#i was flattered she felt that way but i dont want her getting in trouble or for me to get in trouble
bloody-cupcakes · 3 months
Can i get a yan!jd (and or Veronica) with a very hesitant reader? Like theyre willing to join in with JD's murders but they extremely doubtful/hesitant with with commiting the act cause they dont want to mess it up?
Sorry if this is too much or not what exactly you want, just shooting my shot here 🐊
No no this is perfect! It's not too much at all, I really enjoyed writing this 🥰 I went with both JD and Veronica because who doesn't love a good murder throuple
Tw: yandere/dark content, gender neutral reader, typical canon related warnings (murder being framed as suicide, several gun mentions, swearing, etc.), the reader is very easily persuaded into helping to commit/cover up a murder, suggestive stuff near the end
"What if we get caught?"
It was the fifth time you'd asked in the past ten minutes, and JD was getting very close to strangling you.
"We won't get caught as long as we stick to the plan," he hissed out in annoyance, trying his best not to snap at you.
"Okay, but what if-"
Veronica cut you off so JD wouldn't pop a blood vessel and give her another suicide to stage, with you as the intended target. "I wrote the note in their exact handwriting, and you already did part of your job by telling Heather Duke that they've 'been acting weird' lately. I'm sure half of Sherwood must know by now, so their death shouldn't come as too big of a surprise."
"Who knew that for once it would come in handy that Heather can't keep her damn mouth shut," JD added with an eyeroll as he counted the bullets in his gun. "It certainly doesn't help their case to have such a big obsession with firearms. And given their track record of firing them all throughout the night, I don't think they'll be missed much."
You slowly nodded your head in understanding despite the look of hesitation in your eyes. "Yeah, but... I just don't want to mess anything up and get you guys into trouble."
It was clear to Veronica that you still seemed a bit apprehensive about everything, so she gave you a reassuring smile and said, "You're not going to mess anything up. If we thought that might happen, we would've left you at home."
"Then you wouldn't get to enjoy the show, and what fun would that be?" JD piped up with a grin as Veronica rolled her eyes.
"Don't worry about it, okay? Everything will be fine." The sincerity of her tone did its job of starting to relax you. She was right, they'd never invite you along if they thought something bad might happen. If there was one thing they could agree on, it was making sure to keep you out of harm's way.
"If you say so, but I still don't understand why they have to die."
"Because they were getting a little too close for comfort in study hall, that's why." JD came up behind you, wrapping his arms around you as his chest pressed against your back. He had his gun in his hand, but you weren't worried. You trusted him not to hurt you. "They were asking inappropriate questions and practically undressing you with their eyes. Only we get to do that."
It was hard to keep your expression neutral due to how flattered you were. Other people might find it to be smothering or unhealthy, but you loved how protective they were over you.
"Okay, you remember the plan, right?" Veronica asked as the three of you approached the intended target's house. "You just go up and knock on the door. They'll let you in-"
"No doubt with the assumption that they'll score," JD butted in with a scowl. Veronica ignored him and chose to continue.
"-and when that happens, I want you to ask them about their firearm collection. Once you get them feeling vulnerable and safe, ask to see one of their guns. Make sure you get close enough to shoot them in the head so it'll look like a believable suicide. Do you remember what their dominant hand is?"
"They're ambidextrous (meaning they use both) so it won't matter which side it's on." You felt proud of yourself for being able to remember such an important piece of information. The time you spent in study hall with them didn't turn out to be completely useless after all.
"Well, aren't you a cute little schemer in the making," JD teased while giving your cheek a playful pinch.
"Shut up," you muttered while giving him a light shove in response. "You guys promise to come in once the gun goes off, right?"
"Of course we do. As soon as we hear it, we'll be inside to help you." Veronica took your hand in hers and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Good luck," was the last thing she said before her and JD went to go hide while they waited for you to enact your part of the plan.
You put on your most convincing smile as you made your way to the front door, knowing your acting game was going to need to be on point in order for this to work.
Much to your relief and delight, things ended up going a lot smoother than you'd anticipated, and that included the act of murder itself. When JD and Veronica entered the house, you were still holding the gun used to shoot them with, their blood splattered on your face and clothes.
"I did it!" You announced in surprised disbelief, your eyes wide as you stared down at the dead body now lying on the floor. "I did it..."
"You did, good job." Veronica took the gun from you to stage next to the body as JD cupped your face with his hands, completely unbothered by the blood there. "I'm so proud of you, baby. You did it."
A shiver of pleasure went down your spine at his words of praise. "Yeah, I did." You could tell by the way his pupils were blown wide that he was ready to devour you where you stood.
"Hey, I still need your help with this," Veronica's voice interrupted whatever kind of moment you were having, causing JD to let out a groan of disappointment.
"I'll give you your reward once we're done," he murmured lowly, giving you a hungry yet restrained kiss before letting go of you to help Veronica.
You watched the two of them as they set everything up to make it look like a suicide, from the weapon to the note. Despite your earlier worries, everything played out perfectly, just like it was supposed to.
It made you feel excited for any potential outings like this you guys might have in the future.
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if u like this prompt id love something like this sooooomuch from you 🥺💖
what about kids kkobym, with lil trans yams? (who loves dresses👉👈)
Hii Hanna!! I told you it would come this week! I had my troubles really, mostly with writing young kids (because kids just dont talk like adults and ahhhhhhh kids hard!), but I hope you like anyway!!
Thank you for @birdiepuh for sensitivity reading. (and the little beta <3)
based on that fanart that sometimes makes the rounds of Tsunade adopting Yamato when he is a kid.
Obito is 10, Kakashi is 9, Yamato is 5. Sakumo is alive.
1968 words (i did not quite make 2k, I'm sorryyy)
In all ways but the last legal paperwork Yamato was now accepted as a boy. Tsunade had made sure to provide him with a new name, a new haircut, new clothes and well, in time the legal status would follow too. She had taken great strides right from the get go to make sure he was feeling comfortable and safe expressing himself. That had in fact already been the cornerstone of her raising him before he had openly talked about wanting to be referred to as a boy. 
Tsunade let Yamato pick his own clothes, which was how it had always been. She had picked him up when he was about four, found him in one of Orochimaru’s labs and taken him home. A boy who had the mokuton like her grandfather, someone that was related to her because of that she had argued. Hiruzen-sensei had let her do whatever she wanted and so she took the boy home. 
From the moment she felt like he was comfortable enough with her she let him pick his own clothes, because Tsunade felt the child was old enough to make the choices about what to wear and what not. Now that Yamato had all the new things, a new haircut and a new name and such, she still let him pick his clothes, why not? 
Still, one morning she was surprised when he entered the kitchen wearing a light green dress that had flowers stitched to the side. She had bought it for him as soon as he moved in and when they had cleaned out the closet he had decided to keep it because it was the first gift he’d ever gotten. Tsunade had been flattered, but she had not expected him to ever wear it again.
“Should I not wear this?” he said instantly upon seeing her face. One thing Tsunade had learned in these two years together was that kids were quick at understanding what was going on, even if adults tried to hide it.
“Do you like it?” Tsunade asked in return and crouched down to his height to ruffle through his brown hair.
Yamato touched the soft fabric of the dress. “I like it a lot. It is hot today so I won’t sweat quite as much.” He then smiled. “And it is my favourite thing I own, since you bought it for me.”
She tried not to tear up right on the spot and instead just pulled the little boy into a hug. “Then you absolutely should wear it, my dear.”
And while Tsunade really believed in that, during breakfast together she couldn’t help but think of the reaction of the other villagers. Not everyone was nearly as supportive as their immediate friend groups of Yamato’s transition, they might misunderstand him if he started wearing dresses again. Fortunately, the academy had summer holidays currently, so the only people coming by would be his direct friends and they would not judge him. 
The fear stayed though and so she followed Yamato to the door when someone knocked. Hatake Kakashi stood on the other side, himself uncharacteristically dressed in short shorts and a shirt, he looked as unbothered as he always did, but Tsunade knew he was a kind and nice boy, no matter his general facial expression.
Kakashi looked at Yamato in the dress and for a moment Tsunade thought he would say something, but then he just said “Hi Tenzo”, which was the name for some reason he had decided to call the other boy.
“Hey,” Yamato smiled and then stepped outside. He turned for a moment back to Tsunade and said: “We will play in the garden.” She nodded. They always played in the garden.
For a while Tsunade was busy doing other stuff, mostly mixing up herbs in a little bowl she had on the counter. She liked making her own medicine whenever she could, which was also the reason she had a garden in the first place. Then she heard a loud crashing noise from outside.
Before she even had reached the window she already suspected that there had been an argument between Kakashi and Uchiha Obito, a boy both him and Yamato were also friends with. All three of them would hang out fairly often despite the age gap. Though they remained close friends, Tsunade had seen Kakashi and Obito fight more than any other best friends. It seemed like a game to them.
She looked outside through the drawers and immediately saw the big piece of wood that was now laying right next to Obito, who stood on his feet, both hands in fists. Kakashi was standing too, he had apparently thrown the wood. Tsunade’s eyes looked for Yamato who sat in the grass between them, his eyes darting back and forth between his friends.
“What the fudge?” Obito yelled across to Kakashi. “What was that for?”
The other boy looked back coldly, his eyelids hanging half low as they always did when he was angry. “That was a disrespectful thing to say, Obito.”
“I just answered his question!” Obito turned to Yamato. “I just answered what you asked me right, I didn’t insult you.”
Yamato seemed nervous and just frowned a little, so Obito continued. “You asked me if I’ve ever seen a boy wear a dress and I said ‘No’, that was all.”
Oh, Tsunade’s heart sank a little. She looked over to her boy worried that the reply might have hurt him just like Kakashi had thought they did. But Yamato seemed more distressed by the fact that his friends were fighting for his sake.
“And that was terrible of you to say.” Kakashi yelled back. “Don’t you understand the influence this might have on him?”
Obito leaned over to pick up the piece of wood that was still lying to his left, apparently reading himself to throw it back at Kakashi. “I didn’t mean to say he couldn’t! I just answered his question!” He lifted his arm.
For a second Tsunade considered stepping in, but then Yamato got up himself, his little frame so much smaller than the one of his two friends. “Stop!” he said loud and stepped in between them. There were little smudges on the seams of the dress now from where he had been sitting in the grass with it.
“I- I don’t want you guys to fight each other,” he said with a slight stammer. He looked over to Obito. “You did just answer my question, I am - not offended by your reply, because you didn’t say anything that was offensive to me.”
Then he turned his head and looked over to Kakashi: “T-Thank you for standing up for me, but please don’t throw stuff in the garden you could have hit the herb patch my mom needs for medicine.” 
She put her head against the glass and smiled to herself. He really was a good kid.
“It- It’s not like I mind what you are wearing, you know,” Obito said with a little pouting face. “I didn’t even really notice until you said something.” 
Kakashi grumbled from the other side: “Liar.”
Tsunade couldn’t help but laugh a little. She had known Kakashi’s father Sakumo ever since he was a child too and he had also been this sort of person that always stood up and defended what he believed in. Apparently his son had inherited the same gene, even if it was not necessary at this point. 
“Alright, maybe I noticed, but it didn’t matter to me and it doesn’t now.” Obito was suggestively swinging the piece of wood again.
Suddenly vines broke through the surface of the earth, locking both fighting boys in place. Yamato, who was still standing between them, had his hands clasped together, his hair full with sprouted plants. 
“Don’t fight!” He said and then. “Apologise ok?!” Which sounded less like a question and more like an instruction.
That emotions had influences on his mokuton was something that Tsunade had seen before. The time she cut his hair shorter than it had been before and dressed him up in stereotypical boys clothing for the first time he had sprouted almost an entire bush of flowers over his head on his shoulders once he could see himself in the mirror. Back then she had cut a flower from his shoulder off and planted it in the garden, so they could always remember the moment he truly became Yamato
The boys now averted their gaze. It was again Kakashi who’s sense of duty apparently commanded him to follow what was right. “Sorry, Obito. I- I know you didn’t mean it. Though I stand by the fact that it was insensitive.” he couldn’t help but get the last word in.
“Thank you.” Obito mumbled. “You didn’t have to throw that thing at me though.”
“Maybe you should learn how to dodge better then”, Kakashi shrugged his shoulders. “Guess you need more shuriken practice.”
Obito’s eyes lit up. “I would love to do more shuriken practice.” The mood between them had suddenly turned around completely. Only children could be angry at one another in one moment and then happily playing in the next.
Yamato must have noticed the mood change too and so he retreated the vines he had summoned and freed his friends. A big smile appeared on his face. The look of it warmed Tsunade’s heart. 
“I will make us some shuriken to throw,” Yamato said excitedly and tapped from one foot to the other.
Tsunade retreated from the window again to go back to her medicine on the table. For a while she did not resume her work and just sat and listened to the sounds coming in through the open window. The boys had started playing again, throwing wood shurikens that Yamato made for all of them, as they so often did. Any discord between them seemed completely over. Being a child seemed so easy. 
She did her daily work without worrying too much about the boys outside. It was incredibly hot and any kind of move was very exhausting, still the kids played relentlessly with an energy that adults could only dream of. She prepared a bit more medicine, then did some laundry. While she folded Yamato’s shirts she wondered if she should buy him another dress. Maybe in a brown or red colour to match his hair.
The afternoon bled into the evening and for a while she had not heard any of the children speak or yell outside. Soon Sakumo and Obito’s grandmother would probably worry about their children, so Tsunade went into the back garden to look what they were doing.
It took a little, since they were using one of their hideouts between the bushes at the back of the property. She pushed some branches aside and could not help but let out a long “Aw” at the image in front of her.
All three boys, completely exhausted from their afternoon of playing and fighting together, and probably also the heat, were laying next to each other and sleeping. Yamato was flanked by both the older boys like they were trying to be his guardians to shield him from the rest of the world. They were in such deep sleep that Tsunade felt odd having to break them up. She let them lay like this a little longer and tried to memorise the scene as well as she could, then she woke them up.
Kakashi and Obito left before dinner time, though they sometimes did stay over to eat with them, so it was just Tsunade and Yamato. 
“Mom,” Yamato said eventually, “I had a lot of fun today.” 
She lifted her hand and ruffled his hair again. “I’m glad. I’m also very happy you have such very good friends.”
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xreaderbooks · 4 years
Two sides (2)
Pair: ACOTAR Azriel x reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: Language, implied smut
Summary: Y/N has been in love with Cassian for centuries now, Just how Azriel has been with Mor. Both heartbroken by their unrequited love they fall into a routine of 'one-night stands', Not realizing their each others mate.
Masterlist - Part 1
A/N: So I dont know how accurate the mate information is, like I said before I haven’t read the ACOTAR series since 2019 so I probably got a couple things wrong or didn’t write the characters the way you would expect them to act. I chose to make them more how they would be in head canons if you get what I mean. Either way I really hope you enjoyed the 2nd and final part to Two sides :) Feel free to send requests for Azriel or any other Acotar characters. Thank you all for the support <3
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"We need to talk."
"Okay," Azriel says skeptically, he walks over to sit on the chair across from you.
"I wanted to apologize for the other night," You shifted in your seat as you spoke, you were noticeably uncomfortable. That bothered Azriel, he wanted you to feel natural not forced, he didn't know where that desire came from but it was true. Even if this conversation was a bit awkward. "I never meant to make you feel used, I guess, I just needed a distraction."
"From seeing Cassian and Nesta together?" He asked. You bit your lip and nodded. "Y/N, I didn't feel used." He let out a small chuckle. "I enjoyed it, actually. And a bit flattered that you chose to-" He coughed awkwardly, "share that part of yourself with me." You grinned. You eased up a bit after knowing that Azriel didn't feel bad about what happened the other night, and even enjoyed it. It also warmed your heart at the fact that this was one of the rare moments that he felt comfortable enough to talk about how he was feeling. Despite it probably being out of sympathy or to defuse the tension.
"Oh," You chirped "well good. The last thing I wanted to do was fuck up our friendship."
He shook his head, "Y/N you've done a lot in the past few centuries that could've fucked up this friendship and we're still okay, better than okay considering. Besides Mor and I are still friends even after..." He tensed up, you went over to him and hesitantly put your hand on top of his.
"I know." You gave him a small smile. "I have an idea, I'll admit it's not my brightest but it will benefit the both of us."
His eyebrow quirked, "Your ideas are never the brightest, that's why you're just my second."
"Okay, wow." You blinked, removing your hand, and started pacing around the room. "First Rhys made me your second because I'm good at my job and you're just better cause of your shadows." He glared at you when you made the comment about his shadows. "Two, I've had a couple of good ideas in the past you just never go through with them."
"Maybe it's because all your ideas are reckless and we'd get caught if we did our job by using your so-called good ideas." He got up to meet you when you turned around to face the other way, you were met by his chest in your way.
You huffed when you looked up at him. "Whatever, I'm pretty sure you were going to like this one." He gave a nod to continue. "I- you know what I think it's better if I just show you."
He cocked his head to the side. You took this as an opportunity to grab him by the back of his neck and slammed your lips onto his. Immediately after he put his hands on your waist, pulling you closer. He started walking backward, leading you towards one of the bedrooms. Your foreheads pressed together but you paused from kissing him, catching your breath. You knew he could hear your heartbeat, beating quicker by the second, his heart was beating faster too. It gave you all the encouragement you needed to start taking off your clothes.
"So this was your bright idea," Azriel asked, while also hurriedly taking off his clothes.
"Mhm." Was your response before nodding and relocating your lips onto his.
The intensity of it made your heart stutter. You wanted him and at that moment he wanted you. He truly wanted you, you both felt it and took that feeling, using it to fuel the passion in that kiss. He moved down to your neck, nipping and biting at it. You moved your hand to slowly graze his wings, which made him freeze. Azriel gave you a look that made your body go on overdrive.
He picked you up, you wrapped your legs around his waist as he continued to "eat your neck" as Cassian had said all those days before. You rolled your eyes at the thought, but then they rolled back as Azriel bit at a sensitive area that intensified that already intoxicating feeling you got when you were with him.
And you wished it never ended.
"How do you feel about this?" You asked, hoping he'd be okay with it. So far he hadn't opposed.
"I don't want to hurt you." He confessed. You knew he meant physically, he could be a little rough sometimes. You were okay with that though, You rolled your eyes at his comment.
"I'm serious Y/N." He looked you in the eye. You were back at the training grounds of the Illyrian camp. You didn't specify any details, so you both didn't care about speaking in public.
"I'm a big girl, I think I can handle it." You began to walk ahead of him, He grabbed your forearm and pulled you back to face him, a hint of a smile on your face. "Only if you're sure."
Your smile faded once you saw that he was genuinely concerned. "Az, you wouldn't hurt me. I trust you."
He froze and let you go. He had a hard time letting people see how he was feeling but you could tell he was struggling with letting you in and his self-deprecation.
You had kept your secret "relationship" hidden from everyone else, as much as you could. It didn't take long. They were extremely nosy and it was difficult with Mor being your best friend. She always knew when you were lying and had insisted you were acting differently. You would always blow it off and say you had a good day, telling a random story you just thought of on the spot.
Cassian had continued to tease you about your secret lover-- which only intrigued Mor even further-- you avoided the truth most of the time. You and Azriel would be extra careful when doing what you did. Sometimes even going to Inns and you would both winnow to the location.
Going through all that trouble only for Amren to find out and threaten to tell the others. She tried to blackmail you into buying her a pure diamond bracelet. As if she couldn't afford it yourself. You talked to Azriel about it and you both decided you didn't care if anyone else knew, it's only a matter of time before they found out anyway. Plus you could use the money to buy a house somewhere private in Velaris. You enjoyed the privacy and lack of teasing for as long as it lasted.
Amren didn't tell but as you predicted, everyone did find out. Some already had suspicions like Mor, Rhys, and Feyre. Amren wouldn't have known if she hadn't caught you both and Cassian never would have thought. You'd be lying if you said you weren't disappointed at him not showing any sign of jealousy. You knew he wouldn't be, being caught up with Nesta and all but you still held hope. You considered yourself a fool and would try to fuck the feelings out of you with Azriel. And most of the time it worked.
Months went by as sleeping with your best friend became your new normal. You never would have thought that you'd be one of those mysterious girls that Azriel hooked up with, ever since that night, you were the only girl. You had to admit, you liked the idea; being Azriel's only girl. But you knew that although you would be the only girl in his bed, Mor will always be on his mind. Not that you blamed him, you were still somewhat hung up on Cassian. After you can't get rid of 500+ years of feelings.
As you laid next to Azriel, who now stayed nights instead of leaving right after, You admired his tattoos, the intricate designs, you fought the urge to trace them. You did anyways but only a centimeter away from his chest so you wouldn't wake him. In the morning light that slipped through a slight gap in your curtains, It shone right on him. He looked ethereal.
You always knew he was attractive most Illyrian men were, at least if they weren't assholes most of the time. You had time now, to actually take in his beauty. You could never understand how someone so beautiful and kind could be so broken. You guessed that's why you chose him to spend your nights with, instead of some random guy. You could help him and heal him and get him to appreciate himself more.
The shadows around him became more active, it made him tense up. He was awake. You lifted your hand up to up to move the stray hair that fell onto his face. At that moment, you felt your world shift an overwhelming sensation of love and adoration consumed your body and you snatched your hand away from him. You were in pure shock.
'Holy fuck' Was the only thing going through your head.
"What's wrong?"He questioned as if he could sense your distress. His voice hoarse from just waking up.
"Nothing." You said, immediately getting up and getting dressed in whatever you had closest to you. "You should, um, You should get going. I have a lot of reports to do, I've been holding them off but Rhys has been asking me for them for the longest so I should get on it."
Azriel sat up, the bed sheet covering one leg and another part. His perfectly sculpted body in your bed, the lighting, half of his leg uncovered by the blanket. You tried to compose yourself to figure out what you would do. Hoping that he didn't pick up on how different you were acting. It was no use he probably already expected something was up.
To try to ease the tension you sat next to him, brushing the hair out of his face, dragging your fingertips down to the side of his face, and kissed his cheek. You ignored the tingles you felt as his face nuzzled into your hand. Hesitantly, you remove your hand and got up from the bed, and sat at the desk you had in your room. You pretended to read through old letters from officials.
Azriel took that as his cue to leave. He got dressed and pressed a kiss to the back of your head before he left.
He definitely knew something, that's not how your mornings usually go. You would at least spend an hour or two together either talking or enjoying each other's presence before sending each other off to your respective duties. However due to your new discovery of Azriel being your mate. You panicked. What would you do now?
Hours had passed and you hadn't left your room, choosing to focus on the reports that you did in fact, have to do. Rhys just wasn't expecting them for another week or so. Mor then busted into your room. "Knock, knock bitch."
"Uh, hello gorgeous, didn't expect a lovely visit from you today." You said sarcastically, turning your chair to face her. She dropped the shopping bags onto your floor. You lifted a brow in question.
"We're going on a trip!"
"I'm busy." You turned back around to focus on what you were writing.
"It's a fun work one." You twisted your chair around again.
"How do you mean?"
"Day court gala, bonding with people, gaining trust, and all that." She waved it off as if you didn't need to know actual information. You decided you'd ask for details from Rhysand later.
"And you went shopping." You gestured to all of the bags. "like you don't have tons of outfits you could take."
"Well of course I do. These are for you." She grinned.
"Just because you're supposed to be invisible and all that, doesn't mean you have to be like that all the time." She referred to your job description, being another spy for Rhysand, relying on you being a woman to get information from people Azriel couldn't. Kind of ridiculous considering Azriel's shadows allowed him to get all the information needed but it was an easy enough job. Unlike Az, you didn't have shadows to command so you stuck to your black outfits tunics, and suits that would help you move easily. You never really dressed up, unless it was for an occasion, but you enjoyed doing it when you could. Most of the time you would be on duty or something like it so you couldn't.
This Gala gave you the perfect excuse too. You were thankful to Mor for having bought you these dresses and accessories. You were pretty sure you had worn all the dresses you had in your closet already.
"Yeah, you're right." You gave her a half-smile. Part of you wondered what Azriel's reaction would be to you in one of these revealing dresses. You shook the thought from your head. You would dress for yourself not for some male, even if that male is your mate.
You debated whether to tell Mor or not. She might be able to help you with your internal battle. Part of you was hurt about Cassian not being your mate. Another part always knew that he wasn't, and another part of you wondered how Azriel would react. Did he feel the bond snap into place? Or was it a Feyre-Rhysand situation where the bond would snap into place at another moment? Would he reject you cause you weren't Mor?
You opted to tell Mor at the day court where you would have more space and privacy from the others.
Helion's words about uniting and bonding were very heartwarming and kind, but you couldn't get past the thoughts that swarmed your mind. You took advantage of this time with everyone listening to Helions welcoming speech and sneakily made your way over to where Mor was standing. You pretended to greet her with a kiss and whispered in her ear to meet you in the room you were staying at.
"Thank the cauldron you came along, Helion was droning on and was about to make me fall asleep." She joked as she sauntered into your room. She paused her amused tone as soon as she saw your face. "You were fine like two minutes ago."
"Glad to know, I'm good at hiding it." You forced a smile. She tilted her head as if to ask you 'what's wrong', so you told her. You told her that Azriel was your mate and how it happened. You told her of your fears of rejection and confusion with your love for Cassian. It was a different love now, you felt it. There was a shift in what you felt towards Cassian and more intense feelings for Azriel. You suspected the bond but you didn't mind it. You then opened up about your insecurity about him rejecting you for her. Which she shut down, though she knew what you meant.
"Mor, Azriel loves you, like I loved Cassian. What if his love for you is stronger and he refuses to let go. We all know the only reason he never went for you is his trouble with his self-worth." Those were harsh words, but they were true. "He could easily reject me for you, knowing you don't love him in that way."
"You don't know that Y/N. And you loved Cassian, probably as much as Azriel loved me. After all this time you spent together, you truly don't think he would have changed the way he feels for me?" She grabbed your hand in hers. "You and Azriel are like two sides of the same coin, he's all dark and brooding and you, well you're the same in some ways. But you bring out the light and you can cast out all of his darkness with a simple smile."
"I don't know." You whispered. You were scared. Your feelings for Azriel already began to grow, without the bond, with it in place now it was strengthened. Your feelings for Cassian was a background noise that would soon grow into a more familial type of love.
"What should I do Mor?" You whimpered, you put your face in your hands. "I feel like a girl with a crush. This is ridiculous."
She laughed and nodded. "Yes, yes it is. On the bright side, if he doesn't know about you being mates, you could still have fun with other people."
You gave her a look. "You forget that he's my designated person to 'have fun' with."
"I didn't know you had a conversation on exclusivity." She shrugged and walked over to the cart that had alcoholic drinks, at the corner of the room.
"Technically we did when we agreed to sleep with each other when we felt like it." You reasoned.
"Hm." She mused, sipping on her drink. "I still say enjoy tonight, dance with a few males, or females, and if you two end up having sex with him again just enjoy the time you have with him."
"Thanks for the talk, Mor."
"Of course darling, by the way, I highly doubt he'll reject you. If he does he's an idiot and I'll kill him." She sent a wink your way and left you in your room to think.
Azriel watched as you swayed your hips to the beat of the music. A man who he didn't know came up from behind you, keeping up with you. That was the first of many. He felt a twinge of jealousy in his gut. He attempted to force that emotion down. He couldn't understand where that was coming from.
He was keeping watch, even though he always made sure to keep a lookout for danger to his court. Mor and Cassian tried to get him to ease up, he didn't budge. Who would pry Cassian from more liquor when he's had enough to drink if Azriel wasn't sober? He used the excuse of being the only responsible one to keep an eye on her. Y/n, Azriel thought he knew what it was to love someone because of Mor but what Azriel felt for Y/N was different. It felt raw and real and whatever it was, was growing fast. She was easy to talk to, not that he did much of that but she listened, actually listened when he did, and she didn't pry or hover as much as the others. They tend to beat around the bush when wanting to know about what was going on with him. Unlike Y/N who would take her time to make sure he felt comfortable and if, he wasn't, she would change the topic and act normal.
Y/N was a calming presence that allowed him to just be. She brought out another side of him that he thought he could never be.
That's why when he felt a change in the way he saw her dancing with a new guy than the one she was with earlier, it all made sense. She was his mate. He saw red as he practically flew to where they were. The fae males' hands that were roaming your bonds were ripped away from you and he dragged him away. Azriel pinned the man against the wall. People began to stare and talk in hushed whispers, appalled at the sight.
"Never touch my mate, again." He growled. He dug his fingers into the guy's neck.
"I-I didn't know." The man choked out.
"Well, now you do." He muttered, letting the man slump to the ground. He went over to where you were standing, eyes wide. His eyes softened while looking at you. He slowed as he got to you. "Can we talk?"
You nodded your head and began to walk toward an empty hall.
"I'm sorry if I scared you." He kept his voice low but soft. He was afraid, you would want to run away.
"You didn't." You stood there staring at him. You tried to figure him out, to no avail. His face was always stoic. "I- I thought you'd reject me and now I don't know what to do." You confessed.
"You knew?" He tried to recall if you had acted any differently. His shadows had felt the change in your demeanor and set out in whispers when you were rushing him out. He brushed it off, he should've looked more into it. The last thing he wanted to do was to make you feel unwanted or rejected.
"Since yesterday morning." You confirmed. Your anxiety consumed you, you heard of the pain that came along with being rejected by your mate. Some have died from it. Little did you know Azriel was worrying about the same exact thing. Not thinking himself worthy enough of your affection. He allowed himself the pleasure of being in bed with you, assuming it was nothing more and he couldn't get hurt you or be hurt that way. It was a release from another pain you both had the displeasure of feeling.
"I want you to know it is an honor to have you as my mate." He took a step closer.
"Really? Honestly, I thought..." You shook your head. "Nevermind."
He looked confused but let it go, if you wanted to tell him you would. "Guess this means I have to go cook you something." You let out a laugh. He smiled an actual wide beautiful smile. Azriel grabbed your face and kissed you.
It was soon interrupted by a very drunk Mor who shouted, "Finally!"
Cassian was right behind her, "Mor! I forgot where the bathroom was, can y-" He paused looking between you and Azriel. "Oooh getting freaky in the hall, that's new. Hey Y/N if he isn't hitting it right, you know where to find me." He winked at you. Azriel gave him a murderous look, putting his arm in front of you. 'So he's gonna be one of those', you thought.
You couldn't wait till the second part of the mating process.
Tags: @wildchild2707​ ,@theworthlessqueen​ ,@ciciakai​ ,@rockinginneverland​
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hello!! could i kindly request for a student campus crush! wonwoo hehe and you’re best friends and have unrequited feelings but u dont know if he feels the same so over a sleepover u tried confessing and you can continue from there hehe -🐼
let me hear you say | j. ww
✎ pairing: best friend!wonwoo x female reader
✎ genre: collegel!au, friends to lovers!au, mostly fluff
✎ warnings: none!
✎ wc: 2.40 k words
✎ notes: hi 🐼 anon! i got a little carried away with this one because soft, cuddly wonwoo makes my stomach do flips but i hope you like it! i'm not sure how i feel about my portrayal of yn here because i wanted them to be really supportive of wonwoo but kind of having a hard time because of their feelings towards him. i hope i was able to express that without portraying them as kind of eh :/
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“Don’t you ever get tired?” You take a quick glance at your best friend as he folds up another piece of paper with a phone number written on it.
“Of what?”
“Of everyone in this school falling head over heels for you,” You say like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, proceeding to look back down at your notes. In reality, you were trying to prevent yourself from looking at the cute (albeit, confused) way your best friend was staring at you over your abrupt question.
“Well I can’t say I’m not flattered, but there aren’t really that many people yn,”
A total lie, you think to yourself. Every time you two walked around campus, your best friend attracted the adoring stares of all your classmates like some hotshot celebrity. Yes, he was popular, and yes, he totally deserved it, but if everyone knew how dorky he was, maybe they wouldn’t be so quick to hand him their number after a single conversation.
Another lie, if everyone knew what a nerd Jeon Wonwoo actually was, they’d probably fall for him harder. You would know of course, first hand experience taught you a lot of things.
It taught you how endearing it was when Wonwoo wore oversized clothing, so that he could pull the sleeves over his palms when sipping on a hot drink at the local campus cafe. It made you realize his habit of pushing his glasses up his nose, because he was too stubborn to get the bridge adjusted. It made your insides melt whenever he was nervous because he had a habit of fiddling with his fingers. You were certain that if anyone was completely head over heels and absolutely smitten by him, it was definitely you.
“Not many people my ass,” you scoffed, “you spoke to her once, just once! And now you are holding her number.” Wonwoo laughs at your poor attempt at hiding your annoyance, “For your information, we were talking about a group project, and exchanging contact information. Nothing more, and nothing less.”
You gave a little huff before going back to pretend-studying, you definitely couldn’t focus when he was sitting right across from you. You knew you were more prone to jumping to conclusions nowadays, and you hoped that Wonwoo didn’t notice your shift in behaviour. In reality, you couldn’t help but feel a little pang of worry whenever your best friend was asked out on another date. And while he rejected the offer every time, you worried that one day he might say yes and you could lose him forever.
Not that you were against Wonwoo falling in love someday. If he found a good person that he wanted to be with for the rest of his life, you would support him in a heartbeat. It was just the selfish feeling that blossomed in your chest that prevented you from feeling any true happiness for these kinds of situations, and you hated it.
You knew that he would never abandon you completely, because Wonwoo was the best friend you could ever ask for. But you also knew that it would kill you inside to see him sweep someone else off their feet.
You’ve known Wonwoo since high school, and you definitely harboured a puppy crush on him all of first year. This was back when he was still trading pokemon cards in the gym stairwell and poking at you to buy him something from the milk vending machine. The crush went away eventually and you found yourself enjoying the rest of your high school career with your closest confidant by your side.
Once you both entered university, Wonwoo had a sudden growth spurt that now put him a total head taller than you. He no longer lurked at the stairwells during lunch and instead made lots of new friends that he went out for coffee with. He started dressing nicer, and once he exchanged his old glasses for a pair of round silver ones that rested on his nose so perfectly, he instantly transformed into someone straight out of a kdrama.
Now, you have caught feelings again. And you’re scared to admit that this time a puppy crush doesn’t even encapsulate everything you’ve been feeling lately. Of course Wonwoo’s sudden change in appearance didn’t spark anything new in your feelings towards him. It was the fact that he had a new air around him that was just completely different.
Wonwoo in high school was shy, and you loved him for who he was. You two had your own small circle of friends and you would spend all your time reading or playing games in his bedroom. Wonwoo in college however, was breaking out of his shell and being the first to approach people and make new friends. He was still introverted of course, shyness and introvertedness were two different things after all. But you were proud to see Wonwoo take the initiative to make plans more often and reach out.
Wonwoo has also gotten a lot more comfortable around you. He’s grown fond of resting his head on your shoulder after a long day of classes, and wrapping you in his sweaters whenever you came by his flat. In conclusion, everything about university student Wonwoo, was driving you, (and probably the entire campus) crazy.
“Hello? yn? Don’t you have a class soon?”
You swat away the hand that was waving in front of your face to meet the eyes of the cause of all your heart troubles. One smile from Wonwoo and you were in shambles. You had it really, really bad. “Right, right, sorry I was just...distracted.”
“We’re still on for tonight right? You can just head straight to my dorm after your last class.”
“Of course Won, did you really think I was going to miss out on another rewatch of Extraordinary You?”
“Of course not,” Wonwoo chuckled. You were met with another one of those soft gazes from him, and you immediately tried to break your stare. Something in your heart tells you that you should just confess right now, and that Wonwoo was a sensible individual who wouldn’t let go of your friendship if he didn’t feel the same way.
“Hey Won, can I tell you something after class later?”
“Of course.” There was that smile again. If you weren’t so busy trying to slow your heart rate down, you would have caught the way his eyes brightened at hearing your question, and the way he looked down to twindle with his fingers.
You give Wonwoo your own smile before heading off to your last detour of the day.
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Sleepovers with Wonwoo always consisted of a mountain of blankets, a never ending pile of snacks and a show to watch before eventually both of you fell asleep. When you arrived at his flat just as he was adding the finishing touches to a home cooked dinner, you realized that sleepovers with Wonwoo also consisted of another thing: Your tragic inability to keep your heart rate down.
“Dinner will be ready in a bit, you can just wash up and get changed for now,” Wonwoo turns to greet you before adding some pepper to the tteokbokki.
You nod and head over to his bathroom, where you already find your change of clothes resting on the counter. Any outsider would have been under the impression that you and Wonwoo lived together, considering that pieces of you were scattered all over his apartment. From the matching toothbrushes that were kept by the sink, to the drawer reserved only for your clothes in his bedroom.
The only reason that you and Wonwoo didn’t room together upon entering university, was the fact that your parents were wary of you rooming with a boy you weren’t even dating. Not that it mattered now, considering that you at least spent two nights at his place away from your own dorm.
After you showered and changed into your pajamas, you realized that Wonwoo had given you one of his sweaters to wear, instead of the usual shirts you slept in. Usually you would have raided his bedroom after dinner to steal one (you slept much better when you wore his clothing) but this time it appeared that he had taken the initiative for you.
Once you stepped out of the bathroom, you saw that Wonwoo was already sitting at the dining table and was on his phone. It looked like he was texting someone, and you felt your heart sink a little when he laughed at a message. No, you are not going to be jealous. You are going to be happy for your friend because he deserves all the happiness in the world.
“Is that the girl from your group project?” You sat down across from him and started piling the tteokbokki and rice onto your plate. “Yeah, she said that the professor just sent out a mass email to our class, saying that we were going to be given an extension. Turns out that email was meant for another course, but everyone is already celebrating the new deadline.”
Wonwoo shuts off his phone and turns to you, “Was there something you wanted to tell me today?”
Right. You were going to confess your feelings. It was now or never, and you weren’t sure if you could hold it in much longer. “I can just tell you after dinner, I’m starving.”
Tragic. Tragic. Tragic. Why couldn’t you just say the words, “Hey Won, I have feelings for you, do you feel the same way?” Must you be in a spiraling paradox of questioning the presence of unrequited love in the relationship you had with your best friend? Yes, most definitely yes. Since the world likes to make everything difficult for those in love.
Dinner was eaten in a comfortable silence for the most part. You liked that you never felt the need to fill the air with more conversation whenever you were with Wonwoo. There were days where you would just sit in each other’s presence and do your own thing, and those days left you with lots of time to ponder on your feelings for him. Tonight was the night that you were going to say these feelings aloud for the first time...you just needed a bit more time to procrastinate.
After you both finished your food, you relocated yourselves to the couch. You fidgeted with the end of your (his) sweater while Wonwoo searched for the show on Netflix. You figured that you would let him know in the morning, since there was a chance that you two would fall asleep before the episode ended. And you didn’t want to confess beforehand either, in fear of having to endure a brutal one hour of awkward tension if he didn’t feel the same way.
“Who would have thought that out of all the days the wifi could have chosen to bail on us, they chose the day where we were going to find out whether Haru belonged to Dan-oh’s story or not,” Wonwoo fiddles with the remote some more, while you panic in silence at the thought of spending the night with no distractions from your feelings.
“It’s not like we don’t already know how it ends,” You take deep quiet breaths to calm yourself down, you can definitely make it through the night, “We can just do other things.”
“What do you have in mind?”
You couldn’t answer him right away. The only thing you had on your mind was the fact that Wonwoo’s hand was now resting on your knee and that it was baffling how good he could look in pajamas. Wonwoo, sensing your inability to form words nervously glanced up at you before moving the conversation in a different direction, “Look, I know you had something to tell me today yn, but I realized that I wanted to share something with you too. I am in love-”
“I am in love with you Jeon Wonwoo!”
There. You blurted out a long-awaited confession before the anticipation consumed you whole. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from your hands in fear of seeing the look on Wonwoo’s face.
“Let me hear you say it again.”
“What?” You turn to Wonwoo, who no longer looked nervous. Instead, he wore the biggest shit-eating grin on his face that made you want to both kiss and strangle him. “Say it again.”
“Not when you look like you just won the lottery you nerd, you didn’t even say-”
“I am in love with you too yn.”
Well, you were never one to complain about the fact that your feelings were returned. But the way Wonwoo was cooing at your adorable expression of shock only made you want to shove him off the couch.
Which you proceeded to do.
“Hey! Aren’t you happy that I like you too?”
“Of course I’m happy! You didn’t have to try to beat me to my confession though, tonight was going to be my night!”
“You didn’t seem like you were going to say anything for the rest of the evening! You were going to wait until the next day weren’t you?”
Absolutely yes. “No!”
Any remaining tension in the atmosphere washed away as you and Wonwoo made fun of each other on the living room floor. You were beyond relieved and a little giddy that your best friend in the whole wide world saw you in the way that you saw him.
“But on a more serious note Won, were you also going to confess tonight too?”
“Actually no, but once you came out of the washroom wearing my sweater, I just had to say it before I tackled you with cuddles or something.”
“You gave me your sweater instead of my clothes to wear!”
“I know!” Wonwoo was holding your hand now and rubbing circles into your palm. The idea of cuddling the entire night didn’t sound so bad. “But you looked all nervous and shy and I was hoping that you were going to be the one to say something first.”
“Can we just agree that we confessed at the same time?” As the adrenaline from the confession began to slip away you suddenly became very tired, and you were hoping to just spend the night in the arms of your favourite person.
“Deal. So can we cuddle now?”
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d-xs · 4 years
Oh man, I loved your previous ask to elloriya!! As a part 2 to your previous damijay ask, how would Damian go about wooing Jason this time around? Is there a specific scene or moment in your head in which everything *clicks* in Jason's mind and he catches feelings?
What happens after Jason and Damian meet again when they are both grown? How does Damian move fordward? You know Jason is going to try to deny all of it and put a stop to it because 1. He watched the kid grow. 2. On a much deeper level...I dont think he thinks he deserves love - Anonymous
After the mission, once the threat is neutralized, Jason Todd accepts Damian's invitation to stay a while with the League. It's no hardship to accept. He has missed the brat and he could use a few days of relaxation.
He spends his time observing Damian in his element. The new Demon Head is a force to reckon with. Ra's al Ghul was a formidable leader, but he had nothing on Damian.
Damian has grown. Not just into a beautiful man, but one who is comfortable in his own skin.
In the place of the snot-nosed little brat, desperate to prove himself, that Jason used to know, is a man, confident of his place at the top of the world.
Jason has a hard time reconciling the kid who was Robin to the man who is the Demon Head.
Comparing them is like comparing a puppy and a grown alpha wolf.
When Damian asks for Jason's help with the training of his operatives, Jason pushes back the mission he had lined up to offer his skills.
The past week felt so much like old times, but better. He can't tell if it's because Damian is different, or because it's been so long, but something about them is different this time.
Then Talia al Ghul comes to visit.
"I must say," Talia starts, setting down her tea cup.
She has a glint in her eyes that spells trouble. And not the kind Jason goes looking for.
She looks very smug and satisfied.
"I had hoped you and Damian would bond, but not even I could have predicted this."
Catching up over tea is a tradition they have managed to maintain over the years. Irrespective of what's going on in their lives, they meet at least once a year to catch up.
Damian had turned down a request to join them, citing his duties, but he did make plans with Jason for later.
Jason watches her over the rim of his own cup.
"Predict that we would be working together in the League, years later, or that I'd willingly return to this hell-hole?"
Talia laughs. A simple, but delightful sound filled with mirth. But Jason knows she's laughing at him. Talia only laughs out loud when she's calling him stupid.
"A bit of both, you could say," she answers finally.
"Why's that a surprise? You of all people should know that I'll always come when Damian calls," Jason informs her. "He's doing good work."
"Of course, you will." She smiles.
It's a non-answer, but it's all Jason gets from her on the topic.
Her comment niggles at him all day.
His relationship with Damian is no secret to her. They have always been close. Maybe not on the same level as Damian and Dick were, but close enough.
It's early evening, and Jason has accepted Damian's invitation to go mountain climbing, and then have a picnic at the top.
They're having a great time, exchanging barbs and banter, while they challenge each other.
Damian looks relaxed and happy. Jason figures being the Demon Head doesn't leave a lot of free time to do stuff like this. It feels just like old times, which makes Jason even happier to do this.
Jason doesn't know what Talia was on about. Their relationship hasn't changed.
Sure, it's more intense and something about Damian feels almost like a scene from a romance novel, but that doesn't mean--
Hold on a minute.
"Is this a date?" Jason blurts out, stopping in his tracks. "Are we dating?"
Because Jason is twenty eight years old, but the idea of romance and dating will never not turn him into an awkward teenager.
Damian, thankfully, doesn't try to play coy with him.
"You finally caught a clue," Damian answers in a satisfied tone. "Good."
"Wait, did you sic your mother on me?"
"You were so oblivious," Damian excuses. "I wasn't sure if that was your own way of rejecting my advances."
It's both flattering and disturbing that Damian would recruit his mother to help him score a date with Jason. But Jason can't wrap his head around the idea that Damian wants to date him.
He can have anyone he wants, civilian or caped. Why would he want Jason? What could he possibly offer Damian in a relationship?
"Kid--" He starts, only to cut himself off because that's not right. Damian is not a kid.
"Stop," Damian orders, his voice dropping low.
Jason shivers.
He takes a step that puts him right in Jason's personal space. Jason can feel Damian’s hot breath fanning his face when he speaks and it's all he can do to maintain his composure.
"I can see the wheels turning in your head and before you go on a spiel about our age difference and your lack of self worth, I will tell you this:
"You are six years older than I am, not sixty. That would have worked ten years ago, but that was a long time ago. I have been in love with you long enough to know that it is no passing fancy. I do not care for whatever you think a partner should offer me. My heart is set on you.
"Do not insult me by suggesting I find someone more worthy. I know you feel the same way about me, too. I have watched you this past week, and mother confirmed it herself. Even though you have refused to acknowledge it. So, if you intend to reject me, Jason, I demand a valid reason."
The air between them is charged. There's so much to unpack in those words and Jason doesn't even know where to begin.
There's so much he has to figure out, but he knows that he doesn't want to reject Damian.
Damian is right; this thing between them isn't one-sided. If Damian is in, then Jason would like to see where this takes them.
Jason lifts a hand to gently trace Damian's face, relishing the way Damian's eyes flutter shut and his heartbeat picks up its pace, before cupping the back of his head to pull him into a kiss.
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watchmegetobsessed · 5 years
Señorita - Shawn Mendes
dont want to brag but... this is giving me the chills. here is a long piece dedicated to the perfection of the senorita video. also its giving me strong three steps above heaven vibes
4k words of bad boy shawn falling for you
part 2
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“He is back.”
Rosie winks at you as she puts the dirty dishes down to the counter and biting into her bottom lip she wiggles her eyebrows at you as you fix your hair. It’s too damn hot in the back and Rob refuses to do something against it. It wouldn’t bother you either if you were sitting in an air-conditioned office all day, but you’re right here, working your butt off every day in the steaming hot kitchen.
You let out a sigh giving her a look. She is too engaged in your life, but it’s your fault. You told her about Shawn and now it’s all she asks you about.
“Did you take his order?” You ask reaching into your pocket to look for your small notebook and pencil you’ve been using for ages and could use some sharpening.
“Yeah, but he asked if you are in.”
“Like always,’ you mumble under your breath, but you’re not annoyed. The guy has been doing everything to get to you and it’s kind of flattering, but you know it just wouldn’t work.
Shawn Mendes is the bad guy of the town, everyone knows his name, all girls and women from 13 to 70 are dreaming about the guy in the leather jacket, rocketing through the town on his old motorbike. But as someone working 50 hours a week you just can’t let yourself get involved with someone who is famous for his bad reputation.
“Why don’t you just give in for him?” Rosie asks with a confused look. She just can’t wrap her mind around the fact that someone is not begging for Shawn’s attention, in fact, tries to avoid it.
“Because we are working and shouldn’t you be doing your job?” you ask, earning a royal eye-rolling as you grab the plates you have to bring to your table.
“You are no fun!” she sticks her tongue out but you just brush it off rushing out.
The old couple at your table are happy to have their pancakes and you can’t help but smile at how adorable they look sharing a milkshake. As you chat with them a little you can feel a pair of hazel eyes on you and glancing up you see him.
He is sitting in the same booth as always, Rosie just brought his order, placing it on the table but he has no interest in the food or her. He is staring at you so intensely you can almost feel your cheeks blushing. You know he wants you to go over there, but you have work to do and you don’t want Rob to find you ditching your tasks for some guy. He loves his money too much and willing to get rid of anyone who doesn’t bring him any.
He stays. He sips on his drink for as long as possible, Rosie going over there many times to make sure he has everything, but he just kindly thanks her work and keeps staring at you.
“Hey,” he softly says when you pass by him, his large hand wraps around your wrist pulling you back. You gulp hard as you turn back and look at him.
“Can I get you something?” you ask with your most charming work-smile you’ve turned into perfection during your time at the diner.
“Can we talk?”
“Depends on what. If you want to know what I recommend from the menu, yes. Otherwise, no.”
The sharpness in your voice surprises both of you, but you stand your ground. You have to be tough.
“Y/N, please. I can explain everything.”
“You don’t have to explain anything. Do you need another iced tea?” you ask pointing at his almost empty cup. His eyes wander to the table and back to you. Realizing you are not going to talk about anything non-related to work he gives up and just shakes his head no. His fingers let go of your wrist and you disappear as soon as possible.
Rushing to the back you take your spot behind the fridge, taking deep breath as you try to calm your burning nerves.
You really thought you’d seen the last of him when the two of you met last weekend. It was all accident, you were out for a night run because you couldn’t sleep and ran into some sketchy guys. They circled you, ready to do your worst nightmare when Shawn appeared out of nowhere. The dudes ran so fast they basically teleported. You felt like you owed Shawn for his help so you agreed to grab something to eat with him. It could have even been nice, but trouble is always on the corner when it comes to Shawn Mendes. You ran into a local gang who unlike those fuckers weren’t afraid to oppose him. Then his guys showed up and it all turned into a huge street fight, giving you just the perfect image of what it’s like to be close to him. In the middle of the chaos you ran away and he has been following you ever since, trying to talk to you but there is nothing he can say to change your mind. You are better off without him.
You finally catch your breath, the clinking of dishes brings back you to reality and you force yourself to continue with your work.
You don’t know when but he disappears at one point and the thought of him gone should make you feel better but all you have is… disappointment.
“I got this tonight,” Rosie tells you when the place is closed and it’s time to do the accounting on the register. Taking the coins from your hand she winks at you pushing you away with her hips.
“Thanks,” you smile at her as you go to the back to get changed. It’s almost midnight when you walk out through the back door, deep in your thoughts, thinking about everything you have to do on your day off tomorrow. You don’t eve n realize there is someone else besides you until a warm hand touches your shoulder, making you jump a little.
“It’s just me!” Shawn quickly assures you as you take his tall figure in. You’ve been a bit more jumpy since your little encounter. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
“What are you doing here?” you ask, but you keep walking as he picks up your pace.
“Can we please talk? I want to explain.”
“I don’t think I want to hear it,” you stubbornly say, but his hand grabs your wrist again pulling you back and finally stopping you.
“Can you at least look at me when I talk to you?”
His voice is a little harsh, it’s obvious he is having a hard time having someone not give him the attention and respect he is used to. You are standing dangerously too close to him and the last time it happened he managed to break your walls and charm you.
Forcing yourself to look at him your eyes meet his and you try to hide how much he affects you hoping he hasn’t noticed the goosebumps on your skin from his touch.
“That fight was unfortunate. You really think I would have ever brought you near anything dangerous?” His words are a lot softer this time, his thumb gently running back and forth on the inside of your wrist. “I would never hurt you, Y/N.”
“Not me, but you hurt others,” you find yourself speaking and your hard tone is kind of new to him. “I told you, Shawn. We are too different, just forget about me,” you tell him freeing your hand, ready to leave, but he quickly catches up with you stopping you once more.
“But I can’t! You are all I can think about!” Frustration soaks his words and you just can’t believe you are making him feel this way. There is no way you, an average waitress can make The Shawn Mendes lose his mind.
“I tried, believe me! But ever since we danced…”
You suck your breath in thinking about the night you met him for the first time. Rosie convinced you to go out, probably for the first time in years. There is this club in the neighborhood, they play amazing music, the kind that makes you move even if you hate dancing. You wore your most daring dress, it only covers as much as needed and Rosie talked you into it, you were fine with jeans and a top.
You were at the bar, waiting for your drink when someone spilled theirs on your back, making the ice-cold beverage run down on your bare back.
“Can’t you watch what you’re doing?!” you basically screaming turning around and you found yourself with a pair of hazel eyes, roaming your body shamelessly, as if that was all you were there, for his eyes.
“I’m sorry, Señorita.”                                                            
His voice sent shivers down your spine and you stared up at him dumbly, the wetness on your back long forgotten.
To make up his mistake he asked you to dance which you agreed to. It felt like the whole place was burning around you once his hand was on your bare back. His hot breath on your skin, muscles moving under your hand, you could barely contain your feelings right there. All eyes were glued to the two of you, women could kill you with their eyes, but you somehow couldn’t care less.
“Shawn,” you let out a tired sigh when his fingers touch your cheek. They softly run down to your neck, your side and his hand stops on your waist.
“Come home with me. Please.”
Shawn Mendes begging is not something an average person could witness ever in life. Your knees are going weak at his touch, wanting nothing else than get lost in his arms and kiss those lips until yours felt numb.
“I promise we’ll stay out of trouble.”
The playful smirk on his lips gives away he knows he has already won you over, but you don’t say yes just yet, trying to make it feel like you are still holding up. His hand pulls you closer to his body and you place your palm on his hard chest. Your eyes wander to the silver necklace hanging from his neck as he nuzzles his nose into your hair.
“What do you say, Señorita? Shall we get out of here?” You can’t see it but you can hear from his voice that he is smiling. It’s unbelievable how he can play you so easily, the power he has over you is definitely not human.
“Let’s go,” you say before your rational side could step in and stop you.
Your grip around his waist tightens every time he speeds up. The lights of the city blurs in your vision as you are still too scared to look for too long. The cold leather of his jacket feels soothing on your cheek as you rest your head on his back. The way from the diner to his place is not too long, but long enough for you to pray for your life on that bike at least three times.
“You’re cute when you are scared,” he chuckles when you hop off of the bike in the parking lot. You just narrow your eyes at him holding your sweater tighter around your body as you wait for him.
Taking your hand he pulls you to his door, carefully looking around before opening it and pulling you inside. The place is nothing you haven’t imagined it to be. A typical bachelor home, kind of messy, making it obvious a guy is living there.
You slowly walk around, taking in everything you see while you hear him shuffle around the room. His jacket lands on a hanger and you hear the fridge opening as you look at a picture on the wall. It’s him and a redhead guy, but he looks so much younger, you wonder when it was taken. There is no sight of trouble on his face just yet, now it’s written all over his forehead. His hair is shorter and he hadn’t had his ear pierced. You mentally note that you like him better the way he looks like now.
“Here,” he softly says handing you a glass filled with probably vodka-orange. That’s what you drank the night you met him at the club.
“Thanks,” you give him a short smile taking a sip and moving away from the picture.
He watches you wander around the room, his eyes are practically burning your back. You finish the drink and put the glass down to the small coffee table and turning around you find him sitting on the edge of the bed, eyeing you so lustfully you can feel your cheeks turning red again.
“You are so beautiful,” he whispers, his voice sending shivers down your spine. You lick your lips as you see him pull his shirt off throwing it to the side. The urge to touch him is irresistible and you are kind of over keeping yourself back from him
After all, you are here, at his place. Now that you came all the way here you might just live in the moment and give in to all your cravings.
As you start walking towards him he stands up, towering above you, his eyes burning from lust and you know how he must be feeling, cause the same thing is happening to you. You tiptoe as one of your hands slide to the back of his neck. His forehead meets yours and you want nothing else than to feel his lips on you. Everywhere on your body.
You tilt your head to give yourself what you want, but he has other plans. One of his strong arms curl around your body as he turns you and pushes you to the bed getting on top of you. A gasp slips through your lips as you hold onto him tighter, earning a smile from him.
“Don’t worry, I got you,” he whispers, his nose touching yours. Your heart is about to burst out of your chest as you slowly close your eyes, getting ready to what’s about to come.
“That’s what I’m worried about,” you manage to say before pressing your lips to his.
It’s just like the first time over and over again, only this time it’s not a dirty brick wall you are pressed against and you are nowhere near drunk like that night in the club. Alcohol has nothing to do with your state of mind as his lips work perfectly against yours, his large hands holding you firmly while you tangle your fingers through his soft hair.
You keep moaning as his mouth works its magic on your heated skin on your neck, his hands roaming your bare thighs and you thank god you chose to wear shorts that morning. You wouldn’t bear having something between you and his hands right now.
“You’re making me lose my mind, Señorita,” he whispers before bringing his perfect lips back to yours.
Somehow you manage to turn the two of you over, sitting on his hips as you stare down at him slightly panting. His hand reaches up cupping your cheek in his palm. His look is making you go crazy. He looks at you as if you were the most precious thing he has ever saw, the tenderness and lust in his eyes are gripping your soul, making you feel like you and him are the only people on the world at this moment. He pushes himself up on his elbows as he senses your hesitation. You can’t really decide how this is all happening to you and you still feel like you could wake up from this dream any moment.
“What are you thinking about?” he asks.
“You,” you bluntly say earning a boyish smile from him that makes your heart skip a beat.
“What about me?” His husky voice is the sexiest thing you’ve ever heard.
“Why do you want me?” you ask voicing your inner thoughts.
He remains silent as his fingers caress the side of your face, making you melt under his touch. Your hand slides to his stomach, feeling his hard abs under his hot skin.
“Because…” he starts and you hold your breath waiting for the rest. “I’ve never met anyone like you.”
You close your eyes as his fingers run through your hair, his hand stopping on the back of your head.
“You make me want things I thought I would never want. I feel like I don’t deserve you, but my heart just wouldn’t let me give up on you.”
Tears are burning your eyes, this moment feels more than unreal. If someone told you a few weeks ago Shawn Mendes would be saying these things to you, you would have laughed so hard. But now somehow it’s your reality and you don’t want the moment to end.
“Don’t cry, Señorita,” he pleads cupping your face in both of his hands as he pulls you close to him, resting his forehead against yours. “Did I say something wrong?”
You shake your head not wanting to speak because you know you’d choke on your words. Wrapping your arms around his neck you kiss him to stop him from asking any more questions. He returns the kiss, but you can feel his hesitation and you are cursing yourself for being so emotional.
He pushes you down into the mattress, getting on top of you once again, but he breaks the kiss staring down at you.
“Are you crying because of me?” he asks in despair.
The answer is yes, but it’s not quite how he would think. It’s not something he did or said. You are scared for your life because you’ve never felt like this before and you have no idea what you are bringing yourself into. You should be running screaming, distancing yourself from someone like him, but instead here you are, tangled up with him, aching for his touch and you have no intention to leave anytime soon. You feel like you are playing with fire.
“Show me how much you want me,” you whisper into his lips, kissing him hard.
He doesn’t as any more questions, neither of you want to talk any longer. This night is about feeling.
  You feel like a creep, watching him sleep, but you just can’t get enough of him. His face looks so calm, so peaceful and child-like when he is asleep, you want to soak every moment in seeing him like this. The sun is warmly caressing your body and it’s probably well over the time you usually wake up, but you just couldn’t make yourself move. One of his arms is lying over your stomach, keeping you in place next to him as he is quietly snoring in his dream.
You need everything in you to slide out from under his arm. Grabbing your clothes from the floor you put them on just when you hear him snuffing and shuffling in bed. Turning around you see a pair of sleepy hazel eyes staring at you.
“Good morning,” he says groggily and it makes you smile.
“Good morning to you too,” you kindly say as you walk over to the window and open the curtains.
The shadows are playing on his glowing skin and his messy curls are screaming to be touched. He pushes himself up, sitting to the side of the bed as his eyes never leave yours.
“How did you sleep?” he asks as you shyly eye his naked chest.
“Come here then,” he smiles at you and you do as he asked.
Standing in front of him you climb to his lap, his arms curling around your waist while your hands slide to the base of his neck, fingers playing with his curls.
“I’ve been dreaming about waking up next to you forever and you just ruined it with hopping out of bed so fast.”
You can’t help but chuckle at his words as he presses his lips to your jawline, a smile hiding in the corner of his mouth.
“I’m sorry,” you pout your lips at him.
“What are you planning to do to make it up?”
“Make it up? Aren’t you a little carried away?” you giggle as he nuzzles his nose against your neck.
“Not at all. I think we should go back to sleep so I can wake up again, but you better be next to me this time,” he tells as he suddenly throws you back to where you slept next to him, a shriek slipping through your lips that turns into a laughter. His arms lock around you, not letting you move.
“But I’m not sleepy anymore,” you tell him as he lays his head down to the pillow, ready to fall back asleep.
“Doesn’t matter,” he mumbles with his eyes closed. The smile on your face is so wide as you stare at him.
He peeks at you, a smirk appearing on his perfectly shaped lips and you can’t hold a giggle back.
“Unbelievable,” he chuckles, his arms letting go of you and now you are lying next to each other, just enjoying the moment.
“I have to go home,” you speak up after a while even though nothing in your body wanted to say that out loud.
“Or we could stay here, in bed, all day,” he suggests.
“I can’t. I have to go home, my cat is probably starving by now. If I’m lucky my neighbor left out some food for him last night.”
“You have a cat?” he asks furrowing his eyebrows as he watches you sit up.
“Yeah. And he is very demanding.”
Standing up from the bed you grab your sweater from the armchair in the corner and put it on as Shawn finally crawls out of bed and puts his jeans and shirt on.
“Alright. That cat is more important than me. We are off to a rocky start, just saying,” he sighs and you just chuckle at him.
The ride back to your place is less scary than last night. You still hold onto his waist for dear life, but your thoughts are more occupied with the memories from last night and you don’t have time to be that scared this time.
Arriving he walks you up to the door and you turn to face him before opening the door.
“Are you working tomorrow?” he asks tugging a loose lock of hair behind your ear as you nod. “Might swing by for a meal then.”
“Okay,” you whisper.
Unlocking the door a ball of fur stalks out immediately, slaloming between you and Shawn’s legs, demanding attention and food immediately.
“So he is the one I have to fight with for your attention?” Shawn asks as you scoop up the clueless pet into your arms, giving him a good scratch on the head.
“Meet Gordon,” you introduce them to each other. Shawn gives him a few strokes and he purrs satisfied before having enough and jumping down, gracefully walking back into the house to sit at his plate and wait for his food.
“See you later then.” Leaning down he kisses you slowly, hands under your jaw to hold your head in place, not that you’d want to move away from him.
You watch him jump down the few stairs and hop back to his bike as you lean against the door frame. He smirks at you one more time before starting the engine and rolling away, disappearing behind the house on the corner.
Your heart is still somersaulting as you stare after him, an uneasy feeling washing through your body. Last night has changed everything and now you can’t stop thinking about what if he gets into trouble again. You’re not stupid, he won’t just give his lifestyle up for you even though you wished it worked as easily as you wanted.
The thought of him getting into another fight, or getting cornered by a gang just makes your stomach churn. He promised to be at the diner tomorrow, but what if he doesn’t show up? You doubt your heart can take losing him but it feels like as if something tragic is just waiting around the corner, ready to crash your romantic little bubble any moment.
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ladygiselasencen · 4 years
@fire-sapphics @honorablescythecurie here is it. pls dont rb also its like 30 words shorter than the last chapter-
If Sammie was being honest, she didn’t really want everyone else to come with on Saturday. She’d wanted to spend time with Gina, and only Gina.
She would have said no to Gina’s request, but there was something about their conversation that had seemed…off. Gina had texted her back, but it had been several minutes before she sent the request to invite other people. Something had happened in those few minutes, and so Sammie caved. She let Gina invite the rest of the people from their table.
She hadn’t been lying when she’d said she wanted to get to know them better. Everyone seemed so kind and fun, but they’d seemed a lot like a family. Sammie desperately wanted to be a part of that, but she wanted to spend time with Gina more.
There was also the lingering issue of their discussions about Logan. Maybe Gina was right to shun her, to badmouth her, but Sammie was still undecided. Logan seemed troubled, but not terrible. Sure, they’d had a rough first encounter, but if it wasn’t for Gina butting in…
That kind of thinking won’t get you anywhere, Sammie conceded as she applied her mascara. It was finally Saturday, and Sammie had been wrestling with the upcoming venture all morning.
As much as she regretted allowing Gina to invite more people, she was still excited. In her experience, friendships weren’t fast. This was practically a speed run, and it was a welcome change in Sammie’s unstable world.
They’d ultimately decided Gina would pick her and Leo up and they’d meet Mally and Andre at a coffee shop downtown. Gina was picking Leo up first, so it didn’t look like there would be any elements of, well, a date, at all.
No time for regret now. Sammie grabbed her lanyard and her phone as she slipped on her shoes before heading out into the living room. Her mother had offered her the other upstairs bedroom, but Sammie had let her use it as an office, opting for the smaller bedroom on the first floor with the wide windows towards the backyard. It felt more…magical. Of course, it didn’t feel magical yet, with almost no decoration and several boxes littering the floor still.
She anxiously stood by the kitchen counter, waiting for Gina’s car to pull up into the driveway. The house was quiet, boxes still stacked up two or three high in every corner of the room, making the whole house feel smaller than it really was. She’d been trying to unpack things after school, but with her mother busy and Sammie unsure of where to put things, her progress had been minimal.
Just then, she heard the rumble of the car pulling up in the driveway. Leo was waving at her from the backseat, and the passenger seat was empty.
Oh, Sammie thought as her stomach did a flip. She…wanted a date, too.
It was a strange feeling, knowing that two people had the same regrets, but they’d made it so they both were disappointed. But there was no time to wait. The air was pierced with the noise of Leo reaching up and honking the horn.
Sammie ran outside, slamming the door behind her. Leave my doubts and fears behind, right?
She opened the car door and sat down. “Hey, Gina, Leo.”
“Hey Sammie!” the two greeted her. “Ready to explore?” Gina asked. Her tone was excited, but Sammie could see something behind her eyes, the tell-tale sign of regret.
“Of course,” she replied, matching Gina’s excited tone.
“Then let’s get this show on the road!” Gina turned around and began pulling out of the driveway.
“Uh, hi, Sammie,” Leo interjected with mock annoyance.
“Hi, Leo,” Sammie answered sarcastically. “I’ve been dying to spend time with you all week, did you know that?”
“Oh really?” he said. “You needn’t flatter me.”
“Really, don’t flatter him. His head’s big enough as it is,” Gina laughed.
“Yeah, right,” he scoffed. “And pay attention to the freaking road, Gina, geez! You’ll crash your car!”
“Oh, because my track record shows I have a problem with that, does it?” she added slyly.
“Leo!” Sammie gasped. “You crashed a car already?”
“Yeah he did, and it was stupid, the way he did it too. Tell her,” Gina chided.
“I backed into a cart collector in the supermarket parking lot,” he admitted sheepishly. “The car was old enough that it ended up being totalled. I wasn’t hurt.”
“His self-esteem was, and he wasn’t allowed to drive for a month. Plus, he’d had his license for two weeks.” Gina said, laughing.
“What on earth, Leo. How do you even...what?” Sammie was laughing too.
“Shut up, I bet you’ve been in an accident, too.”
“I don’t even have my license,” Sammie admitted. “I’ve moved a ton, plus things just got…busy.” She sure as hell wasn’t going to tell them about her dad yet. It was too fresh in her mind, and she barely knew these people. They weren’t just at that stage yet.
“I’m sure you’ll get it soon,” Gina assured her after a moment of awkward silence. “Anyways, coffee! Best place in town, local place, not some chain. I mean, the chains are good when you’re crunched for time, because they have drive throughs, but this place is the best.”
“What’s it called?” Sammie wasn’t sure if she’d seen the place before.
“Salt & Pepper. Well, technically it’s Zara’s Salt & Pepper Cafe, but most people call it Salt & Pepper.”
“They don’t even have salt or pepper!” Leo cried.
“Yes, they do. It goes with their eggs and shit, their real food, that you never get,” Gina said as she rolled her eyes. “He’s not the brightest,” she said to Sammie.
“Ya think?” she laughed in response. “We’re meeting Mally and Andre there, right?”
“Yeah. Andre lives further away, and Mally works downtown. She said she’d meet us after her shift, so she might be a couple minutes late.”
Just then, Sammie felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She pulled it out to the side, so no one would see what it said. It was a message from Logan. Turns out, they had English together, and Logan had slipped a note with her number on it to Sammie. She’d debated texting Logan, but she had during her next class. It felt rebellious, secretive, and somehow…betraying. At the same time, it was fun, having a secret. She opened the message.
heyy are you free this weekend?? we could hang out <<3
Sammie glanced back at Gina. There was no way she’d have time after hanging out with her friends, and she’d made her mom promise they’d unpack some more tomorrow.
no, i’m busy this weekend, but i could find time next weekend. sorry </3
She slid her phone back into her pocket. “So, Salt & Pepper? What’s good there?” It felt forced, her lame attempt at conversation, but luckily, neither Gina nor Leo seemed to notice.
“Their mochas are really good, but I’m partial to an iced latte of sorts,” Gina said.
“I like their hot chocolate, and their mochas are really good,” Leo agreed. “They’re so sweet, but not too sweet, y’know?”
Sammie nodded, relieved they’d grabbed her bait. “So what should I get?”
“Mocha, for sure. And you don’t have to wait long. There it is,” Gina said pointing to a building a block away. “I’ll let you guys out before I park.”
She pulled up in front of the squat building before putting the car in park. “Unload, children!”
“Hey, I’m not a children!” Leo cried as they climbed out of the car.
Sammie turned to Leo. “She didn’t say anything…weird…about this, this excursion, this get-together, did she?”
Leo looked at her quizzically. “No?” He shook his head. “C’mon, let’s go get a table. Andre texted me a few minutes ago and said he’d be here in ten.” He turned and headed into the coffee shop.
Sammie hesitated a moment outside. Step through those doors, and it will all be fresh, all be brand new. She decided not to linger on Logan, or regrets, or would-have-beens. Today was not a day for those, but a day for friends and new beginnings. Later, she decided, she could return to those thoughts, but not now. Time to get a mocha and just hang out. Summoning just a tiny bit of courage, she followed through the doors Leo had entered a moment before. No regrets.
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Taking Care Of Business
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Gif credit @benson-shelby
A requested from wattpad
Hope you all enjoy 
Happy Reading Dollies
"Alright crew listen up, I want you to meet the newest member. My daughter Y/N". Hank introduced you even though you knew half the team already. Standing by your dad's side you were nervous. You had big shoes to fill and people didn't think you could cut it in the big leagues.
"Hey guys". You waved, Erin gave you a thumbs up and a wink.
"So since its her first day I want it to go smoothly. I'm pairing you up with Antonio". Hank nodded to Antonio who was on the phone.
Erin frowned. "I thought she was with me"?
"Two women pairing together spells trouble. I know you Erin. She's with Antonio". Hank sternly said.
"Fine". She pouted as you laughed.
"This is your first case. It should be an easy one. Just listen to Antonio". Hank told you with his hand on your shoulder.
"Dad I can do the hard cases. I'm trained in this and I have learned from the best".
"Flattering is not going to get you no where. Now do as you're told".
"I love you, be careful". He kissed your head.
"Will do Sergeant Voight". 
"Smart ass". He mumbled under his breath
You walked over to Antonio who was hanging up the phone and grabbing his jacket from the back of his chair.
"Here's our case file". You handed it to him.
"Okay but I have to stop somewhere first".
You followed Antonio down the stairs and to the car. He didnt say where you were going but you knew that it wasn't on the list of easy cases that Voight gave you.
"So you cool with me being your partner"? You asked, his eyes never leaving the road.
"I'm not up for babysitting so watch your back". He huffed turning down an alley.
"Right". You just wanted to cry. Feeling that Antonio was angry that you got partnered with him instead of someone else.
Pulling up to a old abandon house, it was boarded up. But the front door was new.
"Wait in the car". Antonio spoke harshly.
"You're not going in there alone, it's against the protocol. A sketchy place like this means trouble".
"I said stay". He demanded. You nodded your head and sighed back into the seat.
You pulled out your phone seeing a text from your dad. "How's the case going"? He asked.
You didn't know what to tell him so you said it was easy. Like he wanted. As you pressed send you heard a gun shot rang in the air.
"Antonio". You yelled out. Oh god not on your first day does someone die.
A big and tall male suspect ran out the front door with a gun in his hand. You went to check on Antonio, he was fine and waved you on. He was sitting on another suspect on the floor.
You saw the guys head over the fence as you ran along. Following him carefully, he kept looking over his shoulder but you stayed hidden. You didnt see the gun either he must have thrown it when you went to check on Antonio.
Pulling your gun you called out. "Police stop. Hands on your head". Now you were behind him pointing the gun at his head. If he tried anything you'd shoot.
"I'm not being taken to jail by some bitch". He snarled.
"It's either that or a body bag. Your choice".
He raised his hands but quickly maneuvered and slapped the gun out of your hand. He wrestled you to the ground as you went to get the gun.
His hands were around your throat. You claws at his face and he released. He stood up about to run but you brought your leg up you kicked him in the groin. He dropped to his knees with a thud. You punched him in the face a couple times. Stepping back to catch your breath. Taking out your hand cuffs you told him to lay down on the ground. He laughed holding himself. You swiftly kicked him in the jaw. He went splat on the ground. Hurrying to huff him while he was down.
"I guess you chose to get taken to prison by the bitch. Good choice. I didnt want all that paper work and a kill on my first day ". You grunted as you pulled him to his feet.
Trying to keep him in check and walk at the same time was a little difficult when he wouldn't listen to directions.
"You caught him"? Antonio praised with a smile.
"It was easy". You simply said with a shrug of your shoulder.
Antonio looked over the guys face. Blood was tripling down his chin and scratches littered his face. You had dirt all over you, your hair was a mess and you hand blood and skin under your nails
"You sure about that"?
"Yeah". You let out a breath of relief when he got into the car and settled down. Closing the door in his face. "I dont need to be babysat". You held your breath getting in the car maybe it would help you not hurt so much, you thought.
"You need to go to MED"?
"No I'm good. Thanks though".
"Listen I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier".
"Antonio, it's cool. I wouldnt want to train the newbie either".
"It's not that. It means I can't ask you on a date". Antonio started the car. You sat there with a smile on your face. You didn't know Antonio felt that way about you.
Going back to the station, you were exhausted. Your head hurt and you needed a nice cold drink. But you couldn't stop thinking about what Antonio said.
"Are you okay"? Hank looked you over.
"Yes, I'm fine". You groaned as you went up the first step.
"Antonio's on desk duty when I see him". Hank growled.
"Why"? If you had gotten him in trouble you definitely couldn't date him.
"He put you in harm's way".
"I was doing my job. If you're going to give me the easy cases then I will go to a different station".
"I just worry about you".
"Don't. I kicked ass today. I can take care of myself ask the suspect that's is in medical with a fractured jaw and swollen testicles". You smiled widely when Hank chuckled.
"That's my girl". Hank playfully hit your shoulder.
"Hey Y/N I heard what you did today. That guy was like eight feet tall and a big guy way to go". Trudy congratulated you on your first case.
"Thanks Trudy".
You were headed back up the step with Voight. When.
"You wrestled a bear"? Adam came down the steps stopping at you.
"A bear in Chicago"?
"I heard it was a bear". Adam looked between Hank and you. Hank shook his head.
"What? That's what I heard". Adam started walking off.
"Well it wasn't it was a drug dealer". "If you will excuse me I'm going to take some Advil and lie down". You said taking off up the stairs. Ouchs being heard.
Antonio came up behind Voight as Adam left.
"I'm sorry".
"You could have gotten her killed or yourself". "What were you thinking"?
"I got a call from a informer telling me there were drugs being sold and I knew something had to be done".
"You should have called for back up".
"I told her to stay in the car".
"Y/N doesn't listen and if she did then you wouldn't be standing here right now".
"Again sorry. I wont do it again".
"Damn right you won't. Don't make me regret putting her with you".
"I won't".
"She did good today". Antonio said trying to break the tension.
"She did, didnt she"? Hank was proud.
"Yeah a real badass. Just like her dad". Antonio slapped Voights back.
"A badass? My daughter"? "Don't tell her that she'll think she can do anything, I want her safe". Voight told Antonio.
"Got it".
"But I'm glad you partnered her up with me. I think she can show me a thing or two".
"That thing better stay in your pants Dawson".
"Get your mind out of the gutter". "I meant she may teach me some new combat moves". Antonio laughed as he went up stairs. But he wouldn't mind you making a move on him for sure. That was later to come cause he got to spend all day with you and you were trying to hide the sneaking around from Voight.
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super-legalizelove · 6 years
Robb Stark Oneshot
Robb Stark X Reader
Prompt: “He waited for her”
Words: 3,907
Warnings: None that I can think of!
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He waited for her. It has been four years since Robb Stark has seen the girl named Y/N, she was a simple king’s servant but he loved her no matter her title. When you were both young you had met Robb on a trip to Winterfell with King Robert, you had only been learning the ropes and that is what led to your meeting Robb.
You walk through the chilly castle trying to balance the dishes in your hands making your way to the kitchen but you were lost and quickly losing your grip on the plates and bowls. Not paying attention to where you were walking you slam right into someone and drop all of the objects, you let out a groan of annoyance looking up to see who it was that caused you to drop them. The color drained from your face when you locked eyes with Lord Ned’s son, Robb, you curtsy and look down at the ground afraid of the trouble you will most likely get into from this incident.
“Forgive me, my lord, I was not looking where I was looking.” You kneel to the ground rounding up the scattered dishes, thanking the gods that none of them broke.
“Nonsense it was my fault, my lady.” He also kneels down helping you pick up, and you shake your head not looking into his eyes.
“That is very kind but I am no lady, there is no need to help me. You must have more important things to attend too.” Nervousness taking over your speech. He chuckles and you glance up making eye contact yet again with his piercing blue eyes, noticing a few stray curls of hair falling into his face. “What is so funny?” You question, holding back a smile. It had been very long since you had talked to anyone other than other servants let alone a handsome boy like Robb.
“You talk a lot when you are nervous.” He points out and your face grows crimson as you finish grabbing the dishes standing back up.
“I apologize.” You say quietly, and you notice he has a few dishes in his hands, as he also stands up in front of you. “If you could please put those in the stack and I will be on my way.” He studies you for a second not saying a word as he takes in all your features.
“What kind of lord would I be if I let a lady struggle to carry all these. Please let me help you.” He smiles, and you shake your head looking around hoping that no one would be coming to see you talking to him.
“That would be completely inappropriate, I really do not want to get into any trouble.” you plead, scared of the consequences if any of the king's men were to see you.
“They are all on a hunt. No one is around. I insist on helping you, and you would not deny a lord would you?” He answers with a smirk, and you look at him with uncertainty. Thinking about his words for a second you finally nod and he smiles, taking half of the stack in your hands, lifting a large weight from your arms.
“Thank you, my lord.” You say as you both make your way to the kitchen, you mostly following him since you were lost before.
“Please call me Robb. What is your name?” He questions, glancing over at you seeing you looking at the ground as you walk. He takes notice of your nervousness and begins to think of ways to make you relax.
“Y/N.” You say and he smiles at your answer finding your name almost as beautiful as you.
“A beautiful name for a beautiful lady.” You blush crimson and hold back a smile from his comment. You finally glance over at him seeing that he was already looking at you with his blue eyes that reminded you of the sea. You quickly look away and you hear him chuckle softly. “I make you very nervous don’t I?” he asks you and your eyes widen at his blunt question.
“I am just not used to being treated with kindness, my lor… Robb.” You correct yourself at the end and he hums in response. “But I do appreciate such kindness that you have shown me.” You smile slightly looking over at him earning a grin in response to your smile.
“I believe every lady should be treated with respect, no matter their status.” He admits and you find his answer very respectable. You could tell that he would be a great leader one day, maybe even a great king.
“That is very honorable of you.” You smile as you both reach the kitchen and you find it empty which gave you a sense of relief. Robb sets down the dishes in his hands and takes yours setting them down as well.  
“So tell me about yourself,” Robb says, pulling out a chair at the table in the middle of the room and he sits down, watching as you begin running water for the dishes. You simply shrug as an answer. There really was not much to you, you were just a servant. “I will not take a shrug as an answer Y/N. Have you always lived in Kings Landing? Who are your parents?” You frown slightly at his choice of questions, but your back was facing him so he could not see that change in your demeanor.
“My mother worked in a brothel in Kings landing, she has no idea who my father could be. She was killed by a drunk when I was three and her friend who works for the king took me in and taught me how to be a servant. I am simply just a bastard servant.” You mumble, scrubbing at the dishes trying not to get too upset of the matter.
“I am sorry I did not mean to upset you.” He says, an uncomfortable tone in his voice.
“No need to apologize it is in the past. Can I ask you a question?” You turn around to face him, drying your hands on your dress.
“Of course.” He nods, keeping his eyes focused on your face.
“Do you make it a habit to chat with the servants or are you just looking to get something from me?” You question then cover your mouth immediately with wide eyes. “Oh my, Please forgive me I do not know why I would ask that.” You continue rambling as he stares at you with an amused look.
“It is alright Y/N, I understand you being wary. If you must know I do not do this often but I assure you that I do not want anything, I think of you to highly. I simply want to get to know this beautiful girl staying in the castle with me.” You stop talking and blush, looking to the ground. You turn your head when you hear people approaching the kitchen. Robb gets up and makes his way to you, taking your hands in his. “I hope to speak to you again my lady.” he kisses your cheek and leaves you alone in a daze trying to wrap your head around what just happened.
“There you are Y/N! The queen needs you!” Another servant exclaims as she walks in. You shake your head a little and nod, making your way towards the queen’s chambers with no words.
The days following your meeting with Robb you tried your best to stay clear of him, still not sure as to what to think about the interaction. It was becoming dark and you were outside taking a walk since you had finished your work for the day. Wandering the ground you found the stables and smiled making your way over to one of the horses. You reach your hand out and pet it’s head softly as it leans into your touch.
“You are a good girl aren’t you?” You smile, speaking to the animal. You always had a connection to animals and loved every chance you go to interact with them. While petting the creature you hear someone clear their throat behind you and you jump turning around to see Robb with a smirk on her face. “Robb! You scared me.” You exclaim, holding back a smile now that you knew it was just him. You had to admit something about him made your stomach do flips when you so much as even saw him. He chuckles and grins at your reaction to him.
“I am sorry to scare you Y/N. I just saw you from my window and thought I would come and say hello.” You blush and bite your lip slightly.
“So you are following me now?” You joke, walking away from the stables and he follows at your side.
“If that is what it takes to see you then yes, that is what I am doing.” He grins, glancing over at your face as your skin radiates from the moonlight.
“Has it ever crossed your mind that I was hiding from you?” You question not knowing why you were suddenly so comfortable around him.
“I sure hope that is not the case.” He smiles, hands behind his back as you walk together in the quiet night.
“You are very different Robb Stark.” You state, looking over at him with a smile.
“And you are very different than any other woman I have ever met in my life Y/N. I enjoy your company very much.” He grins, and he stops walking, you notice that you are both a ways from the castle now among the trees. “You are possibly the most beautiful woman in all of the seven kingdoms.” You blush, looking down at the ground not wanting him to see the effect his words have over you.
“You are too flattering my lord. There are many more beautiful girls than me, and they are ones that you won’t get into trouble for being around.” You sigh, snapping yourself out of whatever daydream was taking over you. He was highborn and next in line to be the lord of Winterfell, and you were simply a bastard child who was also a servant. Not even worthy to be speaking to such a man. He takes your hand and you look up meeting his eyes.
“I do not want any other girl. I know that we have only just met but I believe that you are the one for me Y/N. I do not care what your status is, who your parents are, or what you do for work. I only care about you.” Your breath hitches with his words and you tear up slightly. No one had ever shown you such kindness but you couldn’t ignore your mind which was screaming at you that it would never happen and that it is not right, and that you must leave.
“I am sorry Robb.” You say in a hushed tone, looking away from his eyes. “It is not possible.” You slowly let go of his hands and look at the ground.
“No, it is possible Y/N.” he objects searching for your eyes but you refused to meet his. “Look at me.” You shake your head and he speaks again. “Look at me.” Sighing you look at his eyes and see hurt in them, you could see him silently pleading for you to say something else.  “I love you.” You scoff, tears pricking your eyes.
“You don’t even know me.” your words were a disguise because you also felt the same way, you both had a connection but you could not let yourself give in.
“I can’t Robb. I know my place, and it’s not with you. Just please, don’t speak to me anymore. I just need to do my job then I will go back to King’s Landing where I will serve the king. Because that is my duty. Just like yours is to marry a lady and become lord of Winterfell. We are not from the same world, so please just let me do my job and when I leave you can forget about me.” You finally speak up. Once you finish speaking you walk away leaving him in the trees, tears fell from your eyes but you refused to look back. You just keep telling yourself ‘you are from different worlds, it isn’t meant to be.’
It had been weeks since you last talked to Robb and you made quite an effort to stay clear of him, not ready to see the hurt look in his eyes. Ever since you told Robb everything that had been running through your mind and you stopped seeing him around Winterfell felt a little colder. You were on your way to where the king has summoned you and you felt nervous, worried that something was going to happen. You knock on the door and hear the king say come in.
“Ah, there she is. Ned this is Y/N. She is learning to be a servant for us, and she is one of the best.” You walk in and curtsey, to both of the men with a small smile on your face.
“It is a pleasure to meet you Lord Stark.” He nods in response with a small smile.
“Lord Stark was looking for someone to accompany him and his sons on a hunting trip and I suggested you. Of course, you will not do the hunting but you will serve them food and drinks.” You froze at the thought of spending the time with Robb but quickly pushed it into the back of your mind.
“I would be honored, my lord.”
“Yes well get ready they are leaving within the hour, bring a cloak it is getting cold and I don’t need you getting sick.” The king orders. You nod and curtsey before leaving the room going to change into better clothes.
After changing and getting food and wine for the trip you make your way to the courtyard and you see the men readying their horses for the trip. You make eye contact with Robb and quickly look down making your way to Ned.
“Ah Y/N, thank you again for coming along,” Ned says and you smile with a small nod. “There is a horse over there ready for you and we will leave shortly.”
“Thank you, Lord Stark.” You curtsey and make your way to the horse noticing that it is the same one you were petting the other night. You smile and pet her head and start attaching the food and drinks to the saddle.
“Do you need any help getting on your horse?” A voice asks from beside you. You see a curly-haired man with jet back hair and soft eyes.
“I can manage. Thank you…” You hesitate not knowing the man's name.
“Jon. Jon Snow.” He smiles and you return it with a small nod.
“It is nice to meet you Jon. and thank you again for your kindness.” He nods and leaves back to his horse climbing onto it. You look over and see Robb looking at you with pain in his eyes and your smile fades and you feel an aching in your chest. You look away and climb onto your horse, making sure you had your legs covered and your cloak tightened around you.
After leaving Winterfell and going into the forest you had spoken to Jon, mostly speaking of his plans on going to the wall once he is of age. You found that very honorable and respected him for being willing to make such a sacrifice for the kingdoms. Around midday, everyone had stopped and you served them and was even invited by ned to join them, you sat between Jon and Ned and would glance over at Robb every once in a while noticing him not eating his food. Once everyone had eaten you packed up the things and you all continued riding around in search of a boar to kill. The ride was peaceful but then your horse started to jerk and whine.
“Woah girl.” You say, and you try to calm her down as she was jerking more and more. Robb stops and glances back seeing the horse act up, he frowns and waits for you go get her calm. She suddenly bucks and you fall off onto your back and she takes off running away from us. All the men jump from their horses to check on you and Robb is quickly at your side making sure that you are not hurt.
“Are you alright? Does anything hurt?” He questions, his hand on your back helping you stand up. You dust yourself off while shaking your head, trying to draw the attention away from you.
“I am fine.” You pull away from him slightly, feeling only hurt in your heart under his touch.
“I don’t think she is coming back,” Jon announces looking in the way that your horse ran, and your sigh upset about having her run away.
“That is fine. I can walk beside you all.” You smile reassuringly and Robb shakes his head, protesting your words.
“You can ride with me, there is no reason for you to walk.” You look at him then to Ned who nods at his son's words.
“Thank you.” You say quietly as they all get back on their horses and Robb leads you to his. He lifts you up and then gets on in front of you, you try to keep your distance from him but he looks back to you, his blue eyes piercing yours.
“You should hold on to me so you don’t fall off another horse.” He states, looking forward, motioning for his horse to follow the rest. You swallow hard and slowly wrap your arms around him, your asking tingling where you two were touching. He keeps his horse in the back of the others and makes sure you two are out of hearing distance of the others. “Y/N I want to talk about that night,” he whispers and he feels you tense against him.
“I really rather not Robb. Let us just finish this hunting trip.” He stays silent and simply nods at your answer, as you look out towards the trees, tears pricking your eyes.
You get home late at night and it is beginning to storm rain pelting down on your heads. Everyone leaves their horses and goes into the castle but once you get down from Robb’s horse you stay to help put them away with the other servants. Robb does not leave and he looks to the other servants and orders them to leave you two alone. You sigh and turn away from the horse you were focused on and you face him, the rain pouring down on the both of you.
“Robb what do you want?” you ask, pain soaking your voice. He shakes his head coming closer to you.
“I have told you already. I want you. I can’t even think straight when I am not around you, my heart grows heavy when I see you but I can’t talk to you. Y/N I do not care what you think about us being together because of our status differences I love you. Please tell me you feel the same way.” You look down to the ground, thankful that the rain is covering the tears falling from your eyes. He grabs your hands and brings you closer as you look up at him. “Please,” he begs his voice cracking slightly.
Taking in a shaky breath you look right into his eyes. “I do. I love you more than I could love anyone. But Robb…” your words are cut off by him kissing you deeply. Your breath hitches but you quickly wrap your arms around his neck kissing him back with a passion you had never felt before. He pulls away and looks at you with a smile.
“You have to stay.” He says, knowing that the king and his men were leaving the next day. You smile and shake your head while your hair is plastered to your head from the rain.
“I have to go back. It is my duty.” You sigh, pushing his hair from his eyes.
“My father can have you stay, please. I want to be with you.” He pleads and you kiss him lightly to make him be quiet.
“I will come back, but only when I can. My duty is to serve the king, and that is what I will do. But I promise I will come back to you.” He looks sad but nods anyway, kissing you once more making you wish it would never end.
Years had passed since you left Winterfell and Robb waited for you, waiting for the day that you would come back to him. Once his father had been charged as a traitor he moved his army to show Joffrey that he was not fit to be king. He had slowly believed that you were most likely dead knowing that you only thought of Robert as your king and not that little twat.
“We have to attack the Lannister Army soon and weaken them, once we show that we can hurt them, we can get more soldiers to join us and we will win this war,” Robb announces looking at the map in front of him with many other men surrounding him.
“I am sorry Sir but there is someone out there looking for you, they just walked into camp asking for you.” A soldier walks in grabbing his attention. Robb nods leaving the tent towards where the soldier was leading him. He stops when he sees you, you were still as beautiful as the day you had left, even more, if that was even possible. You look up from where you were sitting and smile, seeing his blue eyes staring at you with disbelief. He quickly runs to you and envelops you in a hug and kisses you deeply. You never wanted it to end, his kiss was the only thing that you thought of through these past years. Returning to him is what kept you going.
“You are here. I thought you were dead,” he mumbles into your lips kissing you over and over. You smile against his lips pulling away to look into his eyes.
“I promised I would come back.” He grins, taking every detail in of your face.
“And I waited for you.” he kisses you once more, and suddenly everything was worth it for you. The years serving the king, until his dying day it was all worth it now that you were back with your one true love, and you were never leaving his side ever again.
A/N: Hey everyone I really hope you enjoyed this Oneshot! I worked super hard on it and I am so proud and I love it! Richard Madden has been making me fall deeper and deeper love with him lately and so I am on a writing spree for him. If anyone has any requests for any of his characters feel free to send them in! I love you all and I hope you had a lovely valentines day!
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lacrossepapi · 6 years
Hold Your Devil By His Spoke
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Hi! This is my gift to @tahlreth for the @stetersecretsanta exchange! I went way deep off the prompt for this so uh I hope you like it and if you dont thats okay cause I wrote you another one! 
Ao3: Link                 Words:3099               Chapters: 1/1
The earth here still remembered his presence, the branches gently caressing him as he treaded softly underneath. The Beacon Hills Forest Preserve would always remember him and the taste of his family’s blood, though it was different now, changed forever by the feet of strangers. He found himself growling at the amount of garbage he could smell in his homeland.
The thought caused him to growl again. Who let these strangers trample this powerful, untamed land, so charged he could practically feel it thrumming beneath him?
This was Peter Hale’s home and the land knew it.
Approaching the ruins of his family’s once magnificent plantation would never be easy, but Peter was a resilient man. He’d been left standing after his home had burned and he would still be standing after the world was bathed in Hellfire and Brimstone. The Lord taketh away, but he would be giving eventually, if he didn’t Peter would just have to start taking.
Peter leaned against an old oak when his ears picked up the sound of a rumbling jeep. The only cars allowed in the preserve were the law and the handsome ranger Peter had glimpsed through a window sleeping on his desk when he’d entered the preserve. Peter would bet his inheritance that the Jeep rumbling towards him was not the law.
I said Lord, don't have mercy on me I'm looking for a light in the darkest of streets I said Lord, don't you have mercy on me I'm looking for a light in the darkest of streets
Peter rolled his eyes at the boy who drove past singing at the top of his lungs. Definitely not the law.
He sneaked through the overgrown grass, following the loud rumbling jeep with its loud caterwauling driver. This road went to the old Hale plantation and nowhere else, Peter felt anger wrap around him like a well known lover. Why did this loud annoying young man think he had any right to sully the god given land his ancestors had owned for generations?
Peter waited on the edge of the clearing till the sun had dipped low and the owls had started rustling in the trees before he finally heard the young man approaching, this time whistling Lonesome Drifter like a proper southern gentleman.
The boy reeked of cleaning chemicals and there was a lightness to him like he’d just caught the prize winning turkey at the fair, Peter didn't’t like it.
Peter turned around and quietly ran through the forest, leaping over rotten stumps as he raced to get ahead of the old jeep.
The sound of brakes screaming like the rapture hurt Peter’s ears but it was worth it.
“Holy shit fire, what the hell are you doin’ in the road there?” the young ranger’s voice called out as he shoved his head out the window to properly look at Peter.
“Afternoon, ranger! I seem to have gotten lost on my way out of this here park. I followed the sound of your singin’ and that ole’ beauty you got there and found the road, but I’m not quite sure where in the hell I am!” Peter hated talking like this.
He might have been born and raised in Beacon County but that didn’t mean he had to put his good education to waste, though a little Southern charm added to some simple ignorance always went a long way.
“Well shit, yeah I’ll take ya back to the ranger’s station. Promise not to tell anyone you got lost in my woods though, sir!” the ranger gave him a bright charming smile, but Peter knew the smell of shit by heart and this boy stunk like a pig pen.
Peter smiled back at the boy and lifted himself into the Jeep with a quiet grunt. Something was off about this young man and Peter wanted to know what he was doing in the Hale mansion.
“I was tryin’ to see the haunted house y'all got out here but I got dreadfully lost. Have you been?”
“Why yes I have, I’m comin’ from the old Hale house right now.” the ranger’s tone had lost its cheery edge.
“What’s it like?”
“Well it’s not empty if you’re in it right?” Peter laughed a charming sound.
“No, I guess not.” Now the ranger sounded plum irritated.  
“So, what were you doing up there?” Peter asked casually.
“I was just makin’ sure the teenagers weren’t drinkin’ in there again.”
“Kids these days are much wilder than my cousins and I were.”  Peter chuckled.
“Well sugar we’re here. Is your car close?” The ranger was all smiles once again now that Peter had backed off the topic of the Hale mansion.
“I walked here actually. Thanks for the ride, darlin.” Peter smiled before gasping, “I’m so rude! I didn’t even ask your name!”
“It’s Stiles Stilinski, sir. And yours?” Stiles asked curiously once they were both stand out in front of the jeep.
Stiles smiled his fakest smiled yet and said, “Well nice to meet you Peter No-Last-Name. Next time you want to go off the trails in my woods take a guide.”
With those parting words the ranger turned and entered the little station.
Peter would have to monitor this boy with his shiny smiles and lifeless intelligent eyes, something wasn’t right here.
The humidity hung through the air like a veil in Beacon Hills, one had to cross the veil with every step. Peter had never experienced the powerful feeling anywhere else. The sun made its presence overwhelmingly known throughout Peter’s day of crouching behind beat up two-door trucks and large well manicured shrubbery.
The young ranger lived an ordinary life, if one didn’t noticed the emptiness in his eyes or the way his aura screamed Danger. There was a sparking, angry energy wrapped around the man that the sweet, God fearing residents of Beacon Hills didn’t seem to notice. Peter could see it’s tendrils slithering towards people the longer Stiles talked to them, could see the way Stiles’ hands twitched when it touched someone.
During the day Stiles Stilinski was the son of the good sheriff that’d left this world too soon and the preserve ranger who kept the kids out of trouble. He was the epitome of a good southern boy and the townsfolk ate out his hand.
“This boy stinks more than a donkey in August heat.” Peter mumurred to himself once he’d finally sat down in the air conditioned Country Kitchen.
He’d been so preoccupied trying to find something that wasn’t disgustingly bad for the body that he had missed the door opening, but there was no way Peter could miss the electric taste of Stiles’ presence. His blue eyes flashed once before he looked up to smile charmingly at the other man.
“Well hello there, handsome ranger.” “Peter No-Last-Name I oughtta call your momma for that shameless flattery.” Stiles’ grin was more predatory than playful like a hyena on the hunt.
“She’s dead, bless her soul, so she’d be kind of hard to reach just for a tattlin’.” Peter had casually thrown it out to gauge Stiles’ reaction, but the man just shrugged.
“Mine’s gone too, bless her soul, don’t mean I can’t go tattlin’ anyways.” he flashed a cheeky grin.
“‘What can I get you two lovely boys?” The waitress’ appearance almost startled Peter, he’d been so wrapped up in his banter with Stiles he hadn’t noticed her approaching.
Stiles flashed one more sharp grin at Peter before his smile became sweet as molasses, “Can I get the Country Fried Chicken with grits and Country Gravy on both of those please, honey.”
“Sure thing sugar. What you want to drink?”
“Now darlin’ you ought to know I’d want a nice cold sweet tea.” Stiles replied with a wink.
The waitress giggled and hit his shoulder lightly before calling him a flatterer with the devil’s tongue.
Peter was enraptured by the display of effortless charm Stiles was putting on, now he just knew it was all candy coated lies.
“I’ll have the same please.”
“Coming right up, hun. Yall behave while I’m gone” she left them with a wink of her own and danced across the dining room to get to the kitchen.
“You’re as slippery as a snake.” Stiles’ words caught Peter off guard with their frigid delivery.
“Now why would you say a thing like that to a practical stranger?” Peter asked, leaning forward to rest his chin on his fist and inclining an eyebrow.
“Well, we aren’t exactly strangers are we Peter David Hale?” Stiles mirrored Peter’ body language while Peter tried not to react.
“No I guess we are not Mieczyslaw Jonathan Stilinski.” Peter smirked at the boy.
“Did you practice my name in the mirror for your big villain reveal?”
“Well you did the big villain reveal first now didn’t you? Are either of us an actual villain Stiles?”
The smile dropped from Stiles’ face and his expression turned stormy, Peter could feel the crackling tenders approaching him.
“I’d appreciate if your little friends didn’t leech my energy.” Peter finally got Stiles to show surprise with that reveal.
The men sat in charged silence until their waitress returned for refills and their plates.
“Thank you ma’am.” Peter smiled at the waitress, causing her to blush.
“The two of you could rule the world with your flattery alone.” The waitress smiled at both of them one more time before departing again.
“We would be formidable.” Stiles sounded like he was contemplating something.
“I am intrigued to see exactly what you’re doing out in those woods, ranger.”
Stiles nodded, “Well it looks like I’m takin’ ya out there, so hurry up now and finish your grits.”
Peter wasn’t foolish, he told the ranger he would meet him at the Hale mansion on his own. The jeep was a good place to try to incapacitate him and Peter wasn’t going to give Stiles the chance.
Peter let the preserve wrap around him once more as he hiked to the Hale mansion. The moss covered trees reached out to caress Peter as he passed, the wind moaning his family name. Peter’s blood was singing in his veins as he approached the clearing around his old home.
The younger man was leaning against his jeep singingly loudly.
Don’t care if he’s guilty, don’t care if he’s not
He’s good and he’s bad and he’s all that I’ve got
Oh Lord, Oh Lord, I’m begging you please
Don’t take that sinner from me
Oh don’t take that sinner from me
Peter entered the clearing as the boy finished.
“Perfect timing the song is just ending.” Stiles grinned before leaning in the window of his Jeep to turn it off.
Peter took a moment to get a good look at the ranger’s ass before he pushed his attraction aside and remembered this evening was most likely going to end in murder, and he wasn’t as confident that he’d win as he’d like to be.
“Well if you’re done looking at my rump let me show you what I’ve been doing out here.” Stiles’ grin and eyes were sharp with mischief.
“It’s a nice ass to look at darlin’.”
Stiles’ laughter echoed in the hollow bones of Peter’s childhood home. Peter wasn’t stupid enough to lead like Stiles was trying to make him, this was no longer the place of his memories Stiles had taken this skeleton and given it life again. Peter would not step blindly in this place, especially when he glimpsed a tripwire near the entrance. Stiles had set up traps but the more of them Peter noticed the more he also noticed the traps were set to spring as if to keep someone in than to keep someone out.
“Why are there so many traps?”
“You have keen eyes Peter Hale.”
Stiles’ response offered no answers and Peter rolled his eyes at the man’s back. Peter took a moment to let his shift wash over his eyes, with his wolf eyes he could see many many traps all over the house. Peter let the shift fall away before Stiles could see, but wasn’t sure the man hadn’t already figured it out anyways.
The deeper they went the more Peter’s skin started to crawl, he wasn’t sure he was ready to enter the room his entire family had died in. The room he’d snapped many of the human’s necks so they would have to feel the flames. The room he’d said goodbye to not only every member of his family, but also to the boy he’d been.
Never again would Peter be caught unaware.
As they descended the steps to the cellar Stiles began his story, “It started when I was about sixteen. My father and I had known the Hale fire had been arson, but my pa wouldn’t pursue it further. I think it was because the officials that did look into it usually ended up moving away and becoming mysteriously wealthy or they ended up dead. Little did I know that pops had been looking into it the whole time. I found his files the summer before junior year, just before he passed, may he rest in peace. In those files the name Kate Argent was circled, she was someone on the periphery of all the investigations, all the suspects had been seen at least once with Kate. Dad was leaving an unknown location in his cruiser when a semi hit him head on.” Stiles stopped at the base of the stairs and took a breath.
He didn’t turn any lights on, it was too dark for even Peter’s eyes meaning he had no idea where Stiles was now or what was going to happen now that they had reached the cellar.
“That unknown location wasn’t so mysterious when you had all of the puzzle pieces. I was young then, mind you, but I ended Gerard and Kate Argent a month after they’d made me bury another parent. I wish it’d been long and painful. I wish that for both of us Peter. They deserved so much worse than they got, but I was full of so much rage back then. I poisoned them. Potassium Chloride for Gerard and Succinylcholine for Kate. He was old so a heart attack wasn’t even worth lookin’ into and all it took was a little evidence planting to make Kate’s asphyxiation and paralysis look like an allergic reaction. Did you know that Kate was allergic to some of Gerard’s medicine? The report says that after she found her father dead she took all of his medicine and killed herself. How tragic.”
Peter’s entire body was rigid with tension, he didn’t like not knowing where Stiles was, but he needed to hear the rest of the story.
“After those two were gone I simply broke in and went through their files. Did you know werewolves are real, Peter David Hale? Are you named after David in this bible or David Kessler? Has the big American werewolf even been to London?”
“My name is biblical, Mieczysław.” Peter’s words floated out into the dark abyss around him.
“How boring.”
Suddenly Stiles was pressed against Peter’s body, his lips crashing into Peter’s. Peter wrapped his arms around the lithe body, his hands exploring every inch of Stiles that they could reach. The kiss was all consuming and full of a fire he didn’t know he still had in him. When Stiles stepped back and out of reach Peter couldn’t stop the high pitched whine that escaped him.
Stiles made a contemplative sound before saying quietly, almost like he was making a note to himself, “Needy.”
Before Peter could be offended Stiles continued, “I just wanted to taste you before I showed you. I didn’t want to kill you before I kissed you. I don’t want to kill you, Peter. I hope I don’t have to.”
With that Stiles finally turned the lights on, it took a moment for Peter’s eyes to adjust but when they did he gasped.
The entire cellar had been turned into a torture room, but Peter’s attention was drawn elsewhere before he could properly inspect the room. In the middle of the room was a bloodied stump of a man, who was on the cusp of death his heartbeat so quiet and slow Peter hadn’t heard it.
“And who is this unfortunate soul?”
“He raped three girls this summer.”
“And why is he still alive?”
“I was going to kill him that day I ran into you but my sparks told me I was being watched.”
Peter hummed, “So you did know. Interesting.”
“Oh baby you’re easier than pie. I saw through your little tourist facade almost instantly.”
Peter growled and stepped closer, noting that the sound aroused Stiles, “You’re little Blessed Ranger routine is flimsy at best.”
Stiles laughed before he pulled Peter forward by his belt loops. “So you aren’t gonna make me kill you?”
“You couldn’t catch me much less kill me, but no little ranger. I seem to have taken a shinin’ to you.”
They kissed once more before Stiles stepped away, “Wanna help me clean this up?”
“You made the mess darlin’, you can finish up. I’d like to watch you work.”
Stiles grinned sharp, “You just wanna stare at my ass.”
Peter flashed his eyes with a low rumble, “Not just that.”
Stiles shivered much to Peter’s delight.
“Well fine. You watch but next time you’re helpin’. Hit play if you will.” Stiles gestured to the speaker on the far counter.
I might be a part of this Ripple on water from a lonesome drip A fallen tree that witness me I'm alone, him and me
Peter knew this song and joined in with Stiles’ singing.
And then life itself could not aspire To have someone be so admired I threw creation to my king With the silence broken by a whispered, wind All of this can be broken All of this can be broken Hold your devil by his spoke and spin him to the ground
Their voices danced and spun around each other as the melody overshadowed the muffled screams of a soon to be dead rapist. The tree outside the Hale mansion sang their own song of triumph as the spark and the wolf finally joined. The land had called for a savior and had received two broken men ready to watch the world crumble down around them. They’d withstood catastrophe and now it was their turn to reap destruction on those unworthy of town they called home.
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sovietarchive-blog · 6 years
so i need to know what are certian things you see in illya others dont? does he fear anything? does he wish to redo anything? what is his relationship with solo & teller now? does he still see himself as a monster? how do you canon his sexuality and kgb training? is more attuned to uncle or the kgb? has he seen his parents ever again? does he lile to travel, if so best place he traveled? what was the one thing he got in trouble for the most as a child? who does he look up to?
          thank you so much for sending this in!  I love questions like this and don’t get the opportunity to answer them very often.  while I can’t say that I definitively see things in illya that other people definitely don’t  –  I do flatter myself that I’ve put an enormous amount of thought into his character and understand him pretty well, so I’m really excited to delve into all of these things!
does he fear anything?
          illya is very, very human, despite what some might think.  (see: solo’s initial comments to his superior officer after that first chase with him.)  he certainly has fears, although death isn’t among them ;  he’d much rather die with honor than live with shame.  for the most part, he’s been desensitized to fears the way most people see them, as part of his kgb training, because ultimately the goal is for these agents to have very little for their enemies to hold over their heads / threaten them with.  that said, his superiors, as exhibited in the film, actively fed illya’s single deepest fear:  ending up like his father.  in a way, I think that fear was partially artificially created by the institution which got its claws into him at an incredibly young age ;  even before his official kgb training, he attended ‘exclusive’ schools closely monitored by the government and was fed propaganda which eventually morphed his opinion of both himself and his country, which we see later.
          illya has very little concern for his own self-preservation and clearly quite a low self-image, in that he sees himself as little more than a cog in the soviet machine.  shame on himself is shame on his country  –  and perhaps more importantly than that, shame on his family.  his mother remains a deeply important part of his life and I think that he fears for her reputation as well.  solo brings up his mother’s reputation in the movie  –  and I think illya’s rage has less to do with how his father’s friends saw her and more with the fact that these were things she had to do in order to keep herself and her young son afloat.  he never wants to put her in the same position his father did, and the idea of shaming himself and compromising her in the process is also a great fear of his.  all other fears, in comparison, are inconsequential.
does he wish to redo anything?
          I’m not sure illya has ever felt like he has the sort of autonomy to be able to wish this.  even later on in life, when he’s been given the opportunity to step back from the soviets, join u.n.c.l.e., and eventually retire, even after he comes to terms with the fact that he didn’t deserve what they did to him, he realizes that things could not have ended up any other way.  he was too young to have had the opportunity to make a choice when they got their hands on him, and by the time he’s deep into the kgb, it was simply too dangerous to try to leave  –  and he has his mother to think about.  fortunately, u.n.c.l.e. provided him some relief and eventually he gets to leave spying entirely, but when it comes to wishing he could redo things?
          honestly there’s the occasional moment he wishes he could relive.  he wishes he could say something else to someone he likes, instead of being his awkward self.  he wishes he would have used a different move in a fight or a different interrogation tactic in a particular moment.  but when it comes to overarching themes of his life?  there’s not much he feels he could have done differently even if he wanted to.
what is his relationship with solo & teller now?
          I can honestly say that every dynamic I’ve ever imagined or rped with others has me convinced that, despite occasional roadblocks, illya grows to deeply care for both solo and teller more than anyone he’s ever cared for in his life, except perhaps his mother.  you see those relationships growing in the duration of the film, but illya  …  well, frankly, he’s never had anything like a functional family, nor people he feels actually care about him.  his relationship with gaby obviously progresses more quickly in the film  –  in that he’s willing to even voice his concern about her to solo later on and he’s very soft with her particularly in their last one on one scene  –  but I think that solo returning his watch is a real turning point in their relationship.  obviously, they’ve grown to care in some capacity about each other and they’re in a place where they won’t leave each other behind.  illya definitely feels some level of camaraderie with solo even before this moment.  but until then, he’s absolutely planning on killing solo for the disc.  sure, illya is aware that solo was, more or less, saving his own skin in that moment  –  but the fact that solo a) remembered the significance of the watch, b) considered that even as they were storming that island and c) thought enough of it to both recognize and take back the watch to begin with, is more thoughtfulness by far than illya is used to, despite the motivations of the exact moment in which he returns it.
          the following scene, in which they burn the disc, is by far the most egregious breach of orders illya has ever committed, but not only is he unwilling to destroy this relationship he’s built up, no matter how tenuous it remains, he’s also fully aware of the implications of either the u.s.a. or soviet union getting their hands on that disk.
          I can only imagine those strange yet strong bonds deepen with each mission.  regardless of any romantic connections, which largely rely on my rp partners, he would die for either of them, whether or not they feel the same.  he’s never had a dynamic support system like the one they offer, and frankly, I think waverly, to some extent, is included in this as well.  as far as illya is concerned, even if only on a subconscious level, this is the closest thing he’s had since childhood to a real family and he’ll do anything to protect that.
does he still see himself as a monster?
          yes and no.  having functional and meaningful relationships with other people, as we see him developing at the end of tmfu, certainly helps him understand his humanity outside of what the kgb expects of him.  I think he will always be somewhat ashamed of some of the things he’s done  –  and alarmingly blasé about others  –  and he’s certainly, to some extent, broken for the rest of his life, but having gaby and solo in his life absolutely helps him rebuild at least some of his opinion of himself, allowing him to see more than just a monster or a machine, because they help him see more than that, too.
          I haven’t written much about his relationship with waverly either  …  but I’m fairly convinced that the human way in which waverly treats them  ( shitty sarcastic jokes and all )  helps a great deal with this recovery process as well.  the way his soviet handler speaks to him is alarmingly awful, and even though waverly pokes dry fun at both the boys at almost all times, I have a hard time believing he wouldn’t be a far more empathetic boss than illya is used to  –  likely checking in on their well being, as he did for gaby, and just generally being  …  a pleasant superior in the harsh world of intelligence.  specifically I headcanon that waverly learns everything he can about illya’s skills and encourages him to use all of them, particularly those that aren’t connected to his physical prowess and rather to his intellectual side, which I think is often underutilized and underestimated by others.
how do you headcanon his sexuality and kgb training?
          since I don’t have time to go into his whole kgb training, I’m just going to kind of  …  do this as a ‘how did his training affect his sexuality’ even though I don’t know if that’s how it’s meant.  it’s really quite simple:  russia has never felt great about homosexuality, so although he’s always been attracted to men, it’s always something he’s vehemently ignored and tried to move past.  it’s been drilled into him over and over that same sex attraction is a bad thing  –  and furthermore that the government won’t hesitate to hurt him over it.  it’s something that makes him feel dirty and wrong for a very long time, at least until he’s a little more freed from their expectations.
          illya has been aware of his attraction to both men and women since he was in his mid-teens.  do I think he was ever punished for it?  no, because he’s always been quiet, cautious, and watchful.  I don’t think he’s ever told anybody up until  ( and frankly past )  tmfu canon, because before he ever had the chance to trust anyone enough to reveal it, he saw what happened to those who did and were found out.  within the ranks, it could be brutal and it put him off ever vocalizing his feelings, encouraging him instead to hold those urges back for years.
          in this way, u.n.c.l.e. serves yet another healthy purpose for him.  it gives him just a little more freedom to explore himself  –  and furthermore, an environment in which to do it.  I’m a big subscriber to the napoleon / illya ship and I actually don’t think that illya had much, if any, experience with men before he and solo started their thing  –  which again varies depending on who I’m rping with / what situation I’m thinking of.  this is something he’s repressed for a very long time, and no matter what, it takes time for him to be comfortable with his sexuality.  I also can’t get on board with the initial solo / illya hate-fucking that I see a lot, even though I really wish I could, mostly because I think that illya would absolutely have to learn to trust solo long before he’d be willing to engage with him sexually  --  because he’s terrified of the repercussions and what the russians would do to him, his mother, and his reputation as a result if they found out.
is he more attuned to u.n.c.l.e. or the kgb?
          I think that, at first, he’d like to think it’s the kgb, but he’s always been more attuned to u.n.c.l.e.  I’ve explained many of the reasons why further up in this post, but it basically comes down to the fact that u.n.c.l.e. offers him a camaraderie that the kgb never has and the people he works with in the organization actually care about him as a human being rather than just a weapon.
has he seen his parents ever again?
          he never saw his father after he was shipped off to siberia when illya was a child.  however, as for his mother, he did actually grow up with her still around and he maintains a pretty good relationship with her, although he doesn’t care for the man she eventually chose to remarry, who was a friend of his father’s.  he talks to her somewhat regularly and spends holidays with her when he can, although often he ends up being away and simply sends her a present.  he loves his mother very much and will always be available for her, no matter what.
does he like to travel?  if so, what’s the best place he’s ever traveled?
          this is another ‘yes and no’ question.  he’s spent the majority of his career traveling and I think that he has questionable memories in the majority of the world.  he equates a lot of his traveling experience with his profession and that’s not necessarily a good thing for his opinion of it.  however, he’s also an academic and he does love to visit certain locations around the world when he can.  he loves germany.  he loves vienna.  he loves egypt and scotland and croatia.  he didn’t initially like paris at all but he’s grown to truly appreciate it over the years.
          after his retirement, I think he finds much more peace in traveling for himself and thus will enjoy it more.  however, as for his favorite place, I headcanon that he purchases land sometime during his career in the black forest of western germany, a few miles outside a small town, in a very picturesque location where he can essentially just  ...  disappear.  the mystery and lore and beauty of that area just  ...  fits him wonderfully.  I think he’d want a place outside of russia in addition to his moscow flat, which he visits less and less as he gets older, and the entire area is just so lovely and fairly isolated and would give him an opportunity to really live his best life.  it’s not so much traveling, as he would live there, but it would certainly be his favorite place.  it’s peaceful and beautiful and honestly waht he deserves.
what was the one thing he in trouble for the most as a child?
          he was largely a very well behaved child, especially after his father was taken away, and I don’t think he got into pretty much any trouble after his father was taken to the gulag, because it scared him too much.  he was also always a very quiet boy without too many friends and certainly not prone to being disruptive or careless or really even particularly reckless.  ( even the recklessness we see in the film is typically very calculated. )  as a schoolchild, I think he used to get in trouble for a) not engaging well with other children and b) probably trying to read while the teacher taught, on occasion.
          when the ‘ psychotic episodes ’ began  ...  that was a different story.  I think that he unwittingly hurt several fellow students and was subsequently sent to reform / military schools.  nobody really did much to help what was happening to him and instead the government eventually took advantage of this part of him.  he has them largely under control now, but it’s still something that continues to haunt him  --  and that he continues to struggle with regularly, as we see.
who does he look up to?
          illya’s past is  ...  almost devoid of any role models, when you really think about it.  his superiors were almost always fairly cruel, and while he respected them and strove to please, I don’t really think he looked up to them.  he once looked up to his father, but that faded once he was sent off ;  frankly, his father broke his heart and betrayed him, and while he still holds love for him in his heart, I wouldn’t say he looks up to him.
          in his youth, I think that illya was guided largely by the heroes of russian literature, in the absence of anyone of flesh and blood.  grigoriy pechorin of lermontov’s a hero of our time.  pierre bezukhov of tolstoy’s war and peace.  ( oddly )  rodion raskolnikov of dostoyevsky’s crime and punishment.  university had an excellent influence on him, however, as the professors he encountered there gave him an opportunity to look up to real people, and he remains in contact particularly with his mentors from his graduate and doctorate programs, as often as he can.  university was the first time when he connected with people he felt were interested in mentoring him, rather than simply controlling him, and it was a very positive experience for him.
          I also believe that he eventually develops a real respect and admiration for waverly as a superior officer.  waverly, who is intelligent, often kind, but also firm.  waverly, who grows to understand illya’s humor more quickly than others do.  waverly, the first superior in his life who genuinely ends up being kind to him.  in his life as a spy, this relationship ends up providing him the most guidance and confidence, eventually.
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Bruno/Gunnthra C-S Support
Written by Memo
Gunnthra: Prince Alfonse, are you alright?
[Gunnthra charges next to him and gently picks him up, before she is face to face with Bruno.]
Bruno: Stand aside! Surrender or I will have no choice but to kill you!
Gunnthra: I’m sorry, but I have a mission to complete.
Bruno: Very well. Take this!
[Bruno summons a very powerful spell that nearly knocks her off her horse.]
Gunnthra: I really wish it did not have to end this way!
[Gunnthra also summons a spell that causes a lot of damage.]
Bruno: …
Gunnthra: Please, I do not want to hurt anyone anymore than I have to.
Bruno: Why did you…spare me…
Gunnthra: I’m just returning the favor. I felt it too, you know, you held back.
[Gunnthra gets off her horse and bends down to meet him eye to eye. She smiles softly and places a hand on her chest.]
Gunnthra: Thank you. Perhaps in another life, we could’ve been good friends.
Bruno: Friends? I don’t need friends.
Gunnthra: Is that so? What a shame, even though you may hide it, you do have a caring side. You protect Princess Veronica so fiercely.
Bruno: …you don’t know the truth.
Gunnthra: Are you denying your kindness? Right now you just spared me, and you keep dropping hints to the Summoner. Your bloodline doesn’t control you, um, may I inquire your name?
Bruno: …I am Bruno, however, my full title is Prince Bruno of the Emblian empire.
Gunnthra: Oh! Then that means…
Bruno: Yes, Veronica is my sister.
Gunnthra: If only we didn’t have to fight one another. I too have a younger sibling, and she’s out there fighting. I know how much we go through to make sure they’re safe.
Bruno: Peace…
Gunnthra: I do not wish to fight you again. I will allow you to go back to Embla peacefully. Please, do not make me regret my decision.
[Bruno turns around and begins to leave before he stops and chuckles quietly.]
Bruno: Thank you…Princess Gunnthra
Gunnthra: (How does he know my name? Does he also know the other heroes here?)
[Bruno and Gunnthra have reached support rank C.]
Gunnthra: It is much too pretty of a day to fight. I wish to sleep a bit more. And it was such a good dream too…
[Upon arriving into the battlefield, she sees Bruno and Fjorm in a large brawl.]
Gunnthra: Fjorm!
She quickly charges forward and summons a spell that hurts Bruno.]
Gunnthra: I warned you earlier Prince Bruno, yet you continue to fight. And with my sister no less?
Bruno: You should’ve…killed me… the moment you ha- had a chance…
Gunnthra: Fjorm, I’ll handle this.
[Fjorm nods, and runs off to help the others. Gunnthra looks back at Bruno, disappointment covering her face.]
Bruno: What are ha… waiting for? Just… end me… please…
[Hearing his desperate plea, Gunnthra looks away and feels pity.]
Gunnthra: Why do you beg for death?
Bruno: I will not… plead for my life… ha- at the hands… of my… enemy...
Gunnthra: Then I guess I’ll just leave you with the dissatisfaction of living. Your death won’t be good for Veronica… I can’t imagine what horrors plague her mind. For such a young girl too…
Bruno: It plagues my… whole family. We were destined… destined to be… foul beasts. Your naive fantasies… my blood- our blood, controls us. There is no…escape.
Gunnthra: What? Gods-
[Bruno collapses into the ground, and Gunnthra quickly holds him in her arms.]
Gunnthra: Bruno! Wait! Please, stay with me! Princess Elise! Please, help me!
[Gunnthra calls for Elise, who quickly tries to help.]
Gunnthra: I think he’s breathing clearly again. Thank you, Elise.
Elise: No problem! But isn’t that-
Gunnthra: It matters not. He is only human, after all.
[Elise shrugs and gets called on by other injured units, leaving Gunnthra and an unconscious Bruno alone again.]
Gunnthra: (Prince Bruno…what makes your blood corrupt? I don’t want you to feel more pain… perhaps I could even help end this fight)
[Sighing, she quickly rips out a blank page in her tome and scribbles a message on it before tucking it into Bruno’s pocket.]
Gunnthra: (I do hope this works…)
[Bruno and Gunnthra have reached support rank B.]
Gunnthra: (It’s getting rather late… I guess it was foolish to think he’d want my help.)
[Gunnthra starts to turn back to the castle when she hears rustling.]
Bruno: Forgive me… I had to make sure no one got suspicious.
Gunnthra: Goodness, I was worried you’d never show up.
Bruno: I had to hear about this proposal you wanted to make.
Gunnthra: My, you’re very quick to the point! I shouldn’t expect anything less from the Prince though!
Bruno: Do you wish to keep stalling? Are you hiding troops somewhere-
Gunnthra: No, I just thought a joke or two would lighten the mood. But yes- back to business- I wish to help you.
Bruno: Help me? I do not need your-
Gunnthra: You don’t need to lie to me, Prince Bruno. I see your dedication to Princess Veronica, and I can tell the way this ‘curse’ affects you. I want to provide my assistance to you and help you, and who knows, maybe the fighting could stop.
Bruno: … You’re words are kind, but I’m afraid there is no help you can provide to me. It’s incurable.
Gunnthra: Nonsense! There is nothing you can’t do, especially since I have vast amounts of resources to help.
Bruno: You are so naive. I’ve seeked out whatever I could! I’ve tried nearly everything! There is no hope!
Gunnthra: But you don’t have the Askr books. Or even the Nifl library.
Bruno: Why are you so keen on helping me? I’ve done nothing but hurt you.
Gunnthra: True, you may have fought me, but you’re not just hurting me, you’re hurting Veronica, and yourself. Call me foolish but I can’t just turn a blind eye to someone in need.
Bruno: …you’re too kind. I don’t wish to harm you any further or trouble you with this. It is my issue, and I will deal with it.
[Gunnthra grabs his hands gently and smiles softly at him.]
Gunnthra: I do hope you understand, I’m relentless. I will not stop until I help you.
Bruno: *sigh* Since you’re so adamant about it…
Gunnthra: Good, now please, tell me everything you know about this.
[Bruno and Gunnthra have reached support rank A.]
Gunnthra: Good evening, Prince Bruno. How has your day fared?
Bruno: I have been doing some errands… mostly for supplies but I guess it was a bit of a much needed distraction. How has your day been?
Gunnthra: Oh, It was very entertaining! I was reading a fantastic novel that the Summoner begged me to read, and I must say, it was truly a page turner!
Bruno: Is that so? What was it about?
Gunnthra: A story about an orphan who is actually a wizard and goes to a magic school to perfect his abilities.
Bruno: Bah! Magic school? Does their realm not have any knowledge on magic?
Gunnthra: I know it sounds silly, but trust me, it was very good! There was this whole curse placed on the boy at a young age that killed his parents, and he was sent to live with his nasty aunt and uncle.
Bruno: Sounds similar to my life…
Gunnthra: I guess you do remind me a bit of him. Like your kindness, your devotion to your friends and family, and most of all, your fighting spirit.
Bruno: Do not give me so much credit my dear. I do not deserve your praise.
Gunnthra: Oh, please do not put yourself down again. You’re a wonderful man, brother, and Prince. It’s a shame we must hide this from everyone.
Bruno: Yes…if only I could just meet you whenever I felt like. I wouldn’t fear of anyone finding out about you, and then I could treat you properly.
Gunnthra: Heavens, you’ve treated me perfectly! These months with you have been entertaining.
Bruno: But I want to treat you the way you deserve to be. You’re a princess, and a lovely woman, I wish to spoil you out at the market or at tea-
Gunnthra: You already spoil me enough. You’ve taught me many things, Bruno, and I couldn’t possibly wish for anything better.
Bruno: What did I do to deserve you? I guess this is all the more reason to find a cure.
Gunnthra: Yes it is. Wow, would you look at that? A shooting star!
Bruno: Oh, don’t tell me you believe in that old fairytale.
Gunnthra: Ha, dont be so negative! It’s rather fun to do so. Make a wish, dear.
Bruno: Fine…
[The two embrace and close their eyes tightly, smiling as they make their wish.]
Bruno: Do you want to know my wish was?
Gunnthra: Don’t tell me, otherwise it won’t come true!
Bruno: I doubt that. Besides, I think it’s a reality, rather than a fantasy.
Gunnthra: What could it- oh my!
[Bruno bends down on one knee and holds one of Gunnthra’s hands in his. In the other, he has a tiny black box.]
Bruno: I wished to be together with you, forever. I denied myself for too long, and I want to remain by your side till the end. You’ve given me hope again, and gods above, you make me happy to exist. I wish to bask in your warmth, if you’ll allow it.
Gunnthra: B-Bruno! You- oh a million times yes! Yes! I love you so much!
Bruno: I promise, when this war is over, I’ll give you the grandest reception. We don’t need to keep hiding in the forest again. I will protect you my love, and I will join you back in Nifl.
Gunnthra: But what of Embla? It’s your home after all.
Bruno: True, it may be where I was born, but I was never wanted there. My home is wherever you are.
Gunnthra: You flatter me. I would love nothing more than for you to rule beside me in Nifl.
Bruno: I love you.
Gunnthra: I love you more~!
[Bruno and Gunnthra have reached support rank S.]
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sainadazai · 4 years
When your crush is angry all the time
Ch. 2
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Y/n pov
First day at U.A. high. This is actually going to be so sick, think of all the boys and girls and weird quirks. Best of all I get to meet boom boom. Hopefully I don't do that thing where I think about him so much I forget we don't know each other, that would be embarrassing. 
I smile to myself as I approach the tall building with students flooding in and out. A couple of kids seemed to notice how strange I looked, I didn't have the uniform yet because my mother refused to let me have it. She told me I'd have to get it from her during school so she could show her students how dope her kid was. 
Not sure if I should be flattered though. Mom always compliments me like I actually did something to have the power I have. When really all I did was not die. Usually the interaction goes -
"Oh my god, honey you are so fucking cool, look how good you control your quirk, you train so hard!"
"Yea mom, it's crazy how after psychopaths try to breed you at ten years old you learn a thing or two about combat."
Then her face falls into a deadpan to cover her guilt and we move on. Sarcasm is honestly one of my all time favorite coping strategies. Like you can even make it better by not making any facial expression so people's minds are just fully fucked. 
My outfit couldn't feel more out of place right now, but I obviously notice the profuse blushing of boys and girls as I make my way through the halls of U.A. If my bestie was here I'm sure people would be fainting, since she makes a habit of dressing in fishnets and chains. I guess I could wear clothes like that but im tired most of the time. So if I don't have to dress up, I won't. 
However that doesn't mean I still don't look good. Well, at least I think I do...
This morning I was lazy so I just threw on Baggio black jeans, a cropped tee, and a baseball jersey that I got from when I flew with my dad to America. We watched the game together, but I kinda zoned out the whole time. Of Course I added a couple chains just in case I get to be on top of somebody. Hehe call that ✨funcional fashion✨
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Dw of course I took a picture in the morning to post on insta and brag to my old friends about how I got out of that hell. 
I rushed in a door that said 1-b just before I heard a bell go off. The door shut behind me with a loud thud the second the bell stopped. That is one way to get attention, I guess. I didn't even care to take in the faces of the students in front of me. After all, I was only here for one reason. I skimmed the room trying to find that ominous glare, but to no avail. My first thought was that maybe he wasn't in class today. That was before I peeked out the window of the door and realized there were more than one hero classes here. 
If he is in the other class, I'll just have to be in there too. Is this stalking? Yes. Will it end badly? Probably yes. However, do I have anything to really lose? Nope. Not a single thing.
"Katsuki Bakugou." I figured I'd say it out loud with a Stern face, just to see if the teacher would be intimidated enough to take me to him. 
The teacher and the rest of the class visibly tensed at my stare, but apparently I wasn't intimidating enough. 
"Whatever business you have can be settled after class. Now, students, this is the newest addition to class 1-b y/n l/n."
"Pardos me Ms. L/n"
"I said no, im not gonna be an addition to your dumb class" I mocked him 
He then sent me a very odd face, in which he pursed his lips but simultaneously glanced at his students in fear. I suppose they might not be pleased at my rejection, but that's irrelevant. I'm not here for them. 
"Oh, so you think you're too good for us!? Huh?"
"Class 1-a scum can have you, you vial worthless, dumb, fat, stup-"
Some angry blonde kid was interrupted by an aggressive bonk on his head. I glanced to his side and made eye contact with a girl, she was quite pretty, but not prettier than boom boom. 
"Cool, okay so i'm gonna go to the other class then....sir?"
"Pft, you wish. Sit down. Now."
"I literally didn't ask dude...sir."
"Adding sir doesn't make what you're saying any less disrespectful, now sit down."
I pouted a bit in realization that he wasn't as dense as the police usually are. However that didnt mean I wanted to listen. Plus if I got in trouble, that might be even more fun. 
"Again. No." 
Suddenly I felt a hard push on my back, I fell to the floor and felt a foot pushed against my back. 
"Nooo.Mom, please. Not right now."
"I came here to teach historia you brat."
She took her other leg and swung it back, leaving all her body weight on my back. Then launched it forward to meet with my side just as she took her top foot off my back. I felt the contact of her boot on my bare side and felt the tingle of what I assume is pain rattle through my left side, to my right. Only to be cut off when a new sore of pain spread through my back. 
That was what I assumed was my body slamming against the front wall of the class. I kept my eyes clenched shut the whole time, only flinching the impact of the wall. I bounced right off and landed on the floor. 
"Yea...okay," I said between groans. 
Midoriya pov 😗
It was finally lunch time after miss midnight taught us history. It wasn't my favorite subject, but I still look at pretty good notes. I'll be sure to read over them later in case we have a pop quiz or something. 
This lunch period is kinda more exciting than usual because I heard rumors that there is a new hero course student, and new additions don't happen often, so he is probably really good. 
After getting my food from lunch rush, I rushed over to my table where me, uraraka, iida, and todoroki sit everyday.
I plopped the food down onto the table and followed by sitting down and saying hi to my friends. It didn't take that long into their strange conversation about water volcanoes and cheese for me to zone them out in search of the new face. 
I don't really know everyone at U.A. that would be crazy. Still, I feel like I have enough knowledge to spot an obviously new face. Plus he is probably with the 1-b students right now. I scan over the whole lunch room, eager to say hi, but I don't see any new guys, or any new faces at all. 
Maybe the rumors were just rumors. That's really a bummed, I was hoping I could get yet another cool quirk to write about in my journal. 
Most of lunch was spent with my friends talking about weird things called memes (he calls them me me's) and me trying desperately to find the new guy. 
Until lunch was just about to end and in came a girl out of uniform, but she seemed to hold one in her hand. She looked fairly (tall/short) and had pretty (h/l) white hair. It seemed almost to glow as she walked in. To me the whole scene played slow motion, her hair bouncing up and down as she walked and the sports baggy jeans risking and falling. They teasingly revealed her belly button every other step as they lifted and sunk. 
I sorta wished she would have just put her uniform on because I feel pretty stupid for staring at her belly button. 
Her face was pretty too, catching the light above on her cheek bones(im sorry if u dont have prominent ones, just take out bones and leave it as cheeks) making her seem shiny.
I felt my face heat up uncontrollably before I felt a nudge on my thigh. 
"Hey deku, I heard that the new girl is actually a midnight daughter. She is in class b, and I guess this morning midnight kicked her against a wall." Uraraka whispered in my ear, loud enough for just the people at our table to hear.
Now that I think about it, everyone was whispering. 
"Midnight's daughter. Wahhh! Then she must have a quirk like midnights. If she does then it'll be hard for our classes to keep up with her. Midnights quirk is strong and considering the already rising testosterone level in the boys in 1st year, we could all-"
"Shut up you damn nerd"
I cut off my rambling and looked up to make eye contact with kachan. Why is he even over here? Is he here to beat me up? Or to get ochako? 
"Katsuki, that's not nice, plus he is right, what if she can seduce us."
Kachan only furrowed his brows, however me, iida, and even todoroki a little went red with the image in our minds. 
"Baby, why do you keep looking at my belly button"
"Do you wanna show me how cool your quirk is"
"Nn Gg plus u-ultra"
Oh no. No. No. No. No. Well....wait. no. 
I took a quick glance back at the girl who had halted her movements. She seemed like she was frozen and had a big, wide smile plastered on her face. It was pretty cute. Like a little kid looking at candy. 
It almost felt like she was looking at me, but I didn't wanna wave, in case she wasn't. 
"Oh my, holy fuck, I knew this would pay off!!!!" She yelled, not even minding that the whole cafeteria now had eyes on her. 
She began running over to ...my table? Again it was slow motion, and again I kept looking at her stomach. I guess I don't see girls in short shirts often. I felt myself un-blush forcibly just for, you know, protection from bullies. 
"Boom boom, shit, I Promised I wouldn't do that. Fuck it. Hi, im l/n y/n and you are boom boom. Wait...."
My eyes can't pick who to look at and they keep going back and forth between the girl and kachan as they ....communicate. 
"No I called you boom boom." She dead panned 
"Well, I am, and I do." Again the girl seemed completely serious. 
"Wait, let's go back. You call people extras? Like in a movie, so then you think your the star."
"Babe, that's so much better! You're conceited too." She gushed 
"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING BA-" bakugou almost launched forwards but ochako grabbed his arm to pull him back. 
"You are kinda loud, but I guess that makes sense. Hey! I know, tell me something about yourself"
"Oh, my bad hon, go on." She looked up at him like...oh. He is the candy she was looking at. 
"Fucking hell, im not your babe or your hun, extra. I'm not telling you shit about myself. Fuck you think this is, the sharing circle?"
The girl didn't speak for a minute, her face was quick to go from anticipating, to confused. What was she confused about? 
"I have a new idea" she instantly had a change of aura and her serious face remained, with one eyebrow cocked. 
She lifted her hand and pointed a finger at bakugou, then slowly walked forward. 
"How. About. You. Tell me what you are sharing..." she winked "circle is." 
I noticed that Ochaco , who was now a coward behind the kachan , flushed red. I don't think she was for the same reason as everyone else though. I could tell she was trying to be angry, but seemed to be failing. Bakugou seemed to notice this too.
I wonder why this girl is flirting with him right now, and what was with that nickname. 
"H-hey. Um do you two know each other or something."
"No" they replied simultaneously. 
"Oh, right, my bad. Hi, I already introduced my name, but I should explain. You are the attractive fire quirk boy I saw at the sports festival. When I saw how angry you looked, and the fucking DOPE aura you gave off, I begged to get transfered here. Got in on recomendaciones so I could meet you." She said not seeming to care about how truly creep that all sounds. 
"THE FUCK, YOU STALKER!ILL KILL YOU!" kachan screamed, subtly grabbing onto his girlfriend's hand, I suppose an effort to comfort her without being 'nice' 
"Hm? Oh...yeah. Well, you could say I am like a stalker. However, for a stalker i'm very pretty, so if you could just ignore that..."
"Well, that is what I came to you for..." she, again, had a serious aura change and a cocked eyebrow, this time retracting her finger to put her hands in her pockets. 
"Woah, woah, hey, calm down"
I get that he is trying to be protective, but calling a girl a slut is never okay. I wish I could fight back more, but it's not every hero- like to do so without talking first. 
After that small exchange everybody's attention fell back to the girl. I think her name was y/n. She looked a bit defeated, I could tell she had a crush on kachan, even if it was small. Her face is blank but usually in situations like this girls get all...tears eyed and. Oh no. 
I stood up right next to her. 
"Huh?" She looked over at me confused. 
"Dont cry?"
"Why would I cry?"
"Because he has a girlfriend" Ochaco  seemed to be making her way out from behind kachan, also a bit nervous for if y/n was to get sad. 
"Oh, uhm, I guess i'll just have to be the better person for him or something?" She ...asked herself.
"I've never done this before, but the look in your eyes has a fire behind it, and I wanna see it up close. I'm not gonna give up, we only spoke this once and that's definitely not enough." She made eye contact with him the whole time. Even stated her words like fact. Now, it may have just been me, but he almost smirked. 
"That's all, see you in class later!" In class? She is in 1-b? Did she transfer? 
Ochaco  was now side by side with bakugou looking furious at the new girl. While I eerily peeked up at him and his scary red eyes. They did a quick, up and down movement...I don't think anyone else could have seen it, but I did. Then he went down again and stayed there a bit, he was looking straight past me, so I turned. 
There I saw...the new girls butt! He? He checked out her- oh no. Why do I feel like this is the start of something terrible for me....
Hello new readers, it is me...the autor. Anyone who is ready for this is my favorite bc I don't get many ready. Also sorry for the horny midoriya, if I'm making the characters not innocent, he isnt an exception lmao. 
0 notes
cometoceantrenches · 7 years
its for the extra credits
SUMMARY: Seventeen-year old Amaya Sloan didn’t really like this. The situation was just thrust upon her. What was it you ask? Well, its to tutor Hawkins’ resident Bad Boy: Billy Hargrove. Though things take a turn and it isn’t just about tutoring anymore... BILLY HARGROVE X OFC
CHAPTER SUMMARY: It was meant to be a good day, that was until Mr. Wallace tasked Amaya to do something.
A/N: Whoooooo- I’m sweating just typing this. So in case y’all haven’t had it figured out yet, this is a Billy Hargrove x OFC Series. WHAT??? Yes, you read it right. I know I’m trash for shipping her with Billy when I ship her and Steve but iDK. Dont hate me please Imma give credit to @masterkenobi for reading and editing my work  as well as giving moi ideas. Thanks Leslie! <3 <3
The second the bell rang, the students packed up their things, ignoring the teacher’s announcements as his voice competed over the teenagers’ chatter. They all filed out of the classroom, relieved that the day was finally over. Although, Amaya wasn’t in so much of a hurry. She looked up to see Steve lingering around her seat as he ran a hand through his hair with an anxious look on his face.
Amaya sighed. “You can pick them up, Steve.” She said to ease his conscience.
The boy turned to her with a sigh of his own. “I’m really sorry, Maya.”
She waved her hand dismissively, brushing her jet black hair over her shoulder with it. “It’s fine. Just make sure Lili does all her homework and that you bring her home safely.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow then?” The brunet shouldered his bag and stuck his hands into his jean pockets.
“Yup. Anyways, Mr. Wallace needs me for something.”
Steve sucked in a breath through his teeth as he weaved through the chairs and towards the doors. “Good luck.” He gave a nod over to the said teacher who was sat behind the desk before heading over to pick up the kids.
The Filipina slung her bag over her shoulder as she approached her class adviser’s table. The balding man looked up from his desk and gave his student a small smile. “Ms. Sloan, I actually thought that you forgot about my appointment with you.”
“Oh, I was just fixing my stuff, sir.”
Mr. Wallace gave a nod of approval before capping his pen and folding his hands together. “I have an important task for you, Ms. Sloan.” The girl shifted in her place and gave a nod for him to continue. He took a breath. “On behalf of Mrs. Drake, I am tasking you to tutor Mr. Hargrove on Chemistry.”
Amaya whole body tensed. Was he serious? She felt as if her shoulders sagged with a heavy weight placed upon them. Frowning she started to protest. “But sir, Hargrove? He’s as stubborn as an ass.”
“Exactly why I’m asking you to tutor him. Obviously, he doesn’t take my lessons seriously and maybe with the help of someone his age, he’ll listen. Besides, I let you off when you two were partnered for a project.”
Amaya ran a hand down her face, exasperated. Her hazel brown eyes scanned the room helplessly as she thought of an alternative or anything that would excuse her from this situation. “I’m flattered sir, really, but why not Kathy Wells or Bryan Reyes? They’re good tutors and I’m pretty sure Kathy will agree to it.”
“I asked you because, aside from the previous stated reasons, you’re a steadfast girl. You know your place. I’ve seen you debate before Ms. Sloan, you’re a tough cookie. It will only be every Thursday and Friday for the next month.” Mr. Wallace smiled up at her encouragingly.
The Filipina held back a whine as she bit her cheeks in thought. After what seemed like forever, she had no choice but to give in. “Will there be any extra credits sir?”
“There will be. And besides, if he does anything to trouble you, you let me know.” Amaya nodded. “Excellent!” Mr. Wallace stood to pack his things up. “The sessions take place after class and for an hour and forty minutes. I’ll have Mr. Hargrove notified soon. Thank you Ms. Sloan, you’re a real big help.”
With a half hearted smile, Amaya bowed her head before heading out to the parking lot. The minute she stepped out into the cold air, she couldn't help but let out a muffled yell of frustration, earning a few concerned glances towards her direction. Garnering attention caused her to silence her woes and go on towards her destination.
Usually, Steve and Amaya parked their cars together but with the loud clamoring the kids caused didn't make the red BMW hard to find. Amaya’s younger sister noticed her first, immediately sensing her stress.
“Why’re you so grouchy?” Lili asked as she pushed herself off the hood of her sister’s white Pontiac Catalina, passed down all the way from her step-grandpa from 1966.
“What'd Mr. Wallace ask you to do?” Steve inquired, trying to squeeze himself in the pair’s conversation.
“Two words. Tutor and Hargrove.” Amaya grumbled as she pulled out her car keys.
Lili audibly gasped and Steve frowned, placing a hand on her shoulder to comfort her somehow. One way or another, Max overheard the conversation and left the one (something about the science behind Back to the Future) going on between the rest of the boys and El.
“You have to tutor Billy?” The redhead asked to affirm what she had just heard.
“Yes, and I don't wanna talk about it. Just thinking about it makes my blood boil.” Amaya finally got the door to her Catalina open before turning to her sister. “You still going to the arcade?”
Lili pushed back the thick white headband on her head before nodding. “Unless you want me to come back home with you?”
With a shake of her head, the older Sloan slipped into her car and rolled down the window. “Make sure to be safe and have fun. And don't use up all your quarters like last time, alright?” Turning to Steve she instructed him to keep the kids safe and make sure they don't do anything that involves either her or Nancy being prostituted off to Keith (again).
“Yeah, yeah, just don't worry about it. You should worry about making cue cards and shit for Hargrove.” He received a groan from his friend. “Hey, if he bothering you, tell me okay? I'll deal with it.”
Amaya’s lips quirked a little. She started the car and started pulling out of the parking space. “And have your face beat up again? Thanks but no thanks, I'd rather see you in one piece.” She waved over to the rest of the party. “You guys have fun. Don't go too crazy though!”
“No promises!” Dustin replied with a smile.
The seventeen-year-old rolled her eyes at the kid’s antics and drove off from the parking lot, seeing them wave goodbye. Once her car was a speck that disappeared behind the buildings near the school, Lili dropped her hand and turned to Steve.
“I really hope Hargrove and *ate Maya don't get into fight…”
The brunette sighed and gave a gentle yet firm pat to her shoulder. “Me too kid.”
After sharing a few seconds of silence with her, he turned to the other kids and rounded them up, pushing them all in the car before driving off to the arcade.
*ate - term for older sister in Filipino
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gulescamisade · 7 years
Alaska:  Day 16
DAVE: -with attentive care, he's doing much better. and it's going to hurt for a while, but he can move and do what he needs to do for the most part. can he sprint across the room? no, but he can make himself a sandwich. you win some you lose some. he's watching television in whatever area of the base has it, bored but it's all he can really do-
HESONY: =Whaddya know, he's carrying more stuff inside. Whether he knows Dave is there or not, he's not saying. In fact, he's not even looking at him each time he passes by.=
DAVE: -he's looking at him, however. watching him carry stuff back and forth-
HESONY: =The next time he walked in, he has a crate balanced on his shoulder. It may seem like a shoddy attempt at creating a barrier between him and the STARES.=
DAVE: -he speaks up instead- sup when did you get that crate transplant
HESONY: Oh, you like it? I got it a few seconds ago. =He does a little spin before placing it down with the others.=
HESONY: Perhaps I can pull a few strings so you can get one too.
HESONY: =The entire time is face is= :|
DAVE: would you do that
DAVE: shit im flattered you usually offer this stuff in private
DAVE: in the intimacy of an exam room
HESONY: =just keeps staring at him. What if he just piled all these crates in front of Dave's door? Merry Christmas and a happy new year.=
HESONY: I suppose I'll go inform the doctor Here that you want a crate implant, although in my opinion that seems more like a downgrade. A sylladex should suffice, but after seeing How many of you dont Have the Hands free version, you plebeians need all the Help you can get.
DAVE: shit this relationship is movin quickly
DAVE: can we survive the trials and tribulations of crate marriage
HESONY: What the Hell is a marriage?
DAVE: how the fuck should i know -says the married guy-
MICEXA: -eyes them from the doorway like pls-
HESONY: Assume I'm an alien who knows nothing of your weird "Techsush" and "marriage" words, but is able to understand you solely through a translation device.
HESONY: Unless "marriage" is another word from an alien race you are simply inclined to repeat.
DAVE: what the fuck is a marriage
HESONY: The more you talk the more I feel as though you are trying to =makes air quotations= pull my leg.
DAVE: ba dm ts
DAVE: im a mystery
DAVE: an enigma
DAVE: of all of motherfuckin humanity
HESONY: Yes, it appears so.
HESONY: You seem to be more of the confusing variety, However.
DAVE: you figured that out at least
DAVE: humans like what they cant figure out
DAVE: we dont know anything about each other
HESONY: That makes incredible amounts of sense. :|
DAVE: i know right
DAVE: were so easy to figure out in that respect
HESONY: I'm wondering more about How your species continues to persist.
DAVE: fucking
DAVE: cloning
DAVE: ectobiology
HESONY: Now, I know for a fact that those are Carapacian methods.
HESONY: I Have Heard rumors your methods are far more disturbing.
DAVE: my wife is a clone
DAVE: my brother and i came into the world without science
DAVE: my nephews are the result of ectobiology so
DAVE: boom
HESONY: =squints=
HESONY: I don't think I believe you.
DAVE: -he shrugs- its the truth
HESONY: Let's say it is.
HESONY: If Humans Have alternative ways of reproduction, why not use this to create soldiers that will drive out the invading force and win this war?
DAVE: -makes a face- because thats fucked up
DAVE: we dont make kids for our own purposes
HESONY: Even if it meant you would win?
DAVE: you realize that humans take time to grow right
HESONY: If you can discover different ways to create life, why can't the same be said to speed it up?
DAVE: because life isnt about bein a cog in the machine
HESONY: Even if it meant winning this war? =he said again=
ARANEA: -pipes up from wherever she's been- How awful it is that many trolls sill 8elieve life perpetuates itself only to conquer the inferior races.
ARANEA: Imagine the lives those soldiers would live after the war is won, knowing that was their only purpose.
ARANEA: -eyeballs- Well, may8e you do know how it feels...
DAELOS: - He's here too. Vaguely listening to this but not looking Hesony's way. -
HESONY: That is why Alternia Has a kill switch for each batch of drones.
HESONY: You are right in that, However. What use are we now after Having disgraced ourselves for abandoning our cause and Helping you? This is what Terezi must Have felt like when she left the League. It is likely why she joined T.U.M.U.T. when she never should Have stopped running.
MITUNA: -He's been quiet the past couple of days. To gain back something like a limb, only to lose an actual one. It was hard. However, with the fact that his psionics were indeed back it was high time to work that muscle again. Currently he's just in the back, quietly disassembling and assembling a pen.-
ARANEA: -oh hell nah... she's not going to bother being passive aggressive about this. she's scowling.- How dare you say that a8out her! She had every right to try to move on with her life and find fulfillment elsewhere -- in something she 8elieved was good.
KARKAT: =suddenly from the back corner= There's no life if you run. She helped because she could, she had the knowledge. The training. The bravery. She is selfless. She wanted to make things better. Hiding is giving up. She's a fighter.
MITUNA: -The pen floats over to sunny, then starts writing on the crate in front of him.-
HESONY: And look where that got Her!
HESONY: You still don't get it. When the Expunger wants you dead, she won't stop until she gets what she wants.
HESONY: The moment Terezi stopped running =there is a slight tremor in his hand= it was only a matter of time.
KARKAT: You don't get it. Fuck it. Fuck you. =turns back over holding her cane=
MITUNA: (5he knew 7ha7 ri5k and 5he 57ill braved her fear5 even when 5he wa5 horrified) -That's what is written on the crate. Tuna isn't much up for talking-
MITUNA: (i75 who 5he wa5 you 5hould know 7ha7 a55farce)
DAVE: so im gathering you guys were tight
HESONY: =stares daggers at the writing before shaking his head with a laugh=
HESONY: Yeah. I did know Her, and it seems the rest of you knew Her too.
HESONY: She was brave.
HESONY: She was selfless.
HESONY: She fought with words and actions both.
HESONY: And then she lost.
HESONY: =His head tilted to Dave= Oh, it was far more than that.
DAELOS: - Just watches the fire as they fight it out. He's a statue now that lives in this chair. -
MITUNA: 5he didn7 lo5e
MITUNA: fuck you
HESONY: Then How would you describe what The Expunger did?
HESONY: That isn't Her title for nothing.
HESONY: If you step in Her path, she destroys you. She takes what you are and runs it through the dirt, erasing everything you were.
HESONY: If The Expunger gets Her way, Terezi won't even be a memory. And you all...keeping that memory alive? =he gestured to the people in the room= You're in just as much danger now.
MITUNA: 7oo bad 7he big bluh bi7ch won7 ge7 ge7 her way
MITUNA: dea7h i5n7 7he end
HESONY: Sure, just like the moons are made of gumballs.
MITUNA: holy 5hi7 7ha7d be rad
MITUNA: bu7 uh i75 no7
MITUNA: my ex ma7e5pri7 died once and 5he came back
HESONY: =Sighs=
HESONY: As what, a nutcreature?
HESONY: I do not understand any of you.
HESONY: That big guy for instance! =gestures at Daelos= Hoarding a body like that will not Help.
HESONY: It will not Help His psyche.
HESONY: Eventually bodies decay and all He will Have to Hold onto is a pile of rot.
MITUNA: no 5he came back a5 a gho57 and 7hen 5he wa5 able 7o be brough7 back wi7h her body
MITUNA: i75 no7 7ha7 difficul7 holy 5hi7
HESONY: ....How strong is the stuff you're toking?
MITUNA: even karka7 died and wa5 able 7o be brough7 back
MITUNA: H0LY FUCK 455H0L3 1 H34R 7H3 5CR34M5 0F D34D 455H0L35 3V3RYD4Y M4Y83 1 KN0W 4 L177L3 M0R3 7H4N Y0U
HESONY: Everyone knows the dead stay dead! This life isn't merciful! You don't get a second chance!
HESONY: No, you don't!
MITUNA: Y35 Y0U FUCK1NG D0 4ND 1F 4NY0N3 W1LL G37 0N3 175 73R3Z1
HESONY: How do you expect that to Happen? Should we rewrite History? Got a time machine on Hand?
DAELOS: Be silent
DAELOS: You are ignorant and I am tired of listening to it
DAELOS: None of us are interested in your opinions, least of all me
DAELOS: - Glaring at Hesony and clutching his seat with his ears pinned-
HESONY: =turns his head to face Daelos= Grief is clouding your judgment. You know you cannot hang onto a corpse forever. I'm sorry it Happened, but nothing you do will be able to change that. She is dead. She is staying dead. She is taking up space in your sylladex. A space you could use that may actually increase your chances of survival!
MITUNA: -GROANS LOUDLY and tries to facepalm with his left hand but just kind of...Falls on the floor-
DAELOS: How f001ish, insisting you know better when several sources refute your version of the truth... but I would e%pet nothing less from a mindless Alternian drone who has never needed to think for himself before now... someone content to watch their friends savagely murdered
HESONY: =his lips curled into a scowl= And where would all of you be if we Had gotten ourselves killed alongside Her? If you were in our place, can you truly say that is what she would Have wanted?
HESONY: Ingrate.
DAELOS: Anyone with a soul would have done whatever they could, would have been driven mad with rage at seeing someone they cared for brutalized in such a manner
DAELOS: You beat and punished this group for having souls because you cannot conceive of what that is like
DAELOS: Spineless... abso100tely disgusting
DAELOS: No matter, I will do whatever I can for Nyalah
DAELOS: If you do not think me capable then put it out of your 100dicrously small mind
HESONY: Yes, we could Have done just that. We could Have been killed for our trouble.
HESONY: And you all could Have perished in that cave with no one to know you Had died.
HESONY: The League would Have collected the bounties on your Heads and would Have been that much closer to wiping out your sorry excuse of a rebellion.
HESONY: You are speaking like revival is possible.
HESONY: And I am saying it is NOT.
MITUNA: -Picks himself off the floor-
MITUNA: Y35 17 15
MITUNA: W3 H4V3 533N 17
MITUNA: W3 H4V3 3XP3R13NC3D 17
DAELOS: - Simply stares back at Sunny blandly and then glances at Mituna.- I suggest you give in... there is no convincing an idiot with no imagination
MITUNA: W3 KN0W M0R3 480U7 D347H 4ND 54CR1F1C3 7H4N Y0U 3V3R C0ULD H0P3 70
DAELOS: Think me de100ded for all I care, the % is mine to bear
HESONY: =full out glares at Mituna=
HESONY: Don't you dare say that. You don't-- =A fraction of recognition crossed his face at Mituna's words. He laughed, mirthlessly= She didn't tell all of you, did she?
DAELOS: - Sips tea at >>-
MITUNA: 7ell u5 wha7
HESONY: Why she's blind. Why Micexa and I are like this. =He slaps his right arm and the sound it makes isn't from flesh.= Why the Expunger doesn't Have real arms.
HESONY: Why we all keep ledgers of everyone we Have ever killed.
HESONY: ...Have you found Her copy yet?
MITUNA: -He Squints at this dude. He's not denying he's had a rough go of it, but he knows what Terezi used to be, how she used to be, how she could still be-
HESONY: Then do not presume to know more than we did of those things.
HESONY: Do not presume you knew Her.
MITUNA: 7hen don7 claim 7he 5ame
MITUNA: people change and i knew 7erezi
MITUNA: 5he wa5n7 7he one you remembered
HESONY: Well. =he glanced down at the ground, the anger from his face drifting.=
HESONY: We'll never really know, will we?
MITUNA: -Sighs- look dudepuff im 5orry you can7 believe wha7 we 5ay bu7 we have 5een 5ome 5hi7
MITUNA: i didn7 even have my p5ionic5 when we go7 7o 7hi5 frozen 5phinc7er
MITUNA: i burn7 7hem ou7 and 5crambled my pan like lu5u5 egg5
MITUNA: i go7 7hem back in 7ha7 fuckhole cave 7hank5 7o aranea ju57
MITUNA: ju57 fucking believe me when i 5ay 5ome impo55ible 5hi7 ha5 happened and will con7inue 7o happen i7 won7 57op keep happening
HESONY: Let's say I believe what you say.
HESONY: You're telling me there's a chance Terezi can come back? How?
MITUNA: fucking miracle5 and cocoon5 and 5hi7 i don7 know 7he de7ail5 every7hing from before i go7 fixed phy5ically hur75 7o remember
HESONY: =glances over at Daelos, then slowly looks back to Mituna=
HESONY: You need the body to do it. =it wasn't a question.=
MITUNA: from wha7 i remember yeah
HESONY: ...........
HESONY: =he closed his eyes and put his face in his hands.=
MITUNA: 7hey
MITUNA: 7hey 57ill have i7 don7 7hey
HESONY: =his shoulders are shaking and his hands moved to grip his hair=
DAELOS: -Breaks in- A body is not always required....it just makes it easier
DAELOS: At least, a new body can be procured
MITUNA: 7ha7 doe5n7 5ound fucked up in 7he 5ligh7e57
DAELOS: -Shrug-
DAELOS: -Mad scientist shrugging-
HESONY: =he's just...gonna go take his anger out on a tree somewhere=
0 notes
viralhottopics · 7 years
Stephen King on Donald Trump: How do such men rise? First as a joke
Hes written novels with eerily similar plotlines but how did Trump become president? The only way to find out: inject a panel of fictional voters with truth serum…
I started thinking Donald Trump might win the presidency in September of 2016. By the end of October, I was almost sure. Thus, when the election night upset happened, I was dismayed, but not particularly surprised. I didnt even think it was much of an upset, in spite of the Huffington Post aggregate poll, which gave Hillary Clinton a 98% chance of winning an example of wishful thinking if ever there were one.
Some of my belief arose from the signage I was seeing. Im from northern New England, and in the run-up to the election I saw hundreds of Trump-Pence signs and bumper stickers, but almost none for Clinton-Kaine. To me this didnt mean there were no Clinton supporters in the houses I passed or the cars ahead of me on Route 302; what it did seem to mean was that the Clinton supporters werent particularly invested. This was not the case with the Trump people, who tended to have billboard-sized signage in their yards and sometimes two stickers on their cars (TRUMP-PENCE on the left; HILLARY IS A CRIMINAL on the right).
Brexit also troubled me. Most of the commentators brushed its importance aside, saying that the issue of whether or not Britain should leave the EU was very different from that of who should become the American president, and besides, British and American voters were very different animals. I agreed with neither assessment, because there was a vibe in the air during most of 2016, a feeling that people were both frightened of the status quo and sick of it. Voters saw a vast and overloaded apple cart lumbering past them. They wanted to upset the motherfucker, and would worry about picking up those spilled apples later. Or just leave them to rot.
Clinton voters were convinced shed win, even if they saw her as a ho-hum candidate at best. Many did not even bother going to the polls, which was a large (and largely unstated) factor in her loss. Trump voters, on the other hand, could not wait to pull those levers. They didnt just want change; they wanted a man on horseback. Trump filled the bill.
I had written about such men before. In The Dead Zone, Greg Stillson is a door-to-door Bible salesman with a gift of gab, a ready wit and the common touch. He is laughed at when he runs for mayor in his small New England town, but he wins. He is laughed at when he runs for the House of Representatives (part of his platform is a promise to rocket Americas trash into outer space), but he wins again. When Johnny Smith, the novels precognitive hero, shakes his hand, he realizes that some day Stillson is going to laugh and joke his way into the White House, where he will start world war three.
Big Jim Rennie in Under The Dome is cut from the same cloth. Hes a car salesman (selling being a key requirement for the successful politician), who is the head selectman in the small town of Chesters Mill, when a dome comes down and cuts the community off from the world. Hes a crook, a cozener and a sociopath, the worst possible choice in a time of crisis, but hes got a folksy, straight-from-the-shoulder delivery that people relate to. The fact that hes incompetent at best and downright malevolent at worst doesnt matter.
Both these stories were written years ago, but Stillson and Rennie bear enough of a resemblance to the current resident of the White House for me to flatter myself I have a country-fair understanding of how such men rise: first as a joke, then as a viable alternative to the status quo, and finally as elected officials who are headstrong, self-centered and inexperienced. Such men do not succeed to high office often, but when they do, the times are always troubled, the candidates in question charismatic, their proposed solutions to complex problems simple, straightforward and impractical. The baggage that should weigh these hucksters down becomes magically light, lifting them over the competition like Carl Fredricksen in the Pixar film Up. Trumps negatives didnt drag him down; on the contrary, they helped get him elected.
I decided to convene six Trump voters to discover how and why all this happened. Because I selected them from the scores of make-believe people always bouncing around in my head (sometimes their chatter is enough to drive me bugshit), I felt perfectly OK feeding them powerful truth serum before officially convening the round table. And because they are fictional my creatures they all agreed to this. They gulped the serum down in Snapple iced tea, and half an hour later we began. My panelists were:
Gary Barker, a construction worker from how fitting Gary, Indiana. Gary from Gary is 41, married with two kids, currently unemployed. Graduated high school, never went to college.
William Russell, from Delray Beach, Florida. William spent his working life as a banker in Albany, New York, and is now retired and living in a gated community. Hes 67, a good amateur golfer, physically fit and mentally sharp. Has been married for more than 40 years, with three grown children and six grandchildren. Holds a bachelors degree from New York University and a graduate degree (in accounting) from the University of Illinois, Chicago.
Felicia Gagnon, from Castle Rock, Maine. Felicia is 25 and the sole employee of the Castle Rock Washateria, where she washes, dries, folds and sometimes delivers. She also serves as the janitor. She is unmarried, no children. Graduated high school, never went to college.
David Allen is a roadie-for-hire in Nashville, almost always employed. Last year he toured with both Little Big Town and Trisha Yearwood. He is 29, divorced, with one child. He makes his support payments regularly. Graduated high school, has two years of college (no degree).
Andrea Sparks is a successful restaurant owner in Flint City, Oklahoma. She is 42, twice divorced, with three children. She has a degree in business administration from the University of Oklahoma. Next year she will be president of the Flint City Chamber of Commerce.
Helen Wiggins is a single mother who lives in McKeesport, Pennsylvania, and works as a nail technician (she prefers this to manicurist). She is 28 years old. Graduated high school, no college.
Although they come from varying walks of life and have attained varying degrees of education, none of these participants was stupid, venal or evil. The reader would do well to remember that they were loaded with potent truth serum, which forced them to say what they actually believe, rather than what they thought might be most palatable to their interlocutor. If you, gentle reader, should be inclined to view any of them with contempt or feel outraged about their comments, youd do well first to look inward and ask what you might say if compelled to give the truth of your feelings, the whole truth, the absolute truth, and nothing but the truth. And, with that caveat, the discussion.
Stephen King Thank you all for coming, and agreeing to participate.
Helen Wiggins You could use a manicure. Your nails are too long. But at least it doesnt look as if you chew them.
William Russell I started one of your books but didnt finish it. Ill never try another one. Youre an awful writer.
King Many critics would agree, but todays subject is politics rather than fiction. To begin, Id like to go around the table and ask each of you when you decided you were going to vote for Donald Trump.
Gary Barker After a couple of debates I knew who I was going for. He [Trump] had nicknames for the other guys that really put them in their places. Lyin Ted, for instance. I hated that guy. He always looked like he wanted to yell, Come to Jesus! And Little Marco. That was my favorite. He [Trump] nailed that sucker. He [Rubio] looked like he was about 13 fuckin years old.
Wiggins Dont forget Crooked Hillary. That was the cutest nickname.
David Allen Right. When they all started yelling, Lock her up! at the convention. I knew then it was going to be a whole new ballgame, and I decided to vote for Trump. But I didnt shoot my mouth off about it. Nashville is in the south, but in the music business there are plenty of bleeding hearts. Not like Hollywood, thank God, but you still have to be careful. I started off saying I hadnt made up my mind when people asked me, then I started saying, Probably Clinton. I never told anyone I was going to vote for Trump. Especially not my ex. She would have torn my balls off.
Russell Trumps a businessman who understands business. Hes going to make them sit on the minimum wage, and hell take off a lot of those stupid banking, business and pollution regulations. Its working already. Just look at the stock market.
Felicia Gagnon Most of my customers at the Washateria were for him, so I decided I was, too. It wasnt just going along with the crowd, either. He always had an answer for everything, and he took no shit. Also, he wants to keep the illegals out. My job isnt much, but it pays the rent. What if some illegal comes along and tells Mr Griffin hes the owner that shell do my job for half the salary? Would that be fair?
Andrea Sparks It wouldnt, it absolutely wouldnt. And I admired him for a comeback he made to Clinton in, I think it was their first debate. She said he paid no taxes, and Trump came right back, said: That makes me smart. I knew right then I was going to vote for him, because taxes are killers. Thats why no one from the middle class can really get ahead. They tax you to death. I am making a little bit of money, but Id be making a lot more if they didnt tax me so badly, and why do they do it? To pay welfare for the illegals Felicia was talking about. The beaners, the darkies and the camel-jockeys. I would never say that if I wasnt full of this truth serum stuff, but Im glad I did. Its a relief. I dont want to be a racist, its not how I was raised, but they make you be one. I work hard for what Ive got, from nine in the morning until midnight, sometimes until one in the morning. And what happens? The government takes the sweat from my brow and gives it to the foreigners. Who shoot it into their arms with dope the drug mules bring up from Mexico.
Barker Amen to that, sister.
Wiggins You know, I was torn at first, but when he hired that guy Pence to be his vice-president, I got on board. He [Pence] was so smart at the debate he had with that other guy. He had an answer for everything.
Gagnon Also handsome, with that nice white hair.
Wiggins Yes, he takes care of himself. Nice haircut, good teeth, beautiful skin. I thought to myself, Trump is on the fat side. If he has a heart attack and dies, Pence can take over. And the guy who ran with Clinton, I cant even remember his name, but he looked like one of those guys at the DMV who, when you finally get to the front of the line, says you filled out the paperwork wrong and sends you home.
[General laughter from the panel.]
Russell Also, theres the matter of the trademark slogans. Do you know what Im talking about?
King Tell me.
Russell Candidates have certain codified positions, which form the basis of the so-called stump speech. In that speech, which is about the same whether its made in Portland, Maine or Portland, Oregon, they make their basic talking points over and over. But they also need a simple summation of what they stand for. Thats conveyed by the trademark slogan, something simple and catchy. Trumps was MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, and it was perfect. Contains two words of great power: America and great. Clintons was STRONGER TOGETHER. Vague. Wishy-washy. Forgettable. Stronger than what? Together with whom? It says nothing. The person who thought that up was an idiot, and she was an idiot for using it. Her slogan might as well have been WERE GOING TO DO SOME STUFF.
Sparks Trump was the boss. Clinton was just bossy, and take it from me, nobody likes a bossy woman. As a business person, I have to use a certain amount of tact. She didnt have that.
Allen When she spoke, she kind of brayed.
Gagnon Because she was trying to sound like a man. That may work in New York, but not out where there are real people.
Sparks Whatever, it was like fingernails on a blackboard. If I talked to my waitstaff like that, half of them would quit.
King OK, since were on the subject of Clinton, I want to go around the table and have you give me one word or one short phrase that describes your impression of her. Gary, you havent had much to say, so lets start with you.
Barker Before we get to that, I just want to say that Ive always been attracted to young men on surfboards. This truth serum is whoo.
King Good to know, and thank you for sharing, but how about a word or simple phrase describing your impression of
Barker Bitch. I thought she was a bitch.
King OK. Felicia?
Gagnon Stuck-up. A stuck-up smartypants. She talked down to people.
King William?
Russell Felicias exactly right. Clinton projected arrogance and a sense of entitlement. Riding on Slick Willies coat-tails.
Allen I hated those pantsuits. Like she doesnt think people can figure out shes got a booty. And shes starting to look really old.
Wiggins Is she a lesbian? I heard she was a lesbian.
Sparks I dont care about that, but her bestie was one of those Muslims. You know, the one married to the guy always showing his junk on the internet. Huma Abba-Jabba, or something.
King Id like to discuss two issues that dogged Hillary Clintons campaign
Sparks Can I just say I ate a whole box of chocolate pinwheel cookies last night? Id like to say that. Then I vomited them back up, because I have to stay thin.
King Thank you, Andrea. Now, if I could turn to Clintons involvement if you choose to call it that in the Benghazi attack, where four Americans, including US ambassador J Christopher Stevens, were killed. Did that play a part in your decision not to vote for Clinton?
Allen Is Benghazi in Africa or China?
Russell Actually, its in Libya. Which the Obama administration destabilized by not helping Gaddafi in his time of need. The man was an asshole, but he was our asshole. Pardon my French, ladies.
Barker Putting the bitch factor aside, I dont think you can hold her responsible for what a bunch of ragheads do. They just want to kill Americans for Allah.
King So you dont blame her?
Barker Not for that, Jesus no. Hey, you should see my collection of surfer mags. My wife thinks its the boards Im interested in.
King Just to put a button on this, were any of you influenced by Benghazi when you stepped into the voting booth?
[No responses.]
Illustration: Leonard Beard for the Guardian
King OK, lets move along. There was also a controversy about Clinton sending and receiving emails on an unsecured server. Something like 35,000. Did that influence any of you?
Russell Speaking just for myself, not at all. Hackers can get into any computer, secured or not. Someone phished my American Express card number and got himself over $1,000 worth of equipment at Best Buy. They should bring back the whipping post for people who do that. It would put a stop to the practice in short order.
Allen Billy-boy, you nailed it. Computers these days might as well be screen doors. You see hacking all the time in the music business. And hey, get real. What was the stuff going back and forth, anyway? Recipes, gossip, Ill be here at such-and-such a time, did you see her new purse, shit like that. Give me a break.
Barker Whats this about emails? What are you talking about?
Wiggins Never mind, no biggie.
Gagnon My computer is busted. It was just a cheap one, anyway. I have to buy a new one, but cant afford it just now. Id steal one, but Im scared of getting caught.
King Andrea, what about you?
Sparks I dont care about that chicks emails. What I care about are the taco-benders down the street with their food wagon, cutting into my business. I went to the police, and they said the taco-benders had a permit. How do illegals get a permit to sell food on the street? Tell me that.
Russell Do you have proof they are illegals, Andrea?
Sparks I dont need proof. Those wetbacks are like bedbugs, theyre everywhere. And they breed. I cant wait until Trump builds that wall. The Mexicans say they wont pay for it, but they will, unless they want American tanks in Jurez and Tijuana. You wait and see. Trump takes no shit. I like a man who takes no shit. If my ex-husbands had been more like that, Id never have fired them.
Wiggins You want a scandal? Clintons on the side of the baby-killers, thats a scandal.
Barker Shes also on the side of the gun Puritans. Ive got four firearms, two handguns and two rifles, and nobodys taking those suckers. Nobody.
King Very interesting, Gary, but weve wandered away from the question. Were any of you influenced by the so-called email scandal when you stepped into the voting booth?
[No responses.]
King OK, Id like to move along to
Allen Can I say something else about Hillary?
King Of course, David.
Allen You asked us when we decided to vote for Trump. Ill tell you when I decided I was also gonna vote against her, even though I thought she was basically OK. Smart, even. I dont go along with that bitch stuff, either. I work with women on the road, and even the ones who are bitches hate that word. So I steer clear of it.
Sparks Whats your point, Mr Huffington Post Politically Correct?
Allen You ought to do something about that hair, maam, your dye jobs showing.
Sparks Fuck you.
King If we have that out of the way
Allen I was in Houston on 9/11 last year, OK? Visiting my sister and picking up some bucks working an Eric Church gig. That afternoon, before I had to go on down to the Bayou and start rolling amps, I was in this little place called Spot Mikes, kind of a lunchateria where they also serve beer. The TV was on, and they showed Hillary collapsing after she tried to give a speech, or maybe she did give it, I dont know. But she went legless and the men around her, probably Secret Service, had to help her into the car. It made me think of something my grandad used to say: woman-weak. Thats what she was, woman-weak. Now suppose that happened during a crisis, or something. No, she didnt have any business being the most powerful person in the world.
King Can I point out that George HW Bush vomited during a state dinner in Japan?
Barker I remember that, but he had food poisoning. Her, though, its like Dave said: woman-weak.
Gagnon I heard she had a bunch of strokes and they covered it up.
Russell She and Slick Willie are big-time dopers. Its a known fact. Whereas Trump doesnt even drink.
Wiggins Kind of a fat shit, though, isnt he? Likes his Whoppers.
[General affectionate laughter from the panel.]
King I want to move on to some of the negatives about Trump, and ask why they didnt influence you. Lets start with his alleged ties to Russia. Anyone care to comment?
Gagnon Speaking of influence, do you have any with TV people, Mr King? Id sure like to be on The Price Is Right. Im very good at guessing the prices of things, toasters and such, and Id like a chance at one of those showcases. They have these wonderful trips.
King Im sorry, I dont know anyone who
Russell You have to stand in line, like everyone else. Live with it.
King There have been accusations that Trumps associates have ties to Russia, and that Trump himself may have financial interests in that part of the world. Hes certainly said plenty of complimentary things about Putin. Any feelings on that? Helen? What about you?
Wiggins Whats wrong with making friends of an enemy? Burying the hatchet? Thats what the Bible says.
Allen Like that song, Whats So Funny Bout Peace, Love, And Understanding?
Sparks Totally agree. As for the oil, if theres more, the prices go down. More miles for your buck. No-brainer.
Gagnon Speaking of that, they had one of those electric cars on The Price Is Right just last week. I think it was a Prius, or maybe a
Russell Two strong men working together. I like it. Its good for business.
King Anyone else?
Wiggins Is it lunchtime yet? I dont know if its the serum or what, but I could eat a horse.
Allen I got something you can eat, hon. Not as big as a horse but almost.
King This seems an appropriate time to ask about certain sexual allegations. The famous grab em by the pussy remark, for instance. And how you can do anything if youre famous. Ladies first.
Gagnon How many women do you think have been throwing themselves at him, someone whos rich and handsome?
[General laughter at the word handsome.]
Gagnon Well, he was, anyway, and hes still rich. Nobody talks about women who go sex-fishing for men, tell you that.
Sparks Also, most women in showbusiness are whores, so whats the big deal? Look at the Academy Awards if you dont believe me. Every woman under 30 falling out of her dress. Show a man dessert, honey, hes going to want to eat.
Barker And at least hes not a fag, you know?
Wiggins Men are men, thats all. They all talk big, especially when theyre with other men.
Russell Sure. And let me point out we were electing a president, not a saint.
Allen Exactly. That sex stuff was just the press, trying to sell papers and bring him down while they were at it. Those guys were all for Hillary.
King OK, but suppose the shoe had been on the other foot, and the press had obtained a tape of Hillary talking like that?
Sparks They didnt.
Wiggins Also, its different for women. The um
Russell The perception.
Wiggins Right.
King I believe you have a daughter, Helen
Wiggins Thats right. Patricia. Patty. Shes the best thing in my life. Smart as well as pretty. Gets all As in school. You should see her book reports!
King What if it was her pussy Trump was talking about grabbing?
Wiggins Thats a filthy thing to say. Also stupid. My daughters only nine. Even the New York Times never said Trump goes for kiddies, and they lie about everything.
King Im just saying
Wiggins Well, dont. Save the dirty talk for your books.
King OK, lets move on to Trumps taxes. He wont reveal them.
Allen No law says he has to.
King What if hes hiding something?
Sparks Honey, were all hiding something. Although I will admit Id like to see what sort of fiddles hes using.
[General laughter.]
Barker Actually, I would, too. Hes got a lot of friends in big business, and they all care more about their money than anything else. Goes without saying. That stuff about how he was going to drain the swamp? I never believed it. They drain the swamp, everyone will see how many bodies theyve buried there.
Sparks Not to mention how much buried treasure.
Allen If he does a good job, fuck his tax returns.
Barker Cant argue with that.
Gagnon Besides, rich people dont have to pay like the rest of us, everyone knows that. They have lawyers and accountants to keep them on the right side of the law. They know all the loopholes. Its how the world works. Hes against Obamacare, thats the important thing. That takes more money out of poor peoples pockets than taxes. Its not like the Affordable Care Act. The Republicans did that, and its much better.
King It appeared that he made fun of a reporter with a physical disability shaking and stuttering. Any thoughts on that?
Russell Not relevant.
King It doesnt speak to character?
Russell Of course not. Dont be obtuse.
Allen It wasnt very nice, but the guy pissed him off. Sure, it was politically incorrect, but I thought it was, um
Sparks A breath of fresh air?
Allen Yes. It woke people up. None of the usual politician bullshit. Hannity isnt right about everything, but he sure was about that.
King This would be Sean Hannity, of Fox News?
Allen Correct.
King How many of you got most of your information on the candidates from Fox News?
[Allen, Russell and Sparks raise their hands.]
King What about you, Felicia?
Gagnon I watch Lester Holt. Also Good Morning America.
King Gary?
Barker I read USA Today. They have a little story about Indiana every day, and their sports coverage is terrific. The rest you have to take with a grain of salt, because the coverage was slanted toward Clinton.
Russell What wasnt slanted in the papers was made up of whole cloth. Fake news. The worst offender was the New York Slimes, and they wont let it go.
King I think weve about finished, but Id like to run one more thing by you before we break for lunch. Psychologists mention four basic traits when diagnosing a sociopathic condition known as narcissistic personality disorder. People suffering from this condition believe themselves superior to others, they insist on having the best of everything, they are egocentric and boastful, and they have a tendency to first select love objects, then find them at fault and push them aside. Comments?
[A long silence at the table.]
Russell Whats your point?
Gagnon Are you sure you cant get me on The Price Is Right?
Read more: http://bit.ly/2oP0Ro5
from Stephen King on Donald Trump: How do such men rise? First as a joke
0 notes