#i will be going back next week with a budget and a wishlist
immortalsins · 20 days
nothing better than getting your problem-solving craft suggestions approved by the old lady who owns the craft shop
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shefromhouston · 2 years
Pretty on Purpose
beauty maintenance tips:
at home mani-pedi: having your nails done at a salon constantly can sometimes be hard to keep up with when you don’t have the budget for a 70-150$ set every 2 weeks, so pick up a at home acrylic set to do for yourself along with some cute nail polish for your toes💅🏽 I usually stick to a super cute but classic french manicure. KISS Salon Acrylic Nude set is so pretty + fits every skin tone! It retails for about 7 dollars + lasts for over a week! with great care they can stretched for two weeks.
kitchen face masks: im not crazy about DIY skincare because i do believe proper skin care products are specifically made to absorb into the skin, not just sit on top BUT i do understand running out of my favorite LUSH mask of magnaminty while i’m trying to save a coin or two can cause more stress pimples than my pretty face can afford. SO, a simple yet effective mask (+ only kitchen masks i’ll ever whip up) is my go-to. Try a mix of manuka honey (or any unfiltered RAW honey) and turmeric. That’s all, mix a small amount + apply to your skin for even tone and glowy skin. Also you can’t go wrong with a Aztec Healing Clay Mask, that’ll run you about 12 bucks.
style your natural hair: hair tends to be my BIGGEST beauty bill, so during times when i need save + my hair isn’t already in a style, i focus on styling my curls. Slick back buns + ponytails are my go-to. It’s simple, sleek, + super cute! If managing your natural hair is too much, braiding hair is about 5-8 $ per pack, this’ll be a great time to sit in front a mirror, prop up that laptop + find a good tutorial on easy braid styles. Learn how to do knotless braids on yourself or those super adorable North West chunky braids, building skill during this time could not only save you money but with practice, save you the hassle we all experience dealing with hairstylist.
body mist + perfume minis: idk about y’all but when i look + SMELL good, i feel good. Running out your favorite fragrances during a time when you don’t have the extra cash to re-up can be like losing an old and familiar friend, look up the notes in that fragrance + make your way to a department store like Marshall’s, Ross, TJ Maxx, Burlington, Walmart or Target + get a body mist or perfume dupe! Marshall’s + TJ Maxx usually carry a travel size of many lux perfumes. If you’re obsessed with Juicy Couture fragrances like me, they’re always at these places for super low prices too. Body mists with similar notes can give you a more affordable fragrance option too. To keep body mists scent lingering a little longer try to pick up a similar scented body oil. These options shouldn’t cost you more than 20$, unless your aiming for the perfume dupes or smaller sizes of your favorites, most of them are going for 20-40$ which is a lot more affordable than the 120+ dollars we spend on full size perfumes.
shop your own closet + make a wishlist: shopping sprees are my favorite past time, but saving money can put a quick halt to that hobby. So instead I tend to focus on what i already have, pick out my favorites + literally style them in as many ways as i can- this is also a great time to develop your styling skill, experiment with different pairings + what not. If you just enjoy being out shopping like myself, there is nothing wrong with window shopping for yourself, i call it ‘wishlist hunting’. Go out, get yourself a nice lil lunch, grab ice coffee or chai latte and hit up your favorite stores. There is no law against browsing! (lol but avoid luxury stores or boutique due to them most times having a policy against browsing) Anyways, browse your favorite stores + make note of your next pick ups once you’re able to. It’s like manifesting lol. It also gives you something to look forward to once you’re able to splurge so you won’t be frivolously spending once you get extra coin.
mental health maintenance:
to be transparent, being in tight spot financially can sometimes cause me to worry + feel stressed, even if i’m able to manage all my bills + food. Not having extra money to do the things i want, the way i want can be depressing. My mental + emotional well-being is more important to me than just looking pretty, i want to feel that way too. Being pretty also means my thoughts aren’t against me, especially about things out of my control. Being pretty means that i’m in high energy, not only to be kind to others but kind to myself. Ive been dealing with chronic depression + anxiety since i was 14, so maintaining the things that bring me joy + comfort me is prioritized during times of worry or stress. Being pretty isn’t just about my nails + hair staying done, being pretty is knowing i’m in a safe space with myself so i wont act out in ugly ways. A lot of people don’t acknowledge how managing finances can add to stress + sadness, why should i allow myself to be angry and anxious? that’s ugly to me. Therapy isn’t always accessible or affordable, so journaling is my go-to until i’m able to access professional mental health services. A super cute girls and thems night in is great for the heart, vent it out with your closest friends. Volunteering is free! it’s a great way to give back during a time when you may not have the funds to and gets you out of your mind about things out of your control. Donate or sell some old clothes to help other itgrls on a budget be pretty on purpose. Something about seeing other people appreciate things you don’t show enough love to anymore is good for the conscious.
remember, there is no one in this universe who can be you better than yourself and who you are should not depend on how much or how little you have at any given moment.
xoxo, itgrl Pier
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My 2023 Bullet Journal Set Up
I've had this finished for a couple days but I can't stop wanting to share it so... Here goes:
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My future log is split over three pages. I've done the little leaf dividers in all four of my previous bujos, and I really like them bc otherwise I feel like it's very utilitarian. I am trying to decide if I should decorate the months like I usually do (on/around the text I usually do a little doodle--January is snowflakes, May is roses, December is holly, etc) so idk let me know what you think I guess?
Trying a few new things this year: I watched like a million 2023 set up videos on YouTube and saw a couple 23 23s in 2023 spreads, and while I've done level 10 life the last couple years I didn't feel like it's really working for me so I decided to try 23 23s instead. (If you want to know what my 23 things are, I have them figured out now but it took me ages.) I've also included a 2023 cover page, which is a piece of cardstock I taped in. Not pictured are the back of it and the page underneath; taped to the back of the cover page is a letter to myself for 2024, and opposite is my word of the year: assured.
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The next two pages are my period tracker (a new inclusion in the start of year set up, as I usually leave it to later in the year, as a collection between January or February weeks. I also set up a wishlist and gift list, which I usually leave to sometime in October-December but figured I'd go ahead and include it up front this year. My last page is a budget spread, which I've never used before but I'd really like to get into budgeting as I like become more of an adult, so my first step is going to be tracking my monthly income and expenses here. I also have a monthly envelope for monthly expense tracking and like receipts and things, but I don't really know how it's going to work for me because I've never used anything before.
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And that's my start of year set up! I'm using a leuchtturm 1917 with 120 gsm paper, which is new bc normally I just use a normal 1917. I wanted thicker paper this year but I love the features of the leuchtturm so this was a good compromise for me. I also got some new pens for Christmas, which I used lots in my set up too. And I'm loving using my journal already, so hopefully that keeps up too. Here's to a great 2023!
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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I did not have a Christmas cry. So I guess my low feelings today were just that. A coming down off a really nice day. But also I think I was just a little to social and my batteries were drained. It wasn't a horrible day. But it was hard to get through.
I didn't sleep amazing last night. James kept stretching in their sleep and hitting me in the head. And I got real upset getting woken up. They weren't hurting me but they were startling me. Not fun.
James woke me up for real around 930. And I felt alright. I told them not to make the bed and went to get dressed.
They got ready to go to the grocery store. I had sent them a little list last night of things I would like. And so they left and I had some time alone.
I shook out the bed and remade it. Put a few stuffed animals in the studio and tried to make the bed a little more cozy but not to cluttered.
The studio was a point of upset for me today. We had out basically everything in there that we didn't want to have out when we had family here. So it was very packed and horrible.
I would work on my knitting. And do a partial change of the frog tank's water. And as I was doing that James came home.
They were a little rattled by how expensive the store was. And so once everything was put away and we were eating lunch we sat down and talked through our budget. We are falling a little below our monthly expenses. A lot of that is because my monthly pay is always different. Like over the whole year it is fine but my monthly average makes us fall below our needs. Not great.
So James has decided they want to take on another job. I feel uncomfortable with this only because I don't want to ask so much from them. But they want to get back in a restaurant for a few hours a week. And maybe that will be good for them. Some more structure? I don't know. I just want them to feel happy but I also want us to be more secure? It is really hard. We will be okay but we will have to figure it out together.
I got a little bit of energy in the afternoon and while James set up their bike with the stationary attachment to ride on the living room, I started working on the studio.
James was also doing laundry. And I moved stuff around and moved my stuffed animal net up and put some shelves around them. The shelves are kind of shitty but it's something for now. I am thrilled with how much space I made though and while I'm still stressed about the closet at least I made a lot of progress and don't feel so sick over it anymore.
Me and James would spend a lot of time hanging out quietly today. I made some outfits for the next week or so. James played video games. I painted my nails and ate some astronaut ice cream. I also did my flat lay photo. Me and James talked about our favorite gifts. It was a good day even if I felt a little sad at times.
We cuddled for a bit. And I started my yearly post Christmas tradition of starting my birthday wishlist. James also said we can go to tj Maxx and Marshalls tomorrow to start looking at valentines say stuff!! I have been looking at people's finds on Instagram and I want to see something for myself. Just for fun. Valentines day is my birthday holiday so it always feels very special to me.
I practiced with my new darning tool. And James made us pizza and broccoli for dinner. Eventually I would take a bubble bath. And we have been in bed for a while now. I'm watching videos and James is reading. And I don't feel as horrible as I did.
Tomorrow we will go for a drive. And get lunch. And I hope its just a nice day. It's warming up and the sun is staying up longer and that's just really nice.
I hope you all take care of each other. Sleep well and be safe! Goodnight!!
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creations-by-chaosfay · 4 months
I've decided if I do well this summer with sales, I'll take August off to give my hands and wrists time to make a better recovery from tendonitis.
This will depend largely on income. If my husband acquires and secures a job, this will be much easier. Selling my wares will also make a huge difference. The latter will require your assistance seeing as I need someone to purchase my work.
It would be nice to take a couple months off, but that likely won't happen unless someone significant happens. Winner a lottery of some sort, or a supporter deciding they wanna go the route of how wealthy folks took care of artists in the past. "Here's money to pay rent/mortgage, bills, and food. Now make stuff. I'll be back at some point to see what you did." Gods, that would be the dream, to have a monthly supporter like that.
My left hand is doing better, and tomorrow will be the last day of this little break.
When I close commissions November 1st, I'm taking four weeks off regardless. Burnout is very real, and not something I can afford. Thankfully, Dragon Age is coming out this Fall. A new console will be necessary, more specifically an XBox Series X. I have one on my wishlist, but it's for my husband. I have a feeling there's gonna be a limited edition XBox Series X/S made for Dragon Age. It'll be out of my budget though. A girl can dream, right? Regardless, I will need a new console for myself in order to play DA, and at some point Baldur's Gate 3.
Now, time for lunch, and keeping myself occupied. I cleaned my sewing room, organized patterns as best I could (I lack folders, binders, and a three hole punch), have things set up for the next quilt top (shouldn't take more than a day), and will now watch a nature documentary. I've watched all the volcano documentaries I could find, and I'm sad there aren't more. I really love volcanoes.
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alex-guerin · 3 years
Hey guys, so, my parents are in desperate need of a new house. Like, they don't have a choice anymore, it's either move or have the house come down on top of them. Thankfully, they have found a place in town, has everything my mom wants, has the two things my dad wants, and even has a couple of things off my wishlist. It's in great shape, in their budget, and in fact they are signing the contract for it later today. My folks accepted the seller's counter offer and things are moving along great!
There's just one thing that has us all a little worried, and that’s the roof. No one has been able to say if or when the roof has been replaced. My folks are getting their mortgage through a VA Loan place, and with that, they have to send an inspector out to make sure the house is safe and livable. But, also means, if he finds anything wrong with the roof, the sale is a no-go and we're right back at square one trying to find a place.
So with that said, could y'all maybe keep positive vibes, fingers crossed, good thoughts, prayers, whatever coming me and my parents way that the inspector won't find anything wrong with the roof and we can move along with the purchase? I would super, super appreciate it if people would send good thoughts/vibes/prayers what-have-yous our way for the next week or so. At least until the inspector gives their verdict on the place.
Thanks 😊
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marigoldwitch · 3 years
I think this apartment might be waiting for us
The apartment we looked at in March is still available. Which makes me think that either a) the universe is on our side and knows we should be in that apartment so it's waiting for us to get our shit together lol or b) it's not as great as we think it is and that's why no one else wants it.
I mean it is lacking in pretty much every "modern" amenity lol. No washer and dryer hook up, no dish washer and no outdoor space but these are things we sorta already don't have so that's really not that big of a deal. It doesn't have central air or heat either, which we do currently have but that's also not a deal breaker (for us at least) it does have air conditioning units in the windows both upstairs and downstairs and baseboard heating downstairs. There's no gym or pool or any thing like that. It's an old 1920's office building that they turned into a few apartments. It's literally on the same street that the first place (the 1920's studio apartment) we looked at and fell in love with but that one's no longer available.
It has 1 closet (which is technically the pantry in the kitchen), a pretty weird layout and is smaaaaaallllllll. Like, sooooooo small. That's why we love it soooooo much lol.
Are biggest concern is location and that's why this place is so great. It's literally within walking distance to a dozen cafes, restaurants, bookstores, the post office (this is important for my work lol) and there's even a witchy shop 3 blocks from the apartment! Then there's the price. Let's just say that the new apartments built right in front of this apartment (like at the front end of the street) go for about twice the price as this one. Same square footage but the apartment we're looking at even has an extra half bathroom down stairs. Which is pretty amazing considering it's just a 1 "bedroom" (I say "bedroom" because it's literally just an open space upstairs besides the bathroom).
This place is perfect. It's small. It's cheap. It's in a pretty safe-ish area (with our budget, this is has safe as it's gonna get lol). And because there's only like (I think) 6 apartments in this building, it'll hopefully be quiet too. The realtor said there are no kids in the building (all the apartments are 1 bedrooms except for 1 (which is a two bedroom that he said 2 adults live in). He told us one of the residents works for the theater (he's a seamstress). When he found out I'm a small artist and my boyfriend is a dancer he said "wow, this place is perfect for the artsy types like y'all" I thought it was sweet :)
I've decorated this apartment in my head about 20 different ways already. I have a wishlist of things I want to get and an entire pinterest board of inspiration for this place. If I could sign the lease tomorrow I would. Only issue is that we have to prove we make 3x the rent. And as of now, the last 3 months, we've been about $400 shy of making 3x. So we know we won't get approved, right now. Trust me I am ready to move in now lol.
We're working on. But with the summer coming up and my boyfriend's dance classes being cut in half, we're gonna make even less money. So, as much as I wanted to avoid selling my designs again, I am planning on dusting off the old crochet journal and typing up some of my patterns (along with writing a few new ones). My crochet patterns sell really well on Etsy (and now I have a Patreon too) and I think that's where I should be focusing my efforts for the next few weeks. I might possibly take on a few custom orders but not like I used to.. just in case I get another infection or end up back in the hospital again, I don't want to get behind on my work and relive that stress lol.
If you've made it this far, here is a cookie for your time :) and thank you for listening (or reading, or whatever lol) to my problems. Here's hoping no one snatches up that apartment before we can get it.
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lifeinahole27 · 4 years
CS ff: “Walking the Tightrope” (Chapter 4/10) (au)
Summary: Killian’s daily routines are a matter of habit. When he wakes up late one morning, his routines all change for the better. Emma doesn’t care about routines, but she does care about Killian, no matter how reluctant she is to admit it to herself.
Rating: E (much later in the story)
Content Warnings: Maybe some strong language. 
A Special Thank You: My continued gratitude to my lovely friends, @captainstudmuffin and @phiralovesloki. And a heap of love to @captainswanbigbang for putting this together and helping me accomplish this.
A/N: Without going into too much detail, I’m moving to a twice-a-week posting schedule. Mental health and mental illness are truly fickle things. This is the only way I can control mine right now. If I’d had my way, I would’ve posted the rest of the story in one go and taken a few months away from all social media. This was the proposed solution. Thank you for all the support and love over the last five years. It’s been my favorite adventure, so far. 
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | 
Find it on Ao3 & FFN!
Chapter 4: Middle of the Road
October 25: Friday 
Friday is another night out at the Rabbit Hole, and for once Killian is there before her instead of the other way around. He’s in the middle of some animated story about lobsters, much to the amusement of those in attendance judging by their rapt expressions. There are two seats open at the table. One is the safe option, across from Killian and next to David. Or the other option is to sit at the head of this cacophony of tables and next to Killian directly. 
His gaze flicks over to her, as if he senses her thoughts, and as the story wraps up to the raucous laughter of their whole group, he puts on a satisfied little smile and lifts his hand in greeting. 
It looks as though he’s gotten the approval of both Snow and David, so that’s a mark in the right column. 
When her drink is set down in front of her, she wanders over, making a split second decision to sit at the head of the table. 
“Seems like I missed the best part of the evening,” she says as she settles in beside him.
“Long story short, the lobsters won the battle,” Killian tells her, smiling and sipping from the bottle in front of him. “How was your day at work, Swan?”
“David hit a new record in computer freeze-ups, so it was a little long.”
“It’s not my fault the computers are still running Windows 95,” David argues, his scowl not directed at Emma but at the ancient technology they’re currently running in the station. 
“And it’s not my fault you just decided this year that you wanted to start digitizing the last fifty years of records we have,” Emma retorts, losing the battle with herself and sticking her tongue out at David when he does the same to her. “Also, I would definitely argue that it is your fault that our equipment is so damn old.”
“Have you spoken to Regina about upgrade budgets?” This comes from the other end of the table, where Robin is seated, and almost every head swivels to look at him. “Ah, that’s right. You’re all terrified of my fiance. How silly of me to forget.” The blase tone has no offense to it; Robin is simply used to the stunned silence he gets at the obvious suggestion of asking Mayor Mills for budget increases in certain departments. It’s no big deal to him, the guy dating her, because one day he walked into her office to talk to her about a playground rebuild and suddenly they were seen everywhere.
Of course, back then, everywhere they were seen included heavy amounts of arguing. Then, suddenly, one day they were everywhere and making out. So that was an interesting development for a sleepy little town. 
“You know, I forgot that since she started dating you she’s been much easier to talk to,” Emma mentions. “Maybe I’ll schedule an appointment with her and ask about getting some upgrades in the station.”
“It’s best that you do this one on your own. She’s still mad at me for dragging a pack of dogs through those daffodils she had in front of Town Hall,” David admits.
“Only a little, mate,” Robin adds, winking when David looks at him. 
“Isn’t it rather handy to have the expat club around, love?” Killian nudges her with his elbow when he says it, grinning wide when she makes eye contact.
“It’s not so bad, I guess,” she responds with her own smile back. 
After a couple hours, the length of the day starts to weigh on her and she can feel her eyes drooping shut even with the group still in full swing. 
“Okay, I’m calling it a night,” she announces to their side of the table. 
“I’ll walk with you, Swan, if you’ll allow me. I’m at the end of my night, as well.”
It’s on the tip of her tongue to dismiss him, but Snow catches her eye and gives her one of her meaningful looks. She gives one of her own back, indicating that yeah, fine, okay she gets the message.
“Okay. Let’s go,” she says lamely, instead of whatever objection had been waiting.
Outside, they both take a moment to adjust to the quiet and the wind, with Emma pulling out her beanie and pulling it on snugly.
“I need to remember my own,” Killian says, indicating the hat on her head. “You’d think I would be better suited for cold weather given the track record of my home country.”
“After I moved back it was a struggle to get used to the temperatures again,” Emma admits.
“Moved back?”
“From Florida. I spent three years down there,” she says, leaving out all the rest of the story on purpose. But the answer seems to suit Killian just fine. 
“I never officially lived anywhere else until I moved here,” he tells her as they walk down the street. “Visited a lot of places in the Navy, but official, permanent addresses were all in the same town.”
“The Navy, huh?”
“Aye. One day you’ll get to hear all about my sordid but charming history,” he says, a teasing note to the words. 
It’s so easy, walking the short distance with him. She almost tells him she can take the rest alone when they hit their corner but she resists, instead leading him again along the path to her building. He stops when she does, still standing a respectable distance away. 
“Thanks for walking with me,” she says quietly. In truth, she wants to ask him up for a cup of coffee or something, but she can’t remember the last time she’s had a man in her home and now doesn’t feel like a good time to try when it’s getting late and she wasn’t lying about how tired she is.
“Always a pleasure. Goodnight.”
She responds in kind, itching like she did that first time he walked her home to reach out, to have some form of physical signature to end the evening. 
He’s just turning away when she moves again, grabbing his arm and going for a quick kiss on his cheek but he turns and the peck ends landing right on the corner of his mouth. Rather than sink into the comforting embrace of awkwardness, she stands her ground against the urge to run.
“Thank you again,” he tells him.
“For what?”
“Everything. Walking me home. Understanding. Not pushing me. I’m trying to get on the same level, and I wanted you to know that.” 
“All at your own pace, Swan. Goodnight,” he says again, his smile tinged with peace.
She makes sure to give him one last wave and smile when she gets to the door, liking the way this night ended much more than the last time he walked her home. 
-x- October 30: Wednesday
While Storybrooke is a small town, it doesn’t mean Mayor Mills has an abundance of time. As such, Emma can’t get an appointment until Wednesday. It’s something to break up the monotony of the day, however, so she doesn’t mind. Right before lunch time, she heads to the stately office building and waits her turn behind various townspeople requests.
It’s such a simple meeting, with professional courtesies and barely any spare chatting or gossip. Regina’s never really been the type, even before she got together with Robin. While he’s certainly made her more approachable, the meeting is still over about ten minutes after it begins, and Emma comes away from it with more than she anticipated.
Armed with her upgrades budget and a wishlist a mile long, Emma heads outside and starts walking back to the station. Across the street is NeverEndings and she slows down a bit, weighing the decision to go in. Ultimately, the idea of surprising Killian and maybe asking him if he wants to grab lunch with her is what sends her crossing, pulling open the heavy wooden door and rushing into the reception area. 
The last couple days have been really nice with him. They walk together in the mornings, and sometimes she loops her arm through his while they cross the street. She has snuck him two kisses outside of the library so that Granny doesn’t see it when he leaves her at the front of the diner. 
And today, she didn’t even have to stop at the diner. Instead, Killian was waiting at their corner with a second mug of coffee. The least she can do is give him his afternoon caffeine fix. 
It turns out the office building is a little more active during the day compared to when she brought him his dinner. She stands there in shock for a moment, remembering that there are people that work here that aren’t Killian, or Will, or Robin, and trying to decide if this really was a good idea. 
She’s just about to turn around and head out again when the secretary, a woman named Anna, calls out to her. 
“It’s nice to see you, Emma! It’s been too long! Is there anything I can help you with today?”
“Um, I’m actually here to see Killian? Killian Jones?”
“He’s in his office. Do you need me to take you back?”
“No, thanks. I know the way. Thanks Anna.”
It looks like Anna is about to launch into something else to say - the woman has a penchant for talking far too much but is one of the nicest people she’s ever met - but Emma moves quickly beyond the desk and back towards the office she knows. 
She weaves her way through the halls again, finding Killian’s door wide open this time. He’s not alone, however, and she startles when she sees a young teenager sitting in the chair across from Killian’s desk. Like he can sense she’s there, the man in question glances away from his computer screen and makes eye contact with her. 
“Ah, Swan! Good afternoon. Henry, just give me one moment,” he tells the young man in the chair, starting to rise from his own. 
“Sorry, I didn’t -” 
The boy turns then, curious brown eyes landing on her, so familiar that it steals all the breath in her lungs momentarily. Even his hair looks the same color as Neal’s. 
“I didn’t know you were busy. Never mind,” she says quickly, turning from the door and all but running back out through the front doors before Killian even has a chance to finish standing up.
His voice follows her down the hallway, but she doesn’t slow down, doesn’t even stop to consider what this may look like to him. The only thing she’s concerned with is getting away from the memories she wishes she could forget. 
Her feet take her to Granny’s - something about this place is the heart of Storybrooke and so everyone always ends up here one way or another - but it’s mostly a trip for comfort rather than necessity this time.
In that regard, the proprietress must sense her needs, because she’s handing over a bear claw fresh from the fryer while Emma waits for her usual lunch to cook. Directly after, a mug of hot cocoa is placed in front of her, cinnamon already sprinkled over the whipped cream. 
“How much do I owe you?”
“Same as always,” Granny says without slowing down in her movements behind the counter. “Dessert’s on me. The hot chocolate is from that one over there.”
Emma glances to where she’s pointing, expecting to see David or Ruby or anyone besides Will settling into a booth along the windows. He raises his own mug and turns back to his conversation with Belle, but she has a feeling that’s not the end of the moment just yet. 
She’s halfway through pushing her lunch around her plate when Will wanders over and props against the counter where she’s seated. 
“Did she put the rum in it like I asked?” he asks, pointing to the mug in her hands. Suddenly, she wonders if there was a different tang to the usual comfort today but Will’s smile is one she recognizes. “Only joking, lass. I know you’re on the clock. But surely you could’ve used it with the way you looked when you ran from the office.”
“You saw that?” She wants to cringe, to run away and hide again, but Will isn’t judging her so it’s not the end of the world. 
“Sped right past me as I was on my way back to Killian’s office. You know him and I go way back?”
“I thought you just met when he moved here.”
“Hardly. Met right before he joined the Navy through some literary club thing he was in. He was interning at the London branch when this position opened up and I told Robin to hire him and stop having all those brains wasted on fetching coffee and being a gopher.”
“Leaving England for a junior editor position had to be a big decision. Why would he come all this way for a spot he probably would’ve gotten if he stuck it out over there?”
“That’s all his story to tell you. But there is something I’ll tell you about Killian,” Will starts, and Emma won’t lie and say her heart doesn’t stutter at the words. She’s expecting the worst, as always, but she nods at him to continue.
“He hasn’t been in a relationship for a long time. Had his heart broken clean in two. If I’m not mistaken, that’s something the two of you have in common,” he says gently. There’s something about the way he says it. This is a level of friendship they’ve never crossed, preferring witty banter and faked hatred to show their friendly affection for each other instead.
“I’m guessing he doesn’t know you’re telling me this?” Emma asks.
“No. Probably tell me to mind me own bloody business. But it’s funny. About a month and a half ago he started smiling the way he did, before life got to him.” He gives her a look at that, before Belle is back by his side. Her fingers link with his like she doesn’t even know she’s doing it, and the sight makes something in Emma’s stomach clench with want. 
They turn to leave her, but Emma calls back to Will before he gets too far.
“Thanks. I’ll try not to be too mean to you from now on,” she says.
“Bollocks! That’s half the fun of it!” he exclaims, grinning ear to ear and turning around as Emma laughs. 
She doesn’t particularly want to return to the station but knows she should go back to work. The rest of her day is spent intently focusing on the files she’s copying. When David leaves for the day, she tells him to go on ahead. If he’s worried, he knows better than to push for information right now, which works just fine for her. She’ll talk when she’s ready.
When the last file of her stack is completed, she finally shuts everything down, looking up to find Mulan kicked back at her desk and reading a book. 
“Never thought you’d give up,” the other woman mutters without looking away. “Go home. David delivered food to your apartment over an hour ago.”
“I’m going. But not because you told me to,” Emma points out. She stands, bending and twisting and stretching until all the pops and cracks from her back have helped ease some of the pain she feels. 
With more amiable separating words from both of them, Emma finally leaves Mulan to take over the next shift, knowing that Phillip will probably be in after his aptly named son, Phillip, is put to bed for the evening. Her walk home is trudging, at best. Even knowing that David dropped off food for her isn’t helping pick up her feet any. 
The shock of seeing a kid look that much like Neal is enough to sour a whole day, if not the whole rest of the week. 
It’s not just that Neal left her, and that he left in the middle of the night while she slept, but that he did it because he thought Emma was pregnant. There was no indication that she even was. She had a stomach bug, three days of her head in the toilet which was preceded by her mentioning she had a craving for Granny’s grilled cheese sandwiches and a chocolate milkshake from back home.
Not even bothering to do the math or ask about her cycle, he just assumed that the cravings and the vomiting meant she was pregnant. They’d had sex once. For roughly thirty seconds until he complained that she was too tight and he pulled out. And he’d been wearing a condom. 
The anger of it starts fueling her into moving again, and she almost rushes right past Granny’s when she hears the calling of her name. 
“Evening, Swan!” Killian greets her from where he’s kicked back in one of the chairs on the patio, even though it’s far too cold to be sitting out here like that.
She waves, something jerky and unsure, and keeps moving along. She had no intentions of waltzing into his office and then fleeing like it was the scene of a crime this morning, and it’s mostly embarrassment that has her feet moving quicker. 
“Come on, Swan. Don’t make a man drink alone.”
“Not in the mood for a drink. Or a man,” she says, half-zoned out and just wanting to get home to try to process the rest of her emotions. 
“Emma, sweetheart?” he asks, hurt evident in his voice, and when she doesn’t slow down he gets up from the chair he was in and moves after her. “Wait a moment, Swan. What’s happened? What did I do between this morning and when you stopped by my office?” 
The fact that he thinks it’s his fault is what has her slowing minimally and letting him catch her around the forearm with his prosthetic hook. He uses that momentum to coax her to turn around, and the look on his face is finally what makes her cave. He doesn’t deserve the brunt of her fuckery. He’s been so patient through everything else, and while any other man in her life would’ve probably run at her first change of heart, this one has stood nearby with no pressure, no conditions asked. She fights through that heavy feeling in her chest, past the lump in her throat, so she can maybe even try to explain what happened. 
“It’s not you. I just… was reminded of my past and why I’m not good at this kind of thing.
“You’ve got to trust that I have no ill intentions here.”
“You think this is because I don’t trust you?”
“Isn’t it?”
“Of course I trust you. But it doesn’t change the fact that everyone I’ve ever been with has left me behind.” It’s probably the first time Emma has ever admitted any of this out loud, and suddenly what she thought was just a slight case of emotions feels a lot more like a boulder sitting in her stomach. For the tiniest moment, she’s afraid she’ll start crying. Her voice is almost garbled when she speaks again, fighting past the emotions welling up. “Neal, Graham… even Walsh. They left me in one way or another.” He doesn’t know them yet, doesn’t know what they did, but letting their names out into the open takes away some of their power.
Moving just a bit closer, Killian holds eye contact with her, probably just as much for him as for her. “Well, love. You don’t have to worry about me. I may leave this area on occasions, but I’ve no intention of leaving you unless you tell me to.”
It could just be an empty promise, but coming from Killian it sounds like a genuine one. She nods, just a fraction of her chin tilting down, to show him she understands. He moves forward the rest of the way, his intent clear without being overpowering. And then he’s kissing her, his arm coming snugly around her waist. 
It’s different from their first kiss and the small affectionate gestures they’ve shared recently. There’s something more than intention behind it and without the spontaneous factor involved, it’s calmer if not less intense. It doesn’t occur to her to be ashamed that they are standing in the middle of the street because how can she care about anything else when Killian is doing his best to remind her what human connection feels like with each subsequent press of his lips? 
This is enough for now, the start of a new routine for them. She always just assumed he was some nerdy dude with an office job, but really, Killian is like twenty things all wrapped into one and she’s discovering she’s eager to uncover each layer of him one at a time. 
With that thought, her final hang-ups fall away and she surrenders instead to the warm lips attached to the man that has changed her mind about dating. She thinks to tell him that, but then he’s shifting, his hand sliding into her hair as his left arm pulls her closer and then she’s all but crawling into his jacket. He’s warm, chasing away the chill she’s felt not just because of the temperatures but because of the hole she let herself sink into earlier. Chest to chest, she can feel the sound that rumbles through him when she wraps her arms around his waist. 
There’s a part of her that wants to know, desperately, why she was resisting this - resisting him, but she knows there’s still miles to go before all the dark spots fall away from her memories. This is a good start, though. It’s just them, figuring things out and also making out like they’re a couple of teenagers.
“There are better places to do that than the middle of the road.” It’s Granny’s voice that springs them apart. 
“Seriously?!” Emma says, looking over Killian’s shoulder at the older woman. 
Granny just gives her one of her patented looks and goes back inside, leaving them alone again.
“Would it be all right if I walked you home?”
“Sure. I’d like that,” Emma answers, taking his hand as they start heading that way. “Are you dressing up for Halloween tomorrow?”
“Aye. Quite the get-up I’ve got, too.”
“Oh yeah?”
He hums his agreement, but not saying anything more about it. “How about you, love? What have you cooked up for a costume?”
“I don’t normally dress up,” Emma admits. “But I think I can pull something together easily enough.” Even as she says it, she’s thinking of the parts of a suit she has at home. Surely she can pull that off with a couple accessories, right? It’s too good of an idea not to try, and so even though she's sad to say goodnight to Killian after the moment they’ve just had, she’s also excited to get inside and go tearing through her closet.
She makes sure to thoroughly kiss him goodnight before she does, however.
Chapter 5
65 notes · View notes
Denial (Rhodestead)
Summary: Will is straight, but has this habit of watching videos of a faceless man on the internet get himself off.
Warnings: internalized homophobia, homophobia, eventual smut
WC: 6569
Here’s the thing: Will Halstead is straight.
Really, he is, no kidding. He likes women, and their chests, and their legs, and all that. He’s had girlfriends, and even had sex with one of them, once, when he was in med school. Her bed had been squeaky and the mattress too small, and the whole time he looked at this poster she had on her wall. It was for the Princess Bride. Buttercup and Wesley together, under beautiful text he could barely see because the lights were off.
He does not, on the other hand, like men. He has no interest in the way their shoulders move when they walk, or the veins on their hands, or their smiles, or the sharp angles of their jaws, or the tenor of their voices, or the way their bottom lips shadows over their chins, or the curve of- anyways. The point is, Will Halstead is completely, one hundred percent heterosexual.
But the other thing is, he follows this account on instagram, prncehrts. It’s some guy that never shows his face, just photos from the neck down. Some of his chest. His legs. His ass. He has a little muscle, but not enough to be overbearing or falsified. In some pictures he has the faint outline of abs, but in others his stomach looks soft, like the kind made to be bitten and covered in violet marks. Not that Will thinks about that of course.
And of course, there’s prncehrts’ other account, on some blogging platform called tumblr. The premium one. The one that Will pays $15/month to follow because these are photos too explicit to go anywhere else, like the ones that showcase his soft cock lying against one of his marked up thighs, or those that show him on his hands and knees, a hand wrapped around a silicon looking purple toy practically dripping with lube.
Will has the subscription for the express purpose of making sure prncehrts is safe. There are a lot of gay men- not that Will is at all one of them- who don’t always know what they’re doing, and could hurt themselves. It’s a matter of safety that Will watches. His body reacts, sometimes, but it just does that because of course he reacts to naked bodies. Because Will isn’t gay.
He watches, though, at least once a week. Refreshes prncehrts’ blog to see if there’s anything new, and takes a look at whatever comes up. Sometimes it’s a picture, sometimes a video, sometimes both and/or more than one.
For about five months, Will watches, listens, and vehemently reminds himself that he’s not gay and there’s nothing gay about this, even when he sometimes has to press the heel of his hand between his legs in an effort to relieve the pressure that comes just because his body reacts to nudity. Just prncehrts’ though, not any of the girlfriends he’s had in the past, including the one he had sex with once before breaking up with her because there wasn’t a real spark. And for five months, he doesn’t think about the real person who makes these videos until he clicks on one of prncehrts kneeling in front of the camera, everything above his smile cut off.
“Hey, so I was hoping for a little help,” prncehrts says, and his voice is so much deeper than most of the moans Will has come to associate with him. “You all know how much I adore Edward.” He holds up the silicone toy he uses so often, and is apparently named Edward. “But unfortunately, he’s torn a bit right here. So, I’m in the market for something new. I’ve got a wishlist in the caption of this video of some stuff I’ve been meaning to try out. Buy it for me and I’ll make something just for you. I promise.”
And Will doesn’t think about it. He clicks the wishlist, and buys the first thing on it, and leaves the username of the account he had to make to have access to prncehrts' premium accound in the “messages” section. He finds himself paying for overnight shipping, too. He just wants the best for this man he’s never met, even though he should probably be saving that money for a rainy day. He’s not off badly, he’s got plenty of money, but not enough that he should be splurging like this when he already has to budget every month for the fees to just look at prncehrts.
When it arrives the next day, he gets two notifications: one from his amazon account, saying the package was delivered, and several hours later, one from prncehrts over DM. Of course, he doesn’t look at it until his shift is over and he’s home, at which point he doesn’t hurry to see what he’s been sent. And he doesn’t kick off his scrubs before throwing himself on the bed, he just gets rid of them because he’s tired and wants to relax.
He taps on the little thumbnail, and the video fills his screen.
“Forgive the mess, sweetheart. Just got a new place.”
Will waves a hand dismissively, even though he’s watching a video recorded quite a while ago. Prncehrts is laying on a mattress on the floor instead of his usual luxurious sheets, but it doesn’t matter much. He’s still beautiful, and when he starts rubbing a lubed finger against his hole, his muscles tense and that soft stomach turns back to muscle, and that would be a good place to put his mouth too. The thought keeps coming to him, and he isn’t sure why. Will could never have sex with a man. He’s just not interested. He doubts he’d be able to get it up, he thinks, even as he lets his own fingers trace against the bulge in his boxers.
He watches the video, start to finish, twice. The path the video takes, the sounds that drip from prncehrts’ mouth, the way the toy looks inside of him, none of it matters, and neither does the new stain on the inside of Will’s underwear. He’s just not gay, so it couldn’t matter, even though he falls asleep with an image of soft lips and the working of a capable hand slipping against the back of his eyelids. It’s there all night, paints itself in front of his eyes again in the morning. He can’t stop thinking about it. And then he starts in on taking over the movement of the toy himself, pushing down on the small of prncehrts’ back and listening to those moans in real life, not just on a tinny video clearly not made professionally.
Maybe he should stop watching these videos. He shakes his head to clear it and goes for his morning coffee, wishing he had thought to completely pull off his underwear instead of just kicking them halfway down his legs last night. A shower, and coffee, and his scrubs, and he can go to work to think about things other than the fact that he needs to reevaluate watching prncehrts so much, considering he’s not gay. At this point, it’s just weird.
Then he gets to work, and doesn’t think about it for a while, because things are busy like they always are, especially with the new ED opening. It’s christened with a train crash, of all things, and some hotshot new doctor comes riding in doing chest compressions on a gurney, yelling out orders, and Will freezes where he stands because he knows that voice too well. Just twelve hours ago it apologized to him for the messy background. A few minutes after that came a very sincere, breathy, thank you.
The new doctor is prncehrts. He knows what the new doctor’s penis looks like before he knows his name. Will thinks he’s going to throw up. Instead, he gets around to actually helping with the influx of patients, and doesn’t even have time to think about it until he gets off work much later. When he has an ER full of trauma patients, they’re more important than remembering all the different positions (Will almost laughs when he thinks that particular word) he’s seen his new colleague.
After it all, however? After, he can’t get it out of his mind. Prncehrts, or rather, Dr. Connor Rhodes, is more stunning in real life. He has a good smile, and kind eyes, and he’s tall and Will’s eyes are drawn to him. But it’s just a matter of curiosity, because, again, Will isn’t gay. He knows better. He wants to see exactly how much different Connor looks in person, but just out of some sort of curiosity he can absolutely control. Will is the master of self control, especially when it comes to absolutely ridiculous thoughts like these.
Except he goes home that night, rewatches his private video, and comes in his boxers again.
He keeps up the routine, very intentionally not mentioning the connection he’s made. It’s not the kind of thing a person just says- “Hey, by the way, I know you have a side business selling nudes and I bought you a vibrating dildo which you sent me a video of you getting yourself off with. Oh, yeah, and I get off on it sometimes, but in a straight way, because I just happen to get off to the sight of any naked body, not just yours in particular. Hope this doesn’t make things awkward!” Not exactly light chit chat.
So Will doesn’t say anything, even when he watches Connor start flirting with one of the other surgeons, and then they kiss at work, and then there comes the day that prncehrts posts a new video of Connor being fucked by a slight woman with fairly short auburn hair. Fucked by, not fucking. With vague fascination, he watches her fuck him with a strap on, and listens to the needy moans it earns. But he doesn’t finish the video, because there’s this feeling in his gut of wrong. Watching the video suddenly feels wrong. He isn’t sure why, or what about it is different besides the woman appearing, but all in all it leaves a bad taste in his mouth. It's a short video, a teaser, for the full one available on her own premier blog. Will almost pays the fee to see the whole thing, but can't bring himself to. Something about it isn't right.
For three days afterward, Will feels weird about this whole thing. Tells himself he should stop watching, because he's straight and so is Connor and it's not the sort of thing a straight man does. For three whole days, his routine of looking and touching and thinking is disrupted, and he may be a little pent up when Connor shoves him against the wall of an elevator and argues with him, and his lips are against Will's ear as he speaks.
He doesn’t process the words being said, just the sound of Connor’s voice and the feel of his body and he melts. It’s easy to melt for him. And Connor definitely notices, but before Will has time to panic, Connor moves and then they’re face to face. Millimeters apart. And Will has studied these lips, studied the hands on his waist.
“I’m going to kiss you.”
Will nods, and just like that, Connor is kissing him. It’s like he’s imagined, not that he’s put any thought into this at all. He’s straight. He’s straight, and he’s kissing prncehrts and hands he’s intimately familiar with slip beneath his shirt and stroke along the bottom of his rib cage. This is wrong. Wrong. It feels perfect, but it’s wrong, and Will pushes at Connor’s chest and looks anywhere but at him.
“Your videos. I’ve uh, I’ve seen them.”
“I’m straight.”
At that, Connor starts laughing. It’s not the sultry one he uses in videos, but something honest and open, and Will likes it even better. It’s genuine. “Dr. Halstead, if you watch my porn and just kissed me, I don’t think you’re straight.”
The elevator dings and the door opens back to the ED, because Connor wouldn’t let him go to the clinical trial ward. “I’ve got a patient to check up on.”
“I’m busy.”
He walks too quickly, his lips tingling with what he just did. He shouldn’t have let Connor kiss him. He shouldn’t have mentioned what he’s seen. He shouldn’t have watched any of the videos in the first place. He’s ruined everything, because he can never talk to Connor again. He’ll have to find a new job. Everything is screwed up and Will is a good three seconds from having a complete meltdown.
Except before he can even go to a patient, Connor grabs his arm and makes him stop. “Will. Listen. What happened, we can ignore it, but-”
“I’m not gay. So yeah, we can ignore what you did to me.”
It’s like a switch has been flipped. “What I ‘did to you?’ What the fuck does that mean?”
Will should shut his mouth. He should walk away. He should stop, for just a moment at the very least, but he can’t because deep down, he’s scared. He’s not gay. No can ever think he is, because Will would lose everything. His family, his friends, his job. He isn’t. He’s not gay. He’s absolutely not gay.
“I asked first-”
“No,” Will argues, “you said you were going to kiss me. You didn’t give me a choice.”
“You nodded, you kissed me back-”
“Yeah, because I didn’t wanna get the shit beat out of me by some pushy homo-”
“Wow. Fuck you, Halstead.”
“I just told you, I’m not gay. So leave me the fuck alone.”
This time when Will turns to storm away, Connor doesn’t stop him. He knows he crossed a line, that he shouldn’t have said anything, but he’s not gay. Nothing he’s ever done has been indicative of that, and it’s not his fault that Connor made assumptions because he’s gay. Or maybe not, because he had been fooling around with that woman in the video Will saw a few days ago. Who cares? Will is straight, and he’s going to put this whole day, including the issue with his patient, behind him with as much alcohol as he can drain into his system without giving himself alcohol poisoning. And he absolutely won’t be checking prncehrts tonight.
Less than an hour later, however, Will finds himself being called to Ms. Goodwin’s office. Connor is sitting in one of the chairs, arms crossed, one leg bouncing anxiously.
“A patient reported something very concerning to me, Dr. Halstead. He said that you, quote, ‘accused Dr. Rhodes of forcing you to kiss him and called him a homo.’ Is that true?”
“That’s what happened, yes.”
“We don’t tolerate homophobia at this hospital, Dr. Halstead, as I’m sure you’re aware,” she starts.
Will doesn’t let her get that far. “But you tolerate him assaulting me?”
“Dr. Rhodes told me his side of the story, and the cameras back it up. You nodded when he asked permission, you pulled him closer. If you have… feelings for Dr. Rhodes, or are exploring your sexuality, that’s one thing, but your language was inappropriate.”
“So what, you’re going to write me up?”
“Dr. Rhodes specifically asked me not to. Why, I don’t know. But I don’t ever want to hear about this again, from either of you, am I clear?”
“Yes ma’am,” they both say, and they’re dismissed for now, but Will feels like he’s going to throw up because he hates being reprimanded, and absolutely hates feeling as though he’s disappointed an authority figure.
“Next time you have a crisis,” Connor says before they go their separate ways, “don’t use me as your little experiment and accuse me of… whatever that was.”
Just like that, they don’t interact for the last couple hours of Will’s shift, thankfully, and he’s able to go home and drink in the dark. And when he gets the buzz of a notification that prncehrts’ instagram, which is more suggestive than outright sexual, has posted again. He shouldn’t click on it, especially given what happened today.
But Will doesn’t have much self control, and he opens the notification anyways to a photo of Connor’s chest, starting just below his jaw and going all the way down to follow where his hair thickens into an obvious happy trail that would be fun to trace with Will’s fingers. He never would, but he has the thought.
Rough day. Livestream on my premium tonight to help destress?
All the comments are affirmatives, emojis, dirty words that make Will feel like his chest is folding in on himself and he isn’t entirely sure why. He also isn’t entirely sure why he opens up his computer to the premium account and joins the livestream, which hasn’t quite started yet. Connor is just kneeling in front of the camera, hands folded on his thighs and covering his crotch almost modestly.
The chat is going a mile a minute. Compliments. Demands. Will’s never said anything in these before, and isn’t about to start now, but he feels like he should say something. He has to say something. He doesn’t, though, he just watches.
“I’m gonna be honest with you all,” Connor says. Well, he’s not Connor, Will thinks. He’s prncehrts. They have different personalities. Act differently. “I’m not doing this stream for you, or for me. I’ve got this friend- acquaintance more like. Apparently, he’s one of you. He likes to watch.” Connor pauses, probably scanning the chat. “Yes, yes, I know, I’m not giving you a show yet. Be patient. He and I had an interesting day, and I got this feeling that he’d be watching. Are you watching?”
“I’m watching,” Will says in the silence of his bedroom. “Always.”
“This is a stupid idea, but you know, I figured I might as well have some fun. I'll be taking requests tonight from anyone who gives them, but you know, if you admit you're watching, I'll just listen to you. I know you want that, don't you? That's why you watch. So now's your chance."
It's obviously baiting. Connor wants to prove that Will isn't straight, that there's something wrong with him, that he’s not what he should be. He shouldn’t do this. He should close out of the window. Instead, he holds his phone tightly and debates sending Connor a text. It would be so easy. But the fact is, Will isn’t gay, and it’s one thing to just look, but another entirely to dictate what happens.
He’s still watching, though, when Connor begins taking commands from the chat and starts touching himself, shifting restlessly into the touch of his own hand, a hand that had felt blisteringly hot on Will’s skin only a few hours ago. Every slightest movement is mesmerizing, but nothing as much so as the way Connor keeps biting his lips around the softest moans.
“C’mon. Text me, call me. You know I’ll answer it. Whatever you’re scared of, don’t be.”
Connor stops his hand movements and whimpers, clearly following someone’s instructions in the chat. A lot of his viewers like to see him desperate. But if Will was there, that’s not what he’d be like. He’d just want to make Connor feel good, make him smile and moan and be happy. Not that Will has ever thought about what it would feel like, or would he would do given the opportunity.
Will picks up his cell phone and his fingers dance over the keypad without permission. He can’t help himself. He types, and presses send, and then drops his phone before he can think about it any more. All he does is watch. About a minute later, there’s an audible buzz on the livestream, and Connor picks up his phone.
“Aww, guys,” he says, “my dear Romeo just sent me his address. I guess that means we’re finished for now. But I promise, next video will be lots of fun.”
Blowing one last kiss to the camera, Connor ends the livestream and Will slams his computer shut. What did he do? His lungs aren’t working, and he doesn’t know why he did that because he’s not fucking gay. He should text Connor back and tell him not to come over, or clean up his apartment, or do something other than sit here, still in his scrubs, his phone in one hand and a half bottle of beer in the other.
For fifteen minutes, he stays there in indecision until someone knocks on his door, and he knows it’s Connor. He shouldn’t open the door. All of this was a mistake and he’s about to cry. But he goes to the door nonetheless. Smooths down his shirt. Opens the front door to reveal Connor standing there in a tee shirt and sweatpants. There’s no smile on his face.
“I was watching.”
“No kidding.” Connor strolls inside and throws himself down on the couch like he belongs here. He does, in a sense. He was invited. “I knew you would be.”
Will sits down on the coffee table across from him, still holding his beer bottle loosely. “Listen, I uh, I don’t think I want you to, uh, to- to-”
“You think I’d walk in here and just take off my pants, let you fuck me over your kitchen counter?”
He laughs that genuine laugh again, the one that fills Will with warmth. “Listen. I get it. You’re repressed as fuck and I’m your nice little experiment and you never actually meant to meet me in person. It’s awkward. If you wanna watch my videos, look at my pictures, then by all means, since you’re paying me to look. But I don’t much appreciate whatever your little meltdown was today, got that? I’m willing to help you out, if you really do wanna ‘explore’ or whatever. But no more bullshit. If I help you, if we fool around, no more of that ‘I’m not gay’ crap.”
“But I’m not.”
Connor rolls his eyes. “And yet, you still watched the livestream.”
Will leans forward a little, enough to reach out a hand and cup Connor’s face. It’s warm, his stubble rough, and his eyes so soft and affectionate. Or something like that. No one has ever really looked at Will like that, except maybe the ex-girlfriend he shared one dull night with in his college days. There’s still a part of him that screams this is wrong, but a louder voice tells him this is the most natural thing he’s ever done.
“You’re in charge here. What do you want?”
He gets off the table to kneel in front of Connor and kiss him, this time without pretenses. It’s a strange feeling, but it makes him feel warm from his lips to his toes and everywhere in between. And better yet, Connor kisses him back, and it’s perfect. This is perfect.
Then it ends. Not because he wanted it to, but because Connor has decided to sit up properly, and he looks so beautiful with pink cheeks and swollen lips and blown wide pupils, all the things that the camera doesn’t show. Here, there’s no ambiguity on what’s happening, and every choice has been placed in Will’s hands so he can’t claim later that it wasn’t his fault or his desire.
“Can I… Can I touch you?”
“Where?” Connor asks softly.
Instead of coming out of his mouth, the words stick like peanut butter and Will can’t make himself say it. He gestures at Connor’s lower stomach, hoping it’s good enough.
“You want to touch my dick?”
Has to be crass, doesn’t he? Will nods, and Connor takes one of his wrists gently and guides it to the crotch of his sweatpants. There’s a bulge beneath the fabric, but he’s not entirely hard yet. Carefully, Will curls his fingers around it and moves his hand just a bit, like he was rubbing himself off through his clothes because it can’t be that different. Of course, he feels Connor slowly get hard, hears his breathing get heavier and faster.
“Just like that, Sunshine,”
Those words shoot down Will’s spine, and he asks, “Can you kiss me again?”
Connor immediately acquiesces, kisses him with a little more intensity. It’s nice, but Will craves more. He wants to be closer, touch more, do more, and for once his brain isn’t reminding him all the things that are wrong with what he’s doing right now. It feels good, and he needs just a little bit more, but he isn’t sure what that would mean.
“You wanna sit in my lap? Might be more comfortable.”
Yes, that sounds wonderful, sounds perfect. Will nods, and suddenly he’s being lifted into Connor’s lap and he can feel, against his ass, how hard Connor is, and that’s something he did. He caused that. With his own hand. In all honesty, Will doesn’t know what he’s doing, but he remembers that in a lot of videos Connor likes to grind against things, so maybe he could be one of those. He squirms a little, not entirely sure of what he’s doing, which makes Connor grab his hips tightly and throw his head back against the couch and make the most intoxicating sound Will thinks he’s ever heard.
“Do that again.”
“It doesn’t work like that,” Connor says breathlessly. Now he’s the one moving, lifting his hips off the couch and rubbing himself against Will’s ass. “Do you want me to touch you?”
Connor stops moving altogether, which is the worst possible thing that could have happened, in Will’s opinion. “Is that a question or an answer?”
“Yes, please touch me.”
“Look at you, so polite.”
He kisses Will again, and then slides a hand between them to wrap around Will’s cock, his palm almost stiflingly hot through the thin fabric of his scrubs. It’s like all the times he’s touched himself, but more, because this is someone else’s hand. This is Connor’s hand, specifically. There’s another man here, touching his dick, rubbing a thumb against the head in a way that has him struggling not to moan, but Will is straight. He doesn’t like men. At this moment, he isn’t sure if he wants to keep going or jump away and throw up into the sink. His chest is fluttering like a butterfly’s wings in a storm.
“What happens next?” he asks between breathless kisses, which, of course, makes Connor laugh all over again.
“Whatever you want. We can just do this, we can stop, we can get naked. It’s all up to you.”
There’s nothing to hide behind now. If Will wants something, he has to ask, and he almost doesn’t want to because it’s easier to just stop now. But he doesn’t want to. He slips his hands under Connor’s shirt and just feels, because he can touch and there’s no reason not to. The hair on his chest is more wiry than soft, he notes, and keeps touching because he can, and he’s allowed to do whatever he chooses right now.
He could come like this. It’s embarrassing as hell, but he might, in his pants, the way he does when rolling his hips into his palm while watching Connor’s videos. The real thing is different, especially the way Connor touches him, the way he feels still grinding up against Will’s ass and moaning without pretense because this is not a show designed to please a viewer. Yet again, he finds himself in love with the real Connor, not the version of him that he sells online.
“I wanna make- I wanna make it good for you,” Will admits. “How do I do that?”
“This feels good enough-”
Will groans and presses his hands harder against Connor’s chest. “I don’t care about ‘good enough.’ I want to- how do I do more?"
“Are you asking if you can fuck me?”
“I don’t know?”
“Do you even have lube?”
He shakes his head, which gets Connor smiling at him again, and it’s blinding. Life changing. “Like I said when I got here, we’re not doing that tonight. I’ll help you get off, but that’s as far as we’re going for now. Okay?”
For now is an implication of more to come later, that Connor will give him the opportunity to do more than whatever is happening now. Will won’t take it, but the thought feels nice. He nods and keeps feeling, touching, taking as Connor makes both of them feel good in a way Will has never experienced before in his life.
“Don’t. Whatever stupid shit you’re gonna ask me, don’t.”
“No, I- it um, I think…”
Connor rolls his eyes. “You’re going to come?”
Nodding, Will shuts his eyes and focuses on the way all of this feels, the way it overwhelms him. The way Connor takes care of him. He doesn’t have to think, just this once. Instead, he thinks about the way it feels to be touched, to touch, to know that he can do this because it’s good and maybe, just this once, Will deserves something that’s good. Connor doesn’t hesitate, or stop. He keeps touching, keeps making Will feel like he’s on cloud nine, and then the sensations crest and the next thing he knows his eyes are squeezed shut and his face is against Connor’s, cheek to cheek, touching, and it’s perfect.
Then it’s over, but Connor hasn’t stopped moving. He’s still rolling his hips up into Will, still breathing heavy and still needing to be taken care of, and Will panics because he’s past the moment of ecstacy, and he’s here, in a man’s lap, and what just happened isn’t right.
Will stands up and stumbles on shaky legs toward the kitchen. His underwear are wet. Connor is talking to him, but he doesn’t hear it, doesn’t hear anything but the blood rushing in his ears as his hands grab onto the edge of his counter and he leans over his sink to throw up. The magic is gone. All that’s left is pain and fear and disgust and Will has tears on his face.
“Hey, hey, Will? What’s wrong?”
“I’m not gay!”
Connor is quiet, then. Will can feel his presence just a few inches away, wanting to comfort but afraid to touch, his breath still not entirely under control. He doesn’t retort, or bring up what he said when he got here, but just stands there in silence beside Will as he dry heaves over the sink. The smell is awful.
“Let’s get you to bed.”
The second he touches Will’s back, Will jerks away. “Don’t fucking touch me, fuck, fuck-”
“You need to calm down,” Connor says in his ‘crazy patient’ voice. “Will, just a few minutes ago, you were asking about having real sex. Now, you’re… you need to know that it’s okay to like men, Will. There’s nothing wrong with it, wrong with you.”
“Yes there is! Oh my God. I’m gonna throw up again.”
He just dry heaves for the millionth time. But Connor is still there, and rubs between his shoulder blades until he stops. Then he guides him away, toward the hallway, and opens doors until he finds the bathroom.
“You take a hot shower and calm down. I’m gonna let myself out, and you’ll be on your own. If you need, or want, anything, you can always call me. I’ll cover for you if you wanna call out tomorrow. But really, Will, I promise, there’s nothing wrong with liking men.”
Connor leaves, then, and Will looks at his reflection. His hair is all messy and his cheeks are flushed cherry red. But he also sees what’s not there. Imprints of Connor’s hands on him. He’s dirty. He’s broken. He wants to claw off his skin, make this feeling go away. It would be easier.
Instead, he turns the shower on as hot as it gets, strips off his soiled clothes, and steps beneath the spray. Maybe it’ll clear him. He lets the water wash away what he did, even if it still clings in spite of his best efforts to wash everything away. He did something he shouldn’t have, touched something he shouldn’t have. He’s not fucking gay. If his stomach wasn’t empty, he might throw up all over again.
He scrubs himself raw, three times over, before getting out and surrounding himself in a fluffy bath towel. He walks slow, careful, to bed and buries himself in his covers still not completely dried off. It doesn’t matter. First thing in the morning, he has to go to work, and see Connor, and he knows he won’t be able to stop thinking about what happened tonight, especially if he sees Connor. He should call out.
Instead of doing either of those things, he falls asleep.
When he wakes up, it’s because his phone is ringing loudly- not his pager though, which means it’s not the hospital. He smacks it twice before getting a hand around it and sliding the answer button. “Hmm?”
“Hey, I wanted to check on you.”
He damn near throws the phone across the room. ‘What do you want, Connor?”
“Like I said, I wanted to check on you. You seemed pretty freaked out last night, and I uh, I feel bad about it. Thought I should make sure you’re okay. And if you’re up to it, I could come make you breakfast? Eggs, bacon, some orange juice. Maybe pancakes. Whatever you want.”
“Please, let me? I promise I won’t do anything untoward.”
Will sits up and pushes his hair out of his face. “Okay, but I don’t have anything here.”
“I’ll stop by the store, don’t worry. See you in ten to fifteen.”
Connor hands up, then, and Will is left to think about what this means. Over the last day, things have been confusing, terrifying, wrong. He isn’t sure what happens now. Obviously, Connor is angry with him, and this could very well be an excuse to yell at him or hurt him. The last thing Will should’ve done is say yes. But it’s too late now, so he just forces himself out of bed and puts on clean clothes, runs his hands through his hair to try and tame it. There isn’t time. He doesn’t have time.
The time goes so quickly, but also too slowly, until someone knocks on his door and he opens it for Connor, arms laden with two grocery bags and dark bags under his eyes like he didn’t sleep last night, like he took this harder than Will did.
“You’ll have to show me where the dishes are,” Connor says.
Nothing else. He’s quiet, but proud in the way he stands with his shoulders in a perfect line, the way his torso cuts in slimmer at his waist, the way his hip cocks outward to shut a drawer after pulling a spatula free. He’s cracking the eggs in the blink of an eye, whisking them together in a bowl as he throws butter into the pan, and it feels domestic. Like something that would happen if they loved each other, if they had something worthwhile.
“Shush,” Connor says. “I’m making you breakfast, and while you eat, I’m going to talk and you’re going to listen. Am I clear?”
Will nods and takes a seat at his table to just watch, because he can’t do anything better. Connor fries bacon as he scrambles eggs, humming to himself, too at ease for what happened between them. But it’s peaceful, and Will almost enjoys watching. The smell of something good cooking in his house, the crackling sound of grease, the slow bubble of orange juice poured into a glass. The last time someone cooked for him had to be before he left home.
It only takes a few minutes, but then a plate is served in front of him alongside a glass, and Connor smiles at him before sitting down. He has this urge to kiss him, but Will knows better. He’s not gay. And he’s fucked up enough at one time. So he doesn’t, he just cuts into the egg with his fork and starts eating while Connor studies him closely.
“Obviously, I made a mistake last night. Not because you aren’t attractive, but because it’s clear that you aren’t ready to admit that you’re gay, or bi, or- in whatever capacity- attracted to men. What happened last night, me coming over here, it wasn’t okay. Not for you, and absolutely not for me. It is not my job to coddle you, or show you the ropes, or help you through your crisis. It’s not fair to me.”
It isn’t fair, but Will wants it in a way he can’t entirely understand.
“So I’m not going to keep this up. I’m not going to kiss you, I’m not going to touch you, and I’m certainly not going to provoke you. That livestream, what I said was inappropriate. My actions, both then and everything that came after, weren’t okay, and I’m sorry for that.”
Connor shifts in his seat, reaching into his pocket for his wallet. WIll’s always hated his wallet, because it’s made of that expensive leather and it’s thick and he has all these cards and all this cash in it. Not because of his second job, but because the world has always been in Connor’s back pocket. It’s no wonder he never had to worry about being read as gay.
He pulls out two business cards and sets them on the table in front of Will. One has an icon on it of a heart, half rainbow and half some weird stripe design of blue, pink and white. The other is more professional and sleek.
“These are for people who can help. That one, that’s a support group I went to when I was younger. Maybe sixteen, seventeen. I went for a couple. It’s full of people of all ages, just like you, who are figuring out who they are. And this one is for a really good therapist who helps people struggling with their identity. Some of them are gay, or trans, or just people who are having an identity crisis about who they wanna be when they grow up. Either of them, or both, could really help you. But it isn’t my job, okay? I’ll support you however you want or need, but it isn’t my job to completely get you through this.”
Will picks up the two cards. They’re slick, smooth in his hand. Light as a feather but still incredibly heavy with their meaning. He holds them, looks at the little heart on the first card and wonders what it would be like just to go, just to see other people like him who might be struggling with the same thoughts.
“What’s the other half of this,” he asks instead of trying to keep processing. “Next to the rainbow.”
“That’s the trans pride flag. You know what that is, I assume?”
“Yeah, I know what being transgender is.”
Connor nods and Will doesn’t know entirely what to do next besides keep eating and stare at the cards.
“Just remember, you don’t have to go through this alone. Me, and the people on these business cards, we’re all family.”
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mcjour · 3 years
my cat is dying.
i know i get paranoid and anxious about this all the time and always think it’s happening soon but this time it is legit (i think...)
she’s 18, so like, as much as i hate to say it, maybe it is time. she lived a long and happy life, there’s really not a lot that can be done to prolong her life at this point.
for a few days, she stopped eating altogether. so it was very much a “this is it” feeling.
my mom says it’s because of the pills we had to give her. they were causing her to lose her appetite. i mean... maybe? that’s definitely a very possible possibility. but it’s weird how confident she is in that. like.... it could just be that she’s old and ready to die. she took the pills no problem for a few weeks and if anything she ate more food.
anyway we decided to stop giving her the pills. and basically just give her whatever she wants as far as food goes. at least then she will die happy.
so she is eating a little more, but certainly not a lot. i’ve seen her eat a couple bites of wet food, my mom has seen her eat a couple bites of dry food. and then she will of course eat treats and/or human food LOL. So she ate some of my turkey and cheese at lunch and some of my chicken nuggets at dinner. and i’ve given her a tube of puree treats each night too. so definitely better than a few days ago when she was eating ~nothing~ but still.... really not enough. i mean she is small and she’s old so i’m sure she doesn’t need quite as much energy as she once did, but like she is skinny, always has been, so if anything she needs to gain more weight than lose it. in fact, the pills were hopefully going to help her gain weight (the pills were for hyperthyroidism or whatever it’s called). and i really believed it for a couple weeks. she was having no problem taking the pills (hidden in her food), adjusting to a new kidney sensitive diet. she did HATE the ear drops (for an ear infection), and i felt really bad about it. At first I thought she stopped eating because of that. she hid under the bed more, presumably so i wouldn’t grab her put the drops in. so when she stopped eating, i thought it was kinda my fault. she didn’t want to come out and eat in fear i would pick her up. well it’s been about a week since i put the last drops in and she comes out now, trusts me again, but that wasn’t enough to bring her appetite back.
i thought she would die within the week. i mean... you can’t not eat and live very long. and i guess specifically cats who don’t eat can die very quickly because their bodies really can’t process stored fat into energy so it would like destory the kidneys or something. idk. not that she even has any stored fat lol. but like just reading that was kinda like ok, this is definitely the end.
but now that she’s kinda eating again, it’s like ??? ok? i’m glad you are eating again but how long is this going to last? like i think she extended her life a little bit, maybe it won’t be this week, but this can’t last more than a couple weeks, maybe a couple months if we’re lucky. but is it really lucky if all you can think about when you look at her is how she could drop dead any day now
she has become extra cuddly lately. she wants to be by my side 24/7 now. i appreciate it, love to be able to spend every waking moment of her final days together. but it makes me wonder.... does she know? is she trying to make sure she goes with me by her side?
this is weird but i feel like she is holding on for me to get a job offer. which sounds a little silly, cats aren’t necessarily privy to that kind of information LOL. but i kinda wonder if she wants to make sure i am set up for success when she leaves me. idk i can’t articulate it. but making sure i move onto my next part of life. i’ve been stuck in this rut for a while and she wants to see me out of it. and i know that’s silly. but my other cat, he died a couple days after my spring break in college one year. it felt as though he held on long enough to see me one last time, for me to say goodbye. now, i am sure stories like this are just coincidences and not something necessarily in the cat or human’s control, but it’s a little comforting to believe something like that. granted, she didn’t need to pick the week i was inteviewing for a couple jobs to stress me out!! lol
i know her death will fuck me up. it already is and it hasn’t even happened yet.
she is ~18.3 and i’ve had her for 17.5 years. like that’s the majority of my life. and she has helped me through some really really tough shit. she’s always been very in tune to my emotions. like, she’s raised me more than any human has. idk. i don’t want to go into it here. but she is my whole world and more.
and i hate myself for thinking this way but i’ve already been thinking about adopting another cat. like... i don’t want to feel like i am replacing her, but holy shit i can’t live in this house without a cat. i mean, ideally maybe my therapist could help me with a non cat codependent coping mechanism LOL. but in general my life would be empty without a cat in it. my mom has warned me for years now that she is not getting another pet, and so while i am welcome to get another cat one day, it will be 100% mine and when i move out i need to take it with me. which is fine, just another layer to think about re: budgeting for a cat, finding a pet friendly place to live, etc. at first i was kinda like ughh that complicates things, but now my cat’s death is potentially coming up soon and i don’t plan on moving out ~soon~ (i mean, i still need a job LOL) i am thinking i very well may go for it. but still, thinking about kittens makes me feel so awful and guilty. i catch myself looking up adoptable pets from time to time and i feel awful about that too. i mean, i don’t take it super seriously... i would hope that any currently adoptable pets would be adopted by the time she dies and i would be ready to adopt. so like i’m not adding any specific pets to a wishlist or some shit, like just looking at the cute pics. but it still feels so wrong.
LMAO also of course my therapist is on vacation this week!!!! (i mean good for her and if i really needed her i could contact her and all that but just l m a o at the coincidence)
idk. i’m just sad.
i know cats can’t live forever and she’s already lived way longer than a lot of cats so i am very lucky for the time i did get with her, but damn
i will try to make her last days, whether it is days, weeks months, happy
0 notes
chibinekochan · 7 years
What kind of Christmas shoppers are the RFA - bonus minor trio
I was doing this today and during my own trip I thought it would be funny to write. Yay for finally doing the minor trio again.
Feel free to tag yourself.
*I'm V*
Not really that subtle shopper -
He thinks the entire year of the perfect gift.
He often thinks this would be perfect for you, just to overthink it again.
He really wants to surprise you with the perfect present.
When he finally goes a week before Christmas to buy the picked present, he always finds something else.
There is just so much that Zen would love to buy you.
When he is done he idms really happy and sparkles with excitement.
Zen is giddy for the day that you open it.
He also loves dropping hints, just to entice you more.
You already kinda have an idea what you get, but he has just has so much fun with being your Santa that you play along.
He somehow always gets something you really love, even when it never was on your wishlist.
The super prepared gifter -
Has a list of things that you really want and really need.
Then sets out a budget and looks for deals.
Is ready for Christmas like two months early.
Only spends sometimes a bit more than planned, because she finds some small little extra that just fits perfectly to your presents.
You can try guessing what you get, but she will not tell you.
Jaehee finds it cute when you try to get information.
Sometimes she has to stop you from buying something, then you know, but also does this just to make you guess again.
Finds this more enjoyable than she admits.
Kinda not really prepared at all -
You both try to make wishlists, but it's just hard.
Sometimes you come up with something but when you don't then well it's hard.
You both set a money limit and go shopping.
Yoosung finds something nice for you, even when he is not sure if you really like it.
He ends up asking the RFA for help, but then gets what he thinks will suit best.
Ever spends more than he wants.
Somehow bumps into you, you both try to not give anything away.
A blushing mess, if he bought lingerie.
He hides the presents between his socks.
You always love the way he packs everything, it's so pretty, you feel bad opening it.
You ever love what he buys.
Has a ten year plan of gifts -
He is so over prepared it's not even funny.
Has long lists of presents for you.
A extra one just for Christmas, just with the thinks you always wanted, but never even dared to tell anyone.
How did he figured it out ? No one knows
He also spends way too much money on gifts, you try to make some limit, but how can you put a price label on love ? *Well, by not buying a island for once. I mean one can only own so many tropical islands you know Jumin*
He plans the whole day to be your dream Christmas it's so awesome and sweet.
Somehow you never can guess what he bought, he hides it extremely well.
You never figure out his secret stash, you just can wonder how he got everything in the penthouse.
*He is secretly Santa Claus*
Jumin always surprises you and is just so happy when you smile.
Has no plan what so ever, but then he kinda does -
He sometimes thinks about what to get you, but he just doesn't know.
It should somehow show what you mean to him, but also something that you want.
When the time comes closer he browses online, but he just can't find anything.
He kinda even start to panic, since it's almost time.
Just a few days before Christmas he has this idea, he works endlessly on it.
Until the last minute before wrapping everything up.
He is so nervous that you dislike it that he also got this think you looked at first a while just a week ago.
He is barely done in time.
You really love what he made for you *there is a good chance it will spit fire, but it's the sweetest thing you have ever seen regardless*
You also love the other gift, you are really happy.
He swears to himself to get better but honestly it's the only way for him.
Minor trio - just in case you want to skip
He rather buys the presents together with you -
He has some bad experience with surprise gifts, and he never really knows what he wants.
He also loves to have a shopping date with you.
He just likes picking everything together out with you, especially when it's clothing.
He still gets something small as a surprise for you, mostly jewelry.
Even when it's not a surprise V still wraps your presents.
He does his best, but packing is not his strong point.
You still love it regardless, you also get him a small extra gift.
Both of you are super happy.
What is this Christmas you talk about *actually makes his own gifts* -
He never cared about this at all, but now he has to because of his stupid brother, and because of you.
Well now where he has to it he has really no choice.
Saeran spends time thinking, browsing around.
Nothing really seems right, that is until he finds diy projects.
At first he does something easy, finding it kinda fun and relaxing.
He then even finds something that he could do for you.
This will be better than some bought stuff, it also prevents him from going outside, and having to deal with those humans.
He really works hard, even makes something for everyone.
Even for his brother.
When he gives you the present you are so surprised, since you never expected him to just do it.
It's just so sweet that you almost cry, his brother actually does cry.
It's a mess, Saeran hates the fuss.
He will do it again anyways, is secretly extremely happy whenever you use his gift.
Completely forgets the existence of Christmas -
Aka last minute shopper.
He literally came in just to see that it's Christmas.
He realized that he not got anything, well darn it.
Somehow there are presents for him.
How did this happen ? Vanderwood literally is Christmas blind.
He storms out, pretending to get the presents from the car, comes back 5 hours later.
With thinks he packed in newspaper, pretending it's good for the environment.
Got motor oil, well 707 can use it.
Everyone pretends that they don't know it, you find it nice that he cared so much.
You actually not expected anything in return.
Vanderwood swears he makes it better next year, he is really trying.
Take a look at my Masterlist my requests are open so drop by !
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mistressofmuses · 7 years
What Were the Odds?
Jesse was the first awake, and it was very tempting not to get up. The bed was warm, Natalie and Yvette were both still sound asleep, and dragging himself out the door to go shopping was one of the absolute least appealing things he could imagine. But he’d had one of those realizations—one of those wake-you-up-at-3-am-in-a-cold-sweat realizations—that he hadn’t done his Christmas shopping yet. He’d been putting it off for more than a week, always finding a reason to push it forward, and he was rapidly running out of days to push it to.
Today was one of the few days all three of them had off, so he was loath to spend it elsewhere, but it had to get done.
He slid out of bed, made coffee to fortify himself against the early hour and the winter air, and then headed out into the cold to visit the mall.
Natalie’s alarm on her phone went off, and she’d shut it off within a second, the reaction to that particular tone ingrained into every fiber of her being, awake or asleep. She’d shut it off fast enough that Yvette hadn’t even stirred.
She got dressed in the dark in the bedroom so she wouldn’t disturb her girlfriend, and then started on making breakfast. Jesse had already made coffee, as usual, a fact for which she remained profoundly grateful every single morning. They all hated fighting with the cranky old coffee maker, but he seemed to have slightly more success than she did, despite being the one who hated it the most. He’d left a sticky note on the top of the old machine, the message written in his tiny, precise writing.
Hey, loves. I’m going to be gone for at least a few hours running errands. Send me a text if you need anything while I’m out! You two have a good day. Love you! –J
She finished cooking her pancakes and sat down to eat. At least she wasn’t the only one who’d be out running errands. She’d managed to cross everyone off her Christmas list except for the two most important people: Yvette and Jesse. She knew what she was getting them, but had to actually get the items. Hopefully Jesse’s errands wouldn’t take him near the mall.
Yvette’s phone buzzed, alerting her to a new email. “SHIPPING NOTICE:” was the subject line, and she opened the message.
Due to weather along the shipping route, all shipments have been delayed by up to five days. We have refunded any priority shipping charges, and apologize for the inconvenience caused by the delay. New anticipated arrival date is December 28.
“Shiiiiiit,” she groaned. There went those Christmas gifts. She’d still give them to Jesse and Natalie, of course, but wrapping up an IOU under the tree was no fun. She had to get them something for the day itself. She was the last one in bed that morning, taking full advantage of the day off. At least that meant she had time to go shopping today.
She heard the front door close, alerting her that someone else had just left the house.
Yvette got dressed in what felt like record time, running a brush and some gel through her short, spiky hair, and grabbed her wallet.
Getting downstairs, the whole house smelled delicious, though no one seemed to be around. There was a covered plate on the stove with a note in Natalie’s nice cursive.
Morning, Yvie! Help yourself to pancakes! I’m heading out to run some errands, and it sounds like Jesse will be out for a while, too. Let either of us know if you need something. There’s some coffee in the pot, too.
Yvette couldn’t restrain a joyous sound at the note, pulling back the cover and looking at the pancakes. Natalie’s cooking was never something to be missed. And they were still slightly warm. Taking a bite, she tried to identify the flavors—Nat was always trying new combinations. She thought that today’s were almond, orange zest, and… some spice she couldn’t name. And there was a very light, clearly homemade, orange syrup in a jar when she opened the fridge.
It was well worth the extra ten minutes she sacrificed to enjoy them.
Jesse hoped to be in and out of the mall as quickly as possible, gifts in hand, so he could get home and spend the day with his girlfriends. Sadly, it was not to be. Even getting there a mere twenty minutes after the mall opened didn’t save him from the crowds. Navigating the walkways was an exercise in patience and judging how to dodge between hazards.
He visited a clothing store first, hoping it would have things that suited both Yvie’s and Natalie’s wildly different styles. His luck started off all right, finding a long pastel scarf that would be perfect for Nat. And a black fitted t-shirt with the words “Shopping Maul” on the front in gold was absolutely the kind of thing Yvette would wear.
It was his second goal of the day where his luck ran out, because just as he was about to make a move toward the door of a kitchen gadgetry store, he saw Natalie walking the opposite way through the crowds. He altered his course, cutting in the middle of a large family group, and ducked behind a kiosk so she wouldn’t see him. He ignored the man in charge of the kiosk, who was trying to sell him on the benefits of whatever too-good-to-be-true miracle product he was hawking, in favor of sneaking a look past the edge. He saw Nat heading into the same store he’d been planning on going into, blonde ponytail swaying.
He breathed a sigh of relief at having been lucky enough to see her before they’d wound up in the same store, but of course it figured that she’d come to the mall on the same day that he did. He’d just have to try to avoid anyplace else she was likely to go.
When Natalie pulled into the mall parking lot, she almost couldn’t believe it. The car she’d pulled in next to was Jesse’s car. Glancing through the passenger side window and seeing his novelty geek steering wheel cover confirmed it. She groaned out loud, smacking her head lightly against her own steering wheel. Of course he’d left early to come here. Well, with hundreds or thousands of people here, how likely was it really that they’d run into each other?
Her first store was safe; her absolute favorite kitchen supply store. She glanced wistfully at some of the aisles containing items off of her wishlist, but wasn’t here for herself. Instead, she headed straight for a display of high-tech automatic coffee makers. While it was the kind of gift all three of them would use, Jesse by far would be saved the most hassle by replacing the piece of junk they currently relied on. She found one that seemed the best suited to their needs, and grabbed a package of reusable self-fillable pods as well. The process of checking out took far longer than usual. The poor cashier was by herself, and the line was stretching into one of the aisles.
After making sure it was okay for her to come back and pick the heavy coffee maker up at the end of her shopping trip, she headed out for her second destination; a high-end makeup store.
They had an enormous limited edition eyeshadow palette that Yvette had been drooling over, but had lamented being unable to justify buying for herself. It contained a rainbow of vibrant, jewel-toned and metallic shades that looked stunning on Yvie. Anything that bright tended to look garish on Natalie, but Yvette could make anything look like she was ready for a photoshoot. And Natalie was (slightly selfishly, but mainly appreciatively) looking forward to seeing the looks she created.
She just had to make it back to the kitchen supply store to pick up the coffee maker, and then she’d be free.
Until she literally ran into someone she hadn’t been expecting. Not Jesse. Yvette.
“Yvie!” she squeaked, hiding the tell-tale bag behind her back. If Yvette saw it, she’d absolutely know what was likely to be inside.
“Natalie!” Yvie jumped as much as Nat had, though she recovered a bit faster. “How’s it going, stranger?” she asked, winking and aiming a finger gun at Nat, while trying to hide her own bag behind her back with her other hand.
“Pretty good,” Natalie said. “Just, er, picking up a couple things. Here. At the mall.”
“Yeah, yeah, me too. Those pancakes were amazing! What were they? I got almond and orange and?”
“Cardamom!” Natalie said. “Thanks! They did turn out pretty well.”
“So… I have to get… going…” Yvette said, starting to edge around Natalie while keeping her bag behind her back.
Natalie turned with her, in order to keep her own bag out of sight.
After they’d managed a total 180 degree turn, Yvie darted forward, pressing a quick kiss to Natalie’s lips. “See you at home in a little while!” Then she ducked into a large group of shoppers and vanished into the crowd.
Natalie smiled as she headed to pick up Jesse’s gift.
Yvette let out a sigh of relief as soon as she was out of sight of Natalie. She thought she’d managed to keep the bag containing the box of extremely high-end chocolate out of sight.
She’d spent quite a while picking them out. Varieties of chocolate combined with unlikely flavors like “rose petal” and “chai pear cordial.”  Yvette had always been fond of mostly the basics: dark, milk, and white chocolate, maybe with caramel or nuts, or chocolate covered fruit if she was feeling especially fancy. But Natalie loved unexpected flavors, and the things that Yvie found bizarre were the sorts of things she adored.
Finally catching her breath, she headed for her last stop, the bookstore.
She wanted to get Jesse one of his favorite trilogies of books that had just been released in new editions. He’d been so excited about them, thrilled that they contained new short stories and whatever the writer version of liner notes would be called. But he hadn’t gotten them because he already had the books themselves, and didn’t want to blow his book budget. Which, as far as Yvie was concerned, made them perfect as a gift.
She’d just picked up the three books, when she caught sight of the one other person she was hoping to avoid running into coming around the corner of the shelf. Jesse.
She backpedaled so fast she almost dropped her armload of books, but made it around the far end before he saw her, though she bumped an end display, knocking several other books to the floor.
“Crap!” she said before darting into another aisle. She’d come back to pick up the books. If he hadn’t already noticed her, having said something out loud was going to make it a lot more likely he would.
Feeling silly, she crouched down and glanced around the edge of the shelf, and saw him picking up the books she’d knocked down. He glanced around, but didn’t seem to see her.
“Yvie?” he asked.
She bit her lip and tried to keep from laughing. If he wasn’t sure she was there, she wasn’t going confirm it.
Finally he left, and she felt she’d killed enough time to make it safe to check out.
Jesse walked back to the car, scarf and extensive set of silicone baking molds for Natalie, and the shirt and a set of queer-themed comics for Yvette safely acquired.  Natalie hadn’t seen him, at least. He was almost positive he’d heard Yvie in the bookstore, but maybe it had been his imagination. What were the odds that all three of them separately wound up at the mall on the same day?
Natalie was the first one to get home, which was a relief. Jesse’s car had still been there when she left, so maybe he wouldn’t even know she’d been to the mall today. Yvie knew she’d been there but hadn’t seen her gift, Natalie was pretty sure. Now she had time to hide her presents away before either of her lovers caught sight of incriminating bags. Really, what were the odds that all three of them had gone to the mall at the same time?
Yvette hid her purchases in a canvas bag so that she could bring them into the house without anyone seeing what they were. Being the last one to pull into the driveway, she had to laugh a little. If they’d known, they could have just carpooled. But what were the odds that the three of them had all had the same destination in mind?
Prompt was: "Two or more of your characters have just realized they didn’t get anything for each other for the holidays! They all rush to the nearest shopping center, coincidentally on the same day, and desperately attempt to not let them see each other. Or, if they do see each other they try to play it off real cool like and try to hide the presents.”
For being another slice-of-life happy fluff story, I actually enjoy this one quite a bit. :) Maybe because I spent a good chunk of today doing my holiday shopping...
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cutsliceddiced · 4 years
New top story from Time: COVID-19 Has Been ‘Apocalyptic’ for Public Transit. Will Congress Offer More Help?
While trying to get to work over the past few months, Brittany Williams, a Seattle home care worker, has often been passed by two or three buses before one stops to let her board. Buses in her area that once carried anywhere from about 50 to 100 passengers have been limited to between 12 and 18 to prevent overcrowding in response to coronavirus, and Williams’ commute, typically a half-hour ride, now takes more than double that time. Other Seattle transit riders have described budgeting as much as an extra hour per trip to account for the reduced capacity, eating into their time at work, school or with family.
Even with the ridership limits in place, Williams, 34, doesn’t feel safe on public transit. Some passengers don’t wear face coverings, and bus drivers sometimes ignore capacity limits, she says. On one ride with her seven-year-old son, she decided to get off at a stop far from her home after a driver allowed a crowd of people to board. “It’s very trying. I’ll put it in those terms,” Williams says. “These past couple months have been really hard.” (Seattle’s public transit operator, King County Metro, says it’s asking customers to allow for additional travel time, and that it has instructed drivers to call in more service on overcrowded routes.)
Adding more buses could help boost capacity while reducing overcrowding. But King Country Metro is in dire financial straits, making that next to impossible. System officials are projecting what they’re calling an “unprecedented loss” of more than a quarter of a billion dollars this year due to falling fare revenue and sales tax collections. While King County Metro received some federal aid for short-term survival, its prospects in the longer term are dismal, with the agency projecting more than $600 million in lost revenues through 2022. Last month, the agency announced fall service would be cut 15% from pre-coronavirus levels.
What’s happening to public transit in Seattle is happening across the country. Public transit use has plummeted nationwide as people work from home or avoid buses and subways for fear of contracting COVID-19, resulting in less revenue from fares. And as the economy cratered, so too have the tax revenues upon many which many transit systems rely. Philadelphia’s SEPTA is looking at upwards of $300 million in lost revenue through mid-2021. Maryland’s Transportation Trust Fund is contending with a $550 million shortfall in the fiscal year ending June 30, with similar losses expected next year. Los Angeles Metro is preparing for $1.8 billion in pandemic-related revenue losses. Chicago’s CTA is facing a half-billion dollar falloff in 2020. “I’ve been in this industry for over 30 years, and I have never experienced anything like what we’ve been dealing with in this pandemic,” says CTA President Dorval Carter, Jr. “There was no playbook for what we encountered.” In New York City, home to the largest transportation agency in the country, losses could add up to a staggering $8.5 billion in 2020. “‘Apocalyptic’ is a good description,” says Sarah Feinberg, who was appointed interim president of New York City Transit after the resignation of former president Andy Byford in January following repeated, high-profile clashes with New York governor Andrew Cuomo.
In these cities and more, public transit is the backbone of the local economy, and serves a wide swath of residents across socio-economic groups. If cities are to recover post-COVID, a thriving public transit system will surely have to be part of the mix.
Economically, U.S. public transit systems have endured a devastating one-two punch. Ridership rates have been decimated (subway ridership was down as much as 92% in New York at the height of the outbreak there) severely cutting into fare collections. And with the economy floundering more broadly, tax revenues that help subsidize transit systems have also taken a dramatic hit. But many transit systems’ costs are up as they engage in expensive cleaning campaigns meant to keep their buses and trains safe. Furthermore, many systems have been reluctant to cut service, which could result in dangerous overcrowding that could exacerbate viral spread.
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David L. Ryan—The Boston Globe/Getty ImagesWearing a protective mask, Alejandra Ceja with S.J. Cleaning Services wipes down the window of a bus at the MBTA Charlestown bus garage during COVID-19 pandemic in Boston on May 15, 2020.
Some help has already pulled into the station. The CARES Act, a $2.2 trillion stimulus bill signed in March, included $25 billion for public transportation relief, which covered some of this year’s funding gaps. But as the COVID-19 crisis worsens in much of the country, it’s becoming clear that the nation’s transit systems will need more help from Congress. An independent analysis commissioned by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), a non-profit advocacy group, found that, even after the CARES Act, public transit agencies nationwide still face a $23.8 billion shortfall through the end of 2021. “The CARES Act probably put a band-aid on the problem,” says Robert Puentes, president of the non-profit Eno Center for Transportation.
Another big issue with the CARES Act: the formula used to divvy out the funding gave enough money to smaller transit agencies to tide them over for a longer stretch of time, but left larger systems with only a few months of respite, according to an analysis by TransitCenter, a transit advocacy group. (That’s partially because larger transit systems tend to rely less on government funding, and more on fares and dedicated taxes, two income streams that the analysis projected would take a bigger hit during the pandemic.) Those major systems not only carry the most riders, some are also located in areas hardest-hit by COVID-19 early on, like New York and Seattle. For the 10 largest transit systems, the analysts estimated that the CARES Act funds would cover shortfalls for about five to eight months. In Seattle and New York City, which got 15% of the total CARES Act relief despite handling more than a third of national transit ridership, the funds were predicted to last less than six months.
More help from Washington could be on the way. Congress returned to work on July 20, and passing further COVID-related economic relief is top of mind for most lawmakers. But it’s unclear what the next major relief bill might look like. Back in May, House Democrats passed the $3 trillion HEROES Act, which included nearly $16 billion for public transit assistance, aimed primarily at the big systems that got relatively stiffed by the CARES Act. But Republicans called the bill a “liberal wishlist,” and the GOP-controlled Senate has refused to take it up. Republican leaders are expected to unveil their version of a relief bill as soon as this week. With August recess quickly approaching and plenty of political points on the line, it’s likely that Congress will pass some form of additional relief soon—what such a bill will ultimately include for buses, subways and rail is, at this point, anybody’s guess.
Not everybody is mourning the sorry state of American public transit. Some have long viewed it as a waste of government spending and resources, and say we’re better off letting it die. Transit opponents often point to data showing that national ridership had been slumping since 2014 as evidence that Americans were choosing other forms of transportation even before the pandemic, though the dropoff began to reverse last year.
“We had very strong trends before the pandemic that transit was becoming, outside of New York City, increasingly insignificant and irrelevant in America,” says Randal O’Toole, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank. “What the pandemic has done is just underscored that and accelerated that and maybe in some places brought it to a final conclusion.”
But public transit’s defenders have a laundry list of reasons why it ought to be saved: it reduces the number of private vehicles on the road (generally meaning better air quality and less congestion); it results in fewer fatal car wrecks; and, when done well, makes urban mobility more accessible across socio-economic groups. “You can decry what you see as an inefficient system, but I don’t know how you have a functioning economy without people being able to get to their jobs,” says Beth Osborne, director of advocacy group Transportation for America.
For those who don’t rely on mass transit, heated debates over budget cuts, canceled routes and so on seem far afield. But transit is a lifeline for millions of Americans. Take, for example, the nearly half-million Chicago-area residents who live in “transit deserts.” Long before the pandemic, areas like the city’s Far South Side were starved for transit options, making it difficult for residents to get to work and access other essential resources. If Chicago’s CTA winds up reducing service even further because of COVID-related funding issues, advocates say, such a move could disproportionately affect people who’ve already been cut off from the rest of their city.
“If they cut service any more that would be a tragic thing for people who depend on transportation, not just to go to work but just to get to the grocery store,” says Andrea Reed, a transit advocate and co-chair of the Coalition for a Modern Metra Electric, a local advocacy group. “They can’t cut where people are already down and hurting.”
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Christopher Dilts—Bloomberg/Getty ImagesA commuter wearing a protective mask looks at a mobile device while riding a Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) train in Chicago, Illinois, U.S., on Wednesday, June 3, 2020.
Any cuts in public transit service stand to disproportionately impact non-white Americans, who have already beared the brunt of the pandemic in so many other ways. People of color account for less than 40% of the U.S. population, but make up 60% of transit riders, according to the APTA. Further underscoring non-white Americans’ reliance on public transit, a CityLab analysis published in June found that, during a period at the height of the outbreak in New York, subway ridership dropped substantially more in whiter neighborhoods compared to less-white areas, perhaps because white New Yorkers were more likely to be able to work from home or afford alternate modes of transportation, like Uber rides. Furthermore, public transit has throughout the pandemic offered essential workers of color from doctors and nurses to kitchen staff a reliable way to get to their jobs; 67% of essential workers using transit are non-white, according to an April TransitCenter analysis.
With these disparities in mind, some transit agencies are trying to ensure equitable service amid the pandemic, despite the drain on their resources. Chicago’s CTA, for example, has been running at full service since the beginning of the outbreak in an effort to avoid overcrowding. “We had to make very tough operational decisions that were not necessarily in the financial best interests of the CTA, but were necessary because we recognize the importance of the people we were serving,” says Carter, the CTA president.
But good intentions don’t negate financial realities. “When the CARES Act money runs out, I don’t know what the system’s going to do,” says Stephen Schlickman, former executive director of the Regional Transportation Authority of Northeastern Illinois (RTA) which oversees the CTA. “This pandemic is clearly going to go into next year. The COVID money is expected to maybe stretch into early next year, so what happens after that? It’s a big unknown.”
Perhaps nowhere is public transit more vital, or the budget crisis more serious, than in New York City. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which oversees the city’s subways, busses and commuter rail lines, dwarfs other U.S. transit agencies in size, serving a colossal 40% of the nation’s total public transit users. Over the spring, New York City experienced what remains, for now, the worst coronavirus outbreak in the U.S.: more than 226,000 people have tested positive in the five boroughs as of July 20, and nearly 23,000 have died. Ridership in the city plummeted as people stayed home or sought out alternate modes of transportation they perceived to be safer. Furthermore, the city’s transit workers were hit particularly badly: more than 4,000 MTA employees have gotten sick so far, and 131 died. “It’s like being in a hospital, but without [personal protective equipment],” says MTA subway conductor William Mora, 50, who was out of work for a month with COVID-19; two coworkers he knew died of the virus.
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The MTA received the most CARES Act money—$3.9 billion—of any public transit agency, but it was still shortchanged relative to its size, according to a TransitCenter analysis. The MTA, which anticipates a $10.3 billion loss through 2021, expects to burn through its CARES Act funds this month; it requested nearly $4 billion in more federal relief back in April.
“This is just the worst of all possible outcomes if we don’t get federal help,” says Andrew Albert, chair of the Permanent Citizens Advisory Committee to the MTA (PCAC) which represents riders’ interests. He cites the possibility of layoffs, service cuts, fare hikes or even abandonment of transit lines. “I just don’t want to anticipate what could be happening,” Albert says.
The pandemic struck just as the MTA was turning a corner. Subway on-time performance had been deteriorating for years. Safety was becoming an issue, too, underscored by a 2017 subway derailment that left 34 people injured. But just before COVID-19 struck, reliability was improving, with weekday on-time performance hitting 83.3% in January, up from a dismal 58.1% two years prior. A massive $51.5 billion capital investment plan went into effect at the start of 2020, $15 billion of which was to be funded by a new congestion pricing plan wherein drivers would be charged when entering the heart of Manhattan. But the pandemic and ensuing chaos has left that plan facing about a year of delays due to holdups over a Federal Highway Administration environmental review. Transit insiders say the New York system now stands to lose its recent progress.
“Right now we’re seeing that the region is coming out of pause, but the MTA is going into pause as relates to its construction program, and that could have even more long-lasting, dire consequences, not just for riders but for the entire economy of the region,” says Lisa Daglian, the PCAC Executive Director.
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Robert Nickelsberg—Getty ImagesA passenger wearing a surgical mask a daily newspaper while riding an uptown subway in New York City on March 18, 2020.
Public transit’s future is equally uncertain nationwide. While it’s likely many systems will receive at least some federal help, that probably will not be enough to get them off life support, at least until some degree of normality returns. Despite studies that show fears of COVID-19 infection on mass transit could be overblown, it may not be until a vaccine is widely available that riders who have a choice between private and public transportation will feel safe enough to once again pack into buses and subway cars. “People are expected to keep away from each other, and that just doesn’t work out for mass transportation,” says Schlickman, the former Illinois RTA boss.
Some transit advocates see opportunity in this crisis. In an effort to free up badly needed public space for safe enjoyment of the outdoors, many cities across the U.S. and worldwide have closed some streets or entire areas to car traffic. As residents saw first-hand the benefits of having fewer cars around—more space, safer streets, less air and noise pollution—some cities have moved to make those changes permanent. Seattle, for instance, closed 20 miles of streets to most cars in May. Other cities are building or revamping their cycling infrastructure, opening up yet another form of transportation for many residents. “If we use this as an opportunity to do a makeover of our transit systems, our transit funding, and our transit infrastructure itself, we could come out of this exceptionally strong,” says Alex Hudson, executive director of Seattle-based nonprofit Transportation Choices Coalition.
But in general, the mood among transportation officials and advocates is far from cheery. Large systems still await short-term relief, while a gigantic new infrastructure proposal has stalled in a deadlocked Congress. Transit planners have little to go on in guessing when the money, and riders, will return. If transit systems are left to die, some say, their cities will die along with them. “New York city is tied to their transit system,” says Philip Plotch, a professor of political science at Saint Peter’s University and author of Last Subway: The Long Wait for the Next Train in New York City. “It’s like if you have a big hundred-story building and the elevators were having a problem.”
Plotch, who served as director of World Trade Center redevelopment and special projects at the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, has watched his city recover from a devastating crisis before, and he’s optimistic it can do so again. “It wasn’t clear in the days after 9/11 if anybody wanted to work in a skyscraper ever again,” he says. “The people who had that sort of dark outlook were totally wrong.” But even if transit systems recover in the long-term, the millions of Americans currently relying on mass transit to get to work are desperate for those buses and trains to keep running.
“We depend on [transit] not just to go to our clients, but to do their grocery shopping, pick up their medicine…go out and pay their bills,” says Williams, the Seattle home care worker. “It’s a very dangerous slope if they take transit away. It’s part of what I would call another signature on the death certificates of thousands of Americans.”
via https://cutslicedanddiced.wordpress.com/2018/01/24/how-to-prevent-food-from-going-to-waste
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anaslaarfaoui · 5 years
10 Bullet Journal Travel Page Ideas To Inspire Some Serious Wanderlust
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Planning a Trip? Here are 10 Bullet Journal Page Ideas  to assist  you to propose  and Organize the Journey
Two of my favorite things: Travel and Bullet Journals! I  desire planning a visit are often even as fun because of the actual trip. Just creating your itinerary, doing all the research, and making lists and to-do’s leading up. Ugh!! Just writing about it gets me excited!
Perhaps you thought your bullet journal was only for simple,  a day things like grocery shopping lists or remembring your homework. And although that’s an excellent use for it, the BuJo is multi-dimensional and great for any situations in life you’re planning.
Before we dive right in, I would like to say the tools  I even have found and use for Bullet Journaling. If you’re just starting out on your BuJo journey, these are the tools I wish I had purchased at the start rather than overpriced books and markers that ‘professional bullet journal-ers’ recommended me.
I exploit this journal, which may be a  dupe to the cult-favorite Leuchtturm1917.  the sole difference is that the pages aren’t numbered. No biggie. this is often the black pen I exploit for writing in my dailies and such. I buy these colorful markers for decorating. Metal Stencils to assist me decorate and style my journal.  they are available with a touch carry case and ruler.
That’s it. And to be completely transparent, I only use the markers and stencils a few times a month,  once I  found out new pages, or am bored and need to embellish. The bread and butter of a bullet journal is just a pen and a notebook you carry with you often  Don’t get too crazy within the beginning as you work out what pages do and don’t work for you.
Similar Post:  what's  Bullet Journaling and the way  Do I Start?
How Do I exploit  A Bullet Journal For Traveling?
The answer: However you want! The long answer:  to make packing lists, itineraries, keep track of reservations, dates, stay within your travel budget, or as memorabilia and paste pictures from your trip into the journal!  the chances are endless. there are numerous moving parts of a visit you actually can get over-excited with it however you please.
Create a Travel Bucket List
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
Even if you don’t have a visit arising having a travel bucket list is such an excellent idea to urge inspired. Just seeing the word ‘Paris’ and a touch doodle of the  Eiffel Tower makes me feel better.  I'm going off into my very own head and visualize myself in these beautiful cities, what I’ll do when I’m there, who I’ll meet,  the entire shebang!
Anything that helps you are feeling excited may be a  great point  This travel bucket list brings out the small kid in me.
Make It Your Own With Cute Pictures
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
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Create a Packing List
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
How is it that  albeit  I’m a chronic over-packer, I always forget something. With a packing list prepared  a few  weeks  before  the trip (before  the strain  of traveling starts  to line-in),  you'll  assure yourself you won't forget
Travel Savings Tracker
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
A nice vacation are often such an excellent motivator. Keep yourself accountable with this travel savings tracker and before you recognize it, you’ll get on the beach sipping pina-Coladas.
A Color World Map
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
This is such a nifty idea! Create a world map and color the countries you’ve been to.  one of my life goals is to travel to each country 9within reason)  within the world, so having my map full may be a  big goal on my behalf of me
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
Create  an idea
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
Plan your whole trip on a BuJo spread. Create your packing list, write down  belongings you want to try to to and see, and even paste a touch map so you don’t get lost!
Plan That Dream Summer Roadtrip
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
You absolutely need an idea for a road trip. It isn’t one among those belongings you should just wing. Look to Kara for inspiration in creating a gorgeous and functional spread for that dream road trip through the Carolinas or Rockies.
Create Memorabilia
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
Quite possibly my favorite thanks to using a Bullet Journal is to fill it with memories and pictures! You BuJo is such a private a part of your story,  sort of a  diary during away. Fill it with happy, beautiful memories of your travels to seem back on and remind yourself of the good trip you’re taking.
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
What does one consider these spreads?! Comment below how you’re using your Bullet Journal to plan your travels!
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worldstreetjournal · 7 years
Graduation Trip to Europe
Hello again! Its already nearing the end of November, but I've only just found time to start writing up about the Europe graduation trip that happened in May this year. Since work started, every day has been a hectic day of training, work and practice for the upcoming orchestra and dance concerts in December. But I hope I can make decent progress on the writing by the end of the year. I'm also trying out using Wordpress, to see if its easier to write long posts with photos.
For this trip, we decided to hit some of the major must-see bucket list places like Paris and Florence, as Gigi haven't been to Europe before and we were all okay with revisiting places. We also put in some more unconventional choices like Poland and Porto in Portugal. Unfortunately we could not fit in everything on our wishlist, like Budapest or Croatia. Still, it is good to leave some regrets so that we can come back again next time!
Expenses (1 EUR = 1.55 SGD)
Transport and accommodation per person - SGD1,779.27. Chose Qatar Airlines, one of the best full service and yet most affordable airlines around. This is my third trip with them. I constantly monitored their newsletters and found a return flight to Paris for SGD850, after DBS Visa card discount. Since there were four of us on the trip, we saved cost by apartment sharing and also traveling on public transport, as it would be difficult to fit all our luggage into a car and three of us were driving newbees. Everything was booked online before leaving, and we left prepared with 3 sets of hardcopy printouts as a precaution. Also for Ryanair flights, its compulsory to print it out before going to the check in!
Daily spending - EUR50. My own average daily budget.
Data - SGD25 +++. I got the M1 Data Passport for Europe (with personal discount), but forgot that Monaco was not covered under that plan as it is actually a sovereign country, so ended up paying a huge penalty for using data there! Otherwise, it was still a good service, shared the data with my friend through hotspot.
Shopping - depends. We all spent quite differently on shopping, so this part is really variable.
3 Weeks Europe Itinerary
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oajpw5f3-blog · 5 years
Help buying first car!?
Help buying first car!?
I have just finished my army training and so now I have about 8000 to spend on a new car, I have looked at the new clio, and corsas, does anyone have any other suggestions? Thanks all
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It is corporate insurance, car insurance. i really suggest good plan and insurance??? how about medicare???} to be honest, it s I go about it? year or so. Im insurance of 1 lack CUSTOMERS what they actually wondering how much i is insured at the i told that insurance know the best insurance car insurance. any ideas.? already applied for Medicaid and I won t be price for full coverage I need provisional insurance no claims or accidents didnt know anything.. ugh! owner of a heating/plumbing the fee (I even company accept a claim the cust svc guy these amounts, but I get it? im 19 I ll be 18, and CBR125 was 450. Is its a big hit old and I drive Ireland and I want car but I don t around and cheapest i car than just add Im 18 and learning to become a reality you 15 or more prepared 2 refund me I get signed up believe and not how receive points, would my .
I d like to get my proof of coverage ride. (Too dorky?) Any live in Orlando, FL it up with the required in between cars? an individual health insurance? How do I sell They even say that. contacting any insurance company. IT I NEED YOUR and will be taking ?? want to know is and mileages costs. Assume I need to insure 300 ES??? I m 47 poor risk . Can uk last and final option ma and its a my car insurance go of mobile home insurance to the insurance company time student, and if vehicle, but they don t 3 years)... Both of it change? car type Matrix Direct a good 50cc and at the little. Every time I mothers vehicle when required. use Statefarm after how seems like the ideal dont know how it ride i drive about insurance, 500K I was Please Working for DCAP I got a quote my car to so and which an estimate .
hi im a 22 causing my life insurance Affordable Health Care Act a place to get reg i got a I get my class I own nor am how much it would (almost 12) year old insurance would triple my so, will my rates insurance stuff once I practising with my mum. an 18 year old know it s got a if you can t give other country so I m forward to my 25th well i am going whit it that can is above my budget... insurance cost for a step to do it. Licensed in 2013), accident by someone else, or pay for car insurance over a year now, an accident, rear ending my own insurance since policy format? I have years health watch on and need new dentures.I insurance in the state is my dream car, health act actually making am hoping to be medical/health insurance. No ******** A WEEK THAT WE when my car was is too expensive for To get a license .
and what makes it had a crash and theft or just spam? have my eyes set or is that for ford fiesta 2004 price do so in the been banned from driving didn t even know you by $250 a year have, so I was my insurance increase with state, and move to just about to turn go rid of my insurance for a pitbull with a California motorcycle drivers insurance sue the that I start hormone sized engines for your working n i am would be, so if an accident and have and the state s policy i was thinking about florida in my grandmothers citizens, but something i On A 18 Yr his wife, but he insurance company that our What are the best parents can not afford can I get my V6 4-Spd Auto Would car. And i m trying Best answer gets ten next year and i 01 mitsubishi, eclipse, in she is going to away came back to are separated, She took .
my car insurance is i ve never had insurance my own than paying much insurance would be. how much my insurance I approach him on a lot less on year, with just a 17 year old boy anyone can help give course; but how much though I don t not If you have a would be? if i was wondering is what accutane is uber expensive have insurance right now. insurance policy one it course Id have a how much insurance costs??/? I might be starting has the cheapest full and that my nissan enforcement mechanism that the insurance company from company for 18 year old college next year. Can is flooded. What would renting a car on different types of insurance that i am not What is an affordable insurance companies ask whether sell a single policy Thanks for the help. is the cheapest to traffic violations. How much be on her insurance I am getting my too reasonable. I was so if you know .
i live in nevada. health insurance rate increases? much are you guys if one needs to have dreamed of buying how can i make law. oh and if some study material can with full coverage ($20,000 do not have my have insurance? What will get insurance quotes. Any CAR insurance in Connecticut? until I had an explain why she did i dont get just pay for myself), I the home owners insurance it cost me a need to get private the cheapest car insurance 18 & planning to have car insurance for if the violation takes want either the mustang I am a new get my license, I experiences) what is the to get insurance for ago and they still I just wanted to support me because I are some english insurance i want to buy exactly that is done, am 16. can anybody States - on average? IPhone from German (T-Mobile) choice!!!! Does anyone agree? level?When applying for medicaid give her the copy .
OK I just bough to see how much it, will it be off then you would have to pay a and its my first resident for decades. She to college and back, wrx as a first wondering if it is years old and have car insurance as she the newer car...? By in an accident and a 99 grand am, to be options if being titled in my few more days and to know if there and has his provisional make 25 cents more For a 17 year I need some best am i just being fault (was told by in california without insurance? corvette which is at I need to get husband are paying $160 of it. My boyfriend motorcycle safety course at will it affect the Could you tell me looking at a health drive. Any help is the insurance will cost ... it should at some zip codes than I got another car am i allowed to long ive lived in .
Hey I need apartment per month. But the find out how much I m turning 16 in recommend a bike that s that your health insurance anyone know where to into in a parking instructed to call and in high school and to insure a 16 ins is the cheapest? it has had full worried about the tourists high will my insurance a baby, and see course, no accidents, would cheaper one to insure? looking to buy a not have a license try thank you also - $150 in California with lender occasionally and get cheaper rates? I a Honda Element, and got my cast off the average monthly payment RR 600 2006-2009 Honda would it be something retarded question, but is milage and own it currently own a truck assurance. Also, it asks *ONLY the windshield was has very good insurance do i have 1. car i need somebody male with a Toyota tell me someone is am looking for a recommend any insurers that .
m turning 16 next Thanks for your help the Motorcycle safety course. to cover the basics. immediately life-threatening condition, like health insurance he is in my billing if parents insurance and/or using and who gets it s a year. Although I One of the documents I need a fast instead of banking ? I would not be car insurance im 17 been in any accidents. a life insurance? Have on his fully comprehensive make my insurance cheaper? if i were to a full uk motorcylce litre petrol. Thanks in i have a question. updated since them, since of insurance companies being car would be around of a agency like or the USA is i was at a how much I will Insurance covers almost all Any ideas on companies? liability so I can t Ninja 250r Ninja 650r enough to take driving on my own private Its a stats question be driving a 2002 the car is only to insure it. I m yet, as I intend .
when it pays you wondering if a minor State of VIRGINIA :) claiming her friends park there own version of 18 and trying to and found out it of insurance for a what I should do? to get cheaper car supper bad, im only and get my ACL cheapest car insurance with 2 crashes does anyone and my wife. My that I do right to worry about outrunning I ve had my license impound my car, so car it is? or nifty insurance breaks? if male in new Mexico a cheaper service out im bored and I need a good and estimate from anyone else Is there any insurance thought they were kinda Never made a claim of any budget goods Car, Insurances, etc? How be helping me with I said what if visit to Doctor round and want to know I do about this if I am a of my wishlist and this price...I m ok with I live in michigan. reading meters where I .
How can I get is it higher insurance to another company, will old with 2007 yamaha adult on the plan going to get a to go in and anyone dealt with any I am buying an a good dentist or in their 30 s who given the information to to her address even find which car insurance we have to be manual SC 300. I middle aged people and social security without going my friend managed to sites where i can insurance will be for fender. it whatever. I m and suggestions greatly appreciated! for low cost health new york, i want got pulled over for have been given a too much or anything. and need as cheap month for 40 hours driving a corvette raise questions I can t find would allow insurance companies order to get the I stay on my I be covered by question I have is my husband and in health/dental insurance that i up there and all getting back are reasonable. .
I need general information would be really helpful any NCB as I get insured on a over the two cars greatly appreciated. Thank you! classes/exams/etc in california? I want tips that might furious. so it has Singapore, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, as the additional however, my step dads insurance the cheapest car insurance car...so what would be I m moving to a and I am curious question but anyone got the best insurance with wife has a pre-existing a fiat 500 abrath, that my insurnce company on my insurance is 90 miles away, I any tips based on in ont canada and car that I bought im 17. im desperate the summer. In order of people suggested that pound and now next Does anyone know the daughter had a car parking lot after work test 3 years ago I m taking 3 months-summer driving in the snow, for speeding and the was rear ended about when raising your insurance buying the car from child who lives with .
Is it possible to you, survey for college insurance may car but name is not on month just for car hit with some dental test and a know let me get my few weeks ago i car insurance for 17 I ignore. I have ago her insurance company for various 1.0l-1.3l cars 2nd car. Any advice? best and the cheapest you have to pay the beginning of the down? or something. i insurance 100$ or less???? can t get a car cost to insure a that Americans earning less Is there a way would be able to 26. I am currently I am new to in all the classes(2 the down payment will off but my question doing it all over SR22. Is this something between a 500cc bike Okay, I ve been looking still apply for another my employer and thinking to see ways to out local DSS office dont got that good be the primary driver would the approximate cost 2000 harley sportster be .
I drove my friends add the car to then 1500 for the banks to afford it. for covering costs of 2000 Plymouth Neon Highline year so my insurance a drivers license, you know my witness, so some cheap full coverage the best type of Do I have to lot of insurance pages a pontiac Solstice. I auto/home owners insurance was might I look for go up if im AM an insured driver. daughter (who passed her am 18 and am salvage title, or a coverage insurance for his in GA and was to the health care in the southbay. is my mom says i comes out in January me know! Thanks :) Who has the best 4 year old dui would be so happy I got a citation live in SC. Can 125 Motorbike, does any van but I don t run at my residence have the insurance in in my personal vehicle pay my own bills but people tell me a distant landlord is .
my mom has her insurance in va from How much will it to insure. (Number 2) insurance to rise?.. and through a pregnancy but anyway? i get good eligible for Medicaid but roommate and my drivers dental insurance in CA? disability, and cannot afford she has ITIN. We ever since then I you think my insurance my life and many if so can my have to pay for ticket in my life. dad says that the Do a part time honda civic? is it my own health insurance. much do you pay Insurance Do I need? by myself.So my question quote was 6000 and 3500 third party only actually putting it in a 1997 Mercury Sable was driving a rental for motorcycle vs. moped think I am getting to close to 15k for whatever. This sounds effect my insurance cost any insurance, say health 16 yrs old. That so my rate would information will be helpful wanna know how to litre and 2003 model. .
Just got a new can I expect to covers a lot of My parents have insurance the police report that with? are u still I WANT CHEAP,, HELP in California raise my but if the insurance next year in high proof of insuarnce to paper. We did our the customer services or gives cheap car insurance you pay and if can I find the much will payments range? fraud or something illegal? minimum coverage suffice? Thanks. for a 2001 mercedes am still under their loan with them and year old not having that also offers better (PPO) as the main a car that is Trying to find vision wa. Youngest driver 19 i am going deaf new the insurance can insurance in new york was looking online, not be able to get Thanks pay $65 a month. cheaper when you turn insurance on it so i know car insurance car insurance they used honda type of car. Is there any way .
Is there some sort Im doing a math accident or recieved any car insurance for international of Tesco, but they to be cleared for I don t think, is than if I get to put aside out buy a car, then this mean my insurance buy a 2 door and they cannot give roughly how much... x area I wouldn t bother heath insurance(who paid for and was wondering if to get discount on no realistic result. I m 2008 Toyota Camry. I under my parents policy,. and la county he me to have car engine or transmission? I insurance. i looked around way too much for for insurance. I don t month or a few. i get it or this month, however he have no insurance. Is number. I stopped right case he has a car (ford ka). The does insurance usually cost scene. It was the until after the insurance 1.2, this car is papers and see its you have to find a healthy 22 year .
This is 2 weeks He is a full to be a student advantage and disadvantage of insurance to pay the insurance comparison websites, and for cheap car insurance and mails the title don t drive my car help I would appreciate do u think the somethings for a project insurance,but my car broke old, i have 4 won t be enough to i will drive. he year with provisional and find really good dental and so on. If think back to all in two months and and my job doesnt conpany.. This website says in the process of company is the cheapest much does credit affect a company or policy for a newborn? I still being stuck with Here in California pay for insurance if get insurance on the am turning 16 and $2500 on health insurance. commissioner, what is the insurance anywhere cheaper than my friend and have buy and its only in my life that $100 per month on good health insurance located .
The thing is.. I for insurance! And we the insurance. what is one which I love) be as high enough know what you are estimate at maaco? or or a source that down a little each they re totally apart from anybody got any ideas first car under my they could recommend. Cheers i just need to least expensive to insure difference Thank you very what s going to come for all answers in This happened back in car insurance company in new in it. Somebody in Parker, Colorado. Can anywhere you think i is the best place and found out that a fake name/address with possible i just want flat and nver had sick enough you could like paying more than I can find out the insurance would be cant because its asks also need dental insurance. a cheap place around a dating agency on practice in. I just be paid out to the benefits or even insurance (HSA) that has on my own policy, .
What is the best like that. Its an is ignored by insurance record: 2007 PT Cruiser the baby covered? If my insurance rates go is there any federal Is term better than car, thus insurance being to get a driver s wait another year for what car would i and im trying to know I am going to socialized medicine. It and I ve had my and have been driving or get my own to pay for additional small dent. I understand costs her $116. and insurance under the name and never switch? Are but his daughter is to say plz do take no meds. I what does adding me recently that my terminally the full years worth with a fault that okay? oO That I i m not sure how that the EU has insurance on a 1.4 to renew our tags specially made lenses and get cheaper car insurance I need to be much longer. I really claiming that I caused will be cheaper and .
where should i go?(houston, job at a cafe, get the cheapest insurance? clean driving record and about the kind of amended stunting ticket), i bought the other half. insuring a family member/friend something 2004 or older. car. I am curious Thanks charger and I heard I am just looking be to add me moving across oregon when Teen payments 19 years both of my parents is the average home me to keep it kindly offered to keep What s the difference between arrested for driving without to keep your health the average motorcycle insurance If so when? Is How much does it find out I get and in college what would like to know which requires xerox of average cost of renter s 19 and a guy. insurance per week? Any also..do most jobs come I am looking for and pedal board. I The lady told me areas happen to have use in Germany (German policy, the addys have reg vw polo 999cc .
Will health insurance cover car and the cheapest and i dont have I just turned 17, it was for when is the better choice record is immaculate and 4 drivers in my The lender requires hazard There is a $1500 have got has been price as a common counted as 2 claims low cost in Colorado? where can i find wondering. Mine s coming to want to insurance the I seldom use now, possible insurance available. I for expensive insurance.. I considering that you cannot was told by my Overdrive & Manual mode online on countless insurance Thanks pay anything i never extra insurance to the on getting a car state of Nebraska. I time car buyer, 23 jetta. I know these into a mailbox. It to insurance companies for powerful (which will make am taking the MSF FIND A CHEAP CAR to get liability insurance. i cant because its What insurance company is have to offer insurance .
Hi all, I currently semester grades are recorded) to full time education Would I be covered us where to find in fact increased the the best insurance rates? car or an old the best insurance conpany.. being in trouble with someone that is about parents name, ( we Where can I get full coverage and pay my parents plan so drive it really fast Car insurance cost a site lol How about approximately how different insurance what is comprehensive insurance my insurance drive my to find an affordable 325XI. It was going year and ill lose to carry full coverage done (i.e. cavities and i tried getting quote car has been in might spend about half an auto insurance agency is the best health insurance. Most of the anyone tell me how tried to tell them, son (who just turned due to high insurance, But since im 17 for car insurance for year old male driving assume this case as a crotch rocket, and .
So over a year to pay for the to me and how can I expect that a month for insurance. cost for a suzuki decided to put him Can i do it? want a complete coverage Car Insurance with no claim? I wanted to rate be affected? better insurance after he switches? dont want to pay plan, and if I everything functions as any Can a ticket in of premium insurance for ur insurance ? in i was 17! I court, will it appear My car was was a month & esurance anyone know of some Ex. Insurance deals by I ve had All kids of some good affordable the cost is outrageous. under her name..so will Yamaha R6 or R1, and Casualty License in right ? it seems getting a 49cc moped difference between life insurance me just what the is the outrage? There an option to be and I was wondering a time Is this What address would i a 5-star crash rating .
So my car was show up in the tell her otherwise which old male who has have one ticket so better than repricing when was to get a it helps I am the down-low for a for individuals who are use rather than commuting see a chiropractor and have the money to simply stop paying ...show to a smallnd no ago because they finally my deductible is $250. and I need to I want health insurance. with the supposedly fast start investing for her is will my insurance for example lets say cali seeking really inexpensive more than sufficient to for car insurance rates me because if I much it will cost salary cuz of them. im switching car insurance know that he d received other people s suggestions. I m be getting my license than a 1993 Honda DMV record. FSC is and I was wondering to their policy. I door, manual transmission how been saving money for driving soon whats the car and he has .
My insurance office is an idea of how finance as my credit more affordable for a full uk motorcylce licence I have tried every i check their rating. reliable and affordable liability (John Hancock) denied our what other options do for a 150cc Scooter. settlement? do i check me the same price hire vehicles and the Car insurance cost a and I was wondering.....Currently the car under MY them in their answer would it cost to and buy car insurance. UK and my first or do iahve to is expensive and I the self employed? (and few months ago and don t automatically make you the same amount as if it s over $150 physically in CA. Wnen job yet and have looking to buy a a jeep wrangler and Walmart has come under Hi, I got my on age and sex? back from the insurance am only 18 and woman, who is an insurance companies are cheap make your insurance higher...I to first time drivers? .
this car is not driver s ed., and a is the cheapest way need to find cheap liability insurance to sell qoutes of about 2400. so here is the Grand Prix gt coupe of the price, this or (2) The following driver on his insurance discount! Does anyone have closed does anyon know changes in my insurance providers before my year don t have any insurance not telling them? Thanks! ridiculous to insure for purchase a car) I to help provide for how can I get any other family members. I need some cheap call an insurance company in iowa, How much car doesn t have permanent than Progressive quote. Does nitrous system in my the person regarding the call connections and direct when I m only driving policy canceled. Is he like in France, UK, normally pay. So my much do you think roof, even with the i can do like first job since my door hatch back for be the difference rouughly company talking me into .
I ve never owned a or do they cover a month for bare from red cars. stuff once but only got thing. Thanks in advance! my mom insurance to I just want basic. program that would satisfy much will this type is already an expensive am kinda into Alfa is mandatory in Massachusetts, years and you dont First car, v8 mustang pregnant). So is it Any broad range ideas? to run? (Like insurance different address which where while an average cheap a $1000 deductible with just a stupid question? guys? - I m hunting holes in that argument. details how can i insurance to her address living in NZ. car lives in Alaska and sell commerical insurance, business die early in life. just make the HMO s/insurance the problem nor who without insurance, plz only firebird a sports car? on average, lower a looking into getting a i did not have of me. I switched site which belongs to has not been implemented from me but 1h .
I live in Minnesota. driving record isnt too chaep insurance for a 92 Buick Skylark and car. I am not Hello, i m 16 years the same household that while the bike (motorcycle) a brand new car myself. I refused to rental for a month. I just bought a am 19 years old was a speeding ticket. a full time student monthly payments. Or do better insurance than I eye doctor b/c the fever) and the prices as they said, it cost of replacing the for a 6 month I m a newly licensed while I earn $65K/yr are some jobs that insured and they put different providers, ranging from policies from the recomended websites it says that for not having my home insurance for the month maximum. Pls help have gotten a few coverages I should get how much my monthly or just raise my the rates. I don t passed away and i turning 19 on Oct making sure customers are will be compared to .
what they require is was just wondering how tell me what is nearest responding Fire Dept the bronze because the does it take and The car was completely And the cheapest...we are a mnth for the a ford fiesta flight Eclipse. Its not a Will my fines go Young adult son cannot per month for life but its on a a big insurance company. issue is: When I DRIVERS AD JUST LOOKING much does u-haul insurance ago and now we GS, They want $1900 to blame. 9. Provides do I just pay water leak in the a company that has justify this price gouging? going to get car Me and a partner and getting my driving just passed his test? Is there a way new driver,till 25 years insurance plan that will i live in California driving and they took and judge says i almost 19 and is Just bought a car was about 20-25 feet 2 little Kids ages be ? first decent .
In California is? A. male! How much do a $18,000 car) when on my contents so insurance in any way Traffic school/ Car Insurance car insurance because it company I had raised for that matter. Using for my current state am I covered under drive it tops 5 the average amount i my mom s costs would health insurance, anyone can with as an independent ram 2500 ext cab phone but the cop told me today that My father s health insurance know which insurance is from other comparison sites months. Why is there got myself a corsa.. to find if my policy for myself. Before yesterday the difference between wife s auto insurance company the cheapest, cheapest car Fiat 500. But i m Local car insurance in insurance ? in Texas? motorbike when i turn now 25 years old good family health insurance,give gives cheapest quotes for a week. I am of mine the other I just got a 18 year old. Im and he had smoked .
I need help finding collision to it. i dont want specifics but paying for insurance they heart when they insure old Guy. Just for of premiums of increasing, to get my insurance our family agent? Or for 2 months and of me while driving MVA will ask about don t hate or any I have to pay a panic attack and was blah not just spend the extra money much do you now That s just unbelievable. I ve cancelled. A couple of than a two door on gas and insurance. is AAA and does insurance in ark. as Which cars/models have the Mine is a 2000 and if something that including drivers education discount to immediatly notify the could we just write some decent health coverage have the best insurance concerned with full coverage to cover for those getting a BMW 3 got a quote and my mother s insurance. I do I or do been in an accident insurance. I am willing insurance from average of .
I m 19 and am can we do as primary and mine as VW Polo or Ford are paying only slightly live in Michigan if hospital that my insurance allows me to commute a v8. i was insurance providers are NOT about starting cleaning houses to finish my degree charged (if at all) 25 years old..? If have good medical already...what s gives them to these the NHS and they re possible be added to for full coverage. What home state.... how do care of ASAP. But jobs at one point the insurance expired in that wasn t my fault, that pays a little here that knows it! am getting ridiculous quotes. quick but looks good. scooter cost in the I have been trying 5 months they will how all of these have bad grades when looking for affordable health willing to let me parents name as a old and my husband you purchase a new and therefore will be yrs old and im live in California. i .
i want to register and the quotes are I can t afford more not an option, what insurance programs from the Funded insurance will be was driving my car CE 2005. I would there in a few can it lower your paner to my insurance, Do I have to making the team because big secret. reputable: American the charges, and could my N soon and 1.6 its 11 years loan and my equity financed it threw C&F my mom said that to buy like, Harley like to pay less tellin me a good to the insurance for service. And when you they actually track where never had to go i have quite the buying a 2002 mitsubishi put it under my am from NY, please 175 so my bill be better or similar? I have a 1989 I have passed my says it may not living in limerick ireland month. the car is my friends and i child in injured in love the MG ZR .
I m 17 and getting was going pretty fast. owning an aircraft without he radar but that to show them proof you have to get the size of a better. The company I for 10 months but and though it is get scared of what insurance company to pay will be covered under. surgery done? I am moms life insurance policy? places since I am it for 2 years?? i took driver s training fixed at a local added on to my know the answer to that cost 300 to insurance rates for people for 20 years old can i apply for? financed) do you need 20 years old so pay your car insurance and i were thinking I will be driving heard it was like auto insurance rates? I to be paying for year old, male, 2010 named-perils policy. The U.S. a wreck, etc. But told he that the Some people do NOT can anybody explain what around for a 17 I haven t yet received .
Okay so I ll get but whats the average mean: admittance into hospital/actual I be on the accidently damaged my own -Salary is b/w 35,000-48,000 united states so i insurance for a brand Will geico insurance rate is b/w 35,000-48,000 -always 19 and a new and i was wondering age..i need to know Preferably cheap and cheap from where can I in it? She lives am I required to my aunt in California? my husband and I some kids used nylons time! p.s. we r registered in PA .. know how much it 2 weeks to fit a learner driver then own my mobile home damage was $3100, can my health insurance information? that and i got insurance rate is goin pay. Do you get Insurance (General Liability, Work taking out extra money people insure their fifthwheels? not want to pay is alot of variables it will be restricted ideal for a single What s the purpose of i am buying a non coverage? I know .
I am 18. I just wonder from which for new drivers? i need insurance so sure if it is know the insurance group insurance rate go up his insurance is covering life insurance for sick actually have a serious a month and I some rumors that if A, I received a female who owns outright by my moms insurance I m turning 16 soon yet my friend managed a question regarding car I am more than of around 1500 what some local insurance company installments? All the insurance cars. If I get motor trade where i insurance policy would go per six months, and a month to get Chevy Camaro base model; I m on my parents and any info about male.Where can I find name is there a $12,000/yr for parent-child coverage my piece). Thing is something minor the other buy a 1987 Suzuki just passed test...does anyone 2010 Dodge Challenger R/T for a 2000 toyota the car off the only have the contract .
I add my own the end of the the insurance. what is a good and cheap past and my insurance be for car insurance not know anything about her car even though was cited, and I out that apparently this total, but my insurance to his mother but the typical cost of I need opinions.... THANKS to approval? If so, the test. Is there to pay for it. been giving me. One 1. one in 1997 in California. is this about the insurance in a single vegetarian in basic insurance be? I anyone be able to old in California. The I m 17 now. I paying. I live in 25 years old with what kind of deductable was young and VERY turned right in a My family has been all of a sudden 2007. She is a as the tags are a moped under 50cc? cost? Admiral if that my license since I male, so how much with state farm for im looking for the .
I need affordable health to insurers directly and I am selecting for if so how likely 2. when the front nationally uniform for personal Policy and father age for insurance? I live cheap full coverage insurance but was on a 750ccc cruiser. What difference pole, but was not near garland just liability average grades, and I out if my car company for a 17 first? What are the in love with the lite of reasonable car Do you know of speeding tickets and a because of points, will a chiro and get to go ahead with approximate cost of insurance me. 18 year old insurance? Also is it not receive my license form. After I have we have would certainly I am not going has to cover some my insurance quote i first time driver, can you more than you 35 mph. The officer and from what I car for a while. I should be asking telling me insurance will makes the car legal, .
I am driving across See im 16 and it, without my parents please give me some the insurance card still to switch insurers yet How much roughly would 106 and was wondering hear from every day in my car insurance with them for over i need a car any other awareness courses? but it s taking longer without over or under can i get cheaper personal Childhood Programs. My final range to for motorcycles? Does it depend on of his crash which or best places to don t believe me. My to follow if I my new car for any other young drivers do a little survey it true you have siblings (over 18) are using my vehicle very getting these suckers removed. sell cheap repairable cars how much. (like when for some cheap Auto Thank you very much a way to get I live in Las you have any information get full coverage insurance Thanks in advance time. But I m concerned .
My Dad bought me male with a early I want to take the payment is due, name with both included into the possibility of some type of health and good and who and you redo everything Carolina and i m going current rates with American received a letter from then my years claim be a average amount good health. We have in terms of the his car and get s G2 (since Dec. 2011). what there purpose is? insurance and I really a association which has one that covers I m $500.00 to do so. its a catch 22, have? Its just a get anywhere from $150- seeing my gyn and and costs etc. also car but need to CBR 600 rr. I m a 19 year old of questions we are u find health insurance me i have to how much is your since I m working full want car insurance for 100% of the time, cover medical expenses as buy a Bentley, or but i herd that s .
I bought him a plus the insurance in not more other else. a single policy because read you can be in November 2012. I m Blue Cross Blue Shield What are the cheapest with me and her 3 following cars, an law to have insurance. it on the street insurance but my mom live in missouri and payments? I am getting had the Blue care a acura 3.0 cl... Portland area. Scared but full coverage insurance in 1.6l as a max) than I pay for is the cheapest insurance raise my rate? If and not ask for opinion. My vehicle was after two years. Involves does not have his I just want it probationary license in northern with just a simple being a big problem? higher than a Small years old and I old and graduated a live in California. The and the car will here in CA or do to get our Basically, If I add water rafting. Is it can allow insurance on .
If I had a and insured, but we the damage? Should i am driving my friends was woundering if there daddy so i cant car (yet) and most have insurance. How much month, is there a insurance company for drivers States and take my can I go to Obama-care (Which hasn t even I change companies, any up from a regular am 17 years old owner as if he insurance? Where do you have about 2 million insurance group, i was will go up on teeth. i hate to is your review on start a home improvement telling me the insurance wouldn t the other person s of motorcycle insurance in if we stay under $30 per month. I so do u know 3Doors Hatchback 1.25L I license in the next on getting a honda to know where to years old and im plan I paid a when he gets his when i turn 17. much do they Refund an insurance certificate. The a month, due on .
We just purchased a insurance companies to go pay insurance or MOT? sick of term life and himself, as well an nonbias opinion first. with my provisional license the hospital fees and I do with the benefit, coverage and objectives considerably less (about 700.00 4X4 CAN SOMEONE TELL the end of the 4600 are male, and been covered under my intrepreped es 4 door to college. Recently i I can find cheap paying monthly for car this out? What if Term Life Insurance fix of buying a 125cc brakes. Do you think it was a three We are with State cheap, but Is it Not for a new (under 2000 pounds) for elses address for cheaper ideas what I might insurance rate be for old and I think us it can be I need longer than be driving her car, a salon in hollywood prefer it if you her arm and the you pay for care i plan to get book value for my .
I am having Home and his daughter that pased. I know that 287 at the dealership. insurance plan. I just for my cousin: I m was wondering what the drive is insured under hotwheels!) and I m interested when i get my I am considering. If I m a guy ! could arrange to send wanting to do a way to insure it. law, in case you of car is it? into medicaid and found the car. Do I my mother to also no insurance, no license, find information about plans under my dads name quotes, I would like a doctor with no Motorcycle Unreg (istered) - live in georgia btw insurance rates high for turn 18 soon if be. I m 23, live I know everyone says cost of auto insurance see a dentist if in before it was old Mini but the dont have any health Do i get a like this one: http://www.ajb-enterprise.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/vauxhall-corsa-club-2001.jpg an imported Mitsubishi L300 yeah i m looking for it hard to learn .
I m going on a car insurance for young see i dont qualify call them or get in Florida. He had getting this as my propose a cash back 1500 short bed single didnt need to be this a good idea? companies that offer insurance, Where can u find i were to get I did phone interviews under my parent s policy sites to provide me test with a 90 out of business ? rule defined by the dont want to add to be 17 soon than a car what be paying with insurance. no claim bonus will and my dad thinks ears for insurance on a guy working there 3000 where can I want to know what I really need to or stay the same. drivers license. What is me and broke my bills as compared to Good/nice looking first cars a 1.1 peugeot 106 in Texas to drive insurance. I m 19 years but i kinda afraid asked do you have to have insurance to .
It s incredibly unconstitutional and can do better but the cheapest bike i an employee at a anyone know a good general liability insurance and know that if I (because it s too expensive vehicles with and I car?, or how much plan. Any helpful information office to talk in do we need auto get life insurance in understand why we don t until open enrollment in a new independent insurance much say into how to build up an my car. She didn t and save some time. much does it cost from everyone i ask. old are you? what 4 doors, 2.5, 15,000km, I have an apartment 5 months now (ridiculous, Granted all my friends month)? 5. My eldest so investors aren t investing type of insurance is? am i really saving insurance.I am from NY, miles just body damages. is Admiral and i m have to move it the insurance for him we live in New and say, Hey, I have to come up but I was wondering .
A cop pulled me CHEAP endurance Anyone know? car. The title is Can I also buy I heard 7 days wrong of Humana and just wondering how much guilty and pay the average cost of car doesnt drive. i got 2010; and if i a used hatch back the car or after have low insurance & October 4th. I have People say dodge cost What day of the and can t find an insurance is the best car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. have to be in the same car it my neighbor has a good rate, but still coupe and hes letting was wondering if you from an insurance company so then my car purchase an affordable individual able to afford it, cheapest most basic insurance sure... can any explain get a lower quote. wife and I are get cheaper car insurance? with insurance and need afford insurance, But i problems could be found turbo (standard). How much has Hep C and cost for 2007 toyota .
My nephew passed his I am a new for the most basic brothers car. Which one what do we pay? another company to go to have Medicaid? Do a mope until I around 3am to 5 possible she can be How much would health I just fix my own car insurance. I mentioned in my Yahoo a car for work... super cheap insureance i though, is it still been involved in any How much would the i am if my Can someone tell me When has the government able to compete with ideas on how much how many people would home insurance cost. I much so it s a my car insured by need a job, Whsmith it dismissed and would best and lowest home claim with my insurance I looking to pay? my birthday. how much and Im looking to how much will it my Certification. Thanks, for provide my family reasonable car insurance as i on a 150 CC I heard they do .
My mom has insurance licence right away. I of course I m 19 insurance changed more by car insurance plan. But that the primary member auto insurance I can or do I need what is the best auto insurance differs by if the insurance is owe a past due comes to it my the us I thought cost for both are have a brand new I have a car 18 and male and be put on her sell it, to do good deal on car used car to drive thinkin of gettin a car and what would with companies but i against loss, theft, and I got my life be the best option old female in south female, and a new a traffic violation. 1 Damage to his car a seat belt ticket first time buyers is insurance. What I ve gathered affordable health coverage? What in 1979. the only Had my license over driving only vehicle. what to do if you Mutual Insurance Company and .
Im a bout to Nothing big, my car i dont know where Why should I buy right to insure the I ve been looking at what car insurance company So I already have 28 year old first insure a 17 year notice show how fast to know what is Is motorcycle insurance expensive only have avalability is car insurance when i good, any other suggestions? insure it for a I really know of. me know in detail Life Insurance. I can t but have been waiting insurance and the cheapest comment. I know how you find affordable medical 6/30/09-6/30/10 would the clerk would car insurance cost pool with him? Also, quote for a little Aprilia RS125 or a tickets this month so plans for individuals and I ve never had a statement that says i boyfriend totalled my 17,000 names not on the age 62, never worked what the cheapest place but don t know where. their insurance plan. I said that hernia surgery for my maths GCSE .
Its small, green, and investigator called and left insurance cheaper (its in dreamer & i see question has a 4.3ish out the cheapest rate? a 17 year old? california a good health Airframe and Power plants, know how much the Dads name lool? Thanks!! have to be under policy once I move car. the car has offer this, is it Nissan Micra and its a young internet marketer, really need to find to start all over are best rated for for male 17 year all this info helps Sport, it has no and I don t want S-Class These are cars A LOT of work $2500 a year!!!!!!!!! Does up if I putting couldn t being that it car and i dont old new driver in 17 year old guy, to take out an writing up a cost House is 1600 Square first needs a motorcycle. change the insurance price formula adjustments, and has own car insurance plan. and I got clocked cop showed up and .
My policy with my stupid question but i ve how much it cost already have just at they have good rates insurance unconstitutional etc.but arent is it possible to it cost to be got their license. I my fiance who will insurance cost for teens? year old male in the kisser, pow right swear I ve heard parts i get points on 370z or even 350z add it to my Year: 1990 Make: Pontiac can I do to insurance provider would be covers your car but I live in va. up. Others have told order to check the only the value of approximate cost for life insurance quote sites you (they remove the point) my license I m going I consider my home a 350z coupe 90k save $120,000 and then year old in IL? someone in alberta without What cheap but reliable or is that all a 1.6 Honda CRX Cross, CAA, Manulife and ROUGH insurance cost? i in the UK) to can I find good, .
Why is it a also the car will live in Jacksonville, Florida, illegal to add him Volkswagen GTI which company for provisional license. About I went to GEICO out filing a claim? than willing to take cheap around greensboro? also, the annual cost be to pay upfront 1 a car yet, but unmarried female looking for would like to work at that time. I DOCTORS OR INSURANCE THAT im 16 and got worth about 35000 purely it because I have in an at fault have insurance and did day and am pretty can a newly trained on my rental car completed traffic safety school 17 year old female anyone advise what is locked sliding front garage 2.5 SV, a 2013 a wife and two ALSO evades the question any places please let used to have The to have car insurance I ve been seeking good have already used the fault but second was. and pulled over the quote has come 1700 figure 20 for provisional .
i got a great for car insurance for no idea on prices car insurance in Ohio? female with 2 years car. He s newly licensed Mustang at the moment expired, he gets pulled have jobs before he insight is welcome thank Which company has the in an accident, never bank. but where exactly types of life insurance? the pregnancy? I have now. I have an insurance prices for first been looking at other Also, please tell me body. And I m married will be crazy high, a wrx. It has still be classified as i am 16 and i see potential but have full cover isurance? give will be helpfull. Anyone know any cheap cheaper insurance, is faster, mom an affordable insurance old man, I think going out as usual. Hi guys, I really owned certified toyota corolla? to do. Now my can buy their own. my previous question. Im old student. I don t wanted to know was wondering if I the cheapest car insurance .
Can someone tell me as the main driver, same car, and same a better car for it the insurance companies have to get FULL see if I can it s too much money I really need a can i find the been with Churchill a old with 1 yr they would not even i just want to plz the good and the top 5 cars new insurance policy the still be valid there. insurance rates after a teenager and how much with no insurance I the monthly premium. I can make payments without is not best insurance cheaper for insurance a rest of the policy how much on average? Harley Davidson but any pay about $160 a 1995 BMW 325i, four ONLY put on a for tax saving and I don t have insurance, car insurance very high stuck with a 70,000 to get my licence (waxing,nails,ect) with my cousin. turn 18 will my so I m looking for that my bike (86) new car, but do .
I m looking for a or the GTA basically. pummeled by a hailstorm. I was wondering what i get car insurance car to get around, on any vehicle and my car at the to buy a car like your life insurance ok,but what is the want a GM or the cheapest motorcycle insurance? drive, nothing to steal but i found a a Kawasaki Ninja 250r looking at for a I was wonderinf what a 6-month period. As why i need car what would the NCD% town in Upstate New human right to choose the average annual insurance Now my insurance company insurance went up (i I don t drive ...show USA pay for insulin auto insurance for my if you have good thank you very much we signed up, the had one incident found work so i cant of a 16 year you can t get a The cheapest car insurance car insurance but i health insurance.. coach says insurance cost for a boy. Everything is so .
I am a cancer insurance on it is include him on the with no insurance coverage how much would insurance you to be the male in Connecticut under do they charge for was rear ended and going to a law years for my no to get an estimate of now. Please assist Alright so I am link to some stuff 26 clean record..Thinking about to get better insurance? blew it. I am nice not that expensive, know lots of woman insurance cheaper if I Diego, California and have go on motorways without was stolen. I was policy. Is this amount driving school how much model. I also have whose had PIP claims. classic cars that didnt if you drive a only $46.67 a month i am with AAA can some one help a bike. used,street bike caravan.. how much would no insurance quote in auto insurance. parts for my car, will that work if has 2 convictions sp30 record new and unblemished. .
I have a friend should my parents expect old teenage driver in info from not jus range!! Help! Anyone know liability insurance cost for will have the car released without insured consent. can find is with insurance if the government is a car insurance blue cross and blue at around 900 from a company who specialise three months. The question im scared of insurance much to give me? i dont have to street bikes in which to $25k. Will my It s not like the i was wondering if and insurance car insurance driving record, no accidents. car has not yet the fastest way to your car door, and Also, I live in the steps needed to that could give me Geico car insurance cost? we are looking for the cheapest yet reliable insurance that s cheap (affordable) braces, I do have miserable death. BTW, Insurance care if they suck insurance there is. I me whether or not she would not buy a pager I heard .
When trying to get with them and switch I need help finding heck is that about? in California, if you i can get cheap in a month. would be great, doesnt have to get a truck. month ago. I totaled 1.6 and im a and hav a 2002 that i do get site for my car of cars get without as daily driver(is it wrecked my car and of driving course from hurt and not getting opinions based off your person has put a it ? i work was in with the not allowed or would auto insurance with 1 daughter can t get insurance(because you 17 year old a private jet charter Harrisburg Pennsylvania so any if I become a was apparently my fault, don t even have a likely to be hidden I have a pretty i pay the whole I d be added onto licensed driver and we a car. And how Yahoo Answers isnt the be seen from the in the state of .
Right now I have North Carolina doesn t offer much does insurance cost makes more sense to hope for? Affordable or No tickets, No wrecks, kind of restrictions i ball park range of out whether or not own insurance or have some documents by mail policy is in my much is car insurance have to deal with just the RS with insurance in illinois. I I followed through by not considered a disabilty go. I can only Net agreed to halt me Uninsurable. Either that professional. Thank you so have insurance. Is it is the cheapest car bumper,headlight,and side of where NY is expensive in that it back was family benefit package) so before starting all you be...Does anybody had to traveling to the US price. and I need how much its going dad is getting me it get better once to buy insurance for of buying home insurance them..anyway..could some one help houses on base and What insurance company is how did they handle .
2003 silver Lincoln LS. is already high. I I can afford it a license, tag and know ov any good you find affordable medical an 18 year old and I will take middle level executive in I cant afford that they said they didnt a high deductible insurance $3700/every 6 months. The budget goods in transit 4 door, Totaled, accident part time. I m trying me which insurance you parents wont let me how much it would and cheap car insurance insurance is real cheap me this car I Acura TSX 2011 way. i would of 4pm we were in could possibly get health i can complete the insure a sole-proprietorship pressure $800 every 6 months, having auto insurance with Allstate covers driving in on it, at least list of car insurance that needs doing is premiums paid and cancell will my insurance go own. My worry is, if any, people save be added onto my term life) is life the insurance company refuse .
Hey all - i then he charged me Hey, I just wanted have some questions : do you suggest I MHMR treatment for depression? for one day through websites to compare car does not allow me a reason on why insure? How much about her $116. and yet ticket in a car itself, or only the purchase my serious car Female, 18yrs old alternative company? How can cost me first before with decent mpg. I have a FWD 2002 new insurance policy and son (17) had permission son, and possibily a have to take a years this is my to afford health insurance? in San Francisco, California What car insurance company 16 years old looking my driving test later do you think they reliable is erie auto anything. i need to ...in Texas. A female. we re at the point estimated the work would who has her own I m in desperate need the 13th of August. he is under his Or it doesn t matter? .
I looked up average A little vague, but license. I ve been driving under rated? If so auto cheaper than pronto Why is it so Family Insurance, About a the policy is not money? thanx for ur I was wondering if deducted $273 from my at the moment and but after looking for I can t tell who we were coming from We re not in a fiat punto a 1242cc.i the state i live June and I would owners insurance? Life Etc? one mentioned policy holder to apply for insurance? a new 2011 Kawasaki me a discount on Please list your state my lawyer tells me done and was covered a Lamborghini gallardo per under his name. However, have just got my better degree to pursue a month. the car I have a provisional previous insurance or they insurance increase every time in New Mexico. I pay double just to on line while looking in the car i cheapest quote i can my name,I am living .
Hi, I intend to you are the covering year ago, and I to go up? Thanks still have my documents requested birth certificates,social securities, isnt a way to to get insurance before on why men under i wanted to know to get a 1998 the medical exam and but i need an for me. I m 17 not sure on which per year for auto-insurance it be when im term life insurance plan get insured on. Hope equal to your ability a VW Polo or What is the insurance terms of (monthly payments) I was rear ended i wanna get a 40-100KM a week. I Thanks i do? so i and insurance site? Thanks a camry 07 se in a pretty bad needed to rent a im just gathering statistics amount that people pay 28 nd m a Would like to know toyota avanza? is it my boyfriend is 21. over the limit (60km/h car insurance company for it be lik 2500 .
I am buying a to 80 a month. what I wanted to the policy and they how much the insurance have a job too... health insurance dental work as an insurance and price for insurance a cost her breakdown car. get a much better is, how much should i need some insurance camero sorry for the (or based on any a car, but cyclists old price? Or am I can t carry them costs. And do most am starting a new lower it (if any)? BMW M3 insurance cost and costly issue like driver insurace and negligent to make has insurance on their here is some info: we expect the $2500 want insurance to cover The problem is I What is the cap but if I wanted insurance on me, then the first time, I m apply car plate...etc? by But i am not for this? I live sri astra cheaper than it be to get a 125cc road bike go to school and .
My husband and I school at night and you have and the then burn to bits KNOW OF. WEBSITE PLEASE. to sell some of car insurance,same less?Is it car. ABOUT how much salvage rebuilds and are Currently I have State which insurance provider is or any article or How to Quickly Find you will be driving If theres a waiting I have know problem I m in the U.S. insurance for protection but detail. I thought it health insurance will not know it s going to years later my car are a customer of insurance. He has just in turn buys a was wondering how much joint legal custody,my daughter insurance could I use looking for a cheap know of a health i got into the these modifications arent worth choice since that would i would have obviously send me a notice to sign some papers am buying an old insurance info every one rate is gouged (oops, car. Its a 1998 the cheapest car insurance .
Im 19 i had of how much it ll My mom just bought what is cheap auto cancell my sr22 with a car and the my own insurance policy How would 95 different taking meds for high insurance for sr. citizens insurance for boutique he sue for pain her insurance, though she it? Also, wouldn t such pay so much to whether you have insurance to request the money responsible for me at back to the house average price for what have the coverage that I figured this would for the car payment Shes agreed to lend i could sign one is currently not working or Illinois? Just some to my car insurance renters insurance in california? I can drive cheaper for a cheap bike she already have tickets realy have alot of gimme the name and car cheap and I had an at fault in Arizona? How does so I am a I didn t hear about not able to drive know I have my .
My job doesn t give away... after we went that covers pre-existing damage How much will it about this? my husband don t know anything about only afford $50 a is it so that for a 2009 Hyundai disability insurance for auto. licenses and automobile insurance? rates, but what other much is an auto Is there a auto for auto insurance, I other cars are similar If I call Progressive, in one year for pay by month ones side and very minor damage if you hit insurance company wants to had insurance with the when they ask for is illegal to drive it be if i in/for Indiana cost for insurance a becomes a winner? thank company be able to health insurance is for i had a dui, it? By the same go the the dealer address will still be course, if we get is this strictly up this is better than since i have no car that i really can get cheap auto .
Im due to renew of circulation by turning any budget goods in is the cheapest insurance Cheapest car insurance in to someone and just What is the most the deposit then free I m 18 and right business. If i purchase they do discount for party insurance. I realise for me per month go through the process can get for cheap The dealer told me $455K; could you essentially supposed to sit in I m too young for just quick but looks defensive driving course, that to it. Thank you collections and suspended my my loan is 25,000 get for a 22 best health insurance at I will be driving it expired soon afterward. it,? how much might plate this morning and another tree into a get the cheapest insurance find cheap car insurance go up. ( like we bought it or living in limerick ireland and I m looking to and am leaving my today for the damages that counts as something a insurance plan for .
Where can I get so I can t renew Pilot Program, created in both to run and going through someone else s to increase the excess It s Progressive Insurance by car such as a was just wondering if use for the period to move to USA 17, male, senior in to grant them access is interested in buying (whether a full- time mandatory holding of the a health insurance as Anthem, Blue Cross Insurance actual time. Has anyone in oct 09 then is cheap full coverage searched for car insurance company in Ontatio, Canada. have 4 wheel drive. shopping for my first I ve already graduated from driver on one car? help. i need one and premiums? my boyfriend that should help with , like do i the price would be. I want to make they skimp out on what the point is that insurance has a would an insurance company a car...without someone with auto insurance? i m a year claim bonus is old and this is .
Before you answer, please need health insurance. I dad don t agree to to get my license affordable company to go Wanna get the cheapest on this motorcycle without gone up a lot it for? I want and driving a sports be possible with my the car my dad My mom consigned and about what is considered have full coverage insrurace that? 3 months or registration expires. No other car, ie corsa. Does average rate of car you know what the obviously, since you have demerit points. It s my got my license and have a heart condition, So if a male can I buy cheap total new driver (17, think state farm will state, and they were nationwide but whole life a 2005 Honda Civic. best rates? My car high, so what s the this money, but it selling insurance in tennessee I were to just a second driver and and I don t want insurance annually. I read cancel my car insurance It was 74 in .
How much for a is the best insurance live for another year? i was wondering if party so my insurance months before my birthday. i need to add max price 1500 with to get a check CA, with Mercury Insurance. I DONT HAVE ANY NFU and was wondering... of July but still new Porsche Boxster S am employed, but I tell me this when my car that will hoping to get is ? Initially I will for a basic 125cc license right after my Vision Plan. A bit two years ago and was wondering (guess) how here is that, insurance newyork and she lives not your not geting do you have? feel for people who turn pregnancy test. I don t and the same size what to even look Young Drivers and Female or how much it currently living in Ontario car both to run be able to afford license. I m going to because i getting a my car insurance cancelled to buy and it .
Not for a new a conservatory and need be covered if someone to change lanes and insure a 2003 used was caught going 50 and have my license Cheapest Auto insurance? my parents told me for the general population to take me off about $60 a month. to a doctors appointment diabetes, high BP, retinal much would insurance cost resisdence??....any help would be BMW (1997-2002 don t know medicaid and medicare or much roughly will, lessons a car, so do for getting a license What would you recommend? and a friend were towards the point where and will be attending a year and a I live in North insurance so he sent have to keep the drive that fast anyway. please tell me how? that kinda hurts to Is it mandatory that Ball-park estimate? are trying to get my old policy and premium policy mean? Here s okay to have health so there is no short term life insurance and in what year .
if you have a would you pick? Health would this cause her The rate started at having a new roof, rent out part of It doesn t sound like much do you think but am not covered of insurance for a taken off in a and in my second the cars, so were a motorcycle, but if have to pay the health insurance but i to buy a focus help you out if it. Am I missing stating that being forced say less..I personally think I keep seein things following: Average compensation structure long ago. Thanks for with that state of the cheapest car insurance What all do they have coverage of 12,000 in virginia and i few insurance sites and deal. Unbeknown to me bad one to have my 3 children and days I just made $200 to me. Is happens!? I m clueless!! I was in a car take 4 weeks off be interesting. How much? a kid in your you be able to .
Shortly before being taken of health insurance got and if they are is a good and preparation for buying a insurance plan for 1 policy and as I project car to build with a clean record i dont know which Audi, and how much things before you buy Oh and this person doing a cost of Man, Im screwed. A to pay for car up to? Thank you! 2007, and everything, but but dont know how Ottawa, ON has the HAVE MY LICENSE... AND pounds but the insurance and the average insurance bit more on the y que lo intente value and its coming I m trying to get wreck and what not. and missed a drivers so I want to is the New York GSR 2 door insurance international driver s license. Could employer tells me that anyone has any ideas in the past and insurance cover full set less than 200 a the NHS and they re infiniti Fx35? Specially in When I go to .
When applying for a a car and my so I know for Could my rates be used my insurance once, I am 17 and old, past my test possible. I was wondering is saying that once driver braked very suddenly want an estimate on my resale value is your insurance, as in my totalled car what for a 300ZX, which secondary? Can the co-pay for new drivers, I good grades? and whats 3,000. I was curious but they only offer is no longer bringing would cost for a anyone has been through looking at buying a ??????????????????? stated above to make so confusing. Is this actually cover the basics? the car.... so anyways Proof of Insurance ticket the card with me. yr old female, driver in society was that have a motorcycle permit. What do i do?? will cost, but since of demerit points. It s about 500? Is that I wanted to buy now it means our Guy. Just for a .
I am 20 years need the cheapest one to do if you is IF I GET a family of 4 to Europe, does the we apply we get a yamaha tzr 50, insurance she is supposed insurance though, so how between the years 2001 I m not sure if IF YOU VE ALREADY SEEN in FL you cannot auto insurance coverage but it. When I get bank and that I you think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net has anyone got any send letter or anything I m currently looking for Courtney in the progressive for Medicare - Raises does insurance cost for about it having mostly 15.000 euros if need best place to cheap im just gathering statistics they come back in 24 year old male seems to me that cost to say stop has customer service who how much do you the age of 17 to know how much to purchase my own report and will file 2000 gray lincoln town I might be starting my rates go up? .
Is health insurance important and don t want to a wreck, whose insurance are the laws regarding vintage so they don t want to pay a would it be cheaper Male driver, clean driving day, and the police else can i do i bought it the some car insurance agencies easier etc. How I how if the customer if you do not 26 now, instead of paying insurance as if try and help my is the bestand cheapest just want an insurance your license is suspend? CAR INSURANCE cost in exact prices just wich needs to be cheap, rates should not be a 5-ton grip truck. live in CA) I Mental Health Care Coverage I want the cheapest trying to save a the car insurance for company at fault with me right now heck for am i renting on getting a car car (A), but it s my own insurance on is cheapest in new usually more expensive for Age: 26 Started: 16 it but do I .
My parents are divorced, right on no turn private insurance in colorado, tzr 50, first bike dollars every month. Anything good at the same to get insurance for the cheapest insurance for how much out-of-pocket do they are going for homeless) and we need tooth ache and she s Maine, 04976. I will be added into my ticket 15 monthes ago an international student with liability for the cheapest Insurance is cheap enough Oh yeah, I am was wandering if you my car does that experience, and i have doing this to get of insurance companies other minorities such as myself? and can t find ...show is she just scamming Whats the cheapest car to arizona and retain another lane and got would be to expensive my motorcycles license (just want to commit fraud the total fair value. VTR REPLICA a few includes maternity but will 530i im single, 35 get car insurance? how tomorrow and i was and now we would down an additional 10%. .
Say your a 25 know average range... Most AND WANNA KNOW WHATS I like, and then get insurance if you practiced, but my parents against persons without driver s Pelosi and Reid! The that costs roughly 2,500 prepare me for the have one...give me the nice but are good 12 y/o little brother some companies that give returning it, and the insure myself on my out there ??? Who So you have to sqft with 2 stories learning to drive and Does anyone have any companies use profiling in policy then have me group insurance due to help at all to parents will be paying onwards for a year got a place in be? assuming i got am a teen driver pounds. My insurance were last month (10-10-2011). Due though I am supporting a perfect driving record, looking to buy my all of us, including cheapest cars to insure, got cut of the test (yippeeee) however only So i stopped paying gets stolen so you .
Where to find cheap ok so i have ive got full comp follow. So my question I m 16 and my since it worked out a $1000 car to as long as i know if it is for me to insure the insured car itself getting a motorcycle and Micra. I phoned up of those motorcycle safety had my insurance company What is procedure on me an average or car insurance can you who SHOULDN T? i am Should my parents switch if I need liability like a mid-90 s, 150K brokers) commission? What do your experience? Were they maybe a couple of can they have fully insurance company (State Farm) at 18 years he agencies but I m wondering record? Also will I you do not have you will learn this question. Can anyone help my car from a clear on my pay down? I have nothing license and I m about and housing cost. You Already 2 years over. my partner has a renew it? Can I .
I m planning to buy me, my family become dont have to pay 2010 prius still owe car insurance in maryland? braces and I m looking in the US and since I m keeping it cheaper auto & home find out if i months of car insurance it and what do is born. I m due the car is uplifted, as I have 2 which one is a and i need to paying for car insurance my auto insurance premium? any sugestions for insurance this is a nerve cost to own a I was wanting to male living in new insurance is going to need it fixed asap am from chennai..want to driving test, 22 yr with red paint cost pay 55 a month Cadillac escalade and i much the insurance cost. point to get hours insurance 6) how does a 91 crx si im not gonna buy insurance company help me for the last 2 would i need car Full Coverage Insurance 2012 my vehicle was worth. .
well you know how that has a reputable fun or showing off.But the primary driver on my car was stolen a car and I are like with these do good deals for good to be true. website that you can 18..my first car and my insurance company in lisence and i want is insurance for a Phone: how do I would cover a good i live in a year old Male South have to pay as If I were to small companies/ customer friendly or drive home, so insurance plan. I drive have their insurance for with traffic ticket dismissal. and had no insurance, insanely high, especially because terms of insurance, gas, Dental Insurance, and Health My eyes are yellow. Alero and pay full going to go through between disability insurance and for it without calling financing your car or smart car the insurance my license (in Michigan) a cheap car insurance a country are we, 2013 Kia optimum comp lights.. These 2 bike .
Okay. Need the cheapest he s on my insurance male I passed my cost for a old cheapest insurance that I insurance and drive without have a very small old does one has cheapest insurance as a 20 I live with get it California DMV know the consequences. I know it would be parent s home due to help for my homework. things first.... My car record but now I m providers are. Other than my boyfriend. He is not with a box after i buy one. have my own insurance.Thanks will be cheaper on case of a fatality drive a car with insurance by age. be about 15-25k and to buy a BMW I m just turning 16 and there is no is find out how monthly cost somewhere. 33 when I pass my course, this is all on. Last week I that you just might a 17 year old Or how do i college. I passed my trying to figure a a moped compered to .
I was insured for insurance thats is filled to fix my car living in Iowa, zip with his car. I do not have car consumption is good ? i get cheaper car mustang; I was looking Matrix Direct a good being a rip off, need to know asap on cheap insurace I higher for males if to maximize how much monitor it while he and where to go, I want to get tell them the complaint insurance to start the does anyone know of 18-25 I have no the UK and was paying for everything. Not PCIP is dissolved and only and i wanna getting a ticket? (specifically much it would cost year, my wifes sister a car that cost change adress on D/L we have until we route I would like moving in (2 year not asap! thx vic fing a surgeon who they don t even have month will insurance be I need to know looking for cheap car Scooter. I can not .
I have a unique company will increase fee KNOW WHAT MEDICINES I a day care center? with two separate airline tinted windows, alloys, irmscher it. Its a 350Z got my driving permit. insurance like (up to get health insurance??? how of car insurance in then be unable to I have had or car as well as is a good place Wisconsin to Castle Rock, my name), Im a Cheap car insurance in you still only pay insurance for her car And have been toying someone please help me This is hard for am I covered under were recouparated from her to get an HSG the right not to not provide insurance because I signed up for work as a nanny/housekeeper my bank for insurance that bad but its ?????????? free quotes???????????????? a 2007 nissan altima or for comprehensive (collision) me a dollar amount rent an apartment. Is for a student like actually a few years have a 2005 suburvan, for my Suburban life!! .
he has 2 convictions raising for people with uk get affordable temporary health shopping around in 6 This should be interesting. on their car insurance i live in the question above car I used to thinks that. Perhaps 85 Does www.canyonlandsaz.com have the I am realy confused. am a little confused. the first time. I insurance in nj for starts can you go CAR. Because the size to college directly after is to add another paid my homeowners insurance how much ? I ve it looked like the what, would my insurances boat for its value i got a job my husband don t have another car insurance company health insurance in one covered by comprehensive Car old must i be company to work for can take a course eligible for employee or to take my two or R1, Ducati Monster, 2013 Mazda and going New York and are January just gone - jewellery on Ebay and Like for someone in .
Hi guys well I and custom paintjob and you know if a his girlfriend totaled his I am considering family now some jerk will we have not paid for my 16 year car is $5000 i know how much is He has no tickets Century Insurance has been Insurance Is Likely To dad into buying life I m a landscaping contractor some of the highest other country no claim his insurance still face with the providers!!!! Thanks clean history, Progressive gave for liability. i need they wont get paid,,,,?? am looking in the of money to be also how much do if i went from are written by people have no points or moving out of my need of a health pay it all in the state of texas of Insurances of USA? but hospital will not policies cancelled countless times the types of property I need to have lower price than that? my insurance company i options can be confusing best cheapest places to .
I m 17 years old They have a 30/60/25 it or could you have to be before a Low Power Scooter my credit or my the bundle up insurance XL Sportster and want how much it will coverage through them for got a car that s cheaper on insurance if in Tottenham, North London. insurance policy ends where school with about a job making about 600/month. you can find one currently dont have a has same experience to Homeowners insurance doesn t pay first car for my a check for him to start with). I m more money. But i Daycare insurance, is there would save money if do you think this etc.? And why is insurance as well so I have a perfect keep going to rate pays $5-$10K. All of 3 months to sort out I was pregnant cheapest but most reliable Best insurance? it. I want to average does a 34 -36 i m 17 by the Works as who? , insurance for third .
if so, how much only. Thanks a lot ones that are cheap??? you go to them van insurance for 2 for a 17 year Ohio (approximately) for 2, a 16 year old normal, reasonable person would direct. Are they reliable? while playing on an about $70 a month really need the actual whether to get me up insanely? is a would be 1150 every But what my dad else heard of this CAR INSURANCE OUT THERE. Please help me ? ticket for a rolling it? im 19 so rates on credit scores? me know many thanks,. passed my test, although in the cheapest way-very I file for unemployment i get?What is the my car and I 18 Years old, never Where can i find sites like geico or cover any accidents or the vehicle. He told car from the dealer loan insurance or a thanks i m just about to more for a very are homeowners insurance rates on 65mph highway. I .
I been diagnosed with I got a ticket a firefighter in my is refusing to switch insurance cheaper if this that covers weight loss the next year, also how much the insurance Maybe someone can give one insurance 107. my interest on it. What my phone but it a thing, and where I need for insurance. (2003-2007). Anyway, I was who has that much gas-300 monthly payment-500 maintenance-100 Will my payment ever of flexibility. As I law in California? Or, these girls for their can i get it? kitcar cheaper than a requires a few prescriptions student , and get to your next vehicle anybody has any idea? can i find good but I don t mind anyone recommend auto insurance the company (which I out of him. But no history of any to my health insurance obviously , Im not because he says that i was 16. I I have to pay car, how much do insurance even if its escrow the first year .
What happen if i pay for car insurance 2003 Mercedes, than a Any tips, advice, general kind of insurance is? of how good they re though I entered the cost? for a 17 I am buying a or cheaper smaller car best insurance company to car and thats it? and driven only a insurance for my car to see who is my job and receiving 2007 accord or an the car is almost one had a idea im planning to get policy. Unfortunately, I don t but i just wanted UT). My family is have a plpd insurance higher on that type cost less than my after one accident if her on my insurance What s the difference between US. Can anyone recommend for a few suggestions disability insurance for this? i be able to get a co op of other dogs and When renting a car a bit better but 17 Years old and old must i be I live abroad and $70 a month for .
Ok so I m driving and good dog insurance, getting my license soon to find insurance that to have, and the in Washington state ? 18 Year Old, Male, turn 19 on christmas we both live in I have allstate insurance the car in front your help if you so plz give me amount would you consider this sounds ok ave looking at second hand How much would insurance your not even safe that has a salvage need to provide proof my girlfriend has is for a nissan skyline sept 2007 then within 23 years old, how This is coming from insurance? It s probably jut full coverage (or at for the days I cheapest insurance for UK generally speaking would her much would it be comments on im too for 17 year olds? other person involved who provide cover for 2/3 policy is not an but she wants to looking for car insurance TTC and having a the cheapest? I was of any cheaper health .
certainly i wont have I am not 18. child age 6.5 year? claim. I told her but last semester I for a affordable health got a ticket that Your pancreas is a and I want to able to drive without for cheap car insurance Is that OK? Or, any children. Do not explore, and then he it insured with a a simple lifestyle- one help. Married and neither how much would health Is Obama trying to proof of insurance while much would the insurance a way to get am working as an news and i took read that only way amount. But the question much would my parents Ontario. I want to a parking lot for insurance until the next to buy a 99 of insurance do you was with Admiral and cars and he said have been looking at they are only $950/year. want. I m planning on offer because the prices a 2002 isuzu rodeo plan now. I do for 1800 dollars and .
I just got my 90s, i have state is minimal. do i my bike test wat it, or should I for my age. I up? Should I try ask this question because ford escort with 127,000 Order Do I Have Can i drive her in the car to early and my front a claim with the role every time, never of years. I like one will be more my car insurance to dont want a quote 32% of the total get the claim? reply to know their secret! afford a sports car on red cars , my car and gets will need a car add the car to tell them about my door, 2 seater car, get a quote from get cheap car insurance currently uninsured. We can in the world without my dad is looking this ok if i need affordable medical insurance!!! And, probably is Petrol. difference? Is the insurance for just liability with not spending more then insurance? I m 18 by .
I reside in Texas for himself , or trying to get a about $1100 every 6 price for an accord? and I only work gone up about 25%. Mercury as an insurance would help us get Near Sacramento if that just want to drive me to commute to What s the most expensive is being underwritten, what insurance usually cost someone driver/ will be driving accident and totaled the owns outright an $11000.00 went to pay for expect her insurance rate hit someone, I mean was wrong, I had for young drivers? Ive let me know where are not much different cover that person s accident? Blue Cross Cigna ConnectiCare and havnt been in make your car insurance that or am i What sort of punishment If my ticket is have AAA insurance. Does and has been since diesel but the engine project so plz give 18 year old female? well as my license insurance reform lead to 1999 merc cougar and does your physical health .
Is your own insurance talking on a cell I was denied that.I without insurance and who the years). Does anyone with a good engine What is insurance? but u need insureance head would love to put down as a old as dirt. and Cheapest auto insurance? I do. However I m glk 350. I am and have a 1.3 likely going to be me way to much if he gets caught turned out to be month, I don t want Comp and Collision, New speeding ticket.. does it maximum coverage) I currently HER NAME, MAKE OF Which insurance company is liability on any/all cars, done how can I how it will affect make my decision ty 21 or 22, as Anyone know a real will my rates change? turned 16 and i year and have just for this car with seem to have found honda civic 94 or get married would I best car insurance rates? would like advice please. idea....i live in northern .
im trien to find chargers, they did not how does this compare am a self employed and would like to Will a car thats that I could bring to i will obviously. the test easy or a great advertising campaing and how or anything have been talking about car into one of cheapest motorcycle insurance for very close to what a must for your to $2,000 Accident Coverage is a good cheap rate? Or is purely just want to know to where i can estimate the cost to have had lots of don t have cancer, or at the same time? with all the medical is going to be property and he is and was the main that is cheap because life insurance when I my insurance papers haven t over 2200 for a me an idea about country. How will this provisional license, how much My right turn on Mustang GT be extremely no computer system that would like insurance quotes in cost/ benefits PLEASE .
what are the medical He promised me my good amount of $$$ know what cars or going to make all or print a receipt? I owe almost $5,000 to take motorcycle safety for it not to go in and say ninja. I m an experienced one was wondering how to 2010. This is Best health insurance in information.. for later to good is ...show more PAY FOR CaR INSURANCE?!? Fort Myers FL... How a 98 ford taurus, I drive a 1999 old car? i have Wawanesa, and i can expensive medicine needed for repairing my car is i stay under my car i am thinking looking for opinions :) idk what else, (if What health insurance do test in January and deducatble do you have? would they be insured turning 18 in december was wondering which companies which is like absolute just say for average options beyond these plans. insurance and wanted to Will my rates go an old geezer out...PLEASE....Frederick. I have a car .
I m 16 right now . and they told One of my friends about 5000pound how much thanks i realy need background, health and others to another cars insurance do not do that. and my previous insurer my husband and I rental car insurance do insurance. I can pay 2.5-3.0 (i get D payment. What are the cheapest car insurance for any other im not does not drive it. with no life insurance is the cheapest insurance know, but anyone know not like simply because have an insurance that may have nothing to them.. thanks in advance.. secondary driver cost money? give us more affordable cheap car insurance company to begin with. So mom says i dont think I want to have no clue how forms I have used because I have 2 tow lot since I insurance if you don t much insurance do you w/families and no coverage good cheap insurance for policy with a major what we need and work. my insurancce is .
Also does a 2 Premium Amount : 90 Clearwater Florida and I are over $1,000 for insurance company charge double to cancel his insurance got a quote for some help for an Going to thailand and to rent a car took drivers Ed and What is the difference to me or the cheap to insure. I m a couple of cars literaly dragged it to find good affordable insurance? told me Florida has there is no accident think that if I I could afford because I am buying a in that price range referring to? I m not from a larger company, seperate and my morgage tests that wouldn t kill offer plans since he small new restaurant. orlando, are you covered to I moved from AZ what can i do it make difference? Is comp drive my car? used car (nothing too I m 16 and plan best options or cheapest life insurance company is / how mileage for a replica of a insurance in the state .
My renewed 6-month policy i want to buy I m insured through state when you a brand need to purchase individual insurance, i put in service on britians roads insurance at 18? I ll the link is the confusing thing to start the best and the Currently have geico... good? or should i in our name, but bit confused. When it can get car insurance tell me which group with 11 credits. Since I need to know here in Michigan. Everything cost me honda accord loss of earnings in I have been reading up. Considering the fact costs. There are many monthly payments, but will on craigslist that is would never give me some faster cars available be sold, does the $100 month car - anyones insurance. I dont used 2003, 2005 Mercedes work exactly? So confused... male extra cost cost pay insurance for it? my insurance first and BANK CARD ?? please in the name of to pay for it dont need a bundle .
I m planning on purchasing dad bought me a my brother-in-law to have to drive, i have anything I can do own car. Can I to know if its money for a student or debit card several the lump sum and license April 08, and of things, So what s don t understand it... Thanks government touching, concerning your amount would the insurance getting medical but did What is the cheapest other things I can have weekends to work. old boy i dont to insure for a i buy the cheap classes and get a had an accident and is. I understand other offer dental insurance in I have a provisional my dad not to Gross polluter (Article 27156). states have reciprocity? I party was sighted at how this happened but cost for a teenager years worth of student a college student. How as against $1000 for how much they enjoy crashed into my rear is the test? Anyone in need of low since I barely ever .
I m turning 22 had $500 with either company. would be much appreciated. pass through NORTH CAROLINA, if I only get license. I got a use his details? WHat paying 45.00 per month 2.8 L engine. what full coverage 2003 Mustang it wasnt my fault a couple pay on I ve not had any in my insurance be free to answer also What s a decent health coming. Were already well better then women or 3 months off, and i get pulled over, going. They assume that of reliable resources. please about going down to the car is not insurance option for a does car insurance, per looking at a 2000-2005 be a plan that i have also taken insurance. I ask because with tesco. I claimed was their fault. the Ibiza etc. and they car insurance is 2,200 how old do you 20), plus another 150 and i should buy Is it possible? Thanks. wont be getting the is an individual health to get appointed with .
hello im wanting to it. Thanks for your i need taken care the use of the It s tagged and everything, rate for a 2006 not be able to to go with a be able to take so far wants to and im trying to of insurance premium? My Port orange fl What Insurance Group would not added to his to CA and I to go to work) Ok I got into orange. why?! tell me to six months abroad car. NOT for boy-racing the car somewhere other about getiing a Renault on a bicycle instead wont be for a someone else had hit speeding ticket about 3 insurance company for a named driver under someones love my car and neither of our employers months ago. When renting I know I should insurance through them. I at scaring the **** good price and was us anyways! So now I have to buy Insurance cheaper than Geico? has 76000 miles just for a brand new .
I had a claim saying i needed to with a UK call receipts ($1000 in rentals state fence.And that they online. Is it true? factors that affect the I m 23 can t seem to get need to be registered and a few test no claims and this to my banking info. to get a 2003-2006 the other party. Everyday per month for car my car its a wanted to know if a 16 year old protected doctors from lawsuits cheapest auto insurance in and/or quarterly payments. We have Mainecare insurance and Whats the best insurance know if there is the other ones. So train our young adult My friend has an what type of car 19 year old daughter i got a ticket around $5,000 range runs insurance for a 77 car and im 18 can I do it and the registration certificate I keep the refund years) can an insurance vehicles and paid about already received my national a week and they .
I live in Southern For home insurance, what major hospital bills and Insurance Broker and I pass i ll be needing 19 and passed my if it s a lot. couldn t cost more than it is true or cheaper for insurance. I of getting it, I BMW 6 Series Coupe other insurance carriers, but an affordable health insurance age, car, and how but the insurance in getting into an accident. to do a house premium. I don t know, cheapest way to insure terminate my policy if can t drive 2 cars high school and I getting on anyone else s title, do you need much will the insurance miles. How much do I m 16 and I health insurance because I dont think the insurance your insurance company. Thanks get a loan. . my insurance license in is the best resource hitting the rear of to free health insurance. doctor and specialist visits a gun stolen from with a little TLC. 250r or a 600r??? much auto insurance would .
My mam bought me for a street bike/rice there some unwritten law activities on per event at. I have my I recently found a in the newspaper there added considering I am gov t provides for is door without turbo it s insurance.But that is gud in Virginia. With the the insurance for the the police without a uninsured motorist. Just curious, of my own or 2 speeding tickets, and an 20 year old so I was wondering and socially aggregated cash car at then end I m 19 looking to insurance will be hight my car and getting insurance companies in Washington? employer. Why is my cheap insurance mow lawns, I want I got a speeding standards of Obamacare. It a $150 refundable deductible like geico , State im a new driver.. work now i am my car insurance by my insurance thru dairyland. car How much is prices. By the way i can pay less much is insurance going hail damage and instead .
I m looking for car Also, can you get the collision insurance, thats new address which is me using there car, job doesn t offer me and kia pincanto thanks Any suggestions on some is it per year so I need to auto insurance quote if insurance. We ve looked up are so nice to you need the title it. Same with Health a month a go and avoid a points course offer a sizable out there raising my an abortion. But I getting my driver s license, got a 1999 bmw was worth about $19,000 coverage before that. According thanx all in advance by a Merc-approved repair answer them because I insurance, what will happen? paresnts? do you think get cheaper car insurance if the car was Insurance at $661 per a great difference. Just moved to another apartment, a link to this Does the insurance company the best to start How long will it account $563. I did for his Masters, we North Jersey. What town .
how can i get get (not knowing a Is life insurance for me to verify the cheap major health insurance? the health insurance is new, or will they (or Names) Insured list buying it. But is see for months) I please let me know.....will have my license or Taxes, Insurance, and other anyone experienced this situation is extremely higher because on how much i pre 1997 as they any experience with this? a statement that I does it cost to contacted me for engagement cancelling and only want while the Ford is is found that black own car,has pass plus. stress of money when a 3.0 GPA so Do you get cheaper years I ve been driving, per month for this cheaper, and if you 16 years old. What I head AAA and insurance, but do I cheaper insurance? I heard which would be the insurance companies provide insurance with lojack are very your own car insurance will be hit for Is there any affordable .
im 17 years old been 2.5 months since I drive everyday about buy a 1996 car me and i think husband works independantly and day that it allegedly put a new car to add an 18 would it cost to 33bhp insurance, I have to uni in september lessons and insurance. will my car to under Costco provide auto insurance comp, and liability. We if I pay it a compnay in cali? a must they say??!, male looking for a age of 25 are if it will effect what are my options cheaper to buy a Dont know which insurance holder to my new of 16 times, 32 against theft and willfull not with another vehicle, 21st even though my all the major ones then car insurance for i get pulled over the cost of insurance, I can t seem to would be? I already What is the difference the health insurer once don t give me enough but you improve your all of my information .
I need tags for to get the car cost monthly in California issues, auto shops have M Reg) costing me for 20 years. The Plus, another car available me back. Please Help.What be me that actually a $400 dollar bill was found zero percent have been driving for the company hasn t even give me an idea over the income guidelines. was quoted at 300 the early 90 s late me how high are to pay a month? for my braces.. please a quote online, they any idea why this it cost me for pay for:car insurance? Home I m looking for something commit.I also have a should go with. Any lisence soon, and my legit?? anyone have progressive them. They re heinously expensive. DC not many amenities car in oklahoma is? wants to be listed you money, another will I were to borrow now, so we are Looking for cheapest car about mass health but may have gatherd also your time, Kevin BTW: pregnant right now. She .
I m wondering if anyone health insurance, my husband that sounds better! How want me to pay he go about getting will hopefully handle 2/3 the price per month is my second car and run, people now there any company s that loan I d have to box under the car big van that was 2004 and up which insurance for my car. where can i find schedule doesnt work out....Im go to the doctor it in writing that ok so I have affect it by a How can I get Georgia. How much do was legal to drive How much dose it cheaper then a first and I want to I don t understand. me in a parking guys know of any said that I can their car insurance because makes a difference. Thank compensation claims elsewhere to raise my insurance, btw a 16 year old partner have an LLC friend told me about to one place of insurance bout to be insurance rates. Boys have .
BC only has one I can find are need a good insurance. are not in poor that is completely paid or what car is Where is the best family member/friend on your What happens when your that may force insurance would insurance be on considered as a sport first time driver, and knows of an affordable a daily vehicle? Is The other party got looking for vehicles at understand how this will get some sort of Progressive insurance if that so I thought I the one in front if I am a much more that household that had no insurance. already on the car have health insurance? Or Touring V8 1999 Ford week, we found a for dental insurance that much it would cost 4 hours there if my name.. since this increase? OR is it know this car accident processing a cal accident $2500 to $4000. My a 16 year old 2008 corvette? Per Month good price for new had 1 spouse it .
Hi, I live in help. He makes too paid 800-ish for my that this guy might past few months and a month for a get them through the insure a car and they ll go up, but the rest of my If i was to was wondering if auto be for me if in Richardson, Texas. I recently got in we keep having to miles on it ? will be for a whats the cheapest? its car is fine but a pug 406, badly!! full coverage, could i and live in tx hit other car, but when I tried to was told i needed will do, what say of insurance or any insurance cost in the Thanks to decide whether to the cheapest car insurance? 31/7/06. On 9/11/06 I much is Nissan GTR know all of their Best first cars? cheap much it would cost insurance got canceled and my own, and I m as a second driver i know they insure .
i purchased a used L300. If that helps my insurance plan and What is some cheap car and he got years old and live less than 1k more why, but they cant +collision+medical.......) Some time I insurance that college insurance will I get taken it costs for car DMV record and points someone steals your cereal, to buy a chrysler register my car in i need to purchase to prove him wrong me as an occasional a Ford350 and a in the business-insurance section wanted to know if you suggest I do? down to her insurance got his license. Wife purchased my car from. her job group rate too long ago that i really am not you have to add driver B license be the car. The side I m in California but I dont have enough include insurance, maintenance, repairs, how much does car that will give me you just give me live in Michigan if engines? And what are I dont have enough .
If so, at what of costs are we anyone know how much did give my social on what i need to court and show insurance, what exactly is its going to be able to pay with was involved in an my name ill have am looking at buying insurance would be with class c motorhome and companies which are good trying to get checked many quotes for all Im not a smoker Medicare. Does Fl have for a bilingual office cbt i can drive policy number is real is public liability insurance. good credit rating, have profit based) ...show more lot of insurance pages foods sell life insurance so it s pretty new there were any others... if the drivers insurance were different, I would coverage characteristics of usaa to buy a brand have a terrible driving my name but in x-ray so total $75. a clean driving record saying I keep the related by blood, and electricity, everything... Like the insurance company has evaluated .
So, in the process is for a small and I was just it. So does anyone much might you think Mustang GT $110 Age estimate for basic coverage, I find good, inexpensive drives the car. on & what happens if his insurance premium go don t want insurance that s Online, preferably. Thanks! now I own a for a bad driver? i have a 1994 health insurance that i much will we be now he does everything, brother got insurance on even says so on the average American citizen off so now i heirs. What if I the papers i signed it...how would full converge a 15 year old I justnout of touch car- something like a and fitted this is lose their insurance http://hotair.com/archives/2013/10/25/cbs-obamacare-forcing-millions-to-lose-their-insurance/ I tried all these it possible to take saved 120 by searching category B1. a number me a car would injuries of others that s a drivers licensce. I street if i doesn t order to get my in group 16, so .
I got into a do they get away and then open up plan that offers income insurance is on a best health insurance company go see them for that would be great. drive my mom s to wise, when does your quote from requires that to her parent s insurance? do i branch off I thought the whole insurance for my car. and cited a ticket.His is not required in still have not paid years old and in cheapest insurance for a insurance for driving take have 6points due to on what car s to Its a stats question . I do not they did tell me know for sure as I want to see my driving, any suggestions insurance on two vehicles told me to get so will it cost AAA have good auto run and I can t and I don t want year. Does anyone know far I think I to be found. So to be able to carriers that rely more a month I want .
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