#i was looking for a specific bucky this is tragic
rcbertleckie · 3 months
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darkholme · 24 days
what do u think would happen if rick ever met bucky barnes. thinking of the fact he tried to fight zemo for revenge for buck's death etc etc
anon, i'm not exaggerating when i say that this is something that i've thought about daily since i got obsessed with rick and read the issue that casually throws out that he and bucky look like twins. i have a whole comic pitch that's centered around this with a matching spotify playlist and pinterest board. i have a pretentious web weave in my drafts about their potential relationship i'll finish and post one of these days.
i honestly don't think that rick at this point in continuity would actually want to meet bucky - he probably knows that he's alive and around, but wouldn't seek bucky out, wouldn't ask about him, would probably completely avoid him if at all possible. i really dislike a lot of modern misinterpretations of rick's tenure as steve's sidekick and wearing the bucky costume (looking at specifically bendis, PAD, and nick spencer), but i do think that rick being equal parts embarrassed that he was so adamant about wearing that costume, as well as being resentful of steve and steve's rose tinted memory of bucky, are very in character.
because the (completely one-sided) issue that rick has with bucky isn't with james barnes the person; its with the idea of bucky the sidekick, the child who died tragically and heroically, that rick would never live up to.
and i am so interested by that! especially because, by contrast, i do think that bucky would want to meet rick! i think he would want to meet the people that are important to his father figure, and i think that he would realize how much he and rick surprisingly do have in common beyond looking identical.
i'm being a little vague here just because i do have a semi-serious comic pitch that is my big dream to write, so i don't want to give away all my ideas. but yes! i think very much that they should meet and talk! i'm shocked that this hasn't been done in mainline continuity yet!
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My Funny Valentine
prompt credits to @scealaiscoite
Bouquet - to present them with a bunch of flowers
It's honestly one of his favorite things to do.
And he knows, he knows that you could do this yourself. Grow a flower in the palm of your hand like nothing. But no one could change his mind.
There was nothing that could take away from the moment he got to surprise you with a bouquet of flowers. The slight flush of your cheeks, the wide smile of surprise, the way you eyes would light up every time you saw them sitting in a vase on the kitchen counter.
It was absolutely priceless to him.
Lavish - to take them on a date to an upscale establishment
Admittedly, Bucky struggled with this one at first.
He still vividly remember that very first night:
"Call me back, Sam," he hissed under his breath as he sat alone at the table while you went to the bathroom, "This place is too fancy and I don't know what fork to kill myself with."
But now, he sort of loved it.
Even if he never would admit that to anyone else.
There was something about making a random Thursday feel special. Because to him, it was special.
Even just seeing you smile up at him in adoration and a love he never thought he'd get to have, it felt like like won a contest. He liked making some random Thursday night feel special.
Everyone told him that electric, fluttering, butterflies in your stomach feeling he had when he looked at you would fade away at some point, and he desperately hoped that it wouldn't be the case with you two. And if, by some tragic fate, it did, he would be at peace knowing he relished in it while he still had it.
Adore - to shower them with affection
Bucky did not struggle with being showered in adoration. Not once he was comfortable with you.
You, as a compulsive people pleaser, struggled in that sense. 
Once he realized that, Bucky made it a point to verbalize his adoration. That he thought you were doing a good job. How you constantly impressed him. How lucky he was to have you in his life. How even the team was lucky.
He also made it a point to remind you that you didn't need affirmations from him or anyone else, you were amazing with or without it - but he was more than happy to remind you of that. 
PDA - to dote on them publicly
It took Bucky a while to feel comfortable with any public displays of affection.
There was always a part of him that felt like what the two of you shared needed to be protected, constantly guarded. The world was different now. It moved quickly, it could be cut-throat, vicious. He wanted to protect his most cherished possession for as long as he could.
And for a while that meant he couldn't hold your hand when you were both walking down the street. It meant he couldn't dance with out at one of Tony's stupid parties.
And then one day, more specifically after Sam 'accidentally' leaked a picture confirming your relationship to the public, it just didn't really matter.
Not the protecting what the two of you shared part.
But you both learned to tune it out. People would always have something to say - and they would say a lot. That would be the case with even the best publicists money could buy, and quite frankly, it was exhausting. You just learned to focus inward, on the people who actually knew you. 
Sam was free to post whatever he wanted after that. And Bucky was able to hold your hand whenever he wanted.
Sweet Tooth - to binge on candy with them
Bucky wasn't much of a sweet tooth. But admittedly, he really enjoyed splitting a bag of gummy worms with you. He liked the red and blue ones and hated the green and yellow. You hated the red and blue and loved the green and yellow ones.
Sam laughed when you told him about that, promptly telling you about 'The Olive Theory'. 
It actually made a lot of sense to you. 
Cosy - to cuddle with them
Bucky was a cuddler. No one believed you when you said that. But oftentimes, it was like having a super soldier sized weighted blanket draped across you at all times. 
People often commented on how cold your apartment was. Little did they know there were two reasons for that.
The first, Bucky kept messing with the thermostat, hoping that you would seek him and his super soldier warmth out.
The second, Bucky radiated quite a bit of body heat, which meant cuddling on the couch felt a lot like a constant sauna room. 
Getaway - to travel somewhere with them
You and Bucky go new places all the time!
Though neither of you really think getting sent on missions and assignments counts. 
You've wistfully discussed the destinations and all the places you'd both love to go, but evidently, turning those dreams into plans was a little more complicated than either of you previously thought.
Bucky kept trying to talk you into just running away in the middle of the night and only coming back when you were both ready. You just rolled your eyes and reminded him that you both had responsibilities. Not to mention two pets that wouldn't be pleased if you left them with Sam for all that time.
But one of these days, you might just let him talk you into it. 
Admit - to make a confession of love
It was Bucky. Bucky was the first to cave.
Not to say that the feelings weren't completely, totally, and unequivocally reciprocated. They were. 
He was just the first to cave.
You were pretty seriously injured, and he decided that he had to tell you. Just once. He put aside all notions of a romantically tragic tale of valiantly unrequited love. From there, the confession sort of burst out of him all at once. You were left more than a little shellshocked at the confession.
And while he swore he had embarrassed himself out of any chance he had with you, you couldn't have imagined anything more perfect than that moment. 
Gift - to treat them to something they've been eyeing for a while
It wasn't often that Bucky found perks of being a super soldier, but he found that one of the great things about being a super soldier was the enhanced hearing. Sometimes, completely on accident and definitely not at all on purpose, he'd overhear you mention something that you'd seen on window shopping or online or really anywhere, and he'd make a mental note. Sometimes, he would buy it for you immediately, but, much to his chagrin, it wasn't always possible in that very moment. 
He's sort of thankful that Sam taught him how to use his smartphone because now, he keeps a running list of things that you offhandedly mentioned.
It's made some really great 'just because' gifts. 
Dolled up - to get them dressed up for a date
See: Lavish
But even for events other than the occasional fancy date night, like one of Tony's charity galas, it was always so nice to watch you pull out all the stops.
Sometimes, the two of you would make entire days of it. Sitting on the couch wearing face masks followed by a long, if not a little excessive skin care routines. 
You were under a strict nondisclosure agreement promise, but sometimes, if you were getting your nails done, Bucky would go with you. You both worked hard, he wouldn't be ashamed for sometimes indulging in some much needed R&R.
He also liked leaning against the doorframe of the bathroom as he watched you get ready. It was such a chaotic system or makeup, skincare, hair tools, and a million other things that he didn't really understand the purpose of, all poured out onto the bathroom counter. He admired the dedication too, getting dolled up could take hours. He knew other people would get annoyed with waiting that long, but he liked watching. You'd laugh at him and try to shoo him away, but he always stood his ground, telling you that he really did find it interesting.
And only sometimes, would he serve as a gentle reminder that you were both running late. Only sometimes though. 
That breathtaking, heart might skip a beat, moment, when you'd show him the final look for the night never failed to remind him how lucky he was. It was always well worth the wait to him. 
Company - to hang out with them when neither have a date for the night
There was a reason everyone knew you and Bucky were destined to be together before you or Bucky did.
Before you were actually together, you were always together. It was a common occurrence to find the two of you together, both as a couple and not.
It became something of a running joke within the Compound. When someone was looking for you, they just needed to find Bucky. When someone was looking for Bucky, they just looked for you.
The whole thing left Sam and Steve without their respective best friends for a while. And to this day, neither of them would let you forget it. 
You and Bucky were also both terrible insomniacs, so it became an unspoken agreement that you two would find something to do together.
Most nights, you spent in the theater room, catching up on pop culture, surrounded by excessive amounts of snacks.
Those nights slowly bled into the daytime, and soon after that, you two were pretty much inseparable.
And Bucky really should've known.
In retrospect, it was obvious.
Last Valentine's Day, he was completely unconcerned with finding a date. Even with Sam and Steve going out to bars, he shrugged and murmured an indifferent decline. He found himself so concerned with who you were going out with. If you were seeing someone. If you were thinking of someone else. He couldn't bring himself to even care that he was going to spend Valentine's Day alone.
Little did he know you also made half hearted excuses to stay in for the night.
And just like that, that night was the first Valentine's Day you both spent together. 
Trope - to do cliche things with them, just because
Slow dancing.
What else could it be?
Bucky loves that moment of swaying in the living room with you. That, in the midst of all the chaos and volatile in your lives, the both of you could just take a moment to just be. With no pretenses, complications, or conflicts, you both could just enjoy being close to each other. 
You liked leaving little post it notes for him to find around your apartment. Especially when you knew you were going to be gone for an extended period of time. You knew he could be really hard on himself, spiral into terrible self depreciating thoughts, even more so when you were gone and he'd wake up alone, so you left little reminders of how much you loved him and how grateful you were to have him in your life. 
Unwind - to chill out with them at the end of the day, in one another's company
In the beginning of your relationship, most of the time you spent together was in the short time in between missions, assignments, and all the other work that came with being an Avenger. It was a big part of the reason you moved in together so quickly. You both wanted to see each other when you weren't trudging down the halls practically sleeping on your feet. 
Now, every once in a while, all the planets and the stars would align and you both would have an entire night to yourselves, but most nights that simply didn't happen. Still, there was something comforting about coming home to curl up with Bucky and your two pets on the couch, either to watch TV or talk the night away. 
Praise - to shower them in compliments
You made Bucky stop doing that. It was too much. You were sure you were going to develop heart palpitations.
He still loved doing it.
Whispering in your ear at the most inopportune times, whatever compliment he'd been holding onto that day. You swore he planned it that way. To quietly murmur the sweetest, flirtiest, most charming quips he could conjure up just to catch you off guard.
It took everything in you not to start giggling and twirling your hair. You hadn't mastered the art of taming the furious blush on your face which meant people were definitely onto you and Bucky.
Ring - to propose
After your very first date, which admittedly happened after you were both already very committed to each other, Bucky ran into Sam in one of the Compound hallways with an uncharacteristically goofy and pleased grin take up Bucky's entire face.
Sam immediately took note of the pep in Bucky's step. Bucky barely even noticed Sam until Sam stopped him and jovially demanded to know what put him in such a good mood. 
Bucky wistfully chuckled to himself, shook his head, and quietly but confidently stated, "I'm going to marry that girl one day."
He would've got down on one knee right then and there, but he wanted to make it perfect. With Steve's help, he tracked down his mother's engagement ring and held onto it until the time was right. 
Grumpy Sunshine Series AnonymityIsFun Masterlist
Reblogs and comments are always appreciated 💛
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez @ludicbouquetfromearth @matchat3a @famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff @valoraxx  @blue786sworld @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @geminigengar @ansaturn @ecolle @lexhalstead3 @ybflkmj @mediocre-daydreams @shanye1112 @thegirlnextdoorssister @toomanyfanficsbruh @moonlightreader649 @breathtaking-cynthia @mirikusashes @beans-and-toast @niyahcoca @katiechikin @elxvrr @antiheroxsblog@infamouslyclumsy @krissydclayton93 
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zenaidamacrouras1 · 3 months
For the ask game: 🔪 🏜️ 🦴🌸
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I mean honestly. The NFL draft kinda creeped me out. I had to learn so much about it to figure out what I wanted to happen in my epilogue fic for History of American Capitalism.
But also the deep dive into how Bucky would spell bubeleh for that story was funny. Not weird, but my beta and I were like okay he grew up going to synagogue in Indianapolis but his bubbe was Ashkenazi Russian immigrant how would he spell these yiddish words? Would he use yarmulke, yamaka or kippah? Whatever he calls it would he wear it under his football helmet for Rosh Hashanah? I'm not Jewish, but I wanted it to feel natural to any Jewish person reading the fic.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
I am chatty and like conversational comments I can respond to. People pointing out specific lines that made them laugh or tear up is very constructive to me. It's fascinating to see how different lines land. But I'm not picky!
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
Actually probably Lord of the Rings. All my fics contain a Lord of the Rings reference as a running joke but the thing is I really pull themes from those books, including the different relationships to types kf masculinity and types of heroism, which I find very interesting to intermingle with the more rigid versions of masculinity and heroism in the MCU. Also the fundamental optimism of those stories.
But I dunno. I am not one of those people who had the Silmarillion or whatever memorized. I can't even spell the damn thing.
But I really like Samwise Gamgee. My role model. (Except I don't cook)
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
Oh my gosh! I have a 17 year old cat named Fancy. She is named after the Reba McEntire song. She is a very small tuxedo cat with very fancy white boots. I got her from this terribly run shelter that has since been shut down. (Hence her tragic upbringing turned life of privilege uptown due to her good looks and grit similar to the Reba song).
She is a huge pain in the ass because she pees where she shouldn't and gets weirder and more depressive and introverted every year so basically we are twins, emotionally speaking. (Except I use the restroom properly thank you very much).
She might have been born just poor cat trash but Fancy is her name! Here's your one chance Fancy don't let me down !
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onelungmcclung · 4 months
MotA pt four:
oh doug 💜
I don't think the folk in this café are being discreet enough
we can fairly say bob is the best singer
maybe that's the best we can say of bob
(maybe the episode is better without it or maybe there's just no good way to work in this information but) I'd quite like to know a little more about bob's backstory. was he german american?
this is a much more wide ranging narrative than BoB or TP. more thoughts on that later, maybe
kind of enjoy red and chick's odd couple dynamic (I have it in my head that james murray doesn't play normal guys; can't remember why)
got to respect demarco prioritising looking after his dog over dancing with beautiful women
the point of working out is being able to slow dance with a husky
followup to a previous entry: we do have a jewish character 🥰✡️ (actually two! that I'm aware of: rosenthal, whom we barely know, and friedkin, whom we barely know)
when someone's sage advice is "don't die" the correct response is "can you be any more specific", not to nod politely
I suspect the fandom is going to be much more sympathetic towards paulina calling it a day with egan than they are towards stella for doing the same with leckie (come at me bro 🗡️)
so far it has done a very good job with the aerial combat scenes and making them suitably terrifying, but hasn't quite managed to capture wartime britain and the mundanity/terror of the blitz (perhaps the lack of confidence in writing british humour is an obstacle. that is not to idealise wartime britain, which also really brought out the petty bureaucrat in people.)
BoB: "mayhap the germans are just like us? 🥺" MotA: "fuck those guys"
I would delay this takeoff until all the planes were working properly but that's just me (as it is I'm with responsible dog lover demarco)
like, this is not how you want to lose your best engineer
I very much respect helen's stoicism and resolve not to catastrophise in front of any of the pilots, but she has seen other guys not come back; she can't really be complacent about their chances
anyway she and nash were cute
"who's going to look after meatball?" oh please. everyone within a five mile radius that's who. that dog has charmed a whole squadron and a whole village, he will be Fine
I like the show and the characters but I would like it more if screentime were a little more evenly distributed between the (large!) cast. a well proportioned ensemble drama is a tragically rare thing, and the point of war stories is the bonds between people in times of crisis. as yet the writers are giving more than necessary amounts of cleven & egan and insufficient glory to everyone else
the fact I'm still trying to remember which one is buck and which one is bucky is not helping
("bucky is the one with the slightly piggy eyes and buck is the one who always looks like he's doing a photoshoot" -- my cowatcher, who shall remain anonymous)
I have cracked. capitulated. I have looked up (some of) who survived the war :( you can't leave me like this
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themculibrary · 1 year
Steve/Bucky/Natasha Masterlist
5 times Steve was oblivious + one time Bucky and Natasha made themselves clear (ao3) - MoreThanSlightly (cadignan) M, 4k
Summary: Natasha and Steve are the only two people in the world allowed to touch Bucky. Steve feels honored to be on such a short list, even if he is clearly in second place.
A Pretty Boy with a Bird Tattoo (ao3) - Kryptaria, zooeyscigar E, 100k
Summary: Bucky Barnes is the wholesome, handsome boy next door, complete with the engineering major and the beloved younger sister (or three).
Steve Rogers is the punk artist loner with an unkindness on his arm and a never-ending fight against the world. His best friend, Natasha, is best left unmentioned, though there are rumors that if you kiss the Black Widow's spider, she'll give you a tattoo for free. But she never said where or what.
They shouldn't work together, until they do.
drive off the edge into the sun (ao3) - hadrons_collide E, 3k
Summary: "How many times do you think Steve can come?"
Natasha twists in his arms to turn away from the TV and frown at him. "What the hell?"
Full (ao3) - Parrannnah E, 4k
Summary: “Steve is one lucky son of a bitch, and he fucking knows it. Getting fucked by two beautiful people is nothing new to him.”
In which Bucky and Natasha top the hell out of a very happy Steve.
persistence of memory (ao3) - hollimichele E, 11k
Summary: It’s a nondescript sort of a Wednesday morning when the Winter Soldier walks into SHIELD headquarters, bold as brass, and announces his intention to surrender.
Put On Earth With That Sole Purpose (ao3) - bomberqueen17 E, 3k
Summary: Bucky Barnes was put on this good Earth with the sole purpose of cleaning up Steve Rogers's messes. Sometimes, he has to admit, it's a pretty great job.
Run to Ground (ao3) - hollimichele T, 7k
Summary: “They bought-- what? A body in cryo?” Maria Hill looks skeptical. “How’d one guy fresh out of the ice kill a whole room?”
so shake apart (ao3) - hollimichele E, 1k
Summary: “The next words out of his mouth are gonna be ‘You can do that?’ Just watch.”
Such Good Boys (ao3) - zetsubonna E, 1k
Summary: ANONYMOUS ASKED: Since we can ask for smutty things, how about something with dom!Natasha and her two subs, Steve and Bucky? Maybe testing out the limits of the serum re: multiple orgasms?
The Deep End (ao3) - orphan_account M, 8k
Summary: In this story: exquisitely tragic and beautiful Russian romance, James Bond shenanigans, designer drugs with highly specific effects, Steve Rogers’ overactive imagination, a swimming metaphor. Also: a villain has a secret sex room, some assassins join the mile high club, and Captain America punches a shark.
Three Step (ao3) - copperbadge M, 4k
Summary: "How many times a week can a couple have a threesome with the same guy before it becomes some sort of three-way relationship?"
Venus in Vibranium (ao3) - betts E, 58k
Summary: “To be a Lead’s Support is a substantial responsibility," Natasha says. "You must be Agent Rogers’ personal assistant, bodyguard, chef, maid, best friend, boyfriend, and whatever else he wishes you to be.”
when i offer you survival, you say it's hard enough to live (ao3) - lanyon M, 4k
Summary: Tony says that Captain America leads a charmed life. It's not quite true; even Steve Rogers has bad days. He can't quite explain, though, who's helping them in every mission.
(Or: The One Where Bucky Comes Back And Watches Over Steve.)
What a Girl Wants (ao3) - MeganOfSaints E, 6k
Summary: He was too hot everywhere and he was so close to coming. His face was flushed and his heart was pounding in his ears. He didn’t think he was going to make it. He whined and reached behind him for Bucky’s ass, grinding himself back into the brunet. “Bucky…oh fuck, Bucky! I need to cum!”
Where Natasha wants a threesome and who is Bucky to deny her when it's America's Golden Boy, Steve Rogers?
with your pockets full of rain (ao3) - victoria_p (musesfool) M, 9k
Summary: In which Steve loves puppies and freedom and Russian assassins. Not necessarily in that order.
you got me where you want me (ao3) - tremontaine E, 8k
Summary: "I said let's play a game," Natasha said breathily. "I didn't say I wanted to win."
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wut u think of tony/bucky
Other MCU meta to be found here. Relevant is thoughts on Tony, thoughts on Steve/Tony, thoughts on Bucky and Steve/Bucky.
Ugh, anon.
I've stated before and I'll state it again, it's amazing how aggressively I do not care about the MCU. I simply cannot find it in myself to care and I somehow care less every time a film is released.
It just fills my soul with woe at this point.
But back to your question.
We're MCU verse for this folks. I have never read the comics, played the video games, watched the shows, or whatever else I've skipped out on.
This means that something may be totally viable or interesting via comic characterization or in a televized adaptation.
Unfortunately for you, the MCU is what I've got, so the rules of the game are we're only looking at that.
I Have Less Than 0 Interest
I've spoken on this before but to me Bucky is just "there" for every movie he's in. He's there, says lines sometimes, does his thing, but he's unfathomably boring to me. Even when the film is about him, he just sucks life out of the screen.
Due to this, I can't get interested about the idea of him talking to anyone let alone engaging in a romantic relationship.
Steve, Natasha, Tony, I turn to you and ask, "Ew, why would you want to make them boring?" (the caveat being that I also find Steve and Natasha boring in the films so it'd just be 2x the boring for me to watch).
I just can't do.
A Real Answer
Bucky/Tony to me is just a case of shippers wanting to ship and I guess not liking Steve.
Steve and Bucky at least have their back story. They have this shared friendship that ended tragically, they reconnect later, and we get several films where Steve's running around like a chicken with his head cut off because BUCKY!!!!!
I definitely see where the shippers are getting their source material with those two.
With Tony and Bucky...
Tony canonically is first indifferent/mildly antagonistic to Bucky in Civil War when Bucky is first a super gone rogue that Steve is not cooperating with him to catch, and then extremely antagonistic as he watches Bucky's cold-blooded murder of his parents with no time to process afterwards.
Then Bucky disappears to Wakanda, half Tony's original team is imprisoned, and Steve disappears.
Basically, everything falls apart and while it's not rational for Tony to blame Bucky, Tony doesn't seem to be in a rational mood. It would take a very large, well-adjusted person, to be able to completely look past Bucky's murder of his parents, and even then to go into shipping?
Then add on the Civil War aspect, much of which went down the tubes because of Bucky specifically, even if it wasn't his fault I don't see Tony getting over that any time soon.
Tony's going to need a lot of therapy for that, and I just don't see him gravitating to Bucky, of all people, when there are other choices he could make. Even if we're ignoring Pepper, Tony could just as easily choose not Bucky.
Then we get Bucky.
He doesn't know Tony.
They don't talk and the one time they do meet they get to see the awkward home video of Bucky murdering Tony's parents. What does one even say to that?
They don't have time to develop a relationship before all the hot, flaming, garbage gets thrown in their way that, again, I don't see either recovering from any time soon.
As it is, while Bucky seems to be avoiding Steve for much of the franchise, he also doesn't seem to be reaching out to anyone else. Certainly, he doesn't seem to be looking to make friends with Tony Stark.
So, if Bucky isn't starting it and Tony isn't starting it...
Kind of leaves the ship dead in the water.
Of course, shippers don't care about such things, which is why I really shouldn't comment on ships in the first place.
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luckychi7 · 2 years
Chainsaw Man Chapter 102 Thoughts
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It’s been a really really long time since I’ve done one of these and due to the recent stuff going on twitter I figured that it was finally time that I officially came back to my sweet sweet serenity which is this beautiful place. 
I’m well aware these past chapters came out a while ago, but it’s gonna act as a build up towards my Chainsaw Man Manga Catch-up Livestream Discussion, and what better what way to begin then with Chapter 102.  
So Asa and Yuko were currently on the run from the Bat Devil who was chasing after them at the end of Chapter 101, and off the gate....  This man, Tastsuki Fujimoto has no chill when it comes to Yoru because she’s telling Asa “Let the girl die and she should become a weapon.”  Truly it’s pretty fucked up if you ask me, but I can’t say it’s surprising given Fujimoto’s approach on writing.
With that said, I love how Asa is contemplating about this entire decision with Yuko even though Yoru continues to whisper in her ear about what to do for the betterment of their survival.  That even comes at the simple fact where she mentions about Bucky to Asa and it causes her to reflect back on what happened back then with her classmates. The reassurance Yoru gives to her about the night facing death’s door in the face.   A second chance to lease on life. To survive in this moment Asa has to kill Yuko. 
However, things don’t go Yoru’s way at all because Asa made the decision to save Yuko’s life by carrying her while escaping from the Bat Devil.  Things still don’t go the way  for Asa as she trips   onto a floor tile which is when we get a moment that really drives home the sense of sadness for Asa.  When it comes to the most crucal moment at any point in her life, she always trips and fall.  From birthday parties, to track,  and when she attempted to save a cat. Yet, in spite of her situations where she trips and falls, Asa managed to succeed in saving the cat from the truck.  
Where we find ourselves at the part where Asa and Yuko have a conversation about saving when she gave her the shoes.  It didn’t matter to Yuko how Asa was feeling in the moment because she just wanted to do what was right  ensure that her heart was in the right place. Everything comes to Asa in that specific moment where she thinks to herself “I can do this too! I can save my friend!” Only to be swallowed up by the Bat Devil. 
A miracle came into light by the single roaring sounds of Chain...  Chainsaw Man entered the scene and sliced through  the Bat Devil freeing Asa and Yuko from being  completely taken in.  Asa takes note of what happened during that point and looked towards the sigh of The Bat Devil. Where she noticed that it took on a new huge look in terms of appearances as it battled against The Chainsaw Man.   Left in complete confusion as to why he would side with the humans despite being a devil.  
Realizing he wants to be some kind of super hero, the devil decides to give him a choice between a student with a bright future or the seniors in a car. This scene in a way kind of reminded me of Spider-Man on the bridge when the Green Goblin gave him a choice on who to save.  Which leaves you with this feeling as to what Denji was gonna do, and Fujimoto came with a surprise. 
He moved right passed both choices to kill the evolved Bat Devil that stood in front of him, and both the student and the senior citizens in the car met a tragic fate which meant death.  On the surface you’re left with the sinking feeling that why would do that Denji?  and we come to find out that he killed the evolved devil and rushed in to save a cat that almost fell off the edge of the building. 
Denji quickly remarked, “There was a cat too dude!” as he held it in it’s arms which was kind of reminiscing of the time when he saved Power’s cat back in Part 1 interestingly enough it was also against the Bat Devil too. The chapter comes to a close with a brief news report where reporters talked about Chainsaw Man’s act of Heroism  of saving a cat from what they called “The Cockroach Devil.” as the cat meowed in the final panel. 
Overall, I give this chapter of Chainsaw Man a Pure Perfection rating. If there is one thing about Tatsuki Fujmoto’s writing it’s that there are so many emotions you get to feel in a single chapter, and this one was no exception. The constant banter between Asa and Yoru about Yuko staying alive to the heartwarming flashback of Asa falling to the most crucial moments, and of course what we all waited for.  The return of the mc himself, Denji aka  Chainsaw Man. The cherry on top of this incredible chapter also ties into the chapter title  Save The Cat which also parallels Asa and Denji simultaneously.  Asa saving the cat in her flashback from getting slaughtered by a truck, and Denji rushing in to save a cat from falling off the battle. For the time being that’s all I gotta say about my thoughts on this chapter of Chainsaw Man, and soon I’ll drop my thoughts for Chapter 103 as I catch myself up to the latest one.  Until then, I hope you all take care of yourselves out there. 
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so-long-soldier28 · 7 months
I was watching a Avengers and I thought of Kai. If you do watch them, which character do you think is the most similar to him. Would he be a hero or a villain?
So I've only seen about half of the MCU.😭 There's so many, I find it hard to keep up. (I've seen the Iron Man(s), Captain America(s), the first two Avengers, the first movies of Ant Man, Spiderman, and Black Panther, Black Widow, and Hawkeye and the Sam/Bucky show what's it called.) [Not like you asked for all that.] But can answer from the characters I know!
First off, I would love to see him be a hero, but I think he'd be a villain. (Maybe he'd end up like one of the villains that some of the heroes learn to love [like Bucky].) Or, he's one of those villains that has a specific skill that the heroes end up needing to defeat the Even Bigger Villain, which puts him in the gray area. But generally, I think he would kind of piss off most of the Avengers, and he might be a little too sociopathic for their style.😅 (I can picture Tony Stark losing his absolute shit if Kai makes one more snarky comment.)
As for similarities with the Avengers, I can see a couple to whom he's alike. I think he has a lot of the same boy-ish behaviors as Peter Parker. (ha, and they have the same last name.) They're both still really young and learning how to adapt to their new realities. (Peter becoming Spiderman; Kai escaping the PW & then becoming coven leader.) They both have someone in their life who they seem to look to for guidance, despite that person not always having patience with them. (Peter with Tony; while it's not explicitly stated, Kai's always seen hanging around Damon, regardless if the man wants his company or not [6x16; 8x13]). Lastly, back on the boy-ish behaviors point, both have a girl they're trying to impress, and both have things that make them really excited in a child-like manner. (Peter with Legos and the Spiderman suit; Kai with Twitter and his spells, every time he's given the chance to have magic.) (And let's not forget about Kai's stash of Alex Rodriguez baseball cards.)
Aside from Peter, I mentioned Bucky earlier. Kai is similar to him in the way that he was a killer at one point, but then tried to redeem himself. To some, no attempt at redemption was enough to warrant forgiveness, but some others grew lenient / grew to accept him. (Tony will never forgive him for killing his parents, but Bucky had the support of everyone who fought for him in Civil War. He became very close with Sam later on. Kai, unfortunately, had his redemption arc stripped from him, but if it were given, I could see him and Damon being at least frenemies. In season 8, Caroline hears him out about his childhood, and had he not later tried to kill the twins again, I think they could've connected through that. Other characters, like Bonnie and Alaric, will never forgive Kai.) The only other similarity that I think these characters share is tragic backstories.
Finally, I have one last point to make, being that for some reason, Kai gives me Clint Barton vibes, but I think that's entirely just because both characters can be sassy. Clint always manages to make me laugh, as does Kai, and I think that's the only reason they are alike. Maybe it's also the bow and arrow, considering one is Hawkeye and the other used this weapon for one scene and never again. I can't explain my thinking here, it's just pure vibes. 😅 Kai certainly would not have the same stable relationship nor amount of kids, but both characters sure are sassy. The similarities start and end there.
So... I definitely did not mean to make this this long, and I hope I even answered what you were asking, lmao. But I think, in summary, he's most like Peter Parker, but like... sociopathic... Maybe Kai would be in an Avengers movie where Peter has to fight his evil twin. 😂 Maybe by the end of said movie, Peter manages to get through to him, or Kai's denied his redemption arc again and gets even more murder-y. (Actually, that concept might be fun to explore.)
Anyway, thank you for the ask, and sorry for the long-winded reply! It took me a day because I had to think about it, but I might've thought too hard. (But hey, it was fun to think about!)
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navegandoaciegas · 4 years
A long way
Kinktober 7/31: creampie
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: trucker!bucky, hitchhiking, smut, explicit language, unprotected sex, creampie, biting, hair pulling, one slap on the face, oral sex, alcohol consumption, degradading praise kink.
Summary: A broody and rough truck driver stops for you when no one else does. What happens when you spend a few days together?
A/N: day 7 of @itgetsdarksometimes35 spooky challenge + Kinktober. Thank you @buckycuddlebuddy for inspiring this and helping me out, ily baby!
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You suppose he’s a nice guy under all the brooding, frowning, glaring; there must be some gentleness buried underneath all the roughness, some kindness hiding behind his steely eyes.
He’s got a hard exterior for sure, with his burly body and intricate tattoos, but he’s the only one who’s pulled over for you, all soaked, crying and alone on the side of the road, while other drivers sped past you, hitting potholes and splashing even more water and mud over you.
You have to admit, you would have done the same, because who the hell stops for hitchhikers in the middle of a thunderstorm? Bucky the trucker, apparently. At the same time, who in their right mind hitchhikes in the 21st century? Someone desperate enough. You.
The 70s and the Santa Rosa murders haven’t taught either of you much, it seems.
So either he’s a serial killer, or a sullen good samaritan.
“I’m gonna pull over in a couple miles, I need to rest a little.” he announces, voice flat, tightly gripping the steering wheel of his truck.
You have a feeling he doesn’t particularly like you. Nothing specific about you, just that you’re in his space, in his clothes, breathing his same air, and he can’t sulk on his own like he’s probably used to.
“It’s okay for me.” you mumble, fidgeting with the sleeves of his thick, grey sweatshirt. It wasn’t a question, but what else were you supposed to say?
He doesn’t acknowledge you.
Despite his murderous looks and apparent annoyance, you trust your gut feeling.
The guy could split your skull in half like a pistachio, but he doesn’t seem like he’ll actually go through with it, unless you change the frequency of that radio channel he’s listening to, or move around the pictures on his dashboard. Both of which you don’t intend on doing.
You observe his side profile, the delicate slope on his nose, chiselled jawline, high cheekbones, buzz cut chestnut hair, the tattoos snaking from his arm to the side of his neck, ending just below his ear.
He’s hot and menacing, and the idea that he could bang you like a screen door in a hurricane and kill you with his bare hands makes a shiver go down your spine and straight to your core.
You squirm in your seat, clenching your thighs, cursing you and your horny brain for the dirty images you’ve conveyed.
“You alright there, sugar?” he asks, and you think you see a little smirk dancing on his plush lips, “You seem a little bothered.”
The endearing name and the teasing are a new development, one that you don’t mind.
“Never been better.” you grumble, shooting him a glare of your own.
10 hours in his truck, and his mannerism is rubbing off on you already.
It’s a long way from Oregon to Florida when you have no money on you and you depend on a trucker’s route, a trucker you’ve been bickering and flirting with for hours.
45 hours later, you find yourself at a truck stop a long way from home, your feet propped against the dashboard, the seat reclined slightly.
It’s not the best setting, you’ll be honest with yourself.
Take out containers are littered around you, and Bucky keeps digging in the fries propped on your lap. You smile lazily at him, tipsy but still conscious on your second beer.
45 hours together is a long time when you spend it with the same person, in a small space. He’s still brooding, just looser. And drunker.
“So I said, fuck you and that two faced bitch, and spilled a wine bottle on his suit.” you hiccup, a hysterical laugh bubbling in your throat, “Red fuckin’ wine.”
Well, maybe you’re not as sober as you thought.
“No way.” he deadpans, taking a sip out of his beer. “Is that why you looked like a drowned rat hitchhiking in the middle of the night?”
“Mean, but yes. That cheating asshole. I hope his dick falls off. Not like he knew how to use it anyways.”
That seems to catch his attention.
“He didn’t?” he hums thoughtfully, with all the seriousness a drunk man can muster.
“He never got me off. Had to lock myself in the bathroom and do it myself.” you slur, “Never ate my pussy either.”
“God, suga’, that sounds tragic.”
Your lips twist in a disgusted expression, but you giggle when a thought stikes you.
“What about you? When was the last time you got any?”
He winces when he thinks about it, the frown on his forehead permanently etched there.
“A while ago.”
It’s silent for a moment, and maybe it’s the sexual tension that’s been building for a while, or the heat in his steely eyes, but you feel yourself grow warmer.
Your itch to touch him, taste him, feel him inside you. On your tongue, in your cunt, everywhere.
“Tragic.” you mumble, eyes boring into his.
It’s a rebound, or maybe it’s just that he’s hot and you’re both adults who can do whatever the hell you want.
It doesn’t make sense, the way you jump on him, slanting your mouth against his like you’ve never done before. The way his lips mold against yours, his tongue moves in sync with you, his hands on your body leave you feeling scorched. Your clothes and his sweater are discarded somewhere.
He tastes like beer, and tobacco, and his beard grazes against your skin, making you feel ticklish and giddy.
You’re drunk, and not on alcohol.
His touch is bruising, possessive, controlling. His teeth bite on your skin, he pulls on your hair, kneads the flesh of your ass, rolls and pinches your nipples.
Rough, just like him, and if the slick leaking out of you is any indication, you like that a lot.
“I’ll fuck you all the way to Florida babygirl, fuck you so good you never want to leave this fuckin’ truck.”
It’s embarrassing the way you’re panting, debauched already. Heat is pooling in your lower belly, and you want nothing more than for him to go feral on you.
“God, Bucky, I need you so much, need you inside me.” you whine, palming his cock through his denim jeans, feeling how hard and throbbing he is for you.
“Fuck.” he groans, quickly undoing your belt, freeing his cock.
It springs out of his briefs, standing against his stomach. He’s thick, and leaking with pre cum.
You bite your lips, shooting him a mischievous smile as you lower your face to his groin, ready to suck him off.
“No, I want to be inside you now.”
He grabs underneath your arms and lifts you up, maneuvering so that you’re straddling his lap.
You’re tipsy, about to let a man you barely know raw you in his truck, surrounded by containers of junk food.
It’s trashy, maybe, but who cares. Fuck trashy, and fuck your ex too.
You feel like all your breath has been knocked out of you when he pushes inside you, his cock stretching you out almost painfully.
“Fuck, you’re so big.” you whimper, steadying yourself on his broad chest, nails mapping out the outline of his tattoos.
“God baby, you’re so tight, I can feel that pretty pussy of yours squeezing me.” he moans, hands tightly gripping your hips, “Why don’t you show me how good you can ride my cock, yes?”
You grind yourself on his groin, rolling your hips in circular motion, feeling his cock hit all the sweet spots inside you. He suckles on your nipples, sending shivers down your spine.
Your pussy flutters around him, clamping down hard each time a wave of pleasure hits you.
“Look how good you’re doing, taking my cock so well like the little dumb slut you are baby.” he grunts, and his words shoot straight to your cunt, “Pretty cockdrunk whore, aren’t ya?”
You feel lightheaded.
Bouncing your ass up and down his cock, you feel yourself get closer.
“Fuck Buck- I’m-”
He cuts you off, swallowing your moans as you cum.
Your body shakes, your head spins and every nerve ending on your body is on fire, but he doesn’t give you time to come down from your high.
You slump against his bare chest, and he starts pounding inside you, holding your waist.
He pummels into your abused cunt, pulling one orgasm after the other out of you, until you’re sobbing. His sweaty skin slaps against yours, his balls against your ass. It’s so lewd it’s driving you crazy.
Tears and drool stream down your face.
“Look at you, messy girl, so eager for my cock. I can’t wait to fill you out with my cum baby, watch it drip out of your cunt.” he groans, balls getting tighter, thrusts messier. You feel him swell inside you. “I bet you’d love that, wouldn’t you? Being filled with my cum to the brim.”
You’re lost in your own pleasure, and don’t answer until he slaps your face. Hard.
“Yes, please Bucky, I want you to fill my pussy, fuck-”
He bites down on your shoulder as he cums, painting your walls with his hot load as your pussy milks him dry.
“You did so good.” he hums, holding you close to his body as he comes down from his high, “Think you can give me one more?”
You nod, and lie on your back on the seats.
He watches entranced as his cum drips out of your cunt, and pushes it back inside with his fingers, smiling at the small noises you make.
He surprises you, latching his mouth around your swollen, overstimulated clit, sucking hard. He delves in your folds, circling his tongue on your bud, slurping up your juices and his, enjoying your taste mixing in with his as he keeps pumping his thick fingers inside you.
You’ve never felt this amount of pleasure before, and when you cum, your vision blacks out for several seconds, and you don’t know if it’s the alcohol or just the best orgasm of your life.
You clamp down on his fingers, your release gushing on his mouth as the pressure in your cunt finally snaps.
He looks up at you, face covered in your slick.
“Don’t think I’m done with you baby.” he smirks, “I’ll never get enough of this sweet pussy.”
You grin, and pull him down on you, ready to start all over again.
It’s a long way to Florida, and you’re not sure you ever want to reach your destination, after all.
Not proofread bc i like living on edge like that. Please leave some feedback!
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datleggy · 3 years
Oh! For the potential pain but also h/c, maybe Buck explaining the Daniel situation to Christopher? As in he's a curious kid picking up that something happened and Buck doesn't want to lie to Chris
“Hey Bucky?” 
Buck looks up from where he’s shoveling a slice of pizza into his mouth. “What’s up?” he asks, ignoring the way Eddie eyes him for talking with his mouth full. 
Christopher purses his lips and tilts his little head sideways. “Um, are you ok?” 
Buck and Eddie trade brief looks before Buck replies, in a decidedly confused tone. “Yeah bud, of course I am, why uh, why wouldn’t I be?” 
“I heard Dad talking to you on the phone. Who’s Daniel?” The question is innocent as can be; Christopher is a kid, so obviously he’s curious. 
Still, the inquiry makes Buck’s chest tight and his palms clammy. “Oh.” 
Christophers face scrunches up with concern. “You look sad. Did I make you sad?” 
Eddie grimaces. Shit. He’d called Buck and invited him over tonight specifically so he could take his mind off the Buckley’s revealed tragic family secret. “Um, hey, how about maybe we finish dinner and then we can play some mario kart?” 
Buck shakes his head, though he’s grateful for the attempt at changing the subject, however clunky it may have been. “No, it’s fine, really. Christopher, you didn’t make me sad, ok? So no need to worry, I promise. Um, Daniel is--was--my brother.” he’s not sure how to explain the situation this complicated to a child. “He was...sick, and so we lost him when I was still too young to really remember him.” 
Christopher frowns sympathetically and rests a comforting hand on Buck’s arm. “Are you sad ‘cause you can’t remember him?” he asks. 
“Well, the truth is,” Buck gulps. “I was born to save him. But I couldn’t do that and so, yeah, finding that out did make me sad, but it was a long time ago and now that I know about it, I can move on.” 
“Born to save Daniel?” Christopher peers up at him past long lashes. “What does that mean?” 
Eddie loves his kids natural curiosity and the fact that he often learns so much just by continuing to ask questions and explore every avenue, but right now? Not so much. He can see Buck struggle with how to answer that and decides to try and step in again, hoping he won’t mind. 
“Chris, remember when Tia Lola in Texas had to go to the hospital for surgery?” 
Christopher nods, recalling the incident. “For a new liver!” 
Eddie nods. “Yeah, exactly. She needed a new liver and we were lucky to find a match and that someone was willing to donate a part of their liver for her. Buck’s situation was kind of similar to that. Daniel was really really sick but they couldn’t find anyone who was a perfect match.” 
"Oh!” Christopher hums thoughtfully. “So then they made Bucky?” he turns back to Buck, eyes wide. 
Buck’s smile is wonky at best but it’s there. “Yup. Unfortunately I was no good.” he shrugs. 
Christopher shakes his head adamantly, “You are good! You’re my Buck!” he wraps his arms around Buck’s shoulders and pulls him down so that Buck’s head is left to rest on Christopher’s tiny shoulder. “I’m happy they made you, ‘cause you saved me, remember?” 
Buck is careful not to hug back too tight, but he can’t quite hold back the tears when they start. Eddie quickly rounds the table and gathers the two of them against him, huddling down between them. “You’re gonna be ok, kid.” he mutters into Buck’s curls. 
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come-fight-me-ghost · 2 years
A Mutant Avenger
Chapter Summary: When Y/N was a kid, she was able to do things that none of her friends could do. She could move things with her mind. Her life from then on, is like every other backstory...Tragic. 
Part 1: Pilot
I was born into a very accepting family. My parents could tell I was different. I knew I was different from the earliest I could remember. I mean, sometimes my eyes would glow silver! That’s...not...normal. We found out I was a mutant when I was six. I could move things with my mind. Specifically, metal.
A man in a wheelchair, and a man with a really weird style of hair had come to the house and explained to us that I was a mutant. My parents accepted it, and we told them that we would be in contact if we ever needed to get my powers under control, or if something bad happened. Like if someone tried to kidnap me, or something bad happened to my parents. If that were to ever happen, I was to call the number hidden in my mom’s nightstand drawer, and tell them ‘Code Silver’, which was a reference to my glowing eyes.
Something did happen, but I never called them. My parents were in a car crash, coming home from the airport in December of 1991. The same crash that ‘killed’ Howard and Maria Stark. Except, my parents were actually killed by the crash, not by the Winter Soldier. I don’t really hold a grudge like Tony does, and I’ve come to peace with the fact that Bucky was involved. I don’t blame him... trapped in your own mind, with no way out...A feeling I know almost too well.
After the crash, the cops came to the house to tell me, and take me to my new guardian. I had to pack a bag quickly, and, being a six year old, I took mostly clothes and one stuffed animal. In my hurry, I remembered two people, and I swear I could hear a man’s voice in my mind. ‘The phone number, child, the nightstand, that’s where it is. Grab it, hurry!’ So, like any kid in my situation, I quickly went and grabbed the piece of cut up notebook paper from my mother’s nightstand, and pocketed it. 
My aunt took me in, but you could tell she didn't want kids. Like, ever. She didn't really know how to take care of a kid, and just let me do whatever I wanted. Which was not good for a six year old. I had been with her for about ten years when things started taking a turn for the worst.
She would come home drunk most nights. She was never physical, but the things she said were...not okay for her to say. She said that it was my fault my parents were in that crash, just because they wanted to surprise me for Christmas. That I wasn’t the only one who lost people that night, but she lost both a sister, and brother in-law.
That was when I had started acting out. I got suspended at my school for fighting. Let’s just say that my aunt wasn’t too happy with that. As in, she kicked me out of her house and told me not to come back. 
As I walked down the streets of New York, I remembered the day that the police had come to get me. And a flashback came to mind.
*Cue five year-old thoughts, and POV*
The man had really funny shaped hair. I just kinda want to touch it… No, that wouldn’t be very nice, though. You know, maybe I could just do that, even though he looks really scary.
‘I wouldn’t if I was you, he really does not like that.’ 
Okay...what was that? That was nOt my voice. What is happening?
‘I’m like you, Y/N, without moving things around’
Okay, now I know that wasn’t my voice, so who is it?
“My name is Charles Xavier, I’m from Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, and we would like to talk to your daughter about her certain abilities. You don’t have to fret, we’re like her.” My parents looked at each other. 
“Charles…”I said out loud, not thinking that I would actually make contact with anyone, not trusting my own six year old mind from that long ago. 
‘Y/N, it’s been a long time…come to Westchester, that’s where the people like you are. And remember the name Charles Xavier’
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bobbimorses · 2 years
The interaction in Fallen Son: the Death of Captain America #3 always bothers me a little. As two legacy heroes, Eli and Kate come across as obnoxiously hypocritical. Like being given/earning the mantle of Hawkeye by Captain America is somehow more righteous than being given/earning the mantle of Cap from Iron-Man. I know it was more about Tony's grief and they're reacting to Clint-Cap being alongside Iron-Man fresh off of Civil War, but it's very pot and kettle to me.
i think the bigger problem was that clint looks like a near carbon copy of steve-cap when he puts on the costume (which makes tony trying to make clint be cap simultaneously more tragic and weird). like kate and eli said, they were both using mantles as inspiration but weren't pretending to be or replace them. unfortunately for clint, that was the only costume tony gave him and he looks like cap jr.
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but mostly, since the whole series is about how steve as cap has a unique legacy/place/symbolism to the people of marvel and so his death leaves behind a certain grief, everyone was gonna be more touchy about cap's whole deal specifically. like yeah, they thought it was wrong that clint was using cap's shield while kate was holding clint's bow right there, and she said she'd give up the name if clint was alive--but the wound was extra fresh bc steve wasn't even buried yet, and people's opinions change if they go "well, this was done respectfully, and cap himself kinda sanctioned it" (as everyone felt with bucky minus clint trying to kick his ass first, then paralleled with clint giving kate his blessing). however interpreted, kate and eli’s points were always gonna be issue-specific, since the spotlight was the “bargaining” stage and having clint run around as a perfect mirror of cap, looking like all was well, would just be tony's bargain to fix everything
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dreadysficrecs · 3 years
Stucky Fic Rec List #15
Saturday, July 3
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🍒 By Light of Day by @beaarthurpendragon, art by @kocuria - [Explicit; 8,2k words]
[Canon Divergence; Pre-War Stucky; Established Relationship; Genderfluid Bucky; Non-binary Bucky; Bucky In A Dress; Make-up; Coming Out; Hurt/Comfort; Blow Jobs; Anal Sex; Bottom!Bucky; Spooning; Soft Stucky; Angst With a Happy Ending]
It’s heavy from the beads, but the fabric is smooth beneath his fingers—silk, maybe, from the slight sheen—and when he unbuttons the back and steps into it, and feels the smooth heavy drape sliding across his skin, he can barely breathe.
(On a cold Friday night in 1940, Bucky Barnes becomes whole.)
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🧭 not a language but a map by magdaliny - [Gen; 5,7k words]
[Canon Divergence; Wakanda Stucky; Getting Together; Aphasia; Recovering Bucky; Angst and Fluff; Happy Ending]
Bucky darts forward suddenly, shaking his head. He puts his hand on her shoulder, then lays his palm flat on his chest—and then makes a fist and pounds it hard, twice, right over his heart. The look on his face is stern but fond, an expression Steve hasn't seen since 1943, directed at one or more of his sisters when they thought the world was ending over baseball scores, or their homework, or a boy; Bucky hadn't ever let anyone get away with self-pity. That look would usually be followed up by C'mon, pipsqueak, let's go for a walk, but what Steve guesses Bucky's saying now is more along the lines of: You didn't let me down.
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🥧 you will always be my favorite form of loving by @thiccbuckybarnesfic - [Explicit; 28,4k words]
[Modern AU; Kid Fic; Single Dad Steve; College Student Bucky; Human Disaster Bucky; Age Difference; Meet-Cute; Hooking Up; Explicit Sexual Content; Daddy Kink; Size Kink; Explicit Sexual Content; Almost Getting Caught; Bottom!Bucky; Dirty Talk; Dom/Sub Undertones; Falling In Love; Insecurities; Family Drama; Meeting The Ex; Past Peggy/Steve; Panic Attacks; Misunderstandings; Breaking Up And Getting Back Together; Hurt/Comfort; Angst With a Happy Ending]
Bucky, a 22 year old disaster college student who bartends on the weekends, meets a handsome guy on a fateful Saturday night. He goes home with him and is happy to find out that Steve thoroughly checks off every kinky box he has. That is, until he is rudely woken up the next morning and comes face to face with a little girl asking him why he’s in her daddy’s bed.
What Bucky thought was just a one night stand with a big dick daddy turns out to be the start of him falling in love… with a single dad of two?
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📿 Ethos Logos Pathos by @im-weapon, art by @elkleggs - [Explicit; 12,8k words]
[Shrunkyclunks; Wing Fic; Seraphim Bucky; Blasphemy; Enslavement; Religious Imagery & Symbolism; Supernatural Elements; Dubious Consent; Explicit Sexual Content; Bottom!Bucky; Sex In A Cathedral; Hurt/Comfort; Happy Ending]
Rococo curls slid over his brow in a charming cascade. It all looked very contrived. Steve didn’t buy it, really. “You, a ‘fallen angel’, can’t leave a cathedral?”
“A cruel irony. I’ve been waiting for you for a very long time,” the being smiled sweetly at the floor.
“Waiting for me? Specifically for me?” Steve folded his arms.
The slightly owlish gaze lifted again, “I don’t reveal myself to just anyone.”
Steve Rogers is restless and alone one night when he stumbles upon something even more supernatural than he’s used to in a deserted cathedral. Suddenly bible stories don’t seem so fanciful when there’s a very real angel standing alone at the altar, tragic and begging him for help.
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sootiesweep · 3 years
I'm really worried about Yori and Isaiah
I have an awful feeling that they might be used as collateral damage or bait, and it's very possible. Malcom Spellman himself said that Episode 5 will make us cry, so what if... what if either of them die??
The thing is, Zemo knows about both.
Yori Nakajima
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In Episode 3, at 11:50, Zemo reads through Bucky's notebook, understanding its purpose and noting the name "Nakajima" as important. Bucky suddenly grabs his throat and threatens to kill him if he touches the book again. Consequently, Zemo now knows that specific name is of personal significance to Bucky.
Imagine Zemo creates a situation parallel to what he did in Civil War. Yori is completely unaware of the fact that Bucky killed his son - much like Tony was unaware of his parents' murder. What if Zemo uses this to his advantage, capturing Yori - which in turn reels in Bucky - and forces Bucky to confess/shows Yori evidence of his son's murder, and leaving Yori to piece together the heart-breaking fact that his friend killed his son.
This would create a climax in which both characters would be very emotional vulnerable, and providing Zemo the opportune moment to kill Bucky (or at least breaking him down to an easier target).
Isaiah Bradley
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Later on in Ep 4, at 41:50, Sam talks to Bucky about Isaiah, mentioning him by name - and that he is a super soldier. In the background, we can see Zemo look over in interest, listening in.
You see where this is going? Zemo's whole deal is to eliminate all super soldiers. Until this moment, he didn't know Isaiah existed... and now he has another target to take care of.
Like Yori, Zemo could capture Isaiah (although this would obviously be a lot more difficult) and use him to draw in Sam and Bucky - both of whom have a personal connection to the tragic hero.
I would add Sarah and her sons to this list too - we've already seen them used as leverage by Karli. As could I add Torres, and pretty much any other expendable side character with a connection to our heroes. But Yori, Isaiah, or Sam's family would be the most effective... and their deaths would definitely make me cry.
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fyeahvulnerablemen · 3 years
O Oracle of all things Whump, hear my petition:
I have realized there is a specific trope I really like, and I’m looking for examples. It’s when there are two characters traveling (usually a Valuable Character and their Protector), and they come to a place where the Valuable One is welcomed and the other one is NOT. Everyone is super suspicious, either because of who they are or what they’ve done, and they usually get clapped in irons or chucked in a dungeon or something while the Valuable One convinces everyone that it’s fine, really.
The two examples that spring to mind are in Eragon and a truly cheesy/cringey 90s action movie called Bridge of Dragons. Know of any others?
😊 This definitely makes me think of a few characters. Particularly ones with redemption arcs or characters with a tragic backstory.
Killian Jones from Once Upon a Time, John Mitchell and Hal Yorke from Being Human, Angel and Spike from BvS and Angel, Cole from the original Charmed, Eliot from Leverage, and maybe Loki and Bucky Barnes as well. Also perhaps Roger from Outlander.
I could be way off here though. Anyone know of more specific examples?
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