#i was making her on the reboot and i cant get her nose right
lucindarobinsonvevo · 2 years
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joy1579 · 4 years
the RFA reacting to MC listening to creepy pasta
I’ll admit its been a while since i listened to any new creepypasta so these are pretty old ones but i figured since they arent mine and i dont really name them in most cases i should like them  jumin - russian sleep experiment yoosung - rapid blink (a my little pony grim dark fanfiction) saeyoung - the man who ate newborns zen -  mr. widemouth  and  dear abbey jaehee - to be honest i cant remember this ones title it was really good and i cant find it anymore so if anyone knows it send it my way cuz i only heard it once at a live reading at sanjapan I’d love to hear it again though
·        You were listening while knitting in his home office
·        He was working at his desk and paying no attention to the voice playing from your phone
·        Absently he comments that the piano background music was pleasant
·        You smile because of course that’s the part he notices.
·        As the story goes on you two sit in amicable silence listening to the story
·        Then a sickening crunch rings through the air and you see Jumin grimace out of the corner of your eye
·        “darling? Was that your story?”
·        “huh? Oh yes it was.”
·        “that sounded sickening” and indeed he was a little pale though you may have missed it if you didn’t know him so well
·        You tried to stifle your laugh “yeah I think it was supposed to be the character’s arm being crushed.”
·        “what?”
·        “you weren’t listening to the story were you?”
·        “I listened to the music”
·        “here you should listen to this next one it’s my favorite.” You said moving to sit in his lap as you began the next video
·        “its about this scientific experiment, where they locked people up and didn’t let them sleep. Eventually they end up going crazy. They mutilate and cannibalize themselves, super creepy.” You explained excitedly
·        He looked at you concerned for a moment before speaking
·        “is this what you were discussing with my new assistant yesterday before we went to lunch”
·        “yes! Actually she’s even more into it than I am she gave me some good suggestions.”
·        “Puppy? I’m gonna run to the convenience store real quick okay?”
·        He leaned back in his computer chair to look at you upside down as you stood behind him
·        “okay MC! oh if they have honey”
·        “I know yoosungie I’ll grab you some if they have them!” you said leaning over him to kiss his nose “love you. I’ll be back soon.”
·        You grabbed your purse and headed out the door
·        A few minutes after you had left Yoosung noticed you had left you phone
·        Picking it up he noticed the quiet words that came from the headphones
·        Curious he put on the headphones and began to listen
·        It was a fanfiction. He recognized the characters from a show you watched every Saturday.
·        A cute reboot of a cartoon from your childhood hi figured the story would follow the same plotlines of friendship and togetherness
·        But as he listened it took a darker turn
·        The main character was trapped, stuck with no resources aside from the occasional clone of herself that spawned into whatever hellscape she was trapped in
·        Yoosung was horrified listening to the story describe how the broken and desperate character would slaughter her clone to build necessities in a hopeless search for escape.
·        By the time you got back he was in tears hugging your plush version of the character
·        You rushed to comfort him and saw what he had listened to
·        “oh puppy I’m so sorry I didn’t think you’d listen to my grimdark fiction!
·        “why do YOU listen to it?!? I thought you liked that show because it was cute!”
·        “I do! It’s so cute. But I like the horror stories to. The contrast is, it’s fun.” You explained gently combing your fingers through his hair
·        “it actually makes me think of you puppy” you say absently as you feel him starting to calm down
·        “what?!?!?!” he cried shooting up from your arms in an instant
·        “well your so cute and I love that your cute, but you can also be tough like when you went to the hacker’s headquarters for me. Your cute and manly, like that show is cute and can be scary. Your everything I love.” You explained
-        He knew you liked creepy pasta he had seen your YouTube history
-        What he didn’t know was that you had it downloaded on your phone to listen to as you fell asleep
-        So when the silence of Rikas apartment is broken by the squeal of car breaks and shattering glass he was justifiably terrified
-        He was busting through the bedroom door to check on you
-        But all he saw was you halfway off the bed mid lunge for your phone
-        he watched you finish your tumble to the floor fumbling with your phone to stop the story that was playing
-        You looked embarrassed and a little sleep addled
-        “Sorry I thought I took that one out of my playlist”
-        He stood stock still for a moment
-        “I didn’t mean to scare you sorry! It should have been deleted its way to loud I think I did something wrong when I downloaded it.”
-        “what? MC was that your phone?” he asked confused
-        “yeah its um it’s the, the story where the guy tries to kidnap the new born but gets in a car crash, hence you know the um screech crash clang. Sorry”
-        His back hit the wall and he slid to the floor wearily
-        “MC you’re going to be the death of me”
-        “um I, I got it off my playlist this time.” You offer “I think.” You add under your breath
-        He held out his hand to you and you sheepishly placed you phone in his hands quickly he tapped away before handing your phone back to you
-        “thanks” you say softly crawling to sit beside him on the floor
-        “so living with a bomb, and being hunted by a hacker isn’t spooky enough for you? You’ve gotta listen to scary stories too?” he asked tiredly
-        “well the bomb and the hacker, they aren’t scary if you’re here. I mean even if the worst happens I think it would be okay cuz I got to meet you”
-        He groaned and let his head fall to his knees
-        “you really are going to kill me aren’t you” he said as you saw his ears turn pink
-        Zen thought You were adorable literally just the cutest thing possible
-        That’s why he was shocked when one of his cast member who was a big horror fan mentioned a scary internet story and you immediately jumped into the conversation
-        “mr. creepypasta? Or creepypasta jr. ?” you asked
-        “Oh mr. creepypasta! I didn’t think you’d listen to creepypasta which ones your favorite?” the cast member asked
-        “nothing beats “MR.Widemouth” for me gotta love a monster that tries to make you do his dirty work for him”
-        “oh definitely but I like “dear Abby” myself that one is chilling
-        You spent the rest of the shoot chatting with him quietly at the far side of the studio so you two didn’t disturb the shooting
-        Zen had to admit it was getting to him
-        You were HIS girlfriend why didn’t he know about this interest of yours.
-        And why were you so happily chatting with another guy about it
-        He confronts you on the way home
-        “I knew you weren’t into it Zenny it’s not a big deal”
-        “you talked to him all day MC. you know I’d listen to you right? Even if it’s not my thing why didn’t you tell me?”
-        “here how about we do a spa night tonight and I’ll show you my favorite so you don’t feel left out next time”
-        He chuckled and kissed your temple
-        “well I can’t turn down my princess can I”
-        So that night you ran a bath for the both of you
-        You leaned against his chest and each did a facemask as you queued up the playlist on your phone
-        You could feel him tense at every sound effect and could hear him grimace at the stories more gruesome details
-        You chuckled a bit before saying “zenny you don’t have to listen to them you know”
-        “just, why are they all so dark?”
-        “because that’s the point their supposed to be spooky”
-        He tried he really did. He listened until you two where drying off after the relaxing soak
-        He sighed dejectedly “you were right jagi it really isn’t my thing” he said as he toweled your hair dry
-        “but you tried and that means so much to me babe” you said leaning up to steal a kiss from him
-        She knew about them but she wasn’t a fan of horror
-        So she had never paid any attention to those videos as she browsed the internet
-        And she certainly didn’t expect to walk into the café one morning before opening to you pulling a cake out of the oven and listening to a deep voice graphically describing a head wound
-        “MC what on earth are you listening to?”
-        “it’s a creepypasta!” you chirped brightly
-        “those scary stories from youtube” she questioned further as she made her way around the counter
-        “yeah in this one this guys tries to cure his depression but cutting out a chunk of his own brain”
-        “that’s awfull” she exclaimed
-        “well yeah. It doesn’t end to well for him either”
-        “of course not!” She said shaking her head as she tied her apron on to help you prepare to open the café.
-        The day went on fairly normally but as you closed she turned to you
-        “that story, it’s not true.”
-        You looked at her a little confused before nodding “of course not”
-        “no one could survive that” she muttered to herself
-        “no one” you agreed growing more puzzled by the second
-        “how could people even come up with something so awful” she asked you setting a broom to the side
-        “I don’t know? Jaehee are you okay?” you ask looking her in the eyes
-        “I, yes MC I’m fine. The details in that story simply shook me up I suppose”
-        You were careful from then on about listening to your stories only with headphones
-        Jaehee wasn’t weak by any stretch of the imagination, but if something made her uncomfortable than you weren’t going to push it.
-        You loved her after all
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jitterbugjive · 5 years
Live Action Dumbo
So I saw the Tim Burton Dumbo in theaters recently and I thought I’d save everyone the pain of watching it by pasting my summary of it here. I wish I was making this shit up but this movie is exaggerated so far beyond the cartoon that everything about it is less believable than the flying elephant it’s about.
So, basically the plot revolves around 3 people, 2 personality'less kids, one girl who's personality is "I like science but the only way I show that is by saying I like it and acting like no one understands me while all my lines are delivered like i'm smart but traumatized to have no emotions because my mom is dead" while the brother's only defining line is "I can stand on my head for ten seconds" basically to show he's a talentless useless nothing. which he remains throughout the whole film. Then there's the dad, the only really decent character of the three, a war veterin who lost an arm and used to ride horses in the circus, reduced to tending to the elephants because it was the only job he had so the circus is going out of business and the ringleader sold all the horses because no one was around to perform with them any more, and he buys a pregnant asian elephant from fuck knows where because he wants to market the baby baby is born, he gets mad that the baby is a mutated hideous freak and insists it wont sell
there's also a shitty guy taking care of the elephants who abuses them for no damn reason other than to be a bad guy anyway circus leader tells the dad to hide the ears, and they decide to put him in a weird baby hat that tucks his ears in now the kids just for some reason decide to blow a feather at him and he likes playing blow the feather with them, but he snorts the feather up his nose, sneezes, and flies for a moment but for some stupid reason they think it was him eating a peanut that did it so they cant convince him to fly again but now he's addicted to snorting feathers i guess because he snorts one off a lady;'s hat when he';s being paraded around as a baby, and he sneezes, ears come loose, but he doesn;t fly the ENTIRE circus starts laughing at himn and throwing food at him the other elephants spook because he's scary i guess??? his mom gets antagonized by asshole going "hur hur they laughing at your ugly baby" she gets mad, comes out to defend him, dad calms her down, asshole runs out screaming MAD ELEPHANT and pisses her off again so she tears the circus down on accident and kills the asshole circus leader lies to the cops i guess so they can keep the elephant locked in a mad elephant cage, the circus troupe for some reason sing baby mine together then circus leader decides "i was ripped off, i'm gonna sell her back to the guy but keep the freak baby as a clown because people laughed at him" the kids meanwhile try to comfort him by dumping peanuts on him but he's too depressed to eat, and then a feather just happens to get in so once again he snorts it up like a coke addict and sneezes and flies and starts flying all over the place and snorting the feather over and over until just snorting the feather and not sneezing lets him fly i guess
dad gets forced to be a clown because he was ashamed of himself having 1 arm and didn't want to be seen, they do the clown scene but with a monkey at the top of the building and dumbo as a firefighter to snort water and put out the controlled fires jackass mcgee controlling the fires doesn't do his damn job and a clown throws a thing that activates a lever to make EXTREME FIRE OH NO little girl risks her life going up the ladder to make dumbo snort a feather and fly now people see him flying and basically shit themselves, the circus begins advertising their flying elephant then the BIG BAD CIRCUS catches wind and is like 'let's make a coownership contract for the elephant and i'll hire your whole troupe and give them a place to live' This guy is so obviously scummy it's not remotely subtle, down to collecting girls as trophies one said woman he claims is her queen who does the trapese obvious love interest for lonely dad because disney i guess and they decide let's make her fly ON the baby elephant for some reason figure it out in less than a week or so help me the bank is gonna fund this but only if she flies perfectly on this BABY elephant because big circus is actually secretly going bankrupt and relying on dumbo to fix it
i forgot to mention the kids promised dumbo if he performed well and earned enough money they'd buy his mom back also the girl constantly points out the obvious. constantly, at the worst times too so the performance day comes, they dont think they're ready but they gotta do it anyway cuz big bank guy is watching
We get Pink elephants but it’s people blowing bubbles that somehow come to fucking life and all Dumbo does is bob his head to the music and watch them, I guess the whole theater is tripping because everyone sees this shit going down but no one questions how in the hell bubbles are doing all this. This scene is short and it’s just dancing bubbles, for a Tim Burton movie you’d think of all scenes PINK ELEPHANTS would be trippy as balls but nah. nah it’s just bubbles and repetitive music and a baby elephant nodding his head to the beat
anyway it’s time for the performance but then jackass circus owner is like lel no nets no matter that it's illegal and puts lives in danger and may traumatize people no nets because it makes it a better show (he doesn’t get in trouble for this at all btw, just the lady getting mad at him and him like ‘hey it’s show biz hur hur’ so lady is nervous, dumbo hesitates, performance goes to shit when lady falls and barely catches a rope and dumbo almost falls off a platform but he gets a feather somehow and weee flying ppeople are like oooh aah but then he hears his mom
because APPARENTLY the big bad circus bought her and put her on display as a spooky scary elephant in nightmare island dumbo is emotionally nuzzling her, everyone follows him, everyone is there as the big bad circus guy is like GET THE BABY ELEPHANT AWAY FROM HER and no one does a damn thing no one protests they all just stare as he's taken away and then only after he;s taken away this fucking girl goes "i think that's his mom :0" big bad circus guy is pissed and goes on about how it's better to do things alone and to seperate them, and asks that the mom be killed the next day to sever the problem also bank guy is like "well the elephant was flying but not with the lady so fuck you i';m not wow'd at all you fail, get it right next time or no money" big bad circus guy then goes "oh by the way ther troupe are all useless and do what our troupe already does so i fired them, send them away" so everyone's pissed and comes up with a plan to rescue the elephants and get them out of the circus
circus freaks use their circus freaky powers to bust mama jumbo out, while dumbo and lady distract people with a performance and the dad climbs the tent to cut it open with one arm because i guess no one else in the troupe could fucking climb i guess so dumbo can fly out with the lady
they fly out and go to a control tower to open a gate for mama jumbo in a truck to be free, they restrain the lady but are too scared of the baby elephant to stop it from SWITCHING ALL THE SWITCHES AND TURNING OFF THE POWER OF THE PLACE big bad circus guy busts in to the control room knowing they are there somehow and just starts trying to flip the switches back and a dude is like "wait nooo you have to let it reboot first or it'll short circuit" \big bad circus dude doesn;t listen and goes apeshit on the controls, even whacking them with his cane until they spark whole circus catches fucking fire kids are being chased by big bad circus dude's henchman in to the burning tent dad has to ride a horse in to save them but then they all get trapped in the burning tent
dumbo is about to be reunited with his mom when he realizes o no they are in the tent and flies off to rescue them, grabbing a bunch of water in his trunk he gets them out but oh no the feather burned how can he fly i know, a dumb speech about how he doesn't need the feather and an allusion to a stupid keyt around the girl's neck from her mother which she throws in a fire to prove "i dont need it like you dont need the feather" \and he;s just okay and flies them out dad steals another horse to get out
they drive jumbo and fly dumbo to a big cargo boat where they just kinda.... walk the elephants on no questions asked to be shipped to india now the little circus is doing a new thing where they no longer have animals because they dont believe in keeping animals captive for entertainment, and everyone jsut dresses as animals instead
and mom and dumbo get united with wild elephants who foir some reason give 0 shits about a flying elephant with huge ears unlike the circus elephants which freaked out the end oh and science girl does one science thing supposedly which is making her dad a metal arm when we see her not making anything ever the entire moviue and she has her own science tent where it';s just a projector showing a video of lady flying on dumbo???? idfk it was fucking stupid groan what a piece of shit
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seajudge70-blog · 5 years
The Gifted is over for now, and so are a couple of its major characters
Since we last left the beleaguered mutants and mutant-adjacent characters of Fox’s possibly-doomed X-Men spinoff series The Gifted, they’ve been doing what they do best: constantly changing sides. Say this for a series that sometimes threatens to move quickly while going nowhere: It didn’t save a bunch of reversals for the season finale, a move that would have shamelessly mimicked the events that ended Season 1. No, before the finale even aired, there were change-ups and switch-backs and feints aplenty: Andy Strucker, the wayward aspiring edgelord, finally returned to his family. His fellow Inner Circle member Polaris, the smart-mouthed, revolution-hungry daughter of Magneto, became a spy for the Mutant Underground, accidentally got Sage killed, made the same reversal, after (further) revelations about Reeva’s extreme methods for her pro-mutant group. Blink left the Mutant Underground to join the Morlocks, then got killed... or, it seems, stuck in some kind of portal purgatory. (Wherever she is, it’s no longer in the MU.) Less officially, Caitlin Strucker has pivoted from reluctant and protective mom figure to fiery freedom fighter, and Reed Strucker is now a murderer! Which Andy finds very relatable.
I’m not trying to recap every development of the past couple months. Suffice to say, there’s been a lot of group-hopping, and a lot of those groups getting backed into different corners and shooting powers and/or bullets at each other. “oMens” dispenses with voluntary side-switching, though it also quickly dispenses with the Strucker family reunion, as Andy and Lauren get snatched back up by the Cuckoos just as they’re plotting their latest out-of-the-corner escape, from their Purifier-surrounded apartment building. Reeva, mostly undaunted by the defections in her ranks, wants to use the combined Strucker powers to destroy the Sentinel Services building.
And she succeeds! A whole damn building gets destroyed without a whole lot of fanfare before Esme’s slight hesitation allows the Mutant Underground to recapture their youngest members. None of this feels as momentous as it probably should, because “oMens” performs an uncommonly adroit—for this show anyway—act of refocusing the story from a multitude of drawn-out, season-long arcs to a particular character’s particular fate in a kind of back-to-basics move.
Usually back to basics is not where I want The Gifted to go, because it involves returning to the Struckers, who are consistently the least interesting and most irritating characters on this program (sometimes actively, sometimes just by default). But while the episode’s additional flashbacks are written in the same clunk-on-the-nose style as the typical cold opens without the benefit of brevity, the scenes from the marriage of Caitlin and Reed do build to something: Reed’s sudden decision to go up against Reeva, knowing that her attempts to knock out his powers will backfire, destroying her... and him.
And he succeeds! And there is the episode’s more momentous explosion, despite the smaller number of casualties. Reed Strucker dies, and Stephen Moyer is presumably off of this show, if there’s even still a show for him to be off of. (More on this in a moment.) Reed was, as mentioned, never my favorite character on the show, and Moyer’s performance always felt a bit too workmanlike to transcend how stodgy the character has been written. But I admit, I found his sacrifice, and his family’s devastation, affecting. On a less emotional level, I admire Gifted creator Matt Nix (who penned this installment, his first one in a while) for seeming to understand what a corner Reed had been written into, either defined by suppressing his powers, or defined by not being able to control them. To make such a serious, controlled personality realize that his destiny in all this (ugh, but I’ll allow it) involved surrendering control—at least of his body.
This move takes out season-long Big Bad Reeva, too, and I have to say, she turned out to be sort of a disappointing villain. Grace Byers certainly cuts a stylish figure in the part, but Reeva pretty quickly settled into the predictable kind of movie/TV ideologue, willing to game the results in order to hasten violent revolution on her side, blah blah blah. The most notable aspect of her character wound up being the strange visual cue that through some combination of framing, the Byers performance, and a profoundly dopey-looking depiction of her mutant power, Reeva often looked like she doesn’t have use of her arms. Now she has use of nothing.
It’s a satisfying end for Reed and a relief to be done with Reeva, but “oMens,” in typically fast-paced and mostly entertaining fashion, does point to just how much of this season has consisted of rapid piece-moving, a sort of perpetual motion that’s often fun in the moment but can feel wearying and repetitive over the course of 16 episodes; I think the slightly extended season was a mistake, and if anything, this is the type of show where 10 would be fine. Especially considering that even with more episodes at their disposal, the resolution of the finale felt a little rushed: Reed dies, the Struckers mourn, Polaris and Eclipse are reunited with their daughter, Morlock Erg (Michael Luwoye, whose increased role has been a pleasure of the last bunch of episodes) joins the group for real, as does Esme (great additions, also basically not commented upon at all). Another reconfigured group—and another cliffhanger, as Blink returns, looking futuristic and Future Past-y, ushering everyone through a new portal.
Whether we’ll get to actually see what’s on the other side is, as ever, in some doubt. The Fox-Disney deal is about to close, and if the new studio doesn’t want a mostly pretty successful X-Men movie franchise on its hands (it doesn’t) and already has MCU and Star Wars plans for its streaming service (it does) and can wash its hands of ancillary X-Men stuff (it can), and wants to treat anything that’s not Ryan Reynolds playing Deadpool as ancillary (it does), well, it doesn’t look great for the modestly rated, if somewhat appreciated, The Gifted Season 3... though maybe it will get yet another stay of execution based on the Fox Network as we know it maybe not having time to wind all the way down and reboot itself as largely sports and reality by September 2019. There are definitely moments in “oMens” that feel like they’re protecting the show’s fans for both possibilities: Most of the characters get some resolution to their emotional journeys, while the Blink thing assures fans that it’s not over, unless it is.
But that’s sort of an X-Men thing, too, isn’t it? I mean, it applies to a lot of superhero comics, but the X-Men in particular feel like a neverending strife generator. The movies reflect this, too: Days Of Future Past fixes the timeline, but Logan’s timeline still leaves plenty of room for heartbreak. The Last Stand gets justifiably erased from continuity, but then Dark Phoenix comes around and Jean looks like she’s wearing almost the same stupid goddamn Evil Jacket. Some of this, as in the comics medium, is pure franchise-driven cynicism: We gotta keep the series going even if we don’t have a plan, until such time as the plan gets scotched for unrelated corporate-merger reasons. But I think one reason I respond well to the X-Men characters on film and TV is that this neverending fight isn’t entirely mercenary. It’s also sometimes how the world works. If there’s any non-obvious, non-telegraphed truth in the earnest pulp of The Gifted, that might be it.
Stray observations:
OK, comics nerds, get to nerding: Are they just teasing a second, lower-budget Days Of Future Past riff with that Blink thing, or is there another storyline this Blink reappearance is queuing up?
There were such big doings a-transpiring with the Struckers this episode that I didn’t have rom above to mention how the mutants’ latest escape involved Thunderbird subjecting himself to an all-out chain-wrapping, speed-ramped, mailbox-throwing brawl, with a coda where he punches powers into Erg! I don’t have anything smart to say about any of that; I just thought it ruled.
Did Polaris say “the whole dang government” in her first scene? Dagnabbit, she really is softening.
“In a way, I feel like we’ve been preparing for this for a long time,” Lauren says about powering up with Andy, without so much as a wink. Yeah, Lauren. Like maybe 16 episodes? Or 29?
Caitlin, explaining her cache of guns: “I don’t have an X-gene. I figured it was the next best thing.” Her superpower is a bunch of guns; Caitlin is basically the Punisher now.
This season of The Gifted has really leaned into its stylized camera angles; canted angles have been all over these episodes, and “oMens” used plenty of low-angle shots, too. A nice way of keeping the show comic-book-y without getting too crazy.
Maybe I missed more details on this earlier in the season when I was watching merely for fun and not for recappery, but... the Purifiers are a crazed race-war militia, right? And law enforcement never really bats an eye at this? This episode includes a tossed-off explanation that the cops are willing to look the other way when they surround the apartment building, but Jace Turner (whose big journey seems to be a never-ending circle) is leading a full-on gun battle in the streets, and it’s not the first time. I get that maybe the show thinks it’s doing commentary here, but I feel like after a series of escalating firefights, the cops would not be looking the other way, or if they did, they’d just see another Purifier gun battle.
Is this the end of me writing about The Gifted?! If so, thank you guys for watching along with me! I’ve really enjoyed taking this regular dose of X-Men methadone in between the movies, and I’ll be bummed if there’s truly no more Fox-era X-Men stuff after this summer. Don’t let Tony Stark be the one who builds Cerebro!
Source: https://tv.avclub.com/the-gifted-is-over-for-now-and-so-are-a-couple-of-its-1832881840
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samanthasroberts · 7 years
Tired Wife Neglects Husband for 4 YearsThen She Writes a Confession for Millions to See
He was tired of her excuses, so she just couldn’t hold it in any longer…
By Laura Birks
Dear Husband,
I am sorry.
Im sorry that youve been neglected for the last four-and-a-half years. Im sorry that your needs are secondary. I assure you, you are still one of my top prioritiesyou just arent on the top of the list anymore.
I know that you have needs, wants, dreams and desires. When I tell you that I want to be the one you lean on, I mean it. I know you are tired of my excuses of being tired, having a headache or am already snoring when you snuggle up next to me. Trust me, I wish I had the energy I had five years ago. Hell, I wish I had the energy I had two weeks ago when I washed, folded and actually put away all 10 loads of laundry. Of course, you didnt see that because I was letting you get some much needed sleep.
I know that some days it feels like we have a business partnership. And youre right. Some dayseven weeksfeel that way. Know that I want better for our marriage, for us. Because together, we are damn good.
The problem is, my life, my brain and my body are so wrapped up in being a mother to those little boys wholook exactly like you. Even after theyre sound asleep and were sitting on the couch watching a movie, my brain is still in mother mode.
Im thinking about tomorrow; Im thinking about 10 years from now. Im wondering if you have work clothes for tomorrow. Im worried about money, milestones and milk. Do we have enough milk? I cant turn off being a mom. It is who I am now. And it is physically, emotionally and mentally exhausting.
I dont want you to think you arent as important as you once were. I couldnt live this life without you and I wouldnt want to, either. But the simple fact is, youre an adult and you can do things for yourself. You can vote, so you can make your own lunch. You are legally able to drive a car, so you can figure out how to make a doctors appointment.
When you come home from work, you, unfortunately, are getting the worst version of me. I gave our children the best. A little secret: Sometimes, some days, there just isnt a best version of me. There just isnt.
I cant worry about your health, the boys health, the pets health and my health. Who do you think gets ignored? Its not you. Its not our children or our pets. When I say I dont feel well, when I say I havent been sleeping, its because I havent been taking care of me.
Yes, you tell me to go to the doctor, to eat better, to drink more water, but I am my very last priority. I know I need to change that and Im not complaining. Im explaining that when something has to give, because no one person can do it all, I am the thing that gives.
Im worried about your sleep apnea, your allergies, your knee spasms. I am worried about the rash Alex has, and the snotty nose that Ben suddenly started with. I am concerned about our dogs ears and what its going to cost to take her to the vet.
While Im thinking about it, Im worried that the fish have too much algae in their tank and the water needs to be changed. Ill just add that to the never-ending list of things I will feel guilty about when I am trying to sleep tonight. None of this your fault. I am not blaming you, or wishing you were any different.
You do extraordinary things for our family. You work harder than any person I know. You care more about everyone, including me, than any other human I have ever met. I love you a little more each time I see you help someone knowing you will never get anything in return. You are the kindest, most loving father to our children. There is a reason they cry when you leave for work. Yes, it stings a little, but knowing that you are their role model in life fills me with love and pride.
I am not the person you married 11years ago. I have changed and evolved into a wife, mother, friend and keeper of all schedules. I am a party planner and a personal shopper. I am a chef specializing in chicken nuggets and pasta. I am a housekeeper that cant keep a house. I am the cheerleader and the librarian. I am the night and the day nurse.
I wouldnt change any of it. I dont want any other life. I love you and I love the life that we created. But I am not the spontaneous, beer drinking, sexy bad girl you met way back when. I am a mother. And it is all of me.
Love Always,
Your Wife
**Dear Husband: I’m Not the Person You Marriedappeared originally on Parent.Co. Used with permission.
About the Author:Laura Birks is a freelance writer based in New Jersey. She spends her days writing and nights chasing 4-year-old twin boys. She currently is a regular contributor for Twiniversity.com and has been featured on Scarymommy, Role Reboot and SheKnows among others. You can find her on Twitter, @leroy6168.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/2017/10/13/tired-wife-neglects-husband-for-4-yearsthen-she-writes-a-confession-for-millions-to-see/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2017/10/13/tired-wife-neglects-husband-for-4-yearsthen-she-writes-a-confession-for-millions-to-see/
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jimdsmith34 · 7 years
Tired Wife Neglects Husband for 4 YearsThen She Writes a Confession for Millions to See
He was tired of her excuses, so she just couldn’t hold it in any longer…
By Laura Birks
Dear Husband,
I am sorry.
Im sorry that youve been neglected for the last four-and-a-half years. Im sorry that your needs are secondary. I assure you, you are still one of my top prioritiesyou just arent on the top of the list anymore.
I know that you have needs, wants, dreams and desires. When I tell you that I want to be the one you lean on, I mean it. I know you are tired of my excuses of being tired, having a headache or am already snoring when you snuggle up next to me. Trust me, I wish I had the energy I had five years ago. Hell, I wish I had the energy I had two weeks ago when I washed, folded and actually put away all 10 loads of laundry. Of course, you didnt see that because I was letting you get some much needed sleep.
I know that some days it feels like we have a business partnership. And youre right. Some dayseven weeksfeel that way. Know that I want better for our marriage, for us. Because together, we are damn good.
The problem is, my life, my brain and my body are so wrapped up in being a mother to those little boys wholook exactly like you. Even after theyre sound asleep and were sitting on the couch watching a movie, my brain is still in mother mode.
Im thinking about tomorrow; Im thinking about 10 years from now. Im wondering if you have work clothes for tomorrow. Im worried about money, milestones and milk. Do we have enough milk? I cant turn off being a mom. It is who I am now. And it is physically, emotionally and mentally exhausting.
I dont want you to think you arent as important as you once were. I couldnt live this life without you and I wouldnt want to, either. But the simple fact is, youre an adult and you can do things for yourself. You can vote, so you can make your own lunch. You are legally able to drive a car, so you can figure out how to make a doctors appointment.
When you come home from work, you, unfortunately, are getting the worst version of me. I gave our children the best. A little secret: Sometimes, some days, there just isnt a best version of me. There just isnt.
I cant worry about your health, the boys health, the pets health and my health. Who do you think gets ignored? Its not you. Its not our children or our pets. When I say I dont feel well, when I say I havent been sleeping, its because I havent been taking care of me.
Yes, you tell me to go to the doctor, to eat better, to drink more water, but I am my very last priority. I know I need to change that and Im not complaining. Im explaining that when something has to give, because no one person can do it all, I am the thing that gives.
Im worried about your sleep apnea, your allergies, your knee spasms. I am worried about the rash Alex has, and the snotty nose that Ben suddenly started with. I am concerned about our dogs ears and what its going to cost to take her to the vet.
While Im thinking about it, Im worried that the fish have too much algae in their tank and the water needs to be changed. Ill just add that to the never-ending list of things I will feel guilty about when I am trying to sleep tonight. None of this your fault. I am not blaming you, or wishing you were any different.
You do extraordinary things for our family. You work harder than any person I know. You care more about everyone, including me, than any other human I have ever met. I love you a little more each time I see you help someone knowing you will never get anything in return. You are the kindest, most loving father to our children. There is a reason they cry when you leave for work. Yes, it stings a little, but knowing that you are their role model in life fills me with love and pride.
I am not the person you married 11years ago. I have changed and evolved into a wife, mother, friend and keeper of all schedules. I am a party planner and a personal shopper. I am a chef specializing in chicken nuggets and pasta. I am a housekeeper that cant keep a house. I am the cheerleader and the librarian. I am the night and the day nurse.
I wouldnt change any of it. I dont want any other life. I love you and I love the life that we created. But I am not the spontaneous, beer drinking, sexy bad girl you met way back when. I am a mother. And it is all of me.
Love Always,
Your Wife
**Dear Husband: I’m Not the Person You Marriedappeared originally on Parent.Co. Used with permission.
About the Author:Laura Birks is a freelance writer based in New Jersey. She spends her days writing and nights chasing 4-year-old twin boys. She currently is a regular contributor for Twiniversity.com and has been featured on Scarymommy, Role Reboot and SheKnows among others. You can find her on Twitter, @leroy6168.
source http://allofbeer.com/2017/10/13/tired-wife-neglects-husband-for-4-yearsthen-she-writes-a-confession-for-millions-to-see/ from All of Beer http://allofbeer.blogspot.com/2017/10/tired-wife-neglects-husband-for-4.html
0 notes
adambstingus · 7 years
Tired Wife Neglects Husband for 4 YearsThen She Writes a Confession for Millions to See
He was tired of her excuses, so she just couldn’t hold it in any longer…
By Laura Birks
Dear Husband,
I am sorry.
Im sorry that youve been neglected for the last four-and-a-half years. Im sorry that your needs are secondary. I assure you, you are still one of my top prioritiesyou just arent on the top of the list anymore.
I know that you have needs, wants, dreams and desires. When I tell you that I want to be the one you lean on, I mean it. I know you are tired of my excuses of being tired, having a headache or am already snoring when you snuggle up next to me. Trust me, I wish I had the energy I had five years ago. Hell, I wish I had the energy I had two weeks ago when I washed, folded and actually put away all 10 loads of laundry. Of course, you didnt see that because I was letting you get some much needed sleep.
I know that some days it feels like we have a business partnership. And youre right. Some dayseven weeksfeel that way. Know that I want better for our marriage, for us. Because together, we are damn good.
The problem is, my life, my brain and my body are so wrapped up in being a mother to those little boys wholook exactly like you. Even after theyre sound asleep and were sitting on the couch watching a movie, my brain is still in mother mode.
Im thinking about tomorrow; Im thinking about 10 years from now. Im wondering if you have work clothes for tomorrow. Im worried about money, milestones and milk. Do we have enough milk? I cant turn off being a mom. It is who I am now. And it is physically, emotionally and mentally exhausting.
I dont want you to think you arent as important as you once were. I couldnt live this life without you and I wouldnt want to, either. But the simple fact is, youre an adult and you can do things for yourself. You can vote, so you can make your own lunch. You are legally able to drive a car, so you can figure out how to make a doctors appointment.
When you come home from work, you, unfortunately, are getting the worst version of me. I gave our children the best. A little secret: Sometimes, some days, there just isnt a best version of me. There just isnt.
I cant worry about your health, the boys health, the pets health and my health. Who do you think gets ignored? Its not you. Its not our children or our pets. When I say I dont feel well, when I say I havent been sleeping, its because I havent been taking care of me.
Yes, you tell me to go to the doctor, to eat better, to drink more water, but I am my very last priority. I know I need to change that and Im not complaining. Im explaining that when something has to give, because no one person can do it all, I am the thing that gives.
Im worried about your sleep apnea, your allergies, your knee spasms. I am worried about the rash Alex has, and the snotty nose that Ben suddenly started with. I am concerned about our dogs ears and what its going to cost to take her to the vet.
While Im thinking about it, Im worried that the fish have too much algae in their tank and the water needs to be changed. Ill just add that to the never-ending list of things I will feel guilty about when I am trying to sleep tonight. None of this your fault. I am not blaming you, or wishing you were any different.
You do extraordinary things for our family. You work harder than any person I know. You care more about everyone, including me, than any other human I have ever met. I love you a little more each time I see you help someone knowing you will never get anything in return. You are the kindest, most loving father to our children. There is a reason they cry when you leave for work. Yes, it stings a little, but knowing that you are their role model in life fills me with love and pride.
I am not the person you married 11years ago. I have changed and evolved into a wife, mother, friend and keeper of all schedules. I am a party planner and a personal shopper. I am a chef specializing in chicken nuggets and pasta. I am a housekeeper that cant keep a house. I am the cheerleader and the librarian. I am the night and the day nurse.
I wouldnt change any of it. I dont want any other life. I love you and I love the life that we created. But I am not the spontaneous, beer drinking, sexy bad girl you met way back when. I am a mother. And it is all of me.
Love Always,
Your Wife
**Dear Husband: I’m Not the Person You Marriedappeared originally on Parent.Co. Used with permission.
About the Author:Laura Birks is a freelance writer based in New Jersey. She spends her days writing and nights chasing 4-year-old twin boys. She currently is a regular contributor for Twiniversity.com and has been featured on Scarymommy, Role Reboot and SheKnows among others. You can find her on Twitter, @leroy6168.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/10/13/tired-wife-neglects-husband-for-4-yearsthen-she-writes-a-confession-for-millions-to-see/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/166372160262
0 notes
allofbeercom · 7 years
Tired Wife Neglects Husband for 4 YearsThen She Writes a Confession for Millions to See
He was tired of her excuses, so she just couldn’t hold it in any longer…
By Laura Birks
Dear Husband,
I am sorry.
Im sorry that youve been neglected for the last four-and-a-half years. Im sorry that your needs are secondary. I assure you, you are still one of my top prioritiesyou just arent on the top of the list anymore.
I know that you have needs, wants, dreams and desires. When I tell you that I want to be the one you lean on, I mean it. I know you are tired of my excuses of being tired, having a headache or am already snoring when you snuggle up next to me. Trust me, I wish I had the energy I had five years ago. Hell, I wish I had the energy I had two weeks ago when I washed, folded and actually put away all 10 loads of laundry. Of course, you didnt see that because I was letting you get some much needed sleep.
I know that some days it feels like we have a business partnership. And youre right. Some dayseven weeksfeel that way. Know that I want better for our marriage, for us. Because together, we are damn good.
The problem is, my life, my brain and my body are so wrapped up in being a mother to those little boys wholook exactly like you. Even after theyre sound asleep and were sitting on the couch watching a movie, my brain is still in mother mode.
Im thinking about tomorrow; Im thinking about 10 years from now. Im wondering if you have work clothes for tomorrow. Im worried about money, milestones and milk. Do we have enough milk? I cant turn off being a mom. It is who I am now. And it is physically, emotionally and mentally exhausting.
I dont want you to think you arent as important as you once were. I couldnt live this life without you and I wouldnt want to, either. But the simple fact is, youre an adult and you can do things for yourself. You can vote, so you can make your own lunch. You are legally able to drive a car, so you can figure out how to make a doctors appointment.
When you come home from work, you, unfortunately, are getting the worst version of me. I gave our children the best. A little secret: Sometimes, some days, there just isnt a best version of me. There just isnt.
I cant worry about your health, the boys health, the pets health and my health. Who do you think gets ignored? Its not you. Its not our children or our pets. When I say I dont feel well, when I say I havent been sleeping, its because I havent been taking care of me.
Yes, you tell me to go to the doctor, to eat better, to drink more water, but I am my very last priority. I know I need to change that and Im not complaining. Im explaining that when something has to give, because no one person can do it all, I am the thing that gives.
Im worried about your sleep apnea, your allergies, your knee spasms. I am worried about the rash Alex has, and the snotty nose that Ben suddenly started with. I am concerned about our dogs ears and what its going to cost to take her to the vet.
While Im thinking about it, Im worried that the fish have too much algae in their tank and the water needs to be changed. Ill just add that to the never-ending list of things I will feel guilty about when I am trying to sleep tonight. None of this your fault. I am not blaming you, or wishing you were any different.
You do extraordinary things for our family. You work harder than any person I know. You care more about everyone, including me, than any other human I have ever met. I love you a little more each time I see you help someone knowing you will never get anything in return. You are the kindest, most loving father to our children. There is a reason they cry when you leave for work. Yes, it stings a little, but knowing that you are their role model in life fills me with love and pride.
I am not the person you married 11years ago. I have changed and evolved into a wife, mother, friend and keeper of all schedules. I am a party planner and a personal shopper. I am a chef specializing in chicken nuggets and pasta. I am a housekeeper that cant keep a house. I am the cheerleader and the librarian. I am the night and the day nurse.
I wouldnt change any of it. I dont want any other life. I love you and I love the life that we created. But I am not the spontaneous, beer drinking, sexy bad girl you met way back when. I am a mother. And it is all of me.
Love Always,
Your Wife
**Dear Husband: I’m Not the Person You Marriedappeared originally on Parent.Co. Used with permission.
About the Author:Laura Birks is a freelance writer based in New Jersey. She spends her days writing and nights chasing 4-year-old twin boys. She currently is a regular contributor for Twiniversity.com and has been featured on Scarymommy, Role Reboot and SheKnows among others. You can find her on Twitter, @leroy6168.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/10/13/tired-wife-neglects-husband-for-4-yearsthen-she-writes-a-confession-for-millions-to-see/
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