#i went to a local restaurant at my camp house's city
soov · 2 months
cried at the restaurant cs of a drawing i made for a guy on a napkin im feeling destroyed
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newstfionline · 2 months
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Afghanistan War Commission opens inquiry of America’s longest conflict (Washington Post) Against the backdrop of America’s roiling political landscape and two raging foreign wars, a coterie of former U.S. government officials and academics on Friday opened what will be an extensive examination of the United States’ 20-year foray in Afghanistan—the nation’s longest conflict. The 16-member bipartisan panel has been tasked by Congress with determining what went wrong and what U.S. leaders could do differently the next time the United States goes to war. Their mandate encompasses policies and actions taken by four presidential administrations, the U.S. military, the State Department, U.S. allies, and many other agencies, organizations and people. The U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021 ended the war, but delivered the country back into the hands of the Taliban, an enemy Washington spent trillions of dollars trying to vanquish beginning in the aftermath of 9/11. The bloody and chaotic exit resulted in the deaths of 13 U.S. service members and scores of Afghans; left thousands of American allies behind to an uncertain fate; triggered broad, bipartisan outrage; and gave rise to bitterly politicized congressional inquiries and hearings.
Bus by Bus, Texas’ Governor Changed Migration Across the U.S. (NYT) The autumn of 2021 delivered a shock to the state of Texas. More than 9,000 migrants crossed the border on a September day into the town of Del Rio and huddled in a tent camp under a bridge. Thousands more came later that week from countries all over the world, challenging the town’s ability to handle them. The following spring, Texas opened a new frontier of its own. On April 13, a bus pulled into Union Station in Washington, D.C., carrying 24 migrants who had been offered a free ride from Del Rio, chartered by the state’s Division of Emergency Management. More buses arrived in the capital over the next several days. Soon, buses began arriving in New York and Chicago. Then Philadelphia. The destinations were cities run by Democrats who supported the Biden administration’s more open immigration policy. Soon, some neighborhoods in those cities started looking like Texas border towns. Shelters filled up. Then hotels rented by city officials to house the newcomers were overflowing. Records show that the Texas program is continuing to expand its reach and helping to reshape migration across the United States.
The Spanish fightback against record tourism (BBC) If you can elbow your way onto one of Majorca’s sunspots this summer, you will witness two unstoppable forces. The first, as old as time, the waves of the Balearic Sea, methodically erasing the day’s lovingly crafted sandcastles. The second, a more modern phenomenon, the tsunami of tourism threatening to consume all in its path. Every inch of beach is taken. Finding a parking space is like striking gold. There’s also the incessant beeping of contactless payment machines ringing out from the teeming hotels, restaurants and bars. But if this is a tale of colossal wealth being showered onto a business-savvy Spanish community, Sonia Ruiz certainty has not shared any of it. We meet the mother of one, 31, in a park a few hundred metres from the shore in the capital, Palma. Her landlord has asked them to leave and she says finding a new place is impossible. “Every day I’m looking and every day the rent is higher,” she says. “I even stop people in the street and ask if they have something because the day is approaching when I will have to leave the apartment, and I just see me and my son homeless because there is absolutely nothing.” Like thousands of Majorcans, Sonia is protesting this weekend against the surge in tourism that is being blamed for plummeting living standards among the local population. Activists say spiralling housing costs are being driven by a huge number of houses and apartments being bought by foreigners, or at least rented out to them for large chunks of the summer.
Civilians killed and wounded as Russia and Ukraine trade attacks (AP) Russia and Ukraine exchanged drone, missile and shelling attacks on Sunday. At least two people were killed in Ukrainian strikes on the partly Russian-occupied Donetsk region, Russian state media said, while Ukrainian officials said Russian strikes wounded at least five people. Along the front line in the east, Russia said it had taken control of two villages, one in the Kharkiv region and one in the Luhansk region.
Taiwan starts annual war games, aiming to closely mimic actual combat (Reuters) Taiwan carried out anti-landing drills on a strategic river on Monday at the start of the annual Han Kuang war games, which this year aim to be as close as possible to actual combat with no script and simulating how to repel a Chinese attack. China, which views democratically governed Taiwan as its territory, has been staging regular exercises around the island for four years to pressure Taipei to accept Beijing’s claim of sovereignty, despite Taiwan’s strong objections. Taiwan’s drills this year have cancelled elements that were mostly for show, like scripted firepower displays, while there will be intensified nighttime exercises and practising how to operate with severed command lines. The five-day war games will be happening in conjunction with the Wan’an civil defence drills, where the streets of major cities are evacuated for half an hour during a simulated Chinese missile attack, and test warning alarms will sound on mobile phones.
A deal in the South China Sea (Foreign Policy) The Philippines and China reached a provisional agreement on Sunday in an attempt to defuse escalating tensions in the South China Sea. The tentative deal, which comes after weeks of diplomatic consultations between the two nations, will allow Manila to resupply its naval ship, the BRP Sierra Madre, in the contested Second Thomas Shoal. The Chinese Foreign Ministry confirmed the arrangement but emphasized its conditional nature, reiterating that it would conduct “on-site verification” and “monitor” each resupply mission. Last week, Beijing and Manila also agreed to open an emergency hotline between their presidential offices. If successful, the recent diplomatic wins could help quell the monthslong flare-up in the region that saw China embracing an aggressive approach and using its Coast Guard to threaten and attack Philippine ships and sailors in the disputed waters.
Israel’s Netanyahu walks political tightrope on Washington trip (AP) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu left for Washington on Monday, leaving behind a brutal war to make a politically precarious speech before the U.S. Congress at a time of great uncertainty following Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race. With efforts ongoing to bring about a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, rising concerns about the war spreading to Lebanon and Yemen, and the U.S. in the midst of a dizzying election campaign, Netanyahu’s speech has the potential to cause disarray on both sides of the ocean. Netanyahu will deliver his congressional address with an eye on several audiences: his ultranationalist governing partners, the key to his political survival; the Biden administration, which Netanyahu counts on for diplomatic and military support; and Donald Trump’s Republican Party, which could offer Netanyahu a reset in relations if he is reelected in November. His words risk angering any one of those constituencies, which the Israeli leader cannot afford if he hopes to hold on to his tenuous grip on power.
Israel orders evacuation of part of Gaza humanitarian zone (AP) The Israeli military on Monday ordered the evacuation of part of an area in the Gaza Strip it has designated a humanitarian zone. The military said it is planning to begin an operation against Hamas militants who have embedded themselves in the area and used it to launch rockets toward Israel. The area includes the eastern part of the Muwasi humanitarian zone, which is located in the southern Gaza Strip. Many Palestinians have been uprooted multiple times in search of safety during Israeli’s punishing air and ground campaign. Earlier this month, Israel said it estimates at least a million Palestinians are now in the humanitarian zone it declared. The zone covers a stretch of about 14 kilometers (8.6 miles) along the Mediterranean. Much of that area is now blanketed with tent camps that lack sanitation and medical facilities and have limited access to aid, U.N. and humanitarian groups say. Families live in the midst of mountains of trash and streams contaminated by sewage.
Israeli Strike on Yemeni Port Will Harm Civilians, Not Houthis, Experts Say (NYT) The Israeli bombing of a vital Yemeni port controlled by the Houthi militia is not expected to deter the group from further attacks but is likely to deepen human suffering in Yemen, regional experts said. Israeli officials said the barrage of airstrikes that hit the Red Sea port city of Hudaydah on Saturday was a counterattack after the Houthis launched a drone that struck Tel Aviv on Friday, killing one Israeli and wounding several others. The Israeli strikes in Hudaydah killed three people and injured 87, according to the health ministry in the capital, Sana, which the Houthis control. The port is the main conduit by which food imports, fuel and aid enter impoverished northern Yemen, where more than 20 million people live.
Heat Waves Are Pounding Egypt, and Often There’s No A.C. (NYT) Egyptian summers have always been hot. But it has not always been this hot, with temperatures barely dipping below 100 degrees in Cairo since May, testing tempers and massacring houseplants. And it has never been this hot at a time when the government has imposed power cuts on most of the country for more than a year, plunging millions into sweaty, un-air-conditioned misery for hours each day. Since last summer, when energy shortages forced the government to impose the daily power cuts, the blackouts have become such a fact of life that local media has taken to publishing regular tips for what to do if stranded in an elevator as the power goes off. At least nine people have died under such circumstances, according to local media reports. “Pound on the door and don’t panic,” suggested a recent headline in Al Masry Al Youm, one news outlet. But it had little advice for fish sellers who struggle to refrigerate their wares, farmers whose chickens are dying en masse, people with little cash to fix shorted-out appliances or students studying for the all-important college entrance exams by flashlight.
Civilians suffering horrendous violence in Sudan conflict, MSF says (Reuters) Civilians in Sudan have suffered horrendous levels of violence during more than a year of conflict between the army and a rival paramilitary force, facing repeated attacks, abuse and exploitation by both sides, the aid group Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders—MSF) said on Monday. The physical and mental wounds of violence have been exacerbated by the collapse of the health system and the lack of an international humanitarian response, MSF said in a report. Its teams had treated thousands of war wounded in areas affected by bombing, shelling of residential homes and essential infrastructure, it said. Across Sudan, people’s access to lifesaving care has been drastically affected due to shortages, widespread obstruction and looting of medical supplies, insecurity and attacks against patients and medical staff, as well damage to healthcare infrastructure, it said.
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lucycayetana · 2 years
24.12.2022 (Christmas Eve)
Smooth and uneventful flight into the city and no issues picking up our checked bag and hire car. The hire car was the cheapest "mystery car" option and we somehow ended up with a 2021 Ford Ranger.
After getting the Christmas groceries, we ate lunch at this empty restaurant that was winding down for the holidays. I had a steak sandwich then the three of us shared this sesame miso caramel cookie in a skillet. Truly one of the best desserts I’ve ever had. We’re planning on coming back here before our flight home to try it again.
The campsite is a cosy spot up a little hill and the dome we’re staying in is warm and well furnished. We cooked beef burgers on the BBQ then played card games for a while.
We watched the stars just before midnight. I hadn’t seen so many stars in the sky like this in so long. Seven shooting stars. One of them was especially bright and had a tail stretching across the sky right above the lake. Saw Jupiter, Mars, and Uranus. Orion’s Belt. Taurus. Many satellites. Couldn’t find the Southern Cross as it was hidden behind some trees.
25.12.2022 (Christmas Day)
Woke up around 6:30am with the sunlight but went back to sleep until 9am. We finally got up and made pancakes and bacon for breakfast. My friends were sketching the view of the lake. We saw a shiny little green beetle and several dragonflies.
Went on a scenic drive around the two lakes towards this renowned walking track and the weather got worse as we got closer. We passed a seagull eating a possum and a hawk eating a rabbit on the road. There were heaps of international tourists on the walk and it was fun reading the different Christmas puns on their shirts. We skipped stones and took photos of the river and the fog rolling down the mountain. Unfortunately, we didn’t end up swimming as there were way too many sandflies and mosquitoes.
Drove past a dog on a paddle board in the lake!
Christmas dinner was BBQ beef and pork sandwiches, pork and chive wontons, and salad with steamed puddings. Finished the night with card games again.
26.12.2022 (Boxing Day)
Pancakes and bacon for breakfast again!
Met up with our friend who lives in the area for a picnic on the beach. Cucumber, hummus, hazelnut and coconut chocolate blocks, salami, salmon, cheese and crackers, and potato chips. We had a dip in the lake and took photos of a tree growing in the lake by the shore that was a bit of a tourist attraction.
Stopped by our friend’s house to see her dog and parents then went to another beach where the water was warmer. We stayed there for the rest of the day to swim and eat and sunbathe and eat and swim and eat and sunbathe then packed up when the evening breeze set in. Did some final grocery shopping, bought bubble tea from the local Asian store then came back to the campsite for BBQ sausages, salad and bread, s’mores and grilled pineapple with cinnamon.
27.12.2022 (Last day!)
My body was sore this morning and I found little spots of sunburn where I wasn’t as diligent with reapplying my sunscreen.
We managed to pack up camp and leave before 9am. The drive fairly quiet as we were all tired and I kept falling in and out of sleep. Stopped for some scones and sausage rolls partway before reaching the city. We looked for the same restaurant where we ate lunch before we drove to the campsite but they were closed. No more sesame miso caramel cookie in a skillet. Instead, we each got some cheesecake slices (passionfruit, tiramisu, and black forest) from nearby but they weren’t as good as the skillet. We went through a carwash, returned the car and got our flight home. I fell asleep again on the flight and didn’t wake up until I was jolted awake by the landing. All in all, I had a pretty good Christmas.
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ghostgothgeek · 4 years
Map of Amity Park
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So I did a bunch of research and traced over the map the GIW had in DCMH and extended it to try and build a map of Amity Park. I also paid close attention to locations and places named in canon. I am by no means an artist, map maker, photoshop pro, or civil engineer; I just wanted a general reference map for the phandom to use. 
Here is where I place Amity Park. We know AP isn’t in Michigan or Wisconsin, but is most likely a day drive away from Madison (Bitter Reunions). AP is a decent sized city of itself, so I can see it being an outskirt of a large city like Chicago. Lancer mentions the Northwestern Testing, and Northwestern University is in Evanston, IL, which is why I placed it where it is.
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LIST OF PLACES (in great detail): 
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Every city needs it’s basic services: energy supply, water supply, sewage, and trash/recycling. These of course are located more on the edge of the city, as they need a large amount of space and are typically isolated.
I placed a local airport in the city as well. Typically you would fly out of one of Chicago’s airports anyway, but private planes (Vlad, Mansons, etc.) can take off and land here. 
University of Amity Park is located at the north side of the city, and is home to a Nasty Burger location, an LGBT Center, and is probably near a gas station. The blocks surrounding the campus are more student housing. 
Near the University, we have the Science Center, Axion Labs, a Mental Institute, and the Museum, as a lot of research from the University would go into those places. 
In the more isolated areas, we have the Penitentiary, the abandoned North Mercy Hospital, and the GIW Headquarters. 
The Zoo is located on the north side of the park and is also close to the University for research purposes.
The Observatory is also located in a more isolated area, so you can actually see the stars without a bunch of light pollution.
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Going into the center of town, where most things are actually located:
A community college, which is near the internet cafe where Danny and Tucker play games, a gas station, a liquor store, a thrift shop, a Planned Parenthood, Java Jive (the coffee shop), a tech store, and a gym. 
We also have a shoe store, the hunting goods store and Guitar Palace that Skulker and Ember take over in Reign Storm, the U-Ship Box Store the Box Ghost takes over, a barber and a hardware store.
There is a hair salon, tanning salon, and nail salon, where Paulina frequents. There is also Elmer’s Pharmacy, a dentist office, a law office, the TV repair store, butcher shop, and pet store (which we see next to each other in an episode), a toy store, and a vet office.
Government buildings include City Hall, a public library, a court house, a DMV, a bus station (for all mass transit in the city), a community center (likely where town halls are located and other smaller events; Ida plays bingo here every week), and a retirement home. 
There is also the post office, Amity Park Fire Department, a bank, the 24K Jewelry shop, a nearby ice cream shop, and another Nasty Burger location (this is the one right by Casper High that the trio usually hangs at). Also an animal shelter, a grocery store, and a pizza joint.
Education: there is a preschool and daycare, the elementary school, a playground/park, the middle school (yes, a Beetlejuice reference), and Casper High. Casper High campus also has the track, a fieldhouse, and the football field. 
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Moving towards Amity Park Mall:
Bucky’s Music Mega Store, an apartment complex, Amity Park Police Department, a bookstore, doctor clinic, gas station, a Denny’s (where Phight Club happens), Material Grill restaurant, the mini golf course and bowling alley, Freddy Fazbear’s (which is actually a horror video game, but here it’s a kids pizza place like Chuck E. Cheese), a furniture store, a party supply store, and the movie theater (which is Marmel’s Multiplex 22, Amity Park Multiplex, and Googolplex Cinemas...it seems that they go to the same movie theater throughout the series and the names just change, or these could also be other movie theaters in the area (like near the college campus). I just picked Multiplex 22 cause it sounded very mall-y).
Along the interstate, there’s a pawn shop, a publishing house (which somehow prints all 5 of Amity Park’s newspapers), a homeless shelter, the diner, Safe House Motel, a laundromat, the 89¢ Store (a nod to Fanning the Flames), and the car dealership.
Also near the mall is Amity Arena, which hosts concerts, sports events, and other large entertainment events. There is a hotel near both the arena and the hospital (the one that isn’t abandoned and haunted). Towards the outskirts of the hospital, there’s a trailer park; north a few blocks is the TV station, where News 4 is headquartered. There’s also a construction site near Amity Arena, but that kinda went out the window when Undergrowth hit. 
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On the other side of town, we have:
A-Mart, a convenience store. I named it like this because it can be like an offshoot of KMart, but A for Amity! 
Floody Waters, right off the interstate.
North of Floody Waters, East of Casper High, we have the main residences: the Foley household and only a couple blocks away is Fenton Works. 
There’s also another gas station and the Amity Park Radio Station nearby. There’s also a private school near ultra posh Polter Heights, but the A-Listers attend Casper High because the private school doesn’t have a football or cheerleading team.
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Moving into Polter Heights and the surrounding area:
The Polter Heights Golf Course and Country Club are exclusive to those in the neighborhood, as well as their private neighborhood pool; members only. 
The Mayor’s Mansion (eventually Vlad’s) is located in here too.
All of the A-Listers’ houses are of course in this neighborhood, as well as Val’s previous residence and the Fenton’s temporary mansion from Living Large (which is of course right next door to Vlad, but with some distance, because the rich are always socially distancing with their big houses).
Polter Heights is adjacent to a bunch of farmland (this is the midwest, we like cows and stuff), and there is a church close by as well.
Just outside Polter Heights is the Manson Mansion (with Sam’s greenhouse). Lucky for Sam, the Skulk and Lurk Books and an occult shop are just down the street. The Manson residence is also near a funeral home and graveyard (how did Sam get so lucky? Oh, because I love her), a synagogue, Mario’s restaurant, and a dry cleaners. 
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We get more spacious as we get away from the center of town! 
Along the shore of Lake Eerie, there are the docks which are home to many warehouses, including the mattress factory.
Also along the shoreline, there is a pier which doubles as an amusement park (think kinda like Navy Pier in Chicago in comparison) and alongside the pier is the public beach area. 
Camp Skull and Crossbones is located on the other side of Lake Eerie, and the fishing area is more on the north side of the lake. Lake Eerie is not one of the Great Lakes, it’s just its own thing in Amity Park. 
Back towards the park, we have event grounds space, which is where Circus Gothica is located, as well as the Meet Swap and flea market. Basically whatever rotating event hits town, it comes right here. Just next door is a theatre (for music, opera, Broadway, etc.). There is also the third and final Nasty Burger location in AP.
This is all surrounding the actual park Amity Park, which has a pond, a big fountain, and also hosts that really big hill that overlooks City Hall.
On the south side, across the bridge and over the interstate is Elmerton, where Val currently is resided. 
All the other blocks are filled with more office buildings, apartment complexes, houses, and businesses, but all of the main places are already listed and placed. 
Finally, yes, I did name some places for myself and my friends because they’re great and they deserve it. These include Steph’s (mine) Occult Shoppe, Nick’s Liquor Emporium (@ecto-american), Lexx R Us Toystore (@lexosaurus and appropriately named after the Lexxpocalypse), Laz’s Law Offices LLC (@kinglazrus), Dee’s Dentistry (@qlinq-qhost​), Lily’s Looks Thrift Store (@dannyphantomisameme​), Ceci’s Funeral Home (@ceciliaspen​), Vic’s Amusement Park (@babypop-phantom​), and Reverie Books (@wastefulreverie​). 
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txtdiaries · 4 years
Void - Chapter Three
SUMMARY | Amidst your world shattering to pieces, the boy you met long ago manages to fit everything back together again. Also - zombies. Lots and lots of zombies.
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PAIRING | Yeonjun X Reader feat. TXT
CATEGORY | apocalypse au, end of the world, survival, angst, romance, enemies to lovers, slow burn, etc.
WARNINGS | dark content, swearing, gore, weapon possession, etc.
A/N | So this hasn’t been proofread, but I hope there aren’t too many mistakes and u guys enjoy it anyway. Thanku for reading! <3 
SONG REC | Wires - The Neighbourhood
Preview / Chapter One / Chapter Two / Chapter Three
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The sun is dipping behind the horizon, colors melting against sky as the car rolls along the freeway. The majority of the younger boys are asleep in the car, it is silent, and Yeonjun is stressed out.
Of course, who wouldn’t be? He almost lost his life to something that looked like it walked straight off the set of The Walking Dead. And Yeonjun has never forgotten his weapon - ever. It’s in that moment that he knows.
He has to get rid of the girl sitting in the passenger seat. Soon.
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The silence is uncomfortable as he drives. Neither is speaking, and even though he isn’t looking at her, he knows she isn’t asleep.
After a few minutes of the silence ticking along with the minutes, Yeonjun feels like he is going to burst. And then, finally, she speaks.
“Listen… uh- Yanjun-”
“My name is Yeonjun.” The older boy sneers, accent thickening as he enunciates his Korean name, still annoyed. He realizes just how annoyed he always is with her.
“Right, sorry! Yeonjun.” He stays quiet, letting her go on.
“I’m really sorry for what happened back there. I may have overreacted a little bit.”
Yeonjun scoffs as she continues, “And I just want to thank you for saving my life. I really appreciate it.”
The girl sticks her hand out as if he’s not driving, and after he gives it a side glance, she retracks it.
“Maybe we can be friends, you know, work together?”
Yeonjun almost swerves off the freeway at 90 MPH.
“Here’s how this is gonna work...” He searches her eyes for a second, noticing how she sits up straighter. She replies quickly with a, “Y/N.”
“Okay, Y/N, this isn’t some fucked up stockholm syndrome situation. I didn’t tie you up and throw you in the back of my Jeep because I thought you were too precious to save, and I definitely didn’t do it because I wanted you with us. I did it because it was the only option, got it?”
The girl blinks at him.
“It was the only option, and at this point you’re just deadweight to us now, okay? We aren’t going to work together, and we sure as hell aren’t going to be friends.”
It’s silent for a lot longer this time, before Yeonjun hears the girl reply back in a whisper, “If I’m just deadweight to you, why did you save me?”
“Jun, where are we?” Soobin grumbles suddenly from the backseat, stirring a bit as he starts to wake up.
“Just about there, Soobin. Go back to sleep.” Yeonjun replies as he pulls off of I-86 and into what seems like the local college town of the area. He decides to ignore the girl’s question as he turns on the radio. Of course, it’s just the low sound of static, but it’s better than listening to her questions again.
The farther Yeonjun drives into the town, the more he starts to notice the tattered college flags hanging from the unlit street lamps, and all of the broken windows in every building they pass. As he drives with caution, Yeonjun can tell how eerily quiet it is, apart from the radio. He spots the girl looking out the window, and decides to do the same, allowing himself to survey their surroundings.
A few home style diners and restaurants dot the blocks they pass, along with small gas stations (probably empty), and a few fast food places as well. The road guides him to a gentle curve, and then he realizes that he’s going in the direction of an underpass. For some insane reason he doesn’t completely understand, the lights along the inside leading to the other side are on, and they guide him to something that is shocking for him to see. The underpass opens back up at the end in a way Yeonjun can only feel like exiting a time machine would be. The tunnel cuts off, barren and with the walking path fences on either side rusted and destroyed.
But that’s not the part Yeonjun is paying attention to.
The buildings are breathtaking. They are old stone, brick, and clearly had been worked on to keep their vintage roots. One of the buildings on the right has huge archway windows on the second floor, which the moon reflects off beautifully. The street lamps are winded with decorative mistletoe, but the ribbons attached are tattered and almost black. Yeonjun sees what used to be bars, restaurants, all different colors. Green, red, and a pretty maroon color. He’s almost sad to see all of this - to get a glimpse of the real world back in front of him.
The farther he drives, the worse it gets. The town is beautiful, and he can only imagine how beautiful it used to be in the world before.
“This is old town.” The girl says softly from the passenger seat as Yeonjun approaches a huge park, even more trees on display and decorative lamps. He almost thinks he sees a fountain before he looks back at the girl.
“What did you say?”
“Old town. Like, downtown. The original one for the city.”
“How…” Yeonjun is surprised the girl knows as his curiosity intensifies.
“I uh… I used to live here. I went to college here.” She clarifies, avoiding his gaze now.
The older boy is even more surprised than he was before. She looked old enough to be in college, but he didn’t even consider it. Someone else having a life before all of this, much like he did. He never considered it until now.
“Up ahead it’ll take you to the fairly decent houses, lots of cops and bankers used to live on this side of town, but the houses will be trashed most likely. The long road past that will take you up the mountain to the super rich houses on top. Those might have some food and supplies, but it’s more dangerous. The high school is to the right, but the college is back around the way we came. Up to you.” She nods, not speaking anymore. Yeonjun is surprised she’s even helping him, but he hadn’t thought that far ahead.
“Thank you.” He says awkwardly, turning back around the way they came. He figures the college is their best bet. More buildings to search for safety in, and all relatively close to the gas stations.
She says nothing as he makes his way back toward the college.
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The drive to the campus is somehow more tense than before, and Yeonjun is grateful when they finally pull into the main parking lot, in front of a building labeled, Museum of Natural History.
“The SUB is up ahead.” The girl speaks flatly, and Yeonjun gives her a confused look.
“Student Union Building. They have an event center inside, super spacious, just incase.” She clarifies, looking at him again.
“Sorry, I just never went to college before this all happened…” He explains, finally parking the Jeep.
The parking lot extends to a walkway that goes under the second floor of the SUB, and Yeonjun finds himself parking there to keep the car hidden. It’s almost like the whole slab of the SUB’s second floor is covering the walkway for a few yards, and then connects to the neighboring Museum’s second floor too. Past the end of it all, he sees a grand cement staircase leading up to the side door of the building. It’s perfect.
He pushes the gearstick into park and finally cuts the engine, sitting silent for a few moments.
The smaller girl is still gazing out the windshield, eyes scanning along the huge quad slowly.
“Is it weird to be back here?” Yeonjun doesn’t know why he asks, but he can clearly see the girl is visibly upset as she has her hands bundled in fists.
Without answering, she unlatches her seatbelt, swings open the door, and steps into the cold. After her feet hit the ground and she slams the door closed, the rest of the boys in the back groggily come to.
“We’re here.” Yeonjun sighs, turning on the upper light and pocketing the keys, “Grab your stuff, we’re setting up camp for the night.”
And then he’s getting out of the car himself, slamming his door and heading for the trunk.
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“Hyung look, there’s a giant tiger statue back there!” Kai says with excitement, motioning back through the door they just came in through.
“It’s a Bengal.” Y/N corrects the youngest boy before leading the group farther in the empty building. The inside is pitch black, but the moonlight allows Yeonjun to see their surroundings, just barely.
To their right there is a huge staircase leading to the lowest level of the building, and a long hallway filled with multiple tables and chairs, like a huge eating area. Next to the help desk in front of them, small restaurants are grouped side by side as the window parallel shines even more light on all of the walls. The girl drags them to the left, taking them toward the offices and hallway that lie ahead.
“Fuck.” She says when she finally sees the door. It is bolted shut, with wooden planks and furniture piled against it. There is no way they’re getting in.
“Plan B?” Yeonjun asks annoyingly, making the girl brush past him, feet stomping along the way.
“Shut the fuck up, will you?” She snaps as she drags them back past all the small food places, leading them toward a staircase near the side of the building. Yeonjun can’t help but make another snarky comment at her. Soobin laughs under his breath. The youngest boys look shocked.
“Doesn’t this place have elevators?”
She glares at him when he speaks again, and juts her chin to the elevator along the right wall as they walk into the stairwell, saying nothing as she climbs up the stairs.
The boys all follow her, saying nothing at their interaction.
“Hey, Y/N, do you know where we’re going now?” Soobin speaks up, his voice timid as he catches up to the angry girl.
“Yep. Clearly the elevators don’t work but the top floor is our safest bet. There are tons of big rooms where we’ll be safe in. Unless you guys wanna spend the night in the bowling alley or the movie theater.” She throws in the last options offhandedly, knowing both will just be annoying to settle down for the night.
The two youngests perk up at this though, all voicing their excitement.
“There’s really a bowling alley and a movie theater here? This place was so awesome.”
“It is awesome.” Y/N clarifies, swallowing thickly before she leads the rest of the boys up the remainder of the flights.
Once on the top floor, Yeonjun knows why the girl chose it for their spot. There are dozens of lined rooms down the hall on either of them, and huge windows that show the entire campus and more, the land extending for miles upon miles. He can even see the mountain just off campus, trees swaying in the wind.
“Here you go.” She says, finally shrugging off the backpack she was actually able to retrieve from the trunk, “Home sweet hallway.”
The largest room is to their right, which gives them a view of both doors on either side of the hallway. Yeonjun nods a bit before appointing the group to set up their own sleeping bags and spaces.
The three youngest always stick together, all chatting about whatever is on their mind as they set up their sleeping bags, and Yeonjun notices that Soobin is back to chatting with Y/N easily, saying something he can’t pick up as he starts laying out his sleeping bag as well.
It’s like that for a few minutes, all of the boys laying out their sleeping bags, whipping their blankets in the air to get it into shape before laying it on the thin material of their makeshift bed. Yeonjun honestly cannot wait to sleep. He’s so tired, he doesn’t even think much about the fact that they can’t eat dinner. He hopes they will be able to find some food tomorrow.
“Hey Jun?” Soobin asks, catching the attention of the older boy as he looks up toward him.
“Where is Y/N going to sleep?”
All eyes settle on the girl sitting criss-cross on the floor, shivering lightly with her coat draped over her shoulders. Soobin frowns at Yeonjun before motioning toward her obviously, and the older boy just sighs.
“It’s not my problem Soob-”
“She can sleep in my sleeping bag if she wants.” The younger boy offers, already looking back toward the girl again. Yeonjun feels his heart leap up into his throat. He has to try hard to not eagerly deny the fact that she very much cannot sleep with Soobin.
It’s not that Soobin is a bad guy - quite the opposite actually. And the last thing Yeonjun needs is to hear the girl giggling from Soobin’s goofy antics all night long. No, he will not have that.
“She’ll sleep with me.” Yeonjun says firmly, nodding before he kicks off his shoes and places them next to his flimsy little blanket layers on the ground.
“Not happening.” Y/N finally speaks up, glaring at Yeonjun, “I’d rather get mauled by a zombie.”
“Be my guest then, that is, if you don’t freeze first.”
Yeonjun grins sarcastically at the shivering girl, and even though she is wearing multiple layers, he knows she’lll still be freezing if she doesn’t contain enough heat to get her through the night.
“Jun.” Soobin tries to interject, but the blue-haired boy just glares at him.
“Not a debate, Soobin. Go to sleep.”
The tallest boy looks sadly at the girl, before turning on his back away from her. The rest of the boys do the same, leaving her shivering in silence.
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Yeonjun doesn’t know what time it is when he feels movement from his side. His eyes snap open in fear quick enough, though, and he almost reaches for his bat next to him before a soft voice breaks through the darkness.
“Jesus, relax. It’s just me.”
The girl’s teeth are chattering as she crawls under the layers of blankets Yeonjun has above his body, and he doesn’t say anything as the side of her body is suddenly flush against his.
“Thought you’d rather be mauled to death.” He rasps, still half asleep as he nuzzles further into the blanket.
“Shut up, will you?” The girl responds, voice still low so she doesn’t wake the others.
It is quiet for a while, both of them just breathing together. Yeonjun doesn’t know if it’s awkward, but he’s too tired to care. After driving for so long, it starts to take its toll.
“Yeonjun?” The girl says softly, causing the older boy to glance over at her. She sighs before speaking again, “Who were you before all of this?”
The boy blinks at her, mind reeling before he stares up at the tiled ceiling again.
Does he want to do this? Does he really want to open up to the girl who he can’t help but fight with every single second?
He doesn’t have much of a choice as he opens his mouth, and his exhausted body starts speaking honestly.
“I lived in Korea.” He explains, but he doesn’t know why she cares enough to ask. He doesn’t know why he cares enough to explain. He wouldn’t have asked about her, but it’s clear she had other intentions.
“I worked for a company called Big Hit. It’s like a company that trains and creates Idols. Kind of like celebrity performers.”
The girl listens intently to his words, not speaking as he goes on.
“This was our first debut, coming to America. I always dreamed about coming back. I studied in California for a few years when I was younger, but it was always my dream to come back. You know you’ve made it when you make it in America.”
Yeonjun shifts to his side to get more comfortable, and suddenly realizes how close they actually are. He can feel the girl’s breath across his cheeks, and he has to keep himself from pulling away with anxiety.
“I- um… the rest of the boys were in a group with me. We were all idols. But when the virus hit, we got stranded here. Our managers died in a car accident, and we were lucky to make it out alive. We all just want to go back home.”
He doesn’t know why, but somehow he can’t stop. Maybe it’s the way she’s looking at him, listening, or because he hasn’t talked to anyone like this in a long time.
“I loved dancing. I trained as an Idol for years, but it was all worth it because I loved it. Before all of this, I studied really hard, and I enjoyed hip hop the most. It was my favorite to dance to. Just being able to move my body freely to the music, I loved every second of it.”
Yeonjun stops now, not really knowing what else to say. He feels embarrassed, a bit flustered, and he tries to take the attention off of him as he asks, “Who were you before all of this, Y/N?”
The girl is still, eyes glossed over as she bites her lip a bit. Yeonjun can see it’s hard for her to talk about it, but she still does. She still opens up to him, because he did to her.
“I was… I was a student. I worked my ass off at community college to come here, and I got scholarships and grants just to be able to live here on my own. I had a rough time in high school, but college was supposed to change everything for me. I was living alone, trying to make friends, and just attempting to start my life. I came from a small town, where people get trapped like poison. No one comes out of my hometown unless they’re willing to risk everything for it.”
Yeonjun can feel his heart beating steadily against his ribcage as the girl speaks, and he can’t help but feel understood by her. He takes a deep breath to stomp the feeling down.
“I remember I was so excited to finally start. I was studying marketing and creative writing. I loved writing so much, I was so excited to be able to do what I loved. It may not seem like much, this town, but it’s all I had. It was the only chance I had at becoming someone else - someone better.”
She looks over at Yeonjun suddenly, and is surprised when he nods for her to continue.
“I grew up in this state my whole life, and my only goal was to leave. All I ever wanted was to leave.”
The smaller girl can’t help but get choked up, taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down. Yeonjun easily slides the blanket farther over her shoulder, hoping the softness will comfort her a bit.
It takes a bit for her to finish, but once she does, Yeonjun knows she is exhausted.
“So that was it. I made it here, and then the virus stole it all from me. My education, my family. All the hope I had. Just… gone.” She says, eyes now closed as she lies next to him. He doesn’t know what to say, and he truly doesn’t think anything he can say will make her feel any better.
“You should rest.” He whispers to her, hand moving up before he realizes what he’s doing.
Before Yeonjun knows it, he’s wrapping his arm halfway across the girl, holding across her chest in a hug, his hand holding onto her right shoulder gently.
He slightly expects her to swear at him. He also expects her to punch him in the face.
She does neither.
Instead, her breathing evens out, and she falls asleep like that. With her body finally warm next to Yeonjun’s, and a single tear slipping down the side of her cheek.
Yeonjun allows himself to fall into a deep slumber soon after.
After all, tomorrow, they have to get a move on.
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lost-in-the-80s · 4 years
The Hotel - Halloween Special
Pairing: Izzy Stradlin x Reader
Words: 4,859k
Summary: You and your boyfriend, Izzy decide to make a road trip, however, strange events end up leading you to a strange hotel on October, 31st. (kind of angst) 
A/N: Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, so I decided to make an Imagine with the Halloween theme. It is inspired by the song Hotel California by Eagles.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of death, ghosts and paranormal events. It’s a horror fic, if you don’t like this theme, maybe this isn’t the right fic for you. 
Tag list: @roger-taylors-car​ @ladieswttda​ @teasid​ add yourself to my tag list :)
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It was the fall of 1990, you and your boyfriend, Izzy were enjoying the last few months you had together before he went on another world tour with his band, Gun n Roses.
The two of you were in the living room of your shared apartment in L.A. You shared a cozy blanket while sitting on the couch, watching some romantic movie on the TV. Izzy didn’t really like this type of movie, but made an effort because he knew how much you liked them. 
You snuggled in his chest, pressing yourself even more on him, he chuckled a little and passed his fingers through your hair.
“We should do something.” He stated.
“Like what?”
“How about a road trip? We take the car and drive until Portland, then come back.”
“Portland? You mean, Oregon?”
“Yeah, Oregon. I was looking on the map and it has some beautiful locations there.”
“But how long will it take us?”
“It’s a 14-hour drive, we can make it in a week through the coast and then come back in another week, taking a different road.”
“Hmm, sounds nice! Let’s do it!” 
“How about we leave by the end of October? So I can have enough time to finish some stuff at the studio.”
“Sure, babe!”
And so October went by, Izzy finished some final touches at the studio, you rescheduled some appointments of yours, you two organized your bags, bought a map, a flashlight and some other travel essentials and checked the car with a mechanic. Everything was going as planned. 
You decided to leave on Monday, 22nd, because the roads would be less packed. So you both woke up, took shower, had a delicious breakfast and started your amazing trip.
You knew that the reason why Izzy wanted to leave town for a while, was because he was stressed. Axl was a perfectionist, while Izzy liked things to sound less rehearsed, for that reason the two of them have been bickering towards each other during all this album recording, and Izzy really needed some time away from all of this. 
The trip started just fine, you drove through the coast and you got amazed by how beautiful California’s coast was. All its colors, shapes and beaches getting a special place in your memory.
The first stop was Santa Barbara, you two enjoyed it’s beaches, becoming friends with a group of sourfists that taught Izzy how to surf. By night you went to a nice restaurant in front of the beach, delighting yourselves with cocktails and seafood.
Then you went to San Francisco, where you decided to stay for two days, visiting all its touristic places, like the Golden Gate Bridge, Lombard Street, Pier 39 and the Coit Tower.
Moving on to Sonoma, you could savor some of the best wine you had had in your life and spend the night at a cozy cottage, reading a book and cuddling together in front of the fireplace. 
The last stop in California was the Redwood National Park. You got completely stunned by that place, admiring the magnitude of the world, as you looked so small beside those trees. 
Soon the greenish color of the sea turned bluer, the sunset became less orange and the mornings turned more grey, the sand turned to earth and the breeze became colder and you arrived in Oregon. 
You glimpsed the strength of the sea at the Samuel H. Boardman Scenic Corridor and Cape Sebastian State Scenic Corridor and admired the sunset at the Face Rock State Scenic Area. 
And finally, you got stunned with the Devil’s Punchbowl and spent a day relaxing at Neskowin Beach ending the week taking the most beautiful pictures at Cannon Beach, where you bought souvenirs for all your friends. 
Then you finally arrived in Portland, spending the weekend there, seeing all the touristic places and visiting museums. On Sunday night, Izzy took you to this fancy restaurant, you wore a beautiful blue dress he had asked you to bring along, while he put on a black shirt with a blazer.
You had just eaten delicious lamb meat with a glass of wonderful wine and were waiting for the dessert when he started talking.
“I’ve been thinking these past days, about the tour and stuff.”
You looked up at him and his eyes caught yours.
 “I don’t know how long I’ll be gone, but I’m sure it will be a long time and I didn’t really want to leave without doing something first.”
He touched your hand that was resting on top of the table.
“You’ve been with me for years now. You met me when having a big band and becoming famous were just dreams, you saw me in my best and in my worst and you never let go of me, even when I was being an asshole with you.”
He made a pause.
“I wake up happy every day, just because I know that I’ll see you when I open my eyes, and I can’t imagine my life without you. So I was wondering if…” He stopped and started to search for something in his blazer pockets, he took a small black box out of it and you gasped, covering your mouth as a huge smile appeared on your face. “If you would like to marry me, Y/N?”
Recovering a little from your surprise, you replied with teary eyes. “Yes, Izzy, I would love to!” 
He placed a small silver ring with a single diamond on top of it, on your ring finger and kissed the back of your hand, then he leaned a little on the table and pecked your lips.
“I love you!”
“I love you too, Izzy”
When Monday came by, you two fueled the car and started driving back home. stopping at some locations you haven’t been before.
You had the chance to drive a buggy at the Oregon Dunes, take lots of pictures at the Heceta Head Lighthouse and make a forest trail at the Cape Perpetua Scenic Area before camping at Beverly Beach. Which, by the way, was a disaster, you forgot the repellent spray and the mosquitos had a nice dinner over with you and Izzy. 
Soon, day 31st arrived. You woke up in your tent with a single sunbeam illuminating the place, you felt Izzy’s arms holding you close to him and you took a moment to admire your engagement ring. 
You stretched up a little bit, which woke him up. He yawned and squeezed you harder, before speaking with a husky morning voice. 
“Good morning, beautiful!”
“Good morning, Iz!”
You turned around and kissed him quickly on the lips.
“Happy Halloween.”
“Today’s Halloween?” He frowned.
You just hummed in response. 
“All right, let’s get up then.” He pecked your lips one more time and let go of you, as he sat up. 
You got ready, packed your stuff and exited the tent, starting to walk towards the parking lot. 
You looked up to the sky and saw the grey color became prevalent.
“I think it’s gonna rain.” You said.
“Maybe if we have breakfast fast enough, we can get to California before it starts.”
You sat on the passenger seat, scrolling through the radio stations until you found one that pleased your ears.
After a few minutes driving, you stopped at a cafe, taking a table in front of the window and ordering pancakes with coffee.
“Where’s the next stop?” Izzy asked.
You took the map out of your purse and looked cautiously.
“Mount Shasta.”
“Hmm. I think we’ll get there for lunch.” He paused to take a sip of his coffee. “A friend of mine told me about a hotel there, I don’t remember the name, but it has Wale on it.”
“Nice. We should spend the night there!”
“We really should.”
You finished eating and started driving again. Izzy took the wheel while you gave him the directions. It was a little past ten when the rain started pouring, making Izzy drive slower, not trusting his car to stop fast enough if you needed it.
About 2 in the afternoon you got to Mount Shasta. It was still raining and the trail had been closed due to the bad weather.
Not having many more things to do, you both had lunch at a local restaurant and took pictures of yourselves at the mounting foot and other places you found interesting. You smiled as Izzy made a funny face for you to take a picture.
An old man started walking near you, and you asked him if he could take a picture of the two of you, which he happily complied. 
You went to Izzy’s side and rested your hand on his chest, while his hand circled your waist. You saw the flash and then Izzy kissed your forehead, the second flash hit your eyes and Izzy thanked the man, getting the camera back.
The day started to grow dark and you decided to head to the hotel, since it was about an hour away from the city.
The rain became stronger and the mist started to cover the road. You passed by the numerous trees that surrounded the road while listening to Lynyrd Skynyrd.
In the distance, you saw a red light appear beside a big house. “There!” you shouted.
You were right, it was the hotel. You were both sure as you saw “Californian Wale” written on top of the house. There was just one problem, the red neon light in front of it said “No vacancy”, which meant you would have to keep on driving, during that weather, until you found somewhere else to stay. 
As the sunset and the night arrived, the weather got worse, thunder and lightning turning the night into a spectacle and you barely could see anything until it was really close to you. 
You were becoming hopeless, you thought you wouldn't be able to find anywhere to stay for the night.
By 7 in the night, Izzy didn't see a hole on the road, a loud sound broke in the darkness and you knew you had punctured the tire.
For a second Izzy lost control over the car and you ended up out of the road. 
"Fuck! Are you alright?"
"Yes." You let go of a breath you didn't realize you had caught.
"Where's the flashlight?"
You searched through the glove compartment until your hands touched the cold material. You handed him the object as he thanked you and exited the car.
After a few minutes, he came back. "Fuck!" He was dripping wet. "We don't have a spare wheel."
"What do you mean we don't have a spare wheel?"
"I mean we don't have a spare wheel, Y/N!" He replied to you as if he was talking to a toddler. 
"I thought you had checked the car out with the mechanic!"
"I did it! But we just checked the engine and shit, I didn't even think about the step!"
"Fuck! What do we do now?"
"I don't know." He leaned his head on the wheel while cursing.
Suddenly a car headlight lightened the road.
Izzy lifted his head and you smashed the car's horn, making the driver stop his truck beside your car, turning on the alert lights. 
It was a squeak. You breathed out in relief.
"What happened?" He shouted through his window.
"We punctured the tire and don't have a spare wheel!"
"Alright, hold it!" He lined up his truck with your car and exited it.
"Wait inside." Was all Izzy said before exiting the car to help the driver hitch the car on the truck.
After a few minutes he came back and the car started to be pulled back on the road.
"He called us crazy for not having seen the weather forecast on the news. We're underneath a huge storm cloud." He chuckled.
"He said there's a small city not too far from here, he'll let us there."
"Good" You sighed.
After some minutes you saw the city's entrance, he wasn't joking when he said it was small. It had just one main street and all the houses looked old.
He left you and Izzy in front of a mechanic garage and refused to get the money Izzy offered him for having driven you there.
You entered the office of the garage, hand in hand, and a man in his 40s appeared behind the counter. He had a toothpick between his lips and looked like he hadn't taken shower in ages. 
"Hm, good night. We have a punctured tire." Izzy spoke up.
"I see, let's take a look."
He moved outside and looked at your tire. 
"Well, it's not that bad. I have a tire of this type here, I can fix it in 30 minutes or so."
"Do you have a car jack?"
"Yes, it's in the back."
"Go get it while I get the tire then."
Izzy moved towards the car and the man looked you up and down, making you feel a huge discomfort. 
You walked quickly to Izzy's side while the man walked back inside the office.
"I don't like this man." You whispered.
"Me neither, but we need to fix the car, baby." He put a lock of your hair behind your ear and closed the trunk. 
The man came back and you leaned against a wall while you watched them working on the car. 
"All done! It's 250 bucks." The man said, while he scratched his nose.
"250? Wow, that's way more than I had thought."
"I'm working at night, kid, my time it's not for free."
Izzy stared at him.
"I can take the tire off if you want." He said, leaning down. 
"No, it's fine." 
You both walked inside the office, while Izzy paid the man.
"Do you take a check?"
"I don't, usually." 
"I don't walk around with 250 bucks in my wallet, man." 
"Alright, I'll take your check then, but I want the date for tomorrow."
"Alright, man."
"Where are you guys going?"
"We're going to Los Angeles."
"It's a long road until Los Angeles, especially with this weather. If I were you, I would spend the night at a hotel… We have a good one, a little bit after the city. They serve a good soup at nights like this."
Izzy signed up for the check. "Thank you"
He grabbed your hand and you walked back to the car.
"What do you think? Should we check out this hotel?"
"I think it's a good idea. I'm soaked, we're hungry and it's raining cats and dogs outside." He turned on the car. "Plus, we don't know if we'll find somewhere else nearby."
You agreed. 
He drove until you saw a huge Victorian house with a sign saying "Hotel Hoffmann".
"I guess we're here."
He parked the car and you both exited, running in the rain until you got to the main door of the house.
You knocked repeatedly until an old woman opened the door for you. She had white hair and dark eyes and was dressed as if she still lived in the 50s.
"Come on in, kids." She gave you a creepy smile.
You gulped, grabbing Izzy's hand before entering the place.
"What a night huh?" She laughed a little. "Bill called saying you two would probably stop by."
"I'm sorry, but, who's Bill?" You asked.
"The man who fixed your car, darling."
"We still have some open rooms for you. Do you prefer it on the first or second floor?"
"Second, please" Izzy cleared his throat, the rain starting to make him feel sick.
"All right, I'll put you in room number 13." She looked through the multiple keys behind her, before putting the one with a locksmith with a big 13 written. 
"We'll be serving soup until nine at the main saloon." She put a leather-covered notebook on the desk. "In which name should I make the reservation?"
"Jeffrey Isbell." Izzy spoke before you could answer. 
She wrote his name down with a beautiful calligraphy before handing him the pen to sign. 
She handed you the keys to your room and said she would take you both there. Izzy interjected saying he would go grab your baggage in the car.
"Do you want help?"
"No, honey, it's okay." He left the room and an uncomfortable silence filled in. 
"It's been a long time since we last had a young couple like you."
You forced a smile, not really knowing what to say.
Izzy came back with the bags and she led you to your room. Once inside, Izzy locked the door.
You stopped for a moment to look at the room. It was big, the walls were painted in peach color and the furniture looked old.
"Finally some peace." He hugged you from behind, kissing the top of your head.
You turned around, hugging him back. "You need to take a shower, or you're gonna catch a cold."
"Hmm, and will you join me?" He asked suggestively.
"No, I'll go later, babe"
"Are you sure?"
You nodded your head and he walked towards the bathroom, closing the door behind him. 
You took a long breath. Something was wrong. You couldn't quite put into words what, but your heart was clenched ever since you got in that town.
You took a seat at the bench underneath the window, looking at the dimly light garden. No cars were passing by, the only thing you distinguished outside was a dog running down the street.
"The rain is starting to stop." 
Izzy's voice made you jump a little, you hadn't realized he had left the bathroom, nor that you had been there for so long. 
You looked at him. "Why don't you take a shower and we go down to eat something?" He caressed your face and you instantly felt calmer.
He always had this power over you, no matter what was happening, you always felt safe and calm when Izzy was with you. 
"There's something wrong, Iz."
"What do you mean?" He sat in front of you.
"I don't know. I don't like this place, there's something wrong with the energy around here."
"I don't like this place too, but it's only for one night, tomorrow morning we get in the car and drive to the next destination ok?"
You stood up and walked towards the bathroom, closing the door and turning on the shower. Taking off your clothes you looked at yourself in the mirror before getting underneath the hot water, letting it warm your body.
Exiting the bathroom you put on a pair of jeans and a red sweatshirt and walked with Izzy to the main room. There was just a couple with a young daughter there. They stared at you until you sat down. 
Another old woman brought you two plates with soup and you started eating. The taste was horrible, but you were so hungry that you ate everything.
Back to your room, you guys were feeling so tired that decided to call it a night, Izzy removed his clothes and you put on his sweater, before climbing on bed with him. You adjusted the blankets and closed your eyes, allowing yourself to fall asleep.
A loud scream woke you up. You sat down on the bed and turned the night table light on, looking at the clock you saw it was 3 in the morning. 
"Did you hear that?"
"Yeah." Izzy said getting up and putting his pants on.
The corridor light allowed you to see a shadow passing by the door.
"Turn the light off." Izzy murmured.
You did as he said and you saw the person take another direction.
After a few seconds you turn it on again, and a scream left your lips as you could swear you saw someone behind Izzy.
"Shh, it's okay." He climbed on the bed and cupped your face. "I'm here, nothing is gonna happen to you, ok?"
"Okay." You breathed slowly, trying to calm yourself.
Suddenly the bedroom windows opened and the cool breeze of the night invaded the room.
"Izzy…" you tugged on his arm.
"Let's get out of here." He grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the room.
The corridor was empty and you started to walk quickly towards the entry door. You turned left and were faced with a long corridor full of doors.
That's when you hear what looked like a child asking for help. Izzy started walking towards the sound and you pulled him back by the hand murmuring for him not to do so. 
"It's a child Y/N!"
He let go of your hand and moved towards the only room with an open door. You walked closely behind him. You saw a boy sitting on the floor crying as he asked for help again. 
Izzy entered the room, but before you could do the same the door closed behind him.
"Y/N!" He yelled back, trying to open the door. 
"IZZY!!" You started to shove your fists against the door.
You heard a loud sound inside the room and Izzy saying: "Oh my God!" And you became hysterical.
You tried to open the door with all your force, shoving your fists and shoulders on the wood trying to take Izzy out of there.
"Y/N Leave!"
"I'm not leaving without you!!" You started to cry.
"Get on the fucking car and leave!!" 
Before you could reply the corridor lights started to flick and you saw someone approaching you. Turning your head to the left you saw a young man getting closer to you, illuminated by the moonlight. 
You were about to ask him for help when the lights flicked on again. He was tall and was dressed in 60s clothes, everything looked normal except for his white morbid eyes and his broken neck, his head slightly leaned to the side.
You screamed loudly this time as you started to walk back.
"Y/N!!" Izzy hit the door trying to open it.
You turned around and started running down the stairs, while still hearing Izzy calling for you. 
Running towards the main door you were stopped as a woman with a cut neck appeared in front of you.
"Where are you going, sweetie?"
You screamed again and turned left, getting in a corridor you haven't been before. 
She started to walk behind you and you saw an open room, getting inside and closing the door behind you. It was a library, with big windows. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck."
You heard a loud sound coming from the second floor and one of the windows breaking. 
You saw someone falling from it, and when you got closer to the glass you saw a white man with black hair and red leather pants. 
"Izzy!!" You yelled punching the glass, seeing his lifeless body laying on the grass.
Tears started to fall from your eyes as you heard the door of the Library opening.
"You are going to be with him soon, darling, don't worry."
It was the old lady.
You ran and passed through the second door of the room, ending up in another corridor.
You ran until you found two big doors separating the corridor. You opened them and were greeted with an indoor pool area. The ceiling was made of glass, just like most of the walls. You looked from one way to another but there were no other doors. You were stuck.
"It's useless to run." She reappeared behind you.
You turned around, facing her. "Please, just let me go!"
She said nothing, but took one step closer, making you take one step back. 
"Please, I didn't do anything! Just let me go!"
The couple from the dinner appeared beside her, alongside the boy with the broken neck and the bleeding woman, along with some other people you haven't seen before.
They all looked hurt in some sort of way and their eyes were white as if a cloud was hiding their true ones.
You kept walking backward as they kept walking towards you.
"Please, let me go!! Please!" Your crying was evident in your voice and you were starting to freak out.
"Please, don't hurt me!" You took one last step back and was involved in water. You fell in the pool. 
You were so scared that you forgot the pool was there, and most importantly, you forgot you didn't know how to swim.
You tried as hard as you could. Moving your legs and arms to try to get to the surface again, but it was useless. The more you moved, the deeper you got.
You opened your mouth to try to breathe but was greeted with water filling your lungs, making you choke.
You moved your hand to your neck as if the gesture would bring you some oxygen. You looked up and saw all those people circling the pool and then darkness overtook you.
You woke up gasping for air, touching your body to check you were ok. Sweat covered your forehead and most parts of your body and hot tears left your eyes.
You suddenly saw the lights turn on, realizing you were still in the hotel room. "Shh, it's okay." 
You pulled away when he touched you.
"It's okay. It's me!" You didn't look at him, so he touched your chin and lightly made you look in his direction. "It's me Y/N!"
You let go of a long breath and hugged him tightly. 
"It's ok, it was just a nightmare. You're ok!" 
"You were dead and I was dead and the pool…." You dragged on, sharing the first memories you had from your dream.
"Shh" He kissed the top of your head. "We're fine Y/N."
"She was following me…"
"As long as I'm here, no one will hurt you, okay?" He parted from you to look in your eyes. 
You nodded slowly.
Looking at the clock on your bedside table you saw it was 2:35 am.
"Let's get out of here, Izzy. Please!"
"But it's in the middle of the night, babe"
"Please, Izzy, please, let's get out of here!"
He saw how frightened you were. "Okay." He paused for a second. "Let's get dressed then."
You both got up and got dressed, throwing all your stuff back in your bags. You paused before exiting the room.
"Promise me that you will ignore anything you might hear!"
"Promise me, Izzy!"
"Ok! I promise!" 
You grabbed his hand and dragged him down the corridor and down the stairs as fast as you could. 
Arriving at the reception you rang the bell on the table tirelessly until the old woman appeared. She was wearing a robe, but didn't look tired at all.
"What's the problem kids? Didn't like your room?"
"We want to check out!" You replied quickly. 
"Now? But it's still early!" She paused for a moment, trying to think about what to say. "Wouldn't you prefer to leave by morning?"
"No! We have to go now!"
"We serve a good breakfast here."
"I said we have to go now!" You were growing frustrated.
"Okay, but I'll have to demand the same price as if you had stayed until morning." 
"Ok! How much?"
"45 dollars."
You opened your purse, looking for your wallet, getting 50 bucks, and putting them on her desk.
She opened a drawer to get your change, but you rushed in saying she could keep it, before grabbing Izzy by the hand and leading him to the door. Trying to open it, you realized it was still locked.
"The door is locked, mam" Izzy spoke up.
"Oh, wait a minute, I'll get the keys. They might be somewhere here.” She entered a small room behind the reception and you started to stomp the ground anxiously.
"She's taking too long!"
"Calm down, Y/N!" He touched your shoulder, making you feel calmer, but you were still cautious.
"We're in a rush!" You shouted.
"Oh I'm sorry, I was not finding them." She walked calmly towards the door, using all her time to open it.
Once she finally opened, you stormed out of it, dragging Izzy with you.
"Where are the car keys?"
"Jesus! Relax, Y/N! They're here!" He took the keys out of his pant's pocket and opened the trunk of the car first.
You literally threw your bag inside and rushed to the driver's door. "I'm driving!" You extended your hand for him to put the keys on. 
"No way! You're too shaken to do so. You're gonna end up killing us."
"Fine, but be fast!" You gave in, rushing to the passenger door, seating fastly once Izzy unlocked the car.
Turning on the engine, he drove the car back to the street, driving out of the city.
"What time is it?"
He looked at his clock. "3 am"
You looked back just in time to see all the hotel lights turning on and strange people appearing at the windows.
A shiver ran down your spine as you sat still on your seat again, thanking that you were out of that place. 
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feitanswife · 3 years
how to write a horror/mystery/gothic novel that takes place in Washington State:
Kent is a shithole, no one goes to Seattle unless they absolutely have to, the beaches are not for swimming really it’s almost always too cold, and Yakima calls itself the Palm Springs of Washington and whoever decided that should be shot. It’s not the Palm Springs of anything. Palm Springs of depression and murder maybe.
our weather is moody and unpredictable, use that. The other day it went from brilliantly sunny to hailing in a few minutes. It just does that. Monday can be 75 degrees, Tuesday it could snow. Especially in spring.
Western half:
It doesn’t matter where your characters live, if it’s not the absolute heart of a big city your characters WILL have convenient access to woods. Maybe not a lot, but there will be, within fifteen minutes of brisk walking or eight minutes of driving, there will be trees and bushes enough to explore. There are narrow walking trails in green belts between suburban housing developments, undeveloped awkwardly shaped plots of land between grocery stores parking lots, and woods at the edge of parks that may or may not be part of the park.
1 in every 8 houses in the average shitty suburb is full of cultists. The cults have splinter fringe cults. It’s cults all the way down. If your neighbors go to ANY church that isn’t like, one of the big well known branches of Christianity, it’s generally assumed you should cut contact with them cause they’re not worth trying to save. My town had people who pretended to be Mormons to get away with even worse shit. If your characters are in high school, they WILL be accosted by people holding signs and spouting slurs outside the school gates at least once a year. It’s just a thing that happens.
Conversely: everyone knows a couple witches. It’s just a thing. If you go to a community college there’s like a 1 in 10 chance any student you talk to practices witchcraft, and the chance goes up exponentially if they look gay. In my friend group there’s only one non witch, somehow. Stick with the witches, they’re usually pretty cool.
Other gothic genres would have you believe that forests and fields and wild places are scary, don’t be fooled into believing that’s always the case here. It’s not. In fact, the forest is often a place of refuge from, yanno, the weirdos outside of it.
You may think I’m exaggerating but I had neighbors who boarded up their own house and tried to poison the rest of our street when they moved in and spent all Halloween trying to Indoctrinate children. And there was a group of like ten people who faked being from a nearby church as an excuse to harass high schoolers and nobody knew they were fakes until I accidentally told the story to someone who ACTUALLY WENT TO THE CHURCH and was like “uh no we don’t do that wtf???” And that’s how we found of that there were people to fucked up for even the Mormons, and got kicked out and started their own operation! So what did we all do? We started walking home through the woods behind the highschool!
Basically tl:dr if you’re writing on the western half of the state, frame it like there’s scary paranormal goings on in the woods only to plot twist that the villains are humans and the forest’s paranormal activities are helpful, not harmful. Nothing in the woods is scarier than what’s outside of it. Except like, bears and stuff. But usually bears aren’t actively trying to fuck your day up.
Eastern half:
FUN GEOGRAPHY LESSON: rain shadows! We got MOUNTAINS! And when you go over the mountains there’s a huge closet wasteland cause the water gets trapped in the west side! But, between the mountains and the wasteland there’s this beautiful strip of pine forest and meadows called Central Washington it’s beautiful, it’s heaven on earth, once you go there you’ll never want to leave.... except the people there are horrible. It’s like you took a chunk of the Deep South, shook all the actual good stuff out of it, and plopped it in the PNW. Everyone is so up their own asses with politics. trump signs everywhere. So many of them are those godawful rich people who think they’re not rich cause their four story log mansion happens to be in a rural area. I can’t believe I’ve never been hatecrimed over there for how damn gay I look. THE EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE is Ellensburg. Ellensburg my beloved. It’s the best town on earth. Most pedestrian friendly location I’ve ever lived, everyone is super nice, and it’s a college town so there’s always something fun going on!
Tri cities has a bunch of nuclear plant related stuff, do with that what you will.
Back to the fact that half this state is uninhabited due to being completely dry and barren: holy shit the east is scary. It’s just nothing. Rolling hills of nothing. A three hour drive of nothing, then you get to nothing (Idaho edition).
Wine country is its own beast and I would have to make a whole post waxing poetic about how much a vineyard has to give as a gothic setting but here’s the cliff notes:
very isolated, far outside a small town where all the locals know each other, lots of big machines, old dusty barns with cluttered lofts, for straight lines of grapes you can EASILY get lost in the fields, sometimes they scare crows with LOUD AIR CANNONS, hot as hell all the time, people are on the verge between “your cool uncle with money” and “this person has never existed on the same plane of reality as you”, every house has trained hunting dogs for some reason, there’s weird mysterious birds, possibly venomous snakes, and SWARMS of bees and wasps. Oh and everybody and their brother does vineyard weddings. I’m sick to death of vineyard weddings.
Don’t let the maps deceive you. There may be a bunch of town names out there, but that doesn’t mean anything’s there. One time to go camping we drove out into the middle of the state on I-90, took an exit and turned left and kept driving for another hour on completely abandoned roads with no sign of life (but dozens of abandoned rotting houses in the distance) just to get to a “town” that reeked of “we’re getting murdered here cause half of us aren’t white and one of the 3 white people has neon pink hair”. If people wanted to go anywhere they’d have to drive an hour just to get to the interstate. They had one school building for k-12. One gas station, one tiny store, one restaurant. I could lap the entire town in thirty minutes walking. And the first building we saw was a church. Just one. As if the townsfolk weren’t given much of a choice. And there are probably 50 identical towns scattered across the east of the state. Completely isolated.
Tl:dr: want a fresh spin on the “small town full of weirdos” story? Don’t set it in the rural south! Set it in Washington, where you get all the same archetypal weirdness except they think because they’re not in the south they have some kind of moral superiority, and also your lead has nowhere to run cause the landscape is so barren you can damn near see the curve of the earth, where are you gonna hide when the tallest plant goes up to your ankles?
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andreawetzels · 3 years
Andrea's guide to Barcelona
I spent the past 5 months living and working in the beautiful and vibrant city that is Barcelona. I have written all my favourite spots in a small notebook, but I thought it would be a good idea to write it down once more. This time in the online world of Tumblr (so I can find it too in the future).
Favourite neighbourhoods:
El Born (lots of cool shops, think of concept stores and gift shops)
El Raval (a bit alternative, you can find various graffiti paintings)
Barrio Gótico (basically the heart of the centre)
Touristic Things:
La Rambla (not very special to me, but it’s nice to have seen it)
Placa de Catalunya (if you want to see the busiest square and shopping streets of Barcelona, then definitely go here!)
La Sagrada Familia (the most famous church in Barcelona of course, if you are under 30 and go on a Sunday after 16:00, you’ll get a discount, which means you can visit the church, go up on one of the towers ánd get the audio guide for 15 euros)
Park Güel (there’s a free nature park, which is great to walk around, but also make sure you visit Park Güel and take a photo on the famous bench)
Placa d’Espanya (walk up the stairs for a view of Barcelona)
Magic fountain (near Placa d’Espanya, fountain show with lights and music)
Camp Nou, FC Barcelona game (even if you don’t like football, it still is cool to watch a FC Barcelona game and experience the atmosphere)
Do the Gaudi houses tour (on your own, for free, look it up on the web and give yourself a tour!)
Swim & Chill
Favourite beach: Playa del Bogatell (bit more quiet, more locals there, less annoying people who want to sell stuff and a cleaner sea)
Piscines municipales Montjuïc (the olympic swimming pools of Barcelona, great way to cool off and get an amazing view of the city. Make sure to bring your own drinks and food because there aren’t really food places nearby. It’s also a good idea to bring a hat because there aren’t many shadow places.)
Parc de la Creueta del Coll (beautiful parc with small pool/lake, a lot of locals with small kids go there)
Vintage shops and markets:
Lost & Found Market (basically a big flea market, I wasn’t a big fan of it)
Two Market (everything only costs 1 euro, but the entrance fee is also 1 euro, if you go early you can definitely find something cool and cheap)
You will find most vintage shops on Carrer Tallers, like: Holala vintage, Flamingo, Flamingos vintage kilo, etc.
If you’re looking for new and second hand vinyl or cds, go to Revolver Records on Carrer dels Tallers 11. They also sell band shirts.
Palo Alto Market (great market every Saturday and Sunday with food trucks, clothing, lifestyle goods, live music and much more!)
Nature & Sights
Ciutadella park (a lot of green, also a lot of people who do work-outs there)
The Montjuïc (one of the most famous hills in Barcelona, there are also a lot of touristic things to visit there, my recommendation is to go to the Teleferico Barceloneta and take the cable car to the Montjuïc)
Tibidabo (visit the Basílica and go up on the tower for a fantastic view)
Bunker El Carmel (it is quite a walk, bring some food and drinks, go in the late afternoon and have a nice picnic while watching the sunset)
Parc del Laberint d’Horta (nature park to walk around, which also features a maze!)
Food & Drinks
En Ville (very fancy menu del dia, if you’re into that)
La Tagliatella (good and cheap chain Italian food)
UDON (cheap fast food, asian style, go for their variation of the menu del dia)
Spice cafe (best carrot cake in town, seriously!!! Also try their homemade raspberry lemonade, it’s very refreshing)
Federal café (great for brunch, nice poached eggs, also a good place to work at)
Surf House (especially great in summer, after an afternoon at the beach, have the burger, fries and mayo-mango sauce or the phi phi salad!)
Eyescream and friends (very cute shaved ice cream with little eyes on them, you can choose the ice cream flavour and two toppings. It’s super yummy, they have cute branding and it’s very instagrammable!)
Bacoa (if you like eating burgers, this is the place to go to!)
Maka Maka (also a great burger place, with a very nice looking exterior)
La Boqueria Market (thé food market in Barcelona, definitely worth a visit, buy a cup of fruit or a smoothie or try a macaron ice cream sandwich from MIMA Ice Cream)
Brunch & Cake (delicious and extremely good looking brunch food! They have two locations, one by the sea and one in the city. Be sure to come early, because it gets very busy and you’ll have to wait in line to get a table)
FOC BCN (great latin food and cocktails, but make sure to tell the staff if you don’t like coriander)
Cosmo bar (very hip and trendy looking bar with great food, amazing cakes and nice coffee & juices)
Café Cometa (same owners as Cosmo bar, same hip-trendy-quirky restaurant, but with more light and it’s a bit more relaxed. Try the munch brunch, you can assemble your own brunch plate)
Chök the Chocolate Kitchen (amazing donuts and cronuts, they have two locations, but not a lot of seats, mainly focused on take-away, try the Kinder bueno donut)
Trópico (healthy and tropical foods and AMAZING juices and smoothies, try the smoothie with pink dragon fruit!)
Ice Wave (they take cream, add your toppings and create it into ice-cream rolls, which is already a show to watch on its own, they also sell fantastic ice-cream crepes)
Gaudí Bakery (incredible cakes, also great to take-away, try the Red Velvet!)
Can Dendê (Very cute little brunch/lunch place, try the pink lemonade, bagel with salmon and waffle fries)
El Nacional BCN (bit more expensive, but definitely the most beautiful eating place with multiple restaurants inside, especially magical around Christmas time)
Granja Petitbo (restaurant with a vintage and hip looking decor, try the waffle with cheese, chicken, spinach and strawberries)
Syra Coffee (brilliant coffee, kind baristas and amazing sweet goods from Lukumas)
Flax & Kale (worth a visit for the healthy food lovers, try the pink salmon burgers, coconut yoghurt with fruit and granola or the banana bread, or ALL OF THEM)
Tapas tour (book yourself a tapas tour and learn more about the history and culture of Barcelona, while eating tapas at various places)
Museums and Art
MACBA Museu d’Art Contemporani (Keith Haring mural
Museu Picasso (
Disseny Hub Barcelona (if you’re into design, then go here! From graphic design to furniture, there often also are cool exhibitions)
Google online for a free street art tour (or find a tour yourself and go explore the city!)
CCCB (museum with contemporary art, last time I was there, they had three exhibitions going on, very interesting!)
On Placa d’Isidre Nonell, there’s a mural of two lips kissing each other, made out of small photos: “The sound of a kiss is not as loud as that of a canon, but its echo lasts a great deal longer.”
Clubs, bars and parties
Brunch in the park/Brunch in the city (in the summer, there’s brunch in the park on the Montjuïc, which is really cool, in the winter it’s in the city, most of the time in Poble de Espanyol)
Sala Apolo (a lot of events, but especially concerts, I went to Allah-Las for example, very authentic venue)
Paradiso (if you go through the vintage fridge doors, you’ll find yourself a secret bar with amazing cocktails! Try the pineapple one)
Shôko (club which often has R&B, hiphop and classics playing)
The Lime House (cheap and strong mojitos)
The George Payne (Irish bar for a night of karaoke, they also sell a cheap black-out tray for 20 euros you’ll get: 2x Sex on the Beach, 2x Sangria, 1 caraffe of Vodka + Redbull, 2 shots Jäeger, 2 shots Tequila and 2 shots Sambucca)
Pacha (club if you’re more into techno/deep house)
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freshouttaparsnips · 4 years
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The interesting thing about working at a grocery store was that typically you got all your groceries and miscellaneous from the same place you worked.
next chapter XD this time with the Fell bros ;)
tags: Homelessness issues, flat tires
read chapter 2: Meeting the Fell Bros on Ao3
or read it below!!
The interesting thing about working at a grocery store was that typically you got all your groceries and miscellaneous from the same place you worked. It was a nice enough shop; the owners carried anything and everything, sort of like a Dollar Tree, only with a little more quality. But on occasion, on rare, rare occasion, you needed something they didn’t have, which led you to heading over to the local (and by local it was a half hour drive) Walmart.
You detested Walmart, not only because you couldn’t bring Peony in, but because the lights were overly bright and the sounds and people were abrasive as hell. It was an ADHD nightmare that you relived every time you needed something special that your own store didn’t carry, whatever the reason. Usually the trips in didn’t take that long, and you were out back into the fresh air, ready to find a new place to park for the night with Peony. Sometimes they dragged on and on, leaving you to stumble out of the sensory pit of hell into the cool night air, still needing to find a place to bunk down for the night.
The elderly couple running your workplace would have let you stay in their own parking lot, but because of bullshit permits and other inane city things, they couldn’t have vehicles parked in their lot for longer than two days at a time, or they’d be fined. It was unfortunate, and under any other circumstances they probably would have let you do it anyways.
In tight spots, you’d taken them up on their offer. Sometimes you couldn’t afford a permit to park by the Walmart, or in the parking lot of the library. But your favorite place to stay, and the place you were headed now, was the Mt. Ebbott camping grounds.
They didn’t question why you set up with the tiniest tent known to man, sharing it with a dog that took up most of the space. Or why you always came, made a small fire that night to cook popcorn on, stared at the stars for hours, then left before anyone else was awake the next morning. You didn’t like staying too long, not whenever other people were there to play loud music or throw around trash.
It was the perfect place to stay, to breathe in the scents of fresh moss and old stones, a place to recharge and relax without worrying about getting in trouble for loitering when you were just walking your dog.
Peony was sniffing the slightly open window, licking her chomps every so often as she caught a whiff of the nearby restaurants you passed. Sighing, you gave in to her adoring, pleading eyes, stopping through the drive thru of a little burger chain and getting you both the biggest burger they had with extra cheese. It was the weekend, payday, meaning you could splurge a tiny bit before you stuffed the rest into gas, food and savings.
While Peony happily munched away at her burg, you focused on the highway leading out of town, and through the woods, taking the exit that headed up the mountain. The air cooled the higher you went, your ears popping as you grinned at the worn, wooden sign reading that you were a few miles out from the camp grounds.
Which was why, when you saw the little red car sitting on the side of the road with a tire missing and a couple of dudes standing around it looking aggravated, you felt a little perturbed yourself even as you pulled over behind them a little ways.
They both looked up at you as you started to climb out of your car, their red eyelights burning from black sockets almost putting you at a pause. Taking a breath, you squared your shoulders, stepping out of the car and shutting your door before Peony, god bless her soul, could try to strangle herself attempting to get out.
“Got a flat?” You called, the tallest skeleton staring back down at the offending tire while the shorter started a few steps in your direction.
“Yeah, damn thing near tried ta put us over the barriers.” He said, voice deep and afflicted with a rough gravel. He seemed like the smoking type, if the way his fingers twitched every so often was an indicator. You shrugged.
“I’ve got a spare in my trunk, if you wanna see if she’ll fit.”
The short skeleton laughed, a chortle of sound, you grinning as you waved him over to the back of your car.
You could hear his boots hitting the gravel as he came up behind you, your trunk popping open with a loud thunk, Peony whining from the front seat as you searched for the tire. “You boys heading to the campsite?” you asked, at least trying to make small talk so the lurking wouldn’t be so creepy.
He grunted. “Me and Paps, we do this every couple months ‘er so. Get out of the house, get some fresh air. ‘E thinks its good fer me ‘er somethin’, I dunno.”
Turning back to him, tire hefted into your hands, you nodded. “Its nice to get away.”
He just stared at you for a moment, before gingerly taking the tire and heading back for his own car. You followed, watching the much taller skeleton glare down at the flat with a stare that would have killed lesser men.
“Sans, have you found a replacement?” he asked, tone angry but his expression worried. If you had to guess, this wasn’t really in their plans for the evening, and what with the sun getting lower in the sky, these roads could get a little treacherous in the dark. They may have been Fellgrounders, but you knew from experience that ending up down a river bank was not a fun way to spend the night.
“Yeah, this ‘ere human gave us their spare.” Sans answered, getting down on one knee to replace the tire, while the taller turned to stare at you.
“What would you like as payment?” He asked, and you blinked. Really you… hadn’t even thought about them paying you for it or anything, it wasn’t like you were going to use the tire any time soon; it didn’t even fit your car. Thankfully, it seemed to fit theirs, Sans standing back on both feet with a creak and a groan.
Realizing you still hadn’t responded, you shook your head, shifting on the gravel road. “Naw, I don’t need anything. Just wanted to help out, y’know?”
Tall skeleton stared hard at you, seemingly into your very soul by the way his eyelights flared with intensity. Then he just looked tired, fishing out his wallet and grabbing a little laminated card before handing it over to you.
“Well, if you do find you need anything, anything at all. Please send a text or call.”
You took the card, holding it in your hand as they both lugged the flat tire into their own trunk, Sans waving goodbye as you watched them climb into the little Jeep and make a U-turn around you. You waved as they headed back down the road, seemingly uninterested in making the rest of the way up the mountain in the dark… which suited you just fine.
You needed some alone time, and damn if you weren’t gonna get some. Hopping back into your car, you gave Peony a few healthy scritches under the chin for being such a good girl, and turned your brights on.
You didn’t have a chance to check the card he’d given you until later, and the words on it almost made you laugh.
~The Phone Number of the Great Edge~
Well. Now you had two of those to your collection. You sort of wondered why this was happening now, but you were along for the ride, for better or worse.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Where is your favorite place to get fries? Hmmm I really like the fries from Jollibee and Bonchon, if we’re talking about fries as a side. But we have a local place called Potato Corner that mainly sells fries and they make the besssssst ones; it’s my go-to snack when I go to the movies or if I just wanna chew on something while at the mall.
What is the most recent article of clothing you’ve purchased? Yellow and black tops with puffed sleeves since they were getting in style, at least before the quarantine.
Have you ever paid for anything with a check? Not my own, obviously; but my mom has given me checks to pay for mine and my sister’s tuition fees back in high school.
Do you know anyone who was raised by their grandparents? So many kids here in the Philippines. The usual situation is that parents would still be climbing the ranks while their kids are little so they’d be under the care of extended family, and for the most part it’s the grandparents who would assume the task. In my case, I was raised by my maternal grandparents and an aunt for my entire childhood.
Have you ever made your own pie from scratch? Yeah, in Grade 7 home economics when we had to. Never made pie on my own time/for leisure.
Who was the last person you had an in-depth conversation with? Gabie.
Are there any waterfalls nearby? I guess so. It’s on the other side of the city, but then again that’s only about 15 minutes away and I would say that’s nearby.
What was the last food item you ate? Lumpiang shanghai and rice.
What are your earliest memories of going to see a doctor? Going to the school doctor in my first year of kindergarten to have my eyes checked. I remember being asked to peer into a machine, but I don’t remember what I saw anymore.
Can you hear traffic right now? I could never hear traffic from where I live and for anyone also living in a gated village, this is always the case.
Have you ever pulled a muscle? I may have, but only once or twice.
What did you do last weekend? I hung out with my dog, last Saturday my dad bought a sushi platter to celebrate my thesis getting approved, and last Sunday I collected all of Kimi’s baby photos because I realized I hadn’t looked back on his old pictures for a while. Here’s one that we took when he was two :)
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What is your favorite gaming console? The PS2 gave me many of my most cherished memories; and it had badass games, too.
Are you talking to anyone via instant messaging right now? Nope.
Have you kissed someone today? Not since March 7th, eugh.
What is your favorite condiment? Mayonnaise. 
Do you have a strong opinion for or against Justin Bieber? He has definitely said and done questionable things both in the past and present that keeps me from rallying behind him 100%, but honestly his music has gotten better over the years lol. My personal favorite is the entire Purpose album.
Have you used a telephone today? I only have to use the telephone when my grandma calls, and the last time I had to do this was when she called on my birthday.
Do you prefer coffee or tea? Cooooooffeeeeeeee. The only time I get to drink tea is if it’s a freebie at a hotel or restaurant, but I never buy it for myself.
Have you taken a painkiller today? Yeah. This morning my body gave me signs that let me know I was about to faint – super sweaty, tunnel vision, dizziness, stumbling – and even though I was able to handle it and end up conscious, my head was still being weird a couple of hours later so I drank a Biogesic pill to make it go away.
How many theaters does the closest movie theater from your house have? I honestly can’t remember. I tried checking their website but it shouldn’t be a surprise that they have no data on their cinemas right now.
Do you always have a stock of alcohol in your house? Only because my parents aren’t big drinkers and they drink like, every six months. The stock of alcohol we’ve constantly had are ones they bought from way way back and they just haven’t consumed. I would drink them myself, but it’s all beer or wine so no thanks.
Have you ever had a pumpkin latte and if so, did you like it? No, not a thing here. Starbucks did bring it here for a short time last Octoberish? but it was always sold out whenever I’d try to order it, and eventually I just stopped trying.
Have you had a nap today? I took a nap all afternoon so I’ll probably be up very late tonight.
Is there an antique store in your town or city? I’m not ruling it out. If there is, I haven’t heard of it yet.
Have you ever been to a baby shower? Again, not a thing here. It’s such a first world thing hahaha. I do think my generation is gonna be the first one to make baby showers a thing though.
Do you have a hyphenated name or know anyone with one? (eg. Carter-Brown) I don’t have one. I know several people.
What would you wear if you were being taken out to dinner tonight? I’d assume the dinner would take place at home, so I’ll wear a simple dress.
What were the last shoes you wore? A pair of Nikes.
Do you know anyone who has been to rehab? I...don’t think so.
Have you ever had a mojito? I’ve had a sip or two, but I’ve never ordered it for myself.
Do you take your Christmas decorations down before or after New Years? End of January. The Christmas season in the Philippines doesn’t end until then.
What is the first thing you do when you get online? I go on my Facebook to check if I got any notifications while asleep. 
How many romantic relationships have you been in so far? Technically two, but they’ve been with the same person.
Have you ever been camping in the wilderness? I have not been camping, period.
Do you have any money on you right now? I have my last ₱1000 bill in my wallet. I used to have ₱2500++ but my dad has kept borrowing my money throughout quarantine and now I’m down to my last bill. I honestly can’t complain about it though, it’s not like I can use the money any time soon, plus my allowance is his hard-earned money to begin with.
Would you consider yourself to be a picky eater? Only if it comes to fruits or any grandma food like raisins, dates, fruitcake, food for the gods, etc. I dunno if those are food universally loved by grandmas but those are definitely what my lola loves, hence me classifying them as grandma food to make it easier lol.
Have you made a large purchase today? Not since Christmas.
What was the last candy you ate? Does Fererro Rocher count as candy? :/ I had one two or three weeks ago.
How often do you eat Subway? Once every two years, tops. It’s not my restaurant of choice and I only ever ate there when I would drive Gabie to her school extra early, and it’s the only place that would be open at 6:30 AM.
Have you ever lived in a house with a pool in the yard? I have not.
What color is your toothbrush? Maroon and white.
Do you have gluten intolerance or anyone who does? No and no.
Have you ever cried while watching a movie? For sure.
First thing that catches your eye when you look out the nearest window? The curtains covering the window.
Have you ever had a migraine? Occasionally. It only happens when I’m extremely stressed or if I don’t realize that I’ve been pushing myself too hard, which doesn’t happen a lot.
Do you have a gym membership? No.
Have you locked your front door today? Yep.
Have you ever slept in a car overnight? Yes. The thing about my mom is that she doesn’t let me stay out criminally late if I plan to go home, but by some weird reasoning on her end, I can stay out criminally late if I say I’ll be sleeping over at someone else’s which to me has always been like ??????? LMAO so anyway, that’s always been my story if I have plans to drink out, party, etc – that I’ll be sleeping over at a friend’s. But the truth is I don’t always have a friend that I can sleep over with, so for nights like those I have to sleep in the car.
Have you washed the dishes today? Just my own.
Have you ever fainted? I’ve only been extremely close to fainting, to the point where people have to carry me because my legs are jelly. But I haven’t lost consciousness.
Have you been awake before sunrise today? No. I’ve been waking up quite late during quarantine.
When was the last time you went to the bank? I’ve never had to go to the bank. If I do, it’s just to accompany my mom who will sometimes withdraw money while we’re out.
Do you avoid conflict as much as possible? Yes.
Have you ever used a leaf blower? We don’t even have one of those. We have someone in the village who gets paid to use one.
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koszmar-zycie · 4 years
WHAT HAVE I DONE?! - No, really. Tag game!
Driven 100 mph - Nope! I hate driving, though local doesn’t bother me. Ironically, the cyberpunk lover in me adores cities, but overall I just hate driving. So I’ve never even gotten close. Ridden in a helicopter - Been inside before at air-shows and museums, but that’s it! I want to do the tour of the Grand Canyon, though. Gone zip lining - Never. Sadly, the only places I had the chance have been eh. The one at the island offshore would be neat though. Been to an NFL game - I don’t think so. Went to a college league one when they did a thing for my dad winning state Teacher of the Year once, though. Been to Canada - No, but it would be cool to see the north sometime. Otherwise I really just don’t care about Canada. At least the government. Some of the people are rad. Loads are not as nice as the stereotype. But there’s loads of rad nature and good people, plus they produced a butt-load of pro-wrestlers, so that rocks. lol Visited Florida- Only briefly. “Briefly”. Went from CA across the middle of the States to NC to visit my dad’s old home town. Then we all swung down through FL and along the southern border from FL back to CA. Florida was cool for the little time I was there. Much like CA going North/South, INCREDIBLY boring to drive through. Visited Mexico - No and no interest. Except for possibly seeing the old Yaqui valley where my mom’s people fled from the Mexican genocide of them. It *would* be rad to see her people’s true homeland sometime. Visited Las Vegas - Several times. Saw BITE. Saw Phantom of the Opera (HELL yes), and a number of other random visits. Usually passing, but sometimes to meet cousins who often go out there around Thanksgiving/Christmas. The Atomic Museum is really neat. Eaten alone at a restaurant - Not anywhere fancy, but a couple times for a spell. We’re talking Taco Bell or my local diner down the street, though. Ability to read music - Been playing brass since 4th grade, drums since 12th, and flute ambiently periodically. Treble clef. Though it’s still not as intuitive for me. I learn music mostly through ear. Ridden a motorcycle - I’ve always wanted to. My dad used to. Ironically I’d really prefer a zippy zoom bike, as opposed to a chopper or classic chunkyboi bike. Though I wouldn’t be opposed to a Harley or Indian. Ridden a horse - Yes! I fuggin looooooove horses! Gold Champagne is my favorite color for a horse, and Arabian horses are in my top three favorite breeds. They’re so unique and elegant looking. Stayed in a hospital - I don’t think so. Donated blood - No. I wouldn’ t mind, but I really don’t like needles, or the concept of draining my lifefluid. Been snow skiing - No, though I’d love to try! Been to Disney World - Nope. The one true Disneyland is about 15 minutes from my house though. Disney Land - As above, so below. It’s about 15 minutes from my house on an average day of SoCal traffic! Slept outside - I’ve been camping a LOT, so yes. lol Driven a stick shift - My dad tried to teach me once. It was not a wise idea. It ended fine, but it was a fool’s errand. I have no interest. Ridden in an 18 wheeler - Nope! Ridden in a police car? - Mmmmm. I don’t think so. Driven a boat - A lot. As a PADI diver, I’ve taken many ferries to the island so that I can enjoy the preserve/dive park. Also bee on a boat charter. Ironically, never a cruise. Eaten Escargot - No. Been on a cruise - Nope. :\ Run out of gas - Actually no. I’m pretty conservative with resources. Despite being friggin poor, I somehow do a good job of managing what I *do* have. SO luckily I’m naturally the kind of dude to keep a good eye on gas and take care of it before it becomes an issue. Been on TV - Yes. Lots of local stuff, thanks to marching band back in the day, and a number of little things as a kid when I attended invention fairs and other weird stuff. Eaten Sushi - I. Freaking. ADORE. Sushi. Seen a UFO - If you like UFO’s, just message me. I have MANY stories. And it’s just.... long and complicated. No joke. Been Bungie jumping - No. Though I honestly wouldn’ t mind trying SOMEday. Been stuck in the house for days - Honestly, I’m stuck inside most days.
Tagged by: @scatteredstoryteller
Tagging: @noxsden @nixalegos @stonestridernerd @foxfictioncentral @kiyi-ghale @coldironempathy @unabashedrebel
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prorevenge · 5 years
2 birds....one stone.
Alright....this is my first post on /prorevenge, hell on reddit period. This is quite a bit long...so just bare with me.
EX: ex husband EM: ex’s mother me: naturally it’s me. MM: my mother SD: step dad MS: my little sister
About 9-10 ago (I was 17, turning 18 in 2 months) I met a young man (22 years old) a former US Marine. Good looking guy, smart, and funny. We talked for awhile before we went on an actual date. The date’s were always wonderful. In May 2010, I met his 3 year old daughter on her birthday. She was wonderful. I also met EM on that day as well. Not so wonderful. A b***h to be exact. But whatever, ya know. Early in our relationship we get engaged, young & dumb me was ecstatic. I’m still in high school at the time, 11th grade to be exact. Because of medical conditions (Epilepsy) I was held back in 9th grade. I write down literally everything, because my memory is absolutely horrid. So I had to find that notebook to make sure I had details correct. Anyways......at 17, early 18 I was this skinny little thing 5’2” 120-130lbs and very much “gifted”.
We get engaged & I move out of MM & SD’s house. I move to a city about an hour away. Transfer schools to a high school that was huge. I’ve always gone to small town schools. I was terrified. Right after I turned 18, I was put on a seizure med that made me gain 80lbs in a month. I had never been this big & went into a very deep depression. For an entire year I refused to take pictures with people, didn’t dress nice (I stuck with basketball shorts/sweats & t-shirts). We get an apartment soon after I move to the city. I have a job at the local home store & he has a job at a restaurant.
7 months later we get married. People were congratulating MM on becoming a grandparent.......I have never been pregnant, that’s how big I had become. I graduate high school & start working full time. EH has started working 20+ hours overtime at just a little fast food place (which obviously should have been a red flag for me at the time....but wasn’t.) After we were married, EH had informed me that he was dishonorably discharged from the military....that he never even made it out of boot camp. Because a guy pissed him off & he hung the guy out of a barracks window by his feet but ultimately pulled him back in. So then I realize that not only is this man violent, but manipulative as well. I had already got this man’s initials tattooed on my wrist (yes, I know, stupid as hell.) EH starts showing up at home with more & more money. We furnished the apartment with a new 55” TV. New furniture. Game consoles. EM starts treating me like shit, like I had done something wrong. Accusing me of being a gold digger & taking advantage of her sweet, sweet son....then started messaging MM & posting on Facebook that I was a lesbian and cheating on EH.
EH showed up one evening after work, a little nervous. He had gotten a call to show up at a meeting with his boss the next morning. He drops me off at my job that next morning (which is right across the parking lot from his), and then goes to his meeting. A few moments later I see a cop car show up & leave a few minutes later. Who happened to be in the back? You got it, EH. I found out that not only had embezzled over $3000. I moved home with MM & SD. EM continued to harass me. While her boyfriend would be texting me & asking me to have sex with him & doing other things with him. I made sure I had screenshotted everything. I got EH phone from police & started going through it. Messages, Facebook, etc. I found out that not only had he been cheating on me with a 16 year old girl. But he had also made fake Facebook acct and had been messaging MS who was 12 at the time. Asking her for sexual favors. Then I found multiple dating apps on his phone & with HUNDREDS of messages to multiple women asking about sex & relationships & marriage with them.
At that point I was furious & extremely done. I am very family oriented & would give my life for MS. So I also screenshot that Facebook acct & all of the messages to not only MS but to the 16 year old as well. And email them to myself. I gather all of the screenshots, sort them out. Send screenshots of the messages to MM & send screenshots of EVERYTHING to EM. Screenshots of her bfs convo, 16 year olds convo, & MS’s convo. To show her, that her sweet, sweet son was not only a pedophile but a manipulative little fuck who embezzles money like stupid fuck from his job. When she showed up to meet me, her face was PRICELESS. It was a mix of disappointment & disgust. She apologized to me about everything she had said. I went about my way. She broke up with her bf & kicked him out on the streets (he was from a state very far north of where I live).
I took the screenshots of the messages to MS & the 16 year old to the police. He got in even more trouble & not only had to spend 3 months in jail for the embezzlement but had to spend 2 years in prison & have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life. He apparently had met a young girl somehow during the final days of his stay in prison, and moved in with her & her parents (she was 16 as well) when he got out. His mother & brothers had disowned him, cut contact, and he lost any custody/visitation with his daughter. I knew I still had the screenshots in my email. So I found out who the child was he was living with & figure out who her parents are & send them the screenshots. Let them know he is a sex offender & had talked with a different 16 year old & a 12 year old. They kick him out into the streets as well. Last I heard, he was couch hopping and jobless (this was as of last year).
As a result of everything, I am now in a very wonderful marriage (almost 4 years) with a man I’ve known for 13 years.
Him & EM bf both lost a lot & I feel no regret in any way, shape, or form. I done a lot to keep children safe from him. I am one of those people who feel like there’s only 1 cure for a pedo....but we will keep that violent comment out of here.
Anyways....sorry it was so long.
(source) story by (/u/truckerswife15)
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dippedanddripped · 4 years
Watching Aminé’s “Caroline” music video can evoke vivid high school memories of the days when a freshly minted driver’s license conferred upon its holder the freedom to meet up with friends and do anything — or nothing. The video, like the song, is bubbly and carefree; it documents Aminé and his friends riding around town in a Honda Sedan stocked to the gills with bananas, lounging around in the grass, and watching each other play video games. In that 2016 summer of #BlackBoyJoy in hip-hop (when Chance the Rapper, Lil Yachty, D.R.A.M., Anderson .Paak, Rae Sremmurd, MadeinTYO, and Desiigner also flourished), “Caroline” went quadruple-platinum and helped make Aminé the first rapper ever from Portland, Oregon to become a national star.
The video for “Shimmy,” the lead single from Aminé’s forthcoming album Limbo, is a collage of Portland-specific flexes, a tribute to how far he’s come. He cheeses for the cameras while flanked by a phalanx of lawyers and dances midfield at Providence Park. He stands, perhaps symbolically, on the roof of Mike’s Drive-In (the burger joint where “Caroline” was shot) and trades the Honda for a speedboat zooming up the Willamette River.
Just as importantly, “Shimmy” is a subtle homage to the heavily gentrified areas of northeast Portland, where Aminé — born Adam Daniel to Ethiopian and Eritrean immigrants — grew up. In the video, he meets up with other members of the Portland rap scene plus Yosief Berhe and Jonathan Ressom, his two friends who co-star in all of his videos, to bike en masse down NE Alberta Street. He stops by Kee’s, a popular soul food truck, and heads to Woodlawn Park, his old stomping grounds located a few blocks from his childhood home.
“Woodlawn is the neighborhood that I grew up in,” he tells Highsnobiety over Zoom. “It used to be very much a part of the Black community. It’s kind of turned into a hipster park now, but it’s definitely the first place I got jumped. The first place I had my first fight in. Woodlawn represents a lot of good memories for me and my friends. Like our innocent adolescence.”
Rapid gentrification continues to gut Portland’s Black community, which accounts for less than six percent of the city’s total population. Aminé alluded to the transformation of Woodlawn on his 2017 song “Turf”: “Flipping through my past like I used to flip the phone / They kicking out the Blacks and all the houses getting clones.”
“The gentrification is insane,” he says. “I used to have only Black neighbors. And now my parents only live next to white people. The only reason my parents are still on that block is because, you know, I pay for everything. But it’s not the same for a lot of Black people in Portland.”
His friends Yosief and Jonathan echo this sentiment during a phone interview: “You’re getting chains of dispensaries on the same corners where police would try to nail people for weed,” Jonathan says. “I can go in there, and it’s gonna be a girl in a skirt giving me a dub. Meanwhile, no lie, like six, seven years ago, homies getting locked up doing the same shit on that same corner.”
“People in Portland sometimes have the right intentions,” Yosief adds. “But it really irks my nerves when I go down Mississippi or Albina or through historically Black neighborhoods, and it’s 85 percent white. All the houses have Black Lives Matter signs on the lawn but displaced a bunch of Black families to be there. It’s unfortunate.”
Limbo arrives four years into Aminé’s tenure as a major-label rapper, at a point where he’s established himself, but is still unsure of where to go or how to proceed with his career. “The title came from where I’m at in my life,” he explains. “There are two meanings behind it. I feel like I grew up thinking that once I achieved one level, the next level would be easier to achieve. But as I’ve grown, I’ve come to realize that with every level that I achieve, every level gets harder, just like the game of limbo. It just doesn’t seem to change for me, and it’s honestly made me feel like I’m completely in limbo. I thought the older I get, the wiser I’d get. But I’m figuring it out.”
Bittersweet nostalgia for high school and college years has been a recurring theme in Aminé’s music. In this sense, Limbo picks up where his 2017 debut album Good For You left off. Co-executive produced by Aminé and “Caroline” producer Pasque, it features one song that is entirely dedicated to Woodlawn Park, another to Aminé’s mother. Other songs, including his recent release “RiRi,” wistfully revisit past romances that sputtered. That era, which saw the first, fitful yawns of Aminé’s music career, is fertile terrain for storytelling. “I miss being naïve. I miss hoping, not knowing what your future was looking like,” he told Pigeons & Planes earlier this year. “Just being in your room in college, broke as hell.”
Aminé’s rap career began in the booth of Benson High’s radio broadcasting program, where he and his friends once rapped over Flockaveli beats. “Then we actually realized that Adam was pretty good,” Yosief tells us. He spent summers in New York, working youth camps in the Bronx and holding down internships at Complex and Def Jam — staying with his aunt in Harlem, eating plain leftover rice out of her fridge when food money inevitably got low. After high school, he started putting out mixtapes into a localized scene that Pasque describes as “stuck in the golden age.” Casual co-signs from Damian Lillard (who came to a show) and Kaytranada (who sent free beats) were good omens that also helped him stand out. All the while, he matriculated at Portland State University and lived at home with his parents. PSU is where he met Pasque, and where they made “Caroline.”
“We found out about this classroom inside of the music building that was always left unlocked,” Pasque says. “We had a schedule. I would go to work, and then after I clocked out, I would go immediately to school and work on music all night, basically. And it was like that for about five or six months. And then, eventually, it got to the point where we had a good amount of music, and our manager, Justin, was like, ‘You guys gotta put something out.’ We decided to put out ‘Caroline.’ And after that, it was no looking back.”
“I remember him putting out these little mixtapes, trying to get stuff retweeted, putting freaking fliers on corners, and [getting help from] all our friends in Portland,” Yosief says. “The slow grind. I remember Adam was trending [on Twitter] just in Portland, and it was like a big-ass deal. I remember him having like 1,000, 2,000 views on SoundCloud, to him going like, ‘Hey, this song got two million plays on Spotify, we’re about to make a music video for it.’ All of us still broke.”
Weeks after “Caroline” came out and started racking up gaudy streaming numbers, Vevo offered to fly Aminé out to New York to record a video performance of the single. He was in his senior year, and the video shoot conflicted with a finance final, but he decided to go anyways.
“I literally was told that if I failed this final, I would fail the class. So, I was like, ‘I don’t give a fuck.’ I just didn’t care,” he says. “I hated college. I knew it wasn’t for me, but I still kept doing it because I have strict African parents that I lived with. There was no other alternative for me to live under [their roof] without going to school.”
Aminé’s affable, low-key charm and new deal with Republic Records facilitated his smooth entry into the mainstream. The summer after “Caroline” blew up, Malia Obama requested to meet him after his set at Lollapalooza, and Young Thug called him a “young legend” backstage at a European music festival. “I didn’t even know if [Thug] knew who I was,” he says. He relocated to Los Angeles, where he has lived a charmed life, ensconced in a network of the city’s coolest, smartest, and most famous young artists. Late last year, Issa Rae — who co-starred in his 2017 “Spice Girl” video — asked him to guest star in Insecure as a dumb guy named Darnell. “I moved to LA just because, like, half of the features I get are just because me and the homies are in the studio,” Aminé explains. “Like, I can text Vince [Staples] and he’ll pull up to the studio. Money can’t buy timing. That’s pretty much the only reason I’m here.”
Still, to a great extent, Aminé strives for anonymity rather than celebrity. “When people want to go to, like, 1 OAK, or the club, I’d rather just go to a small bar with a couple of my good friends and chill,” he says. He adds that “normal things” have helped him stay sane during quarantine — like meeting friends in the park with food, or his morning ritual of smoking a joint and walking his 11-month-old goldendoodle Oliver.
This aversion to the limelight extends to his relationship with Portland, where he is something of a modern cultural icon. He doesn’t go out to restaurants with his parents anymore, for the sake of their privacy. He expresses his hope that he could signal boost Portland’s Black businesses and the city’s overall profile in the music industry, rather than don the cape of Captain Portland: “I’m just such an indoor person, and I don’t love that kind of pressure on me. Like, I was never really prepared for this type of career.”
Aminé intends to eventually build a massive compound in Portland, with a studio and acres of land. It’s likely to happen one day — just don’t hold him to it. Public expectations can be dangerous. “The main thing to take away from [this album] is, I’m still just a guy figuring it out,” he says. “I don’t have the answers. And I don’t want fans to look at me for every answer. I’m just a guy, literally. I’m just in limbo.”
Limbo is out August 7 via Republic. Pre-order the record here.
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missguomeiyun · 5 years
I’m back from Korea
I feel like October didn’t happen at all .. but at the same time, it happened & it happened too quickly =/
I was away for 2.5 weeks in Korea, & then when I came back, it was a mini series of night shifts so I practically did nothing. .. & by the time I realized it, it was Halloween & I was working evening shifts so I didn’t go out. O_O it has been 1 crazy month. But November is here now, & things are returning back to normal: my vacation withdrawal is over, & I have some “normal” combo of shifts, & it’s time to say bye-bye to the hot weather. It’s gonna be great~
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Okay, let’s be real: I’m never “over” a Korea trip lol the other day, I was really craving that budae jjigae. The struggle was real. So I made it for lunch ^^
For my 1st return post, I’ve decided to keep things simple & just share a brief summary of my 2.5 week-long trip with you!
Day 1-4: I stayed at my usual Seoul home, Namsan Hill Hotel. I was unable to book a longer stay at this place =( These 1st few days, I revisited some places in Seoul: Namdaemun (for hand-cut noodles called “kalguksu”); Sinchon/Ewha Womens Univ area/Hongik Univ area for shopping & ; Gyeongbokgung area for Tongin Market & some art museums; Insadong/Samcheongdong/Bukchon Hanok Village for some relaxing strolls around traditional Korean housing. Some new places I went to include:
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- a cafe called “Kopi Han-yak-bang” (lit. trans.: “coffee Korean pharmacy”). Look it up! It’s super cool! The owner believes coffee has a healing power, just like traditional herbal medicine, so the cafe is like a vintage herbal medicine shop/pharmacy. It feels as if you’re entering a movie set rather than a cafe.
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- The Skyfarm for brunch! Pretty place with amazing view of Seoul.
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- Seongsu area for industrial warehouse cafes. It was a valuable & memorable experience bcos Seongsu used to be an area for large factories (making of leather products & shoes, & car-fixing shops), but it’s revitalizing & the large factory spaces are now being converted to hip coffeeshops. Many of which do collabs with local/emerging artists & fashion designers so there’s lots of artsy things to see in these coffeeshops.
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- Seoul Forest. There’s like a picnic area, some basketball & tennis courts, walking trails, etc. .. I had a convenience store goods dinner in the picnic area, & watched the sunset there.
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Day 5-8: I moved over to Savoy Hotel located in the heart of Myeongdong. It’s ~15min walk away from Namsan Hill Hotel. Great location but also quite loud. My options were slim when I was booking stuff, & I needed to stay close to Seoul Station bcos I arranged 4x 1-day trips! I didn’t realize it at first but then I was like, “I have 4 back-to-back day trips right now.” I was essentially out every day from like 0700h to 2100h.
Trip 1: Paju~ for Heyri Art Village & Provence. I have been to these places before & really liked it so I went back, esp Heyri Art Village. After the day trip, I met up with 2 of my coworkers for K-BBQ in the Hapjeong area.
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Trip 2: Jeonju~ I only went to 1 place in Jeonju & that was the Jeonju Hanok Village. It was raining all day that day. However, it was still very enjoyable. The village was a beautiful place, & under the rain, it looked even more picturesque.
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Trip 3: Incheon~ for Incheon Chinatown & Wolmido, which is an island connected to Incheon via a highway. Due to its close proximity to China, Incheon became a major port for trades back in the day, & the Chinese immigrants basically settled here, hence it’s the largest Chinatown in Korea. I met up with my friend Ji Yoon in Chinatown & we spent some time catching up.
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Trip 4: Gangneung~ For the annual Gangneung Coffee Festival; its title was “Voices of Coffee” this year! It was held at the Gangneung Olympic Ice Arena. I can’t recall how many shots of coffee samples I had that day, but it was a lot. I also went to the Anmok Coffee Street, which is a line of cafes along Anmok Beach - all the cafes face the beach so the view is pretty. Even more so on the day I went bcos it was cloudy =]
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Day 9: remained in Seoul today. Went to the Seoul Botanic Garden, which opened its doors in May 2019. Very pretty displays~ Huuuuuge space too. It was like Telus World x Muttart Conservatory x Devonian Botanic Garden. Lots to see, & if you go, allot more time for yourself here. & then in the evening, I camped out by Yeouido Hangang Park for the annual Seoul International Fireworks Festival, which was named “Life is Colourful” this year. So many ppl! I was expecting that before going but it was beyond my imagination. It was truly an experience- the streets were blocked off for pedestrian traffic & literally, it took like 10mins to move 5meters after the show as over! Then at the subway station nearby, there was a bottleneck, where apparently the capacity inside the underground station was reached so we needed to wait outside the exit.. . still, it was fun!
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Day 10-12: 1 way train ticket to Busan. Yes, train to Busan ;) I was safe though hehe Busan was beautiful! In hindsight, I should’ve spent more time here but . .. NEXT TIME! I went to BIFF Square & Gukje Market, which was like across from my hotel, Stanford Inn Busan. Gamcheon Cultural Village was super cute; although I would hate being a resident there =/ The Busan Int’l Film Festival was happening then, & I visited the Expo & Convention Centre for the film market. Can’t go into the exhibition, but that whole area was filled with ads/posters of BIFF - it was a big deal! It was cool to witness such a big event & to experience the sheer scale of it. I then went to Shinsegae Centum City, which is the largest shopping complex in the world.  Haeundae Beach was also cool. I went on a cloudy day & it was awesome! That same evening/night, I checked out the Jagalchi Fish Market, which is the largest seafood market in Korea. It has 7 floors total, with 3 underground parking levels :O On the last day, bcos I only had the morning available to do stuff, I had Busan fish cake for breakfast & strolled in BIFF Square again.
*Note: I actually hit all the things on my itinerary EXCEPT for the Busan Museum of Art, which was closed on Mondays =( but the security guy let me in to see the lobby bcos he knew I was a tourist. Thank you!
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Day 13-17: Flew from Busan Airport to Jeju Airport. I used more time than needed for the whole process- turned out foreigners have their own line at the Busan Airport, so it’s faster than locals. There’s also a domestic terminal & international terminal, so from arrival to being checked in & through security.. . it took less than 25mins. It was great! In regards to Jeju, I did the following:
- stayed in Jeju City for the arrival afternoon/evening, with my hotel being Astar Hotel. Had a street food dinner at Dongmun Market; they were having this night market/festival event so a bunch of street food stalls were open from 7pm-midnight. Smelled like heaven haha
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- I did my 1st hike ever on Hallasan Mountain, specifically the Gwaneunsa Trail, & I reached the peak. It was.. . hard. I can’t say I particularly enjoyed it; however, it has proven to me that I am a land person, & I belong in museums, cafes, & street walking lol. Look up the details of the trail! Was it ambitious of me to go on this for my 1st hike ever. .. without any hiking gear? I went with what some ppl would consider gym shoes, a hoodie, leggings, & a backpack with water, juice, kimbaps, 2 bananas, 6 mandarins, & some snacks (cheese crisps & pineapple cream-flavoured crackers).
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- The day after the hike, my legs were still okay. But it was my glut that was starting to get sore XD I went to Osulloc Tea Museum & Innisfree Jeju House. The aesthetics <3
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- Went to Black Pig Street for black pig bbq. I was hoping a restaurant or two was taking solo-diners & thankfully, the 2nd restaurant I asked did! I ordered pork neck instead of pork belly - it was quite tender & kinda chewy, actually. Later that evening, I went to the Tamra Cultural Festival 2019. It was neat~ There was an outdoor night market, as well as a stage for cultural dance/play/music.
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- Jeju Island is actually quite small, & it takes approx. an hour from 1 side of the island to the other side. Thus, for my 3rd (full) day, I went to the Jungmun (Jeju City is north of the island; Jungmun is south coast) & visited the Yellow Cafe, Chocolate Land, Ripley’s Believe It or Not Museum, & Yeomiji Botanical Garden.
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- From Jungmun, I took a local bus to Lee Jong Seop Street in Seogwipo, the next city over. The street is very pleasant & chill, with artwork along the street, coffeeshops & eateries, as well as little gift shops. Totally my thing! It reminds me Bukchon Hanok Village in terms of vibe, but minus the traditional housing look. The Seogwipo Olle Market is nearby, & is a great place to buy Jeju souvenirs. The pricing, I heard/read, is cheaper than Dongmun Market in Jeju City - it is true! There are also less tourists here, which was what made it enjoyable for me, personally.
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- Only the morning on my last day was free for activities bcos my flight to Seoul was early afternoon. I visited the area around Jeju City Hall, which was ~20min walk from my hotel. It was a very leisurely morning, where I sat down & enjoyed coffee at Coffee Finder & had a build-your-own-ramen bowl at a place nearby. The architecture of Coffee Finder was unique; it used to be a 2-floor house, with like a driveway/sidewalk. But the ummm first floor ceiling/second floor flooring was knocked down so there’s a “hole” in the middle of the cafe. The cafe has very homely vibes as the placement of tables/chairs are in what was (at one point) rooms of the house. It’s open but also you can get some privacy at the same time.
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Day 17-18: Back to Seoul, & stayed at Namsan Hill Hotel~ Itaewon is a must! I need to go to Passion 5 every time lol. & I also revisited the Leeum Samsung Museum of Art bcos I like it. & then I had my last day as a “free” day, where I didn’t plan ANYTHING. I’m a very intense planner & when I go on trips, I literally plan to the minute haha & guess what, I ended up in Hongdae. Honestly, it’s my kinda place. Sadly, the transportation situation there isn’t convenient for the rest of my itinerary, or else I would choose a hotel that’s in the vicinity. I nearly spent 2.5 hrs at Coin Su Noraebang haha I realized that if you score high enough, time gets added to your paid time :O I can’t let that go to waste =P
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There ya go, Korea 2019!
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PS: I haven’t decided what/how I’m gonna go about posting my trip. .. There are wayyyy too many photos & it will take me a million yrs to write/upload. Perhaps expect unexpected Korea posts scattered between my regular posts :P I will, however, share with you the coffees I’ve had in Korea. I tried diff ones, from franchise to small local cafes, adventurous flavours & the typical black Americano. I didn’t have any poor experiences but there was 1 particular one that I will likely never order again - tbh, I should’ve expected it but I still went for it anyway *shrugs* so I guess it was all my fault haha ok, I’ll ttyl~!
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roswellroamer · 5 years
Day 8. February 6, 2020. Owaka to Invercargill (the long way). 275km
Woke up and commenced packing. When staying at a place for more than one night, most of the gear and clothes get unpacked so it takes the better part of 45' to reorganize and repack then reload and secure the gear in and on top of the bike. It was about 50° this AM so left a polartec layer to soften the chill and a perusal of the NZTA government site showed the southern route directly west to Invercargill was open. Yeah! We rode out about 8:15 and cruised on what was now a somewhat familiar scenic ride westward. We made it to Papatowai and once again, as we saw yesterday, there was a police car in the road. Immediately the pit of your stomach churns. Having checked out and a reservation awaiting in Invercargill for the next three nights along with the Burt Monro rally fun all contributed to some anxiety that we might not be able to make it happen. Every other thought was about the more than a meter of rain which fell in 48 hours earlier this week and where and how would ALL that water make its way south. But the NZTA site said the road was open! The officer was very nice and explained that we needed to return to Owaka and make a left turn at the Lumber Jack (last night's tasty dinner location). Then we'd proceed over a gravel road through the Owaka valley and up to Clinton and head west to Mataura en route to Invercargill. We rode back the 27km to Owaka and then proceeded through the scenic valley and westward to Mataura. We should've been more suspicious of the lack of bikes within 150 km of Invercargill. As we pulled into the central area of Mataura the main Hwy 93 was completely blocked by sand bags at least 4' high. Although the road was dry, it was apparent that floodwaters had swirled there in the recent past. We saw three other bikers who approached us and explained that they weren't able to bypass the flooding in town. It's heartening to wake up to What's App messages complaining/wondering what happened since I fairly abruptly ended my blog as I was just too tired to continue. (Richard!) At least I know someone is reading... I don't write this for others, mostly for myself to have a record of these adventures so I don't forget the little and interesting things that happen on a daily basis. One of the daily pics shows the sand bag barrier on route 93 and the fire/rescue folks who described for us the next route to take to attempt to get to Invercargill. We rode again eastward on the opposite direction of our destination to Clinton and found the only cafe open for a quick drink/bite and a bathroom break. At Clinton we noticed one thing right away. For the first time in days we were on a busy road (Hwy 1) and it was steadily streaming trucks and more interestingly to me, bikes! Now, with a brief stop, we joined the flow again towards the elusive Invercargill after a 170km double detour. At least we got some fantastic scenery and rainbows so no complaints.
The highway from Clinton to the next town of Gore has prompted a humorous gesture by the NZ transportation agency. They have a sign as you depart Clinton heading the 44kms to Gore that proclaims it the "Presidential Highway". 😆 Very funny! Gore was surprisingly large with loads of bikes getting gas and finding one of the dozens and dozens of restaurants there to eat. We continued on after passing over the Mataura River bridge where the railroad trestle immediately downstream was nearly submerged. The road continues along the river and was closed due to flooding so all traffic was diverted about 30km on a series of more western roadways and eventually we met up with 1 again for the half hour ride remaining into Invercargill. Mother Nature opened up on us for a while but only hard for 15-20 minutes and it abated just prior to entering town. We rode in by the much discussed transport museum and into center city. We got an apartment in a Quest building right next to the central traffic circle in the town's center. Fantastic location. Not a full service hotel, but a building of nicely appointed apartments with a front desk that is manned for check-in hours only. Only a couple blocks from both the Classic Motorcycle Mecca museum and then the other way to the famous and historic E. Hyde hardware store. The store that is not only huge but houses Burt Monro's workshop (behind glass), loads of vintage bikes on display interspersed with their merchandise, a full Indian dealership within and of course anything you could think of to purchase! The motorcycle museum was also visited and did not disappoint. Over 300 very significant bikes of marques that extended beyond my knowledge base. They also have in their basement a collection from a NZ motorcycle racer named George Begg who became a car designer (he didn't race the cars). He made stunning and well known cars which won races around the world. We decided to then ride out to the official rally site towards the beach. About 9 km to Oreti Beach. There was a tent and a steady line of people filling out registrations. I opted for the $60NZ rally pass which provides access to the rally site which includes camping and the vendor and food tents as well as evening entertainment tents. It also provides a 50% discount on all rally event tickets which are normally $20NZ (less than $13). I bought all the remaining event tickets. Drag races today, beach racing tomorrow, Saturday's sprint races and speedway races ending with Sunday's street races.
We toured the motorcycle safety tent and picked up some safety swag (earplugs, visor cleaning cloth, kickstand pad) and were then drawn into a discussion with a researcher from Australia who is trying to promote two things. One was a geometric design that allows urethane to be produced into a much more flexible design than the D30 armor. It is much more ventilated, flexible and lighter than the armor used by most manufacturers. He had printed it up on his 3D printer and it slowly crushes under pressure. Made great sense to me, hopefully more companies will adopt this. Also he was promoting "MotoCAP". This is a way of testing all motorcycle protective gear in three modes (abrasion, impact and a third one involving energy dispersion that I can't remember now that I'm typing this the next day!) in the same way that cars in the USA get a crash rating, clothing would all be ranked and consumers would be informed about which items perform well in which modes for their information. This guy is conducting the tests on various items. He did say that the Klim Badlands jacket (one version heavier than the Latitude I wear) was the best textile jacket they had tested to date since he saw me wearing my Klim. We strolled through the entertainment tent which was largely empty save for a stage and an official merchandise vendor. We got in line and bought a couple items to remember this event by in the future. There was also a food tent with 5 food trucks set up to deliver to campers and anyone wanting some unhealthy treats while on site. Who am I to talk! 😉 The drag races we're getting ready to start at 6 or so it said on the ticket so we rode the short distance over to Teretonga race track. They have a gravel road that connects the rally campgrounds directly to the track area so the rally campers don't need to put a helmet on for the short ride to watch the race. We strolled through the paddock area and saw a large diversity in the bikes. Some modified Hayabusas, some extended swing arm bikes with wheelie bars behind and some 150cc Vespa scooters rusting out! The drags were sponsored by Harley and we met the Harley agent in our apartment/hotel as she unloaded flags destined to the track event we were now attending. Speaking of unhealthy foods, we both decided to support the local netball team by purchasing a sausage from them for $2NZ. What a delicious bargain. Complete with Cole slaw, cooked onions and mustard and wrapped by a piece of bread. Best deal ever. The track was not really that organized. I don't think the first racers went off the line until 6:45 and it was not warm but the setting sun kept the hard chill away. Maybe it was 56° but very windy. In fact they discussed shortening the 1/4 mile distance due to the risk of blowing racers across the track but they kept it at the standard length. The races were fun to watch. Especially the unmodofied and less experienced riders with incredibly powerful machines that had difficulty keeping their front ends on the pavement. One guy went nearly vertical and somehow managed to save it! A grizzled biker with a nearly as grizzled brown duster unloaded his brown duffel from his shoulders and spent the time smoking hand rolled cigarettes by us. There was also a Maori with full face tattoo art by us. And some rubes as well. (Rich urban bikers) Varied bikes and diverse crowd. A little bit of everything here and lots of eye candy. Even saw a "new" Triumph Rocket 3 R down the street today. The guy should've cleaned it up! It was showing loads of dirt from riding in the rain. I just picked up my new Triumph Rocket 3 TFC two days before departure. I had placed a deposit on it when they announced over 6 months ago and I am very impressed with that machine... 🤩 Ah, I digress.
With the sun setting on the Twilight event, we did decide to leave before it was over after standing for more than 2 hours (no bleachers/seats) and the cold setting in. We found a mini market to get a few essentials for the apartment and headed back to town. After some vino and snacks we meandered down the street to find a cafe that was part of a hotel and we enjoyed a mushroom pizza and a beer before the day caught up with me and I was unable to put much down on the blog before nodding off.
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
Who was the first person you spoke to today? My brother. Who was the last? I don’t know, yet. It’s only 414AM, this day is nowhere near over.  Have you told anyone you loved them today? Not so far. Are you wearing shoes at the moment? No. When did you last shower? Yesterday.
What song is stuck in your head right now? None really at the moment. Does it snow where you live? No. :( Do you live within an hour of the ocean? About a couple hours away. Do you ever do things even though you know you’ll regret it later? Yes. And not do things I’ll regret not doing and I know this, but yet... Biggest mistake of your life? Oh, man. I think a few that top the list involve self-neglect and not taking care of myself like I should have. I ignored things and didn’t take some things seriously like I should have and it caused a lot of problems.  What are you currently sitting/laying on? My bed. Who is your oldest friend? My mom has been around all my life. How long have you known them? 30 years and counting.  Where are they right now? She’s in bed asleep. Have you ever dated a friend of one of your siblings? No.  How old is your oldest living grandparent? 85. What were you doing at 11am this morning? I’ll likely be sleeping. What do you plan to be doing 2 hours from now? Sleeping. Where were you living in 1993? Same city as now, different house. Were you even born? Well, yeah.  Do you remember who you were dating in July 2006? I wasn’t dating anyone. Are you still dating that person? I’m also not dating anyone, so yes. haha. Who was the last non-relative of the same sex you had a conversation with? My doctor. Last non-relative of the opposite sex? I don’t recall. Has anyone kissed you today? No. What is the best gift someone can give you? A relaxing getaway to somewhere like Bora Bora, haaa. Where do you go to school, if anywhere? I’m done with school. Do you have a job? No. Where did you get the shirt you’re wearing? I ordered this sweatshirt on Etsy. Who were the last 3 people to leave you a comment/wall post? On Facebook? A couple of my aunts and my Nana.  Are you left-handed? Nope. Do you wear contacts? No. I like my glasses. And the idea of putting contacts in and taking them out freaks me out. Have you ever been a clown for Halloween? Nope. Where are the last three places you went? Walmart, Michael’s, the doctor.  Do you remember what the price of gas was the last time you saw it? No. Do you prefer Pepsi or Coke? Coke. Is your hair longer than your shoulders? Yeah, it’s down to my butt.  Do you tend to go for guys/girls with certain eye/hair colors? Uhhh, they’ve all had blonde or dark hair and brown, blue, or green eyes. What time did you go to bed last night? I’ve been going to bed around 5 in the morning lately. When did you get up this morning? I’ve been sleeping in until 12 or 1PM. When was the last time it rained? Like a week ago. Are your finger nails painted at the moment? No. Have you ever made yourself throw up? Why? No. Do you ever go hunting/fishing? No. When was the last time you went camping? I’ve never been. Are you currently wearing anything orange? Nope. Do you know anyone who is a nurse? The nurses I see at my doctor appointments, ha. I’ve been seeing one of my doctors for a few years now and the nurse that helps out as well, and she and I have gotten to know each other pretty well. We always gossip and chitchat at my appointments. We’re Facebook friends, too. ha. Would you prefer to own a lapdog or a bigger dog? I’ve always had medium size dogs and it’s a perfect fit for me. Are you more of a cat person? I’m a doggo person all the way. Not to say that cats aren’t cute or anything, but dogs and I just vibe.  Are you currently wearing any jewelry? Earrings. Was any of it given to you? Yep, I got them for Christmas. They’re adorable rose gold Minnie Mouse earrings.  What is your worst subject? Math was always my worst subject. What was the worst thing to happen to you today? Not much has happened, yet. It’s barely going to be 5AM. I need to go to sleeeeep. What are you looking forward to tomorrow? I don’t think there’s anything going on. Do you know anyone who plays guitar? No. Do you play guitar? No. I actually got an electric guitar for Christmas when I was like 15 and I attempted to learn, but I gave up very quickly. The guitar and I didn’t vibe like the piano and I did.  Did anyone tell you that you looked nice today? Lookin’ real nice in these leggings, oversized sweatshirt, and messy ponytail. ha. How many missed calls have you had today? None as of now.  Who were the last three people to call you? My mom, dad, and some unknown number. Who were the last three people you called? My mom, this local restaurant to order takeout (they didn’t have the option to do so online...lame), and the pharmacy. Have you had to have stitches at all in the last year? No. Did you graduate high school within the last 3 years? It’s been over 10 years now. D: If not, will you graduate within the next 3 years? How old will you be on your next birthday? 31. *sobs* Which is coming next: Christmas or your birthday? My birthday. Christmas just passed. How many people live in the same household as you? 4 people and a doggo. Have you ever visited another country? I went to Mexico once. Do you have any money on yourself at the moment? Not on me, no. Do you sleep in the nude? I dont. One, I dont live alone, so that would be extremely awkard. And two, I think I would be incredibly cold and uncomfortable <<< Sameee. I don’t feel comfortable being nude at all. Like, literally as soon as I’m done showering I put clothes back on. Do you ever walk around the house naked if no one is home? No. ^^^ I very much like being clothed. What is your favorite way to spend a rainy morning? I don’t do anything different really, but I do love rainy days. Drinking my coffee is especially nice on a rainy day. And being wrapped up in my fuzzy soft blanket.  What is your favorite way to spend a cool autumn night? I just like being able to wear a hoodie and be all nice and cozy. Where was the last place you slept other than your house? Hotel. Have you ever stayed up all night and then gone to work in the morning? Not work, but school. I once stayed up all night studying for a final and then went to class that morning to take said final. I was an actual zombie that day, I don’t know how I managed it. 10/10 would not recommend.  Is there anyone you wish you could see right now? No. Do you have any big plans for the weekend? My aunt and cousin might come over for a board game night. Not sure, though. How many relationships have you been in so far this year? We’re only 3 days into the year, but none so far. I don’t see that changing at all, though. Do you prefer to be single or with someone? It’s best for me to be single right now and for the foreseeable future. I’m not focused on that right now. Do you have any tattoos? No. Are you planning on getting any? I’ve kind of wanted one for a long time, but I doubt I’ll ever get it done. Would you pierce your nipples for $100? Noooo. Did you lose your virginity before you were sixteen? I’m still a virgin. Have you ever dated someone who had a child? No. What are the middle names of everyone in your family? I’m not sharing that. Are you taller than 5'6"? No. Where did you go the last time you took a vacation? A nice and relaxing mountain touristy town. If you could live in a tv show, which one would you be in? I don’t know. Would you ever consider adoption? I don’t plan on having kids at all, but if I ever changed my mind (highly doubtful) I would likely adopt. Possibly surrogacy. I really, really don’t see myself having kids, though. Who is someone you aspire to be like? I’d like to one day just be a better, functioning version of myself. How do you feel about your life right now? It’s 5AM and I’m ready for bed, so that’s a wrap on this survey, old sport. Ya’ll who have been following me for awhile probably know my answer to this.
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