#i wasnt expecting the resemblance to be that strONG
sunfudge · 13 days
Tried reading a generic isekai manga out of boredom this evening ("Yuusha Party ni Kawaii Ko ga Ita no de, Kokuhaku Shite Mita") and found that the tired middle-aged guildmaster character, Creiman, looked so much like Gallagher that I couldn't help but think of your meltdown today
Omg wait but you're fucking cooking tHOUGH
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
Do you have any Vaporeon facts?
Vaporeon Facts
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-The scientific name for Vaporeon is "Mare vulpes altera" which means "Other sea fox"
-Since Vaporeon can turn into water, they have great regenerative abilities and can recover from almost anything if given fresh water (headcanon from @poke-planet )
-Salt water vaporeon tend to have stronger muscles than fresh water vaporeon, as they have to adapt to deal with the ocean current
-The Pokedex states that when Vaporeon enter the water, they turn into the water. While Vaporeon can turn into water, it's not something that happens without their control. Similar to how (most) people can move limbs, Vaporeon can turn into water at will
-Researchers have discovered a possible Deep-Sea variant of Vaporeon. These Vaporeon are said to have glowing scales, darker bodies, and a more aggressive-looking appearance (might actually show that here!)
-Vaporeon can push their ears and ruff (ears) down when swimming to move faster
-Vaporeon have both gills and lungs, allowing them to breathe in and out of the water
-A lot of ancient statues have shown, what archeologists theorize, is an ancient water deity. It actually doesn't resemble a pokemon at all, but actually a human with Vaporeon-like qualities (its ears being Vaporein fine, having the large fin on their head, a Vaporeon tail, and an outfit resembling a Vaporeon
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-A lot of people think Vaporeons cause rain by their tails twitching, but that isn't true. Their tales twitch with the natural changing of weather, so they twitch right before its about to rain
-Vaporeon scales are popular with collectors for their rarity and beauty. They fall off naturally when they shed
-There are a lot of fairytales of Vaporeon luring travelers in with their scales causing a hypnotic effect
-Vaporeon are wary, but are also playful. Wild Vaporeon have been known to swin up to surfers to try and play with and observe them
-Vaporeon are omnivores; eating berries, fish pokemon, and seaweed
-Elderly Vaporeon usually live on land, as a lot of undiscovered, more aggressive, larger pokemom rest at the sea, and they can be targeted for their slowness
-Wild Vaporeon in Galar are less likely to live their expected life span due to Galar's more polluted water
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-Vaporeon puff up their ruffs and ears up when trying to attract mates
-Saltwater Vaporeon get water from the fish pokemon they eat
-Male Vaporeon are slightly larger than female Vaporeon
-Considering that ancient Vaporeon were land pokemon, scientists think that we're in the middle of an evolutionary change. In the future, Vaporeon might become fully aquatic!
-Vaporeon that live in Arctic seas tend to be fatter (more fat/blubber=better warmth
-A lot of people thought that Vaporeon ears were hidden somewhere, but they're actually just a bunch of mini holes at the base of their head next to their ear fins (I've called them ears the entire time, but they're really just fins. The fins help them filter sound though)
-Vaporeon's sense of smell is incredibly strong, and they can even smell things underwater!
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(Art by Gabriele Vaccaro on ArtStation)
Here are other things on them!
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titoist · 2 years
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was given a chocolate coin designed to superficially resemble a that of a 20 euro cent. whats funny is that i wasnt initially sure whether it was real or not, despite my strong suspicion it was, & decided to put it to the test by biting into it. suspicions confirmed, thankfully! but i can't help but giggle imagining the alternative… as for the taste-test: the chocolate itself is… hrm. it's…. better than i expected of a chocolate coin, but still distinctly… stale, in the way that i think most low-quality chocolate tends to be, & what makes it unable for it to rise above "okay". it's urn chocolate - crumbly, almost chalk-like, the lowest common denominator of chocolate, the type to give you heartburn. but it's okay. chewing on it right now. i might just be picky. there are a few others like this in the small "candy tin" i acquired. it has a few others like this, 2 & 50 euro ones too… they're very cute! my ambivalence towards the actual taste might be at least a teensy little bit partially due to the fact that it's designed as a gift for 5 year olds… i was going to say that it introduced a little bit of excitement to my evening - but… if this in and of itself is enough to constitute a notable change in my routine, then…. that has very sad implications….
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aestheticsuwu · 3 years
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🍭🦁°My Bambi To My Lion°🦁🍭
Daniel and Johnny take the twins to their first valley fest carnival .
Why,why--why can't I walk next to Sam ?" Robby questions,  as Johnny carries him in his arm . He fixes his hold on his son not wanting to drop him .
"You see Pup, Sam holds on to papa's hand as told so, however you on the other hand get distracted easily "
"Distacted ? " his pup repeated the word, not familiar within his vocabulary .
"Yeah man, but it's okay becau-" He stops as he lost sight of Daniel until he sees Sam waving at him at the booth they were stationed .
"Dad you got distacted.", Robby said , happy that he wasn't the only one , with his small hands he patted his dad shoulders in sympathy .
Chuckling at the statement , he heads towards Daniel and his Princess who were waiting for them .
"Yeah kid. You get that from me and your good looks , you'll thank me when your older ." High-fiving Robby , who nodded with a serious expression .
The booth had squirming kids getting their face painted . Looking at Sam who had a big smile , perhaps from all that cotton candy .
" Wow , Princess!, Your the most beautiful butterfly of Encino has ever seen.", Johnny said with a proud voice , his kids were the most gorgeous than any other children .
"Thank you!" Sam replied happy having her dad compliments ,
"We get it from Dad , We have to thank him when were older , Sam ." Robby shouted , catching sight of his sister.
"I want to be a puppy! Wait , Can i be a butterfly! " He handed robby over to Daniel  needing to got to take a leak -after drinking all that coke, but not before promising to come back quickly  .
"Dont get distacted!"
"I wont buddy"
He totally did .
There was some kind of motorcycle wining contest and watched a bunch of loser lose and then he got lost .
Returning back he was expecting the twins and a cranky Daniel waiting for him to give him a lecture but nothing was better as what he imagined .
The twins were having a energetic conversation, he guessed the sugar had not worn off from all the sweets he got for them much to Daniels disdain .
The best part was Daniel , his husband gave him a look that told him 'dont say a word' holding the twins much smaller hands.
"Looking good, Bambi !", He said with a teasing smirk that he knew it would get on Daniel's nerve .
And exactly that he was , his eyes seemed much more deer-like with the black paint that defined his eyes more , a cute snout was painted over his nose and white dots that resembled like the deer from the movie, except this Bambi was ready to hit him in the head.
" Real funny. Your next big guy ", Said Daniel , grinning knowing he wouldn't be the only one to look stupid .
Refusing to do so , his 3 favorite people tried to convince him with their huge adorable eyes but Johnny was a strong man , he wasnt going to fall for that .
Not today.
Walking out the gate , he had to hold back from punching people who kept on looking at his direction because he couldn't do so with having the twins in his arms , tired and sleepy .
In the car , Daniel helped him buckle Sam and Robby in their car seats . Turning on the engine , he turned to Daniel with a smirk.
" What a small deer doing all alone, you never know when a big strong-"
"John." Daniel side-eyed him refusing to play along .
" Your no fun , Bambi." It was silence on the way home until Daniel turns towards him, whispering wanting to wake up the kids .
" I really hope there's not a mean lion at home , Im just a defendless deer ." Daniel turned away quickly once seeing Johnnys giddy reaction.
Anything to make his man happy , even if it made him embarrased.
Johnny didn't care how stupid he looked with his big smile making him look like a real happy lion from the face paint from earlier .
"Don't Worry, Baby . I'll protect you ."
He's a happy Lion , Yes He was . Especially once he get's Daniel in bed.
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imagine-lcorp · 4 years
We The Liars (One Shot)
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Okay I dont remember if I had requested it. My internet is bad. I just want angsty one where Lena finds out her girlfriend knew Kara is Supergirl and never told her. It becomes a bit of a mess between them. But it wasnt right for her to just tell Lena. (happy ending pls, I know you can wreck me on angst alone 😂)
A/N:I know I’m not very good at schedules but I’m still around!! Now, here’s another beautigul angsty request for u guys, I hope u enjoy it! and I hope this lives again to your expectations. Love y’all!!!!!
Lena Luthor x Fem!R//Word Count: 2,169 -------------------------------------------------------
They mocked you.
She could still hear her brother's voice.
Humiliated you.
His tongue distilling lies even in his final moments.
Betrayed you.
Every word punctuated in her mind like a blow from a sledgehammer.
It was bile.
It was poison.
It was the truth Lena had been so blind to see.
Lena kept looking at the picture of you on her desk, trying to feel nothing as she drank the last of the scotch in her hand. She swallowed the hot woody liquid down and, in a sharp movement, smacked down the glass over the picture. She kept looking at the shattered frame, at your faces and smiles behind the broken glass. Lena had to let out a bitter chuckle as she thought how much that image resembled your relationship. Fake smiles, broken trust. A mirage now shattered by the truth you had been hiding.
Did you know? Of course, you did. Since when? Probably from the beginning. Was it all a scheme? A way to get closer to her? To keep an eye on her? Most certainly. The questions swirled around Lena's mind over and over and over since she had listened to her brother's last confession. They hadn't left her head, accompanying her while she tried to act as if everything was okay. As if she hadn't shot Lex, as if you hand't keep her in the dark about Kara and Supergirl, as if her so-called friends hadn't lied to her face all this time.
Did you even really love her?
That had been the question that bothered her the most. She hadn't been able to put it aside as she recalled every moment spent with you. Every look, every kiss and every touch, every tear and laugh, every word. All the things you had gone through couldn't just be a lie but, the more she though about it, the more she seemed to convince herself of the answer. Did you love her? No, she didn't think you did.
Your relationship had been nothing more than a means to protect Kara. Supergirl. The Girl of Steel and Great Champion of the Earth. From the hands of a Luthor.
Hold your friends close but your enemies closer.
What a fool she had been.
You entered her office as if summoned by her troubled thoughts, locking eyes on her and closing the door behind you, smiling sheepishly as you did. If that smile disarmed her every time before, now it was for her an undeniable sign of your deception. It made her heart shrink while she pushed her mind to go faster. You would not deceive her anymore.
"(Y/N), what are you doing here?" She asked. The tone of her voice never letting any of her internal turmoil show.
"I came to see if you weren't so busy." You approached her desk without losing your smile. "Jess let me in, so I could steal you for a moment or the rest of the evening if possible."
"Weren't you busy with your own home project? I didn't think you would finish it so fast." She leaned further in her chair, raising her chin towards you.
"I got some help." You reached the front of her desk. "Kara came by earlier and helped me with it. We finished it in no time."
"Kara uh? Of course. Always there to help, isn't she?" She saw you frown slightly.
If you hadn't noticed her somehow cold demeanor, now you did.
"Well, you know her."
She turned her chair towards the window at those words and looked at the city skyline, so she wouldn't have to look at you.
"Do I?" Lena couldn't hide the hurt in her words this time.
You were about to walk to her side when you finally noticed what was on her desk. The sight of the empty glass and broken picture made every muscle in your body tense.
It could have been nothing, a slip of the hand, an unfortunate accident. A broken frame meaning nothing but a broken frame. But you couldn't deny the strangeness of it all. Lena's attitude, her reluctance to look at you. You would have wanted to blame it on the alcohol, as it was obvious she had been drinking before you arrived. Even though Lena never drank more than a finger of her scotch and she knew how to hold her alcohol better than most.
Maybe it was the tension from the past days, as you knew they had been quite difficult for her. Having your older brother on the verge of death, only to find later that it was all a scam to give himself superpowers and then die anyway in a last attempt to destroy the Supers, was not something one could recover from so easily. Lena had told you the essentials about what had happened, but the Danvers sisters had filled you in about everything else, seeing as you had been worried to death about Lena and her lack of communication thereafter.
After Alex and Kara explained how things had gone down, it only reaffirmed your belief that a lot of trouble could have been avoided if they had just told Lena what was truly happening. You also didn't like having to keep things from Lena but after such incident, and considering that Kara felt herself responsible for Lex's death, none of you knew how she would react to the truth then. So you agreed to keep Kara's secret for a little longer, believing Kara would tell her everything soon enough.
So you made yourself believe to that maybe this was Lena still trying to come to terms with what she had to go through. That behind her pragmatic and stoic attitude, she wasn't taking things as good as she made it look. Maybe, this time, all she needed was a bit of comfort.
"Lena?" You rounded her desk with careful steps, trying to reach her, but then Lena spoke again and you knew it was none of it.
"All this time." You stopped as you heard her voice, low and harsh. "Did you really think I wouldn't find out?"
"Find out what?" The question coming out slowly from your mouth.
"That Kara has been helping you with her super speed? That she has been indeed helping people by flying around town? That all this time I've been friends with the greatest heroine of National City?" She chuckled and shook her head. "No, not friends."
"You know." You stood motionless, swallowing hard, as Lena turned her chair towards you.
"Yes, I know, (Y/N)." She rose from her seat. Her eyes looking at you with a contained rage, so dangerous it made you flinch and want to look away but you simply couldn't allow yourself to move.
This was what Kara had always feared and you could see now why. Your mind was racing, trying to think of something to say, whatever word that could ease Lena's anger but you knew better. It was useless to try and dodge the conversation, to deny it all and lie again. No, you couldn't keep doing that. Not anymore. Not to Lena.
"Lena, I'm s-"
"Save it." She grabbed her glass from the table and rushed past you to the bar before you could even finish muttering your apology. "I have had enough of those already."
You watched as she lifted a bottle and poured herself another drink. "When did she tell you?"
"Oh, so she was planning on telling me someday?"
"W-wait." You walked towards her, more confused than before. "If Kara didn't tell you then..."
"Does it matter? It wasn't Kara, or Alex, or any of your friends. Or you, anyway." She put the bottle down with a loud thud and grabbed her glass again. "You just knew and lied to me."
"That was never my intention." You tried.
"Your intention? And what was it, (Y/N)?" She turned back to you, taking a generous sip of her scotch and leaving it again at the table bar.
"Wasn't it to keep me from finding the truth? So I didn't know who was behind Supergirl and she could have one less thing to worry about? So she could keep an eye on me and if I turned to be the same as Lex she could stop me right away? Isn't that why you even approached me in the first place?"
"No, no, that's not it." You fumbled over the words. "Please, let me explain."
"Explain what?" Lena could already feel the tears threatening to come from her eyes. "That no matter what I told you about how much it hurt to have someone you love lie and betray you, you were doing exactly that with me."
"I never wanted to do that to you." You took a few unsure steps forward. "I wanted to tell you, may times but it wasn't my secret to tell. I couldn't. I had no right."
"But I had!" She snapped. Her voice filled with an ache and outrage so strong it made you take a step back. "I had the right to know."
"Lena, I know you-"
"No! Whatever you think you know, you don't!" She closed the distance between you. Each step making you feel smaller. "You used me and manipulated me, time after time. I helped you, protected you, proved you over and over that I wasn't like the rest of my family, trying to do better for our friends! For you! Don't you understand what you have done? What I have done?"
All her anger watered down as a couple of tears started to fall down from her eyes.
"God, what I wish I hadn't done." She closed her eyes.
"What do you mean?" You forced the words out, feeling the dread rise in your chest. "Lena, what did you do?"
She opened her eyes again. Her next words loud enough so you could hear. "I killed Lex."
"That's not..." You shook your head, as if the meaning of her words had nor registered in your brain. "Kara said he died after he fell with the Lexosuit. You told me the same. The fall killed him."
"I lied." She said. Realization washed upon you like a bucket of cold water and you felt each word after that like a strike to your guts. "He escaped, and I knew where he would go. I was waiting for him with my gun ready and I...I knew when I saw him that if he lived, you would never be safe. So I forced myself to pull the trigger. I shot my own brother and watched him die believing I was doing the right thing. All while his last words were about you. About how you mocked me, and humiliated and betrayed me."
"No, no." You repeated while looking at Lena, searching frantically for anything that could tell you maybe this was Lena trying to blame herself. But her eyes gave away nothing but the truth. "Lena."
"You lied to me!" She took a step back as you tried to reach her.
"Lena, please." You closed the distance between you, grabbing Lena by the shoulders. "Listen to me."
"Why? Why?" Her voice started to lose its strength as she repeated the question. "Why did you have to lie to me?"
Heartbreaking was a small word to describe what was happening at that moment. You had never seen Lena this way, so broken, and you were to blame for this too.
"Everything I said, everything I didn't, I was a fool for thinking I was too doing the right thing. I know we should have told you. I should have told you. If I had known what would happen I-" You felt your throat tighten. In protecting your friend, you had hurt Lena, who had always proved herself worthy, who had always done the impossible for you and who had lost yet another person she loved. All because you had said nothing. "I should have told you."
"Why does everyone I love lie to me?" Lena couldn't contain the tears anymore.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." You repeated as you pulled her towards you. "Please, please, believe me. Please."
Lena let you pull your arms around her, with your body embracing her in a tight hug that almost seemed to hold her together and let herself cry like never before. She would have wanted to scream, to lash out, at you for lying to her, at your friends for keeping it all a secret, at her brother for using the truth to hurt her.
There was so much she didn't know yet but she decided to find all the answers to all the questions she had. She would know the truth and then, she thought, she could think of what to do next. And then, one question pushed through her mind.
Did you love her?
As you keep holding her, so close she imagined you would merge, Lena wanted to believe you did.
Because how could that be a lie?
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mikasuxxx · 3 years
gimme more head canons about Ana & Jackie and their Seed spawn pls
When Jackie found out that she was pregnant with Jake's kid, she was absolutely terrified
She locked herself in the bathroom for a while, and was having a panick attack, trying to process the fact that she is pregnant.
She was not ready to be a mom. She wanted to wait until her and Jacob's relationship was fully stable.
She didn't tell him, because she was worried about how he would react, but was also worried about him as a whole.
Jackie seen what Jacob is capable of, and she'd be lying if she said that the idea of him being a father worries her.
She was going to hold off on telling him for a few weeks until she felt ready. But she started showing strong symptoms, having morning sickness most mornings, nausea, headaches, and hell, Jacob even noticed that her moods switched very often and she started having cravings.
Then it became unavoidable when he questioned her about it, and she ended up coming clean, not being able to look him in the eye for more than a few seconds.
but oh boy was he happy. He was so happy, he hugged her so tight and started laughing, kissing her face all over, something extremely unusual for him. But nonetheless, she was relieved
He loved seeing her walking around carrying his baby. But she hated being pregnant since most of her clothes started getting too small for her, and her cravings got more intense. But she was also experiencing more contractions and back pains that had her bed bound for hours
Overall those 9 months were very rocky and hard on both Jaqueline and Jacob. They had their ups and downs, and had lots of arguments that even ended up with them sleeping in separate beds.
But they made up eventually, like always. And before they even knew it, their baby was born
You know how i said Jackie is small? yeah...Well that wasnt something she considered when she was having a baby with a man thrice her size was
The baby comes out chunky, and somewhere around 8-10 lbs. It was a boy, and he had obnoxiously bright red tufts of hair that resembled his dads. Jacob was definitely proud.
Jacob would hold his baby boy and look down at him with the most happy and proud look you've ever seen– not even his brothers saw him this happy before.
Their son sleeps in a small crib right next to their bed because 1. jacob is overprotective over his spawn 2. so its easier for jackie to take care of him when he starts crying in the middle of the night.
Jacob's nightmares/ night terrors lessen by a lot after his son is born. He actually does get some sleep sometimes. But when he doesn't, it's mostly because of the baby, rather than his PTSD.
He wouldn't let anyone outside his family see his soft side because "it makes him weak", but really he just wants to bond with his family in peace
Whenever Jackie is too busy or sick to take care of the baby, Jacob brings takes care of him for the day. He even brings him to meetings with him
Okay but like can you imagine Jacob doing one of his PowerPoint slides while holding his baby in one arm?? And maybe even has his little carrier thing on the floor next to his chair in case he gets sleepy??
he even lowers his voice while talking so he won't wake him up
Jacob is actually pretty excited to introduce his baby to his siblings.
Joseph is so happy with the baby, he holds him with a smile. He loves how he resembles Jacob so much, and he even thinks that he is a gift from god. Faith absolutely adores the baby, and she even brough him some new plushies and clothes. John also brings stuff for the baby (stuff that he may or may have not stolen from the Ryes) And when he holds the baby he feels happiness and joy, but isn't showing it much. spoiler: this is the moment John gets baby fever
But anyway, Jacqueline and Jacob do live pretty peacefully with their baby for a while. Jacob, for the first time in what seems like years, can finally settle down and be happy
You know how i said john got baby fever from seeing Jacob's baby? He suggests it to Ana, and she agrees
She wanted to wait a bit until everything was settled in term of getting her work sorted out when EG finally takes over Hope County
except she ended up getting pregnant, on accident, a bit earlier than anticipated (The seeds really don't know what a condom is huh)
It was a surprise, not unwelcome, but a surprise to say the least
To say that John was happy was an understatement, he was absolutely joyful, so much so that he couldn't even process the news Ana just told him. He ended up having a very delayed reaction
"John, you oka-"
In short, John couldn't get his hands off her, and kept smooching her and hugging her close for the rest of the day.
Ana and John agreed to keep it a secret from everyone else until they found the right time for it
But John being John couldn't contain his excitment, and he may have ended up telling a few of his men. Which promptly ended with the whole county finding out that the youngest seed and his wife were expecting
His siblings were very happy with the news, though they didn't like that everyone else in the county found out before they did.
Joseph is now fully convinced that god blessing his family for all their suffering.
During the pregnancy, John continues to spoil Ana despite her telling him not to spend too much of their money on her, but rather on the baby and the project. That was ignored though.
lol Ana ended up looking like Mrs Puff in that sponegbob episode where Mr. Krabs spoiled tf out of her
John absolutely goes all out for the baby. He sticks the ultrasound pictures on the fridge, even the earliest ones where the baby still looks very teeny tiny. basically makes a big deal out of it every time
He may or may have not thrown a huge, very decorated gender reveal party for the baby (which may or may have not started a small fire and burned some poor farmers' crops. Thanks John)
Like Jacob and Jackie, they find out that they're having a boy as well.
The baby shower is even more exaggerated. There's lots of cake and decorations, and gifts, and John even films it so they could look back at it in the future with their son.
He contantly zooms in on his family members and points at them, talking about them as if he's talking to his kid
"Thats your uncle Jacob there, He could be a jackass sometimes but he means well" and jacob just gives him a "don't start" look
"This is your aunt Faith, she's nice, but not really though." Faith initially smiles at first but her smile disappears very quickly
"Your uncle Joseph here loves you so much, and he can't wait to see you. We're all excited to see you" And Joseph smiles and waves at the camera
Months pass, and the baby is here!
John demands to be with Ana when she goes into labor so he could assist and comfort her. She holds his hand pretty tight though, almost breaking it
Thankfully, the baby was surprisingly small, and the labor was less painful compared to Jackie's. Still fucking painful though.
John straight up cried when he saw and held his son for the first time. Ana was laughing, but also cried with him. So they were both looking down at the baby and crying tears of joy. Just a wholesome family moment
John is actually a very good dad. He takes care of the kid, holds him when he's fussing, plays with him, and hands him to Ana whenever he thinks he's hungry
One night she woke up to the sound of the baby crying, only to go and find John already in the baby's room, carrying him and rocking him around. Made her heart melt to say the least
John and Jacob's kids definitely play together on the weekends when they're a little bit older. And because of that Jacob and John actually get to see each other more. They definitely brought the whole family together even closer 💕
But yeah, that was too long. I got too invested lol. Thanks for the ask @scungilliwoman
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keith-claes · 3 years
Again my writing skills airnt that great this will possibly be more than one chapter too depending how well it does.
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(Girl from the future)
*Chapter 1*
One week before Katarina started work at Ministry of Magic with Maria, Katarina walks around her family gardens alone wanting alittle time to her self, once she starts her new job she wasnt going to be at home that often and wanted to visit some of her favourite hang outs, before checking her veggie garden she took a trip to her favourite tree she likes to climb, she walks over and spots something or someone passed out up in the tree.
Katarina: "is that a girl? She doesnt seem to be moving, I better check if shes okay"
She runs over to the tree as she climbs up, shes gets a good look of her, she appeared to be breathing still which was a good sign, she takes her hand as she checks her over, she looked awfully familiar to her, she has the same blond hair as her brother, so she wondered if perhaps this is a relative of Keith's possible cousin maybe that's why shes at the Claes mansion.
Katarina: "hey are you okay, you shouldn't sleep here, you might fall"
The girl slowly opens her blue eyes same shade of blue as Katarina's, luckily she was sat up in the tree, she places he hand behind her head as she winces out in pain"
Katarina: "hey are you okay"
???: "my head hurts... where am I, last I remember I was kidnapped and dark magic was casted on me by one of my uncles"
Katarina: "dark magic?, where are you from?, maybe I can help what's your name?"
Alice: " my name its Alice Claes, but um its werid now I look at you cause you look alot like my mom"
Katarina: "Claes? I never meet you before, oh you must be one of my cousins.... wait I look like your mom?"
Alice: "yeah my mom is Katarina Claes"
Katarina: "oh my name is katarina claes too, that's pretty cool"
Alice: "that can't be right... if your Katarina and you look like my mom..... what year is this?"
Katarina: "2021?"
Alice: "Wait what! But how, it can't be unless..... I was sent back to the past.... which means...."
Her body starts to tremble with fear, katarina holds onto her stopping her from falling.
Katarina: "time travel! Wait I think I studied about that in class, theres black magic that can send someone to the past or future, if that's the case then...."
Alice: "I have to go back home, I can't say anymore with out changeing the future I've said enough"
Katarina: "from what you said does that mean your my future daughter!"
Katarina wasnt expecting this, she was in shock, but remained strong for Alice who was scared, thoughts ran threw her head, if this really is her future daughter then who is her father and who sent her to the past like this, was this part of her future doom flags. Was someone going to target her threw her future child.
Alice remained silent not wanting to talk anymore about where she came from, one wrong word or move she makes could change the future.
A voice calls out to Katarina taking her away from her thoughts it had also pulled Alice away from her thoughts too. They both looked down the tree and see Keith calling.
Keith: "hey sister we've all been looking for you, Anne has tea and sweets prepared"
Alice: "I know him to he looks alot like someone I know...."
Katarina places her hand on her shoulder.
Katarina: "why don't you join us, are you able to climb down?"
Alice: "I don't have much of a choice do I?"
Katarina: "nope, your eatting sweets with me and Keith, I guess that would be your uncle Keith right"
She teases her as she Pat's her shoulder.
Alice: "I can't say anymore, I've gave too much away already telling you your my mom"
Katarina: "wait so he might not be your uncle?, hmmmm well I will stop asking, let's go down shall we?"
Alice nods and gives her a sweet smile, she follows Katarina down the tree, Keith watches both girls coming down but was curious who this other girl is.
Katarina: "wow you really can climb trees"
Alice: "yeah my mom taught me, through my father doesn't like me doing it he thinks it's to dangerous so I get into trouble alot.... hes pretty stricken and to over protective of me"
Katarina: "sounds alot like someone I know, my mom scolds me too for climbing trees"
She giggles as Keith runs over to her.
Keith: "sister dont tell me you've seduced another one!"
Katarina: "oh no it's nothing like that Keith! Shes lost right Alice"
Alice: "yeah...."
Katarina: "hey you know, now that I look at you both you guys could be twins"
She couldn't help but laugh at there reactions as Keith and Alice look at each as there faces flush red.
Keith: "sister what are you talking about, I dont have a twin, we look nothing alike either"
Katarina: "oh that's right Keith, this is Alice Claes, shes been sent from the future and she needs help to get back home, isn't she so adorable!"
Keith: "wait what.....future! Is that really possible, I didn't think time travel was possible"
Katarina: "yeah, someone casted dark magic on her and she ended up here, oh shes also my future daughter, how cool is that Keith!"
Keith: "wait did you say daughter? Shes your future daughter?"
Alice remains silent not wanting to interrupt them. As Keith looks at her.
Keith: "if that's true then how do we send her back to her own timeline, and who's her father?"
Katarina: "who knows she won't tell me, something about changing the future?"
Alice: "if I say anything about the future it may change things..... as for who my father is, I thought maybe you might of worked that out by now based on who I resemble most"
Katarina: "hold on not twins you guys ain't twins, woah hold up, for real! I know who it is, it has to be you keith! She has my eyes, and she's clearly resembles you in looks and same hair colour too!"
Keith's faces flush red as she points at him.
Keith: "wait what!"
Alice nods as they both look at her.
Alice: "yeah he's my father, I cant say anything else about the future, enough has come out as it is, I may of damaged the future enough as it is coming face to face with you both...... I just want to go home to my mom and dad"
She clings to Keith as she cries into his chest, Keith really didnt know what to do at this point, he was shocked, but yet happy too, hearing he will one day win Katarina's heart.
Keith: "dddddd daughter, I have a daughter with........"
Katarina: "I'm shocked, Keith! I know you confessed lately but this, I never expected"
Keith: "I think we should talk about this later sister, shes really clinging onto me in tears, we should do something"
Katarina: "I know what to do!"
She goes over placing her hands on her shoulder .
Katarina: "hey, it's going to be okay, let's eat some sweets then we can go and see a friend of mine, he knows alot about dark magic, maybe he will, know how to send you home"
Alice: "uncle Raphael and uncle Sora?"
Katarina: "yeah, through maybe you shouldn't call them uncle when we see them"
Alice: "yeah your right, I don't want to mess anything up, dad will be super annoyed with me if I mess the future up, I call all my mom's friends aunt and uncle, it's a habit I have, I will try and not say it if I see them"
She let's go of Keith as she wipes her tears.
Keith: "makes sense I'd be annoyed if you messed up the future, what's been said today stays between us three for now, lord and madam can't know about this either, for now we tell them your a guest staying for a few days till we can find away to get you home"
Katarina: "oh man, wish I could tell everyone I have a really cute furure daughter"
Keith: "no sister, bad idea if Geordo and the others find out, don't you think they'd end up hurt? That could most definitely change the future, they can not know about her"
Alice: "he's right, they can't know, if they ask just tell them I'm a distant cousin, its okay to tell sora and Raphael, the rest is to stay between us, through I'm finding it real hard to call you both by your names, I mean your both going to be my parents one day"
Katarina: "hm then why dont you just call us what ever makes you feel comfortable, but only when where alone? I don't mind if you call me mom"
Keith: "Sister!"
His face turns red with embrassment from hearing her say that,this was all a shock to him still, he never expected to run into his future daughter and here's Katarina acting all normal with this situation.
Alice: "sure if you don't mind me calling you mom"
Alice smiles at her, causing Katarina's heart to flutter she has that same cute innocent smile as Keith did as a child.
Katarina: "your so cute! Hey how old are you"
Alice: "I just turned 15, so um i dont want to sound rude but, I'm getting pretty hungry"
Katarina: "yeah me too, hey Keith or should I say dad"
She nudges him in his side with her elbow as she teases him.
Keith: "hey! Sister don't call me that, its embrassing!"
Katarina and Alice both giggle at his reaction.
Alice: "he hasn't changed a bit, he even calls you big sis still"
Katarina: "what for real?"
Alice: "yeah, I asked him about it once and he said it's a bad habbit of his"
Keith: "you really are from the future huh? Which means you weren't making it all up, your really my daughter?"
Alice: "sure am, I have two younger twin brothers and another sibling on the way, you will have your hands full future dad"
She playfully winks at him as she links onto Katarina's arm. Keith's face couldn't go any redder than what it was already.
Keith: "that many, lots of kids? With sister!"
His heart was racing in his chest to the point he felt like he was gonna pass out. What struck him the hardest was being called dad, it felt kinda nice to him but also made him feel weird.
Katarina: "hey hurry up Keith, or we will eat all the sweets with out you"
Alice: "yeah hurry up dad!!!"
Keith: "ah! I'm coming sister..."
He mumbles alittle something to him self not wanting them to hear.
Keith: "does she have to call me that, I'm not prepared to be called such things...."
To be continued.
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urmomification · 4 years
this is a very long post please im so sorry my brain it just
(tw for like slight possession n shit)
(sorry its all jumbled i write all of these in discord to my friend and copy paste them here please if u have questions ask me im always willing to talk abt this shit please it haunts me)
(context: i saw a tiktok abt the hc that both dream and techno are gods of some sort bc theyre mentioned in the tales of the smp by karl a time traveller and my brain just ran w it)
going back to the techno and dream are gods thing right so dream is a vessel for the god dream xd (??? work in progress youll know what im talking about at some point its really funny tho uve def seen clips of it) and he was possessed?? by the god after the server started (when he started going from super friendly with everyone to control/power hungry) when he started sacrificing everything for power so no one could have power over him? that was the god making him do it bc the god was terrified of not being in control since theyd lost it all to techno in their past. thats why we never see dream and techno fight and why we see dream extend help and support to him at times as well as respecting his boundaries and such bc theyre scared of techno (again w the best of 10 duel reference, techno killed the god in a past life which is why the god has been forced to use a human vessel to get anything done on the mortal plane) but when something that powerful spends pretty much any amount of time in something mortal and mundane like a person, the host body starts to change (hence the mask) i like to think that the god would be akin to that of a biblically correct angel?? like the ones w multiple eyes n shit yk so after time things start to happen to normal dreams body he gets extra sets of eyes and he gets taller and overall his body seems just Too Small for whatevers inside of him and thats why he (hc) started wearing the mask in the first place he knew something was wrong w him but he didnt want anyone to know even tho they would most likely help him he was ashamed that he was different in the first place so he started wearing the mask once the other eyes showed up. and i think that the god would talk to dream similarly to how technos voices work yk? except its just the one voice instead of many many small ones. and again with the mask thing when he lost to tommy and they took him in, part of his mask broke to the point where u could see just a bit of the right side of his face but enough to see that it Wasnt Right there were two eyes where there shouldve been one and spots on his cheeks bright enough to resemble stars and where the color of his pupil should have been is just a sickeningly neon green with nothing else behind it. so they let him keep the mask even tho they already know something is wrong but it clearly makes him Very Distressed when asked to remove the mask or told to give it up. blah blah blah god harassing its host bc it got them caught and thrown in a prison and dream goes ever so slightly insane having to share a mind and body with a literal ancient god w a vendetta against everything hes built whos forced him to sacrifice everything he loved and cared for out of fear yk the usual prison shit and then techno comes a long and breaks him out or whatever but on their way back to his house he drops a really cryptic line abt how 'its nice to see an old friend again' and 'i thought i got rid of u for good last time' and dream is just ???? what are u talking about?? weve never been friends and youve never gotten rid of me? what. until techno spins around and just 'im not talking to you im talking to the thing inside u' or whatever and dreams eyes flash some brilliant gold or sumn and boom this is ur fellow god speaking how may i help you and dream xd (that feels so wrong to say but) and techno bond or well ig just talk abt how the past centuries have gone and ig while xd is fronting (??? i think itd kinda be like DID in a sense w multiple people being able to front yk?) dream is in a sort of semi conscious state but still hears everything going on around his own body until hes thrown back into the drivers seat (i think that xd would only be able to front for short periods of time due to the vessel n shit that makes sense right) and hes so confused someone please help him hes just a dude who happened to get possessed by a god someone help him so when they finally get back to technos house he sits dream down and explains the best he can without literally melting dreams brain. which would also play into the 'technoblade never dies' bc hes. literally a god. mortals cant kill him unless they have idk some sort of super weapon idk and blah blah blah xd gets what they want and finally has the ability to leave finally leaving dream literally the shell of a man with no home friends materials or anything with techno to basically take care of him until he reaches some semblance of stability again (which would take ages, realistically (wdym realistically) going from normal, to a god sharing a body with you and speaking in you brain living as a single being together and hearing their thoughts, to back to normal but with all the memories of what you did and what they made you do and also no more god speaking in ur head it would take a hot sec to recover from) so he lives with techno (whos, not to mention, another god) for a while until he can fend for himself again and after a good year or so passes and no one hears from dream they start to look for him and see what happened bc he went from the biggest threat on the server to just. gone. no one knows where he went after whatever he did and they want closure. is he dead?? who knows. so george and sap set out looking for him and decide to ask techno for help since hes good w directions n shit also he was the last person to see dream alive so he might have an idea of where he is and they walk up to his house and knock on his door and techno opens it and just stares at them he knows who they are, dreams talked about them before but hes never met them really so he talks to them, getting through the polite hellos how are yous before sap finally asks 'do you know what happened to dream? no one knows where he went and we just want closure' techno huffs and tells them to wait there he (this is the basement door im using his arctic tundra house in my head) goes down the ladder to the second basement, they can hear him talking to multiple people (ranboo phil dream) but cant tell who everyone is before coming back up the ladder, back to the door. he tells them to wait outside he needs to get something first (its dream hes getting dream) theyre standing out by carls stable when the door creaks open and dream steps out looking around for who the fuck could possibly be looking for them he betrayed everyone and most people thought he was dead who could possibly be here asking for himself and not ranboo or philza and when he steps out, his green hoodie (memento made by ranboo to help him cope w the loss of the voice in his head) catching the morning light off the snow and he was happy and then he saw them standing by the house hed grown to call home at least for now he breaks. he missed them so so much it hurt. he never expected to see them ever again much less them come looking to see him but hes scared he realizes he doesnt know what to say there is nothing to say he fucked them all over he ruined everything and then hes being hugged. they missed him too. they dont forgive him jsut yet but they missed him and thats enough for him right now. the three of them stand there just being in each others presences and techno creaks the door open to make sure they arent trying to kill each other and sighs and leans against the frame smiling. hes happy again and thats the best he can do for him. he invites them all in and offers to explain everything to them to try and ease the blame off of dream bc in all honesty it was his fault but xd made it far far worse that it should have been (a bit late but foot note abt xd i think that they would be an idle god until someone w intense feelings of powerlessness and insecurity like awoke them from their techno induced slumber and inhabited dream to help him fulfill his desires for power and control) and by the time he and dream are finished its late at night and sap and george are ??? so u were possessed by a god who techno killed centuries ago in a duel and it amplified ur feelings of insecurity and ur thirst for control to the point of isolating urself from us and destroying everything everyone cared abt?? also technos an ancient god who lusts for bloodshed but also makes turtle farms in his free time?? are we getting this right????? and techno and dream are just yea thats abt it glad this all made sense then they all go to bed (its a small house dream has a lil shack like ranboos and sap and george somehow slept over there for the night) and in the morning sap and george leave again but promise to come back, they still arent ready to forgive and forget bc even tho it wasnt all his fault his emotions getting away from him is what caused this all in the first place so they do need time to process now that they know he isnt dead and dream continues to live near techno in almost full independence and eventually moves back with his friends even tho many still hate him. hes happy and for now thats enough. another foot note; even after xd leaves his being, he still has the extra eyes, glowy freckles n is xtra tall n shit that cant just be reversed but now that hes himself again these things take their tolls on human bodies so i think hed have something at least similar to arthritis bc of how his bones were literally manipulated bc of how strong ethereal magic or whatever is. so he would still wear the broken mask but he takes it off now and is ok with it being off hes working on getting better now that hes himself again and everyone living w/by techno is helping him with that. also i think that he would get blinks of xd's memories like from when techno was killing them and have sumn like ptsd panic attacks from it and techno feels super guilty abt it but theres literally nothing he can do except apologize and after the first few times dream stopped him from apologizing bc it is his fault but he didnt do it to him so it doesnt matter to dream at least and they live in pretty much harmony until dream finally moves back in w george and sap the end. he also started wearing the mask in the first place bc of the extra eyes but he played it off as being uncomfortable around new people and not wanting them to know what he looked like until he trusted them (bc that literally makes sense irl how funky is that) so sap and george never pushed him and when they caught him without it on on the rare occasion they wouldnt pressure him to leave it off or anything even tho they already knew what he looked like (when they respect ur boundaries </3) they just assumed that it was insecurity (it was but also mans had like 3 eyes so) and just left him alone
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mount-beast · 3 years
{Starter for Flowerbcds:}
      Dazzling, shimming rays basked down from the sun while entering the earth’s crust, in doing so, cascading such a crisp warmth to those below it. Light and bright hues filled the area around them making everything appear so much more vibrant; so much more lively. A cooling, yet rather soothing breeze every so often announced its arrival with a gentle whiiisssh. These gusts picked up fallen leaves and loose dandelion seeds that once clung onto the flower. It almost shared a resemblance of fairies dancing amongst the air, swaying to their own little melody that nature itself had to offer. At least, this was always how Clint’d pictured it. There was many things Clint would bask over that the common joe may simply overlook or not take time to admire. Maybe it was due to him always being surrounded by nature and nature only that made him appreciate the little things in life. Ironic, being how he was also quite literally a giant-- you’d expect him to be less observant or not notice the itsy bitsy things in life. But this just wasn��t the cas! If anything, in a odd way, it made him be even that much more attention giving to the landscape. He was constantly on the look out, being aware and very much so mindful of just how careful he had to be as to not accidentally--well, step on something or someone. Goodness just that thought or worry alone was enough to make himself sick but, luckily because of his keen eye and over caution mind it’d never happened. 
      Luckily for him, he had a good supply of glamour left to use. What is glamour you might ask? Why, it was a special elixir he was able to acquire from a long term witch he’d met many years back. The thing is, or the catch of it was it wasn’t a free thing. He always had to find ways to be able to afford the glamours and seeing how he didnt have a stable or steady income, there would be weeks or even month of him not being able retrieve any and end up stuck in his normal gigantic form. He still found ways to offer payments, that being fixing anything she’d need repairs on, going out to find specific ingredients for particular spells, so on and so forth. But these deeds weren’t always needed from him, so he had to find another way to get a actual steady and mighty stock of potions. What he needed was money...And he had just the idea on how he could acquire it too. 
      Strolling down the dirt path was a wieldy large man; one who almost looked to be built as strong and mighty an ox! At first glance, it was tremendously easy to write him off as someone you wouldn't want to interact with, not in a million years. His sheer size, even with the elixir, was enough to make folks quiver-- which honestly happened far more times than he could count. But with closer expectation, it wasn’t hard to see the golden heart he’d wear ever so comfortably on his sleeve. 
      In his hand he held a sheet of loosely paper, one he’d found pinned to the side of a building while back in the city near the time of him visiting a local farmer’s market last week. Why did it took him a full week to act upon the paper’s inquiry? It wasnt hard to see-- even though it was asking for help on a farm which he knew for a fact he was more than capable of handling, he still needed time to think on it beforehand. A lot of doubt washed over and into his mind--what if he ran out of elixirs and missed work? What if it wore off while he was working and he ended up causing more damage than repairs? Or what if his soon to be boss found out what he was? That he wasn't just some ordinary human but an actual full fledge giant. Would they want him gone? Would they too, similar to all the others he’d met in the past, get petrified and flee? Demand him to-- begone? Who knew...but he had to do this. Nonetheless, he just had to put his foot through the door and give it a try. It was better than automatically declaring a defeat. 
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      Getting to the door, Clint gave the area one last look, taking in what the farm had to offer for him before he mustered up the courage he needed to give the person on the inside a few knocks. The knocks weren't threatening ones, but they also were not gentle sounding ones either. They were a set of three very firm and strong knocks. Right after, he took a few steps back-- that way whoever answered the door would be able to get a better view of him, and him a better view of them. This was technically needed seeing how he was a good head or so higher than the doorframe itself, standing at a near over eight feet. To others yes, this was still very much so an oddly abnormal and endearing height, but being how he was normally over the twenty meter mark tall, to him-- it was a lot normal and better. Still, he knew how badly he continued to stick out, but there was only so much he was able to do with it. It was better to deal with what he could get and do, than dwell over the things he couldn’t. 
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kweebtrash · 5 years
Blind Leading the Blind
Summary: basically a cute/nerdy/awkward moment between two people who cant fucking see without their glasses and are nervous about hooking up for the first time
Words: 2.3k (drabble)
Features: really awkward hookups, nerdy!wonwoo, nerdy/shy reader, both wonwoo and reader being clumsy as all hell, heavy making out/grinding/caressing, fingering/stroking, some nipple sucking
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Wonwoo fumbled with the door to his bedroom, struggling to grab onto the knob. It was rather difficult with his lips on mine and him pushing me against the wood but we had been so wrapped up in each other we almost didnt notice. My arms were around his neck, pulling him as tight as possible to my heated body. He was making me never want to come up from air but he did just that and made me chase after his lips. "H-hold on! S-sorry, just hold on a second. My hand is kinda sweaty and i cant-" He jerked the doorknob and twisted it, opening the door. "I couldnt get it open. But um...here we are." He chuckled awkwardly and held out his hand for me to view his simple university dormroom. It was a shared space that resembled a small apartment more than anything. His actual bedroom however still had a bunk bed which seemed annoyingly small for his tall frame. Not the most attractive place to have sex in but it would have to do.
I stepped into his room and adjusted my glasses shyly. I never expected us to get so far as to wanting to come back to his place. We had seen a movie at the local theater, had terrible university food, then walked around campus. He was a perfect gentleman. A perfectly gorgeous hot gentleman. Someone who was respectful and kind and turned me on just by being his dorky self. A sweet kiss goodnight lingered for far longer than intended and when the need grew too much to bare we decided to end the date on a more sensual note. He came into the room after me and we stood around for a moment, chuckling nervously and not knowing how to exactly pick back up where we left off.
He shrugged off his jacket and asked me if i wanted something to drink which i denied. An uneasy silence filled the room and i chewed my lip in ponderance. "Um so..." I began softly. "Do you want to...keep going, maybe?" I hoped he said yes. I had felt his strong and muscled arms beneath the thin shirt he wore during our first embrace and i was determined to have them trap me against his body once more.
"Oh! Yes. Yeah. Yes. Um...yes keep going. Thats cool. Youre cool. God sorry, i keep talking because i'm-" I cut him off with another kiss, reaching up to cup his face in my hands. His slightly full lips were soft and tender. It felt as if they were made to be on mine, a perfect fit like the final piece of a puzzle. His hands didnt seem to know where to rest at. They roamed from my shoulders to the center of my back then lower to my ass before he changed his mind and went back up to my shoulders.
"You can uh...touch my ass if you want. Like grab it...or w-whatever." I blushed.
"Oh? I didn't want to make you uncomfortable."
"Youre not." I shook my head. "In fact youre making me want you more. Youre cute when youre flustered."
"youre cute in general." He responded quickly, his own face turning rose as well. I gave him a small peck as a thank you for the compliment and took his hand.
"do you think we might be more comfortable on the bed?" He nodded and let me lead, ducking his head to avoid the upper bunk as he joined me on the mattress. We sat on the edge, again wondering where our hands and lips should go. A few more tentative touches and he settled on my hips while his tongue nudged its way past my teeth. With a bit more confidence he added some control to the kiss, making sure that he could trap my tongue in a few sucks and lure soft whimpers out of me. Every time i made a small sound his grip on me grew tighter and he was slowly moving me down to meet the mattress.
He tried to shift on top of me smoothly but the frames of our glasses jutted together and made the lens smack against my eye. We drew back from one another, eyes squinting and trying to rub the slight pain away. "S-sorry about that. I meant to go down a little be easier."
"im sure you'll go down fine." I said, not realizing the double entendre right away as i blinked clarity back into my eye. "I mean um...just lay on top of me! Well i mean, you know what i mean!"
"yeah, yeah! Totally. Do you think we should take off our glasses? Maybe that would be better." Wonwoo offered.
"We wouldnt be able to see each other at all. Wed both be one big blur." I laughed knowing that our eyesights were utterly terrible.
"Feeling around might be more fun though." His deep voice had lowered into a whisper and he nipped at his bottom lip. I was starting to like the way he was thinking. We removed our glasses and set them on the desk that was just a few inches away from his bunk. The blurriness helped a bit. Though i loved his good looks, it did shave off some nervousness between us.
He set himself between my legs and watched my reaction as the tips of his fingers disappeared under the loose skirt of my dress. His thumb stroked the smooth skin of my inner thigh making my hips buck ever so slightly when he would get close to my panties. I panted softly against his lips as my fingers trembled through opening the buttons on his shirt. Once they were free i shoved the shirt away. He struggled to get his arms out the sleeves and hit his knuckles on the bunk above as he had been flailing out of them. He huffed once he was free, rubbing his knuckles momentarily, and tossed the shirt on the floor. As he returned to kiss along my jawline i wrapped my arms beneath his, holding onto his biceps tight. The way his muscles flexed under my fingers had my stomach clenching in earnest. I wanted him badly and though i had never slept with anyone on the first date i knew i wanted him to have the first experience, especially because i got the sense he wasnt a jerk who wouldnt call me back.
Being bolder i slid one hand into the minimal space between our hips and groped the center of his pants; not too harsh but just enough to get his attention right away. "Wonwoo..." I mewled. "Can we...?"
His whole face flushed crimson, traveling all the way to the tips of his ears. He stared at my hand then at my face then back at my hand again. I grew nervous that I had made him uncomfortable and went to move away from him but he gripped my wrist lightly and kept me right where I was. I smirked and worked my palm over him, watching the way his eyes fell closed and lips parted slightly. The baritone sound was perfect and I longed to make him repeat it as much as possible. He moved his hips into me even going so far as to pluck open the button of his jeans and pulling the zipper down. My heart did somersaults at the prospect of seeing him fully. I swallowed hard, starting to chicken out, and diverted my eyes. It was far from my first time but I was still a rather shy person and when he made to pull my panties down I snapped my legs shut. “Do you want to s-shut off the lights?”
“Huh? Why? I want to see you. You’re beautiful...” He replied softly.
I covered my face at the compliment. “I-I mean...i-it’s like you said, it’s more fun to feel, right? Besides not like we can see much now.”
“Well, if that’s what you want...” He agreed with a slight pout. He left the bed to shut off the light and I made quick work of removing my dress. I laid back on the bed once the room was in darkness, waiting for Wonwoo’s return. I heard shuffling and small grunts of frustration as well as the sound of fabric waving around.
“Wonwoo, what are you doing?”
“Taking off my-!” Another small grunt. “My pants! I got them off now. It’s ok.” He breathed a sigh of relief which was right before I heard a loud thud and Wonwoo cursing.
I sat up quickly and tried reaching out to him. “What happened?!”
“I hit my head on the stupid bed! God that hurt!”
“Oh god, Wonwoo, come here.” I cooed at him. “And please duck your head.” I felt the bed dip as he moved onto it, unharmed this time. I pulled him close and kissed his forehead, trying to soothe the damage as i giggled. "Poor baby."
He huffed. "Sorry im an idiot."
"A cute idiot." I compromised. "A very cute idiot." I kissed along his strong jawline and cupped his neck gently while leaning into him. I decided it was my turn to be on top and stunned him once i straddled his hips. I moved his hands to settle on my hips as i pressed our chests together and decorated his neck with small bites. The cover of the darkness increased the spark between us and we filled each others mouths with moans and whimpers.
Much to my surprise, his hold on me allowed him to guide me into rough grinds against him. He was beginning to stir beneath me, filling out his underwear more and more until i felt every inch of him between my thighs. His fingernails etched half moons into my hips as he begged for me to pull my panties off. I hummed in agreement and kissed my way down his neck to his chest and toned stomach before scooting away to pull off the impeding garment. He turned on his side to face me, instantly placing his long fingers between my slowly forming wetness, drawing them through my lower lips and making shudders run through me.
My hand returned to his hardness, gripping the outline of his shaft and stroking him in conjunction with my own pleasure. i spread my legs wider, giving him more room to slip a single finger inside my willing hole. I mewled his name, trying not to be too loud in case any of his roommates had come home. It was getting hard though with the way he was curling his finger and pulling down the cup of my bra to suckle at my breast. With my free hand i dug my fingers into his thick hair, fisting the locks tightly as i arched my chest into his mouth.
I rubbed my thumb over the tip of his cock, drifting over the small slit that had begun to leak. He tensed then, muscles within his thighs trembling ever so slightly. "P-please..."
"Hmm?" I kissed his cheek and nudged my forehead against his.
"C-could you...? Would you...? I mean you dont have to-i dont want to make you uncomfortable-but maybe, if you want, um..."
"Do you want me to suck you off?"
Wonwoo chuckled nervously. "A-ah...y-yeah. Thats what i meant to say."
"Will you keep touching me while i do it? Your fingers feel...really good." I buried his face in his chest even though he couldnt see my embarrassment in the dark. We were both fumbling idiots that could barely get through anything sexual without something triggering our nervousness. It was almost comical. I was glad we could at least say what we wanted from each other even if it was through stutters and mumbles.
“Yeah, of course. I want you to feel good too.” He assured me.
I switched my position to lower my head towards his cock while my ass wiggled closer to his chest. His finger resumed its position inside me, being joined by another to stretch the small space open. As he pleasured the soft walls within me, i guided him into my mouth, wrapping my lips around the thickness of his head. He kicked off his underwear and spread his legs more, giving me room to stroke what couldnt fit in my mouth. The feel of his girth against my tongue had me struggling to hollow out my cheeks but i bounced my head away, wanting him to feel the utmost pleasure. With us being wrapped up in the intensity of our sensuality we barely noticed the door opening or the light flickering on until we heard an "Oh fuck!!"
Wonwoo and i both shot up, squinting hard to see a tall figure now a few feet in front of us. I screamed and tried to cover myself and Wonwoo as quickly as possible. “Mingyu!?” He shouted. “You couldn’t have knocked?!”
“I didn’t know you were getting laid! Besides it’s my room too!...Wait.” Wonwoo’s roommate seemed to have a revelation. “Dude, you’re getting laid! Finally!” We watched as he ran out the room screaming, “Yo Vernon! Wonwoo’s finally getting laid!”
Wonwoo groaned and flopped back onto the mattress, covering his face with a pillow as he groaned deeply. Though we may not have been able to see without our glasses, it didn’t take 20/20 vision to see that we couldn’t have a night to ourselves without something going wrong.
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hazelenergy · 4 years
So you've probably heard the bats telling you that there will be someone new at the chantry and I'm the one doing the biting. Max gave me some advice but I gotta make sure it's exactly right. Anything I really should, or more importantly, really shouldn't do? -Sascha
A few bats maybe...more dreams recently actually.
Sascha, I have a long list of very oddly specific things my adoptive sire did to me that took multiple kindred all informing me my experience wasnt normal and wrong. So. I'm certain you aren't likely to attempt any of these, because you're not a manipulative bitch but just so everything's clear:
1. Your childe is not a lab rat. You don't get to experiment on them. You don't get to have "exclusive data." They're a fucking person.
Don't put them in Elysium social situations deliberately to embarrass them.
Don't put them in Elysium situations with kindred that want nothing more than for them to slip up...just to boost your ego and "save" them.
Don't poke and prod into their personal lives just to see how they respond to stress.
Don't try to force them to hunt when they don't have the hardware
Don't force them to hunt when it violates their feeding restrictions
2. Don't blood bond them without informed consent. Tommy would've said no if he knew what she was doing.
Okay. Now that we got the "what the actual fuck" portion out of the way, here's some obvious things i think are unique to being a Tremere baby:
1. It may be tempting to adorn them with bloodstones to keep tabs on where they are. Ask first and make sure they understand it's to keep track of them. If they don't want to be followed, they need to have a system to contact you if they need help. Obvs we have phones and stuff now.
2. Transparency. There are certain things I think I learned too early and plenty of things I think I learned too late. I understand there is a lot of chantry history that is just as lengthy as a Ventrue's bloodline. Don't sugar coat the sins of the Tremere. It sucks, but no clan is absent of violence. Provide opportunities to gain information from multiple experiences- not just the chantry texts. Additionally, stress the importance of why we keep certain magical secrets. I plagued my adoptive sire with that question constantly and always got shitty answers. That way you don't have a menace like me shouting from the rooftops how Dagon's Call works as an act of petty revenge.
They're going to have emotional strife. The first time they wrestle with the beast isn't going to be pretty. Be ready to help them. Be ready to explain the curse we experience. Be ready to be bombarded with questions- some of which you won't have a good answer for. I've stumped elders on some of my noddist bs. It will happen. But don't brush the answer off. Answering with I don't know isn't great but it's better than calling them stupid for asking.
3. Space. This was something my adoptive got right later on... I guess she got her data. Or she was just more covert. Regardless, let them have safe spaces to retreat to. The chantry needs to be that for them. They need to know that shit won't follow them there. For me, that was my apartment. My adoptive sire helped with rent on a few occasions. She also did give me a room in the chantry, just like I assume you will for your childe. Let them decorate it and please for the love of god invest in soundproofing
4. Present Allies. This is something my adoptive sire also got right. And yeah, it helped us take her down. But she was willing to introduce us to potential allies, but we had to put in the work to forge the relationship. Thankfully, this meant our relationships were a bit more genuine. As a result, we had other kindred to turn to. Although I didn't experience this, your childe would be of the 9th gen right? There are probably a good number of kindred that will be their equal in terms of raw power. Which will be less stress inducing than it was for me.
5. Expect the Unexpected. I think this one will be easier for you, you combat wombat. But kindred sired after 2010 tend to have some very unique outlooks and cleverness that has only been cultivated through growing up in a digital age.
6. Be ready for a strong relationship. Boundaries need to be set. Obvs, you and Max and the rest of the chantry already care for each other deeply. But I can't guess how this childe will react to you. For me, I jokingly started calling Mary mom. And slowly, she started taking on a motherly role. In hindsight that was pure manipulation- but are you prepared to have a relationship that resembles a parent to a kid? Is that something that makes you uncomfortable? If so, tackle that now or figure out what kind of relationship you want to have.
Yeah I think that's it. I shortened a lot of it, but yeah. My sire was a bitch. You can be a bitch but like, don't be that bitch. I'm sure you'll be fine and I'm excited to meet your newest member of the chantry.
I do have one last question tho.
What should be written on their crop top?
I was thinking baby magic slut.
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themaskedwriter · 6 years
Leave Me Weak
If you want to find me just look to the sky. I mainly write for Bucky but I’ve struck gold in other characters. 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (AU)
Word Count: 5045
Warnings: fluff, descriptions of blood donation (needles/blood)
Summary: Donating blood was the last thing you wanted to do but you find that something else leaves you weak.
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You knew this was a mistake.
Pushing your way onto the street in the pitch black night you pass through a small crowd outside the nightclub, with clouds of smoke drying out your already tired eyes.
Even though you lived in “the city that never sleeps” it wasn’t a rule you followed. You were accustomed to a very strict sleeping schedule for work that would normally have you waking up at this time but Nakia’s bachelorette party was not something you could miss, even if you knew you’d be paying for it later.
Sometimes you missed weekends like this, where you could stay out until the sun rose in the sky, sobering up with greasy fries smothered in cheese and steaming cups of freshly brewed coffee.
Mmmm coffee. You need to have some as soon as possible, especially if you’re expected to be up for the next few hours preparing the baked goods for the crowds that filtered into the Excelsior Bakery.
You had been working there for a while before the owner Mr. Lee had asked if you were interested in taking over the business. Your passion for baking was evident and he was happy to sell to someone he trusted.
The transition from worker to owner was scary but you were lucky to have Stan stay on to help. To ensure your success he continued to come in weekly and hand paint his famous sugar cookies.
They were Excelsior’s signature hit, square shaped cookies covered in royal icing with Stan’s original characters intricately portrayed on them. You marveled at the detail he put into each cookie and loved hearing about the characters; each a superhero he made up for his children’s bedtime stories.
You rubbed the chill of the night from your bare arms as an Uber took you to work. Unlocking the side door you flipped the light on in the large kitchen. It was quiet for now though soon the additional baking staff would join you.
Entering your office you quickly swapped your champagne sequined tank top for a comfortable cotton Excelsior Bakery t-shirt and let your aching feet rest in a pair of casual slip-ons as you put your heels aside. Your dark jeans were normal enough to wear to work though after a long night of drinking and dancing you wished you had a pair of leggings instead.
As you were preparing the coffee you heard the side door open as the loud voices carried throughout the back of the bakery. In walked Scott, Clint and Vis, who were way too upbeat for this hour as they greeted you, hanging their coats on the wall.
“Mornin’ guys,” you replied, looking over your shoulder as you anxiously waited for the pot to finish brewing.
When the coffee was finished you couldn’t help but take the first large cup for yourself; your slightly buzzed and very exhausted body needed the caffeine immediately.
Leaning against the table you lifted the mug to your mouth and instantly the three men were stricken with laughter. After swallowing the delicious brew you quirked your head at the group, wondering what caused the sudden giggle outburst.
As you brought the cup down from your lips your fingers brushed against the culprit making your eyes widen in horror. Christine, a colleague of Nakia’s, had insisted everyone wear tacky penis necklaces, one you just realized you had forgotten to take off.
Vis’ grin peaked through the hands that covered his eyes, while Scott was keeled over laughing hysterically.
Clint wiped a tear from the corner of his eye as he proclaimed, “I’ll never let you live this one down, boss.”
Slamming the mug on the counter you quickly took the necklace off and shoved it in your pocket, opting to throw it out at home because you were wary of what these pranksters would do with it here.
Once they calmed down and Scott no longer resembled a tomato you all began preparing the fresh goods for the day. Soon all different types of breads and rolls were rising the oven, as you finished making crumb cake, turnovers and other pastries, yawning as you set them to bake.
Your baking was done but unfortunately you couldn’t rest yet, inventory still needed to be done along with some bookkeeping. A third cup of coffee sounded tempting but you needed to eat and while you loved all the delicious sweets you made you knew you wanted something more substantial.
The air was still chilly in the early morning so you asked to borrow Scott’s hoodie as you walked to the corner of the next block. You frequented this deli out of convenience, even though your rolls were a million times better. By the time you got back to Excelsior you had to set the sandwich aside to deal with a delivery.
The hazard lights were blinking on the large box truck as you held the door open for M’Baku, the even larger delivery driver, who kindly carried in your order of flour.
“Hey man,” Clint affectionately greeted him as he slipped outside with Scott following behind as their work was finished.
“Scott, wait!” He turned around just as he got to the sidewalk. “Your hoodie,” you shouted, gesturing to yourself still wearing it.
“Leave it in the lounge, I’ll pick it up tomorrow,” he yelled, sending back a smile.
Back inside Vis worked on baking cakes as you settled in your office. Scott’s hoodie hung over the back of the chair you sunk into as you unwrapped your sandwich. A knock at your door alerted your attention to Darcy, a long time employee you recently promoted to assistant manager. She informed you the latest hire Miles, had just arrived for his first day.
Leaving the sandwich again you greeted Miles, assuring that he was in good hands with Darcy and his other shift employee Kamala.
Miles’ father worked in the same precinct as your friend Wanda’s brother, becoming hooked on Excelsior from the moment Pietro brought in a box of pastries. Officer Davis stopped in for coffee and snacks quite often after that and when he saw the help wanted sign he told Miles to apply for the job.
Miles had a few questions and though Darcy was just as capable to answer them you did so yourself, showing him the same kindness Stan showed you when you began.
You returned to the sandwich and took an unsatisfying bite of cold eggs and cheese on a roll. Oh well. It sat mainly to the side as you went over some paperwork, stifling a yawn as your tired eyes drowned in the sea of words. You felt your head nodding forward in slow motion, and there was nothing you could do to prevent it. Your shoulders slumped down as you fell into a slightly uncomfortable but much needed rest.
The loud vibrations of your phone buzzing on the desk startled you awake and for a moment your sleep deprived mind needed to gather its bearings before realizing you were at work and not in your comfortable bed, the place you were desperately craving.
Yawning again you rubbed your eyes, acutely aware you might be smudging last night’s makeup all over your face. The phone buzzed once more as a reminder, and you picked it up finding a text from Wanda.
Not today.
Any day but today.
You read over Wanda’s text reminding you about the blood drive over at the fire station this morning. You promised her you’d donate, knowing how important it was to her after Pietro had been shot on the job and blood transfusions helped save his life.
You wanted to go, you promised you would go, but you really didn’t want to go today. You were more than exhausted and needed rest, but realistically if you went home for a nap you would definitely sleep through your alarm. Donate blood, then sleep. That was the plan.
Vis began working on a large cake order for Stark Industries and asked your assistance in helping him gather the ingredients.
He entered the large walk in refrigerator to grab eggs and milk while you assembled the rest of what he needed on the large butcher block counters. You eyed the heavy bag of flour, ambitiously thinking you could lift it on limited sleep and drained energy.
Bending your knees you gripped the bag that seemed to fight against you, causing you to tug with more force, bringing only the half ripped top of the bag up with you as you stood. Clouds of white smoke surrounded you, with puffs of flour floating off of the fabric of your shirt with every move you made.
“This is not your day,” Vis commented from a distance.
Your unamused face turned towards him, saying nothing as you sighed and then began to cough as you choked on flour that you inhaled.
You cleaned yourself up as best as you could in the bathroom. Your dark jeans had a white-washed fade to them and your t-shirt was now rinsing in the sink. No amount of wet paper towel would have been enough to clean the shirt whose fibers engulfed the flour like it was their last meal.
Opening the bathroom door a crack you called out for Darcy, who eyed your mostly bare skin through the door with curious concern.
“Couldja get my top from the office? It should be in the bottom drawer with my heels?”
Darcy returned, admiring the sparkly top as she held it up before handing it to you.
Once you were certain your hair, face and the rest of your body was free from flour you exited the bathroom, letting Vis and Darcy know you were leaving.
“Bedtime?” Darcy asked, following you to your office.
“I wish,” you sighed, grabbing your phone. “I promised my friend Wanda I’d donate blood at the firehouse so I have to head there first.”
Darcy’s head shook with laughter as she pointed at your ensemble. “And you’re going there dressed like that?”
You grimaced as you thought about it; a sequined tank top was a bit extra for a blood drive. “Hmmm, you’re right. I think I’ll keep borrowing Scott’s hoodie until tomorrow,” you said, slipping your arms into the large sleeves and zipping it up all the way.
The strong morning sun blinded your eyes through the gaps of the skyscrapers as you walked to the fire station. It was going to be warm today, you could already feel yourself sweating in Scott’s hoodie. Grabbing your phone you texted Wanda letting her know you were on your way.
Ambulances were parked on the block leading up to the fire station though red balloons caught your attention; they were tied to a large plastic sign on the sidewalk promoting the blood drive. You checked your phone finding Wanda hadn’t texted back yet but you went inside anyway hoping by some chance she was already there.
Surprisingly a small crowd had built up despite the early morning hour. The room was packed with broad figured firefighters and paramedics lining the walls and medical students tending to people already in the process of donating. Volunteers were everywhere, serving juice and cookies at a table in the back and handling the registration process for the line you were in.
Wanda was not in sight so you texted her again warning that you’ll be donating soon and would need her by your side. You weren’t afraid of the needle going in but the idea of it sitting under your skin irked you and you needed her as a distraction.
After handing in your paperwork you were nervously bouncing your leg as you sat down and waited, checking your phone for the millionth disappointing time to see there was no response.
Upon hearing your name called you looked up and were greet by a very young looking kid. He introduced himself as Peter and though he looked seventeen his ID badge proved he was in fact a med student at Metro-General Hospital.
Your stomach twisted with nerves as you sat back on a cot, comfortably crossing your legs as you watched Peter slip his hands into latex gloves and slowly collect the items he needed to draw blood. He whispered to himself, methodically going through the steps of what he should be doing.
His meticulousness should have been comforting as he checked over his tools, allowing more time for Wanda to show up. Your nerves began to bubble over more as you worried if something happened to her.
The packaged needle crinkled in Peter’s hands but he was quickly stopped by a leggy brunette in a long white lab coat.
“Mr. Parker, did you check her blood pressure first?” the woman sternly asked, knowing her answer as she had been observing him and the other students from the center of the floor.
Peter cleared his throat nervously, “Oh, uh, no Ms. Hill. I’ll do that now.” He let out an uncomfortable chuckle and she nodded in return.
With the blood pressure cuff in his hand Peter wrapped it around your sleeve and began to pump the bulb. The cuff tightened around your arm and Peter was focused on reading the dial but Ms. Hill calling his name out interrupted the process.
“Mr. Parker, can you tell me what’s incorrect?”
Peter checked that he placed the cuff in the proper spot, his eyes running along your frame until he noticed his error.
“Oh, um, miss, could you uncross your legs?” he asked, throwing a hint of a smile towards Ms. Hill who turned away.
You felt bad for Peter as he resumed taking your blood pressure. You couldn’t imagine how stressful his job could be. Being covered in flour was annoying but the thought of blood and other body fluids getting all over you made you feel sick.
When it was time to finally take your blood Peter asked for your arm, giving him your left one after rolling up the sleeves. You squeezed a ball a few times before he tied off the top of your arm with a painful elastic that squeezed your skin.
“There’s g-going to be a little pinch, okay?” Peter said to gently warn you, though hearing the shakiness of his own voice did nothing to calm your nerves.
You turned your head away as Peter began, tightening your core at the intrusion of the needle that felt worse than a little pinch and tried to breathe through the mildly uncomfortable pain. The sharpness beneath your skin continued and though you didn’t look it felt like Peter was stabbing you internally as he searched for a vein.
Picturing the needle inside your arm did nothing to calm your nerves so you searched for something else to focus on since Wanda was not there. A loud burst of laughter caught your attention and you looked over to see a group huddled together.
There were two men in FDNY shirts that threatened to split at the seams across their massive muscles. They had similar looks with blond hair and beards though they were distinctly different. The shorter of the two by a few inches, had longer blond hair with a full dark beard, while the other’s facial hair was fairer though his cropped hair had a darker tinge to it.
Your face squeezed tightly in pain as Peter apologized, claiming he was having trouble with your veins.
“It’s okay,” you lied, focusing your attention back to the group.
Hunk 1 and Hunk 2 were talking to two other equally large and handsome men wearing shirts with an emergency services logo on the back. The loudest of the group was a dark man with the brightest smile you’d ever seen. His laughter was contagious as he tipped his head back, palming the shoulder of the long haired man next to him he looked to be teasing.
Hissing in pain at the sharpness you felt you couldn’t help but look at your arm, seeing the silver needle prodding your skin. You weren’t a medical professional by any means, in fact the only brush with saving lives you’ve had is when Scott once choked on a Tic-Tac and you gave him the Heimlich maneuver, but you could tell something was wrong.
“Umm, Peter,” you meekly spoke, “That doesn’t feel right.”
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m going to try the other arm, okay? I think it’s the vein,” he said, convincing himself.
He undid the elastic and you could see the difference in skin tone from where it had been cut off by the band. Withdrawing the needle from your skin, he placed a cotton ball there, applying pressure for a few minutes before he asked you to take over.
Peter grabbed a bright blue roll of a self-adherent wrap that he applied around your arm. The uncomfortable way it clung to your skin added to your ever-building nerves. Sweat pooled on the back of your neck though you found relief rolling up the other sleeve, feeling the cool air comfort you skin before the elastic wrapped around your arm again. You squeezed the ball tightly, venting all your frustrations out through every pump of your hand.
Peter opened a new needle and you caught his gaze before he began. He looked confident and so you inhaled deeply, in search once more of the hunks to distract you. They had moved closer to the refreshment table and catching your eye was the man from before, whose long chestnut hair fell in front of his face as he leaned down to grab a cup of orange juice.
When he stood up you were mesmerized by full pink lips and the brightest blue eyes you had ever seen. He was drop dead gorgeous but judging by the way he held himself it didn’t seem like he would believe you if you told him. He was the most reserved out of the group, sporting a shy smile every time Hunk 3 said something and pointed to him.
You didn’t mean to shout so loud, drawing attention is the last thing you wanted. You couldn’t even bear to glance at the huddle of hunks, instead focusing on Peter who was apologizing profusely.
Reluctantly he called over Ms. Hill and she had another med student named MJ come over to have Peter observe her. She inserted the needle into your vein with ease and silently judged Peter through her side glance before leaving.
By the time you officially began donating blood you received a text from Wanda, apologizing after she was stuck on FaceTime with her mom in Sokovia for longer than she expected.
You were thankful she was alright, texting her back about your bad experience so far. You told her not to bother coming since you would be finished soon, passing the time on your phone or occasionally sneaking glances at Hunk 4; he had caught your eye the most.
It felt like you were laying there for hours as your blood flowed like sludge in a pipe. People that were seated after you were now long gone. Shifting slightly against the cot made the needle twinge inside your arm and you really couldn’t wait until this was over with. Scott’s hoodie felt like your own personal sauna and you wanted so desperately to get out of it and into pajamas.
Peter kept checking on your progress and finally when you filled the container he, with Ms. Hill shrewdly watching over his shoulder, removed the needle from your vein and placed another blue wrap around your skin.
After thanking Peter you began to walk towards the refreshment table that suddenly seemed so far away as a wave of lightheadedness washed over you. If you could just get to the juice and cookies you would be fine. You had already been here for so long you wanted to get out.
Though you were burning up your skin was clammy, and sweat beaded on your forehead but you were determined to get to the table. It was a slow trudge, like shuffling your legs through thick mud. You’re almost there. Your vision is spotty and starting to fade but if you push a little harder you could make it.
Your ears fail you as they begin to clog. A soft voice coming from the indiscernible figure beside you asks a question. It’s muffled, as if you’re underwater but you’re able to figure out what they said.
“I’m fine,” you insisted not wanting to make a scene.
The table is barely visible but you’re right there, reaching out for the cup of juice you presume is in front of you. Your hands never made it though, as your body began its descent to the ground.
Bright fluorescent lights were shining behind the shadowy outline that hunched over you.
“There she is,” a man said.
You blinked a few times as your vision came back fully, noticing you were lying on a cot that had been tilted so your head was down and your legs were elevated. You asked what happened as your eyes began to focus on the curtain of hair that hung in front of the figure above you. He tucked the strands behind his ears to reveal familiar blue eyes.
Oh no. Hunk 4.
“You passed out,” Hunk 4 said, “All the color was drainin’ from your face. You almost fell but I caught you in time.”
You covered your eyes with your hands out of embarrassment, hoping this was a dream. Please wake up Y/N. When you heard the hunk’s soft chuckle you knew this was unfortunately real.
“My name’s Bucky and I’m a paramedic. Is it okay if I check your vitals?”
He asked for your name and smiled when you said it. Bucky gave off a comforting vibe and even though you were incredibly embarrassed from passing out he didn’t make a big deal about it.
Beside him was a small equipment bag, those beautiful eyes made contact with your own as he dug around for a stethoscope. His lips pulled into a tender smile as he asked you to unzip your hoodie.
Inhaling deeply you looked away, too embarrassed to face him again as you exposed the sequined top that was not appropriate for a morning blood donation.
“That’s pretty,” Bucky commented, placing the end of the stethoscope above your heart. “Doesn’t match your blue bandages though.”
The laughter that floated from your lips instantly became Bucky’s favorite sound. He was drawn to the way your smile warmed your face and noticed how beautiful you were as your eyes crinkled in delight. Listening to your steady heartbeat, he was thankful you couldn’t hear the way his own had definitely skipped in rhythm.
Warmth spread throughout your body as his soft fingers pressed against your inner wrist to check your pulse. Bucky’s wide smile and twinkling eyes definitely made your heart beat faster and you hoped he couldn’t tell.
Your eyes followed the lines of his smooth skin, up his arm towards the prominent vein that spread across his bulging biceps. You regret passing out, for obvious reasons, but mainly because you missed out on what it was like to be held in those strong arms.
Bucky asked you something though you didn’t pay attention as it finally struck you, he has been staring at you at the most unflattering angle possible ever since you woke up.
“Uhh, Bucky, can I sit up now?” you practically begged.
He asked how you were feeling and no matter the truth you would have told him you were doing much better. He adjusted the cot to a sitting position and turned around, calling out a name. Suddenly Hunk 3, otherwise known as Sam, was walking towards you with a cup of juice.
“Oooh!” Sam exclaimed, taking notice of your top. “How’re you feelin’ Sparkles?” He joked a little too loudly for your liking.
“’M good, thanks,” you said, taking the cup from his hand.
Hunks 1 and 2 came over as well to check up on you and though you appreciated their concern the attention made you want to crawl into Scott’s hoodie like a turtle and never come out again. Bucky sensed your discomfort and kindly asked Sam and the other hunks to give you some space.
“Thanks. I hate making a scene,” you said, offering an appreciative smile in between sips of orange juice.
“That’s the wrong shirt to wear at a firehouse then,” he chuckled, though he was intrigued as to your choice of outfit.
Bucky’s unasked questions were answered as you explained the bachelorette party, going into details about heading straight to work, hardly eating and then leaving after the flour explosion.
“Oh, so that’s what’s on your ear!”
“What?!” you panicked, rubbing your ears with your fingers.
Bucky’s eyes crinkled tightly as laughter bubbled up from the pit of his stomach, erupting from his mouth. “I’m just kidding Y/N!”
“Don’t scare me like that!” you feigned anger through a relieved smile, “I might pass out again!” you joked.
“Yeah you just might. Why did you think it was a good idea to donate blood after a night of drinking, no sleep and not eating?”
Bucky’s question wasn’t accusatory, in fact the expression in his eyes showed just how much concern he felt for you. You began to explain Wanda and her brother, and the promise you forgot you made to donate blood today.
“That’s real sweet of ya,” he said, with the hint of a Brooklyn accent coming through. “I work the night shift a lot too so I know how easy it is to forget these things, ‘specially when you’re tired.”
“Tell me about it, I’m exhausted,” you said, covering your mouth as talking about sleep brought out a large yawn.
“I bet you are, but uh… well here’s the thing,” he rubbed the back of his neck. “Since you really didn’t eat anything today what do you say you let me take you out for breakfast?” he asked, with a hopeful smile.
Your eyes widened at his proposal and Bucky wasn’t sure if that was a positive reaction. He hadn’t asked anyone on a date in far longer than he wanted to admit and he knew he was rusty.
“As a concerned medical professional I gotta make sure you don’t pass out again,” he said, chewing on his bottom lip as he waited for your response.
A wide smile spread across your face as you accepted his offer and it felt like he could breathe again.
Bucky helped you stand, assuring that you were steady and held your hoodie up as you slipped your arms in. As you zipped yourself up he leaned over the cot, grabbing something and studying it curiously.
“Uhh… is this…” he laughed, holding out the palm of his hand to reveal the penis necklace.
They might as well take all the blood from your body since you practically died on the spot.
“This is the worst day of my life,” you deadpanned.
Bucky couldn’t help but laugh, offering his arm out for you to hold. On your way towards the door you passed by the smiling hunks with Sam smirking at you both. Bucky slapped his hand, placing the penis necklace in his palm leaving Sam very confused as the two of you walked away.
It was a quick walk to the place Bucky wanted to take you for breakfast, a trendy little spot with exposed brick and wood beams and old floors that creaked under your step. A relaxed voice from behind the counter belonging to a man with a waxed mustache told you to seat yourselves.
Leading you to a table near the window, Bucky pulled out a mismatched chair for you before he sat down. You glanced around the room, spying lights strung across the ceiling and distressed furniture repurposed as the wait stations.
Menus were brought over and reading through the details of each item made your mouth water. Your starving stomach wanted all of it as you continued to scan through every delicious offering.
“So let’s get all of it,” Bucky replied to the comment you thought you said in your head.
“What?” your head lifted to see the sincerity in Bucky’s eyes.
Though he hardly knew you, Bucky was already willing to give you the world if you asked for it.
“No! I mean, I don’t think I could eat all of it anyway. Some of it, but not all,” you joked.
Bucky’s tongue poked out to wet his lips as he chuckled. “Y/N I mean it, get whatever you want. After donating you need to indulge.”
“Paramedic’s orders?” you asked with coy glint in your eyes.
A smile cemented itself on Bucky’s face as he replied, “That’s right doll, paramedic’s orders.”
By the time your server came around you decided to order avocado toast with a fried egg along with French toast that you insisted Bucky share with you.
During the wait for food you got to know each other. Bucky was from Brooklyn where he shared an apartment with Hunk 1, otherwise known as Steve, his best friend.
“He’s a punk but I love ‘im,” Bucky said without hesitation.
You didn’t realize how long you had been smiling until your food arrived and the act of chewing hurt your sore cheeks. You couldn’t help it though, everything about Bucky made your heart sing with joy. He was handsome and kind, funny and caring. He was… disappearing from your vision as you yawned widely, covering your mouth with your hand.
You had been yawning for a while, ignoring the need for sleep to continue talking with Bucky but it was finally catching up to you.
“I’m sorry, I’ve been selfish wantin’ to talk to ya all day,” he said.
“S’okay, I really didn’t want to leave either,” you admitted, sharing a smile with him.
Before leaving you exchanged numbers. “In case you feel faint,” Bucky said, nervously running his hands through his hair.
You caught the blush on his cheeks and felt your whole body fluttering. There was no doubt you would be calling him later; it was undeniable, Bucky Barnes made you weak.
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another-runaway · 4 years
as carpentry apprentices, we have only one female teacher, who doesnt teach carpentry per say but a subject that is basically “basic life skills the french government imagines young men who dropped school early probably need to have” (how insurance works and how to call them when you have an accident, for example)
i had to send her homework and i started remembering how annoyed i got at the beginning of the year that she tried to make me (not excessively, just a little to see if i was engaging but she dropped it the moment i made it visible i wasnt interested) participate in really dumb debates about Men vs Women where we’d be the only 2 women against a whole class of. i wanted to say men, but really half 18 yo boys who really behave like teenagers and half 20-23 yo men ; the first being much more invested in those class discussions than the second.
and the whole annoying thing was, well first of all the debates were REALLY dumb, obviously because we’re dealing with a bunch of 18yo boys. and secondly, i felt like the point was really not to express and explore any intellectual opinion, but to cristallize us as The Women of the room by very artificially arguing for the position Women are supposed to have on that matter, while the boys automatically argued for the position that Men are supposed to have. she likes doing that, she does it at every class. and both positions are dumb anyways most of the time, but it was really just about cristallizing our positions as gendered subjects. it all felt very theatrical, and fake, and it annoyed me, because it felt like that there was this expectation, not so strong that i’d face violence or exclusion by not doing it, but just in the sense that i was The Only Girl In The Room that i was supposed to behave and think in a certain way, and it would be surprising that i would not, to the people most invested in these debates, anyways, but even to the others. it really was a gendered performance.
and like it’s fine, because i haven’t been performing Gender right anyways for years anyways, and nobody is going to make me, but thinking about it just made me think of the teacher. she’s a 40yo woman who went to law school, and i don’t think she actually thought much more than what she expressed in class. i get the feeling that she’s a woman who mainly moves through male-dominated environments, and got used to being cristallized as The Other, and adopted this role and is just used to playing this role. it’s in those moments that i really understand the idea that marginalized people, in personal life at least, really should build lives where they mainly interact with people from their group. only interacting with your oppressor class just dumbs your sense of self down. it’s not just about having critical thinking skills, because i’m pretty sure this woman thinks of herself as smarter (thought not superior) than the men in the school, because she went to law class, and the people she teaches and sees everyday pretty much only worked manual jobs, so it’s not about a woman thinking she’s too dumb to think because men tell her so. it’s about not exploring ideas of who you can be outside the sense of self that you’re supposed to have under patriarchy, of what you can think. i don’t have much of a social life and i don’t talk much to other bloggers on here but i follow a few blogs of butches and femmes, and it has just added so, so, so much nuance and understanding to the person i am to mainly be exposed to sense of selves that resemble mine, and it still does. it is so, so crucial. and i don’t even get this feeling only from her, but from a lot of the women i meet in these male dominated environments. they see themselves as Women, as men see them. i don’t even know them or care about them personally. i just wanna get all these women, all the women who get into male dominated environments but in female positions, the secretaries and the teachers who don’t teach the main subject and the girls who work in administration and all the others, in a commune together for a few years and let them see what you can become when you stop seeing yourself through the eyes of men.
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caesarzeppeliswhore · 5 years
just gonna throw some electra heart design notes in here just in case anyone is curious about the design process and inspiration for her as well as just what she does as a stand since ive not really talked about her or her user much at all!  (advanced warning that this may not be super organized by any means its just me babbling)
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primary design for electra heart is taken from a few places: 
marina diamandis and her character of electra heart of course, most notably the songs subarbiea and valley of the dolls
adjustable dress mannequins
wire mannequins
porcelain dolls
ball joint dolls
the hair and ribbon on electra heart’s head are inspired by marina’s iconic electra heart look, as is the heart on her cheek, although i have made the heart upside down, the diamonds hanging from electra heart’s arms are also done with the concept of marina and the diamonds in mind
the ribbon she wears also has the loops as large hearts and the tails are curled, i was thinking of present bows and how the tails are curled in ringlets
as for electra heart’s face, it if course is meant to resemble a porcelain doll, white skin, long eyelashes, blush pink cheeks, and painted lips
electra’s body takes inspiration from various types of dolls and mannequins, her torso being that of an adjustable mannequin and lined in rose pattern fabric, which seems to be a sort of classic look that many dress mannequins have covering them, the lines and slot looking holes in her body are also there to replicate those on an adjustable mannequin
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electra heart’s arms and legs are that of ball jointed dolls, the ball joints being visible in her elbows, hips, and knees most prominently, but she has smaller ball joints in her hands and feet for her knuckles
the large heart on her chest is meant to replicate the look of a sweetheart neckline and just play into the heart motif that electra heart has going for her
the sheer skirt that electra heart has has a net-like look to it, meant to be a subtle nod to the appearance of wire dress mannequins since i wasnt able to really incorporate the look of wire mannequins elsewhere, but i wanted to put them in somewhere even as something subtle
now, with regards to what electra heart’s abilities are as a stand:
electra heart has a few abilities, most notably some power over gravity on her targets
the diamonds which hang from both of electra heart’s arms can be thrown as a projectile and will implant themselves into the skin of their target and slowly begin to grow inside of their body, the larger these diamonds grow, the greater the force of gravity upon them will grow in tandem, this process takes time though, meaning that electra heart’s ability is best utilized in longer fights and making her initial strike from afar and waiting for gravity to take hold on the enemy before taking them out
should the diamonds grow large enough they could also hurt the person as well as they can and will grow through internal tissues and organs and cause damage if they get large enough, potentially being fatal, it would take quite some time for this to happen depending on where the diamond is embedded in the persons body however, so its not the most reliable method in most cases
the diamonds when embedded into a persons body also allow bellina to track where the person is to an extent, as the diamonds are a part of her stand, but this ability is not very strong or accurate not nearly as strong as something like aerosmith, it gives her more of a sense of the persons presence, getting stronger the closer she is to the person, but of course since electra heart works best at a distance, using it in this way is a double edged sword, especially if she is alone
as a note regarding electra’s diamonds, they are produced from the diamond shaped purple marks on her palms and on the underside of her forearms, three on each arm/hand, making for six in total, these diamonds cannot be produced infinitely and only have limited use, after the six are used it will take a day for them to regenerate so they can be used again, so her attacks with the diamonds have to be used sparingly
an ability which isn’t combative based is one that is utilized by bellina as a bit of a coping mechanism and regularly, its the ability to read others and their expectations, allowing bellina to change the way she acts and behaves in order to please them and to think of her positively
this ability could be used in order to manipulate others or to trick them if bellina wished, but she tends to only use the ability in order to please others as a result of her upbringing and need to make others like her and to not displease them and be what they see her ideally as being
in the future i could see her honing this ability to be more useful, but that would not be until later in her life when she grows more as a person
electra heart’s stand stats:
this is subject to change of course, but currently electra heart’s stats are as follows:
e in destructive power
c in speed
b in range
d in durability
a in precision
b in developmental potential
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becblanc · 6 years
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(the boy is back in town. the boy doesnt want to be back in town. wait boy where are you going.)
finally made a ref for my pokemon insurgence protagonist after being inspired by the one @frightguard made [x]. i love this character a lot and have written quite a bit on them. some extra info under the cut
Dont want to read the whole thing? this pretty much sums up josiah
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latched onto damian super quick since he was the first person they encountered that wasnt trying to kill them. cherishes vijol with their life; truly their best friend and an irreplaceable partner. tolerates nora but really doesnt like being around her after she bullied damian in utira. 
what is self-care. or shoes. or sleep? huh. “local hero doesnt practice personal hygiene, more at 11″. 
as soon as they get to suntouched and see the tacky gaudy cape on the clothes rack they buy it immediately. “look im alone, dont know jack shit about myself, a good # of people want to kill me, fuck it im buying the edgy cape. if i die, i die in style.”
very much a “reluctant hero type”. starts off extremely skittish and not wanting to get into any sort of conflict, but gradually gains confidence as their team evolves. gets a hoot out of fucking around with the abyssal cultists as audrey. by the time of the infernal infiltration operation theyre almost too cocky in their abilities. blasts gasolina on a boombox as they storm in. when the thing with the darkrai cult happens again, avoids the fuck out of going back to the shade forest. still carrying a bit of trauma from that whole incident. bad memories. all the bravado from before is instantly gone.
after having to return to the surface world from the dream realm, never stops looking for a way back. that becomes their whole drive. They’ll Get Him Out. They Will. 
Really Really Really doesn’t want to be the next augur. I Guess I Dont Have A Choice Though, Huh. doesnt want to be famous. wants to disappear into obscurity so they can live a normal life. arceus wont have it. 
The timeless: “you’re a fantastic trainer- you’ve beaten all of us. How would you like to be the next augur?”
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refuses the crystal shards. boxed them immediately. Thats A Liability. 
wants to care more about exploring Holon but doesn’t. I Just Really Want To Get Back To The Dreamworld, out of my way. Everybody just stay the FUCK out of my way. Gets incredible annoyed when people keep trying to fight them 
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as soon as they get the magic carpet, yeets right the fuck out of holon to get back to the dreamworld. is heartbroken when the first thing adam does is ask that they help take care of the deoxys problem and malon. Cries when adam talks about “father and daughter side by side…. Just as it should be”. cries again when damian comes to. 
eventually moves into adam’s old HQ, lives there now. reopens the gaea town gym so challengers can resume taking on the championship. the badge resembles their dragon-based team while paying homage to their father’s badge. since the cults are all finally quelled, augur calls dont come in as frequently. eventually things calm down and josiah can finally get some fucking rest. never really got back the bravado they had from before darkrai cult: pt 2
Lead: Kirby (mew) 
sets up barrier + amnesia, then baton passes it off to the teammate most suited for countering the opponents team
Physical specialist: Sweet boi (delta dragonite)
also the secondary lead. sets up livewire, then punches away with drain punch, thunderpunch, or aqua tail. extremely tanky and self-reliant when receiving kirby’s boosts (which is often)
Special specialist: Respite (delta charizard)
one of the many mega options available, typically takes up sweeper role 
Mixed attacker: Saburra (flygon)
can change depending on the need for good ground type coverage with STAB, or extremely strong substitute breaker as mega flygon. good flexibility and type coverage
Wallbreaker: Wingdings (delta noivern)
leech seed + nasty plot/giga drain combo + big root + kirbys defense buffs is something to behold. frail but can heal a ton of HP if done right. can go toe-to-toe with legendaries thanks to immense healing capabilities
Jack-of-All-Trades: Vijol (eevee)
moonblast and icebeam provide type coverage as mega eevee, thunderbolt provides speed to outpace faster opponents and land a finishing blow if necessary. single-handedly carrier the team through the champion match: redux as mega sylveon
keeps 3 mega options on the team for flexibility, depending on type coverage needs. the opponent will never know which mega to expect. the typical recipients of kirby buffs are sweet boi and wingdings due to sweet boi’s tankyness and wingdings’ sp. attack augmenting capabilities combined with healing. 
i like to have certain songs that i associate with parts of the game, making small montages in my head to them. here are some excerpts. click on the location names to hear a song i associate with that arc of the story. 
i dont have many songs for early game since i was listening to the insurgence ost for so much of it, however:
Telnor Town, meeting Damian
Travelling the region at night (typically this was the only time i was free)
Abyssal base infiltration
Doing any kind of heroic shit
Infernal Base infiltration
Traversing the Dream Realm
The growing suspicion that adam is josiah’s father (i had guessed it correctly before the reveal in the 8th gym)
no alt music for the nyx battle because the insurg ost for that fight is already bangin
Finally reaching Gaea Town..........
Exploring No Man’s Land late at night 
This is a favorite. 
Squaring up to fight Reukra before he can summon arceus 
when i played pokemon uranium, i associated The Felt [x] album with the scenes of infiltrating the abandoned nuclear plants, especially jade dragon, swing of the clock, rhapsody in green, and variations. (my luxelong- a fakemon which is based on imperial dragons and has a jade tail, is literally a Jade Dragon, was name Rhapsody in line with this album). i really liked having an “associated album” with the game so i decided to do it for insurgence as well
the album that takes that title for insurgence is the Spiderverse OST [x], many of the songs i can see in a lot of different venues in the insuregnce plot thats about it. i actually even have more written about this character on a word document. why cant i have this much passion about my actual OC’s. 
josiah is also my go-to boredom character to draw while watching lectures for class
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lilulo-12fanfiction · 6 years
Nothing Breaks Like A Heart: Chapter 2 part 1
So I had to split this into 2 chapters because it’s really long. I’m not big on regurgitating content but it was a good way to set the story up further. Going forward there will be more original content with some cannon thrown in. P.S. IDGAF about Cannon if it doesn’t work well for my story.
I’d love it if you reblogged, gave feedback, etc.
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@shreddedparchment @fanfictionjunkie1112
Nora smiled to herself as she approached Bruce Banner, Natasha and Steve. She was ecstatic to meet Bruce Banner. She hadn’t seen Natasha in a while and well Steve was another story altogether.
“Is that the only word on me?” Bruce questioned Steve looking incredibly apprehensive.
“Only word I care about.” Such a Steve Rogers thing to say. She watches as Banner seemed to relax, if only slightly.
“Well he won’t be doing it alone.” Nora beamed at the 3 of them. “Besides myself I’m quite positive that my Uncle will show his face after getting through Coulson’s information bomb he gave us last night. No way is he missing out on this.”
“Nora Stark.” The red headed assassin smiled back at Nora.
“Good to see you Rusty. It’s been too long.”
“Well Tony isn’t my biggest fan. So I’ve steered clear.” Natasha shrugged.
“Well stop it. No one cares what he thinks.” Natasha shook her head at Nora. The attitude was 110% Tony Stark.
“Hello Nora.” Steve finally spoke after observing her.
“Hello Captain. Good to see you again.” She watched as the heat rose to his face and turned to Bruce Banner before she reacted and stuck her hand out.
“Well apparently my friends here forgot their manners. Dr. Banner, I’m Nora Stark. I’m a huge fan of your work. I’m really looking forward to working with you.” Bruce tentatively shook her hand.
“You’re not scared to be around me?” Bruce looked at her small stature and assumed she’d be terrified. She shrugged.
“Why would I be?” She smiled. Her kind eyes put him at ease. She linked her arms through Bruce’s. “C’mon Dr. Banner. Let’s go do what we nerds do so the super heroes can get to work” Nora gave Steve a wink only he could see and led them towards the Helicarrier.
“Okay Bruce, apparently Loki is in Germany. I highly doubt the Tesseract is with him.” Nora sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“I agree.” Bruce didn’t look up from the computer screen.
“I’m going to head out to Fury. I need to see this. Let me know when you need me.” Bruce nodded again and Nora headed out of the lab and down to the main section of the Helicarrier.
As she made her way out to the main deck, she could hear AC/DC over the comms and then her Uncle’s voice. “Agent Romanoff, you miss me?”
“I see I made it just in time for the show.” She crossed over to where Fury was standing and he Gave her a smirk.
“Make a move Reindeer Games” Nora watched as Natasha landed the Quinjet to capture Loki.
“He doesn’t have the tesseract with him. And we haven’t located it yet. But the staff he carries, the one that turned one of your best parents into a puppet. I’m thinking that might help us.”
“I agree, Nora. Go let Dr. Banner know what’s going on and both of you join us back here once they’re back on this ship.” Nora nodded at the order and headed to retrieve Dr. Banner. She turned her comm on so she could listen in to their ride with Loki and was privy to the fight between the three men.
A little while after Loki was on the ship, Nora made her way back down to the main deck to discuss Loki. Dr. Banner would be joining them shortly. As she approached she heard her Uncle refer to someone as “Point Break”. She rolled her eyes and made herself known.
“Oh good. You’re all done playing swords. Did you find out who’s the biggest or did you just waste our time?”
“See that’s what makes you my favorite Stark. You’re infinitely more funny than Tony.” Natasha and Nora smiled at each other.
“What? No! Absolutely not! You’re not helping on this mission!” Tony wasn’t exactly surprised to see Nora but he wasn’t going to allow her to jump into the line of danger.
“You say that like you still have a say in the choices I make” Nora scoffed at her Uncle. “You need me. If you didn’t Pepper wouldn’t have asked me to come and Fury wouldn’t have agreed to it.”
“Nora I know you’re brilliant but we can do this without you.” Tony shot back. Steve watched on with interest.
“No you can’t. You need my memory and my professional abilities.” Nora was just as stubborn as her Uncle. This wasn’t going to end quickly.
“Your memory? What does that mean.” Nora looked over to the heavy accented voice that was sitting at the table.
“You must be Thor" He nodded. I have a photographic memory. I remember every detail of everything.”
“That sounds very useful and overwhelming.” His understanding and empathy took Nora by surprise. It was overwhelming and incredibly useful. There were some things she wished she could forget, yet instead they plagued her dreams. “And what are these professional abilities?” Thor was intrigued by this tiny human.
“I have some pretty stellar computer skills.” Before Thor could question Nora further Tony was interrupting.
“Uh hello??? I have some pretty decent computer skills myself.” Nora rolled her eyes at the exact same time Tony did and the resemblance between her and Tony couldn’t be ignored. It made Thor smile.
“Obviously you know your way around a computer. But you know full well that you can’t hack like I can.”
“She’s right Tony.” Fury finally spoke. “She hacked the Pentagon on a dare in High School.”
“You what?!” Steve was shocked and Nora stood there with a proud smile on her face. He wouldn’t have thought she would do something like that.
“Sorry Captain. Sometimes you just have to bend the rules. Especially when your sexist classmate thinks he’s superior because he has a teeny tiny appendage between his legs” Thor audibly laughed.
“Yeah that was pretty impressive. I’m still pretty proud you did that.” Tony finally conceded. “Fine. I’m not going to argue with you anymore but if you’re going to be on this mission you need something a little more protective than whatever this is that you’re wearing.” He pointed up and down her body. She was clad in a leather pencil skirt, a denim button down shirt and sky high leopard print heels. Her normally long curly hair was straightened and in a high ponytail with braids on the top of her head.
“Well I asked you to make me a suit.” Nora shot back. Thor watched on enjoying the verbal ping pong match. He liked the fire in Nora Stark.
“So you can put yourself in more danger? Yeah, not likely.” Nick Fury stood up to put an end to the bickering.
“Nora- I had some special Kevlar made for you. There’s a locker with your name on it. You can change when you're ready.”
“Thanks Uncle Nick.” Nora gave Tony a dirty look and went and sat down next to Thor. She was drawn to him for some reason. She couldn't explain it. "So tell me about Asgard and this brother of yours" Steve watched as Thor and Nora seemed to be in a bubble. He had her undivided attention. She laughed at the things he said that weren’t meant to be funny but were because of Thor’s lack of Earth knowledge. She would place her hand on his arm as they spoke. Neither of them seemed to pay much attention to the people around them. He had to force himself to pay attention to what Fury was saying. He was surprised at how jealous he felt. He barely knew her. And he didn’t ever expect to find anyone that stirred feelings in him. Not the way Peggy did. It wasn’t the same, Peggy was Peggy. But Nora somehow set off a spark inside him. The first real connection he made before coming out of the ice.
Nora sighed and sat down on the bench in the locker room. She wanted her own “Iron Man” suit. Tony refused. Nora had contemplated just hacking into his system for the plans, but she couldn’t break her Uncle’s trust like that. She didn’t want him doing this alone. Maybe now that Steve was out of the ice he wouldn’t have to. She was always afraid that when he left in that Iron Man suit he wouldn’t come back. She knew Pepper had the same fears. Nora and Tony both had lost so much. They had been betrayed by people they had loved too. He wasn’t her father. No one could ever take Grant Starks place in her heart, but the relationship she and Tony had was something beyond parent and child. They were connected by loss and pain. They were connected by their similarities. They had the same snark, the same attitude and the Stark swagger. The swagger that sometimes acted as a protective bubble. Tony was Nora’s protector. Even when he was missing he was still protecting her. He had always had a plan in place with Rhodey and Pepper to keep her safe and loved if something happened and he couldn’t. All Nora wanted to do was protect him as well.
She stood and opened up the locker with her name and smiled at what Nick had left her. It was an all black Kevlar suit that looked like leather. It had straps across her hips and boots that went over her knees. There were a number of holsters to hold weapons or technological items. She wasn’t sure where Nick had found it, but it was perfect. It held her body like a glove. She was curvy but strong. She has never been skinny. Her body wasn’t built to be that small. She had accepted her flaws a long time ago and learned how to use them to her advantage.
She headed out of the locker room with plans to head back to the lab. Her eyes caught the door that she knew Loki was behind and she just couldn’t help herself. Her credentials allowed her to enter the room. There he stood. The God of Mischief in a round glass cage.
“Hello Loki.” He snapped his head up and studied her.
“The Dróttning av Gimsteinn” Loki’s voice was almost breathless. He hadn’t been expecting to see her and the words had poured from his mouth before he could stop them.
“What did you just say?” Nora stopped in her tracks and stared him down. Loki’s eyes bore into Nora’s and he didn’t respond. “What does that mean?”
“You’ll find out soon enough I suppose” Loki acted as uninterested in her as he possibly could. I’m reality he was buzzing on the inside. He thought it would be more difficult to get eyes on her. Nora narrowed her eyes at him. She took a step towards him and stopped.
“I’m not going to let you goad me into a reaction. When you get bored of this and want to tell me where the tesseract is, let me know. If I find it before you tell me, I can’t help you.” Before Loki could respond, she was gone. Loki smiled to himself. She was feisty. She liked to spar. This was going to be more fun than he originally thought.
Nora was wracking her brain trying to figure out what Loki called her as she was heading back. She didn’t even know what language it was. She was about to pull her phone out and try to search for what she thought he had said when she stumbled upon Steve trying to pry a set of doors open. Captain America breaking and entering? This was surprising. She crossed her arms in front of her body and leaned against the wall.
“Need some help Captain?” She smiled with a suggestive voice as Steve jumped. He turned and faced Nora sheepishly with red cheeks. He had on hand on the back of his neck and looked impossibly adorable.
“I was…I uh…” He was embarrassed for getting caught but what really had him stuttering was Nora. No one should look that good in Kevlar. He silently chastised himself for behaving like a 13 year old. Nora shook her head and without a word pushed herself off of the wall and approached the door Steve was trying to bust open. She pressed her palm to the lock pad. It read her palm print and prompted for the 2nd security key. “Stark, Nora Margaret”. Steve froze. Was Peggy apart of her life? It couldn’t be a coincidence that she was related to Howard Stark and her middle name was Peggy. Howard and Peggy has founded Sheild together. He wondered if Peggy had any sort of relationship with Nora’s father. He wanted to ask her about it, but it wasn’t the right time. Nora motioned him inside.
“After you.” Nora followed him into the room and the door shut behind him. “Mind telling me what we’re doing in here? What are you looking for?”
“I’m honestly not sure. Your Uncle is trying to get all of Sheild’s files as we speak. He seems to think Fury is hiding something.”
“Oh what a jack ass. He’s trying to hack in on his own instead of asking me. He’s trying to prove he doesn’t need me. I could have had those files in 5 minutes, 10 tops. Plus I have access to a lot of shit around here. Sheild is my family birth right. My father would have taken Howard’s place.”
“Wait- so you agree with Tony? You think he’s hiding something?”
“Don’t be so naive Captain. Of course he’s hiding something. He’s a super spy. His secrets have secrets!” Steve laughed. “What’s funny?”
“Your Uncle literally said the same thing. Word for word.” Nora’s eyes shone with pride. “Are you going to help me look?”
She threw her arms up in a shrug. “Kind of hard to help when I have zero clue what to look for. And how do you know I’m not in on it?”
“Call it a gut instinct.” Nora liked to banter and Steve was feeling brave. He was still feeling a little green after seeing her with Thor. Now was his chance to see if she was as just flirty or interested in him. He was a God. A good looking one at that. And while he felt like an idiot worrying about it when they had more important things to focus on, he had to know. “So you’re done flirting with Thor? You two seemed to hit it off right away.” He looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
“I wasn’t flirting! Why? Are you jealous?” Nora sauntered over to where Steve was leaning over a crate. She put her hand on his shoulder and leaned over so she could whisper in his ear. “Believe me Captain, if I’m flirting, you’ll know it.”
Nora’s breath was hot on his neck and it sent a chill down his spine. He was about to respond but his attention was pulled to the container in front of him. Steve opened a container. “I think I found what we’re looking for.” Steve watched as Nora pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Dammit.” The disappointment was radiating from her voice. “Sometimes, it’s really hard to separate the spy, the head of Shield, from the man that helped me become who I am today. The person my father revered. I just can’t.”
“I’m sorry Nora.” Steve put his hand on her shoulder.
“Why are you apologizing? You didn’t do this Steve.”
“No, but I know that feeling. And I’m sorry that you’re feeling it now.” Nora gave Steve a small smile.
“Thank you. God this is all so messed up. Let’s go to the lab. I’d like to talk to Nick and I need to ask Thor some questions about his brother.” Steve picked up the container and the two of them headed back to her Uncle and Dr. Banner.
Nora could heat heated voices as she and Steve approached the lab. So heated that they didn’t even notice the two of them enter in the middle of Bruce’s sentence.
“…When we get a hit, we’ll have the location within half a mile.” Nora could tell he was trying to control his temper. Tony picked up where Bruce left off. The two of them were a team already.
“And you’ll get your cube back, no muss, no fuss. What is Phase Two?” Tony wanted answers. Nora knew that look in his eye.
Nora jumped as Steve slammed the case down on the counter. “ Phase Two is SHIELD used the Cube to make weapons.” Steve answered for Fury and then directed himself towards Tony. “Sorry, computer was moving a little slow for me.”
Nora gave Tony a dirty look. “I literally could have gotten it within 10 minutes tops. Stop trying to prove that you don’t need me.”
“Rogers, we gathered everything related to the Tesseract. This does not mean that we’re-“ Before Fury could finish Tony flipped the screen to reveal a plan for a missile. Nora pit her face in her hands. This was only going to get worse.
“I’m sorry, Nick. What were you lying?” Nora clenched her jaw. She didn’t know what to say to calm the waters because she was just as angry as the rest of them. She pulled herself from her thoughts as Natasha and Thor came into the lab.
“You wanna think about removing yourself from this environment, doctor?” Bruce laughed in Natasha’s face.
“I was in Calcutta, I was pretty well removed.” Nora ignored their verbal ping pong as she went over to the monitor to check on the Tesseract. She paused and eyed Loki’s staff curiously. When she focused back on the group Fury was explaining why Sheild wanted to create these weapons.
“Last year earth had a visitor from another planet who had a grudge match that leveled a small town. We learned that not only are we not alone, but we are hopelessly- hilariously, out-gunned.” Nora was going to tell Nick he was right but that he should have been upfront but Thor interjected before she had the chance.
“My people want nothing but peace with your planet.”
“But you’re not the only people out there, are you? And, you’re not the only threat. The world’s filling up with people who can’t be matched, they can’t be controlled.” Fury shot back quickly. Nora couldn’t focus on what they were saying anymore. Her attention was drawn back to Loki’s staff like it was pulling her in. Bits and pieces of the argument would break through. She couldn’t focus on who was saying what as her head started to pound and the sceptor started to glow..
“Nuclear deterrent! ’Cause that always calms everything right down.”
“ I’m sure if he still made weapons, Stark would be neck deep-“
“How is this now about me?”
“I’m sorry, isn’t everything?”
“I thought humans were more evolved than this.”
“I swear to God, Stark, one more crack...”
Nora felt more dizzy and tried to focus on Steve’s voice, though she wished she hadn’t. “Yeah, big man in a suit of armor. Take that off, what are you?” Why was Steve attacking her Uncle? He didn’t know what he was talking about. Nora felt too woozy to feel any anger at that point.
“Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.”
“I know guys with none of that worth ten of you. I’ve seen the footage. The only thing you really fight for is yourself. You’re not the guy to make the sacrifice play, to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you.” He was wrong. He didn’t know what Tony Stark was about. He put on a front but he was a hero. He took the world on his shoulders. Nora remembered Tony destroying all of the weapons sold to our enemies. She wanted to scream at Rogers but her head hurt too badly to speak. Tony’s voice cut through the pain.
“A hero, like you? You’re a laboratory experiment, Rogers. Everything special about you came out of a bottle.”
“Put on the suit, let’s go a few rounds.”
“Steve, Tony- Stop” Nora begged. Her voice wasn’t loud enough for them to hear her. She was sure it was Loki’s scepter causing them to act like this. It was what messed with Barton’s head. Loki had wanted it to be here, to cause this dissension. Finally Bruce’s yelling caused everything to stop.
“IN CASE YOU NEEDED TO KILL ME. BUT YOU CAN’T, I KNOW, I TRIED!” He stopped and saw that everyone is staring at him and he continued. “I got low. I didn’t see an end so I put a bullet in my mouth and the other guy spit it out. So I moved on, I focused on helping other people. I was good until you dragged me back into this freak show and put everyone here at risk. You wanna know my secret, Agent Romanoff? You wanna know how I stay calm?”
“Oh Bruce...” Nora could feel his pain and anger, how broken he felt. He was holding the scepter while Fury and Natasha hand their hands on their guns. Nora was white as a sheet.
“Please Bruce. That thing is making you all act like this. Please put it down. No one is going to cage you, I promise..”
“Nora?” Tony’s voice was full of worry. She looked sick. She had barely said a word during the argument. She normally would tell Tony if he was being an ass or defend him if he was right. Steve took a deep breath, sighed and looked at Bruce.
“Doctor Banner, put down the scepter.” Banner looked down, surprised to see the spear in his hand. Suddenly the monitor made a noise, signaling the Tesseract has been located. Bruce put the scepter back on the table and walked over to the screen on the other side of the room. Nora walked over to the table and lightly touched the scepter, knowing it was the source of her pain. She just didn’t know why. She yanked her hand back and turned towards her Uncle.
Suddenly Tony turned to leave but Steve put his arm out to stop him. “You’re not going alone Stark!” Tony smacked Steve’s hand away.
“You gonna stop me?” Nora groaned. Taking steps towards the two men.
“Put on the suit, let’s find out!
“ I’m not afraid to hit an old man.”
“Will the two of you stop acting like children?!” Nora was pleading with them. Then she heard Banner yelling and then an explosion. Nora flew into Steve, he grabbed her by the waist as he and Tony fell near the entry way. Steve turned her so she would fall on him instead of the floor protecting her head and neck. The next thing she knew Steve was pulling her along with Tony.
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