#i was gonna go for varro but then i was like
kreinvulon · 7 months
old oc revamp concept , except i slapped him into the elder scrolls this time . now i have someone else to focus on & yap about other than orivyn .
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his name is silas , last name to be determined but potentially staying as “whitlock” . he’s an imperial scout / thief esque type , cheeky bastard in his 30s with a baby face & probably part of the thieves guild . he and vyn know each other because of their faction’s ties and it’s … hell every time they meet LMAOO
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So I've been playing Twisted Wonderland for the last couple months and I've decided to make Varro my mc for the game -mostly cuz he's my main magic character but also cuz he kinda has a Disney side character vibe going on with Quasi (and totally not just cuz I don't feel like making another oc for this 😗).
Anyway it also made me realize it's been so very long since I updated his and Quasi's character sheets on here and yeah. A lots changes about em backstory wise.
That being said, my main point is I'm gonna be reblogging twst stuff here while trying to figure out how they would fit in and maybe my thoughts while playing the game. So if ya don't wanna see any of that then I suggest blacklisting the #twst tag since that's what I'll be using for it.
Also gonna pin this for a bit so people who see it know. And thanks once again for putting up with my nonsense 🙇
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asirensrage · 3 years
For each of your OC pairings, pick three songs that show the progression of their relationship or just three songs that fit their relationship. (I told you I’d think of a music ask. It just took me all day lol)
Okay, I see how it is... lol Despite you giving me three songs and not one, I think this is still going to be hard. But let's try!
Sam & Michelle (not in order. I think. and based only on Crossfire)
Famous Last Words - My Chemical Romance I am not afraid to keep on living / I am not afraid to walk this world alone / Honey, if you stay, I'll be forgiven / Nothing you can say can stop me going home
Little Lion Man - Mumford and Sons But it was not your fault but mine / And it was your heart on the line I really fucked it up this time / Didn't I, my dear?
The One That Got Away - The Civil Wars I never meant to get us in this deep / I never meant for this to mean a thing / Oh, I wish you were the one / Wish you were the one that got away
(ahahah this seems super angsty. More than I meant for it to be. Whoops) The rest is under a tag because this got long
Dean & Kelly
Supalonely - BENEE I know I f- up, I'm just a loser / Shouldn't be with ya, guess I'm a quitter / While you're out there drinkin', I'm just here thinkin' / 'Bout where I should've been / I've been lonely, mm, ah, yeah
Slow Burn - Kasey Musgraves I'm alright with a slow burn / Takin' my time, let the world turn / I'm gonna do it my way, it'll be alright / If we burn it down and it takes all night / It's a slow burn, yeah
Beyond - Leon Bridges I'm scared to death that she might be it / That the love is real, that the shoe might fit / She might just be my everything and beyond (beyond)
Kate & Steve
Naked - Ella Mai Might be a bitch in the morning so catch me at night time / Some of my friends think I'm moody but I think I'm just fine / I could be pissed but I act like I'm not / I really remember when I say I forgot / No matter how hard I try / To run away from love at the end of the night
Can't Fight This Feeling - REO Speedwagon I can't fight this feeling any longer / And yet I'm still afraid to let it flow / What started out as friendship, has grown stronger / I only wish I had the strength to let it show / I tell myself that I can't hold out forever / I said there is no reason for my fear / Cause I feel so secure when we're together
Lost in Love - Air Supply You know you can't fool me / I've been loving you too long / It started so easy / You want to carry on / Lost in love and I don't know much / Was I thinking aloud and fell out of touch? / But I'm back on my feet and eager to be what you wanted
Amelia & Eric (AoS version)
Time is Running Out - Muse Our time is running out / You can't push it underground / You can't stop it screaming out / How did it come to this? / Oh / You will suck the life out of me / Bury it / I won't let you bury it / I won't let you smother it / I won't let you murder it
Addicted - Kelly Clarkson It's like I'm running from you all the time / And I know I let you have all the power / It's like the only company I seek is misery all around / It's like you're a leech / Sucking the life from me / It's like I can't breathe / Without you inside of me
What Have You Done feat. Keith Caputo - Within Temptation I've been waiting for someone like you / But now you are slipping away / What have you done now? / Why, why does fate make us suffer? / There's a curse between us, between me and you
(bonus: A Study in Intimacy version: Locked Out of Heaven by Bruno Mars)
Cassia & Varro
She's So Hard - The Jezebels I'm all out, for the war. / I guess love wasn't what I'm looking for. / I don't care when you cry. / I think self-pity is a state of mind. / I'm so hard. I'm so hard. I'm so hard. / She's so hard. She's so hard. She's so hard.
Love Love Love - Of Monsters and Men And these fingertips / Will never run through your skin / Those bright blue eyes / Can't only meet mine across the room / Filled with people that are less important than you / 'Cause you love, love, love / When you know I can't love you
Everything - Lifehouse And how can I stand here with you / And not be moved by you? / Would you tell me / How could it be / Any better than this? / Cause you're all I want / You're all I need, / You're everything, everything.
Quest & Eric
I Threw Glass at My Friend's Eyes and Now I'm on Probation - Destroy Boys Like seriously, what do you think you're doing? / Your hands are so big and you're so tall, wow!
Say So - Doja Cat Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment / I'd let you had I known it, why don't you say so? / Didn't even notice, no punches left to roll with / You got to keep me focused, you want it, say so
Genghis Kahn - Miike Snow I know there's no form / And no labels to put on / To this thing we keep / And dip into when we need / And I don't have the right / To ask where you go at night / But the waves hit my head / To think someone's in your bed / I get a little bit Genghis Khan / I don't want you to get it on / With nobody else but me
I don't have songs for Ava and Eliot rn. they're still new
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gnbrkrs · 4 years
So I’ve done the next part of the Werlyt story because we all know where my brain would go first:
- I was fed with more interactions of my ship. I am living.
- But I am also jealous of Severa. The way she cares about Gaius makes me wonder if she has any hots on him.
- I love the G-Warrior. It’s so amazing and kickass. Took screens with it.
- I also love Terncliff. It is such a beautiful town. The music is so peaceful. And the best thing is, one can still access it after they’ve done the quest. Definitely going back to GPose there.
- I am still baffled how accepting Cid is. SE I do not understand your logic here. - My mistrust for Gaius turned to worry. I don’t think he’s gonna betray us anymore as much as I used to, but it seems he and Valdeaulin have a complicated relationship.
- Speaking of which, I like how Valdeaulin is portrayed sympathetically, as someone who has legitimate gripes with Gaius. I do hope they do not end up turning against each other. There is something... Fascinating about the idea of them putting the past hurts aside together.
- Valens van Varro seems like a vicious lot. I hope he sticks around for longer... For personal reasons.
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SGU] 2.04: Pathogen
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Previously aboard the Destiny… people keep trying to steal the damn ship. We’re not very happy about it. Also, Chloe’s got some weird magic healing thing and it’s making me nervous – cool as it is.
Chloe’s sleepwalking??
Well crap. That’s not good.
Wait… why was she sleepwalking to a computer terminal??
Eli’s Mom isn’t well?!?!?!
Imaginary Scientist Dude doesn’t take any of Rush’s shit.
Poor Eli. His Mama isn’t coping well with him being gone.
Jfc, she’s got the look of death on her face.
Oh god… relationship talks late at night in bed… those never go well.
Stop, guys, s t o p.
Lot of take out… and by the looks of it, lots of wine… Camille’s wife looks like she’s got a bit of dependency starting… also not good. Mom’s always telling me not to get too reliant on the bottle… to be fair, Mom’s got a point.  
Where Chloe?
“Well apparently it’s Sunday too.” <-- my calendar says so too. My last day off before a 13-day stretch. Ugh. So I’m gonna binge me some season 2, that way the blog doesn’t suffer.
The boys standing up to defend their lady buddy.
Lol, bitch no, we ain’t gonna trust you.
Chlo… honey, what you doin’?
Srsly she looked a bit like a zombie.
Okay, what’s up with Sharon??
Eli’s mama is catholic??
Eli… be careful… aaah okay. I hope you don’t get into too much trouble for all this.
Uhoh. This… this could go badly.
Okay, now that’s weird… why’s she writing in such an odd language??
Where’s Rush… tf?
Okay, now this just got interesting…
I kinda like Varro. He’s very… likable.
I’d have been happier if they chucked Simeon and kept his buddies though.
Rush and Chloe make an interesting combination.
Okay, idk if anybody else agrees, but Sharon is starting to look a little frayed around the edges… her body language is very… twitchy.
Show em the Hall of Crazy!!
Oh dude, blaming your shit on Chloe. That’s not cool bro.
Okay so this sleepwalking is creepy af.
Camille is badasssss….
“Make this Happen.”
Awww. ;w;
I’m not crying, you’re crying.
This… something’s gonna go wrong, I can feel it…
Is that it??
That can’t be it. It’s too easy.
Called it…
Rush… this is a dangerous game you’re playing here.
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gattmammon · 3 years
AGR series: Agonalia prima for Ianus, episode 2
Return of the Jedi or whatever - Today (9th of January) is the first of 4 feast days spread across the year called Agonalia, all 4 of which are dedicated to one of the Dies Indigetes ("indigenous" gods = archaic, pre-Greek influence gods), amongst the oldest festivals still celebrated in Classical Roman times. Since both the feast and the god it's dedicated to belong to this series rightfully, I'm gonna go into both a little. Second, Ianus.
Ianus is, as mentioned, one of the oldest deities of Rome. Traditionally represented with two faces looking in opposite directions, one old and the other young, it ruled over thresholds, both temporal and spatial - beginnings, endings, and doors/passages between a space and another. The month of January was fully dedicated to him, as the English name still indicates, and so were the first days of each month (the Kalendae - he shared them with Iuno), during which he also received sacrifice. He was represented with a scepter in the right hand and a set of keys in the left one, to signify his importance and his rule over liminal spaces.
("Ianua" means "door, threshold", and "Ianitor" was the aspect of Ianus who ruled over physical thresholds. Yes, it's exactly what you're thinking: the word "janitor" also comes from the word "ianua". Does this mean all janitors are priests of Ianus? It's up to you but I'm gonna say yes. Also, are all liminal spaces, including contemporary definitions of liminal spaces, under the rule of Ianus? Again, up to you but I'm gonna say yes).
In fact in the archaic Roman pantheon Ianus, not Juppiter, was the "father god", and he still remained extremely respected, with the appellattive "Ianus pater" (father Ianus) still being in use, his name being invoked first in every ritual and his person honored with sacrifices at the beginning of every new endeavour. The herudite Varro operates the distinction of Ianus being the god of "firsts" in the sense of "primum", "first in the order", while Juppiter is the god of "firsts" in the sense of "summa", "first for excellence". I personally think in the terms of Ianus being a god of order and change, what remains immutable thru time, while Juppiter is a god of power in action, of wisdom applied to concrete decisions. To the traveller, Ianus is the compass, Juppiter is the path, so to speak.
As it is the case with many archaic Roman deities, its cult was shared with the Etruscans, who had a similar god with two faces named Culsans, but he has no real Greek equivalent - some old authors will insist on identifying him with Khronos, but Khronos is Saturn, who is a completely distinct deity in ancient Roman myth.
In fact, Ianus and Saturn actually meet: when Juppiter leads his revolution against Saturn, the "running king" (this is a theme in Roman myth!) goes to hide in Latium where he's welcomed by Ianus. Together the two rule over the people of ancient Latium, during what would be later known as the "Golden Age" that the Saturnalia, established by Ianus himself, seeked to evoke. This is the fully mythical period of ancient Roman history, as opposed to the historical period, starting with the late Republican age, for which we have full records, and the middle period which by now I hope we have established is "whatever, the fuck I look like, a cop".
Ianus also had several sons and daughters, of which the most important are Tiberinus, personification of the river Tiber which runs thru Rome, and Fontus, the god of springs (as in water springs). Why the connection with water, you might ask? It's either a coincidence (always possible) or an astute observation on how a river is in constant flow, therefore in a constant state of change - always beginning and ending and beginning anew. But it's probably a coincidence.
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Spartacus : Vengeance Rewatch - Episode 4: Empty Hands
Sex Scene: 2 (plus lots of slave entertainment sex)
“Cock”: 3
“Cunt”: 2
“Fucking Gaul”: none because Agron doesn’t have any lines.
Slow motion Face Punch: 1
Episode Name Dropped by: Ilithyia
Memorable Death:  Acer… obviously. He deserved so much better!
Favourite Line: “They shall learn a wounded animal may yet bear teeth.”
 - I was so damn worried they were gonna step on that frog.
- I love me some foggy forests.
- I don’t get why Mira keeps moving, like stay still woman, you are trying to hide.
- I remember when I first watched this I was so mad at Naevia for running and thought she was so freaking stupid, but like that girl was traumatized. It makes total sense that she ran, it’s classic PTSD (as someone with PTSD I totally understand this reaction). I think my main issues the first time was that I was getting used to this new actor and comparing her to the s1 actor.
-  IT WAS A HISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Seriously, the way that soldier took down Naevia is brutal, and I love it.
-  “I fucking hate running,”…….somehow this is the most Aussie thing they’ve ever said.
- Fuck I love Mira. She just full on jumps on the dude and knifes him. She’s like a jungle cat. Seriously, Mira, will you marry me?
-  I always feel so bad when the background rebels die, poor babies.
- I LOVE THAT THEY WANNA BURY HIM!!!!! That means so much, it’s respect and loyalty and honour. BUT SPARTY IS SUCH A DOUCHE (even though I understand that they don’t have time, but cmon)
- I get so bored with the Romans sometimes.
- I feel we were robbed of the religious aspects of the time. But maybe that’s just me, I love the whole wide world of Gods and Goddesses.
- Albinius is not subtle in his interest in Lucretia (to be fair, neither am I)
-  Glaber is SUCH A DICK TO HIS WIFE, OMG! .... And Ilithyia is so crushed.
-  I’m honestly a little surprised Nasir would say he needs a rest, because wouldn’t he want to be seen like a warrior. Especially in front of the Gladiators? But then again, he also completely diffused that tense situation, so maybe he’s a genius.
-  I am 1000% here for a Nasir, Mira, Naevia friendship. WHERE ARE THE FICS!?
-  I am so surprised Liscus is so quick to say Crixus is dead. I thought Gauls were super loyal and devoted.
-  Sparty don’t like people dissing his new bf.
- Holy shit, I cannot get over the utter disrespect of desecrating a corpse. I mean I know Sparty did it in the first ep of this season, and I think I was fine with that cos it was a Roman corpse. But this time, it’s a gladiator. I know, double standards, but I can’t help it.
-  Am I seeing things, or does Ashur also look offended/uncomfortable by the corpse defiling? Shit, am I agreeing with Ashur, noooooooo.
-   “Slave, true, but far from common”
-  I cringe every time Seppia speaks
- “The morning cock has better chance of crowing to such heights”
-  “Empty vessel, barren of life, and prophesy” – did Ilithyia really have to go the barren route.
-   I was so damn happy when Rhaskos was alive……. If only he’d stay that way forever.
-  It’s awkward how excited everyone is, but sucks to be them cos it aint Sparty.
- “I stand with you in this life, and the next” HOLY SHIT I DIDN’T KNOW ACER SAID THIS OMG! This is exactly what Naevia says to Crixus later on. WOW, these are such romantic words, makes me wonder if Acer had a thing for Crixus??? I’m here for it!!!
- Oenomaus and Crixus back together again!! Yay!
-   I really hate broken hearted Oenomaus. Let Crixus smile for a god damn minute would you!!
-  For a second I really though Liscus went mad and killed Naevia.
-  Every time there is a slow-mo fight, I get butterflies. I love this show, okay?!
-  Nasir being amazing. That is all.
-  You know what I find odd, even though Naevia is super traumatized I almost feel like all this fighting and death would be comforting in a way?? because she grew up in the ludus, she was around fighting every damn day, shouldn’t she not freak out and cry about a little battle?? Am I just being insensitive?
-   I am living for all this hissing!
-  Oh gods, seriously the slow-mo scream of Nasir is fucking awful. As in it’s tragically hilarious. He sounds so stupid, I hate it.
-  Mira and Nasir, I love them.
-   Omg, Nasir sounds like he’s saying goodbye. No baby.
- Seriously, the way Naevia walks up to Nasir all possessed like, I honestly thought she was going to kill him. It was freaky.
-   Ilithyia’s party dress is the most beautifully stunning thing I’ve ever seen.
- There is a LOT of boob sucking going on.
- Varinius is so waiting for the other shoe to drop.
-  Okay, I know Seppia and Seppius are brother and sister but when I first watched this I REALLY shipped them. And even now, I still kinda do. I know it’s all kinds of wrong, but the heart ships what the heart ships.
-  It seriously looked like one of those guards rushed up to make out with Acer….. I aint even mad about that.
-   “Cut the pig” … background actors are hilarious.
-   “Boy fought well”
-  I LOVE LISCUS SHOWING NASIR RESPECT!!! Even if it is kinda short lived.
-  I usually hate it when Sparty slaps his rebels (I will never be over how he slapped Agron) but in this case, I’m okay with it. Liscus talked about Varro, just …. You deserved it, man.
-  My little shipper heart wishes Sparty wanted Agron there was so Agron and Nasir could see each other again … my logical brain says Agron is the reinforcements they need. Sigh.
-  I love watching Fortis run, that man is so majestical.
-   All the other slaves look mad, Crixus looks confused.
-  A PENIS!! I always said I’d make a point to mention the penis’ because it’s so rare to see them, compared to the amount of boobs you get in EVERYTHING.
-  “We are politicians are we not”
-   I love how Albinius is just watching this dick measuring contest, giving no fucks at all.
-  Jackals, that’s a new insult. I love Jackals.
-  Okay I know I said Ilithyia’s dress was divine but so is Lucretia’s. wow damn.
-   I love Acer.
- Lucy Lawless acting is phenomenal. Every time she’s in eyesight of Crixus she holds her stomach. That is so beautifully done and makes the character all the more real.
-  Lucretia and Crixus scenes are so amazing.
- I really love the Ilithyia and Albinius scenes, they have good back and forth.
-   Gods, the amount of fun they are all having at Acer’s expense. I could go on another rant about slavery but I think we all get the gist.
-  “You carry his child”… hilarious.
- “Do not cry out”
-  Sparty actually looks upset at having to burn Nasir, but dude, it’s gonna save his life.
-  I don’t think anyone realises how strong Nasir is. He didn’t cry out when he was being burned. Have you been burnt? I have, it fucking hurts. Nasir wasn’t a gladiator, he wasn’t used to pain, he was a house slave, he was used to sex. He’s used to pleasure and discomfort, not brutal pain. And yet, he didn’t scream. That’s my baby!
-  I hate that Varinius is into Seppia, it’s kinda gross.
-  I do love that Seppia can’t cut Acer though, it really shows her youth and in that split second I actually like her as a character. She seems real for the very first time.
-   “Absent attempt to fuck your sister” HOLY SHIT I DIDN’T NOTICE THIS BEFORE, THIS IS FUCKING HILARIOUS.
- Hot damn, Ilithyia is so damn sexy. I mean sucks that Acer died and I liked him, but I NEED TO FAN MYSELF COS ILITHYIA IS HOT LIKE BURNING. Seriously, damn.
-  I kinda like a Lucretia and Albinius friendship, for a minute, then it all goes to hell.
- Wait, so Liscus never made it to Agron? But …. I’m confused now.
-  Seriously, these actors that play the entertainment slaves, like they are basically having sex, so do they hire pornstars??
-  Once again, still shipping the incest, but I can’t help it! gah!
-  Holy shit, Ilithyia and Varinius sex scene is hot as hell. Ilithyia makes the best faces when she has scenes like this.
-  All this talk of Crassus makes so much more sense now that I’ve seen s3
-  Poor Nasir being carted around like a sack of potatoes.
- “Fuck the Gods.”
-   I seriously hate the Romans, leave our poor gladiators alone and stop fucking up their corpses.
- How did Sparty hear them coming?
-  Wow damn, that pole, flipping over, thing, was amazing.
-  Sparty took on a Roman army, all on his own and he won.
-  I appreciate Marcus’ belief in his people, but he’s way too cocky.
-  “I am not a Roman. I will not fucking die this night”
-  I don’t get why Nasir was allowed to live, but Liscus wasn’t. I mean I know his wound was in the chest so it was serious ….. I’m just sick of all these Gladiators dying!
-  Sometimes Ilithyia needs to calm the fuck down
-  Ilithyia is so vicious. Who knew the ditz from the pilot would end up being one of the most amazing characters
-   Ilithyia/Lucretia kiss, how I have missed these.
-  “I long to see what dawn shall bring”
-  This show has the most beautiful scenery.
-  My warrior queen!
-    I love that Naevia has a tiny blade to protect herself and Nasir.
-   AGRON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at that nerd smile. I love him so much.
- I love that Agron barely acknowledges Sparty and runs straight for Nasir.
- Donar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-  OMG this Nagron scene kills me. Nasir’s little smile, the way Agron’s whole face just melts and you can see the absolute LOVE in his eyes.
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agron-rebel-general · 7 years
1 Year Aggiversary Giveaway!!!
HEY EVERYONE!!! SO today marks my ONE YEAR AGGIVERSARY ON THIS BLOG!!! And maaan, has it been a year!! As most of you know, or have stuck with me since the beginning, my tumblr journey has not been an easy one!!! But where the first few months were difficult, the next several reminded me of what I MOST enjoy about rping!! Getting to meet AMAZING people, getting to interact both IC and OOC and so on!! And throughout this process, I have made friends who I consider to be some of my BEST ones!! We all have to accept that there is going to be toxicity in every fandom and toxic people who perpetuate it!! BUT what we should focus on is not the negativity, but rather, the positivity!! We should focus on all the WONDERFULLY KIND AND SUPPORTIVE people out there cause they far outweigh all the negative ones!! I have been very fortunate to meet such kind people through the past several months!!
With that said, I want to offer you guys a VERY special giveaway!! There are TWO parts to it: one is a POSTCARD GIVEAWAY and the other is a DRAW FOR A MUG GIVEAWAY!! Take a moment to read the guidelines for each cause . . . who doesn’t like free stuff?!?! You can do both if you want btw! Its not an either/or kind of thing!! You can claim a postcard AND enter the draw to win!!  The ONLY requirement . . . is that you have to be following me!!! And it doesn’t JUST have to be this blog! You can be following me on ANY of my blogs!! [ @rebellxblake . @natexmiller , @varro-answers , @argumentwithimaginarycat , @ask-barca , @felixvalerius , @magnusbane-warlock ]
I will make one small note and that’s regarding the shop I recently started called One Word At A Time! Merchandise in the giveaway can be found there for purchase and 75% of the profits will be given to charity!! 
I’m going to have to limit it to one postcard per person and will let you know if this changes! But IF you want a postcard for ANY of these characters/duos, ALL you have to do is give this a like (if you want to reblog it to help me spread the word that would be EXTRA AWESOME!!), and then inbox OR IM me which one you want by giving me the character or ship name as listed below, AND the mailing address you’d like it sent to!! Below are a list of available postcards: 
[don’t worry... the actual postcard does not have the watermark on it ;)]
Agron | Nasir | Nagron | Nagron Postcard Pack [all 3; this is a VERY special offer!] 
The 100
Abigail Griffin | ALIE | Anya | Bellamy Blake | Bellarke [1] [2] [its a double sided postcard] | Blake Siblings | Braven | Clarke Griffin | Clexa |  Echo | Emori | Eric Jackson | Harper Mcintyre | Ilian | Jasper Jordan | John Murphy | Kabby | Lexa | Lincoln | Linctavia |  Luna | Marcus Kane | Marper | Memori | Monty Green | Murphamy | Nathan Miller | Niylah | Nyko | Octavia Blake | Raven Reyes | Roan | Wells Jaha 
Marvel  & DC 
Black Widow | Bruce Banner [1] [2] [its a double sided postcard] | Ironman | Loki | Thor | Wonderwoman 
Blake Belladonna [RWBY] | Malec [Magnus & Alec from Shadowhunters] | Reylo [Rey & Kylo Ren from Star Wars] | 
SO, this is how its gonna work!! There are going to be 3 winners!! Which means I will draw three names from those who entered!! 
How do I enter: SIMPLE! Reblog this with an added comment of how you are entering the draw! Please DO NOT only put it in your tags!! I may miss it! It MUST be in the comments on the reblog! 
What do I win: A MUG!! But this is what makes it special . . . YOU get to pick the character or duo you want on there!! Even if I don’t have the design already made for it, I will make it FOR you!! It can be any character or ship from ANY fandom! It can also be an OC from a role play!! I will be working WITH you to make sure its exactly what you want!! Also, any of the characters or ships listed for the postcards, I have mugs for!! Additionally, I have MORE designs for character mugs than I do for the postcards so if there is a particular fandom you are interested in, let me know!! 
How many winners will there be: There will be 3 winners!! Each one gets the same prize!  
Will this cost me anything: NOOT a dime!! I will be making it AND mailing it to you free of charge!! The shipping is my responsibility! Regardless of where you live! This is for ALL my followers from ALL over the world!!  
How long do I have to enter the draw: You have 12 days [one representing each month I’ve had this blog!!] starting today!! So that means that the draw will close on Monday, March 26th!! 
Note: Its ONE entry PER mun!! Reblogging it multiple times will not get your name in there multiple times!! 
AND THATS IT!! From the BOTTOM of my heart, THANK YOUU to each and every one of you for ALL you have done for me!! Whether its followed me, liked/reblogged my stuff, posted with me, or chatted with me!! I love each and everyone of you!! Please help me spread this post and sprinkle some positivity all over!!!! MUCH LOVE AND HUGS!!!!!! Can’t wait to hear from you all!! <3
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hopeloading563 · 3 years
Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal Crack
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Creeper World 3 is what happens when cellular automata takes over a strategy simulation. Instead of discrete units that attack your base, a fluid-like substance spreads over the terraformable terrain.
Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal for PC cheats - Cheating Dome has all the latest cheat codes, unlocks, hints and game secrets you need.
Creeper World 3 bends what it means to be a strategy title. Instead of heavily scripted A.I., players find themselves engaging an enemy with theoretically predictable behavior yet which is shockingly interesting to engage. Players can build fortifications and stick around forever.
Various Steam Achievements
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AchievementHow to unlock
Air Exclusion Tower Assassin
Destroy 8 Air Exclusion Towers in a mission.
Air Exclusion Tower Ender
Destroy 150 Air Exclusion Towers total.
Aliana Abraxis Award
Win 100 Missions.
Alpha Sector Pioneer
Enter Alpha Sector.
Win Arc Eternal:Apex:Meso building no weapons other than nullifiers.
Arc Eternal Pioneer
Enter Arc Eternal.
Finalized a Map.
Area Denial
Complete Arc Eternal:Egos:Chanson without the destruction of a Glider or a Glider Factory.
Beam Lover
Build 50 Beams in a mission.
Beam Master
Build 1000 Beams total.
Bertha Lover
Build 25 Berthas in a mission.
Bertha Master
Build 200 Berthas total.
Better Late Than Never
Completed Farbor Story Mission.
Bomber Lover
Build 50 Bombers in a mission.
Bomber Master
Build 750 Bombers total.
Born Leader
Score in the top 10 on a mission with at least 20 scores.
Box Art Mission Master
Completed Krig Story Mission.
Completed Alpha Sector:virgilw:Brain Mission.
Can't Touch This
Complete a non-tutorial story map without creeper damaging any unit.
Collector Lover
Build 300 Collectors in a mission.
Collector Master
Build 10000 Collectors total.
Colonial Space Pioneer
Enter Colonial Space.
Rate a Colonial Space Map.
Dax Joven Award
Win 250 Missions.
DMD Pioneer
Enter DMD.
Dr. Jones
Collected 500 AoO in Prospector Zone.
Dudley DoRight
Choose Skars in Arca Story Mission.
Ejection Seat
Command Node recalled to orbit due to damage.
Emitter Assassin
Destroy 20 Emitters in a mission.
Emitter Ender
Destroy 1000 Emitters total.
Failure Has Its Own Reward
Lose Farbor Story Mission.
Fine Wine
Completed both missions in Alpha Sector:Grauniad system.
Fire in the Hole
Win a Prospector Zone mission with only Mortars and Nullifier weapons.
First Air Exclusion Tower
Destroy first Air Exclusion Tower.
First Beam
Built first Beam.
First Bertha
Built first Bertha.
First Bomber
Built first Bomber.
First Collector
Built first Collector.
First Emitter
Destroy first Emitter.
First Forge
Built first Forge.
First Guppy
Built first Guppy.
First Inhibitor
Destroy first Inhibitor.
First Mortar
Built first Mortar.
First Nullifier
Built first Nullifier.
First Ore Mine
Built first Ore Mine.
First Pulse Cannon
Built first Pulse Cannon.
First Reactor
Built first Reactor.
First Relay
Built first Relay.
First Runner
Destroy first Runner.
First Runner Nest
Destroy first Runner Nest.
First Shield
Built first Shield.
First Siphon
Built first Siphon.
First Sniper
Built first Sniper.
First Spore Tower
Destroy first Spore Tower.
First Sprayer
Built first Sprayer.
First Strafer
Built first Strafer.
First Terp
Built first Terp.
First Thor
Built first Thor.
Win a mission by destroying only the inhibitor.
Forge Master
Build 400 Forges total.
Collected 100 AoO in Prospector Zone.
Released AC in Credits Mission.
Win a Prospector Zone mission with only Pulse Cannons and Nullifier weapons.
Guppy Lover
Build 20 Guppies in a mission.
Guppy Master
Build 500 Guppies total.
Happily Ever Before
Completed Arca Story Mission as Skars.
Hawking Achievement
Fire the Singularity weapon.
Industrial Nightmare
Get energy production up to 2000.
Inhibitor Ender
Destroy 100 Inhibitors total.
Junior Officer
Completed Tiplex Story Mission.
Completed Vapen Story Mission.
Machine Lover
Completed 100 DMD Missions.
MadMag's Mansion
Picked up key from MadMag's room.
Many Machines on Ix
Max all techs (10 on unlimited techs).
Master Commander
Completed Chanson Story Mission.
Mobility Award
Move a Command Node.
Mortar Lover
Build 50 Mortars in a mission.
Mortar Master
Build 2500 Mortars total.
Destroyed 20 Inhibitors in Tormented Space.
Nip in the Bud
Destroy a spore tower before it finishes building in Arc Eternal:Egos:Ruine.
No Fly
Complete Arc Eternal:Navox:Flick without using Bombers or Strafers.
Not gonna Vapen
Complete Arc Eternal:Frykt:Vapen without activating the field beam.
Nullifier Lover
Build 20 Nullifiers in a mission.
Nullifier Master
Build 750 Nullifiers total.
Ore Mine Lover
Build 15 Ore Mines in a mission.
Ore Mine Master
Build 1000 Ore Mines total.
Patton Would Be Proud
Completed Farbor Story Mission Early.
Peak of Good Living
Completed Meso Story Mission.
Positronic Brain
Completed Alpha Sector:virgilw:Brain Mission in under 60 seconds.
Projects Pioneer
Enter Projects.
Prospector Zone Pioneer
Enter Prospector Zone.
Pulse Cannon Lover
Build 50 Pulse Cannons in a mission.
Pulse Cannon Master
Build 2500 Pulse Cannons total.
Destroy a built unit on purpose.
Rain Man
Rain Anti-Creeper from orbit.
Rainy Day Reserve
Store 2500 AC.
Reactor Lover
Build 200 Reactors in a mission.
Reactor Master
Build 5000 Reactors total.
Relay Lover
Build 100 Relays in a mission.
Relay Master
Build 5000 Relays total.
Rotten Apple
Choose Loki in Arca Story Mission.
Runner Assassin
Destroy 500 Runners in a mission.
Runner Ender
Destroy 5000 Runners total.
Runner Nest Assassin
Destroy 10 Runner Nests in a mission.
Runner Nest Ender
Destroy 200 Runner Nests total.
Self Improvement
Improve score or time on an already played mission in Tormented Space.
Find all hidden areas in the Credits Mission.
Shield Lover
Build 25 Shields in a mission.
Shield Master
Build 400 Shields total.
Siphon Lover
Build 20 Siphons in a mission.
Siphon Master
Build 800 Siphons total.
Size Matters
Completed Metroid in Alpha Sector:MadMag system.
Sniper Lover
Build 40 Snipers in a mission.
Sniper Master
Build 600 Snipers total.
Spore Tower Assassin
Destroy 20 Spore Towers in a mission.
Spore Tower Ender
Destroy 500 Spore Towers total.
Sprayer Lover
Build 50 Sprayers in a mission.
Sprayer Master
Build 600 Sprayers total.
Strafer Lover
Build 50 Strafers in a mission.
Strafer Master
Build 1000 Strafers total.
Strategic Reserve
Store 1500 energy.
Surgical Strike
Completed Arca Story Mission Early.
Terp Lover
Build 25 Terps in a mission.
Terp Master
Build 500 Terps total.
The Dark Lord
Completed Arca Story Mission as Loki.
Thor Lover
Build 5 Thors in a mission.
Thor Master
Build 100 Thors total.
Tormented Space Pioneer
Enter Tormented Space.
Training Wheels
Completed Tempus Story Mission.
Take more than 120 minutes to win a mission.
Uninhibited Nihilist
Destroyed 50 Inhibitors in Tormented Space.
Unlimited Possibilities
Name a DMD Map.
Unlimited Potential
Download a Colonial Space Map.
Upwardly Mobile
Move a Command Node 10 times in a mission.
Move a Command Node 50 times in a mission.
Varro Hale Award
Win 50 Missions.
Warp Ready
Completed Starsync Story Mission.
Build 2 Forges in a mission.
Wrath of the Gods
Fire more than twenty Artifacts of Odin in a mission.
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Creeper World 3
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Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal Cracked
Here's a new one for 2.04. It is a bit more advanced and added 'unlimited units' and 'unit unlocker'. The first will remove all limitations on the number of units (if a limitation is in effect). Things go back to normal when disabled.
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The second will enable all locked units. Units will remain unlocked for the entire duration of the current map.
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Both trigger when you place a unit/building to build. How to use this cheat table?
Install Cheat Engine
Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
Keep the list.
Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SGU] 2.19: Blockade
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Rush is… very detached. Can’t blame Eli for feeling kinship.
Um, nah, I think Destiny refusing to drop below 40% is pretty good.
“Are we there yet?”
Turbulence in a fucking space ship…
Um wat?
Drones? Jfc.
“The hell are they doing here?” “Coming right at us.”
Why are those drones even here???
“This room needs more chairs.”
Camille in the command chair…
Sorry Eli, you jinxed it.
Young ain’t asking for permission, dong ma.
You’d think a ship like this would have retractable metal covers for the window.
Park is scary determined.
Well now… this just got interesting. An abandoned warehouse?
“Holy crap, we dialled Pittsburg.”
Pfft. These kids.
“I’ll be right begind you” she says… yeah, something’s gonna go wrong.
Oh gpd, I hope the gang isn’t walking into a zombie apocalypse.
Told you so… jfc, she’s gonna get roasted in there.
What did you find Greer?
So now we’re thinking maybe the drone makers attacked this world?
“What kind of city doesn’t have a gun shop?” “Maybe they’re Canadian.”
PanicDude is going to get everybody killed.
Varro has a rocket launcher?? Nice.
Um… I hope Park remembers to shut her eyes, and to turn her head away from the windows…
Oh god… oh god.
“At least we’ve got a full tank of gas.” [in unison, apathetically(?):] “Yay.”
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SGU] 2.13: Alliances
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Previously aboard the Destiny… for a short while, there were two Rushs’, and my dirty brain was delighted. Also, there was a minor time-travel gimmick, there were two Telfords’ – one died – and apparently dialling from a star is a very bad idea.
Telford eyeing up Rush like he thinks this Rush murdered the other him. Um, no.
Senator Michael’s?
Greer’s been refusing the stones? How’d I not notice that?
Wtf bro?
So… do we like this Covel dude? Or are we gonna need a shovel?
Based on the “Yeah, on my way” and then just sitting there drinking coffee…
Just because you don’t like the fact that something won’t work, doesn’t mean Rush is lying about it being unfeasible.
Okay, so Chloe likes this Senator lady… but is this going to go awfully wrong?
I do not like this alarm. Not one bit.
Jfc. Thank god Greer managed to shove her under the desk. I don’t think the people in the hallway would have survived.
I don’t like this Senator lady very much… looking down on Chloe’s participation in the Destiny.
What happened is the ceiling caved in, you jerk!
Bright side Greer, it’s not actually your knee.
Oh man, I hope those ceiling tiles don’t have asbestos in them… that wouldn’t be good for anybody atm.
Camille and Greer to the rescue!
Idk about this “airman” he might be a plant.
Yeah… I think that ‘airman’ was the pilot. Crash the ship, leave the bomb and book it. That’s… okay, tbh, if I was a terrorist (WHICH I AM NOT THANKYOU) it would be something I’d consider for maximum damage.
TJ and Varro are cute.
I don’t like the way Senator Lady said that.
Yep. Evans is definitely a plant. Too panicky, and too pretty.
“We work here too.”
I do not like Covel. Not one bit.
a b s e s t o s
is that a Geiger counter?
Well shiit.
Good news… if we turn off the stones, Camile and Greer won’t die… bad news… wither way, the Senator and Covel are dead.
Told you so…
Maybe the radiation is affecting the stones?
Didn’t I say this kid was too pretty to be an actual airman.
Well now. Isn’t this interesting.
So shiny. So deadly.
“Something we can live with… I think.”
Chloe’s got more faith than a church full of priests.
Covel did what now??
Is he alliance too??
Dude, you’ll die either way. You’re just killing more people.
This Senator has more balls than anybody so far. All these strong women in this show just amazes me.
Camille is so brave. ;w;
“Can you tell Chloe that I’m proud of her.”
I take back everything I ever said about Senator Michaels’.
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SGU] 2.01: Intervention (3/3)
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TJ… why is TJ in a wooden cabin??
And… not pregnant?
She had the baby? Idk, I didn’t think the baby was gonna survive…
Oh god… is this just a dream??
Yeah… nobody gets that lucky… she’s dreaming…
“Just another day in Outer Space.”
Not that I’m complaining, but wtf??
Poor TJ… this doesn’t bode well for her plotline.
Uh-oh… if Kinvara (or whateverhernameis) is dead, then that’s not good for Young and his bratlings.
Jfc Hobbit-Dude.
Um, no, we don’t go to locked-out planets. That’s a bad idea!
I’m beginning to like this Varro dude…
I don’t think Dream!Caine is Caine… I suspect Interference!!
This Simeon dude is suspicious… all in favour of killing him asap?
“What happened?” Rush happened! Muhahahahaha!
I love how effective those boys are at killing people.
Yeah, we Tau’ri can be petty like that. Sucks to be you bro.
It’s actually pretty effective, we could just vent the ship… and then fetch back the others.
“Everyone still alive in here?”
My dudes, I don’t think it’s a good idea to test Rush’s resolve.
Dannick dude’s got some serious issues?
Oh I like this chick… Redhead’s got stones… can we keep this one??
So… can we keep this Varro and his boys??
Yeah, you heard them. Rush saved the day…
I feel super sad for TJ rn… I’m 90% sure it was just a dream…
SGU definitely has the best soundtrack of all the SG series’.
Still super curious about where Chloe’s super-healing has magically come from.
What have the Hobbit Scientists found now??
What are we… oh…. Ohmygod… that… that’s the same celestial body she saw in her dream…
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Spartacus: Vengeance Rewatch - Episode 1: Fugitivus
Sex Scene: All of them. They went to a whorehouse.
“Cock”: 4
“Cunt”: 2
“Kill Them All”: 0 (I wonder if this is said at all in S2 or 3)
“Fucking Gaul”: 3
Slow motion Face Punch:0
Episode Name Dropped by: Aurelia
Memorable Death:  Aurelia
Favourite Line: “We must stand as one, or fall divided.”
- This is the greatest way they could have introduced the new Spartacus actor. It was amazing.
- Spartacus facing down that horse is beautiful.
- AGRON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- DONAR!! =]
- He’s still throwing his bloody sword.
- I love that Donar has this axe thing, it’s awesome and sets him apart from the other gladiators.
- This beginning fight scene is so well done.
- Agron oh gosh. He’s so angry, so crazed by his grief. Everyone is so wary of him, but like he lost his brother. My poor baby.
-  “I believe the man dead.” – the moment I fell in love with Donar and his bromance with Agron.
- I can always rely on Agron to say “cock”
-  Spartacus has never really been a savage until right now when he carves a message into a dead guy’s chest. Seriously, wtf. 
- I’m so in love with Agron’s necklace.
- Ha! Rome, it looks like it’s still being built. That’s hilarious.
- Pompey mention!
- What is with all those masks?! How fucking creepy.
- “Where youth plummets, maturity may soar.”
- As someone who hasn’t ever paid any interest in wars, all this undoubtedly historically accurate war talk is super boring.
- Everyone under the sun is named Marcus
- Varinius!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh man, seriously. Just, Brett Tucker is an Aussie actor that has been in basically everything! I can’t take him seriously.
- Seriously this triangle between Ilithyia, Varinius, and Glaber is basically the entire subplot of S2.
- The one thing I get super bored of in Spartacus is men and their egos.
- Mira is literally in the sewers and she’s still a queen.
- Oh hey, the Veteran!
- The kid that says “I will kill many Romans” looks like Tyler Lockwood from Vampire Diaries.
- You can actually see Mira’s face fall when Aurelia comes into view. Like she knows that when Aurelia is around Spartacus can see no one else. It’s not a romantic thing, it’s a Varro thing.
- Agron and Donar bromance, I love it. Almost makes up for Duro’s death, almost.
- The Gauls are mostly comprised of New Zealanders – just an observation.
- I sometimes can’t believe that the gladiators treat the house slaves so poorly and sometimes don’t seem to give a fuck about any slaves still in chains.
- “Rabbits” - I still don’t understand this.
-  Oh, Acer.
-  Yessss Mira!!!!!
- Oh the showdown between the Gauls and the rest of the slaves is so intense and beautifully done.
- I really like that even with the new actor they still put all the same scars on him. Good job.
- Oh gosh. Mira loves Spartacus so much…..and S2 Spartacus clearly cares for her way more than he did in S1, but still. She deserves better.
- “I have proven troublesome to kill.”
- Gah, the thing with Spartacus in S2 is he cares more about killing Romans than protecting the other slaves. At least Mira and even Agron are there to pick up the slack.
- “I hear you wish to command my men.” – when I first heard this I thought it very antagonistic, like the fractions were splitting apart. But it’s more of Spartacus being the head honcho, and Crixus being a General that leads his own fraction but still reports to Spartacus. Warfare is not my thing but I’m learning.
- Yeah, because a curtain is going to give you so much privacy. Everyone can still hear you guys.
- “Did his blood bear fruit?”
- Trebius! Ah!
- Arena games!!! Oh how I miss you!
- Seppia really freaking frustrates me. She is so childish and has no idea the kinds of games she’s playing. She’s a fool.
- Seppius and Seppia are fucking right? That’s what they’re implying? A whole bunch of incest? I wanna hate it but I can see it.
- I don’t understand how the gladiator fights could be boring? Or how Batiatus’ gladiators could have made it more entertaining? You’re still watching two dudes kill each other.
- I haven’t even watch Star Wars but Oenomaus in that cloak gives me Jedi vibes.
- That guy in the alley gives me Pirates of The Caribbean vibes.
-  On one hand whenever I see Oenomaus I’m like “Don’t hurt this precious baby.” But then again “Hell yes baby you kick their asses!”
- Holy shit!!!!!!!!!!! Arm bone through the skin!!!!!!! Shit! Knife through the eye!!!!! Ah! Right through the jaw!!!!! Oenomaus is such a badass!
- Aurelia talking about how much she wants to go back to Janis. Well, you shouldn’t have left him in the first place! Her pride was as foolish as any man’s.
- “That lopsided grin. Eye’s promising mischief. I’ve seen in many times, upon his father.” –seriously my shipper heart. Spartacus loved Varro, it’s canon.
- “I fell to love the crooked bend of Varro's lips long before the man himself.” “As did I.” – IT’S MOTHERFLIPPING CANON I TELL YOU.
- I mean Spartacus can be a kind man when he wants to. He’s just very single minded.
- Gotta give their art department props. Having a fake pregnant woman be naked, and it look real….like damn, they deserve a pat on the back.
- I am loving Ilithyia’s purple gown thing though, wowzah.
- Marcus Crassus mention again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- “She was a fucking bitch” – I find that fucking hilarious.
- Agron said bleat! Goat reference! My shipper heart!
- Wow, Spartacus said “whores” somehow that’s more shocking than anything else on this show.
- I love Agron’s loyalty to Spartacus but I wish Spartacus would see it too. In this season and the next he kind of treats Agron like crap.
- “You had me at whores.” – I love Donar.
- “Avoid unnecessary risk.” Sparty, baby, do you realise who you talking to?!
- Loving the idea of Mira, Donar, and Agron planning behind Spartacus’ back. These are the people who want to protect the other slaves, not spend every day covered in Roman blood.
- “As are all things, in pursuit of a woman.” Gotta love the salty gay trope. Agron pulls it off swimmingly.
- “I will tell Janis of you. Of the man who loved his father above all others.” CANON. I really didn’t ship Spartacus and Varro this much the first time around.
- “I gave my word. Blood and Honour. It yet speaks to the man.” as said in S1.
- Gladiators in hoods is everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Woman with a massive dildo fucking a dude. Yep.
- Oh! I think this is the first penis shots we’ve had in a while.
- Guy on Guy sex. Well then. So much gay sex in this series, it’s glorious.
- The four guys throwing the girl around makes me super fucking uncomfortable, especially when you can hear her. She is so not enjoying this.
- Another memorable death = dude jerking off and just as he’s about to finish, gets a sword through his throat.
- It’s gotta suck so bad for all these guys that are dying with their dicks out. Especially that guy that got a sword right between the legs. Ouch.
- Never noticed but there’s a very very large woman in the whorehouse and a skinny guy on all fours in front of her. I’m so curious about what’s happening there.
- How many innocent body slaves died in this attack???
- Poor boy with cum all over his face.
- Trebius is so fucking disgusting. Peeing all over that girl.
- I get that this girl is probably horrendously traumatized but she really have to go and kill the only lead they had to Naevia.
- I seriously hate Spartacus in this scene and it kind of tainted him for me. He’s telling Agron that he can’t kill Trebius as revenge for Duro, BUT THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT SPARTACUS IS DOING WITH GLABER! He’s such a fucking hypocrite!
- Crixus sticking his hand inside Trebius’ gut is so gross.
-  I get that Glaber is angry at Ilithyia but she clearly has some PTSD that is triggered by that house and he’s forcing her to stay there. Not cool.
- OVER THE CLIFF!! Yes Ilithyia!
- There’s no logical reason for that mask to be there, except to provoke memories.
- Flashback penis.
-  I never noticed but Ilithyia has a really big mouth.
- I honestly thought the figure was gonna be Spartacus, I was so surprised to see Lucretia.
- Lucretia being out of her freaking mind is magical. All the props to the actress.
- “What fragments her shattered mind yet holds.”
- Seriously, the male ego.
- Old woman slave = headcanon that she ran the whole Battiatus household. Also, that young boy slave is super attractive, how has Agron not noticed this?!?
- “Grab your fucking cock.” – oh wait, maybe he has! Ha!
- Foreshadow of Agron not thinking house/body salves are worth much. Ahhhhhhh how wrong he shall be ;)
- Angry little lost boy. Agron is my fave if you can’t already tell.
-  “That is no longer my title.” – poor baby.
- “There is but one place for an animal without honour.”
- Singleminded Spartacus is one of my least faves.
- I love how they take Lucretia way back to the drought, to before Spartacus killed Theokoles.
- I really love how in this show they show woman with pubic hair, COS IT’S FUCKING NATURAL and women shouldn’t have to shave because society tells them to.
- “Smashed upon the cliffs.” – foreshadowing!
- Argh! This leaning back shit women do during sex scenes on tv annoys the hell outta me. That move is done purely for the male viewers. For the women doing it, it’s really fucking awkward.
-  “You bark as a dominus.” “Sheep stand idle if not prodded by snapping jaw.” – I love Agron and Donar moments.
- “Let us compare teeth and have answer.” – they are basically talking about comparing dick sizes right?????
- Lucretia with dark hair and wearing a purple dress. Goddess.
- “Do not shed fucking tear.”
- Fucking love that Lucretia is the one to spot Spartacus.
- Seppius rolling his eyes at Glaber. Me too, bro, me too.
- Ah the foreshadow of Glaber and Seppia. Yuck.
- The rebels coming to Spartacus’ aid. I love their loyalty.
- Seriously Donar and his axe.
- Agron picking up Aurelia and throwing her over his shoulder. It’s hilarious because she is so freaking tiny compared to him, and also cos he’s super gay and doesn’t understand females at all.
- Lucretia and Crixus seeing each other again is super powerful.
- MIRA with a “fucking Gauls.” Did not see that coming.
-  “Do any of us hold fucking worth to you?”
- Mira’s little rant to Spartacus is all well and good, but did she have to be mean to Agron.
- The Spartacus and Crixus bromance is strong in S2.
- Agron looks so little, so small and young. My baby.
- I still fucking hate Aurelia.
- I do love that Agron was willing to go and fight Glaber because of Aurelia, someone he didn’t even seem to like at all.Baby’s got a heart.
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Spartacus: Blood and Sand Rewatch - Episode 5: Shadow Games
Sex Scene: omg not a single sex scene!!
“Cock”: 7
“Cunt”: 1
“Kill Them All”: 0
Whip Cracks: 3
Slow motion Face Punch: 2
Memorable Death:  Theokoles, duh.
Favourite Line:  “You fucking haemorrhoid sucking fuck”
- They all still calling Spartacus “rabbit”, I wish someone had mentioned this in like S3, that would have been so great.
- Aww no, Pietros going to give Gnaeus water tears my heart. He was too good for this world, literally.
- “Jupiter’s cock”!!!!!! I get way too excited about hearing these words!
- Lucretia always looks fan-fucking-tastic then Quintus looks like such tasteless loser, he really had no fashion sense especially compared to his gorgeous wife.
- Okay when I first saw the pound of flesh I thought they transferred the mark onto a pig or something….but I’m pretty sure that’s the actual guy’s shoulder….so super gross.
- Eating maggots, oh god I’m gonna be sick, it’s too gross.
- Lucretia and Quintus are so in love, it’s almost sickening.
- “Examine my wares”, slaves are things not people.
- Everyone’s “oh shit” faces
- Oh! I was wrong about the one armed slave, here he is again
- Barca draping himself all over Crixus, I love it.
- “Prepare them for a glorious death,” like he doesn’t care that his best fighters are about to die, dude really?
- Okay someone has been giving Crixus lessons on flirting, boy’s game is strong!! I’m a little weak kneed from the way he looks at Naevia, oh boy.
- NOOOOOO Barca making his bet, noooooooo, my heart can’t take this
- I love how one moment Barca is typical angry brute Barca but then it’s like he remembers he’s talking to his boyfriend and everything about him softens. It’s beautiful.
- Oh god, background Gnaeus checking out Pietros, fuuuuuuck.
- Oh, now they mention the title of last week’s episode, couldn’t they have done that during the ep!
- Seriously Lucretia you are no subtle.
- Oenomaus is so BAMF I can’t even deal
- Knowing that Ilithyia is a manipulative person I’m wondering if all this bimbo nonsense is just a manipulation?????
- “I fight to honour these walls, you fight to leave them,” = basically the whole issue between Spartacus and Crixus right there.
- Oh wow. Crixus talking about Spartacus dreaming about his wife and saying she’s been fucked into madness……Foreshadow much? It actually hurts though, he has no idea the pain his words inflict, until someone like Agron says them to him later on.
- Naked wrestling. When I first saw this I thought it was incredibly homoerotic, now I’m thinking it’s way past erotic and just full blown homosexual. I mean really?? C’mon!
- Seriously give Crixus all the kudo’s, he’s probably the most sexually assaulted character on the show and everyone just brushes it aside because he’s male.
- Penis!
- “Can you survive this?”  for some reason that line really speaks to me.
- Spartacus reaching out to touch Batiatus was a massive move, like holy hell you can feel the tension in the room
- Just when I was worried no one was going to say “cunt” in this episode, good old Batiatus spouts off his usual colourful phrases.
- “I will have satisfaction”, I hate that line, it’s so full of cheese
- When Doctore removes his breast plate I was so hoping for something gruesome and amazing, but his neat scars were seriously underwhelming.
- Oh gosh, I want to cry. They just want a baby so badly.
- Ugh I hated that Ilithyia wanted to stay for the ritual. Seriously, give a woman some privacy.
- Ah, the penis candle.
- Ovidious’ son wears a necklace that looks an awful lot like the slave collar…except his is ya know, gold….. Actually the Magistrate and his family have the same necklace… What does it mean????
- I hate men like Batiatus, that command people to do unimaginable things but would never do the act themselves. I call them cowards.
- Crixus is so up himself
- The fact that Crixus has been able to get an erection for Lucretia at all astounds me.
- So apparently oral wasn’t a big thing back in ancient Rome and the act of a noble woman doing such to a slave is unimaginable. It just wouldn’t happen. This is for the benefit of the modern culture.
- Did Crixus and Naevia have sex? Wouldn’t that be her first time??
- Aw I love the promises between Varro and Spartacus. True brothers, following out the others cause.
- Crixus fighting for Naevia instead of glory, I love it so much
- I realised the Magistrate isn’t calling out their last names or whatever but he’s actually stating the style in which they fight. Ah the things you learn when you plummet to the depths of fandom
- “Shall we begin”!!!!!!!!!!!
- Barca posing, again.
- Theokoles entrance was so extra!
- Hey, he stole Crixus’ line
- Fucking Ashur
- Crixus shoving organs back inside himself, super gross
- Crixus never seems overly smart but that helmet trick was genius.
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Entry #1 - Specter
Why yes, I am very much aware of how late I am for this. I just... couldn't really decide on what I wanted to write about. In the end, I chose to write about Varro reminiscing on his time with an old friend. Hope you enjoy! ^^
The sky darkened quickly as day gave way to night. Stars shone above him as his form shifted and the moon took its place in the sky.
Below him, waves rolled and crashed against the steep cliff walls. The wind blew gently through his fur and he closed his eye.
Varro sat there, quiet and ears alert, listening to the ocean below him. And just like that he was brought back to his younger days. Back to the days of excitement and confusion. He thought back on those days, of those days spent learning how to read and write for the first time. Of learning how to speak well enough to be understood. Babbling away about nothing to himself just to hear his own voice.
He was 17. Well beyond the proper learning age. They said it was a miracle he could still speak at all, although his words still sounded more like hisses and growls.
He remembered how the captain laughed and held him up with pride radiating from her whole body. Her cold, scaly skin making him uncomfortable as she crushed him in a hug.
They had taught him what manners they could, as well as how to dress himself in clothes more complicated than was their standard.
“Yer gonna go far pet, ah jus’ know i’.” She had said, her large eyes looking into his and he knew she believed it. Before he knew it he felt himself smiling, sharp teeth making themselves known. She laughed and patted his back as they made their way onto the deck.
A small, quiet cry caught his attention as Quasi nuzzled his arm. Varro stretched himself and yawned, not realizing how long he had been sitting there.
‘Sorry old friend, jus’ reminiscin abou’ the ol’ days.’
Quasi squawked as Varro walked calmly back into the treeline behind them, hop-waddling to catch up.
Varro couldn’t help but wonder if his old captain was even still alive. He wouldn’t doubt it if she was, the old sea witch didn't seem to know how to die. He was certain a century or two wouldn’t make a difference.
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Spartacus: Blood And Sand Rewatch - Episode 13: Kill Them All
Sex Scene: 1
“Cock”: 2
“Cunt”: 1
“Kill Them All”: 1 (surprisingly) 
Whip Cracks: 1
Slow motion Face Punch: 1 (epic masterpiece)
Episode Name Dropped by: Crixus
Memorable Death:  Sextus’ sword through the skull. DURO HOLY COW. Batiatus. I mean all the deaths basically.
Favourite Line: “I save you this time brother.”
- Ohhhh shit yeah! Season Final!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- It’s been a while since I watched this show and we get one tiny split second shot of Oenomaus and all I can think is how beautiful that man is.
- Is that didgeridoo music???
- Whenever any of them stand near that cliff I can’t help but think of “THIS IS SPARTA” and the kick. Opps.
- Ah, a shot of Agron and Duro. My heart.
- “Pleasing tongue of trusted wife.” – that sounds weirdly beautiful.
- “Legends of the arena.” – so close to the prequel name drop, so close.
- Numerius get the fuck out.
- Rhaskos, hey man. I love seeing the background gladiators that get more recognition in S2.
- “We live in dangerous times.” – several thousand years later and we ain’t any better off.
- Did Spartacus really think he had any chance in persuading the Gauls if he didn’t have Crixus?
- Oh, to see Oenomaus have to get permission to run his ludus (we all know he’s the real power here, c’mon) is really sad.
- I love how vulgar Agron can be.
- Fucking Romans.
- “Spill sour thoughts and hear them sweetened.” – I love this show.
- BLOOD AND SAND name drop, again. Woo!
- Oenomaus freedom is so heart-warming and giving him the ludus, ah my heart. But knowing what’s to come makes it all so bittersweet.
- Oh shit, Barca. Fuck I hate Batiatus for lying about Barca right to Oenomaus’ face. Fuck you Batiatus.
- Dammit. Whenever Batiatus is around Lucretia I love them. Damn them being an awesome couple.
- Seriously, how freaking cruel to talk about Varro with Aurelia standing right there!
-  I can never tell if Lucretia loves Crixus or hates him, or if it’s both.
- I don’t like S1 Spartacus but him being super sassy is my favourite.
- “I’m reminded of the first time you stood before me in this office, a savage in chains. Now you stand as death, made meat and bone.”
- Love that Batiatus says “arch enemy” and Sparty knows EXACTLY who he’s talking about.
- Every time Spartacus is near Mira I get annoyed. All she wants is your love Sparty, stop treating her like crap.
- Ugh, Spartacus just….. frustrates me in S1. He cares for no one. I mean I get it, your wife died and so did you best friend (boyfriend). But these people rely on you, you could at least pretend to give a shit whether they live or die.
- “She was the sun,” okay I gotta admit, it’s kinda sweet how much Spartacus loves his wife.
- Wow, I can’t believe a sex scene on Spartacus actually seems romantic.
- Oh I am loving this rock music during the epic battle.
-  GAH there is just too many emotions about this episode and I’m only 15mins in!
- I really freaking love the Oenomaus and Crixus bond, they have real respect for one another (we’ll just totally forget that Oenomaus whipped the shit out of Crixus last episode)
- Spartacus, Agron, and Duro sparring together is my everything!
- Rhaskos is so fucking happy Crixus is back, it’s adorable.
- “Fuck my ass.” – oh Agron. (wait till next season, you might get your wish)
- “He favours me, most husbands do.” – sometimes I really love Ilithya.
- The tension between Ilithya and Lucretia is amazing and everything I could ever want. Ah!
- Rhaskos and Crixus sparring is beautiful. They seem very evenly matched and it’s like watching a dance. (almost like Auctus is GotA)
- “Pain is erased when inflicted upon others.”
- Oh I do love some really touching bonding moments for Spartacus and Crixus. Seriously, this shit kills me, it’s so good.
- “In another life, you and I may have been as brothers. But not in this one.”
- Every second Ashur is on screen I want to tear out his tongue. Great actor but such an evil character.
- “Varro possessed a fine eye.” GET THE FUCK AWAY ASHUR!
- “All men fall.”
- Maybe I should have kept a tally for how many times people say “Fucking Gaul.”
- Mira is so goddamned beautiful and she looks like an angel in that dress but seeing her make her first kill is magical.
- Lucretia and Batiatus do really love each other and it’s beautiful. They are great characters that you love and hate in equal measure.
- Duro’s earring. Have I mentioned his earring before?
- “Stay by my side. Do not stray from it and I will see you beyond these walls.” NOOOOOOOO
- “I do not need you to hold hand.” OH GODS PLEASE STOP I’M NOT READY
- Spartacus saying he doesn’t want to see any slave dead, but Mira’s been telling him since day 1 that his plan is going to get all the slaves killed. Hmm.
- I’m so done with Aurelia.
- I’m seriously so glad Crixus is able to stand up to Lucretia now, able to say no against his abuser. It’s amazing.
- My gods this show is beautiful.
- Agron and Duro screaming at each other is perfection!
- The massacre is about 2 seconds in and I’m already overflowing with warm fuzzies.
- Hamilcar!! Noo! Oh, and how Duro is all shook up by his death! Ah!
- “Know they stole it from you, from all of us.”
- Omg Agron and Duro fighting side by side. Shit man, I’m not ready for this.
- Agron kisses his forehead, cries, and screams. Oh holy fuck. That is so painful I can’t even describe it. Poor Duro. Poor Agron. My babies.
- The gladiators storming the villa is so beautiful.
- “I am the wife of the Legatus. Seal the fucking doors.”
- So much blood, so much death. All of it marvellous.
- Why did Ashur run into the bath house?? What you think is gonna save you in there?
- Okay, seeing Batiatus killing that gladiator and protecting Lucretia was pretty awesome.
- Lucretia going back to Batiatus instead of saving herself, it’s the kind of love everyone craves right?
- “Every beam, every stone in this fucking house bears the mark of Ashur!” – that has got to hurt Oenomaus is the deepest way.
- Hiding under that dead body is pretty fucking ingenious. I hate Ashur.
- Seriously, holy shit. Crixus stabbing Lucretia is super f-ing powerful.
- Aurelia is freaking creepy as hell.
- “He was not a perfect man but he was mine.”
- Even near death Lucretia is a goddess.
- Spartacus repeating Batiatus’ words to him is perfection.
- Crixus and Agron standing next to each other covered in blood is my new thing. Hot damn,
- Batiatus’ death was so graphic but I adore the way he reaches for Lucretia.
- “Blood demands blood.”
- Gladiators being unleashed onto Rome is majestic.
- Damn this episode, there’s too much to comment on, it’s so good. 
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