#sgu 2x19
stargate365 · 5 years
[SGU] 2.19: Blockade
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Rush is… very detached. Can’t blame Eli for feeling kinship.
Um, nah, I think Destiny refusing to drop below 40% is pretty good.
“Are we there yet?”
Turbulence in a fucking space ship…
Um wat?
Drones? Jfc.
“The hell are they doing here?” “Coming right at us.”
Why are those drones even here???
“This room needs more chairs.”
Camille in the command chair…
Sorry Eli, you jinxed it.
Young ain’t asking for permission, dong ma.
You’d think a ship like this would have retractable metal covers for the window.
Park is scary determined.
Well now… this just got interesting. An abandoned warehouse?
“Holy crap, we dialled Pittsburg.”
Pfft. These kids.
“I’ll be right begind you” she says… yeah, something’s gonna go wrong.
Oh gpd, I hope the gang isn’t walking into a zombie apocalypse.
Told you so… jfc, she’s gonna get roasted in there.
What did you find Greer?
So now we’re thinking maybe the drone makers attacked this world?
“What kind of city doesn’t have a gun shop?” “Maybe they’re Canadian.”
PanicDude is going to get everybody killed.
Varro has a rocket launcher?? Nice.
Um… I hope Park remembers to shut her eyes, and to turn her head away from the windows…
Oh god… oh god.
“At least we’ve got a full tank of gas.” [in unison, apathetically(?):] “Yay.”
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sgu for the sake of Robert Carlyle - 2x19
Don't have much to say other than....those closing lines by Wray: "Our mission is and always will be the journey itself." It's a common message, but I appreciate it nonetheless.
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