#i was not able to be trusted with scissors as a toddler i would attack anything that was paper or fabric or adjacent materials
nexus-nebulae · 2 years
very randomly remembered how I used to have a bunch of old my little pony toys and for some fucking reason if Any of my mlp toys had brushable manes the first thing I'd do is chop them off so i just had a ton of bald mlps
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eastwindmlk · 10 months
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Wrapping presents had always been a competition in Evan's household, and when Lily got married, she took that little bit with her. The only thing different about this year was the fact that James had offered to help her. To make it a date of sorts. They had dropped little Harry off at Sirius’s, under the expert supervision of Remus. They made plenty of promises that they would call the moment the toddler became impossible. Something both of them swore would never happen. Because he was far too well-behaved for that. A crash from the kitchen punctuated the comment as Sirius scrambled up to investigate. Leaving Remus to shoo them out.
They spent the entire walk home in tense silence, neither of them wanting to admit that they, in fact, were a little worried. Not so much for Harry. The toddler was as hardy as could be. Though, once settled on the floor with a glass of wine and a mountain of presents, those worries vanished.
“Are you sure these are it?” James posed, looking a little sceptically at the pile, while Lily nodded gleefully. “We are not accidentally wrapping up half of our own household." The redhead laughed and swatted at his arm. “James! It isn’t even that much.” She cooed, rubbing her hands together excitedly before reaching for the first gift.
“You got the list?” Making him scramble on all fours to the coffee table they’d put aside. Laughing as she spanked him with a tube of wrapping paper. Reaching out for her notebook and holding it up triumphantly. “List!” James announced, sitting back on his haunches and tumbling to the list of gifts. “So…” He mused, his finger running down the page. “That is a... what even is that?” He eyed the box suspiciously.
Giving him an unamused look, she shook the box at him. As if that were going to tell him more. “It is an immersion blender,” Lily started carefully, hoping he would be able to find it, to little avail. “For your mother.” He snapped his fingers at her, as if he remembered. “Right, emergency blender for mom." Meeting her deadpan expression with a bright grin. “We were using the blue and silver paper for them, right?"
Lily handed the roll of blue and silver over as a confirmation. “Think you can handle this one?” Now it was her turn to be sceptical while James snipped two pairs of scissors like crab claws. “Your lack of faith in me is disheartening, love. I can wrap this!” He laughed as the roll of wrapping paper once again attacked him while he brandished the box.
“I trust you to make it look good. I’ll just get that box set for Remus wrapped.” She grunted as she lifted the box with heavy tomes and placed it in front of her. “Are you going to gift him those, or are you going to murder him with them?” The sound of him gliding through the paper emphasised the word murder, and he was glancing sideways at the redhead. She was clutching her pair of scissors tightly, her eyes fixed on the piece of paper he’d cut. “That is barely big enough for the box, James. Can you please pay attention to what you’re doing?” Her voice clipped, and her lips pressed together tight.
Giving it a little try, James came to the same conclusion as she had. “Right, I can make it fit, though!” I just need a little extra tape,” he assured, clamping the scissors between his teeth. Impatiently trying to find the start of the scotch tape. He glared at the little roll of tape until his nail finally caught the beginning. Pulling it out and sticking it to his arm was a good start. Cutting several pieces of tape, all of different lengths. Something that aggravated Lily more
Burying her face in her hands, she took a deep breath, trying to settle herself. “James, could you please take this seriously?” She held up her finger to glare at him. “If you make a joke about being James, not Sirius, I am going to stab you.” She shook the scissors in her hand to make her point.
Ducking his head, James nodded quickly and carefully reached out to lower the weapon she had chosen. “Everything okay, darling?” He asked carefully, taking a deep breath, hoping she would mimic him. Calm her down a little, he hoped. “This is very important to me, and you are just making a mess. You can’t cut tape, you can’t measure paper. At this point, I’m fully convinced you never graduated kindergarten."
The smile slowly faded from his face, making way for a look of understanding. Nodding slowly, he bent forward, sticking a piece of tape to her nose and using her confusion to pull her into a hug. “I am sorry,” James mumbled into her ear, placing a kiss into her hair and turning back to his present to wrap. Putting the too-small piece away for something that would fit and carefully restarting.
Neatly tying the bow around the packed box and presenting it to Lily.
“Emergency blender for mum!”
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nighthood · 8 years
Growing Up - Jason Todd x Reader
Summary: You and Jason have a little girl, and watch her grow together. She is sassy and has a surprising amount of toddler drama...and candy fights. Fluffy af. Relationship: Jason Todd x reader Warnings: none
Here is the second part of I Think I’m In Love! I will put a link to it below, and prompts are open for either this arc or for any ideas:) More to come! (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
Every night Jason would cuddle you and put a hand on your growing tummy. He would bring you books to read and even read ‘What to Expect When You’re Expecting’ with you. The best thing was when you’d call him while on patrol at 3 am.
Jason would always answer no matter what, even if he was in the middle of battle. Sometimes you could hear whoever he was fighting ask him who he’s talking to.
“What’s up? You okay? Baby okay?” He’d ask. You’d always laugh because it was always the same.
“No I’m not okay! I’m craving chocolate truffles and a cheeseburger with avocado from the diner on 5th. Babe, could you be a dear…”
You’d hear him sigh then say “Anything for you, doll.”
The perks of having a husband that fights crime at ungodly hours.
He was in the delivery room with you when you gave birth, and you decided to have a natural birth. Nothing could have prepared you.
No stab wounds, gunshot wounds, punches to the face, nothing could have prepared you for this pain.
You gripped Jason’s hand so hard you thought you broke it, and you had screamed so loudly you gave Black Canary a run for her money. While you were in the process of giving birth, Jason watched as your baby was born with wonder and a little terror. It made his stomach a little uneasy, but lucky for you Tim hacked the cameras in the room so you’d be able to look at Jason’s scared shitless face when this was all over.
Your daughter was born happy and healthy, and you both decided to name her Katelyn Rose.
Adjusting to life with a baby was hard, and Jason was going on fewer and fewer patrols to be a dad. Overtime you and him gained dark circles under your eyes and relied more on coffee than you ever had before. Thank god for Tim giving you the best coffee out there. Kid knew his stuff.
During the night when the baby woke up crying you and Jason would argue over whose turn it was to help her constantly.
“It’s your turn, Jay.”
“No, I went last time. It’s your turn.”
“No, I went last time, liar!”
“Well rock paper scissors, loser has to go.”
“Jason! Go!”
But overall it was amazing watching Katelyn grow. Jason was caring as ever and spoiled the little girl endlessly. Her hair was growing in a black shade similar to Jason’s, plus she had his eyes. It made your husband light up whenever he looked at her.
One of your favorites was when Katelyn got fussy and wouldn’t stop crying. Jason would pick her up and hold her slightly in front of him. “Katie, stop.”
She’d continue and he’d begin mimicking her cries. Then she’d stop and begin laughing. When he stopped, she’d start again and it was an endless cycle. You got it on video once and sent it straight to your sister and Dick.
The most annoying part was all the parenting advice coming from everyone you knew. Your mother breathed down your neck and scolded you for things like letting the baby watch Cops with you and Jason. The other tough part was protecting Katie from Jason’s siblings and making sure Dick didn’t try to teach her to walk on a damn tightrope.
Through time Katelyn grew and you were able to go back on patrols like the good ol’ times, leaving the baby with one her many uncles or aunts. Jason and you were able to spend time together like the years earlier and it made you smile with glee. Sitting next to him on the tallest skyscraper in Gotham and watching the sunrise with him hugging you tightly was something you missed.
What you weren’t expecting from being a parent were all the emotions that came with the milestones. You called Jason at work one day crying hysterically and nearly gave Jason a heart attack when Katelyn went to the bathroom all by herself for the first time.
Jason was more emotional than you expected, too. The worst was her first day of school.
“Honey, you’re gonna have an amazing first day!” you said to her after snapping a picture of her walking into the nursery school. She was wearing a blue denim dress with sewn rainbow flowers, and you had put little curls in her dark hair with a pink headband. She looked absolutely adorable.
“Daddy loves you, and Katie, be on the lookout for bullies. Don’t put up with that shi-- stuff, sweetheart. You do what daddy told you if you find any bullies!” Jason said as you all made it to the classroom, correcting his cursing after you elbowed him in the stomach. He gripped your hand tighter as Katelyn waved goodbye to both of you and gave you each a quick hug. Jason and you said your goodbyes and began to walk out of the small school.
Jason ran a nervous hand through his hair as he exhaled loudly. Sure you were upset your little girl was gone and growing up, but you were excited for her to start school and make new friends besides little Lian Harper.
Jason, on the other hand, was a complete wreck.
As you both walked hand in hand back to the house, the school was only a few blocks away, he looked at you with a nervous look. “Maybe she’s not ready for school. I’ll go right now and pick her up and we can try school next year.”
“Jason Peter Todd, don’t you dare. She is perfectly fine, now go inside and have a drink, you’re a mess.”
You did not expect Jason to spend the day on the couch holding your daughter’s favorite Batman bear and watching home videos of Katelyn through the years. You shook your head as Jason teared up. The big bad Red Hood was not good at coping.
Through time Jason let go and Katie began to grow into a sassy little girl. She was manipulative, too. She once convinced Jason to let her put makeup on him, and guess whose expensive makeup was completely destroyed by the end of that day.
She was a great student, and she even began dancing with some of her friends outside of school. Sometimes she’d spend the day at the manor and have Damian teach her different fighting styles, too. Your little girl was well rounded like her parents.
Katelyn would force you both to watch Lady and the Tramp twice a day, then once she got into princesses it got worse. She loved The Little Mermaid and would make you and Jason sing the songs all the time. Her favorite though was watching it with her Uncle Dick and Auntie Barbara because she thought they looked like Prince Eric and Ariel. She once asked if you could make her hair red like Ariel’s and cried for two hours when you said no.
Your favorite moments were the ones when you got to see your little girl spend time with either you or Jason. She loved going to the mall with you, and would be patient as you shopped for yourself. You’d always buy her a soft pretzel, and she’d tell you about things at school.
“Johnny yelled at Miss Green the other day.”
“Oh, really? And what did Miss Green do?”
“She told him he had to go to time out and he had no recess with us.”
“Wow, that’s why you’ve gotta behave in class, baby.” You held her hand as you entered the Children’s Place to buy her new pants. “Anything else?”
You looked down to see your daughter put on a thoughtful face, and you could tell she was having an internal debate. “Well, maybe…”
“What is it?”
Katelyn nervously squished her pretzel a little with her thumb and index finger before answering. “The other day playing house Michael kissed my cheek.”
You looked down to see nervous bright blue eyes, and you had a growing smirk on your face that you were failing to hide. “Really? And you didn’t tell mommy or daddy?”
“Don’t tell daddy!” She yelled quickly. You just chuckled, more than prepared to share this news with Jason. And record his reaction.
“I think you should definitely tell daddy, Katie.”
“I don’t know, won’t he be mad?”
“He’ll be more mad you didn’t tell him. Trust me, it’ll be okay, baby.”
Later while eating dinner, Jason asked about your day, and you looked to your daughter.
“Something to share, princess?” Jason asked, looking at Katie’s nervous face.
“I have to tell you something, daddy.” Katie began.
“Uh huh…” Jason looked to you expectantly, and you just glanced down to Katelyn with a grin.
“The other day Michael kissed me on the cheek.”
Jason put his fork down on his plate and straightened immediately, looking between you and your daughter. You were trying and failing to desperately hold in your laugh.
Finally he stopped on you as you covered your mouth with your hand in an attempt to pull yourself together. “You told me we wouldn’t have to deal with this until she’s older!” He finally exclaimed.
You finally let the laugh out, and Jason looked at you incredulously. Thankfully, Katie was less nervous and began laughing, too.
“Hey, this isn’t funny, little lady. Don’t listen to mommy. You’re too young to be kissing boys!”
“He kissed me, daddy!” Katie stopped laughing and glared at Jason, something definitely inherited from his side of the family.
“You tell me next time so I can talk to Michael.”
“Daddy, you’re being silly.” Katie looked to you and you just smirked at how grown up your daughter sounded at the moment. You really didn’t expect any of this to happen so soon in her life.
Needless to say, Jason had a crisis over how fast she was growing up that night, and spent a few hours on patrol to clear his head.
You loved seeing your daughter spend time with Jason, too.
Coming home from work one day, you found Katelyn and Jason playing Candy Land on the floor.
Except the pieces were scattered all over the floor and the two were having a candy fight across the room.
An M&M hit you between your eyes and you glared at your husband who was hiding behind the couch across the room and sent you an evil smirk. You looked to your daughter, who was dressed in one of her princess outfits with the crown and little blue heels next to her as she knelt behind the arm chair with a pile of jolly ranchers, M&Ms, and sweetarts on her other side.
You sighed as you ran a hand over your face. “You know, I don’t think this is how you play Candy Land.”
“Mommy! Daddy is Gloppy from the game and we need to stop him!” Katelyn waved you over to her little hideout, and you knelt down next to her, giving her a little kiss on the forehead.
“Hand me a jolly rancher, honey.” She handed you a blue raspberry one, and you held it as you waited for Jason to show his face again.
“Come on, Gloppy, come on out. I just wanna talk.” You said as you waited to get your revenge hit on Jason.
“No! I know you’re gonna hit me, you have good aim, [Y/N].”
“Jason, come out here right now before I make you clean this place up yourself.”
His head peaked out slightly and you could see the little white streak in his hair. Before you could throw your piece of candy, a sweetart flew across the room and hit Jason on the forehead.
“Got him!” Katelyn cried. “We got the monster!”
Jason appeared from behind the couch, and scooped up Katelyn who shrieked with laughter. “You think I’m gonna let that fly, little girl?” He plopped her on the couch and began tickling her, making her cry out with laughter.
“Da-daddy! St-stop!!” She got out between breaths and laughs. He stopped and sat beside her, letting her catch her breathe, but occasionally poked her in the side, making her twist and laugh.
“Daddy, if you don’t stop I’m gonna mess up your bed.”
Jason faked being shocked. “You wouldn’t!”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “I would.”
“I’d like to see you try.”
At that she ran off toward your bedroom and you could hear her laughing as she jumped on the bed and more than likely began throwing your pillows and blankets all over the room. You giggled as Jason walked over to you and gave you a quick kiss before running upstairs to the bedroom. Hearing another little scream and more laughing you shook your head and waited for Jason to come back and clean up the house.
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