#i will find you fsg
leosmrc · 1 month
goodbye you were bigger than the whole sky 🙁💔
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may i have some headcanons? S/O is a big big fan of "strange" animals, specifically bugs and fish, and enjoys going on hikes and swimming to find different species. how would the skeletons react? for ut papyrus, us bros, uf sans, sfp papyrus, fsr papyrus, and fsg papyrus, please! (can you tell i really like the papyri lmao)
if the above is too long of a prompt, how would the above skeletons react to an S/O who has bug terrariums?
I love bugs and have known to catch moths and spiders when my family is too scared of them(I've also caught and released mice but that's a story for another time). Also, the Papyri are the best, they're just so cute, no matter the AU 🤭.
Papyrus : Oh! So you want him to go bonkers! He can deal with fish(after all, he's best friend with one), he can deal with cats and dogs and everything else, but bugs? Why's it got to be bugs? You can gently push him into a weird-animal-loving perspective by showing him the pretty moths and playful lizards, but good luck getting him to hold a spider or a millipede.
Cobalt : Woah, those are so cool! Can he hold one? He seems interested at first... until he feels their little legs trailing up his bones. With all of those tiny feet speeding up his arm and latching onto him for balance, Blue is instantly disinterested. He'll love them from afar.
Honey : He likes taking you places to go find said animals, even if he naps in the car the whole time. Hey, Y/N, go place a bug on his chest. Cue the loud screeching followed by falling out of the car.
Red : Surprisingly, he's more into it than you, which is odd because usually he only acts like it even though he's scared of his shadow half of the time. He points out lizards that were too quick for your eye, camouflaged bugs hiding in trees, and the odd fish out in the water.
Rus : Lizards, insects, spiders?! You're almost perfect for him! Even though he's usually too lazy to pick his fatass up off his bed or the couch- if you tell him you're going hunting for little guys, he's on your heels. He wants to go, please? His hands grab your shirt everytime he notices you going near the door while holding a small container. Where are you going, s/o? He's wants to come too.
Pup + Coffee : Unless it has four legs and is fluffy, Pup wants nothing to do with it. I'm sorry, but he's not the best fit for this one, and neither is Coffee. Coffee is more willing to let your stickbug hang out on his finger, but Pup freaks out at the sight of a ladybug or a butterfly. For someone who's supposed to be your scary guard dog, Pup sure is a wuss.
As for the terrariums, almost all of them would be chill with them. Until you ask where Fluffy the tarantula went, the sound of a skeleton freaking out over your 8-legged friend being somewhere in the house. Whether the worry is for themselves or the spider, that's for you to figure out.
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(I'm not sure if you've answered an ask similar to this previously but)
What is the FSG boys "type" when looking for an S/O? And what changes with the boys personalities whenever they start developing feelings, like going from a "friend" to a "crush" to an S/O?
(Don't think I have, friend, you're in luck!)
A friend? Oh no, that's my crush :)
Wine (FSG Sans): His ideal type is a little,,,, difficult to point out. He's never really taken the opportunity to mull over it like others do as he was always focused on his job, on his life mainly when he was in the underground. It takes him a bit to really decide what is his "type". But once he does, it's not all that surprising.
Or is it?
Wine would fancy someone who knows how to hold their own, someone who's got a little spunk and is very witty. He'd also like someone who's very sure of what they're doing and level headed, but it's not a deal-breaker for him if you're someone who's a bit more shy and mousy, he finds it all alluring once you've completely and utterly charmed him. How to do that is a whole other ball game, however.
There's a way to figure out if Wine sees you as a friend or as a "friend" is the way he talks about you to others (mostly Coffee, though, he knows ALLL the tea) so if Wine let's you hang around his younger brother without him being there, you're definitely in his good books. With his close friends, Wine likes to treat them with nice things, or would take them along with him for whatever he's got planned that day. You also will see that he's more talkative, even if he can be rather sassy sometimes.
When he's got feelings for you, man, it's like Cupid struck him hard. He'd start to call you the sweetest nicknames, and although his face doesn't reveal much, his voice sounds just a tad softer when he calls out to you, that little bit of gentleness reserved for you and only you. He'd be more inclined to give you gifts that you can actually use or store away as he hopes you will always remember him when you look at it.
Coffee (FSG Papyrus): Doesn't have much of a type, honestly. If you asked him, he'd probably list out the most basic things in people (Nice, sweet, etc, etc). It's not that he doesn't care or doesn't find anyone attractive. Rather, his priority is never love or being in a relationship but it's not hard to have him fall for you, quality time is the way to go with him, honestly.
He doesn't change all that much when he's around a friend, perhaps a bit more relaxed rather than his usual, closed off self. But give him a bit of time (and the right topic) and you'll see that shell of his start to break and go on long spiels of what type of music he likes and the process of creating music and the tools in excruciating detail. You also will notice that he likes to send you random pictures throughout the day or message you at the quiet hours of the night.
And if you listen closely enough, maybe, you can even hear him laugh at the horrid pun you just made.
If he's got feelings for you, the first thing you'll notice just how quick he is to tense up around you. It's like you're sent back to square one, really. Perhaps it's not all that bad when you begin to spot little letters left for you, and it starts out fairly innocent, mundane compliments that soon get a little more braver and more specific, stuff like how much he likes being around you, or how you have a really nice laugh, it makes him feel.. Good to hear it.
He's not the most obvious but he certainly tries as he does value the friendship you guys have and the main thing is that it's because of you, as long you're around, that's what makes him happy.
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dk-thrive · 2 months
Why I write
I kept asking myself why I write—or more so, why my default state is writing, since on any given day I might be writing for morality, Art, or attention, for just a little money. It’s not as easy or as fun as it used to be, so why do I keep writing? (I can’t go very long without writing, though I can go for a while without writing something good.) I think I write to think—not to find out what I think; surely I know what I already think—but to do better thinking. Staring at my laptop screen makes me better at thinking. Even thinking about writing makes me better at thinking. And when I’m thinking well, I can sometimes write that rare, rare sentence or paragraph that feels exactly right, only in the sense that I found the exact right sequence of words and punctuation to express my own thought—the grammar in the thought. That rightness feels so good, like sinking an unlikely shot in pool. The ball is away and apart from you, but you feel it in your body, the knowledge of causation. Never mind luck or skill or free will, you caused that effect—you’re alive!
— Elisa Gabbert, Any Person is the Only Self: Essays (FSG Originals, June 11, 2024)
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naanima · 3 months
So I have been sort of slowly reading up on John Henry, owner and head of FSG. You know, the multi-billionaire that owns SEVERAL sports teams via FSG, in almost every sport it seems, or trying to get one in every major sport.
Below is the link to an article/interview with him that was released last month, and it is an interesting read if you are into that sort of thing. The part that's most relevant to me, HOCKEY is this:
I decided to ask him point-blank: would you ever sell the Red Sox, Liverpool or the Penguins? Henry wrote: “My wife and I live and work in Boston. We are committed to the city, the region. So the Sox are not going to come up for sale. We generally don’t sell assets.”
This IS NOT a panic situation or anything, it MEANS NOTHING. It is just something I personally find interesting in the VERY limited context (and NO real info), and I LOVE to speculate. Ahahaha. But like dude definitely wanted to buy the Bruins. LOLs.
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Masterpost 28
General asks
S/O breaks a bone and puts it back like it's nothing (UT characters)
Tetris game is insulting skeleton (UT Papyrus, US Sans, UF Papyrus, HT Papyrus, FSG Papyrus)
S/O wants to take things slow until they ask if they can kiss skeleton (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O made a big mess in the kitchen (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O sings their love to skeleton but it's death metal (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Someone disrespects skeleton's trans boy/girlfriend (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Skeleton's kid wants to dress him like a doll (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O and skeleton propose to each other at the same time (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O was a professional dancer younger but injured themselves (HT, HS, HF, DaT, DF Sans & Papyrus)
Skeleton's relationship with Toriel's and Asgore's new heir (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Skeleton's child is scared of the monster under the bed, except it's real (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O has ADHD (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O accidentally burns the camp while they're camping (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O is smart but is a dumbass (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
A random man intrudes their yard by digging a hole in the middle of it (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Skeleton turns into an animal for a day (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O lets baby clothes in all the house to tell skeleton they want to have/adopt a baby (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O's family member tells they are eating too much at a family dinner (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Skeleton's lets his brother take care of his kid while he's on a trip (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O tells him he's going to be a father, but actually they adopted a dog (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O falls asleep on them on the couch (UT Grillby)
S/O squeals when they're scared (SF Papyrus)
S/O's ex is royalty and doesn't like monsters (UT, US, UF Sans)
S/O fights someone who doesn't like monsters (UT, US, UF Sans)
First kiss headcanons (UT, US, UF Sans)
Creeper and people who likes touching him (MT Papyrus)
Underfell Mettaton headcanons (UF Mettaton)
Doomfanger adopts a human baby out of nowhere (UF Sans & Papyrus)
A monster has a crush on their human child (UT, UF Toriel)
S/O is a crybaby (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Space-loving S/O gets abducted by aliens for a few years (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus + HS Papyrus, OT Sans)
Skeleton's walk in a bear trap and breaks his ankle (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Moody teenager rejects skeleton as a father after an argument (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Character's friend brings their boyfriend Jerry to a dinner (UT characters)
Character building event
How often do they show their genuine emotions (MT, MF Sans & Papyrus + DaT Papyrus)
Can they cry on demand (UT, US, SF, FSG Papyrus)
How would they respond to being fired (UT Sans, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton)
Would they eat something they find gross to be polite (UF Papyrus, HT Sans, SF Sans, FSG Sans)
How loose if their use of "i love you" (MT, MF Sans & Papyrus)
How do they greet someone they like/love (MT, MF Sans & Papyrus)
If invited to a TED talk, what would they talk about (UF, HT Sans & Papyrus)
Tough or gentle love (MT, MF Sans & Papyrus)
Who do they believe without question (UT Sans, Papyrus, Toriel, Undyne)
How do they greet someone they dislike/hate (FSG, MT Sans & Papyrus + DaT Papyrus)
How do they greet someone they like/love (FSG Sans & Papyrus, DaT Papyrus)
What a phrase they say a lot (US Sans, UF Papyrus, HT Sans, HT Papyrus, SF Sans, SF Papyrus)
How loose is their use of "i love you" and positive greetings (SF Sans)
How loosely do they use the word "friend" (UT Papyrus, UF Papyrus, HT Sans, HT Papyrus, D!Papyrus)
How do they greet someone they dislike/hate (HS Sans & Papyrus)
What belief/moral do they stand by that I disagree with (HS Sans & Papyrus + DaT Papyrus)
If someone was impersonating them, how to make the difference (FSG Sans & Papyrus)
How loosely do they use the word "friend" (HS, DaT Sans & Papyrus + OT Papyrus)
Other things
Some cool Undertale blogs to follow
I'm still looking for cool fanfics to read
Matching colours in the Fell AUs
Myfanwi talks
Happy Valentine's day!
Mjöllnir the Chinzilla
Mjöllnir and his ridiculously large size plushies he likes to walk around
Some precisions about the askblog rules
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wave-nine · 1 year
Do you have a favorite underrated papyrus/sans or au?
wanted to say I really like the money drawing you did!! it's so cool!!!
YAY thanks soooo much!! I'm happy you liked it! 🥰
My favorites are US, UF, SF, and SFR papyrus. I think they're all pretty well known and I don't have much interest outside of those AUs, so not really... but I find FSG, UTO, and HT really cool, too, so maybe I can mention Utotale? It's not widely known and although I don't know much about it myself and can't give you info on the setting and characters, I do love the designs and the works I've seen of the bone brothers.
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fsg-settings · 7 months
【FSG设定整合】Undyne Alphys NTT
“多么坚强的怪物啊,真是了不起。” *你杀了其他怪物的话,她不会和你做朋友
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(You can find many old doodles of Jotman on her old accounts, I inserted some of them.)
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starssecret · 1 year
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Here are my skeletons for Bad reset Best outcome! :D
Hey! I have more information out now about them and their partners!
Loved doing these so much <3 I wanted to give them unique nicknames as well as outfits (tho some just fit like originally- Sans lol)
I tried to make it so all their names match Y/N in someway! Or would be like a nickname their S/O would call them.
(and dw I’ll post about Y/N next lol)
under the cut for more info!
So left to right- top to bottom we have
Meteorite and Rocket for Classic UT
Lucky and Bee for Underswap
Shadow and Knight for Underfell
Chardonnay and Silver for Swapfell
Pumpkin and Muffin for Horrortale
(Pinot) Noir and (Coffee) Bean for FellSwapGold
Y’all I think we’re sleeping on giving classic sans space themed names- like you’re telling me this man is ND and loves space and wouldn’t name himself smth Sciencey or space themed? Wrong lol.
As for Rocket- I was trying to think of smth to match sunshine, and I thought about smth like Sky- but thought Rocket and just yes lol
Finding a matching name to match Lucky’s S/O was so hard lol- but I like how it works now :] Also Lucky's and Rocket's outfits are SO GOOD imo lol I like how sporty they are- but still fit their character you know?
Bee was pretty easy though lol, his S/O's nickname is Hunny, so Bee followed naturally lol and he's just cute let's be honest <3 ALSO it's a little hard to see- but he has a tooth gap in his front two teeth <3 the upper half lol I just had too- too cute to pass up <3
SHADOW- Ok so his S/O is Doll, so obvs I was drawing blanks, but I saw a website list Shadow as a nickname for a boyfriend... and spent 20 mins laughing my ass off about it. And nothing else worked better so I kept it lol. 10/10 name- I think Y/N deserves to call him Shadow the hedgehog all they like lol
Knight was easy lol- design and name wise. I already knew his S/O’s name was Prince/ss (depends on gender lol- and if you don’t like either of those just a neutral Royal title lol) so every good Royal person has a knight in shingling armor- so Knight it was lol.
Chardonnay- Ok I'll be the first to admit, I didn't originally plan on adding Noir when I started (More commonly Wine) so I was cool giving a wine name to Chardonnay and now there are two lmao. But I think Chardonnay is good for SF sans, Also his clothes? 20/10 in love.
Silver- ugh poor Silver, I'm gonna make him relive his trauma :[ but he was an addict underground, and was clean above, but now he's thrown back in the middle of it. So not happy :[ I chose silver as him name since everyone always names him after like money and such, and to semi-match Angel his S/O
Angst angst angst, Pumpkin! Took forever to decide on his name. His S/O is Lamb, so I almost went with smth like Steak, Bull, or Beast but I didn't like those. But remembered about calling people Pumpkin and fell in love <3 I would so call him that lol Also the handmade stitches in his clothes to repair them <333
ANGST ANGST ANGST, Muffin! Is so baby nil <333 Obviously an adult, but so soft and sweet. He tries so hard, tho- his poor S/O Sugar- well- you'll see soon lol. But Muffin and Sugar just felt right lol <3
Ok I think I need to explain myself a little here lol. So his name is (Pinot) Noir, meaning his full name is Pinot Noir like the red wine, but he just goes by Noir. But I didn't want Noir on it's own without the wine context lol. So he's got like two nicknames lol. He's super classy tho lol, I almost put him in a suit but I decided that was too much- so I settled for vest and dress shirt lol.
Same for (Coffee) Bean, I kind of wanted to just keep Coffee, but I re-did everyone else so I had too T~T But I wanted them all drink themed lol. His S/O is Cocoa lol so they both match on theme <3 But also- if you call 'em Bean you could get away with calling him a Beanie Baby, so win! lmao
But yeah! These are the boys! Y/N designs soon to follow! :D
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yuckydraws · 8 months
Could I request the FSG brothers with a s/o with a native language?
But the reader shows off their language skills by singing a song in that language that sounds very beautiful, however when the skeletons search up the song the lyrics are hilariously inappropriate. (Kind of like Rammesteins Dicken titten)
And when they’ve successfully pranked them they can hear them laugh from the living room.
Thank you!
- 🐨
Sorry about the mix up on that last one!
Wine: He has a sneaking suspicion that he's being duped, so he'll discreetly search up the song in private. He'll find it quite silly, but he'll keep this information to himself. You'll have no idea he's caught on until you bust the song out again and he starts singing the lyrics along with you perfectly, smirking knowingly at you. He has a knack for turning pranks on their head like this.
Coffee: He loves listening to you sing and the moment you start singing, he's on his phone looking up the song. Only to let out a flustered squeak and sink into his hoodie as he reads the dirty lyrics. W-why are you suddenly singing about that??
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leosmrc · 1 month
what if i cry??? huh????
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veliseraptor · 2 years
Top 5 underrated books you love
oh man see this requires me to judge "underrated" though...challenge, that. but here goes let's see what I can come up with
1. Doctrine of Labyrinths by Sarah Monette. This is the obvious one for me. Out of print fantasy series published at the wrong time my beloved. I mean, admittedly if it was published now the discourse would be a nightmare (if...people read it, maybe it would still be underread), but god I love it so much. I recognize it has its "storytelling flaws" or whatever but this was the first series I read where I felt like the author was putting their hands on my shoulders, looking me directly in the eye, and going "okay, Lise, I'm about to come for you where you live." and then did it.
2. Coldfire Trilogy by C.S. Friedman. It's been a while since I read this one so I hesitated a little over including it, because, you know, "how much can I say I recommend something if I haven't read it in ten years" but part of my problem here is that I've met maybe three other people in my life who have also read it. Maybe if more people started reading it I would actually get around to doing my reread. An early "huh this really feels like it should've been gay, are we sure it's not" book. I'm still not sure it isn't.
3. Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky. And Children of Ruin and Children of Memory is sitting on my shelf eagerly awaiting me, but this was the one that kicked it off and I keep trying to recommend it to people, but for some reason "it's about sentient spiders you guys" isn't as compelling a sell as I feel like it is. But it's about increasingly advanced spiders on an evolution fast track building a civilization you guys and also about conflict with the other and all that but. I'm really here for the incredibly fascinating worldbuilding Tchaikovsky does with the spiders.
4. The Player of Games by Iain M. Banks. I really want to at some point ask Ann Leckie if she's read any of the Culture books because...I just feel like there's something there. Not the same, but some kind of connection, and I felt it particularly reading this book. I remember enjoying Consider Phlebas (clearly, I picked up the "next" one in the chronology of this 80s space opera series), but this is the one where I read it and was like. Oh, fuck, you got me. In general I feel like this is a very interesting series worth revisiting - I wouldn't say it's obscure but I feel like a lot of more recent sci-fi/fantasy readers overlook it because "80s sci-fi" has a lot of connotations, deserved or undeserved. I will just say that I'm picky about my sci-fi and this one got me.
5. I went back and forth for a while about what to put here but I think I have to say A City of Saints and Madmen by Jeff Vandermeer, because I remember when I started seeing Annihilation and its sequels take off going NOW YOU GUYS FIND HIM (pleased and exasperated) and that book was my intro to his work. And I still in some ways like it (and his other earlier work) more. But just in general if you are into New Weird stuff, or enjoyed his more recent work, I recommend going back and looking at his older stuff, too. I happen to know that after being hard to find for a while FSG is now reprinting those books.
BONUS: I can't actually say Lymond Chronicles is "underrated" as such because it has a very devoted following and a whole crop of authors talk about it if you start looking, but still. The devoted following is not actually huge. And I love it very dearly.
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whiteartblood · 11 months
Do you have any ideas on what your sans/naps +fsg sound like?
for all of them? hmmm, I do sometimes but then I change my mind later when I find a voice that better suites my narrative. So Take some of these as place points cause I do change my mind Underswap W: Napstaton- Geoff from Total Drama / Sans- Deckard from Bee and Puppycat
Swapfell Mauve: Napstaton- Saiki K / Sans- Aaravos from The Dragon Prince
Fellswap Chains: Napstaton- Howl (Christian Bale) / Sans- Simon from Adventure Time
Fellswap Gold: Napstaton- Professor Venom from Ok KO / Sans- Scar from Lion King
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dk-thrive · 2 months
that this right hand moved then as it does today
Kierkegaard called it “the dizziness of freedom,” those glimpses of the way out of the trap. Why do we always look away and never take that path out? I wrote “INERTIA & UNCERTAINTY” in all caps at the top of a page. I wrote “THIS CONNECTION BETWEEN JOURNALS & MEMORY.” I put asterisks next to the interesting thoughts, the thoughts that wanted more thinking, a map to the treasure. Proof that thoughts were had. The disconnected thoughts are always me, are they not? Proof of continuity? “In the diary you find proof,” Kafka writes, “that this right hand moved then as it does today.” We need proof of our lives, and we need it while we live.
— Elisa Gabbert, Any Person is the Only Self: Essays (FSG Originals, June 11, 2024)
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ratsoh-writes · 2 years
Masterlist 28
(*****)= suggestive
SO turns bitty for a week (hf ff ss sf)
dancing in your pjs (papyrus, star lilac jupiter)
kiss attack!!! (tt ot bt )
SO feels safe in their arms (ft ff hf sf ss)
someone accidentally sends a ton of money to his account
SO blinks like a lizard (us uf + mafias)
SO has a business making sex toys******
which (non virgins) haven't been with a human*****
waking up to doggy kisses (willow pitch sails)
stepkid says i love you for the first time
SO purrs when they see him
getting the least judgy guys to judge you (pop sails peaches fisher ram)
chubby SO (ft ff fs)
getting turned into an animal they hate
wiz sib wants to ask out their crush (papyrus, honey, mal, uf, ht)
SO is a nude model for an art school**
thoughts on travel (all)
advice they'd give their younger self (ls lf mafias)
aftercare (lf ss sf gt nt)******
SO has a miscarriage
SO gets in a car accident and is at the hospital (ut mt ms ul ls)
when his bro has a crush (nt fsr ot)
attachment styles (all)
rich SO tries to spoil him (ht hf hs hfm)
giving his bum a nice pat (peaches honey jupiter jasper cricket quill)
SO sends him a naughty picture (fot tt bt)****
SO leaves little love notes for him (lf ss sf gt nt)
tag you're it! (sans pluto G lens)
SO telepots his bro on a boat to propose (sans star red mal oak lord hook)
alien invasion (ul fot gt)
he accidentally hurts SO (ft ff fs)
date gets vertigo (ft ff fs)
bros reaction to taking in wiz sib (ut us sf)
bro think his SO is cheating (ut uf us fsg ht)
royals for a day (ut fsg ot)
stranger saves their life (st ss sf lf ls)
making stuffed animals kiss (st sf ss of nt)
SO cant say dish soap
favorite dairy products (all)
he wakes up to a stranger staring at him
clingy SO
if they weren't farmers (ft ff fs hfm)
interactions/poly hcs
the beef between the farm and farmswap bros
if oak and peaches were together
cat monster traits
more magical plants/crops
fillerblot (jerry)
ebott specific careers
famine aus struggle with babies*
cat allergies and cat monsters
human to monster first aid
stars curse
The Mafias
ace's talents
bruisers talents
ace fun facts
ranchers talents
rosemarys talents
yosemites talents
peaches fun facts
rancher fun facts
moose and maples parents
rams talents
pitch talents
pitch and rams parents
Fellswap gold
wines talents
coffees talents
fluffy coffee
some lens fun facts
lens talents
fishers talents
jaspers talents
fisher fun facts
fisher fun facts 2
sparks talents
peppers talents
fluffy lush
compass talents
oak fluffy facts
stars crazy police stories
green relationship
where you can find green
edge relationship
noir relationship
noir fun facts
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Masterpost 22
Horrortale Sans & Papyrus (new version)
General asks
A hornet nest falls on skeleton (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O comes home beaten and bruised (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
How much are they resistant to pain (All skeletons)
S/O cheats and skeleton finds out (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Which skeletons are best at cooking (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O wants skeleton to braid their hair (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Papyrus)
Skeleton's child acts like horror movie children (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Oak and hugs (HT Sans)
S/O wants to fist the Queen (SF Sans)
S/O eats broken glass lasagna (UF Papyrus)
Oak regains his memories (HT Sans)
S/O and Doomfanger fight for Edge's attention (UF Papyrus)
AO3 is down (US Papyrus, UF Papyrus, SF Papyrus, FSG Papyrus, FT Papyrus, Ink, Error)
S/O runs away to have a child alone (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Who likes camping (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Skeleton's child writes "thank you" with their bone attack (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O gets injured during their honeymoon (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Someone throws acid at skeleton's face, making him blind (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Skeletons going to the beach for the first time (UT, US, UF, HT, HS, HF, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus, D!Papyrus, DuT Sans, Killer Sans)
S/O is more powerful than they look (UT Papyrus, US Sans, UF Papyrus, SF Sans, FSG Sans, MT Sans, MT Papyrus, MF Sans, MF Papyrus, DuT Sans, Killer Sans)
S/O is blind (UF, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
The world is empty of life (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Which skeleton likes to carry their short S/O (UT Papyrus, US Sans, US Papyrus, UF Papyrus, HT Sans, HT Papyrus, SF Sans, SF Papyrus, FSG Sans, FSG Papyrus)
S/O and Skeleton's kid are scared of a bug (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Dune is Oak and Willow's stray dog (HT Sans, HT Papyrus, DuT Sans)
How is the skeleton brothers relationship (UT, US, UF, HT, HS, HF, SF, FSG, OT, DaT, DF, FT, MT, MF Sans & Papyrus)
S/O is the Queen of Crows and Raccoons (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Skeleton finds someone in an empty world (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O is an alien in holoform disguise and has to go save their planet (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O tricks Skeleton to sniff them to better kiss them (All Papyrus)
A car tries to roll over skeleton as he's walking in the street (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
There's one bed in the hotel room for two skeleton brothers (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
The dishwasher dies (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Police officers come to arrest skeleton but he did nothing wrong (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Reaction to the Papyrus neutral ending (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Other things
It's bring your kids at work day but it's the worst day possible to do so
Go read this fic it's good
Myfanwi talks
Tags are bugged
I'm still looking for fics to read
Why I don't close my askbox
I can't help it sorry
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