#i was too into homestuck during that time and let me tell you...there were homESTUCK RP BLOGS
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queenofbaws · 2 years ago
i have almost certainly made this post before but it occurred to me again tonight: sometimes i'm truly sad i missed the heyday of the until dawn fandom. now, i wouldn't have been able to deal with the shipping chaos or, god help me, any of the discourse, but like
i could've been...the most obnoxious flamethrower guy rp blog...and i missed that opportunity 😔
imagine all the people i could've annoyed. all the cryptic bullshit i could've said to randos. all two (2) reaction images i'd use...glorious
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thewertsearch · 3 months ago
JASPERSPRITE: Whats a timeline? :3 [
] AC: :33 < ok imagine a long tempting strand of yarn [
] AC: :33 < now imagine instead of being made of wiggly enticing stuff, its made of what lets you exist AC: :33 < and you are right at the twitching tip of it, dont you s33? [
I like Nepeta's perspective here, that a timeline is made of 'what lets you exist'. She's saying, I think, that timelines are made out of reality - out of the firmament that distinguishes the multiverse from the Furthest Ring.
Her imagery suggests that she understands at least the basics of her world's deeper mechanics, despite not actually using this knowledge during her time on-panel. I would have liked to learn more about her perspective, but we're almost out of time. From where we're sitting, Nepeta's already dead.
AC: :33 < [
] look at the sky! JASPERSPRITE: Meow yes i see the sky and can tell that indeed something is going on. JASPERSPRITE: But aside from that i dont really understand what you said being a cat and all.
Even though he’s a Sprite, the poor guy just doesn’t have the brainpower to use this information he's getting - and that's if Sprites are even told about Scratching.
The world’s being ripped to pieces, and he’s just going to watch the pretty colors until there is no more Jaspersprite. Someone please get this cat a ticket to the Yellow Yard.
AC: :33 < im a bit nervous for you, especially since you remind me so much of someone i already lost AC: :33 < but maybe youll be ok? i dont know
It’s difficult to say. The troll sprites were implied to have died when their session ended, but this session isn’t really ending; it’s being rebooted. Sprites might be doomed in a normal game, but we’re pretty far outside of normal parameters, so there may still be hope.
...right, Sburb? I'm right, aren't I?
AC: :33 < did you ever have someone nice back on earth who you loved? [
] AC: :33 < [
] i bet lots of girl cats would have loved to be with you, if only there had b33n some around to hear your lovely meows :33 JASPERSPRITE: Youre really nice to say so nepeta what about you though? [
] AC: :33 < [
] yes i have liked somebody for quite some time, but alas he doesnt know it
Nepeta’s tale is one of missed opportunities. She never got to wax poetic about her love of shipping, never got to confess her feelings to to Karkat, and - let's be entirely honest with ourselves - never really got to be a character at all.
Now, if you’re an optimist, you could take this as evidence that Nepeta’s story isn’t over – that we’ll be expanding on her character in the Dream Bubbles, perhaps.
I'm... let's say I'm a realist.
I think Nepeta is simply a victim of Homestuck's enormous character roster. Ever since Hivebent started, it's become increasingly obvious that there are some 'important' trolls, and some less important ones. This isn't a bad thing - it's just how fiction works, and it would be borderline impossible to juggle rich, satisfying, 8000-page arcs for sixteen primary characters, no matter how quickly you're putting up panels.
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Nepeta simply isn't a protagonist. She's a total sweetheart, but in the end, she didn't make the cut.
JASPERSPRITE: Maybe you can win his affection by rubbing your cheek against him thats what i would do. AC: :33 < ohhh no no no, im too shy even for that! [
] AC: :33 < its hard to explain, maybe cats think diffurntly, but trolls tend to be pretty cautious about expressing their f33lings when it comes to the flushed quadrant JASPERSPRITE: Whats a quadrant? [
] AC: :33 < a quadrant is a thing in a group of things that consists of four similar things JASPERSPRITE: Like paws? AC: :33 < EXACTLY like paws!!! :DD
But damn, if she isn’t a sweetheart.
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davekat-sucks · 5 months ago
Do you believe it was a boon or a detriment (to Homestuck) that none of the kids ever got to reconcile with their parents/guardians?
Across all of them, none of them really got to understand their parents as living, breathing people- at least that's how I see it. To all of these characters, their guardians were faceless, eccentric, incomprehensible elder beings that may or may not have cared about them; guardians forever locked in the past- mere memories left only to fade. Like sure, the beta kids sort-of got peace of mind with the alpha kids (and vice versa), but it's obvious that the alpha kids have little to do with the beta kid's actual parents (and vice versa), so to watch them "talk it out" is like pondering the beliefs of Elvis Presley with an impersonator.
I believe that this leaves Homestuck thematically as a one-trick pony; if you're looking for a story about losing a parent at a young age, you've come to the right place, but if you wanted to see any other parent-child relationships, go look elsewhere. It leaves me wanting more, wondering what could have been- and I recognize that this feeling is probably what Andrew Hussie intended- but a reader can dream, can they not?
One of the highlights of (me) growing up was learning more about my parents and watching them become more human-like and understandable- learning that even parents can grow and change, discovering their passions and dreams and seeing them consider their flaws and failures, changing what it means to grow old- it's great to see this amount depth and self-reflection coming from someone who loves and raised you, but it also makes me wonder if most parents are just asshole morons and I just got lucky.
On the "upside", I guess if the parents were around none of that spicy teenage romance could happen, am I right? You can't have your dirkjakes or rosemarys if their parents are still there telling them to focus on setting a career path or getting a driver's license, LMAO. Shut up old-timers, these teenagers can't get laid with all of your parental advice killings the vibes! Joking of course, I'm not THAT bitter about what never was. I'm only slightly bitter.
It definitely is a detriment that the Beta Kids never really got full closure on the Guardians that had raised them. In Rose's case, she finally realized and understood that her Mom genuinely loved her and everything she did was real. There was no ulterior motive. Her drunk arc was Rose's way of punishing herself, believing she was a bad daughter. That she blamed herself for not accepting all the love Mom Lalonde had to give before the game started. Sure Mom Lalonde was not any better as she too was drinking during the raise, but the woman still put time and effort to let Rose have her hobbies, interests, and tries to enjoy them with her while trying to hide her worries and sorrows that Sburb will happen. She couldn't explain to Rose about what Sburb was or what was going to happen. Rose wouldn't believe her Mom and she knows this. It's not really the same for Roxy entering it. It feels like a copout or worse, a REPLACEMENT, of Mom Lalonde. Sure they share similar traits, but she isn't exactly the person who raised her. The same can apply to Roxy's view on Rose as her own mom. She isn't exactly the same either. The only person who still got to keep her guardian safe was none other than Jane Crocker for her Dad Crocker. John hugging him is confusing since he isn't exactly like Dad Egbert. It baffles me people had accepted this or believe Dad Crocker and Dad Egbert were one in the same person, when they aren't.
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The reason I believe it would have been better for the kids to meet with their guardians one last time, is to fully symbolize the growth of the kids as well as passing the baton onto the new generation. Growing up, maturing, and being a better person. That's what was suppose to be the theme of Homestuck and for heroes like the Beta Kids to reach by the end of the story. Without it, all the characters remained the same status quo and never fully changed.
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yzafre · 1 month ago
Rise Magic Watch - The Fast and the Furriest, Bug Busters pt1
Okay okay okay. Let's get. Let's get the funnier but less important episode out of the way (opinion, I know, but honestly this episode was cracking me up this time around): Fast and the Furriest.
((actually, I realized while watching this I need to move it before Mascot Melee, given it's the introduction to the tank. Now fixed in my files.))
First, some appreciaction for the yokai designs.
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Great stuff. And actually, put a pin in this topic briefly. Now, opinion time:
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Is this diegetic or not? I can go either way, though I do think it would be funny if this was like. A minor illusion he learned during the Before and still uses to intimidate people.
I get my confirmation that Meat Sweats does not need to cook whatever he's absorbing.
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...no idea if that guy is dead or not, though.
I will say! Watching what he's absorbing, I think I want to state a (probably obvious) sort of difference in classification I'm noticing with mystics. That is, there's mystic (biological) and mystic (magic).
Like. The snake and the silverfish - they have things they can do (spit venom, split into copies) that seem to be... like, they're not magic/mystic energy. They're just something that kind of being can.... do??? And this is the only type of being we've seen Meat Sweats absorb powers from.
It makes me wonder like.... what would happen if he tried to absorb abilities from, say, Mayhem? Or even one of the turtles? Like, because the boys abilities are more... energy/spritual based, I don't know that he would be able to take them. But how would we classify Mayhem? Would he be able to take that poofing ability?
Something for me to think about.
Also when Mikey uses his weapon to attach to Meat Sweat's van, we get the return of the possessed weapon cackle.
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You can kinda see its face, too. Is there a demon in there or not?
Leo makes a big portal - the effects for this are honestly very pretty.
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And again, there's a delay between something going into the portal (the acid Meat Sweats spits), and the creation of the back-end of the portal. Could be/probably is for clarity of choreography, but it is a thing that happens.
Now, on to
Expect a lot of flailing and pointing going "look look!". I cannot promise full coherency here.
ALRIGHT. Time for cloaking brooches!
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Let's play a game: illusion, or mass/physical transformation? Vote in the replies and/or tags below!
This is very different from the previous transformations we saw with Draxum's mercenaries or Clem in his shop, which showed the yokai features slowly morphing into place. Proooobably because they had to do a LOT of characters this time around.
Though, they do the same effect with Big Mama.
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That almost rose-motif in the whirlwind is very magical girl of her. Anyways, I could see them wanting to keep consistency in the episode.
To give my answer to the game, I figure... it's gotta be physical - because people interact with her in human form, right? But like... where does the extra mass/mystic energy go? Is it like. Folded inside her?
I'll tell you what probably IS illusion magic.
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The elevator shift. Great stuff, wonderful, I love it. Also, quick question, first mental association when you see this:
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So tell me, were you a homestuck once? ((yeah yeah, I was at the devil's sacrament, ect)) Zodiac symbols sure make for quick and easy ~mystic~ symbols, don't they?
Moving on.
Another game of "Illusion, or?"
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Illusion? Physical transformation? ...portal? ((can you tell I want there to be illusions going on? I just think they're neat.))
Another thing I find interesting: the amount of things that are actually just... technology.
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Even those orb things in the lounge for the Battle Nexus (last picture) have a very CRT-like effect to them. They could still be magic (I would have more fun if they were), but there's an argument to be made that they're just, like... advanced tech. Or maybe it's magi-tech? To let them get that full 3D view?
Also, this panel could equally be magic or technology.
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And.... I'm about to run into my image-limit for this post, so I'll put the rest in a part 2.
Although... Just one more thing. Just one last teensy question, y'know?
So they take the boys to the entrance to the Battle Nexus - and the way they talk about it ("Say goodbye to New York") I think its actually located somewhere else and they just stream it to the hotel? But also. They show you the portal you have to go through and uh. Hey. Hey, uh.
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Part 2
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yanderes-galore · 1 year ago
Could I get a holiday themed Roxy Lalonde rqqq?? :333
Fandom: Homestuck/Hiveswap
Character: Roxy Lalonde
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Type of fic: Fine w/ anything but would prefer a oneshot/short story :3
Other info: You can decide what prompt/Idea it should be :33
Sure! I didn't like the way I took this one (I don't feel I did Roxy justice, I will in later fics) but I hope you enjoy it anyways :) This is during main story, not epilogues or ^2 (I have not touched those)
Yandere! Roxy Lalonde Short - Winter Event Request
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Jealousy, Forced kissing, Trickery, Forced affection, Forced relationship implied, Manipulation, OOC Roxy Guilt.
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You feel nervous tonight. Roxy has kept giving you odd glances lately. Then again, Roxy has always made you uncomfortable lately.
When the world went to hell she suggested you live with her. You just thought she was being a good friend for a pal. However, now you're stuck in the middle of an ocean in a Carapacian colony alone with her.
Roxy treated it like it's the best thing that's ever happened to her. She no longer had to just text you on Pesterchum. For a bit, despite your anxiety, you liked the thought too.
However, overtime you began to notice Roxy's behavior around you.
Usually through drunken conversation from her she often laments her relationship troubles. It started with her ranting about Jane telling her not to date Jake due to her own crush. Then it was about Dirk.
Then oddly the conversation swapped to Roxy asking about you. She asked if you liked any of the friends you shared. She asked bluntly if you had a crush on anyone.
You said no when she asks these questions, which caused Roxy to often frown.
Now, as the wind gets colder, Roxy seems to be planning something. She's been working more on her Transportalizer technology skills recently. Not onty that but she keeps giving you oddly flirtatious looks.
You don't understand what Roxy's been getting at until you catch her attaching something to ceiling over her bed.
You had moved from the bed to lean on the wall, looking through one of the many odd windows she had. Your thoughts were only broken when Roxy called you to look at her. When you turn you feel the nervous feeling intensify.
A Missletoe
 she managed to bring back a Missletoe? Was that what she was practicing for?
“Took me forever to get it
 BUT! Isn't it perfect!?” Roxy coos, completely ignoring your look of anxiety.
“W-Why did you get one? Nostalgia?” You ask softly and Roxy gives you that strange look again.
“Nostalgia? Pffft
 nah. I got it for us!” Roxy squeals and you tighten your jaw.
Did you feel for Roxy like that? You hesitate softly. Did she think you were dating? 
 we aren't-”
“Look, I KNOW what you're going to say and I get it. Buuut
 wouldn't it be nice?” Roxy purrs softly. “I mean
 we live together, we're both single
 I've liked you for a long time!”
“Was that why you asked me to move in?” You ask and catch Roxy looking guilty for a moment.
 I just get really jealous when you talk to others and I just thought-” Roxy mumbles while getting off the bed to walk closer. She took down the missletoe and you thought you'd be done with this.
“Sorry, Roxy
 it was just really sudden-” You sigh, Roxy gives you sad eyes before standing in front of you.
“Can I at least have a hug from my good pal?” Roxy asks softly and you look nervous before agreeing. 
You quickly regret the decison when Roxy essentially grapples onto you. The wind is knocked out of you momentarily and Roxy takes the time to put her lips on yours. You taste wine on her tongue
 the kiss surprises you.
While you surprisingly don't hate it
 what you do hate is the betrayal of your trust.
Roxy pulls away but doesn't let you go. She instead cuddles into you. You look beside her and see she's still holding the mistletoe
 over the both of you.
“I'm sorry
” Roxy frowns, guilt deep in her gut. “I just
 I just want you as mine.” 
Roxy's grip tightens and she looks away, a distant look in her eyes. Although
 you notice a small smile on her face.
“I guess
 you are mine in a way. As long as you're here with me
 you're mine.” Roxy locks eyes with you, swapping her grip to your hands.
“We'll be perfect for each other!” Roxy gleams. “You'll see
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So, here we are. This is, in my eyes, one of THE “Shitpost/Trollpost/Mockery” MSPFAs out there of all time. Few fanadventures are out here doing it like Ligmastuck, because it taps into the essence of what I think is vital to a fanwork’s success when it is being so close and transformative to the original work: the idea that anything and everything can be used to create interesting sequences, that any characters from any media can show up, that ideas can be extrapolated to the point of extremes, and finally, that you can feel the passion and love for the community as a whole AND the OG project that it’s being based on. All of these boxes are checked, in my opinion, during Ligmastuck.
Like, the problem I have with most “Shitpost/Trollposts” are like, the lack of sincere effort and passion in them. They always feel like they are trying to distance me from them, like they too want me to hollow out my own emotions and replace them with the toxic, toxic irony that often poisons such posting before it can even start. Like, I’m not saying you can’t get silly with it, but if you ARE getting silly with it, you have to mean it, and not try to lay escape routes so that when people say “you were see getting silly with it in your fanwork” you go “oh, but no, I was being ironic! It was satire! I didn’t mean to get silly with it!” No, the best approach is to look them dead in the eyes and go “I was getting silly with it and I intend to do it 5000000% more in the future.” That’s the vibe of Ligmastuck. It subverts your expectations that this will be another one of those trollposts/shitposts and then absolutely goes “no actually let’s care about the story we’re telling.”
Also, another thing, is that it has good bits. Like the fact that you actually get to act out the “get the cake off the chest” from Homestuck Act 1. Which, because that’s exactly what you’re doing, also showcases that yes, this author *has* read Act 1 and *does* like at least a little bit of Homestuck, and at the end of the day, that’s one of the main things I’m asking for.
Also I like how the dialogue is trying to emulate the certain tone that you might get from like. A YTMP. Which always have an unique texture to them, in my opinion. Some of them are almost hypnotizing with their sentence mixing. I sit and watch them for hours, barely moving, not even laughing. At the end, I gain little stimulation, but during it, I am sitmulated. I am feeling fine. I am engaged, right? I am sitting straight through them, so that *must* mean I’m engaged. It must mean it

There’s a quote I think about often by Lemon Demon, aka Neil Cicirega. He says (paraphrasing because I don’t remember the exact way he said it) “I do this a lot in my song. It’s like, jokes jokes jokes jokes. Okay but let’s get serious now. Okay back to jokes.” And that’s the tempo, I think, of Ligmastuck. Here’s a bunch of silly jokes about imposters. Okay here’s a doctor explaining to John why Dave’s going to legitimately die of Ligma and it’s a disease and he’s really gonna die and this is the quest for the entire fanadventure. Okay now back to jokes.
It's like
it’s like if all the detritus of the Homestuck Fandom, all of it, came to life and amalgamated into one fanadventure. It’s like that, I think. I don’t know if I’ve quite captured the essence of Ligmastuck, but I think it have done enough to maybe make more people interested in reading it, and that’s enough for me, for now.
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lavender-teardroplettes · 11 months ago
Lily’s question box is closed so I cannot talk to them about my concerns and you are the main person engaging it it. You don’t seem to understand my words and maybe it is my translation error but speaking about hate will keep bringing it up and encourage anonymous to continue doing it. But if you ignore it they will get tired and leave. When Lily turned off anonymous last time you can tell that all the issues died down until recently because we keep doing the cycle of repeating. If we keep talking about the anonymous hate it will never end. So many other people like me are expressing our concerns on other blogs but no one is listening to us and the problem is still remaining. I am not telling you to block every anon only the rude ones so they will stop coming back to bother everyone. This is an upsetting issue in the community and I want you to understand that. An addition is that I am not blaming Lily. Only to see that they have an impressionable platform full of good followers and bad. If we keep putting this issue in front of them it will only create more problems for us and the community. Look at all bigger developers like zeekerss or Toby fox with how they are a solo creator but do not interact with the anonymous. This is why I am asking you to stop addressing the bad anons not the good ones who come to you with real opinion and questions like me. for an example ,why can we not try new things in the community? Hateful anonymous will never change but we can. We can shape the community and do better instead of circulating same problems over and over each time. I am sorry you have got racist words and I hope my English has not said anything bad. I do not want to be rude to you.
I won't unfollow you but I will stop reloading my home screen now. So if I do not respond again it is because I am gone for my real life priorities. Good morning once more and thank you for talking with me.
The issues don’t die down because Lily closed their ask box- other people were still receiving it whether they posted them or not. And they didn’t stop at all either when they turned off anon, people just continued to make side blogs and throwaways no matter how many times Lily blocked them. I just wasn’t targeted after shutting down a specific one that I should have admittedly blocked first and posted a screenshot of their ask just to collect the tumblr and put a faster stop to things. I’m the main person engaging because I’m open to actually talking with people and have gotten a majority of the asks all around.
I’m not misunderstanding your words- I do not believe that ignoring or not speaking out against hate does anything but encourage more people to do it and as someone who knows how aware the world was during 2016-2020 in the US- and even now with what’s happening currently in the world. I refuse to just ignore hate and let people get away with it. I encourage people to be mature adults, to better understand social environments as growing people and to reconsider how they approach things if their first reaction is to be hateful. It- more often than not- stems from underlining issues that need to be addressed and possibly helped through therapy, and I hope that people are able to get to a point where they’re better in their lives than they are now. I know it might seem impossible in the moment, but as someone how has personally grown through many hardships, it’s worth pressing on and figuring out who you really are under all your confusion and possibly misplaced feelings.
Trying to compare indie developers to people like Toby Fox(using him because I don’t know the other person listed)- who worked within the Homestuck community, which, btw and had one of the most toxic communities as noted by internet history and has first hand experience with a lot of this- doesn’t compare well. They have communities that are too big to handle and have been left to self regulation long before a fandom ever fully collected for Undertale. The most we can do as indie developers without a paid PR team and essentially having to do it ourselves and as creators with a bigger collections of followers is to steer people away from the same behaviors shown in those bigger communities and to encourage those in smaller pockets that are within the community to not stoop to those same levels and lows. It’s the most we can do if we’re going to have a community or fandom at all.
I know it’s an upsetting issue in the community, but that’s why we have to keep talking about it to discourage people from doing the same actions going further. Ignoring it doesn’t do anything but allow it to happen again. New people will continue to enter the community and possibly make the same mistakes in trying to send anon hate and there needs to be more of a precedent to shut that down and remove those sorts of people. You don’t get to have fun with us if this is how you’re going to act- essentially.
And I don’t think you’re being rude to me, I’m just sharing my perspective. Im gonna go to bed now, have a good rest of your day. đŸ«‚
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rodentgoth · 2 years ago
.X| “Answer Phone” - Ch.5 |X.
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◄ Prev Chapter \Fic Playlist\Ship Playlist\ Next Chapter â–ș
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thank you to my girlie @candy12110 for co-writing/editing with me for the rest of the story!
Long chapter is long, I also would like to thank my girlie Addi-Mation for proofreading, and being our inspiration for how we write Chixie!
Rating:: 13+ // Teen
Fandom:: Homestuck
Themes/Kinks:: None
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The day had been great. Hanging out with Joey and Xefros was everything Chixie had wanted it to be. They tried a variety of snacks and treats from vendors, witnessed many terrible, albeit very short, mini-performances, and they even joined her during rehearsals. She was having a good time for once, that was until her palmhusk began to beep and vibrate. She got excited, hoping it was Red, and that they were okay, but of course, it was the indingdong.
She checked the message:
THECODAKKEFFECT:: Hello my bronzie-boo! Cridea’s still having them set up your room, but you’re more than welcome to stay with me til it’s ready! 
A shiver ran up her spine, this could not be happening. She stood there staring blankly at the text til Xefros put his hand on her shoulder.
“Hey, are you feeling sick again?” He said pulling out the snacks they had accumulated at various vendors.
“We have more snacks if you’re still hungry!” He put on his cheeriest smile trying to get her to relax. His friendly demeanor was enough to get her to snap out of it and even grin a bit.
“It’s just
They haven’t set up my room yet, and my “manager” is offering to let me stay in his room,” Chixie responded, setting her palmhusk on vibrate so she could pretend she never saw the message.
“Is that a bad thing?”
“You don’t know Zebruh-”
“Zebruh?! Your manager is Zebruh? Ugh, that’s gr- ahem I mean that’s gotta be tough,” Joey started but Xefros elbowed her. She corrected herself but Chixie could tell where that sentence was going and she agreed with it.
“He’s not really my manager but he’s too pushy and influential to say no to," 
"You know if you don’t wanna stay with him you can hang with us for the night?” She offered with the sweetest smile plastered on her face.
 “Oh- Y-you don’t have to-,” Chixie began but was swiftly interrupted by Joey.
“If you’re uncomfortable staying with him, you shouldn’t force yourself to,” She said, with a glint of concern in her eyes.
If it ain’t too much trouble for you. I’d appreciate it,” Chixie answered with a shy smile.
“No trouble at all,” Joey said and Xefros nodded in agreement. Joey hooked arms with of them, pulling them behind her down the street. 
They were passing a palmhusk repair station when she caught a flash of purple out of the corner of her eye. She turned to look and just barely caught sight of Marvus being handed back a palmhusk. Once again the tingling in the back of her thinkpan started up again. She still hasn’t heard from Red, and the “coincidental” ringing on the platform wasn’t helping, but that was impossible. What would a purpleblood need to impersonate a burgundyblood for? It was a waste of time to think about. She might as well focus on her new friends, rather than being paranoid and delusional that an extremely famous purpleblood is stalking her.
They continued walking till they came across an area outside the event. A lot of lowbloods couldn’t get hivetel rooms, so there were small campsites set up all over the event. Joey and Xefros led Chixie to a tent.
“This is where we’re staying. Do you have anything you need to get?”
“No. It can wait,” Chixie shook her head.
They decided to retire for the night, Chixie did have to meet with Cridea to discuss the changes in the schedule, due to them arriving so early. 
For the first time in a while, she went to bed happy instead of sad, scared, angry, or some combination of the three. She was surrounded by friends, in a safe space, and nothing loud or annoying in a 100-foot radius. Life was great.
“And that should be everything!” The chipper sea dweller said with a smile on her face.
Chixie was currently in a meeting with Cridea, doing her best to hide her nervousness. They had just discussed the schedule for her performance.
“N-not quite. I know we’re here a whole week earlier than we were supposed to be but when do you think we’ll have accommodations available?” Chixie asked as clearly and politely as she could.
“Oh! That totally needs to be addressed. Well
Because of the changes to the schedule, we’ll need at least another day to find the space to accommodate everyone. By tomorrow night rooms will be available for everyone!” Cridea explained. Chixie felt angry, but also kind of relieved. Sure she still didn’t have a room, which sucked, but at least she still had friends she could stay with in the meantime.
"O-okay. Thank you.”
They ended the meeting, leaving Chixie with a mountain of papers that was the revised schedule. She headed back to the campsite, doing her best to keep all the papers in order.
“Hey, guys! My room will be ready tomorrow and I’ll be free from Zebruh!” She cheered as she met up with Joey and Xefros. She’d agreed to meet them back at the tent with news of how everything went.
The three of them cheered and giggled. To celebrate, she decided to bring them to her dressing room to get an actual opinion on things.
They went through all her outfits, trying to decide which would be the best one to wear, and checking all her equipment. During the fun, she noticed the worry painted on Joey’s face.
“Are you sure you wanna go through with all this?” Xefros and Chixie looked back in confusion.
“What do you me-”
“Your protest, are you sure you wanna go through with it?” A heavy silence filled the room, before being broken by the bronzeblood.
“I have to go through with it
If I don’t I’ll be stuck with Zebruh forever. Even if I get culled, at least I’ll go out with a bang.” she gave a nervous chuckle, that did nothing to hide the fear in her voice. Joey walked over to her and grabbed both her hands.
“We won’t stop you if you think it’s the right thing to do
but please be careful.”
Chixie felt weird, someone showing concern for her was an alien experience. She wasn’t opposed to it. If the protest went well, she hoped it would make people show concern not just for her, but for all lowbloods.
She decided to go on stage to practice her dancing and footing, and Joey decided to join her. The two had fun, just going with the flow. It was all good until Chixie bumped into a troll standing behind her. She looked up to see the face of a very tall, and very displeased, indigo blood.
She immediately backed away and apologized. The indigo didn’t respond; he simply turned around and took the hand of another troll, helping them on the stage. It was a female clown, that Chixie could only assume was a purpleblood.
“We reserved this stage for Miss Dviyr’s rehearsal. So beat it!” He shoved both of them off the stage landing on the hard concrete of the venue. Xefros rushed from behind the curtain to help them.
“Are you guys okay!?” He asked as he gently helped them both up.
“I’m fine,” Joey responded by rubbing her arm to soothe it.
He looked over at Chixie, only to see her walking away, tears streaming down the corners of her face. Joey was tempted to go after and comfort her, but the burgundyblood stopped her.
“Give her some time
He shook his head at her before speaking, “Trolls don’t like showing their emotions to people not in their quadrants, Joey. You could end up making it worse. Give her a chance to calm down.”
Joey sighed and just watched her wander off.
Chixie found herself back in her dressing room, still crying. She looked at herself in the mirror and began to wonder if any of this would be worth it. What was the point of doing something this grand, if it wouldn’t change anything? Her thoughts turned more and more nihilistic. 
Maybe coming here was a bad idea. 
Eventually, she calmed down a bit. She didn’t want to leave Xefros and Joey waiting on her. She left her dressing room, walking down the narrow hallway to the exit. The dressing rooms, like the train, and everything else on Alternia, were split by caste, Highblood rooms were closer to the entrance and stage. While lowblood rooms were further back. Chixie always got nervous walking through the highblood section. Lowbloods were allowed to walk through these sections, for the sake of making getting on and off stage easier. But, she still got a sick feeling in her gut when passed through them. She tried to keep her mind clear but was interrupted by the sound of voices. Looking over, she saw that one of the room doors was slightly open. She read the name, on the door plate. It was Marvus’s. She started to quicken her pace trying to get out of there without being noticed. But she heard something that made her stop in her tracks.
“When are you gonna quit playin’ with this bronzie?”
Her whole body froze the minute the words hit her, and her mind started to wander. Who were they talking about? What were they planning? The most daunting question on her mind was, Was she the bronzie in question? 
She carefully peaked in to see Marvus and a few other purebloods. A tall one with hair as messy as his, her pants and shoes were covered in blood, a dazed young troll with a mask on, and one troll, who appeared to be a runt. She did her best to remain undetected.
“Can you stay out of my conversations? You don’t see me quizzing you on the little indigoblood you’re sweet on, Chahut,” He said, sounding uncharacteristically agitated. 
“No, She’s clearly not that into you. She runs from you every time she sees you!”
“We vibe. Mind your own damn business. Look, she was clearly blowing up my line yesterday.” He held up his palmhusk to prove a point. Chixie’s eyes moved from Chahut to Marvu’s phone, she could vividly make out what looked like her and Red’s profile pictures.
Her fear was further validated when Marvus turned back to his palmhusk. He was clearly focused on coming up with a response. She took out her own and watched as the typing bubbles came up, proving it was indeed him she had been talking to.
“No, she was talking to the rusty you were pretendin’ to be. At least Amisia actually likes me! She doesn’t give a damn about you-” Chahut responded, rolling her eyes at his smugness.
“My relationship with her is none of your business.”
“Stop pretendin’ there’s some relationship there. It’s creepy. I’m starting to feel bad for the bronzie, with a stalker like you sticking to her.”
“I’m not a stalker. I’m gonna come clean eventually. Just not now. Maybe when I can get her a little more comfortable with the idea-”
“Of what? Getting pailed by a highblood? With that fame chaser clinging to her, I’m sure that’s all that she’s used to,” Chahut snickered and the other purplebloods laughed with her. Though the tiniest one made more of a confused honk sound rather than laughed.
“Fuck off. I’m not just interested in pailing her. I like her music too.” Marvus sneered at her. The other clowns roared in laughter again while Chahut gave him a disgusted look.
By the time he finished his sentence, she was already back in her dressing room panicking. Only seconds later her palmhusk went off and she received a series of messages from ‘Red’.
R3dSplatter:: Hey, sorry. I’m fine. My palmhusk got wrecked on the train. I only just got it fixed. R3dSplatter:: Were you worried? Sorry if you were. I’ve been with my matesprit waiting for it to get fixed.  R3dSplatter:: Is everything okay with you? I hope you didn’t get hurt or anything. R3dSplatter:: Seems like you’re busy. Message me when you’re free. I can’t wait to hear about how jeevik week has been for you so far.
She had to steel her nerves as she got out her palmhusk and read the messages. Her hands shook as she then messaged Joey and Xefros.
Chixie:: Guys
I think I’m gonna leave.  Dammarchy:: What’s wrong? Is it about what happened before? I’m sorry those jerks cut into your rehearsal but that’s no reason to just leave. Chixie:: No, it’s not that. I just found something out and it’s really messing me up. Dammarchy:: Chixie calm down! Where are you? We’ll come to you. Chixie:: it’s fine I don’t need you guys to deal with this. Just have fun, okay? Dammarchy:: We are coming to help. We’re your friends, we wanna help you. Just tell us where you are. Chixie:: I’m in my dressing room. I’m in the middle of packing up.
A knock on her door spooked her a bit. She went to open it, she felt her frown grow more and more. Zebruh in all his annoyingness was standing in front of her. 
“Hello darling,” He barged in past her, seemingly oblivious to how upset she was.
“How’s my favorite superstar feeling?” 
“I’m leaving.” She responded bluntly going back to putting her costumes in her bag. 
“What do you mean leaving? You can’t leave! Do you know the strings I had to pull just to get you in here?!”
“I know and I’m so sorry, I’m grateful but I can’t do this. I have to leave. If I don’t I’m going to end up doing something we’ll both regret and ruining both of our careers.”
“No, hey, listen to me, babygirl. Just talk to me. What could possibly be so bad that you need to leave and potentially ruin any cred I have with violetbloods? Why don’t you just tell me what happened and I’ll handle whatever asshole made you feel the need to run?”
"Oh really? So you’re gonna fight an indigoblood for me? What about a purpleblood? I just got booted out of my practice session by one of each. So you’re gonna handle that for me?” she responded, far more agitated than she was trying to come across.
“Well I-”
“Oh you can’t? Then sorry I gotta go,” she crankily waved him away. He grabbed her arms and turned her around to face him. She could clearly tell he was getting frustrated as well by the tight grip on her arm and the stiffness in his jaw. The vibrant blue in his outfit is what knocked some sense into her. She almost forgot who she was dealing with. She should never have let her real feelings show in front of him.
“Do we wanna try that again?” The 'while I’m still being nice’ was left unsaid but clearly resonated in her mind.
“I’m sorry. I’m just stressed and I’m panicking. I didn’t mean to take it out on-” She was interrupted mid-apology by the sound of Xefros and Joey opening her dressing room door. They both froze for a moment at the sight in front of them, and Xefros immediately grabbed Joey and covered her mouth. The girl was ready to lunge at the Indigoblood for grabbing her friend like that.
“Do you mind explaining what’s going on here?” Xefros asked.
“It’s nothing,” Zebruh’s grip loosened a bit but he was still holding onto her.
“Chixie just has a bit of stage fright and needed a little pep talk to help her perform,” Zebruh explained with a fake smile.
Joey lunged out of Xefros arm’s, forcing herself out of his grip.
“Really? Cause to me it looks like she’s trying to leave and you’re trying to force her to stay!” She screeched out.
“Excuse me?! Chixie can speak for herself” He all but dragged her in front of him, waiting for her to defend and excuse his behavior. She briefly looked back at him and huffed. 
"I’m fine guys. Just give me a bit and I’ll let you know when you can come in.”
Joey was about to go off when Xefros stopped her and dragged her into the hallway, Zebruh closing the door behind them.
“There’s no way he’s giving her a pep talk in there! He’s just being the same skeevy creep he was before!” Joey ranted, taking no notice of the clown leaving his dressing room far down the hall.
“I know but what can we do if Chixie doesn’t want our help, and what could we do even if she did?” Xefros responded. The figure that was ambling through the stretch of doors stopped at the mention of Bronzeblood’s name. He was just far enough that neither of them noticed his presence and yet he could still hear every word.
“Zebruh is such a creep! And a jerk! I don’t like this! I don’t like leaving her alone with him.”
“We’re not leaving her alone with him. We’re right here. If he tries anything we can hear it all and get back in to help her.”
“I know, but it doesn’t feel good. We should’ve followed her. At least if we did she wouldn’t have been alone, he wouldn’t be able to corner her, and she probably wouldn’t want to leave.”
“But who’s to say that even if we were there she wouldn’t want to leave? She said she just found out something and that’s what’s messing with her. She would’ve left regardless of whether we were there or not. Plus it might’ve made things much worse if she felt embarrassed in front of us. We are not in her quadrants Joey.”
“But maybe if we were there we could’ve said or done something to make it better. I don’t know. She’s just so sweet and talented. I don’t want to see her being taken advantage of like this.”
“I’m sorry Joey but that’s the reality of being a lowblood. No way around it. She was 'lucky’ enough to have someone to protect her. Most of us don’t.”
The door opened behind them and the clown eavesdropping on their conversation made his exit. Zebruh came out of the room, clearly still upset but also calm. He walked out, not saying a word or even acknowledging them. They both immediately rushed back in to see Chixie frantically packing her things.
“Are you okay?!” Joey asked, her face filled with equal parts concern and rage.
” She packed the last of her things, the frown on her face still very much present.
“Chixie, please tell us what’s going on,” Joey begged, careful not to touch her and remind her of Zebruh.
She silently pulled out her palmhusk and explained.
“Marvus, That big clown guy, made a fake burgundy account to talk to me.”
She scrolled through the DMs.
“He was trying to warm up to me for
some reason, I didn’t stick around to find out.”
Joey looked at her shocked,
That doesn’t sound like Marvus. Are you sure it was him?”
“I heard him and some other clowns talking about it. Plus I saw my dms to the burgundy account on his palmhusk! They do shit like this all the time,” Chixie sounded as defeated as ever, as she put the device away.
“B-but but, He was so nice to us-” Xefros sent her a look to stop talking but Chixie cut her off first.
“Look,” She began staring directly into Joey’s eyes.
“I know you have this naive trust in him, I used to be like that too. I used to think that maybe if I acted right the trolls above me would approve of me. But that’s not how things work here.” 
Her voice was starting to crack slightly as tears formed in the corners of her viewglobes.
“All of us are fools in their game, their prey
” She said wiping the tears from her face.
“Joey, maybe Marvus isn’t who you think he is. This is absolutely something a clown would do.” 
"But he-”
“Joey! Remember that little murder game on the train and the trial? He’s caused us and others trouble more than once! Just because he was nice once doesn’t erase what he made us do.”
“I know. You’re right he’s probably not who I thought he was. But why does that mean she has to go? Why can’t she just block him and move on?”
“It’s not a good thing being on a clown’s radar. Her blocking him could make him as unbearable as Zebruh. Who knows what he’d do if she ever crossed him in person.”
if you think this is the right thing to do, we’ll help you. Xefros you get her bags I’ll block her if Zebruh comes. Meet us at the train station so if he sees either of us separate he won’t realize anything. Let’s go Chixie, we’ll leave first.”
The burgundy grabbed the bag, while Joey took Chixie’s hand.
“Do you want to tell Cridea or just leave?”
“Just leave,” she replied without hesitation.
“If we tell Cridea, she’ll tell him
I’ll text her when I get on the train. ”
“If that’s what you want, let’s go then.”
They put their plan into action. Chixie and Joey took the back exit, while Xefros took the front. Avoiding a creepy indingdong was surprisingly easy. Apparently, Marvus coincidentally decided to do an early meet and greet near the hivetel. Every troll from Burgundies to Pinks were crowding near the building, leaving the streets open and weirdly quiet. Knowing what she knows now she’s sure everything has been on purpose. Marvus watching her on the platform, him being outside her dressing room, probably checking to see if she was still alive after the train sped up, and now he was 'coincidentally’ doing an event that’d keep Zebruh away from her. She was so done with stalkerish highbloods. She just wanted to be left alone.
Joey still kept an eye out at all times just to make sure they didn’t run into any unwanted pests. It wasn’t long before Chixie arrived at the station with Joey and finally got her bags from Xefros. In comparison to before the station was noticeably emptier. No one else was leaving before Jeevik week even started. Luckily the train was still running, and the last one for the day was about to show up.
The two each gave Chixie a hug upset to lose the new friend they made. Chixie was devastated as well. She had been looking forward to spending the next two weeks hanging out with them and getting to know them.
“Be safe okay?” Xefros said.
“I will. I’ll send you guys a message when I reach my hive." 
"Text us if you need anything we’ll keep an eye out on Marvus for you,” Joey pouted, stopping herself from trying to change her mind. She was enjoying her time with Chixie and was sad this could be the last time she’d see her once she found her way home. But at the same time, she was happy that she helped her friend escape her crappy situation. 
She hopped on the train waving goodbye. When her friends were out of view she sat down. 
She pulled out her palmhusk, glancing at the messages she got. Even if this was all fake, she was happy to have had a real fan for a while. She blocked the account but still kept the messages. Just in case she needed a confidence boost. 
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spacedhead · 2 years ago
homestuck reread #12: act 6 p3
this is so funny to me im giggling in call and my friends are asking but im not brave enough to say it
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john is fighting jack?? OKAYYYY WIN THIS SHIT THEN
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HI ROSE OMG HI ROSE . it sucks how they cant like communicate with each other at all during the three years. like you guys dont have multi dimensional service? get the iphone plan
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bro shut up LOLLLLLL
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TRUE we love a dumb motherfucker
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due to speculation???
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john looks so goofy here. also drunk rose was silly but also a bit sad
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holy shit this is a lotta trolls
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stop pretending. we all know you want attention stop trying to deny it. AND ANOTHER THING. the stuff that is going on with caliborn? WRDGAF. the meenah intermissions were fun though. some funny dialogue in there. i liked them :) . unfortunately it just made me wanna get back to what the beta kids and trolls are doing... even though i see them every so often i feel like i miss them. like i used to see them all the time! and now... i see them once a year....
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yeah you really screwed the pooch on that one lil bro
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okay this dialogue is actually painful to read BUT it is interesting how a common theme of the alpha kid session is just. Waiting . they have to wait for the beta kids to come to actually make their session winnable and it keeps telling us that . so theyre just sitting around stewing in their juices. also cool that theyre called nobles instead of heroes and their planets each have a noble gas in the title
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this doesnt really make sense over text BUT i see what is happening and. yes jake is the worst. jake you suck we all hate you sorry girl maybe stop being flop city
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yeah okay jane is actually based right now. i cant remember why i stopped liking her. in this conversation jake is ragging on dirk for being too self indulgent and having zero self awareness while talking to jane about his issues. jane is literally trying to plan her own birthday party . jake you are being so fucking stupid and rude and honestly a pos rn bro. get OVER yourself
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cool panel.... a bit scary though! man i love roxy. calliope is good too
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holy shit i did not know that your dreamself has to be alive for you to ascend to god tier on your quest bed. that is interesting.
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YOOOO HI ROSE. I MISSED YOU SO MUCH YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING THAT HAS HAPPENED WHILE YOU WERE GONE. and by gone i mean not the center of the story i guess? but either way
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bro is like are you serious right now. is this really happening. also hey equius . long time no see. i guess
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ahahahahaha oh man this guy is a riot. also look at dirk this is huge for the dirk profile picture community which could be me soon
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oh man i really hate this part. i hope it isnt too long i dont remember if its really drawn out or short
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he is about to die
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he deserved this
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gahhhhhhhhh its too much PLEASE let this end soon
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOO fefeta :( best character you will be missed on this grand adventure. but alas we will have to carry on without you. how will we cope? how will we survive?
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i think you are giving him too much credit there . at this point he definitely IS an asshole
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okay well trickster mode is over and things are about to get even worse but i do appreciate the kids talking out their problems albeit in a very non direct way to where they arent actually really solving anything BUT they are at least talking now!! so thats good!! next part things take a turn for the worse somehow see you then
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29pageshomestuckeveryday · 2 years ago
Homestuck, page 2,626
[S] ACT 5 ACT 2 ==>
Song used: Homestuck by Mark Hadley
Song commentary:
Mark Hadley:
Plazmataz came up with a melody to use as an anthem for Homestuck, which they then used in Homestuck Anthem. While that was a very driving melody, I opted to come up with something that might be more suitable for credits (opening or end) or a title screen. I really like how this came out; it sounds a bit moody, but still optimistic, which is what I was aiming for.
Storyboards: http://readmspa.org/storyboards/02625.swf.html
Author commentary:
Here it is, yet another book hopelessly clogged with your favorite webtoon series, Homestuck. It's Book 5, which covers Act 5 Act 2. So in other words, a rare moment where the book number coincides with the act number. Don't worry though, that won't last long since this volume covers only half of Act 5 Act 2. So I guess it's
Act 5 Act 2 Part 1? I think I'm already getting a headache. Hey, is it too late to cancel these books? What's that? You're telling me it's too late for everything? We're all going down on this ship together? I see people in the crowd nodding their heads. Is what I'm doing by making jokes down here tantamount to what those guys were doing in playing classical music on the deck of the Titanic? Wait, I'm being handed a note from offstage. It says
yes. Yes, that's exactly what I'm doing. It also says I should keep it up, if I know what's good for me, Joke Boy. Joke Boy?? Come on, guys. This book is 480 pages long, so I've got my work cut out for me. Maybe jokes are overrated. Maybe I'll start with a poem instead. Here goes: Curtains are red. Curtains are blue. Here's some more curtains. Instead of one, there are two. /Bows, ducking under brick thrown at head./
Can we start over? The note on the first page probably sounded a bit unhinged. Time to pull my shit together, splash a glass of cold water on my face, and add some fucking VALUE to this book. I promise I will do my very best to be coherent, articulate, and funny on every single page from now on. Oh, what's that? NOW you start laughing? Here's an idea. I'll start making some remarks about Homestuck, and you can all chill out. Deal? A5A2 opens with a stately, low-key animation reintroducing us to all the plot threads and characters we put on hold for what must have seemed like an eternity but in truth was only a few months of real-time updating. It's a piece conveying narrative integration, a montage of transmission, redirecting the energy just generated by the engine of Hivebent into torque, which then begins turning the wheels of the greater plot. When this animation ends, we finally take our foot off the brake and peel outta here. Since we just took such a long detour, we need little reminders of where we left off, which was [S] Descend. One such reminder is delivered by showing direct evidence that baby John has, in fact, literally murdered his grandmother with the huge joke book he rode down from space after getting shot through a portal during the Reckoning. Perhaps I should add that ending the life of another human being via a vast collection of corny jokes is a proposition I can identify with on a very personal level.
The old threads we're being reminded of wind into the new threads we just caught up with, by way of reviewing the life and times of John Egbert through the eyes of our new and favorite buddy, Karkat. The old and the new coming together like this lets us know what we're in for over the remainder of Act 5, which by now we can infer is a Whopper Act by previous standards, because we've just been modestly informed that the rest of this act is labeled with an entirely new subdivision called Act 2. Layering acts within acts is a thing that we didn't even know Homestuck could do. But really, we should have known, because Homestuck is always trying to let us know it can do anything it wants, but we just keep not listening. When I do things like drop the label "Act 5 Act 2" on readers, maybe it seems like I'm just clowning on you as usual. Maybe it's all a big goof. If you think that, fair. But there's real purpose here. By signaling that this is the beginning of an entirely new act unto itself, yet one still contained within another act, I'm letting you know the remainder of the arc is likely to be substantial. The process of merging two major narrative rivers into one huge river is itself going to be a very substantial narrative undertaking, and the story isn't going to bother pretending otherwise. Fooling around with the story's partitioning system in this whimsical way is actually a direct, totally up-front mechanism for dropping that pretense. It is literally using bullshit in order to stop bullshitting you.
Every little morsel of John's life, no matter how mundane or foolish, is absorbed by an absolutely captivated Karkat. Every tiny increment of this strange and exciting alien boy's journey through childhood is feeding into Karkat's brewing hatred just a little bit more. We coast through a few endearing moments we hadn't seen before, such as when John met Jade for the first time. As one might expect, it was a simple "hi im jade! hi i'm john!" type of transaction that got their friendship rolling. We also get a peek at John's ludicrous Harry Anderson wallpaper. A few weeks before I typed this note, Harry Anderson tragically passed away. R.I.P. to this magician guy who barely anyone knows of, or cares about. We hardly knew ye, or cared about ye.
The gag here—okay wait, this isn't even a gag, it's serious as hell
 Whatever this is, here's what's up with it. Basically, when Karkat discovers John for the first time, when he connects the dots and decides that this is the boy who is directly responsible for all his failures and problems, it's "hate at first sight." Even though this may not be a gag, it does serve as a pretty good punchline of sorts to all the buildup we just went through: getting to know Karkat through a long detour/review of his journey, learning about troll romance and how that system works, etc. Then we finally return to the A-plot, and we see the spades in Karkat's eyes, and
ah, yes. We get it now. This is why Karkat is infatuated with John and spews impotent rage through a clumsy reverse-linear deluge of hate-flirting. In a way, this is something readers can relate to, since we've had a similar experience in following John's journey and growing to love him. But for Karkat, that love transmutes into hate, due to his displaced anger and his culture. It must be very confusing for love and hate to be almost interchangeable emotions. When you add being a stupid teen to the equation, it's no wonder all the trolls are such hot disasters. And now we know all this, and so have valuable context for fully appreciating the A5A2 arc. It only took getting steamrolled by hundreds of pages of Hivebent to enjoy these dividends.
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kelebriel · 2 years ago
So I’ve been rereading Homestuck lately. Considering the whole cafe thing coming up, I think the finale of HS^2 is going to release this upcoming Homestuck Day, so I wanna be prepared! And it’s been fuckin forever since I read it/the epilogues/HS^2, so I need to refresh myself! And I wanted to reread it, so get off my jock. So far, I’ve finished the first three acts, including the intermission. As I’ve been rereading it, I wanna catalogue some thoughts, below the cut! There’s gonna be discussion of animal death, abuse, and slurs, as well as just general spoilers, if you still care about that but haven’t read it yet. Can’t imagine why you haven’t read it yet, it’s been years. Jeez, man. First thought: Man, Homestuck is still a good fucking webcomic. I’m having a lot of fun reading it again.
-Homestuck starts pretty slow. I always knew that, but going back to it and man it takes a while to get going, action-wise
-Data Structure For Assholes pretty much could be written by Karkat, if Karkat wasn’t abysmal at that also.
-Rereading makes it baffling that anyone ever came to the conclusion that Dave was actually cool. He’s constantly being a doof and begging for attention from practically the word go. -So I know this might be controversial, but the r-slurs thrown around are actually kind of accurate. I was 13 when Homestuck started, and let me tell you, we were absolutely throwing slurs at each other. I can’t say for certain how much it’s being used now, being nearly thirty years old, but there’s a verisimilitude to that now. Not saying it’s necessary or anything, I don’t know for sure about that, and it’s probably an answer that changes on a person to person basis, but it was how teens were talking back in the day.
-The years have come and gone, and will continue to come and go. It’s already been nearly a decade since Homestuck’s heyday. But it doesn’t matter how much time passes; Homestuck music will continue to kick ass. I got fucking goosebumps during the EoA3 animation!  -Boy oh boy Jade could have been real bad, huh? From a narrative, OOC standpoint. This girl who lives in a temple island, who has futuristic technology and is a crack shot with a rifle and is also a nuclear physicist, whose grandpa was a billionaire and whose current guardian is a dog with powers over space and time, who mysteriously and inexplicably (at least at first) knows how things are going to go before they happen? Could have been a Mary-Sue-shaped millstone around the neck of the whole comic.
-I didn’t remember that Tavros was introduced third out of the twelve trolls. Seems kind of odd, considering how more of a side character he is compared to Karkat and Kanaya, numbers 1 and 2. Not complaining, though, Tavros attempting to troll Dave and getting supremely fucked with in return is still hilarious.
-So we kind of know that Bro was constantly fighting Dave to toughen him up for the Medium and everything. Was it successful? Sure, Dave was traumatized to hell and back by having to sword fight the person who was supposed to be raising him, but he is pretty good with a sword by the time he gets into the game. Although John and Rose are pretty good, too, and neither of them had assigned their strife specibus before that day. Makes me wonder how necessary all the fucked up conditioning really was. I’ll have to keep this in mind as I go forward.
-After their rooftop confrontation, where Bro shatters Dave’s sword and then flies off on a rocket skateboard, he drops his copy of the beta on Dave’s chest. How did he know that Dave needed them? Was that ever addressed? Is there some kind of software on Dave’s computer that tracks what he’s saying to his friends? That’s fucked up!
-The thing I’ve been coming back to the most, that’s been sticking in my head the longest, is Jaspers. I don’t know what it is about him and his fate that preoccupies me more than it did some twelve or so years ago, when I first read the comic. Maybe I’ve just been made more susceptible to pet death, I dunno. That image of a young Rose psychoanalyzing a cat in a suit was fucking adorable, and the flash detailing Rose finding him and the resulting funeral was heartbreaking. And knowing what we do now about Mom’s personality and how passive-aggresive/ironic she is, I have to say - if my cat died, I would also build him a mausoleum if I could. My family has an older cat now, who I love to pieces, who’s probably going to die within a few years. Me moving out was probably a good move to help build some space for when that happens. He’s a great cat. He deserves a mausoleum. And if I were in a position where I could bring him back, even at the cost of the world, well. I don’t know if I would actually do it, but I’d certainly consider it. Another thing that struck me about Jaspers’ disappearance is that I feel pretty certain that Mom had some inkling about what happened. Her house was built over the Skaianet lab, which had appearifiers and stuff in it. If Rose described what happened when Jaspers vanished, she might have been able to at least recognize the method of disappearance. I dunno what she would have or even could have done, but. Interesting to think about
That’s about all I have for right now. We’ll see what else comes to mind as I continue to read.
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hskinhome · 5 months ago
can i have a tarot reading for my nepeta leijon timeline :3
I’m on it! I’ll use this spread and my Homestuck Kickstarter deck!
First Card: Your past life as a whole
I got the reversed Two of Pentacles, which symbolizes over-commitment, disorganization, and reprioritization. A recurring theme of your timeline was biting off more than you could chew. You often took on more tasks than you could handle, which could be literal tasks or more metaphorical things like relationships. You needed to prioritize and figure out what was truly important to you, or else you became overwhelmed.
Second Card: Theme of major challenges
I got the upright Seven of Pentacles, which symbolizes a long-term view, sustainable results, perseverance, and investment. Going in hand with the last card, you struggled to see how things would work out in the long run and what benefit they had. You often wanted that dopamine rush, but they were a waste of time. You needed to learn to exercise patience and prioritize long-term goals.
Third Card: How you handled them, and their effects on you
I got the reversed Eight of Swords, which symbolizes self-limiting beliefs, the inner critic, releasing negative thoughts, and being open to new perspectives. You tended to self-criticize your skills to improve, often clouded in doubt. However, you were able to instill more self-confidence, and instead of that little voice telling you to give up, you used it as a reason to prove it wrong and keep pushing forward! You saw the light at the end of the tunnel and persevered to reach it.
Fourth Card: Lessons learned during this life
I got the reversed Queen of Wands, which symbolizes self-respect, self-confidence, introversion, and re-establishing a sense of self. You made considerable improvement by building your self-confidence and image and learning to be more in touch with yourself! You may also have learned that if things were too overwhelming (especially socially), it was alright to sit on the sidelines and take a break.
Fifth Card: The impact or effect on your current life
I got the upright Two of Swords, which symbolizes difficult decisions, weighing up options, an impasse, and avoidance. You may be juggling too many things, like in your past life, and you’re putting off deciding on what’s truly important to you, thinking the decision is too hard. If this is true, I would focus on that if I were you!
I hope this helps you, and let me know if it does!
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amplexadversary · 4 months ago
Halloween episode!
I recognize too many of these Nick Cages and I'm blaming my TTRPG group for this. Also Homestuck. I have no excuse for Face Off though.
Or I don't because I mistook Laura's Cage for Dracula in Renfield (2023). I got Wickerman Cage right even though I've only seen the original.
I'm surprised there's no National Treasure Cage, or Signs Cage (might have been seen as low-hanging fruit by the CR cast)
Dragon Age my beloathed. Personal worst tumblr fandom (it bit me) (had to unfollow several blogs and find other people who blogged the shit I followed those people for)
Oh man that wig looks WEIRD on Taliesin. Or he looks weird in that wig.
Ooh metallic red nails on Matt this episode. Nice.
Aww Gaz. I'm glad he's okay.
he really is Kronk for Alienfuckers.
Oh man Jester. She is exactly the person for making friends on the moon XD. Orym has endless fruit but is focused enough to move on when he needs to, Jester ... it's probably good that they have a little time to kill with Gaz.
"Okay, I was like going through like, a thesaurus, trying to think of other [titles for people] ... just to try and get *Vasselheim* to respect them. It's so ridiculous. All right. Stupid titles."
I lover her so much. ANd Vex being so proud of her and them having a moment about Vax and Keyleth talking about Vex's leadership and just mY GIRLS.
Keyleth hyping up a bunch of "slap-dicks" (her words) to try to get the powers that be to TAKE SOME ACTION, and being that person who empathizes with people that are just like her past self (and we know Vex is of a similar mind because she's congratulating that move).
I love them so much.
Vex being sarcastic about respecting Vasselheim XD
Grog and Pike!!!! I like the little detail of adapting the song to account for Grog probably not being able to keep track counting down while drunk (even if he's gotten better with numbers with a little time, he's still DRUNK). Drunken shenanigans. Beautiful.
Pike: "We're not going to get everybody back together, are you crazy?"
Vex "Have you heard from Scanlan-"
Keyleth: "I know, Scanlan. I know you're talking about Scanlan. Look. Are you guys on good terms?"
Pike (emphatically): "NO! I don't know what divorce number we're on at this point! Fuckin'."
Keyleth: "Well, I thought you said after the third one that you were pretty amicable."
Pike: I-I. Don't. Know. He will not talk to me. I don't need-"*frustrated noises*
Huh, I hadn't expected Cerkonos to be the character Robbie plays during the VM segment.
I had expected them to pick Liv Tiel back up but they didn't, I wonder if the plan is to open the Vorb sooner rather than later in the mission.
I can't tell if Cerkonos is being sincere in his compliments about Scanlan or not. Whether he's genuinely just that dry a guy having a taste for sexual jokes or if he's taking the piss, I'm amused.
Percy and Grog still having that Rapport ^.^ Grog bringing him gifts after maybe killing something, like a cat.
Love everyone's commitment to making the Trickhalts formidable candidates for the most divorced people, ever.
"... Let Vesper know that she's in charge. If something goes wrong, you're in charge, but don't let them know that..."
Percy has a favorite child lol and it's Gwendolyn ^.^
He trusts her with the "emergency kits" (oof that trauma, Percy) and the information delivery.
Percy keeps his will in a safe behind where he hangs his fume mask.
Percy's arms locker has a Scanlan concert poster in it.
I refuse to believe Vex Pike and Percy haven't had a threesome while she was living in Whitestone come on.
The custom spell that compels the person that triggers the trap in Percy's safe to run around announcing "Hello! I'm trying to rob lord deRolo!" and laughing, alerting everyone in the castle.
Taliesin outright asking "Can I have a custom spell?"
"Gwen help me, I'm robbing Lord deRolo!" as Grog gains a little jockey
Percy's casual "It'll wear off," not even worried (because everyone there is probably familiar with Grog's bullshit anyway)
The reveal that TARY made the trap
Percy is a man that booby traps everything and he is so real for that.
He still has two siblings their names are Grog and Keyleth XD
Of course Scanlan regularly abuses True Polymorph. Of course he's ever-confident he can change everyone back after it becomes permanent. I wonder if any of Dr. Dranzel's band has asked him to un-centaurfy them with a larger dick than they had before. Actually, I wonder if any of them specifically keep the horse dick.
Also I was wondering at that description if they had somehow picked up Keg XD
XD Robbie egging Sam on at the FIRST opportunity.
I'm about to binge a month's worth of CR now that it's Dragon Holiday week (and I have long overdue laundry to fold).
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davestriderpostscratch · 3 years ago
What got you into homestuck? Like, howd you hear about it?
hmmm okay actually i remember this very vividly. it’s a very involved story so let me start at the very beginning
when i was in sixth grade i joined the drama club at my middle school as a junior stage technician. incidentally i was the ONLY junior stage technician, because i was the only sixth grader on the set crew—everyone else was a seventh or eighth grader, including all my fellow stagehands
so if you’ve never done theater tech (or if you HAVE done it, but have never been a stagehand/only been on lights or sound) you should know that it involves a LOT of quiet downtime. you only do much of anything during scene changes, obviously (unlike the light and sound guys who’re in action constantly), but you can’t leave the wings and go backstage unless it’s urgent, for multiple reasons (it moves the curtains distractingly, you need to hear the lines/your cues, the stage manager might lose track of you bc you don’t have a headset, etc). so a good 75% of the experience is made up of just sitting there, watching the show from the side and making very little noise, which is cool if you like the production your class is putting on and boring as fuck if you don’t. (i much preferred being stage manager in eighth grade and head of the props department in tenth grade to ever being a stagehand.)
so when i was in sixth grade, i wasn’t that impressed with the show we were doing (shrek, lol) and neither was the rest of the crew, and having cool older friends gets you very far in middle school, so i started talking (quietly, of course) to my fellow stagehands—james, bobby, and peter—and the stage manager, keith. james, bobby and keith aren’t important here, although i have a great wealth of funny stories involving them; the REAL star of this part of the tale is peter
peter and i became very good pals because he is hilarious. also we ended up being on the track team together the next year but that’s less important. the point is that he is so funny and he was a whole year older than me and i thought he was so cool. and if you’ve never done theater tech, you should know that—again, for obvious reasons—you can only wear black backstage, preferably long sleeves and long pants (especially if you’re pale to begin with)
so peter, who is part of the set crew, comes to a dress rehearsal one day. in the karkat fit. no makeup or horns or anything obviously but like he had the jeans and the gray shoes and the cancer symbol sweater. and my zodiac sign, coincidentally, is cancer, so i asked him about the shirt (nice shirt, where’d you get it, are you a cancer too, etc) and he got REAL quiet. and says “i’ll tell you after the show.” so now i’m nervous that i said something wrong and i was gonna lose my cool seventh grader friend. but no. after the show he pulls me into one of the back halls where we keep the props and costumes. and Tells Me About Homestuck.
so i’m like ok. i have to impress my cool friend. so i go home and pull up the comic (this was back when it was still mspaintadventures dot com) and got 1/3 of the way through act one before giving up. a mostly universal experience. i did NOT skip to act five for the trolls because i didn’t know they existed yet. so i sort of chalked it up to just not being my thing and went on with my life. but it planted the seeds
fast forward to
 seventh grade? just left sixth grade? (june 2016, right around when homestuck was actually ending) and i’m having a sleepover with my friend gianna, who is like. COMICALLY rich. “tiffany-themed birthday party” rich. “caribbean cruise every vacation” rich. “doesn’t understand why everyone doesn’t own two smartphones” rich. but she was very nice and i liked her a lot (still do! we’re still pals) so we hung out all the time ESPECIALLY that year bc we shared a lot of classes
so we’re in her bedroom doing sleepover stuff (i think we were trying to pirate a movie on her desktop computer) and we get to youtube somehow and we start watching videos that were funny in 2016. vine compilations or whatever. and EVENTUALLY . SOMEHOW. we stumble upon the iconic and eternal after us animation by the inimitable toastyglow. gianna was (and still kind of is) VERY into anime and i think she thought it WAS for some kind of anime, since “homestuck” isn’t in the video title or thumbnail or anything, so she put it on and we watched it. she wasn’t insanely impressed but hand to god i felt my life changing forever
this is where gianna being a rich weeb becomes important, because it means that she goes to a LOT of conventions. i had never been to a con of any kind before like late 2017 but gianna had been going to them for years. crucially, the years of our lord 2012-14, when we were 9/10/11 or so and first old enough to really go to a con and enjoy it to the fullest because we started having our own money and shit like that, was the Peak of the homestuck craze. it was inescapable even at the teeniest tiniest cons, and we live in detroit where there are actually decently BIG cons every year, so even though she’d never actually read the comic, she absolutely knew about it and told me of it. and so the seeds grew
fast forward like four months to fall 2016. i’m in this stupid shitty Kik groupchat with a bunch of undertale RPers i met on amino, because i was a lame little thirteen year old. we skyped each other and e-dated and everything. it was kind of a shitshow objectively but they were pretty cool. but i joined the chat the february before, and now it’s like, september. and all of a sudden. like a wave. a tsunami, even. like a zombie plague. the undertale icons start getting replaced by grey aliens with candy corn horns
i swear to flipping christ the stars perfectly aligned such that everyone in that damn group chat entered their homestuck phases at the exact same time. it was surreal. i felt like i was in the fucking twilight zone. like i woke up one day and everyone had typing quirks
so of course i’m like i gotta get in on this. all i know of homestuck is the snippet of act one i’d read the previous school year and the three minute long animation i’d watched over the summer, but it was enough to truly pique my interest. enough for the seeds to truly take root and flower. i sat down at my desk over thanksgiving break and opened up mspaintadventures dot com once more. and the rest is history
and you know what. you know what. i don’t talk to peter anymore really (he went to college out of state) and i DEFINITELY am not in that RP groupchat anymore (left it that december, actually), but you know what HAS survived all these years as a forever remnant of that era of my life. aside from my friendship with gianna and my appreciation for the 2016 glass animals album “how to be a human being”. that’s right, baby. i’m still a filthy homestuck
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thefloatingstone · 3 years ago
What are the Deltarune takes? o.o
Ack! Sorry I asked and then bounced. We were hit with a bad storm that knocked out my wifi for like a whole day!
Anyway, people did in fact want to know my bad Deltarune takes as I haven't had any contact with the fandom as a whole's opinions yet, so here we go!
Let's start with what my friend tells me is tumblr's new favourite, Spamton.
I do not like Spamton.
I don't DISLIKE Spamton necessarily, but I don't reallylike him. (his music fucking slaps tho)
I liked him when you first meet him and he's just kind of a silly dude, but the more he talked and the more things he said the more he just genuinely unnerved me. I find the dude incomprehensibly creepy. And not in a 👀 way. In a "hmm. Don't like that." way.
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All I can imagine when I read him talking is fucking SHODAN.
I don't like it.
His song when you fight him the first time is genuinely in my top 3 of the chapter tho. And his very first fight is the first fight in ANY of Toby Fox's games where I managed to end the fight without taking a single hit. His NEO form is also the first highly difficult fight I managed to beat. (I need to go back and do Jevil since Seam said if I defeat him in any save file the darkshard will appear in my chapter 2 save file.)
So that's it for Spamton. Dude's creepy.
I've really REALLY grown attached to Susie. I think she's my favourite character in this whole thing. I replayed Chapter 1 to get ready for chapter 2 and yeah. I love Susie so fucking muchhhhhh!!! I think when I played chapter 1 the first time it was during the Hell Year for me, and I was really nervous and like weirdly uneasy about "a new maybe-Undertale" game and what it would mean for the original that Susie's mean-girl personality was genuinely intimidating. But now knowing what her character arc is in chapter 1, I was much more on board with her in chapter 2 and she's so greatttttt aaaaaaa
I took every opportunity to be nice to her.
she's my fwend
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Ralsei is suuuuuuuper fucking Sus in this chapter.
I've been pretty open that I was really disappointed when at the end of chapter 1 it's revealed he's not a fluffy little spider boy but instead Asriel version 2.0. But he is acting REALLY suspicious throughout this entire chapter. Not like he's evil or anything like that, but like he knows a LOT more than anything he says, and he's purposefully being vague and trying to manipulate Kris and Susie's actions and decisions because "they have to make the choices themselves but it's super important they make the RIGHT decisions so I'm just gonna gently nudge and manipulate them and withhold critical information and generally just be incredibly untrustworthy."
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I have never agreed with Susie more.
Noelle is.... ok.
She's a really passive and meek girl who got introduced to the friend group late when Kris, Susie, Ralsei, and Lancer had just bonded into a unit. So having her introduced after this but not too long after this makes her feel like a bit of an intruder, but I have a very strong feeling this might actually be on purpose which I'll get to later.
The date was ok. I liked the part where I told Susie to eat moss to impress Noelle.
Queen is a difficult character for me because I can't actually figure out what her personality is.
Ok so she's "teh lol random XD" and she's basically one of the less plot crucial Homestuck trolls, but I can't really figure out who she is? Other than She friggen imprints on any unsupervised children she finds and decides to adopt them faster than friggen Batman, I don't really know.... anything about her as a person.
She's funny I guess, but jokes and shitposts are not a personality.
So I don't really know what to make of her.
I was so happy to see Lancer was along for the ride! I had a very genuine concern that he might not show up in chapter 2 at all since the end of chapter 1 ends with everything in the dark world turning into real world items. So part of me was rather unsure whether that dark world and the characters even still existed. But chapter 1 overall had a very strange and slightly off-putting undertone where everything and all the characters in the over world had a rather unpleasantness to them which I couldn't really figure out. I genuinely thought it was a plot point that was going to lead to something, but after Chapter 2 I'm not thinking perhaps Toby was going through something when he was making chapter 1 which might be why it had a strange off putting undertone to it.
So yeah, my point is I was very very happy to see lancer 1: still existed XDDD and 2: was gonna be along for the ride to a smaller degree.
I didn't think of checking him in my inventory as I played tho, so I might need to replay to see if he has unique dialogue as you play. I did think Toby leading you to use him to solve a puzzle was REALLY well done. You put something in your inventory which seems weird, so you check your items to see what it is only to find it gone, so you think "oh it must be under key items" and go there, only to see Lancer say he ate it. And then right after this is when you need to use Lancer to solve a puzzle, and you've just been reminded that he's there. I genuinely thought this was a brilliant bit of game direction.
I also really really REALLY like the concept of the little castle town that you're building as you play. I love this so much.
But now I wanna talk about the character I find most interesting in this game; Kris.
Honestly I like Kris as an individual character a lot more in chapter 2 than chapter 1 where they still felt like an extension of the player. After replaying chapter 1 and playing chapter 2 I really enjoy them as a character on their own more.
There's a continuous theme in chapter 2 of Kris getting pushed aside, first by their family and the town in chapter 1, and now in chapter 2 even by the friends, they made in chapter 1. Which introducing Noelle into the plot feeds into on purpose. So again, it's not that I dislike her but not exactly a recipe for me to like her that much. I just notice Kris' friends pushing them aside more and more, completely by accident, as they get more wrapped up in each other.
One of the enemies (I forget who. It might have been Queen or even Spamton) make fun of them for it. As does a save point. Like "aaaawwww, did your friends all ditch you?" And when you're alone with Noelle after Susie runs off with Ralsei, she mostly asks you about Susie. Just like all the people in town in chapter 1 mostly talked to you to hear how Asriel is doing.
So when you find out Kris had slashed Toriel's tires at the end of the chapter I was like "oh yeah. yup. that'll happen."
I don't see it as spooky scary Chara possessing Frisk. I see it as Kris being a very troubled kid who really really needs some help but they are continuously overlooked, forgotten about, not considered etc etc.
Kris also obviously has massive issues with fitting into Monster society. They show a lot of discomfort about being a human among monsters and shows to try and avoid any reminder of other human beings, which is also a running theme in the game. You hear about them in chapter 1 asking about when they'll grow horns and how Toriel had to buy Kris little fake ones to make them feel better. You see in chapter 2 Kris has been googling how they can learn to use magic like the other monsters can (and sadly only getting results on being a magician). You see Toriel had checked out a library book multiple times on how to take care of a human child and when kris pages through it and gets to a photo of other humans they quickly slam the book shut.
Kris has a feeling of "not belonging". Which is why I think them making friends with Susie, who is also a complete outcast is so great. Especially since Kris is seen as the one who "has it together" more than Susie does when I think the reality is, Kris is a lot more troubled than Susie is.
This is why I like Susie a lot, I like her friendship with Kris and Lancer, I think Susie, Kris (and Lancer) have a LOT more synergy than with Ralsei who is basically the babysitter trying to herd a group of cats, and I think that's why the introduction of Noelle as a main character is rather sad, because just as Kris manages to develop a friend group removed from Asriel, Ralsei is shown to basically be Asriel 2.0 and Noelle comes in and starts turning Susie's attention away from Kris Which gives the impression that Kris is basically just there as a bandaid for Susie while she goes through her character growth. and once she becomes a better adjusted person she'll move on from him to a new friend group in time.
Kris is her "training wheels" until she can form other, stronger, closer relationships and friendships with other people. Then she won't need Kris any more. And will probably move on without even realising Kris is getting left behind. I think Kris is aware of this, and it hurts them as is obvious by the save points in theanymore game when Susie runs off with Ralsei so she can bully him into teaching her healing magic.
I knew when she did that, that that is what she was doing. It was too convenient timing with her suddenly getting the idea to learn healing magic and then basically forcing Kris to shoo so she can ask Ralsei to teach her in private because she feels embarrassed asking in front of Kris. But the save points during this section makes it clear that Kris' feelings are a little hurt.
My friend said she's picturing Kris as wingmanning Noelle and Susie's relationship and I 100% agree, except I saw it more as gently encouraging her and Noelle to get closer to each other because Kris has this belief that Susie will ditch him eventually anyway, just like Asriel did. and Asgore did.
And Lancer is as well. Lancer is obvious BFFs with Susie, but Lancer is also branching out and making friends with all of Kris' growing social circle too. He's made friends with Queen, he's been nice to Berdly who is almost definitely gonna become a party member in the future. He's making friends with the new dark world characters who join your town from the computer. Lancer has always been more Susie's friend than Kris' friend, but it's just an added relationship slowly moving past Kris.
This is also why I think it's super important that Susie said she'd walk Kris home at the end of the game. I think (and I hope but I do believe this is gonna be the case) that the longer Susie spends with kris, the more she's gonna notice everything is not actually ok. And if the story goes the way I think it will, It'll be good to see her completely reject this "I'm just your training friend until you can make real friends" idea and punch some sense into Kris. This is also why I like that she stood up to the kids making fun of Kris behind their back in the overworld.
Susie is proving to actually NOTICE. And to actually LISTEN.
This is also seen after beating Spamton NEO although this might be me reading too much into things. But after you leave, Susie asks Kris if they're ok. You have the option to say no which I took. Kris has a meltdown at Susie which we only hear from Susie's side, but then RALSEI fucking bumps her out of the way to be all "hey hey~ It's ok Kris! Everything will be ok~ Just take deep breaths~!"
And Susie's little side-eye squinty glare of suspicion as she just stays silent before breaking the awkwardness and lightly calling Kris a dumbass for trying to do stupid shit on their own without her help. (ie fight Spamton).
And then she breaks the tension by smashing a fuck ton of pots in the next room.
This is also why the tire slashing, and the reveal that kris is the person creating the dark fountains wasn't even a twist for me. I didn't know what Kris was doing when they climbed out the bathroom window, but Toriel calling the police because the tires were slashed made me go "oh yeah. There it is."
And I had pretty much become convinced Kris was the knight around the middle of the chapter. I can't remember what it was that made it clear to me. I don't think it was any individual moment or thing that made me realise it. I think it was a suspicion I've had since the end of chapter 1, and the further I went along in chapter 2 the more convinced I was of this.
Anyway. Those are my Deltarune Chapter 2 thoughts before the fandom has a chance of swaying my opinions or thoughts on any of these things.
I hope you guys enjoyed???
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I loled at this part because all I could think was "I wonder how angry this made people."
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lindenattic · 4 months ago
itemized list
he is so fucking hot Jesus Christ
we met several other gatsbys fans which was super cool. one of them was on the forums back in the day!!!!! She tragically does NOT know what the fuck one brew is. doesn’t ring any bells for her.
one song in, nic newsham ruffled the hair of the guy like two people over from me and wilde
three songs in, nic newsham ruffled the hair of the wilde
like 2/3rds of the way through, nic newsham ruffled the hair of the me
their windshield wipers broke on the rainy drive down from seattle and so they had to compromise by jerryrigging a man-powered contraption. aka, they tied some cord things to the windshield. and one guy drove while two other guys pulled the windshield cords back and forth and back and forth and back and forth. Ingenuity. I’m glad it worked and they lived
no barricade we were right against the stage. unfortunately being right against the stage with no earplugs means you can hear basically nothing but drums i barely heard nics voice. thats ok tho
he is so sweaty. he almost sweat on us. he sweat Near us for sure, as in I looked up and he was directly above me and sweat droplets were flying off of him. Sadly none of them ended up in my mouth. but after that moment I smelled something reminiscent of burgers. So this leads me to conclude that nic newshams sweat smells like burgers. At least today
wildes predicted setlist was very accurate which is awesome
having nic newsham stand right in front of you while you are pressed up against the stage is. phew. whew. wow. uh
there are about 4 thtings you can look at when nic newsham is in front of you on the stage which . his shoes (biting range), his uh his crotch (see #2), his face (would be staring up at him in wide eyed open mouthed adoration), or your own eyelids.
as for the first one I did have to tell myself not to bite his shoelaces. It was so tempting to lean in and Bite and Pull. it would’ve been so easy they were right there
its also somewhat tenuous to do the finger point thing while singing along because what if he is in front of you. what if you wht. what if you hit him in the Large Target
Oh they were the (second) openers and there were two drum kits on stage and it’s not a huge stage to start with so uhhh uh they were close the whole time
Ryan. VW. Arms
by the last few songs i felt for real at risk of passing out or throwing up. and that’s why I am sitting down typing this instead of rocking the fuck out to TDH
nic held the mic in front of us for the Tower of Babel reference line in shhhhhhh!
and just gave the mic to the little cluster of gatsbyers at the front during the end of that song which was the last song in the set
and then walked off stage. but not before handing his setlist to wilde
which btw he did not know that setlist well at all he was constantly checking it. rather crumpled. came up off the floor halfway thru set
and after i dipped out cause of exhaustion and heatstroke fear Rudy gave his drumsticks to wilde. JEALOUS !!
apparently nic was making jerkoff motions occasionally throughout the show. I did not witness a single one I think I would’ve died. extra died
i think I saw one of the crew members filming me and wilde rocking the fuck out which is fun and cool
Thank You to the two homestucks in TDH VIP who let us be up against the stage. it means the fucking world and also i really really did need to brace myself against it cause I went WAY too hard
well discord is down so i must instead tell the dash: nic newsham is incredibly fucking hot and i am going to pass away shortly.
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