#i was worried with the first episode but wow it truly got great
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contactlessdrivethru · 2 years ago
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just finished opla mood
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numberonetacostan · 17 days ago
Wow Chionophobia was so good! I liked how Taco’s disappearance in the beginning was completely silent! It makes sense considering how stealthy she is, she’d probably learn to silence her movement to make sneaking around easier.
Goo was so silly!! I think his characterization was really good! Truly no other thoughts in his head except silliness, cheer and mlp..
Mic being stressed out the entire time ohh.. she was so worried! Especially when she couldn’t hear Taco with her hearing! I can’t imagine being able to know where basically any contestants are at all times but when she really needs to know it won’t work! That would put some not so good thoughts into Mic’s head of what could’ve happened to Taco!
Ohhhh Taco.. I’d imagine she doesn’t hide in the vents a whole lot. Maybe to travel throughout the hotel more discreetly if she wanted to be alone but not to stay in it for long periods of time. Could she have gone into them to try and be as far as possible from the snow? I wonder how her mindset was during her initial hiding- clearly she must’ve been so panicked.. her fear must be so intense to kick her mind and body into survival mode like that! It was almost like an instinct to try and get as far away from the snow as possible, not knowing nor caring where’d she end up as long as it was safe and inside- which automatically led her to the vents which would be the innermost part of the hotel. She’s literally in the walls! She probably had some nasty experiences during winter where she wasn’t sure if she was going to make it through the night due to the immense cold, or maybe her little den got snowed in once, or maybe she barely escaped being buried alive during a blizzard, or etc. etc. so much potential cause for it!
I’m glad it ended with a lighter note! Also NICKEL being the one to try to coax her out was so funny to me. He probably felt so awkward..
do you think Taco would open up to Mic about her fear of snow afterward when she’s more calmed down? Maybe at least a little so they could take more precautions for the next time it snows?
anyways can you tell I really enjoyed your fic? I hope you write more some time, I’d totally love to read more of your writing!
this is from Pocket btw! (Omg I have anon nickname I feel so honored haha!)
I keep going and checking on it with big sparkly eyes and reading through the comments because they bring me incredible amounts of joy!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Anyways, onto your ask!!
Yup!! She's a little stealth master!!! And Mic is distracted, hehe.
RIGHT!! He is so precious. Silly-billies his way into doing a great job handling a PTSD episode <3 Him sleeping next to her for so long helps her to start breathing slower, the hot chocolate helps to ground her, the infodumping gives her something to grasp onto to come out of the flashback, he is just a sweet little angel who has never done anything wrong in his entire life.
Mic is so very scared at that moment I'm glad you noticed!! :D Yeah normally she can hear everyone, usually even Taco when she's hiding away, but between Taco not talking and barely moving most of the day, and Goo infodumping right next to her, Mic can't pick up on her!! Which is so scary!!!
So! Yes, a part of it is her wanting to be as far from the snow as possible!! She is seeking immediate shelter!! I tend to think of her home while she was in the woods being a little den underground, maybe a little room or two with a tunnel in between them. And, after the event that traumatized her which I'll go into in just a moment, she's hidden herself away in her den/tunnel at any sign of snow. The events of the fic are not the first time Taco has had the extreme reaction to snow, it has been a trigger for her for a long time. The vents are not only hidden away, but the closest thing to her old den in the mansion. It's partially out of habit, in that way, since she's always hidden in her den when there was snow.
As for the event that caused the trauma, it goes as follows. Shortly after the end of season one, (Which ended early-mid December) and very shortly after the hotel was built (which seeing as it was made from MeLife, I doubt took very long), there was an absolutely bloody massive blizzard. A few meters or so of snow. And see, since this was so soon after the end of season one, Taco had nothing established, and no tools. She didn't have any den to hide in, she didn't have anything to cover herself with, and with the timing the hotel was very much not an option. She very much did get buried, and would've had to claw her way out of the snow a few times as it piled up. I doubt she could've made it there even if it was. She'd ended up with severe hypothermia after this, and I'd say the only reason she survived it is because she's made from MeLife. We don't know whether it was possible for them to die from things like hypothermia/starvation/etc., but let's just leave it that if they could have, she very likely would have. It was a living hell <3. She didn't have a shelter while she was sick or anything- she was out in the snow that entire time until it melted on its own. Which was quite a long time. And naturally, that experience traumatizes the living daylights out of her.
He did feel incredibly awkward, and also hated being the vents. He is a teensy bit claustrophobic to me <3. He likes Taco and everything, but he is not good with feelings, yeah?
Yup! Immediately post-fic, she'd still be nonverbal for a few days, and probably still hang out with Goo a lot. He's a comfort for her now, and of course he hasn't finished recapping all of My Little Pony in incredible detail to her. [Some readers pointed out the implication that he remembers every single episode in detail and in order, and I'd like to clarify- yes, yes he does.] Once Taco is talking a bit more though, which would also be over the course of a few days, Mic would probably start to broach the subject with her. I don't think Taco would give her all the details yet, since her trauma surrounding snow is still like, 0% healed at the moment, but Mic is so sincerely worried about her that Taco would give her the rundown. A sentence or two about having gotten caught in a blizzard once and having gotten sick afterwards. I don't think she could get out more than that at this point, without tears at least.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I'M SO SO SO SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED!!!! XD!!!!!! I'm hoping to write some more too!! I have an au related to the question I'd posted earlier today in the works that seems like it might be worthy of being actually written, though it would be a bit. I'd be kind of pointless to post the outline for Chionophobia since I posted the actual story, but to use it as an example, it's outline is significantly more detailed than the outlines/story summaries I usually post on here, because I need that detail to help me actually write the story. So basically, I'll have to write a nice, thorough outline before I write the story, which may take time. Or not. I thought Chionophobia would take longer but 22 hours and 19 pages later, there I was ready to post, so.
Anyways I'm so glad you're happy abt your nickname and thank you so so so so much for reading and sending this in!!! <3 <3 <3
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baronessblixen · 6 months ago
Been catching up on Frasier; and I've been meaning to drop in here and tell you my thoughts on each episode but I get sucked in and lose track of details because I have to watch more more more but Niles just proposed to Daphne while Frasier was clearing the room and tackling the trumpeter and carrying the chef and what it was SO, SO GOOD. (And Frasier being worried he's one year older because his parents married after his mom got pregnant; and Niles already knowing-- both excellent twists.)
Season 9's really been putting out great, great episodes. ...Y'know what? I'll look up IMDb and put some quick thoughts down here because why not???
Don Juan from Hell part 1 and 2: it's been so long since I've seen these two, but I remember really, really enjoying them.
The First Temptation of Daphne Moon-- an intriguing glimpse into Daphne's insecurities and Niles's staunch ethics. It's good to see how they handle rocky moments in their relationship, too.
The Return of Martin Crane-- LOVED THIS ONE. It's so good, every part. (His memories, and the juxtaposition of Niles-- with more hair-- in the past and Niles in the present; and how miserable they all were then and how happy they all are now; and the kiss at the end. Perfection!)
Love Stinks-- I had fun with this one. (Frasier owning up to his snobbery, lol.) Though I don't know if Roger and Roz will last (well, I know they won't; but I don't know if I truly buy into their relationship.) Poor Roz, she keeps trying.
Room Full of Heroes-- again, Marty's speech at the end grabs me. Marty's my favorite, I must own; and that's been growing as the seasons progress. (Niles is second; and I adore their scenes together.)
Bla-Z-Boy-- the CHAIR being accidentally tossed out the window, WOW. Hilarious. XDDDDDD
The Two Hundredth-- I... feel called out. XDDD But, to be fair, at least I'm an archivist, not a sycophant, by nature. ;)))))
Sharing Kirby-- Tisk Tisk Tisk, those Crane boys always shoot themselves in the foot with their greed. Kirby's sloooooowly growing on me. Kenny keeps sinking in my estimation, though-- his comedy doesn't really hit this season, for me.
Junior Agent-- BEBE!!!!!!!!!! Absolutely killer scene, every single one she's in. And her shark replacement is gonna be fun if the writers use her well (I thought the same of Kenny, at first.)
Bully for Martin-- again, loved this episode. The comedy was top-notch all the way through; and it's good to see Marty back on his feet. (and talking, but not complaining, about the challenges of a new hierarchy.)
Mother Load, Part 1 and 2-- It's fascinating to watch how much Niles has grown, and how his growth then highlights (in a good way) how much Daphne still has to go. It makes both of them human. :DDDDD And I liked how the ep. paused to give each main and side character as much depth as possible.
Juvenilia-- This was actually fun; and I love how Roz was sick and tired of Frasier's preening routine at the beginning. Those kids were sharks, man; but they're gonna get far. Kirby's growing on me.
The Proposal-- sweet all the way through. Marty and Niles were standouts, but I'm biased. ;)))) And Marty's excuse to Daphne's mom, and Daphne arriving sick, and Frasier interfering then saving the day by getting all the staff out, and Niles being interrupted from his question by Daphne honking her nose-- hiiiiiiiiiilarious.
Having so much fun! :DDDDDDDD
So happy you're still having fun watching the show! You still have two seasons to go 😁 season 9 definitely has some great episodes. I must admit though that I find Kirby pretty annoying.
Still, Bla-Z-Boy is super funny and I also really love The Return of Martin Crane. The proposal was so cute! He had planned this huge thing and in the end they didn't need any of it. Great season. Much better than season 8 😅
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ashes-2-ashes57cba · 7 months ago
The Bad Batch: Valkyrie
Episode 3: The Solitary Clone (part 2)
The conclusion to my first original episode with Specter! *shebs'palons: "assholes", Mando'a warnings: references to The Great Gatsby, references to jazz, canonical violence, almost swearing
“Did she find it yet? Is it there?” Omega eagerly asked, running back inside after lighting the fireworks with Wrecker.
“She went quiet, we have no clue what’s happening,” Hunter updated. He paced behind Tech at the console, who read the data from the droid they commandeered.
“Oh, shi-”
“Language,” Echo stopped Tech from swearing in Omega’s presence.
“It appears the diamond was removed from the vault.” Tech’s hands slowly moved away from the controls.
“What? Where is it now?” Wrecker exclaimed. 
“On display… in the middle of the ballroom for all to see,” Tech said, defeated. “Do you copy, Specter?”
“Yeah,” she sounded equally defeated. “I want to guess you don’t have a backup plan for getting the diamond out of there?” Tech didn’t reply, only pinching the bridge of his nose while racking his brain for an idea.
“What if we got the people out of there?” Omega suggested. 
“...That is not a bad idea,” Tech thought.
“In fact, it’s a great idea!” Specter exclaimed over the comms. “Tech, can you change the droid’s security parameters so it sees everyone as a threat?”
“Already on it. I shall wait for your signal. Echo?” he nodded Echo over to join him, working together. 
“Please be careful,” Hunter asked.
“Don’t worry, Hunt. Besides, you know what they say, ‘diamonds are a girl’s best friend’.”
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Specter slipped back into the ballroom, drifting toward the hors d’oeuvres table and slipping the axe underneath, as well as taking a treat for herself to fuel her for the upcoming excitement.
“Tech, Echo, you ready with the droid?” she whispered, wiping the corners of her mouth.
“Ready when you are,” Echo replied.
“Good. Wait for my signal, I’m going to get a closer look at the diamond.” Specter made her way into the crowd, looking for a way to see what kind of defenses the jewel was under. It was up on display on the center dais, replacing the musicians. However the crowd surrounding the dais was too thick, and even with the high heels, Specter wasn’t that tall. Someone tapped her shoulder, she turned to find her dance partner from earlier. 
“Oh, it’s you,” she said with a smile. 
“Miss Pierce,” he smiled, nodding his head, “are you enjoying the party?”
“Well, I’d enjoy it a lot more if I could actually see the diamond,” she giggled. He offered his hand to her again. 
“Then shall I escort you up to see my diamond?”
“Your diamond?” she puzzled over his phrasing until she gasped and realized “You! You’re Jaerono Gatsaebyn!” He laughed aloud.
“Call me Jay.” She smiled and took his hand, letting him push past the crowd and up to the dais.
“Oh, wow…” Specter breathed, in genuine awe of it. 
The Heart of the Eternal White Point Star was said to have fallen out of the center of a white dwarf star and estimated to be the most valuable gemstone to date. Not only was it a rather large stone, but it emitted its own natural glow. Specter smiled at the display, knowing it was a fake and knowing the real one was kept safe by the native people who discovered the diamond.
She saw her reflection in the glass case and tried not to double take; her confidence was the biggest change she saw, other than the beautiful outfit she rented for the night. 
She still didn’t feel like a Valkyrie, nothing felt quite right yet, but she felt better, which was improvement enough. Still, as comforting as the confidence was, it felt foreign to her. Her sisters had guided her to this moment, whispering in her ear, counting down until the right moment to unleash the droid.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Jay whispered next to her. “3,700 carats, uncut, and flawless. The pinnacle of my collection, worth 1.73 million credits.”
“I can see why. Oh, Jay…” she trailed off, still enraptured by its beauty, synthetic or not. “And it’s truly the real thing?”
“Of course it is!” He was a poor fool.
“Now,” Specter whispered into her comm before turning back to Jay, “with a collection like this, your mistress must be a very lucky woman.”
“She will be, once I find the right one.” He gazed at her, intently; Specter hardly let it phase her, but made sure she blushed and fluttered her lashes. 
“Well, if she just so happens to-”
“Look out!” someone yelled. The droid burst into the ballroom, pushing aside staff and guests in its way.
“Multiple intruders detected!” it announced in a deep voice, charging at a group of screaming party-goers.
“My droid!” Jay exclaimed, tangling his fingers in his hair.
“Everybody get out!” the guard at the door shouted, opening the doors wide to let the stampede of frightened guests escape.
“I can distract it. Get the diamond!” Specter ordered before Jay could argue, weaving through the panicked crowd and sliding under the hors d'oeuvres table and grabbing her axe. “Nicely done, Tech,” she complimented.
“Thank you, but there is a slight problem. I cannot regain control of the droid.”
“Oh.” Specter turned to watch as Jay opened the case and clutched the diamond, fearfully watching the droid as it stalked and attacked guests. “I’ll make do.”
Specter, wielding the axe, marched to the middle of the ballroom, facing the droid. It caught sight of her and the weapon. Its eyes turned red.
“Your droid doesn’t happen to have any blaster attachments, would it?” she asked Jay, who was cowering behind an overturned table.
“Uh-” The droid lifted its arm and lowered its hand, firing from hidden blaster barrels.
“Nevermind,” Specter scoffed, dodging fire, darting around the droid to test its range—even in heels her speed and reflexes were quick enough to stay out of range.
Specter launched herself toward it, swinging her axe with wild abandon. The blade lodged into its arm cannon, disarming it completely. The droid stumbled back from her attack but easily adjusted for close combat. It pushed away, blocked, and redirected her swings, causing her to stumble with the weapon. She found it frustrating; the axe-head was too heavy and she couldn’t find a balance or rhythm with it, throwing off her footing and strength distribution. The Valkyries were screaming in her head, telling her to find the balance, get it together, be sure of her footing, hope her team is okay—focus! Dodge!—pull more of her strength, worry for Hunter and Omega, make sure Jay is okay.
It was too much. The droid caught her off guard and kicked her back. She yelped as she landed on the floor, her weapon sliding next to her. She struggled to push herself up, keeping an eye on the droid as it assessed the damage on its arm cannon. Specter’s breath was caught in her throat, held back by frustration and embarrassment. She caught her tired and disheveled reflection in the blade of the axe. 
CT-9905 grunted as she fell onto her back, her panicked breath fogging up her helmet and watching as blaster fire flew overhead. 
“You alright, 05?” 01 shouted from the other side of the simulation room.
“She’s fine,” her twin sneered, kneeling beside his downed sister to cover her. The other four managed to take down the training droids before she had a chance to get up; but she was already disappointed in her performance. Her brother turned to her, observing her slowly sit up and slouch.
“Why can’t I get it right?” she mumbled. “Every time I think I’m clear, I just end up in another one’s range.”
“You improved significantly compared to last time. We all have,” encouraged 02 as he and 03 came around. 05 took off her helmet—in a split second, 03 ruffled her hair with his large hand. She playfully swatted him away but still frowned. 
“You need to let us back you up,” CT-9901 said as he came around, taking off his helmet as well. His tied-back hair was only a little messy; she was sure the Kaminoans would insist he cut it. 04 helped her up. 
“I know,” she sighed as they began to leave the room. “I trust you guys.”
“You have to trust yourself too, sister,” CT-9904 added. She looked up at her twin with curiosity. 
“He’s right. We can give all the support we can, but if you don’t trust in yourself and your abilities, it’s useless,” 01 explained.
“Zero multiplied by four is still zero,” emphasized CT-9902. 
“Hah! She doesn’t need equations, 02,” 03 said, bumping into him. “You’ll be great, 05, you’ll see. Soon, we’ll reach our prime, get out of this stuffy training armor, and be the best squad anyone has ever seen,” he cheered, grinning wide. She couldn’t help but giggle at his enthusiasm. She took a moment to pause and take in the atmosphere around her, her team talking and laughing and encouraging each other. She smiled. 
Having spent her entire, albeit short, life feeling wrong, as though something was missing, this—this moment of belonging and purpose in her family—felt right.
The memory came and went, but its effect remained, echoing in her bones. Whether it was the Bad Batch or the Valkyries, she would be supported. She was the exception; alone, she was a strong fighter, but with the support of her team—family—her strength grew exponentially. Specter forced herself to get up, though it felt like the arms of her sisters and absent team were lifting her on her feet. She grabbed the axe, staring down the droid, finding her grip on the handle until it seemed to click into place in her hand. The droid made an approach toward her.
Her heart was beating fast, so fast she barely felt it; she entered a state she couldn’t describe. She wasn’t just fast, the world around her was slow. She seemed to know exactly how and where to position herself. Ducking under the extended fist of the droid; using the axe handle to jab into its abdomen. Swinging the blade at its chest; twisting out of the way of a kick. Specter executed it all precisely. The axe became an extension of her, cutting into the droid and disabling it before it could process what was happening. Specter moved like never before, fluidly dodging and attacking.
Her breath caught up to her. The remains of the droid crumbled at her feet. Specter was shocked to see such damage done, by her hand especially, with an unfamiliar weapon. It frightened her, she embraced it. Her heart slowed to its normal pace, yet the adrenaline before had somehow been soothing. This is what a Valkyrie could be—what she could be.
“Are you alright, Jay?” she turned and called to his hiding spot. He peeked over the table and crawled out, still holding the diamond close to his chest. 
“Is it over?” he asked. “How the hell did you do that?” 
“I took self defense classes,”  she shrugged. “Now about the diamond-”
“Yes, well, that’s the problem isn’t it?” Jay interrupted her, his demeanor shifting. “Valentine can barely lift a rifle, let alone an axe.”
“Jay, listen to me,” she carefully said, “the diamond-”
“Is mine and will stay mine,” he growled, pulling out a small blaster pistol and aiming it at her. “How does the song go? ‘My funny Valentine. Sweet, comic, Valentine.’ You’re a fool if you think you can take this from me.” Specter scowled, unsure how she would be able to get the diamond now. “I’ve worked too damn hard to get to where I am—to own a treasure such as this—to let some girl take it from me now. So, what I’m going to do is-”
“Shut up,” someone behind him said, stunning him. Jay fell on his face, revealing Hunter with a smoking gun. “And she’s not just ‘some girl’,” he said to the unconscious body, kicking it a little. Specter snorted.
“My hero,” she teased, slinging the axe over her shoulder. 
“Saving you from monologuing shebs’palons since day one,” he said, bowing his head. Specter knelt down, shoved Jay onto his back, and pried the diamond from his hand. “That’s it?”
“Yup. All that work, just to take it from his hands,” she said, feeling the weight of the jewel.
“We should go before any other security arrives,” Hunter suggested, nodding toward the door. Specter stood up and blew Jaerono Gatsabyn a kiss before stepping over him and walking with Hunter back to the Marauder. 
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Specter kicked off her heels and tossed aside her fur wrap and lounged in the seat behind Wrecker, just as they entered hyperspace back to Ord Mantell. 
“So, was it fun?” he asked, turning around.
“It was alright. I had some champagne, danced, snuck around; honestly, Wrecker, you would have been bored in two minutes. But hey, you and Omega were great with the fireworks!” she said.
“It was so fun!” Omega came running in, hopping into the seat across from Specter. 
“How about that axe? Hunter said the droid looked like nothing but a bunch of scraps when he got there,” Echo added, pointing to the weapon leaning up by her seat. Specter ran her hand over the solid wood handle. It still felt “correct”; the Valkyries were calm, keeping to a low hum. She was, for the first time in a long while, proud of herself.
“I think I’ll keep it,” she said, fondly. Tech and Hunter then entered the room, holding the Heart. 
“This is a rather excellent synthetic diamond. The chemical compound used to emulate the glow is quite ingenious,” Tech commented, letting Omega hold and ogle at the jewel.
“I can’t imagine how much the real one is worth,” Wrecker crossed his arms. 
“It means more to the native people who found it than any monetary value could meet,” Specter said. 
Hunter watched them all from the doorway; he was curious about Specter, her confidence was… different, and she had a glow about her. Much like the diamond Echo was now holding, a soft but prominent light came from within. 
“But, this is a really good copy,” Specter continued as Wrecker took it from Echo.
“I don’t think it’s a copy, anymore,” Hunter’s voice broke out. He turned back to Specter, who had met his gaze. “I think it’s something else. Something new.” Specter smiled, heart warm and full.
He smiled too.
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Omega quietly hopped down from her room in the rear gun, rubbing her eyes tiredly as she was drawn to the glow of Specter’s datapad from the cockpit.
“Specter?” The woman looked up from her cross-legged position on the floor, tired, but happy to see the girl.
“Hey there. Couldn’t sleep?” Omega shook her head. Specter opened her arm to her, the girl drew near and sat next to her, leaning into her embrace.
“I was just thinking,” started Omega. Specter hummed in response. “I’m sorry you’re not who you thought you were. It must have been really scary and I know it’s made you upset.” The woman gently kissed the top of her head.
“It’s alright, Omega. I promise you it is. In fact, I feel much better about the fact now,” said Specter. She stretched out her legs and leaned back against the wall. “Do you think you can help me with something?”
“It’s these designations for the Valkyries, I can’t make sense of them. Can you help me think of their names? Like mine; Valkyrie-101sdne,” Specter tilted the screen towards her. 
“Hmm… oh! How about Sidne?” said Omega. The name rang throughout Specter’s head, her sisters sang it. It felt correct.
“Sidne… I like it!”
The two named the rest of the Valkyries and read through as much as they could, discovering secrets of what abilities the Kaminoans were looking for, development plans and training modules. Omega eventually drifted back to sleep and Specter paused her reading to let her mind wander.
The Valkyries sang lullabies around the sleeping girl, but the beginnings of turmoil stirred within Specter again. She accepted her Valkyrie heritage, accepted she was different and embraced the ideas of what she could have been. Yet she still didn’t know who she was. Who is Sidne? Who is Specter now? 
Wrecker entered the room, coming to take over for watch, interrupting her internal chaos. 
“Switch,” he whispered, being careful not to wake Omega.
“I can stay up,” Specter insisted, wanting to be nice to her teammate. Wrecker, surprisingly, shook his head.
“Nope. Hunter’s orders,” he insisted. Specter quietly huffed a laugh, smiling to herself.
Of course he did. She carefully adjusted herself and picked up the sleeping girl. Wrecker patted her shoulder as she passed by into the hold. After placing Omega back in her makeshift bed, Specter went to climb into her own bunk, pausing to glance at Hunter’s peacefully sleeping form. She was grateful for him, smiling and hoping he got good rest before settling down on her own bunk, waiting for dreams of her sisters. The Valkyries welcomed her into the battles of the night. 
And that's the end of my original episode! I really hope you liked it; a little behind-the-scenes fact... this is my third version of this story. The episode may be over, but it seems as though our dear Specter is still troubled... perhaps a more concrete resolution is needed... ;)
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expatesque · 3 months ago
Monthly Recap - Dec
Slightly delayed, under the cut
The Left Hand of Darkness, Ursula K. Le Guin - So so good, strongly recommend.
Tokyo Express, Seicho Matsumoto - A very good murder mystery, intricately plotted and intensely twisty. A nice, quick read
Deep Christmas here, so watched like, so many Christmas movies. Highlights were: A Biltmore Christmas (Hallmark movie that was way better than it had any right to be), Our Little Secret (Lindsay's best Christmas movie yet), the Chad Michael Murray stripper one (obviously), and Holiday (a Cary Grant / Katherine Hepburn film that, while not really about Christmas, takes place entirely over the holiday period).
The whole of A Gentleman in Moscow on the planes to and from Chicago. This was good, but the book was better and I think they could have done a better job. They leaned into the darkness in the book whereas I think learning into the more Wes Anderson elements would have been better.
Shrinking - Only a few episodes into this but really liking it.
Star Trek 2009 - First time watching this in years and it's still so good. Has kicked off a bit more of a Star Trek binge, can't wait for the new season of Strange New Worlds.
Attended: Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit at the Hammersmith Apollo (he's so great, but wow never seen a quieter more sedate crowd in my life) and Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Commet of 1812 (soooo good, it's turned into a full blow obsession and has got me reading War and Peace.
Had my birthday party! Was so nervous about this but actually it was amazing, so much fun.
Learned about: skin care. As I approached 30 a line appeared on my forehead that no amount of moisturizer would help, and I promptly freaked out. The result of my deep dive: I had my cousin prescribe me some tretinoin when I was in the States and I'm now using that (starting off very slowly using the moisturizer sandwich method, don't worry).
Hosted Christmas Eve dinner which went okay, timing was off but food was good and desert in particular was really good.
Last Month’s Goals
☑️Use all class pass classes: Knew I wasn't going to use them all this month, only did two classes, both in Chicago - Ritual Hot Yoga (the best, bougiest experience) and then a HIIT class around the corner from my parents' place (nice, but not great).
☑️Read a book: see Read section above.
☑️New Recipes x2: (1) British style roast potatoes (yum, but take way longer than I was expecting) (2) Chocolate mousse (this recipe, very easy and nice) with a raspberry/blackberry sauce.
☑️Go to a new museum: The Driehaus Museum in Chicago, a completely crazy Gilded Age mansion. Truly insane interiors, too much in many places but lots of gorgeous moments.
❌Go to an Exhibition: Fail on this, but I'm giving myself a pass because I was only in the UK for brief period.
☑️Go to a show: check, see above.
❌Crochet: Was really crap this month, gotta get back to it!
❌Write More: Knew this wasn't going to happen this month, and lo.
❌Lay morning foundation: Yeah this was never going to happen over the holidays. For Jan!
☑️Budget: Barely, so ready to be employed again.
❌Memorize a poem: RIP, no.
🟧Russian flashcards: I took like half month off 😂
❌Screen time: Worse than last month, traveling and being home did me in. Gotta get back to good habits!
❌Job prep: This is priority #1 for Jan.
☑️ Quality Time: check! Did well, saw everyone I should have and spent good time with them all.
Next Month’s
Carrying Over
Use all class pass passes
Four new recipes
Read a book (actually I'm reading War and Peace at the moment so unlikely to finish that, but will be happy with good progress)
Visit a new musuem
Go to an exhibition
Go to a show (have The Importance of Being Earnest scheduled and will likely also see Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake)
Interview Prep
Write more
Morning foundation
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cowboymantis · 5 months ago
(Spoiler free for the Yakuza amazon series, just vague thoughts! HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT WETHER YOU'VE PLAYED YAKUZA BEFORE OR NOT!!)
I didn't want to finish it yet (because that means it's over), but I have now finished the Yakuza show, and BOY did I already love the first episodes, but it was even more peak in the last ones 😭😭😭😭
I was so excited for it, although the fandom showed its annoying side again, but I didn't let that influence my happiness for it, and I just enjoyed it to the fullest 🙏 Of course I had some worries before watching, but it was just really good. Perfect? No, but let's not act like Yakuza 1 is perfect either (I'm saying this as someone who had Yakuzer brainrot for many years now and is never escaping it), and the fandom now all of a sudden wants to act like Yakuza 1 is the greatest masterpiece ever and how everything that changes it is BAD
Definitely really loved the focus being more on the Sunflower kids and how they grew up and eventually got tangled into the Yakuza business! It made one scene in particular WAAY more emotional and sad than in the games 🥺
And wow. They really bamboozled us with hiding a certain character from us, huh...
Loved how many actors I recognised :'D Some were definitely a surprise, because we didn't know much of the cast beforehand!
I remember when they first showed a photo of Indy, and I thought, huh. He kinda looks like Namioka Kazuki (Sid's actor from Kamen Rider Gaim). But I might imagine things because I've been watching some dramas with him in it (I absolutely love his roles they're so embarrassing but funny but also kinda adorable (like Sid for example 😭)). BUT THEN HE APPEARED AND IT TOTALLY WAS HIM . AND HE WAS WEARING A COWBOY HAT HELLO???
Another thing I enjoyed was the mystery around the demons! Something completely new that leaves you speculating from the start. I was guessing who they might be other than that they're working with a certain character, for the longest time I thought maybe they could be the Jingweon, because of the masks. Of course not saying anything to that, but yeah. I cannot really tell how much I liked the resolution to that, since uh. I have questions left ldjdkf
The finale was just great too, and this one scene that looked a lot like the Yakuza 7 finale...
And so so many beautiful and aesthetic scenes with Nishiki 🥲 He's truly the goat in every version... And a poor little meow meow 😭
At first, I was unsure if I could take him seriously because I knew his actor from the drama Super Salaryman and . Well. Let's just say he's unbearable (in a funny way).. But his actor really did SUCH a perfect job in portraying him, and sometimes his voice reminded me so much of game Nishiki 🥺
Speaking of Nishiki, a Yakuza stageplay Nishiki and Amazon series Kiryu collab would be funny. It would be like a Kamen Rider Gaim X Kamen Rider Drive collab, but Yakuza 💀 Kamen Rider and Yakuzer are always weirdly connected...
Oh!! And another thing, the soundtrack fr sounded like straight out of the games sometimes, it was really cool! And the music during the finale was so hype it probably could be a cool final boss theme in the games :) Or at least a final long battle theme!
Majima was fun too, although I feel like if you know absolutely nothing about Yakuza and Majima, you'd be a bit confused about him. He really feels like you have to know him to be excited about him, if that makes sense?
But then, on the other hand, there's a big "plot twist" at the end of the show, and it almost even feels like a dramatic cliffhanger. But it's something everyone who played the game knew, and I kinda assumed it a bit to be canon to the show too. So yeah, I feel like this is a bit of a problem with this show: It can't decide whether it is purely for fans of the games, or newcomers. Or maybe they just added a mix of game canon and new canon to make it more exiting for both sides? I always try to see criticism I give in another light, aka "why did they do it this way?", so I'm a bit conflicted in certain choices!
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mario8th · 4 months ago
See It Was Established In The Very First Chimera Ant Episode That They Can Survive For A While After Being Decapitated So Now Its Used As A Convenient Narrative Device
Alt Title: Have You And Your "Best Friend" Ever Managed To Simultaneously Make Bug Friends Through Wildly Different Means?
But before I jump in, in the last Media Club Plus episode Keith played a bit of the Dub audio. And. Wow does the dub suck? I've never been much of a dub vs sub person, but hearing the dub after having watched the sub the whole way through, there is a stark contrast in performances. Could Not Be Me. Anyway
Hunter X Hunter Episodes 101-103 made me realize something. I enjoyed each of these episodes. They had some of the stuff that makes HxH great, while also being bogged down with some of the minutia that gets a bit on my nerves, namely the long power points. And while I was sitting through the third or forth PPT, I found myself reminiscing about the sheer pacing and absurdity of the early Chimera Ant stuff. Back when half the runtime was devoted to Colt near mercilessly grabbing humans for the queen. When Kite and crew were still making their way to the castle at a solid pace, despite the uneasy feeling. Back then it truly felt like anything could happen.
And it still feels like that! But not as much. The image of a dense and blind child not perceiving the gravitas of a situation feels like a trope. It's done very well! The fact that it's merged with the other trope of unassuming person is actually a master in a certain craft does wonders for the story, but it is those two tropes mashed together. At this point it feels like there's a rough road I can see ahead, at least in terms of characterizing Short King.
I said I think towards the end of Greed Island that I was worried where Gon's character arc was taking him. And that look in his eye is surfacing those worries. The other looks in this episode were real darn good though, love both his and Chameleon's reactions to each other.
And that explains why the Octopus guy looks like the guy in the Outro. Killua made a friend! That makes Two! Good Job! His "fight" didn't do much for me.
In many ways, these episodes felt very Anime. I can't explain it too tangibly, but the goofiness and tone of everything makes it feel more Anime than the early Chimera Ant stuff. I'm sure the tone will shift once again, especially as we get closer to the culling, and I am still very much wishing I could continue watching, but I'm ever so slightly less gripped.
Outgoing questions I've still got: Its going to be interesting to see how these next two battles go. I'm fascinated to see Short Kings reaction to being unable to win, and will it be in some way foreshadowing his next fight? Or will the process alter Short King in some way, enabling us to fall into another one of Togashi's Tricks. Who is the friend that Netero called? Will I ever be able to remember all these character's names? (no i will not)
Anyway, I get why Octopus is liked, he's really endeared himself in these episodes.
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beyourownanchor6 · 8 months ago
Lol you are right, we keep coming back!
Oh it definitely got weird. And they tried to integrate it with the cwtv multiverse and it got even weirder because of spoilers but basically in integrating it they contradicted events of the original series
Lmao the ending of arrow was so bad. The ending of Supergirl made it impossible for Superman and Lois to take place in the same universe because she fucked up the bag. Legends got canceled without any ceremony and it ended on a cliffhanger. Black Lightning was great but it also ended too soon. The ending of The Flash was very disappointing. Basically nobody stuck the landing.
Oh god i wish i could forget the school shooting episode. It wasn't even traumatic (and i'm saying this as someone who survived two separate Activr Gunman Situations in junior high and high school), it was just bad. And i never saw that episode of one tree hill (i only watched a handful of episodes, i was firmly a The OC kid), what was that like? And you're right, they probably wanted to steer clear of the controversy.
OMG I FORGOT VENOM WAS MARVEL 😂😂 Yeah, Symbrock is also one of my ships. I don't care for deadpool but i do like spideypool. Also MattFoggy from Daredevil (my absolute favorite marvel hero).
Omg same. My goal is at least 12 books in the year and to cut down half of my Read Later from AO3. I wanna get through the buddie backlog so i can get into BuckTommy, and i do wanna get back into Sterek. Also you definitely got time to read 10 books! Good luck!
Okay, glad i'm not annoying you. I worry about that sometimes. Lol honestly the readmore is a good move, wish i could do it on asks too. I think i'm gonna stick to asks for a bit cause i love that i have a tag on your blog, but in the near future i'll switch to DMs.
it’s a hellsite, but it’s our hellsite? something like that 😅
the cw multiverse sure was…something wasn’t it? they were definitely reaching with a lot of those episodes and storylines.
i’ve erased it from my memory it was so awful 😂 i tried to watch supergirl twice and ending up quitting it both times; thankfully didn’t come back a third. omg legends! that show was sooo good the first couple of seasons, then they got rid of half the main cast and then it became the reject show. they truly had no idea what to do with it. i never watched black lighting; tried to stay clear of more of those shows after all the others lol. i also stopped the flash before the last couple of seasons bc it was becoming like arrow and i wasn’t going through that again lol. they were definitely all—something lol.
oh wow, that’s intense. sorry you had to go through that; that’s so awful. the oth one was definitely intense. i think a big part of it had to do with how it affected the storyline as a whole, but the way they put it together was definitely very haunting. it’s ironically one of the best episodes i do believe. i also love me some oc. i’ve been thinking of rewatching that one lately lol.
venom my most beloved! ngl a lot of that could have to do with tom hardy 🤣 but i do love the character as well! i can’t wait for the new one. i’ve seen a lot of people are into spideypool but it doesn’t speak to me i guess lol. loveeee daredevil. i miss when all the marvel netflix shows were a thing ngl lol
i got my marked for later down to 4 or 5 pages? so ig i have that going for me 😅 my problem right now is that i’m wanting to read for multiple fandoms and my buddie brainrot has kinda disappeared, so now my marked for later is stuck. i did buy 2 new books today, so there’s hope! good luck on both your goals! there’s still lots of time left this year!
no, not at all! if i don’t reply right away its bc i either don’t have beans atm or i just don’t have the attention span, so once the notification disappears (if it even comes) its out of sight out of mind lol. but definitely not annoying me ever! i love giving people their own little tags 😎
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doublycharming-tetraquark · 9 months ago
Oh wow. I was not expecting you to be done this quickly 😂. I am just gonna reply to all your meta at once because I am lazy It's convenient instead of replying to each episode separately.
Long reply under the cut!
Episode 4:
CLAUDIA!!! I just wanna begin ny saying I love Claudia. She is my favorite character, not just of this show but of all time. This is the Claudia show to me! I care about no one else when she is on screen.
Part of the reason I hate Lestat and can never really engage with him properly is because the Claudia-Lestat dynamic is way too familiar to me to have any unbiased thoughts about it. I relate to Claudia so much. I have never loved a character as much as I love her. Thinking about her too long always makes me cry because she is so, so important to me. Claudia has never done anything wrong in her life, ever!
Ahem! Okay back to episodes:
So Bailey had to leave the show because of scheduling conflicts. Which is why we got Delainey in S2. They are both amazing and bring so much to Claudia that I wouldn't have it any other way now.
In terms of Bailey not looking 14, so Claudia was 5 in the books, I think. They changed that due to labor laws and the fact that there are some things you can't expect a child actor do. They chose 14 because it's a very turbulent point in a person's life. Can you imagine being a teenage girl for all eternity? My God!
I do agree that Bailey doesn't look 14 but sometimes we just have to suspend disbelief. Also it's very interesting how they tried to make her look 14 through clothing. You should listen to the accompanying podcast they had in Season 1. It's fascinating stuff!
The deterioration of Louis and Grace's relationship is truly heartbreaking. I always got the sense that Grace was more accepting of Louis than the rest of their family. But because of his marriage to Lestat and his subsequent absence from their lives, she has grown bitter.
Episode 5:
This episode is very heavy. I don't have a lot to say about it that hasn't already been said. This show has done a great job of showing IPV. (For the most part).
To answer your questions (not really) :
a) your first question is somewhat answered in season 2
b) I have no idea. That is a good point actually.
Episode 6:
This show has so many hot South Asians. Just wait till you meet Real! Rashid.
I feel I have already said this, but my God do I relate to Claudia. It's worse for her because she can't escape being their child.
I am also worried about what they are going to do with Lestat in S3. Which is why season 3 doesn't exist to me till I know for certain it's good.
Nice to see you have joined the DanLou propaganda committee early! It took me till season 2 to get on board.
Also about Lestat and Armand. No babe, they have different makers. I get why you are confused because all these White men have similar names. Lestat's maker is Magnus, Armand's is Marius.
If there's one thing Armand knows how to do, it's committing to the bit!
Episode 7:
Claudia (almost) killing Lestat! Moment of all time. I loved her mocking him as he is gurgling on his own blood and then writing his last words in his own blood? My girl is ruthless! (affectionate)
I remember I found this episode very cathartic the first time I watched it. Pre-reveal that Louis wouldn't let her burn him. Then it became heartbreaking.
Daniel is a very typical white liberal. He uses his "objective journalist" mask to say the most offensive shit. I still haven't forgiven him for acting like he was somehow entitled to read about Claudia's sexual assault. And then saying something about "sexy Claudia costume." Oh, we need to kill him!
He is also pretty awful here, and sadly doesn't really get better in terms of microaggressions in Season 2 either. It never sat right with me how he talked to Rashid!Armand because of his supposed power over him. Combine that with the dismissive way he talks about Louis' abuse and his lack of sympathy for Claudia till the season finale? Yeah, Daniel makes me very mad in Season 1.
Weird Gremlin Armand time!
I have been bullied, outright bullied, I say, into finally watching Interview with the Vampire. Apparently Delhi boy Arun is the way to persuade me over my gore squick.
So three years late and several hours after the train has passed - my episode by episode live-blog. (These will probably be shallow reactions because I know all the meaty meta and analysis has already been written. I remember reading it back when I was an innocent parasocial of your gifsets.) Also, I am coming into this with a series of biases; I've been completely spoiled by way of seeing gifs, reading meta and going through the book summaries. This is also not my genre; I don't enjoy gothic or horror, I was never into the vampire mystique, and I learned vampire lore via Buffy and Angel fandoms back when. So I am predisposed to watch this for the specific angle of how to intersect with my friends' interest in the characters. Disclaimers out of the way...
Season 1 Episode 1 - Mmmm, I see what people say about the art direction. This is a very very beautiful show. Very deliberately staged historicity, very artfully selected colour palattes and design. I imagine watching it on a big TV would be rewarding (I'm on a laptop.) But actually, more than the quality of the design, I think what I am enjoying is the quality of the actors. Because I have been forewarned, I realise all the cast is serious scenery chewing theatre rats. But the energy they bring to their scene work is palpable even through the screen.
Louis for instance, is oddly not beautiful. I can think of several other actors who would look far more physically arresting. To be frank, I don't see what Lestat saw in him, that moment did not have an impact on me. But what Louis is, because of Jacob, is intensely watchable. He brings such commitment to the character that my admiration for the actor translates into sympathy for the character. And of course, the Theatre Voice. Absolutely A+ choice to choose Shakespeare trained actors to deliver what I imagine must be quotes from Anne Rice's original florid prose?
It's a dangerous risk to use that sort of of heightened textual narration, which can work on a page, to sit against the visuals we are already seeing. I remember how Good Omens season 1 did so much quoting from the book to disasterously flat effect. But it works here, and that is, I think, because Jacob delivers the lines with so much integrity to bringing us back to the Dubai penthouse as we watch the New Orleans scenes.
I really enjoyed Daniel Molloy, who I remember finding rather delightful in the gifs even before we all knew his importance and where he was headed. I love grumpy irascible characters and he's lovely at being surly and sardonic. And physically deteriorating and mundane and ordinary, which makes him such a good foil to -
my precious little murderboy Armand! I really do want to watch things unspoiled, so I carry some regret about going into this so very equipped with hindsight. But I did giggle as the very first vampiric contact we see is a cup of tea being placed by Unnamed Brown Guy hand in front of Daniel. That's the love of your life, dude! Give or take a few divorces and deaths. I was watching Assad very closely to see what choices he was making - if there were any clues to pick up on. He was pretty stoic during the hand burning.
But that silent service thing going on - that's definitely something that packs more of a punch if you imagine him learning that from childhood as a human. I've got all kinds of headcanons going on for him, which I've been discussing with @quark4561 and I think his backstory can be a heartbreaking foil to Louis's, in terms of service, and sex work, and segregation.
Speaking of race, I know much of the fandom adores Lestat, but I thought the great thing about casting Sam Reid, is that he isn't the kind of drop dead gorgeous version that Tom Cruise might have been (never seen the film) and so he comes across right from the very beginning as ordinary except for the priviledge of his power. We know already that his power is vampirism, but because of the casting choices, it also becomes the power of whiteness. Lestat isn't some idealised homosexual awakening for Louis, or at least, that wasn't the way I read it. Lestat uses money, whiteness, physical force and vampirical power to get to Louis, and that sets their relationship on a dark, abusive path from the get-go.
In contrast to this was Louis's relationship to Lily. I loved her and the gentleness of their bond. The needless cruelty of Lestat killing her (thankfully offstage, I do not need to see Black women murdered any more), hammers in that this is a person who is selfish and cruel (beyond the ordinary carnivorous murders that one expects of the vampiric genre).
I'm not sure I understood why Louis's brother killed himself. Were we supposed to believe Lestat fucked with his mind? Were the voices he heard a sign of suicidal delusions?
But seeing both of them hoofing together - and I am so glad we didn't see Lestat lurking about then, it was a Black wedding and needed to be closed to the community - was so moving. It made me feel Louis' love for Paul more than his monologue narration. I'm not Black or USAmerican, but I did feel that the Black experience of these characters was respected and integrated into the storytelling choices, from writing to casting to design to cinematography, in a way that really worked for me.
I'm looking forward to spending time with Louis and his assistant, and the grumpy old fart interviewing them.
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4seasonswithiu · 2 years ago
[TRANS] 190708 tvN Hotel Del Luna Press Conference - Interview
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Actress Lee Jieun: Hi, i’m IU Lee Jieun who portrays the role Jang Man Wol in HDL. The actual drama is more interesting than the highlight video itself, so please look forward to this sweet drama this summer!
Q. What made you chose this drama and fell deeply for your character?
IU: Truthfully, I wanted to greet the audience with a brighter character image after my role in My Mister but didn't expect it to be this fast. One of my acquaintances asked me whether I've read the synopsis for Hotel Del Luna so I looked it up and fell for the strong and tough heroine. So i'm thankful for this role. I had lots of concerns at first but after meeting with the director and scriptwriters, they gave me lots of reassurance which convinced me to take on this role. I especially remember the scriptwriters told me "Jieun-ssi, if you meet such strong female character, please grab on it!" Their reassurance and certainty made me chose this character.
Director Oh Chong Hwan: Truthfully, the scriptwriters, production team and I thought only actress Lee Jieun would fit Man Wol's role and we said it among ourselves that we wouldn't start this drama until she joins us. To me, Though Man Wol goes all out being fancy and extravagant, she gives off this lonely and pitiful aura. Strangely, I get the same feeling from actress Lee Jieun which convinced me to cast her in this drama. After watching her performance on set, I thought I made the right decision and was proud of myself.
Actress Lee Jieun on Yeo Jin Goo: I was so happy to know that Jin Goo confirmed his role for this drama because I think he's so reliable and fits Chan Sung's role so well. He does a great job and I thought I have to work harder so I wouldn't be a burden to him. Our filming went very smooth thanks to him. Even the director also keeps telling us on set that JinGoo is a blessing to all of us. He always lifts up the set atmosphere and make us feel more energised. I think we have great chemistry too!
Actor Yeo Jin Goo on Lee Jieun: I thought I came well prepared but seeing Jieun-ssi, she was totally immersed in her character Man Wol. I think we didn't have to worry about our chemistry even from the start.
Actress Bae Hae Son on Lee Jieun: I have always been a fan of singer IU, but when I get to know her closely on the set, I felt that she's a truly meticulous and brave person who can fit the role Man Wol better than anyone else. The more I get to know her, the more I think the director did a great job casting her. Though it's no doubt that she would feel stress being the heroine, but she never fails to treat everyone politely and brightly. She always keeps all of us together and maintain our balance through communication. I think she is the best heroine ever.
P.O on actress Lee Jieun: When I first met her, I was like "wow it's IU, she's so pretty"
Kang Mina on actress Lee Jieun: I've always watched her on TV but meeting her in real life was like meeting a celebrity. We didn't have much scenes together so I hope we'll get closer later on.
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Actress Lee Jieun on her role: "When I first met up with Director Oh and the scriptwriters, we all had different interpretation for my role Man Wol. This shows the diversity that this character contains which is very much attractive to me. Whether is it compliments or criticisms, I've received all of it when promoting as a singer. So I tried to consider from various dimensions when improving my role. That was how I got closer to my role because rather than throwing away all my past characters (in dramas), I tried to bring them along and combine their qualities into my current character. I also discussed a lot with the scriptwriters and Director Oh. 
We also discussed a lot about my image in the drama, especially my fancy outfits. Normally you see the heroine changes her outfit every episode, but for me, I have to change it for every SCENE! They also wanted me to put on different hairstyles and outfits that nobody has seen before. As you know, i'm not a very fashion person, so I worked hard on my own to make sure everyone can enjoy Man wol's style and appearance in the show. 
Though i'm so thankful to have met this role because it's such a blessing, but no doubt I feel pressure to live up the expectations of viewers. I'm sure there are still people who love and remember my previous role in My Mister and would probably pick her as my best portrayed role, so I will work hard to make sure everyone can enjoy Man Wol too, and maybe take over Ji-an's place in their hearts. Please make sure to tune into the actual broadcast. We will guarantee you a refreshing and sweet summer!"
Actress Lee Jieun on working with singers-turned-actors: Strangely, we didn't run into each other much when promoting as singers so it felt fascinating meeting them on the set. We had script reading and filmed a few scenes together, and it made me want to cheer on them too as a colleague.
Director Oh Choong Hwan wraps up the interview session: “Please watch our drama, Lee Jieun will make her breathtaking appearance. I knew that she was beautiful, but she's prettier in real life. So please watch it! It's an interesting, exciting, enjoyable yet sentimental drama.”
Translated by IUteamstarcandy
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dadsbongos · 4 years ago
the lov beach episode hori's too scared to give us
Movie/Game/Show: My Hero Academia Dynamic: League of Villains/Reader (Platonic) Warnings: uhh idk actually, dabi's kinda horny ig, i don't usually include this as a warning but swearing (there's quite a bit of it), feminine pronouns Summary: this is just 1860 words of me shutting my eyes, plugging my ears and ignoring the current state of the manga (: (beach episode type beat) ~~~
Pulling the large sun hat tighter on her head, (Y/n) looks over as her leader strolls up to the van Spinner had stolen earlier in the day. She quirks a brow at the man, putting a gentle hand over his handheld and pushing it down when he doesn’t notice her, “That’s what you’re wearing?”
Tomura huffs and steps back, narrowed eyes focusing on his black jeans and hoodie, “What’s it to you?”
“You’re wearing a hoodie in this heat, first of all, and also - it says ‘12 year old in gaming mode’, you’re asking to get bullied.”
“Yeah, well,” he grumbles as he tries to find an insult for the woman before resigning himself to mumble out a, “you look like you raided a college chick’s closet” while returning to his game.
“I think she looks great!” Twice piped up from inside the large van before yelling once again, “Absolutely hideous!”
Dabi nodded slightly from his window seat, pulling the strings of his hood so as few inches of his face as possible were showing, “I agree with him.”
“Which part?” (Y/n) crossed her arms, shooting the man a glare.
“Dickface,” she hissed, reaching up to swat at Dabi’s arm through the rolled down window before turning to climb into the van, “A dickface who is also wearing a black hoodie in this heat. You two are actual nutjobs.”
“Van’s got AC,” Dabi shrugged off her concerns, still not even looking her way as she settled into the seat between him and Twice, “Didn’t know you cared so much, doll. Pretty sweet of you.”
“If you pass out from a heat stroke, I’m not the one taking you to the hospital,” she leaned over into the midrow seats of the van to glare at Tomura as he sat down, “That goes for you, too.”
“I’m not the one with a fire Quirk.”
“Just get Himiko some blood and she’ll take ‘em in all disguised! Let them die!” Twice pitched in with his own ideas, earning a shoulder pat from the woman.
“Good ideas, big guy, I like them.”
“Rude ass,” Dabi kicks at (Y/n)’s leg.
“I’m your boss, if you let me die you’re fucked.”
“Nobody’s dying on this trip, what the fuck are you guys talking about?” Spinner already appeared exasperated with the group and he’d barely been in the car for a second.
Compress got into the passenger seat as Spinner buckled into the driver’s side, he looked around before noticing an absence, “Where’s Toga?”
Suddenly, the door to Tomura’s seat is lugged open with a force, an overly excited blond teenager jumping over her boss and into the open seat beside him.
“You could’ve just gotten in on the other side,” Tomura clenches a fist to keep himself from slapping Himiko’s arm and causing a deathly accident.
“I didn’t know which side you were sitting on, so I just guessed!” Himiko giggles as Spinner starts the car.
“Asshole,” Tomura shakes his head, “This trip is pointless.”
“Kurogiri wants us to bond and stop fighting all the time,” Compress cuts in, “That’s why I’m in charge.”
“We’re adults- " (Y/n) interrupts herself, “Dabi, roll up the window, we’re pulling out of the safe zone.”
Dabi merely keeps his eyes closed behind his sunglasses and presses his head back against the neck rest of his seat.
“Roll up the window.”
“God, these winds are fuckin’ noisy, huh?”
“I hear ya, man!” Twice shouts before shaking his head, “Dabi, be nice to (Y/n). She’s your elder.”
“By a fucking year! Man, fuck you, Dabi,” the woman reaches over and presses the button to roll up the window herself, “Motion sickness or not, you don’t get to be a douche.”
“It’s actually exactly what it means, doll. Sorry to burst your bubble.”
“Stop calling me doll.”
“Ugh,” he grins at his own upcoming remark, “the princess makes a harsh demand.”
“I’m this close,” she pats his chest to make sure he opens his eyes before holding her index finger and thumb nearly pinched together in front of his face, “to beating your ass.”
“Here,” he reaches up and takes her fingers and clenches them together, “now you have to. As soon as we get to the beach, you have to fight me or else you’re a coward and a liar.”
(Y/n) grits her teeth and snaps her eyes shut, “I’m gonna lose it,” she leans into Twice’s side and looks up at him, smiling at the slightest hint of a concerned look behind his mask, “How’ve you been, big guy?”
“Perfectly fine!” he shakes his head before whispering, “I didn’t piss before we left and now I regret it.”
“Aw, want Spinner to pull over?”
“I think he’ll crash the car if I ask.”
“He’d be killing himself too, so I don’t think he’d be too cool with that.”
Twice quiets down as he notices the woman’s eyes beginning to flutter shut with drowsiness. Then, a sense of guilt beats at him as he sees the serene expression crossing his friend’s face. So calm and sweet - he truly adored his friend, and he wanted to do right by her. So, leaning down, he murmurs, “Sorry for calling you old.”
(Y/n)’s eyes dart open and immediately find Twice, she raises a brow at the man and shakes her head as her eyes slowly begin closing again, “I… it’s fine, dude, don’t worry about it.”
Dabi, as usual, is quick to jump into a conversation that was never his, “Old lady tempers, gotta be careful around them.”
“I swear to fucking God, Dabi!”
“What? What do you swear?”
“Shut the hell up!” Spinner snapped at children in the back seat, “You’re distracting me, loud asses.”
“Dabi started it!”
“I’m ending it!”
“Stop yelling,” Tomura commanded the group, carefully stuffing his handheld into his large front hoodie pocket and resting his head back, “I’m going to sleep and if I get woken up, I’ll kill you all.”
None of them believed him - not at all - but out of an odd respect for their leader’s need for rest, they stayed relatively silent as he slept. Murmurs and whispers being the loudest volume of their voices as Tomura snoozed in the van.
Eventually, Spinner came to the reserved spot on the beach that Kurogiri definitely didn’t hire people to kill civilians over. Himiko leaned over and gently shook Tomura awake as Compress popped the trunk to the van. (Y/n) shifted toward Dabi to ensure he was also awake and starting to feel less queasy before getting out of the middle seat so he and Twice could exit.
“Alright, there’s changing rooms…” Compress trailed off, looking around before sighing, “Nowhere in sight.”
“I’m already fine,” (Y/n) waved off, grabbing towels and an umbrella from Spinner, “You guys can take turns changing in the van while I set shit up.”
“I call first!” Himiko cheered, excitedly bouncing back into the van as the men all walked off to provide the teenager the privacy and distance she needed.
(Y/n) did as she’d said and began laying down towels and propping up parasols in the sand to provide shade. As more and more of her friends collected themselves along the beach, she spotted her almighty leader once again making a fashion mistake.
Bright, neon green and orange striped swim trunks hung over his hips and he didn’t avoid the woman’s stare. She purses her lips, “Who the hell goes clothes shopping for you? They shouldn’t be making executive decisions like this.”
Tomura shrugs, “I don’t know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know?! Shigaraki, you have to be fucking with me.”
“I’m not,” he sits down on a towel under the parasol’s shade and returns to his gaming, “It’s probably Kurogiri but it isn’t like I ask him.”
“Holy shit. You’re an actual man-child.”
“Oh no, what gave me away?” he sarcastically whines, rolling his eyes at her.
“You being shameless about it is slightly worse…”
“(Y/n)!” Himiko cheerily calls, “Come join me in volleyball!”
“Is Twice playing?”
The blond looks over to the man in question and nods in approval.
“Are Quirks allowed?”
Another nod.
(Y/n) pats Compress’ shoulder, “I’ll let you take this game.”
Dabi comes up from behind while Spinner serves the ball on the beach, he’s removed his hoodie and now only rests in loose shorts that come to his knees and a white shirt. He scratches the back of his head in an uncharacteristically unnerved manner, “Not swimmin’?”
He earns a small shrug in response from the woman, “I’m not all too committed to the idea. At least not now.”
Nodding slowly, Dabi sits down at the edge of the towel unoccupied by Tomura and begins pulling at the fraying threads.
Sighing to herself, (Y/n) is slightly ashamed at how easily her heart softens upon noticing how uncomfortable Dabi seems. He doesn’t usually show as much skin as he is - which isn’t much - and he doesn’t usually throw himself into events where he’d be forced to interact with the others. He feels naked on the beach and he’d rather be dead than continue to suffer this embarrassment. And so, a body comes down onto the towel with his.
“Want company, misery?”
“Baking to death in the sun couldn’t get worse, even if it’s with you,” Dabi leaned back to rest against the woman’s legs.
“Wow,” (Y/n) fauxly gasped, sarcasm ripe in her words, “You being sweet? I never thought I’d never see the day.”
“Right? Thought I’d be dead by now,” his head tips back even more to lay it’s full weight on her legs, “You’re comfortable to rest on, old lady.”
“I’m gonna beat the shit out of you.”
“You still owe him an ass-beating from the car ride,” Tomura jumped in, a snarky smile on his lips as he spoke.
“I’m starting to think you won’t actually beat my ass,” Dabi grins smugly, “Like me too much.”
“I would destroy you in a fight, Dabi.”
“Hm, well, until you stop being a pussy and actually fight me, doesn’t sound like that’s the truth.”
“I swear to- " (Y/n) loudly huffs and cuts herself off before groaning, Dabi- "
“I’m no God,” Dabi paused to wink like the cheap bastard he is, “Unless you want me to be.”
Before the woman can respond, there’s a “heads up!” shouted by Himiko and a volleyball is hurtling towards the arguing duo. Tomura immediately leans over, not quite paying attention and sticks a hand out to block the ball, accidentally decaying it in the process. The leader comes to a stand and tosses up his hands, “What the shit, Toga?”
“Man,” the teenager whined, stomping her foot in the sand, “you destroyed the ball.”
“You almost destroyed (Y/n)’s face!” Tomura's voice quiets and softens to avoid upsetting the young girl over a mistake, “There’s probably another ball in the trunk.”
“I said ‘heads up’,” Himiko rolled her eyes, sending Twice off to find the spare volleyball in question.
(Y/n) rolled her eyes, “Oh, so all better, then?”
“No! That’s not how that works, Toga!”
Dabi snickered at the back-and-forth before giving a mock dreamy sigh, “Ahh, the sound of Kurogiri’s bonding plan working perfectly.”
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willwriteforhugs · 4 years ago
just a sniffle!- hwang hyunjin
boyfriend! hyunjin x reader- one shot !
word count: 1.6k
genre: fluff, domestic scenario
synopsis: after your boyfriend comes home from a long day, you swear you can detect a scratch in his throat... but he insists he’s fine. fast forward 12 hours, and hyunjin is practically bed-ridden with fever. and now what...
warnings: sickness/a high fever (obviously), minor cursing
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a/n: this prompt was requested by an anon!! i hope i didn’t take too long to put this out- it takes me forever to edit when the fic in question is a request, because i just want it to be perfect :’) anyways, to my lovely anon: thank you for the request, and i hope you enjoy!
- - -
earlier, when hyunjin had told you he’d be able to get off early, you’d been over the moon- it was a rare occurrence, after all. your boyfriend has- as many idols do- an extremely hectic schedule, with practices often going late into the night. so when he’d said the two of you would be able to spend the evening together, it had taken all your self-control not to start cheering right then and there. but you had managed to stay calm- and still devise a thorough, detailed plan of how the night would go.
you would make dinner, and it would be ready by the time hyunjin got to your place- because who doesn’t love being welcomed by a warm meal? then, after you eat, hyunjin can run and get cleaned up while you do dishes. when that’s all done, the two of you can get down to business by binge watching all the drama episodes you’d missed. (you never watched them without him, even though you usually fall way behind in the show, due to his lack of free time. he insists that you shouldn’t wait- but you love to watch them with him, so you always let them pile up...)
now, in the moment, you scurry aimlessly about your apartment. dinner is ready, waiting to be served in the kitchen, so you walk around your front room. you know that everything is clean- this is the fourth time you’ve checked. but still, this isn’t an everyday thing, and you want the place to be tidy for your boyfriend. (you also know he doesn’t really care all that much- but it’s the thought that counts, right?)
your train of thoughts ends abruptly when a knock sounds from the front door. already smiling, you rush to answer it- and sure enough, there he is.
hyunjin stands in your front entryway, tilting his head as he looks at you. a smile toys at his lips, and he extends an arm. fighting your own glee, you lean into his embrace, breathing in his familiar scent.
“hey,” you say into his chest. he hums in reply, and you stand there for a moment, simply appreciating each other. after a beat has passed, you speak up again. “let’s go inside.”
the two of you enter, hyunjin closing the door behind him. he’s wearing a casual outfit, made up of just black sweats and a hat. you assume he’s already showered, too, because, well- you won’t lie- he usually doesn’t smell that great after a long practice. but he seems clean, and all for the better- that just means the schedule gets sped up, and more time for the two of you! 
as he usually does, your boyfriend wanders into your bedroom to set down his things, not lingering. he meets you back in the kitchen as you begin to serve the food. you see him smile at the spread, and finally he speaks: “wow, babe. that’s a lot of food.”
at the sound of his voice, you start a bit. it’s much lower than usual, and you detect a bit of scratchiness in it. without looking up, you make your inquiry: “are you feeling well? you sound a bit froggy.”
hyunjin snorts at your description. “froggy? you really are something...”
you smile, bringing two servings of food to the table. as you begin to eat, the two of you settle into comfortable silence. 
as the meal continues, though, you feel yourself begin to frown. despite his obvious attempts to hide it, hyunjin seems to be having trouble swallowing his food. with every bite, you see your boyfriend flinch just a bit. 
not being able to take it any longer, you set your chopsticks down. “really, hyunjin-ah. you don’t seem well, are you getting a cold?”
your boyfriend makes a mocking pouty face at you. clearing his throat, he responds: “i’m fine, y/n. i really am, so don’t baby me.”
you give a half hearted glare. “fine. but if you wake up tomorrow feeling like shit, don’t say i didn’t warn you.”
- - -
you had been right, of course.
and, for the record, you had warned him.
it’s 6:48 in the morning, and both of you were awake. you lean over in bed, switching on the light. laying in a pathetic lump on your other side, hyunjin groans loudly. you turn back around to face him. “hyunjin-ah, seriously. let me feel your head, you’ve been coughing all night!”
the lump that happens to be your boyfriend shifts to face you in bed. you frown once you can seem him clearly- his face is red, and his eyes are watery from the coughing. you place your own cool palm on his forehead, and almost jerk back in surprise. “babe, you’re burning up!”
flinging your blankets away, you spring out of bed. “hyunjin!” you groan. “i knew you sounded off, why wouldn’t you say anything?”
he coughs again, finally managing to clear his throat. in his raspy voice, he manages: “i didn’t want to ruin your night. i knew you were excited.”
you sigh, knowing the feeling, and hating the understanding. hyunjin was overworked, truly. he shouldn’t have felt the need to lie just to spend time with you, no matter how excited you were...
“c’mon.” you say nudging him in the hips. “sit up, i’ll get you some painkillers and water. are you hungry?”
he grunts in response. when you don’t move, he finally mutters into his pillow: “i don’t know.”
a smile tugs at your lips at this. “that’s alright. i’ll get you a bit anyways.”
you know that hyunjin’s dramatics are probably a conductor to this situation, but a tiny part of you is excited at this opportunity to spoil him, even if it’s at his expense. 
in the kitchen, you dig around for the promised medicine and some snacks, then pour a glass of water.
when you re enter your bedroom, you see hyunjin has managed to sit up. his tall figure is slumped as he leans against the headboard of your bed. nonetheless, he smiles as you enter the room. “you’re so pretty in the mornings,” he mumbles.
you gently smack his head as you set down the water glass. “oh, shut up. at least take the meds first so you’ll be able to defend yourself later on.”
at this, he chuckles- but the joy quickly dissipates as the laugh turns into a pained cough. you use your palm to rub circles over his back as he regains his breath. the fit passes, but the tension in the air doesn’t. 
in perfect unison, the two of you sigh.
hyunjin breaks the silence. “i’m so sorry, y/n. i should have just told you i wasn’t feeling well last night... maybe we could have caught it before it got this bad.”
you give him a bittersweet smile. “your pride can be a weakness, my love.”
at this, hyunin puts his hand to his chest in fake shock. “i can’t believe you’d say such things to me. and while i’m ill!”
“it’s just a cold, your highness. take the tylenol and see how that helps.” you pause, knowing that he is probably in more pain than he’s letting on- you can tell because he was covering it with humor, something he rarely does. “do you- do you want a washcloth or something? an ice pack?”
your boyfriend’s expression is warm. his voice is still uneven, and he responds in an almost whisper: “is that alright?”
your heart stutters at his demeanor. “yes, that’s alright.”
when you return with the cold washcloth, hyunjin has slid down a bit- now only half sitting up. his eyes are closed, though you suspect he isn’t asleep, at least not fully. but you can tell he’s exhausted from being up all night with his sneezing and coughing... maybe he really is asleep...
you make your way to him, and pause to admire his peaceful face. he truly is beautiful... you reach over and gently sweep his long hair away from his forehead, allowing your fingers to linger. he’s still very warm to the touch, and you can’t help but worry for him. after a moment, you swap your hand for the washcloth, draping it gently across his already damp forehead. 
you aren’t really sure how to properly care for a sick person, but a cold compress seems to be what all the dramas suggest. so you sit back down and hope for the best. 
a few minutes pass- hyunjin breathing peacefully in the bed, and you in a nearby chair watching him. suddenly, your counterpart’s eyes flicker open, deep brown eyes meeting your own. “y/n-ah?” he rasps.
you almost launch out of your chair. “yes? are you alright?”
hyunjin gives a half-hearted snort as his eyes drift shut again. he continues to speak without seeing you. “i’m fine. but- will- do you mind sitting with me? over here?”
you stare at him for a moment, processing. then you smile. “yeah, i can do that. as long as you don’t get me sick.”
“no promises.”
and with that, you crawl back into bed with hyunjin, his back to you. you scoot up a bit, positioning yourself so you can hug him from behind. you’ve never been the big spoon before- but honestly? you love it, and you bury your face in between his shoulder blades, filled with an overwhelming rush of affection.
“y/n?” comes hyunjin’s voice again, very quietly.
you don’t move, answering into his back. “yes?”
“i love you.” 
and with that, hyunjin slips back into sleep, this time nestled in your arms.
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1kook · 5 years ago
hulu & woohoo
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summary: But there’s more important matters to attend to than Jungkook’s Jersey Shore boner. warnings: slight feelings of insecurity, smut; fingering, cunnilingus, cum eating, squirting, handjobs, unprotected, riding, slight praise kink misc: if you’re not a Jersey shore fan honestly GET OUT, mentions of capitalism😡, more kind/understanding kook, basically a “what are we?” fic but silly, irresponsible emailing habits, its so dumb just read wc: 6.3k
[ this is a sequel to netflix & chill !! ]
started off silly then I was like 😳what if we sprinkled in a dilemma™️😳 anyway here’s the kook i imagined for this fic <3
Contrary to popular belief, Jungkook does in fact have his own paid subscription to Netflix. He doesn’t ride on his family account anymore, nor does he swindle his friends into sharing their passwords ‘just once.’ Just like everything else about his mature persona, Jungkook is adamant on paying those ten and something dollars for the streaming platform.
However, his fall into capitalism doesn’t end there.
Among other things, Jungkook also pays for Hulu, Amazon Prime, Disney Plus, HBO, as well as a couple indie stuff you’ve never heard of in all your years. He’s a bigger nerd than you originally thought, with an incessant need to watch every single piece of media available.
Frankly, you don’t see the need to own so many different streaming services, especially not when pirating websites exist and you could so easily watch Jersey Shore for free, if you’re not too concerned with infecting your laptop with every software virus known to humankind. Luckily for you, your app developer boo with his—admittedly tiny—knowledge in computers can iron out those issues for you.
It’s moments like these, Jungkook fiddling with the internal system settings of your laptop to the best of his abilities, that you find yourself grateful for having met Jungkook, and even if it’s been a little over two months now and he still hasn’t popped the question (“Will you be my girlfriend?”), you’d still kiss him silly.
He sighs for the umpteenth time, rubbing his eyes as he stares at the same system warning on the screen. “Babe, just pay the six bucks for Hulu and you can watch all the Jersey Shore episodes you want,” he says, leaning back in his chair as he stares at you from across the dining table.
You scoff, almost scandalized by his suggestion. “You think I have the resources to hand over six bucks every month?” You abandon your homework in front of you, the one you had so dutifully been working on before your computer was flooded with about a thousand Hot Moms in YOUR Area! notifications before abruptly shutting down. “Buddy, that's lunch at Starbucks.”
Jungkook clicks around a few more times, round glasses sliding down his nose which he will occasionally scrunch up to save from falling. “First of all, lunch at Starbucks sounds sad,” he retorts, and you kick his shin from beneath the table. He doesn’t even flinch, the damn muscle bunny, instead leveling you with an unimpressed glare. “Second of all, I told you I’d give you my passwords but you said—“
“No!” You exclaim.
Call it what you want, but that rose-tinted image of Jungkook being a saint in this world, too sweet and naive for his own good, never faded. Your brain saw it that night of your first date and ran with it, never mind the fact he was quite the devious scoundrel, gentlemanly perception be damned the way he’d tug at your skirts and your hair in public like you were on the playground, always teasing, always playing with you, so discreetly no one would ever see it coming from him, of all people. Your brain saw all that too, the little childish streak he’d get sometimes, but your heart stomped it out, wrapped up in the image of Jungkook being your golden boy, and you couldn’t possibly take advantage of such an angel’s kindness to mooch off his streaming services.
From across the table, Jungkook gives you a pointed look, as if he knows you’re trapped in that brain of yours again. Unlike you, Jungkook was easily able to pick apart your true personality, and the way the devil on your shoulder spoke more often than not. He knew you were prone to outrageous schemes and evil villain monologues, and he still kept you around. Let you linger around his home in his big shirts and eat his healthy breakfasts with him. Jungkook liked you, as silly and mean as you were, and he was very obvious about it.
“The password—“
“Is none of my business,” you halt him with a tone of finality in your voice, gesturing for him to slide the beat up laptop back over. Jungkook sighs, runs a hand over his face like you’ve worn him out, but relents.
Taking it with a triumphant grin, you settle back into your seat, nudge his foot with yours beneath the table. Jungkook nudges you back, the adorable fuzzy socks he was wearing making you giggle, a sound that finally brings a smile to his face. “Y’know…” he says, “if you’re gonna be the Disney villain you claim to be, you might as well just take all my passwords.”
Rolling your eyes, you focus your attention back on copying some notes for class, falling back into the rhythm of glancing at the screen and back at your notebook. “You’re cute,” you mindlessly hum, taking great pleasure in the rosy hue that rises to his cheeks, one he tries to hide by coughing into his elbow. You set your pencil down, watch him squirm under your gaze like he always does, blushy and shy like he hadn’t had you twisted like a pretzel beneath him an hour ago. “Don’t worry about it,” you tell him, reaching over to place your hand over his, where it’s idly tapping over some textbook he’s got out. Immediately, he turns it over, squeezes your palm in his. “I don’t mind getting thirty two viruses an hour.”
The reluctant worry in his gaze remains, sweet puppy eyes flickering over you as if trying to catch a hint of a lie. He was so adorable, you could kiss him silly. Finally, Jungkook gives in, though he does so with a lot of effort; letting you fool around on pirating websites truly was the bane of his existence. “Just bring it to me if it breaks down again, okay?” He settles, and you nod.
To your surprise, he brings your hand up and presses a kiss to the back of your knuckles, holds your gaze like he absolutely adores you.
He was so handsome, so caring, and so blatantly not yours.
“Not heading to your boyfriend's house today?” Doyeon asks the second she steps into your shared dorm, fighting with the boots on her feet. In the last two months of knowing Jungkook (everybody say thank you, Kim Namjoon), it’s become rare to see you home for more than two nights in a row. Jungkook was irresistible in more ways than you could count. If you weren’t falling into bed with him, you were smothering his cute face on the couch, or hovering behind him in the kitchen.
“Not my boyfriend,” you deny, huffy, and she knows how you feel about the subject, which is why she only prods more.
“Wow,” Doyeon drawls, glancing over your shoulder where you’ve got Jersey Shore playing on one half of the screen, an essay document on the other. “The man you see every other night, who looks and fucks like a god, who buys you a shit ton of presents, and treats you like you’re his world… is not your boyfriend?”
On screen, the toxic couple of the century is engaged in another screaming match, the reality tv show quickly spiraling as dramatic music takes over the speakers.
You scratch the back of your head. “Yeah. Well.”
Doyeon almost combusts at your response, flinging herself onto her twin bed in disgust. “He is a fool, a court jester if you will,” she seethes. “You're the hottest babe in a fifteen mile radius chasing after him and he still hasn’t asked you?”
Deciding you can’t comfortably watch the toxicity on screen with Doyeon talking so loudly, you slam down on the spacebar to pause the show. The fickity website, set out to ruin you since you first discovered it a few weeks ago, crashes. It takes your half-assed essay with it as the whole computer suddenly blacks out. You sigh.
“And on top of that,” she’s still going, “you’re hot and evil. Like bro. Come on.”
“Yes, I’m sure every man dreams of getting with an evil seductress,” you sarcastically reply, reaching for your phone to text Jungkook for help, when you suddenly remember why exactly you’re not with him right now. He’d gone to Busan to visit his family this weekend, a quick trip, he’d told you with his tongue down your throat. You shiver at the memory.
You still really want to watch Jersey Shore, though. Almost desperately. It’d been a long time since you watched it, and you honestly forgot the pivotal role that and a bunch of other reality shows had played in shaping you into the conniving woman you were today.
Doyeon seems about done with her tirade against Jeon Jungkook, dramatically storming into the en-suite bathroom you share with your neighbors.
Tapping your phone against your lip, you carefully consider your options. You could just boot your laptop back up, pray for the best and move on. But the 240p episodes were doing a number on your eyes, and for a moment you considered handing over those six bucks to pay for a Hulu membership.
It’s short-lived, and eventually you settle on calling Jungkook.
He answers on the fourth ring, and wherever he is is insanely loud. There’s voices shouting, lots of bustling, until eventually a door closes and Jungkook’s silky voice oozes through the speaker. “Baby? What’s up?”
“Hi,” you respond, feel something disgustingly sweet settle in your chest. “Is this a bad time?” You ask tentatively.
Jungkook laughs, low and raspy. “No,” he tells you, and you hear the smile in his voice. “Never a bad time for you.”
You could lunge through the screen right now, rain kisses down on his face until he’s giggling, telling you it’s too much. The feeling in your chest tightens, and you almost blurt out something embarrassingly cheesy, but a voice in the background calls for him, and Jungkook’s voice responds, “In a sec, mom. I’m talking to a friend right now.”
The glass roof shatters.
Even though you’d just told Doyeon you two weren’t a thing, despite all the coupley things you did, something about Jungkook telling his mom you’re just a friend isn't right. You frown, listen as his mother, a voice just as delicate as his, asks him to grab something from inside. With each second that ticks by, the discomfort you feel grows tenfold, until you’re barely holding yourself together.
Eventually, Jungkook returns. “So what’s up?” He asks again, and you remember what you initially called for. Putting on your big girl pants, you brush your uncalled for insecurities to the side, making sure he can’t detect anything in your tone.
“Your Hulu password. Can I have it?” You say, realize how robotical your voice sounds and belatedly throw in a, “please.”
Jungkook laughs, loud and boyish. The sound almost makes you melt, makes you fall for him even more. The niggling doubt in the back of your head still rings, but it’s temporarily washed away by the man on the phone. “Finally giving in?” He chuckles, doesn’t give you time to respond. “Sure, babe. I’ll text you the login stuff.” You hum, twirl your pencil idly as Jungkook announces he has to go, something about his family waiting on him. You bid him adieu, send him a halfhearted kiss over the phone, and only hope he feels half as content as you do when he does the same for you.
You don’t want to be dramatic about it. In your heart of hearts, you know Jungkook is just more reserved when it comes to dating. He wants to be one hundred percent sure your heart is in the same game as his, tied to the same rules, and putting in the same effort. But there’s a seed of insecurity that plants itself in the back of your head, tells you the reason Jungkook hasn’t asked you out is simply because you’re not good enough.
Jungkook was as rich as they come—not in money, but in personality. (Well, with the way he was advancing through his career, you get the sense he’ll be rich rich in the next few years too.) He had a huge heart, so caring and supportive of those around him, and an even bigger moral compass—hence the ridiculous amounts of streaming services he paid for—and you strongly believed no one was worthy of standing beside someone as wonderful as him.
Sadly, that meant you too.
Jungkook was your dream lover, and with every passing day, you were beginning to think you weren’t his. It had been two months since your first date, and realistically speaking, you know it’s not weird for people to casually date for such a time. It hadn’t been that long, truthfully, but the way you and Jungkook had clicked made it seem so.
He treated you like a queen, pleased your heart and body like no other. None of what Doyeon said earlier was a fib—he picked you up from school in that classy Benz, let you stay the night and sleep in his clothes, ate you out in the morning like you were his breakfast. You acted like you were in a relationship, but what exactly were the two of you?
Were Jungkook’s feelings even at the same level as yours?
Some days, you couldn’t fathom the idea of being so far away from him, texting him incessantly to feel a semblance of his presence. There was always a metaphorical elephant sitting on your chest, the weight of your unlabeled relationship, your insecurities, waiting for him to finally cut you off, decide you’re not what he wants. You wonder sometimes if he sees you out of convenience, but you always remind yourself Jungkook was too emotional and soft to drag someone around like that. (Or was he?)
Realizing how deep you’ve fallen into your spiraling pit of uncertainty, you shake yourself of those thoughts, mindlessly typing in the Hulu login credentials Jungkook texts you.
You’re in the student center when Jungkook comes home, laptop and books spread out over a circle table to stop anyone else from coming up to you. You’ve got your headphones in, the background sounds of late 2000’s club music from a Jersey Shore episode drifting through your ears.
A hand suddenly grabs onto your shoulder, and you send nearly half the table’s contents onto the floor when you screech, leg blindly kicking the table. “Woah, woah,” Jungkook calms, pulling out an earbud for you, and the sight of his face makes you relax again, before you’re striking his chest.
“Don’t ever scare me like that again,” you warn, shooting daggers at him as he pulls a chair close to you, plopping down beside you. Jungkook laughs, kisses your temple.
“You doing okay, beautiful?” He inquires, and your heartbeat, which had only just begun to settle from your fright, lurches at the hooded gaze he sends you.
You nod, unconsciously lean closer to him. Jungkook smiles, cheeks pulled tight when you plant a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Glad to hear it,” he says, wrapping an arm around your shoulders to keep you close.
You never thought you’d be one of those people. Y’know, the couple shoving PDA down everyone’s throats in a very crowded place. But you can’t help it with Jungkook, gaze honed in on the mole beneath his lip as he recounts his trip to his family’s place. His hair is fluffy again, parted a little to the side to show his forehead. He’s got that big dark hoodie on, the one you love. Your love-addled brain thinks, I could give you a family, but you quickly shut that thought down.
There was no need to think as much for a man who wasn’t even your boyfriend.
Before you can spiral, there’s a set of fingers brushing over your neck, almost casually. You return your attention to Jungkook, watch him leisurely gaze over the bustling students around you. “Missed you,” he says quietly, like he doesn’t want anyone to hear. Hell, if your eyes hadn’t been trained on his face, you don’t think you would’ve.
Finally, he glances back at you. He says nothing, his eyes dipping down to your mouth. He leans forward, presses a smooch to your lips, only to smile at you afterward. “Come over?”
The difference between you and Jungkook is that you were very obviously, outwardly evil. You were not embarrassed to admit you were scheming, or that you had ulterior motives behind doing something. You used what you had to your advantage, mastered all types of expressions to get what you wanted.
Jungkook, on the other hand, was a subtle schemer. In fact, he was so goddamn subtle, you doubt he even knew he was a schemer.
But he definitely was one, and your experiences with him were enough to convince you so. There were times he’d stare at you longingly, like a puppy, until you’d do something for him. Times he’d use his demure face to lure you into going to the hardware store for him, into watching some boring documentary with him. Times, like now, where his voice was a little too smooth and low to be considered his normal pitch, clouded gaze sweeping over your features until you understood what he meant by come over.
Numbly, you nod, watch the quirk of his lips as he kisses you once more before gathering your things for you.
The car ride passes by in a flash, Jungkook’s hand on your knee, your head in the clouds. You imagine how easy it would be to just lean over right here, tug him out of his sweats and get that super suck 5000 on him. But Jungkook’s shy, the devil on your shoulder croons, he’d like it better in the backseat, where no one can see.
Your bag hasn’t even touched the floor yet when he pushes you against the door of his house, shoes and coats half off as he envelopes your lips with his.
His hands are warm, cupping your neck to guide you through the kiss, blindly pulling you down the hall. You feel him falter by the stairs, torn between just throwing you on the couch and ravishing you there or making the trip upstairs to the comfort of his bed. You reach up, run your fingers through his hair. “Wherever you want, baby,” you reassure him, and become consumed with glee when his hands grab into the backs of your thighs, hitch you into his arms as he rushes the two of you up the stairs.
The bed is as fluffy as you remember it, and you bounce up towards the pillows after he drops you on the end. He tugs his shirt over his head, chocolate strands coming out a mess afterwards, before crawling up your body. Jungkook’s hands are incessant, grabbing onto every inch of you he possibly can. He kisses up your tummy, pushing your shirt up as he goes, hikes it over the swell of your breasts to gently fondle them in his palms.
When he’s just about suffocated himself between them, he pops back out, catches your gaze with a twinkle in his. “Hi,” you squeak, and Jungkook grins, leaning up to kiss you.
“Hi, pretty girl,” he returns, let’s your tongue slide into his mouth, sucks on the appendage teasingly. You whimper, and Jungkook releases. “You miss me?” He asks, and if you hadn’t been well-versed in the art of Jungkook’s sexy talk, you wouldn’t have noticed the tingle of nervousness that curls around the question.
You placate him, “always.”
It’s all Jungkook needs as he wiggles you out of your clothes, shucks them off somewhere to the side. His hands trail over your body, massage your breasts and pinch the nipples. You sigh, melt into the sheets as he runs his palms over you. He rolls you over, pulls your hips up and carefully pushes your face into the mattress, pushing your hair to the side to peck your neck when he leans over.
“So soft for me, sweetheart,” he purrs, hands slithering around your waist, down your abdomen until the tip of his pointer finger is idly swirling over your clit.
You whine, clutch the comforter beneath you at the touch. “Oh, fuck,” you groan, push your hips back against him. He’s still got his sweats on, and you want desperately to turn around and rip them off of him, feel the press of his cock against your ass.
As if sensing your urgency, Jungkook calms you with kisses trailing over your spine, hot breath fanning over your neck. His fingers slow, just barely grazing over your clit. “Did you touch yourself while I was gone?” He asks, and you struggle to choke out a response when he presses his finger down against you.
“No,” you eventually gasp, jolt when his hand reaches down, glides through the swollen folds of your cunt.
As if content with your response, Jungkook lets his fingers caress you for a few beats, laps against the side of your neck as you whimper, beg him to continue. When he does, it’s with no ounce of his usual gentle attitude, two fingers shoving forcefully past the tight clench of your pussy lips, deep into your cunt. You shudder, gasping into the sheets.
“Good girl,” Jungkook praises, flutters a kiss right below your ear. Your neurons are working overtime, unsure of what to do as he explores your cunt, fingers dragging against your walls. You want to close your eyes, bask in his touches, but every brush of his fingers has them rolling back, fluttering open. “This pussy is mine, isn’t it?”
His fingers curl, briefly brushing over your soft spot. But it’s enough to make you cry out, pant against the sheets. “Yours,” you choke, push back against him like he’ll do it again.
A thumb circles your clit, and the tight feeling in your belly snaps, has you crying out his name as your first orgasm in a few days washes over you. “Jungkook,” you whimper, nearly sob when his hands pull away, letting you flop down onto the mattress in a boneless heap. Your thighs feel sticky, and you watch blearily as Jungkook hovers behind you.
“So quickly?” He chuckles, turning you back over. He spreads your legs, exposing your pussy to the cool air of the room, and you shiver. A lone finger drags over your cunt, collecting the glossy substance on the tip, before Jungkook is sucking it into his mouth.
He had an affinity for this kind of stuff, you’ve learned. Like he genuinely thought your cum was the most delicious thing in the entire world. That being said, you’re not surprised when he ducks down, pushes your legs to your chest as he begins devouring your pussy.
“Slow down,” you gasp, hand curling in his hair as he spares you not, sensitivity be damned. He was gonna lick you clean. He groans, tongue shoved into your cunt, cute nose brushing against your clit. “Kook,” you warn, though it’s more of a shuddered cry. “I-I’ll come again.”
He pulls off with a wet smack, licks over his tongue as he narrows you with a daring glare. Gone was your sweet Jungkook, replaced with this cum-eating heathen who only purrs, “in my mouth” at your warning.
You scream when the second orgasm hits you, pushing his face against your cunt as his tongue continues, lapping at your folds and your hole as a gush of wetness spurts out of you. For a second, your vision pales, soundless cries caught in your throat as you come all over his face. When you touch down on earth again, your body feels featherlight.
Jungkook is watching you from between your thighs, his face, hair, and chest glistening.  “Oh fuck,” he gasps, shit-eating grin slowly consuming his features. “Did you just.”
You groan, cover your face with your palms as Jungkook settles over you, beaming excitedly at your newest ability. “No,” you whine, pushing him away from where he’s basically glued to your cheek. “That’s so weird.”
He laughs, cute and airy. “Fuck, sweetheart, you squirted all over me,” he sighs, cuddles against you, and you wrap your arms around him only to hide your face in his shoulder, also glistening with your pleasure. He shifts closer, and the hard press of his cock rubs along the inside of your thigh.
“Can we take a break?” You murmur quietly, hesitantly. “I can’t feel my legs.” Jungkook nods, presses a kiss to your temple as he gets off the bed, tossing his t-shirt over to you. He stumbles towards the en-suite, comes back with a dry face and chest; his hair is still damp. He tugs the sheets out from under you, cuddles close. He’s got the two of you wrapped up in no time, your head cradled against his shoulder as he reaches out blindly for the tablet he keeps on the side of his bed, the Hulu app already open.
“Any requests?” He hums, scrolling through the multitude of movies and shows. You wiggle closer, stop his finger when he returns to the home page, and Jersey Shore is the first thing to appear. “You’re kidding.”
“It’s a good show!” You defend, click on it before he can argue. You press closer, throw a leg over his waist where you can feel his still rock hard member hiding beneath his sweats. Poor guy, you think, he must be suffering. But you have to rest for a moment if you wanna ride the shit out of him and knock him breathless like you’d planned.
Jungkook doesn’t comment on the erection he’s sporting, instead choosing to criticize everything wrong with Jersey Shore. You’re not surprised. He’s an avid film nerd, obsessed with ‘real’ storylines, not whatever reality tv shows were.
You’ve seen this episode about a hundred times, so you don’t really mind that he completely ruins it for you with his nitpicking. It’s cute, listening to him ramble about television integrity while you listen to the subtle thudding of his heart beneath your ear.
He’s on his fifth slandering of DJ Pauly D when you decide you’ve had enough, muscles in your legs feeling rejuvenated as you wiggle into his lap, toss the tablet off to the side as you straddle him. “That show makes you hard?” You tease, let your sensitive folds settle over the bulge in his pants.
Jungkook combusts, cheeks flushing at your jab. “No,” he huffs, “my pretty girlfriend’s boobs pressed up against me does.”
You short circuit.
“Huh?” You blurt dumbly. Jungkook rolls his eyes, too concerned with guiding your hips over his crotch to realize you’re having a complete meltdown in your head. An airy moan leaves his mouth, head lolling back against the pillows, when he moves you just right, grinds against you perfectly. But there’s more important matters to attend to than Jungkook’s Jersey Shore boner. “Kook,” you say, cup his face in your palms to force him to look you in the eye.
Jungkook huffs, pointedly looking down at where you sit on him, “babe, gonna need you to—“
“What did you say?” You interrogate, press your foreheads together until he has no choice but to look at you.
Annoyed with your act, he groans. “Babe, your hips,” he urges, almost desperately.
“No,” you retort, “not until you say it again.”
“Say what again?” He cries, lips twitching in irritation, and you’re about two seconds from behind shoved into the mattress, pounded into from behind like he’d done the last time you teased him a little too much.
“That I’m your girlfriend!” You exclaim, heart hammering in your ears.
Jungkook seems to finally halt at that. “Oh,” he responds, leaning back to scan over your expression. “You are?” He says, unsure of what point you’re trying to make.
Your brain fizzes at the news. “Since when?” You cry, suddenly feeling dumb for all the time you spent moping over this perfect boy you thought didn’t want you. “You never asked!”
Jungkook levels you with an unimpressed stare, reaches over for the iPad you tossed to the side, some dramatic fight scene on a boardwalk taking place on screen. You wanna scream. Why is he so concerned with Jersey Shore now of all times?
Before you can rain down your displeasure on him, he’s turning it around and showing you a bookmarked email.
It’s from you, apparently, sent a few weeks back at exactly two in the morning. You glance at the date received. It’s from Doyeon’s half birthday, when the two of you had drunk yourselves silly on wine. The title is some mix of dashes and exclamation points, but that’s irrelevant when the contents of the email come to view, some stupid slur of beeee myyy boyfrienderdd????? ;))((;;; that has your jaw dropping in mortification.
You glance back at Jungkook, who seems just as confused as you. “What the hell?” You shriek, snatch the tablet from his hand to see that not only was it a single email, but a thread of emails all asking the same question—there’s even a three stanza sonnet detailing your love for the mole on the side of his neck. You could die. “Why didn’t you tell me about this?! I was so drunk— how could you even take me seriously?”
Jungkook shrugs, almost amused now as he watches you scroll through the twenty emails you sent him. “The next day you told me you really liked me over lunch, so I didn’t mind. Besides,  drunk words are sober thoughts, y’know.”
You stare in disbelief. “You told your mom I was your friend,” you whisper.
The blood rises to his cheeks quickly. “Babe,” he sputters. “I’m not exactly introducing her to every girl I date after three weeks.”
It makes sense, and you hate how much it does so. Pursing your lips, you look away, focus on the bedside table and hope he doesn’t see the tears that threaten to spew out of your eyes. He does, he always does. “Hey, what’s wrong?” He hums, sits up to pull you into his arms. One hand brushes over the back of your head, gently. Softly. “Did that upset you?”
You shake your head no, can’t help the ugly Kim Kardashian sob that rips itself from your throat. “I thought you didn’t like me,” you sniffle, covering your face with the iPad when he tries to duck closer and get a look at you. “Because it’s been two months.”
Jungkook shushes you, hugs you close to his chest as you cry like a baby over some apparently unjustifiable doubts. “That big brain of yours,” he sighs, kisses the frown of your head. “Too busy being evil to be logical.” You whine in protest, and Jungkook chuckles, carefully laying back with you clinging to his chest.
He lets you cry it out, palms rubbing over your back, listens to the annoying Jersey Shore opening song playing when the episode ends. When you’re done, you sit up, try to pretend your eyes aren’t swollen and puffy. Jungkook smiles. “All good?”
You might love him.
“I’m gonna ride you,” you announce, and he chokes in surprise, and before he can try to convince you it’s okay, you’re wrestling his sweats and boxers off, taking his half hard cock into your hand. Jungkook flounders, tries to calm you down, but you’re on a mission, working your hand over him until he’s fattening in your hold, melting into the pillows.
“Baby,” he grunts, rolling his hips into your palm. You lean over, pucker your lips and let a thick drop of saliva fall onto the tip of his cock. It trickles over your fingers, makes it easier to run your hands over him. Jungkook groans, reaches down to cup his hand over yours, urging you to squeeze tighter.
When he’s finally as hard as you want him, tip engorged and angry, you sit up, place your palms on his chest as you scoot over him. Jungkook watches you with dark eyes, skin flushed as you line him up. His hands reach for your hips to steady you, tiny gasps falling from his lips at the first prod against your folds. You’re wet from watching him squirm beneath you, from feeling the heavy weight of his cock in your hand, and you hope he feels how much he excites you.
“That’s it,” he croons as you slowly sink down on him, whimpers catching in your throat from the stretch. “That’s my girl.”
Jungkook is purposeful with his words, smiles at you when the muscles in your thighs jolt at the term. When you’re seated to the hilt, folds brushing against his pelvis, Jungkook ruts experimentally. “Fuck,” he chokes breathlessly.
You let your body adjust, spine tingling with every subtle shift from the man beneath you, still so sensitive from your two orgasms from before. Jungkook waits, even though you know all he wants to do right now is fuck up into you like a madman.
When you’re relaxed enough, you begin to move, pushing yourself on your knees slowly, hissing at the drag of his cock against your folds. “F-Fuck,” you whimper, fingernails scratching against where you’ve got them on his chest still. Jungkook grips your hips tightly, and you unconsciously reach for his forearms to steady yourself instead.
“There you go,” he purrs as you slowly pick up the pace, cock sliding inside of you rougher, faster. You know it’s mostly him, muscles in his arms flexing as he moves you up and down, but you don’t care—it feels so good, the upward curve of his cock brushing against your soft spot with each drop of your hips.
He holds you down on one thrust, grinds you over his cock until your clit is rubbing against him roughly, and you cry out his name. You want to kiss him, so very badly, but your position makes it hard. Besides, the sweat beginning to pool in the deep of his collarbones hinted at his oncoming orgasm.
Still, you can’t help the way your eyes instinctively go to trace over his mouth, pouty lips pushed out even more in exertion, teeth grinding together every time your pussy swallows him anew. “Kook,” you mewl, hips bucking forward.
He hums, plants his feet firmly on the mattress as he begins fucking into you. “What is it?” He grunts, pistons into your dripping cunt as you whimper, pleasure crawling up and down your spine. “My pretty girl needs something?”
You wail, nod your head as he continues fucking, ramming his cock into your quivering hole, precum dripping over him. “Yours,” you gasp, mind stuck on what he’d said earlier. “‘M all yours,” you sob, body finally giving out, and you barely catch yourself from falling into him with a palm pressed flatly against his chest.
Jungkook smirks, bucks into you brutally, like he wants you to fall into a boneless heap on top of him. “Yeah, you are,” he groans, as you finally give in, lips brushing against his ear when you flop down on him. “My pretty girl,” he huffs, and you nod, muscles pulled taut as your orgasm begins looming over you. “So cute and mean,” he rambles, lips pressed to your temple. His hips are beginning to lose their rhythm, thrusts growing stilted as he chases his high. “But you know what?” He murmurs, and you whimper. “I like her just like that.”
If his words don’t knock the air out of your lungs, your orgasm surely does. It makes you shudder, the way his hands run over your body, cock ruts into your heat, and you almost cry when the pleasure gets a hold of you. Your muscles tighten, and then loosen, melting into his chest. You’re trembling in his arms, like a leaf holding onto a branch for dear life, choked gasps of his name muffled against his neck.
Jungkook pistons into you, rounds the final corner in his race to orgasm, and eventually spurts his hot cum into you, coats your walls as another reminder that you’re his. He’s a silent orgasmer, sounds catching in his throat as his body twitches beneath you, silent even afterwards as he regains his senses.
A few moments later, you’re shifting out of his hold, pushing yourself onto your elbows to glance down at him. Jungkook’s eyes are shut, but, as if sensing you’re looking at him, he flutters them open, chocolate irises softening at the sight of you.
“Holy shit,” he groans, rolls you off of him carefully. His hand brushes over your thigh, like he’s contemplating licking you clean again, but you stop him with a pointed raise of your brows. “Fine. Pass me the tablet.”
You do, and it’s almost unnerving how easily the two of you slip back into comfort, Jungkook changing into some shorts and handing you your discarded panties, before climbing into bed to watch Jersey Shore. You’ve missed about an entire hour-long episode, so you end up rewinding until the point you last saw.
“You and your Netflix and chilling,” Jungkook snorts, head nestled against your breasts. You roll your eyes.
“This is Hulu,” you point out.
“Oh yeah,” he hums, snuggles closer. His body feels so nice and warm over yours, hands wrapped around you like a lifeline. You end up positioning the tablet off by your hip, supported by a pillow so the two of you can watch properly.
You’re still processing your new title, your new boyfriend, when he perks his head up suddenly, solemn gaze catching yours.
“Hulu and Woohoo,” he says, ever so seriously, and you understand why Doyeon thinks he’s a fool.
[ part three ; imax & climax ]
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lifewithdavefarts · 4 years ago
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DaveFarts - Episode 13 “When She Finally Leaves” [Episode List] Dana spends the whole day at Dave’s place. When the girl leaves, Tim, who’s now Dave’s roommate, finds out how much gas a man can hold in just to not look gross in front of a girl.
When She Finally Leaves
In the last few weeks I’ve been spending more and more nights at Dave’s place, whether because I needed a place to work, write my essays, or simply to spend some quality time watching bad films and drinking beer. It was Dave himself to ask me to “marry him” (as he jokingly put it), basically becoming official roommates, which also meant dividing our tasks and obviously splitting the rent.
And honestly we were having a great time. We both had jobs, fortunately, which were not much but they did pay taxes for now and it was overall a great experience. Friend or not, Dave is an excellent roommate, being pretty good at cooking and organising chores; the same could be said for me actually, though in some cases we have our own preferences; for example Dave prefers cooking (the fact that I’m bad at it it’s purely coincidental) so we agreed I’ll be the one doing the dishes.
We also had our buds crashing over what is now *our* place a couple of times, which resulted in more bad films and beer, or even nerd stuff such as gaming together. Of course however, the person who most often came over is obviously Dana, Dave’s girlfriend. She’s pretty cool though we don’t really hang out with her when Dave’s not around, though as I said she’s pretty easy-going.
Tonight we’ve been watching a trash movie. Yes, the three of us. Don’t worry, I was a welcome addition today. Dave would usually just tell me to leave for a few hours if sex was on the table (sometimes literally on the table, the one where we eat our food…) as we respect each others enough to just be straightforward whenever we needed some privacy. Tonight however it was just chilling like three friends hanging out together (knowing however that Dave would just give me a signal should things get more heated up you know).
We were in the living room. I was on an armchair, working on my laptop, despite the poor wi-fi. On the long wide couch beside me, Dave and Dana chilling and watching the movie with more attention than me, my bud’s left arm around his girlfriend, sometimes making remarks on how bad it was. We all had a can of beer, because of course we did.
The couple brought some takeouts for dinner, some fast-food a few blocks from here (Dana’s idea, actually, which we were both thankful for). Dave, chilling next to Dana, was wearing his signature casual outfit: a grey shirt and pair of dark blue loose jeans, details that my gay-ass eyes immediately noticed and more than once stared at.
“Oh wow the helicopter just blew up I’m speechless.” Dave said, sarcastically.
“A Subversive Masterpiece: that’s what they were going for when they wrote this.” Dana added, and they both chuckled.
I also did my fair share of sarcastic remarks though work got most of my attention, even though it was nothing urgent, just me trying to get some stuff done as fast as possible.
“Did the shark just wink at him?” my bro commented.
“They’re best friends now.” his girlfriend explained. What a great film.
After 15 more minutes the movie ended with the three of us clapping at a shot of a man and a shark exchanging a look of gratitude to each other, as the Sun set into the never-ending ocean. Drugs played a big role into the making of this move I’m 100% sure.
“Well, that was enlightening, but I gotta head back home. The Uber’s almost here.” Dana said, as she got up and reached for her purse and some other stuff.
“You’re really sure about that? Come on, stay here for the night.” Dave suggested. “I taught Tim to play dead. We can throw food at him.” he then joked.
“I can also bring you the newspaper upstairs, tomorrow morning.” I played along.
Dana chuckled in response. “I’m sure you’ll win the next contest you two, but I gotta wake up super early tomorrow.”
The couple walked towards the front door. The entrance was next to the living room, a few steps behind the couch. Dave and I sometimes darkly joked that any assassin could easily ambush us because whenever we’re on the couch anyone could sneak into the house behind us, with enough care (we then prefer to drink about it).
“Call me when you get home.” Dave said and the two shared a quick kiss.
In the meantime I moved on the bigger (and more comfortable) couch, more or less in Dana’s spot, as I also have better wi-fi reception there. I left my laptop on the small table in front of me because apparently all of my laptops have to be shitty and take some time to even the most basic stuff. As I inspected the wi-fi icon flashing on the screen, I heard Dave shutting the door and walking back to the couch. After a few steps his tall figure was already towering over me.
“Yeah the reception is pretty bad lately.” he commented, and then collapsed next to me.
Only a few seconds and he already had that well-known smirk drawn on his face; he then quickly adjusted his position. He completely laid down, extended his demin-clad legs, with his left one resting on the back of the couch, ending right behind my neck. In a moment, Dave ended up showing off his loose, almost-sagging jeans-clad ass directly next to me, as his legs trapped me into a gentle yet strong grip. Seeing both that “wall” made of jeans and my bro’s smirk at the same time was a sight I never truly got used to. He was just lying there, next to me, with his ass pointed at me, as if it was one big prank, even though he knew exactly how much I enjoyed that.
“Bro you’re ready?” he asked, still sporting that smirk.
When even Dave goes as far as asking me if I’m ready, then I knew that the fart was going to be gargantuan. And I realized why: Dana has been with us and my bro the entire day, so it’s possible that Dave just held all of his gas in for hours. We all experienced this, then when the girl leaves, men get to “relax”. Other than that, Dave had tons of beer and junk food. I stared at that denim butt, for the first time almost scared of what my bud was capable of; I knew a fart was coming, and I knew it was going to be big.
But what Dave said next really once again confirmed how chill he is around me.
“Believe me: you might want to get closer for this one.” he said, laughing a bit.
He sported weirdly reassuring smile, Dave’s millionth attempt at saying “It’s ok, Tim.” as he probably noticed now nervous I became when he assumed that pose.
The teasing bastard then went full bully on me and simply reached for my head with his long right arm and gently pulled me down, as if I was bowing to that still silent denim-clad ass. I just heard him laugh like an idiot, as it usually happens. Despite my head being down and in front of that ass, I could still see Dave’s face and that smirk. He raised his eyebrows and half-closed his eyes as he started pushing, but he didn’t need to put all that effort into ripping that blast.
It’s like the fart was barely contained in the first place: it immediately exploded with a loud sound right into my face. Dave closed his eyes and kept his smirk as the blast probably surprised him as well. It was low-pitched and dry, a completely natural gas-eruption that sounded like an engine. The stench was unbearable, a mixture of beer and junk food, surprise to no one.
While farting, Dave adjusted his position as bit, spreading his legs bit more, with my face getting almost planted into that denim-clad butt as he effortlessly kept ripping that immense flatulence. Hours and hours of gas being erupted as if I was in front of a dormant volcano that just woke up. And I feared that “hours” was what he was going for ‘cause after 20 seconds the fart didn’t even lose power.
Dave still had this smirk drawn on his face and occasionally stared down at me as he completely destroyed my face and nose with his incredible farting skills, skills that constantly let me speechless, fetish or not. He was the fart master, a showoff with a manly talent that I could only bow to and endure in the hop-
“Sorry, I forgot my house keys.”
The fart immediately stopped and it all went silent: It was Dana.
Dave turned his head to his girlfriend, greeting her with the stupidest smile you can think of.
“Oh stay there no worries, they’re right here.” I heard Dana say as she reached for keys, probably hanging right next to the door, my face still almost planted in my friend’s denim ass. That felt surreal.
I completely froze (not that I could move) but I knew that she couldn’t see me (just like I couldn’t see her) as I was lying down. All she could see from where she was standing was Dave’s head and his right leg resting on the back of the couch, since the entrance was behind our couch.
I was terrified, while Dave was doing his best not laugh like an idiot.
“What’s so funny?” Dana asked, laughing a bit herself, definitely noticing her boyfriend being weird.
My teasing bro quickly glanced down at me, almost losing it (and still holding holding the fart in, which didn’t stop the smell from burning my nostrils).
“N-nothing’” he stuttered. That’s it, he was gonna laugh like an idiot.
“Okay” I heard Dana, not really convinced of the boyfriend’s answer though.
There was a moment of awkward silence and then we heard a car honk, thank goodness.
“Oh… it’s my Uber. Bye!” the girl said, quickly leaving the house and shutting the door behind her.
Another moment of silence followed, Dave still staring at the entrance. I was shaking, I was legitimately scared that someone was gonna find out, which was weird given the hotness I was experiencing in that moment, even without the fart being ripped.
“Ok… where were we?” Dave asked, turning back to me, with a smirk. “Oh yeah!”
And he effortlessly resumed farting, just as loud, proud and powerful as it was before the interruption, directly into my face. The terror I experienced moments before was blown away by that incredibly blast and me being rock-hard, as it usually happens when Dave showoffs his gassy talent around me, or on me.
Dozens of seconds passed and at this point Dave just played along. He nodded at me, faking a serious expression, as if he was listening to something actually interesting instead of his own loud fart still going on strong; after about ten more seconds he checked the time on his wrist-watch and acted surprised, then stared down at me as if he wanted to say “damn that is long!”. We both however actually lost the track of time and he simply relaxed as if I wasn’t even in front of his ass, all while the fart was still being blasted in my face.
Dave then reached for my head again and gently pushed it inches closer to his roaring ass, and I felt the vibrations of his rip all over my face: it was literally an earthquake.
How long was it lasting? More than 1 minute perhaps? How much gas can a man hold in? Dave certainly was pushing for a record. All I knew is that I felt privileged witnessing that, even though I was beyond being a mere witness since no particle of gas missed my eyes and nostrils.
However (finally, actually), the fart seemingly started to lose power, the once-continuous sound starting to “stutter” and turning more into a fast series of loud farts, fired back-to-back. The show (because that’s what it was: a show) ended with a loud, 5 seconds blast, and Dave’s laughter.
I slowly got up, sweaty, my nose burning, with a startled look to which my bro reacted with another immature cackle. I was now sitting next to him as I was before, and looked back at my bud, who in the meantime re-adjusted his pose. He was still lying down, still kind of showing off his loose-sagging ass, but in a less “menacing” way: now he was just chilling.
“When’s Dana coming over again?” I joked. I mustered all the courage I had left to say that. I was impressed by the fact that I could still speak considering that all of my blood probably flooded my boner at that point.
Dave laughed at that lame joke, thank goodness. “As if I need Dana to blast you like this.”
He raised one leg, again showing off his sagging denim ass in my direction. He quickly sucked some air in and after a few moments and weird noises a loud 6 seconds fart erupted. For his standards, that’s basically a weak one.
My friend just casually joking and bragging about facefarting me and then farting on command to prove it made me lose it, as I felt my boner… dampening. He didn’t notice it but he knew that I had a hard-on, that’s for sure.
I didn’t want to just rush into the bathroom so I just stared at my laptop, still on the table, in front of me: the wi-fi signal was stronger than ever. I jokingly like to think that Dave’s blast was so powerful it actually influenced the signal somehow and improved it.
I turned to my bud, still lying on his side of the couch, just checking his phone and being… casually hot.
“Thanks man.” I said, not for the wi-fi though.
He lowered his phone, revealing a blank reaction “Really?” he said, rolling his eyes, with a bored expression. “Stop being cringe and do the dishes.”
Fuck, I totally forgot about those. We had takeout food but we still used some of our dishes. I immediately got up and rushed to the kitchen, hoping that Dave was distracted by his phone enough to not notice by boner through my sweatpants.
Once in the kitchen, a place that wasn’t tainted by Dave’s gas, my nostrils could still feel my bro’s fart-stench. That’s how soaked up in his gas I was. Even my ears needed some time to adjust to the silence, now that I didn’t have a deafening fart being ripped right into my skull. 
And I just knew that this wasn’t the last time this was gonna happen. I’m Dave’s roommate, and being roomies means we have to divide our tasks: he’s the farter, I’m the sniffer.
End of Episode 13
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notsosilentsister · 2 years ago
Best, worst, ambivalent gifts
Most questionable gift - I knew that my mum wanted me to lose weight, so for Mother's Day I gave her coupons for me spending half an hour on the exercise bike. It kinda worked - mum was super-happy, and I did lose weight (for a while). But I probably didn't do myself any favours here, because it set me on a path of weight-cycling, which never led to any longterm weight loss and was presumably a bit hard on my heart (bioglogically and metaphorically).
Best gifts - there are a lot to choose from. My parents have sure spent a lot of money on me over the years, and I would be lying if I claimed that didn't often improve my life in rather significant ways eg. they paid my way through college, for two master degrees, for the better part of my twenties, leaving me with no student debt, and they paid for half of my house. I remember when mum first told me about her real estate plans, I was almost worried, because I somehow couldn't quite match her excitement. I thought it would feel super weird, to get something so big, having done basically nothing to earn it. But surprise, surprise, as soon as that house stood, I forgot all my scruples. I moved in two years ago and not a day passes without me thinking at least once "Wow, I really love my house". I feel it goes a bit against the spirit of the exercise, to first pick something extremly expensive - it’s fairly easy to gift something life-changing/memorable if you just spend unholy amounts of money. But not gonna lie, in the list of best gifts, the house is always going to rank pretty highly.  Another great gift was when my friends threw me a surprise birthday party for my 18th birthday and invited all of our class and everyone actually came, even my crush. It was a bit of gamble on my friend's part - I'm not usually much of a party girl and teenage-me often felt rather disconnected and out of sync with other people (my age, but honestly, also in general); I might have easily been the type to completely hate that sort of thing. But turns out, I'm not; I was completely floored by that gesture in the best way, utterly beside myself. I don't remember much about that night, only a moment in the morning, among the leaving guests and the empty bottels, when I wished I could rewind the clock and go through that door again, and be completely floored all over. My favourite gift from brother is a mixtape (the only mixtape I ever got). I don't listen much to music, but there's one song on it that will always make me sentimental: "Happy Birthday Lisa", written by Michael Jackson, from an episode of the Simpsons. I'm the older, not the younger sister, but the general sentiment hits just right. Best and worst gifts I gave - that's a hard one to answer for me; I'm afraid I'm not a terribly ambitious gift giver. I do like the idea of picking gifts for loved ones, and I like to think I'm not cheap, but my time-management is sub-par and my approach is usually fairly last-minute, so the results can be somewhat underwhelming. I like to think that I do have a good sense what kind of souvenirs to bring home for Mum from a journey, or what kind of books to give to my brother (although he often seems happiest about gift cards, to be honest), and I feel I also usually get it right with my Aunt (last year I gave her a Storyworth-subscription, following a recommendation on Mefi, and she seemed very enthusiastic about doing all the prompts). But I'm repeatedly stumped when it comes to Dad for instance, and while I hope my gifts are usually welcome, I don't think I've ever pulled off one that was particularly memorable. At least I think that my bad gifts are generic at worst; I do hope that I never committed one of the truly mortal sins, like buying something for myself and trying to sell it as a gift for another person, or buying a gift with fraught implications about desired behavior, or something like that.
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olivarryprompts · 4 years ago
Fanfic Friday #11
Welcome to Fanfic Friday! Each Friday I post a new here and on A03. Enjoy x
Read and save it on A03 here https://archiveofourown.org/works/33567529
{fancy suits from dad}
Ships: Peter Stark & Tony Stark, Pepper Pots/Tony Stark
Warnings: swearing, just fluff otherwise :)
Wc: 2,319
Here’s the thing, Peter Parker grew up in Stark Tower, which eventually became Avengers Tower of course. So whilst his whole class was buzzing about their field trip, all he could think was, “shit, shit shit.” His dad was going to embarrass the hell out of him. His Aunts and Uncles were going to endlessly tease him.
So, no Peter was not looking forward to the field trip. Not in the slightest. He still wanted to go, though. He knew that the rumors of his internship being fake were started by Flash, the annoying teen. He also knew that Flash had not once said his real name, preferring the name Penis Parker. It didn’t bother him as much as it used to. Also since highschool began, Flash had calmed down with his bullying. Well, maybe Flash hadn’t calmed down and high school was just bigger and he had thicker skin. And a new support system with plenty of people to go to.
Peter had been adopted by the Starks when he was a mere ten years old. At first, he was terrible at receiving any gifts or even too much attention. Slowly but surely, he got more and more used to it. Now, he wouldn’t not know what to do if any of that was taken away. Plus, he really did find a liking for expensive suits, however shallow. He looked good in them, and his father always insisted on buying him more and more. Tony would always find an excuse to spoil the kid a little more, however much Pepper tried to stop him.
“Peter, please see me after class regarding an urgent matter.”
Brough out of his thoughts, Peter swiftly nodded his head.
He looked at the board to see the words from before still written on them, “Field Trip to Stark Industries!” It might as well have said, “Dig Peter Stark’s Grave!”
“So, let’s get started with today’s lesson, graphing imaginary numbers on the complex plane!” He’d done this one a while back with his father. Something about not only learning applicable science and engineering. Peter tapped his glass, and the episode of Arrow he’d been watching on the car ride over began playing. He’d be ever grateful for his father’s gift of EDITH to him. Pepper had tried to ban him from wearing them to school, but hastily gave up when Peter pulled the spiderman danger card.
“Alright, class dismissed. Please remember to do this homework pages 11-18 on this unit’s homework handout.”
Peter, forgetting his teacher's previous request, was very glad to be on his way home. He was one foot out of the door when the teacher called his name. Now, his day had gone pretty well up to that point. Bucky made pancakes for breakfast, which were delicious. There was wayyy less traffic on the way to school. He’d aced an essay and a couple of quizzes, and then he even participated in PE effectively. But alas, all good things had to come to an end.
“Mr. Parker? The discussion.”
“Right,” Peter thought, joining the teacher at his desk.
“Peter, you are truly a great kid. I know you’ve been through a lot recently and in your life, but it is no excuse to make up an internship. We both know that it is not real. Now, acknowledging that you have a bright future, the administration and I have come forward with an offer. If you agree to write an apology, expressing that you understand what you did was wrong and immoral, you will both be allowed to come on the trip and no punishment will be given to you. If you choose to not take this opportunity, you will be banned from the trip and will be chastised.
Peter just stood there, not really comprehending. Apparently Flash’s little rumors were a lot bigger than he anticipated.
“I-i-I’m not lying,” was all he could manage. He had filed all the right paperwork and proved his internship.
“I’m sorry to hear that you will not come forward with the truth. You have up until the day before the trip to hand in the letter if you change your mind. Goodbye Peter.”
Peter just let his legs take him out of the classroom, then out of the school, and then to the road, a couple blocks away, where his dad picks him up from.
“Hello mini-me.”
“Hey,” Peter said, jumping into the passenger seat.
“‘Hi Dad, thanks so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to pick me up each and every day. Sick new car by the way! I’d love to drive it sometime!”
Peter just rolled his eyes with a smile, “Car looks great dad. McLarren’s are superior yet.”
“Ungrateful, so so ungrateful. What’s got you in a mood then?”
“Nothin,” Peter said, pulling out his phone.
“Oh come on, tell me. Tell me or I’ll call Ted.”
“Ned, Dad. We’ve been friends for like three years.”
“Not the point.”
“Just something at school.”
“Wow how very descriptive. You know I’m trying to do the whole feelings thing here, and you should appreciate that coming from my emotionally stunted self.”
“You’re so dramatic. Basically we’re having a field trip to your tower, and I’m not allowed to go because the teacher doesn’t think I really have an “internship.” Which, to be fair I don’t but that’s on you and not me.”
“Nah na na. I offered you an internship, and you said I’d be bored.”
“It would be. Doing a project for your company under strict supervision of some person would be sucky. I mean I can do anything I want from the lab you built me.”
“I know, but remember technically you are my intern. Remember we did that whole personal intern bullshit for the school.”
“Oh right. Is that why you keep harassing me about submitting all my completed projects.”
“No, that’s all your mother. Something about not wanting a lawsuit over a fake internship.”
“Make sense. She tends to be a lot smarter than you.”
“Ah, I feel so attacked. The abuse I suffer.”
“You’re terrible.”
“I am internally crying, kid. Sobbing.”
“Shut up,” we laughed.
“Who’s home?”
“You saw Buck and Sam this morning. Nat and Steve came back from their mission this afternoon. Thor and Loki are back for dinner tonight.. Strange might be coming round, not sure though. Cliff and the family aren’t back for at least a couple weeks. Oh and Bruce is wholed up in his lab as usual.”
“Shit. Everyone staying till the end of the week.”
“Yeah, oh the field trip. You’re screwed. You should have not told me.”
“I love your life Petey.”
Peter walked into the kitchen and saw Steve reading a newspaper.
“Uncle Steve! Your back!” he smiled, dropping his bag off near the sofa. Steve got up to give the smaller boy a hug.
“Yep. Mission completed.”
“Nice. Can you tell me about it?”
“Yeah, it was nothing too interesting. We just needed some more intel into a terrorist organization stationed in the US. Most of the mission was recon. The next steps are being taken in a couple weeks.”
“Good to know there’s an active terrorist organization out there,” Peter said lightly.
Steve just smiled, not quite understanding the modern humor.
“Where is everyone else?” he said, realizing the living room was not in it’s normal chaotic state that he’d come to love. The chaos was his favorite reminder that he had so many people. He liked having lots of people, even after all this time.
“Nat and Buck are training, they invited you to join if you want. Bruce is in his lab, and dont worry he slept and ate last night. Not sure about the rest.”
“Right, thanks. I think I’m going to go train.”
Before he knew it, it was Friday morning, and his school was coming to his home. He was going to try very hard to ignore them. To do so, he asked his mum to let him sit in on some meetings. He had an easy in to the R&D and mechanical side of the company via the other interns. He was actually planning on hanging out with some of the “other” interns later that day. They were always happy to let Pete in on their projects and let him give them a hand. But he was always interested in getting more detail about the business side of the company, and he liked to get a window into it. Pepper was always happy to show her son the ropes. I mean he was heir to the company after all, even if he didn’t know yet.
He asked his mum to only schedule meetings after 12 as he requested a sleep in. Pepper was always happy when Peter slept as he was a little too much like his father. So, he woke bright and early at 11:00 o’clock.
After a scroll through his phone and a quick shower, he was ready to pull on his far too expensive Brunellio’s custom suit. It was one of his favorites. His father had got it custom made when he was in Italy, and told him he simply could not resist getting one for the kid. Pepper just smiled.
He had a large breakfast (enhanced metabolism) and headed towards the 34th floor where his first meeting was located. He’d been shadowing his mum for almost a year now whenever it was convenient, so he had the rointine down. He was almost sure he could take over a few of her meetings.
“Hi honey,” Pepper said, giving the boy a quick kiss on the cheek on the way to her own chair beside him. Peter blushed before resuming his professional posture and facial expression.
“Good morning everyone, as you can see Peter will be joining us today. I want to talk about some of the services we provide for our employees and their feedback. I’m aware we have a large portion to talk about so Kendra please take it away on that front.”
The first meeting went smoothly as planned. It was a discussion on the progress of the internal services, aka the IT department. Peter hadn’t learned much about their IT department, so it was good to listen in to. Pre these meetings, he, of course, does research into the background stuff, so he’s not completely lost. Pepper’s assistant usually provides him with a packet of info about the Stark Industries side of things. He is also given a list of key words and concepts he might want to make sure he understands. The research is fun for him, it makes him feel all professional.
Usually he spoke during the meetings, asking a couple questions and suggesting some ideas, but for this one he just learned and took in. The next meeting, however, was very much so his field. He’d spoken a lot with advertising, becoming very interested in the data analysis behind it. He even took a stats class so he could keep up. In that one he asked questions Pepper was on the verge of asking twice. He also contributed to the analysis of data once. Pepper usually liked him to participate as it was good for him, but he always felt bad suggesting stuff to the senior adults. He usually spoke to his mum or dad about projects for the company, preferring that.
They hung back in the room of the second meeting.
“Good job in this one Pete. Took two questions right off my tongue.”
“Thanks ma,” he said, always appreciating some approval.
“That’s all I’ve got for you today, kid. Rest of the stuff is, ya know.”
“Course. Thanks for these two. It was good to learn about internal affairs a bit more. Have a gap of knowledge there.”
“Yeah. Was that the first time meeting our CIT?”
“I believe so.”
“Well, next time we have a broader IA meeting, I’ll pull you outta school,” Pepper suggested.
“Really? That’d be epic.”
“Course, hun. Jarvis, sort that out please.”
“Of course Mrs. Potts.”
“Thanks J,” Peter yelled.
“Anytime mini-boss. No need to disturb the entire floor.”
“Are AI supposed to be so snarky?”
“Dad programmed it, what else would it be?”
“Valid point.”
“Right, got to run. See you later.”
“Bye, love you mum!”
“Love you too, Pete.”
“Jarvis, could you send me the tour plan for the visiting tour today?”
“Absolutely, sir. They’re on your phone now.”
“Thanks J.”
Looking at the plans Peter smiled. He had successfully avoided them the entire day. It said they were supposed to head back to school at 2:30, and it was about to be three. Smile on his face, he trotted down to the lobby to grab a coffee before going to meet Loki at the arcade. Don’t judge them, it was their thing. Taking the private lift down, and then walking straight to the coffee stand and ordering.
“Mr. Parker!” he heard the angry voice of his teacher, “How dare you show up here aft-”
Shit. shit. Shit.
“Edith, call dad, and tell him it’s urgent in the lobby.”
“Of course Peter.”
“Peter, are you listening to me! You are going to face extreme consequences for this.”
“Your coffee,” the man said, not realizing it was Peter, level ten personal of the tower, that was being yelled at.
“How dare you get coffee! In this building! Security!”
Tony arrived spotting his son instantly.
“Kid this best be impor- I see.”
“Hey Mr. Stark,” Peter said weakly.
“Mr. Harrington is it? Please stop harassing my intern.”
“H-he, he is y-your intern?”
“Yes. My favorite. Please exit the building and never question him again. You will be hearing from me.”
Let’s just say, Monday was an interesting day. At least Flash backed off, he was definitely an intern at SI, and no one embarrassed him on the trip.
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