#i will get back to doing things tomorrow <3 byeee
theabyssalmuses · 1 year
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XENOBLADE 3 MORE LIKE KINOBLADE 3 HOLY BASED I was at Kii’s over the weekend and we finally managed to playthrough Xenoblade 3′s story and beat it and HOLY HELL THAT ENDING MAN I AM FLOORED.. IT WAS SO FUCKIN GOOD !!! EVERYONE GO PLAY XENOBLADE CHRONICLES 3 !!! RIGHT NOWWW
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ursemma · 4 months
"I'll always love you" pt 3
Pt 1, pt 2, pt 4
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Mattheo Riddle × F!reader
Theodore nott × F!reader (ex)
Warning: none
Summary: After going on few dates with Mattheo, you couldn't help but wonder what you two are since you haven't made things offical, what happens when one of your friend invites you to her wedding, and apparantly you've to face your ex with his wife, and you desperately need a date.
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Mattheo and I have gone to few dates, fucked and behaved like a couple for few months, but things between us have never been official, and I don't want to ruin what's between us by asking 'what are we?'.
I was laying on my bed wondering what i felt for him, this was far way different than what I had with Theodore.
Theodore and I were..... Something I can't describe in words, not in a good way, we used to fight alot.
We used to fight and never solve things hoping it would go away and we'd be back to normal, it wasn't healthy at all.
We never used to communicate which would lead us to misunderstandings. Something which caused our break-up.
I had butterflies but in a bad way, in a way which would tell you something bad is about to happen.
But Mattheo, him and I are mythic.
We sure fight but they aren't the heated ones, the ones which makes your heartbeat fast and tears flow, the ones which you hate and want to runaway from. Our fights are more like "hey I wanted that icecream!" Or "huh you bet?". We fight like kids, over small things but in a teasing way.
And my inner child feels safe with him. It's like he's healing a part of me.
I was deep in my thoughts, and suddenly my phone rang. I looked over to see the name 'torie!' i smiled at myself before picking up the call, and I heard her voice.
"heyyy babyy"
Hey Astoria!!
Soo Draco and I, we're getting married!!!
Thankyouu love! I want you to attend the wedding, not only that I want you here for the preparations as well, I'll send you the address and you have to come I won't take no for answer okayyy byeee!!!!
Before I could protest she hung up and sent me the address. I sighed knowingly that Theodore and Daphne would be there, I wasn't affected by their presence at all, not after meeting Mattheo, but the fact that it would be very awkward if I went without a date was eating me up.
I looked at my screen and my finger hovered above the name 'matty~', I sighed and texted him,
Me: Hey Mattheo!
Matty~: Hey what's up??
Me: I need a favour
Matty~: go ahead, I'll be glad to help you out
Me: soo my friend is getting married and Theodore is going to be there so I need a boyfriend, to make sure it won't be awkward.
Matty~: soo...?
Me: would you be my boyfriend?? Like a fake one?? You know just for the preparations and wedding?? Like you're the only person I'm comfortable with soo?? Please please I'll do anything you want just say yes.
Matty~: okay fine. You owe me tho.
Me: yes yes thankyouu. We have to leave for the preparation day after tomorrow, at 5 pm, the wedding is in London, we've to catch a flight.
Matty~: I'll be there ;)
Me: thankyouu ily ;)
Matty~: anything for you, ily too ;)
I sighed while smiling like an idiots, I booked our flights and started to pack my bags and everything necessary.
Me and Mattheo arrived at Draco's Mansion where we all were staying in, only two days were left for the wedding, 1 and half to be exact.
"Y/n/n welcome!!!" Tori greeted me as she engulfed me into a hug.
She pulled away after 10 sec and looked over my shoulder "and whose he?" She asked me into confusion and before I could answer "I'm Mattheo Riddle, her boyfriend, nice to meet you Astoria" he said while sliding a hand on my waist and pulling me closer to him.
I looked at him with a smile on my face and Astoria smirked at me before saying "nice to meet you too Mattheo, your room is upstairs, please make yourself home" we thanked her before going in our room.
I freshened up and I was laying on my bed while Mattheo was taking a bath, so far we didn't saw Theodore at all for which I was thankful for.
A knock on the door disturbed me from reading my book. I went to check who it was and saw a familiar face, "Theodore?" "Y/n" before I could say anything Mattheo came out of bathroom, with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist and interrupted us "darling whose there?" Before standing beside me.
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I know this is short and I'm leaving you hanging but I'll post next part before the week ends and trust me it'll be long!!!
The next part would be the last one and it'll be uploaded shortly.
@hoeforvinniehackerrr @shartnart1
(if you wanna be tagged in next part make sure to comment!!)
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thewiz9062 · 7 months
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Smiling Critters: Together, We Resonate (No.6) - Catnap
NOTE: THIS IS NOT RELATED TO CANON IN THE SLIGHTEST. An accurate description of this au is that I took every playtime.co poster art and promotional material from the game and lit up the rest of canon in a bonfire. This means that EVERY character is part of one big cartoon. That's it. No bigger bodies project, no child souls, no experiments, just a depiction of a cartoon. PLEASE do not ask me to do anything suggestive with anyone.
Let's start:
Catnap had a fairly normal childhood up until four, where his parents died in front of him (cause of death is still pending)
After that, he was put in the system, and he quickly learned that it wasn't exactly the safest place, so he ran.
He ended up wandering for a while, sleeping in alleyway to alleyway until he found a random abandoned house (shack? Its one room and fairly small) in a secluded part of a neighborhood, and set up 'home' there. But is it really home without them?
Anyways, he made himself as comfortable as possible in his living conditions. If the residents heard crying near that secluded part of the neighborhood, they didn't say......well, except for Boxy Boo.
Boxy was the only one who dared to go check out the slight commotion and was attacked on sight. Well, pounced on, as boxy is about 3 times bigger than catnap at the moment. Even once he got him to calm down, he still didn't say a word to him, just glared at him until he left. What if it was my fault? What if i was the reason theyleftwhatifpeoplediebecauseofmeleavedontcomeclose But boxy made a vow to check on him at least once a week.
(Time skip- present day? Technically)
Bobby bearhug and picky piggy were picking apples in the forest next to the former neighborhood when they started hearing noises. Picky demanded that whoever was "messing" with them show themselves. And out came catnap. Picky dug into him about being creepy, but bobby was more worried about the state he was in. He looked way skinnier than he should be, assuming that he was their age (he is dw) so before picky sent him off Bobby offered some of the cookies she made. He was a little distrustful at first, but practically lit up for a second before quickly changing back to his blank face. But she noticed, and told him she could meet him back here tomorrow with some other food she wants him to try. He waved his hands and shook his head in a 'no' motion, but they were already off before they could register his response.
For the next few days, bobby brought him food to try, and he gave his best input for someone who doesn't talk. But she never really got to know anything about him, because any questions would be met with a blank stare. She pondered...maybe she should bring Dogday next time? He's great at making friends!
Guys look I traumatized him :D
This is supposed to be the whump but I feel like I overhyped it ngl
Additional notes:
-Insomniac (duh. I tried to give him eyebags in the little drawing I made but idk if they actually look like that)
-Situationally mute
-the whole red gas thing doesn't exist. I know it appeared in the little cartoon introducing chapter 3 but it feels extremely out of place here sooo
-instead, he hums or sings a little lullaby or melody to try and help him (others eventually ;) sleep. It usually has an opposite effect for him though, as the only ones he knows are his mothers, which reminds him of.....yeah.
-he really likes music because of this, even if he doesnt get to listen to it often. its sorta the one thing that he sorta still hangs on to.
I really enjoyed this one!! Next is gonna be our resident friend making machine, with a built-in recap to go with. Anyways BYEEE
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rothjuje · 1 year
I almost looked forward to Justin’s work trips back in TX because life was so chill there, it just meant more alone time after the kids went to bed.
Here, no. Nope. It’s Day 9 and I am drained, devoid of energy. Probably doesn’t help that the kids and I all have sinus infections and our dog is having tummy issues. I know I’ve talked about it here before, but the illnesses this year, WOAH. I am doing all the adult things (sleeping an appropriate amount, taking vitamins etc) and this one knocked me down. In June. Wahh.
Less than a week left of school for the kiddos. Well, kind of, George will still have his program for 3 hours 4 days a week.
So. Justin is not very adventurous. He is very typical engineer/ISTJ. The thought of traveling with young kids who have sleep issues is very stressful to him. And yah it is stressful, but you still gotta keep living man. I’m thinking about doing some solo trips with the kids this summer. Just some quick weekend trips and some camping trips. I need (need) to get away and explore and I want to do it with my unpredictable children. Would it be super weird to leave Justin at home? I remember going on lots of girls’ trips with my mom and her friends/their kids, but no solo trips with just her. Justin feels comfortable enough traveling with the girls to Florida every few months, I would like to travel and make some memories too. But chill memories in Vermont and New Hampshire and mayyybe southern tier New York, not stressful plane trips where I would need to deal with car seats and then need to rent a car.
I don’t know. I’m at this point in my life where I’m done begging people. I’m done trying to convince people. You don’t want to do this fun thing? Fine, your loss. You think traveling with young kids is too stressful? K stay home. Byeee.
Life is short and I just want to live it. I’m tired of waiting around for my friends to finally have time to do the thing or go to the place. I’m just gonna start doing my thing and people can join me, or they can stay home. But I’m not waiting around anymore.
I do miss having a ride or die friend. I have two (one currently in CA and one in TX) but it just super sucks sometimes to not have that in person here. Sigh.
Anyway. Justin gets back right before Alyssa’s dance recital tomorrow, she’ll be in two numbers. A flight attendant for jazz (cutest dance ever, this years’ theme is Boston Bound) and some puffy glittery thing for ballet. She is very excited, after rehearsal she said “mom! I got to be on stage! Like JoJo Siwa!” She wants to start taking hip hop classes but they don’t have for her age group, wahh.
My in-laws are here, hoping to get some projects knocked out and have some fun outings with the kids over the next few days. Soo excited for Alyssa to be out for the summer!
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jeyramarie · 3 years
Okay it's like 1AM and I have a math and history exam tomorrow in the same day but whatever, can I ask for a kiara carrera x reader (female if possible) where reader is lesbian (and likes kiara) but is scared to come out cuz her family are this perfect family they are rich and and well known and readers parents are known to be perfect and so everyone expects reader to be smart top of the class talented and over all just perfect and they especially expect reader to be straight so she goes and dates JJ so people won't think less of her and kiara who has been crushing over reader for years now is really unhappy about it and she's all jealous and at first reader thinks it's cuz kiara likes JJ but later on kiara starts saying things to reader like "I bet we'd look good together don'tyou think so y/n?" And reader is all frustrated and blushy and she starts getting more touchy with reader and doing cute shit like comparing hand sizes just to piss JJ off and hoping reader might start liking her back (which reader already does) and well this ask has been long so that's pretty much it, could they like end up together too idk how I have no ideas, also can reader be like this outgoing soft bubbly girl that's always there for everyone cuz like my shyness could never bring me to even be outgoing or be there for people so here is where I escape that, also can reader be girly, that's all damn this is one long ask but um make sure you eat well and drink water, don't forget the water it's important and take care of yourself you're important too and I hope you have a wonderful morning/evening or night wherever you have. Ba byeee <3
don’t think i forgot you😭 i left it for last because i wanted to get every detail right, or try to. i hope you like it 🥲❤️ take care, babes😌
You’re a kook but just like Kiara, you hung out with pogues and felt like one too. Your parents were betty uptight and demanding. They wanted to be the family everyone would want. So, they asked for perfection. They demanded perfect grades, good etiquette, perfect talent, everything.
But you weren’t at all perfect. You’d been keeping a secret for some time and you never knew how you were going to say it, or even say it at all. You were gay, lesbian to be exact. How will you break to your parents that their “perfect daughter” was far from that?
All that brought you to date JJ, fake date him. He knew the whole truth and was all in when you presented your plan. The only thing was that not even the pogues knew you were gay or that you really liked Kiara.
You were all hanging out at the Chateau and you were sitting next to JJ as he explained something about C.H.U.D. to Pope. Kie walked in and immediately frowned after seeing you next to the blonde. No one knew it but she was crazy over you as well.
“Kie, you okay?” You asked feeling concerned as you watched her throw her bag on the dining table.
“Yeah.” She answers dryly and sat across from you. 
“Okay, JJ, that makes no sense.” Pope stood up, walking towards the small cooler to grab another beer. 
“What makes no sense?” You chuckled, pulling your feet up on the chair. 
“Some C.H.U.D stuff babe. He’s completely hating on it. You know what, Pope? You just don’t have good taste.” JJ said, playing with her vape pen. 
“What do you mean I don’t have good taste?” 
“You don’t like C.H.U.D, man and it’s awesome. Right, babe?” The blonde said, tapping your thigh which caused you to nod and smile. 
From the corner of your eye, you saw Kie look down at her hands with a frown. And it took everything in you to not go up to her and kiss her. You stood up and walked over to the cooler, grabbing two beers. One for you and one for Kie. You sat down next to her, sipping from your beer as you stared at the boys. Her eyes burnt into you as she looked at you up and down. 
“I bet we’d look good together don’t you think so, Y/n?” Kie throwed her arm over your shoulder causing you to look at her and back at JJ. She wanted to make him jealous and make you all nervous. And she succeeded. 
“Um.. I-I think so.” You stuttered, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. 
“I’m gonna go inside.” JJ muttered.
“Wait, J-”
“Nah, forget it.” He said disappearing into the Chateau. 
That was one of the many times that Kie’s actions pissed JJ off. “Pissed him off”. He was only pretending of course which made it fun whenever you went to “see what was wrong” when in reality you guys laughed and planned your next move. 
A few days after, they were all hanging out at the marsh on the HMS. You were suntanning with Sarah and Kie on the boat as the boys swam around. The current topic was jewelry. There was a fancy kook party coming up and Sarah had invited all of you which led you to scrap for pretty pieces of jewelry. 
“I mean, you can wear my rings.” Kie suggested. 
“Nah, I don’t think so. Your hands are bigger than mine.” You groaned, sitting up to sip some water but instead your hand was pulled to your side as Kie placed both hands together. Her skin was soft against yours and the touch made your heart skip a beat. 
“Oh, it’s true. Your hands are so tiny.” Kiara chuckled, rubbing her thumb over your hand. At that moment, JJ was on the boat, water dripping from his hair as he cleared his throat causing you to yank your hand away from the pogue. 
“You know this is getting annoying, why don’t you tell her already?” JJ said abruptly causing your eyes to open wide in shock. 
“Tell me what?” Kie chuckled looking at you and back at the blonde. 
“Shut up, J.” You muttered with gritted teeth. 
“Just fucking tell her, Y/n.” The blonde said once again getting everyone’s attention. 
“Tell me what?!” 
“That Y/n likes you.” 
Silence filled the boat as everyone stared at you but your eyes were kept on the ground while tears ran down your cheeks. You wanted the marsh to just open and swallow you at that point. 
“Y/n?” Kie whispered causing you to look up at her. 
“Um... maybe we should leave you girls alone..” Sarah whispered and stood up, pulling JJ off the boat to go swim with the boys. 
“What JJ said, is that... was he telling the truth?” The pogue asked and you sniffled. You tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and nodded  before wiping tears away. 
“I’m sorry, I- I didn’t want you to find out this way.” You whispered and continued to cry, pulling your knees closer to your chest. 
A soft hand touched your knee, causing you look up to see Kiara. Her hand drifted to you jaw, softly grazing her fingers over your skin. And before you could speak, her soft lips were pressed against yours in a sweet kiss. Butterflies erupted in your stomach as your hand flew to cup her cheek, pulling her closer to you. The pogues hollered in joy as you separated from the kiss with bashful smiles. 
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fayemarvels · 3 years
It's just a little thunder
Summary : “You are scared of the thunder aren’t you?” you asked gently and Loki nodded quickly. “Please don’t laugh at me,” he whispered and you shook your head. “I would never do that, don’t worry,” You bent down and kissed his forehead.
Or: Loki is scared of thunders
Word count: 917
Warnings: thunder?, bad writing, grammatical mistakes,
English isn't my first language so please don't mind the grammar and sentence structure mistakes and stuff. If you have any suggestions on how to improve my writing, please let me know.
! Please don't repost my work anywhere without my permission. Thank you!
My masterlist *******
Loki wasn’t scared of many things; he was a big and tough god after all. If you asked anyone who knew him, what they think he was scared of, they would probably say, ‘Oh, he’s scared of something trivial like shopping alone,’ and when you ask them why they would just shrug and say ‘Don’t know, he just seems like the type.’ The other version would be something more simple and common. ‘Oh, he’s scared of death.’ And even though both of those might be slightly true, there is one thing he’s scared of more than anything. And if he has to be honest, it is slightly embarrassing to admit it.
Loki was scared of thunders. As far as his memory could reach, he was always scared of them. There weren’t many people who knew, only a handful. He didn’t like to share that part of himself with the world, or any for that matter.
Only Frigga and Thor knew. He didn’t tell anyone else, maybe because he didn’t have anyone. That was until you came along.
You met Loki when his brother dragged him down to Earth for a visit. You were working in the Avenger’s tower as a cleaner, just to get some money along studying at college. Tony Stark paid some good money and gave hella good bonuses.
You nearly bumped into Loki when you were vacuuming the floor and didn’t hear him come into the room over the music playing in your ears. You apologized and the pair of you quickly hit it off. It didn’t take a lot of time, and you started some kind of relationship only after 3 months of knowing each other.
This unlabeled thing went on for about 4 months before you asked Loki what exactly you were.
“I want to be your lover, your partner I just didn’t know when was a good time to bring this up to you,” he scratched the back of his neck and tried to explain himself, before you kissed him softly, just to shut him up.
He would go on for his whole, life completely content with you not knowing about his stupid fear. But he just couldn’t have good things, no. His life wouldn’t allow that.
One time, when he came to visit you, a storm suddenly started. It came out of nowhere and the electricity in your whole apartment building went out. You, of course, were used to this. It happened very often. Loki on the other hand was scared shitless.
“I swear I put the torch somewhere here,” you mumbled as you rummaged through the boxes in your closet.
“Loki can you please go into the bathroom and try to find some candles? I can’t find the light.” You asked. Before you could get a response, a thunderbolt struck the ground and a deep rumble sounded through the city.
Then, light and quiet whimper came from Loki’s direction. You tilted your head and carefully moved towards him.
“Hey love, what’s wrong?” you asked as you sat down beside Loki who was curled up in your bed, with a pillow over his head, whole body trembling.
“Nothing, nothing I’m fine, totally fine don’t worry,” he mumbled and as he tried to get up, another thunderbolt struck. It wasn’t as loud as the last time, but it still managed to scare Loki who whimpered out and shuffled closer to you.
“Oh hun,” you whispered
“You are scared of the thunder aren’t you?” you asked gently and Loki nodded quickly.
“Please don’t laugh at me,” he whispered and you shook your head.
“I would never do that, don’t worry,” You bent down and kissed his forehead.
“well, I think it’s time for bed what do you say?” you asked and Loki nodded. You shuffled away from him and got under the covers. Before you could call him over to you, he was already under the covers with you, holding you around your waist with his face buried in your neck.
“Thanks for not laughing at me,” he whispered into the dark of the room and you furrowed your brows.
“Has anyone ever done that?”
“Yes, Thor. I came to him once because my mother was away and he sent me back to my room. I was about 9 in your years.” He explained and you squeezed him lightly, trying to bring some comfort.
“Having fears isn’t bad, it isn’t something to laugh at,”
“You never laughed at my fear of butterflies, why would I judge you for being scared of thunder.” You asked gently and he shrugged.
“Well, now you know that when you are scared, you can always come to me, with whatever fear it is” You comforted him and he nodded into your neck.
“Thank you, it means so much,” he whispered and you could hear the tiredness in his voice.
“Good night honey, I’ll see you tomorrow,” you said gently and he hummed.
“If you ever say anything about this to anyone, I will be mad,” he teased and she laughed lightly.
“Yeah, that’s the first thing I’m going to do in the morning, tell the world that the mighty Loki of Asgard is scared of thunders,” you said, trying to sound just a bit serious.
“Now hush and go to sleep, we’ll talk some more tomorrow,” you tried to soothe him as he flinched from another thunderbolt.
“G’night” he slurred, his mind already halfway gone.
He fell asleep moments after that, with you following right after him.
Just something little I wrote today as a thank you for 100 followers, I never would've thought so many people would follow me on here when I started. Again, thank you.
As always, if you have any feedback I would be very happy if you let me know.
Thanks for reading byeee.
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yandere-mha-blog · 3 years
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Hello author here to bring a couple of after stories for cute aggression, hope you enjoy them, they will published at any time so enjoy
After story #1
Everything with Katsuki was going well, ever since the news of your quirk and you taking a  bit of time to yourself and casually going on dates with him, it had been going well. The only thing that you didn't like was the fact he was so busy with work, so dates were scarce, and what was even worse was the damm reports that swarmed the two of you when you were enjoying some street food.
Katsuki ended up exploding a camera, and getting in trouble with the Hpsc, you were in the background laughing at the abusrtry of the citation, what you didn't like was when someone shoved a camera in your face, katsuki being well katsuki was still over protective, even with the nullifying bracelet on, so seeing a reporter get thrown across the street by and angry katsuki while you were just trying to enjoy your crape.
Of course the reporters did see the nullifying bracelet and started asking questions, and Katsuki in all his glory told them to shove their damm questions up their ass, shit them out and step in it, always subtle. .
Right now you were reading a magazine, it was getting late you wondered if Katsuki was going to call tonight, he was always so busy it kinda sucked not being in his aprtment now, but this arrangement was the best at the moment, you tossed your magazine on the coffee table and sat back going on your blog feed, maybe being the ‘girlfriend’ of Katsuki bakugou, the second strongest hero in japan, was giving you a lot of attention not all good attention.
“She ain't even that pretty, why is he dating her.” “She looks so dull :/ Bakugo deserves better if you ask me.”
“Isn't she just distracting him from his hero work, how selfish can this woman be.”
“Why is he dating someone who is so weak looking, you think katsuki would be into stronger women.”
“Yall just jealous.” you said sticking your tongue out at the phone before going back to looking at funny bunny videos, when your phone finally rang, seeing  “angry pompom boyfriend” pop up.
“Hello~” you chirped
“Hey, you picked up on the first ring, you've been waiting for a call?” he asked
“Maybeeee.” you said “how was work, make anyone bleed?”
“ONly the ones that deserved it, altho i got scratch on my arm, not important-”
“NUcked how deep is the cut, i know when you say a scratch it usually means you need stitches!” you said
“Okay fine three stitches, it isn't anything stop worrying about me.” he said
“Can't stop me.” you said
“Look im going to be fine stop worrying about me, anyway an old class mate invited me to this dumb event, and did youw ant to be my plus one?”
“Really what class mate, what's the event?”
“THe hero Froppy, she has this water park , and she invited all the classmates, except for one to join.”
“Ohhh frobby, the frog one, yes her, well the thing is i would love to go but i have a problem.”
“I don't have a bathing suit and I'm not a good swimmer.” you said
“I'll take you bathing suit shopping dn keep you in the kid section.” KAtsuki said
“I'm not a kid.” you huffted
“Well you said you swim like one.” Katsuki said “besides it will be fine if you are going to be surrounded by a bunch of heroes no one is going to let you drown.”
“True, but do they know of my quirk?” you asked
“The doctor said your quirk isn't really effective if it's just a couple of hours, you can explain it to them or I can.” KAtsuki said “So you want to go or not?”
“Yes, I wanna go.” you said “where and when should i meet you for bathing suit shopping?” “I'll pick you up tomorrow around 3.” Katsuki said
“I can meet you there, you know.”
“Just let me do this.” Katsuki said
“Okay thanks katsuki, also don't stress your arm out mr stitches.” you said
“It's almost healed anyways.” Katsuki said “i'll be there at 3 so be ready.”
“I will, byeee love you suki.”
“Don't go all soft on me.” KAtsuki said as you could practically feel the heat from his blush through the phone “...bye.” Click
He was so awkwardly cute sometimes, hard to believe that he tried to keep you locked up in a remote cabin in the woods a few months ago, still a waterpark, they were always so expensive so you never want, i mean the beach and bathtub were just as good, it was mostly spending time with Katsuki you were happy about.
So when Katsuki was standing outside your apartment, at 3:10, waiting ten minutes as you were putting your hair up, you opened the door
“Finally took you long enough, when i say 3, i mean 3.” he said
“And you should know by now , I'm probably going to be ten minutes late.” you said “also is that anyway to speak to your partner.”
He flicked your forehead
“Well it's rude to keep your partner waiting, now let's go.” Katsuki said as you walked to his car, and turned on the music, you were mumbling the words under your breath and bopping to the beat with your head. Katsuki was unknowingly tapping the steering wheel with you.
You finally arrived at the swimsuit shop and happily made your way in only to see katsuki take a seat outside the store
“Ahem.” you said
“What?” Katsuki said
“Aren you going to come in with me?” you asked
“I'm pretty sure you can dress yourself.” Katsuki said, you sighed
“Okay fine Guess I have to deal with all the leechers' eyes on me when I try them on.”
“What?” Katsuki said
“Don't you know there are always those men who like to hang around to be able to see women in swimsuits, and there are a few bikinis in there that look cute.” you said knowing how to push his buttons, so he went in glaring at any dude who even glanced your way, you were looking through the racks of swim sits and held up one that looked more like it belong in a lingerie section
“Katsuki, why are they selling a swimsuit that's just a bunch of strings?” you asked and he put it back on the rack and replaced it with a one piece, you kept looking and saw one that made you laugh
“Hey katsuki you never told me you had a swimsuit deal.” you said holding up a Dynamigth brand bikini
“Wasn’t my idea when they said a swimsuit line, I thought they were talking about athletic swimwear.”
“Hmm, maybe I should get this.” you said and he put it back on the rack and put a different one on
“No.” he said bluntly, he was so easy to tease, you found a couple more you liked, but you were torn between a cute pink one, and black and orange one
“What's taking so long in there?” Katsuki asked as he was slumped against the wall
“I can't decide.” you said, “Katsuki 1 or 2?” 
“1” he said
“Okay this one it is then.” you said walking out in the orange and balck one, before he pushed you back in
“Okay looks great now go get dressed and let's check out already.” he said
“Geez you hate it that much.” you said
“It's fine.”
“Oh so just fine.” you said
“I said it looks great, look can we leave now, i hate swimsuit shopping.” Katsuki said
“Never would've guessed.” you said, walking out in your clothes with the orange swimsuit in hand, as you went and checked out, you passed by the mens swim suits and then had a thought
“Hey Katsuki do you need new swim trunks?” you asked
“No.” he said “I buy the same black swim trunks from the same brand every summer.” Katsuki said
“That is so like you.” you said eye a pair of pink swim trunks with white teddy bear faces on them.
“No, I see what you are looking at, and I'm saying no.” Katsuki said, as you tugged his sleeve
“Can you at least try them on?” you said
“No.” Katsuki said
“Pretty please.” you said
“Adding pretty to the front isn't gonna change my mind.” he said, and you stared at him giving him that look”Don't you dare.”
“Suki, can you pretty please with a cherry on top, try them on.” you said, and that's how you got Katsuki To wear a pair of pink swim trunks with white teddy bear faces on them, he looked extremely pissed off like usually, as you were smiling happy to yourself
“Aww you look so cute.” you cooed and took a photo
“I swear i'm never going to forgive you for this.'' Katsuki said as he closed the door and walked out of the store, you wrapped your arm around his and happily strolled around the mall, getting some Boba together, it wasn't a surprise Katsuki got a Mangoada. You were happily sipping on the peach one you got, as katsuki tried to harass you to try some, even though time and time again you made it clean you didn't like the spice.
Still the two of you saw the time and had to get going to enjoy the water park. Katsuki seemed a bit on edge, maybe seeing his old classmates was making him nervous.
“Oh wow is that momo, and Shoto?” you said “They are in the same ranks as you, oh look it's Kaminari and denki.” 
“Hey look who decided to come join us.” Denki said as Katsuki parked his car and mumbled under his breath and walked out “Look, Mr. Antisocial decided to join us.”
“Can it.” KAtsuki said
“Or what you’ll blow my head off.” Denki then shut his mouth as he saw you come out of the car “I mean...heyyyyy (name)!”
“Hi denki.” you said
“Oh so this is Katsuki Girlfriend.” Sero said, popping out from behind Kirishima “gotta ask what does this little lady see in that brute over there.”
“Katsuki is a great boyfriend.” you said “your name is Hanta right?”
“OH please just call me Sero.” He said sticking his hand out and you shook it only to be taped to his hand “Gotta say im stuck to you.”
“Watch yourself.” Katsuki said pulling you hand off, and just great another flirt, so now you had to deal with denki, sero and kirishima to an extent, the red and white one didn't seem too interested “and look here is the thing about my girlfriend, i think she should explain it though.”
“Thanks katsuki, i have a quirk that has a tendency to make people's emotions about me a little, off the charts with how they feel about me, so Katsuki is wearing the bracelet since there was a incident in april, denki and kirishima were there.” You said and Sero nodded his head
“Noted.” He said patting your head And katsuki slapped his hand away “you sure the bracket works though
“You should have seen him before he had that on.” Denki said,as the front door opened and froppy waved them in
“HI everybody, glad to see those who could make it, I'm surprised to see Bakugou here.” she said
“Sweet lets go!” Kirishima said and you walked in and went into the changing room, a little weird to be left alone with another pro hero, still you got in you bathing suit and momo came out.
“Oh hello.” She said “I didn't get to introduce myself earlier, im Momo.” she said “you are (name) right.”
“Yes, that's me.” you said “So you were one of Katsukis classmates?” “Yes I was, he was...interesting back then.” she said  as the female gym locker slammed open
“Heyyyy heyyy.” you heard and saw a head of bright pink hair and skin walk in “MOMO! “Mina you were able to make it.” she said
“Sure was and….wait a second who is this, i don't remember this face being in our class, she looks a little younge.”
“Oh i'm Katsuki girlfriend.” you said, and she let out a loud gasp
“Mina you are a little loud.” Momo interjected
“Ohhh sorry.” she said turning back to you “is that why you choose the orange and balck swimsuit, tell me everything.”
“You will have to excuse Mina, because she loves other people's relationships.” Momo said, and mina looked at her and gave a mischievous smile
“Speaking of relationships, how are you and Todoroki doing?” she asked
“There is nothing of that sort going on between us.”Momo said,as MIna kept pestering her for information, you decided to leave the locker room, only to see Katsuki waiting by the bench right outside of it, making you jump.
“You ready?” he asked solving an inner tube at you
“Yup, A girl named MIna showed up late.” you said, and Katsuki let out a grone, as Momo walked out looking disheveled as MIna followed and looked at katsuki.
“Still why couldnt of Jiro come?” denki said as kirishima have hima reassuring pat on the back
“Hey be lucky this many classmates were able to come
“Still jiro would have known the best music to play over the loudspeakers and holy moly of god look.” Denki said, as Kirishaim inked him on the head “ow.” “Don't go ogling the girls dude.” Kirishaim said “OH WOW MOMO YOUR MUSCLES ARE REALLY IMPRESSIVE.”
“Thank you kirishima.” she said and getting in the water
“Hey hey hey.” Mina said “i don't hear you saying my muscles are impressive.”
“Oh, well they are.” Kirishima said as Mina put him in a headlock and noggied him, at least you know where Kirishima got his sense of greeting from. Shoto was in the wave pool in an innertube with his eyes closed, he almost looked dead. Kirishima was running away from mina and jumped into the pool splashing you and Katsuki on the side, you shrugged and jumped in with the inner tube, katsuki had his feet in the pool
“Aren you coming in?” you asked
“No thanks.”Katsuki said, as you saw a blob of red under the water swimming towards Katsuki and then grabbing his nakel pulling him in, kirishiam popped his head above the water and was laughing and swimming away from his friend who was out for blood, you sighed wishing you could play along with them, when sero jumped in next to you.
“Hello again.” he said, and you gave him a polite smile
“Hello.” you said
“So i'm guessing you can't swim that well?” Sero said, you nodded, so he pulled out a piece of tape from his elbow and attached it to the tube, and started swimming, pulling you alone “Off we go.”
You were laughing as Katsuki finally got his hands on kirishima and threw him over his head and kirishima landed about a good five feet away with a loud splash, katsuki ran a hand through his hair before looking over to where you laughing was coming from, and he nearly blew a gasket. He swam over and grabbed the other side of the tube
“Hey, what do you think you are doing?” Katsuki said as he wasn't really asking
“OH hey bakugou, im hanging out, she can't swim that good so im giving her a free ride.” Sero said acting all innocent as sero pulled the tube towards him, and then katsuki pulled it back, you weren't really into the whole tug of war so you slipped out the bottom, katsuki looked down and let go causing the tube to smack Sero in the face, as he pulled you above water
“Hey what was that , you can't swim well.” Katsuki said, “Look, just get on my back.”
“Okay.” you said as you latched yourself on his back and he started swimming off
“He is so whipped.” Denki said to sero
“Haha definitely.” Sero said rubbing the red mark that was on his face, Momo was int he wave pool talking to Shoto as he just nodded his head, as mina came by with Kirishima to you and katsuki
“Hey wanna chicken fight?” she asked
“What's that?” you asked
“It's when you sit on someone's shoulders and then you try to push the other person off.” she said
“Hmm sounds interesting but I'm at a disadvantage here.” You said, “What do you think katsuk.”
“Eh.” KAtsuki said
“He is just chicken he is going to lose.” Kirishiam said
“Definitely.” MIna said
“OH you are going to regret saying that.” Katsuki said “(name) get on my shoulder now.”
“Uhh okay.” you said getting on and MIna sitting on kirishima
“Ready set...go!” she said pushing on your shoulder, oh so this was you were supposed to do, you grabbed her shoulders as Kirishima dn Katsuki were trying to remain balanced
“You are going down.” Katsuki said
“Haha you think your girlfriend can beat a pro hero.” Kirishima said, and that comment made you upset, now you want victory.
“Katsuki move back...now!” you said as mina lunged forward and Katsuki dogged her and she fell face first into the water taking kirishima face with her, they both emerged looking angry at both of your dirty tactics to win, as both of you were laughing, kirishima grabbed katsuki ankle again and dragged him under, you started splashing as Kirishima caught you.
“Katsuki let off an explosion underwater sending a stream of water smack dab into Kirishima face as he took you back, mina was laughing at Kirishima face of shook, denki was also laughing in the background.
Over all, every eventful day at the water park it was getting rather late so the pool lights came on, and katsuki was pulling you along by your arms as you were kicking your legs.
“YOu can be a perfectly good swimmer, you should practice at my pool.” Katsuki said, as sero and denki were lounging the chairs and mina and kirishima were racing down the water slide, Shotot and momo were in the lazy river.
Tsu came out from under the water and said that the park was closing soon, shoto and momo were the first to leave, maybe mina was right, something could be going on between them, or they were good friends.
Katsuki was drying your hair off as Denki kept commenting on how he wasn't doing it right and he was going to rip your hair out, sero pulled him away and the two of them left. And Kirishima had to drag Mina out since she was suggesting a  sleepover in the water park.
“Later guys, it was nice seeing you again (name).” Kirishima said
“You too.” you said and waved them off
“Byee it was nice meeting you.” Mina said
“Byee you too.” you replied, as katsuki removed the towel  from your hair
“Did you have fun today?” Katsuki asked
“SUre did, and I think I learned to swim a bit better today as well.” you said, “I'm hungry and tired though.”
“Well...i mean, if you want, i can make you something at my house and stay over, like old times...only if you want.”
“Hmmm tempting.” you said “you aren going to lock me up right.”
He flicked your forehead at that comment
“NO dumdum, remember this bracelet I'm wearing.” Katsuki aid holding his wrist up only for you to notice it was gone, then katsuki noticed it was gone as well “...fuck.”
“Uhhh katsuki where is the bracelet?” you asked
“SHit it must of fell off when i was swimming.” Katsuki said “hey frog girl i lost something in the pool!”
“What was it?” she asked
“MY nullifying bracelet.” Katsuki said 
“Oh, yeah you were wearing a bracelet when you came here, i'll go scoop out the pool for you.” she said and jumped in the water, as you are starting to get a little on edge.
“Hey, look don't worry, i've only been around you a couple of hours, I'm sure.” Katsuki said
“...you asked me if you wanted me to come to your apartment, what is that supposed to make me think when the thing is off.” you said
“Hey it wasn't like that okay, look i mean i miss you and all that sure, but i'm not going to try that bullshit again.” Katsuki said as you scooted away from him
“I think i should go in the washroom till you get it back on.” you said getting up and walking into the women washroom and sighing, you scratch the back of your head, how long was the bracelet off.
“Found it.” Tsu said handing it back to him, Katsuki quickly snached it back and put it on and let out a sigh of relief
“...thanks...look can you go in and tell her it's found.” Katsuki said, she just nodded, it was weird to see Katsuki that freaked out, she went in and found you on the bench inside
“Hey, I found that bracelet.” She said “I don't really know the whole story but it seems really important, you both seem a bit freaked out?”
“Oh you found it, thank you.” you said looking up “And yeah it's kind of a long story.”
“You had a quirk you didn't know about that makes people's emotions about you more extreme?” She asked, you nodded her head “Well at least you know that Katsuki likes you, truth be told not a lot of classmates ever thought he would be in a relationship, and when he got into a bad one we were worried, still he seemed more worried to get the thing back on.”
“Really?” you asked, she nodded
“Yup, Bakugo has been extreme his whole life however, but I'm sure even his care for you is the same as in his hero work, Bakugo has always been the type to put his 100% in everything.”
“Yeah he really is great, I'm just worried.” You said
“Well you should talk to him about it, because he had a very worried expression on his face.” She said “I am going to have to close up now, hope you two sort everything out.”
You walked out and saw Katsuki waiting by the car, you walked over
“You all good-” he started but you cut him off with a hug “why what are you doing?”
“Physical affection.” you said your words muffled by his chest “Sorry for getting so freaked out, i know that you would tell me if you were starting to feel that way again.”
“You are really dumb soemtimes.” Katsuki said, patting your head “you still wanna come over for dinner?” he asked and you nodded your head.
One step at a time you supposed 
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ts-avoid-violet · 4 years
Sanders Sides - 01.03 - Taking on ANXIETY with Lilly Singh!!
01.03 - Taking on ANXIETY with Lilly Singh!! Total Runtime: 5:16 Transcript credit to the Sanders Sides Wiki Timestamps calculated by myself
These are the seconds that the Violet character actually appeared on screen. If you want to completely avoid him, add a second of buffer on either side.
Endcard Note - These are only the timestamps for the main endcard video, I did not include whether or not the character appears in the on-screen thumbnails of previous videos. If you need me to include the previous video thumbnails, shoot me an ask and I will do so.
0:19-0:23 Violet: Hey. Thomas: WHAT THE HECK?! Violet: Oh, I’m sorry, was I not wanted at this exact second?
0:28 Violet: Sup!
0:33-0:35 Violet: Aren’t those the best times for me to show up?
0:37-0:50 Violet: Ah, but that’s when you start wondering why you do feel all relaxed. You don’t usually feel this way, so what are you doing different? What are you doing wrong? What are you forgetting to do? Thomas: Okay, stop it, stop it! Violet: Sorry kid, but this is what I do.
0:59-1:00 Violet: Yo.
1:09-1:13 Violet: Oh boy, I would like to see you try. You can’t just quit me.
1:23-1:24 Violet: Hey there, Princey!
1:35-1:43 Violet: -laughs- You would need some super heavy-duty recruitment. Thomas: -snaps- Violet: Where are we? What?
2:05-2:06 [Violet reaction shot] Thomas: He won’t even let me go to bed without thinking about something I did seven years ago.
2:09-2:10 [Violet reaction shot] Lilly: Oh, so annoying.
2:16-2:21 [Violet reaction shot] Thomas: ME TOO! Lilly: AARGH!! Violet: Look it’s my job. A little blood pumping is good for the old circulatory system.
2:30 Violet: Psh. Yeah right.
2:40-3:39 Violet: Gee, Lilly, I wonder what your friends are saying about you right now. What could they possibl- *Turn on a funny, light-hearted TV show.* Violet: This is actually a really good episode. You’re reading a book right now? When you’ve got all this other stuff to do? *make positive, calming observations.* Lilly: This book is so good. Honestly, it’s nice to just take a break and enjoy some reading. It’s a beautiful day. Violet: Yeah, I- I but… I was saying if- Lilly: Is someone making pasta right now? Oh, I love pasta. Violet: I like pasta too, but I was sayin- Lilly: Oh, look at that bird! Violet: -groan- Let’s go over all the things you did wrong today. *Use positive self-talk* Lilly: I did everything I could possibly have done today the best I could have done them. Violet: Hmm, but y- Lilly: And you know what? I’m happy with everything I’ve accomplished. I did those things, and I did them well. Violet: Okay, but uh… all the things you gotta do tomorrow… *Focus on right now.* Lilly: Well, there’s no need to worry about tomorrow because right now I’m doing exactly what I need to be doing, and that’s getting some rest. Violet: -mocking- And that getting some rest. Come on!
3:47 Violet: That’s right.
4:12-4:34 Violet: Whatever. That was Lilly. You don’t have what it takes. Thomas: Oh yeah? Violet: Mm-hmm. *Take a deep breath.* Violet: Mm. Whoa! *Accept that you have anxiety.* Thomas: I have anxiety. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s something I can control. Violet: N-no, *Realize that it’s all in your head.* Thomas: You are thoughts I create, questions I ask, fears I have, nothing more. Violet: HMMM. Thomas: Byeee! Violet: Fine. But I’ll be back. Thomas: I mean sure, you will be, but I'll be ready. Violet: Okay. Well- you- -groans-
4:57-5:07 Violet: He thinks he’s so great. Well, he is not! Look, I’m just trying to look out for him. Yeah, he was invited to a couple parties. If I wasn’t there to convince him not to go, who knows what bad things could have happened.
5:11-5:16 Violet: Yeah. Wait, what? Red: I don’t like you. Violet: You’re just mad because I just came from a My Chemical Romance concert.
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tamorasky · 4 years
Drinks with Elsa: Kristanna Drabbles 3
Rated: T
Summary: A series of Kristanna drabbles that are based on conversations in my relationship with my partner.
Relationships: Anna/Kristoff
Characters: Anna, Kristoff, Sven, Elsa, Agnarr, and Iduna.
Modern AU
Anna had been surprised to get a call from Elsa, the young woman rolls her eyes and answers; knowing this conversation would be a long one.
“Oh helooo.” Anna greets in their usual goofy fashion.
“Oh hellloooo.” Elsa responds in the same way, causing both of the women to chuckle at themselves.
“What’s up?” Anna asks, sitting back on the blue sectional and turning down the television.
“Nothing, I’m really bored. Are you doing finals right now?”
“We are. But I finished mine on Wednesday, Kristoff has his last one tomorrow morning. Why?”
“You wanna come pick me up from work and we can go to The Yard for drinks? I’ll pay.” Elsa offers. Anna sighs, debating if she wanted to say yes or no; whenever Elsa wanted to go out it was never good.
“What the hell. Sure. Kristoff’s been ignoring me for Geology all day anyway. I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to drive us home though.”
“That’s fine. We can cab back to my place. I’m done at 7, is that okay?”
“Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll see ya soon.”
“Byeee.” Elsa says before hanging up. Anna looks to her bedroom, where Kristoff sat at her desk studying for his geology exam in the morning. She decides not to bug him anymore as she had in that morning. She runs upstairs to where her parents sat in the living room, she sits on the loveseat across from her father and tells them about her evening plans. Both Agnarr and Iduna agree that they could take the girl’s out for dinner to the new restaurant on Broadway, a way to celebrate Anna finishing her finals. Anna texted Elsa immediately, who agreed to go out to dinner; even though going out to nice restaurants made her uncomfortable. They had offered to take Kristoff too but he declined, wanting to study for his exam.
It had been a lovely dinner Elsa and Agnarr talked about the ongoing issues with the Marijuana stock market. While Anna fretted over which history class, she would take next semester, as the one she signed up for had been cancelled. Both Agnarr and Iduna allowed Elsa to order one more glass of white wine and Anna to order one more cider after dinner was done. Without any prompting Agnarr offered to drive the girls anywhere they wanted in this city for drinks. Elsa had chosen her favourite pub downtown, one she used to frequent when she worked downtown. They dropped the girls off in the alley near the pub, allowing for Elsa to have a smoke as they walked to the bar.
The girls go into the bar, Elsa sighing as she sees her usual spot was taken resulting in the girls sitting at a table as opposed to the bar. They begin their night by ordering a pitcher of Bohemian, Elsa’s favourite beer. They finish it within the hours and order another pitcher.
“So how are things between you and Kristoff?” Elsa asks, pouring the last of the second pitcher into her pint glass.
“They’re good. I’m excited to be moving in with him in May.” Anna slightly slurs, trying to remain focused on the subject.
“Good I’m glad.” Elsa smiles, taking a sip of her drink.
“Plus, I gotta keep him around, He’s really good in bed.” Anna chuckles, Elsa scrunches her face in disgust.
“I did not need to know that. I think we’ll need to order another pitcher.”
“Agreed!” Anna exclaims. The two order another pitcher of beer, drinking this one slower than the previous two. The girls are told by their waitress that its last call, asking them if they wanted another pitcher; they order a fourth, finishing the one already at their table.
“We’ll have to drink this one fast.” Anna says as it arrives, Elsa laughs in response as she pours both her and Anna a glass.
“You wanna come back to my place?” Elsa asks. Anna looks at her sister, knowing this could be a mistake.
“Sure! Fuck it I’m already going to feel bad in the morning I might as well come to your place.”
“Okay! Lemme see if I can’t get Maren to come to pick us up.” Elsa says going into her contacts to calls her girlfriend. Elsa groans, hanging up and then redialing.
“She not picking up?” Anna asks, finishing her beer and pouring more into her and Elsa’s glass.
“No, she’s not. She hates it when I call her to come pick me up.”
“Wait…gimme her number. She doesn’t have my phone number; I’ll call her and then she’ll pick up because it’s an unknown number.” Anna says, reaching for her sister’s phone to dial Honeymaren’s number. It rings twice before someone answers.
“HONEYMAREN!” Anna exclaims, slurring. “It’s Anna, Elsa and I need you to come pick us up from O’Sheas.”
“Jesus…Okay, I’ll be there in 10 minutes.” Honeymaren chuckles through the phone.
“Gimme the phone.” Elsa puts out her hand, grabbing at her phone. Anna hands over the phone to her sister.
“Hi, I also need you to drive us to the offsale because Anna and I need wine.” Elsa says. Anna smiling wide at her sister, excited that her trick actually had worked. The girls had gone back to Elsa’s and continued to drink until 6:17 am when Elsa called a cab for Anna. Anna returned home by 6:30 and passed out on the bed in the spare bedroom, so she wouldn’t disturb Kristoff sleeping in her bed.
Anna woke up to the sun shining through the basement window and hears movement in the tv room. Anna stands, taking the two advils drunk Anna had left of her bedside table that morning. She walks into the tv room to see Kristoff sitting on the couch.
“Hey baby, I didn’t realize you were home.”
“Yeah, I decided to come home last night.” Anna says, settling herself in her usual spot on the couch; snuggling into Kristoff’s side. “How was your exam?”
“It was good.” He responds, rubbing Anna’s back. “What time did you get in last night?” “6:30.” Anna mumbles, her head still hurting.
“…you came home 20 minutes before I woke up.” Kristoff laughs, Anna nods in response. “Is it a napping day today?” another nod. “Do you wanna watch Disney movies.” Anna looks up at him.
“Can we start with Moana?”
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benhardyisdaddy · 6 years
Howl - Part 3
(hello babies, so this part isn’t nearly as long as the others so im really sorry, but my laptops gonna die and idk when im gonna get a new charger ((hopefully tomorrow)) so plz enjoy this <3 okay ily BYEEE)
Word Count: 1,446
How can one person think about someone they don’t know so much? Was it his hair? His eyes? The way he licks his lips? You feel your cheeks heat up at that thought and quickly look around to make sure no one is watching you. The three boys are lost in a conversation you have no knowledge of. You lean back against the couch and stare off into space and return to your thoughts about Ben. You couldn’t put your finger on it. 
What fascinated you about him? Yeah he was gorgeous, but you’ve never been infatuated about a person this much, especially just meeting them. You exhale sharply when all of a sudden the front door opens up and slams shut. You jump slightly as you sit up straight. You look over to the entrance and stare intensely as you hope that it was a certain person that will walk into the room at any moment. You’re heart slowly sinks when Lucy walks in. She looks to you and smiles wide as all of the boys jump up to greet her. You stand up as well and walk over to her, arms open for a hug.
“Y/n, it feels like it’s been forever!” she says as she pulls you in for a bear hug. You smile as she lightly squeezes and you pull away to face her.
“I know! Two days is just unbearably long, best friend.” you say sarcastically. Lucy dramatically puts her hand to her heart and closes her eyes. The two of you laugh as you walk back to the couch and slump down. Lucy follows and sits next to you, still giggling. The boys all go back to their conversation as Lucy turns to face you.
“So, did you finally meet Ben?” she asks, raising a brow. “Joe said he was back in town.”
You feel your heart fasten at his name. What was going on with you? If anyone could hear your thoughts right now, they’d try to get you help. How is it that you’re melting over one guy you just met? You haven't felt this way in a long time, crushing on some guy. You felt like you were in elementary again.
“Oh,” you say, clearing your throat. “Yeah, I met him. He was really nice.” you say, feeling your cheeks flush once more. Lucy rolls her eyes and laughs.
“Oh, please.” she says. “Ben is anything but nice, believe me.”
You’re taken back by her words and furrow your brows. He really did seem nice. Yeah he might have sent off this dark, mysterious, bad boy vibe, but he genuinely seemed decent.
“Why would you say that?” you ask, slightly shaking your head. She sits up straighter and looks over to Joe, who’s staring at her. She tenses her jaw and looks back to you, smiling.
“No, he’s nice. I’m just teasing. He’s just, um, rough. Just be careful.” she says. You nod and look down at your hands. What was so bad about him? Gwil said for you to not get involved and now Lucy was saying to be careful. What the hell was up with this guy? Them telling you to stay away from him made you want him even more. Want him? You sound so ridiculous right now. You look around the room once more and feel like you need to clear your head. You should really go home and study for your class tomorrow. You agree with yourself and slowly stand to your feet, holding your purse close to yourself.
“I’m gonna go study, guys.” you say, making everyone look to you. They all stand up and frown.
“Right now?” asks Joe, sadly. You nod and frown as well. He walks up and hugs you. Lucy stands next to you and hugs you next.
“Are you sure?” asks Gwil.
“Unfortunately, but I’ll see you guys later. I promise.” you say, hugging him and Rami. You walk towards to the door as Joe follows. You get to it and pause to turn around. He smiles and hugs you once more.
“You better not go as long without seeing us this time.” he says. You laugh and roll your eyes.
“Okay, I promise. How about tomorrow after class? I don’t work so it’s perfect.” you say as you slowly open the front door. Joe smiles back and nods.
“Yes, tomorrow! I’ll see you then. Please be safe.” he says, getting a bit serious. You smile back to him and walk outside. You shut the door and turn around. You walk down the porches steps and towards your car. As you’re walking you hear someone clear their throat.
“You leavin’?”
You turn your head fast and slightly jump at the sudden voice. Standing outside, leaning against his car with a cigarette hanging from his mouth, is Ben. He’s watching you and smirks when you stare and say nothing. He leans away from the car and grasps the cigarette between his fingers and take a long drag, letting the smoke flow out of his parted lips. You almost envied the smoke for touching his mouth. You swallow hard at that sight and awkwardly smile. Your grip on your purse tightens.
“Um, yeah. I gotta go study.” you reply back as you continue walking. Ben takes a step forward watches you.
“Well I hope to see you again.” he calls out. You freeze and turn to look back at him. You weren't sure what to say. It’s as if your tongue decided to stop working. All you could do was smile and slide into the front seat of your car and start it. You glance back to him as he takes another puff, his eyes on you. You quickly put your seat belt on and drive away, still feeling his eyes on you. Your heart was pounding and you were almost happy you were away from him. You felt so awestruck and confused when you were looking at him. Is this what it feels like when you have a crush? You reach your arm forward and turn on your radio.
“I'm on the hunt down I'm after you. Smell like I sound I'm lost in a crowd and I'm hungry like the wolf”
You turn the song up and loudly sing along with it, distracting yourself. You attempt to clear your head, but Ben keeps popping back up. You sing even louder, but it doesn’t help. You drive for what feels like forever and continue singing. You pull up to a stop sign and look both ways. It’s clear as you start driving once more. You’re lost in your song when all of a sudden the sound of a loud horn blasts through the air. Before you could look over, your car is smacked from behind and thrown forward. You scream at the contact and cover your face quickly. You gasp for air as the airbag flies out and barely misses your face. You come to a sudden stop and slowly open your eyes. You feel something warm and wet slide down your face. You bring your hand up and touch your forehead. You close your eyes as it stings and pull away to stare at bright red blood glistening on your fingers.
You look around and watch as people are rushing up to you. You quickly unbuckle your seat belt and begin to feel woozy. You weakly open the car door and swing your legs out. You hear a person calling out for you to not move. Everyone kept yelling at you and asking if you were okay. You slowly stand on your feet and feel a slight pinch in your leg.You go to look down, but someone is screaming loudly. You look over and watch as a man is holding his head, eyes wide open. He looks terrified as he looks at you and behind him. You couldn’t make out what he was saying, but he looks scared. 
“Did you see that!?” you hear him scream out. People were confused and trying to calm him down. “No, did you see that!? Oh my God, did you see that!?” he keeps screaming. 
You then finally look down to the pain in your leg and stare at a long piece of glass sticking out. Blood’s spilling out of the wound and suddenly your head begins to spin. Everything around you becomes fuzzy and eventually white. Before you know it, your eyes close and you feel yourself fall on your back, smacking the concrete. The last thing you remember were the sounds of people screaming and the siren of an ambulance. Then everything went quiet and black.
Tag List: @secretsweetscollectionblog @ohmystaxk @seven-seas-of-hi @ramimalekrp-roleplayerpage @rogertayolr @mautand @peter-parkersbb @mothermercuryy @basics-andthesimplelife @caterinaborgia @discodeacyjazzyjoe @bethany-cc @thewinchesterchronicles @iambuckyrogers @idontbelievethiss (if you asked me to tag you and i forgot, im SO SORRY plz resend me an ask, comment or send a message and ill write down ur name cuz im up and have my notebook or if u just wanna be added to this tag list ily all) 
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cartooness · 5 years
Sum Masonder Stuff part 82 or something lol
Okay, so. Lavender Grey and Mason Adalbert are both huge dorks. They are. And they're in love and it's beautiful. So, here are some dialogues I've made up for them haha.
Lav, jokingly,- You look like a cheeto.
Mason- Well at least I'm flaming hot then!
Lav, staring at Mason, admiring him with so much love- You're gorgeous. <3
Lav, red as a strawberry,- O///////O thanks.
*proceeds to hold him tight under the blankets*
Lav- I love all of you <3
Mason- You do??? :')
Lav- Of course I do! I love you here *pecks his forehead* and here *pecks his cheek* and here *this goes on for a while lmao*
••Like almost an hour later••
Lav, very smitten,- Does that answer your question?
Mason, malfunctioning due to the amount of love,- Yeah. My turn.
Lav- Heh.
Mason- *does the exact same thing*
Lav- Button?
Mason- Lovely?
Lav- >///< sorry I just. Love my pet name so much.
Mason- Well it's true! You ARE lovely! *hugs her and kisses the corner of her mouth*
Lav- Aww, thanks n///n
Lav- Button. I'm cold. Are you?
Mason- Yeah, kinda.
Lav- Wait I'll get us a blanket. *uses magic to levitate a blanket towards them*
Mason- Also my heart is cold. Can you warm it up owo??
Lav- *adjusts blankey, then snuggles up close to him.* Of course. <3
Mason- Can I kiss you please?
Lav- Okay.
Mason- *kisses her hands*
Lav- Ò/////Ó *SPUTTER*
Mason- ÒwÓ
Lav- Hmph. My turn. *holds his face and kisses him rather passionately*
Mason, a few minutes later,- Ò////Ó
Lav- ÒwÓ
Mason- Lav is like a basket.
Travis- Explain.
Mason- She holds me.
Lav- *is carrying him bridal style* uwu
Mason- !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Decan- She's been like this for an hour. I'm scared. Do you think you know what happened?
Mason- ...catnip.....
Decan- Wha?
Mason- *sigh* Okay so, Jace invited Lav and I to the animal shelter he works at and she was playing with all the cats, which was absolutely ADORABLE, and SOMEHOW, SHE FOUND CATNIP, SNIFFED IT, AND NOW SHE'S HIGH OR SOMETHING!!! Is it because she has cat like qualities????
Decan- She. Got high. Off of catnip??
Lav, delirious,- HELL YEAH I DID!!! *goes back to the floor*
Decan- I'll carry her to her room. *sigh*
((This was so stupid fhdhgsfhah))
Mason- Your eyes sparkle like the ocean~♡
Lav- My eyes are brown?
Mason- Your eyes sparkle like the Hudson River?
Lav- Button, can we cuddle please?
Mason- Of course!
*cuddle each other*
Lav- *snuggles up real close*
You're such a wonderful human being, you know that? You're so compassionate about others, even when you've had a rocky past, you listen to others and what they have to say, and you're never angry like, ever. It's really rare to find people like that.
Mason-.... well, I'd say you're not so bad yourself. First of all, you're like. The most powerful human to ever exist, and that's really saying something, and from what I've been told, you escaped from your childhood hell and actually made it here, and by the luck of the all mighty universe, found a family to call your own. And the trauma? You have a super strong support system AND you're a natural born fighter.  Not to mention, you are like, SO smart about so many different things. It's amazing. And you're so, so sweet and passionate about so many people and things you love and care about. Falling in love with you was the best thing that's ever happened to me. *realizes what he just said*
Lav- *blushing like crazy* you... fell in love.... with me?
Mason- Yes! I have! I've fallen and I can't get up! You're, just, so smart, so passionate, so strong, not to mention you're absolutely GORGEOUS in every sense of the word, how could I not fall in love with you! I love you! So much!
... I love you too. Jesus, I am so in love with you I literally can't put it into words. You are such a wonderful, kind, handsome, absolutely adorable human being, all around the absolute love of my life. *holds his face*
Lav- And I think I want to kiss you until I can't feel my face anymore. You?
Mason *blushing* - Yes please.
And then they’re hardcore making out, and by that I mean they're in a mad lip lock while hands are entangled in hair and/or holding the others face. This goes on for a while lmao.
~~About like 7 minutes later~~
Lav- *breathless and very lovestruck*
Mason- *Also very breathless and very lovestruck*  So... my love, how'd I do?
Lav- Well, darling, I think you've really outdone yourself~
And then they’re snuggled up into each other, once again, enjoying the moment. <3 ((they're so cute ahhhhh))
Ok so, I like to think Mason would definitely have yearning sessions with Kyle because they would. So this was right before lav and mason got like, together together.
Kyle- You ever just have the need to like. Cuddle up with someone. And hold them close.
Mason, in a proper yearning mood,- Ugh, YES. Don't judge please, but you know Lavender?
Kyle- Yeah. We see each other every day, and she made me pride pins. That was really kind of her.
Mason- .... I would love to hold her tight and just. Snuggle up with her all day. Yeah, that sounds wonderful.... -///-
Kyle- OOOH! YOU LIKE HER!!!! ~~~
Mason- Heh!? Wha.... maybe!!! I don't have to tell you!!! *hiding his face*
Kyle- My dude, it's okay! I mean, she's nice and stuff, you guys are already giod friends, so it's not like there'd be any major problems I guess.
Mason- Well, yeah, but I just don't know if she likes me back! Like, as more than a friend!! I dunno. I'm going to her place tomorrow on Friday, and maybe I'll tell her then. Better to rip the band aid off now when it's fresh or whatever.
Kyle- Ah, ok. Tell me how it goes!! But for now, let's finish Mr. Caps homework.
Mason- Yeah, let's do that.
Ok now here's one with Lavender and her friend Tracy ; )
Lav- Cloudy?
Tracy- Yeah?
L- I like Mason. A lot.
T- Oh, please! You guys are so CUTE! You're always with one another, always enjoying company, and I'm pretty sure those platonic relationship cuddles are flustering you now. Do you get all shy and stuff when you're around him now?
Lav- Wha- yeah? But it used to not be that way!! Hmph. Damn his cute face and his laughter. And his caring touch. And his beautiful smile. He probably tastes sweet as well...
Tracy- >:3 You're head over heels for him!!!!!
T- But what if he does??
Lav- ... but what if he does? *hopeful*
And then they kissed the next day XD
So me and my lovely mutual @ghostly-business came up with these uwu
Did you know Lav's favorite way to hold Mason is by straddling him and snuggling into his chest while holding each other taught? Also he strokes her hair and face as well ((Note- on this blog straddling is never s*xual)) And they're on her bed, with a warm blankey, enjoying the moment :'') They nap/sleep together all the time. For reals. Mason has been in her room more times than he can count lol. They are so cute and fluffy and in love it makes me so soff Lav wears flavored lip balm all the time (like me, currently wearing the flavor strawberry sprinkle :p) , so she likes to kiss him and she'll be all like "What flavor is it? OwO" and he'll either actually guess or be like "Hmmm, I dunno, I need to taste it again ;)" cause he's flirty like that sometimes and they're favorite flavor is root beer. Or he decides to purposely guess something very wrong to mess with her, and guesses things that are inedible like “toothpaste” and they both giggle about it YES. HE WOULD.
"Pft, not even CLOSE to blueberry, Button."
 "I know, I know."
Have you seen Cloudy with a chance of meatballs???
You know that scene where flint and same like, puffed their cheeks up and kissed each other? Big masonder vibes right there :OOOOOOOOOOOOO :D !! I also rly love the jello scrunchie tooo aH
 Honestly they are like, a version of masonder. Exactly, The embodiment of masonder. YES. Also Mason would totally go to like. A peach farm and pick a bunch for lav cause she loves peaches. Mason, one day, on the phone, "Hey lav meet me at my place I have a surprise byeee" Imagine them. Sharing a peach tho, like, they just take a big bite of it at the same time and then give each other the biggest smiles. Y E S.
 I’m. Somft
And she's all like "Ah, nothing beats a near over ripe peach!" Mason, "I think your smile begs to differ" Lav-😶😶😶
 Mason- And you're definitely way sweeter than they'll ever be <33 *pecks her lips*
 I just had a wonderful idea. Lav and Mason, on a fruit farm date, And they have so much fun. There's a bunch of kids there as well, and it's so cute seeing them help the babies reach stuff. Or taking pictures for other families. Yessss love that.
 Imagine they find this weird looking fruit and give it a name like “Fred” or something like that and take a bunch of photos/selfie of said fruit. Y E S. THEY WOULD. I'M LOVE. Mason- LOVELY OMG LOOK AT THIS STRAWBERRY
 Lav- :OOO It looks like a Fred! They name it after Scooby doo’s Fred Jones because it looks similar to him. Like it’s just vaguely Freddy like. And then it's the evening, they have like 2 baskets of various apples and peaches and stuff, and they're sitting under a big tree, Lav's head on his shoulder, and Lav's all like "Mason, I'm going to feed you a strawberry, okay?" "Okay. Ah-" and then she catches his mouth in a kiss and starts passionately kissing him. He's kissing her back as well, and after a minute or two, they depart and he holds her in his lap. The sun is going down, so they head to Mason's house, and they put away all the fruit they didn't already eat, and now they're in his room. Mason lays on his bed, Lav right after. Then they get real close and snuggle into each other. "I love you." "I love you too." And then they drift to sleep.
OK BUT I had this new idea abt the whacky strawberry thing - what if, instead of Fred Jones, the strawberry looked vaguely like Lewis. They call it “Lewis Pepperberry” and the second they show Lewis he’s just:  ಠ_ಠ. Lewis Pepperberry has a very special place in the fridge.
 Oooh! Yay! Lav put a spell on it so it'll never rot.
I’m thinkin the green leaves of the strawberry could be the 2 little tufts of hair on the back of head (hopefully you know what I’m talking abt lol -) Must never let the Pepperberry rot.
 Oh Vivi and Arthur would absolutely LOVE the Pepperberry, they would never let Lewis live it down. They would pepper it in (hehe) to their conversations from time to time and Lewis would always be caught off guard by it. Mystery would find it kinda ridiculous but support it anyways (and maybe put into some of their conversations as well sometimes)
Vivi, after kissing Lewis,- Mm, sweet as a pepper berry~♡
Lewis- Ò////Ò Vivi, darling, Please....
 Oh did I ever tell you lav is strong enough to bridal style carry Mason and she loves to scoop him up and shower his face and jaw with kisses?
“Sometimes our relationship is built by being silly and Lav holding me bridal style and smooching me” - Mason
 Also yes, masonder in a nutshell. Infinite smooches and holding. Along with being huge dorks. Omg.  You know how when moms kiss their newborn babies and they make those little noises while they kiss them 50 times on the same spot of their cheek? This makes little sense, but Lav and Mason kiss each other like that. They like, chose a spot and rapid fire kiss it like 50 times and it makes this little like, noise, IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN LMAOO. I literally can't explain it omg. But they smooch All. The. Time. And Mason is a surprisingly good kisser lol. Lav is almost there XD.
 I think you may be talking about a raspberry (not the fruit, the informal def is: a sound made with the tongue and lips in order to express derision or contempt. It’s like a pbbth sound I think how you’d describe it? I might be wrong so correct me if I am lol) KINDA. Like, it sounds like you're calling for like. A cat. This makes no sense I'm so sorry. It’s alright XD
But they do blow little raspberries on like the neck and stuff to get a laugh out of each other. Awwww.
The night of their wedding. They go to their room it's literally DRENCHED in pillows and blankets and sheets. There's a note from everyone that says "do what you want :p" They build the best pillow fort ever and be cute and cuddle and snuggle. They also try for a baby but that's another story lol
XD I love that tho pillow forts are most certainly their thing. They do it every Friday night and watch a sappy movie too with their favorite beverage. 
I LOVE YOU, YES They're watching Frozen and Lav is belting all the songs as Mason awkwardly dances, he sings along as well. Big cuddle time, Lav is probably laying in or on Mason’s lap, or against his side with her arms wrapped around him and his hand stroking her hair. Yes :'') They always sing along during musicals on Friday night’s it’s a rule that must NEVER be broken. Y E S. (Unless they’re in a theater, that’s the only exception tho) Of course uwu
 :OOO THEY SING BROADWAY TOGETHER. YES. BROADWAY MUSICALS THAT IS. THEY KNOW THE BE MORE CHILL AND MEAN GIRLS MUSICAL BY HEART. Those also happen to be the only musicals I know all the songs of haha. Mason definitely brushes her hair. Lavender has very voluminous hair and it's long and pretty and so much fun to play and style it. He'll blow dry it and brush it for her 100% And then he'll hold her and sleep with her :') I’m listening to a song in Singin in The Rain and I heard the PERFECT masonder quote that I think fits them really well: *it’s raining pretty hard outside* Lav - “Be careful, it’s raining a little harder than usual tonight.”
Mason - “Really? From where I stand the sun is shining all over the place ~”
And then Mason gives a sweet peck to her lips (it’s not the EXACT quote from the movie bc I altered it so it isn’t as specific and could be applied anywhere, but it still followed what was said)
 Awwwwwwwww I love it!!
 I don't deserve my own ocs mgsmgysltsltlstlstlslts
 XD They’re too good for this world. Exactly. They have so, so SO much love for each other.
😍😍😍😍😍 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Constant masonder mood.
And that's what we came up with XD
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imitranslates · 6 years
Fukigen na Mononokean Ch. 63
Lots of cute anecdotes about Abeno’s childhood and some ominous foreshadowing in this month’s chapter.
Please remember to check out the official English release when it comes out, preferably on Crunchyroll if you’re able to!
The newest chapter can be read on the official website by clicking the yellow button labeled 読む!
Fukigen na Mononokean Chapter 63 - Unusual path
Page 3
Legislator: ......
Legislator: .......?
Page 4
Abeno: It's nice to meet you.
Abeno: I am Abeno Haruitsuki, an employee of the Mononokean.
Abeno: I'll be in your care.
Legislator: ..........
Legislator: Mmm...
Legislator: Aoi...
This human... Did you kidnap him from the mundane world?
Page 5
Aoi: What a horrible thing to say...
Aoi: We had a fated meeting, when I saved him from being possessed by a demon.
Page 6
Aoi: I took a liking to him, so I decided to take him on as my employee.
Aoi: Please treat Itsuki well from now on.
Aoi: If you do anything to bully him, I'll kill you.
Page 7
Legislator: ...And so,
I got a murder threat from Aoi.
Legislator: That was my first meeting with Itsuki.
Page 8
Ashiya: So Abeno-san was employed after he was saved by Aoi-san...
I didn't know that...
Justice: They came to my place to introduce him, too, but,
When they said they were going down to the Executive's, I went along 'cause I thought it'd be real dangerous.
Ashiya: Then... His first meeting with the Executive was...
Legislator: (Pfft!) The Executive was helpless against Aoi, huh.
Ashiya: ?
Legislator: Even though he had the biggest opposition against her hiring a human,
In the end, he ended up being in charge of Itsuki's schooling at Aoi's insistence .
Justice: But when he taught him, he'd say Itsuki was a quick learner.
He didn't look that bothered about being a tutor.
Even made a room for him in the Songbird's Cage.
(Ashiya: That room, huh...)
Page 9
Legislator: (Even so...) Itsuki was so honest and kind back then...
When the documents on my desk piled up, he'd say, "I want to help!" and organize them neatly for me.
Whenever I said, "I'm tired..." he'd bring over some tea and massage my shoulders.
Justice: Me too...
Justice: He said he wanted to visit all over the Underworld, so he'd get on my back and we'd stroll around...
We'd take a break in the middle to get sweets and eat 'em together.
Once we'd get back to White Sand Prison, he'd curl up on me in place of a futon and take a nap.
Ashiya: (These two have so many fond memories they keep bringing up!)
Ashiya: ...
Ashiya: (It's all...
Stuff I haven't heard, huh.)
Page 10
Justice: ...Hey, Ashiya-kun.
Ashiya: Yes?
Justice: Itsuki's told you about his time with Aoi as the master... right?
Ashiya: !
(There were times he brought up Aoi-san briefly, but...)
Page 11
Ashiya: I haven't heard much from Abeno-san.
Ashiya: All I know is...
The "Abeno-san" since the day he hired me.
Ashiya: I barely know anything about him before then.
Justice: ...Gotcha.
Justice: ...Then, you won't hear it from us.
Page 12
Justice: We're not gonna tell you how Itsuki wound up in the forest.
Ashiya: ...
[I was a little bothered by it, but
It wasn't like I was asking so I could pry into it from the start.
It's fine if I go on not knowing.]
(Legislator: Now then, let's get back inside.
I wonder if Itsuki's done with his report yet.)
(Justice: He's gonna kick you out again if you keep on smoking.)
Page 13
[Abeno-san chose to employ me.]
(Legislator: Itsukiii, we're back!)
[He hired someone he just met, whose past he didn't know.]
[If the time comes for me to know about it,]
[Abeno's the one who should tell me, right?]
Ashiya: We're...
Abeno: !?
Page 14
Tadpole: Ring.
Tadpole: Ring ring...
Legislator: Oh? I wonder who's trying to contact us?
Tadpole: Ring ring...
Abeno: Isn't it the Executive?
Abeno: You still haven't given him a mission report, have you?
Tadpole: Ring.
Legislator: Ah yes, I forgot to send any information.
Justice: So he sent a call once he got annoyed enough...
Legislator: Yes, hello?
Page 15
Voice: Hiiii~
Legislator: ...
Legislator: Oh, Koura, it's you... You scared me...
Koura: ?
Koura: (Hmm?) But I wasn't trying to scare you? Sorry.
(Shizuku: Koura-sama's in a good mood.)
Koura: I have some new information. I wonder if now's a good time to share it?
Legislator: I don't mind.
Koura: It's about the princess's physical condition, though...
Page 16
Ashiya: !!
Justice: Is it bad?
Koura: No. The medicine seems to be effective.
Koura: But she's too concerned about the Underworld to properly rest, so I'm worried that the same thing could happen.
Koura: I want to stay with the princess a little longer, so I'll be leaving Shizuku to mind the store for me while I'm gone.
Legislator: When you say a little longer... how many days is that, exactly?
Koura: (Let's see...) I want to watch her condition for seven days to be safe.
Legislator: I see... I got it.
Page 17
Legislator: In that case, I'll have Itsuki and Ashiya-kun
Stay for in the Underworld for seven days while the princess is being treated.
Ashiya: Huh?!
Legislator: There's a chance of an incident occurring if the princess's divine protection shrinks again.
Your mission will be the same as before, but I'd like for you to be on standby to handle any threats of plague plants or host insects at a moment's notice.
Legislator: You can stay here during your stay.
If you need anything, you can ask my employees.
Page 18
Ashiya: (Staying in the Underworld for seven days?!)
Ashiya: (I'll have to take a break from school, and think of something to tell my mom to explain why I'll be gone...)
Ashiya: (I can't just say OK! to this sudden request... (But the Underworld's in trouble...))
Abeno: Okay.
Legislator: I'm counting on you!
Ashiya: H-hey?! Can't you hold off until further review!?
Koura: Hm? If the Legislator's place is no good, do you want to stay at my place? (Shizuku will probably be lonely by herself...)
Ashiya: N, no... It's not that...
Justice: Since you can't stay unless I'm watching over you...
Wanna come to White Sand Prison?
Justice: I've got lots of rooms.
Ashiya: (By rooms, you mean cells...?!)
Page 19
Legislator: Hairball-kun, you want to stay with Ashiya-kun, don't you? Of course, you're more than welcome to.
Ashiya: (Fuzzy!? When did you get on the Legislator's shoulders?!)
Koura: You're welcome to Kiyakudo.
Justice: White Sand Prison is good.
Legislator: You'll stay here at Newt Lake, right?
Abeno: Anywhere's fine...
Koura&Legislator&Justice: Ashiya-kun? (Where will it be?)
Ashiya: I...
Ashiya: I!!
Page 20
Fusshi: Saga.
Let's buy meatbuns from the convenience store on the way home.
Saga: I want oden.
Fusshi: I'll get some oden with you, then.
Page 21
Zenko: (Did Abeno and Hanae come back yet...?)
Zenko: They're not here...
Zenko: Guess I'll have to try again tomorrow.
Page 22
Ashiya: Tomorrow?
Zenko: Hanae... I thought you weren't back yet.
Ashiya: The teacher asked me to help out with some stuff.
Zenko: You're off today?
Ashiya: Yeah...
Today... Actually, tomorrow and the day after, too.
Zenko: Did you lose your ability to see demons again? (That's why you were on break last time.)
Ashiya: I'm not off because I'm feeling out of it.
The truth is...
Page 23
Zenko: So Abeno's been out since the day before yesterday...
(Abeno: It's enough for one of us to stay in the Underworld.)
Ashiya: I'm working at the Mononokean like usual, but...
I was finishing up what I could do in the morning, so he probably won't call me...
Ashiya: If there's anything I can do...
Mononokean: "It's okay even if I can't see Hanae!" is what he's saying.
Ashiya: That face...
Abeno: That face...
Ashiya: Though his face didn't seem to say it was okay.
So we decided it was better for Fuzzy to stay with me, in case I met any demons while Abeno-san was away...
Zenko: He's looking after the house, then?
(Ashiya: I'm home!)
Ashiya: !
Page 24
Ashiya: A letter?
Zenko: Oh...
Zenko: A letter with...
A spirit photo.
(Ashiya: Spirit...)
Ashiya: !?!?
Zenko: Wanna see...?
Ashiya: (Uwooo?!) Wait...!! Let me prepare my heart first!!
Page 25
Zenko: I'm kidding.
I know you're bad with this kind of thing, so I wanted to ask Abeno's advice directly.
Ashiya: .......
Zenko: Abeno... He'll be back in seven days, right...?
Ashiya: !
Zenko: What will Abeno do if the Underworld Princess's condition keeps getting worse...?
Page 26
Zenko: I don't really understand when I'm with you guys, but...
When I think about Abeno, I really feel like he's someone from another world.
(Even though he's human...)
Page 27
[Shizuku: Even though when Itsuki started working for the Mononokean...!]
[Legislator: Itsuki was so honest and kind back then...]
[Justice: He'd get on my back and we'd stroll around...]
(Long before we met, Itsuki spent his time in the Underworld.)
(He lived surrounded by demons.)
Page 28
[Even if he's human,
He's someone from the Underworld......]
Zenko: I'll visit again next week to ask about the spirit photo.
Ashiya: I'll let him know about it if he calls me for work.
Zenko: Thanks.
(Zenko: Bye-bye!)
(Ashiya: Bye-byeee!)
Page 30
[If the Underworld Princess's condition worsens...]
[He probably won't be able to come back to the mundane world...]
Page 31
Ashiya: (...No, no, no, he has to take care of Fuzzy, too!]
(Next week, he'll definitely be back!)
Ashiya: Next week!!
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justmesadgirl · 6 years
only one night - Sebastian Stan Part 3
Words count: 2186
Paring: Sebastian Stan x Reader
A/N: feedback is always welcomed! English is not my first language and i have dyslexia so if there are typos I’m sorry! And let me know if you want a part 4! Feedback is always welcomed!
inspired by Shawns Mendes song : Where were you in the morning.
part1 part 2 part3 part4 part5 part6part7 part8 part9
Tumblr media
It was monday morning and you really didn’t want to get up from bed. How could you go to work when you knew you will see him, after everything that happened in Saturday. After leaving Sebastian’s apartment you went straight home. When you got to your apartment Rose was with some guy named Chris that he had met Friday night at the club where you were. So you just went straight to bed and listening to them in the other room, not nice.
On Sunday morning you woke up with a little hangover and stayed in bed even though Rose and the Chris guy invited you to go eat with them somewhere but you didn’t really feel like going anywhere so you just ate ice cream in bed and watched Netflix.
You got up after lying in bed for too long. You needed some coffee. You walked into the kitchen and met with a shirtless Chris, he was kinda hot.
“Morning” he smiled at you. So Rose’s type.
“Morning. So you live here now?” You joked a little because he had been here for the whole weekend.
“Maybe I do.” He joked back. You just smiled at him and poured a cup of coffee for yourself.
“Bye Chris. See you tonight then.”
You walked back to your room and got dressed. You but on some makeup to look a little more alive. You didn’t want to see Sebastian and didn’t know how to get away with not going to work. As you were trying to think an escape plan Rose walk in with a huge smile.
“So you going to see Sebastian today?” She asked you. You told here everything that had been going on.
“Yeah but I’m trying to not to go to work today. But I can’t come up with anything.” You tell her as you fall back to bed.
“Call in sick?” you let out a little laugh of course you can’t call in sick it would be too obvious. “Or say that you have family emergency so you can’t come to work today so you have the whole day to think an escape from him?”
“Maybe I should try that one?” you asked and now she let out a smile laugh.
“Well, you can always try that.” Rose told you. “but I need to get to work now. Byeee”
“Bye. See you after work.” you wave to her. You got up from your bed and put all your stuff into your bag and looked into the mirror. You didn’t look as bad as you could look. You really didn’t want to go to work you weren't ready for the day. You looked at the clock and you realize that you were going to be late if you didn’t leave right away. You put on your high heels and left.
You walked as fast as you could to work. You didn’t have time even take a taxi. You hate the New York traffic. You walked up to the elevator. The elevator was full like always. You got pushed to the back of the lift and that’s when you saw him run to the elevator before the doors closed. You looked at him, you could only see his back and he couldn't see you. From every floor more and more people got out and now you were left alone into the elevator. You just looked down at your feet hoping that he would not recognize you. Then the doors opened to your floor and you walked quickly out of the elevator. You knew that he would go up a couple floors more but you could hear someone walking after you.
fuck. fuck. fuck.
You walked to your little room that you had where you worked with another girl. You should pack up all your stuff and take them to his floor and get started but you really didn’t want to. He walked to his mother’s office. Someone had brought you a box so you could pack your work stuff. You put all of your things to the box and picked it up. You looked around the little room and let out a sigh. You didn’t want to leave.
You looked around before leaving the little room you didn’t want to see Sebastian before you really had to. But you had to go to Margot's office to ask where you had to go and you had seen him going into there. You walked up to her secretary table and smiled at here.
“Is Margot in there? I have to ask here something.” You tell the girl.
“Yes she is there waiting for you so go in.” She smiled at you and you just nod at here and walk to the door and knock at the door.
“Come in!” You hear her call out. You open the door and first thing that you can see is him sitting on the couch. He is wearing a really nice gray suit.
“I was waiting for you.” Sebastian smiles at you and gets off the couch. “Let me help you that and follow me.” He takes the box from you and looks at his mother.
“See you later mom.” He smiles at her and opens the door for you. You didn’t even have a chance to talk to Margot. So you just walk out of the door Sebastian right behind you.
You two walk to the elevator and you hit the button to go up. Either one doesn't say anything until you are alone in the elevator again.
“You have left me now twice.” He tells you with a smirk on his lips like always.
“Can we not talk about this at work?” You ask him as you look at him.
“Well then go to lunch with me.” he smiles at you as the doors open and you two walk out.
“I  already have lunch plans, so no.” You tell him but you really don’t have any plans.
“Oh really. With who?” He asks as he stops in front of an empty table and places the box on it.
“You don’t know him.” You tell him and start pulling out things from the box. He was about to say something but a pretty blond comes up to him and tells him that he has a phone call waiting for him and then the girl gives you some papers.
“Can you help Y/N get started?” Sebastian asks the girl as he walks to his office. You get to know that the girl is Sebastian’s secretary and she helps you get started with your new work. Lunch time rolls around and you take your bag and leave. You really needed to get out of there. You were going down with the elevator as it stops at your old floor and Zac walks in and after him Margot and Sofia. Zac smiles at you and walks to you as you try to ignore Sofia’s stare.
“Wanna have lunch together?” you ask Zac.
“Yes please we have a lot to talk about.” He winked at you and you just laugh at him. As the doors open you and Zac walk past Margot and Sofia. You go to a small restaurant couple blocks away from work. You tell Zac everything that happened and you two decide to change numbers so you two could get lunch together tomorrow too. You manage not to bump into Sebastian for the rest of the day luckily.
As you got home you fall onto the couch. You felt like quitting the job.
“Hey. Wanna come eat with us? We are going to meet up with one of Chris’ friends.” Rose asked you as she fell on to you.
“First of all ouch and I really want to die here today.” You tell her as you push her of you and she falls onto the floor.
“I will not take a no for an answer.” She tells you and pulls you up. “Now go put on something normal and let's go.”
You change into some jeans and a hoodie. Not really feeling like dressing up. You go to your and Rose’s favorite small cute Italian restaurant that has the best food. You and Rose go and get a place to sit as Chris stays outside to wait for his friend.
“So how was your first day with Sebastian.” Rose asks you.
“Well, not so good. It was just so uncomfortable and awkward.” you tell her truthfully.
“oh nooo..” You hear her say as she is looking at the door. “What” You ask her as you turn around and look how Chris walks in and you can see how Sebastian, fucking Sebastian Stan walks behind him. How unlucky can a girl be?
“Did you know!?” you whisper yell at her.
“Hell no he just said his best friend Seb. I didn’t think New York was so small that it was him?” She tells you with a panic in her voice. It was too late to run.
“Hey girls.” Chris says as he sits next to Rose. “This is my friend Sebastian. This is Rose and that’s..” He was about to introduce you to him as Sebastian says your name.
“Oh, you know each other?” Chris asks with a surprise in his voice.
“You can say so.” Sebastian says as he sits next to you.
“Sebastian is her new boss…” Rose tells Chris. Chris had heard your and Rose’s conversation about your new boss that you had slept with.
“Oh so he is the one you were talking about.” He lets out a small awkward laugh.
“You talked about me?” Sebastian asks with a smile.
“Don’t be flattered. Not so good.” Rose says. Everyone fell quiet but luckily a waitress comes and takes your orders. You didn’t talk much after that just listened to others talking. Sebastian didn’t talk much either.
You were about to pay for your meal when Sebastian told that he would pay for all of you. You just thank him and get up and tell that you were going to go because you weren’t feeling so good.
You walked out of the restaurant and felt like you could breathe again. Rose ran after you and tried to talk to you but you didn’t want to. You felt like a drama queen. Sebastian walked outside with Chris.
“Y/N, can we please talk?” he asked you and you wanted to say no but couldn't. You had to talk to him. This could not go on like this.
“Yeah, sure.” You tell him.
“Let me take you home.” he smiles a little and you two say bye to Rose and Chris because they were going to walk back home.
You already knew what car was his so you walked up to it, him behind you. He opens the car door for you and you sit again in the nice car with him. He stares driving and neither one of you say anything until he stops in front of a park. He gets up and you get out of the car and you two walk for a while in the park.
“So are we going to talk or not?” You ask him and sit down on to a bench. He sits next to you and lets out a sigh.
“So who is she, Sofia?” You ask him as you play with your fingers.
“Just a crazy ex girlfriend.” he tells you.
“So how long have you been broken up?”
“About six months.” he tells you and takes your hand. “My parents just really liked her. She is a good actress but she is really just an evil bitch.”
“So nothing between you two?” you really needed to know that it was over.
“Nothing but she just didn’t like that I have moved on from her.” you just nod and look up at him.
“And I really like you and still want to get to know you.” How could you say no. He was everything you ever have wanted in a man.
“I like you too, but you are my boss Sebastian. I don’t want to be that girl who sleeps with her boss” and it’s true you don’t want people talking about you.
“Nobody needs to know for now.” he smiles at you.
“I don’t know. I need to think about this.” You tell him and get up.
“I’ll see you tomorrow. I will just walk home. Thanks for the dinner.” and then you left him there.
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thewondersofsmut · 7 years
Request: Can you do a fic with teen!Dean x reader(he’s 17 she’s 15)and she’s Bobby’s daughter and like clothed smut and John and Bobby catch them when they’re sleep (like her panties are on the floor his pants are unbuckled and stuff) and like over protective parents (I’m sorry I’m awkward) - @icycatgirl04 AND Can you do a thing where teen!dean and teen!reader where they’ve been secretly dating (because she’s ether Ellen’s or Bobby’s kid) and he takes her virginity but he’s not a virgin. And maybe Sammy hears them and teases them about it. Fluffy smut?(this isn’t really much of a plot but meh) I love your blog byeee!! - anonymous
Pairings: Teen!Dean x Teen!Reader
Warnings: smut
Word Count: 1570
Y’all! I’m baaack! Hope you like this fic!
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“Gotta go mom, bye dad!” Your voice echoed through the house, you could hear your mom, Ellen, say her goodbyes as Jo whined that you get to go to school with your best friend in his car and you could hear your dad, Bobby, scream for you to tell Dean to drive safely. You smiled, knowing everything should be fine. John and Mary Winchester’s boys are good, and Dean is very responsible. You got in the car his dad got him when he turned 18, his Impala, and flashed you a smile. You smiled back. “How’s it going, sweetheart.” “Typical, drive further, please. I want to kiss you so bad.” You murmured. He chuckled but the twinkle in his eyes weren’t hard to miss. A mile away from your secluded house, he pulled to the side and turned to you. You inched closer and he cupped your cheek in his hand and pulled you close, closing the distance between your lips. It wasn’t making out but it wasn’t just a peck either. Your passion filled kiss was just a usual after almost a year being together.
“I just want to kiss you whenever I want.” He whispered against your lips. You nodded. “Soon, I promise.” You said as you counted the days of your senior high to tell your parents and his parents that you two are together. “My mom adores you and Bobby raised me like his own.” He said. “I think they won’t freak out too much.” He added. “Oh I hope so.” You replied. “So what do you want to do after class?” Dean asked, rubbing the tops of your hand. “Dads still at work by then, mom’s leaving town and she’s be back around later than 10.” He added. You looked at him and raised an eyebrow. “Sammy has this review thing after school activity.” He continued. You chuckled. “Are you trying to get to a point, Dean Winchester?” You asked. He innocently looked at you, but the smirk tugging on the corners of his mouth wasn’t easy to miss. “Well, mister, I’m pretty sure my mother and father are gunna be looking for me.” You said in a challenging voice.
“Okay, how ‘bout this, we go to your house after school like we always do then we can tell your parents we wanted to try that new diner that opened a couple of miles down.” He said. “It’s not like we haven’t gone to diners just to try them out before.” He reasoned. “You sneaky little bastard.” You chuckled but intertwined your hand with his, silently agreeing. In your defense, alone time was rare and you would take every opportunity you could to be with your loving and ever caring boyfriend. Classes went by quick, well at least thats how it felt like and as 3 pm rolled around, you and Dean were off and driving back to your house. “Hey mom.” You called out as you saw her in the living room. “Hi sweetie. Hi, Dean.” She smiled at you both. “Where’s dad?” You asked. “John needed him at the shop today, I think they got a ton of cars after that crash from this morning from the other town. So, Dean, you better be careful driving, especially with my little girl in it!” She said in a strict tone. “Yes, ma’am!” Dean replied.
“You two hungry? I can make some food.” Your mom asked. “Actually, you heard of the new diner that opened?” You asked. She nodded. “Yeah, heard it had a good start.” She replied, you and Dean silently sighed in relief. “Well, I was telling Dean how I wanted to try them out.” You said. “Okay, you two have fun. I gotta wait for your little sister to get home. Stay safe and be sure you don’t eat a lot for dinner. Be back before that.” She said, mostly looking at Dean. “Alright mom. See ya later.” You said and pecked her cheek. “See you later, Ellen.” Dean said and you two were off. The trip back to his house was quick. The tension started building as you two got into the car and you just wanted to be with him. He parked in his usual spot, he locked the door behind him like he always does, Sam had his keys. And the moment you two were locked in his bedroom that he twirled you around and gave you the sweetest kiss.
You both took off your clothes neatly, you had to be presentable after all. And then his hands were everywhere. Heck it felt as if it were the first time. He left sloppy kisses all over your neck as he slowly pushed you towards the bed, laying you down gently. His hands were supportive yet they were caressing you at the same time. He grabbed a condom from his side table, securing himself and you urged him to flip you two over. You ground yourself to his growing member, teasing him as you took over his lips. You knew you two didn’t have much time but you liked to drag it just a bit but his impatient growls sent shivers down your spine. Your alined his hard cock to your aching core, slowly letting him fill you up, hitting sensitive spots that made you moan, much to his pleasure. You took your pace as he moved with your rhythm, your fingers attached to you bundle of nerves as the other hand supported you on his chest. With every thrust he made made it seem like he’s deeper and deeper, slowly pushing you both to the edge.
He slightly lifted your hips up and bucked his hips up, you threw your hands in either side of his head and lowered yourself to kiss hum as he pounded into you, eliciting soft moans and cries of wanting to scream his name. You were closer and closer and as his cock brushed against your sensitive spot, you fell unto his chest, coming undone. He thrusted a little bit more, wanting to reach his climax, pulling tiny explosions from you. With a pant and a low groan, he came undone. He slowly pulled out and left soft kisses all over your face, making you giggled. He cleaned you both up and he passionately kissed you one more time and then you two were dressing up. As two went down, you could hear the television turned on downstairs. Your eyes widened and he went down first.
The creaks on the flooring was heard and little Sam, back from school, was watching TV, turned to look at the stairs. You grew red and Dean gave a blank stare to his smirking brother. “You two are pretty loud without the TV on so I had to watch something.” He said. Dean couldn’t utter a word and you were frozen. Sam, with his smart 14 year old mind, chuckled. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell. Make sure to leave some snacks before you do the do so I could stay down here, my bedroom after all was beside yours, Dean.” He said and turned to face the TV, watching his show. “Uh, okay, we’re heading out. If dad gets back just say um, (y/n) and I went to the diner and he’s probably dropping her back home…” Dean trailed. Sam raised a thumbs up at the two of you. “Okay, make sure you get me something at the bookstore tomorrow for lying for you!” He commented. You could practically hear the smirk in that child’s voice.
Dean sighed and replied a yes. You two headed out and back into his car. You were still red and embarrassed. “Wouldn’t assume that that was the first time he heard us…” You said. “Just –let’s get going.” He said, shaking his head. The ride home you made yourself feel at ease as once again rubbed the top of your hand. “Gotta say though, it was really good.” You said, breaking the comforting silence with a chuckle. You heard hum chuckle as well. A mile from your house, he pulled over and turned to you. He caressed your face and kissed your forehead then your lips. “I love you.” He whispered against your lips. You smiled. “I love you too.” Dean then continued driving until he got into your graveled driveway. He walked you to your house and said his goodbyes. You walked in to see your mom helping Jo with her schoolwork. “How was the diner? What’d you get?” Your mom smiled, asking as you walked in. “It was pretty good, there were quite a few people. I got some pie and shake so I’m not that full.” You said and she nodded. “Dean didn’t pop by?” She asked. “He didn’t want Sam to be alone too long.” You replied.
“So since you two were doing the do and I gotta keep it a secret, I want that new compass I saw in the library.” Sam said as Dean walked back into his house. “Come on now, Sammy. Stop saying that, I got it, I’m getting you that compass.” Dean sighed in defeat. Sam expressed a yes making Dean shake his head. “Just be quiet ok!” Dean made it clear . “As long as you two keep quiet too!” Sam sassed back, meeting Dean’s face. “Alright! Alright! I will!” Sam promised and Dean ruffled his head, heading back to his room.
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peachy-diary · 3 years
Chapter 3: How My Day Went...
Dear peaches,
I am currently watching “How to Style Broad Shoulders & Create balanced Outfits” in YouTube the channel is by Gemary Ermus. I have broad shoulders and my family and I have a short necks so I wanted to know what kind of outfits that fits for my body type. 
So, today my counseling session was stopped because mom told the counselor (My mom told the counselor that “no change is happening to me”) The problem is, I feel like I’m the only one who is adjusting and not my mom. My mom doesn’t listen to me, she only wants to be heard. (Though one time she listens about “why I wanted to buy a skateboard” but still she still impose on what she wants and that is “to not buy me a skateboard” because it will hurt me etc. and because her dad (which is my grandfather) told them “to not play with the skateboard” that they have back then, because their aunt told his father (again which is my grandfather) which is a nurse told them that skateboard fractures the human body etc. etc. That is true! That is if I do Areal skills of skateboard and if I don’t know what I am doing. But I know what I am doing now. So to make the long story short, I got a skateboard out of my own money that my grandfather and my godfather gave me for my birthday. And praise God! I don’t have fractures and I play it safe.) So yeah, going back to “why my mom stopped the counseling” that is because I cursed her yesterday. I think because I am exhausted, tired of her always asking me to do things and I can’t even have my “me time” I am so tired. And I feel like I am the only one who adjusts and not her. I feel not heard too. My wrong is, I should’ve picked my battles as well. I should’ve not reacted and I should’ve told her gently again that “Mom, I just wanted to have my alone time, my relax time. Okay I will clean the table, but please after this I just feel like I needed some alone time cause I am tired and I need some rest”. Next time I will do this. I can only change my behavior, I can’t change what I can’t change and that is my mom’s response. 
Also, an update about my bestfriend. She now sees the true colors of the guy. But I doubt it that she will stay away from him. (maybe she will, I hope she will! because clearly the guy is immature) She told me that the guys is being “cold” and “distant” towards her. (my assumptions is that the guy just wanted “fun”). I will update you about what will happened. She still hasn’t replied from my message to her in messenger. But I will wait. Maybe she is still talking to her guy or whatever.
I wasn’t able to watch my friend Kenny to stream on twitch. I was busy earlier doing some stuff so I wasn’t able to attend. I think he’s sad that he only has a few views. But if he changed his content and he markets himself then no problemo! in no time he will harvest from his hard work. But you see he has a job too and I can’t blame him. I hope he gets to rest as well. I hope he considers me as a friend too and not just a viewer for him, though he told me that he considers me as his friend. I am afraid though that maybe he is just saying that so he can get viewers for his stream uwu. 
I will be going to sleep now. Haven’t done my devo for today :( But I will tomorrow! Christ should be my priority. 
I did Stardew Valley earlier and it felt so good to just be able to just relax today. <3 Also, I am getting married in 3 days in Stardew Valley with Alex! I am so excited LOL HAHAHAHA. I was able to do workout earlier! Dancing is so therapeutic for me :) Also dancing is my workout slash my therapy. I love dancing. Also I did some abdominal workouts and arms a.k.a Strength training. 
So yeah, that is what I did for today. I wanted to get back on studying again. Maybe I have to trick my brain again to just study for 30 minutes instead of 1hr and 30 minutes. I really wanted to review for boards, but not just review, but to fall in love in Nutrition and do my best to study it and apply it and share it with others. Because, that is the point why I’m studying it and that is to share it with other people. 
Goodnight peaches! <3 You are so loved, valued! Love you lots! Byeee
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Love me tender - Part Two (Shalaska/Pearlet), by Lavish
A/N: The long overdue second chapter. I am extremely sorry this took so long. Thank you to everyone who filled my askbox with questions about this fic even after so long. I love each and every one of you. Xo, Lavish.
Coming home was always a drag for Alaska. She never really left her office downtown before 7 pm, and still had a long drive back to the suburbs. Tom had talked her into living in Manhattan Beach, explicitly because it would be best to raise their kids in a safe, children-appropriate area. Young and in love, Alaska had accepted without even thinking twice. Now, stuck in traffic on a Friday night, with no kids, and wondering what take out service to call, it didn’t feel so great to have splurged in such a big house far away from her job. Nevertheless, she never really made the effort to escape Manhattan Beach. Alaska knew to select which battles to fight. Lately, she had been choosing much more than she’d like. She looked out of the window, analyzing the people on the sidewalks to pass the time. Since it was just the beginning of the weekend, the streets were packed. A roaring sound of chatter and laughter made its way inside the car from the people sat outside bars, already too drunk to care for politeness or tone. Alaska couldn’t help but smile. Not long ago, she was one of them. At this moment, she couldn’t really put a finger on the last time she went out. The red light turned green, and gripping the wheel with both of her hands, Alaska followed ahead, tired of feeling shitty about herself. She was a grown woman, who was able to not only fix her life but others as well. That was the main reason she’d gone to Law School in the first place. She was a helper, a giver, never a taker. Alaska always took better care of others than of herself. She allowed her mind run back to the meeting earlier, marveling in the story of the three individuals. She thought of Violet, still a young girl, having to make the tough choice of raising her baby or giving up a life she created. She thought of Matt, poor Matt, who seemed so scared to let their kid go to other hands, but also very afraid of losing Violet to his selfishness. Lastly, Alaska thought of Sharon, the beautiful nurse. Her belly fluttered with familiar butterflies while she reminisced in the memory of her voice and the warm touch of her hands. It was hard to concentrate on traffic. Alaska decided to call the one person she knew who was an all time fool and yet lovable. She selected the phone icon on her car screen and pressed the first contact. “Go for Cory.” His voice resonated through the speaker. The sound of it made her body relax, and Alaska felt the muscles of her shoulders start to detangle. “Hey, dork.” “Oh, my! Is this… is this Alaska? I once heard a tale about this mystical creature but I never knew one could get in touch with aliens so easily! How’s planet Glamtron?” Her brother joked in false awe, and she sensed no traces of resent in his speech. True, it’d been a while since they talked, but Cory made her feel closer to him everytime they spoke. A smile spread across her face and Alaska heard herself cackling, the sound resonating in the car. “How have you been, sis?” “Same old. I’m doing ok, I actually picked up a great case today.” She stopped at another red light and took her time watching the passers by. “There’s this teen couple, the girl is 6 months pregnant… She wants to give the baby up but the father is just not taking it. He won’t tell her tho, the poor thing is scared. And guess who’s adopting? Oh yes, the most beautiful nurse who ever lived.” “Ooooh, somebody’s got the hots for the nurse! Guess she’ll be….. licking your wounds very soon, what up?” Alaska scoffed and tried to contain a fit of laughter. She heard Cory’s snorting through the line. “You are so gross, oh my God. But no, she will not be licking anything, as I am a married lady and she’s a mom to be, so suck it.” “I know who you want to su…” “THAT’S ENOUGH FOR THIS CONVERSATION. I hope you don’t kiss our mom with that mouth, ugh.” She pressed on the accelerator, watching the parade of cars ahead finally start to move. Thankfully, she was halfway through the journey already. “Yeah, right. But really, Lask, stay cool. Also, send me a picture of her next time you see her. I would like to know what this lady looks like if she’s messing with your head like that.” “Maybe in the next life.” She took a left, breathing in deeply before talking again. “Hey, we should get lunch sometime. Wanna join me tomorrow?” “Hamburger Mary’s?” “Deal. You’re paying. Byeee!” She hung up before he could protest, a smile still accompanying her on the travel home. ———————————————————————————– Alaska arrived to an empty, dark house. There were traces of her husband’s entrance. His suit jacket was carefully folded on their L shaped couch, a cup of scotch half full sat on the coffee table, and his briefcase stood at a perfect 90º angle by the wall. It was all too meticulous like it was all a video game scenario. Nothing smelled like him, nothing seemed like he had got in with the intents to stay. By the door frame, a note. “Went to tennis practice with the guys. Don’t wait up. Love, T.” Alaska took a deep breath, expecting anger or sadness to wash over her. That something would cross her mind and ignite a more natural feeling than the utter relief she felt to know he wasn’t home. She sat down, defeated, kicking off her high heels. What was happening? Not too long ago she knew she would’ve been pissed. She would’ve called, asked him why he wasn’t home, she’d chase him down, even offer to tag along and play a match. But when you chase after someone for too long, the enchantment just fades away. You get worn out, you look for ways not to step on their toes because you simply don’t bother. Instead, all the anger flutters when you’re together, when you have to stand someone’s presence and the quirks you thought you’d learned to love. She motioned towards the kitchen and checked the clock for the first time since she’d entered. 9:23. She figured it was ok to have dinner, since Tom wouldn’t be back so soon. The club he played only closed at 11, and he was never one to leave early or leave a game unfinished. She picked out carrots, peas, cheese and two eggs, opting for an omelet. She found some left overs from the night before, and decided to leave them for when he arrived. Alaska went back to her pondering while the skillet heated, the only thing hot enough in the sterile, cold house she never called home anymore. Alaska found herself escaping any contact to avoid conflict. She didn’t even manage guilt to surface. She felt nothing about her relationship, save for some neediness here and there. Hot tears spiked her eyes, frustration the only thing to actually take over. Her marriage fell apart and she didn’t bother. Salty tears insisted on jumping off her eyes, making her dinner even more depressing. Her food was tasteless, despite her best efforts to season it. She felt pathetic, eating alone with most of the lights out. Still with a heavy stream cascading down her cheeks, she collected her belongings and headed upstairs to her bedroom. Not even her bed, decorated with cream and white pillows and bedding, looked that inviting. She opted to fill her tub with warm water and rose-smelling bubbles. Watching the steam rising from the water finally made soothed her, and the warmth of the room decorated her cheeks with a pink flush. She cut the stream of tears, wiping the rest of them before letting down her hair from the low bun she’d made. The strands brushed her shoulders, tickling the soft skin of her neck. It had always been her favorite thing to pamper herself. Shimmying out of her trousers and finally getting rid of her collared shirt, Alaska felt as if she was peeling off worries of her body. She could launder them later - both worries and clothes. For now, she just wanted to enjoy a calm bubble bath. After stripping off her underwear, she climbed into the hot water. The knots of her muscles untangled instantly, and her heartbeat finally slowed down. She didn’t know how long it’d been since it’d been racing. She reached a long arm out, extending it towards her phone. There was one call from Tom and 3 messages from an unknown number. She decided to call her husband first. She was sent to voicemail. “Hey, it’s me. I’m home, just taking a bath. There’s dinner in the fridge. I’ll see you tomorrow, ok?” She softened her voice, remembering the end of his note. “Love you too.” She hung up fast, as if she was afraid of her own words. Again, pathetic. Cursing under her breath, she unlocked her device and read the messages. [20:58] Hi, Alaska, this is Sharon! We met earlier today. Listen, I was wondering if we could set up a meeting before Friday, there are some things I would like to discuss with you on the side. Beer’s on me! Xx [21:02] Also I may or may not have willingly downloaded ‘Love Me Tender’ and a bunch of other Elvis tunes and put them in a pen drive for you, so when you come around at the hospital they’ll be our jams. [21:02] Ok, now I’m done. Let me know when our little meeting will go down! Alaska nearly dropped her phone. Her eyes were wider than an apple pie, and a surprised smile occupied the place her frown had been moments ago. She typed in an answer, scared her runny, wet fingers may let her phone slip. [21:49] I can’t believe you! Going as far as actually occupying disk memory in your computer with these songs can only mean one thing… [21:49] You either really really like ancient songs OR (which is highly more likely) you are determined to kiss my ass continuously until you get guard on this child lol kudos on the effort tho!! And yes, we shall meet again. I’ll be downtown again tomorrow to have lunch w my brother, would you like to meet me after? Alaska hit send before she could regret it. She knew it’d be odd in the least to meet a client during the weekend, but then again, it was Sharon who proposed it in the first place. Granted, they did have to discuss matters on the child and make sure she was ready to welcome a baby into her home and her life, so there had a lot of explaining and planning to do. Alaska clung to that idea, repeating to herself she was not taking her newest client on a date. Her ethic manners screamed at her heart, condemning how fast it beat waiting for an answer. She decided to focus on her bath and relax, putting away her phone to clear off her head. Sometimes, she felt it necessary to just be out of thoughts, feelings and memory. She appreciated the numbness and oblivion of moments like these. Alaska sunk deeper inside her tub, allowing the water to cover her pale body from head to toe. She stayed down, in her nest of warmth, until her lungs begged for breath. She lost track of time, distracting herself with the bubbles dancing around her toes. Only when the water turned cold and her fingers looked like raisings she stepped off. Alaska took her time drying off her skin, covering every inch she could reach with lotion, and blow-drying her blonde locks. Finally, she took her phone and wrapped herself in a robe, tucking herself into her bed. There were 6 texts and 1 missed call from Sharon. Alaska smiled before she even opened them up. [21:50] Why I do like them very much alaska! I’ll tell you all abt my fascinating taste in music tomorrow then, text me where we’ll meet [21:50] Also yes there will be a lot of kissing alright if its up to me [21:55] fuck why did I say that I don’t know where it came from [21:55] I thought you’d find it funny oh my god IM SORRY [21:55] can you believe I’m a nurse being this dumb [21:55] UGHHHHHHHHHHHH IM SORRY Alaska was a little ball of laughter, shaking with the motion of her wheezing. Sharon’s slight panic reminded her of an excited puppy who got so happy and agitated they end up tripping on their own paws. It was adorable and just made Alaska want to see her more. She entered her response quickly, feeling her body warm inside and out, and her lids heavy. [22:17] chill girl! I was just taking a bath, but its totally okay She thought about what to say next. Alaska felt confused, like she was betraying her own sense of dignity by feeling this attracted and lured by another woman while she was still married. But what was her marriage anyways, besides a contract bonding two people who were nothing alike? She felt like she’d just had a taste of what fun felt like, and she wanted more. She wanted the opportunity to know different people and try new things. Alaska wanted to chase this new feeling and courage, even if it led nowhere, or if it wouldn’t be with Sharon. She just needed the opportunity and she’d been granted with one, it was only up to her what to do next. [22:18] I’ll hold you to those promises!! See you tmrrw xo The feeling of accomplishment that overcame her just from those daring words was enough to bring a calm, well slept night, one she hadn’t had in forever. Just before she was taken by Orpheus and went into the peacefulness of slumber, she saw very clearly the colorful imagery her subconscious had fabricated. She distinguished two frames, both tall and slender, with soft curves on their hips and torso. Two women. One of them had hair of gold, a reflective shine only blondes exhibit. The other one had rosy lips and hair of ebony. They were happy, she could tell. There was something else, a third form she couldn’t identify at first. It was small and heavy – it had to be held with both arms. Upon further looking, shapes formed. A pair of shining, chocolate brown eyes. Very little hair framing rosy cheeks, and a tiny, round mouth. It seemed fragile and small, and now it was easy to decipher. The blonde lady held a perfect baby in her arms.
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