#i was hurt too many times
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mournmage · 2 months ago
Thinking this afternoon about how so many people who romanced Anders considered him blowing up the Chantry to be a betrayal and how that just. Never really clicked for me to call it that. Because so explicitly So many times over the relationship he tells you this will be messy and never easy and at one point even explicitly says some things are bigger than he and Hawke's relationship and it is just. So clear that he loves them but they can't and won't stop him. And I cannot feel betrayed at all when he was upfront about that consistantly tbh.
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heartorbit · 8 months ago
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i just wanted to draw the ave mujica outfits .
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mischefous · 11 months ago
Could you possibly do Legend and Warriors, whump? I love making those two suffer for some reason. (Your art is amazing, and I love it!)
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awwweee!! Thank you @insane-twilight-fan and Anon for these requests💙💙 I friggen loooove this duo, especially if it's Legend getting whumped >:3
CW! Blood/coughing up blood
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skyward-floored · 1 year ago
Here’s my (very late) birthday fic for @kikker-oma, it’s based off her art for day 17 of whumptober!
(Which at least one other person has already written a fic for but I didn’t realize until after I’d already started writing it so any similarities are pure coincidence 😅)
I hope you like it Oma, happy (very belated) birthday!!!
Something was wrong with Legend.
Time could see it in the way the teenager walked, his steps heavy and dragging. How he lingered at the back of the group and barely spoke, mostly just nodding along to whatever it was Wind was telling him, and didn’t go out of his way to speak to anyone, his words sharp and vicious when he did.
Normally Time wouldn’t think twice about Legend being a little extra antisocial and standoffish. He was often grumpy (though Time had seen his soft interior once or twice in the brief time they’d been traveling together), and it wasn’t surprising his mood would get a little more severe now and then.
No, the worrying thing was that it had been several days since the behavior began, and it hadn’t gone away yet.
If anything, it had gotten worse.
Legend seemed to get more lethargic and snappish as they traveled across the wilderness of Wild’s Hyrule, keeping to himself even more intensely, and largely ignoring the rest of them. He’d gotten paler too, in just the few days of whatever this was, and Time was only growing more concerned.
It was worrying. Incredibly so.
Time had been keeping a closer eye on Legend ever since he’d realized something was up, and most of the others seemed to catch on that something was wrong as well, but nobody had confronted Legend about it yet. Or if they had, hadn’t succeeded at all in fixing the problem. Twilight had tried to tactfully approach the subject just that morning, and Legend had nearly bitten his head off in response.
Time wasn’t sure what to do, and he wasn’t the only one.
After all, none of them liked to admit something was wrong with themselves— Time himself was certainly guilty of that— but Legend, prickly as he was, was one of the worst. Confronting him head-on about whatever the issue was would only make him more likely to deny anything was wrong at all, as Twilight had already demonstrated earlier.
But someone needed to get through to him, before something snapped.
And later that day, Time finally got a chance.
They’d reached a good spot to stop for the night, Time watching Legend like a hawk the entire trip there. The veteran had nearly tripped on nothing a few times, but had covered it up so quickly nobody could call him out on it.
They had eaten dinner fairly quietly for once, Wild roasting some mushrooms and meat of some kind. Legend kept to himself during the meal, barely picking at his food, and staying out of the conversation. Everyone pretended not to watch, but it was almost laughable how obvious it was that they were all keeping an eye on him, the worry hanging like a cloud over the group.
And Legend seemed to have noticed the increased scrutiny, as later when the heroes were all settling down for the night— cleaning up dinner, getting out bed rolls— Legend stood and told them all he was going to patrol around.
“Really? Are you sure?” Hyrule piped up, and Four frowned from next to him when Legend nodded.
“...By yourself?” the smithy asked.
A very slight edge of concern lay in his voice, and Legend’s shoulders immediately hiked up to his ears.
“What, you think I can’t handle myself?” he shot back in a sharper tone than normal, and Four quickly raised his hands in a peaceful gesture.
“Of course not Vet, I know you can,” he reassured, and Warriors stepped in.
“Exactly. It’s just dark, and we’re in unfamiliar territory, that’s all,” Warriors put in, and Legend turned to glare at him.
“Yet that’s never an issue when Twilight goes off by himself,” Legend snapped. “Shove off Captain. I’m the veteran, remember? I’ll be fine.”
Then before anyone could stop him, he disappeared into the trees.
All of them watched in an uncomfortable silence as Legend stomped away, and Time stopped Twilight when he went to follow him, placing a hand on his arm.
“Best we wait until he’s calmer,” he said, and Twilight exhaled, then sat down. “...And probably best someone who hasn’t made him mad yet go.”
“I think that’s just you at this point,” Sky pointed out, and Time paused, then sighed as he realized Sky was right. Every single one of the rest of the group had been the target of Legend’s ire in the past few days. Time somehow was the only one who had escaped unscathed... which made him the perfect candidate to follow Legend now.
“All right,” he agreed somewhat reluctantly, and settled down to wait.
“Hylia be with you,” Wild muttered as he cleaned his cooking pot. “You’re gonna need her.”
Half an hour later, as the others either went to bed or tried to busy themselves, Time got up and headed in the direction that Legend had stormed off in.
The moon was large and bright in the sky, and Time almost didn’t need the lantern he’d brought to find Legend’s trail. Though despite the moonlight lighting his path and the assistance of the lantern, it took Time much longer to find the hunched-over figure of Legend then he’d thought it would.
Legend had gone a fair distance from camp, and plunked himself down on a large fallen tree, his head bowed as he stared at the ground. He didn’t react when Time stepped a bit closer, and Time frowned as he watched him for a moment.
Were his shoulders shaking?
Time purposely crunched a few leaves to signal his presence, and Legend’s ear twitched in response. He didn’t do anything else though, and didn’t look at Time when he carefully sat down beside him on the log and set down the lantern.
An owl hooted nearby, and Time listened to it a moment before letting out a quiet sigh.
“They can be an overbearing bunch, can’t they?” he remarked in the silence, the owl going quiet.
Legend flicked an ear, and didn’t respond.
“...They mean well, though,” Time continued when the silence stretched between them. ”They’re not trying to be overwhelming, or even nuisances. They’re... just concerned about you, Vet.”
Legend let out a little huff of air that almost sounded amused.
“Right,” he said flatly. “Well they shouldn’t bother, there’s nothing to be concerned about.”
His hand tightened where it was held around his waist, and Time couldn’t help but notice when it did. Legend’s face seemed paler in the moonlight shining down on it as well, but when he saw Time staring at him, he scowled.
“Go back to camp old man, I’m fine,” he muttered.
Time took a deep breath. Nayru grant me wisdom, here’s where it gets tricky.
“The way you’ve been acting the past few days seems to speak towards a different answer,” he said in a level voice.
“Well whatever it is you think you’ve noticed is all in your imagination,” Legend shot back, clutching his middle even tighter.
Time looked at it again, and paused in what he was about to say as a thought suddenly dawned on him. He couldn’t remember for sure, not everything at least, but if he was right... would Legend really do something so detrimental to his health like that?
“Legend... when was the last time you ate anything?”
Legend’s mouth turned into a thin, hard line.
“That’s none of your business.”
“It is if you’re pushing yourself not to for some reason,” Time said, firmness creeping into his tone as he watched the boy. “We have plenty of supplies Legend, why aren’t you eating?”
“I never said I wasn’t,” Legend snapped back, glaring at him. “And even if I am, maybe I’m just not hungry.”
“Not hungry at all?” Time asked with a raised eyebrow, thinking back to the past several days. “Legend, I don’t seem to recall you actually eating anything recently, you can’t just starve yourself.”
“Oh yeah? Well maybe it would be better for everyone if I did!”
Time blinked in surprise, and Legend’s anger seemed to falter a moment, something horribly vulnerable cracking through the prickly mask he’d thrown on. But he quickly tossed it back over himself, despite the tears trying to gather in his eyes, and his expression reverted back to the anger he’d possessed a few moments ago.
“Link,” Time said quietly, and Legend looked away. “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing. Okay? Would you shove off?”
“Legend,” Time said imploringly, and Legend’s ears pinned back against his head.
“Look I’ve handled it alone before, I can handle it now,” Legend suddenly bit out, his voice thick with emotion. “It’s just— nothing!”
“Nothing wouldn’t make you raise your voice like this,” Time pointed out.
“Well it is!” Legend said in a slightly quieter tone, though it still shook in anger.
Something in Time’s chest ached at the rawness in his voice and the tears that had returned to his eyes. Legend’s lip was trembling, but he was firmly biting down on it to stop it from doing so, and he looked like he was close to losing what control he had left.
Time studied him more intently, trailing carefully over skin flushed with anger, over shaking fists and shoulders, at the hand still held close to his middle.
The shakiness, refusing to eat, the paleness of his face...
Time’s eye widened as a new thought crossed his mind, and he exhaled, reaching a careful hand towards Legend.
“Link, you’re sick, aren’t you?” Time asked in a soft voice, and Legend’s eyes widened, then narrowed. “That’s at least part of this, isn’t it?”
Legend slapped away his extended hand.
“Go away,” he bit out, something truly dangerous in his voice, but Time was nearing the eye of the storm and he wasn’t prepared to back out now. “Go back to camp, wander in the woods or whatever, I don’t care. Just leave.”
“Legend,” Time said, shifting closer. “You can’t keep ignoring this. You nearly fell over earlier, how long have you been feeling ill?”
“There’s nothing to ignore,” Legend snarled. “Just— just leave me alone.”
“I can’t do that,” Time said, his voice soft, but firm. “You need help, and I won’t—”
“I don’t!” Legend shouted, his voice hoarse. He tried to get to his feet, but Time quickly caught him by the wrists, stopping him from leaving. “Just— let go!”
Time shook his head, and Legend tried to jerk out of his hold with no success.
The teenager’s wrists were warm in his grasp, and Time could feel them shaking, though he wasn’t sure if it was from anger or the illness Legend was fighting. Either way, he wasn’t making any headway in escaping, even though Time was sure Legend would have normally been halfway across the forest by now.
Legend tried to swing a fist at Time, but he didn’t succeed in the slightest, the older hero still holding him tight.
“What’s wrong, Link?” he asked, and Legend only struggled harder in his grip.
“Let go!”
Time shook his head, and Legend let out a cry of frustration.
His eyes were glassy with tears as he glared, and his breath came in short pants as he tried desperately to free himself. Legend’s facade of being perfectly fine had dropped in his anger and panic, and Time was now wondering how on earth any of them had missed just how bad things had gotten.
“Leave me ALONE old man!” Legend shouted.
But Time kept holding him, equally gentle and firm as he tried to lurch away. He met Legend’s eyes, stormy and swirling with emotion, and gave his hands a soft squeeze.
“Legend, son, please let me help you,” he said softly.
Legend’s face twisted with rage.
“Don’t call me that!” he nearly screamed, and tried one last time to pull Time’s arms out of his grip.
But he was too weak to free himself, the sickness affecting his strength. Legend couldn’t do anything but struggle, his breath coming in quick gasps, wrists trembling in Time’s hold as he tried to free himself with one last burst of desperation.
Then he crumpled forward, a sob wracking his body.
Time’s eye widened, and he caught Legend, immediately running a hand through his bangs. His forehead was hot where Time’s fingers brushed it, and Legend was shaking so hard he felt like he would fall apart, Time soothing him as he sobbed again.
“Legend, easy,” Time whispered, panic trying to burrow into his chest. He’d never seen Legend like this, screaming and crying and showing his emotions in such a blatantly un-Legend way. And he didn’t exactly have experience with soothing sobbing, feverish teenagers, but Legend was acting so strange...
There’s something else at play here then just a virus, Time thought worriedly, Legend letting out an unsightly hiccup.
All of Legend’s strength seemed to have been used up by their argument, and he lay nearly limp against Time’s arm, shivering, with tears still escaping the corners of his eyes.
“What’s wrong, Link?” Time asked again, careful and soft.
This time Legend didn’t try to pull away or scream at him. He merely let out a quiet breath, one that shuddered on the exhale.
“I... I don’t...” Legend croaked, his eyes squeezed shut. “I can’t... again.”
“You can’t what?” Time asked, and Legend swallowed, tears trickling down his cheeks. Time shifted his grip a little so that Legend’s head rested more comfortably on his shoulder, and waited for him to continue.
“...Care,” Legend whispered finally. His hand tightened where it was fisted in Time’s shirt. “Every time I-I care, someone gets... hurt. I get hurt, I... I can’t again, not...”
He let out a shuddering breath, and his eyes squeezed more tightly shut.
“I don’t want you all to care,” he whispered.
Time looked down at the boy in his arms, shivering and feverish and trying so desperately to fight through it himself, and exhaled.
Legend curled into himself at the admission, tears still falling down his cheeks, and Time suddenly saw himself, trying to keep a safe distance from everyone who tried to care for him, afraid of anyone slipping past his barriers and finding the scared little boy hiding behind so desperate for love.
Time swallowed.
We’re all horribly similar, are we not?
“...Being known is a terrifying thing,” Time said after several moments of silence drifted past, voice barely a whisper.
Legend shuddered again.
“I used to think it impossible,” Time whispered. “To be known, but not hurt. Drifting along and staying unattached seemed best, safer. Even when I was in desperate need of help, taking care of myself... seemed like it would hurt less. Without Malon, I have no doubts I would still be that way.”
Time sighed, and looked down at Legend, not even sure if the words were getting through his fever.
“Legend... you don’t have to tell us everything. But we are a team. Brothers, in spirit if not by blood. By merit of those things alone... we care for you,” he said simply. “I have no doubt that if any one of us were in the condition you’re currently in, you would be caring for them as fiercely as anything.“
Time shifted, and met Legend’s eyes, puffy and red, and bright with fever and exhaustion.
“Let us do the same for you.”
Legend closed his eyes and let his head fall back against Time’s shoulder, face scrunched slightly with pain. Several long moments went by, and then Legend let out an exhausted exhale, and gave Time the smallest nod he’d ever seen.
“...Sure. Fine,” he muttered, almost so quietly Time didn’t hear him. “...But only because my head is pounding so hard I can’t... think of anything better at the moment.”
“Trying is half the battle,” Time said with a faint smile, and Legend sighed again, heavy and exhausted.
Time pulled Legend up into his arms, and noted with a bit of worry that Legend was rather frail in his hold, still shivering. And normally the veteran would protest up and down about being carried, but Legend was completely silent, only a few leftover sniffles coming from him as Time hooked the lantern he’d brought to his belt so his hands would be free.
It truly was a miracle Legend had lasted this long without collapsing in front of them all— but Time knew the power of stubbornness when it came to this sort of thing. Malon was still mad at him for that time he’d tried to milk the cows when he’d had that broken wrist.
It was still impressive, though.
I wonder how long he’s had a fever, he wondered as Legend shifted in his arms. One this intense wouldn’t just appear... it must have been at least a day or two.
“...Don’t tell the others,” Legend suddenly whispered as Time began to walk back to camp, and Time looked down at him. “About... you know.”
Time nodded. “The only thing they get to know about is you being sick,” he promised, and Legend relaxed a bit further in his arms.
When they got back to camp, everyone stared, but nobody commented on Legend’s tear-streaked face, or the fact that he was shivering and being carried. Twilight made eye contact with Time, looking at Legend in concern, and Time mouthed the word ‘fever’.
Twilight’s face softened with understanding, and he quickly put out Legend’s bedroll so Time could get Legend into it.
Legend didn’t resist, and the others didn’t directly address the fact that he had obviously been hiding the fact that he was sick from them all. They merely went about their business, occasionally drifting by where Legend was lying in his bedroll, offering a few words, or some food, or just quiet company that offered to place a wet cloth on his forehead.
And when Legend finally fell asleep, he looked more relaxed then Time had seen him in weeks.
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kaidanalenkosprmanager · 2 months ago
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Sophie Oliveira-Shepard Alenko-Oliveira and Kaidan Alenko-Oliveira - ME3 (2/?) "I want to be your strength. Your soft place to land." Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition (2021) + Bonus
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#mira makes gifs ✨#sophie shepard#kaidan alenko#shenko#mass effect#mass effect 3#me3#dailygaming#otp: you’re real enough for me#heyyyy i’m back with more shenko content bc these two live rent free in my brain :)#you know how i always say ‘this is coolest shit i’ve ever made’ well guess what this is my favorite set i’ve ever made :)#this is my favorite cutscene in ME3 and probably all of mass effect and no one can change that#the way that they look at each other? the softness? the gentle touches? rent. free.#those last four gifs? my favorite 4 seconds in mass effect#soph having horrible nightmares and insomnia throughout her life is very canon so this cutscene is everything to me#it's something about the hurt/comfort of it all. it resonates so well with them. it's spawned so much of their characterization for me :)#i thought about dialogue relating to something non-reaper related but i just wanted the gifs to do the talking this time#the little like half second blurry shot of the picture frame was part of the inspiration for this set :)#it was too important to me to NOT render something out to put in the picture frame by their bed :) and it was going to be on inta’sei#but then i settled for a mission on illium that takes place between ME1/ME2 that’s just the two of them that i will pen out as a oneshot#at some point™️ the render inspired a great many ideas for it. and i had to do a bonus to get a better look at it ;)#i’ll probably throw the actual piece up in the future lol but it was nice seeing it in game :) and kaidan’s tattoos and his piercings :)#it ain’t a mira gifset unless i do something slightly convoluted to show off little pieces of canon :)#thanks for listening to my mini rant :) have a good day like always friend 💙
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shikai-the-storyteller · 2 months ago
It's taking me ages to write this chapter because every time I look through old VODs / notes to check something, I come across moments like this that make me want to lie down face-first on the floor:
[Context: Pac commits to the idea of taking the Happy Pills so he can create a cure. He's about to write a note to Cellbit to explain his plan.]
Pac: If Cellbit puts himself in this position, it's worse for everyone, because Cellbit is smarter when it comes to coming up with strategic plans, so he is the thinking mind of the Favela Five group, so if he no longer has the mind, he’s not capable of solving this whole problem, you know? But if I put myself in this position to help Cellbit so he can get the cure... You understand? It's better if I'm the bait. Right? I can't- I can't carry things alone guys, I've already lost Mike [...] if I lose Cellbit and I alone had to carry things, I won't be able to. But I think Cellbit can manage better. He is more independent, and he has Roier. He has a husband. I'm trying to– to be lucid here, understand? That's all.
Date: September 11, 2023 || Timestamp: 03:10:10
#i talk#qsmp talk#Oh Pac... :((((#I know the Happy Pills arc is soured for a lot of us (for valid reasons) but I still love it because of how vital it is to Pac's character#This arc is what solidified him as my favorite character. He was so brave and he's so full of love and grief#Aghh. Those self-worth issues man... :(((#Pac cubito I carry you in my heart forever and ever and always#fic talk#I don't know if it's funny or miserable that whenever I fact-check myself thinking#''Am I misremembering this / misrepresenting this? Is this too grim?''#The answer is no I hit it dead center#I love Pac's dynamic with all the Favela members but Pac and Cellbit's relationship dynamic has so many layers#it's fascinating to explore#Especially since in the stream before this he had a complete breakdown because he was terrified Cell was going to come back#Love and fear and friendship and anger and hate and healing...#So many layers#The murderer who once mauled him who he left to die#Now a dear friend and co-parent of his son#It's fascinating#What breaks my heart is when Cellbit finds out Pac took the Happy Pills a few days later and they have a confrontation#Cellbit tells him ''You were my only hope- the only scientific person who could create a cure; how are we supposed to save you?''#''We still had one another and now I'm alone!'' <– As always please take my translation with a grain of salt#But man. MAN.... Pac saying Cellbit will be fine he can handle things on his own and he has Roier#vs. Cellbit having the same fears of being left alone#I wonder if; even for a moment; he remembered what it felt like when Pac (e Mike) abandoned him on that Island after Fuga#Obviously he realized / later learned why Pac took the pills but AGH!!!!!!!!!! It hurts.#I wish they logged on at the same time more frequently I WISH we got to see them interact more#I can't really explore this too much in the Fit Pac fic but I am delving into it in the Pac fic#I don't think I'll go as in-depth with the Happy Pill stuff as I'm doing in this fic though. This has been exhausting. It's a heavy arc#(Stream date: September 13 2023 || Timestamp 1:34:00 for Cellbit's POV of that conversation btw)
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gomzdrawfr · 2 months ago
in light of going ang ang (means red in Hokkien) for my blog (taste the red and yellow yIPPIE) here's some discarded cny stuff from last year that I didn't share for reasons
Lion Dancer Ghost - Gaz is also a dancer, Price's the coordinator and Soap's the drummer xD
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I wanted to do one doodle everyday on cny but never got to it, here's some of the ones I did (I think i shared this before i cant remember)
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oya last year was the year of dragon and I did posted the colored dragon Price
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not cny, but i found this when i was scrolling through my folder so xD part of an au by a friend of mine
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the-bi-space-ace · 9 months ago
I’m gonna be honest with y’all. I try my best but I do not understand half of Star Wars. I’m Din Djarin in this fandom. I don’t understand the storyline, I have no idea what anyone is talking about, I don’t want to be in charge, I got a cool outfit and I have a car let’s ride.
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