#i wasn't ready to see the artefact used like that
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kolibrieren · 1 year ago
Commentary by Enip, author of the video:
This games does stir up a lot of emotions alright... I played it a while ago but I couldn't get it out of my head.This is a fan edit with some custom made 3D animation. Apart from the scene with Elster and videos from the game, everything was modeled by me with Blender.
Game: Signalis (rose engine)
Music: "Toteninsel" (Rachmaninov) and "Emptiness" (Cicada Sirens & 1000 Eyes)
Poem: Adapted from "Der Krieg" (Heym)
Author's translation of the poem under the readmore:
I'm glad you enjoyed it! Yeah I put a lot of time to make sure those details would fit together. ^^ The poem isn't 100% "Der Krieg" as I adapted it a little and it has been ages since I wrote something in German so it might be crappy, but I'll write down the translation of it I had in mind :
Aufgestanden ist sie, welche lange schlief,
She who slept long has risen
Aufgestanden unten aus Gewölben tief
Risen from vaults deep below.
In der Dämmrung steht sie, groß und unerkannt,
In the twilight she stands, tall and unrecognized,
Und den Mond zerdrückt sie in ihrer schwarzen Hand
And she crushes the moon in her black hand.
Einem Turm gleich tritt sie aus der letzten Glut,
Like a tower she emerges from the last embers,
Wo der Tag flieht, sind die Ströme schon voll Blut.
Where the day flees, the rivers are already full of blood.
Zahllos sind die Leichen schon im Schilf gestreckt,
Countless bodies are already stretched out in the reeds
Von des Todes starken Vögeln weiß bedeckt.
Covered white by death's mighty birds.
Über runder Mauern blauem Flammenschwall
Over round walls blue flames
Steht sie, über schwarzer Gassen Waffenschall.
She stands, over black alleys the sound of weapons.
Über Toren, wo die Wächter liegen quer,
Above gates where the watchmen lie across,
Über Brücken, die von Bergen Toter schwer.
Over bridges made by mountains dead heavy.
In der Nacht sie jagt das Feuer querfeldein
In the night she chases the fire across country
Einen roten Hund mit wilder Mäuler Schrein.
A red dog with wild mouths shrine.
Aus dem Dunkel springt der Nächte schwarze Welt,
The black world of the night leaps out of the darkness,
Über sturmzerfetzter Wolken Widerschein,
Above storm-torn clouds reflection,
In des toten Dunkels kalten Wüstenein,
In the dead dark cold deserts,
Daß er mit dem Brande weit die Nacht verdorr,
so that the night withered away with the fire,
Pech und Feuer träufet unten auf Gomorrh
Pitch and fire drip down on Gomorrh
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elizabethrobertajones · 9 months ago
so after taking like half a year to watch the second doctor, I burned through Pertwee Doctor in what felt like a week. I was fully ready to formally induct him to the hall of favourites somewhere around the top, pending the wikipedia search to check he such wasn't a terrible guy IRL it made it into the personal life section as per the last 2, and -
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[refuses to be in a film when a producer won't hire a gay friend]
good start, good start (already liked everything else I read but this is an incredible character merit mark for a guy in the 50s)
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[the doctor is literally just him being himself on camera]
Oh, so I just want him to be my friend, I see
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[he said the catalyst for leaving was the death of Roger Delgado among other changes in the last year]
Wait WHAT - is that why there was no more Master later on -
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[Delgado died on location filming in Turkey, his own wiki page repeats that this was why Pertwee wanted out]
I am DISTRAUGHT, the Doctor/Master stuff from the first few seasons of the 3rd Doctor was absolutely INCREDIBLE television. I'd been assuming Delgado maybe had somewhere else to be. Heartily recommend watching that entire run of the show if you don't want to start any earlier.
Well, anyway. :(
I know people don't like the weird James Bond swing it all took with him but the show had been getting more action-y anyway under the 2nd doctor and then a guy who had literally been in the inner circle with all the WWII creatives like Ian Fleming and probably helped INSPIRE James Bond gets the role, I'm feeling like we're blessed and privileged from this perspective of getting to watch it as a historical artefact. I'm assuming based on the vague things I know about the 4th Doctor, the first I'm meeting with any preconceptions, that he's obviously not capable of bringing THAT to the table because that was no ordinary skillset, Pertwee was clearly a top 0.00001% of actors and Guys Who Had Lived A Life, who happened to be doing a silly BBC sci fi show. I'm expecting it to tone back on all these things.
And then in hindsight from the Doctor Who revival era, all the nonsense he brought, aside from the Venusian Karate and flying car and a few other extreme eccentricities, end up being stuff that feels much more modern and like the kind of antics the Doctor gets involved in. Like, he took the sonic screwdriver from being a couple of times joke into a multi-tool with the first joke about it not working on wood after he uses it through many episodes to escape or explode things, all of which is so common nature to the Doctor nowadays.
He also had far more of the casual behaviours we think of as The Doctor now, especially way less circumspect name dropping of historical people and a sense of having lived all around time and space, sometimes for extensive periods of time (he clearly like. LIVED on Venus to pick up all the various throwaway jokes about Venusian culture to explain things he does lmao). Weirdly, despite knowing he was a timetraveller from the jump, the previous two doctors were quite close-lipped about who they knew and had met, and rarely namedropped.
In any case, carrying on into 4th doctor era cautiously because I am 1: sad and 2: deeply let down by my perception of Whovian culture as I've been exposed to it, which sets a ridiculously high bar for Baker as the high watermark of Who and meanwhile I have just bid farewell to watching one of the most electric actors I've ever seen in anything ever while feeling wildly upset on his behalf that there isn't a bonkers appreciative fan culture for everything he did and he's written off as one of the quirky weird early doctors you don't need to bother with.
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shootingcookielover · 9 months ago
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Introducing: Jay!! My ducktales oc!! (If it wasn't blatantly obvious lmao)
Do you want to know more about them? No? Too bad!
Jay, aka January was the first ever clone F.O.W.L. created. However, due to a lab accident, Jay ended up not only with scrooge's DNA, but also Bradford's. Deeming the clone a "failure", Heron drops the created baby off at an orphanage.
(Bradford becomes enraged when he later learns of this - a child with his and scrooge mcduck's dna?? Just out there??? Has Heron no concept how problematic that could shake out to be???)
Jay spends the first 9 years of their life kinda bouncing from foster home to foster home (kinda developing a bit of a thing abt people seeing them eat. Because of how their beak is a bit weirdly aligned, they can't eat quite the same as most others, and people stare.). But eventually they scrape together enough resources for like, one of those online-dna testing kits that spit out who you're related to.
Turns out their parents are Scrooge McDuck!!! (And some random vulture guy? Weird)
Thus, Jay sets out to become an adventurer like their dad, to meet him one day on their adventures!
Except, first adventure they immediately get trapped in a parallel, kind of very hellish dimension. They get out after three years, but they're pretty traumatized - and pretty much pu off of adventuring forever.
(Though they do find and keep a magic amulet in [hell dimension] that they use to cast spells. Mostly teleportation spells, really.)
Deciding they don't really want to meet a guy who's whole schtick is adventuring, they instead begin their search for dad#2, that vulture guy.
They find out he works for scrooge mcdad (of course he does) but don't judge him too harshly yet. From what they can find online (public libraries for the win!) the guy doesn't really... Do anything. Let alone go on adventures.
So Jay decides to find out where he lives and well, just kinda shows up at his door.
Much surprise is had, it's not quite the family reunion Jay was hoping for but they haven't been kicked out so they count it as a win.
Staying with their dad is pretty great, actually. He even hires a private tutor for homeschooling, since Jay missed 3 years of school and has a lot of catching up to do.
(they definitely hoard food in their room somewhere, just in case. They also have a bug-out bag ready at any given time. Just in case.)
Turns out, Dadford doesn't only also hate adventuring with a passion - he has a whole secret organization to take over the world and stop all adventuring! Forever!
(Jay found a secret stash of files on the computer they use for video games.)
Thus, at the ripe age of 13 they become the youngest FOWL agent ever!
And because they are kind of a big security risk now that they know, they get moved out to live in the outpost at the library of Alexandria instead, together with a bunch of the villains Dadford recruited.
(including Phantom Blot who Jay has an ongoing rivalry with just because they use magic sometimes lol)
(they and the villains play mario kart/party together on sundays)
Eventually, (three years later) season 1 happens and seeing the mcduck family successfully overcome the rift that della's absence left, dadford decides to put one of his better pawns into play.
Through some posturing, magic pyrotechnics and a fake mystical artefact, Jay gets planted into the mcduck family as scrooge's "magic child/clone".
(this happens during the episode "The Depths of Cousin Fethry", while huey and dewey are out meeting their cousin, scrooge, louie and webby go to find an invaluable treasure and return with Jay. Cue scrooge introducing Jay as his kid and Huey and Dewey going "wtf did we miss")
They go along on an adventure or two, mainly because saying "I hate adventuring and I don't want to do it because I was traumatized and hate it" doesn't make sense for someone who was just created from an ancient magic artefact. But after a couple adventures they can finally just put their foot down and stay home. It's chill.
They draw sometimes, do a few commissions.
Scrooge wants to bond with them so they teach him how to play video games and they watch some shows together.
Eventually, the last adventure rolls around.
At the point where Webby pretends to be June and kidnaps... Herself (yknow what part i mean. Probably) Jay comes with the clones, obviously shocking Webby.
But they make it to the library without any particular incident - except Huey getting discovered, obviously.
Jay stays behind to "escort June and Webby". They've very much realized the switcheroo that Webby pulled and use their (thus far mostly benign) magic to switcheroo back.
They nod to June, explaining that they didn't say anything earlier so that Director Dad doesn't get on her case too bad about "failing".
After that, Jay kinda just goes off to hang out a bit. Drink some pep. Chill.
On the way to Webby's cell, she wakes up and takes out June. (Because of course she does. She's Webby.)
Cue the rest of the finale.
Right up until Dadford is fighting McDuck and his fam. Because now, he calls Jay forward, who kinda immobilizes the fam with their magic for a bit.
Dadford throws his employees into the death pit, but oh shock! He picks up to throw Jay in as well.
And he does. He does throw them in.
Luckily, Jay is a master at magical teleportation and nobody realizes they weren't, in fact, erased from existence.
Bla bla bla, scrooge signs the papyrus, "family is the greatest adventure of all", boom the other vilalins show up to defeat dadford once and for all.
But what's this? It's Jay, with a magical barrier, protecting her dad from being turned into a non-sentient vulture!
They teleport themself and Dadford outta there.
At this point they're assuming they got thrown in the pit as a sort of surprise/back up, to make everyone think FOWL was already defeated when they were still there and alive. Yknow, a backup plan.
They live on the street for a bit, but Jay manages to get a job, securing the two of them an aprtment.
Dadford doesn't rlly come out of his room for a while.
Jay gets it; having ur thirty year-long plan derailed like that couldn't be, yknow, pleasant.
At some point, Louie finds them at their job and basically blackmails them into helping him out during adventures. (They kinda hide in his shadow, basically/louie summons them, so when something particularly dangerous happens they can subtly magic it away.)
Dadford eventually emerges from his room and drops the bombshell we all already knew: he very much did intend to kill Jay that day.
Jay is kinda shellshocked. They sort of robotically just return to their routine; go to work.
Louie summons them to deal with an adventure again, and wouldn't u know it? Its an adventure in that hell dimension that Jay got stuck in as a kid.
This, coupled with the revelation that one of their dads tried to kill them, kinda makes them very uncareful. They get revealed to the rest of the family but manage to get everyone out of there.
They reveal that Louie's been blackmailing them and the fact dadford tried to actually kill them sorta spills out in the same, emotionally charged rant and to their surprise scrooge offers to allow them back in the mansion, despite everything.
Jay hesitantly accepts, but mentions that they would like to keep working their current job. This is agreeable to everyone.
Jay returns to their apartment later, under the cover of "going to work" and find dadford packing his things.
They're like, what r u doing? Where would u even go?
And he's like, idk, i'll dip into my grandma's account or smth, its not like u want me here anymore, what with the attempted murder.
And Jay's like, I didn't say that.
Stunned silence.
So anyway, Jay sighs and tells dadford he's allowed to stay at the apartment and that Jay will stay at the manor again.
This is how far ive gotten. If u have any ideas/thoughts/complaints, drop 'em somewhere i can see 'em!
If anyone's even read this far lol.
If u have, have a virtual cookie, you've earned it🍪
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symunuk · 10 months ago
for the companion asks: general 7, 10, 11 and the free space!
7. Do they have their own personal quest that spans the course of the game? Can it take different branching paths depending on the choices the Player Character makes?
Since his story got worked up from a Tav perspective his story's a lot less about big villains or having something in your chest ready to pop - his quest circles more themes of family trauma, giving a shit about other people when it doesn't directly impact him, oh, and Tymora favouring him enough to give him a critical nudge towards the end that stops him falling to his death. From my interpretation of her, she's the type to favour those who push on despite the odds - so the PC making those kinds of decisions would favour that sort of thing I suppose?
Also: whether you take the Underdark or Mountain Pass route into the Shadowlands would change something pretty significant for Symon :') See No10.
10. Are there any unique NPCs associated with your Tav that can show up during the course of the game?
Oh god, is there. If he wasn't a PC then the minimum would be: Ikkath (younger brother, part of the Drider's escorting party, dies if you don't meet them before the Harpers are involved) and Hogarth (youngest brother, can be persuaded (checks) to assist in the Moonrise prisons if Symon is in your party or your PC recognises the tattoo on his face as matching Symon's). Perhaps Durz too (true soul, can be brought under the protection of the artefact as long as Symon & Hogarth are alive in Act 3). Getting Durz and Hogarth onside means they'll go off with the Harpers in Act 3 and turn up for the final battle with the rest of the family as a summon.
11. Are there any moments in the game that trigger unique dialogue for your character? (Like Gale’s anecdote about the barfight after you save the goblin prisoner)
I think he'd have something to say if he was present for the first chat with Alfira (and he wouldn't be kind about Alfira or the PC - unless the PC already had performance proficiency). Something along the lines of:
"That was very sweet. It reminds me of when I was first learning the lute - the worgs were the only ones would could tolerate that too."
Free space! Share anything from your companion!Tav au!
He's actually significantly nicer as a PC - when he's shunted into a leadership position he's much more inclined to try and keep the peace for the sake of his own neck. He gets along best with Shadowheart and Astarion, and then Karlach once she's found. And to flesh out the Tymora thing: this came entirely from me picking the Lucky feat early on and then just barely scraping through a lot of difficult fights because of one critical decision that completely turned the fight around. Usually stuff that had a low odd of success but NEEDED to work, or a character crit'ing at a key moment, or suddenly realising information that let me change strategy ("Hey, the werewolves are humanoids... hmm--") (End of Game spoilers below)
So that was in my head when we got to that series of rolls in Act 3 and used all the Lucky + Inspiration rolls on the first 3... and then passed the DC99 without any save scumming. And that's the only reason we were able to kill the brain fast enough to stop him from falling to his death (it was on ~9 health and I only had one attack left before the floor under him broke). So safe to say Tymora had been looking out for him the whole time.
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thessalian · 1 year ago
Faerun!Alisaie vs Politics and Cults
After an awful lot of wandering and more than a few dead things
Alisaie: Oh, hey, look - mushroom folks.
Gale: Please let them be friendlier than the last few encounters... Not that I'm not grateful for you taking us into that arcane tower - I learned a great deal - but it wasn't fun. And as for the kuo-toa...
Alisaie: Look, I was not going to tell the fish-people that I was a fucking god, okay?!? That's how you piss off real gods and get smited! Smote? Smoten? None of that actually sounds right.
Shadowheart: Just stick with 'angry gods'. Either way, it's getting ugly.
Gale: Um. Yes. About that. I ... may know a few things about angry gods.
Alisaie: Part of me doesn't want to know.
Wyll: And ... the rest of you?
Alisaie: Is a bard. Do the maths.
Gale: Well ... I may have pissed off Mystra. Just a bit. I had the best of intentions! I promise! Lovers give gifts to their--
Wyll: Hang on. Did you just say lovers?!?
Gale: I ... I have game. What can I say? But I decided to do something big and impressive and there's a bit of the tainted Weave in me and that's why I've been asking for magical artefacts, you see - I have to drain them to feed this bit of Weave so it stays in a ball and doesn't erupt and destroy half the landscape but it doesn't seem to be working particularly well anymore.
Alisaie: ...And you waited until we were in the Underdark for this because...?
Gale: Well, if we find an illithid colony, just leave me at the gates with some of that wyvern toxin and run like hell. I can at least do some good as I go out.
Alisaie: .........We. Are. FIXING THIS.
Gale: But--
Alisaie: No. You -- you just shut up. I've got Wyll with that Mizora bitch and Shadowheart getting repeatedly stabbed in the hand by her goddess and Karlach's own body trying to kill her and Astarion's stupid fucking master sending monster hunters after us and now there's this. Fuck's sake, could I just have friends who aren't going to implode?!?
Wyll: Well ... there's Lae'zel...
Alisaie: I haven't found a way to warm up to her yet.
Wyll: What about Halsin?
Alisaie: I am not ready to confront whatever guilt is lurking in there. I'm just not. I have enough to deal with right now. And I guess it starts with mushroom people. Whole colonies grow down here, looks like. And they say nothing grows underground...
A short chat with mushroom folk later
Alisaie: Welp. The duergar around here are chumps. The raising the dead's a bit of a pisser, though. Thanks for the assist there, Shadowheart.
Shadowheart: Shame I couldn't use it much. All our large friend over here did was raise his own corpses, and I wasn't sure if Turn Undead works on myconid-puppeted undead. Why did we bring this ... individual with us again?
Alisaie: I am not getting involved in mushroom politics. *yeets Glut into the void*
Eventually, on a boat somewhere
Alisaie: So now I go murder the hell out of another drow. I'm not sure if this is politics or just being Saviour of the Mushroom People.
Other Boat: *cruises up alongside*
Duergar: Why've you got our scout's boat?
Alisaie: Your scout's dead. We're reporting back.
Duergar: True Soul, too. Huh. Handy. C'mon.
After a fair bit of negotiation, while stabbing up a Scrying Eye
Alisaie: So half these duergar want Nele saved and the other half want him dead. And either way we have to get him out, if just to get his head. At least it's not mushroom politics. It's just ... brain-worm cult politics. Fuck my life entirely.
Wyll: Still Saviour of the Mushroom People, though.
Alisaie: As a title, it lacks something. Blade of the Frontiers has way more oomph.
Gale: Look - you not only dug into the ... 'brain-worm cult politics', as you put it, enough to get help in our objective, but you convinced them to pay you for the privilege of helping you. Handsomely, in fact. We need an entirely new title for the nonsense you pull.
Alisaie: Just remind me not to ask Volo. Sometimes he's ... yeah, no.
Gale: And that's another thing - you may not have got a cure out of what he had in mind, but now you can see through Invisibility spells. You trip into the damnest luck, you know that?
Alisaie: My command performance got interrupted by mind flayers, Gale.
Gale: And they didn't kill you. And they put you in a position to make a lot of money and save the worlds. Plus the wonderful company you now keep.
Alisaie: Well, I got a Shadowheart out of the deal. That makes everything worth it.
Shadowheart: *blush* ...shutup.
Alisaie: I will not. You're adorable when you blush. And I need some nice picture to keep me going through the upcoming ugliness.
And, sure enough
Nele: Ah, good, civilised company! These idiots took too long to get me out; kill them for me.
Alisaie: Y'know ... I thought this was an awful lot of effort wasted when we could've just let you suffocate and take your head at our leisure, but ... no. No, this works. This gives me the privilege of killing your nasty, unctuous, cruelty-endorsing, worm-infected, gnome-enslaving ass. Bonus points if I lop your head right off your overprivileged shoulders while you're still standing!
Nele: ...wut?
Elder Brithuar: ...Okay, that was worth the extra gold. Let's go, my lads!
Stabnation: *ensues*
And, after an awful lot of running around...
Gale: Alisaie ... not to complain, but...
Alisaie: Yes...?
Gale: We just murdered a metallic abomination at great cost to ourselves. You nearly died doing it.
Alisaie: Well, you're the one who eventually killed the fucking thing, so thanks for that.
Gale: Well, it seemed to be weakest to just being hit with blunt objects and thankfully my staff doesn't melt in heat and-- Anyway! Just thank me by explaining why we're traipsing through lava!
Alisaie: I wanted Karlach to feel at least a little bit at home. Besides, there's a lava elemental she might like to kill.
Karlach: All right! Time to break in this hammer!
Alisaie: Besides, I need to get used to having someone martial on side. If we're hitting that gith'yanki creche, we need to have Lae'zel with us. So I figured I'd start with the more personable melee fighter and work my way up.
Gale: Fair. I'm personally looking forward to travelling with Lae'zel. Maybe she could tell me what life is like in the Astral Plane.
Alisaie: Yeah, because she'd actually tell you shit all--
Karlach: Maybe the people with ice stuff could help me kill the lava monster?
Gale; Alisaie: Oh; right. Sorry.
Gale: *fires Ray of Frost*
Alisaie: *rapid-fires ice arrows*
Stabnation: *ensues some more*
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pinkthick · 2 years ago
What about a fanfiction where the reader and Doctor Strange Supreme have the evening off and she teases him without mercy, until they are called at the Sanctum for something minor. Then she finally gives him some relief demanding him not to touch her, but because he is feeling a lot of emotions, he loses control slightly of his human form as his wings sprouts out. The reader stops and he thinks is because of the wings and as he becomes more nervous, she just tells him that Stephen touched her without her permission. After that they just become more needy. Finally arriving in the bedroom, she realizes what a long evening it would be for the both of them, given that the doctor is insatible.
Thank you!!!
I hope you like this!😅
Also this was inspired by the NSFW Alphabet for Strange Supreme by @feral-for-strange. If you didn’t read it already, go check it out.😏
Don’t start something you can't finish.
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Pairing: Doctor Strange Supreme x Fem!Reader
Summary: You just wanted to see how long Stephen could last before making a move, but seeing that he didn’t even complain, you decided that he deserves a treat from you.
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Stephen instantly closed the portal after you entered the room containing the artefacts from the New York Sanctum Sanctorum as you hurriedly checked to see if the Serum of the Seraphim was present. Wong called you both repeatedly before the sorcerer finally responded. After some pupils used the elixir, he wanted to make sure that it was given back.
Wong could have checked it, especially considering that he had finished teaching the newer students, you questioned why he couldn't accomplish that on his own. It wasn't like it was a life or death situation, and virtually everyone in Kamar-Taj could finish such a plain task, so you wanted to refuse. However, Stephen did not give you the opportunity to express your opinion since he quickly promised Wong that the two of you would authenticate the item.
But in all honesty, you already knew why he responded that way.
The moment Wong called him, the doctor almost started to believe in God again. Since Y/N and him didn't have any classes that evening, you went for a leisurely stroll in the park. He wasn't sure if it had been that soothing for him. Not when all you did was tease him. His pants were currently incredibly tight and you were fully aware of what you were doing.
It’s not that he couldn’t open the mirror dimension and take you right there, but he knew you wouldn’t allow it. He would only increase his suffering. Not that it wasn't already obvious—if the bulge wasn't a clear indication, he had no idea what was.
"The serum is here." He was startled by your voice, which caused him to momentarily shift his attention back to you. He didn't trust his voice enough to respond, giving you only a murmur.
As you drew nearer to him, you asked, "So, are you ready to finish our walk, which was cut short because Wong was lazy?"
Since he had been so needy the previous week, you relished seeing Stephen so worked up. With all the new students at Kamar-Taj and America being at home, neither of you had time to even breathe, so all he received was a handjob, which was obviously insufficient for the doctor, but he didn't complain despite how evident it was.
Actually, all you really wanted to do was test his obedience and see whether he deserved a reward from you. So you finally made the choice to put an end to his agony when you noticed how he raised his arm to open a portal.
He looks at you bewildered as you lightly grab his wrists to stop him from moving. He locks his eyes with yours once you release them, catching a little glimmer in them and realizing what is about to happen. He hisses in surprise as you delicately brush your palm over his erection. He's not complaining, though.
As you slowly undo his belt and take his hard cock out, he mutters to himself how lucky he is.
Slowly jacking him off, you take pleasure in his helpless expression as a sly grin spreads across your face. “Are you going to continue to be a good boy for me?”
“Yes" he responds so fast that you can't help but laugh. You then trace your thumb over his lips and steal a quick kiss from the neurosurgeon.
As you kneel down, you maintain eye contact with him. Even though you are in a vulnerable position, you still have complete control over the situation, and you can't pretend that it doesn’t feel nice to have such dominance over him.
Eventually, you demand that he can’t touch you as you tightly round the base of his cock. At your remark, he begins to whine, but as you give him an experimental lick on the tip, the whine swiftly changes to a groan. Having him flustered so soon makes you smile, hearing his gentle moans getting louder as he hardens beneath your tongue.
You placed your lips around his length as his breath left him. As you took more of him in your mouth and gave him short sucks, the sorcerer let out a few low groans, and he threw his head back with his eyes closed, utterly absorbed in his own pleasure.
Even when you two did become a little more intimate this past week, Stephen was still able to maintain control of his human form. However, today, after you teased him for at least an hour until Wong called, you drove him crazy, and he became a little too desperate for relief. He was too lost in the pleasure of having you suck him to fully concentrate on the fact that he needed to channel magic through his body to maintain his normal appearance.
You bob up and down while smiling, one hand tightly grasping his tight while the other followed the motion of your mouth. Your gaze briefly catches sight of Stephen staring at you with half-lidded eyes and his jaw hanging open. His cock's head is firmly pressed against the back of your throat and you start to see signs that he is approaching his orgasm. As soon as you sink in, rubbing your tongue against his dick, you notice Stephen's eyes widen briefly before his wings sprout up from his shoulders, shredding his shirt in the process.
They brushed against a showcase, but it didn’t damaged it in any way. Even Stephen didn't anticipate this, so he makes a small effort to regain balance. The sorcerer places a hand on your shoulder as the other grabs your head briefly from behind. He sees your hesitation and becomes anxious when you stop as he finally notices his clawed hands.
You pull away from his hips as he whimpers and tries to apologize, but you interrupt him by saying, "Didn't I say that you can't touch me?"
He seems a little surprised, but when he realizes that you don't mind that his wings are out, he releases his grip on you and says, "Yes, yes. I’m sorry.” Out of breath, Stephen murmured, “Please, please forgive me.” Only thinking now about how close he was just seconds ago, needing your mouth on him again.
"Since you’ve been so good for me, I’ll overlook it." You uttered that as you encircled the tip with your lips and once more slipped his cock deeper and deeper into your mouth.
“Oh fuck” he curses as he begins to thrust into you, your gag reflex causing more delicious vibrations around his dick. His body finally tighten with his orgasm.
“Can I cum?” He gives you a big-eyed stare and tries again after realizing that you didn't approve in any way. “Please, can I cum?”
Finally, you hummed your approval, and as warm cum spilled down your throat, his hips jutted forward. "Thank you, thank you, thank you" he uttered before groaning. Then Stephen's wings began to flutter slightly before he expanded them fully and revealed them in all their glory as he came down from his high.
You let out his cock with a pop, and as you clean his dick with soft kisses, his breathing becomes labored. He grabs your wrist and pulls you toward him as you finally stand up. After giving you a kiss and tasting the salty taste of his cum on your lips, Stephen steps back to catch his breath.
"My good boy." You say as you gently dredge him after you and open a portal to your shared bedroom. Although it was pretty amusing to watch him struggle to walk through it while his wings were out, you could tell that the sorcerer didn't mind. What he might mind is that he was still hard after this and that just won’t do, but first, you needed a release too.
Stephen joined you in bed as the portal closed, and you laid down while quickly casting a spell to remove your clothing. He had you snugly tucked under him, his shape enclosing you. He felt as though he was melting under your touch as you stroked his hair.
As you spread your legs towards him and gently grabbed his chin to make him look into your eyes, you grinned at him. “Make that mouth helpful doctor” you whispered as you gave him a short kiss on the lips.
He didn't need to be told twice.
Stephen kissed your clit while lowering himself and delicately sucking it for a brief period of time. He then moved in a languid, irregular pattern as he probed your labia while slipping his lengthy tongue inside of you. He relished every second of it. It was incredibly exciting, with the metallic flavor of your warm juices and the way you moaned.
He managed to hit a particularly sensitive spot with his tongue, resulting in the loudest moan you've let out yet and followed by a loss of air.
Since he knew he had found your g-spot, he proceeded to move his tongue in circles, just as he knew you liked it. Your groans filled the room as he repeatedly hit the same spot, and you could feel the knot in your stomach tighten as you realized you wouldn’t last too long.
You could swear that he was smirking even if you couldn't see him, especially because your vision was suddenly a little hazy. Your labia was being kissed and licked like there was no tomorrow by him. Not that you were complaining, but your body felt positively ablaze.
You finally crumbled under Stephen's final two hard licks. He drank your fluids without daring to breathe while you felt like your soul was physically leaving from your body. “Oh fuck Stephen”
He trailed kisses all over your body as he slid his body upward, and you whimpered at the lack of contact. He treated your body with reverence, treating you like a true Godness, and you adored how gentle he was with you. Though that notion made your heart race, the way he looks at you makes you feel like the luckiest woman in the multiverse.
As you slowly began to shift positions such that you were on top of him, you took his hands in yours. He didn't complain, and his wings were exhibited rather nicely on the bed, even so you didn't want to rush him because you didn't know if he was comfortable with them. “They don't get in the way, do they? “ you asked as you straddled him and gently touching his wings.
He merely gave you a hum of approval, but it wasn't enough to make you sure he was feeling alright. "Love, use your words. You're comfortable, right?
"I’m sorry.” He gave you a small smile “I am comfortable. Don’t worry.” Stephen felt strange (no pun intended) because he didn't believe you would acknowledge them, but he felt better knowing that you don't find them repulsive. But in the back of his mind, he knew you would have spoken sooner if you really were, though.
“Good.” Your face once more broke into a smile as you twirled your fingers together. “But now," you said as you licked along his neck and felt him become rigid beneath you, before pulling away while giggling. “You must remain still once more, my good boy.
You pushed Stephen's hands up along the sheets while he scowled but said nothing in response. "You look great stretched out like this for me," you said.
“Oh Y/N..” The only response to his dramatic sigh of his, was a chuckle."You're so cruel to me" he wanted to touch you, kiss you, and taste you in every way imaginable.
You palmed his cock, which twitched against his leg. In an effort to avoid touching you, he clenched his muscles as you gave him some firm strokes. With his eyes glued to your every action, all he could do was moan. You stood up and placed his cock's head close to your pulsating entrance and as you lowered yourself, you grabbed his biceps.
Stephen let out an embarassing loud moan, just at that contact, feeling himself blush, but before he could regain his thoughts, you started to bounce on him. Your warmth enveloped him as you continued your confident motions of your hips.
“You’re so good for me” you breathed out very quietly
“Yes, yes, yes. Use me my love.” He said through ragged breaths as he admired you chase your orgasm.
He saw that you found a position that was giving you more pleasure, but you changed your motions, lowering yourself again as Stephen let out a whimper. It was clear that you prioritized his enjoyment, and he wasn't really pleased by this.
He realized he wouldn't last for long as you bent and flexed around him. He was pleading helplessly and without guilt, only wanting to hold you closer.
You were aware that if you would let him touch you, you would quickly lose all control, but against your better judgement you still let him.
When you said, "Touch me," he gripped your hips without wasting any time, merely dragging his claws along your sensitive skin.
Stephen had to start assisting you after you got into a rhythm and moved more quickly than before. The only sounds in the room were your loud bed creaking and your pornographic moans because neither of you could speak any more.
You tightened up against his dick, which caused his wings to rise and cover the two of you. "Oh God," you exclaimed, Stephen beginning to thurst harder as he lost himself in the pleasure, and you finally felt your orgasm wash over you. Although he didn't stop, you could tell he was close by the way he moved.
He was moving even more faster when he suddenly halted as his climax finally passed through him and caused him to whimper out loudly. His thick sperm filled you up, and some of it leaked out of your pussy, ruining the sheets.
You let your body fall on top of him, and due to your change of position a whine left your mouth, feeling some friction against your overstimulated clit, realising that he was still hard. “Gosh Stephen, you really are insatible sometimes.”
“We can stop if you want, Y/N” and as you gazed up at him, a timid smile appeared on his face, making you only slightly laugh. Because of the changes he underwent, you knew his sex drive was quite high, but you were confident you could keep up with him for a short while. Additionally, neither of you had any business to attend to.
“I didn’t say that I wanted to stop.” You scoffed trying to appear annoyed, but just how gently he was holding you, made your heart melt. “So get to work Mr. Strange”
He didn’t waste a second as he changed your position, turning you onto your stomach, his form encompassing you.
“Doctor Strange” he corrects you as you moan, back arching up, in vain. He’s unmovable and his hands enfold yours and squeeze as you claw at the blankets.
You inhale and exhale as you slightly flex your knees and feel his cock twitch inside of you. As he shifts against you, you feel like your knees are about to give way slightly, but he stabilizes you by circling your waist with one arm as he begins to thrust once more.
You shove your head into the blankets as he stirs up every nerve in you again.
The moist slap of his hips against you, the lovely drag of his claws, oh god. You just realized what a long evening this would be, but it would be a fun one.
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Several hours later, you drifted in a state of euphoria, lying on the ruined sheets with Stephen's cum filling your cunt to the brim. The sound of the floor cracking slightly with the weight of the sorcerer jolted you back to reality as you struggled to regain your breath.
As he approached you with a towel in hand, he left the bathroom door open.
You smiled a little at him as he climbed onto the bed, this time without wings or claws, and began to gently wipe your thighs. You were worn out and sore, but what caught your eye was Stephen shifting awkwardly and slightly adjusting his pajama pants.
You let out a feeble "I'm sorry" as you took a deep breath.
"What for?" He casts a spell to make the blankets freshen up while he stares bewildered at you.
As a blush rises up your neck, you say, "For not really succeeding to satisfy you—even if I'm the one who started to tease you."
"Are you kidding?" Stephen whispers as he gently caresses your sides, letting his fingers ghost along "You've done more than enough"
You chuckle a little as he draws you forward and gives you a gentle kiss on the forehead. "I'm more than grateful for what you offered me" Then he delivers you gentle nips and kisses while burying his face in your neck.
He swiftly exclaims "Now, come on," as he picks you up in bridal manner and takes you to the bathroom. “Your bath is ready and waiting for you” a goofy grin playing on his lips
You gave him a dreamy smile, and when you finally caught a whiff of lavender in the air, you couldn't help but chuckle. “I'll fall asleep, Stephen.”
"Not a problem.” He promises, "I'll take care of you" he says before giving you gentle kisses on the eyelids.
You murmured, "I love you," as Stephen glanced down at you rather shyly. He didn’t know why, but these three words almost brought him to the brink of tears.
Finally, he carefully placed you in the tub, the warm water easing your muscles, and he added, "I love you too," in a trembling voice. As Stephen snatches up the bottle of your preferred shampoo, you dive deeper into the water.
As he started to massage your scalp with his fingers and applied some of it to your hair, you grew drowsy and eventually closed your eyes.
He kept running his fingers through your hair, as he admired you. With your nose slightly wrinkled and your lips pursed, even then you looked so angelic. As you eventually opened your eyes once more, a drained murmur emerged from your throat.
You began to giggle as he bent down to give you a tiny kiss on the tip of your nose. Oh, how he loved you. Never again will he be without you. Nothing will ever harm you as long as he's around, he'll make sure of that.
My Y/N. Only mine.
Mine. Mine. Mine.
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Tagging: @paola-carter @hamandchickensandwhich @captainannamerica @ivyheliotrope @dornishmanswife @lilithskywalker @yumeillu @winter-cant-decide @andlizeth @withalittlehoney @mintssanctuary @strangesslut @rotindselain @rookiemartin @herseraphwings @robinschaoticlittle @kujosux @alahmorah @drstrangefangirl8900 @sa-filonzana @kety25jhosson @alchemxx @rachelessfreedom-world @silver-shadow @wolfstarhufflepuff @lucimorningst4r @strangesgirl @dragonqueen89 @rinacreateart @clockblobber @quillweavianstuff @k1mikoz @indoraptorgirlwind @mynamehasbeentakenbysomeperson @crazyhearttragedy
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kleemeow · 3 years ago
Suggestions time!! I saw your post and this might be super late but uhhh just ignore this if you don't want it anymore!
Ok so this is super random and more of a 'just wanna chat' ask, but I've been thinking....
I've always been fascinated with self-aware aus where the characters can hear you talking to them or is just generally aware of what you do in-game??
This concept hit me hard because I play with controller on my iPad and it was brand new, but after a few weeks the left analog stick started drifting, so whenever I place it down the characters will randomly move around and I FREAKED OUT the first time that happened lol
For me, I mainly use Xiao because he's one of my first 5-stars and my main DPS, and I can imagine he would be super frustrated with me bc I'm so bad at combat and puzzles, it takes me such a long time to defeat enemies & solve the riddles lol I also accidentally climb trees/cliffs a lot and my auto response to that is always yelling "No, stop that!" and I'd imagine he would be like "???? You made me do that tf???"
There was this one time where I was at Liyue map to explore for Geoculus. I just farmed loads of artefacts for Xiao for the first time ever the day before that, but bc my brain was a little tired I sorta forgot about it. And I saw some Fatui skirmishers in a distance, which I always thought was always super hard to beat, so I was pondering outloud whether I should try to take them or not while checking some other routes to take on my laptop... And then my joystick drifted, so Xiao was just walking forward and when I realized what was happening they're already engaging in combat so I just went with it?? And surprisingly it was... Not as bad????? He was CRIT-ing all over the place and I didn't die!!! And ik it's not what happened but I like to think that Xiao somehow heard me in game and was like "you stupid mortal, I can take this, WATCH." LOL
But anyway. Self aware AUs. That's it. That's the suggestion I have lol
PS. Loving your work so far, I hope to see more of your writing!!!
- 💠
Hello, lovely! I read the whole thing and it's pretty late too. I guess we're both night owls! Anyway, I find that you're a Xiao main! Klee's banner is coming up and I have 3k primogems ready. Still farming for Klee :'D I'm sorry this is late to your request too.
Here's your Self Aware!Xiao x Gamer!reader <3.
CWs: A bit angsty
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You always played Genshin Impact. Usually in your free time. You main XIAO. In fact, when his banner came out, you farmed for his artifacts, grinded for his ascension materials, everything! You always would have these silly thoughts of 'What if he thinks I'm stupid for sucking at beating up bad guys?' And you laughed at yourself for that. Xiao then chuckled in game and you heard. "Oh my god, that was hot-is that a secret voiceline??" You spoke to yourself.
You were exploring Liyue and saw some Fatui Skirmishers. "Ha-I bet we wouldn't be able to take them." Xiao glared and thought to himself 'Watch me.' You were gonna avoid them, but you realized you were already engaged in combat. "Dammit!" You went to fight and suddenly-Xiao started doing a bunch of crit damage all over the place! "Holy shit-and his crit rate is 45.6%!" And before you knew it, the fatui skirmishers were gone. "Told you." Xiao said. You heard and was all like '???'.
In Xiao's view, he enjoyed whenever you would play Genshin. Even if he gets annoyed when you accidentally climb trees or walls. In fact, he loves you. He gets so upset whenever you log off or have work/school. Sometimes, he'd wish he wasn't in Genshin and was in your world or vice versa, but Teyvat is quite dangerous. It's a shame he can't touch you, hug you, or kiss you.
He can't be with you.
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litsetaure · 3 years ago
I need to talk about this scene. Initially, I thought that Gellert just slipped up and blew his cover; he got caught up in what was happening that he forgot himself. You can almost sense it; the Aurors are thinking ‘wait, what?’ Mind you, if this is the point where the MACUSA (and, for that matter, Newt) realised that something was not right, I have some serious questions about what exactly actual Percival Graves was like! It really does say a lot about Graves that the first time they realized that Graves probably wasn't Graves until that speech that basically overturns what they thought he believed on the Statute of Secrecy. Not to mention that sentencing Newt and Tina to that creepy as fuck death penalty didn’t raise any alarms at all!
But then, I thought about the context. If I recall rightly, this scene is directly after Credence has apparently been killed. Obviously, come the second film, we know that’s not true, but as yet, no one else does. And I started to wonder - did Gellert actually slip up? Or did he intend to reveal himself? Had he just had enough and decided to tell ‘his’ colleagues the truth?
I mean, if you listen to him speaking - initially, he doesn’t really sound just angry. Maybe a little bit, but to me, he sounds more sad and frustrated. Especially at the start with the line ‘Madam President…I ask all of you. Who does this law protect?’ It might be his accent, but to me, he sounds like he’s on the verge of tears. His cause is something very important to him and he just witnessed what he thought was a murder of a boy who had a condition that was in no way his own fault. And that would strike a chord within him. Because he’s seen it before with Ariana Dumbledore. A young person suffering from a condition that was in no way her fault, but which kept her trapped and hidden away because of a law that would see her taken and locked away by a draconian Ministry, under the guise of keeping the wizarding community safe and secret.
And it frustrates and hurts Gellert. He doesn’t blow his cover here because he got sloppy. He effectively revealed himself, because he’s had enough of hiding. He wants these people to understand what’s at stake. To see that the law they value so much is only hurting them and others like them. And why is it their obligation to hide? They’re not shameful. They’ve done nothing wrong. Are they really to be condemned to live in secret and fear because of something they can’t control and to protect people who lash out at what they don’t understand?
Yeah. He’s not really angry, or not just angry. He’s just done. Done with all of this bullshit. He knows the damage the statute can do. It denied Percival Dumbledore the right to tell his side of the story (out of fear for his daughter) and ripped him away from the family who needed him. It destroyed Albus’ chance for a future. It also ultimately cost Kendra and Ariana their lives.
And even if he hasn’t initially given away enough to tell everyone who he is, he’s told enough to make it clear which side he’s on. He’s not stupid. He had to know that some people there may have suspected who he was, or at the very least a follower of Gellert’s, and he just turns his back on them after that speech that basically confirms which side of this conflict he's on, if nothing else. And he just turns his back and walks away (in disgust), like it's no big thing. Like there aren't AT LEAST 30 Aurors and President Picquery at his back, and also Newt Scamander and his trunk full of creatures (and Dumbledore's man). That is one hell of a bold power move. He’s saying ‘I know what I’m revealing to you here and I don’t give a shit what you think. I’m done hiding away. I’m not going to tolerate this law that condemns and harms us. I’m going to fight it with everything I have. If you want to attack me and fight me, that’s fine. I’m up for it. I’m not giving up. Do your worst.’
Also, if you watch the fight, it’s pretty typical of what we know of Gellert in a fight. He’s got virtually the entire MACUSA ready to take him down (and he also does not look remotely worried by this, rather he’s thinking ‘okay, fair enough. Do your worst’) but, when they’re firing at him, it looks as though he never casts a single attacking spell. He only appears to be using shielding charms. Damn powerful ones, yes, but shield charms nonetheless. And that’s very similar to what we see and hear of how he fights. He never attacks first. The threeway duel? Aberforth drew his wand first. The fight at the rally? The Auror attacked first, killing the red-haired witch. And here - he knows the Aurors intend to take him down. In such a situation, you have the right to protect yourself - which he does, with the shield charm. But, again, he doesn’t appear to attack them.
And yet, with only shielding charms, he more than holds his own until Newt sends out the bird. That is INCREDIBLY impressive in and of itself. But it’s even more impressive because of one small detail.
The wand he’s using is not the Elder Wand. It’s (I assume) Percival Graves’ wand. Which means Gellert is doing all this badassery with a wand that is not actually his own, either simply because it didn’t choose him in the first place (which it obviously didn’t), or because, not only did it not choose him, but he also didn’t win it/become that wand’s Master. We don’t know what happened between him and Graves (though I’ve seen somewhere that JKR has confirmed Graves is still alive…can’t for the life of me remember where though!), but damn…that’s really impressive.
(Side note, but it’s really interesting to note that, if Gellert did leave Graves alive, it’s not the first time he’s left someone alive when someone else might have killed them. He did the same with Gregorovitch when he stole the Elder Wand. He got the wand, but left Gregorovitch alive. I’ve wondered about that before, since surely the last thing he should do is leave any sort of trail, especially when looking for a powerful artefact like the Elder Wand. And leaving Gregorovitch alive does, ultimately, come back to bite him in the arse when Voldy comes calling. It’s possible that he simply does not take pleasure in killing, and really only does it in self-defence, which says quite a bit about him, in all honesty…)
But this final point about the wand(s) leads to another issue. If Gellert is master of the elder wand and does all that impressive shit with Graves’ wand that isn’t his…how does he lose to Albus?? He’s shaping up to be immensely powerful, intelligent and magically gifted (and also, in terms of his ideas and motives, ABSOLUTELY RIGHT) and yet…Albus beats him? I’m not saying Albus isn’t powerful as fuck and a damn good duellist (he certainly is), but I feel like Gellert is more than a match for him - and they both know it. And yet…Albus wins the duel, and the Elder Wand. It seems suspicious to me. As though…actually, yes. I’m going to say it. I’m now 1000% convinced that Gellert might not have outright surrendered, but he was absolutely holding back against Albus and, in the end, for reasons currently unknown, he threw the duel.
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horatiocomehome · 3 years ago
In Memoriam
There was a child with a gun, and he was a general, and he sat next to a fire with his army camped around him. Across from him sat another boy, just as young — his bodyguard. Just two boys, barely teenagers, and a fire.
"What if I die?" the general whispered into the flames. "What if you die, or another one of my friends, or—" his voice cracked. "People have died! Because of things I've done! And it'll happen again, I know it will! And this upcoming battle… I'm scared. What if it's us?" Between the two of them, the fire crackled. "What if it's us?"
"Oh, please." Across the fire, his bodyguard stood up. "There's no way we're going to die. The others, maybe, but us? I mean," —he flexed his muscles, impressive only among other teenagers his age— "Just look at me! No one's going to get through to you. And you're the best tactician I've ever met, not to mention an amazing shot."
"Yeah…." the general agreed, hand falling automatically to the gun at his side. "No one's escaping this thing."
"Exactly! Besides, we made a deal. I keep you safe, you win us the war." He picked up his warhammer and, with a flourish, pointed it at the general. "Would you really break that promise?"
The general laughed. It was genuine, though his position lent it a bitter edge. "Nope. You'd better bet this thing is going all the way. Anything to beat the emperor, am I right?"
Ten years and a few days later and far from the camps of war in more than just distance, two ghosts sat on top of a school building and watched the empty road. It was early morning, but no one had arrived yet.
"Man, what's keeping them all?" The ghost named Art asked. "Did we miss a late start announcement or something?"
The other ghost, named Octavius, though he usually went by Tav, shook his head. "Don't you remember what day it is?"
"Oh." Art's gaze grew distant. "Ten years, huh?"
Tav elbowed him with a mischievous grin. "Ten years since you fucked up your job, am I right?"
Art shoved him back. "Hey, we won the war, didn't we? That promise was null and void!"
"Oh, yeah, sure, technicalities."
The two laughed off the old exchange. Though they brought it up regularly when they felt like bickering, neither much liked talking about the times leading up to their deaths. They were past that now, and it wasn't like they could change anything anyways. Better to just hang around the school and make light of the afterlife. Or at least, that was how it usually went. Art, for whatever reason, was feeling restless.
"Hey… do you want to go out exploring? See what the kids are up to nowadays?"
Tav thought about that a moment. "You know what, why not?" He stretched, floating up from his perch. "It's been a while since we've left the school, after all."
The last time they'd left the school had been a happier time, though the two hadn't yet met each other. It had been a warm fall day, the emperor's tightening reign a distant worry.
"Hey Tav!" His friend Luc called out. "There you are!"
He waved back and ran to catch up. "Hey! You ready for this break?"
"You bet I am! This week won't know what hit it! Speaking of which, I've got something to show you." Tav arched an eyebrow. "Oh really? Is it just another drawing of your girlfriend?"
Luc sputtered. "What? No! This is something you'll actually like! It's an artefact."
"Oooh, I do like me a good artefact," Tav said. "Do you know what it is?"
"I'm not sure actually! I think it might be some kind of weapon?"
"Well, I guess we'll find out!"
And so they left the school, on the way to the weapon Tav would wield in the coming days. They didn't look back then. Later though, somehow elected most fit to lead their ragtag group of rebels, Tav would long for those days before the school was closed. For those days when all he had to care about was playing with his friends.
Now, as a ghost, Tav hadn't seen his friends in years, just Art. That was fine with him though. Better to have fun than be reminded of what he was missing, right?
Speaking of fun, he and Art were currently having the time of their lives thwarting the efforts of some jerk from the school and his father as they tried putting away groceries. He giggled as Art set out a bottle of milk in the exact spot it had just been put away from, then when the kid turned around and let out a cry of surprise, Tav scooped flour out of a jar and back into the bag the father had just poured it out of.
Finally, the father set down the groceries he was holding and went over to a stairway leading to the upper floor. "Honey, can you come down and help? These groceries are giving us more trouble than we thought."
A muffled voice replied, then a few seconds later a woman — presumably the mother — walked down the stairs. And Tav froze.
"Hang on a minute," Art said, "is that the figurehead of the rebellion, slayer of the emperor—"
"My best friend," Tav choked out. "Luc."
Art said something else, but Tav didn't hear. Luc had changed so much since he'd last seen her. She looked so old — easily late in her twenties now. It showed in her face, but mostly in the way she held herself. It was like there was some weight on her shoulders pushing her down. It wasn't right. They'd won, hadn't they? So why didn't his friend look happy?
Before he could think more on that, another thought pushed it out of his head. If that man was the kid's father, and he'd called Luc 'Honey' — she had a family? She'd grown up, gotten married — though not to her old girlfriend, apparently — and had a kid.
And he'd just been at the school the whole time. Completely unaware as time kept passing by.
"Tav. Tav!" Art poked him hard on the cheek. "I'm going to go on to the next house. I get it if you need a minute, but don't stay too long, okay?"
Tav nodded. As his friend flew off, he floated down a side hallway himself. It felt too strange seeing Luc older to stay in the room with her. The rest of the house, though, was that same off-putting mix of old and new. Luc's old sword, hung between pictures of a wedding and posing with an adoption certificate. An old stone tablet he and Luc had dug up together, displayed next to a plastic trophy.
And then, in the corner of a library-looking room, a table. On it was a picture of Tav and a picture of Art. The two almost looked like they could be the age of Luc's kid. Between them, two identical medals. A memorial.
A general and his bodyguard lay, hand in bloody hand, sunk down in the mud of the battlefield. The bodyguard pinned to the ground by a spear through his gut, and the general with no energy to go for help.
"Do you think I'll become a ghost? When I die?" The bodyguard rasped.
The general's chest tightened with the certainty of the words. When. Not if. "What do you mean?"
The bodyguard broke into a coughing fit, more blood wrenching itself free of his body. "I just… thought it might be nice. Maybe I could— I could hang out with you some more."
"Yeah. That would be nice." A tear rolled down the general's cheek. His breaths were slower now, as was the beating of his heart. "Maybe I can be a ghost too. And we can leave all of this behind."
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