#i was talking about this with my mum like specifically the drive to tie in religion so heavily with political campaigning
alexanderpearce · 2 months
do american republican politicians understand how truly insane and fucked the way they act and the things they say seem to non-usamericans
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colesluvr · 1 year
hey! i saw u were taking reqs and was very excited because the ninjago x reader fandom is so small and nobody weites for it that isn’t like 9😭
so i hope you wouldn’t mind writing lloyd garmadon x gn/fem reader who is a normal civilian who befriended him and they had an oblivious best friends to lovers trope headcanons or scenario? sorry if thats way too specific lmao
anyways have a good day, xoxo <3
The Boy Dressed In Green | Lloyd Garmadon x GN Reader
(Part One)
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HI ANON!! tysm for requesting, I really hope this is somewhat of what you wanted. I decided to make this into two parts where in part two Lloyd will confess to Y/N. It's just there's so many words here already, I don't want to bored anybody half way, lmao. ENJOY READING! COMMENTS AN REBLOGS ARE DEEPLY APPRECIATED! 🫶
M/N = mothers name
F/N = fathers name
This wasn't like you at all.
Ok. That's a lie.
This is you.
The early morning sunlight shines though your closed window curtains, a line of light reflected itself on the floor. Soft snores escaped your lips as you were fast asleep on the bed in your small, roomy bedroom. Blankets and pillows were everywhere and your mouth was gaped open as you snored.
Very slowly your body turned to the side by the edge of the bed. You're fingers twitched as you slowly rolled off. A sudden force of adreniline forced you to wake up as you fell to the floor, a "AH!" escaped your lips as you stood up in a fighting position.
You blew your bang sout of your eyes as you tried to find your alarm clock. It was on your dresser beside your bed, but you know morning eyes?
You're more blinder then a drunk driver at night.
Your eyes soon met the alarm clock and you read the numbers. "6:45..." You whispered to yourself, rubbing your eyes until you paused to think.
"6: 45?!" You cried out, now fully awake as you climbed over your bed and rumaged through your dressers. You grabbed a basic t-shirt and a pair of denium jeans before throwing your top off and struggled to take your pants off as you were trying to take off and put on different clothes at the same time.
Your mother smiled to herself hearing you scream her name from upstairs as she sat on the couch in the living room of your small apartment/house you managed to call home for 16 years.
Your mum, M/N, placed her cup of coffee/tea/water on the coffee table and swtiched on the teleivision, scrolling through various of channels to choose.
You ran from your bedroom to the bathroom as your yelled at your mother, who still had a smile on her face as she replied over your cry as you fell to the floor, but quickly got up and ran around upstairs in a panicked state.
"You told me you'll be waking yourself today, hun."
Suddenly, your father stepped out of his bedroom he and your mum shared wearing his suit and tie with black dress pants, ready to drive to work. You were caught off guard by this and yelped as you almost ran into him, but he reacted quickly by lifting you off the ground and twirled around, placing your feet back on the ground as you ran back into the bathroom with your toothbrush in mouth and toothpaste in hand with a cup.
"Watch where your going, sweetheart. Almost made me mess up my beautiful tie work." He pouts, but chuckles hearing your muffled 'SORRY' from the other side of the door.
"My reflexes were so quick, I could be one of those 'Ninja's' you keep talking on and on about, Y/N." Your dad joked and laughed hearing your groan from the bathroom.
His wife's laughter caused him to look down the staircase to see M/N by the end of the railing looking up at her husband. "Believe me, F/N. If you were ever to become a Ninja you'll be in a hospital bed because someone threw your back out."
"It was that one time, M/N. And those kids were ruthless!" Your dad argued as your mum chuckled softly. You finally ran out of the bathroom with a new clothes on, brushed hair, and a pair of fresh clean teeth.
You pushed past your father as he walked down the stairs to give your mum a quick 'good morning' kiss on the lips before going to the kitchen.
You ran back into your room. Grabbed your backpack, stuffed it with your laptop, binders, notebooks, notes and your pencil case. You grabbed your phone charger and phone, running out of your room not even bothering to close the door, make your bed, or turn off your TV/lights.
You ran down the stairs, well more like slid down the railing, and ran into the kitchen to try and find some food. Meanwhile your father was waiting for the water to boil to make his morning coffee. "This is the 3rd time, Y/N." He teased as you grabbed some leftover pizza from the fridge and threw it microwave for 1 min. You bounced your leg as you replied and waited for the food.
"Yeah, I know. I asked mum to wake me up in time but apparently he believes me when I say I'll wake myself up. HAVE EITHER OF YOU MET ME?"
The beeping of the microwave didn't even have time to stop as you opened the door and grabbed the pizza. You kissed your dad on the cheek, and ran to your mum to kiss her cheek as you ran to the front,
With the pizza in your mouth you put on your shoes and unlocked the door. "Uh, hun. I could drive you if you'd like-" "Nope. To much traffic. I'll run. Love you both, cya later! MWAH!"
And in less then two seconds the door was closed and both your parents looked at eahc other. "What are we going to do with them." Your mum joked as your dad shrugged, pouring his water in his cup. "Listen to them when they say they'll wake themselves on time for school?"
M/N looked at her husband with an unamused face before going to wash her plate.
The summer breezed hits your face like a train as you raced the streets to get to school. Normally it takes you 15 mins to get to school on wheels, but on foot? Takes you 25 mins at the lastes. Maybe you should have taken your mum's offer driving you. School starts at 7 and it was 6: 58. Not really the best time to leave for school.
You were already out of breath when you made it to the main street of your neighborhood. You passed many other's walking and staring at you with confusion, but some didn't pay much attention.
Your backpack was barely on your shoulder, hell it was only supported on one as you ran. You had to keep pulling it back up as you ran.
The main street was long, so it took you around 10 min's to reach the end where the traffic lights were. The light was green so you had to wait in order to continue running to school. You jogged on the spot, ready to start running once more.
When the light turned red you started to run down the road. You reached the middle and that's when many things for you changed.
A noodle truck not to far down the road was driving at full speed. The only time you saw it was when a horn honked. You looked to the sound to see the truck race it way towards you, not planning on stopping for you.
You felt your stomach drop.
Your legs froze.
Why the fuck am I not moving?! You mentally swore to yourself as the truck got closer.
You felt like a deer in headlights.
Suddenly you heard a voice, possibly telling you to watch out but to you it was incoherent. You felt someone's arm wrap around your waist as you were dragged to the ground on the sidewalk.
It was all a blur. Who the heck- What just happened?
You watched as the truck drove off, two figures on the top of it that wore blue and red outfits, and then another vechile zoomed by leaving a dust trail. An aircraft flew above, following the run-a-way truck.
"Hey. Are you okay?"
You composed yourself long enough to look up at your savor. Your eyes made eye contact with green eyes. Bright, neon green eyes. The rest of the person's face was covered by a green mask.
Wait a second-
"Lloyd? Lloyd, are you there?" A voice was heard but it was only loud enough for the two to hear.
"Kai? Yeah, yeah. I'm here."
Kai? You thought as the boy dressed in green stood up.
"Are you alright?" He asked again, ignoring his teammates shouting over his com, and this time you answered hesitantly. "I-uh. Yeah, yeah. I'm good." You stood to your feet, wiping the dirt off your clothes. To th best of your ability.
"You're-You're the Green Ninja....I was just saved by the Green fucking Ninja!" You were astonhised. You'd never thought in forever you would meet your favorite Ninja of the team.
"Omg- I- This is not how I- I mean you just saved my life- I thought I would like meet you in a different way- I don't mean that in a weird way- I mean I don't know- I'm not weird- You're weird. Fuck-"
"Hey." The Ninja placed a hand on your shouler, and your eyes once again met his green eyes that stared deep into your's. "As long as your alright, I'm always glad to meet a fan."
You smiled to yourself, 'no fucking way this is actually happening right now' Your thoughts were interuppted by another voice. "Lloyd! We gotta split. Police are here to pick up the Mechanic and once again the Commisioner want's to congratulate us personally. I mean seriously, he does this all the tiem. I mean thank you for the praise, but I just want to go hooome. My feet are sore. I chased after a a truck going full speed, and I'm so tired I could just-"
"Don't worry, Jay. I'll be there in a sec'."
The Blue Ninja, which made you want to squeal your entire lungs out, groaned as he walked back to the Ninja group. The Green Ninja, Lloyd, looked back at you. "What's your name?" He smiled under the mask, but the way he sounded made you think he was smiling. "Y/N." You felt your stomach flutter with butterfiles as he pulled his hood down.
Ever since that day, you occasionally run into Lloyd every now and then during school lunches at after school. At first you found it out of the ordinary, but now you kinda got used to it. Of course there were some days where he isn't there but that never bothered you too much.
You've know Lloyd for 2 months now and your life has been getting secreter by the second. Your parents asked where you've been after school and why you come home later then usual but you just say you were studying with friends.....of course one of your friends being the legendary Green Ninja, but lets not go into any detail about who's friends with who.
It wasn't only your family questioning you, Lloyd had his own problems with the Ninja about you. They didn't know anything about you and because Lloyd's hanging out with you alot they're worried he'll get you hurt or himself hurt. Who know's what you will do to him, you could be a villain. Or worse, you could just be using him to get what you want.
No one can be for sure.
He told his friends you seem like a nice person, and if he catches you doing something sketchy he'll say something right away. Even Master Wu questioned Lloyd's actions but know's he knows what Lloyd is doing when making new friends.
You never actually met any of the other Ninja, other then hearing facts from your other friends who are fans of them, but Lloyd told you stories nobody but he knows about and it leaves you both laughing your asses off for days.
You never knew your savor's of Ninjago could be this funny, They all seem so focused and serious under their masks but once you take the mask off, it's like there entierly new people. Espicially Lloyd.
He was most childish of the group, matching Jay's energy, but you notice he's been acting more himself when he's around you. He talks more, laughs more, shares things with you. You liked it.
5 months now went by, and over the months you were finally able to meet the Ninja team. They grew closer to you over time, but it did take some time for them to fully earn your trust, But they still talked and asked how your day's been going.
Master Wu once time assumed you and Lloyd were both dating, causing you both to blush a deep shade of red and the others to snicker. He aplogized for the miscommunication and no body spoke of that again.
That was now weeks ago.
You and Lloyd have know each other for 8 months now, and have also gotten much closer.
Until one evening, when Lloyd and Kai had a chance to talk. At first it was a normal bro to bro conversation until it went quiet, and Lloyd was unsure if this was the great time to bring this up.
Kai noticed, and seriously couldn't help but know the deets. He knows it's about you and him, he can see it by the way Lloyd reacts when the others talk about you.
"How's Y/N been, Lloyd? Haven't seen them in a while." Cole asked and Lloyd began to stummer, "I-uh. They-They're okay. I-I saw them couple days ago, yeah, the seem fine." Lloyd replied and ran, causing Cole to ask the others if they know if something happened between Lloyd and you.
They all said they didn't know, but Kai had a gut feeling something deeper was going down then just 'something happened'. He's been in this situation with other people before, so he's pretty skilled with the 'relationship' slopes. Even if he does get rejected or does the rejecting.
"This is about Y/N, ain't it?" Kai whispered over to Lloyd as the Green Ninja fiddled with his thumbs while the TV was playing. Kai had a grin on his face as he ate his snack while Lloyd started to blush softly and stummer. "I-uh- Is-Is what about Y-Y/N?"
"This, dude!" Kai laughed, motioning Lloyd's actions. "You're nervousness, shyness, this 'blushyness?' and the way you act when people even mention their name!"
Lloyd blushed a deeper shade of red as he tired to his hismelf under his mask and the pillows on the couch. "Ah, younge love. WHo hasn't been through it before...besides Lloyd." Kai spoke aloud to nobody, but still it caused Lloyd to grumble as he pulled his knees to his chest.
"I just..I feel...more happy when I'm around them. I mean, of course you guys makes me happy, but Y/N just makes me feel...happy?" Lloyd paused to think before groaning in embarrassment, "GAH! This is too confusing!"
Kai sighed, putting his feet down from the table, turned the TV off, put his snack to the side and stood to his feet. He stood in front of Lloyd and stayed like that for a couple of seconds.
"What?" Lloyd muffled voice was heard from under his mask and Kai pulled him up, still sitting on the couch, and pulled his mask down.
"I'm about to teach you a few things about asking somebody to be with them!"
Lloyd stared at him with a confused look...Moments of silence went by and Kai spoke embarrassingly,
"Okay. Yeah, there was a better way to phrase that but you know what I mean. When we're done, you'll be The Master of Flirting instead of Of The Master of Energy-"
"Okay. Stop talking. This is embarrassing enough already, let's just get this over with." Lloyd's face showed annoyance but on the inside he was bouncing all over the place.
This will end horribly. Lloyd told himself as Kai followed him to the courtyard with his hands behind his head.
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you-can-stay-mp3 · 3 years
✎ stray kids as your classmates headcannons
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masterlist | navi
the chaos. the idiocy. the lack of sleep
these hcs are also ?? so specific to my school ?? my friend and i wrote them so long ago and i figured they were pretty solid 💪💪
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˗ˏˋ bang chan ˎˊ˗
↠ studies english, maths, physics and history
↠ does four a levels and has left the mortal realm
↠ for some reason you can find him in every subject department ????
↠ he only gets away with it because every teacher LOVES him
↠ he gets to keep his break in the staff fridge
↠ at lunch, he brings you out to eat
↠ always has snacks in his blazer for when jisung gets fidgety during maths
↠ chan used to be allowed in the recording rooms in music until he started bringing hyunjin
↠ he lost recording room privileges and was moved to one of the mac rooms instead
↠ i say ‘bringing’ but it’s more like hyunjin ‘followed and would not leave’
↠ takes technology classes after school for fun - he’s really good and gets a kick out of his work being used as a good example
↠ gets to keep his break in the staff fridge
↠ he’s either really great to sit beside or really annoying
↠ on one hand he’s hardworking and smart and will help you with answers and let you copy off of him on tests
↠ on the other hand when he’s in a super playful mood he will not stop poking you in the ribs for no reason
↠ his school bag is worryingly heavy
˗ˏˋ minho ˎˊ˗
↠ does triple award science and digital technology
↠ likes science :)
↠ also does four a levels but is glowing
↠ every teacher loves him??
↠ like you get away with so much shit because they see minho with you and go ‘ah this is all a misunderstanding minho wouldn’t set the bin on fire :)’
↠ minho just shows up to orchestra rehearsals sometimes like baby you don’t belong here
↠ he only turns up because he has a few friends who do it but every year for their concerts he gets roped into playing the bodhran
↠ it started in third year by mistake and every year he announces he hates doing it and just won’t this year but he always comes crawling back
↠ he always gets something to share at lunch and ends up throwing bits of it at you
↠ complains the whole time and you’d just be like ??? i didn’t ask you to get me anything???
↠ he’d tell you to shut up and eat it.
↠ chooses his snacks with you in mind
↠ always has plasters and painkillers on hand
↠ drives to school
↠ won’t give you a lift
↠ tells you to get the bus like a common wench
↠ they all come up with a random catchphrase every other week and minho is losing his mind
↠ ‘if chan says that boils my piss ONE MORE TIME-‘
˗ˏˋ changbin ˎˊ˗
↠ does physical ed, art, english and technology
↠ goes to lunch with felix but will always bring you back a snack
↠ always has a hoodie in his bag and an earphone ready for you when you’ve had a bad day
↠ has an extra tie in his bag because all of his friends are dumbasses and he KNOWS they’ll forget it at least once a week
↠ also drives to school
↠ he brings jeongin
↠ if he sees you walking to school on his way he’ll let you get in
↠ everyone steals his t-shirts purely because of the big arms and they’re comfy
↠ no more fitted shirts the world has surpassed the need for fitted shirts
↠ will always ask to copy your homework but when you ask to copy his he says no
˗ˏˋ hyunjin ˎˊ˗
↠ does history, religion and single chemistry
↠ he’s,,,, not so good at chemistry
↠ considered taking drama but realised he’d have to actually participate in productions and shows
↠ he does drama club after school instead
↠ but would never be caught dead in the department during school hours
↠ also takes technology classes after school
↠ only because his mum makes him
↠ sleeps on the bus home and often misses his spot
↠ sleeps over with whoever’s stop he wakes up closest to
↠ everyone in the group has a collection of his clothes in their houses for when he decides to do this
↠ for lunch, he always leaves his chocolate milk aside for you
↠ Does Not Know His Timetable and relies on you to tell him what class he’s in next
↠ if you’re working in the library together, he’ll try his best to be super quiet and will help you tie your hair back because he knows you can’t do it properly yourself
˗ˏˋ jisung ˎˊ˗
↠ does chemistry, maths and english
↠ no one knows why he does english but they don’t question it
↠ he sits in the back corner and throws paper balls at the back of your head and kicks your seat
↠ chan tried to stop him, he really did
↠ his subject choices are fucking atrocious
↠ he took technology but dropped it after two weeks
↠ he’s oddly good at chemistry???
↠ when you ask him a question he shrugs and says he guessed it
↠ you know he’s full of it and studies at every chance he gets
↠ he took german a few years ago and won’t shut up about it
↠ would buy lunch for himself
↠ when you ask for some he says no.
↠ don’t be fooled he pretends to be annoyed but he always planned to give you some anyway
↠ always accuses everyone of stealing his clothes when in fact it’s him who has the most of other people’s clothes
↠ chan has to call him every morning to wake him up so he won’t miss the bus
↠ makes you buy him bottles of water at all hours of the day
↠ will not stop whining if you don’t
˗ˏˋ felix ˎˊ˗
↠ does art, french and home ec
↠ ngl he goes to lunch with changbin
↠ will scrounge the snack changbin brought back for you
↠ makes up for it every friday when there was a home ec practical and he got to bake
↠ the type to push you into an open classroom door while you’re walking past
↠ like there’s always some sort of physical affection; linking pinkies, arm over your shoulder, just general poking and prodding
↠ minho has to separate you
↠ also throws paper balls at you in class but you can’t be mad because he just wants to play hangman
↠ the most active in the groupchat
↠ please turn off your notifications when you go to sleep
↠ will actually help you with your homework, but also makes sure you’re not taking everything too seriously and reminds you to enjoy yourself
˗ˏˋ seungmin ˎˊ˗
↠ does english and triple award science
↠ curses the day he chose science
↠ he hasn’t done the english homework
↠ he will call you at 4:27am to get it
↠ played cello in orchestra for a few years
↠ least active in the groupchat
↠ exclusively steals your food at lunch
↠ he used to bring his own but when he realised you were willing to share / he could just take some of your food, he just stopped
↠ will still buy a cookie and when you ask for one always says no
↠ he brings one back anyway
↠ makes you come study at the library with him because he knows you won’t do it if you’re left to your own devices
˗ˏˋ jeongin ˎˊ˗
↠ takes english, sociology and french
↠ jeongin is the only one who does choir
↠ but somehow ?? jisung is always at their concerts ???
↠ makes you bring him back lunch and then ends up stealing half of yours
↠ he shares his drinks with you if that’s any condolences
↠ he does not come to class
↠ ever
↠ always gets a ride to and from school from changbin
↠ he always calls you at the same time every night just to talk because he didn’t see you much that day :(
↠ uses his baby status to his advantage
↠ decides he’s coming to your house after school
↠ you don’t get a choice in the matter
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chilling-seavey · 4 years
Passchendaele WW2 Extension - The Ladies of the Air Transport Auxiliary 
You worry as much as your father, honestly! I am doing just fine here! Holding down the fort bravely in constant preparation for you to return to us and peace to fall once again. We’ve been following the RAF’s plans on promotional posters that the government has put up around town and I always feel a sense of pride when I see the crowd gathered to read – my son is part of all those exciting plans to help save Britain! Evelyn’s working so hard too and she’s been bragging to everyone at the factory that you’re going to be flying the planes they’re all building. I guess you can say we’re all one big ball of pride in our house! Your father too, of course, although he doesn’t show it as easily, I know he’s proud of you. I hope you know it too!
Love always
March 3, 1941
“New shipment of planes in from London factories today.” one of the other pilots said as the young men sat around at lunch. Charlie smiled to himself into his mess tin as he stirred his food around, thinking of his sister and her constant letters of excitement when it comes to building those same planes he would be receiving that day.
“How are they being delivered?” Richard asked.
“Air Transport Auxiliary.” the pilot answered. “Only the finest women in all of London to fly us our planes.”
“Finest women?” another questioned, his eyes wide.
“Not the finest women.” a third smacked his shoulder, “Just women volunteers with experience in flying so we don’t have to go fetch the planes ourselves.”
“After two years with you lot, any woman will be a fine woman.”
“I forget what a woman looks like.”
“What about the ones in the control room?”
“Nah. They’re all subpar or married.”
“Married? That certainly didn’t stop me.”
Then young men burst into laughter, all talking over each other with their own stories of women, but Charlie and Richard sat quietly together while they ate side by side. The best friends shared little shy smiles amidst the all too experienced men around them who found more pride in hook-ups rather than love. Must have been raised differently.
Soon, the sound of planes overhead got everyone’s attention as the shipment arrived, plane after plane landed carefully on the tarmac. Moments later, all heads in the mess hall turned to watch a group of young women dressed in dark royal blue uniforms encrusted with gold epaulets and a pair of gold wings sewn into the breast saunter inside. There was a pause from the men, all in shock at the beautiful clean kept women in stunning blue uniforms entered the mess hall. A few men jumped up to greet them eagerly and Richard and Charlie just chuckled and turned back to their lunches.
“Some of these men are so desperate.” Richard whispered.
Charlie glanced behind them again to the group of women that was dispersing as they headed to gather their own lunch servings from the canteen, a few held back by some of the pilots or ground crew who were trying to chat them up with flattery. His eyes found the source of a soft laugh that seemed to echo through the hall: a thin framed brunette girl with her hair in tight ringlets that sat messy over her head from her flying helmet that was dangling from her fingers.
Richard followed his best friend’s gaze across the hall when he realized his attempt at conversation was falling upon deaf ears, a small smirk playing at his lips when he saw what Charlie was staring at. He turned back to his best friend and nudged his shoulder, “Go talk to her.”
“What? No.” Charles said quickly and turned back to his lunch. “Everyone else already is. I won’t make any difference.
Richard frowned and looked back towards the crowd by the entrance to the mess hall, watching as the girl politely declined the advances of the man speaking to her and she headed their way towards the canteen.
Charles tried not to stare but the guys weren’t wrong – it had been a while since they had seen any sort of woman and this one in particular really seemed to catch his eye – and he watched discreetly as she walked past their table, her messy curls bouncing, and she pulled her leather gloves off with her teeth and tucked them in the pocket of her royal blue uniform jacket. She approached the canteen to get a serving of lunch with a few of the other girls from the Air Transport Auxiliary.
“Go say hi.” Richard pressed.
“No.” Charlie said under his breath, ducking his head back to his lunch. “She won’t want me anyway.”
“What the hell are you talking about? Of course, she will.” Richard scoffed.
Charlie just shrugged, scrapping the bottom of his tin with his fork anxiously. His best friend sighed and turned back to the women again. Richard was always the shyer of the two but when it came to Charlie, he did get a little bolder. Bold enough to stand up and raise his hand to the group of three women searching for a spot to sit.
“We have empty seats here.” Richard offered sweetly, his youthful face and wide smile making the girls smile with relief as to not have to sit with some strange desperate older men and suffer through flirtatious and borderline risqué comments. Charlie smacked his best friend in annoyance as he sat back down. Richard only smiled at him innocently.
“Hello.” the young woman smiled at them, sitting herself down right across from Charlie.
“Hi.” he replied softly, ducking his shy smile back to his obviously empty lunch but still scraped his fork along the side regardless.
She unbuttoned her jacket and draped it over the metal table with her helmet and gloves, leaving her in her white button-up and black tie. She held out her hand to Charlie, “I’m Mary.”
He glanced up at her and then took her handshake, “Charlie.”
The other two girls busied themselves talking with Richard while Mary’s eyes dropped to the name tag sewn into Charlie’s breast of his jacket reading his surname.
“Seavey. You aren’t Evelyn’s brother by chance?” Mary asked.
Charlie’s entire face rose into a grinning smile at the mention of his sister, “Yeah. I am.”
“Oh, that’s marvelous. She was going around telling all of us this morning to keep an eye out for you. I’m sure a few more girls are going to come over to pass on the message before we head back.” Mary chuckled.
“How is she? Does she look okay?” Charlie questioned without thinking; it was habit.
“I mean I just met the girl today but I think she looked just fine. Quite chipper despite the raging war we’re facing.”
“That’s Ev for you.” Charlie said, his sad but loving smile not faltering from his face.
One of the girls butted in, “Mary, have you seen Ellie since we landed?”
“No, I haven’t.”
“Oh goodness. I hope she didn’t hit a balloon.”
Richard and Charlie’s eyes went wide at the casual suspicion of the girls’ teammate blowing herself up mid-flight. It was nothing they themselves weren’t unfamiliar with but they didn’t expect the women to be familiar with it.
“Do you…see casualties often?” Richard asked.
“Not too often but it’s inevitable. It’s a warzone after all so we’re never safe in the skies…you two certainly understand that.” Mary said as she took a bite of her lukewarm lunch. “But it’s terribly exciting to fly.”
“Isn’t it?” Richard grinned. “I love it.”
“There’s something so peaceful about being up there even if it’s also incredibly dangerous.”
“It’s like you’re the kings of the clouds.” Charlie said.
“And we’ll be the queens of the clouds.” Mary winked sweetly at him.
Richard smirked at his best friend’s blushing cheeks.
When lunch was finished, the girls had to start to head to the trucks that would drive them back to the city and Richard and Charlie walked out with their small group of new friends. There was still some time before they had to leave so they chatted on the tarmac for a bit, Richard seeming to make the other two girls laugh easily which surprised the usually shy boy but he basked in it. He cracked a few jokes and told a few stories and the girls were hanging onto his every word – but mostly just staring at him and his messy brown hair and sparkling grey eyes, the proud spitting image of his father.
“Come with me.” Mary grabbed Charlie’s arm and led him towards the lineup of planes that were resting outside the garage and they passed a few before she took him up to a specific one she seemed to have in mind.
She let go of his arm to climb up onto the wing and Charlie watched with awe as she so easily opened the cockpit and hopped in. He stepped closer to lean over the edge of the plane to see what she was trying to show him: a little scratch mark on the window ledge. At nearly 6’ tall, Charlie only had to raise onto his tiptoes to get a clear view of the initials etched messily into the metal.
“What’s that?” Charlie asked.
“’Mary Lois Thompson, Air Transport Auxiliary’. I flew this one over today and thought I’d brand it a little.” she giggled.
“So you’re showing me your crime?” Charlie raised an eyebrow at her.
Mary smiled over at him, “No, I’m showing you because I want you to have my lucky plane.”
“Your lucky plane? You flew it for one afternoon.”
“Oh my goodness, you are seriously no fun at banter.” Mary tisked as she climbed out of the cockpit and jumped right back onto the tarmac. She was much shorter compared to him and Charlie had to nearly look down at her when she stood in front of him. “It flies marvellously well and it has something none of the others do.”
“Or you could be tricking me into flying the worst plane just so I crash.”
“Why would I want the RAF’s most handsome pilot to crash?” she tisked, an innocent little smirk on her face that only grew when his eyes went wide and his cheeks flushed pink and he turned to the ground shyly.
“Mary! It’s time to go!” one of her friends called across the base.
“That’s my cue.” Mary took a step back to head after her group.
Charlie grabbed her hand to stop her, “W-Will I ever see you again?”
Mary smiled at him and leaned up on her tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek, “I’m sure you will. Write to the factory and address it to me,” she nodded towards the plane, “you know my name.”
Charlie nodded and let her hand slip out of his as he watched her walk away. He stepped out from behind the row of planes to follow her all the way down the tarmac and to the trucks that were waiting with the rest of the women to head back towards the city. Richard was still standing at the end of the row of planes and he looked back to his best friend with a smile and rushed over to him.
“Did you kiss her?” he asked quickly.
Charlie shook his head, biting back his bashful grin, “No.”
“Why not?!” Richard smacked his shoulder. “She was obviously interested in you.”
“I’m going to write her first.” Charlie smiled lightly and then turned to his best friend, “Besides, even if I did kiss her, why would I tell you?”
“I’m your best friend! Known you our whole lives! You best be telling me, you bastard!” Richard gasped and gave him a shove, just making Charles laugh.
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Taglist: @randomlimelightxxx​ @hopinglimelight​ @jonahlovescoffee​ @hiya-its-amber​ @chanelwonders​
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[image description: a q&a for the webcomic someone always cares. full desc under the cut because its long and wordy sorry]
post chapter 3 Q&A
first - previous - next
thanks for yalls questions!! it was fun to answer! if anyone still has questions feel free to ask whenever i am always 100% down to ramble. even if i did go slightly off topic in some answers
additional: went off topic with the hair question a bit. their bright hair is all part of the transformations. regular hair dye does exist though. best way to tell is that if the eyebrow matches the hair its probably not dyed. also, quartz’s hair is naturally ginger.
also for more on ages, check out the character bios here
also was gonna keep this in the tags but thought i might as well actually try to answer it: the question i found it hardest to answer was someone the song one. my taste in music is. a mess really. ive been listening to like the same 5 songs on repeat all day. more under the cut because i was rambling again and now its uhhh half 1am
if it helps at the time of answering that specific question i had home by cavetown on repeat, and that song reminds me of both rami and lewis. but that may be because i project onto those two a lot, and as a aro trans dude. who sucks with people skills, yeah of course i love that song.
specifically the vibes of like not knowing how to communicate (rami is fine with his friends but other people are different), the lines “ Turn off your porcelain face, I can't really think right now and this place, Has too many colors, enough to drive all of us insane” idk what the porcelain face line is supposed to mean but im picturing it as like. a mask. that you need to take off and stop hiding and rami does tend to hide when hes feeling upset, and the next two lines kinda could tie into that, like the feeling of when youre overwhelemed and just want the world to stop so you just hide somewhere. also the colours could go with chapter 3 with the chromatic abberation.
also the bit with “ my eyes went dark, I don't know where, my pupils are, But I'll figure out a way to get us out of here” just kinda sums up ramis whole hero thing with his powers and all. anyway this has turned into less what songs rami would like and why this particular song reminds me of him and lewis (lewis specifically has the hair cutting/chest hiding, [big transmasc mood], and also messy haired trainwreck who doesnt know who he is yet. also the ghosts bit)
i did end up picking upbeat songs because ramis a dude who like to try and be upbeat even if things arent. even if hes not really feeling it he will pretend to.
[full description: Anonymous said to someone-always-cares: “hi ily!!! do characters like quartz who have colored hair have that naturally or did they dye it?”
“its both natural and not! while most supers can do a magical girl ish transformation, including a change in hair colour, there are some exceptions.”
theres two small full body drawings of rami, one in civilian clothes, one fully transformed.
“if a superhero were to have a biological child, the child will inherit the powers of the parent(s). however, the child will not inherit the full transfromation. they do inherit any physical transformations, but not the outfit.”
theres a drawing of a woman in blue, quartz’s mother, fully transformed, holding her mask in her hand, smiling down at a much younger quartz as a child. hes smiling back up at her with the same blue eyes, pointy ears, and blue hair, but hes still in normal clothes.
“in the case of quartz, both of hisparents had superpowers, and he inherited those powers and the physical transformations.he can also pick and mix whatphysical traits to change.“
next is a headshot of adult quartz, his face split down the middle with one side having hair and eye like his mother, the other like his father. theres a list of traits from each parents, blue hair and eyes and pointy ears from his mum, and purple hair and eyes and pointy teeth from their dad.
 “Anonymous said to someone-always-cares:  Are all the characters the same age? If not, how old are they? Are they irl friends or just superhero friends?”
theres some headshots of rami and his team lined up with ages labelled: cam is 15, rami himself is 17, lin, mateo, and dante, are all 18, and cap is 20.
“rami and xandra were somewhat friends before she got superpowers, so when, after the incident with her old team, she found rami had developed powers, xandra stuck close to him. their other teamates started off as superhero friends but soon turned into irl friends too”
theres a headshot of lewis and jade. theyre both 17
“when lewis first decided to start being a vigilante,jade quickly found him and decided to help train himand offered to be a mentor of sorts, as they both have similar powers. that quickly derailed.”
“ cinder5555 said to someone-always-cares: How long does it usually take to make a comic page? I'm curious because they're so freaking good that they must take FOREVER”
theres a drawing of myself, a fluffy hair tired bastard in a hoodie, smiling
“Thanks! Ive been doing this shit since like 2017 and i still have no idea how long it takes me. i can get a page done in a day if i have nothing else to do or if its a simple page, but if i have work then maybe 2-3 days? i spend like, most of my free time doing this.“
another drawing of me, now looking frustrated muttering “how the FUCK does time work”
“but i can never do it all on one sitting.i will inevitably get distracted and zone out daydreaming mid drawing so its very hard to get an accurate read on how long it takes. so however long a piece of string is i guess“
the only qustion not from tumblr is a discord message from RuneStone Cabin:
“Q: Can you talk about the incidence of superpowers in this world? Like many people are supers, which powers are more or less common, how long they've been a thing for, stuff like that. Also does Omen know I'd die for them “
theres a drawing of omen pointing at a date circled on a calender marked “decembuary”, theyre saying “i know. i already wrote your death in my calender.”
then a giant wall of text reading: “Supers have only existed for a relativly short time, since the early 1940s. momento mori was the second person to have ever gained powers.
Only a small number of the population are supers! the chances are higher in more populated cities, but unusally london has oneof the higher percentages of supers. while nobody in universe has any idea of the origins of superpowers, it does seem that powers are more likely to occur in people who would actually use their powers.
as for what powers are most common, after making a badly catagorized spreadsheet of every superpowered character ive made for this world (70% of which will probably never even be seen), turns out that elemental powers are the most common. although not all elemental powers manifest as the straight up 'controling this element' as seen in characters like lin or tsunami. for example, iris's powers would fall under shadow elemntal powers, but theyre a lot more weird that just controlling shadows.there are some abilities that have never been seen before,such as ressurection or full on time travel (aka anything that could bring a character back to life), but powers are certainly allowed to toe the line eg healing, powers involving undeath, immortality, pausing or manipulating time.
aside from that, anything goes. you could get plain old superstrength, but you could also get the ability to create dogs with your mind. other not quite rules, more guidelines are that supers are immune to their own powers hurting them (unless they were pushing themselves too hard), although the way the imminuties occur may be inconvinient to the super.
while some powers may be 'more powerful' than others, powers dont really get to be way underpowered or overpowered in comparision to others. sure being able to talk to animals may feel a bit useless compared to someone who can lift 4 tanks at once, but nobodys going to end up with a power like 'can turn into a goose but only once' or 'can grow toenails twice as fast' or 'if i sneeze i can change my hair colour'. at the same time, youre not going to get someone with the power to snap their fingers and level a city, or instantly blow up the moon or whatever.
“Anonymous said to someone-always-cares: I love rami PLEASE tell me his favorite song(s) and why. I will die for you”
a drawing of rami saying out loud “i dont really have any specific favourite song, really? i just listen to whatever sounds catchy and then listen to that on repeat for hours until i hate it. i guess i do like upbeat songs? ones that make you feel happy even if the lyrics are sad”
“ un1c0rnhh said to someone-always-cares: tell me,,, please,, cam,,, are they a cat person or a dog person?? ily"
theres a drawing of cam a metre away from a cat lying down. she has her arm out and is making ‘psspsspss’ noises at it. end id]
FUCK i am so glad i didnt hand write all of that, it would have been a major pain in the ass to write it all and then have to transcribe all that next. but nope i could directly copy paste the asks and word answers. cheers if anyone made it this far down. if anyone wonders why this is uploaded late, you know now.
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paninimaker · 5 years
so, i had another dream last night (well, i remembered it) and idk i feel like it has meaning
so, i was going to a presumably popular mall that i had completly made up, i can remember it clearly, but only part of it as that’s the only part i’ve ever explored in my dreams. It’s like upstairs on an escalator and the upstairs is a food court, the downstairs is blurry but i remember a table being there, maybe another food court, but in this dream there was more added, an entrance. Outside was a bus stop, and a ramp going up to the door, but it was a ramp for a car, like the large parking lots that have multiple layers. Cars were driving by, mostly red, white and black, i don’t know why i remember that specifically but i do
everything felt familiar, no anxiety’s, no fears, no bad emotions, just happiness and excitement, it was all extremely pleasent and warm. That’s none of the emotions i feel in my every day life when i’m going places alone, which i was alone for the first part. irl when i’m going out, i feel anxious and cold and i always fear if i’m at the wrong place or i’m doing something wrong, but in the dream it was the most perfect thing, i want to go ba k
So, i was walking up from the bus stop, i was there for a school thing on fridays (my school has outschool sport and it ends at lunchtime on fridays, so it made sense in my head but in reality it made no sense as none of my friday’s involve going to a multi-story indoor mall) and i had just gotten there by being driven by my mum (i hadent dreamt that part, but i remember it in dream time), i was walking up the car thing and i walked into the door, again, i didn’t dream walking in the door but i remember it, and i dreamt myself halfway up the escalator with my school group and a teacher that looked like officer wiggem from The Simpsoms if he was a real person, although his hair was different and he wasn’t wearing a cop uniform, he was wearing beige, striped pants with orangy-brown colour, and a light purple button up with an indigo tie, kinda like terry’s outfit from brooklyn 99. i don’t really think i knew anyone in the school group, it was hard to tell as i don’t remember their faces
So the teacher, who seemed familiar, gave the group folders (i can’t remember the colours) which had our school work in it, which i all knew in the dream but i’d never learnt in real life (now, because of the dream, i know. no clue how that works). The dream cut to us all sitting at a long table near the escalator, food in a platter in the middle with vegetables, but tastie vegetables, not cold. maybe there was some meat, i don’t know. Everyone was happy and talking. Everyone there felt like friends i’ve known for years, when i don’t know any of them. I saw a blue fruit and i said ‘oh cool, a blue vegtable’ and the teacher pulled out a large version of the blue veggie, i can remember how it looks vividly but it looked kinda like a succulent but blue, and a light blue too, but not too light. I remember feeling extremely happy about the large blue veggie. i look in front of me, the escalator behind me, and i saw my bus driver and his family at the table in front of me. i felt a little indifferent when i saw him, maybe a bit of dread, but pretty soon the person in front of me at the table asked if anyone wanted to go with him to get some food from the restaurants around us, i don’t really remember any of them but i feel like it was asian foods. I tried saying that i’d want to come, remembering my wallet was in one of my pockets in my bag, but he didn’t seem to hear me. He asked again, and i said i did again, but he still didn’t hear me. no one did
then i woke up
i know for a fact that i didn’t have any other dreams that night, i just have a feeling
anyway, can someone please tell me what this all means. it all felt pleasant until afternoon i saw my bus driver, there was a sense of disappointment from me when i wasn’t heard, as i wanted to get food. i remember that i recently got 20 dollars from mowing the lawn with my dad (which happened irl) and i remember that my wallet was in my bag (which is how it is irl, everything concerning that was the same as irl)
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imnot-reddieforthis · 7 years
💫reddie family💫
note : lol I need sleep and also I’m craving married reddie so here you go
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- reddie are the first losers to get married
- Eddie and Richie just locked eyes when they were watching the news and gay marriage became legal
- So thy just stared at each other for a minute and then Richie was like “ get in the car we’re getting rings right now”
- So that’s the start of their epic family life
- The decide to adopt a kid after 2 years of marriage .
- Eddie has always wanted kids but he was scared that Richie wouldn’t want to , judging by his aloof personality
- On the other hand Richie really wanted kids but the way his father was to him made him feel really insecure about being a father himself
- my poor boy
- So one night they just have too much wine and eddie kinda brings it up and then Richie breaks down sobbing and they just hug it out and cry together
- What do you know , they’re making their way to an adoption agency the next day
- They adopt a little boy named Noah . He’s a bit of a troublemaker but the kind that cries because they feel guilty when they get caught
- Richie and Eddie both see a little bit of themselves in their son
- He’s a very kind child . One day when Eddie and him were out in the park , 3 year old Noah just came up to a girl that hit her foot on the concrete and was crying and gave her a little bandaid with Disney characters on it
- Now you might ask . Where did he get a bandaid ? Well the answer is right in his miniature Fanny pack, Eddie got his son for Christmas
- “ it’s highly practical “
- “ no it’s not , but it is adorable”
- So yes , little Noah has a little light blue fanny pack that he treasures more than anything on this earth . When he first got it , he wouldn’t take it off and would even cry when his dads told him that he can’t take baths with it on .
- The losers think that Noah is the best thing that ever happened to this world
- Stan and Noah surprisingly get along the best
- Uncle Stan™ tells him about birds and Noah finds all of their pretty colors fascinating and I’m crying bye
- Stan is Noah’s favorite uncle cause as Noah go older they would just chill together reading books .
- Noah is a bit of a nerd but quite popular in school as he grows older .
- When Noah was three , Richie and Eddie adopted two girls ; Lily and Hazel .
- They were only planning to get one more kid but they were told that they would be separating the two girls and they couldn’t bear that so they adopted both of them .
- When they adopt the girls Noah is three , lily is 3 as well and Hazel is 5 . So now they have the cutest family ever .
- Even tho hazel is the eldest , Noah calls her his little sister cause he thinks that whoever was adopted first is the eldest .
- Lily is Richie’s little angel , she can do no wrong in his eyes . He’s wrong tho cause Lily is the embodiment of Richie at its finest .
- She’s a Trashmouth ( but classy ) and a trouble maker who unlike her brother would deny her involvement to her last breath .
- She learned the fact that her brother can’t stand to feel guilty during one of their early pranks when they switched over their dad’s clothes . So eddie’s closet had Richie’s clothes and Richie’s had Eddie’s .
- Richie found it hilarious and an grade A prank and Eddie did too but when Eddie couldn’t find his tie for work that morning he got a little pissed and Noah ran in confessing to everything and then dumping all the blame on Lily.
- She never let him be the part of her pranks ever again .
- Hazel is the most popular girl out of the whole family , everybody in school wants to be her friend because of how cool she is .
- She has the best 80s aesthetic you can find ( of course inspired by her dads cause Eddie and Richie are 80s hoes )
- She would go thrift shopping with both of her dads and they would help her pick out clothes .
- She’s really creative and loves her aunt Bev who inspired her to become a fashion designer
- Hazel doesn’t just dress herself , she DRESSES herself . Head to toe style icon - Eddie is proud .
- Hazel is the sneaky one
- She’s an angel when it come fro her papa Eddie , she helps around the house and brings food to his late shifts at the hospital and voila , she’s going to that party next weekend .
- Then she goes to her dad Richie and talks to him about 80s rock music , they have banter about cool trends , she tells him he’s the coolest dad - “ of course you can go to the concert with all of your guy friends next week sweety”
- When she first had sex , Lily freaked and screamed “ you had sEx?” , really loud so in a matter of time the whole fam was in their room .
- Richie is the kind of dad who tossed some condoms onto Noah’s bed one day and walked out but with Hazel he went into protective dad mode and started talking to her . Eddie was kinda chill , kinda not amused .Lily was cackling .
- Richie is your “cool dad” who tells you to go out and live a little but then spies from the bushes with binoculars on .
- Eddie is the protective dad , not as much as his mum of course but he’s the one setting curfews .
- They don’t have the good cop , bad cop policy in their house but with certain kids their is a certain strict parent .
- To Noah and Lily is usually Richie cause even tho he’s quite aloof , it’s hard to play all cute and innocent with him , especially in Lily’s case ; who’s legit him , and he knows himself well .
- Eddie can’t say no to Noah and Lily and him have the kind of relationship where he only sees the good in her , even though he does know she’s a little monster like her dad .
- Eddie gets strict with Hazel , he’s the one she has to ask permission for in most cases . But in other cases there pretty chill cause she’s smooth and good at getting herself out of situations .
- Every year the fam goes out for a “field trip” where they drive to a specific city and explore it head to toe . They love traveling abroad and the kids love to sign up for volunteering programs abroad , especially Hazel who started studying French so that she could live there one day and go away for studies .
- She does end up living in Paris and marrying a lovely Japanese girl . They go all around the world and have a great life.
- Noah and his bf stay in US whilst Lily goes away to Asia to work for UNESCO .
- They’re a great fam , all talented and beautiful and smart and accepting of one another . Love love love I’m dead.
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matrixaffiliate · 4 years
Chapter Update! FFN and AO3
And we're back, with two chapters as promised! I'm working hard to make sure that everything goes up when it's supposed to, but I recently became a multi-grade school teacher for the rest of the school year on top of everything else, so be warned that I might not be balancing my plates as well as I think I am. Next chapter should go up on April 25th.
Also - this is not the end! (But we’re finally to one of my favorite parts!)
Chapter 36
"Wow." Al didn't think he could breathe.
"Is it alright?" Ellie spun for him. She'd wanted to see him before the ceremony, but Al hadn't expected her to be in her dress.
Ellie's dress was a stunning combination of her heritage and modern Muggle style. Her white dress was embroidered and beaded with traditional designs in specific patterns. Her dark hair hung in curls around her neck and shoulders and Al honestly thought he might pass out.
Right. Speaking. He could do that. Probably?
"It was a good idea to do this first."
"What?" Ellie laughed.
"I'm, you're, yeah, you get it." Al shoved his hand in his hair and immediately regretted it. His mum was going to sit there and fix it right up to the moment he had to be in place for the ceremony.
Ellie smiled at him though and he immediately forgot about his mum.
"I thought it might help, and I wanted this moment all to myself. Weddings make us share with our friends and families, and I just wanted something from today to be mine."
Al's brain finally started cranking the gears again and he managed to move and pull Ellie against him.
"You are the most gorgeous woman on the face of this planet. Merlin, El, I can barely think right now!"
Ellie's grin went sly, "That was the hope."
"What have I gotten myself into?" Al chuckled as he closed the distance to her perfect lips.
"Mijua'ji'j," Naomi came in with a knowing smile on her face which made Al immediately start redirecting his thoughts from where they'd been.
"Hi Nmi'," Ellie leaned in closer to Al.
"It is time, Mijua'ji'j."
Ellie smiled up at Al, "Time to share, Oqoti."
Al furrowed his brow, "Oqoti?"
"It's like when you call our Ellie 'love,' Albus," Naomi answered. "It's a name for our husbands and our wives. A way to show them we love them."
Al felt the smile grow across his face. "I love it."
"Good," Naomi chuckled, "Now, let's get on with the sharing. I'm sure you'd like to get to the more private part of your wedding day sooner rather than later."
Ellie's laughter was bright and full as Al felt his face burn.
Just a few moments later, and after an exasperated huff from his mum as she fixed his hair, Al finally stood under the little gazebo of the outdoor venue Ellie had wanted, fully aware of all his nervous tics he was giving in to.
"Mate, it's alright." Jamie leaned in closer to him. "She's going to say 'I do,' and you're going to say 'I do,' and then we'll all cheer for you and have a meal and a party. Easy."
Al nodded but he still felt completely out of place in front of his family and members of Ellie's family he'd only just met. He didn't stand well in front of people. He could present in front of people - university had ensured he could do it, even if he didn't care for it. But it was completely different to simply stand in front of a crowd.
"I might need you to tie my hands to my sides," Al mumbled.
"Potter curse, our hair is the first place we try to pull tension from." Jamie put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Don't think about everyone out there. Think about Ellie. What's the best thing she cooks? Or what's the funniest thing she's ever said or done?"
Al chuckled, "She once tried to convince me she had painted this awesome painting of us. Then she pulls it out to show me and it's legitimately just finger painting like Johnny would do."
Jamie laughed. "I like her more now."
"She had me going for a solid 5 minutes before she lost her poker face." Al laughed. "Turned out one of her friends has a niece who sends her paintings."
"Feel better?" Jamie bumped his shoulder.
Al nodded, "Thank you."
"You're welcome."
Jamie went to say more when the music started and Al turned to see the center of his life walking toward him with her hand wrapped around her father's arm.
If planning the wedding had occurred at hyper speed, then the wedding happened in the blink of an eye. Before he knew it, Al was signing his name next to Ellie's in the marriage license after the ceremony. He blinked and they were eating and laughing at the head table. He turned around and they were dancing their first dance. He pushed a hand into his hair and he was waiting for Ellie to change so they could head to the bed and breakfast for the night before they caught their Portkey to their honeymoon.
"Car is all set, Al." Jamie tossed him the keys.
Al chuckled, "You know El's driving."
"Of course I do, but did you see how I managed to make that whole interaction look brilliant?" Jamie put a hand on his shoulder. "Welcome to the club, mate."
"You're not talking about 'Club Idiot' again, are you?" Al groaned.
"Nah," Jamie laughed, "I'm talking about the marriage club."
"As long as you're not talking about a club you use to beat things."
Al grinned at Ellie's voice as she walked up, now changed out of her wedding dress.
Jamie laughed, "I'm glad you'll be around a bit before you two come back here. I'd hate to miss out on your witty comments."
Al handed Ellie the keys and kissed her.
"You ready to get out of here?" He murmured against her.
"Only a lot," she squeezed his hand as she pulled away.
"Then let's get you two on your way." Lisa waved her hand toward where the guests were waiting for them.
As they approached the throng, Al smiled at his family and his in-laws gathered a bit closer.
"We thought we'd see you off here so we could get a word in edgewise." His dad grinned at him.
Lily let go of Lysander's hand long enough to hug Al and Ellie before attaching herself back to him.
"Have fun, we'll see you once you're home."
Al chuckled, "You sure you'll have time for us amid your busy new schedule?"
"I'll talk to Dad," Lysander grinned, "he'll give us enough time to visit with family."
"Don't forget about us here," John kissed Ellie's cheek. "We want visits too, especially now that you don't work or go to university."
"Sharing is going to be hard," Ginny laughed as she pulled them into a tight hug.
"Let them go," Naomi chuckled. "They will always come back to each of us. It's in their blood to do so."
"Thank you, everyone," Ellie kissed her mum on the cheek. "This has been amazing!"
"It really has," Al smiled. "Thank you."
"Get out of here!" Jamie gave them a shove. "Mum wants more grandchildren."
Al rolled his eyes but happily pulled Ellie forward. Less than a minute later, he was in the car with El as they drove away from the crowd.
"How in the world do we know so many people?" Al leaned back in his seat and rolled the window down.
Ellie laughed, "We just left our wedding and that's what you're worried about?"
Al grinned, "I'm not worried about anything to do with our wedding or you being my wife."
"I'm so glad."
Ellie's right hand moved to rest in his leg and he intertwined his fingers over hers.
"So really," Al pressed, "how do we know so many people?"
Ellie was quiet a beat before laughing.
"I have no idea. But, Merlin, Al, there were so many people there tonight!"
Then she moved their intertwined hands up his leg, "Thankfully, it's finally just the two of us."
Al squeezed her hand and moved it closer to his knee.
"Yes, but I will jump you, driving or not, if you keep that up."
Ellie bit her lip, "Promise?"
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conasshite-blog · 8 years
My story so far.
The way I like to make people to see me is a happy guy who is trying to better himself I have a fair few friends who love me, I have a good job I like, a great family I love and everything I could want. But in a sort of stranger things like situation that's how the rest of the world live where as I am actually stuck in the upside down. How I actually feel is a very very unhappy guy who is trying to change himself to possibly put a small bit of happiness in his life. I have a couple true friends who unrelentingly try to help even though every time they try I throw it back at them.i have an ok job pays me way but I hate it it's a little 9-5 job that basically means nothing to me except 24/7 stress.i have a pretty f'd up family the only 2 people that matter in my family are my mum and my grandad however they also see me as the person described earlier. The whole I have everything I could want it's bull the only two things I want are true happiness and someone to love. At this current point I am 21 years old I have contemplated death numerous times a tried it once or twice. As I'm writing this I'm unsure whether this is a suicide note, a cry for help or me trying to come to terms with everything.
It's hard to properly explain how I feel because I can never actually muster the words to do so. Even now I'm trying to write it all down and I can't. To list feelings I feel on a regular basis would be hatred, regret, sadness, envy,powerlessness and the odd one out and most strong is love. I feel like love is what drives most of these feelings. For the longest time love has been a major part of these feelings and my life. Currently hatred is of myself because every friendship or relationship I have I destroy. Regret because I have let so many good things leave me. Envy of the partner to the girl I have loved for years. The thing is though that love isn't the only thing that makes me like this. I have so much going on that yes love is a huge factor however those feelings can be applied to nearly everything in my life.
Before all of this I feel like I was a happy kid that had a lot of friends and I would see those friends everyday and play Xbox with them everyday and I had no issues it was great. I would go to school I wasn't the best student I was a bit of an arse if you ask me but I got through it but I enjoyed it being surrounded by my friends . The earliest memory of me feeling how I do is around 11/12 years old I was in school I was trying to hang myself from the staircase I don't remember what made me feel like this but to me that was the last day. Obviously it didn't end hence why I'm here today. A friend that I had at the time found me and stopped me before it was too late she took the tie from around my neck and never told a soul she was a good friend at the time.
Jumping forward a few years I was around 14 years old now still feeling like the next day should be my last. My feelings were only getting worse and worse so this is when I first self harmed I had tried three or four different knives found one that would penetrate my flesh it started with 4 maybe 5 cuts and it kinda made me feel better. A few days later I started to feel bad again so added another few. By the end of the week both my arms were full of cuts ranging from small scratches to deep cuts. Parents and school eventually saw these and got involved. I can't remember the excuses I gave but I was on a daily check from my mum and school and after a few weeks they stopped they thought I was better.
Staying at 14 but later in the year specifically December I was at a party and I got to talking with a friend I had known for a couple years we both got a little too drunk and one thing led to another we were kissing. Few days later we got together and a few months in I was actually happy for once I kinda felt whole. Now around February time the next year me and , let's call her Jane, broke up and I spiralled down back to how I was. April that same year we spoke about why we broke up and gave it another shot. For about a year with Jane I was happy we had our differences as every couple does. We went on breaks a lot had some time apart but ultimately we would end up happy. We were in love.
Jump to 16 still with Jane coming up 3 years now. We started to fall out more argue more and our breaks turned into short break ups. We would try and fix our issues but when it come down to it me being depressed and somewhat suicidal was too much and this was it the last straw. Without going into too many details I had fucked everything so much that this was the last of me and Jane.
Losing her sent me further then I ever was before and in all honesty has still affected me now I do think about her and I do miss her. But I digress the rest of that year was pretty shit. I had lost the one person I spoke to about my feelings I didn't just lose my girlfriend I lost my best friend I lost my one way of staying whole. However in a sort of twisted turn of events I got better I went to college, then I got an apprenticeship and everything kinda looked up.
A year into my apprenticeship I was 18 and life was ok but stress at work was getting to me and the lack of someone there I bottled all my feelings. I had a lot of family issues my dad had gone to prison and come out and he wasn't ok. He was drinking and smoking weed and whenever I saw him it was hard for us to hold a conversation without one of us getting angry with the other. This again caused me to spiral down that never ending rabbit hole. I tried my hardest to get out but I never could. I changed jobs I even moved out of my mothers house moved in with some fiends but could never shake this feeling. On another note around this time I had started talking to an old friend of mine let's call her Dani. Me and Dani used to be close we lost touch but we were getting close again becoming quite good friends. Dani had a partner that was also a good friend of mine let's call her Jackie. I grew to have feelings for Dani and they got quite strong. However knowing Dani and Jackie were together I couldn't do anything as they are good friends of mine.
Jump forward to 19 and these feelings for Dani haven't left only getting stronger. Then something happened Dani and Jackie were losing touch with each other and Dani was about to go to uni. I was at a pub with Dani and another friend we were all very drunk and the other friend had left the table. Me and Dani got to talking and one thing led to another and we were kissing and it felt amazing. The girl that I had loved for a year has finally showed me some form of affection. However I felt bad for Jackie this wasn't right knowing they were having issues I didn't think this would go well. I had asked Dani about her and Jackie and she had said they were no longer together. This was music to my ears so we carried on for the rest of the night it was great. A few days letter I found out they were still together and this was all a lie. So we carried on with our lives as it was Dani went to uni and we lost touch. A couple months later I hear that Dani has quit uni and is back at home. We start going out again and having fun being close.
Now 20 and still having feelings for Dani I carried on living life as I would. Around this time Dani had mentioned her and her sister were looking for a house mate rent was low and I lived at my mums so I thought I would take the offer. Not thinking about my feelings for her i agreed and moved in. Since that day my feelings for Dani got worse and worse. Seeing her everyday didn't help me at all. Living with her and Jackie and Dani sister was all good. But my feelings never left.
At the time I have started writing this I am 21 still feeling like I don't matter, still feeling I want to die, still feeling tomorrow could be my last and still in love with Dani. I can only hope these feelings leave me and I become that happy person I remember. I will continue to write here every time I need to.
0 notes
The Weird McCall Wolf Moon Part 2
After getting Showered i didn’t do anything with my hair all i did was tie it in a bushy tail i barley had time to do any kind of make up, Scott left like half a hour ago and that’s new for Scott he doesn’t usually care He was favoring his side when i saw him maybe it was from the fall or maybe it was from the one thing i don’t wanna think about “The Alpha” i whisper.
It took a lot of begging but i managed to get my mum to drive me i just called her mummy and started sucking up to her and finally im in my first class English bleck. Scott’s acting weird and hes got his eye on the new girl as she comes in, someones got a crush then he passes her a pen and she is thinking ‘How did he know?’ so that’s even more reason to put a point on the Alpha theory.
Yay bell ooh Scott’s in his own world time to sneak attack, I tip toe behind him and just as im about to jump on him Stiles has to be there “Hey Raven”.
“I hate you” i glare at him and he looks at me confused They are watching the new girl Allison i think her name is and of course Lydia’s there sucking up because she has nice clothes then the jock freak Jackson Lydia’s boyfriend shows up and starts kissing her, Ugh Jackson and Lydia make me wanna throw up. “ Can someone explain to me how new girl is here all of five minutes and already hanging with Lydia’s cliq” Rebecca says curiously ** That’s her name in this story**.
“ Cause shes hot, beautiful people hurt together’'Stiles so smugly put while staring at Lydia. Scott’s staring at Allison again while Rebecca and stiles are arguing about Lydia never been around a ugly person, Its kinda creepy Scott’s staring i mean. Im reading Lydia’s thoughts and shes thinking about sex,Jackson and party on Friday or Sex with Jackson at the Party on Friday. Lacross practice is soon and Scott wants me to be there he’s convinced hes gonna make first line this year.
” Ugh why must you drag me here you know i don’t do sporty stuff’’ i loudly complain And of course im ignored,“But if you play i won’t have anyone to talk to on the bench” Stiles was moaning about this from the time it took us to get here until now.“I can’t sit out again my whole life is sitting on the sidelines this year i make first line” Scott’s trying to get his positivity across. I turn around and i see coach throwing gear at Scott its hilarious.
“Anyway you wont be alone i’ll make sure i have a seat behind you so we can talk and you can complain about how you wanna be on the team but you’re not sure enough of yourself bla bla bla’'I say to Stiles trying to cheer him up. ’'yeah great nice speech not helping but its good to know i have your sarcastic company’'Stiles said smirking. ’'oooooooooh im offended” i joked but i know how to get to him wait for it, wait for it “OW WHAT THE HELL RAVEN!” Stiles yelled while rubbing his head where i just made a lacross ball hit him. “ Hey that’s what you get for OW!” he just slapped me upside the head’’ you are so gonna pay for that later’’ i say while smiling evilly he knows its bad when i do that. He looks terrified “ Please no pain physically mentally maybe physically no” he looks so scared i can’t help but smile “meh we’ll see”.
Me and stiles look over just it time to see Scott catching balls like crazy and not missing a single one its incredible.
“EWWW! Really Scott you had to take the wet route” ignored’’ I don’t know what it was it was like i had all the time in the world to catch the ball, and that’s not the only weird thing i can hear stuff i shouldn’t be able to hear, smell things’’ Yup the Alpha got him “Smell things? Like what?” Stiles asks’’ Like the mint mojito gum in you’re pocket’’.
“ What i don’t even have any mint mojito-” then rest assured Stiles pulled out some gum “Ew dude how long has that been in there that you forgot about it?’'i asked disgusted ’'So all this started with the bite?” Stiles is still amazed about the gum, “ what if its like a infection like my body is flooding with adrenaline before i go into shock or something?” Scott asked worried. “ you know what i think I've actually heard of this its a specific kind of infection-”
“you have?”
“shhh” then he mouths follow my lead,i just nod “Are you serious?”
“Yeah yeah i think it called lycanthrope” I actually had to look away from laughing hey gotta play dumb right. “Whats that is that bad?” oh Scott you really need to get out more “ Yeah its the worst but only once a month on the night of the full moon” i say then me and Stiles start Howling like wolves. Scott then slaps us both and walks away “hey you’re the one who said you heard a wolf howling” Stiles says trying to defend himself. “There could be something seriously wrong with me”
“I know your a werewolf GRRR” Stiles really cant growl’' OK come on Scott you know we’re joking’’ I hope, i heard someones thoughts and tuned Scott and Stiles out 'Im guessing that’s one of the guys who lost the inhaler- Oh great the girls here to’ Its that same deep voice that carried me home “RAVEN!” Scott yelled “ huh, what” he pointed behind me and sure enough i turn around and someone there.
I got a proper look at him now hes about 6ft1,light stubble, black tousled hair and wearing mostly black and lets just say hes super hot. His eyes though i could have sworn they flashed bright blue, “psst” i turn back around to see Scott and Stiles doing hand movements l like come closer my child its weird. When i get over to them the guy finally speaks “ What are you doing here hm this is private property” he tells them not looking at me, “ sorry man we didn't know” Stiles is scared. “Yeah we were just looking for something but forget it’' Scott says annoyed then the guy throws something and again Scott catches it no problem when he opens his hand and the inhaler is there and the guys is walking off ’'Hey Scott i’ll be right back” i run off before he can protest.
“Hey!” i yell the guy seemed to have heard me cause he turns around “What” he glares at me “You were kinda harsh back there don’t you think?’'he walks over to me ’'What of it”
“W-well uh”
“What hm what are you gonna do? You’re just a girl” he smirks and that sparks something inside me “ Well this girl could probably kick your ass” i stand up in front of him and look him dead in the eyes 'She’s brave I’ll give her that
“Well?’'he glares at me and walks back
“what” his back is still turned to me
“What’s you’re name? Im Raven”
“Derek” and he walks off, Great now back to Scott.
Im in bed watching G-force and as i look out my window i had to do a double take i see glowing blue eyes just like the ones i thought i saw on Derek. I look towards my door as someone knocks but when i look out the window again the eyes are gone, “ come in!” mum walks in looking tired as hell “ Hey just to let you know im gonna call it a night, um Scott has the late shift at the vet so don’t wait up” she says “ i wasn’t planning to but goodnight you look like you could use some rest” she comes over gives me a hug then shes off. And back into bed i go i turn off the TV and all i can think about is those Blue eyes Unfortunately my dreams are filled with the mass of fur and those red eyes.
“Scott where are you?” Im in the boys locker room looking for my brother probably not a good idea but hey i need to talk to him.
( Dream/Flashback)
Im running in the woods and i hear the Alpha growling while chasing me 'You are mine Raven’
“No!” i continue to run its no use he jumps on me “ Please don’t hurt me”
He growls 'Will you be mine?’ I whimper “Yes” He moves his head down and bites my stomach.
“AWOOOH” (My version of a howl)
I wake up gasping for air why did i say yes to him? I shake my head rubbing my face, I look to my window and see Scott running into the woods “Scott!” no reaction i try to follow but hes long gone “Damn it”.
( End of Dream/flashback)
I hear something getting slammed against metal “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH YOU MCCALL!” Jackson yelled “WHATS GOING ON WITH ME YOU REALLY WANNA KNOW? WELL SO WOULD I, I CAN SEE, HEAR AND SMELL THINGS THAT I SHOULDN’T BE ABLE TO SEE HEAR AND SMELL. I DO THINGS THAT SHOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE IM SLEEP WALKING THREE MILES INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE WOODS AND IM PRETTY MUCH CONVINCED IM TOTALLY OUT OF MY FREAKING MIND! Scott yelled back Jackson’s not buying it good ’'Huh you think your funny don’t you McCall? i know your hiding something im gonna figure it out, And i don’t care how long it takes.” Then another slam of metal “Scott?” Aaand he’s gone brilliant(note the sarcasm).
Now as the good sister i am i decide to go to the stupid lacross practice. “SCOTT!” Stiles voice really shouldn't go that high but hey it gives me a laugh. “ Im playing the first elimination man can it wait? Scott asks. ” No just hold on OK the lab results came back from the hairs on the body, it was animal hair-“
’'look i gotta go”
“ No Scott your not gonna believe what it was, it was a wolf”.
“COME ON”! i yell as Jackson knocks down Scott. Scott right away gets up and starts kicking ass at this,WOAH he just did some kind of side/back flip, Stiles has his curious face on. OH NO.
“OK keep calm for what your about to see” i whispered to myself. Knock,knock. “Ray-Ray” Stiles says excited. “ Stiles you know i hate that name.”
“exactly” he smiles evilly. “Anyway the reason i called you, look at this I've been up all night doing all this research and im pretty sure Scott's a werewolf” he looks at me expectantly. “A werewolf what come on Stiles that’s ridiculous” i suck at lying. “ HA! you believe it too, so what do we do?”.
“ OK well first we need to tell Scott and he’s not gonna believe us i mean come on would you?” i asked knowing the answer. “YES!” he yells. “yeah but your on the crazy train so you would” he looks at me with fake hurt “Fine i’ll call Scott”.
About a half hour later Scott shows, “Get in here” me and Stiles yell “Ginyx you owe me a hot chocolate”. ignored “what is this about the body did they find out who did it? poor Scott he has no idea ’' No they’re still questioning people even Derek Hale” Stiles says and my heart jumps at the mention of Derek. “Oh yeah the guy in the woods” the hot guy in the woods ha good thing they cant read my mind. “Yeah yeah but that’s not it OK” Stiles is getting annoyed “what then?”
“ Remember the joke from the other day, not a joke anymore’' Scott looks lost ” the Wolf the bite in the woods’’ my mind flows back to the red eyes.
'What a pretty little thing i have big plans for you’ That voice i know that voice, blurred images screaming people flames.
(End of flashback)
“WOAH! SCOTT STOP!” i scream as i see Scott holding Stiles up against the wall ready to punch him, “AAGH’' Scott screams as he lets Stiles go. I wait till Scott is gone before i speak ’'Stiles the chair” i whisper as i see claw marks “We are so screwed” we say together.
“MOM” i hear Scott yell “Whats wrong?” and of course i run in and nothings wrong, ew except my brother in nothing but a towel. “Im just gonna go” i say as i run back to my room “what to wear, what to wear”. So i just go with Black skinny jeans, Dark purple tank that shows a little stomach, grey ankle boots about 4 inch heel and a little black swede shoulder jacket. Make up purple and silver smokey eye just a chap stick on the lips and no blush, Hair straight and just dyed the ends brighter red earlier. I look over my self in the mirror pleased with how i look i say “ Its go time”.
Stiles picked me up about 20 minutes later. When i got in his geep he tried to act all James bond and i just lost it i couldn't stop laughing.
We arrived at the party 15 minutes later and im kinda judgy when it comes to party's so here’s my checks. Good music? Check, Lots of people? Check, And some sluttyness? Check. Jackson and Lydia are pretty much dry humping each other less than 5 feet from us. Stiles looks Disgusted/Upset, What he see’s in her i will never know.“Im gonna go look for Scott” I yell to Stiles “I’ll go look that way call me if you find him” Stiles yelled back.
After looking for a good bit Something strange or should i say someone strange shows up. “Derek!” He seemed to have heard me because he looked over at me. I walk halfway to him He walks the rest not looking pleased Geez does he ever smile. I stop and he just stares at me, Everything happens so quick after that his hands are on my waist and my arms are around the back of his neck “So crash high school party’s often?” i ask looking away could i be more geeky, “No” he almost growls. 'Why is she trying to talk to me? Shes here for the same reason as me’ Hes thinking “What reasons that?” Oops out loud, OUT LOUD! “What reason’s what” he asks, Quick just make something up “Um why don't you crash high school party s more often?” I giggled. He looks unimpressed “ALLISON!” i yell thankful for the distraction. “I gotta go” I turn around and hes gone “Raven right?” I nod “ Scott’s told me about you” she explains. “Where is he?” I ask “I don't know he just took off” she says upset. “ Hes not usually like this i promise and he really likes you, don't be too hard on him” By this time we're outside and our car is gone, “ Can i give you girls a ride?” OH OH i know that voice, OH NO i know that voice. I turn around and Derek's there,“ Um” Allison mumbles “ Sorry how rude of me im a friend of Scott's my names Derek”.
“No-” He cuts me off with a glare and gives me a shut up and play along look, “Yeah, Sure” i say to him and Allison.
The car ride was awkward to say the least after we dropped Allison off, “My house is just round here” i say pointing to the left “I know” he says then mumbles to himself “great just great”.
“How do you know? And what the hell was that back there about being Scott's friend?” I ask annoyed, “Just drop it before i make you walk”. And i shut up its cold and i really don't wanna walk, 5 excruciating minutes later he drops me off and i barely get the door shut before he speeds of “Bye to you too” i grumble.
Wait the car is here I rush in looking for Scott but hes not here.“ You know what? Im going to bed i’ll deal with his ass tomorrow.” Again why must i talk to myself, Maybe im the one riding the crazy train not Stiles.
After Stripping down to my underwear and tank top i crawl into bed and drift off.
So that’s episode 1 finished. Derek’s a bit of a jerk huh.
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