#i was looking for a different picture when this one showed up near the top of the hashtag! :o
azalawa-scroggs · 1 day
About Eddie Fender and why he was a dick to Miles
I first started this post in response to something, but it got so long I decided against inflicting it on OP. This is very long and very meandering and the form is kinda weird, as a warning. It's also kinda spoilery for Ace Attorney Investigations 2.
When we first start playing AAI2 and are introduced to "Ace Attorney Eddie Fender," it's true he doesn't come across as very likeable. The first thing he says to Miles is basically "Oh, look! Here comes Manfred von Karma," and the game happens three years after the truth about DL-6 came out. That's incredibly low, very petty, cruel even. He does start off as a dick to Miles, unfair on him until he gradually realises he isn't as bad as he thought, and as he starts warming up to Miles we start warming up to him.
But also... I kind of get it.
Like... Imagine you're 19 years old. Your boss just died in a sudden and shocking murder. You inherit the law firm even though you haven't even passed the bar yet. You're grieving as you keep working hard to become an attorney, now without the guidance you used to have. Maybe you even blame yourself a little - after all, you worked on that case too, you were likely there for the trial, you left both Edgeworths to take that elevator by themselves. Had things played out differently you would have been there, too.
Did you think of your boss's son, in the middle of this whirlwind? Probably a little, but you're a 19 year-old law student. You're nowhere near a suitable place in your life to even think about fostering a kid. Besides, Gregory Edgeworth was your boss. Someone you greatly admired and whose death you will never stop mourning, but still just your boss.
(It's unclear how well Eddie knew Miles. Enough for Miles to recognise him instantly, but certainly not as close as Miles and Phoenix were.)
You take it on yourself to continue the work he left behind, to help the clients Gregory can no longer help. For ten years you try your best to uphold the reputation and the values of his firm and name, and every day you witness a little more how corrupt the system really is.
Then, one day, you start hearing about this young new prosecuting upstart. Passed the bar at 20 and already has the legal world in his pocket. Rumours of forged evidence, backstreet deals, manipulated witnesses. Not only is that just like the whole lot of them, the tactics you became so familiar with over the years - no, it sounds painfully, specifically familiar to that one long, drawn-out case, the last one you worked with Gregory. It turns out the young prodigy is the student and protégé of Mr. Perfection himself, the man who never lost a case in thirty-five years, even though he should have lost against you ten years ago if the world was even a little fair. You would hate the boy for that alone, but on top of that he's also the son of the mentor you lost, the son of the man you both used to admire so very much.
And that hurts. That none of Gregory's legacy lived on in his son. That this sweet, kind boy, who Gregory always used to worry about not making any friends, became a parody of all they used to despise.
Perhaps you even get to see him. You catch a glance of him in the courthouse corridor as he passes you by without so much as a nod to acknowledge you, or you stumble upon a picture in the same paper that struck Phoenix Wright so deeply. You see that damn suit. That damn smirk. That damn waggly finger. His features may have something of Gregory but everything in him screams von Karma. He's spent a decade trying to shape himself into him, and it shows.
Prosecutors are a privileged bunch, and the Edgeworth kid grew up into a downright brat. Entitled. Rude. Arrogant. Obsessed with his fucking perfect record. You hear he goes around cutting the salaries of detectives that make a tenth of what he does and insulting the opposing counsel in court. He became the worst of them all, taught by the worst of them all, he is everything Gregory fought against and everything you hate.
Why would you want to associate with that? Why would you ever think he is not perfectly fine where he is, with his cushy office and his cushy sports car and his doubtlessly cushy pay?
A couple years later you hear he's been arrested for murder. Maybe you follow the trial, maybe you only see the headlines after everything, after DL-6 is finally solved. Honestly, that's when you start having a reason to reach out. When, had you been less embittered and jaded by the thanklessness of your job, you might have wondered what it was like for him to grow up in the shadow of his father's murderer. You might have been stricken with compassion and horror at the thought of fifteen years spent in crushing guilt, believing he killed the father he used to love so much. You might have empathised, despite your contempt for von Karma, with how his ward might feel to be so cruelly betrayed, thrice over, by the man who raised him since he was nine, who taught him everything before throwing him away like a piece of used junk.
But you still think of how he was like a son to von Karma, of how he got to spend fifteen years in wealth, following a shiny, easy, corrupt new path while you grieved and desperately tried to keep the pieces of your shared dream together. You think of how uneasy Gregory seemed with the idea of von Karma as a teacher, you think of how eager Miles seemed to follow in his footsteps and how much Gregory would have hated it. You think of the many defendants this boy callously condemned with barely a thought, just like his mentor. Of how he may not have his father's blood on his hands, but with the way he acts you'd think he had his murderer's in his veins. And you really, really don't want to deal with any of that.
You think, somewhat unfairly, that maybe Miles ought to have seen it coming. It's not like it's much of a secret that Manfred von Karma is a piece of shit, and good riddance to him.
Three years later, you actually have to interact with him again. It's been 18 years since you last saw him in his father's shadow, looking at him like he hung the stars in the sky, back when everything was so simple for the three of you. It's been 3 years since the truth about his oh-so-esteemed mentor was uncovered. He still wears the cravat. His brow is still furrowed, his eyes are still piercing.
But slowly, begrudgingly, you talk to him. You start realising he actually has some honour to him. That he's not really the Demon Prosecutor the papers made him out to be, that maybe you misjudged him a little bit, in you grief-stricken, angry bitterness. That maybe he can be trusted, after all, with his father's legacy.
Why would you think he ever needed saving?
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siren-141 · 3 days
Hi hi! Could we do 777 with Simon Riley pretty please!!
With lots of love!!
hey there, I'm so sorry that I'm just now getting around to this 😭😭 thank you so much for the request, I loved writing these. it's super late but this one concludes my summer challenge :) enjoy 🖤
warnings: none really lmao. unrequited love that's not actually unrequited. is this considered fluff?? summer sleepover
bad friends – black honey
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It had been a long week. It had been raining, dark grey clouds covering the sky for what felt like the whole week, casting a shadow over the base. Everyone was beat down and the energy was low, everyone tucking themselves away in their own spaces. That’s how you wound up running yourself a piping hot bath, with your favorite eucalyptus candle lit in the corner.
Stepping into the tub, you slowly lowered yourself into the water. You could see the steam coming up from the surface past the bubbles, even in the dim light. This was ultimate relaxation for you – something you didn’t often have time for.
It had been about 15 minutes of relaxation, soft music playing in the background. Your eyes were shut, and all the tension was gone from your body.
“You should really lock your door,” a voice called out in your room. You didn’t even bother to open your eyes, knowing that voice from anywhere.
“I could hear your heavy footsteps down the hall, Simon. Not very Ghost-like when it’s 11pm on a night off.”
You smiled to yourself, taking a relaxing deep breath. Nothing about your team startled you – you were too used to them and their ways, that almost nothing would shock you.
Simon closed – and locked – your main door behind him. Walking around the dimly lit room, he took in the atmosphere. He looked around at the fake ivy plant on top of your dresser and the scattered pictures you had hung up of different landscapes and events you’d gone to, studying your space with a piqued interest. He could hear your phone playing in the bathroom, and took note of what kind of music you liked during a time like this.
“Just came in to check on you. Been kind of an off week for everyone, seems like,” he commented, walking further into your room, admiring the small homemade painting you had hanging near your bathroom door. It was a beautiful landscape, with lush grass and crystal blue skies, the sun filtering throughout the painting. Nothing like the usual scenery that your team was used to, no – something peaceful to look at at the end of each night, something to look forward to. He couldn’t help but crack a small smile.
“‘m fine, just figured I’d take advantage of the night off,” you answered him, and completely instinctually, he looked towards the sound of your voice. That was his mistake.
Your voice drowned out and time seemed to slow for him. Your bathroom door was only cracked about four inches open, but those four inches seemed like the cracked gates of heaven. He looked at you, really looked at you. You laid there in the tub, soap suds covering your body and almost spilling out of the tub, your head leaned back against the shower wall. Your eyes were closed, but you looked utterly at peace. Every expanse of skin that showed through – your shoulder peeking above the tub, your neck that was exposed from your hair being pulled up, the tops of your knees that raised just over the water because the tub was too short, even for you – he committed it all to memory. He could stare at you like this forever: a renaissance painting in his own mind.
“...right?” Time started again at your prompt, and he quickly concentrated on what you had just said. You know you don’t have to check on me, right?
“‘course I do,” he grunted, turning away and shaking his head. “I check on everyone. ‘ts my job.”
Simon Riley, always the caretaker. Ghost might put up a front that he’s ruthless, emotionless, and that he doesn’t care – the first of it true – but Simon was another story. This team relied on trust and empathy for one another, whether it was obvious or not: you couldn’t run if you all hated each other. Each of you had unintentionally carved out a small part of your hearts for one another to fit in, and once you were there, there was next to nothing that could remove it. Simon might have his walls up, armed guards positioned at the top of them ready to shoot at anything that might get too close, but small gestures like this was all that was needed to see that he truly cared.
You sighed, partially from the relaxing scent of your candle drifting your way, and partially from exasperation of the stubborn man in the next room. “You should worry less about us sometimes and focus all that energy on yourself, Si. When was the last time you did something for yourself?”
The question rang in his head and all he could think about was you.
“You’ve gotta start taking care of yourself, big guy.” He sits on your bed, staring at the wall in front of him or looking around the contents of your nightstand – anywhere but through the four-inch crack of your door.
It’s silent for a moment, but it’s a comfortable silence. A few minutes go by, and he can hear the water sloshing around before you pull the drain cover and let the water drain out.
You finally make an appearance. Standing in the doorway, you had finally turned the big light on in your bathroom, having gotten dressed in your night clothes. Combing your hair out with your fingers, you looked at him with your eyebrow raised. His big frame sat on your bed, making it look so small, and you could tell he looked tired.
“I meant what I said, Simon. You deserve to take care of yourself.”
Turning around, you walked back into the bathroom, door now swung all the way open. Simon followed, crossing the small space to lean against the door frame. He was so much bigger than you, head almost hitting the top of the frame and shoulders so wide that he took up almost the entire width. He watched as you went through each bottle of your four-step skincare routine, slathering serum onto your face evenly.
He broke the silence.
“You’re beautiful.”
Of course your mind began to race, heart rate picking up immediately. You’d had feelings for the guy for quite a while now, but what would it do to the team dynamic if anyone acted on it? You couldn’t take the risk. That was the excuse you told yourself – you couldn’t risk the team being awkward. In reality? You’d always just shut off that part of you – the part of your brain that would wonder things like when are you going to find someone and imagine your dream man: why does he look just like Simon and do you really want to be alone or are you just telling yourself that
So you do what you always do when situations similar to this come up – you laugh. You play it casual and you laugh it off.
Smile wide, you don’t miss a beat as you continue to stare in your bathroom mirror, rubbing in the face cream as your third step. “My hair is a mess and I’m slugging my face right now, but okay!”
You try not to think about it, thinking that maybe it was just a late night, thinking that he had forgotten about it just as quickly as he had brought it up. You finished slathering the overnight mask onto your face, washed your hands, and as you turn to leave the bathroom without really looking, you bump into him, who didn’t even budge.
His finger gently hooks under your chin, just barely missing the line where your skincare serum starts, and lifts your head.
“I meant what I said,” he holds your eye contact until he can see that you’re fully focused on him now and that your thoughts aren’t racing like they were a minute before. He needs you to be fully present when he talks to you. “You’re beautiful.”
Your breathing is shallow, and you can almost hear your heart beating through your ears; feel the blood pumping a little extra hard throughout your veins. You couldn’t break eye contact right now if you tried – he captivated you, every one of your senses utterly surrounded by him.
He leaned down slowly, bridging the gap between you two, and your eyes closed in nervous anticipation. He was still in that moment, and you could almost feel his lips on yours before he turned his head, pressing a slow and gentle kiss to your cheek. He can hear your small gasp, breath finally finding you again, and he lingers there, eyes closing to remember this moment.
Leaning back, his hand drops back to his side and he looks at you with heavy-lidded eyes that have nothing but yearning in them. “I’d better let you get to sleep. Remember to lock your door.”
Simon crosses the room and hears your small goodnight back to him as he pulls the door shut behind him, waiting silently on the other side until he hears the lock click.
That night, you stayed up for another two hours, feeling utterly lovesick. And this time, it felt good.
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britishchick09 · 1 year
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a new senpai pic from insta! :D
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mariamlovesyou · 10 months
tuned into Plestia's live with Rahma Zein's second account (she got shadowbanned). key moments:
plestia talked about her adjustment to living in australia. "it's 1:30am now and it's normal for me and many palestinians who live abroad to be awake hours into the morning. i am scared of sleeping. because of the time difference, i'm scared if i sleep i will wake up to bad news. in gaza i was scared of the sound of the bombs, here i am scared of the quiet."
contacting family and friends in gaza is near impossible. "sometimes i feel like a crazy person, calling 20 times in a row hoping that on the 21st time the call might go through."
on the destruction of entire communities and neighbourhoods: "i'm scared when i go back to gaza i won't recognise it anymore. someone sent me a picture of my neighbourhood, and i couldn't tell it was mine at first. all my favourite places, cafes where the aunties used to give me extra food and ask about my day, have been destroyed. i dread looking at my gallery or seeing snapchat memories because most of these people in the pictures are no longer alive."
rahma asked plestia to talk about one story that stuck with her. plestia said "i remember walking one time on the 'safe corridor', that's what they called it anyway, and i saw an older woman clutching onto a donkey cart where her son's body was, refusing to let go of it. i asked my colleague what the smell was, he said it's dead bodies under the rubble. it was the first time i familiarised myself with the smell. the son's body was decaying and the woman told me about cats and animals eating away at it. i've had children talk to me about birds eating away at their parents' decomposing bodies and not being able to chase them away."
"it seems so silly to go to hospitals for minor sicknesses now. i can't even think about how many palestinian children are going to be terrified of hospitals now. there was a girl who was taken to the hospital to get treatment for injuries by one of the bombs, and while she was in the bathroom another bomb landed nearby. the impact from that sent the ceiling crashing down on her.. she got another injury while getting treated for her first one."
"i hate how people talk about our resilience - as if it's okay that this is happening to us. we are only surviving because we have to, because we have no other choice."
rahma brought up the way family homes are set up in palestine and asked plestia to elaborate. "basically, there are floors. someone will live on the ground floor, and then their married son lives with his children on the floor above them, and then their successors above them and so on. so when family homes are targeted, they wipe out entire families. many families officially no longer exist."
"i used to wear my journalist helmet and vest all the time, felt naked without it, even slept with the vest on sometimes until i realised it only made me more of a target. they didn't give me any protection, only headaches and back pain."
"i am an optimistic person, i loved covering sweet sentimental things, like at my graduation asking parents of top graduates how they feel about their children graduating. that's what i love reporting on. i wanted to cover things like that when i came back to gaza, show the beautiful side of gaza that the media didn't really show, but i didn't have the chance." "do you think they'll give you right of return?" "i can only hope."
plestia mentioned how hard it was being a journalist with limited access to the internet, charging facilities, no mics, lack of equipment and how difficult it was uploading things. rahma asked her what's one story that wasn't really recorded or posted due to these constraints; plestia said "the evacuations. sometimes they informed us about them, sometimes they didn't. you have no idea how hard it was, everyone looking for their family members, making sure every one was there, taking to the streets in 5 minutes and not knowing which way to go. i remember i went to my friend's house for shelter for 30 minutes before the first evacuation was announced and we ran to another family's house, stayed there for 2 days before another evacuation was announced. me, my friend, and that family all evacuated together to another family's house. there were already so many people there seeking shelter, it wasn't just one family staying there. none of us knew how long we had in any place."
before october 7th, palestinians were used to limitations on electricity. plestia used to plan her day's tasks around when the electricity was working. "for example when the electricity was on from 12 to 4, i would say i will do my laundry and charge the phones during this time. life wasn't exactly 'normal', but all of us pray to have those days back in comparison to what we are experiencing now." plestia also said that cars are running on cooking oil now because there is no fuel.
on hygiene: "many pregnant women have to give birth without any pain medication or medical attention. once we ran out of medicine, that was it. women who had to get C-sections couldn't stay to recover or get followup treatments because someone else needed the bed. we have no water, no tissues, no pads, barely any bathrooms. in the shelter schools you have to wait an hour before even getting to use the bathroom because of how many people are there."
"something you don't hear about is how many people die because of sadness. there's so many ways to die in gaza, because of the bombardment, because of starvation, the lack of resources, but i also know many elderly people who died because their hearts couldn't take it anymore. i have been in gaza before and lived through 4 aggressions, but nothing compared to this one."
a recurring sentiment that was echoed in the video: "sometimes i thought to myself: who am i recording this for? because we've already shown everything, we've already talked about everything. everything has already been said, the proof is everywhere, nothing i talked about today is new." rahma said the first video posted about what's happening in palestine should've been enough.
she is 22 today. plestia's closing words: don't stop talking about us, don't stop boycotting, don't stop protesting, please don't get bored of fighting for palestine.
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ravengards-rogue · 7 months
i thought of you so often.
arthur morgan x reader.
✧ tags : fem!reader (gendered language, explicit use of she/her in reference to reader), children / planning on children, generally sappiness, fluff, au where nothing bad happens to arthur hdskjsdkfhsj.
✧ wc : 2.4k (???)
✧ a/n : arthur morgan.... save me arthur morgan....also not a super original thought but i can't Stop thinking about it.
✧ synopsis : a collection of love letters, all unfinished, tucked somewhere you aren't meant to find them. oh, arthur loves you more than you knew.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖˚☽˚。⋆
You try to keep out of Arthur's belongings.
He's owed some privacy, for one. More than that, you've never felt any reason to look into it. Arthur isn't a man of many words, though you catch moments of his introspection should you pry. He isn't stoic, neither. And above all things, he's kind. Really truly kind in a way that makes him different from other men.
You don't have any complaints about him is what you mean. Unlike the men you've loved before, there are no short-comings of Arthur that would drive you to wanting to investigate his own personal things. Especially something so personal like his journals, prior or present.
On top of that, you were there with him through everything. You were part of the gang and stayed by him when it all fell apart. It was towards the end of that that Arthur came to you near frenzied, told you his plans, his thoughts. Confided in you and no less than begged to go with him where he ran.
You loved Arthur enough to stay, and so things ended - and you ran. There isn't much his journal could tell that you couldn't surmise on your own.
It's been years now, and you've long since left that life. You live with Arthur quietly, peaceful in the moments with a garden and kitty sweet as sugar.
It's a good life. An honest, quiet one sometimes to the point of being boring. You rarely miss the action, though occasionally you'll take up a bounty just to feel alive and make some money.
Mostly though, you live as unassuming folk. No bloodshed, no wardens, no gunslinging.
Been talk between you both about having a baby, recently. Serious talk. You've made some money between here and there, and you've got a good life. You've traveled too. But it gets a little lonely, and you don't really get your fill with just Jack when John and Abi are ways away.
Before anything like that, though - you need to clear some space. Empty out some belongings and things collecting dust. Living in one place for too long creates all sorts of mess, you find. When Arthur is home to help, he does - but he's been busy lately figuring something out with Charles. Some business venture related to ranching that you know nothing about so far. They'll tell you when its ready.
Usually when you're tidying, you keep to just your things, or your shared things - but Arthur has lived more life than you. It shows in that big closet space filled with nick-knacks he has yet to toss.
You'd mentioned it to him not too long ago and he'd given you permission to go through them.
(A kiss to your forehead from chapped lips and hands holding your waist, Arthur hums in acknowledgement as you ask his permission.
"Ain't nothing I gotta hide from you. Do whatever you need.)
But like you said - you try to keep your nose out of his business if it's not necessary for you to be in it in anyway.
You weren't trying to look through his things, really. You started cleaning, worked your way to that last box. Up on a shelf in his closet, a little too high for you to reach easily. You made a misstep and dropped the damn thing. It barely missed your head as the whole thing fell open, and out came journals and papers and photographs.
You've always known Arthur to be sentimental, so none of it has been particularly surprising. A photo of wolves and him on a horse, the picture from John and Abigail's engagement. Some other scraps of sentimental value.
And then there was a journal. Not Arthur's journal that he's always using, but another you've never seen before. You know Arthur journals, seen the thing plenty though you never look unless he shows you first.
A journal with a dark brown stained leather binding, fallen open and your name scrawled out in pencil lead at the top of it.
The curiosity got the better of you, okay? Not your damn fault.
So you're thinking on it.
The fabric of your skirt is pooled out underneath you as you hold the thing in your hands, sitting down on the ground surrounded by things. You've stowed away everything else that fell out from the box after ensuring it was intact, including Arthur's journals. Everything with the exception of the one you're holding.
Some guilt eats at you. You don't wanna upset him potentially by having looked. Even if he gave you permission, looking in the damn thing is a little different. But your name was there so clearly, and well - you didn't think he wrote about you. Apart from here and there, maybe.
You hold the book out in front of you with a sigh, looking fondly at his name ingrained in the leather. You press your forehead against it with, resigning yourself completely.
"Lord forgive my pryin'," You mumble, hoping it's enough to absolve you.
Your heart feels funny as you let your fingers trace over the hard edge of the front cover, one eye shut as you start to open it slow.
The first few pages are nothing special.
A page outlining who the journal belongs to and when it was started, and some doodles of yarrow and oleander. The pages after that filled with mundane entries. About people he met or things he saw, all endearing to you. The corners of your lips tug up slightly.
You really love this man helplessly.
You flip through a few more pages, many of them blank before writing starts to appear again. Little by little, you find passages. You look to the dates up at the corner (though not all of them have one) and trace the timeline. This is from all the way back in Horseshoe Overlook.
It feels like ages ago now.
You look at a page with no date, and reading the writing in it. There's doodles of flowers and trees along the bottom of the page. The words are easy enough to make out - because Arthur has the most unusually beautiful handwriting.
There's some entries about you. At first, they all include your name in some context. Mentioned in the same way Arthur might mention Hosea or Abigail. The further you go, the less you see it. The more you become her and she.
It's a trend. The longer you read, the less there is about anyone else. Just you and all your silly idiosyncrasies tucked between pages. Something lovestruck and foolish lights its match in you.
Saw a body hanging at the tracks at Valentine. A gruesome sight. I told her about it and she laughed. Asked me to take her to see it. A strange woman, by all accounts.
You feel yourself smile a little as you continue to flip through the pages.
She joined me riding into town today. Said she had some business to attend but would not tell me any details. After, she came with me to purchase a new gun. I engraved a snake into it's handle, per her request.
Another few pages littered with drawings of delicate berries and waterfalls before you stumble across more writing. The more you flip, the longer the passages become you.
You can't tear your eyes away.
Rained today. Nothing too terrible or worth mentioning, except that she nearly caught a cold playing in it. I brought her coffee to keep her warm, but could not scold her further upon seeing her delight.
Another passage, this time written with messier hand writing. A coffee stain splatters on the white of the page.
Your heart tugs on itself. Swells about a thousand sizes. To think he wrote so much of your time together between these pages.
You read and read and read - and each passage is a little more mundane at the last. Some pages go on in vivid detail, but others are so short you aren't sure what to make of the fact he wrote them at all. As if such little details were important enough to keep in mind.
I picked a flower for her. I thought it would suit her taste. It was white with delicate petals. I did not know the name.
She wore it in her hair this evening. I find I can't stop grinning.
One passage on the next few pages, longer than the rest, catches your eye. From later in your time together, written when you were in Leymone. Near Scarlett Meadows and before the mess in Saint Denis.
After Arthur had been kidnapped.
I have gone on and on about the business with Colm O'Driscoll in many entries before this one. Yet, I find it difficult to forget. Many times I have come close to death, and still no experience lingers on my mind quite like this one. Everyone has done their best to look after me. For that I am grateful, though I do not care for being looked after. What use am I like this, I wonder? Perhaps, I should simply be grateful to be alive and in one piece, if a little uglier than I was. Alongside Miss Grimshaw and Miss Tilly, she has been by my side while I recovered. Such a carefree woman and yet I have seen her cry and weep over me countless times in the last few weeks alone. The decent man in me is apologetic for causing sorrow. Perhaps, it is the outlaw in me that feels some strange relief or satisfaction. Her fussing does not give me any grief. If anything, I find myself all the more endeared. Such a decent woman does not belong in a place like this. I hope she is able to go somewhere far away and live peacefully. I am not so shameless to want anything more. The time together we have spent, I will make sure to cherish.
Something painful and pitiful tugs at your heart. Even when Arthur admitted his feelings for you, he had started it on a similar tangent. You tell him often that you're the one who feels out of bounds with him. That a man as decent and as honest as him often feels like too much for you to have so easily.
A tear slips from your eye and you laugh at your own sentimentality, wiping it away before it can splatter onto the pages.
The further you read, the more sporadic entries become. You find that there are pages filled with sketches of you, but many of them are scratched out or half erased - like he did not find them good enough. Of your side profile, of your hands, of you pointing at a target with a gun. You feel a strange feeling of love wash over you.
Instead of concrete thoughts, you're met with Arthur's abstract. Subtle complexities and studies. There's honest tenderness in the way he sketches you and the words he chooses to caption each with. Lighter, thinner lines. Smaller doodles like stray daydreams caught onto a page.
You've never doubted Arthur in his love for you, quiet man he is - but it proves to overwhelm when presented to you in such a way.
You get to back pages. There, you're finally met with more writing. Except, instead of journal entries, there's the start of letters. You find your name at the top of the page.
Over and over. Love letters, all unfinished or scrapped. Written over and over and over, but not completed. There's tens of them at least. You've never received a love letter from Arthur before, though it's nothing you fault him for.
Now you're almost glad. You like this much better.
My darling girl My muse The better half of me, I must find some way to tell you all of what I think of you. It seems no words do it justice, I'm afraid. Still, it is in my best interest to try.
Damn that man.
When you find yourself starting to weep, you don't fight the feeling. You merely shut the book closed and set it in your lap before crying into your hands.
Such overwhelmingly happy tears. You feel off balance. If the whole world turned on its head this very minute, you're unsure you'd notice. What a decent, honest man you've come to love. What a tender one.
In the middle of your crying, you don't hear the door open or close. Nor do you hear Arthur's heavy footfall until he's in the doorway, with a voice worried half to death.
"Sweetheart, what in the hell?"
You turn your head to look at him, watching his eyes widen at your tear stained face. You clamber to your feet hurriedly, book dropping onto the ground next to you as you throw yourself at him as soon as you can.
Arthur is a steady enough man not to stumble when you do, though you can feel his apprehension. Eventually, he circles his arms around your waist. His hugs are strong. Bout strong as him and then some. An arm wrapped around your waist, the other crossed over your back all around your shoulder. Full pressure as he squeezes you tight, patting the back of your head.
"I leave you alone for a few hours. What has gotten into you, little lady?"
You pull back and and look at him, wet lashes and all, before leaning up to kiss him. Arthur meets your lips chastely at first before making a noise of surprise as you kiss him further. You use both hands to grab his face as you do, scruff scratching against your skin. His lips are soft, welcoming. He melts into the touch, so easily - blue eyes lovestruck as you pull away.
"You know I love you, don't you Arthur? More than anyone in this crazy world we live in,"
His face softens visibly. He smiles at you, touching his head to yours.
"Somehow, I do. Though, I'm wonderin' what the hell brought this on."
You tuck your face against his chest, feeling his laughter reverb through you at the way you cling to him so fervently. You sniffle as you talk.
"Found your journal. The one about me,"
He goes stiff, then silent. When you look up again, he's blushing red. He pinches his brow.
"Lord, I'd forgotten all about it,"
You shake your head.
"Ain't nothing for you to be embarrassed about. You are so wonderful,"
He pouts at you. Your heart swells. "You ain't helping with the embarrassment."
You hold him further. Hug him so tight, worried he'll disappear if you don't.
"I love you, Arthur."
"You already told me once, didn'tcha?"
"And I'll tell you one thousand times over," You emphasize, pouting at him. "Really. I love you,"
"I love you too sweetheart," His hand cups your face, thumb brushing along your waterline. "Don't cry no more. Spoils that pretty face."
"I'll try but I don't know if it's all out of me,"
Arthur laughs, pressing a kiss against your hairline. "Guess I'll just have to wipe your tears."
.𖥔 ݁ ˖˚☽˚。⋆
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kitten4sannie · 7 months
ɪɴᴅᴜꜱᴛʀʏ ʙᴀʙʏ
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ᴄᴜᴄᴋᴏʟᴅ/ᴄᴜᴍ ᴘʟᴀʏ ➠ ᴍɪɴɢɪ/ʜᴏɴɢᴊᴏᴏɴɢ
pairing: singer/rapper bf! mingi x fem! reader x guitarist! hongjoong
genre: band au, smut
summary: your bf’s band has such a good set, that he doesn’t mind sharing you with the handsy guitarist. anything for his baby. he just wants to assess the damage afterwards.
w.c: 3.2k
warnings: open relationship, mentioned alcohol/drugs use, dom! mingi/hongjoong, joongie’s got a tongue piercing ^^, sub! reader, so muchhh cucky behavior, mxm if you squint, teasing, perversion, dirty talk, degradation, pet names, fingering, oral (receiving), voyeurism/exhibitionism, unprotected rough sex, actual phone sex, creampie, two seconds of cockwarming, cum eating, more oral and fingering, some clit nibbling, squirting
a/n: urgghh im obsessed with tunnel and mingi and hongjoong’s guitar solo and just minjoong in general hhhhhnn also idkw happened but hongjoong is giving me more and more brainworms these days and i just i’m uhhhhh 🧎🏻‍♀️so yeah please enjoy whatever this is <33
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ᴅɪɢɪᴛᴀʟ ʙᴀᴛʜ ʙʏ ᴅᴇꜰᴛᴏɴᴇꜱ
0:01 ❍─────── 4:28
Volume: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
ᴘʀᴇᴠ | ꜰꜰꜰ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ | ɴᴇxᴛ
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You were always full of nerves before your boyfriend’s band went on, especially when the previous band was finishing up their encore. Hanging out backstage was always hectic too, the venue’s employees running around like headless chickens in pursuit of completing the latest task their manager gave them, members of other bands and their entourages engaging in boisterous conversations, drinking, and doing drugs amongst themselves, their actions up to par with the touring lifestyle. It wasn’t until you ran into the guitarist of your boyfriend’s band, Hongjoong, that your nerves doubled, but for a different reason. 
“Y/N, there you are. Where have you been, huh?” Hongjoong greeted you with a hug, resting his solo cup against your lower back, his free hand moving down to your ass, squeezing it a few times through your skirt, sighing against your skin, his body relaxing against yours. “I missed my stress toy…” 
“Joong,” you whined, pushing gently at his leather bound chest, your hand almost getting tangled in one of his silver chained necklaces. “You always get so grabby before a show. What if Mingi sees?” 
Hongjoong rolled his eyes, leaning his face into your neck, alcohol on his breath. “You know he wants to see it. And it’s not my fault I can't keep my hands off you. Just look at you…” The buzzed guitarist gazed down at your body with hooded eyes, his jaw tightening up more and more the longer he pictured what you looked like folded up for him and taking everything he had to give. “You’d look so good underneath me, baby. Spread open all nice and wide…fuck….” 
“Joongie, please…” you whispered, squeezing your thighs together, pressing your back into the concrete wall behind you, feeling him press further into you as a result. 
“You can beg for me after the show, sweetheart. Just let me get a peek, okay?” Knowing he had you right where he wanted you, Hongjoong slowly ran a calloused finger along your jaw, down your neck to your rising chest, pleased with the way your breath hitched, his dark eyes flitting between your gaze and the slope of your bare tits through your thin white tank top, unable to resist pulling down the neckline of your top until he had a good view of your pebbled nipples. “Look at that. You’re just aching to be touched, aren’t you?” 
You were so wet, you could’ve sworn that you were about to drip all over the backstage floor, barely able to form any coherent words besides a small ‘yeah’, letting the perverted guitarist grab at your hips, his fingers pressing into your hip bones, a low groan leaving his lips. 
“Wanna fuck you, baby, wanna make you mine,” Hongjoong sighed into your ear, about to describe his needs in detail and put his hands all over you when Mingi came around the corner, a lollipop poking through his cheek, his ringed fingers rubbing at the mascara near his lash line. 
Mingi stopped in his tracks, towering over the both of you due to the studded boots he always wore during his shows. He studied you, noticing how flushed you were and how hard you were already breathing. He couldn’t help but to pull his sweet lollipop out to bite at his plump lip, his cock ready to come to life. “Oh? What’s this about, sugar?” 
“Babyy, there you are,” you greeted, bouncing on your heels, making grabby hands at your boyfriend. 
In return, Mingi lifted you up and spun you around in a tight hug, making sure to press a kiss to your cheek before putting you back down in front of his favorite bandmate. 
“Joongie’s being all needy again,” you giggled, leaning back against Hongjoong’s chest. 
“Can’t help it.” Hongjoong casually handed his drink to Mingi who took it and knocked it back, wrapping his arms around you from behind, leaning his head on your shoulder, a sickening smirk gracing his feline-like lips. “Hey, Minnie. Wanna make a bet?”
“What kind of bet?” Mingi licked at the corner of his salivating mouth, pulling at the crotch of his heavy, chained pants, his cock pressed against one of his thighs, growing harder just from seeing the way you fit perfectly inside his bandmate’s arms. Shit. 
“If I nail my guitar solo tonight, will you let me have Y/N for a night?” Hongjoong requested, nuzzling his face against your heated cheek, making a small pouty face at his dear bandmate. 
Mingi knew he shouldn’t be getting this worked up before a show, but it might make him perform better if he was thinking about how bad he wanted you, and how he couldn’t have you until Hongjoong did. He knew the odds of Hongjoong hitting every single note perfectly was a 50/50 chance. His chances were even lower if he had access to a bottle of jack that night, though Mingi was aware that his bandmate was quite skilled with his calloused fingers, only knowing because you wouldn’t shut up about it a few nights ago. 
The lead singer decided he would push all his chips onto the table, knowing he would have his darling to himself either way. You belonged to him, whether you were filled with another man’s load or not. “Sure, as long as you make sure my baby cums.” He sent a charming smile your way, bringing his hand up to caress your cheek, chuckling softly when you pressed a kiss to the side of his thumb, your lips making contact with the cold metal of his large skull ring. 
“Hear that, princess? Min wants me to have you,” Hongjoong purred into your ear from the other side. “And so do you, huh? Is that cunt of yours dripping already? I think we should have a litle peek...” Knowing all three of you would enjoy it, the guitarist snaked his hands around your waist from behind, lifting your skirt up for only Mingi to see, rubbing his rough fingers along your bare cunt.
“I-i heard,” you gasped, grasping at Mingi’s oversized sweater, your fingers going into one of the torn holes it had, leaning your head back against Hongjoong’s shoulder, trying not to make any noise when Mingi joined in, slipping two of his fingers into your pulsing cunt, the feeling of his rings stretching you out further making you jolt. 
“You know what I hear? How fucking wet you already are for us.” Hongjoong said into your ear, his digits rubbing roughly into your clit, his eyes on Mingi’s hooded ones, licking at his lips. “Your girlfriend is such a slut, Min. God, I love it.” 
“She loves it too,” Mingi replied in a gravelly voice,  stepping a little closer to cage you against Hongjoong, pushing the lollipop into your mouth to watch you suck on it. “But you still belong to me…Don’t you, baby?”
“Of course, Minnie. I’m only yours.” You nodded obediently up at him, crunching some of the lollipop in between your teeth when Mingi added another digit inside your tight hole, your thighs trembling slightly. 
“That’s my girl.” Your boyfriend gave you a pretty smile, pressing his hand against the wall near your head to further display his dominance over you, his eyes fixed on your submissive gaze, and the way you just let him fill you up with his thick fingers, his bandmate’s fingers still working you clit like he would would a six string. “Fuck…you’re so sexy like this, baby…” 
“Try not to blow your load before the show,” Hongjoong mused, his smirk growing more and more reminiscent of the Cheshire Cat’s. He was about to tease Mingi more when the previous band sang their last angsty lyric and shredded their remaining guitar notes, silence filling up the air for only a moment, before there was an immediate uproar of rowdy cheers and shouts from the pumped up crowd. 
Your boyfriend’s band was up next and you couldn’t wait to watch them from the sidelines, ready to catch their occasional hungry glances, knowing they were ready to tear you apart once they finished their heavy, energy filled set. 
Mingi delivered as usual, showing off his impressive duality, going from spitting quick, head-turning bars with a devilish smirk on his sweaty face, to expressing emotional, thought provoking lyrics with a soft, expressive voice that would have anyone shedding a tear, his face contorted in melancholic concentration, his hands wrapped tightly around his mic, his dominating stage presence alone having the entire venue in a chokehold throughout the entire set. 
Hongjoong arguably delivered just as well, consistently shredding notes on his sleek guitar with a borderline psychotic look in his eyes and a heinous grin that would make the Devil himself blush, working his rough, agile fingers song after heavy song, never failing to provide Mingi with his own unique back-up vocals. And just like clockwork, despite being a bit tipsy and high on some kind of illegal drug, Hongjoong captivated the large audience with his infamous guitar solo, making everybody in the crowd cream themselves with his nasty riffs. All Hongjoong could do after was push back his sweaty hair and send Mingi a shit-eating smirk, that was returned with a soft chuckle and head shake. He made sure to give you a look too, though this time he had his fingers held up in a V, his pierced tongue sticking out in between them. 
You were in for a busy night. 
“Hey, eyes on me, baby…” Hongjoong commanded in a low whisper from below you, sitting comfortably on his knees, using his thumbs to keep your cunt spread open for him, watching you writhe around against the wall of the spacious hotel shower, beads of water dripping through his damp bangs and past his smudged eyeliner, pooling in the crevices of his collar bone, the rest trickling down along his dangling necklaces. 
He had easily coaxed you inside his hotel room, not having to do much to get you in his shower, claiming he needed to cool down after giving it his all during the show — though he still made sure to give you his all during your own private show, using his calloused, dexterous fingers to play with your body, delighted with the pretty, wanton sounds he created, wanting nothing more than to write a song about how delicious you looked in that moment — flushed, transfixed on his pierced tongue lapping at your throbbing clit, and moaning out the little pet name you gave him. 
“That’s it….” The side of his lips quirked up a bit at the pout you gave him, before he pursed them and sent a wad of spit directly into you, pushing two fingers back inside you to rub it around your tight, pulsing walls. “I love when you look at me like that.”
“Like what, Joong?” you breathed out, running your fingers through his wet hair, gripping the sides of his head, your thighs beginning to feel like jelly from the way Hongjoong was finger-fucking you into ecstasy. 
“Like you want my cock,” he sighed, unable to keep himself from diving back into your cunt, lapping at your clit and slit like a pussydrunk maniac, easily slipping a third finger inside you. 
“I do…! I need your cock, Joongie, please,” you moaned out, so close to your high that you began to push his face into your cunt, rubbing it against his moving tongue, his piercing repeatedly catching on your clit, driving more pleasured moans out of you, neither of you aware in that moment that your dear perverted boyfriend sat on the other side of the wall, standing fully clothed in his own shower and jerking himself off with fervid desperation, his jeans hanging loosely around his jolting hips. 
“You’ll have it, baby, I promise. Cum on my tongue first,” he said with his lips against your soaked cunt, curling his fingers and rubbing at the gummy spot inside you, sending you over the edge, sticking his tongue out to catch your arousal on it, his cock throbbing at the sound of his name mixed with swears being cried out by his bandmate’s pretty girlfriend. 
Soon, you grew docile and dazed, wrapping your limbs around him as soon as he stood up and carried you over to his bed, not wasting any time sending a few drops of spit down onto your hot cunt and plugging it up with his thick cock. 
Mingi felt like he was going to melt, his brain and body going into overdrive over the fact that his beloved bandmate was busy putting a baby in his baby, making her feel so good she was starting to cry, his cock throbbing inside his closed fist, listening closely to the pants and moans that made their way into his pierced, attentive ears, along with the incessant creaking of the mattress springs — though the disruptive banging sounds of the wooden bedframe hitting the thin wall contended for Mingi’s attention as well. 
“Joong..! It’s so good, you’re so good,” he heard you whine out in a broken voice, not hearing the rest of your cries due to Hongjoong stuffing two fingers into your willing mouth. Mingi couldn’t help but want to drown in his sin, pulling his phone out of his back pocket. 
You looked to your phone with half-closed eyes, watching the way it buzzed against the moving mattress, your legs suddenly getting closer to your body, Hongjoong lifting your lower half up to fuck into you even deeper than before, rendering you speechless from the pressure of his heated body on yours. 
“Answer it, baby,” Hongjoong huffed from above you, his necklaces dragging along your flushed skin with each sloppy thrust, blowing a bit of wet hair out of his half-lidded eyes. 
“Mingi,” you sighed into the receiver, trying to catch your breath, knowing you were on the edge of ecstasy with the way your body was starting to feel heavy, despite the feeling like you were ready to float away. “I’m gonna cum, baby, it– aaah, oh my god…!”
“Cum for me, princess. Let me hear how pretty you sound cumming on his cock,” Mingi moaned back, squeezing his hand around his length, his eyes ready to roll underneath his eyelids. 
Hongjoong put his entire body weight onto you, his lips sliding across your neck to leave a few marks, his cock throbbing against your tight inner walls, pounding into you a few more times before he painted them white. “M’ cumming inside your girl, Minnie, it’s feel so fucking good…”
It was when Hongjoong bit down onto your neck that you catapulted over the edge, grabbing at the guitarist’s bare back, digging your nails into his skin. “Mingiii, he’s filling me up…it won’t stop…”
“Oh god, baby, oh my god.” Mingi huffed and huffed, his entire body tensing up as he drove himself over the edge right after you, splashes of cum landing on his rapidly rising chest and abdomen. 
You simply laid there making small squeaks from the aftershocks of your orgasm, while Hongjoong stayed put inside you, his soft, deflated cock suddenly twitching with newfound interest, a light bulb appearing inside his hazy brain. “Min, I want you to come over here. You need to see the mess I made inside your girlfriend…”
And just like that, Mingi made his way over to the next door hotel room, fumbling with his loose pants and the doorknob, wiggling till it unlocked. He kicked his jeans off once inside the half-lit room, climbing onto the bed to join the both of you, having the same intensely horny, almost deranged look in his eye that he usually had before a show. 
“Baby, look,” you sighed out, spreading your thighs open, while Hongjoong pulled out inch by inch, until a flood of creamy white liquid bubbled out of your pulsing hole, dripping down your thighs and onto the already damp mattress below. 
Before Mingi could properly access the arousing situation, drool falling from his moaning mouth, Hongjoong suddenly grabbed him by the hair, pushing his head down in between your legs. “You wanna clean it up, don’t you, Minnie? Come on, be a good boy and lick up the mess I left inside her.” 
Blushing, Mingi lapped at the mess of cum and slick, using his fingers to scoop the rest out into his eager mouth, Hongjoong’s hand still pressing his face further into your used cunt, eventually letting go when he started to go at it, watching his bandmate’s tongue swipe at your clit and slit. Mingi didn’t even seem to notice, too busy drowning in his baby’s sweet cunt to have any awareness, his hands clutching your trembling thighs. 
“Gonna cum again,” you whined out, unable to speak when your boyfriend suddenly lifted his fingers up to your mouth to suck on them, his lips sucking around your sensitive clit, his dark, glazed over eyes focused solely on the way you seemed to completely fall apart in front of his and his best friend. 
“Think you can get her to squirt?” Hongjoong asked from beside him, resting one of his hands on your moving thighs, holding it down so that you couldn’t close them. 
Mingi glanced over at Hongjoong, rolling his mascara-smudged eyes, knowing exactly what to do to make his baby feel so good she sobbed. He pulled his fingers out of your mouth, instead pushing three of them inside you, curling them up until you cried out. With his other hand, he forcefully pushed Hongjoong’s head down onto your cunt next. “Lick,” he commanded gruffly, concentrating solely on fucking you into ecstasy with his thick fingers. 
Moaning against your cunt, Hongjoong lapped and nibbled on your throbbing clit, his cold piercing dragging over your sensitive flesh, feeling his bandmate’s fingers tugging at his hair, eliciting another muffled moan from him. 
“Bite it. Bite her clit and make her cum,” Mingi demanded through gritted teeth, working your cunt like he always did, enjoying the sight of you writhing around, unable to speak or think, knowing his pretty baby was experiencing some of the best pleasure of her life thanks to him and his friend. 
It was when Hongjoong bit down and moved your clit in between his teeth, Mingi’s fingers still moving relentlessly inside your clenching cunt, that you screamed, your boyfriend’s slick-covered fingers going back into your mouth to keep you from waking up everyone else in the hotel. Both bandmates watched as a small fountain of liquid squirted from your pulsing cunt, seeping into the mattress and turning it dark. 
A few moments of silence went by, before Hongjoong gave Mingi a sickening smile. “Bet you can’t get her to do that with your cock.” 
Mingi shook his head, blowing his wet bangs out of his eyes. “Of course I can. She’s my baby. I know her body like the back of my hand. I’ll make her drench the both of us.”
Hongjoong giggled softly, tilting his head to the side, his eyes flitting from you to Mingi. “Wanna make a bet?” 
You were definitely in for a long night. 
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fff taglist: @itza-meee @chnt1 @k-hotchoisan @wonyobie @vampiregirl215 @christmastodoroki @luvt0kki @goldnhwa @choisanboobenthusiast @icyb3rry @maximofftrash @choism @yunhosmelonbar @nebulousbookshelf @astayinwonderland @slutologyy @10nantscompanion @ddaeing @pandagirl-016 @horanghae8 @smally97 @ateezzzser @bubblegumbird @midnightmaja @i2nsstuff @asimpelslut @wisejudgedragonhairdo @deathbyyeekies @firefox79 @wildesreblogs @everyonewooeverywhere @raspberrysannie @channiespup @abby-grace @seonghwaddict @mxnsxngie @jeongwangjessmina
Apply for the taglist here ⇢ ♡
© kitten4sannie, 2024.
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sierrale8ne · 17 days
mom oc with paige? she can be the one who stepped up but once they get alone it gets smutty
paige bueckers x mom!oc
nsfw // really long, porn with plot, takes place when paige is in the w (year 3 in LA), stepmommy paige, soft!dom!paige, sub!oc, fingering, dirty talk, nipple play, some soft smut and very sweet fluff!
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liked by cameronbrink22, nikamuhl, and 24,061 others
saveareaves_ fits gotta stay hard even in 100° weather 🙂‍↕️
view all comments
stormreid flyest mom ever 😮‍💨 liked by author
user1 hey so how about you stop gatekeeping that camera roll and give us a photo of you and paige and zion 😅😅 just a suggestion!
paigebueckers Featured 🙂‍↕️
╰ saveareaves_ always 💋
cameronbrink22 zion’s little hand 🥹
╰ saveareaves_ can’t keep her hands to herself lol
jujubballin 🤩🤩
user ur tan lines… savea you want me dead????
azzi35 i can’t wait to see you guys 😣
╰ saveareaves_ soon my girl ❤️‍🔥
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Savea huffed lowly as she set her wax stick on her vanity, gently tugging her jet black hair into a ponytail at the top of her head, slicking it to perfection before dropping her hands and rolling her shoulders. Her two and a half year old daughter, Zion, sat on the carpeted floor near her feet playing with a unicorn plushie gifted to her by Savea’s girlfriend.
When Savea first met Paige, she was 23 years old and Zion was around a year old. She had just gotten out of an extremely toxic relationship with her child’s father who was ultimately out of the picture immediately after they broke up, and not looking for any type of relationship.
But Paige was simply different. She was very patient with her, understanding that Savea still wasn’t used to being treated as amazingly as Paige treated her nor was she used to communicating her feelings and emotions. But it was very easy to fall for her because Paige was an amazing woman who genuinely wouldn’t hurt a fly.
When Savea took that next step in introducing the athlete to her daughter, Paige practically fell in love all over again. Zion, though very young, was still a complete carbon copy of Savea. From her eyes to the shape of her nose and even her smile.
There was nothing the woman loved more than watching Paige become a parental figure to Zion. Caring for her when she woke up at night, to bringing her back gifts from every single road trip. She even went as far as having designated time with Zion every Sunday (yes, even when she was on the road), no excuses.
They were currently getting ready for one of Paige’s games where the Sparks would be playing the Valkyries in a California classic. It was the first home game back from all-star break and the game was heavily marketed, mostly because of the Sparks biggest stars in Paige, Cameron Brink, and Rickea Jackson going up against Paige’s former UConn teammates Azzi Fudd and Nika Mühl.
Savea was excited, not only because of the atmosphere, but being able to meet some of her girlfriend’s favorite people in person (finally) was something she was looking forward to.
“Mommy!” Zion’s voice ran through her ear as she picked her up off the floor, holding her to her hip as she grabbed her bag and other necessities all at once.
“Yes, Z?”
Zion brought her little hand up towards her face before gesturing towards the unicorn on the floor. Savea chucked before bending over and picking it up, handing it to her daughter.
“Thank you, mommy.”
“You’re welcome, my baby.”
Shuffling the excited toddler into the car and keeping her entertained throughout the ride to Crypto.com Arena was definitely a bit of a struggle, but once they got closer to the arena Zion settled a little bit.
Her cream colored kitten heels clicked against the yellow hardwood floor, while Zion ran by her feet.
Paige wanted them to show up a little before shoot around so she could meet everyone before the fans started to pack the stands. She had even made sure the two were able to get into the family and eat something before the game, it was very considerate of her and Savea made sure to thank her for it later.
“Paigey!” The little girl screamed, spotting the blonde in a courtside seat finishing up a conversation with one of her assistant coaches. An iPad between them as they looked at film.
She looked up, pushing back the flyaways of her slick back bun. She opened up her arms, leaning forward towards the end of the seat. “Hey, babygirl!” A grin so big it reached her eyes she she picked Zion up in her arms.
The little girl’s short arms wrapped around her neck while Paige peppered her cheeks with kisses. Savea smiled from her spot a few feet away, adjusting the Marc Jacobs bag on her shoulder.
“P, look!” She yelled, fingers pointing to the white shirt Savea styled her in with Paige’s face on it. “D’you like it?”
“I love it, Z! Thank you so much.”
Paige had brought her attention away from Zion’s shirt, listening to her talk about her day with her mom as she walked up towards Savea. She was fairly shameless in the way she sized her up. The black backless shirt with gold jewelry complemented her carmel skin wonderfully. Her cheetah print pants sat beautifully low waisted on her hips, and face done up to accentuate her already goddess like appearance.
Savea noticed, calling her closer with her forefinger before planting a short kiss on her lips.
“Hey, ma. You good?” Paige asked, disappointed that the kiss she’d been thinking about all day only lasted for a few seconds.
“You look good.” Her girlfriend complemented. Her hand briefly went to cover Zion’s eyes with her hand before she jokingly, and dramatically, bit her lip. She mouthed something a little too nasty because Savea’s jaw dropped and she hit the blonde’s arm with a force she didn’t even know she had.
“Ow! Z, mommy just hit me!” Paige pouted.
“Mommy, don’t hit her!” Zion frowned, crossing her arms on her chest and Paige stuck her tongue out in victory.
This is what she regretted about introducing the two. Paige was literally a six year old trapped in an adults body. The two together was like working at a daycare. Savea reluctantly apologized, rolling her eyes at Paige when her daughter stopped glaring at her with her adorable brown doe eyes.
“Okay, so,” Paige started. “I have some people who really really want to meet you, is that okay with you, Z?” She asked, running her fingers through Zion’s curly hair. Azzi and Nika were just walking into the gym from their side of the arena, their lavender colored warmups slowly approaching the group of three. The child curled into Paige’s chest, looking to her mom for some sort of support.
Savea nodded. “It’s okay! We’ll go with you, princess. Don’t be scared.” She smiled, instating some confidence into the little girl’s heart.
“Okay.” Zion mumbled, reaching for her mom and Paige allowed the other woman to take her from her grasp.
“But I thought you wear yellow and purple?” Zion yawned as she looked up at Paige slightly confused.
It had been a little over two hours after the game had ended. The match up living up to its expectations. The Sparks had thankfully came out with a two point victory 88-86 thanks to a game saving block by Cameron on Nalyssa Smith in the last few seconds.
Paige had played great, and both Savea and Zion nearly lost their voices cheering for her. A 29 point game coupled with 10 rebounds and 6 assists, a few steals and a memorable block added to the stat sheet as well.
The blonde sat on the carpeted floor of Savea’s LA Apartment. Zion sat soundly in her lap, taking sips from the warm milk Paige had provided her to get her to sleep, it was definitely a little past the toddler’s usual bedtime. After getting back from the game Zion could not stop talking about how cool she thought Paige’s job was, so her bedtime story hearing about and looking at memories from Paige’s career up until now. Pictures from when she played at Hopkins, to when she held that National Title trophy over her head during her last year at UConn. (a/n: manifesting)
“Well I do now, but I used to wear white and blue for a very long time.” Paige explained.
“I like blue.” Zion Yawned again, and Paige took the sippy cup away from her little hands.
“I know you do.” Paige laughed, wiping the dribble of milk that fell from her lips. “I think it might be bedtime for you, princess.”
She didn’t miss the frown that spread across Zion’s face, “I don’t wanna!” She whined, shaking her head viciously and burying herself deeper into Paige’s hold. “Please, Paigey?”
Paige very clearly hated telling Zion ‘no.’ She felt like the words should never even form on her tongue when talking to the little girl, but it was past 11:30 at night and keeping her up longer would only be a recipe for disaster come morning time. “It’s late, baby girl. You gotta go to bed.”
Savea could sense her daughter getting frustrated, so she walked over. She sat on the sofa that Paige rested her back against. Her hand subconsciously slipping to cup Paige’s cheek. “Z, let her put you to bed, okay? You got all day tomorrow to do whatever you want.” She reasoned.
Zion looked over to Paige, her frown turning into a smile when she stood up on her thighs and wrapped her arms around her neck. “One more story? Please!” Dragging out the ending sound, Zion eagerly jumped up and down.
“Okay! Okay, one more, that’s it.” Paige gave in. “But we’re going upstairs.”
“Thank you, mama.”
Paige’s brows furrowed for a few milliseconds before her head shot up to look at Savea. The expression on her face was incredulous. Savea simply shrugged, a matching smile on her face.
“Did you just call me, mama?” Paige asked, returning her attention to Zion.
“Sorry, I won’t—”
“No. No! Don’t apologize, princess. Of course you can call me that. I’d love it if you called me that.” Paige reassured. She held Zion close, probably closer than she’d even realized.
Savea didn’t fight the smile that formed on her face. She was very stingy with who she allowed around her daughter, and rightfully so. When she had first introduced Zion to Paige she had only hoped that Paige would be around for a long time, not only to protect her heart but Zion’s as well. This was even more than she had expected. It was heartwarming and she was so grateful to be able to watch the two’s relationship form into what it was now.
Savea finally made her way to her bathroom after watching Paige hold Zion to her chest and take her into her bedroom. This was another thing she loved about having the athlete around, she didn’t have to do it all alone. She was able to take time for herself in ways she wasn’t able to do before.
She had gotten out of the shower, body clean and smelling of her Vanilla body wash. Her favorite rose colored night robe on her body as she finished the rest of skin care routine. A few knocks on her door got her attention.
She tugged the door open to reveal her girlfriend. The blonde stepped into the brightly lit bathroom, her arms immediately wrapping around Savea’s waist and pulling her close. Paige tucked her head into the woman’s neck, “You smell nice.”
“Thank you! It’s that new body butter you got me.” Savea answered. Her hands dropped to hold onto the arms around her waist. Paige still had on her outfit from the game. A simple white graphic t-shirt that had the sleeves cut off; she was obviously in the mood to show off her muscles tonight. Her baggy light wash jeans clung low to her hips, the band of her Calvin Klein’s peaking out. “You played good tonight, it was kinda hot.” She changed the subject.
Paige’s lips puckered, pushing a kiss to Savea’s neck. She was soft with it, teasing as she looked into her eyes through the mirror. “I had a baddie sitting in the box, I had to show out.” She joked. Savea rolled her eyes at the cockiness that ran through her body.
“Okay, Jordan Poole.”
“I’m serious! You shoulda seen her, baby. She got a pretty smile, body on a whole different level, she was cheering me on the whole game too.” Paige continued, she slightly rocked the two side to side as she spoke.
“Oh yeah?”
“Mhmm, definitely a MILF. Shoulda seen her.” She teased. Paige kissed Savea’s neck again. Her hand moved to the silk string of her robe, playing with it but not tugging the robe open. “She ain’t got shit on you though.
“At all?”
“Nope. You just do something different to me. Can’t ever be replicated.” Paige said. She gently turned Savea around so she could look at her pretty face up close. Her eyes raked her girlfriend’s body, her tits just barely peaked out of the top of the silk cover up. The curve of Savea’s hips, though, was probably Paige’s favorite. Her skin was decorated in pretty stretch marks that she always made sure to show extra love to.
Savea puckered her lips, teasingly sticking them out for Paige to finally kiss them. Connecting them in a gentle kiss, Paige cupped Savea’s cheeks in her hand as she kissed them repeatedly. Savea let her, shoulders relaxing into Paige’s comfort as she melted into the kiss.
Paige’s tongue pushed slowly between her lips. It was a feeling and a taste she would never get over, even after these last couple years together. Savea tasted like candy, like hot chocolate on a snow day, like ice cream. So familiar and sweet.
Paige moaned softly and it spurred Savea on as she sucked dangerously on the pink muscle. Paige kisses back harder, the only signs of breathing being the short sounds of air leaving her nose.
The blonde pulled back delicately, pressing her pink lips to Savea’s cheek, then her jaw, and finally on her earlobe. “Sav?”
“Hmm?” She responded.
“Can I take this off?” Paige gestured towards her robe, tugging on the lace hem with the tips of her fingers.
Savea nodded, eyes going wide and eager. “Please.”
Her slender fingers untied the knot that kept the frail fabric together, watching it fall open around Savea’s body. Her breasts round and decorated with her hardened nipples and ridiculously sexy tan lines. A low whistle left Paige’s mouth as she continued sizing her up.
“You’re fuckin’ gorgeous, baby. My God.” Paige exclaimed. Her hands traveled up to Savea’s tits, cupping them before they moved to her hips. “Take these off.” She instructed. Her fingers snapped the simple navy colored cotton underwear against her hips. Savea reached to pull them off until the pooled by her feet and Paige took it as an opportunity to take off her white shirt, leaving her in a black Nike sports bra and her jeans.
To say Savea’s gawked at her body would be an understatement.
She stood practically drooling. Her abs were so defined and the muscles on her arms unintentionally flexed with each movement she made. The sight alone was more than enough to have her soaking wet between her legs. She squeezed her thighs together, hoping to alleviate the pressure there.
“Babe, I don’t think you understand how bad I need you right now.”
“Show me then.”
Savea’s legs slightly parted, giving Paige room to step closer and stand between them more. A hand gripped her waist while the other trailed from the center of her chest and down her stomach. Savea rested against the counter, her palms flush against the cool marble sink when Paige ran her middle finger through her folds.
The slick pooled on her finger, catching her by surprise. She brought her finger to her lips, licking her girlfriend’s precum off of it before licking her lips.
“Hiding that from me all day, Sav?”
“Paige c’mon.” Savea breathed out, her head lolling to the side where she looked at Paige teasingly. A pout gracing her face.
She wanted more and Paige could tell, so her finger slipped inside slowly, gently parting her folds and brushing her walls with the long finger. Savea took a deep breath following that with a bite of her plump bottom lip. Her fingers were good company while Paige was busy, but they never did the job as well as her girlfriend did.
“Shit, you’re already dripping?” Paige groaned at the sight.
“You don’t know how sexy you look when you play.” Savea defended, but her mind was elsewhere, namely the slight rake of Paige’s long finger moving inside of her. “Been like this for hours, P.”
“You think you can take another?”
“Two more. Fuck, I’ll take three more. Just fuck me, P.”
Paige was never one for making her woman wait, so she nudged her clit gently with her ring finger. Her hand stilled before pushing in the second finger followed by the third. Savea’s insane wetness made it easy.
“You’re so tight, Sav.” Paige mumbled, dragging her fingers in and out at a dangerously slow pace. Her lip tucked between her teeth while she watched Savea’s body writhe. “You like that, baby?”
She nodded in response, a moan mixed with a whine leaving her pouted lips.
Paige’s head traveled to her girlfriend’s chest. Her lips kissing gently on it before traveling to her tits. She grasped one in her hand, tongue slowly peeking out of her mouth to lick Savea’s sensitive nipple. Paige did it again, but this time softly biting on the flesh. Her fingers started speeding up, the thickness of the three combined with the sucking on her tits made Savea’s eyes roll.
“Ha— Paige. Oh fuck, just like that.” She whimpered. Her hand cradled Paige’s head, fingers tangling into the long blonde hair. Her head fell back as she gripped onto the edge of the sink with her free hand. “Feels ‘s good.” Savea praised.
Her girlfriend’s lips continued with opened mouth kisses across her skin, tongue teasing her nipples and soothing the hickeys that formed there. The pace Paige had set for herself was dreadfully slow, teasing that one spot over and then slowing down before speeding up again. She pulled back from Savea’s chest, biting her bottom lip while she moved.
“You’re so pretty, Sav.” Paige complemented. Her arm began to sting, her muscles tensing from the increased rigor. Her middle finger curved just slightly and Savea’s head shot up with a shade of pink accented on her cheeks. “Oh my God, listen to that.” Paige fired. The wetness of Savea’s cunt was doing unimaginable things to her, soaking her boxers without a doubt.
“Baby,” Savea started. Her hand darted down to her clit, but Paige pushed the hand away.
Her need for control was so apparent. Her tall and muscular body towered over her menacingly and Savea craved it. She lived off of that feeling.
“Let me get you right.” Paige groaned as she pressed her thumb to the woman’s clit. She applied a steady pressure to the nerves, rubbing tight circles over it. “Fuck you just like you need it. You’re takin’ it so good, mama.”
“It’s so fucking—sensitive.” Savea gasped.
She raised in volume, and although the feeling was otherworldly, she still had her child sleeping in the room next door. Her hand pressed to her mouth to silence her growing cries.
Paige’s fingers pressed against her spot over and over and over again. The curling of her fingers hit that gummy spot and made Savea’s legs nearly give out on her. Her stomach was doing summersaults and the knot tightened.
“Let it go, Sav.” Paige instructed. “All down my hand, let that shit go.” Her veiny hand peeled Savea’s palm from her mouth. Paige’s lips hovered over hers, nearly touching but not yet as she breathed in all of her girlfriend’s breathless pleas. “Let me hear you.”
“‘M so close.”
“I know, Ma.”
“You’re so deep.”
Paige smirked at that, pushing her hand further until a squeal escaped Savea. “I’ll go deeper. Just need you to cum. Make a mess on this floor, go ‘head.”
“Paige!” Savea hiccuped, a groan leaving her lips as she steadied a hand on her broad shoulder. Eyes glued shut and mouth agape as she approached her climax.
“Look at me, love.” Paige spoke softly. Her hand slipped to the back of Savea’s neck, refocusing her attention.
Savea’s eyes blinked open, a glassy look on her brown eyes. Her body was on fire thanks to Paige, she knew her like the back of her hand. The blonde hit her spot with ease, repeatedly pushing at her button and rubbing her clit simultaneously until Savea’s legs shook and she gripped her shoulder with an electric force as she came.
Her jaw fell slack, her moans coming out as more dragged out breaths. Her chest heaved, and Paige’s eyes remained glued to her, even after she broke their eye contact. Her cum pooled in Paige’s palm, the sticky substance coating her hand and Savea’s thighs.
The athlete took another step forward to connect their lips, her fingers gently slipping out of her cunt. “I love you.” She spoke in between short pecks.
“I love you too, P.” Savea whispered back.
Her arms finally draped around her shoulders to hold her close, and Paige’s wildly exhausted ones fell together at Savea’s hips. They stood like that for a while softly shifting side to side while Savea caught her breath. Her head fit perfectly in Paige’s neck, inhaling the scent of her cologne that still managed to stay on throughout the night. Paige’s clean hand drew circles on her lower back, muttering soft, sweet nothings into her ear.
“I know I say this all the time, but I really am so thankful for everything you do to help me out with Z.” Savea’s voice was low, she nearly drifted off to sleep right where she stood. “None of it goes unnoticed.”
“Baby don’t worry about it. You’re my family, I’m just doing my part.” Paige spoke into Savea’s hair. This was her life. Sure she got to play the sport she loved and the fame and attention that came with it was an added bonus, but she had Savea and Zion. Her motivation to keep going, even when she hated going to the gym in the morning. She had a family. “Oh my God, she called me mama today.” Paige finally realized.
She couldn’t fight the smile that formed on her face even if she tried. Savea nodded from her spot in Paige’s neck, giggling like a child when she looked up into her girlfriend’s bright blues.
“I know! You should’ve seen your face.” Savea pointed out, and just like that Paige was joining her in laughter, holding her lover close by while she talked.
And when their night came to an end, after they took a shower (yes another shower for Savea) and the girl returned the favor to Paige in said shower. After all was said and Savea fell asleep in the strong arms of her lover, Paige closed her eyes with a smile on her face. Thinking of her girl, and their little family.
paigebueckers posted a story !
tagged saveareaves_
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authors note so so so cute, thank you anon! domestic paige is my favvvvvvorite but i thought it would be weird to write about her like this while she’s still at uconn idk.. so LA PAIGE (💔)
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asapeveryday · 2 months
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Warnings: smut. Hello!
Summary: you love photography and she loves you. And has breathtaking ideas to show it.
Authors note: ik I haven’t written for p in a while :) here u go
“Yes, just like that.”
Taking pictures was more than just a job for you. Sure, you loved working as a photographer for Uconn’s women’s basketball. You relished in getting the perfect shot, the desperate expressions, the moments of strength or weakness. You loved the girls, and you loved your girlfriend.
Taking photos was an occupation, but also a hobby. Paige’s dorm was decorated with album covers and basketball players, but ever since she started seeing you it the walls were littered with Polaroids and printouts too.
You loved going into her room and reliving memories of you and her together. The Polaroid next to her tv was of when you two dressed up for a Halloween party. Everyone was going for sexy, but Paige had something different planned. It was a stupid costume, but you loved it.
Another Polaroid was the one near her bed; you and Paige hugging after a big win, blue confetti falling from the roof of the gymnasium and fans going wild in the background.
You liked to take new ones often, so here you were having Paige pose a bit.
Two of her smiling, one with her tongue out, a couple stupid poses.
“Paige hold your chain out.”
“I’m not doing that corny shit.” She rolls her eyes.
“C’mon…it’s funny!” You whine
“We have enough funny ones, I want sum of you.”
You pause for a moment. You’ve taken many pictures of Paige and other people had taken pictures of you two together, but she’s never taken any of you, just you, alone.
“I want a picture to put in the back of my phone case, jus lemme take a couple.” She says, getting up from her bed and holding her hand out for the Polaroid.
You reluctantly give it to her and switch places, you sitting on her bed and her standing in front of you.
When you took pictures of her there wasn’t too much of an angle because of your height, but with you sitting down and her 6-foot self standing up, the camera was fully pointed down at you. You were looking up to Paige in a way that felt compromising…almost dirty.
“Smile.” She says, and you do without hesitation.
Paige takes out the photo and shakes it. It turns out pretty good, despite the fact that you’re eyeing the camera in an unintentionally sultry way. Paige smiles at the photo and pockets it before leaning over to kiss you. You immediately lay back on to the bed, propped up by your elbows as she crawls on top of you.
You were infatuated with the feeling of being caged in by her. Paige was all legs and arms, toned muscles and confident movements. You couldn’t keep track of all the times you’d fantasized about the moments with her above you, lips entwined and eyelashes fluttering against each other.
She brings a hand to your face, but you pull away after hearing a shutter noise. With her other hand she’s still holding the camera, she took a photo while you were making out.
“Seriously?” You ask, trying to come off disinterested but secretly wanting to see how it turned out. The thought of a physical photo of you and Paige kissing was enough to make your stomach flip.
“Holy shit.” Paige mumbles, eyes glued to the Polaroid.
Holy shit is right. The photo is perfect. Your face is slightly covered by her hand and her face is slightly covered by her hair, but you can clearly tell what’s going on. It’s practically incriminating to have, and it’s turning you on.
Paige is looking at you with a twinkle in your eye that you recognize. “What?” You ask.
She thinks for a moment before saying “I have an idea.”
It was really a sight to behold, your legs spread, cunt sopping just above her face, your chest slightly heaving. The camera was slightly throwing you off, but all you could truly think about was making sure Paige was in the shot.
“You sure about this P?” You ask, voice wavering with anticipation.
Her tongue darts out to wet her lips, a nervous habit that often drives you wild. “Never been more sure in my life.”
Before you can answer she lets her tongue circle at your clit, slowly at first, controlled and intentional. Paige wasn’t always vocal when receiving, but giving was another story. She loved how your legs would shake at the vibrations of her murmurs against your thighs.
Placing a wet kiss to your pussy, she fully latches onto you now, sucking your clit and looking up at you with the most pornographic look she can muster. The sounds of pictures being taken are easy to ignore when she’s whimpering and devouring you whole.
One hand leaves the camera to grip her head, running your fingers through her blonde hair. Looking through the camera was one thing in itself, watching her suckle your heat with no shame as Polaroid after Polaroid fell on the sheets beneath her.
“Fuck, oh my god.” You throws her head back, trying to quiet down by biting your lip. Paige’s response to this is to lap at your hole while one hand rubs circles on your clit. The extra stimulation brings a tense feeling to your core.
“What’re you gonna do with those photos?” She mumbles against into you. “You gonna use them when I’m not here to please you? Hm?”
The vibrations from her voice are driving you insane. “Shit,” your voice cracks. “Paige, oh, yes.”
Your response, the fact you’re even able to speak, is an act of defiance in her eyes. She spits on your cunt before upping the friction on your clit as she eats you out. “You can’t do shit.” Paige grumbles. “Your fingers can’t compare to me. You think you can fuck yourself better?”
You want to scream out no, because it’s the truth. Your hands couldn’t compare to her fingers, her mouth, to anything Paige had to offer. As much as you wanted to tell her this, the friction was becoming too much and you couldn’t get any words out.
It’s the best orgasm you’ve had in a while, and the best pictures you’ve ever taken in your life.
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bitchjerk78 · 29 days
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SUMMARY: Dean gets jealous when y/n starts flirting with a guy
PAIRING: reader x Dean Winchester
WARNINGS: smut, unprotected sex, dirty talking
You are on a hunt with Sam and Dean. You don't know what you are dealing with, but you have enough proof that it might be a demon. The problem is that you don't have enough information, so the three of you decided to go to the same bar the victim used to work, hoping to flirt a bit with some of the waiters.
As soon as you get inside, you see one of them standing behind the counter, you grin, and you put some of your hair behind your ear
"He's mine" you say as you prepare to walk towards him, but a hand grabs you
"I don't think it's a good idea" you get surprised when you see Dean looking at you in a really serious way. His jaw is clenched, and his eyes are darker than usual "Maybe you should let us do this" you frown for a second, confused by his words.
What the hell is he talking about?
"I don't know if you noticed, but most of the waiters are male so I'm pretty sure my presence here is required" you say with a firm voice, you hate when he gives you order even if his voice sounds so deep and intense
"Dean, she's right" Sam backs you up, and you smile softly at him. Dean tilt his head a bit, but then he let go of you
"Whatever" he mumbles as he starts to walk towards a table full of girls, ready to find some more information. You shook your head and go straight to the waiter. You're a bit confused by his attitude. You barely talk to each other, and this is not your choice. You've always been interested in Dean since the first time you met him. He's different, he makes you feel safe even when he's angry at something, his presence his so comfortable and you always tried to be closer to him but he...he always pushed you back, so you decided to do his same game. He's doesn't talk to you, you do the same. You don't hate him, you know that because everytime he grazes you by mistakes you start shaking, and his perfume is so hypnotic you can sense it from miles away. You don't hate him...but you're sure he hates you. The way he looks at you, with those dark eyes. The voice he uses when he talks, the way he is always on a some sort of safe distance from you, almost like he doesn't want to be near you.
You bite your lip and decide to push all this thoughts in a dark place in your mind. You have a job to do, so you approach the waiter, and you smile at him. It's a soft smile, but it hides a hint of flirting
"Can I have a beer?" You ask polite as you sit at the counter. He immediately looks at your chest. You weare a black top, nothing too showing, but it can help you find some more information since they are too busy looking at you to understand what they are actually saying
"A beer? You look more like a cocktail type of girl" You lick your lips and look at him from behind your eyelashes
"How'd you know?" you're not a cocktail girl, but you have to have him believe he can have a chance with you
"Your eyes told me" you smile even if you want to roll your eyes so bad "I'll get you something, it's on the house" he keeps looking at you and you know what you're doing is working so you keep going even if you want to smash his head of the counter.
As you keep flirting with him, you can feel some deep eyes looking right at you. You turn around just a bit and your heart kinda stops in your chest.
Dean is looking at you, really looking at you, not just checking. He's there, fists closed, jaw clenched, and a look that can kill everyone in the room.
You start sweating, but you try to pretend everything is fine so you thank the waiter with a smile as he gives you a purple cocktail
"So, not to be rude or anything, but I saw a picture of a guy outside the bar. What happened?" you say as you take a sip of the disgusting mix of alcohol
"A tragedy" he says looking at you crossed legs from behind the counter "It's a spooky story. You're sure you want to hear it?" you try not to laugh at his face and play the part of the innocent girl
"I like spooky stories, please tell me" what a jerk...
"He used to work here, i didn't know him really well. I'm kinda new here, but everyone always said he was the sweetest soul. You know, always helping the others and stuff like this, everyone loved him" you try to focus on his words but his face it's too busy looking at your breasts "One day, he just changed. He started doing some weird shit. Arguing with the customers, fighting really badly with our boss. It was like he..." he looks around and gets closer to you with a grin "He was possessed" he does this stupid scary face and you try so hard not to break his nose
"Possessed? Oh my God!" he nods proudly and keeps talking
"And then he just went off..he fought with a customer, broke a beer on the counter and he slashed his own throat" He shakes his head "I was there, when it happened"
"And after that? What did you see? Something strange? Out of the ordinary?" he thinks about it
"I don't know, for a second everything went black and then back to normal" you nod and lick you lip "Was it spooky?"
"So spooky" you say getting closer to him
"I can tell you some more stories later, if you want" he is going to put your hair behind your ear, but a deep voice makes you shiver
"Time to go, y/n" you immediately turn around and meet his eyes "Now" he says in a low voice
"I'm not done" you protest
"Oh yes. Yes, you are" he grabs you and makes you get up from the chair.
What the hell is wrong with him?
"Hey, man. Let her go" Dean turns towards the waiter
"Hey, man" he shakes his head "You should start minding your own business" Dean pulls you out of the bar and starts dragging you to the car
"What the fuck are you doing?!" you raise your voice when he closes the door and he turns on the car "I was working"
"Yeah, working" he laughs in a sarcastic way "You were flirting" he is speeding and you start wondering where you're going "There's a difference"
"I was fake flirting! How do you think I was able to got more information? Telling him the truth?" at this moment you are both screaming and as soon as he stops in a empty parking lot you get out of the car "I was almost there!"
"You weren't professional!" he's screaming and even if his eyes are darker and his voice is deeper you're not scared of him
"You do that every single time! Every time there's a girl you start flirting with her!" you raise your voice tired of his attitude and even a little jealous of all the girls thatcan flirt with him"What an hypocrite! You can do it but I can't? What does this says about you?" he gets closer and you can feel his angry breath on your face, there's a hint of beer and a lot of frustration
"He almost kissed you! What does this says about you?!" as soon as you hear him, you talk without thinking
"I think you're jealous" as soon as you realise what you said you stop breathing.
You don't know why you said that and you can feel your cheeks on fire. You're sure he is going to laugh in your face, instead he get even closer. He's so close you can feel his nose touching yours. He's never been so close before and your heart is exploding in your chest
"I think you're wrong" you shiver when his words touch your ear. Wrong? Probably. But not totally.
Why did he act in that way, then?
Why grabbing you and come here, in the middle of nothing?
There's something wrong with his attitude tonight, and you want to understand what
"Then prove it" he looks at you confused, and he shakes his head
"Prove what?" you smirk and raise your head so you can lock eyes with him
"Pprove it to me, that you're not jealous. Show it to me, Dean" even if you're so bold right now, your hands are shaking, and your breath is trembling
"How?" he keeps looking at you. The green of his eyes is so hypnotic, and his full lips are calling you, begging you to kiss them
"Let me go back there. Let me finish what I started" you get closer to his ear "Let me keep flirting with him, smiling at him, pretend I'm just a stupid and naive girl" you brush your nose near his clenched jaw "Let go back there to see if I can get lucky with him tonight on that same counter" you can feel his chest raising fast and his breath getting deeper "Show it to me, Dean" the silence starts eating the two of you. Everything stops moving, even the air around you seems gone. There's no wind, no sounds, nothing. Just your beating hearts.
And when you are sure he's going to let you go, you gasp surprised when you feel the car behind you. Dean is pushing you towards it. It's cold, and you start shivering. His hands are around your wrists, and the look on his face is making you feel weak
"Over my dead body" you open your mouth to talk but nothing come out of it "If you think I'll let you go back there you are out of your mind" you are speechless and what is making all of this even worse is Dean's body pressed against yours
"Why?" why? it's the only question that is floating in your head right now
"Why?" he laughs and he shakes his head "Don't you see it, y/n? I'm desperate for your love" without even realising it, you found yourself kissing Dean. Dean Winchester. The only guy that made you feel something in years. The only one you have eyes for.
His lips kiss your mouth so desperately, and you know that if he keeps going, you won't be able to stop
"I don't understand" you mumble as you let a small shaking breath out of your mouth
"I tried..." Dean gets even closer and he touches your lips with his thumb "God knows I tried so hard not to do this but...fuck you are driving me crazy" the words that are coming out of his lips are like a sweet melody and everything in you just starts burning "I tried to stay away from you, to be professional but I can't pretend any more" you close your eyes as the need of having him closer is eating you alive "I want you, I need you and be sure y/n, I'll have you" and Dean is kissing you again. His kiss is hard and full of needing, he pushes himself on you, and you can feel how much he wants you. A moan escape from your lips, and you start gripping his shoulders to feel him closer. In a matter of seconds, he pushes you inside the car, and when he grabs you and puts you on his lap, you feel like screaming his name.
You can feel it, it's there growing inside his jeans, and the only thing you are capable of thinking is that you'll let him do whatever he wants
"Dean, this is wrong...we...we are partners" you try to resist the feeling of just let it go but it's hard, and the more Dean keeps touching you the more you feel you are losing yourself in him
"Wrong? princes, I waited months" he looks at you while his hands are squeezing your naked legs. You can feel his fingers tracing your body and your panties are getting so wet you are afraid it's going to drip all over him. You start shaking as soon as you feel his teeth on your neck, biting your skin, making you feel so weak
"Dean, what are you doing?" you're voice is full of desire and you move your hips on his hard cock
"I'm marking you" he answers softly "So the next time we have to talk to some witnesses they now who do you belong to" the need of feeling him inside you is so strong you don't know for how long you can keep yourself from moaning
"And who do I belong to?" the breath dies in your throat when his hand grips your neck
"Me" he growls "you've been mine since the first time I saw you" his tongue licks your chest as its tracing the line of your black top "Since the day I saved you from that demon" his teeth are digging in your skin and the only thing you can do is arching your back "Since you cried in my arms. That day I made a promise, y/n" he whispers in your ear before biting your earlobe "That I would keep you safe" even if his words are soft and sweet, his movements are strong and possessive. Dean grabs your black top and just pull it off of you, you try to cover yourself but the look in his eyes just make you stop "You've always been mine, y/n" with his tongue he licks your breasts and you roll your eyes while the moaning becomes more louder "Let me see it's the same for you" his fingers get under your skirt "Show me I'm yours too" he whisper in your ear and you open your eyes.
You want it.
You want him.
So you start to move your hips on him, and you can see in his eyes the desire growing. His hard cock is pressing against you and you don't even care how wet you are, you just need him inside you
"Please" you beg him when he starts to unbutton his jeans
"Please what, y/n?" the way he is saying your name his making you feel so naked "Use your words, baby"
"I need you" he grabs your hips hard, in a possessive way, like he doesn't want to let you go
"You mean you need my cock?" he asks you with a grin on his face and your brain stops working when you feel his finger on your wet panties "Tell me, y/n. Tell me what you want"
"You. I want all of you" you manage to say, and the proud look on his face makes you realise you just said the right thing
"Good girl" he says in his low voice and he grabs your throat "I want you to cum all over it, because it's yours" before you can even realise it, Dean move his hips towards you and you feel it inside of you. You almost scream because of the pleasure
"God, Dean" you moan as you start moving on him
"Yeah, keep going. Ride that cock. Let me see how much you want it, princess" he rolls his eyes because of the pleasure, and the grip on your hips becomes more possessive. With one hand he moves you, with the other he touches you "Listen to how wet you are" he says and your legs just start to shaking
"Please, don't stop" you beg him while he licks every part of your body, his teeth are gripping your skin and his cock his so inside you you can feel every inch of it
"Come on, take it all. I know you can do it" the air is so full of passion you can barely breathe properly, every part of you is screaming his name and you know you're close
"I waited so long" you manage to say between the pushes
"I know, princess" he whispers as he getting closer. You can see it on his face, his breath is low, full of desire
"I'm so close, Dean" at your words, he starts pushing even harder. You can feel his cock throbbing inside you and you know that's it
"Let yourself go, y/n. Let yourself be mine" his words just make you feel even better and your legs start shaking even harder till the point you just let his name escape from your mouth "Yeah, that's it. What a good girl" he grab your legs "My good girl" Dean says before getting out of you and cum on your thighs.
You both look at each other, both out of breath, covered in sweat, with the eco of your moaning still in your ear.
You put your hand on his face and start rubbing his cheek
"Wow" it's the only thing you can say and you start smiling when Dean laughs out loud
"Yeah, wow" he repeat as he kisses your forehead "You're beautiful, you know that?"
"Shut up" you can feel your cheeks on fire
"Never, I'll always remind you how I see you" he whispers
"And how you see me?" he smile softly and he leans on you to kiss your lips
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callsign-datura · 9 months
sugar daddy konig? 🙇🏻‍♀️
my favorite konig tbh. kinda wrote this in a rush so sorry if it's not TOP TIER....... ty for the ask. tw: mild dubcon/noncon, dacryphilia, dumbification, choking, size difference. sugar daddy!konig loves buying you things. since he's a military man, he can't always be there with you, so he expects regular updates on you and your life while he's away. regular texts, telling him what you've been up to even if you can't respond. and when he does, expect money to be sent to you with a little message. "Buy something pretty to wear for me, liebe." And like the good partner you are, you do. You buy lingerie, get your hair done, and by the end of the day you have a bunch of pictures to send him when you're lying in bed, feeling pampered and comforted. sugar daddy!konig hates being away from you, but it's his job. more often than not he's thinking about you, even though you're not in a relationship. On the job, he's thinking about you. Sometimes he gets a little excited thinking about you, and has to take some time to himself. locking himself in his room, calling you if you're available and fisting his cock while you talk to him and tell him what you've been up to. A hand wrapped around his dick, quick pumps of his hand that are almost wet enough to where you can hear them, so he muffles them with a blanket over his lap while he has his phone near his ear. You don't suspect a thing; it doesn't even cross your mind that he's jacking off, not even when he starts to pant and make little noises. You ask him if he's okay, he says he's fine, and you continue rattling off what you were doing. the first time you and sugar daddy!konig fucked, it was a ritual. if you thought this man's frame was large, his cock is even larger. for weeks prior he was prepping you, only fingering you into and through countless orgasms that had you drooling and shuddering by the end of it. one day, while he was home, you had enough of it. you were tearing up when his hand slid down your pants, and he stopped and looked at you with these concerned eyes that made your heart flutter. "please, konig." you sniffled, tugging at his arm. "need your cock, need it so bad. can take it, i promise," your voice sounded so pathetic when you begged him, and it made his belly flare with heat as he stared into your tear-filled eyes. but don't expect that to make him want to be gentle with you. as soon as you've adjusted to his monster of a cock, he's pounding you into the mattress. muffling your lewd noises with one hand and kissing away your tears as his hips bully into yours from behind. "what? thought you could take it. can't back out now, sweetheart." you didn't even want to say no. you knew he wanted it so badly, and who were you to stop him when he was buying you all these pretty things on the daily? sugar daddy!konig thinks you're the most attractive thing in the world. When he's around you, he can't help but stare at you. Your hips, your chest, your ass-- the way your legs look in those pants he bought you some time ago. before he knows it, he has your pants and panties around your knees and your back against the cushions of the couch and he's fingering you to heaven and back. Two thick digits pumping in and out of your slippery cunt, curling with each push of his fingers into you. The pads of his fingers rubbing up against your g-spot as he fucks his fingers into you. He's smirking, relishing in the lewd noises your body makes as your thighs clamp around his hand. He pushes them apart with his other hand, giving you a soft tsk and a, "Let me show you how much I missed you." sugar daddy!konig loves seeing you all dolled up. most of his gifts are lingerie and jewelry. the jewelry he has you wear in public, and the lingerie under your every day clothes. whenever he tells you he's coming over, he expects you to be waiting for him wearing that pretty lilac set he bought you for your birthday. and if you aren't? he's edging you until you're begging him to fuck you as a punishment.
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starlightazriel · 2 months
bee 8
desc: modern day bestfriends>lovers azriel au (fem reader)
warnings: lots of time jumps, rhys being rhys, arguing/angst, lying, az being unhinged in vegas (leave my bby alone he's not used to serious relationships), reader being insecure , SMUT ! (oral, az eating the booty like groceries (we been over this guys hes a freak), raw dogging, soft dom, self gratification,vibrator, squirting, spanking, cream pie), fluff, drug/alcohol addiction
wc: 5.9k
other parts can be found on my masterlist under azriel
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"I got us a massive suite at the four seasons for our trip this weekend," Rhys is grinning while showing Cassian a photo of what he had booked for them. Azriel suppressed the urge to roll his eyes, only Rhys would drop that big of a bag on a weekend work-stay, they were supposed to be location scouting. He didn't want to be ungrateful, but him and Bee were in their honeymoon phase... Everything was just going right, everything except the fact that Rhys wanted to move him hundreds of miles away.
"This weekend?" Azriel grimaces, leaning against the reception desk in the shop. Kat had gone home already and it was just Rhys, Cass and Azriel left. "What if I don't want to uproot my entire life here and move to Vegas?" he asks then, Cass shifts uncomfortably on his feet, looking between his two best friends.
Rhys' jaw flexed and he leaned back, tilting his chin up at Azriel in that power tripping way that he did so often. Azriels jaw flexed, his hands balling up at his sides as he stared Rhys down, not shying away from his intimidating frame. He knew challenging Rhys never ended well, sometimes he just couldn't help himself.
"You do realize that you have a contract, right Azriel? A contract that you signed, a contract that includes relocation if I see fit," Rhys voice is cool and unwavering as he assesses Azriel. "Maybe, if you had been sober while reading the contract, you would have known that was included," Rhys eyes narrowed, the tension in Azriels jaw grew, his temper flaring. "And maybe if you had been sober when we were talking about this trip weeks ago, you would have remembered that we were going this weekend to scout out a few potential new spaces," Rhys tone was unwavering, Cass winced behind him, it was always his job to keep the peace, usually between the three of them it was almost always Rhys and Az butting heads.
"Fuck this, I got dinner plans to get ready for," Azriels voice was a near growl now, and he didn't even bother to say good bye to either of his closest friends before he left them in the shop with a slam of the front door, the bells rattling at the top as it slammed shut.
His annoyance and Rhys' sheer entitlement had him needing to take the edge off. Az loved Rhys, of course he did, he was basically his brother- but that didnt mean they always agreed. Azriel tried not to think about Rhys' jabs at his sobriety while he took a quick sniff from his vile before heading home.
With Bee, it was just easy. Azriel didn't seem to have the same issues he did in the past with other women, being faithful to her came easy. He guessed it was because he always had been loyal to her in a sense, since they were just kids.
The past weeks had been a type of bliss that Azriel had never known, a different kind of high than the one he got from his drug of choice. They were fucking constantly, waking up together every morning, going on dates whenever they had time, fuck, he had even posted her which he had never done for anyone else... It was a picture of her at the beach, grinning so brightly it made his chest feel tight because he put that smile on her face. ive been so blind, was his only explanation under the photo.
And still, he wasn't able to bring himself to tell her about Rhys' Vegas plans for the next year. Everything was too perfect right now. Granted it had only been a few weeks since their first date, but he just didn't wanna mess everything up so soon, he wanted to live in this perfect little bubble just a little longer.
"Az? You with me?" she giggles softly, her dirty martini pulled to her lips, her eyes glowing as she looked at him from under dark lashes. "I think I want to get the vodka pappardelle," she places her glass down again and points to the menu.
"Yeah, whatever you want baby, sorry," he ran his finger through his hair, leaning back into his seat, flicking his eyes back down to the menu. "Just- I know it's last minute, I'm going on a little Vegas trip this weekend with Rhys and Cass," he waited a second before looking up and studied her face, absentmindedly messing with the straw in his own drink.
"A Vegas trip?" Bees eyebrows draw together, her attention was already on him, the menu forgotten, he swallowed. "Like Las Vegas?" she asks, a little more slowly this time. "Why are you guys going out there?" the concern, the uncertainty in her eyes made Azriels gut wrench. He knew he should tell her everything now, tell her that the possibility of him living there next year was becoming less of a possibility and more of a reality. Sure, when she was done with school, she could be a nurse anywhere... But that was still a ways away.
"Boys trip," he shrugs, and it wasn't exactly a lie, it just wasn't the full truth. She looked back at him skeptically, and he knew he had to change the subject soon.
"Boys trip, huh?" she leans back, raising an eyebrow skeptically. In the past- boys trips were really only meant for single Az.
"I'll be good," Az flashes her a smile, he knew he may have used the wrong choice of wording. A year ago, a boys trip to Vegas would have meant unlimited blow, maybe even a threesome, hooking up with randoms, losing all of his money. "Gonna gamble for sure though," he sips his drink, she's still looking at him with a skeptical look as if she knew there was more to the story. Luckily for Az the server came back for the rest of their order.
"Have we made some decisions?" she asks, looking between the two of them, Az only jerked his chin toward Bee, he liked the smile it put on her face to be able to choose everything for them so they could try it together.
"Yes we are going to share the duck pizza and the vodka pappardelle, you want oysters Az?" she lifts her eyes from the menu to look back at Azriel, he smirks and glances up at the server.
"Yeah, we'll start with a dozen," he shrugs and the waitress beams, making sure she had everything correct before leaving the table. "Thank you," he adds, but his eyes are back on Bee.
"So boys trip to Vegas, kinda last minute huh?" she quirks her brow again, leaning forward, her elbows on the table, Azriel tried not to let his eyes settle for too long on her breasts as they spilled slightly out of her top. Of course he wasnt lucky enough that she'd already forgotten about it.
"Yeah, I mean, I knew about it.. Just forgot," he shrugs easily, nudging her foot under the table, her eyes are hazy but he can still see that skeptical glint in them. He didn't want to lie, or leave parts of the truth out... But he also wanted to have a good night before he had to leave in a couple days, plus, she was working the rest of the week until he was gone anyway.
"Interesting," she murmurs, rubbing her finger against the base of her glass. "Anyway, you better bring something back for me," she shrugs before taking another sip from her martini.
"I wouldn't dream of coming back without something for my girl," he licks his lips, nudging her foot gently again under the table, her cheeks warm at his words and she rolls her eyes playfully at him. Az knew he was good at distracting her, though he wasn't sure if that was really a good thing or not.
"Yeah, yeah," she laughs softly, the sound made Azriels chest swell. "Thank you so much," she smiles softly as the runner sets the oysters down on the table between them.
"Can I grab you anything else?" the boy flashes her a cheeky grin that Azriel doesn't miss, he clears his throat as if to remind him he was sitting there across from her.
"More lemons," Az says boredly but there was an edge of annoyance in his tone, making the boys head snap to him and he blushed slightly, nodding his head. He didn't need more lemons, he just wanted to be difficult, the level of jealousy he felt when anyone even spoke to her was something he'd never experienced.
"Oh, of course, I'll be right back," he swallows, before running off back to the kitchen. Azriels eyes snap back to Bee, who's looking at him with pursed lips.
"Azriel, lay off the poor kid he's like eighteen," she shakes her head slightly, he noted that her martini was almost gone now, she was definitely feeling it. He only shrugs, smirking at her, stretching his legs out under the table so they were more than in her space, the skin of her bare calf pressed against his pants, she's nibbling on her lip, her eyes growing darker with lust. He loved how easy it was for him to get her going.
"Here you are, enjoy," hes back quickly and he places the small dish of lemons in front of Azriel.
"We will," Az only nods, Bee makes sure to utter a rushed thank you to him, shooting Azriel another look. "Don't look at me like that, lemme see you swallow," he smirks suggestively and she lets out a little puff of air her jaw dropping slightly but she couldn't help but smile.
"Azriel, don't be gross," she giggled quietly but she was still squeezing lemon onto the first oyster, he watched as the juice dripped off of her fingertips and she picked up the oyster, her eyes meeting his.
"That's it," he murmured, watching her tip her head back slightly and open her lips, her cheeks warmed at the gravelly tone of his voice. "Good practice for when I make you swallow something else tonight," he smirked, sipping from his drink while he watched her rest the shell on her lower lip, he watched her throat bob as she swallowed, humming softly in approval.
"Mmm those are good ones," she giggled softly, turning the shell over and placing it back on the ice.
"Youre a good one," his lips twitched in a sheepish smirk and she held his gaze, her own full of so much love it made his heart rate pick up.
"Az Im worried about you, cheesy much? youre definitely going soft on me," she grinned so brightly it made heat crawl up the back of his neck and onto his cheeks.
His cock was aching in his pants, he couldn't wait to get her back home. His jaw flexed before he muttered "you're going to be my end I swear."
"I should have stopped after the first two," I giggled quietly as I stumbled into my bedroom, kicking my heels off behind me, Azriel was right behind me, I could almost feel his eyes burning into my backside.
"I told you," he says in that low husky tone he often used with me these days, it was laced with so much need it made my head spin. "Anyway, Im glad now because it will give you courage for our reenactment."
"Reenactment?" I ask, turning to look at him now my brow slightly furrowed. "Of what?" I ask curiously, taking each of my earrings off, I had obviously been wearing the ones from Az, I had every day since he had gifted them to me. I had learned that he liked to get rough often, I didnt want to chance losing them so I tucked them away carefully in my jewelry box.
"Of the day I walked in on you," his voice was so calm and commanding it made my toes curl, my breath hitched, a warm tingling sensation spreading throughout my pussy. My cheeks warmed at the thought.
"Az- I can't..." I breathed out, my heart rate picking up at the thought of just purposefully touching myself in front of him.
"I didnt ask if you could. You will," he says, his voice so sure, and he was right. Knowing what he could do to me... Anything he told me to do, Id do it. Especially when he sounded like that. "I'll give you about five minutes to get situated, ten if youre lucky but I don't think I can be that patient. Im going to show you what I wanted to do to you," he adds, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. I was already moving before my brain could even process. My throat bobbed, my cheeks embarrassingly red as I retrieved the toy I had used that day from my top drawer and I left him alone in my room. It was annoying how easily he could render me speechless these days.
I slipped out of my dress and my panties, leaving them both on his bedroom floor, I didn't dare look at myself in the full length mirror he had. I let myself fall back onto his bed, inhaling his cedary scent just like I did that day he walked in on me.
My heart was racing as I spread my legs and placed my rose toy on my clit. I let out a small huff my eyes on Azriels open bedroom door as I let the toy suction softly to my pussy. My hand traveled up, caressing my skin gently before settling on my nipple, I rolled it gently between my fingertips. My breath hitched when he appeared in the door way, looking handsome as ever, my cheeks warmed at the sight of him. How had I gotten so lucky?
"That's my baby," Azriel chuckled darkly as he leaned against the door frame to his bedroom. I moaned softly when our eyes met, my cheeks turning pink. "Now if I had been bold enough that day, I would have got down on my knees like I'm about to now,"
"Az," I whimpered softly in desperation, the need for him starting to outweigh my nerves. It was hard to want to hide when he made me feel so sexy. A single look was enough to do me in.
"Shh baby," he hums softly and in one fluid motion, pulls me to the edge of the bed and slowly drops to his knees. I whimper softly as he brushes the sides of his face against my inner thighs, inhaling my scent before spreading my legs. I gasped softly my hand shaking slightly as I held my toy between my legs.
Azriel sucked gently and bit at the sensitive skin on my inner thighs, a guttural moan escaped my lips at the contrasting feeling. The sting of his little nibbles mixed with the soft buzz and suction from my toy had my back arching up. "Please Az," I gasped softly, I knew there would be little bruises peppered over my delicate skin.
"Please what baby?" he breathed out, his breath hot against my sensitive skin. My head was spinning, I didn't know if it was from the alcohol I'd drank at dinner or from the way he touched me, the way he took control, guided me. It just felt so right, so perfect.
"Please," I let a heavy breath pass through parted lips, my heart beating rapidly against my chest. "Please taste me, I need you," I begged softly, gasping as he pushed my legs up, the delicious scrape of his rough hands against my skin sending heat slithering down my spine.
"That's my good girl," he licked his lips at the sight of me, my legs spread and up in the air, bared to him except for my clit, the vibrator still buzzing around it. I was already so close, my cunt pulsating with need for him. My breath hitched when I felt his mouth on me, the slow lazy roll of his tongue on my second hole sending stars dancing in my eyes. I hummed softly, tossing my head back and letting my eyes squeeze shut, goosebumps raising all over my skin.
"F-fuck Az," I breathed out, the new sensation making my mind go numb. His thumbs pressed harder into the backs of my thighs, I arched my back slightly, gasping again for breath as he circled his tongue around and around my opening. He held my legs open as they threatened to close, quivering pathetically underneath his touch. It was only a matter of seconds before I was cumming, his name ringing out through the room, making him moan against me. My vibrator fell from my hand, gently hitting his cheek before rolling onto the floor next to him. I panted, my hips wriggling underneath him as he sucked the sensitive skin between my pussy and my ass before covering my entire cunt with his mouth. "Ohh my- fuck-" each word came out in a pathetic broken moan as he shook his head between my legs. I couldn't hold it back anymore and I was squirting all over his face, he moaned against me, pulling off of my pussy with a soft sucking sound.
He gently licked me down from my high, my body jerking with the aftershocks of my intense orgasms. "Damn baby I didnt know you could do that," his eyes are so dark and hazy with lust as he kisses back up my body, hes back on his feet now, hovering over me. "My little sprinkler," he teases before biting down softly on my nipple, I yelped softly, my body jerking.
"Az, I need you so fucking bad," I breathed out my eyes meeting with his. He grinned in that lazy way he did his face still glistening with my cum. He looked so damn happy, it made my heart sing. It had been a bit of a rare sight these last couple years... But these past few weeks? He had been nothing but happy, it made my chest swell knowing I was the cause of that happiness.
"I was gonna put my cock in your mouth first but since you've been so good we'll save it for later," he stood up straight, looking down at me hungrily, my legs laying lazily over the edge of the bed now. He undid his pants, his eyes never leaving me as he dropped them to the floor. "Lay on your stomach," he commanded, his voice gravelly. He watched me readjust myself, cursing quietly under his breath as I lay on my stomach across his bed before him.
I let out a moan when his hand unexpectedly connected with my ass with a loud slapping sound, the sting sending my toes curling. He gently lifted me up, his arm wrapping around my torso and lifting up with ease. He slid a pillow underneath to prop me up perfectly. Azriel gently rubbed his rough fingers over the tender spot he had smacked, humming in approval. "Ive wanted to do that since I watched you walk away from me in the hall that day," he admits, only earning a whimper in response from me. I was so ready for him to fuck me into nothing.
I shivered as Azriel slowly slid his fingertips over my shoulders and down my arms gently wrapping his large scarred fingers around the tips of his fingers pressing into the insides of my elbows as he pulled my arms behind my back. He used one hand to pin my wrists to my lower back, I whimpered softly, begging him for his cock again as his hand tightened on my wrists, his large hands finding no trouble.
He used his other hand to guide his cock toward my pussy, not bothering with a condom. If it was one thing about Az, we were fucking raw, every time. He slid his tip over my slick cunt, teasing gently before sinking into me, cursing softly under his breath as he did. "Yes please fuck me, please," I begged desperately, the side of my face pressed into his bed.
"That's my girl, so wet and tight for me," his fingers were gripping the bed beneath me, his mouth almost by my ear now as he moved in and out of me his cock filled me up over and over.
I moaned his name again, arching my back up for him, he hissed under his breath and spanked me again, I felt my ass jiggle under his big hand, the sting made my body jerk. "I love how you fuck me," I whimpered softly, feeling like a puddle beneath him, he still my hands pinned to my back, he let out a low groan from deep in his throat, up on his knees as he slammed his hips over and over against my ass.
I let out another broken moan, his considerable length dragging over my g spot every time he thrusted himself into me, I couldnt hold it in anymore and I came all over his cock with my third orgasm of the night, stars danced behind my eyes my body tensing underneath him. I couldnt stop the scream that left my lips as he continued fucking me, cursing again softly and squeezing my tender and red flesh from his spanks. "Ohh yesss Az..." I moaned again, his thrusts lost their rhythm as he grew closer, his breath heavy and erratic behind me.
"Mmm baby you're so fucking sexy," he breathed out before letting out a low guttural groan. "I'm gonna fill up that pretty little cunt," he grunted in my ear and with a few more thrusts I cried out softly at the feeling of his thick ropes of cum spilling into my pussy. So damn good. "Fuck," he breathed slowly pulling his hands from my wrists, my arms fell back at my sides and I whimpered softly as he slowly pulled his cock from my pussy. He swore again under his breath, "Stay just like that," he muttered, leaning over and grabbing his phone from the bedside table, and I felt him slap his still semi hard cock on my ass cheek. "For later," I could hear the grin in his voice as he snapped a picture of his gleaming cock against my ass. I just whimpered softly in response, my body feeling limp my mind numb. He tossed his phone aside on the bed and flipped me over onto my back and placed a soft kiss to my lips.
I had been waiting to get fucked like this for years. None of my past lovers had ever been able to compare to the way that Az made me feel, though if things hadn't gone the way they did with Az I probably would have ended up giving Eris another chance.
"You're so damn good at fucking," I huffed out, looking up at him with hazy satisfaction. "It's not fair," he just laughed and leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead and then my lips. I let my eyes flutter shut again as he tucked my hair behind my ear before he muttered "let's get you cleaned up baby."
"Send me lots of pictures," Bee flashes her biggest grin, hugging Azriel so tightly. He smiled down at her, squeezing her back and pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. He was glad she had brought them to the air port, it gave him just a little extra time with her.
"I promise baby I will, I'm gonna miss you," he rubs small circles into her back, savoring the last few minutes they had together before he was on the plane.
"Be good okay?" she drops her voice lower, Rhys and Cass were standing off to the side waiting for him while he said his last goodbyes. He could tell she didn't want them to hear this part. "Just like- stick to drinking and bud okay? Just don't want you to buy something without knowing what it is for sure first.." she mumbles softly, biting down gently on her lip.
Az sighs quietly, pulling away slightly at her words, he knew she meant well but he couldn't help but get the tiniest bit annoyed. "I'm gonna be fine, chill off me," he chuckled quietly but leaned down and pressed one more kiss to her lips, because he know she was only saying that because she cared about him... She had never exactly supported his extracurricular activities. "I'll be good, and you better be good too," he warns playfully, but there was a slight edge in his tone so she would know he did mean it. "You're mine now, I don't want to hear about any red headed visitors," he raises an eyebrow and she pursed her lips, glaring lightly at him.
"Azriel. You know I would never-"
"I know," he cuts her off, brushing a lock of her hair behind her ear. "I gotta go baby, text me when you're home safe alright? I'll text you when I land," he opens his arms one last time to crush her in good bye hug, she hums softly tucking her chin into his neck and inhaling his scent.
"I love you," she mumbles softly, he just grinned and hugged her even tighter, he kissed the top of her head, not daring to utter it back yet. Some things he just wasn't ready for.
He had told her he loved her dozens of times, but he knew the next time he said those words to her, they would carry a whole different weight.
It was evening on the second day when they finally made it out onto the strip, the first day had been filled with scouting out locations. Rhys had already signed a lease, much to his own surprise, he thought he'd have to come back a few times before finding the perfect spot for their new shop. The signing was followed by a very late dinner and a few bottles of champagne before they retreated back to the massive suite Rhys had got for them.
Azriel had to admit, he liked it here. He was having a blast with his brothers, and he hadn't wanted to admit it before but he could see himself living here. He knew this would be a level up for him, he would make way more money out here... Plans were already stirring in his head for how he would convince Bee to move out here with him, she would have to transfer schools, quit her job... He knew that was a lot to ask. He couldn't imagine not living with her anymore...
"Sin city baby!!! AZ! Get outta your head man do you see this shit?" Cass had been excited since the moment they stepped off the plane yesterday, they were all quite fucked up now. They had been gambling all night, winning and losing money and had now settled in one of the nicest clubs Azriel had ever been in. There was half naked bottle girls everywhere, and of course Rhys had got them a VIP section with bottle service included.
"Oh I see it," Azriel laughs softly, catching the eyes of the bottle girl who was leaning very close to him as she poured shots for the three of them. She was definitely giving him the eyes. Azriel had to look away then, turning his head back toward Cass. "I'm just fucked up," against Bees wishes, the first thing he had done this morning was purchase a gram.
"Better hope that shit didn't have fenty in it," Rhys turns his head to look at Az, who rolls his eyes in response.
"It's doesn't," he snaps back, before downing another shot, he didn't even know how many he'd had at this point. "It's just good shit you want a line?" he raises his eyebrows, there had been a time the three of them did this all together. Az just never grew out of it...
"I'll take one man, I'm in fucking Vegas!" Cass shouts, earning a laugh from Az who simply passed the little white bag over. This was one thing about Vegas he liked, the freedom of just being able to do a line in the club and no one even batted a single eye because it was Vegas, and obviously one of them had money if they had a VIP here.
"Some day the two of you will grow up," Rhys sighs before beckoning the bottle girl over for the list of bottles they could purchase.
"Get the Clase Rhys we are celebrating!" Cass voice boomed out and he shot to his feet, shaking his head with the effect the drugs had on him. Azriel just laughed and snatched his little bag back from him.
"Easy," Az laughs again, catching the bottle girls eye again, he didn't mean to, she was fucking staring. She flashed him a seductive little grin before retreating to get the bottle that Rhys had ordered.
He knew a few months ago he would have flirted a little and ended up taking her back to the room. He wasn't single anymore though, and the pain it would cause Bee just for him to get his nut off for a night while he was on his boys trip, it just wasn't worth it. Plus, he needed her to know he wasn't that guy anymore. He wanted to be everything for her.
"No fucking way," my phone tightened in my hand as I stared down at it, Kat and I were out to brunch, she figured we should have a little girls weekend while the boys were away. So finally we were able to do something since I had Sunday off, Az wouldn't be landing back home until late tonight.
"What is it?" Kat asks, lifting her eyes from her plate.
"Go look at fucking Cassian's instagram," I said through gritted teeth as I swiped through each photo from their apparent escapades lastnight.
There was my Az, my Az... Grinning wickedly, leaning over, face smushed between the tits of two bottle girls who were wearing nothing but lingerie to cover their most intimate bits. He had his arms around each of them, a drink nearly spilling over one of their shoulders. His pupils were blown out, clearly he hadn't listened to me about staying away from drugs out there. My heart was sinking further with the scroll of each photo. There was another snap shot of him dancing with one of them, she was bent over, her ass shaking on him, one of his hands loosely on her waist.
"Oh fuuuck.." Kat drew out the word, her eyes widening as she looked down at the photos on her phone.
"Yeah fuck is right," I locked my phone, tossing it on the table next to me before downing the rest of my mimosa. "I fucking knew it, he hasn't changed even a little bit- As soon as he said boys trip I-"
"Boys trip?" she asked, drawing her eyebrows together. "That's what he told you?" she asks, biting her lip and gnawing on it a bit. What the fuck did she know?
"Kat...?" I say slowly, meeting her eyes, her cheeks are flushed as if she had just said something she knew she shouldn't have.
"I- I'm sure Az is going to tell you- I don't think it's my place to-"
"Just spit it out," I was starting to get more angry, the gnawing feeling of shame starting to eat at my stomach. "What do you know?!" I demanded and she loosed a breath, leaning back in her seat.
"Bee- I swear I thought he told you- Please don't tell him it was me that said anything I'm sure he's just waiting for-"
"Just spit it out Kat," I repeat, an impatient edge to my tone. What had he kept from me?
"It was a location scouting trip- For-for the new shop that Rhys is opening up with Az and Cass in Vegas," her voice is soft now, and she's almost wincing as she waits for my reaction.
Just like that... It felt like everything had been some sick game to pass the time. My stomach turned, I felt like I was going to lose everything I had eaten on our little brunch date.
"I'm so fucking stupid," I breathed softly, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes. I really thought I knew him better than that... I never expected him to pull some shit like this. To keep something this big from me.
Azriel groaned loudly as he rolled over, the silky sheets slipping from his skin as he reached for his phone. He smiled, noticing the few notifications he had from Bee, his face quickly fell, and he was sitting up straight in an instant rubbing his eyes.
good morning!! can't wait to see you tonight
Normal, but the message below that one, and the notification that she stopped sharing her location? Definitely not normal. They had been sharing location for years, basically since it had become an option.
going to visit my family for a couple days i'll talk to you when i get back.
He quickly typed out a response.
everything okay baby?
He knew he had forgotten to face time her lastnight before he went to bed, but he was so fucked up he couldn't even remember getting home. And it had to have been almost 5 am when they had gotten back to the resort. She had asked him before they left to face time her before he went to sleep both nights, surely she couldn't be that mad over that, could she?
As he padded into the little kitchen that was built into the suite, his eyes were glued to his phone. He opened instagram next, and his stomach twisted slightly when he pressed her story and it was one of those dumb quotes girls tended to post after getting dumped about never really being able to know someone.
Fuck what did I do? his face had gone a little pale, the contents of the michelin star dinner they had lastnight and all the alcohol he had consumed bubbled in his stomach, he was racking his brain, trying to piece together the night, he couldn't really remember much of anything once they had left the casino and got to the club.
All he had to do was scroll down to the top post on his feed and his face paled. "Cass are you fucking dumb?" he's in Cassians part of the suite before he can even think shaking him awake.
"What the fuck man?" Cass groans, rolling over and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Rhys was behind them now, he had been up for an hour or two already.
"You saw the instagram post didn't you?" Rhys chuckles from behind him, holding his coffee cup in hand, leaning against the door frame.
"You think this shits funny?" He demands, whirling around to direct his attention to Rhys. As angry as he was at Cass, he knew it was only his fault that he had bought coke and got completely black out shit faced drunk. "Man fuck both of you," he growls and turns on his heel, storming to the bathroom and slamming the door behind him.
a/n: sorry but if it's one thing abt me yk i love drama
taglist: @smalljasper289 @cynthiesjmxazrielslover @scorpioriesling @userxs-blog @lilah-asteria @abadfantasybook @judeduartewannbe @lindsayscottagebythesea @velarisdusk @serxndipity-ipity-blog @julesvanslutta
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ghostofhyuck · 5 months
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NCT Dream when they realized that you're a biker gf with tattoos.
AN: This request is specific, reader is supposed to be a modest girlie because of her upbringing, so there's another side of her that dreamies were surprised to see. Also i don't know anything about big bikes lol
Mark Lee
Mark will be surprised when you show up to your date with him riding your big bike. It's like that slow-mo scene where you take off your helmet and you just flipped your hair gracefully that Mark's jaw dropped to the floor. LMAO. He'll be very flustered at first but when you smiled at him, he realized, "oh that's my girlfriend!" :D When you explained to him that you just usually wear your casual outfits (consists of pants, and sleeved blouses) was because that's how your family raised you, Mark understands it very well! He was just surprised that you have another side of yourself!
Huang Renjun
Renjun found out about your tattoo accidentally! It was when he walked into your room, and you were changing your clothes. He was flustered because you two have been dating for two months, but what surprised him more is that you have a HUGE tattoo on your back. It surprised him that his gf who dresses like a cottagecore girlie has a huge tattoo. When you explained to him that your tattoo is a secret, Renjun promised you that your secret's safe with him. You only smiled because he didn't judge you. "Wait until you learn about my big bike," you said. "oh that's fine --- wait, you have a big bike!?"
Lee Jeno
Jeno would be SHOCKED. Eyes wide when you two went to your house and when he notices the big bike parked near the garage, he asked if your dad uses the bike. "oh, that's mine," you said casually. He'll malfunction for minute then starts with, "Really!?" you only laughed at his reaction and then proceed to tell another thing about you, Jeno wasn't able to react when you pulled up your baby blue sweater and revealed that you have a tattoo on your stomach area and on your underboob. He probably have to sit down and think that his supposed sweet, modest girlfriend is FARRRR different from what he thought.
Lee Donghyuck
Haechan initial reaction was that he was surprised when you show up to your picnic date wearing a leather jacket and shorts. What's more surprising is that you have a lot of tattoos both on your thighs. There, you confessed to him that you're not really of a modest girl, that's just how you usually show to stranger because it's easier. So showing this side to your boyfriend took a lot of guts and courage for you. BUT what surprises you is that Haechan sulks jokingly at how it took you half a year before you told him this side of you. 
Na Jaemin
Jaemin knows that you ride big bikes because he caught you one time arriving to the uni driving it. It didn't suit you because you were wearing a cotton slacks and polo blouse. SO when he finally sees the other side of you, trust your man that he'll lets out that whistle. You're wearing your biker outfit and as soon as you took of your leather jacket, revealing your tank top and the insane amount of tattoos on your shoulder and arm area. Jaemin would compliment you nonstop, telling you that you look so fucking hot, and how lucky he is that he has a girlfriend that can do both. LOL
Zhong Chenle
Another boyfriend that will praise you nonstop! Chenle would be surprised when one date, you told him that you actually drive around town using your big bike as a past time. Chenle wasn't convinced at first because he's used to your modest outfit consists of cardigans and long dresses. You explained to him that's just how you were raised, so you have to show him the pictures of your ride. He'll be EYES WIDE to see you leaning against your big bike, arms crossed and looking so pretty. When he accidentally swipe right, it showed a picture of you getting a tattoo. He'll be surprised too! he'll ask where is it and you pulled down your sweater to reveal the tattoo on your back area. 
Park Jisung
Oh, Jisung will be flustered by the thought that you ride big bikes and have a lot of tattoo. He thought that you were demure and modest! You also radiates that energy when you two are getting to know each other, so he was surprised when you show up to his dorm wearing a different outfit from your usual! It didn't stop there because the tattoo peaking on your stomach surprised him even more! "Want to see my other tattoos" YOU HAVE OTHER TATTOOS!? I feel like once it sinked into him, Jisung will be fascinated about the thought that his gf is so cool! Would definitely touch your tattoo and ask if it hurt you during the process. 
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
heyyy can you do a smut with ony where we graduated college and he spoils us😼make it nastttttttyyyy
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cw: smuttt
word count: 2k
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
college was nowhere near as easy as it seemed in the movies. there were times where you felt like you were on top of the world and there were times where you were ready to drop out and never touch a book again. through it all ony was there for you, watching you struggle and succeed on different occasions. when it came to you graduating, proud was a complete understatement on how he felt.
it wasn’t often for people around him to even go to college let alone graduate, so to see his girl, his smart girl not only graduate, but finish at the top of her class made him ready to spoil you rotten for the day.
“baby you didn’t…” the first gift on the list was a brand new car. even tho your boyfriend didn’t go to college, that didn’t stop him from making a whole bunch of money, using his knowledge on herbalogy and horticulture to become one of the most successful drug dealers in your area. “congratulations pretty girl. you deserve it.” you ran into ony’s awaiting arms, tears of joy soaking his polo tee as you squeezed the life out of him.
“m’so proud of you mama. you did what many people couldn’t and i know you gon be a real successful lady in the near future. you only go up from here baby.” you lifted your head to look up at your boyfriend. ony gave you a small smile before leading you into your shared apartment. you were instantly met with a living room full of different gifts. all coming in different shapes and sizes ranging from an apple watch to a birkin bag.
when you finished opened all the gifts in sight, you started to stand up but were lightly stopped by his hand on your shoulder. “y’got one more thing to unwrap” eyes reverting back to the numerous amounts of opened gifts on the couch. “hmm? where? i thought i got it all?” ony chuckled before sitting you down on the sofa. “listen mama….you know i love you more than anything. you my whole world and some more, and there’s nothing i wouldn’t do for you.”
you gave your boyfriend a confused look as you let him continue with his speech. he better not be breaking up with you the day of your graduation. “stop lookin’ at me like that. m’not leaving you…ever. it’s just…” ony couldn’t find the words to express how much he loved you so he decided to just cut to the chase. removing his shirt fully to reveal his inked chest. on his left pec sat your name in red ink. this didn’t surprise you since you went with him to get it, having a matching one on your chest as well.
but as you took a longer look at his body you noticed it. on his side sat the an exact replica of a picture of your eyes, staring back as you softly. quiet gasp left you lips, but before you can speak ony turned the side of his head to show you the imprint of your lips behind his ear. “i thought you’d notice it in the car, but you was too busy crying.” he chuckled before standing to his full height and showing you his back.
down his spine sat your birthday written in roman numerals. “had t’get this one a earlier than the other two so i can still fuck you tonight.” your eyes widened at your boyfriends comment. turning around before giving you a sly smirk. “why not do it now?” the two of you were expected at your parents house for your graduation party, but in all honesty, you didn’t even want to go.
you laid your hand on his dick print that was easily recognized through his pants. ony smiled at you before lifting you off the couch, holding your thighs in his hands as he walked the two of you to your shared bedroom. “was hoping you said that.” you practically jumped out his arms at the sight of your room. rose petals decorated your bed with even more gifts on top of them. the lights were dim, letting the electric candles illuminate the room with their small bright lights.
“you like it? i wanted to use regular candles, but ian wanna leave em lit while i was gone so i got the-” you cut off his rambling with a kiss. immediately deepening it by pushing your tongue in his mouth. “i love it papa.” ony smiled as he backed you up onto the bed, moving your gifts out of the way before laying you down on your back.
“you’ll open em later.” he kissed from your neck to your chest before removing the straps of your dress from you shoulders and pulling it off you completely. continuing his trail all the way to your aching core before swiping a finger from your entrance up to your clit. your gasp made ony smirk as he kissed your pussy through your panties. “ughh stop teasing baby i wanna- aaughh.”
your complaint was cut off by a slap on your thigh. brown eyes warning you before ony finally pulled your panties off. “this my pussy so ima take my time wit her.” leaving no room for interjection, he entered two of his thick fingers in your entrance. back arching off the bed instantly as a lewd moan flew from your lips. your lover continued his work with his fingers while bringing his lips to your clit, licking and sucking the bud to bring you more pleasure.
“mmm fuck fuck fuckkk.” your wetness made squelching sounds occur before ony removed his fingers. using his long tongue to lick around your pussy before entering inside of you, filling the emptiness that his fingers left. “ooouuu daddy…f-feel so go-oood.” his hands moved to your breasts, rubbing and squeezing them with his muscular arms at your sides, trapping you.
ony looked at you through his lashes, lightly humping his dick on the mattress at the sight. mouth agape as your back and neck were arched off the bed. your much smaller hands were laid on top of his, scratching and squeezing at his flesh because of the pleasure he was giving you. “m’finna cum ony please.” his long tongue fucked you faster, occasionally moving up towards your clit, flicking his tongue roughly to bring you closer to your end.
ony didn’t reply to you as he kept pleasuring you rougher. you opened your mouth, a silent scream being released as your essence rushed out if you. he had no problem cleaning it all up before sitting up on his knees. you were too in a daze to watch him remove his clothes, but you knew he was naked when you felt his body on top of yours. chest rubbing right against yours as he lined up his dick with your entrance.
“ready baby?” ony whispered as you braced yourself by holding onto his back. “y-yes” you say shyly. your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you felt his thick tip begin to sink into you. he gave you all eight inches of him until the two of you were almost body to body. pace starting off slow and progressing with each passing minute. ony sucked hickies onto your neck as you wrapped your legs around his torso, coaxing him to go deeper.
“fuck you feel so good” your walls spasmed around him at his deep voice, making you whine as he kept stroking your tightening walls. “i-it’s t-to much papa” you slid your hand from his back to his abs, lightly pushing him away to stake off your quick orgasm. ony’s lips turned downward into a frown as he felt you stopping him. “y/n? what’s wrong baby?”
you shook your head, turning away from his stare. another sigh left your boyfriends lips as he lightly grabbed the bottom of your face and turned it towards him. “you gon cum?” you nodded. “that’s okay mama you cum as much as you want. you deserve it.”
ony’s hips slammed into yours, making you scream as he started pounding into you at a fast pace. hips slamming into you relentlessly as your back arched off the bed. “you love dis dick don’t you baby?” you moaned out a yes as the two of you joined hands. squeezing his tightly as you felt your orgasm creeping up on you again. “b-baby i-”
“i know mama, i know. let it all out.” with that your second orgasm of the night was released. warm cream surrounding the base of his dick while he continued to stroke inside of you. “there you go. good fucking girl.” ony leaned back from you, grabbing one of your legs to lift over his shoulder while using his other hand to rub quick circles around your clit.
your mouth opened in a silent scream as you felt a tight coil in your stomach. “o-ohhh my go-oddd.” brown pupils nowhere to be seen as they rolled to the back of your skull. his dick was hitting parts of you that could never reached on your own and you were loving every second of it. “give daddy another one baby. i know you want to.” anklet dangled by his ear as ony kissed the diamond charm that was in the shape of his initial.
he then moved his lips to your pretty feet. pink tongue swirling around your white painted toes as he stared you down lovingly. the sight of him made your pussy flutter as the coil in your stomach began to snap. “m’gonna cum againnn.” ony smiled, pushing down your stomach so he can feel where he is. “give it to daddy sweetheart. i feel it.”
your back arched off the bed, legs shaking as you began to squirt. ony pulled out of you before letting your leg down. “lay on your side mama.” you obeyed your boyfriends command, letting him lift your leg and slide back into you while the two of you laid on your side.
“mmfuckk onyyy” the feeling of him sliding back into you made you shiver. making your walls instantly clench around him. his hips moved softly as he made constant glances to your face to make sure you’re feeling alright. his slender fingers lightly gripped your chin before turning your head towards him. “gimme a kiss.” the two of your lips connected in a sloppy kiss. spit connecting the two of you each time one of you pulled away for air.
ony’s hips began snapping into you, feeding you harder, deeper strokes that made you struggle to kiss him back. your moans filled his mouth as he kept his lips on yours. “uhh huh. taking me so well mama.” he groaned as he felt his release coming. hand holding your leg up while his other was snuggly wrapped around your neck. “m’so proud of you y/n. so so proud.”
his words went in one ear and out the other. your mind in a dickdrunk daze as you felt his lips meet your neck. sucking and biting lightly on the skin to mark you. “mmhm l-love you too” ony chuckled at your fucked out state, deciding it was time to let you rest. his thrusts picked up speed, making your back arch into him as you screamed at the pleasure. “ahhggghh f-f-fuckkk. m’cummin daddy.”
“gon head. daddy’s here mama.” the both of you came together. hot cum rushing into you as your cream built up around him. your releases mixing together as they both leaked out of you. ony pulled out of you, checking on you to only find that you were already falling asleep. he wasn’t surprised in the slightest. making his way to the bathroom to start running your bath.
he carried you to the tub, bathing you and massaging and sore spots you may have from your previous activities. “cmon baby i need you to open the rest of your gifts.” ony said as he shook some energy into you. he carried you to your bed, his t shirt draped over your figure as he began handing you each bag. little did you know the biggest gift of them all sat in his bedside drawer. small black box with a diamond engagement ring waiting patiently to be presented to you.
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lovelycupid47 · 11 months
Lies, Love, and Lullabies | Yandere! Cheater! Jungkook One-shot
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a/n: This took longer than usual and it is kind of everywhere. Also a little inside of what my mind comes up with.
pairing: Yandere!Cheater! Jungkook x pregnant! housewife! female reader. Slight Taehyung x female reader
warning: cheating, miscarriage, yandere behavior, obsession behavior, blood, murder, physical assault, manipulation, kidnapping, gun involvement, mentions of attempted murder, suicidal thoughts, and inconsistent pace. (unedited)
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Since you were little, you had a dream of meeting the perfect husband and having a happy family with two kids and a dog by your side. The picture-perfect family you always wanted. You thought you did. You met your husband during college and have been married for 2 years after graduation. You are now 7 months pregnant with his child and you couldn’t be happier than ever, but things never last long.
For about a month, your husband, Jungkook, has been suspicious. Leaving the house early, coming home late, and asking for two portions for lunch, his phone has been buzzing non-stop, and made sure that he had it in his possession at all times. His excuse was that he had been working overtime to provide more money for the baby, you were a little hopeful but noticed the lack of intimacy that you were craving.
You tried initiating some intimacy but always claimed that he was tired and that he wasn’t in the mood which was off since he always had a high sex drive. Now that you are asking for it, he doesn’t want it anymore. Really increases your insecurity when you are growing a human being inside you causing stretch marks and extra fat on different parts of your body. You were starting to think that Jungkook doesn’t want to look at your body anymore. 
However, there would be times when he is his sweet lovable self that you fell in love with. He would be talking to the baby late at night and would rub your bump to feel your baby kicking. Things like that erase his past actions, but it never lasts for long. 
One day, your husband forgot his lunch, and being the good wife you are, you decided to surprise him at work and bring his lunch. He has been working hard for the baby and it felt right to make sure he has his meal. 
You waddled out of your car with lunch kit in hand and hand on top of your belly. You were heading towards the receptionist and asked for your husband. “You can right ahead in, Mr. Jeon should be on lunch break now.” She told you where the lunch break room was at and you headed straight toward the room and saw that your husband was there along with a woman that is tall and you can tell from the window door, that she had a better figure than you did. She had a skin-tight black dress with red stilettos heels and had perfect wavy hair. Neither of them can see you since their back is against the glass door.
You were about to open the door when you saw Jungkook, your husband, gently cupping her cheek and having an arm around her waist. You can tell they talking to one another and the closeness is making your heart beat faster than ever before. Tears were silently streaming down your face and you were near breaking down any moment.
It was when you saw your husband slowly lean in and leave a kiss on her lips and that is when you broke. You slammed open the door and looked directly at Jungkook who was so shocked that he immediately stepped away from the women. 
 “Honey! What are you here?” He exclaimed while trying to walk towards you. You didn’t scream, you didn’t shout, and you definitely didn’t give the reaction that he was expecting. All Jungkook saw was tears streaming down your face and with barely any emotions. 
“Hi honey, I was just bringing you lunch. Just being a good wife I am.” You said as you slowly took out his lunch box from the bag and opened the box showing him the cute little bento lunch you put all your love and work on. 
“Listen, it is not what you think.” You looked at the woman and back at him with quirked eyebrows.
“Really? What were you two doing that is not what I was thinking then. Please enlighten me Jeon Jungkook. Tell me what is ‘really’ going on that I can be wrong of thinking.” Your voice started to rise as you slowly walked towards him, with the bento still in your hands. 
As expected, he didn’t give an answer and you weren’t going to accept that. Before anyone knew it, you slammed the bento into his nice pristine suit that you ironed this morning, leaving a huge stain on his clothes. Jungkook and the woman were so shocked that they didn’t acknowledge that you already left the room and started heading towards your car. It was a struggle since you were caring about a 10-pound baby, but you managed to make it in your car, locked the door, and sat there in silence. You were so shocked that you didn’t register that you started the car and headed to your best friend, Kim Taehyung’s, apartment. 
When you knocked on his door, he was not expecting to see you and your red tear-stained face. All you did was just hug him as much as possible you can and start sobbing in his arms. 
“Y/N? What happened? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?” He kept asking, but all you did is sob even harder. 
Once you both settled into his living room, cuddled up with each other in silence. He waited until you spoke up, he didn’t want to ask too much because your hormones are haywire due to your pregnancy.
“Jungkook… Cheated on  me.” You finally spoke, leaving Taehyung flabbergasted. He was angry but didn’t want to overwhelm you. You explained from that past month until now how Jungkook was caught in the break room.
“What are you going to do? Whatever you decide I’ll be right there for you.” Taehyung was ready to be there for you and even perform any task that you needed to do.
“That is the thing, I don’t know what to do. I’m a housewife who is 7 months pregnant and the majority of my items and furniture belong to Jungkook, my parents are on the other side of the world, and I have no money. I’m stuck.” You were already thinking about going back to Jungkook. He is your rock. He promised that you won’t have to work anymore and to always depend on him. Looking back now, you wished you would have argued more about that rather than being naive and accepting the lifestyle. 
“Stay here with me.” Taehyung offered, looking directly at you, “I’ll provide for you and the baby. Heck, I’ll take the extra shift at the bar, if it means to make sure that you don’t go back to that scumbag.”
“Tae, I can’t have you doing that. You won’t be able to afford another human being. Then when the baby comes out, that would be even more expensive.” Tears started streaming down your face again. 
“I don’t care. I love you so much, and I don’t want you to go back to that asshole, who clearly doesn’t understand that you are perfect. I’m willing to make sacrifices just to make sure you stay with me.” He leaned his forehead against yours and at this point, you can’t say no to him when he is willing to do everything for you.
Suddenly they heard a rapid knock at his door. It was already late and Taehyung wasn’t expecting anyone to come over. The knocking wouldn’t stop and you could tell the person on the other side was impatient. 
“Taehyung! It’s me Jungkook! I need you to open up.” You look at your best friend and can tell he doesn’t want to answer the door. 
“Go to my room. Make sure he doesn’t see you. I’ll handle this.” He slowly got up from the couch and approached his door. He looked back to make sure that you were in his room out of sight before opening the door. 
There he saw a disheveled Jungkook with a brown stain button-up shirt, impatiently knocking on the door.
“Taehyung, have you seen Y/N. We kind of went into an argument. I’ve tried calling her and messaging her but she is not responding.” Taehyung kept a straight face, making sure his facial expression did not give anything away.
“No, I haven’t. The last time I contacted her was last night.” Both of them knew that was a lie. Jungkook can be obvious sometimes, but when it comes to Y/N, all senses come back. 
“Really? Are you sure?” Jungkook straightened up and was advancing towards Taehyung. Jungkook had always disliked your best friend since the first day you introduced them, but Jungkook wanted to impress you and held his grudge against you. Now that you aren’t here, he was ready to release hell on him.
“Listen, dude, I’ve never liked you one bit and I know you don’t like me, but right now I just want my pregnant wife back and I KNOW for a fact she is here because her car is parked outside your apartment.” In reality, he put a tracker on your phone and followed it from his phone. 
“Look, you are not allowed to see her. I don’t care if she is your wife, but the shit you pulled on her, you don’t deserve her. Don’t worry about the baby because at least it won’t know who their true father is. An asshole douchbag that only wants to get his dick wet by some lousy coworker.” Taehyung was ready to shut the door, but Jungkook burst through and grabbed him by the collar. 
“You know what, I can just kill you right here and take my wife with me. No matter what, I’m getting my wife back with you alive or not.” Jungkook started choking him while Taehyung was struggling since he wasn’t the most muscular out of the two.
“JUNGKOOK! Let him go! Please!” You burst out of the room and grabbed his shirt from behind. Jungkook didn’t want to let go, but for your safety, he let go and grabbed you. He held you against him as gently as possible because of your bump.
“Honey, please, I’ve made a mistake, please can we work this out? I want to explain everything and we can start all over. Please don’t leave me.” He had his head nuzzled in your neck feeling his tears. 
“Jungkook, please let go. I can’t do this right now, I need space. All of this is too much to handle right now.” You tried distancing yourself from him, but he tightened his hold on you not wanting to let go.
“No! I understand it is a lot, but we can go through this together. I’m not leaving you with him of all people.” 
Taehyung was getting irritated. “Leave my house! Before I call the police for trespassing.” When you think he is going to let go and leave, but before anything happens, Jungkook swings his fist at him and starts beating him up. 
“This-” punch, “Is-” punch, “Your-” punch, “Fault!” Jungkook was out of control and only seeing red. Instead of blaming himself for this situation, he was blaming Taehyung for his own mistakes. The way he saw it is, if Taehyung wasn’t around, you wouldn’t have a place to stay, you wouldn’t have anyone to depend on someone else other than him, and most importantly you wouldn’t have someone protecting you other than him.
“JUNGKOOK, please let him go- AHH” You suddenly felt pain in your abdomen and you bent over clutching your bump.
“Y/N!” Jungkook let go of Taehyung rushed over to you and gently set you down on the ground. You were feeling immense pain and couldn’t even stand. Then you felt a warm liquid coming out of you and you were thinking of the worse. 
“Jungkook, the baby, something is going on with the baby.” Jungkook carried you bridal style and rushed towards his car and sped through traffic towards the hospital. It was all a blur for you. All you can do is pray in your head to hope that nothing bad happens to the baby.
Once at the hospital, you were rushed into the ER room and that was the last Jungkook ever saw you. It wasn’t until a nurse came up to him in a rush and asked him the question he thought he would never be asked, “ Sir, we need you to save on, your wife or the baby?” He was at a loss for words, he loved them both, but he had to make the ultimate sacrifice.
4 hours later, you woke up in a hospital room with Jungkook beside you holding your hand. Once Jungkook felt movement, he put his forehead against yours and started crying, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, but I had no choice.” You felt one of his hands pressed on your now flat belly and you knew what he meant. 
“Why? You could have saved it… WHY?” It has been a stressful day and the baby was the only thing that was going to give you happiness.
“I can’t lose you, I just can’t.” He started pressing kisses all over your face, “I know I made a mistake, but now I’m here to redeem myself. Please Y/N, don’t give up on us. Please….” He looked at you with his doe-like eyes that you love. They were still a little red from the amount of crying he did, but he didn’t take away the beauty that you adored.
“I need time to think. I just found out the love of my life was seeing another woman, tried killing my best friend, and now I lost my baby. I need to think Jungkook because everything is too much to process.” He laid his head on your shoulder and knew that everything that happened today took a toll on you.
“Okay, I’ll give you space, but I want you to know that I always love you. No matter what. I’ll fix everything. I promise.” He kissed your lips before he walked out of the room. 
Everything was just too much for you. You were hoping that the baby would be your own source of happiness, but now that it was gone, you lost all hope for even living. You wished that Jungkook would have saved the baby other than you, you would have finally been put out of your misery. You don’t think it is even possible to live a complacent life where your mind blames you for Jungkook cheating and the death of the baby. You wished that you could wake up and hope that everything was just a dream and you were still happily married with a healthy baby on the way. Why did everything have to change?
Jungkook kept his word and stayed away from you until the day of your discharge. He was happily pushing your wheelchair toward his car and kept blabbering about how he made some changes to the house and that you would love it. You kept quiet. You didn’t even want to go home. The house of how you wished everything would go back to how things were, but you have no choice with how fragile and weak you are. 
Once you and Jungkook arrived home, he directed you toward the front of the supposed-to-be baby room.
“I know you don’t want to go in, but I have a surprise for you that would make you forgive me for my past mistakes.” He opened the door and all you saw was darkness. You were confused and stepped in with Jungkook behind you. There was a terrible smell surrounding the whole room that made you gag. Once you both were in the room, Jungkook closed the door turned on the lights, and revealed a horrific sight that could make you throw up on the spot.
There in the middle of the room was Taehyung and the women from Jungkook’s workplace, tied up to a chair that is facing back against each other. They were both covered in blood and with cloth covering their mouth and their eyes. 
“Do you like it, honey? I decided to take care of our problem. Obviously, it's a work in progress, but I thought I could show you what I have done.” Your eyes widened and faced Jungkook who looked at you expecting praise or any positive words coming from you.
“JUNGKOOK! What is wrong with you?” You rushed towards Taehyung and uncovered his eyes, you shook him awake and you could tell he was barely even conscience. You see many punctured holes in his abdomen, and bruises that develop on his face. You can’t believe that your husband did this. 
“But honey, if it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t be in this situation. They are the reason we lost our baby. For that, they need to be gone, so we can go back to the way it was.” Jungkook was now confused. He believed he did the right thing. If it wasn’t for them two, they wouldn’t have lost their baby in the first place. 
“Jungkook, it was neither of their faults. It was YOU. If you hadn’t cheated on me, NONE of this would have happened. If YOU kept your dick in your pants, we could have gone back to normal. So stop blaming people for your mistakes!” You were done with all of this nonsense. 
“Y/N….” You turned back to Taehyung and started untying him, “It’s okay Tae, I’m right here, and I’ll drive you to the-” You heard a click behind you and you froze. You turned around and saw Jungkook pointing a pistol at Taehyung. 
“Step away Y/N. Or I finish him.” 
“Jungkook, you are losing it. Let him go!” You raised your hands up high.
“What are you talking about honey? I’ve always been like this, I’ve just never shown you this side of me.” He approached you with the gun still pointing at your boyfriend. Jungkook eyes weren’t the same doe-like eyes you used to love. They were blank as ever with barely any void of emotions. His stare at you was cold, not the same loving stare he always gave you.
“I should have known you were this crazy,” Taehyung spoke up and next thing you know, Jungkook shot him in the leg making him scream in pain. Blood started seeping out on the floor and you were close to passing out. 
“Please stop! You are hurting him.” You tried grabbing his arm but he had you pressed against his body preventing your arms from moving. 
“Listen, honey, you have two options. You obediently stay with me and pretend that nothing ever happened and we can start over while he lives or you stubbornly reject and I kill him right here right now. So what are you choosing?” He pressed the gun towards Taehyung’s head.
“Don’t listen to him, Y/N. He is bluffing.” Jungkook looked at Taehyung and brought the gun to the woman behind his chair and shot 2 rounds into the woman’s head. Then brought the gun back to Taehyung.
“Am I bluffing now?” You were at a loss of words, he just killed a person right in front of you and now is waiting for your response to do the same thing to your best friend.
“Jungkook, let’s talk about this-”
“PLEASE! You are not thinking-”
“OKAY! I’ll stay. Just please don’t kill him.” You were sobbing into his shoulder, stuck and weak in this moment. You had no choice.
“That’s what I thought.” He gently rubbed the gun against your head scaring you even more. Jungkook couldn’t be more proud to have you vulnerable in his arms. This is exactly what he wanted, scared, vulnerable, and helpless. Only reaching out to him, and no one else.
“It’s okay honey, I’ll fix everything just like how I said.” He kissed your dry lips and your forehead. This is your new reality. Being in the arms of a psycho killer that you call your husband.
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toxicanonymity · 2 years
You really are trouble. Silence can never be bought, only rented (pt. 3 of 6)
Can read STANDALONE, or Story Master List
4.4k words | dbf!Joel Miller x F!Reader | 18+ nsfw
Summary: You go back to campus and Joel shows up. You stay with him for a night.
He chuckles then checks you out and a hunger comes over his face.  He looks down at himself before he lowers his voice and meets your eyes again. “What, you wanna souvenir? I’ll send you a picture.”  The way he's looking at you. . . you can practically see the reflection of your naked tits in his pupils, even though you're fully clothed.  He adjusts his jeans and looks out the passenger window behind you.
thx for moodboard @dark-scape. | joel master list
Next: Part 4
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content notes/warnings: age gap, protective!joel, reader can wear Joel's jacket & Chad mistakes Joel as her dad (in hindsight I would try to do this a different way but it is what it is and I've left it because it reveals something about her dad), ample sexual tension, non-graphic violence, ref to gaslighting, light hurt/comfort, light stalking, blackmail/manipulation themes, begging, mild dubcon, cunnilingus, cumshot, slasherfucker easter egg🥚, Joel says he can wear something of hers to sleep.
As you drive back to campus, you try to think logically about Joel.  On one hand, fucking him might give you even more leverage, if you could stay detached, but you're smart enough to recognize the poor odds of that.  You also wonder if you should question his motives.  He's never so much as hit on you until now that you have something over him.  To be fair, it isn't out of nowhere -  you held eye contact with him while he fucked your stepmother.  You could’ve walked away as soon as your suspicion was confirmed, but you didn't walk away until he came, eyes locked with yours. Then, the next day, you went to his pool, took your top off, and made him jerk off.  
When you get to your apartment, you bring Joel's jacket inside and drape it over your upper body, all the way up to your nose while you lie on your bed and scroll your phone.  Chad, your kind-of ex, asks if you can talk.  You start typing something, but when he texts you again to add a question mark, you decide to ignore him.  You put on the jacket.  There’s a scrap of thermal paper with gps coordinates in the pocket.  Out of curiosity, you search the coordinates and they're near Uvalde, but you don’t find an address.  The closest thing is an abandoned mall.  
You put down your phone and turn up the jacket collar, then inhale it with your eyes closed.  You get another text and it’s Joel.  For a moment, you feel warm and fuzzy, until you open it.  
“Thinking of you.”  It’s a surveillance picture of you topless in his pool.  A pit opens in your stomach.
You can just picture his smug smile as his big stupid thumb pressed send.   The picture disappears as your ears get hot.  What does he think he’s doing? You text him accordingly. You seethe. But there’s another part of you – a hot, wet part of you, that only wants Joel more with every depraved thing he says and does. You almost wish the picture didn't disappear so you could admire his back and imagine what else could have been. . .
Imagine Joel getting in the pool with you, pinning you to the edge, his thickening cock pressing into you, rock-hard.  Joel wrapping his arm around you, shoving his hand between your legs, pulling your swimsuit to the side, taking you from behind.  His cock filling you up, one hand on your tits, the other between your legs.  Bouncing you on his cock, zero gravity, your knees spread and bent.  You get yourself off with very little effort by imagining this.  It only briefly crosses your mind that, worst case scenario, the oxytocin of each orgasm may work to his advantage.
You have to work at the cafe the next day.  It’s gotten slower since summer session ended, but the bookstore still gets traffic from families visiting campus and whoever's still around.  And as long as the bookstore gets traffic, so does the cafe.  
Chad, your kind-of ex, comes in.  You try to remain composed and professional, but it’s humiliating having to serve him after he cheated on you then tried to gaslight you that you were never "together" after almost a year.  He’s wearing a t-shirt from the venue where you met when you saw his band play. 
Your heart races as you write his name on a cup and he tries to get you to take your break.  You refuse.   He invites you to a party, then sits alone in the cafe for a few minutes, manspreading like he owns the place, watching you.  Eventually, he leaves and your eyes well up in tears.   You wipe down tables as a way to get a moment alone to compose yourself.  
When you finish wiping down the last table, you stand up and get startled by someone standing way too close behind you. 
Joel’s low, gruff voice asks, “I reckon that's Chad?” 
Your heart jumps to your throat.  “What are you doing here?” Naturally, you’re still mad about the topless picture – or at least, you feel like you should be mad. 
“Comin' back from a job.  You okay?”
You turn around and meet his eyes.  And forearms.   His denim shirt is fitted and his sleeves are rolled up.  Jesus.  
“I don’t have anything to say to you.”
“I know.  You can delete it yourself.  Come out to my truck for a minute.” 
“What, you trust me to do it myself?” 
You roll your eyes and take your break, following him outside.  
Joel opens the passenger door for you.  When he gets in the truck, he pulls out an iPad and opens his home surveillance app.  
“We’re on my hotspot.  Here, delete the whole day if you want. Then go to the trash and empty it.”  He hands you the iPad.  “Can’t be too careful these days, Trouble.”  he adds.
Your cheeks burn with exception. Resentment.  “Can’t be too careful ‘cause a creep like you might record me?”   
“See that black bar?" He points. "Means no data for that time.  ‘Cause I turned’em off, just not fast enough.” 
“Conveniently, right before you took your cock out.”  
He chuckles, then checks you out.  A hunger comes over his face.  Maybe it was hearing you refer to his cock.  He looks down at himself before he lowers his voice and meets your eyes again.
“What, you wanna souvenir? I’ll send you a picture.”  You can practically see the reflection of your naked tits in his eyes.  He adjusts his jeans and looks out the window behind you.
Your face gets hot.  You compose yourself and look him up and down.  “If I wanna see your cock, I’ll tell you to take it out.” 
His eyebrows shoot up. "Attagirl."  He whistles as he shifts in his seat.  “God damn, Trouble.  You really are.” He puffs his cheeks as he exhales and shakes his head.  "Who knew," he adds under his breath, looking absently through the windshield.  
You hand the iPad back to him and an alert pops up, catching your eye.  It’s your stepmother’s car at his gate.  It quickens your heart rate.  You study his face for an answer. 
He sighs.  “She keeps callin’, comin’ by.   I changed the gate codes. . . I’ll text you your new one." His brow furrows as he stares into space, then he scratches the back of his neck.  "I reckon I should prolly stay away for a couple days, let her get it out of her system.” 
He deletes the app and reaches behind the seat to pull out an Apple Store bag.  He puts the iPad in the bag and hands it to you.  “Keep it.” It’s blue like the phone from yesterday. You should’ve known. 
“Real creative.  This is your whole plan? Buy me an Apple store?” you hand it back to him.  "I'm not walking back in there with that." 
"Fair enough."  He smiles to himself and leaves it in the truck as you both get out.  He puts on his Ray Bans. 
Joel pulls up his pants and puts his hands on his hips, shifting his weight to one leg and popping out a knee.  Your gaze drifts to the bulge below his belt.  His brow furrows as he looks off.  
“Now. . .'bout Chad. . .  I reckon I got nothin’ but time now if he needs a lesson in manners.”  Once again, you hate him for bringing up Chad.  
Your face tightens despite your best efforts. "Don't bother."
“Aw, shoot.”  He always knows.  “Com'ere, sugar.”  Joel opens his big arms. You can’t resist his bear hug.  You feel safe.
You sniffle and he whispers, “Hey, Trouble. What did the white grape say to the purple grape?" 
You can't help but laugh. He hadn't told one of those in a while. Fitting, too.
“There she is.”  He smiles as you pull away. 
“I have to get back to work.”
“Reckon I'll be 'round if you need anything.” 
“Okay, creeper.”
When you get home from work, your roommate is watching the news.  The newscasters are talking about a body found in an underground bunker outside Uvalde near the border.  You look up and do a double take.  
“Holy shit.” Your heart races.
“Oh, I thought I recognized that mall.” 
You consider texting Joel about it, but something tells you not to.  You don't text him at all.  You google it. There are rumors it was a cartel boss.
Your roommate is planning on going to the party Chad invited you to to meet up with a guy you and Chad introduced her to.  You resist her invitation, but she begs you to come just for a few minutes so she doesn’t have to show up alone, and eventually, you relent.  You do a little pregaming at home before heading to the party.  You wear something hot to make Chad sorry – leather pants and a low-cut, lace top – with Joel's jacket over it. 
Chad is already drunk when you get  there.  He herds you and your roommate to the drinks. The guy she’s talking to went on a beer run. Aside from the two of you, it’s almost all guys, so you’d feel guilty leaving her there.  You decide to stay just until her guy gets back from his beer run. 
This takes longer than you expect.  Chad keeps trying to talk to you, telling you how good you look, until someone distracts him with beer pong. You have to wonder if your roommate's guy is really on a beer run, or with another girl.  These guys are all the same.  You feel guilty for Chad introducing them.  When the guy finally shows up, he does have beer in hand, but not nearly an hour’s worth when the store is just a few blocks away. 
As you’re getting ready to leave, Chad steps in front of the door.  He begs you to talk to him just for a few minutes.  You refuse and open the door to leave, but he doesn’t back down.  He yanks the door shut, then towers over you and pins you to the foyer wall.  
Within seconds, the front door swings back open.  
“Get your hands off her,” Joel booms as he charges in, then grabs Chad by the shirt and slams him up against the wall. Chad is an inch or two taller than Joel, and yet Joel seems to tower over him. 
“You told your dad?” Chad asks you, incredulous. 
“Get in the truck,” Joel tells you sternly, pointing out the door.  You leave the door open behind you to watch and listen as you very slowly inch toward Joel's truck.
Joel tells him, “If she told her dad, you wouldn’t be breathin'. I'm fixin' to save your life right now."
He releases Chad just long enough for him to turn around and face him so it's a fair fight.   Then, Joel decks Chad in the face.  Chad goes stumbling across the foyer holding his jaw.  
“Get in the truck, now!” Joel yells out the door at you, neck vein bulging, then pulls the door shut and stays inside with Chad.  
You get in the truck and the shock catches up to you.  You can’t stop the tears. Your mascara runs and you don’t have any tissues.  You open the center console and don’t find any.  He’s a man, of course he doesn’t have any.  You open the glove box anyway.  A few scattered condoms, no surprise there.  Registration.  Not much else. It's super shallow.  
You lift the tray out.  In the hidden chamber, there’s nothing but a gun and a cylinder. . .a silencer.  In Texas, it'd be weirder if he didn't have a gun. But a silencer? Who is he, John Wick?  What kind of contractor carries a silencer? . . . No. The blood drains from your face. You quickly replace the tray and close the glove box, your heart racing. Was it a bullet wound scar you caught a glimpse of at the pool? 
The mental image of him pulling off his jeans makes you forget about the silencer.  If your leggings weren't leather, you'd probably soak right through them.  
Joel comes out and slams the door behind him. His muscles and veins bulge as he charges toward you.  
"Are you okay?" He asks as he gets in the truck. He leans over to buckle you in. You can smell his sweat and musk. 
"Yeah, I'm fine." 
"That's the guy you were seein' for damn near a year? That damn fool?" 
"Don't," you warn. 
You ride in silence and he calms down. 
"Sorry," he says at a stoplight.  He rests his massive hand loosely on your thigh.  "I shouldn't'a said that " His veins are still bulging.
"You're right though," you sigh. Your eyes won't leave the vein on his hand.
You shift in your seat, the lightest contact of his big, masculine hand literally opening your legs.  You fold your left heel under you, which has the effect of shifting his hand to your inner thigh.  He inhales deeply but leaves his hand resting loosely on your inner thigh. 
"Well, I reckon it's over now," he says. 
He doesn't take his hand back until he needs it on the steering wheel. 
"This isn't the way," you tell him. 
"You're stayin' with me tonight," he responds, then stretches his jaw.  “Got a suite on the river.” 
You absently fiddle with the scrap of paper in your (his) left jacket pocket.  You ask him what job he was coming back from.  He does a double take and holds out his hand. 
"Gimme that," he says sternly. 
“I just like to hear about what you’re building.” 
"What, your trash?" you hand it over and he lifts his butt out of the seat to shove it in his pocket. In effect, the motion is a pelvic thrust.  It makes you forget about everything else. 
He's staying at one of the nicer hotels on the Riverwalk. He pulls up to the entrance and asks the valet for a minute.  
Joel comes over and opens your door.  "Come on, let's go."  He notices the mascara on your face.  "Shit." He pulls a first aid kit from under the seat and gives you an alcohol pad and uses one to clean the blood off his knuckles. He glances at the glove box contemplatively, but doesn't open it. 
The lobby has an overly modern chandelier.  He gives you a key card. On the elevator, you rest your head on his shoulder.  It's a suite with two bedrooms.  His stuff is already in one of them.  
He gestures to the empty room, scratching the back of his neck, making his bicep look even more enormous. "If you want to, uh. . . Do you need anything? I can go to the store"
"Like what," you implore. 
He leans against the door frame and crosses his imposing arms. 
"I dunno what you need in general, so.  I dunno," he shrugs.  “You’ve got a toothbrush and stuff in there.”  He nods to the bathroom.  
"Is there a blanket?" You ask. 
"You got it." He disappears, opens a few doors, and comes back with a blanket and the iPad.  "Put a couple movies on there for ya.  If you wanna cast one to the TV." 
He swipes it open and gives it to you, and you almost want to cry.  He can tell.  He turns the TV to the right mode for you.  
“You can wear something of mine if you want,” he offers, then leaves to take a shower.
“I always sleep in leather pants,” you say deadpan.  
You may take him up on that later, but not now.  You freshen up and take off his jacket then lie down on the bed, on top of the comforter, but under the blanket he fetched. You start watching Scream.   
After his shower, he comes back in boxers and a t-shirt and asks if you're okay.  
You were fine until he asked.  You swallow down your emotions. "Stop asking me that." You sit up and pull your knees to your chest.  
He approaches the bed and sits down on the edge. He lays a hand on your knee, and you ogle its masculine knuckles and prominent vein as he says "I know it's been a rough week." He doesn't seem to know what else to say, but his eyes look sincere.   
You scoot over to make room for him on the bed and lift up the blanket.  He lies down and lets you into the crook of his arm.  He smells good. You watch most of the movie like that, not moving.  Just inhaling his scent and lusting after him, your wits battling your carnal need. He falls asleep for awhile but wakes back up.
On the screen, Billy Loomis sucks blood off his own fingers. Joel says, “There he is.”  He's seen your canvas tote bag with that image on it.  “See?  You’ve always had bad taste in men.”  
You punch him in the chest playfully and he acts like it hurts.  His smile kills you.  
You’re on a bed with him, snuggled  up with him, your head on his enormous bicep, and he feels far away.  Why doesn’t he try to fuck you?  It hits you like a punch in the gut that if you want something, you're going to have to take it.  And God, you want something.  You know better, but you want it.
You wet your lips and watch his face.  The pattern of his facial hair is so perfect.  Every little blank patch is perfectly placed.  Every touch of gray and silver.  It’s all of him, really.  Every broken capillary on his skin, every line.  It’s the most perfect design.  It’s almost unbearable. 
You hook your far leg over his.  He glances at you.  You pause the movie.  He does a double take when he sees the way you’re looking at him.  You’re trying to work up the courage to make a move.  Your lips part, and your hand glides up his chest to his neck, resting by his vein. His heart rate quickens.
“Terrible taste,” he mutters, reading your eyes like a book. 
You slowly lean in. He intercepts your mouth, controlling the nature of the kiss.  He kisses half your bottom lip, then trails his lips down your chin.  You tilt your chin up and he kisses its underside, open-mouth.  He pivots over your leg to be on top of you with one leg between yours.  His expansive hand runs down the side of your lacy top to your free leg, and he grabs your hamstring as your knee bends around him.  Your hips lift and you grind into his thigh, desperate for whatever he’ll give you.  He hardens against your inner thigh and you hear yourself gasp softly.  
Joel gets between your legs entirely.  He moves slowly.  He lays his hardened boxers against your leather pants right where you throb and ache for him.   His lips land lightly in the hollow of your neck, and he sucks gently.  His hard-on only rolls into you once, sending a jolt of electricity through you before he cruelly takes it away as he works his way down your body.
He tenderly kisses your collarbone, then the lace border of your slutty top.  He lifts your shirt up and you pull it over your head, along with your bra.  His lips press between your breasts, his beard lightly tickling their soft skin.  He palms one breast while his nose nudges your other nipple and they both harden painfully.  He sucks just below your nipple and his hand trails down to your pants, grazing over your zipper, then engulfs your entire crotch. His flattened fingers rolling firmly but gently into your clit, over your pants.  He breathes heavily.  
You arch your back and he breathes, “God almighty,” before taking your other tit into his mouth.  
Then, he continues his slow journey down your body. He plants two open-mouth kisses on your stomach.  You’ve never been so wet or ready.  His kisses trail down below your belly-button, to your leather pants.  
All this instead of just kissing you on the mouth like you wanted. It feels like heaven, but it also doesn’t sit right.  
"It's not happening," you say. 
"I'm not gonna fuck you." You're saying it to yourself more than to him. 
"Oh, I'm not gonna let you, sugar," he rumbles in a near-whisper.  Then, his nose digs into the leather between your legs. 
"Just wanna taste you. Make you forget everything else." 
He has both his thumbs on your mound and presses his mouth into just the right spot, a wave of pleasure washing over you, lifting your hips.  His mouth presses and consumes you slowly, but so hungrily that his beard would be hurting you if your pants weren’t on. You're already twitching.
He looks up and his tired eyes swallow you whole. 
You feel exposed.  You’re extremely aroused, and he feels far away.  You would much rather be making out, with his whole body wrapped around you, his hardness grinding into you. Still, you can't deny this feels very, very good. 
His fingers curl into the front of your waistband, and he looks up.   
“I'm not into that," you tell him. “Can you kiss me?”
“I’m about to.  Ever had it from a grown man?” he asks.  “Or hell, a woman?" he adds.  
You don't answer.
“You don’t know if you’re into it.”
He craves you badly - it’s all over his face.  You do want to see how hot he looks doing it.    
"You have thirty seconds to convince me," you tell him. 
"Only need ten."  You're throbbing so bad that might be all it takes, period.  
His thumbs unbutton you. He starts to unzip you and inhales sharply when he sees you're commando. You let him peel off your pants.  He does it slowly, looking at your pussy like a juicy burger the whole time.  He pauses to thumb you, like he can’t resist.  
“Fuck me,” he says when he feels how wet you are. He thumbs your clit with one hand while pulling your pants down with the other.    Then he finishes taking them off, prowls back toward you, arms bulging, and puts your thighs over his muscular  shoulders.  
It's surreal seeing Joel between your legs.  He feels your naked breast and hooks his other hand under your thigh, holding your hip loosely.  Tension is coiling deep in your core, throbbing, looming, tighter, more desperate than you knew it could be.  
The hand on your breast slips down your torso as he kisses your inner thighs, his beard scratching you lightly. He plants a kiss on your mound, opens his mouth, and licks his way down to your clit.  He’s careful not to drag his facial hair against your most sensitive skin.  He nudges the side of your clit with the bridge of his nose.  You throb and squirm, and his large hands on your hips hold you still.  He seals his mouth around your clit and the top half of your dripping seam.  He applies suction while his strong tongue languidly laps you.  
With a groan, you release a breath you didn’t know you were holding.  You want his cock.  You can hardly stand it.   
Between heavy breaths, you tell him, “Time’s up.  Come here.” 
But he keeps devouring your pussy.  You tangle your fingers in his hair and whine, “Joel, please” and he laps you more firmly, makes eye contact with you.  He flicks his tongue, sucks, drags his tongue down, plunges his tongue inside you and you moan. 
“Take your cock out,” you tell him.  You're aching to be filled.
He pulls his face away, shiny and red from the nose down, replacing it with his hand.  He pulls his boxers down.  The sight of it makes your temples weak.  He thumbs your clit and slips one, then two fingers inside you, making your head fall back as you clench around him. It’s not what you want, but it’s so much better than nothing.
"So tight," he marvels.   He gathers your wetness and lubes himself with you.  Not what you had in mind.  You at least want to feel his hardness against you.  You beg him upward toward you, but he won’t go.  
He strokes his stiff manhood as his head returns between your legs, his tongue tracing your folds up to your clit. You begin to squirm and he holds you down with one hand, a sight that makes you weak. He hums "Mmm" and moans into the apex of your folds. You're throbbing desperately, your hips move on their own, and he must feel it.  
"Come for me, sugar," he mumbles into your warmth.  Then he opens his jaw, firmly plants his lips, and digs in again. 
Your thighs tremble, threatening to close in on his cheeks.  You dig your head into the pillow.  With each pass of his tongue, each push of his lips, the tension in your core coils tighter until it can’t hold anymore and springs open all at once.   As your hips lift against his mouth, his lips press back and he swallows you hungrily. 
Pleasure blooms from your core in rhythmic pulses.  Your arms and thighs jerk randomly in unison, your abs lift you off the pillow.  You’re a prisoner to the pleasure, moving at its will, until your climax wanes.  The release floods your chest and you pry his head off you.  You finger his clean, messy hair.   
Joel flattens his fingers to take more wetness from you and you shudder with an aftershock.  He sits up on his knees and his brow furrows painfully.  You're too busy memorizing the look on his face to fully appreciate the way his ass clenches as he starts to come. Relief covers his face and he grunts as his hot load shoots onto your stomach.  
He pulls his boxers back up, sits back on his knees, and breathes.  His tan, masculine hands affectionately rub your thighs, and you watch his chest rise and fall.  Somehow he never looks vulnerable, even right after he comes. 
Joel steps away and comes back with tissues. He cleans you up and runs you a bath. 
"Good night, Trouble." His thumb affectionately brushes your temple and he kisses you on the head. Then, he goes to his own room.  
tysm for any reblogs/comments, I love to know what y'all are thinking 🫶
Tags: @jbcalway @daddy-din @angelmenace @silkiers @axshadows @legs0pen4dilfs @fan-fiction-floozy @grnherbs @icuminurbutt @lokanda @not-a-unique-snowflakewflake89 @likeanimagepassingby2 @witchy-jadda @mxtokko @missannwinchester @cannolighost @anxiousankylosaurus @montenegroisr @97cityy @lillyrob @billyloomiswhore4 @cloudroomblog @boysddontcry
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lyak12 · 7 months
Lucy Bronze x reader please. They get spotted multiple times by fans and paparazzi that they are together but they haven’t come out as a couple yet. So when reader scores winning goal at Wembley at the euros. Lucy kisses reader. Like cute fluff
Privacy, or not?
A/N: That request was just too cute and suddenly got really motivated to write. Cut me some slack, it's not very long, not proofread, and I'm a bit rusty, but I'd like to think it's a start:) Thanks for the cute req, Annie :))
Warnings: None just pure fluff
Tumblr media
If there is one thing that is important to Lucy, it's her privacy.
You know that, and it's been openly communicated as you started dating a bit over a year ago. That means no love drunk posts on social media, or anything similar.
At first, you had thought this was going to be hard for you since you happily let your followers take part in your life, but you quickly realized that the beauty in this privacy is priceless.
You've never been so happy in a relationship.
Lucy and you are currently walking at the beach near her apartment in Barcelona. You had quickly learned that Lucy values physical touch, and by now, whenever you were out together with no obvious paparazzi, her hand would always hold yours. Now isn't any different.
You look up at the brunette and can't help but smile. You're so happy. She notices you staring and asks, smiling, "What are you looking at?". "The person that makes me the happiest I've ever been", you just answer honestly as Lucy blushes slightly.
That's another thing you learned about Lucy early on in your relationship. She's pretty shy outside of football, and she could not deal well with being complimented.
"You're so cute when you blush", you just chuckle and cuddle into her side slightly. Lucy just rolls her eyes slightly before placing a soft kiss on your head.
You weren't surprised when the next day you were tagged in, I don't know how many tweets that show a very blurry picture of the two of you at the beach. People have been speculating about your relationship for months now.
As you crawl on the bed where Lucy is lying, you hand her your phone with the Pic. "You can not even tell it's us. They're just two blobs", she chuckles as you just start laughing. By now, it is just fun to tease the media.
You crawl into her arms and rest against her chest, cuddling close. "The paparazzi foto from the restaurant a couple of weeks ago has definitely been better", you mumble as she wraps her arms around you and holds you close. "That was a good one yeah", Lucy says as she kisses your forehead.
The euros were in just two weeks, and even though it's not your first rodeo with the national team, you always get a bit nervous. Lucy knows that, and she also knows that no matter how often she reassures you that everything will be fine, she can't get rid of your nerves completely.
"You thinking about the euros again?", she asks softly as she plays with your hair, and you just nod slightly. Crawling completely on top of her, you wedge yourself in between her legs and look up at her. "What if something happens to your knee?", you ask a bit worried. "Love, my knee is doing very well. Don't worry about me. We'll have a great tournament and play the sport we love, okay?", she asks as she looks into your eyes and caresses your cheeks. You nod and sigh softly before smiling at her.
And Lucy has been right. You both have been having an amazing tournament so far, and before you guys know it, you're in the final. All ready to win the euros. You've never witnessed the lionesses so hyped.
You got on in the 63th minute, and only minutes later, the Germans score a goal to make it even. You glance at Lucy from across the field, and she just nods at you. Telling you to stay focused. So that's what you do.
The regular time is over, so you move into the overtime. It's in the 111th minute that you have a perfect run, and you just take the shot. And it's in. At first, you can't believe it, and then you start cheering, running over to Lucy before jumping into her arms. Your other teammates jump on you too, cheering and yellin, but you only grin at Lucy.
You have never seen her look so unbelievably proud of you. She rests a hand on your cheek and kisses you. You haven't talked about it, but right now, it just felt right. And if Lucy is ready to make the two of you official, so are you.
You grin at her as you break the kiss before pecking her lips once more. You still had a game to finish. However, before you know it, the whistle is blown, and you're handed the medals and trophy. "We did it", you say, grinning at Lucy. "We sure did", Lucy says before pulling you in again for another kiss. "The fans that have been speculating and shipping us are gonna have a ball with this", you say, chuckling.
"Let them", Lucy just says, grinning and kisses you again. This is a nice way to end the tournament.
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