equestria-entropy · 4 years
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Crim: It was suspicious when those odd boxes suddenly stopped appearing... --------------- Mod: Hey all, long time no see! I got inspired to return to this as I’ve got some ideas with the upcoming ending of mlp! I also just miss drawing ponies I guess. I don’t plan on devoting a lot of time here but I do want to pluck away at it, so if anyone is still alive and active, please feel free to interact and/or suggest other active ask blogs! I really want to work on building this story for fun, so input is appreciated as well.  Also, sorry about the low quality draw, I did it in like 2 minutes to get something out. I sorta forgot how to draw pone so, please do not judge me
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equestria-entropy · 6 years
hey guys mod here, I’m not going to be able to update for a bit as I’m moving back to college in a week, and everything is super hectic! I may lurk a bit but for now likely just draw when I’m able and hopefully get an update out before September! c: <3
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equestria-entropy · 6 years
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equestria-entropy · 6 years
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@ask-lyon-and-friends   I know this was a couple weeks ago I def drew a sketch and then forgot to post it lol  but aaa <33 Also hopefully soon I’ll have a mod pone the character on the right is a beginning concept of them! 
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equestria-entropy · 6 years
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equestria-entropy · 6 years
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The Queen: According to my assistant, welcoming and treating guests well boosts morale of one’s kingdoms, so I hope you stay here is adequate @amberaltering
Mod Note: In this AU, Equestria is a country/continent, not the entire world I appreciate your ask it helped me think about more backstory/general world building! <3
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equestria-entropy · 6 years
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The Queen: According to my assistant, welcoming and treating guests well boosts morale of one’s kingdoms, so I hope you stay here is adequate @amberaltering
Mod Note: In this AU, Equestria is a country/continent, not the entire world I appreciate your ask it helped me think about more backstory/general world building! <3
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equestria-entropy · 6 years
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Mod: more in between art I got tired of this halfway through drawing it so….,.,,,. it’s just a size reference for Crim and The Queen I got 0% of her markings correct and missed some significant anatomy stuff, so, A+ to me
the queen is,,,.., larg
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equestria-entropy · 6 years
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Mod: more in between art I got tired of this halfway through drawing it so....,.,,,. it’s just a size reference for Crim and The Queen I got 0% of her markings correct and missed some significant anatomy stuff, so, A+ to me
the queen is,,,.., larg
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equestria-entropy · 6 years
Am following you because I love your art it's amazing keep up the good work ;)
Mod: asd;flkjasdlkfjj thank you so much y’all are so sweet and I’m so excited to make updates now
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equestria-entropy · 6 years
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Crim: Let me, check the schedule...
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equestria-entropy · 6 years
Hey, mod here! Hope I’m not stepping too out of line with replying. I’ve grown up dealing with terrible insomnia so I’ve got a suggestion that could help. Let’s see if I can make this into a crash course instead of an 8 page essay lol.
So, I’m currently on heavy sedative medications as I’m not physically able to fall asleep without them, but before that I went to a couple doctors and the thing that stuck out to me was that instead of forcing yourself to bed at a certain time, force yourself to wake up at a certain time. Don’t initially make yourself get up at like 7 if you’ve been naturally waking up at noon. Try 11:30am. The trick is tho, you have to get right out of bed at that time. No laying around, no ‘5 more minutes’, no snoozing. How I got myself to do that was I got out of bed and played on my phone for an hour in the morning, as the blue background light from our electronics keeps you awake(it keeps melatonin at bay bc our body’s think it’s the sky in the day time; something like that. All I know is electronics righteously screw up your ability to sleep).
Continue this for like a couple weeks, and then move it back a half hour. If you’re more short on time(i.e., schools coming up quick and you can’t afford to do 11:30am wake up for 2-3 weeks), every 3-5 days adjust your wake up time to a half hour early.
With this, it doesn’t matter when you go to bed, as long as you make yourself wake up and stay awake for the entire day at your specified time.
Now, I’m no professional: everyone’s situation varies and there can be a lot more factors keeping you awake, but I hope my splash of knowledge is at least a little insightful.
Good luck!
@ask-tay-relic @askluckytheearthpony
do you know how to solve sleeping problems when summer break hits? because my sleep scedual went from 10 pm to 6 am then as soon as school ended it is 2am to 12 pm
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Oh my friend, me too. I end up waking up at 11am and then napping a bit more till 2pm sometimes. 
But actual advice would be to turn off your screens and stop looking at electronics an hour before you go to sleep, and keep to the schedule of it, then just lay in bed and relax; focus on your breathing and daydream. 
I’m in college so I don’t have a 7am-3pm schooling schedual it’s usually ALL OVER THE PLACE. Like only one class at 6am on a monday. -^-.]]
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equestria-entropy · 6 years
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Mod: Hey all, just a quick Crim ref in between updates The second pic is just showing her under markings, it’s not an alt ref This is subject to change, I’m really iffy on her design but I wanted to get something out there I’ve been wanting to interact more with y’all but I’m a rather nervous person and don’t know quite how to chat with others lol I’ve also been on art fight, which is why I kinda dissappear a lot! :3
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equestria-entropy · 6 years
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Mod: Hey all, just a quick Crim ref in between updates The second pic is just showing her under markings, it’s not an alt ref This is subject to change, I’m really iffy on her design but I wanted to get something out there I’ve been wanting to interact more with y’all but I’m a rather nervous person and don’t know quite how to chat with others lol I’ve also been on art fight, which is why I kinda dissappear a lot! :3
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equestria-entropy · 6 years
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@askbananapie Crim: I thought I took care of that….
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equestria-entropy · 6 years
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@askbananapie Crim: I thought I took care of that....
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equestria-entropy · 6 years
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Mod: This is a sketch page of two of the characters I’ll be using on this blog + the Main characters original design (initially created by dingobreath on DA) -Her design is going to change up a little as she’s an alicorn + my style is still rough with MLP characters and I’m..,,.,., trying,.,. The Alicorn Queen+ her assistant, Crim
Ask box is open!
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