#i was like well in case you were wondering i still hate coffee
anotherpapercut · 9 months
I will never understand how some people hate all tea, which there are like a billion flavors of, but love coffee, which all has the same terrible taste no matter what
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luveline · 8 months
Hi !!! Can I request something romantic between shy reader and spence? maybe he’s like trying to teacher her something and they’re alone? IDK WRITE WHATEVER U WANNA RIGHT ILL EAT IT UP REGARDLESS <3
Your stomach hurts and you need to pee, but you’re stuck. You’ve been trying to submit your virtual paperwork for the last two hours. Why have they made it this difficult? You’re beginning to wonder if you’re being hazed. 
Spencer told you it was easy. Well, he’d put a cup of tea on your desk (for which you hadn’t asked but gratefully accepted), seen you were starting your paperwork, and said, “I’ll see you for lunch in half an hour?” with a knowing smile. 
You’d smiled back. You want to be in the know with him, even if you’d needed a ten minute recovery period after he left to learn to breathe through your nose again. 
But it became clear after half an hour you wouldn’t be taking lunch, let alone joining him. Nervous sweat dampens your hands and the back of your shirt, and your face burns with heat —why is the office scorching? You’re in hell. 
You click another button, sure you’ve found the right process, but a yellow triangle appears with an exclamation mark inside. Function suppressed, it says.   
“Oh, good,” Spencer says, approaching from behind, a coffee. “I thought you stood me up. You’re struggling with the system?” 
“I wouldn’t say struggling.” 
“You don’t need any help, then?” 
“Please,” you say softly, worried someone else will hear you. You don’t want anyone in the team nor the unit to realise how inept you are. It’s bad enough that Spencer’s cottoned on. “I can’t get it to work.”
“I was kidding,” he says, smiling tentatively at you. “Let me get my chair.” 
Spencer tortures you sitting beside you, knee to knee and arm over your arm as he guides your mouse to the right page, then the correct paperclip. His watch falls down his wrist and brushes your skin with each direction, spurring chills all over. “You’re pretty much done,” he says. 
“I don’t know why I was so confused,” you say bashfully. 
“Because it’s a confusing system.” He smells like warm vanilla. You wish you could ask him about it, but you’ve a job to talk this close to him. 
“Thank you for helping.” 
He clicks through the last part of your file to check for any missing paperclips before he sends it off. “You’re welcome.” Then, because he secretly hates you, he takes your arm into his hand with achingly careful fingers. “Are you cold?” He rubs at your goosebumps. He has really nice hands, with strong veins. He moves purposefully. 
Another rush of goosebumps down your arm. “Are you okay?” he asks, his eyebrows tugged together worriedly. 
“I’m just,” —mortified— “embarrassed about the paperwork. I didn’t know there would be this many online responsibilities involved, I would’ve looked them up.”
Spencer’s eyebrows rise as your sentence ends. You’d mangled ‘looked them up’, said it breathless as his hand curled around your fingers. 
“Don’t worry about all of that. You can always ask me for help. Right? I sit right there.” He points to his desk. “Did you forget?”
Something about his tone suggests that he already knows you didn’t forget, but he takes your thank you gracefully, and continues pretending you’re cold rather than physically affected by his touch. He’s nice like that. 
“Here, in case you’re still cold,” he says, too casual, draping his suit jacket over your shoulders.
Not that nice. 
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dreamwritesimagines · 7 months
The Eye of the Hurricane [8] - Bells
A.N: Here’s the new chapter my loves! ❤️ Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback, you made my day! ❤️I hope you’ll like this chapter as well and please don’t forget to tell me what you think! ❤️
Summary: Some decisions require late night visits.
Word Count: 2600
Pairing: MobBoss!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Violence, death, guns, crime, blood, explicit language, mentions of sex. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
Series Masterlist
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You didn’t think the rest of the week would be peaceful in any way but even you couldn’t guess just how tense it would be.
“This is insane,” Becca pointed out, crossing her arms and leaning back on her seat. You had decided to meet up for brunch but this time, two other tables in the café were also reserved for your and Becca’s multiple bodyguards who were enjoying their coffees. You stole a look at them, then turned to Becca.
“You’re telling me,” you said. “Four bodyguards everywhere I go. It sounds absurd.”
“And this is Barnes territory!” Becca hissed. “I’ve never ever needed bodyguards in our territory, and all of a sudden...”
“How stressed out is everyone?” you asked and she shook her head with a sigh.
“I could barely see Bucky in these last couple of days,” she said. “My dad said I have nothing to worry about, but you know how he is. It’s kind of condescending, honestly.”
“And your mom?”
“She has this bright idea to send me off to vacation to Zürich until the dust settles here.”
You pulled your brows together. “Will you?”
“No!” she exclaimed. “I’m not leaving any of you here.”
You reached out to squeeze at her hand before grabbing your coffee to take a sip.
“How about you?”
“I think I will get the same speech tonight,” you said. “My dad wants to talk to me.”
“I’ll make a counter offer.”
“To help out,” you said. “With this situation. Besides, me leaving in a time like this would be basically handing Ian the heir position, and I’m not doing that.”
“Do you think your father will accept that offer though?”
“We’ll see,” you said, trying to ignore the way your stomach did a flip. “I’d be better than Ian than handling this, he has to see that.”
“Bucky says Ian isn’t even carrying a gun anymore,” Becca said with a small laugh and you tilted your head.
“Yeah. Apparently he says no one can get to him with his men around him. I guess it’s his way of making them think he trusts them with his life.”
You rolled your eyes. “Right.”
“As much as I hate to admit, it looks like it’s working,” Becca admitted. “He looks pretty confident.”
“Confidence can lead to very huge mistakes,” you said and cleared your throat. “Ugh, let’s talk about something else. How’s everything with Leila?”
“That’s what I wanted to ask you!” Becca said, snapping her fingers. “Do you think it’s still too early to ask her to marry me?”
You blinked a couple of times. “Becca, you two started dating less than a week ago.”
“Yeah but I could still ask her!”
“That’s the hopeless romantic in you speaking.”
“That’s the orgasms speaking actually,” she corrected you, making you grin.
“Either way, neither of those make you think logical.”
“Logical is overrated,” she pointed out. “How about you?”
“You and Ethan?”
“We’re not doing anything,” you said slowly. “I did hire some bodyguards for him though, just in case.”
“Maybe you should take the first step.”
“I’m not going to do that,” you said, shaking your head fervently and she hummed.
“Don’t tell me Bucky’s proposal affected you like that.”
“What? No!” you exclaimed, scrunching up your face. “Why would you say that?”
Becca rolled her eyes.
“Maybe because I’ve known you two my whole life?”
Your frown deepened. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Please,” she said, shooting you a look. “All those glances and so much bickering, it’s obvious something is there—”
“Hate,” you cut her off. “Hate is what’s there.”
Becca gave you a mischievous smile, then sipped her coffee.
“Whatever you say.”
“Bucky and I could never work,” you insisted and Becca hummed.
“What about you and Ethan?”
“Ethan is—” you paused for a moment. “Dating him would be incredibly simple. You know, no ulterior motives, no strategies, nothing complex.”
“That would be so convincing if you could deal with simple more than just a couple of months.”
“You can,” you said and Becca waved a hand in the air.
“I was never promised the heir position,” she said. “It was always Bucky. That’s why I’ve never had that…that burning ambition both of you have. At the end of the day, I do want a simple life Y/N but you’ve never been that type. I don’t think you could actually be happy in a simple relationship.”
You clicked your tongue and leaned back in your chair.
“Well then that complicates things,” you said. “I don’t think I would be happy with someone in the business either.”
“Why not?”
“Are you kidding?” you said with a laugh. “Come on, you know how spouses are treated in the business. You’re just—you’re there as the arm candy, they never let you get involved—”
“That’s the generation before us.”
“Did Bucky put you up to this?” you asked and she huffed out a laugh.
“I didn’t say you should marry my brother,” she pointed out. “I’m just saying maybe you shouldn’t force yourself to like a simple life if you want more than that. Especially if you’re basing your decision on some ancient bullshit rule our families decided to follow.”
You heaved a sigh and took a sip of your coffee.
“Didn’t you just say logical is overrated?” you asked. “Since when are you so logical?”
“I have my moments,” Becca grinned at you. “So. Can we talk about my love life now?”
“Yes but you can’t ask her to marry you.”
“I can ask her to be my fiancée,” Becca stated and you tilted your head.
“That’s…that’s basically the same, Becca.”
Becca rolled her eyes and groaned.
“Fine!” she said. “Can I at least ask her if we should move in together?”
You bit back a smile.
“I’ll give you my permission for that once you two reach the third month.”
“Oh we will,” Becca said with a bright smile. “Great. I’ll send you the house warming party gift list when I get home then.”
 You had assumed your father would see you and gave you the same speech Becca got from her parents at home, but apparently he was swamped with work so he had asked you to come to the company. When you got there, your father’s assistant told you he was in the middle of a meeting with Ian and Stark, so you took a seat in the waiting area and stole a look at Ryan who was no doubt waiting for Ian.
“Hi Ryan.”
“Ma’am,” he greeted you, his tone rough but respectful. You smiled at him, crossing your arms.
“Waiting for my cousin?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Do you mind if I ask you a question?” you asked and he paused for a moment, then shrugged his shoulders.
“Why are you working for him?” you asked. “He’s an asshole.”
Ryan didn’t even dignify that with an answer as he looked at you, his expression completely calm like he was very used to not giving answers.
 “Riveting conversation as always,” you teased him and he bit back a small smile.
“I respect your family, ma’am.”
“I mean you don’t really have to respect Ian though, God knows he does nothing to earn that,” you pointed out. “You know he’s looking forward to starting a war, right?”
“He’s ready to see you,” the assistant said before Ryan could answer you, and you nodded your head, then stood up from the couch.
“Have a nice evening Ryan.”
“You too ma’am,” he said and you followed the assistant to your father’s office.
“Y/N sweetheart, hello,” he said as he walked to you to press a kiss on your cheek. “Sit down, sit down!”
“How was your meeting?” you asked and he waved a hand in the air.
“The usual,” he said. “I have four other meetings after this.”
“I will rest when I get home, I promise,” he said and you narrowed your eyes at him.
“Right. I’ll believe it when I see it.”
“It’s just that I don’t know when they will be finished, and I figured you’d be asleep by the time I got home,” he said. “Y/N listen—”
“Don’t bother giving me that speech, I’m not going anywhere,” you cut him off and he frowned.
“How did you…?”
“Winnifred gave the same speech to Becca. She tried to send her to Zürich, where are you trying to send me?”
“Wherever you want,” your father said. “I was thinking Florence but…”
“Florence is a gorgeous city,” you said. “I’d love to see it sometime, maybe next Christmas.”
You gave him a small grin. “Hm?”
“It’s going to be safer for you if you just go away from the city for a while.”
“While you and Ian handle things?”
“While I handle things.”
“But Ian stays?” you insisted and he ran a hand over his face.
“Yes, but—”
“I’m not going,” you said, your voice firm. “Send him away if you want, but I’m not leaving the city when there’s a war coming.”
“I feel like you need to think about this,” your father said and you shook your head.
“I did think about it.”
“Y/N, I will feel much better if I know you’re away from danger, at least until the dust settles here.”
You sat up straighter, your heart pacing in your chest.
“Dad I can help,” you said. “With all this. You know I can.”
A look of realization dawned on his face.
“We’ve talked about this.”
“No we haven’t,” you insisted. “Not really. We keep ignoring it, ignoring the fact that you haven’t named a successor—”
“That’s because I’m not planning on retiring soon.”
You let out a dry laugh. “Others might believe that lie, but I do not.”
Your father heaved a sigh, then pushed himself off of his seat to come closer to you, then leaned back to his desk, crossing his arms.
“And please tell me, what is it that you want to hear from me right now?” he asked you and you shook your head.
“Don’t patronize me,” you said through your teeth. “You know what I’m capable of, you trained me for times like these. You know I’d make a much better heir than Ian—”
“Y/N, enough.”
“Just give me a chance to prove myself,” you insisted. “That’s all I’m asking. You don’t have to make me the head of all operations, but give me a chance to show you I can do this. I’ve already prepared a plan—”
“Let me stop you right there,” he said. “What you’re suggesting is absolutely out of question.”
Your jaw clenched. “Why?”
“We already have a plan.”
“Okay,” you let out an impatient breath. “Then you can tell me the plan and I’ll help.”
“No need, we have everything covered.”
You could feel the anger bubbling in your stomach but you dug your fingernails into your palm, reminding yourself to stay calm.
“Dad,” you said slowly. “You promised me.”
“And I promised your mother!” he snapped, making you stop talking. “I promised your mother that I would keep you safe, and that’s exactly what I’m doing.”
The bridge of your nose along with the back of your eyes started burning, a sure sign that the tears were on their way but you blinked fast a couple of times, biting at your tongue.
“That was your mother’s dying wish,” he said, looking you in the eye. “I’m not going to break my promise to her.”
You swallowed thickly. “Mom would want me to be happy.”
 “And you think this life would make you happy?” he asked you. “All this bloodshed, this violence?”
“I was born into bloodshed and violence,” you reminded him. “I’ve spent all my life in it. What, you think you can keep me safe by pushing me out of the picture?”
“It’s much safer than being in the middle of it.”
“For now,” you pointed out. “What about the future? I already know three families that will refuse to do business with Ian.”
Your father shrugged his shoulders. “It’s too early to worry about that. I’m not retiring anytime soon.”
“Dad, he wants to start a war.”
“He will see that war isn’t good for business,” he brushed you off. “He’s just very eager to prove himself right now, that’s all. He’s not going to start a war, don’t worry.”
You gritted your teeth and pursed your lips, glaring at him.
“You got your fire from me, your mother was much calmer,” he said with a small smile. “So I swear to you, I understand your frustration and anger very well. The crown you think you want right now? It’s way too dangerous sweetheart. You’ll see it in time that I’m making the right choice.”
The tears blurred your sight for a moment before you blinked them away and wetted your lips, trying to ignore the lump in your throat.
“You’re not going to name me as your successor, are you?” you rasped out. “Nor will you let me prove myself.”
Your father held your gaze in his for a second, then shook his head.
The disappointment hit you so hard that it made your head spin. This wasn’t news to you in any way, you had spent years watching your father treat Ian like his successor but actually hearing it from him was enough to make you want to scream. Anger rushed through you, boiling your blood and you bit your tongue hard enough to hurt, and nodded slowly.
“Okay,” you heard yourself say as you stood up, not even looking him in the eye and he took a deep breath.
“Honey…” he started but you walked out of his office without sparing him a glance, your whole body moving as if it was on autopilot. You got to the elevator and pressed the button, then stepped inside and watched the doors close, sniffling as you wiped at your eyes.
Very well then.
If your father didn’t want to give you power, you were going to take it for yourself.
The address wasn’t exactly familiar to you seeing that you hadn’t been there before, but your driver knew the way. When you walked into the building and gave the reception your name, it took them less than a minute to guide you to the elevator, everyone around you rushing like they were instructed not to make you wait even for a second. When the elevator stopped at the top floor, a bodyguard led you to the door of the penthouse to knock on the door and you heard the footsteps coming closer before the door opened.
It looked like Bucky had dashed through the apartment to put his jeans on when they told him you were there, seeing that he was breathing quite fast. You let yourself run your gaze over his bare muscular torso, the tattoos over his chest catching your attention before your eyes snapped up to his, your heart skipping a beat.
God damn it, you almost forgot just how handsome he was.
“Charm,” he said, offering you a small smile. “Hi.”
“Hey there,” you said as you walked past him into the penthouse before he could invite you inside and he closed the door behind you.
“This is a nice surprise,” he said while you glanced around. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
You took a deep breath and turned around to look at him better, your heart beating in your ears.
“Get rid of whoever is in your bedroom,” you said and shot him a sarcastic smile as you crossed your arms. “We need to talk about the wedding.”
Chapter 9
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mangoshorthand · 1 year
Hii I'm a real sucker for your smuts and I was wondering if you could do a five one where he walks in on reader riding their pillow and thinking about him while doing it (and they haven't had intercourse in a long while because of apocalypse stuff and all that) and the aftermath where you can do anything with it after but I'd really like it if five was being gentle to the reader :<
Sorry this is a long req I hope you write it and it's okay if you dont wanna, thankiee 🫶
Your welkiee! Hope you enjoy. 😊 Lucky Fucking Pillow | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader 3k words, Rated E
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It had been four weeks: four fearful, lonely, miserable weeks. You felt stupid, irritated with him. You hated the fact you were waiting at home for him like the sweetheart of a world war two vet, living on the letters he sent from the front lines. 
You held it together until just before he left, duffel bag over his shoulder.
“The situation’s dangerous; unpredictable. I don’t know when I’ll be back.”
On the floors below you, you could hear a bustle of activity as his siblings made similar preparations to leave.
“Why is this your responsibility?”
He looked at you, disbelievingly, the hand not supporting the bag went directly into his pocket.
“This is the world. Am I supposed to sit at home and wait to be subsumed by another apocalypse?”
You shook your head, bringing your knees up to your chest, not able to articulate what you were feeling.
“Let me come with you then.”
He let out an exasperated sigh, picked up the last of his morning coffee and knocked it back, shaking his head. 
“I’m not having this discussion again. I’d want you beside me in anything else, but not in this. If anything happened to you, I’d never forgive myself. Your best chance of survival is staying well away.”
“What if you die? What am I supposed to do?”
From slight irritation, he softened further. Bending from the waist, he kissed your forehead.
“I love you, okay.”
He crossed to the door, but a strangled sob made him turn back. Your face was suddenly red, tear-streaked. When you spoke, the words tore themselves from a tight throat. 
“Don’t go!” 
He closed his eyes, hand still on the door handle. He let out a breath and dropped the duffel bag, turning back around, crossing the room in two strides and holding you close, your head against his chest.
“I have to, angel. I’m so sorry.”
Since then, your days had been spent scouring the horizon for impending doom and following the news incessantly for any hints of what was going on. Your nights had been spent sleepless, remembering Five’s caresses and trying to get your head around the fact that you and everyone else could die at any moment.
You at least knew he wasn’t dead. He got messages to you sporadically; short dispatches from the field. They appeared mostly via an ancient telegraph machine stowed in Reginald’s old office. The most recent of these hadn’t been very encouraging:
We’ve got a plan, but it’s tenuous. If it doesn’t work, we’ll really be fucked. If that’s the case, then I hope to see you on the other side, -F x
smut below cut
They were four sexless weeks too. You quickly discovered that it takes more than the threat of imminent death to crush the human capacity for horniness. Before that month, you would have thought it would be a deluge of cold water on your libido, but that was far from the case. 
On the contrary, knowing that time could be short, all you could think about was having Five in your arms again: running your hands all over his body, the feeling of his lips on yours and the sensations of his lovemaking. 
As you lay in bed, his phantom was a heavy, intoxicating presence. Your need for him was strong tonight. You rolled to look at his empty side of the bed and imagined his head on the pillow. His eyes (that fickle forest green that masqueraded as blue in some lights and brown in others), you imagined them shaded by his hair. You saw his raised eyebrow, his smile, soft and suggestive, with the dimple that only appeared on one side of his face, recessing two large freckles by his mouth.
You pulled his pillow to you and buried your face in it. It smelled of him. You inhaled it deeply: his aftershave, his antiperspirant, his shampoo, a hint of coffee and something more  indefinable: a more fundamental scent that was all him.
It was this last smell that made your stomach flip, that made you breathe in the scent of the pillow again. It awakened something primal in you: ripples from your center outwards; flutters down each of your limbs. 
Before you knew it, you were stripping off your panties and kneeling up in bed. One hand held his pillow to your face and the other held your own pillow between your legs. When you started to grind, it was him beneath you. In imagination, he was teasing you: not allowing you to get on his dick until you came from humping his leg.
It wasn’t enough friction, so you sped up your hips, snapping them back and forth desperately. There was a whisper of something, a tingle from your neglected pussy, so you chased it, sinking deeper into the fantasy and imagining his hands squeezing your hips, guiding you as you rode him.
“Oh, Five,” you whispered, feeling your body begin to respond, wetness gathering between your labia, “Five, fuck.”
You threw your head back and closed your eyes.
“Hm,” said an approving voice from the doorway, “that lucky fucking pillow.”
You gave a violent start, dropped his pillow and turned around. There he was, framed in the open doorway. You gave a grateful, ecstatic cry.
In nothing but your t-shirt, you were across the room in a leap and bound and throwing yourself against him, holding him to you with sudden, tight urgency.
He immediately stiffened and let out a sharp groan of pain. You loosened your grip
“Oh my god, what happened? You’re hurt! Are you okay? Is it over? Is everyone okay? Is the world okay?”
He was holding himself stiffly, but now his pain had faded, his face was amused. He leaned forward and kissed your lips. On your side, the kiss was desperate, joy-filled; on his, more passionate. His tongue flicked between your lips before he broke away.
“How about this? l answer each of your questions if, each time, you answer me one in return?” he said, smirking. 
“I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too,” he said, smiling gently, “but that wasn’t a question.”
You were too happy to see him to have space to be irritated by this game.
“Fine. What happened to you?”
He moved as if to put his bag down on the chair. Seeing his wince, you took it off him and placed it there yourself.
“Thanks. It’s just a wound. There was an explosion. I was hit by a piece of flying steel.”
“Shit,” you whispered, looking down at his chest and the bandages that must be underneath his shirt, “oh my god, are you okay?”
“Hey,” he admonished, “it’s your turn to answer a question now. What were you doing when I came in?”
You looked at him with annoyance.
“You know what I was doing.”
“Yes,” he smirked, “I want to hear you describe it.”
“I was masturbating.”
“How were you masturbating?” he pushed.
“It’s my turn to ask a question now,” you said, using his own tactic against him, “How long will it take to heal? Are you seriously hurt?”
“That was two questions,” he said, stepping towards you, “but I’m feeling generous: I’m not seriously hurt. It’s a flesh wound. It’ll heal nicely.”
You looked at him with concern and he shook his head with a smile. 
“Now it’s my turn: what exactly were you thinking about when you were humping that pillow?”
“You,” you mumbled, “I missed you.”
“What exactly? You didn’t answer properly.”
You feel your face flush.
“I was thinking about fucking you. On top. Riding you.”
Five’s smirk grew, biting his lip and raising his eyebrows suggestively. You hurried on.
“Is the family okay?”
“All present and correct.” he said, moving even closer to you and stroking your hip in gentle circles.
It was a long, long month without you. There was barely time to think, let alone have the privacy for any ‘self care’ sessions of his own. Now that it was all over, his dick was complaining rather vocally about this neglect; insisting that if it didn’t get inside something warm and tight within the next five minutes, it would be most seriously displeased with the rest of him. 
As if to punctuate the point, it was now requisitioning rather a lot of blood from his brain, leaving him rock hard and almost lightheaded with the rush. 
“You’re so horny for me, aren’t you? Humping your pillow like a dirty little girl?”
“Was that a question?”
You sighed as his hand snaked around to your ass. He stroked one of your buttocks up and down slowly, palm cupping the curve of your skin.
“Then yes: I’m horny for you.”
“How horny?” he said, immediately, squeezing you gently.
“Did you save the world?”
“Are you wet for me?” he said, huskily.
The fingertips of his other hand came to rest on your thigh. His eyes, dark in the low light of the bedroom, captured yours and held them firmly, authoritatively.
“If you’re not going to answer my question, I’ll have to find out for myself.” 
You looked back at him and his lips twitched. Slowly, he walked his middle and index fingers between your legs and parted your labia. He let out a low ‘oh’ as he felt the sopping folds waiting for him.
A jolt twitched down the boner now pressing insistently against the crotch of his pants. 
“How about you ditch the pillow and have a piece of the real thing?”
His fingers slipped slickly up and down your slit and you nodded, trying not to let your knees go weak. Your hands came to the hem of your shirt, pulled it over your head and discarded it so that you were standing naked before him. 
As your breasts bounced free, his befuddled mind could only think how much he’d missed them. He bent forward eagerly to try and take a nipple into his mouth, but froze mid-stoop with a wince and harsh intake of breath.
“Ow. Shit.”
He straightened up slowly, stiffly and leaned against the door, experimentally stretching out his limbs.
“You okay?” you said, worried. 
“I’m fine.” he muttered, hand over his injury, “Got a bad case of hornybrain. Made me forget I was impaled by a steel bar for a hot second there.”
You winced in sympathy and rubbed his clothed stomach in circles. When the pain had abated and he was again looking at you with lust behind his eyes, you leaned in and whispered to him.
“Looks like you’re going to have to stay still and let me do all the work.”
His lips parted but no words came out, for once unable to think of anything cocky to say. You could see the glisten of saliva on his tongue. You smirked and lowered yourself so that you were kneeling in front of him.
He laid his head against the door and exhaled as you deftly freed him of his pants and let them fall to his ankles. He squeezed his eyes closed, thoroughly undone by the mere suggestion of being sucked. He was even hornier than he realized. 
He groaned in a strange mix of satisfaction and need as you licked him through his underwear, using one hand to pull the fabric taught around the thick five and a half inches imprinted there in harsh relief. The stretch and your saliva made the white material semi transparent and you felt a pleasant twist in your stomach as the hint of soft, flushed skin beneath. You lost yourself, aware of nothing but the perfect outline of his glans beneath your tongue and the heady, pheromonal smell of him. 
He made another tight, needy sound as you put your lips around his still-clothed head.
How could you refuse him? Pulling at the elastic and reaching in, you pulled him out to twitch in the open air. It looked painfully hard, as always curving slightly to your left but otherwise sticking straight out like an exclamation point to his arousal.
Slowly, still inhaling that intoxicating scent, you took him into your mouth, slowly sucking him. You hummed appreciatively at his solid, hot skin between your lips. You were in heaven there, happy to keep sucking him as long as he’d let you.
“You don’t know how much I need this,” he said, weakly, knees buckling as you built to a steady rhythm. You paid close attention to his head, enjoying the little pop it made as it left the tight seal of your lips.
He looked down at you with hazy eyes, watching the way your lips pouted as you slid your lips up his length. When you caught his eyes, the pupils suddenly widened and he immediately looked away, head snapping straight back to look up at the ceiling.
“I can’t look at you right now,” he breathed, by way of explanation, “You’re too perfect; I’ll come too fast.”
You flushed, glowing with his praise. Though Five was a loving partner, his compliments were usually hidden beneath layers of self-consciousness and sarcasm. Him saying this now was evidence of how overwhelmed he was: inhibitions swept away in the rush of reunion. 
Slowly, you withdrew and laid your head against his stomach so that his cock rested on your cheek. You looked up at him adoringly, simultaneously enjoying the intensity of his arousal and giving him time to calm down.
“I love you Five.”
“I love you too, baby.” he said, voice breathy and hoarse, “Now, please god, take me to bed and treat me like that pillow.”
You smiled, rose to your feet and led him to the bed, helping him out of the pants around his ankles. Standing by his side of the bed, you kissed his lips gently, enjoying the way his dick stabbed and pressed periodically at your thighs. When you broke apart, you looked into his eyes, at his soft look with his thick eyelashes shading his eyes. 
Aware of his injury, you supported him as he lay down, helping him to ease onto the mattress with the bare minimum of pain. His solid presence in your arms as he let you assist him was bliss.
Though you were being careful not to place any weight where it would hurt him, he pulled you into his arms. 
“Please,” he whispered, “I want you to fuck me. Ride me. Just use me to get off. Use me like a goddamn dildo. I don’t care.  I need you.”
You smirked at this.
“Who are you and what have you done with Five?”
More begging. You didn’t have it in you to tease him, not when you too were desperate to feel his body against yours, to feel him inside you, to mingle your sighs and your pleasure with his.
You slipped him inside you and gasped. The resumption of this perfect coupling alone told you just how much you needed it. You knew you missed it, but now he was inside you again, you realized that it made you whole. His small keen as he slid home was enough to send a fluttering shudder from your center outwards.
“Let me take care of you,” you whispered, leaning close to him.
He nodded, biting his lower lip and caressing your hips.
Slowly, you began to grind against him, rolling your hips with him inside you, moving on top of him just as you did the pillow. This time, it really was Five beneath you, his cock twitching inside you, hitting and charging that sweet spot inside you until it felt like you were buzzing with his electricity.
“Oh fuck,” you moaned, “Five!”
“I-don’t-deserve you,” he panted, “So perfect. Perfect. Beautiful girl…so goddamn sexy. I love you. I-fucking- Ah!”
He always got more talkative yet less coherent the closer he got. He was watching your swinging breasts, hanging a few inches above his face. You leaned forwards immediately, keen to give him what he couldn’t take for himself a few minutes before.
He took the hint eagerly, taking your nipple into his mouth and groaning along with you at the change of angle. He suckled enthusiastically, hungrily; hand leaving your hip to rub your breast with his palm. 
His groans now sent miniature, warm vibrations onto your nipple, creating a new center for charge to build upon. As it crackled down your limbs, stoking the heat in your stomach and groin, you moaned, wanting to ride him hard- ride him like a bike - but you were reluctant to let loose in case you hurt him. 
Instead, you rolled your hips upon him desperately. Judging by the sudden shout from him and the ache from your pussy, this motion was to both of your liking. You were on the edge now, teetering.
“Gonna come. Gonna come.” he whispered, urgently, removing his mouth from your titty with a wet sound.
He meant this to warn you but, instead, his desperate voice gave you the final push.
As you came, your pussy clenched, squeezing him suddenly. His eyes shot open and he all-but squealed at the unexpected stimulation. His hips surged upwards, the pain from his chest eclipsed for the moment by this maddening, raging orgasm. It felt like your pussy was milking it from him, pulling his rapid shots of come up into itself. 
At last, you came to a stop. 
“Is the world safe?” you asked, after a warm breathless minute or two.
“Yes,” he said weakly, “the world’s all okay.”
You carefully climbed off him, laid beside him and held him. There was the fresh smell of his shampoo and antiperspirant. The smell of home if ever there was one.  After a minute or two becoming heavier in your arms, he spoke again.
“Well, the world’s certainly all okay now.”
He stroked your stomach as if you were made of paper-thin glass, inclining his head towards yours as he spoke again.
"I meant what I said: you are perfect, you know."
Request masterlist >> HERE
I take Five requests, I'm fairly versatile in what I write (fluff, smut, angst, psychological character study- I'll try it all) but I will consider them on a case by case basis. See masterlist for request status and more.
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hells-wasabii · 7 months
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A/N: in case it isn’t obvious this is another heavy work, so do with that information as you will. I took a completely different approach to this one than the one with Velvette, I don’t feel that Carmilla would actually act on the information unless it was something you explicitly expressed desire for. I didn’t fully proof read this either so lemme know if I’ve made any mistakes
Character: Carmilla
Type: Fic (Carmilla x fem!reader who had abusive ex, Angst, Fluff)
You had just wanted a cup of coffee. That’s all it had been. Coffee and a muffin during an early morning in hell.
It should have been simple. It was simple. But still, you found yourself tucked into a booth with your face buried in your hands on the verge of a breakdown.
And yet your heart still pounded away in your chest. One moment had been fine, and the next notes of an all too familiar cologne met your nose. You would have recognized that scent anywhere, the notes of pine stinging your nostrils. It was the sort that did little to cover the smell of cigarettes, you remembered. The smell was burned in your mind, embedded in the deepest recesses of your worst memories. Fuck, you hated it.
With each panicked breath that entered your lungs, your fear grew. Screwing your eyes shut you tried to will yourself to calm down. They weren’t here, you tried to remind yourself. You needed something to ground you, anything. And so with shaking hands, you wrapped them around your cup. The heat seeped through the porcelain and into your palms, but even still it wasn’t enough.
All at once, it was like you could hear everything and nothing at all. It felt akin to drowning. And you were alone with no one to save you. It was a fact that only served to unsettle you more. You couldn’t help but wonder, would the other patrons jump to your aid should they make an appearance? Or would they turn a blind eye and whisper amongst themselves just as they did when you lived?
They weren’t here, you tried to remind yourself. They weren’t even in the same city for fucks sake. You’d made damn sure of that when you chose to settle in Pentagram City. Rationally, you knew this, but it did little to settle your nerves. You thought that you had done so well to make progress, but now you weren’t so sure. Had all that work to get away really been for nothing? Maybe you really should have killed the bastard sooner…
You screwed your eyes close tightly, gripping the hot cup even tighter. The cup in your hand burned, but you didn’t care. It helped ground you to reality. This would pass, you told yourself just as you had countless times before. It had to.
But you couldn’t help but half expect them to slide into the booth opposite of you.
Your blood ran cold when you heard the door to the shop open. The thought of potentially getting up from your seat and quickly leaving the cafe sprung to your mind, yet you remained frozen in place.
A soft conversation between three women met your ears, light-hearted. It’s not much but the voices sooth you, even from across the cafe. It wasn’t them.
Once more the noises melded together, a horrible amalgamation that was quickly becoming too much.
A sharp gasp left your lips as you felt a hand rest upon your shoulder. You nearly spilled your coffee as fear flooded your senses. Your head whipped around to find a tall demon with white hair and sharp eyes staring back at you, looking almost as surprised as you felt. You realized that you recognized the woman as she quickly retracted her hand, as though if she weren’t careful she would burn you.
Carmilla Carmine, the biggest name in arms dealing in the pride ring. A powerful overlord whose reach even extended to the other rings. You knew each other, or at least knew of each other.
The overlord's eyes scanned your features, taking only a moment to gather herself before she spoke. “Are you alright?”
You didn’t reply at first, you could hear your heartbeat in your ears. Instead, you nod, shifting under the arms dealer’s gaze. She stood there, silent, as if she were deciding something.
“Girls,” Carmilla called out gently after a moment, and soon two younger women were at her side. Her daughters, you realized. “Go on without me, I believe I’ll stay just a bit longer.”
The overlord’s daughters looked between themselves and then back to their mother. Both of the young women seemed to have a look of understanding when the one in the white coat replied. “We’ll see you at home, mother.” Carmilla watched as they left, setting her drink at the table as she settled into the booth opposite of you.
“Now, would you like to talk about what’s going on?”
Truly, you couldn’t understand it. You had only spoken once, maybe twice before and that had been in the company of others. Why was she doing this? You couldn’t help but wonder if something like this was what you had so desperately wished for when you still breathed. And so you let this woman distract you from your panic.
What followed was a conversation that would change your afterlife. While you didn’t dive into specifics. You expressed your fears, and her, understanding and support.
Eventually, the conversation drifted to other things. The conversations that fell between the two of you felt effortless. She had gotten you to smile, to laugh even. You had felt a rare sense of pride when you had managed a chuckle out of the overlord in return. You weren’t sure you had felt this at ease in a long time.
To be quite honest, you hadn’t even realized how long you sat in that cafe with the overlord until Carmilla’s phone began to buzz, her screen lighting up as a few messages appeared on its screen.
“I’m afraid that’s my cue.” The arms dealer sighed, seeming a touch disappointed as she rose from the booth. Though she took a pause, her eyes locking with yours again a moment. She reached into her pocket, receiving what had appeared to be her receipt from earlier, and quickly jotted something down on the receipt before she folded it neatly. “It seems my daughters are expecting me home for a late lunch.
“Maybe I’ll see you around,“ Carmilla slid the folded receipt in front of you, offering one last gentle smile before she left. And so you watch her go, offering a small ‘yeah,’ though you doubt that she heard.
Once she had exited the cafe it was like you had broken out of a chance. With a shake of your head, you sank back into your seat as you turned your attention to the slip that the overlord had left behind for you. Carefully you took it into your hands.
Your eyes widened as you opened the folded slip, revealing her name and phone number.
‘In case you want to talk more.’
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janeyseymour · 7 months
A story where R is really self conscious about their mobility aid (a cane if possible). Maybe one of the middle schoolers says something rude. And mostly a lot of comfort from Mel
i hope this is good enough because i wrote it in between teaching a bunch of first graders and babysitting two little gremlins
Lean On Me
WC: ~2.5k
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You had finally decided to bite the bullet and get your knee replaced after months of agonizing pain with a little nudge from your wonderful wife. You had hoped it would be replaced and healed by the time the school year started up again, but unfortunately that was not the case. You weren’t able to get it replaced until the end of July, and with class being back in session at the end of August, you’re still using the cane and you’re under pretty strict restrictions.
“Maybe I should just take a month’s leave until I can walk without this damned thing,” you mutter to yourself as you’re sitting in Melissa’s classroom while she finishes prepping her room for this year’s upcoming little eagles. “I don’t want the kids to see me with this.” You lazily gesture to the cane that’s next to you.
“That’s up to you, my love,” Melissa tells you as she passes you by to hang a new Eagles sign. “But I do think that you’ll be incredibly bored while you’re recovering and no one is around.”
She’s right. You’ll be bored out of your mind if you decide to take off for a month- especially without her to keep you entertained. And you know that you hate having subs; if the principal would even be able to find a substitute for you this late into the game. So you decide that you’ll just have to tough it out despite the fact that you’re incredibly self-conscious of having to use the mobility aid at such a young age. You get stares while you’re just in the grocery store and hobbling around with your wife (she tries to insist that you stay home and rest, but you tell her that you like spending the time with her and that you need to stay at least somewhat active).
Development days come and go, most of your staff and team doing everything they can to make life easy for you- Ava even going as far as spray painting your parking spot in the front so that she knows not to rent out the space during the Eagles barbecue that she holds every year (both you and Melissa thank her for that). Janine and Jacob help you to set up your classroom while Gregory finds different workouts that are supposed to help it heal faster on top of the rigorous physical therapy that you’ve been attending. And Barbara is there to make sure that both you and your wife were well-rested and eating- offering moral support in any way she possible can.
And so, the first day of school is upon you. The redhead insists on carrying your things to your room, and she sets a chair outside of the door for you to be able to greet your students when they come in. As your old students run past you to get to their new teachers, they give you the biggest and warmest hugs, telling you that they hope you feel better. You see Melissa standing outside of her door, greeting her new students with the same gusto that she always does, and then she looks over to you. She gives you a questioning look, and you nod and smile in her direction- quietly raising your mug filled with coffee in a toast. She reciprocates your action and blows you a kiss subtly.
You hobble your way back into the classroom and take a seat at your desk while the kids settle in and do the morning work that is on their desk. After morning announcements, you have them all gather on the carpet and explain to them how this year is going to work. One of them raises a shy hand.
“What’s up, hun?” you ask one of the girls.
She asks you hesitantly, “Why do you have a cane? I thought only old people have a cane.”
You smile at her gently. “Thank you for asking, sweetheart. Mrs. Schemmenti had a knee surgery over the summer, and I’m still recovering. I’ll only need it for another month, maybe a little longer. But while I have it, everybody needs to be careful and gentle. I can’t walk around much either, so I’ll be teaching from my desk for the time being.”
Your class is overwhelmingly supportive of this, and they are so sweet about asking if you ever need anything or if they can help pass out papers for the entirety of the morning. This group is a bunch of love bugs who make you get well cards when you give them a bit of free time while you’re waiting to be called down to the gymnasium for the beginning of the year assembly.
You’re incredibly thankful that Ava calls your grade first so that you can make your way down slowly and find a seat before anybody else can swoop in- the last thing you need is to have to stand in the back because all of the chairs are taken. You’re pretty sure if that happened, your wife would riot for you, but that isn’t necessary.
You have your kids take a seat, Melissa slides in next to you and takes your cane to prop it up against the wall, and then you settle in for whatever ridiculous first day of school assembly will present itself this year.
Because you were the first ones in, you’re also the last ones out. It gives you time to get yourself and your kids ready to head back to the classroom for the small break they have before they head to lunch.
But when lunchtime comes, you get swept up in the sheer chaos of trying to get your students to the cafeteria in time so that you have your full lunch break. There are the little ones who are walking through the halls with their eyes wide and full of wonder, your kids who are walking at a fast pace that you’re having a hard time keeping up with, and then there are the older ones who couldn’t care less that you’re attempting to make your way through the halls without bumping into anyone. It doesn’t help that half of the middle schoolers now tower over you.
In a rush, one of them knocks the cane out of your hand with their lunch bag and snorts with laughter. “I thought canes were for old heads!”
Another one of them shouts that you’ve really let yourself go, and maybe it’s time for you to go into early retirement if you can’t walk around without the help of your mobility aid.
You stumble without the crutch there to lean on, and you nearly fall until Melissa has looped an arm around your waist and is helping to hold you up. You lean against her heavily as you try to steady yourself again. She turns to shout at the two who were making fun of you, but they’re already swept up in the sea of children that are all wearing the same uniform. She doesn’t know who to yell at, so she quickly turns back to you.
The student that is standing next to you looks absolutely appalled and picks up your cane immediately. She hands it to you gently. “Are you okay?”
You nod and gesture for her to continue walking. Your students do as they keep their eyes trained on you to make sure that you’re okay.
Once all of your kids are in the cafeteria and you see that they are all seated and eating or in line to get a school lunch, you turn. Melissa is still right at your side, her arm still looped around you.
“Go enjoy your lunch, babe,” you tell her gently as you take her hand away. “I’m just gonna sit in my room for lunch if you wouldn’t mind bringing my kids back down with you when the period is over?”
“You don’t want to have lunch with us?” the redhead asks you quietly.
“I don’t know if I can make it down to the staffroom, and then the lunchroom, and back today,” you admit softly. “My knee is really hurting from physical therapy yesterday.”
“I’ll be down with your lunch,” Melissa promises. She squeezes your hand gently before turning on her heel.
You settle at your desk, and despite yourself willing the tears not to spring to your eyes they do. You wipe at them furiously. The comments from the older kids really shouldn’t be affecting you the way that they are. And you really would rather not have your wife see you shedding tears over their idiotic comments- you know she’ll be roping Ava into a manhunt to see who it was anyway, and it’ll only be that much worse for the students if she catches you crying.
Your wife comes in with both of your lunches and an icepack for you- not that you requested one. You quickly wipe your tears as you hear her heels hitting the tile underneath of her, but she still sees it.
“Hun, does it hurt that bad?”
You turn to her with a sad smile. “No. I’m fine,” you lie through your teeth, but your voice betrays you and it cracks ever so slightly.
She sets your lunch in front of you and pulls up two chairs. She gestures for you to set your leg up on the second chair as she sits int he one next to you.
“Mel, you really can go enjoy lunch with he crew,” you tell her gently. “I’ll be okay by myself.”
“Ice,” is all she says as she takes a bite of lunch. She sets the pack on your knee, and you flinch slightly as the cool sensation ripples through your body, sending a shiver down your back.
You sit there, and she watches worriedly as you don’t make a move for your lunch at all. 
“Babe, you have to eat,” she says softly.
You shrug and wrap your arms around yourself. “I’m not that hungry.”
“My girl? Not hungry?” the redhead teases you. “C’mon.”
You don’t know what happens, but something within you snaps. “When I’m not burning nearly as many calories as I used to because of this fucking knee, I don’t get as hungry!” You burst into tears again. “God, I never should’ve gotten it done, and then I wouldn’t need this damn cane!” You throw it across the room in anger before curling in on yourself.
Your wife is up and retrieving it in seconds, only for you to throw it past her again.
“Babe,” she warns as she picks it up again.
“I don’t fucking want it! I’m sick of everyone staring at the young woman who has to depend on a god damn cane to walk!” you cry.
“Is this because of-” she starts to ask you, but you cut her off. 
“I’m sick of being stared at in the grocery store, or when we decided to go to Hershey and I had to use one of the wheelchairs! I don’t want the kids to go home and tell their parents that I’m some poor, crippled woman who can’t teach standing up!” you choke out. “I- I just want to be normal again!”
“So help those kids who pushed past you,” she grumbles before taking her seat back and wrapping her arms around you. She kisses you gently. “It’s all part of the healing process. You’ll be back to running around in no time, and you aren’t going to be in as much pain.”
“It’s going to be at least another month before I can walk without the cane,” you yell, frustrated tears falling down your cheeks.
“And you know I’ll always be here to lean on, your kids will clearly do everything they can to help you, and you know the staff here has your back,” she tries to comfort you.
“I couldn’t even properly take my kids to lunch,” you sigh, and you hate how whiny you sound.
“So I’ll take them and bring them back for you with my kids,” your wife tells you. “That way all you have to worry about is getting to and from the staffroom.”
You close your eyes and take a deep breath. “You already do so much for me.”
“And I will continue to do everything I can for you for the rest of my life,” she tells you with confidence. “When I said for better or for worse, I was serious.”
“I love you,” you whisper as the first genuine smile appears on your lips since the lunch incident.
“I love you too,” she mumbles as she leans in to kiss you. Then she pulls away and pushes your lunch towards you. “Now eat. I know you’re hungry.”
You pick up the fork and shovel some food in your mouth. So maybe you lied to Melissa when you said you weren’t hungry.
Come the end of the day, your wonderful wife picks up your kids and takes them out for dismissal while you ice your knee again. You see the kids off with a wave and a smile as they tell you that they hope you feel better soon. You’re given quite a few hugs, and a few drawings of you with the students are mixed in.
When you expect her to come back in once the kids are gone though, she doesn’t. And you can’t really leave without her because you can’t carry everything and navigate the halls with your cane just yet. You shoot her a text.
Did you forget about your crippled wife?
I’ll be down in a few, she responds quickly. Just chatting with Ava.
She’s telling the truth because the next thing you know, she’s in your room and grabbing your bags along with all of hers, and you’re heading out for the night.
“Why were you chatting with Ava?”
“Just had a few questions for her about this school year,” is all the redhead says. “Now let’s get going- you have physical therapy at 4:30, and then it’s an early night for the Schemmentis. I am wiped.”
The next morning, you and your wife are sitting and standing outside your classrooms getting ready to greet your students when two of the older kids come up to you. They hand you apology notes and hazard a glance at Melissa- they look terrified of her. She just folds her arms over her chest and smirks.
“Mel,” you sigh once they walk away. “I appreciate you defending my honor, but do not make two middle school boys look about ready to sh… their pants on the second day of school.”
“Nobody makes fun of my wife,” she shrugs. “Especially when it’s about something she’s already insecure about.”
“Is that why you were with Ava? You were looking at the security footage?”
Again, she shrugs. “Let’s just say, we’re having a school wide assembly next week about how we shouldn’t make fun of people who have mobility issues or any other sort of disabilities.”
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momentaryescape · 3 months
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
Gibbs x Agent!Reader Warnings: Cursing Word Count: 1406 A/N- When I wrote this the vibe for Gibbs is similar to how he acts at the end of season 7 episode 23 when he is taking to the lawyer. It seems really specific but gives an idea for the vibe.
“Was any of it true?” The anger you tried to hide was boiling inside you. You thought you meant something to him. That it was real and not pretend. But here you were, standing in his living room feeling like a fool.
“You knew what this was. It was fun y/n, nothing more. I don’t know what made you think this would be anything but that.” Gibbs seemed like his normal emotionless self. Hell by the looks of it he seemed more annoyed you were bothering him with this conversation
“For months you would get mad if a guy even so much as looked in my direction. Tony brought me coffee and you dismissed him over some bullshit thing he didn’t even do. Mcgee gave me his coat after mine got fucked chasing down a perp and you ignored him for the rest of the case. So nothing my ass Jethro. You want to act like it was nothing but I know that deep down you felt something.” That was your breaking point. You grabbed your stuff before leaving his home, slamming the door on the way out.
“Hey y/n, everything good?” Mcgee gave you a questioning look.
“I’m fine.” You snapped.
“Ohhkay.” Mcgee’s seemed shocked at the outburst.
“Fuck. Sorry Mcgee. I had a rough night. I'm better now, some things have been cleared up.” You smiled back.
“Well if you want a different kind of rough, let me know.” You Didn't see Tony walk up behind you, his comment making you jump in your seat.”Here, brought you coffee.”
“Thank you Tony.” You shot him a flirty smile. Tony winked back at you before sitting at his desk.
Gibbs was watching the entire interaction play out from his desk. He knew what you were trying to do. The remarks of a rough night, the flirty look at Tony. You were trying to get under his skin. He hated it. Not just what you were doing but the fact that it was working.
It had been a few days since the moment you had in Gibbs’ living room. There hadn’t been any new cases the past few days, so the team was catching up on paperwork. Disrupting the silence, Gibbs slaps a hand on your desk.
“Can I help you?” You don’t even bother looking up, already knowing who it is.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Gibbs snapps through gritted teeth. Irritation clearly written across his face.
“Work Gibbs. I have a job to do and that's what I plan on doing.” You still hadn’t looked up from your computer.
“Agent l/n, I expect you to look at me when I’m talking to you.” His outburst drew the attention of everyone around. Questionable faces wondering what the hell was happening.
“Careful Jethro, people might think you have emotions, wouldn't want that to happen.” You looked up at him, clearly annoyed with his presence. Your quip had also clearly pissed him off.
“Leave.” His voice had a bite to it.
“Why? You're the one who came over to my desk, got annoyed I was focused and not looking up at you, and now you want me to leave? I get it, you're the boss man, but I still deserve respect. So give me one valid reason that I need to leave, aside from hurting your “feelings”.”
“Y/n-” Zive tried cutting in before things got more heated.
“Thank you but I’ve got this Ziva. I'm not scared of an emotionally immature man who thinks he can stab me with his words like pins. You want to act all big and bad, but we both know what you are.” You could hear a pin drop with how quiet it was.
“Thats it agent l/n. You need to leave, and until you can act like an adult don't feel the need to come in.” Gibbs was pissed. At this point he was practically yelling.
“Gladly. I would rather be anywhere but near the smallest man who ever lived.” With that you grabbed your bag, collected what you would need to finish your work from home and started toward the elevators.
Gibbs knew he had fucked up. Both in front of everyone and during the original fight. He had cared. He loved to show you off, but always made sure nobody the two of you knew could see. He was a private man, he told himself. But looking back you're the only person he hid. He felt ashamed. You were younger, happier, all the things he wasn't you were.
And now here he was, at your front door. He straightened his stace before knocking on the door. At first he thought you might not be home, but that thought was whipped away when he saw your frame in the open door. He heard you scoff, before asking him what he was doing there.
“I wanted to apologize.” He stated with a small hint of softness.
“Really?” You were calling his bluff.
“Yes, I had no right to yell at you in front of everyone. We should've talked privately.” You rolled your eyes at his statement.
“Yeah I tried that with you, remember? What was what started thin. I wanted to talk and you acted like it was nothing. I'm over it. I can deal with arguments, but being pretty much getting told I was delusional for believing that we had something killed any spark I had.” You meant every word.
“I’m trying here y/n.” His plea fell on deaf ears.
“Next time don't think “I’m sorry” will fix all your problems. You're a grown man Gibbs, act like it.”
“Its always the dramatics with you isn't it?” You scoffed at his remark. “Listen, I meant what I said. What we had, it was great. I’m sorry I said it was only fun. I had feelings for you, but we both knew it wouldn’t last.”
“Why not? Was it not fun once it wasnt forbidden? Once we were seen together was the thrill gone?” You thought back on all the times he would make excuses not to be seen with you. You felt stupid.
“Don't act like you didn't know that this was only meant to be between the two of us.” He knew he was pushing your buttons, but he kept going.
“Are you that ashamed of me? Years of friendship, months of passion, and after that you still hide me away. I don't want to be some secret.” You wanted to smack his chest, cause the same pain he caused you.
“Do you not understand what would happen if they knew? How many rules I broke every time we were together?” He was yelling at this point.
“You know what the saddest part was? I would have died for you, but instead I just died inside. And you deserve prison but you won't serve the time.” You felt hot tears fall from your eyes. The realization you allowed yourself to cry over him fueled your anger. “It's over Gibbs. No second chance. No “it's different this time”. And no more acting like I’m nothing. We still work together. And as much as I would love to say "Good riddance", I love my job too much. I will take punishment for the show he had in the office, but I will not let you take my career.”
He didn’t say anything, he just looked at you, trying to read your expression. Without saying anything you walked to the door, opening it. A silent tell for him to leave. Taking in a slow deep breath you turn to face him. “Leave Gibbs, please.”
“I understand you're hurt y/n, and I know I'm the reason. I will still have your back, and I will still be your boss. But for both our sakes, I think it's best we keep the rest of the details between the two of us.”. You watched him walk out your door, down your steps to his car, and drive away from your home, shutting the door when you could no longer see him. And just like that it was over. No more late nights after cases where you end up in bed together, mornings shared over fresh coffee, and one less friend. Maybe some day the two of you could be friends again, but as for now that wasn’t something either of you wanted, or more realistically could handle.
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bloodywickedlips · 4 months
It's a start
Summary: Spencer recently got out of prison and has been distant but it's a major shock to you when he breaks up with you and you can't hate him because you love him still.
You walked to the only person that you wanted to see right now.
Penelope Garcia.
 Opened the door and saw her sitting by her desk drinking tea like usual.
“P I need to talk to you” you said and slipped into the office, Penelope turned around with one of her bright smiles but it quickly dropped as she saw your face.
“Oh sugar what’s wrong?” she asked and you shrugged and pulled your jersey closer around your body.
“Spencer broke up with me” you said and she gasped as she stood up and gave you a tight hug, once she pulled back she grabbed your hand and pulled you to sit down.
“Why, what happened?” she asked and you couldn’t answer as you have been asking yourself that question since last night.
You closed your eyes and the memory hit you straight away.
You and spencer were having a coffee by your usual bookstore and you were telling him about the new book you started but you noticed spencer wasn’t paying attention.
“Spence love? Where is your brain right now?” you asked with a laugh but spencer only frowned and straightened up with the affectionate name you always called him.
“This isn’t right” he said out loud and you frowned. “Your coffee? I can order you a new one” you said and went to stand up but he grabbed your hand and you sat back down.
“No, this. Us. We aren’t right, I can’t do this anymore” he said and you stared at him in shock.
Sure he was a bit distant after getting out of prison but you knew he needed time to adjust to being out of prison but you didn’t know things were this bad.
“What do you mean? Love I understand if you need space but nothing changed between us, I still love you” you replied back and you saw him clench his jaw. “I’m sorry, it’s over” spencer said and then stood up and walked away, leaving you there to wonder what the hell happened.
“And he just left, I sent a few text messages but he never replied. He didn’t even greet me this morning” you said to Penelope and you could see she was upset as well.
“Penelope tell me things to hate him. Cause I still love him with all of my heart and for me to move on I need to hate him, please?” you asked her as you felt tears well up in your eyes.
“Y/N I'm sorry, I can’t tell you anything to hate him for but believe me I will be having a word with him” she said and you knew she was right. Nobody could hate spencer, sweet boy genius with the most gorgeous brown eyes and sweet smile.
You nodded and stood up to walk out not knowing that someone was standing by the door and heard every word.
You were sitting on the plane after a new case came rolling in. You were avoiding spencer in everyway you could and you could see the team noticed something was up but decided not to say anything.
Three days later the profile was completed and you and spencer were the closest to the house, so Hotch ordered you two to head there while they were on their way.
Both you and spencer walked through the house guns aimed but no one was in the house, as you looked out the kitchen window you saw a small shed out back.
“In the back” you called out and made your way there. When spencer pulled the door open you saw the unsub standing with the latest victim, knife at her throat.
“Michael look at me, you don’t want to hurt her okay?” you spoke out looking at the girls terrified eyes. “Shut up, you know nothing!” Michael spat out at you and you held your hand up as you put your gun away. “I’ve got the shot” spencer said and you shook your head. “No, not in front of her” you hissed out and stepped forward.
“Michael listen to me, what her parents did to you isn’t her fault. That whole friends group bullied you as a child but don’t you see? She’s also just a child. You are better than them” you said to the unsub trying to let him put his knife down.
“No they deserve to feel the pain I felt” he said out loud and gripped the girl tighter.
“Michael she’s innocent, don’t let their bad decisions affect the rest of her life. Just because they are her parents doesn’t mean she will be like them” you explained and with his hand wavering you knew you had him.
You stepped forward once more as he nodded and you grabbed the girl and pushed her behind you.
“Alright now drop the knife and we can get this sorted” you said and reached out for him but his eyes shot up to you “I don’t like your tone, you are a bully just like them!” he shouted out and sliced the knife out towards you, slicing your arm. You hissed and stepped back but flinched as you heard not one but two shots along with a shrill shriek. You opened your eyes to see Michael on the floor with two gunshots to his arm and shoulder. Spencer was busy handcuffing him and walking him out as you just stood there.
The little girl was out with her parents as you walked out still in a daze.
“Hey Y/N get that checked out” Hotch called out and you looked down at your arm seeing the blood run down your arm but you were looking for spencer.
You saw him by one of the cars and marched over to him. “What is wrong with you! You didn’t need to shoot him” you hissed out and spencer looked at you. “He had a knife and attacked you, so I shot” he said and you shook your head.
“He didn’t attack me! He barely grazed me, we could have taken him without shooting him, I told you not to shoot him in front of the little girl!” you yelled out and saw spencer clench his jaw.
“You are weak, you’ve become too weak for this job! It’s my job to take out an unsub if they attack, not spare a little girl from seeing her kidnapper shot!” spencer hissed back out at you and you stared at him in shock. He’s never spoken to you in such a way, not even with your worst fight you’ve had.
“Face it, I saved you. You just cant admit that you have gotten weak on the job” spencer yelled out and stormed off.
You felt the tears run down your cheeks as morgan pulled you over to the ambulance. The medic bandaged your arm as it wasn’t just a graze and would need a few stitches.
The plane ride was very silent as the team heard everything that was shouted and when you stepped back into the BAU Penelope was waiting for you.
“What happened? Morgan told me you and spencer were screaming at each other?” she asked and you looked over your shoulder to spencer who was right behind you with the rest of your team.
“Well I got my wish, I hate him” you said and you knew spencer heard you as he looked at you as you said the words and saw guilt flash over his eyes.
You told Penelope you would catch up later as you had a lot of paper work to do and made your way over to your desk.
Spencer’s pov:
“I hate him” I heard Y/N say and the guilt hit me like a punch to the gut. Before the case started I was on my way to ask Penelope about  Y/N. but before I could go in I heard her say to Penelope that she still loved me but in order to move on she wanted to hate me.
“You, my office now” Penelope said and I sighed as I walked with her. “What is wrong with you?” Penelope asked me with anger lacing her voice. And I knew I messed up badly because Penelope hardly ever got angry.
“You won’t understand” I told her as I sat down and played with my fingers, a million thoughts running through my head.
“Then explain, because what you did is not okay” Penelope said and I sighed out.
“She told you the other day she needed to hate me to move on, so I called her weak, I said she’s too weak for this job” I said and I heard Penelope huff.
“Spencer why would you break her heart like that?” she asked and I felt the tears brim in my eyes.
“Because she deserves better than me. Penelope I just got out of prison, I was an addict amongst other things, she deserves better than me and I want her to be happy. I’m broken and I will just pull her down” I explained as the tears finally fell down my cheeks.
“Oh sweetie, you’re not broken. And she is happy, no matter what you went through she doesn’t judge and she loves you” Penelope said and I sobbed out knowing that Y/N never judged me about anything I told her and I knew she did love me. But inside I felt like she deserved more.
“Penelope how do I fix this, I do still love her but I want her to have the best” I said and knew I wasn’t ready to let Y/N go.
“Apologize and talk to her, explain to her and open up” Penelope said and I nodded as I wiped the tears away from my cheeks.
“Do you think she will forgive me for hurting her?” I asked Penelope not knowing if I even deserve the forgiveness.
“Not yet but it’s a start” Y/N said in the doorway and my head shot up to meet her eyes.
“Do you still love me?” she asked me and I nodded yes, sure that she heard most of the conversation.
“Then we go from there, because I love you spence, I really do. We work on it” she said and stepped towards me and I pulled her in for a hug, nodding into her shoulder “We work on it” I whispered and closed my eyes as I felt the raging thoughts in my head quiet down.
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my-my-my · 4 days
Hello! I haven’t figured out if your requests are still open, in that case I apologize. You write Aizen in a magnificent way and I was wondering if I can submit a request. I was thinking of “Aizen x female reader”. To be specific, Aizen having sex with Urahara’s sister? I see him as the type to do that, help😽
Thank you for your kind words! Also I LOVE your idea. It took me a fair bit to grapple with it, but I hope you like and enjoy it! I've also been an AU mood, so I hope that's ok!
I low-key hc Urahara as a little brother since he gives spoiled baby brother vibes, so reader is his older sister for this 🤭.
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NSFW: Aizen x (Slightly) Older Reader, Kisuke's out-and-about... and may have an idea of what's happening.
Word Count: 3970 words
[Click here to read on AO3.]
This is arguably one of the longest things I've written. I really ran with this idea lol.
It bothered Sosuke to no end to see his lab mate, Urahara Kisuke, clumsily complete his portion of the PowerPoint presentation that they were both presenting… one hour before their class.
Beyond the fake, thick lensed glasses, and the tight, yet polite smile, Sosuke was seething that the clown in front of him was getting a higher grade in their Applications of Chemometrics class.
“Urahara-san, I can help with your portion of the PowerPoint.” Sosuke offered, to the bewildered-looking Kisuke. His pale blonde hair was disheveled, his clothes in disarray, and the dark bags under his eyes emphasizing how haggard he looked.
Kisuke made a motion for Sosuke to stop talking, as he focused on the screen in front of him, muttering his key points under his breath.
“Have this then.” Sosuke curtly said, handing him a medium cup of coffee with some sugar. The one thing he knew Kisuke wouldn’t say no to. Kisuke immediately grabbed the drink and chugged it down quickly, surprising Sosuke at how the man didn’t flinch at the hot liquid burning his throat.
“Thanks for that, Aizen-san!” Kisuke beemed at him, as if the coffee was key to transform him into his usual, lackadaisical self. The man had a large grin on his face as he happily typed the rest of his points on to the slide deck.
Sosuke looked at him, dismayed again, by the notion that someone of Kisuke’s intellect, was still so… foolish.
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“That went well, don’t you think Aizen-san?” Kisuke laughed as he patted Sosuke on the back.
Sosuke let out a sign, “yes, it did. But it surely would’ve been better if you spent more time preparing.”
Kisuke’s laughs increased, as if he was snickering, “and where would the fun be in that?”
“You call this fun!?” Sosuke asked, exasperated.
“Anyways, why don’t you come to my family home for Golden Week? And don’t tell me you can’t because, you’re going to be studying.” Kisuke said, drawing out his sentence in a teasing tone. “We’re taking the same courses, and we don’t have any assignments due for the next few weeks.”
Sosuke glared at him, “no.” Kisuke pouted, which Sosuke hated.
“C’mon!” Kisuke whined, “I know you’re just going to hole yourself in the library.”
“I don’t want to meet the family of whoever gave rise to you.” Sosuke remarked, making his way to the chemistry labs.
“I have it on good authority, that there is only one of me, Aizen-san!” Urahara said, snickering at him. “The rest of my family, is what you would call…” Urahara tilted his head to the ceiling, thinking, “normal.”
Sosuke scoffed again, “I doubt that.”
“Then let’s have a bet! If you stay with me for Golden Week, and you don’t find my family normal, I owe you 20,000 yen.” Kisuke said, grinning as he extended his hand. Sosuke glared at him, staring at Kisuke’s open hand and the smug look on the blonde man’s face.
“You have yourself a deal.” Sosuke said, shaking Kisuke’s hand in a firm grip.
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“And welcome to my humble abode!” Urahara exclaimed spreading his arms wide at the entrance to his home. The Urahara estate was surprisingly grand in nature. Well, Sosuke wasn’t too surprised, because the careless behaviour Kisuke exhibited from time to time always came across as someone who didn’t really understand the value of money.
The garden seemed well maintained, and the house was in perfect shape, with modest decor. A complete contrast to the utter disgust and horror of Kisuke’s personal apartment near campus.
Kisuke instructed Sosuke to leave his belongings near the entrance, as “the housekeeper will put in your room.” Which again, did not surprise Sosuke that Kisuke relied on a housekeeper.
“How long have you had a housekeeper for?” Sosuke inquired, as Kisuke led them to the sitting room. There were no family photos, but beautiful pieces of artwork and paintings filling the space.
Kisuke shrugged as he explained there was always one when he grew up. Sosuke made no remarks but noted that the man had some kind of upper-class upbringing.
“Oh Ki-chan, is that you!?” Sosuke turned around, seeing you enter the room.
Kisuke gave a sheepish laugh as he waved at you. “Aizen-san, this is my sister.” As he introduced you. Sosuke bowed towards you, “thank you for having me, I’m Aizen Sosuke.”
“Oh of course! A friend of my brother is always welcome!” You beamed at him, taking note that how polite Aizen was, and quite handsome, albeit a bit nerdy looking with his glasses.
“I didn’t know you would be home” Kisuke explained, “mom said she’d be away for Golden Week. She didn’t say anything about you staying or anything.”
You laughed at his response and patted Kisuke’s hair, earning him a grumble of “I’m a grown man.”
“Midori mentioned you were coming over with a friend so I wanted to say hi.” Your head patting became slightly more forceful, “since someone doesn’t like texting me back.”
Sosuke stared at the scene in front of him, thinking of how Kisuke not only blew off his classmates and friends, but also his sibling.
“He doesn’t respond to my texts either.” Sosuke interjected with a soft laugh. “I thought he would at least have some courtesy to respond to his family.”
You sighed dramatically, letting go of Kisuke’s scalp, “See, Ki-chan? It’s normal to check-in every once in a while. Have you been to his apartment, Aizen-san?”
“Please call me, Sosuke.” Aizen politely requested, giving you a kind smile. Kisuke narrowed his eyes as he watched the scene unfold, but his expression was unreadable.
“Sure! Sosuke-kun it is. Have you been to Ki-chan’s apartment? Has he cleaned up after himself yet?” You giggled as you looked at your brother. Kisuke gave you a glare, but nothing you weren’t used to.
Sosuke shook his head, “I try to avoid it if I can. I don’t think it’s habitable for humans.” The two of you shared a laugh as Kisuke scoffed.
“Stop bothering Sosuke-kun and get out of here sis.” Kisuke said, as he tried to push you out of the room. Sosuke gave a pointed look at Kisuke at the use of his first name, but said nothing of it.
“Fine, fine! But let me make dinner for you two, it’ll be my treat!” Kisuke rolled his eyes and agreed for the both of them as you went about the rest of your day.
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Three days had passed as Sosuke stayed with Kisuke on his estate. He hated to admit it, but once Kisuke was serious about something, he was a great conversation partner. A larger part of himself also didn’t want to admit he enjoyed your company during dinner or lunch. You insisted that Kisuke eat homemade meals, and made “Ki-chan’s” favourites. Sosuke took in great pride watching Kisuke embarrass himself over your fussing. Sosuke also didn’t want to admit how attractive you were to him. It bothered him immensely to have developed an attraction so quickly to someone, let alone Kisuke’s sibling. So many things bothered Sosuke about this “vacation.” But there were only a few days left during this stay at the estate, and Sosuke was never one to quit.
Which is why he resorted to masturbating to fantasies of you during his routine showers.
As the water rained down his body, Sosuke stared at his growing erection, his thoughts still lingering of you from last night’s dinner. The way your eyes lit up as he complimented your dishes, the slight blush of your cheeks for every praise he doled out to you. Or the way you would bite your lip or pout whenever Kisuke did something that annoyed you (and Sosuke).
He slowly began to pump his cock, thinking about how you had tried to grab some ingredients from the top shelf of the pantry closet, and he held the small of your back. The soft gasp that escaped your lips and the way your eyes widened at his touch. The way your lips curved to give him a gentle smile.
Sosuke let a groan as he thought about the sound and looks you gave him, thinking of you underneath him. Groans were followed by pants before hot liquid covered his hand, that was sooner washed away by the shower.
Sosuke knew he had to get a grip. There were only a few days left and he would leave this estate and you behind.
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Walking through the estate, Sosuke couldn’t find Kisuke anywhere. In fact, it felt like no one was around, until he walked by the kitchen. Sosuke stood near the door, as he quietly watched you put away groceries, your eyes lighting up, from what he assumed over ideas on what to cook. You had music playing in the background, as you hummed and sang along. He watched you intensely as you danced around the kitchen, putting things away.
It amazed him how similar, yet dissimilar you and Kisuke were. You were thoughtful, respectful and generous. You took initiative in trying to understand Kisuke (and Sosuke’s) interests and hobbies, even if it went over your head sometimes. Yet at the same time, you and Kisuke had the same affinity for childish humour and pranks. You played along with his bizarre ideas, often encouraging him. Sometimes Sosuke felt that Kisuke was being spoiled, and that made him a bit jealous.
Just a bit, he thought to himself.
You were lost in thought and didn’t realize Sosuke was behind you until you turned around, faceplanting yourself in his chest.
“I’m so sorry Sosuke-kun! I didn’t notice you were here. I thought you went out with my brother.” You explained, brushing Sosuke’s shirt for nonexistent dust.
“It’s quite alright.” Sosuke said, with the ever so kind smile again. You couldn’t get a read off of him. He was incredibly polite and thoughtful, to the point you were surprised your brother had made such a friend. “Do you happen to know where he is?” Sosuke inquired, a puzzled look on his face.
“Sadly I don’t, and I tried texting him as well. I’m guessing he didn’t say anything to you either?” You asked, leaning your back to the counter. Sosuke shook his head, to which you sighed in response, “what am I going to do with him…”
Sosuke stood there, still with the same smile on his face. “Sosuke-kun, would you like me to make you anything in the meantime?”
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Sosuke sat in the parlour room with you as you had prepared him a pot of your favourite Western tea. You explained to him how you enjoyed “afternoon tea” lately, and the variety of sweet and savoury dishes that accompanied it. Sosuke, of course, had already known about the concept, but indulged you as you explained it to him. His eyes would soften as you looked at him with smiles and the fluttering of your voice as you shared favourite aspects for him.
“I hope my brother hasn’t been too much of a bother for you, Sosuke-kun.” You said, refilling his porcelain cup with more of your favourite tea. “Ki-chan can be peculiar about things, and he never was great at keeping friends.” You had admitted, “well there’s Yoruichi-san and Tessai-san, but he doesn’t bring them up anymore. It’s been years since I last saw them with him.”
Sosuke vaguely recalled Yoruichi, but Tessai was someone he was unfamiliar with. “I see, well we’ve been classmates for years, at differing moments of our life, but I suppose you can say that graduate school is where we got to know each other.” Sosuke explained, taking a sip of the tea.
“Really? You’ve known Ki-chan for longer? He’s never mentioned you before.” You were shocked at the revelation, but Sosuke didn’t seem bother by it.
“We went to the same elementary and high schools, but weren’t in the same classes, were in different friend groups and had different extracurriculars.” Sosuke continued on, unsure as to why he was sharing this with you.
You laughed to yourself, “extracurriculars? Ki-chan wouldn’t even bother. Our mother tried so hard to get him to do something with his time, but he had no interest in it. I’m honestly surprised he mustered up the discipline to do his PhD.” You said, swirling your teacup before taking a sip.
“He’s a brilliant man,” Sosuke admitted.
“Yes he is, but so are you, Sosuke-kun! Don’t sell yourself short.” As you gave him a big grin.
For once, Sosuke felt flustered at your response. He felt his cheeks warm and muttered a thank you. He thought he was used to praises and admiring remarks from men and women alike, but from you, it was different – it felt heartfelt and sincere.
The two of you enjoyed the rest of the afternoon in quiet conversation, from the weather outside, to childhood memories and everything in between. But still, Kisuke was nowhere to be found.
Sighing in defeat, you began to gather the tea ware to clean, but Sosuke, ever the gentleman, helped you carry some of the fine porcelain pieces back into the kitchen.
“I don’t mean to offend,” Sosuke said, calling your name, “but I’m surprised you cook and clean. Doesn’t your housekeeper do it for you?”
“Oh, Midori-san? When I was a teenager, it didn't feel right with me to have a housekeeper, so when our mother was away, I asked Midori-san to teach me things. I never saw myself living in this house forever, so I wanted to know how to cook and clean on my own.”
“Hm, so Urahara-san never bothered to learn with you it seems.” To which you laughed in response.
“Yes, I suppose so!” You smiled at him, as the two of you quietly cleaned the cups and cutlery together.  
“Sosuke-kun, do you know how to play Koi-Koi?
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Koi-Koi was a game Sosuke knew of in passing but had never actually played. You provided him a cheat sheet with all the possible pairings and explained the rules to him. His face as emotionless, but your excitement over the game was cute.
“Do people make bets with this game?” Sosuke inquired, as he inspected his hand.
“Oh, I suppose some might. Would you like to bet something, Sosuke-kun?” You asked politely.
Sosuke nodded his head, “how about we decide after we play?” He suggested, giving you again, the same kind smile. You didn’t think he was being genuine this time but wanted to play along.
“I’ve never made a bet playing koi-koi, but I also don’t play it as often as I’d like. Ki-chan hates playing it.” You said sadly.
“I think it’s because this game is left to chance, and he is someone who always works with plan after plan. He may have devised a strategy to secure whatever combinations with what he was dealt with, but koi-koi can be unforgiving.” You explained, as you dealt the cards for the table. “He can build the combinations he has planned out, but he will never know when I can end it for him. I think it’s for that reason, it bothers him.” You surmised, a wistful look on your face as you neatly arranged the cards for the table.
Sosuke had to agree to play for three rounds, which he learned, were also referred to as months. He inspected the cards and noticed that they were fairly faded, with the black edges fading to white. He was also surprised by how small the cards were, his hands engulfing them, while again, you looked cute holding yours.
Sosuke had drawn the better card, determining him to go first. You had offered to go “easy” on him by showing your hand and he would show his, but he explained it wasn’t necessary. “You said I was a quick learner a few days ago.” Sosuke said with a chuckle.
He played conservatively the first round, securing five points after building “Blue Ribbons,” which allowed him to go first again for the second round. Confident with the rules of the game, Sosuke could see what possible combinations he could make with his hand, and repeated “koi-koi” as he built his growing point pile.
Then you had to ruin it. You made a measly junk pile, worth one point and refused to call koi, ending the round.
All the points Sosuke had built, the Rainy Four Lights, Red Poetry Ribbons and both Moon and Cherry Blossom Viewing… all gone.
Sosuke furrowed his eyebrows and exhaled. His eye twitching at how quickly it came apart, remembering your words about Kisuke’s disdain for the game, “but koi-koi can be unforgiving.”
You gave the same wistful smile at him and prepared for the final round. Since you had one the second round, you went first. Cards were taken, others were put on to the table. Sosuke felt vindictive as he saw you growing “Boar Deer Butterfly” in your pile along with “Three Lights.”
Yes, koi-koi was unforgiving. As if to punish you for ending the round with one point, he had built “Red Poetry Ribbons” again and snagged the Butterfly you needed for your own pile, “I end the round.” Sosuke said with a smirk.
“You really are a fast learner, Sosuke-kun!” You smiled at him as you began to pack the cards away. But as soon as your hand reached out to grab his pile, Sosuke caught your risk, catching you off guard.
“Since I win, I know what I want.” Sosuke said, staring right at you. It was the first time you gave a good look at his face, noticing how sharp and intense his eyes were beyond the lenses. It startled you, but you again, played along, curious to see where this would go.
“And what is that Sosuke-kun?” You politely asked, relaxing your hand in his grip, leaning closer to him over the table.
Without saying a word, Sosuke pulled you in for a kiss, sealing the distance between you two. Your eyes were wide open, shocked over what was happening… but you didn’t mind it. You gently pulled him away and watched him take off his glasses, both of you breathing heavy.
Nothing was said between you, just stares and heavy panting, with Sosuke’s grip on your wrist still ever present. Closing your eyes, you took an inhale, knowing you two were going to cross a line (what line? A small part of you wondered.)
“Maybe we should stop, Sosuke-kun.” You said, regretting each word escaping your mouth. “Kisuke won’t like this.”
“I don’t care what he thinks.” Sosuke said in a pointed tone, his eyes narrowing in anger, “the man plays by his own rules. I think it’s time we play our own.” You were transfixed by his voice, nodding and agreeing with what he was saying. “Let’s finish this elsewhere, Sosuke-kun.” You murmured, pulling him away from his seat. The grip on your wrist tightened as he led you to the guest bedroom.
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Clothes were strewn about in Sosuke’s bedroom, as he pulled you against him for more kisses. Sosuke hated how needy he felt, but wanted more of your kisses, more of your attention on him. He held your face in his hands as he peppered kisses across your face, paying special attention to your lips.
He pushed you on to the bed, and continued down your body, nipping across your neck and chest. The greediness he felt grew the more he touched your body, leaving him with the urge to mark you. Harsh bites and sucks across your neck and chest, surely strong enough to bruise later, but you welcomed you. Curiosity and excitement grew in you to see Sosuke go further.
Sosuke parted your bare legs and dipped between them, as he immediately lapped at your wet pussy. He took care to with gentle licks to your clit, then pushed one finger inside you. You moaned loudly, without a care as to who would be able to hear it. You chanted Sosuke’s name, praising him with how good he made you feel.
Your orgasm was approaching, and you had a feeling Sosuke knew that too, with the way he began to pump his fingers faster inside you and the licks to your clit growing more intense. Your legs shook as you felt your orgasm crash around you, a loud scream piercing the room.
Sosuke dropped your legs and pushed his hand through his hair, a lone strand in front of his face. He watched you with a satisfied smirk as you tried to regain your strength. You were shaking trying to sit up, and he watched you with glee.
His cock was hard and erect, with precum dripping down the tip. He gave himself a pump as he watched you struggle to get up. Once you managed to do so, you leaned towards his cock, pushing his hand away.
His cock was thick in your mouth, but you wanted to reward him with the same pleasure you felt. Wrapping your hand around the base of his cock, you began to suckle on his tip as you pumped the base of his shaft. Sosuke threaded his fingeres in your hair, pushing you down further along his cock. He groaned your name as you swallowed his cock whole.
You bobbed your head up and down, keeping the pace as you savoured the precum escaping from Sosuke’s cock.
Until you heard the familiar, sing-song voice of your brother. You tried to pull away, but Sosuke gripped your hair tighter, forcing his cock in your mouth.
You could hear Kisuke’s footsteps coming closer, and then a sudden knock. “Aizen-san, are you there? Do you know where my sister is?”
You looked up at Sosuke, eyes widen while your mouth was filled with his cock. He grinned menacingly at you, shoving your head further towards his crotch. “No, I haven’t. I didn’t see her at all today.”
“Oh…” Kisuke said, “Can I come in? I have some exciting news to share.” He said in a sing-song voice.
“I’m about to take a shower.” Sosuke said, his voice even as if he wasn’t throat fucking you, “I’ll meet you at your parlour room.”
Kisuke made an appreciative sound and went away, with Sosuke letting go of the grip on your hair. Your hair was a mess, with drool and cum dripping down your mouth on to your body, your lips swollen from Sosuke’s kisses and from sucking him off.
“We don’t have a lot of time,” Sosuke said, pushing you back down, “but we can make up for it later.”
You gave him a kiss as a sign of agreement, as he spread your legs apart again. He pushed the tip of his cock into your wet pussy. The slopping noises echoed in your ears.
Sosuke put a hand over your mouth as soon as he saw you moan. He slowly pushed himself in and out of you, your eyes rolling at the sensation of him repeatedly filling you up. Soon his pace quickened, and from your earlier blowjob, Sosuke knew he wasn’t going to last long. He pushed himself down against you and kissed you deeply as his thrusts became erratic. Then, without warning, and your own orgasm approaching, he pulled out his cock and came all over your pussy, rubbing his tip along your clit, earning him a small shriek from you.
You sighed, knowing that you couldn’t bask in the moment with Sosuke, so you quickly gathered your clothes and slowly opened the door, peering down the hallway to ensure no one was around. But before you could leave, Sosuke’s strong arms were wrapped around your waist, as he nuzzled your ear.
“Let’s continue this later tonight.” You turned around, giving him a quick peck on the lips, “I’ll be waiting, Sosuke-kun.”
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Thanks for reading!! I had a lot of fun writing this 😅.
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Hotch x reader - look after you
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Hotch x reader who gets injured and he grows very protective of her🥰🥰 hes just so sweet and cute - Anon💜
You hated this, you hated not being able to go out in the field, but you couldn’t exactly be running around on a case with a broken leg.
So you were confined to the office, doing whatever you could to help with the case from back home.
Signing, you rolled your shoulders a little as you turned away from the computer screen.
You wanted coffee, so you got up, grabbing your crutches, you only managed to take a few steps away from your desk when Hotch appeared in front of you.
“Sit.” He said.
“Come on, I’m bored.” You whined.
“And you have a broken leg, sit down.”
Huffing, you went back over to your desk and sat down, crossing your arms as you glared at your boss a little.
He smiled, setting a cup on the table for you and dragged a chair over to your desk.
“You can only keep me locked up for so long boss man, I’m going to break free.”
“Right, and were you planning on running or?”
He smirked and you laughed a little.
“Wow, ouch okay. That’s brutal Hotch.”
“It’s true, you’re not going to make it very far.”
You rolled your eyes at him.
“Well if you actually went on the case maybe I would.” You huffed.
He shrugged a little, leaning back in his chair.
“And if I went on the case you’d be stuck somewhere.”
You went to reply but closed your mouth because you knew his was right.
You didn’t like to be sat still for a long time, you were restless, you liked moving about and going places, but with the broken leg all you could do was sit.
Hotch wouldn’t let you do anything, he picked you up, drove you home, when Jack was having a sleep over he would stay with you.
He had become like your personal bodyguard, and it was nice, but you just wanted to do things.
“Can we at least go out and get lunch?” You asked.
Hotch looked up from the papers in his hand and nodded his head, grabbing your jacket he helped you put it on and waited for you to get up.
“Okay, but just lunch, no wondering (Y/N).” He warned.
“Fine! No wondering.”
You knew Hotch was going to ask you where you wanted to go, and you knew a place that you had to walk to because you couldn’t park near it.
So you chose there.
Hotch parked the car and helped you out, making sure you were okay before he let you go.
“You did this on purpose.” He said.
You grinned and slowly started to walk.
“I’m shocked you didn’t notice before we got here.”
Laughing to himself, he followed next to you, and he stopped at the bottom of some steps.
“(Y/N) no.” He said.
“(Y/N) yes.” You grinned.
Holding out one of the crutches you waited for him to take it, and when he did you took hold of his arm.
It was a lot of work but you finally got up, and not only did you enjoy a free lunch paid for by your boss, but you got to wonder about.
But the wondering took its toll on you, because when you went home that night, you were in agony.
“I told you.” He sighed.
Hotch put his blazer in the back of the chair in your bedroom and walked away, coming back with your medication and your drink.
He handed them over and sat on the bed next to you, watching as you shuffled in pain, unable to get comfortable.
Sighing to himself, he grabbed a pillow and gently lifted your leg, putting it underneath and placed your leg in it.
Then he grabbed a blanket and covered your leg with the blanket.
“I made a mistake…” you mumbled out.
He nodded his head and leant back, letting your rest your head on his shoulder, and you took his hand, holding it tightly.
“Next time will you listen?” He asked.
You sighed and nodded your head.
Hotch rested his head on yours, running his thumb along the back of your hand.
“Try get some sleep…” he whispered.
He had already asked Will to look after Jack for the night, because he couldn’t live with himself if he left you while you were in this much pain.
He was going to stay with you, get you anything you needed, hold you if you needed because he hated seeing you like this.
Seeing you in so much pain made him upset, and it hurt him because all he wanted to do was protect you and keep you safe
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da-rulah · 5 months
For the lyric game…
I know you said a Papa or Ghoul, but would you make an exception for Mary Goore? 👉🏻👈🏻 Our beloved corpse needs some more loving lol. The song I had in mind was Merry-Go-Round by Mötley Crüe with the line: 🎶She waits at home just to love him through the night, thinking, he’s been gone so long now. Is he coming home?🎶 Can be both NSFW or SFW 😉
Oh, of course I can make an exception for our dear sweet Mary Goore... 😈
I don't know what's wrong with me, but I'm feeling some angst. No one fits angst quite as well as Mary, hm? Just something about it works. So I apologise if this isn't what you wanted, but this is what came into my mind...
NSFW 18+, MDNI! Mary Goore x gn!reader TW: Angst, jealousy, accusations of infidelity, domestic arguments, insecurity, angry sex, hate fucking, penetrative sex, manhandling, slight pain kink.
You stared at your phone screen, watching as if anything were going to change yet knowing it wouldn't. But you hoped; you always hoped.
"Read 19:09"
Those three little dots never appeared. No new messages. It had been hours... His set would have finished around 11, so why, at 2:47am were you still sat up, waiting for him to so much as text you back.
You were getting tired of this. The "I'll be home before 2" promises, or the "I was just grabbing a drink after the show" excuses. Each one fell short, and he avoided the topic. All you'd text him was a simple "Hope the show goes well, baby. Kill it!" and yet, nothing. He used to reply right away, even if just with an emoji when he was busy or pushed for time.
But lately, with the late nights and the ignored texts, you were beginning to wonder if there was something he was hiding. He never had a good reason for his late returns, just that he was "networking" or "having drinks with the guys". And when he did finally show, he'd just crawl into bed beside you without a word, and fall asleep while you waited for something; even just an arm draped over your waist, a kiss to the forehead.
There was only one thing circling your mind; Mary was sleeping around.
When you heard the lock of the front door click open, your heart dropped into your stomach. All night you planned what to say, how to approach this. You wanted to be strong, but the second you were confronted with the reality of Mary coming home, you backed out, and words failed you.
Sat in the dark, Mary didn't notice you at first. Being a small studio apartment, he never turned the lights on when he came in, knowing they'd wake you - which he never wanted to do. So you heard him tiptoe into the apartment, setting his guitar case down and start to make his way over to the bathroom to wash the face paints and fake blood from his face.
Before he made it there, you quietly popped a cigarette between your lips and sparked a lighter to light it. The sudden noise and flash of light halted Mary in his tracks, startling him.
"Jesus fuckin' Christ, babe... Scared the shit outta me!" he laughed clutching his heart over his cut-off t-shirt. You said nothing, not bothering to turn in his direction and instead taking a drag and letting the smoke billow into the glow of street lamps streaming through the windows.
Mary stood confused for a second, his eyes adjusting to your form on the couch and waiting for you to say something else, maybe ask about the show or something. But nothing. You just took another long, deliberate drag of your cigarette, staring straight ahead.
He knew you were pissed. And if he was being honest with himself, he knew why, too. He sighed to himself and trundled over to the couch, clicking on the lamp on the side table before sitting in the empty spot beside you.
"I'm late again, I know..."
"Is that your apology?" you snapped back, flicking the ash fro your cigarette into a tiny ashtray on the coffee table. You still couldn't bring yourself to look at him.
"No... I was getting to that." his tone sounded annoyed, like he didn't appreciate the way you spoke to him. It was as if he were answering back to his mother, catching him coming back late from a party. This was far beyond that.
"Go on then. What bullshit excuse you got this time?" Any previous thoughts of diplomacy in your approach went out the window now, too pissed off to hold back.
"Jeez, so I was late. It's not a big fuckin' deal," he defended, poorly. "Where's the attitude coming from?" He sat back into the couch with a harsh slump, bouncing his knee in annoyance.
You took another drag of your cigarette, before stubbing it out in the ashtray and standing up to stomp over to the bed you shared with a mumbled, "Fuck this."
Mary's eyes followed you, watching as you angrily shed the shirt you were wearing, throwing it to the floor and rooting in your drawers for something to wear to bed. He stood up too, pushing himself from the couch and following you.
"Look I said I'm sorry," he attempted, but you spun around to face him, finally looking him in the eye.
"Actually, no you fuckin' didn't. But you 'were getting to that'. So go on, give me your sorry. We'll see if it works." Mary stared dumbly at you. This wasn't the first time you'd brought this up, but it was the first time you'd got this angry...
"The guys just wanted to get some drinks, we had a good gig. Just wanted to celebrate! I'm sorry, alright?"
You scoffed and turned back to root through your draws, trying to find a shirt that wasn't Mary's just to make a fucking point. He sighed behind you, chewing the inside of his cheek while he tried to swallow his pride.
"I should have text you," he stated plainly. You ignored him, which pissed him off more. "I will next time, I swear."
That made you spin around again, looking at him with vague disgust. "Next time? So this is just gonna keep happening, huh?"
"Drinking with my friends? Yeah, probably." His sarcasm pissed you off even more.
"Don't bullshit me, Mare... You've been doing this at every damn show, and when you come home to me, you don't even touch me!" You were yelling at him now, too hurt to let it go. "If you wanna fuck around Mary, go ahead and live that life but stop making me sit up waiting for you in the hope that you want my love instead!"
Mary was stunned, his eyebrows screwed tightly together as he stared down at you. You stood before him, rigid in your accusation and not backing down this time, angry tears in your waterline that you refused to let fall. You wouldn't give him the satisfaction.
"...Is that what you think I've been doing?" He was livid now, offended.
"Don't fucking lie to me. Why else would you constantly get home late? Ignore my texts or calls? Climb into bed without so much as a second look my way let alone wrapping an arm around me, heaven forbid!"
"Because you're asleep, and I'm fucking tired?" he spat. You laughed, no humour in it at all. It was dry, sarcastic and venomous. You didn't believe him.
"Fuck who you want, Mare. I'm done." You started to turn away from him as the tears betrayed you, but he grabbed your wrist and span you back to face him, stepping into your personal space as rage and adrenaline pumped through his body.
"Only person I wanna fuck is you," he growled, backing you up against the open draw behind you until it slammed shut and you stumbled, the edge of the dresser hitting the bottom of your back. You'd never seen him like this, like he was possessed... His eyes were wide with anger and the threatening paints on his face did nothing to put you at ease.
"You want me to touch you, hm? All you had to do was ask..." He leaned down, pressing his lips to yours in a bruising kiss that caught you off guard for a moment, before you regained some kind of awareness and pressed both hands to his chest, pushing him off you in one hard shove. He stood there, out of breath much like you were, neither one of you knowing what to do or say now. It was as if you were in a stand-off, waiting for the other to make the first move.
Unfortunately for you, it was you who made that first move.
You pounced on him, smashing your lips against his as you grabbed onto his shirt, pulling him closer to you. Whether it was desperation to keep him close or spite to show him exactly what he'd be missing when you walked away, you weren't sure but your reaction was visceral.
Mary quickly dove back in too, his grip on your hips pulling you close to fuse your bodies together as you violently made out with him, weaving your fingers into his hair to pull it at the roots and angle his head to where you wanted it. Before long, you were tugging at his shirt and pulling it over his head, both of you now shirtless.
Then you were pushing him, manoeuvring him towards the bed to push him back onto it with all the strength you could muster. You didn't wait for him to do anything, to say anything, reaching for his jeans to pop the button and drag them down his thighs. He kicked them off without arguing, his eyes dark and trained on you as you removed everything from the waist down and climb on top of him.
Something about this had your core stirring, arousal pooling where you needed it most, where you'd craved him for the longest time. Spite was a powerful aphrodisiac it seemed, because the only word Mary could think to describe you right now was rabid.
You used all of your body weight to push him to lay back, no care taken to go slow or build anticipation. This was hate fucking. This was furious passion, building and bubbling and boiling over uncontrollably. Both of you were powerless to stop it.
You ravaged him again, kisses so brutal you'd be feeling them for days after while your hips ground down into his exposed and already solid length beneath you. You heard him groan with pleasure, and it pissed you off, spurring you to bite on his lip until he grunted in pain. His hands gripped your ass in fistfuls, nails digging into the supple flesh and he pushed and pulled to grind you harder against him.
By the time you were ready to take him inside you, he was leaking precum profusely from his tip. It only aided you in lining him up, and sinking down until he was fully sheathed inside you. You took him slowly, teasing him but frankly you were in no mood for slow and steady.
You set a savage pace, riding him while your hands held him down. Your own nails dug into his shoulders as you cried out in both pain and pleasure, a delicious mix that fuelled the pair of you.
"Oh, fuck baby, just like that..." he groaned, not expecting you to slap his chest to force his eyes back on you.
"Shut the fuck up," you roared, only riding him faster, harder. All those jealous emotions, all that bottled up insecurity was coming out now and he was letting you take it out on him. If he'd known you had this in you, he might have pissed you off a lot sooner.
But Mary couldn't let that mouth of yours slide, he couldn't let you win. He had as much to lose tonight as you did, whether that was his fault or not. And he was very aware it was his fault.
Using the adrenaline that pumped through him, he lifted you off him, forcing your off to the unoccupied side of the bed so you faceplanted in the sheets. This move was too unexpected, and before you could recover and fight back for control he was already on top of you, pinning your wrists behind your back and contorting you to raise your hips up and have you on your knees, face still buried in the sheets beneath you. He wasted no time in lining himself back up to your entrance, and pushing back in to find his own vicious rhythm.
You wanted to fight back, but you couldn't. The pleasure was building to a point of no return and you wanted to cum more than you wanted to control him. This is what you'd missed, if you were honest with yourself. When you'd first started dating Mary the sex was hot, freaky, a little weird... It was unlike anything else. And then you both got complacent, too comfortable and taking each other for granted and now here you were, after weeks of barely there mediocre sex. Both of you just needed a little spark to light the gasoline inside you.
Mary kept your wrists held tightly against your lower back in one hand, while the other snaked around your waist, using it to pleasure you even further.
"Come on, baby. Cum on my cock, hm? Just like you used to. Fucking squeeze me," he ordered, his hips slapping hard against your ass and filling the room with lewd noises. All you could do was cry out, to moan into the sheets and let go completely.
You barrelled towards your orgasm hard and fast, stimulated in every way possible, inside and out. The way your walls contracted around him made it difficult for him to keep up his pace, and damn near impossible to stave off his won orgasm. Too soon, he was filling you, his cock kicking inside you over and over until he was completely drained both of his spend and his energy.
He fell forwards, leaning over you as he held you tightly against him to ground himself. His mind felt hazy, he could barely think straight through the bliss and exhaustion. But he was in for a rude awakening, when he felt you heaving beneath him, silent sobs wracking your body over and over.
Stabbing him in the chest would have heart less. Seeing you so hurt, so broken was devastating to him. He panicked, removing himself from you and flipping you over with very little resistance. But what you did resist was eye contact, staring directly up at the ceiling as you slapped a hand over your mouth to contain the sobs.
"Hey... Shhh, it's okay. I'm here," he soothed, pushing strands of hair from your forehead and gently trailing his fingers along your cheek and jawline.
"I-I don't... want to... lose you," you sobbed. "Want to b-be enough... for you."
This was his fault. His neglect had led to this. You'd never been anything but doting, supporting, loving. And he wasn't sued to it. It scared him, the feelings he harboured for you. He'd never felt so intensely, never loved anyone like this before. He'd taken you for granted, been so selfish in focussing on himself and the band and not you.
Mary had never cheated on you. He never would. All he could do was try to tell you that, to show you that you were the only one he wanted.
"You're more than enough, you're too good for me. I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry," he cooed, pressing his forehead to yours while you cried beneath him. "I swear, there's never been anyone else. You can ask the guys, it really was just drinks with them."
You weren't sure you believed him, the insecurity so deeply rooted that talking to his bandmates might only be the start of rebuilding the trust you'd once had in him. But it was a start.
Mary lay himself down next to you, wrapping his arm around you and snuggling into your side while you let everything out. He peppered softer kisses to your temple, your cheeks, the top of your head while you held onto the arm wrapped around you for dear life. Eventually, exhaustion crept in, and you started to drift off in his arms.
He didn't let go of you all night, barely sleeping himself as he thought of all the ways he could right his wrongs, prove himself to you without it feeling insincere. Step one was to bring you to his shows, to have you around like you used to back at the start. From there, he'd work on this.
Seeing your breakdown, being so close to losing you tonight was the wake up call he'd needed to see what was at stake. He'd be damned if he let himself get complacent again.
He'd be damned if he truly lost you.
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
Working at a fast food place in a blizzard and all I want is some big yandere monster who has a tracker on my phone to notice and get worried for me and come immjdetaly to steal me from my work and tie me up saying he'll make sure I never have to work again cause he'll handle me
Sfw or nsfw
I liked this idea a lot, idk where the idea for a blizzard came from, but I like how you think ^_^'
Word Count: 2.5k
Monster (Rahl) x gn reader
W: sfw monster fluff, kidnapping, tying up
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Rahl examined the tracking app he’d installed on his phone and let out a low growl. The little icon, a picture of you he’d stolen from your Instagram account placed you at the Popeye’s where you worked. Tracking you had become sort of an obsession of his, ever since he showed up there to order a family meal of fried chicken one afternoon.
You’d smiled at him when you asked for his order. That was the first thing that got his two hearts thumping. No one ever smiled at him. At eight feet tall and a mouth full of large, sharp teeth most people ran from him. He’d had the police called on him more times than he could count just for existing in public. 
People were used to the pretty Fairyfolk, the fairies, the sirens, even the orcs were better received than him. He was large and thick, covered in white feathers, tipped in dark blue, and with massive sharp claws that generally put people off. The only thing remotely human about him was his deep blue face, that was partly hidden by a stray clump of feathers he could never get to sit right. He looked like a horror from a nightmare and maybe he was. 
“Have a wonderful day and stay warm,” you’d chirped at him with a wink when you handed him his bag of food. The words falling from your plush lips were like heaven. Your small smile was like the sun rising. He wanted more. He needed more. His life was so lonely, but you were sweet and beautiful. You could be the companion he desperately craved. 
That’s why he’d started following you. In that one small interaction you’d given him so much warmth and he was hooked. He’d placed a tracker on your car and watched you go about your daily business with rapt attention. He loved learning even the most mundane things about you. He knew your favorite coffee order, your favorite color, as well as a million other little details he’d gleaned from stalking you. He hated that you worked with the public. Your smile should be his alone. It would be his alone.
Glancing outside he found snow falling in a white sheet and growled. There was a blizzard coming and your boss had insisted that the day crew show up to work, despite there being no customers. No one was buying chicken in the middle of a blizzard. 
The cold didn’t bother Rahl with his thick, downy undercoat, so it was no chore to make his way through the blinding white, using his phone’s GPS to guide him to you. When he reached the store, he suddenly felt nervous. He hadn’t come up with a plan. He stood outside of the small building for a moment collecting himself and trying to decide what to do. 
Inside it was warm and dry. Since the manager hadn’t bothered to come in himself, of course, you and your coworkers were making it as comfortable as possible. You’d cranked up the heat and someone put the “CLOSED” sign up, just in case. You were all lounging in the booths playing with your phones, waiting for the shift to end, though none of you were sure how you were going to get home in the mess building outside. 
“Maybe we should just go,” your coworker Amber said, “I mean, no one is going to notice if we aren’t here. If we stay too much longer we’re going to be trapped here.” 
The rest of the crew nodded in agreement. $8.00 per hour wasn’t going to pay for a tow truck to get your cars back home and if you all left at once, your manager couldn’t fire all of you. He’d have no staff left. It was either leave while it was still possible or be trapped, probably overnight. 
Outside, Rahl, hidden in white snow, was considering his strategy. He just needed an opportunity to get you alone. While he thought, he carefully tied the thick paracord he’d brought along with him into slipknots. 
“You guys go, I’ll close up,” you said. As the most senior staff member and the only one with keys, you took it on your shoulders to carry burdens like this, even though you didn’t get paid any more for it. 
Your coworkers gave you relieved smiles and hurried to grab their things and hustle home. Alone in the restaurant, you sighed while you shut off the fryer and the ovens, hoping you’d make it out before it became impossible to drive. The sound of the door opening and closing startled you, but you assumed it was one of your coworkers who’d forgotten something, so you went back to shutting the lights off without thinking. 
Only, as your ears strained to hear the sound of the door opening and closing again as they left, you heard something different. Dull, heavy footsteps echoed through the empty building. THUNK. THUNK. THUNK. 
A chill passed through you, but you assured yourself it was just the heavy steps of one of the guys stomping snow off of their non-slip shoes. 
“Hey, Mick…that you? I’m about to lock the doors!” 
Silence. You creeped past the food window into the dark dining room. The sun was completely blocked out by the snow, so it was pitch black. 
“Mick?” you asked the darkness, your voice just a whimper. 
You tried to shake the cold terror that was creeping up your spine away. Mick must have left and you just didn’t hear the door close. You squinted your eyes, trying to make out anything in the darkness, but you only saw shadowy shapes. 
“You’re just freaking out over nothing,” you whispered to yourself. 
You scrambled to lock the front door and then turned to head to the back and get your things, so you could go out of the back. 
A moment later you let out a terrified screech as thick, clawed hands clamped down on your arms like a vice. 
“Help! HELP!” you screamed, hoping one of your coworkers was nearby enough to hear you. 
Whatever had you pulled you into its warm feathery chest and wasn’t letting go, no matter how you thrashed and howled for mercy. 
“Sh. Sh. Sh. Don’t worry little mate,” a scratchy voice reminding you of dry stalks of wheat rubbing together told you, “I won’t hurt you.” 
“LEMME GO!” you yelled even louder. 
“Afraid I can't do that, little one,” he almost hissed, “I’ve chosen you.” 
“Ch-chosen…me…?” you murmured, confused, your heart beating so fast you could hardly catch your breath to speak, “ch-chosen me for what?” 
“You’re my lovely little mate,” he purred. 
You’d heard that word before from other Fairyfolk you knew, but it never had much meaning to you…until now. 
“I’m…I’m…not…” you gasped for air, hyperventilating from fear, “I’m n-not your m-mate!”
Suddenly you were being held aloft, tucked in the crook of the creature's arm, while the other wrapped tight bands around your wrists and pulled them taught. Then he did your ankles next, not tight enough to hurt you, but you were caught. If you’d been calm enough to notice, you’d have realized his feathers were very soft and he smelled like vanilla. 
Happy that you were secured and weren’t going to swat at him, he pet you in the darkness, long claws just barely scraping through your hair. 
“Calm down, little one, before you hurt yourself,” he pouted, “just breathe…In…out…in…out” 
With nowhere else to go, pinned firmly in his grasp, you could only follow directions, forcing your breathing to match his words. 
“That’s it,” he cooed with a smile hovering on his voice, “It’s all going to be okay now. I’ll take care of you…” 
“T-take c-care of me? What’s that s-supposed to mean?” you mumbled, your breath slowly picking up. Your mind drummed up a hundred horrible scenarios. 
He chuckled.
“I’m going to keep you safe and warm in my den,” he said as he made his way to the exit with large, heavy steps. 
Once you were outside, you could see slightly better and you took in his face. 
“I remember you…” you said, suddenly recognizing him, “you came into the store before…” 
“I’m happy you remembered me,” he preened. 
Around you snow fell in a thick white sheet, but the monster was like a living furnace. You were quite warm and cozy in his arms. 
“Well you’re pretty memorable…What’s your name?” you asked, which made him even happier. 
“Rahl,” he said cheerfully, navigating confidently through the rising wind. 
As the blizzard started in earnest, you had to tuck your face into his chest to keep your nose from freezing. He cupped your head and body with his arm, protecting you from the driving snow. You had no idea where he was taking you, the snow falling too thick to make out any landmarks so you just squeezed your eyes shut and tried to force yourself to wake up from this dream. 
This can’t be real. This can’t be real. You kept repeating the words to yourself, wishing they were true, but no matter how many times you said it, you could feel his downy feathers against your skin and hear his…two hearts(?)...In his chest. Finally after what felt like the longest walk of your life, the wind stopped blowing on you and everything was quiet. 
“Wake up little mate,” he said in a sing-song voice, “we’re home!” 
You lifted your eyes to look around the monster's den, only it wasn’t at all what you expected. No piles of bones on the floor or bits of skin curing on stretchers. It was actually…very nice. Everything was quite a bit bigger than what you were used to, but he had all the things a normal human would have…a television, a comfortable looking couch…even pictures hanging on the walls…of you. 
“Have you been following me?” you squeaked rhetorically. It was obvious he had. The pictures of you were all candid shots taken from far away and images printed from your social media accounts.
Rahl answered anyway while he loosened the paracord bindings from your hands and ankles, tossing them on the coffee table. . 
“I had to be sure you were safe,” he said, nestling you on the couch and wrapping you with a soft blanket like a little burrito, “sit here. I’ll start dinner.” 
You blinked at his broad back as he made his way to the kitchen. His raspy voice floated back to you as he sang some popular song to himself while he cooked. Soon the room filled with the smell of cumin and cayenne pepper. It occurred to you that you could run, but there was a blizzard outside and you were only dressed in the t-shirt and pants that made up your work uniform. If you left the comfort of his home and walked blindly into the storm, it was likely you’d get lost and die of hypothermia before anyone would find you. 
Rahl emerged with two big bowls of chili filled to the brim, carefully handing you one of them and a spoon. You looked down to see he’d made it just as you liked it, with a large hunk of cornbread off to the side and a dollop of sour cream on top. 
“How did you know…” you asked, your voice dying in your throat. Rahl must have been stalking you closely to have picked up on such a random preference. 
He stirred his chili and pulled a cheesy spoonful to his mouth, savoring it before he spoke. 
“I know everything about you (Y/N),” he said, his bright blue eyes glinting in the soft light of his home, “I wanted everything to be perfect for you when you finally came home.” 
You took a few more spoonfuls of the delicious chili before you responded. 
“It’s really good,” you said, looking into your bowl…the chili was very convincing. The flavors were perfect with just enough spicy heat to warm you up without burning your tongue.  
Shaking that away you leveled Rahl with your best no-nonsense glare. 
“You can’t just kidnap me! It’s not right,” you informed him firmly, “I have a life!” 
Rahl chortled and his long, blood red tongue swept out to lick chili off of the corner of his mouth, the gesture suddenly shooting tingles down your spine. 
“And I can provide a better life,” he countered, “you never have to work at a fast food restaurant again, for one. And taking care of you makes me happy. I want to give you everything…and all I ask is your companionship.” 
He set his bowl down and carefully extracted yours from your hands, placing it on the coffee table. Curling his big body over yours, he cupped your cheek in his hand. He marveled at how much smaller you were than him. A tiny little creature that needed his protection. 
“You are a rare and beautiful soul, floating in a murky sea of mediocrity. I want to take you away from all that…create a world for you where you can thrive. I don’t expect you to fall in love me with just one bowl of chili, but if you just give me a chance, I can show you real happiness. The two of us, together.” 
His words, in his husky voice, were so tempting. You’d been single for a long time, struggling to make ends meet. You slept in a walk-in closet you rented in a house meant for 3 that housed 8. Your car barely ran, you’d bought it from some guy on the internet who was just going to junk it if you hadn’t offered him a couple hundred dollars to take it off of his hands. You’d slept in it for two months after that before you could afford the walk-in closet. There were days where you didn’t eat at all or if you did it was stolen from the Popeye’s where you worked. 
“But we hardly know each other,” you mumbled, trying to convince yourself he was lying, trying to trick you into a false sense of security. 
His large hand drifted down your cheek, then gingerly along the delicate curve of your neck to your arm, finally resting on the hand folded on your lap, leaving the skin tingling in his wake. He pulled your small fingers to his lips, giving them a soft kiss. Your cheeks burned and you took in a sharp breath. 
“Then let’s get to know each other,” he purred, pressing your palm to his cheek.
It was smooth, but firm and you were finally calm enough to scent the sweet fragrance of vanilla wafting up from his skin.
“Let's not be strangers anymore.” 
You were suddenly aware of how close he was, a loose feather brushing your forehead. Your heartbeat kicked up, leaving you breathless. This close you couldn’t help but notice how handsome he was. His lips were full with a delicate curve forming his cupid’s bow and his eyes gleamed with an unnatural blue light, framed by fluffy white lashes. And he was just so BIG. He towered over you, his feathered shoulders taking up your whole field of view. How you hadn’t noticed him stalking you, you had no idea. 
Your eyes instinctively dropped to his lips, so close you could feel the heat emanating from them. Bathed in his sweet, vanilla scent you found yourself tipping forward until your mouth just barely grazed his. You could hear each thud of your pounding heart in your ears. The two of you shared a breath for a moment, before his smooth lips pressed against yours in earnest. 
A lot can be learned from a kiss. Rahl’s mouth moved over yours gently. He let you explore at your own pace, holding himself back from grabbing you and pressing you to him. He wanted you to feel comfortable with him. He never wanted you to feel frightened. It was incredibly difficult with your soft skin so close to his. He had to pull away before he was lost to his own passion, preening a bit when your head followed his for just a moment. You quickly caught yourself, sinking back into the couch, your cheeks on fire. 
“Here, let’s eat before it gets cold,” he reminded you of the chili you’d completely forgotten about, setting the bowl in your slightly shaking hands, “do you want to watch a movie? I downloaded all of your favorites.” 
You nodded weakly, willing your heartbeat to slow, as Rahl brought up a list of movies for you to pick from. You chose a horror movie you’d seen a thousand times and to Rahl’s delight, you snuggled up next to him, finishing your bowl. Suddenly you felt like a couple, like you’d known each other your whole lives. As far as Rahl was concerned this was a dream come true and he quickly abandoned the rest of his dinner to throw an arm around you, holding you close until you drifted off to sleep. 
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yunarim · 1 year
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╰┈➤ summary : you and your reliable partner grim are the most famous interdimensional travelers under the Official Isekai Association. you're used to traveling into psychological thrillers and horrors. however, this time something goes wrong, and you suddenly turn into the protagonist of… an otome game?!
— characters : jade leech, leona kingscholar | kalim al-asim, azul ashengrotto | lilia vanrouge, idia shroud
⌞tags⌝ : gn reader, fluff at times, occasional angst (more angst for kalim's & azul's parts actually), typical manhwas tropes, mention of a typical isekai manhwa death by truck hit... yeah, you go from the first route to the last (from jade to idia), hence the parts are connected
— w.c. : 6.4k+
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⌞notes⌝ : continuing with the second part of the series ~
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“Based on your expression, is the walkthrough going smoothly?” 
Grim asked, jumping on the bed you were laying at, and placed his head on your stomach, chewing something smelling like fish, and you hated the fact you were still not recovered after being pointed out what you smell like by Leona.
“I mean, I can’t see the progress, given you’re the protagonist for this genre,” Grim noticed. “How many are left tho?”
So that's how it looked from someone else’s perspective. Just routes to finish, game characters, literary images, not people who could feel, have their own personalities, and… Feel something for you. You have never thought about otome games before, they were out of your qualification, and now you were sure enough that once you escape this world, you’ll ask your boss to never transmigrate you to otome genre ever again. 
Funny enough, you’re used to dating. Sometimes counterfeiting feelings was a key to the true ending, so you just had to do that at times, but you never actually felt something yourself. And surely you didn't feel loved. 
“Four,” you answered after a short pause, closing your eyes. 
“Make sure to do your job well, henchman,” Grim yawned. “I’ll help you with my magic!”
“Yes…” You replied vaguely, appreciating that thanks to Grim you were given an opportunity to even stay here in NRC, considering you possessed no magic. “I’ll try my best…”
Even if you wanted to leave as soon as you could, having no desire to leave these people all alone after you suddenly crashed into their lives. 
You couldn’t find a proper way to name all the boys routes of whom you needed to… finish. Targets? Characters? Lovers? No, that wasn’t it.
In any case, you checked Kalim Al-Asim’s profile before heading to school. A bright, cheerful person radiating nothing but happiness and joy, a complete opposite of your gloomy and indifferent self. You presumed he would be easy to approach, given how easy-going he seemed, but his social status made you question the ease of the walkthrough. 
A son of a wealthy merchant, close to royalty again. Fine, you wondered if going through Leona’s route made you stronger and more experienced. 
After a half of the day passed you’ve realized you couldn’t find Kalim that easily as you first thought you would. Probably he was being more secure than Leona, and you tried your best investigating where he could be. Most obviously somewhere in his dormitory, Scarabia, but you preferred not to enter the dormitories itselves, ‘playing’ on neutral waters. The transmigrator currency was still the same, because you were paid only after completing the whole story, so you ran out of money to buy the info about Kalim’s location. 
After the classes you also realized you haven’t had enough sleep because of memories made with Leona haunting you at night, and you most probably needed to brew some coffee, which caused you to remember Jade and frown.
No, it’s not the right time to think about them, you thought, entering the school’s kitchen and stumbling upon someone, your forehead hitting someone else’s.
“Oh, I’m very sorry, I didn’t notice… Huh?”
You raised your head, pressing a hand to your forehead, and gasped when you realized it was none other than Kalim Al-Asim, who was mirroring your actions and massaging his head with his hand.
“Oh, isn’t it Yuu! Nice to meet you! I’m Kalim Al-Asim, but you can call me Kalim!”
You were spellbound to say something at the moment, appreciating his wonderful appearance and drowning in the melted gold of his eyes. 
“Nice to meet you too— Eh?”
Before you wanted to continue, a pink glow above his head made you jolt. 
The heart icon was already filled up to half of it. 
Your eyes widened. You’ve only met him! And you were sure that you hadn't met him earlier in previous walkthroughs, so how?..
“Oh, did I hit you too hard?! Oh no, what to do… Jamil, we should call a doctor!!”
Kalim’s face radiating genuine worry appeared too close to yours, and you realized that you fell silent extremely suddenly. You shook your head, replying with a confused smile.
“I’m alright, just lost in thoughts. How are you, though? I hit you too…”
“I’m okay!” He giggled at you, and his contagious laugh flowed to you, causing you to chuckle softly. “But still, we need to make sure you’re fine. Jamil, we should—”
“Yuu-san doesn’t seem to be in danger. Quit exaggerating.”
Ah, right. Jamil Viper, a person in Kalim’s profile mentioned as his personal ‘servant’. 
His figure appeared behind Kalim’s back and approached you. Jamil somehow reminded you of yourself with how composed and calm he looked, observing if everything was right with your forehead. You outstretched your hand to Jamil, regaining composure.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Yuu,” you said, receiving a silent nod.
“Jamil Viper,” he replied when you two shared a handshake, but a sudden Kalim’s complaint cut your strict-seeming atmosphere.
“I want to shake your hand too, Yuu!!” 
“Okay, no problem?..”
You watched through him, focusing on the heart icon filled up to the half, and deepened into your thoughts. 
Apparently the icon was filled thrice, and all three times symbolized three significant events happening throughout the routes. But given you two just met… Wasn’t the system making mistakes?
“Did you want to use the kitchen? You can join us! We’re preparing dishes for the party held in Scarabia. Right, join us at the party, too!!”
“You surely are enthusiastic, Kalim,” you smiled at him. 
“Stop inviting everyone without thinking twice,” Jamil sighed. “Not to be rude to you, Yuu-san.”
“It’s alright, I understand. Thank you for your offer, but it’s just what Viper said. I’ll make sure to join you one day, but I’ve got plans today.”
You actually hadn’t any other plans than getting Kalim to know better, and the party was an excellent opportunity, but at the same time you didn’t want to get too deep to the point you would miss him dearly after finishing his route too. It was getting hard for you to just have friendly chats with them, then growing closer to the point you couldn’t just leave them anymore. 
You wanted to play it safe with Kalim, although suspecting you would fail miserably. 
“Okay! Then come tomorrow. Or the day after, we’re going to have parties every day during this week~”
“Haha, that’s very generous of you,” you giggled. “Maybe I can help you with cooking today?”
“No need, I—” Jamil started talking, but Kalim’s bright shine overlapped Jamil’s words.
“It’s a brilliant idea, Jamil works so hard, it must be really tough! Right, I’ll help too!”
“You… you stay still,” Jamil sighed with a heaviness and annoyance, then looked at you. “Yuu-san is enough. Just watch.”
You asked Jamil where you could find an apron, and he suddenly appeared in front of you, pulling the piece of clothing over you and tying strings behind your back.
“Oh, thank you,” you almost whispered, not expecting Jamil to be so close to you, and glanced over to catch Kalim’s sudden gaze you couldn’t decipher, but a familiar glimpse of overjoy fled from his deep eyes for a mere second, and a bitter smile grew on his face. 
“Ah, I know!!” He suddenly jumped from the chair he was sitting on. “Yuu, you’re living in Ramshackle, right?!”
“Why do I feel like he’s going to suggest something crazy,” Jamil mumbled, but Kalim ignored him.
“Yes, I am,” you nodded.
“You’ll be free at 10 o’clock in the evening?”
You blinked absentmindedly. 
“I guess so. Why?”
“Then just be at home at the time! You’ll see~”
You heard Jamil sighing again and decided to let it be, grabbing vegetables you needed to chop, and continued your work, accompanied by Kalim’s soft cheerful singing.
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You expected anything but a magic carpet ride at 10 o’clock in the evening. 
“Ready, Yuu?”
“No, I’m noooooot!!—”
And with that you flew straight into the night sky followed by Kalim’s happy noises. 
Actually, you thought that after dying for the very first time and then transmigrating from one world into another, make that cyclical, you would fear nothing, but suddenly soaring into the sky wasn’t included in your plans. 
But after seeing the canvas of the island and the sheet of the forest, framed by the endless sea from a bird's eye view, you were so enchanted that thoughts left your head, leaving only admiration.
“It’s beautiful, right?” Kalim said, looking at you and knowing you’re not noticing. 
“It is…” You whispered, remembering the same sky when you were enjoying fireworks with Jade, and shook your head. “Thank you for showing it to me!”
“He-he~ You couldn’t come to the party, so this is my apology for hitting you earlier.”
“As I’ve mentioned, it’s my fault too. I hit you too…”
“Aw come on Yuu, it’s okay. You even helped Jamil with food preparations.”
“Ah, yes,” you nodded. “He’s a wonderful cook, I wasn’t expecting!”
Corners of Kalim’s lips went slightly down, but he returned to his usual happy look when you turned to him.
“Right?? He’s incredible! There’s nothing he can’t do!”
“You surely like him, right?” You smiled at him cheerfully. “You seem to be very fond of him.”
“Don’t you think so too? You’ll realize how cool he is when you grow closer to him. Do you need any help? I’ve noticed your chemistry today~”
Your smile dropped, brows knitting together. Why would he say that?..
“I don’t think so?.. Is there any particular reason for me to get closer to Viper? Not to be offensive, of course.”
“Eh?” Kalim was obviously startled. “You don’t want to? But Jamil’s wonderful person and—”
“Kalim,” you stopped him. “I don’t quite get it at all and no, I have no intention of getting closer to Jamil. I mean, sure, I don’t know what can happen in the future, but as for the present, am I not being with you right now?”
Kalim gasped, gazing at you in surprise.
“I see he’s an important person to you, but we’re enjoying the evening together right now. Let’s talk about you instead, what do you think?”
“Oh,” he said. “You’re… what an interesting person you are, Yuu!”
“Y-yes? Me?..”
“Yeah! What do you want to know about me then?”
“Let’s see…” You hummed, returning your eyes to the sky. “Hm… suddenly I can’t think of anything.”
“People often ask if my family hires someone for a job, or does a certain facility belong to my family, or something like that… Would you like to ask something along those lines?”
“Kalim, wait, I think you’re misinterpreting my intentions,” you turned to him again, gently placing your hand above his. “I’m not going to be an employee under your family’s business. Why would you even think about it? I wanted to be friends in the first place.”
“Ah, friends!! Aren’t we friends already though?” He blinked at you. “Oh, wait, no, I should give you something!! Do you prefer gold or silver? Or maybe jewelry?”
“Kalim!!” You raised your voice, feeling a little overwhelmed. “I don’t need any of those. I was about to ask if you’re okay, it’s getting chilly…”
“Oh,” he laughed, his cheeks growing red out of shame. “Sorry, Yuu. It was just a precaution.”
“I don’t think I follow?”
“No, don’t worry. You’re an interesting person, indeed…”
You sighed, letting yourself lay down on the carpet and exhale the freshness of the night chilly air, and stare at the stars. 
“I don’t know you well. It’s literally the first day we know each other,” you started. “I don’t know your circumstances and what you meant by saying it was a precaution, but… it’s alright if you don’t trust me. But I can assure you that it’s okay, I don’t mind, considering I’m an alien from another dimension, it is only natural to question my intentions. And yet I want you to know that I just want to enjoy this evening to its maximum, and your company is very pleasant to me. We can even sit still and remain silent, somehow I think you’re a safe person to stay alone with. It’s cozy. Ah, sorry, I think I went overboard… Kalim?”
You shifted your gaze to him, meeting his widened eyes and parted lips, and then you blushed, realizing you really did go overboard, saying all your thoughts so easily, but you really couldn’t help yourself. 
Kalim suddenly burst into laughter, flopping down on the carpet with you and continuing giggling softly to the point that tears started accumulating in the corners of his eyes. 
“Are you alright? I said something stupid, sorry…”
“You’re not just an interesting person, Yuu,” he smiled, turning his head to you, giving you a realization he was extremely close to your face. “You’re wonderful.”
“I thought Viper was,” you chuckled, smiling at him and seeing him closing his eyes. 
“Jamil is wonderful, that’s true. And you’re also wonderful. But you’re…”
He fell silent, leaving you without an explanation.
“No, it’s nothing. You’re truly something. Thank you for saying all that to me, Yuu.”
“Remember, Kalim,” your hand acted on itself, grabbing his and interviewing fingers with his. “You’re wonderful, too. Appreciate yourself.”
And with a bright smile you showed to him, you also noticed the heart was filled to the max. You opened your eyes at once, jolting and causing Kalim to question what happened.
No… no, you couldn’t leave him just yet!! Not like that, not after you haven’t figured out an indescribable sadness in his eyes!!
“K-Kalim…” You mumbled, your fingers trembling slightly. “You’re still here…”
“Hm?” He tilted his head. “Of course I am, silly! Where else could I be?”
“You’re right…” You exhaled sharply, drawing him closer to you and enveloping in a tight hug. “Yes, you’re here. I’m glad.”
His whole body was warm, and no bright light filled up the place, reassuring you that right at the moment everything was alright.
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Two weeks passed since you two went on a magic carpet ride, and surprisingly you two really did talk, ate together during breaks, the time seemed to stop its flow. The heart icon above Kalim’s head was glowing with soft pink, filled to the top, and you couldn’t comprehend all that was happening. Your own heart and feelings resembled a ticking bomb ready to blow with all anticipation you’ve carried. 
Did he really feel something for you? But it was impossible to crush down the whole transmigrator system, you knew it was programmed just perfectly and flawlessly, never making any mistakes in its calculations. You’ve requested a percentage of Kalim’s indicators, which you never did here before since the procedure took a lot of time to analyze everything. And today it finally arrived, shocking you even more than you thought it would.
His so-called love meter was filled up to 100%, meaning he definitely fell for you, however…Why hasn’t his route finished yet?
Suddenly a familiar tall figure appeared in the entrance, and you recognized Jade glancing your way curiously.
Shit, you thought, clenching your shirt. 
“Yuu? You okay?” Kalim asked you, his head on your shoulder. 
You were sitting under the tree in the school yard, Jamil sitting at your left and doing homework. 
“Yeah, sorry I startled your sleep.”
“Nope, I wasn’t sleeping actually. Oh, isn’t it Jade over there? Hey, Jade!”
You wanted to tell Kalim not to ask Jade to come closer, but you actually had no right to do that, and nodded politely to Leech, escaping his focused look.
“Good afternoon, Kalim-san, Jamil-san. Yuu-san,” he greeted everyone, not letting his eyes shift from you. “How interesting to see you three together. I presumed Yuu-san… No, forgive me.”
“Yuu is really fun to be with, don’t you agree?” Kalim cheerfully smiled at Jade. “Right, would you love to join us? We’re having a picnic.”
“Would be wonderf—”
“Ah,” you suddenly mumbled, attracting Jade and Kalim’s attention. “Sorry, I think I should get going soon. You three may continue, though, I’m sorry…”
“Eh?” Kalim looked at you. “I thought you wanted to become friends with Jade?..”
“... Apparently Yuu-san is feeling uncomfortable in my presence,” Jade smiled slyly. “It is quite alright. I’ll get going then.”
“Ah, no, I… And he’s gone.” You whispered to yourself.
Right. It wasn’t his route. Anymore.
And before Kalim managed to ask you if you actually wanted to befriend Jade and that he could help, you all saw Leona approaching you with a strange look on his face. 
This day will be the death of you, really.
“Hello, Leona—”
“Herbivore,” Leona interrupted Kalim’s cheerful greeting. “Care to explain what the hell?”
“What do you mean, Leo… Kingscholar,” you carried a habit of calling your current ‘love interests’ by their name, and since Leona’s heart already disappeared, you shook your head. 
“You smell like me. And to remind you, we’ve interacted only once when you stepped on my tail.”
Kalim’s smile dropped, and his usually bright and warm features turned into worried and sad, which wasn’t left unnoticed by Jamil, who apparently had enough.
“I… I have no idea…”
“Senpai,” Jamil suddenly said, grabbing Leona’s hand. “Let me explain.”
“Hah?” Leona asked, annoyed. “The hell?”
“Just. Let me. Explain. Okay?”
Jamil looked at you with an expression saying ‘talk to Kalim immediately or I’ll punch you’, to which you gulped and nodded, thanking him silently.
“You’re so popular, Yuu!” Kalim said when Jamil forcefully dragged Leona out. “Everyone wants to get closer to you! Still don’t want me to help you with Jamil? His eyes were so dreamy when he looked at you just now!”
His eyes most definitely weren’t dreamy at all, though…
“Kalim,” you turned to him, taking his hands in yours and looking at him with all the seriousness you’ve got. “Stop misinterpreting my feelings. Please?”
“What do you mean?..”
“Be a little more selfish!” You pushed. “And please don’t decide for me or for Jamil or for anyone else. If I wanted to befriend Jamil, or Jade, or Leona, or—agh it doesn’t matter who exactly!—believe me, I would do that already. And yet I’m trying to spend more time with you. Did you question why?”
Because I need to finish your route and get on another one… Or so you thought, but that wasn’t the case anymore. 
You wanted to understand Kalim, to let him feel love and happiness, and as for you… It was enough if he could be happy, even if you couldn’t bring yourself to fall in love with anyone in this school. 
It was painful, but you couldn’t deny it anymore — all of them, Jade, Leona, and Kalim — they became dear and important people in your life, who changed it for the better. 
You couldn’t remember when was the last time you smiled genuinely, transmigrating into horrors and thrillers, and here you were, smiling at Kalim and embracing him with a sincerity you never thought you possessed.
“You always wish for other people’s happiness, restraining yourself and not enjoying the time you spend to its fullest. But Kalim, at least when you’re with me, don’t think about anyone. Think about yourself and… Let your own heart decide.”
“My heart…” He whispered, lowering his gaze, and you welcomed him in a soft embrace, drawing him to your chest. “Alright. Yuu!”
A familiar bright light you’ve been growing to hate each time appeared once again, and you worriedly glanced at Kalim, who was smiling. 
“I fell in love with you at first sight, Yuu. Thank you for not betraying my trust and teaching me important things. This is my gratitude.”
He pressed his lips to your forehead, and the last thing you saw was an image of his rosy cheeks and the most bright and genuine smile you’ve ever seen in your life.
“Thank you, too, Kalim.” 
And the hell to the system transporting you to your room in Ramshackle again, labeling Kalim’s route as ‘COMPLETED’.
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“Y’know, sometimes it scares me when you finish another route.”
Waking up next to Grim after completing a walkthrough became a tradition you already wished to be let burn in ashes. 
“What do you mean?” You ask emotionlessly. 
Now that you think about it, you didn’t want to even find out who Azul Ashengrotto was. You possessed no desire, letting your inner child arise, and wishing for everything to begone. You were at the point of no return, and it was already driving you crazy. You certainly weren’t the type to abandon your duties and responsibilities, you've been chosen as an employee of the month more than once, your colleagues often staring at you in surprise at how you managed to save your psyche unscathed after surviving the most horrid things people could witness. 
And now you were closing your eyes, swallowing the urge to cry your eyes out and let you out of this circle of repeating routes. You didn’t want to love or be loved, you wanted to do your job. For what reason though? You never questioned, appreciating the chance to live endlessly after dying, wandering around the worlds with aeons passing through. 
You considered people here your responsibility, too. Normally you were okay with leaving the characters of the finished stories behind, justice being jubilated, and you coming back to the office and letting bosses choose another story for you to enter.
“I mean,” Grim said, crawling to your stomach. “It’s kinda terrifying to see how we remember ‘em, meet ‘em and casually chat, but they don’t even know what happened.”
“You’re right…” He really was. “Though I think they have some feelings left after I… after completing.”
“Leona seems to have my scent lingering on him, Jade also looks like he remembers something. I think Kalim wouldn’t be too much different.”
“Isn’t it even worse than if they didn't remember you at all?”
It was worse, and Grim was right, hitting you right to the core. It was a living nightmare, knowing they possessed a feeling of you experiencing something together, and you were still here, they could ask you, see you, feel you at some point. 
But what will they do when you leave? 
“... I don’t want to get closer to Ashengrotto.”
“He’s your next target, right?” Grim asked. “But you need to.”
“I know,” you inhaled soundly with a heaviness in your chest. “So I came up with another plan.”
“What kind of? By the way, I don’t know about you, but as for me, I’d hurry up and finish ‘em all already.”
“Just to remind you, they’re not objects I could simply manipulate for my own purposes.”
“And you’re not an object yourself to excruciate yourself like that.”
You swallowed an objection, knowing Grim was surprisingly right. 
“As for the plan,” you shrugged the previous topic off. “You’ll see. I hope at least I will entertain Ashengrotto.”
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You definitely had no intention of getting closer to Azul. From the very beginning after reading his profile and seeing 90% of the difficulty level to the point you weren’t sure if you’re capable enough to finish it yourself. 
You’ve created a scheme fitting Azul’s demeanor and attitude, however weren’t sure if it’s going to work, considering you actually wanted to make the system crash down and send you back to the office during the maintenance to never ever remembering everything again. 
Feelings were hard to possess. It wasn’t love, but it was you receiving it. You were sure they all loved you differently — out of interest, of accepting, of admiration. You, on the other hand, couldn’t name your feelings accurately, but you knew that emotions were scary, unknown and addictingly enchanting. 
Which is why you’ve entered Ashengrotto’s office with a feigned smile and a confidence you always seemed to demonstrate in other stories you’ve transmigrated into. Maybe a change of tactics would do?
“Ah, Yuu-san. Welcome to the Mostro Lounge.”
It, of course, was Jade who met you. You knew every corner of the Lounge after spending some time here with Leech, and now, receiving his unwaveringly polite smile, you answered with the same expression, greeting him cheerfully.
“Good afternoon, Leech.”
“How formal,” Jade noticed, but you tried to remain indifferent. “Alright, Yuu-san. How can I help you?”
“I’ve requested a meeting with Ashengrotto.”
And you had no intention of calling Azul by his name in his own route. 
It was controversial. You needed to gain his love and win his trust, but at the same time you weren’t sure for 100%, wanting to escape and let this be as it is. 
“Oh, indeed. Please follow me.”
His wide shoulders and arms that strongly held you when you almost fell off the cliff. The scent of the sea waves surrounding his figure and the way he glanced at you, thinking about something unbeknown to you. Argh, seriously, you wanted to turn back time and enjoy that night with a firework show once again.
“We’ve arrived,” he said. “Azul is informed you would come, so please come in.”
“Thank you.”
“My pleasure, Yuu-san. Be sure to come again for a cup of coffee.”
You clenched your teeth and nodded, knocking twice and entering after hearing ‘Come in’. 
“Good afternoon, Ashengrotto.”
“Welcome, Yuu-san.”
The fragrance of sea waves was even stronger than the one Jade radiated, conjoining with something salty and sweet at the same time. You made your way to the sofa and placed yourself there after Azul nodded, the sea blue of his eyes making you forget all the words you’ve prepared for a moment.
“I heard you have a request to make, am I being correct?”
“Very much so,” you grinned at him.
“Well then, you seem quite determined. I believe you are already informed that everything comes with a price.”
“Sure do,” you nodded. “My request may seem unusual, but I hope you guarantee to grant anything I desire?”
“How persistent you are, Yuu-san,” Azul chuckled. “But worry not, here in Mostro Lounge I can fulfill every wish you make. For a certain fee, of course.”
“Marvelous,” you clapped your hands and stood up, stretching out your hand for a handshake, causing Azul to look at you, questioning your actions. “Well then, hear my wish.”
“I’m listening.”
“Please fall in love with me.”
Azul’s glasses slipped off the bridge of his nose, his eyes widened in shock, and he glanced at you, feeling his cheeks growing hot.
“W-what— Excuse my sudden startle, Yuu-san. Your request is just… quite an unusual one.”
“You said you guarantee everything.”
“I’m not taking my words back, I really do guarantee you that, but… why would you do that?”
“Let’s see…” You hummed theatrically, drawing an outstretched hand to your chin and imitating a frown. “First, you’re handsome. Totally my type.”
“W-what are you saying?!”
“I solemnly swear that I’m telling the truth and truth only!”
“Y-Yuu-san, wait for a moment, would you…”
“Second, I want to experience love. And since you’re the one fulfilling the wishes here, isn’t it quite obvious I came to you?”
“Yuu-san… I believe you’re mature enough to realize that love isn’t something that can be imitated so easily, right?”
“This is why I’m asking you, Ashengrotto,” you suddenly bent over, meeting his flushed cheeks and giggling.
Ah, this is bad. He was actually cute.
“I know you won’t take it easy. Please date me with all the seriousness you’ve got and fall in love with me genuinely.”
A heart-shaped icon above his head filled with a small amount of a pink liquid, and you bit your lip. 
It was awful. You didn’t want him to fall in love with you, genuinely or not, you wanted to be free and him to be happy, not knowing you at all. Anything but destroying him after you leave.
“I promise to do my best too!” You smiled at him. 
But you couldn’t promise to make him happy afterwards.
“Your offer is surely an interesting one,” he averted his gaze, not being able to meet yours, eager and all bubble-like, following his, flustered. “But what can you offer for the fulfilling?”
“Ah, that.”
The system’s databases were sure something else. The information provided by them made your work easier, even if you had to spend all the currency you possessed, now having nothing. You switched roles with Grim, him being the one who became a ‘family breadwinner’ for a time being. 
“I’ll tell you my biggest secret no one in this school knows. No one in the entire dimension knows.”
“Huh?” Ashengrotto said. “What a flattering offer. Why should I trust you?”
“If you will fulfill my wish, you’ll be able to manipulate me, destroy me, make the whole world desire your knowledge and power, because I myself possess the knowledge every person would love to acquire.”
“You’re saying insanely nonsensical things, Yuu-san. But alright, prove it to me.”
“Great,” you clapped your hands. “I know there’s a photo of you and your classmates in the Atlantica Memorial Museum.”
Azul jolted at your statement, staring at your stoic expression.
“How did you…”
“Also,” you continued, getting closer to him and smiling slyly. “I know about the scheme you’ve planned to appropriate Ramshackle and all the things you’ve prepared for upcoming exams.”
“Yuu-san,” he frowned at you, standing up. “You’re walking on thin ice.”
“You wanted me to prove my powers, right? I did just so and I’m guaranteeing you’ll receive all of my power once you… fall in love with me.”
You lowered your gaze, and Azul wondered why would it even change so drastically, going from cheeky and sly to filled with sadness he couldn’t describe.
“... Alright,” he sighed, closing his eyes and fixing his glasses. “Let us sign a contract.”
“Oya thank you~” You giggled, grabbing a pen on the table, ready to sign. “I know feelings are hard to acquire, but please fall in love quickly, okay?~”
“We’ll see. Don’t forget you need to tell me everything once it’s over.”
“I won’t! He-he.”
You’re the one who’s going to forget.
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“Uhm, Yuu-san…”
“Don’t you find this position quite, uhm…”
“No, nothing…”
You giggled with a soft exhale into the crook of Ashengrotto’s neck, thinking about how to escape the predicament you both happened to be trapped in.
You met him after his classes were over, waiting for him to come out from the auditorium, but only had he stepped out, he grabbed your hand and walked you away, accompanied by his classmates noises, hearing something among ‘Woah Azul’s dating someone???’ lines.
And then you realized he never intended to reveal your relationship status, and if the first two weeks went quite okay with you going on fake dates, no one managed to spot you. Or so Azul thought, but you knew Jade also figured out what kind of request you make, glancing over and smiling with an emotion you couldn’t understand. 
So today he accidentally led you two into an extremely small staff room of the Mostro Lounge where mops were stored, escaping other workers’ stares. And it wouldn’t be a problem if Azul didn’t hear Floyd approaching you two. 
So now you found yourself ‘trapped’ in here, your bodies being tangled, which seemed funny to you, while Azul was going crazy, his cheeks glowing crimson in a dim light radiating from one small lamp in the room.
“Ouch, Yuu-san, be careful.”
“The same goes to you!”
His hands on your back made you bite your lower lip when Azul tried fixing his position, but to no avail. You had no other choice but to be pressed to his chest, head empty of thoughts and common sense. 
“Argh, Ashengrotto, you seriously!—”
“Shh!! Floyd’s coming.”
He managed to press a finger to your lips, and you remembered why you found otome games strange in the first place. All those silly situations like this were so stupid and unrealistic when you were recovering after experiencing literal hell in thrillers, but now? Now you were melting under his careful movements and focused eyes fixated on the gap in the door, fishing out Floyd. 
You fell silent, averting your gaze, and felt Azul’s slow breath. Your legs went numb, and when you wanted to change your pose just slightly, you felt Azul’s grip on you tightening, and blushed. 
“Uhm, Ashen—”
“Yuu— Ugh, can’t you just—”
“Aha~ Did I just hear Koebi-chan?~”
You tensed, clenching Azul’s necktie and panicking just slightly when you heard Floyd’s voice.
“Where are you two?~”
“Ashengrotto, I think we should—”
“Yuu-san, just shut up already!!”
“But I might fall just—”
He turned to you with the brightest color of red on his cheeks, grabbing your chin and drawing your face to his, shutting you up with a kiss.
You could have sworn you saw Jade’s intense stare for a mere second, and then also him talking to Floyd.
“Floyd, here you are. Azul told me we’re needed in the kitchen.”
“Eh? But I don’t wanna~”
“Let’s go.”
“But Ja~ade!”
You two parted with a soft sound of Azul’s nervous breath, and he shifted his gaze immediately after you stared at him blankly. 
“You’re hopeless, Yuu-san…”
“Sorry… O-oh…”
You noticed how pink liquid filled the heart to the half and inhaled sharply, grabbing Azul’s hand when he was going to open the door.
“Uhm, nothing… sorry again.”
The kiss made you lose your mind for a moment or two. You needed Azul to fall in love with you as soon as possible before you fell for him yourself. 
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“Yes, Yuu-san?”
“Go take a rest. It’s painful to see you working so hard. I haven’t seen you sleeping for two days.”
Azul sighed, fixing his glasses, and continued writing something. 
“Of course, you don’t see me sleeping, because I do that in Octavinelle.” 
“I highly doubt that…”
You fell silent, sorting out the contracts he made, and stumbled upon a request similar to yours, gasping.
“What’s the matter?”
“Someone asked you to date them,” you frowned. “But you declined.”
“Of course I did.”
“But why? Didn’t you say you fulfill any wish?”
He stopped writing, sanding up and getting on one knee before you, causing you to blush a little.
“Because right at the moment I’m dating you… no, not just that,” he took your hand in his. “I’m falling in love with you, Yuu-san.”
You bit your lip, lowering your gaze and knitting brows together. It ached so excruciatingly right in your chest, you hated every moment of everything happening just as much you loved it. You…
“I have a question,” you said. “Have you not still fallen in love with me?”
“One more word, and I’ll start hating you instead, but…”
He placed his head on your knees, making you flustered.
“Yuu-san, first of all… There’s two things restraining me from loving you with all my heart.”
“Oh, I’m… All ears.”
“First,” he looked at you, pouting with a cute pinkish hue on his cheeks and ears. “Have you ever dated someone before?”
“O-oh?” You found yourself startled. “To be honest, yes, I have. Why?”
“Did you call them by their surname, too?”
“No,” you answered immediately.
“Then why do you call me by my last name?”
There was a reasoning behind that, but you couldn't even clearly judge yourself for your stupid decisions, so you remained silent, receiving his sigh as an answer.
“Fine. The second question possesses more importance anyway. Why don’t you allow yourself to love and be loved?”
You jolted, escaping his serious look, and not daring to give him an answer. You begged for the heart to fill up this instant, but Azul’s stoic gaze remained strict. 
“The answer is related to the secret I’m going to reveal when you finally fall in love.”
“And what if I tell you I already did?”
You smiled bitterly at him, interweaving your fingers with his. 
“You didn’t,” you laughed. “I know you didn’t. And you know it too.”
“Is it related to that knowledge of yours?”
“Correct,” you nodded. “I know how you feel.”
“It might be funny hearing from me, but Yuu-san. You can never know what one feels, even if in reality you had the magic helping you reveal people’s feelings all this time, or anything else — you can’t. Otherwise you wouldn’t say I don’t love you yet.”
You fell silent again. But the system couldn’t lie, the liquid of the heart was still on its half, so was he lying to you at this point? He wasn’t. You knew that too.
Will you believe the system or him, Azul Ashengrotto, his cold hands holding yours, cold too? 
It was insane. It was an absolutely absurd, stupid mess you hated with all your heart. The support and consideration of your own feelings Azul demonstrated to you made you go crazy with a warmth blossoming in your chest.  
He raised his head, meeting your surprised expression, being quite astonished himself, and smiled at you, clenching a piece of shirt in his fist.
“You really… What a controversial figure you are, Yuu.”
“Hey, I… Wait. No, no, Azul, wait!!”
“What’s with you?”
Bright light flowing around you made you burst into tears at once, throwing yourself into his embrace and crying hopelessly, him not realizing what was happening. 
“I,” you sucked in the air, cupping his cheeks and smiling at him. “I came from another dimension and I’ve got two more people’s stories to finish. Y-you, you were my fourth story in this mess, and… Argh, no, please, give me one more minute, I’m begging!!”
You felt how the light was tying up your limbs, and despite your miserable attempts at escaping, it ached. It was not your body aching, but your very heart.
“Please forget about me. Don’t carry my secret, the next time we meet pretend you never felt anything for me. Forget me and.. Thank you, Azul.”
“Yuu!” He cried out, grabbing your hand for a brief moment before you almost dissolved in the air. “Thank you. Thank you for showing me love and letting me fall for you…”
Opening your eyes in the room in Ramshackle you shared with Grim, you’ve decided that you would rather suffer yourself than letting others experience that pain with you. 
Lilia Vanrouge and Idia Shroud are going to be different, you thought, seeing 100% difficulty level under Lilia’s icon in the system, trying to ignore the ‘COMPLETED’ line under Azul’s image, but sweet and salty scent of sea waves made you chuckle nervously and swallow your despair all at once. 
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— tag-list : @coffee-or-hot-cocoa @red-viewe @68thsposts
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© yunarim 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧.
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thesleepyfable · 12 days
~ SWTD: Still Here AU Part 11: ~
In Times of War:
Last chapter before the official Rescue Arc begins.
TW: War, PTSD and Death.
'Attention, all personnel. Message from the mainland has stated that the rescue will be here by 13:00 hours. I repeat 13:00 hours. Gather your belongings and prepare closing down.'
Roper had to admit. He found great joy in making an announcement instead of Rennick.
It was a busy yet strange morning for Beria. The crew ate their breakfast as they worked on getting the rig closed. None of them had done this before. Only gotten themselves ready in swapping shifts or leaving it stable enough for another set of crew to arrive. They'd all been trained, but it was the case of remembering.
Roy, Caz, Finlay, and eventually Innes and Muir worked on moving food from the pantry and into the containers. Leave nothing purchased from Cadal's pockets behind. The last thing you want is to be in debt to them. Brodie and Raffs focused on The Stack with the help of Engineering and Pontoons. There is no need for an explosion now. Luck was on their side, and they'd like to keep it that way.
O'Connor left the Pontoons to Fergus. He accompanied Rennick to Administration to collect all the important documents Beria will need. Despite Rennick seemingly hating everyone, O'Connor was someone he always tolerated. He was one of the few who never got a verbal beatdown and knew to stay in his lane. Plus, working in the depths of the rig meant the pair never saw each other. Just quick acknowledgement as they entered the canteen. Currently, the pair sat outside the building, eating their breakfast in mostly silence.
'I can't believe we're doing this,' Rennick muttered as he chewed through the sausage barm that dripped grease and tomato ketchup. He never knew how hungry he was until his infection. Before, Rennick just survived on coffee and stress. He often wondered how he hadn't dropped dead from it all. 'Sneaking us back to the mainland and hoping they let us go.' Of course, it was McLeary's idea.
'If you have a better idea, then I'm all ears.'
'No. But...' Rennick did not have any other ideas. 'Operation Spy?' Once again, of course it was McLeary. 'We're not spies, Dónal. Look at us.' He pointed to him. 'Tinker.' He pointed to Dobbie, who was walking by. 'Tailor.' He pointed to Innes. 'Soldier.' He pointed to himself. 'Twat.'
O'Connor tried not to laugh through the sip of his coffee. Then, it hit him.
'Did you say my first name, Davey?'
'Oh get fucked, O'Connor. Of course I know your name. I know everyone's first, middle, that you don't have, and last name.' He tossed the rest of his sandwich into his mouth. 'Now, get your specks on and help me.'
Like the old fud he was, Rennick sulked towards his office to begin the search for documents. With a last sip of coffee, O'Connor followed. Good thing, too, because he side-stepped a tendril Rennick was going to use to drag the older man along. 'Alright. Alright.'
'Well, move it.'
Apart from the knocked over books, Rennick's office was practically untouched. Might be because The Shape didn't make it this far before dying. O'Connor went first, put on his round glasses, and began to shift through.
'Surely, they wouldn't need half of this?'
'You'd be surprised,' Rennick scoffed. 'They'll want all of our documents and any damage updates.' He paused. 'Which I never reported.'
'What could you even put in a report now? Beria damaged from an ancient entity we drilled through and royally pissed off?'
Okay, Rennick had to chuckle at that. Just one chuckle, though.
O'Connor continued to shuffle. From daily records to first aid and payments. All were needed. He tucked the most recent file of contracts under his arm and slid the rest of the files towards Rennick, who lingered halfway through the door. O'Connor went to stand, but a glint from a picture frame caught his eye. It sat on a shelf under the desk, and curiosity got the best of him. The resemblance was undeniable. Of course it was Rennick. He was younger. Early 30s. Leaning against a military jeep with two other blokes. They all held their issued rifles with wide smiles and dripping with sweat as they wrapped cloth around their foreheads. Rennick wasn't wearing a shirt, where a tattoo could be seen on his upper arm. What it was was hard to tell due to the angle. O'Connor glanced to his manager, who was shuffling through the files. He slowly walked over and offered the frame. 'I don't think you should leave this behind, eh?'
Rennick looked up from the paperwork, and his eyes widened. He gently took the photo and gazed at the memory. The same feeling from yesterday came back. The nostalgic feeling and the yearning to be young again. O'Connor noticed the hurt look in Rennick's eyes as he dazed off into the past.
The day was a scorcher, expected for the desert. As the soldiers could finally take a break and check their equipment, Rennick was called over by the men who stood beside him. George and Kenneth. The trio had been thick as thieves, and George was going to make sure this was a memory to keep. Rich lad from Cornwall. Always had the best technology. The camera was a birthday gift from home. He gave it to a clearly bored Officer, who had to be walked through how it even worked. Rennick remembered rolling his eyes. He was always impatient.
'Come on, whilst we're still young!'
'Young?' Geroge called as he jogged over. 'I thought Churchill dragged you out of a retirement home, Rennick?'
'By the end of this war, I'll be frog-marched into one.' The three wrapped one arm around each other's shoulder and raised their rifles with the other.
'Say Churchill!'
Rennick snapped back to reality. 'Yeah. We'd just captured Fort Capuzzo. What about you? I never saw you there.'
'I was never in Africa.' O'Connor leaned against the desk. 'I was in Dunkirk.'
'Oh, you poor fuck.' The pair shared a chuckle.
'What happened to the others?'
'Kenneth went to join the R.A.F,' Rennick explained. 'George and I went home at the end of it all and stayed in touch.' A pause. 'He died from a heart attack four years ago. Lucky bastard.'
'And Kenneth?'
'Haven't the foggiest.' If he had to guess, he was either dead or the one sitting in a retirement home. But, enough about that. Rennick focused his attention on O'Connor. 'Didn't agree with Ireland kicking their feet up with The Swiss and Spaniards?'
'Yep. It wasn't right. We were at war. Lives were at stake, and I had a job to do.' With a brief story to tell, O'Connor lit a cigarette. He knew Rennick wasn't a smoker. 'I was a driver. You felt so powerful driving troops across France's fields and roads, avoiding enemy fire. Younger me saw this as an adventure.' Like Rennick, a look of nostalgia washed over him. Then, the hurt look crept in his eyes. 'Until I got too cocky and sent the us into a death trap.'
The crushing pain of the jeep landing on his leg ran through his body. It was a feeling that would never leave. Some would say having a constant limp for the rest of your life was enough punishment, but for O'Connor, it was when he saw...
'Nigel? Nigel? Answer me, please. Get this jeep off me.'
The pair fell silent. They looked at each other for some form of comfort. There was no need for clarification. War was Hell, but there were good moments. It's how you stayed sane. The toughest challenge for both men was returning to civilian life. But, here they were after thirty years. They had to be thankful for that.
Rennick broke eye contact and huffed. 'Well, let's get out of here.' No reason to dwell on the past. Rennick went to move. And he couldn't. Whenever he tried to move his head and 'arm' out of the doorway, he just lightly shook the office. He was stuck. 'One moment. Just...J...' Nope. Completely stuck. 'Can you help me?' He looked at O'Connor, who was trying with every fibre of his being to not laugh. Which lasted about five seconds. He let out a scream-laugh, leaning on his knees and sounding like a dying pterodactyl. It was the mood booster he needed.
O'Connor's laugh must be contagious because Rennick just started to laugh along. His was a hysterical cackle in comparison. Everyone on Deck heard the pair, and Muir could see what the problem was, thanks to his height, causing him to snort.
Through their laughs, O'Connor leaned against Rennick's head and helped him shuffle the arm out, which was causing the block. If he could get himself in, then he could get himself out. Once free, Rennick pulled backwards, causing O'Connor to trip onto the handrailing, but still they laughed.
When all was said and done, they began to head for the Deck.
'So, what was your tattoo?'
'That's something I'm taking to the grave, Mr. O'Connor.'
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Pairing : yandere!Lee Minho x F!Reader Word Count : 1.8k TW : yandere ; manipulation ; yelling ; fighting ; 1(one) slap ; the usual yandere angst ; Request : Anon : yandere lee know?
“Have you ever thought about what things would be like if I wasn’t here…” You pondered over the cup of coffee that you were holding in both hands. The only reason you held it so tightly was just in case he reacted badly to your question, and most of the time, if not every time you brought up something along the lines of you leaving or just not being there in general, he would blow up. The coffee was, in a way, a sense of security, a weapon if it had to be, just to save you enough time to get to the bedroom which had become your safe zone. 
He hummed softly, his fork scraping against the plate, creating the most cringe inducing noise. You wondered if he did it on purpose, but he himself even winced at the sound before dropping the fork and staring at you, so maybe it wasn’t intentional. You questioned everything he did though, it just came as a habit after being stuck with him so long. “Nope.” He said, almost cheerfully, as a smile spread across his face. “I’d like to think that no matter when or where, I would have gotten you at some point. You’ll always be mine, darling.” 
Even though he wasn’t angry, his response still had your skin crawling. He had said in a lot more words that basically you’d always belong to him, and you hated that. You didn’t want to belong to anyone… But sadly, you had ended up with him. The good memories that you had shared with him which feels like forever ago have long since been overshadowed by the constant fighting, the nights spent crying after he flipped out for what you felt to be no reason at all. There was no way out, you had tried to leave so many times before, it only made him more angry, and you had at some point just given up entirely on getting out. 
“What do you like about me though?” The breakfast table had become the birthplace of a brand new idea, a tactic that might have him making you leave instead of you having to find a way out. If you stopped doing and being everything that he liked, maybe he’d just get rid of you and you’d finally be free. Sure, it sounded stupid, but it felt like your hands were tied and there wasn’t much that you could do except hope that it would work. 
A quiet chuckle sounded through his lips as his head fell back, and you wondered if he was thinking about how to answer. Did he even have an answer, or had you just been unlucky enough to fall for him and his charms and he took advantage of that? “I like how you’re so thoughtful of me, making sure the house is clean and that I have something to eat when I get home from work. I like how you’re comfortable enough to walk around the house with your hair all messy and wearing my clothes, it’s so cute. I like the way you curl up next to me in bed every night and that adorable smile you have in the morning before you fully wake up.” You could see his smile growing wider the more he spoke, and for some strange reason, you actually started to feel bad about using those things against him. “I actually love those things about you… And there’s so much more. You’re just… My favorite person in the whole world.” His laughter got a little louder as his head rolled forward, his chin resting in the palm of his hands as he looked at you. “So what do you like about me?” 
Of course, you hadn’t planned on him asking you that question, you didn’t have a single thought in your mind now, and the intense stare down was only making it harder for you to think in general. “Uhm… well…” You chewed nervously on your bottom lip as you looked around the room, but every time your eyes passed over him you could see the large smile that he had been wearing grow smaller and smaller until his lips were set in a straight line and the light that had once glimmered in his eyes was gone. 
“Right…” He muttered, his hands dropping from under his chin to drum against the table. “You don’t love anything about me. I’m the world's biggest piece of shit.” There it was, the victim mentality that he always had. He was the one who was basically holding you hostage, but somehow you were the bad guy for not loving him after everything that he put you through. 
Even still, your head quickly shook, not because you were disagreeing with him, although that’s what you wanted him to believe. You just didn’t want an argument, you had gone a good portion of the morning without getting yelled at, and you didn’t want to start now. “It’s not that… I just didn’t expect you to ask the same question. I was thrown off guard a little.” You quickly tried to excuse your lack of an answer, and you kept your fingers crossed under the table as you waited and wished that he would believe you. 
“I didn’t expect to be asked the question at all…” He mused, leaning back in his chair, his arms crossed over his chest. His eyes were narrowed as he stared at you, sometimes it felt like he was just reading you, reading your face, your eyes, your body language. That’s exactly what it felt like he was doing right now. “But I was able to come up with so many reasons… And you can’t come up with anything? Do you not even love me?” 
You didn’t want this to turn into an argument, you had been actively trying to avoid one all morning, but it seemed like every single route led you to this. “I do… I do love you…” You stammered, already breathing heavily, the instinctive reaction to already be ready to run had you shifting slightly in your chair so that your feet weren’t underneath the table. “I just wasn’t ready-” 
His fists came down on the table and you felt yourself shrinking into the chair, you always became so small when he was like this. “You’re lying!” His voice rang out in your ears as you squeezed your eyes shut. “You always lie to me… Just tell me the truth. Do you love me?” The question would usually have you rambling on and on about how much you did love him, about how amazing he was. It wasn’t the first time he had asked, and even though he knew when you were lying, he would listen with a smug smile on his face. 
You weren’t sure what had changed today, but you were done lying. You were done with running away from him. You were tired of cowering whenever his anger became too much. If you fought back, maybe he’d change his mind about you, about why he loves you. “No. I don’t love you. I don’t love anything about you.” The smirk that he had been wearing while expectantly awaiting your usual response was now fading as he listened to you, turning into a scowl as he stared at you from across the table. “I hate waking up next to you in the morning, I hate when you come home from work and I have to see you. Your touch makes my skin crawl, your kisses make me want to vomit… I hate you.” 
The reaction didn’t come immediately, it actually took a couple minutes for him to process what you had said. This was completely unlike you, it was one thing to know you didn’t love him but have you lie about it… It was something completely different for you to be so vocal about not loving him, about everything you hated about him. “Is that… all true?” He quizzed, almost like he was giving you one last chance, a chance to change your mind, to take back everything that you said. Of course, you’d still be in trouble for even uttering those words, but the punishment would be less severe. Without a second of hesitation, you firmly nodded your head. This was it, you were sure of it. 
Before your eyes had even reopened after blinking, you felt the back of his hand land against your cheek, your face momentarily whipping to the side before going right back to looking at him. You weren’t sure where the courage came from, maybe it was just the months of built up anger from the situation that you were in. You were tired of being the scared little mouse that would cower in the corner of the room, waiting for him to come get you. You would fight back now, and you weren’t sure how it would end, but at least you had tried. 
Everything that had once been on the table was now on the floor with one quick swipe of your hand, coffee mugs shattering against the porcelain tiles of the kitchen floor as you practically lunged across the table at him. “I’m not scared of you, not anymore. You can yell at me, you can hit me… but I’m done hiding from you. I’m gonna leave… No matter what it takes… I won’t be stuck here with you anymore.” 
You were a mere inch from his face, and he had the opportunity to scream at you, to hit you, to do anything he wanted. It’s what you were waiting for as his eyes bored into your own, but strangely enough, he started smiling. His hand came up, gently gripping your chin between his thumb and index finger to hold you in place. “You’re so… feisty… My darling…” He cooed as he stood from his chair, tilting your head back so your eyes would stay on him. “It’s quite adorable that you think you have any say in when you’ll be leaving… You’re stuck here with me forever, you know that.” He chuckled softly, leaning in to kiss you softly. “Although I will add this little act onto my list of things to love about you… It was quite entertaining.” 
All of that… Everything that you had done… The strength that had somehow manifested in that moment… And it was all for… This? For him to find it cute? For him to practically laugh in your face and look at it as a joke? You truly were stuck with him… No matter what you did, you’d always be here. Everything that you did to go against him… It was all pointless at the end. You could either continue trying to fight against him… Or you could try to learn to love him. It would be hard… But it was the only thing you hadn’t tried yet.
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octuscle · 1 year
Full time barista here I’ve always been envious of the men on stage especially the heavy weights. Don’t want to over work the chronivac but help me become a muscle bull as big as jean pierre fux.
Mate, I understand you only too well…. There are few things hotter than the real heavy beefcakes. I've tried it long enough myself… But I didn't make it either. Jean Pierre is a pretty good role model… But I have an idea…
Friday morning. It's 06:00, you have to hurry, in one hour you have to prepare the first coffee. You don't have time for much more than a few situps and pushups. In the bathroom you have to hurry. You need longer and longer to conceal your receding hairline. You are now 40 years old, slowly you just notice that you are getting older. If you go out tonight to party, it will take you almost the whole Saturday to recover. The cosmetic industry has nothing effective to offer against the wrinkles in the corners of your eyes. And even if you don't need to be ashamed of your body: You won't gain much more muscle in your lifetime.
Shit, at 07:00 o'clock people are already queuing up. You hate it when you can't open the store in peace. But as it looks, it will be 10:00 o'clock, until you have the first moment of rest. In fact, it's even 10:30 when your colleague thinks you can take a break. If you need it, he adds with a wink. You look fantastic today! You take a mineral water and sit down in the warehouse. In fact, you feel pretty damn good right now. You drink the water in one go. You don't have much time for a break. And you have to piss again before the lunch business starts. Your lower jaw drops as you wash your hands. Fuck, what happened to you. There are no more receding hairlines or laugh lines. You look ten years younger than when you got up today. The only difference is that you look as if you'd spent the last ten years doing little else but lifting iron. Your T-shirt is almost blown up by your biceps and pecs. And your jeans look like they're painted on your monstrous legs. How could you not notice that? As you tie the apron back on your way back to the counter, you wonder why you were just amazed. Since your 20th birthday, you've spent every spare minute at the gym, investing every penny you earn in protein and supplements. Hell, if you didn't look the way you do, you would have wasted a hell of a lot of time and money.
The calm in your coffee bar begins to subside again. The lunch business is starting up. There's a beefcake in your line that makes you jealous. Yo, bro! he greets you. It's nice to see that there are real men working here, too. What you can recommend to him. You suggest the protein bomb. A scramble of 10 eggs with 400 grams of chicken breast. He grins and nods. And a liter of still mineral water. The bro shares your taste. While you type everything into the register, he asks you if you're all-natural. Of course you are. With the money for the meal, he slides you a card. In case you want to think about it.
It is 17:00 o'clock, when you tie off your apron. Fuck' according to your watch you have walked 12,000 steps today on the few square meters behind the counter. But it also looks like it's been a pretty good day so far. You're 20 now, and the idea of opening your own café with healthy and, above all, protein-rich food came to you when you were 16. That's when you started getting into high performance bodybuilding. And a place like this was missing at that time. And then you built this place with your mentor and trainer as a straw man. But you can't stand behind the counter for more than ten hours. Even if you are the best advertisement for your products, you have to work out at least four hours every day. Otherwise you don't stand a chance on the big stage.
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You might not be one of the big ones yet… But you are on a really good way to get there. You met Jean Pierre Fux once at a fitness fair in Germany. A great role model for you. And he said that at your age he would have been a linnet compared to you. The prerequisites for a brilliant career are there. Enjoy it and make the best of it!
This and other hot pics @anton227ludwig
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