#i was imagining yi to have been knocked out for like a couple days
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doodledrawsthings · 2 months ago
Oooh so I’ve been Rotating dwbi au in my head and I have a question;; so the whole reason this au happens is because eigong didn’t infect the roots right? But if that’s the case,, how is it that yi isn’t connected to them any more, if they’re still intact?? Or did they still get destroyed somehow? :0 curious
So- I'm actually retconning that, lol! I was struggling to come up with reasons for them to not be able to go back to Penglai. And @lumpy-veev saved me by coming up with the idea of the roots grabbing him and pulling him in after Eigong infects them. So I've actually been working off of that concept, instead. Yi comes to somewhere similar to the limitless realm, where what's physically real and what isn't is kind of wonky. He essentially fights off a manifestation of the mutated Tianhuo in a 4th boss phase "like a white blood cell fighting off a virus" and uses the Rhiz bomb to finish it off. Fully expecting not to get out of there alive and not able to personally say goodbye to his friends due to not having a signal, he leaves Kuafu, Shuanshuan, and Shennong a goodbye message he doesn't expect to get delivered before loosing the arrow. Instead of being allowed to die, however, he's spat back out onto the floor of the pinnacle room. He wakes up an indeterminate amount of time later to several missed calls from Kuafu, still on the ground, none of his wounds having been healed, and the Fusang roots wilted and dryly breaking apart around him. He calls Kuafu and asks him to come pick him up and then weakly limps over to the greenhouse to see if Goumang is still alive and if there's anyone left in the Empyrean district who is able to be recovered.
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years ago
What if I Never Get Over You?
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(He’s so pretty ugh God really does have his favorites)
Mark Tuan X Reader
Genre: Angst (A lot of curse words) (Angry Mark) (God bless)
Word Count: 8.9K
Summary: Mark was just seconds away from falling asleep after a long, exhausting day of work until Jackson comes over to his place, angry with the fact that Mark has been avoiding all of their many attempts to get him to move on. However, Mark has come to the realization even in the beginning of your break up that there is simply no getting over you.
A/N: Hey guys! So, this imagine is based off of the song “What if I never get over you” by Lady A and honestly it is one of my favorite songs ever and I’ve been listening to it on repeat for the last couple of weeks so I highly recommend that you listen to it while reading the lyrics hit me so hard for someone who has never been in a relationship once in the 22 years of my existence and I just found myself unable to stop typing this specific story. I’m currently in the middle of finals so I will be able to focus more on writing (If I’m being honest, I focus more on writing than I do on my education who am I even kidding LOL). This one is a little more on the sad side but the ending (I don’t know how I feel about it) but I consider it happy I guess? Please enjoy!
It's supposed to hurt, it's a broken heart But to movin' on is the hardest part It comes in waves, the letting go But the memory fades, everybody knows Everybody knows
What if I'm tryin', but then I close my eyes And then I'm right back, lost in that last goodbye? And what if time doesn't do what it's supposed to do? What if I never get over you?
“Mark Yi-En Tuan—open the damn door. I have a bone to pick with you.” 
The word exhaustion couldn’t even describe half of what Mark was currently feeling. He had just finished work less than half an hour ago and against his friend’s pleas to grab a drink with them at the bar they normally frequented, he made a beeline back to his apartment. All he wanted to do was change out of his scrubs and sleep for the next twelve hours. 
Being a registered nurse was actually the last occupation Mark would’ve thought he’d ever get in to. As a young boy, all the way up until his senior year in high school, he never cared about anything other than playing baseball, video games, hanging out with his friends and eating junk food. He desired to “live in the moment” as much as he possibly could while he was still young and he decided he would worry about his future once he graduated from high school. Even when he did move on to college, he had no idea what his plans were. 
Like a lot of his friends, he was attending university in order to please his parents and to get a degree. In what—he didn’t care. Honestly, he thought about studying many different majors—engineering, kinesiology, biology, criminal justice and at one point—culinary. But he could never see himself settling in to any of those careers. His younger brother Joey knew that he wanted to be a pharmacist and unlike Mark; his soul purpose was to be successful in his education. 
At the time, Mark considered the younger boy to be a loser. He wasn’t living his high school life to his fullest potential—or at least that’s what Mark thought. On the day of his graduation, his principal began announcing each and every one of his classmates; what college they were attending, whether or not they received any honors and what they planned on majoring in. When it was his turn and the principal called his name, he was excited to finally be over with that chapter in his life. 
He expected to take the diploma and walk back to the bleachers like everyone else was. However, he felt exceptionally stupid when it was made aware that he had no idea what he was going to do after high school. Even his good friend BamBam—the class clown and the student with the lowest gpa in his graduating class had plans to go to college and major in hospitality. It made him feel pathetic and although the audience clapped right after he shook hands with his principal, he couldn’t help but feel as though some people were probably laughing at him. 
Hell, if he were to be sitting in the crowd and someone were to be in the same situation he was in, he would’ve laughed too. How could someone who was eighteen years old have no clue what he wanted to do for the rest of his life? That made him realize that Joey wasn’t the loser—Joey was extremely intelligent and planned for his future before he even realized what a future was. He was also the reason why Mark ended up going in to the medical field seeing as how his goal was to become a pharmacist and open up his own pharmacy one day. 
The younger boy; along with his parents and his friend Jinyoung coerced him in to attending med school because they witnessed how much of a people person Mark was and they felt like he would be very successful in whatever career he were to obtain. It wasn’t an easy road to success—in fact, he found himself wanting to give up more times than he could count on his fingers. 
College was already frustrating as it is, but majoring in nursing was one of the more difficult fields and a lot of the students who started off in nursing did not end up graduating with a nursing degree. Mark had no idea how he ended up getting his bachelor’s—let alone his master’s degree; especially because he felt there were so many students who were smarter than him and had more knowledge than him when it came to nursing who ended up getting kicked out of the program. 
Whenever he felt like giving up; when the multiple all-nighters he would pull in order to study for exams that he never seemed to be able to pass no matter how hard he tried, or the numerous amount of nights he found himself crying because he was afraid he wouldn’t make it and become the successful nurse everyone was expecting him to be—he remembered why he was going through all of that pain and suffering in the first place and it only gave him the motivation to continue until he finally achieved his goal. 
It took him almost six years, but it was worth it. He loved his job; although it could get very hectic almost every single day, he would get yelled at by patients for things out of his control, he got thrown up on, urinated on and even had families of patients threaten to get him fired, he also witnessed many miracles throughout the walls of the hospital and he got to meet a lot of people who would change his life. One person in particular that was the sole reason why his younger friend was currently pounding on his door—wanting to reprimand him for something he did a few days prior. 
Mark sat on his couch and weighed out his options; he could just let Jackson continue knocking on his door until he either got tired or came to the realization that there was a chance Mark was fast asleep by now. As good as that idea sounded, he was afraid that he would get noise complaints from his neighbors and the last thing he needed was to get evicted from his apartment over a ruckus he wasn’t even causing. 
Mark took in a deep breath and prepared himself for any confrontation Jackson might let out. He was expecting his rowdy and extroverted friend to bother him sooner, but then again —it’s not like Mark ever really hung out with his group of friends all that much in the last few months. If only he could say it was strictly because his job was working him to the core and making him exceedingly tired; if only it were that simple. 
He took a look in the peephole; curious as to whether or not Jackson was alone and if there was a chance he was drunk. The older boy released a sigh of relief when he saw Jinyoung and Yugyeom with him—he knew they would probably act as the mediators of Jackson went too far and said something to infuriate Mark. 
It’s happened many times in the past; Jackson Wang—bless his soul; but he had to be one of the most attention seeking and loud mouthed people that Mark knew. He also had no filter and said things like they were; he wasn’t afraid of hurting people’s feelings. Especially if those people just so happened to be his six good friends. As soon as he opened the door and saw the aggravated look on Jackson’s face, he had to stop himself from slamming the door and heading back to his room. 
“It’s almost midnight. I’m so fucking tired Jackson, this couldn’t have waited till the morning? Or at least an hour where I’m not drained of all my energy and won’t be able to fight back if the situation called for it?” 
Jackson ignored his comment and walked right past him—plopping himself on to Mark’s couch. The two other boys gave Mark apologetic expressions; it was obvious that they felt bad for bothering him at such a late hour—especially seeing that Mark was ready to knock out at any second. 
Neither of them wanted to be there, but when Jackson gets drunk—which he was currently plastered at the moment; heightening his confidence that Mark was quickly growing irritated with, he has a tendency of admitting things he would never say when sober and because their conversation at dinner consisted of Mark and his personal life, the five other guys knew leaving Jackson alone with Mark was not the best idea. 
One of them would end up with a black eye and a busted lip and there was a ninety-five percent chance that it would be Jackson. Mark was never a physical person; he never believed in violence and he tried his best to solve problems verbally before having to get physical. He’s been best friends with Jackson for almost sixteen years now—this meant that he was extremely comfortable with putting the younger boy in his place if he had to. 
There were only a couple times that Jackson and Mark either disagreed or actually fought over something and it was usually Jackson who’d instigate a lot of their quarrels. One time, Jackson said something that really got under Mark’s skin and he ended up with a busted lip. It wasn’t like the two of them stayed mad at each other for too long though; all it took was a few apologies, a couple of beers and some takeout that would get the both of them back on speaking terms. 
Jinyoung and Yugyeom weren’t too sure about what would happen between their two oldest friends tonight. Jackson was furious with Mark—he went in to great detail about how he was going to give him “a piece of his mind.” They didn’t completely agree with the points that Jackson made; especially because Mark was old enough to make his own decisions and nobody, not even his really good friend could tell him how to live his life. 
“Why did you tell Sophia that you weren’t interested in a long-term relationship? She called me crying this morning saying that you no longer were interested in her—“ 
Mark rolled his eyes at Jackson’s complaints. He knew he would get an earful sooner or later about how he’s been avoiding Jackson’s and even the rest of their friend group’s many attempts at trying to set Mark up with someone they knew—whether it was a coworker or a mutual friend. A couple of weeks ago, Jackson introduced Mark to a friend of his girlfriend. 
He wasn’t going to lie, Sophia was very pretty; she was also very smart—had a bachelor’s degree in family law and she was still in school trying to get her master’s. However, Mark wasn’t interested in her—or any of the girls that the rest of his friends tried to get him to go out with. He understood that his friends were only trying to help him “get back in to the game” or whatever BamBam said—but the eldest boy did not want anything to do romantically with anyone his friends were trying to set him up with. 
“Because I’m not. I was never interested in her to begin with. I was just going on these dates with her to get you off my back. She’s a nice girl; all the girls you guys tried to introduce me to are nice girls—but I don’t want a relationship right now Jackson nor do I even have the time to focus on another person, I barely have time to take care of myself. I know you guys are worried about me, but I’m fine. I’m twenty-seven years old; sure I’m not as young as I used to be, but settling down in to a relationship is the least of my worries. If you’re just bothered by the fact that I’m the only single guy in the group and you pity watching me sit by myself while you’re all accompanied by your girlfriends, I just won’t go out with you guys anymore.” 
When Jackson let out a scoff, the two younger boys looked at each other cautiously. Shit was going to hit the fan soon and they were afraid if they didn’t leave within the next five minutes, punches were going to be thrown. They also grew worried that if both Mark and Jackson were to argue, especially over the topic of Mark’s love life, that it might actually ruin their friendship with no promise of reconciliation. 
“Stop giving me that shit Mark. It’s not because you’re busy—you’re still hung up over y/n! That’s why you’ve been pushing away everyone from your life and I’m sick of it! It’s been almost seven months Mark, you need to move on. She obviously isn’t coming back. If she genuinely still loved you, she would have never left in the first place. Stop trying to look for y/n in other girls and stop letting another chance at being in love again slip through your fingers because you have this stupid hope that one day, she’ll realize that she made a mistake in breaking up with you—“
“Jackson, shut up—“
“For all you know, she’s already moved on—“
“Jackson, if you know what’s best for you, you would shut up—“
“Maybe the reason why she left is because she found someone else—someone who would give her the love and attention you failed to give her towards the end of your relationship and that idea alone is what’s messing with your head. Thinking about her loving someone else, finding solace in someone else, fucking another man—“
Once those last few words fell out of Mark’s mouth, the entire room fell quiet. Yugyeom and Jinyoung were stunned—Mark was a very soft-spoken and timid individual. Most people who were newly introduced to him could get a couple of words out of him if they were lucky. A lot of his patients at the hospital could go on and on in conversation and he would simply just him or nod his head as a way to communicate with them. 
However, whenever it came to his friends and family, the eldest boy could talk up a storm. Mark was a very kind-hearted person; he was known for having a lot of patience and understanding—but he also had a huge temper. It took a lot for something or someone to piss him off; especially because he didn’t want anyone to look at him in a negative light. Normally, he could keep his ill-feelings at bay, but there were a few occasions where he allowed himself to yell or grunt in frustration. 
Your relationship was a very touchy subject. Sure, it’s been over half a year since that night where you told Mark you no longer could handle being suffocated in your toxic relationship and usually most men were known to bounce back after a week. But Mark wasn’t like most men and you weren’t just any ordinary woman. You were the love of his life—his soulmate, his best friend, his person, the one he wanted to settle down, start a family and spend the rest of his life with. 
He was devastated when you told him you were leaving and he even tried his best in to getting you to change your mind. He made so many promises of bettering himself in order to be a boyfriend you were proud of. He repeatedly told you that he would be nothing without you and that he would do anything in his power to get you to change your mind, but it wasn’t enough. Mark was well aware that his job play a huge role in your breakup. 
Most of his time was spent at the hospital—but you were very considerate and understanding that his career was one of his main priorities other than his friends, his family and you. However, during the small amount of free time that he had, Mark had a tendency of spending that time either playing video games, going out to bars with his friends or playing with his dog Milo. As his girlfriend, you’ve witnessed how exhausted he could get from work; he was constantly on his feet for ten to twelve hours a day. 
It was only natural for him to want to relax and unwind doing the things he was interested in. You wanted to be there for your boyfriend in whatever way you could, but you also had your needs and desires—not necessarily sexual, but there was a point in your relationship where you went weeks and even months without being intimate with Mark because he was always so tired and never had the energy to love on your body in the ways that he used to. 
There was a time—a long amount of time in your relationship where the two of you could never keep your hands off of each other to the point where your friends would purposely have to sit between the two of you on nights you would all go out together in attempts to get the two of you to stop kissing or simply just showing any kind of affection towards one another. Unfortunately, towards the end of your relationship, you were only getting a peck on your lips if you were lucky. 
Your relationship no longer had the spark that would send flames to your entire body just being around him—you no longer felt butterflies in your tummy whenever you looked at him. Sometimes when you’d gaze at him, you felt as though you were looking at a stranger, not the man you spent four years of your life with. You never understood where it went wrong; it just felt like the love and adoration Mark had for you just stopped out of no where. 
He no longer called or texted you on his breaks to check up on you and see what you were doing, he stopped complimenting you on your outfits or if you did something new to your hair and the two of you could no longer hold a conversation for longer than five minutes without it feeling forced. You wanted to believe that he was just acting like this because work took up his entire being—physical and mental health. But he would go out with his friends right after a shift and sometimes he’d stay out for hours on end. It made you wonder if you were the problem. 
Maybe he stopped loving you or your relationship became a chore to him and was no longer a priority to him as it used to be. The constant need to be around each other, the comfort you felt from being wrapped in his arms and the happiness that came from just knowing that he was yours no longer existed. It disappeared completely along with any kind of feelings you harbored for him and you didn’t think there was anything that could bring it back. 
The thought of no longer having Mark in your life; no longer waking up to his devastatingly handsome face—no longer getting to kiss his pretty, pink lips, and no longer being the lucky person who got to love him—it slowly tore your heart apart, but what could you do? You felt as though the only reason why Mark continued to stay with you was because he grew comfortable with the routine in your relationship. Having to go out and start another relationship with someone new wasn’t something you even wanted to think about. 
Deep in your heart, even if the two of you were going through , Mark Tuan was the only person you saw yourself wanting to get married to. All you ever wanted and could ever need was Mark. He owned you entirely; your mind, your body, your heart and soul—it was all his and it would always be his. But you couldn’t continue going on like this. Your relationship was slowly tearing you apart; it was suffocating you to the point where you felt as though you were going crazy. 
Every now and then, you’d find yourself going back to that fateful night where you told him you were leaving. It took you weeks to come to that decision; hell, even months really. Every time you built the courage to finally give up on Mark entirely, you’d look at him as the two of you were lying down in bed and time to time, you would cry. He seemed an entire world away even if the two of you were just inches apart. 
He might have been in the bed with you—but it genuinely felt like the bed was so spacious and empty. However, as you would gaze at him while he slept soundly, there was a little voice in your head begging you to wait a little longer. Something told you that things were going to get better and your life would turn out miserable if you were to break up with him. 
You prayed and prayed that the voice was telling the truth; you wanted your relationship to work so badly. He might not have been giving you much attention these days or treating you the way he used to, but you would rather continue to stay with him and try your best to fix your crumbling relationship than to be happy with anyone else. When he saw your luggage lined up at the door he didn’t even flinch. It’s as if he knew this was coming; and it didn’t seem to bother him one bit. 
That’s what hurt you the most; his blank expression only confirmed your worries—he no longer loved you or cared enough about you to even ask why your bags were packed or where you were going. He just simply stared at you for a couple of minutes before tilting his head in the direction of your bags. 
“Where are you going?” He didn’t seem the least bit bothered by the fact that you were seconds away from walking out of his life completely. 
“I’m leaving you.” 
The words were bitter on your tongue—there were a few times in your relationship where the two of you argued and it would end up with him sleeping outside on the couch—but that’s the worst it’s ever been. This was the first time you were actually throwing in the white flag; you were mentally exhausted. You refused to continue fighting for a relationship that was barely even existing anymore. If you were to continue putting your time and effort in to Mark knowing that he no longer did the same for you, you would probably develop some form of depression. You loved yourself too much to allow him to continue breaking your heart and taking advantage of your love. 
“Why?” You scoffed—he had to be joking right? Did he think that the two of you were okay? Was he fine with the fact that your relationship was no longer what it used to be? Did the lack of intimacy or time spent together not bother him at all—the way it was quickly ruining you? 
“You don’t love me anymore. I don’t know when you stopped—but all I know is that you did. Our relationship turned it to this toxic partnership. I don’t know what happened or what went wrong, but I’m so fucking unhappy Mark. I look at you and I don’t see the love of my life—I don’t see the aspiring nurse I met all those years ago who showed me and taught what love is. All I see when I look at you is a shell of the person you used to be. You’re like a stranger to me Mark and I hate—I fucking hate that things turned out like this and what’s killing me the most is that it doesn’t seem to bother you. You hardly make time for me—for us. It’s like you have to force yourself to genuinely enjoy being around me these days. Go look at your missed calls and all of your text messages. It’s all me. I’m practically begging for your attention and any kind of reaction out of you and nothing—literal nothing. I don’t know what to do anymore; I don’t want to leave Mark. I don’t want to be without you. But why should I continue putting in effort to a relationship that is just moments away from ending completely—“
“What makes you think that I no longer love you—wait—don’t answer that.” 
He took a deep breath in before walking towards you and doing the unexpected; he brought his hands up to cup your cheeks and gently placed his forehead against yours. This was the first time in such a long time that you were this close in proximity with him—having him hold you, touch you, looking at you in such an apologetic way; you honestly didn’t know how to feel. You wanted to be happy; anytime Mark would touch you, kiss you, hold your hand or your waist, wrap his arm around your shoulder—any form of intimacy with your boyfriend always made your heart flutter. Unfortunately, you felt nothing and it broke your heart. 
“I know, I haven’t been all that great these days, I’ve been a terrible boyfriend and I’m sorry I didn’t realize it sooner. I’m so fucking sorry baby—so fucking sorry. There’s no excuse—I can’t say it’s because of work or come up with any other logical reason. I guess I just got used to us doing our own things. I was content just having you around. I don’t know how I went so long with the distance—or being absent even if I’m physically there. I just—fuck, I know it sounds wrong but I just assumed because I plan on spending the rest of my life with you that a little bump in the road wasn’t going to do anything to hinder our relationship. If I knew that it was going to cause you to question the love I have for you and even get you to pack your bags with the intention of leaving me, I would have done something—“
“But you didn’t Mark. You knew something was wrong but you didn’t do anything about it. You just assumed that whatever we were going through was normal. News flash—it wasn’t. Our relationship is falling apart at the seams Mark. Did it not occur to you even once that the distance—the fact that we could no longer hold a decent conversation, that we haven’t had sex or been intimate in the last few weeks—it’s not normal? You obviously never put my feelings in to consideration. I’m dying Mark—mentally, you’re breaking my fucking heart.” 
You allowed yourself to take a quick breath; you could feel your tears continuously building up at the brim of your eyelids. As much as you didn’t want Mark to see you cry because you didn’t think he deserved it—it was too hard for you to keep your crying at bay.
“The love you have for me—that’s a joke right? You no longer love me. I don’t know what you think you feel for me but it’s definitely not love or at least it’s no longer love. If you still loved me, you would continue to show me and tell me like you never failed to do before. Showering me with your love, attention and care shouldn’t stop just because you have me—I don’t care if you’re used to our relationship or if you’ve grown comfortable where you don’t feel the need to contact me or check up on me—I don’t even care if I’m not your main priority. I’m completely understanding that your job takes up your time and energy, but I need you to know how shitty I feel every time I see you staying up to play video games or going out with your friends. I never wanted to be that girlfriend; I want you to be happy—your happiness is all that I care about, but it would be nice if I could be your happiness. Tell me Mark, when did you stop caring about me? When did you stop caring about my mood, my thoughts, how I was feeling, how the state of our relationship was? I can’t even remember what your lips feel or taste like, does it not bother you at all?” 
You saw him inch closer to you; you assumed he wanted to try and pull you back in to his embrace but you found yourself stepping back. When Mark saw you try to get away from him, that’s how he knew it was over. Once you were to get everything from off your chest, you were going to leave and there was nothing he could do about it. 
He could continue to persuade you to stay—he could promise you that he’d change and that your relationship would return back to what it used to be, but there was no use. Hearing to confess how lonely you felt; how heartbroken he made you and how you didn’t even feel like you were in a relationship with him at all shook him to the core—he knew you were leaving, no matter how hard he’d try to get you to change your mind. You were the kind of person that when you set your heart to something, it would always prevail. A break up was no different. 
“Y/n, please. I can’t—I can’t do this without you. I need you. I’m nothing without you. If I lose you, God I don’t think I’ll ever love again. You’re it for me baby, I mean that. You’re all I could ever want and need for the rest of my life. I’ll do better, I’ll be a better boyfriend—I’ll make up for all the lost time and I promise you, we’ll be okay again. Please baby, find it in your heart to forgive me. Everybody makes mistakes, we’re only human—“ 
As soon as he felt your dainty fingertips cup his cheek ever so gently before you placed a kiss against the corner of his mouth, it felt as though his soul left his body. You didn’t have to say anything; your actions spoke volumes for you. Your fingers were featherlight on his skin; it took every bone in his body not you pull you closer to him and hold you as tightly as physically possible. He didn’t know he was able to actually feel his heartbreak. Whenever someone would describe suffering from a broken heart, he thought they would be hurting mentally, psychologically or spiritually but right now, he could feel his heart crying—begging for you to give him one more chance. 
You could have sworn your heart sank to your stomach once you heard his voice crack. Your bags were already packed and you made the decision to finally leave months ago, why were you suddenly regretting your decision? You mentally prepared yourself for this reaction although you’d be lying if you said you expected him to break down and beg you not to leave like he currently was right now. If anything, you expected complete silence—with the way he’s been acting in the last few weeks, you just assumed he no longer cared about your presence or being in a relationship with you. To see him on his knees crying and begging for you to change your mind—you wanted to just say fuck it and pull him in to your embrace. 
He was trying—he promised he would change and do better; you wished his words could be enough for you. There were so many doubts in your mind telling you that he was all talk. That—he would try and put more time and effort in to your relationship, but it wouldn’t last long. He would get tired of having to prioritize you—tired of having to please you. You couldn’t put yourself through all that unnecessary pain again—the pain of not feeling good enough for him to want to spend and make time for you. 
You couldn’t force him to love you the way he used to—you loved Mark, God, did you love Mark. Honestly, you would do anything to make him happy; you would sacrifice your own happiness to make sure he was always smiling and thriving. But during the distance, since you didn’t feel like you had a boyfriend to love, you began to fall in love with yourself. While you were losing Mark, you were finding yourself.
“I have to go Mark. One day, you’ll see why I made this decision—why I felt as if this was the only choice I had. I love you Mark. Just because I’m leaving doesn’t mean I don’t love you. I don’t think you will ever be able to fathom just how much I love you and how I would go to the ends of the earth just to make sure you’re well taken care of. Your happiness and well being is all I care about. You are all I care about—I just—I need time to heal. I need time to grow and to rediscover happiness. I need to learn to live without you. Who knows, maybe being apart will lead us to want to come together again. I love you and you love me—if it’s meant to be, we will find our way back to each other again. I’m really going to miss you. Please take care of yourself.” 
With one more kiss on his lips, you took your luggage and left. Mark couldn’t describe just how heartbroken, helpless and genuinely miserable he was now feeling. He wanted to run after you and yank your bags out of your hands—he knew he could try harder to get you to stay, but he didn’t want to make things worse. The first few weeks were the hardest; Mark felt as if he could die from a broken heart. He couldn’t eat—he had no appetite. 
His mind kept replaying the way you left so easily—taunting him like a bad dream. He felt like he was having a nightmare that reoccurred every single day. He couldn’t stop thinking about you—how you were going about the entire breakup, where you were staying, if you were suffering even half as much as he was or if you were regretting your decision even just a little. 
As the months went by, nothing changed—even if he tried his best to move on, he felt in his chest that there was no getting over you. He meant what he told you on your last night together, he was genuinely afraid that he would never be able to find closure nor would he ever be able to fall in love again. He didn’t want to be in love again if it meant with someone else. You owned Mark entirely; his mind, his body, his heart and his soul—they all belonged to you and they always would. 
Jinyoung and Yugyeom knew it would be best to get their older friend out of there before Jackson said even more things he probably shouldn’t or before Mark grew physical. 
“We should uh—we’ll get going here. Mark, man I’m genuinely sorry this happened tonight, we shouldn’t even have come here. I should have tried harder to stop him but you know how Jackson gets when he’s drunk. I’m really fucking sorry dude about everything. You know what Jackson said isn’t true and I’m sure he doesn’t even know what he said. He’ll probably wake up tomorrow morning completely brainless about everything—“ 
Mark gave Jinyoung a sad smile before pulling him in for a hug. If anyone understood what Mark was going through, it was Jinyoung. Mark wasn’t the type to tell people of his problems—no even the people closest to him. If something bad happened to him, he would suffer all by himself because he didn’t want other people to worry about him. 
However, Jinyoung was the only one Mark allowed to see him in such a vulnerable and fragile state. Sure, Jinyoung also tried to set him up with one of his friends, but that’s only because he wanted Mark to get another chance at love. He hated seeing Mark so sad—so dejected and moping around, living but not really existing. Although Jinyoung really liked you for his older friend and believed that the two of you were soulmates, he also believed that if you still wanted to be in a relationship with Mark, you would. 
No matter how hard relationships could be sometimes, you never give up on someone you picture spending the rest of your life with. If you genuinely love someone, you’re going to fight for them even if the battle can be too much to handle. He saw Mark through so many phases of depression and grief; he’d witness Mark finish bottles of wine in one sitting while crying at every single thing that reminded him of you. Unlike Jackson though, he wasn’t going to force Mark in a relationship if he didn’t want to be in one. He was a grown man—he could make his own decisions himself. The last thing he or anyone in his situation needed was for his friends to get involved in his personal life. 
“Jinyoung, do you think you could do me a favor? I um—I think I want to be alone for a couple of days. Do you mind telling the other guys to let me be for a little while? I just—tonight was too much for me. I don’t want to get angry with any one of you. I can’t say how long I plan on being away I just—I don’t need this right now.” 
There was so much Jinyoung wanted to say—he didn’t think it was a good idea for Mark to be alone and he wished Jackson just kept his mouth shut, but he also knew that nothing he could say would get Mark to change his mind. He nodded in agreement—not wanting to make the older boy even more upset before motioning for Yugyeom to pick up Jackson’s sleeping figure from the couch. 
“Promise me you will call me if and when you need me. Oh, and please look after yourself. If you’re not going to allow me to come and check up on you can you at least make sure you’re eating all your meals and getting enough sleep?”
“I promise. Let me know when you get home alright? Thank you Jinyoung, I really don’t know what I would do without you.” 
Mark didn’t know if he liked it better now that the three boys were gone. He might have been angry with Jackson’s obnoxious outburst, but now he was alone with the thought that you might be seeing someone else. You did mention that you would always love him; but if you missed him the way you claimed you would, wouldn’t you have come back running to him a long time ago? There might have been distance between the two of you while you were still together, but no longer being in a relationship was a extremely different scenario. 
At least while the two of you were still together, he knew you were his and that he could come home to you. But now, he didn’t know anything that was going on in your life. For all Mark knew, you could have moved to another state or even another country—and now Jackson’s words were messing with his mind. Were you seeing someone? Did you already move on to somebody else and if so, did you see a future with that person? Did your mind ever wander over to Mark and how he was doing? 
His skin began to crawl at the thought of you being intimate with someone else—he knew he had no right to, you were no longer his to get jealous over and he was the reason why you could now go out and start dating whoever you wanted. He wanted to scream—he was already doing so bad as it was, why did Jackson have to make him feel even more shittier than he currently was? 
He found himself looking through his cupboards for any kind of alcohol, he honestly didn’t care at this point. Mark was not a heavy drinker; he never understood why his friends enjoyed wasting their money on alcohol only to get drunk, not remember a single thing and wake up with an extremely painful hangover. He wanted to take his mind off of you and the only way he could do that was if he was inebriated. 
These last few months, his mind seemed to be filled with the thought of you every single day, but never did he feel like he wanted to stop thinking about you. Now that he knew there was a chance you had another man in your life, he wanted to completely rid you from his thoughts—at least for the time being. When he found a bottle of tequila way in the back of the cabinet, he released a frustrated sigh. Mark hated tequila—it had to be one of the worst kinds of alcohol there was. Not only did it taste nasty, but it felt even more horrible going down.
At this point, he didn’t care—it was all he had and he was going to take what he could get. He pulled off the cork and took a few big gulps. It made him gag a little—drinking straight from the bottle wasn’t something he was used to. Especially because tequila was meant to be either mixed or taken as shots, not to be consumed like it was water. He could feel tears building up at the brim of his eyes at how hard it was to drink it, but slowly and surely, he could feel himself getting lightheaded and moments away from completely being plastered. 
When his vision grew hazy and his movements slowed down, he decided he would make his way to his room with the intention of falling asleep. It took him a while to get up from the floor and he was grateful that Milo was fast asleep in his doggy bed. He loved his little puppy more than anything and for the last few months, Milo was his own personal therapist. He made Mark smile when Mark didn’t think he was capable of that motion anymore. 
However, he didn’t think he was in the right mind to take care of himself—let alone a dog. Walking in the direction of his room felt like such a hassle. What usually took him a good ten seconds felt like hours—his feet were heavy against the hardwood floor and finally, once he opened his door and flopped on top of his bed, he hummed in content. Luckily he was already changed in to his pajamas before the guys came over so he didn’t have to do anything. He didn’t realize just how much tequila he consumed; his eyelids felt heavy and he was dozing in and out of sleep. 
Right as he was about to completely enter dreamland, he felt something vibrate. The buzzing noise sounded so far away, even if he knew his phone was nearby. It was probably just Jinyoung telling him he was home now—it could wait until the morning. He continued to try and fall asleep; ignoring the constant buzzing that seemingly wouldn’t stop. With a grunt, he went on the search for his device, moving his hand all around the bed until he found it. He knew whoever was trying to get in touch with him didn’t seem like they were going to stop anytime soon, so he rubbed both his eyes in attempts to break him out of his exhausted and drunken haze before checking his notifications. 
Once he saw your name, he had to do a double take—there was no way you sent him a message, he had to be hallucinating. How high was the percentage of alcohol in the tequila? His mind was definitely playing tricks on him—or maybe he was actually asleep and it was his conscience coming up with what he wishes would happen? He abruptly sat up; causing him even more dizziness, but he had to make sure he was actually seeing what he thought he did. Seeing your name in his phone after seven months of not hearing you sent so many emotions and feelings to his chest and he felt overwhelmed. 
Was he happy? Sad? Angry that you took so long? Excited? He couldn’t help but feel as though something was wrong. Were you okay? Did something happen to you? Did you finally come to the realization that you missed him and that you were willing to give your relationship another chance? A part of him—probably the part that was still upset with you for breaking his heart told him to ignore the messages—he wanted to lie and say he didn’t care anymore and that he was genuinely going to do whatever he could to forget about you completely. But who was he kidding? There was no getting over you. Ever. His heart begged him to click on your contact and that’s exactly what he did.
Babe: Hey. 12:54 A.M.
He mentally cursed himself for not changing your name in his phone but he couldn’t find it in himself to do so. He didn’t have the right to call you any term of endearment anymore, but once he were to change your contact to your actual name, it cemented the idea that things were actually over and he wasn’t going to give up on you just yet. Until he were to find out you were seeing someone else or that you had no intentions on getting back with him ever again, he was going to continue holding on to that tiny string of hope that one day, you’d be back in his arms again.
Babe: I’m sorry it’s so late. I mean that in more ways than one. 12:54 A.M.
Babe: I—I honestly don’t know where to begin. Let me just start by saying I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Mark. And I miss you. I miss you so much. 12:56 A.M.
Babe: I know it’s been a while and I don’t know why I felt like I could just text you out of nowhere. I understand if you’ve moved on or if you want nothing to do with me anymore. 1:02 A.M.
Babe: I’m not going to lie and say that I made a mistake breaking up with you. I knew it’s what was best for the two of us at the time. But I will admit, I’ve thought about you every single day since I left. I’m sure you’re wondering what took me so long to come to the conclusion that I’m still so in love with you—which, I am by the way. I love you and I don’t think I ever really stopped. 1:05 A.M.
Babe: If you’re in a relationship or seeing someone else, please disregard all of these messages. I hope you’re doing well and I hope you’re taking good care of yourself. Well, Goodnight. 1:06 A.M.
Maybe months go by, maybe years from now And I meet someone and it's workin' out Every now and then, he can see right through 'Cause when I look at him Yeah, all I see is you
What if I'm tryin', but then I close my eyes And then I'm right back, lost in that last goodbye? And what if time doesn't do what it's supposed to do? What if I never get over you? Ooh yeah What if I never get over? What if I never get closure? What if I never get back all the wasted words I told ya? What if it never gets better? What if this lasts forever and ever and ever?
As soon as you sent the last text message, you allowed a couple of tears to fall but brought your hands up to your mouth in attempts to prevent yourself from sobbing. The last thing you needed was to wake up the man who was currently sleeping in bed right next to you. You felt as if you made a complete mistake trying to get in contact with Mark—you should have just left him alone. It was you who initiated the breakup in the first place. 
You’ve stayed away for seven months; what person in their right mind would respond to your messages and want to take you back with open arms? You had to be crazy to think Mark still wanted anything to do to you—he probably deleted your messages as soon as he received them and you couldn’t blame them. If the roles were reversed and he did to you what you did to him, you would have blocked his number entirely. You placed your phone back on the nightstand and turned over to look at Minho; releasing an exhausted sigh before gliding your finger along his cheek. 
Trying out a new relationship and seeing someone new sounded like a good idea in hind sight. He was a friend of a friend’s—your friends tried to set you up with so many different guys similarly to Mark and his group of friends. They hated seeing you so sad and heartbroken yet they didn’t understand why you were still so hung up over Mark when you were the one who decided to call it quits. Minho was very soft spoken and gentle; in a way, he resembled Mark and that’s why you felt you were attracted to him.
He was quite the gentleman—he’d always ask you how you were doing, he’d ask you if you were okay with him kissing you and holding your hand and you were sure your friends must’ve told him about your past because he was very adamant on taking your relationship at your pace. Looking at him right now, lying in your bed made you realize just how quickly things were going between the two of you and you didn’t know how you felt about that. It took you a while to sleep over Mark’s apartment and he didn’t see yours until five months in to your relationship. 
However, you were beginning to believe you were rushing things because you missed having someone around all the time; you missed having the presence of someone you loved—you missed Mark. You also assumed that you were acting this way because you wanted to force yourself to like Minho so you could completely move on from Mark, but you didn’t understand why you wanted to get the thought of him out of your mind completely. 
The more time you spent with Minho, going on dates with him, calling him when you couldn’t see him; you’d find yourself picturing Mark in his place. You really missed how Mark used to treat you like you were the most important person on the planet. You missed holding him and being held by him, you missed playing video games with him and coming home from a long day of work with a table full of your favorite food. Even if you were doubting his words when he told you he was going to do better, you wondered how life would be like if you did give in to him that night. 
As much as you liked Minho—or at least felt like you did, a huge part of you believed that you were only staying with him for his sake. He was such a nice guy who genuinely seemed to care about you, but nobody was ever going to be Mark. You weren’t going to ever care or love anyone the way you did with Mark and you didn’t want to continue leading him on knowing that your heart belonged to someone else. You decided that you were going to call it a night, you didn’t expect Mark to get back to you any time soon if at all for that matter. 
After placing a gentle kiss on Minho’s shoulder blade, you curled up in to your pillow and slowly closed your eyes. Unfortunately, you couldn’t find it in yourself to fall asleep; your mind was too busy thinking about whether or not Mark read your messages and if he did, how he felt about hearing that you missed him and that you still loved him. Taking one last look at your phone, you felt your heart swell up as a small smile rose on your face.
Mark: I’m all yours. 1:36 A.M. 
What if I never get over? What if I never get closure? What if I never get back all the wasted words I told ya? What if it never gets better? What if this lasts forever and ever and ever?
I'm tryin', but then I close my eyes And then I'm right back, lost in that last goodbye And what if time doesn't do what it's supposed to do? What if I never get over you? What if I gave you (what if I gave you) everything I got? What if your love was my one and only shot? What if I end up with nothing to compare it to What if I never get over? Oh, if I never get over What if I never get over you?What if I never get over you? Oh, what if I never get over? Over you
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littlemomountain · 6 years ago
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TianShan, Fallen Angel
This was commissioned to me by HWAN @Hwan_97 on Twitter. I have been given permission to post, please give all the love to the artist. This is my story to go along with the art.
The chains bit too closely into Mo’s wrists, chafing at the skin enough to draw blood. The feelings of physical pain and unease that he had not experienced in a long time were resurfacing, and he now had to contend with the harsh voices of mockery at his ear, the unruly crowd of demonic beings, most grotesque and abominable in their appearance, gathered to watch the fallen seraphim be led through a broken, stony path towards the most imposing tower of the dark world.
“It is so hard to breath,” Mo Guan Shan thought, as searing heat emanated from everywhere, from everything. There was no surface that did not feel as it were burning under the slightest touch, no gust of wind that brought relief from the oppressive air, humid and tortuously dry in its wake. He desperately needed a drink of cold water; even the fewest drops of it on his tongue would have brought the greatest sense of relief.
Suddenly, Mo Guan Shan felt the unmistakeable slash of a whip across his back, hearing the snap of it and holding in the cry he knew the guard wanted to elicit from him. He gritted his teeth and pushed forward, unable to understand the insults hurled at him as the creature spoke in an unfamiliar dialect. If he had enough strength, he would have fought back. Even bound as he was and having been stripped of his rank, he was by no means weak. However, he knew it would be a losing battle with the number of demons surrounding him.
After what felt like hours, Mo Guan Shan found himself standing before an enormous gate of steel, the tower strategically situated on a mountainous terrain and structured to be a fortified stronghold of great, deadly power. The height of the tower appeared to have no end in sight, but undoubtedly culminated with the sharp pinnacles that gave the tower its menacing form.
A loud horn sounded from behind him, loud enough for Mo to feel the ground shake underneath his feet. There was a horn that sounded from inside the tower in response, and then the gates began to open slowly. Mo was pushed forward roughly and he stumbled, recollecting his balance with his next couple of steps. He was surprised to find that while there was still a sense of dread within the walls, it was also rather beautiful in a gothic way. The dark corridors were lined with statues of what he presumed to be important figures of this world, and the stone walls were lined with torches of fire that illuminated the pathway.
He was not able to get a closer look at his surroundings as Mo was led hurriedly up an old world spiraling staircase, catching glimpses of the outside with each window they passed. Mo felt they had been walking for a long time before the creatures handling him stopped before a large and elegantly crafted, carved cedar wood door. It felt so out of place in this setting, but Mo didn’t think too much about it as one of demons pounded the door with the brass door knock, engraved with the face of a devil. Footsteps could be heard from the other side, and the door was unlocked.
Expecting to see another creature, Mo was surprised to see what appeared to be a human-like figure with light-gray hair, tall and built with tattoos lining his right arm, but was immediately corrected in his view as he saw the devilish wings. The wings distinguished this one apart from the creatures that had bound him. He was higher in rank, his blood running with that of greater beings. Like him.
After giving Mo a once-over, this demon only permitted Mo to follow, leading him deeper inside the room which was clearly more grandiose than when they had come in. Dark roses embedded the walls along the floor-to-ceiling windows, hundreds of books were lined inside a shelf that covered the entire length of the left wall, and at the very end of the room, Mo could see a large desk built of black marble that was adorned with semi-precious stone. A demon was seated at this desk, and he remained transfixed at the sight of Mo. He wore a military jacket that had crimson shoulder epaulettes connecting a cape which draped along his sides. His black hair was neatly parted, with some of it curving slightly over his forehead. Horns crowned both his head and the top of his wings. His eyes locked onto the studs on Mo’s ears, and he smiled. “They look better on you then I could have ever imagined, Mo Guan Shan.”
“He Tian.” Mo said nothing else and watched as He Tian stood up from his desk. In a few strides he was in front of Mo, and began circling around him as if he were surveying a prize. That really wasn’t far off the mark, as Mo Guan Shan was nothing more than the spoils of war. He Tian froze behind him, and his voice grew hard. “Who did this?” Mo felt a touch at his back and along his wings, and winced. Fresh blood coated He Tian’s fingers. “I did not give anyone permission to touch you, much less to draw blood.” The way his voice dropped unsettled even Mo. “Qiu.”
“I’ll take care of it,” the other responded. As soon as Qiu left the room, Mo heard low voices outside followed by a sharp screeching that died out almost immediately after. Qiu re-entered the room as of nothing had happened only to briefly announce he was being summoned by He Tian’s brother. “Will you be alright without me?” he asked.
“More than alright,” He Tian responded. There was amusement in his voice, and a different emotion Mo couldn’t understand. With Qiu having left, Mo now found himself alone with He Tian. The pace of his heart quickened, and he hoped to appear as unconcerned as he would have liked to have felt.
“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for you,” He Tian started. He came around to stand in front of Mo and began to remove the chains binding his hands. He surveyed the bruising on his wrists and his eyebrows furrowed. He Tian let the chains drop to the floor with a loud clunk and held on to Mo’s hands, being so attentive to them that Mo’s ear began to tinge red. “Forgive me,” He Tian said.
“You don’t need to ask a prisoner for forgiveness,” Mo Guan Shan replied dismissively.
“We both know that’s not what you are,” He Tian countered softly.
“Really? The chains speak differently.” Mo Guan Shan withdrew his hands and turned from him.
“That was a precautionary measure. You can have quite the temper.” Mo turned back around to glare at him. “Like that,” He Tian added.
“It doesn’t matter now. Our deal. How can I trust you won’t break your promise?” Mo Guan Shan asked.
He Tian didn’t say anything for a while. He moved forward and leaned in close to Mo. “Your life for Jian Yi’s, you mean?” He Tian whispered, and then stepped back, beginning to pace around the room as he spoke. “He is much too curious for his own good. How he managed to stumble his way down here is anyone’s guess, but he must be very loved, considering how all of you were ready to reach havoc on existence as we know it for that one angel. But why didn’t you let Zhan Zheng Xi take the fall? He was more than willing to.”
“We both know neither of them belong down here,” Mo Guan Shan’s voice hardened.
He Tian stopped mid-pace, and cocked his head to the side. “And you do?”
“Yes,” he answered immediately. “I do. I can handle the pain. I don’t care about getting hurt, or dying a thousand times over if I have to. But they... are much too pure for that, and I am not. I was never meant to be like them.” His hands shook slightly as he said this.
“You don’t think you were meant to be an angel?” He Tian asked in astonishment, and then shook his head. “You are wrong though, and your actions prove it to me. From the moment I laid eyes on you, and saw your determination to fight and your willingness to risk everything you had, from that very moment I knew I had already lost to you.”
“Lost to me?” Mo Guan Shan asked. He Tian wasn’t making any sense. Mo Guan Shan bet that He Tian never lost a day in his life.
“Do you know what it means to be in love?” He Tian asked as he began to come towards him once more.
Mo Guan Shan blushed profusely at this sudden question. “What does that have to do with anything?” Mo Guan Shan looked up at He Tian who was now standing in front of him, but the longing in He Tian’s eyes made him look away.
“It means everything. It’s the reason you’re here now.” He Tian’s breath tickled his ear. He was too damn close.
Mo Guan Shan knew he should hate He Tian. He had to give up his place as an angel in order to allow Jian Yi to be released from this hell, to then be safely returned to heaven. This truce was decided upon after several days of war had been waged, with much blood having been shed on both sides. The conditions were ultimately set forth by the prince of this world, and this prince was now speaking to him of love. Mo Guan Shan should hate He Tian more than anything, and yet...
“I know you felt something, too,” He Tian continued. “When we fought. The look in your eyes should had been the death of me. I’d never seen so much hatred, can you believe that?” He Tian smiled to himself, reminiscing. “You looked so beautiful out of breath, and with your face flushed wonderfully red. I hadn’t had such a good sparring session in a long time, and you really had me close a couple of times. Do you remember what you said to me?”
“Stop.” Mo Guan Shan didn’t want to hear any more. He didn’t want to feel anything for him. He began to walk towards the door. Where would he go? Where could he escape to? Was this really his new life now? The reality was beginning to sink in, and he was starting to become afraid.
Mo Guan Shan felt strong arms wrap around from behind him, but the hold on him was gentle, soothing almost. “You told me to go fuck myself,” He Tian began to laugh softly, and Mo Guan Shan felt his body quiver against his own. His laughter relaxed him, and for some reason he found himself not pulling away from He Tian. “No one had ever dared speak to me that way before. It was because you were not afraid of me.” His grip on Mo’s waist tightened. “You will never have to be afraid of me.”
“I’m not welcome here,” Mo Guan Shan said, bringing light to the fact that while he didn’t have to fear He Tian, he didn’t feel safe here. “I have no freedom.” Rather than answer him, Mo Guan Shan felt He Tian’s breath against his neck, and then a kiss. “What are you doing?!” Mo grabbed the arm at his waist in surprise.
“No one will ever touch you again once they know you are mine.” He Tian kissed his neck once more, and then brought his hand up to Mo’s chin, turning his head so their eyes would meet. “Are you scared?” He Tian asked him.
Mo Guan Shan gazed back into He Tian’s coal eyes, indecision flickering across his face. He forced himself to remember why he was doing this, and found the resolve to follow through when the thoughts came to him. Could he trust He Tian? Mo Guan Shan didn’t have to think long on that question as he looked at the earnestness in He Tian’s eyes. “I’m not scared,” he answered honestly.
He Tian smiled against his back, and then he turned Mo’s face forward. “Little Mo,” He Tian whispered endearingly, and then he opened his mouth to bite at the nape of Mo’s neck, closing his eyes to relish the taste of him. Mo Guan Shan’s lips parted in a silent cry, and he felt He Tian’s finger slide through them sensuously. He Tian ran his tongue along the length of the mark to soothe it, causing Mo’s head to roll back in spite of himself. “There,” He Tian said, releasing his hold on Mo Guan Shan and admiring both the bite and the studs on Mo’s ears.
“That’s it?” Mo Guan Shan asked. Mo was surprised that was all it took to be veiled under He Tian’s protection.
“Oh, you want more, do you?~ He Tian opened his arms and grinned widely. “I’m all yours.”
Mo Guan Shan turned five different shades of red after realizing what he said. “Th-that’s not what I meant! Fuck you!”
“You hurt me,” He Tian said, not looking hurt at all, and then remembered the cut on Mo’s back. “Which reminds me, let’s get your wound cleaned up so I can show you something fun.”
Mo Guan Shan looked at him incredulously. “Something fun?” He Tian saw the glint of curiosity in Mo’s eyes and without thinking about it, his hand reached out to caress Mo’s neck.
He Tian smiled darkly, and leaned in to whisper into Mo’s ear. “Have you ever wondered what a shark looks like in hell?”
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snootch · 4 years ago
Okay actually I’m not done talking about injured Xue Yang
Perhaps my understanding of the story is wrong (and if so please weigh in, it’s been a minute since I actually watched the show and haven’t finished reading the book otl)
But was Xue Yang not on death’s door when Xingchen pulled him out of that ditch. We see in his battle with Wangji/Song Lan at the end that that man doesn’t give up, even after losing a whole arm, so I would imagine whatever fight that put Xue Yang in that ditch was probably pretty gnarly? And yet I am to believe he simply walked it off?
No. Plot armour aside, XY should’ve retained some damage from that. I want a Yi City arc where XY Doesn’t wake up as soon as XXC starts treating him, so XXC figures his identity out on his own and decides to take care of him anyways (because that’s the kind of person XXC is).
XY doesn’t wake up all shiny and refreshed after a little TLC, he’s bedridden for a couple of months and Hates every second of it. He spends the entire time plotting his revenge against XXC. But even after he’s recovered enough to get out of bed, he’s on crutches. So he bides his time until he gets better, but his damn leg just Won’t move right no matter what they do. He winds up in a brace to keep his knee from giving out randomly and trades out the crutches for a cane.
Minor setback, but surely he can get revenge with only one leg. Except the cuts and stab wounds to his arms left the nerves pretty messed up so raising them above the shoulder is a struggle and nearly impossible if he’s holding anything heavy. Plus, the fever from his wounds getting infected fried his brain pretty good so his reaction time is slowed and his depth perception randomly dips out.
Since hiding his identity from XXC wasn’t possible, he just spits empty threats all day long, swearing he’ll kill XXC just as soon as his leg heals up. But XXC understands the injuries a lot better than XY does and he knows he’s never going to heal up. His original plan was to dump him on the Jin clan again as soon as he could weather the trip, but now he’s grown fond of taking care of XY and having him around.
Eventually XY figures out he’s recovered as much as he’s going to and he just silently accepts his fate. The threats slowly disappear and he doesn’t complain when XXC has to do his hair for him or help him into his brace. No one has ever helped XY and XXC is offering it so freely, he can’t not fall in love. He still Hates how helpless he’s become and has plenty of tantrums over it, especially on days where his body just Won’t work.
Most days he can hobble around on his own, not even needing a cane some days, but then the weather changes and his hands won’t open, his knee won’t support his weight, he gets migraines that leave him bedridden again. Some days his memory is so bad he can’t remember anyone’s name or where he is, he forgets his body is broken and winds up hurting himself. But XXC is always there.
It’s not a bad day when Song Lan shows up, but it’s not a good day either. XY has to use his cane and keeps stumbling into things. He can’t stand or walk for long periods of time so he stays home while XXC and A-Qing do the shopping. XY starts getting anxious when they’re taking too long and his mind is starting to go fuzzy. It’s the middle of summer so the heat is taking its toll.
They finally come back and Song Lan is with them. XY has a hard time remembering who he is. He looks familiar, he knows he knows him, and it doesn’t take the sour expression on his face to know they’re not friendly, but his brain just refuses to make the connection. Which only pisses Song Lan off further because how the fuck do you forget someone you spent days torturing.
SL accepts XXC’s explanation of how XY came to be their unintended housemate, he understands how someone with XXC’s heart couldn’t resist the pity case that was XY. He could tell XY was in poor shape from the scars on his face and the fact that his expressions were just off from how he used to look. But he definitely doesn’t believe the extent of how disabled XY has become.
He’s certain he’s playing it up to trick XXC. SL spends the first month living in coffin house watching XY like a hawk, spying on him whenever he can, trying to catch him in his lie. XY has enough good days in that first month that SL is confident that it’s all a facade. Then the good days catch up to him and turn into bad days. XY starts slowing down, turning down trips to town, staying in the house while A-Qing goes out to play with local kids.
XY���s bumping into things more frequently, reaching for things and completely missing, taking longer to reply in conversations. He’s losing his balance during short walks, or even just standing still. After one trip to town, they come back to XY crumpled on the floor next to broken dishes he knocked off a table, picking glass out of his hand.
SL’s starting to believe XY’s situation and even feeling sorry for him. Then winter sets in and drives the point home. The first time it snows, XY is bedridden for two days. By this point, SL and A-Qing have bonded over poking fun at XY, but the temperature drops and A-Qing doesn’t joke around as much. She’s lived with XY for three winters now and knows how hard they are on him. Even after he recovers from the initial change, he’s back on crutches.
XXC dotes on XY so much, it was the most irritating and difficult thing to adjust to when SL first started living with them. But after enough bad days and seeing him through winter, he starts babying him too. Which XY HATES at first. XXC has babying rights. XXC basically has a free pass to do anything. But SL doing it just felt patronizing and reminded him of how much he couldn’t do himself anymore.
He has to get over it when XXC is hurt on a night-hunt and is out of commission for a couple of days, leaving SL on babysitting duty. SL has to help him get dressed and put on his brace and do his hair for him, because XY’s arms don’t raise above the shoulder and his fingers lack the dexterity. Plus he has to keep redirecting him away from XXC, whether out of bursts of brattiness or from genuinely forgetting that XXC is injured and resting.
It takes a While but they all eventually adjust to each other. XY gets a little better over time, winters aren’t so hard, and SL’s help really does make things easier.
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jimins-crooked-tooth · 8 years ago
Apartment 504 — Chapter 3
Mark eyed the glass in Jackson’s hand and hesitated.  He didn’t know this man. The only time he’d ever talked to him was once when Jackson was intoxicated past the point of coherence, and once after both had returned home at the same time. This man was so loud, so sporadic, so unpredictable, and so unlike anyone Mark would ever want to be around.
But still, after a timid look into Jackson’s hopeful brown eyes, Mark met Jackson’s glass midway, the clink of glass and a shared smile between the two kicking off the start of the night.
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More Chapters
[Chapter 1]  [Chapter 2]  [Chapter 3]  [Chapter 4]
Also read on Archive Of Our Own:
i dedicate this chapter to my best friend, madison (tumblr: @jaemamba​) who motivated me so much to write this chapter! she literally sat on facetime with me for over an hour today while i wrote this chapter and I want to thank her so much for pushing my abilities and being my amazing and honest editor. love you, mads! 
A few weeks passed as Jinyoung and Mark grew accustomed to living in their new apartment. Compared to dorm life, apartment life was paradise for Mark; he and Jinyoung now had their own separate bedrooms, a joint bathroom that only the two of them had to share, a living space, and a full kitchen all to themselves. This meant no uncomfortable encounters among dorm floor residents, no smelly bathrooms, no dirty showers, and no breeches of privacy.  He had space now—space to live, space to think, space to breathe.  Additionally, the apartment complex was far enough off campus that they weren’t kept awake at night by rambunctious frat house party-goers.
The schoolyear was fast approaching and Mark was excited to begin his last year of university. The overall college experience had treated Mark well over the years, despite his crippling social anxiety and his persistent unwillingness to “put himself out there.”  Sure, Mark’s introverted tendencies cost him a lot of what was deemed “the true college experience” but he was happy with his time spent here.  He had accompanied Jinyoung to a handful of parties, lived in the dorms, stayed up late studying for exams, even stressed over classes like any other college student, but he never quite lived up to the social aspects; he didn’t get involved in any clubs or groups on campus like most other students. It was unnerving for Mark to even think about committing to something that depended on frequent meetings, in the off chance that something may someday come up and prevent him from attending whatever it was he was a part of. Not to mention, the uneasiness that came from the potential of not fitting in with others.
And so, Mark never joined anything.  Instead, he lived vicariously through whatever Jinyoung did on campus and in turn, he supported his friend whenever possible.  Jinyoung was an active participant in their university’s debate team as well as a periodic member of the on-campus book club, which Jinyoung swore was not nerdy, (but Mark knew the truth).  Jinyoung was reserved at times, but very often he was extroverted, willing to meet new people, indulge new experiences, and get involved on campus.  He was the only reason Mark ever got out of the house to do anything like go to parties, festivals, clubs, etcetera.  Without Jinyoung, Mark was a total home-body.
The only other time Mark wasn’t hanging around the house was when he was at work. Despite Mark’s displeasure for human interaction, he found comfort in being around and working with children, which is why he started working at his university’s on-campus daycare midway through his college career.  He grew up with several younger cousins, nieces, and nephews, and always found a special place in his heart for them.  Kids were kind, curious, optimistic, imaginative, hopeful—traits others Mark’s age seemed to lack.  And while it was obvious that Mark loved kids, it was even more obvious that kids loved Mark.  For some inexplicable reason, children always flocked to Mark, whether it be at family gatherings or at his own job.  But he didn’t mind it.  He felt at ease around children—cherished, safe, accepted.
“Kang Yi Na!” Mark scolded from across the room, scooping up the crying child at his feet, and sauntering over to the young girl stationed at the play table.  She hung her head as Mark approached, fiddling with one of her puzzle pieces to purposefully avoid his gaze. “Yi Na,” Mark said softly, crouching down to her level as the little boy against his chest wrapped his arms around his neck and sobbed into his shoulder. “Why aren’t you letting, Kyung Woo play with you? He just wants to help you make the puzzle.”  Yi Na pursed her lips but still said nothing.  “Yi Na,” Mark sing-songed, rubbing Kyung Woo’s back to soothe his cries. “I know you can hear me.”
Yi Na looked up at Mark, cheeks puffed out and eyes desperate for understanding. “If Kyung Woo plays with the puzzle, he’s going to mess it up!” she defended.  “He’s too young!”
Mark took a seat beside Yi Na while simultaneously holding a very distraught Kyung Woo in his arms. “Well why don’t we try to show him how to play,” Mark suggested with gentle eyes.  “He might not understand how to play because he’s never been taught. Here.”  Mark grabbed a puzzle piece off the table and handed it to Kyung Woo, who had stopped crying at this point, but still had his chubby arms wrapped around Mark’s neck, sniffling pitifully. Mark spent the next ten minutes helping Yi Na demonstrate to Kyung Woo how to play with a puzzle, eventually leaving the two children to play together on their own.
Days like this were not uncommon at the day-care, children crying over not being allowed to play a game, children crying over losing a game, children crying over having their feelings hurt… the list goes on.  Still, Mark loved his job.  Being surrounded by crazy, creative, playful kids every week warmed his heart and gave him a gratifying sense of responsibility.
The day went by quickly between all the regularly scheduled daycare activities, and before he knew it, all of the children were picked up by seven o’clock. Mark stayed behind for a little bit to clean up the messes the children made over the course of the day, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, the lot.  A half-hour later, he waved to his boss as he made his way out the door, promising to see her during his next shift.
Mark exhaled a deep sigh as he entered his car, resting his head softly against the seat and closing his eyes tiredly.  He was more than tempted to just call off his evening plans with Jinyoung and spend the rest of the night sitting alone in his room playing video games or catching up on some much-needed sleep, but he and Jinyoung hadn’t been out together in at least a few weeks, and canceling now would not only upset Jinyoung, but also make Mark feel like a bad friend. So, after another couple minutes of pondering his three options, he grudgingly shoved his keys into the ignition and pulled out of the parking lot.
 . . .
 Walking up to the crowded bar made Mark’s anxiety spike and he was again tempted to just call it quits and retreat back to the apartment, but Mark’s feet continued to lead him towards the front doors. Upon entering, he realized things were even worse than he expected. The bar was absolutely roaring with life—college students standing around in groups, yelling at their favorite sports teams through television screens, knocking back rounds of shots, and laughing drunkenly at their intoxicated friends. Mark glimpsed briefly around the cramped room in hopes of finding his roommate already reserving a table for the two of them, but was ultimately disappointed after a quick once-over. He sighed and approached the bar, settling himself down on a stool towards the end of the bar, leaving an empty seat beside him for Jinyoung. The bar tender made his way over to Mark and he ordered a drink for himself as well as one for his friend who would surely be turning up soon.
As he waited for Jinyoung to join him, he twisted in his wooden stool and sipped on the edge of his glass, taking in the sights around him—tipsy jocks goofing off around the pool table and spilling drinks all over the hardwood floor, couples making out obscenely in corner booths, and tipsy girls dancing to the music playing over the loudspeakers. Mark shuddered at the overwhelming atmosphere and turned back around to face the counter, the commotion behind him suddenly a little too much with so little alcohol in his system.  He downed the rest of his drink and asked the tender for another, his eyes falling to the still-full glass he’d ordered earlier for Jinyoung.  It reminded him that his friend still hadn’t shown up.
Mark pulled his phone out of his back pocket to check the time and found a half-hour old text message from his roommate sitting idly on his screen.
 From: Jinyoung
Hey, I’m getting off work later than usual… reschedule drinks for next Friday???
 Mark groaned and dropped his forehead onto the bar, a muffled thud causing the liquid in his glass to tremble with the vibration. Why couldn’t I have checked my phone before I came in here? Mark thought. I could have avoided all of this. He mentally cursed himself for not checking his messages sooner and his roommate for… well, he didn’t know what he was cursing him for yet, but he was cursing him nonetheless.
“Everything alright?” an amused voice asked from his right. He picked his head up from the counter to meet the eyes of a woman looking to be around his age staring back at him, a smirk stretched onto her soft lips.
Mark rubbed his forehead and picked up the drink in front of him, putting it to his lips and tipping his head back, feeling the slight burn of alcohol make its way down his throat.  “Yeah, I’m fine,” he breathed, resting his chin in his palms and staring at the wall of liquor behind the bar.
“You look like you’ve been stood up,” she acknowledged, taking a seat beside Mark, placing her drink on the counter next to his.
Mark shrugged.  “I guess you could say that.”
“Well that’s makes too of us,” she admitted, downing a quick sip of beer, and breathing an obvious sigh. Mark shifted in his seat uncomfortably, unsure of what to say.  Not only was he terrible at making small talk (or any talk, really) with strangers, but he also was not the best when it came to comforting others. So, he settled for a simple, “oh,” and she continued, pausing momentarily to ask the bar tender for another drink.
“It’s really unfortunate,” she explained gloomily. “I spent all this time getting dolled up only to end up here alone.”
Mark nodded, sending a small, sympathetic smile in her direction to indicate that he was still listening, despite the fact that his heart had started beating faster in his chest as it dawned on him that this girl seemed to most definitely be hitting on him.
“You look like you’re in the same predicament,” she maintained, gesturing to Mark. He looked down at his outfit—a pair of black jeans with rips at the knees, a white tee-shirt, and red and black plaid flannel adorning his body.  Mark didn’t think he looked any different than he ever did.  He was usually one to dress for comfort over style and today was no exception. Still, he nodded and smiled awkwardly, running a hand through his hair nervously as she proceeded to make casual conversation with him.
The girl finished off her drink and exhaled a satisfied breath, looking again to Mark. “So, what’s her name?” she asked, clearing her throat. Mark furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head in confusion at the question.  “The girl you were supposed to meet here,” she clarified, and Mark’s eyes widened.
“O-oh,” he stammered awkwardly, feeling his face heat at her words. “Uh, well… um…” Mark felt the weight of her eyes on him and he suddenly felt an uncomfortable churning in the pit of his stomach.
Before he said any more, he took his phone out of his pocket, pretending like he was receiving a phone call and politely excused himself to answer it. Mark hurried to the bathroom on the other side of the bar and forced the door closed behind him, ignoring the puzzled looks being sent his way from the two people at the sink.  He waited for them both to leave before hunching over the sink, his strong hands gripping the granite counter, and staring into the mirror at his own reflection.  He took mental note of the pink in his cheeks and closed his eyes to will the blush away for good as he turned on the cold water from the faucet to splash on his face. The bathroom door opened behind him, but he hadn’t thought much of it until he stood up to dry his face and met familiar eyes staring back at him in the mirror.
“Fancy seeing you here,” Jackson smiled, walking over to the counter where Mark was standing and grabbing some paper towels out of the dispenser for Mark to dry off his face. Mark nodded in thanks and accepted the gesture, taking a moment to pat the water off his cheeks before facing Jackson again.  “Everything okay?” he wondered, headed tilted in curiosity.
Mark turned to the mirror again, finding that his face had thankfully returned to its usual color.  He brushed a thumb under the corner of his eye to wipe away a drop of water he had missed while drying his face.  “Yeah, I’m fine,” Mark lied through his teeth.
“You drunk this early in the night?” Jackson asked, an amused grin appearing on his face. Mark shook his head in response and closed his eyes, feeling himself on the brink of a headache from the craziness ensuing just outside the bathroom door, the thin walls only blocking out a small share of the madness. Jackson’s gaze softened a bit at Mark’s actions and he took a seat on the counter, wiping his hands on his jeans. “Are you sure you’re okay? ��You look a little… out of it,” he said.
Mark leaned back against the bathroom wall and looked up at the ceiling, eyes tracing the simple patterns above his head. “It’s just been a rough day,” he sighed. “Work was long and kind of frustrating, my roommate can’t meet me here for drinks tonight like we planned, I don’t want to even be here at all, and there’s a girl at the bar who’s hitting on me, but…” He trailed off and shook his head dismissively, his sentence never reaching completion. “Never mind.”
“But what?” Jackson pushed.
Mark shifted his weight from one foot to the other, crossing his arms loosely over his chest. “But nothing.  It’s not important.”
Jackson scooted closer to Mark on the counter and lowered his voice to a volume that only he and Mark could hear, despite there not being anyone else in the bathroom with them. “But you don’t like girls,” Jackson finished as though he had known what Mark was going to say all along.  If it was possible for Mark’s entire body to flush red in embarrassment, it would have.  Instead, the blood rushed to his cheeks at Jackson’s words and he cursed himself again for letting people and the things they say to have such an effect on him. “Hey, it’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Jackson assured him, eyes full of compassion.
“How did you even know?” Mark murmured quietly, tightening his fist to force his blush off his face.
“Well, for one, when cute girls hit on straight guys, they don’t usually hide out in bathrooms to avoid them,” Jackson laughed, causing Mark to shield his face in embarrassment because of course, straight men don’t complain about girls hitting on them.  Mark was pretty certain he was just going to die of embarrassment right there in the bar bathroom in front of his neighbor that he hardly knew.  But then he felt his hands being pulled away from his face, Mark opening his eyes to meet Jackson’s soft, understanding smile. “Not to mention,” he continued, “I’m gay too, so that makes finding my fellow gays extra easy.” Jackson’s grin was far too contagious for Mark to not reciprocate and he felt heat in his cheeks cool as he met Jackson’s gentle eyes.
“I guess that’s fair,” he replied sheepishly, shoving his hands into his pockets and walking towards the door. “Anyways, I gotta go tell this girl that… things aren’t going to work out the way she wants them to.” He swallowed hard at the thought and nodded to Jackson, bidding him a good rest of the night.  “See you around,” he said, slipping out the door and returning to his seat from before. She smiled as he sat down beside her again and proceeded to order the two of them another round. Mark wanted to tell her thank you for the drink and that she was really very kind and that she seemed like an all-around great person, but what he needed to tell her was that he was not the guy she thought he was. He needed to tell her before she got her hopes up or got the wrong idea about where things were going.  But how would he even start?  How would he ever be able to work up the guts to tell her that there would never be anything between them because he didn’t like women—he never had and he never will. And what would happen if after he confessed, things went south? What if she was super close-minded like other people he had met, and was repulsed by him? his sexuality? his very being?
Mark’s throat closed up as his anxiety skyrocketed, the thought of outing himself to this girl, this stranger, making it difficult for him to breathe, the fear of the unknown beginning to eat away at his core. But before he could think about it any longer, he was startled by a pair of strong arms wrapping around his middle.
“Hey, sorry I’m late,” the raspy voice said above the music, and Mark spun around in his seat to find Jackson’s grinning face only a couple inches away from his.  He winked at Mark, sliding a hand around his waist and turning to face the girl Mark had been talking to the majority of the evening. “Hi there,” he greeted, bowing his head in her direction. “Thank you for keeping my boyfriend company until I got here,” he beamed, fingers tightening subconsciously on Mark’s hip.
Boyfriend? Did he just call me his boyfriend? Mark’s heart skipped a beat upon hearing those words, his eyes widening and chest tightening almost on command.  The warmth of Jackson’s body pressed to his side and the arm enveloping his middle caused his heart to palpitate and his stomach to flutter, the dizzying scent of Jackson’s cologne and aftershave making his head spin.
The girl looked back and forth between him and Jackson as if trying to find the correlation between Mark, Jackson, and his words.  A long moment passed before she exhaled, a gentle smile forming on her lips as she replied, “It’s not a problem. I hope to see you around again soon.” She nodded to Jackson and then to Mark, kind eyes lingering a second longer on Mark before sliding past the two and heading to the opposite side of the bar.
Mark sighed in relief as Jackson settled into the seat beside him, the weight and warmth of his arm retracting from Mark’s torso, causing Mark to shudder at the loss of contact. Mark grabbed his glass off the bar and gulped down rest of it, the aftereffects of the alcohol leaving a stinging sensation in the back of his throat.
“Woooah,” Jackson laughed, placing a hand on Mark’s shoulder and taking the drink from his hand. “Slow down.” Mark panted in an attempt to catch his breath, feeling Jackson’s eyes studying him from the side.
“Why did you do that?” Mark asked him.  “You didn’t have to do that.”
“I know I didn’t have to, but I thought it might help.  You looked like you were about to have a mental breakdown when you left the bathroom and I could only imagine it was because you were nervous,” he explained.
Mark bit the inside of his lip, unsure of how to respond.  Should he thank Jackson for helping him?  Should he chew him out for out for not asking him if it was okay to approach the situation the way that he did?  He wasn’t entirely sure what he was feeling right now and it made it hard for him to know for sure what he wanted to say.
“I’m sorry if I embarrassed you,” Jackson apologized.  “I should have asked you if it was okay first.” His brown eyes fled from Mark’s, almost regretfully, a side to Jackson Mark had not yet seen.  In his experience, Mark had only seen two sides of Jackson: drunk Jackson and confident Jackson.  This was new.
Mark shook his head and drummed his fingers on his thighs. “It’s okay,” he said, eyes cast down at his lap.  “It worked out okay so I can’t really be upset.”  He quickly locked eyes with the bar tender and waved him over to order the two of them drinks.  Jackson started to protest but Mark assured him that he wanted to, that he felt like he owed him for his help.
“Who did you come here with anyway?” Mark asked, searching the room for a potentially familiar face.
“I was here with my roommates, but they both left,” he said, thanking the bar tender for the new drinks.
“Are they coming back for you?” Mark asked. “How are you getting home?”
Jackson grinned, taking a sip of his drink, and looking at Mark over the rim of his glass.  “I was hoping I could catch a ride home with you,” he said.
Mark’s drink caught in his throat and he coughed abruptly, covering his mouth with his hand as he sputtered. Once he’d regained his composure, he set his glass back on the counter, nodding his head reluctantly. “Uh, y-yeah. That’s fine.”
“That’s a relief!” Jackson said and Mark hid a smile into his palm as he rested his face in his hands. Jackson’s bubbly personality was hard to resist. “Well,” he started. “Since my friends ditched me and yours never showed up, how about we have our own fun, just you and me?” he offered, picking up his drink and extending it in Mark’s direction, an eyebrow cocked in question.
Mark eyed the glass in Jackson’s hand and hesitated. He didn’t know this man.  The only time he’d ever talked to him was once when Jackson was intoxicated past the point of coherence, and once after both had returned home at the same time. This man was so loud, so sporadic, so unpredictable, and so unlike anyone Mark would ever want to be around.
But still, after a timid look into Jackson’s hopeful brown eyes, Mark met Jackson’s glass midway, the clink of glass and a shared smile between the two kicking off the start of the night.
hey kiddies! thank you all for being so patient and supportive of my story! like i said, this is my first got7 fic AND markson fic and i am honestly having a BLAST writing it!!! if you like my story, please comment, share with your friends, and give me some kudos! it would mean so much and help motivate me to write more (;
love you guys!!!! <3
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