#i was originally gonna use sprites for this one but then i found this looking up pics of vetrix and thought 'this is perfect'
icespur · 10 months
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Updates: Screenshoted from same device for better quality, also grabbed the non translated Kasumi mouse line
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and unfortunately apparently the "Cuter" line is not even originally Akechi's. The line originally belongs to Futaba as Navi and is also properly voiced.
The line being used for Akechi sprite must be just a natural replacement or something because there's no indication that the uploader edited it in himself.
Ah well, a shipper can dream 😔. I still wanna hear Robbie say the line.
I'm gonna keep my original text below but my words mean nothing now.
So, I heard about the existence of this line according to an Akeshu comic but I didn't see it in any videos documenting Akechi's Navigation Quotes but then I found THIS video. It is real!
Unfortunately it looks like the line was translated but never voiced. There's one for Yoshizawa turning into a mouse too but that dialogue didn't even get the courtesy of being translated to English so I have no idea what he says for her.
"Joker's a mouse! He's cuter, but he can't do anything!" - Akechi.
I'm sorry sir, what?
"He's cuter, but he can't do anything!"
He's "cuter"
Joker in mouse form is "cuter"
Not, "He's cute." Or "He's kinda cute now."
If this line wasn't removed or had at least an official voiced audio, the Enraged line wouldn't be the only thing making us Akeshu fans squeal.
Everybody, removed content or not, AKECHI CANONICALLY FINDS JOKER CUTE
Do with this information as you wish.
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bk-179 · 5 months
Introducing… time!Skater Cookie!
aight so anyone remember this post I made a while ago teasing a character? HERE HE IS!
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(full body design of time!Skater) “What a boring timeline… I’m gonna go find someplace better!”
‘Meet time!Skater Cookie, an alternate timeline version of our beloved Skater Cookie! Originally set to follow Gingerbrave and friends in his timeline’s adventure, time altercations caused him to be trapped in the oven. When he passed out from the heat, instead of being eaten by the witch, he found himself laying in the fabrics of time as courtesy of a certain TBD director. After a long while of life under the curious time cookie, the spunky time!Skater Cookie effortlessly skates through timelines with his elusive candy board time scissors. Many TBD employees are warned about the shenanigans of this eccentric boarder!’
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(time!Skater’s Candy Board Time Scissors, a hybrid of canon Skater Cookie’s skateboard and Timekeeper Cookie’s Sonic Embroiderer.)
Headcanons/fun facts + notes below cut!
time!Skater is the Skater Cookie from the post season 6 story mode universe. As stated in his fake description, this Skater Cookie never met gingerbrave and friends, instead being raised in the space-time continuum by Timekeeper.
I used “raised” pretty lightly. I love Timekeeper but bro is NOT fit to be a parent imo 💀💀💀 I feel like they did the thing mums do where they throw an iPad at their kid instead of raising them but instead of an iPad it’s a time scissor Yk what I’m saying? Also Tk is an insane god idk how they thought parenting was a good idea
as a result of this, my man has issues. He needs a hug
anyways 😜😜😜
prime!Skater (what I’ll be calling the normal pre-6/my universe’s skater) is around 12-13, and time!Skater is vaguely 15-16.
time!Skater is surprising tall. Probably around 5’10. He’s one of those teens that went from “small :)” to “TALL 🤯🤯🤯” during puberty; he sprouted up like a fucking weed somehow despite having horrible nutrition as a teen with nearly unlimited time power and no bedtime. He drinks monster energy from twizzly gummy’s world and eats from the abandoned vending machines in cookie wars’ timeline
Like prime!Skater, time!Skater’s eyes are very sensitive to light (bright lighting is overstimulating and painful due to this) so they’re always covered by the hair + hat
this Skater takes after his parent. Namely, he is a bastard lmao. He’s much less soft than his canon counterpart, and definitely on his way to becoming a mini tk without outside intervention. He travels to cookie Pompeii to skate alongside the volcanoes
my bastard son. I love him
some design notes:
for those who were my mutual in 2021 when I was a edit+hc request blog, you may remember time!Skater actually. shoutout @foggymud cuz they developed the idea with me and it was really fun! He used to look like this:
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(A sprite edit ver of the design I was going for)
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(And a drawing of what I had in mind from ALMOST 3 YEARS AGO⁉️)
After getting back into cr 2 years after loosing interest, I wanted to develop time!Skater using the og concept and cleaning up the design.
I would come to forego the pink icing hair. I really like pink and liked his hair, but in practice, it didn’t fit at all with the modern design. It was too jarring and out of place, so for my modern skater renditions I give him brown hair.
The og time!skater also wasn’t older than prime!skater, evidenced by his youthful appearance+usage of the canon sprites as a base. I decided to age up the modern incarnation of the character for both character and design motives; I wanted to portray a sharper, more weathered cookie while still keeping the youthful air that prime has. Making him a preteen felt like a waste and making him a young adult felt wrong character-wise, so a vaguely teenaged skater felt best.
speaking of sharpness, I incorporated real shape language and balance into this modern Time’s design. (for simplicity, I’ll refer to time!Skater as Time, and the regular/pre-6 timeline Skater as Prime.) I used a balance strategy of “thin center with large, flashy sleeves and pants”, where the og design had the large sleeves + tucked-in shirt and it ended up feeling too middle-heavy. I also added some sharper points to Time this time around to balance out all the round and give a slightly more “edgy” appearance I suppose?
Big pants :)
I liked the old Time design’s outfit ok, aside from the aforementioned issues, but it felt a tad bit unoriginal. I wanted to keep the essence of the old design, but also incorporate more interesting colors and thought-out shapes.
The use of CookieRun’s signature time-coded gold was one major thing I wanted this time around, adding little splashes of it in the hair and outfit. Trying to show both Prime’s essence and the affects time has had on Time’s personality.
the eyes are different too! in the og design they were this weird multi-color gummy colors? It had the same issue as the pink hair; too clash-y imo. So modern Time’s are a cryptic yellow sclera with blue pupil (if you saw the teaser post Yk what I’m talking abt).
and uhhh yeah‼️‼️‼️ if u read this far TYSM! I’m very autistic about him
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yourqueenb · 6 months
So I finally took the player survey. It took me a while to complete because I ended up writing a lot more than I intended to 💀 But I wanna comment on a few things that stood out to me here…
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I found this question in particular interesting because global traits were not something I had ever considered, but they could potentially mitigate the issues they have with the constant rigid, innocent, and socially/intellectually inept MCs. At least we could pick how we want to play our MCs, right? However, I find the 3 example traits they were able to come up with concerning, especially given that the majority of their players are women and the fact that we’ve been asking them to give us MCs outside of those boxes. Anyway, I’m curious to know what everybody else put for this. I think I selected 2 or 3, can’t remember which.
I also wanna know what everybody put for the questions under number 9 because to me a lot of them seemed to be related to changing the app’s interface or adding monetizable features. And things like that aren’t really important at all imo. (Or at least not as important as the story development and gameplay changes they need to make). I actually like the interface the way it is and would rather they not clutter it with all of the extras they mentioned.
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I was also gonna put what I wrote in the additional feedback box here in case anyone was interested, but some of it got deleted from the original draft of this post. So I’ll just put a few of the major points I touched on below:
“Additionally, we should have the option to opt in or opt out of the appearance of hookups, ending stories in romantic relationships, and romancing certain characters, especially if a book is not classified as erotica or does not have a content warning. Unwanted sexual propositions and descriptions of sexually charged situations can be uncomfortable or even triggering to read, even if the characters aren’t real! For example, the “I’m in a dark mood” scene with Ethan in Open Heart book 3 and the hookup options in Laws of Attraction book 1. Players who have little to no romance points with one character and the majority or all of their romance points with another should not be getting propositioned by or receiving romantic dialogue and narration from/about the former so late in a series. And either less sexually charged lead ins before scenes or the choice to opt in to hookups outside of the main romance(s) from the beginning should be incorporated into the stories. Additionally, if choice is going to be taken away by only offering one LI option, we should at least have the choice to be single by the end of the book. Not all romances have to end in relationships!”
“Outside of romances with love interests, there needs to be a lot more care and development given to MCs. Players spend the most time with and are in the heads of the main characters; yet, it often feels like they’re the least important parts of the stories and experience the least growth. We also rarely see MCs with character trait combinations outside of innocent, incompetent, and new to their field/interest or (occasionally) mildly competent, brash, and uncouth. There should be more diversity in set traits, the choices we can make to shape our characters, and dialogue options/how our characters can react in certain situations. In game personality tests (like in TE and PM) or some kind of point system might help with this issue as well.”
“Lastly, if you don’t listen to any other feedback, please (for the love of all that is holy) retire the new MC body sprites that appear in Unbridled, Hot Shot, Guarded, etc. With flat torsos and legs and disproportionate arms/oversized heads in comparison to the lower bodies, they are very unflattering and unsettling to look at. And what makes them worse are the ghastly pale, sickly looking skin tones. Skin coloring is something you guys never mastered as the Black MCs (with the exception of 1 or 2) have always appeared ashy and as if they were given white/gray undertones - not to mention the minimal hairstyle options and straight roots on textured styles - which is quite irritating and offensive. However, now all of the MCs have skin tone issues in certain books. So players are only left with options that are painful to look at and difficult to enjoy customizing and playing as. MCs with richer skin tones, more flattering hairstyles options, curvier body types, fuller lips/noses, and more unique facial features in general would make gameplay a much more enjoyable and immersive experience.”
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stjeromeshospital · 1 year
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hi ^_^ so someone recently left some tags on a post i made about modding funger sprites wondering how i did it and i want to explain how because it is actually incredibly incredibly easy and literally anyone could do it. to start im gonna say im going to explain like every process in detail just so its very clear EXACTLY what youre supposed to do for people that arent computer savvy so it might look daunting but in reality i cant express enough how simple it really is. anyway. its pretty long but INCREDIBLY SIMPLE AND EASY TO DO (and understand i hope)
to start youre going to want to find the local files for termina, which if you bought the game off itch.io they should be immediately available to you, however if you bought it off steam youre going to want to find them using steam by finding them in the games settings in your library:
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Here ^ (using another game as an example because i dont actually have termina on steam)
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you should be here, and from here you want to go into the WWW folder ->
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which will take you here, you can just as easily replace any of the movie cutscenes in the game or sound effects like the sprites but im not going to focus on that. for now by this point you want to go into the IMG folder
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which looks like this, and its in here, in the CHARACTERS folder where all of the character overworld sprites are stored.
in the files, each character is listed as:
daan = doctor abella = mechanic o'saa = yellow_mage olivia = botanist karin = journalist pav = lieutenant marcoh = thug levi = mercenary marina = occultist samarie = apprentice tanaka = salaryman henryk = chef caligura = mobster august = hunter black kalev = black_kalev ghoul = soldier ghoul is just listed as ghoul, villager ghoul is listed as villager
with this you now decide which character you want to replace with your own, I chose Karin so I'm now going through every file named JOURNALIST until i find the spritesheet im looking for (that being her overworld walking sprite, which looks like this)
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every characters overworld spritesheet should look like THIS. no smaller. however other characters (like samarie or august) will have less detailed sheets than playable characters because they dont need to walk diagonally or get their arms chopped off like the players do.
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these are the files im looking for, NOW i need to actually LOOK at them (you can not typically just VIEW RPGMVP files so we are going to use a website to do so. that website being
Petschkos RPG-Maker MV & MZ-File Decrypter
which you will need to do all of this. its going to allow you to view files and also turn your own PNGs into RPGMV files to replace the ones here with your own.
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it looks like this. as you can see i put the %JOURNALIST.RPGMVP file from the game files in here. this is how you will be able to look at and download the spritesheets (like karins i posted above) at their native resolution (whihc you need) its also how you know which file youre replacing. to do this put a file in (i put in the %journalist file, click RESTORE ORIGINAL IMAGES, the green button in the corner, and then your file will appear in the FILE-LIST on the right, once it does click VIEW and you should be able to see the spritesheet and download it.
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and upon clicking view ive found that this file is exactly the one i was looking for ^_^ (the spritesheets youre looking for should all look like this, as in they should include the characters diagonal movement, lost limbs and crawling animations. that means youve found the FULL sprite sheet which affects your IN GAME PLAYABLE CHARACTER as well as how they behave as their NPC/Party member sprites. ive found that most/all of these specific spritesheets are just the characters name (not %doctor1 or $doctor1 JUST %doctor) and they usually start with a % at the beginning, so if youre wanting to change olivia's sprites you want to find %BOTANIST or if you're changing daan you want to find %DOCTOR. ETC.)
NOW that youve got the file and images youre going to edit. we move on to our art or image editing program of choice and get to work.
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i use clip studio paint, but you can use any program at all as long as you keep the image resolution just as it is. (you CAN NOT make the canvas LARGER or SMALLER. you can not UPSCALE the sprites or change the resolution. you have to edit/draw over anything THE WAY IT IS) here i have the spritesheet ive been editing, that being karins %journalist file (with added marcoh, i put that there) who im replacing with my funger oc enright. unfortunately theres no secret hack for drawing your sprites easily, it took me weeks to have what i have because i had to draw everything myself. its like animation. i cant teach you to draw good but i can teach you to replace files on ur computer. either way as you can see the sprites i made are in the exact same positions that all of karin's were, youre basically wanting to use the originals as a foundation or "trace over them" so theyre EXACTLY where they should be. if theyre in the wrong spots they'll look a little wonky. i hope i explained this concept well enough. its a sprite sheet if you know how those work then itll work out. (ALSO MAKE SURE YOU SAVE THE PICTURE WITH A TRANSPARENT BACKGROUND.)
NOW THAT YOU HAVE YOUR OWN PERSONALIZED SPRITES we're going to save it as a PNG. and name it the same thing as the file youre replacing so its easier. im replacing %journalist.RPGMVP so i name my image %journalist.png
now we're gonna go back to that website we were at and move to En and De-Encrypt
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it looks like this. NOW. first what youre going to do is click the browse button in the green circle, then go back to the CHARACTERS FOLDER in F&H2:T. grab your %JOURNALIST.RPGMV file (or whichever file youre replacing) and SELECT that file. then click DETECT, and you'll get a pop up that you got the code
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NOW WITH YOUR CODE, you are going to use this to turn your PNG that you made INTO THE .RPGMVP file that youre replacing, except it'll have the sprites you made and not the other ones.
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now put your PNG that you made in the 2nd box, which you can see i did, its also named %journalist, and then click (RE)-ENCRYPT MV
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it will appear on the side, and now you can save/download your rpgmvp file that you made yaaaaay! youre in the final stretch.
its very important that the file is named exactly the same as the one you're replacing, im replacing %journalist so the file i make is named the same
NOW. GO BACK TO THE CHARACTERS FOLDER IN F&H2:T WHERE OUR ORIGINAL %JOURNALIST FILE IS LOCATED. you should not have moved it or anything it should still be in there but if you do it doesnt matter. what youre going to do is take *YOUR* file that YOU JUST MADE (the %journalist.rpgmvp file that you just made on that website) and youre going to put it in the folder that you found the original file, the file we're replacing is in the CHARACTERS folder so we're putting it in there. your computer will ask you if you want to replace the original file if its still in there, you can do this. now YOUR NEW FILE is in the game
boot up fear and hunger termina, start a new game as the character you replaced, walk around and see your guy :] there are alot of sprites you'd have to replace to have a fully immersive experience with your replacement character, special anims like sleeping, specific skills, sitting in the train etc. but you can replace ANY spritesheet using the exact method i described. have fun. ill also say im fairly confident you can mod the first game in the same way described as this one but im not sure because i dont have it, its up to you to rummage around the files and find out
if you encountered any problems of any kind along the way feel free to ask me about it, but hopefully this should all be described clearly enough that anyone can get into it and do what they want easily. dont be afraid to fuck with the game files they cant hurt you
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otakween · 11 months
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Digimon World 3 - First Impressions
Yaaay, so excited to be continuing this series! Well...can we even call it a series? I guess it's kind of like Final Fantasy where the games don't connect (sometimes). The numbers give me a sense of accomplishment anyways. Digimon World was bonkers and memorable for its weird mechanics, Digimon World 2 was kind of a flop, but enjoyable enough, not sure what the world's opinion on 3 is. Either way I'm ready for the long haul -cracks knuckles-
This is the first Digimon game I've played that feels like a riff on Pokemon. There's badges I'm supposed to earn, towns to explore with all the usual RPG buildings (inn, item store, etc.), people who challenge me to battles as I walk by them, and the only digimon that earns EXP in battles is the one at the front of my party. I see this as a win because I enjoy the Pokemon gameplay loop.
Already got two CG animated cutscenes (FMVs?) I think the animation looks good! It holds up more than some of the other games I've played anyways. The bear digimon especially looked really cute in the opening. The other cutscene that played when I entered the digital world was great for immersion.
Load screens are kind of annoying, but oh well. I guess I can fast forward if they get bad. The text scrolls very slowly as well, which maybe I can adjust.
So the main character "Junior" and his friends go into the Digital World or "Digimon Online." In this game's canon (so far anyways) the Digital World is a game. I found it kind of strange that they all logged in together and then immediately were like "kay let's split up, bye." If they were going to split up then why were Teddy and Ivy like "wait for us Junior!! You're going too fast!"
I suppose this game world is supposed to be an MMORPG because a lot of the human-looking characters I spoke to referenced playing the game and their real lives as well. Gotta love a game within a game. The map/world doesn't really have an MMORPG vibe to me, but oh well.
Since I accidentally chose the "hard mode" pack in the last digimon game, I decided to give myself a break this time and go with the "balanced" pack. The Maniac pack has the best digimon imo, but I ain't taking any chances.
I was just reading about the game and I guess it has around 20 game-original digimon? Excited to meet them all. I'm sure some of this game will also be a preview for the next anime season.
The sleepy digimon in the inn were really cute
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Love the sprites and how your digimon walk behind you. Too cute. It looks like they put a lot of effort into the background as well.
I've heard some stock sounds and music from past games already which is fun
I felt a little bit of dread when they mentioned the card game. I really like the digimon card game, but having to battle and play cards in one game kinda sounds like a pain. This is gonna be a long one...
When I played Pokemon when I was younger I would just level one Pokemon up and not give EXP to anyone else lol. I know that's not good strategy-wise, but because that one Pokemon would hog the EXP they'd be overleveled and it made the games easy. For the sake of "playing the game correctly" I'll try to do it right this time and move the digimon around.
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homestuckreplay · 4 months
"apply loking thign" [sic]
(page 242-245)
TT: I've found no evidence that anyone has successfully created the item.
WELL, THEY DID IT. THEY MADE A WHOLE APPLE. They are definitely not equipped to do this, it feels like they backdoored their way into succeeding through luck, risky storm behavior and narrative convenience, and it feels REALLY good. Obviously the threat isn't over yet, but I love to see John get a win, even when it's small.
When the alchemiter made blocks, they were just blocks. When it makes an apple, it shows us the full life cycle of the apple - sprouting the tree it grows from, then the fruit itself, then dropping the fruit and dying. This has fascinating implications for punch card alchemy. That pre-punched card didn't just store data about the apple at a given moment in time, it stores the apple's entire past leading up to the moment it takes this form. This could be connected to the elixir of life, which has historically been one of the things alchemists have tried to discover.
I really want to know if the items on the pre-punched card are random per game session, or if not, what determines them and what possibilities there are. We only know the apple and the eggy loking thign, both of which are living things, so could that be the link? Also, is this a real, actual apple that is/was alive and provides sustenance and nutrients (and was the egg a real egg that could hatch a bird/snake/dinosaur etc?) That's an insane amount of power for a video game to have, and it feels like every time we learn something else about what Sburb can do it only increases its world-altering potential, and its possibilities to go horrifically wrong.
Of course, the tree and the apple are also reminiscent of the tree of knowledge - the religious themes have been here throughout the comic, and I've made the Garden of Eden link with gardenGnostic as well. In Christianity, Eve giving into temptation and eating the fruit is the original sin and leads to exile, while in Gnosticism, eating the fruit is necessary and the only way to save humanity, seeing through the bullshit of people who tried to hold Eve back from achieving her potential.
Assuming that John will eat it - because what else is he gonna do, throw it at the meteor? - I don't know which of these outcomes will turn out to be true, or if they can coexist, or what kind of knowledge John will gain. The original sin, defying a god and seeking power theme fits really well with Rose's character as somebody seeking control and with Sburb as a game giving godlike powers to regular people. The Gnostic interpretation of saving humanity works with stopping a meteor strike, John having the ability to save himself, and possibly links to the conflict of TG being somewhat against Sburb. One big factor in which interpretation is more true is the ethics and intent behind Sburb itself - is the knowledge and power it can give somebody really something that a human should have?
Finally, an unrelated design note - I'm glad that on p.244-245, we see the sprite as a stamp in the corner of the page, not the obnoxious and jittery flashing. I like the idea of it flashing and it makes sense in-game (it wants something from the players and is trying to get their attention), but it's definitely bad to look at and becomes the main focus of any page. On p.245, it almost looks like a wax seal, which is so much better aesthetically.
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kkoiishii · 6 months
Hi I was just wondering if you can make a tutorial How do you make your Sprites Edits I'm really interested in making my Looks really cool Sorry if my grammar is bad English isn't my 1st language I hope you have a good day/night <333
im not very good at explaining shit but i’ll try my best
here’s the brush i use!! i have no idea who’s brush it is. i just found it on pinterest.
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for me, i mainly start with the little black dot in the middle of the sprites eye. i make a white circle around it to mark how big or how small the eye is gonna be.
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then, i color it in!! you can also shade the eye with some black as well. (mainly use low opacity for shading. you can use different colors too!)
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i always follow the original shading in the hair (as you can see in red.) you don’t have to follow the original shading! you can always do it your way!
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then, i grab the same color as the original shade color, darken it a bit, and color with low opacity! for a bit more extreme, use the blur brush at a VERY low opacity to kinda blend it in a bit.
last one for now bc im running outta space
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shade with black on a low opacity. mess around with the original shading on the clothes but make sure the wrinkles are still visible.
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then get a lighter color and try to overlap it. go crazy with it! but not too crazy. we wanna make sure to see the wrinkles!!! (and make sure the color is not too light or not too dark!)
anyway this is mainly a starter kit on how i do basic things for my sprite edits. please please PLLLEEASSEEE ask me questions about my sprite edits! i love getting asks about them! also you don’t have to stick with my methods! go out and try other ways to do these things! again, not really good with explaining shit so if yall have any questions, please send me an ask! happy to answer any confusion! :3
@speeeeeb @radiostarr-art @typicalglassofsalt
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skellagirl · 8 months
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I am, as usual, late lol, but Y'KNOW. This is gonna be a long, rambly post lol, sorry, I have a lot of thoughts.
2023 was a weird year for me, artwise. When it began I was still deep in my Art Block From Hell, which had begun in mid-2021 and lasted the entirety of 2022.
Being in the thick of such a ridiculously suffocating art block, for TWO AND A HALF YEARS, is like... I can't describe how fucking life-draining it is. It felt like something was fundamentally wrong with me -- like a part of me, which used to be as effortless as breathing or blinking my eyes, had ceased to function altogether. It wasn't just a regular art block, it was a complete identity crisis. I could no longer trust the instincts I'd honed over twenty-plus years, could no longer trust my sense of observation or my ability to recreate what I saw. I felt BROKEN, and every single time I picked up my tablet pen it was like I was scraping my insides with a spoon, trying to pick up whatever tiny dregs of dried-up, crusty shit I could manage to puke up onto my canvas. It was fucking painful and humiliating and completely demoralizing.
I'm not really sure what finally got me to do so, but sometime in summer (my memory is shit lol) I downloaded Game Maker, found a video tutorial on youtube, and just... gave myself over to it. I made myself learn how to use Aseprite, and working with pixels, making teeny-tiny little sprites, forced me to work in ways I usually don't. It was a lot harder for me to find the flaws in my art when my art was thirty-five pixels tall and the anatomy was stylized to communicate clear information rather than be a recreation or approximation of reality. I think I really do credit that time working on game dev as the thing that finally cracked loose all the gunk that was keeping me stuck -- I could not perpetuate the cycle of toxicity I'd fallen into because I could barely even conceptualize what 'good' or 'bad' pixel art even looked like lol. I just knew that I was making art, and for the first time in two years, it didn't feel like I was having to desperately beg the emaciated husks of my sense of self-worth and confidence to cooperate while doing so.
(I actually sort of abandoned my foray into game dev around August/September lol, as my adhd-brain, flitting around like a little hummingbird to every dopamine-rich-flower, is wont to do 🥲 But I wanna get back into it at some point!)
From there I had a rush of inspiration for an original project I've been mulling around in my head for years, and I wrote thousands of words in my worldbuilding document, made a map, developed the shell of a possible actual STORY. I returned to sketching. Conventional sketching. It was, at first, largely still comprised of that same demotivating struggle against myself, but I was so deep in the throes of inspiration (after several years of this project laying dormant in my google drive) that I NEEDED to sketch. So I kept going. And after a while, it got....... easier. And I started hating everything I made a little less. I painted, properly, for the first time in years. I stayed up late into the night, even if it meant I would be tired at work the next day, because drawing felt so damn GOOD again and I had missed that feeling so much. All I wanted to do was draw. For the first time in two and a half years, I could finally see the light at the end of the fucking tunnel.
I still don't think I'm quite out of the woods yet. My style is changing, as all artists' styles do over time, and that comes with stumbling adjustments. My confidence is still small and shaky and recovering; I still catch myself second-guessing what I've drawn, and even looking at some of the things here on my grid makes me cringe a little bit for one reason or another.
But compared to both 2021 and 2022, the volume of art, and in particular the volume of art I don't actively despise, is WAY higher, and I'm really really hopeful that that means I'm finding my footing again.
So! Here's to 2024, and to continuing to move towards the light at the end of the tunnel 🙏🌟 I'm gonna try.
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quibbs126 · 20 days
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And now I’ve made this
I was going to go to sleep, but there’s a football game tonight, and I am now realizing that I happen to live in the dorm closest to the stadium, and this year on the side facing the stadium, and more importantly, the pavement everyone’s using to travel around at this time. With loud music. So eventually I decided “fuck it, I’m probably not sleeping anyways, I’m gonna go do Arthus justice with his sprite”
Hopefully this lack of usual sleep does not affect me tomorrow, as I have another shift starting at 9 and then after that, I have to actually do homework that I’ve been neglecting that’s all due that night. Which is a note for next week on how to not wait until Sunday
But anyways, back to the actual edit, it’s based on his card and intro designs
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I really don’t know why his original sprite looks like that, it’s just a cloak and some pants. He is the Demon King, as well as Menos’ father, if you aren’t going to give him the respect of a talk sprite, you can at least give him the decency of an accurate overworld sprite
You could say it’s because we only see him for like, 3 minutes, but I’d argue that there are other characters who have the same amount of screen time, if not less, and still get more. Young Prophet gets a unique sprite, old Dalkin (it’s not that special, but far enough, he’s retired now), young Reno and Ceres, the latter of which only shows up once for like, a minute, and most of those characters get a talk sprite with them. And sure, you could argue that’s because they’re important in other Eras. And fair, but as I’ve brought up time and again, Lothair, who has just as much relevance if not less, and he gets a talk sprite, and quite frankly, an awesome overworld sprite
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A character like him who literally does nothing should not get this cool of a sprite. Or at the very least, not without his counterpart also getting one
Anyways, sorry about the rant, I’ll stop now
I think the edit looks its best on the front sprite, I’m not so sure about the other sides. I guess I need more practice when it comes to sprite editing
I probably could have kept the hair color the same, but his hair’s a lighter, more warm shade of purple in the other designs, so I thought I’d change it. I did end up using his original hair color for his gloves though, since they’re purple in the intro and I can’t see them on the card, so purple they stay. Better than more blacks/dark greys
His outfit’s a lot of blacks, so I wonder if it all blends together a bit too much
He’s got a cape in his card but not his intro design, but I thought I should keep it because it might look cool. Also adds a pop of other color. Should probably do a capeless version too to see what it looks like
Anyways, I don’t remember what else to say, and it’s getting a bit late. Noise seems to have died down so hopefully I can get some sleep now. Meanwhile, hopefully you can enjoy this sprite edit. Provided you can see it
I need to figure out how to upscale sprites
Edit: I have found a way to upscale them, it’s just that I can only do it on my computer. But I have the power now!
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laggs-cringe-corner · 2 months
im boredddd i wanna talk about robos
ok so everybody uses recolor sprites to make their own robo ocs right? I'm gonna. also do that. sprites taken from the gg wiki and the dustloop obvs
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Serial no. 000000
the one from the robovenoms. Default color. Probably not the only one who is default color. But, by all accounts, the first one to rock the look.
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Serial no. 000348
the other canon robo, and the one who solidified the idea of other robos having their own presence and personality, and confirmed that the amount of robos in the world is at least in the triple digits. I was tempted to headcanon them as a different color, but in the few fanarts of them that exist they're always drawn with the default isuka palette, so I'll be letting them stick with that here.
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serial no. 000001
For my own oc, Fivoh, I chose for her a recolor from Accent Core that looks like a bridge between both the original palette and the infamous isuka mk2 palette. In my lore for her, after no.0 ran off, Crow still needed someone around to bully, so he just made up something about wanting to keep the first ever production unit for sentimental reasons in order to force it to do chores. She's rather bitter about her lot in life, but she wants to show that she's more capable than the one that ran away, so she's sticking it out to prove herself (at detriment to herself, unfortunately).
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serial no. 0000028
I chose this accent core pallette for my oc Twenny bc this is the closest to how I imagined their colors look (also it's just a sick palette in general). Twenny doesn't have much going on pre-transition, just a faceless footsoldier among dozens, doing the job they were programmed to do. But, just as the robos are starting to figure out they're sorta kinda alive, their platoon gets into a big fight and a lot of them are caught in an explosion and left for scrap, Twenny among them. They're later found and repurposed as a university test subject, which is where things get a little weird.
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serial no. 000021 and 000042
These two are less fleshed out than Fivoh and Twenny. I'm basing them off a post about a mated pair of wolves in Yellowstone National Park because the post made me sad. The color palette choices are both gray because that was the color of the wolves.
Lore...uh, they were part of Twenny's platoon, perhaps? Made that up literally just now. Why not, right? They fell in love, and Twenny thought they were being dumb, and now they're dead and Twenny misses them. (maybe they survived somehow? perhaps.)
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yayforocs · 5 months
picking back up in october 2013!!!
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random headphone girl? random headphone girl
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ok i can't find this one (or its later successor) anywhere so i'm. assuming i never posted it? even tho i could've sworn i did.
it's the noxcrew gameshow hosts, johnny smooth and scotty love :VVV
kinda wanna redraw them again tbh tbh
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a link :V
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WOW OK i was going to send martyn inthelittlewood a fan letter ages ago when he was doing the uhh!! the um!!! the videos where he opened stuff from fans!!! he had a po box u could send stuff to and i drew some fanart of him and characters he liked and wrote out a letter!! but i! never sent it OTL i think i just was never satisfied with what i wrote bc i remember trying to write it multiple times dslkfj
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also i found teen ib au doodles! :V i did draw something after all
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doodle of homestuck troll oc, terian oneira :V (the name did actually like. mean something. but i don't remember what)
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a redraw of like the second aqua pic i drew ever bc Actual Player AquaUmbreon had changed his minecraft skin :V (so i'm not gonna tag this as the character sdlkj)
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speakin of the CM server crew, tis me and razor :V
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there's also a vaughn from harvest moon island of happiness!! this was also a july doodle, hm.
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there's also some crystal chronicles crew doodles :VVV from when mogi and i were planning out the caravan!!
november 2013 :VV
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oh man oh man oh man ok i never posted this one bc i started coloring it w colored pencils n then i never finished so it was just unfinished to me bUT i played fire emblem awakening and was wrecked by a nuzlocke playthrough where i got gaius and maribelle s supported and then maribelle. died. so i drew a lyric comic thing (but i was going to add in the lyrics digitally, so. rip.) set to.... a song that i cannot find???? i have the recording on my ipod of it but it's a rip from youtube that. i guess isn't there anymore. here's the poem based on it though: (and straight googling the entirety of the poem led me nowhere also so i'm just. where is this from who originally wrote it what.)
Sun sets low beneath the sky Leaves all in golden state Stars glow at edge of twilight And here I stay, your words await Goodnight, Goodnight
Sky a shade of midnight blue Moon in its glowing fate The world at peace is a calming view And here I stay, your words await Goodnight, Goodnight
Distance leaves us far apart So at midnight if I may Wish upon the brightest star And hear your voice so softly say Goodnight, Goodnight
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also ib oc, adam! :V he's from a fic i wrote abt garry getting stuck in the gallery and inadvertently getting out with the help of another kid pulled in years later
skip to april 2014!
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it's a redraw of my first post on yayforstuffs, the CM crew! :V man look at how tiny i drew sdlkfj
moving to february 2015 :V
i have the ENTIRETY of the original original ib sprites i made!!!!!
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this is so many why did i do All Of Those sdklfjs
-ah heck ran out of images again, holdon
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zaptap · 2 months
i kind of remember going back to ttyd in 2012 (after i started using zaptap as my url) and doing some stuff, but i primarily only remembered going into the pit of 100 trials for the first time (mostly so i could get zap tap and do the two related troubles, which were the only ones i hadn't done)
seems i also reached level 30, fought atomic boo, made a few zess dynamites, and just barely started losing glitz pit fights to try to rank down (i opened the game to find mario at 5hp and my partner fainted and it took a while to notice that i was missing NINETEEN tattles from the glitz pit. i remember using peekaboo, so maybe i forgot to tattle during that part of the game? both times i ranked up? anyway apparently i didnt know i could run from those battles to lose faster. so last night i got all the way down to the bottom so i could tattle kp koopas and many others and now i have all of those)
i had 70hp/30fp/39bp. why did i upgrade hp so much....... maybe i was thinking of my second file when i thought i upgraded them all evenly. i'm gonna have to pay chet rippo SO much money to set up danger mario (507 coins). at least power rushes are 102 coins each instead of 300, so i suppose overall it'll be cheaper than it was in the remake
badges are in a good position though. the only ones i'm missing are money money, refund, bump attack, lucky day, and return postage--so it's just pianta parlor and pit of 100 trials ones. (also i have like. 3 close calls for some reason?). i also already got all of the shine sprites
after the glitz pit stuff i started wandering around and using ms mowz to look for the 20 missing star pieces. found over half of them already
i suppose the next thing to do is save up and get money money and then start getting coins using that (idk how many copies of money money it's worth it to have so i might get a second one before i start putting money into anything else). maybe start converting some of my hp to bp. could also try hunting amazy dayzees a bit to get more level ups (i made sure to take a note of what badges i used when i did it in the remake since i knew i'd probably end up doing it again in the original)
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callinskiiscalling88 · 3 months
Real World Team Counterparts: Volo
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That drawing looks a lot better on paper oopsie
So I took all of his team and thought "hm what would these be if they were real creatures?".
Also apologies for poor resolution I had to combine the images.
Garchomp: Great White Sharks
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Firstly, it looks like a shark. It has the fins for it!!
Secondly, Great White Sharks "fly" out of water. And Garchomp's dex entry says it flies. (I've only seen it in the anime though)
And I saw somewhere say it's fast. I dunno what's considered fast for a shark tho.
Roserade: Desert Rose
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(My original choice was a Venus flytrap, but it wasn't as Roserade like as I originally thought)
Okay so normal roses aren't poisonous, and I was determined to pick a toxic flower!!
This was the only desert rose I found that looks like this, so I'm not sure how real it is, but it has both purple and pink, the colors of Roserade's roses. (In the BDSP 3d sprite the blue looks a lot more purple)(+ Pink red, same thing basically)
The appearance fits the elegance Roserade puts off + it's toxic
Spiritomb: Albatross:
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Spiritomb is a hard one, but Albatrosses are rumored to have souls of dead sailors. And Spiritomb is just a bunch of souls!! Best one I could find.
They're also endangered due to plastic in seas. (this is your reminder to not use plastic if possible) Endangered animals are rare
Arcanine: Border Collie Canine
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Hisuian Arcanine is like the only dex entry that doesn't talk about it being elegant. But it talks about how it "dances" in battle, which wasn't literal dancing, but with quick speeds and graceful moves. Which could be considered elegant.
Elegance is subjective though and look at how elegant that fluffy boy looks!!
Arcanines are known for their speed and according to multiple websites Border Collies are in the top 10 speediest ones!!
I also needed a dog and a fluffy one, look at this baby!! It fits the vibe check!!
Lucario: Bonfire Kennel German Pinscher Canine
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Tried so hard to find something that wasn't just a dog that looked like it but everything was pointing back to dogs.
Aura was similar to senses, so I was gonna find something with good senses, I could only think of dogs
Friendship evolution made me want to find something loyal, and dogs are known for loyalty
So I just picked a dog that looked like Lucario
Finally Togekiss: Blue Bird
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The Togepi line is known for being a symbol of luck and happiness. So is the Blue Bird!! It's the only bird I could find that fit the vibe check and was both.
I needed a bird for her too (I think it's called a she by Volo in game, I'm not sure if that was just fan media tho)
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Definitely some sort of snake.
Snakes are symbols for evil in many religions, Christianity, Judaism and Islam are some examples (and the first 3 I found when I googled this).
Giratina is like...Pokemon Satan, who's known to be the incarnate of evil in Christianity.
May I mention one of the main evils it resembled was destruction, and Giratina was known for wanting to destroy Arceus.
+ Vibe check fitter
Extra Thoughts
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GUYS DON'T HATE SNAKES!! In other religions they symbolize good things + they're cool.
Okay so I actually did this since I keep tryna use Volo for RPS and needed an alternative for Togepi. That's what made me want to do his whole team.
Imagine him owning a massive shark like that casually. Pls.
Also Spiritomb was the only one who didn't really fit the vibe of an Albatross. So sorry Spiritomb!!
Happy Volo month btw
Anyways suggest teams for me to do next and have a wonderhoytastic day!
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luckyplushy · 1 year
A look back on my old art (and other doodles on Twitter.) - December 2020
This marks the FIRST post of many I will make detailing my old work. I'm gonna start posting these weekly as to make it easy others AND for me. And what better way to start it off by the month I finally got a tablet. (and turnt 18 too I guess)
I was not a smart 18 year old, I some how barely survived the last 2 years of high school, and this and the next would become the worse it ever got. Yet I still persisted and somehow stay sane. Kinda. Keep that in mind for the bulk of 2021's art in the following weeks.
December 4
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As you can see from the first image, I was using a mouse at the time (and a combination of mspaint and firealpaca) That will change soon enough. Also homestuck =:3
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I saw this and I thought I can use this as an excuse to actuallly draw homestuck
have this nepeta doodle as well
December 6
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At the time I was really obsessed with making homestuck sprites of stuff (and I still kinda do) so I made this at a request of a friend at the time.
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@SpringingTraps made me draw metaware homestuck
December 8
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Why did I even included this post in here? Well I used to be SUPER inconsistent how I draw myself, so thought this would be a good start.
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i found that pettting gif website...
December 11
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I'll be honest, I wish I didn't post this back then. IDK it's kinda weird looking back on now.
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It's #FlatFuckFriday AND my birthday??? Fuck yeah!!! 🥞
December 18
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I'll be honest. I have no idea how I did THIS with a mouse of all things. Like how did I do it. In MSPAINT no less. Also I have no idea why I drew myself like this here.
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fucking around with faking line weight, so glad I don't have to do this shit when I get a tablet
December 20
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Oh look Cave Story, one my earliest obsessions. When this drawing came out, I already have long since moved on from it, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate it.
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16 years of #CaveStory =:]
December 22
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Ah here we go, I finally got a drawing tablet. I got REALLY excited with the pen pressure that I kinda gone overboard with it, but it was nice to use one. (granted I forgot how to draw with a mouse now.) Oh yeah, if you notice a black line on the VERY top of some drawings, that was a bug with firealpaca. I kinda had to live with it for a while.
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This was the first real piece I did after getting a tablet. I'm quite proud of it. The context behind this image is kinda funny really. A server I was in was doing a collab where we drew UCN portraits of our OCs or Sona, and I drew something for it. Yes UCN, Ultimate Custom Night. I was in my second FNAF phase at the time.
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Let the static flow.
December 23
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At the time, I used to draw myself with sideburn thingies cause I thought it look cute, but I no longer do that. Also you might be noticing a large about drawing made in a short timeframe. Well I have an explanation for that. You see, I sometimes get hit by these bursts of productivity and I can draw super fast. Sometimes these bursts happen at random, but in this case it was because I gotten a new tablet and new ideas where flowing.
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This was supposed to be a sketch...
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I HAVE LOT TO SAY ABOUT THIS. I was super obsessed with TGWeaver's FNAF comics. It was why I gotten back into FNAF around 2019. But I was fascinated with Toy Bonnie at the time, to the point I started drawing her on the daily. I started using her as an avatar for myself online. It was when I saw a post on tumblr where something made a kinsona when it clicked for me. This rabbit holds sooooo much gender. 🏳️‍⚧️ Thus ended 5 years of denial over my gender.
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some weaver buns
December 24
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I tried drawing myself with my hair down here. I didn't like it then. I got better at drawing my hair down though. I was this file was named "cel test" for some reason.
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It's me!
December 25
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Remember when I said I was inconsistent, here an example. I dislike how this turned out then, I STILL do now. The only thing I do like? This was when I started to shade in this particular way. Also at the time I was worried about being too slow, which is funny when I was posting so many things at once. But also the filename was "the crunch" which is less funny and more worrying.
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I need to learn how to do this faster
December 28
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Oh look a Commission! There's nothing special to say about this.
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Shaded commission for @Bunnydudee of Carmen from Animal Crossing!
December 29
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THAT'S RIGHT I DREW SONIC.EXE BEFORE IT WAS COOL. Jokes aside, this post was more so for Tails Doll. I loved drawing that little bugger in the most pathetic and dorky way possible.
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Tails Doll's roommate is a wacknut
FINALLY we made it thru December. Goodness I posted alot more often back then huh. Kinda surprising. Anyways next week I'll post January!
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schwender-exe · 9 months
Another Devlog (#4?)
Happy holidays all! this devlog I got something I'm pretty proud of, not gonna lie. I've been cooking up something nice in a new perspective I've never really delved into. Top-down was always something I saw as really cool, but never really thought of how to do. the perspective itself was always something I found interesting, especially because I was always a fan of the top-down zelda games, eg. minish cap, four swords, etc. So I got to work, using some placeholder assets (which I won't share, sadly because they are of a certain green-capped character), but after jumping over some hurdles, I did set up a basic player character which, you know what? I'm pretty proud of!
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While story is still a W.I.P, because I want to get the setting right, the gameplay is going nicely. I avoided combat for this game because I felt like it's always an easy "want gameplay? just add combat" so, rather than adding combat I opted to have some traversal mechanics linked to items. So far I don't have much, but I'm slowly plotting out ideas for more items which you'll unlock as you progress through the game.
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First one's a basic one, but I like the atmosphere it can add to areas. The lantern is a nice little item that lets you traverse dark areas. I took a lot of inspiration from the lighting system from the top-down zelda games with, what I call, their 'cut-out lighting' which I name due to how it's rendered, literally cutting holes through a dark canvas layer around light sources to achieve that look. I originally figured out how to do this effect in a previous prototype I made, however the main difference now is it's not limited to one singular light, and now it simply checks any "light_node"s within the scene and punches holes in the shadow for each light!
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Next up is the "Warp Wand" as I'm calling it for now, though the sprites I drew up for it look more like a warp spell/ability you have, though the animation for teleporting is placeholder, using another item's animation instead. Either way, it's a neat item that lets you target it at special crystals you can find conveniently placed around large pits! (NOTE: the crystals are also temporary/placeholder sprites I 'borrowed' from another game.)
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The final traversal item I have for the player (for now) is the peculiar mask you have on your character which lets you explore "no-oxygen" areas of the map, as I'm calling them for now. it comes with a nifty O2 bar which tells you how much oxygen you have left (right above the stamina bar).
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Other than traversal items, there's also the "DataPad" as I'm calling it at the moment, a nifty pad which'll keep track of logs and collectables which'll be littered through the map. The eventual goal for this item is to let you read up on items and logs you find while exploring which might give you insight into what happened here.
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Here's some misc gifs of things I've worked on or are currently working on. Stairs working properly was a small but very satisfying achievement, considering how many top-down games surprisingly don't have stairs work properly?
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I've lovingly ported the Dialogue and Event system from my on-pause game 'Last Letter', allowing me to write dialogue scenes simply and effectively, though the UI for Dialogue is still W.I.P.
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This one's very W.I.P, but I have the basic functionality working! This is a Terminal which you can access and type in commands, Once I have all of the functionality up and running, it'll allow you to access nearby electronics, imbedded logs, etc. and access them. Eg. opening a closed/locked door, cycling the airlock you're within, etc. etc. and maybe some hidden eastereggs/jokes if I think of any? we'll see.
Anyway, thanks for any reading and hope you all have a wonderful holidays! happy new year, etcetera. Oh! also, the desktop pet game I showed before isn't in the dumps, I'm just working on world lore and waiting on some sprites from a friend. It's just not fun to work on because it's mostly UI work.
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twisted-in-underland · 9 months
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“Trey made more tarts? Don’t mind if I do~”
All credit for the og sprite belongs to the Twisted Wonderland team and Yana Toboso! The info template belongs to @unfinished-projects-galore here on tumblr!
Other Yuri outfits: Dorm uniform
(More info under the cut)
Since I’m starting to get back into TWST again I thought I’d finally make my bby Yuri a uniform character sprite! I used Kalim’s as a base/Terrance but it was mainly because I liked his big ol’ cardigan and I wanted Yuri to have one too.
You can find my original post about Yuri here! But I’m gonna add some other fun facts to this post!
Yuri is 16 years old and uses they/them pronouns. They generally don’t mind the use of other pronouns as long as there is no malicious intent behind it.
The symbol on their coffin card is a heart made of thorny vines
Yuri and Grimm sometimes stay with Crewel during school holidays (idk I just enjoy the idea of Crewel having a soft spot for our cheeky MC)
Roma (my Princess Ivy inspired OC) gifted Ramshackle new bedding shortly after he begun to befriend Yuri.
Following Riddle’s overblot, Yuri began hanging around Heartslabyul more. Partly it was to make sure Ace and Deuce were behaving, though mostly it was because they wanted to befriend Riddle
Yuri is almost always invited to Heartslabyul’s Unbirthday parties when they aren’t busy doing chores for Crowley or helping Vil with Film Studies.
Yuri works as a backstage hand for the Film Study club when they can. They like to organise the props and make things easier for club members to find.
Yuri can and will make sarcastic remarks about Crowley behind his back and to his face.
If he’s gonna be no help in getting them home, then Yuri will have some fun of their own
Yuri is friends, or is at least friendly with, all of housewardens. They are, however, closest with Kalim, Riddle, and Malleus.
Yuri and Riddle have mutual feelings for each other but neither will admit it to each other (they are the enemies to lovers, mutual pinning trope 😈)
The bracelets Yuri wears are gifts from Ace and Deuce. The black one is from Deuce, the red one is from Ace
Yuri enjoys sweets like candy, but doesn’t like overly sweet fruits. They prefer tart cherries and blueberries to sweet ones
Yuri’s favourite snacks are sauerkraut and Trey’s cherry tarts. Yes, they know it’s a weird set of snacks. Yes, they have gotten weird looks for eating sauerkraut straight out of the jar.
Yuri usually wears their uniform incorrectly because they don’t like ties or blazers.
Yuri’s cardigan came from Kalim. He found a dark grey one in his vault of stuff (not sure where it came from) and thought Yuri would like it.
Yuri has saved a surprising amount of Thaumark/Madol saved up and hidden away.
They have a tendency to do odd jobs for other students (helping them out with chores, grabbing things from Sam’s shop, etc) for a decent price. They also hide it away so Grim can’t use it all on Tuna.
Yuri has to pay to get the dorm fixed and stocked with food/necessities some how
I think that’s all I got for now! I’m gonna post an updated version of Roma’s sprite card soon. You can find posts for my other OC’s in my master post, let my know if there’s a character you wanna see me do next!
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