#i will keep checking the thrift stores and used bookstores in my area
arson-09 · 6 months
in case anyone was wondering my search for a used copy of acotar is still ongoing🧍🏻
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andromedasummer · 2 years
Oh I love both those bookstores!! I had a feeling you were talking about Arty Bees when you mentioned Wellington, but wasn’t so sure. I’m not from Welly so uhhh, thanks for the heads up about it being a dodgy area 😅😅 I make an effort to go to Artys everytime I’m down there, they’re real nice as well and once I bought way too many books so they posted them for me since I couldn’t take them on the plane. I need to check out their Motorsport section tho, I always seem to forget and miss it. Pegasus books I like but I kinda find the store more overwhelming, considering the high shelves and smaller store. I always struggle to find something in there cause of that, but I like the little area it’s in
oh i dont blame, pegasus is tricky to move around in, esp when its packed. if you ask someone to hold the ladders while you use them they'll usually be willing to help out!
and yeah most people dont know courtnays a bit fucked like that! as long as you walk quick and keep to yourself you wont run into trouble. motorsport section is at the top of the shelf 2nd or 3rd from the back of the nonfiction section, the one on the left when you walk in the store. it can be small sometimes, people tend to buy books from there in bulk.
i also dont know when you last were in welly but theres another secondhand store further up cuba! i cant remember its name but ive only been in once. theres also a bookstore called minerva thats not secondhand but is dedicated to books about crafts, ive found some cool stuff to do with quilting and sewing that i ended up noting down to grab on sale so its worth a look! close to my fav craft shop where i get my felt, yarn, buttons and needles, beads and fat quarters for projects, plus thats right next to my fav ice cream place (duck island) and thrift (better than spacesuit which its next to, that place is a rip off), which, if youre into motorsports, is a good place to find vintage racing jackets (i found a signed nascar jacket, bridgestone jacket, 3 leather + patched indycar jackets and some ford racing jackets). emporium (also on cuba) also have 4 vintage ferrari jackets, but of course theyre all $200-$400. Good quality! But something you'd need to save up a whiiile for.
also lmao did you just feel that quake like 5 mins ago? 6.2 but it was 72km deep which means it was bad! mustve been on the main fault because reports from the top of the south island are coming in so it mustve travelled down under the cook strait.
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yellowmagicalgirl · 3 years
Seklos and Gaylen, They Were Cagemates! Chapter 2: The Disappearance
Douxie and Krel have a conversation. Their respective loved ones wait for them to come home.
And we're onto chapter 2! Huge thanks to everyone who has been supportive so far.
Trigger/spoiler warning for: assumed child death, background torture, and weighing of lives. 
Being a familiar had gotten easier over the years, in Archie’s opinion. He had no idea why no one was taking up the profession anymore. It had gotten easier as Douxie had learned to talk in full sentences instead of just babbling and pointing. It had gotten easier as Douxie had figured out how to con people and pick pockets instead of relying on whatever Archie could hunt and the two of them trying to beg for food. It had gotten easier when Merlin had taken them in.
And, it had gotten easier in many ways with the modern world. Archie had tried following Douxie to the school he was having to attend, taking on the forms of flying insects, but eventually Douxie had told him to stick to the apartment. Apparently, it was strange for him to be followed by butterflies and bees. And, well, Archie would certainly admit that it was easier to lay about in one place, occasionally masquerading as the bookstore’s cat.
Maybe he should have gone to the Battle of the Bands today. Been supportive of his familiar’s musical prowess. Douxie had been so excited for today, though it wasn’t like he was expecting much, if any, competition. Besides, Archie had been to Douxie’s other concerts in the past. He had improved so much from the lute he had found and attempted to play, only to drive Merlin, Morgana, and Archie to agree that teaching Douxie how to use magic to soundproof a room might not bring more harm than good.
Archie had been tempted to leave the apartment, but the sky outside had turned orange. There was probably yet another fire going on. Pity. Even though he was a dragon, Archie wasn’t a fan of smoke inhalation. It wasn’t good for Douxie. It was bad enough that he had gotten so sick in those first few months after the two of them first came here because of all the pollution he hadn’t been used to.
And Douxie hadn’t come home, even though the sky had returned to normal.
Maybe he was out with friends, and he had forgotten to call. Or maybe he had been called into work at the bistro, and he had forgotten to call. He was fine. Archie was going to lecture Douxie when he got home, but it wasn’t like Douxie was hurt or anything. He was seventeen and could take care of himself; Archie was just worrying too much. That was why he felt so strange.
There was a loud, familiar knock at the door. Perhaps that was Douxie now. Archie flew to the door and peered through the peephole.
Archie opened the door. “What are you doing here?”
Merlin looked old. He had always looked old, having been elderly when he achieved immortality, but he looked older than he had ever. At the very least, he looked so much more tired than Archie had ever seen him.
“Archie, I’m so sorry.”
Merlin never apologized. On occasion, he would say things that sounded somewhat like apologies if you knew what to look for, but he wouldn’t outright apologize. Then again, it had been longer for Merlin than it had been for Archie, so perhaps he had changed? Gotten kinder in his old age?
Archie tilted his head. “What for?”
Merlin sighed. “So it wasn’t recent, then.”
“So what wasn’t recent?”
“Hisirdoux’s death. I know it must be incredibly hard for you since you… were his familiar.”
“Excuse me? He’s not dead, I saw him just this morning, so it would’ve had to have been recent, and since you didn’t find a body –”
“No, but I didn’t sense his magic, either.”
Archie opened his mouth to make a snarky retort towards the wizard, but then he closed it.
Archie couldn’t sense Douxie’s magic. He had always been able to sense Douxie’s magic, even before they had sealed the familiar bond, but after sealing the bond he would always be able to sense Douxie’s magic, no matter how far away Douxie was.
But Archie couldn’t sense him now.
“There, there could be another reason.”
“Like what?” And that sounded more like the Merlin Archie had known. Cantankerous, as opposed to mournful. “It’s not like there are any antimagic zones in Arcadia, and I highly doubt Hisirdoux has learned how to create one in the years since I sent the two of you here.”
Archie narrowed his eyes and flattened back his ears. His tail flicked. Merlin had never cared about Douxie, had never recognized just how much skill and potential Douxie had. “Why are you here? Last I heard, Morgana was your largest priority.”
Granted, it had been a long time.
“Morgana’s threat was finally neutralized today; in case you didn’t notice her attempt at the Eternal Night. I’m going to the other side of this continent to find a Heartstone as well as to take care of some personal matters. You’re welcome to come with; I’ll keep the trolls from eating you,” Merlin said.
Archie sniffed. “I’m not abandoning him.”
Not like you did.
“Hisirdoux is dead, Archie. We both know it to be true.”
“No, you’ve just given up on him!” Like you did before. “I won’t. There has to be another reason why we don’t know where he is. Besides, I’m his familiar. I know him far better than you ever have.”
Besides, Archie had never abandoned Douxie. His parents had, Morgana had, Merlin had, but Archie had been with him through it all. Merlin didn’t get to lay claim to Douxie’s life and death like that. He had no right to.
Merlin rolled his eyes. “Fine, then. Stay here, waiting for someone who will never come back for you. I’ll come back later when destiny permits it.” He then closed the door behind him in such a way that Merlin had once lectured Douxie about.
What a hypocrite.
“Oh, sure, wait here for someone who will never come back for you, he says,” Archie complained to the too-empty apartment. “Never mind that that’s exactly what Douxie did for you, you selfish old man.”
And just like Merlin did, Douxie would come back.
No, not just like Merlin. Archie would welcome back his familiar.
Though, Archie supposed that it wouldn’t hurt to find Douxie instead of waiting. If Morgana had finally attempted the Eternal Night, Douxie could be hurt.
As a cat, Archie travelled the streets of Arcadia Oaks. Troll bodies littered the streets, though there were a couple gruesomes already beginning to eat them. Archie frowned as he stepped on a piece of smooth wood instead of rock. He looked down.
Surely that wasn’t Douxie’s guitar laying broken beneath Archie’s feet. Even if Douxie had run away he would have taken his guitar with him. Besides, it had been the Battle of the Bands. There would have been so many others with guitars, and surely this wasn’t the only red-and-white electric guitar that had been present. Archie pushed at the base of the guitar, checking to see the underside. The only marring of the wood would be from battle.
The underside had a portion where the initials CO’D had been carved, crossed out, and replaced by HC.
The guitar belonged to Hisirdoux Casperan. He’d bought the guitar at a thrift store, had gotten Zoe’s help to fix it up, and then had made it his own. Douxie had been so happy to have this modern version of a lute.
Douxie wasn’t here.
Archie curled up on top of the broken guitar, mewing pitifully.
Douxie couldn’t be dead. Archie would know if his familiar had died. He had raised the boy. He would know.
He would know.
“I mean, I don’t exactly know where here is. You do?” the caged human asked.
“An Earth military base called Area 49-B, but I thought they just studied and tortured life beings that aren’t from Earth.” Krel’s voice shook with terror. He wrapped his arms around himself. Kleb, oh kleb. He was going to be tortured. And experimented on. And they had taken his clothes; how had they taken his clothes? They were meant to be difficult to remove and helped to regulate responses to the environment as well as protect his core. He felt so exposed. “And you’re human, so, why are you here?”
“I mean, apparently to be tortured,” Douxie said, trying to hide the panic that rose with every heartbeat. It seemed that humans hadn’t changed by much after all these centuries, still trying to hurt those with magic because they didn’t understand it. Well, magic or whatever this alien had. “But I’m a wizard.”
The four-armed boy stared at Douxie. Douxie suspected he was raising an eyebrow in disbelief, though the lighting made it hard to tell. And, well, Douxie would have expected such a reaction from his classmates (especially before the Gumm-Gumm attack), but this guy wasn’t from Earth. And on one hand, wow, he wasn’t from Earth, but on the other hand, shouldn’t he not be like everyone else assuming that magic didn’t exist anymore?
“I mean, I’d show you, but my magic isn’t working right now.” He’d tried to use it to break out. It didn’t help that his bracer had been replaced with these stupid cuffs. The only good thing about them was the fact that they gave off a very small amount of warmth, because the cage was otherwise very cold, and his white gown was very thin. “But these Area 43-“
“- 49-B,” Krel interrupted.
“-goons took me out when I was using magic,” the wizard said, not seeming to care that he was interrupted. “I just hope I was the only one taken from my… community. I, it’s not like I’m the only wizard on this side of the continent, and I wouldn’t want them to be waiting to get tortured.”
“I think I understand,” Krel said. “I’m not the only one from my planet here on this mudball, and I hope they weren’t captured, either.”
Maybe this could work. Krel wasn’t a fighter, but neither was Stuart, and Stuart had escaped all those keltons ago. Plus, Krel might have an ally. One who could talk, while it seemed like Buster was unable to. They could discuss an escape plan together.
The wizard shifted the way he was sitting and looked upwards. “Huh, so other planets do exist? I guess they really weren’t trying to mess with me and Arch when they said that there were more than four other planets and none of them revolved around the Earth.”
No, this wizard could not be considered a useful ally. He was clearly an idiot, more so than everyone else on this mudball. More than metaphorically the wizard seemed to actually think Earth was somehow the center of the universe. If Krel were to somehow escape on his own, he would leave the wizard behind.
Even if Krel felt horrible right now, watching two of the orange-suited scientists remove the wizard from his cage, hitting him over the head when he tried to fight back. Figuring out a way to escape – hopefully without getting tortured at all – so Krel could save his planet was more important than saving this one life-being Krel had shared a conversation with. Krel wrapped his arms around himself and shook his head. Besides, this wizard might be even worse at physical challenges than Krel was, and Krel already knew that figuring out how to escape without outside help would be difficult even without factoring in the burden of taking someone else with him.
But, hopefully, Krel wouldn’t need to figure out how to escape. Surely Aja was coming to rescue him right now with Stuart, Zadra, and Luug in tow, and Krel would even let her gloat about it.
Aja woke up to the sound of birds. Ah, what a happy sound to wake up to. Their chirping was so lively. It was another good thing about the Mothership being so far from the city. Aja liked the humans, but some of their technology was far noisier than any similar equivalent back on Akiridion-V. But chirping? Chirping was a happy, lively sound.
Aja climbed out of bed, running a hand through her hair, and stretching two of her other arms. She yawned. She and Steve had stayed up late talking. It was good to know that they wouldn’t have to start worrying about having a long-distance relationship yet.
She walked over to the breakfast nook. Lucy was making pancakes, and Zadra was reading reports while Ricky tried to strike up a conversation.
Varvatos wasn’t there because he had sacrificed himself for her parents. Aja frowned at the memory, and then she frowned even harder when she noticed another absence at the nook.
“Krel’s not up yet?” she asked. That was odd. Even on nights where he stayed up late, he was still up early in the morning, grumpy and pretending that he had gotten far more sleep than he actually had. “Or is he skipping breakfast again?”
“The king-in-waiting is not down in the lab, I already checked when I tried – and failed – to contact the resistance at the start of the delson,” Zadra said. “Eat, and then we’ll go wake him.”
Aja nodded, frowned, and began eating. The taste of Lucy’s pancakes cleared her frown but not her worry.
That really didn’t sound like Krel. Well, not unless he had snuck past Zadra to get to his lab. Aja hadn’t even realized her brother was interested in doing things like sneaking off before yesterday evening. Back on Akiridion-V, he had never gone with her, even when she had asked him to sneak off with her.
Aja swallowed the rest of her food, and she and Zadra made their way to Krel’s room. She placed a hand on the doorknob.
“Krel, come on, you don’t want to miss –“
Krel’s room was empty. Was this what it felt like for Krel every time she snuck off? Had he been afraid every single time?
“Uh, are you sure he isn’t in the lab?” Aja asked, trying to mask her fear.
“I’ll go check again,” Zadra said, frowning and narrowing her eyes. Aja followed her, wrapping one pair of arms around herself.
Krel wasn’t in the lab.
Krel wasn’t in the Mothership at all, and they had checked every room, calling for him.
“I thought he came home last night,” Aja said, quickly scrubbing away the tears that threatened to form.
“What?” Zadra asked.
“He snuck out yesterday evening.”
“And you didn’t stop him?”
Aja shook her head. She should have, or she should have gone with him.
Zadra stared at the ground away from Aja. “I don’t understand, he’s never snuck out before. This isn’t like him.”
But it’s exactly like you, came the unspoken accusation. Zadra had dragged Aja back to the castle so many times in the past, but never Krel. Krel had been the quiet one, the child who stuck to the background and his technology. He didn’t go outside.
He was the good sibling, and Aja wasn’t. She was the one who usually snuck off. She was the one who didn’t protect her little brother. She was the one who prioritized talking to Steve instead of making sure he would be okay.
Whatever had happened to him, it was her fault.
Aja waited for the lecture.
It never came.
“I’m going to go see if I can find him near the ship,” Zadra said. “Stay here. Akiridion-V can’t lose you as well.”
As soon as Aja was out of Zadra’s sight she pulled out her phone and called Steve. He picked up on the third ring.
“Hey there, my ninja-kicking angel!”
“Hi, Steve. Have you seen my brother?”
“Uh, not since the trolls attacked yesterday. Why do you ask?”
Aja burst into tears.
Author’s note: the scratched-out initials on Douxie's guitar are based on the initials of his VA; they will not be important to the fic.
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drarrygirl27 · 4 years
Thanks for the tag, @unsealingkale !
I nominate @darling-lo
1. what does your name mean / mean to you?
Oh wow! I learned something new about my name. It is a Hindi boy name meaning, Center. I'm used to reading it meaning things like knowledge, wise, understanding, and water baby. This is very interesting!
I used to hate my first name years ago, but honestly I really used to hate myself for many reasons for many years. I now love my first name as much as I love my middle name. My last name is pretty cool. I used to want to change it to my biological last name, but now it ties me to both my grandma (She got remarried when my dad and his brother were in their teen years. The man she remarried, she had 3 of my uncles with, 2 are still alive.) and my dad so I'm going to keep it for a little while longer. My dad has another brother who I keep in contact with with my biological last name. They found each other through Facebook years and years ago.
2. breakfast, lunch or dinner?
Breakfast because breakfast is the bomb! That is my favorite kind of food, day or night. I do eat lunch and dinner too, but breakfast food will always have my heart.
3. what are you proud of?
I am proud of how far I actually have come in my life. There were times where I literally wanted to just let things be even when it was bad for me to do so, but I still eventually found the courage to leave when I knew that in my heart of hearts that I needed to for the good of my overall well being. I have had to do that a good bit of times in my life and despite how some of it hurt me really bad to do so emotionally and sometimes mentally even, I knew that I just had to do it because if I would have stayed in some if not most of those situations, I wouldn't be where I am now.
I don't have the best job in the world right now and things have been really hard especially with this crazy ass situation going on, but I am so much happier in so many ways than I was 3 years ago and years before that even. I have grown a lot in many ways. I have the Army to thank for that at least partly. That place pushed me to my limits in so many ways that I had no choice, but to see that I really, really needed to change in some ways if I was ever going to get anywhere in life in the Civilian world. It was what I like to call a necessary hell.
4. your go to song on a bad day?
Not sure if this counts, but when I get scared or anxious about something, I listen to "Lullaby" by Shawn Mullins. It feels like he is singing it to me in a way. It sounds crazy I know, but I have loved this song for many years and overtime it just became a really good comforting song for me.
5. have / want tattoos
I don't have tattoos and I don't think I will ever get a tattoo. I don't like needles. I'm not as bad as my mom with them, but I still don't like the way they feel and I wouldn't know what to get anyway.
6. what are you looking forward to post ‘rona?
To go to places without having to wear a mask like the movies and the mall for instance. They drive me nuts! I wear them for work and when I go into stores. At home, I stay mask free because no one has the 'rona in the house because we all wear masks when we go out some where like work places and the like.
7. fave place you’ve travelled to / where you would like to travel to?
Lost Maples Natural State Area in Texas, hands down! It is a gorgeous place with mountains with hiking trails and beautiful unbelievably crystal clear water.
North Carolina. I need to pay respects to my grandma and if it is allowed I am thinking about spreading my dad's ashes on her grave as well. I was in the Army when she died. I was offered to go back home because of it, but I knew my grandma would have wanted me to keep going and so I did.
8. name a personal object in your room that you love
My grandma's and Daddi-o's memorial service discs even though the Bitch Cunt of the Century a.k.a. Former stepmom was in charge of the pictures on my Daddii-o's discs. You can tell because she is in most of the pics. *Sighs* Lord, I wish I would have had enough balls to tell that 'thing' to fuck all the way off! *Sighs* Hindsight is 2020 and unfortunately, all that shit went down in 2017.
9. what’s your niche interest?
Hmm... I have a good bit of them to be honest. I will just name my main fandoms at the moment. Rhink, Supernatural, and Harry Potter especially when it comes to shipping. LOL!
10. ideal date with yourself?
Hmm... An ideal date with myself, eh? This is going to sound so weird or maybe not, but either a trip to a bookstore or a thrift and or antique store. I love to check out those kinds of places.
11. share a pic from your camera roll that brings you joy
Tumblr media
12. is there anything you would say to your younger self?
It may not seem like it now, but eventually things are going to get better for you and you are going to accept and love yourself for everything that you are. You're not going to hate yourself forever and there are going to be people who like and or love you as a person. Your family has always loved and respected you even if it didn't seem like it sometimes. One day, you are going to be able to look into the mirror and through very, very deep self reflection come to understand why your friends and family and the like have always loved, respected, admired, and believed in you. I love you and one day, you are going to love you too.
13. do you bop to music on (I corrected this. It originally said in.) your own? do you sing?
Yep especially while driving in my car to and from work and at work too.
Oh Hell Yeah! I sing way more than I used to especially not just by myself behind closed doors. I don't sing out loud at work though because people could be sleeping and also I'm still a wee bit hesitant to sing in front of people like face to face depending upon where I am at, who I am with, and such. I'm working on it, but I do show my talent to people a lot more than what I used to.
14. is there a type of animal you associate with home? does your house get animal visitors?
Hmm... I was around cats a lot more than dogs throughout most of my lifetime especially my childhood and teenage years.
If we're being sappy though I'd say cats and dogs now. My boyfriend's brother and sister-in-law have a cat that I love a lot. He is what I like to call a sweet asshole. LOL! He can be nice and or loving, but not towards most people. He is kind of like my boyfriend in that way. They're both assholes to people who actually deserve it, but if you're a good and respectable person they'll show you the same kind of decency.
My mom has two German Shepherds that are my fuzz sisters. I love them way more than I thought I would ever love dogs. I was just a cat person for a really, really long time, but now I actually like or love dogs depending upon my relationship with them.
15. is there an artist of any kind who speaks to your soul?
Oh goodness! So many of them do. A lot of musical artists, writers, and the like. To name them all would have me write out a novel or two even. LOL!
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There are a number worries by means of getting to know which usually want to do by means of view, a regular your really are; couch potato eye ball and additionally dyslexia, using small children in which are nearsighted which have hardship visiting all the chalkboard or possibly enjoying all the lecturer - equally there is small children in which are farsighted and provide an arduous effort checking, they are simply utterly pushed. Not only is it difficult to them the moment checking aloud on the school room, it also quite often can cause individuals vomiting or possibly individuals become sick quite simply by having a look at just for across half an hour, which implies it's always very difficult from which get through most of the schoolwork. Is normally this solutions inflicting a great deal more the hands down trouble in this particular high schools?
There may a consequence, and also results might not come to be anti-, subsequently, fundamentally people are using a further development about schoolchildren? For certain, all the which make tablet pc systems and additionally your own specialist appliances just for certification plan to kick this approach solutions throughout the school room to push sales and profits. Yet, implement everyone quite figure out what people are possessing by ouselves right into?
Farther, if for example the small children may well check just about anything achieve " up " via the internet, individuals beginning put your trust in which usually instrument or possibly methods about certification solutions. Can easily what goes on the moment older individuals get started in thinking the whole thing individuals watch relating to TELEVISION PROGRAMS, or possibly what goes on the moment many people from the confident politics persuasion get started in checking sole matters in which realize individuals and additionally most of the today's POV (point about view) simply because they turned into jaded, and additionally in your mind boxed-in with their politics displays.
Any time most people put your trust in the things most of the trainers tell you, or possibly the things individuals uncover for advanced schooling and additionally the good news is socialist or possibly left-leaning slant, everyone are going to have a great deal more voters slanted which, equally, any time many people put your trust in websites, and additionally there may whatever magnitude of purification about content and articles located at these search engines, still just by singular or possibly 2% afterward it's always sufficiently to make sure you shot any election, considering the fact that you will shot few elections within the strip, you're by having a varied countryside at some point. Most people quite often pay attention to concern along with the mass media, still experience individuals thought of as websites considering that it is normally integrated into this certification model - everyone cannot really eliminate all the integration, it will be area of this population, none might everyone, still excellent artwork i just all of the come to be aware and additionally topic as well as recognized, however, the key appliances in which give you u . s . knowledge, and therefore the programs and additionally vendors behind them - and additionally most of the daily activities, simply because they ordinarily are not ALL OF THE quite frankly money persistent.
At this time afterward, you’re able to undeniably make it a point, most suitable? Much like TELEVISION PROGRAMS comes with switched this population in lots of ways, some of them not likely for those more suitable, and contains really helped most people perfectly into a strange version of consumerism attributable to stamping, endorsing, and additionally promotional. Right for that reason, shall we get back to all the politics worries and additionally implications at all this approach for minutes, and additionally in lieu talk about all the worries there is by means of e-commerce, endorsing, promotional, stamping, and maybe all the illegal team than it all of the via the internet.
Word wide web Feedback and therefore the Shrill Factory
Already, there is a giant condition by means of Word wide web feedback. The fact is, whether a home business can get a horrible analyze, or possibly way to many complications and additionally potential customers eliminate researching in that respect there. Individuals put your trust in the things individuals look at via the web, although it was first compiled by untrustworthy or possibly mystery assets. Regularly it was eventually compiled by shrills or possibly players wishing to uplift most of the ranks at the same time trashing most of the players. As to why might this approach amazement just about anyone?
The software arises on daily basis for the real world by means of person classes, or possibly non-profit person credit reporting agencies. It will be taking via the internet, still the fact is along with other put your trust in the things individuals look at via the internet, and certain most people still justification which usually; the software any time all of us interests the software, which usually inescapable fact should address all the small number of negatives compiled by players offer poor suggestions. Certainly, a condition there is is normally there exists vendors who'll content reviews that are positive via the internet in a expense through dozens of, plenty and also thousands. Apparently which usually condition; right, at this time oh no- the topic of politics indoctrination in this particular high schools.
Pre-Indoctrination Prior to when the Vote - Religion and additionally Socialism in this particular High schools
People who really are lacking religion, individuals appropriately pay attention to all the indoctrination of country religions for professional religious high schools, church buildings, and additionally organizations. Many people age thinking within the confident version of approach, or even confident rendition about the past, still relevant make consider not likely to check all the fossil capture about dinosaurs while it just can't in some cases jive with the information they've been assured. Accordingly individuals plainly do not realize which usually and additionally put most of the equal displays.
Steps religious just can't realise why just about anyone who’s nonreligious seems which usually the whole thing only just was first initiated by means of a lot of giant boom, or possibly as to why always trust in Fin. For that matter various religious many people plan to replace some to enable them to be aware of the majority of, despite that individuals his or her self just can't be the software. The moment requested grounds individuals quickly tell you; it's a really really make a difference about values.
The moment this high schools love to play pre-indoctrination they should mask factual the evidence, conventional find, and additionally can quickly carry out plus the around oriented access for the country. Is normally indeed getting to know? Is normally indeed illustrating our kids to believe? Surely, there may serious chances and additionally justification people who really are religious to to make sure you trigger most of the should over to all the high schools to keep your most of the information and additionally percentages of our number to make sure you perform most of the politics should.
Genuinely, one another team can be just as damaging, like there is a great many left-leaning and additionally socialist displays appearing out of this superior high schools and additionally colleges and universities, which usually many graduation by means of advanced schooling deg really are twice as likely to vote for those left-leaning goal list, despite that the software has gone to protect against elementary economics and additionally free-market capitalism in which in the past comes with prepared this countryside awesome, where socialism comes with deleted companies, activities, and additionally comprehensive civilizations, forcing individuals right into chapter 7 bankruptcy.
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whimsiesofanerdgirl · 6 years
How to Save Money for Books (and Life in General)
If you’re anything like me you’ve got piles of books stacked up to your ceiling (may or may not be exaggerating, but if you do I won’t judge). Sometimes you just gotta take a stand and either take a break on buying buys or figure out how to get the best deals so you can keep on hoarding them into your home. I see you secretly ordering them online and hoping no one notices. Yes, I’m talking to you! When you’re ready to do some serious #booknerd adulting here I’ve got this handy list of ideas to make it happen.
Maybe you’ve heard of it, or maybe you haven’t, but it’s a perfect way to save money on NOT buying books. You heard me right. DO NOT BUY THAT BOOK ONLINE OR AS YOU PASS BY THE SECTION AT THE STORE. I REPEAT, DO NOT BUY IT! DO NOT PASS GO! DO NOT COLLECT 200 TBR!
In all seriousness, you’ll achieve a lot in this feat. Not only will you be saving money by NOT buying books, but you’ll also be catching up on some much needed reading time. Many of us have towering piles of our TBR to get through and by limiting your selection to the books you already own, you’ll finally read the books on your backlist and learn what all the hype was about.
You don’t have the room to keep your books or don’t own a lot of them? It’s all good, go to the library! It’s a great way to save money all while still being able to reap the benefits of reading some new books without the price tag. It’s a win-win, just set a certain time frame as to when you’ll be placing your book buying ban in the calendar whether it be a week, month, or quarter of the year - I give you kudos if you make it that far! Tip: don’t forget to renew your books if you don’t finish them all by the time of their due date!
So it’s possible you’re not ready to quit cold turkey. That’s okay, I feel you. This will probably be a better idea for you then - sign up for a bookstore membership. Usually when you first become a member they will send you a bunch of awesome bookstore coupons to use towards your next book shopping trip. Some stores may offer them for free, but a lot of the big stores like Books-a-Million and Barnes & Noble offer theirs for about $20 per yearly membership. That’s not bad of a deal considering you spend a bunch of money on books already anyways.
Psssst - here’s a double win...lean on in because it’s a big secret...you can share your membership with other people like friends/family. If you and your friend or family member love to go book shopping split the cost between you for the membership or can be nice and invest in it on your own to share with them willingly. Usually all they need is either your membership card or a lot of times they’ll ask for your phone number to look up your account that way to apply their amazing discounts.
I know, I know, I’ve already mentioned utilizing your local library, but have you checked into their events? Some libraries hold a daily, monthly, and/or quarterly book sale to rotate out old books so they can refresh their inventory. My library system has a small collection to buy at their own individual libraries (in my county we have several branches) and almost monthly the library hosts a big book sale for three days at a time at another off site location. They have an incredible deal to buy as many books as you can fit in a brown paper bag for $8.50. The moment I found out about these book sales I was SOLD.
This is for all you lucky people that have a nearby friend who’s also into reading the same genres. Ask your friend if you could take a look at their personal library and arrange a book swap. Just don’t forget to pinky swear an oath that you won’t harm their babies. Also mention that if something were to happen due to an emergency situation that you’ll pay them back in full. Us book nerds are serious people when it comes to our page filled children.
Keep an eye out for those sneaky little bookstore sales! A lot of the big mainstream stores have a sale season and a clearance section for you to check for books with a large chunk taken off the price sticker. Books-A-Million even has a used books section which is worth a shot at finding a book or two (or ten).
This is obviously more for the summer season, depending on your location if you experience the colder winter months like I do here in Ohio. Garage sales typically start late Spring into early Fall seasons due to people getting rid of unwanted stuff (their loss and our gain if you ask me). A lot of times people have yard sales due to their kids moving out, going off to college, etc. so there’s a good chance to look for books that they happen to be selling and just asking to be put into your waiting arms.
Some good places to find yard sales would be in your local newspaper, google search, and Facebook marketplace. Please use caution and go to a public place and with a friend/family member to be extra safe!
Oh my goodness. Do not get me started on thrift bookstores, but please do because I have such a great fondness for them. Similar to garage sales these magical places sell used books for half or less the price of their original book prices. I’M NOT KIDDING YOU! Quite a few times I’ve gotten books for like $1-$2 max and it was the best feeling ever! A great place to find these deals is 2nd & Charles which is located in the U.S. and you can look up their locations here. If you’re from another region or country I suggest googling “used bookstores” or “thrift bookstores” to find some stores near you.
There’s also the option of buying your books from ThriftBooks.com where they sell a huge supply of used books for all types of genres. They’re a great place to look for books that you have missing from an old series you’ve started getting into. Now they also have a “ReadingRewards” system where you earn points with all your purchases, but that’s not the best part of shopping at this site - it’s the fact that you get free shipping on all orders $10 and up (both perks are for US customers only)! Another benefit is if you add a book to your wishlist they will send you notifications for price changes and when it becomes available if they don’t have it in stock at the time you check for it.
Another idea is that from time to time you can even get some good finds at your local Goodwill store if you’re in an area with limited used bookstores.
A few other selections to check into would be BookDepository.com which is great for readers because they have free shipping available worldwide! A huge game changer for online book shopping is that Book Depository has large discounts off the list price of many books so go check them out!
If you have specific concerns on shipping time for your location you can find more information from them in their “Delivery and Shipping” help section.
Wordery.com is also an online bookstore to look into if you haven’t before.
You’d be surprised at how many times I’ve found books for a cheaper price than actual bookstores just by looking in the book section of a general store (like Walmart or Kroger). Bonus points if you’re a Kroger Plus card member to get that extra discount! If you’re not already, it’s quick and simple to sign up for one.
For someone who is more willing to read books via the digital format you have a lot of choices to choose from, but I’ll list the most popular ones that I know of:
Amazon is a great one because they offer eBooks usually between $1-$3 each! They also offer free books so if that’s up your alley search for it under their Amazon Kindle ebooks.
Bookbub.com where you can stay up to date with the latest free ebooks and deals as well as for your favorite authors by setting up alerts!
Readingdeals.com also emails ebook discounted deals right to your inbox!
Goodreads.com recently teamed up with Amazon to provide you with “Kindle Daily Deals” and you can check out their page for the latest ones!
Do you know of any other tips and perks to saving money on books? Comment below!
Read my other posts in the #25DaysofBookmas series!
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Twitter: @whimsiesofanerd
Instagram: @whimsiesofanerdgirl
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Have a suggestion or want to get in touch? Email me: [email protected]
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drarrygirl27 · 3 years
Thanks for the tag, @unsealingkale !
1. what does your name mean / mean to you?
Oh wow! I learned something new about my name. It is a Hindi boy name meaning, Center. I'm used to reading it meaning things like knowledge, wise, understanding, and water baby. This is very interesting!
I used to hate my first name years ago, but honestly I really used to hate myself for many reasons for many years. I now love my first name as much as I love my middle name. My last name is pretty cool. I used to want to change it to my biological last name, but now it ties me to both my grandma (She got remarried when my dad and his brother were in their teen years. The man she remarried, she had 3 of my uncles with, 2 are still alive.) and my dad so I'm going to keep it for a little while longer. My dad has another brother who I keep in contact with with my biological last name. They found each other through Facebook years and years ago.
2. breakfast, lunch or dinner?
Breakfast because breakfast is the bomb! That is my favorite kind of food, day or night. I do eat lunch and dinner too, but breakfast food will always have my heart.
3. what are you proud of?
I am proud of how far I actually have come in my life. There were times where I literally wanted to just let things be even when it was bad for me to do so, but I still eventually found the courage to leave when I knew that in my heart of hearts that I needed to for the good of my overall well being. I have had to do that a good bit of times in my life and despite how some of it hurt me really bad to do so emotionally and sometimes mentally even, I knew that I just had to do it because if I would have stayed in some if not most of those situations, I wouldn't be where I am now.
I don't have the best job in the world right now and things have been really hard especially with this crazy ass situation going on, but I am so much happier in so many ways than I was 3 years ago and years before that even. I have grown a lot in many ways. I have the Army to thank for that at least partly. That place pushed me to my limits in so many ways that I had no choice, but to see that I really, really needed to change in some ways if I was ever going to get anywhere in life in the Civilian world. It was what I like to call a necessary hell.
4. your go to song on a bad day?
Not sure if this counts, but when I get scared or anxious about something, I listen to "Lullaby" by Shawn Mullins. It feels like he is singing it to me in a way. It sounds crazy I know, but I have loved this song for many years and overtime it just became a really good comforting song for me.
5. have / want tattoos
I don't have tattoos and I don't think I will ever get a tattoo. I don't like needles. I'm not as bad as my mom with them, but I still don't like the way they feel and I wouldn't know what to get anyway.
6. what are you looking forward to post ‘rona?
To go to places without having to wear a mask like the movies and the mall for instance. They drive me nuts! I wear them for work and when I go into stores. At home, I stay mask free because no one has the 'rona in the house because we all wear masks when we go out some where like work places and the like.
7. fave place you’ve travelled to / where you would like to travel to?
Lost Maples Natural State Area in Texas, hands down! It is a gorgeous place with mountains with hiking trails and beautiful unbelievably crystal clear water.
North Carolina. I need to pay respects to my grandma and if it is allowed I am thinking about spreading my dad's ashes on her grave as well. I was in the Army when she died. I was offered to go back home because of it, but I knew my grandma would have wanted me to keep going and so I did.
8. name a personal object in your room that you love
My grandma's and Daddi-o's memorial service discs even though the Bitch Cunt of the Century a.k.a. Former stepmom was in charge of the pictures on my Daddii-o's discs. You can tell because she is in most of the pics. *Sighs* Lord, I wish I would have had enough balls to tell that 'thing' to fuck all the way off! *Sighs* Hindsight is 2020 and unfortunately, all that shit went down in 2017.
This Bitch Cunt of the Century actually had the absolute gall just like she does every year to wish me a happy birthday. I of course ignored it like I do every year. In other words, Go fuck yourself & leave me alone!!! I want to forget that you ever, ever existed, please & thank you. By the way, that statement was towards my former stepmom who is I am pretty certain as a curtain has a spot in Hell waiting for her and not at any of you. I just wanted to make sure that that was clear as crystal.
9. what’s your niche interest?
Hmm... I have a good bit of them to be honest. I will just name my main fandoms at the moment. Rhink, Supernatural, and Harry Potter especially when it comes to shipping. LOL!
10. ideal date with yourself?
Hmm... An ideal date with myself, eh? This is going to sound so weird or maybe not, but either a trip to a bookstore or a thrift and or antique store. I love to check out those kinds of places.
11. share a pic from your camera roll that brings you joy
Tumblr media
This cute little thing is Lulu off of Kittisaurus. He is my favorite cat on that YouTube channel.
12. Is there anything you would say to your younger self?
Yes there is. Things will get better than what they are now. You just have to be patient and strong. One day your life won't be completely the same. It will be better. We ourselves will be better so keep your head up kid and don't give up on the fact that one day your life will change and that you will change for the better and that you will be truly happy. Eventually, wonderful things will come your way, but you first have to go through some trials & tribulations that will make you want to just give up, roll over and cry and allow life & people to screw you over. Don't let them! You are stronger and brighter in spirit than you will ever realize. Keep striving to have a better & happier life because you are worth it. You have always been worth it and I love you. One day you will be able to look at yourself in the mirror and say that to yourself like I am telling you right now.
After that I would embrace my younger self while she cried. That is probably what more than likely would happen if I met up with my younger self somehow.
13. do you bop to music on (I corrected this. It originally said in.) your own? do you sing?
Yep especially while driving in my car to and from work and at work too.
Oh Hell Yeah! I sing way more than I used to especially not just by myself behind closed doors. I don't sing out loud at work though because people could be sleeping and also I'm still a wee bit hesitant to sing in front of people like face to face depending upon where I am at, who I am with, and such. I'm working on it, but I do show my talent to people a lot more than what I used to.
Now that I work at the school district this has changed quite a bit. LOL! 😆 I more than likely especially this summer thus far have given unintentional concerts to some people possibly.
14. is there a type of animal you associate with home? does your house get animal visitors?
Hmm... I was around cats a lot more than dogs throughout most of my lifetime especially my childhood and teenage years.
If we're being sappy though I'd say cats and dogs now. My boyfriend's brother and sister-in-law have a cat that I love a lot. He is what I like to call a sweet asshole. LOL! He can be nice and or loving, but not towards most people. He is kind of like my boyfriend in that way. They're both assholes to people who actually deserve it, but if you're a good and respectable person they'll show you the same kind of decency.
My mom has two German Shepherds that are my fuzz sisters. I love them way more than I thought I would ever love dogs. I was just a cat person for a really, really long time, but now I actually like or love dogs depending upon my relationship with them.
As far as animal visitors go now that Doug & I have an apartment that has loads of cats just casually hanging out in some spots including our patio yesterday swatting at some birds, the answer to the next question is yes. Too bad I was at work when that was occuring. It sounded so entertaining & cute!
15. is there an artist of any kind who speaks to your soul?
Oh goodness! So many of them do. A lot of musical artists, writers, and the like. To name them all would have me write out a novel or two even. LOL! However, I will say one at least. Stevie Nicks is a huge one. I love her and her music too death. She was also awesome in Fleetwood Mac as well.
Ok. So this is going to be possibly weird to do because this post is so old and I honestly cannot remember for the life of me if I ever posted it. If I did I apologize in advance for the possible repeat. LOL!
Anyway, thank you @unsealingkale ! I apologize sincerely if I never answered & posted these questions and or apologize for doing it twice depending on whether I did not post or I already have. Anywho, here are my good vibes to you & yours: 😃💖✊✌️ Rock on! 🎸 Stay safe, Be smart, & Take care! May the Force or whatever you believe in be with you always!!! 🌟🌟🌟
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