#i will defend that woman until my last breath i stg
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taintedcigs · 2 years ago
forever a lover of overly hated female characters !! i will defend them w my life
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askthewitchlady · 8 years ago
Power Ranger Dream
Ok so I had the strangest coolest dream. Essentially I was a member of a Power Ranger team who drew there power from the joy and excitement people felt riding on theme park rides! The dream starts with us celebrating our team members birthday, he's blue and gets his power from the whirly gig ride (the one you like sit on a seat attached by cables and it spins you around?) Anyway we're attacked by our villain who strikes at blue and knocks these glowing blue lights out of him. (Not sure how) anyway he explains in his evil way that the lights are the physical energy of joy and excitement they are what give blue and his corrosponding ride in 'Joy Land' there power. So we start gathering the energy but Blue is getting agressive because in knocking out all his power the bad guy also knocked out all his good feelings, which are the true scource if power. So we transform and I'm the fucking rollar coaster Ranger (wtf I hate rollar coasters) this fear and dislike of rollar coasters is in my dream to, the only reason I can use my power despite not liking my ride and never riding it unlike the rest of the team who regularly ride theirs, is because the joy and excitement of a rollar coaster and my desire to protect my loved ones is strong enough to maintain the power but at a much lesser level then it should be. We manage to collect all the orbs of energy on earth but the ones most saturated with the whirlygig energy have returned to Joy Land the dimension where the power park is. In Joy Land while collecting the last of the orbs Blue compleatly looses it and transforms into a huge monster we're all kinda WTF until we realize that the baddie must have implanted a monster seed in Blue. The monster seeds take root in people with strong negative feelings it amplifies and feeds on these feelings and if not removed turn the host into a mindless slave. So we have two goals clense Blue and prevent the monster from destroying the power park and as a result the power rangers! (This got crazy for a dream I STG) We manage to discover that this monster is sad and angry because no one ever played with him they just attacked him because he was monster so I suggest instead of attacking with our weapons we attack with water guns from the water park portion of the park. Rides here are like the log drop and a calming boat ride but also a huge pool area with diffrent pools and slides and a whole selection of water guns! (That was pretty awesome) So we get the water gun and just star having a water fight. The fun of the fight clenses the seed if its bad feelings and the monster releavles he had blues last batch of energy so he lets it go and releases blue before moving on to become a citizen of joy land. We return blues power power and finish our water fight tired we decide to ride our ride before going home. Everyone wants a go on the rollar coaster and yellow (a kind of bitchy but mostly nice girl) harshly criticizes me for not joing them since its my ride. Green (the leader) defends me he understands my anxiaty and issues best and suggests I enjoy a walk while they tide. At somepoint during the water fight I had mentioned it was ok we weren't going back to earth immediatly because our power was safe in the park. Bad guy heard me oops But he thinks I mean the theme park we all work at on earth (phew) anyway as im wandering the park meandering my way to the hedge maze, where hidden in the center is the portal back to earth. The bad guy grabs me. And not kidding he grabbed me hard it hurt the ass. I was genuinly surprised i didnt have bruises. So he and a smaller monster, his servant, start dragging me to the hedge maze. The others see what happen as they're at the peak of a tall part in the coaster when I got grabbed. They come to help me as soon as they can by that time big bad just entered the maze with me. My friends manage to get me free and blue gives me back my ability to transform. The rollar coaster secret key. For my ride it unlocks a secret track. Each rangers key unlocks a secret about there ride. We all transform and begin fighting lower monsters in the maze. What me and blue dont know is big bad has steadily defeated each ranger and stolen their keys. Running through a maze we stumble across a small clearing where big bad his servant and our frienfs (including the Power Park manager who gave us our abilities) baddy has them trapped and has all the keys, he promises to let the go safely if we give up our keys, if not hell kill them. Obviously we're stuck do we tell this guy to go fuck himself or do we give over the keys to protect our friends? Friends are voting for option A so me and blue launch an attack against big bad. While blue hits him i manage to snatch the keys and toss them to the other's. Big bad and servant knowing their boned run for it. The others transform and we follow. As we do we find our selves in an area the park manager calls the maze of memories a part of the maze that catches repressed memories. While looking at everything I litterally stumble on big bad. Hes on the floor holding a necklace with a funny looking pendent. Looking at him I can hear a man and woman arguimg. The woman is trapped the man never lets her leave the castle they live in and some times won't let her leave her room. The man insists its for her own good shes safe there untill he can make the whole world safe. Hes had some sort of premonition she will die and he cant bear to lose her. As they're fighting the necklace big bad is holding begins glowing more and I can see whats happening im watching the fight Through the eyes of the big bad as a child. As im watching it becomes apparent the woman isnt very stable. Either because she been locked up so long or just always was I dont know but as her and the man are fighting she seems to realize hes not going to let her out so she throws herself out a window. The memory is over but I can hear the mans grief yelling becoming crazy and making demands now of big bad will fix the world remove all joy joy ends in pain no joy no pain a pefect safe world. Big bad isnt bad him and his dad are grieving in a Very unhealthy way. As I'm about to reach out and comfort him servant comes takes the necklace a flings it off. He dosent say it but I know hes the reason its here he surpressed the memory in his master. Big bad sad snaps out if it and sees me. Oops im to close hes mad now lunges at me and starts strangling me. But hes still crying from what he saw only now he cant rember why because servant through away the memory. I dont think hes mad at me, i think hes mad at his father for locking his mother in causing her to kill herself. But I cant say anything cause hes choking me. I think I died cause it was hurting from not breathing then everything stopped. I woke up gasping really gasping and I had an aweful head ache. The kind you get if you hold you breath to long. So I think big bad killed me. Anyway it was an awesome but freaky dream
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