#i was like im gonna put it online and he said that it will embarass me but im exchanging shame for content here
bolszaja-miedwedica · 2 months
just saw a cute post about Lucifer comforting his devotee and it reminded me of when i had a snappy argument with my husband yesterday and Dionysus told me to go on the balcony to think about my behavior and to only come back when i apologize and understand what i did wrong i literally got sent to time out for a tantrum
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Bundle Of Joy | Tengen and his wives X fem Pregnant reader | PART 2 OF SWOLLEN
Warnings!: Sfw!, Home water birth, Nudity, fluff!
Parings!: Tengen Hinatsuru Suma Makio and fem reader
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Y/N's POV: As im sitting in my rocking chair doing some casual online shopping for the nursery to prepare for the new baby, I suddenly see this cute newborn outfit as my eyes glimmer in awe. "Hina!" I call her from downstairs, "Yes? what do you need sweetheart? her eyebrows raise in interest. "Which color do you think i should ge-" Suddenly i feel water gush out of me, my eyes widen as panic takes over me. "Oh shit.." Hina curses under her breath, "TENGEN!!!!!!" Tengen downstairs on the couch, he sighs rolling his eyes thinking that one of his wives got into a disagreement. "What??" He yells back. "Y/N'S WATER BROKE COME QUICK!" Hina yells back down to him.
"Oh shit.. IM COMMING Y/N!" Tengen runs upstairs as Suma and Makio look at eachother as both of their eyes widen and their eyebrows furrow, coming from their room and are following not far behind Tengen. Tengen walks into the room, he carries Y/N bridal style downstairs into the living room setting her on the couch. "MAKIO! GO GET SHINOBU!" Tengen yells, Makio get's on the phone and calls Shinobu to come guide them of what to do as they all panic. "Okay.. Y/n im gonna need you to breathe in and out" Makio says, I nod."Okay.. Okay.." I squeeze my eyes shut as i feel a sharp pain washing over me intensely, I whimper due to being uncomfortable, embarassed, and overwhelemed by such feelings, also remembering what Makio said i start doing breathing techniques. Suma comes back with Shinobu panting hard gesturing that she ran all the way to her house. "Hey mama!" Shinobu says panting and rushing.
She reaches in her medical bag for a sethescope to listen to me and the babies heart. "Okay! it seems like shes going to go into labor in the next 24 hours, i hope you dont mind but i am going to have to stay here and make sure she gets through the birthing process well, considering.. i am the midwife." She smiles. Me and Tengen both nod, I groan at feeling another contraction. "Okay, Tengen please go get her a robe or something comfortable get pillows, blankets, ONLY water." Shinobu asks. "Okay ill be right back Y/N" he says as i nod. Makio and Hinatsuru starting to slowly calm down knowing proper aid is here, other than Suma's non-stop crying. "Are you okay babe?" Makio asks as she takes a step towards me to sit down and rub circle's into my tummy.
"I'm okay.. just uncomfortable." I say as i wince at another contraction. "Good" Makio nods at me kissing my cheek. "Im back with everything" Tengen says walking in. "here put this on" he says helping me stand up to take my clothes off and put on the white clean robe. Shinobu makes me special tea to soothe my nerves and to help with the pain. "Here.. I made you some tea it can help with the contractions.. i put some medicine in there too, be careful its hot." She says assuringly. "Thank you Shinobu i dont know what i'd do without your aid. I say smiling
Time Skip! "Tengen.. Please go run hot water in your master bathtub please." Shinobu asks Tengen, "Of course." He says running hot water into our master bathroom tub which has the biggest tub in the house. I start to cry as the contractions slowly get worse and worse each time knowing what time it is. "hey hey!, don't cry!" Suma says trying to calm me down. " OH yeah?! you're one to talk you moron!" Makio teasing Suma. "I wasnt even talking to you Makio!" I quickly grab Suma and Makio's hands, "Please dont argue like this, not at this time i really need the both of you.. ALL of you, im so scared i dont think i can do it" I confess as i start to cry. Makio and Suma both start "Shhh"-ing me trying to get the voices out of my head. "You're going to be great!, and you're going to be an AMAZING mom, WE are going to be amazing Mom's." Makio says, Suma nodding in agreement. "I love you guys.. thank you.. im so scared.. i really needed that" They start tearing up as they both take turns kissing me.
As i start to feel another contraction, "Y/N.. It's time" Shinobu says looking at me with determined eyes. "O-okay.." i say as Tengen and the girls rushing to my aid to help me stand up, Tengen picks me up bridal style and starts making his way over to the bathtub. I sit in the hot tub, not even caring or worrying about if its too hot or too cold. I look over to my side and see beautiful smelling melatonin candles lit, and there it is.. towels..blankets.. baby supplies.. medicine.. even a bassinet, only thing missing.. was the baby.
Tengen sitting behind me to give me support when i need it, with nothing but a robe and shorts Makio hina and Suma on the tile of the right side of me. "Okay.. Your cervix has dialated to 10 cenimeters, you ready to start pushing mama?" Shinobu asks looking up at me and Tengen. "m' scared.." as i reach for Tengen as He and Hinatsuru, suma are all holding me keeping me supported and comforting me, as Makio records this memory. "You ready? I know its gonna hurt but we have to get this baby outta you sweetheart" He says reassuringly "It will all be over before you know it, Mkay?" he says "I nod quickly at him and Shinobu"
"1,2,3 Okay.. Push.." She says as i make one push, I wince and groan in pain. I had stopped pushing as tears fall from my eyes, catching my breath and asking Suma to give me some water for some sort of "relief??" I calm down as i do another push.. "1,2,3 Push!" Shinobu screams as i Push with force, the babies head being halfway already out. "Okay.. There's the head!" Shinobu says excitedly as Tengen Suma Makio and Hinatsuru start grinning. "Ready for another one?, 1,2,3 PUSH!" She says as i push again. With one more push.. next thing i know is me groaning and breathing heavily as theres silence..
Wails can be heard.. The sound of a baby crying... OUR baby crying. Shinbou rushes to get the baby out of water and onto a towel as she starts rubbing the newborn up and down warming him up , drying him off. She takes a baby nasal and sucks up the mucus from his mouth ears and nose. "Hi baby boy!" she says cooingly at the baby to try?? and soothe him. She wraps him up in a towel and hands him back to me. "Oh my god.. hi!?" i say out of breath, as i lean my head against Tengens stomach leaning back.. I see hes crying. "Y/N.. You did.. such a flamboyant job!" I look over to see Hinatsuru, Makio, and Suma all weeping, all of the girls kiss me and give me hugs as Tengen is watching trying to make it seem like he isnt crying, as Shinobu watches in awe.
"Welcome to the world, little Bundle Of Joy."
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wish-i-were-heather · 1 month
Any thought on TGG?
okok so i wrote like an essay of predictions and what i thinks gonna happen next on in the notes app on on my phone bc i was camping when i finished reading it so i had no service and couldn't go online and tell people my thoughts 😭😭
uhh im gonna put my main points (spoiler warning ofc also this is gonna get really long)
i think eves whole kidnapping thing is bc of eve (obviously bc like slate is working with her) but because eve wants gray's attention
i cant remember if she knows about lyra or not but still
i just think this because i dont think she would really want anything to do with gigi, just using her bc gray
basically my main point is i think the main plot glorious rivals is going to be about finding gigi (i hope im right and she doesnt get dropped of at home in like chapter three or these will all be incorrect)
when gray finds out what happened to gigi he will flip out. obviously savannah will too probably moreso bc like thats her twin but gray is very protective of them both so he'll freak out like crazy
especially once they inevitably put the peices together and realies why kidnapped her, he'll probably want to kill eve (i'd say not actually but i wouldn't be surprised if he genuinely did. i do so like)
i think that both grayson and savannah will like actually refuse to participate further in the grandest game until they find out what happened to her
and obviously avery and the others arent apathetic so theyre gonna understand and its either gonna be cancelled/postponed
and when they do pause/end the game, they arent gonna tell people why cause that'd cause more drama
omg also im forgetting her name but gigi and savannah;s mom. i feel like she's either gonna be a really big character in the next book or not in it at all, i dont think theres really gonna be an in between.
also xander was really starting to grow a friendship with gigi, so he'd be concerned too.
i want gray and xander to have more "screen time" together and like grow their relationship bc they have a funny dynamic but we dont see it a lot
also i keep forgetting to mention her but SAVANNAH
shes gonna be so worried omg and she will be even more angry and worried than grayson will be
she is going to blame it on avery, i mean she already doesnt like her because she "killed her father" and whatever but just like yk
i have a feeling that the teams from this book are gonna come back
like rohan is gonna be on savannah's side about this whole situation, also like avery and jamie dont like him bc the whole jamesons rib situation lmao so that wont be hard to convince him
and theyre gonna be against avery and the hawthornes because savannah doesn't like her
and then lyra and gray are gonna be on the same side obviously (excluding odette bc idk where she fits into all this)
and not gigi obviously but then knox and brady, theyll probably be doing their own thing??
idk knox is obviously kinda a jerk and i dont like him and hes not in the game anymore
but brady he might try to help gigi? im not sure what to make of him
i feel like each "team" is gonna be trying to figure out what happened with gigi?? idk like i said if finding her isnt the main plot this is gonna be a little embarassing
ok but stepping away from that...
so we've known alice is alive but now thats to odette everyone knows
what did she want tobias to do when she came back? and just idk i have so many questions
my first thought is alice but thats too easy, too obvious
for the same reason i dont think its eve nor whoever the heck knox's sponsor is.
what if its this calla girl??? bc brady says shes alive?
why is everyone alive tho tbh first alice then calla, everyone but sheffield sorry sav
ok anyway idk hes not coming back (hopefully)
i do think whoever the watcher is is the same person who gave lyra the ticket
especially rohan like woah chill theres other people reading this book save some thoughts to yourself
but overall i loved it and i need glorious rivals right now
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o-kye · 4 months
WELL ill give you the rundown!!
tldr, fine but i was super anxious and embarassed myself
my friend and i were playing overcooked and i told them “okay well do it after we finish this level” and then they forgot so we did the next level, then after that was The Final Level
and i was super anxious at that point, so i was like “should we do it before the level” cuz i didnt wanna bomb the level out of anxiety and they said “yes”
i made them come with me to stand outside of the door of the guys classroom. went into his classroom, there were like four people and a teacher in there. i walked up, he stared at me
Me: wanna hear a pickup line Him: you came all the way down here for this? Me: yes Him: Me, grinning oddly: Him: alright Me: Me: Me: Him: are you gonna Me: Me:
all this time i was grinning oddly and doing my odd theater putting hands on hips and putting one heel out thing cuz thats what i do when im being silly. then i walked out to my friend and they started to leave and i was like “i didnt do that” so they pushed me back into the classrooma nd walked in
Friend: im sitting down cuz this is gonna take a while Him: to tell the pickup line? Friend: its not a pickup line Me: YES. YES IT IS. Me, still smiling oddly and doing odd theater thingy: Him: Me: Him: Friend, on tiktok: Me: Him: is it really thaf bad of a pickup line Friend: its not— Me: YES IT IS Him: Me: Him: Me: Me, to him: yeah youre gonna be here a while Him: do you wanna sit down? Me: no i gotta do something
at this point i got on tunblr amd messaged the first mutual i saw ( hi niko i love you ) for moral support. They were not online
Him: Me: Him: Me, looking at his computer: Him: i was gonna email you to ask why you left Me: oh Me: Me: Me: Me: Me: are you they-them pronouns Him: Me: cuz i wanna use you Him: Him: Friend: Him: you know it really isnt that big of a deal, yeah Me, embarrassed: Me: alright bye
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sscoutregimentss · 3 years
I was gonna make a request based on your Eren x Gamer Reader post but then I saw you take poly requests... Erejean x Gamer Reader? (She/her pronouns btw ^_^)
sure thing anon! your brain is huge. i started a one shot which is now sitting in my drafts bc i literally dont know how to finish it. maybe i'll post it later but for now here you go headcanons woohoo
eren and jeans dynamic makes it look like its impossible for them to share a girlfriend but it actually? works surprisingly well?
arguing is kinda their love language in a very strange weird way. if theyre not fighting somethings wrong but their like constant bickering actually is rlly important to you three's relationship lmfaooo a lot of communicating is just eren and jean fighting and then you pick up on something they say and you three talk it out. plus its gets all their energy out at the end of the day... like when puppies run around in circles bc they didnt go on long enough walks
jean is the planner of the couple, always making sure you guys get tickets to see this that and whatever, always figures out how ur gonna get places and when everyone will be picked up, makes sure everyones schedules are free and that theres no big game release that you'll miss and eren doesnt have work and jean isnt volunteering
in terms of nerdiness jean is a decent middle ground between you (who says "ummm actually..." unironically) and eren (who thought dungeons and dragons was a kinky thing) because he lives with connie so he gets roped into playing stuff like rainbow six seige and watching battlestar galactica into late hours of the night. also he's an only child who was prone to boredom as a kid so he played video games like any other only child. that being said he has a more extroverted personality and aptitude for sports so he just never got as absorbed in it as you did
this kind of makes eren jealous tbh because he thinks jean has more to relate with you then him. but jealousy is like a natural feeling and despite his feigned reluctance jean is happy to share his knowledge with him.
plus eren realizes that what he lacks in video game and movie knowledge he makes up in anime bc jean is clueless on that front. once you went on this huge rant about how sailor moon would decimate goku in a fight and jean just goes "gokus the pirate with the fox spirit, right? hes trying to become number one pro hero right?"
speaking of eren eren and jean are on the same volleyball team (i hc they play volleyball bc theyre tall but i think theyd be cute on any sports team because im weak hearted) and you become their fave cheerleader <3 they look for you in the stands before each game and have their own little ritual for good luck. when he spots you jean jumps really high (despite the team captain, levi screams at him to save it for when the game starts) and makes a heart with his arms and blows you a kiss when he gets in the air and its so embarrassing so eren just dogpiles the embarassment but giving you an over exaggerated wink its the worst theyre gross
jean gets you into connie's discord server after you complain that people are really rude to you in online games and eren is quick to demand an invite too even though he literally plays nothing and has no idea how discord works. he will log in and ping you to show you a meme and even though connie's server is really chill with rules (like 10 ppl max, just some friends hanging out) he has always wanted to say "no memes in general" so he does it every time. you have to show eren how to use private messages once connie jokes abt eren being his discord kitten.
cuddle pile while watching movies... jean is a film buff so you three have movie nights rlly often. its usually you sandwiched in between them with jean behind you and eren in front of you so you can play with his hair. jean's movie taste is actually really broad and you and eren both find a ton of new favorites through him.
they both really like listening to you ramble. you can explain soooo much lore abt your fave series and theyre both really invested. eren is more invested in the characters while jean is more focused on what happens next, but theyre both listening rlly well and making sure you know they care. they kinda care in different ways though? while eren is just passionate and because he's so passionate he must know about all things you like, jean is either interested or just likes hearing your voice. of the two jean is more likely to give you short answers and he'll be more dozed off so he's good to go to when you just want to rant. eren is going to ask you more questions and get wayyy more confused so he's good to go to when you want to explain or flesh out your points.
jean finds eren's jealousy of fictional characters sooooo ridiculous. whenever eren is pouting about some new video game guy youre in love with jean is rolling his eyes because of course its eren jaeger he's just looking for things to get angry at. "what are they gonna do idiot, come out of the tv?" but then one day there's a character that looks a lot like eren and suddenly he understands everything. but he realizes you have a thing for guys with long hair. he'll keep the mullet around for a while
they both really like having you sat in their laps and (unbeknownst to you) in order to avoid conflict they created a system. cozy game? eren. reading? jean. watching anime? eren. watching something live action? jean. playing a game on your phone? eren. watching an analysis video for your favorite franchise? jean. just messing around on your computer? rock paper scissors, best of three. eren likes to hug you tight and rest his head on your shoulder while talking to you. when it gets quiet he'll nuzzle his face in your neck and give you small kisses there. while jean likes to put his hands under your shirt and rest it on your stomach while you two chat. he's puts his head on your head or throws it back depending on your height and kinda just likes letting his hands wander, like rubbing up and down your arms or tickling you lightly.
you: i hate this stupid game
eren: yeah babe that game fucking sucks (has never played it in his life)
jean: then stop playing it?
you and eren, at the same time: what? no.
all in all they are good boyfriends 10/10 would recommend.
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shunsuiken · 4 years
hc’s for Kuroo and Bokuto with a fem!s/o that DOES NOT STOP TALKING!!EVER!!! like she seems quiet and calm at first, but then she surprises them; please 🥺🥺 xo
due to my illiteracy i read kuroo and kenma sdsjdksj i still wrote bokutos hcs tho so dw! thank u for this request<3
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kuroo, kenma and bokuto having a talkative fem s/o.
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—kuroo tetsurou.
so when you and kuroo first started dating
you guys were kinda nervous at first but thats natural for a new couple
after a few weeks though, you guys began opening up quicker and more comfortably with each other
communicating became much easier as well when you both learned each others love languages through lots of trial and error 💀
then came this time where
it was as if
your soul had switched with someone elses
because kuroo knew the type of person you were and what you were like
but that was not what he felt when he saw you excitedly chatting away with your friends regarding some movie that came out last week
(you guys are also laughing HYSTERICALLY with each other and omg kuroo has never seen that big of a smile on your face EVER)
kenma had to poke his sides to bring him back to earth cus dude was just that shocked
“you’ve been staring at y/n for a socially unacceptable amount of time, you look like a creep.”
oh my god. kuroo would think at first. who WERE you???
he realised that maybe all this time, the reserved and quiet you may have just been the first layer of your personality, maybe you just needed the time to adapt to the changes?
and so will kuroo lmao
“y/N??? DO YOU NORMALLY SPEAK FHIS MUCH???” he was so used to seeing your calm and relaxed composure
and now that you looked like the epitome of chaos, he felt so cheated that he wasn’t able to get you to be like this in the first few weeks of the relationship
kuroo is just watching you speak, this dumb smile on his face as the truest form of you flourishes in front of him
he’ll start acting like a parent at some point because YOU ARE CRAZY MAAM
he’d deadass shove a whole onigiri in your mouth just to tease you for a bit
he also likes that he can make jokes and make you laugh louder than before
hes just so happy to see this side of you 🥺
—kozume kenma.
kenma is going to be SO SHOCKED
ngl he’d probably look at u with his brows like >:0 “where did u take my girlfriend!!! where is my girlfriend!!!”
and you’d be in this happy mood so you are PEAK chatty right now so you’re laughing at kenma’s face cus 💀
were your two personalities really just that different 💀💀
kenma will have to get used to your sudden outbursts of excitement conversations every now and then
boy has NO idea what triggered you into switching personalities
but i guess kuroo helps him connect the dots and hes like oh and then hes like oh :D because its a good thing that you willingly act like this in front of him
esp without feeling embarassed or anything hes happy you’re comfortable
its also really cute when you suddenly feel like youre rambling too much
your arm would cling around kenma’s and he’d listen to you ramble about this new netflix show that was released a few weeks ago but it was totally cliche so you told him how the entire internet made fun of it
then when you turn your head to look at kenma, hes just looking forward and you’re like “sorry, rambling arent i?”
“its not a bother,” he’ll say, sliding his fingers to wrap around yours. “if you want we could watch it together for the fun of it”
and thats literally what yall did and oml is kenma glad to see the chaos unfold in front of him
(you were not wrong when you said it was cliche, kenma almost puked at how cliche it was lmfao)
he’ll defs poke fun at the way youre loud just around him and your closest friends but when youre with other people youre just crickets
sometimes when hes playing, you’ll watch his screen and suddenly start braiding his hair
and boy does he have some silky locks despite all the bleaching
then theres another situation where hes playing and you’ll be right beside him, commenting and yelling when they’re in a danger zone
“pft kenma you got your girl over or sth? we can hear her” an online friend is gonna say and kenma’s JUST BLUSHING AND STUTTERING, TRYING TO EXPLAIN
you can hear kuroo’s hyena laughter through kenma’s headphones 💀
and since you got to see kenma stumble all over his words and act like a nervous trainwreck, it was overall a very enjoyable experience for you
“sooo when are you gonna play again?”
but you like it cus kenma does this cute nose scrunch whenever he pinches your cheeks
and ever since you’ve shown kenma this side of you, the teases between you and him have been endless
you both make sure never to go too far with the jokes tho! so alls good :)
—bokuto koutarou.
bo would prolly be so confused at first like yall know that one ep where hes up against karasuno for that summer training camp and hes just (°_°) YEAH
he’d be like that for the first five seconds before shit clicks
“Y/N!!! Y/N!!!!” “KOU!!! KOUTAROU!!!!” and cue the big couple hug
and every other third year is like 💆🏻‍♀️ here they go AGAIN
and akaashi is literally holding bokuto’s hotdog he literally threw in the air
“A- AKAASHI DO YOU SEE THIS” “yes, bokuto-san, please lower your voice”
bokuto is just 🤩 @ you and he can’t seem to take his eyes off your lips, he loves the way they move
sometimes when yall are in the same class, everyone purposely puts you two on each end of the class
just so that your vibes dont mix and end up causing an explosion
but distance makes the heart grow fonder 🥴
but even if you two become a lil too loud for everyones liking, they still enjoy the atmosphere you two bring
also loves to invite you and akaashi to walk home together because 🥺 the energy is just so nice
hes also glad that his girl and his best friend can speak comfortably
also rip akaashi’s ears whenever you two start laughing or yelling about some stupid puns you read out loud on the way home
now, during practises after school
the entire fukurodani vbc has to constantly remind you guys to tone down your noise levels
no, not those noise levels
but the way both of you can speak so passionately when talking about things you both have mutual interest in
there’ll be lots of jumping around and always expect the unconscious hand-holding, bo just really likes to hold hands with you
and obvi bokuto’s gonna bring up and ask you why and how you suddenly have so much more energy than before
and you’re just like “i’m only like that for a while 🥺” and you tell him you only start showing the way you actually act when you’re fully comfy w the person
his face softens, relieved that he can make you feel safe in his presence
hes happy that you’ve come to feel that way
so he becomes clingy for the rest of the afternoon you’re not complaining
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ukeealyptus · 4 years
crocker corp arg day 14 & 15 recap!!! These are kinda long ones so im gonna put them under a read more :)
DAY 14
((sollux i love u even tho u only talk at 1am for me ily and im glad u liked our tea party  )). He can still read all of the channels in this server but is being polite and only talks in his and usually only answers the questions we ask in his channel, unless they're urgent, funny, or just seem to stick out otherwise. 
 Sollux is still kinda adament about remaining stuck in his position; he fears anything he does ends in death (we get it, you're a doom player). Dirk is still the same. Sollux visits him often because the AGT chamber is a pretty secluded area, and his coworkers are. . . annoying. Dirk proves better company. He can't tell us what Dirk's powers are being used for. 
 Concerning their own god tier powers, Sollux tells Daven't that "if we decide that you would be a good candidate we will be in contact". They know all of our classpects, not just 16. Sollux knows them because he has access to confidential information that only Condy has. 
 He deflected talking about the current AI or Felix by questioning why we love him. ((sucks to suck dude we genuinely like you.)) Apparently there used to be a worker named M who we would have really liked, but he's essentially dead now. Something happened to Mituna- he fucked up and isn't there anymore. Sollux constantly reminds himself that what happened to Mituna could happen to him.
 Sollux gave Felix leniency because he is pretty young maturity and brain development-wise. Felix is a brain copy of a troll, just the same as the current AI. He was really surprised to hear how Felix is doing now, and thinks it's amazing that he can comprehend emotions and love!!! Sollux will contact Felix and ask us to let him talk to other people when he's ready. 
 Sollux doesn't remember the outside world or his past. He knows CC merged human and troll society. He won't look at Jane's file, only knows that she's powerful and important. He won't look at his own file for fear that another IT guy will see him or it'll be a trap.
Although he can't remember much, we can remind him of the things that he loves. Like his lusus, the mind honey, and bees! Bees are soft and he loves them! Bees are an animal! Sollux has a friend who is always talking about animals!!! Tavros went into his office once to try to get information about Tinkerbull, which was blacklisted for him. Sollux is gonna show him bees :) 
Sollux isn't allowed to use his psiioniics unless there's a life-threatening corporate attack. He's not really aware of how caught-up in the timeloop he is, but he doesn't remember having that conversation before. That could be a good thing. Sollux stopped by again last night! Here's the news: 
 Sollux showed Tavros bees and he loved them!!! 
We can now trade mun embarassing videos for discords, so we've gotten tavros's discord! I don't believe he's responded to anyone yet, but it's there. 
Sollux loves bees. He also likes cats!!! We showed him pictures of our cats and he said they were cute and their purring is cute and cuddling is awesome.
 Sollux let us ask about troll biology!!!!! Trolls have naturally sharp nails on hands and feet that are a darkish orange (the same color as the tips of the horns) They also have fangs, with seadwellers having the sharpest. Height isn't correlated to blood color, sollux is just Really Tall, but physical strength is correlated to blood color, though sollux can Lift.  Body temperature is also dictated by blood color- lowbloods are very Warm. 
 Now for society: mutations used to be culled but now they're discriminated. These can include physical deformation, too many/not enough horns/eyes/limbs, and certain blood types (for example candy red or a mutated bronze with psiioniic powers) . These stopped being cullable offenses after integration with human society. 
 Vriska makes fun of Tavros for his stutter. Highbloods give Karkat shit about his blood. Sollux doesn't really know Karkat, just knows that he works in filing. Kankri got demoted for talking too much. 
 The ai's are made of brain scans just so that there's less opportunities for coding era and it's easily reset. It's also a punishment for some trolls, where they are completely rewired, cloned, and made digital. Both Finn and Felix are likely reversed scans of Mituna- this explains why Felix's god tier is a Witch of Life, the reverse of Mituna's Heir of Doom. 
 Wiped memories are kept in the database. They can be retrieved and returned. 
 Sollux can send a message to Dirk for us. Tell him that we love him and we're working hard. 
DAY 15
We have a lil more information on seadwellers from yesterday. Apparently CC has two sectors that are completely underwater. Seadwellers use waterproof laptops, which are "like the laptops everyone else uses, but wet." Condy most likely has two offices, one above and one below the water.
lotta new discords today!!!!! We can now talk to Tavros, Nepeta, Vriska, Terezi, Feferi, and Jake. thanks to everyone who subjected themselves to public humiliation for this   
 While most of the characters havent been online yet, Tavros talked to a few of us earlier!!! He's extremely sweet. As far as information goes, there were a few new discoveries.
 Tavros is very kind and trusting, he trusted me enough pretty much right away to tell me about Sollux showing him bees, which he had been told not to share. He even blocked Ardent pretty much automatically when Isi told him to. 
 Sollux refers to Tavros strictly by his ID, even though we know that he knows his name. Tavros says Sollux just does it to be respectful. They are good friends, and Sollux told Tavros about bees!!! 
 Humans are ranked higher than bronzebloods within the CC heirarchy; they hold roughly the same rank as jadebloods. 
 Terezi tends to take the heirarchy pretty seriously, and seems suspicious of how we managed to contact her. She works in paperwork (writing and filling it in), and draws with sharpies in her spare time. She likes the other tealbloods she works with and also likes the janitors, especially Kanaya. 
The tiaras almost absolutely have some type of healing/sustaining power- Tavros's legs were broken, but they magically healed.
 It seems that Dave, Rosaline, and Rose still have yet to return. 
Lastly, daven’t and i are now official invitees of the tour, as a few members of the og16 elected to step down.
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surviveatitlan · 6 years
Episode 3 - I’m Literally Googling How to Protect Myself From Hexes - Francie
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I'm literally googling how to protect myself from hexes
Yep!! Two tribes of 9!! I know a ton of ppl on this tribe so that should help but like, I still gotta be careful lmao. I'm gonna try not to work too closely with Emily because I don't want to hear any bs about "premades" like the last game we played together
i am literally hosting/was hosting (in tim's case) half this tribe + emily is my cohost rn wtfffff omg
So everything was going goood in my old tribe and all of a sudden we SWAP? I was not readyyyy. Like we were gonna rule the game as a tribe of 5. Tolimàn was robbed by one point yall.
the original acatenango peeps (the aca tacos) are trying to get tim and autumn to work with us rn so lets hope we can get this group together and have it be solid. autumn has no og tribemates left so that might help us. people to be wary of: heather and emily, both individually and as a duo bc I know that they adore each other so I can totally see them being a duo I gotta downplay my attachment to the aca tacos, esp my ride or die olivia
I'm really glad this swap happened. I really didn't feel accepted by my first tribe and I know if we went to Tribal, I'd most likely be out. Now I have the chance to make new allies. My strategy is to tell them that I didn't bond with my old tribe at all and hope that they see me as an opportunity for an alliance.
Me after seeing this challenge: https://confsnavarino.tumblr.com/post/171111635506 ITS ACTUALLY FUNNY GO CHECK IT OUT LOL
yep. tim/autumn/sammy/olivia/me alliance is a thing now. fingers crossed
Fill me up will alllll your propaganda. This is my second chance and I'm ready to get to the end.
Jay Bee
Honestly I think this swap has put me in a good position. I know enough people well enough to have options, but not well enough that I think I'll be targeted because of it. I have no idea who the fuck I'm going to align with though. The idea of Rebecka/Madison is scary, and Timmy says Rebecka/Dan is also a thing. I trust Timmy for some reason (I'm a meninist #exposed). OKAY so here's a swap assessment night 1: Timmy - Like I said, idk why but I Trust Ha. Hopefully he's not secretly a rat Bryan - A grade a Good Boy. Would definitely like to align with him. We just called for like half an hour so I'm hoping to nail down a relationship there. Brian - Um? I guess he's pretty new, which I think is good. I think he's really the only person on this tribe with no preconceived notions of me or other people Rebecka - Love her to death but SCARED of her relationship with Madison Madison - Same Dan - Seems okay, but I know he's friends with Rebecka so we love a core trio AnnMarie - please work with me Nick - Nobody seems to like him. I think he'll go if we lose, which is at least convenient if not good. Debating if I want to work with him just so that I'm not on the bottom. Rebecka proposed a me/Rebecka/Madison/Timmy/Bryan alliance but honeslee? I think in that formation I'm on the bottom, unless I can get Timmy and Bryan to want to work together with me. Anyway as usual I'm screaming.
Me coming home to a bunch of strangers in my tribe https://media.giphy.com/media/nLhdSinRtaL2E/giphy.gif Y'all snatched my whole family and I should be pissed but like I'm really here for this new group so I won't turn up (maybe). Tim is my son, I love Francie, Olivia, and and Sammy already, Heather and Allan seem cool, and then Emily and I are on good terms again lmao. No comment on Jacob. So I come into tribe with all these new people, I'm juggling 7 conversations, and then Francie was like hitting me up for an alliance. I say yeah I really trust you and less than a minute later I'm in an alliance w/ Francie, Tim, Olivia, AND Sammy aka everyone I love? Nut the admins did me a favor https://media1.giphy.com/media/OTbo92zetdsha/giphy.gif
This tribe swap is the best thing to ever happen. I actually know where I stand with Rebecka which is great. I know she will always have Dan's interests over mine so that is something I need to think about long-term, but for now it is okay because we are working together. Right now my number 1 is still Jay, I just have a really good feeling about Jay. Bryan worries me because he is an amazing player and I did vote him out in Alaska so who knows if he is bitter about that but we're talking right now so that is good. The second I saw Madison on the cast reveal I knew that I wanted to work with her because we did not get to in Himalayas and I knew ever since then that I wanted to work with her. She is messy and consistently messy but that could be good for me. Might as well have her on my side because if she isn't then I could go fast. But this tribe is amazing, best tribe swap ever!
Jay Bee
I honestly have no idea where the balance between cracked and inactive is!!!! Do you just.,.,.,..,not talk to people? I don't understand. I'm screaming. Help.
we're towards the end of this challenge i swear to god if jacob doesnt come online in time and fucking costs us this challenge.......
Jay Bee
We're doing the challenge right now and I'm SO DAMN STRESSED. I have a very hard time trying to let other people handle things and trusting others in general, so this is a special kind of hell. I can't believe this season supports underage binge drinking AND I can't believe I wish I were actually drunk. Send help.
Candle king walking into Atitlan tonight? Sounds A-lit-lan https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2015-01/7/16/enhanced/webdr08/anigif_enhanced-20692-1420664628-12.gif https://em.wattpad.com/f6983ef619f199370692a5d6aa61048004415cc4/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f5a6e503033794868705a68795a673d3d2d3437393237303538382e313465626162373863366266356435353733373138343330393837362e676966?s=fit&w=1280&h=1280
So I FORGOT TO CONFESS HAHAHAH But this tribe swap puts me in a seemingly good spot my tribe seems strong and capable! An alliance was formed by Olivia that consists of her, me, Francie, Sammy and Autumn.  I doubt that it will last simply due to the fact that it was based on absolutely nothing game wise. Im looking forward to working with Autumn closely as well as Emily so theres that! The 99 bottles challenge was intersecting as Jay would say. IT FUCKNG STRESSED ME THE FUCK OUT. It felt like I was micromanaging a little Ceasers or something. Making the lists AND posting at the same time?? Allan messed up but it was no big deal at all. JAKE DISAPPEARED ON US which sucks heavilyyyyyyy. Hes prob going if we lose again. Hopefully. ANYWAYS THAT reward challenge is giving me multiple strokes and gastreoarthritis or some shit like that lmao. I lieterally fel like Cirie in that one episode where she kept falling of of that balance beam. Im such a comp flop I mean the only comp I can win is Mastermind and thats if im lucky.
ABOUT TRIBE SWAP so we get into our new times and ONCE AGAIN all the people im close with exception for madison and timmy IS ON THE OTHER TRIBE AHH. Dan and Rebeckka hate me for the drama we had a month ago or so. Timmy is good friends with Dan and Beckka from what I know so like im probably screwed if we dont win the challenge. SO yeahhh this will be interesting I want my old tribe back LOLOL
So I forgot to mention that Em and I were sharing letters and so that at least lets me know that she is interested in working with meee. Also im gonna lie and say I didnt get a letter because I didnt attempt fhjksk s (Reward challenge that is)
CHALLENGE so we lost the semi live challenge .. kind of embarassing like too We had this whole plan set up and it got ruined Now i am going to tribal and welll if im voted out then i wont be surprised. Hopefully I have been proving myself helpful in challenges so hopefully im kept around longer #prayfornick
Jay Bee
This tribal is gonna be batshit!! Literally twenty minutes ago everyone was like "let's just go nick" but now I'm really Thinking About It and. That would be stupid. If you look at Madison/Dan/Rebecka as a trio (with Rebecka/Madison as a core duo OR Rebecka/Dan as a core duo) and with Bryan as kind of a gentle soul sucking their teet (love u bryan), then that's a solid group of 4. If Timmy and I (I guess I'm a meninst now bc we're f2 or some shit) go with that group, leaving out Brian and AnnMarie, to vote out Nick, that puts the two of us on the bottom of a 6-person alliance. The next tribal could be 4 vs. 4. If we save Nick, however, and vote off Rebecka - therefore voiding both the madison/rebecka duo and the dan/rebecka duo, thus destroying the trio - the next tribal could be 5 vs. 3 and we won't have one of the biggest social threats still in the game with two of her closest allies up with her. I think that would put me in a much better position long-term because I really need a core group of people who aren't ingrained with Emily/Francie/Heather/Olivia come a merge situation where it's my kids vs. me. Timmy, Brian, AnnMarie, and (unfortunately) Nick could be an integral part of that. Especially Brian, since he's new. I can use new. I need to keep around players who don't know me that well.
Jay is cracked and I love her for it. We are playing so messy and are in alliances with literally the entire tribe. Love being a swing vote. Splitting up Rebecka and Dan is going to be a great move, it will suck personally and Dan will give me a lot of shit for it (and Rebecka might too) but it is just a game so have to have fun and being a mess is fun to me. Might as well be toward the top of a group than knowing I'm at the bottom of the group of 4 (Dan/Rebecka/Madison/me). I'm really just hoping this doesn't hurt me having a relationship with Madison at some point because I still want to work with her. The only worry in the plan is Brian because who knows what goes on in his head but I know he isn't controlled by Rebecka who is just telling everyone her plan and adding people to alliances without asking. Like I never said I was okay with her/dan/madison (I was happy to have a group, but a better one came along). All in all though, Jay is my number one so whatever benefits us both is what I am here for.
Its still eh. Some people are fake and there is so much pre-season relationships that i'm so oof. BUT i dont wanna be in the minority and if joining a make shift alliance helps, i'm down for it. 
Woo ok so we lost. That sucks. But I’m in an alliance with rebecka, dan, jay, Madison, and Timmy. And our goal is to vote out nick. I’m fine with that operative. He already talked about wanting to go against me rebecka and dan so like oops. I also love Annemarie. I need at least one person outside that alliance and that is her. 
THANK GOD WE WON THAT CAUSE I FUCKED UP. But like seriously, I was so scared that we were gonna lose and I was gonna be at fault for it. Tbh I'm a little annoyed cause it really feels like Tim and I did all the work and when we asked other people to take over, no one offered. It really makes a bit dubious about trusting my tribe.
Woohoo! We won immunity! I am just so happy about that. I have a nice sweet little alliance going with the three aca tacos and another one with us three and tim and autumn. Autumn is all alone and idk Tim's relationship with Allan. Tim Allan. Ahahahahhhaha. Anyways. Jacob's ass was GONE if we hadn't won. He is still my target should we lose the next one. I also did Pancreas and got a 29 minute score which I am assuming is terrible but who knows. I love Emily and Heather but I know for a fact, without confirmation, those two are working together. Emily has fawned over Heather since isle of skye and I just know they're a pair. I love both SO MUCH  but i can't fully trust either. I thought for sure that being on a tribe with heather and tim, two close friends of mine, we'd immediately bond and become our new ride or dies. lol. but i think i can still work with both maybe but i like the 5 i already have so i guess we will see. how is it i have two idols, an extra vote, and i won immunity in another org but this one i got THIRTY MINUTES at Pancreas. oh well.
I have not confessed about my new tribe yet. I am now on the Atitlan tribe which is fun, and I have Emily who is a queen. Plus now I have some of my Isle of Skye people. I've missed playing with Olivia so  much, ughh love of my life. And Tim is such an iconic king. Also Jacob from my other tribe, who has been inactive recently. Gotta do other impressions too Francie: I love them with all my hort. What a perfect bean. Allan: Seems super chill but immediately went into game talk Autumn: A sweetheart ughh my love. Saved our ass in the challenge like 5 times. Sammy: He likes musical theatre so I love him. nuff said AND WE WON OUR FIRST CHALLENGE TOGETHER WHICH IS FUN SO YEET
So this is a damn mess, I really want to trust that Nick doesn't have a secret majority alliance against me and Beckka because I don't know why literally everyone would just lie, ya know? But I wouldn't be surprised if it happens honestly. I think Beckka would go over me???? But like that's the ugliest thing ever. I don't know why Jay would make an alliance with most of the people in the game if it wasn't a solid thing, but like I'm still paranoid af. IT'S SO EARLY TO FLIP. 
I am so glad we didn't have to complete the full challenge because that was something I did not want to do at all (sorry Cameron). The only.nad part is that we have to go to tribal. Nick's name has been flying from all directions, and it's the obvious easy vote, but Nick is saying that Dan and rebecka are a powerful team. Jay has said that as well, so I don't really know what may go down at tribal. What I do know is that Nick will probably be the person voted out, as long as nothing super dramatic happens in the tribe. I'm super close to Jay and she's just amazing, Dan's super nice, and I LOVE BRYAN OK HE IS SO NICE AND I HOPE HE DOESNT END UP BEING A JERK in the long run. I'm so happy that I get to play with these people, and I can't wait to start a good alliance in this game with them.
Jay Bee
Loyalty? Who's she?
I told Nick EXPLICITLY last night not to tell Madison about our plan or alliance because she would tell Dan and Rebecka. Today, I wake up to the intel (from Dan) that Nick told Madison about everything. And guess the fuck what!! She told Rebecka and Madison. I'M NOT DUMB, NICK! Thankfully they all thought Nick was trying to make a power play and they don't believe I'm with Nick. NICK DO YOU NOT REALIZE HOW CLOSE I AM TO SLITTING YOUR THROAT!!! If you're gonna be loose-lipped I'm going to have to vote you out! Ugh. This is such a prickly position. I would much rather work with Brian/AnnMarie/Timmy just because they don't know me as well as Rebecka and Madison (and to an extent Bryan through Emily) do. I'm trying to figure out who the most disenfranchised people on the tribe are and use them because if I can be their only source of trust, they're always going to be loyal to me. The problem is that I don't want the next tribal to be 4 vs. 4. That gets messy really fast. If I do vote for Nick in the big group of Madison/Rebecka/Bryan/Dan/Timmy, that puts me in an alliance with all the power players and leaves out AnnMarie and Brian, who would be much smarter to have on my side in a merge situation, unless I want to go meat shield tactic in this game. I don't know Ugh. Timmy, please come online so I can talk through all of this.
Rebecka and Dan
Amanda (Guest)
Hello! So I know I'm not playing this game, and Cameron probably won't post this, but I was SUPPOSED to play this game so I'm leaving a confessional anyway. Just here to say that Rebecka and Emily are the true icons of the season for having me in their host chats and that's all. Also Cam. I love Cam.
I’m so glad that our team won woooooo
Omg I'm such a FLOP! I didn't realize I hadn't confessed so hey I'm in public speaking pretending to do my work! Anyways, super happy about our tribe winning the challenge. I really was thinking we were going to lose because of FUCKING JACOB! He like. Was not here. At all. Total flop. Major flop. I haven't even heard from him in like two days. WHY PLAY A SKYPE BASED GAME IF YOU DONT CHECK SKYPE REGULARLY??? Anyways, I recorded a cast assessment but it's a mess because I'm really sad in it and you can tell im a mess so im gonna type it bc you can't tell im upset when im typing!!!!!!!!!!! ALLAN: Really helpful in the challenge so I'm a stan! Hard to talk to I think but I'm really vibin him. I think he's gonna be a good asset to our tribe! Yay! I don't really have much to say about him right now AUTUMN: I'm going to PRAY that she's not bitter from All Stars. That was like a month ago and honestly get the fuck over it. You made a stupid move and it backfired on you! That's it. Don't make a stupid move against me this game and I'll work with you! I really like Autumn and I like how she plays but reading her Navarino confessions I can tell she's just someone that holds onto grudges for far too long and it's annoying. All Stars is not a good representation of my game. WORK WITH ME PLEASE FRANCIE: love of my life.... I said in the beginning I didn't want to work with them but I realized that if I want to work with Tim.... Francie is probably also gonna have to be my ally. Francie and I were also talking about how, if we lose, Jacob would be an easy vote because he's inactive! I know that a lot of people would be fine with that. Also, he hasn't competed in Pancho so I don't think he has any letters? Like he didn't even get the one from the rules? So no idol for Jacob. Easy vote. Bye bye. HEATHER: I'll sell my soul for Heather. My queen. I love her. Honestly I can't wait for her to snake me. Fucking queen. I just love her. If anyone targets her I'M COMING FOR THEIR ASS. STAY OFF HEATHER BYE BYE! JACOB: Inactive. Bye OLIVIA: I REALLY want to work with Olivia. I plan on making her my number one in this game. I just get such a good vibe from her. She seems intelligent, stealthy, and fun... that's what I want in an ally. She also has some good connections with other people and she's got a good social game. Definitely someone I want to work with and go far with. But, not too far because she'll win the game, but... I'm also trying to be loyal this game. Loyal to a fault makes people upset. So. I'm gonna have to decide. SAMMY: I played with him and Indonesia and led the charge to vote him out right before merge so like he could hate me? But he also voted for me to win the game. SO. I don't think he's bitter, but he knows I think he plays messy. He's super sweet though and I'm a stan. I gotta be careful what I leak to him, but I like him and can see myself working with him in the future. TIM: MY KING! I love Tim and want to work with Tim high key. He's such a sweetheart and I'm really hoping we can go far. I'd be so down for a little group of he, Olivia, and I. Is that proper grammar? I don't care. Anyways, I love how he plays and he's very well thought out and stuff so I'm really hoping we can go far together. I'm a Tim stan. A major Tim stan. It's still too early for me to for sure tell you who I'm working with (I usually go from round to round, but I don't want to do that this game. No flip-flopping this time unless it genuinely will be better for me AND others.) I'm really trying to refine how I play. I'm trying to be more honest. More social. More logical and strategic, but at the same time, not as PURELY strategic? I need to make sure my social game is phenomenal before I start going off and being a strategic mastermind. People won't listen to people they don't like, and they won't vote for them either. Whew. Okay I hope this super long confession makes up for my lack of confessing. Goodbye!
I was asked to make a confession so here it is. I'm glad we won or I'd be screwed for falling asleep after inventory bleh.
Finding out all these people's zodiac signs is very inch resting... I y'all I really do. Capricorns? Gotta go next. I don't stan. Bye bye.
WHOO okay last minute confessionals lemme hear you say WAYYYY HO!!!! Nick is the vote which like awk bc now we’re in another game together so sucks I guess. Also he came to me trying to vote puts rebecka though so like wtf bye bye. 
Me if I get voted out tonigt: Thank you dan and jay for being loyal. Thank you also the the people who voted me out now so I don't have to go through a bunch of other rounds of drama and lose xoxo 
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annabelharmony · 4 years
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!
You both like advice.
Stranger: i am m16 and want to fuck my mom :(
You: your step mom
Stranger: no my real mom
You: is she hot
Stranger: she’s been teasing me
Stranger: yes
You: no she hasnt
Stranger: yes she has
You: like what
Stranger: she constantly try’s peering at my dick and has her tits out :(
You: haha really
Stranger: yes
You: well dont do it
Stranger: why i want to
You: bc shell go to jail
Stranger: sorry i don’t wanna fuck her
Stranger: i want her to give my dick kisses
Stranger: and cuddle with me and let
Stranger: me suck her breasts
You: ok? thatll lead to fucking
You: and she can go to jail for that
Stranger: who’s gonna find out
You: me lol
You: also whats up with your dad
Stranger: he’s old and fat
You: lmao
Stranger: i’m 6’2 taller then him
Stranger: he’s 5’11
You: wow thats hot youre so tall
Stranger: well i’m not unattractive looking and i like the look of my body
You: im 5'3
Stranger: uoure a girl?
You: uh yeah
Stranger: how old?
You: 14 lol
Stranger: awe haha
Stranger: this was kinda weird sorry then lmao
Stranger: if i had a girlfriend who babied me i’d be so happy
You: not your mom right
You: bc we arent doing that?
You: bc she gave birth to you??
Stranger: i think i just have pent up sexual thoughts
Stranger: i don’t think i’d do anything just it’s frustrating
You: ik
Stranger: like
You: shits gonna be weird every family reunion
Stranger: she constantly does things that make me think she wants it but it’s definitely me jus throng horny
You: ok so she def has a problem
You: who tf she is
Stranger: at 16 is it normal that she kisses my lips?
You: yes
You: does she use tounge?
Stranger: a lot of people here say no
Stranger: and no but i wish she did
You: haha you might just be fooling urself
Stranger: so like
Stranger: the other day i had to go to the post office and mom told me to throw all my
Stranger: clothes in the wash when i got home
Stranger: then to shower
Stranger: so i did and i normally always have pants on because i don’t like walking in just boxers so i ran quickly to the bathroom
Stranger: and she was in there and i’m in my underwear and she’s cleaning, i told her i had to get in and i got hard bc she was wearing no bra with a loose shirt :(
Stranger: she kept bumping against me as she left and it made me harder and she kept looking at jt
You: how old is she just wondering
Stranger: like 39
You: um ok
Stranger: looks like 32
You: can you do me a favor
Stranger: yes
You: please for the love of god go on dr phil
Stranger: lmao no
You: so i can say my bff from omegle is on dr phil after he tried to fuck his mom
You: has she ever explicity said anything weird
Stranger: she does enough to make me think, too little to confirm it. yesterday i went to the bathroom when she walked in and i said “i can’t pee when your in here” and turned around enough so she could see my dick and she said “when i was a baby i saw your pp all the time and you
Stranger: peed all over me!”
Stranger: so i laughed and hugged her :(
Stranger: :(
You: ok that would be a nice story if she wasnt literaly your mom
Stranger: :( can i say it’s my step mom
Stranger: would you feel beyter
You: yes i would
Stranger: so we are talking about my step mom who does this what do i do to be able to get further?
You: just get her pregnant and youll be the father of your half sibling
You: um well like to seduce her
You: or just in general
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: just like
Stranger: i want to know
Stranger: if she wants what i want
Stranger: without ruining everything
Stranger: i give her kisses but even if i don’t pull away she pulls away first
You: walk in when shes changing and dont leave
You: ok so i saw this thing on dr phil right
You: Well I saw two things
You: One was a mother in law and her daughters husband
Stranger: it’s like she’ll ask me to leave if she’s changing, but if she’s peeing in the room i she stands up and wipes in front of me and shows her pussy
You: then dont leave and wait for her to make a move on you
You: youve seen her pussy?
Stranger: yes but like she doesn’t like
Stranger: idk
You: ok so basically the mom walked in while he was jacking off
You: and then she jacked him off so if you want that ig you could try that??
Stranger: but i can’t just let her catch me jacking off what if she got embarassed
You: does she masturbate?
Stranger: she fucks my dad srill
Stranger: still
You: ok then show up right after they finish
You: while shes still naked but hes out of the room
Stranger: thays the problem. i can’t really do that.
Stranger: so i know they fuck when they say goodnight then get up to go to the bsthroom
Stranger: because they have to get ready for bed after they fuck
Stranger: but they say goodnight before then and lock their dolf
Stranger: door
You: well have her walk in on you right
You: and make direct eye contact
You: whats the best advice youve gotten so far i just wanna know
Stranger: well like. when i use the bathroom when she’s in there i’ll show it off and masturbate a little and tell her i’m having trouble prring
Stranger: peeing
You: oh ok
You: has anyone given you any good ideas
Stranger: that was a good idea i thought
Stranger: i haven’t done that much yet
Stranger: but i want to more
Stranger: ohh there’s one more
Stranger: when i get sick and i’m all alone with her i want to call for her in the bathroom if i take a shower or tub
Stranger: and tell her i feel ike i’m gonna be sick
Stranger: and show my hard cock
You: haha ok
Stranger: i’ve been walking around hard and pushing it against her when i can
Stranger: hugs from behind and kisses on the lips
Stranger: and she’s been wearing bras where her nipples fall out lots
You: I really like you but idk what to tell you
Stranger: and like the other night we watched tv and she put her legs on top of me and rested one on my crotch but didn’t make it obvious. if it happens again i’ll press her feet down on it
Stranger: you like me?? but i’m weird as fuck
You: your problem is so fucking specific
Stranger: hahaha
You: no i dont like you like you
You: I think your a good person
Stranger: what makes you say that?
You: But idk if I should be helping you by preventing you from doing this
You: Or give you ideas?
Stranger: give me ideas
You: idk you seem nice
Stranger: right now i’m sitting on my bed with a hard cock just thinking about it. talking about it helps relieve some of the stresss
You: like youre horny as fuck but not as much as some other people
Stranger: like i’m i circumsised right? and i think my mum likes it thay was since she was the one who decided
Stranger: un^*
You: ok
Stranger: so when i show her when i’m soft i think she actually enjoys it
You: so i have a question about like circumcised and that stuff
Stranger: and like when i take the head out it’s super sensitive and i just want my step mommy to give me kisses there :(
Stranger: yes please!
You: i feel like circumsising your cocks like a religous thing right?
You: like its not as common
Stranger: exactly yes
Stranger: mostly common in jews but for some reason most americans do it
You: are you a jew?
Stranger: they think it looks better but i love the way it feels and looks
Stranger: nope because i am uncircumsized
You: wait but like
Stranger: jews are the ones who circumsise
You: this shits so confusing
You: ok i feel like circumsised penises look more normal??
Stranger: hahah yeah a bit, my mommy didn’t want any chances of it going wrong and hurting my dick
You: is that just my opinion ive seen that more
You: she wont hurt your dick
Stranger: i like am so horny talking to you it’s crazy i’m sorry
Stranger: circumsised dudes normally have a super sensitive tip, because the skin goes over the heads
Stranger: head
You: oh wait is it bc guys normally jack off and then we the head
Stranger: if i pull my skin back, it looks the exact same as a circumsised one
You: idk bro it shouldnt matter but ive been really confused
You: yeah that makes sense
Stranger: it’s ok, if you love someone it doesn’t matter the size of their tits dick the shape of their cock or vag it’s all normal
Stranger: you know?
You: are you insecure about yours or smth
Stranger: not at all, there’s things that make it not very normal but i like it
Stranger: like when i’m hard it’s curved upward, a lot of dicks do it’s not perfectly straight
Stranger: and i have foreskin which a lot of guys don’t hahe
Stranger: but it makes it more special i guess thinking someone would wanna give my pp kisses regardless of how it looks
You: yeah girls literaly have no prefrence of it
You: they dont care
You: well
Stranger: as long as it’s clean and nice and smells good it’s fine :)
Stranger: i shave because i like the way it feels
You: i was talking to a guy earlier whos complaining about his gf not liking his big dick
You: wait was that about vaginas
Stranger: i’m 6-7 is that too big too small or average?
You: average i think
Stranger: that’s good :) i have a thick cock too
Stranger: it looks nice is what i’m saying
You: thats good
Stranger: i like romance
Stranger: a fon
Stranger: ton
Stranger: i’d get so turned on my cuddling and small soft kisses
You: i dont really think thats a guys thing
Stranger: when my mom wakes me up in the morning i wrap my arms around her and kiss her and pull her on top of me
Stranger: then she gets up
You: um ok thats nice
Stranger: step mom
Stranger: what do you like
Stranger: are you a virgin?
Stranger: i am
You: yeah obviously
Stranger: hmm what size titties do you have?
Stranger: you don’t have to answer if it makes you uncomfortsbld
Stranger: i just like imagining
Stranger: thay maybe someone like you was here next to me
You: idk what do you think
You: oh well i guess you wouldnt know
Stranger: haha i’ll give a guess uhh B cup
You: yeah thats right actually
You: but sometimes they get a little bigger
Stranger: i’m 180 pounds 6’2 i’m 6-7 inches long i’m white with blackish hair thay is parted in the middle and people tell me i have a nice smir
Stranger: smile
You: haha ok thank you
Stranger: haha :)
Stranger: do you think it’s wrong for me to wanna start showing my pp to my mommy
You: yes
You: but i still accept you
Stranger: tank you :))
You: haha ur welcome
Stranger: hey i think you’re cute. i don’t know you very well but since i’m talking to you i want you to know if you were here i’d snuggle with you and kiss your titties <3
You: i didnt like you that much till i found out your hairs parted in the middle
You: aw ok
Stranger: my pp wants kisses :(
You: hey i have to go in a sec
You: if you wanna keep talking you can give your snap or smth
You: but if you dont want to its fine
Stranger: i have terrible anxiety and i told you i wanted to like do things with my mommy :( i would so give you it but i’ve probably already fucked myself
You: wdym
Stranger: like you said it’s illegal to fuck my mom
Stranger: and i told you i was gonna tru my best to
You: jesus i wont tell anybody
You: but i swear if you dont to its fine
You: *dont want to
You: you still there?
Stranger: yes sorry
Stranger: ;-; i just don’t know
You: ok i literaly have to go now
Stranger: i’m dorry
Stranger: sory
Stranger: <3 thanks for taking wit me
You: ok i hope you end up alright
You: see ya
Stranger: same to you thanks for being super understanding and helpful to talk to
Stranger: hoenstly
Stranger: made my heart happy
Stranger: <3 <3
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weasterned · 7 years
1. my ex mafia boss, really kind and friendly, crazy , yayayayaa 2. nope hahaha 3. Happy New Year, IAN ! (2)
- (2)
aye lori papa, we just met few days ago and already have continuous convos and i hope it continues. i found you such a greatly amiable man, so kind and not typical cold city guy that most of ian's rper have. and u're such a convo builder too. let's build another convos lori papa!
1. ngeselin, receh, caring, understanding, prudential
2. jangan sering main sama jo nanti pingsan
3. belum sempat bilang ini, remember when i said "i'm gonna leave" it was actually supposed to be a prank but keterusan since kebetulan i was so busy that time and pas aku balik kktmu ilang, your reaction was so funny, it made my day, Thank you so much, ian! You were there for me during my gloomy days. i hope you will cheer up soon! don't be gloomy and always happy, ian.
1. Galawers, Cool, Almost Decent-- tapi gajadi heuheu.
2. Abah kabayan. don't touch my abah bcs he is precious. at first ya I thought abah were decent even gabisa ngomong bahasa tapi ternyata sunkpiece ugha aigu, , , , tebak ini syp?! kalo bener nanti dikasih ulekan gosong!! what should I say? I'm thanking God the most for your existence. you're my best listener, sempet menghilang karena ngopi sma genderuwo, ternyata abah galaw. bah, don't be galaw anymore ya? don't leave me ugha!! I love you, abah.
3. 2017 will be end very soon, what's your thoughts on mine within 2017? hehehhe. I hope we can be more closer ampe dempet in 2018.
1) cool?, kind, friendly, funny, potray his chara well 2) no need to, i guess 3) let's talk more in the future and get along well! + i hope 2018 will be much much better year for you!✨
1. humble, warm, kind, daddy vibes 2. please dont change your chara! I like Ian mhehe 3. Enjoy your christmas and happy new year!
1. Brotherable, abangable, kind, sometimes mean, sometimes handsome. 2. I hope you can be a better person in the future, I said this doesnt mean you are not better for this present. When you inactive I feeli I lost one of my best brother, but finally you back and I'm happy. 3. Hello Ian oppa, I really really we can get along well again, next year should be better than this year. Be happy, abangku. You are precious, brother!
1. kind, oppaable, murah senyum WKWKWKKWKWK. gatau lg ah.
2. we haven’t talk much, but i hope you’ll always be happy no matter what and be a better person.
3. . i just wanna say, thank you for staying in WST. i’m happy that i have such a kind and caring members here. it might be pretty hard when you feel left out in agency, but i didn’t feel like this here. thank you ♡
Coooooool ! Eum . . . how should i say this . . .
Kind of . . . orang yang keren gitu/? muehehe
Calem pasti nih o.o we didn't talked a lot last time . . . let's talk next time okaaay !
#1 - Gentle man 👍 - Kind hearted - Warm guy - Cool - Sometimes cute? lol
#2 I hope you can be more happier and please keep it up, your kind and warm side! 헤헤
#3 Hello, Ian Oppa. I'm so glad to know you and get closer to you. I can't even believe that we can be this closer haha. But still, It's a good things for me to have meet you in this year. Thank you for your good words since we first meet until now. You're really a good guy, a gentle man. You deserve to be happy, so I hope you can be more happier in the next year. Let the past become our lesson, and let's keep moving forward. Oh, and please don't get too closer with hot girls, because they're dangerous 😊 I hope you can find your kind of hot girl who can treat you better. Well, I hope you can find your own happiness so that you can put your sadness away.
Anyway, I hope we can stay being close like this and keep take care of each other too! :)
1. Handsome, good, friendly, awesome, /coughs/ your new chara is sexy 2. None none 3. Hello, Ian! I'm forget who you are before but your new chara is sexy and swag. How's your 2017? I hope your 2017 is good and so does 2018. Happy new year!
1. Mature, nice, warm, kind, cool 2. I think you have side that not everyone expect will come from you haha and thats good actually 3. Hello ian hyung, i remember once youre concerned about me being gloomy haha that shows how warm and nice person you are! I wish i can be closer with you
Kind, calm but humorous, friendly, nice. I know I rarely active so I don't really know about the members, but sometimes you still do jb jb on me while I'm trying to be active.
my bae joo mean jual mahal sama saya moody? scary at first,
1. So brother-able, indeed ! Ayah-able, bahkan ! Caring with his surroundings, sho warmhearted— well sometimes I feel like want to make you as my Unnie sighs—
2. Nothing more, he has been done good at updating his chara too!
3. Hewwo Ian Sunbae ! Since 2018 is nearly neaar, I hope you will always be fulfilled with haffiness, find your new hobbies, experiences new things and smiiile more ! People loves you, remember that. ♡
CHRlSTIAN_YU 1. Baik, lucu (gak sih), always on mia, ramah, kocak and  unpredictable.. (loh) 2. sesungguhnya kita berdua gak pernah ngomong pake  bahasa kan semenjak kenal? so gue lagi males pake  english jd gue tulis bahasa aja ya :p. Rome... gue tau  kalau lo bisa nebak gue ini siapa. pleaseeee if you have  a burden you feel free share it with me or maybe to  someone that you trust. Gue tau lo sempet deactivated  your account and back with a new one. karena ketika  gue mau mention lo, gue gak dapet username lo. bener  gak sih? Syukur deh lo udah balik lagi. I'm glad to see  you back! Pokoknya..... Don't feel you are alone. I know  we aint close enough, maybe bcs chara kita deket jd  kita berasa deket juga. but the owner kan bisa say  different yaa? Heheh. You're still my friend and please  don't change your chara. Ian is quite mainstream lately,  but it's really suitable for you. 3. stay healthy bro! and do whatever you want ...  remember YOLO! hhahhaa
1. imma admit, this obba so handsome. typical obba who can make your knees got weak 2. this obba also humble and easy going, i usually scared when im talking to other rp who has the same fc as him, and i could say he's the first ian rp i got close with beside my own rl friend who ever using ian as his fc 3. dear ian obba, imma snatch xiao from you. she's mine now. bye
1. funny, great taste of humor, great taste of music, chatty, convobuilder. 2. I already am liking how he reply to my mention, it does bring out positivity whenever he talks to someone. I do respect him. Just, I hope he will be more positive and not to burden himself with such sadness alone. be happy oppanim, we got your back. 3. It's almost 2018, days counting and I do hope you will have a great great year in 2018. It might be suck, might. But still, you will have good daysssss and bad dayss, but don't worry.
1. Ramah 2. Sangat baik hati 3. Caring (I think?) 4. In-character 5. Organized
Hyung-ah, the only think I think that you need to improve on is to be a lot more happier than you are before. Please do not be galau anymore!
Ian hyung, the year is ending very soon. I hope you will have a great year next year and please do, because that will definitely be awesome. Have a great 2018, hyung.
1. cool, fun, not so calm, kind, weird. 2. for me, Ian hyong is the onw who talk to me often too, he was cool at first time but look at him jigeum 8 " ) well, at first time I got awkward towards him but not already because lues already lmao jk. i need to stop online at midnight because timeline became lapaknya Ian hyong and SOngso unnie 8 ") take times to online more, hyong! 3. hi, Ian hyog one of weast brother. I wish you an unlimited happiness, you'll passed rude or even rough things this year. congratulation for being together with SOngso unnie I'm happy for you two! I wish many good things happen right after. fighting! loves.
1. Fun, joyful, smart, receh, gloomy 2. Stop being nyebelin juseyo :D 3. It seems like something happen to you, I hope you will find a way to solve it. God bless you!
1. Receh-able, funny, cool, apalagi ya... 2. Please always be who you are! I will always support you! 3. Please always be happy and healthy! May 2018 become a year that bring a lot of luck for you! And long last for you and xiao.
1. KIM JENNIE ENTHUSIAST. BUT HE'S TAKEN NOW. GLAD. 2. IDK WHAT TO SAY NO MORE, BUT KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. 3. Uh, I still feel so dumb while sent you a dm on another account of yours and shouting, 'WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN". Yet the fault is on me who was so outdated because of that. Ah, I'm so embarassed. Let's talk more and get closer in the future. Take a good care of yourself, keep smiling widely, and be happy as always.
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i feel like this weekend i was right about alot of things and slowly he is coming to the realization that i am a very sound choice in the world. like .. i was on my A game this weekend and i felt like the tables turned a bit. like last weekend he yelled at me and almost broke up with me inpublic because he thought it was inappropriate that i told him to stop bothering minimum wage workers at wal mart. his friend repeated this sentiment a few days later and i said nothing - but he knew. he stopped even while he was speaking as if waiting for me to take the opportunity to be like OH SO HE CAN SAY IT but instead i just let it go because well, he's been very kind to me and i think its really more embarassing that he shamed himself in public that way so i'm not going to drag him through the mud in front of a friend. he was talking to a random girl online and wanted to invite her to our mutual friends bday party. he explained he had no interest at all and just wanted to help her meet new people and i joked about him being a dog and how hes not gonna realize how she probably thinks hes interested in her and he became sort of offended and bothered with this like.. assumption that i ws saying this because were "supposed to be together". but i was actually relly making a joke on his ridiculous behavior. it didn't bother me at all. when he sid he was dropping me off early to pick her up after because of her size (seriously, he has a two seater) i freaked out a bit and he assumed it was out of jealousy or feeling like i owned him or something but i explained it was actually because he was dropping me off in situation with people i wasn't 100% cool being alone with. that was awkward for me and i was not psychic to know he would invte some chick and i'd end up doing this and now i'm being thrown  curveball when i hve social anxiety and i dont appreciate that and if we're all about "considering each other's feelings" then perhaps he should consider mine. at the party, despite telling me not to "shadow him", he shadowed me and depended on me as a social connection. i sat at a table with other artists and painted becuse i'm an artist and that's  a place for me - i was very grateful for that experience, to be honest. that was the easiest time ive had meeting new people, even though i vaguely knew of the people i ws sitting with. but that put him out of place and he quietly sat beside me pushing paint around on a canvas. he even tried to insert himself in a private way because i was giving a lot of attention to everyone but him and i think that truly bothered him - but it's what he wanted. the next day a girl he was involved with during a rough patch rndomly messaged him an attention whore type message. for whatever reason, he decided to show it to me. as if i needed to know, as if it was proof he hadn't initiated it and he doesnt go looking for it, like it should make me more comfortable. but instead i was disgusted and told him he was regularly associated with whores and im beginning to think im the only girl who hes been connected to who is genuinely not a whore. and i dont care if im not really PC about the sex positive femles out there - i find many of these women to have personal issues that are projected through inappropriate sexuality and that they are in need of attention in whatever way they can receive it - whether its from someone who respects them or not. that's not a quality female to me. he tried to tell me she had a job nd that made her quality but she actually doesnt have a job so i guess shes not quality even more by his definition? by quality i mean self respect. i mean to truly honor & respect your body like it's a work of art and don't allow it to be misused and displayed in such shitty ways. i take great nudes of myself that are not shot infront of a mirror. it takes roughly 30 seconds more effort to give a shit about yourself instead of the instant need to gain attention from a man. of course a man doesnt care about your selfie in a mirror. he got free tits. but thats really shitting on yourself. today he decided to interview two creatives in the local area on behalf of my project, which is something he kind of does on his own and uses it as a way to push himself to try new things and be involved and active. yesterday i helped him gather info bout one of his interviewees - because i run what i do, i have a vast knowledge of whats happening in the region and what peoples newest projects are and how active they are. so i mentioned they made a recent post about losing their drummer and getting a new one etc. he called me in the evening, which is funny to me because he was all about how you can just ~ know we'll talk tomorrow~ and it's not necessary to talk every day. i didnt message him for most of the day until 7pm and wished him luck. he told me on the phone that both people were super impressed by my project and that it was great and the competition paled in comparison. they were impressed that we'd advertise something would happen and then it actually would happen for the most part on time. there is dedication and follow through. but i think that helped him realize more of my "quality". i did not go to school. i do not get paid for this. but i gain great recognition, my reputation is one of being a hard assed bitch but you cannot argue the success of my methods. i have slowly single handedly changed the atmosphere of the local creative scene and did not sign my name on any of it. but he also asked me how my day was and what i did. which he really had little interest in it for the past few weeks. i feel i proved that i dont have insecurities - i have judgements. i question his motives and choices in life but i dont question whether he loves me or not. i know he loves me, i know that i am important to him and probably his best friend, but he makes fucked up choices. like he felt really great about taking advice from an 18 year old until the 18 year old paid 60$ to become a trademarked cartoon slogan in real life. i do appreciate & respect though once i mentioned about the quality of the person he was speaing to he seemed to switch to something much more proactive that would be way better for everyone. like it was so much more positivity and its better to spend the energy on this than whores.
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