#i was really pissed because tsukasa is a two star and it'll ruin the banner
tsukikoayanosuke · 3 months
Canned Soup for the Weary Soul - Ruikasa Week 2024
Day 5: Affection
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Food is something Rui knows is necessary for living. It is not that Rui has a bad relationship with food; it's just never been his top priority. He knows he's a picky eater. Vegetables never blend well in his tongue. Bless his mother for her many attempts to feed both him and his father. He never thought it was a big deal anyway; he managed to grow every year during his puberty era without the help of those stinky things.
After meeting Tsukasa though, Rui saw how necessary food is.
When a new chef appeared in Rui's usual dinner place, the Weekend Tavern, after his daily job at the dig site, he knew he was to something different. You could say it was love at first sight the moment Tsukasa came out from the kitchen. Or because the smell of the curry struck a core in his stomach. The chef asked a simple question: "Anything from the menu?" And Rui just pointed at the curry dumbly. Tsukasa giggled - a very adorable giggle - and later served him one. It was delicious, better than anything he had ever eaten. Don't get him wrong; he lives his mother's cooking, but something about Tsukasa's food caught him off-guard.
Food is Tsukasa's love language, Rui came to realize. He puts everything his have into his cooking or as Tsukasa has said: "I will cook it to 12,000% satisfaction!" Outside his work as a chef, Tsukasa had seen him buying others' food. Emu and Nene, the pair of adventurers who became close to him, always get a feast every time they finish a commission from the Adventure Guild. The Shinonome siblings, a pair of a royal painter and the prince's knight, never have to share their cheesecake order because Tsukasa always made him two. Even Mafuyu, the noble lady who escaped her household and now living with the music box maker, always gets a dose of caramel apple.
Rui also gets his share of Tsukasa's food. Visiting during the morning would give him a sandwich for lunch (though he always takes out the salad), while dinner always has rice and that day's special. The more Rui ate Tsukasa's food, the bigger the love he felt for Tsukasa. There will be times when Rui would imagine himself living with Tsukasa and waking up with Tsukasa's cooking every day. Oh, how lovely that would be.
He wanted to do something for Tsukasa.
But what?
"No, no, no, no!" Mizuki wagging their finger like a scolding mother. "I do not accept chocolate and flowers!" They slammed a hand to the table they were in. "It's too generic! You need to give something special to him!"
"Don't you give Ena that rare paint set?" Rui asked, remembering the time Mizuki was having a meltdown when thinking about a birthday present for the older Shinonome sibling.
"That's because I know she would love it!" Mizuki grinned. "What things does Tsukasa like?"
Rui looked up to the sky, his mind repeating the question. The first thing that came up was cooking. A new knife? A cookbook? Dinner at a fancy restaurant? A gift basket? None of them sound like 'Tsukasa'. Tsukasa is bright and warm and gentle and the gift needs to be perfect for the world's future star. Mind you, Rui is not an idiot; he was the top in his class back then. It's just…he wanted this to be something special. Tsukasa has everything. What else could he give him?
He was so deep in his thought that his feet automatically walked him toward Weekend Tavern when his work was done for the day. He stepped in as the bell by the door jingled, announcing his arrival, followed by-
Rui finally blinked in realization. The tavern is bustling with people, some regular and new ones. The waiter and owner's daughter, An, was busy serving beer when she finally noticed him. "Heya, Rui. Did you find new artifacts?"
"Yeah…" Rui looked toward the counter. Tsukasa is not by his station and greeting him with his cheerful voice Rui grew to love. "Where is he?"
"Oh," An winched. "Tsukasa isn't doing good."
Rui looked at her with surprise. "What happened?"
"I think he's sick," An answered. "He came here this morning looking so red. Dad told him to go home but he insisted on working. It wasn't until he almost collapsed that we decided to let him off for the day."
Oh. That's right. Rui didn't come to the tavern this morning because he overslept, still thinking about Tsukasa's potential gift. If only he came by, he might even take the day off to help Tsukasa around.
"Thanks, An." Rui nodded. "I'll go and see him."
Just as he was about to leave, An called him. "Rui."
There was a flicker of hesitation on An's face but it quickly disappeared, nodding instead. "Please take care of him. He can be very stubborn."
Rui nodded. "Of course."
It didn't take long for Rui to arrive at Tsukasa's house in the upper district. Rui took out his key (Tsukasa gave him a spare for emergency) and unlocked the door. The first thing he noticed was how quiet it was on the inside. The windows are still open, but there's no light shining from the light or candle. The kitchen is empty with the sink being dry, which means Tsukasa hadn't been cooking as well. The piano lid is closed, so Tsukasa didn't play it today. Most of the doors toward the bedrooms are closed except one.
"Tsukasa?" Rui called. No answer. He approached the door and there he was.
Tsukasa looked awful. His bright face is unusually pale with bright red flushed across his cheeks. His hair was disheveled, some strands sticking on his sweaty forehead. He looked so small on his bed being covered with a thick blanket.
Rui's heart clenched. He approached the bed, pressing his hand on Tsukasa's forehead. That woke him up.
"Rui…" Even his voice sounded so hoarse. "What are you doing here?"
"Looking for you. How can I eat if I don't have my favorite chef cooking for me?"
"So demanding…" There was a tiny hint of amusement in his tone which brought relief to Rui.
"Is it bad?"
"I'm fine… I'll be fine by tomorrow. A star chef must never skip a plate."
"I think it would be fine if you skip a day." Rui looked at the nightstand where there was only a single empty glass and no sight of any plate. "Have you eaten yet?"
"I can't get up…my head is killing me."
Rui frowned. That bad, huh? "I'll be back."
"No need…" It was barely above a mumble but Rui nearly missed it. It made Rui pause just for a bit, but he quickly recovered to walk to the kitchen. He might not be as good as Tsukasa with cooking, but he will try his best to at least put something in Tsukasa's stomach.
But the kitchen is empty. There's nothing in the fridge. No meat, no cheese, not even those icky vegetables. Tsukasa is always one to advocate eating healthy yet he doesn't have anything fresh here? Even the cupboard is barely filled. Are you saying that the world's stars don't even have a complete spice rack?
Does…Does Tsukasa even cook at home?
No. That can't be right. Tsukasa always buys fresh ingredients whenever someone is visiting. Rui, Emu, and Nene had helped them cook in this very kitchen for that one sleepover. Where are those foods now? It doesn't make any sense… He had to ask Tsukasa about this once he was well enough. Right now, he had to find something for him to eat.
He reached into the cupboard and took one of the few cans in there. It had the label 'chicken soup' on it. This will do: something easy to swallow and will warm your stomach, perfect for sick people. He opened the can to reveal a less-than-pleasant sight of the concoction. It was at this moment that Rui wished he knew how to properly make simple homecooked meals. He took a pan and poured the soup onto it, heating it up until it barely bubbling. Once it was warm enough, he poured it into the bowl.
A bowl of chicken soup. Chunks of chicken floating on the surface of the steaming broth along with some tiny cuts of celery and carrot in sight.
Rui still wished he could do something more than this.
He walked back to the bedroom where Tsukasa was barely asleep again. He blinked at the sight of Rui, brow furrowed in confusion.
Rui smiled at him. "Hey…"
"You're not out yet…?" Tsukasa asked, sending uneasiness into Rui's chest. He covered it with a joke.
"Such a bad host you are, Tsukasa. Kicking a guest out."
"You have works…"
"That is done for the day." Rui set the bowl at the nightstand and he pulled a stool to sit next to the bed. "I made you this."
The frown on Tsukasa's forehead became more apparent. "Rui… That's not necessary…"
"You haven't eaten anything, right? You can't get well unless you eat healthy food."
"Said the picky eater who can still grow taller."
"It's all genetic." Rui chuckled. "Do you want me to help you with it?"
Tsukasa's eyes became downcast again. "I'm not hungry…"
"Tsukasa, you need to eat something," Rui tried again. "Or else you'll get sick more."
"You shouldn't be here…" Tsukasa mumbled, pulling his blanket to cover his mouth. "You'll catch it too…"
Rui bit the inside of his cheeks. He knows a canned soup is not the best food, but it is something. Tsukasa is never the picky eater so in theory, he shouldn't-
"Tsukasa…" Rui leaned closer to him. "Is there something wrong with me cooking for you?"
Tsukasa didn't answer but Rui could see him shifted under the blanket.
Rui took a deep breath and asked again. "Has anyone cooked for you before?"
Tsukasa didn't answer again for a few seconds, but the Rui heard a tiny mumble. "I don't want to be a bother…"
"You're never a bother to anyone." Rui patted the blanket where Tsukasa's shoulder was. "What makes you think that?"
"I just am…"
Oh. Oh, Tsukasa.
Tsukasa is a caring person, there's no doubt about it. But it seemed that care didn't apply to himself. For him, who always cooks with his very best to others, food is not something in the top priority for himself. Rui had his guesses: an empty house and its empty pantry with its only occupant being the son of a merchant couple who barely comes home. Dinner would be so lonely that he never bothered with it.
It broke Rui's heart that Tsukasa takes care of himself less than he takes care of others. Selfless yet selfish at the same time. Food is Tsukasa's love language. But what does it mean if he never indulges in that same delicious food for himself?
Rui pulled the lump of Tsukasa close to him, kissing the top of his head. "You're a wonderful, caring person," he whispered, making sure that he heard it, "and you deserve to be loved."
"You said that to me yourself, didn't you? 'Everyone deserves a warm meal'. Does that include you when you said it?"
He heard him gasp. The blanket got pulled down, revealing a pouty face. "Using my own words against me. You're so cruel."
"It's necessary, isn't it?" Rui smiled. "I'll repeat it every time if I have to." He kissed his forehead. "I love you. Let me take care of you."
Tsukasa didn't answer, eyes shifting to anyone other than Rui. But then he let out a hum. "Okay…"
Rui smiled. Tsukasa didn't stop him from helping him sit up, back leaning against the pillow. Rui scooped a spoonful of the soup, bringing it close to Tsuaksa's mouth. Tsukasa pressed his lips, considering his options once again. But, with a sigh, he opened his mouth, drinking the soup with a loud gulp. Rui scooped another one and Tsukasa drank it as well. It was after a couple of spoons that Tsukasa's eyes started to tear up.
"Is it good?" Rui asked.
"It's good…" Tsukasa sniffled as tears streamed down his cheeks. "It's delicious… So good…"
Rui put down the half-eaten bowl and pulled Tsukasa into a hug, cradling his head as Tsukasa sobbed into his shoulder.
Canned chicken soup is nothing compared to a homemade meal, but for Tsukasa…it is probably the best food he has ever had.
And if this is a way to make Tsukasa feel loved, Rui would give him all the chicken soup in the entire kingdom just for him.
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