordered your drink already.” Matt informs me, “They should be coming around shortly.”
I smile, “Thanks, Matty.”
Within five minutes, we all receive our drinks and order our food. While waiting on our meals, we resume light conversation. However, I cannot stop thinking about the picture Matt sent me. Every time I look at him, I feel my heart beat faster and my breath gets caught in my throat. Are we just going to forget about it? Is that what he expects? I can’t just forget.
As the other four indulge in their own conversations, I notice Matt is silent, so I use this as my chance to confront him about it.
“Matt?” I call out, loud enough for him to hear me, yet quiet enough so the others don’t.
His directs his attention to me, softly humming in response as his eyebrows raise, expectantly.
“Um, about yesterday..” I trail off, attempting to read his body language.
I see him slightly tense up, clearing his throat as he looks at me, feigning confusion, “What?”
I give him a pointed look, “That picture you sent last night.”
He looks around as if trying to rack his brain, his eyebrows furrowing as he shrugs, “What are you talking about?”
I sigh, coming to a realization that I’m going to get nowhere with this. He knows what I’m talking about. I know he knows, I can see it all over him. Two can play at that game.
I clearly my throat and shake my head, “Actually nothing, forget about it.”
For the rest of the evening, we don’t speak on that topic again. We all just enjoy our food and the company of each other.
After dinner, I arrive home and immediately head to the bathroom for a shower. The entire night, my mind has been stuck on Matthew, wishing we talked about it, longing for more. We’ve never been anything other than friends, but he lit something in me, a fire that I can’t seem to put out. Should I call him over it? Should I do what he did to me?
After getting dressed in nothing but a black lingerie set, I sit in front of my bedroom mirror. I do look good, but should I really do this? Just take a picture and send it? I give myself another once over, before deciding to turn around and lean forward, snapping a quick photo.
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I don’t know how much time has passed as I sit there, staring at my screen. My fingers hover over the picture, unsure of what to say, or if I should say anything at all. Taking a deep breath, I full send, then quickly put my phone down, suddenly ridden with more anxiety as I anticipate his response.
Hopefully I’m not reading more into this situation than what it is. Surely Matt is just playing hard to get. If he didn’t mean to send the picture, he would’ve just said that, right? I try to convince myself that he’s just being a tease, but the more I think about it, the more the pit in my stomach grows. After what feels like forever, I reach for my phone and my immediately face falls.
Opened 12 minutes ago.
Before I can even think a single thought, knocks on my front door sound throughout the silent atmosphere. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I grab my black silk robe and slip it on while walking towards the door. Peeking through the peephole, I see Matt standing there, looking antsy. I freeze, my hand stuck on the doorknob, unable to complete the motion of turning it. I toss my head back, taking a deep breath, before pulling the door open. His eyes light up once he sees me, his gaze flickering over my figure before he makes his way inside.
Within seconds, his lips are on mine, needy and desperate. Taking a few seconds to get over the initial shock, my lips move against his, my hands looping around his neck as his hands pull me in closer by my waist. Without removing his lips from mine, he kicks the door shut and walks me backwards, towards my couch.
As soon as my legs hit the side, he pulls back and asks, “Is this okay?”
I eagerly nod, “More than okay.”
A small grin pulls to his lips before they’re back on mine, kissing me with so much hunger. His hands grope at every one of my curves, squeezing and kneading my skin. His hands suddenly grab my robe, pulling it down my arms and letting it fall behind me, before he pulls away and takes in my appearance once again. He licks his lips and tugs his bottom lip between his teeth, and I can see the bulge stiffening in his pants.
“Fuck, you’re so fine.” He groans, pulling me back into him.
His hands forcefully grab my face and he slams his lips onto mine once again, pulling our bodies flush together. My hands tread through his hair, tugging as he turns my head to the side and moves his mouth to work down my jaw to my neck. His breath is hot against my skin, his tongue licking and his teeth biting. I can feel my arousal pool in between my legs, and I have to squeeze them together to relieve the tension. His hands travel down to my ass, tightly squeezing and massaging it, only making me more wet as I let out a soft moan.
He pulls away and rests his forehead on mine, “What do you want, baby?”
I lick my lips, letting out a breath, “You. I want you, Matt.”
Instantly, he pulls his shirt off and comes back to me, pressing his lips on mine again. I reach behind my back, unhooking my bra and letting it fall down my arms and onto the floor. His hands immediately make their way to my boobs, and I’m melting in his palms. He grips them tenderly yet firm, pulling more moans from me. He leans forward and takes one of my nipples in his mouth, sucking on it as he pinches the opposite one.
The desire in me grows stronger with every touch he graces me with. He knows what he’s doing, and I’m weak in the knees because of it. Kissing me with so much passion and lust, his fingers slip into the waistband of my bottoms, pulling them down with ease, only breaking the kiss to fully remove them. My hands tug at his pants, wanting him to take those off as well, which he does, along with his boxers. We’re left standing, completely naked, and hungry for one another.
He places a couple of soft kisses against my lips, before quickly spinning me around and bending me over the side of the couch. His hands travel down my back, applying just the right amount of pressure, causing me to clench in anticipation. His fingers dig into the skin of my ass, jiggling it, and gripping it with enough strength to surely leave bruises. One of his hands breaks away from me, only to come right back with extreme speed and force. I yelp, jerking forward at the feeling of his hand colliding with my bare skin, a moan soon following as he rubs the place he smacked.
“Just wanna make you feel good, baby.” He whispers against my ear, his fingers trailing between my legs, running over my core.
I let out a whimper, pushing back against his hand for more, but his other hand places a firm hold on my back, keeping me in place. His fingers run through my folds, becoming slick with my wetness, causing him to let out a groan. His fingertips rub my clit in slow and soft circles, adding more pressure and speed with every second, leaving me quivering with moans.
“Mm, such a good girl.” He praises, sinking two fingers into my entrance, ripping a loud moan from my mouth.
“Just wanna be a good girl for you.” I find myself saying in between the whimpers of pleasure.
His pace increases, his fingers pumping in and out of me while his other hand runs up and down my back. I could feel the orgasm building so quickly, begging for release. His hand moves from my back, and starts tracing circles onto my clit once more, his fingers inside me going even faster. My legs start shaking and I’m now putting all my weight onto the couch, way too weak to stand on my own.
“So wet.” Matt mumbles in delight at the sound of his fingers in my juices, “Bet you taste so good.”
“F-fuck, feels so good.” I moan, shuddering as he increases his speed even more. “Gon-gonna cum.”
“Let go, baby.”
His fast movements and the sound of his raspy voice fuel my orgasm, my climax falling upon me quickly. I clench around his fingers, letting myself go and cum all over his hands. He continues finger fucking me, letting me ride out my high. He removes his hands from me and I look back in time to see him sucking all of my juices off of his fingers. The sight alone had me clenching again, eager for more.
“I knew it.” He moans against his fingers, “Taste like I could eat you forever.”
I stand back up on shaky legs, turning to face him and pulling him into a deep kiss, our tongues intertwining and exploring each other’s mouth. His hand comes up to my throat, gently squeezing it, pulling me closer, before pulling us apart altogether.
“We’re not done yet, my sweet girl.” He smirks against my lips, turning me back around and laying me over the couch once again.
He wraps his hand around his dick, stroking it a few times, then runs it through my folds, causing me to shake from the sensitivity. Without a word, he places one hand on my lower back and slowly slides himself in my entrance.
A high pitched moan falls from my lips as he groans, tossing his head back, “Fuck. Been wanting this forever, baby. Feel better than I’ve ever imagined.”
I pull my bottom lip between my teeth, sliding backwards to take all of him in me. He moans loudly, tightly gripping my hips. He holds me in place as he starts thrusting, digging deeper into me with every pump. His strokes get faster and harder, our skin slapping together as I become a moaning mess. My whole body shakes with every movement of his, my face buried into the sofa, muffling my sounds as he fucks me. My legs tremble as he hits exactly where I need him, and I instantly begin clenching around him.
His hand wraps around my hair in a makeshift ponytail and tugs my head back, “I wanna hear your pretty moans, baby. You like the way I fuck you?”
“Mmm, yes. I love it-” I sound out, breathless from the pleasure. “You fuck me s-so good.”
His thrusts quicken and his grip on my hip tightens. The knot in my stomach continues growing, proving my statement to be true. I’ve never been fucked like this, and I can’t help but think about how I’m so glad I sent him that picture.
“Fuck, baby. You feel so good wrapped around my cock, taking me so well. My good girl.” He moans, his hips sputtering.
The pressure in my stomach becomes too much and it’s hard holding it in, my hands gripping the cushions beneath me. He leans forward, his hands intertwining with mine as his lips trail open mouth kisses up and down my back. I can’t help the moans that keep pouring from my mouth, feeling nothing but pure bliss.
“I can feel you clenching around me.” He whispers in my ear, “Cum on my cock, so I can fill you up, pretty girl.”
With that, I let go. My entire body shakes as pornographic moans fall from my lips, my pussy clenching around him so tightly. His strokes become erratic and his moans and groans are louder than before. He quickens his pace as he chases his high, instantly filling me up with a loud raspy moan emitting from his mouth. He continues thrusting into me, pushing his cum deeper. He leans back, standing up straight as we both catch our breaths. His hands find my back once again, softly massaging it. He pulls out, my legs twitching from the stimulation. His hands move down to my ass, gently squeezing it, before he helps me up.
“How are you feeling?” He asks, turning me to face him, keeping his hands around my waist for support.
“Like we should’ve done that a long time ago.” I grin, still breathless.
“We can always make up for lost time.” He grins, placing his forehead on mine.
I nod as we both laugh before he places a few kisses on my cheeks and lips. His hand grabs mine and he pulls me even more into him, capturing my lips in a deep but loving kiss.
“Let’s take a shower, so I can clean you up.” He suggests.
My face heats up and I nod once more, following him upstairs as he never lets my hand go.
Our friendship just changed entirely and I can’t wait for what’s in store for us, because I know it’s going to be euphoric.
a/n : tadaaa!!! ugh i hope this wasn’t shit, it’s been forever :((( lmk what you think! requests are closed bc i have wayyy too many that i need to catch up on, but i’m hoping i can get back into it! love uu <333
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himbofan4444 · 10 months
Greg had been dying to become popular, but his slender frame and lack of friends heavily detracted from that. He joined the wrestling team as a last ditch effort to gain attention, but he was exceedingly poor at it. One day he went to the coach to ask for help.
“Coach, I think I’m going to quit the team.”
“Why? You have so much potential.”
“To be honest, I don’t care if I have potential. I just want to be popular.”
“Oh you do? Well wrestling should help with that.”
“Not if I never win.”
“What if I made it so you did win?”
“How would you do that?”
“Listen Greg. Nobody knows about this but I have a steroid to help you grow overnight. Would you be interested?”
“What? Overnight? Can I have it now?”
“Hold on tiger. I wanted to give it to you at the lock-in next weekend just to make sure you don’t die. You interested?”
“Of course, sir!”
“Great I’ll see you next weekend then.”
After a week of anticipation, Greg went to the school for the lock-in. He was quickly pulled aside by the coach.
“Here kid. You have to inject it in one of your buttcheeks. Now go.”
Greg shakily pushed the needle into his buttcheek and injected the mysterious liquid. There was no instant effect. He walked to sit in the coach’s office as instructed. The coach sat seated in front of Greg to observe the changes.
“When is it supposed to start working?”
“It takes about twenty minutes I believe.”
They sat in silence until Greg felt a pulsing throughout his body.
“Oh I think I can feel it working.”
He felt his legs and back stretch quickly, his previous 4’11” self left as a 6’4” giant.
“Woah. I’m huge!”
“Oh kid this is just the beginning.”
His face changed rapidly. His once youthful face was replaced with a much more masculine one. His jaw and chin grew massive, his chin gaining a noticeable dimple. His lips grew plump and juicy. His nose grew wider and more prominent. His eyes got smaller and changed to a crystal blue. His eyebrows got thicker and shifted to rest lower on his face. His hair became blonde and grew into a curly mullet. He grew a dense pornstache as well.
His body was the next target. His neck widened significantly and his adam’s apple grew much larger. His shoulders widened and grew more muscular. His traps swelled and started to swallow his neck. His biceps swelled along with his triceps and forearms. His hands grew to double the size and his fingers grew thick and meaty. His once nonexistent pecs changed into huge muscle tits. His nipples got thicker. His lats and back swelled, his whole silhouette gaining significant size. His stomach formed a six-pack. His thighs grew huge, perfect for wrapping around his opponents. They were so large he could not comfortably walk. His calves swelled. His feet changed into an absurd size 20. They were so big he would constantly trip over them. His butt grew fat and fuckable, so that they would jiggle when he walked. His penis grew massive. It expanded to a monstrous uncut 12 inches with huge balls.
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“Oh fuck that feels good…”
Greg flinched at hearing his voice. It was comically deep as he was comically large.
“How am I supposed to pass as a middle schooler? I’m huge!”
“You are a middle schooler, but you’re not 12 anymore.”
Greg tried to understand what he was just told but then the mental changes hit him all at once. His once high intellect shrunk to almost nothing. He couldn’t focus on anything except for his dick. He is now coach’s son and star player. He couldn’t pass 7th grade even at 19 years old. He has an IQ of 60 now, too stupid to do anything except wrestle, jerk off, and get fucked by his dad. He grew thick body hair all over, mostly around his armpits, balls, and chest. He gained a strong musk so strong his dad started to gag. Greg, or Gavin now, is the most popular guy at school, even if everyone has to plug their noses when talking to him. Coach hands him his a large hoodie, sweatpants, and huge shoes.
“Go put this on.”
“K Dad.”
Gavin pulls the clothes over his thick muscles, his huge dick and ass accentuated due to the tight fabric. He stomps his foot, causing his thick ass to jiggle hypnotically.
“Dad… I’m hornyyyyyy… Please fuck meee…”
“Gavin you know I can’t right now. I’m on duty. Maybe you should go play with the other kids.”
Gavin smiles and waddles away back to the gym, stumbling over his giant feet. He paws at his monster cock and pulls at his ass. He lifts his buff arm and sticks his face into the dense forest of hair in his armpit. He collapses on the floor and starts to masturbate to his obscene odor. He quickly realizes it’s impossible to smell his pits and wrap both of his hands around his huge cock, making him frustrated. He awkwardly stands up and forces his dick into the wall. He aggressively thrusts into the wall while lapping up the sweat accumulating in his hairy pits. He loudly pants and moans as he approaches climax. He releases copious amounts of cum, not even emptying his huge balls. He howls in pleasure as he falls back onto his fat jiggly ass. He passes out, his cock still sticking straight up.
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petraforgedyke · 11 months
i’m seeing a lot of fear today about Tumblr Shutting Down (Real) (Actually True) today and let peepaw seg tell you a story
i’ve been on this webbed site for fifteen years, believe it or not, since way back in the days of Tumblarity. now i was but a wee lad at the time, so i don’t remember the fine details, but rest assured, it doesn’t matter much for the story i’m about to tell you.
you see, i remember when tumblr was owned by tumblr. folk called its ceo (david karp) “daddy”, and were enthusiastic about his communications, even if on our own blogs, we’d bitch and moan about tumblr making changes to things we were used to. i remember the hubbub when tumblr removed tumblarity, and how this was surely going to be the end of tumblr.
all those fifteen (though it might be sixteen) years ago.
layouts changed, and we’d bitch and moan, and tumblr’d get sold, and we’d know for sure that This Was The End Of Tumblr, For Real This Time. this happened again and again and again, because this webbed site, you see, it makes no money, and companies, greedy things as they are, like money.
the porn ban, under the reign of YaHoo that was, was seen as another death knell. tumblr was going to die, for real, for sure, and i’m not proud to say that i was one of the ones who fell for it. peepaw seg needed to sow hir wild oats on other platforms.
now, i say this happened under yahoo, but it’s important to remember that this ban came in the wake of both the apple app store banning the tumblr app on account of real life csem being hosted on tumblr, and the new usamerican law SESTA-FOSTA being implemented, which made it so that companies such as tumblr would have to moderate the explicit content on them to make sure none of it breached sesta-fosta. tumblr, being a small fish in the grand scheme of thing, didn’t warrant that amount of financial effort on yahoo’s part, as the site was still not making any money, and it’s easier and cheaper to blanket ban than it is to moderate. all this to say, it’s important to vote, because if you don’t, your internet freedom will be curtailed.
and now we’re here, some sixteen years on, and i’ll say automattic has been not all good, but definitely not all bad for the site. they changed stuff we liked to our discontent (layouts), and added stuff we hated (live), but they also gave us stuff we like (polls) and an amount of open communication about tumblr’s inner workings not seen since the days of david “daddy” karp. and now they’re putting just a skeleton crew on the tumblr project.
and that’s going to be The End Of Tumblr For Sure For Real Actually This Time. Really. Promise. Abandon Ship.
and we come to the crux of this story.
which is that this has happened before, and it will happen again, because tumblr is surprisingly immune to making any money.
what we’re likely to see in the coming time is no new features (that’s reserved for projects that make money), and an increase in ads, until one day, and this might be in a few months, and maybe in a few years, there’ll be an announcement that tumblr’s been sold to one direction to a new company.
and we’ll start the whole rigmarole again. and this company might be good for tumblr’s userbase, or it might go against everything the tumblr community holds dear. no way of knowing which way it’ll go.
until one day, some parent company will have had enough, and will pull the plug.
but for now… well, i’m gonna sit here on my porch (blog), and we’ll see what happens. i'm not worried, tumblr’s survived worse things.
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falling-heights · 6 months
Yandere Viktor x Sick Reader
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"We're all killers.
We've all killed parts of ourselves to survive.
Something somewhere had to die so we could stay alive."
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He won't let you die.
Whether it be his unshakeable determination to save you, or because he just can't let the one person to ever understand his condition go. However, his idea of salvation is far from kind. A machine keeps you animated.
A liquid diet of nutrients driven into your veins daily. Synthetic air forced into your lungs, a thick, rigid tube shoved into your mouth, down your throat. It was calibrated, exact, like a ticking clock, never off for a moment.
You had memorized its rhythm for a long time now, there was little else to think about anymore.
This existence is beyond any imaginable pain or remorse. Nothing should be forced to live like this, not when you should have died so long ago. And yet he will not accept it; he robbed you of your very right to die.
He's taken away your ability to beg, with that horrible pipe. You supposed he preferred your silence if you would not ask him anything more than to pull its plug. Or perhaps, that you might even thank him one day if he were to ever 'cure' you. Until then, the only noise you could emit was the regulated gasps that were exhaled out of your chest with every forced compression of the machine.
You could not even will yourself to rip the tube from your throat. It was attempted only once, and your hands had been tied to the edges of the bed since then. Regardless, you didn't think you had the strength to lift them anymore.
What was left of your muscles must surely be atrophied after laying on this bed for what must be months. You weren't even sure how long it had been since he brought you here, he never said.
Has he even realized what little is actually left of the person he loved so dearly? How desperately you yearn for him to stop, to allow you to leave. How could he imagine that what he's doing to you is worse than if he had simply let you die as nature determined?
Viktor visits you every day. Usually to take care of you, to talk to you as he always did when things were more innocent. Oftentimes, he cuts into you during these one-sided conversations, speaking to you about the most ordinary things while he operated on you like you were some sort of experiment.
You didn't know why he did it, what he was looking for, or what he was planning. He spoke about the human body as though it were a machine, something with parts and systems, and you feared that one day he would begin to remove the things he cut into.
You feared what he may turn you into.
You were the one person he ought to love the most, but he seemed to have lost himself after witnessing you fade little by little. So lost in his resolve to fix you, he had forgotten any sense of morality or humanity. It didn't matter what he had to do or what would happen in the end so long as he could make you better.
And my dear, he will fix you. Even if he has to replace every inch of you.
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Just realized this is the first Arcane content to be posted on this blog. I have another blog with a lot of Viktor stuff, i didn't even realize that he had never been posted here until now.
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kaeyx · 2 months
canwe talk about puppy chuuya ... puppy chuuya who whines so bad when he goes into heat, puppy chuuya who's unintentionally so loud when he's alone in his room thrusting between pillows trying to imagine it as you, puppy chuuya who wishes to shrivel up and die when you walk in and catch him, but puppy chuuya who melts instantly when you wrap a hand around him, thumbing at his tip as he cums so early. :(
I feel like I've already spoiled everything I'm going to say in dms but hfjgkgkhlf he's so cute poor thing :(( he misses you so much that he spends all day humping everything in the house waiting for you to come back, but he's so embarrassed about it. The tables, the edge of the chair when he sits down, the sofa, even his own thighs. He tries to sleep but has a wet dream about you and wakes up grinding against the mattress with a puddle of cum under him and he's so embarrassed but he can't help himself!! Chuuya is so whipped for you and his heat makes everything so much worse, he can't do anything but think about fucking you and knotting you, breeding you full and cuddling you to sleep with his swollen cock keeping you plugged up.
He folds over your pillow and fucks that to try and tide him over but it's just not the same, even if it smells like you. The fabric is so rough on his poor, oversensitive cock and his hands don't feel much better but he can't stop his hips from snapping forward, chasing any stimulation he can get, burying his nose in your sheets and whining. He's getting loud but he's too distracted to notice, his head is full of you and your smell, how good you'd feel wrapped around his cock with your nails dragging down his back and his teeth in your neck. He doesn't even notice when you get home, too distracted, his pretty eyes shut tight as he chases another pathetic orgasm that won't actually make him feel any better.
He nearly has a heart attack when the bed dips and he sees you there right next to him, your hand reaching out to scratch his ears and play with his hair just how he likes it before you're kneeling on the bed behind him and pressing your warm chest up against his back. Chuuya feels feverish, wriggling closer and trying to get as much skin to skin contact as he can, his tail thumping against your leg as he whines about how much he missed you. He's so turned on that he forgets to be embarrassed, kissing you messily and moaning into your mouth when one of your hands slides around to his stomach, following his thick happy trail downwards until it's wrapped firmly around his knot, squeezing and milking him in a way nobody else can.
Chuuya whining and moaning, tears streaming down his face as he bucks his hips and begs you for something, locking up as you rip another orgasm from him with your thumb rubbing insistent circles on his poor, swollen tip. Your free hand holding his and squeezing reassuringly as you promise that he can give you a few more.
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semperama · 24 days
hiii, for the ask game, i would love nr 7 (i dreamt about you last night) for buddie! ✨️
This is probably not what you had in mind when you sent this prompt, and I'm sorry!! It got a little angsty on me. Also long.
“I dreamt about you last night.”
Buck wakes up to sheets soaked with sweat, a scream halfway out of his mouth. His ears are still ringing with gunfire, sirens. His heart is pounding, his lungs pulling desperately at the air. He paws at his face, his neck, looks at his hands in the semi-dark and expects them to be stained black with blood.
But it’s just clean skin. He’s alone in his bedroom, legs tangled in the blankets, no copper taste on his tongue.
It was a dream. Just a dream.
The fourth time he’s had the same dream in as many nights.
He throws back the covers and gets out of bed, goes into the bathroom where he turns on the light and splashes water on his face, like that might wash it all the way. They always do it in the movies, the water trick. He wonders if it ever works for them. It doesn’t work for him.
Even when he’s awake, he sees it. The blank expression on Eddie’s face. The pool of blood spreading across the asphalt. The way Eddie’s hand moved. He reached for Buck like Buck could save him, and Buck tried, but it doesn’t feel like it was enough. Even though Eddie’s alive—it was because the bullet missed vital organs, and because the surgeons knew what they were doing. But if he’d been hit a couple inches to the left…Buck couldn’t have done anything. Eddie might still have reached for him, but all he would have been able to do was watch him die.
“Fuck,” he mutters, then splashes himself with another handful of cold water. He can’t—won’t—go back to bed, so he shuts off the faucet and goes downstairs, curls up on the couch and turns the TV on.
He should nod off again. He’s tired enough to. But he knows by now what will happen if he does, the worst moment of his life in technicolor, surround sound. So he stays awake, until the gray light of dawn crowds out the darkness beyond his windows.
The nightmares didn’t start until Buck went home. The nights he slept on the Diaz couch were quiet and dreamless, either because he was too exhausted or too numb. He went to work, did the necessary chores, helped Christopher with his homework and cooked him dinner. His body ran on autopilot and his mind stayed blissfully blank, and at night he dropped off to sleep like someone pulled his plug.
But it’s been almost a week since Eddie got home, five days since he sent Buck back to the loft. You’ll kill your back sleeping on that couch much longer. I’ll call you if you need you. Buck hasn’t gotten more than four hours of sleep in a night since.
“You look like shit,” Chim says when Buck clomps up the stairs for breakfast at the start of their next shift. And Buck knows it’s the truth. He saw himself in the mirror this morning. His eyes are bloodshot, and the circles under them have darkened into a bruised shade of purple. His hands have been shaking so much, he keeps them stuffed into his pockets or curled around something—the strap of his bag, a coffee mug.
Bobby’s busy chopping a handful of chives, but when he looks up, Buck knows immediately what he’s going to say.
“Go home, Buck,” Bobby says. “You know you’re no use to us like this.”
What the fuck am I going to do at home? Buck wants to ask—but he also knows Bobby’s right. In his current state, he’d end up jamming the Jaws into his own leg, or throw himself off the side of a building before clipping in.
Maybe neither would be so bad, though. Maybe a different kind of pain would be a relief.
Regardless, he can’t go home. He sits inside the Jeep in the parking lot for almost ten minutes, hands curled around the steering wheel, wondering if a nap here would end up the same way. Then, he starts up the engine and drives to Eddie’s.
It takes a while for Eddie to get to the door, and Buck realizes too late he’s probably sleeping. It’s early, and the painkillers always make him tired, and Buck should have just—let him sleep. Someone should be getting some sleep.
“Why didn’t you just come in?” Eddie asks when he sees it’s Buck on his doorstep. He looks—soft. His hair is sleep-rumpled. He’s not wearing a shirt, his sling strapped across his bare chest, and soft black sweatpants sit low on his hips. Buck wants to lean in and bury his face into the place where his shoulder meets his neck.
“Not sure,” Buck says honestly. His brain isn’t working right, probably. How could it, when it’s wrapped in three layers of cotton?
Eddie steps back to let him in, a furrow forming in his brow. “Wait, aren’t you supposed to be at work?” he says. “And why do you look like—is everything okay?”
Buck shuffles in just enough for Eddie to shut the door behind him. “I had a dream about you,” he says, dropping his gaze to the floor. He feels like a child, showing up in his parents’ bedroom in the middle of the night to cry about the monsters in his closet. Or—it’s how he imagines it must feel. His own parents certainly weren’t interested in protecting him from the things that go bump in the night.
“A dream?” Eddie repeats. He takes a step forward, puts a hand on Buck’s shoulder, and ducks his head to meet his eyes.
“More than one, actually.” Buck doesn’t want to look at him, but he knows he won’t stand for it. “Every night.” His voice cracks. “The sniper.”
“Buck.” Eddie’s hand tightens on him, grips hard enough to hurt. It’s good. Grounding. Buck wants to beg him to leave a bruise. “Why didn’t you say something?
“You’re the one who got shot,” Buck says. “What right do I have to even—”
“No, hey.” Eddie moves in closer, his hand kneading Buck’s shoulder, only a few inches of space between them now. “For me, it was just…pain, and-and your face, and then black. For you…I’ve been in your shoes before, too. I know how scary it can be.”
Buck wants to reach for him, but there’s no safe place to put his hands—the soft skin of Eddie’s waist, the pillow crease that slashes across the side of his face. “I almost didn’t save you.” Finally, Buck touches Eddie’s elbow, just gently, with the tips of his fingers. “I froze, Eddie.” His breath hitches. He can feel his face start to crumple. “I almost didn’t—”
“Oh, Buck.” Eddie yanks him in, guides Buck’s forehead to that spot Buck wanted to nestle into moments ago, holds him close. It’s awkward with Eddie’s bum arm smushed between them, his knuckles digging into Buck’s stomach, but it’s also perfect, because Eddie is warm and alive, his heart beating and blood rushing through his veins and lungs expanding, his breath ruffling Buck’s hair. “I’m here,” he murmurs, his fingers scratching into the hair at the back of Buck’s head. “I’m fine. You did save me, okay? I’m right here.”
Buck cries. For how long, he doesn’t know. Shaky sobs into Eddie’s shoulder, Eddie’s skin going slick under his cheek. His arms curl around Eddie’s waist, and his fingers dig in, clinging. Eddie almost died, but he didn’t die. He’s here, and he’s solid, and he’s real. Buck doesn’t ever want to let go of him again.
“Here, why don’t we…” Eddie says after some indeterminate amount of time, shifting to wrap his arm around Buck’s shoulders and tug. “Come on. Come lay down with me. You need sleep.”
“Yeah,” Buck says, a strangled sound. He lifts his head enough to walk under his own power, but he won’t stop touching Eddie, one arm still wound around him, their hips brushing all the way down the hall.
In the bedroom, he makes himself let go of Eddie long enough that Eddie can rearrange himself in bed, get into a position that’s comfortable for his shoulder. Buck climbs in carefully, but as soon as he starts to settle, Eddie pulls him closer, manhandles him so his face is tucked against Eddie’s neck again, that spot starting to feel like it was made just for him, two puzzle pieces fitting together.
“Sleep,” Eddie says, and soon, Buck does.
He falls into dreams of Eddie, but this time it’s different—not the sniper, not any other disaster. He dreams of Eddie and Chris at the zoo, gilded with sunlight. He dreams of Eddie grinning up at him during a rope rescue. He dreams of warm skin, warm breath, strong fingers pressing bruises into his hips.
He sleeps, and he dreams of Eddie.
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