#i was in the morgan library in new york
jules-and-company · 5 months
the further i go into classical studies the more i understand robert langdon as a person
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trans-axolotl · 3 months
this is a shortened works cited from my thesis, pulling out the sources about American intersex history and activism from the past 30 years. i have pdfs for most of the sources there, if there's something that isn't linked send me a message and i can try to find it!
just thought i'd try to put a lot of intersex history sources in one place.
Works Cited: 
Amato, Viola. “The Intersex Movement of the 1990s: Speaking Out Against Medical and Narrative Violence.” In Intersex Narratives: Shifts in the Representation of Intersex Lives in North American Literature and Popular Culture, 55–102. Transcript Verlag, 2016. http://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctv1xxrsz.6.
Bauer, Markus, Daniela Truffer and Daniela Crocetti. “Intersex Human Rights.” The International Journal of Human Rights. 24, no.6. (2020):724-749.https://doi.org/10.1080/13642987.2019.1671354 
Brown, Lydia X.Z., Erickson, Loree, da Silva Gorman, Rachel, Lewis, Talila A., McLeod, Lateef, and Mingus, Mia.  “Radical Disability Politics.” In Routledge Handbook of Radical Politics, edited by A.J. Withers and Liat Ben-Moshe, 178-193. Routledge, 2019. 
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Carpenter, Morgan. “Fixing bodies and shaping narratives: Epistemic injustice and the responses of medicine and bioethics to intersex human rights demands.” Clinical Ethics. 2024;19, no. 1. (2024) :3-17. doi:10.1177/14777509231180412
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---, Hermaphrodites Speak! 1997; Rohnert Park: Intersex Society of North America. Video tape. 
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Davis, Georgiann. “Introduction: Normalizing Intersex: The Transformative Power of Stories.”  in Voices: Personal Stories from the Pages of Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics: Normalizing Intersex, edited by James DuBois and Ana Iltis. 1-4. John Hopkins University Press, 2016. 
Dreger, Alice. “Rejecting the Tranquilizing Drug of Gradualism in Intersex Care.” Alice Dreger (blog). November 2015. Accessed April 9, 2024. https://alicedreger.com/dsd_human_rights/ 
Dreger, Alice and April Herndon. “Progress and Politics in the Intersex Rights Movement: Feminist Theory in Action.” Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies. 15, no. 2. (2009): 199-224.
Fausto-Sterling, Ane. Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality. New York: Basic Books. 2000. 
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Hermaphrodites With Attitude.  "Hey AAP! Get Your Scalpels Off Our Bodies! Flyer."  Ephemera.  1990.  Digital Transgender Archive,  https://www.digitaltransgenderarchive.net/files/qj72p712h  (accessed April 08, 2024). 
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Hughes, Ieuan, Christopher Houk, Syed Faisal Ahmed, Peter Lee, and LWPES1/ESPE2 Consensus Group. “Consensus Statement on Management of intersex disorders.” Disease in Childhood. 91, no.7. (2006): 554-563. doi: 10.1136/adc.2006.098319
“I Want to Be Like Nature Made Me: Medically Unnecessary Surgeries on Intersex Children in the US.” Human Rights Watch. InterACT. July 2017, accessed April 8, 2024. https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/lgbtintersex0717_web_0.pdf 
“InterACT Statement on Intersex Terminology.” InterACT: Advocates for Intersex Youth. 2015. Accessed April 8, 2024. https://interactadvocates.org/interact-statement-on-intersex-terminology/#:~:text=interACT's%20use%20of%20terminology%20and,of%20the%20term%20%E2%80%9Cintersex%E2%80%9D. 
Lindhal, Hans. “Is PCOS an Intersex Condition? Here’s 5 Reasons Why Some Say Yes.” HansLindhal.Com (Blog). February 2023, Accessed April 7, 2024. https://hanslindahl.com/blog/is-pcos-an-intersex-condition 
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Orr, Celeste. Cripping Intersex. University of British Columbia Press, 2022. 
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Pagonis, Pidgeon and Sean Saifa Wall. “Open Letter to AIS-DSD Support Group.” EndIntersexSurgery. Intersex Justice Project. February 2018. Accessed April 8, 2024.  http://www.endintersexsurgery.org/ 
Redick, Alison. “What Happened at Hopkins: The Creation of the Intersex Management Protocols.  Cardozo Journal of  Law & Gender. 12 (2005): 289-296 
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Reis, Elizabeth. Bodies in Doubt: An American History of Intersex. John Hopkins Press, 2021.
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Rios-Espinosa, Carlos, Koomah, Syrus Marcus Ware, and Sean Saifa Wall. “Liberating All Bodies: Disability Justice & Intersex Justice In Conversation.” Webinar at the Crip Camp Impact Team and Human Rights Watch Film Festival, United States, October 2020.  
Rubin, David, Michelle Wolff and Amanda Lock Swarr. “Creating Intersex Justice: Interview with Sean Saifa Wall and Pidgeon Pagonis of the Intersex Justice Project.”  Transgender Studies Quarterly. 9, no. 2. (2022): 187-195. https://doi.org/10.1215/23289252-9612823 
Sharman, Zena. “Intersex Justice and the Care We Deserve: ‘I Want People to Feel at Home in Their Bodies Again.’” Ms. Magazine. 2022. Accessed April 8, 2024. https://msmagazine.com/2022/02/03/intersex-justice-the-care-we-dream-of-queer-trans-healthcare/  
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(note: I do not actually want anyone to die in such a horrible way. please do not interpret this as such)
I just don't get how the whole Titanic sub voyage thing would be worth it, knowing the risk ahead of time. and I'm a social history person, mind; it's literally my career. so I do understand the passion at play
you can see photos of the wreck. you can see artifacts from the wreck. you can see images of people who lived and people who died, hear their words or visit their graves in Halifax
you can go to places that meant so much more to them than an ocean liner where they spent, max, four days of their lives. the Morgan Library in New York City was definitely a haunt of the elite in the early 20th century, if it's the rich and famous you're chasing. and the Met Museum, too. if you care more about ordinary people...there are so many vernacular houses c. 1912 and earlier still around, in the U.S. and in Britain. go look at one. enjoy it- probably some people who realized they were going to die, that night, would have given a lot to see a house like that again
hell, go to one of the MANY Grand Staircase reproductions around the world. seriously there are tons of them
there's just no reason to go down there except for research (and this was not remotely a research expedition). ESPECIALLY in a patently unsafe vessel
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ofliterarynature · 1 month
TBR TAKEDOWN: Week 12 (Aug 18)
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TLDR: I have too many unread books, and I’m asking tumblr to help me downsize. Pick one or none, and comment if you can - a convincing sentence is worth a dozen votes! You’re also welcome to just choose the one that sounds the worst :D Book descriptions below the cut, see my pinned post for more info.
The Rector and the Rogue by W. A. Swanberg
It began quietly enough one morning in February 1880, with a mutton-chopped Acme Safe Company salesman knocking on the door of Reverend Morgan Dix, the starchiest clergyman in Manhattan's most respectable church. The salesman was surely misdirected, Reverend Dix explained--he had no need for a safe, and he had not made an appointment. But soon after, used clothes dealers arrived, followed by heavy machinery salesmen, and soon the street filled riotously with wave after wave of solicitor-tormentors--hundreds of funeral directors, horse traders, wigmakers, fellow clergymen, doctors--all insisting they'd been summoned by the bewildered Reverend Dix. And for weeks, it continued in this manner. Reporters from every newspaper in New York camped out to watch the fun, and as the story gained national attention, police and postal officers raced to capture the gleeful prankster-cum-performance artist who was making a mockery of the esteemed Trinity Church.
A fascinating tale of detection and revenge, The Rector and the Rogue uncovers for the first time the trail of celebrated Victorian trickster "Gentleman Joe"--the mysterious con-man whose innumerable identities, wild fabrications, baffling motives, and international trail of chaos would lead to one of the most bizarre criminal cases of the 19th century.
The Incredible Adventures of Cinnamon Girl by Melissa Kiel
Alba wants to stop time so she can stay in her small town forever - but the end of the world might just force her to confront her future.
Alba loves her life just as it is. She loves living behind the bakery and waking up in a cloud of sugar and cinnamon. She loves drawing comics and watching bad TV with her friends. The only problem is she's overlooked a few teeny details. Like, the guy she thought long gone has unexpectedly reappeared. And the boy who has been her best friend since forever has suddenly gone off the rails. Even her latest comic book creation is misbehaving. On top of all that, the world might be ending - which is proving to be awkward.
As doomsday enthusiasts flock to idyllic Eden Valley, Alba's life is thrown into chaos. Whatever happens next, it's the end of the world as she knows it. But when it comes to figuring out her heart, Armageddon might turn out to be the least of her problems.
Full of Keil's trademark quirky characters and witty dialogue, readers will be hooked by Alba's romantic dilemma and the hilarious plot that links the end of high school with the end of the world.
Moth and Spark by Anne Leonard
A prince with a quest. A commoner with mysterious powers. And dragons that demand to be freed—at any cost.
Prince Corin has been chosen to free the dragons from their bondage to the Empire, but dragons aren’t big on directions. They have given him some of their power, but none of their knowledge. No one, not the dragons nor their riders, is even sure what keeps the dragons in the Empire’s control.
Tam, sensible daughter of a well-respected doctor, had no idea before she arrived in the capital that she is a Seer, gifted with visions. When the two run into each other (quite literally) in the library, sparks fly and Corin impulsively asks Tam to dinner. But it’s not all happily ever after. Never mind that the prince isn’t allowed to marry a commoner: war is coming to Caithen.
Torn between Corin’s quest to free the dragons and his duty to his country, the lovers must both figure out how to master their powers in order to save Caithen. With a little help from a village of secret wizards and a rogue dragonrider, they just might pull it off.
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uwmspeccoll · 9 months
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Welcome to Manuscript Monday!
In this series we will periodically focus on selections from our manuscript facsimile collection. Today we present selections from the Morgan Beatus Manuscript, reproduced as A Spanish Apocalypse, The Morgan Beatus Manuscript in New York by George Braziller, Inc. in association with the Pierpont Morgan Library in 1991. The original manuscript, made around 10th century CE at the scriptorium of San Miguel de Escalada in Spain by a monk named Maius, is the earliest surviving illuminated version of the monk Beatus of Liébana's commentary on the biblical Book of Apocalypse (also known as the Book of Revelation).  The text of the Book of Revelation makes up the first part of the manuscript, and Beatus’s commentary comprises the second part. The Book of Revelation tells of the end-times in Christianity, during the final judgement of humanity by God. The story within this Biblical book was also seen by those living during the Latin medieval era as representative of the beginning of something new: God’s celestial kingdom. Due to this view of the book, many artists incorporated imagery from this part of the Bible in their work.
Produced in Al-Andalus, or Muslim-ruled Spain, the artistic style of this work combines both Muslim and Christian visual traditions to create a beautifully illuminated manuscript that supplements the commentary by the monk. This artistic style is known as the Mozarabic, which comes from the Arabic mustaʿrib, meaning ‘Arabicized’. Interestingly, this style of art can only be seen in Christian religious art and architecture from Spain at the time, as non-religious artistic objects made by Christians look so similar to Islamic versions of the same works that they cannot be identified as intentionally Christian. Some key Islamic artistic elements within the manuscript include buildings with horseshoe arches, intricate geometric and vegetal patterns as borders for larger images, and the large, bulging eyes of the illustrated animals.
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Another interesting aspect of this specific manuscript is the colophon at the end of the manuscript. It tells readers about the circumstances surrounding the creation of this book, including the maker, the patron, the year it was made, and an explanation about why Maius created the manuscript ("I write this . . . at the command of Abbot Victor, out of love for the book of the vision of John the beloved disciple. As part of its adornment I have painted a series of pictures . . . so that the wise may fear the coming of the future judgement of the world's end."). Colophons in medieval manuscripts are not usually as detailed, so the inclusion of all this information contributes greatly to the knowledge and history surrounding the Morgan Beatus Manuscript.
View more Manuscript Monday posts.
– Sarah S., Special Collections Graduate Intern
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meganwhalenturner · 2 years
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While I'm promoting museum visits. The Morgan Library's exhibit on the women of Mesopotamia ends February 19. If I had the time, I'd fly to New York just to see it. If I had the time, I'd be there right now.
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Some Hearts ~ Part 5
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My Blurb: I have returned! I am feeling much better and to make it up to you this one is the longest chapter I have ever written. I hope you all enjoy!
Disclaimer:  Alas, I own nothing but my ideas. I do not give permission for my writing to be shared anywhere without my consent. 
Summary: Reacher never needed anyone, he was a lone wolf and preferred it that way. But when he finds his mate beaten and bruised one night, she and the rest of the 110th show Reacher the benefits of being in a pack. Fated Mates, Shifter AU
Pairing: Jack Reacher x OFC Morgan Stone
Warnings: There are some darker things in this fic. Morgan is a rape and abuse survivor. Nothing is explicitly detailed but be advised. Your media consumption is your responsibility. This is a fated mates, wolf shifter AU and will contain claming, biting, mating and other wolf pack related things. 
Tagging: @pioched | @ashes-writing | @titty-teetee2 | @may85 | @msripleybennet | @lemmons1998 | @tonadavis264-blog | @screechingdreamercollectorsblog
Add yourself to my taglist HERE
Read First: Some Hearts Masterlist
Also Check Out: Main Masterlist
Rock Hill Village, New York
The next few days followed the same pattern. Jack was already up and working on projects by the time I made my way down stairs. He joined me in the kitchen while I made breakfast and we talked while we ate. We cleaned up, drove into the village and usually ended the day at the pack house before returning home. It was…comfortable and safe. 
The third day I convinced him that I was feeling good enough to walk into town instead of him driving. That’s how I found myself staring at the covered windows of the building that sat between the school and road to Jack’s cabin. Dixon had come out of her cabin to discuss training some of the younger members when she saw us walking by and I gravitated towards the building. 
“It’s technically the pack library.” Lily O’Donnell’s voice sounded from my left and I jumped, hand immediately going to my chest. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” 
“Oh, it’s ok. I was a little lost in my snooping.” I smiled and waved at Jack who had turned immediately at my sudden fear. “Why do you say technically?” I turned my attention back to Lilly who sent Jack a wave also.
“David & I inherited it when we started the school but between that and the kids we don’t have time to maintain or organize it and no one else in the pack has taken it on yet.” She shrugged. “Maybe someday.” Jack approached then, his hand finding the small of my back, sending the familiar wave of warmth through me.
“Reacher” she nodded to him. “Dixon recruiting you for training today?” 
He nodded, “Bobby’s mate went into labor this morning.” 
“I didn’t think she was going to make it much longer.” Lilly grinned. “I better get going. It was good to see you, Morgan.” 
“You as well.” I waved before turning to Jack, a question that had been bothering me bubbling to the surface. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Always.” he answered without hesitation, surveying the village square as we walked.
“I don’t want to overstep. I just…” I bit my lip, memories of my curiosity getting me in trouble when I was younger flooding through me. 
“Morgan,” he stopped, turning me to face him. “You can ask me anything and I will always answer you honestly.”
“Do you have a specific job? I noticed almost everyone else does.” I blurted out before I lost my nerve. 
“This is the longest I've ever stayed on the pack lands since I left the military.” He pulled me to a bench by the statue of the Moon Goddess. "After we left the military, most of the 110th came here and started the pack but I couldn’t help but wander after a lifetime of being an army brat. I was thirty-six years old, a citizen of a country I had barely seen, and there were places to go, and there were things to do. There were cities, and there was countryside. There were mountains, and there were valleys. There were rivers. There were museums, and music, and motels, and clubs, and diners, and bars, and buses. There were battlefields and birthplaces, and legends, and roads. There was company if I wanted it, and there was solitude if I didn’t. Then three weeks ago I found myself getting off the bus on the highway five miles from here. Neagley runs a tight ship, everyone earns their place so I stepped in whenever they needed someone. Sometimes training, mostly security. I was on duty two weeks later when you set off one of the south sensors.”
I stared at him in shock as his words sunk in. The comments about his cabin, the lack of personal items and other little moments all came crashing together. “You’re not going to stay?” The words came out as a coldness wrapped its way around my heart and I became aware of how attached I had already become to the friendly little village. 
“I told you I would be honest,” he heaved out a sigh, running his hand through his hair. “I don’t know, I never planned on finding you. I couldn’t imagine I had a fated mate out there. It was a fairytale that some of my friends had but wasn’t in the cards for me. I’m still getting my head around the fact that you are here.” I forced the threatening tears down when he gently used my chin to force me to look at him. “I won’t make a decision without you. We’re a team now.” 
I searched his face before nodding, bolstered by the sincerity in his words and gaze. “It’s nice to be a teammate and not just a pawn for once. Thank you Jack.” I leaned in and kissed his cheek, smiling inwardly at the hint of shock in his expression when I pulled away. 
A lingering warmth remained in the spot Morgan’s lips had touched him, even a couple hours after it happened and he sparred with the trainees. Dixon was a good trainer and all of her students excelled in learning how to use their wolves in a fight should the need arise. The focus today, however, was fighting without their wolf, something that Morgan seemed to be watching closely. Reacher had offered to take her somewhere she would be comfortable while he helped Dixon but after their talk she seemed to need the closeness, assuring him she wanted to watch.  
He could see her on the other side of the training area, watching Dixon show another smaller female how to use her speed against a bigger opponent. He walked over to her as the class wound down, an idea forming in his head. She had no power in her old life. He had seen the way it soothed her that he considered her his equal. Roscoe had no leads on why she couldn't shift and without her wolf she was at huge disadvantage against other shifters.
“Do you want to learn?” Reacher asked, stretching his hand towards her. She hesitated for a minute before determination crossed over her face and she nodded, grabbing his hand and letting him lead her away from the other students. “You heard Dixon telling them about speed?”
She nodded, stiffening slightly as he positioned her body. “Make yourself a smaller target and you're harder to hit.”
“And there’s no shame in running if you can.” he added, circling around to face her. “I’m going to try and grab you, try and avoid me.” Morgan nodded, taking a deep breath and watching him carefully. He waited a few seconds before pouncing towards her, catching her easily when she darted to the right. “You gave yourself away. You turned right and then hesitated. Once you make a decision, act, don’t hesitate.” 
They practiced for another couple hours before he noticed her wincing and rubbing at the cast on her arm. He was impressed with her determination. She was a quick learner and had mostly overcome the hesitation that gave her away managing to avoid him two times. “We better call it for today. Roscoe will have my hide if you hurt your arm more.” 
Morgan chuckled before sinking to the grass. “Thank you for teaching me. My father never would have allowed me to learn with my…handicap. He just surrounded me with bodyguards or kept me locked away in the house.”
“Everyone should know how to defend themselves. I will protect you until my last breath, but you need to know how to at least get away if someone attacks you.” Reacher sat down on the grass beside her looking towards the river that she had fallen into. 
She looked in that direction as well and smiled when she saw two wolves splashing out of the water, an black and tan one chasing a smaller brown one. The smaller one nipped playfully at the bigger one's snout before turning and running into the tree line at top speed. The bigger one howled and then followed. “Who was that?” Morgan laughed, following their path as they disappeared. 
“Sanchez & Melina. Their bonding ceremony is next week.” Reacher replied. 
“Can I see your wolf?” Reacher looked over to find Morgan staring at him apprehensively. 
I held my breath as Jack studied my face and then nodded slightly. His shift was smooth and well practiced. One second I was sitting next to a large man and the next I was sitting next to a large wolf. I reached out and ran my hand through the blue gray fur of his chest. In human form Jack towered over me and his wolf did as well. In our sitting positions my head came to his shoulder. Standing I let my hand drift to the fur around his ears pulling back when he nuzzled my hand with his snout. “I’m sorry, I guess I should have asked before just petting you.” 
Wolf Jack moved into a standing position and made a growling sound before nudging my hand again until it rested on top of his head. When I scratched his tail began to wag and I giggled. “I feel like I’ve seen this wolf before.” Wolf Jack cocked his head as I thought, moving to stroke his neck and back. 
“Is Reacher wagging his tail?” An astonished shout came from several feet away and I squeaked in surprise when I found myself firmly behind Jack as he growled in the direction of the voice. Oscar Finlay appeared a moment later. “Down boy, I was just coming to let you know food’s almost ready at the pack house.” 
Jack suddenly shifted, as fluidly as before, blocking my view of Finlay. Peeking my head around him I waved. “What’s happening at the pack house?”
“Our monthly pack meeting, everyone eats there and we go over anything we need to.” Finlay filled in. “And we are definitely going to need to go over Reacher’s tail wagging.” He chuckled when Jack shot him a glare. 
I patted Jack’s arm before sliding it down to intertwine my hand with his. “Am I allowed to go? I’ve never gotten to be involved in pack activities.” 
I asked the question to Finlay but Reacher squeezed my hand and responded. “If you want to go, you can.” 
Finlay nodded, grinning at our intertwined hands. “I’ll see you there.”
Jack led us into the pack house half an hour later, winding us through the crowd and to a couple empty chairs at one of the trestle tables that had been setup in rows throughout the room. “Stay here, I'll grab some food.”
Charlie quickly joined me, dropping into an empty chair and greeting me with a hug. “Paul will be here in a minute, he’s dropping the girls off upstairs. They always have a movie set up for the kids up there while the adults handle business. I heard you did some training with Reacher today. You didn’t hurt your arm did you?” 
“He’s trying to teach me to be able to escape. I only managed to out maneuver him twice in three hours of practice. He made us stop when my arm started aching.” I smiled. 
“Twice is pretty good. Reacher is exceptionally trained, maybe more so than Alpha Neagley. Plus you’re his mate. He’s naturally more attuned to you.” she shrugged. 
I nodded, “I hadn’t thought of that.” 
Paul joined us then, placing their plates on the table.  “I couldn’t tell if Reacher was getting plates for both of you or just him, but I’m glad to be in front of him in line. I don’t know how he stays in that kind of shape but eats like that.”
“Genetics.” Jack’s voice sounded from behind me before four towering plates of food appeared in front of our seats. He placed an empty one in front of me before continuing. “I wasn’t sure what you’d want so take the first pick and I can eat whatever’s left.”
Neagley appeared at the front of the room where a podium was set up. The crowd quieted immediately, everyone found their seats and I watched in amazement at the respect the pack had for their leader. Reacher nudged me as it continued, pointedly looking at the pile of food in front of us. Rolling my eyes I grabbed some chicken and a few other items before picking up my fork and digging in. 
Near the end of the meeting Neagley announced Sanchez and Melina’s ceremony and the room came alive with applause and whistles while Sanchez pumped his arm in the air and Melina blushed at his side.
Turning to Charlie I got her attention before asking, “If I order a dress for the ceremony would it get here in time? I just realized I don’t have anything and I hate to keep hogging your wardrobe.” 
“We’re going into Utica in a couple days, why don’t you come with us?” Charlie offered. “I have to pick up our medicine shipment. Angela, Franz’s mate, is also coming. She has to pick up some supplies for the inn.” 
“That would be great.” I turned to Jack who was putting the last piece of chicken from my plate in his mouth. “What do you think?”
“You do need some more clothes and a coat,” he shrugged. 
“It’s settled then!” Charlie waved down Dixon who joined them. “Morgan is going to join us on our trip to Utica. She needs some more clothes.” 
“I hope that’s ok.” I offered. “I’m living out of Charlie’s wardrobe at the moment.” 
“Not a problem at all little wolf, it will be a girls trip.” Neagley planted herself on the table beside Dixon. 
“Wait, girls trip. I’m going with Morgan.” Jack looked between the women.
“I don’t think so big guy, I need you to take over training for Dixon while we’re gone.” Neagley put her hand up when he went to argue.
Reacher’s Cabin, Rock Hill Village, New York
Neagley gave him a look he knew from their time in the service. One that said she wasn’t discussing the topic anymore, he was not going on this trip. “She will be with Dixon and me the whole time. You know she’s safe with us. We have Charlie if her arm acts up.”
“Nothing can happen to her, Neagley.” It was more of a plea than an agreement but she still nodded. They turned as Morgan came down the steps to meet them at the SUV. “Stay with Dixon or Neagley,” he reached into his pocket and handed her his card. “Get whatever clothes or other stuff you need. And a coat, it’s going to get colder.” 
Morgan put her hand up to stop him, “I have enough of my own to get a dress and a couple things I need. I’m not spending any more of your money.”
Before he could reply Neagley stepped in and swiped the card from his hand. “I have no problem spending more of your money. Thanks for lunch. Come on little wolf.” 
Jack gently grabbed her shoulder and turned her to face him. “Morgan, get what you need. He kissed her forehead before adding, “Stay with the group. Please, mon reve.”
Morgan nodded, giving him a quick hug before hurrying into the backseat beside Angela. 
Utica, New York
“Are you sure this is ok for the ceremony?” I asked, twirling in the mirror. 
Angela turned from where she was handing Dixon a different top to try on. “You look lovely! Have you ever been to a bonding ceremony?”
“Angela.” Charlie snapped and Neagley shook her head but I put my hand up.
“It’s ok. I have only been to my own and I didn’t get much of a say in it.” I shrugged. “I wasn’t allowed to attend many events.” 
“I’m sorry Morgan, I didn’t think before I spoke.” Angela was ringing her hands together. “When you and Reacher have one you will be able to choose whatever you want.” 
A hush fell over the group as they all looked at me and my heart plummeted. “Oh, um. I don’t know…we’ve never really talked about it…and I…I can’t shift. Excuse me, I should change.” Hurrying back into the dressing room I pulled the dress off and hung it over the door. “Get it together Morgan” I whispered to myself, fighting to keep the tears that had sprung to my eyes from falling. I hadn’t considered that a bonding ceremony would be expected. Did Jack want one? I was a defective wolf. Did I want to go through that again? Knowing how my one to KJ had gone. It had been a miserable few hours in a dress that was too tight and not in my style at all. And then that night…I shuddered, biting my lip hard and covering my mouth to mask the sob that tried to escape. 
By the time I pulled myself together and left the changing room the other women had made their purchases and were waiting by the register. “Did one of you grab the dress off the door? I think i’ll just get that today.” 
“Already taken care of, went ahead and got you a few more things also.” Dixon held up four large bags.
“Big guy wanted us to make sure you were taken care of since we wouldn’t let him be here. That was the only way we were leaving the village without him tailing us and I still double checked on the way here.” Neagley shrugged, flashing Jack’s credit card. 
Charlie stopped me from replying with a hard look. “Morgan, Reacher has plenty of money. He hardly buys anything with his pension and Paul started making investments for him after an incident a few years back.”
“He also cares about you.” Angela smiled shyly. “My comment was foolish before. I wasn’t thinking. But you have to know how much he cares for you. Reacher never lets people in but I see, we all see the way he looks at you.” 
I wiped a tear that slipped out giving the group a watery smile. “I’m really glad I stumbled into this village. You are all wonderful.” I pulled Jack’s card out of Neagley’s hand. “Who’s ready for lunch?” 
Margrave, Northern Georgia
‘Alpha, there’s something you both need to see.” The Kliner packs new head of security appeared in the doorway with an envelope and a tablet. Kliner waved him in, sitting in the big chair behind his desk, leaving KJ to stand beside him. He placed the envelope on the desk and opened it revealing several pictures of Morgan. 
“Where was this and how long ago?” KJ grabbed a photo, studying it closely. 
“Face recognition flagged it ten minutes ago in Utica, New York sir.” the guard answered, reading off the tablet. 
KJ cursed, slamming the photo back onto the desk. “How the fuck did she get to Utica, load up the cars, we leave in one hour.” 
“Wait.” Kliner said calmly but everyone in the room froze. “Who is she with?” He looked over the photos at the other women sitting at the restaurant. 
“We’re running facial recognition on them now Alpha.” he glanced between Alpha and son. 
“We don’t make a move until we know what we’re going into.” He put his hand up to stop KJ’s outburst. “Your stupid decisions regarding Morgan Stone are what got us into this situation.” He turned back to the guard. “Notify her father we have a lead and I want to know the minute we find out who is sheltering her. 
*Italicized section is a direct copy from The Affair by Lee Child
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
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Some details of marginalia and illuminations in MS. M. 639, an 11th-century Byzantine Greek gospel from Constantinople. (Now held in the Morgan Library in New York.) Check out the incredibly intricate and colorful borders on the biblical scenes, the three vaguely disgruntled dudes in sleeping bags, the annotations and rubrics in red ink, and the bilingual Latin-Greek header on the first page. Also, if you are bored and need something to do, want to stare at pretty pictures, are looking for research material, or just desire to kick some idiot claiming that the medieval world "had no art" directly in the nards, I strongly advise exploring all the digital images of the various medieval and renaissance manuscripts in the Morgan's collection.
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arkytiorwrites · 2 years
How the Avengers Would React…
To You Hiding and Injury, No Matter How Small
616 Stephen Strange x Reader
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You and Stephen had been squirreled away in the Kamar Taj library for two weeks, doing everything in your considerable power to find a way to reverse the memory spell Stephen had cast for Spiderman. Stephen had been fine with leaving it be but you insisted that at least he, Mrs. Stark, young Morgan Stark, Happy Hogan, and a pair of teens named MJ and Ned remember evenething about New York's webslinger.
"OW! Mother trucker that hurts more than a buttcheek on a stick!” you swore from behind your wall of stacked books.
"What is it?” Stephen demanded, standing and using the Clock of Levitation to get around the books and hover anxiously at your side. ”What's wrong?"
"Paper cut. I'd take being stabbed over one of these little fuckers any day,” you grumbled as you squeezed the wound to your right finger to stem the bleeding.
"Haven’t they suffered enough?" the older sorcerer hissed as he glared balefully at the tome currently resting on your lap.
"Stephen, seriously. Take a chill pill, it's a papercut. I've had worse,” the you snorted as you pulled a Band-Aid from a pocket dimension and wrapped the offending cut.
"That doesn't mean you should suffer at all,” he argued back, carefully taking your hands and checking them over for any wounds you might have missed as he sat beside her.
"Ma cheri, it's sweet of you to worry, but you can't protect me from the world," you chided, slipping your hands from his shaky grasp to gently hold his face, the scratch of his beard tickling your palms.
"I can damn well try," he fired heatedly.
Cocking your head curiously to the side, you becan to get the feeling that there was a deeper problem behind the Master of the New York Sanctum's worry and over-protectiveness.
"Stephen, babe, you never worried this much before 2014 Thanos and the Snap. What's really goin' on, sweetheart?”
The former neurosurgeon remaind silent and stubbornly stared at his boots.
"Stephen? Come on, baby. I can't help you if you don't talk to me. I'm many things, but telepathic ain't one of them” you pressed.
"You were in a coma," the doctor finally whispered. "For five weeks, and there was no way I could help you. Nothing I did helped you heal or wake up, I couldn't even kill Thanos myself, let alone protect you because of that dawn flood. You were bleeding so much, darling. And I couldn't get to you!”
Terrified, angry tears were trailing down the doctor’s cheeks when he finally looked up, making it clearer than ever how much you meant to him.
"Oh, baby boy,” your murmured, heart breaking in your chest. "Come 'ere."
Stephen willingly curled against you, resting his head on your shoulder and holding you as tightly as he dared while you ran your fingers soothingly through his dark hair.
"Honey, I took that risk because I knew Tony needed a diversion to get the Stones from that raisin-faced bitch. I can heal from anything. Immortal, remember? I'm not leaving you anytime soon, gentil garçon, I promise. Death knows better than to fuck with me,” you reassured him, softly pressing a kiss to his forehead.
You two spent several hours curled up on that spot, you quietly humming, rocking , and petting his hair as you continued your research. Stephen remained tucked in your arms, re-enforcing in his mind that his darling was safe and whole.
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servants-hall · 1 year
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‘The Gilded Age’ Season 2 Behind the Scenes: How Fashion Defines Each Character (PHOTOS)
by Kelli Boyle
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Julian Fellowes, the creator of Downton Abbey (2011-2016) [mod note: on PBS in the US], set that upstairs-downstairs series at a palatial British estate on the eve of World War I. He moved his newest costume drama Stateside to the streets of New York City. Set in the late 1800s, The Gilded Age, which has its second-season premiere on Sunday, October 29 on HBO (streaming on Max), pits the new money of railroad barons against the old money of New York society. The powerful fight for control of the city and use their wealth to measure social success. And dressing for success was its own full-time occupation.
When researching women’s fashion in 1800s New York, the show’s costume designer Kasia Walicka-Maimone saw one thing clearly: “Their life was a catwalk. There was this enormous excitement” when the ladies trekked the bustling, dusty streets of Manhattan. Her job was to recreate that excitement for contemporary viewers of The Gilded Age.
Fashion as a Sign of Status
Who’s doing all this promenading? Marian Brook (Louisa Jacobson) arrived in NYC with no money and was taken in by her aunts Ada (Cynthia Nixon) and Agnes (Christine Baranski), both living off an inheritance. Then the newly affluent Russells—headed by railroad baron George (Morgan Spector) and wife Bertha (Carrie Coon), who is determined to break into polite society—moved in across the street.
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Ada Brook (Cynthia Nixon) and Agnes van Rhijn (Christine Baranski) head to church on Easter morning in ‘The Gilded Age’ Season 2 premiere. Niece Marian Brook (Louisa Jacobson) follows close behind (Credit: Barbara Nitke/HBO)
The frill thrills continue in Season 2, especially in a pivotal garden party scene (pictured below) that TV Insider observed being filmed in September 2022 at New York’s lavish Old Westbury Gardens estate. (Westbury House was previously home to an heir of the Phipps family, real-life Gilded Age figures whose patriarch made his fortune alongside Andrew Carnegie at his steel company.) On set was Fellowes, whose smart black suit and tie were the only dark hues around.
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Gladys Russell (Taissa Farmiga), George Russell (Morgan Spector), and Bertha Russell (Carrie Coon) step out for Easter mass in ‘The Gilded Age’ Season 2 premiere (Credit: Barbara Nitke/HBO)
Historically Accurate Costumes
It’s a testament to the wardrobe department that the stunning colors of the sprawling grounds nearly pale in comparison to the vibrancy of the women’s period garb. Despite the sepia-toned images in history books, Walicka-Maimone says, those bright tints are decidedly historically accurate. She has a library of more than 35,000 reference images to prove it.
“It’s shocking to our modern eye to see the explosion of color from that period,” she said. Production designer Bob Shaw (who won an Emmy for his work on Gilded Age) was present to share his creative process, which, just as Walicka-Maimone described of her own work, is “deeply steeped in history.”
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Nicole Brydon Bloom joins the cast for Season 2, pictured here at the garden party with Blake Ritson’s Oscar van Rhijn (Credit: Barbara Nitke/HBO)
He does note that, when deciding between “what is correct and what feels correct,” the latter always wins. Creative liberties are taken to “build [character] histories into the costumes,” Walicka-Maimone added.
A Garden Party to Remember
Take Brit newcomers Dashiell Montgomery (David Furr) and his daughter, Frances (Matilda Lawler), for example. Nephew by marriage to Baranski’s Agnes, Dashiell requires more “toned-down” attire suitable for social outings, which contrasts with Season 1’s primarily business and formal menswear.
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Aurora Fane (Kelli O’Hara) and husband Charles Fane (Ward Horton) attend the garden party in ‘The Gilded Age’ Season 2 (Credit: Barbara Nitke/HBO)
Dashiell must escort Frances through society in his late wife’s absence. One consideration for Walicka-Maimone: “This is a girl who doesn’t have a mother, so there’s probably extra care from all the other family members in [dressing her],” she said.
Meanwhile, Marian, who Jacobson said is “shining this season and sees herself in [younger] Frances,” will be more open to a strategic marriage. Marian’s “not necessarily cynical” after being jilted by Tom Raikes (Thomas Cocquerel) in last season’s finale, the actress continued, but the heartbreak gives her a “spice and edge.”
Don’t count out the possibility of a romance with Larry Russell (Harry Richardson), son of the railroad titan, which was teased last year. Jacobson shared: “They will definitely continue to deepen their friendship.” Old money and new money unite!
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longveil · 8 months
Library: Chronology
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[ The Morgan Library - New York City. Mariusz Lopusiewicz ]
Since Fall of 2020 I've ignored Seraanna's Chronology page, where I try to apply a little order to all the stories I've written for her. And, truly, I wrote a frightful number of shorts and vignettes for her - even taking my hiatus from WoW (July 2021 - Feb 2023) into account.
No more.
The Chronology is updated and shiny, with neglected fics, collabs, arcs, and more recent fics written since I came back to these characters. A first step to getting back into writing that's languished since the New Year. I'm either calling January a bye month, or declaring fiction bankruptcy (well, not bankrupt - there are discord scenes waiting for me with extraordinary patience).
Yes, I'm also the kind of person who cleans their desk before writing. How did you know?
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haveyoureadthispoll · 6 months
The remarkable, little-known story of Belle da Costa Greene, J. P. Morgan's personal librarian—who became one of the most powerful women in New York despite the dangerous secret she kept in order to make her dreams come true, from New York Times bestselling author Marie Benedict and acclaimed author Victoria Christopher Murray. In her twenties, Belle da Costa Greene is hired by J. P. Morgan to curate a collection of rare manuscripts, books, and artwork for his newly built Pierpont Morgan Library. Belle becomes a fixture on the New York society scene and one of the most powerful people in the art and book world, known for her impeccable taste and shrewd negotiating for critical works as she helps build a world-class collection. But Belle has a secret, one she must protect at all costs. She was born not Belle da Costa Greene but Belle Marion Greener. She is the daughter of Richard Greener, the first Black graduate of Harvard and a well-known advocate for equality. Belle's complexion isn't dark because of her alleged Portuguese heritage that lets her pass as white—her complexion is dark because she is African American. The Personal Librarian tells the story of an extraordinary woman, famous for her intellect, style, and wit, and shares the lengths to which she must go—for the protection of her family and her legacy—to preserve her carefully crafted white identity in the racist world in which she lives.
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dogandcatcomics · 3 months
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Selections from the exhibit "Walton Ford: Birds and Beasts of the Studio" at the Morgan Library in New York City, USA @themorganlibrary. First image is Walton Ford (USA, 1960-), Study for Augury, 2018, watercolor, gouache, and ink over graphite. Second image is Walton Ford, Zürichsee, 2015, watercolor, gouache, and ink. Third image is William Nicholson (British, 1872-1949). Coursing, 1897, india ink over black chalk on paper prepared with a brown wash. Fourth image is Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein (German, 1751-1829). Mastiff in a Violent Landscape, c. 1800, watercolor, gouache, and pen and brown ink. Last image are cat sculptures at exterior of the building. I appreciate the canine and feline representation.
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 11 months
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October 18 is the Feast Day of St Luke. He appears here at the start of the Gospel that bears his name in the Evangelium of Judith of Flanders (Cantorbéry, 1065). The Morgan Library & Museum, New York, ms M.709, f° 77v, 29,3 × 19,1 cm. :: [Robert Scott Horton]
* * * *
Night Surrender to Praise at Dawn – Nov. 16, 2021
“In the middle of the night I hold hands with trust and surrender to the One who sees without a light… My prayer travels deep into my soul space, into the essence of my being.
Rising from sleep, I raise high the chalice of my life. Dressed in robes of joyful anticipation, I enter this day with an open heart. This is the awakening hour. This is the hour of praise. ‘O medicine of dawn; O healing drink of morning!’ Offering both words and silence, I join in the dance of creation.”
–Macrina Wiederkehr, Seven Sacred Pauses: Living Mindfully Through the Hours of the Day, p. 29 and 47
[alive on all channels]
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krenenbaker · 10 months
Yo Kren
Since you're an expert enthusiast in historical fashion lend a fellow a hand.
I really wanna design renaissance characters rn, you know where I can look that up? Like a book with pictures online with lots of interesting designs for inspiration
okay, it's been a little bit since I've been really looking into historical fashion, but I'll do my best to help out!
first, it depends on when in the Renaissance you're looking at, as well as where, and who. the fashions differed from place-to-place, differed based on social class, and were fairly different from decade-to-decade, let alone from the beginning of the Renaissance (14th century) to the end (17th century). I'm most familiar with fashions of the English Renaissance, mostly the period of the Tudor and Elizabethan eras (late 1400s to late 1500s), so I'd mostly be able to help with things from that time period.
Fashion History Timeline is a handy website (which I may have told you about?) made by the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) in New York, which gives an overview of common fashions in different decades. this is where I tend to start, and look deeper into the different aspects I find interesting or are important to the construction, shape, etc. of different pieces and outfits.
From there, I tend to look at either my local library, on Google Scholar, JSTOR (which you may be able to access either through a personal account, a school library, or a public library), Project Gutenburg or the Internet Archive (those are good for older sources), or on the general internet for the aspects I may be wanting to learn more about. Generally, I look into:
the fabrics that would have been used,
the common patterns of the time,
the different garments that would have been worn (shirts/shifts, hose, tunics, jerkins, overcoats, kirtles, dresses, pockets, etc, depending on whose clothing you're looking at)
the specific layers and their order,
any techniques that may have been used in that specific time / place,
and any other things that stand out
If you are looking for specifically Tudor fashions, the Tudor Tailor is a FANTASTIC source. There are a few different Tudor Tailor books, though they can be a little hard to find, but they also have a few visual sources on their YouTube channel, which are great!
Morgan Donner also has some good sources for Medieval and Renaissance dress, which I'd also recommend looking into a bit! Samantha Bullat also has some GREAT videos and tutorials on mostly 15th-17th century dress. and there are some other tutorials and such on YouTube, which can usually be found by searching for the specific garment and period (though not always)
I hope this was at least a bit helpful. and I hope you have fun!
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harrison-abbott · 30 days
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I’ve watched Se7en (1995) hundreds of times. And never tire of doing so.
It is part crime movie, part noir, part psychological thriller. Where I believe it works best is in scenes such as when Morgan Freeman is in the library and he is reading the classical and religious texts, based on the concept of Hell and morality. The beautiful Bach music is aligned with these gruesome illustrations of people thrown into Hell. To take those historical ideas, and bring them into the context of a 1990s American city is very clever.
Except, it doesn’t seem like the film belongs to a particular place. And, indeed, the location is never specified during the movie. It is filmed, literally, in Los Angeles, and some of it in New York, but it rather seems to belong within its own nightmare.
The plot is terrific. And what makes the story all the more terrific, I think, is that it has an inverted ending. Because the killer hands himself in fifteen minutes before the film ends. Why would he hand himself in? It doesn’t make sense. And I’ve met other people who said they guessed “What’s in the box!” but I never saw it coming.
And the whole thing ends with another literary reference, from Ernest Hemingway. But the writer Andrew Kevin Walker puts a different slant on it. Morgan Freeman’s character narrates, “Ernest Hemingway once wrote, ‘The world is a fine place, and worth fighting for.’ I believe in the second part.’
That’s a chilling line to complete the piece. And that aspect as well – that the movie has a point, has a message, as well as being an entertaining thriller, is what makes it a masterpiece.
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