#i was gonna get the mike one but tbh i have so much mikey stuff already lol
angelmichelangelo · 1 year
just ordered this lil guy.. he’s so goofy lookin’!!!
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camzverse · 5 months
sorry for answering like two weeks late btw 💀💀💀💀 ignore rhattt
(i wanted 2 do all three but like theres practically no canon information about cassidy.. this shit a travesty forreal. like what do we even know about her besides some logbook and ucn stuff. Sighh............ so just mikey n roxy i GUESS)
favorite thing about them: either the way he just watches that little vampire soap opera every night (So silly) or the fact he can draw. his little drawings in the logbook...
least favorite thing about them: him being a little BITCH in fnaf4. he was straiggt up INFURIATING. if i ever encountered 1983 mike its ON SIGHT
favorite line: "he tripped and fell on freddys teeth not our fault" <-ITS SO FUNNY TO ME WHAT IS HIS PROBLEM . that or his whole "i should be dead but im not im going to come find you" speech it was pretty cool tbh. he ate
brOTP: Does he even have friends. wait do him and helpy count theyre so silly. freak corpse father and little toy bear son... im not sure what does and doesnt count as a brotp lmao
OTP: dont really care that much for shipping him but jeremike is soo fun :3 i like them
nOTP: ummm idk i guess just. Not the icky stuff yk. cant really think of anything else
random headcanon: i personally lov the idea that he kinda designed foxy. like he came up w the idea in like a drawing. i think its neat
unpopular opinion: idk exactly how unpopular this is but ive seen a loott of people saying it and. i dont think mike was mean 2 evan bc elizabeth died and he took it out on him or Whatever tf it is people think (i also dont even think she was dead at this point. imo) i think he was just mean bc. he just was mean yk. he just enjoyed being mean to ev and scaring him. as older brothers often do. i just dont think there was some deeper reason i really believe he was just being mean for the sake of fucking w his sibling. side note i dont think he ever wouldve taken it as far as the bite incident on his own i think that was jst a special case bc his bullying was being super enabled by his equally dickheaded friends. ykwim? not like he wasnt at fault he absolutely was but like i think it was a mob mentality kinda thing. if thta even makes sense. Anyway
song i associate with them: cop car by mitski.... something something "i will never die" Also michael afton + dog metaphor makes me insane
favorite picture of them:
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he is Lookingg..
favorite thing about them: i LOVE her design. and also her personality. shes just a really cool and interesting character as a whole i like what theyve done in creating her. Ok thats not really a fav thing ermm im gonna go w her design cuz it goes so hard
least favorite thing about them: shes a gregory hater and i cannot get behind that !! Sorry queen u fell off
favorite line: def either "sign up today and be a WINNER! nobody likes a loser 🙄🙄" (i love the way she says it its so funny 2 me) or "i remember because you are number one—twice :)" (aww CRIES)
brOTP: do her and cassie count. Theyre everything. i really do not think i am understanding brotp correctly but its not like theres that many options either. whatevr. OOHhhh yk what i really fw roxy-freddy friendship. their dynamic intrigues me....
OTP: also not big on shipping for roxy but i yhink roxica is cutee ^_^
nOTP: umm i have no idea actualky. lmao
random headcanon: she is a #lesbian she kisses girls shes a big fan of women etc u get it. also hc that when kids go in her green room and they play the racing arcade machine she starts backseat gaming them like crazy . shes just mad she cant play the game herself lmao
unpopular opinion: umm i dont think i really have one Question mark.. tbh i feel like people dont talk about roxy that much so im not sure what Is a popular opinion. people should talk about her more shes interesting
song i associate with them: what you waiting for by gwen stefani!!!!! actually bc of that one roxy drawing u made that had that song LOL
favorite picture of them:
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shes so cool..
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Across The Universe (Paul McCartney x Female!Reader)
A/N: Yeah, I’m totally about to drop this, and a new chapter for TCND today. I don’t know how many of y’all like the Beatles, but I wrote this, and wanna see if anyone will really want another part.
OKAY SO I’m gonna say right now that I do not own, or are affiliated with the Beatles in any way (RIP), and this story is based off of/ heavily inspired by the 2007 movie Across The Universe, but the main characters, Jude and Lucy, are represented as Paul and the Reader. All of the characters mentioned, or are in this chapter (Other than Vick) are either real people, or characters from the movie. 
Although all of the descriptive writing is mine, the concept was taken from the movie. A lot of the writing here has been altered from the movie to better fit the characters and situations they are in. I’ve added/ changed parts that weren’t in the movie in the first place, and I left a little out, again, for the purpose of the plot to kinda make more sense. This fic will be more focused on the relationship developing between the two love interests than in the movie, so lots of iconic scenes from the movie (Such as Prudence’s first scene, Jojo’s introduction to New York, etc) won’t be included in the fic, though those characters will make appearances at some point.
I will make up for the lack of content there with more scenes of Paul and the Reader interacting/ in situations that didn’t happen in the movie.
I advise you watch Across The Universe, or have already watched it before you read to prevent spoilers, bc there will probably be a lot of those. (Watching it when high makes it even better tbh, there’s some trippy stuff in that)
A L S O , In this AU, the Beatles do not exist, although it is set in the 60′s!! Paul is legit just a 23 year old guy who wants to see the world.
Summary: Paul decides to head to the United States; You say good bye to your boyfriend before he leaves for Vietnam.
WARNINGS: Swearing, mentions of War, Mike McCartney calling Paul out on some bs, probably a couple of grammar errors bc it’s like... 5:30 AM where I am, and I haven’t slept yet :)
This little fic will be rated T. just because of the swearing
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Prom went just as you'd expected it to: You had a nice meal, and did some wonderful dancing with your boyfriend. Despite the blisters on your feet from your shoes, you disregarded them as a temporary memory of one of the last times you'd see Daniel before he took off for the war.
When he got the letter in the mail, he opened it in your presence. Up until the day he died, he felt guilty for making you one of the first to know of his draft.
He cried in your arms for a long while, and you put all your strength into holding your tears back to bring him comfort in such a difficult time.
America had only just entered the Vietnam War, and it didn't seem real to any of you until the day Daniel got that fucking letter.
After talking it over with him, Daniel proposed that the both of you should just enjoy the remaining time you had before he'd have to leave.
And that's what put you here, in the passenger seat of Daniel's car, his mouth leeched onto your neck as his fingers tangled themselves in your hair.
"My mum and dad are home," you explained gently; solemnly. Daniel pulled away from your neck, instead moving to rest his lips on your forehead. "Of course."
He pulled away completely then, stepping out of the car and moving to the other side to hold your door open for you.
You stepped out, and Daniel interlaced his fingers with yours as you both walked up the drive to your house. The both of you listened to the clicks of Daniel's shoes on the pavement-- you were barefoot, your heels hanging from your fingers.
When he'd brought you up the porch, you turned to lean against one of the house's banisters. Daniel saw the look on your face, the one that just screamed 'please don't leave.'
"I'll be home soon," he said confidently, reaching out to squeeze one of your hands. "They give you a furlough after boot camp."
"And after that?" You never got a verbal response. Daniel just wrapped his arms around you tightly. You squeezed your eyes shut, and hugged him back with all the strength you had.
And at this time, across the Pond in Liverpool, England, Paul McCartney was walking home his girlfriend Molly, who he'd been out at a bar with all night, drinking and dancing to the live bands said bar had to offer that evening (and morning).
"Who'll take me out next week? You'll be halfway around the world." She threw a glance over her shoulder, and all Paul could do was offer her a cheeky smile.
"Well it better not be Phil Scully."
Honestly, Paul knew he deserved the shove Molly gave him not moments later, but he just threw his arms around her with a laugh as they turned down her street.
Paul tried to slip into his back door as quietly as he could, being sure to force a fake cough so he could discreetly lock the door.
He was finally safe. He took the time to puff out the air he'd been holding in his lungs, and he rested his forehead against the door.
"... Finally back, I see?"
Paul cringed.
"Yeah... sorry, Dad."
Paul turned around, and sure enough, there his father was: at the table, an empty plate of crumbs sitting in front of him, a cup of tea in his hand, and the Liverpool Echo in the other.
"Your brother just got home, too," Mr. McCartney mumbled as he brought his mug to his lips.
"He was with his girlfriend."
"I was, too," Paul defended as he opened the refrigerator and snagged an apple off one of the shelves before kicking the door shut and leaning against the counter.
Mike, Paul's brother, had just stepped into the kitchen with the same intention as Paul: getting breakfast.
Paul nodded his head to his brother, mouth already full of apple.
"But I know who Mike's girlfriend is, James."
"Ooh," Mike smiled wickedly. He'd come in at just the right time. "Yeah, James, Dad knows who my Bird is."
Paul cringed a little at the name. James. The only people he really allowed to call him James was his parents.
"I just haven't... found the right time to introduce her, 's all," Paul excused after he swallowed. To avoid saying anything else, he went in for another bite of the fruit.
"No, it's because I actually love my girlfriend," Mike chortled as he popped a slice of bread in the toaster by Paul's arm, which just resulted in a playful shove from his older brother.
"I love my girlfriend," He argued back.
"But have you even told her that?"
Paul rubbed the back of his neck. "Well... not exact--"
"Point proven," Mike pointed to his brother, eyeing his father proudly.
"Look, all I'm saying, James, is that clearly, if you're stalling an introduction, you don't plan on keeping her 'round," Mr. McCartney explained.
"Dad, it's... it's complicated." Paul was rubbing the back of his neck again before taking another bite from his apple.
"There's just no point in wasting your time with someone you're just gonna throw away,"
"Whoa whoa whoa," Paul put his hands up at his brother's comment. "Who said anything about throwing anyone away?!"
"Well, you are going to America in a couple of days," Mike pointed out, grinning widely as his toast popped. He moved around the kitchen for a knife and some butter from the table.
"You really gonna stay with her when you're gonna have all those single American girls around to choose from?"
Paul didn't answer. He just shoved the apple into his mouth, rolled his eyes, and moved to the other side of the room, where the staircase leading upstairs was located.
He took a seat on the first two steps as he continued eating away at his breakfast.
"Paul, when I was your age-- maybe even younger than you, I met your mother. I knew she was The One after our first date. I took her home to meet my parents immediately."
Paul waited patiently for his father to get to the point.
"If you're not bringing her 'round, maybe she ain't the right one. Just think about it."
No one really said much else. Mike had started eating his toast, and Mr. McCartney turned his attention back to the paper, so Paul went upstairs.
He shut the door to his room when he arrived, and sighed happily at the sight of his bed. He climbed right on without taking his coat off. He kicked his legs up and stared at the ceiling as he finished off his apple, tossing the core into the waste bin next to him.
He understood where his father was coming from, and maybe he was right. But, Paul wasn't exactly looking for a long-term partner like all his other friends had done after they graduated from school.
Even Mikey had hopped onto that gravy train.
Paul was twenty-three. He still had plenty of time to find a girlfriend and settle down. That's why he decided to take off to The Land Of Opportunity. He wanted to get out and experience what it was like outside his dreary hometown before he devoted the rest of his life to a wife and kids, and living as a boring, stereotypical family until the day he died.
Did he have a Visa to legally work in America?
Fuck no. But it's not like that was gonna stop him from finding some form of income, whether or not it was technically legal.
Paul sat up in his bed, turning to peer into his closet.
He was pulling his suitcases from there moments later, and he unzipped all of them to begin packing. There was nothing he really needed to pack rather than his clothes, cigarettes, passport, a photo of his mother, and a small notebook containing all the phone numbers he'd had to keep over the years.
His cousin's number was the one he was particularly packing the book for. Paul managed to convince him to make room for him at his place he shared with his friends just outside the Princeton University Campus, where he was currently studying.
"You're a lifesaver, Vick" Paul mumbled as he tossed the book into one of the suitcases, and zipping it back up.
"Sometimes I feel like you're not tellin' me everythin'," Molly mumbled as she pulled away from the swelling kiss Paul was trying to leave her before he parted for America.
"I just need a break from here, Molly. I'll be back before you know it," he tried to comfort her with his gentle words, but she just looked upset. 
"N'd a break from me," it sounded more like a statement.
"Don't be ridiculous," he offered a smile, but when she didn't really react to it, Paul slipped his fingers into her hair, and threw it behind her shoulder.
"I'll be missing you by tomorrow,"
"I bet," she mumbled, eyes fixed on a pebble on the sidewalk between her feet.
Paul pinched her chin, and tilted her head so she was looking right at him. He looked more serious now.
"I'll write home everyday."
"You better."
"N'd I'll send all my loving to you."
And that's all it took.
"You bastard," Molly tried concealing her grin, but Paul had her wrapped around his finger, and she gave in to his charm.
And not long after, she was giving into another one of his desperate kisses.
"I promise, every day I'll write, babe. I love you so much," Daniel rushed his words out between quick kisses he left on your lips, his hands squeezing your own tightly. He pulled away soon enough to give you a smile, and then the car he was in started driving away. 
His hands slipped away from yours, and you suddenly felt cold.
You wanted to chase after the car, but your feet stayed glued to the road. Your heart felt strained as you watched the car drive off and around the corner.
Good-bye, Danny.
A/A/N: If you want me to continue on with this, please let me know! I really really like the Beatles, and I wanted to give Paul x Reader a try. As always, likes, replies, and reblogs are always appreciated. And I promise, the next chapter to this will be much, much longer, if y’all want it enough <3
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starrysence · 6 years
amusement park date hc’s with uhhh any ship you want i can’t choose
i already briefly did this for ralbert so i’m gonna do mike/jojo bc 1.) i love writing hcs for them and 2.) they just like? totally would go on amusement park dates y'know????warnings: ummm mike is an absolute disaster and gets himself hurt a lot so very small blood tw×××
●so y'know how showing affection publicly is a gradual thing for these two?? well the first date mike decides to bring jojo out on once he knows jo is comfortable w/ some pda is an amusement park date▪he REFUSES to tell jojo where theyre going until they get there▪kind of worried abt it bc what if jo hates amusement parks or something???? mikey here is in a lil bit of a panic▪but it goes down the drain the moment mike sees jojo’s face absolutely LIGHT UP when he sees where they are▪"we’re going on an amusement park date?!?!?!?!? ive always wanted to go on one of these dates oHmygosh!!!“▪hes SO EXCITED▪mike cant. he just? cant. he loves his bf so much●jojo is literally on the verge of BURSTING with excitement the entire time after they enter the place and mike loves it ▪he wants to go on all the craziest rides which actually kinda surprises mike??▪hes always thought of jo as the kind of person who would like simpler and slower rides▪but NOPE▪however,,, is mike opposed to this? no. absolutely not.▪"we should try and go on ALL the rollercoasters”▪"HECK YES"●mike is pretty clumsy not gonna lie▪at some point he cut his knee open on the corner of a metal table bc he tripped over a fuckin rock or something and jojo had to rush him to the car to bandage him up▪mike feels bad bc he knows jojo gets kinda queasy at the sight of blood▪but hes so impressed that jo’s being so chill handling this??? his boy is so strong. yes. look at him go▪"im really surprised you haven’t, like, fainted yet, jo"▪"don’t jinx it, i’ve gotten extremely close to passing out on you at least 6 times in the last 5 minutes"▪"youre so brave i love you"▪"i love you too. dont keep worrying me like this, you,,,,, you klutzy dork. please take care of yourself !!“▪'klutzy dork?’ thats the best insult jojo can muster?▪mike cant help but laugh and he Melts when jojo pouts at him for it▪"im sorry but? klutzy dork is the best you can do? youre so cute baby”▪then he like kisses jojo on the nose and jojo cant stay upset. boy starts smiling so wide mike is worried its hurting his cheeks●theyre LIVING for the amusement park food ▪jo gets SO HYPED when he sees that theres churros▪"can i get 3?“▪"babe theres 2 of us”▪"actually i meant 3 for me…. i wasnt sure how many you wanted though"▪"holy crap, jojo"▪hes is almost scared by the speed at which jojo eats the churros (after he offers some to mike, ofc)▪mike, on the other hand, lives for the classic Theme Park Pizza™▪not much to say here tbh▪he could eat several slices of that stuff▪jojo rlly has no place to judge▪he just finds it impressive ▪"9, huh? think thats a new record"▪"WOOOOOOOOO"●so they eat the food after going on all the rides they wanted to go on plus some, so they settle for some of the games!!!!!! jo wins mike a few prizes but mike kinda gets carried away and wins jojo a lot. so many things. they have to get a bag to hold it all its really funny, jojo is giggling the whole time and mike is so in Love▪and by the time theyre done bagging everything its getting dark out and these boys are getting tired▪so mike suggests ending their time there by going on the ferris wheel!!▪jojo is so on board yes ferris wheel w/ his bf LET’S GO▪the sun is setting around the time theyre on it and when theyre at the top jo sees mike in that lighting and???? what can i say. boy cant help himself▪he goes IN for that cheesy top-of-the-ferris-wheel kiss▪LO AND BEHOLD it IS their first kiss▪"wow wow wowow ow wow wosiw wo w weown ejdjfjfjfjjgkkds" -mike’s mind when jo kisses him▪its just???? everything you expect from these boys honestly▪soft. sweet. gentle. extremely loving and pure ▪theyre so wholesome yall my HEART●so mike is exhausted afterwards but he still thinks he should treat his lovely boyfriend to some dessert ▪mike knows theres a stewart’s at a gas station only about 15 minutes on the way to his place from the amusement park▪so they go there!!!▪jo is practically asleep in his seat so mike asks him what flavor he wants and tells him that he’ll get both orders from him▪"what?? no you dont have to do that…!!“▪mike can tell jojo is trying to be resistant but he can also tell jojo is extremely tired so he INSISTS▪jo tells mike his order and mike kisses him on the cheek before going to get their orders▪the ice cream wakes jo up for a little bit and they kinda just sit in the car talking for a lil while ●…….they dont get back home til the next day▪they went to like this REALLY GOOD amusement park several hours away and just got so exhausted at some point on the way back to mike’s place?? and caffeine Does Not work on mike. and jo’s already out cold and mike really doesnt wanna wake him▪so mike pulls up at the next service area and texts ike to let him know whats going on and then he just crashes y'know??▪they wake up the next day feeling EXTREMELY refreshed!! so they grab some breakfast from the service area and take their time eating it before continuing the drive back▪jo starts laughing bc he has like 50 missed calls and 704847385 texts from elmer and buttons (tHeY wErE rOoMmAtEs) and has to text them to tell them hes ok and hes gonna be at mike’s for a little while▪they had a Good Time
wow i would honestly die for these two????? holy shit. i hope you like these!!!
-sanj 💕
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1) ill tag everything as “kh spoilers” and “kh3″. be sure to blacklist that! 2) ill,,, prob reblog a lot about it. ill try to shove something in the queue tho, just to be sure i dont flood you (i have a lot of things) 3) .............cool comments and theories under read more
cool comments about the trailers:
ok monster!sora is adorable fuck yall. 
mike wazowski
im glad we get even more 5-members-teams, ok?????no more changing characters. im happy. i yell @eugene and rapunzel beating up stuff. i mso thankful for more battle princesses tbh
about that, ARIEL
DID I MISS KH1!ANSEM IN THAT FIRST TRAILER FROM 3289472 YEARS AGO, right next to xemnas????
sora beating up stuff with a door is an aesthetic
so is sora beating up stuff with mike wazowski
what the Fuck happened to your fucking keyblade riku you literally spent an entire game yelling bc you wanted one and now you break it???so much for a keyblade master smh
but dont worry you’re pretty
highlights: mikey being ??? during the entire time
new organization (see what i did???? new organization on 13th spot and sora in the 7th????i m good)
can we talk about how the theme is a new version of unbreakable chains and its very good
also i dont like that much the new song but tbh?? i didnt like sanctuary either at first im 200% sure its gonna grow on me
im an asshole but im just so glad we still dont have a frozen world
cool theories about the trailers:
new organization more like............the 13 xehanorts??? we know xemnas, young xehanort and ansem are in here, obv terra is gonna be here too andddd like. marluxia is relevant yet again. does it mean marluxia is one of the 13 xehanorts?????????????
is vanitas even a piece of xehanort. i mean he’s like,,, a piece of ventus who is currently in sora. xehanort tried to shove darkness in sora he might just go “eh, fuck it, close enough”. is,,, is he even one of the 13 pieces of dark whatever in bbs??? i gotta finish bbs faster ffs
REPLIKU IS ONCE AGAIN RELEVANT I REFUSE TO BELIEVE OTHERWISE riku is leaving his piece of shit broken key for him. smh about that riku at least keep a good toy for the best clone? 
i just want sora to beat up vanitas
hey uuh if marluxia is relevant again and we p much got the backstory for every single member of the original organization from number 1 to 8 + 13 uuuuh. where’s my fucking demyx. wheres luxord and larxene. but mostly demyx. if out of all of them demyx is still irrelevant im gonna punch
about that if im wrong about the repliku theory im gonna cry
and last but not least where the fuck is kairi
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