#i will never get over how kara looks at cat's face and how her eyes trail down to her lips
mitski · 2 years
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so much intensity in one scene 
from ( ◕‿◕) to (¬‿¬)
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midnightlizard · 6 months
Kara Danvers x gn!spidey! reader
Love square
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Summary: Kara loves the reader, but they're in love with Supergirl. None of them knows who the other secretly is. (it's basically the miraculous plot if you've ever seen it)
Warnings: nothing really. Reader has Spiderman powers but the superhero name (Y/S/N) is not specified
Word count: 5080
It was a quiet night out in the streets, you already swung over the city a couple of times looking for people getting robbed, attacked or even murdered. But to everyone's luck, except maybe yours, National City was very peaceful tonight.
Hanging from a streetlight, you were pondering ending your patrol and just going back to bed, until you noticed something small moving out of the corner of your eye.
It didn't trigger your senses but you still decided to get on the ground to check it out.
What seemed to be now a small animal shierked away from the sudden movement, hiding under a bench.
Looking through the cracks of the wood you saw a pair of yellow eyes looking back at you.
"come here kitty, come come" you knelt on the cement, trying to get it to come to you. Surprisingly enough, it slowly advanced, coming out to sniff your outstretched fingers.
"oh sorry baby I have no food with me" but thankfully the cat didn't seem to mind, as it started headbutting your hand in search of cuddles. Now that it was under the light you could see its black fur and white spots, that made it look like it had socks on and a mustache.
"ahw look at you, you're so cute!" he wasn't wearing a collar, but you could tell he was a boy.
Between finding the best place to pet him and thinking how you could sneak him into your apartment at this hour without anyone noticing, you suddenly felt a shiver run down your spine and heard a gunshot a second later.
"sorry baby, got to go" you hurriedly said, and the cat almost seemed to miss your touch as you sprung into action, shooting a web at the nearest building and launching yourself into the air, swinging towards the sound.
When you arrived, not too long after, all you could see was a big red cape twirling around and three men around it.
There she was, the girl of steel, in all of her glory, fighting bad guys and not breaking a sweat. They didn't seem too dangerous and you both knew she could handle them herself. But that way you wouldn't get a chance to flirt with her.
You silently crawled the walls, as to not alert the men, and with every bad guy she sent flying into the air, you trapped them with your webs.
"what took you so long?" she asked, removing dust from her hands.
"I was with a kitty! I came as soon as I heard" you leaned close to her face "why, you missed me?"
"not a chance spidey" she put a hand on your cheeck and turned your head the other way. "where is the woman?" she took a step back, searching around. When her gaze turned to you, she saw your head tilted to the side in confusion, and decided to explain.
"there was a woman with them, they were trying to rob her, I jumped in but she must have escaped. Did you not see anyone on your way here?"
Even tho she couldn't see it, you smiled and shook your head "sorry beautiful, but you're the only woman I see" that made her groan out loud, though you knew she wasn't seriously bothered by it.
Since the moment you two met, you were instantly drawn to the blonde, to the confidence in her steps and the undeniable sweetness of her heart, and the fact that she was gorgeous was definitely a plus.
And from the first moment you decided to make it clear, you were never one to hide your feelings no matter the nature, hence the constant flirting.
Unfortunately, she never seemed to return the sentiment, turning you down every single time claiming she already had someone in her heart.
"I need to take them to the police station" she replied, ignoring the flattery "wanna help me bug?"
"You know" you started, already attatching two of the men on your back "for someone who insists on refusing me, you sure like using pet names"
You didn't give her time to reply when you gave her a mask covered kiss on the cheeck "race you there sweetheart" and with that, you started swinging, leaving her to scoff and pick up the remaining criminal.
The rest of the night went by smoothly, with only a couple of people speeding at a red light, but you weren't a traffic vigilante, so you didn't intervene.
- - -
It was almost five a.m. when you got back to your apartment. You went to check on your phone, not really expecting anyone to text you during the night. Much to your surprise, someone did.
Two hours ago, almost at the time you met supergirl, Kara texted you. It was nothing really, she just said how excited she was for your lunch plans for tomorrow, but it still made you laugh that she felt the need to say that in the middle of night.
Throwing your phone back on the nightstand, you took your suit off and got into bed, trying to get as much sleep as possible, to not look like a zombie in front of your friend.
- - -
Turns out, she looked just as sleepy as you. In fact, as soon as you two sat down at noonas, she let out a big yawn, covering her mouth with her hand "sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night" she apologized, light blush on her cheeks.
"oh I believe it" you said, picking up the menu "with texting me in the middle of the night and stuff"
Had you not been so focused on what to order, you probably would have noticed the darker shade of red that took over her face. "yea I was uhm, I couldn't sleep and I was thinking about it"
"We could have met another day, I wouldn't want you to fall asleep on me" you stated jokingly but she instantly started shaking her head.
"No! No, I mean, we haven't seen each other in a long time and I wanted to see you. Besides, I'm fine, really"
You almost wanted to laugh at her eagerness, she always managed to look cute without ever trying to. While on the other side of the table, Kara felt so embarrassed she wanted to fly away and never come back.
You resumed talking after the waiter came for your orders "You wanted to see me? You need something?"
yea to be your girlfriend.
"No it's, it's about next week's game night" she seemed to take a breath, pondering her next words "I was wondering if you could come earlier to uh, to help me prepare"
You squinted your eyes at her request, she never wanted any help setting things up, and she always ordered take out so it's not like she needed help in the kitchen.
Taking your silence as an answer, she started fidgeting with her hands. "Yea you're probably busy sorry, don't know why I-"
Kara stopped mid sentence, feeling your hand on hers. "No it's okay hun of course I can, I was just confused." she just nodded, raising her free hand to adjust her glasses.
When your food arrived, you removed your hand and the blonde immediately missed your warmth.
Nothing special happened after that, except for Kara blushing one too many times for her liking.
Once you two finished she had to excuse herself to run back to the office, before Cat would notice she's late. She went to reach for her purse but you stopped her, wrapping your hand gently around her wrist.
"Today it's on me beautiful"
If she hadn't felt her knees buckle at the petname and at your smile, she probably would have been more stubborn; instead Kara just hangs with her mouth open and nods, quickly running away.
- - - -
As soon as she entered the building, she was told by an intern that Cat was looking for her, so with a heavy sigh she ran into her office.
"Is the article I asked you last week-" she asked as soon as Kara got in, sending the blonde a slight glare "finally ready?"
Kara pushed her glasses up "Yes miss Grant, I just need to fix the layout" and she was about to add something, but the breaking news report displayed on the big screens behind Cat caught both of their attention. It was about a bank robbery (Y/S/N) alone just thwaterd.
With an intrigued glint in her eyes, the CEO turned her head to face her employee. "amusing, isn't it? Just a few months ago we all thought they were just Supergirl's side kick, turns out they're equals."
Hearing a scoff coming out from the blonde, she raised an eyebrow "you don't think so, Keera?"
"Of course they're a hero and they're saving people but they're definitely not like Supergirl" taking her boss' silence as a question she continued, and the words left her mouth before she could ponder them.
"Supergirl is serious and wants to get it over as quickly and as efficiently as possible, but they always plays around and get distracted constantly, and they're not serious at all."
"You seem to know a lot about them" she leaned forward, with her arms on her desk, and not caring about the blonde's stuttered excuse, she shrugged her shoulders "well considering you and supergirl are basically best friends"
Kara found a way to get out of this situation "yea she talked to me about them a coup-"
"I want to interview them. Give your current article to Jim or Finn," who was probably Winn "and get me that interview as soon as possible. They've never been in a real interview so it will be a scoop."
Knowing she couldn't even try to argue with the CEO, she nodded her head "you'll have it miss Grant" and got out of her office.
- - -
"what do I do Alex? It's not like I can go as Supergirl and ask them, they'll know something is up and will probably figure out who I am."
Unlike for (Y/S/N), where no one knew who they were, a lot of people knew who Supergirl was, and Kara thought it would be better if no more people knew about her other identity, and that meant hiding from you too, both of you.
"You're giving them a lot credit, I thought you thought they were dumb?" Alex asked with a small smile on her lips.
The kryptonian raised her head from the couch of her apartment, where it was previously buried, and looked at her sister with a frown. "They annoy me because they play around too much and constantly flirt with me but I never said they were dumb, they're actually really smart, and a good hero."
Alex has worked a lot with you so Kara knew she was just joking, but for some reason she still felt the need to defend you. The agent looked at the blonde before suggesting her idea "what if I ask them? They know you're my sister and it wouldn't be weird that I want to help you with your super demanding boss."
"mhh yea, that could work." a soft smile appeared on her lips "Thanks Alex"
Alex just nodded, waving her hand around dismissively. "More importantly," she started again, with a glint in her eyes that made Kara fear of what she was going to say "how did it go with (Y/N)? Are you two a thing yet?"
She started laughing as soon as she heard her sister's loud groan. "ugh I knew you were gonna ask that"
"you didn't tell them, did you?" Alex leaned her arm on the backrest of the couch, leaning her head on her arm.
"I mean I tried to" she glared at her sister's laugh, but she knew she couldn't really blame her "I just, stutter so much around them they must think I'm stupid"
"Ahw I'm sure they don't Kara" she stopped her teasing to reassure the kryptonian "first of all, you two are friends before anything else, second of all they're such a sweet guy they'd never think of you like that"
She stopped for a second, seeing the hopeful gaze in her sister's eyes "and most importantly, I'm sure they like you back, with all the pet names they give you."
"that doesn't mean anything, they call everyone by a nickname"
"you're the only one they call beautiful or pretty or honey or sweetheart or-"
"okay I get I get it" the flustered blonde hid her head between the pillows of the couch, face red from the tip of the nose to the top of the ears, just by thinking of all the times you called her any of these names.
"I mean...(Y/S/N) uses those on me too" the kryptonian resumed, and for some reason the blush didn't leave her cheeks.
- - -
Two days later, you sprinted from your house all the way to the D.E.O. and landed on the balcony, running to find Alex.
You started looking around, the big screens that often showed info about the mission were turned off with no one around, but that's not what caught your attention. Supergirl was nowhere in sight, she must have been called in too right? Unless she couldn't come.
When you noticed dark brown hair sitting at a chair from afar, you got into the director's office, probably breaking the handle with the sheer force you used.
Alex turned her head to look at you.
"What's going on Alex? Where's Supergirl? Is she okay?" The agent got up from her seat to face you.
"Calm down (Y/S/N), she's fine nothing happened" she reassured you "I just need your help with something"
Even though she couldn't see your face, frustration could be heard from your tone. "Nothing happened? You sent me a 911 signal" your shourlders slumped.
"yea because I need your help now"
You loudly groaned, though you were mostly grateful nothing serious happened, especially to Supergirl. "What do you need short Danvers?"
Making fun of her was a privilege you could only have while wearing your suit, given you were normally afraid of her.
Knowing you had the upper hand with your powers, and that it was all just playful teasing, she let it go, voicing her need. "My sister needs to get her boss an interview with you and she knows I work with you and supergirl so she asked for my help"
You opened your mouth to agree but closed it right after, thinking you could get something out of this too. "If I agree to the interview-"
"oh my god" Alex rolled her eyes "I'm not getting Supergirl to go on a date with you"
You loudly laughed at that, everyone knew where your head was at. "that's not what I was going to say!" you took a brief pause "but if that's what your offering..."
She crossed her arms, raising her brow, successfully shutting you up.
"I want to know who she-"
"definitely not" she interrupted you.
"oh come on, why not?" you move your hands in the air "you know who she is, John knows who she is, even Winn knows!"
"It's just safer this way spider, don't argue with me" her excuse didn't really hold up but you let it go for now, it should be Supergirl's call after all.
"fine" you rolled you eyes. And besides, "when's the interview?" you couldn't say no to Kara.
- - -
The next day you were on the roof of CatCo, your legs dangling off the edge.
"oh good you're here" you turned around at the sound of Kara's voice.
"your sister said you needed me" you got closer to her.
"yes hi" she replied quickly "but I will not be the one doing the interview, my boss Cat will" she glanced at the door. "but I need to tell you a few things first"
With a confused look, not that she could see it, you shrugged your shoulders, letting her go on "okay first" she took a big breath, speaking rapidly after that "do not let her drag you into her office, she will have the upper hand and you will not be able to withold information. Second, do not answer any personal life question, no matter how useless you think they are, she could always use them to find out who you really are. Third, don't even think-"
"with all due respect, my lady" you stopped her rant with your hands on her shoulders, and she regained her breath with a slight glare. The reason for it was unkown to you. "I am the superhero between us, so I know what I can and can't say"
And she didin't have time to rebut when she suddenly heard heels clicking their way up the stairs, making her jump away from you.
"Keera, glad to see you were able to do what I asked"
"isn't it Kara?" you spoke loudly, faking innocence, wanting to correct the older woman without being too obvious.
The woman gave you look, but didn't say anything. "can you leave us alone?" she turned to the reporter "I'd like to interview them alone"
- - -
The interview went well, you think, you didn't say anything about yourself and ended up following Kara's instructions. You thought about telling her how it went, but as you got to her desk you noticed her bag and jacket were gone.
"where did Kara go?" you stopped Winn is his steps, knowing he wouldn't be surprised by your presence.
"oh she went home early. She had a thing with (Y/N)- a friend" he corrected himself, thinking you wouldn't know them.
You forrowed your brows, but when your eyes landed on the clock hung on the wall you felt a shiver run down your spine. You were very late. You should have been at Kara's huose over half an hour ago.
You let out an exasperated sigh, "great- uh, I have to- I have to go now. I''l see you at- the DEO...soon?"
Winn only looked at you weirdly but he didin't have time to respond before you patted his shoulder and jumped out of the window, drawing some curious looks.
If Winn didin't know about your crush for supergirl, he'd probably thing you were jelous of yourself.
- - -
After picking up the backpack you left in one of the allies near Catco, you quickly put on some clothes, hiding your suit. You run up the stairs to Kara's apartment, frantically knocking on her door, still breathless and with your hair messy.
She had been pacing around the room for quite a while now so she quickly opened the door to your apologetic smile. "I'm so sorry I'm late love, I had a work thing and I thought about getting you something but it would have just been worse so I didn't"
You tried to explain, but to be honest her mind was still on how cute you looked with your cheeks flushed and how you breathlessly called her "love".
"oh it's fine. It doesn't matter now" she said letting you in, closing the door behind you.
"why? I thought you wanted help with something?" you shrugged your coat off, standing in the middle of the room. Hearing footsteps behind you, you turned around, your eyes meeting Alex's.
"hi, I didn't know you were coming here earlier too" you said, going in for a hug.
"she didn't come here early" Kara answered with a light edge to her tone, going into the kitchen.
"did you forget?" Alex whispered, and her tone wasn't as harsh, but it did sound like she wanted to scold you. It couldn't have been that serious, right?
You shook your head "no I told her I got caugth up in-" James knocking on the door stopped you, and soon after everyone else was there.
- - -
The night was going on smoothly, except for the fact that Kara didn't seat next to you like always, and she was persistent on avoiding your gaze, even tho you could feel her looking at you from time to time. She seemed to fidget more with her hands than usual, so you were sure something was up.
Thinking that asking Alex was not an option, you leaned towards Lena, whispering in her ear when it wasn't her turn to play.
"you know what's wrong with Kara?" she subtly turned to look at you, her lips in a thin line, she didn't need to look at her best friend to know what was going on inside her head.
"she's been like this all night, did she tell you anything?" you pleaded
Said blonde jumped up from the couch, claiming she was going to get another round of snacks and went into the kitchen. The Luthor gave you a nod, silently prompting you to follow the kryptonian, and as you got up to do so, you felt another pair of eyes on you.
You quietly made your way over, Kara's back facing you while she got herself a glass of water.
"uh are you okay?" you uttered, leaning on the counter so you could see her face "I noticed you were acting a bit..strange" you lowered your head, but she was once again avoiding looking at you, using her glass as a distraction.
"did something happen at work?" you met Cat, so you woulnd't be surprised "or-" you gulped, you'd hate to be the reason why she was acting like this "-are you mad I got here late?"
She slammed the glass back on the counter letting a few drops spill out, surprising herself when it didn't break. Kara took a deep breath, before replying "I'm not mad at you, (Y/N)" but it was really hard to believe it.
"okay, then what is it?" you got closer, putting your hand on hers, so she would look at you, and she did. The reporter raised her head, her eyebrows furrowed and her mouth agape, as if she was thinking on what to say. But when nothing came up she resumed to looking at your conjoined hands.
Kara could feel her wrist burning from your hold, and all the whispers and heartbeats she could hear from the other room prevented her from thinking.
"come with me"
You followed her closely, making up a stupid excuse on why you're exiting the apartment, even if none of your friends seemed surprised.
Kara brought you all the way to the roof, and still hasn't uttered a word. And you let her, giving her time.
But after a minute of silence and her pacing around you got in front of her, making her almost bump into you.
"Kara" You called "it's just me. What's going on?"
You smiled in reassurance, but she just forrowed her brows, letting out a big sigh. That wasn't much you could do to help her if she didn't talk unfortunately, you could only look at her.
Look at how her hair was slowly coming out of her ponytail due to the wind, how her eyebrows were so close together you were surprised she hasn't got a headache yet, and how her eyes seemed darker under this light.
And this sight was so familiar, but it didn't feel like you were looking at Kara, not really.
"I know what you want to tell me" you breathed out, and the fact she was looking at your lips is probably the only reason why she was able to hear you.
"you do?"
"yea" you smiled, shaking your head in disbelief "I can't believe I was so blind"
She felt her cheeks heat up, but her heart fell right out of her chest with your next words.
"you're Supergirl"
The super profusely tried to deny it, claiming you drank too much or had a wide imagination. Even going as far as commenting "I wish"
"oh" you raised your brows "so you don't have super strength, laser eyes, ice breath, and you can't fly?"
"no oh my god I could never be her" she let out a shaky laugh, adjusting the glasses on her nose, you couldn't believe they deceived you for such a long time.
You started walking around, getting closer to the edge "mhh you're right, I just thought because you're blonde you might be her" you reasoned, pointing to your hair.
"not the only blonde in National City" she replied and shrug her shoulders, hoping you would just drop the subject, the idea of expressing her feelings long gone.
"such a shame" you were able to see Kara turning on her heels in your peripheral vision "I really hope the real Supergirl comes to my rescue then"
She couldn't have spun her head around faster, but you were already out of sight, falling down the building.
The kryptonian shouted your name, jumping off the edge using her powers. When she couldn't see you anywhere she started panicking even more.
"(Y/N)? (Y/N) where are you?"
"behind you, beautiful" You were smirking with your arms crossed, your feet glued to the wall, steadily keeping you in place.
"what were you thinking about, jumping like that, you could have died, how are you even-" she said it all in one breath, stopping only when a look of realization took over her face.
"I've never seen Kara so pissed at me, it's new"
She let out a big groan, and not sparing you another glance, she got back onto the roof, you following after her.
"were you ever planning on telling me?" she squinted her eyes
"I mean, were you? You and your sister always made sure to tell me how I should keep my identity a secret"
"that's different, I didn't know it was you" she knew she wasn't making any sense, but her brain wasn't working properly at the moment, her heart still hasn't recovered from the scare you gave her, and she had so many things to process.
"come here" you took both of her hands in yours, bringing her closer to you. "I know who you are and you know who I am, doesn't that just mean we can trust each other more?" you offered, running your thumbs along the skin, effectively calming her down.
"I've always trusted you, even when I didn't know who was hiding behind the mask"
"oh, oh I'm sorry" her smile turned into a face of confusion "is it Kara or Supergirl talking? because I know Supergirl would never say something so sweet to me" that earned you a slap to the shoulder.
She rolled her eyes "shut up I take it back, we both think you're annoying"
But you didn't laugh with her, something else occupying your thoughts.
"do you like me, Kara?" you took a step closer, and she didn't have it in herself to take a step back. "you always say it's useless to flirt because there's someone else in your heart and I never asked, but now I'm asking you" you took a brief pause "do you like me?"
She sighed, knowing she couldn't lie to you anymore, so she slightly nodded, curling her eyebrows.
"but you like Supergirl"
"you are Supergirl" you answered matter of factly, but you had a feeling you knew what she was getting at.
"I like her because she has the biggest heart I have ever seen, she' s passionate about her job, both of her jobs, I love how her cape bounces around as she walks and how she can't seem to keep her glasses from falling off"
You brought your hand up her chin, making her look at you, while your other hand adjusted said glasses.
"I've always liked you Kara, all of you, I just thought of this part of you too much of a friend to notice"
Kara was totally hanging from your lips at this point, not only because she was looking at them.
You leaned your head down as she circled the hand that held her face.
"can I kiss you?" you murmured, making her nod vigorously.
It only took you half a second to close the distance, and you instantly felt Kara reciprocating the kiss, moving her lips against yours in an almost desperate demeanor. Her other hand gripped your shirt to pull you closer and when she felt you fingers on her sweater she gasped lightly.
you broke the kiss after a minute with a bite to her bottom lip, making her let out another small sound and left her chasing after you.
She blinked quickly a few times after she recovered, a deep blush still present on her cheeks. "I like you, too" the blonde replied breathlessly and slowly lowered her hands, not sure what to do with them.
"yea i guessed that" you teased, stealing another kiss.
Soon after that you two decided to head back, after Kara told you everyone knew she was planing on telling you today, and thanking you for the interview.
When you got back into the apartment everyone suddenly stopped talking and looked at you.
"so, did you two kiss?" it was of course Winn who broke the silence, voicing all of their thoughts. You looked over at Kara, and seeing her flushed face, you decided to answer, nodding.
"and I know she's Supergirl" you added, trying to ease the mild akwardness
"and I know you're (Y/S/N)" she retorted, not realizing what she said until she heard gasps all over the small apartment
"Kara!" you tightened your grip on her hand for a second, but she could see you weren't really annoyed. Various confused questions followed your statement, Alex's voice sounding above them
"so, the person who likes to make fun of me and never does as I say" she crossed her arms, letting her lips curve into a smirk as she watched you get behind the krytponian, now aware of the strenght she possessed.
"you know, you should probably focus on something else" you spoke up from behind Kara's shoulder, while gripping the end of her sweater "why don't we go back to the game, you were winning right? isn't it right Kara?"
Said woman smiled at your antics, playfully rolling her eyes "let them go Alex, you can torture them another day"
"no she can't" you tried to argue, but the brunette was already off to get another bear from the fridge.
You suddenly felt the sweater slipping away from your grip, and lowered your head to find Kara now looking at you, with a small smile on her lips.
"come on, let's go play" she pulled on your hand, making you follow her.
She did seat next to you now, still stealing glances when she thought you wouldn't notice, and instantly looking down every time you caught her.
Kara Danvers Masterlist - Supergirl Masterlist
General Masterlist
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supercorpkid · 6 months
The Secret Life Of Lena Luthor
Supergirl. Lena Luthor x Reader!
Word Count: 2785.
Lena Luthor has a secret. Probably many of them, but there’s only one that bugs you so much.
Who are those friends of her? Why are they so tight that you feel like they are in some sort of cult? Why does it look like she would die for them? And how come they are always more important than you?
You see, the last one's been bothering you for a while now.
Some time last year.
The world is saved. Again. For the third time this month. And while Lena sits to celebrate with her friends/ teammates she is content. A kind of feeling she hasn’t experienced much before, but that’s been constant ever since the big fight. Ever since Lex is gone gone.
She looks at J’onn and M’gann reminiscing about something from their planet. Looks at Alex and Kelly swooning over something cute she is sure Esmé just did. Nia looks at Brainy as if he is the most interesting being and all of existence. All of them have somebody. Well, she looks at Kara alone. But Kara is never truly alone. She has Supergirl. All these people around her and the people she met in different universes.
But Lena? Outside of this room she barely has anyone. Sam, Ruby, Jess. She scrambles to find more names.
So Lena looks around, more certain than she’s ever been before. She needs someone. Someone outside this group of friends, so she can get back some sort of normality she most certainly lost since she discovered her witchy ancestry and joined the super friends for real.
And then Lena finds you. 
You run through the door of the Lena Luthor Foundation, and since she wants to be more hands on with everything, Lena is right there to see it.
“Do you, um, take strays?”
“Strays, ma’am?” The receptionist asks, raising one perfect eyebrow at you. “You mean like, cats?”
“What? No! I mean me.” You smile widely. “I mean, do you take walk-ins? Like, can I just walk in and find myself a station and start working?”
“Oh. Ah.” She looks around for help. Unsure of what to tell you. And because Lena herself is around, she jumps in to help.
“Hi.” Lena shows you her hand. “Lena Luthor. How can I help you,” she looks at both of your hands. No ring. “Miss?”
“Y/N.” You introduce yourself, shaking her hand. 
“You want to work on something?”
“Well, you see, I have this idea. It’s really bugging me and keeping me awake at night.” You point at your own face. “I’m sure you can tell. But I don’t have everything I need to work on it. It says online it’s what this foundation is for.”
“Well, we don’t work on everything. Our resources are vast but still limited. There’s a board. If you want to present your idea.” Lena suggests and you shake your head agreeing, then just like that you’re running out of there as fast as you came in. She looks back at the receptionist with a smile. “Strange little cat, that one.”
You don’t give her time to move on from you at all, when you run back in. A prototype in hand, and several loose papers on the other. 
“Ok, I’m ready.” You smile at her and she furrows her brows.
“Oh, I didn’t mean right now.”
“Please, ma’am. I need to sleep.” And to demonstrate, only one of your eyes blink. She seems to take pity on you.
“Well then, come in. Let’s see what I can do for you. And please, call me Lena.” 
And what she can do for you, is help you with every little thing you need help with. And what you can do for her, is help her see there’s more to life than work and a few friends.
Present days.
“You’re running off.” You mumble. Eyes still shut, voice thick with sleep. 
“Emergency. Sorry, my love.” You hear shuffling so you know she is getting ready to run off to her super secret, super important duties.
“What is it this time?” You finally open your eyes and watch her putting her clothes back on. “Kara got stuck on a tree and you have to go get her down?”
“Oh no, my pretty stray cat. I only climb trees to save your pretty butt.” She jokes, coming closer to kiss your lips. 
“Lena.” You beg when she moves away from you. “Please stay. Please wake up with me. Please let me make you eggs and a strong coffee.”
“That would be lovely.” You open your mouth to repeat, stay. But she knows it’s coming, so she speaks before you. “Can’t today. Rain check?”
You press your lips together, annoyed at her way to deal with this. But she doesn’t notice, because she’s already running out the door one shoe on, the other one still in hand.
“Have a great day, Lena.” 
You don’t want to be jealous of Kara. You’re not even the jealous type. But this whole ‘my friends call and I run out the door’ is not working anymore. Not that it ever did. But recently this has been bugging you extra hard.
And when things bug you this much, you can’t simply forget that easily. You can't even sleep on it.
"Heeey," Lena grabs the bags from your hands, giving you a quick kiss on your way inside. "glad you came, I felt bad leaving you this morning."
"Yeah." You place the rest of the bags on top of the counter. "Maybe we should talk about that."
"Definitely. But after a nice dinner, maybe?" She gives you a little smile, and you're quick to accept. 
The talk doesn't come right after dinner, when Lena climbs on your lap and you two start a heavy make out session, you decide it is better to wait a little. 
"Shit. Fuck." Lena says out of breath, parting your lips. You look down at your hands still on her waist.
"What? Already?" 
"No, not that." Lena laughs, and you notice something vibrating in her pants. 
"Oh," You raise your eyebrows playfully. "Someone's packing."
Lena takes her phone out of her pocket, and you roll your eyes at it. She reads the name, and starts apologizing right away. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She gets up looking at the phone.
"Are you serious?" You ask, but she is already answering her phone after mouthing one more 'sorry'.
"Kara, I'm in the middle of something really important. This better be a 10 or higher." She paces around the room and you watch her from your place on the couch. "Shit, ok. Ask Supergirl to come pick me up. Yeah, ok. See you soon."
Lena looks at you with pleading eyes, and you look up trying to hold the tears and the anger inside you. "Darling, I'm really sorry, but it's an –"
"Emergency." You complete her sentence and her face drops, looking at you.
"I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry. I know I did the exact same thing this morning…"
"This morning? Lena! You've been running off every time Kara called you ever since I've met you! I don't get it. What's up with all these emergencies? Why is Kara always more important than us?"
Supergirl's feet touch on the balcony and you hear a light tap on the balcony door. She looks embarrassed, like she heard more than she wanted to. She waves lightly and points to the city with her head, so Lena knows it's time to go.
"I promise I'll tell you everything, but I really have to go now."
“If you leave right now, you won’t find me here when you get back.”
“No, please Y/N. Please wait. I’ll tell you everything when I get home, I promise. Please stay, eat dessert, and make yourself at home. I promise I’ll be back soon.”
So you wait. An hour. Two hours. Three hours later and you’ve seen enough of television, eaten enough of her food and got tired of wasting everyone's time. It is clear Lena doesn't take you seriously and that you'll never be her first priority. So you leave.
It's only in the morning when you grab your phone to notice the missing calls and texts from your… girlfriend? Ex? You haven't decided yet. But if you're being honest things aren't looking too hot for her.
Lena has helped you many times before. You have no problem admitting you are where you are right now because of her. If your invention hadn't played out, you wouldn't have found a new job and you wouldn't be working on something you are very passionate about. 
But she means more than that to you. With Lena you can talk about anything. You can be your quirky self without any judgements. In fact, you always thought she seemed to appreciate it. Now, you're not so sure.
She's always hiding something. Always running off. One phone call and she is gone. No time to even tell you what she is running towards. You feel like you're dating someone who has a secret life. And you can't help but think you're the secret part. 
You're still finding energy to answer her latest text, when you hear the doorbell. You force yourself out of bed, and open the door to see Lena right on the other side.
You furrow your brows, "What are you wearing?"
Lena stares down at her outfit, a large hoodie and sweatpants. "I was fairly uncomfortable in my jeans and so Kara let me borrow something." She looks at the hem of the pants. "She is a lot taller."
"Glad you came to my house wearing some other girl's clothes." You make space for her, because you know she is not leaving and you don't want to have this conversation out in the open.
"It's Kara's." She justifies.
"Yeah, and who's Kara, exactly? Is she just your best friend? Is she your lover? Your dealer? Your boss? Why are you always running out the door when she calls?"
"Those are fair questions. Well, not the dealer and lover part. But I guess I should explain why I always go when she calls.”
You look at your coffee machine. It's too early for this conversation. For the truths you'll inevitably have to listen.
"Coffee?" You ask her, but it's mostly because you need it so badly.
"I'd die for a cup." 
You set up the coffee machine while Lena makes her way to the other side of the counter, sitting on one of the high stools to look at you. 
"I'm sorry I didn't come back home sooner." Lena starts, and you sigh.
"I stood there like a ghost and I don't even know why."
"I don't want to run off every time, it's just – Sometimes I'm the only one who can help so they call me." You stand there waiting for more, for an explanation. "I told Kara to only call me for real emergencies from now on."
"You know, you said a bunch of stuff, but you still haven't told me what kind of emergencies they need you for." 
You're not stupid, it's not like you haven't put two and two together. Supergirl shows up to pick up Lena right after Kara calls for an emergency? Yeah, like they have Supergirl on their speed dial so she can offer Lift services when one of them needs it. It's obvious Lena is a part of a group that helps National City or whatever. It was actually kind of obvious because every time she ran off for an 'emergency', you only had to turn on the news to see something crazy happening in town.
"I'm a part of the Superfriends." She bites her lower lip when you don't show any real reaction. "It's supposed to be a secret."
"Lena, Supergirl showed up at your house yesterday to give you a ride. It wasn't a well-kept secret, anyways."
"Wait, so. You knew?" Lena's voice comes out so shocked it's in a high pitch you have never heard before.
"Had my suspicions, sure." The conversation is briefly put to a stop while you pour coffee for both of you, but even before you have your first sip, Lena speaks.
"I don't understand why you are mad at me then. If you knew all along what I was doing, how could you be mad? How could you think Kara is something other than my friend?"
"Well, first of all, I had my suspicions, but not convictions because you never told me anything so I could've been completely off. And second of all, I didn't know all along. I had to go slowly piecing it together by myself because you wouldn't come out and be honest with me. And third, and most importantly, how can I not be mad when you left me high and dry at your place last night and ran off with Kara again?" 
"Nia was hurt! I had to go help out. How could I not have run out?"
"That's not what I'm saying. You don't get it, do you?" She doesn't. She looks at you so damn lost you know for sure she doesn't get it at all. "I'm not telling you shouldn't go help your friends. I'm asking you to just tell me about it. Don't tell me that you have to go because you have an emergency. Tell me Nia is hurt and I will tell you to go help her, I'll offer you my help. I not only won't be upset about you leaving, but I'll admire you even more."
You round the counter, looking at her with doe-eyes. 
"I'm tired of this double-life. It's like you're two different people. I – I don't know what to tell you, I just feel like I'm dating a CIA agent who's been lying to me about who she is. And it sucks."
Lena blinks. "I know." Because she didn't even realize what she was doing in the first place, but now that you have laid all on the table for her, it makes more sense than ever. She felt the same thing before and she can't believe she's been doing the same thing. "God, I know how you feel. And I'm sorry I kept you in the dark. You have every reason to be upset. Please forgive me. I promise I will be completely honest from now on."
"That's all I'm asking."
"Well," Lena looks at your coffee mug to see you didn't have much of it. "Why don't you drink some more? I feel like you'd have to be pretty awake for what I have to say next."
"Oh…kay?" You gulp on your coffee and look at her wide-eyed.
"Well, it's complicated. But, more than a year ago, before we met, I set out to find more things about my mother." Lena says and you agree with your head, because she has told you before all of her story and the fact that she lost her mom when she was younger. "It turns out that my mother was a witch."
She takes a deep breath. "And so am I." 
"You're a what, now?"
"You wanted the whole truth." Lena smiles sheepish and you furrow your brows hard at your new discovery. Yep, you didn't see this one coming. Honestly, if she had told you Kara was Supergirl, you would've been a lot less surprised.
"I did, didn't I?" It's a lot to process, but you take one good look at Lena and you know it took everything in her to tell you this, and so, even though you don't truly understand what it means and what she does exactly, you know she needs support right now. "So my girlfriend is a witch and a genius and she is part of the Superfriends, and helps out with saving the world and stuff?"
"I guess you could put it like that." She says, tentatively.
"You're awesome, Lena. I'm happy you told me everything. It helps me understand you a lot better, and it only makes me love you more."
Lena's eyebrows raise and she can't help her surprised face, "You love me?"
"Yeah, I do. I love you."
"I love you too, my little stray cat."
You feel your worries melt away in the kiss and you're happy Lena trusts you enough to tell you about this other part of her life. It also feels good to know her secret and where she runs off to everytime. Plus, how did you get so lucky? She's hot, she's smart, she's a goddamn goddess and she also saves the world? She is more than you could ever dream, and you’re so glad she is yours.
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redlancey · 2 months
Chapter 1 is up!!
She takes a deep breath in as she exits CatCo, and the smell of pollen and grass and wind fill her nose, and she smiles to no one but herself. Humming as she skips down the steps. Cat has granted her an extra long lunch break, but not just because she’s nice.
Kara may have let it slip that she’s meeting Lena for lunch, and Cat is always ready to pounce on any Luthor drama. Always wanting to be the first to publish the groundbreaking news.
So she lets her feet bop as she walks a couple blocks down to a cute Japanese-style cafe. The owners love Kara, and always want all her life details. Super sweet people, and who cares if sometimes Supergirl is seen with their coffee or milk tea in her hand? Free PR is free PR.
She spots Lena as soon as she rounds the corner. Or well, spots her car parked outside the cafe. A sleek, black BMW whose windows are tinted much darker than allowed by California law, but Lena gets away with it.
Kara knocks on the window, and can see Lena jump inside, before her friend rolls down the window.
“Jesus Kara! A text would have sufficed.” She scolds, unbuckling herself and grabbing her phone. Kara smiles to herself as Lena gets out, and she shrugs when her friend looks over at her again. “Maybe you should start trusting your environment more.”
Lena shakes her head, walking beside Kara and holding the door open for her. “After six assasination attempts, one is always going to be wary of what’s around them.”
Kara tsks as she guides them towards the menu boards. “The last one was almost a year ago.” She emphasizes. “No one will try anything as long as your friends with you-know-who.” She remarks, looking at her friend who sends her a beaming smile.
The ‘coming out’ was one of the scariest things Kara had ever done. Shaky hands around a coffee in Lena’s office; nervous reassurance that she trusted Lena, tears when she started rambling, warmth as Lena held her and calmed her, relief that her friend still cared for her.
Maybe after all that, Kara should consider Lena as her best friend. They are already as close as Kara and Alex are. Maybe closer.
“Ah Kara! How are you sweetheart?!” Ann exclaims as she comes from the back. The owner is a sweet, older lady who moved to National City after the Cold War, opening up this cafe and meeting her husband, James, during her first year of college.
Kara leans over the counter to give Ann a hug. “I’m doing great! I got that promotion I told you about!!” She says, and Ann claps with a smile. “I’m so proud! Good for you!” Kara beams, eyes flickering to Lena and back to Ann.
“Are you getting your usual?” Ann asks, and Kara nods. “Yes please,” turning to Lena, “What would you like?” Lena hums, squinting at the menu and biting her cheek as she thinks. A habit Kara has become so used to.
“I think I’ll have a raspberry green tea please” she says with a smile. Kara insists on paying, but Lena steps in front of her with a hand on the small of Kara’s back, and the fluttering in her stomach distracts her.
They find a seat in the corner of the cafe by a window, and Lena hums after her first sip. “This is delicious. I can’t believe we’ve never come here before.” She says, eyes meeting the smile on her lips.
“I know right! I come here all the time for lunch. Ann is like a second mother to me.” She takes a sip of her strawberry and oat milk tea, and hums at the richness. “It’s expensive, but it’s so worth it.”
Lena shrugs. “Rather this than McDonald’s.” Her eyes land on Kara’s chocolate scone. “I always feel bloated afterwards. Even a coffee makes my insides turn.” She makes a face, shaking her head.
“But it’s so good!” Kara argues. Her friend just rolls her eyes. “Not all of us have an insane metabolism.” A remark Lena makes frequently, and Kara glances around, like someone is watching them. “I know you like my body Lena but don’t make it so obvious.” She smirks, and Lena throws a napkin at her. “Shut up.”
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inkedroplets · 3 months
what if. what if.
💘 for quakecorp
OK This grew unruly and will probably connect up with the MCU fic I'm working on so I'll only post a snippet. Fake dating for the best Luthor and this dork:
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Some things never change…
While it was maybe the furthest thing from funny, Lena still couldn’t help but find it amusing that even on an Earth so much different than her own, without the inescapable baggage of her name weighing her down, she was once again having to deal with another attempt on her life.
From the way Skye was watching the door like a hawk, reclining back in her chair as much as it would allow her to, Lena knew she must be waiting for someone. The self-satisfied smile that spread across her face instantly like a cat that had gulped down a particularly tasty canary made it abundantly clear that it was Lena she was waiting for. 
“Hello, Dear.”
“Sweetheart,” Lena replied without missing a beat, sitting down on her left. 
Jemma watched this exchange nervously, gaze flickering from Daisy to Lena and back again a number of times before finally settling on Coulson. “I really think we tabled the safehouse idea too quickly.” 
“We tabled it quickly because Lena refused,” May said. 
“Refused to entertain something so patently ridiculous,” Fitz said, repeating back what Lena said verbatim..
“If I went into hiding every time there was a threat on my life-”  
“I think an exception can be made this once,” Jemma reasoned. She looked around the table, hoping to rally support but only managed a halfhearted nod from Fitz on her second pass around which looked to upset her more than if he had simply avoided her gaze entirely. “She jabbed a finger at one of the screens that had Lena's would-be assassin’s dossier displayed. “His name is Bullseye for heaven's sake!” 
“I would like to avoid breathing the same air as someone with such a stupid name,” Lena said fairly. “But I’d also like this matter settled as soon as possible.” “To be fair, Poindexter isn’t that much better than Bullseye,” Daisy said fairly. 
Jemma gaped at the both of them. “I wouldn't classify a price on your head as trivial as a mere matter.” 
“I still can't believe you had other people trying to kill you back on your earth,” Fitz said, sounding genuinely mystified at the concept which Lena decided to take as a compliment. 
“The last one,” Lena said, taking a moment to think, “poisoned me.” 
“Tried to poison, you mean,” Fitz said.
“No, I don't,” Lena said darkly as the face of Morgan Edge floated to the surface of her mind. She wondered vaguely how close she had actually come to dying that time around. If not for Kara… She was struck by just how long ago that felt. A lifetime. Several lifetimes. 
“I’ll be fine, Jemma,” Lena assured her. “Not the first time someone’s wanted me dead. Not the last either.” She tried to ballpark the number of times there had been a credible threat on her life and figured it had to be well over a hundred by now, although she knew better than to tell Jemma that. “She will be fine,” Coulson said reassuringly. “We had Stark move his expo indoors so that Mr. Poindexter will need to get in close if he wants to get to Lena.” “How big of a fit did Stark end up throwing when you told him?” May asked, looking amused. 
“Not big at all. I promised I'd owe him a favor once everything is said and done,” Coulson said, clearly used to it being the other way around.
“My condolences,” May replied. 
“There will be agents in place disguised as guests. They’ve all been instructed to keep their distance until we can locate Mr. Poindexter.. We'll be watching every way into the building so we’ll know when he arrives. When he does, we’ll apprehend them. If all goes according to plan-” 
“Which is always the case,” Skye murmured under her breath.
“-Skye and Lena won't even lay eyes on him.” 
“And if they do?” Jemma asked, sounding more curious than worried, maybe hoping that Coulson had an ace up his sleeve. “Then they follow the plan to the letter.” Coulson explained, which didn’t seem to alleviate Jemma’s concerns in the slightest. “Lena, Skye?”he said, turning towards the both of them. “Yes?” “To. The. Letter. I don’t like putting either of you in the crosshairs but you insisted on doing it this way,” he said looking at Lena. “And we need someone close on the off-chance that they get close enough to engage.” “I still think May would be better suited for that, don’t you think?” Fitz asked. 
Coulson shook his head. “May’s a known entity. If he suspects something is off he might run and that would mean Lena looking over her shoulder until we could apprehend him. Skye’s been photographed together with Lena in the past a few times. Not such a stretch to think they could be dating.” “I don’t know,” Skye said, looking sideways at Lena. “I’ve lived with Lena a while now and considering the dates I’ve seen Lena bring home, I really don’t think I’m her type.”
“How many dates are you bringing home?” Jemma asked before she quickly began shaking her head. “Never mind. Pretend I didn’t ask.” “That means not engaging with Mr. Poindexter,” Coulson continued, as if he hadn’t been interrupted, unless you’re forced to. Just get to Stark’s safe room. We’ll do the rest.” 
Skye giggled. “All alone in a safe room together. How romantic.” “I’ll try my best to control myself,” Lena said, rolling her eyes. 
God, Stark, does everything you do have to be so loud? 
As if Skye could read her mind she leaned close to her and said: “You know better than me. Are these events always so loud?” 
“No,” Lena said baldly as the canned overly rehearsed voice of Tony Stark blared out over the loudspeakers informing guests that he would make his appearance at nine on the dot. She glared up at the nearest one as if that alone might shame it into turning itself off. “This is…” The word asinine was what first came to mind but she held that back as a kindness. “Unorthodox,” she finished as she steered Skye back towards the center of the room.
They were supposed to keep as far away from the entrances as possible and Jemma had already chided them over their comms for (in her words) gadding about when they should be keeping their eyes peeled for the gun-for-hire.
“They’re normally quite dull,” Lena admitted. “Schmoozing and glad-handing while you try and make sure your smile doesn’t look too painted on gets old fast. Especially doing it in heels.”
Skye made a face. “Sounds like a bore,” she admitted before snatching a crab puff off the tray of a passing waiter.
“They could be,” Lena said fairly. “But that was a small price to pay for all the good it accomplished. And if these antics,” she said as another pre-recorded message from Tony began to blare overhead, “are what people have come to expect from a Tony Stark hosted gala  then I can't get too annoyed. Not too annoyed, anyway.”
“You miss it,” Skye marveled. “All this hoity-toity stuff. Rich girl,” she teased affectionately through a mouthful of crab puff. 
“I don't miss it exactly,” Lena said, although even to her own ears it sounded untrue. “But I was good at it and throwing a gala was devoid of the moral pitfalls that my other attempts at being a force for good were rife with.” “Vanity?” Skye asked, pointing at one of Tony's older suits on prominent display where a small crowd had gathered around as if it was an art exhibit. 
“If only,” Lena said drolly. “But that's hardly an appropriate topic for a date.” She pretended to try and get a better look at Tony’s old armor on display while she eyed the entrance, spotting one of the SHIELD agents milling about in the crowd. 
“Was there a list of approved conversation topics in that doorstop that Jemma prepared?” Skye asked. “I only made it through the first few pages. Goodbye insomnia…” “It’s called being thorough, Skye,” Jemma insisted, her voice filtering in smoothly through their comms. “Which is an exercise in futility if you don’t actually read the material.” 
“I read the whole thing,” Lena said kindly but a moment later caught Skye’s eye and shook her head, vowing to read it in its entirety later on. “Well,” Skye said, sneaking a peek at the time, “what’s the plan when the gala’s almost over and he still hasn’t shown himself?” “We find him without you two marching around like ducks at a shooting gallery.” “I don’t know if it would feel like a proper gala if somebody didn’t try to kill me.” “That’s not funny, Lena.” “It’s a little funny,” Skye whispered. “Lena!” “Not funny,” Coulson agreed, his voice joining Jemma’s in her ear. “We have eyes on Poindexter near the front entrance.”
“Just eyes?” Daisy asked. “No one’s going to move on him?”
“Too many bystanders,” May explained. “If he doesn’t spot you, we can pick him up when he tries to slip out.. “Saferoom,” Coulson ordered in his best don’t you dare try to argue voice.“You didn’t set all this up just to get me alone, did you?” Skye teased as they cut their way through the crowd.
“You got me,” Lena said, completely deadpan. “When we get inside I’m going to pretend to yawn and put my arm around your shoulder as well.”
“Classic,” Skye said approvingly as they began to walk a little faster. They slipped past a couple of guests who looked as if they had made very liberal use of the open bar, talking over one another as they held onto each other for balance, when a tiny wooden skewer whizzed past Lena’s head missing her by millimeters.
“Was that a fucking toothpick?” Skye asked as they dashed around a corner. As if in response to this, a fusillade of wooden skewers shattered against the wall where Lena had been just moments ago before turning the corner.
“You might want to send your date home early, Miss Luthor.” The voice was wholly unfamiliar but the man to whom it belonged to was not. Benjamin Poindexter strode towards them, not hurrying. He moved past the two inebriated men who were still engrossed in their overly loud conversation, not even noticing him. In fact, no one besides the SHIELD agents peppered throughout the crowd had noticed that there was a killer in their midst. Not so surprising considering his unconventional choice of weapon.
“Not such a bad idea,” Lena agreed, resisting the urge to peek around the corner to see how close he was to them, knowing that was likely to get her killed. “Chalk it up to a lack of chemistry.”
“Like hell,” Skye said dismissively as she pulled an I.C.E.R. from her concealed thigh holster. “I’m having a marvelous time.”
“That doesn’t sound like running,,” Coulson admonished. “Why aren’t you two running?”“Well, I’m not the one who insisted on wearing heels,” Skye replied.
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fearlessbythebeach · 14 days
Seeing Inside-a supercat fanfic
Kara does have x ray vision but she doesn’t usually use it. It’s like stalking someone on Instagram. You feel guilty and it’s hard to face the person afterward. If you’re Kara that is.
Alex is a major social media stalker. She has whole playlists that are just songs other people listen to, and she shows no shame about liking someone’s photo from 2013.
“If I had super vision, I’d check people out sometimes,” said Alex. “Like Cat Grant.”
Kara giggled and blushed, smushing her face in her hands.
“No you wouldn’t!”
“If I were you I would. You stare at her butt enough anyway I’m surprised you don’t know what kind of underwear she wears,” Alex snickered. “Also I myself would like to know.”
“Nooo,” said Kara. “Stop it,”
The next day, Miss Grant was sitting on her chair, one high heel resting on the table, and she heard Alex’s words in her head. How bad could it be? Especially if she wasn’t caught.
Cat had on these grey boyshort panties. Not what she expected at all, and super hot. It matched her outfit of the day in a way, this black pinstripe suit dress, channeling Claudette Colbert in It Happened One Night.
Kara was staring at the underwear and how Cat’s legs moved under her skirt, forgetting to look away.
Cat quickly put her leg down, thinking maybe when it was up on the desk people could see her underwear for real.
“Kara, why are you looking at me like that?” asked Miss Grant.
“Fuck! Nothing! I mean no reason,” she trailed off.
“I didn’t you could curse,” said Cat. “You learn something new every day.”
Aagh Kara was right, now she couldn’t look her boss in the eye. But also now she couldn’t stop herself.
The next day, Cat was wearing her blue pencil skirt with her white long sleeve shirt tucked into it, showing her adorable, soft, tiny curves.
Kara saw her soft stomach, brushing against her shirt, her little round breasts and pointed nipples underneath a thin pink bra. The one nipple was halfway outside her bra, and if she looked closely, she could see it brushing against the white shirt, but she couldn’t do that, she’d be looking too hard, and then Miss Grant would know, and
“Well Kiera!” Miss Grant sighed. “I’m flattered but I don’t pay you to stare at me, go over my schedule for God’s sake!” Kara felt herself flush deep red with humiliation. Miss Grant gave her a smirk.
She looked again when Cat Grant sat down in her chair. This time she had these yellow panties riding up her ass, and good god she had a nice ass! It was so much bigger than Kara expected, and as Cat was absentmindedly swinging her legs to a song she was humming, it kept moving, so more of it was outside the underwear, softly leaning on her pencil skirt.
We know from the series but also from this story at this point, that Kara is not a subtle person. And she was once again caught.
“Kiera!” Snapped Miss Grant. “Tell me what the hell is going on with you lately.”
“Uh but I-“
“Now or you’re fired.”
Oh shit. She never should have let the idea get in her head, if no one talked to her about it, it wouldn’t have been so easy to carry out! It really wasn’t her fault, right?
“Oh god it’s all my fault,” said Kara.
“What is?” asked Cat concernedly. She lowered her voice. “Is it a supergirl thing?”
“Well kind of,” she said. Was she really going to tell her?
Cat knew Kara was supergirl ever since the bizzaro incident, where she doubted it for one crazy second, but then admitted she knew all along and would never tell a soul.
“I’m not going to tell you,” Kara said. “Sorry Miss Grant.”
“Oh does Sunny Danvers have a backbone now?” said Cat. “Hmm or maybe you don’t have enough of a backbone,” she tapped her finger on Kara’s collarbone area, “to tell me your little millennial problem.”
“Um, I never really used x ray vision and now I am and it’s giving me these problems and I saw your underwear!” Kara blurted out.
Cat’s eyes got big, a little blush dusted her cheeks and then she burst out laughing. The ice queen of National City burst out laughing.
“Oh my god,” she did this cute little snort. She had a high pitched sweet giggle Kara wanted to replay in her mind all day. “X ray, oh damnit, Kara darling.” She composed herself and took a breath.
“I want to make a deal with you,” she said. “If you saw my underwear, it’s only fair that I see yours.”
“I promise you, I’ll like it,” Cat purred in a sultry voice. Her sharp fingernails clutched the hem of Kara’s skirt.
“I didn’t really just see your underwear,” she said softly.
“Ohh you bad girl,” said Cat. “You’ll just have to bare your whole ass for me then, won’t you?”
“There are people looking through the window,” said Kara.
“Right,” Cat tsked. She ran her fingers across the hem of her skirt once more and stuck her cold hand up her warm shirt for a couple seconds, squeezed her skin, and said,
“There’s an empty floor a few floors down. Chop chop.”
They went in Cat’s private elevator. It smelled like lavender and snow and something sweetly unexpectedly Cat, like a bit of or banana bread or something.
“I’m going to have to punish you,” Miss Grant said. “I mean maybe I will,” she said more quietly.
“Oh yeah, I think you should,” Kara assured her. “I’m still going to feel really guilty otherwise.”
Cat snickered and the doors opened.
They were standing in the middle of the floor with all the empty desks. Cat stood on her tippy toes even though she didn’t need to and touched her chin. She let her hand wander down across her neck, her chest, her stomach, until she got to the hem of the skirt and yanked it down. The cold air blew on Kara’s ass and she felt it, she felt everything.
She gave her one hard slap and cleared her throat.
“Okay let’s go back to the office,” she said, like she regretted it, but she still had the deep honey in her voice.
“Let’s go back to the office, and do it again,” whispered Cat, and pressed a warm banana bread flavored kiss to her lips.
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waytooinvested · 7 months
Vengeance, Victory, and Undying Love - pt 7
Chapter 7 of my Supercorp fic in which Lena still creates something called Non Nocere to deal with her broken heart after finding out Supergirl's identity, but this time she gives the name to a different project. A more personal one. And now she’s coming for Supergirl.
This and previous chapters also available to read on Ao3
Kara dropped the lump of kryptonite and leapt backwards, bracing for the wave of agony and nausea she knew would follow.
A beat passed.
Her breath continued to move easily in and out of her lungs. Her blood pumped painlessly, the usual acidic burn of kryptonite in her system entirely absent.
So… it… wasn’t kryptonite?
She dared to take a tentative half step closer and peered down at the thing Lena had given her. It certainly looked like kryptonite – the all-too-familiar sickly green glow making the hairs on her arms rise in anticipation of pain, but that’s where the similarity ended.
The pain never came.
She glanced from the lump of rock to Lena and back again, waiting for her to make it make sense.
‘Lena? What is it?’
‘Pick it up, have a closer look’.
She did so, a little tentatively. Even in the face of her undeniable lack of pain, her fingers flinched away from touching it, but she forced them to wrap around the stone and lift it anyway.
It felt warm, like a pebble that had been sitting out in the sun all day, but it didn’t burn her. The sensation would have been quite pleasant if not for the nagging, instinctive fear of touching the one thing on this Earth that she knew could kill her.
She tried rising a discrete inch above the ground, just to check that this wasn’t some new more subtle variation of kryptonite that caused powerlessness without the pain. But nope, she rose smoothly. When she focused in on her super hearing she found it undiminished. There was a cat purring three floors down. Someone blowing bubblegum and allowing the bubble to burst with a snap a couple of blocks away. Lena’s heartbeat, drumming a little too rapidly for her outward calm.
‘Okay, I don’t get it. Why would you make fake kryptonite? What’s the point?’
‘I didn’t. The kryptonite is real Kara, I’ve just made you immune to it. Non Nocere. It means no harm. No harm to you. You could swallow that piece if you wanted and it wouldn’t hurt you. I wouldn’t recommend it as it’s not exactly pill sized, but you could’.
Kara’s eyes filled with tears and she choked down a sob as she took in the truth of what Lena had injected her with. How was this even possible? She had never imagined anyone, even her bright, brilliant science genius friend, could do something like this.
‘Lena I- I don’t know how to thank you. This is amazing, it’s the most incredible gift. But… why would you do this? I know how you feel about me’.
Lena laughed, half bitter, half disbelieving amusement.
‘No you don’t. You clearly have no idea how I feel about you, or you never could have done what you did to me. Kara, you have hurt me more than anyone in my life, and coming from my family that’s really saying something. But I’m not a machine, I can’t just switch off caring whether you live or die, no matter how much I might want to. Not now I know that it’s you in that cape, risking your life every other day and completely, stupidly helpless against a shiny green rock that turns up all too often for something from another planet. So, I fixed it. Kryptonite can’t hurt you anymore, so now you won’t get hurt. And that means I never have to spare a moment’s thought for you again. Do you see now? This means I’m over you’.
There was a hint of desperation in Lena’s voice, gilding the edges of what she clearly thought was a reasonable, rational explanation for what she’d just done for her.
‘Wait… what do you mean, you’re over me? When were you… under me?’
Oh god, had she really just said that?
She must have done, because Lena’s cheeks had gone as pink as hers felt and they stood there in silence for a moment, sharing a look of agonised helplessness that felt almost like they had slipped into an alternate time line where all the hurt between them had never existed, and instead this was the moment when…
Without realising she was doing it, Kara stepped closer to Lena, her eyes flicking to her mouth of their own accord.
‘Lena, I…’
Lena had cured Kara of her physical vulnerability. It was only fair that Kara gave her a gift in kind and confessed her emotional kryptonite, for Lena to do with what she would.
Her teeth raked her lower lip and she swallowed against the sudden dryness in her throat. Heart thumping she took a breath in readiness to admit her deepest, still unspoken truth and give Lena the opportunity, if she wanted, to make Kara truly feel the depths of her pain. She just had to hope that they weren’t so very far beyond saving that she was about to have her heart crushed all over again.
Lena broke the eye contact that had been drawing Kara inexorably closer, and the walls that divided them slammed back into place.
The moment snapped like a dry twig.
‘Well, that’s all I came for. You can keep the kryptonite if you like. Consider it a parting gift. Goodbye, Kara’.
With that, Lena turned and swept out of the apartment.
Go after her!
But Kara couldn’t. She stayed fixed to the spot, lips parted around the confession she hadn’t managed to make, kryptonite still cupped in her outstretched palm like an offering.
Had that really just happened? Had all that business in the lab really been about this? Curing Kara’s one great weakness, and framing it as revenge?
Tears flooded down her cheeks.
Oh Lena.
Of course she hadn’t really believed that Lena would try to kill her, but she had never for a moment imagined this either. Her very best case scenario had been that Lena had injected her with something inert, just to make her feel the shock and betrayal of being hurt by someone you should be able to trust completely.
But this?
It was too much to take in by herself. She didn’t care what time it was, she needed Alex.
With the kryptonite still clutched in her fist, Kara leapt skyward and went to find her sister.
It was the fourth time Alex had said this since Kara had shaken her awake at 1am to talk through what had just happened.
The first was a sleepy grumble at being disturbed on what was supposed to be one of the few nights when she wasn’t on call at the DEO.
The second an incredulous murmur when Kara recounted her conversation with Lena.
The third followed almost immediately when, to prove that no, she really wasn’t kidding, Kara had held up the chunk of kryptonite to show her.
Alex had slapped it right out of her hand and called her a moron for touching it with her bare skin all this time, because what if it was some sort of trick? What if Lena had just found a way to add a protective coating that would wear away over time and poison her once her defences were down? Did she even consider that possibility??
And Kara had to admit that she hadn’t. Ever since Lena had told her, she hadn’t doubted the truth of her words for a moment, and she still didn’t.
Now they were at the DEO, and Alex had just finished testing both the kryptonite and Kara to confirm the veracity of Lena’s claim.
And… it was true. The kryptonite was real, and Kara was immune to it.
‘I can’t believe it. She really did cure you! It’s incredible. It’s- it’s- but then what the hell was all that about? The ominous hints, injecting you by force when you were practically unconscious, letting us lock her up and interrogate her? Wouldn’t it have been easier to just tell you up front what she was making and hand it over to you like a rational human being? Why all the fake villain business? Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful to her for making it, but this is just... ridiculous’.
‘No, I get it. If Lena had just given me the cure it would have looked like she was doing it for me. It would have been about our friendship and she doesn’t want that anymore – she didn’t want me to be grateful, so she delivered it in the worst way she could think of. This way she could make me feel the betrayal she felt when she found out I lied to her, and make it clear that although she was helping me, it was her way of ending things, not her letting me back in. I get why she did all that... What I don’t so much understand is why she would make the cure in the first place when she hates me so much’.
Alex dropped her head into her hands and groaned.
‘Kara, you know I love you but you can be the most annoying, oblivious person in the world sometimes. Are you and Lena ever going to just be normal about each other? Please? So I can get some sleep?’
‘Hey! I’m not oblivious, I’m a reporter! Noticing things is my whole thing!
...Why, what do you think is going on?’
‘I think that going to a huge amount of effort and, I assume, expense, to make someone invulnerable just so you don’t have to worry about their safety anymore is not how you express hatred’.
‘So... do you think she made it before she found out, then decided not to let it go to waste? But that doesn’t make sense. Lena and I clashed all the time when I was Supergirl, it’s part of why I never told her the truth, so I don’t see why she would have wanted to do that for her’.
‘… No Kara. That’s not what I think happened’.
‘Well then, what-?’
‘NOPE. I’m done. You’re going to have to figure this one out for yourself dingus. I’m going back to bed. DO NOT WAKE ME unless someone is dying. Goodnight’.
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leatafandom · 4 months
Choke me Like it Matters AND/OR
What's wrong with the cat?
from the wip thing
Thank you so much for the ask! I actually answered an ask about Choke Me Like it Matters already, but "What's Wrong with the Cat?" is a fun new project that's been super different for me to write not only because it's Lena Luthor/Kara Danvers but also because it's super fluffy especially when compared. Here's a little snippet mind you I still gotta edit a bunch.
Lena had walked in on many things when entering her lab throughout the years. She'd found her brother tinkering with her experiments and his flunkies stealing equipment on more than one occasion. She'd come home to find Kara under the yellow sun lamps clinging to life and found the blonde glaring at her hidden kryptonite. The scientist and current owner of LuthorCorp never knew what to expect when arriving in her home, however, she had never quite expected to find her partner's cat hovering to reach a lab mouse on the top shelf. 
A start sounded followed by the sound of rushing air when someone moved faster than humanly possible. Lena's brows scrunched together at the sound head turning towards the suspicious sound as her ponytail swayed. 
“You're home early,” The blonde smiled wide, nervousness filling her as she looked between the confusion over Lena's expression. “How was the conference?” 
“Lex and your cousin found a way to ruin it as always,” she answered quickly before sighing, the disaster of her trip having been forgotten in the face of Streaky. “Kara, have something you wish to tell me?” Her head tilted to the cat still floating around the fronts of the large habitat for recovering mice.
“Mm?” The Kryptonian mumbled lips pressed together as she held her sides to keep from fidgeting. But at Lena's tilting head her lips popped open with a breath and her eyes widened. 
“No! Bad Streaky! Get down!” She rushed out, moving to him when he yowled instead of listening. “No hunting the lab mice,” she chastised, plucking the cat from the air and holding him. “You know how to behave, come on,” she added, ignoring the strength and claws that he gave her for taking him away from his prey. 
Lena turned to watch her, silent the whole time. Her mind bounced between disbelief, worry about her experiment on curing the mice if they were stressed, and concern for the suddenly airborne cat. “Kara, what happened to the cat?” Her chin dropped as her hands went to her hips, watching the cat and analyzing the force he was using.
Thank you so much for the ask! For the Wip Tag Game.
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chaotic-super · 1 year
For Her Sake - Chapter 13
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Read For Her Sake on AO3 here!
The past two weeks have been impossibly crazy.
Between Cat being a bitch and purposefully setting her up with impossible tasks that are just a pain in the ass to try and fulfil and the weather being non-stop rain, Kara has never been so glad to reach the weekend, especially knowing that as soon as she leaves the office in less than an hour, she’s most likely never going to have to walk back in here ever again.
Out of the corner of her eye, she can see Winn waving her over. She smiles and gets up, grabbing a little something off her desk on her way over and hiding it in her palm.
“Hey.” She stops beside his desk.
“Hey, how are you doing? How does it feel to be nearing the end?” Winn leans back in his chair, spinning it around so he’s facing her better. “You’re going to be free in right around…” he flips his wrist dramatically to check his watch, “fifty-one minutes.”
Kara shrugs. “I have no idea how I feel. It’s kind of a relief but it’s also kind of, I don’t know…sad? I’m going to miss this place, or at least miss what it used to be. I’m glad to see the back of the never-ending to-do list I’ve been working off the last couple of weeks though. I’m really excited to start over at Reign though, I think a fresh start is exactly what I’ve been needing and with Alex working at L-Corp it’s setting us up to be just fine. We’re finally getting somewhere, Winn and it feels just so refreshing.”
Winn grins at her. “You look happy.”
“I am.”
“I’m not happy.” Winn follows up on his previous statement.
Kara’s happy demeanour drops in an instant. “What do you mean?”
“I’m not happy that you’ve been using the daycare for Alex’s job to take care of Lori where I can still pick her up. You know I love that kid.”
Kara shakes her head. “Winn, that was before I found out you were taking a pay cut to finish early to go and get her. It’s free for the daycare and you can still come over whenever you want and take her out on a weekend of anything where you’re not losing money just to help us out.”
“Ok, it was like, barely any money difference and it’s not the same. Even if it’s not every day, give me like…two days a week or something? Come on…it’s just two days.” He can see Kara breaking so he leans closer, pouting obnoxiously. “Please.”
Kara leans back, giggling slightly and giving in. “Ok, ok. Two days a week. Whichever two suit you best.”
“Good.” He drops the pout, chuckling along with her and beaming. “I miss the little munchkin.”
“You only saw her like, three days ago.”
“My point still stands.”
Kara presses her fingers into the thing in her hand. “I’ve got a little something for you.”
“If it’s not the Pikachu figurine from your desk, I don’t want it.”
Kara smiles and puts that very item on his desk, watching closely as his eyes light up. “You’re in luck. I won’t have a desk at Reign so this is for you.”
Winn snatches it up the second Kara’s hand has retracted, lifting the little figurine up and closer to his face so he can look at it closely. “Really? You’re serious? You’re giving me your desk Pikachu?”
“I am.” Kara folds her arms feeling kind of cool because she’s giving Winn something he’s been asking for since she got the little thing a couple of years back.
“You’re really giving me the Pikachu that you found in the parking lot at Comic-Con?”
“I am. Please cherish it, it took a lot of energy for me to bend down to pick it up.” Kara laughs taking it from him and positioning it between a few of his other collectables. “It’s also to help keep you company since we all know you’ll be super lonely here without me, I am like, the best person ever.”
Winn looks at the Pikachu fondly before looking up at Kara with the same look in his eyes. “I know that’s a joke but I’m really going to miss seeing you pretty much every day. I mean, I’ll still come visit you and I’m really happy you’re happy but I am going to miss you.”
“I’m really going to miss you too. You’re what made working here so fun.” Kara grabs his arm, pulling him up so he’s standing and she can give him a proper hug. “Thanks for making my time here so good, it wouldn’t have been half as amazing as it was if you weren’t here.”
She goes to pull back but Winn’s strong arms stop her, keeping her in the hug and she realizes why just moments later when she feels something wet hit her shoulder. Rather than call attention to it, she just holds him tightly, her arms strong against his back as she lets him take his time.
Kara had no idea that he cared about her enough to cry about her leaving. He’s her best friend and they are still going to see each other but he’s taking this hard, obviously not putting up any resistance for her sake so she doesn’t second guess a decision that is good for her and Lori.
He pulls back after a long sniff, frantically wiping at his eyes. “Sorry, it just got real.”
Kara runs her hands up and down his upper arms, trying her best to soothe him. “Don’t be sorry, Winn. Hey, why don’t you come back to our place tonight? We’ve managed to put some money aside for takeout and we’re ordering pizza so if you want to come and hang out with the coolest people on Earth, you’re welcome to.”
“Ok.” Winn nods, taking no convincing. “I want to play Mario Kart though.”
“Whatever you want,” Kara says. “Now get back to work, we still have like, forty-five minutes left before we’re free and while it doesn’t matter for me, you can still get fired.”
Winn grumbles. “Uh, I hate that. Is Reign hiring? I am not above following you.”
“Unfortunately not and we both know you couldn’t do a job that doesn’t involve computers, you’re very smart but I would not trust you to carry plates across a room without tripping.” Kara backs away, a big grin on her face. “Now, hop to it, Winslow. Work, now.”
Winn twizzles his chair back around, mumbling what sound like some very inappropriate words under his breath.
Kara heads back to her desk, plopping down in her chair with a thump. It’s half broken, about to give way any day now but she put in a maintenance request weeks ago and it never got replaced, she doesn’t have to worry about it anymore.
With just a little bit of time left, she decides to pack up the few things she still has on her desk. Most of it has been going home with her each night over the past couple of weeks but there are a few things still to come home with her so she grabbed an empty box on her way back from lunch and has had it stored just behind her chair since for this exact moment.
Kara places it down on the floor at her side and slowly begins piling things into it starting with the little plant she has had on her desk which she still hasn’t figured out if it’s fake or real but she has been watering for the past year with the dregs of her coffee at least twice a week. It is placed in the corner of the box, leaving lots of space for the few books she’s got in the bottom drawer of her desk, the ones she has sneakily been reading whenever there’s a free few minutes at work and Cat is out in a meeting. She’s never taken them home because the thought of the weight of them hanging off her shoulder was too awful to think about but now, she’s got no other choice.
There are several knickknacks and random objects that she’s not even sure when they migrated from her place to the office but she’s taking them home anyway. Just to be petty, she ends up taking her good pair of scissors and her stapler too because she bought them a while ago when it was taking too long for her requests to go through, that was back before the accident when she had the money to do things like that.
There’s just one thing left to go, a picture of her, Alex and Lori. It’s just a small one, mostly because she was always too afraid to show off her personal life too much but looking at that picture and seeing what she was working for has always given her the strength to get through the days that were otherwise unbearable. She’s spent a lot of time looking at it since she put her resignation in.
As soon as her desk is clear of everything except for her laptop and CatCo schedules and such, the things she can’t take home because it’s CatCo property, she closes the lid of the box and pushes it to one side. There’s not a lot she can do now, she worked through lunch to make sure all of Cat’s scheduling is done for the next week just so it can’t be said that she didn’t treat her fairly in her leave so there’s literally nothing left for her to do.
A glance over at Winn and his screen shows her that he is fully focused on his work so she can’t just annoy him so she’s got to look busy. She grabs one of her notebooks that she put in her box, she found several because she used to have a problem with buying notebooks she will never write in, and flips it open to a random blank page and then starts scribbling random lines, zigzagging along the page just to pass the time.
With only fifteen minutes left, she does that for a solid five before giving up and tossing it into the box again and then lifting it onto her desk. She then wanders around the bullpen and starts saying her goodbyes.
Most of the people there have been lovely to her and she knows a lot of them well through short conversations in the break room and through early morning elevator chitchat. They are all surprised that she’s leaving since she never told anyone and well, in most cases where someone is an assistant at a big company like this one, it’s so they can progress there and climb rank so it’s odd that she’s leaving whilst still only on the bottom rung.
She makes her rounds, getting a lot of well wishes and hugs along the way and then heads back to her desk where Winn is waiting, his bag slung over his shoulder.
“Are you ready?”
“Can you wait a couple of minutes? There’s one more person I need to say goodbye to.”
“Sure,” Winn says but tilts his head at her, confused and unsure who else she could need to speak to.
His eyebrows practically shoot up into his hairline when she walks past him and knocks on the glass door of Ms Grant’s office.
“Ms Grant?”
“Yes?” Cat looks up from her computer looking bored.
“I’m leaving now so I wanted to come and say goodbye.” Kara walks through the office, stopping just short of her desk. “I want to leave on good terms with you, I have a lot of good memories here and this place still means a lot to me so I was hoping we could just put the past behind us and I can just go without any regrets.”
Cat stares at her suspiciously as Kara sticks her hand out towards her. “Why?”
“Because before everything happened, I thought we were friends and I’d like to leave that way, even if we never end up seeing each other again. Besides, it’s good for your reputation if everyone out there sees me leaving on a good note.” She nods her head aimlessly towards the bullpen where most people are packing up their things to go home.
With a touch of reluctance, Cat reaches over and shakes her hand, her grip a lot stronger than Kara imagined someone of her stature would be capable of. “Kara, I may not agree with your choices, especially your choice to leave but I do admire your drive to take care of your family, I can respect that. I wish you well.”
“You too, Ms Grant. I did your schedules for next week to give whoever you’re replacing me with a chance to figure their crap out. Call it a parting gift. Try not to make them cry.” Kara smiles warmly at her one last time before leaving, aware of Cat’s piecing gaze pinned on her back as she makes her way out for the last time.
Winn is holding her box, having been not-so-sneakily watching their interaction from his spot leaning against her desk. “You ok?”
“I am,” Kara answers and goes to take her box but Winn holds it out of her reach.
“Not a chance, now let’s go, I’m starving.”
“Me too.” Kara mumbles, somehow, not quite as sad as she thought she would be to see the back of this building that has been a major part of her life for years.
Kara and Winn get back to the apartment before Alex does because she’s picking Lori up too so for the first time in a while, she gets the place to herself, well almost to herself but Winn doesn’t count.
“Why don’t you set up Mario Kart while I go and run and have a quick shower before Alex and Lori get back?” Kara says, her question really a demand.
“You got it, boss,” Winn answers, taking one of Alex’s beers that Kara offers to him on her way through the bedroom to the bathroom.
She’s purposefully quick because she doesn’t want to make Winn wait and she doesn’t know exactly what time Alex will get back because usually, she’s home long after Alex gets back because she takes public transportation but Winn drove here today so what is a trip that usually takes over an hour was little more than fifteen to twenty minutes.
Hopping out of the shower, she throws on some comfy pants and a blue cotton tee, dressing mostly for comfort and dries her hair, not bothering with make-up.
Winn is on the couch scrolling through his phone when Kara wanders back out into the living room. “Hey, it’s all set to go, want to start now or are we waiting until Alex and Lori get here?”
“We should probably wait until they get here, I love that little girl but man does she get competitive and I don’t want to hear her spend the night complaining that we got a head start.” Kara sinks into the couch beside Winn, her head instantly leaning back into the cushions and her eyes half-closing.
“Your closed eyes tell me you’d like to sit in silence while we wait for them.”
“That’s one hundred percent correct.” Kara mumbles.
“You’re a terrible host but ok.” Winn snickers, his eyes falling back to his phone right away. He doesn’t mind just sitting here with Kara, it won’t be the first time they have gone to hang out and just ended up sitting in the same room doing two separate tasks in complete silence.
Within a couple of minutes, the past two weeks and the relief of finally leaving that place in the past where it belongs has Kara snoring, her head thrown all the way back and Winn silently laughing at her, his shoulder shaking and his fist clenched between his teeth so he doesn’t wake her. His laughter dies down after a couple of minutes but every once in a while he does look up from his phone to smile at her.
She’s still snoring when Alex unlocks the front door and sighs her way through it, Lori skipping in right in front of her. Lori spots her mom and Winn and runs over to them, her eyes bright and joyful. She clambers into Kara’s lap, effectively waking her up and wrapping her little arms around her. “Mommy! You’re home before us!”
“I am, I missed you today, baby.” Kara pulls her close for a cuddle. “Have you had a good day?”
“Uh huh, the best, we got to play in the sand pit and then Aunty Alex invited Lena to come for dinner and she said yes!”
Kara’s eyes widen and she looks over to see Alex standing in the kitchen with none other than Lena Luthor. “Oh yes, I see that. Why don’t you and Uncle Winn catch up so I can go and say hi?”
Winn wants to argue, he wants to meet Lena, she’s basically his idol, but he settles for an excitable little girl instead who is already wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Lena, hi!” Kara greets Lena, heading into the kitchen. “I’m so glad you could make it, especially after I had to cancel on you for dinner before. I’m sorry about that, I was really looking forward to it too.”
Alex throws her hands up. Kara has yet to greet her but is already all over Lena. She shouldn’t have invited her because now she’s stuck watching them moon after each other, neither of them ballsy enough to notice the way the other has a very obvious crush on them.
Lena rests her hand on Kara’s forearm. “Don’t worry about it. It sounds like you’ve had a hell of a time finishing up your time at CatCo. How does it feel to not work there anymore?”
Kara lets out a heavy puff of air. “I don’t even know. It’s strange, I think I’ll miss it but I’m also super excited to start working with Sam. I’m sure you’ve heard all about the time I saw her for lunch a couple of weeks ago, she was lovely. I managed to part ways with Ms Grant in a nice way really, we shook hands and agreed to leave the past in the past so I guess I can’t wish for more.”
“Sam did tell me about that, I should probably warn you that while she’s nice, she’s a blabbermouth to the people she’s closest to, so anything you tell her, she’s probably going to tell me and our other friend, Jack, if you don’t specifically tell her to keep it to herself.”
“Noted.” Kara nods. “Now, shall we order? I’m starving.”
“I’m so down for that.” Alex interrupts them with a small stack of takeout menus, “Winn, Lori, want to come and help pick where we eat?”
Winn grabs Lori, swinging her around as he stands up, making her squeal as he does so and for a second, Kara’s heart is in her mouth because while she trusts Winn, she’s terrified of Lori potentially getting hurt. Her hand flies to her chest, covering her rapidly beating heart. “Careful.” She warns when he settles beside her with Lori propped on his hip.
He sends her a sheepish look before focusing on the menus. “I know we agreed on pizza but I’m thinking that maybe we should order Chinese too, it’s been far too long since I’ve seen you inhale an ungodly amount of potstickers in one sitting.”
Kara clears her throat awkwardly in a mixture of embarrassment because he just really said that in front of Lena and because she feels bad because they have guests over and they can’t afford to get both pizza and Chinese food. “I don’t know, Winn. Maybe we should just stick to the pizza.”
“How about a deal then, you get the pizza you seem to so desperately want and I’ll get the Chinese food, deal?” Winn argues and then sticks out his hand like it’s a done deal.
“Ooh, How about I order Big Belly Burger too?” Lena asks, spotting a menu for there. “I haven’t had one of their burgers in way too long and it’s kind of my guilty pleasure. Come on, let’s make a feast out of it. I’ll order those, Winn gets the potstickers and you guys get the pizza, fair and square.”
Kara knows what they are playing at. Alex does too, to be fair, but she doesn’t really care. Kara feels bad that they have invited Winn and Lena over yet they are going to be paying for a good chunk of the food, it doesn’t feel right but she can’t do much about it, they know what they are doing and this is their way of doing it as delicately as they can without outright saying that they are helping to pay because they know that they are broke.
Well, not broke, not anymore. Alex has been getting paycheques now, weekly ones that help them get on top of everything, but they have mostly just been using it to get up to date on everything so they have been paying off their debts and starting to backpay the rent they missed. As soon as that is done, a couple of months more they think, and then they can think about moving out and getting a better place, one where they all have their own beds at the very least. For that to happen though, they are following a very strict budget and even splurging tonight is a treat they shouldn’t really be splurging on but Alex insisted on celebrating Kara’s new job.
“Fine, fine, but just you guys wait until we manage to move into a new place, we’re going to buy so much food that you will have to roll out of the door when you want to leave.” Alex accepts their offer when it becomes clear that Kara’s not about to.
“Good.” Lena grins, already slipping her phone out of her pocket and starting to order her portion of the food, Winn and Alex doing the same too while Kara plucks Lori off of Winn’s side and pulls her close into another cuddle, only getting slightly offended when she starts wriggling and trying to get to Lena, her little arms reaching out towards her.
Lena, despite being guilted into sitting beside her on the way here, reaches out and lets Lori climb her way over from Kara’s arms into hers, propping Lori’s butt onto the edge of the counter so she can still finish placing the order of a bunch of cheeseburgers, fries, onion rings and milkshakes. They are all eating well tonight.
“Lena, Lena, Uncle Winn set up Mario Kart!” Lori grabs at Lena’s shirt, bunching it in her tiny fists as she excitedly speaks.
“Really? Can you show me?” Lena asks, smiling at how adorable Lori is and putting her down, her heart melting when Lori grabs her hand to take her to the couch.
Kara follows them with her eyes first, her blue orbs soft with the joy that comes with Lori having so many people around that love and care for her. There’s not a person on the planet that she couldn’t force to love her. With that thought in mind, she follows them, sitting on the other side of Lori so she’s sandwiched between her and Lena.
Winn and Alex come and perch on the floor on cushions, their backs to the couch and their focus on the screen, this is about to get competitive.
Lena has made it to the kitchen having managed to finally extract the clingy little koala of a girl off her. She’s now fully leaning into Winn’s side, cheering him on in his game against Alex, who seems to be outraged that her niece is cheering against her.
She’s super thirsty and since the food and milkshakes haven’t arrived yet, she’s just planning on grabbing water or something out of the refrigerator but when she opens it, she’s hit with a wave of desire she thought she had banished to the past.
Alex’s beers sit on the shelf enticing her. She hasn’t had a drink in weeks, something she’s really proud of, but the longing is still there, especially when she gets home at night to an empty apartment and there’s nobody around to disappoint but herself. This is a new low though, she’s in Kara’s apartment, gagging for a cheap beer just because she could get a taste of what she’s been depriving herself of.
Without really thinking, her hand reaches out, softly encasing one of the beers but before she can pick it up, Lori appears beside her, tugging on her pants. “Lena, Lena, juice please.”
It’s enough to snap her out of it and make her hat herself a little because of how close she was to taking a beer. With Lori at her side though, she knows she can’t do that, she can’t get away with doing that, so she pours out some juice for Lori and then some for herself. She sends Lori off back to the others but takes a breather, leaning back against the counter and purposefully not looking towards the refrigerator because of the shame.
She stares down into her glass, taking small sips every now and again whilst ignoring the tiny voice in her head telling her that it would be better if it had alcohol in it.
Lena purposefully chases away that voice though. She was an alcoholic, maybe not as bad as other people are, not by a long shot, but she was dependent on her drinks at the end of the night to get her through to the next morning and her yearning for drinks is her body telling her that something is missing, a part of her routine that she became addicted to so she could soothe herself enough to sleep through the night. She doesn’t need that now, she can find meaning in her life without it, she has reasons to get up the next day that aren’t found at the bottom of a glass.
She’s so caught up in her own mind that she barely notices Kara sliding next to her. “Hey.”
“Are you ok?” Kara questions, her brow knitted in worry. “You had…a moment.”
Lena nods slowly, even more ashamed now she knows that Kara saw her, and what she almost did. “I did.”
“It’s normal to have moments of temptation, Lena, and for the record, I’m so proud of how long you’ve gone. I think it’s really brave, what you’ve been doing.” Kara rests her hand on Lena’s forearm tenderly, her lips curved into a small smile.
“Maybe but it wasn’t appropriate of me to have almost taken one of those beers. I was close.”
“But you didn’t. You came through.” Kara’s voice is soft and gentle in a way that makes Lena want to cry big fat tears until she’s got no more to cry. “Besides, if I had known you were coming I would have made sure there was no alcohol in the apartment before you got here so you wouldn’t be put in the position where you have to make hard choices.”
Lena ducks her head. “You don’t have to do that for me.”
“I don’t but I want to. You’ve been so good to us and let’s be real, Lori loves you more than me, if there’s anything I can do for you, you know I’m only a call away.”
“There is something you can do for me.” Lena tries carefully.
Kara’s head whips up. “Anything.”
Lena almost laughs at how eager Kara sounds and takes a tiny bit of joy in bursting her bubble. “Stop acting like you owe me something, you don’t. The truth is, helping you guys out, and spending time with you, it’s benefitted me a lot more than it has you. I only have two friends in the city, Sam and Jack, and we don’t get to see each other nearly as often as we’d like because of how busy we are, it makes planning times to get together awful and difficult. You’ve opened your home to me many times now when I had no one else to spend time with, nobody willing, it means a lot to me.”
Kara scrunches her face thoughtfully and Lena can’t help but think that she looks kind of cute. She takes several long moments to come up with something to say and each passing second makes Lena’s nerves grow. “Lena, I didn’t know that hanging out with us means that much to you. I kind of thought we were annoying you by asking you over all the time and that you’ve just been humouring us.”
“Not at all.” Lena shakes her head. “I love it actually, as sad as that sounds. I haven’t had friends that I get to see this often since I was in college and I know that sounds clingy and weird but just getting to see you pretty much every week helps me a lot and if it weren’t for you, I don’t think I could’ve stopped drinking the way I did. I don’t think I would’ve had the balls to. I mean it sucked, especially at the beginning. I didn’t realize how bad it was until I stopped, but I have to give you credit for that choice.”
“The only person that deserves credit for that is you, Lena.” Kara bumps her shoulder with Lena’s. “And just for the record, I don’t know if I’m going to be able to stop thanking you or feeling indebted to you because you saved our asses but I’ll try if it makes you uncomfortable.”
“It does,” Lena confirms. “I think you would have managed to save your own butts anyway.”
“Not from that much debt we wouldn’t have. You gave my daughter a chance at a life she wouldn’t have had if we hadn’t met. I do regret what I did but I can’t find it in me to regret being at your building that day.”
“Lena takes a long sip of her juice. “I don’t regret hiding you from the guards.”
Kara and Lena share a look, one of mutual amusement, before falling into a fit of giggles. They get a few strange looks from both Winn and Alex but ignore them, their giggles too much for them to contain.
Once they manage to reign in their laughter, Lena looks over at the couch where Alex and Winn are sitting with Lori, her face thoughtful as her gaze settles on Winn. She nudges Kara with her elbow. “So, Winn seems nice. Are the two of you—”
“No, we’re just friends,” Kara answers, not needing to hear the end of the question to guess what she was thinking. “He’s been my best friend ever since I started at CatCo. He bumped into me in the elevator when I was going for my job interview and we’ve sort of just stuck together ever since. I don’t know what I’d do without him, he even changed his shift pattern at work to be able to look after Lori when we needed him to and he was always available to pick her up from school, all without asking anything in return. He’s been incredible and he’s the best uncle Lori could ever have.”
Lena feels a rush of admiration for the guy. She had no idea that he was doing all of that and shifted his life around to make it easier for Kara and Alex to juggle everything they had on their plates. “I didn’t know that.”
Kara shrugs. “He’s a big softie. He loves Lori and would do anything for her, just like the rest of us. As much as I love him though, there’s never been anything romantic between us. I mean, he did try to kiss me once and asked me out but he was very respectful when I turned him down and just went back to being my best friend, with no hard feelings or weirdness. He’s one of a kind. Why are you asking about him anyway? Are you interested in him?”
Lena shakes her head quicker than she ever has before. “Oh, no, no, no, nothing like that. I just thought you two were close and maybe you were together. I prefer the company of ladies myself, as adorable as your hobbit friend is.”
Kara chuckles. “He has been known to be called that every once in a while.” She ignores Lena’s other statement, unsure what to make of how it makes her somehow happy and trying to will away the thunderous beating of her heart.
Lena clears her throat. “I have another request.”
“Shoot.” Kara’s surprised to hear it but she’s more than open to it.
“You guys had to cancel on coming over for dinner on me twice now and while I get it, I still want you to come over so if you could make it tomorrow or Sunday, I would appreciate it.”
Kara’s face splits into a grin. “Well, it would be rude of me to turn that request down, wouldn’t it?”
“It would, so when are you free?”
“Good, call it six?”
“Six it is.” Kara agrees and then jumps when there’s a loud knock at the door. “That’ll be the food.”
Alex has to grab Lori to stop her from charging for the door. She’s Kara’s daughter through and through so she loves her food just as much as her mom does and would happily tackle the delivery person just to get the first bite of the pizza.
Kara and Lena open the door and accept the food. Two of the three deliveries arrive at once, the pizza and the Big Belly Burger order and just as Lena is swinging the door closed, she spots the delivery person for the Chinese food too, catching the door just before it slams so she could take it from him. “Thank you very much.” She slips him a tip, one much too large for what would be deemed ordinary, especially for the building they are in. He probably thinks he just got paid to keep quiet about something he isn’t even aware he saw.
It all gets piled up on the coffee table and it quickly becomes a free for all, each of them snagging whatever it is they want right out of the bags, Kara managing to wrangle a full container of potsticker for herself with no remorse, only sharing with Lori because she got given puppy dog eyes that she’s all too aware mirror her own. It almost makes her feel bad that she uses it on other people. People like Winn.
“Winn, please, you have two burgers, please give me one,” Kara begs, pouting for good measure and then cackling evilly as soon as he gives in and hands one over, taking a slice of pizza for himself as a trade-off.
Lena smirks at the exchange around a bite of her burger, trying her best not to moan at the incredible taste of it. Big Belly Burger is her go-to cheat food and it never gets old, if she weren’t worried about her health and the possibility of blocked arteries, she’d eat it every day.
The sound of milkshakes being slurped and lips smacking fills the air and while the noise would usually make Lena want to burst her own eardrums just so she can stop hearing it because it’s so grating, today it’s a symphony she could listen to on repeat. She’s surrounded by people that are genuinely good and actually care about her.
She was shocked earlier when she stopped by to check on the L-Corp building where Alex works. She made a point of only checking on Alex after talking to a lot of other employees first to not blow her cover and nobody seemed to suspect a thing, definitely not thinking anything of it and not suspecting Alex of secretly recording them doing a hell of a lot of illegal stuff and slowly but surely gathering evidence on them.
While she was checking on her, Alex mentioned them celebrating Kara’s last day at CatCo and invited her over and well, Lena is struggling to say no to any chance to see Kara. She might have a weak spot for the blonde.
Lena looks around at the small group, her eyes lingering on two people in particular and sighs happily, her heart jumping for joy knowing she’s going to be able to do this again tomorrow. Winn belches loudly, making Kara laugh loudly and she makes a mental note to invite him over too. He seems like a good guy and a great person to have in her corner.
As she’s looking around, she notices Alex staring at her and when they make eye contact, Alex smiles at her, sending her an awkward thumbs up, one that she returns just as awkwardly.
If anyone had told her that she could find some semblance of happiness on the floor of a run-down apartment in a building that should probably be condemned, she would have laughed in their face, now, she’s just thankful she’s found it and is going to keep a firm grip on it with both hands.
Read the next 3 chapters early on my Patreon here!
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multifandominfj · 11 months
A New Beginning: A Supergirl 6x20 Re-Write
Chapter Ten: Down The List
To say she was nervous asking Cat Grant for her blessing to marry Kara was a severe understatement. Lena knew Cat had an icy cold stare, a sharp wit, and was fast on her feet. She also knew that Cat was also very protective of Kara in her own way. Asking the right way, and leading into said question would be tricky.
Pulling into an empty parking space, and taking the familiar route up to the bullpen, Lena tried to remain as cool as possible.
That all went out the window when she saw Kara in charge, directing the other reporters to their assignments, with Nia at her side. Seeing Kara fully comfortable, happy with her job and thriving was beyond attractive to her.
“So everyone has their…” The minute Kara’s eyes locked with Lena’s, her heart skipped a beat. “That will be all, everyone.” She super speeds over, nearly knocking Lena off her feet.
“Hi to you too.” Lena laughs heartily before placing a delicate smooch on her girl’s cheek.
“What are you doing here?” Kara was still clueless about everything; just as Lena hoped.
“Do you know if?”
And right on cue… “Miss Luthor.”
“She says she doesn’t have any powers; I don’t believe her. Also, holler if you need help.” Kara returns Lena’s peck on the cheek as she gets back to work.
Following right behind, Cat shuts her office door behind them and pulls the blinds. “I know why you’re here.”
“Do you?” Lena sits in one of the chairs present, raising that ever famous eyebrow of hers.
“You’re here to ask for my blessing to marry Kiera.” Cat hands Lena a class of whiskey.
“Seriously, how do you do that?” Lena was left aghast, not daring to refuse the free drink.
“She talks about you any chance she gets, and your voice and body language were about as easy to read as a teen drama on the CW.” Cat nonchalantly takes a sip of her drink. “Of course you have my blessing, Miss Luthor. That photo she has of the two of you on her desk, I know how much you mean to her; I will catch her staring a moment too long before she gets back to work. You have made her the happiest she’s been in quite a long time. When I interviewed her, you came up a lot; the mushy feeling was a bit much for my taste, but it made Kiera happy. I just want you to promise me a few things.”
“Anything.” Lena sets her glass down nervously.
“Entertain any crazy idea she has, chances are it has merit and value behind it. Make her feel like she’s the best journalist in the world, even when she has a couple of misses. Most importantly, whenever she begins to get that sad puppy look on her face, and stops talking…non verbal communication will help heal whatever she’s feeling when she says, “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I can do that.” Lena stands to exhale, and shake her hand. “Thank you, Miss Grant. And I will send you the details of the party as soon as it’s all ironed out.”
“Of course. Best of luck, Miss Luthor.” Cat shuts the door behind her.
And while Kara was nowhere to be seen, Lena slips out of sight. Next stop: Her other future Mother-In-Law, Eliza Danvers.
Her drive to Midvale definitely felt longer than it actually was. The amount of lead-ins, questions and pleadings she had going through her head was even a lot for her. Lena had never been this much of a perfectionist, but that’s what Kara did to her: she made her crazy and self conscious, but in the best way possible.
Recognizing the house from photos Kara has shown her, she pulled right up to the driveway. Scanning her surroundings, she looked for her future mother in law. “Doctor Danvers?” Lena called out.
“In the backyard, Lena.” Eliza hollered from far away.
Following the echoed tone of the voice, Lena would come to find Eliza doing…
“Target practice? Picking up a new hobby, Doctor Danvers?” She chuckled, watching.
“It’s never too late to pick up a new hobby.” Eliza smirked, putting down her bow and arrows. “And please, it’s Eliza. We’ve known each other long enough, Lena. By the way, to what do I owe this surprise?” She greets Lena with a warm, motherly embrace.
“I actually came up here because I…” She starts to reach for the ring box in her jacket. “Wanted to ask your permission about something, and hopefully your blessing.”
Being the incredibly smart woman she was, Eliza immediately figured it out. “Oh, Lena. This is stunning. I gotta say, I was hoping for this moment. The entire time Kara sang at Alex’s wedding…it’s like you were the only person there for her. It was like she was singing to you. And I think I’ve lost count of how many times you’ve come through for her…you not only have my permission, but my blessing as well.” With a joyous grin, she cups the ring back into Lena’s hand, and gives her another hug.
“So I don’t have to plead my case? Provide reasons?” Lena was surprised at how easy it was.
“I mean unless it would make you feel better… “ Eliza heartily chuckled.
“No, not at all.” Lena’s tensions were nowhere to be seen. “Thank you, Eliza. It means a lot. As soon as I finish asking the rest of the people closest to Kara, I will start sending out the party details.”
“Looking forward to it.” Eliza bids her goodbye as she watches her future daughter-in-law back out of the driveway.
“Up next, Barry and Iris. This is going to be interesting…” Reason being, the Central City Citizen was one of the many publications there to cover her foundation's opening, and the first big fundraiser a month later. Even then, she knew convincing Iris would be easier than convincing Barry, who had known Kara for longer. But considering Kara attended their wedding, and was the one who sang for them…this would be quite the task.
Driving up to the main CCC building, she takes a few deep breaths before she enters. With every step she climbed, she could feel her heartbeat speed up. Opening the doors, she strode up to the information desk. “Hi, is Mrs. West-Allen in?”
“She’s currently in a meeting? I can call and leave her a message. Who may I ask who’s requesting—…”
“Lena Luthor.”
“Lena!” As if appearing out of thin air, Irish was at the door of the stairs. “Right this way. This is quite the surprise. What brings you out to Central City? How’s Kara?”
“Kara is great, more than great actually. I’m sure you saw the interview Cat did.” She couldn’t help but have her heart swell any time she mentioned it. That was her girlfriend.
“We did.” Iris invites Lena to sit in her relaxed area of her office “Everyone at STAR Labs saw it, and Barry is now bragging that Supergirl is his best friend.”
And like a fresh gust of wind. “Someone ordered Lunch?” Barry, with his signature grin, holds up two big bags of Big Belly Burger. “Lena, hey. What brings you by?”
“Barry, good you’re here. Now I can tell both of you.” Like she did with Eliza before, she takes out the small box and shows them the ring she had designed for Kara.
“Is that? Are you?” Barry was immediately speechless.
“It is, and I am.” Lena blushes as she pockets the ring. “I wanted to stop by to see if…if could bet your blessing. You two were her friends before I ever was, and having just met at Alex and Kelly’s wedding, I felt the need to do this. But, with Kara bringing up singing at your guys’ wedding, and all of the crazy missions she’s done with you both, I feel like I know you to some degree. I know how much she means to you both, and…”
“Lena.” Iris takes both of Lena’s hands in hers. “You wholeheartedly have our blessing. We saw how you two were together at Alex’s wedding. To use my favorite analogy, you’re her lightning rod. You two are drawn together, and whenever you two are together, you’re unstoppable.”
“And to add to that, Kara has always told me she wants someone who gets every part of her life. That’s you, Lena. I couldn’t be happier for you both.” Barry congratulates.
“Thanks, you guys.” Lena brings them both into a hug. “I will send you the party details as soon as I check off everyone on my list.”s
“We’re looking forward to it. And say hi to the others for us.” Iris waves her friend off.
“I will.” Lena bids adieu with a warm grin as she heads off to see Sara and Ava. Kara had told her about the both of them so she knew what she was getting into: Warmly welcomed by them, and their daughter, Laurel, a little small talk followed by the reveal of the ring, nervous on how to present her news, and a resounding yes for all three of their blessings.
She had everyone in the loop. Time to start planning a party.
Hope you enjoyed the very cute, and very adorable Chapter Ten of Lena asking those closest to Kara! I had fun writing it. 🙏🏻
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elizabethxolsenn · 1 year
(Kara Zor-El x Cat Grant)
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Warnings: Angst, Major Character Death, blood, Soft smut, oral, fingering, squirting, Fluff, Easter, Cat Grant needs a hug.
Summery: Cat and Kara just being love birds :)
Minors DNI !!
Cuddling up on the couch with Carter was Cat's favorite activity, even if she’d never admit it. Kara was late coming home, and even though Cat tried to protest, her son insisted they start the movie without her.
Now, with Carter's head on her lap, and chicken little playing on the big flat screen, she scratched his scalp lightly, only wishing she had this with Adam. It broke her heart how she’d never been around when her oldest was in his early years.
Keys jingle at the door and Carter's head pops up, Kara walks through, a small tear in the sleeve of her suit and dried up blood on her arm.
Running to hug her, the boy barely notices the wound, he smiles up at her, “Kara you’re home,” He looks at the television, then back to his stepmother, “Mom said to start without you, it wasn’t me at all!” Kara gasps and puts a hand over her chest, “That is just mean, Cat, I can’t be-” She stops talking when she sees a hard look on Cat's face. She bends down to Carter's level and whispers something in his ear, he looks at her arm and nods quickly, going to his room as asked.
“Are your powers weakening again? If they are, I don't want you going on missions, Kara, you know how dangerous that is.” Though she seems angry, Kara knows she’s just looking out for her. Being with a superhero worried Cat enough, but knowing her powers could blow out made her more cautious.
“Bullet made of kryptonite grazed me, I’m fine, babe.” Though the way she cursed in pain when she went to take off her shoes showed she was, indeed, not fine. Cat raises an eyebrow and sighs, going to get the med kit from under the sink. Clicking her tongue as she comes back, Kara is already sat on the couch, ready for a long speech about being safe.
Surprisingly, it never came.
The yelling, the tears, the hug. None of it. Cat looked up, a million thoughts in her head as she moved to Kara. Butterfly stitches in hand and a wet cloth. The fact that a kryptonite bullet grazed her arm when it could’ve hit somewhere vital scared her. She can’t lose her supergirl.
As she patched Kara up, she was quiet, which never happened. Cat always had something to be mad about, or just needed to talk all the time, she never got to speak up when she was little. So she does it as much as she can.
“I’m sorry. I’ll be more careful.” Blue eyes looked to the light blonde, Cat kissed her lips gently, taking in her blueberry taste, humming softly as she grabbed the other woman’s hips. Moving her softly to lay down. Straddling her waist and her hands go to take off her suit. Kara pulls her off and smiles softly.
“I do this to protect you and Carter, hoping it’s enough.” Cat smiles and pushes her to her back, “You worry me, Kara Zor-El. I try to trust you,” There's a lump in her throat that she swallows to mutter her next words.
“But you can’t promise you’ll come home..” Kara sighs and leaves a trail of kisses on Cat’s lips that could be repeated a million and one times. They’re soft and sweet, peck’s with so much affection.
“I know.”
Laid on the bed, her legs wide, waiting for Kara to, “make it up” to her for being home so late. Cat smiles at the ceiling.
A soft gasp erupts when she feels a soft kiss on her thigh, her skirt being lifted slowly by a blonde in a blue sweater.
She feels euphoric as her black lace is touched softly, muscular hands pressing as soft as one could.
“Such a cute choice, baby.” The blonde finally spoke, she looked up and smiled. Grabbing the hem of her skirt and pulling it down, finding the hen of her panties along the way.
Pulling them down to the older woman’s ankles, she smiled and folded them, putting them on the chair of the vanity in their room.
Cat props against the headboard and takes off her buttoned blouse. She’s rather quick with it, she’s been stressed and this is what she needs. She sighs and tosses it to the ground, along with her push up bra.
Kara laughed and kissed her tummy, thin, yet covered in stretch marks. Wishing to kiss them all, though she knew Cat would grow rather impatient.
She reaches up and grabs her wife’s breast gently, smiling at the small squeak that comes from her. Rolling her nipple gently between her fingers, she leans and kisses Cats lips. “I love you.” She mutters against them.
She pulls away and kisses down the valley between her breasts, sucking and licking gently.
She grins when she gets to where Cat needs her. Arousal running down her thighs, her puffy folds. So pretty and pink.
She kisses Cats clit and runs a finger along her slit. Cat groans and her hips buck into the air, causing Kara to giggle.
“Baby, I need you..” Cat whines, Kara slowly inserts a pair of fingers in Cat's entrance. The short hair blonde moans softly and bites her lip in fear of being too loud.
Kara went slow, not wanting to hurt Cat, but she’s just so in love with how Cat whimpers and moans when she moves.
Kara groans when she can just hear how wet her lover is. She speeds up, finding a soft spongy spot that makes Cat go crazy.
“Fuck- I- Kar-” Cat whines and grabs Kara’s hair, pressing her into her clit.
While Kara focuses on pumping her fingers, Cat focuses on humping Kara’s mouth, breathy moans escaping her red lips.
“Kara, baby, I’m gonna- I’m gonna cum.” She whines, just before cumming, she feels Kara lick her clit and press her G-Spot hard, she pulls a pillow over her face to suppress a moan she lets out as she squirts on Kara, who laughs softly.
“Feel good?” Kara asks while pulling out. Cat nods and pulls off the pillow. Wiping hair from her face and giggling down at Kara. God that giggle. Kara could have that on repeat.
Cleaning her hands, as well as giving Cat a nice, warm bath.
As of now, the two lay in matching pajamas, (Cat insisted they were dumb.) holding one another. Soft kisses placed causing each other.
Carter runs to his mothers room, his supergirl pajamas, his hair in his face and his teeth freshly brushed.
At first, he knocks, no answer. He knocks again. No answer. He gives up and just walks in, seeing Kara wrapped in Cat’s arms. He smiles, happy his mom found someone, he hated seeing her sad and alone, even when no one else would.
Cat hid from everyone but him before Kara came along. She truly helped out.
Running to the left side of the bed, he shakes his mother violently. Receiving a slight push from the older woman.
“Mom mom mom! Wake up! It’s Easter!!” He says excitedly, Cat groans and looks at her phone. She buries her head in Kara’s shoulder to drown out the sound of her loud child.
She was never this excited about holidays when she was young..but then again.
“It’s 6 AM. Go back to bed.” She groans, it’s too early for this shit, honestly, he’s late for school, but can be up this early on a holiday? He huffs and crosses his arms, thinking of ways to get the two women up and ready for the ever so exciting day.
He smiles and walks around the bed to Kara, her eyes open, she smiles as she sees him. “You heard your mom, Carter,” she laughs, wishing to help the boy out, but knows that Cat will be so terribly cranky if she doesn't get her sleep.
He furrowed his eyebrows, “Kara, you’re SUPERGIRL. You don’t even need sleep..or something.” He mumbles the last part, not quite knowing if she actually needs sleep. He quickly makes another excuse as he brushes his curly hair from his eyes, “And you’re my step-mom, you’re supposed to like..sneak around with me and help me break rules.”
She laughs lightly, shaking her head. “We gotta listen to your mom, you know how she gets,” Kara gasps when a small slap from behind her comes down on her unharmed arm, even if it didn’t hurt.
He pouts and starts to make his way back to his room, clearly unhappy with the rejection, but is pulled back softly by a strong arm.
He looks back with a pout and is met with a small lip bite from a thinking Kara. “Lay down with us, bud, I’m sure your mom won’t mind.” His eyebrows raise up, he thinks about it for a second. There’s one pro and one con. A pro: Kara does give good cuddles, especially when feelings are hurt. A con: he’s 12, he shouldn’t have to sleep with his mommy and her girlfriend when he’s upset, he’s not 5 anymore.
Then he looks back to Kara, she has a warm and inviting smile. Truly, could anyone say no? He shakes his head and lays beside her, sighing, a little disappointed in himself. Then again, he doesn’t quite care
“But this is a one time thing, okay?” Kara nods gently, hearing him lie makes her grin. “Sure it is, Carter.”
Cater rolls his eyes, but smiles as she kisses the side of his head. He closes his eyes, breathing softly. He feels Cat reach a hand over and grab his own. He smiles, content with this situation.
“We love you, baby.” Cat mumbles tiredly. Finally realizing how they’re not around forever.
She’s sitting with coffee as she watches her son happily grab his Easter basket. Her wife is taking pictures as she breathes in this moment. Carter won’t be this young and innocent forever.
“Mom, Kara! The Easter bunny got me the drone I wanted!” He smiles and shows the two older women. Kara looks at Cat with a smile before taking a picture. Carter got everything he wanted, all the time. It was to make him happy, sure, but it was for Cat too. She spoiled him with the amount of presents two kids would get, so she didn’t feel bad about not getting Adam presents when he was young.
She didn’t even realize she was crying until a soft hand on her thigh came from Kara. “Thank you, babe.” She whispers.
Kara smiles brightly like always, her big white teeth shining. Kara was always so happy, it never made sense. How could someone who fights everyday be so glad?
Cat shook it off as she smiled, her son giggling and her wife checking the pictures she took. Everything was almost perf- Cats head looks to the door when there’s a knock. What barbarian would knock instead of using the doorbell?
Kara got up from the couch immediately, grinning at Cat.
“Your present is here, Cat.” She runs to the door and opens it dramatically. Truly a ray of sunshine if you asked anyone in National City.
“Hi, mom.” Said a tall boy with shaggy hair. Carter looked up, a big smile on his face. Cat’s eyes teared up a second time. She got up and dragged him in, hugging him tight.
Carter pulled her off him, oh did he have a million questions. “Are you my brother? Mom talks about you a lot!” He says it so quickly his words slur together. Getting told to slow down multiple times.
The rest of the evening is spent between the four of them. A true family.
Typically, Cat Grant is not a minute late, nor a second early. On the dot she is. Now when she’s nowhere to be found, the person most worried is Kara.
Kara waits at her desk. Expecting her girlfriend to walk through that door any second. “She’s fine..she’s fine..” Kara mumbles. Cat has to take Adam to the airport, so maybe that’s why she’s late. Smiling to herself as she thinks about yesterday. How she spent it with her favorite people, her thoughts snap when her phone rings.
It’s Alex.
She picks up immediately. Anything could be wrong, a problem at the DEO, problems with Maggie, problems with Eliza. She’d be there for her sister no matter what.
“We need you, Kar. Livewire got out.” Kara sighs, but knows she’s not able to refuse. She grabs her purse and looks at James knowingly. He nods and silently agrees to cover for her when Cat arrives.
She runs out of the building and down the stairs, grabbing the top of her shirt and unbuttoning it as she runs, the only thing on her mind is to protect her family. Taking her hair down as it flows behind her like the fur of a golden retriever, and if we’re honest, she is one. Her happy demeanor was hardly ever broken.
She jumps and soars into the blue sky, flying around buildings, faster than the cars, searching for a certain hidden building.
Crashing down in front of the DEO doors, chipping the cement, she ignored it and ran inside. Hastily she looked for Alex, who came up next to her with a slight frown. She gets in front of Kara, slowly walking backwards so she’s face to face with her sister.
“Okay, don’t worry, but,” This automatically worries Kara. A dangerous villain is out on the loose, someone who hates her guts, of course she’s worried. “But she has Cat.” Kara stops walking forward, her world stops as a matter of fact. She can’t help the tears that come to her eyes, this can’t be happening.
If Kara knew this had happened, she would’ve arrived faster.
She would’ve been more prepared.
“Give me the location.” She spoke as they walked behind Winn, who apparently took a bit of his sweet time, “Now, God damnit!” Kara snapped at the smaller person, who flinched under her touch of his shoulders. He quickly typed and tracked them down, before he could even mutter a sentence, Kara was gone.
Kara didn’t expect to walk into an old abandoned warehouse today, but it’s happening anyway. With her DEO team in the parking lot for backup, she breathed and walked in slowly, it was dark, spider webs hung in the corner. A great place of hide out if you asked her.
She swore she heard the distant voice of cat sassing Leslie. She rolled her eyes, but, deep down, she worried. Keeping this up, Cat could die sooner than later. She hurried toward the voice, finding her lover quickly.
She smiled as tears ran down her face, she quickly kneeled behind the chair to untie Cat, but she’s pulled back by her hair, she bit her own tongue and looked up to the owner of the hand as she was thrown backwards onto the hard, dusted cement.
The white haired woman chuckled, hiding Cat from Kara's vision. “Well, look what the Cat quite literally dragged in.” She smiled brightly, Kara's face opposed Livewires. She got up and took a step closer, but was stopped when her former co-worker came behind them both, holding a knife to Cat's throat.
“Another step and the poor kitty gets it.” Siobhan whispered with a grin. Kara Stopped, she can’t risk Cat’s life. She thought slowly, but seconds later, she used her super speed to round Livewire and pull the other villain away from her wife. Siobhan being thrown to the wall, her knife still in hand. The Knife grazes Kara and only then does she realize it’s green hue. She curses softly but pays no other mind, hoping it won't come back for her in the end. She unties Cat before anyone can do anything, carrying her bridal style as she speeds to the parking lot, the other two sure to follow behind.
She puts Cat down and shoves her in the direction of Alex, she turns around quick and is met with a stab to her stomach, blood seeps out as the knife turns, she groans and holds her stomach when its removed, trying to stand straight, she throws a punch to Siobhan, who falls to the ground. Livewire goes to shoot electricity to the way of security, but is stopped by Kara, whose mouth is slowly filling with blood. Her wrist being caught as she’s flipped and thrown to the ground.
Security of the DEO go to grab the two villains as Kara falls to the ground with a huff.
She’s ran to by Cat who holds her in her arms softly, tears in both their eyes. Kara smiled goofily, holding her stomach.
“Hey, Cat..” She giggles but winces in pain. A finger is brought up to her lips from a sobbing Cat.
“Hi, Love,” she brushes Kara's hair behind her ear with a frown, she can see Kara's eye grow heavy, this only makes her cry harder, Alex comes beside Cat and puts a hand on her shoulder, Tears of her own falling.
“You did great, Kar. You- You did really great.” Alex bits her lip, not sure what else to say as she watches her sister die. Cat presses a soft kiss to Kara’s forehead, swallowing the lump in her throat.
“Love you, C-Cat.”
“Love you too, Kara Zor-El.”
Cat opens the door to Alex’s car, finding her home lit up. She smiles softly, but it becomes the opposite when it crosses her mind she has to tell Carter.
Walking to her door, trying not to look behind her at Alex who just wants to make sure she gets in safe, she unlocks her door and finds Carter on the couch playing Mario Kart With a slumped Winn.
She sits next to Carter and sighs. Biting her lip, he turns to her, a soft, happy expression. “Where’s Kara?” He asks, it wasn’t unusual for his mom to come home alone. Tears flood her eyes and she picks her nails.
“She’s not coming home.
That night is spent with Carter laying in Cats arms while he sobs. Cats trying to keep it together. She fails slightly as she rubs his back softly.
“I love you, Carter.” She whispered into his ear before it was too late.
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girls' night ft. cass, cassie, kara, steph, and tim (an entry in the tim&steph role swap au)
"Tim's here!" Kara chirped, and a moment later there was the rattle of a key in the lock. The front door swung open.
"Oh, good," Steph said, pleased, as she climbed onto the counter to hide a frying pan all the way in the back corner of the very highest shelf. "We can make him pay for the pizza."
Tim paused in the door, looking exhausted and windswept as his eyes moved slowly across the tableau in front of him. Kara and Cassie had taken over the couch, a tangle of long legs and blonde curls and bulging biceps that may or may not have featured in a number of Stephanie's teenage daydreams (she pled the fifth), while Cassandra was curled up, cat-like, in the loveseat. Stephanie was in the kitchen, definitely not rearranging Tim's cupboards.
"Didn't realize girls' night was happening at my apartment," he said dryly. "You understand that the unlocked window by the fire escape is not, per se, an invitation."
Stephanie shot him a pitying look as she dismounted from the counter. "But isn't it?"
"Oh, brother." Tim sighed, kicking the door shut behind himself as he finally entered the apartment, and he reached into the messenger bag that was slung across his shoulder to dig out a file. "For you," he told Cassandra, dropping it on the coffee table, and headed for his bedroom.
"No shop talk at girls' night!" Kara called after him, and he waved a hand dismissively.
"It's for a personal thing."
Cassandra perked up, looking curious, and picked up the file as she crossed her legs beneath herself. One eyebrow rose as she flipped through the file. A smile twitched at the corner of her lips. Tim reemerged from his room, having switched out his button down and dark-wash jeans for a Gotham University tshirt and a pair of yoga pants that Stephanie had been looking for for weeks, and Cassandra looked up at him with a beaming smile.
"Thank you."
"Share with the class?" Stephanie asked, trying to peer over Cassandra's shoulder, but the file snapped shut before she could catch more than a glimpse.
"Nope." Cassandra's smile was beatific, even in the face of Stephanie's huff.
"We're collaborating on a project," Tim said, like that was an explanation for literally anything.
Stephanie narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously in her very best approximation of Batman's glare, but Tim was too used to her to do more than bat his eyelashes innocently. "You stole my yoga pants," she said, switching topics, and Tim smoothed a hand down his stomach as he leaned back, inspecting the pants in question.
"You can't prove anything," he told her.
"They're pretty recognizable."
"They sell these at every novelty shop in Gotham. Maybe I bought my own pair."
"Considering you're a millionaire, you definitely should have."
"That's also why you're paying for the pizza when it gets here," Cassie cut in, grinning, and Tim rolled his eyes.
"Steph has one of Bruce Wayne's credit cards, and you want me to pay for the pizza?" he demanded, heading for his kitchen.
Stephanie vaulted the back of the loveseat to go join Cassie and Kara on the couch. Cassie pulled her legs in to give her room, meeting her eyes with a sparkling grin; Stephanie blew her a kiss, then slung an arm over the back of the couch and twisted around to point out, "You're also rich!"
"I am," Tim agreed dryly. "But I'm like, regular human rich, while your vigilante sugar daddy is rich on a scale inconceivable to us mere mortals. No offense to the demigoddess in the room." He opened one of his cabinets. He stopped moving.
"I can't conceive of it either," Cassie informed him.
Stephanie would be snickering over the look on Tim's face if she wasn't too busy gagging. "Please, for the love of god never call Bruce that again."
"You're the one who has an entire powerpoint about how he's not your dad. Stephanie--"
"He's not my dad!" She threw her hands in the air. "But apparently I need to give the presentation again, because you've forgotten that the whole premise is that unconventional found family dynamics don't need to be defined by and shoved into the boxes of traditional nuclear family roles, but that doesn't mean they aren't any less my family!"
"Yeah, whatever," Tim said, which sounded dismissive if you hadn't watched him take careful notes and ask gently pressing questions regarding the contents of the powerpoint that an over-caffeinated Robin with a freshly broken arm had snuck into his house to present to him at five in the morning. (Look: she'd had a rough night. Bruce had Bruce'd at her quite aggressively re: the arm breaking. Arthur had recently gotten out of jail. Stephanie had needed a way to process her thoughts, and Tim was nothing if not a good listener.)
"But on a more important topic, what the hell did you do to my kitchen?"
"No, I understand what you're saying, Steph," Kara said, straight-faced and nodding sagely (and completely ignoring Tim). "I don't think you can get much more complicated and 'unconventional' than my family, even if we're mostly related by blood. There's my cousin who I was supposed to raise who's now older than me, his half-clone with his arch-nemesis who's not his son but also kind of is his son, his son who's from an alternate reality--but also that reality now is this reality, kind of--and who was a pre-teen but is now almost as old as I am. Not to mention the alternate reality version of me who's way cooler than me--"
"You and Peej are similarly cool," Cassie assured her.
Kara's smile crinkled up her nose. "Thanks, WG."
"Yeah." Cassie held up a hand. "And we're not even going to get into my family situation."
Kara tipped her head to the side thoughtfully, her high ponytail swishing. "Are you and Diana, like, related for real now? Or was the Zeus thing fake and she really was sculpted out of clay? I can't keep track, honestly."
Cassie grunted. "I said we're not gonna get into it."
"There are oranges," Tim said, sounding defeated. "All of my cups are overturned with oranges underneath them. There is not a single bowl in sight." He reached into the cabinet, picking at something on the back wall. "You superglued spoons onto the walls to spell out dirty words. How long have you been here?"
Actually, Cass had done the spoons--vocabulary practice--but Stephanie wasn't going to rat her out.
"If I knew what you were talking about," Stephanie told him, "I would say that, first, those are clementines, and second, it took approximately two hours to accomplish."
Tim tipped his head back to stare at the ceiling, as if it had answers for him. "You're in college. Don't you have better things to do with a Saturday afternoon?"
"Don't be ridiculous," Cassie said scathingly.
"College students don't do homework on Saturdays," Kara agreed.
"Yeah, well, during my brief foray into tertiary education, I didn't do any homework, so forgive me for not remembering the etiquette." Tim gave one of the cups a flick, sending a clementine bouncing dejectedly across the floor of his kitchen, and then filled the cup with water straight from the tap.
Kara blanched as he took a sip. "Isn't there like, seven different strands of fear toxin and joker venom in that? Shouldn't you use a filter?"
"Tim's bougie enough to have a filtration system that fits directly into his faucet," Stephanie told her.
"Except he never bothered to hook it up," Cassandra added, before Kara could be too reassured. Stephanie didn't bother to bite back a snicker.
"Everyone in Gotham has, like, low level immunity to all of that shit by now," Cassie said. She had one arm folded over on the back of the couch and was leaning against it, her cheek smushed up adorably. "I'm told that maintaining said immunity via tap water consumption is a point of pride. Because they are all insane."
"I resemble that remark," Stephanie protested idly.
Kara's eyebrows lifted high on her head. "I don't think that's actually how most toxic substances work," she said dryly. "And, hello: this is Gotham. This sounds like more of a 'everyone was high strung and paranoid in the Victorian era because everything in their environment was full of lead and mercury and covered in radioactive green wall paper' kind of deal."
Tim hid a grin behind his cup. "Maybe so."
"'Maybe so,'" Kara parroted scathingly. She gave a truly impressive eye roll and kicked lightly at Stephanie's thigh with one socked foot. (Her socks had flying monkeys on them. Steph was intending to steal them before the night was over.) "I hate Gothamites. Cassie, we need to break off and make our own friend group, with only normal people."
"Only normal demigoddesses and space aliens," Stephanie drawled.
"Well, you know what." Kara held her hands up in a shrug. "Neither Mount Olympus nor Argo City are in New Jersey. So there."
"Cass isn't technically from here either," Cassie pointed out. She rolled her neck to look over at Cassandra, her head nearly tipped backwards to do so and the fringe of her short hair cut lifting off of her forehead in the process. "Run away with us?" she requested, with a roguish grin.
Ah. Cass, Cassie, and Kara running away together. Another one of teenage Steph's most popular daydreams. Tim had that look on his face that meant he was pretending to be stoic but was actually laughing at her internally, so she knew he was thinking it, too. She stuck her tongue out at him. He wiggled his eyebrows back at her.
Cassandra leaned forward, booping Cassie's nose teasingly. "Have to stay in town if I want to maintain seniority for taking over Batman when Bruce retires," she said, and she grinned as Cassie pouted theatrically.
Tim snorted. "I understand the joke you're making, but I do want to point out that Dick became Batman after having worked in Blüdhaven for like a decade," he said dryly. "Besides, no one else wants the cowl any more."
"Damian does," Cassie pointed out.
Tim and Stephanie rolled their eyes simultaneously; Cassandra looked amused.
"What?" Kara asked.
"Everybody but Dick and Damian knows that as soon as Damian hits the Rebellious Robin age, he's going to realize he actually wants to be Nightwing when he grows up." At least for a little while, anyway. Legacy was so important to him that she couldn't see him creating a new mantle straight off the bat. (So to speak.) Stephanie picked at a loose thread in the seaming of Tim's couch, smiling fondly over at Cassandra. "Funny how Dick's darker era will end up being Damian's light."
Cassandra's eyes crinkled back at her, her expression just as soft as Stephanie's. Whether he liked it or not, Damian was the baby of the family, and they all had a soft spot for him. Even Jason. Even Tim, because he'd always protect Stephanie's family like they were his own.
"Damian's not already in his Rebellious Robin era?" Cassie asked, wincing.
"Steph had two," Cassandra said dryly. "He's upping the ante even further."
Stephanie shifted, trying not to let her discomfort reach her face. Yeah, she was loud about being the insubordinate Robin, and she had no delusions that if things had gone even slightly to the left, War Games would have been the end of her tenure as the Girl Wonder. (Hell, she'd practically gotten fired in the lead up to the gang war--she had gotten locked out of the Cave--until her close call terrified Bruce into having an actual conversation with her, unwilling to let history repeat itself.) These days it was just... easier to purposefully piss Bruce off in the small ways than to acknowledge how much she did actually care about his opinion, even now.
"Arguably, Jason also had two," she pointed out, as carefully flippant as always.
Cassandra let Stephanie get away with the diversion. She pulled a face and raised one hand, crossing her fingers. "His are connected. Just made complicated by the resurrection."
"I refuse to talk about Jason Todd during what is supposed to be a lovely evening," Tim said flatly, and Stephanie bit back a snicker. Tim's Thing™ about Jason was like watching a Pomeranian pick fights with a Rottweiler. "Also," he added, "I'm still betting on Damian's Rebellious Robin era resulting in him getting really into wizardry, so he ends up Hellblazer's successor instead of any of yours. Just for the sheer schadenfreude."
Stephanie pressed a hand to her mouth. "Oh my god," she whispered. Her alternative "Damian really decides to piss Bruce off" prediction had always been him running away to team up with Huntress, but Tim's idea was even juicier.
Tim smirked. "The Ex-Robins Union contract would need a serious overhaul."
"Hey, wait a second." Cassie made a T with her hands. "Does this count as shop talk?"
"You know what?" Kara leaned around Stephanie to point at her, eyebrows raised seriously. "Yes. Yes, it does." She swept her hands out, mouth set in a determined line. "I'm calling this conversation here."
"Right." Tim drained the rest of his glass of water and then dropped it in the sink, wandering over to sit on the arm of the loveseat next to Cass. She leaned her head against his hip, and he settled a hand on her head comfortingly. "Has this mysterious pizza already been ordered? If so, I'm going to make it clear that I don't actually have any cash on me, so unless you want me to sprint to an ATM and back, I am not in fact paying."
Stephanie raised her eyebrows. "How do you not have any cash on you, rich boy?"
"I may be rich, but I'm still Gen Z," he deadpanned.
"We haven't ordered anything yet," Cassandra cut in, before Stephanie could call him a soy boy or something. That was probably for the best; Stephanie was better than that. She could come up with meaner insults for Tim.
"We should go out, anyway," Kara said decisively. "We're young, we're hot, we're single--"
"I'm not," Tim corrected.
"Hot or single," Stephanie snickered.
"You dated me. What are you trying to say about your own taste?"
Cassie snorted. "Bad tact, Timmy. Everybody knows Steph's taste in men is tragic."
"Riiiiiight," Tim said, dragging the word out sarcastically. "So is it time we talked about you two and Superboy, then, or--"
"Kon is sweet," Cassandra protested.
"Shit, I forgot you also had a thing with him." Tim scrubbed a hand over his face and then spread it out to the side, palm up. "Is he catnip to female superheroes?"
Yeah, Stephanie wasn't going to let him get away with that.
"You forget that I know what posters you had up in your childhood bedroom, Boyfriend," she said warningly. "If you wanna have this conversation, you better get down in the mud with us."
"Oooookay," Kara said, clapping her hands together. "First of all, we're all Kon-El stans first and people second, and I know that includes you, too, Timothy. Second of all, if we're going to leave we need to do it now, before somebody says something too catty and we end up destroying Tim's apartment in a pillow fight."
The joke about Stephanie's teenage daydreams was getting old. Hell, there was even space for Tim in them, if you went back far enough. She met his eyes, biting down on a smile, and because he always knew what she was thinking, his expression was that particular brand of sappy that came with the what-if's and if-only's that swelled between them once in every dozen blue moons.
What they had now was so much better than anything they could have ever had as boyfriend and girlfriend, but that didn't change the fact that he was the first boy she ever fell in love with.
And then, like it always did, the moment passed.
"We're all twenty-one now, right?" Stephanie asked, stretching. "Except Tim, and he's got like six different fakes."
"I don't want to go anywhere I'll have to change for," Tim said, a note of warning in his voice. "I had a really long day." Cass made a questioning noise and he blew out a breath through his nose, adding sourly, "I ended up in a dumpster at one point. Yes, I already showered twice; no, I don't want to talk about it. My point is that if the evening's events aren't cozy clothing friendly, I'm not interested."
Yeesh. It was one dumpster, big fucking deal. Stephanie resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Tim better not force her to kidnap him tonight; they had company.
"Yeah, yeah, and if it ain't got a Grand Ol' Opry like they do in Tennessee." She waved a hand at him. "The place I've got in mind is pretty kitschy; yoga pants covered in comic book style onomatopoeias are going to be fine. Just wear combat boots or something instead of sneakers."
"I guess I can handle that," he sighed.
"If you couldn't, I'd have to call you names," Cassie told him, smirking.
Tim rolled his eyes. "I don't know why Steph was so insistent on me joining your girls' night if you all just wanted to be mean to me the whole night."
"It's how we show our love," Kara promised, popping to her feet and going to stand in front of Tim, hands extended and fingers wiggling invitingly.
Tim took her hands, a bemused smile sliding briefly across his face, and--
Kara whisked him into the air.
Tim's eyes went wide and his grip on her hands flipped, catching white-knuckled at her slender wrists. Kara giggled as she pulled him in more securely, waltzing him across his living room, four feet off the ground. Her smile was wide enough to show off the dimples in her cheeks.
"That's so cute; I almost never do this with people who aren't used to being flown around any more." She rolled her eyes and tipped her head to the side. "Except the ones who are like, screaming after being launched out of a exploding building or something, and that doesn't leave a lot of room for childlike wonder, you know?"
"Yeah," Tim said, a little dazed, as he looked down at the air beneath their feet. He clearly hadn't heard a word she said. "Yeah, that's--wow."
"C'mon, rich boy, I know you know it's impolite to watch your feet while you dance," Kara teased, and Tim laughed, a little breathless, but he pulled himself upright and adjusted his grip, flashing his best gala smile.
"Sorry, Supergirl," he agreed, taking over the lead as Kara beamed.
"That's all right, tiger; I think you've got it figured out now." She let him steer her into a spin that sent her skirt billowing around her knees, and then she took the lead back, spinning him into her arms and dropping him into a weightless dip. "See?" she said, her nose crinkling with the force of her smile. "We like you plenty."
Stephanie dropped her temple onto Cassie's shoulder, and Cassie shifted to wrap her arm around her shoulders. Steph didn't know what to say, how to define the emotion in her chest as she watched her best friends accept Tim so effortlessly--
Unlike (the rest of) the Bats, they'd all met him before; she hadn't even really tried to keep him secret from Cassandra, and it would be too much to assume that he'd never accidentally gotten sucked into a Young Justice adventure or two back in the day. But there'd still always been that thin layer of separation that she'd pulled between Tim and the scariest parts of her life to keep him safe. Now it was gone, for better or worse, and her favorite people were getting to know her favorite person.
Never mind--Stephanie did have the words.
As Kara tucked her tongue between her teeth and slowly started tangoing a laughing Tim sideways up a wall, Stephanie announced to the room, "I love you guys so fucking much."
Nearly simultaneously--
"We know," Cassandra told her.
"Aw, that's so sweet!" Kara looked over to beam at her.
"Sorry, I have a boyfriend," Tim said, straight-faced despite being suspended practically upside down in the air.
"Aren't you supposed to get drunk before you get maudlin?" Cassie snickered.
Stephanie had changed her mind. Her friends were the worst.
Kitschy was... one way to describe the club that Stephanie had brought them to.
("Timothy... Olyphant..." the bouncer said, doubtfully, and Tim blinked back at him.
"No relation," he offered.
"Uh huh."
Despite the doubtful expression on the guy's face, Tim was allowed inside. "Nice try," Stephanie muttered in his ear, poking him in the ribs in a way meant to tickle.)
Of course, "club" was only one way to describe it, too. There was music and there was dancing, but there were also big, comfortable leather couches and coffee tables for lounging and chatting, and the lighting and decor were less techno and glitter, more warm and hazy. Gauzy wall hangings and curtains gave a sense of privacy without fully partitioning off the space, and there was art everywhere, sculptures and paintings alike. All of it was weird. In a good way.
"Something about this speaks to me on a deep, subconscious level," Cassie said, staring up at the rather large blue monkey that was hanging by one hand off of a nearby column. The monkey was flipping off the room at large.
Tim sipped his beer, nodding seriously as he stood next to her with his other hand propped on his hip. "It's a very subtle commentary on the dangers of rampant anti-intellectualism in our country today," he said, straight-faced, and Cassie barked a surprised laugh.
Then... silence fell between them.
Cassandra had dragged Stephanie to the dance floor as soon as they'd arrived, not even stopping by the bar first, and Kara had joined them after grabbing martinis for herself and Stephanie. Tim and Cassie were left alone together.
Things between the two of them had always been a bit... strained. Not that they knew each other well at all--Tim's introduction to Stephanie's team was the story of an alien abduction for another day, but despite some half-hearted efforts along the way to claim they didn't know each other, the jig had been up pretty quickly. There-ever-after Stephanie had happily smuggled Tim into any YJ movie night that she could get away with it at, hiding him from notice amongst the ever-rotating gaggle of teens. Those were more or less the extent of Tim and Cassie's past interactions.
Meanwhile, Stephanie and Cassie's (and Kon's) relationship was... intense. Three-way rivalry meet homoeroticism meet battle-forged loyalty meet teenage hormones. Despite Tim and Stephanie having been broken up before Tim ever met Young Justice, and despite Cassie having already been dating Kon by that point, he knew she'd always seen him as a bit of... competition for Stephanie's attention.
(Tim was trying to be diplomatic. He liked Cassie a lot, despite the weirdness, and even if he didn't, he would care about her because Steph did. He was just also an asshole with complete confidence in the fact that if Cassie did decide to give some kind of off-kilter ultimatum, then Stephanie would ultimately choose Tim--if nothing else then because he was the one who didn't try to force her into doing something she didn't want to do. He was pretty sure that that both made it easier for him personally to be blasé about their interactions, and also made it way more difficult for Cassie not to want to punch him for being a smug motherfucker.)
He took another sip of his beer and tried not to cringe as the silence between them stretched past awkward and into uncomfortable. Finally, he couldn't take it any more.
"Look, I think maybe--"
"I should probably--"
They both broke off, laughing awkwardly, and Tim scrubbed a hand over his face. "Women who can crush watermelons between their thighs first," he offered.
Cassie snorted. "I should probably... apologize, to you," she said, a little stiff, with a flush of embarrassment highlighting the faint band of freckles across her nose. "I know I've been a little bit of a dick to you since day one."
"To be fair," Tim said, "I've been told repeatedly that I'm generally a bit of a dick, and not just to you." He gestured awkwardly. "So I probably deserved it. You know, in the cosmic sense if not the specific."
Cassie thinned her lips in disagreement. "It's just--"
"Good evening, Gotham."
The DJ's voice cut through the room. It was mellow and a little smoky, fitting right into the coziness of the space while still commanding attention. A jazzy, understated synth riff underscored her words as she leaned into the mic, and Tim found himself tilting his head slightly, angling to hear her better.
"It's good to have you here tonight--a beautiful one for May, hardly any rain. And what do we do on beautiful nights, ladies?" Someone shouted from the crowd, inarticulate to Tim's ear, but the DJ seemed to understand. Her lipstick was nearly black in the gloom as she smiled. "That's right, honey--we party." She winked. "So why don't all you fine young men and women--and anybody else in the crowd tonight--go chat up our incredibly talented bartenders while I get the party started?"
Some people cheered and some thrust their drinks in the air, and enough moved towards the bar to visibly thin the crowd on the dance floor. The music resumed in earnest, bass pounding through the room.
Tim blinked himself back into the moment. "Jeez. She should be crooning in a blues club somewhere."
"Yeah, no kidding." Cassie looked about as dazed as Tim felt.
"You, uh." Tim pinched the bridge of his nose and then shook his head, blowing out a breath. "You were saying?"
"Right," Cassie said. She blinked a few times herself and ran a hand through her short hair. "Right... It's just that it's... Well, it's hard, you know? When your best friend has, like, seven best friends." She cut her gaze over to him, a wry twist to her lips. "Including one that she has an inside joke with about how 'platonic soulmates' is a reductive description of their friendship."
The simple honesty was so blindingly refreshing that Tim abruptly realized he'd been spending way too much time with Gotham's vigilantes recently. There were definite advantages in the realm of emotional intelligence and self-reflection when Wonder Woman was your mentor instead of Batman.
Tim nudged Cassie with his elbow. "Stephanie has a lot of room in her heart," he told her softly. Well, as softly as you could talk when you were competing with pounding dance music. "She loves big and she loves loud, and the number of people that she loves doesn't change how much she feels for each of them."
"I know," Cassie muttered, rolling her eyes. "But it's one thing to know something, and another to internalize it." She squared her shoulders, looking every bit as determined as he'd ever seen her looking on the news. "I'm trying to be bigger than that, though; we're not teenagers any more. We haven't been kids for a long time."
"Speak for yourself," Tim drawled.
"Didn't you get emancipated when you were sixteen?" Cassie asked dryly.
"No comment."
Cassie shot him a look, disapproval sharp in those dark blue eyes of hers. "I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you," she pointed out, with a thread of her usual annoyance. "Making myself vulnerable in admitting past wrongdoings, etc, etc. You could set aside the sarcasm for like thirty seconds."
Waspishly, Tim snapped back, "Considering you're the one apologizing, I think--" He cut himself off, shaking his head. "Sorry, don't know exactly what I was about to say, but it was definitely going to be bitchy."
He took a moment, composing himself. "Vulnerability" was the buzzword. Tim could... manage that. For Stephanie, he could manage that.
He thumbed at the corner of the label on his beer. The paper was wrinkled with condensation and starting to separate from the glass. "Look, if it makes you feel better about... me and Steph, specifically," he said, halting. He fixed his eyes on the blue monkey rather than watch Cassie's face. "We found each other at... a time when our lives were going through some serious upheavals. You know my mom died not too long after we met?"
Cassie shifted in his periphery, but Tim still didn't look at her.
"And my dad was in a coma for a bit. Steph, well--you know what her dad was like, and that no small part of why she became Robin is because he was getting worse. It's easy to forget what was going on back then with Crystal, too, because she's so great now, but, well." Tim gestured. "She wasn't exactly a stable figure in Steph's life at the time. So we were two kids with a metric fuck ton of issues who thought we were hot shit for pulling the wool over the Batman's eyes, and... Well, I didn't have anybody for a hot minute there, until my dad woke up, and Steph had Bruce, except that she couldn't really talk to him about her home life because he didn't get it--not that I did either, but it's way easier to tell another teenager that he's being a rich putz about stuff, rather than the guy who's basically your boss, you know?"
Tim blew out a breath. "You add in first loves and teenage pregnancies and late night rendezvous with the mob? It's no wonder that we got a little codependent. And that's before everything else went down over the next several years. It all makes for a tough history to compete with, I know, but Cassie--" He looked over at her, finally. "It's never been a competition."
Her face was neutral in a thoughtful sort of way, like she was concentrating hard on what he was saying. (And what he wasn't.)
Tim cleared his throat, took a sip of his beer, and added, "For what it's worth, Young Justice, and you, specifically, were pretty much the best thing that could have happened to her back then. Whether it was all in her head or not, I have no idea, but I know she always felt like her position as Robin--with Bruce, in general--was pretty precarious. She needed someone other than just her boyfriend believing in her unconditionally, and you guys were--hell, you still are--more than unconditional. You're zealous about how much you love her, as Steph and as Robin."
Emotions flickered across Cassie's face, and Tim didn't bother to try to catalogue them. He wasn't sure how much of that Cassie had known; Stephanie was more gregarious than the rest of the bats, but a lot of it was a smoke screen. She could talk a lot without ever giving away much of substance--and it went without saying that Stephanie had always held Tim's secrets close, too.
"I... don't really know what to say," Cassie admitted.
"We could just let bygones be bygones," Tim offered. "And never talk about any of this ever again for our entire lives."
"Deal," Cassie said, gratefully, and they shook on it. Tim tried not to be intimidated by the strength of her grip, but based on the grin on her face, he wasn't succeeding.
With a jerk of his head, Tim led her over to one of the couches and flopped into it. "So... what've you been up to?" he asked.
Cassie looked at him like he was a little bit insane. "Small talk?" she said, stirring the straw through whatever brown drink she was drinking. "Really?"
Tim threw his hands in the air. "It's not like we really know each other! So, yeah, small talk, until we find something cooler and better to discuss. Like..." he fell back on one of Bernard's favorite conversational gambits. "Whether or not man has actually walked on the moon."
"I've walked on the moon," Cassie said, and Tim choked on his beer. She laughed at him.
"I should not be surprised by that," he said, hoarse, as he grabbed a napkin off the coffee table to swipe at his tshirt.
"Considering I know for a fact that you've personally been abducted by aliens?" Cassie said dryly. "You really shouldn't."
"I still maintain that that was 100% Steph's fault. And we never even left the stratosphere." He waved the conversation away, shaking his head. "Not the point. C'mon, girl bicep. Engage with the bit." He slapped his hand on the back of the couch. "Do you think the 1969 American moon landing was faked on a sound stage in order to win the Space Race?"
Cassie's lips twitched, and she leaned toward him, her blue eyes sparkling in the dim lighting as she lowered her voice conspiratorially. "Honestly, Mr. Drake, you're asking the wrong question."
"What question should I be asking, then, Ms. Sandsmark?" Tim rejoined, grinning.
"Whether or not the American government used time travel to prevent the Russians from doing it first," she told him, straight-faced.
"Now, that's interesting," Tim said, crossing one leg over the other. "Elaborate on that."
Alien body language, in Cassandra's limited experience, was... well, alien. Cassandra wasn't sure that other people--the ones who weren't so instinctively attuned to the way that bodies moved--even noticed, but she did. Their anatomy, the ways their muscles shifted beneath their skin, were just different. But more importantly, the varying cultures of Earth had certain things in common in the way they interacted with and understood each other (ephemeral things, things that Cassandra couldn't explain in words) that alien peoples simply did not have.
Additional data points were usually helpful in learning to interpret those cultural differences in body language, but Kara Danvers was unique among the Kryptonians on Earth (at least, among the ones that Cassandra had had cause to meet) because she was the only one who hadn't grown up among humans.
It made fighting with her difficult--and Cassandra could always use more practice sparring against people with powers; she should ask Kara and Cassie both to come by the Clocktower for some training before they left Gotham--but it made dancing with her... interesting. Gently unpredictable. Highly enjoyable.
Cassandra had always appreciated people who were happy to talk enough to fill the silences she wouldn't, too. Kara and Stephanie were both like that, yelling over top of the music with their bright eyes and lipsticked lips. Maybe they were singing along? It was too much sensory input for Cassandra to keep track of, so she wasn't even trying; she just let the rhythms of the music and their voices wash over her without parsing them out into words and sentences.
Cassandra spun, enjoying the way that the skirt that she'd found amongst the clothes that Stephanie kept at Tim's place flared with the motion, and Kara slipped through the space around her, her steps inhumanly light and her smile sparkling. Her hands were deceptively strong when she set them on Cassandra's waist in a lift, and Cassandra couldn't help the burst of delighted laughter as she stretched her arms and arched her back, trusting in Supergirl's grip.
Stephanie cupped one hand around her mouth (sort of; the motion was awkward because she was holding both hers and Kara's drinks) and cheered, and Kara winked as she set Cassandra back on her own two feet. She leaned in, lips brushing Cassandra's ear as she said something that Cassandra couldn't code switch quickly enough to catch. It sounded teasing.
Kara then swirled away with a flutter of her own skirt, slinging an arm around Stephanie's neck and tugging her teasingly close. Stephanie wiggled her eyebrows and gave an exaggerated thrust of her hips, making Kara laugh.
In the corner of her eye, Cassandra could see that the tension had slipped away from both Tim and Cassie after whatever big emotional conversation they'd had, making room for easy camaraderie and a little bit of mischief as they bent their heads together on one of the big leather couches. That was good. Cassandra had never enjoyed watching the two of them eye each other like feral cats whenever Stephanie wasn't looking.
She spun away.
Club dancing wasn't Cassandra's favorite--she'd prefer ballet or, even better, a good mosh pit--but movement was movement, and she reveled in it. She just wished the room smelled less like sweat and alcohol, scents that reminded her, more than anything, of poorly cleaned safehouses and antiseptic wipes. It was a little hard to lose yourself in the music when you kept thinking about the previous week's adventure in stitching up the stab wound in your baby brother.
Cassandra shoved the memory away and let the crowd separate her from her friends as she fell deeper into it. (It wasn't like Kara couldn't pick her out of a crowd by the sound of her heartbeat. If they needed her, they could find her again easily.)
She danced with some strangers--college girls, by the Gotham University sweatshirt one was wearing, who were bouncy and inelegant and loud as they jumped and thrashed--until someone nearby tried to put a hand on her hip. One of the college girls grabbed her hand, pulling her away with a glare towards the offending party, and Cassandra patted the girl's cheek in thanks (even if she hadn't really needed it) before twisting away and falling once more into the anonymity of the crowd.
Her eyes caught on something glittering, high on the ceiling, and she felt her steps falter.
That was an odd place for a camera, she thought. It couldn't see the bar at all. Its only purpose could be to observe the dance floor, but the blaze of the lights next to it would surely obscure the image.
Cassandra didn't let her gaze linger suspiciously, but it did sharpen; the movements of the crowd steered her around the dance floor, and every time her gaze fell on the ceiling, she studied it in earnest. She found three cameras, all sensibly located, and grew increasingly certain that whatever that was at the center of the room, it was not a camera. It was smaller than the others, not as rounded.
Her circling of the floor had brought her back to her friends, and she caught Kara's elbow, pulling her close. "I'm breaking the shop talk rule," she said, too quietly for anyone without super hearing to understand.
Kara recognized the quiet urgency in Cassandra's voice, and she flipped that switch that every cape had, becoming focused, becoming dangerous, even as she followed Cassandra's lead and continued to dance. "Hit me."
"On the ceiling, center of the room, near the light fixture. What do you see?"
Kara pulled Cassandra close, cheek to cheek to hide her sight line as she peered into the gloom, her Kryptonian eyesight cutting past the obscuring haze of the lights better than Cassandra's could. Her brow furrowed. "I can't really tell what that is," she admitted. "It almost looks like... like a really small turret gun. But that's crazy, right?"
Cassandra could practically see it hit her that this was Gotham, and, no, that wasn't at all crazy.
She grabbed Kara and Stephanie's wrists and drew them away from the dancefloor, towards Tim and Cassie. "What do you know about this place?" she asked Stephanie, as quietly as she could.
Despite having been outside of the conversation on the dance floor, Stephanie didn't miss a beat. "I know that it's new," she said, falling instinctively into her Mission Report voice. "It opened about three months ago and gives a lot of business to local artists and musicians, which has made it popular with the Bohemian twenty-something crowd. And I know that its bouncer let Tim in despite a really obvious fake." She rolled her eyes. "He has better ones; he was definitely hoping he'd have an excuse to go home and sleep."
That was sketchy. Less sketchy in a relative sense in Gotham than in most other places, but still plenty sketchy. Liquor licenses were expensive and not worth losing when your livelihood depended on them, and serving to underage kids with obvious fakes was a great way to get yourself in trouble. Except that it was also a great way to entice vulnerable populations towards your bar, and then when you added in mysterious projectile weaponry...
"Has there been an uptick in missing persons in the primary age group since it opened?" Cassandra asked quietly.
The line of Stephanie's back tensed. "Nothing substantial enough to have pinged our radar, but let me run a more focused search."
Cassie saw them coming first, her eyebrows shooting high up her head and the casual slump of her shoulders washing away, and Tim turned. His eyes caught Cassandra's immediately.
"Gotham missing persons cases, ages 18 to 27," she said, bluntly. "Specifically the unsolved cases."
Tim blinked. "Including or excluding Crime Alley?"
"What's going on?" Cassie asked. She started to rise from the couch, but Kara waved her back down and perched on the coffee table in front of them.
Stephanie leaned against the back of the couch, thumbs flying over her phone screen. Cassandra could see a hint of a green interface and knew she was accessing Oracle's database--
More thorough and better organized than the one Bruce maintained for the Batcomputer, and yes, regardless of what he claimed, it definitely frustrated him. He liked to be the best at things. Cassandra could relate.
She sat next to Tim, close enough that their knees touched. "Excluding, for now."
"Time range?"
"Three months."
"Four women and two men have been reported to the GCPD. One of the women is strongly suspected to be the victim of domestic violence but the body hasn't been located yet; two went missing on nights out with their friends; one's last known whereabouts was leaving work on a Friday afternoon. One of the men also went missing on a night out with his friends. One was last seen buying a pack of cigarettes and a Red Bull at a gas station." Tim shrugged. "I can't tell you much more off the top of my head."
"No need; I'm pulling the files and querying a list of addresses for the last known locations." Stephanie nudged her shoulder. "Can I ask where this is coming from?"
"Weird thing on the ceiling at the middle of the dance floor," Cassandra told her. "Kara said it looked like a mini turret gun."
Tim hummed thoughtfully, draping his arm over her shoulder as he cast his eyes towards the weird thing in question. "Well, obviously they aren't just shooting up their patrons indiscriminately. You're thinking a tranq gun or something? Step up from slipping drugs into people's drinks at the bar?"
"I don't know. It could be nothing."
But her gut was telling her it wasn't, and she could read the same on Tim and Stephanie's faces.
"Well, on the plus side," Stephanie said, "Wonder Girl doesn't have a secret identity these days."
"Oh my god, you're Cassie Sandsmark, aren't you?! You're Wonder Girl!"
Stephanie's voice broke through the crowd at just the right moment as the music died off--gathering the attention of everyone in a fifty foot radius and then rippling outwards.
It was actually scary, how quickly she and Tim had managed to mix up her appearance so she wouldn't be easily pegged as one of the people who'd walked into the club alongside Cassie. They'd traded tshirts--
"Did you spill your beer on this?" Stephanie asked, wrinkling her nose.
"Have you ever heard the joke that if they'd tried to hire Stanley Kubrick to fake the moon landing, he'd have demanded to film it on location?" Tim countered, as he cut the shirt into a sleeveless tank with a pocket knife Cassandra had pulled out of nowhere.
--and Stephanie'd cuffed her jeans and traded her flats for a pair of heels that she'd had in her purse. Tim had pulled her hair up in a messy bun and patted it wet to darken the color, as she wiped off her lipstick and redid it in purple.
("But couldn't someone check the cameras and see you go into the bathroom in one outfit and come out in another?" Kara asked.
"It's pretty unlikely they're going to think that hard about it, honestly," Stephanie said. "We're just being cautious."
"You're looking pretty good, but it's still missing something," Tim said. To Kara, he added, "Also, Proxy. She's taking care of the cameras."
Oh, right.
Well, before she could feel too silly about the question, Kara reached into her purse to pull out her spare pair of glasses and slid them onto Stephanie's face. "There," she told her. "Now you're ready."
"Oh my god--" Stephanie went cross-eyed trying to look at the bridge of her own nose. "Do you and Clark buy these in bulk? Are you single handedly keeping one single optometrist in business?"
"Who's Clark?" Tim asked, faux innocent. "Just kidding, it's hard to keep a secret identity when I've met both you and your clone."
Stephanie set her hand over his face and shoved.)
Cassie played her part beautifully on the dance floor; giving it her best humbly embarrassed, "Aw Shucks" kind of treatment in the face of Stephanie's loud fangirling and demands for her to flex her biceps. Others were joining in--Gotham loved its Bats above all other superheroes, of course, but that was Wonder Girl, and she was standing right there.
When Stephanie asked for a selfie, Cassie caught her by choreographed surprise as she swept her into the air--
And only someone with Kryptonian eyesight might notice that Stephanie's phone camera was flipped the wrong direction, focused instead on the strange device on the ceiling that was suddenly only a couple feet away. Cassandra had already taken advantage of the distraction to slip away into the back, while Tim and Kara stuck around in the main room so it wouldn't look too much like all of Cassie's friends had abruptly abandoned her.
Tim had zipped his jacket up over his tshirt, hiding the swap, and his eyes were scanning the crowd as he tapped his empty beer bottle against his bottom lip.
Kara gave him a nudge with her elbow. "What are you thinking?" she asked. She didn't know him very well, but she did know Stephanie, and growing up together had resulted in the two of them trading mannerisms back and forth. It was a very familiar frown etched between his eyebrows.
"Just wondering if we're on the right track," Tim murmured. "Clubs are great places to make people disappear from, sure, but there are easier ways to do it. We have no idea what kind of projectile that thing is meant to shoot, or if it's even sinister."
"Just a weird security system, do you think?" Kara rubbed at her nose, trying to resist the urge to sneeze. Someone out there on the dance floor had on a truly sickly sweet perfume that was giving her a headache. It had barely been noticeable an hour ago, but it just seemed to keep getting worse.
"I don't know." Tim sighed. "It could be literally nothing. A weird hook they stick a disco ball on sometimes, I don't know."
"From what I saw, it definitely wasn't a hook," Kara told him. She bit her lip, crossing her arms over her chest. Ugh, if this wasn't Gotham, they'd all write this off and resume getting drunk.
(Not that Kara could actually get drunk on Earth-standard liquor, but she liked the taste. Alcohol tasted sharper and more sour to her than it did to a human, from how she heard them talk about it.)
But this was Gotham, and that meant that if they did decide to let it go, then midway through the night someone was definitely going to get axe murdered or shot with a dart that would transform them into a marmoset or something else equally ridiculous yet horrifying.
Their phones buzzed in near unison, interrupting her anxieties, and Kara slipped her iPhone out of her purse as Tim heaved a sigh and reached for his own. His phone case had Black Bat's version of the bat symbol on the back, and it was impossible to say which of him, Stephanie, or Cassandra might have been its originator. It was pretty cute. Kara wasn't sure if he'd appreciate her saying so, though.
Steph had dropped the pictures she'd taken in the Girls' Night group chat; one picture of the thing on the ceiling, and one very cute selfie of her and Cassie that Kara immediately set as Cassie's contact photo.
🦇♀️ (11:57 PM):
[image_20221126_90293838.jpg] [image_20221126_90293839.jpg]
less of a turret gun, more of a nozzle. could just be for pumping in smoke during live music or whatever
🦆 (11:57 PM):
right over the center of the dance floor? wouldn't it be by the stage?
🦇🦇 (11:58 PM):
I'll add mysterious pipes and smoke machines to the list of what I'm searching for.
🦇🦇 (11:58 PM):
To borrow one of Duke's favorite phrases, the vibes down here are rancid.
🦇♀️ (11:59 PM):
what does that mean??? cass do you need back up?
🦇🦇 (11:59 PM):
hm. don't worry about it.
Because that wasn't ominous. Stephanie caught Kara's gaze across the crowded dance floor, briefly, and rolled her eyes. "It's Cass. She's fine," she whispered, and--well, fair enough.
One day Cassandra was going to be Batman.
Tim slipped his phone and its adorable friendship case back into his pocket. His lips were tight at the corners. "Honestly," he told Kara, "I think I'm actually more concerned about the nozzle than if it was a gun."
"Because--and if I've been saying it a lot tonight, it's because I need you all to understand how insane you are for living here--this is Gotham," Kara said darkly. There were way too many terrifying aerosolized forms of attack wandering around on its streets. She didn't have to say it--Tim knew what she was getting at. He lived it every day of his life.
Tim's expression tightened further. "Hopefully Cass finds--"
"What a special treat we've got tonight, folks," the DJ said. Her voice cut through the room due to the cleverly positioned speakers. "I'd say give it up for the girl wonder, but that means something different around these parts."
Tim broke off when the DJ began speaking, even though he knew Kara could have heard him despite the woman talking over every other conversation in the room.
Except, there weren't other conversations in the room, Kara realized. All she could hear were the electric buzz of the lights, the inhale and exhale of several hundred humans, and the minute rustles of fabric that accompanied minor movements and adjustments.
(Well, okay, Kara could hear a lot of things. On the other side of the city, Nightwing and Robin were arguing about Pokémon, and on the other side of the world, some Australian school kids were playing rock paper scissors over who got to go next on the swing. In the basement of the building, some kind of kerfuffle was starting up, but until Cassandra indicated that she needed back up, Kara wasn't going to worry about it.)
When Kara studied the crowd, she found that everyone was hanging rapturously onto the DJ's words. Everyone, including the bartenders, including Cassie where she bobbed weightlessly above the dance floor with a black girl in a Gotham University sweatshirt held against her side. Kara couldn't really see her face from this angle, but she looked... dazed. Her grip on the college student was slipping.
So, that wasn't good, Kara thought, as foreboding sank its teeth into her spine.
"What brings you to Gotham tonight, Wonder Girl?" the DJ asked.
Kara snapped her attention over to the DJ, focusing her eyes past the gloom and the distance to find... a woman. Just a woman, and that shouldn't have been as disappointing as it was. Supergirl was well aware that the worst kinds of people on Earth and throughout the galaxy were regular, boring, old people, but there was still a part of her that felt like you should be able to look at someone and just know.
The DJ was in her mid- to late-thirties, with dark lipstick and eyeliner sharp enough that Kara was a little jealous. She had wavy dark hair that had been brushed to a smooth, luscious sheen, and her dark eyes were fixed firmly on Cassie.
Kara's nose wrinkled involuntarily as another wave of that sickly sweet smell washed over her.
"Just... visiting some friends," Cassie said. Her voice--usually strong, usually dripping with conviction--was somehow... distant.
Okay, Kara thought. One nozzle on the ceiling pumping some kind of (sweet smelling?) gas (?) into the room, plus one big group of humans (and one half-human goddess) who seemed to be hypnotized by the DJ's voice, equaled serious shady business. She didn't need to be trained by Batman to do that kind of math.
The number of people who had immediately headed for the bar when the DJ suggested they do so earlier hadn't really registered as anything but an offhand oddity at the time, but it made a lot more sense now. Using drugs to make your customers more open to suggestion was definitely skeevy, and also definitely illegal at least in the "non-consensual drug use" sense, but was this situation any more malicious? Mind control intended to boost profits was a far cry from mind control intended to, you know. Enslave the populace and take over the city or whatever.
Kara wasn't sure if she should be giving this woman that slight benefit of the doubt or not, and all the detectives on site were either high or--from the sounds of things--currently wrestling something twice her size. She bit her lip, glancing over at Tim and then Stephanie, but they both had the same glazed expressions on their faces as Cassie did.
Then the DJ leaned forward, her eyes going a little wild and her grip on her mic white-knuckled, and she asked Cassie, "What friends?" in a tone way too intense for casual curiosity.
Oh, screw it. Kara had happily followed the Bats' (plus Tim's) lead and let them do their sneaky detective thing to try and figure out what was going on, but her supervillain radar was officially pinging off the charts. It was time for a new tactic.
In a split second, Kara both fired off a text to Cassandra and also changed into something a little more comfortable.
👽 (12:02 AM)
hey c! so the DJ is mind controlling ppl! dont kno y. i can handle things out here!! rlly hoping ur ok & can shut down whatever shes pumping in here 2 make ppl susceptible before she orders smbdy 2 attack me or wtv. xoxo stay safe!
"That would be me!" Kara called cheerfully. She zipped up next to Cassie, caught the civilian just as Cassie's fingers slipped fully off her waist, deposited her gently on the floor, and then fluttered her fingers towards the DJ in a sassy wave.
She'd packed one of her older costumes for this trip, because Stephanie got a big kick out of teasing her about the crop top and she always caught Cassie checking out her legs in the miniskirt. She'd kind of wondered if just seeing her might help snap her friends out of their hypnosis, but unfortunately, it didn't look like the power of lesbianism alone was going to be enough.
She heard her phone buzz in her purse where she'd left it hanging in the crook of Tim's arm, but hopefully Cassandra wasn't in any trouble she couldn't get out of alone. (It sounded like she was done with the wrestling and had moved on to disassembling something heavy and complicated, but who knew?)
"So, like, I know that it's not really any of my business, but it's pretty clear from an outside perspective--" Kara held her hand up in front of her face, palm facing herself, and then turned it and pushed it toward the DJ-- "that you've got something really hinky going on here, and I'd just like to--"
"Wonder Girl, take her down!" the DJ blurted, panicked by the unexpected appearance of Supergirl.
"Oh, come on!" Kara complained, even as Cassie's fist collided with her nose.
🦇🦇 (12:03 AM)
Little busy K sorry. Think we stumbled on a doomsday cult. Check people's purses for rebreathers; Gothamites usually carry them. S&T both do.
Unfortunately for the DJ, she hadn't really thought through the ramifications of what happens when one super strong Amazon attacks one super strong Kryptonian.
(In her defense, while getting thrown through a window by the Bat was a practically a city-wide pass time, it was way more unusual for someone to actually get thrown through the floor.)
The last fifteen minutes were a hazy blur in Cassie's mind--she remembered indulging in a few other selfie requests as Stephanie slipped back into the crowd. She remembered that voice washing over her, pushing away everything else. She remembered--
The thud of her knuckles against invulnerable skin.
(The DJ hadn't thought that through, either. It was a toss up in a normal fight which of them might win; as an Amazon, Cassie was better trained in terms of combat, both physically and tactically, while in terms of raw power, Supergirl had Wonder Girl beat. But hypnotized people weren't exactly known for thinking clearly and remembering their training, and even having to protect the civilians as they fought was barely a handicap for Kara after so many years of practice.)
Through the lifting fog, Cassie could hear the familiar murmur of Supergirl's voice. Slowly, it sharpened into recognizable words.
"...with me, now?"
Kara's voice was deceptively light for the way her hand curled behind the back of Cassie's head, strong fingers gently searching for any injury.
Cassie blinked, slow and unfocused, as she sucked in heaving gulps of air. There was a telltale dusting of concrete and splintered wood over her, under her, a little bit in her mouth. "D'd you throw m' thr' a wall?" she slurred.
What looked like a literal fucking torch flickered behind Kara's head as she grinned. Cassie's vision was swimming, but she could tell Kara'd let her hair down when she changed into her costume. She had really pretty hair. "Through the floor, actually," she said, cheerfully. "Don't worry, Lois has been buying all of us these books on structural engineering so we can better avoid anything that's load-bearing. The clean air's helping, right?"
"Clean is relative," Cassie grunted, but yeah, it was. She hadn't really noticed the cotton fuzz around her thoughts until it was gone, chased away by the taste of incense and smoke and sewer.
Kara clasped Cassie's forearm, helping pull her to her feet, and then dusted her off with a grin. "Punch whatever Black Bat tells you to punch while I go deal with everything topside, okay?"
And with a sudden rush of wind, Kara was gone.
"Bat? You're down here, too?" Cassie croaked, stumbling slightly as she braced one palm against the wall. Her head was throbbing, and she tried to force her eyes to focus past the buzzing in her brain.
More torches, she noted. People in hoods too distracted by the darting black shadow in their midst to pay much attention to Wonder Girl and Supergirl literally crashing through the ceiling. A big death ray looking thing at the center of the room that the black shadow was trying very hard to dismantle while fending off the hooded people.
Vaguely nauseous or not, Cassie could help with that.
She launched herself into the air and crashed into place back-to-back with Black Bat. Cassandra wasn't wearing her full get up, of course, but she must have had a spare mask and hand wraps stuffed into Stephanie's purse, along with a long black scarf. Together with her torn up black jeans and her (questionably ironic) Batman tshirt, they made for a reasonable facsimile of her costume.
Cassie blocked a punch and crashed a couple heads together (calculatedly gently, given her current state). They staggered away from her, groaning, and she tossed a glance over her shoulder. "'S that thing gonna explode if I start smashing it?"
"Probably not. I say go for it." Black Bat used Cassie as a launch pad for flying scissor kick, the ragged ends of her scarf trailing behind her the way her cape usually did.
Cassie figured no one would begrudge her a couple seconds to admire the ease with which the Black Bat cut through the room.
(Being who she was and being in the profession she was in, Cassie Sandsmark knew a lot of very dangerous women. Diana could take on the entire Justice League blindfolded; Artemis had the grace of a leopard and the viciousness of a pit bull.
But there was something special about Cassandra Wayne. She moved faster, hit harder, thought quicker than any non-metahuman should reasonably be able to, and yet when she fought, she was... kind. She didn't hit people with the intent to inflict pain or injury, although sometimes that was unavoidable; Cassandra fought exclusively with the intent to end the fight. To put down her enemies fast enough to protect the innocent. To put them down gently enough to protect the instigators.
God, Diana would love her. Had Batman ever bothered to introduce them? She didn't think so. Maybe he was scared Diana would steal his favorite protege. He'd certainly gotten all weird about it the one time Cassie had tried to invite Stephanie's Robin to come to Themyscira with her and Kara, and Cassie had reluctantly let the idea go.)
A well-placed kick to one cultist's chest sent him flying into two of his brethren, and they all went down in a groaning heap.
Right. Moment over.
Cassie grabbed the nearest bit of steel plating, sank her fingers into it with a snarl, and felt the burn in her muscles as she tore into it. A rush of heat blasted outwards towards her, someone behind her screeched at her to stop, a bullet whizzed by her shoulder--
Clearly they didn't expect it to explode, if they were willing to take potshots in its direction. That made the roaring orange whatever that she'd just exposed a little less worrisome.
But Cassie placed her trust in the Bat at her back and stubbornly ignored it all. She set her boot at the bottom of the hole she'd made and gripped onto the upper edge, gritting her teeth, and used the coiled power of her whole body to force it wider, wider, wider--
Cassie staggered back a step at the sudden lack of resistance as a long, jagged strip of sheet metal tore wholesale off of the side of the doomsday device; she swung it experimentally, getting a feel for its balance and its resistance through the air.
Yeah. She could work with this.
She hefted it into the air like a baseball bat and began to take a smash out of anything that looked delicate enough to break under her oh-so-tender ministrations. It was almost meditative. Especially once people stopped shooting at her.
When Cassie ran out of really obvious things to tear apart, she took a break, lifting her tank to wipe at the sweat and ash on her face, and nearly jumped when she lowered it to find Black Bat standing right in front of her.
"Nice work," Cassandra told her, twitching the scarf down so she could see the ghost of a grin on her lips.
Cassie cast her gaze across the dozens of cultists ziptied and unconscious throughout the rest of the basement. "You, too," she said dryly. A bigger unconscious lump caught her eye and she squinted at the far corner of the room, a frown tugging down the corners of her lips. "Is that a bear? Did you wrestle a bear?"
"Don't tell Robin. Batcow is a big enough hassle." Cassandra drifted closer, raising one hand to swipe her thumb, slowly, over Cassie's cheek. "You missed a spot," she said.
It took every ounce of Cassie's self-control to keep her breathing steady as she looked down into the white lenses of the Black Bat mask. "Thanks," she managed, a little breathlessly.
Cassandra pulled her scarf back up, but not before Cassie saw her smile twitch wider.
Kara stuck her head down into the basement through the hole in the ceiling, blonde hair cascading down, and whistled to get their attention. "Are you two done yet? The cops finally made it to the party. Apparently half of them hate Tim, and the feeling is mutual. It's hilarious; you need to get up here."
Cassie held out her arm, and Cassandra fit herself neatly into her side, fingers tucked into one of her belt loops as Cassie wrapped her arm around her waist.
"Your phone is buzzing like crazy," Cassandra told her, her chin dipping to glance at Cassie's back pocket.
"Oh, yeah. It always does that. I don't even really notice it any more." Cassie rolled her eyes. "Young Justice may be defunct, but the groupchat never dies. Last time I glanced at it, Anita and Kon were getting heated about who knows what, and Cissie was shamelessly egging them on. I keep trying to mute it, but Bart will steal my phone to turn my notifications back on if I go quiet for too long."
As their fearless leader (for a team that no longer existed), every message that Cassie sent in the groupchat was automatically spam-liked and prompted a chain of replies full of clapping emojis and Beyoncé gifs. She was also the final arbiter of all arguments (not that anyone ever actually accepted her word as final, despite claiming they did) and the keeper of the lauded movie night schedule, even though it was always Bart or Stephanie who was responsible for planning them. It was... annoying. And a hell of a lot of fun.
(Everything that YJ had always been at its best. The Teen Titans were great and all, but Cassie really missed her team.)
"You love it," Cassandra observed.
"I love them," Cassie corrected dryly. "The never-ending arguments about which season of Wendy the Werewolf Stalker is superior, I could live without. Which, by the way, if Steph has ever tried to claim to be above that show, she's lying to you. She started watching it ironically to have ammunition for making fun of Kon, and now she's the worst of all of them."
Cassandra laughed as their feet touched down, lightly, onto the ground floor. She slipped out from under Cassie's arm with a squeeze of thanks, her head turning as she studied the room. "Everyone's already out of the building?" she asked.
There was a knowing glitter in Kara's eye as she looked over the two of them, dusting off her knees and flipping her hair back over her shoulder. "Uh huh. Once there was a little extra ventilation in here--" they all galnced at the hole in the floor--"Steph was able to fight through the mind control enough to get rebreathers on herself and Tim, and then they organized the evac while I dealt with the DJ."
"Good." Cassandra tilted her head towards the back exit. "I'm off then. Have fun with the GCPD. Don't let Tim be too mean. Just because they're corrupt doesn't mean they can't still arrest him."
Kara gasped, zipping around to cut off her escape route. "You can't just abandon us!"
"Can. Will." Cassandra booped Kara on the nose, then ducked under her arm and vaulted the bar with graceful ease. "You can't stop me. You can tell them Black Bat was here, but I'm not giving a report."
"But we don't--!"
Cassie laid a hand on Kara's shoulder. "She's out of costume," she pointed out gently. "Let her go."
Cassandra paused with her back against the door, poised to disappear into the shadows. "Besides," she added, laughter in her voice, "someone's got to explain all this to Batman."
Getting milkshakes at two AM after a rowdy night on the town was pretty par for the course for a girls' night, Stephanie was pretty sure. Eating them on the top of Wayne Tower in your superhero costumes was probably unusual, though.
Even for Gotham.
"It has never been more clear that I'm the fifth wheel than at this moment," Tim said, dryly. And he wasn't wrong--his yoga pants and tshirt stood out amongst the spandex and body armor, even with the spare domino that Stephanie had slapped onto his face. Nonetheless, he was leaning contentedly into Wonder Girl's shoulder as he ate his peach-and-strawberry monstrosity with a spoon. On his other side, Supergirl and Black Bat were playing Rock-Paper-Scissors. The Bat was winning every single round, and looking very smug about it.
"Seriously, Cassie, does your phone ever stop buzzing?" he asked.
Cassie snorted. "Nope."
She'd brought back the black crop top and the red leggings with yellow stars when she'd cut her hair earlier that year, and Stephanie was grateful. That long blonde hair, flowing skirt Wonder Girl--she didn't know her. That was some girl trying to force herself to be what everyone wanted an Amazon to be; glamorous and feminine before kick ass and authoritative. It wasn't Cassie.
But this version of Wonder Girl, with the harder edge and the taunting grin and the undercut? She was someone Stephanie would be happy to follow into battle.
(Plus: abs. And biceps. Every gay girl in North America was jealous of Tim right now.)
"Bart fell down a wikipedia hole and has been educating us all about cone snails," Stephanie told him. "We love an autistic speedster king."
Tim hummed. "I miss Bart. Tell him he should call me sometime."
"Does he even have your number?" Cassie asked, laughing, and Tim... smirked.
"I dunno, Cassie, you tell me. I mean, why would Bart possibly have my number?"
Stephanie narrowed her eyes, leaning forward so that she could see him better around Cassie. "Tim," she said slowly. "Is there something you need to tell me?"
He choked on his milkshake, and Cassie non-subtly gripped him by the back of the shirt to make sure he didn't knock himself off the side of the building. "Wait, do you not know?" he demanded, leaning forward--as far as Cassie's grip on his tshirt allowed him to go--to squint at her.
(Yes, he was wearing a domino, but Stephanie could still tell. She'd been reading way less expressive faces through masks since she was fourteen.)
"Oh my god," Stephanie said. She pressed her palm against the forehead of her cowl. "All those times I thought Bart was just making a weird Bart-joke that I didn't get when he said something about us having an ex in common--"
"It was one date; calling us exes is a little strong."
"Oh my god!" Stephanie threw a handful of napkins at him. A couple hit him; the rest fluttered into the air and drifted down towards the glittering Gotham streets below them. "How could you not tell me!"
Tim burst out laughing. "I thought he was going to!"
She dug her gloved hands into her hair, groaning, as she leaned backwards. "When did this happen?"
"I dunno, a couple months after the whole alien abduction thing?" Tim was still laughing, while Stephanie was having a crisis. Her best friend and her Tim went on a date and neither of them told her!!! "We met up in Gotham, we got froyo and went to an arcade, he was a perfect gentlemen. We kissed exactly once--"
Stephanie made an inarticulate noise.
"--and ultimately decided that long distance superhero-civilian relationships are not worth the hassle, even when the superhero in question is a speedster, so we parted on amicable terms." Tim side-eyed her. "Did you seriously not know?"
"Some detective she is," Cassie snickered.
That set Tim off again, laughing so hard he was almost crying. "He must've thought I was going to tell her," he wheezed.
"Or he decided to see how long it'd take her to out the pieces together," Cassie said, "which is apparently more than five years."
"Oh, shut up," Stephanie huffed. "You two are the fucking worst. I'd pour my milkshake on you, but it's too tasty for that." It was cookies and cream, because Stephanie knew what she was about. She slurped it pointedly, knocking her elbow into Cassie's.
"You love us," Cassie said confidently. She ignored Stephanie's attempts to goad her, instead slinging her arm around her shoulders and tugging her into her side. It left her own (peanut butter) milkshake pressed into Stephanie's shoulder, condensation dripping down onto her body armor.
Stephanie wrinkled her nose at her. "I've been informed I have bad taste."
"Only in men," Tim corrected. "And milkshakes."
"Fuck you."
"No, thanks." Tim kicked his legs idly, gazing out across the city. "So, is this how your girls' nights usually go?"
"You mean do we usually not even make it through our first round of drinks before we uncover that a death cult is using the club as a fundraising front and intending to eventually sacrifice all of its patrons to power its death ray--"
"Dismantle said death ray--"
"Wrestle a bear--"
"Get weirdly passive aggressive with the cops--"
"And then go get milkshakes?"
"Yeah," Tim said.
"Pretty much," Cassandra said.
"Last month we went bowling," Kara told him.
Cassie grinned. "And fought the eldritch monster that was eating all the bowling pins."
Tim raised an eyebrow. "I'll... be better prepared for next time."
"Next time!" Stephanie crowed, throwing her hands into the air victoriously. "Aw, Boyfriend, I knew you loved us."
"Stockholm syndrome," he declared. But he was grinning, crooked and carefree, and Stephanie reached across Cassie to squeeze his knee.
"So, are you gonna tell me what project you and Black Bat are 'collaborating on?'"
"You'll find out." Cassandra sucked down the last of her milkshake and then rose to her feet gracefully, stretching. "So, what now?" she asked, as the wind teased at her short black hair and the tattered edges of her cape.
"Movie night?" Stephanie suggested.
"We could revisit the pillow fight idea," Kara said thoughtfully.
"Nobody's back from patrol yet, right?" Cassie asked. "We could go vandalize one of the Red Hood's safehouses."
Tim's eyes lit up, and Cassandra tipped her head back as she laughed.
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majoringinsarcasm · 1 year
Well if we didn’t know from the title alone what was gonna happen heheheheh
Oh ok I see this chapter was made to hurt me personally ok cool
what the fuck
Hey uh here uh hey what the FUCK
HE HAD TO WAIT FOR THEM TO FALL im sick I’m so sick
I’m so serious if he dies or cannot go back home I will not be able to handle it. Like y’all don’t get it I will Not be consolable
I know a lot of ppl don’t like it bc early volume Jaune was a total dork loser nerd almost nice guy but really he wasn’t he was just a dork but I don’t have many super strong opinions about ships besides the bees, Renora and I think Rosegarden is cute. So while I’m not like an active Whiteknight shipper…. Girl get it lmao WEISS YOUR FACE HAHAHAH
Im gonna Cry
Like I just wanna be clear I’m not Mad at Jaune At All. This poor guy has been here alone for years and has had plenty of time to “lick his wounds” but he had to do it Alone with no outside input or kind words or a friend to cry with. Him being harsh makes me sad bc it just. When Ren yelled at him after they lost Oscar he didn’t lash out or Anything but the girls sitting and talking and arguing sets him off bc. He’s been ALONE I’m so sick
His village 🥺 he knows the names of places I’m
What if he really doesn’t go back I know there was talk of Neo staying behind but y’all
Im. Going. To. Scream.
WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ONNNNNNNNNNNNMN also I can’t tell if the Ever After has independent weather as well as reaching to Ruby OR if it’s now reaching to Jaune
Im scared
Is the cat Louis / Lewis
This cat leave my man ALONE
A PUNDERSTORM???? Or like Ponder said a different way THIS IS SO MUCH
And it does have its own weather lmao
she really is the star of this volume like I’m sorry that’s the truth
“Must’ve had something bigger to work out” OK OK OK OK OK
Ok but I hate heights so I would throw up or pass out if I was Blake and Yang like bruh
LOL Jaune please
Ok so time loops and time trickery are hard. So. Jaune turned back time enough for Alyx and Louis to show up which was. A long time ago maybe idk. So it’s not Neo bc Neo had not yet fallen.so what the hell did Herb show her
Stop it oh my god they’re too cute the emotional whiplash of me crying over Jaune and me crying over Bees I can’t handle it
Blake loves how honest Yang is. Adam only ever told her lies or tried to convince her that his way was the correct way. Yang listens to her and never sugarcoats; she never tries to trick. She Does What She Says
Blake never gave up on her even when she showed similar signs of being like Adam she decided to trust her. She wasn’t intimidated by how loud and brash and in her space Yang was. She knows what matters to her and has never been afraid to go for them
Also the blushing here is like idk what but it looks so good. Like I can’t describe what I mean but the way it makes their eyes look so bright it’s just very good AND SEEING YANG BLUSH SO MUCH SHE'S SO CUTE
and then back to my saddest boy ever GOD the whiplash
Alright cat I understand how you feel. But the girls up front told you they were trying to go home. Yes they were trying to get you to take them there but they didn’t offer you any deals or say they would bring you to Remnant. Unless you’re Louis and we’re betrayed by your sister in which case that’s fucked up and I’m on your side it all depends on WHAT THE FUCK ALYX DID DOES ANYONE KNOW CAUSE WE STILL DONT
but like we have four episodes left WHAT are we gonna do gang
oh my god if that’s crescent rose I’m gonna scream
Oh but she doesn’t want it / isn’t ready to pick it up again GOD IM CRYING
so. Is she gonna trade crescent rose in order to leave is that the vibe I’m getting.
GOD THAT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD I won’t lie I was spoiled about the kiss but that was my own being silly fault but I only knew that they did kiss and not THE COMPLIMENTS AND CONFESSION BRIDGE and also like. Y’all I love Jaune Arc of the Arc Family so goddamn much so this episode was for me THEY CHANGED THE INTRO TO SHOW HIS SAD FACE god lordy what the fuck is next week gonna do to me
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wonder-never-wander · 2 years
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I posted 8,296 times in 2022
That's 5,985 more posts than 2021!
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I tagged 3,122 of my posts in 2022
#save - 303 posts
#supercorp - 165 posts
#max and will - 120 posts
#will dot hellsite - 79 posts
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#kara danvers - 58 posts
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#z-money - 42 posts
#supergirl - 40 posts
#lena luthor - 38 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#cat staring down at a pap shot of kara pressing lena against a wall three fingers deep and all she has to do is sigh to let kara know she’s
My Top Posts in 2022:
She's fucking here again.
The blonde with glasses. She comes in here sometimes, mostly with friends and stuff. Her name starts with a K.
Kamron? Katelyn? Whatever. Not my business.
What is my business, however, is how she always breaks something.
Every time she's in here, she leaves finger-shaped dents in the bar, or shatters a glass, or snaps a pool stick in half. Always laughing with her friends, breaking shit.
Every. Single. Time.
So you'll imagine my confusion (and, if we're being honest, relief) when she walks in by herself. She started to plop herself down, eyes downcast and face very timid.
Now, I don't know very much about reading people, and even I could see the exact moment she decided not to plop down, instead lowering herself very carefully.
So carefully, in fact, it seemed as if she was floating.
It wouldn't surprise me, at this point. Byproduct of working an alien dive bar, i suppose.
At least she didn't break any furniture.
"Your usual?" I asked her, already grabbing a glass from under the bar.
She hesitated, lifting her (suspiciously red) eyes to scan the shelves behind me, then nodded.
I don't ask questions. If I questioned every single high person that came into the bar, I would never leave.
So instead, I made her club soda and set it on the bar in front of her, picking up the 5 dollar bill she had set down.
"Thanks," she said shortly, quietly, pulling the cherry out of the top and popping it in her mouth.
I wiped down the bar where I had made her drink -- if you can count a club soda as a drink -- and moved on.
About 30 minutes later, I came back to do one last round before I clocked out and went home. Sitting next to Blondie was a woman with dark hair and strikingly green eyes.
Blondie's eyes had cleared up, no longer looking like she was stoned out of her mind. They were both smiling.
"Can I get y'all anything?" I asked, internally groaning. Blondie's Friend seemed like the kind of person to order the most complicated, time-consuming drink.
"Uh, just a scotch, please. Macgallan," she said cooly, handing me a 20.
Top-shelf. Not bad.
After it was poured and handed off, I turned to Blondie. She was staring at the side of Top-shelf's face, her eyes practically heart-eyes.
I want to say I waited patiently. It would be a lie. I waited very impatiently, in fact.
Top-shelf looked over and got Blondie's attention. Instead of her being embarrassed, you know, like a normal person, she just kept staring.
"What is it for you, Blondie?" I asked through clenched teeth, irritated, resisting the urge to look at my watch.
"Another of the same," she said, pushing her glass forward. I grabbed it and refilled her drink, all the while doing my best to conceal my eavesdropping.
"Why does everyone call me "Blondie"? My sister's ex-girlfriend, my bosses, plural, my sister when she's mad," Blondie listed, counting on her fingers exasperatedly.
"You know you're... blonde, right?" Top-shelf reminded her, trying (and failing) to keep a straight face. "And no offense, but you act like one sometimes, too."
See the full post
43 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
Nia: Bow down for our lord and savior, Minecraft Christ!
Kara: I only understood half of the words you just said.
51 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
i made a uquiz!!
answer some questions and i'll tell you what color i associate you with
77 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
"Dr. John Seward, the lunatic-asylum man, with the strong jaw and the good forehead."
118 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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124 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hobiefan · 1 year
EVIL OR NOT PT FOUR . the song to listen to for this is link up on Spotify 😁😁😁
The next thing you knew your sisters were snapping a pic giggling like children and they were well over children’s age. You immediately got up and snuck into your sisters room taking their phone and deleting the picture. We’re not a thing you said sassily. Yes you are you and him are so cuuute! You rolled your eyes and left out her room tossing the phone. So who was that you heard from a corner. Good morning sleepy head. You teased laughing at hobies messy hair. It was ….. cute you would admit to your self but never to him. Like ever…… you thought. As soon as he got his stuff you got your suit for the morning it was a cropped shirt and pants/shoes. You grabbed his arm and jumped out the window into an alley where there. We’re 7 other motorcycles they were your sisters they were also in the stealing business you gave him a spare helmet and he grabbed your waist he prefers swinging but you were insistent. You drove him to his new home and dropped him off. Hey uh “Kara” why weren’t you fighting me last night you took a moment to answer but it got clear after a second. I’m not interested in fighting just stealing the faster I steal the more I can get. You drove off tossing him the keys. Bye spidey you yelled chuckling. When you got back to your house your sisters were waiting. So what happened Ariyah asked she was one of your seven sisters. Ariyah,Adria,Leloni , Kaylen , Genesis, Tori and Chloe. Nothing literally nothing cause we’re not a thing chloe knew what happened she followed you. She dropped him off at a house and then left. But he was holding her waist the whole ride like they’re totally a thing. They made a big deal of everything. I literally hate you you didn’t really hate them but it was annoying. Shut up and get ready for our concert later, you had a female band called the figure eights and you guys were probably the most famous band in the whole world.  You were putting on your make up and watching tv when it started to ran very hard. Leloni came in asking if we should still have the show. Of course just have water proof make up. Now let’s go. You were the youngest but the most on time too. When you got there it was raining but pouring with fans they were all screaming and cheering. You guys gave out hugs and said hi to some kids recorded with some people before the show.when you started singing there were fans making crowns symboling you were the queens of music. Next thing you knew there he was hobie in the crowd cheering. You were is favorite ba- group of musicians that came together to make music. You immediately started smiling while dancing. After your third song you all had a radio interview but since you couldn’t be there you told the fans to quiet down so you could hear the face time. They could see and hear your every word. When you were done you walked off the stage and greeted more fans than smiled and waved at hobie. He didn’t know you were y/n or cat woman. As you were walking kaylen pulled your high pony. Ouch what the heck Kayla. She stared at you and hobie. You rolled your eyes and scoffed. All your sisters stared. You flipped them off and the whole crowd went ooOOoOoOhhhh. You laughed and went to the Uber that was going to pick you all up. You took off your makeup and took down your hair then you heard a thump on top of your car, you took adrias police taser ,opened the sunroof turned it on and BZZZZBZZZ. You stuck your head out the roof and it was………. Spider punk ya..hoo. Hey driver make a u turn you right away. It threw hobie off the roof and put him in the grass. It was honestly kinda creepy how he was followed you. Or he was on a mission and just jumped on your car. Oh well you thought to your self. You sat back in the car and looked like you saw a ghost.
 You finally sat down and just thought.
0 notes
lukamoonvibe · 2 years
All For Love and Love For All [Hanahaki AU pt 2]
To love with every fiber of your being, that's what he'd been taught. Never did he think this unconditional sentiment would lead to unrequited love, but that's where he was, surrounded by an array of different coloured flowers.
Fandoms: Crewniverse, Homies SMP, Chaos Crew/Derp Crew
Ships: Anthony | ChilledChaos/Max Gamble, Anthony | ChilledChaos/Jess Bubger, Max Gamble/Taryn Hillin
Characters: Anthony | ChilledChaos, Max Gamble | APlatypuss, Jess Bubger, Taryn Hillin, Zach | CheesyBlueNips, Lucas | KYRSP33DY, Kara Corvus, Courtney | Courtilly
Rating: Mature
Part 1
AO3 Link
“You can’t just keep avoiding them you know?” 
"I know. But they all know now. If they didn't before they do now. I don't want pity, they'll never look at me the same again."
 "Then don't stop being you. Max, you're one of the most genuine and caring people I've ever met. Don't let anyone or anything take that away from you. But you have to realise that your friends, they're worried. You haven't talked to anyone except me for three weeks and that's not great. You know what I'm probably not the best person to give you advice in this field."
He shook his head, "Don't put yourself down like that. Your illness, it's treatable. It doesn't define you as a person. I would take advice from you over anybody else. They don't know what it's like to live with something invisible. Something can't see."
She smiled, "Take a dose of your own medicine for once you goose."
He chuckled and shook his head, picking up his phone.
Max seriously. This isn't a joke anymore. We're really worried about you. Kara said…
He clicked the notification, punching in the code it opened up the messaging app.
Max seriously. This isn't a joke anymore. We're really worried about you. Kara said that if you don't start answering us now, she's going to come over and bust the door down. I don't want you to get in trouble with the landlord or whatever but radio silence normally isn't a good sign. Especially not with the condition you're in.
He rolled his eyes, “In your condition, you’d think I had something not curable.” he said taking a sip of his tea.
“Well, I mean. Science has cures for cancers and other ailments, but what you’ve got they don’t even know how to stop it without taking a fundamental part of human nature away. So in a way, they’re right. You could be dead by now, any normal person would be.”
He glanced down at his arms, stems remained where flowers used to be, “It’s getting better.” 
He stuck his arm out for her to see, “It’s going away.”
She pulled his arm closer to her, prodding the stem. “You haven’t been leaving trails anymore, have you? I honestly just thought you were cleaning it before I managed to catch them.” 
He thought for a moment, “No. Not for a few days actually.” 
“You’ve been coughing them up less too, from the time we spend together. Maybe you’re moving past him .” she caught his eye, her grin wide like a Cheshire cat.
“Excuse me. I never said that I was caught up on a he. Where do you get that idea?” 
She laughed, “It doesn’t take a genius to piece the puzzle together sweetheart. You fall off the face of the earth, ghost your friends, stay locked up in here, only talk to me, all after that one clip started floating around of Cheesy absolutely owning Chilled with facts. A blind man could see you were in love with a him. If your friends can’t figure it out by now, maybe they’re just being blissfully ignorant.”
He stared dumbfounded, “I- was it really that obvious?”
“Maybe. I mean for me, someone who met you on that day yeah it was. For your friends, probably not, they probably had ideas for who it could be, maybe even bets. But I could be wrong. He seemed or seems pretty oblivious though. Does he flirt with everyone?”
Max snorted, placing his cup down, “Yeah. Especially with Ze, I think it’s their little bit y’know? Fan service or whatever.”
“So if you knew he jokes about this often, what changed in you for you to take it the other way.”
He looked down, he could clearly see the memory in front of him but he shook it away, “I don’t want to think about it anymore. Actually, I don’t want to think about him anymore.”
She lifted his head by his chin, “Hey I didn’t mean to pry. Don’t be sad, sometimes a new begining is needed.” her phone dinged and she glanced at it, “Shit, I was meant to meet Jess 10 minutes ago. Uh, continue this later yeah?”
He chuckled, “Of curse.” the door slammed a couple of second later and he let out a sigh.
Jess. Wait Jess? Must be a coincidence, I’m sure it’s not his Jess. What are the chances?
Dude the stems are all gone, what happened over your break?” the curly-haired man engulfed Max in a hug.
“I just took some time to myself, sat alone with my thoughts a lot, reconciled them. Boring shit y’know?” 
“Right, you didn’t meet someone and move on or anything right?” Kara taunted, patting him on the shoulder and heading over to the couch.
Max laughed.
“What’s that? Jealous he clearly wasn’t hung up on you eh Kara?”
Kara scoffed, throwing a pillow at him.
“Hey, those aren’t mine. Don’t ruin them.��� Max called from the kitchen area.
“Ooo, mystery person that we don’t know about?” she said, shielding her face as Speedy chucked the pillow back at her.
Max rolled his eyes, taking some drinks over to the, sitting beside Cheesy, “First of all, her name is Taryn. You guys might get to meet her today actually. Second, she moved in two months ago, the landlord's choice. Not mine.”
The others sighed collectively. 
“You haven’t found new friends you’re hiding from us have you?” 
“Nobody could replace you guys-” the lock clicked and they all looked across the room.
“So I said- oh hey Max, didn’t realise that your friends were gonna be here.” 
“Is all good, was hoping to introduce you all eventually anyway.”
“Are we able to come in or are we gonna be hallway goblins?”
“Right, sorry.” Taryn moved towards the group, behind her followed by a woman.
Their eyes met and Max felt sick, What are the odds?
“This is Jess. Jess this is-” 
“When you said your roommate's name was Max, I never thought.” he assumed Jess said that.
Kara, Speedy and Kara shot quick glances between the new comers and Max.
“This can’t be real,” Max mumbled, breaking eye contact with the stranger, “Taryn you aren’t playing some sort of prank on me right?”
Taryn stood clueless about the situation at hand, “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I told you I was going out to meet Jess and she’d something about her partner being with her. Can someone please tell me what’s going on, I’m so lost.”
He stared hopelessly at his roommate and just shook his head, he stood and made his way across the room to the bathroom, locking the door behind him. He lent over the sink his heart felt heavy, what were the chances? One in a million. 
His lungs seized, and a tidal wave of petals poured out of his mouth and into the basin, he started banging on his chest, trying to force them out, but it was no use. Why bother, you don’t want pity and no one understands it anyway. Just let go. Blood pumped in his ears as the petals spilt over the basin onto the floor. Screams were muffled by the door and he wasn't sure if they were trying to get to him or arguing with each other. 
Why did it have to be him? Out of all the Jess' and their partners in the world it had to be them. His chest seized again but nothing came up. I guess she did say her friend was in town visiting for a week. His legs felt like jelly, he gripped the sink tighter in hopes of holding himself up. He looked up at the mirror, examining his face. The first thing he noticed, his lips were clear, not a stem, petal or flower in sight. They're gone. He glanced at his arms and hands. Clear. 
"YOU DID WHAT?" Kara's voice was clear through the others and his head snapped towards the locked door.
He heard a muffled male voice. He couldn't make out the words.
"You toyed with his emotions, Anthony. What the fuck is wrong with you?" In her two months of living with him, he'd never heard Taryn yell, but he made a mental note to never get on her bad side.
He stood, taking shaky steps towards the door. He opened it quietly, leaning on it for support. The scene in front of him, his friends arguing with each other across the living area. He noticed Jess was standing away from it all, she looked ashamed and disappointed. Their eyes met and he gave her a little smile. 
'It's not your fault.' he mouthed.
She shook her head, quietly making her way over to him, unbeknownst to the others. "Hi Max. I'm so sorry." Her voice was quiet and laced with regret.
"You didn't know. Nobody did." His voice was hoarse.
She helped him over to the breakfast bar. 
"So what happened. Because he said he kissed you, but that's all he remembers."
Max looked down at the bench, "I don't. I don't want to think about that night anymore. I want to put what happened in the past, move on." He looked at her, "But if you're worried he cheated on you, he didn't, that happened at the party you guys met at. I shouldn't have let him do anything. I wasn't drunk, he was. I am just as much at fault as he is, if not more."
"That's okay, I won't pry. I'm just glad you're okay. He was really worried about you, you know? Genuinely, I don't know what he'd do without you or Ze. I don't think he'd be very happy."
He smiled, "Yeah. In some timeline we worked out but I guess this isn't then and you know what-" he felt something tickling the back of his throat, he coughed and out fell a small sunflower into hi hand.
She raised an eyebrow as they both glanced across the room at the others who'd noticed Max was no longer locked away.
"I wouldn't have it any other way." He smiled fondly and Jess gave his shoulder a pat.
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